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Engineering Guide For Vav Terminals

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engineering guide

TCS Series
Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NOTES:

Construction Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 • All data herein is subject to change without
Standard and Optional Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 notice. Some drawings are not shown in this
Application and Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 catalog.
Primary Airflow Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 • Drawings not for installation purposes.
Dimensional Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 • Construction drawings and performance data
General Selection Data, PSC Motor . . . . . . . . . . . 13 contained herein should not be used for submit-
Sound Power Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 tal purposes.
Fan Performance, PSC Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 • ETL Report Number 476203.
ECM™ Fan Motor Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
General Selection, ECM™ Motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fan Performance, ECM™ Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
ARI Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Electric Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Hot Water Coil Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Guide Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


QUIET, EFFICIENT COMFORT the equipment. This will reduce lengthy and expensive
discharge duct runs. The standard shallow casing
Model TCS fan terminals are specifically designed for height (14" up to 1000 CFM) minimizes conflict with
quiet operation. They also offer improved space com- other systems competing for ceiling space. The
fort and flexibility for a wide variety of HVAC systems. FlowStar™ sensor ensures accurate control, even
This is critical in today’s buildings, where occupants are when space constraints do not permit long straight inlet
placing more emphasis on indoor acoustics. duct runs to the terminal.

OCCUPANT-SENSITIVE DESIGN Sizes. Model TCS terminals are available in nine fan
sizes to handle airflow capacities between 100 and 4800
Due to heightened interest in Indoor Air Quality, many CFM. Most fan sizes are available with three primary
HVAC system designers are focusing on the effects of air valve sizes to optimize the unit fan and primary air
particulate contamination within a building’s occupied valve combinations required by current industry needs.
space. Often, HVAC system noise is overlooked as a
source of occupied space contamination. The TCS CONVENIENCE
terminal is specifically designed to eliminate obtrusive
fan noise from reaching the occupants, while providing Quality. All TCS terminals are thoroughly inspected
constant air motion in the space. during each step of the manufacturing process, includ-
ing a comprehensive “pre-ship” inspection, to assure
Occupants will benefit from the TCS design that mini- the highest quality product available. Each unit is also
mizes low frequency (125Hz-250Hz) sound levels that “run tested” before leaving the factory to ensure trouble
typically dominate the space sound level. The TCS free field “start-up.”
also minimizes the fluctuation in sound levels that occur
during VAV damper modulation. Quick Installation. A standard single point electrical
main power connection is provided. Electronic controls
FLEXIBILITY and electrical components are located on the same side
of the casing for quick access, adjustment, and trouble-
Selection and Layout. The TCS provides flexibility in shooting. Installation time is minimized with the avail-
system design. Reduced noise at the fan terminal ability of factory calibrated controls.
allows the system designer to place properly sized units
directly above occupied spaces. It is not necessary to Finite fan speed adjustment is accomplished with an
use the crowded space above a hall or corridor to locate electronic SCR controller. The SCR fan speed controller

2 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


is manufactured by Johnson Controls and is compatible Fan terminals that utilize a single speed motor must
with the fan motor. This minimizes electronic interference rely solely on an SCR controller to obtain the reduction
and harmonic distortion that occurs from non-compatible in fan capacity. At minimum turndown, they suffer from
motor and SCR components. Increased motor life and excessive power consumption and high motor winding
efficiency result from the compatible design. temperatures, significantly reducing the motor life.

TCS terminals utilize three tap motors that accommo- As an option, Model TCS is available with an ECM™
date a broad range of flow and static pressure field fan motor, providing efficiency ratings between 70%
conditions while dramatically increasing efficiency. and 80% for most applications.

The FlowStar™ sensor ensures accurate airflow mea- Agency Certification. Model TCS terminals, including
surement, regardless of the field installation conditions. those with electric heat, are listed with ETL as an
A calibration label and wiring diagram is located on the assembly, and bear the ETL label.
terminal for quick reference during start-up.
TCS terminals comply with applicable NEC require-
The terminal is constructed to allow installation with ments, are tested in accordance with ARI Standard 880,
standard metal hanging straps. Optional hanger brack- and are certified by ARI.
ets for use with all-thread support rods or wire hangers
are also available. Maintenance and Service. TCS fan terminals require
no periodic maintenance other than optional filter
VALUE AND SECURITY replacement. If component replacement becomes nec-
essary, the unit is designed to minimize field labor. The
Quality. All metal components are fabricated from bottom casing panels can be removed to provide easy
galvanized steel. Unlike most manufacturers’ terminals, access to the fan assembly, and the motor electrical
the steel used in the TCS is capable of withstanding a leads are easily unplugged.
125 hour salt spray test without showing any evidence
of red rust. Controls. Model TCS terminals are available with
analog electronic, consignment DDC, pneumatic con-
Energy Efficiency. In addition to quiet and accurate trols and Johnson Controls DDC for BACnet, Lon and
temperature control, the building owner will benefit from N2. Johnson Controls manufactures a complete line
lower operating costs. The highly amplified velocity of analog electronic controls specifically designed for
pressure signal from the FlowStar™ inlet sensor allows use with TCS terminals. These controls are designed
precise airflow control at low air velocities. to accommodate a multitude of control schemes.

The FlowStar™ sensor’s airfoil shape provides minimal From the most basic to the most sophisticated
pressure drop across the terminal. This allows the sequence of operation, the controls are designed by
central fan to run at a lower pressure and with less experts in VAV terminal operation. Refer to the Electronic
brake horsepower. Energy efficient three tap, three Controls Selection Guide, and the Pneumatic Controls
winding, permanent split capacitor fan motors are Selection Guide for a complete description of the
manufactured to ensure efficient, quiet, reliable, and sequences and schematic drawings that are
low maintenance operation. available.

Three tap motors provide superior energy efficiency Standard features include the patented FlowStar™
over single speed motors by delivering three separate airflow sensor, ETL Listing, NEMA 1 enclosure, 24 volt
horsepower outputs. For example, a nominal 1/2 HP control transformer, floating modulating actuator, bal-
motor delivers 1/3 HP on medium tap and 1/4 HP on ancing tees and plenum rated tubing.
low tap. This allows the motor to operate at a higher
efficiency when at a reduced fan capacity.

Johnson Controls 3
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals

The TCS terminal incorporates many unique features. Most of these standard features are expensive
options for other manufacturers.

Integral discharge collar Electrical devices

simplifies field installation installed within a
NEMA 1enclosure,
with single point
power connection

Fan assembly utilizes a forward curved,

dynamically balanced, galvanized wheel
with a direct drive motor

All unit configurations

Mechanical lock construction listed with ETL for
ensures lowest possible safety compliance Galvanized steel casing withstands 125 hour
casing leakage salt spray test per ASTM B-117

Product label includes Mechanically fastened

tagging, airflow, and insulation for added
electrical information security

Full bottom removable 3/4" thick fiberglass

access panels insulation complying
with UL 181, NFPA 90A,
and ASTM C1071
Low leakage damper incorporates closed
cell foam gasket

Roll formed inlet collar with integral Patented FlowStarTM airflow sensor
stiffening ribs adds strength and rigidity (Patent #5,481,925)


• ECM™ fan motor
• Mounting brackets to accept all-thread hanging rods or wire hangers
• Double wall construction
• Scrim reinforced foil faced insulation meeting ASTM C1136 for mold, mildew, and humidity resistance
• Elastomeric closed cell foam insulation
• Filter located at induction inlet
• Hot water (TCS-WC), steam, or electric heating coils (TCS-EH) mounted at unit discharge. Access plate
upstream of hydronic coil is standard.
• Low temperature construction for use in thermal storage applications. Includes thermally isolated primary air
inlet and composite damper shaft.
• Factory control options: analog electronic, DDC electronic, pneumatic
• Factory piping packages
• Induction inlet gravity damper reduces radiated NC level by up to 2 NC at full cooling condition.

4 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)

Many VAV terminals waste energy due to an inferior airflow sensor reduces energy consumption by allowing
airflow sensor design that requires the minimum CFM lower zone minimum CFM setpoints, greatly reducing
setpoint to be much higher than the IAQ calculation or eliminating “reheat”, and by imposing less resistance
requirement. This is common with interior spaces that on the primary air fan.
will be effected year round. These interior VAV terminals The Johnson Controls air valve features the FlowStar™
waste energy in several ways. First, the primary air fan airflow sensor which has brought new meaning to airflow
(e.g. AHU) supplies more CFM than the building requires. control accuracy. The multi-axis design utilizes between
The higher minimum CFM setpoint overcools the zone 12 and 20 sensing points that sample total
with VAV terminals without integral heat. To maintain pressure at center points within equal concentric cross-
thermal comfort a building engineer would need to sectional areas, effectively traversing the air stream in
change the minimum setpoint to zero CFM compromis- two planes. Each distinct pressure reading is averaged
ing indoor air quality. Interior VAV terminals with integral within the center chamber before exiting the sensor to
heat provide adequate comfort in the space but waste the controlling device.
significant energy as energy is consumed to mechani-
cally cool the primary air only to have more energy This sensor adds a new dimension to signal amplifica-
consumed to heat the cooled primary air. Significant tion. Most differential pressure sensors provide a signal
energy savings is obtained with proper sizing and by between .5 and 2 times the equivalent velocity
making sure approved VAV terminals are capable of pressure signal. The FlowStar™ provides a differential
controlling at low CFM setpoints, providing the minimum pressure signal that is 2.5 to 3 times the equivalent
ventilation requirement. velocity pressure signal. This amplified signal allows
more accurate and stable airflow control at low airflow
Currently, most DDC controllers have a minimum differ- capacities. Low airflow control is critical for indoor air
ential pressure limitation between 0.015" and 0.05" w.g. quality, reheat minimization, and preventing over cooling
The major DDC manufacturers can control down to 0.015" during light loads.
w.g. An airflow sensor that does not amplify, e.g., a Pitot
tube, requires about 490 FPM to develop 0.015" w.g. Unlike other sensors which use a large probe surface
differential pressure. The FlowStarTM develops 0.015" area to achieve signal amplification, the FlowStar™
w.g. pressure with only 290 FPM on a size 6 terminal and utilizes an unprecedented streamline design which
less than 325 FPM for a size 16. Consequently, VAV generates amplified signals unrivaled in the industry.
terminals utilizing a non-amplifying type sensor could The streamlined design also generates less pressure
have minimum CFM's that are well over 50% higher than drop and noise.
a Johnson Controls terminal. Many airflow sensors pro- The VAV schedule should specify the minimum and
vide some degree of amplification simply due to the maximum airflow setpoints, maximum sound power
decrease in free area of the inlet from large area of the levels, and maximum air pressure loss for each terminal.
sensor. These VAV terminals still require minimum CFM's The specification for the VAV terminal must detail the
up to 30% higher than a Johnson Controls terminal, have required performance of the airflow sensor. For maxi-
higher sound levels, and higher pressure drop requiring mum building occupant satisfaction, the VAV system
additional energy consumption at the primary air fan. designer should specify the airflow sensor as suggested
A VAV system designed with Johnson Controls terminals in the Guide Specifications of this catalog.
consumes significantly less energy than a comparable FlowStar™ Airflow Sensor Patent #5,481,925
system with competitor's terminals. The FlowStar™

Each pressure input signal is routed Field pressure

to the center averaging chamber measuring tap
Equal concentric circular areas
Sizes 6 & 8: 3 Circles Airfoil shaped
Sizes 10 & 12: 4 Circles averaging
Sizes 14 & 16: 5 Circles (shown) chamber for low
pressure loss
and noise
Total pressure measured at the center
of each concentric circle for maximum
accuracy, as outlined in ASHRAE Pressure output is
Fundamentals Handbook. routed behind
Sizes 6 & 8: 12 Sensing Points probe to minimize
Sizes 10 & 12: 16 Sensing Points pressure loss
Sizes 14 & 16: 20 Sensing Points and noise

Johnson Controls 5
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals



Construction Construction
• ARI 880 certified and labeled • 20 gauge galvanized steel construction
• 22 gauge galvanized steel casing and valve • 1" insulation
• 3/4" thick fiberglass insulation • Foil faced scrim backed insulation
• Large access openings allowing removal of com- • 1/2" thick elastomeric closed cell foam insulation
plete fan assembly for all heating coil options • Double wall construction with 22 gauge liner
• 1" throwaway filter
Fan Assembly
• Forward curved, dynamically balanced, direct drive, Fan Assembly
galvanized fan wheel • 208-230 volt PSC motor
• 115 or 277 volt single phase, three tap PSC motor • 220-240 volt 50 Hz motor
• SCR fan speed controller • 120, 208, 240 and 277 volt ECM™ motors
• Quick-select motor speed terminal
• Permanently lubricated motor bearings Electrical
• Thermally protected motor • Full unit toggle disconnect
• Vibration isolation motor mounts • Inline motor fusing
• Single point wiring • Primary and secondary transformer fusing

Primary Air Valve Electric Heat

• Embossed rigidity rings • Proportional (SSR) heater control
• Low thermal conductance damper shaft • Mercury contactors
• Position indicator on end of damper shaft • Door interlocking disconnect switches
• Mechanical stops for open and closed position
• FlowStar™ center averaging airflow sensor Controls
• Balancing tees • Factory provided controls include:
• Plenum rated sensor tubing - Analog electronic
- Pneumatic
Hot Water Coils - Johnson Controls DDC
• Designed and manufactured by Johnson Controls • Consignment DDC controls (factory mount and wire
• ARI 410 certified and labeled controls provided by others)
• 1, 2, 3, 4 row coils
• Tested at a minimum of 450 PSIG under water and Piping Packages
rated at 300 PSIG working pressure at 200°F • Factory assembled – shipped loose for field instal-
• Left or right hand connections lation
• 1/2" and 3/4", 2 way, normally closed,
Electrical two position electric motorized valves
• cETL listed for safety compliance • Isolation ball valves with memory stop
• NEMA 1 wiring enclosure • Fixed and adjustable flow control devices
• Unions and P/T ports
Electric Heat • Floating point modulating control valves
• ETL listed as an assembly for safety compliance • High pressure close-off actuators
per UL 1995 (1/2" = 50 PSIG; 3/4" = 25 PSIG)
• Integral electric heat assembly
• Automatic reset primary and back-up secondary
thermal limits
• Single point power connection
• Hinged electrical enclosure door
• Fusing per NEC

6 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


PURPOSE OF SERIES FLOW FAN TERMINALS Noise Criteria (NC). The bottom line acoustical criteria
for most projects is the NC (Noise Criteria) level. This
Series flow fan powered terminals offer improved space NC level is derived from resulting sound pressure levels
comfort and flexibility in a wide variety of applications. in the zone. These sound pressure levels are the effect
Substantial operating savings can be realized through of acoustical energy (sound power levels)
the recovery of waste heat, reduced central fan horse- entering the zone caused by the terminal unit and other
power requirements and night setback operation. sound generating sources (central fan system, office
equipment, outdoor environment, etc.).
Heat Recovery. The TCS recovers heat from lights and
core areas to offset heating loads in perimeter zones. The units of measurement is once again decibels; how-
Additional heat is available at the terminal unit using ever, in this case decibels represent units of pressure
electric, steam, or hot water heating coils. Controls are (Pascals), since the human ear and microphones react
available to energize remote heating devices such as to pressure variations.
wall fin, fan coils, radiant panels, and roof load plenum
unit heaters. There is no direct relationship between sound power
levels and sound pressure levels. Therefore, we must
IAQ. The TCS enhances the indoor air quality of a build- predict the resulting sound pressure levels (NC levels)
ing by providing constant air motion, and higher air in the zone based in part by the published sound power
volumes in the heating mode than typically provided by levels of the terminal equipment. The NC levels are
straight VAV single duct terminals or parallel flow fan totally dependent on the project specific design, archi-
terminals. The higher air capacity provides continuous air tecturally and mechanically. For a constant operating
motion in the space and lowers the heating discharge air condition (fixed sound power levels), the resulting NC
temperature. This combination improves air circulation, level in the zone will vary from one project to another.
preventing accumulation of CO2 concentrations in stag-
nant areas. Increased air motion improves occupant ARI 885. A useful tool to aid in predicting space sound
comfort. The higher air capacity also improves the per- pressure levels is an application standard referred to as
formance of diffusers and minimizes diffuser “dumping”. ARI Standard 885. This standard provides information
(tables, formulas, etc.) required to calculate the attenu-
ACOUSTICAL CONCEPTS ation of the ductwork, ceiling cavity, ceiling system, and
conditioned space below a terminal unit. These attenu-
The focus on indoor air quality is also having an effect ation values are referred to as the “transfer function”
on proper selection of air terminal equipment with since they are used to transfer from the manufacturer’s
respect to acoustics. sound power levels to the estimated sound pressure
levels resulting in the space below, and/or served by the
Sound. At the zone level, the terminal unit generates terminal unit. The standard does not provide all of the
acoustical energy that can enter the zone along two necessary information to accommodate every conceiv-
primary paths. First, sound from the unit fan can prop- able design; however, it does provide enough information
agate through the downstream duct and diffusers before to approximate the transfer function for most applica-
entering the zone (referred to as Discharge or Airborne tions. Furthermore, an Appendix is provided that contains
Sound). Acoustical energy is also radiated from the typical attenuation values. Some manufacturers utilize
terminal casing and travels through the ceiling cavity different assumptions with respect to a "typical" project
and ceiling system before entering the zone (referred to design; therefore, cataloged NC levels should not be
as Radiated Sound). used to compare acoustical performance. Only certified
sound power levels should be used for this purpose.
To properly quantify the amount of acoustical energy
emanating from a terminal unit at a specific operating GENERAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR
condition (i.e. CFM and static pressure), manufacturers A QUIET SYSTEM
must measure and publish sound power levels.
The AHU. Sound levels in the zone are frequently
The units of measurement, decibels, actually represent impacted by central fan discharge noise that either
units of power (watts). The terminal equipment sound breaks out (radiates) from the ductwork or travels
power ratings provide a consistent measure of the gen- through the distribution ductwork and enters the zone
erated sound independent of the environment in which as airborne (discharge) sound. Achieving acceptable
the unit is installed. This allows a straight forward com- sound levels in the zone begins with a properly designed
parison of sound performance between equipment central fan system which delivers relatively quiet air to
manufacturers and unit models. each zone.

Johnson Controls 7
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


Supply Duct Pressure. One primary factor contributing possible, the first diffuser takeoff should be located after
to noisy systems is high static pressure in the primary an elbow or tee and a greater number of small necked
air duct. This condition causes higher sound levels from diffusers should be utilized, rather than fewer large
the central fan and also higher sound levels from the necked diffusers.
terminal unit, as the primary air valve closes to reduce
the pressure. This condition is compounded when flex- The downstream ductwork should be carefully designed
ible duct is utilized at the terminal inlet, which allows the and installed to avoid noise regeneration. Bull head tee
central fan noise and air valve noise to break out into arrangements should be located sufficiently downstream
the ceiling cavity and then enter the zone located below of the terminal discharge to provide an established flow
the terminal. Ideally, the system static pressure should pattern downstream of the fan. Place diffusers down-
be reduced to the point where the terminal unit installed stream of the terminal after the airflow has completely
on the duct run associated with the highest pressure developed.
drop has the minimum required inlet pressure to deliver
the design airflow to the zone. Many of today’s HVAC Downstream splitter dampers can cause noise problems
systems experience 0.5" w.g. pressure drop or less in if placed too close to the terminal, or when excessive air
the main trunk. For systems that will have substan- velocities exist. If tee arrangements are employed,
tially higher pressure variances from one zone to volume dampers should be used in each branch of the
another, special attention should be paid to the proper tee, and balancing dampers should be provided at each
selection of air terminal equipment. diffuser tap. This arrangement provides maximum flexibil-
ity in quiet balancing of the system. Casing radiated
To date, the most common approach has been to select sound usually dictates the overall room sound levels
(size) all of the terminals based on the worst case (high- directly below the terminal. Because of this, special con-
est inlet static pressure) condition. Typically, this results sideration should be given to the location of these
in 80% (or higher) of the terminal units being oversized terminals as well as to the size of the zone. Larger zones
for their application. This in turn results in much higher should have the terminal located over a corridor or open
equipment costs, but more importantly, drastically plan office space and not over a small confined private
reduced operating efficiency of each unit. This conse- office. Fan powered terminals should never be installed
quently decreases the ability to provide comfort control over small occupied spaces where the wall partitions
in the zone. In addition, the oversized terminals cannot extend from slab-to-slab (i.e. fire walls or privacy walls).
adequately control the minimum ventilation capacity
required in the heating mode. Fan Terminal Isolation. Model TCS fan terminals are
equipped with sufficient internal vibration dampening
A more prudent approach is to utilize a pressure reduc- means to prevent the need for additional external
ing device upstream of the terminal unit on those few isolation. Flexible duct connectors at the unit discharge
zones closest to the central fan. This device could typically do more harm than good. The sagging
simply be a manual quadrant type damper if located well membrane causes higher air velocities and turbulence,
upstream of the terminal inlet. In tight quarters, perfo- which translates into noise. Furthermore, the discharge
rated metal can be utilized as a quiet means of reducing noise breaks out of this fitting more than with a hard
system pressure. This approach allows all of the termi- sheet metal fitting.
nal units to experience a similar (lower) inlet pressure.
They can be selected in a consistent manner at lower
inlet pressure conditions that will allow more optimally
sized units. IDEAL DUCT DESIGN
Inlet duct that is the same size as the inlet collar and as Small Necked Diffusers
High Quality
straight as possible will achieve the best acoustical VAV Terminal
performance. For critical applications, flexible duct with Low
Sound Levels
should not be utilized at the terminal inlet.
Located at
Zoning. On projects where internal lining of the down- Take-Off
stream duct is not permitted, special considerations
Minimum Multiple
should be made to assure acceptable noise levels will Branch
be obtained. In these cases, a greater number of Inlet Static Take-Offs
smaller zones will help in reducing sound levels. Where Pressure Short Length of
Non-Metallic Flexible Duct

8 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


SELECTION GUIDELINES While helping in this fashion, a penalty is paid by having

a higher controllable minimum airflow setpoint than
The TCS fan terminal has been designed to provide could be achieved with a smaller inlet size.
maximum flexibility in matching primary air valve capac-
ities (cooling loads) with unit fan capacities. The overall The smaller primary air valve will most often be utilized
unit size is dictated by the fan size. With each unit fan with thermal storage systems where lower than normal
size, multiple primary air valve sizes are available to primary air temperatures are utilized. In these cases,
handle a wide range of cooling capacities. the maximum design primary airflow is less than the fan
capacity (typically 60 to 80%), and therefore a smaller
The fan should be sized first to determine the unit size. air valve may be appropriate.
The selection is made by cross plotting the specified fan
capacity and external static pressure on the appropriate SYSTEM PRESSURE CONSIDERATIONS
fan performance curves (see page 17). Terminals utiliz-
ing hot water heating coils require the summation of the Since the terminal unit fan is selected to move 100% of
coil air pressure drop and the design E.S.P. to determine the design airflow to the zone, all downstream pressure
the total E.S.P. It is common to have more than one losses are neglected when determining minimum pri-
fan size which can meet the design requirements. mary air inlet pressure to the unit. The central fan is only
Typically, the selection begins with the smallest fan that required to overcome the minimal loss through the unit
can meet the capacity. Occasionally this selection may air valve, reducing the central fan total pressure and
not meet the acoustical requirements and thus the next horsepower requirements. Due to extremely low pres-
larger fan size should be selected. “Upsizing” may also sure drop of the air valve, central fan operating inlet
occur when it is necessary to meet the design capacity static pressures may be as low as 0.5" w.g.
on the medium or low motor tap.
Fan selections can be made anywhere in the non-
shaded areas. Each fan performance curve depicts the It should be noted that a conventional Series Flow Fan
actual performance of the relative motor tap without Terminal cannot be applied as a booster fan. In problem
additional fan balance adjustment. Actual specified areas where there is insufficient primary airflow capac-
capacities which fall below a particular fan curve (low, ity, this terminal will not aid in pulling more air from the
medium or high) is obtained by adjustment of the elec- primary duct. Instead the unit fan will draw air from the
tronic (SCR) fan speed controller. After the proper fan plenum inlet which has less resistance.
is selected, the unit size is fixed and then the appropri-
ate primary air valve is selected. Most of the unit fan The induction opening should never be sealed, as this
sizes have three air valve sizes to select from. The will cause problems should the primary airflow increase
middle size will typically be utilized. It is the size that is beyond the unit fan capacity. In this condition, the fan
matched with the unit fan to deliver 100% cooling capac- casing becomes pressurized which will eventually stall
ity for the majority of fan selections. the fan motor and cause premature failure.

The larger primary air valve will be used in applications A Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer
where the system fan is undersized, requiring a larger Selection Program is also available for complete TCS
air valve to take advantage of lower pressure losses. automated selection.

Johnson Controls 9
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals



(For dead-end differential pressure transducers)

NOTE: Maximum and minimum CFM limits are dependent on the type of controls that are utilized. Refer to the table below for
specific values. When DDC controls are furnished by others, the CFM limits are dependent on the specific control vendor that
is employed. After obtaining the differential pressure range from the control vendor, the maximum and minimum CFM limits can
be obtained from the chart above (many controllers are capable of controlling minimum setpoint down to .015" w.g.).


UNIT SIZE Min. transducer Max. transducer
MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. differential pressure differential pressure
(in. w.g.) (in. w.g.)
.015 .03 .05 1.0 > 1.5
0404 43 250 35 250 30 43 55 250 250
0504, 0506 68 350 50 350 48 68 88 350 350
0604, 0606, 0611 75 490 60 550 53 75 97 435 530
0806, 0811, 0818 145 960 115 1000 105 145 190 840 1000
1011, 1018, 1021 235 1545 185 1600 165 235 305 1355 1600
1218, 1221, 1224, 1230 340 2250 285 2300 240 340 440 1975 2300
1421, 1424, 1430 475 3100 390 3100 335 475 615 2750 3100
1630, 1640, 1644 625 4100 520 4100 440 625 805 3595 4100
1844 810 4600 640 4600 580 810 1040 4470 4600

Minimum and maximum airflow limits are dependent on the specific DDC controller supplied. Contact the control vendor to
obtain the minimum and maximum differential pressure limits (inches W.G.) of the transducer utilized with the DDC controller.
Maximum CFM is limited to value shown in General Selection Data.

10 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


Drawings are not to scale and not for submittal or installation purposes.

3 7/8 6 3/4 10 1/2 8 3/8 8 18 12 28
0404 [98] [152]
5 [127]
[19] [267] [213] [203] [457] [305] [711]
Top View
4 7/8 6 3/4 10 1/2 8 3/8 8 18 12 28 (Pneumatic Controls
0504 5 [127]
[124] [152] [19] [267] [213] [203] [457] [305] [711] Not Shown in This View)
5 7/8 6 3/4 6 1/2 8 3/8 8 18 12 28
0604 5 [127]
[149] [152] [19] [165] [213] [203] [457] [305] [711]
4 7/8 6 2 1/4 3/4 10 1/2 11 11 23 3/8 14 35
[124] [152] [57] [19] [267] [279] [279] [594] [356] [889]
5 7/8 6 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 11 11 23 3/8 14 35
[149] [152] [57] [19] [165] [279] [279] [594] [356] [889]
7 7/8 6 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 11 11 23 3/8 14 35
[251] [152] [57] [19] [165] [279] [279] [594] [356] [889]
5 7/8 6 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 11 11 23 3/8 14 35
[149] [152] [57] [19] [165] [279] [279] [594] [356] [889]
7 7/8 6 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 11 11 23 3/8 14 35
[200] [152] [57] [19] [165] [279] [279] [594] [356] [889]
9 7/8 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 11 11 23 3/8 14 35
1011 7 [178]
[251] [57] [19] [165] [279] [279] [594] [356] [889]
7 7/8 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 15 13 1/2 29 3/8 17 40
0818 8 [203]
[200] [57] [19] [165] [381] [343] [746] [432] [1016]
9 7/8 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 15 13 1/2 29 3/8 17 40
1018 8 [203]
[251] [57] [19] [165] [381] [343] [746] [432] [1016]
11 7/8 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 15 13 1/2 29 3/8 17 40
1218 8 [203]
[302] [57] [19] [165] [381] [343] [746] [432] [1016]
9 7/8 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 15 13 1/2 29 3/8 17 40
1021 8 [203]
[251] [57] [19] [165] [381] [343] [746] [432] [1016]
11 7/8 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 15 13 1/2 29 3/8 17 40
1221 8 [203]
[302] [57] [19] [165] [381] [343] [746] [432] [1016]
13 7/8 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 15 13 1/2 29 3/8 17 40
1421 9 [229]
[352] [57] [19] [165] [381] [343] [746] [432] [1016]
11 7/8 10 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 28 15 38 19 54
[302] [254] [57] [19] [165] [711] [381] [965] [483] [1372]
13 7/8 10 2 1/4 3/4 6 1/2 28 15 38 19 54
[352] [254] [57] [19] [165] [711] [381] [965] [483] [1372]
11 7/8 10 9 3/4 1 1/4 6 1/2 40 15 52 19 62
[302] [254] [248] [32] [165] [1016] [381] [1321] [483] [1575]
13 7/8 11 1/2 9 3/4 1 1/4 6 1/2 40 15 52 19 62
[352] [292] [248] [32] [165] [1016] [381] [1321] [483] [1575]
15 7/8 11 1/2 9 3/4 1 1/4 6 1/2 40 15 52 19 62
[403] [292] [248] [32] [165] [1016] [381] [1321] [483] [1575]
13 7/8 11 1/2 9 3/4 1 1/4 6 1/2 40 15 52 19 62
[352] [292] [248] [32] [165] [1016] [381] [1321] [483] [1575]
15 7/8 11 1/2 9 3/4 1 1/4 6 1/2 40 15 52 19 62
[403] [292] [248] [32] [165] [1016] [381] [1321] [483] [1575]
15 7/8 11 1/2 9 3/4 3 1/4 6 1/2 40 15 52 19 62
[403] [292] [248] [83] [165] [1016] [381] [1321] [483] [1575]

15 7/8
11 1/2 9 3/4 3 1/4 6 1/2 40 15 52 19 62
1844 [403] x 15
[292] [248] [83] [165] [1016] [381] [1321] [483] [1575]
7/8 [403]
Inlet End View
NOTE: All dimensions are in inches [mm]. (Electronic Controls and Filter Rack
Left Side View Not Shown in This View)
(Control Enclosure and Filter Rack
Not Shown in This View)

Johnson Controls 11
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals



Drawings are not to scale and not for submittal or installation purposes.

FAN Right Side View Discharge End View

10 3
04 12 [305] 10 [254]
[254] [76]
10 12 1/2 1/2
06, 11 16 [406]
[254] [318] [13]
10 12 1/2 1/2
18, 21 22 [559]
[254] [318] [13]
10 17 1/2 1/2
24 28 [711]
[254] [445] [13]
6 40 17 1/2 9 3/4
30, 40
[152] [1016] [445] [248]
6 44 17 1/2 5 3/4
[152] [1118] [445] [146]

Note: All dimensions are in inches [mm].


Fan Sizes 04, 06, 11, 18, 21 and 24 Fan Sizes 30, 40, and 44

12 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)



(IN. W.G.) (IN. W.G.) SIZE
100 0.01 0.70 -- 27 27 27
150 0.02 0.70 -- 27 28 30
0404 0404
200 0.03 0.67 -- 28 28 33
250 0.04 0.60 -- 32 32 36
100 0.01 0.70 -- 22 25 26
200 0.02 0.67 -- 22 25 30
0504 250 0.02 0.60 -- 25 27 32 0504 1/60 1/25 1/12 .5 .8 1.1 .3 .4 .6 .37 .45 0.50
300 0.03 0.51 -- 27 30 35
350 0.04 0.42 20 33 35 36
200 0.05 0.67 -- 23 23 28
250 0.07 0.60 -- 28 30 31
0604 300 0.10 0.51 -- 28 30 33 0604
350 0.14 0.42 20 32 33 36
400 0.19 0.30 20 33 33 36
300 0.04 0.76 -- 26 30 36
0506 0506
350 0.05 0.71 -- 30 33 39
300 0.10 0.76 -- 23 25 33
350 0.14 0.71 -- 25 27 35
0606 400 0.19 0.65 -- 28 31 36 0606
450 0.23 0.58 -- 30 32 38 1/10 1/8 1/6 2.2 2.4 2.7 .55 .9 1.4 .8 .9 1.0
550 0.34 0.42 23 34 36 40
300 0.03 0.76 -- 23 25 33
350 0.04 0.71 -- 25 27 35
0806 400 0.05 0.65 -- 28 31 36 0806
450 0.06 0.58 -- 30 32 38
550 0.09 0.42 23 34 36 40
400 0.27 0.80 -- 24 28 35
0611 0611
500 0.40 0.80 -- 28 33 37
400 0.03 0.80 -- 20 24 33
500 0.05 0.80 -- 23 27 35
0811 600 0.07 0.80 -- 27 31 37 0811
800 0.11 0.80 22 32 35 40 1/8 1/5 1/4 3.7 4.1 4.9 1.1 1.5 2.2 1.4 1.7 2.0
1000 0.17 0.70 28 37 39 43
600 0.03 0.80 -- 26 30 37
1011 800 0.06 0.80 22 33 36 41 1011
1000 0.09 0.70 28 37 40 45
1200 0.13 0.45 31 41 42 47
600 0.11 0.90 -- 27 30 36
0818 800 0.19 0.90 -- 31 32 39 0818
1000 0.30 0.88 23 35 36 42
600 0.02 0.90 -- 26 28 38
800 0.04 0.90 -- 27 31 39
1000 0.06 0.88 23 30 33 40
1018 1018
1200 0.08 0.82 26 33 36 43
1400 0.11 0.75 30 38 40 46 1/4 1/3 1/2 8.8 9.3 9.6 2.3 2.7 4.0 2.8 2.9 3.6
1600 0.15 0.59 33 41 43 48
800 0.02 0.90 -- 30 32 40
1000 0.03 0.88 23 32 36 41
1200 0.05 0.82 26 36 39 43
1218 1218
1400 0.06 0.75 30 39 41 46
1600 0.07 0.59 33 42 45 50
1800 0.09 0.40 35 45 47 51
800 0.06 0.90 -- 26 31 38
1000 0.10 0.90 -- 30 33 40
1021 1200 0.13 0.88 24 35 38 43 1021
1400 0.18 0.82 26 38 40 46
1600 0.24 0.77 29 40 42 48
800 0.02 0.90 -- 24 28 40
1100 0.04 0.90 21 30 33 41
1400 0.06 0.82 26 36 38 45
1221 1221 1/3 1/2 3/4 9.4 10.3 10.5 2.5 3.2 4.2 3.6 3.7 4.3
1700 0.09 0.73 31 40 41 48
2000 0.13 0.54 35 43 46 51
2300 0.15 0.23 39 48 48 53
1100 0.04 0.90 21 32 36 40
1400 0.06 0.82 26 38 41 46
1421 1700 0.09 0.73 31 42 45 50 1421
2000 0.13 0.54 35 46 47 52
2300 0.15 0.23 39 50 51 55

Shaded Unit Sizes (i.e. 0404, 0504, 0606, 0811, 1018, 1221) indicate the most commonly specified selections.

See notes on following page. The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your
Johnson Controls representative for complete TCS selection and performance data.

Johnson Controls 13
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals



SIZE FAN INLET Ps 115V 208V 277V
(IN. W.G.) (IN. W.G.) SIZE
1100 0.04 1.10 21 31 36 43
1400 0.06 1.10 26 37 40 46
1224 1700 0.09 1.03 29 39 42 48 1224
2000 0.12 0.82 32 43 46 52
2300 0.17 0.56 35 48 48 55
1100 0.02 1.10 21 31 36 43 1/2 3/4 1.0 8.9 11.0 12.3 1.8 2.8 5.3 3.4 3.8 4.5
1400 0.04 1.10 26 37 40 46
1424 1700 0.07 1.03 29 39 42 48 1424
2000 0.08 0.82 32 43 46 52
2300 0.11 0.56 35 48 48 55
2600 0.14 0.25 37 51 51 55
1100 0.04 0.90 -- 26 27 33
1500 0.05 0.85 20 30 31 38
1230 1230
1900 0.09 0.78 23 33 35 40
2300 0.12 0.68 27 38 38 43
1100 0.03 0.90 -- 26 28 32
1500 0.05 0.85 20 30 31 38
1900 0.07 0.78 23 35 36 41
1430 1430 1/4 (2) 1/3 (2) 1/2 17.6 18.6 19.2 4.6 5.4 8.0 5.6 5.8 7.2
2300 0.10 0.68 27 37 38 43
2700 0.13 0.56 30 40 40 46
3100 0.18 0.40 33 42 43 50
1500 0.02 0.85 20 30 31 38
1900 0.04 0.78 23 32 35 40
1630 2300 0.06 0.68 27 36 38 42 1630
2700 0.08 0.56 30 38 40 45
3100 0.10 0.40 33 41 42 47
1600 0.06 0.90 -- 26 28 37
2100 0.10 0.90 22 31 33 41
1440 1440
2600 0.14 0.87 26 36 37 45
3100 0.20 0.80 31 41 42 47
1600 0.04 0.90 -- 27 31 38 1/3 1/2 3/4
18.8 20.6 21.0 5.0 6.4 8.4 7.2 7.4 8.6
2100 0.07 0.90 22 31 33 41 (2) (2) (2)
2600 0.11 0.87 26 35 38 43
1640 1640
3100 0.15 0.80 31 41 42 47
3600 0.21 0.66 34 45 45 50
4100 0.28 0.40 38 50 50 53
2100 0.05 1.10 21 30 32 40
2600 0.09 1.10 25 33 36 42
1644 3100 0.12 1.00 28 38 39 45 1644
3600 0.17 0.88 32 42 43 48
4100 0.22 0.62 36 46 46 51
1/2 1.0
2100 0.10 1.10 21 27 34 43 3/4 (2) 17.8 22.0 24.6 3.6 5.6 10.6 6.8 7.6 9.0
(2) (2)
2600 0.15 1.10 25 31 37 45
3100 0.22 1.00 28 36 40 46
1844 1844
3600 0.30 0.88 32 40 42 48
4100 0.44 0.62 36 43 45 52
4600 0.56 0.33 39 50 50 56

Shaded Unit Sizes (i.e. 1430, 1640) indicate the most commonly specified selections.

• Min. ΔPs is the static pressure difference across the primary
air valve with the damper wide open. All downstream losses
(including optional hot water coil) are handled by the unit fan
and need not be considered for primary air performance DISCHARGE OCTAVE BAND
calculations. ATTENUATION VALUES 2 3 4 5 6 7
• Max. E.S.P. is the external static pressure available on high Small Box (< 300 CFM) 24 28 39 53 59 40
tap at the airflow capacity indicated. Optional hot water coil Medium Box (300-700 CFM) 27 29 40 51 53 39
pressure loss is not included with these values. Large Box (> 700 CFM) 29 30 41 51 52 39
• Performance data obtained from tests conducted in accor- RADIATED OCTAVE BAND
dance with ARI Standard 880. ATTENUATION VALUES 2 3 4 5 6 7
• Dash (-) indicates NC level less than 20. Type 2 - Mineral Fiber Ceiling 18 19 20 26 31 36
• NC values calculated based upon the 2002 Addendum to
ARI Standard 885 Appendix E Typical Sound Attenuation
Values (shown at right), using Ceiling Type 2 for calculating
Radiated NC.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and performance data.

14 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
100 57 54 53 52 46 42 64 56 49 40 34 34 64 58 49 40 35 35 64 58 51 44 42 44
150 57 54 53 52 46 42 64 56 49 40 35 34 64 59 51 42 37 36 64 60 54 47 45 45
200 57 54 53 52 46 42 65 56 49 40 35 34 65 59 52 43 38 36 65 61 58 50 47 45
250 59 58 57 56 51 47 68 61 53 44 38 36 68 62 55 46 40 38 68 65 61 53 49 47
100 57 54 53 52 46 42 59 54 48 39 32 30 60 56 49 40 34 33 60 57 50 44 42 44
200 57 54 53 52 46 42 59 54 47 39 32 30 60 56 50 41 34 33 60 57 55 48 44 44
0504 250 59 58 57 56 51 47 60 56 49 41 33 31 63 58 52 43 36 35 63 60 57 50 46 45
300 60 59 57 56 52 48 61 58 51 43 34 32 66 59 54 45 38 36 66 62 60 52 47 46
350 61 62 59 59 54 51 66 63 54 46 39 37 70 63 56 47 41 39 70 65 61 53 48 46
200 57 54 53 52 46 42 57 55 46 38 30 28 57 55 48 39 33 31 59 57 54 47 43 42
250 59 58 57 56 51 47 63 59 50 41 33 32 61 60 51 43 35 33 62 61 56 49 44 43
0604 300 60 59 57 56 52 48 62 59 50 42 33 32 61 60 52 43 35 33 64 61 58 50 45 43
350 61 62 59 59 54 51 68 62 53 45 36 36 67 63 54 46 38 37 66 65 60 51 45 43
400 62 62 59 60 55 52 69 63 54 46 37 37 68 63 56 47 39 38 68 65 61 52 46 45
300 54 53 53 54 50 46 59 56 52 46 43 45 63 60 55 48 48 48 64 64 61 54 51 50
350 57 56 55 55 53 50 62 58 55 48 47 48 66 63 57 50 46 48 68 67 64 57 53 51
200 52 52 51 51 46 41 53 49 46 42 37 41 54 51 48 43 40 41 57 56 54 51 47 46
300 54 53 53 54 50 46 56 53 49 42 38 41 58 56 51 44 40 41 62 60 58 51 47 46
350 57 56 55 55 53 50 58 55 51 44 40 42 60 58 53 46 41 42 64 62 60 53 48 46
400 59 58 57 57 55 53 60 58 54 47 41 42 62 60 56 48 42 43 66 64 61 54 48 47
450 62 61 60 59 57 55 62 60 55 49 42 41 63 62 57 50 43 42 67 66 63 55 49 47
550 66 64 62 63 61 59 65 63 59 52 46 44 66 65 60 53 47 45 69 68 65 57 51 49
300 54 53 53 54 50 46 56 53 49 42 38 41 58 56 51 44 40 41 62 60 58 51 47 46
350 57 56 55 55 53 50 58 55 51 44 40 42 60 58 53 46 41 42 64 62 60 53 48 46
0806 400 59 58 57 57 55 53 60 58 54 47 41 42 62 60 56 48 42 43 66 64 61 54 48 47
450 62 61 60 59 57 55 62 60 55 49 42 41 63 62 57 50 43 42 67 66 63 55 49 47
550 66 64 62 63 61 59 65 63 59 52 46 44 66 65 60 53 47 45 69 68 65 57 51 49
400 59 53 52 46 43 41 59 55 50 44 33 29 61 58 54 46 40 37 65 62 60 54 49 47
500 61 55 55 50 48 47 62 59 54 48 38 33 63 62 58 49 42 39 68 65 62 56 50 48
400 59 53 52 46 43 41 56 52 46 38 32 32 58 55 50 43 37 37 62 59 58 53 47 47
500 61 55 55 50 48 47 58 55 48 40 33 33 61 58 52 45 39 38 65 62 60 55 48 48
0811 600 63 57 59 54 52 52 60 58 51 43 35 35 63 61 54 47 40 39 67 65 62 56 49 49
800 66 62 63 60 58 58 65 62 56 50 40 40 66 64 58 51 43 42 72 69 64 57 50 50
1000 72 67 68 67 65 65 68 66 59 54 45 46 70 68 61 56 47 47 74 72 67 60 52 52
600 63 57 59 54 52 52 61 57 51 44 34 32 64 60 55 47 38 37 67 65 62 54 47 46
1011 800 66 62 63 60 58 58 66 63 57 50 40 40 69 65 59 51 42 41 72 70 65 57 49 48
1000 72 67 68 67 65 65 69 66 60 53 44 44 71 69 62 55 46 46 74 73 67 60 51 50
1200 74 70 72 71 68 68 72 70 64 57 48 49 73 71 65 58 49 49 78 75 70 62 54 54
600 62 58 56 50 48 45 56 58 49 41 37 33 59 60 53 45 38 35 65 65 60 53 47 44
0818 800 64 61 59 56 53 52 62 61 54 46 39 37 63 62 57 48 41 37 69 68 63 56 50 47
1000 67 64 63 61 59 59 65 64 58 50 43 40 66 65 61 52 45 41 72 71 66 58 52 49
600 62 58 56 50 48 45 55 57 48 38 32 29 59 59 52 43 38 35 63 64 63 54 47 46
800 64 61 59 56 53 52 58 58 50 39 33 31 62 61 55 46 39 36 67 67 64 55 49 47
1000 67 64 63 61 59 59 62 60 52 44 38 36 64 63 56 47 41 38 71 69 65 56 50 48
1200 69 68 66 65 63 63 65 63 56 48 42 40 67 65 58 50 43 41 73 72 66 58 52 50
1400 70 70 69 69 67 67 69 67 58 51 46 45 71 69 61 53 47 46 76 74 67 60 54 52
1600 72 73 72 72 70 70 72 70 61 54 49 48 73 72 63 56 50 49 78 76 69 62 55 54
800 64 61 59 56 53 52 60 60 52 46 37 32 62 62 55 48 42 38 66 67 65 57 50 49
1000 67 64 63 61 59 59 63 62 54 48 41 38 65 65 57 50 45 42 69 69 66 58 52 50
1218 1200 69 68 66 65 63 63 66 65 57 51 46 44 69 68 60 53 48 46 73 72 67 59 53 51
1400 70 70 69 69 67 67 68 68 59 53 48 47 71 70 62 55 50 48 75 74 68 60 54 53
1600 72 73 72 72 70 70 71 71 62 56 51 50 73 73 64 57 52 50 77 77 69 62 56 55
1800 73 74 73 74 72 72 73 73 64 58 53 52 75 75 66 59 54 53 79 78 71 63 58 56
800 59 55 55 54 51 49 60 57 50 43 34 30 63 61 54 46 40 37 68 66 63 55 49 48
1000 62 60 60 58 56 55 65 60 53 46 36 33 67 63 57 49 42 39 72 69 65 57 51 50
1021 1200 65 63 63 62 60 60 69 64 57 50 42 41 70 67 59 52 45 43 75 72 67 59 52 51
1400 68 65 66 65 63 63 71 67 60 53 45 43 72 69 61 54 47 45 77 74 68 60 54 52
1600 72 69 69 69 66 66 73 69 62 55 47 45 74 71 63 56 50 49 79 76 70 62 55 54
Shaded Unit Sizes (i.e. 0404, 0504, 0606, 0811, 1018) indicate the most commonly specified selections.

• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with ARI Standard 880.
• Sound levels are expressed in decibels, dB re: 1 x 10-12 Watts.
• Fan external static pressure is 0.25 inches w.g.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representa-
tive for complete TCS selection and performance data.

Johnson Controls 15
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
800 59 55 55 54 51 49 59 55 50 41 35 33 61 59 54 46 39 37 66 65 65 58 50 48
1100 64 61 61 60 58 57 63 60 54 45 38 37 65 63 56 49 42 40 70 69 66 59 51 49
1400 68 65 66 65 63 63 68 65 57 50 44 43 70 67 61 52 46 45 74 73 67 60 53 51
1700 73 70 70 70 67 68 71 69 61 53 47 46 73 70 63 55 49 48 77 76 70 62 56 54
2000 77 75 73 74 72 72 75 72 64 57 51 50 76 74 66 58 52 51 80 78 71 64 57 56
2300 80 78 76 78 76 76 78 76 67 61 55 54 79 76 68 62 56 55 82 80 73 65 59 58
1100 64 61 61 60 58 57 65 62 54 46 37 34 68 65 57 49 43 40 71 69 63 56 50 49
1400 68 65 66 65 63 63 69 67 58 50 45 43 72 70 61 53 47 46 75 74 67 59 52 51
1421 1700 73 70 70 70 67 68 72 71 61 54 49 48 74 73 63 56 50 49 78 77 69 61 55 54
2000 77 75 73 74 72 72 76 74 65 58 53 52 77 75 66 58 53 52 80 79 71 63 57 56
2300 80 78 76 78 76 76 78 77 68 61 56 56 79 78 69 61 56 56 82 81 72 65 59 58
1100 64 62 61 60 58 57 64 61 53 45 36 35 67 65 57 48 39 36 71 71 68 57 46 42
1400 69 66 66 65 64 63 68 66 57 49 40 37 70 69 60 52 42 39 74 74 70 58 48 44
1224 1700 72 69 69 68 67 66 70 68 59 52 43 41 72 71 61 54 45 42 76 76 69 60 52 48
2000 76 72 71 72 70 69 74 72 62 55 48 44 75 74 64 58 48 45 78 79 71 61 54 50
2300 78 75 73 75 73 72 76 76 65 58 51 49 77 76 66 60 53 50 80 81 72 63 56 53
1100 64 62 61 60 58 57 64 61 53 45 36 35 67 65 57 48 39 36 71 71 68 57 46 42
1400 69 66 66 65 64 63 68 66 57 49 40 37 70 69 60 52 42 39 74 74 70 58 48 44
1424 1700 72 69 69 68 67 66 70 68 59 52 43 41 72 71 61 54 45 42 76 76 69 60 52 48
2000 76 72 71 72 70 69 74 72 62 55 48 44 75 74 64 58 48 45 78 79 71 61 54 50
2300 78 75 73 75 73 72 76 76 65 58 51 49 77 76 66 60 53 50 80 81 72 63 56 53
2600 80 77 75 77 75 74 77 78 67 60 53 51 78 78 67 61 54 52 81 81 72 64 57 54
1100 59 61 55 49 48 45 60 57 48 40 33 33 61 58 51 42 36 33 67 62 58 50 40 35
1500 62 63 57 52 52 49 64 60 52 43 35 34 65 61 54 45 39 35 73 66 62 52 44 40
1900 65 66 62 57 57 56 65 63 54 47 39 35 67 64 56 46 41 38 74 68 64 54 47 43
2300 68 69 65 61 61 61 70 67 59 51 43 39 71 67 60 52 44 40 77 71 66 56 50 46
1100 59 61 55 49 48 45 61 57 48 40 34 34 63 59 50 42 34 33 68 62 56 48 37 34
1500 62 63 57 52 52 49 65 60 52 44 35 34 66 61 53 45 35 33 73 66 60 50 39 35
1900 65 66 62 57 57 56 68 64 55 47 36 35 70 65 57 48 38 34 75 68 62 52 40 36
2300 68 69 65 61 61 61 69 66 57 50 42 38 71 67 59 51 43 39 77 71 66 56 46 43
2700 71 71 69 65 65 65 72 69 60 53 45 41 74 69 62 54 48 44 79 73 67 58 51 48
3100 74 74 72 70 70 70 76 71 63 56 49 46 76 72 64 57 50 46 82 76 69 60 53 50
1500 62 63 57 52 52 49 62 60 49 42 34 31 64 61 52 45 40 37 72 67 62 53 49 48
1900 65 66 62 57 57 56 67 62 54 46 35 32 69 64 56 48 42 38 74 69 63 54 50 49
1630 2300 68 69 65 61 61 61 69 65 57 50 40 35 71 67 58 51 44 39 76 71 66 56 51 49
2700 71 71 69 65 65 65 71 67 59 52 45 40 73 69 61 53 46 42 78 72 66 57 53 50
3100 74 74 72 70 70 70 73 70 61 54 48 44 75 71 63 55 49 44 80 75 68 59 54 51
1600 62 59 57 53 53 52 62 57 50 42 31 29 64 59 53 40 32 29 72 65 61 50 38 33
2100 65 63 62 58 58 58 65 61 54 45 34 31 69 63 57 47 34 30 75 69 64 54 44 40
2600 68 66 66 62 62 63 70 65 58 48 37 33 71 66 60 50 39 34 78 72 66 56 46 42
3100 71 70 69 66 67 68 74 70 62 50 39 35 75 71 63 55 44 41 80 75 69 59 51 47
1600 62 59 57 53 53 52 61 58 50 43 38 36 63 61 53 45 38 37 72 67 61 52 44 39
2100 65 63 62 58 58 58 66 61 55 48 40 39 68 63 57 49 40 38 74 70 64 55 46 41
1640 2600 68 66 66 62 62 63 69 64 57 50 42 41 71 67 60 53 44 40 77 72 66 56 48 45
3100 71 70 69 66 67 68 74 70 62 55 46 44 75 71 63 56 46 42 79 75 68 60 51 47
3600 74 73 72 70 71 71 77 73 66 59 52 47 78 73 66 58 51 47 82 77 71 63 55 50
4100 77 76 75 73 74 75 81 77 69 62 54 51 81 77 70 62 54 52 84 80 74 65 58 55
2100 67 64 63 61 57 56 64 60 53 46 37 29 66 62 56 49 40 35 73 68 65 57 51 45
2600 70 67 68 65 62 61 67 63 56 49 40 37 69 65 59 51 42 38 75 71 67 59 52 47
1644 3100 72 70 71 69 66 65 71 67 60 53 43 40 72 68 61 53 44 40 77 73 69 60 54 49
3600 74 73 73 72 70 69 75 71 63 55 49 46 75 72 64 56 50 47 80 76 71 63 56 52
4100 77 76 76 76 73 73 77 74 66 58 52 50 78 74 67 58 53 51 82 78 72 64 57 54
2100 67 64 63 61 57 56 60 58 53 46 39 35 64 61 59 51 45 41 71 68 68 63 58 56
2600 70 67 68 65 62 61 63 61 55 48 42 37 67 64 62 53 47 44 73 71 69 66 60 57
3100 72 70 71 69 66 65 68 65 58 52 46 40 70 66 65 56 50 46 78 74 70 68 62 60
3600 74 73 73 72 70 69 73 69 61 56 49 42 74 70 67 59 52 50 80 76 72 71 65 64
4100 77 76 76 76 73 73 76 72 64 58 51 44 77 73 68 61 55 53 83 79 74 74 68 67
4600 80 79 78 79 76 76 79 77 66 61 54 46 81 77 70 64 59 58 86 81 76 75 70 69
Shaded Unit Sizes (i.e. 1221, 1430, 1640) indicate the most commonly specified selections.

• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with ARI Standard 880.
• Sound levels are expressed in decibels, dB re: 1 x 10-12 Watts.
• Fan external static pressure is 0.25 inches w.g.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and performance data.

16 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)



The fan curves depicted on this page are for PSC type motors. Each fan curve depicts the actual performance for
the relative motor tap without any additional fan balance adjustment. Actual specified capacities which fall below a
particular fan curve (LOW, MED or HI) can be obtained by adjustment of the electronic fan speed controller. Selections
should only be made in the non-shaded areas. The minimum external static pressure requirement is shown for each
fan assembly. The unit fan should not be energized prior to realizing this minimum external static pressure.

Terminals equipped with a hot-water heating coil require the addition of the coil pressure drop to the specified external static
pressure before making the fan selection.

E.S.P. E.S.P.
(IN. W.G.) UNIT SIZES 0404, 0504, 0604 (IN. W.G.) UNIT SIZES 0506, 0606, 0806
0.8 0.9

0.7 0.8

0.3 HI
0.2 LOW
0.1 TAP
0.1 MED
0.0 0.0
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700

Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air) Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air)

(IN. W.G.) UNIT SIZES 0611, 0811, 1011









400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300

Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air)

Johnson Controls 17
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


E.S.P. UNIT SIZES 0818, 1018, 1218 E.S.P. UNIT SIZES 1021, 1221, 1421
(IN. W.G.) (IN. W.G.)
0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 HI TAP
0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300

Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air) Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air)

E.S.P. UNIT SIZES 1224, 1424 E.S.P. UNIT SIZES 1230, 1430, 1630
(IN. W.G.) (IN. W.G.)
1.2 0.9

1.1 0.8
0.8 0.6
0.6 HI

0.4 LOW TAP 0.3

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400

Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air) Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air)

E.S.P. UNIT SIZES 1440, 1640 E.S.P. UNIT SIZES 1644, 1844
(IN. W.G.) (IN. W.G.)
1.0 1.1

0.9 1.0

0.8 0.9

HI 0.5
0.3 TAP
TAP 0.3
0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800

Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air) Airflow/CFM (Standard Density Air)

18 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


THE ENERGY EFFICIENT SOLUTION allow field changes of the fan capacity as the need
arises. Fan volume can be field calibrated in two fash-
Johnson Controls offers an alternative to the PSC motor ions. First, a potentiometer is provided allowing
that significantly increases the operating efficiency of manual adjustment using an instrument type screw-
fan terminal units. This motor is frequently referred to driver. In addition, the fan volume can be calibrated
as an ECM™ (electronically commutated motor). It is through the BMS using an analog output (2 to 10VDC
a brushless DC (BLDC) motor utilizing a permanent typical) to the speed controller. A fan volume verses
magnet rotor. The motor has been in production for DC volts calibration chart is provided.
years and is commonly used in residential HVAC units.
Fan speed control is accomplished through a micropro- Designer / Owner Flexibility
cessor based variable speed controller (inverter) integral The ECM™ incorporates ball bearings in lieu of sleeve
to the motor. The motor provides peak efficiency rat- bearings typically utilized with an induction motor.
ings between 70 & 80% for most applications. Unlike a sleeve bearing motor, the ECM™ does not
have a minimum RPM requirement for bearing
ECM™ FEATURES AND BENEFITS lubrication. This allows it to operate over a
much wider speed range. One
Ultra-High Motor & Controller Energy Efficiency motor can handle the capacity
DC motors are significantly more efficient than AC range previously handled by two
motors. At full load the ECM™ is typically 20% more motors, allowing simplification
efficient than a standard induction motor. Due to acous- of the product line and con-
tical considerations, the fan motor on a fan powered siderable flexibility to the
terminal typically operates considerably less than full designer. The owner also
load. At this condition the overall motor / controller benefits since equipment
(SCR) efficiency can be cut in half. Due to the perma- changes are much less
nent magnet, DC design, the ECM™ maintains a high likely with tenant require-
efficiency at low speeds. Most fan powered unit selec- ment changes. A reduced
tions will have an overall efficiency greater than 75%. spare parts inventory is
Furthermore, the motor heat gain is greatly reduced another plus.
providing additional energy savings by reducing the cold
primary air requirement. Custom Applications —
Programmable Fan Operation
Pressure Independent Fan Volume Boundless control opportunities arise due to the control-
The integral microprocessor based controller includes a lability of a DC motor combined with an integral
feature that provides sensorless (no external feedback) microprocessor. Various input signals can direct the
constant airflow operation by automatically adjusting the motor to behave in an application specific mode. For
speed and torque in response to system pressure instance, multiple discrete fan capacities can be
changes. This breakthrough will no doubt have far reach- achieved. In addition, the fan speed can be varied in
ing benefits and endless applications. For starters, the response to the space temperature load. The fan can
fan volume supplied to the space will not significantly also be programmed for a soft start. The motor starts
change as a filter becomes loaded. This provides new at a very low speed and slowly ramps up to the required
opportunities for medical applications where space pres- speed. This is especially beneficial for parallel flow fan
surization and HEPA filters are applied. The air balance terminals since the perceived change in space sound
process will become simpler and more accurate since levels is lessened.
the fan volume will not need to be re-adjusted after the
diffuser balance is accomplished. Extended Motor Life
The high motor efficiency provides a significantly
Factory Calibrated Fan Volume reduced operating temperature compared to an induc-
Due to the pressure independent feature, the fan tion motor. The lower temperature increases the
capacity can now be calibrated at the factory. Within longevity of all electrical components and therefore the
the published external pressure limits, the fan motor will life of the motor. The ball bearings do not require lubri-
automatically adjust to account for the varying static cation and do not adversely impact the motor life. Most
pressure requirements associated with different fan powered applications will provide a motor life
downstream duct configurations. This feature should between 60,000 and 100,000 hours. A motor life of
not preclude the final field air balance verification pro- twenty five years will not be uncommon for a series flow
cess during the commissioning stage of a project. An fan terminal and a longer life can be expected for a
electronic (PWM) speed control device is provided to parallel flow unit.

Johnson Controls 19
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


Most variable speed electronic devices,
3-PHASE including the ECM™ operate with a
(IN W.G.) FAN ONLY 0.5" INLET 1.0" INLET 3.0" INLET AMPS rectified and filtered AC power. As a
Ps Ps Ps
200 0.07 -- -- 20 28 result of the power conditioning, the
0611 300
input current draw is not sinusoidal;
120 5.0 N/A
500 0.40 -- 28 33 37 rather, the current is drawn in pulses at
400 0.03 -- 20 24 33
500 0.05 -- 23 27 35 the peaks of the AC voltage. This pul-
0811 600
sating current includes high frequency
900 0.14 25 35 37 41
277 2.6 5.4 components called harmonics.
600 0.03 -- 26 30 37
1011 800 0.06 22 33 36 41
Harmonic currents circulate on the delta
0818 800 0.19 -- 31 32 39 side of a Delta-Wye distribution trans-
1000 0.30 23 35 36 42
600 0.02 -- 26 28 38 120 7.7 N/A former. On the Wye side of the
800 0.04 -- 27 31 39
1000 0.06 23 30 33 40
transformer, these harmonic currents
1200 0.08 27 33 36 43 1/2 are additive on the neutral conductor. A
1400 0.11 30 38 40 46
1500 0.14 31 39 41 47 transformer used in this type of applica-
800 0.02 -- 30 32 40
1000 0.03 23 32 36 41 277 4.1 7.2 tion must be sized to carry the output
1218 1200 0.05 26 36 39 43 KVA that will include the KVA due to
1400 0.06 30 39 41 46
1500 0.07 31 40 43 48 circulating currents.
600 0.04 -- 20 24 35
800 0.06 -- 26 31 38
Careful design must be provided when
1400 0.18 26 38 40 46
9.6 N/A
connecting single-phase products to
1600 0.24 29 40 42 48
600 0.01 -- 20 24 35 three-phase systems to avoid potential
problems such as overheating of neutral
1221 3/4
1400 0.06 26 36 38 45 wiring conductors, connectors, and
1700 0.09 31 40 41 48
2000 0.13 35 43 46 51 transformers. In addition, design con-
600 0.01 -- 20 24 35
800 0.02 -- 24 28 40
sideration must be provided to address
277 5.5 10.9
1100 0.04 21 32 36 40 the degradation of power quality by the
1400 0.06 26 38 41 46
1700 0.09 31 42 45 50 creation of wave shape distortion.
2000 0.13 35 46 47 52
1400 0.06 26 37 40 46
1700 0.09 29 39 42 48
12.8 N/A In summary, proper consideration must
2000 0.12 32 43 46 52
2300 0.17 35 48 48 55
be given to the power distribution trans-
1400 0.04 26 37 40 46
1700 0.08 29 39 42 48 former selection and ground neutral
1424 277 6.9 13.3
conductor design to accommodate the
1600 0.06 -- 26 28 37 3-phase neutral AMPs shown in the
2100 0.10 22 31 33 41
2600 0.14 27 36 37 45 120 15.4 N/A adjacent table. Specific guidelines are
3100 0.20 31 41 42 47 2 available from the factory.
1600 0.04 -- 27 31 38 @
2100 0.07 22 31 33 41 1/2
1640 2600 0.11 27 35 38 43
277 8.2 14.2
3100 0.15 31 41 42 47
3400 0.19 33 43 44 49


1. Min. ΔPs is the static pressure difference across the primary air valve with the ATTENUATION VALUES 2 3 4 5 6 7
Small Box (< 300 CFM) 24 28 39 53 59 40
damper wide open. All downstream losses (including optional hot water coil) are Medium Box (300-700 CFM) 27 29 40 51 53 39
handled by the unit fan and need not be considered for primary air performance Large Box (> 700 CFM) 29 30 41 51 52 39

calculations. Data is certified in accordance with the ARI 880 certification pro- RADIATED OCTAVE BAND
gram. Type 2 - Mineral Fiber Ceiling 18 19 20 26 31 36
2. NC values calculated based upon the 2002 Addendum to ARI Standard 885
Appendix E Typical Sound Attenuation Values (shown at right).
3. Calculate wire feeder size and maximum overcurrent protective device per NEC
and local code requirements. Recommended fuse type shall be UL Class RK5,
J, CC or other motor rated fuse.
4. Neutral harmonic current contribution for each 3-phase balanced load of motors
at full speed.
5. Includes factory provided 2mH choke for power factor correction.

20 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)



(IN. W.G.) UNIT SIZES 0611, 0811, 1011
The fan curves depicted on this page are for ECM™
type motors. Actual specified capacities which fall below
the fan curve can be obtained by adjustment of the fan
speed controller. Selections should only be made in
the non-shaded areas. The minimum external static
0.6 pressure requirement is shown for each fan assembly.
0.5 The unit fan should not be energized prior to realizing
0.4 this minimum external static pressure.

0.2 Terminals equipped with a hot water heating coil require

0.1 the addition of the coil pressure drop to the specified
0.0 external static pressure before making the fan selection.
150 300 450 600 750 900
AIRFLOW / CFM (Standard Density Air)

E.S.P. E.S.P.
UNIT SIZES 0818, 1018, 1218 UNIT SIZES 1224, 1424
(IN W.G.) (IN. W.G.)
1.0 1.0

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400

AIRFLOW / CFM (Standard Density Air) AIRFLOW / CFM (Standard Density Air)

E.S.P. E.S.P.
UNIT SIZES 1021, 1221, 1421 UNIT SIZES 1440, 1640
(IN W.G.) (IN W.G.)
1.0 1.0

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500
AIRFLOW / CFM (Standard Density Air) AIRFLOW / CFM (Standard Density Air)

Johnson Controls 21
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals



(IN. W.G.) (IN. W.G.)
0404 150 400 125 0.02 0.10
0504 250 400 125 0.02 0.10
0604 400 400 125 0.19 0.10
0506 250 550 175 0.03 0.10
0606 400 550 175 0.19 0.10
0806 550 550 175 0.09 0.10
0611 400 1100 485 0.27 0.10
0811 700 1100 485 0.10 0.10
1011 1100 1100 485 0.11 0.10
0818 700 1600 665 0.15 0.10
1018 1100 1600 665 0.08 0.10
1218 1600 1600 665 0.07 0.10
1021 1100 2100 1055 0.12 0.10
1221 1600 2100 1055 0.07 0.10
1421 2100 2100 1055 0.14 0.10
1224 1600 2600 1060 0.08 0.20
1424 2100 2600 1060 0.11 0.20
1230 1600 2800 960 0.07 0.20
1430 2100 2800 960 0.06 0.20
1630 2800 2800 960 0.07 0.20
1440 2100 3600 1660 0.10 0.25
1640 2800 3600 1660 0.13 0.25
1644 2800 4600 2300 0.09 0.20
1844 3500 4600 2300 0.29 0.20


Hz Octave Band Center Frequency Hz Octave Band Center Frequency Hz Octave Band Center Frequency
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
0404 150 400 65 64 52 46 39 37 68 65 58 50 42 41 62 62 59 60 57 55
0504 250 400 65 64 52 46 39 37 68 65 58 50 42 41 62 62 59 60 57 55
0604 400 400 65 64 52 46 39 37 68 65 58 50 42 41 62 62 59 60 57 55
0506 250 550 65 61 55 49 42 42 68 67 63 55 49 47 66 64 62 63 61 59
0606 400 550 65 61 55 49 42 42 68 67 63 55 49 47 66 64 62 63 61 59
0806 550 550 65 61 55 49 42 42 68 67 63 55 49 47 66 64 62 63 61 59
0611 400 1100 69 66 60 55 47 48 75 73 67 60 51 50 73 68 69 68 65 65
0811 700 1100 69 66 60 55 47 48 75 73 67 60 51 50 73 68 69 68 65 65
1011 1100 1100 69 66 60 55 47 48 75 73 67 60 51 50 73 68 69 68 65 65
0818 700 1600 70 68 59 56 53 52 76 75 67 59 54 52 72 75 74 75 72 72
1018 1100 1600 70 68 59 56 53 52 76 75 67 59 54 52 72 75 74 75 72 72
1218 1600 1600 70 68 59 54 53 51 76 75 67 59 54 52 72 75 74 75 72 72
1021 1100 2100 73 69 62 57 52 52 80 78 69 61 56 55 77 75 74 75 73 73
1221 1600 2100 73 69 62 57 52 52 80 78 69 61 56 55 77 75 74 75 73 73
1421 2100 2100 73 69 62 57 52 52 80 78 69 61 56 55 77 75 74 75 73 73
1224 1600 2600 74 72 64 58 55 55 80 80 70 62 56 53 80 77 75 77 75 74
1424 2100 2600 74 72 64 58 55 55 80 80 70 62 56 53 80 77 75 77 75 74
1230 1600 2800 72 69 61 55 51 49 76 71 64 56 49 45 72 72 70 66 66 66
1430 2100 2800 72 69 61 55 51 49 76 71 64 56 49 45 72 72 70 66 66 66
1630 2800 2800 72 69 61 55 51 49 76 71 64 56 49 45 72 72 70 66 66 66
1440 2100 3600 72 71 65 59 56 56 80 76 68 60 53 49 74 73 72 70 71 71
1640 2800 3600 72 71 65 59 56 56 80 76 68 60 53 49 74 73 72 70 71 71
1644 2800 4600 77 75 67 62 59 58 82 77 73 68 63 61 80 79 78 79 76 76
1844 3500 4600 77 75 67 62 59 58 82 77 73 68 63 61 80 79 78 79 76 76

NOTE: Based on standard PSC motor.

22 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


• cETL listed as an assembly for safety compliance
per UL 1995
• Primary auto-reset high limit
• Secondary high limit
• Hinged control panel
• Ni-Chrome elements
• Primary/secondary power terminations
• Fusing per NEC
• Wiring diagram and ETL label
• Fan interlock device (relay or P.E. switch)
• Single point power connection
• Available kW increments are as follows:
0.5 to 5.0 kW - .25 kW; 5.0 to 10.0 kW - .50 kW; SELECTION PROCEDURE
Above 10 kW - 1.0 kW With standard heater elements, the maximum capacity (kW)
is obtained by dividing the heating (fan) SCFM by 70. In
OPTIONAL FEATURES other words, the terminal must have at least 70 SCFM per
• Disconnect (toggle or door interlocking) kW. In addition, each size terminal has a maximum allow-
• P.E. switches able kW based upon the specific heater element
• Mercury and magnetic contactors configuration (i.e. voltage, phase, number of steps, etc.).
• Manual reset secondary limit Contact your Johnson Controls representative or refer to the
• Proportional control (SSR) Johnson Controls Windows® based computer selection pro-
• 24 volt control transformer gram for design assistance.
• Airflow switch
Heaters require a minimum of 0.07" w.g. downstream static
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE KW pressure to ensure proper operation.

UNIT SIZE MAX CFM MAX kW For optimum diffuser performance in overhead heating
0404 250 3 applications, the supply air temperature should be within
0504 350 5 20°F of the desired space temperature. This typically
0604 400 5 requires a higher air capacity which provides higher air
0506 350 5 motion in the space increasing thermal comfort. The electric
0606 550 7 heater should be selected with this in mind, keeping the LAT
0806 700 10 as low as possible.
0611 500 7
0811 1000 14 Selection Equations
1011 1200 17 kW = SCFM x ΔT x 1.085*
0818 1000 14 3413
1018 1600 22
1218 1800 25 CFM = kW x 3413
1021 1600 22 ΔT x 1.085*
1221 2300 30
1421 2300 30 ΔT = kW x 3413
1224 2300 20 SCFM x 1.085*
1424 2600 25
1230 2300 20 * Air density at sea level - reduce by 0.036
1430 3100 30 for each 1000 feet of altitude above sea level.
1630 3100 30
1440 3100 30 Calculating Line Amperage
1640 4100 35 Single Phase Amps = kW x 1000
1644 4100 40 Volts
1844 4600 40
Three Phase Amps = kW x 1000
Volts x 1.73

Johnson Controls 23
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals




• Designed, manufactured and tested by Johnson EAT Entering Air Temperature (°F)
Controls LAT Leaving Air Temperature (°F)
• Aluminum fin construction with die-formed spacer EWT Entering Water Temperature (°F)
collars for uniform spacing LWT Leaving Water Temperature (°F)
• Mechanically expanded copper tubes, leak tested CFM Air Capacity (Cubic Feet per Minute)
to 450 PSIG air pressure and rated at 300 PSIG GPM Water Capacity (Gallons per Minute)
working pressure at 200°F MBH 1,000 BTUH
• 1, 2, 3 and 4 row configurations BTUH Coil Heating Capacity
• Male sweat type water connections (British Thermal Units per Hour)
• Top and bottom access plate in coil casing for fan ΔT EWT minus EAT
sizes 04 through 24. Coil access through bottom
casing panel for fan sizes 30, 40 and 44. SELECTION PROCEDURE
Hot Water Coil Performance Tables are based upon a
OPTIONAL FEATURES temperature difference of 115°F between entering water
• Steam coils and entering air. If this ΔT is suitable, proceed directly to
• Multi-circuit coils for reduced water pressure the performance tables for selection. All pertinent perfor-
drop mance data is tabulated.
• Opposite hand water connections


ΔT 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
FACTOR 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.63 0.67 0.71
ΔT 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
FACTOR 0.75 0.79 0.83 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.13 1.17 1.21 1.25 1.29 1.33

The table above gives correction factors for various entering ΔT’s (difference between entering water and entering
air temperatures). Multiply MBH values obtained from selection tables by the appropriate correction factor above
to obtain the actual MBH value. Air and water pressure drop can be read directly from the selection table. The
leaving air and leaving water temperatures can be calculated from the following fundamental formulas:


1.085 x CFM 500 x GPM

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and hot water coil performance data.

24 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


MODEL TCS-WC UNIT SIZES 0404, 0504, 0604

LAT (°F) LWT (°F)
Rate Air PD Rate Water PD (FT. W.G.) (MBH)
(CFM) (IN. W.G.) (GPM) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
0.5 0.3 0.1 115.0 135.7 157.8 148.6 5.4 7.7
1 1.0 0.3 120.3 144.6 167.7 162.3 6.0 8.6
1 Row 0.01 2 3.5 1.0 123.5 149.8 173.5 170.6 6.3 9.2
2 Row 0.01 3 7.5 2.1 124.7 151.7 175.6 173.6 6.5 9.4
4 12.7 3.5 125.4 152.7 176.6 175.1 6.5 9.5
5 -- 5.3 -- 153.3 -- 176.1 -- 9.6
0.5 0.3 0.1 105.7 123.2 152.9 141.4 6.6 9.5
1 1.0 0.3 111.3 133.3 164.6 157.2 7.5 11.1
1 Row 0.01 2 3.5 1.0 114.8 139.7 171.7 167.5 8.1 12.1
2 Row 0.02 3 7.5 2.1 116.1 142.2 174.3 171.4 8.3 12.5
4 12.7 3.5 116.8 143.4 175.7 173.4 8.4 12.7
5 -- 5.3 -- 144.3 -- 174.7 -- 12.9
0.5 0.3 0.1 99.7 114.5 149.2 136.2 7.5 10.7
1 1.0 0.3 105.2 125.1 162.1 153.3 8.7 13.0
1 Row 0.02 2 3.5 1.0 108.9 132.2 170.2 165.1 9.5 14.6
2 Row 0.04 3 7.5 2.1 110.3 135.0 173.3 169.6 9.8 15.2
4 12.7 3.5 111.0 136.5 174.9 172.0 10.0 15.5
5 -- 5.3 -- 137.4 -- 173.5 -- 15.7
0.5 0.3 0.1 95.4 108.2 146.3 132.3 8.2 11.7
1 1.0 0.3 100.9 118.8 160.1 150.1 9.7 14.6
1 Row 0.03 2 3.5 1.0 104.5 126.3 169.0 163.0 10.7 16.6
2 Row 0.06 3 7.5 2.1 106.0 129.3 172.4 168.1 11.1 17.4
4 12.7 3.5 106.7 130.9 174.2 170.8 11.3 17.8
5 -- 5.3 -- 131.9 -- 172.5 -- 18.1
0.5 0.3 0.1 92.2 103.3 143.9 129.2 8.8 12.5
1 1.0 0.3 97.5 113.8 158.4 147.5 10.6 15.9
1 Row 0.04 2 3.6 1.0 101.1 121.5 167.9 161.2 11.7 18.4
2 Row 0.08 3 7.5 2.1 102.6 124.6 171.6 166.7 12.2 19.4
4 12.7 3.5 103.4 126.3 173.6 169.8 12.5 19.9
5 -- 5.3 -- 127.4 -- 171.7 -- 20.3
0.5 0.3 0.1 89.6 99.5 141.9 126.7 9.3 13.1
1 1.0 0.3 94.8 109.8 156.9 145.3 11.3 17.0
1 Row 0.05 2 3.6 1.0 98.4 117.5 167.0 159.6 12.7 19.9
2 Row 0.11 3 7.5 2.1 99.9 120.7 170.9 165.5 13.2 21.1
4 12.7 3.6 100.7 122.5 173.0 168.8 13.5 21.8
5 -- 5.3 -- 123.7 -- 170.9 -- 22.2
0.5 0.3 0.1 87.5 96.4 140.1 124.6 9.7 13.6
1 1.0 0.3 92.5 106.4 155.5 143.3 11.9 17.9
1 Row 0.07 2 3.6 1.0 96.1 114.1 166.1 158.2 13.5 21.3
2 Row 0.14 3 7.5 2.1 97.6 117.4 170.3 164.5 14.1 22.7
4 12.7 3.6 98.4 119.2 172.6 167.9 14.5 23.5
5 -- 5.3 -- 120.4 -- 170.1 -- 24.0

1. Data is based on 180°F entering water and 65°F entering air temperature at sea level. See selection procedure for other
2. For optimum diffuser performance in overhead heating applications, the supply air temperature should be within 20°F of the
desired space temperature. This typically requires a higher air capacity which provides higher air motion in the space,
increasing thermal comfort. The hot water coil should be selected with this in mind, keeping the LAT as low as possible.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and hot water coil performance data.

Johnson Controls 25
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


MODEL TCS-WC UNIT SIZES 0606, 0806, 0611, 0811, 1011

LAT (°F) LWT (°F)
Rate Air PD Rate Water PD (FT. W.G.) (MBH)
(CFM) (IN. W.G.) (GPM) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
0.5 0.4 0.1 107.4 124.1 142.5 127.8 9.2 12.8
1 1.2 0.4 114.1 136.1 158.2 148.5 10.6 15.4
1 Row 0.01 2 4.4 1.2 118.4 143.5 168.1 162.5 11.6 17.0
2 Row 0.02 3 9.2 2.6 120.0 146.3 171.8 167.9 11.9 17.6
4 15.5 4.4 120.9 147.7 173.8 170.8 12.1 17.9
5 - 6.6 - 148.6 - 172.6 - 18.1
0.5 0.4 0.1 98.5 111.3 135.5 118.7 10.9 15.1
1 1.2 0.4 105.3 124.0 153.2 140.8 13.1 19.2
1 Row 0.02 2 4.4 1.2 109.7 132.6 165.1 157.5 14.5 22.0
2 Row 0.03 3 9.2 2.6 111.5 136.0 169.6 164.2 15.1 23.1
4 15.5 4.4 112.5 137.8 172.1 167.8 15.4 23.7
5 - 6.6 - 139.0 - 170.1 - 24.0
0.5 0.4 0.1 93.0 103.2 130.5 112.7 12.1 16.5
1 1.2 0.4 99.5 115.6 149.4 135.2 14.9 21.9
1 Row 0.03 2 4.4 1.2 104.0 124.8 162.7 153.5 16.9 25.9
2 Row 0.06 3 9.2 2.6 105.8 128.5 167.9 161.2 17.7 27.5
4 15.5 4.4 106.8 130.5 170.7 165.4 18.1 28.4
5 - 6.6 - 131.8 - 168.1 - 28.9
0.5 0.4 0.1 89.1 97.5 126.7 108.5 13.1 17.6
1 1.2 0.4 95.4 109.4 146.4 130.9 16.4 24.0
1 Row 0.04 2 4.4 1.2 99.8 118.7 160.6 150.2 18.9 29.1
2 Row 0.08 3 9.2 2.6 101.7 122.6 166.4 158.7 19.9 31.2
4 15.5 4.4 102.7 124.8 169.5 163.4 20.4 32.4
5 - 6.6 - 126.2 - 166.4 - 33.1
0.5 0.4 0.1 86.2 93.3 123.7 105.3 13.8 18.4
1 1.2 0.4 92.2 104.6 143.8 127.5 17.7 25.7
1 Row 0.06 2 4.4 1.2 96.6 113.9 158.9 147.5 20.6 31.8
2 Row 0.12 3 9.2 2.6 98.5 117.9 165.1 156.5 21.7 34.4
4 15.5 4.4 99.5 120.2 168.5 161.6 22.4 35.9
5 - 6.6 - 121.6 - 164.9 - 36.8
0.5 0.4 0.1 84.0 90.1 121.2 102.8 14.4 19.0
1 1.2 0.4 89.7 100.8 141.7 124.7 18.7 27.1
1 Row 0.08 2 4.4 1.2 94.0 110.0 157.4 145.1 22.0 34.1
2 Row 0.15 3 9.2 2.6 95.9 114.1 164.0 154.6 23.4 37.2
4 15.5 4.4 96.9 116.4 167.6 160.0 24.2 38.9
5 - 6.6 - 117.9 - 163.5 - 40.1
0.5 0.4 0.1 82.2 87.5 119.1 100.8 14.9 19.5
1 1.2 0.4 87.7 97.7 139.8 122.3 19.7 28.3
1 Row 0.10 2 4.4 1.2 91.9 106.7 156.1 143.1 23.3 36.1
2 Row 0.19 3 9.2 2.6 93.7 110.8 163.0 152.9 24.9 39.7
4 15.5 4.4 94.7 113.1 166.8 158.6 25.8 41.7
5 - 6.6 - 114.6 - 162.3 - 43.0
0.5 0.4 0.1 80.8 85.4 117.4 99.1 15.4 19.9
1 1.2 0.4 86.0 95.1 138.1 120.3 20.5 29.3
1 Row 0.12 2 4.4 1.2 90.1 103.9 154.9 141.3 24.5 37.9
2 Row 0.24 3 9.2 2.6 91.9 108.0 162.0 151.4 26.2 41.9
4 15.5 4.4 92.9 110.3 166.0 157.4 27.2 44.2
5 - 6.6 - 111.9 - 161.3 - 45.7
0.5 0.4 0.1 79.6 83.7 115.8 97.7 15.8 20.3
1 1.2 0.4 84.6 92.9 136.7 118.5 21.2 30.2
1 Row 0.14 2 4.4 1.2 88.6 101.5 153.8 139.6 25.6 39.5
2 Row 0.29 3 9.2 2.6 90.4 105.5 161.2 150.0 27.5 43.9
4 15.5 4.4 91.4 107.9 165.3 156.2 28.6 46.5
5 - 6.6 - 109.4 - 160.3 - 48.1
0.5 0.4 0.1 78.5 82.3 114.4 96.5 16.1 20.6
1 1.2 0.4 83.3 91.0 135.4 116.9 21.9 31.0
1 Row 0.17 2 4.4 1.2 87.3 99.4 152.8 138.2 26.6 40.9
2 Row 0.34 3 9.2 2.6 89.0 103.4 160.4 148.8 28.6 45.7
4 15.5 4.4 90.0 105.7 164.7 155.1 29.8 48.5
5 - 6.6 - 107.3 - 159.3 - 50.4
1. Data is based on 180°F entering water and 65°F entering air temperature at sea level. See selection procedure for other
2. For optimum diffuser performance in overhead heating applications, the supply air temperature should be within 20°F of the
desired space temperature. This typically requires a higher air capacity which provides higher air motion in the space,
increasing thermal comfort. The hot water coil should be selected with this in mind, keeping the LAT as low as possible.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and hot water coil performance data.

26 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


MODEL TCS-WC UNIT SIZES 0818, 1018, 1218, 1021, 1221, 1421


LAT (°F) LWT (°F)
Rate Air PD Rate Water PD (FT. W.G.) (MBH)
(CFM) (IN. W.G.) (GPM) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
0.5 0.4 0.1 86.4 92.7 113.8 94.8 16.3 21.0
1 1.4 0.4 93.2 105.2 136.3 118.0 21.4 30.5
1 Row 0.04 2 4.9 1.4 98.4 115.7 154.1 140.7 25.3 38.5
2 Row 0.09 3 10.3 2.9 100.5 120.4 161.6 151.3 26.9 42.0
4 17.4 4.9 101.7 122.9 165.7 157.5 27.8 43.9
5 - 7.4 - 124.6 - 161.5 - 45.2
0.5 0.4 0.1 84.4 89.8 111.5 92.6 16.8 21.5
1 1.4 0.4 91.0 101.7 134.1 115.2 22.5 31.8
1 Row 0.05 2 4.9 1.4 96.0 112.2 152.5 138.2 26.9 40.9
2 Row 0.11 3 10.3 2.9 98.2 116.9 160.4 149.3 28.7 44.9
4 17.4 4.9 99.3 119.5 164.7 155.8 29.8 47.2
5 - 7.4 - 121.2 - 160.0 - 48.7
0.5 0.4 0.1 81.4 85.6 107.7 89.4 17.8 22.3
1 1.4 0.4 87.4 96.4 130.4 110.9 24.3 34.0
1 Row 0.08 2 4.9 1.4 92.3 106.5 149.7 134.1 29.6 44.9
2 Row 0.16 3 10.3 2.9 94.4 111.2 158.2 145.9 31.9 50.0
4 17.4 4.9 95.6 113.9 163.0 152.9 33.1 53.0
5 - 7.4 - 115.7 - 157.5 - 54.9
0.5 0.4 0.1 79.2 82.6 104.8 87.1 18.5 22.9
1 1.4 0.4 84.8 92.4 127.4 107.5 25.8 35.7
1 Row 0.11 2 4.9 1.4 89.5 102.1 147.4 130.8 31.9 48.2
2 Row 0.23 3 10.3 2.9 91.6 106.7 156.4 143.0 34.5 54.2
4 17.4 4.9 92.7 109.5 161.5 150.4 36.1 57.8
5 - 7.4 - 111.3 - 155.3 - 60.1
0.5 0.4 0.1 77.6 80.4 102.5 85.3 19.1 23.4
1 1.4 0.4 82.8 89.4 124.9 104.9 27.0 37.0
1 Row 0.15 2 4.9 1.4 87.3 98.6 145.4 128.1 33.8 50.9
2 Row 0.30 3 10.3 2.9 89.3 103.1 154.8 140.6 36.9 57.9
4 17.4 4.9 90.5 105.9 160.2 148.3 38.6 62.0
5 - 7.4 - 107.7 - 153.5 - 64.7
0.5 0.4 0.1 76.3 78.7 100.6 83.9 19.5 23.7
1 1.4 0.4 81.2 87.0 122.9 102.7 28.0 38.0
1 Row 0.19 2 4.9 1.4 85.5 95.7 143.7 125.7 35.5 53.2
2 Row 0.38 3 10.3 2.9 87.5 100.2 153.4 138.5 38.9 61.0
4 17.4 4.9 88.6 102.9 159.0 146.4 40.9 65.7
5 - 7.4 - 104.7 - 151.8 - 68.8
0.5 0.4 0.1 75.2 77.3 99.0 82.8 19.9 24.0
1 1.4 0.4 79.8 85.0 121.0 100.9 28.9 38.9
1 Row 0.23 2 4.9 1.4 84.0 93.3 142.2 123.7 37.0 55.2
2 Row 0.47 3 10.3 2.9 85.9 97.7 152.2 136.6 40.8 63.7
4 17.4 4.9 87.0 100.3 158.0 144.8 42.9 68.9
5 - 7.4 - 102.1 - 150.3 - 72.4
0.5 0.4 0.1 74.4 76.2 97.7 81.9 20.3 24.2
1 1.4 0.4 78.7 83.3 119.4 99.4 29.7 39.7
1 Row 0.28 2 4.9 1.4 82.7 91.3 140.8 121.9 38.4 57.0
2 Row 0.56 3 10.3 2.9 84.6 95.5 151.0 134.9 42.4 66.2
4 17.4 4.9 85.7 98.2 157.0 143.3 44.8 71.9
5 - 7.4 - 99.9 - 149.0 - 75.7

1. Data is based on 180°F entering water and 65°F entering air temperature at sea level. See selection procedure for other
2. For optimum diffuser performance in overhead heating applications, the supply air temperature should be within 20°F of the
desired space temperature. This typically requires a higher air capacity which provides higher air motion in the space,
increasing thermal comfort. The hot water coil should be selected with this in mind, keeping the LAT as low as possible.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and hot water coil performance data.

Johnson Controls 27
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals



LAT (°F) LWT (°F)
Rate Air PD Rate Water PD (FT. W.G.) (MBH)
(CFM) (IN. W.G.) (GPM) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
0.5 0.6 0.2 84.5 88.3 94.4 77.7 21.1 25.3
1 2.0 0.6 92.7 102.2 118.9 98.1 30.0 40.3
1 Row 0.03 2 7.1 2.0 99.4 115.5 141.9 124.3 37.3 54.7
2 Row 0.06 3 14.6 4.2 102.4 121.5 152.4 138.3 40.5 61.2
4 24.5 7.0 104.0 125.0 158.3 146.8 42.2 65.0
5 - 10.5 - 127.2 - 152.4 - 67.3
0.5 0.6 0.2 81.8 84.8 91.2 75.6 21.9 25.8
1 2.0 0.6 89.5 97.5 115.2 94.3 31.8 42.2
1 Row 0.04 2 7.1 2.0 96.0 110.3 138.8 120.0 40.3 58.9
2 Row 0.08 3 14.6 4.2 98.9 116.5 149.9 134.5 44.1 66.9
4 24.5 7.0 100.6 120.0 156.3 143.4 46.3 71.5
5 - 10.5 - 122.3 - 149.5 - 74.5
0.5 0.6 0.2 79.8 82.2 88.7 74.2 22.5 26.2
1 2.0 0.6 87.0 93.8 112.1 91.3 33.4 43.7
1 Row 0.05 2 7.1 2.0 93.3 106.2 136.1 116.5 43.0 62.4
2 Row 0.11 3 14.6 4.2 96.2 112.3 147.7 131.2 47.3 71.7
4 24.5 7.0 97.8 115.9 154.5 140.6 49.8 77.2
5 - 10.5 - 118.3 - 146.9 - 80.8
0.5 0.6 0.2 78.3 80.2 86.7 73.1 23.0 26.4
1 2.0 0.6 85.0 90.9 109.6 89.0 34.6 44.9
1 Row 0.07 2 7.1 2.0 91.1 102.7 133.8 113.5 45.2 65.4
2 Row 0.13 3 14.6 4.2 93.9 108.8 145.8 128.4 50.1 75.9
4 24.5 7.0 95.6 112.4 152.9 138.0 53.0 82.2
5 - 10.5 - 114.8 - 144.7 - 86.3
0.5 0.6 0.2 77.0 78.7 85.1 72.2 23.4 26.6
1 2.0 0.6 83.3 88.5 107.3 87.0 35.7 45.9
1 Row 0.08 2 7.1 2.0 89.2 99.8 131.8 110.9 47.3 67.9
2 Row 0.17 3 14.6 4.2 92.0 105.8 144.1 125.9 52.7 79.6
4 24.5 7.0 93.6 109.4 151.4 135.8 55.8 86.6
5 - 10.5 - 111.8 - 142.6 - 91.3
0.5 0.6 0.2 76.0 77.4 83.7 71.5 23.8 26.8
1 2.0 0.6 81.9 86.5 105.4 85.4 36.7 46.7
1 Row 0.10 2 7.1 2.0 87.7 97.4 129.9 108.7 49.1 70.1
2 Row 0.20 3 14.6 4.2 90.4 103.2 142.5 123.7 55.0 82.8
4 24.5 7.0 92.0 106.8 150.1 133.7 58.4 90.6
5 - 10.5 - 109.3 - 140.8 - 95.9
0.5 0.6 0.2 75.1 76.3 82.6 71.0 24.0 27.0
1 2.0 0.6 80.8 84.9 103.7 84.1 37.5 47.3
1 Row 0.12 2 7.1 2.0 86.3 95.2 128.3 106.8 50.7 72.0
2 Row 0.24 3 14.6 4.2 89.0 101.0 141.1 121.8 57.1 85.7
4 24.5 7.0 90.5 104.5 148.9 131.9 60.8 94.2
5 - 10.5 - 107.0 - 139.1 - 100.0
0.5 0.6 0.2 74.3 75.4 81.6 70.5 24.3 27.1
1 2.0 0.6 79.7 83.4 102.2 82.9 38.3 47.9
1 Row 0.14 2 7.1 2.0 85.1 93.4 126.8 105.0 52.2 73.8
2 Row 0.28 3 14.6 4.2 87.7 99.0 139.8 120.0 59.0 88.3
4 24.5 7.0 89.3 102.5 147.7 130.3 63.1 97.5
5 - 10.5 - 104.9 - 137.6 - 103.8
1. Data is based on 180°F entering water and 65°F entering air temperature at sea level. See selection procedure for other
2. For optimum diffuser performance in overhead heating applications, the supply air temperature should be within 20°F of the
desired space temperature. This typically requires a higher air capacity which provides higher air motion in the space,
increasing thermal comfort. The hot water coil should be selected with this in mind, keeping the LAT as low as possible.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and hot water coil performance data.

28 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


MODEL TCS-WC UNIT SIZES 1230, 1430, 1630, 1440, 1640

LAT (°F) LWT (°F)
Rate Air PD Rate Water PD (FT. W.G.) (MBH)
(CFM) (IN. W.G.) (GPM) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
0.5 0.7 0.1 80.1 81.8 80.9 69.5 24.5 27.3
1 2.5 0.7 88.3 94.4 103.2 83.2 37.8 47.8
1 Row 0.03 2 8.7 2.5 95.9 108.6 128.8 107.9 50.2 70.9
2 Row 0.06 3 17.9 5.2 99.4 115.9 141.9 123.8 55.9 82.7
4 29.9 8.6 101.4 120.1 149.7 134.3 59.2 89.6
5 -- 12.8 -- 122.9 -- 141.5 -- 94.2
0.5 0.7 0.1 78.5 79.9 79.2 68.8 24.9 27.5
1 2.5 0.7 86.2 91.5 100.6 81.1 39.1 48.8
1 Row 0.04 2 8.7 2.5 93.6 105.2 126.3 104.9 52.6 73.9
2 Row 0.08 3 17.9 5.2 97.1 112.3 139.8 120.8 59.1 87.2
4 29.9 8.6 99.1 116.7 147.9 131.5 62.8 95.1
5 -- 12.8 -- 119.5 -- 139.0 -- 100.4
0.5 0.7 0.1 77.3 78.4 77.8 68.3 25.2 27.6
1 2.5 0.7 84.5 89.1 98.4 79.5 40.2 49.6
1 Row 0.05 2 8.7 2.5 91.7 102.2 124.1 102.3 54.9 76.5
2 Row 0.10 3 17.9 5.2 95.1 109.3 137.8 118.1 61.9 91.1
4 29.9 8.6 97.1 113.6 146.2 129.0 66.1 100.1
5 -- 12.8 -- 116.5 -- 136.7 -- 106.0
0.5 0.7 0.1 76.2 77.2 76.7 67.8 25.5 27.7
1 2.5 0.7 83.1 87.1 96.5 78.1 41.1 50.3
1 Row 0.06 2 8.7 2.5 90.0 99.6 122.1 100.0 56.8 78.8
2 Row 0.12 3 17.9 5.2 93.4 106.6 136.1 115.8 64.5 94.7
4 29.9 8.6 95.4 110.9 144.7 126.7 69.1 104.5
5 -- 12.8 -- 113.9 -- 134.6 -- 111.1
0.5 0.7 0.1 75.3 76.2 75.7 67.5 25.8 27.8
1 2.5 0.7 81.8 85.4 94.8 77.0 42.0 50.9
1 Row 0.07 2 8.7 2.5 88.5 97.4 120.3 98.0 58.6 80.7
2 Row 0.14 3 17.9 5.2 91.9 104.3 134.5 113.7 66.9 97.8
4 29.9 8.6 93.8 108.6 143.3 124.7 71.8 108.5
5 -- 12.8 -- 111.5 -- 132.7 -- 115.8
0.5 0.7 0.1 74.6 75.3 74.9 67.2 26.0 27.9
1 2.5 0.7 80.8 84.0 93.3 76.0 42.7 51.4
1 Row 0.08 2 8.7 2.5 87.3 95.5 118.6 96.3 60.3 82.5
2 Row 0.16 3 17.9 5.2 90.5 102.2 133.0 111.8 69.1 100.6
4 29.9 8.6 92.5 106.4 142.0 122.8 74.4 112.2
5 -- 12.8 -- 109.4 -- 131.0 -- 120.1
0.5 0.7 0.1 73.9 74.6 74.2 67.0 26.1 27.9
1 2.5 0.7 79.8 82.7 92.0 75.2 43.4 51.8
1 Row 0.09 2 8.7 2.5 86.1 93.7 117.1 94.8 61.8 84.0
2 Row 0.18 3 17.9 5.2 89.3 100.3 131.6 110.0 71.1 103.2
4 29.9 8.6 91.3 104.5 140.8 121.1 76.8 115.5
5 -- 12.8 -- 107.4 -- 129.4 -- 124.1
0.5 0.7 0.1 73.4 73.9 73.6 66.8 26.3 28.0
1 2.5 0.7 79.0 81.6 90.8 74.5 44.0 52.1
1 Row 0.10 2 8.7 2.5 85.1 92.2 115.7 93.4 63.1 85.4
2 Row 0.21 3 17.9 5.2 88.2 98.6 130.3 108.5 73.0 105.5
4 29.9 8.6 90.2 102.8 139.6 119.6 79.0 118.6
5 -- 12.8 -- 105.7 -- 127.9 -- 127.8
0.5 0.7 0.1 72.4 72.8 72.6 66.5 26.5 28.1
1 2.6 0.7 77.6 79.7 88.8 73.3 45.0 52.7
1 Row 0.13 2 8.8 2.5 83.3 89.6 113.3 91.0 65.6 87.8
2 Row 0.26 3 18.0 5.2 86.4 95.7 128.0 105.7 76.4 109.7
4 30.1 8.7 88.2 99.7 137.6 116.8 83.1 124.2
5 -- 13.0 -- 102.6 -- 125.2 -- 134.4
0.5 0.7 0.1 71.7 72.0 71.8 66.3 26.7 28.1
1 2.6 0.7 76.4 78.3 87.1 72.4 45.8 53.2
1 Row 0.16 2 8.8 2.6 81.9 87.4 111.1 89.0 67.7 89.7
2 Row 0.32 3 18.1 5.3 84.8 93.2 126.0 103.4 79.5 113.2
4 30.2 8.8 86.6 97.2 135.7 114.4 86.7 129.0
5 -- 13.0 -- 100.0 -- 122.8 -- 140.2
1. Data is based on 180°F entering water and 65°F entering air temperature at sea level. See selection procedure for other
2. For optimum diffuser performance in overhead heating applications, the supply air temperature should be within 20°F of the
desired space temperature. This typically requires a higher air capacity which provides higher air motion in the space,
increasing thermal comfort. The hot water coil should be selected with this in mind, keeping the LAT as low as possible.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and hot water coil performance data.

Johnson Controls 29
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals



LAT (°F) LWT (°F)
Rate Air PD Rate Water PD (FT. W.G.) (MBH)
(CFM) (IN. W.G.) (GPM) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
0.5 0.8 0.1 75.1 75.8 74.0 66.8 26.2 28.0
1 2.7 0.8 81.7 84.9 92.1 75.1 43.4 51.8
1 Row 0.06 2 9.3 2.7 88.6 97.2 117.5 95.2 61.4 83.6
2 Row 0.12 3 19.0 5.5 92.1 104.3 132.1 110.8 70.5 102.1
4 31.8 9.2 94.2 108.8 141.2 122.0 75.9 113.8
5 -- 13.7 -- 111.8 -- 130.3 -- 121.8
0.5 0.8 0.1 73.7 74.3 72.7 66.5 26.5 28.1
1 2.7 0.8 79.7 82.3 89.4 73.5 44.7 52.6
1 Row 0.08 2 9.3 2.7 86.3 93.6 114.4 92.0 64.5 86.7
2 Row 0.16 3 19.1 5.5 89.6 100.4 129.2 107.2 74.7 107.4
4 31.8 9.2 91.7 104.8 138.7 118.5 80.9 120.8
5 -- 13.7 -- 107.9 -- 126.9 -- 130.1
0.5 0.8 0.1 72.7 73.1 71.7 66.2 26.8 28.1
1 2.7 0.8 78.2 80.3 87.3 72.4 45.7 53.2
1 Row 0.10 2 9.3 2.7 84.4 90.7 111.7 89.5 67.1 89.2
2 Row 0.21 3 19.1 5.6 87.6 97.2 126.7 104.3 78.4 111.8
4 31.9 9.3 89.6 101.6 136.4 115.5 85.3 126.7
5 -- 13.8 -- 104.6 -- 124.1 -- 137.2
0.5 0.8 0.1 71.9 72.2 70.9 66.0 27.0 28.2
1 2.7 0.8 77.0 78.8 85.5 71.5 46.6 53.7
1 Row 0.13 2 9.3 2.7 82.8 88.4 109.5 87.5 69.4 91.3
2 Row 0.26 3 19.2 5.6 85.9 94.6 124.5 101.8 81.6 115.5
4 32.0 9.3 87.9 98.8 134.5 112.9 89.2 131.8
5 -- 13.8 -- 101.8 -- 121.5 -- 143.5
0.5 0.8 0.1 71.3 71.5 70.3 65.9 27.1 28.2
1 2.7 0.8 75.9 77.5 84.0 70.7 47.4 54.0
1 Row 0.15 2 9.3 2.7 81.5 86.5 107.5 85.8 71.3 93.0
2 Row 0.31 3 19.2 5.6 84.5 92.4 122.6 99.7 84.5 118.7
4 32.0 9.3 86.4 96.5 132.7 110.7 92.7 136.3
5 -- 13.8 -- 99.4 -- 119.3 -- 149.0
0.5 0.8 0.1 70.7 70.9 69.8 65.8 27.3 28.3
1 2.7 0.8 75.1 76.4 82.8 70.2 48.0 54.3
1 Row 0.18 2 9.3 2.7 80.3 84.8 105.7 84.3 73.1 94.4
2 Row 0.37 3 19.2 5.6 83.3 90.5 120.9 97.8 87.1 121.5
4 32.1 9.3 85.1 94.4 131.1 108.7 95.9 140.3
5 -- 13.9 -- 97.3 -- 117.3 -- 153.9
0.5 0.8 0.1 70.5 70.7 69.5 65.7 27.3 28.3
1 2.7 0.8 74.7 75.9 82.2 69.9 48.3 54.4
1 Row 0.20 2 9.4 2.7 79.8 84.1 104.9 83.7 73.9 95.1
2 Row 0.40 3 19.2 5.6 82.7 89.6 120.1 96.9 88.3 122.7
4 32.1 9.3 84.5 93.5 130.3 107.8 97.4 142.1
5 -- 13.9 -- 96.3 -- 116.4 -- 156.2

1. Data is based on 180°F entering water and 65°F entering air temperature at sea level. See selection procedure for other
2. For optimum diffuser performance in overhead heating applications, the supply air temperature should be within 20°F of the
desired space temperature. This typically requires a higher air capacity which provides higher air motion in the space,
increasing thermal comfort. The hot water coil should be selected with this in mind, keeping the LAT as low as possible.

The Johnson Controls Windows® based Computer Selection Program is available through your Johnson Controls representative
for complete TCS selection and hot water coil performance data.

30 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


GENERAL sound power levels indicated on the schedule. If the

sound data does not meet scheduled criteria, the con-
Furnish and install Johnson Controls Model TCS, or tractor shall be responsible for the provision and
equal, Series Flow Constant Volume Fan Powered installation of any additional equipment or material
Terminals of the sizes and capacities scheduled. Units necessary to achieve the scheduled sound perfor-
shall be ETL listed. Terminals with electric heat shall mance.
be listed as an assembly. Separate listings for the
terminal and electric heater are not acceptable. PRIMARY AIR VALVE
Terminals shall include a single point electrical connec-
tion. Terminal units shall be ARI certified and bear the The primary air valve shall consist of a minimum 22
ARI 880 seal. gauge cylindrical body that includes embossment rings
for rigidity. The damper blade shall be connected to a
The entire unit shall be designed and built as a single solid shaft by means of an integral molded sleeve which
unit. Field-assembled components or built-up terminals does not require screw or bolt fasteners. The shaft
employing components from multiple manufacturers shall be manufactured of a low thermal conducting
are not acceptable. composite material, and include a molded damper posi-
tion indicator visible from the exterior of the unit. The
CONSTRUCTION damper shall pivot in self lubricating bearings. The
damper actuator shall be mounted on the exterior of
Terminals shall be constructed of not less than 22 the terminal for ease of service. The valve assembly
gauge galvanized steel, able to with-stand a 125 hour shall include internal mechanical stops for both full open
salt spray test per ASTM B-117. Stainless steel cas- and closed positions. The damper blade seal shall be
ings, or galvannealed steel casings with a baked secured without use of adhesives. The air valve leak-
enamel paint finish, may be used as an alternative. The age shall not exceed 1% of maximum inlet rated airflow
terminal casing shall be mechanically assembled (spot- at 3” W.G. inlet pressure.
welded casings are not acceptable).
Casing shall be internally lined with 3/4" thick fiberglass
insulation, rated for a maximum air velocity of 5000 f.p.m. For inlet diameters 6" or greater, the differential pressure
Maximum thermal conductivity shall be .24 (BTU • in) / airflow sensor shall traverse the duct along two perpen-
(hr • ft2 • °F). Insulation must meet all requirements of dicular diameters. Cylindrically shaped inlets shall utilize
ASTM C1071 (including C665), UL 181 for erosion, and the equal cross sectional area or log-linear traverse
carry a 25/50 rating for flame spread/smoke developed method. Single axis sensor shall not be acceptable for
per ASTM E-84, UL 723 and NFPA 90A. Raw insulation duct diameters 6" or larger. A minimum of 12 total pres-
edges on the discharge of the unit must be covered with sure sensing points shall be utilized. The total pressure
metal liner to eliminate flaking of insulation during field inputs shall be averaged using a pressure chamber
duct connections. Simple "buttering" of raw edges with located at the center of the sensor. A sensor that deliv-
an approved sealant is not acceptable. ers the differential pressure signal from one end of the
sensor is not acceptable. The sensor shall output an
Casing shall have full bottom access to gain access to amplified differential pressure signal that is at least 2.3
the primary air valve and fan assembly. The opening times the equivalent velocity pressure signal obtained
shall be sufficiently large to allow complete removal of from a conventional pitot tube. The sensor shall devel-
the fan if necessary. The casing shall be constructed op a differential pressure of 0.015" w.g. at an air
in a manner to provide a single rectangular discharge velocity of < 325 FPM. Documentation shall be submit-
collar. Multiple discharge openings are not acceptable. ted which substantiates this requirement. Balancing taps
All appurtenances including control assemblies, control and airflow calibration charts shall be provided for field
enclosures, hot water heating coils, and electric heating airflow measurements.
coils shall not extend beyond the top or bottom of the
unit casing. FAN ASSEMBLY

SOUND The unit fan shall utilize a forward curved, dynamically

balanced, galvanized wheel with a direct drive motor.
The terminal manufacturer shall provide ARI certified The motor shall be permanent split capacitor type with
sound power data for radiated and discharge sound. three separate horsepower taps. Single speed motors
The sound levels shall not exceed the octave band with electronic speed controllers are not acceptable.

Johnson Controls 31
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


The fan motor shall be unpluggable from the electrical power requirement and KW output. Heater shall be
leads at the motor case for simplified removal (open interlocked with fan terminal so as to preclude operation
frame motors only). The motor shall utilize permanently of the heater when the fan is not running.
lubricated sleeve type bearings, include thermal overload
protection and be suitable for use with electronic and/or OPTIONS
mechanical fan speed controllers. The motor shall be
mounted to the fan housing using torsion isolation Foil Faced Insulation
mounts properly isolated to minimize vibration transfer. Insulation shall be covered with scrim backed foil facing.
All insulation edges shall be covered with foil or metal
The terminal shall utilize an electronic (SCR) fan speed nosing. Insulation shall meet ASTM C1136 and ASTM
controller for aid in balancing the fan capacity. The C665 for mold, mildew and humidity resistance.
speed controller shall have a turn down stop to prevent
possibility of harming motor bearings. Elastomeric Closed Cell Foam Insulation
Provide Elastomeric Closed Cell Foam Insulation in lieu
HOT WATER COIL of standard. Insulation shall conform to UL 181 for
erosion and NFPA 90A for fire, smoke and melting, and
Terminal shall include an integral hot water coil where comply with a 25/50 Flame Spread and Smoke
indicated on the plans. The coil shall be manufactured Developed Index per ASTM E-84 or UL 723. Additionally,
by the terminal unit manufacturer and shall have a insulation shall comply with Antimicrobial Performance
minimum 22 gauge galvanized sheet metal casing. Rating of 0, no observed growth, per ASTM G-21.
Stainless steel casings, or galvannealed steel casings Polyethylene insulation is not acceptable.
with a baked enamel paint finish, may be used as an
alternative. Coil to be constructed of pure aluminum Double Wall Construction
fins with full fin collars to assure accurate fin spacing The terminal casing shall be double wall construction
and maximum tube contact. Fins shall be spaced with using a 22 gauge galvanized metal liner covering all
a minimum of 10 per inch and mechanically fixed to insulation.
seamless copper tubes for maximum heat transfer.
Low Temperature Construction
Each coil shall be hydrostatically tested at a minimum Terminals shall be designed for use with primary airflow
of 450 PSIG under water, and rated for a maximum 300 temperatures as low as 46°F and maximum ceiling
PSIG working pressure at 200°F. Coils shall incorpo- plenum conditions of 78°F and 60% R.H. In addition
rate a built in, flush mounted access plate, allowing top to other design criteria, the primary air valve shall be
and bottom access to coil. thermally isolated from the terminal casing. The
damper shaft shall be made from non-conducting ther-
ELECTRIC HEATERS moplastic composite material. Metal shafts will not be
Terminal shall include an integral electric heater where
indicated on the plans. The heater cabinet shall be Filters
constructed of not less than 20 gauge galvanized steel. Terminals shall include a 1" thick disposable fiberglass
Stainless steel cabinets, or galvannealed steel casings filter. Filter shall be secured with quick release clips,
with a baked enamel paint finish, may be used as an allowing removal without horizontal sliding.
alternative. Heater shall have a hinged access panel
for entry to the controls. ECM™ Fan Motor
Fan motor shall be ECM™. Motor shall be brushless
A power disconnect shall be furnished to render the DC controlled by an integral controller / inverter that
heater non-operational. Heater shall be furnished with operates the wound stator and senses rotor position to
all controls necessary for safe operation and full com- electronically commutate the stator. Motor shall be
pliance with UL 1995 and National Electric Code permanent magnet type with near-zero rotor losses
requirements. designed for synchronous rotation. The motor shall
utilize permanently lubricated ball bearings. Motor shall
Heater shall have a single point electrical connection. maintain minimum 70% efficiency over the entire oper-
It shall include a primary disc-type automatic reset high ating range. Motor speed control shall be accomplished
temperature limit, secondary high limit(s), Ni-Chrome through a PWM (pulse width modulation) controller
elements, and fusing per UL and NEC. Heater shall specifically designed for compatibility with the ECM™.
have complete wiring diagram with label indicating The speed controller shall have terminals for field

32 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


verification of fan capacity utilizing a digital volt meter. Pneumatic Controls

A calibration graph shall be supplied indicating Fan Units shall be controlled by a pneumatic differential
CFM verses DC Volts. pressure reset volume controller. Controller shall be
capable of pressure independent operation down to
Piping Packages 0.03 inches W.G. differential pressure and shall be
Provide a standard factory assembled non-insulated factory set to the specified airflow (CFM). Controller
valve piping package to consist of a 2 way, on/off, shall not exceed 11.5 scim (Standard Cubic Inches per
motorized electric control valve and two ball isolation Minute) air consumption @ 20 PSIG.
valves. Control valves are piped normally closed to the
coil. Maximum entering water temperature on the con- Unit primary air valve shall modulate in response to the
trol valve shall be 200°F. The maximum close-off room mounted thermostat and shall maintain airflow in
pressure is 40 PSIG (1/2") or 20 PSIG (3/4"). Maximum relation to thermostat pressure regardless of system
operating pressure shall be 300 PSIG. static pressure changes. An airflow (CFM) curve shall
be affixed to the terminal unit expressing differential
Option: Provide 3-wire floating point modulating control pressure vs. CFM. Pressure taps shall be provided for
valve (fail-in-place) in lieu of standard 2-position control field use and ease of balancing.
valve with factory assembled valve piping package.
Terminal unit manufacturer shall supply and manufac-
Option: Provide high pressure close-off actuators for ture a 5 to 10 PSIG pneumatic actuator capable of a
2-way, on/off control valves. Maximum close-off pres- minimum of 45 in. lbs. of torque.
sure is 50 PSIG (1/2") or 25 PSIG (3/4)".
Actual sequence of operation is shown on the contract
Option: Provide either a fixed or adjustable flow control drawings. Terminal unit manufacturer shall coordinate,
device for each piping package. where necessary, with the Temperature Control
Option: Provide unions and/or pressure-temperature
ports for each piping package. JOHNSON CONTROLS DDC CONTROL

Piping package shall be completely factory assembled, N2

including interconnecting pipe, and shipped separate Each VAV terminal unit shall be bundled with a digital
from the unit for field installation on the coil, so as to controller. The controller shall be compatible with a
minimize the risk of freight damage. Johnson Controls N2 system network. A unique Johnson
Controls N2 network address shall be assigned to each
CONTROLS controller, and referenced to the tagging system used
on the drawings and in the schedules provided by the
Analog Electronics Controls Project Engineer. All controllers shall be factory mount-
Furnish and install Series 7000 Pressure Independent ed and wired, with the controller’s hardware address
Analog Electronic Control System where indicated on set, and all of the individual terminal’s data pre-loaded
the plans and in the specifications. The complete sys- into the controller. The terminal’s data shall include, but
tem shall be fully operational and include the not be limited to the Max CFM, Min CFM, Heating CFM,
following: and terminal K factor. Heating system operating data
shall also be factory installed for all terminals with heat.
• Single duct, dual duct, and/or fan powered terminal Communication with the digital controller shall be
units accomplished through the Johnson Controls N2 net-
• Pressure independent Series 7000 analog electron- work. The digital controller shall have hardware input
ic zone controllers with integral differential pressure and output connections to facilitate the specified
transducer sequence of operation in either the network mode, or
• Analog electronic wall thermostat on a stand-alone basis. The terminal unit manufacturer
• Electronic air valve actuator shall coordinate, where necessary, with the Temperature
• 24 VAC control transformers Control Contractor.
• Air pressure switches as required
• Electronic duct temperature sensors as required

Johnson Controls 33
FORM 130.13-EG4 (908) Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals


Each VAV terminal unit shall be bundled with a digital Each VAV terminal unit shall be bundled with a digital
controller. The controller shall be compatible with a MS/ controller. The controller shall be compatible with a LON
TP BACnet system network. A unique network address system network. A unique network address shall be
and a BACnet site address shall be assigned to each assigned to each controller and referenced to the tag-
controller, and referenced to the tagging system used ging system used on the drawings and in the schedules
on the drawings and in the schedules provided by the provided by the Project Engineer. All controllers shall
Project Engineer. All controllers shall be factory mount- be factory mounted and wired, and all of the individual
ed and wired, with the controller’s hardware address terminal’s data pre-loaded into the LNS database for
set, and all of the individual terminal’s data pre-loaded the project. The terminal’s data shall include, but not
into the controller. The terminal’s data shall include, but be limited to Max CFM, Min CFM, Heating CFM, and
not be limited to Max CFM, Min CFM, Heating CFM, terminal K factor. Heating system operating data shall
and terminal K factor. Heating system operating data also be factory installed for all terminals with heat.
shall also be factory installed for all terminals with heat. Communication with the digital controller shall be
Communications with the digital controller shall be accomplished through the LON network. The digital
accomplished through the MS/TP BACnet network or controller shall have hardware input and output con-
through a Bluetooth connector. The digital controller nections to facilitate the specified sequence of operation
shall have hardware input and output connections to in either the network mode, or on a stand-alone basis.
facilitate the specified sequence of operation in either The terminal unit manufacturer shall coordinate, where
the network mode, or on a stand-alone basis. The necessary, with the Temperature Control Contractor.
terminal unit manufacturer shall coordinate, where
necessary, with the Temperature Control Contractor.

34 Johnson Controls
Series Fan-Powered, VAV Terminals FORM 130.13-EG4 (908)


Johnson Controls 35
Printed on recycled paper

Form: 130.13-EG4 (908) Supersedes: Nothing

© 2008 Johnson Controls, Inc. P.O. Box 423, Milwaukee, WI 53201 Printed in USA

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