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Female Psychology A-Z FREE Guide

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Welcome To The 1%
Congratulations, brother! You have officially taken the first step
towards greatness.

I’m proud of you!

I see fire and commitment in your eyes, and that you’ve had
enough of your current situation. I see you are ready to conquer
your goals and face challenges and confrontations head-on!

Say to yourself:

“I am done being a dork, I want to grow, I want to learn, I want to

evolve. My time here is limited. I want to live my best life, the way to
do it is to become the best version of myself. Today is the first day of
the rest of my life.”

Say it out loud, then repeat it again and again.

Our inner reality shapes our external one.

Welcome to the 1% brother.

What Women Want

Men and women may be similar in many ways, but we

have a lot of differences.

As a man, it’s essential to understand and grasp our

differences and truly understand how women think, act
and function. But most importantly, what they want.

So what do women want?

Women want strong, confident, masculine, powerful,

resourceful alpha males, comfortable in their own skin.
Since the dawn of time, women have always chosen the
resourceful alpha male, back then resourcefulness
meant that he could protect her and take care of her
primal needs like food and water.
In today's society, safety and nourishment are common
things. (Most places.)

But deep down women are still attracted to these traits.

Traits of the masculine man; strength, courage,
fearlessness, independence, leadership, and

They want a man who’s able to cope with difficult

situations. They want to feel safe. She wants a provider,
protector, and lover all in one man.

She Wants:

A masculine man.
A non-needy man.
A man who “commands” attention and commands the room.
A man able to keep eye contact.
A man who talks to the bartender with authority, but also kindly and
A man who pulls out her chair, opens the car door, and helps her into her
A man who walks closest to the curb.
A man with layers to him, dominates her in bed and then gives $5 to a
homeless person moments after.
A man who knows exactly what he wants, and what she wants.
A dominant and strong man, yet kind and polite to everyone until shit hits the
A man of extreme VALUE.
A man able to become her main source of fun, happiness, excitement, and
A man comfortable in his own skin.
All the things you learn inside “Laws Of Seduction.”

Remember- Not every woman on the entire planet loves the man described
above. But all women like these traits to a greater or lesser degree.

These are all simple things, yet most men in today's society don't have these

What Women Don't Want

Men who put them on a pedestal.

Men who show neediness.

Men who put women over their goals and purpose.

Men who are always available.

Men who always say "Yes."

Men who suppress their true needs, desires, and

opinions, in an attempt to gain their validation.

Men who are jealous and have possessive behavior.

Men with low confidence and massive amounts of self-

Soy Boy Exterminator

Let me ask you a question. Do you think men were more

masculine before?

YES, for fuck sake.

Why? Because they did what we are placed on this earth to

do. They created, conquered, and socialized. They were
fucking warriors.

And then take a look at today's generation, they scroll on

TikTok for hours, take drugs and jerk off to pixels on a
screen, while simultaneously eating chips. On a constant
chase for cheap dopamine.

It’s pathetic, I bet that 50% of men in their 20’s don’t even
know how to use a screwdriver. Is there any value in the
man I just described there? NO!
Then they go out once, get rejected and suddenly women
are the enemy. Women are beautiful, they aren’t the
enemy, men just lack game.

“You can't expect a fish to climb a tree.” You can’t expect a

dork with no value and game to effortlessly sleep with 9
and 10s.

And then we have the simps.

99% of guys are simping and chasing women on dating

apps and social media.

Tip- Obviously do the opposite. Invest in yourself, learn

valuable skills, and create a life worth living. Create yourself
an “unfair advantage” and the girls will come to you.
Women Don’t Like Simps.

Women use simps as free resources and emotional/external

validation machines, but they’ll never have sex with them.

They just string them along until the simp wises up to the fact
that he’ll never have ‘his turn’ with her. But until that day,
women will gladly milk simps dry.

Women don’t respect guys who lack the balls to make a move.
Being timid, shy, and nervous only works in Hollywood movies;
that shit ain’t working in the real world. In the real world, you
MUST be bold, outgoing, and calm.

A man with confidence look at an attractive woman with desire,

but zero neediness. He doesn’t want to get her. He doesn’t hope.
He knows he can.

Reject modernity, embrace masculinity.

29 MORE guides inside my ebook:
"Laws Of Seduction"
Here are some examples:

GET lifetime access


It's dirty-cheap so you

can afford personal
bodyguards once the
girls start fighting
over you.
This is your "unfair" advantage,
grab it before the femenists take it
How She Scouts Guys

When men scout for girls we think, “Yeah, she seems

cute, I could definitely fuck her;” or “Nah, pass.” We
immediately know if we can sleep with her or not. We
feel attraction at first sight.

It takes far longer for women. They don't feel

attraction immediately, only interest. Initial attraction
is not a choice for her.

The thing is that she subconsciously finds you

interesting through your body language, masculine
energy, and appearance. Luckily for you, those are 3
things you can do something about.

I'll give you the basics - Masculine energy and confident body
language go hand in hand.

Our inner reality shapes our external one. If you assume

everybody thinks you are hot as fuck you will instantly improve
your confidence, which leads to... yeah, you guessed it - Better
body language.

Other ways to improve your body language:

Use hand gestures when you talk

Walk slowly, with purpose in every step.
Speak slower, but with great tonality.
Chest and Chin UP.
and the most important - look people in their fucking
eyes. *Always break it to the sides, NEVER down, it's a sign
of low confidence*

Make it a habit and watch your life transform for the better.
If you don’t manage to get her interest before you
have talked to her, you’ll 9/10 times need to say the
smoothest shit to make her change her opinion,
otherwise you’re getting thrown in the friendzone.

Women categorize you: You are either a potential

partner/sexual partner, in the friend zone, or a

Note- Women are extremely fearful of being slut-

shamed, so she’s hardwired to not approach you
first. You never choose the girl, all you can do is
simply give her an opportunity to choose you.. so

The thing is- Women are dying to get approached,

it's the most exciting thing that will happen to her
all night. Trust me, she will tell all her friends
about it.

If not, somebody with bigger balls will do it, and

his big balls will be deep within her by the end of
the night. While you go home alone and jerk off to
pixels on a screen...

Remember- Interest + attraction + seduction =


“Laws Of Seduction” will teach you everything you

need to know, you are going to effortless sleep
with 9 and 10’s once done reading.

Why She Rejects You

She doesn't always reject you because she doesn't like you.

It could be: Things are moving too quickly, she is nervous,

she is shy, she doesn’t want to feel slutty by giving it up too
easily - an ASD: Anti-Slut-Defense.

All in all, it's because she’s not comfortable yet, or that she
doesn't want to be slut shamed by her friends, society, or
YOU. You see, most women care more about their friends'
opinions than their own.

How do we fix this? If at a club, take her away from the social
pressure and away from her friends, and keep building
comfort. Optimally out of the club, and if that ain’t possible,
away from the dance floor.

Full step-by-step guide within “Laws Of Seduction”

Keep an organic conversation going, while you simultaneously
tease, challenge, and disqualify her.


“I love that tight red dress of yours, it’s a shame I don’t date
blonde girls.

“Why do you like me so much?”

“Stop trying to seduce me, I know what you’re up to.”

“I would whoop your ass in ___ *a game, challenge, etc.*

Thousands more lines like this inside “Laws Of Seduction.”

The ones mentioned above are far from the best. (Can’t give
the best out for free, only to the top G action-takers.)

Remember- Rejection isn’t bad for you, it’s a pity for her.
You’re the prize.

Frame is key.
Why She Shit Tests You

A shit test is when a girl says or does something to judge your reaction or

The purpose is to confirm to her that you are capable of doing what needs
to be done to provide for and protect her and her children. If you lose
your composure during a little test, how the fuck are you going to be able
to protect and take care of your potential children?

Look at it as a test to make sure you’re good enough for sex, relationships,
or good enough to even deserve more of her attention. A test to check if
you’re a beta dork, or the strong, masculine man she wants.


“You are a player, aren’t you?”

“Are you hitting on me?”
“We are not going to have sex tonight.”

How would you respond?

More examples + answers in “Laws Of Seduction.” (Some answers on my
Instagram story highlight as well)
She Needs Sex More Than You, But…
Women love sex. Even more than men! But a lot of
women have had bad sexual experiences in the past,
either because a lot of men don’t know how to pleasure
a girl (bad sex) or she has felt pressured into having sex
or got raped. (Yes, some men are fucktards.)

Remember- Never make a woman feel pressured!

The problem is that most women haven't even

experienced an orgasm.

You see, women lose their minds when they orgasm.

They completely lose themselves at that moment. And
the best thing?

They can experience multiple orgasms in a row. Her only

limitation is her imagination.

Before she sleeps with you she wants to make sure

of a few things:

That you don't take advantage of her

That you can pleasure her, the way she wants.
That you aren’t a fucktard who uses your physical
advantage to do things to her that she doesn't

When we men are having sex the only thing they

have to take into consideration is that she doesn’t
have any STDs.

Women on the other hand have to take a lot of things

into consideration. Most of all that she doesn't get
pregnant, because she's the one that has to carry the
consequences of having a baby growing inside her
for 9 months.
The best way to get her more comfortable with the
idea of having sex with you is to talk about… sex.

Talking about sex shows true confidence, and in

9/10 cases, men who confidently talk about sex are
usually pretty fucking good at it.

Another way is to tell personal stories or stories

where you come off as a trustworthy man.

Pro Tip- If you’re at a club or bar, bring a

wingman/girl; get him/her to tell her stories which
puts you in a position of trustworthiness. We tend
to believe in truths more when we don't hear them
directly from the person on the topic.
Bonus These Tricks Should Be Illegal...
-The Fuck, Marry, Kill
(Extracted From "Laws Of Seduction")

Be careful with this one, or else the girls are going to start
fighting over you and will need to spend a lot of money on
personal bodyguards.

Ask her to play a game of fuck, marry, kill. If she says no

Tell her:

“Actually I am not in the mood either anymore, you would have

lost anyway.” completely disqualifying her.

This can be done even if she says yes, then she will be like,
“No we have to play, it's fun!” and you be like “Fine, Gosh!”

Then pick the 3 guys you see with the lowest value, bad
appearance, bad body language, and least jacked.
When she has chosen whom to fuck, marry, and kill you need
to make fun of her bad choices, even accuse her of being
hopelessly in love with the guys she chose to marry.

Take her by the arm and say, “Come on, I will introduce you to
him, I can’t wait to see you guys fall deeply in love and live happily
ever after.”

She will pull back and her attraction for you will skyrocket;)


Note- This is 1 of 25 tricks you can use on women for instant

interest and attraction- extracted directly from "Laws Of

Interest + attraction + seduction = sex.

Those who take action and get it will effortlessly sleep with
beautiful women, those who don't will be left in the dust.
Attraction Signs
Did you know? Most potential soulmates never even
meet, because the man didn’t catch her signals.

It’s common knowledge that men aren’t the best at

catching signals, no doubt about it.

Thing is, women are hardwired to not approach you

because she’s afraid of being slut-shamed. So instead
of approaching, the girl sends signals, hoping the man
catches it, so he’ll approach her.

The truth is that 90% of men don’t catch these signals,

meaning that 90 out of 100 women have to SETTLE for
a man they aren’t the most interested in...
Here is a list of signals they will send you.
Pay close attention:

She finds you hilarious, she laughs at every joke.

Look down after eye contact. (clear indicator of
Her friends know about you.
Constantly playing with her hair/necklace or scratching
her wrist/inner arm.
She removes physical barriers between the two of you.
Touches you.
Licks/bites her lips
Leans in
Displaying her underarm
Untold Truths About Women
Their desire for you grows as you consistently give them less than they give

They challenge you in hopes that you won't submit to their influence.

They love attention! It's their most valuable currency.

They love sex, even more than you!

Your masculine aggression actually turns them on.

They love pleasing you, that's their greatest pleasure.

They don't understand themselves.

They crave being told: "You're a good girl."

They want to feel understood.

They love to follow your orders. (Especially in the bedroom)

They want to be punished when they behave badly.

They break their rules for men which shows dominance and control, creates
them for simps.

She needs AND WANTS your protection.

Laws Of Seduction Index Laws Of Seduction

Before You Read


Personality & Style Fundamentals

Jacked 101

Indestructible Frame

Shit Tests - The Complete Guide

Cold Approach Masterclass

ASD & LMR Evasion Mastery

These Tricks Should Be Illegal...

Female Psychology A-Z

Texting Masterclass

How To Get Over Your Ex

35 Ways To Make Money Online

Dopamine Detox

│ │Life

195 Packed Pages Full Of Gold FREE Coaching Session

Long Skills Your "Unfair Adcantage" Over 99% Of Men

it now before the femenists takes it down.
How The Female Brain Works
Women are driven by their emotions to a far greater degree than
men. They are much more free-flowing, living in the moment.

Women are affected by their cycles every day of the month.

Hormone levels are constantly changing in a woman's brain and
body. Causing changes in her outlook, energy, and sensitivity.

She can be extremely attracted and loving towards you one day,
then cold and repudiate you the next day.

That's because her attraction is emotional, not logical, and

because of her hormonal changes.

Always watch what she does, not what she says.

A women's words depend on her mood, you need to stop taking

what she says so seriously.

Example: "I hate you!" *2 miniutes after* "I love you babe, you're the
only one for me"
That's because her attraction is emotional, not logical, and
because of her hormonal changes.

Always watch what she does, not what she says.

A women's words depend on her mood, you need to stop

taking what she says so seriously.

Example: "I hate you!" *2 miniutes after* "I love you babe,
you're the only one for me"
She Will Try To Tame You
Yes, it's true. Women love to tame the alphas and play
with the beta’s feelings.

At least they think they want to tame the alpha, but they
actually don’t.

It goes like this:

She finds an alpha attractive.

She seduces the alpha.
She tames him and converts him into a beta simp.
She goes for the slow kill, then leaves for another

How to avoid this? Hold your STRONG FRAME, and never

fall into hers! Set your boundaries and follow through
with consequences.
If she will tell you to stay 5 more minutes, leave.

If she tells you that you spend too much time in the
gym, keep going to the gym.

Her: “You just want to be away from home as much

as possible, you don't want to spend any time with

Agree and exaggerate her statement. “Yes, I go to

the gym to spend less time with you, I might even start
to sleep there.”

This neutralizes it because even she will realize

how absurd her objection sounded.

Women DON’T want a bird that flies in a cage and

just sits there. They WANT to cage a bird that’s hard
to catch.

There's no thrill in taming the one who is already


Moral Of The Story: Never chase women, learn

game and make them chase and pursue you.

Closing Words- Yes, she will try to tame you, but

she’ll be disappointed if she succeeds!

Let her play her little games. Hold your frame.

Be a firm rock in the ocean, unbothered by ever-

rising waves.
She Need a Mental Image Of You
She won't catch feelings for you unless she has a
mental image of you. If she doesn't think about
you, there's no chance for attraction to rise.

You need a way to stand out, optimally it should be

positive, but it's better to stand out negatively than
to stay in the grey zone where she doesn't think
about you at all.

If the interaction isn't going great you can make a

last-ditch effort by negging her.

"You know, you'd actually look kind of sexy if you lost

10 pounds."
She's going to think: “Oh, that asshole. Why did he
really say that? He's such a douchebag.” but at least
she's going to think about you all day.

Negative emotions don't always necessarily lead to

romance, love, and marriage, but at least it gives
you a chance. No emotion, on the other hand,
gives you ZERO chance.

So optimally stand out positively, but it's better to

stand out negatively than staying in the grey zone.

Whatever kind of emotions > no emotions.

She Wants To Feel Deep Emotions
She wants to feel deep, strong, powerful emotions.
In some cases, she doesn't even care if they’re positive or
Why do you think some girls stay in toxic relationships?
Because the man has got them on an emotional hook.

But let's focus on positive emotions.

Take her on adventures.

Take a walk in the woods.
Give her environmental changes, and take her to new
Fuck her good, and switch things up in bed.
Fuck her on a train, in the car, or on a plane.

Become a pillar in her life, consisting of good emotions and

fun. If you can’t provide these emotions, she will try to find
them somewhere else. Worst-case-scenario, in bed with
another dude...
Closing Words
Women want to feel appreciated and safe with someone who
makes their lives happier and simpler. Today is your lucky day,
since you have stumbled upon my page, and picked up a copy of
my free guide. I will teach you exactly that + more, all inside
“Laws Of Seduction”.

I gave you all this gold for free, just imagine what lies inside my
other guide.

“Laws Of Seduction” covers everything from- How to

effortlessly sleep with beautiful women, Dark psychological
tricks, Cold approach mastery, How to pass shit tests,
Indestructible frames, Texting Mastery, How to become jacked +
much more.

The price will go up as the demand get's bigger, because it simply would
be too much competition.

Imagine if every man knew the techniques to effortlessly sleep with every
woman he met...
Don't let yourself be LEFT IN THE DUST by all the other men
who DO purchase it, they're going to take all the girls away
from YOU.

There are only limited copies available because we can’t have

unlimited masculine badasses walking around - Get your
copy now!

Won’t be enough girls for all of us, because the techniques

you learn are fucking powerful.

You might need to invest in personal bodyguards because

girls will start fighting over you.

I can see it in your eyes, you are an action taker. You have
that energy around you.

I gladly welcome you to the 1%.

Get your copy Here

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