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Value Based Healthcare Initiatives in Practice A.5

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Value-Based Healthcare Initiatives in Practice:

A Systematic Review
Bruna Stella Zanotto, National Institute of Health Technology Assessment and Graduate
Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil;
Ana Paula Beck da Silva Etges, PhD, National Institute of Health Technology Assessment,
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
Polytechnic School, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Miriam Allein Zago Marcolino, PT, National Institute
of Health Technology Assessment, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Graduate Program
in Epidemiology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; and Carisi Anne Polanczyk, PhD, MD,
National Institute of Health Technology Assessment, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and
Graduate Programs in Epidemiology and Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences, Federal University
of Rio Grande do Sul


Value-based initiatives are growing in importance as strategic models of healthcare man-

agement, prompting the need for an in-depth exploration of their outcome measures. This
systematic review aimed to identify measures that are being used in the application of the
value agenda. Multiple electronic databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane
Central Register of Controlled Trials) were searched. Eligible studies reported various imple-
mentations of value-based healthcare initiatives. A qualitative approach was used to analyze
their outcome measurements. Outcomes were classified according to a tier-level hierarchy. In
a radar chart, we compared literature to cases from Harvard Business Publishing. The value
agenda effect reported was described in terms of its impact on each domain of the value
equation. A total of 7,195 records were retrieved; 47 studies were included. Forty studies
used electronic health record systems for data origin. Only 16 used patient-reported outcome

For more information regarding the concepts in this article, contact Dr. Polanczyk at
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed
text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s website
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the
Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivitives
4.0 License, where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited.
The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially.
DOI: 10.1097/JHM-D-20-00283

340 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives

surveys to cover outcome tiers that are important to patients, and 3 reported outcomes to all
6 levels of our outcome measures hierarchy. A considerable proportion of the studies (36%)
reported results that contributed to value-based financial outcomes focused on cost savings.
However, a gap remains in measuring outcomes that matter to patients. A more complete
application of the value agenda by health organizations requires advances in technology and
culture change management.

INTRODUCTION To translate VBHC theory into health

Healthcare organizations historically have system operations practice, Porter estab-
not connected general business manage- lished an outcome hierarchy to identify
ment practices to patient requirements. consensus on what constitutes an out-
Healthcare management centered on the come and then applied domains to cover
patient—a premise of value-based healthcare all phases of the continuum of care. This
(VBHC)—has been proposed as an innova- outcome measures hierarchy recognizes
tive way to reform the healthcare system that the definition of success for any medi-
(Porter & Teisberg, 2006). Measuring out- cal condition may have a broad variety of
comes and costs for each patient is part of the outcomes yet follow a standard 3-tiered
strategic agenda for moving to a high-value hierarchy—Tier 1, health status achieved;
healthcare delivery system (Porter & Lee, Tier 2, the process of recovery; and Tier 3,
2013). The applications of VBHC reported sustainability of health (Porter, 2010).
by the Harvard Business School (HBS, where Currently, healthcare providers are
the VBHC concept originated) deserve well-appointed with metrics and scales
investigation, as they are frequently used in to measure outcomes (both for generic
benchmarking value-based management and particular disease classes). However,
models. Many institutions are adopting com- standard and tested measures would
ponents of VBHC in their clinical practices. improve validity and enable comparisons
Unfortunately, rigorous scientific reports on across providers (Porter, 2010; Tsai et al.,
the outcomes of these approaches have been 2018; Van Der Wees et al., 2014). The great
lacking (van Deen et al., 2017). barrier to the implementation of outcome
The VBHC model suggests that the measurement in VBHC initiatives is its
health system needs to be managed in terms complexity. It requires the strategic
of outcomes that matter to patients (Porter, engagement of healthcare managers, data
2010). Still, measuring performance collection, and technological advances
through generalized outcomes such as (Tsai et al., 2018).
overall hospital mortality, infection rates, Another question that hangs over
and medication errors is the more common VBHC concerns the feasibility of following
practice. Those measures represent key roles the six interdependent and mutually rein-
in institutional sustainability and care deliv- forcing steps toward a high-value health-
ery practice, but they do not capture all the care delivery system (Porter & Lee, 2013;
dimensions that matter most to the patient Porter & Teisberg, 2006; Teisberg et al.,
(Porter & Lee, 2013; Tseng & Hicks, 2016). 2020). The six steps are as follows: 341
Journal of Healthcare Management

1. Organize integrated practice units. January 1, 2010–March 4, 2020. Next, the

2. Measure costs and outcomes for specific journals and the reference lists of
every patient. the retrieved articles were reviewed. The
3. Move to bundled payment for the search strategy combined indexed words
care cycle. and wildcard terms related to VBHC
4. Integrate care delivery across sepa- (Table S1, provided as Appendix 1 to this
rate facilities. article, published as Supplemental Digital
5. Expand excellent services across Content at,
geography. presents the full strategy). The results of
6. Enable a suitable information tech- these database searches were cross-checked
nology platform. to eliminate duplicate entries.

An in-depth analysis of value-based initia- Eligibility Criteria and Study Selection

tives in terms of outcome measurement Two reviewers were responsible for the
can begin with a subset of medical condi- independent screening of all titles and
tions and then expand over time as infra- abstracts identified in the electronic search.
structure and experience grow Potentially eligible studies were retrieved
(Porter, 2010). for full-text assessments. When a dis-
Recognizing the increasing interest agreement arose or a consensus was not
in VBHC as reflected in the amount of reached, a third reviewer made the final
recently published material about it, our decision. The included studies applied the
systematic review aimed to identify which VBHC initiative definition established by
outcomes were considered in studies of the Porter (Porter & Lee, 2013). Only studies
value agenda, apply them to an outcome in English, Spanish, or Portuguese were
measures hierarchy, and analyze the origin considered. Specific cost analysis stud-
of the data used to report the outcomes of a ies, studies of the effectiveness of drugs or
value-based initiative. diagnostic tests, and studies from an insur-
ance perspective were excluded. Editorials
Methods and commentaries were considered if they
This systematic review followed the presented results from a VBHC case study.
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) Data Extraction Process
process proposed by Moher and colleagues Data collection was performed indepen-
(2009) and is consistent with the methods dently by the two reviewers; when uncer-
of systematic review proposed by Cochrane tainty persisted, a third reviewer guided
(Chalmers et al., 2018). the decision. Data extraction started with
the general characteristics of the studies:
Literature Search Strategy year of publication, setting, healthcare
The MEDLINE (via PubMed), Embase, field, value initiative, and cost measure-
Scopus, and Cochrane Central Register of ment methodology (if applied). To meet
Controlled Trials electronic databases were our objectives, we extracted information
searched for studies indexed on which outcomes the study collected, the

342 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives

origin of the data to evaluate these out- The second class, computational intel-
comes, and whether any outcome instru- ligence, comprises the information tech-
ment was used as a collection tool. All data nology element. It proposes a value-based
were consolidated with Microsoft Excel implementation using artificial intelligence
2010 software. to compose the numerator of the value
To classify outcomes used by the studies’ equation or a shared data platform to
authors to report a value result, we catego- optimize care and access. The third class, a
rized data into the 3-tiered hierarchy defined traditional value program, consists of stud-
earlier (Porter, 2010). Each tier of the hier- ies centered on the foundational premise of
archy contained two broad levels, illustrated value, the organization of the care pathway
in Figure S1, provided as Appendix 2 to this as a function of each patient’s clinical con-
article, published as Supplemental Digital dition, and the ability to measure outcome
Content at and cost for each patient.
Patients’ initial conditions, demographics, The country of the study, year of pub-
and disease-related factors were considered lication, healthcare field, and setting were
to evaluate patient outcomes adjusted to also assessed. The setting was defined as
their risk (Porter, 2010). Therefore, we also system when the study covered a multicen-
assessed whether baseline characteristics tric or national perspective and as hospital
were a variable considered in the studies’ when the scenario featured the provider or
methods. institution level.
For each article, outcome information
Data Analyses was retrieved and classified according to its
In accordance with the studies’ initial pur- corresponding tier level so we could map
poses and the elements of the value agenda, the most frequent outcome driver of each
value-added initiatives were distinguished tier in the studies. We also assessed the
into three classes: data source of each outcome to determine
whether any measurement instruments
1. Clinical or surgical pathway were used. The degree of tier-level outcome
redesign. reporting was determined by counting how
2. Computational intelligence platform many levels of the outcome hierarchy in
development. each study could be mapped. In addition,
3. Clinical, process, and financial we evaluated the differences in outcomes or
outcomes measurement (i.e., a tradi- costs before and after the implementation
tional VBHC program). of a value initiative in healthcare. The effect
was described and classified into the fol-
Clinical or surgical pathway redesign calls lowing categories mentioned in the litera-
for standardized care and a reorganized ture as expected results from a value-based
healthcare system structure to improve program: financial outcomes, clinical
access and efficiency, which is strongly outcome improvements, patient-reported
related to the value agenda components of outcomes (PROs) improvement, providers’
integrated practice units and bundled pay- education, and value culture and manage-
ments for care cycle (Porter & Lee, 2013). ment (Kaplan & Porter, 2011; Lee, 2010; 343
Journal of Healthcare Management

orter, 2010 ; Porter & Lee, 2013 ; Teisberg

P reference for the selected studies in the sys-
et al., 2020; Trimble, 2016 ). tematic review, using the eligibility criteria
Finally, we created a radar chart described earlier.
depicting the metrics of outcomes, baseline
characteristics, and costs to illustrate the RESULTS
balance of outcome measurements in the Study Selection
literature. To recognize gaps and oppor- Th
e literature search found 7,195 records;
tunities in the evolution of VBHC stud- 105 full-text articles were assessed and
ies and the comprehensive defi nition of 47 fulfi lled the inclusion criteria for the
value, we retrieved VBHC cases from the review. Figure 1 illustrates the PRISMA
Harvard Business School Case Collection diagram, which represents the review
(2020) . Th
ese cases served as a standard process for this study.


PRISMA Diagram

Records identified through database

searching (N = 7,195)

PubMed (n = 3,322) Additional records identified

Embase (n = 3,268) through other sources
Cochrane (n = 191) (n = 5)
Scopus (n = 414)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 4,931)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 4,931) (n = 4,826)

Full-text articles excluded,

Full-text articles assessed with reasons (n = 58)
for eligibility (n = 105) -Theorical paper and reviews
(n = 22)
-Focus restricted to the
insurance perspective (n = 7)
-Focused on the hospital
performance without explore

Studies included in patients outcomes (n = 21)

qualitative synthesis - Costs only (n = 5)
(n = 47) - Cost-efectiveness study
(n = 3)

Note. PRISMA = Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis.

344 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives

Study Characteristics to the time needed to complete differ-

The characteristics of each of the 47 ent phases of care (expressed as the time
included studies are displayed in Table S2, to return to usual activities, time to care
provided as Appendix 2 to this article, pub- initiation, and operative time/duration of
lished as Supplemental Digital Content at procedure) and time in the recovery phase. The years The second level of Tier 2, the disutility of
of publication ranged from 2010 to early the care or treatment process, essentially
2020, with 2019 being the year with the comprised measures that providers directly
most publications (n = 18). Most selected control or traditionally measured clinical
studies were performed in the United indicators such as length of stay (n = 33)
States (n = 39). Most (n = 34) focused on and short-term complications (n = 14).
surgical inpatient conditions. We identified This level was most frequently represented
10 studies in which in-hospital medical in the studies, comprising 7 measures for
(nonsurgical) patients were assessed and all healthcare fields. Tier 3, sustainabil-
3 studies that involved both medical and ity of health, included 4 measures from
surgical cohorts of patients. We found 15 35 studies: 30-day readmissions, 90-day
articles exploring the system setting, espe- readmissions, additional procedures, and
cially multicenter or national studies, and post-discharge complications. The second
32 that considered the application at a local level of Tier 3, long-term consequences of
hospital setting. The value programs in the therapy, was mentioned least in the stud-
studies focused on pathway redesign ies (n = 15), and when they were reported,
(n = 21) and traditional VBHC studies the measures focused on patient-reported
(n = 20). We identified only 6 studies in health status that were measured through
which computational intelligence platforms PRO surveys.
supported value programs. The tiers measured, financial outcomes,
instruments used to support data collec-
Outcomes Measurement tion, and data origin for all studies are
The summary of outcome measures by shown in Table S3, provided as Appendix
tier-level and healthcare field identified in 3 to this article, published as Supplemental
the studies is presented in Table 1. Digital Content at
In Tier 1, mortality (or survival) was JHM/A59. Financial outcomes were evalu-
expressed as 4 different measures across ated in 37 studies (79%); among them, 13
19 studies. The most-cited measure was applied microcosting estimation; time-driven
in-hospital death (n = 18), which covered activity-based costing (TDABC)—the
all healthcare fields among the studies. method recommended in the literature to be
Regarding the degree of health or recovery, used in VBHC—was used in only 6 studies.
5 measures were identified in 31 studies; The remaining 24 studies used reimburse-
the most prominent measure was discharge ment (n = 6), institutional accounting systems
related (e.g., discharge disposition, n = 18). (n = 6), external databases (n = 6), hospital
Among the 22 studies that considered charges (n = 5), diagnosis-related groups
the first level of Tier 2, time to recovery, (n = 2), and cost of implementation (n = 1)
4 measures could be assigned according as measures, as displayed in the financial 345
Journal of Healthcare Management

Table 1

Outcome Measures Considered in Each Tier Level and Healthcare Field

Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 1: Survival In-hospital death Oncological 2 Bateni et al. (2019),
Health surgery Khullar et al. (2015)
General practice 2 Bernstein et al.
(2019), Boltz et al.
Orthopedic 4 Colegate-Stone et al.
surgery (2016), DiGioia &
Greenhouse (2012),
Gabriel et al. (2019),
Lee et al. (2016)
Cardiovascular 1 Ebinger et al. (2018)
Cardiac surgery 3 Glotzbach et al.
(2018), Kirkpatrick et
al. (2015), van Veghel
et al. (2016)
Bariatric 1 Goretti et al. (2020)
Obstetrics and 1 Van Den Berg et al.
gynecology (2020)
Cancer care 2 Thaker et al. (2016),
van Egdom et al.
Mixed 2 Chatfield et al.
(2019), Ravikumar et
al. (2010)
Intervention Oncological 1 Khullar et al. (2015)
survival surgery
Cancer care 1 Thaker et al. (2016)
Orthopedic 2 Colegate-Stone et al.
surgery (2016), Gabriel et al.
30-day mortality Cardiovascular 2 Ebinger et al. (2018),
care Glotzbach et al. (2018)
Orthopedic 1 Lee et al. (2016)
Oncological 1 Gustafsson et al.
surgery (2016)

346 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 1: 1-year mortality Cardiovascular 1 binger et al. (2018)
Health care
Bariatric 1 Goretti et al. (2020)
Degree of Discharge Orthopedic 9 hn et al. (2019) ,
health or disposition (to surgery Bolz & Iorio
recovery home or care (2016) , DiGioia &
facilities) Greenhouse (2012) ,
Dundon et al. (2016) ,
Featherall et al.
(2019), Featherall et
al. (2018) , Gray et al.
(2019) , Iorio et al.
(2016) , Johnson et al.
General practice 3 Bernstein et al. (2019),
Hernandez et al.
(2019) , D. V. Williams
et al. (2019 )
Cardiovascular 1 Ebinger et al. (2018)
Cardiac surgery 1 lotzbach et al.
Spine surgery 1 Parker et al. (2017)
Cancer care 1 van Egdom et al.
Pediatric care 1 Weiss et al. (2019)
Oncological 1 Gustafsson et al.
surgery (2016)
Physical function- Orthopedic 7 Ahn et al. (2019) ,
related surgery Berglund et al.
(2019) , DiGioia &
Greenhouse (2012) ,
Gabriel et al. (2019) ,
Johnson et al. (2019) ,
McCreary et al.
(2019) , Pelt et al.
(2016) 347
Journal of Healthcare Management



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 1: General practice 3 Bernstein et al.
Health (2019), Hernandez
Status et al. (2019) , D. V.
Achieved Williams et al. (2019)
Bariatric 1 Goretti et al. (2020)
Spine surgery 1 Parker et al. (2017)
Cancer care 2 Th aker et al. (2016) ,
van Egdom et al.
Cardiac surgery 1 van Veghel et al.
Pain-level achieved Oncological 1 Ackerman et al.
surgery (2019)
Orthopedic 2 Berglund et al.
surgery (2019) , Gabriel et al.
Cardiac surgery 1 van Veghel et al.
Diagnoses-related Cancer care 2 Th aker et al. (2016) ,
(freedom from van Egdom et al.
disease) (2019)
Surgical outcomes* Obstetrics and 2 Danilyants et al.
gynecology (2019) , Van Den
Berg et al. (2020)
Bariatric 1 Goretti et al. (2020)
Orthopedic 2 McCreary et al.
surgery (2019) , Pelt et al.
Oncological 1 Peard et al. (2019)
Cardiac surgery 1 J. B. Williams et al.
Tier 2: Time to Time to return to Orthopedic 2 Berglund et al.
Process of recovery usual activities surgery (2019) , Gabriel et al.
Recovery (2019)
Bariatric 2 Goretti et al. (2020) ,
surgery Noria et al. (2015)
Mixed 1 Makdisse et al. (2018)

348 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 2: Spine surgery 1 arker et al. (2017)
Process of
Cancer care 2 aker et al. (2016) ,
van Egdom et al.
Time to care Orthopedic 4 Colegate-Stone et al.
initiation surgery (2016) , DiGioia &
Greenhouse (2012) ,
Lee et al. (2016) ,
McCreary et al. (2019)
Cardiac surgery 1 Glotzbach et al. (2018)
Obstetrics and 1 Van Den Berg et al.
gynecology (2020)
General practice 1 D. V. Williams et al.
Operative time Orthopedic 2 DiGioia &
(duration of surgery Greenhouse (2012) ,
procedure) McCreary et al.
Oncological 1 Ackerman et al.
surgery (2019)
Time in the General practice 2 Bernstein et al.
recovery phase (2019), Hernandez et
al. (2019)
Orthopedic 4 DiGioia &
surgery Greenhouse (2012) ,
Gray et al. (2019) ,
Johnson et al. (2019) ,
Pelt et al. (2016)
Cardiac surgery 1 Glotzbach et al.
Disutility of Length of inpatient Oncological 6 Ackerman et al.
the care or stay surgery (2019) ; Bateni et al.,
treatment 2019 ; Gustafsson et
process al., 2016 ; Khullar et al.,
2015 ; Kulkarni et al.,
2011 ; Peard et al., 2019
General practice 3 Bernstein et al.
(2019), Boltz et al.
(2019) , D. V. Williams
et al. (2019) 349
Journal of Healthcare Management



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 2: Orthopedic 12 olz & Iorio (2016) ,
Process of surgery Colegate-Stone et al.
Recovery (2016) , DiGioia &
Greenhouse (2012) ,
Dundon et al. (2016) ,
Featherall et al.
(2019), Featherall et
al. (2018) , Gray et al.
(2019) , Iorio et al.
(2016) , Johnson et al.
(2019) , McCreary et
al. (2019) , Navarro et
al. (2018), Pelt et al.
Mixed 2 Chatfi eld et al.
(2019) , Ravikumar et
al. (2010)
Obstetrics and 2 Danilyants et al.
gynecology (2019) , Van Den
Berg et al. (2020)
Cardiovascular 1 Ebinger et al. (2018)
Cardiac surgery 3 Glotzbach et al.
(2018) , Kirkpatrick
et al. (2015) , J. B.
Williams et al. (2019)
Bariatric 2 Goretti et al. (2020) ,
surgery Noria et al. (2015)
Spine surgery 1 Parker et al. (2017)
Pediatric care 1 Weiss et al. (2019)
Short-term Oncological 5 Bateni et al. (2019) ,
complications surgery Khullar et al. (2015) ,
Kulkarni et al.
(2011) , Peard et al.
(2019) , Smith et al.
Obstetrics and 1 Danilyants et al.
gynecology (2019)
Cardiovascular 2 Ebinger et al. (2018) ,
care Golas et al. (2018)

350 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 2: Cardiac surgery 1 irkpatrick et al.
Process of (2015)
Mixed 1 akdisse et al.
Orthopedic 1 Rosner et al. (2018)
Cancer care 2 aker et al. (2016) ,
van Egdom et al.
Bariatric 1 Noria et al. (2015)
Intensive care unit Oncological 3 ckerman et al.
days surgery (2019) , Khullar et al.
(2015) , Kulkarni et
al. (2011)
General practice 1 Bernstein et al.
Orthopedic 1 Johnson et al. (2019)
Cardiac surgery 2 irkpatrick et
al. (2015) , D. V.
Williams et al. (2019)
Infection rate Oncological 1 Smith et al. (2016)
Orthopedic 2 iGioia &
surgery Greenhouse (2012) ,
Lee et al. (2016)
Target medication Oncological 2 Ackerman et al.
usage surgery (2019) , Kulkarni et
al. (2011)
Orthopedic 2 Berglund et al.
surgery (2019) , Gray et al.
General practice 3 Bernstein et al.
(2019), Hernandez et
al. (2019) , van Deen
et al. (2017)
Cardiac surgery 2 Glotzbach et al.
(2018) , J. B. Williams
et al. (2019) 351
Journal of Healthcare Management



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 2: Cardiovascular 1 olas et al. (2018)
Process of care
Patient satisfaction Orthopedic 4 erglund et al. (2019) ,
surgery Colegate-Stone et al.
(2016) , DiGioia &
Greenhouse (2012) ,
Featherall et al. (2019)
General practice 3 Boltz et al. (2019) ,
Hernandez et al.
(2019) , D. V. Williams
et al. (2019)
Mixed 1 Chatfi eld et al. (2019)
Obstetrics and 1 Danilyants et al.
gynecology (2019)
Bariatric 2 Goretti et al. (2020) ,
surgery Noria et al. (2015)
Cancer care 1 van Egdom et al. (2019)
Cardiac surgery 1 J. B. Williams et al.
Psychological Orthopedic 2 Gabriel et al. (2019) ,
markers† surgery Lee et al. (2016)
Bariatric 1 Goretti et al. (2020)
General practice 2 ernandez et
al. (2019) , D. V.
Williams et al. (2019)
Spine surgery 1 Parker et al. (2017)
Cancer care 2 Th aker et al. (2016) ,
van Egdom et al.
Tier 3: Sustainability 30-day Oncological 3 Bateni et al. (2019) ,
Sustain- of health readmissions surgery Gustafsson et al.
ability of (2016) , Khullar et al.
Health (2015)
General practice 5 Bernstein et al.
(2019), Boltz et al.
(2019) , Hernandez et
al. (2019) , van Deen
et al. (2017) , J. B.
Williams et al. (2019)

352 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 3: Mixed 2 hatfi eld et al.
Sustain- (2019) ; Ravikumar et
ability al. (2010)
Orthopedic 3 undon et al. (2016) ,
surgery Iorio et al. (2016) ,
Lee et al. (2016)
Cardiovascular 1 Golas et al. (2018)
Bariatric 2 oretti et al. (2020) ,
surgery Noria et al. (2015)
Cardiac surgery 3 Kirkpatrick et al.
(2015) , van Veghel
et al. (2016) , D. V.
Williams et al. (2019)
Pediatric care 1 Weiss et al. (2019)
90-day Oncological 1 Khullar et al. (2015)
readmissions surgery
Orthopedic 5 hn et al. (2019) ,
surgery Bolz & Iorio (2016) ,
Dundon et al. (2016) ,
Gray et al. (2019) ,
Rosner et al. (2018)
Need for revision/ Oncological 2 Abdulla et al. (2012) ,
reoperation surgery Smith et al. (2016)
Bariatric 1 Goretti et al. (2020)
Mixed 1 akdisse et al.
General practice 1 van Deen et al.
Cardiac surgery 1 J. B. Williams et al.
After-discharge Orthopedic 4 Ahn et al. (2019) ,
complications surgery Featherall et al.
(2019), Featherall et
al. (2018) , Rosner et
al. (2018)
Spine surgery 1 Parker et al. (2017)
Oncological 1 Smith et al. (2016)
surgery 353
Journal of Healthcare Management



Tier Level Measure Healthcare Field Studies References

Tier 3: Long-term Health-reported Orthopedic 5 hn et al. (2019) ,
Sustain- consequences status surgery Berglund et al.
ability (2019) , Gabriel et al.
of (2019) , Johnson et
Health al. (2019) , Lee et al.
Obstetrics and 1 Danilyants et al.
gynecology (2019)
Bariatric 1 Goretti et al. (2020)
General practice 3 Hernandez et al.
(2019) , van Deen
et al. (2017) , D. V.
Williams et al. (2019)
Mixed 1 Makdisse et al.
Spine surgery 1 Parker et al. (2017)
Cancer care 2 Th aker et al. (2016) ,
van Egdom et al.
Cardiac surgery 1 van Veghel et al.
* Surgical outcomes related to organ function preservation, method of tissue extraction, and estimated blood loss.
† Psychological markers are defi ned as measures of anxiety, discomfort, and ability to work or function normally while
undergoing treatment.

outcome information in Table S3 International Consortium for Health Out-

( comes Measurement [ICHOM] specifi c
e main data source in the studies surveys). Other surveys relating to patient
was the electronic health record (EHR), experience were conducted in nine stud-
including medical and hospital records ies (e.g., Hospital Consumer Assessment
(85%) or an external database (15%). Only of Healthcare Providers and Systems), and
16 studies (34%) used PRO surveys as scales completed by professionals (e.g.,
instruments to cover outcome tiers (see Activity Measure in Post-Acute Care) were
Table S3 ). used in three studies.
Among those, generic metrics of mul- Th
e reported saturation of tier-level
tiple conditions appeared in 8 studies outcomes showed limited coverage for
(e.g., EQ-5D); metrics tailored to disease value assessments in the literature report-
classes were reported in 12 studies (e.g., ing VBHC initiatives. Only three studies

354 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives

( Gray et al., 2019 ; Noria et al., 2015 ; Th

aker education and value culture, or hospital
et al., 2016 ) reported outcomes to all levels management.
of the tier hierarchy. Studies covered three A considerable proportion of the stud-
levels of the outcome hierarchy ( n = 24, ies (36%) achieved results that contributed
51%) most frequently, followed by to value-based fi nancial outcomes focused
four levels (19%) and fi ve levels (15%). on cost savings. An important common
fi nding was that the calculated savings
Value Effect Reported by Studies were derived from reductions in readmis-
e reported results that triggered a value sions and inpatient stays, and the savings
increase in each case studied are con- are accounted for as an indirect fi nancial
solidated in Table 2 , which also shows impact. However, these opportunities for
whether the contribution was observed in future cost savings are not measured by
the fi nancial outcome, clinical outcome accurate costs and economical methods
improvement, PRO improvement, provider ( Etges et al., 2020 ). Two studies ( Johnson


A Summary of Value Effect and Domains Reported in Real-World Settings

Value Eff ect Domain Reported

Value =
Outcomes(t = 1) − Outcomes(t = 0) Financial outcome Direct cost savings ( Ackerman et al., 2019 ;
Costs(t = 1) − Costs(t = 0) Bernstein et al., 2019; Boltz et al., 2019 ;
Where: Bolz & Iorio, 2016 ; Chatfi eld et al., 2019 ;
Outcomes include measures Dundon et al., 2016 ; Ebinger et al., 2018 ;
stratifi ed in Tiers 1, 2, and 3. Featherall et al., 2019; Glotzbach et al., 2018 ;
Costs may consider costs over Goretti et al., 2020 ; Gray et al., 2019 ; Iorio et al.,
the complete pathway; 2016 ; Lee et al., 2016 ; Pelt et al., 2016 )
t = time I ndirect cost savings ( DiGioia &
Greenhouse, 2012 ; Weiss et al., 2019 )
Reduced variance in cost ( Ackerman et al., 2019 )
Sustainable ( Goretti et al., 2020 )
Clinical outcome Reduced complications ( Danilyants et al.,
improvement 2019 ; Goretti et al., 2020 ; Rosner et al., 2018 )
Reduced mortality ( Colegate-Stone et al., 2016 ;
DiGioia & Greenhouse, 2012 ; Iorio et al., 2016 )
Improved laboratories and recovered from
comorbidities ( Abdulla et al., 2012 ;
Goretti et al., 2020 ; Iorio et al., 2016 ;
D. V. Williams et al., 2019 )
erioperative outcomes ( J. B. Williams et al.,
2019 )
educed pharmacological treatment time
( Hernandez et al., 2019 ; Kirkpatrick et al.,
2015 ; Lee et al., 2016 ) 355
Journal of Healthcare Management


Value Eff ect Domain Reported
Patient-reported Patient satisfaction with service
outcome ( Colegate-Stone et al., 2016 ; DiGioia &
improvement Greenhouse, 2012 ; Noria et al., 2015 ;
van Egdom et al., 2019 )
Improved work and function relationships
( Hernandez et al., 2019 ; Ahn et al., 2019 ;
Goretti et al., 2020 ; Parker et al., 2017 ;
Weiss et al., 2019 )
Improved/favorable quality of life scores
( Ahn et al., 2019 ; Iorio et al., 2016 ; Parker et
al., 2017 ; J. B. Williams et al., 2019)
Improved well-being ( Hernandez et al.,
2019 ; Bateni et al., 2019 ; Goretti et al., 2020 )
Provider Support for innovative implementations
education and ( Boltz et al., 2019 )
value culture Value consciousness and engagement
( Ackerman et al., 2019 ; Chatfi eld et al., 2019 ;
Gustafsson et al., 2016 ; Navarro et al., 2018;
Noria et al., 2015 ; Ravikumar et al., 2010 )
Replicable ( Goretti et al., 2020 )
Hospital Increased hospital capacity ( Abdulla et al.,
management 2012 ; Ackerman et al., 2019 ; Bolz & Iorio,
2016 ; Chatfi eld et al., 2019 ; Dundon et al.,
2016 ; Featherall et al., 2019; Gabriel et al.,
2019 ; Gray et al., 2019 ; Johnson et al., 2019 ;
Kirkpatrick et al., 2015 ; Kulkarni et al., 2011 ;
Noria et al., 2015 ; Pelt et al., 2016 ; Weiss et al.,
2019 ; D. V. Williams et al., 2019 )
Improved discharge effi ciency ( Bolz &
Iorio, 2016 ; ( DiGioia & Greenhouse, 2012 ;
Dundon et al., 2016 ; Ebinger et al., 2018 ;
Featherall et al., 2019; Featherall et al., 2018 )
Better resource and capacity allocating
( Colegate-Stone et al., 2016 ; Gustafsson et al.,
2016 ; Van Den Berg et al., 2020 )
Value-offi ce ( Hernandez et al., 2019 ;
Makdisse et al., 2018 )
Improved quality through risk adjustment
(Bernstein et al., 2019; Golas et al., 2018 ;
Khullar et al., 2015 ; Smith et al., 2016 ;
D. V. Williams et al., 2019 )
Benchmarking ( Van Den Berg et al., 2020 ;
van Veghel et al., 2016 )

356 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives

et al., 2019; van Deen et al., 2017) identi- time to recovery and Tier 3’s long-term
fied neutral effects or were not able to consequences, which are expressed less
consistently observe improved results even frequently in the literature (47% and 32%,
though they showed these effects as poten- respectively); in contrast, the same levels
tial improvements. were more commonly considered in HBS
Regarding PRO improvement, 25% of cases (75% and 92%, respectively). This
the studies reported improved PROs; how- was not surprising, as predicted by the
ever, of the studies that used PRO measure- number of studies using PRO measures
ment instruments (n = 16), 11 achieved earlier in the results. Regarding micro-
positive results. Management effects were costing or TDABC methods, the stud-
mainly related to hospital capacity (n = 15), ies showed similarly low prevalence in
improved quality through risk adjustments both the literature (27%) and HBS cases
(n = 5), and better resource allocation (28%) as revealed by the dotted lines in
(n = 3). Figure 2. Studies that used methods other
than microcosting to measure financial
On the Radar: Literature and information had a greater proportion of
HBS Cases both the literature and HBS cases (79%
Twelve HBS cases were selected for value and 92%, respectively). Tier 1’s mortal-
initiatives in the fields of prostate cancer ity survival-related metrics were also not
(Porter, Deerberg-Wittram, et al., 2014), widely computed in the selected studies
orthopedic surgeries (Kaplan et al., 2012; (40% in the literature and 60% in HBS
Porter, Marks, et al., 2014), pediatric care cases). Regarding the literature, two studies
(Porter, Bachmann et al., 2014; Porter et al., (Abdulla et al., 2012; Ahn et al., 2019) did
2016), and primary general practice not measure Tier 2’s disutility of the care
(Kaplan et al., 2018; Porter, Landman, process or treatment process level, and six
et al., 2014; Porter & Teisberg, 2009 ; did not measure baseline characteristics
Porter et al., 2017) (see Table S4, which for risk-adjustment data, making these two
summarizes the main characteristics of tiers the most prevalent in the literature
these cases, provided as Appendix 4 to this (96% and 87%, respectively), This pattern
article, published as Supplemental Digital was also verified for HBS cases, because
Content at those two levels were reported in all cases.
A60). In all HBS cases, the PRO measures
were used. Figure 2 presents the compari- DISCUSSION
son of the outcome tier coverage profiles of This systematic review was intended to
the included studies from the literature and map how outcomes are being measured in
the selected HBS cases. Of note, one initia- the studies of the value agenda. We identi-
tive was reported in both metrics: the HBS fied a significant imbalance of outcome
and literature search (Hernandez measurements in many aspects, such as the
et al., 2019). configuration of tier levels chosen in value
The most conflicting information initiatives, instruments applied to sup-
concerns tier levels that are more depen- port data, and the rare use of microcosting
dent on PRO measures such as Tier 2’s methods to determine financial outcomes. 357
Journal of Healthcare Management


Radar Chart of Literature and Cases Profile in Outcome Information Coverage


Note. Th
e black line inside the circle represents the proportion of Harvard Business School cases in each tier; the gray line
demonstrates the same profi le for the systematic review studies. Th e dotted line represents the studies within the fi nancial
result category that used microcosting methods or time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC).

Tier 3, especially long-term consequences, measured by the hospital and clini-

was the least explored, whereas traditional cal outcomes, not necessarily by patient
clinical and process outcomes such as perceptions, and the fi nancial results are
length of stay and infections were still the not being reported with highly precise
most frequent measures considered in the accounting methods. PRO measures play
literature. a central role in the value agenda model.
VBHC was introduced to reduce waste Nevertheless, studies evaluating long-term
and increase the quality of care ( Porter & consequences and new conditions are rare
Lee, 2013 ). As shown in this review, the ( Halpern et al., 2020 ). However, these fac-
increase in the quality of care is usually tors received the most attention when we

358 Volume 66, Number 5 • September/October 2021

Value-Based Healthcare in Practice Initiatives

looked at the applied cases of VBHC in the feasible without investment in information
HBS Case Collection (Kaplan et al., 2012, technology (Boscolo et al., 2020). Once
2018; Porter, Bachmann, et al., 2014 Porter, a functionally integrated EHR system is
Deerberg-Wittram, et al., 2014; Porter, implemented, it must be validated to ensure
Landman, et al., 2014; Porter, Marks, et al., that it provides quality measurements
2014; Porter & Teisberg, 2009; Porter et al., —an essential component of quality
2007; Porter et al., 2016). improvement (Etges et al., 2020). Address-
We found that widespread and consis- ing suboptimal outcomes and compar-
tent use of PRO measurements has proven ing cost data for treatment options will
to be ambiguous for a range of reasons, facilitate process improvement and value
including the complexity of the measures (Thaker et al., 2016).
tracked and the fluctuating reliability of Academics and consultants created the
patient assessments on many measures ICHOM in 2012 to address the shortcom-
(Schupbach et al., 2016), which may ings of outcome measurement. Today, the
explain the gap seen in the radar chart ICHOM working group stipulates that the
regarding the comprehensiveness of the intention of such parameterization is not to
value definition. devise new measures of results but rather
In agreement with the factors listed to agree on a well-assessed outcome mea-
by Martin and colleagues (2019), our sure indicator that everyone should use
results demonstrate that measuring out- to cover a much broader spectrum of the
comes in healthcare has been difficult for outcome hierarchy for a health condition
three reasons: (1) current outcome mea- (ICHOM, n.d.). The use of the ICHOM
surements consist of nonstructured and questionnaires in the literature is still
condition-related data that are difficult to restricted to a few studies concentrated in
access, (2) adherence to evidence-based the fields of orthopedic surgery (Berglund
processes rather than clinically and et al., 2019; Glotzbach et al., 2018; Pelt et al.,
patient-reported driven results is limiting, 2016), general practice (Hernandez et al.,
and (3) the healthcare provider seldom 2019; Kulkarni et al., 2011), bariatric
incorporates an integrated view of the surgery (Noria et al., 2015), obstetrics (Van
patient’s outcomes over the full cycle of care. Den Berg et al., 2020), breast cancer (van
The evolution to electronic registries Egdom et al., 2019), and prostate cancer
that provide practicable patient-centered (Thaker et al., 2016).
care could take two main routes: (1) the In addition to the ICHOM, however,
education and dissemination of a value some processual measures are still needed to
culture, which can instantly reinforce staff add all the tiers of value (Thaker et al., 2016).
to register important outcomes about the It is evident in the HBS cases that measur-
patient either through validated question- ing outcomes—clinical, processual, finan-
naires or more effective multidisciplinary cial, and PRO—is a valuable tool that helps
meetings, and (2) the creation of an EHR healthcare providers to be more intentional
system-integrated real-time outcome about quality, efficiency, and (especially)
measurement platform. This reflection patient outcomes (Porter, 2010; Schupbach
leads us to surmise that VBHC is not et al., 2016), and this model of measuring 359
Journal of Healthcare Management

outcomes has been demonstrated to have a could not be determined. We also did not
higher success rate and permanence (Porter, identify studies with negative results asso-
2010; Thaker et al., 2016). ciated with the outcome measurement in
Regarding financial outcomes, we the VBHC initiative; thus, there is poten-
note that cost studies were not part of our tial publication bias toward those only
main scope. Nevertheless, in the spec- reporting successful results in this field. In
trum of value initiatives, we would expect addition, the searches were conducted in
an exploration of both numerators and early March 2020, so this study does not
denominators to compose the value equa- include or reflect the possible movement in
tion. Because we could identify only 13 VBHC initiatives driven by the COVID-19
studies and 3 cases that applied advanced pandemic. Thus, we should stress that this
methods to evaluate real costs, we suggest was a prepandemic systematic review of
that scaled VBHC adoption would require VBHC initiatives.
more methodological rigor in the evalu-
ation of financial outcomes (Etges et al., CONCLUSION
2020; Tsai et al., 2018). Our systematic review suggests that, in
Developments in the EHR are mak- a real-world setting, there is still a gap
ing outcomes far less costly to measure between measuring outcomes that matter
(Porter & Teisberg, 2006). The majority to patients and measuring financial out-
of VBHC studies used medical records to comes through rigorous methodological
collect data to evaluate the value of health- methods. Advances in technology capac-
care. However, as verified from the studies ity and a culture of change in manage-
that covered the full range of the outcome ment appear to be the main barriers to
hierarchy (Noria et al., 2015), the EHR making the value agenda more easily
does not uniformly capture the three tiers reproducible.
of outcomes we described, requiring addi-
tional staff to manually maintain parallel
control of the data and update the research Abdulla, A., Ituarte, P. G., Wiggins, R., Teisberg, E.,
databases (Noria et al., 2015). Harari, A., & Yeh, M. (2012). Endocrine surgery
as a model for value-based health care delivery.
Study Limitations Surgical Neurology International, 3(1), 163.
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Kiluk, J. V., & Patel, S. Y. (2019). Enhanced
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with a priori–defined methods and gery, 43(3), 839–845.
well-established methodological guide- s00268-018-4850-0
Ahn, A., Ferrer, C., Park, C., Snyder, D. J., Maron, S. Z.,
lines. However, as there is not a valid
Mikhail, C., Keswani, A., Molloy, I. B.,
instrument to assess the methodological Bronson, M. J., Moschetti, W. E., Jevsevar, D. S.,
quality of VBHC initiative studies, the Poeran, J., Galatz, L. M., & Moucha, C. S.
methodological quality of these studies (2019). Defining and optimizing value in total

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Practitioner Application:
Value-Based Healthcare Initiatives in Practice:
A Systematic Review
Pradipta Komanduri, FACHE, vice president, clinical support services, Seattle Children’s, Seattle,

anotto and colleagues provide a unique assessment of value-based outcome mea-
surements to-date, noting that while there have been reported benefits from such
initiatives, there are gaps in accurate measurement of costs and long-term out-
comes at the patient level. Their research aggregated improvement efforts into three main
categories: standardizing care through pathways; developing technology; and improving
traditional measures tied to clinical, process, and financial outcomes at the facility level.
The authors suggest that the true impact of value-based measures can only be under-
stood through a more consistent approach to outcome measurement at the patient level.
While value-based care models thus far have been necessary experiments to transform

The author declares no conflicts of interest.

© 2021 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives
DOI: 10.1097/JHM-D-21-00175 365

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