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Sea trade has grown significantly since 1950 due to globalization and falling transport costs. Key factors driving this included opening markets to free trade and improving communications and transport technologies.

Between 1950 and 2005 sea trade grew from 0.55 billion tons to 7.2 billion tons, averaging 4.8% growth per year.

The world was progressively opened to free trade, communications improved rapidly, and transport costs fell, particularly for sea and air travel.


The Principles of
Maritime Trade

A kingdom, that has a large import and export, must abound more with industry, and that
employed upon delicacies and luxuries, than a kingdom that rests contented with its native
commodities. It is, therefore, more powerful as well as richer and happier.

(David Hume, Essay of Commerce, 1752)


Seaborne trade has a central place in our lives in the twenty-first century. Walk
into any shop, and much of what you see will have come from overseas. Between
1950 and 2005 sea trade grew from 0.55 billion tons to 7.2 billion tons, an average
of 4.8% per annum. This expansion was the result of the most fundamental redesign
of the world’s political and economic arrangements since the industrial revolution.
The rapid economic growth and increasing consumer wealth which drove this
change were, as we saw in Chapter 1, initiated at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944
which established the economic foundations for a period of economic stability which
allowed companies and investors to operate freely across the globe. Three important
developments helped:

● The world was progressively opened to free trade. The European empires were
dismantled in the 1950s, removing a network of bilateral trade preferences, followed
by the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1989 and the opening of the Chinese economy
to free trade in the mid-1990s.
● Communications improved as telex, direct-dial telephony, fax, e-mail and the internet
appeared in rapid succession. That process is taking another step forward with inter-
regional broadband cabling.
● Cheaper transport. The falling cost of sea and air transport gave remote areas of the
world access to world markets, making economic development possible. With the
associated improvements in inland transport infrastructure, the catchment area for
trade widened with each decade.

Figure 10.1
The shipping trade and transport system

In the quest to cut costs, corporations were able to shop around the world for compo-
nents, raw materials and new markets. In doing so they brought new countries into the
global system, generating new trade growth and giving rise to the trade system outlined
in Figure 10.1. On the left are raw materials, which are shipped by sea to processing
plants, often near the markets; in the centre are the assembly plants, and on the right the
wholesalers and retailers. As sea transport costs fell, new opportunities for manufacturing
were opened up, often involving multiple sea voyages. For example high-technology
components are shipped to an assembler in a low-cost economy, processed, then
exported as finished goods. This type of classic trade arbitraging is made possible by
the transport network.
In this expanding global economy sea trade grew in pace with the world economy.
For example, between 1986 and 2005 sea trade grew at an average of just over 3.6% per
annum, very slightly faster than the growth of world GDP, which averaged just under
3.6% per annum. But when we dig deeper and look at the individual commodities
shown in Table 10.1 we find that the rate of growth varied enormously. The phosphate
rock trade declined, whilst coking coal grew at less than 2% per annum. Others grew
very rapidly, for example the LNG trade grew at 6.8% per annum. A few new trades
such as steam coal appeared and others such as asbestos disappeared. Containerized
cargo grew at 9.8% per annum. Regional trade was also constantly on the move. Two of
the biggest trading regions, western Europe and Japan, went through a cycle of growth
until the early 1970s and stagnation for the next decade. New high growth economies
emerged in other areas, notably in Asia and North America. Finally, although on average

trade grew rapidly, its path was sometimes irregular, with deep recessions in the 1970s P
and 1980s. T
The theory of maritime trade 10

Changing trade flows set the framework for the sea transport business, and in this chapter
our aim is to understand what
drives change. This is not just a Table 10.1 World seaborne trade by commodity
theoretical exercise. Liner com- Million tonnes 1986 2005 % pa
panies planning new services,
shipowners specializing in Iron ore 311 631 3.8%
industrial shipping, shipbuilders Coking coal 141 191 1.6%
Steam coal 134 491 7.1%
planning capacity, and bankers
Grain 187 273 2.0%
financing fleet expansion all Bauxite & alumina 42 69 2.7%
have an interest in understanding Phosphate rock 45 30 −2.1%
what drives trade. Because ship- Minor ores 555 781 1.8%
Crude oil 1030 1848 3.1%
ping is demand-derived, we must Oil products 401 672 2.7%
delve into the world economy for LPG trade 22 37 2.7%
the explanation. LNG trade 38 132 6.8%
Containerized cargo* 173 1015 9.8%
Over the last 200 years econo- Other cargo 555 995 3.1%
mists have developed an exten- World sea trade 3634 7163 3.6%
sive body of international trade
theory, and this is the starting World GDP (1960=100) 279 543 3.6%

point for our discussion. However, *estimate

there are three significant differ- Source: Clarkson Research Services Ltd
ences between the approach of
international economists and our focus as maritime economists. Firstly, maritime
economists are primarily concerned with the physical quantity of cargo, whilst trade
economists generally focus on the value of trade, which allows them to link their analy-
sis to the economics of the trading economies. Since high-value commodities often have
a low volume and vice versa, this inverts the importance of individual commodity trade
flows. For example, iron ore exports from Brazil at $45 per ton represent a lot of cargo,
but little value compared with manufactures at $20,000 per tonne. Secondly, maritime
economists are interested in the way the detailed commodity composition of trade
changes with economic circumstances while international economists are more inter-
ested in broad categories of trade, for example primary commodities, and manufactures.
Thirdly, maritime trade analysis is more focused on geographical regions than political
nation states – for example, whether trade is from the US East Coast or West Coast.
None of this invalidates the body of trade theory, it simply changes the emphasis which
we will place on these different economic tools in the course of this chapter.
Our basic aim is to answer the question ‘What causes trade?’, but before we do this
we should consider the fact that, however powerful the economic arguments may be, if
a country does not believe that trade is in its interest, it can close its borders. China, the
former Soviet Union and Japan have all followed this policy, and at one time or another

P most Western countries have restricted trade in some way. A policy of not trading, or lim-
T iting trade by tariffs or quotas, is known as protectionism, or in its extreme form isola-
R tionism. It seeks to exclude the goods produced by foreigners from local markets in order
to protect the livelihood of local producers or for political reasons. Over the last century
isolationism in major regions such as the Soviet Union and China shaped the trading
world and the opening up of these areas had a major impact on growth and development.
Protectionism is generally driven by the political influence of interest groups whose
livelihood is threatened by trade. For example, protectionists may try to prevent the
export of local resources which they argue are being exported by unprincipled traders,
leaving nothing for the local inhabitants. When the reserves are all gone, the country
will be left in poverty.1 Or the aim may be to protect local jobs and skills which are
threatened by cheap imports. If the local shipyard or car plant is about to close because
it cannot compete with foreign facilities, offering subsidies or passing laws preventing
imports is a natural response. After all, this could be just the beginning. Soon other
industries will be under attack and then how will the country earn its living? Currency
reserves will drain away and the country will be left in poverty, so trade must be
prevented at all costs. Or must it?

The arguments for free trade

Three hundred years ago this ‘mercantilist’ argument against free trade attracted much
attention, and David Hume addressed it in his Discourse on the Balance of Trade (1752).
Hume did not think much of the mercantilist approach, commenting:

It is very usual in nations ignorant of the nature of commerce, to prohibit the

exportation of commodities, and to preserve among themselves whatever they
think valuable and useful ... There still prevails, even in nations well acquainted
with commerce, a strong jealousy with regard to the balance of trade, and a fear,
that gold and silver may be leaving them.2

In nineteenth-century Britain, as in many developing economies, free trade became a

major political issue, centring on the question of whether the import of cheap grain
should be permitted. Manufacturers in the towns were in favour because they wanted
cheap food for their workers, but the domestic landowners, who stood to lose their pro-
tected market, were opposed. The issue split the country. Eventually free trade prevailed
and in 1847 the Corn Laws, which prohibited imports, were repealed, helping Britain to
develop as an industrial economy. Today the principles of free trade are broadly
accepted through the World Trade Organization (WTO), but protectionism remains a
live issue. In the West there are still concerns that developing economies in Asia will
put the older industrial countries out of business, as demonstrated by the difficulties
faced by the GATT negotiations over ten years. Apart from any personal considerations
for the inhabitants of the developed countries, this would be very bad for shipping. Even
where trade is relatively open, many countries protect inefficient industries whose
output in a free market would be replaced by trade.

The differences in maritime trade by country E
There are currently about 100 countries which trade by sea. If every country is included, 10
down to the smallest Pacific island, there are many more, possibly as many as 170. To
explain their trade the starting point is to take a close look at the economic differences
between the trading countries. Table 10.2 lists the imports and exports of 40 major
trading countries, or in some cases groups of countries.3 Together they account for 89%
of world seaborne trade, so it provides a reasonable overview of the countries which
trade by sea. Column 1 shows the country’s rank; the second its name; columns 3 and 4
its seaborne imports and exports; and column 5 shows the total trade used in the rank-
ing exercise. Columns 6–12 provide details of the geographical and economic size of
each country in relation to its sea trade.
At the top of the list is north-western Europe with 1.91 billion tons of imports
and exports, followed by the United States with 1.31 billion tons, the Middle East with
1.23 billion tons and China with 0.998 billion. Moving to the bottom of the list, we find
some countries with very little trade, for example Cyprus with 6.7 mt and Brunei with
1.9 mt. To explain these trade volumes in a general way is difficult enough, but to do it
well enough to forecast their future trade flows is a daunting task. Clearly a short cut is
needed. We must look for a theory which will allow us to generalize about the factors
which determine a country’s trade. Armed with this theory, we can reduce the task
to more manageable proportions. The starting point is to see how trade relates to the
country’s general economic structure, and for this purpose three economic indicators
are shown in the table, land area (measured in thousands of hectares), population (meas-
ured in millions) and GDP (measured in billions of dollars). The final columns show
three important ratios: population density, sea trade volume per capita and the trade per
million dollars of GDP. In the following paragraphs we will examine each of these
variables – the balance of trade, the size of the region, its level of economic activity, and
of course its trade intensity – to draw some general conclusions about what determines
the volume of sea trade.

The balance of imports and exports

The first step is to examine the balance of trade. Figure 10.2 plots the imports and
exports of the 40 trading countries accounting for 89% of world seaborne trade (see
Table 10.2), with each dot representing a country or region. Imports are shown on the
vertical axis and exports on the horizontal axis, so a country with balanced trade would
fall on the dotted line which bisects the chart on the diagonal. In fact few do, especially
amongst the bigger trading countries. The graph shows that trade volumes are very
diverse, with one group of countries, including north-western Europe, USA, Japan,
China and South Korea, strung out to the left of the dotted line and another group,
including the Middle East, Australia and East Coast South America, strung out along
the horizontal axis. This focuses on one of the main drivers of trade, the imbalance of
supply and demand for resources between regions of the world. To the left of the dotted

P Table 10.2 Seaborne trade of 40 countries and regions ranked by trade volume
E (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9) (10) (11) (12)
1 2 Sea trade 2004 Country size, 2004 Trade intensity
Exports Imports Area Pop. GDP Pop. Trade intensity (tons)
Country mt mt Total m HA m US$ bill Per HA per capita per $mn GDP

Germany 100 164 264 36 83 2,714 2.3 3.2 97

Belgium 446 452 898 4 10 350 2.8 89.8 2,566
Netherlands 102 329 431 3 16 577 5.2 26.9 747
France 97 224 321 55 60 2,003 1.1 5.3 160
1 Total NW Europea 745 1,168 1,913 97 169 5,644 1.7 11.3 339
2 USA 350 956 1,306 937 294 11,668 0.3 4.4 112
3 Middle East 1,084 148 1,231 730 294 600 0.4 4.2 4,188
4 Japan 178 829 1,008 38 128 4,623 3.4 7.9 218
5 China 352 646 998 960 1297 1,649 1.4 0.8 605
6 S. Korea 184 486 669 10 48 680 4.8 13.9 985
7 Australia 587 67 653 771 20 631 0.0 32.7 1,035
8 E. Coast S. America 463 128 591 1,390 45 97 0.0 13.1 6,063
9 Singapore 197 197 393 0 4 107 58.8 98.3 3,680
10 Spain 108 258 366 50 41 991 0.8 8.9 369
11 Indonesia 246 82 328 190 218 258 1.1 1.5 1,275
12 Central Asia 190 50 240 1,708 143 582 0.1 1.7 412
13 W. Coast S. Americad 136 85 221 364 102 290 0.3 2.2 762
14 Hong Kong 86 135 221 0 7 163 62.5 32.1 1,355
15 South Africa 163 40 203 122 46 213 0.4 4.4 954
16 Panama 114 80 194 8 3 14 0.4 64.6 14,039
17 Norway 157 25 182 32 5 250 0.2 36.4 727
18 Malaysia 70 98 168 33 25 118 0.8 6.7 1,425
19 Sri Lanka 66 79 144 7 19 20 2.9 7.6 7,175
20 Sweden 65 71 137 45 9 346 0.2 15.2 395
21 Finland 43 53 96 34 5 187 0.1 19.2 514
22 Iran 33 58 91 165 67 163 0.4 1.4 561
23 Turkey 65 11 77 78 72 302 0.9 1.1 254
24 Ukraine 62 11 74 60 47 61 0.8 1.6 1,207
25 Morocco 28 37 65 45 31 50 0.7 2.1 1,305
26 Latvia 54 3 57 7 2 14 0.4 24.8 4,211
27 Poland 39 17 56 30 38 242 1.2 1.5 232
28 Israel 16 33 49 2 7 118 3.4 7.1 420
29 Portugal 10 39 49 9 10 168 1.1 4.9 290
30 Estonia 42 4 46 4 1 11 0.2 46.4 4,293
31 Egypt 13 29 41 100 69 75 0.7 0.6 549
32 N. Zealand 22 18 41 27 4 100 0.1 10.2 410
33 Pakistan 8 31 39 80 152 96 1.9 0.3 408
34 Lithuania 22 5 27 7 3 22 0.5 9.2 1,232
35 Tunisia 7 14 21 16 10 28 0.6 2.1 749
36 Croatia 7 13 20 6 4 31 0.8 4.5 646
37 Bangladesh 1 16 17 14 140 57 9.7 0.1 299
38 Slovenia 3 9 12 2 2 32 1.0 6.0 375
39 Cyprus 2 5 7 1 1 15 1.1 6.7 438
40 Brunei 0 2 2 1 0 5 0.4 5.4 386
Total 1–40 6,018 6,037 12,054 8,180 3,583 30,722 3.4 392
Other countries 741 750 1,491
World 6,758 6,787 13,545

Source: World Bank (GDP), UNCTAD Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, UNCTAD (2005)
Total NW Europe includes only Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France
East Coast S. America includes Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay
Includes Russia, Kazakhstan, and various other central Asian countries
West Coast S. America includes Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru

line are the highly populated and P
wealthy regions of the world T
which are relatively resource- R
poor, whilst to the right are the 10
resource-rich areas where demand
is lower due to lower population
(in the case of Australia) or
income (in the case of East Coast
South America).

Wealth and seaborne trade

The obvious explanation of a
country’s seaborne trade is the
size of its economy. Common
sense tells us that bigger Figure 10.2
economies are likely to generate Seaborne imports and exports, 2004
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics
more trade. If we examine the
relationship between seaborne imports and GDP, we find there is indeed a close
relationship, as is demonstrated by Figure 10.3. This plots the seaborne imports of the
40 countries in 2004 against their GDP. As the level of GDP increases, so do imports.
For example, the USA has a GDP of $11.66 trillion and imports of 956.2 mt, whereas
the GDP of Cyprus was only $15 billion and its sea imports are 5.1 mt.
Taking the analysis a stage further and fitting a linear regression model of seaborne
imports on GNP (see graph inset) we find that 71% of the variation in seaborne
imports is explained by variations in GNP (this is R2). The model implies that in 2004
seaborne imports start when
GNP reaches $60 billion and
increase by 110,500 tons for each
$1 billion increase in GNP. The
relationship is very approximate,
but it is clearly significant and
follows the sort of pattern we
would expect. There are three rea-
sons why rich countries with a
high GNP might be expected to
have a higher level of imports
than a poor country with low
GNP. First, a larger economy has
greater needs in terms of the raw
materials and manufactured
goods which are shipped by sea.
Figure 10.3
Some of these will not be avail- Seaborne imports and GDP, 2004
able locally. Second, mature Source: UN Monthly Bulletin, World Bnak

P economies which started out with plentiful local resources will eventually use them up,
T leading to the need for imports. For example, the USA started out with abundant oil
R reserves but now imports more than half its requirements. Third, a country with high
GNP can afford to purchase imports and has more to export in return.

Land area and sea trade

When considering the trade of a country, the next factor to consider is its physical size.
We might expect the size of a country in terms of its land area to influence trade because
it determines the amount of physical resources available locally. After all, reserves of
energy, minerals and the production of agriculture and forestry are all likely to be greater
in a large land mass than a smaller one. When we examine the correlation between sea
trade and land area, (Table 10.2), we find that there are many countries that very obvi-
ously do not fit the model. For example, Singapore, a country with only 62,000 hectares,
has roughly the same trade volume as Spain, which has an area of 50 million hectares.
But when we distinguish importers from exporters things start to make more sense.
Figure 10.4 shows the relationship between seaborne imports and land area. Strung
along the vertical axis of the graph are some quite small countries with big imports –
north-western Europe, Japan, South Korea and Spain. Conversely, strung out along the
horizontal axis are the countries with a big area and low imports, including the Middle
East, Australia and Indonesia. In other words, imports are inversely related to country
size, though the precise amount of trade arising from natural resources is also a matter
of supply–demand economics. Where demand is high and no local reserves are avail-
able, as in the case of iron ore used by the Japanese steel industry or oil used by France
and Germany, trade is directly related to demand. But often there is an economic choice
between domestic and imported resources. For example, Europe has extensive coal
deposits, but finds it more eco-
nomic to import cheaper foreign
coal. So we see the very high
imports shown for north-western
Europe, Japan and South Korea
in Figure 10.4. Resource deple-
tion is also an issue, and we have
very large countries such as
China and USA with abundant
resources, but where imports are
high because the resources are
insufficient to meet domestic
demand. In the case of China
this is due to the high population
and for USA the high GNP.
In these large economies the
Figure 10.4 domestic resources are diverted
Seaborne imports and land area, 2004 to the domestic market, whereas

for large landmasses with smaller population or GDP such as the Middle East, Australia P
and Indonesia, which appear at the bottom of the graph, local resources are the suffi- T
cient so there is little demand for imports. As we shall see when we study trade theory, R
factor endowments play a vital part in explaining trade, but this does not allow us to 10
generalize about the relationship between resources and trade. The results of the regres-
sion analysis are a reminder of this fact.
So although common sense suggests that the area of a country should be important, it
is not a simple relationship. Statistically there is almost no statistical correlation between
a country’s area and its volume of trade. But on reflection this is not really a surprising
result. It reinforces the point that trade is about economic growth, not physical size. A coun-
try may be very large, but if it is mainly empty, there will not be very much import trade.

Population and sea trade

Finally there is population. The idea that population and trade go hand in hand stretches
back to the nineteenth-century trader’s dream of ‘oil for the lamps of China’. If there are
enough people, it was argued,
there is great trading potential.
Much the same hopes were
extended to South American
countries such as Brazil. In both
cases the expectations were dis-
appointed and trade was slow to
develop, despite the size of the
population. For example, China
has a population of 1.3 billion,
ten times Japan’s 128 million, but
in 2004 it imported 25% less
cargo (see Figure 10.5). A statis-
tical analysis of the relationship
between population and trade
shows virtually no correlation.
The correlation coefficient is 0.2.
If nothing else, this demonstrates
Figure 10.5
that sea trade is primarily an Seaborne trade and population, 2004
economic phenomenon. Source: UN Monthly Bulletin, World Bank


Trade theory and the drivers of trade

The conclusion from the brief overview of sea trade is that economic activity creates the
demand for imports and the supply of exports, not numbers of people, or land area,

P though both have some influence. The countries that trade more than others generally
T have bigger economies (GDP), but trade volumes are also a matter of supply and
R demand. The USA, a major oil producer, imports oil because demand has outstripped
supply. Similarly, China suddenly imported 60 mt of steel products in 2003 because
local demand surged ahead of local steel production. That is fine for raw materials, and
the bulk shipping industry, but what about manufactures? Why is the Japanese export
trade in manufactures so high? Why does Europe import so many Japanese motor cars
when it has a car industry of its own? These issues become more important when we
study the container trade.

The three fundamental reasons for trade

The starting point is that trade takes place because someone makes a profit from it.
There are a few minor exceptions to this rule, such as food aid, but it applies to most
trade and our quest to explain trade in theoretical terms starts here. That leads on to the
question of what makes trade profitable, and the answer is generally a difference in
costs. If it is possible to sell a foreign product for less than the price of locally produced
goods, after deducting freight and duties, and make a profit, someone is going to do it.
It does not need a model to figure that out, but it is useful to state the model anyway:

TRij = f (pi, pj, Ti, Fij) (10.1)

This model stipulates that the trade (TR) between regions i and j depends on the price
in country i (pi), the price in country j (pj), any tariffs between the two areas (Tij) and
the cost of freight (Fij). So all we have to do is explain why products produced overseas
cost less than their local counterparts. Of course, there are an infinite number of
specific circumstances, but as far as explaining global sea trade of the type we reviewed
in Tables 10.1 and 10.2 is concerned, three stand out: differences in manufacturing
costs, differences in local natural resources, and temporary shortages or surpluses
which disrupt the normal pricing process. We will consider each of these in the following
sections, but a brief preview puts them into perspective:

1. Differences in manufacturing costs. If one country can manufacture a product

cheaper than another, for whatever reason, and the price difference is more than the
transport costs and tariffs, trade is profitable. So we need to explain why certain
goods cost more to manufacture in one area than another, an issue which has
preoccupied trade economists more than any other.
2. Differences in natural resources. Natural resources are not spread evenly around
the world, so another set of trade flows developed moving them from where they
are located to where they are needed. Unlike manufacturing plants which can be
relocated, commodity trades are dictated by the distribution of resources. But the
cost of recovering natural resources is important, too. If a country has no oil and
there is a demand for motor cars, it has to import. But where there are local
supplies, trade is determined by relative delivered costs of domestic and imported oil.

3. Temporary imbalances. A third category of trade is a subset of item 2 which is P
important for shipping. Temporary local imbalances create a price differential T
between local and overseas products. This type of trade often happens during R
business cycles when, for example, shortages of chemicals, petroleum products or 10
steel products result in imports of commodities, even if they can normally be
manufactured competitively at home. However, cyclical patterns of trade also occur
over much longer periods as economies develop, which we will refer to as the ‘trade
development cycle’.

These three types of trade are closely related, but each involves a slightly different
theoretical model to explain how much trade, where and when. However, it is helpful
to see them in the context of the transport system we reviewed at the beginning of
the chapter (Figure 10.1). This highlighted the differences between the primary
commodity trades which can generally be explained by a relatively simple model
focusing on differences in primary commodities availability and the manufactures
trades which involve a more complex trade model. The primary commodities are
shipped from areas of low-price abundance to manufacturers who process them
into semi-manufactures such as steel products, oil products, and chemicals. These
are the backbone of the bulk trades discussed in Chapter 11. In contrast, the manu-
factured goods may be shuffled around the world between components manufac-
turers, assemblers and retailers, and we are interested in what determines who
does what. From a shipping viewpoint the manufactures trade offers endless opportuni-
ties for sea transport, and before they reach the consumer, some components may
have made several voyages and most are shipped in general cargo, which is discussed
in Chapter 13. The specialized cargoes discussed in Chapter 12 fall somewhere
between the two.


Interest in the ‘who does what’ aspect of trade was initially sparked during the industrial
revolution in Britain because various parties stood to gain or lose a great deal of money
from opening global free trade (there is nothing like hard cash to create economic con-
troversy!). In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the dominant economic argument
was that a country should encourage exports and discourage imports so that it could
accumulate gold reserves and grow rich. Adam Smith coined the term ‘mercantile
system’ to describe this trade theory.4 The mercantilist theory suited the interests of the
British landowners who were keen to prevent imports of cheap American corn, and they
had the upper hand politically, so the country’s policy was to restrict trade. But as the
industrial revolution gathered force the merchants and producers became more power-
ful, and they wanted cheap grain to feed their workforce and a free world market to sell
their goods. Naturally they became keen supporters of any trade theorists who argued
that free trade was a beneficial strategy. Rarely have economic theorists been so close
to frontline policy-making.

T The theory of absolute advantage
R The best known of the early theories of the benefits of trade was developed by Adam
Smith in Wealth of Nations and it is often referred to as the ‘theory of absolute advan-
tage’. At this time England was a rapidly growing industrial economy with a thriving
export trade, and Smith treated the topic as a matter of common sense. He argued that
countries are better off if they specialize, trading their surplus production for the other
goods they need, because specialization makes them more productive. Although it
might be possible to grow grapes in Scotland and make wine, the cost would be prohib-
itive and the quality poor. Importing wine and specializing in something the Scots are
better able to produce means everyone benefits because the world’s limited economic
resources (factors of production) are used more efficiently. To illustrate the point he
drew the analogy with tradesmen, who are better off if they specialize:

It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at

home what it will cost him more to make than to buy. The tailor does not attempt
to make his own shoes, but buys them from the shoemaker. The shoemaker does
not attempt to make his own clothes, but employs a tailor. What is prudence in the
conduct of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. If
a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can
make it, better buy of them with some part of the produce of our own industry,
employed in a way in which we have some advantage.5

Goods are cheaper because trade permits greater division of labour, allowing more to
be produced with the same resources. So long as transport costs do not exceed the cost
saving in production, trade is bound to be beneficial.
The point is easily demonstrated by the numerical example in Table 10.3. Two coun-
tries, Big and Bouncy, produce two goods, food and cloth. Both have 60 labourers.
Bouncy, which is better at growing food, needs only 3 labourers per ton, whilst
Big needs 4. But Big is better at cloth, using only 2 labourers per bale, whilst Bouncy
needs 6. Assume that there are constant costs (i.e. they use the same labour per unit
of output, regardless of volume). Big’s production possibilities are 15 tons of food or
30 bales of cloth (or any combination). Write this as (15, 30). Bouncy’s production
possibilities are 20 tons of food or 10 bales of cloth (20, 10). They both need
12 tons of food to live on. Big uses 48 units of labour to produce its food and uses
the remaining 12 units to produce 6 bales of cloth, so its output is (12, 6). But Bouncy
only needs 36 units of labour to produce its food and uses the remaining 24 units to
make 6 units of cloth (12, 6). So both states end up with exactly the same amount of
food and cloth (12, 6).
Now we introduce trade and allow the two countries to specialize in their best
products. Bouncy switches all its labour into food, producing 20 tons, consuming 12 and
exporting 8 to Big. Thanks to the imports Big only produces 4 tons of food, using its
remaining 44 units of labour to make 22 bales of cloth. It consumes 11 bales and exports
11 to Bouncy in return for the food. Thanks to trade Big and Bouncy now have 12 tons

of food and 11 bales of cloth (12,11), almost twice as much cloth as previously. P
It’s magic! T
The theory of comparative advantage 10

This theory leaves a crucial question unanswered. If Bouncy is better at producing food
and Big at producing cloth there is no problem, but suppose one country is better at
producing both goods? The mercantilists could still argue that under free trade the less
efficient country would be driven out of both food and textile production, and would
sink into poverty, so inefficient countries must avoid trade at all costs. In 1817, in his
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, David Ricardo came up with an elegant
demonstration of why that was not the case. Trade is beneficial, he argued, even if one
country is more efficient than its trading partners at producing all goods. If we rerun the
example, but make the Bouncy better at producing both food and cloth, the countries
are still richer with trade than without.
Bouncy now requires less
labour than Big to produce both Table 10.3 Absolute and comparative advantage
food and cloth. If there is no
trade it can produce the 12 tons 1. Absolute advantage example
of food it needs and 24 bales of Big Bouncy
Available labourers 60 60
cloth (12, 24). Big would produce Labour required per unit of output
12 tons of food, but only 6 bales Food (tons) 4 3
of cloth (12, 6). However, if Cloth (bales) 2 6
the countries specialize in the Production possibilities
Food production (tons) 15 20
product in which they are com- Cloth production (bales) 30 10
paratively more efficient, their Production without trade (full output)
production increases. Big is now Food production (tons) 12 12
Cloth production (bales) 6 6
relatively more efficient at food Total (units) 18 18
production, because it uses only Production with trade
twice as much labour as cloth, Food production (tons) 4 20
Cloth production (bales) 22 0
whereas Bouncy uses three times Total (units) 26 20
as much labour to produce food. Memo: exports 11 8
So Big specializes in food, pro- 2. Comparative advantage example
ducing 15 tons, consuming 12 Big Bouncy
and exporting 3. With imports of Labour required per unit of output
3 tons of food, Bouncy now cuts Food 4 3
Cloth 2 1
food production to 9 tons, requir- Production without trade (full output)
ing 27 units of labour. With the Food production (tons) 12 12
remaining 33 units of labour it Cloth production (bales) 6 24
Total (units) 18 36
produces 33 bales of cloth, nine Production with trade
more than previously. It exports Food production (tons) 15 9
6 bales to Big in return for the Cloth production (bales) 0 33
Total (units) 15 42
3 tons of food and is left with 3 Memo: extra output 3 bales of cloth
more bales of cloth than it had

P without trade, so trade has increased output by 3 bales of cloth. The question is how
T much of this does Big get?
R The heart of the theory is that free trade allows each country to specialize in its most
competitive products. More wealth is created by trade because limited ‘factors of
production’ are used more efficiently and all participants are better off than they would
be without trade.6 This has important implications for trade. The appearance of
new competitors in the international market does not put existing traders out of
business. Provided there are relative differences in efficiency it leads to more trade
and greater wealth, though it does raise difficult questions about the redistribution
of economic resources and how the gains from trade are distributed between the
participating countries.
In reality free trade is often not all good news for individual interest groups. As the
balance of comparative advantage adjusts, there are winners and losers. For example,
the English landowners who resisted the repeal of the Corn Laws in the nineteenth cen-
tury were right in thinking that they would suffer from free trade. After the Corn Laws
were repealed in 1847, cheap foreign corn flooded into the country, depressing prices
and impoverishing the countryside. Workers were forced to migrate to the towns, help-
ing Britain to become even more successful as an exporter of manufactures. In the end
Britain as a whole was better off for free trade, but the process of change left some
individuals, particularly landowners, seriously worse off. There are parallels with the
competition between European heavy industry and Far East in the 1970s and 1980s.
European manufacturers were driven out of business by Far East competition. It is not
much compensation to a redundant shipyard worker that he has lost his job because the
country now has a comparative advantage in financial services, a business that has no
call for welders. This is important because these side effects can lead to protectionism.

Modern theories of manufacturing advantage

Comparative advantage is one of the most influential economic theories ever developed,
providing the intellectual foundation for the free trade philosophy which has dominated
political thinking over the last half century through the WTO. Much work has been done
to extend the model to deal with multiple commodities and countries and to examine
the effects of tariffs and imperfect competition. From a maritime perspective the impor-
tant issue is the light it casts on why trade has grown so rapidly in the last fifty years.
During this period of free trade improved transport and communications have stimu-
lated growth by allowing global sourcing and marketing of products. The new technology
also improved the services that support trade. Legally secure documentation, especially
in such areas as establishing the ownership of goods, cheap direct-dialled phone calls,
improved international banking, and more recently e-commerce have made global trading
easier, especially for smaller companies.
Armed with these new services, industry can migrate to the remote corners of the
globe where costs are low and many more towns and cities in these areas are continu-
ously being drawn into the global trading system. Today trade growth in manufactures
is driven by exploiting differences in labour costs between regions, but it does not rely

exclusively on inter-country differences. Michael Porter’s model of world trade attributes P
comparative advantage not only to local resources such as cheap labour, but also to T
expertise. He argues that clusters of companies specializing in a particular item, say R
ski boot clamps, develop a ‘comparative advantage’ in that product. With the right com- 10
munications and transport, these clusters can exploit their advantage globally, leading
to a broader trade matrix and improved global efficiency and trade growth even if wage
cost differences are eliminated.7 This process is dynamic. Once a particular company,
country or cluster has become an established product area, it is difficult for others to
build up sufficient volume of sales to break into that market. In the nineteenth century
Britain developed mechanized textile manufacturing, and for some years gained a
comparative advantage from this. Eventually other countries caught up. Today technical
advance is continuous. The manufacture of medical equipment, the production of a
particular type of rubber belt drive, and the manufacture of complex products such as
cruise ships and aircraft are all examples where one country has developed a competi-
tive advantage based on technical innovation and is protected by barriers such as the
high cost of entry. In the case of particular inventions the manufacturing rights may
even be covered by a patent.
A variant on this is driven not by production technology, but by product differentiation
in the market. Motor cars are a good example, but petroleum products, electronic equip-
ment and a whole range of consumer goods also qualify. In these cases the cause of
trade is differences in tastes between countries. For example, motor car manufacturers
face economies of scale, so low-volume production is expensive. If most Americans like
to drive very big motor cars, while most Europeans prefer to drive small motor cars,
then the minority in Europe who wish to purchase large motor cars can benefit from
importing American cars and vice versa, especially if transport costs are low. This has
had a tremendous impact on trade. In most countries consumers can now choose from
twenty or thirty different brands of motor car, each sold at a highly competitive price.
The production economics of car manufacture is such that if the market were fully
supplied by UK manufacturers, there could only be a small number of different designs,
and costs would almost certainly be higher. Similarly, if oil refineries are technically
restricted to producing a mix of petroleum products which does not exactly match local
demand, they will seek to export the products not needed locally.


The classical economists were mainly interested in trade theory from a normative
viewpoint and the theory of comparative advantage was a response to the political
debate over free trade. Ricardo and other classical economists did not pay much
attention to explaining what determines the comparative advantage a country may have.
However, by the early twentieth century when the free trade battle had been won, econ-
omists became more interested in explaining trade patterns. The key issue turned out to
be the assumption of constant costs, which is one of the basic building-blocks of
Ricardo’s model.

T Resource-based trade and the Heckscher-Ohlin theory
R The theory of comparative advantage makes the important assumption that resources
can be freely switched between the manufacture of different products without any loss
of productivity. Even in the abstract world of economic theory this is clearly not realis-
tic. In the 1920s two Swedish economists, Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin, concluded
that because countries have different endowments of factors of production, attempts to
substitute one factor for another usually result in falling productivity or may not be pos-
sible at all. For example, America with its great prairies can expand grain production,
but if the UK tries to switch more labour into agriculture, as we assumed in the example
earlier in the chapter, yields would fall as the land was farmed more intensively.
Conversely, although the UK with its abundant skilled labour can easily expand cloth
production, the USA runs into diminishing returns due to the lack of suitable labour.
Heckscher and Ohlin argued that these differences in the available factors of production
(land, labour, etc.) can lead to differences in production costs between countries. All we
need for trade to be beneficial is that economic resources are unevenly distributed
between countries. Winters 8 summarizes these minimum conditions as follows:

1. The production functions for the two products give constant returns to scale if both
factors are applied proportionally, but diminishing returns to any individual factor
(i.e. if a country runs out of land, but keeps applying more labour, fertilizers,
machinery, etc., marginal returns fall).
2. Goods differ in their requirements of different factor inputs (e.g. food production
needs more land than textile manufacture).
3. The countries have different relative factor endowments.

As an illustration, imagine the ‘no trade’ situation on two islands. Each island relies
on its own domestic resources. Island A struggles to feed a large population by intensive
agriculture on the limited land available. It mines coal from a few deep mines and
manufactures a whole range of products, mainly on a small scale. In agriculture and
labour the islanders face sharply increasing costs as they try to maintain growth by
pouring more labour into fixed physical resources.
Island B has the same population but open-cast coalmines and better land. If trade
is opened up the islands specialize. Because island A has few natural resources, its
comparative advantage is in manufacturing. It imports coal and food from island B
and switches the labour into manufacturing industry which for it (but not island B) is
relatively more productive. In other words, it exports those goods whose production is
relatively intensive in the factors with which it is well endowed. Island B opens
more coalmines and switches labour into them, exporting coal. It all depends on their
relative factor endowment. The precise definition of ‘natural resources’ raises all sorts
of questions. In Chapter 1 we showed that the trading world is constantly on the move,
so we should not rely too heavily on static models. However, the Heckscher-Ohlin
theory suggests that in a free world market, countries must make the best of whatever
resources they have, and this theory goes a long way towards explaining the diversity of

trade in Figure 10.2. The countries on the left of the dotted line are like island A and the P
countries on the right of it are like island B. T
The commodity trade supply–demand model 10

This is a good point at which to discuss the commodity trade model. Raw materials
account for a large part of seaborne cargo, and one of the main tasks of the bulk
shipping industry is to anticipate future trade, so that efficient transport can be planned.
For this reason alone shipping analysts often have to analyse trends in the commodity
trades. The supply–demand model is the most commonly used technique for carrying
out this analysis. For example, Japan has no local supplies of iron ore, so it must import
what it needs from mines in Australia or Brazil. Iron ore is traded in an international
market and supply and demand for the commodity are controlled by price movements.
Thus the model consists of a demand function for the commodity, showing the relation-
ship between demand and price, and a supply function, showing how supply responds
to price changes.
The demand function describes the relationship between per capita income, commodity
prices, and the consumption of the product and is generally referred to as the consumer
demand function. It is expressed as

qit = ( p1it, p2it, yit) (10.2)

where q is per capita consumption of the commodity, p1 is its price in domestic

currency, p2 is the price of other commodities and y is per capita income for the ith
country in year t.9 This function suggests that the demand for a commodity responds to
changes in relative prices and income. To explain how demand responds to a change in
price we need to introduce two economic concepts, the income elasticity and the price
The income elasticity shows how consumers of the commodity adjust their consumption
in response to a change in income. It is defined as the proportionate change in the
purchase of the commodity such as energy for a change in income, with prices constant:

(log q)
ei = (10.3)
d (log y )

In other words, the income elasticity is the percentage change in demand divided
by the percentage change in income. The nature of this relationship varies from one
commodity to another, with important consequences for trade. We can use the income
elasticity to classify commodities into three different groups. Inferior goods have a
negative income elasticity (i.e. less than 0), so when income rises, demand falls. For
example, at higher incomes people typically consume less of basic foods such as bread
and potatoes, switching their demand to other foodstuffs such as meat. Necessities are
goods whose demand increases as income rises, but more slowly than income (i.e. the
income elasticity is in the range 0–1). Finally, luxuries are goods for which demand

P grows faster as income rises (i.e. the income elasticity is greater than 1). These
T differences are important because they warn us to expect demand relationships to
R change when income changes. For example, the income elasticity of motor cars could
be very high at low income levels because buying a motor car is a priority. When
most people have a car the demand continues to rise with income as a few buy second
cars, but the rate of increase slows and car demand eventually stagnates, or switches to
higher value-added vehicles. The same is true of housing. For anyone modelling
the demand for steel, much of which is used in construction and motor vehicle produc-
tion, it is vital to model these relationships in a way which allows for these changing
The price elasticity shows how demand responds to a change in prices. It is derived
from the demand function and represents the percentage change of consumption for
a 1% change in prices. In mathematical terms the price elasticity can be expressed as

d (log p ) p.dq
ep = = (10.4)
d (log q) q.dp

where ep is the price elasticity, p is the price of the commodity and q the quantity
consumed. It is possible to sub-divide the price elasticity into two components, the
substitution effect and the income effect.

dq dp dp
= − q (10.5)
dp dq u dm

where m is income. Equation (10.5) is known as the Slutsky equation. The first term on
the right-hand side represents the substitution effect and the second the income effect.
The substitution effect measures the extent to which a change in the price of a commod-
ity results in the substitution (negative or positive) of other commodities in the total
budget. The income effect measures the change in the level of consumption due to the
change in real disposable income as a result of the price change.
This relationship is helpful to analysts in explaining and modelling sudden commodity
price changes because it shows the different factors involved. For example, it was
useful in explaining the crude oil trade during the two oil crises in 1973 and 1979 (see
Figure 11.8, which shows the relationship between oil prices and seaborne crude oil
shipments). When the price of oil increased sharply in 1973, the income effect was
dominant because oil was a necessity and there was not very much substitution.
Consumers spent more of their income on oil and had less to spend on other goods, trig-
gering a recession in the world economy. But by the time the oil price went up again in
1979, the substitution effect was the dominant response because by that time it was
technically possible to substitute coal and gas for oil. As a result consumers, particularly
power stations, switched from high-priced oil to cheaper coal and gas and the crude oil
trade fell sharply (see Figure 4.5 which shows how the oil trade declined), providing
another different example of the two components of the Slutsky equation at work.

Derived demand for a commodity T
The next step in the commodity trade model is to reproduce the relationship between R
the demand for raw materials in an industry, and demand for the products of that industry 10
which are sold to the final consumer. Industrial users often have a choice in sourcing
their raw materials, raising the possibility that manufacturers will substitute one raw
material for another. Heavy industries such as steel production and motor manufacturing
are major users of raw materials, as is the transport industry (e.g. ships’ bunkers). These
industries will be concerned with minimizing their costs, and their demand for raw mate-
rials is derived from the underlying demand for the commodities the industry produces.
The starting point is the cost function. For a given output level the cost function is

C = P1 X1 + P2 X2 + b (10.6)

where C is the cost of production, P is the price of each commodity, X represents the
quantities of factor inputs required at that price level and b is capital cost, which is
assumed to be fixed. Faced with a change in the price of raw material (P1) and a fixed
capital stock, the key issue for the industrialist will be whether it is cheaper to use less
of one input (X1) and more of some other input (X2). The answer to this question is
provided by the rate of technical substitution (RTS) which represents the extent to which
commodity inputs can be substituted for each other with the available industry technology.
It can be defined as

dX 2
RTS = (10.7)
dX 1

We have already mentioned the example of power stations which can use oil, coal or
gas. In 1973 when the oil price increased sharply, most power stations used oil and were
not equipped to burn other fuels, so the substitution effect (RTS ) was small. By 1979,
when the price of oil rose to over $30 per barrel, most power stations had invested to
allow other fuels such as coal or gas to be burned. As a result the substitution effect was
very large and oil consumption fell sharply. But that substitution is a one-off change
which could not be repeated when the oil price started to rise again twenty years later.
Thus RTS shows how the manufacturers respond to a change in the relative price of their
raw materials. The relationship expressed in equation (10.7) is subject to the influence
of technical development and change, which may significantly influence the amount of
primary energy required to achieve a given effect – for example as a result of an
improvement in the fuel conversion rate in marine diesel engines.
Picking up the example of forecasting Japanese iron ore imports, there is the impact
of stock building during periods of economic change to consider. For example, as the
Japanese economy matured in the 1980s, the growth rate of steel demand slowed. This
caught out forecasters who, in the early 1970s, had assumed that steel demand in
Europe and Japan would continue to grow at the same rate in the 1970s as it had in the
1960s. To meet this demand steel-makers planned to expand output from 110 mt to 180 mt.

P But as the economy matured steel demand stopped growing and Japanese steel production
T never exceeded 120 mt. The same issue arose with the Chinese steel industry when it
R started to grow very rapidly in 2003–8. Analysts had to estimate how long the very rapid
growth of steel production would continue. The problem was that the underlying
demand was growing rapidly because the economy was building infrastructure, housing
and durable goods stocks such as motor cars, and once the stocks were built up demand
growth would slow. In both cases a carefully structured forecasting model would show
how much of the demand growth was driven by stock building of steel-intensive prod-
ucts such as buildings and motor vehicles and how that trend might change as the econ-
omy matured. What it cannot usually do is predict how rationally people will approach
the process of building the economy – whether it will be a sequence of boom and bust
cycles or a carefully planned evolution. That is a matter of judgement.
Another potential trap for unwary forecasters is factor substitution. In addition to iron
ore, there are other materials such as steel scrap which will do the same job. If the
supply of steel scrap increases, this can be used instead of ore, making the iron ore
demand forecast more complex. Or consider the thermal coal trade. There may be no
local coal, but many power stations can use oil or gas in place of coal. Another com-
plexity is the competition between domestic and foreign supplies. During the 2003–8
Chinese steel boom, international iron ore prices rose sharply and in 2005 there was a
large increase in Chinese domestic iron ore production, which had previously been
static, but which suddenly became very profitable. Sometimes technology changes alter
the domestic or foreign production functions, with major consequences for trade. For
example, the rise of ‘mini-mills’ using cheap scrap in Asia provides direct competition
for blast furnace steel, changing the pattern of the iron ore trade. Similarly, new tech-
nology which reduced the cost of offshore production enabled Europe to increase its
domestic oil production in the 1990s. Whilst these relationships are not easy to quan-
tify, they illustrate the importance of gaining a thorough understanding of the demand
relationships underlying the demand function for a commodity.


Another aspect we need to get to grips with in analysing trade is the trade cycle. When
we discussed shipping cycles in Chapters 3 and 4, we saw that part of the cyclical effect
filters through from the demand side of the shipping model. Trade is subject to cycles
at three levels: seasonal cycles which occur regularly at particular times of the year;
short-term cycles which accompany the international business cycle; and long-term
waves arising from structural developments in the international economies.

Seasonal and short-term cyclical trade

Seasonal cycles are well known in shipping and may arise from seasonal effects on the
supply or demand side of the commodity market. An example of a supply-driven sea-
sonal cycle is the summer lull in the bulk carrier market caused by the slow down of

grain exports from the USA in P
July and August. This is when the T
US grain harvest takes place and R
by this time shipments from the 10
previous season have usually run
down but the new season ship-
ments have not yet started. An
example of seasonality in com-
modity demand is the cycle in
world oil demand which results in
lower trade in the second quarter
of the year and higher trade as
stocks are built up for the
Northern Hemisphere winter in
the fourth quarter. This is shown
in Figure 10.6, which plots quar-
terly oil demand. These seasonal
fluctuations are generally more Figure 10.6
noticeable when the oil market Quarterly cycles in world oil demand
is just in balance and less appar- Source: IEA Monthly Oil Market Report
ent when it is very tight or in
Short-term volatility in commodity trades can also result from temporary local shortages
of a product or commodity which could normally be obtained locally at a competitive
price, but which temporarily is not available in sufficient quantities. Temporary short-
ages may arise from business cycles in demand, mechanical failure, disasters (e.g. the
Kobe earthquake in 1994), poor planning or a sudden burst of commodity inflation
which encourages manufacturers to build stocks of raw materials. In these circum-
stances the pattern of trade suddenly changes. For example, chemical manufacturers
produce many different compounds and much of the seaborne chemicals trade is to
supply temporary shortages for a particular compound or feedstock.

Long-term influences on trade

There are also long-term cycles in trade. Our analysis of the ‘causes’ of sea trade at the
start of this chapter identified economic activity (GDP) as by far the most important and
that on average trade increases with GDP at an average rate of 104,300 tons for each
extra $1 billion of GDP. One of the important lessons to be learned is that the relation-
ship between trade and GDP is not static. As countries grow, their economies change
and so does their trade. One of the most fundamental principles of trade forecasting is
to recognize these changes and build it into the forecast. To do this we must understand
the relationship between trade and GNP.
The key is to recognize the patterns in the way different parts of the economy develop
over time. If we look more closely at the structure of world economic activity we can

P immediately see why trade is
T BOX 10.1 ISIC SECTORS likely to change as a country
R grows. Gross national prod-
% Total Maritime
uct, a measure of the total
ISIC Sector GNP intensity
economic output of a coun-
1 Agriculture 8 High
try, can be divided into
2–3 Mining and utilities 4 High
the nine sectors shown in
4 Manufacturing 28 High
Box 10.1, which follow
5 Construction 6 High
the International Standard
6 Wholesale and retail 16 None
Industrial Classification
7 Transport and comm 7 None
(ISIC). Each sector has a dif-
8–9 Other (services) 31 Very low
ferent propensity for mar-
itime transport. Agriculture,
mining and manufacturing
are directly involved with
trade because they produce and consume physical products which can be imported or
exported. In contrast, businesses in the wholesale, retail, transport and service sectors
produce services rather than physical goods. For example, the service sector consists of
activities such as banking and insurance, public administration, social services, educa-
tion, medicine, recreation facilities, and household services (repair, laundry) which
have little if any impact on maritime transport. Of course, it is not quite that simple
because a thriving service sector generates income which may be spent on physical
goods, but often as income rises demand switches to services such as health care,
education and eating out.
When we examine the
growth of modern
economies we find that
economic activity shifts
away from the trade-
intensive activities towards
the service sector. It fol-
lows that we must expect
the pattern of trade growth
to change as the country
grows and develops. To
illustrate the nature of this
change, Figure 10.7 shows
how the GDP of South
Korea changed between
1970 and 2006 when the
country was going through
its development cycle. In
Figure 10.7
Structural GDP changes, South Korea, 1970–2006
1970 the South Korean
Source: United Nations statistical database economy was in the early

stages of industrialization and the economy was dominated by agriculture, which P
accounted for 28% of GDP, while manufacturing was only 16% of GDP. But in the T
following decades agriculture declined to 3%, whilst manufacturing, construction and R
other service activities increased their share of GDP, changing South Korea from a rural 10
society to a modern industrial economy. As a result, seaborne imports grew very rapidly
at 11% per annum. But in the mid-1980s manufacturing’s share stabilized at 25% and
construction did much the same. But the other activities, which include many services
such as education and healthcare, continued to grow, reaching 37% in 2006. Much the
same development pattern was followed by Japan during its development cycle in the
1960s. Agriculture, mining, utilities, construction and manufacturing all peaked out, but
services increased their share of GDP. In the USA, a very mature economy, services
now have a dominant position, accounting for 56% of GDP in 2006, whilst agriculture,
still a major US business, fell to 0.9% and manufacturing was only 13%. The develop-
ment pattern is clear from these examples – agricultures give way to manufacturing and
construction, which in turn give way to services.
However, this is not the whole story. As manufacturing industry loses market share,
there is also a change in the type of goods manufactured. An analysis carried out by
Maizels to establish a typical pattern of expansion of manufacturing industry, shown in
Table 10.4, illustrates the point. At low income levels food manufacturing and textile
industries are the most important when, in accordance with Engel’s law, these products
make up a large part of demand. Their share then declines rapidly, to be taken over by
metals, metal prod-
ucts and chemical. At Table 10.4 Pattern of manufacturing production per head,
1955 prices and percentages
a certain income level
the share of metals $100 $250 $500 $750 $1,000
stabilizes, while the
share of metal prod- Food and beverages 40 33 26 21 18
ucts continues to grow Metals 4 5 7 7 8
Metal products 4 10 18 24 29
as more value is added Chemicals 0 2 4 7 9
to the basic materials. Textiles 26 18 13 10 8
This implies that Other manufactures 27 32 32 31 29
Total 100 100 100 100 100
output becomes less
resource-intensive at Source: Maizels (1971).
high income levels,
being directed towards value-added products. For example, motor car production
progresses from economy models to executive limousines. Again we see evidence
that we must expect the structure of economic activity to change with growth, bringing
consequences for trade.

The stages of economic development

Academics have spent much time discussing these changes to see if there is a consistent
pattern of development. The ‘stages of growth’ theory developed by Rostow provides a
useful starting point.10 He argued that as economies grow they go through a series of

P different phases which he put into five categories according to the stage of economic
T development they had reached. The five stages are shown in Box 10.2.
R There has been a good deal of discussion of Rostow’s work. Like so many economic
theories, Rostow’s theory is based in a simple common-sense idea. As economies grow
they start by producing necessities such as infrastructure which are resource-intensive,
then progressively turn to the finer things of life (value-added products) as they become


Stage 1 The traditional society. This is a predominantly agricultural economy.
Unchanging technology places a ceiling on the level of attainable output per head.
This ceiling results from the fact that `the potentialities which flow from modern
science and technology are either not available or not regularly and systematically
applied’. These societies devote a very high proportion of their resources to agriculture.
They hardly trade by sea, except for food aid and the export of a few cash crops.
Stage 2 The pre-conditions of take-off established. The second stage requires a
surplus above subsistence, the development of education and a degree of capital
accumulation to provide the foundation for economic growth. For example, in
seventeenth-century England these conditions were established by a change in
attitudes to investment, the emergence of banks and other institutions for mobilizing
capital, etc. Sea trade is small but very active and growing fast.
Stage 3 The take-off. In Rostow’s analysis this stage is followed by a long interval
of sustained but fluctuating progress as technology is extended over the whole front
of economic activities. Increased investment permits output regularly to outstrip the
increase in national population. New industries appear, older ones level off and
decline. Changes take place in the external trade of the country, goods formerly
imported are produced at home, new import requirements develop and new
commodities are made for export.
Stage 4 Maturity. After a period, which Rostow placed at 60 years after the begin-
ning of take-off, maturity sets in. By this stage the economy has extended its range
into more refined and complex processes, with a shift in focus from coal, steel and
heavy engineering industries to machine tools, chemicals and electrical equipment.
He thought Germany, Britain, France and the United States passed through this
phase by the end of the nineteenth century or shortly afterwards. Depletion of raw
materials may boost the import trade, while manufacture will dominate exports.
Stage 5 Mass consumption. The fifth stage sees a movement of the leading
sectors of industry towards durable consumer goods and services. A large propor-
tion of the population can afford to consume much more than basic food, shelter and
clothing, and this brings about changes in the structure of the working population,
including a progressive movement into office and service work.

Maizels, who made a very long-term study of this hypothesis, explained it in the P
following terms: T
as a country becomes progressively more industrialised the proportion of the 10
occupied population engaged in manufacturing does not rise indefinitely – there
is an effective limit which may have been reached in a number of countries. This
limit comes into operation for two reasons. Firstly as the economy grows and
income rises the demand for workers in service operations such as doctors,
typists, government officials increases as fast [as] or faster than the demand for
manufactured goods. Secondly as productivity increases in manufacturing tend to
outstrip the productivity increase in the distribution of goods from factory to the
consumer, these workers tend to be absorbed in distribution to match the increased
flow of industrial products.11

This reasoning suggests that the progress of economic growth will be associated with
an increasing share for services and a corresponding decline in the growth rate of man-
ufacturing industry and seaborne trade. Each development cycle is different, so it is not
possible to set precise limits on the duration of a stage, or even to be sure when a new
stage is about to begin, and the concept of a progression is helpful.

The trade development cycle

If we apply the `stages of growth’ concept to seaborne trade it is clear that, over a period
of years, we must expect the trade of a country to change. How it changes depends on
what stage the economy has reached in the economic growth cycle. The early stages of
growth involve the import of all but the simplest items such as food and textiles, paid
for by the export of whatever ‘cash crops’ are available – sugar, tropical fruit, oil,
copper, jute and hardwood logs are typical examples. The availability of foreign
exchange is the main constraint on trade and generally keeps trade at a low level.
Countries such as Guinea, Togo and Cameroon in West Africa currently fall into this
As the economy develops through stages 2 and 3, the demand for raw materials such
as iron ore, coal, non-ferrous metal ores and forest products increases as the industrial
infrastructure is built up. If raw materials are not available locally they must be
imported, as must the more sophisticated machinery, and paid for by exports of semi-
manufactures and any primary exports which are available. The reconciliation of
domestic and foreign markets thus forms a basic requirement of growth at this stage.
Industries such as shipbuilding and automobiles are frequently developed as lead export
earners, a pattern set by Japan in the 1950s and subsequently followed by South Korea,
Poland and China.
When the economy matures, the character of seaborne trade changes again. In the
course of time, whether 20 years or 50, the building-blocks of a capitalist economy are
in place. Industrial infrastructure, housing, roads, railways and stocks of consumer
durables such as motor vehicles and washing machines have reached a mature level.

P Industries such as steel,
T construction and vehicle
R manufacture, which under-
pinned the growth during
stage 2, stop growing
and economic activity
gravitates towards less
material-intensive activi-
ties. Manufacturing gravi-
tates towards the higher
value-added end of the
product range. How this
affects trade depends on
domestic resources. If the
economy has always relied
on imported raw materials,
Figure 10.8 the growth rate of bulk
Seaborne trade development cycle
Source: Martin Stopford
imports slows, though
the trade in manufacture
shipped by liner and air
freight will continue to grow. Typically this produces a trade development cycle of the
type shown by curve A in Figure 10.8. However, the sea trade of countries which start
out with extensive natural resources is likely to follow a different path. As industrializa-
tion consumes resources and domestic supplies become depleted, or better-quality
materials become available abroad, bulk imports may start to increase. This happened
in the USA when oil demand drew ahead of domestic production and imports started to
grow rapidly after 1970. In such cases the trade development cycle may follow a path
more like curve B in Figure 10.8.
Ultimately the seaborne trade development cycle is just a convenient way of summa-
rizing certain common patterns which appear to occur in the world economy – it is not
a law, nor does it apply in every case. Since economic development draws heavily on
natural resources which are unevenly distributed between countries, we must expect
each country to have a unique trade development cycle, determined by its factor endow-
ments or other unique political and cultural characteristics. Thus the trade development
cycle of a resource-rich economy which can draw on local raw materials in the early
stages of growth, possibly with an exportable surplus, will be completely different from
that of a country without raw materials. The shape of these ‘trade development curves’
can be seen in Figure 4.3 which shows the imports of western Europe, Japan, South
East Asia and China between 1950 and 2005. The pattern is surprisingly similar consid-
ering the diversity of the countries and regions. Europe took a long pause in its devel-
opment path between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s and Japan’s import path
changed more dramatically than Europe’s has done yet, probably because Europe is a
much bigger economic unit with more domestic resources. Clearly there is much to

consider in explaining the precise shape of these curves, but what we can be sure of is P
that economies are constantly changing and these changes have a major impact on the T
international transport industry. R


Long-term price elasticity of sea transport demand

Finally, we should be aware of the part played by sea transport in facilitating trade. In
the short term demand for sea transport is generally price inelastic, since once the cargo
reaches the quayside shippers generally have few options other than shipping it. But in
the longer term, trade volumes are price elastic and the price of freight plays a vital part
in determining the growth and pattern of trade. The world trade model we discussed in
Sections 10.4 and 10.5 suggests that the location of manufacturing processes will
respond to the relative costs of factors of production between regions, and for many
commodities the cost and availability of sea transport plays a part in that process. So
the sea transport model should take account of this long-term relationship between
transport costs and the volume of trade.
Because freight is part of the delivered cost of goods, a change in relative transport
costs can affect the volume of cargo shipped. For example, in today’s highly competi-
tive world a television set assembled in Malaysia and exported to London could be com-
peting in London shops with a similar set assembled in Wales. In one case the television
set makes a 10,000 mile sea voyage, whilst the other only travels 200 miles from Wales
to London. So we have two sets of relative costs to consider: the relative cost of manu-
facturing in Malaysia and Wales, and the relative cost of transport. If the c.i.f. price of
the Malaysian product is lower than that of the Welsh product, the retailer will buy the
Malaysian product in place of the Welsh one and sea trade will grow.
Viewed in this way, the liner trade is likely to be price elastic because lowering
prices encourages the substitution of cheap foreign substitutes for local products. As
manufacturers adjust their sourcing strategy to changes in relative c.i.f. costs and the
transport element in this calculation falls, overseas suppliers will increase their market
share, boosting trade. This resulted in the trade system we discussed at the beginning of
the chapter (see Figure 10.1) with shipping providing the vital economic link between
raw materials exporters, primary processing plants, assembly plants, wholesalers and
retailers. As sea transport costs fell in real terms over the last fifty years, it opened up
new opportunities for low-cost manufacturing, often involving multiple sea voyages.
For example, in the present case, many high-tech components are shipped to China
where they are processed and exported as finished goods. An extreme example is rough
castings from Detroit, which are shipped to China for machining and then back to
Detroit for finishing. This is just a simple arbitraging based on the reliability and cost
of the transport network. So the liner operator who drives freight costs down by ordering
bigger ships helps to generate new cargoes.12

T Unit costs and transport logistics
R By far the most important way of reducing the price of sea transport is economies of
scale, but when viewed in the context of the whole seaborne logistics operation, the rela-
tionship between ship size and unit cost is not simple. We touched on economies of
scale in earlier chapters (Sections 2.6, 2.8, 6.2), but now it is time to analyse its impact
on the operating economics of the bulk, specialized and liner trades we discuss in the
next three chapters, using a modified version of the unit cost model discussed in
Chapter 6.
The cost per tonne of cargo transported depends upon the annual cost of the ship
itself plus the bunkers consumed in the year, divided by the tonnes of cargo transported:

Ship cost p.a. + Bunker cost p.a.

Cost per tonne = (10.8)
Tonnes transported p.a.

As we saw in Chapter 6, the cargo transported depends on the number of trips made
in a year, multiplied by its cargo capacity, which in this case is measured in deadweight:

Days on hire
Tonnes transported p.a. = × Ship size (dwt) (10.9)
Days per trip

Finally, the days per trip depends on the distance, the speed and the port days:

Distance per trip

Days per trip = × Port days per trip (10.10)
Speed × 24

The analysis in Table 10.5 illustrates the relationship between ship size, unit transport
costs, and transport volumes which is an equally important part of the logistics problem
facing the sea transport business. The analysis uses vessels ranging from 30,000 to
170,000 dwt and the general assumptions are shown in column 1 of Table 10.5(a).
All ship sizes spend 6 days per trip in port, 350 days on hire per annum, and operate at
14 knots using bunkers costing $200 per tonne. Backhaul voyages are in ballast. The
ship costs are shown in columns 2–5 of Table 10.5(a). Time-charter rates are taken
from Table 6.1 and represent the break-even cost in 2005. Bunker costs shown in
columns 5 and 6 are based on typical consumption rates for each size of ship. Finally,
in column 7 we calculate the annual cost per deadweight for each ship size, which falls
from $185 per deadweight per annum for a 30,000 dwt vessel to $66 per deadweight per
annum for a 170,000 dwt bulk carrier. So transporting cargo in the Capesize bulk
carrier saves about 65% compared with a 30,000 dwt bulk carrier because the unit costs
of both the ship and bunkers are lower for the big ship.
Table 10.5(b) examines the impact of distance on transport costs and transport volumes.
Voyages range from 4,000 miles per round trip to 11,000 miles. Part A shows that the
number of trips per annum reduces from 30 for a 4,000 mile trip to 11 for an 11,000 mile
trip. This covers the range of voyages normally undertaken by deep-sea bulk carriers.

Table 10.5 Economies of scale model for different bulk carrier sizes and distances P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E
(a) Basic assumptions Ship costs R

General Ship size Timecharter hire (1) Bunker costs (2) Total 10
assumptions dwt $/day (1) $ mill pa Tons/day $ mill pa $/dwt/pa

Port days per trip 6

Days on hire pa 350 170,000 24,374 8.53 39 2.73 66
Speed (knots) 14 72,000 16,360 5.73 30.5 2.135 109
Bunker price $/ton (1) 200 46,000 13,657 4.78 24.3 1.701 141
Backhaul % 0 30,000 11,494 4.02 22 1.54 185

(b) Transport performance calculation

Round trip distance

Ship size (dwt) 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000

A Trips per year (number)

All sizes 30 24 20 17 15 13 12 11

B Days at Sea per year (no Backhaul)

All sizes 170 206 230 247 260 270 278 285

C Tons of cargo transported per year (million tonnes)

170,000 5.09 4.07 3.39 2.91 2.54 2.26 2.03 1.85
72,000 2.15 1.72 1.44 1.23 1.08 0.96 0.86 0.78
46,000 1.38 1.10 0.92 0.79 0.69 0.61 0.55 0.50
30,000 0.90 0.72 0.60 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.33

D Total cost per tonne of cargo transported ($ per tonne)

170,000 2.21 2.77 3.32 3.87 4.43 4.98 5.53 6.09
72,000 3.65 4.56 5.47 6.38 7.30 8.21 9.12 10.03
46,000 4.71 5.89 7.06 8.24 9.42 10.59 11.77 12.95
30,000 6.20 7.75 9.29 10.84 12.39 13.94 15.49 17.04

E Cost per tonne ratios

170,000 35.7% 35.7% 35.7% 35.7% 35.7% 35.7% 35.7% 35.7%
72,000 58.9% 58.9% 58.9% 58.9% 58.9% 58.9% 58.9% 58.9%
46,000 76.0% 76.0% 76.0% 76.0% 76.0% 76.0% 76.0% 76.0%
30,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

1. Time-charter rates from the final column of Table 6.1 based on 2005 capital costs and OPEX
2. From 1990 to 2006 380cSt bunker oil in Rotterdam varied from $90/tonne to $340/tonne

Part (b) focuses on the time spent at sea, and this obviously depends on the time in port.
On a 4,000 mile voyage the ship only spends 170 days at sea, compared with 285 days
on an 11,000 mile voyage, so cargo handling is very significant on the shorter routes.
This is one reason why ships used on long-distance trades generally do not have
their own gear, whereas vessels likely to be used in short trades are generally geared.
It also explains why vessels for short-haul routes are often designed with smaller
engines and slower speeds and are less sensitive to fuel costs, and more sensitive to port
turnaround times.

P In Part C we look at the tonnes of cargo carried in a year, and the result is dramatic.
T The Capesize bulk carrier operating on a 4,000 mile trip transports 5 million tonnes of
cargo, whilst the 30,000 deadweight vessel operating on a 11,000 mile trip transports
only 300,000 tonnes. This reveals an important logistics characteristic of the economies
of scale model. Big ships are cheaper in any trade, but the volumes of cargo they
transport may be too large to provide a regular delivery service. In this example to
permit a monthly delivery of cargo, the trade would need to be 60 million tonnes a year.
This is an important constraint on ship size in both the liner and bulk markets. By the
time you get down to the small and medium-size trades there just is not the cargo
volume to support a bigger vessel. However, it does mean that small ship trades are
always ‘upsizing’.
Finally, the total cost per tonne of cargoes transported is shown in Part D. The cheapest
transport is provided by the Capesize bulk carrier on the 4,000 mile round trip. It costs
just $2.21 per tonne. At the other extreme, on the 11,000 mile round trip, the 30,000 dwt
bulk carrier costs $17.04 per tonne. So economies of scale obviously do matter.
A general point confirmed by the analysis is that economies of scale diminish as the
size of ship increases. For example on the 11,000 mile voyage, by moving up from a
30,000 dwt bulk carrier to a 46,000 dwt bulk carrier the saving is $4.09/dwt, but
increasing the ship’s size by another 16,000 dwt to 72,000 deadweight only saves
$2.90/dwt. Finally, the jump in size from Panamax to Capesize, an increase of 100,000
dwt, only saves another $3.94/dwt, roughly the same as increasing from Handy to
Handymax. So the pressure to increase parcel size is at its most intense in the smaller
sizes. There are many more of these vessels, which explains why size increases in the
various bulk fleets occur in all size categories of vessels, not just the biggest.
From this analysis we can derive four conclusions on the role of economies of scale
in sea transport:

1. Big ships are always cheaper than small ships creating a financial incentive to use
a bigger ship in a particular trade, other things being equal.
2. In absolute terms, the economies of scale on short-haul routes are much smaller
than on long-haul routes, so there is less financial incentive to invest in the neces-
sary infrastructure to handle bigger ships.
3. Short-haul trades spend less of their time at sea, therefore design should be focused
on cargo handling.
4. Delivery volumes increase rapidly as the voyage length reduces, so the ship size
also depends on there being sufficient cargo to fully occupy bigger ships.

One way or another, these conclusions help to explain why the fleets of bulk
ships which we will examine in the next two chapters include vessels of many
different sizes. In every market we find size segments ranging from very small ships
to very large ships, with new investment in every category. We also find that in most
trades there is a steady upward drift as bigger ships slowly become substituted for
smaller ships.

In this chapter we have looked at sea trade from the viewpoint of the countries which R
trade. There are 100 countries and regions that trade by sea, but some are much bigger 10
than others. In 2004 north-west Europe headed the list with 1.9 billion tonnes of imports
and exports, while Brunei, the smallest, reported trade for only 2 million tonnes. When
we looked for an explanation for the volume of trade it was clear that the level of eco-
nomic activity, measured by GNP, was by far the most important. Two other explanatory
variables, the size (area) of the country, and its natural resources, make a small contri-
bution, explaining about a quarter of the variation in trade volume. This does not mean
they are unimportant, but rather that their impact on trade cannot be reduced to a simple
general rule. Population size, it seems, has no explanatory value whatsoever. In conclu-
sion, we must expect sea trade to go hand in hand with economic growth, but modified
by the availability of natural resources.
We then turned to trade theory for an explanation of why countries trade. The theory
of absolute advantage shows that countries enjoy a higher living standard if they trade
because it allows them to focus their scarce resources in the products they are most
efficient at producing. Trade increases efficiency and everyone is better off. Taking this
explanation a step further, the theory of comparative advantage shows that countries
are better off with trade even if their competitors are more efficient at producing every-
thing. All that is needed for trade to be beneficial is that they are relatively better at
producing some goods than their competitors. Countries that fear that they will be reduced
to poverty by foreign competition are wrong, though in a changing world, adjusting to
new competitors can be painful and expensive for some parts of the economy.
What, then, determines the comparative advantage of a particular country? There are
several different explanations. The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem argues that if goods
require different factor inputs and there are diminishing returns when factors are
substituted for each other, the comparative advantage is determined by the distribution
of factors of production. Thus countries specialize in the goods which make the best use
of their most abundant resources. Differences in technology, tastes, transport costs and
cyclical surpluses and shortages are other reasons why countries trade.
We discussed the commodity supply and demand model which is often used for the
analysis and forecasting of trade. The basic tool is supply–demand analysis, but we also
examined the role of prices and substitution in this model, in particular the demand
function which recognizes the impact of price changes on consumer demand and
income (the Slutsky equation) and on the factor substitution by manufacturers.
We should expect the trade of a country to change over time. Starting from the
proposition that GNP drives trade, we looked at the composition of GNP which we
divided into nine categories. Some of these activities, especially manufacturing, make
extensive use of sea transport, while others, such as services, do not. In practice, we
find that as a country grows the structure of its economy changes. The early stages of
growth tend to use large quantities of physical materials – infrastructure developments
such as roads, railways, ports, and building a stock of cars, ships and industrial plant.

P Consequently, there is a rapid expansion of import trade, matched by a corresponding
T export trade in primary produce or simple manufactures to pay for the imports. Whilst
R the early stages favour the bulk shipping business, when the economy reaches maturity,
the liner business gains from the almost unlimited potential for shipping components
and finished goods between developed markets.
The trade development cycle summarizes this dynamic relationship between the sea
trade and economic growth. Each country has its own unique cycle which depends on
its factors of production as well as cultural and commercial considerations. At the
earliest stages of development, imports of manufactures are paid for by cash crop
exports. As industry expands, raw materials generate demand for sea transport. The
imports of countries with few natural resources slow down, but in countries which
were initially resource-rich the depletion of domestic supplies may lead to growing
imports of some commodities. Imports and exports of manufactures continue to grow
as domestic import and export markets widen. Thus the trade development cycle has
different implications for the bulk and liner businesses.
Finally, we explored some of the economics of shipping logistics that will enter into
the discussion of the bulk, specialized and liner trades in the following chapters.


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