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Manufacturing Processes II Q.B.

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School of Engineering
and Technology

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Question Bank BY


Note: This question bank is prepared for subject practice purpose and to know the question pattern

Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

School of Engineering and Technology
Third Year Engineering

Year: TE B Tech Semester: V

Course : Manufacturing Processes-II Course Code: 17YME405


Unit 1(Lathe, Drill, Milling Machines)
1 1 Define the basic parameters in simple turning operation. (a) Cutting Speed (b) Feed 2 1
Rate (c) Depth of Cut. (d) Nose Radius
1 2 List the important parts of Lathe Machine with their importance. 2 1
1 3 List the operations performed on the Lathe machine and draw sketches. 2 1
1 4 List the types of Lathe Machines. 2 1
1 5 State the term drilling. 2 1
1 6 Describe the difference between Drilling and Reaming operation. 2 1
1 7 State the applications of milling operation. 2 1
1 8 List the types of drilling machine with their applications. 2 1
1 9 List the types of indexing methods. 2 1
1 10 Describe the importance of universal dividing head. 2 1
1 11 State the types of milling operations with neat sketch. 2 1
1 12 State the types of milling machines. 2 1
1 13 List the methods of Indexing. 2 1
1 14 List the types of milling cutters. 2 1
1 15 Explain the different parts of Lathe machine with neat sketch. 10 6
1 16 Explain the operations performed on the Lathe Machines. 7 6

1 17 Compare Turret Lathe with Capstan Lathe. 8 4


Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

1 18 Write a short on (i) Geometry of Twist Drill. (ii) Universal Dividing Head 10 3
1 19 Explain the different parts of Drilling machine with neat sketch. 8 3
1 20 Compare Horizontal Milling Machine with Vertical Milling Machine. 7 6
1 21 Write the types of milling cutters with their applications and sketch. 8 5
1 22 Explain different types of drills with neat sketch. 8 6
1 23 Explain the different types of Indexing Method. 10 6
1 24 Explain the radial drilling machine with neat sketch. 7 6
1 25 Explain: (i) Tapping (ii) Trepanning 8 6
Examples (Based on Machining Time Calculation for Drilling)
1 26 Calculate the time taken in seconds for a high speed drill 10 mm diameter to 7 4
penetrate a 18 mm thick steel plate. Assume a feed of 0.2 mm/rev and cutting speed
for steel as 20 m/min.
1 27 Calculate the spindle speed in r.p.m for a HSS Drill 10 mm diameter, cutting a mild 7 4
steel plate of 20 mm thickness. Also calculate the machining time ,if feed is 0.18
mm/rev and cutting speed as 35 mpm (metres per min.)
1 28 Calculate the cutting speed for drilling with a 12.7 mm diameter drill at 688 rpm. 7 4
Also find a machining time in seconds , if a drill is used to penetrate a hole in 16
mm thick plate at a feed of 0.25 mm/rev.
1 29 At what speed a 20 mm drill will run for cutting steel at 25 mpm cutting speed ? 7 4
Also find machining time in minutes to penetrate a hole up to 18mm depth at a feed
of 0.28 mm/rev.
1 30 Calculate the machining time for drilling 4 holes of 16 mm diameters each on a 7 4
flange from the following data:
Flange thickness = 32 mm, Cutting Speed = 24 mpm, Feed = 0.2 mm/rev.
1 31 A hole of 25 mm diameter and 62.5 mm depth is to be drilled. Take feed as 1.25 7 4
mm/rev. and cutting speed as 60 mpm. What are the feed speed, spindle rpm and
cutting time. Assume clearance height (Approach Length ) as 5 mm.
1 32 A hole of 30 mm diameter and 75 mm depth is to be drilled. The suggested feed 1.3 7 4
mm/rev and the cutting speed 62 m/min. Assuming tool approach and tool over
travel as 6 mm, calculate:
(i) Spindle rpm (ii) Feed speed (iii) Cutting time.
1 33 Calculate the machining time required for producing 20 holes on an M.S. plate of 7 4
40 mm thickness with following data:
(i) Drill diameter = 30 mm
(ii) Cutting Speed = 25 m/min
(iii) Feed = 0.1 mm/rev

(iv) Overrun = 0.5 X drill diameter (mm)


Examples (Based on Machining Time Calculation for Milling)

Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

1 34 Evaluate cutting speed and machining time for plain (slab ) milling operation for the 7 4
following data:
(i) Diameter of milling cutter =100 mm,
(ii) Cutter speed = 500 rpm,
(iii) Depth of cut = 5 mm,
(iv) Table feed = 100 mm/min.,
(v) Length of workpiece = 50 cm,
(vi) No. of teeth in the cutter=8.
1 35 A plain surface, width = 100 mm and length = 320 mm is to be face milled on a 7 4
vertical milling machine. The cutter has 16 teeth and the feed per tooth is 0.25 mm.
The spindle speed is 125 rev/min. Calculate machining time, if diameter of cutter is
160 mm.
1 36 A 63.5 mm diameter plain milling cutter having 6 teeth is used for face milling a 7 4
block of aluminium 18 cm long and 3 cm wide. The spindle speed is 1500 rpm and
the feed is 0.125 mm/tooth. Determine (a) Table feed in mm/min (b) Cutting time.
1 37 A plain surface 70 mm wide and 600 mm long is to be face milled on a vertical 7 4
spindle milling machine. The machining allowance is 3 mm, to be removed in one
pass. Take cutter diameter as 110 mm and cutting speed as 172.78 m/min. Find
machining time, if number of teeth on the cutter is 4 and feed is 0.2 mm/tooth.
1 38 A plain surface is to be milled on a horizontal milling machine. The workpiece is 65 7 4
mm wide and 225 mm long. Take cutter diameter =63 mm, cutting speed = 49.5
m/min, number of teeth on cutter =14, feed per tooth =0.11 mm. Determine
machining time.
1 39 A face milling cutter of 100 mm diameter has 10 teeth. The cutting speed is 22 7 4
m/min, if the feed/tooth/rev is 1 mm. What time will it take for one cut along a
workpiece of CI 1400 mm long.
1 40 A plain surface 60 mm wide and 230 mm long is to be milled on a horizontal 7 4
milling machine with cutter dia. 80 mm and speed 50 m/min. Take feed/tooth is
0.11 mm and number of teeth on cutter is 12 .Calculate machining time.
Examples (Based on Indexing)
1 41 Divide the periphery of job in to 60 equal divisions and find the crank movement. 4 4
1 42 Divide the plate into 35 divisions. Find the indexing movement. 4 4
1 43 It is required to divide the periphery of a job in to 28 equal divisions. Find the 4 4
indexing arrangement.

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Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

UNIT-2 (Theory of Metal Cutting)

2 1 Sketch Merchants Circle Diagram for Cutting Forces. 2 3
2 2 State the Assumptions of Merchants. 2 1
2 3 Sketch the geometry of Single Point Cutting Tool. 2 3
2 4 Define Tool Life. 2 1
2 5 Define Tool Wear. 2 1
2 6 List the factors affecting the Tool Life. 2 1
2 7 List the different mechanisms of Tool Wear. 2 1
2 8 State the causes of Tool Wear. 2 1
2 9 List the methods to improve Tool Life. 2 1
2 10 Describe the Taylor’s tool life equation. 2 1
2 11 Define the Machinability. 2 1
2 12 List the factor affecting machinability. 2 1
2 13 Write the Assumptions of Merchant’s and Derive the relations between various 10 6
cutting forces by drawing Merchant’s circle.

2 14 Explain the geometry of single point cutting tool with neat sketch. 7 6
2 15 Derive the the following shear angle relationship with other cutting angles. 8 5

2 16 Explain the different mechanisms of Tool Wear in detail with neat sketch 10 6
2 17 Write the short note on factor affecting Tool Life. 8 3
2 18 Write the short note on Tool Failure Criteria. 7 3
2 19 Define the Machinability and explain in detail factors affecting Machinability. 8 6
Examples (Based on the Merchant’s Analysis)
2 20 A carbide tipped tool of designation 0-10-5-5-8-90-1 mm (ORS) is used to turn a 7 4

steel workpiece of 50 mm diameter with a cutting speed of 240 m/min and feed of

Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

0.25 mm/rev. Refer following data:
Cutting Force= 180 N, Feed force= 100 N, Chip thickness = 0.32mm.
(1) Shear Angle (2) Shear force (3) Normal force acting on shear plane
(4) Friction force (5) Coefficient of friction (6) Friction Angle
(7) Chip flow velocity.
2 21 In an Orthogonal Cutting Operation, following observations were made: 7 4
Cutting speed = 25 m/min. Width of cut = 2.5 mm, Feed = 0.24 mm/rev. chip
thickness = 0.4 mm, Cutting Force= 1400 N, Thrust Force = 400 N, Tool Rake
Angle= 5o.
Calculate: (1) Shear Angle (2) Friction Angle (3) Chip Flow Velocity (4) Shear
Strain (5) Power Consumed at Tool in kW.
2 22 In an Orthogonal turning operation on a lathe ,the following observation were 8 4
obtained: Cutting Force= 120 N, Feed Rate= 0.2 mm/rev., Feed Force =30 N,
Cutting Speed = 100 m/min, Workpiece Diameter =120 mm, Depth of Cut = 0.4
mm. Calculate:
(1)Chip Thickness Ratio (2) Shear Angle (3) Friction Angle (4) Coefficient of
Friction (5) Shear Stress (6) Shear Strain (7) Strain Energy (8) Chip Flow Velocity.
Examples (Based on the Tool Life)
2 23 The following equation for tool life is given for a turning operation. 7 4
VT0.13f0.77d0.37 =C.
A 60 min tool life was obtained while cutting at V= 30 m/min, f= 0.30 mm/rev and
depth of cut d =2.5 mm. Calculate the change in tool life, if the cutting speed, feed,
depth of cut are increased by 25 % individually and also taken together. What will
be their effect on tool life.
2 24 The following equation for tool life has been obtained for H.S.S. tool: 7 4
VT0.13 f0.6 d0.3 = C.
A 60 min tool life was obtained using the following cutting conditions: Vo = 40
m/min; to= 0.25 mm; do= 2.0 mm. Calculate the effect on the tool life, if speed,
feed and depth of cut are together increased by 25 % and also if they are increased
individually by 25 %.
2 25 A tool life of 80 minute is obtained at a speed of 30 mpm and 8 minute at 60 mpm. 7 4
Determine the following:
i) Tool life equation
ii) Cutting speed for 4 minute tool life.
2 26 The following cutting speed of cutting time observations have been noted in a 7 4
machining process. Calculate:
(i) ‘n’ and ‘C.

(ii) Recommended the cutting speed for a desired tool life of 60 min.

Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

Cutting Speed, V 25 m/min 35 m/min
Cutting Time, T 90 min 20 min



Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik


3 1 Define the Term Jig and Fixture. 2 1
3 2 List the Applications of Jig and Fixture. 2 1
3 3 Describe the Meaning of Location related to Jig and Fixture. 2 1
3 4 List the types of Jigs. 2 1
3 5 List the types of Fixtures. 2 1
3 6 State the Advantages of Fixtures. 2 1
3 7 State the Advantages of Jigs. 2 1
3 8 List the Elements of Jigs and Fixtures. 2 1
3 9 Define Jig & Fixture. Differentiate between them with suitable example. 8 4
3 10 Mention the different types of jigs? Explain any two with the help of suitable 8 2
3 11 Explain the concept of 3-2-1 principle of location for a long cylinder. 8 6
3 12 Explain the Concept of Degree of Freedom of Movement. 7 6
3 13 Explain with neat sketch any two Indexing Methods used in Jigs and Fixtures 7 6
3 14 Write the short note on i) Pokayoka Concept in Jigs and Fixtures ii) Assembly and 10 3
Inspection fixtures
3 15 Describe the Power work holding devices with their advantages. 7 6
3 16 Explain the principles of Design of Jigs and Fixtures. 8 6
3 17 Write a Short Note on : i) Turning fixture ii) Welding fixture iii) Milling fixture 15 3
3 18 Explain the Design Principles for Location Purposes. 7 6
7 Page

Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik


4 1 List the advantages of CNC Machine. 2 1
4 2 Draw the block diagram of CNC Machine. 2 3
3 2 3
4 Draw the recirculating ball screw.
4 2 1
4 Describe the use of Automatic Tool Changer (ATC).
5 2 4
4 Differentiate CNC from DNC.
6 2 1
4 List the disadvantages of CNC.
7 2 3
4 Write function of following codes.
G33, G02, G71, M06
8 2 3
4 Write function of following codes.
G97, G94, M03, M00
9 Write the short note on: (i) CNC axes and drives (ii) Automatic Tool Changer (ii) 15 3
Automatic Pallet Changer
10 Explain the types of control system with neat sketches. 8 6
11 Explain the principle and block diagram of machining center. State its advantages 8 6
and disadvantages.
12 Differentiate between open loop and close loop system. 7 4
13 Differentiate between subroutine and canned cycle. 6 4
14 Write a short note on Word Address Format in CNC Programming. 7 3
15 Describe the Procedure to Write Manual Part Programming in detail. 7 4
16 Write a manual part program to finish the stepped shaft in Ø 40 mm section as 7 4
shown in Fig. 4.1. Assume spindle speed as 350 rpm and feed rate 0.4 mm/rev.

Fig. 4.1

Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

17 Write a manual part program for turning and facing the bar stock to the required 7 4
dimensions as shown in Fig. 4.2. Assume one roughing and one finishing face cut,
two roughing and two finishing turning cut. Assume spindle speed 450 rpm and
feed 0.5 mm/rev.

Fig. 4.2
16 Write a manual part program for finishing a forged component as shown in 7 4
Fig.4.3 .Assume speed 300 rpm and feed 0.4 mm/rev. Assume 1 mm material is to
be removed radially from external diameter.

17 Write a part program for the component as shown in Fig.4.4.Assume that the 7 4
spindle speed 500 rpm and feed is 0.3 mm/rev.



Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

18 A 110mm long cylindrical rod of 75 mm is to be turned in to a component as 8 4
shown in Fig. 4.5 using a CNC lathe. Write a CNC program for manufacturing this

4 19 Write a CNC program for manufacturing component shown in Fig. 4.6 from a 100 8 4
mm long cylindrical component of 80 mm diameter.

Fig. 4.6


Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

20 Write a manual part program to finish the following component Fig.4.7.Assume 7 4
spindle speed 600 rpm and feed 0.45 mm/rev.

Fig. 4.7



Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik


5 1 List the Non-conventional Machining Processes. 2 1
5 2 State the Advantages of Non-conventional Machining Processes. 2 1
5 3 State the Limitations of Non-conventional Machining Processes. 2 1
5 4 List the Applications of Non-conventional Machining Processes. 2 1
5 5 Define: LASER. 2 1
5 6 Sketch the EDM Process. 2 1
5 7 Sketch the ECM Process. 2 1
5 8 Sketch the AJM Process. 2 1
5 9 Sketch the USM Process. 2 1
5 10 Sketch the LBM Process. 2 1
5 13 Write a short note on Chemical Machining. 7 3
5 14 Explain USM Process with its advantages, limitations, and applications. 8 6
5 15 Describe EDM Process with its advantages, limitations, and applications. 8 6
5 16 Explain LBM Process with its advantages, limitations, and applications. 8 6
5 17 Explain AJM Process with its advantages, limitations, and applications. 8 6
5 18 Describe ECM Process with its advantages, limitations, and applications. 8 6
5 19 Compare ECM and EDM process. 7 4


****BEST OF LUCK****
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Dr.K.P.Pawar/ MP-II /17YME405/ 2019-20/ Mech. Engg/ SOET/Sandip University, Nashik

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