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ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998


Water-source heat pumps—

testing and rating for performance—
Part 2: Water-to-water and
brine-to-water heat pumps

Approved by ARI on August 10, 2001; by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on March 20, 2002; by the ASHRAE
Board of Directors on July 3, 2003; and by the American National Standards Institute on August 15, 2003.

ASHRAE Standards are scheduled to be updated on a five-year cycle; the date following the standard number is
the year of ASHRAE Board of Directors approval. The latest copies may be purchased from ASHRAE Customer
Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: Fax: 404-321-5478. Tele-
phone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide) or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in U.S. and Canada).

© ISO 1998 © ASHRAE, ARI 2005

ISSN 1041-2336

When addenda or interpretations to this standard have been approved, they can be downloaded free of charge
from the ASHRAE Web site at or

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating

and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329
This American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of the American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Consensus is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this standard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement reached by directly and materially
affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires
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ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public review.
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The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:
a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,
b. participation in the next review of the Standard,
c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard,
d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.


ARI does not set safety standards and does not certify or guarantee the safety of any products, components or systems designed,
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ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information
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ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2

Water-Source Heat Pumps—Testing and Rating for Performance
Part 2: Water-to-Water and Brine-to-Water Heat Pumps

This standard is an identical adoption of the ISO standard.

Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Normative Reference...................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Definitions....................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Rating and Test Conditions............................................................................................................................. 3
5 Performance Requirements............................................................................................................................ 5
6 Test Methods .................................................................................................................................................. 6
7 Marking Provisions ......................................................................................................................................... 8
8 Publication of Ratings ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Normative Annex A:Test Procedures ................................................................................................................... 9
Normative Annex B:Liquid Enthalpy Test Method................................................................................................ 9
Informative Annex C:Instrumentation and Measurements.................................................................................. 10
Informative Annex D:Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 11

© ISO 1998 ©ASHRAE 2005 ©ARI 2005

American Society of Heating,
International Organization for Standardization Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
1, rue de Varembé, Case postale 56 1791 Tullie Circle NE 4100 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 200
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Atlanta, GA 30329 Arlington, VA 22203

All rights reserved. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

Foreword Note: For the purpose of the remaining clauses, the terms
“equipment” or “heat pump” may be used to mean “water-to-
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization)
water heat pumps” or brine-to-water heat pumps,” and the
is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
term “liquid” refers to either “water” or “brine.”
member bodies). The work of preparing International Stan-
dards is normally carried out through ISO technical commit-
2. Normative reference
tees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a
technical committee has been established has the right to be The following standard contains provisions which,
represented on that committee. International organizations, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also of ISO 13256. At the time of publication, the edition indicated
take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the Inter- was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to
national Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of agreements based on this part of ISO 13256 are encouraged to
electrotechnical standardization. investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO
committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by ISO 817:2005, Refrigerants — Designation system.
at least 75% of the member bodies casting a vote.
This part of ISO 13256 was developed by ISO Technical 3. Definitions
Committee TC 86, Refrigeration, Subcommittee SC 6, Testing
and rating of air-conditioners and heat pumps. For the purposes of this part of ISO 13256, the following
ISO 13256 consists of the following parts, under the gen- definitions apply.
eral title Water-source heat pumps—Testing and rating for 3.1 water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pump
performance: heat pump which consists of one or more factory-made
assemblies which normally include an indoor-side refrigerant-
• Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat pumps to-water heat exchanger, compressor(s), and an outdoor-side
• Part 2: Water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps refrigerant-to-water or refrigerant-to-brine heat exchanger(s),
including means to indirectly provide both cooling and heat-
Annexes A and B form an integral part of this part of ing, cooling-only, or heating-only functions
ISO 13256. Annexes C and D are for information only. Notes
1. When such equipment is provided in more than one assem-
bly, the separated assemblies should be designed to be used
This part of ISO 13256 covers heating and cooling together.
systems which are generally referred to as “water-source heat 2. Such equipment may also provide functions for sanitary
pumps.” These systems generally include an indoor coil with water heating.
air-moving means, a compressor, and a refrigerant-to-water or
refrigerant-to-brine heat exchanger. A system may provide 3.1.1 water-loop-heat pump application
both heating and cooling, cooling-only, or heating-only func- Water-to-water heat pump using liquid circulating in a
tions. common piping loop functioning as a heat source/heat sink.
Note—The temperature of the liquid loop is usually mechani-
1. Scope cally controlled within a temperature range of 15°C to 40°C.
3.1.2 ground-water heat pump application
1.1 This part of ISO 13256 establishes performance testing Water-to-water heat pump using water pumped from a
and rating criteria for factory-made residential, commercial well, lake or stream functioning as a heat source/heat sink
and industrial, electrically driven, mechanical-compression Note—The temperature of the water is related to the climatic
type, water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps. The conditions and may vary from 5°C to 25°C for deep wells.
requirements for testing and rating contained in this part of
3.1.3 ground-loop heat pump application
ISO 13256 are based on the use of matched assemblies.
brine-to-water heat pump using a brine solution circulat-
1.2 Equipment designed for rating at one application under ing through a subsurface piping loop functioning as a heat
this part of ISO 13256 may not be suitable for rating at all source/heat sink
applications covered in this part of ISO 13256. Notes

1.3 This part of ISO 13256 does not apply to the testing and 1. The heat exchange loop may be placed in horizontal
rating of individual assemblies for separate use or to units trenches or vertical bores, or be submerged in a body of
having two or more indoor sections connected to a single out- surface water.
door section. It does not apply to heat pumps covered in ISO 2. The temperature of the brine is related to the climatic condi-
5151, ISO 13253, or ISO 13256-1. tions and may vary from –5°C to 40°C.

2 ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998

3.2 cooling capacity If no indoor-side liquid pump is provided with
amount of heat that the equipment can remove from the the heat pump, a pump power adjustment is to be included in
water used to condition the indoor space in a defined interval the effective power consumed by the heat pump using the fol-
of time, in watts, as determined by the specified test methods lowing formula:
3.3 net cooling capacity q × ∆p
φ pai = ----------------
cooling capacity with indoor-side pump power adjust- η
(See 4.1.2.)
φpai is the pump power adjustment, indoor, in watts;
3.4 heating capacity
η = 0.3 × 103 by convention;
amount of heat that the equipment can add to the water
used to condition the indoor space in a defined interval of time, ∆p is the measured indoor-side internal static pressure
in watts, as determined by the specified test methods difference, in pascals;
q is the nominal indoor-side liquid flow rate, in litres per
3.5 net heating capacity second.
heating capacity with indoor-side pump power adjust-
This value shall be added to the heating capacity and
subtracted from the cooling capacity.
(See 4.1.2.) If an indoor-side liquid pump is an integral part
3.6 rated voltage of the heat pump, only the portion of the pump power required
voltage shown on the nameplate of the equipment, in volts to overcome the internal resistance shall be included in the
3.7 rated frequency effective power input to the heat pump. The fraction which is
to be excluded from the total power consumed by the pump
frequency shown on the nameplate of the equipment, in
shall be calculated using the following formula:
3.8 q × ∆p
energy efficiency ratio (EER) φ pai = ----------------
ratio of the net cooling capacity to the effective power
input at any given set of rating conditions, in watts per watt. where
3.9 coefficient of performance (COP) φpai is the pump power adjustment, indoor, in watts;
ratio of the net heating capacity to the effective power η = 0.3 × 103 by convention;
input of the equipment at any given set of rating conditions, in ∆p is the measured indoor-side external static pressure
watts per watt difference, in pascals;
3.10 effective power input q is the nominal indoor-side liquid flow rate, in litres per
average electrical power input to the equipment within a second.
defined interval of time, in watts; i.e., the sum of: This value shall be subtracted from the heating capacity
and added to the cooling capacity.
— the power input for operation of the compressor exclud-
4.1.3 Power input to outdoor-side liquid pumps
ing additional electrical heating devices,
— the power input of all control and safety devices of the If no outdoor-side liquid pump is provided with
equipment, and the heat pump, a pump power adjustment is to be included in
— the proportional power input of the conveying devices the effective power consumed by the heat pump, using the fol-
for the transport of the heat transfer media through the lowing formula:
heat pump only (e.g., indoor-side and outdoor-side q × ∆p
pumps, whether internal or external, whether provided φ pao = ----------------
with the equipment or not)
(See 4.1.2 and 4.1.3.) where
φpao is the pump power adjustment, outdoor, in watts;
4. Rating and test conditions η = 0.3 × 103 by convention;
4.1 Rating conditions for the determination of capacity ∆p is the measured outdoor-side internal static pressure
4.1.1 Standard ratings difference, in pascals;
Standard ratings shall be established at the standard rating q is the nominal outdoor-side liquid flow rate, in litres
conditions specified in 4.2, using the test procedures described per second.
in clause 6. Standard ratings relating to cooling and heating If an outdoor-side liquid pump is an integral part
capacities shall be net values, including the effects of the circu- of the heat pump, only the portion of the pump power required
lating-pump heat, but not including supplementary heat. Stan- to overcome the internal resistance shall be included in the
dard efficiency ratings shall be based on the effective power effective power input to the heat pump. The fraction which is
input as defined in 3.10. to be excluded from the total power consumed by the pump
4.1.2 Power input to indoor-side liquid pumps shall be calculated using the following formula:

ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998 3

q × ∆p 4.1.6 Requirements for heat pumps with capacity con-
φ pao = ----------------
η trol Part-load conditions shall be used for rating tests
at levels or steps less than that of maximum capacity.
φpao is the pump power adjustment, outdoor, in watts; Heat pumps with fixed steps of capacity control
η = 0.3 × 103 by convention; shall be rated at each step of capacity. Heat pumps with vari-
∆p is the measured outdoor-side external static pressure able capacity control shall be rated at no less than two capac-
difference, in pascals; ity levels, the minimum and the maximum capacities.
q is the nominal outdoor-side liquid flow rate, in litres 4.1.7 Test liquids
per second. The test liquid for the indoor-side of all heat
4.1.4 Liquid flow rates pumps shall be water. All standard ratings shall be determined at the The test liquid for the outdoor-side of water-loop
liquid flow rates described below, expressed as litres per sec- heat pumps and ground-water heat pumps shall be water.
ond. The test liquid for the outdoor-side of ground- Heat pumps with integral liquid pumps shall be loop heat pumps shall be a 15% solution by mass of sodium
tested at the liquid flow rates specified by the manufacturer or chloride in water.
those obtained at zero external static pressure difference, The test liquids shall be sufficiently free of gas to
whichever provides the lower liquid flow rates. ensure that the measured results are not influenced by the Heat pumps without integral liquid pumps shall presence of gas.
be tested at the flow rates specified by the manufacturer.
4.2 Standard rating and part-load rating test conditions The manufacturer shall specify a single liquid
flow rate for the indoor-side and a single liquid flow rate for 4.2.1 The test conditions for the determination of standard
the outdoor-side for all of the tests required in this part of and part-load cooling ratings are specified in Table 1.
ISO 13256 unless automatic adjustment of the liquid flow rate 4.2.2 The test conditions for determination of standard
is provided by the equipment. A separate control signal out- and part-load heating ratings are specified in Table 2.
put for each step of liquid flow rate will be considered as an 4.2.3 Heat pumps intended for a specific application shall
automatic adjustment. be rated at the conditions specified for that application, for
4.1.5 Requirements for separated assemblies example, water-loop, ground-water, or ground-loop, and shall
In the case of heat pumps consisting of separate matched be identified as such (i.e., water-loop pump, ground-water
assemblies, the following installation procedures shall be heat pump, or ground-loop heat pump). Heat pumps intended
followed. for two or three applications shall be rated at the conditions
(a) Each refrigerant line shall be installed in accordance with specified for each of these applications and shall be so identi-
the manufacturer’s instructions with the maximum stated fied (see 7.3).
length or 7.5 m, whichever is shorter. If the interconnect- 4.2.4 For each test, the equipment shall be operated con-
ing tubing is furnished as an integral part of the equip- tinuously until equilibrium conditions are attained, but for not
ment and not recommended for cutting the length, the less than one hour before capacity test data are recorded. The
equipment shall be tested with the complete length of tub- data shall then be recorded for 30 min at 5 min intervals until
ing furnished. seven consecutive sets of readings have been attained within
(b) The lines shall be installed without any significant differ- the tolerances specified in 6.4. The averages of these data
ence in elevation (not more than 2 m). shall be used for the calculation of the test results.

Table 1—Test conditions for the determination of cooling capacity

Water-loop Ground-water Ground-loop

heat pumps heat pumps heat pumps
Liquid entering indoor side 12°C 12°C 12°C
Air surrounding unit, dry bulb 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C
Standard rating test
Liquid entering heat exchanger 30°C 15°C 25°C
Part-load rating test
Liquid entering heat exchanger 30°C 15°C 20°C
Frequency Rated Rated Rated
Voltageb Rated Rated Rated
aEquipment with dual-rated frequencies shall be tested at each frequency.
bEquipment with dual-rated voltages shall be performed at both voltages or at the lower of the two voltages if only a single rating is published.

4 ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998

Table 2—Test conditions for the determination of heating capacity

Water-loop Ground-water Ground-loop

heat pumps heat pumps heat pumps
Liquid entering indoor side 40°C 40°C 40°C
Air surrounding unit, dry bulb 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C
Standard rating test
Liquid entering outdoor-side heat exchanger 20°C 10°C 0°C
Part-load rating test
Liquid entering outdoor-side heat exchanger 20°C 10°C 5°C
Frequency Rated Rated Rated
Voltageb Rated Rated Rated
aEquipment with dual-rated frequencies shall be tested at each frequency.
bEquipment with dual-rated voltages shall be performed at both voltages or at the lower of the two voltages if only a single rating is published.

5. Performance requirements The 110 % voltage test shall be conducted prior
to the 90 % voltage test.
5.1 General All power to the equipment shall be cut off for 3
5.1.1 To comply with this part of ISO 13256, water-to-
min at the conclusion of the one hour test at 90 % voltage level
water and brine-to-water heat pumps shall be designed and
and then restored for one hour.
produced such that any production unit will meet the applica-
ble requirements of this part of ISO 13256. 5.2.3 Test requirements
5.1.2 For heat pumps with capacity control, the perfor- Heat pumps shall meet the following requirements when
mance requirement tests shall be conducted at maximum operating at the conditions specified in Tables 3 and 4.
capacity. (a) During the entire test, the equipment shall operate with-
out any indication of damage.
5.2 Maximum operating conditions test
(b) During the test period specified in, the equipment
5.2.1 Test conditions shall operate continuously without tripping any motor
The maximum operating conditions test shall be overload or other protective devices.
conducted for cooling and heating at the test conditions estab- (c) During the test period specified in, the motor over-
lished for the specific applications (see 4.2.3) specified in load protective device may trip only during the first 5 min
Tables 3 and 4. Heat pumps intended for use in two or more of operation after the shutdown period of 3 min. During
applications shall be tested at the most stringent set of condi- the remainder of the test period, no motor overload pro-
tions specified in Tables 3 and 4. tective device shall trip. For those models so designed
5.2.2 Test procedures that resumption of operation does not occur within the The equipment shall be operated continuously first 5 min after initial trip, the equipment may remain out
for one hour after the specified temperatures have been estab- of operation for not longer than 30 min. It shall then
lished at each specified voltage level. operate continuously for the remainder of the test period.

Table 3—Maximum cooling test conditions

Water-loop Ground-water Ground-loop

heat pumps heat pumps heat pumps
Liquida entering indoor-side 30°C 30°C 30°C
Air surrounding unit, dry bulb 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C
Liquidaentering outdoor-side heat
exchanger 40°C 25°C 40°C
Frequencyb Rated Rated Rated
Voltage 1) 90% and 110% of rated volt- 1) 90% and 110% of rated volt- 1) 90% and 110% of rated volt-
age for equipment with a single age for equipment with a single age for equipment with a single
nameplate rating. nameplate rating. nameplate rating.
2) 90% of minimum voltage and 2) 90% of minimum voltage and 2) 90% of minimum voltage and
110% of maximum voltage for 110% of maximum voltage for 110% of maximum voltage for
equipment with dual nameplate equipment with dual nameplate equipment with dual nameplate
voltage ratings. voltage ratings. voltage ratings.
aLiquid flow rates shall be established in 4.1.4.
bEquipment with dual-rated frequencies shall be tested at each frequency.

ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998 5

Table 4—Maximum heating test conditions

Water-loop Ground-water Ground-loop

heat pumps heat pumps heat pumps
Liquida entering indoor-side 50°C 50°C 50°C
Air surrounding unit, dry bulb 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C
Liquidaentering outdoor-side heat
exchanger 30°C 25°C 25°C
Frequencyb Rated Rated Rated
Voltage 1) 90% and 110% of rated volt- 1) 90% and 110% of rated volt- 1) 90% and 110% of rated volt-
age for equipment with a single age for equipment with a single age for equipment with a single
nameplate rating. nameplate rating. nameplate rating.
2) 90% of minimum voltage and 2) 90% of minimum voltage and 2) 90% of minimum voltage and
110% of maximum voltage for 110% of maximum voltage for 110% of maximum voltage for
equipment with dual nameplate equipment with dual nameplate equipment with dual nameplate
voltage ratings. voltage ratings. voltage ratings.
aLiquid flow rates shall be established in 4.1.4.
bEquipment with dual-rated frequencies shall be tested at each frequency.

5.3 Minimum operating conditions test more applications shall be tested at the most stringent set of
5.3.1 Test conditions conditions.
Heat pumps shall be tested at the minimum operating test 5.4.2 Test procedures
conditions for cooling and heating at the test conditions estab- After establishment of the specified temperature condi-
lished for the specific application (see 4.2.3) specified in tions, the heat pump shall be operated continuously for a
Tables 5 and 6. Heat pumps intended for use in two or more period of four hours.
applications shall be tested at the most stringent set of condi-
5.4.3 Test requirements
tions specified in Tables 5 and 6.
No condensed water shall drip or run off the equipment’s
5.3.2 Test procedures casing during the test.
For the minimum operating cooling test, the heat pump
shall be operated continuously for a period of not less than 30
6. Test methods
min after the specified temperature conditions have been
established. For the minimum operation heating test, the heat 6.1 General
pump shall soak for 10 min with liquid at the specified temper- The standard capacity ratings shall be determined by the
ature circulating through the coil. The equipment shall then be test methods and procedures established in this clause and
started and operated continuously for 30 min. Annex A. The total cooling and heating capacities shall be the
5.3.3 Test requirements average of the results obtained for the indoor and outdoor sides
No protective device shall trip during these tests and no using the liquid enthalpy test method in Annex B. The results
damage shall occur to the equipment. obtained by these two methods must agree within 5 % in order
for a particular test to be valid. Measurements should be made
5.4 Enclosure sweat test
in accordance with the provisions of Annex C.
5.4.1 Test conditions
The enclosure sweat test shall be conducted in the cooling 6.2 Uncertainties of measurement
mode at the test conditions established for the specific appli- The uncertainties of measurement shall not exceed the
cations specified in Table 7. Heat pumps intended for two or values specified in Table 8.

Table 5—Minimum cooling test conditions

Water-loop Ground-water Gound-loop

heat pumps heat pumps heat pumps
Liquida entering indoor-side 12°C 12°C 12°C
Air surrounding unit, dry bulb 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C
Liquidaentering outdoor-side heat
exchanger 20°C 10°C 10°C
Frequencyb Rated Rated Rated
Voltagec Rated Rated Rated
aLiquid flow rates shall be as established in 4.1.4.
bEquipment with dual-rated frequencies shall be tested at each frequency.
cEquipment with dual-rated voltages shall be performed at the low of the two voltages.

6 ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998

Table 6—Minimum heating test conditions

Water-loop Ground-water Ground-loop

heat pumps heat pumps heat pumps
Liquida entering indoor side 15°C 15°C 15°C
Air surrounding unit, dry bulb 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C 15°C to 30°C
Liquidaentering outdoor-side heat
exchanger 15°C 5°C –5°C
Frequency Rated Rated Rated
Voltagec Rated Rated Rated
aLiquid flow rates shall be as established in 4.1.4.
bEquipment with dual-rated frequencies shall be tested at each frequency.
cEquipment with dual-rated voltages shall be performed at the low of the two voltages.

Table 7—Enclosure sweat test conditions

Water-loop Ground-water Ground-loop

heat pumps heat pumps heat pumps
Liquida entering indoor-side 12°C 12°C 12°C
Air surrounding unit:
dry bulb 27°C 27°C 27°C
wet bulb 24°C 24°C 24°C
Liquida entering indoor-side heat
exchanger 20°C 10°C 10°C
Frequencyb Rated Rated Rated
Voltagec Rated Rated Rated
aLiquid flow rates shall be as established in 4.1.4.
bEquipment with dual-rated frequencies shall be tested at each frequency.
cEquipment with dual-rated voltages shall be performed at the low of the two voltages.

Table 8—Uncertainties of measurement for indicated values

Uncertainty of measurementa
Measured quantity Unit of indicated values
- temperature °C ±0.1°C
- temperature difference °C ±0.1°C
- volume flow l/s ±1%
- static pressure difference Pa ±5 Pa (p ≤ 100 Pa)
±5 % (p >100 Pa)
Electrical inputs ±0.5%
Time ±0.2%
Mass ±1.0%
aUncertainty of measurement: an estimate characterizing the range of values within which the true value of a measurand lies (measurand: a quantity subject to measurement).
NOTE: Uncertainty of measurement comprises, in general, many components. Some of these components may be estimated on the basis of the statistical distribution of the results
of series of measurements and can be characterized by experimental standard deviations. Estimates of other components can be based on experience or other information.

6.3 Data to be recorded Applied voltages(s),in volts

The data to be recorded during the test include the follow- Frequency, in hertz
ing. External static pressure difference, liquid indoor-side
(for units with integral pumps), in pascals
Date Internal static pressure difference, liquid indoor-side
Test room identification (for units without integral pumps), in pascals
Observer(s) External static pressure difference, liquid outdoor-side
Equipment nameplate data (for units with integral pumps), in pascals
Time data was recorded Internal static pressure difference, liquid outdoor-side
Total power input to equipment, in watts (for units without integral pumps), in pascals

ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998 7

Table 9—Variations allowed in capacity test readings

Maximum variation of individual Variations of arithmetical average values from

Readings reading from rating conditions specified test conditions
Voltage ±2% ±1%

Liquid temperature
- inlet ±0.5°C ±0.2°C

Liquid volume flow rate ±2% ±1%

External resistance to liquid flow, Pa ±10% ±5%

Table 10—Variations allowed in performance test readings

Allowable variations in individual readings from stated performance

Quantity measured test conditions
For minimum operating conditions test:
- liquid temperatures +0.6°C
For maximum operating conditions test:
- liquid temperatures –0.6°C
For other tests:
- liquid temperatures ±0.6°C

Temperature of liquid entering indoor-side, in degrees (g) net cooling capacity (see 3.3), in watts
Celsius (h) net heating capacity (see 3.5), in watts
Temperature of liquid entering outdoor-side, in degrees (i) energy efficiency ratio (see 3.8), in watts per watt
Celsius (j) coefficient of performance (see 3.9), in watts per watt
Temperature of liquid leaving indoor-side, in degrees
Celsius 7. Marking provisions
Temperature of liquid leaving outdoor-side, in degrees 7.1 Nameplate requirement
Celsius Each water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pump,
Liquid flow rate, indoor-side, in litres per second whether composed of a single package or separate assemblies,
Liquid flow rate, outdoor-side, in litres per second shall have a durable nameplate, firmly attached to each sepa-
rate assembly in a location accessible for reading.
6.4 Test tolerances
7.2 Nameplate information
6.4.1 The maximum permissible variation of any observa-
The nameplate shall provide the following minimum
tion during the capacity test is listed in the first column of
information in addition to the information required in interna-
Table 9. The maximum permissible variation of any observa-
tional safety standards.
tion during the performance tests is listed in Table 10.
6.4.2 The maximum permissible variations of the average (a) Manufacturer’s name or trademark1.
of the test observations from the standard or desired test con- (b) Distinctive type or model designation and serial number.
ditions are shown in Table 9, second column. (c) Full-load capacity rating (see 7.3). Equipment rated for
more than one application shall state capacity ratings for
6.5 Test results
both heating and cooling, as appropriate for each applica-
The results of a capacity test shall express quantitatively
the effects produced upon the indoor-side liquid by the equip-
(d) Rated voltage(s).
ment tested. For given test conditions, the capacity test results
(e) Rated frequency(ies).
shall include such of the following quantities as are applicable:
(f) Refrigerant designation and refrigerant mass charge.
(a) cooling capacity (see 6.1), in watts The information required in 7.2 a, b, d, e and the refrig-
erant designation shall be placed on each element (matched
(b) heating capacity (see 6.1), in watts
assembly) of the system.
(c) measured power input to equipment, in watts
(d) liquid pump power adjustment, indoor-side (see 4.1.2), in 7.3 Designation of capacity ratings
watts The designation of capacity rating shall be established in
(e) liquid pump power adjustment, outdoor-side (see 4.1.3), such a way that the heat transfer media are indicated (IW =
in watts
(f) effective power input to equipment or power inputs to all 1
The manufacturer is considered to be the firm identified on the
equipment components (see 3.10), in watts nameplate.

8 ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998

indoor-side water, W = outdoor-side water and B = outdoor- A1.2 It is recommended that air velocities in the vicinity of
side brine), together with their temperatures, followed by their the equipment under test do not exceed 2.5 m/s.
capacities in kilowatts. The capacities shall be stated to the
A2 Equipment installation
nearest kilowatt. The figure following the first “W” shall be
the liquid temperature of the water-loop heat pump; the figure A2.1 The equipment to be tested shall be installed in accor-
following the second “W” shall be the liquid temperature of dance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions using
the ground-water heat pump; the figure following the “B” shall recommended installation procedures and accessories. If the
be the liquid temperature of the ground-loop heat pump. equipment can be installed in several orientations, the tests
shall be conducted using the worst possible orientation.
Example: A2.2 No alterations to the equipment shall be made except
Cooling: IW 12 - W30/W15/B 25 10/12/11 kW for the attachment of required test apparatus and instruments
Heating: IW 40 - W 20/W10/B 5 10/9/8 kW in the prescribed manner.
7.4 Refrigerant Designation A2.3 Where necessary, equipment shall be evacuated and
The refrigerant designation shall be in accordance with charged with the type and amount of refrigerant specified in
ISO 817. the manufacturer’s instructions.
A3 Cooling and heating capacity tests
8. Publication of ratings
A3.1 The test room reconditioning apparatus and the equip-
8.1 Standard ratings ment under test shall be operated until equilibrium conditions
are attained, but for not less than one hour, before capacity test
8.1.1 Standard ratings shall be published for the net heat-
data are recorded.
ing capacity, the net cooling capacity, part-load ratings (where
applicable), energy efficiency ratio and coefficient of perfor- A3.2 Data shall then be recorded for 30 min at 5-min inter-
mance, as appropriate, for each heat pump produced in con- vals until seven consecutive sets of readings within the toler-
formance with this part of ISO 13256 for each intended ances prescribed in 6.4 have been attained. The averages of
application. These ratings shall be based on data obtained at these data shall be used for the calculation of test results.
the established rating conditions in accordance with the test-
ing procedures specified in this part of ISO 13256. Annex B (normative)
Liquid enthalpy test method
8.1.2 The values of the standard capacities shall be
expressed in kilowatts, rounded to the nearest 0.1 kW. B1 General
In the liquid enthalpy test method, capacities are deter-
8.1.3 The values of energy efficiency ratios and coeffi-
mined from measurements of the liquid temperature change
cients of performance shall be rounded to the nearest 0.01.
and associated flow rate.
8.1.4 Each capacity rating shall be followed by the corre-
B2 Application
sponding voltage and frequency ratings.
This method shall be used for liquid side tests of all equip-
8.1.5 Standard ratings are representative of equipment ment, subject to the additional requirements of Annex C.
operating at zero external static pressure for liquid flows.
Additional calculations using the methods specified in this B3 Calculations
part of ISO 13256 may be needed to derive performance of B3.1 Cooling capacity
specific applications. Measured total cooling capacity based on liquid-side data
is calculated as follow
8.2 Application ratings
Additional ratings may be published based on conditions φ tco = w f c pf ( t f4 – t f3 ) – φ t
other than those specified as standard rating conditions if they
are clearly specified and the data is determined by the methods where
specified in this part of ISO 13256, or by analytical methods φtco is the total cooling capacity (liquid-side data), in watts
which are verifiable by the test methods prescribed in clause wf is the mass flow rate, liquid, in kilograms per second
6, and are accompanied by the standard net capacity ratings, cpf is the specific heat of liquid, J/kg × K
energy efficiency ratios, and the coefficients of performance. tf4 is the temperature, liquid leaving equipment (outdoor-
side), in degrees Celsius
Annex A (normative)
tf3 is the temperature, liquid entering equipment
Test procedures
(outdoor-side), in degrees Celsius
A1 General test room requirements φt is the total power input, in watts
A1.1 The indoor condition test room shall be a room or B3.2 Heating capacity
space in which the desired test conditions can be maintained Measured total heating capacity based on liquid side data
within the prescribed tolerances. is calculated as follows:

ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998 9

φ tho = w f c pf ( t f3 – t f4 ) + φ t C1.7 Temperature measuring instruments should be ade-
quately shielded from radiation from any adjacent heat
where sources.
φtho is the total heating capacity (liquid-side data), in watts C2 Pressure
wf is the mass flow rate, liquid, in kilograms per second
C2.1 Pressure measurements should be made with one or
cpf is the specific heat of liquid, J/kg · K more of the following instruments:
tf4 is the temperature, liquid leaving equipment (outdoor- (a) mercury columns,
side), in degrees Celsius (b) bourdon tube gages, or
tf3 is the temperature, liquid entering equipment (c) electronic pressure transducers.
(outdoor-side), in degrees Celsius C2.2 The accuracy of the pressure measuring instruments
φt is the total power input, in watts should be within ±2.0% of the indicated value.

B3.3 Line loss corrections C2.3 In no case should the smallest scale division of the
If line loss corrections are to be made, they shall be pressure measuring instrument exceed 2.5 times the specified
included in the capacity calculations. accuracy.
C3 Electrical measurements
Annex C (informative)
Instrumentation and measurements C3.1 Electrical measurements should be made with either
indicating or integrating instruments.
C1 Temperature
C3.2 Instruments used for measuring the electrical input to
C1.1 Temperatures should be measured using liquid-in- heaters or other apparatus furnishing heat loads should be
glass thermometers, thermocouples, or electric resistance accurate to ±1.0% of the quantity measured. Instruments used
thermometers, including thermistors. The instrument charac- for measuring electrical input to fan motors, compressor
teristics of Table C-1 should be met. motors, or other electrical accessories should be accurate to
±1.0% of the indicated value.
C1.2 Air velocities over the wet-bulb temperature measur-
ing instruments should be approximately 5 m/s. C3.3 Voltages should be measured at the equipment termi-
C1.3 In no case should the smallest scale division of the
temperature measuring instrument exceed twice the specified C4 Liquid flow measurement
accuracy. For example, for the specified accuracy of ±0.05°C, C4.1 Water and brine flow rates should be measured with a
the smallest scale division should not exceed 0.1°C. liquid flow meter or quantity meter having an accuracy of
C1.4 Where an instrument accuracy of ±0.05°C is speci- ±1.0% of the indicated value.
fied, the instrument should be calibrated by comparison with C4.2 Condensate collection rates should be measured with
a thermometer certified by a recognized authority, such as a a liquid quantity meter measuring either mass or volume and
national standards laboratory. having an accuracy of ±1.0% of the indicated value.
C1.5 Temperature measuring instruments used to measure C5 Time, mass and speed measurements
the change in temperature should be arranged so that they can
be readily interchanged between inlet and outlet positions to C5.1 Time measurements should be made with instruments
improve accuracy. having an accuracy of ±0.20%.
C5.2 Mass measurements should be made with apparatus
C1.6 Temperature of liquids within conduits should be
having an accuracy of ±0.2%.
measured by inserting the temperature measuring instrument
directly within the liquid, or within a well inserted into the liq- C5.3 Speed measurements should be made with a revolu-
uid. If a glass thermometer is to be inserted directly into the tion counter, tachometer, stroboscope or oscilloscope having
liquid, it should be calibrated for the effect of pressure. an accuracy of ±1.0 %.

Table C-1—Instrument tolerances for temperature measurement

Instrument Instrument Range within which measurements

Item measured accuracy precision are usually found
Air dry-bulb temperature ±0.1°C ±0.05°C −29°C to 60°C
Air wet-bulb temperature ±0.1°C ±0.05°C −18°C to 32°C
Liquid temperatures ±0.1°C ±0.05°C −10°C to 50°C

10 ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998

Annex D (informative)
[1] ISO 5151:1994, Non-ducted air-conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance.
[2] ISO 13253:1995, Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance.
[3] ISO 13256-1:1998, Water-source heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-
air heat pumps.

ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE ISO Standard 13256-2:1998 11


ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment. ASHRAE’s
members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and
components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, consistent with accepted
standards and the practical state of the art.
ASHRAE’s short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the indoor and
outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by itself and other
responsible bodies.
As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee structure,
continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote those new
and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations.
Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the material is
systematically revised.
ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and will seek
out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and
The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the system’s
intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.
ASHRAE’s primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAE’s scope
operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and energy
transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection should be made by
its members.
PC 2/05

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