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AISSCE 2022-23: Biology Project

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AISSCE 2022-23



I take this opportunity to thank our

Principal Ma’am, our Teacher In
charge Ma’am, Teachers and Lab
Assistants who have guided us
during the completion of this
project. Special thanks forwaded to
my parents for their support and
also to my group members for their

To investigate the health of students of a
class based on Body Mass Index (BMI)

Weighing Scale, Tape Measure, Pen, Pencil,
Eraser, A Piece of Paper

We measured the heights and weights of all
the students of our class group and tried to
establish the relationship between height and
weight with the help of Body Mass Index
What is BMI?
The full form of BMI is Body Mass Index. It is
the proportion of one persons weight in Kg
( Kilogram) to the square of the person’s height
in m (Meters). People who have high BMI have
much more body fat or weight for their height
and BMI is the most widely used tool to identify
the weight problem.

It is a method of measuring through which

individuals are classified into the following
categories :



Normal Weight

Importance of BMI

1) In the 1830s, Lambert Adolphe

Jacques Quetelet, a Belgian
mathematician, developed the BMI.
It’s sometimes referred to as the
Quetelet index.
2) BMI provides you with an
approximate overall health calculation
and the risk of developing chronic
conditions such as high BP, heart
disease, type 2 diabetes,
osteoarthritis, gallstones, and so on.
3) With no health threat, a highly
muscular individual can also have a
high BMI.
Calculation of BMI

One must have two parameters to measure the

BMI: The height of a person in meter and his
weight in kg. Weight Should be in pounds if the
height of the person is given in inches.

The BMI estimation formula is given as -

BMI = Weight (kg)/Height (m)2

BMI = Weight (in pounds)/Height (In inches)^2 ✕ 703

where 703 is a conversion factor

Now, with the help of the World Health

Organisation (WHO) criteria for underweight and
obwesity by BMI, one may come to know whether
the indivial is under the category of underweight,
normal weight, overweight or falls in the category
of obesity.
Values of BMI
When we measure BMI using the above-
mentioned formula, depending on the value we
obtain BMI can be classified in different categories.

# If the value of BMI is less than 18.5, then the

person falls under the underweight category.

# If the value of BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9, then

the person falls under the normal category.

# If the value of BMI is between 25 to 29.9, then

the person falls under the overweight category.

# If the value of BMI is between 30 to 34.9, then

the person falls under the obesity category.

# If the value of BMI is between 35 to 39.9, then

the person falls under the severely obese category.

# If the value of BMI is more than 40, then the

person falls under the morbid obesity category.
Name Of Student Height Weight (Kg) Calcula
(m) ted

1. Sohom Mandal 1.75 70 22.9

2. Subhrajit Chaudhuri 1.71 69 23.6

3. Eaman Adeep 1.65 55 20.2

4. Debayan Das 1.72 58 19.6

5. Soham Mitra 1.76 64 20.7

6. Shresthaniska 1.75 90 29.4

No 1,2,3,4,5 are all healthy individuals
since all of them lie within the BMI of 18.5
to 24.5. However, No 6 is Overweight.
There is no obese or malnutritioned
individuals among the people measured.
The health of most of our students fall
in the category of “Normal” and
Suggestion : The Overweight Student
need to take care of their diet to
improve their health.
The Project has been made
with the cumulative efforts of
the following students :

1) Debayan Das
2) Eaman Adeep
3) Shresthaniska Datta
4) Soham Mitra
5) Sohom Mandal
6) Subhrajit Chaudhuri

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