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Investigating The Optimal Service Channels For Effective Operational MachinePerformance For Improve Productivity in A Manufacturing Firm

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Investigating the Optimal Service Channels for

Effective Operational Machine Performance for
Improve Productivity in a Manufacturing Firm
S. L. Bani H. U. Nwosu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rivers State Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Port
University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State,Nigeria

Abstract:- This study focuses on the impact of waiting companies in order to remain competitive in a global market
time on operational machine performance in a (Iannone & Nenni, 2015). (Lilly, 2012) asserts that,
manufacturing company. The data was collected from economically, the goal of any well-run manufacturing
the case study company by observation of production process is to have the lowest cost of production loss
processes. The multiple service centres queue models resulting from an inadequate program of activities. When
were used to analyzed the data. The results revealed that, cost of production is minimize, the primary objective of
at the painting section, with 2-service centres and 4- engaging in business will be achieved and the firm will
service centres compared, the performance outputs were remain relevant in competitive business. Tremendous
as follows: traffic intensity was 0.8000 (80%) and 0.4000 attempt has been made by managers of industries to take
(40%), respectively; the probability that the 2-service decisive decisions to improve on time saving in production
centre and 4-service centre were idle was 0.1111 and and quality of finished products. The purpose of the efforts
0.1993, respectively; the average length of queue at the is to maximize profit, customers’ satisfaction and retention
two points of painting section were respectively, 1.4221 through reduction in cost of production. To achieve this
and 0.7255; the average jobs in the system was 3.0221 important quantity, several techniques have been initiated
and 2.3255, respectively; the average time job spent in and implemented. Manual skilled labours and automatic
queue was 0.1778 and 0.0907, respectively; the average machines are ways usually applied to reduce work-in-
time job spent in the system was 0.3778 and 0.2907, the progress believed to be a major obstacle in an assembly line.
waiting costs was 479.65 Naira and 369.14 Naira. Similarly, Therefore, innovation based on modeling, analyzing,
at the drilling section, with 2-service centres and 4-service designing, and the implementation of new systems is a
centres compared, the performance outputs were as necessity (Sivaraman & Bharti, 2017). According to Alex
follows: traffic intensity 0.8571(85%) and 0.4286 (43%), (2019), queuing model is an option to help solve this
respectively; the probability that the system was idle was problem. Queuing model is an essential technique for the
0.0769 and 0.1769, respectively; average length of queue performance evaluation of such systems. The basic reason of
was 1.5819 and 0.8911; average jobs in system 3.2962 and using queuing theory in assembly processes is to model the
2.6054; average time job spent in queue 0.0549 and assembly process (Marsudi & Shafeek, 2013). Queuing
0.0149; average time job spent in system 0.0286 and theory is basically a collection of mathematical relationships
0.0435; and waiting costs 272.38 Naira and 414.29 Naira. of various queuing systems(Bakari et al., 2014). Formula for
Four service channels are proposed at the painting each model indicates how the related queuing system should
section and maintain the original 2-service centres at the perform, under a variety of conditions. The queuing models
drilling section to improve on productivity. are very powerful tool for determining how to manage a
queuing system in the most effective manner. Queuing
Keywords:- Arrival Time, Operational Machine, Traffic theory allows the mathematical analysis of several related
Intensity, Machine Performance,Utilization Factor. processes, including arrivals at the queue, waiting in the
queue, and being treated by the servers. It allows the
I. INTRODUCTION derivation and calculation of several performance measures
which can be used to evaluate the performance of the queuing
In any manufacturing firm, the operating effectiveness system underinvestigation.
of the entire production system depends considerably on
factors such as layout of facilities, flow of raw materials or The arrival of raw materials or components and
components, number of products or finished goods (arrival treatments are observed to assume Poisson and exponential
time and rate), treatment time, capacity of the system, etc. distributions. One key factor repeatedly met is queue.
Productivity can depend on the nature of the assembly line Queuing is the most predominant problem face by
since poorly conceived arrangement can consequently cause industries. Every second that an employee spends waiting
congestion, increase materials handling cost, rise in for another department or workstation and every second that
production cost, and rise in cost of products. Productivity a component spends waiting to be processed is money
improvement is nowadays the biggest challenge for wasted (Sivaraman & Bharti, 2017). Every second that a

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
customer spends waiting to be served or a component waited 20 min after standing in queue. The mean waiting time was
to be treated translate into lost business and lost revenue. So 12.16±2.35 min. 94.07% and 98.52% patients were satisfied
many researchers had investigated how to reduce queue or with treatment cost and behavior of staff respectively.
to eradicate it completely. Queue at the hospital, bus stop,
supermarkets, office of the vice chancellors at various Yakubu & Najiro (2014) conducted research on the use
higher institutions are typical examples. The most disturbing of queuing theory to determine optimal level of service on
aspect is queue of raw materials or components at an ATM. Chi-Square goodness fit was performed. It was
workstations of an assembly line. If ignore, queue has the found that M/M/s queuing model was feasible for
tendency to create negative effects on the economy of a application. Farayibi (2016) studied the application of queue
nation. theory in the banking system in GTBank and Ecobank
Idumota branch, Lagos, Lagos state. He used Multi-Server
Adeyinka & Kareem (2018) examined an automobile Queuing Model to analysed the Multi-Server Queuing
assembly line performance in an attempt to reduce queuing Model. The performance measures analysis including the
through harmonizing the tasks in each workstation. They waiting and operation costs for the banks. The waiting and
adopted the Kendall’s notation for queuing problem. This is operation costs for the banks were computed to determine
a single channel multi-server service with infinite system the optimal service level and observed that traffic intensity
capacity and infinite number calling population. The was higher in GTbank than in Ecobank. In furtherance, the
arriving and service distribution data for the system were potential utilization also indicated that Ecobank was far
determined and used to estimate the performance parameters below efficiency compared to GTBank. He asserted that
of the system. Analysis indicated that increase level of customers in Ecobank spent more time before being served
automation can reduce waiting time of parts, thereby reduce both on queue and in the system than that of GTBank bank.
the cost of waiting. Sheikh et al. (2013) studied the He concluded that queuing theory is relevant to the effective
efficiency of two queuing models, (M/M/Z/∞: FCFS and service deliveryof GTBank and Ecobank.
M/M/1/∞: FCFS). Also, investigated was the queuing
number, the service stations number and the optimal service Vaishali & Soundara-Rajan (2017) measured the
rate by means of queuing theory and discovered that the waiting time taken in transportation, registration, diagnosis,
optimal values of the queuing model were feasible. pharmacy and billing in OPD through survey questionnaire
Odunukwe (2013) examined the application of queuing and the waiting time was calculated. Results indicated that
models to customers’ management in the banking system transportation was inadequate, registration was poor, and
using United Bank for Africa, Okpara Avenue Branch delay was experience in billing. However, the patients were
Enugu, as a case study. The results obtained from the study satisfied in diagnosis and pharmacydepartments. Sivaraman
showed that the arrival pattern follows a Poisson distribution and Bharti (2017) reported a review of queuing and
and that the service pattern follows an exponential reliability model for machine interference and repairing.
distribution. The study recommended that the Bank Analysis was by queuing model with Bernoulli vacation
management should increase the number of servers to three schedule. The failure times, repair times and vacation times
so as to help reduce the time customers spend on queue and were assumed to be exponentially distributed. They
also reduce cost incurred from waiting. concluded that the queue theory is adequate to model
machine repairing system.Koko et al. (2018) studied queuing
Bakari et al. (2014) studied the activities at Fidelity theory and its application analysis on bus services using
Bank ATM in an attempt to reduce waiting line by single server and multiple servers’ models, a case of Federal
observing arrival and serviced time. They used queuing Polytechnic transport system, Kaura Namoda. The traffic
theory Poisson distribution to assess the utility function of intensity, average number of customers in the system,
service delivery. Queuing models of different specifications, average number of customers in the queue, average time
M/M/1:(∞/FCFS) and M/M/2:( ∞/FCFS) were used for spent in the system, Average time spent in the queue of a
analysis and concluded that the system operates under single server and multiple servers were found to be
steady-state condition. Febrianta et al. (2017) carried out 0.9355,14.5, 13.5645,0.25, 0.2339 and 0.4677, 1.1974,
verification of service- related queuing at Outpatient 0.2619, 0.0206,0.0045 respectively. The analyzed results
Pharmacy Installation of Pku Muhamadiyah Hospital Bantul indicated that the multiple servers’ model is more efficient
From results of analysis queuing system by the queuing than single server model as it minimizes these parameters.
method, it was discovered that Pharmacy Outpatient PKU
Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul have pattern of arrival of II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Poisson distributed patient, time of patient service of
Poisson distribution as follows: Lq = 14,27; L = 16.15; Wq The present chapter entails the materials, method of
= 0.3036; W = 0.3436; Po = 3.09%. Patel and Patel (2017) data collection, experimental design and procedure, the
studied the waiting time and out patient satisfaction at out- statistical tools for analysis, and improvement strategy.
patient department the accessibility of various department of
hospital. They observed that the mean age of patient A. Materials
attending the out-patient was 30.31±15.65 years and majority The data for this research was obtained from both
of them are female patient (54.07%). Hospital staff primary and secondary sources. The primary source was by
(48.89%) was main source of guidance for searching the direct observations of manufacturing processes of two
OPDs for consulting the doctor. 54.07% patient registered distinct work stations at the Lawchris Engineering in Port

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Harcourt. Jobs or parts that arrived at the service centres, the  Determination of the Probability of the System Idleness
time spent before treatment, as well as the time spent in The chance that there is no queue (that is the system
treatment were observed. The arrival and servicetime of jobs, will be idle) was computed as expressed in Equation (4).
at both the painting and drilling sections were observed for a
period of 15minutes intervals and recorded. The recorded
information provided the data used to evaluate the quantities
needed for analysis in this study.
B. Methods
Where, Pn represent the chance that there is no job in
 Methods of Analysis and Performance Improvement the system untreated, λ and 𝜇 are the mean arrival rate of
In this study, the multiple service servers queuing jobs and mean service or treatment rate, respectively, while
modeling, which takes (M/M/y): (∞/FCFC) specification y stands for the serversor workstations.
was used for data analysis. The recorded information
obtained from field survey by observation of production  Traffic Intensity of the System
process was used to determine the performance measures of The traffic intensity or utilization factor of the system
the system characteristics, including the waiting time, service was obtained by the used of Equation (5 and 6).
or treatment time, the utilization factor, number of parts
arriving, number of parts in the system, number of parts in
the queue, The graphical approach was also applied to
illustrate the out puts of the investigations and analysis. (5)

The evaluated performance measure was applied in the

cost model, especially at the different servers. The costs
relating to waiting time and treatment time were compared. (6)
The total cost model was evaluated based on Farayibi (2016)
as expressed in Equation (1). Where, Pr is the utilization factor.

 Average Number of Jobs or Parts waiting in the Queue

(1) The average number of jobs waiting in the queue or
queue length was obtained according to Equation (7).
Where, WC is the waiting cost per unit time for each
job, SN represent the number of jobs in the entire system.
SC and y represent the service or operating cost per unit (7)
time for each server and number of servers, respectively and
CT represents the total cost per unit time. Also, the optimal Where, NQ is the average number of jobs waiting in
service or service facilities that minimize the total cost, the queue.
according Sheikh et al. (2013) is computed using Equation
(2).  Average Number of Jobs in the System
Similarly, the average number of jobs or parts in the
entire system was obtained by Equation (8).

Where, 𝜇 is the average service rate, λ average arrival (8)

rate, and WC and SC are the cost of waiting in queue and
cost of service per unit time, respectively. The mean arrival Where, SN represent average number of jobs in the system.
rate was calculated using Equation (3) according to
Panneerselvam (2016).  Average Waiting Time of a job in Queue
The average waiting time of a job in queue was
obtained using Equation (9).

 Measures of Effectiveness of the System
The performance measures and traffic intensity of the Where, Wq is the average waiting time of a job in queue.
system were used to determine the effectiveness of the
system. The Equations for multi-channel queuing model are  Average waiting Time job Spent in the System
important and were obtained according to (Farayibi, 2016; Equation (10) was applied to evaluate the average
Koko et al., 2018; Alex, 2019; Prabakaran & Kumar,2019). waiting time that a job spent in the system.

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Where, WS is the average waiting time that a job spent in
(10) the system.


The raw data of arrival and service time was obtained from the survey of the painting workstationand the drilling workstation
of the case study company. The arrival and service time of jobs, at both the painting and drilling sections were observed and
recorded. The information provided thedata used to evaluate the quantities needed for analysis in this study.

 Determination of Arrival Rate of Jobs at the Painting Section

From the direct observation of arrival of jobs or parts at the painting section and the associated frequency is presented in
Figure 1.

Fig 1 Observed Frequency and Period

From Figure 1, it was found that the frequency of  Analysis of Performance Measures for the Painting
arrival of jobs at the painting section assumed shape of Workstation
Poisson distribution. In this distribution, the observed The performance measures of multiple channels (y)
frequencies increase up to a point then later decreases. The queuing system with mean arrival rate (λ) of 8 jobs per hour
mean arrival rate of jobs at the painting workstation was and service rate (𝜇) of 5 jobs per hour has been evaluated
computed from the available data and was found to be 8 jobs using Microsoft Office Excel, version 2007. The results of
per hour. the performance measures, based on field data conducted at
the painting section of the company for different channels is
presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Performance Measures of Queuing System at the Painting Section

Queue parameter y2 y3 y4 y5
P 0.8000 0.5333 0.4000 0.3200
Pn 0.1111 0.1872 0.1993 0.2014
Pw 0.7100 0.2738 0.1814 0.0259
NQ 1.4221 0.8216 0.7255 0.7764
SN 3.0221 2.4216 2.3255 2.3764
Wq 0.1778 0.1027 0.0907 0.0971
Ws 0.3778 0.3027 0.2907 0.2971
Service cost, SC (ℵ) 792.92 1189.38 1585.84 1982.30
Waiting cost,WC (ℵ) 479.75 384.38 369.14 377.27
Total cost, CT (ℵ) 1272.67 1573.76 1954.98 2359.57

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
From Table 1, results obtained for an M/M/5:∞/FCFC were 384.38 Naira and 1585.84 Naira,respectively. In term of
indicates that the average number of jobs in the system was cost associated with waiting time, the waiting time cost was
2.3764; the average length of queue was 0.7764; the average found to followa decreases trend, but later increased, (Table
time a job spent in the system was 0.2971; and the average 2 and Figure 2). The turning point in Figure 2 may be the
time a job spent in queue was 0.0971. At the same server 5, optimal number of channels, where minimum cost of
the chance that the system was idle was found to be 0.2014; waiting occurred. As observed, four channels may be the
the chance that all servers were busy (utility factor) was suitable number of channels expected at the painting section
0.0259, while the traffic intensity was 0.3200. In a further of the case study organization, as against the two channels
analysis conducted, the waiting and service costs were found currently being practice.
to be 377.27 Naira and 1982.30 Naira, respectively. For an
M/M/4:∞/FCFC also observed, results showed that the
average number of jobs in the system was 2.3255; the
average length of queue was 0.7255; the average time a job
spent in the system was 0.2907; and the average time a job
spent in queue was 0.0907. Also, at the same server 4, it was
observed that the chance that the system was idle was 0.1993;
the chance that all servers were busy (utility factor) was
0.1814, while the traffic intensity was 0.4000. Similarly, it
was further observed from analysis of an M/M/3:∞/FCFC
that the average number of jobs in thesystem was 2.4216, the
average length of queue was 0.8215; the average time a job
spends in the system was 0.3027; and the average time a job
spends in the queue was 0.1027. At the same server 3, it was
also observed that the chance that the system was idle was
0.1872; the chance that all servers were busy (utilization
factor) was 0.2738, while the traffic intensity was 0.5333.
The waiting and service costs were found to be 384.38 and
1189.38 respectively. More still, analyzed results obtained
from M/M/2:∞/FCFC revealed that the average number of
jobs in the system was 0.0221, the average length of queue
Fig 2 Waiting and Service Costs Versus Service Channel
was 0.4221; the average time a job spends in the system was
0.3778; and the average time a job spends in the queue was
0.1778. At the same server 2, it was also found that the The M/M/2:∞/FCFC and M/M/4:∞/FCFC were
probability that the system was idle was 0.1111; the compared based on their queue measures of performance
probability that all servers were busy (utilization factor) was values and presented in Table 2.
0.7110, while the traffic intensity was 0.8000. Costs analysis
also carried out indicates that, the waiting and service costs

Table 2 Comparing Performance Measures of M/M/2:∞/FCFC and M/M/4:∞/FCFC for Painting Workstations
Queue Parameter M/M/2 :∞/FCFC M/M/4 :∞/FCFC
P 0.8000 0.4000
Pn 0.1111 0.1993
Pw 0.7100 0.1814
NQ 1.4221 0.7255
SN 3.0221 2.3255
Wq 0.1778 0.0907
Ws 0.3778 0.2907
Service cost, SC (ℵ) 792.92 1585.84
Waiting cost, WC (ℵ) 479.75 369.14
Total cost, CT (ℵ) 1272.67 1954.98

It was observed that increased in the number of  Analysis of Queue Performance Measures for the
channels (painting machines) from two to four decreased the Drilling Section
average waiting time of jobs in queue and in system from The results of the analysis conducted, based on queue
0.1778 hour and 0.3778 hour to 0.0907 hour and 0.2907 model is presented in Table 3.
hour, respectively. This amounted to about 49% decreased
in waiting time for both jobs in queue and in the system.

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 3 Performance Measures of Queuing System for Drilling Section
Queue parameter y2 y3 y4 y5
P 0.8571 0.5714 0.4286 0.3429
Pn 0.0769 0.1628 0.1769 0.1795
Pw 0.7910 0.3190 0.1114 0.0337
NQ 1.5819 0.9569 0.8911 1.0111
SN 3.2962 2.6712 2.6054 2.7254
Wq 0.0549 0.0159 0.0149 0.0169
Ws 0.0286 0.0445 0.0435 0.0455
Service cost, SC (ℵ) 792.92 1189.38 1585.84 1982.30
Waiting cost,WC (ℵ) 272.38 423.81 414.29 433.33
Total cost, CT (ℵ) 1065.30 1613.19 1998.13 2415.63

From Table 3, the performance effectiveness at the

drilling section of the case study company for an
M/M/5:∞/FCFC was found as follows: the average number
of jobs in the system was 2.7254; the average length of
queue was 1.0111; the average time a job spends in the
system was 0.0455; and the average time a job spends in a
queue was 0.0169. Also, it was observed that the chance that
the system was idle was 0.1795; the chance that all servers
were busy (utilization factor) was 0.0337, while the traffic
intensity was 0.3429. The waiting cost was found to be
ℵ433.33. In a similar analysis, Table (4.4) showed that for an
M/M/4:∞/FCFC, the average number of jobs in the system
was 2.6054, the average length of queue was 0.8911; the
average time a jobspends in the system was 0.0435; and the
average time a job spends in the queue was 0.0149. At the
same server 4, it was again observed that the chance that the
system remained idle was 0.1769; the chance that all servers
were busy (utilization factor) was 0.1114, while the traffic Fig 3 Cost Versus Service Channel for the Drilling Section
intensity was 0.4286. The waiting and service costs were
ℵ414.29 and ℵ1585.84 respectively. Further analysed results IV. CONCLUSION
of M/M/3:∞/FCFC queue model revealed that the following
measures of effectiveness were experienced: the average  The mean arrival rate and treatment rate of jobs at the
number of jobs in the system was 0.2.6712, the average painting section is 8 per hour and 5 per hour,
length of queue was 0.9569; the average time a job spends in respectively, while the improved service rate is 9 per
the system was 0.0445; and the average time a job spends in hour; At the drilling section, the mean arrival rate and
the queue was 0.0159. It was also found that the probability treatment rate of jobs is 60 per hour and 35 per hour, the
that the system was idle was 0.1628; the probability that all improve service rate is 64 per hour.
servers were busy (utilization factor) was 0.3190, while the  The least number of jobs in queue is 0.7255 and in the
traffic intensity was 0.5714. The waiting and service costs system is 2.3255 at the painting section, while the least
were 423.81 Naira and 1189.38 Naira, respectively. The number of jobs in queue and in the system are 0.8911
results of queue performance measures from and 2.6054, respectively at the drilling section.
M/M/2:∞/FCFC indicates that, theaverage number of jobs in  The utilization of the system is 0.7910 (79%) for 4-
the system was 3.2962, the average length of queue was servers of the drilling section, whileit is 80% for 2 servers
1.5819; the average time a job spent in the system was at the painting section
0.0286, and the average time a job spent in the queue was  The minimum cost associated with waiting is 369Naira
0.0549. At the same server 2, it was again observed that the for 4- servers at the painting section, while the minimum
chance that the system remained idle was 0.0769; the chance waiting cost for 2-servers is 272Naira at the drilling
that all servers were busy (utilization factor) was 0.7910, section.
while the traffic intensity was 0.8571. The waiting and
service costs were 272.38 Naira and 792.92 Naira,  Nomenclature
respectively. The costs and service channels for drilling
section is shown in Figure 3. Based on and Table 3 and  y Number of service centre or channels
Figure 3, the M/M/2:∞/FCFC queue model (two channels)
 SN Average number of parts or jobs waiting in system
with least waiting and service costs has proven to be the
Pr System utilization factor or traffic intensity
 Pn Chance that there are no parts in the system (system
is idle)NQ Average number of jobs waiting in the

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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