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How to fill goal sheet in tcs

Setting goals is relatively easy. You think about what you want to achieve in a certain period of time and set a specific and measurable metric around it. For example: Meet sales quota of $450,000 this quarter Lose 5 pounds in 4 weeks Exercise 4 out of 7 days Launch the new product by May 15 Grow a specific account by 3x this year Reaching your goals,
however, is a bit more complicated. You need to create a goal and action plan to set expectations and to hold yourself accountable. In our Goal Setting Worksheet, we outline a 5-step process that not only helps you set goals, but also gives you the best chance to reach them. Here we provide some goal setting examples, accompanied by visuals from the
worksheet, to give you a sense of how to set goals and put actions in place to achieve them. Click here to download our complimentary Goal Setting Worksheet. Set your goals Plan your actions Identify how you will change your habits Obsess over TIME Set boundaries and avoid distractions Goal Setting Worksheet and Examples 1. Set Your Goals The first
step in the process is to set goals for yourself. Think about your goals in terms of the big picture. Over the long-term, what do you want? Categorize your answers into big picture, 3-year, and annual goals. Here's an example from our goal setting worksheet: 2. Plan Your Actions Once you're clear about your big-picture goals and know where you want to be,
you need to create the path to get there. This is where you answer the question, "How will I reach my goals?" It's important to think about action planning not only in terms of what you're doing today, this week, or this month, but also in terms of your priorities each quarter that will move you toward your big picture goals. Your priorities in the short-term should
all tie together, building upon one another to realize your longer-term goals. Keep this in mind as you plan your monthly, weekly, and daily actions. An important, yet rarely talked about, element of any action plan is accountability. In our Goal Setting Worksheet template, we include a section to name an Accountability Partner. This is a person you’ll check in
with each week, sharing your priorities and reporting on what you accomplished (and didn't accomplish) the week prior. You're much more likely to achieve what you set out to do each week when you: Write your priorities Share them with someone Check-in on progress with an accountability partner 3. Identify How You Will Change Your Habits "The
definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein The most effective people are highly productive at work and live by certain habits that fuel their productivity. If you want to achieve your goals, there are certain behaviors and habits you're going to need to change. (For more on this, download our
ebook, Unlocking the Productivity Code.) It's essential that you identify the habits you need to change and the strategies needed for changing them. Here are a few examples: 4. Obsess Over TIME Goal achievement and success is directly related to how you spend your TIME each day. The best goals and action plans are for naught if you don't control your
TIME and spend it on the activities most likely to give you outsized returns. You can think about TIME in 4 Levels: Treasured: Time spent doing what you love or what makes you happy Investment: Time spent investing in activities that will move you toward your goals and generate outsized returns Mandatory: Time spent on activities and tasks you feel like
you have to do Empty: Time wasted or lost The keys to happiness and productivity are to maximize Treasured and Investment TIME and to minimize or outsource Mandatory and Empty TIME. Here are a few examples of activities at each level. Note that categorizations are highly individual. What may be considered Mandatory time for one person could be
considered Investment or Treasured for another. 5. Set Boundaries and Avoid Distractions If you're committed to reaching your goals, you need to become impossible to distract. Too often, we don't achieve our goals because we get sucked into other people's priorities. When we do, we sacrifice our own. Identify what distracts you. Learn how to say no to
people and tasks. Do this by becoming impossible to distract and by keeping a "to don't" list. Here’s an example: All the examples above are from our Goal Setting Worksheet. You can download it here for free. The worksheet includes step-by-step instructions along with goal setting examples. Whether you use our Goal Setting Worksheet or your own, make
sure you cover these 5 areas to ensure you not only create a solid goal and action plan, but also use it. Topics: Sales Performance Improvement It’s that time of the year! The sometimes-dreaded, sometimes-awaited self-appraisal forms, and a fresh new chance to get ahead within your team or organization are around the corner. It’s the season of
opportunities if you are willing to make the most of it.While the outcome of the appraisal season ideally depends on all that you did through the year, it is also a little like a new business pitch. Your potential client knows the work your organization does, but if you mess up that pitch deck and meeting, you will lose the business. Similarly, if your self-appraisal
form and discussion don’t give your manager enough meat to support your career progression, there is slim chance that you will like the outcome, no matter how much effort you put in through the year. At best, a sound, thought-through, and objective self-appraisal form decreases any chance of subjectivity or uncertainty. It could very well be one of the most
important documents you fill in through the year, so you might as well do a brilliant job of it. (image credit- Shutterstock)So what do you do to make a great case for all the effort you have put in through the year and the value you have brought to the team and the organisation? Here are some starting points to ensure that your appraisal form truly reflects and
showcases everything you have done through the year.Pull out your annual goalsThe first part of any self-appraisal is to check off the essentials. So start by noting your achievements through the year with respect to the annual goals you set with your manager in the previous cycle. If goal setting is not a norm in your organization, take note of all that you
were asked to do – by way of your job description or the instructions from your manager – and how you met those requirements.Include additional achievementsChances are that if you made the most of every opportunity that came your way through the year, you’d have done more than what your annual goals required of you. This additional contribution is
what goes into the making of a promotion or a celebration-worthy salary hike. So go over your work records, appreciation emails, awards, and any unnoticed but important contributions you made during the course of the year. Back it up with data if you had specific targets to meet. Appreciation notes from clients or customers if you are directly dealing with
them are also good additions to have. Note that this should not be a laundry list of bullet points, but bucketed into a few key themes of your job function so it is easier to understand and comprehend.Pore over the next level’s JDIf you are gunning for a promotion, you need to showcase that you are ready for the job. So in addition to your achievements, go
over the job description of the next level and highlight how you are already contributing towards those KPIs. For example, as a mid-level resource on the team, if you are already doing some amount of people management, training, or coaching for your peers or junior members on the team, highlight it. During the discussion, do let your HR know that you feel
you are ready for the next jump. Stay objective and honestNo matter how tempting it might be in order to safeguard that promotion or glowing appraisal rating, don’t exaggerate your achievements. Stay on course and as objective as possible. Showcase your quantifiable, measurable, and most importantly, impactful results. Often people go overboard when
presenting the work they have done, or tend to undermine their achievements. Avoid the extremes – take credit for what you have done and achieved over the year. Mindfully highlight the mistakesThere is no way you been perfect through the entire year. You have probably made a couple of mistakes; some things may have fallen through the cracks. You
are only a human at work. For your self-appraisal form to come across as objective and thought-through, make sure you point out your development areas proactively. But this needs to be done carefully and with a positive reaffirmation. Instead of saying “I failed at…”, say “This is what I need to continue working on” or “I learnt…” or “This is how I plan to
manage this moving forward”. The bottom line here is that your mistakes should not come across as a convenient tool for your manager to give you a low rating.Don’t be a know-it-allNobody likes the employee who is an insufferable know-it-all and unfortunately, likability does become important in appraisal settings – at least as important as your
contributions, if not more. Recognize that your manager is a human at work, and promoting someone he/she doesn’t like is going to be hard. So even as you astutely showcase your contributions, be sure to outline your development areas. This is a sign of a mature, self-aware professional who not only knows his/her own strengths and weaknesses but is
also committed to continuous learning.Ask for that promotion already!You can do everything right, be visible, work hard, and write a sound appraisal form. But the best way to get that promotion or salary hike is to ask for it – unapologetically. In an ideal world, line managers would reward hard work without employees having to ask for it. Unfortunately,
workplaces are far from ideal, and the next best thing is to not leave our well-deserved rewards to chance. Even if you don’t get them immediately, your line manager and HR will know it is on your mind and will plan for it.Ultimately, your appraisal form needs to showcase that you are willing to take charge not only of your deliverables but also your career
progression. It is a sign of an employee who is engaged in his/her career. Recognize that it is your manager’s job to be personally invested in your success, but if you can do something to make this job easier for him/her, do it. Finally, never hesitate to ask – that’s the key to getting what you want the most, whether it’s a salary hike or a promotion.

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