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Overview of The Module Purpose of The Module

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Welcome to PIT! You are officially enrolled in GEC 3: The Contemporary World. This module will serve as your
reference throughout the 1st semester of SY 2022-2023. It aims to develop your understanding towards
globalization and socio-dynamic challenges of the past until the 21st century.

The Contemporary World is primarily link to Globalization which used to describe the growing
interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, populations, brought about by cross-border trade in
goods and services, technology, flows of investment, people, and information.


This module is intended for students enrolled in GEC 3: The Contemporary World. According to the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) this course introduces the students to the contemporary world by
examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences,
it examines the economic, social, political, technological, and other transformations that have created an
increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, this
provides an overview of the various debates in global governance, development, and sustainability. Beyond
exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of global citizenship
and global ethical responsibility.

Further, this highlights the salient themes of globalization and discusses issues such as migration and 'race',
gender and class. The focal point throughout the module is how globalization is strengthened through the
ever-changing nature of citizenship, sexualities, religion, and mass media.


This module is divided into four learning packets- each defines and explains the different aspects of
globalization with corresponding activities and requirements to be fulfilled.

The first packet is the introduction to the study of globalization which differentiates the competing
conceptions of globalization—identify the underlying philosophies of the varying definitions of globalization,
the advantages–-and the impact of globalization. The second packet entails economic globalization, the
role of international financial institutions in the creation of a global economy and its connection to the
modern world system. While the third packet explains the effects of globalization on governments and
identifies the institutions that govern international relations.

The fourth and final packet as per CHED will help you identify the functions of United Nations, the challenges
of global governance, the factors leading to a greater integration of the Asian region and analyze how
various media drive various forms of global integration.


As we go to the first chapter until the last, this module will enable you to discuss the complexities and
comprehensive relationship of globalization to people, politics, economics, and demonstrate while
understanding that the society goes hand in hand with the inception of international agreements in
perceiving problems and finding solutions.


1. Pre-test
2. Activities
3. Quizzes
CHAPTER 1- Introduction to Globalization

At the end of this module you are expected to have:

1. Defined the concept of globalization;

2. Explained the advantages and disadvantages of Globalization; and
3. Interpreted the impact of globalization on developing countries.

Specific Topics

I. The competing conceptions of globalization;

II. The underlying advantages and disadvantages of globalization; and
III. The impact of globalization on developing countries.
Activity 1: How close is the world to me? Date Submitted : ____________

Name : _________________________________ Program/Yr/Section : ____________

Direction: Using the following questions show your connection to the rest of the world based on the music
you listen to.

1. What’s the origin of the most recent song or piece of music that you listened to? (Identify the nationality
of the creator of the music as well as the tradition to which it belongs.)






2. What technology do you commonly use in listening music?






3. Where is the technology made? Where is the head office of the company that owns the technology?






THE COMPETING CONCEPTIONS OF definitions, you can know understand that
GLOBALIZATION globalization comprises mostly of everything the
actions/ conducts/ thoughts of an individual forms
According to Peterson Institute for International part of globalization.
Economics, the history of globalization is driven by
technology, transportation, and international One example of globalization that you can relate
cooperation. Since ancient times, humans have to is our present educational system. In 2012 only
sought distant places to settle, produce, and two countries in Asia, including the Philippines,
exchange goods enabled by improvements in which did not implement the K12 program. The
technology and transportation. But it was not until previous administration in 2013 approved the
the 19th century that global integration took off. implementation of the K12 program in the
Following centuries of European colonization and country. You may wonder why the Philippines
trade activity, that first “wave” of globalization adapted the said program. The reason is that for
was propelled by steamships, railroads, the us to be able to be globally competitive and for
telegraph, and other breakthroughs. There was our graduates to have their degrees be accepted
also an increasing economic cooperation among by the developed countries, hence our
countries. educational system must be aligned to theirs.

In Asian countries like the Philippines, globalization The United Nations categorized the countries into
started way back before the arrival of Ferdinand two, developed and developing, Surbhi (2015),
Magellan. It can be gleaned in the history books explains the difference between the two:
that our ancestors traveled and settled in the developed countries refers to the sovereign state,
Philippines. On the course of their settlement in the whose economy has highly progressed and
country, the ancestors formed their own possesses great technological infrastructure, as
civilization and started the trading of goods to the compared to other nations whereas the countries
neighboring countries. The trading of goods of our with low industrialization and low human
ancestors is a proof that globalization existed development index are termed as developing
since time immemorial. countries.

Now, you are thinking, as to what globalization is. Second, are the multinational corporations.
Is it helpful or not? Do the outcomes affect our
individual lives? As we go along with our
discussion, these questions will be given
corresponding answers.

I am sure that you are familiar with the brands in

the photo. They are known as “Multinational
Corporations (MNC)”. These MNC’s have their
“Globalization”, according to Lee and Vivarelli goods outsourced in a developing country.
(2006,) is currently a popular and controversial Outsourcing means that production of goods is
issue, though often remaining a loose and poorly- not on the main headquarters of the company
defined concept. Sometimes too but can be in another country where labor cost is
comprehensively, the term is used to encompass low or that the raw material of the production is
increases in trade and liberalization policies as from a third party offering cheap/lesser prices.
well as reductions in transportation costs and One example of outsourcing of labor is the brand
technology transfer. Carr and Chen (2002) said Coach. It manufactures the bag in the Philippines
that globalization means different things to instead in the United States because the former’s
different people. In its broadest sense, the term cost of labor is much cheaper compared to the
encompasses all types of economic and cultural hourly rate of the workers in the latter. The
transfers between nations - including domination outsourcing of labor helps the economic situation
of the media and widespread use of the world- of the Philippines because it offers opportunity to
wide web. In a narrower sense, it refers to the the people and lessen unemployment. Nike too,
economic exchange of goods and services has its shoes manufactured in Vietnam due to low
internationally and international financial flows. labor cost.
Lastly, Ritzwer (2015) defined globalization as a
trans-planetary process or a set of processes
involving increasing liquidity and the growing
multidirectional flows of people, objects, places
and information as well as the structures they
encounter and create that are barriers to, or
expedite those flows.

The definition of globalization from the context of

different researchers/experts varies from one point
of view to another. Upon reading the given
With the given example, we can say that
globalization also, mean integration because we
need to blend with our countries in order for our
economic situation to improve. With globalization,
the economies of the countries are
interconnected, forming a single interdependent
global economy. Thomas Larsson (2001) said that
globalization pertains to the increasing ease with
which somebody on one side of the world can
interact, to mutual benefit, with somebody on the
other side of the world.

Assigned Readings
b. Social- A measure on which how easily
information and ideas pass between
people in their own country and between
different countries.

To have more understanding of the topic. Kindly

take time to read the following:

 Globalization and Trade (p. 1-5)
 Globalisation – Advantages And
Disadvantages From The Perspective Of
The Manufacturer
The social media platforms through the internet,
The following are types of globalization: play a vital role in globalization. In this time of
pandemic, the internet helps you and me in our
a. Economic- Countries that trade with lessons. I can send your quizzes and other activities
many others and have few trade barriers through social media and you can send your
are economically globalized. answers to me with the use of internet. Without
which, the world would grind into a halt as you will
not be enrolled nor receive your lessons online. We
will not be able to move forward.

c. Political- The amount of political

cooperation there is between countries.

An example of trade agreement is the

Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for
Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) between
Canada and Japan. The CPTPP according to the
Global Affairs of Canada, establishes duty-free
access for trade in goods between Canada and
Japan, eliminating tariffs for key Canadian
Political cooperation between countries includes
The elimination of tariff means that the goods different regional organizations, such as the
being imported have the same cost as to the European Union (EU) where citizens of member
goods in the local market, thus, the locals can states have the right to move to any EU
enjoy imported products without paying a hefty country to live, work, study, look for a job or retire
amount. or can stay in another EU country for up to three
months without registering there but may need to
Canada-Japan trade snapshot report his/her presence. For Asia, one of which is
the Association of South-East Asian Nations
(ASEAN), where the citizens of member states can
travel to another member-state territory visa-free
as long as holding a valid passport.

Flows of Globalization
Globalization can be considered as system of In this era, the key for financial institution to
flows because it creates a new level of survive is to have a strategic partnership that
connectedness between countries and allows them to offer diverse services to
economy, and plays a vital role to the future of the clienteles. With the use of the internet,
citizenry. To disassociate means we will be left financial firms/banks are able to deliver
behind. financial services to different clients around
a. Food- Globalization has a consequential the globe. Pologeorgis (2019), emphasized
impact on the flow of the food system in that ATM networks and banking websites
developing countries. Food systems are have enabled efficient long-distance
changing by increasing affordability and interactions between institutions and their
diversity but this does not mean that it is customers. If the banking institutions failed to
universal. adapt the emerging new technology, they
will lose their essence.
Elizabeth Black (2016) said that many populations
in developing countries struggle to find or afford c. Migration- the World Economic Forum
nutritious food, like fresh fruits and vegetables. This (2017) defines globalization as the
is largely because, through such forces of process by which people and goods
globalization, markets for Western-style and move easily across borders. As such, you
processed food products have found a place in can’t have globalization without human
developing countries worldwide. Kennedy, migration. People cross borders to offer
Nantel, and Shetty (2004), believed that the losers their labor, investments and ideas in the
tend to be the small local agents and traditional markets that feature opportunities
food markets. unavailable in their home countries.

A number of Filipinos have been migrating to

different parts of the world. Why? Because Filipinos
seek greener pastures in order to support their
The Philippines has an existing bilateral trade families in the Philippines and by doing such they
agreement with Vietnam in the import of rice to help boost the country’s economy.
the country. The trade agreement produces a
positive impact by strengthening our ties with Migration vs. Emigration
Vietnam and gain sustainability for the supply
Immigration is to live in a country where you, were
chain by removing import quotas. However, this
not born, whereas, emigration to leave the
also has an adverse effect, resulting our local
country of origin, to settle in another location.
farmers being pressured to sell their produce for a
lower price rather than the standard retail price
due to the influx of cheap rice, a byproduct of the Levine Institute (2018) states that the impacts of
migration are complex, bringing both benefits
import quotas removal.
and disadvantages. Immigration provides a
b. Financial System- Issing (2000) believes supply of low cost labor for host countries, while
that there has been a steady increase in remittances from emigrant workers can be an
cross-border financial flows around the important source of foreign income for sending
world. First, various financial institutions nations. On the other hand, immigration can stoke
including banks and institutional investors resentment and fear towards newcomers in
have expanded their activities receiving states, as immigrants are discriminated
geographically. In this process, they against, accused of lowering wages and
acted as an intermediary to channel associated with crime, among other complaints.
funds from lenders to borrowers across For the economies of sending nations, emigration
national borders. Second, the more leads to a loss of young, able-bodied, well-
mature securities markets have gained a educated and otherwise economically valuable
clear cross-border orientation. citizens.
d. Information- Lawlor (2008) explained that communicate and transfer information all around
globalization has completely altered the way in the globe lets companies focus on their main core
which the world operates. The barriers that once competencies which in turn leads to better
hindered our ability to communicate and interact collaboration and innovation.
with people across the world have diminished.
Globalization has become ingrained in all fields: TOPIC II
business, government, economic, and social. The Underlying Advantages and Disadvantages of

With the rise of social media platforms through the During the era of Einstein, he said that the atomic
internet, most, but not all, information is already in bomb can change the world. The same can be
our grasp. For example: fifty years ago, the source perceived with globalization. Globalization is one
of information of the people was the radio. Now, of the most debated topics; affects the economy,
on your computer screen you can have feeds politics, culture, and mostly people.
from ten different news sources. You can choose
where to read/listen/watch the news either on The multinational corporations (MNC) are the key
your phone, smart-tv, or computer. parameters in terms of globalization, especially in
terms of the economy. The MNCs do not only seek
According to Velocity Global (2020) the benefits to enhance their production but also their global
of information in globalization, are as follows: network, by increasing the global networks the
MNC makes a huge impact into developing
a. Increase in Knowledge- With intense flow of
countries. For the company to be competitive in
information due to internet, you can access
the global market it needs to embrace
information in the comfort of your home, like our
lessons, you can take your quizzes in this time of
the pandemic online. There are many ways that we can benefit from
globalization especially now with modern
b. Cheaper Products- Multinational corporations
technology, as the world is getting smaller or what
or start-up companies can now search online for
we call “world shrinkage”. However, with such
low cost raw materials and least expensive labor.
advantages, let us not be blinded by its
Here now comes the discussion on the first part of
this module- the outsourcing of labor, just like what
Nike and Coach did. Manolică (2015) explains that Globalization
provides advantages to multinational
c. Increased Competition- With globalization,
corporations, which includes in their own network
eradication of import quotas and trade
the international system of production. These
agreements of different nations, heightened the
organizations seek to maximize the opportunities
trading system of different countries resulting to
offered by the existence of certain factors of
competitive market and cheaper products.
production which can be advantageously
Drawbacks: exploited in different countries. Due to their
potential, they have a high degree of flexibility,
a. Higher Discrepancy between the Rich and which allows easy modification or change of
Poor- The ones that can take advantage of strategies.
globalization are those people who have money,
just like the multinational corporations whereas Gaille (2018) rolled out the advantages and
those who live in poverty are continuously disadvantages of globalization, as follows:
experiencing the cycle of poverty as they cannot
utilize the benefits of globalization.
1. Globalization allows us to pool all our resources
b. Destruction of Local Industries- The leading
corporations can pay higher wages than those of
the local or new ones. Hence, people sought One of the best examples of globalization within
employment to those corporations that can pay our lifetime is the construction of the International
more than the regular wage. Space Station. The cost to construct the ISS was
$150 billion. Compared to the Mir station at $4.2
Lawlor (2008) explains that one of the most
billion, the price tag is astronomical. When the first
beneficial aspects of globalization for businesses is
component for the ISS was launched in 1998, five
that companies can now take skills and
different programs came together to join in
knowledge from across the globe and widen their
ownership, cost, and operations. The United
horizon which leads to increased collaboration
States, Russia, Canada, Europe, and Japan are all
and breakthrough innovations. The ability to
involved in the financing and continued local institutions with little or no liability. These
operations of the program. havens share little, if any, information about these
finances with other tax authorities.
When nations work together to fund common
goals, then more money becomes useful for Globalization reduces this issue because it
needs other than national defense. Imagine what eliminates the administrative structures in place
we could do if the $1 trillion spent annually on which allow the wealthy to hide their funds from
warfare and defense could be used for the global being taxed. That would mean these businesses
greater good? and people would be treated as an average
citizen is today. Greater transparency here would
2. Globalization would also reduce labor lead to better funding of social programs, which
exploitation issues. could reduce poverty and food insecurity over
When borders become less restrictive around the
world, people tend to move to locations where 6. Globalization would help the developing world
their best opportunities exist. Under the current progress faster.
structure of our planet, impoverished nations with
a lower standard of living offer wages that the Most of the world today is not developed. Outside
developed world would find abysmal. Someone in of about 40 countries which have gone through
Bangladesh making clothes for 10 hours per day their own version of the Industrial Revolution, the
earns less in a month than some workers in the U.S. rest of the population still struggles as a primarily
earn before lunch. agricultural society. By reducing border
restrictions, creating common payment formats,
By focusing on globalization, we could reduce and opening product access by reducing export
child labor issues. Human trafficking concerns barriers, more people could improve their way of
would be limited because of more border life. Higher incomes often lead to lower maternal
freedom. People could live, work, or go where and infant mortality rates too, which means we’d
they please with fewer restrictions, making it easier be saving lives with this effort.
to chase their dreams.
7. Globalization would reduce currency
3. Globalization reduces the prospects of tyranny. manipulation problems.
As the world moved slowly toward globalization in There are three primary currencies traded in the
the 20th century, the nations realized that having world today: the Dollar, the Euro, and the Pound
a concentrated power with one administration Sterling. When a nation offers access to a weaker
reduced the likelihood of tyranny in pockets currency, those with stronger currencies buy and
around the globe. Although there have still be sell more often with them. It offers better value
issues with government oppression, including the than spending at home. Globalization would
chemical attacks on populace centers in Syria, reduce the efforts made to build weakness or
the number of incidents is slowly declining. strength into these currencies to influence local
markets. We’d be working toward a society where
When we’re able to move toward a global-
economic growth occurs on a global scale
centric society instead of a nation-centric one,
these issues will continue to decline over time. instead of in only local economies.

4. Globalization improves communication access. 8. Globalization encourages free trade.

The Trump Administration announced new travel Borders create restrictions to the free flow of
restrictions in September 2017 to focus on 8 goods and services. One example of this issue is a
countries: North Korea, Chad, Libya, Iran, Syria, duty and taxes paid on imported goods
Somalia, Yemen, and Venezuela. “Making originating in the U.S. when purchased in Canada.
America Safe is my number one priority,” President These taxes apply on luxury items and other items
Trump tweeted when announcing this decision. of high value.
“We will not admit those into our country we There are currently over 1,500 different restrictions
cannot safely vet.” in place with the global import/export market right
Under a globalization perspective, people would now.
have their risks associated by a central 9. Globalization could create more employment
perspective instead. It would be like the United opportunities.
Nations vetting immigrants instead of the
individual country. By reducing border restrictions, With fewer barriers to the import/export market,
we improve communication access because the cost of producing goods or offering services
we’re no longer restricting the movements and would decline without affecting the profit margins
actions of people on a per-nation basis. of companies. Consumers would benefit from the
lower prices, consume more, and create
5. Globalization would remove tax havens for additional job opportunities around the world. By
wealthy individuals and businesses. creating an environment where free trade
Tax havens are defined as either a country or encouragement readily exists, more innovation,
independent area where taxation levies are at creativity, and engagement would occur at every
low rates. They offer foreign businesses and level of society.
individuals an opportunity to keep their profits in
Disadvantages who spend the most to lobby politicians would
receive the best chance of having their needs
1. Globalization may encourage more offshoring met first. We’ve seen billions spent in U.S. elections
instead of less. lately to influence legislation and policy to
become favorable toward specific outcomes. This
With fewer restrictions in place at the national
issue would translate to a global economy, where
level, some businesses may use offshoring to their
only the richest and most influential would
advantage. Even if they kept jobs local, the threat
influence laws which would impact everyone.
of sending jobs to a different, cheaper region
overseas could be used to justify lower wages at 6. Globalization would not prevent resource
home. The end result of an effort to remove consumption.
borders would be an increase in wages in the
developing world, but a decrease in developed The goal of globalization is to equalize patterns of
countries. Many households could see their consumption for populations around the world.
standard of living go down if consumable price Even though there would be movement toward
decreases don’t occur simultaneously. doing so, there is no getting around the fact that
the wealthiest nations will still consume the most
2. Globalization benefits the wealthy more than resources. The 20 richest countries in the world
the poor. today consume almost 90% of the planet’s
resources each year. The United States constitutes
Value-added taxes above 25% exist in some
5% of the global population right now, but it
nations. Tariffs above 70% exist for some products.
consumes 24% of the world’s energy as a country.
Unless borders are completely removed, the
advantages of globalization are challenging to 7. Globalization would make it easier for people to
achieve. The people who have the power to cheat.
dictate policy would reap the most significant
rewards. Those with money to invest would see The statistics of consumption (especially food)
their bank accounts continue to rise. At the same show us already that those who are in power take
time, households living paycheck-to-paycheck the majority of resources away from the general
would struggle to access what they require, population. Americans eat almost 200 billion more
suppressing their ability to pursue a better job. calories per day as a nation than they require,
which means 80 million people are hungry
3. Globalization would encourage disease needlessly because of these consumption habits.
transfer. About 200,000 tons of edible food is disposed of
daily in the United States. By the age of 75, the
The outcome of the Columbian Exchange was
average person in the U.S. creates 52 tons of
profound at the time. Over 90% of some
population centers died because of their
exposure to smallpox, chickenpox, and other Globalization would likely centralize distribution of
diseases that the Europeans were somewhat necessary resources. With only a few controlling
immune to at the time. The Europeans brought access to the many, the chance to negatively
back syphilis and other diseases as well. If global impact populations on a large scale become
travel restricts eased, then issues with malaria and greater when borders are reduced.
tropical disease could spread to portions of the
world where exposures are minimal. Tuberculosis, 8. Globalization doesn’t fix a lack of skills.
certain influenza strains, and other communicable
disease could produce outbreaks at epidemic The future of employment involves programming,
levels. robotics, and artificial intelligence. Workers who
adapt to automation with their skillset are the most
4. Globalization could reduce social safety net likely to find employment in the coming
programs. generations. Jobs which require repetitive
functions will be the first to go away, which are the
Most nations today offer those in extreme poverty employment opportunities often found in the
access to safety net programs for basic supplies. developing world. With no meaningful skills to a
Even in the United States, programs like WIC and globalized economy, there could be a higher
SNAP offer food and care access to those who unemployment rate if border restrictions reduce
cannot afford it on their own for whatever reason. because only those in the developed world would
When we reduce or eliminate borders, there be trained for the new economy.
would be a likely shift in social programs to benefit
those earning less than $2 per day while ignoring Unless new vocational development opportunities
the needs of those at home. Households living in implement with the globalization structures, the
poverty in the U.S. or United Kingdom fit into a boundaries between the developed and
different definition when compared to global developing world will likely continue to exist.
9. Globalization changes how humans would
5. Globalization would create a new system of identify themselves.
Humans are global citizens in some ways already.
We’ve already received a sneak peek of what a We all share the same planet, after all, so we are
global society would be like from a political united with that common ground. If we lose
perspective. The individuals and organizations borders, however, we also lose a piece of our
culture, ethnicity, or family heritage. People Globalization plays a vital role in developing
identify themselves based on their history, so being countries, like our very own Philippines. As
Irish in a global world would have less impact than discussed in the previous topic, globalization has
it does today. We already saw how this works certain advantages and disadvantages which
when Texas came into the U.S. after being an includes the economic, technology, politics,
independent nation. Some Texans label environment, and cultural. It also brought new
themselves as such first, but many see themselves challenges: instability in commercial/financial
as an American before being a Texan. market, negative impacts of the environment,
and the increasing inequity among nations
10. Globalization would negatively impact the because the benefit of globalization has not been
environment. brought widely especially to the developing
We’ve already seen what free trade does to the
environment. Greenhouse gas emissions rose in The benefits of globalization during lucrative times
2018 despite efforts to curtail them. Micro-plastics are not essentially allocated widely and globally.
invaded our oceans, creating negative impacts The question that is often raised is whether there
on marine life. The waters of our planet are slowly has been an actual and equal distribution of
acidifying, creating economic and health benefits to the poor.
impacts every day. Over 200,000 Americans die
each year because of pollution exposure. If caps This question can be answered by the statement
are taken off of what is not permitted through of Nissanke and Thorbecke (2004) they explained
globalization, then this issue will continue growing that the contrasting new political economy
worse. literature links greater inequality to reduced
growth operating through a number of sub-
With the advantages and disadvantages that you channels, such as: unproductive rent-seeking
have read, we can say that globalization comes activities that reduce the security of property;
through the efforts of both the developed and diffusion of political and social instability leading
developing countries. As the world continues to to greater uncertainty and lower investment;
become closer, it will face many challenges in the redistributive policies encouraged by income
upcoming years. The leaders of the world’s largest inequality that impose disincentives on the rich to
industrial countries meet annually to deliberate invest and accumulate resources; imperfect
the different economic problems, called the G8 credit markets resulting in underinvestment by the
Summit: composed of Canada, the European poor— particularly in human capital, and the
Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, lower fertility rates that are associated with a
Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. larger share of total income accruing to the
The issues of globalization should be continually middle class.
look to ensure that everybody has an equal
chance of success. Further, globalization has helped less developed
countries deal with the increasing economic
Topic III developed in the rest of the world. This has solved
the poverty problems in these countries. In the
The Impact of Globalization to Developing
past this was impossible for less developed
countries due to trade barriers. The World Bank
and International Management encourage these
less developed countries to go through market
reform. Many countries began to move towards
these changes by removing tariffs and free up
their economies. Developed nations invest in less
developed nations which lead to creation of jobs
for poor people in the less developed countries,
this is a positive outcome of globalization.
However, globalization has had its negative
effects on these less developed
Hamdi (2015) states, that globalization is a process nations. Globalization has increased inequality in
of global economic, political and cultural developing nations between the rich and the
integration. It has made the world become a small poor. The benefit of globalization is not universal.
village; the borders have been broken down Globalization is making the rich richer and the
between countries. poor poorer. Bonilla (2016).

The education in developing countries benefited

from globalization because globalization creates
jobs that require higher education. As previously
discussed, the Philippines adopt the K12 program
as this is the international standards in order for our
educational system be aligned with the rest of the
world and for our graduates to have better job
opportunities abroad.
At this juncture, you can now understand that new mass media: film, radio, television and
globalization has both positive and negative recorded music. The development of
implications. international transport and telecommunication is
another driving force which speeds up the
Nissanke and Thorbecke states that, globalization process of globalization.
can be thought as a tool and depending on how
one uses the tool or how often or even in what
ways it is used. Globalization can be good for a
nation depending on the nations and the SUGGESTED READINGS
developing nations investing in it. This calls for
 Economic Globalization: The Five Basic
effective complementary policies and safety nets
Globalization Types
to be in place at both national and global levels.
Policymakers need to design and implement an
active development strategy not only to benefit
from, but also to help counteract the negative
 The impact of globalization on regional
effects of the immutable forces of globalization. It
development and competitiveness:
is not enough for governments to assume an
cases of selected regions
active role in liberalizing trade and capital
movements and de-regulating their economies,
while passively waiting for the fruits of the
‘Washington consensus’ and the market forces of
globalization to pull them on a fast development
track. Instead, governments need to pursue both
active liberalization and active domestic
development policies. Those who argue that we
need more equitable forms and processes of
globalization to start with need to confront the
fact that any

contemplated changes in the nature of the

present forces of globalization require a much
better grasp of the concept of ‘pro-poor
globalization’ than we presently hold. It is only
through rigorous and well-focused studies that
many of the questions relative to the impact of
globalization on poverty can be apprehended
and, hopefully, answered.


Globalization is an ongoing process driven by a

combination of political, economic,
technological, and sociocultural forces. The
process of globalization since World War II has
been driven by the planning of politicians to break
down borders hampering trade to increase
prosperity and interdependence and to decrease
the chance of future war. The process of
globalization has been further accelerated by the
global expansion of multinational corporations
and the worldwide exchange of new
developments in science, technology and in
product manufacturing and design.

Hence, the term “globalization” is often used to

refer to economic globalization, that is, the
integration of national economies into the
international economy through trade, direct
foreign investment, capital flows, migration, and
the spread of technology. However, sometimes
the term “globalization” is also used to refer to
cultural globalization because many people
believe that globalization is driven by the
worldwide export of western culture through the

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