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MCM-1706 Page 1 of 12 Date of issue: March-2018 M&C/PCN/123/2018

No. M&C/PCN/123/2018

Date of enforcement: 01.07.2018





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1. SCOPE :

This standard prescribes the technical requirements and methods of testing for two pack
High Performance Anti-Corrosion Epoxy Paint system intended to be used at areas where
improved corrosion resistance is needed under severe corrosive condition. The material shall
be suitable for application on interior of coaches like lavatory area, turn under etc. The
material may be used on surfaces having surface finish equivalent to St 3 of ISO Specification
No.:8501-1-88 done by mechanical cleaning. It should be suitable for application by air / air-
less spray with 10% (max.) thinner / without using thinner depending upon prevailing
condition, and shall also be suitable for brush application, for touching-up small areas. The
material should be compatible with aliphatic type polyurethane finish coat.


2.1 For the purpose of this standard apart from the glossary of terms given in IS: 1303-83
and terminology as per clause 2 of IS : 9162-79 and IS:9954-81 , the following shall
also apply. Rounding off, of observed values on different tests shall be in accordance
with IS: 2-1960.

2.1.1 Pack : The term used to describe each of the two packs of the paint which when
mixed together, form High Performance Anti-Corrosion Epoxy Paint.

2.1.2 Paint : The mixture of the two packs in the proportion recommended by the


3.1 The mixing ratio of the Pack A and Pack B shall be in a simple ratio by volume 1:1 .or as
recommended by manufacturer.

3.2 Composition : The paint shall consist essentially of two packs namely Pack A and
Pack B.

3.2.1 Pack A: Normally referred to as Base, shall consist of epoxy resin with or without
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In the formulation of paint, epoxy resin of the following grade shall be used.

Table – I Requirements for epoxy resin

S. N. Characteristics Requirements Method of test

1. Weight per epoxy equivalent on non-volatile 180-450 Cl.4 of IS:9162-79

vehicle content basis

3.2.2 Pack B : Normally referred to as Hardener shall consist of any liquid hardener.

3.2.3 Liquid Hardener: This shall be liquid type such as an aliphatic amine, an aliphatic or
aromatic amine adduct, a polyamide or amido polyamine or any other
suitable hardener. It shall react with epoxy resin at normal ambient


4.1 General : The paint shall comply with the requirements specified in Table-II of this

4.2 Unless otherwise specified the following testing conditions shall apply.

4.2.1 The preparation of steel, tinned and glass panels shall be in accordance with Cl. 2, Cl.3 and
Cl.5 respectively of IS: 101(Pt.1/ Sec.3)-87.

4.2.2 All the tests shall be conducted at room temperature (27±2)0C and a relative humidity at (65
± 5)%, in a well ventilated chamber free from draughts and dust. The temperature of the
surface to be painted must be at least 30C above the dew point to prevent moisture

4.2.3 The two components i.e. base and hardener shall be mixed in the ratio recommended by the
manufacturer before conducting the test or tests. Where the paint is required to be applied on
panels, it shall be done so by using suitable air/airless spray/brush application.

4.2.4 For touch-up/patch painting, the material shall be supplied in one litre containers.
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4.2.5 For preparation of painted panels for conducting different tests mentioned in Table-II, the
details given in Table-III shall be followed.

S. Characteristics Requirements Method of test


1. Drying time at 27±2oC IS: 101(Pt.3 /Sec.1)-86

a) Surface dry, max 2 hours
b) Recoating time, min. 8 hours
c) Hard dry, max. 8 hrs.
d) Curing time, max. 07 days
2. Consistency Smooth, uniform and suitable for IS: 101 (Pt.1/ Sec.5)-89
air/air-less spray/brush application

3. Finish Smooth, matt/semi-glossy, free from IS: 101 (Pt.3/Sec.4)-87

sagging & wrinkling

4. Colour As desired IS: 101(Pt.4/Sec.2)-89

5. Dry film thickness per coat, (75-125) microns IS: 101(Pt.3/Sec.2)-89

by brush /air / airless spray By Elcometer/
Thickness gauge meter

6. Volume solids, % 70+5 Appendix-I

7. Scratch hardness No such scratch as to show bare IS: 101(Pt.5/Sec.2)-88

(at 1.5 Kg. load) metal

8. Flexibility & Adhesion No visible damage or detachment of IS: 101(Pt.5/ Sec.2)-88

(6.25 mm Mandrel) film

9. Flash Point for both the packs Above 25oC IS: 101(Pt.1/ Sec.6)-87

10. Resistance to salt spray* No sign of corrosion & no sign of ASTM: B-117
deterioration up to 3000 hours

11. Protection* against corrosion No sign of corrosion & no sign of IS: 101(Pt.6 /Sec.1)-88
under condition of deterioration up to 3000 hours
12. Keeping Properties for both Not less than 12 months IS: 101(Pt.6/ Sec.2)-89
the packs
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13. Covering Capacity, min.

i) 100microns DFT 5.5 sq. m./litre IS:101(Pt.4 /Sec.1)-88
II) 75 microns DFT) 7.0 sq.m /litre

14. Resistance to chemicals

i)25% caustic soda solution Shall not show any sign of blistering, Appendix –II
(w/v) wrinkling & lifting of paint film up to
1800 hrs.
II) 30% sulphuric acid -do-
solution (v/v)
III) 20% hydrochloric acid -do-
Shall not show any sign of blistering,
IV) Resistance to tap Water* wrinkling & lifting of paint film up to
3000 hours
15. Pot life at (27± 2)ºC, min. 3hours Appendix-III

16. Mass in kg/10 litres, min. 12.0 IS:101Pt.1 Sec.7- 87

17. Impact resistance test at Shall be free from cracking in the ASTM:D 2794-93
height 31 inch and weight deformed coating by dropping the
3.226 pound) (100 inch- indenter on coated side of test panel
pound load)
18. Cathodic disbondment test, 8.0 mm. at 3.5V, 24 hr. and 65oC CAN-CSA- Z245.0 2-
max. 98, Cl.12.8

19. Abrasion Resistance test for Maximum loss=0.170gm ASTM D-4060

1000 cycles with CS-17
wheels & 1.0 Kg load
20. Adhesion test Matches to 5B ASTM D-3359

21. Adhesion & compatibility test Shall be compatible with Acrylic ASTM: D-3359
with Acrylic Polyurethane Polyurethane Paint and matches to &
Paint (5A) Appendix-IV

22. Pull off Adhesion test, Min. 400 PSI ASTM D-4541

*In case of approval and / or bulk supply, every 5 th batch or the last batch if the batches are
less than 05 may be tested. The duration of the test shall be 3000 hrs. Edges of the test panels
may be resealed with wax if it gets damaged/thinned down during testing period.
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S. Test Type Size in Painting DFT Method of Duration of Special
N. of m.m. Details Applicatio Air Drying Instruction
Metal n before
Panel commencem
ent of test
1. Drying Time M.S. 150 x 100 One coat of (75-125) Brush/ - -
x1.25 H.P.A.C. µ Spray
Epoxy Paint
2. Finish -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- 48 Hours -
3. Colour -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- 24 Hours -
4. Dry Film thickness
a)By brush -do- -do- -do- -do- Brush -do- -
b) By air/ airless -do- -do- -do- -do- Spray -do- -
5. Scratch Hardness Tin 150 x50 x -do- -do- Brush/ 7 days* -
.315 Spray
6. Flexibility & -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -
7. Adhesion test MS 150 x 100 One coat of (75-125) -do- -do- -
x1.25 H.P.A.C. µ
Epoxy Paint
8. Resistance to Salt M.S. 150 x Two coats (150- -do- -do- Paint both sides
Spray 100 x of H.P.A.C. 250) of panels and
1.25 Epoxy Paint µ seal the edges
with wax.
9. Protection against -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do-
corrosion under
conditions of
10. Resistance to -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do-
i)25% (w/v) caustic
soda sol.
ii)30% (v/v)
sulphuric acid soln.
iii) 20% (v/v)
hydrochloric acid
iv) Resistance to
tap Water
11. Impact resistance -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- Apply two coats
on one side of
test panel
12. Pull off Adhesion -do- -do- One coat of (75-125) -do- -do- Apply one coat
test H.P.A.C. µ on both sides of
Epoxy Paint panels.
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5.1 Each container shall be marked with the following:

a) Name of the material

b) Source of manufacture

c) Volume of the material

d) Batch No. or Lot No. in code or otherwise and

e) Month & year of manufacture

5.2 For touch up/patch painting, the material shall be supplied in one litre container.


6.1 At the time of initial approval, full testing shall be done.

6.2 In case of acceptance testing, Inspecting Authority shall draw the sample from the batch under
consideration and tests shall be done as per Table-II, except for long duration tests as per S.
N. 10, 11 & 14. By way of purchase Inspection, OEM’s original work Test Certificate specific
to each batch can be accepted by Inspection Authority.

6.3 (a) Paint procured through Indian Railway store contract

For bulk supply, frequency of full testing of the material as per table-II may be decided
by the purchaser. Purchaser reserves the right to conduct tests for any parameter at any

(b) Paint procured through Supply-Apply and Maintenance contract:

The paint procured by Indian Railway through Supply–Apply and maintenance

contract, the contractor shall take responsibility of mechanical damages due to peel
off, flaking off, cracking, Chalking and delamination i.e. all types of adhesion
related premature failure for the entire warrantee period of 03 years during service
from the date of application under maintenance contract as per laid down terms &
conditions of P.O. The defect arises during warranty period shall be repaired by
the contractor on their own cost. However, Production units (PU), Zonal Railway
workshops and other consignee shall frame their own terms and conditions of
supply-apply and maintenance contract for procurement of this paint and the same
shall be introduced in P.O.
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This method is applicable for determination of the volume of non- volatile matter of paint

This method is intended to provide a measure of the volume of dry coating obtainable from a
given volume of liquid coating. This volume is considered to be the most equitable means of
comparing the coverage (sq. meter of surface covered at a specific film thickness, per unit
volume) and also for calculating the wet film thickness of the given paint.
i) Analytical balance
ii) Steel disc – Preferably stainless steel, 60 mm dia and 0.70 mm thickness with a small
hole 2 to 3 mm from the edge. A fine wire such as chromel is attached through the
hole and made of the appropriate length for suspending the disc in a liquid.
iii) Weight box
iv) Beaker 1 litre , for weighing the disc in liquid.
v) Weight per litre cup for determining the specific gravity of the paint material and of
the suspending liquid if not known.
vi) Oven.


i) Dry the disc in an oven at 105oC for 10 minutes and cool.

ii) Weigh the disc in air. Let it be W1 grams.
iii) Suspend the disc in water and weight again .Let it be W2 grams.
iv) Calculate the volume of the disc V as follows :

W1 – W2

V = ---------------- where d is the density of the water at room temperature.

v) Determine the weight of non-volatile content of the liquid coating material by drying
a known amount of paint at 105o C for 3 hours. Let it be W grams.

vi) Determine the specific gravity of the paint to the nearest 0.001 g/ml by using weight
per gallon cup. Let it be P.
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vii) Dip the disc in the paint sample for 10 minutes and take out the disc and allow the
excess coating material to drain off. Blot the coating material off the bottom edge of
the disc so that heads or drops do not dry on the bottom edge of the disc.

viii) Dry the disc. in an oven for 3 hours at 105oC and cool.

ix) Weigh the coated disc in air. Let it be W3 grams.

x) Suspend the coated disc in water and weigh again. Let it be W4 grams.

xi) Calculate the volume of the coated disc as follows :

W3 – W4
V1= ---------------- where d is the density of the water at room temperature.

xii) Calculate the volume of the dried coating as follows :-

Volume of dried coating (Vd) = V1 - V

xiii) Calculate the volume of wet coating as follows:

W3 – W1
V1= ---------------- where W = grams of non-volatile matter in 1.0gm of paint.
WXP P = specific gravity of the paint.
xiv) Calculate the percentage volume solids of the paints as follows :
V1 – V Vd
---------------- X 100 OR . -------- X 100
Vw Vw
The volume of non-volatile matter or the percentage volume solids of a
paint is related to the covering capacity and thickness in the following manner :-
% Volume solids

a) ---------------------------------- X 10 = Covering Capacity

Dry film thickness (microns)

Dry film thickness (microns)

b) ---------------------------------- X 100 = wet film thickness

% Volume solids
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Accelerated Tests: (Resistance to Chemicals ) :

The following short - term tests of chemical resistance, do not categorize the type of service
for which High performance anti-corrosion epoxy paint coatings are intended but are included to
assure the customer that the coating contains a sufficiently cured resin to exhibit the long term

Prepare the panels as per clause 10 of Table-III. Allow the panels to air dry for 7 days and seal
the edges with wax.

a) Resistance to 25% caustic soda solution: Immerse 3/4th of the panel in 25% (w/v) caustic soda
solution for 1800 hours. Remove the panel, wash in running water and allow it to air dry for an hour
and record the observations.

b) Resistance to 30% sulphuric acid solution: Immerse 3/4th of the panel in 30% (v/v) sulphuric
acid solution for 1800 hours. Remove the panel, wash in running water and allow it to air dry for an
hour and record the observations.

c) Resistance to 20% hydrochloric acid solution: Immerse 3/4th of the panel in 20% (v/v)
hydrochloric acid for 1800 hours. Remove the panel, wash in running water and allow it to air dry
for an hour and record the observations.

d) Resistance to tap water: Immerse 3/4th of the panel in tap water for 3000 hours. Remove the
panel, wash in running water and allow it to air dry for an hour and record the observations.




Take the usable time as the pot life of paint. Condition the components of the coating for one hour at
270 C and mix immediately in proper ratio to get approx. 200 ml. of paint in 250 ml. of container.
The lid should be loosely placed on the container.
1 Measure the viscosity initially and every half an hour thereafter. However, the interval may
be shortened, if desired.
2. Near the end of the coating’s working life, the viscosity builds-up rapidly. During this period,
when the paint may be too viscous to spray, remove a small portion and add the appropriate thinner.
If the paint can still be thinned, the end of the working life has not been reached. The end of the
working life is reached when the paint gels, becomes stringy or cannot be thinned for application.
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1. Outline of method:
The material is tested in a painting system comprising of high performance anti-
corrosive epoxy coating (Two Pack) and Acrylic Polyurethane (Two Pack) and schedule simulating
actual use. Satisfactory adhesion and compatibility between the coats is taken as criteria for having
passed the test.
2. Procedure:
A panel 300x150x0.9 mm, mild steel, with high performance anti-corrosive epoxy coating (Two
Pack) and Acrylic Polyurethane paint (Two Pack) system shall be prepared as described below:
a) Clean the surface either by shot or grit blast and wipe this with petroleum hydrocarbon solvent,
145/205 (low aromatic) (see IS: 1745- 1978) and allow to dry.

b) Apply one coat of high performance anti-corrosive epoxy coating (Two Pack), (75-125) microns,
DFT as per the specification and allow to air dry for at least 8 hours, minimum. Dry rub with
emery paper no. 400 and wipe clean with a dry soft cloth.

c) Spray/apply one coat of Acrylic Polyurethane (two pack), 45 microns, minimum DFT, as per the
specification. Allow to air dry for 8 hours, minimum. Allow to air dry for at least 7 days before
assessing the performance.

The material shall be deemed to have passed the test, if the material shows good adhesion and
compatibility over substrate and between high performance anti-corrosive epoxy coating (Two
Pack) and Acrylic Polyurethane Paint (two pack).

This is assessed as per Test Method A-Cross Cut Tape Test of ASTM D 3359-97 by making
grid and placing 25 mm wide adhesive tape, semi transparent, pressure sensitive, Parmacel 99 make
or equivalent. The adhesive tape is then pulled away with a jerk. The material shall be deemed to
have passed the test, if the edges of the cuts are completely smooth i e. it matches to 5A class of the
above mentioned specification.


“All the provisions contained in RDSO’s procedures laid down in Document No.QOD-8.1-11 dated
08.05.2019 (titled “vendor –changes in approved status”) and subsequent versions/amendments
thereof, shall be binding and applicable on the successful vendor/vendors in the contracts
floated by Railways to maintain quality of products supplied to Railways.”

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