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Hack Her True Female Nature 101 by R. C, Rosemond P. CHERUBIN

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Copyright © 2021 Rosemond P. Cherubin
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written
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To anyone who takes the time to read this. I appreciate you.
The Same But Different
Heartless Creatures That Want To Have Fun!!!
The Abysmal Abyss (Their Minds)
M.A.S.K (Makeup, Attire, Script, & Kitty)
Money Is Her GOD!
Never Argue (Period)
Guilty Conscience?
Matrimony: Business As Usual
A Bride vs. A Wife: “A Day” vs. “Forever”

First and foremost, I would like to sincerely thank everyone for purchasing
“Hack Her: True Female Nature 101”. I wholeheartedly appreciate your time,
your attention, and your energy. The number “101” is often used to
represent an introductory course at a beginner’s level; this book will be
describing female nature, at a novice or beginner’s level. To begin, the most
rudimentary or basic aspects of women must be understood, such as their
importance in society and how much women are needed in the world. The
central role that women play in society has ensured the progress, the
stability, and the long-term development of many nations.
Women are the primary caretakers of the pediatric (children) and the
geriatric (elders) population in every nation, around the world. Business-wise,
women drive over seventy (70%) percent of all consumer purchasing in the
world, via a combination of their buying power and influence. Even when
women are not, themselves, actually making purchases, women are still often
the influencer or the final vote behind someone else’s purchase. This is
probably due to the superior (verbal) communication “skills” that women
have over men. Women are better at and are quicker to communicate with
their words, rather than “talking” with their fists. Women have the innate
capability to use a wider variety of words in social situations.

[ “Hack Her”
”Hack Her” is NOT an absolute description of women and their nature.
This book is about the women in Western society and the women that have a
Westernized ideology. The men who will read this book must understand that
the descriptions of female nature in this book are not solely relegated to the
women in their romantic (sex) lives. To all my male readers, be sure to use
logic and reason when reading this book because the females being
described in this book do include (and not limited to) your mother, your
grandmother(s), your sister(s), your aunt(s), your daughter(s); and not just
your girlfriend or wife. The description of female nature in this book also
includes (but not limited to) the female cashier; the female teacher; the
female lawyer; the female doctor, etc. Understand that a woman’s job title or
career does not remove her female nature from herself.
“Hack Her” may sound like it is attempting to describe all women, but it
does not. There is a saying, “Hit dogs will holler (scream)”. The analogy
behind this saying is that if someone were to throw a rock into the air,
towards a pack of dogs, the dogs that were hit would scream. So, to all my
female readers, if there are any statements made about female nature that is
upsetting to the core, just ask “Why am I upset with this description of
female nature?” For example, if the concept of a woman accepting gifts,
trips, and dinners as a requirement for her to have sex with a man falls under
the book’s definition of prostitution, there should be no reason for a woman
to be upset at this definition; unless deep down these (upset) females know
that the definition is describing themselves. I have never seen nor have I ever
heard of a virgin defending the actions of a prostitute. The descriptions of
TRUE FEMALE NATURE in “Hack Her” do not apply to all women, but it does
apply to the women that it applies to; which are most women. For the sake of
argument, the word “most” is valued as anything that is fifty-one (51%) or
more in quantity. Whether or not this book describes “most” females is up to
the reader to decide.
The purpose of this book is to help men gain a better understanding of
women, as far as the “logic” behind their thinking; and to help grown males
(mentally) evolve into “men”, so that they can treat females accordingly.
Women are not angels; they lie, they cheat, they steal, just like everyone
else. The only difference is that females use their “sexual bait” to mask their
devious tactics. Once a male has a deep understanding of True Female
Nature (TFN), that male can OVERstand that female nature is neither good
nor bad; it just is what it is. As a male, to be upset at TRUE FEMALE NATURE
would be analogous to being upset at a dog for barking or to being upset at a
cat for meowing; it is just the animals’ nature, neither good nor bad. Another
purpose of “Hack Her” is to help women understand other women. Too many
times, women comprehend other females by the examples of the females in
their own personal lives, such as their households or their circle of (female)
friends; an anecdotal representation of TRUE FEMALE NATURE. This gives
women a very limited view of the spectrum that is the True Female Nature.
For example, a virgin-woman, who is from a conservative culture, who grows
up in a two-parent home, who is well-educated, and who is devoutly religious
may not understand how a woman can have an orgy with random males at a
party or local bar; the virgin would find it difficult to understand how females
can or are willing to have sex with a random male(s); for free at that!
“Hack Her” is a book written to help elevate the level of empathy needed
for women; to help see from the point of view or from the perspective of the
average female that grew up or is growing up with a Westernized mindset.
This book is written to help breakdown the psyche of females to have a
better understanding of why (mentally) women do what they do. A better
understanding to the point that men and women can understand female
nature enough to repair their relationships with each, therefore rebuilding
family structures, therefore reconstructing communities with a foundation of
healthy (marital) relationships; a domino effect.
The title “Hack Her” is wordplay on the term “hacker”. The female mind
and her psyche are mysterious like the Dark Web of the internet; it is there,
but people know little to nothing about it. Those that know about the Dark
Web and those that know how to manipulate it are “Webmasters”. Men in
the 21st century need a method of decrypting, or hacking, the mysterious and
manipulative psyche (Dark Web) that drives TRUE FEMALE NATURE, in order
to prevent themselves (men) from “going their own way”; to prevent men
straying away from women and romantic relationships with women. Men
need to develop an “abundance” mindset that is self-aware, that is
knowledgeable, and a mindset that strives to live a purposeful life.



Point out the lie!


Too often, boys are raised to believe that ALL females are delicate flowers
who can do no wrong; in reality, females lie, cheat, & steal like anyone else.
One of the main differences is that females use their sexuality as bait; from
wearing fake hair, fake eye lashes, and makeup; to wearing shape-defying
waist trainers. In the end, females hope their masquerades go undetected by
males, as they continue to practice Hypergamy; the act of marrying a person
of a superior caste, class, or tax bracket! In order for a male to fully
understand True Female Nature [TFN], he must first put himself in the mind
(set) of a female; he must empathize with her. What is the motivating factor
that causes females to be so irrational, deceitful, evil, yet agreeable at times?
What is it that drives females to make the decisions that they make? Simply
put, to Survive!
Females are constantly seeking security, dependability, and safety. There
is a difference between having a “survival” mentality versus someone having
a “self-preservation” mentality. Someone who is in the mind state of “Self-
preservation” will not be able to hold their breath under water long enough
to commit suicide; their body would cause them to involuntarily emerge from
the water to gasp for air. The example of someone who would be operating
in the mind state of “survival” would be to imagine a male being a height of
five feet (5’) tall, and weighing one hundred seven (107lbs) pounds and he
were (wrongfully) incarcerated in the grimiest prison, whose institution has
the highest rates of inmate-on-inmate sexual assaults and battery in the
world; with the average incarcerated inmate being six feet four inches (6’4”)
tall, and the average weight being two hundred forty (240lbs) pounds, of
solid muscle! How would that male move around that facility? Wouldn’t he
want to be a part of, or at least be associated with, the top tier of that
“society”, to ensure his safety and security.... to SURVIVE! The scenario of
being incarcerated in an environment where the people around him can
physically and/or sexually violate him, if the inmates so choose to do so at
any given time, is an example of how females walk around in society,
especially around masculine men. To speak on the origin of TRUE FEMALE
NATURE (101), we must first go back to the genesis of Hypergamy.
Back when there were hunter/gatherer civilizations, the female NEEDED to
clique up or associate herself with some of the best hunters, if not the top
hunter in the “community”. Being with the “top dog” would ensure the
female her protection; not only for herself, but also for her offspring. Because
of this need to be under the protection of a “top” male, females knew they
needed to make themselves useful to that male; females would also learn to
be agreeable with the other females in the tribe. Being a nuisance or being
useless to the hunter/warriors would cause her to be susceptible to being
abandoned by him and the rest of the tribe/community; leaving her alone,
without security and without safety in numbers. Since the beginning of time,
females have been vying for the “best warrior/hunter”, now more commonly
known as “the Alpha”, in order to ensure her SURVIVAL. Without him and
without his resources, females would be left for dead!
Therefore, practicing Hypergamy is completely natural to females; it’s
instinctual. Being upset at a female’s Hypergamous nature would be like
being upset at a bird for chirping or it would be like being upset at water for
being’s just natural. This is a balancing act for females because they
need to weigh out, who can protect them versus who can they associate
themselves with. For example, a male who is well equipped with firearms
may be able to adequately “protect” a female, but if that male is WANTED
for committing multiple felonies in thirty-six (36) of the fifty (50) United
States, then that female may want to disassociate herself from him. It is the
“self-preservation” mentality of females that draws them to POWER (money).
A female’s (perceived) power is in her sexuality; where she uses her body,
amongst other bait, to lure males to do her bidding.

Females learn the behavior of manipulating males, via their emotions, from
several people, and at different times in their lives. The main influencers of
females’ conniving behavior include their mothers, their fathers (if they grew
up with one), and also adolescent males. In most cases, the mother of a child
is its first teacher; it is from their mothers that females get their first lessons
in “Survival” skills and habits. It is the mother who usually teachers the baby
how to eat; it is the mother who teaches the toddler how to dress; and it is
the mother who teaches the infant how to brush their teeth or to be potty-
trained. Whether consciously or sub-consciously, females learn how to
behave around males based on what they witnessed from their mothers’
interactions with their fathers, boyfriends, or other men.
Females, at an early age, pick up on everything; from the way their
mothers stand and look at males, to the way their mothers talk or listen to
males; to the “mask” (manipulation by use of emotions) their mothers put on
when these males are around. Females see differences in their mothers’
mannerisms when males are around versus when males are not present.
Elementary age females eavesdrop on their mothers’ conversations; hearing
their mothers talk down about males with their girlfriends. The lessons that
females learn from their mothers about men are crucial to their future
relationships. What young females learn from watching and hearing their
mothers interact with males, especially their fathers, can determine how that
female will treat the males in her community, can determine how that female
will treat her future love interests (husband), and can determine how that
female will choose to raise her sons.
To begin to understand TRUE FEMALE NATURE, you have to strip away, or
unlearn, what was taught to you about females. Growing up, females of
today are taught that men lack common sense and are just tools, or
workhorses, put on Earth to serve all the needs of a female. It is programmed
into females’ psyche, not only by their mothers, but by the media in general
(i.e. commercials, cinema, music, and social media). The media portrays men
in a subservient, unintelligent, and simple-minded way, which causes females
of today to have demeaning, disrespectful, and degrading interactions with
men. Females have learned from their mothers that they do not have to
listen to male authority; females have learned that she has the final word.
Females learn that it is acceptable to perform dubious behaviors,
unbeknownst to her boyfriend or husband, from their mothers. Females are
compliant in this way of thinking because they are also taught that (all) men
are liars and unwilling to commit or be faithful to one woman.
I recall one of my exes telling me that, not only her mother, but both her
paternal and maternal grandmothers, all told her to never trust a man; she
was told that men were nothing but liars, cheaters, and were unwilling to be
loyal. Think about that for a second. Think back to when you were a toddler, 5
or 6 years old; think back to how you looked up to your parent(s) and
interpreted their words as being gospel truth or actuality. Now imagine this
being her first notion of males, as early as age 5, because those were her first
examples; and sadly this notion is biased because it is one-sided.
The average Western American female is an aggressively greedy taker
from males. As a child, her father rewards all her tears, screams, and
tantrums by giving her anything and everything that she wants. With this
usually being a female’s first relationship with a male (her father), these types
of responses by her father can teach the female that her negative behavior
will be rewarded; and it can teach her that she can manipulate the emotions
of a male to her advantage. Females learn how to fake their emotions in
order to control their fathers and to manipulate their fathers to do what they
want. Females will go as far as utilizing “crocodile tears” to changing the tone
or pitch in their voice. Even worse, females master the skill of exploiting the
love their fathers have for them and the devotion that their fathers have for
them….to use against their fathers! All of the aforementioned lessons that
females learn, from their parents about males and how to interact with
males, are taught to females consciously and/or subconsciously, before they
are old enough to enter Kindergarten.

By the time females have reached their high school years, they have become
fully proficient at exploiting males for their wants. It is during their adolescent
years that females begin to physically and mentally develop their “baits”,
getting them what females desire most from males- his attention. It is during
females’ adolescent years that they notice the attention and favors they are
receiving from the young boys, whom are going through puberty. Females
learn that these young boys see girls as perfect angels, ready to be placed on
a pedestal. Females begin to recognize the effects and rewards they can
garner from their sexual “baits” (hair, body, perfume, makeup, etc.).
As early as high school, females will request high-priced gifts and
outrageous dates, while simultaneously expecting males to idolize them for
doing these actions for her. During their childhood, females learn lessons
from their mothers: males must spend money on them and males should
appreciate the mere fact of being in their presence. Females also learn in
their adolescent years that it is more advantageous for them to boost a
male’s ego. Females are “programmed” to assume that adolescent boys and
young men believe whatever comes out of their mouths; and females are
taught that what a male does not know cannot hurt him; because of this,
females play the same games with males, all the time.
Mothers are the biggest offenders in teaching this behavior to her. It is a
female’s mother that teaches them that if a male really likes them: he should
dispense his resources on them (gifts, trips, and/or monetary tips); he should
date them exclusively, to ensure that his resources aren’t used on anyone
else; and that he should not demand sex in return for anything that he does
for them, to ensure that he is trained to follow their rules and their program.
The one lesson that mothers taught females, a man “must spend money”,
leads females to conform to a mindset that is similar to the mindset of a
prostitute. By the time females are old enough to (legally) consume alcohol,
they have a learned-behavior that has them believe that females should be
given whatever they want, solely because they have a uterus, a cervix, and
fallopian tubes.

In early adulthood, females develop a set of tests that they perform on
males, by saying or doing something to appraise his tenacity and to make
value judgments about him from his reaction and/or response. Females learn
to test males to see if they are serious about being with her. Females are
looking for a “savior’; they have no problem concocting stories of being
“damsels in distress”, from being stuck on the side of the road emergencies,
to needing help with their rent. Females do all of this testing to see if that
male will still pursue them, giving females the attention they want (and
actually need). Females practice testing males on their various levels of
interest, on their different reactions, and on their level of sincerity. Females
are constantly evaluating the males that they are interested in until, at
minimum, he submits to her. The best and cheapest method for a male to
submit to a female would be for him to say, “I love you” to her; the worst or
most expensive method for a male to submit to a female would be to say, “I
do” to her.
In adulthood, all the seeds planted by their first teachers, their mothers,
come to fruition. Females learn to put males through tests to see if these
males are under their “spells”; females learn how to use their (sexual) “bait”
to their advantage by this point; and females also develop the mindset that
males owe them (something). For the most part, females of today are not
taught home economics. Their mothers would rather spend time teaching
them to be sexually liberal. Too many females do not have a model of what a
good homemaker looks like. The modern female finds housework to be hard
and pain-staking. They find homemaking to be demeaning and below them as
a female.
Females are followers by nature; if they did not see their mothers cooking,
cleaning, or being a helper/assistant to the man of the house, then females
would have no example to mimic when in marriage, or living with her
boyfriend. Imagine all the females who did not grow up with a man in the
house, at all. Females need to witness the nature of a man. The only
examples most females have of a man are the images that they see in the
media; images that undermine the perception of what true male nature is.
Females have no natural inclination of how to nurture a relationship with a
man; this attribute must be taught.
Mothers teach females what sex is, but their mothers only teach their
daughters about sex from their own (the mother’s) experience; so the
lessons that mothers teach their daughters are not objective, only subjective.
This is why females are “programmed” to marry a rich man because his
money is for the two of them and her money is for her and her only. Mothers
are the biggest offenders in teaching this behavior to their daughters.
Mothers teach females that if a male really likes them, he should dispense his
resources on them (gifts, trips, and/or monetary tips). Mothers teach females
that if a male really likes them, he should date them exclusively, which would
ensure that his resources aren’t being used on anyone else but them. Mother
teach females that a male should not demand sex in return for anything that
he does for them, which would ensure them that he is trained to follow her
program. Mothers train their daughters to get an education as a backup plan;
they train their daughters to believe that all a male wants is what is in
between her legs; and they train their daughters to not expect a man to say
he is exclusive with her, and mean it. The lifestyle females choose and the life
goals they pursue are both determined by the environment and the way they
were raised in said environment.
Too often, females are victims to their own goals. Females want to have
their cake and eat it too. Females want to simultaneously be able to attain
the highest scholastic degree(s) in the land; be wives to their husbands; be
mothers to their children; and be the best employees that their bosses can
hire. Females do not realize that they cannot have it all: beauty, knowledge,
and intellect. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person
through experience or education; intellect is the ability to acquire and apply
this knowledge. Mothers rarely teach their daughters that they will need the
“light” of a man to fill their vessels; to put the spark in their lives that is
needed for them to attain the beauty, knowledge, and intellect they seek.
Modern females do not know that they are un-balanced in the way they
interact with males; modern females do not know their role in nature and in
society anymore. It is no surprise that the modern female is the most
depressed she has ever been. Many females in today’s society need
psychiatric or psychological evaluations to determine their mental status.
The Same But Different

Females are undeniably emotional beings; they feel their emotions more
intensely than men. To illustrate what it might feel like to experience “intense
emotions”, a good example would be to describe the “state of mind” of a
male, immediately prior to him engaging in a fight. The way a male’s
adrenaline would be pumping, he would not be thinking logically; afterwards,
the male would not be able to remember the facts on what occurred prior to
the altercation. This “state of mind” of not thinking straight and operating in
“survival mode” is how females think/feel 99.6% of the time. When females
recall a story, they do not recall a lot of facts, but more so they report about
how things made them feel. Females recall and explain in the language of
feelings. With that said, NEVER ARGUE WITH A FEMALE; LOGIC IS NOT AN
OPTION (for her)!
Females are specialists at lying to themselves; they are the Ultimate
Hypocrites! If a person believes their own lie, then that lie would not register
as a lie on a Lie Detector Test; that person has convinced them self that the
lie is a truth. Males need to OVERstand that whatever it is that a female likes
today, right now, in this moment, may be completely different from what
that same female likes tomorrow; if not five (5) minutes later. Females can
say an outlandish idea or plan that can seem as if they are being
disingenuous; believing that their harebrained idea would actually work when
it sounds completely illogical. Males need to realize that a lot of times,
females are not lying when they come up with their illogical schemes,
harebrained plans, and ill-judged goals. Females are not lying when they
declare these outlandish objectives; females literally believe their own
Many females are also in denial as to the state of things as they actually
exist. That can go as far as a female being given an unfavorable diagnosis
from her Gynecologist, and her not attending any future appointments and
living in denial of the diagnosis that was given to her. More females than you
think will have “medical issues” that they are made aware of, but will do
nothing to fix the problem until she cannot deny the problem anymore
(surgery/death). In general, females are not happy and they know it! Females
are too busy stuck believing whatever they see on television & movie screens
and are stuck believing whatever they hear in love songs; females perceive
this “virtual reality” as being (real) reality.
Females are the greatest consumers in the world, buying everything from
shoes, to hair, to cars, to houses. All in pursuit to be “happy”; emulating
whatever they have seen and heard via the aforementioned media. But in the
end, after obtaining these expensive, liable objects, females still find
themselves feeling empty on the inside. Females are unable to foresee this
outcome because, too often, they do not have any solid examples of the type
of life they should truly be aspiring to have. Females who are unbalanced and
unsure of their role, especially with another man, will usually be moody,
selfish, and insecure. All of these “emotional faces” are used by females as a
method of controlling males or as a method of distracting males.
One example of a female using her emotions to manipulate her male is
when he asks her, “What is wrong?”, and she says, “Nothing”, even though
there is something she is upset about; but she chooses not to speak about it.
He can feel from her tone that the response is disingenuous, which could
lead to him trying to figure out what her issue is, which is a waste of time
(distraction). This can also be used to keep his attention on her: the one
thing that females need the most in their life. The majority of females are
the same person, just with a different face and body; if a male is able to pick
out a pattern, he’ll be able to discern which “version” of the female he is
interacting with. If females were categorized into three (3) classes, loosely
based on a combination of their parental/familial upbringing, the
environment they grew up in, and their education level, they would either be
classified as Bottom Shelf, Middle Shelf, or Top Shelf females. All three (3)
classes are overlapping in some way or another; life is not lived in the black
and white…it is lived in the grey!

The Three Shelves

The Bottom Shelf Female (BSF) is not only stupid, but is poor, is cheap, is
promiscuous, lacks proper hygiene, and likes to get into (physical)
altercations. The BSF believes that her body and/or mouth can get her
whatever she needs; who needs an education? More than likely, the BSF is a
smoker and/or drinker, which is a gateway to her drug usage. The BSF does
not mind being on public assistance from the government, even if the
requirements to receive the governmental benefits forbid her from living
with her man. The BSF does not ponder about her diet and what she should
eat, so she is usually overweight, out of shape, or just plain fat, looking like
she is in late-term pregnancy. The BSF is very materialistic and she hates to
be in the house; she needs to be outside...she needs to be seen (attention)!
She is out-and-about even in the snow; still running the streets during
afterhours. The BSF has no shame; she will make disagreeable, life-changing
decisions, and take little to no accountability for her decisions and actions.
The Bottom Shelf Female has no problem maxing out her credit cards on
insignificant items that cost way above her means. With all of this going for
her; being stupid, being overweight, being slutty, and being unhygienic; the
BSF still dreams of her “prince charming” to come and save her from her
poverty, but more importantly, from herself. The BSF mostly has
transactional relationships with men where the man must give something,
usually monetarily (money, dinner dates, gifts, etc.), in order to maintain the
relationship with her. The BSF operates in the “Survival Mentality” more than
the other two classes. This could be why the BSF is also the best of the three
“Shelves” when it comes to her activities in the bedroom. When that “prince
charming” finally does come to save her from poverty, she must have
something to offer her savior, better than all the other females he has
encountered. So, guys, just remember that in order to be good at something,
practice makes perfect.
Next is the Middle Shelf Female (MSF) whom is neater, more religious, and
maintains their hygiene better than the BSF. The MSF is introspective, is able
to communicate, but is still a bit of an introvert. The MSF has some education
under her belt, but usually nothing more than a high school diploma or some
college courses with no degree to show for her work. The MSF is not a deep
thinker; she might have taken some vocational classes and is working as a
medical assistant or pharmacy technician. The MSF does not have any long-
term goals and is content with working a full-time job under a boss, forever.
The MSF is an occasional party animal, is a social smoker, and seldom
partakes in drug usage; she prefers to drink alcohol because she thinks it is
“safer”. The MSF wants a traditional man who will accept her and her
modern ways. Her main priority in finding her mate is based on his monetary
value; not his love, not his trust, or even his friendship.
The Middle Shelf Female wants to get married because society tells her
that she needs to be married, by a certain age. The MSF wants an
extravagant wedding ceremony, only to impress her friends and family, or to
make them jealous, or both. She believes jealousy is love. The MSF is average
when it comes to her activities in the bedroom. She doesn’t need to depend
on her sexual skills as much as the BSF because her “Survival Mentality” isn’t
as strong as the BSF. The MSF usually has a decent, steady income, which
helps the MSF deal with her financial security issues better than the BSF. The
MSF way of thinking is very malleable, and she loves to follow trends. The
MSF watches television programs like “Maury”, “Jerry”, or “The Love & Rap
Show” which in turn fuels her belief that jealousy is love. The MSF mimics
and patterns her personal relationships like the relationships that she
observes on television; relationships that are filled with shenanigans,
skullduggery, and subterfuge.
The last class of shelf describing the different tiers of females would be
the Top Shelf Female (TSF). She is witty, attractive (sexy), confident, and
highly educated (a Bachelor’s Degree at minimum). The TSF usually has the
“independent woman”, self-sufficient mindset, so she is not easily malleable
in her way of thinking; almost stubborn. The TSF either has a high-paying
career or is an entrepreneur, operating her own business. She may join a few
book clubs, donate annually to her sorority, and may attend functions
pertaining to her political party, either at the national or local level. When the
TSF looks in the mirror, she sees THE PRIZE, herself! She dabbles with illicit
drugs; she will do a line of coke occasionally, and smokes sparingly. She rarely
makes a scene because she doesn’t thirst for attention like the BSF; but she
will drive a nice vehicle to show that she is not struggling financially.
The Top Shelf Female’s home economic skills have a rating of 2 out of 10
because she can only order takeout food and plan dinner reservations better
than the best of them. She believes that housekeeping is a paid service that
needs to be allocated to a maid or housekeeper. The TSF is difficult to live
with because she is stuck in her ways. She has been independent and self-
sufficient for so long, that she believes her way is the best way; the TSF is
willing to fight to be “Strong & Wrong”. She is also easily influenced by her
other TSF friends; adopting whatever trends they partake in, to remain in-
style (fashion wise), and to try to be forever young (cosmetics). She is damn-
near terrible in bed; a star-fish. She doesn’t want her hair pulled or her
makeup smeared. She knows those are the only attributes she has to attract
the next man; she can’t have the current man blocking her opportunity to
snag the next possible suitor.
The Top Shelf Female is financially secure, so she narcissistically believes
that she is equal to, if not superior to a man; but best believe that the TSF
may be the most insecure of all three classes because she is the most
vulnerable. The TSF uses her money, her bags, her expensive cosmetics, and
even her associations as a crutch to support her standards and/or as a veil to
mask her uncertainties and self-doubt. A TSF can earn herself a Master’s
Degree but still lack common sense; menial tasks still give her some difficulty.
The TSF also loves to travel, especially to foreign destinations. Females have
much more discretion on foreign lands; they have the opportunity to be their
natural BSF selves, when the TSF image they portray in their everyday life is
just a masquerade. Traveling is a time for them to be themselves and let
loose. It must be noted that the sexual partners that she accumulates during
these excursions do not count towards the total number of sexual partners
that she has had (in her mind). The males that she has sex with on vacations
are never added to her total of sexual partners that she has encountered in
her life; her sexual activities that occur with discretion….“never happened”!


The manner in which females go through life is based on their emotions;
which see-saw up & down, hot & cold, positive & negative, at any given time
of the day. Females have attitudes and demeanors that mostly stem from
fear; fear of abandonment, fear of homelessness, or fear of being taken
advantage of. Females fluctuating attitudes are not equally balanced; so sadly
enough, most females have cold demeanors, depressed attitudes, and
negative mindsets. Females will deny having this attitude, but behind closed
doors, they will take pills and other narcotics (prescribed or not) in an
attempt to mask themselves from the world, or to avoid facing their
problems all together. Females use alcohol consumption as an excuse to say
and do things that they already wanted to. When females get what they want
and feel happy, they also secretly feel that something must be wrong with
the situation; happiness makes females feel uncomfortable (believe it or not)!
Being unhappy is a “suit” that females are accustomed to wearing daily;
old habits are hard to break. Many females do not even know what it feels
like to be happy; when the feeling of happiness arises, females do not know
how to react to it. A male can perform one hundred actions for a woman; if
he does not perform this action to a female’s satisfaction, she will forget the
prior ninety-nine out of one hundred (99/100) times that he adequately
performed those actions to her satisfaction. Females have very short
memories pertaining to acts of service from males; females always remember
when things go awry in the relationship, the time(s) “he messed up”, which
tempts females to give males ultimatums or tempts females to be quick to
threaten an end to the relationship. Living with a “Survivalist mindset”,
modern females handle their personal issues as if they are “end-of-the-
world” situations; like there is no tomorrow.
Even when females know that they are wrong in an argument or that their
point(s) is ridiculous, females will continue supporting their own ridiculous
viewpoints, using manipulating tactics like yelling, crying, or just playing
“victim”; in order to rally onlookers to their side of the argument. The best-
case scenario for females is when a “white knight” steps into the situation to
save them. A “white knight” is a man who will go to great lengths such as
ditching his friends, engaging in physical altercations with strangers, or saying
things he would never say elsewhere; to defend the actions of a female(s); to
the “white knight”, it does not matter if the female is wrong in her actions.
Most of the emotional pain that the females go through is self-inflicted; it is
mostly due to their refusal to acknowledge the truth of their reality. Because
females are the writer, the director, and the producer of their lives, it is only
right that they believe that they should also play this role in their love
interest’s life. Females will make attempts to be their lover’s entire world.
Females instinctively know that the more a male romanticizes them, the
more he is validating them with his time and attention. In a female’s mind,
that male’s hobbies and interests are a threat to her because his focus and
attention on her is diminished by those activities. Females aim to be the sum
total of his entire being. Sad but true, if a female succeeds in becoming “his
world”, she will view him as weak, as a doormat that she can walk all over;
she will lose all respect for him. She may even begin to mistreat him after
achieving her goal of overtaking his life.
Females are similar to children. Like children, they need to know what is
allowed and what is disallowed; a line in the sand. Females need laws and
boundaries set around them, so that they are clear about the limitations set
upon them as far as what they can and cannot say or do. Females also need
an enforcer of these rules and laws set upon them; females need a man to
rule over them or in other words, “keep his foot on their necks”.
Females need to know the male that they are with is masculine enough (or
not afraid) to chastise them for their misbehavior; respect is earned, not
given. Females need a male who holds them accountable and sees to it that
they do what they are told to do. It is this type of male that females feel
secure around; this is the type of male that females grow to respect. Females
respect males who have a plan for her life, and can give her knowledge and
instructions on what she needs to do to achieve the goals set for her.
Females want to be supervised; they want to be given restrictions so that
they will not do harm to themselves or anyone else. Most importantly, due to
all the emotional chaos that is constantly occurring in the female’s mind, it is
impossible for females to get to know themselves, without the guidance of a
Man. The modern female mistakenly believes that she can “find herself” by
attaining a high level of education, have a certain set of credentials, and/or
by making a sufficient amount of money. These are also things that the
modern female believes she can use to attract, to keep, and to satisfy a man;
she is sadly mistaken!

What am I describing: it walks on four legs, has fur, has a tail, and is a
domesticated animal? Some may answer: cat; others may reply: dog. The
point to that question is to show how ridiculous it is to believe that males and
females are the same. Both cats and dogs have a tail, and walk on all four
legs, but we can agree that the actions of a dog are significantly different
than the actions of a cat. What is the difference between a MALE and a
FEMALE? Well, they both walk on two legs, both can communicate verbally,
and both have hair growing on their heads. The biggest differences between
the males and females are in the way they feel, see, interpret, communicate,
etc.; their “internal worlds” are different. A distinction must be made
between what a male is compared to what a “man” is. The greatest
distinction between the two terms is that a man is an adult male that can
control his emotions, can set his emotions aside, and can use logic &
reason to reach the best outcome; to be a man is to be a balanced
combination of strength, beauty, and intelligence.

A “Grown Male” vs. A “Man”

Men can maintain their bodies and sexual market value much longer than
your average female; females’ bodies and sexual market value rapidly decay.
The thinking man’s thoughts are universal and not just local; he is adept and
knowledgeable on current events, politics, religion, and most importantly,
himself. Man has a thirst for knowledge about the world around himself, and
how it functions. Man can use logic to contrive conclusions about the world
around him, from the data he has collected; possibly leading to him having
the gift of seeing premonitions, or seeing occurrences before they actually
happen. Man is a creative creature; he is intellectual; he can create
something out of nothing, by using the information he has gathered from his
conclusions. On a deeper level, Man is more sensitive to his environment and
to the people around him. The “free” Man (no wife, no children) has no place
in today’s society; he is shunned, he is shamed, and he must deal with the
subterfuge, skullduggery, and shenanigans of the world. Sadly enough, too
many boys grow up to be grown males and do not grow up to be men
because they were brainwashed by their mothers; or they were beaten so
much by society’s narrative (males need to be servants who feel obliged to
gratify, to satisfy, and to cater to females) that they decided to just go along
with the “programming”.
Starting from an early age, Boys are put through a series of “training
exercises”; routines which he eventually incorporates into his everyday life.
These exercises are implemented at a young age because it is easier to
condition a person’s mind early in their childhood, when they are the most
impressionable. A boy’s mother is said to be his first teacher/authority. When
the mother goes to work, she leaves her boy in the care of a babysitter, who
is more than likely a female, and is the boy’s authority figure while the she is
babysitting. When the boy grows older, he goes to school where, more than
likely, his teacher/authority figure is also a female. This pattern of females
being seen as the person of authority early in his (the boy’s) life creates a
subliminal indoctrination of the boy’s mind.
As boys grow up, they pick up a series of conditional reflexes: they believe
that they must initiate all courtships with females; they believe that they
must “pretend” to not be sexually interested in females while simultaneously
investing an outrageous amount of money to be in their presence, without
expecting anything (sexually or monetarily) in return from the females they
are dating; grown males believe that they must buy females a diamond ring
(monetarily equating to three months worth of their salary) and must bend
down on one knee when presenting this ring to prove their undying love to
females; grown males believe they must pay, either financially or
emotionally, to get sex from females; and grown males are programmed to
believe that they must bear all the financial responsibilities in and of the
relationship. Females are takers; sadly, the average male believes that
everything that he produces should be to gratify the material wants (not
needs) of the females in his life (i.e. birthdays, holidays, anniversaries). Even
though females do not know what they want, males are still trained,
especially by their mothers, to be workhorses for females. Females become
spoiled children when they cannot use a male; females are masters of self-
indulgence…and self-delusion. In the mind of a female, it is never her fault;
males are always to blame!
Grown males have no problem taking females on expensive dates because
the last thing they want females to call them is “cheap”. If a male takes a
female on an inexpensive date, like a walk in the park or a coffee date at a
local shop, the modern female believes that male sees her as having a low
Sexual Market Value (SMV); which implies to the female that her vagina is not
worth much. This is why it is no coincidence that a female has no problem in
demanding a dinner-date, at an expensive, upscale restaurant, for a first
date. Females will claim to be looking for a nice, sensitive guy to date, no
matter his job title, but when the bus driver or the garbage man asks her out
on a date, she values them based on their job titles and assumed salaries, and
will not give them a chance. Another example would be comparing the way
Mother’s Day is celebrated versus the way Father’s Day is celebrated; or how
it is obligatory for the male to give an extravagant gift to his female partner
for Valentine’s Day, but she is not obligated to purchase a gift nor is she
obligated to have sex with him that night!
A grown male is said to have “passed” and graduated from his subliminal
programming when he, unbeknownst to him, begins to establish females as a
“value scale” of his own worth; gauging his self worth on how much
usefulness a female sees in him. The thought of validating himself internally,
as opposed to externally, is a task too great for the grown male to fathom.
After “graduation” from his childhood programming, the indoctrinated grown
male can only feel happiness when he is receiving praise from females; a
“happy wife, happy life” mentality. Praise is one of the most powerful tools
females use when training and conditioning their boyfriend or husband to
abide by their programming; this drives the grown male’s ego so high, that he
doesn’t want to come down from this “high”. When a grown male is
accustomed to a certain amount of praise from the female(s) he is dealing
with, that praise turns into a “drug”, making the grown male an addict to her
“drug” (praise/vagina). The absence of her “drug” will feel like agony and
displeasure to the grown male. It is very rare to find a grown male who is able
to conquer his addiction to her “drug”.
The reason why boyfriends and husbands tolerate subterfuge,
skullduggery, and shenanigans from their significant others is because they
don’t want to risk the withdrawals they’ll suffer from, due to not receiving
that “drug” from their significant other. Females in these situations do not
have to chastise their males; all they have to do is remove their “drug” from
him and he will re-acclimate himself to her program. If not praise, females
can control grown males with the (unspoken) “promise” of sex. Females have
no problem whatsoever in using their body as an instrument to get whatever
it is that they want from grown males; whether it is for entertainment
purposes or for the purposes of living a certain (lavish) lifestyle. This is a huge
reason why the plastic surgery industry has been growing exponentially and
the reason why the female patients who go through with these grueling,
surgical procedures are getting younger and younger.
The grown male has been trained to believe that he needs to produce
something of value (i.e. house, car, rings, etc.) to a female, in order to receive
the praise that he so desperately feels he needs from her. Not only does the
subliminal programming create the mindset that females have more
authority than males, it also creates a dependency, or a need, for females to
be within his proximity in order for him to feel comfortable. This is why a lot
of grown males have a problem complying with “male authority” figures (i.e.
fathers, educators, police, officials, etc.). To these grown males, the absence
of females in their vicinity actually feels bizarre to them.

Her Actions Are Biologically Determined

Prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual activities for payment; when sex
is banned, prostitution thrives! If females admitted the truth about having no
problems exchanging their bodies to perform sexual favors in order to
receive money, expensive gifts, and/or lavish trips abroad, then females
would have to admit that they are naturally whores: a female who works as a
prostitute. Unfortunately, most males are at the mercy of their sexual urges,
so many females achieve their lifestyle goals via use of their vagina as a
business; to buy and to sell whatever it is that they want. Females use their
vagina like raw material that can be bought and sold. The more attractive a
female is perceived to be, the greater her chances of achieving her goal of
having an affluent life, involving no work and no responsibility; sitting on her
ass and doing nothing all day while being paid a lot of money. Females think
with their feelings (hormones) and not with their brains. Females learn how
they can use their sexuality as a means to attain whatever they want from a
male very early in their adolescence.
During females’ pre-teen years, they learn to use their vagina to bully
males into doing whatever it is that they want. Females may not necessarily
have sex with all, if not any, of the males they are manipulating, but they
learn that their vaginas can be used like a “carrot on the end of a stick”, to
entice males to execute favors for them, especially monetary favors.
Consciously or subconsciously, most females decide whether they want to be
a “wife” or not; females who have chosen not to use their vaginas as a means
of commerce to exploit males for their own wants because she values her
body, her sex, and the institution of marriage. Females who decide to
become “concubines”, females who use their vaginas as tools to get
whatever they want from males; reducing the interactions they have with the
males in their lives to “transactional” relationships. Which type of female do
you believe most females choose to be? What is the oldest profession in the
history of mankind?
Money is the prize to the modern female, as far as her finding herself a
mate; her predacious instincts always emerge. Females are sly, scheming
predators that base their self-worth on the (monetary) value of whatever
they can receive, from the use of their vaginas. The more attractive females
are, the higher they believe the value of their prey (mate) should be. Hence
the reason why guys whose dates are at fast food restaurants are seen as
being “cheap” males; to her, it communicates that the male thinks of her
(vagina) value as being low or “cheap”. Females naturally have a mindset to
want to derive resources from males and naturally have a mindset to want to
live off of his benefits, at no expense to her. Unbeknownst to many males,
females have always been whores, but females will NEVER admit to this, at
least not in a public forum. Think about all those young females who marry
males who are 30 to 40 years older than them. These younger females are
not “head-over-heels” in love with these men who are old enough to be their
mother’s father.
Females are master salesmen at selling their own bodies; they really
believe that males should be paying them, just for being born. Without saying
a word, a female can use her “sexual bait” to easily control most males into
giving her whatever she wants. Females use “sexual bait” such as: seductive
eye contact; wearing skin-tight, form-fitting clothes, or revealing bare skin;
putting on intoxicating perfumes; “accidentally” brushing her breast or
buttocks against a male’s body; or wearing colorful paint on her face and lips
(make-up). These aforementioned “baits” can be viewed as a form of
psychological manipulation. For the average grown male (who has little to no
control of his sexual desires), the tighter a female’s attire hugs the shape of
her body, the better she smells, the more “exotic” she looks, the easier it will
be for a female to have a grown male give her what she wants most in
life….money. Sad but true, females are shallow beings that only care about
the things that can benefit them.
Females use the act of sex as a reward and females use the act of
withholding sex as a punishment for gains and for ulterior motives that are
beneficial to them. Females view the average male as a “Walking Bank Card”,
waiting to be used and abused. Once females find their “primary target”, the
grown male with a combination of riches, good looks, high status, and/or
high confidence, they will put on a “m.a.s.k.” in an attempt to make that male
feel like he is the most important person in their world; while simultaneously
keeping their eyes on the prize; access to his resources. In addition to telling
fables, females are willing to offer their bodies for sexual favors to a male
that they believe have high status and/or a big bank account, even if she is
not sexually attracted to him; it is just business as usual for females. What
females say to a male and what females do for a male are miles apart. Never
trust or evaluate a female based on her words; her actions should speak
louder than her words!
Males should look at the actions of females to determine how genuinely
interested they are in him; body language (>90% of communication) does not
lie. If a male does not want to be a father or if a male does not want to get
married, then he does not need a female (to live his best life). Besides
incubating a baby until it is born, a female’s body has no use to a male, other
than for his sexual pleasures. The size of a female’s breast does not
determine the amount of milk produced for her newborn baby; which can
conclude that the size of the female breast is not designed for nurturing. If
the female breast is not designed for breastfeeding (child nurturing), then
what are they designed for? Two words: fun bags!! Males and females are
fundamentally different, both psychologically and intellectually; males and
females are naturally designed this way to complement and balance each
other, allowing for each gender to add their own unique strengths to a
successful relationship.

Females are typically less intelligent than their male counterparts, yet males
are expected to be able to read her mind. Females want what they cannot
have and as soon as they get what they want, they do not want it anymore. If
a male does not do what a female wants him to do, he is considered a jerk.
Whereas, if a male constantly and consistently does what a female tells him
to do, that male will be considered weak in the eyes of that female. Just to be
clear, intelligence is the ability to acquire and, more importantly, apply
knowledge and skills. As far as applying their skills, most females only apply
their skills towards a male in order to achieve the goal of living a life where
she does not have to do any work and she does not have any
responsibility….a life similar to the life of a child; just wake up, do whatever
she wants; eat, fart, squirt, then repeat the cycle. While following this cycle,
the average modern female wants the same status as the grown male that
has decided to claim her as his girlfriend or wife. So, if a female married a
Neurosurgeon or a professional athlete who worked a decade to get to the
financial and social status that he has achieved, she would expect the same
privileges and amenities that come with being a surgeon or professional
athlete, simply because she is married to one; and of course this female
would believe that her money is for her but that his salary was “their” salary.
The wife of a Cardio Thoracic surgeon, a female who has not even earned
herself a high school diploma, can receive more respect from her husband’s
colleagues then a single, middle school female teacher, who has her
doctorate in Child Education. Simply put, a female’s financial and social status
can beneficially change overnight, just because she’s “cute” or simple
because she divorces a male (MacKenzie Scott, divorcee of the founder of the
multi-national technology company Amazon, as of 2020 is worth over $65
Billion). The dumbest females in high schools across the country and the
stupidest females that you have ever met in your life, can end up living a
lavish lifestyle with grand amenities; these females would not even need to
have any scholastic degrees or even have any life skills at all to achieve her
goal of a lavish lifestyle, without any responsibilities (like a child). All that
these brainless females would need to do is to keep their bodies fit or in-
shape, is to wear the right attire to accentuate their “assets”, and is to paint
the right colors on their faces. In other words, all a simpleminded female
needs to do is play the correct “role” or put the right “mask” on, to disguise
her true intentions and to hide her ulterior motives from her prey- Mr.
Females purposely and constantly look for males with the criteria of being
big spenders and having lots of assets that they can make use of, for their
own benefit. Any male who does not fall under this criteria is considered a
“lame” or is quickly discarded into the “friend zone”; to be used at a later
date, if need be. Very few females are willing to put in the same time, the
same effort, or make the same sacrifices, in order to achieve the same high
financial or social status as the males they are looking to marry. Females
believe they deserve everything a high-value male has worked hard and
arduously for, simply because she was born with a vagina, a uterus, and a
couple of fallopian tubes. Females mostly care about the amount of commas
in a male’s bank account or his salary; and females know that the best
“Checker” (not chess) move that they have in their artillery, in order for them
to snag the best provider that they can find, is to simply lay on their backs (or
not) and spread their kneecaps apart!
Females’ emotions are fleeting; a female can be quick to cry and be just as
quick to laugh; just like a child, females are helpless, need protection (from
the world and also from themselves), and have a constant need to be cared
for. Females sometimes use their child(ren) to “fake” their helplessness to
other men or to society in order to receive a “victim” label. ALL FEMALES LIE
[to themselves the most]!!!
“Virtuous” and “Honourable” are two words females never strive to be;
virtuous meaning showing high moral standards, and honorable meaning
worthy of great esteem and admiration. Females are obsessed with
themselves and their appearance because they are attempting to mimic the
females they see on the television & movie screens and models in fashion
magazines. Females have been “programmed” by other females to view the
“girls” that they see in “virtual reality” (media) as the benchmark of beauty;
that which will attract wealthy males to them. Females also use makeup and
even go as far as having surgeries in order to look younger than they truly
are, just to be perceived as little (young) “girls” and not as (old) “women”.
“Woman” is a word that carries more responsibility than most females are
willing to take on. The title “woman” applies to a female’s mother and applies
to a female’s grandmother, not her; females are and forever want to be….
“little girls” (in their mind).

Females treat empathy and deep feelings as a disadvantage to their survival.

Their “logic” behind it is: their feelings can only be taken advantage of, by
someone or something, if they are deeply and emotionally invested into it. So
females believe that the less emotionally invested they are in someone or
something, the more deceitful they can be with their manipulative nature;
females have no conscience. With the feeling of empathy and compassion
comes the feeling of responsibility; something that is Kryptonite to females. If
females were responsible beings, they would not have aspirations of living a
jobless, lavish lifestyle at the expense of another man. To be compassionate
is to be sympathetic to the sufferings or misfortunes of others; females
cannot be sympathetic to male suffering because…the devil is female!
Females are the most cunning and callous predators that you will ever
encounter on the face of this earth; their emotions are always counterfeit
and never actually experienced or felt. Females are adept at hiding their
manipulative ways via their deceptiveness. The majority of the abusers in
Western society are females; whether it is emotional abuse or physical
abuse. Females are victimizers, especially of males; because Western society
presumes that females are virtuous, it is very difficult to expose females for
their abuses. To know that a female can become pregnant (not via rape) and
can simply choose to abort the pregnancy (at times over and over) proves
that females are not instinctually nurturing, passive, and pure. To be stoic is
to be able to endure pain or hardship without showing your [true] feelings or
without complaining. Look at females in their mid to early 20s (Sugar Baby),
who marries “rich” males that are 30 to 40 years older than themselves
(Sugar Daddy). The Sugar Baby females know that they must act like caring,
emotional females for their Sugar Daddies; they have to be “stoic”. If not,
their “Daddies” will end up seeing through their “masks”, revealing their cold,
cunning nature. Unfortunately, some of these Sugar Daddies believe that
their “Babies” truly love them for who they are and not for their riches;
Females lack the ability to grasp the reality of the world around them;
they lack empathy for others and are solipsistic; viewing themselves as all
that can be known to exist. It has been erroneously stated that females have
a depth of emotions; not true. Females have taken this narrative and have
used it to their advantage; cunningly profiting off of the emotions of the
males in today’s society. Females use every method possible to inhibit a male
from expressing his emotions (unless it benefits her) because females do not
know how to communicate their own emotions clearly and effectively.
“Crocodile tears” is a term that means when a person tries to produce water
from their tear ducts, but with no success; a “dry cry”. Well, females do the
same thing! Males have been raised to believe that when a female expresses
her emotions (i.e. cries) that she is expressing a genuine, wholehearted
emotion; not true! This is why females will cry “crocodile tears” or have a
tantrum; to manipulate the males that they want to control.
On the other hand, there are males who will judge how emotional a
female is, based on how many tears roll down her cheeks. Which is
understandable from a male’s logic: a male will cry from feelings of pain
and/or suffering due to a gravely negative or catastrophic occurrence in his
life (i.e. death), so he assumes if someone is crying, especially a female, that
they must truly must be suffering or truly must be in pain; not true. So, when
a male sees a female crying because she can’t afford that new dress, the
unsuspecting male assumes that the female’s emotions are equally as strong
as when he is crying, but just for a lesser reason. If males knew the cold,
calculated thoughts that go through the mind of females, they would treat
females accordingly. Females have been practicing this method of emotional
manipulation (“crocodile tears”) since childhood; females learn to control the
“water pouches” in their eyes. Females are victimizers; they make sure to
shame males who attempt to use this same method of manipulation against
them by telling these males, “A real man does not cry!” This is a shaming
tactic; females are masters of mental manipulation.

Good for (almost) Nothing

Stupidity is defined as behavior that shows a lack of good [common] sense or
judgment; it is the quality of being unintelligent. Females rarely create
anything new; they just copy and paste (ideas). Females do not know what
they want. It is as if their psyche is void of brain power. The last time females
have their last original thought is the time before they are indoctrinated into
(general) society, via the education system, the media, their own mothers,
etc. The last thing a mother wants is for her minor child(ren) to be more
intelligent than her; her ego cannot take that, so the mother will stifle or
inhibit any signs of intelligence manifesting in her child(ren). Take a second to
ponder on that.
There is nothing original that comes from females. Females are not
expected to use their mental capacity (most situations); and being original is
not something that is essential for females to survive. Therefore, females
deliberately allow their intellect to disintegrate; which is displayed daily in
females’ unreasonable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable actions. The only
reason females believe in God or go to church is from the fear of not getting
into heaven. Females are limitless when it comes to the boundaries of their
lack of common sense. Their thought processes are so monotonous that they
are able to get the most enjoyment from amusements and activities that are
at some of the lowest levels needed for thinking (i.e. sun bathing, baking,
shopping, knitting, etc.).
As far as her education, females seem to do well in courses that do not
require much thought such as foreign languages and mathematics, which is
just following rules. It is imperative to note the difference between
memorizing a subject and learning a subject. To memorize a subject is to
remember or recollect it from your past; whereas to learn a subject is to gain
or acquire knowledge from that subject. For example, we have all learned
how to say our own names; we all have learned how to brush our teeth; and
many people have learned how to ride a bicycle. No one, to my knowledge,
has ever woken up one day and forgotten how to say their own name,
forgotten how to brush their teeth, or forgotten how to ride a bicycle;
because it was knowledge that was grasped mentally or learned.
On the other hand, many have attempted to memorize phone numbers,
have attempted to memorize addresses, and/or have attempted to memorize
directions; and can easily forget each one these subject matters because it is
a memory; and memories can fade. Actually, a person having a good memory
is synonymous with being “feeble-minded”. To be feeble-minded means that
a person is not able to make intelligent decisions or judgments; having ideas
lacking clear direction. Hence the reason why females do better in subjects
that simply require memorization, and do poorly in subjects that require
them to mentally grasp the knowledge (i.e. physics, chemistry, and biology).
That is not to say that all females lack intelligence or the ability to learn,
but this does apply to most (51% or more) females. Females are unaware of
even their own physical anatomy, especially their sex organs; females are
unaware about pregnancy, from how a fetus is formed, to the stages of
development for an embryo. All that females know about pregnancy is that it
is supposed to last nine (9) to ten (10) months and it is imperative that they
monitor what they do and what they put into their body (drugs, alcohol, diet,
It is frowned upon in today’s society to see a female smoking, drinking
alcohol, or abusing drugs while pregnant; so females try to be on their best
behavior while pregnant; sometimes females are upset at the male who
impregnated them, for putting them in a position of responsibility and
accountability (pregnancy). Females act silly towards life because they know
that they have a “plan” to snag the best provider they can find, and live at his
expense; so females believe, what is the point of having intelligence? The
biggest error that a male can make is to believe that he and females are
equal, mentally or physically.
Males and females are not equal emotionally or intellectually, but the two
genders when combined, balance each other out. Females are more
emotional than males, but that is just a display of their different hormones;
females can be as emotionless as a human being can get when it comes to a
male’s finances. The mental capacity between males and females is so vast
that males cannot fathom living a life without interests in something
meaningful; such as the sciences, literature, art, etc. On the contrary, females
are only interested in subjects that have an immediate and personal
usefulness to them. Males cannot begin to understand how females can
enjoy being in the house, with nothing to stimulate their mind; cooking and
cleaning are menial tasks to most males, but for females, these tasks are at
par with their mental aptitude.
To a male, this way of life would be torture. This is why, throughout recent
history, to the chagrin of many females, males have been creating inventions
(i.e. dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, microwave, etc.) which facilitates
the menial tasks of these females. Males erroneously empathize with
females, believing that the lives of females are filled with boredom; so males
make attempts to make females happy by purchasing gifts, trips, and going as
far as paying for elective cosmetic, body-altering surgery. Males need to
understand and males need to know that masculine energy, in its natural
form, is “order”; as opposed to feminine energy, in its natural form, being
“chaotic”. With that stated, it is imperative that males understand, realize,
and acknowledge the fact that females naturally love being in the company
of…misery, disarray, mayhem, havoc, turmoil, pandemonium, confusion,
commotion, and anarchy. Females are masochists!
It is bad to assume that females need to know how to utilize knowledge
and understanding simply because they are able to memorize things that
they recite back on an exam, to earn their various degrees and diplomas.
Females strive to receive these scholastic accolades for the sole purpose of
increasing their Sexual Market Value (SMV); females hope their degrees will
increase their chances of snagging a “big fish”, a rich male who is willing to
provide her the life she dreamed of. Females only care about their external
appearance; this does not only include their secondary sexual characteristics,
but also what they look like “on paper”; their resume. But if given the option,
females will always choose to have a top notch SMV over having top notch
Females’ dependence on males is strictly based on materials, of a physical
nature; outside of this, males do not exist in a female’s world. By the time
females have reached their teenage years, most have already made the
choice to use their secondary sexual characteristics (breasts, hips, etc.), and
not their intellect (minds), in order to get what they want from males;
utilizing their vaginas as a commodity. Once females have made the decision
to use their body as a tradable object to get what they want out of life, their
stupidity begins to grow and their minds cease to develop. The only
difference between a prostitute and a “gold digger” is the fact that the
prostitute barters the use of her vagina to get what she wants; whereas a
“gold digger” does not trade or bargain the use of her vagina to get what she
wants; as soon as the gold digger trades her vagina for goods, she becomes a
A female can be dumber than a turkey, the dumbest animal on the planet,
and yet still be accepted as a contributing member of society; as long as she
possesses beauty! Understand the saying, “Ignorance is bliss”, explains why
someone would want to remain ignorant or dumb. Females are so blissful in
their ignorance that they do not even fear death. All females want to do is…
have FUN! A person cannot be held responsible or accountable for something
that he or she does not know or is not aware of. Therefore, someone with
this “blissful” mindset, going through life very “ignorantly”, will not believe
that they should be held responsible or accountable for any of their
actions….the “blissful” person did not know any better, making their decisions
and actions ineligible for scrutiny.
This “blissful” mindset is akin to the mindset of the average female;
females cannot fathom dying due to their own actions. Females who think
like this have an infinite ability of self-aggrandizing; they can adore an image
of themselves, all day! If the average female was given the option between
living a “spiritual” (higher-order) life or a “party-girl” (lower-order) life, she
would choose the latter life, eleven (11) out of ten (10) times….for a place for
her to live, for a place for her to breed her children, and/or for a place for her
to be sexually free & to be unrestricted in her breeding habits.
Deep down inside, females know that the base reason for their existence
on earth, is to assist men, to bear their children, and to be their “sex toys”; if
not for that, females would not find any meaning to life or any reason to live,
besides to acquire riches (material wealth) or to find ways to improve their
personal comforts, whatever it may be. In order for females to attain these
comforts from males, females must do their best to hide their ignorance; a
male cannot praise a female as a goddess if she is incompetent or if she is
unable to show that male the necessary skills needed to do something
successful and beneficial to him. Once the female is viewed as a “deity” by
this male, she can then punish him and reward him with sexual favors
because she has usurped that male’s power. Females like to use “ignorance”
as a weapon when they masquerade their stupidity; females accomplish this
by seeming aloof, by being sarcastic, or by attempting to seem like they have
a mysterious psyche. Don’t fall for the “pump fake”; there’s nothing,
absolutely nothing, behind this illusion!
“Girls Just Want to Have FUN”
–Cyndi Lauper
It is in True Female Nature (TFN) to want to avoid confrontation and
discomfort at all costs. This is why when females speak, they speak in a way
to try to appease everyone, yet at the same time, try to get everyone to do
what she wants them to do. It is in TRUE FEMALE NATURE to want to attract
FUN & STIMULATION. Why is it that females are constantly seen all over huge
parties, seen on (big) yachts, involved in messy dramas, or are constantly in
danger? It is because females suffer from what is called, “Shiny Ball
Syndrome”. Simply put, if it is shiny, females are attracted to it; many females
have already acknowledged the existence of this syndrome. As long as it feels
good, females can always come up with a thousand (1,000) excuses not to do
an act; but can also have a thousand and one (1,001) reasons for why they
did do that act!
The more stimulated (physically, mentally, or emotionally) females are,
the more likely they are to do things, head first [pun intended]. At the very
least, females will use plausible deniability and claim to be a “willfully
ignorant” participant; the common saying by females, “I don’t know what
happened…one thing led to another with him.” Females love to use
“Plausible Deniability”, which is the uncanny ability to deny knowledge of or
take responsibility for any damnable actions committed by them, due to a
lack of evidence that can confirm their full participation. Devilish!
An example of plausible deniability is the following: a scenario where a
male is trying to have sex with a female, within a few hours of meeting her at
the bar, with two (2) distinctly different approaches. To be clear, the female
in this scenario absolutely DOES want to have a “same-day lay” with this
male, consensually. During Approach #1, the male uses a very direct and
forward approach by telling the female, “Let’s go back to my place to have
sex!” Even though the female in this scenario wants to have sex with this
male, the male’s direct approach makes the female feel like a SLUT: a low
status female that is known for having many casual sexual partners for free.
In this scenario, if the female takes the male up on that offer, she may be
deemed as a slut by her “community”, because she knowingly left the bar to
go have sex with that male; there is little to no room for plausible deniability
for her with this type of direct approach. In Approach #2, the male instead
says to the female, “I know this cool club we can go to; it’s not too far from
here. I have to pick up my (fill in the blank) from my apartment, on the way
there…”. Now, with this approach, if one thing leads to another while they
stop at that male’s apartment, the female technically “did not know” that
something sexual was going to happen. Females prefer the Approach #2 over
Approach #1 because females perceive Approach #2 as having little to no
consequence to their (perceived) social status; it is easier for females to
afterwards “play ignorant” with Approach #2.
(Makeup, Attire, Script, & Kitty)

“The Devil comes to you looking like EVERYTHING you want.”

-LB. Cajuste

Femininity is the main quality or attribute regarded as the characteristic of a

female; and femininity is also what makes a female desirable to masculine,
heterosexual males. Females express their femininity in many ways, but
mostly via their M.A.S.K. This M.A.S.K. is comprised of their make-up, the
clothes they wear, the society’s narrative that they are programmed to
follow, and their secondary sex characteristics (i.e. hips, breasts, etc.).
Females can either use their M.A.S.K.s to be desirable and (figuratively) pull a
male in; or females can be intriguing and push or distance themselves from
the people that they do not want to be close to. The M.A.S.K. that females
put on can come in three (3) different forms or classes.
The First Class M.A.S.K. can be described as the female who is a famous
celebrity, a sexy model (social media), or nowadays, a famous housewife. This
is the M.A.S.K. that every female aspires to become because it brings them
everything they want; but at what cost? Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and
Beyonce Knowles exemplify the First Class M.A.S.K. Aside from their talents,
these aforementioned examples of a First Class M.A.S.K. have received access
to many exclusive experiences in this world, due to their make-up, the
clothes they wore, the correct words to say, and of course, their….kitty. The
Second Class Mask can be described as the females who emulate the first tier
M.A.S.K. because they have the income to imitate it, but the Second Class
M.A.S.K. does not have the same amount of status as the higher tier of
The females who have the Second Class M.A.S.K. can afford the
waterproof make-up, can afford the best lotions and moisturizers, and can
afford to make sure that their bodies are shaved in all the right places. This
female is typically a high-paid professional, such as doctor, lawyer, nurse, or
even businesswoman. Being that these females usually portray themselves as
having more than they really have, they use their M.A.S.K. to maintain their
position in life, if not, to try to upgrade to a higher tier (First Class M.A.S.K.).
Lastly, the Third Class M.A.S.K. can be described as the females pretending
or make-believing that they are either of the two higher tiers of M.A.S.K.s.
These females are willing to go broke buying fake make-up, buying fake
eyelashes, wearing fake hair, and wearing fake (name-brand) clothes. The
females with the Third Class M.A.S.K. can be described as the females seen at
the cash register of your local grocery store or local fast food restaurant, and
they believe that they are alike to Beyonce; even though these females are
working at a fast food restaurant. These females have standards that are way
above what is normally considered reasonable, and they believe that their
(cheap) Third Class M.A.S.K. will fool the average male into believing their
fairytale (delusional) perception of themselves. Females are not prohibited
from developing these M.A.S.K.s throughout the early years in their lives
because society does not expect females to have or develop any real

Females are obsessed with their external appearance to the world; a female’s
outward appearance is ultimately how she defines herself. Unbeknownst to
most males, females love the game of “playing” with themselves, in more
ways than one. Females love to use their faces and bodies as if it were a
canvas for artwork, in the form of different hairstyles, and different fashion
styles; but more specifically, in the form of make-up. Many females regard
their “raw” self (face), the person that they are fresh out of the shower,
when they do not have any make-up on, as not even being themselves. Have
you ever heard females say, “Wait! I have to go put my face on.”? Females
have to go through a constant process of wearing mud face masks, getting
facial exfoliations, and possible acne medication just to be able to wear all
that “cake” on their face. Without it, many females would not even feel like
themselves, in public. Also, take note that females get “dolled up” to fish for
the compliments of other females; females innately know that they are in
competition with other females, for men of high status and big bank
If you take a look at the make-up industry, no make-up is ever too
expensive for females to buy. Some females go as a far as sleeping with their
make-up on; others wake up to put make-up on before their partners wake
up. Females have to be sure to keep that “Shadowy” eye-look going on with
their mascara. The fact that females can have endless conversations on
menial subject matters such as make-up shows how primitive and basic
females’ mental activities are. Females believe that males are “ugly” simply
because males do not paint their faces and do all the other things that
females do to “stay pretty”. Because of this lack of mental capacity that
females have, this frees up the mind of females to pick their future husband
(provider) based on his income and based on his standard of living; as
opposed to how his looks. Remember, aa male’s looks are not super
important to females because in their eyes, most men are seen as “ugly”

The weaker a male is to his sexual desires and the more a male views the vagina like it is a
goddess, the greater that male’s inability will be to reject the offer of sex from any woman
that offers it to him.
Basically, the less control a male has over his own balls, the more submissive he will be to
True Female Nature (TFN)!
Females have the goal of living a life of ease, where they do not have to
worry about money; while expecting this lifestyle to be provided by and
supported by the males in their lives! Females are in the business of treating
people unfairly in order to benefit from their work. They are the masters of
exploitation. Females use their vagina like it is a business; and they use their
bodies, adorned in scantily clad attire (some go as far as Plastic Surgery), to
entice “investors” or “sponsors”. In the mind of females, the amount of gifts,
the amount of trips, & the amount of monetary tips that they (their vaginas)
can behest from males determines their Sexual Market Value (SMV). For
example, if you take a female to a fast food restaurant on a first date, that
particular female will interpret that gesture as the male stating to her that
her vagina is only worth $1.99 (meal). Once females have found themselves a
serviceable investor(s), they will feel no obligation to invest their bodies;
males are seen as just workhorses with an abundance of resources that
females can exploit.
Females understand that the kind of fish you want to catch depends on
the kind of bait you use; males are the fish in this analogy. Females use make-
up to mask, to hide behind, or to shield their (real) self from males; creating a
barrier of illusion or wrongly perceived interpretations between themselves
and males. The attire of females sets the tone of their enticement and allure.
Females begin to master their “bait game”, or their ability to attract the
interest or intrigue of a male suitor, at an early age; females focus on using
their “baits” to lure and to manipulate the males that they desire.

Females believe that beauty starts from the outside, the physical features of
themselves, and not from their insides (i.e. character, integrity, etc.). Females
are constantly concerned about what other people will think about how they
are dressed; are constantly concerned with what other people will think
about how they look; and are constantly concerned with how other people
will think about what they have. Females believe that their clothes (outside)
define who they are as a person. This is why females will over-spend on their
clothes; even going into exorbitant debt to wear high-priced, name-brand
fashion labels.
Females financially struggle to keep their wardrobe up-to-date with the
latest fashion styles. Females wear the latest in-style fashion labels and sports
the most recent fashion styles as a status symbol to their on-lookers,
especially other females. Females want to show (the world) that they can
afford to dress in expensive attire [i.e. Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Balenciaga, etc.];
giving the perception to others that she is financially stable, or rich. Females
will boast to their friends about how much they have paid for an outfit; the
average female cannot care less about the marked-up prices (by more than
500%) on popular, high-fashion name brands. Females have absolutely no
qualms about running their credit card debts up; females have no problem
with allocating money from the rent that is due; females have no problem
with begging, have no problem with borrowing, and have no problem with
stealing. Females will do any, if not all of these actions, in order to have a
certain outfit or to dress in a certain style. When the “popular” style changes,
so does their style.
Females are always saying, “I am going out to (fill in the blank); I need to
buy a new outfit.” While at the same time, they have several outfits and they
have several shoes in their closet, still with price tags on them, that they have
never worn; but females will buy a new outfit anyway because with every
new shoe, with every new dress, or with every new outfit that they buy, it
boosts their self-esteem when they are complimented on it (their new outfit).
Females would rather buy an expensive outfit than pay their rent on time;
risking the security and protection of having a roof over their heads. Females
would rather starve themselves than to be without that outfit they want or to
be without those shoes they so desperately want. Their wardrobe is at the
top of their priority list; it is the identity of females!
It may take females hours to get the “right look”; they will twist in front of
the mirror in their outfits and/or bend over in front of the mirror to see
where the clear views of their buttocks are; from the different angles, that
displays their ass “the best”. Females know that when they reach for a
certain item, or when they bend over to pick up something, which body parts
are being exposed, and which curves of their bodies are being displayed.
Females will stand around, looking aimlessly or “posing”, at bus stops, in
doorways, in line at the supermarket, standing around in the mall; all in
hopes of getting attention and someone, anyone, noticing how well they’ve
put their outfit together. Females are “attention” whores!
Especially in their youth, females believe that the tighter the outfit, the
more “skin-tight” the outfit is, the more attention they will receive from
people, especially other males. Females define this as being “sexy”. Females
do not care if the outfit they are wearing is restrictive to their movements;
females do not even care how uncomfortable the outfit makes them feel. The
more nude a female appears to be in public, the bigger her statement about
her own self-confidence or her own self-esteem (or lack thereof).
At times, a female’s attire can also scream “desperation”! For example,
females likes to wear bottoms that clearly show the outline of the type of
underwear (i.e. thongs, boy shorts, panties, etc.) that they are wearing,
sometimes brightly-colored, to be seen easily thru their clothes that they are
wearing (if they are wearing any underwear at all). Females do this to draw
attention of males to the shape of their body. Take a look at Leggings,
sometimes called “Yoga” pants; they are skin-tight, stretchy-fabric pants,
typically worn by many females, especially nowadays. The modern leggings
are damn-near sheer, or see-through, at times.
Females wear this kind of attire in an attempt to be “sexy”; to highlight all
the parts of their body that they believe are their best assets (from the curves
of their lower bodies, to the curves of their breasts, and even down to the
curve of their calves). Females believe that covering themselves up makes
them appear to look like old ladies, which they believe decreases their SMV,
hence decreasing their chance of snagging the “right” male. Females puts all
of their assets on display, for any potential male suitors; basically being
viewed as “nude” to any male with a functioning imagination. If she has big
legs, she will be sure to wear short, shorts (“Daisy Dukes”), possibly exposing
the bottom of her butt cheeks; if she has big breasts, she will be sure to wear
shear or low-cut, tight tops, having her breasts spilling out; if she has a big
ass, she will be sure to wear shorts, pants, or dresses that will accentuate it,
the best she can. To most females, their buttocks are the focal point of their
In addition to their clothes, females learn (early) how to walk a certain
way; whether it is to make their ass shake a certain way; or whether it is to
make their curvaceous hips sway side-to-side, in order to get the attention
they so desperately desire from males. Still, females pretend to be
completely unaware of the attention they are receiving from walking in this
fashion and wearing this type of attire; but females love the internal
stimulation they generate from all the attention they are receiving from
males and also from other females who give attention and compliments to
them. Even though the average female wants to garner all the attention in
the room from all the males in that room, she doesn’t want to have sex with
every one of those males. Females desire for every male in any particular
room to want to have sex with her; that is a big difference!
Females use the sexual desires of males to manipulate them, which is why
females can dress like a prostitute, with impunity; in other words, females
can dress in scantily clad attire in public without any sort of punishment or
consequence. Females believe that their body is the only tangible quality
they possess, which is why females put their bodies in the forefront of their
interactions and which is why females feel the need to show males what they
are “working with” (body-wise). Females believe that their feminine wiles or
their strategies to manipulate and persuade a male to do what they want, as
their most powerful non-physical attribute. It is this ability of females to
persuade and manipulate males to do whatever which is what gives rise to
the solipsistic mindset of modern females. Solipsism is the view that the self
[herself] is all that can be known to exist. Females are so solipsistic and
wrapped up in their own world that they consciously (or subconsciously)
believe that they are the writer, that they are the director, and that they are
the producer of everything going on in their life, especially while dating.
Females are sometimes so involved in their “inner script” that they cannot
hear what anyone is saying to them; or females may go as far as telling
people (especially males), “That’s not what you were suppose to say to me!”
{ “ATTENTION” is SUSTENANCE (Nourishment) to FEMALES!!! }

Imagine females walking in high heel shoes. From a male’s perspective, it

makes no sense to walk on a “stick” (high heel), as opposed to walking on a
fully even, flat surface. Instead, females are willing and able to walk in 3 inch
heels or higher, in pain; but females feel that this temporary pain & agony is
worth enduring, if it helps them to snag or attract the attention of many high-
value, “nice” (stupid) males. Females will wear low-crop tops, showing the
shape and/or suppleness of their breasts; some will wear tops so tight, that
people are able to see the impressions of their nipple rings, on full display.
But, as a male, if he looks at a female’s nipple rings, he is considered a
pervert (that is, if the female doesn’t find that male attractive). Females will
wear bottoms so tight that people are able to see the impressions of their
vaginal labia, otherwise known as their “camel toe”. Do you believe that
females leave their homes, not knowing or unaware that the shape of their
vaginal lips are visible and on display for the world to see?
Remember, females will reach, bend, and twist in front of the mirror
before leaving their residence; females will wear short skirts (sometimes
without underwear) and sit with their legs open, to entice any male looking in
their direction. Females place their Sexual Marketplace Value (SMV) above all
in their life. The SMV or their ability to physically attract a suitable (rich) male
is the only thing that females have going for them. The best way for females
to “fall-in-love” with a male is through sex; sex symbolizes affection to
females. When a male has not conquered his sexual lusts & desires for
females; his reason, his intellect, and his logic can be disregarded effortlessly.

{ If a male has not yet mastered his sexual desires to the point
where he is in control of his little head (penis),
He will forever be a perpetual slave to females and their
manipulative ways.}

Music, movies, television programs, and society in general give females their
“script”. Remember, females believe that their lives are actual movies and
that they (females) are the directors, the producers, and the main characters
in this film; but the playwright to their movie (life) is society’s narrative of
who, what, why, and how a female should “act” in public. Females can, at
times, play (act) out the role of characters, without consciously knowing
it. Through media (social), via culture, and because of a few external factors
such as the environment, society has created different types of “characters”
that females can choose to play, in order to snag the best financial provider
that they can find. We will only discuss three (3) of the many potential
characters that females can portray (act out) to obtain and keep a potential
male suitor.
When discussing the potential characters females can portray, there are
three (3) facets, each like a two-sided coin, to the female personality that can
be broken down into somewhat opposing sides; which helps determine the
type of character that a female is most likely displaying. For example, a
female’s character can change drastically based on whether she is a down-to-
earth person or whether she is an unrealistic, daydreaming person. Another
facet of female personality that factors into her character is her ability or
inability to trust her partner. Some females trust their partners early in the
relationship and begin to invest immediately into their partner and into their
Most females are skeptical of others, so they will constantly challenge
their (potential) partner with “shit tests”. The last facet in helping to
determine what script a female might be reading from is her ability to be
accountable. If the female does something inappropriate, will she accept the
fact that she was inappropriate and not hide it; or will she deny even doing
such an act? That’s the difference between an accountable female and a
female who denies everything; taking her lies to the grave!
A male knowing what combination of facets he is dealing with, when
dealing with a female (dreamer, realist, accountable) is important in
determining how that male will approach, and furthermore, continue a
relationship with that female. With some of the female personality
characteristics, the male has to be more persistent or move a bit quicker in
the relationship, in comparison to the other characteristics. For example, a
“Hopeless Romantic” is a female character-type that loves to be given
flowers and chocolates on the first date because that female has been
brainwashed to believe the “White Knights” and “Princes” that she watched
as a child on Disney shows and romantic comedy movies, actually exist in real
life. This “romantic” female is waiting for “Mr. Right”; therefore she will
expect her (potential) partners to behave a certain way, especially in public.
The “romantic” will quickly invest in her relationships because she has an
unrealistic view of life, and she is not willing admit this to herself.
On the other hand, “The Socialite” is a female character-type that does
not put as much emphasis on flowers and chocolates like the Hopeless
Romantic does, because the “socialite” is too busy dating a new male every
few days. The “socialite” is a female who loves to be social in the public eye
and is usually found in fashionable, social circles and the best parties; the
“socialite” may have been influenced by the feminist movement because she
is very sexually liberated. Because the “socialite” female character-type has
dated so many males, she carries some “baggage” with herself. The
“socialite” believes that her next (potential) partner will be like her last
partner, so she will constantly “shit test” him so he can continuously prove to
her that he will not do the same thing that her ex partner did to her.
Fortunately, the “socialite” is one of the most fun character-types to be
around; but unfortunately, the “socialite” also likes to justify her actions by
using out-of-this-world reasoning like Y.O.L.O (you only live once)!
The last female character-type, “The Cougar”, is the only type that is
realistic about her actions and is realistic about the world she lives in. The
“Cougar” is society’s narrative describing how an “independent” female, with
her own money, should behave. The “Cougar” actively pursues her career
goals and her (potential) love interests; the “Cougar” has no problems
admitting to her past, present and future activities. The “Cougar” takes a
page out of the “socialite” handbook because the “Cougar” too is also
sexually liberal; the only difference is that the “Cougar” likes to be free with
one, or maybe two, male partners. This is why The “Cougar” puts her
(potential) love interests through a series of “shit tests”, before she lets him
experience ALL of her sexual prowess!
Males should know that females have minds that are filled with
dichotomous thoughts and contradicting goals. This means that females will
simultaneously have two contrasting ideas that are represented as being
completely opposed to or entirely different from each other. An example of
the dichotomous nature of females would be the fact that, in public, females
will say that they are looking for a “nice” (stupid) guy, or a beta male
provider; but females will also (simultaneously) boast to their friends about
how much the “bad boy” or the alpha male stud arouses their loins. Females
receive information that is filtered through attraction; in a scenario, if two
guys say “Hello” to a particular female, one guy can be perceived as a
“gentleman” by that female, while the other guy may be perceived as being a
“creep”. The only difference between the two males is the amount of
attraction that female has for each one of them. The male that she finds
attractive is as the “gentleman”, and the male that she finds unattractive is
viewed as the “creep”. So, when a female is walking in public, and she hears
a cat-call or a comment of a sexual nature to her as she passes by, she will
pretend to be disgusted if she is not attracted to that male.
Females claim that they do not want to be seen as sex objects, yet they
dress and wear scantily clad outfits for the sole purpose of commanding and
acquiring their greatest desire- attention, or at minimum, some sort of
reaction from males. Females do everything they can to keep their
“sexiness” in the forefront because they believe that the easiest way to
govern or control a male is with his (uncontrollable) sexual desires, for her.
Sadly, females view the average male as someone without self-discipline, as
someone without self-respect, and as someone without intelligence.
With this type of image for the average male, it is no wonder why females
feel like presenting themselves as “sex objects”, the easiest method for them
to manipulate, to control, and to get whatever it is that they want from
males; including police officers, judges, the guy behind the counter, the
surgeon, etc. If a male knows the “script”, he can put himself in a position to
play “the main character” in her movie (life). If the other tools in a female’s
“bait belt” are not working, she has one more tool that she can use to attract
and keep the best provider that she can find; and that tool/weapon is her
“kitty kat” (vagina).

Kitty Kat (Vagina)

Just to be completely clear, “kitty” is a euphemism, or a word that is
substituted for another word considered to be harsh or blunt, for vagina;
another euphemism for vagina would be “the box”. Females learn through
trial and error that males are easier to control when they are using sex as a
tool. The modern female has the opportunity to experiment with different
sexual partners and is able to compare the different sexual performances of
various males.

{The only reason females have the ability to control males with sex is
because of a male’s inability to control their own sexual impulses.
Males are “slaves” to their OWN biological urges. }

Many males feel like they need to feel the physical touch of a female body
on a consistent basis in order to feel like a man. This is why man males
choose to forgo bachelorhood and become involved in a monogamous
relationship with a female; with him having the mindset that monogamy
equals access to her “kitty” at any time he wants; this type of male is
searching for exclusive rights and access to her “box”. With this being the
average mindset of the average male in an average monogamous
relationship, females have the leverage in the relationship by using their
vagina as a bargaining chip or holding their vagina for “ransom”.
From an early age, females learn how to manipulate males with sex, or
with the promise of sex (direct or indirect), not too long after they develop
their secondary sex characteristics; females learn how to use (the promise of)
sex like a “carrot-and-stick” ideology. As early as junior high school, females
learn to use makeup to highlight their lips and eyes; and they learn to wear
transparent and/or tight-fitting clothes to exaggerate the curves of their
breasts and hips, or to accentuate the shape of their legs and buttocks.
Simply put, females learn at an early age that they need to display
themselves as an (sex) object of attention and desire by males, and an object
of jealousy to other (competing) females. It is at this point that most females
realize (consciously or subconsciously) that their destiny in this world is
determined by their body; to females, sex is nothing more than a service.
Males need to understand that females like sex just as much as, if not
more than, males love sex; but there is a significant difference between male
and females when it comes to sex. One of the biggest differences is the fact
that a lot of males are slaves to their sexual urges and feel that it is
mandatory to ejaculate, preferably in a “box”, several times a week; males
believe sex is the epitome of all pleasure. On the other hand, to most
females, buying a new (high-priced) purse is the “epitome” of all of her
pleasure; females would rather have a “retail” orgasm, than experience a
sexual orgasm. Females are not nymphomaniacs but they love sex; females
are not opposed to it if there is nothing else to do or if she has to put little to
no effort to receive it; the male must be the active agent leading to sexual
intercourse. It is during sex that females try to exploit males the most; it is
one of the most vulnerable times for a male. A male with a strong,
uncontrollable sexual need will be obedient to females. Because many
females present themselves in public the same way sexual objects are
displayed in adult candy shops, many males feel the need for this “object”;
the more attractive a female is, the more expensive she is expected to be to
the average male. In the early 2000s, the rap artist, Lil Wayne, did not help
the young males of that generation in the dating game when he rapped the
lyric, “It ain’t tricking if you got it!”
It is in the realm of sex that females have the biggest opportunity to
manipulate males because many males look at sex as a barometer to their
manhood and a scale to how masculine they are. Most males want to be
effective and potent in the bedroom, so when a female gives them a failing
grade, it makes the males feel like failures; females take advantage of this.
Females can go as far as faking an orgasm to boost a male’s ego, or tell a
male he is the smallest sex partner she has ever had, to crush his ego. When
a male is deemed inadequate by a female, she can use that to her advantage
by making the male feel like he is lucky to have a female that would accept
him for his sexual inadequacies; or by threatening to expose his sexual
inadequacies to the world. The last thing a male wants is to be sexually
useless to his female. This is why many females do not mind being with a less
potent male; she can use this inadequacy to her advantage by always
reminding him of his “weaknesses”. Hence, when it comes to sex, females
only care about a male’s ability to produce children because children are an
essential piece to achieving their “master plan”.

Before we can discuss True Female Nature and how it involves children, we
must first briefly discuss the behaviors that females exhibit during their
relationships with their potential-parental mates (their sperm donors). The
problem that many females have is the fact that they do not recognize the
pattern and routine that they fall into while they are dating so many of these
grown males (not men). Females do not learn anything from the mistakes
that they have made in their prior relationships, and because females believe
that it is always their partners’ fault, females will continue to have failed,
romantic relationships with grown males. Females would rather stick to the
programming (society/media) that they have learned and accuse males as
being bums or deadbeats when these males that they are intimate with
decide to leave and end their personal/intimate relationship with them (the
[ Females will self-sabotage their romantic relationships with
their partners and will still blame the male for the relationship’s
failure because females too often look for happiness and joy
from external stimuli, as opposed to being able to change
internally, self-reflect, and take accountability for their own
part in their relationships’ demises.
In the mind of a female, it is never (completely) her fault! ]
Regardless of all that, females know that they cannot have a child without a
male; so deep down, females know that they need a male (for that reason).
Children, other than when needed to achieve some ulterior motive (i.e. to
receive future child support payments; to keep the male in the relationship
with the female), are seen as a mere interruption in a female’s (free) life;
especially females whom are primarily focused on their careers. Believe it or
not, there are females who have children in order to warrant their ignorant
ways, to justify their lazy attitude, and to account for their lack of
responsibility (for their own actions).
[ Females look at [their] children as an opportunity to receive
lifelong comfort, lifelong security, and lifelong freedom from
responsibility. ]
On the other hand, for males, children are on the main reasons why a
male would even allow a female to tyrannize them; most males have their
children as their main source of happiness. Unfortunately, females like to
have their happiness come at the expense of someone else’s happiness;
usually the happiness of another male. This sentiment is illustrated in the
saying that is said to many newlywed husbands, “Happy wife, happy life”.
Females do not have the ability to love children unconditionally (only their
own children…maybe); females only pretend to love children. Females would
rather give a stray animal some food and/or a place to stay than an
abandoned child; especially if she cannot use the child(ren) for her own
advantages or gains (i.e. government checks). Why are there more
commercials to save hungry pets for ten cents a day, than there are
commercials advertising adopting orphans or young children whom are
without families? Unless it is foster care, in which the foster guardians are
paid to “watch over” the children, females are not taking care of a child,
especially one that did not come from their own womb. Females of today do
not like being around their own children, for too long, let alone someone
else’s child(ren)!
Females often find themselves frustrated with their own child(ren);
causing many mothers to be abrasive and abusive (physically and/or
emotionally) to their child(ren). Females are quick to send their newborns to
one of their main “support systems” that help to rear their child(ren):
babysitters (friends, family, and strangers). These systems make it so that
females do not have to deal with their own child(ren). Truth be told, these
“support systems” are one of the reasons why females are comfortable
having multiple children by multiple different males; females know that they
have these “support systems” of babysitters and daycare centers that will
watch over their children, whether or not they are struggling to do it by
themselves. Females are TOO trusting of strangers (i.e. babysitter, daycare
center) to care for the safety of their (newborn) child.
A mother will leave a 10-week old infant in the hands of strangers at a
daycare center or will leave their toddler under the care of a babysitter, up
until the child is old enough to go to (public) school. During this time, the
mother of that child does not know what morals and what values of the
caretakers are being imposed upon their child (directly or indirectly) while at
the daycare center or while at the babysitter; that includes the additional
employees at the daycare center and the additional children being babysat at
the babysitter’s place of care. Females have no idea what immoral or
unethical principles are being implanted into their child’s psyche, when they
are not present with their child.

[ Girls are reared.

Boys are merely cared for….
Big difference! ]

Unfortunately, too many boys are surrounded by and are overly exposed
to feminine energy; which leaves these boys growing up lopsided in the
energy that they carry around and exude. This skewed exposure to masculine
energy can lead to a lot of boys being unable to receive instructions or to
accept authority from another man (a grown male who can control his
emotion, and use logic and reason to reach the best outcome); their
evolution from being a boy to evolving into a man is stunted.
Females use children as a means to achieve certain goals that they have
with a male and will sometimes “trick” a male into being forced to deal with
them; the old “Keep-Him” Baby. A “Keep-Him” Baby is a pregnancy where the
ensuing child is used to keep the alleged father of that child in a relationship
with the mother of that child. Females who do this “trickery” to keep a male,
feel like the connection that the two of them have between each other
because of the child(ren) is more important than the fact that the alleged
father does not want to be with her, the mother of the child.
This is another way that females can use to have a man do their bidding;
the child is an excuse for her to make a male work for her, long after the
relationship between the two of them is over. No matter what the current
circumstances are in their relationships with their partners or no matter what
the future brings, females know that he (the alleged father) will be included
in her life for at least the next eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) years of their
life because of the alleged child they have together. It is also a way for
females to get paid; either via child support from the alleged father or via
governmental assistance; ergo, each child (potentially) equals a paycheck.
With all that stated, females aim to have two (2) to three (3) children, at
maximum; if a female has a fourth child, she most likely has slipped up
somewhere in her planning. There is a theory as to why a female aims for two
(2) to three (3) children; nothing more, nothing less.
If a mother were to only have a single child, it would still afford her all the
same benefits that a mother with multiple children receives; but if that child
were to die, the mother would no longer receive the benefits that a mother
receives because, technically speaking, she would no longer be a mother
(parent). Afterwards, the alleged father of the (deceased) child can leave her,
forcing her to look for work, in order to survive. Females do not want this!
Another disadvantage of a female who only has one child is the fact that her
child would have no playmate; meaning that the mother of that child would
have to “entertain” and play with her own child. Females hate this!! Why do
females hate playing with children? The answer is fascinating.
Children are very imaginative human beings. Fathers can play and talk
with their children all day, if they had the time. Children are able to think of
infinite possibilities of the world around them; females are, for the most part,
solipsistic so they can only think about themselves and about their motives in
their lives. It is difficult for females to step into another person’s
“imagination”, let alone a child’s imagination. By the age of 3 years old, a
child is able to talk, a child is able think for itself, and a child is able to ask
questions about the world around it that the mother cannot honestly answer.
Children are the biggest “sponges” for information as they are growing older.
It is said that the best time to teach foreign languages to a person is when
they are a child; the younger, the better.
Females on the other hand, are interested in humdrum, boring, and idiotic
forms of entertainment (i.e. watching paternity shows, dating shows, and
soap operas on television). Females do not like playing with children; it is too
draining on their mental faculties. Females are afraid that they eventually will
not be able to keep up with the toddler, mentally speaking! The Female
answer to this “dilemma” of having to play with their own children and
“babysitting” their own children is to have more than one child; typically two
(2) to three (3) children to be exact. Again, if a female in today’s society has
four (4) or more children, she has experienced a gross miscalculation of her
First and foremost, females birthing only two (2) to three (3) children
guarantees their financial security (at least in the U.S.A.); whether it is via the
governmental child support system, or whether it is through a male who feels
the need or wants to “take care of” the mother of his children. Females
believe that if they have more than one child for a male, then he is more
likely to remain in a relationship with her; females do not care if a male is
only staying with her because of the children. By having multiple children,
females can alleviate their household duties and divide the chores amongst
their children as their mother. Females know that children can entertain each
other, leaving herself free to do inferior and menial tasks. Females will have
their thirteen (13) year old child watch over their seven (7) year old child,
whom is instructed to monitor the three (3) year old child. Who needs a
babysitter when you can have your children watch over themselves and hold
the oldest child responsible if anything goes wrong?!
In doing this, a lot of females ruin their oldest child’s childhood by
bestowing adult responsibilities unto them; making that child grow into an
“adult” before their time and before they are ready; the eldest children are
essentially cheated out of having a childhood by their mothers. Females will
just “lock up” their children in a room (or house) together and will survey
what the children are doing only if there is a commotion or only if one or
more of the children are physically injured.
A more sinister reason as to why females have multiple children (even by
multiple males) is to seem helpless or to appear as a victim. What person
with a heart would not want to come to the aid of a “helpless victim”?
Because this female has so many children, how can she be expected to go out
into the world and work for a living?
Females can use their children to help gang up against their father(s)
when he is in disagreement with their mother; an “Us” versus “Dad” dynamic
relationship. This is another harmful behavior that modern children have to
experience because their mothers are solipsistic and are only concerned with
their own happiness, not their children’s happiness. A lot of mothers even
treat the father of their child(ren) as if he is not an equal partner in the
“ownership” and parenting of their child(ren). Females will say “My baby”
instead of “Our baby”, when fathers have just as much (natural) rights as
females to care for and love their child.
As soon as females are post-partum, they believe that they can rule over
the life of the male that impregnated them. Females believe that they can
contact that male at any time, with fake child emergencies in the middle of
the night to get his attention. Females believe that these males (the fathers)
must stay in constant contact with them, and females feel like they can ask
them for money at any given time. Truth be told, many females believe the
rights of a father to see their child or how much involvement a father has in
their child(ren)’s life are determined by the amount of money he has/is
investing (in her); because money is one of females’ many gods!

In the female’s psyche, money is the God of her life; and she monitors it
closely. Money and Veblen goods or high quality products and status symbols
that increase in status as its price gets more expensive (i.e. luxury cars,
collector’s watches, and fine jewelry) are the only things that can impress a
female, the most! Females break everything down to how much something
costs; not down to how much something is worth. Most females do not know
the difference between an asset and a liability, let alone know what each of
those terms mean. To be clear, an asset is a useful or valuable thing, person,
or quality; and a liability is a person or thing whose presence or behavior is
likely to cause embarrassment or put one at a disadvantage. Females are
“Walking Liabilities”. With large sums of money, a male can get a female to
do (almost) anything he wants!
A scenario that can easily illustrate this statement would be a hypothetical
situation where a married (homeless) female, who is the mother of two (2)
children, is offered a proposition from a very wealthy man. The proposition
offered to this married and homeless female by this wealthy man is for her to
leave and abandon her husband forever, for him, and he (the wealthy man)
will take care of her and her two (2) children for the rest of their lives. All that
the married and homeless female would have to do in order to receive this
“gift” from rich male is to leave and abandon her husband; a man who has
been with that female for over ten (10) years, through all the good and
through all the bad times together; in sickness and in health. Ninety-eight
(98%) percent of the females in the western part of the globe would accept
that rich man’s offer to leave their husbands for the opportunity to live in
“the lap of luxury”; and the excuse for accepting that offer from the wealthy
man and abandoning their husbands would be, “I did it for the children; to
get my children off the streets!”. Females from around the world would
champion and agree with the females’ decisions to leave their husbands, the
men who loved and cherished them for over a decade, if given the same
proposition. Trust me, the female in the aforementioned scenario would not
need days or even weeks to come to her decision. Just a look at her husband
and the statement, “You understand, right? It’s what’s best…for the
children.” Then she would hop in the limousine with his children, and never
see him again!

[ For too many females…

Love Is Money. ]

Females equate the amount of money a male spends on her with the
amount of love he has for her. Females judge the genuineness of her mate’s
love by the amount of money he spends on her gifts; especially if he had to
sacrifice something in order to give it to her, like ancient times when you had
to sacrifice to a god. Females are the “gods” of vagina. A perfect example of
offering a sacrifice to the “god” of vagina (females) would be engagement
rings: it has been programmed into the culture of Western Society that a
male has to spend the equivalent of three (3) months worth of his salary or,
in other words, he has to forgo twenty-five (25%) percent of his yearly
income (net) earnings on just her engagement ring; we have not even
mentioned the wedding band yet, which is a separate expense. So, in order
for you to ask a female to be your wife, she expects a male to “sacrifice” a
quarter (25%) of his yearly income, JUST TO ASK for her hand in marriage! As
we know, females can say, “No.” to a male who proposes with an
engagement ring that he saved multiple paychecks to purchase.
Females want to go on expensive FIRST dates because females believe
that the amount of money a male is willing to spend or “sacrifice” on the first
date helps her to determine how much he likes her and helps her to
determine how much value that male puts on her vagina. So, if you take a
female to a fast-food restaurant on the first date, she will call that male
“Cheap” and she will believe that he is classless because she will feel like the
male is communicating to her that not only does he not value her as a
person, but she will also feel like he is communicating to her that he thinks
that gaining access to her vagina is a cheap endeavor. On the contrary, a
male can take a female out on a date to the most expensive restaurant in the
city. Females will order the most costly dish(es) on the menu, and may not
even eat a bit of any of the high-priced meal. Females only do this to see
what the male is willing to do, to have access to her (vagina). That is not to
say, if you take a female on an expensive date that she is guaranteed to give
him any access to any parts of her body. If females did this, it would be
considered “honest prostitution”.


First and foremost, females must work to achieve their own happiness and
satisfaction out of their own lives; it is not the job of any male to do that for
them. Secondly, dating is nothing but a “bait-and-switch” game for females.
Females have absolutely no problem with allowing a male to take her out on
a (expensive) date and then will have absolutely no problem refusing to have
any type of sexual relationship with that male; even if she knew that was the
reason that male wanted to go out with her in the first place. Females do not
consider an outing with a male (potential mate) as a “date”, unless that male
pays for the entire outing. Most females are “dishonest prostitutes” whom
are willing to participate in “Foodie Call” dates. A “Foodie Call” is when a
female accepts a dinner date with a male that she is not sexually attracted to
and has no intention on having any sexual encounters with; but she is willing
to go out on a dinner date with this male because he has offered to “spend
money on her”. Males need to understand that females are just spoiled,
solipsistic, and egotistical children who only know how to take take take from
others (males)!
Dating is low-key prostitution, nowadays. “Briffault’s Law” states that
females, and not males, determine all conditions of the (animal) family. It
states that females are in control of the relationships because females have
the power to use the access to their vagina as a reward or a punishment to
the male. This law also states that when females cannot derive any benefit
from their association with a male, then no relationship will take place.
Females know that they have this “control” in their romantic relationships
with males. Females expect males to pay for dinner dates, while they
(females) have no plans on having any sexual contact with that male
afterwards, later on that night.
Unless a male rapes a female, females know that males have to go with
their “games”. A lot of females know that guys just want to have sex with
them (sooner than later); so females use males’ sexual urges to their
advantage. Females truly believe that their vaginas are worth millions of
dollars; their (females) entire goal is to seduce males and control them with
her sex. Females will have males play their “games” before having sex with
them because females do not want to feel like they gave their “asset”
(vagina) away for nothing. Females will even attempt these “games” with
males that they want to have sex with sooner than later. If only males could
realize that the female’s “real” vagina is not between her legs, but between
her ears!
If a male is rumored to be a spendthrift with females, meaning he spends
his money carefree with the females he dates, most females would consider
going on a date with this male, even if they did not find that male attractive;
some females would even consider having sex with him, with the hopes that
their vagina could snag him, and have him only spend his money on her; this
can be considered “parasitic”. Females are willing to be “wined & dined”
every weekend, without giving that male anything in return besides saying
“thank you” to him and (maybe) giving him a kiss on the cheek; females will
even go as far as shaming a male and making him feel guilty for expecting any
sexual interactions in the first place. But afterwards, females will call Javier,
the man who gives her little to no non-sexual attention, to come over and
man-handle her! Javier is the man who reassures her that her vagina, the
ultimate source of her self-image, is inferior, cheap, and worthless to him.
Gentlemen, be Javier!
Females expect to be entertained on dates, as if males are there to put on
a show for them. When males show up on dates, they are expected to be
dressed in the finest clothes, and they are expected to be driving the latest
foreign car, in order to impress her. Females determine if they will see a
potential mate again and will determine how long they will date a potential
husband based on the amount of money that male is spending on the things
the she wants (and not the things that she needs). Her “wants” are usually
slight, trivial, and usually have no real value. This mentality of having a
“transactional” relationship with the male a female “loves” would fall under
the mindset of a prostitute; the more he monetarily pays for and buys things
for her, the more likely she is to repay him with sexual favors. Females
surmise that as long as they are able to strategically display their secondary
sexual characteristics (hips, buttocks, and breasts) to males, then she should
be able to find a male who will sponsor a “fun” time for her; with everything
being free for her during the entire experience. Females love to brag to their
girlfriends about how they have a male taking them out to expensive
restaurants, buying them tickets to extravagant events, or about how they
have a male taking them on lavish vacations around the world, and that they
(the female) gives him little to nothing in return, for all that he gives to her.
Females are selfish when it comes to their own, hard-earned cash.
Females believe that their money is their money, and that his money is “OUR”
money! As far as females are concerned, they believe that their finances
should be considered a private matter, not to be talked about at length;
females believe that their finances should never be the topic of discussion;
her finances are her secret and hers alone. Females believe that as long as
they are able to pay their part of the expenses (when they need to), their
salary or bank accounts should never come up for surveying or for inspection.
When it comes to females’ “gift-giving” abilities, they are very limited and
extremely calculating. To females, the act of “gift-giving” is equivalent to the
act of “possession”, they believe they “own” the male that is receiving the
gifts (that she paid for).
Females have no problem attempting to “buy” love. If a female buys her
lover a costly gift, she believes and she hopes that he will remember this
kind, expensive gesture from her, and that it will deter him from leaving her.
Another reason why females will buy an expensive gift for their lover is to
“set the bar” on what type of gifts (value-wise) she expects from him, which
gives her some control in the relationship. But, the latter does not happen
often because many times, females will look down upon other females who
give money (or gifts) to males; most females think other females who do this
are idiotic. Females nowadays will make a potential suitor believe that she
has more money than she actually has, in order to impress him and to have
him believe that she is attracted to him not for his monetary assets (money).

[ To females,

Deep down inside every female knows that they need a man to complete her!
There’s no such thing as an independent (feminine) female; do not believe
that hype. Dating is about SEX; to put it crudely, dating is fucking!

There is a saying that goes as follows: “Your reputation precedes you”.
Another saying that has lasted the test of time is, “Perception is reality”. It is
a very important part of True Female Nature (TFN) to remain cliqued up and
to have different associations in order to attain the safety and security from
the world that female true nature desires. Females need to maintain a
positive social perception (image) of themselves, as to not be ostracized from
their “community”. The word slut is a word that is, more often than not, used
The word “slut” is defined as a female who has many (casual) sexual
partners; a promiscuous female. The overtone or the connotation of the
word “slut” describes a female who has very low social status; and describes
a female who has (almost) nothing to offer a man, but her vagina. Females
like to use the word “slut” against their “competition”, which is almost every
other female, in an attempt to have the males they are competing for, look
down on their competitors (other females, including relatives). This is why it
is easier for females to be (more) promiscuous when they travel (abroad) for
vacation. Destination vacations allow females to decrease their chances of
affecting their (perceived) social image and these vacations abroad can help
females decrease their chances of receiving any social consequences for their
shamelessness and debauchery. Before the saying was, “What happens in Las
Vegas stays in Las Vegas”. Now the saying is, “Whatever happens on vacation
(abroad) stays on vacation”. This change from “Las Vegas” to “Anywhere
(abroad)” boils down to one word: DISCRETION, or the ability to avoid
revealing private information. As stated earlier, females are specialists at
lying to themselves. Females will rarely take the responsibility for what
occurs in the present, and they will use “Plausible Deniability” as the vehicle
to achieve this action.
The most important act females believe they have to do correctly, in order
to fulfill all of their dreams and schemes, is to find, not necessarily a “Mr.
Perfect”, but to find a “Mr. Right”. When a female finally finds her “Mr.
Right”, she feels it is time for her to retire (from everything). During private
moments, females callously calculate ways to get whatever it is they want
from males, with no empathy to how the male may feel about it. One of the
biggest problems females have is that they are unwilling to learn new
approaches to add to their dating repertoire; many females may know how
to get a man’s attention/time, but many females do not know how to keep a
man’s attention for an extended period of time. Females’ inability to retain
and maintain a male’s commitment stems from the fact that many females
have “penis envy”.
For the sake of discussion, “penis envy” means when females want to
bring a male’s ego down with insults, via shaming tactics, or by making the
male feel guilty for his thoughts and/or actions. “Penis envy” is also displayed
when females want to have males believe that they (females) should be
pedastalized, or treated like “Queens”. Females do not realize that something
as easy as changing their behavior or showing respect to the male that they
want to keep would be all that they needed for a better chance at having a
male who would want to truly give his commitment to them.
There are many areas in females’ lives and of females’ lives where they
hunt for their potential future mates; their “Mr. Rights”. Offices and factories
are some of the biggest markets for females to find a male to marry; but the
most common place for females to be available and vulnerable with the
males around them would be the workplace; colleges/universities would be a
close second place. At the workplace, females can have an abundance of light
to heavy flirting and playful, friendly exchanges of teasing remarks between
themselves and the males around them. Also, at the workplace, females can
observe and judge a male’s masculine qualities that she values; especially
how discreet a male can be at that workplace!

[ If a female does not receive ANY ATTENTION from anyone for seventy-two
(72) hours or more,
She will become suicidal.
That is how important “attention” is to females. ]

When it comes to attention, females will take it from almost everyone and
everything, but who they want it from is a different story. Females want
attention from males, based on that male’s status and income. With every
high status and/or high income male that females meet, they expect their
next mate to be, at minimum, as high of a status or have as high of an income
as the last male that dated her; basically, females expect the next mate to
have more status or to have more income than their last boyfriend.
As far as themselves, females will continue to work, until they are married
or pregnant; being either pregnant or married gives females an “obligation”
to stay home (and do nothing). Even when it comes to female doctors and
female lawyers, etc., once these “professional” females (i.e. PhDs) get
married or become pregnant, they hang up their stethoscopes, they put away
their law journals, and become stay-at-home mothers; these females do not
care for the degree they received or for the student loan debt that came with
their degrees. If any of these “professional” females, during their
undergraduate years in college or university, had the opportunity to be
married or to be impregnated by a male who was of high status and/or who
had a high income, these “PhD” females would have withdrawn from their
courses and move to the suburbs with their “Mr. Right”, to live happily ever
after, without a second thought.
Females would rather have a male who can provide them a lavish
life(style) over having to graduate from a college or university with only a
degree and student loan debt to show for it. A wedding ring and/or a
sonogram are worth more to females than their degrees. Plus, if the female
marries a “professional” (i.e. doctor, lawyer), she will not only have the same
standard of living as her “PhD” husband, she will also be treated with greater
respect than him. The “PhD’s” wife will have a social prestige that she has not
even earned! What is the quickest way for a female to become successful?
Have her marry a successful male. The most attractive females in society do
not strive to develop themselves, intellectually.

[ “If a female is beautiful,

There is no reason for her to be broke.”
-LB Cajuste ]
(Take that statement how you want.)

Males need to know that whatever they try to do to impress females, it is

almost for naught, nothing, nil. In the daily world of females, the only
opinions that are “important” to her, as far as impressions are concerned, are
that of other females; a compliment from another (random) female far
outweighs the compliment from a random male. Which is why females are
quicker to reply to messages from other females who have “Liked” and
commented on their social media pictures than the males who have also
“Liked” and commented; the value of other females’ comments outweighs
that of males comments. Only other females are important in a female’s
Females hunger for recognition, adulation, and above all, adoration. When
females get dressed up to go out to the dance club or any other social event,
they are dressing in a manner to impress other females, not to impress other
males; it is somewhat of a competition between females. So, if a female were
to get a compliment from another female (her competition), she feels like
she is on Cloud 9. In the mind of a female, other females are the measure of
their success. Females will determine how financially stable they are based
off of the financial stability of another female who is either doing much
better or much worse than herself. If a female is living in a one-bedroom
apartment, but knows a few females that are homeless, she will look at her
living situation as not being so bad. On the other hand, if a female who lives
in a four-bedroom house, with a two-car garage and backyard, knows a few
females that live in a mansion or a castle, then that female will look at her
living situation as subpar.
It is the same when it comes to vehicles, job titles, and scholastic degrees.
The standards of one female correspond with what she believes other
females’ standards are and not the standards that males have for her. The
only time the standards of a male may be important to a female is when he is
the (sole) provider in the relationship. The females’ goal is to achieve
maximum profit from a male when dating him, and especially when she is
married to him. The only time a female’s feelings truly get involved in her
relationship is when the (sole) provider threatens to leave the relationship.
Too many males do not know the Power in being able to leave a
relationship at the drop of a hat. When a female knows that her mate is not
going anywhere, she will lose some sexual interest in him, especially if she
believes that he has no other females pursuing him or trying to take him
away from her. In this scenario, the female has no competition, when that is
exactly what a female wants when dating a male; competition. It is better for
husbands to have their wives competing with a “ghost”; a fictitious female
conjured up in her own imagination that she becomes jealous of, rather than
for their wives to believe that their husbands do not have any other females
wanting them (their husbands). Females have a hard time understanding the
aspect of True Male Nature that gives males the ability to have the desire to
have sex with other females, even though they are in-love with another
When females know that they are in competition with another female for
their (high status/high income) male, they will adjust their behavior to be
nicer to him to win back his affections or they may go deeper into their
psyche and give him more sex, in order for him to be too drained to have
(good) sex with another female. When the sex from a male is rated anywhere
from good to great by a female, the female can only imagine him doing the
same thing, if not better sexual acts, to other females. Females are willing to
destroy their entire world, based on what that male with the good to great
rated sexual skills is doing with his god-given penis (imaginary or not).
Females will conjure up the worst scenarios in their heads, with 5K High-
Definition mental images. Females will go as far as threatening to commit
suicide via overdosing or other ways, because of the horrible movie they have
played in their heads, about what their mate might be doing with another
female. Crazy!
Besides suicide, another way that females like to retaliate against the
thoughts of their mate being with another female is by having sex with their
mate’s close family member, their mate’s worst enemy, their mate’s boss, or
any man that they feel holds a special value in his life; all of this being an
attempt by females to make their mate feel as guilty as possible (for
something he may not have done). Female nature is out of control; it is never
just one thing or one way; it is simultaneously in opposite directions. Females
want to be hot, while feeling a little cold; they want to be happy, while
feeling a little sadness or fear accompanying the happiness; they want a beta
male to pay the bills and to ensure their financial security while
simultaneously wanting a dominating male to command them in the
bedroom; females wants “Fried Ice”!
Females desire (subconsciously) males who are wanted by other females
and/or who have options when it comes to whom these males can choose to
be their mate, in order for her to invest her feelings into the relationship. The
last thing a female wants to do is imagine her mate enjoying the best time of
his life, having fun with another female. Females want to know these things,
but they do not want to see these things; seeing it would be a dose of reality
that is too much to handle for most females. Females would rather imagine
their “competition” than see it in real-life because they could only see their
“competition” as a blur, with no face and with no personality. One of the
biggest problems females have with understanding the truth about True
MAN Nature is that it is natural for a man to have more than one female as
his mate. With more than fifty-percent of the world population being
females, it is only natural for a man to have more than one female mate.
Females are very territorial due to social programming from music, movies,
television, etc.; females are lead to believe that every relationship that they
enter into with a male will follow all the rules of a monogamous relationship,
that have been all socially constructed.
Due to social programming from television, movies, and music, females
believe that the males’ needs are based solely on sex and the need to have it
constantly. Society can produce songs that sing, “No romance without
finance…”, promoting a culture of “acculturated” prostitution. In this socially
accepted form of prostitution, females do not, upfront, ask a male for money
in exchange for sexual services; instead the acculturated prostitutes indirectly
get money and/or valuable items from males (i.e. dinner dates, jewelry,
expensive bags, cars, etc.), for the exchange of sexual favors. The only
difference between a “Gold Digger” and a prostitute is sex; the prostitute
performs sexual favors in exchange for money or gift; the “Gold Digger”
receives money, gifts, and trips from her partners, but does not have sex with
these males. Salute to all the “Gold Diggers” out there!
When females are in a relationship with a male, they believe that they
automatically have ownership over the male’s genitals; only she can say what
he can and cannot do with his penis. Many females feel this way about the
genitals of their males because they (females) believe that the sum total
value or wealth of themselves lies within their vaginas; females have reduced
their own worth to simply their genitals. So, because of this mindset, females
believe that males should keep their “jewels” (valuable items) for only one
female, her. Females are willing to fight or kill someone over their “lover”.
Females look at the indiscretion of another female having sex with their male
the same as they would if someone was trying to steal their precious stones
from their bank vault; a “no prisoners taken” mentality! As a female,
selecting a husband or a lifelong mate is a serious task that requires
responsibility, maturity, intelligence, and empathy; all things that females do
not have in abundance.
Dating Solutions (for males)
In the “Dating Game”, males have to learn how to treat it like a game of
chess, not checkers, and males need to learn how to checkmate females!
Here are three (3) of many ways that a male can use True Female Nature to
his advantage in the “Dating Game”:

1. Make Her INVEST:

Females will utilize other males to work and/or think for them (females) and
will have these males take on their (females’) responsibilities because females
view males as human beings who live to work and as human beings whom are
an abundant resource. Females view males as robots made to produce (raw)
material goods (i.e. a healthy newborn baby). On the contrary, the males that
a female does invest in will be the males she will fight (literally) to keep. In the
“Dating Game”, one way of knowing if a female has high interest in a male
would be to observe how much that female is willing to invest (i.e. time) into
him; to observe how much emotion that female is willing to invest into him;
and (more importantly) to observe how much that female is willing to invest
her (own) money into him.
A female’s investment, into a male that she is pursuing, can be as little as
that female picking up an item from the corner/grocery store on her way to
seeing the male she is pursuing after being asked by him to do so; or it can be
as big as the male that she is pursuing asking her to purchase a pricey gift,
that only benefits him. Hypothetically speaking, females need to purchase
“stocks & bonds” in the male that she is pursuing, or “choosing up on”, in
order to be a “platinum” member of his company (wife). As the president [the
man] of his empire, a grown male must be able to control his emotions, must
be able to set his emotions aside, and must be able to use logic & reason to
reach the best outcome; in addition to that, “presidents” must be able to
display assertiveness, must be non-judgmental, and presidents must be free
of jealousy (a feminine trait).
In order to be aware of the “jealousy” button that exists in the mind of
females, males must first develop an ABUNDANCE MINDSET. Once an
abundance mindset is developed in a male, he is then able to non-verbally
communicate (to females): “I have (multiple) females at my disposal”. When
a female believes there is another female in the picture, the competition
begins; females are willing to compete against a “ghost” because females do
not have to actually see another female to begin competing for your
attention; females become “Ghost busters”! All a female needs to do to
activate her “jealousy” button is to imagine that her mate is with another
female, especially if she knows this is easily possible.

{ I can personally recall a female whom I would visit every three weeks or so.
A few minutes after I would arrive, she would say, “Thanks for coming to
visit me and making time for me...I know you have those other 25 to 30
girls you must also be dealing with.” Her imagination had her presuming
that I was dating up to 25 to 30 other girls; she only surmised that I had so
many other females because she did not see me often and she rightfully
perceived me as a man with a high Sexual Market Value.}

When males live a purposeful and busy life, they do not have the time to
promptly reply to a female’s call or text message. When a male does not
respond to a female’s (voice/text) messages expeditiously, that male is
allowing her imagination to work to his advantage! Females choose to
imagine that he is busy having sex with someone, which will in turn have her
feel the need to “try harder” to keep him, especially if he is a high SMV man
whom she has already invested in. Men, when you finally do respond to her
messages, make sure to be the first to end the communication; remember
that you are too busy to be away from your “purpose” for too long. Thank me
As a grown male, be sure to be very mindful of the attention that you give
females. Too often men are “nice” to females in hopes of receiving a sexual
favor in return. The etymology or origin of the word “nice” is to be ignorant
or stupid! Because of this “stupidity” by males, we now have obese, unkempt
females with narcissistic attitudes because of all the (free) non-sexual
attention that they receive when they are in public, by way too many males.
Like the lyric from the mogul Jay-Z, “[Females are] gassed from too many
sexual advances [from random males]”. Male attention is food for True
Female Nature; females can have a circle of male orbiters, in order to have a
base of males that they can constantly receive attention from [i.e. the Friend
When a male gives a female little to none of his attention, she becomes
intrigued and starved because he will be one of the very few males who has
not readily given away one of his most important assets as a man..His
attention! Again, like the “curious cat”, this will intrigue her. The Law of
Polarity also applies here: If a male gives a female too much sustenance
(attention), she will be “too full” (feel smothered); but if a male gives a female
too little or not enough sustenance (attention) for her to feel fulfilled, that
female will be “famished” of attention (intrigued/curious). This will lead a
female to want to invest in that male who is not readily giving away his “rare”
food (his attention) because that female will find him challenging. Remember
the “Cat & Mouse” games females like to play; also remember that “Curiosity
killed the cat”. So, kill that “cat” every chance you get!

The Law of Polarity:

There are many laws that govern the universe such as the Universal Law of
Polarity. This universal law states that everything has its pair of opposites in
nature, but different in degrees. This law applies to the Push-Pull Theory: a
theory that states that any action performed will receive an opposite reaction.
For instance, the more her boyfriend’s/husband’s skin touches her skin, the
more she will want to be away from him; the female will begin to feel
“smothered”; which is an opposite action to her mate’s touch (presence). On
the other hand, if a female’s partner is too busy working on his business &
projects or basically has little to no time for her, that female will beg for
whatever attention her partner can give to her; especially if every time he
makes time for her, she experiences enjoyment, she experiences amusement,
or she experiences lighthearted pleasure. Just like a cat if “smothered”, the
cat will run away; but if you ignore or pay little or no attention to a cat, you
will soon find the cat rubbing itself against your leg, hungry for attention
and/or affection. This summarizes attention in correlation to True Female
If males are considered to be like dogs, then let’s say females are like cats.
So, if you think about the “Cat & Mouse Game”, when the cat catches the
mouse, the cat is no longer interested in the game. It is not “curiosity” that
kills the cat, but the cat’s intrigue that drives the cat to investigate the object
that has fascinated and captured its attention. When a female becomes 100%
comfortable with a male; or when a female has 0% intrigue for a male; or
when a female feels like she knows 100% about a male; the female’s sexual
lust for that male will rapidly dissipate, and her Hypergamous instincts will
kick in. True Female Nature (TFN) craves to feel intrigue, mystery, and/or
some sort of obscurity from its (potential) partners. TRUE FEMALE NATURE is
similar to a cat’s nature in the sense that females need to be BAITED to you;
and once females are INVESTED in their mate, they will have a laser-focus on
the prize (the man)!

The definition of what a “man” is for this book is: a grown male who can
control his emotions, who can set aside his emotions, and who can use logic
and reason in order to reach the best outcome in any given situation.
Masculine energy is naturally that of “order”; on the other hand, feminine
energy is naturally “chaotic” or “out of order”. To argue with someone is to
express opposite or diverging views, typically in a heated or angry way
(chaos); whereas to debate someone is to have an argument, but in a formal
manner (order). The main difference between arguing with someone versus
debating with someone is simply the emotions put forth while expressing
their views and thoughts.

[ That which angers you,

Controls you! ]

When it comes to arguing, feelings are definitely involved; and when it

comes to females, logic is thrown out of the window in an argument. When it
comes to debating, Dr. John Henrik Clarke famously stated “…I only debate
my equals, all others I teach…”; as a man, be mindful of who your equals are
or you will find yourself arguing with other people who will fuel their
viewpoints with opinions, more than facts. If you were to watch a “fool” and
a sane person arguing, you would not be able to tell which person was the
fool; because arguing throws away logic, causing any sane person to look and
sound foolish. Think about it. The same goes when a male argues with a
female, she views him as a person who is “bitching” because she knows that
arguing is a natural feminine trait and not a natural masculine trait; females
intuitively know that men, not grown males, should not be arguing!
Females believe that if a male argues with them, then that male has taken
a page out of their book and is essentially following their (the females’) lead;
a feeling that is very unattractive to females. Any male that continues to
follow a female’s lead will be lead straight to the gates of hell, where she will
then turn around and blame the male for allowing her to lead the two of
them to the house of Satan. Males need to learn that females see “agreeing”
with her as a sign of weakness. Females are looking for and desire a man who
is not only a leader, but also a logical, thinking man. Females are not looking
for a “Yes Man” because females unfortunately rely completely on their
feelings to make crucial decisions in their lives. In addition to being scatter-
brained and unfocused during an argument, females also keep a mental file
on all the issues she disagrees with and harbors grudges because of it. Many
males who do decide to argue with females, especially a female they care for,
will find themselves arguing about one point, but by the end of the quarrel,
will find themselves discussing an entirely different issue.
Females will argue all their issues at once, unbeknownst to themselves;
any information that would force a female to take accountability for her
actions or would require her to change her behavior is met with extreme
resistance by her. Have you ever noticed that when males are calling out
females for their bad behavior or when males are assigning accountability to
females for their destructive actions, these females will say they feel
“attacked” by these males; while simultaneously putting little to no thought
into the validity of these claims by these males? Females will “feel” things
out, not “think” things out; females literally believe that their opinions are
just as valid if not more valid than actual facts. Too many males miss the
point that for many females, her feelings are the truth; females will stick with
the most idiotic ideologies and principles based on the way that they feel.
Many females are experts in thinking negatively and pessimistically, so
arguing is the method for females to vent (all) their complaints and theories,
at one time. For females, arguing is nothing but a game to them; and it is a
game that they play, to win!
When it comes to arguing, females play to win but to their own detriment;
if a female does “win” an argument against her male lover, she will be
saddened on the inside because she knows that she has just defeated her
“knight in shining armor”, rendering him to be perceived as “weak”, in her
eyes. This is a bewildering dilemma for females; a female would rather lose
an argument to her boyfriend/husband because it would cause her to gain
confidence in his abilities to be a man. Remember, females want “Fried Ice”!
Many females believe that their book-smarts (i.e. Degrees, PhDs) enable
them to have the upper hand on a male, especially if he is not book-smart, in
her eyes. Females believe that people are impressed with their scholastic
achievements the same way females are impressed with other peoples’
scholastic achievements. These book-smart females actually believe that they
are more intelligent and that they have more intellect than any person who
does not have the same caliber of degree(s) as them or better. There is a
difference between being book-smart and being able to acquire & apply
knowledge; the latter requires a person to have learned life lessons through
their experiences which raises their mental consciousness. Females have a
“Masters Degree in Arguing”; females will rehearse strategies of how to get
their point across for an argument days, weeks, if not years in advance!
Females have no problems with saving incriminating evidence or
information for leverage in an argument. Females naturally have the stamina
for long, drawn-out arguments; females can keep up the same (illogical)
argument for days, until they get their way. During an argument, females
have zero qualms about saying the most cutthroat things to a person or
about a person; all females only care about in the midst of an argument is
winning, by any means necessary! Even if a male is logical and stoic enough
to point out what a female has done wrong, that female will go through her
mental file and bring up something (she believes) that male has done wrong,
regardless of how long ago this male did this “wrong-doing”, and she will use
that as a defense against her own wrong-doings. Females are simply children
with breasts, so their methods of argument are congruent with that of a
rambunctious child!
Females are the most petty, are the most spiteful, and are the most
inconsiderate beings on this planet. Especially in romantic relationships,
females are comparable to unruly, undisciplined children; females can find
any and every reason to argue with their partner. From wanting to know
where he is if he is away (too long) or working too much, to her mate
deciding to grow a beard; are all reasons that females believe are valid
reasons to argue with her partner. Being that a female is the “child” in a
romantic relationship and the male is the “adult” in this type of relationship,
females want to know the boundaries and guidelines of their relationship;
females want to know where the “line in the sand” is drawn in their
relationships with their partners but many males are afraid to “draw” that
When in a relationship with a female, males should always want to “start
the way they want to finish”. Meaning, as a male, he cannot allow a female to
do something in the beginning of a relationship that he would not accept in
the future. He must call her out on it, immediately because as soon as he
allows it to happen un-checked, the disrespectful actions and the unpleasant
words will only get worse towards him as the relationship progresses.

[ “Arguing” is an aphrodisiac,
Perceived as a weird pleasure;
Possibly linked to childhood, sexual trauma(s) ]

Ever heard a female say that the she likes “make up” sex? Well, “make up”
sex is the act of having sex with a person right after arguing with that person.
Females do not know what they want; they hate themselves for the fact that
they cannot control themselves! When it comes to arguing, or having an
“emotional” discussion, with a female, the best tactic to use is: “Less is
Females are polar opposites of males, so there is a certain balance of
energies taking place when interacting with each other, especially on an
intimate level. With that said, when a female is arguing with a male, that last
thing that male should do is match her energy; the louder she gets, the
calmer he should be. Matching her energy will only lead to a fiery “explosion”
of emotions and words. On the other hand, if a male gets more relaxed or,
for example, if he decides to make his presence absent from her for some
time, she will eventually calm down…balancing the energy out. When
females have the true definition of a man as their partner, and he removes
his presence from her, not only does her heart grow fonder for him, females
will also have negative and pessimistic thoughts about him as well. Females
cannot imagine a man being away from her, and still loving her; females will
experience feelings of abandonment.
Females believe that if they are out of sight of their partners, then their
partners cannot be thinking about them; females believe that he will
completely forget about her and their entire relationship if he interacts with
other people (females), like his friends and family. Girlfriends/wives hate
when their boyfriend/husband hangs out with his guy-friends, playing video
games or participating in outdoor sports activities. Females either cannot or
do not want to participate in these activities, leaving their boyfriend/husband
apart from them. Females believe that if their boyfriend or husband is not in
their eyesight, then they must be somewhere loving (fucking) another female
or at least thinking about another female. That is why, ironically, when
females have a partner who says “I love you (more)!” constantly and
predictably, females will begin to fall out of love because it is too much for
her to handle. Within the relationship, there needs to be a balance of her
wondering “does he still love me (as much)?”
The Universal Law of Polarity can even be applied to the saying “nice guys
finish last”, meaning that the guy who treats females in a gracious manner,
never ends up with the female that he wants. The nicer a male treats a
female, the nastier she will be to him; in other words, the friendlier a male
treats a female, the more likely chance of him being put in her friend zone.
The more a male shows outright to a female that he wants to have sex with
her, the more she will tease him and/or deny him of her sexual favors. What
females really want is a man who is a decisive leader, a man who can protect
them, a man who can be their friend, a man who can fulfill their (dark) sexual
fantasies, and last but not least, a man who will be assertive in every situation
presented to him.
But over and over again, females will choose hardship over happiness;
females are not willing to change their behavior for the sake of bettering
their relationships, personal or romantic. Females would rather follow and
adhere to whatever social media, music, television, and movies tell them they
should be doing because females have a hard time coming up with an original
thought; females will not feel genuine happiness until they have finally gotten
the “gift of their dreams”….Fried Ice!
Guilty Conscience?

There is a common misunderstanding between the two words “conscious”

and “conscience”. To be conscious means to be aware of and responding to a
person’s surroundings; awake. On the other hand, to have a conscience
means to have an inner feeling or voice that is viewed as a person’s guide to
the rightness or wrongness of a person’s behavior. Being conscious is a level
above being a vegetable, so females meet the requirement of being
conscious; but as far as having a (righteous/moral) voice in their heads to
steer them in the right direction is damn-near obsolete in their psyche; there
is no conscience found within (most) females. Mothers are usually the first to
teach children about telling bold-face lies or to be deceptive; mothers are the
first people to teach children that (fake) fictional characters like Santa Claus;
like the Easter Bunny; and like The Tooth Fairy; are all real people and beings.
Again, females have absolutely no conscience!
Females are phony and rogue; they are not ingrained with self-respect.
Females are not only dishonest with males, but females are especially
dishonest with themselves. Females have no standards of honor, morality,
integrity, dignity, or pride; that is not until females meet a man (father or
husband) to indoctrinate these principles into their psyches. Females can lie
with a clear conscience and lose absolutely no sleep over the chaos their lies
cause in the lives of others. Females only care about themselves (their
feelings). Females believe that if they are not caught (red-handed) in a lie,
then whatever they have said or done is not considered a lie. Biblically
speaking, Joseph could never prove that Mary was impregnated by anyone
else….so it must have been God whom impregnated her, right? Believe it or
not, the truth is the single most effective tool used in understanding female
nature, but it also a female’s greatest weapon used against males. From as
early as childhood, males are conditioned to believe that females are
innocent, fragile creatures that do not lie; when in all actuality, females lie
more than males.
Because of this false doctrine taught to boys by their mothers, their aunts,
their sisters, and their (female) elementary school teachers, many boys are
brought up to be honest at all times; boys are brought up to never tell a lie
because it is deemed not honorable (manly) to do so. Boys are taught to love
the truth, respect honesty, and to work hard for whatever it is that they
want; but it is this lesson to tell the truth at all times, in conjunction with
being taught that females are “innocent angels”, that puts many males at a
disadvantage when dealing with females in social or intimate settings.
Females deliberately or unconsciously teach boys and young males to honor
being truthful while not teaching their young girls that same lesson. Females
do not teach both girls and boys to be truthful and honest (at all times)
because if both genders in society strived to be the most honest and truthful
person they could be, then to tell a lie to someone would have greater
Popular contemporary music also perpetuates the notion that females are
naturally goddesses that males should idolize. Music is said to be the only
element that can touch a person’s soul, without their permission. So, the
songs of today are subconsciously sending messages to males to pedestalize
females, simply for being females; while at the same time, these songs are
causing females to amplify their solipsistic thoughts of being magnificent, and
also causing females to praise their own despicable traits of disloyalty,
callousness, and laziness. Like young boys who grow up to be grown males, a
person who is taught to be truthful and honest with others at all times will
assume that the people that he interacts with will also be truthful and honest
with their words and actions; therefore, the “honest” person (males) will
view a lie as something unexpected, or as something that is a rarity.
If since childhood, boys are reared to be “honest” people, then they
inherently cannot fathom the depths of the lies and the levels of deception a
female can possess because these grown males believe that righteousness
and integrity are a part of a “human” nature. This type of programming of
young boys’ and grown males’ minds is needed to give females the security
to lie, with impunity. For females to manipulate the males in society the way
that they are, females know that they must have that males of that society
believe that being truthful and honest is the most “manly” thing they can do;
“just be honest”, “tell me the truth” are the words that will very casually
come out of a female’s mouth when talking to another male, especially
towards a male love interest.
This whole, “males tell the truth while females lie”, programming devised
by females is the reason why there is so much chaos and miscommunication
between grown males and females; for a female, being honest is not
advantageous to her. The lack of integrity or the “dishonesty” that female’s
possess within their nature would be ill-suited for tasks in society that are
based on logistics; a female working at public transit as a time scheduler or a
female reporting the amount of gas used to ship a product, must use pinpoint
accuracy. Females are unreliable with these types of reported numbers
simply because females are too embarrassed to report their errors; and
because many males believe what females say at face value, females will take
no accountability for their miscalculations. Guilty conscience…what guilty
Females are insusceptible and are immune to feeling deep regret or guilt
for their wrongs committed; females have no contrition, no compunction,
nor any accountability for their doomed and ill-fated thoughts, decisions, and
actions. So much so that females have no problem with using institutions, like
the government and the church, to control males. The only thing that a
female can control in a grown male is his emotions; a man is already in
control of his own emotions. This is the reason why females will attempt to
have physical contact with their partner (i.e. touch his hands, his shoulders,
his penis) during an argument, either when they are in the wrong or when
their partner is making logical sense. Females do this “touching” to bring
their partner’s thought processes from out of his higher-self or his “logical”
mindset (his brain) to switch his thought processes over to his lower-self or
his “emotional” mindset (which is connected to his penis).

To say that females are naturally honest would be a profound fallacy; females
will say that they have moral standards and beliefs, but their behaviors and
actions will not show congruence with the aforementioned standards and
beliefs. Males, who are looking for long-term, romantic relationships with
females, are looking for partnerships based on intimacy and reliability.
Females, on the other hand, could not care less for these things when it
comes to her search for a mate (husband). Females do not care about these
abstract qualities in a male until after that male’s finances have been
discussed and dissected.
The problem lies in the fact that too many males have been
“programmed” to believe that, besides providing and protecting, females
only want/need love, affection, quality time and gifts. This is not true. Brute
strength to protect territories and females from “the wild” is no longer
needed in modern-day society, but the ability to financially support a female
is a requirement that most females consider, before deciding to actually have
sex with a male. Females are attracted to high-earning males because
females equate money with power; to females, more money means even
more power!
Males are taught to believe that females are looking for a man that is
sensitive, intellectual, thoughtful, perceptive, or devoted to her. In all
actuality, the “high value” males that strive for money and power, these
males that females usually swoon over, usually do not have the emotions
mentioned prior. Females will claim to want a man with “spiritual” qualities,
but if Jesus were to reincarnate himself in today’s society, unbeknownst to
anyone that he was the “son of God”, very few females would even entertain
him or look his way. There are more females aiming to snatch a high-earning
business man or entrepreneur than females aiming for a journalist or graffiti
Females have been programmed to believe that successful males are
abusive, disingenuous, heartless, and secretive; which is the complete
opposite of a “nice” guy; which is why Jesus would not have a chance with
the modern-day female. So, when females ask, “Where are all the good
men?”, or when females say, “all the good men are taken!” the men they are
referring to are NOT Jesus-like (the “nice“ guys). Until a male has gone
through a sufficient amount of (sexual and non-sexual) experiences, trial &
error, with females, that male will never be able to fully grasp the depth of
the “female agenda”.
Males are “trained” to be nice to females; but “nice” guys never seem to
get laid too often; females view guys who treat them nicely as weaker males.
The etymology, or the origin, of the word “nice” comes from the Latin word
nescire, which means to not know; ignorant; lacking common sense. So, it is
only right for females to perceive “nice” guys as weak because in essence,
“nice” guys are “stupid” males. Females would rather be with a rude, vulgar,
derogatory male than to be with a “nice” guy. It is very contradictory, but
very true! Being a “nice” guy is the quickest way to enter the infamous friend
zone. The “bad” guy, on the other hand, knows that the nicer he is to
females, the greater the chances of him not getting whatever it is that he
wants from females; the “bad” guy knows that the more disparaging he is to
females, counter intuitively, the more receptive females will be to him and
the more attractive he will seem in the females’ eyes.
The “bad” guy, or the rebel, is usually a male who resists authority, resists
control, or resists conforming and convention; the rebel is not someone who
is following the herd; it is all about the challenge of snagging a male like this,
for most females. The rebel is a challenge to most females because the rebel
does not fall prey to the power of her vagina, unlike most of the males that
she has encountered in her life. One of the many characteristics of the rebel
that females (consciously or unconsciously) find the most attractive is the
rebel’s inability to be controlled or domesticated by her; the rebel is
imprudent and exudes an abundance of masculine sexuality. With a man who
exudes his masculine sexuality, a female can express her feminine sexuality
with him, making her feel vulnerable enough to imagine him (the rebel)
forcibly “taking” her, sexually (i.e. rape fantasy). Females love the thrill of
being around a rebel because interactions and experiences with him are wild
and unpredictable.
Even still, a female would leave this rebel for a rich man because all of the
rebels “value” (to her) is usually in his pants; his penis. So, when the rich guy
comes around and showers her with money, gifts, and trips, females will
throw their rebel to the side, put their M.A.S.K. on and pretend that they
were never whores (for rebels); females will play their part to get the role of
“Wife of rich man”. When females’ are asked about their former dealings
with the “rebels”, females will easily conjure up a story describing how their
morality was compromised and manipulated by the rebel, how they were
tricked by the rebel, portraying themselves as victims of this (mental/
emotional) “abuser”, a.k.a. the rebel.
Females knowingly use the rebel as the person they know they can “let
their hair down” with; as the person they can express themselves freely to
because the rebel is non-judgmental; and as the person that females can
naturally live life without restrictions (sexually speaking). The truth is that
females want to marry a “rich” rebel that she will, over time, be able to
control; females want an oxymoron…that is an alpha man with beta male
traits! But if females cannot find such an “oxymoron”, then they will have no
problem spending their time with “broke bandits” because they offer them
(females) a copious amount of fun & excitement. Females just want to have

Because females perceive their social status as of utmost importance to their
survival, females practice “HYPERGAMY”: the action of marrying a person of a
superior caste or class. Vetting this “superior male” is also of utmost
importance; females need to gauge what type of male that she is dealing
with. A survival tactic called “Shit Testing” emerges; it can be conscious or
unconscious. Vetting for females is a skill learned from a very early age.
“What does he do; where did he graduate from; what kind of car does he
drive?” It is in True Female Nature for females to vet males in order to know
what piece he plays on their (checker) board; that’s if he plays HER game. “Is
he alpha or beta; is he discrete or is he flamboyant when dealing with
females?” It is all a part of female nature to seek her potential mate’s
“borders”; testing where “crossing the line” is. Females feel that a male’s
reaction or non-reaction to these tests can determine how well he can
provide safety & security for her; to determine how well he can help her
“survive”; or to determine how much she can walk all over him within their
relationship together.
Females view males as an endless and abundant resource. Being the
“average” male just is not going to cut it; females NEED fun. A male’s reaction
or non-reaction to a female’s shit tests can also increase/decrease her
attractiveness to him. The more stoic, or non-emotionally, the male reacts to
her shit tests, the more she will feel like he is not a male that can be walked
all over. Unfortunately, most males, nowadays, fail at these tests, miserably,
becoming easily categorized as the Beta Male Provider (BMP) by females.
Females will deal with a BMP because they require little to no reimbursement
for their investments and they boost a female’s feelings of having feminine
power. BMPs make females “feel good”, but they do not get females “wet-
tow” (extremely moist, if not profusely dripping from her vagina) from their
When asked these questions, males should be vague with their answers.
Remember that it was curiosity that killed the cat. Being vague yet confident
builds intrigue. Males need to know how to pick up on the non-verbal cues
that females will communicate to them. True communication between
people is predominantly non-verbal, and it is not in TRUE FEMALE NATURE to
go around saying aloud, “Hey, I want to fuck!” Remember that TRUE FEMALE
NATURE wants to avoid the slut-shaming tactics that their cohorts have
waiting to spew at them. So, TRUE FEMALE NATURE finds subtle ways to let
males know, “Hey, come approach me!” These subtle ways are commonly
termed “Choosing Signals”.
Let us discuss three (3) cryptic choosing signals and three (3) obvious
choosing signals that females exhibit “in the field”. There are more discrete
signals, like a female looking at a male for an extra four hundredths (0.04) of
a second, or a female having her nipples facing a particular male, no matter
what’s going on. A subtle choosing signal is a female purposely finding some
way to place herself in a male’s proximity, or close to him, sometimes even
bumping into that male; as if she is giving that male a window of opportunity
to spark up a conversation with her.
Another example of a not so obvious choosing signal would be when a
male is having a conversation with a person and a female nearby, who is
clearly not a part of the conversation the male is having, interrupts the
conversation and laughs at what the male is saying; and/or a nearby female
attempts to join the conversation between a male that she is attracted to and
another female. Females that laugh or smile at almost anything and
everything a male says should be taken note as a choosing signal. The last
subtle choosing signal that will be quickly mentioned is when a female
continuously re-initiates a conversation she is having with a male. The female
will never want the conversation to end, per se; she will always want that
male engaged in the conversation with her, as if she craves his attention.
Some of the more obvious choosing signals are straightforward: a female
will keep touching the male; a female will ask the male if he has a girlfriend;
or a female will fail to mention that she has a boyfriend. Females have a
tendency to communicate indifference to males that they are not interested
in. For the most part, a female’s BODY LANGUAGE will let a male know
whether that female is interested in him or not- if she is leaning away from
him, if she is facing away from him, if she has her back turned away from him;
or sometimes it can be as subtle as if she has her toes not facing that male.
Females can devise subtle ways to avoid direct communication with males
they are not interested in.
If a female contributes little to nothing in a conversation with a male, or
even worse, she starts a conversation with someone else, that means that
female is not interested in that particular male, at that particular time.
Females do not invest in, or contribute to, the abundant resources of males;
so the most important sign of disinterest that a female can exhibit is in her
inability to INVEST anything in said male. If a female invests in a male, that is
a definite sign of interest; the level of investment can sometimes determine
the level of interest a female has for a male.
If a female is unwilling to invest in said male (time, money, resources,
etc.), then she is basically saying that she does not feel that male is worth her
investing into; even though the only things that females (essentially) have to
offer males, that males cannot offer to themselves, are the womb and vagina
of females. When a female walks into a room full of males, she DOES NOT
want to have sex with every male in the room, but SHE DOES want every
male in the room to WANT TO have sex with her! See the difference.

[ If an aging male cannot take control over his strong sexual urges,
brought on by testosterone,
he will inevitably fall victim to his craving for vagina, and
he will willingly volunteer himself to a lifetime of
misery, obedience, and servitude to a female. ]

Females know this “weakness” of males; females use this knowledge to

their advantage to get the attention and the validation of random males in
public. For example, the populous society has changed so drastically that
females are walking outside with pants that look like they were painted onto
their legs. This is just a ploy that females use to be able to display the shape
of their bodies, and to use the figure of their bottom halves as “sexual bait”
to the males who see them. Again, this is mostly done by females simply to
get attention, from males and females.

A Lock Opened By Any Key

Females believe that their entire existence; from their earnings, to their
potential husbands, and even to their probability of surviving in life; is based
upon on one body part: the vagina, their “lock”. It is deep-rooted in female
nature to believe that their “lock” (vagina) is the only substantial commodity
that she possesses that she can wield to barter with, to bargain with, and to
negotiate with. Females, with the help of society and its media, have
programmed most males to be addicted to female sexuality like it is a drug;
to the point that when females give access to their vaginas to a male and
then restricts that male’s “key” (penis) from accessing her “lock” (vagina),
then that male would be willing to do anything to regain access to her “lock”.
This “reward/punishment” tactic used by females is how sex turns into a
weapon within relationships and marriages. To females, sex is not about
sexiness or eroticism. To females, sex is all about Power!
When it comes to sex and female sexuality, females are constantly aware
of it (consciously or subconsciously). The female sexual drive is the engine
that drives the majority of her life and is a major factor in how females make
their decisions; talking to friends about her sexual capabilities with her close
friends, is a female’s favorite pastime. Society worries about males “kissing
and telling” after an intimate and private moment with a female, when in all
actuality, it is females who go around “gossiping” or go around publicly
spreading their own personal affairs, in a discreet manner.
If a male is in a “romantic” relationship with a female, chances are that all
of her close friends will know whether or not she thinks that male’s ability to
dominate her in the bedroom is bad, good, or great to her. A female’s close
friends will know intimate details about her partner’s “sex game” including
how well he performs at oral sex; also included in her rundown about her
mate is the information about his penis size (eyeball measurement) and
whether or not it is curved or circumcised. Her close friends will know her
mate’s favorite positions to have sex in ; her friends will know her mate’s
fetishes, like whether or not he sucks toes or if he enjoys licking her anus; and
females will even go as far as reciting the phrases that he exclaims while he is
having sex with her.

[ Females are Machiavellian creatures,

that find duplicitous ways to achieve their goals
by any means of deceit or trickery;
females are extremely deceptive! ]
Males have a weakness to their own sexual desires and females
understand this; so, females have concluded that males also have a weakness
for their (females’) feminine sexuality. Females have been aware of this male
weakness since high school. Females innately know that the best way to
attract male attention is through her body language, or through a display of
her sexuality; whether it is expressed in the outfit that she is wearing,
whether it is the way that she touches that male; or it can be something as
simple as the tone of voice that she speaks to that male to convey a (false)
representation of her sexual desire for the male that she is trying to snag.
“Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t lie”; for some reason, most males often
overlook the part that clearly states “women lie”. Females cannot be trusted!
How many times has a female confessed to her “crimes”? Females rarely
reveal their part or their responsibility in a wrongdoing; females only reveal
the part that the male is responsible for, or females only reveal how they
(females) were coerced by the male to do whatever wrongdoing. Females
usually say, “He took my pants off” and “He offered me the drink”, instead of
“I wanted to have sex with the second I saw him” or “I just needed an excuse
to act wild, so I blamed it on the alcohol.” While secluded from others,
females have no problem talking like a whore to the male they have high
interest in; and when it comes to a female having high-interest in a man, she
will believe almost anything he says to her, (almost) without question.
Females will easily feel delighted by any little compliment by the male that
she has high attraction or interest in; females will relish in any special
attention that a male gives her.
Males have testosterone flowing throughout their bodies causing them to
be sexually stimulated by something as simple as the shape or curve of a
female’s body. It is the biological imperative of males to lust at the sight of a
female’s secondary sexual characteristics (i.e. breasts, hips, etc.). Females
believe that once she has sex with any male, he will be so enamored by her
“golden vagina” that she will be able to take over that male’s life and control
everything in it or at least gain certain rights and privileges to his life (loosely
speaking). Sex is a useful tool that females use as a weapon to either punish
or reward the male(s) that she is with at the time!
The media, including cinema and television programs, is constantly
portraying sex as a commodity, so females are even more comfortable with
teasing or tantalizing a male with their bodies (sex). It is the mass media and
pop music that play a major part in programming males to perceive females
as “goddesses”; putting (all) females on a pedestal; having males believe that
females can do no wrong. Understandably, females are propped-up on a
pedestal by the media because females are the number one (#1) consumers
of products; so, advertisements must gear messages that promote female
narcissism and female delusion. Sex is one of the few activities where a male
can be an independent consumer (pornography) of a product, besides
smoking, drinking, and eating. This is why females hate when their mates are
watching pornography, eating, or drinking without them; all of his happiness
needs to stem from her.
Father’s Day events and advertisements are nowhere near as extravagant
or celebrated as much as Mother’s Day events are, without question. Song
after song after song on the popular radio station play nothing but music with
lyrics and song content that brainwashes males to believe that their greatest
goal in life is to fulfill the innermost desires of, not themselves but, females;
and brainwashes males to believe that males need to anticipate the wishes of
the females in his personal or public life. Especially with young boys, if males
are reared under this portrayal of females being goddesses, then society will
yield a whole generation of males who will never grow and evolve into
A female’s “reward and punishment” of that male with her vagina can
come in the form of access to her lock (vagina) or lack thereof; sometimes
females want their partners to “take” the vagina, which is a very tricky
“game” in modern western society. She can punish her mate by saying that
she is on her menstrual cycle, when she is actually not on her period; or a
female can pretend to be too tired or pretend to be asleep to avoid having
sex with a male. Males, on the other hand, need to learn how to hold the
“sex frame” in a relationship; meaning, males need to know how to train a
female to not only have sex with him when she wants it. In other words,
males need to train their female mates to have sex with them when he
Females understand the “sexual power dynamic” in relationships and it is
rarely spoken about. Females want to manipulate males to believe that their
“locks” (vaginas) are of high value; even though their “locks” have been
opened by many “keys” (penises) prior to their current mate (sex partner).
Many females want their mates to (sometimes) subdue them into submission
and to forcefully “open their lock”; an act very similar to a “rape” fantasy, a
topic that is not spoken of enough. During sex, a female should be in
complete submission to the male that she is having sex with, in order for him
to properly and efficiently domineer her. Another use of their “locks” to
reward or punish their partners can come in the form of the noises and
sounds females make in the bedroom while having sex, or lack thereof. One
of the many reasons females fake orgasms is to prevent losing the male that
they are in a relationship with. When all else fails, females believe that they
can always offer up their “lock” in exchange for whatever it is that they
Within the first few seconds of meeting a man that a female has high-
interest in, females will begin to wonder what sex would be like with this man
or they ponder on how dominant he might be. Males with strong, masculine
body frames and who have straight postures help females answer this
question very quickly. “Dead lifting” is a great back exercise to improve the
stature and body posture of a male for when he is standing straight up. A
male’s body is a non-verbal communicator to females of many things,
including how well a male will perform (the art of) sex with her (body type).
Females will give Oscar Award-winning sexual performances to males that
they have high attraction and interest for; females will try to impress him
with her “lock”. Unprovoked, females will send him nude or provocative
pictures of herself, to advertise her worth or her “value” to him. In cases like
this, the male would not need to take that female out on any (dinner) dates;
wine and a (XXX) movie would be more than enough for this female to have
plausible deniability to have sex with him. When a female has high-interest
for a male:

1. she will banter with him;

2. she will be very compliant with him;
3. she will accept many of his faults;
4. she will buy gifts for him;
5. she will invest in him and/or his goals with her own money;
6. she will show off her body, exposing private parts of her body to

A male’s greatest defense against a female’s greatest weapon (sex) is his

ability to simply reject a female’s sexual advances. This one act can destroy a
female’s confidence and bruise her ego, simultaneously. Unfortunately, most
males are slaves to their sexual desires, so this act is easier said than done.
Females cannot fathom the thought of a male being able to refuse sex, from
any female, let alone from her; females believe that all males do not have
enough self-control to say no to their sexual urges. Females will spew the
narrative that males need to be “romantic” with them, in order to gain access
to her “lock”, when in actuality, females do not care for romance; it is all for
marketing and sales.
Romance is a pretense used by corporations to generate big business;
females are number one (#1) in consumerism, either directly or indirectly.
Unless a male was born in Rome or has Roman heritage, there is no reason
for males to be “Roman-tic”. Romance is a mindset created by fairytales and
by cartoons that make males believe that females get sexually aroused when
they are treated like a queen, or that females love to be brought flowers as a
gesture of love. In reality, romance does little to nothing for females
(sexually); there are always exceptions to the rule. A male’s typical idea of
romance is “to give” to the female, while a female’s notion of romance is “to
seize”; the possessions of his wallet, of his credit cards, and/or of his bank
Romance is a tool females use with males in order to not appear like the
whore that they (females) truly are. For example, a female who has had
several one-night stands in the past month will tell another male, who has a
respected social status, that he must take her out on a few (dinner) dates
before anything sexual can occur between the two of them; making her
appear classy; making that male (falsely) believe that he has to endow her
with money, in some shape, form, or fashion in order for his “key” to gain
access to her (over-used) “lock”. Females will deny males access to their
vaginas until the male has made a significant (monetary) investment into her;
the more a male (financially/emotionally) invests in a relationship with a
female, the harder it will be for him to leave, or remove himself, from that
The price of vagina should not be more than the cost of a “loaf of bread”;
in other words, it should be “free”. Unfortunately, females will knowingly use
their sexuality against males, causing males to use their lust for her “lock”
against himself! Truth be told, feminine energy is naturally chaotic; hence the
reason why females are on this planet to destroy masculine energy, to
terminate the male spirit (not the man spirit). This is why there needs to be a
clear distinction between what a boy is, what a grown male is, and what a
man is; those are three (3) different mindsets and maturity levels of a male. It
is up to all types of males to defend themselves against the chaotic nature of
feminine energy. Females feel absolutely no remorse whenever tearing down
a male’s ego!

Grown males have mastered the art of War, while females have mastered
the art of Love. For clarity, the (unofficial) definition of a Man is a grown male
who can control his emotions, a grown male who can set aside his emotions,
and a grown male who can his use Logic & Reason to make decisions that
reach the best outcome. A grown male who cannot display these three (3)
criteria does not qualify to be considered a “man”; that grown male is just a
male who has grown in his age and not in his maturity. Grown males know
how to strategize (i.e. sports, military, video gaming, etc.), while females have
mastered “the sport” of manipulating emotions (Love). If a male is more “in-
love” with the female that he is with, then that female will eventually become
his Master, and she will enslave that male. This “enslavement” is usually due
to males having a lack of sexual discipline; meaning males have truly fallen
“in-love” with not just her, but mainly her vagina.

[ Marriage is just an arranged “business merger” to females;

there are no emotions involved in business! ]

Females have dreams and plans, since being a little girl, of being a bride
(short-term, one day) at a grand wedding, but females do not put that same
energy and those same aspirations into being a wife (long-term, decades).
Males need to be aware that females can have their “ambassador” present or
have their “mask” on to falsely represent themselves as to who they are
when they interact with that male; females can have this false representation
of themselves for up to 3-5 years (if not more)!
An “ambassador” is a female’s representative when she first meets a
male; consider it like a facade. An “ambassador” is the illusion or masquerade
that females want the male that they are interested in to perceive them as;
depending on what the female wants from the interaction (the male).
Females will wear this “mask” until she gets one of her most coveted prizes,
an (expensive) diamond engagement ring to show off to her friends, family,
and coworkers!
When it comes to signing a marriage license in Western Civilization, once a
male has signed that marriage license, it is Game Over for that male! On
average, there will be no more sex with her hanging from the chandeliers; on
average, there will be no more daily home-cooked meals; and on average,
newlywed husbands can forget about fellatio because their wives will
suddenly develop a case of lockjaw. All of these changes occur after signing
the marriage license because the male’s newlywed-wife simply does not feel
like doing any of those things anymore. She has already won her prize, and it
is not her husband; it is the (diamond) ring. To be clear, most females are
Hypergamous beings who are selfish know-it-alls. Whether females are
married or whether females are single, females are always looking for
attention from other males and females are always wanting to keep their
options open; leaving room for the possibility of a better provider to come
into their lives to marry. Females have a survivalist mentality; something that
should not upset or frustrate males.
For females, flirting with males is a way for them to reassure themselves
that they (females) are still attractive to other males; this will have these
females believe that they still have a high Sexual Market Value (SMV) in their
community. Only the flirting and bantering from a perceived high-quality man
counts as a substantial compliment of validation. No female wants a male
who she can “walk all over”, constantly controlling him mentally, emotionally,
or physically. Contrary to popular belief, females want males that can
dominate them mentally, emotionally, and even physically (consensually). To
have a better understanding of the games used by females to snag the best
provider and the “logic” behind their life-changing choices, we must first go
back to the upbringing of females.
Family Matters
To understand the making of a concubine and to understand the making of a
wife, we must first define these two terms. A wife is simply a married woman
considered in relation to her spouse. On the other hand, a concubine,
synonymous with the word “whore”, is defined as a woman who is a mistress
to a man with a wife (or wives) or mistress to a man who cannot be married
to her because of a difference in social status; concubines are often females
who have their lower social status as an obstacle to marriage. The path that
females take to being a wife or being a concubine is greatly influenced by
their parents, their siblings, and their upbringing within that family structure.
For example, if a female grew up in a family dynamic where there was abuse
(physically and/or emotionally), then it could be understood why that female
would be argumentative and/or abusive towards other people.
The first relationship a female has with a male is with her father.
Unfortunately, too many females grow up without a father, let alone a
father-figure, in their household. So, many females do not know how to live
with a male in their home; many females do not have their first experience
living with a male until after they are married, which is too late at this point
because these females have not learned how to live “in peace”. This type of
female is ignorant to masculine “nature”, so she will try to change her male
into what she believes a “man” should be. Females who grow up without
fathers do not have any masculine, male mentors (men) to pattern their
behavior towards; so these females find themselves being very combative,
find themselves being very defensive, and find themselves being very
secretive when their actions or words are being challenged by another male.
These “fatherless” females only have the examples that the media
portrays of a man and the stories they hear from their friends who grew up
with fathers or masculine, male mentors. A female’s relationship with her
father is very important because it has a great bearing on how a female will
treat her future husband. Females are like mirrors, they are reflections of
their environment. If during her upbringing she never saw what a wife should
look like and what a wife should act like, how can she reflect that later on in
her life, to become a wife herself?
For the females who grow up with their fathers in their lives, they learn to
manipulate the emotions of the males in their lives, especially their fathers,
by the time that they have reached the age of pre-school. By this age,
females have learned to get what they want from their fathers by producing
“crocodile tears” or by making certain facial expressions; females learn that
these actions will make a male “take care of her”. Females by this early age
have learned that they can get whatever it is that they want from a male, by
doing these actions. The role that most fathers unknowingly play in their
daughters’ lives is teaching them how to be wives to their future husband, via
their (daily) observation of him. So, if a female has a father who accepts
verbal abuse from his wife (the female’s mother), then that female will
believe that this type of behavior in her marriage is acceptable.
Vice versa, if a female sees her mother being abused by her husband (the
female’s father), she will then believe that this is normal behavior in a
“loving” marriage. Nowadays, even if a female grew up in a two-parent home
with a mother who was cooperative with her husband (her father), she may
not necessarily have those same ideologies of being submissive to her
husband due to all the propaganda in society and in the media. The mother
plays the greatest role in determining whether or not a female wants to be a
future concubine (whore) or a future wife. More often than not, consciously
or unconsciously, mothers teach and rear their daughters to be cunning
It is the mothers that teaches their daughters to have a male take them
out on a (expensive) date or to have a male spend money on them, without
the daughter feeling the need to repay that male with sexual favors (even if
the daughter implied sex to that male beforehand). It is a female’s mother
that teaches her how to use (the promise of access to) her vagina and her
sexuality as a “dangling carrot” in front of a male, in order for her to coerce
as much money, as much resources, and as many assets as possible from a
male, without feeling any obligation to give up her only asset(s)!! It is her
mother that teaches her to hold out on having sex with a male suitor;
females are taught that the longer they make males wait for sex, the bigger
females make the promise of sex with them, the more (monetary) gifts she
will receive in exchange. Females are taught that if they correctly use this
“carrot-on-a-stick” method of attracting a male, they will receive a lifetime of
freedom, without ever having to ever lift a finger again. It is her mother that
teaches her to have a concubine mentality and whore-ish behaviors. Females
learn how to use their greatest weapon from their mothers: lying!

[ To be a Master of Lying,
a person must first reject the concept of
what is right & what is wrong. ]

It is mothers that teach their daughters (consciously or subconsciously)

that, first and foremost, females must lie for each other; it is like a “beehive”
mentality for survival. Females feel absolutely no guilt when lying to another
male and have no problem keeping secrets (no matter how grave) from other
males. Look at how many cases of Paternity Fraud have occurred in society
where a male has reared a child for years, if not decades, and that male later
discovers that the child that he had been rearing this whole time was,
unbeknownst to him, the product of semen from another male’s raw
ejaculation into his girlfriend, fiancée, or wife. Females can masquerade lies
and have the propensity to disguise the truth in the most unprecedented and
in the most unrepentant ways.
Sometimes, females lie to their mates just to keep him confused and
focused on her and her issues; or at times, females lie to spice up their
relationships. Television “reality” shows have given today’s females a new
“programming” on how relationships between a male and a female should
be; females believe that a “healthy” relationship includes drama and chaos.
Generations of mothers and grandmothers have perpetuated the art of
deception through their daughters and the cycle continues up to today; lying
is nothing but a game to females.
It is a female’s mother that teaches her that she should strive for
monogamy (from his end) when dealing with a male; not necessarily because
females do not want their mate to be with any other female; but the biggest
component to a female wanting an exclusive relationship with a man is the
financial component. Females hate when their mates spend money on other
females (their competition), because that is essentially taking away from for
her finances; remember, her money is her money, but her mate’s money is
their money. Females never want their mate to be “wasting” resources on
other people when he can be “spending” it on her.
A Bride vs. A Wife:
“A Day” vs. “Forever”

Happiness is defined as the state of feeling or showing willingness to accept

things; having a sense of trust and confidence in a person; being satisfied
with quality or standards; and being willing to do something. Females have
no idea what happiness is; and if they did, they would have no idea about
how to obtain it; females have no idea what it is to make someone else
“happy” (happy is in quotations because females rarely ever truly feel
happiness). Females are the most bewildered creatures on this planet; they
believe their degrees, their jobs, their cars, and/or their bank accounts
determine their happiness. Even when a female finds a male that makes her
“happy”, she will still find a way to reject the leadership of this male or she
will simply deal with him the same way she has dealt with all her prior
relationships that did not work for her. The dating model that females have
of dealing with their current relationships like the prior males that they have
dated, while expecting different results than their failed prior relationships, is
a layman’s definition of the word “insane”.
Females will become disagreeable and will self-sabotage their
relationships with the males that make them (too) “happy”. Females insist on
getting in their own way or taking the wrong path when it comes to
something that makes them “happy” in their lives or when it comes to
someone that makes them “happy” in their life. When females like a male,
which is different from being “happy”, they find a way to be accommodating
and complaisant to that male. Most times this accommodating “mask” that
they put on is just an act that is better known as their “Ambassador”. As
stated earlier, an “Ambassador” is defined as a representative or promoter;
her “ambassador” is there to represent her in a way that makes her look like
the kind of female that a male is seeking and her “ambassador” is there to
promote her as the male’s best “catch”. A female’s “ambassador” should
better be known as her “greatest pretender”!
The time period when females use their “Ambassador” the most, to
promote themselves to the males that they like, is commonly called the
“Honeymoon Phase”; this is usually the most pleasurable time period in a
romantic relationship with a female, but also the time when the most lies are
told by females. During this “phase”, the attraction a female has for her mate
is at its peak; females are the most cooperative, the most complimentary, the
most loving, the most giving, the most glamorous, the most soothing, and the
most pacified; (almost) nothing is out the question. Remember, this is a
description of a female who has high interest in a male, not simply mediocre
interest. During the “Honeymoon Phase” of dating, females will be the
kinkiest they will be in the relationship; females are willing to be extremely
experimental, concerning sex with this male that they have high interest for.
A female’s level of interest in a male can always be gauged by surveying
how much that female has or is investing into that male and/or his
purposes/goals. A female’s level of interest in a male can also be measured
by how receptive she is to his ideologies, his philosophies, his ideas, his
morals & standards, and most importantly, his directions & instructions
(leadership qualities). Groupies, enthusiastic and uncritical followers, are the
best representation, to some degree, of how a female who has high interest
in a male should “act” regarding him. Female groupies are willing to try
anything and everything that that male encourages in order to make him
happy; they will even do little things like making his favorite meal or buying
his favorite deodorant; (almost) nothing is too good for that male. During the
aforementioned “Honeymoon Phase”, males are bamboozled into believing
that they have found the best possible mate in a female’s “ambassador”, but
this is a false attraction because females misrepresent themselves during this
phase of the relationship; females have their mates believe that they
(females) will always be like this (cooperative, submissive, accommodating,
etc.) . However, their “ambassadors” eventually exit the relationship, and the
“real” females arrive.
Let us say that marriage is an agreement between a male and a female to
be together and work towards the greater good of the union that makes
them as one, for the sake of this discussion. When it comes to marriage, it
has been said that many females dream of their wedding day since
childhood; females dream of the day of their wedding and being a bride. The
words day and bride are accentuated because these two terms only exist and
only refer to one day; as opposed to a female being a wife for a lifetime.
Females dream of the day of their wedding because as the bride, she believes
that it is HER DAY!!! Brides are typically the center of attention, the “star of
the show”; they view their wedding ceremony and wedding reception as a
representation of their worth. The wedding is also a big display to the bride’s
friends and family that the bride finally “got him”.
The wedding industry is one of the most lucrative businesses in the
Western World; females feel the need to have the most extravagant wedding
gowns, have the most expensive make-up artists, and have the tallest
wedding cakes in the history of wedding cakes. Keep in mind; it used to be
traditional for the family (parents) of the bride to pay for the wedding
expenses; once the price for a wedding changed, so did the responsibility of
paying for the wedding change to the groom having to pay for everything
(including the five-figure engagement ring). Females dream of their wedding
day and being a bride because they know that their wedding day is the last
day that they will have to use their “ambassador”. As newlyweds, females
know that they will be able to take their “mask” off; she can be herself, right
or wrong, unapologetically.

Proverbs 31 Lady vs. Street Hussy

A hussy is a female who behaves in a disrespectful or inappropriate manner;
a female who has many casual sexual partners; a slut. Many females in
today’s society are street hussies due to the lack of order (or masculinity) in
their upbringing from a father or a “man-figure” (not male-figure). With that
said, too many boys and too many grown males do not know how a “good”
woman behaves; more importantly, these males do not know how a female is
supposed to treat a male that she is interested in. A female who has high
interest in a male will be submissive to that male, and she will want to be
submissive to him; she will obey him because she wants to obey him, not
because she is forced to. A “Proverbs 31” (P31) woman is described as a
combination of the following:

open to instructions/directions
maintain great hygiene

All of which are qualities of a great wife.

A sensible wife is a woman that has a genuine sense of humor and a
woman that can receive her husband with a smile on her face. A “great” wife
knows that she has to invest her own time and her own trust into her
husband because she realizes that her husband’s success is her success as
well; a man is at peace when he knows that he has a wife that is cooperative
with him. A good husband knows that has to give his wife what she needs and
not what she wants. Only a “handful” of females (less than 10%) would fall
under the category of a P31 woman. Most P31 women are teased & mocked;
P31 women are called slaves, outdated, and foolish for behaving in such an
accommodating manner towards their husbands. Most females (50.5% or
greater) are not good wives (or girlfriends) because they are, more than
likely, hussies.
Females refuse to acknowledge their self-sabotaging behaviors and refuse
to accept the fact that they bear responsibility in their failed relationships.
Simply put, females lack self-accountability; she is “always right”. The average
female does not want to seek advice or does not want to seek therapy.
Females would rather seek the direction and recommendations from the
[social] media; females use racy tabloids, sexy movies, popular music, and
suggestive television shows to guide their thoughts, their spending habits,
and their day-to-day behaviors.

[ Females are “programmed”

to do the right things
for the wrong reasons. ]

Till Death Do Us Part

To be a wife in modern times is to be a “lifetime prostitute”; trading the use
of her vagina as a commodity. Females use marriage to gain power; husbands
are fated to a lifetime of paying an expensive price tag for low-quality, “in-
house” vagina. Females are led by the media and fairy tales to believe that
marriage is a committed relationship that includes a house, a vehicle, great
sex, a few children, a pet, and destination vacations from time to time.
Females are led to believe that all the pursuing and dating (i.e. dinners at
expensive restaurants) that her former boyfriend, now new husband, used to
do will continue to occur during the marriage. Females bring nothing to the
marital table except their love for money and their vaginas.
Females are led to believe that their husbands will be there to fully
support them emotionally, physically, and of course, monetarily; while he
remains completely monogamous throughout the entirety of the marriage.
Deep down inside, females know that marriage is the best way to “own”
another man. In Western society, the married male becomes “chattel”, a
voluntary slave to his wife; marriage is nothing more than a business
Females will go as far as convincing themselves that they have genuine
feelings for a male, depending on how big and how expensive the diamond
engagement ring is. The expensive engagement ring of the female and the
affordable wedding band of the husband symbolize something different to
the wife; the diamond ring that she wears on her left ring finger to signify
that she has found a “sucker” to provide for her, for the rest of her life; the
wedding band that the husband wears symbolizes to females that he is
already taken by another female and that he is being “used” by this other
female for her particular purposes. Understand that most females do not
marry because of love; they marry because of business (security). Marriage
for her is not grounded in friendship, trust, or unconditional love; while using
the access to her vagina as a bartering chip to control her (faithful) husband.
Females can only have unconditional love for (their own) children and
animals because they cannot monetarily take advantage of babies and pets.
As far as her husband is concerned, females feel no wrongdoing in leaching
money from their husbands’ pockets, bank accounts, and credit cards.
If not during dating, not too long after saying, “I do”, females will make
attempts to change their husbands in some way, shape, or form; whether
that be their style of clothing, their diet, or even going as far as trying to
change their husbands personality. For example, a female who wants her
husband to stay home on his off days from work, when her husband is
accustomed to having an active social life with (childhood) friends,
participating in physical activities that keep her husband fit. Now, because
the husband “follows” his wife’s lead, he develops a “Dad bod”; that’s the
body of a male that looks like he does little-to-no physical activity and looks
like he eats too much candy. According to True Man Nature (TMN), men (not
boys) are not instinctually programmed to be lead by another female; men
are not instinctually programmed to yield to another female.
Female nature looks at too much cooperation and too much agreement
from another male as weakness; females instinctively know that females do
not have the mindset to lead. So, if a male (leader) is following a female
(follower), the female will view that male as a subordinate male. A male
cannot lead a female if he is constantly chasing her (validation). A male
should not trust a female’s motive until she has been taught his program (his
purpose and his life goals) and she begins to follow his program. If females
were left up to their own devices, most would create chaos, disorder, and
confusion; and then turn around and blame the males for letting the females
create the chaos! Females want a male that can conquer them- their inner
demons, their past traumas, their bad ideas, and their bad principles.
Females are oblivious to the fact that their tone of voice, their attitude
and their demeanor, all play a factor in the failure or success of their
marriages. Once females become newlywed, they do not feel the need to
keep up the masquerade of being the “pretty” girl; and then females cannot
understand why their husbands lose attractiveness for them, over time. Even
their vagina maintenance declines, causing it to lose a lot of its “powers”.
Once her “golden” vagina loses its powers, females will find other, more
cunning, methods to control their husbands. Wives can choose to belittle
their husbands by talking down about his unsatisfactory sexual contributions
to the marriage; or wives can choose to shame their husbands for not having
a top-tier paying job/career; or wives can attack their husbands’ ego by
simply saying, “You are not a real man!”
One of the worst things a newlywed husband can do in his marriage is to
let his newlywed wife know all of his moves throughout the day when he is
not with her. A male should not spend all of his free time with his mate; the
more comfortable a female is to a male’s activities and routines, the more
skeptical she will be when any of this routine changes, which can lead to false
accusations. If her husband is not directly in her eyesight, she assumes that
he is cheating on her. Males need to start their marriages the way they would
like it to be throughout; males need to establish the “programming” of their
wives as soon as possible.

[ For a male to be successful in his marriage, he must be

confident, assertive, resilient, and unyielding
when it comes to dominating his wife’s female nature. ]

For a male to be successful in his relationships with females, he must also

be able to exhibit his masculinity, intelligence, and physicality on a daily basis;
his mate is always observing him (consciously or unconsciously). What
females truly want in their husbands is, first and foremost, a real man; a man
that can tell her what to do, how to do it, make her do it; a man who knows
how to take command of the situations surrounding him. Females want to
feel like they can be overpowered by their man; females want to feel like
they can be conquered by their man! Females believe that if a male cannot
handle the situations in his own life, which his life should be in order
(masculine energy), then he will not be able to handle her and her chaotic life
(feminine energy); she will believe that he cannot protect her or that he
cannot provide her security, from the world. Above all else, females need to
feel secure around their mate and, more importantly, females need to feel
that their mates can protect them….from herself!

Wife Material
The ultimate goal for females is to be able to adequately influence a (rich)
male to marry her. Marriage is simply a culmination of all of her efforts
during the “romance” phase of the relationship. The most important action in
a female’s life is to pick the correct man to be her husband; a male who will
eventually be the father of her child(ren). This decision decides the rest of
her life. A good wife is hard to find and this is the reason grown males need
to first become “men”, and only after this step can males begin to search for
their wife.
Instead of finding a good woman to be a man’s wife, men nowadays have
to somewhat “build” their wife up from the material that is presented to him
from the female(s) he is courting. It is not a matter of discovering a “unicorn”,
but it is more so that a male has to create his wife; he must find a female who
is able to, first and foremost, submit to his (masculine) will. A female who
submits to her (future) husband is a female who is ready and willing to yield
to that male’s authority; this is a voluntary act by her to give herself to that
man, unreservedly. This “good woman” is willing to comply with requests
from her mate without a fuss. A cooperative female is able to indoctrinate
herself to her mate’s plans and she does well at following instructions, as a
sign of respect to her mate. In return, of course, that male respects and
honors her “gift” of submission.
Females who fall into the category of “Wife Material” (WM) are rare. WM
females act civilized; they are well-mannered around others including their
family, their friends, and their co-workers; and WM females are cultured.
WM females may not necessarily have college degrees, but they are
intelligent enough to know the things that they need to do to survive; that is
to find the best man in society to give them provision. The best way to
achieve this is for them to present themselves as the best raw material to
work with, to be a wife to a high value man.

[ All Females
want to be taken care of
by a male! ]

The hygiene of the females in the WM category is above par and they
usually present themselves as good-humored and bubbly. WM females dress
in a manner that is feminine and not provocative; they are able to dress sexy,
but with class; modesty is a virtue to WM females. Modesty is the virtue that
allows the WM females to focus on what is good, without being distracted by
irrelevant matters that are superficial or materialistic. Unlike concubines,
WM females grow up with the mindset of preparing themselves to be a wife,
and not a just a bride (fiancée) to a male. WM females also grow up with the
mindset of preparing themselves to be a “mom” to their children, and not
just be a mother to them.
The WM females are prepared to teach their children morals and good
values because WM females are usually raised with good morals, quality
standards, and solid principles; they are not loud or obnoxious in public.
Females who are WM do not see money as their god; they would much
rather live a simpler life, spending quality time with their husband and
helping to build a positive future for their offspring(s). WM females do not
pursue goals that are detrimental to the foundation of their marriage and
family, such as attempting to be the most popular “model” on any given
social media site. Last, but not least, WM females also know how important it
is to pleasure their husbands in the bedroom; they are well-equipped to be
“trained” as to exactly how their husbands want to be pleasured. WM
females are gladly ready & willing to fulfill all of their husbands’ sexual
desires, fantasies, and more!
Females who fall into the “Wife Material” category are genuinely nice,
they enjoy the company of men, they like sex because it is a natural act to do
amongst adults, and they are able to pay their own way, if need be. Even
though loneliness and solitude are the two (2) worst fears and the biggest
threats to the survival of females in this world, many females in today’s
Western society are not and will refuse to be WM females. Many females in
modern society are much less feminine then they were several decades ago.
The modern female does not want and does not like to cook, clean, or wash
The modern female is constantly on her phone, seeking attention from
random people (strangers); she is more concerned with her social media
“life”; showing her body off to the public for nothing more than likes and
comments (attention) in return. The modern female believes that the (high)
value of a male is based on the amount of commas in his bank account; she
believes that he is a walking wallet, not even a human being. She will never
help him with her money; she also believes that she should never have to
“labor” for her money. No matter how much her yearly salary is, the modern
female will never take on all or the majority of the financial responsibilities of
the livelihood of her and her mate. The modern female believes that
whatever she brings to the relationship, it should be accepted and rewarded
with a lavish lifestyle, high social status, and children.
The money that the modern female does “earn” is used to buy accessories
for her M.A.S.K; she must look attractive to the many males she keeps in her
“friend zone”. The more a male tries to amalgamate himself with a female
and her (sex) games, the more demanding she will be of his time and of his
attention. The more a male desires a female, the less attractive she will find
that male; and the more comforts a male provides for a female, the more
inhumane she will treat that male: the law of polarity.

[ The more a man outright attempts to make a female happy,

the more upset she will be with him,
consciously or unconsciously! ]

The modern female, old or young, out-of-shape or fit, is constantly

showing off her breasts and backside; the only thing her energy exudes is sex,
sex, and more sex! Even the way that the modern female dances nowadays,
it is constant shaking of all of her “lady parts”, to arouse the lust and
attention from the males in proximity and for the unsaid competition with
her and the other females in the vicinity. Strippers, or exotic dancers, have
become a part of popular culture; meaning that dressing and dancing
provocatively is no longer a taboo, like it once was. The stripper culture has
become so pervasive in modern society that females are now teaching their
young daughters how to be “exotic” dancers; teaching their daughters to use
their bodies as a commodity for sale to the highest bidder.
The deeper females get into the stripper “culture”, the more they will
demand from that culture in order to keep up with it. These females will
spend most of their time worried about their external appearance to the
world, but will do little to nothing to improve their internal (spirituality,
intelligence). Females of this culture are mainly concerned with their “fake”
lives: their fake hair, their fake nails, their fake eyelashes, their fake breasts,
their fake lips, their fake hips, their fake buttocks, and worst of all, their fake
personalities! Females who do not fall under the category of “Wife Material”
usually find themselves, when it is all said and done, alone, miserable, and
taking care of few cats or dogs for the rest of their dying days. To the seven
(7) females who are reading this book- Who do you want to be: a wife, a
bride, or a concubine? Choose wisely!

Females innately know how to manipulate and how to use males for their
bidding; females lie, they cheat, they steal, just like everyone else; but males
and females are not only different both mentally and physically, but also
when it comes down to thinking with logic or with emotions. Females have a
solipsistic way of living their lives; meaning that a female perceives her life in
a manner that has her believing that she (herself) is all that can be known to
exist; the world revolves around her. Females are oblivious to reality; their
“world” is all in their mind and not outside of it; a female “lives” in her head.
With that said, in a female’s mind, not only is she tired of being out in the
workforce, working full-time and working seasonal jobs, females want to
eventually end up living a comfortable (preferably lavish) lifestyle with a male
whom will provide them with everything that they want including trips, gifts,
and expensive jewelry.

[ If a male can control his sexual desires and urges,

he ceases to be a slave to female sexual power. ]

A big secret about female nature that is rarely spoken about is the fact
that females instinctively know that their entire reason for existence is solely
based on their vaginas (wombs); the source of all their power (“pussy
power”) and the reason for their name (“womb-man”). Females use their
secondary sexual characteristics, such as their breasts, buttocks, and hips, in
combination with the brainwashing and programming of males (romance) to
control males and to secure the lifestyle they dream about. Sex is not a
natural act for females; they view sex as a tool, which can be used as a
weapon. While females are said to be viewed as “sex objects” by other males,
males on the other hand are viewed as “wealth objects” by other females.
When females rate a potential partner, his physical appearance is not the
first thing that they describe; males are usually rated by their career title, by
the kind of car they drive, by their level of income, or by their earning power.
The best way for males to reclaim their rightful place in the power dynamics
between themselves and females would be for males to stop investing
(financially) heavily, upfront, when dating and having sex with females.
Many males have been brainwashed by the females that they closely
associate with. This false indoctrination of what females are, begins during a
male’s childhood, when he is a boy. During this period in a male’s life, his
sense of logic is severely underdeveloped, causing many males to grow up
and become “grown males” and not men. These manipulated boys never
learn how to properly control their emotions, how to set their emotions
aside, and how to utilize reason and logic in order to reach the best outcome.
These misguided males are also taught that females are little cherubs and
that females are perpetual victims of society, walking around innocently
amongst the devilish males of society. Males are reared by their single-parent
homes to be the “consummate gentleman”; filling their heads with the
doctrine “happy wife, happy life”, as if that statement has anything to do with
his happiness. No matter what a male does to make a female happy, she will
always want more and more; it is never enough!
Because males will always (naturally) love females, many males will never
be able to fully grasp and understand how callous, cunning, conniving, cold-
blooded and cruel females can naturally be. If a female tells a male that is
courting or dating her that she has a “90 day rule”, where she will not have
sex with him (manipulation), and he “plays” by her rule(s), he is essentially
giving in to that female power over him. This “rule” is also communicating
that she does not believe that male is getting any other (or better) sexual
favors from any other female(s). A male’s own sexual discipline can help him
to destroy a female’s “golden” vagina.
A male who can make females orgasm multiple times during sex, while
that male does not ejaculate at all, will obliterate her arrogance and ego. The
worst thing that can happen to a female is the loss of her ability to control
another male, especially sexually. Females view males as an abundant
resource; the way a male looks is not enough for a female to be
(uncontrollably) attracted to him. If males are considered “walking wallets”,
then females should be considered “walking vaginas”. These “walking
vaginas” are empty vessels constantly waiting to be filled up: mentally (mind),
physically (body), and spiritually (soul). That is three (3) vessels.
Unfortunately, males focus on “filling” up only one of her vessels; physically
(sex). Maybe the average male is unaware of the other two (2) “vessels” that
females have to fill up.

One of the most powerful actions a male can take to have authority over
himself is to practice “semen retention” in combination with “mastering
solitude”; this combination of actions is sometimes referred to as going
“Monk Mode” (MM). Going MM means the intentional elimination of social
interactions, dating, unhealthy habits (i.e. masturbating/ejaculating), and
time-wasting activities with the purpose of focusing solely on specific self-
development goals. MM is a self-improvement exercise that can help
enhance a male’s self-worth and increase his standards; MM is also used to
alleviate or diminish distractions from a male’s life. The most productive
males in society structure some form of MM into their active lives.

[ A male’s lack of discipline for his sexual desires,

will make him more submissive to female nature!]

Semen Retention (SR) is the practice of avoiding ejaculation. Males can

practice SR by abstaining from sex altogether; or males can practice SM by
having an orgasm without ejaculating. Males must learn to want to ejaculate
as opposed to feeling a need to ejaculate; these are two (2) very different
mindsets to have. There are many reasons to practice SR, but the most
important reason is for a male to “protect his seed”. It is important for a male
to have high standards as far as which females he decides to inject his “seed”
(sperm/semen) into. When a male releases his semen, he is releasing his
mind/body/soul in its physical (tangible) form. The “mind” aspect of semen is
represented by the fluids whose composition is similar to that of cerebral
spinal fluid (CSF); the “body” aspect of semen is represented by
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA); and the “soul” aspect of semen is represented
by the “light” that flashes when a sperm fertilizes and egg.
CSF assists the brain by providing protection from trauma, by supplying
nourishment, and by removing waste; if a male is constantly releasing CSF
from excessive ejaculation, his CSF will eventually lack the capacity to
function efficiently. DNA is vital material passed from one parent to offspring;
its main role is long-term storage of information. DNA serves as the
information needed to direct and regulate the construction of the proteins
necessary for the cells of the body to perform ALL of its functions. In a
particular holy text, it stated, “Let there be light”, and life was created
thereafter; this can be interpreted as the “Light of God”. Semen is the fluid
released by a male when he ejaculates, which represents that male “in his
most perfect form”; the sperm is life. It can take up to seventy-four (74) days
for spermatogenesis to occur; the entire process for one (1) sperm cell to be
formed. When males ejaculate excessively, via masturbation or actual sex,
they are essentially draining their own “life force” out of themselves; they are
also losing testosterone.
For males to be the best versions of themselves, they must strive to be at
an optimal level of health and an optimum level of conditioning. A male who
is excessively draining his life force away is not equipped to intentionally
attain new information, new knowledge, and new understandings; the fluid
that his brain floats in (CSF) is lacking the proper nutrients. This habit that
males have of wasting their “seed” is in direct correlation to males nowadays
suffering from grey hairs, receding hairlines, and erectile dysfunction at
alarmingly early ages (early 20s). Young males of today walk around
seemingly depressed, lacking confidence; unable to have a “hunter”
mentality around single, eligible females. Males need to understand that the
more testosterone that they possess within themselves, the more females
(estrogen) they will attract to themselves; but the less testosterone a male
possesses within himself, the more feminine his energy will feel to another
female. If a male cannot go thirty (30) days without having sex and cannot go
forty-five (45) days without (needing) an ejaculation, that male is therefore
not prepared to be in a long-term, committed relationship. This male will be
lacking the discipline of his sexual desires and will tolerate (any) misbehavior
from females in order to access their vaginas.
Many males are unaware of a vaginal fluid called “copulin”. Copulin is a
thick chemical fluid that is believed to give females the ability to have mind
controlling effects over the male brain such as:

1. Able to change, remove, or insert memories into him

2. Able to tell a male what he sees, hears, feels, smells, and tastes
3. Able to insert subconscious thoughts that will appear as “his own
4. Able to plant trigger words or actions that can cause thoughts,
actions, or sensations in the male at later dates (days or even
weeks later)

Defeating the vagina, “golden” or not, is not easy, but it is imperative for a
male to be prepared to do so before entering a monogamous, long-term
relationship with a female. If a male can remove his “thirst” for sex, he will
actually appear to be a “challenge” to many females; he will appear more
attractive and possibly “sexy”. A male must have standards when picking a
female to have sexual relations with; any and every female does not deserve
a male’s sperm.

[ Any male who cannot deny the sexual advances of (most) females
should not be trusted!
This male should not necessarily be considered an enemy,
but he definitely should not be considered an ally. ]
There are many reasons for males around the world to practice SR; to get
a better understanding of themselves before they can begin to truly
understand true female nature. In the holy text, it states that Adam came
from God, and that Eve came from Adam. So, a male would have to know
and understand himself before he can begin to understand “herself”. Some of
the benefits that males receive from practicing semen retention include an
increase in confidence and self-control. In addition, males can experience less
anxiety and less depression, causing greater memory retention, increased
concentration, and overall better cognitive function. Physically speaking, SR
gives males greater (sexual) vitality, increasing their stamina. Whoever can
make the other person orgasm (first) more, has the power in that
relationship. Spiritually speaking, SR helps a male to increase his third-eye
clarity; helps his ability to foresee the future; and increases his ability of
discernment. Most importantly, SR helps males to build deeper relationships
with not just females, but people, in general. Retaining “life force” makes it
stronger and improves a male’s overall happiness. Even though males have a
biological imperative to lust for females, males must (first) learn to discipline
themselves from themselves (semen retention); one method of reaching this
level of discipline is through mastering solitude.
Aristotle is quoted as stating, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all
wisdom”. When a male masters solitude (MS), he meets the god within
himself. To begin to MS, one must first separate them self from distractions,
especially from electronics. While MS, a male begins to enjoy being by
himself with nothing but peace and quiet surrounding him. During this
period, males have more time to think, to be inspired, or to have an
epiphany; a male can learn to be his own best friend. A male who is
mastering solitude will no longer seek external validation; the male in the
mirror is the only true validation that counts; internal validation. This will help
a male learn how to create boundaries; surrounding himself only with people
that celebrate him as opposed to those that simply tolerate him. He will
avoid people that disturb his energy.
From mastering solitude, a male will learn to be disciplined enough to
stand on his own principles; he will become more honest with himself and
with others. A male’s (internal) peace takes priority over everything. When
this occurs, females must now compete with that male’s time, with his
attention, with his principles, with his standards, with his peace, and with his
quiet; and she will love him for that. She will learn to appreciate his time and
his attention; females will compete for this type of male. Mastering solitude
gives males a newfound freedom of self-sufficiency; a feeling of absolute
security to travel the world, solo!

Last side note on ATTENTION:

Males need to be very mindful of their attention! Attention is more valuable

to females than a rare gem. Females want attention and they want it often!
As stated before, the female (should be) consumed with feminine energy,
which craves to be filled up with love, energy, and its greatest craving:
attention. In a female’s mind, the opposite gender is always watching and
observing. Females need a flow of emotions, ups and downs, push and pull;
they also need assurance and praise (like a child). With all of this said, males
have to guard their attention as if it was the last reserve of Vibranium left on
the planet. Males need to be mindful where their eyes are looking and the
direction that their body is facing; a male facing the direction of a female will
have that female believing that that male is giving her attention, even if he is
not. It has been said that if a female goes seventy-two (72) hours without any
attention that she will become suicidal; that is how vital and important (male)
attention is to females; attention is their lifeline.
When a male is dating a female, he needs to be mindful of the
“scoreboard”. The majority of males, from the time they meet a female that
they want to date, have a goal of having sex with that particular female.
When he finally has sex with her, he “scores” points, like in American football
(6-8 points per touchdown). On the other hand, when a female is around
males, let alone the male that she is dating, her goal is to get attention from
him; every time the male she is dating gives her his time & attention (i.e. long
phone conversations, long text messages, etc.) she “scores”, like in basketball
(1-3 points per basket). Even with this scoring system, more often than not,
females are still outscoring males. For example, if a male takes a female on a
few extravagant dates (+9 points for her), and he also has long verbal or
video phone conversations with her before every date he takes her on (+6
points for her); and if he does not have sex with her after these few dates, his
score would be zero (+0) points because he did not achieve his goal of having
sex. Their dating “scoreboard” would read 0-15; the male would be losing
zero (0) to fifteen (15)! Too many males do not even realize they’re losing in
the dating game by giving away their attention for pennies on the dollar.

Hack Her is for any male who is still confused by the actions of females in
Western society; this includes their mother, their sister, their wife, their
daughter, their employer, etc. This book was written to inform males about
females’ true nature in order to help males create a change in their lives, for
the better, when it comes to their interaction with females; more males need
to be aware of true female nature to be efficient when dealing with females,
not just in their personal life. For far too long, males have been trained to
keep their mouths shut, expressing none of their opinions; while females are
reared to believe that they can fabricate any story they feel like with
impunity. Can you imagine a female saying a complete falsehood and making
up a story about being raped by a male?! The ramifications to that male
accused would be swift and hard! All it would take is a female’s emotional
insecurities and/or fears to create such a problem; the arguing points of
females are simply superficial.
Females will make an argument that the males that they are dating are
not living up to the stories that they (females) have concocted in their heads;
this brings out insecurities in females, robbing themselves of their own
happiness. Ignorance is bliss and too many males are living blissful lives. We
are living in the Age of Information; and it is time for grown males to evolve
into men (first), and then become aware of true female nature; males can no
longer be ignorant to the opposite gender. This book is not written to
disparage females whatsoever; but as the saying goes, “if you know better,
you do better”. When this book is describing female nature, it is including
most females in this category; most is considered greater than fifty percent
Again, females are not angels; they lie, they cheat, they steal, just like
everyone. The only difference is that they use their “sexual bait” to mask
their devious tactics. Once you have a deep understanding of True Female
Nature 101, you can OVERstand that female nature is neither good nor bad; it
just is what it is. Once THAT is accepted, only then can a male use True
Female Nature to his full advantage. One of the most important advantages a
male can use to combat true female nature is to evolve into a man, first of all,
and then learning himself and who he truly is (on the inside).



Males must develop an abundance mindset that is self-aware, that seeks

valuable knowledge, and that strives to live a purposeful life. Always


I love women (that love me back). Point out the lie!

Thank you for your time and for your undivided attention.

Rosemond P. Cherubin
a.k.a. “The Red Pill Chauvinist” (RPC)

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