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OBE Syllabus Projective Techniques

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University of Santo Tomas

The Graduate School


 Academic Year 2022 – 2023 | First Term 

An Outcomes-Based Learning Program
Course Code Course Title

Part 1. Course Information

Three Units Asst. Prof. Renz Christian Argao, PhD, RPsy, RPm, DAAETS
Course Credit Course Facilitator
Specialization UST Graduate School
Course Category Office
Tuesdays 6-9pm 0917 622 6734
Class Schedule Contact Number
UST Cloud Campus
Venue E-mail
None By appointment / virtual
Adv. Theories of Consultation Period (Schedule/Venue)
(Specify All)

Course Description
Rationale This three-unit course is designed to enhance the Graduate Psychology
students’ knowledge, skills, and competence in the use of Projective
Techniques in Clinical assessments.
Focus Students will learn the uses and scope, administration, scoring, and
interpretation of various Projective Techniques. Students will also learn
how to use Projective Techniques in clinical diagnosis and psychological
report writing.
Outcome At the end of the course, the students will be able to administer, and
interpret projective tests as part of the clinical psychological assessment

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University of Santo Tomas
The Graduate School

Part 2. Outcomes-Based Macrocurriculum Framework

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

M Institutional (IILOs) Program (PILOs) Course (CILOs)
S ➔ When you successfully complete ➔ When you successfully complete
USTGS Graduate Attributes
I Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Projective Techniques, you will be
A USTGS Graduate is expected to be a:
O you will be able to: able to:
Demonstrate the knowledge,
Demonstrate updated knowledge and
Competent Professional who, inspired by skills, and abilities in the use of
comprehension of the major theories,
the ideals of St. Antoninus of Florence, projective tests and techniques in
perspectives, historical trends, and
promotes excellence in the production, conducting psychological
➔ empirical findings to discuss how ➔
advancement, and transmission of assessment of clients/patients in
psychological principles apply to
specialized knowledge and skills in the the clinical setting, particularly in
behavioral problems across levels and
sciences, the arts, and community services. diagnosis and psychological report

Scholarly Researcher and Critical Thinker
who, kindled by St. Thomas Aquinas’
Demonstrate the ability to
ardor for truth, aspires to become fonts of Demonstrate skills in the
critically analyze and produce
intellectual creativity and, in his quest for development of scientific reasoning
scientific literature regarding the
quality research, is proficient and critical in ➔ and problem solving, including ➔
use, applications, validity, and
assessing and communicating information effective psychological research
reliability of projective techniques
in various fields that impact the method.
in the clinical setting.
professions, the church, the nation, and the
global community.
Professional Christian Leader who,
touched by St. Dominic de Guzman
Demonstrate the ability to
As inspired by St. Thomas Aquinas,

Apostolic’ fire and warmed by Mary’s Demonstrate the capability to lead

supervise and work with other
motherly care, articulates ethics and truth and have more direct adherence to
➔ ➔ professionals in the use of
high level of maturity in resolving issues professional values in resolving

projective techniques in clinical

and promoting social justice and psychological issues.
assessments and clinical practice.
compassion for the poor, and care for the
Globally Engaged Citizen who, with
Integrate the use of projective
ardent advocacy for life, promotes a deeper
Demonstrate responsiveness to techniques in the conduct of
understanding of tolerance and justice as
➔ multicultural and global ➔ clinical assessments with
well as linguistic, religious, and cultural
psychological concerns. considerations on cultural
diversities as a result of precise evaluation
sensitivity and diversity.
of modern problems and inquiries.
Committed Scholar who, nurtured by the
Demonstrate higher order levels of Write psychological reports that
dogmas of the Christian faith and values, is
As inspired by St. Dominic de Guzman

skills to communicate information, uses information obtained from

dedicated to pursuit of truth through the
➔ ideas, problems, and solutions about ➔ the administration and
promotion of an intellectual culture that
psychological phenomena to interpretation of projective
values academic rigor and freedom of

informed audiences. techniques.

scientific investigation.
Lifelong Learner who, empowered by St.
Antoninus of Florence’s zeal for learning, is Demonstrate resourcefulness on the Evaluate the appropriateness of
committed to the advancement of a higher importance of effective learning the various projective techniques
culture through a continuous search of ➔ strategies, cultural sensitivity, and ➔ in the various clinical assessment
intellectual inquiries and new knowledge as career opportunities in the field of processes through practical
well as faithfulness to Catholic intellectual psychology. application of projective theories.

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University of Santo Tomas
The Graduate School

Part 3. Teaching and Learning Matrix

Intended Learning Outcomes Learning Assessment

Course Contents
(ILOs) Activities Tasks
ILO 1: Discuss the nature of I. Introduction to Projective Interactive Course
Projective Techniques and how Techniques Discussions, Worksheet:
they are used in the clinical a. Projective Tests & Audio-Visual Comparing
Techniques: Definition Presentations Projective Tests
assessment practice.
[CILO 1: Demonstrate the and Characteristics
knowledge, skills, and abilities in the b. Projection: Concept and Tests
use of projective tests and techniques Application
in conducting psychological c. The Nature and Role of
assessment of clients/patients in the Perception
clinical setting, particularly in d. The Projective
diagnosis and psychological report Hypothesis
writing.] e. The difference between
projective technics and
psychometric tests
f. Types of Projective Tests

ILO 2: Demonstrate knowledge II. Historical and Interactive Case Study 1:

of the historical development and Contemporary Perspectives Discussions, Ethical Issues in
contemporary views of Projective on Projective Techniques Group Work, Projective
a. History of Projective Audio-Visual Techniques
Techniques, and the legal and
ethical considerations when Techniques
using Projective Techniques for b. Psychological Theories
clinical practice. and Models
[CILO 2: Demonstrate the ability to c. Modern and Current
critically analyze and produce Practices in Projective
scientific literature regarding the Techniques
use, applications, validity, and d. Ethical and Legal Issues
reliability of projective techniques in regarding Projective
the clinical setting.] Techniques
[CILO 6: Evaluate the
appropriateness of the various
projective techniques in the various
clinical assessment processes
through practical application of
projective theories.]

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University of Santo Tomas
The Graduate School

ILO 3: Demonstrate the skills and III. Completion Techniques Interactive Interpretation of
competencies in the a. Sack’s Sentence Discussions, the Test Results
administration, scoring, and Completion Test Group Work,
interpretation of Projective b. Rotter’s Incomplete
Techniques. Sentences Blanks
IV. Expressive Techniques Scoring, and
[CILO 1: Demonstrate the a. Draw-A-Person Test Interpretation of
knowledge, skills, and abilities in the b. Human Figure Drawing Projective Tests
use of projective tests and techniques Test
in conducting psychological c. House-Tree-Person Tests
assessment of clients/patients in the d. Kinetic Family Drawing
clinical setting, particularly in e. Bender Visual-Motor
diagnosis and psychological report Gestalt Test
writing.] V. Association Techniques
[CILO 3: Demonstrate the ability to a. Hand Test
supervise and work with other b. Word Association
professionals in the use of projective Method
techniques in clinical assessments c. Association Adjustment
and clinical practice.] Inventory
VI. Construction Techniques
a. Thematic Apperception
Tests (TAT, CAT, SAT)

ILO 4: Demonstrate the VII. Writing Interactive Simulation

competence in writing Psychodiagnostic Discussions, Exercises
psychological reports that Reports Group Work,
integrate the use of projective
[CILO 4: Integrate the use of
projective techniques in the conduct
of clinical assessments with
considerations on cultural
sensitivity and diversity.]
[CILO 5: Write psychological
reports that uses information
obtained from the administration
and interpretation of projective
Capstone Research Requirement :
Integrated Psychological Report that uses Projective Techniques

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The Graduate School

Part 4. Course Resources

Basic Reading Burns, R.C. (1987). Kinetic House-Tree-Person Drawings: K-H-T-P: An Interpretative
Manual (1st ed.). Routledge.
Cohen, R.J., Schneider, W.J., & Tobin, R. (2022). Psychological Testing and
Assessment: An Introduction to Tests and Measurements (10th ed.). McGraw
Jolles, I. (1964). A Catalog for the Qualitative Interpretation of the House-Tree-Person
(H-T-P). Western Psychological Services.
Murray, H.A. (1971). Thematic Apperception Test Manual. Harvard University Press.
Reynolds, C.R. (2007). Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt
Test(2nd ed.). Pro-Ed.
Sacks, J.M. & Levy, S. (1950). The Sentence Completion Test. In L. E. Abt & L.
Bellak (Eds.), Projective psychology: Clinical approaches to the total personality.
(pp. 357–402). Alfred A. Knopf.

Extended Readings Anderson, H.H. & Anderson, G.M.L. (1962). An Introduction to Projective Techniques
& Other Devices for Understanding the Dynamics of Human Behavior. Prentice
Groth-Marnat, G. & Wright, A.J. (2016). Handbook of Psychological Assessment (6th
ed). Wiley.
Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2018). Psychological Testing Principles, Applications,
and Issues (9th ed). Cengage.
Rabin, A.I. (1968). Projective Techniques in personality assessment. Springer
Publishing Company.
Wright, A.J. (2016). Conducting Psychological Assessment: A Guide for Practitioners
(2nd ed). Wiley.

Journals Jenkins, S.R., Siefert, C.J., & Weber, K. (2020). Interpersonal Decentering
and Person–Situation Interaction in the Thematic Apperception Test:
Is It all in the Cards? What’s the Story?. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 102(4), 551-562,
Li, C.Y., Chen, T.J., Helfrich, C., & Pan, A.W. (2011). The Development of a
Scoring System for the Kinetic House-Tree-Person Drawing Test.
Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(2), 72-79,
Rojas-Rivas, E., Espinoza-Ortega, Thome-Ortiz, H., & Cuffia, F. (2022).
More than words! A narrative review of the use of the projective
technique of word association in the studies of food consumer

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University of Santo Tomas
The Graduate School

behavior: Methodological and theoretical implications. Food Research

International, 156,
Tukel, S., Eliasson, A.C., Bohm, B., & Smedler, A.C. (2019). Simple
Categorization of Human Figure Drawings at 5 Years of Age as an
Indicator of Developmental Delay. Developmental Neurorehabilitation,
Wood, L.L. & Pignatelli, E.C. (2019). The Scribble Story Technique: An
Arts-Based Supervision Process. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health,
14(2), 229-242,

Web References

Other Materials

Part 5. Learner Assessment

(to be negotiated with students)

Course Requirements Percentage

Projective Test Presentation 15%
Written Report 40%
Oral Presentation 60%
Projective Test Interpretation 15%
Psychological Report 40%
Preliminary Examination 15%
Final Examination 15%

Part 6. Course Policies

1. Students are expected to attend all synchronous class sessions and to submit all activities
required during asynchronous class sessions.
2. Students are required to administer, score, and interpret projective tests based on the
provided class materials in order to ensure similarity in the basis for interpretation.
3. Reports (slides) must be submitted one (1) week prior to the scheduled date of reporting. A
PowerPoint file and the pdf copy must be submitted via email.
4. In submitting psychological reports for individual test interpretations, all test protocols
must be submitted with the report.
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University of Santo Tomas
The Graduate School

5. In submitting the final course requirement, students must follow the format indicated in
this syllabus.
6. During reporting, students must ensure that they have stable internet connection, ample
light, and a clear audio. Pre-recorded reports will not be allowed.
7. If a student will be absent in class, inform the professor ahead of schedule via email.

Prepared by: Reviewed and recommended by: Approved by:

Asst. Prof. Renz Christian Argao, Prof. Ma. Claudette A. Agnes, Prof. Michael Anthony Vasco, PhD
PhD, RPsy, RPm, DAAETS Ph.D., RPsy, RPm Dean
Faculty Program Lead

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University of Santo Tomas
The Graduate School

Part 7. Course Calendar

Session Target Dates Topics/Activities Leads

01 August 30 Introduction to Projective Techniques R. Argao

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

02 September 6 R. Argao
on Projective Techniques

03 September 13 Completion Techniques: SSCT & RISB

04 September 20 Expressive Techniques: DAPT

05 September 27 Expressive Techniques: HFDT

06 October 4 Preliminary Examinations R. Argao

07 October 11 Academic Break

08 October 18 Expressive Techniques: HTP

09 October 25 Expressive Techniques: KFD

10 November 8 Expressive Techniques: BVMGT

11 November 15 Association Techniques: Hand Test

Association Techniques: Word Association

12 November 22

13 November 29 Construction Techniques: TAT

14 December 6 Writing Psychodiagnostic Reports R. Argao

15 December 13 Final Examinations R. Argao

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The Graduate School

Part 8. Other Relevant Information

Outline of the Report on the Assigned Projective Test:

Note: This is the minimum requirement, students may add sections as needed.
A. Description of the Test (nature, scope, objectives, age group, uses, technical properties etc.)
B. History of the Test (brief history on the development)
C. Administration Procedures and Guidelines
D. Scoring and Interpretation Procedures
E. Current Issues concerning the test

Outline of the Psychological Report:

I. Identifying Information
II. Referral Information
III. Evaluation Procedures (tests and techniques used, date)
IV. Case History
V. Observational Test Behaviors
VI. Psychological Test Interpretation
VII. Summary Formulation
VIII. Diagnostic Impression (DSM-5-TR)
IX. Recommendations

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