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8040 MC CNC

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8040 CNC

REF. 0307

(SOFT M: 7.XX)
(SOFT M: 7.1X)


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8040 CNC


(SOFT M: 7.XX)
(SOFT M: 7.1X)

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8040 CNC
Version 7.01

1 Detected errors ..................................................................................................................1

2 Sampling period .................................................................................................................2
3 The meaningless zeros will not be displayed .....................................................................2
4 Management of the new Sercos board ..............................................................................3
5 Key inhibiting codes for the monitors .................................................................................3
6 New work languages ..........................................................................................................3
7 Load version without using an external microprocessor. ...................................................3
8 WINDNC improvements .....................................................................................................4
9 Telediagnosis .....................................................................................................................4
10 Improvements to the profile editor ......................................................................................6
11 Modified variables ..............................................................................................................6
12 New variables .....................................................................................................................7
13 New range of OEM subroutines. ........................................................................................9
14 RPT instruction with program number definition ................................................................9
15 Improved non-random tool magazine management ..........................................................9
16 Improved drive parameter management ..........................................................................10
17 User and OEM arithmetic parameters ..............................................................................10
18 Exponential type of leadscrew backlash peak .................................................................10
19 Functions associated to machine safety ..........................................................................11
19.1 Limit the feedrate of the axes and the spindle speed ................................................11
19.2 Cycle Start disabled by hardware errors ...................................................................12
19.3 Maximum spindle machining speed. .........................................................................12
20 Axes (2) controlled by a drive ...........................................................................................13
21 Mandatory home search ..................................................................................................13
22 Change of active tool from the PLC .................................................................................14
23 Synchronize a PLC axis with a CNC axis ........................................................................14
24 Error register ....................................................................................................................15
25 Path JOG mode ...............................................................................................................15
26 Tool inspection .................................................................................................................17
27 New instructions in the configuration language ................................................................17
28 Improvements in tool compensation ................................................................................18
29 Improvements in high speed machining ...........................................................................19
30 New graphics option .........................................................................................................20
31 Improvement in the tool measuring cycle PROBE1 .........................................................20
31.1 Measure or calibrate the tool length. .........................................................................21
31.2 Measure or calibrate the radius of a tool. ..................................................................23
31.3 Measure or calibrate the tool radius and length. .......................................................24
32 Oscilloscope function .......................................................................................................26
32.1 Configuration .............................................................................................................27
32.2 Scale / Offsets ...........................................................................................................32
32.3 Analysis .....................................................................................................................33
32.4 Parameters ................................................................................................................33
32.5 Actions .......................................................................................................................34
32.6 Begin .........................................................................................................................34
33 MC model. Execute a part-program .................................................................................35
34 MC model. Maintain F, S y Smax on power up ................................................................35
35 MC model. Messages and warnings ................................................................................35
36 MC model. Tool calibration ..............................................................................................35
37 MC model. Cycle selection ...............................................................................................36
38 MC model. Auxiliary M functions in all the cycles ............................................................37
39 MC model. Modifications in the tapping cycle ..................................................................38
40 MC model. Modifications in the Multiple milling and positioning cycles ...........................38
41 MC model. Icon indicating the available options ..............................................................38
42 MC model. Tool measurement and calibration ................................................................39 Page i of ii

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Version 7.11
8040 CNC 1 Detected errors ................................................................................................................43
2 New validation codes .......................................................................................................45
3 Smooth stop in probing move (G75/G76) ........................................................................45
4 Square-corner or round-corner machining when changing tool offset .............................45
5 New management of the distance-coded reference mark (I0) .........................................46
6 Improved look ahead ........................................................................................................46
7 Leadscrew error compensation in both directions ............................................................46
8 Parameters accessible from the oscilloscope or OEM subroutine ...................................47
8.1 Axis parameters that may be modified from the oscilloscope ...................................47
8.2 General parameters modifiable from the oscilloscope ..............................................47
8.3 Machine parameters modifiable from an OEM program ...........................................47


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8040 CNC
1 Detected errors

NBTOOL Variable
The installation and programming manuals indicate that this variable
is read-only from the CNC, PLC and DNC.

Actually, it is read-only from the CNC and DNC and it can only be
used inside a tool-change subroutine.

OPMODE Variable
This variable also returns the following code:
25 Rapid simulation with S=0
56 User parameter table
57 OEM parameter table
117 Oscilloscope.

Probe canned cycle for surface measurement (PROBE 3)

The moving direction with K1 is as shown in this figure.

Connection of the KS50/55 adapter:

The installation manual describes how to use this adapter, but the
correct connection is the following:


(SOFT M: 7.XX)

Detected errors

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X1 25-pin female SUB-D type (normal density) connector to connect
8040 CNC the "Central Unit + Monitor".
X2 25-pin female SUB-D type (normal density) connector to connect
the "Alphanumeric keyboard + Monitor".
X3 25-pin female SUB-D type (normal density) connector to connect
the "Operator panel".
X4 3-pin male Phoenix connector, 7,62 mm pitch, to select the
keyboard to be attended by the Central Unit.
Pin Value Meaning
1 0V The CNC attends to the operator panel
24V The CNC attends to the alphanumeric keyboard
2 ---- Not being used
3 GND External power supply
If connector X4 is not supplied with voltage, the CNC attends to
the operator panel.

Main plane simulation

Page 2 of chapter 3 of the operating manual does not mention this
type of simulation.

It only executes the movements corresponding to the axes that form

the main plane.

It takes into account the tool radius compensation (functions G41,

G42) thus drawing the tool center path.

It sends the M, S, T functions to the PLC.

It starts the spindle, if programmed.

The axes move at maximum feedrate F0 regardless of the F that was

programmed and it may be varied with the Feedrate Override switch.

2 Sampling period
From this version on, on the 8055/C and 8055i/C models that do not
have the CPU turbo, it is possible to set a sampling period of 2
milliseconds g.m.p. “LOOPTIME (P72)”.

The following values may be allocated to plc.m.p. "CPUTIME (P26)

that sets the time the System CPU dedicates to the PLC when
programming a "LOOPTIME = 2 ms":
CPUTIME = 0 1 ms every 8 samplings, every 16 ms
CPUTIME = 1 1 ms every 4 samplings, every 8 ms
CPUTIME = 2 1 ms every 2 samplings, every 4 ms
By default 0


(SOFT M: 7.XX)
3 The meaningless zeros will not be displayed
From this version on, the data displayed on the screen (positions,
feedrates, etc.) will not display the meaningless zeros to the left of
Sampling period the value. Example:
From this version on Z -4.210
Previous versions Z -00004.210

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4 Management of the new Sercos board

8040 CNC
This software version is ready to work with the new Sercos boards,
reference: 902103 and newer.

The "Hardware diagnosis" function shows these boards as

"SERCOS816" because they carry the SERCON 816 chip.

5 Key inhibiting codes for the monitors

The inhibiting codes for softkeys F1 through F7 of monitors models
such as “NMON-55-11-LCD” are:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30
R508 R508 R508 R508 R508 R508 R508

6 New work languages

Basque and Russian are now available from this version on.

LANGUAGE (P122) Defines the work language

Possible values:
0 English 1 Spanish 2 French
3 Italian 4 German 5 Dutch
6 Portuguese 7 Czech 8 Polish
9 Mainland Chinese 10 Basque 11 Russian
By default 0

7 Load version without using an external microprocessor.

This feature is available on 8040 CNC models whose identifying
label shows "03 A" or later and whose software version is V07.01 or

It is not necessary to turn the CNC off and back on or actuate the
external switch to update the software version, as indicated in
section 2.2 of the Operating Manual.

To update the CNC software, proceed as follows:

• Remove the "Memkey Card" and insert the "Memory Card" that
contains the software version to be updated.
• Access the Diagnosis mode - Software Configuration and press
the [Load version] softkey.
The CNC will show the software updating stages and their status.
• When done updating it, remove the "Memory Card" that contains
the software version and insert the "Memkey Card" back. (SOFT M: 7.XX)

Note: • If the "[load version]" softkey is pressed but the Memory

Card containing the software version is missing, the CNC
will issue the relevant error message.
Management of the
• The CNC cannot execute anything if it has the Memory
new Sercos board
Card that contains the software version.

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8 WINDNC improvements
8040 CNC From this CNC version on and having WINDNC version V2.0 and the
following, it is possible:
• Select the work unit for CNC files Option (a).
(a) Then indicate the desired work unit: Memory (b), Hard Disk (c) or
Card A (d).

(b) (c) (d) • From a PC, using the WINDNC application, copy from the CNC
to the PC or vice versa, any file, program or table available in the
CARDA or hard disk. The available new tables are:
OEP OEM arithmetic parameters
USP USER arithmetic parameters
DRS Spindle drive table
DS2 Table of the Second Spindle drive
DPX Table for the Auxiliary spindle drive
DRX, DRY, Tables for axis drives
These tables are compatible with the tables that have been
saved from the drive to a PC via serial line using WINDDS.
• Consult the table directory (machine parameters, zero offsets,
magazine, tools, tool offsets, geometry, user parameter, OEM
parameter, etc.).
• Read global and local arithmetic parameters individually using
variables GUPn and LUP(a,b).
The installation and programming manuals describe how to use
these variables.
• Having telediagnosis, display CNC screens at the PC in remote
mode via serial line or via MODEM.
• Having telediagnosis, dial the telephone number associated with
the modem at the PC.

9 Telediagnosis
It may be used to govern and monitor the CNC status remotely
through the RS232 serial line or using a modem through a telephone



(SOFT M: 7.XX)


Línea line
Internet - RDSI

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The remote PC must have the WINDNC application version 2.00 or

8040 CNC
later installed in it and the CNC software version must be V07.01 or

CNC connection to the telephone line

It must be done through the RS232 serial line and using a modem
that has RS232 serial line communication.

First, turn on the modem, then the CNC and then the remote PC, in
that order.

PC connection to the telephone line

Connect the PC to the telephone line through a modem and execute
the WINDNC application. Within the options for the serial line, select
option (a).

The application shows the following window. Indicate which modem

is being used and the telephone number to dial.

PC-CNC communication (Telediagnosis)

Once the connection has been established (either via serial line or
via modem), select the "telediagnosis" option (b) of the WINDNC

From this moment on, the CNC may be governed either from its own
keyboard or remotely from the PC keyboard.
• The PC will display the same information (screens) as the CNC.
• It is possible to access the different CNC modes, modify tables
and parameters when knowing the password, simulate
programs, etc.
• For safety reasons, it is not possible to move the axes of the
machine or execute part-programs.

With the WINDNC application, it is also possible to send to the CNC

a file containing a keystroke sequence, option (c). NEW FEATURES

While in remote control mode, no other DNC command may be (SOFT M: 7.XX)
executed through the same serial line (for example the execution of
an infinite program).

With option (d), it is possible to save into a BMP file a CNC screen Telediagnosis
image that is being displayed.

End the communication (End telediagnosis)

To end the communication, select option (e) from those associated
to the serial line in the WINDNC application.
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10 Improvements to the profile editor
8040 CNC The following improvements have been made:

It is possible to select the coordinate system of the work plane, axes

and their direction.

The right window, under "Display Area", indicates whether the

autozoom is on or not and the selected coordinate system.

It includes graphic data editing. Use the up-arrow and down-arrow

keys to select the desired window and key in the desired value.

It is possible to modify rectangular and circular elements.

There are 2 new softkeys:

Save and continue
To save a profile without having to quit the session.
To undo the last modification.

On conversational models, MC and MCO, it indicates the number of

the profile being edited.

11 Modified variables

HARCON It indicates, with bits, the CNC's hardware configuration.

The bit will be "1" when the relevant configuration is available.

From now on, bits 24, 25, 26 indicate the type of monitor and bits 27,
28 the CPU turbo board being used.
26,25,24 000 Color LCD Monitor
001 Monochrome LCD monitor
28,27 00 Turbo board at 25 Mhz
01 Turbo board at 40 Mhz

MPGn These variables, related to machine parameters, that until now were
MP(X-C)n read-only, from this version on, can be read and written from the
MPSn CNC in the following cases:
MPSSn • When they are executed inside an OEM program.
MPASn • When they are executed inside an OEM subroutine.
To modify machine parameters from the PLC, an OEM subroutine
containing the relevant variables must be executed using the
CNCEX instruction.

In order for the CNC to assume the new values, one must operate
NEW FEATURES according to the indicators associated with each machine
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
// It is necessary to press the keystroke sequence: "Shift -
Reset" or turn the CNC off and back on.
/ Just press Reset.
Improvements to The rest of the parameters (those unmarked) will be updated
the profile editor
automatically, only by changing them.

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12 New variables

8040 CNC
Feedrate related variables

FREAL(X-C) Actual (real) X-C axis feedrate Is read-only from the CNC, DNC and

FTEO(X-C) Theoretical X-C axis feedrate Is read-only from the CNC, DNC and

Coordinate related variables

DPLY(X-C) "Coordinates of the selected axis" displayed on the screen Is read-

only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

DRPO(X-C) Position indicated by the X-C axis Sercos drive (Sercos variable
PV51 or PV53 of the drive). Is read-only from the CNC, DNC and

GPOS(X-C)n p Programmed coordinate for a particular axis (X-C), in the indicated

block (n) and program (p).

(P100 = GPOSX N99 P100)

It assigns to P100 the value of the coordinated programmed for
the X axis in label N99 and located in program P100.

It Is read-only and it is only enabled at the CNC. Only programs

located in RAM memory may be consulted.
• If the defined program number does not exist, it issues Error 69
"Program does not exist".
• If the defined block number does not exist, it issues error 1060
"undefined label".
• If the requested axis is not programmed in the indicated block, it
returns the value: 100000.0000

Spindle related variables

DRPOS Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the spindle. Is read-only

from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

SDRPOS Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the second spindle. Is read-
only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

FTEOS Theoretical spindle turning speed. Is read-only from the CNC, DNC
and PLC.
SFTEOS Theoretical second spindle turning speed. Is read-only from the
CNC, DNC and PLC. (SOFT M: 7.XX)

Speed limit related variables

New variables
MDISL Maximum spindle machining speed. It is read-write from the PLC
and read-only from DNC and CNC.

This variable is also updated with the programmed S value, in the

following cases:

When programming "G92 S" in MDI mode

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When programming "G92 S" in ISO code in MC mode.
8040 CNC Variables related to Probe cycles

TIPPRB It indicates the PROBE cycle being executed at the CNC. Is read-
only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

TIPDIG It indicates the DIGIT cycle being executed at the CNC. Is read-only
from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

PLC related variables

PLCMM(n) It permits reading modifying a single PLC mark (the PLCM variable
permits reading or modifying 32 marks at once). It is read-write and
it is only available from the CNC.

(PLCMM4 = 1)
It sets mark M4 to "1" and leaves the rest untouched

(PLCM4 = 1)
It sets mark M4 to "1" and the following 31 marks (M5, through
M35) to "0"

Feedback related variables

ASIN(X-C) "A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the X-C axis. Is read-
only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

BSIN(X-C) "B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the X-C axis. Is read-
only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

ASINS "A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the spindle. Is read-
only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

BSINS "B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the spindle. Is read-
only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

SASINS "A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second spindle. Is
read-only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

SBSINS "B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second spindle. Is
read-only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

Variables related to the WGDRAW application

PANEDI Number of the screen created by the user or by the OEM using the
NEW FEATURES WGDRAW application for diagnosis, consultation, work cycle, etc,
that is being consulted. Is read-only from the CNC, DNC and PLC.
(SOFT M: 7.XX)

DATEDI Number of the screen element created using the WGDRAW

application that is being consulted. Is read-only from the CNC, DNC
and PLC.
New variables

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13 New range of OEM subroutines.

8040 CNC
A new range of OEM subroutines has now been defined.
Available subroutine ranges:
General subroutines SUB 0001 - SUB 9999
OEM subroutines SUB 10000 - SUB 20000

Although OEM subroutines are treated like the general ones, the
have the following restrictions:
• They can only be defined in OEM programs, having the [O]
attribute. Otherwise, it shows error 63 "Program subroutine
number between 1 and 9999.".
• If the subroutine to be executed using CALL, PCALL or MCALL
is an OEM subroutine and it is located in a program that does not
the [O] attribute, it will issue Error 1255 "Subroutine restricted to
OEM program".

14 RPT instruction with program number definition

From this version on, the RPT instruction can execute a portion of
the same program or of the indicated program.

(RPT N(expression), N(expression), P(expression))

The new parameter "P" indicates the number of the program located
in RAM memory containing the two blocks defined by the N labels.
• If parameter "P" is not defined, the CNC interprets that the portion
to be repeated is located in the same program.
• If the defined program number does not exist, it issues Error 69
"Program does not exist".


Since the RPT instruction does not interrupt block preparation or tool

i compensation, it may be used when using the EXEC instruction and

while needing to maintain tool compensation active.

15 Improved non-random tool magazine management

When the tool changer is configured as non-random, the tools must
be placed in the tool magazine table in the pre-established order (P1
T1, P2 T2, P3 T3, P4 T4, etc.).

With this improvement, it is possible to assign several tools to each NEW FEATURES
tool position.
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
TOOLMATY (P164) This g.m.p. is taken into account when using a non-random tool
magazine. It indicates how many tools may be assigned to each
turret position.
0 One tool per position New range of OEM
1 Several tools per position.
By default 0

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16 Improved drive parameter management
8040 CNC From this version on, it also possible to save and load into a
peripheral device or PC the drive parameter tables via Sercos serial

For that, select the parameter page of the desired drive at the CNC
and press the relevant softkey.

A file saved from the CNC via WINDNC may be loaded into the drive
via DDSSETUP and vice versa.

17 User and OEM arithmetic parameters

There are now two new ranges of global arithmetic parameters.
User parameters Range: P1000 - P1255.
OEM parameters Range: P2000 - P2255

For compatibility with previous versions, global arithmetic

parameters P100-P299 are maintained and may be used by the
user, by the OEM and by the CNC cycles.

There are now 2 new tables of global arithmetic parameters.

Arithmetic parameter tables available:
GUP Global parameters P100-P299
USP User parameters P1000-P1255
OEP OEM parameters P2000 - P2255

Changing an OEM parameter requires an OEM password.

OEM parameters and subroutines having OEM parameters may

only be written in OEM programs having the [O] attribute.

On the MC and MCO models, when using OEM parameters in the

configuration programs, these programs must have the [O] attribute.
If they don't, an error will be issued when editing a user cycle that
refers to OEM parameters in write mode.

General machine parameters “ROPARMIN” and “ROPARMAX” may

be used to protect any global parameter (user and OEM included)
against being written.

There is no restriction to read these parameters.

18 Exponential type of leadscrew backlash peak

The additional command pulse used to make up for the possible
leadscrew backlash in movement reversals may be rectangular or
(SOFT M: 7.XX)

Improved drive
If the duration of the rectangular pulse is adjusted for low speed, it
could be excessive for high speed or insufficient for low speed when
adjusted for high speed.

In this cases, it is recommended to use the exponential type that

applies a strong pulse at the beginning and decreases in time.
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Bit 16 of g.m.p. “ACTBAKAN (P144)” indicates the backlash peak

8040 CNC
being used.
0 rectangular leadscrew backlash peak
1 exponential type of leadscrew backlash peak
By default 0

A finer tuning of the leadscrew backlash consists in testing the circle

geometry and watch for internal peaks when changing quadrants
(left figure). In these cases, it is recommended to set bit 15 of g.m.p.
“ACTBAKAN (P144)” to "1" to eliminate the internal peaks.

Under these conditions, the CNC eliminates the leadscrew backlash

peak as soon as it detects a movement reversal. If the internal peaks
are not eliminated, adjust the leadscrew backlash compensation

ACTBAKAN (P144) It has 16 bits counted from left to right.

bit Function bit Function
1 9
2 10
Additional pulse with G2
3 11
/ G3
4 12
5 13
6 14
It minimizes internal peaks
7 15 detected with the circle
geometry test
Exponential leadscrew
8 16
backlash peak

By default, all bits are set to "0".

19 Functions associated to machine safety

19.1 Limit the feedrate of the axes and the spindle speed
It is possible to limit the feedrate of the axes and the spindle turning

FLIMIT (P75) The a.m.p. "FLIMIT" sets the maximum feedrate for each axis and
SLIMIT (P66) the s.m.p. "SLIMIT" sets the maximum turning speed for each

FLIMITAC (M5058) When the PLC sets this signal high, it limits the feedrate of all the (SOFT M: 7.XX)
axes. It does not let any feedrate to exceed the value set by the
corresponding a.m.p. "FLIMIT (P75)" .

SLIMITAC (M5059) When the PLC sets this signal high, it limits the speed of all the Functions
spindles. It does not let any feedrate to exceed the value set by the associated to
corresponding s.m.p. "SLIMIT (P66)" . machine safety

The limitation is applied in all work modes, including the PLC

channel. When the mark is high, the CNC applies the limitation and
when going low, it restores the programmed F or S.
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When the spindle moves with PLCCNTL, the spindle limitation is
8040 CNC ignored.

19.2 Cycle Start disabled by hardware errors

If when pressing the Cycle-Start key, a hardware error is detected
(Sercos board error, CAN board error, etc.), the CNC issues the
corresponding error message and does not allow executing or
simulating the program.

19.3 Maximum spindle machining speed.

To limit the spindle speed, use the MDISL variable associated with
speed limits. It is read-write from the PLC and read-only from DNC
and CNC.

This variable is also updated with the programmed S value, in the

following cases:
• When programming "G92 S" in MDI mode
• When programming "G92 S" in ISO code in MC mode.
• In MC mode, when a new speed limit is defined in the "SMAX"

The speed limits entered via CNC, PLC (PLCSL) and DNC (DNCSL)
keep the same functionality and priority unaffected by the new
MDISL variable; in other words, the CNC keeps limiting the spindle
speed like until now.

In order to comply with the safety regulation, it is recommended to

manage from the PLC the variables associated with speed limits as
shown in the following example:
• A new part-program cannot be executed without previously
entering the speed limit. Otherwise, a message will be displayed.
If the program is executed again, the limit does not have to be
entered again, it is only required when executing the program for
the first time.
• While executing a program if a new limit is entered in MDI, the
new one will replace the previous one.
• In independent MC cycles it is not required to enter the SMAX
because it is already defined in each cycle.
• If the program being executed already has a G92S, it will be
validated only if it is smaller than the one programmed in MDI.
• When having two main spindles, the speed limit entered will be
valid for both.
B0R100 AND INCYCLE = M100 ; Indicator of program in execution
(SOFT M: 7.XX) ;
DFU M100 ; At the beginning of the execution
= CNCRD(PRGN,R101,M1000) ; reads the program in execution
= CNCRD(MDISL,R102,M1000) ; and the S limitation from MDI
Functions ;
associated to M100 ; During the execution
machine safety = CNCRD(PRGSL,R103,M1000) ; and the S limitation from CNC
M100 AND CPS R101 NE R201 ; If new program in execution
= M101 ; activates mark M101
M100 AND CPS R101 EQ R201 ; If same program in execution
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8040 CNC
= M102 ; activates mark M102
M101 ; If new program in execution
AND CPS R102 EQ 0 ; and the "S" has not been limited from MDI
= ERR10 ; Error 10: "The S has not been limited from
M101 ; If new program in execution
AND CPS R102 NE 0 ; and the "S" has been limited from MDI
= MOV R101 R201 ; it copies the number of the program in
= MOV R102 R202 ; and the S limitation from MDI
M102 ; If same program in execution
AND CPS R102 NE 0 ; and the "S" is limited again from MDI
= MOV R102 R202 ; it copies the S limitation from MDI
M100 ; If program in execution
AND CPS R202 LT R103 ; and "S" limitation from MDI < "S" limitation
from CNC
= CNCWR(R202,PLCSL,M1000) ; Applies "S" limitation from the PLC with the
value set in MDI
M100 ; If program in execution
AND CPS R202 GT R103 ; and "S" limitation from MDI > "S" limitation
from CNC
= CNCWR(R210,PLCSL,M1000) ; It does not limit "S" from PLC (R210=0)
DFD M100 ; At the end of execution
= CNCWR(R210,PLCSL,M1000) ; it cancels "S" limitation from the PLC
= CNCWR(R210,MDISL,M1000) ; and it resets the MDISL variable

20 Axes (2) controlled by a drive

Until this version, when having 2 axes controlled by a single drive,
the polarity of the analog output (command sign) always
corresponded to that of the main axis.

From this version on, since sometimes the turning direction of the
two axes may be different, the sign of the command for each axis will
taken into account [the one set by a.m.p “LOOPCHG (P26)”].

This new version is not compatible with previous versions.

On machines having axes controlled by a single drive the secondary
axis might run away.
Before installing the new software, make sure that the a.m.p.
"LOOPCHG (P26)" of the associated axis has the same value as that of
the main axis.

(SOFT M: 7.XX)

21 Mandatory home search

The CNC forces a home search on an axis by setting the relevant Axes (2) controlled
REFPOIN* mark low in the following cases: by a drive
• On CNC power-up
• After executing SHIFT RESET
• When the feedback is direct through the axes board and a
feedback alarm occurs.

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• When losing feedback count via Sercos due to broken
8040 CNC communication. Difference greater than 10 microns (0.00039")
or 0.01º
• When changing machine parameters that affect the memory
distribution, for example: number of axes.

In all these cases, a home search must be carried out so the signal
is set back high.

22 Change of active tool from the PLC

If the tool change process is interrupted, the values of the tool
magazine table and active tool may not reflect the machine's reality.

To update the tool table, variables TOOL, NXTOOL, TOD and

NXTOD that until now were read-only are now read-write from the
PLC as long as a block or a part-program is not being executed or
TOOL Number of the active tool
NXTOOL Number of the next tool that is selected, but waiting for the
execution of an M06 to become active.
TOD Number of the active tool offset
NXTOD Number of the offset of the next tool that is selected, but
waiting for the execution of an M06 to become active.

This way, it is possible to resume the tool change from the PLC and
redefine the tool table according to their positions using the TMZT

To allocate a magazine position to the tool that is considered active

by the CNC and is physically in the tool magazine, proceed as
1. Cancel the tool, TOOL=0 and TOD=0
2. Assign the relevant position using the TMZT variable.

When trying to write in variables TOOL, NXTOOL, TOD and NXTOD

check the OPMODA variable to make sure that no block or part-
program is being executed or simulated. The following bits must be
at "0".
bit 0 Program in execution
bit 1 Program in simulation
bit 2 Block in execution via MDI, JOG
bit 8 Block in execution via CNCEX1

23 Synchronize a PLC axis with a CNC axis

To synchronize an axis of the PLC channel with another one of the
(SOFT M: 7.XX) CNC channel (main channel), set a.m.p. SYNCHRO (P3) of the PLC
axis indicating which axis it must synchronize with.

Axis synchronization is carried out from the PLC by activating the

Change of active general input "SYNCHRO" of the axis to be coupled as slave (PLC
tool from the PLC axis).

To assure that both axes are stopped when they are being
synchronized, we suggest:

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• To execute a special M function at the CNC so the PLC executes

8040 CNC
another M function in the PLC channel and activates the general
input "SYNCHRO".
• The M function of the main channel must not end until the PLC's
M function execution is completed and the ENABLE signal of the
slave axis is set high.

Once both axes are synchronized, it won't be possible to program

movements of the PLC axis. Otherwise, error 1099 will be issued:
"Do not program a slaved axis".

During synchronization, it does not check whether the PLC axis gets
in position or not. For this reason:
• The logic output "ENABLE" of the PLC axis is activated (allowing
• The logic output "INPOS" of the PLC axis is deactivated (the axis
is NOT in position).
• General input "INHIBIT" of the PLC axis is ignored, thus not being
possible to prevent it from moving.
• The execution of the movement of the synchronized slave axis
cannot be aborted even by activating the general input

If an error occurs canceling the "ENABLE" logic outputs of all the

axes, it also cancels the synchronization.

To end synchronization, cancel the "SYNCHRO" general input of the

PLC axis.

To assure that the PLC axis recovers its position after the
synchronization, it is recommended to use other 2 special M
functions, one at the CNC and another one at the PLC.

24 Error register
The "CNC" screen of the "STATUS" mode offers the softkey: [BB].

Pressing this softkey displays the error history indicating the error
number and when it occurred.

This information is very useful to the service technician. Pressing the

[SAVE] softkey requests the number of the CNC program to store
that information.

If the service department asks you for that program, transfer it to a

PC via DNC and send it to the corresponding address via internet.


(SOFT M: 7.XX)
It is similar to the "Path Handwheel" mode.

The "Path Handwheel" mode acts at the Handwheel position of the

selector switch whereas the "Path JOG" acts at the continuous and
incremental jog positions of the selector switch. Error register

"Path JOG" may be used to act upon the jog keys of an axis to move
both axes of the plane at the same time for chamfering (straight
sections) and rounding (curved sections).

The CNC assumes as "Path JOG" the keys associated with the X
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This feature must be managed from the PLC.
8040 CNC To turn on or off the "Path JOG" work mode, use CNC logic input
M5054 = 0 "Path JOG" function off.
M5054 = 1 "Path JOG" function on.
To indicate the type of movement, use CNC logic input
M5053 = 0 Linear Path
M5053 = 1 Circular path.
For a linear path, indicate the path angle in the MASLAN variable
(value in degrees between the linear path and the first axis of the
For an arc, indicate the arc center coordinates in the MASCFI,
MASCSE variables (for the first and second axes of the main

Variables MASLAN, MASCFI and MASCSE may be read and

written from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

When pressing one of the associated keys, X+ and X-, the CNC acts
as follows:
Selector Path JOG Type of movement
Only the axis and in the indicated
Both axes in the indicated direction along
the indicated path
Only the axis, the selected distance and
in the indicated direction
Both axes, the indicated distance and
direction, but along the indicated path
Handwheel It ignores the keys.

The rest of the keys always operate the same way regardless of
whether the "Path JOG" function is on or off. It only moves the
selected axis and in the indicated direction.

NEW FEATURES Considerations

(SOFT M: 7.XX)
It assumes as axis feedrate the one selected in JOG mode and it is
affected by the override. If F0 is selected, it assumes the one
indicated by a.m.p. “JOGFEED (P43)”. The [Rapid] key is ignored.
Path JOG mode The movements in "Path JOG" observe the travel limits and zone

The movements in "Path JOG" may be aborted:

• By pressing the [CYCLE STOP] key
• By selecting one of the handwheel positions of the JOG selector
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• By setting the general logic input “MASTRHND (M5054)” =0.

8040 CNC
• Setting the general logic input “\STOP (M5001)”=0.

26 Tool inspection
The tool inspection mode now offers a new option: "Modify Offsets".
This window shows (at the top) a help graphic and the tool fields that
can be edited.

When editing the active tool, it is possible:

To modify the I and K data.
Select another tool for calibration (T xx Enter).

When NOT editing the active tool, it is possible:

To modify the I, K and D data.
Select another tool for calibration (T xx Enter).

The I and K values The values entered in the I, K fields are incremental, they are added
to the ones already in the table. The "I" data is given in diameter.

The new g.m.p. “MAXOFFI (P165)” and “MAXOFFK (P166)” indicate

the maximum value that may be entered in each field. When trying
to enter a greater value, the relevant message will be displayed.

To assume the new I and K values, select the tool again.

27 New instructions in the configuration language

The new token "UNMODIFIED" of the configuration language
indicates that the associated element must not take the editing

;(UNMODIFIED) It is programmed as a prefix of the instructions

It may be used to associate the "W1" data with the value of a
global parameter, variable or resource of the PLC and the
"W1" element is assigned the editing focus.

It refreshes (updates) the value of the graphic element W6
and it assigns the editing focus to it. NEW FEATURES

The resulting new instructions are: (SOFT M: 7.XX)

It associates the "W" data with the value of a global
parameter, variable or resource of the PLC, but the "W1" Tool inspection
element does not take the editing focus.
It refreshes (updates) the value of the graphic element W6 but
it does not take the editing focus.

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28 Improvements in tool compensation
8040 CNC COMPTYPE (P74) From this version on, this g.m.p. has two digits.
The units set the beginning and end of radius compensation applied
by the CNC (like it was before).
x0 It approaches the starting point going around the corner
x1 it goes directly perpendicular to the point (without going
around the corner)


The tens indicate whether the additional block of the compensation

is executed at the end of the current block or at the beginning of the
next block with compensation.
00 It is executed at the end of the current block (like in previous

Executing block by block (single block mode), the first

movement ends at point "B".
10 It is executed at the beginning of the next block with

Executing block by block (single block mode), the first

movement ends at point "A".

By default COMPTYPE=00

When the beginning or end of the compensation takes place to a

different plane (there is an intermediate vertical movement) and at
an angle greater than 270º it is recommended to check the CNC's
behavior as shown next:

At the beginning of the compensation, the tool should be positioned

before penetrating into the part. The additional block must be

(SOFT M: 7.XX)

Improvements in
tool compensation

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executed in the upper plane and therefore together with the first

8040 CNC
block “COMPTYPE=00”.

At the end of the compensation, the tool should withdraw from the
part without penetrating into it. The additional block must be
executed in the upper plane and therefore together with the second
block “COMPTYPE=10”.

29 Improvements in high speed machining

The number of blocks analyzed in advance (look-ahead) has been
increased. From 50 blocks to 75.

The extreme cases have been improved, such as small blocks (of a
few microns) in order to machine faster and more smoothly.

Jerk control can now be applied in Look-ahead, g.m.p. “JERKACT

(P160) and TLOOK (P161)”.
Using Jerk in Look-ahead, a trapezoidal acceleration profile is
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
applied with a ramp slope equivalent to the maximum jerk of the axis.

The maximum jerk depends on the value assigned to a.m.p.

“JERKLIM (P67)” of that axis and of the axes involved in the
programmed path. Improvements in
high speed
JERKACT (P160) This parameter has 16 bits counted from left to right. machining

Bit 16 indicates whether to apply Jerk control in Look-ahead or not.

(0) Not applied.

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8040 CNC
(1) Applied.
By default 0 (not applied)

If "Jerk Control in look ahead" has been selected, the CNC analyzes
the a.m.p “JERKLIM (P67)” of each axis. During look-ahead, the
CNC assumes, for the axes with “JERKLIM (P67)=0”, the value
suggested in that parameter.

TLOOK (P161) Real block processing time for look-ahead.

If assigned a value smaller than the real one, the machine will vibrate
and if assigned a value greater than the real one the machining
slows down.
Possible values Integers between 0 and 65535 ms
By default 0

This value is calculated as follows:

Execute, in G91 and G51 E0.1, a program with many small blocks,
at least 1000. For example: “X0.01 Y0.01 Z0.01”.

Measure the program execution time, making sure that the machine
does not vibrate. Divide the execution time by 1000 (or the number
of blocks executed) and assign the resulting value, in microseconds,
to g.m.p. "TLOOK (P161)".

We recommend the use of the oscilloscope function and verify that

the internal variable VLOOKR remains constant which means that
there is no vibration.

30 New graphics option

GRAPHICS (P16) New value (4) for g.m.p. GRAPHICS.
It is similar to "0" value (Mill model graphics) but with different XY line


It is available when having Power PC.

31 Improvement in the tool measuring cycle PROBE1

In previous version, this cycle only calibrated the length of the tool
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
(see section 12.3 of the programming manual).

From this version on, it may be used:

• To calibrate the tool length.
New graphics
option • To calibrate the tool radius.
• To calibrate the tool radius and length.
• Measure the tool length wear.
• Measure the tool radius wear.
• Measure the tool radius wear and length wear.
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The programming cycle for the PROBE1 cycle is:

8040 CNC
(PROBE 1, B, I, F, J, K, L, C, D, E, S, M, C, N, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)

Parameters X, U, Y, V, Z, W
They are optional parameters that are not usually necessary.

On certain machines, due to lack of mechanical positioning

repeatability of the probe's, the probe must be calibrated before
each tool calibration.

Instead of redefining machine parameters PRBXMIN, PRBXMAX,

is calibrated, those coordinates may be indicated in variables X, U,
Y, V, Z, W, respectively.

The CNC does not modify the machine parameters and only takes
into account the coordinates indicated in X, U, Y, V, Z, W during this

If any of the X, U, Y, V, Z is left out, the CNC takes the value

assigned to the corresponding machine parameter.

31.1 Measure or calibrate the tool length.

Parameter "I" defines where the

measurement or calibration will be
carried out:
I0 On the tool shaft.
I1 On the tool tip.
If not programmed, the canned cycle
takes the value I0 (on the tool shaft).

Measure or calibrate the tool length on its shaft.

It is carried out with the spindle stopped. It is useful for drilling tools,
ball end-mills, or tools whose diameter is smaller than the probe's
probing surface.

Calibration format:
(PROBE 1, B, I0, F, J0, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)
Format for wear measurement:
(PROBE 1, B, I0, F, J1, L, C, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)
B Safety distance, with positive value greater than "0".
I0 Measure or calibrate the tool length on its shaft.
F Probing feedrate, in mm/min. or in inches/min. NEW FEATURES
J J0 = Calibration; J1 = Measurement
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
Maximum length wear permitted (with J1 and when using tool
life monitoring).
Behavior when exceeding the maximum wear allowed (L other
than 0).
Improvement in the
C C0 = Interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool. tool measuring
C1 = The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the same cycle PROBE1
X...W Optional

Parameters J, L, C are optional. If not programmed, the following

values are assumed:
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J0 (calibration). L0 (the tool is not rejected due to wear). C0

8040 CNC (interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool)

Measure or calibrate the tool length on its tip.

It may be carried out either with the spindle stopped or turning the in
the programmed direction (opposite to the cutting direction) It is
useful for calibrating tools with several cutting edges or tools whose
diameter is greater than the probe's probing surface.

Calibration format:
(PROBE 1, B, I1, F, J0, D, S, N, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)
Format for wear measurement:
(PROBE 1, B, I1, F, J1, L, D, S, C, N, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)
B Safety distance, with positive value greater than "0".
I1 Measure or calibrate the tool length on its tip.
F Probing feedrate, in mm/min. or in inches/min.
J J0 = Calibration; J1 = Measurement
Maximum length wear permitted (with J1 and when using tool
life monitoring).
Radius or distance referred to the tool shaft being probed. If not
programmed, it is done on the tip
Tool turning speed and direction. Select the opposite of the
S cutting direction (positive sign if M3 and negative if M4)
With S0, calibration with spindle stopped.
Behavior when exceeding the maximum wear allowed (L other
than 0)
C C0 = Interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool.
C1 = The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the same
Number of cutting edges to be measured. If N0, one
To measure each cutting edge when the spindle has feedback
and s.m.p. M19TYPE (P43) =1.
X...W Optional

Parameters J, L, D, S, C, N are optional. If not programmed, the

following values are assumed:
J0 (calibration). L0 (the tool is not rejected due to wear). D= tool
radius (probing is carried out on the tip). S0 (spindle stopped). C0
(interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool). N0 (the
cutting edges are not measured separately).

Once the calibration cycle has ended

It updates global arithmetic parameter P299 and assigns the
measured length to the tool offset selected in the tool offset table.
P299 = measured length - previous length (L+K)
L = measured length
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
If the dimension of each cutting edge was requested, "N" parameter,
the measured values are assigned to global arithmetic parameters
P271 and on.
Improvement in the
tool measuring Once the wear measuring cycle has ended
cycle PROBE1
When using tool life monitoring, it compares the measured value
with the theoretical length assigned in the table.

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If the maximum allowed is exceeded, it issues a "tool rejected"

8040 CNC
message and acts as follows:
C0 It interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool.
The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the same
It sets the "rejected tool " indicator (status = R)
It activates the general logic output PRTREJEC (M5564)

If the measuring difference does not exceed the maximum allowed

or tool life monitoring is not available:
• It updates global arithmetic parameter P299 and the length wear
value of the tool offset selected in the tool offset table.
P299 = measured length - theoretical length (L)
L = theoretical length (it maintains the previous value).
K = measured length - theoretical length (L) [New wear value]

If the dimension of each cutting edge was requested, "N" parameter,

the measured values are assigned to global arithmetic parameters
P271 and on.

31.2 Measure or calibrate the radius of a tool.

It may be carried out either with the spindle stopped or turning the in
the programmed direction (opposite to the cutting direction)

Calibration format:
(PROBE 1, B, I2, F, J0, K, E, S, N, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)
Format for wear measurement:
(PROBE 1, B, I2, F, J1, K, E, S, M, C, N, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)
B Safety distance, with positive value greater than "0".
I2 Measure or calibrate the radius of a tool.
F Probing feedrate, in mm/min. or in inches/min.
J J0 = Calibration; J1 = Measurement
Probe side used.
K0 (X+ side), K1 (X- side), K2 (Y+ side), K3 (Y- side).
Distance referred to the theoretical tool tip being probed. It is
very useful with cutters whose bottom is not horizontal.

Tool turning speed and direction. Select the opposite of the

S cutting direction (positive sign if M3 and negative if M4)
With S0, calibration with spindle stopped.
Maximum radius wear permitted (with J1 and when using tool
life monitoring).
Behavior when exceeding the maximum wear allowed (M other
C C0 = Interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool.
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
C1 = The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the same
Number of cutting edges to be measured. If N0, one
N Improvement in the
To measure each cutting edge when the spindle has feedback
tool measuring
and s.m.p. M19TYPE (P43) =1.
cycle PROBE1
X...W Optional

Parameters J, E, S, M, C, N are optional. If not programmed, the

following values are assumed:

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J0 (calibration). E0. S0 (spindle stopped). M0 (the tool is not rejected

8040 CNC due to wear). C0 (interrupts the execution for the user to select
another tool). N0 (the cutting edges are not measured separately).

Once the calibration cycle has ended

It updates global arithmetic parameter P298 and assigns the
measured radius to the tool offset selected in the tool offset table.
P298 = measured radius - previous radius (R+I)
R = measured radius
I =0

If the dimension of each cutting edge was requested, "N" parameter,

the measured values are assigned to global arithmetic parameters
P251 and on.

Once the wear measuring cycle has ended

When using tool life monitoring, it compares the measured value
with the theoretical radius assigned in the table.

If the maximum allowed is exceeded, it issues a "tool rejected"

message and acts as follows:
C0 It interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool.
The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the same
It sets the "rejected tool " indicator (status = R)
It activates the general logic output PRTREJEC (M5564)

If the measuring difference does not exceed the maximum allowed

or tool life monitoring is not available:
• It updates global arithmetic parameter P298 and the radius wear
value of the tool offset selected in the tool offset table.
P298 = measured radius - theoretical radius (R)
R = theoretical radius (it maintains the previous value).
I = measured radius - theoretical radius (R) [New wear value]

If the dimension of each cutting edge was requested, "N" parameter,

the measured values are assigned to global arithmetic parameters
P271 and on.

31.3 Measure or calibrate the tool radius and length.

It may be carried out either with the spindle stopped or turning the in
the programmed direction (opposite to the cutting direction)

Calibration format:
(PROBE 1, B, I3, F, J0, K, D, E, S, N, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)
NEW FEATURES Format for wear measurement:

(SOFT M: 7.XX) (PROBE 1, B, I3, F, J1, K, L, D, E, S, M, C, N, X, U, Y, V, Z, W)

B Safety distance, with positive value greater than "0".
I3 Measure or calibrate the tool radius and length.
F Probing feedrate, in mm/min. or in inches/min.
Improvement in the J J0 = Calibration; J1 = Measurement
tool measuring
cycle PROBE1
Side of the probe used to measure or calibration the radius.
K0 (X+ side), K1 (X- side), K2 (Y+ side), K3 (Y- side).
Maximum length wear permitted (with J1 and when using tool
life monitoring).

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8040 CNC
Radius or distance referred to the tool shaft being for length
D measurement or calibration. With D0 on the tool shaft and if not
programmed, on the tip.
Distance referred to the theoretical tool tip being probed. It is
very useful with cutters whose bottom is not horizontal.

Tool turning speed and direction. Select the opposite of the

S cutting direction (positive sign if M3 and negative if M4)
With S0, calibration with spindle stopped.
Maximum radius wear permitted (with J1 and when using tool
life monitoring).
Behavior when exceeding the maximum wear allowed (if L or M
other than 0).
C C0 = Interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool.
C1 = The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the same
Number of cutting edges to be measured. If N0, one
To measure each cutting edge when the spindle has feedback
and s.m.p. M19TYPE (P43) =1.
X...W Optional
Parameters J, L, D, E, S, M, C, N are optional. If not programmed,
the following values are assumed:
J0 (calibration). L0 (the tool is not rejected due to length wear). D=
tool radius (length probing is carried out on the tip). E0, S0 (spindle
stopped). M0 (the tool is not rejected due to radius wear). C0
(interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool). N0 (the
cutting edges are not measured separately).

Once the calibration cycle has ended

It uses global arithmetic parameters P298, P299 and assigns the
measured length and radius to the tool offset selected in the tool
offset table.
P298 = measured radius - previous radius (R+I)
P299 = measured length - previous length (L+K)
R = measured radius
L = measured length
I =0
K =0

If the dimension of each cutting edge was requested, parameter "N",

the measured lengths are assigned to global arithmetic parameters
P271 and on, and the measured radii to global arithmetic parameters
P251 and on.

Once the wear measuring cycle has ended NEW FEATURES

When using tool life monitoring, it compares the measured radius (SOFT M: 7.XX)
and length values with the theoretical values assigned in the table.

If the maximum allowed is exceeded in any of them, it issues a "tool

rejected" message and acts as follows: Improvement in the
C0 It interrupts the execution for the user to select another tool. tool measuring
The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the same cycle PROBE1
It sets the "rejected tool " indicator (status = R)
It activates the general logic output PRTREJEC (M5564)

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If the measuring difference does not exceed the maximum allowed
8040 CNC or tool life monitoring is not available:
• It updates global arithmetic parameter P298, P299 and the length
and radius wear values of the tool offset selected in the tool offset
P298 = measured radius - theoretical radius (R)
P299 = measured length - theoretical length (L)
R = theoretical radius (it maintains the previous value).
I = measured radius - theoretical radius (R) [New wear value]
L = theoretical length (it maintains the previous value).
K = measured length - theoretical length (L) [New wear value]

If the dimension of each cutting edge was requested, parameter "N",

the lengths are assigned to global arithmetic parameters P271 and
on, and the radii to global arithmetic parameters P251 and on.

32 Oscilloscope function
The oscilloscope function is a help tool to adjust the CNC and the

It is possible to represent 4 previously selected variables and

manipulate CNC machine parameters and variables. When using
Fagor Sercos drives, it is also possible to set the parameters of the

When requesting information (variable or parameter) of a drive that

is not connected via Sercos or when having an old software version,
the message "Variable does not exist" will be displayed.

Changing the machine parameters of the CNC and the drive

requires a password.

How to operate To access the Oscilloscope mode, select:

Op Mode - Diagnosis - Adjustements - Scope

Define the variables to be analyzed, the trigger conditions and the

machine parameters of the CNC or the drive to be modified.

Execute a part-program moving the axis or axes to be adjusted.

Capture data and then analyze it.

Once data capture has ended, or has been interrupted, it is possible

to analyze the signals and modify the parameters that have been
previously selected, in order to improve the machining conditions.

Capture data, analyze it and modify the parameters again until

achieving the best machining conditions.

(SOFT M: 7.XX)
Suggestions Execute endless repetitive movements.

After adjusting the axis separately, readjust the interpolating axes

function It is up to the user to judge what the best adjustment is, the
oscilloscope function is an assistance tool.

Operation To enter or modify a data on the screens, it must be selected and it

must have the editing focus.
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To select another editable data or field, use the [Ï] [Ð]. It is a rotary

8040 CNC
selection, if the first element is selected on the screen, when
pressing [Ï] the focus goes to the last one, whereas if the last
element is selected, when pressing [Ð] the focus goes to the first

Not all the data may be edited, only the ones that may be selected,
those having the focus. There are two types of editable fields:

Editable values:
They may be assigned a value, sometimes numerical (numbers
only) and sometimes alphanumerical (numbers and letters).
Before validating the data, it is checked; if the data is incorrect, it
is rejected and a warning message is issued.

Values that may be selected:

The possible values are fixed and one of them may be selected.
Use the [Í] [Î] keys to see the possible values. On this type
values that are icons, the [White/Green] key has the same effect
as the [Î] key.

Softkeys Accessing the oscilloscope mode enables the following softkeys:

Scale / Offsets
To change the amplitude of each signal, move them vertically
or adjust the time base for all of them.
To analyze, using 2 cursors, each signal of the last data
To assign new values to the machine parameters of the CNC
and drive that have been defined in the "Configuration" screen.
To define the variables to be analyzed, the trigger conditions
and the machine parameters of the CNC or the drive to be
It shows various softkeys to modify the data of each field
(amplitude of the signals, vertical movement, time base
adjustment, position of the cursors, etc.).
It captures data according to the conditions set on the
"Configuration" screen to be analyzed later on.

32.1 Configuration
To define the variables to be analyzed, the trigger conditions and the
machine parameters of the CNC or the drive to be modified. NEW FEATURES

It offers 2 screens, one to set the parameters and the other one to (SOFT M: 7.XX)
define the variables and trigger conditions.

On the screen for defining variables and the trigger condition, it is

possible to go from block of elements to another using the [page up] Oscilloscope
and [page down] keys. function

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The parameters defining page shows the definition code on the left
8040 CNC column, the parameter name on the center column and the
maximum and minimum values on the right column.
To add a parameter to the list, select the row for the parameter,
enter the definition code indicated later on and press [Enter]. If it
is valid, the rest of the fields are updated and if not, it issues a
To replace a parameter from the list, select the parameter to be
replaced, enter the definition code of the new parameter and
press [Enter]. If the previous content has been deleted and no
code is entered, the line appears empty.
The [Add a parameter to the list] softkey enters a new empty line
above the currently selected line.
The [Eliminate parameter] softkey eliminates the currently
selected line and shifts all the ones below upwards.

The "Parameter editing" screen shows the parameters in the same

place where they were defined and the empty rows appear blank.

When a parameter is changed on the "Parameter Editing" screen,

the CNC machine parameter table and the drive's work parameters
are updated. The [Save Parameters] softkey is also activated on the
"Configuration - Parameters" screen.

We suggest to access that screen and press the [Save Parameters]

softkey to save the parameter tables that have been changed, those
of the CNC into the CARDA and those of the drive in its FLASH. If
only the CNC parameters have been changed, the drive tables
remain unchanged and vice versa.

Once the values saved are the same as the ones edited last, the
softkey disappears until a new modification is made.

Variable definition
The oscilloscope has 4 graphics channels (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4).
The following must be defined in each channel:
• The code or name of the variable to be shown. See attached
• The color used to show them.
• Whether it will be visible or not.

When defining a variable that cannot be captured, an error message

will be issued. If no variable is to be captured in a channel, just leave
the name field blank. If all 4 channels are deactivated (without
associated variable) no capture is possible.

The "hidden" channels are not shown graphically (they are not
shown on the screen after the data capture). It is useful when using
NEW FEATURES this channel to set the trigger condition.
(SOFT M: 7.XX)


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CNC variables that may be assigned to a channel

8040 CNC
Variable Characteristics
ANAI(1-8) Voltage of input 1-8
ANAO(1-8) Voltage to apply to output 1-8
FREAL CNC real feedrate
FREAL(X-C) Actual (real) X-C axis feedrate
FTEO(X-C) Theoretical X-C axis feedrate
FLWE(X-C) X-C axis following error
ASIN(X-C) "A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the X-C axis
BSIN(X-C) "B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the X-C axis
DRPO(X-C) Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the X-C axis
SREAL Real (actual) spindle turning speed.
FTEOS Theoretical spindle turning speed
FLWES Spindle following error
ASINS "A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the spindle
BSINS "B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the spindle
DRPOS Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the spindle
SSREAL Real (actual) second spindle turning speed.
SFTEOS Theoretical second spindle turning speed
SFLWES Second Spindle following error
SASINS "A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second
SBSINS "B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second
SDRPOS Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the second spindle


Fagor Sercos Drive variables that may be assigned to a channel

Indicate the desired axis and variable, separated by a period.
Examples: X.CV3, Y.SV1, S1.SV2
Variable Characteristics
CV3 CurrentFeedback
SV1 VelocityCommand
SV2 VelocityFeedback
SV7 VelocityCommandFinal
TV1 TorqueCommand
TV4 VelocityIntegralAction
RV1 FeedbackSine
RV2 FeedbackCosine
RV51 Feedback2Sine
RV52 Feedback2Cosine

Trigger conditions

Channel Indicates which variable or channel (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4) is to be

used as a reference or trigger condition. NEW FEATURES

(SOFT M: 7.XX)
Trigger Indicates the beginning of the data capture.

If not selected, the data capture begins as soon as the operator

gives the go ahead. The Flank, Level and Position data are ignored.
If selected, specify the trigger condition using the Flank, Level and function
Position data.

Flank It is taken into account when Trigger has been selected. It may be
an up flank or a down flank.

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With an up flank, the data capture begins when in a sample the data
8040 CNC value is lower than the level and in the next sample the value is
greater than or equal to the level.

With a down flank, the data capture begins when in a sample the
data value is greater than the level and in the next sample the value
is lower than or equal to the level.

Level It is taken into account when Trigger has been selected.

It sets the value that the variable must take to begin the data capture.

Position (%) It is taken into account when Trigger has been selected. It is defined
as a percentage, between 0% and 100%.

It indicates the number of samples that are taken before the Trigger.
For example, a 10% position means that 10% of the total number of
samples programmed will be taken before the trigger and the
remaining 90% after the trigger.

The trigger condition starts evaluating after having the indicated %

of samples. If the position is defined at 50% and the trigger condition
occurs when a 10% of the samples have been taken, it will be
ignored until the 50% of the samples have been collected.

Number of It indicates the number of sample to be captured. It is common to all

samples the channels. Value between 1 and 1024.

The sample will be taken at the same time in all the channels so they
are synchronized.

Sample T It indicates the sampe period or the time period between data
captures. It is given in milliseconds, integers between 1 and 1000
(between 1ms and 1s).

When analyzing CNC variables, the sample period must be a

multiple of the loop time. If it is not, a message is displayed indicating
that it has been automatically rounded off.

The sample time may be shorter than the CNC loop time only when
analyzing 1 or 2 variables of the same drive.

When the requested number of variables forces a reconfiguration of

the CNC's Sercos ring, a warning message is issued requesting its

Mode It indicates the type of data capture: Single or Continuous.

With Single capture, the process ends when the specified number of
samples has been taken or when interrupted by the user.

The continuous data capture begins like a single capture, but when
the process ends, the data is shown on the screen and it
NEW FEATURES automatically resumes the data capture. It goes on like that
indefinitely until the user stops it.
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
Superimposed If this option is not selected, all the signals appear separated. The
channels screen is divided into as many horizontal strips as active and visible
channels have been defined. The signals are shown with their own
Oscilloscope graphic zero and ordered from top to bottom in the defined order
function (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4).

If this option is selected all the signals appear superimposed, with a

single graphic zero located at the center of the screen.

During the analysis of the signals, it is possible to change modes by

pressing the [M] key.
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CNC machine parameters that may be modified

8040 CNC
When defining the CNC machine parameters, that could be changed
to adjust the machine, use the following nomenclature:

Machine parameters of an axis: Indicate the axis and the parameter

number separated by a dot. Examples: [X.P18], [Z.P23]
Number Parameter Update
P14 BACKLASH Immediate
P18 ACCTIME Beginning of the next block
P19 INPOSW Immediate
P23 PROGAIN Immediate
P24 DERGAIN Immediate
P25 FFGAIN Immediate
P27 MINANOUT Immediate
P28 SERVOFF Immediate
P29 BAKANOUT Immediate
P30 BAKTIME Immediate
P37 MAXVOLT Immediate
P38 G00FEED Beginning of the next block
P59 ACCTIME2 Beginning of the next block
P60 PROGAIN2 Immediate
P61 DERGAIN2 Immediate
P62 FFGAIN2 Immediate
P67 JERKLIM Beginning of the next block

Spindle machine parameters: Indicate the spindle (S, S1, S2) and
the parameter number separated by a dot. Examples: [S.P18],
[S1.P23], [S2.P25]
Number Parameter Update
P2 MAXGEAR1 Beginning of the next block
P3 MAXGEAR2 Beginning of the next block
P4 MAXGEAR3 Beginning of the next block
P5 MAXGEAR4 Beginning of the next block
P18 ACCTIME Beginning of the next block
P19 INPOSW Immediate
P23 PROGAIN Immediate
P24 DERGAIN Immediate
P25 FFGAIN Immediate
P27 MINANOUT Immediate
P28 SERVOFF Immediate
P37 MAXVOLT1 Immediate
P38 MAXVOLT2 Immediate
P39 MAXVOLT3 Immediate
P40 MAXVOLT4 Immediate
P45 OPLACETI Immediate
P47 ACCTIME2 Beginning of the next block
P49 DERGAIN2 Immediate (SOFT M: 7.XX)
P50 FFGAIN2 Immediate
Note: A modification in the MAXGEAR1/2/3/4 parameters sets the
square corner mode even if a round corner has been
programmed. Oscilloscope

Drive machine parameters that may be modified

When defining the drive machine parameters, that could be changed
to adjust the machine, use the following nomenclature:

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Indicate the axis and the parameter number and the gear separated
8040 CNC by a dot. Examples: [X.CP1.0], [Y.CP20.2], [Z.SP1.1]

Save and load the configurations.

The system lets you save the current configuration into a program
type file in ASCII format. To do that, set general machine parameter
STPFILE with the number (other than 0) to be assigned to the
configuration file.

The configuration file may be treated like any other program, sent
out via DNC or even edited.

When saving or loading a configuration, the CNC first checks if the

file already exists in User RAM and if not, it will look for it in the
Memkey Card.

Several configurations may be saved in the configuration file. Each

configuration must be assigned a name of up to 40 characters.

The following softkeys are related to this feature.

Save To save the current configuration, press the [Save] softkey and enter
the name to save it with up to 40 characters. If there is a previously
saved configuration with the same name, it will ask whether it must
be replaced or not.

Load To load a previously saved configuration, press the [Load] softkey

and select it from the list on the screen. If the configuration makes
not sense (for example, because the CNC does not have an axis that
that configuration refers to), the CNC will warn the user and it will
only load the portion of the configuration read until that error came

Delete To delete one of the saved configurations, press the [Delete] softkey,
select it from the list on the screen and press [Enter].

Reset Pressing the [Reset] softkey deletes or resets the current

configuration. There are no variables or parameters selected and the
rest of conditions (colors, trigger, etc.) assume the values assigned
by default.

32.2 Scale / Offsets

To change the amplitude of each signal, move them vertically or
adjust the time base for all of them.

The right side of the screen shows:

• The vertical scale or amplitude by square for each signal (next to
the name of the variable)

• The horizontal scale or time base (t/div) for all the signals.

(SOFT M: 7.XX) To change the amplitude, use the [Ï] [Ð] keys to place the focus in
the "Scale" field of the desired variable. Then use the [Í] [Î] keys
or [page up] [page down] to select one of the permitted values or
press [X] for auto-scaling.
To move the signal vertically, use the [Ï] [Ð] keys to place the focus
in the "Offset" field of the desired variable. Then use the [Í] [Î]
keys or [page up] [page down] to move the signal or press one of
these keys:
[U] To move it up as high as possible
[D] To move it down as low as possible
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8040 CNC
[0] To center it
[X] for the CNC to scale it automatically.

When auto-scaling a channel, the system sets the right vertical scale
and offset so the signal shows as big as possible within its graphic

To modify the time base of all the signals, use the [Ï] [Ð] keys to
place the focus in the "t/div" field. Then use the [Í] [Î] keys or
[page up] [page down] to select one of the permitted values or press
[X] for auto-scaling.

To select another portion of the sample use the [Ï] [Ð] keys to place
the focus in the "Win" field. Then use the [Í] [Î] keys or [page up]
[page down] to move the signal or press one of these keys:
[F] To show the beginning of the trace (First)
[T] To show the trigger zone
[S] To show the final portion of the trace (Second)
[X] for the CNC to scale it automatically.

32.3 Analysis
To analyze, using 2 cursors, each signal of the last data capture.

The right side of the screen shows:

• Next to each variable, the value (V1 and V2) of the signal in the
position of each cursor and the difference between them (∆v).
• The position, in milliseconds, of each cursor (C1 and C2) and the
time difference between them (∆t)

To select the first or second cursor, use the teclas [Ï] [Ð] keys to
place the focus in the "C1" or "C2" fields respectively. Then use the
[Í] [Î] keys or [page up] [page down] to move the signal or press
one of these keys:
[F] To show the beginning of the trace (First)
[T] To show the trigger zone
[S] To show the final portion of the trace (Second)
[X] for the CNC to scale it automatically.

To select another portion of the sample use the [Ï] [Ð] keys to place
the focus in the "Win" field. Then use the [Í] [Î] keys or [page up]
[page down] to move the signal or press one of these keys:
[F] To show the beginning of the trace (First)
[T] To show the trigger zone
[S] To show the final portion of the trace (Second)
[X] for the CNC to scale it automatically.

Holding the [Í] [Î] keys pressed accelerates the movement.


32.4 Parameters (SOFT M: 7.XX)

To assign new values to the machine parameters of the CNC and

drive that have been defined in the "Configuration-Parameters"
screen. Oscilloscope

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The machine parameters of the axis or the spindle are updated
8040 CNC according to the criteria defined in the previous tables, the rest of the
parameters are updated according to the general criteria:
// It is necessary to press the keystroke sequence: "Shift -
Reset" or turn the CNC off and back on.
/ Just press Reset.
The rest of the parameters (those unmarked) will be updated
automatically, only by changing them.

If the password to the machine parameters has been defined

(SETUPPSW), it will be requested when modifying a parameter for
the first time. If entered correctly, it is stored in memory and it is not
requested again unless the CNC is turned off. If the password is
wrong, the parameter cannot be modified and it will be requested
again the next time.

When a parameter is changed, the CNC machine parameter table

and the drive's work parameters are updated. The [Save
Parameters] softkey is also activated on the "Configuration -
Parameters" screen.

We suggest to access that screen and press the [Save Parameters]

softkey to save the parameter tables that have been changed, those
of the CNC into the CARDA and those of the drive in its FLASH. If
only the CNC parameters have been changed, the drive tables
remain unchanged and vice versa.

Once the values saved are the same as the ones edited last, the
softkey disappears until a new modification is made.

32.5 Actions
It is available on the following screens: "Parameter Editing",
"Analysis" and "Scales /Offsets".

It is very useful when not having an alpha-numeric keyboard (MC or

MCO operator panels) because it shows several softkeys to change
the data of each field (amplitude of the signals, vertical movement,
time base, position of the cursors, etc.)

32.6 Begin
It is available on the following screens: "Parameter Editing",
"Analysis" and "Scales /Offsets".

It captures data according to the conditions set on the

"Configuration" screen and enables the following softkeys:
interrupts the capture and shows the data collected until then.
[Continuous Stop]
(SOFT M: 7.XX) available when the capture is continuous. It interrupts the
capture and shows the last full trace.

Once data capture has ended, or has been interrupted, it is possible

Oscilloscope to analyze the signals and modify the parameters that have been
function previously selected, in order to improve the machining conditions.

Capture data, analyze it and modify the parameters again until

achieving the best machining conditions.

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33 MC model. Execute a part-program

8040 CNC
After accessing the list of stored part-programs and selecting the
program to be executed from the left column, it is possible to:
1. Execute the whole part-program.
Position, on the left column, over the desired program and press
Subroutine 9998 is executed before the part-program and
subroutine 9999 after the part-program.
2. Execute a portion of the part-program.
Select the program from the left column and the operation (on the
right column) from which to begin executing the part program and
press the (Start) key.
In this case, the initial 9998 subroutine is not executed, only the
part-program and the 9999 subroutine are execute.
3. Execute the part-program starting at the first operation.
Select the program from the left column and the first operation
from the right column and press the (Start) key.
Subroutine 9998 is executed before the part-program and
subroutine 9999 after the part-program.
Note: Programs created in ISO mode do not have subroutines
9998 and 9999.

34 MC model. Maintain F, S y Smax on power up

MAINTASF (P162) This g.m.p indicates whether on CNC power-up, the F, S and Smax
values are maintained or initialized.
0 They are initialize with the values of F=0, S=0 and Smax=0
1 F, S and Smax maintain the values they had in the last
machining operation.

With “MAINTASF (P162)=1”, the CNC acts as follows:

• It assumes the G94/G95 feedrate set by g.m.p. "IFEED (P14)",
but it restores the F in mm/min (G94) and the F in mm/rev (G95)
programmed last.
• It maintains the feedrate type G96/G97 used last, but it restores
the S in rev/min (G97) and the S in m/min (G96) programmed

35 MC model. Messages and warnings

From this version on, some messages that come up in M mode at NEW FEATURES
the bottom of the screen over a green stripe will also come up in MC
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
mode. For example:
"Software limit reached"
"Zone limit reached"
MC model. Execute
a part-program
36 MC model. Tool calibration
When accessing the tool calibration mode, there are a some
limitation during execution or tool inspection

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Program in execution or interrupted.
8040 CNC When editing the active tool, it is possible:
To modify the I and K data.
Select another tool (T xx Recall) and modify its I and K data.

When NOT editing the active tool, it is possible:

To modify the I, K and D data.
Select another tool (T xx Recall) and modify its I, K and D data.

Program in tool inspection.

When editing the active tool, it is possible:
To modify the I and K data.
Select another tool (T xx Recall) and modify its I and K data.
Change the active tool (T xx Start).

When NOT editing the active tool, it is possible:

To modify the I, K and D data.
Select another tool (T xx Recall) and modify its I, K and D data.
Change the active tool (T xx Start).

Rest of cases (program neither in execution nor in tool inspetion)

When editing the active tool, it is possible:
Modify all the data.
Change the active tool (T xx Start).

When NOT editing the active tool, it is possible:

Modify all the data except the part dimensions.
Change the active tool (T xx Start).

The I and K values The values entered in the I, K fields are incremental, they are added
to the ones already in the table. The "I" data is given in diameter.

The new g.m.p. “MAXOFFI (P165)” and “MAXOFFK (P166)” indicate

the maximum value that may be entered in each field. When trying
to enter a greater value, the relevant message will be displayed.


To assume the new I and K values, select the tool again.

NEW FEATURES 37 MC model. Cycle selection

(SOFT M: 7.XX)
From this version on, it is possible to hide unused operations or
cycles and only show the used ones.

MC model. Cycle

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COCYF1 (P148)

8040 CNC
Each one of these g.m.p. is associated with an operation or cycle
COCYF2 (P149) and each one of their bits refers to each available level.
COCYF3 (P150)
All the bits are initialized to "0", available option. To hide the desired
COCYF4 (P151)
one, set the corresponding bit to "1".
COCYF5 (P152)
COCYF6 (P153)
COCYF7 (P154)
COCYZ (P155)

Operations or Cycles
Probe 1
(bit 2)
Profile milling 1 Profile milling 2
(bit 1) (bit 2)
Surface milling Slot milling
(bit 1) (bit 2)
Pocket with 2D profile Pocket with 3D profile
(bit 1) (bit 2)
Rectangular boss Circular boss
(bit 1) (bit 2)
Rectangular pocket 1 Rectangular pocket 2 Circular pocket 1 Circular pocket 2
(bit 1) (bit 2) (bit 3) (bit 4)
Drilling 1 Drilling 2 Drilling 3 Center punching
(bit 1) (bit 2) (bit 3) (bit 4)
Tapping Reaming Boring 1 Boring 2
(bit 7) (bit 10) (bit 12) (bit 13)
COCYPOS Positioning 1 Positioning 2
(bit 1) (bit 2)

Multiple positioning
At several points In line In arc 1 In polar arc
COCYZPOS (bit 1) (bit 4) (bit 7) (bit 8)
In grid pattern Parallelogram
(bit 10) (bit 13)

38 MC model. Auxiliary M functions in all the cycles

From this version on, the operations or cycles of the MC model may
have auxiliary M functions associated with roughing and finishing (SOFT M: 7.XX)

There are now 2 windows, one in the roughing area and another one
in the finishing area and the use may define up to 4 auxiliary M MC model.
functions in each one. Auxiliary M
functions in all the
The auxiliary functions are executed at the beginning of the stage cycles
where they have been defined, roughing or finishing.

To use this feature, set g.m.p. "CODISET (P147)" (Conversational

Display SETing).
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CODISET (P147) This parameter has 16 bits counted from left to right.
8040 CNC Bit 16 indicates whether the operations or cycles of the MC model
have auxiliary M functions associated with roughing and finishing
(0) They do not have auxiliary M functions
(1) They do not have auxiliary M functions
By default 0 (they do not have them)

39 MC model. Modifications in the tapping cycle

From this version on, it is possible to specify the thread by defining
the pitch (p) the spindle speed (S) or the feedrate (F) and the spindle
speed (S).

To do that, the "Penetration" area shows an icon with 2 states [p, S]

(a) and [F, S]. To select the desired one, place the cursor over the icon
and press the (a) key, this will enable the fields selected to define it.

40 MC model. Modifications in the Multiple milling and

positioning cycles
All the modifications or improvements have to do with the definition
of intermediate points of the profile milling cycle (level 1) and the
cycle for multiple positioning of several points.

Repeat previous If a coordinate is left blank, the cycle will assume that it is a repetition
coordinate of the previous one. Example:
X1 25.323 Y1 26.557
X2 Y2 78.998 Point X2 25.323 Y2 78.998
X3 67.441 Y3 83.231 Point X3 67.441 Y3 83.231
X4 Y4
X5 Y5 There are no more points, it is a
repetition of the previous point

Incremental The coordinates of each point may also be defined incrementally. To

coordinates do that, position over the desired coordinate and press the (a) key.

(a) The X and Z coordinates of the selected point will be shown

preceded by the “∆” icon that indicates the incremental value with
respect to the previous point.

41 MC model. Icon indicating the available options
(SOFT M: 7.XX) The multiple positioning in line, arc (level 1), in grid pattern and in
rectangular pattern may be defined in different ways.

In this cases, an icon is added showing the selected option and the
MC model.
number of total options available. For example [1 of 3].
Modifications in
the tapping cycle To select another option, place the cursor over the icon and press
(a) the (a) key.

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42 MC model. Tool measurement and calibration

8040 CNC
Available with the "Canned cycles with Probe" option and if the
parameters that define the tabletop probe position g.m.p. PRBXMIN
(P40), PRBXMAX (P41), PRBYMIN (P42), PRBYMAX (P43),
PRBZMIN (P44) and PRBZMAX (P45) have been defined.

To access this mode, press the [F1] key. The first level corresponds
(F1) to "Tool calibration" and the second level to "Tool measurement and
calibration with a probe".

The screen for "Tool measurement and calibration with a probe" may
be saved as part of a part-program (PPROG) and shows the
following information:

A 1

In zone (1) the following may be defined:

Ds Safety distance, for the probe approach.
F Probing feedrate.
(A) Type of calibration or measurement.
• Calibrate the length or measure the tool length wear
along its shaft.
• Calibrate the length or measure the tool length wear on its
• Calibrate the radius or measure the radius wear of a tool.
• Calibrate the radius and the length or measure the radius
and length wear of a tool.
To select the desired one, position over the desired icon and
press the (a) key.
S Tool turning speed.
Tool turning direction. Select the direction opposite to the
cutting direction.
To select the desired one, position over the desired icon and
press the (a) key. NEW FEATURES
N Number of cutting edges of the tool to be measured.
(SOFT M: 7.XX)
X+ In radius calibration and measurement, it indicates the
side of the probe to be used: (X+) (X-) (Y+) (Y-).
To select the desired one, position over the desired field and
press the (a) key.
MC model. Tool
measurement and

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8040 CNC
d When the length calibration or measurement is done on
the tip, it indicates the radius or distance with respect to
the tool shaft being probed.
h When calibrating the radius, it indicates the distance
referred to the theoretical tool tip being probed. It is very
useful with cutters whose bottom is not horizontal.

The [S, N, X+, d and h] fields are requested when the Calibration/
Measurement (A) method so requires.

Zone (2) defines whether a Measurement or a Calibration is to be

carried out. To select the desired one, position over the desired
"Measurement / Calibration" field and press the (a) key.

A measurement requires the optional "tool life monitoring" and the

following fields must be defined:
Kmax Maximum length wear allowed.
Imax Maximum radius wear allowed.
Stop Behavior when exceeding the maximum wear allowed
Chg Stop - It interrupts the execution for the user to select
another tool.
Chg - The cycle replaces the tool with another one of the
same family.
To select the desired one, position over the desired field and
press the (a) key.

Zone (3) defines the probe coordinates. Indicate whether the CNC
must assume the machine parameter values or the ones set in this
zone. To select the desired one, position in the "Machine
Parameters / Programmable Parameters" field and press the (a)


(SOFT M: 7.XX)

MC model. Tool
measurement and

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User notes:

8040 CNC


(SOFT M: 7.XX)

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User notes:
8040 CNC


(SOFT M: 7.XX)

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8040 CNC
1 Detected errors

A.m.p. DFORMAT (P1)

The installation manual shows wrong work units. The right work units
Value Work units Format in Format in Format in
degrees mm inches
0 radius 5.3 5.3 4.4
1 radius 4.4 4.4 3.5
2 radius 5.2 5.2 5.3
3 radius It is not displayed
4 diameters 5.3 5.3 4.4
5 diameters 4.4 4.4 3.5
6 diameters 5.2 5.2 5.3

Connector X4. To connect the analog spindle

The installation manual shows the wrong function associated with
pins 11 and 12. The right pin values are:
Pin Signal and Function
1 Ac
2 / Ac
3 Bc
4 / Bc
5 Feedback signals
6 / I0c
7 ALc
8 / ALc
9 +5 V +5V output for feedback
10 ConsCab Analog voltage output
11 GND 0V output for feedback
12 GND 0V output for the analog voltage
13 ----
14 ----
15 Chassis Shield

It admits TTL and differential TTL feedback.

Connector X5. To connect electronic handwheels

It admits TTL and differential TTL feedback.
Connector X10, X11, X12 and X13. Feedback inputs for the axes
(SOFT M: 7.1X)
It admits 1Vpp, TTL and differential TTL feedback.

Detected errors

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Connector X1. RS232 serial line (8055i model)
8040 CNC From this version on, pin 9 no longer supplies 5V.
Pin Signal
2 RxD
3 TxD
6 -----
9 -----

Variables POS(X-C) and TPOS(X-C)

The values of variables POS(X-C) and TPOS(X-C) are in the
following units.
• They are read from the CNC in radius or diameter depending on
the setting of a.m.p. "DFORMAT (P1)".
• They are always read in radius from the PLC.

Pockets programming examples

The programming examples for rectangular and circular pockets set
variables "TOR1=6 and TOT1=0". The right variables to be defined
are "TOR1=6 TOI1=0".

Improved real block processing time calculation for look-ahead

The value of g.m.p "TLOOK" is calculated as follows:

Execute, in G91 and G51 E0.1, a program with many small blocks,
at least 1000. For example: “X0.1 Y0.1 Z0.1”.

Measure the program execution time, making sure that the machine
does not vibrate. Divide the execution time by 1000 (or the number
of blocks executed) and assign the resulting value, in microseconds,
to g.m.p. "TLOOK (P161)".
To optimize this parameter, decrease the calculated value and
execute the same program until the machine starts vibrating. In
order not to damage the machine, we recommend to begin with the
override switch low and increase its value gradually.

We recommend the use of the oscilloscope function and verify that
the internal variable VLOOKR remains constant which means that
(SOFT M: 7.1X) there is no vibration. When configuring the oscilloscope, it is possible
to change g.m.p. "TLOOK", but the new value is only assimed when
executing the G51 function via program.

Detected errors

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2 New validation codes

8040 CNC
Due to new software options, the validation code changes from 16
to 24 characters. The new codes are also valid for the Memory
Cards with software versions older than V7.11

3 Smooth stop in probing move (G75/G76)

From this version on, a smooth stop may be defined for probing
moves. When the probe pulse is detected, the following error is not
reset, thus making the probe stop more smoothly.

PROBEDEF (P168) It defines the type of stop for the probing moves. It has 16 bits. Bit 16
selects the selected type of stop.
PROBEDEF xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx 0/1
0 Standard Stop.
1 Smooth stop.
By default 0

When setting the smooth stop, a.m.p "DERGAIN (P25)" and s.m.p.
"FFGAIN (P25)" should be set to zero. This may be done by setting
the range of gains through g.m.p. "ACTGAIN2 (P108)" with the bit
corresponding to G75/G76.

4 Square-corner or round-corner machining when changing

tool offset
When executing a tool change, the change takes place at the end of
the path. Using g.m.p. "TOOLTYPE (P167)" it is possible to define
how to machine the corner where the tool offset is being changed.
This corner may be machined in square corner (sharp) or rounded.

This parameter is only taken into consideration when working in

round corner. When working in square corner, the corner is always
machined in square corner mode.

TOOLTYPE (P167) It has 16 bits. Bit 2 selects the type of corner.

TOOLTYPE x 0/1 xx xxxx xxxx xxxx
0 Square corner.
1 Round corner.
By default 0


(SOFT M: 7.1X)

New validation

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5 New management of the distance-coded reference mark (I0)
8040 CNC From this version on, the distance-coded I0 via SERCOS may be
managed using the input of the drive's second feedback.
• The axis parameters to define the distance-coded I0 are at the
I0TYPE (P52) I0CODI1 (P68) I0CODI2 (P69)
We recommend to set axis parameter POSINREF=NO. Otherwise,
it generates a movement to the position defined by axis parameter
• The parameters related to the counting of pulses (feedback) are
at the drive. At FAGOR drives, the parameters are:
GP10 Feedback2Type
NP117 ResolutionOfFeedback2
NP118 ResolutionOfLinearFeedback
PP115.0 PositionFeedback2Type

The drive version must be V4.10 or V5.10 ( or greater).

6 Improved look ahead

Machining feedrate variations are now smoother thanks to filtered
acc/dec in short movements.

7 Leadscrew error compensation in both directions

Bidirectional leadscrew error compensation
From this version on, it is possible to define a different leadscrew
compensation for each moving direction.
This is defined in the leadscrew compensation tables. Each row of
the table contains the following data:
• The position of the axis to be compensated.
48 • The amount of error of the axis at that point. In the positive
• The amount of error of the axis at that point. In the negative

For each axis position, define the amount of error to compensate in

NEW FEATURES both directions. If the error in the negative direction has a zero value
(SOFT M: 7.1X)
in all positions, it is assumed that the error defined for the positive
direction is valid for both directions.

Likewise, the compensation defined in a single direction or for both,

the compensation error at the reference point does not need to be
New management
of the distance-
coded reference
mark (I0)

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8040 CNC
Software compatibility with respect to version V7.11:

i • When updating from a version older than V7.11.

It maintains the values of the error in the positive direction of the
tables and assigns a zero error in the negative direction to all the
• When changing to a version older than V7.11.
It maintains the error values in the tables in the positive direction, but
it loses the ones in the negative direction.

8 Parameters accessible from the oscilloscope or OEM


8.1 Axis parameters that may be modified from the oscilloscope

The following axis machine parameters may be modified.

Indicate the axis and the parameter number separated by a dot.

Example: [X.P18], [Z.P23].
Number Parameter Update
P42 MAXFEED Beginning of the next block
P43 JOGFEED Beginning of the next block

8.2 General parameters modifiable from the oscilloscope

The following general machine parameter (needed to adjust the
machine) may be modified from the oscilloscope.

Enter the indicator of the general parameter and the parameter

number separated with a dot. Example: [G.P161].
Number Parameter Update
P161 TLOOK Beginning of the execution of a program.

8.3 Machine parameters modifiable from an OEM program

All the parameters modifiable from the oscilloscope can also be
changed from an OEM program using the following variables.

The new values are updated according to the tables described in (SOFT M: 7.1X)
chapter 32 Oscilloscope function It is not necessary to press
[RESET] or [SHIFT]+[RESET] to update the values.

accessible from the
oscilloscope or
OEM subroutine

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User notes:
8040 CNC


(SOFT M: 7.1X)

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Operating Manual
(MC option)
Ref. 0204-ing

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The information described in this manual may be subject to variations due
to technical modifications.

FAGOR AUTOMATION, S.Coop. Ltda. reserves the right to modify the

contents of the manual without prior notice.

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1.1 Keyboard ................................................................................................................................1
1.2 General.....................................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Management of text program P999997 ................................................................................4
1.3 Power-up .................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Operating in M mode with an MC keyboard .....................................................................6
1.5 Video off ..................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Handling the cycle-start key ................................................................................................6


2.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................2
2.2 Axis Control............................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Work Units ..............................................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Coordinate preset ..................................................................................................................6
2.2.3 Handling the Feedrate of the Axes (F) ................................................................................6
2.3 Home Search (Machine reference zero)..............................................................................7
2.4 Jogging the axes ....................................................................................................................8
2.4.1 Continuous jog ......................................................................................................................8
2.4.2 Incremental jog .......................................................................................................................9
2.4.3 Jogging with an Electronic Handwheel ..............................................................................10
2.4.4 FEED HANDWHEEL ............................................................................................................11
2.4.5 Master Handwheel ................................................................................................................12
2.5 Tool control ............................................................................................................................13
2.5.1 Tool change ............................................................................................................................14 Variable tool change point ....................................................................................................15
2.5.2 Tool calibration ......................................................................................................................16 Define the tool in the tool table ...........................................................................................17 Tool measurement ..................................................................................................................18 Modify values while in execution .......................................................................................19
2.6 Spindle control .......................................................................................................................20
2.7 Control of external devices ..................................................................................................21
2.8 ISO code management ..........................................................................................................22


3.1 Operation editing mode ........................................................................................................2
3.1.1 Definition of the machining conditions ..............................................................................3
3.1.2 Safety plane ............................................................................................................................4
3.1.3 Cycle level...............................................................................................................................5
3.2 Simulation and execution of the operation ........................................................................6
3.2.1 Background cycle editing .....................................................................................................7
3.3 Profile milling operation ........................................................................................................8
3.3.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................9

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3.3.2 Profile definition (level 2) ......................................................................................................10
3.4 Surface and slot milling Milling operations .......................................................................11
3.4.1 Surface milling data definition .............................................................................................12
3.4.2 Slot milling data definition ....................................................................................................13
3.5 Pocket cycle with a profile ....................................................................................................15
3.5.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................16
3.5.2 Profile definition .....................................................................................................................18
3.5.3 Examples of profile definition ...............................................................................................19
3.6 Rectangular and Circular Boss cycles ................................................................................21
3.6.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................22
3.7 Rectangular and Circular pocket cycles .............................................................................23
3.7.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................25
3.8 Positioning (2 levels).............................................................................................................27
3.8.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................28
3.9 Boring operation ....................................................................................................................29
3.9.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................30
3.10 Reaming operation .................................................................................................................31
3.10.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................31
3.11 Tapping operation .................................................................................................................32
3.11.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................33
3.12 Drilling and Center punching operations ...........................................................................34
3.12.1 Data definition ........................................................................................................................36
3.13 Multiple positioning ..............................................................................................................37
3.13.1 Multiple positioning at random points ...............................................................................38
3.13.2 Multiple positioning in a straight line ................................................................................39
3.13.3 Multiple positioning in an arc (bolt-hole pattern) ............................................................41
3.13.4 Multiple positioning in a parallelogram pattern ................................................................43
3.13.5 Multiple positioning in a grid pattern .................................................................................44

4.1 List of stored programs .........................................................................................................2
4.2 See content of a program......................................................................................................3
4.2.1 Seeing the operations in detail ............................................................................................3
4.3 Edit a new part-program........................................................................................................4
4.3.1 Storage of an operation or cycles .......................................................................................4
4.4 Erasing a part-program..........................................................................................................5
4.5 Copy a part-program in another ..........................................................................................5
4.6 Modifying a part-program ....................................................................................................6
4.6.1 Erasing an operation .............................................................................................................6
4.6.2 Moving an operation to another position .........................................................................6
4.6.3 Adding or inserting a new operation ..................................................................................7
4.6.4 Modifying an already existing operation ...........................................................................7


5.1 Simulating or executing an operation or cycle ..................................................................2
5.2 Simulating or executing a part-program..............................................................................3
5.2.1 Simulating or executing a section of a part-program ........................................................3
5.3 Simulating or executing a stored operation .......................................................................3
5.4 Execution Mode .....................................................................................................................4
5.4.1 Tool inspection ......................................................................................................................5
5.5 Graphic representation ..........................................................................................................6

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MC work mode 1. General Concepts
1.1 Keyboard



Alphanumeric keys and command keys.

Selects character X

Selects character A

Selects character R

Specific keys for the MC model

Enable Selection and definition of Machining Operations

Governing external devices
Selecting the spindle’s operating mode
Selecting single or automatic execution mode

The JOG key

Enables Moving the axes of the machine

Governing the spindle
Modifying the feedrate of the axes and the spindle
Starting and stopping execution

Chapter 1 - page 1
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1. General Concepts MC work mode
1.2 General

It has all the performance features of the M model plus the specific features of the MC mode.

For example, the setting of the numerical Control must be done in M mode.

In the MC operating mode the programs P900000 to P999999 are reserved for the CNC itself, that
is, these cannot be used as part-programs by the user as they have a special significance.

Furthermore, to be able to work in MC mode, the CNC has to have in its memory programs P999997
and P999998, which are supplied by Fagor Automation.

Every time the CNC detects a new software version, updates these programs automatically and makes
a backup copy of the old ones in the configuration card (CARD A).

Also routines 0000 a 8999 are free for use and routines 9000 to 9999 are reserved for the CNC itself.

Warning: Programs P999997 and P999998 are associated with the software version.

Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible of any possible malfunction if

programs P999997 and P999998 contained in user RAM memory have been erased
or do not correspond to the software version.

Some of the routines reserved for the CNC itself have the following meaning:

9998 Routine to be executed by the CNC at the beginning of each part-program.

9999 Routine to be executed by the CNC at the end of each part-program.
Every time a new part-program is edited the CNC adds a call to the corresponding
routine at the beginning and end of each program.

Warning Both subroutines must be defined by the machine manufacturer even if no operation
is to be carried out at the beginning or at the end of the part-program.

Otherwise, the CNC will issue an error when attempting to run a part-program.

Example of how to define subroutine 9998.

(SUB 9998) ; Definition of subroutine 9998.

; Programmed blocks defined by the machine manufacturer
(RET) ; End of subroutine

Chapter 1 - page 2
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MC work mode 1. General Concepts
1.2 General

Some of the programs reserved for the CNC itself have the following meaning:
P999998 This is a routines program used by the CNC for interpreting the programs edited in MC
format and executing these afterwards.

No modifications of this program are allowed. If this program is
modified or erased, Fagor Automation will not be held responsible
for the performance of the CNC.

If the manufacturer needs to create his own subroutines (home

search subroutine, tool change, etc. ...) as well as subroutines
9998 and 9999 should be included in another program, for
example P999999.

P999997 This is a text program which contains:

All the phrases and texts displayed on the different screens in the MC mode.
The help texts for the icons in work cycles shown at the bottom left side of the screen.
The messages (MSG) and errors (ERR) to be issued at the MC model.
All these texts, messages and errors may be translated into the desired language.
Points to consider:
All the lines of the program have to start with the character ";"
If a line starts with ";;", the CNC will understand that the whole line is a program
The format of a line is as follows:
";Nr. of text - explanatory remark (not displayed) - $Text to be displayed"
;; General text ............................... The CNC treats this as a remark
;;44 Feedrate $M/MIN ................. The CNC treats this as a remark.
;44 $M/MIN .................................. This is message 44 and the text "M/MIN" is
;;44 Feedrate $M/MIN ................. This is message 44, and has the explanatory
remark "Feedrate" which is not displayed and the
"M/MIN" is shown.
Notes regarding messages:
The format must be respected. Only the text after "SAVEMSG:" may be translated
Original: N9500(MSG"SAVEMSG: DRILLING 1")
Notes regarding errors:
The format must be respected. Only the text between quotes( "xxxx") may be
Original: N9000(ERROR"DRILLING CYCLE 1: F=0")
Translated: N9000(ERROR"1. ZULAKETA ZIKLOA: f=0")
When modifying program 999997, it is recommended to make a
backup copy because the CNC replaces it every time another
language is selected or the software version is updated.

P998000 ... P998999 Are the profiles defined by the user by means of the profile editor and
corresponding to the pocket cycle with profiles. In the MC mode, the user defines them
with three digits (0 through 999) and the CNC stores them internally as P 998xxx.
P997000 ... P997999 Are the profiles defined by the user by means of the profile editor and
corresponding to the profile milling operation. In the P 997xxx.

Chapter 1 - page 3
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1. General Concepts MC work mode
1.2 General
1.2.1 Management of the text program P999997


On power-up, the CNC copies the texts of program P999997 into the system memory.

It checks if program P999997 is in the user memory. If it is not, it looks in "CARD A", if it is not
there either, it assumes the ones provided by default and it copies them into the P999997 program
of the user memory.

If the mainland Chinese language is selected, program P999997 is ignored. It always assumes the
ones provided by default.

If when switching from M mode to MC or MCO mode, program P999997 cannot be found, because
it has been erased, it is re-initialized like after power-up.

After modifying the texts of program P999997, turn the CNC off and back on to assume the new texts.

When changing a language, software version or adding conversational modes MC, MCO (new
software features) the CNC carries out the following operations:

The texts that were being used are saved into "CARD A" as program P999993.

Program P999997 is erased from "CARD A"

The new default texts are assumed and are copied into program P999997 of the user memory.

When changing the texts, turn the CNC off and back on after modifying program P999997 so it
assumes the new texts.

Chapter 1 - page 4
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MC work mode 1. General Concepts
1.3 Power-up


Both on CNC power-up and after the keystroke sequence: the CNC acts as follows:

Shows «page 0» if it has been defined by the manufacturer. To access this operating mode, press
any key.

If there is no «page 0», the CNC will display the standard screen for the selected work mode.

There are two operating modes: MC mode and M mode. To switch from one mode to the other, press

The standard MC mode screen is:

CNC setting should be done in M mode.

Some errors must be eliminated in the M mode.

Chapter 1 - page 5
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1. General Concepts MC work mode
1.4 Operating in M mode with an MC keyboard
1.5 Video OFF


The MC keyboard has been designed to also be able to operate in M mode. The alphanumeric
keyboard must be used for the keys replacing softkeys F1 to F7.
Alphanumeric keyboard:

The keys which replace softkeys F1 to F7 are:

To switch from one operating mode to another, press key sequence


The CRT can be blanked out by hitting the keystroke sequence: .

To recover the video signal, just press any key.

On the other hand, when receiving any message (PLC, program, etc.) the CNC also recovers the


In order to avoid unwanted executions when keying sequences not supported in the MC mode, the
CNC changes the color of the "CYCLE START" icon located at the top of the window from green
to grey and it shows a message indicating that it is an invalid action.
For example, if while a part-program is selected, "M3 Start" is pressed, (sequence not supported by
the MC model), the CNC displays a warning message and prevents the part-program from running
when detecting the "cycle start" key.

Chapter 1 - page 6
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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode


The standard MC operating mode screen is:

If one presses key

The CNC displays the special MC operating mode screen.

Chapter 2 - page 1
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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.1 Introduction

The standard MC operating mode screen contains the following information:

1.- Clock
2.- This window can display the following data:
SBK when the Single Block execution mode is selected.
DNC when the DNC mode is activated.
P..... number of the program selected.
Message «In Position» - «Execution» - «Interrupted» - «RESET»
PLC messages
3.- The CNC messages are shown in this window.
4.- This window can display the following data:
* The X, Y, Z coordinates of the axes.
* In small characters, the axis coordinates referred to machine zero reference (home). This
values are very useful when allowing the operator to set a tool change position (see zone 6).
The CNC does not show this data when text 33 has not defined in program 999997.
* The coordinates of the auxiliary axes which are defined.
* The real spindle rpm "S".
5.- The information shown in this window depends on the position of the left-hand switch.
In all cases, it shows the feedrate of the «F» axes that has been selected and the % of F being
When Feed-hold is active, the feedrate value changes colors.
All the possible cases are shown below.

Chapter 2 - page 2
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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.1 Introduction

6.- This window displays, in large characters, the tool number «M» selected.
The offset number «D» associated with the tool. If the tool number and the offset number
coincide, the CNC will not display value «D».
The coordinates for the tool change point referred to home. The CNC does not display this
window when text 47 of program 999997 is not defined.

7.- This window shows all the details of the spindle :

* The actual spindle speed "S".
* The condition of the spindle. This is represented by an icon and can be turning to the right,
to the left or idle.
* The % of the spindle speed being applied.
* The active spindle range.

* The range of the active spindle. The CNC does not display this information when text 28 of
program 999997 is not defined.
8.- Whenever a work cycle is accessed, the CNC shows the help text associated with the icon
selected in this window.
This help text must be defined in P999997 program and be written in the desired language.
The format and the points to be considered in the P999997 program are detailed in Chapter on
"General concepts".

9.- Reserved.

Chapter 2 - page 3
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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.1 Introduction

The special screen for MC operating mode contains the following information:

1.- Clock
2.- This window can display the following data:
SBK when the Single Block mode of execution is selected.
DNC when the DNC mode is active.
P..... number of the program selected.
Message «In Position» - «Execution» - «Interrupted» - «RESET»
PLC messages
3.- The CNC messages are shown in this window.
4.- In manual operating mode this window does not display any data, but during execution, it shows
the lines of the program being executed.
5.- The X, Each axis has the following fields available:
COMMAND States the coordinate programmed, that is, the position that the axis must
ACTUAL States the actual coordinate or actual position of the axis.
TO GO States the distance that the axis has still to go to reach the coordinate
FOLLOWING ERROR Difference between the theoretical and real values of the position.
The spindle (S) has the following fields available:
THEORETICAL theoretical speed S programmed.
RPM speed in rpm.
FOLLOWING ERROR When operating with spindle guided stop (M19) this indicates the
difference between theoretical and real speeds.
The auxiliary axes only show the actual (real) axis position.

Chapter 2 - page 4
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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.1 Introduction

6.- This window shows the state of the «G» functions and the auxiliary functions «M» that are
activated. It also displays the value of variables.

PARMC States the number of consecutive parts that have been executed with the same

Whenever a new program is selected, this variable assumes value 0.

CYTIME States the time elapsed during the execution of the parts. It is expressed in the
following format: “hours : minutes : seconds : hundredths of second”.
Whenever the execution of a program is started, even though this is repetitive, this
variable assumes value 0.
TIMER States the reading of the clock enabled by the PLC. It is expressed in format “hours
: minutes : seconds”.
7.- Reserved.
8.- Reserved.

Whenever a part-program or an operation stored as part of a part-program is
selected for simulation or execution, the CNC selects this part-program in the
top center window and highlights it next to the symbol.

When the selected program is highlighted, the CNC acts as follows:

If is pressed, the CNC executes the selected part-program.

If is pressed the program is deselected, the CNC deletes it from the top
center window.

Chapter 2 - page 5
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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.2 Axis control



Whenever the MC work mode is accessed, the CNC assumes the work units, «mm or inches»,
«millimeters/minute or millimeters/revolution», etc., that are selected by machine parameter.
To modify these values the M work mode has to be accessed, modifying the relevant machine


Coordinate preset must be made axis to axis, in the following stages:
1st Press the key for the axis required , or
The CNC will frame the position for said axis, to indicate that this is selected.

2nd Enter the value required for preset of the axis.

To exit coordinate preset press
3rd Press so that the CNC assumes said value as the new value for the point.

The CNC requests confirmation of the command. Press to confirm or

to exit preset.


To set any particular value for the axis feedrate, proceed as follows:
1st Press
The CNC will frame the present value, to indicate that this is selected.

2nd Enter the new feedrate required.

To exit coordinate preset press
3rd Press for the CNC to assume said value as the new feedrate for the axes.

Chapter 2 - page 6
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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.3 Home search


Home search can be done in 2 ways:
- Home search on all the axes.
- Home search on a single axis.
Home search on all the axes
To carry out a search for machine reference zero for all axes the user should press key:

The CNC will request confirmation of the command (text 48 of program 999997)

Press ,The CNC will execute the machine reference zero routine defined by the
manufacture in the general machine parameter P34 (REFPSUB).

Warning: After carrying out the search for machine reference zero (home)
position in this mode, the CNC saves the part zero or zero offset that
is active at the time.

A home search routine, general machine parameter P34 other than 0 has
to be defined. Otherwise the CNC will display the relevant error.

Home search on a single axis

To carry out the search for machine reference zero for only one axis the key for the required axis
should be pressed as well as the key for machine reference zero search.
In either case, the CNC will request confirmation of the command (text 48 of program 999997)
Carries out the home search on the X axis
Carries out the home search on the Y axis
Carries out the home search on the Z axis

Warning: After carrying out the search for machine home position in this mode
the CNC does not save the part zero or zero offset that is active at the
time and assumes as new part zero the position taken by machine
reference zero (home).

Chapter 2 - page 7
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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.4 Jogging the axes
2.4.1 Continuous jog


The axes of the machine can be jogged in the following ways:
- [X] [target position] [Z] [target position] or [Z] [target position]
- continuous movement
- incremental movement
- movement by electronic handwheel


Place the left-hand switch in position and on the right-hand switch select the percentage (0%
to 120%) of the feedrate selected to be applied.

Continuous movement should be done axis to axis. To do this press the JOG
key for the direction of the axis to be moved.
The axis moves with a feedrate equal to the percentage (0% to 120%) of the «F»
feedrate selected.
If during movement the key is pressed the maximum feedrate possible is carried out, as is
stated in the “G00FEED” axis machine parameter. This feedrate will be applied as long as said key
is pressed, and when released the previous feedrate will be resumed.
Depending on the state of the “LAMCHM” general logic input the movement will be made in the
following way:
* If the PLC sets this mark at a low logic level (0V), the axis will only move while the relevant
JOG key is pressed.
* If the PLC sets this mark at a high logic level (24V), the axis will start to move when the JOG
key is pressed and will not stop until said JOG key or another JOG key is pressed
again, and in this case the movement is transferred to what is indicated by the next
key pressed.

When operating with feedrate "F" in millimeters/revolution the following cases may arise:

a) The spindle is started. or

The CNC moves the axes to the F programmed.
b) The spindle is stopped but there is a spindle speed S selected.
The CNC calculates the corresponding feedrate in millimeters/minute and moves the axis.
For example, if «F 2.000» and «S 500»:
F (mm/min) = F (rev/min.) x S = 2 x 500 = 1000 mm/min
The axis moves at a feedrate of 1000 in millimeters/minute.
c) The spindle is stationary and there is no spindle speed S selected.
If feedrate F has value 0, the CNC moves the axes at rapid feedrate.
If feedrate F has any other value, the axes will only be able to be moved if key is pressed
and the key for one axis. The CNC moves the axis at fast feedrate.

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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.4 Joggin the axes
2.4.2 Incremental jog


Place the left-hand switch in one of the positions

Incremental jog must be done one axis at a time. To do this press the JOG key for the direction of
the axis to be moved.

Each time a key is pressed, the corresponding axis moves the amount set by the switch. This
movement effects the «F» feedrate selected.
Position of the switch Movement per turn
1 0.001 mm or 0.0001 inches
10 0.010 mm or 0.0010 inches
100 0.100 mm or 0.0100 inches
1000 1.000 mm or 0.1000 inches
10000 10.000 mm or 1.0000 inches

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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.4 Jogging the axes
2.4.3 Jogging with an electronic handwheel


This option means the machine movements can be governed by means of an electronic handwheel.

To do this the left-hand switch has to be located in one of the positions of the handwheel

The positions available are 1, 10 and 100, all of these indicating the multiplication factor applied to
the pulses provided by the electronic handwheel.


Position of the switch Movement per turn

1 0.100 mm or 0.0100 inches
10 1.000 mm or 0.1000 inches
100 10.000 mm or 1.0000 inches
The machine has an electronic handwheel
After selecting the position required on the switch, press one of the JOG keys for the axis which
is to be moved. The axis selected will be displayed in small characters next to the handwheel
symbol at the bottom of the screen.
If a FAGOR electronic handwheel with push button is available, the selection of the axis to be
moved can also be done in the following way:
Press the push button located on the rear of the handwheel. The CNC will select the first of
the axis and display this in highlighted text.
If the push button is pressed again the CNC will select the following axis, making this selection
on a rotative basis.
If the push button is held down for longer than 2 seconds, the CNC will stop selecting said
After selecting the axis the machine will move this as the handwheel is turned, also respecting
the turning direction applied to the same.

The machine has two or three electronic handwheels

The machine will move each of the axis according to how the corresponding handwheel is turned,
taking into account the position selected on the switch and also respecting the turning direction
It may occur that depending on the turning speed of the handwheel and the
position of the switch, the CNC may be requested to make a movement with a
feedrate higher than the maximum allowed (“G00FEED” axis machine parameter).
The CNC will move the axis the amount required, but limit the feedrate to said

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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.4 Jogging the axes
2.4.4 Feed Handwheel


Usually, when making a part for the first time, the machine feedrate is controlled by means of the
feedrate override switch.
From this version on, it is possible to use the machine handwheels to control that feedrate. This way,
the machining feedrate will depend on how fast the handwheel is turned.

To do this, proceed as follows:

Inhibit all the feedrate override switch positions from the PLC.
Detect how far the handwheel is turned (reading of pulses received)
Set the corresponding feedrate from the PLC depending on the pulses received from the
The following CNC variables return the number of pulses the handwheel has turned.
HANPF shows the number of pulses of the 1st handwheel.
HANPS shows the number of pulses of the 2nd handwheel.
HANPT shows the number of pulses of the 3rd handwheel.
HANPFO shows the number of pulses of the 4th handwheel.

To use this feature, the handwheel must be associated with one of the axes of the machine. General
machine parameters “AXIS1....8” or “HANDWHE1....4” set with values: “21....29”

Example: The machine has a button to activate and deactivate this feature (feed handwheel) and the
feedrate control is carried out with the second handwheel.

R101=0 Resets the register containing the previous handwheel
DFU I71 = CPL M1000 Every time the button is pressed, mark M1000 is inverted
M1000 = MSG1 If the feature is active, a message is displayed.
NOT M1000 If the feature is not active
= AND KEYDIS4 $FF800000 KEYDIS4 enables all the positions of the feedrate override
= JMP L101 and goes on with program execution
If the feature is active
DFU M2009 and a leading edge (up flank) occurs at the clock mark
= CNCRD(HANPS,R100,M1) We read the number of handwheel pulses contained in
= SBS R101 R100 R102 calculates the number of pulses received from the last
= MOV R100 R101 updates R101 for the next reading
= MLS R102 3 R103 calculates in R103 the proper % of feedrate override
= OR KEYDIS4 $7FFFFF KEYDIS4 inhibits all the other positions of the feedrate override
CPS R103 LT 0 = SBS 0 R103 R103 ignores the handwheel turning direction
CPS R103 GT 120 = MOV 120 R103 Limits the maximum feedrate override to 120%.
DFU M2009 With the leading edge (up flank) of the clock mark
= CNCWR(R103,PLCFRO,M1) set the calculated feedrate override (PLCFRO=R103)

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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.4 Jogging the axes
2.4.5 Master Handwheel


With this feature, it is possible to jog two axes at the same time along a linear or circular path with
a single handwheel.

More handwheels need not be installed on the machine. The one currently installed will be used for
the usual work mode and for this feature (Master Handwheel).

If besides having a general handwheel (general machine parameter AXIS*=11 or 12) other
handwheels are associated with the axes, the CNC assumes the one associated with the X axis (general
machine parameter AXIS*=21) as the Master Handwheel.

This feature must be handled by the PLC.

The PLC activates or deactivates the “master handwheel” mode through logic CNC input
M5054 = 0 Standard handwheel mode ON. M5054 = 1 Master handwheel mode

The PLC must indicate the type of jogging path to follow through logic CNC input “HNLINARC”
M5053 = 0 Linear jog M5053 = 1 Circular jog.

The following example uses the [O2] key to activate and deactivate the “master handwheel”
mode and the [O3] to indicate the type of jog.

DFU B29 R561 = CPL M5054 Activate / deactivate the “master handwheel” mode.
DFU B31 R561 = CPL M5053 Selects the type of jog, linear or circular.

While in handwheel mode and selecting the “master handwheel”, the CNC shows the following data:

When choosing a linear jog (upper drawing) , the angle of the path must be indicated and when
choosing a circular jog (lower drawing), the arc center coordinates must be indicated.
To define these variables, press the [F] and, then, one of these keys:

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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.5 Tool control


The standard screen for MC operating mode displays the following information about the tool.

This window displays the following information:

> In large characters, the number "T" of the selected tool.

> The offset number «D» associated with the tool.

> The coordinates for the tool change point.

The CNC does not display this window when text 47 of program 999997 is not defined.
To select any other tool take the following steps:

1st Press

The CNC will frame the tool number

2nd Enter the tool number to be selected

To exit the selection process press

3rd Press key for the CNC to select the new tool.

The CNC will handle the tool change

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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.5 Tool control
2.5.1 Tool change


Depending on the type of tool changer, one can have:

Machine with automatic tool changer

Machine with manual tool changer

In both cases the CNC:

Executes the routine associated with the tool change (general machine P60 «TOOLSUB»).
Sends the PLC all the information required for this to handle the tool change.
And assumes the new values for the tool (offsets, geometry, etc. ...).

An example of how a manual tool changer is handled.

Subroutine 55 as associated with the tools. General machine parameter P60 «TOOLSUB» = 55.

Define the general machine parameter P71 "TAFTERS" = YES so that the tool is selected after
executing the subroutine.
The subroutine associated with the tools can contain the following information:
(SUB 55)
(P100 = NBTOOL) ; Assigns the No. of tool requested to P100
(P101 = MS3) ; If spindle clockwise P101=1
(P102 = MS4) ; If spindle counterclockwise P102=1
G0 G53.... XP?? Y?? ZP?? ; Movement to change point
M5 ; Spindle stop
; Message for requesting tool change
M0 ; Program stop and wait until START is pressed
(MSG "" "") ; Erases previous message
(IF P102 EQ 1 GOTO N10) ; Recovers turning direction of spindle
(IF P101 EQ 0 RET)
N10 M4
After completing the subroutine, the CNC executes function T??, sends the PLC all the
information required for the latter to handle the tool change and assumes the new values for
the tool, (tool offsets, geometry, etc.)
When having a Machining Center, general machine parameter "TOFFM06 (P28) = Yes", the CNC
acts as follows:

If the execution of an operation or cycle involves a tool change, the CNC:

Selects the desired tool in the magazine
Executes the subroutine associated with the tool, general machine parameter "TOOLSUB (P60)"
Executes function M06 to carry out the tool change.

When selecting a new tool in JOG mode or when operating in M mode, the CNC only selects the too
in the magazine and executes the associated subroutine.
The M06 function must be executed by the operator, either by programming an ISO block or by
setting the PLC so it executes the M06 function when pressing a particular key. The following
example uses the [O4] key: DFU B2 R562 = CNCEX1 (M06, M1)

Note: On Machining Centers, the subroutine associated with the tool MUST NOT include the M06.

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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.5 Tool control
2.5.1 Variable tool change point VARIABLE TOOL CHANGE POINT

If the manufacturer wishes the user can be allowed to define the tool change point at all times. This
feature logically depends on the type of machine and type of changer.

This feature allows the tool change to be made beside the part, thus avoiding movements to a change
point farther away from the same.

To allow this:

Define text 47 of the program 999997 for the CNC to request the coordinates on X, Y and Z of
the change point.
For example: ;47 $CHANGE POSITION
These coordinates should always refer to machine reference zero (home), for the zero offsets not
to affect the tool change point.
For this reason, the CNC can display, along with coordinates X, Y, Z and in small characters, the
coordinates for the axes referring to home.
For the CNC to show the coordinates of the axes referring to home text 33 of program 999997
has to be defined. For example: ;33 $REFERENCE ZERO (HOME)

Since the tool change point can be modified by the operator at any time, the subroutine associated
with the tools must take these values into account.

Arithmetical parameters P290, P291 and P292 contain the values set by the operator as change
position on X, Y, Z.

Arithmetic parameter P290

Change position on X
Arithmetic parameter P291
Change position on Y
Arithmetic parameter P292
Change position on Z

In subroutine 55 of the previous section, the line fixing the movement to the change point must be

Where it says: G0 G53 XP??? YP??? ZP??? ; Movement to the change point.
It should say: G0 G53 XP290 YP291 ZP292 ; Movement to the change point defined by
the user.

Define the coordinates of the change point (X, Y, Z)

Press key for selecting field «T». Then press key for the relevant axis

or keys:

After moving over the coordinates for the axis to be defined, one can:
a) Enter the value manually. Key in the value required and press the key
b) Assign the present position of the machine.
Move the axis, by means of the handwheel or the JOG keys, up to the point required.

Press key The CNC assigns said coordinate to the field selected.

Press key

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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.5 Tool control
2.5.2 Tool calibration


To access tool calibration mode press key

The CNC displays the following information:

1.- Header for the selected operating mode: «Tool calibration».

2.- Help graphics for the tool calibration.
3.- Window for tool calibration.

4.- Current machine status

Actual (real) X, Y, Z coordinates, actual axis feedrate "F", actual spindle speed "S" and
"T" tool currently selected.
5.- Tool number and its Offset number.

6.- Length and offset values set in the tool offset table.
7.- Nominal life, real life, family and status of the table set in the tool table.

To calibrate the tool take the following steps:

1.- Define the tool in the tool table.
2.- Carry out tool calibration

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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.5 Tool control
2.5.2 Tool calibration DEFINE THE TOOL IN THE TOOL TABLE

To define a tool in the tool table take the following steps:

Select the tool number to be defined

Press key to select field «T»
Key in the tool number to be defined and press key

If the tool is defined, the CNC will display the values stored in the table.
If the tool is not defined, the CNC will assign it a offset with the same number and all the data
that define the geometry and lengths of the tool will be reset to value 0.

Select the offset number to be associated with this tool

The "D" field must be selected. If not, use the keys.

Key in the offset number to be associated with the tool and press

Define the tool dimensions

The tool data is: R Radius I Radius wear

L Length K Length wear

Even if the tool length is known (L), it is recommended to measure

it as indicated in the next section. Once it has been measured, the
CNC updates the L and K fields.

The CNC assumes (R+I) as the real tool radius and (L+K) as the real tool length.
To set these values, select the corresponding field using the , key in the desired

value and press

Define the rest of the data associated with the tool

Nominal life. Machining time (in minutes) or number of operations

that the tool may carry out.

Actual life. Machining time already elapsed or number of operations

already carried out.

Family code. Used with automatic tool changer.

0 ... 199. normal tools, 200 ... 255 special tools.

When requesting a worn-out (expired) tool ("actual life" greater than "nominal life"), the CNC will
select the next tool in the table belonging to the same family instead of the one requested.
Tool status. They are 2 fields for internal CNC data. They cannot be modified.

N = Normal (family 0-199) A = Available

S = Special (family 200-255) E = Expired (“actual life” greater than “nominal life”)
R = Rejected by the PLC
To define these values, select the corresponding field using the key in the

desired value and press

Chapter 2 - page 17
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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.5 Tool control
2.5.2 Tool calibration TOOL MEASUREMENT

There are 2 ways of measuring a tool.

a) Using a tool calibrating table.

Using the window containing the tool dimensions to set that data.
b) Not using a tool calibrating table. The measurements are carried out with the CNC.

Use the Tool Calibration window.

a) Set the tool length or modify the tool length offsets
This window show the dimensions assigned to the selected tool.

"R" and "L" indicate the tool Radius and Length.

"I" and "K" indicate the offset the CNC has to apply to compensate for tool wear.

The CNC adds the "I" value to the radius "R" and the "K" value to the length "L" for calculating
the real dimensions (R+I) and (L+K) to be used.

Every time the R or L value is defined, the CNC sets the I and K fields, respectively, to zero.

The "I" and "K" values are accumulative. That is, if the "I" value is 0.20 and a value of 0.05
is entered, the CNC assigns a value of 0.25 to the "I" field.

When defining I=0 or K=0, each one of them is reset to "0".

To change one of these values, select the corresponding field , key in the desired value and

b) Tool measurement

The window on the right contains the tool dimensions and the one on the lower left-hand side the
data necessary to measure it.

To access the tool calibration window (bottom left) and thus carry out tool calibration, the tool
must be selected on the machine.

Otherwise, press key in the tool number and press

Chapter 2 - page 18
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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.5 Tool control
2.5.2 Tool calibration

Select the bottom left window using the

Key in the Z coordinate of the part used for calibration and press

Tool measurement. Length only.

Approach the tool to the part and touch it with it.


The tool is now calibrated. The CNC assigns the length "L" corresponding to it and resets its "K"
field to "0".

The tool radius "R" has to be entered manually.

To calibrate another tool:

Select at the machine: number

Approach the tool to the part and touch it with it.


The tool values (dimensions and geometry) may be modified without having to interrupt program

To do this, press , the CNC will show the Tool Calibration screen with all the data corresponding
to the active tool being possible to change its data or that of any other tool.

To exit this screen, press

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2. Operating in JOG mode MC work mode
2.6 Spindle control


The standard MC work mode shows the following information about the spindle.

1.- Actual (real) spindle speed in rpm.

2.- Theoretical spindle speed in rpm.

To select another speed, press the CNC highlights the current value

Key in the new value and press The CNC assumes that value and updates the real spindle

3.- % of the theoretical spindle speed being applied.

To change this percentage, press

4.- Spindle status: turning clockwise, turning counterclockwise or stopped.

To change the spindle status, press:

5.- Currently selected spindle speed range.

When using an automatic tool changer, this value cannot be modified.

When NOT using an automatic tool changer, press and then use the key until the
current value is highlighted.

Enter the range number to be selected and press or

Note: When the machine does not have spindle ranges, this message is useless. That is why the
CNC does not show this message when text number 28 has not be defined in program

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MC work mode 2. Operating in JOG mode
2.7 Control of external devices


The CNC allows up to 6 external devices to be activated and deactivated from the keyboard. One of
these is the cooling fluid.

The activation and deactivation of the devices must be carried out by the machine manufacturer by
means of the PLC program.

The CNC will inform the PLC of the status of each one of the keys. The relevant Register bit will have
value 1 when the key is pressed and value 0 when this is not pressed.

The Register bit for each one of the keys is as follows:

The status of the light for each one of these keys must be controlled by the machine manufacturer
by means of the PLC program, with the MCLED* input variables shown in the figure being available
for this purpose.


Control of the coolant: DFU B28R561 = CPL MCLED1

= CPL O33
Control of the tail-stock (O1). To activate or deactivate the tail-stock a number of conditions must
be satisfied such as spindle stopped, ....
DFU B30R561 AND (Remaining conditions) = CPL MCLED2
= CPL O34

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2. Operation in JOG mode MC work mode
2.8 ISO code management


The ISO key gives access to the MDI mode or to the ISO work mode.

To access the MDI mode, the JOG mode must be selected and then press

The CNC displays a window at the bottom of the standard (or special) screen.

In this window, an ISO-coded block may be edited and then executed just like in MDI mode of the
"M model" work mode

To access the ISO mode, press once while working with operations or cycles or twice when in
the JOG mode.

When accessing the ISO mode, a special screen comes up where up to 6 program blocks may be
edited in ISO code or in high level language.

Example: [ISO]
G95 G96 S120 M3
G0 Z100
G1 X30 F0.1

Once the desired block or blocks have been edited, press , The upper right-hand side of the
screen will display the symbol.

From this moment on, the edited blocks may be simulated, executed or stored like any other operation
or cycle.

Press to simulate and to execute.

It is possible to combine blocks edited in ISO code with machining cycles (standard and/or user
defined) to make up part-programs. The chapter on "Program storage" describes how to do it and how
to operate with them.

To store blocks edited in ISO code, press

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MC work mode 3. Working with operations or cycles


The following keys of the CNC must be used to select the machining operations or cycles:

When pressing the CNC shows all the user cycles defined by the machine manufacturer using
the WGDRAW application.
The user cycle is edited like any other standard cycle of the MC mode.
Once all the necessary data has been defined, the operator may Simulate or Execute the cycle
just like any other standard cycle of the MC mode.

When pressing any other key, the CNC selects the corresponding machining operation or cycle
changing the display and lighting up the indicator lamp of the key just pressed.
The operations or cycles that can be selected with each one of these keys are the following:

Boring operation (2 levels) Surface and slot milling

Reaming operation Pocket with 2D and 3D profile

Tapping operation Rectangular & circular boss

Drilling (3 levels) & center punching Rectang. (2) & circular (2) pocket

Profile milling operation (2 levels) Positioning (2 levels)

When the machining operation or cycle has several levels, the key must be pressed to select
the desired cycle level:

The Boring , Reaming, Tapping, Drilling and Center punching operations may be carried out at the
position occupied by the tool or they could be associated with a positioning by means of

With this CNC, it is possible to combine ISO-coded blocks with standard and/or user-defined
machining operations to create part-programs as described in the chapter on "Part-program storage".
To deselect the cycle and return to the standard display, press the key corresponding to the selected
cycle (the one with the indicator lamp on) or
Note: the operations or cycles can modify global parameters 150 through 299 (both included).

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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.1 Operation editing mode


Once the operation has been selected, the CNC shows a screen like this:

1.- Name of the selected operation or cycle.

2.- Help graphics.
3.- When referred to positioning, it indicates the associated operation
4.- Current machine status. Coordinates and machining conditions.
5.- Data defining the geometry of the machining operation.
6.- Machining conditions for the operation.

The CNC will highlights an icon, a coordinate or one of the operation (or cycle) defining data.
To select another icon, data or coordinate, one can:

a) Use the keys, the CNC selects the previous one or the next one.

b) Press or The CNC selects the first coordinate for that axis. By pressing that key
again, it will select the next coordinate for that axis.

c) Press or The CNC selects the corresponding roughing data . By pressing that key again,
the corresponding finishing data is selected.

d) Press The CNC selects the "S" roughing data. By pressing that key again, the finishing "S"
data is selected.

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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.1 Operation editing mode
3.1.1 Definition of machining conditions


Some operations keep the same machining condition during the whole execution process (boring,
reaming, etc.)
Other operations use certain machining conditions for roughing and other conditions for finishing
(pockets, bosses, etc.)
This section describes how to define all this data.
Axis feedrate (F)
Place the cursor over this data, key in the desired value and press

Spindle speed (S)

Place the cursor over this data, key in the desired value and press

Spindle turning direction

Place the cursor over this data and press

Machining tool (T)

Place the cursor over this data, key in the desired value and press

It is also possible to access the Tool calibration mode to check or change the data corresponding
to the selected tool. To do this, place the cursor over the "T" field and press

To quit the tool calibration mode and return to the cycle, press

Roughing pass (∆

Place the cursor over this data, key in the desired value and press

δ, δz)
Finishing stocks (δ, δ
Place the cursor over this data, key in the desired value and press

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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.1 Operation editing mode
3.1.2 Safety plane


In all operations, there are four work planes.
Starting plane or tool position when calling the cycle. It does not
have to be defined.
Safety plane . It is used for the first approach and for withdrawing the
tool after the machining operation. It is defined with parameter Zs.
Approach (to the part) plane . It does not have to be defined. The CNC
calculates ti, at 1 mm off the part surface.
Part surface. It is defined with parameter Z.
The tool moves in rapid (G00) to the safety plane (Zs), it keeps on going in rapid to the approach plane
(up to 1mm off the part surface) and, finally, it moves at machining feedrate (G01) down to the part
The approach to the part surface depends on the tool position.

If it is above the safety plane (left drawing), it first moves on X and Y and then on Z.
If it is below the safety plane (right drawing), it first moves on Z up to the safety plane, then on X
and Y and finally on Z down to the part surface.

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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.1 Operation editing mode
3.1.3 Cycle level


All the cycles have several editing levels.
Each level has its own screen and the main window of the cycle indicates (with tabs) the available
levels and which one is currently selected.

To change levels, use the key or the "Page up" and "Page down" keys to scroll up and down
through the different levels.

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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.2 Simulation and execution of the operation


There are 2 ways to work with operations or cycles: Editing and Execution modes.

Editing mode Execution mode

Press to switch from the Editing mode to the Execution mode.

Press one of these keys to switch from the Execution mode to the Editing mode:

The operation or cycle can be simulated in any of the two modes. To do that, press

For further information refer to the chapter on "Execution and Simulation".

To execute the operation or cycle, select the Execution mode and press

For further information refer to the chapter on "Execution and Simulation".

Chapter 3 - page 6
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.2 Simulation and execution of the operation
3.2.1 Background cycle editing


While executing a part-program, it is possible to edit an operation or cycle at the same time
(background editing).
The new operation just edited may be stored as part of a part-program (other than the one being
The operation being edited in the background cannot be executed or simulated nor the current axis
position be assigned to a coordinate.
To inspect or change a tool while background editing, proceed as follows:

Press => to interrupt execution and resume background editing.

Press => To quit background editing.

Press => To go into tool inspection.

Pressing the [T] key while in background editing, it selects the "T" field of the operation or canned
cycle being edited.

Background editing is not possible while executing an independent operation or
cycle. It is only possible while executing a part-program.

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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.3 Profile milling operation


Press to select the profile milling operation

This cycle may be defined in two ways:

Level 1.

One must define: The starting point (X1, Y1), the intermediate points (P1 through P12), the end
point (Xn, Yn) and the machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)
On the other hand, in the data area for the roughing operation, one must define
whether the milling operation is to be carried out with or without tool radius

Level 2.

One must define The starting point (X, Y), the "Profile Program" number and the machining
conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)
On the other hand, in the data area for the roughing operation, one must define
whether the milling operation is to be carried out with or without tool radius

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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.3 Profile milling operation


Coordinates of the starting and end points
These coordinates are defined one at a time. Once the cursor is over the coordinates of the axis to be
defined, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press

b) Assign the current position of the machine.

Jog the axis, with the handwheel or the JOG keys up to the desired point. The upper right-hand
window shows the tool position at all times.

Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Intermediate points (Level 1)

The intermediate points are defined one at a time. At each point, one must define:
The X, Y coordinates are defined one at a time like those for the starting end points.

The type of corner

To select the type of corner, place the cursor over the icon and press

When not using all 12 definition points, the first unused point must be defined with the same coordinates
as those of the last point of the profile.
Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)

The machining conditions are defined one by one.

The Zs and Z values are defined like the coordinates of the starting and end points.
To define the rest of the values (P, I, Fz), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the
desired value and press

If the penetration step is programmed with a positive sign (I+), the cycle recalculates the step so allthe
penetrations are the same with a value equal to or smaller than the one programmed.
If it is programmed with a negative sign (I-), the cycle machines with the given step except on the last
one where it machines the rest.

Milling with or without tool radius compensation

Without tool radius compensation

With left-hand tool radius compensation

With right-hand tool radius compensation

To select the type of tool compensation, place the cursor over the icon and press

Chapter 3 - page 9
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.3 Profile milling operation


To define the "Profile program" one can:
Key in the "Profile Program" number directly.
If the "Profile program" number is known, key it in and press

Access the "Profile Program" directory to select one of them

Press The cycle will show a window with the profile programs already defined.

To move around within a window, use

Place the cursor over the desired program and press

To exit this window without selecting any program, use

Edit a new "Profile program"

To edit a new "Program", key the program number (between 0 and 999) and press

The CNC will display the window for the profile editor (see Operating manual of the M and MC models,
chapter 4 section "Profile Editor").

Once the profile has been edited, the CNC requests a comment to be associated with the "Profile
Program" just edited.
Enter the desired comment and press

If no comment is desired, press

Modify an existing "Profile program".

To modify a "Program", key in its number and press
The CNC will display the profile currently defined in the window for the profile editor.
One can: Add new elements at the end of the current profile.
Modify the data of any element.
Modify or insert chamfers, roundings, etc.
Delete elements from the element.
Delete an existing "Profile Program".
Press the cycle will show the profile programs already defined.

Place the cursor over the "Profile Program" to be deleted and press
The CNC will request confirmation.
Notes: The profile programs can also be accessed in the "M" mode because the CNC saves them
internally as P 997xxx.
Example: Profile program 123 is internally stored as P997123.
When saving a part-program containing a level-2 profile cycle out to an external device, PC, floppy
disk unit, etc. its associated profile program P997xxx must also be saved.

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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.4 Surface and slot milling operations


Press to select these operations.

Surface milling operation:

One must define The type of milling, the starting point (X1, Y1), the dimensions of the surface to
be milled (L, H, E) and the machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)
On the other hand, one must define the milling step ( ∆) in the data area for the
roughing operation and the finishing stock ( δz) in the data area for the finishing
Slot milling operation:




One must define The type of slot milling, the starting point (X1, Y1), the dimensions of the slot to
be milled (L, H, E) and the machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz).
In the roughing area, define the milling step ( ∆) and the machining direction
In the finishing area, define the finishing stocks (δ and δz), the number of
finishing passes and the machining direction

Chapter 3 - page 11
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.4 Surface and slot milling operations


Type of surface milling

To select the type of surface milling, place the cursor over this icon and press

Surface to mill (X1, Y1, L, H, E, α )

Define one of the corners of the surface to be milled (X1, Y1), the length (L) and the width (H). The
sign of L and H indicates the orientation with respect to the point X1, Y1.

The X1, Y1 coordinates may be defined by:

a) Entering the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assigning the current position of the machine.
Move the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The top right window shows
the tool position at all times.
Press so the selected data assumes the value shown in the top right window and press
Once the surface to be milled has been defined, the icon shown at the bottom right (area for roughing
and finishing) allows selecting the corner where it will start milling. Possible values:

α " data are defined one by one. Go to the relevant window, key in the desired value and
The "E" and "α
When programming an "E" value smaller than the tool radius, the CNC mills with an "E" value equal
to the tool radius.

Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)

They are defined one by one. The Zs and Z values are defined like the starting and end points.
To define the rest of the values (P, I, Fz), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the
desired value and press

If the penetration step is programmed with a positive sign (I+), the cycle recalculates the step so allthe
penetrations are the same with a value equal to or smaller than the one programmed.
If it is programmed with a negative sign (I-), the cycle machines with the given step except on the last
one where it machines the rest.

Milling step (∆ ) and finishing stock (δ z)

They are defined one by one. Place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired value
and press

Chapter 3 - page 12
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.4 Surface and slot milling operations


Type of slot milling

To select the type of slot milling, place the cursor over this icon and press

Coordinates of the starting point

These coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates to be
defined, it is possible:
a) To enter the value by hand. Key in the value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.

Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or with the JOG keys. The upper right-hand
window shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value displayed in the upper right-hand window.


Slot dimensions (L, H, E, a)

They are defined one by one. Place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired value
and press

When programming parameter «E» with a smaller value than the tool radius, the CNC executes the
planning with an «E» value equal to the tool radius.

Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)

The machining conditions are defined one by one.
The Zs and Z values are defined like the starting and end points.
To define the rest of the values (P, I, Fz), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the
desired value and press
If the penetration step is programmed with a positive sign (I+), the cycle recalculates the step so allthe
penetrations are the same with a value equal to or smaller than the one programmed.
If it is programmed with a negative sign (I-), the cycle machines with the given step except on the last
one where it machines the rest.
Milling step (∆ ) and finishing stock (δ z)
They are defined one by one. Place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired value
and press

Chapter 3 - page 13
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.4 Surface and slot milling operations

Milling the different slot types, clockwise:

Chapter 3 - page 14
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.5 Pocket cycle with a profile


To select a profile milling operation, press

This cycle may be defined in two different ways:

Pocket with 2D profile Pocket with 3D profile

A pocket consists of contour or outside profile (1) and a series of contours or profiles internal to it. These
inside profiles are referred to as islands.

2D pockets (upper left-hand figure) have all the walls of the outside profile plus those of the vertical islands.
3D pockets (upper right-hand figure) may have one, several or all the walls of the outside profile and/or those
of the non-vertical islands (up to a maximum of 4).

Programming pockets with 2D profiles

When defining the Profile, one must specify the contour or contours of the islands besides the outside
contour of the pocket.
The machining operation in Z is defined by means of :
Coordinate of the safety plane ................ Zs Coordinate of the part surface ..................... Z
Pocket depth ............................................P Step in Z ..................................................... I
Penetration feedrate in Z ........................ Fz
In the area for the roughing operation data, define:
The lateral penetration angle ..................... β The milling pass ......................................... ∆
In the area for the finishing operation data, define:
The lateral penetration angle ..................... θ Finishing stock on the walls ......................... δ
Finishing stock at the bottom ................... δz Number of finishing passes in Z ................. N

Chapter 3 - page 15
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.5 Pocket cycle with a profile

Programming pockets with 3D profiles

Pocket ID number. (3D POCKET)
It is possible to have several 3D pockets. The CNC associates with each 3D pocket all its data (surface
profile, depth profile, machining conditions, etc.)
Surface profile or profile in the X,Y plane. Profile (P. XY).
It must indicate the contour or contours of the possible islands besides the outside contour of the pocket.
Depth profile corresponding to the profile defined first. Profile (P. Z1)
It usually corresponds to the outside contour of the pocket.
Depth profile corresponding to the profile defined second . Profile (P. Z2)
It usually corresponds to the contour of the island defined first.
Depth profile corresponding to the profile defined third. Profile (P. Z3)
It usually corresponds to the contour of the island defined second.
Depth profile corresponding to the profile defined fourth. Profile (P. Z4)
It usually corresponds to the contour of the island defined third.
Once all the profiles have been defined, the 3D pocket configuration must be validated. To do so, place
the cursor over the icon and press

The cycle will show the icon.

The machining operation in Z is defined by means of:

The coordinate of the safety plane .......... Zs Coordinate of the part surface ..................... Z
Pocket depth ........................................... P Roughing pass in Z .................................... I1
Penetration feedrate in Z ........................ Fz Semi-finishing pass in Z ............................. I2
In the area for roughing data, the following must be defined:
Lateral penetration angle ..........................β Milling pass ................................................ ∆
In the area for finishing data, the following must be defined:
Tool tip radius ......................................... R Finishing stock on walls ............................... δ
Finishing pass ....................................... (e)
Direction of the finishing passes on the walls

Notes: The pocket configuration program and the profile programs can also be accessed in the "M" mode
since the CNC stores them internally as:
P995xxx 3D pocket configuration
P998xxx The XY plane profiles in 2D and 3D pockets
P996xxx Depth profiles in 3D pockets


Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, Fz, I, I1, I2)
The machining conditions must be defined one by one.
To define the values (P, Fz, I, I1, I2), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired
value and press
If the penetration step is programmed with a positive sign (I+), the cycle recalculates the step so allthe
penetrations are the same with a value equal to or smaller than the one programmed.
If it is programmed with a negative sign (I-), the cycle machines with the given step except on the last
one where it machines the rest.

Chapter 3 - page 16
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.5 Pocket cycle with a profile

To define the values (Zs and Z), after placing the cursor in the corresponding window, one may:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.
Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.

Press for the selected data to assume the value shown in the upper right-hand window.


∆ ) and finishing passes (e)

Milling pass (∆
Place the cursor in the corresponding window, roughing or finishing operation, key in the desired value
and press

β, θ )
Lateral penetration angles (β

Place the cursor in the corresponding window, roughing or finishing operation, key in the desired value
and press

δ ) and at the bottom (δ

Finishing stocks: on the walls (δ δ z)
Place the cursor in the corresponding window, finishing operation, key in the desired value and

Finishing tool tip radius (R)

Place the cursor in the corresponding window, finishing operation, key in the desired value and

Direction of the finishing passes on the walls

To select the direction of the finishing passes on the walls, place the
cursor over this icon and press

Chapter 3 - page 17
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.5 Pocket cycle with a profile


To define a Profile, after selecting the corresponding window, one can:
Key in the "Profile Program" number directly.
If the "Profile program" number is known, key it in and press
Access the "Profile Program" directory to select one of them
Press The cycle will show a window with the profile programs already defined. There are 3
directories, one for the pocket configuration profiles, another one for the XY plane profile and a third
one for the depth profile of the pocket.
To move around within a window, use

Place the cursor over the desired program and press

To exit this window without selecting any program, use

Edit a new "Profile program"

To edit a new "Program", key the program number (between 0 and 999) and press

The CNC will display the window for the profile editor (see Operating manual of the 8055 M CNC,
chapter 4 section "Profile Editor").
Once the profile has been edited, the CNC requests a comment to be associated with the "Profile
Program" just edited.
Enter the desired comment and press

If no comment is desired, press

Modify an existing "Profile program".

To modify a "Program", key in its number and press
The CNC will display the profile currently defined in the window for the profile editor.
One can: Add new elements at the end of the current profile.
Modify the data of any element.
Modify or insert chamfers, roundings, etc.
Delete elements from the element.
Delete an existing "Profile Program".
Press the cycle will show the profile programs already defined.

Place the cursor over the "Profile Program" to be deleted and press
The CNC will request confirmation.

Notes: Profile programs can also be accessed in the "M" mode since the CNC stores them internally as:
P995xxx The 3D configuration profiles
P998xxx The XY plane profiles in 2D and 3D pockets.
P996xxx The depth profiles of 3D pockets
When saving a part-program containing a pocket cycle with profile out to an external device, PC,
floppy disk unit, etc. its associated profile programs must also be saved.

Chapter 3 - page 18
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.5 Pocket cycle with a profile


Example of how to define a 2D pocket without islands:
2D Pocket Profile 1 Recall
Abscissa axis: X Ordinate axis: Y
Autozoom: Yes Validate
Starting Point X 20 Y -8 Validate
Straight X 20 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y -25 Validate
Clockwise arc Xf 145 Yf 25 R 25 Validate
Straight X 145 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y8 Validate
Straight X 55 Y8 Validate
Straight X 55 Y -8 Validate
Straight X 20 Y -8 Validate
Corners Chamfer
Select lower left-hand corner Enter Chamfer 15 Enter
Select upper left-hand corner Enter Chamfer 15 Enter
Finish Save Profile

Example of how to define a 2D profile with islands:

2D Pocket Profile 2 Recall
Abscissa axis: X Ordinate axis: Y
Autozoom: Yes Validate
Profile (outside profile)
Starting Point X 20 Y0 Validate
Straight X 20 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y0 Validate
Corner Chamfer
Select lower left-hand corner Enter
Chamfer 15 Enter
Select lower right-hand corner Enter
Chamfer 15 Enter
Select upper right-hand corner Enter
Chamfer 15 Enter
Select upper left-hand corner Enter
Chamfer 15 Enter
New Profile (island)
Starting Point X 115 Y -25 Validate
Straight X 115 Y 0 Validate
Clockwise arc Xf 90 Yf 25 Xc 115 Yc 25 R 25 Validate
Straight X 50 Y 25 Validate
Straight X 50 Y0 Validate
Clockwise arc Xf 75 Yf -25 Xc 50 Yc -25 R 25 Validate
Straight X 115 Y -25 Validate
Finish Save Profile

Chapter 3 - page 19
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.5 Pocket cycle with a profile

Example of how to define a 3D pocket without islands:

3D Pocket= 1
P.XY= 3 Recall
Abscissa axis: X Ordinate axis: Y
Autozoom: Yes Validate
Profile (outside profile)
Starting Point X 20 Y0 Validate
Straight X 20 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y0 Validate
Finish Save Profile
P.Z1= 1 Recall
Abscissa axis: X Ordinate axis: Z
Autozoom: Yes Validate
Profile (depth profile)
Starting Point X 20 Z0 Validate
Straight X 30 Z -20 Validate
Finish Save Profile
Example of how to define a 3D pocket with islands:
3D Pocket= 2
P.XY= 4 Recall
Abscissa axis: X Ordinate axis: Y
Autozoom: Yes Validate
Profile (outside profile)
Starting Point X 20 Y0 Validate
Straight X 20 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y -40 Validate
Straight X 145 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y 40 Validate
Straight X 20 Y0 Validate
New Profile (island)
Circle X 62.5 Y0 Xc 82.5 Yc 0 Validate
Finish Save Profile
P.Z1= 2 Recall
Abscissa axis: X Ordinate axis: Z
Autozoom: Yes Validate
Profile (outside depth profile)
Starting Point X 20 Z0 Validate
Straight X 30 Z -20 Validate
Finish Save Profile
P.Z2= 3 Recall
Abscissa axis: X Ordinate axis: Z Autozoom: Yes Validate
Profile (depth profile of the island)
Starting Point X 77,5 Z 0 Validate
Straight X 62,5 Z -20 Validate
Finish Save Profile

Chapter 3 - page 20
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.6 Rectangular and Circular Boss cycles


To select the boss cycles, press

Rectangular Boss cycle

One must define The starting point (X,Y), the dimensions of the boss (L,H), the inclination angle
(a), the amount of material to be removed (Q), the type of corner and the
machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)

In the roughing area, define the milling step ( ∆) and the machining direction

In the finishing area, define the finishing stocks (δ and δz), the number of
finishing passes and the machining direction

Circular boss cycle

One must define The center coordinates (Xc, Yc), the boss radius (R), the amount of material to
be removed (Q) and the machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)

In the roughing area, define the milling step ( ∆) and the machining direction

In the finishing area, define the finishing stocks (δ and δz), the number of
finishing passes and the machining direction

Chapter 3 - page 21
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.6 Rectangular and Circular Boss cycles


Coordinates of the starting point
These coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press

b) Assign the position of the axis.

Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.

Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Rectangular Boss: Dimensions, inclination angle and material to be removed

They are defined one by one. Place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired value
and press

Type of corner

To select the type of corner, place the cursor over this icon and press

Circular: Center coordinates, radius and material to be removed

They are defined one by one.
The center coordinates (Xc, Yc) are defined like the starting and end points.
To define the rest of the values (R, Q) place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired
value and press

Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)

They are defined one by one.
The Zs and Z values are defined like the starting and end points.

To define the rest of the values (P, I, Fz), place the desired value and press
If the penetration step is programmed with a positive sign (I+), the cycle recalculates the step so allthe
penetrations are the same with a value equal to or smaller than the one programmed.
If it is programmed with a negative sign (I-), the cycle machines with the given step except on the last
one where it machines the rest.

Milling pass (∆
δ ) and at the bottom (δ
Finishing stocks: on the walls (δ δ z)
Number of finishing passes (N)
Place the cursor in the window for the finishing operation, key in the desired value and press

Chapter 3 - page 22
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.7 Rectangular and Circular Pocket cycles


To select these cycles press

Rectangular pocket cycle (Level 1)

One must define The starting point (X, Y), the pocket dimensions (L, H) and the machining
conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)
One must also define the milling pass ( ∆), the finishing stock ( δ ) and the machining

Rectangular pocket cycle (Level 2)

One must define The starting point (X, Y), the dimensions of the pocket (L, H), the inclination
angle (a), the type of corner and the machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)
In the area for roughing data, define the lateral penetration angle (β), the milling
pass (∆) and the machining direction

In the area for finishing data, define the lateral penetration angle ( θ), the finishing
stocks (δ and δz), the number of finishing passes (N) and the machining

Chapter 3 - page 23
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.7 Rectangular and Circular Pocket cycles

Circular pocket cycle (level 1)


One must define The center coordinates (Xc, Yc), the pocket radius (R) and the machining
conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)
In the area for roughing data, define the lateral penetration angle (β), the milling
pass (∆) and the machining direction

In the area for finishing data, define the lateral penetration angle ( θ), the finishing
stocks (δ and δz), the number of finishing passes (N) and the machining


Circular pocket cycle (level 2)

Useful for machining pre-emptied pockets




One must define The center coordinates (Xc, Yc), the inside radius (Ri), the outside radius (Re)
and the machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)
In the area for roughing data, define the lateral penetration angle (β), the milling
pass (∆) and the machining direction

In the area for finishing data, define the lateral penetration angle ( θ), the finishing
stocks (δ and δz), the number of finishing passes (N) and the machining

Chapter 3 - page 24
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.7 Rectangular and Circular Pocket cycles


Coordinates of the starting point
The coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates to be defined,
one can:

a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press

b) Assign the current axis position.

Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Rectangular Pocket: Dimensions and inclination angle

They are defined one by one. Place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired value
and press

Type of corner

To select the type of corner, place the cursor over this icon and press
If, due to the dimensions of the pocket, the specified rounding or chamfer is not possible, the CNC will
make a chamfer or rounding with the largest possible value.

Circular pocket: Center coordinates and radii

They are defined one by one.
The center coordinates (Xc, Yc), are defined like the starting and end point.
To define the radii (R, Ri, Re), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired value
and press

Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, I, Fz)

They are defined one by one.
The Zs and Z values are defined like the starting and end point.
To define the rest of the values (P, I, Fz), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the
desired value and press
If the penetration step is programmed with a positive sign (I+), the cycle recalculates the step so allthe
penetrations are the same with a value equal to or smaller than the one programmed.
If it is programmed with a negative sign (I-), the cycle machines with the given step except on the last
one where it machines the rest.

Chapter 3 - page 25
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.7 Rectangular and Circular Pocket cycles

Milling pass (∆
δ ) and at the bottom (δ
Finishing stocks: on walls (δ δ z)
Number of finishing passes (N)

Place the cursor in the window for finishing operation, key in the desired value and press

β, θ )
Lateral penetration angle (β

In the rectangular pocket, the penetration is carried out from the center of the pocket out and
following the first machining path. The passes are carried out as often as needed and the operation
always concludes at the center of the pocket.
In the circular pocket, the penetration is carried out from the center of the pocket following a
helical path with a radius equal to the that of the tool while keeping the machining direction. The
penetration always ends at the center of the pocket.
Place the cursor in the corresponding window, roughing or finishing operation, key in the desired value
and press

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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.8 Positioning (2 levels)


To select the positioning cycle, press

This cycle may be defined in two different ways:
Level 1.

One must define The target point (X, Y, Z), the axes movement sequence and the type of feedrate

Level 2.

One must define The target point (X, Y, Z), the axes moving sequence, the type of feedrate and
the auxiliary functions "M" to be executed before and after the movement.

Chapter 3 - page 27
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.8 Positioning (2 levels)


Coordinates of the target point
These coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, on can:

a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press

b) Assign the current axis position.

Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.

Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Axes moving sequence

All three axes at the same time

First the Z axis and then in the plane (X and Y axis at the same time)

Firs in the plane (X and Y at the same time) and then the Z axis

To select the moving sequence, place the cursor over this icon and press

Type of axis feedrate

Programmed feedrate

Rapid feed

To select the type of feedrate, place the cursor over this icon and press

Auxiliary "M" functions

Select the corresponding window with

Use to move around inside the window

The functions will be executed in the same order as inserted in the list.
To delete a function, select it and press

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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.9 Boring operation


To select the boring operation, press
Boring operation (Level 1)


One must define The machining point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the
coordinate of the part surface (Z), The total machining depth (P) and the dwell
at the bottom (t)
Boring operation (level 2)
Available when working with spindle orientation.
After penetrating the quill, it is possible to orient the spindle and retract the quill before the exit
movement, thus avoiding scratching the part.


One must define The machining point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the
coordinate of the part surface (Z), The total machining depth (P), the dwell at
the bottom (t) and the orientation and quill retraction data (αs, ∆x, ∆y)

The Boring operation may be carried out in the indicated position (X,Y) or a positioning may be
associated with it by means of the keys as described later on.

Chapter 3 - page 29
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.9 Boring operation


Coordinates of the machining point
These coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.
Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, t)

The machining conditions are defined one by one.
The Zs and Z values are defined like those of the machining point.
To define the rest of the values (P, t), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired
value and press

Type of exit at level 1

The exit movement may be carried out in two ways:

At machining feedrate (G01) and with the spindle turning

In rapid (G00) and with the spindle stopped

To select the type of exit, place the cursor over this icon and press

α s, ∆ x, ∆ y)
Data for orienting and retracting the quill (α
They are defined one by one.
Go to the relevant window, key in the desired value and press

The quill first orients, it then retracts in XY and finally goes up

in rapid (G00) with the spindle stopped.

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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.10 Reaming operation


To select the Reaming operation, press

One must define The machining point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the
coordinate of the part surface (Z), the total machining depth (P) and the dwell
at the bottom (t)

The Reaming operation can be carried out in the indicated position (X,Y) or a positioning may be
associated with it by means of the keys as described later on.


Coordinates of the machining point
These coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.
Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, t)

The machining conditions are defined one by one.

The Zs and Z values are defined like those of the machining point.
To define the rest of the values (P, t), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired
value and press

Chapter 3 - page 31
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.11 Tapping operation


To select the tapping operation, press

One must define The machining point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the
coordinate of the part surface (Z), the total machining depth (P) and the dwell
at the bottom (t) and the type of Tapping.

The Tapping operation can be carried out in the indicated position (X,Y) or a positioning may be
associated with it by means of the keys as described later on.

Chapter 3 - page 32
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.11 Tapping operation


Coordinates of the machining point
These coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.
Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, P, t)

The machining conditions are defined one by one.
The Zs and Z values are defined like those of the machining point.
To define the rest of the values (P, t), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired
value and press

Type of tapping

Rigid tapping ...................Without clutch

Regular tapping ...............With a clutch

To select the type of tapping, place the cursor over this icon and press

Chapter 3 - page 33
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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.12 Drilling and Center Punching operations


To select the Drilling and Center Punching operations, press

Center punching operation

One must define The punch point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the coordinate
of the part surface (Z), the total machining depth (P) and the dwell at the bottom
(t) and the type of center punching.

Drilling operation. Level 1

One must define The drilling point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the coordinate
of the part surface (Z), the total machining depth (P), the drilling peck and the
dwell at the bottom (t).

Chapter 3 - page 34
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations or cycles
3.12 Drilling and Center Punching operations

Drilling operation. (Level 2)

It is possible to set the withdrawal distance
(B) after each penetration.

One must define The machining point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the
coordinate of the part surface (Z), the total machining depth (P), the drilling peck
(I), the dwell at the bottom (t) and the withdrawal distance after each
penetration (B)

Drilling operation. (Level 3)

It is possible to set the withdrawal position
(Zr) after each penetration.

One must define The machining point (X, Y), the coordinate of the safety plane (Zs), the
coordinate of the part surface (Z), the withdrawal position (Zr) the total
machining depth (P), the drilling peck (I), the dwell at the bottom (t).

The Center Punching and Drilling operations may be carried out in the indicated position (X,Y) or may
be associated with a positioning using the keys as described later on.

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3. Work with operations or cycles MC work mode
3.12 Drilling (2 levels) and Center Punching operations


Coordinates of the machining point

These coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.
Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value appearing in the upper right-hand window.


Machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, Zr, P, I, t, B)

The machining conditions are defined one by one.
The Zs and Z values are defined like the coordinates of the machining point.
To define the rest of the values (Zr, P, I, t, B), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in
the desired value and press

One must define The machining point (X, Y), the machining conditions in Z (Zs, Z, t) and the type
of center punching.

Type of center punching

The type of center punching may be defined in two ways:

a) By defining the total machining depth (P)
b) By defining the punch angle (α ) and the diameter of the point (Φ )
To select the type of center punching, place the cursor over this icon and press
To define the "P, α, Φ " values, place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the desired value
and press

Chapter 3 - page 36
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations and cycles
3.13 Multiple positioning


With this CNC, it is possible to associate multiple positioning with Boring, Reaming, Tapping, Drilling and
Center Punching operations.
The following keys must be used to select this feature.

When pressing one of these keys, the CNC selects the corresponding type of positioning and it changes the
It keeps the lamp ON of the key corresponding to the selected operation (Boring, Reaming, etc.) and the
bottom of the screen shows the data for that operation.
The types of multiple positioning that can be selected with each key are

At random points

In a straight line

In a bolt-hole pattern

In a parallelogram pattern

In a grid pattern

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3. Work with operations and cycles MC work mode
3.13 Multiple positioning
3.13.1 Multiple positioning at ramdom points


To associate this positioning with an operation, press

Up to 12 points can be defined. Coordinates (X1, Y1) .... (X12, Y12)

When not using all 12 points, the first unused point must be defined with the same coordinates as
those of the last point.

Point definition
The coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:

a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press

b) Assign the current axis position.

Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value shown in the upper right-hand window.


Chapter 3 - page 38
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations and cycles
3.13 Multiple positioning
3.13.2 Multiple positioning in a straight line


To associate this positioning with an operation, press

This may be defined in 5 different ways:

1) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The coordinates of the last point .......................................... (Xn, Yn)
Distance between points .............................................................. (I)
2) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The coordinates of the last point .......................................... (Xn, Yn)
Number of points ........................................................................(N)
3) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The inclination angle .................................................................. (α )
Total distance from first to last point ............................................ (L)
Distance between points .............................................................. (I)
4) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The inclination angle .................................................................. (α )
Total distance from first to last point ............................................ (L)
Number of points ........................................................................(N)
5) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The inclination angle .................................................................. (α )
Number of points ........................................................................(N)
Distance between points .............................................................. (I)

To select the desired one, place the cursor over the icon and press

Point definition

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3. Work with operations and cycles MC work mode
3.13 Multiple positioning
3.13.2 Multiple positioning in a straight line

The coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:

a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press

b) Assign the current axis position.

Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value shown in the upper right-hand window.


To define the rest of the values (I, N, α , L), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in the
desired value and press

Chapter 3 - page 40
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations and cycles
3.13 Multiple positioning
3.13.3 Multiple positioning in a bolt-hole pattern


To associate this positioning with an operation, press
Multiple bolt-hole pattern positioning (Level 1)


This could be defined in 6 different ways:

1) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The center coordinates ........................................................ (Xc, Yc)
The angle of the last point ........................................................... (τ)
The angular distance between points ............................................ (β)
2) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The radius .................................................................................. (R)
The angle of the first point ........................................................... (α)
The angle of the last point ........................................................... (τ)
The angular distance between points ............................................ (β)
3) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The center coordinates ........................................................ (Xc, Yc)
The number of points ..................................................................(N)
The angle of the last point ........................................................... (τ)

4) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)

The center coordinates ........................................................ (Xc, Yc)
The number of points ..................................................................(N)
The angular distance between points ............................................ (β)
5) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The radius .................................................................................. (R)
The angle of the first point ........................................................... (α)
The number of points ..................................................................(N)
The angle of the last point ........................................................... (τ)
6) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The radius .................................................................................. (R)
The angle of the first point ........................................................... (α)
The number of points ..................................................................(N)
The angular distance between points ............................................ (β)

To select the desired one, place the cursor over the icon and press

Chapter 3 - page 41
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3. Work with operations and cycles MC work mode
3.13 Multiple positioning
3.13.3 Multiple positioning in a bolt-hole pattern

Multiple bolt-hole pattern positioning (level 2)



One must define:

The center coordinates ........................................................(Xc, Yc)
The starting point in polar coordinates:......... Radius (R) and angle (α )
2 of the following data must be defined.
When all 3 are defined (if they are other than 0) the cycle assumes (N) and (β)
The number of points to machine ................................................ (N)
Angular distance between points .................................................. (β)
The angle of the end point ........................................................... (τ)
Data definition
The coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:

a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press

b) Assign the current axis position.

Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value shown in the upper right-hand window.


To define the rest of the values (R, N, α , β, τ), place the cursor in the corresponding window, key in
the desired value and press

Chapter 3 - page 42
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MC work mode 3. Work with operations and cycles
3.13 Multiple positioning
3.13.4 Multiple positioning in a parallelogram pattern


To associate this positioning with an operation, press

This could be defined in 3 different ways:

1) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The lengths in X, Y ..............................................................(Lx, Ly)
The X and Y distances between points ...................................(Ix, Iy)
The rotation angle ....................................................................... (α)
The angle between the sides ........................................................ (β)
2) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The lengths in X and Y ........................................................(Lx, Ly)
The number of points in X and Y .........................................(Nx, Ny)
The rotation angle ....................................................................... (α)
The angle between the sides ........................................................ (β)
3) The coordinates of the first point .......................................... (X1, Y1)
The X and Y distances between points ...................................(Ix, Iy)
The number of points in X and Y .........................................(Nx, Ny)
The rotation angle ....................................................................... (α)
The rotation angle ....................................................................... (β)
To select the desired one, place the cursor over the icon and press

Point definition
The coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.
Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value shown in the upper right-hand window.


To define the rest of the values (Lx, Ly, Ix, Iy, α , β, Nx, Ny), place the cursor in the corresponding
window, key in the desired value and press

Chapter 3 - page 43
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3. Work with operations and cycles MC work mode
3.13 Multiple positioning
3.13.5 Multiple positioning in a grid pattern


To associate this positioning with an operation, press

This could be defined in 3 different ways:

1) The coordinates of the first point ..........................................(X1, Y1)
The lengths in X, Y ............................................................. (Lx, Ly)
The X and Y distances between points ................................... (Ix, Iy)
The rotation angle .......................................................................(α)
The angle between the sides ........................................................ (β)
2) The coordinates of the first point ..........................................(X1, Y1)
The lengths in X and Y ........................................................ (Lx, Ly)
The number of points in X and Y ........................................ (Nx, Ny)
The rotation angle .......................................................................(α)
The angle between the sides ........................................................ (β)
3) The coordinates of the first point ..........................................(X1, Y1)
The X and Y distances between points ................................... (Ix, Iy)
The number of points in X and Y ........................................ (Nx, Ny)
The rotation angle .......................................................................(α)
The rotation angle ....................................................................... (β)
To select the desired one, place the cursor over the icon and press

Point definition
The coordinates are defined one by one. After placing the cursor over the axis coordinates, one can:
a) Enter the value by hand. Key in the desired value and press
b) Assign the current axis position.
Jog the axis to the desired point with the handwheel or the JOG keys. The upper right-hand window
shows the tool position at all times.
Press for the selected data to assume the value shown in the upper right-hand window.


To define the rest of the values (Lx, Ly, Ix, Iy, α , β, Nx, Ny), place the cursor in the corresponding
window, key in the desired value and press

Chapter 3 - page 44
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MC work mode 4. Storage of programs


This CNC allows the editing, simulating and executing of part-programs.

Each of these programs consists of the interlinking of elementary operations or cycles and/or blocks
edited in ISO code. The form of editing or defining said operations or cycles is explained in the
chapter on "working with operations or cycles".

This chapter explains how to operate with these part-programs and has the following sections and
subsections for this purpose.

List of programs stored

See the content of a program ......................... See one of the operations in detail
Edit a new part-program......................... ....... Storage of an operation or cycle

Erase a part-program
Copy one part-program in another
Modify a part-program ..................................... Erase an operation
Move an operation to another position
Add or insert to a new operation
Modify an already existing operation

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4. Storage of programs MC work mode
4.1 List of stored programs


To access the list of part-programs stored press

Note: If the «Tool Calibration» mode is selected you cannot directly access the list of part-programs.
This mode must first be left, that is, press and then .

The CNC will display the following information:

On the left there is a list of part-programs that are stored in the CNC’s memory.
When there are more programs than those displayed in the window, use keys and to move
the pointer over the list of programs. To go forward or backward page by page use the following
combinations of keys and .

The right-hand column will display the cycles and/or ISO-coded blocks that said part consists of.

After selecting the program list, the CNC will let you:

Create a new part-program

See the content of a part-program
Erase a part-program
Copy a part-program in another
Modify a part-program
To leave the directory or list of part-programs press:

the key for an operation


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MC work mode 4. Storage of programs
4.2 See content of a program
4.2.1 Seeing the operations in detail


To see the content of a part-program, select this with the pointer from the left-hand column. To do
this use and

If the part-program is formed on an MC mode cycle basis, the right -hand column will display the
cycles which said part consists of:

If you press or or the pointer goes on to the right-hand column.

Now keys and let the pointer be moved over the blocks or cycles which make up the part.

To sum up, use keys:

and to move up and down in each one of the columns

and to change the column

After selecting an operation, the CNC allows:

Seeing the operation in detail
Erasing the operation
Moving the operation to another position
Modifying the operation


After selecting the operation required, with the pointer, press

The CNC will display all the data for said operation.

Now you can:

Simulate the operation. (See the chapter on "Execution and Simulation").

Execute the operation. (See the chapter on "Execution and Simulation").
Modify the operation
Store the operation. Replace the previous one or including this as a new one.

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4. Storage of programs MC work mode
4.3 Edit a new part-program
4.3.1 Storage of an operation of cycles


To edit a new part-program the following steps should be taken:

* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

* Use the pointer to select the option "--Create new part --2" in the left-hand column.

* Press . The CNC will ask at the bottom for the number to be given to the new part-
program, prompting the first one available.

* Type in the program number required and press

This must be a number between 1 and 899999, and both numbers can be used.
* The CNC will ask for the comment to be assigned to the part-program.

A comment does not have to be associated.

* Press or

The CNC includes the new part-program in the list of part-programs (left-hand column).
From this time all the operations required can be stored, and in the required order.


A block or cycle can be added at the end of the program, after the last operation, or inserted between
2 existing operations.

To store the block or cycle, follow these steps:

* Define the desired block or cycle, assigning the relevant data to it.
* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

* Use the pointer to select the program number required in the left-hand column and go on to
the right-hand column.
* Move over the operation after which the operation is to be stored and press

Example: You have You want

1.- Bidirectional surface milling in X 1.- Bidirectional surface milling in X

2.- Rectangular Pocket 2.- Rectangular Pocket
3.- Circular Pocket 3.- Circular Pocket
4.- Drilling 1 + Positioning in Line
4.- Drill 1 + Grid pattern positioning 5.- Drill 1 + Grid pattern positioning
5.- Tapping + Grid pattern positioning 6.- Tapping + Grid pattern positioning
7.- Profile 1

4.- Drilling 1 + Positioning in Line Once the operation is defined, place the cursor over
"operation 3.- Circular Pocket" and press [ENTER].

7.- Profile 1 Once the operation is defined, place the cursor over "5.- Tapping + Grid
pattern positioning" and press [ENTER].

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MC work mode 4. Storage of programs
4.4 Erasing a part-program
4.5 Copy a part-program in another


To erase a part-program follow these steps:

* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

* Use the pointer to select from the left-hand column the part-program to be erased.

* Press

At the bottom the CNC will display a message requesting confirmation of the erasing

If you press the CNC will erase the program selected and update the list of part-
programs stored.

If you press the program will not be erased and the erasing operation is left.


To copy a part-program in another take the following steps:

* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

* Use the pointer to select in the left-hand column the part-program to be copied.

* Press

At the bottom the CNC will display a message requesting the number to be assigned to the
* Type in the program number required and press

This must be a number between 1 and 899999, and both numbers can be used.
* If there is already a part-program with said number, the CNC will display a message at the
bottom, asking if this should be replaced or if you wish to cancel the operation.

If you press the CNC will ask for a new program number

If you press the CNC will erase the present program and carry out program copying.

* The CNC requests the comment to be associated with the new part-program (with the copy).

A comment does not have to be associated.

* Press or

The CNC updates the list of part-programs stored.

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4. Storage of programs MC work mode
4.6 Modifying a part-program


To modify a part-program the following steps must be taken:
* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.
* Use the pointer to select from the left-hand column the part-program you wish to modify.

After selecting the program, the CNC lets you:

Erase an operation
Move an operation to another position
Add or insert a new operation
Modify an already existing operation.


To erase an operation follow these steps:
* Use the pointer to select the operation to be erased, in the right-hand column.

* Press

The CNC will display a message at the bottom, requesting the confirmation of the erasing
If you press the CNC will erase the operation selected and update the right-hand
If you press the operation is not erased and the erasing operation is left.


To move an operation to another position take the following steps:
* Use the pointer to select the operation to be moved from the right-hand column.
* Press

The CNC will display this operation in highlighted text.

* Place the cursor after the operation which the operation is to be moved to and press

Example: You have Your want

1.- Bidirectional Surface Milling in X 1.- Bidirectional Surface Milling in X

2.- Rectangular Pocket 2.- Circular Pocket
3.- Circular Pocket 3.- Drilling 1 + Positioning in line
4.- Drilling 1 + Positioning in line 4.- Drilling 1 + Positioning in Grid
5.- Drilling 1 + Positioning in Grid 5.- Tapping + Positioning in Grid
6.- Tapping + Positioning in Grid 6.- Rectangular Pocket
7.- Profile 1 7.- Profile 1
Select the "Rectangular Pocket" and press

Move the cursor onto the "Tapping + Positioning in Grid" and press

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MC work mode 4. Storage of programs
4.6 Modifying a part-program


To add or insert an operation take the same steps as to store an operation.

* Define the operation or cycle required, assigning this the relevant data.
* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

* Move over the operation after which the operation is to be stored and press


To modify an operation take the following steps:

* Use the pointer to select, in the right-hand column, the operation required for modification.

* Press

The CNC will display the relevant edition page for this operation.
* Modify all the data required.
To store the modified operation again:

* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

The CNC displays the pointer over the same operation.

To select another position use keys . The new operation will be inserted after this

* Press

If one wishes to place the modified operation in its previous location, the CNC will display
a message asking if one wishes to replace the previous operation or keep this, inserting the
new one after.

In the following example the "Rectangular Pocket" operation is modified

You have "Replace" option "Insert" option

1.- Rectangular Pocket 1.- Rectangular Pocket 1.- Rectangular Pocket

2.- Circular Pocket 2.- Circular Pocket 2.- Rectangular Pocket
3.- Circular Pocket

Note: One can select an existing operation, modify this and then insert this somewhere else
and even in another part-program.

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MC work mode 5. Execution and simulation


Simulation allows graphic reproduction of a part-program or an operation with the data that has been

By means of simulation, one can thus check the part-program or the operation before executing or
storing this and consequently correct or modify the data:

The CNC allows a part-program or any operation to be executed or simulated. This simulation or
execution can be done from beginning to end or alternatively press key for this to be executed
or simulated step by step.

The CNC enables execution or simulation of:

Any operation or cycle.

A part-program.
An operation stored as part of a part-program.

Whenever a part-program or an operation stored as part of a part-program is
selected for simulation or execution, the CNC selects this part-program in the
top center window and highlights it next to the symbol.

It then acts as follows:

If is pressed, the CNC executes the part-program that is selected.

if is pressed, the part-program is de-selected and the CNC deletes it

from the top center window.

Chapter 5 - page 1
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5. Execution and simulation MC work mode
5.1 Simulating or executing an operation or cycle


All the operations or cycles have 2 operating modes: Execution mode and Edition Mode

Editing mode Execution Mode


The operation or cycle can be simulated in both operating modes. To do this, press
The CNC will display the graphic representation page for the M model.


An operation or cycle can only be executed in the cycle execution mode.

The operation or cycle cannot be executed when the cycle editing mode is selected.

To exit the edition mode and go on to execution mode press

To execute an operation or cycle, press

Chapter 5 - page 2
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MC work mode 5. Execution and simulation
5.2 Simulating or executing a part-program
5.3 Simulating or executing a stored operation


Whenever you wish to simulate or execute a part-program do the following:

* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

* Select the program to be simulated or executed from the left-hand column.

To simulate the part-program press and to execute this press


To simulate or execute a part program, proceed as follows:

* Press to access the list of the stored part-programs.

* Select the program in the left column and the first operation to be executed or simulated in the
right column.
Press to simulate the part program, and to execute it.

Whenever a section of the part-program is executed, the CNC does not execute the
initial subroutine 9998 associated with all part-programs.


To simulate or execute an operation which is stored as part of a part-program do the following:

* Press to access the list of part-programs stored.

* Select the program which contains this from the left-hand column and the operation required
to be simulated or executed from the right-hand column.

* Press

To simulate the operation press and to execute this press

Chapter 5 - page 3
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5. Execution and simulation MC work mode
5.4 Execution mode


When you press to execute an operation or part-program, the CNC displays the standard MC
operating mode screen.

If you press the CNC displays the special MC operating mode screen.

After selection, the operation or part can be executed as many times as necessary. To do this, after
execution once more press

During execution of the operation or part one can press to access the graphic representation
To stop execution press

After stopping the execution the CNC allows a tool inspection to be made. See the following section.

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MC work mode 5. Execution and simulation
5.4 Execution mode
5.4.1 Tool inspection


The PLC mark M5050, general CNC logic input "TOOLINSP", determines when tool inspection
is enabled.
TOOLINSP=0 Tool inspection is possible after pressing

TOOLINSP=1 When pressing program execution is interrupted.

Once program execution is interrupted, press to move the axes and proceed
with tool inspection.
Once Tool Inspection has been selected, it is possible to:

Move the axes to the tool change position

Move them using the handwheels or the keys

Select another tool

To be able to make a tool change the standard MC operating mode screen must be selected.
Press . The CNC will frame the tool number.

Key the tool number required for selection and press for the CNC to select the new tool.
The CNC will process the tool change.

Modify tool values (dimensions and geometry)

Press The CNC displays the Tool Calibration screen.
It is possible to change the tool dimensions (offsets I,K to compensate for tool wear) or the values
for tool geometry.
To exit this screen and return to the previous one (while staying in tool inspection) press

Resume program execution.

To resume program execution, press
The CNC will reposition the tool moving it to the point where tool inspection started. Two cases
are possible:

1.- Only one axis has been moved.

The CNC repositions it and resumes execution.

2.- Two or more axes have been moved.

The CNC shows a window with the following options to choose the repositioning order
(sequence) of the axes.

PLANE The axes forming the main plane (X-Y) move at the same time.
Y-X When moving the main plane axes, the Y axis moves first and then the X axis.
X-Y When moving the main plane axes, the X axis moves first and then the Y axis.
Z Move the Z axis.
For example, to move the Z axis first, then the Y and finally the X: [Z] [Y-X]

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5. Execution and simulation MC work mode
5.5 Graphic representation


When you press the CNC displays the M mode graphic representation page.

To leave the graphic representation mode press or

In the Operation Manual, M -MC models, section «Graphics» in the «Execution / Simulation»
chapter, there is an explanation of how to operate during graphic representation. Nevertheless, there
will now be a brief description of the softkeys.

Type of graphics. Can be «X-Z» or «Solid X-Z»

The «X-Z» graphic is a line graphic which uses colored lines to describe tool tip movement.
The «Solid X-Z» graph starts from an initial block. During execution or simulation the tool
removes material and the form of the resulting part is seen.

Zone to be displayed

Allows modification of the display zone, by defining the maximum and minimum coordinates
of each axis.
To select the maximum and minimum coordinates use

After defining all the data press

After selecting a new display zone the CNC erases the screen showing the axes or the
unmachined part.
The zone displayed cannot be modified during execution or simulation of the piece. In this case
stop execution or simulation by pressing


This function allows the graphic representation zone to be increased or reduced in size.

It displays a window superimposed on the graphic represented and another on the figure in the
lower right-hand part of the screen. These windows indicate the new zone of graphic representation
that is being selected.

To move the window use the keys to increase or reduce its size use “+”

“-”, and for the CNC to assume these values press

Each time a new display zone is selected the CNC keeps the present graphic representation. It
does not erase this.

When you press to continue with or restart execution or simulation, the present graphic
representation is erased and the next starts with the new values.
The zoom function cannot be executed during execution or simulation of the part. In this case,
stop execution or simulation by pressing

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MC work mode 5. Execution and simulation
5.5 Graphic representation

Graphic parameters
Simulation speed. In the top right-hand of the screen select the percentage of the simulation
speed to be applied.
To select the percentage use , for the CNC to assume said value, press

Colors of the path. This only applies in line graphics (not solid). It enables selection of colors
to represent fast feedrate, path with no compensation, path with compensation and
From the right-hand side of the screen, use keys to select the type of path and

the keys to select the color required for application.

For the CNC to assume said values press

Colors of the solid. This only applies in solid graphics (not in line graphics). It enables selection
of colors to represent the cutter, the part, the axes and the clamps.

At the top right-hand side of the screen use keys to select the type of path and

the keys to select the color to be applied.

For the CNC to assume said values press

Erase screen

When this option is selected the CNC erases the screen and displays the axes or the
unmachined part.
The screen cannot be erased during simulation of the part. In this case stop simulation by
pressing the key

After selecting the types of graphics, the display area, the graphic parameters, etc. press to
start the graphic simulation.
During the graphic simulation, the CNC takes into account the simulation speed and the position of
the right Manual Feedrate Override switch (0%-120% FEED).

When selecting a new simulation speed, the CNC applies a 100% of it regardless of the position
of the switch.

Once the switch is moved, the CNC starts applying the selected %.

To interrupt the simulation, press

To quit the simulation mode, press or

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Self-teaching Manual
(MC option)
Ref. 0112-ing

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Chapter 1 Theory on CNC machines
1.1.- Machine axes ……………………………………………………………………….3
1.2.- Machine reference zero and part zero……………………………...…………….…5
1.3.- Home search………... ……………………………………………………….….….6
1.4.- Travel limits ……………………………………………………………………….. 7
1.5.- Part zero setting …………………………………...……………...…….……….….8
1.6.- Work units ……………...…………………………………………...…………..….9

Chapter 2 Theory on tools

2.1.- Tool management ……………..…………………………………………………....3
2.2.- Tool table …………...……………………………………….…...….…………….. 4
2.3.- Tool calibration …………………………………………………....….…………....6

Chapter 3 Hands-on training

3.1.- Screen and keyboard description …………………………………….…………..…3
3.1.1.- Power-up ……………………………………………………………….…….....3
3.1.2.- Keyboard description ……………………………………………………….…..4
3.1.3.- Description of the standard screen .…………………………….………….…....6
3.1.4.- Description of the auxiliary screen ……………………………………………..7
3.2.- Home search …………………………………………………………………….….8
3.2.1.- Maintaining the part zero ………………………………………………..……...8
3.2.2.- Without maintaining the part zero …………………………………………...…9
3.3.- Spindle ………………………………………………………………………….…10
3.3.1.- Speed ranges (gears) ………………………………………………..…………10
3.3.2.- Spindle control ……………………………….…………………………….….11
3.4.- Axis jog …………………………………………………………………………... 12
3.4.1.- Handwheels …………………………………………………………………... 13
3.4.2.- JOG ..……………………………………………….…...……………………..14
3.4.3.- Automatic axis movement to a particular position………………………...…. 15
3.5.- Tools …………………………………………………….………………………...16
3.5.1.- Tool selection ………………………………….………………….………….. 16
3.5.2.- Tool calibration ………………………………………….……………...……..17
3.5.3.- How to change any data on the tool table ....….……………………………….20
3.5.4.- Tool change point ….…………………………………...…………....……….. 21
3.6.- Checking for proper calibration ………………………………….…………….… 22

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Chapter 4 Automatic operations
4.1.- Operation keys ………….………………………………….……..…………...…... 3
4.2.- Work modes .……………………………………………..…………..…………..... 5
4.3.- Example of an automatic operation. ……………………..….……….………..……6
4.3.1.- Edit an operation .………………………………………….……….…...………6 Rectangular pocket …………………………………….…..……..…………6 Associate a positioning with an operation …………...….………...……….. 8
4.3.2.- Simulate an operation …………..……………………...…….……..……..……9
4.3.3.- Execute an operation ………………………………………………...…..…… 13

Chapter 5 Summary of work cycles

5.1.- Profile milling operation…...…………………………………..…...…….………... 2
5.2.- Surface milling operation.……………………………………….……………….…3
5.3.- Pocket cycle with profile ...………………………………………………...…….…4
5.4.- Rectangular and Circular boss milling cycle……………………………..…………5
5.5.- Rectangular and Circular pocket milling cycle...………………………………...…6
5.6.- Positioning …………..………………………………………………………..….…8
5.7.- Boring operation ..……..……………………………….……………………..….…9
5.8.- Reaming operation …………………....……………………………….…….…… 10
5.9.- Threading operation.……………………………...………………….…………… 11
5.10.- Drilling and Center punching operations……………………….…………..……12
5.11.- Multiple positioning at several points ……………………………….…….….…14
5.12.- Multiple positioning in a straight line……………………………..…….….……15
5.13.- Multiple positioning in an arc ………..…………………………..…….…..…… 16
5.14.- Multiple positioning in parallelogram pattern ….…………..…………..………. 17
5.15.- Multiple positioning in grid pattern …....……………………………..………… 18
5.16.- Profile editor ……………………………………………………………..….…...19

Capítulo 6 Conversational part-programs

6.1.- What is a conversational part-program? …………… ..………………..……..…… 3
6.2.- Edit a part-program ………………………..…………... ……………...……..…… 4
6.3.- Modify a part-program ……………………….…….……….………………...……7
6.4.- Simulate/execute an operation …………………………….…………..……....…. 11
6.5.- Simulate/execute a part-program …..……………………………………….……. 12
6.6.- Simulate/execute starting at a particular operation …………..………………...…13
6.7.- Copy a part-program into another one ………………..…………….………….… 14
6.8.- Delete a part-program ……..…………………………………………...………… 15

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Appendix I Programming example
Step 0: Part to be machined ...…………………………………...…..….………..………2
Step 1: Surface milling ……...………………………..……………...…………..………3
Step 2: Machining the profile ………………………………………....………...……….4
Step 3: Rectangular boss ………………………………………………………...……… 5
Step 4: Circular pocket .…..………………………………………….……………..……6
Step 5: Rectangular pocket ………………………………………….…………...………7
Step 6: Center punching + multiple positioning at several points ….……………...…… 8
Step 7: Center punching + multiple positioning in parallelogram pattern ……….…..….9
Step 8: Drilling + multiple positioning at several points ……………………...….…… 10
Step 9: Drilling + multiple positioning in parallelogram pattern …...…………….……11
Step 10: Tapping + multiple positioning in parallelogram pattern ………………….…12
Step 11: Part-program …………………………….………………………..……….….13

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Chapter 1

Theory on CNC machines

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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
This chapter describes:
• How to name the axes of the machine.
• What machine reference zero and part zero are.
• What “Home Search” is.
• What travel limits are.
• How to preset a part zero.
• Which are the work units.
> Programming units
> Spindle speed.
> Axis feedrate.

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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
1.1 Machine Axes.
The orientation of the axes depends on the type of machine and are established
by the “rule of the right hand”.

Axes orientation. Rotary axes.

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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
This manual uses the following axes configuration.

Two types of movements can be distinguished on

a machine, those of the machine (X, Y) and that of
the tool itself (Z). But for programming them, let us
assume the movements of the tool with respect to
the machine. Thus, the axes would be:

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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
1.2 Machine reference zero and part zero.
They are the references the machine needs in order to work:

Machine ref. zero (OM)

It is set by the manufacturer and it is the
origin point for the axes.

Part zero (OP) OP

It is set by the operator. It is the part’s
origin or datum point with respect to
which the movements are programmed. It
could be set anywhere on the part.



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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
1.3 Home Search.
When the CNC is off, the axes may be moved by hand or by accident. In these
situations, the CNC no longer keeps track of the real position of the axes. That is why a
“Home Search” should be carried out on power-up.
When searching home, the axes move to the home point set by the manufacturer and
the CNC assumes the value of the coordinates set by the manufacturer for that point.


Tool ref. = Home

Tool ref.


Machine Ref. point: Is the physical reference mark location to where the axes move during “home

NOTE: With the new feedback systems (with distance coded reference marks), it is possible
to know the position of the axes by moving them a short distance. This way, the concept
of Machine Reference (home) no longer applies.

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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
1.4 Travel limits.
There are two types of limits:
– Hard limits: Mechanical limits set on the machine to prevent the carriage
from moving beyond the ways (cams and hardstops).
– CNC limits: Set at the CNC by the manufacturer to prevent the carriage from
running into the machine’s hard limits.

Physical limits
CNC limits

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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
1.5 Part zero setting.
The Part zero is set on all three axes.
When machining several parts, the distance Programming gets complicated when done
from Machine ref. zero (OM) to the part is from Machine ref. zero (OM) and it is only
different for each one. A different program good for that part in that particular location.
would be needed for each part. By By programming from Part zero (OP), the part
programming from Part zero (OP), it would be dimensions may be taken straight from the
independent of the actual location of the part. blueprint.




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Theory on CNC machines
MC Model
1.6 Work units.
Programming units Sindle speed Axis feedrate
They are set by the The spindle turning speed The feedrate of the axes
manufacturer and may be is programmed in RPM. (F) is programmed in
in millimeters or inches. m/min.




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Chapter 2

Theory on tools

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Theory on tools
MC Model
This chapter describes:
• What the tool turret is.
• What the tool table is and what information it contains.
• What tool presetting is.
• Defects due to errors in the tool table.
> Due to wrong tool calibration.
> Due to wrong tool radius values.

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Theory on tools
MC Model
2.1 Tool management.
The tools to be used with this CNC may be placed in a tool magazine.
Depending on whether the machine has or not a tool magazine, the tool change may
be carried out as follows:
– If the machine does not have a tool magazine, the tool change is manual
(like on a conventional machine).
– If the machine has a tool magazine, the CNC manages the tool change

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Theory on tools
MC Model
2.2 Tool table.
The tool data is stored in the tool table. When a tool change takes place, the
CNC assumes the data set for that tool.
The data shown in the table is:
It defines the tool dimensions.

L: Tool length.
R: Tool radius.
I: Radius wear.
K: Length wear.

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Theory on tools
MC Model
Machining time or number of operations that could be carried out with the tool.
Machining time or number of operations carried out.
Tools with similar characteristics.
Tool type:
•N: Normal.
•S: Special.
Tool status:
•A: Available.
•E: Expired. (Real life > Nominal life).
•R: Rejected by the PLC.
This data is updated by the CNC. The operator cannot change them.
When requesting an expired or rejected tool, the CNC looks for a tool of the same
family. If there is one, it will select it; if not, it will issue the corresponding error

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Theory on tools
MC Model
2.3 Tool calibration.
Tool calibration refers to the operation used to indicate to the CNC the length of the
tool. This operation must be carried out properly so the parts come out with the right
dimensions and the same point is controlled after a tool change.

Different tool dimensions, same point.

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Theory on tools
MC Model

Part to be machined Tools

Right part dimensions

Z1: Real dim.

Z2: Wrong dim. Wrong part dimensions Wrong machining Proper machining
Z2 > Real dim. Tools calibrated wrong Tools calibrated right

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Theory on tools
MC Model
Desired profile
Real profile
Residual stock


TOOL Real radius.

Wrong radius.

There is a residual stock due to different radii.

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Chapter 3

Hands-on training

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Hands-on training
MC Model

This chapter describes:

• The keyboard and the screen.
• How to carry out a “Home Search”.
> Maintaining the part zero.
> Without maintaining the part zero.
• How to operate with the spindle.
> What the speed ranges (gears) are.
• How to jog the axes. (Handwheels, incremental and continuous JOG, etc.)
• How to handle tools.
> Types of tool changer. (Manual or automatic).
> Tool calibration.
> Tool table.
> Tool change position.
• How to check the tool calibration.

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.1 Screen and keyboard description.
3.1.1 Power-up.
On power-up, the CNC will display the following screen.

If this screen is not displayed, it is

because the CNC is in M mode. To
enter in MC mode, press:

Screen for the MC mode.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 2 Section 2.3

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.1.2 Keyboard description.

1.- Keys to define the machining operations.

2.- Keys for external devices.
3.- Alphanumeric keyboard and command keys.
4.-Operator panel.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 2 Section 2.1

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Hands-on training
MC Model
Description of the operator panel.

1.- Axes jogging keys.

2.- Work mode selector. (Continuous JOG ( ), incremental JOG ( ) or with
handwheel ( )).
3.- Selection of spindle turning direction ( ) and start-up. Spindle speed
override percentage ( ).
4.- Keys for CYCLE START ( ) and CYCLE STOP ( ).
5.- Axis feedrate override percentage.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 2 Section 2.1

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.1.3 Description of the standard screen.

1.- Time, single-block/continuous execution, program number, execution status.

(In position, Execution, Interrupted or Reset) and PLC messages.
2.- CNC messages.
3.- Tool position referred to part zero and to home. Actual (real) spindle rpm.
4.- Selected axis feedrate and applied override %.
5.- Tool information.
6.- Spindle information. Selected speed and override percentage applied, maximum rpm and
spindle status (turning clockwise, counter-clockwise or stopped) and active range.
7.- Help messages.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.1

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.1.4 Description of the auxiliary screen.

1.- Time, single block/continuous execution, program number, execution status.

(In position, Execution, Interrupted or Reset) and PLC messages.
2.- CNC messages.
3.- Lines of the selected program.
4.- Axes movement information: Movement target point (COMMAND), current tool position
(ACTUAL), remaining distance (TO GO) and difference between the theoretical axis position and
its actual position (FOLLOWING ERROR or axis lag).
Spindle information: programmed theoretical speed, speed in rpm, speed in m/min.
5.- Status of the active G and M functions. Number of consecutive parts executed with the program
(PARTC), execution time for a part or cycle time (CYTIME), and PLC clock (TIMER).

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.1

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.2 Home search.
After powering the machine up, carry out the “Home Search” just in case the
axes of the machine have moved while the CNC was off. A “Home Search” can be
carried out in two ways.
3.2.1 Maintaining the part zero.
The “Home Search” is carried out on the three axes at the same time.

Tool Ref.

Press +

The CNC does not know the position of the axes. The CNC shows the coordinates referred to
the OP considering the tool dimensions.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.3

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.2.2 Without maintaining the part zero.
The “Home Search” is carried out on one axis at a time.
The CNC does not know the position of the axes.
Home search on the X and Y axes.
Home search on the Z axis Press + +
Press + + Press + +

Tool Ref.


The CNC shows the coordinates referred to

OM, considering the tool dimensions.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.3

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.3 Spindle.
3.3.1 Speed ranges (gears)
With this CNC, the machine can have a gear box. By means of RANGES, we
can choose the best gear ratio for the programmed spindle speed.
Power Power
Constant Power Constant Power


If the work speed is between N1 and N2, RANGE 1 should be used and if
between N2 and N3, RANGE 2. Always try to work at constant power in order to
extend tool life.

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.3.2 Spindle control.
To select the work speed (in rpm), press:
+ (turning speed) +
The CNC shows the following information:

Selected speed.
Applied percentage.
Turning direction.
Active spindle range.

Use the following keys of the operator panel to start the spindle.
Start the spindle clockwise.
Stop the spindle.
Start the spindle counter-clockwise.
Increase or decrease the override percentage applied to the spindle
turning speed.
NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.6.1
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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.4 Axis jog.
To jog the axes, we will use:

Each key is used for It can have one, two

moving the axis in one or three handwheels.
direction according to The axes move in
the axes of the machine. the turning direction
(Section 1.1) of the handwheels.

JOG keys Handwheel

To select the jog mode, use the selector switch:

Handwheel jog
Incremental movement

Continuous movement

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.4.1 Handwheels.
– Select the jog mode with the selector switch. ( position).

S W ITCH D istance per line of

P O S ITIO N the handw h e e l dial
1 1 m icron.
10 10 m icron.
100 100 m icron.

Handwheel Selector switch Jog table

– Jog the axes with the handwheels.

• If the machine has 1 handwheel:
Select an axis with the JOG keys.
The machine moves the axis as the handwheel is being turned.
• If the machine has 2 or more handwheels:
The machine moves an axis with each handwheel.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.4.3

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.4.2 JOG.

Incremental JOG. Continuous JOG

Every time a JOG key is pressed, the axis will When pressing a JOG key, the axis moves at
move the selected increment at the the feedrate of the selected feedrate “F”
programmed feedrate. (in rapid, if F=0). override percentage (0% to 120%).
– Select the distance to move at the selector. – Enter the feedrate value:
( position). + <Feedrate value> +
– Modify the percentage of the programmed
(1) : 0.001 mm
(10) : 0.010 mm
(100) : 0.100 mm
(1000) : 1.000 mm
(10000) : 10.000 mm

– Move the axes with the JOG keys. Applied percentage

– Jog the axes with the JOG keyboard.
– If is pressed while the axes are
moving, they will move at the fastest
feedrate possible (set by the machine

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.4.1/3.4.2

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.4.3 Automatic axis movement to a particular position.
By means of the key, an axis may be moved to a particular coordinate.
Follow these steps:
– Select the axis to be moved at the stantard screen.
– Enter the value of the destination point.
– Press .
The axis will move to the programmed point at the selected feedrate.

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.5 Tools.
3.5.1 Tool selection.
Depending on the machine, there are two possibilities:

Machine with manual tool changer. Machine with automatic tool changer.
The tool change is carried out like on a – Press .
conventional machine: – Enter the tool number.
– Change the tool on the machine. – Press .
– Press . – The CNC manages the tool change.
– Enter the tool number so the CNC
assumes the values of the corresponding
tool table.
– Press .

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.5.1

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.5.2 Tool calibration.
– Just before calibrating the tools, a “Home Search” must be carried out on all axes.
Home search on the Z axis. Home search on the X and Y axes.



– A flat surface is needed for calibrating the tools. Use continuous JOG or handwheels for
level milling the surface.

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Hands-on training
MC Model
– Enter in the calibration mode. Press . The CNC displays the tool
calibration screen.

Work mode. Actual position of

the axes and cutting
Help graphics.
Tool number.
Tool dimensions.
Height of the
part used for
tool calibration. Data on current tool

Use to move the
cursor around

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section 3.5.2

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Hands-on training
MC Model
1.- Measure the part.
– Go to the tool calibration window.
– Enter the Z value.

Part dimensions
2.- Start the spindle.
3.- Select the tool to be calibrated. The CNC will assign the same tool offset
number (D).
+ (tool number) +
5.- Jog the axes until touching the part along the Z axis. Press:
The CNC calculates the length and
assigns it to the tool.
6.- Enter the rest of the data (Radius, Nominal life, Real life and family code).
The K value is set to zero when calibrating.
To calibrate another tool, repeat steps 3, 4 and 5.
NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section
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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.5.3 How to change any data on the tool table.
To change the values (T, D, R, L, I, K, Nominal Life, Real Life or Family),
enter in the calibration mode and press:
+ (Tool number) +
The CNC shows the data for that tool. To change it, place the cursor over the
value to be modified, key in the new value and press .
To quit the calibration mode, press .

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.5.4 Tool change point.
The machine manufacturer may allow selecting the tool change position.

Tool change position referred to home.

Enter the X, Y and Z values of the point chosen as the tool change position.
• + + (X value) +
• + + (Y value) +
• + + (Z value) +
When a tool change is required and if the machine manufacturer has set it this
way, the CNC will move the axes to this position for a tool change.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 3 Section

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Hands-on training
MC Model
3.6 Checking for proper calibration.
– Preset the part zero.

Approach the tool along X. Approach the tool along Y. Approach the tool along Z.
Press + + Press + + Press + +

Withdraw the tool.

OP Part Zero position.

– Start the spindle, touch the part surface with several tools and check the
values on the screen.
– The tools are different, but the values on the screen must be the same.

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Chapter 4

Automatic Operations

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Automatic operations
MC Model

This chapter describes:

• Which are the keys associated with the automatic operations.
• Which are the various work modes.
• Example of an operation and a positioning cycle.
> How to edit the parameters of the operation and what they mean.
> How to simulate an operation and which are the graphic parameters.
> How to execute an operation.
– Tool inspection.
– Tool wear compensation.

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Automatic operations
MC Model
4.1 Operation keys.

Layout of the automatic function keys.

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Automatic operations
MC Model
Operation keys:
Drilling and center punching.

Rectangular and circular pocket.
Rectangular and circular boss.
Pocket with profile.
Surface milling.
Profile milling.

Selection of the cycle level within an operation

Used to associate a positioning cycle with Boring, Reaming,

Threading, Drilling and Center punching operations.

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Automatic operations
MC Model
4.2 Work modes.
There are 2 work modes:

Edit mode Execution mode

Editing the parameters of the Simulation of an operation or

operation or cycle. cycle. ( )
Simulation of an operation or Execution of an operation or
cycle.( ) cycle. ( )

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.2

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Automatic operations
MC Model
4.3 Example of an automatic operation.
4.3.1 Edit an operation. Rectangular pocket.
– Select the Rectangular pocket operation. Press .

Work cycle. Actual axes position.

Cutting conditions.

Help graphics.
Cycle geometry
conditions of
the cycle.

– Use the key to select the cycle level to be executed.

(Only in certain operations).

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Automatic operations
MC Model
– Set the operation data.
To select an icon (symbol), data or coordinate:
• Use the keys to move the cursor.
• Press or . The CNC selects the first coordinate of the axis. Press
it again to select the second coordinate.
• Press . The CNC selects the roughing feedrate. Press it again to select
the finishing feedrate.
• Press . The CNC selects the roughing tool. Press it again to select the
finishing tool.
• Press . The CNC selects the roughing “S” data. Press it again to select
the finishing “S” data. Press it again to select the maximum spindle speed.
After making this selection:
• If it is a data, key in the new value and press .
• If it is an icon, press until the desired one is selected and then .
• If it is a coordinate, there are two possibilities:
–Key in the new value and press .
–Press + . The CNC will take the current position of the axes
as the value.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.1

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Automatic operations
MC Model Associate a positioning with an operation.
If it is a Boring, Reaming, Threading, Drilling or Center Punching operation, a
positioning cycle may be associated with it. After setting the operation, choose the
type of positioning. ( ).

Operation. Positioning.

Each positioning can be defined in several ways. To choose the right group of data,
place the cursor over the icon and press .

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Automatic operations
MC Model
4.3.2 Simulate an operation.
It is used for checking the tool path on the screen.
– Press . The CNC will display the graphics menu. To access the various
options, press their corresponding keys:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7

To begin simulating, press .

The simulating speed is selected with the FEED selector.
Other useful keys are:
: Interrupts the simulation. While interrupted:
: Resumes the simulation.
: Stops the simulation.
or : Quits the simulation mode.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 6 Section 6.5

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Automatic operations
MC Model
•Type of graphics.
– “3D” Graphics.
The three-dimensional tool path is represented by color lines.
– “XY, XZ, YZ” Graphics.
Color lines represent the tool path in the selected plane.
– “Combined” Graphics.
The screen is divided into four quadrants showing the XY, XZ, YZ planes
and the 3D view.
– Top view.
It displays a solid XY plane indicating the depth of the part with different
gray tones. It also shows two sections (XZ and YZ) of the part.
– “Solid” Graphics.
It shows a three-dimensional part. Starting at an initial block. During
simulation, the tool can be seen removing material as well as the resulting

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Automatic operations
MC Model
•Display area.
It is possible to define the display area by setting the maximum and minimum axis
–To set the coordinates, use .
–Once the data has been set, press .

It is used for enlarging or reducing the drawing or part of it. The new display area
is selected by means of a window superimposed on the shown tool path.
–To enlarge or reduce the drawing, use the keys for “ZOOM+” and “ZOOM-”.
–To move the window around, use:
–For the CNC to assume the new values, press .
–To draw the selected section, press .
To return to the original display area, choose the INITIAL VALUE option.

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Automatic operations
MC Model
•Graphic parameters.
Simulation speed: For selecting the % override of the simulation speed being
Tool path colors: For changing the tool path colors on “3D”, “XY, XZ, YZ”
and “Top view” graphics.
Colors for solid graphics: For changing the colors of the tool and the part on
“Top view” and “Solid” graphics.

•Clear screen.
It clears the screen. While in “Solid” graphics mode, it shows the part without
being machined.

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Automatic operations
MC Model
4.3.3 Execute an operation.
The operations can be executed from beginning to end or a pass at a time. This
choice is made with .
Once the data has been entered, press . The CNC screen shows the Cycle Start
key ( ) and lets execute the operation.
To start the execution, press .
Once execution has started:
: Interrupts the execution. While interrupted, if we press:
: Resumes the execution.
: Cancels the execution.
: Switches to graphics mode.

The execution can be interrupted at any time, except while making a thread. In that
case, the execution will be interrupted at the end of the thread.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 6 Section 6.3/6.4

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Automatic operations
MC Model
Tool inspection.
With this option, the operation may be interrupted for inspecting and replacing the
tool or for modifying the tool wear value.
– Press .
– Depending on the machine manufacturer, on some machines will also have
to be pressed to get into tool inspection.
– The top of the CNC screen displays the message: INSPECTION. Jog the tool
with the jog keys or the handwheels.
– Once in “Tool Inspection”, it is possible to move the axes (JOG keys and
handwheels), check or change the tool, stop or start the spindle, change the
tool wear value, etc.
– Press to reposition the axes. If more than one axis was moved, the CNC
will request the repositioning order (sequence).
– Resume execution.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 6 Section 6.4.1

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Automatic operations
MC Model
Modifying the tool wear value.
With this option, the I, K values may be changed. The entered values are
incremental and will be added to those stored previously. This option may be
executed during tool inspection or while the machine is running.
– Press . The CNC shows the table for that tool.
– Use the keys to position the cursor over the I value.
– Key in the I value and press .
– Position the cursor over the K value.
– Key in the K value and press .
– To change the offset of another tool, press:
+ (Tool Number) +
– To finish, press .
NOTE: The modifications are not assumed until the tool is selected.

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Chapter 5

Summary of work cycles

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.1 Profile milling operation.

At this cycle level, the profile is defined by At this cycle level, the profile is defined by
points. (Up to a maximum of 12 points). the profile editor. (Section 5.16).

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.3

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.2 Surface milling operation.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.4

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.3 Pocket cycle with Profile.

The profile is generated with the profile editor (Section 5.16).

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.5

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.4 Rectangular and Circular Boss milling cycles.

Rectangular Boss Circular Boss

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.6

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.5 Rectangular and Circular pocket milling cycles.

Simple pocket Rectangular pocket

At this cycle level, the type of pocket
corner may be chosen as well as the
inclination angle of the pocket.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.7

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model

Circular pocket

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.7

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.6 Positioning.

At this cycle level, auxiliary functions may

be defined to be executed before or after
the movement.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.8

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.7 Boring operation.
This operation may be carried out at the indicated position (X,Y) or may be repeated at
different positions using the keys.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.9

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.8 Reaming operation.
This operation may be carried out at the indicated position (X,Y) or may be repeated at
different positions using the keys.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.10

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.9 Threading operation.
This operation may be carried out at the indicated position (X,Y) or may be repeated at
different positions using the keys.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.11

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.10 Drilling and Center punching operations.
These operations may be carried out at the indicated position (X,Y) or may be repeated at
different positions using the keys.

Drilling. Drilling.
At this cycle level, one programs the
distance the tool withdraws after each
penetration (drilling peck).
NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.12
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Summary of work cycles
MC Model

Center punching.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.12

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.11 Multiple positioning at several points.

Only for Boring, Reaming, Drilling and Center punching operations.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.13.1

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.12 Multiple positioning in a straight line.

Only for Boring, Reaming, Drilling and Center punching operations.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.13.2

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.13 Multiple positioning in an arc.

Only for Boring, Reaming, Drilling and Center punching operations.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.13.3

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.14 Multiple positioning in a parallelogram pattern.

Only for Boring, Reaming, Drilling and Center punching operations.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.13.4

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.15 Multiple positioning in a grid pattern.

Only for Boring, Reaming, Drilling and Center punching operations.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 4 Section 4.13.5

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Summary of work cycles
MC Model
5.16 Profile editor.
With the profile editor it is possible to define straight and circular sections of the
profile (the editor solves the intersection and tangency problems) and then modify those
sections by adding rounded corners, chamfers as well as tangential entries and exits.

It is used to define the “Profile milling” cycle and the “Pocket with profile” cycle.

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Chapter 6

Conversational part-programs

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
This chapter describes:
• What a conversational part-program is.
• How to edit it.
• How to change it. (Inserting or deleting operations).
• Simulate/execute an operation.
• Simulate/execute starting at a particular operation.
• Simulate/execute a part-program.
• Copy a part-program.
• Delete a part-program.

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.1 What is a conversational part-program?
It is a set of operations ordered secuentially. Each operation is defined separately and
they are then stored one after the other in a program.
The name of the part-program can be any integer between 1 - 899999.

Surface milling.
Circular pocket.
Drilling +Positioning in arc.

Circular boss.

Rectangular pocket.

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.2 Edit a part-program.
To edit a part-program, we first choose the operations needed to execute the
part. A part may be executed in various ways.

Drilling +Posit. in a straight line

Surface milling

Simple pocket

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
Once the sequence of operations has been chosen, the part-program is built by
editing the operations one by one.


(Enter number) + + (Comment) +

e.g. : <555> + + <SAMPLE PART> +

NOTE: The following keys are used:

: To move up and down on each column.
: To change columns.

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
Choose the operation and define
the parameters.

Repeat these steps with the other operations. In our case, the finished part-program
will be:

Program number

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.3 Modify a part-program.
The operations making up a part-program can be modified.

Choose The CNC shows the cycle with

operation all its data.
Modify the operation parameters
like in the editing mode.

The CNC requests The new operation

an option. Choose replaces the previous one.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 5 Section 5.6.4

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
New operations can also be inserted into a part-program.

Choose Define the parameters Choose

operation and cutting conditions position
of the operation to be
inserted. Press

The new operation is inserted

after the chosen position.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 5 Section 5.6.3

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
Operations can be deleted from a part-program.


Select, on the right column, the operation to be deleted.

The CNC requests


NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 5 Section 5.6.1

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
The position of an operation can also be changed.

Select, on the right column, the operation to be moved.

Select the
new position.

The operation is inserted

behind the operation
occupying that position.

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 5 Section 5.6.2

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.4 Simulate/execute an operation.
Select, on the right column, the operation to be SIMULATED:


More information about the graphics screen in chapter 4.3.2 of this manual.

Select, on the right column, the operation to be EXECUTED:

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 6 Section 6.3

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.5 Simulate/execute a part-program.
Select, on the left column, the part-program to be SIMULATED:


More information about the graphics screen in chapter 4.3.2 of this manual.

Select, on the left column, the part-program to be EXECUTED:

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 6 Section 6.2

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.6 Simulate/execute starting at a particular operation.
Select, on the right column, the operation where the SIMULATION is to be started:


More information about the graphics screen in chapter 4.3.2 of this manual.

Select, on the right column, the operation where the EXECUTION is to be started:

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 6 Section 6.2.1

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.7 Copy a part-program into another one.
Select, on the left column, the part-program to be COPIED:

Key in the number and

comment of the new

NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 5 Section 5.5

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Conversational part-programs
MC Model
6.8 Delete a part-program.
Select, on the left column, the part-program to be deleted:

The CNC requests


NOTE: Refer to the Operation Manual Chapter 5 Section 5.4

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Appendix I

Programming example

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 0: Part to be machined.


This chapter shows an example of how to

create a part-program.
Remember that the tool number may be
different depending on the machine. The tool
used in this example are:
T1: ? 40 endmill. T5: ? ??drill
T2: ? 25 endmill. T6: ? 5 drill.
T3: ? 10 endmill. T7: M-6 tap.
T4: Center punch.
The spindle speed and axis feedrates are
orientative and they may be other than the
ones shown here.
The “Part zero” position is represented here
by the symbol.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 1: Surface milling.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 2: Machining the profile.

Other data

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 3: Rectangular boss.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 4: Circular pocket.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 5: Rectangular pocket.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 6: Center punching + Multiple positioning at several points.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 7: Center punching + Multiple positioning in parallelogram pattern.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 8: Drilling + multiple positioning at several points.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 9: Drilling + multiple positioning in parallelogram pattern.

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Programming example
MC Model
Step 10: Tapping + multiple positioning in parallelogram pattern.


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Programming example
MC Model
Step 11: Part-program.

Once the operations have been entered, the part program will be like this:

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