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Teachers Eligibility Qualifications

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New Delhi, the 14th February, 2022
F. No. NMC/MCI-23(I)/2021-MED.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 57 of the
National Medical Commission Act, 2019, the National Medical Commission, hereby makes the following
Regulations, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement
1.3 These Regulations may be called the “Teachers Eligibility Qualifications in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 2022”.
1.4 They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Objectives
Appointment and promotion of faculty in various teaching specialties imparting graduate and
postgraduate medical education in medical institutions, falling within the purview of the National
Medical Commission, has to be in accordance with the minimum qualifications and experience
prescribed in these Regulations, so as to maintain a standard of teaching in medical institutions.
3. General Norms for Appointment of Faculty in Medical Institutions
Every appointing authority before making an appointment to a teaching post in a medical college
or institution shall observe the following norms:
3.1 All Medical Teachers must possess a Postgraduate degree or equivalent qualification included in
any one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) and National
Medical Commission Act, 2019. They must also be registered in a State Medical Register or
National Medical Register, except in the case of teachers with non-medical qualifications.
3.2 The maximum age limit up to which a person can be appointed or granted extension or re-
employed in service against the posts of Teacher or Medical Superintendent or Dean or Principal
or Director or, as the case may be, which are required to be filled up as per the norms of the
National Medical Commission in any Medical College/ Institution for imparting Graduate and
Post-Graduate medical education shall be 70 years.
3.3 In the Departments of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, non-medical graduates having
M.Sc. (relevant medical) and PhD qualifications, granted by the recognized Medical
College/Institute as regular on campus course in the subject concerned, can be appointed as
Assistant Professors. A non-medical person cannot be appointed as Dean or Director or Principal
or Medical Superintendent or Head of the Department.
Provided that non-medical graduates appointed as Assistant Professors in the subjects of Anatomy,
Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Microbiology on the basis of MSc degree prior to
the coming into force of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institution Regulations,
1998 on 05.12.1998, shall be eligible to be considered as Assistant Professors. However, PhD
degree in concerned medical subject is essential for promotion to higher teaching position. Such
persons shall also be eligible after their retirement to serve as faculty on the same position from
which they had retired until the permissible age for serving in a Medical College.
3.4 The appointing authority may consider certain equivalent postgraduate qualifications, which may
be approved by the National Medical Commission from time to time, to be the requisite recognized
qualification in the subject concerned.
3.5 In cases where candidates with requisite experience are not available, a reference may be made by
the appointing authority to the National Medical Commission for consideration on merits.

3.6 The position of Dean/Director/Principal of Medical College/Institution should be held by a person

possessing recognized postgraduate medical degree from a recognized institution with a minimum
of ten years teaching experience as Professor/Associate Professor in a Medical College/ Institution,
out of which at least five years should be as Professor in the Department. Appointment to these
posts shall be made on seniority-cum-merit basis. The Dean/Director/Principal of Medical
Institution shall not hold the post of Head of the Department.
3.7 The Medical Superintendent of the affiliated teaching hospital shall possess a recognized
postgraduate medical degree from a recognized Institution with a minimum of ten years teaching
experience as Professor /Associate Professor in the relevant departments of the Hospital, out of
which at least five years should be as Professor. Appointment to these posts shall be made on
seniority-cum-merit basis. Medical Superintendent shall not occupy the position of the Head of the
Department. However, he can head the unit.
3.8 The position of Dean/Director/Principal of Standalone Postgraduate Broad Specialty/Super
Specialty Institution shall be held by a person possessing recognized postgraduate Degree from a
recognized Institution with minimum of ten years teaching experience as Professor/Associate
Professor, out of which, at least five years should be as Professor.
3.9 The Heads of the Departments of broad and super specialty courses shall possess a recognized
Postgraduate broad specialty and super specialty degree, as the case may be, in the concerned
specialty. This mandatory requirement is relaxed for five more years from the date of notification
of this Regulation to all the Broad and Super Specialty courses which were started after 01
January, 2009.
3.10 Appointments to the administrative posts in Government Institutions including the in-charge
arrangements, amongst eligible candidates, shall be on inter se vertical seniority based on date of
entry into the Institution/Government Service.
3.11 The period spent by the teaching faculty towards acquisition of degree in Super Specialty subject
on concurrent duties/deputation shall not be counted as teaching experience for fulfilling eligibility
criteria for promotion in the concerned Super Specialty department.
3.12 For holders of MD - PhD in Medical Subjects, the period spent during PhD shall be considered
equivalent to Senior Residency period and they are eligible for direct appointment as Assistant
Professors in the concerned subject.
3.13 A person with MSc (Health Statistics/Medical Statistics/Bio Statistics/Statistics) with PhD from a
recognized University shall be appointed as Assistant Professor of Statistics in the department of
Community Medicine.
4. Determination of equivalence of the qualification of DNB (Broad Specialties) with MD/MS
and DNB (Super Specialties) with DM/MCh
The Diplomate of National Board (DNB) in broad specialty and super specialty qualifications
when granted in a medical institution with attached hospital or in a hospital with the strength of
five hundred or more beds, by the National Board of Examinations, shall be equivalent in all
respects to the corresponding broad specialty (MD/MS) and super specialty (DM/MCh)
postgraduate qualification, but in all other cases, senior residency in a medical college for an
additional period of one year shall be required for such qualification to be equivalent for the
purposes of teaching.
5. Eligibility for being designated as Postgraduate Guide
5.1 Broad Specialties: A teacher in a Medical College or Institution having a total of 5 years of
teaching experience as Assistant Professor and above after obtaining post-graduate degree in the
concerned broad specialty subject shall be recognized as Post Graduate Guide in that specialty,
provided the department has been recognized/permitted for conducting Postgraduate course in
that subject.
5.2 Super Specialties: A teacher in a Medical College or Institution having a total of 3 years of
teaching experience as Assistant Professor and above after obtaining Super Specialty degree in the
concerned super specialty subject, shall be recognized as Post Graduate Guide in that Super
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Specialty subject, provided the department has been recognized/ permitted for conducting Super
Specialty courses in that subject.
Further, in the case of broad specialty/super specialty courses which were newly instituted,
relaxation of qualification and experience for recognition as Post Graduate Guide was granted for
ten years from the date of start of the course by the erstwhile Medical Council of India (MCI). This
relaxation ceases to exist to all the existing super specialty courses on the day they complete ten
years from the date on which they were started by erstwhile Medical Council of India. However,
this relaxation of qualification and experience during transition period shall be extended by five
more years from the date of notification of this Regulation to all the broad/super specialty courses
which were started after 01 January, 2009. This relaxation is not applicable to the courses instituted
before 2009.
6. Norms for Faculty Appointment and Promotion
The norms for Faculty Appointment and Promotion shall be as follows:
Table 1A. Norms for Faculty Appointment and Promotion in Broad Specialties (MD/MS) which
are in existence for more than 10 years.
Posts Academic Teaching and Research Experience
Professor MD/MS/DNB in the i. Associate Professor in the subject for three
concerned subject. years in a permitted/ recognized medical
8 year post PG
college/ institution.
ii. Should have at least four Research
publications (at least two as Associate
Professor) [only original papers, meta-
analysis, systematic reviews, and case series
that are published in journals indexed in
Medline, PubMed, Central Science Citation
Index, Science Citation Index, Expanded
Embase, Scopus, Directory of Open Access
Journals (DoAJ) will be considered].
iii. Should have completed the basic course in
Medical Education Technology from
Institutions designated by NMC.
iv. Should have completed the Basic course in
Biomedical Research from Institutions
designated by NMC.
Associate Professor MD/MS/DNB in the i. As Assistant Professor in the subject for four
concerned subject. years in a permitted /recognized medical
5 years post PG
college/ institution.
ii. Should have at least two Research
publications [only original papers, meta-
analysis, systematic reviews, and case series
that are published in journals included in
Medline, PubMed, Central Science Citation
Index, Science Citation Index, Expanded
Embase, Scopus, Directory of Open Access
Journals (DoAJ) will be considered].
iii. Should have completed the basic course in
Medical Education Technology from
Institutions designated by NMC.
iv. Should have completed the basic course in

Posts Academic Teaching and Research Experience

Biomedical Research from Institutions
designated by NMC.
Assistant Professor MD/MS/DNB in the One year as Senior Resident in the
concerned subject. concerned subject in a recognized/ permitted
medical college after acquiring MD/MS
Senior Resident (Medical Senior Resident is one who is doing his residency in the concerned department
Postgraduates) after obtaining Medical Postgraduate degree (MD/MS/DNB).
Tutors Non-medical Postgraduates with MSc (Medical) degree shall be called Tutors
in whichever departments they are working.
Postgraduates) The posts of Senior Resident and Tutor are tenure positions not exceeding 3
years. The graduate must be below 45 years of age at the time of initial
The posts of tenured Senior Residents and Tutors are not faculty positions.
All other designations practiced earlier stands deleted.
However, existing Tutors/Demonstrators/Registrars appointed on permanent
basis shall be renamed as Senior Residents and Tutors, as the case may be, and
continue to work till superannuation.
The conditions mentioned above shall not be applicable to Senior
Residents/Tutors/Demonstrators/Registrars who are appointed on permanent
basis before the notification of these Regulations.

Table 1B: Index of Broad Specialties in which Persons with non-Medical Qualifications may be
appointed as Faculty (Assistant Professor and beyond)
S. No. Name of the Specialty Academic Qualification
1. Anatomy MSc (Medical Anatomy) with PhD Medical Anatomy
2. Biochemistry MSc (Medical Biochemistry) with PhD in Medical
3. Physiology MSc (Medical Physiology) with PhD in Medical

Table 1C. Norms for Faculty Appointment and Promotion in Broad Specialties (MD/MS)
wherein the Broad Specialty Course was established by erstwhile MCI and is
functional for less than Ten years and also for new Broad Specialty courses proposed
to be instituted by National Medical Commission.
Posts Academic Qualifications Teaching and Research Experience
Professor MD/MS/DNB in the concerned i. As Associate Professor for three years in the
subject. subjects as mentioned in Table 4.A in a
permitted/ recognized/ medical college/
During Transition period
ii. Special training for three years in the
MD/MS/DNB in broad specialty respective new broad specialty subject in a
subjects as provided in Table teaching Institution/Centre of Excellence with
4.A dedicated service in that specialty.
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Posts Academic Qualifications Teaching and Research Experience

iii. Should have at least four Research
publications (at least two as Associate
Professor) [only original papers, meta-
analysis, systematic reviews, and case series
that are published in journals included in
Medline, PubMed, Central Science Citation
Index, Science Citation Index, Expanded
Embase, Scopus, Directory of Open Access
Journals (DoAJ) will be considered].
iv. Should have completed the NMC recognized
basic course in Medical Education
v. Should have completed the basic course in
Biomedical Research from Institution(s)
designated by NMC.
Associate MD/MS/DNB in the concerned i. As Assistant Professor for four years in the
Professor subject subject as mentioned in Table 4.A in a
permitted/recognized medical college/
During Transition Period
ii. Special training for three years in the
MD/MS/DNB in broad specialty respective new broad specialty subject in a
as provided in Table 4.A . teaching Institution/Centre of Excellence with
dedicated service in that specialty.
iii. Should have at least two Research
publications [only original papers, meta-
analysis, systematic reviews, and case series
that are published in journals included in
Medline, Pubmed, Central Science Citation
Index, Science Citation Index, Expanded
Embase, Scopus, Directory of Open Access
Journals (DoAJ) will be considered].
iv. Should have completed the basic course in
Medical Education Technology from
Institutions designated by NMC.
v. Should have completed the basic course in
Biomedical Research from Institutions
designated by NMC.
Assistant MD/MS/DNB in the concerned Special training for three years in the respective
Professor subject new broad specialty subject in a teaching
Institution/Centre of Excellence with dedicated
service in that specialty.
During Transition period
MD/MS/DNB in Broad
specialty as provided in
Table 4.A
Senior Resident Senior Resident is one who is doing his residency in the concerned department after
(Medical obtaining Medical Postgraduate degree (MD/MS/DNB).
Non-medical Postgraduates with MSc (Medical) degree shall be called Tutors in
Tutors whichever departments they are working.

Posts Academic Qualifications Teaching and Research Experience

(Non-Medical The posts of Senior Resident and Tutor are tenured positions not exceeding 3 years.
Postgraduates) The graduate must be below 45 years of age at the time of initial appointment.
The posts of tenured Senior Residents and Tutors are not faculty positions.
All other designations practiced earlier stands deleted.
However, existing Tutors/Demonstrators/Registrars appointed on permanent basis
shall be renamed as Senior Residents and Tutors, as the case may be, and continue to
work till superannuation.
The conditions mentioned above shall not be applicable to Senior
Residents/Tutors/Demonstrators/Registrars who are appointed on permanent basis
before the notification of these Regulations.

Table 2. Norms for Faculty Appointment and Promotion in the Department of Dentistry in a
Medical College
Posts Academic Teaching & Research Experience
Professor MDS i. Associate Professor in the subject for three years in a permitted/
recognized medical/dental college/institution
ii. Should have at least four Research publications (at least two as
Associate Professor) [only original papers, meta-analysis,
systematic reviews, and case series that are published in
journals included in Medline, PubMed, Central Science
Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Expanded Embase,
Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DoAJ) will be
iii. Should have completed the basic course in Medical Education
Technology from Institutions designated by NMC.
iv. Should have completed the basic course in Biomedical
Research from Institutions designated by NMC.
Associate M.D.S. i. As Assistant Professor in the subject for four years in a
Professor permitted/ recognized medical/ dental college/ institution.
ii. Should have at least two Research publications [only original
papers, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and case series that
are published in journals included in Medline, PubMed,
Central Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index,
Expanded Embase, Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals
(DoAJ) will be considered].
iii. Should have completed the basic course in Medical Education
Technology from Institutions designated by NMC.
iv. Should have completed the basic course in Biomedical
Research from Institutions designated by NMC.
Asst. Professor M.D.S. One year as Senior Resident/Registrar/Tutor in the concerned
subject in a recognized/Permitted medical/dental college after
acquiring MDS Degree.
Senior Resident Senior Resident is one who is doing his residency in Dentistry
after obtaining MDS degree.
The post of senior resident is a tenured position not exceeding
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Posts Academic Teaching & Research Experience

3 years. The graduate must be below 45 years of age at the
time of initial appointment

Table 3 A. Norms for Faculty Appointment and Promotion in Super Specialties (DM/MCh)
wherein the Super Specialty Course is established by erstwhile MCI and is
functioning for more than Ten years.
Posts Academic Qualifications Teaching and Research Experience
Professor DM/MCh/DNB in the i. Associate Professor in the subject for three years
concerned subject in a permitted/recognized medical
ii. Should have at least four Research publications
(at least two as Associate Professor) [only
original papers, meta-analysis, systematic
reviews, and case series that are published in
journals included in Medline, PubMed, Central
Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index,
Expanded Embase, Scopus, Directory of Open
Access Journals (DoAJ) will be considered].
iii. Should have completed the NMC recognized
basic course in Medical Education Technology.
iv. Should have completed the basic course in
Biomedical Research from Institutions
designated by NMC.
Associate DM/MCh/ DNB in the i. As Assistant Professor in the subject for two
Professor concerned subject years in a permitted/recognized medical
ii. Should have at least two Research publications
[only original papers, meta-analysis, systematic
reviews, and case series that are published in
journals included in Medline, PubMed, Central
Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index,
Expanded Embase, Scopus, Directory of Open
Access Journals (DoAJ) will be considered].
iii. Should have completed the basic course in
Medical Education Technology from Institutions
designated by NMC.
iv. Should have completed the basic course in
Biomedical Research from Institutions
designated by NMC.

Assistant Professor DM/MCh/ DNB in the

concerned subject
Senior Resident DM/MCh student shall be designated as Senior Resident in the concerned subject.
(Super Specialties)

Table 3 B. Norms for Faculty Appointment and Promotion in Super Specialties (DM/MCh)
wherein the Super Specialty Course is established by erstwhile MCI and is functional
for less than Ten years and also for new courses proposed to be started by National
Medical Commission.
Posts Academic Qualifications Teaching and Research Experience
Professor DM/MCh./DNB in the concerned i. Associate Professor for three years in the
subject subject as mentioned in Table 4.B in a
permitted/ recognized medical college/
During Transition period
ii. Special Training for three years in the
respective new Super Specialty subject in
MD/MS/DNB in the concerned a teaching Institution/Centre of
Broad specialty subject as provided Excellence with dedicated service in that
in Table 4.B. specialty.
iii. Should have at least four Research
publications (at least two as Associate
Professor) [only original papers, meta-
analysis, systematic reviews, and case
series that are published in journals
included in Medline, PubMed, Central
Science Citation Index, Science Citation
Index, Expanded Embase, Scopus,
Directory of Open Access Journals
(DoAJ) will be considered].
iv. Should have completed the NMC
recognized basic course in Medical
Education Technology.
v. Should have completed the basic course
in Biomedical Research from Institutions
designated by NMC.
Associate DM/MCh/ DNB in the concerned i. As Assistant Professor for two years in
Professor subject the subject as mentioned in Table 4.B in
a permitted/recognized medical college/
During Transition period
ii. Special Training for three years in
MD/MS/DNB in concerned Broad respective new Super Specialty
specialty subject as provided in department in a teaching
Table 4.B Institution/Centre of Excellence with
dedicated service in that specialty.
iii. Should have at least two Research
publications [only original papers, meta-
analysis, systematic reviews, and case
series that are published in journals
included in Medline, PubMed, Central
Science Citation Index, Science Citation
Index, Expanded Embase, Scopus,
Directory of Open Access Journals
(DoAJ) will be considered].
iv. Should have completed the basic course
in Medical Education Technology from
Institutions designated by NMC.
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Posts Academic Qualifications Teaching and Research Experience

v. Should have completed the basic course
in Biomedical Research from Institutions
designated by NMC.
Assistant DM/MCh/DNB in the concerned Special Training for three years in the
Professor subject respective new Super Specialty subject in a
teaching Institution/Centre of Excellence with
dedicated service in that specialty
During Transition period
MD/MS/DNB in the concerned
Broad specialty subject as provided
in Table 4.B.
Senior Registered to pursue DM/MCh in the concerned subject.
Specialties) MD/MS/DNB qualified graduates in the concerned broad specialty. This post of senior
resident is a tenured position not exceeding 3 years. The graduate must be below 45
years of age at the time of initial appointment.

7. Appointment of Faculty during transition period

7.1 The academic qualification for any new broad specialty or super specialty shall be the one shown
at the time of notifying the new specialty. Persons appointed on the basis of the entry level
qualification shall be eligible for promotion to the higher posts.
7.2 Persons appointed as teaching faculty during the transition period shall be eligible for promotion to
the post of Associate Professor/ Professor even after the transition period of ten years are over.
Such person shall also be entitled to hold the teaching position held by him until the age of 70
years in the same or any other recognized Medical Institution.
7.3 In the case of Broad Specialty / Super Specialty courses which were newly instituted, relaxation of
qualification and experience for appointment as faculty during transition period was granted for ten
years from the date of start of the course by erstwhile Medical Council of India. This relaxation
ceases to exist for all the existing Broad Specialty / Super Specialty courses on the day they
completed ten years from the date on which they were started by erstwhile Medical Council of
7.4 This relaxation of qualification and experience during transition period mentioned in clause 7.3,
shall be extended for five more years from the date of notification of this Regulation to all the
Broad and super specialty courses which were started after 01 January, 2009. This relaxation is not
applicable to the departments instituted before 2009.
8. Norms for Determination of Teaching Designations for Consultants/Specialists employed by
Central Government or State Governments or Local Self-Government or Public Funded
Institutions for establishing a Medical College/starting a Postgraduate course
8.1 New Medical College:
A non-teaching Consultant or Specialist, possessing postgraduate medical degree, working for at
least two years in the concerned specialty in a minimum 330 bedded non-teaching Government
Hospital shall be eligible to be designated as Assistant Professor and be absorbed permanently, if
that Hospital is being converted into a Government Medical College for imparting undergraduate
medical education. The subsequent promotions to higher teaching designations would be as per
these regulations. Provided further that this would only be a one time provision and so absorbed
teacher should not be transferred from that Institution for five years. The subsequent appointment
of any faculty would be as per these regulations.

8.2 Stand-alone Postgraduate medical institution: Consultants or specialists having the required
postgraduate degree and experience of working in the concerned specialty /super-specialty
department for a period of not less than 2 years in the institution or hospital, not attached to any
medical college, where postgraduate teaching is being imparted as per section 9.3 of the
Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations, 2022, shall be eligible to be equated as an Assistant
Professor in the department concerned. This has to be confirmed by the affiliating University. The
subsequent promotions to higher teaching designations would be as per these regulations.
9. Norms for Determination of Teaching Designations for Consultants/Specialists in Medical
Institutions of Defence Services
9.1 Professor: Specialist Medical Officers of the Armed Forces having minimum 8 years teaching
experience after obtaining the requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the subject, of
which at least three years as Associate Professor in a teaching hospital of the Armed Forces, with
two Research publications as per clause 6, can be considered eligible for appointment as Professor
in the concerned subject.
9.2 Associate Professor: Specialist Medical Officer of the Armed Forces having minimum five years
teaching experience after obtaining the requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the
subject, of which at least four years teaching experience as Assistant Professor in a teaching
hospital of the Armed Forces, with two Research publication as per clause 6, can be considered
eligible for appointment as Associate Professor in the concerned subject.
9.3 Assistant Professor: Specialist Medical Officers of the Armed Forces having minimum one year
teaching experience after possessing requisite recognized post-graduate qualification in the subject,
can be considered eligible for appointment as Assistant Professor in the concerned subject.
10. Visiting Faculty
With a view to enhance the comprehensiveness and quality of teaching of Postgraduate students in
all the departments, Medical Colleges/ Institutions may appoint additional Faculty Members from
abroad with equivalent qualifications as Visiting Faculty on part time basis. This International
Visiting faculty shall be over and above the minimum faculty prescribed in the relevant “Minimum
Requirements for Annual MBBS Admissions Regulations, 2020” and the “Postgraduate Medical
Education Regulations, 2022”.
11. Index of Teaching Specialties.
11.1 The nomenclature of the specialties/subjects shall be the same as that contained in the Postgraduate
Medical Education Regulations- 2022. Any addition/deletion of a new specialty in these
Regulations shall reflect in the corresponding table of these Regulations.
11.2 The teaching specialties and prior qualification for appointment of Faculty with Medical
qualifications in the department of a Medical Institution shall be as per Table 4.A for broad
specialties and Table 4.B for Super Specialties.
I. List of Departments in Broad Specialty:
(A) Medical Specialties (MD)
Sl. No. Broad Specialty
01 Anatomy
02 Anesthesiology
03 Aerospace Medicine
04 Biochemistry
05 Community Medicine
06 Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
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Sl. No. Broad Specialty

07 Emergency Medicine
08 Family Medicine
09 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
10 General Medicine
11 Geriatrics
12 Community Health Administration
13 Hospital Administration
14 Transfusion Medicine
15 Master of Public Health ( Epidemiology)
16 Microbiology
17 Marine Medicine
18 Nuclear Medicine
19 Pathology
20 Palliative Medicine
21 Paediatrics
22 Pharmacology
23 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
24 Physiology
25 Psychiatry
26 Radio-diagnosis
27 Respiratory Medicine
28 Radiation Oncology

(B) Surgical broad Specialties (MS)

Sl.No. Broad Specialty
1 Oto rhino laryngology-Head and Neck
2 General Surgery
3 Ophthalmology
4 Orthopedics
5 Obstetrics & Gynecology
6 Traumatology and Surgery

Table 4.A Broad Medical Specialties with academic qualifications

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications
No. Specialty Qualification recruitment during Transition period
1. Anatomy MD/MS/DNB As per section Table Not applicable as ten years from

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification recruitment during Transition period
(Anatomy) 1A and Table 1B the date of notification to start
under section 6 in the the course from erstwhile MCI
subject of Anatomy is completed.
2. Anesthesia MD/MS/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(Anesthesia) under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Anaesthesia is completed.
3. Aerospace MD/DNB As per Table 1A under Not applicable as ten years from
Medicine (Aviation section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Medicine) Subject of Aerospace the course from erstwhile MCI
Medicine. is completed.
4. Biochemistry MD/DNB As per section Table Not applicable as ten years from
(Biochemistry) 1A and Table 1B the date of notification to start
under section 6 in the the course from erstwhile MCI
subject of is completed.
5. Community MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Medicine (Community under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Medicine) Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Community Medicine is completed.
MD (Community
6. Dermatology, MD/DNB (DVL) As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Venereology and under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Leprosy Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Dermatology, is completed.
Venereology and
7. Emergency MD/DNB As per Table 1C MD/MS/DNB
Medicine (Emergency under section 6 in the
1. General Medicine
Medicine) Subject of
Emergency Medicine 2. Anaesthesia
3. Respiratory Medicine
4. General Surgery
5. Orthopaedics
Notification date: 21.07.2009.
Hence the relaxation is extended
by five years from the date of
the notification of these
8. Family Medicine MD/DNB As per Table 1C MD/MS/DNB
(Family under section 6 in the
1. General Medicine
Medicine), Subject of Family
Medicine 2. Pediatrics
3. Obstetrics & Gynaecology
4. General Surgery
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S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification recruitment during Transition period
The relaxation is extended by
five years from the date of the
notification of these
9. Forensic MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Medicine and (Forensic under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Toxicology Medicine & Subject of Forensic the course from erstwhile MCI
Toxicology) Medicine & completed.
10. General Medicine MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(General under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Medicine) Subject of General the course from erstwhile MCI
Medicine is completed.
11. Geriatrics MD/DNB As per Table 1C MD/DNB
under section 6 in the
Geriatrics) 1. Family Medicine
Subject of Geriatrics
2. General Medicine
The relaxation is extended by
five years from the date of the
notification of these
12. Community MD (Community As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Health Health under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Administration Administration) Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Community Health is completed.
MD (Community
13. Hospital MD (Hospital As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Administration Administration) under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of Hospital the course from erstwhile MCI
Administration is completed.
14. Transfusion MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Medicine Transfusion under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Medicine Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Transfusion Medicine is completed.
15. Master of Public MPH (Master of As per Table 1C under MD/DNB
Health Public Health in section 6 in the
Community Medicine
Epidemiology) Subject of Master of
( Epidemiology)
Public Health in Notification date: 08.12.2010
Epidemiology Hence the relaxation is extended
by five years from the date of
the notification of these
16. Microbiology MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(Microbiology) under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Microbiology is completed.
17. Marine Medicine MD (Marine As per Table 1C MD/DNB
under section 6 in the

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification recruitment during Transition period
Medicine) Subject of Marine 1. Physiology
2. General Medicine
Notification date: 06.05.2017.
Hence the relaxation is extended
by five years from the date of
the notification of these
18. Nuclear Medicine MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of Nuclear the course from erstwhile MCI
Medicine is completed.
19. Pathology MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of Pathology the course from erstwhile MCI
is completed.
20. Palliative MD/DNB As per Table 1C MD/DNB Anesthesiology
Medicine (Palliative under section 6 in the
Notification date: 21.07.2009.
Medicine) Subject of Palliative
Medicine Hence the relaxation is extended
by five years from the date of
the notification of these
21. Pediatrics MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(Pediatrics) under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of Paediatrics the course from erstwhile MCI
is completed.
22. Pharmacology MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(Pharmacology)/ under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
MBBS with Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Ph.D. (Med. Pharmacology is completed.
23. Physical MD/DNB As per Table 1C MS/MD/DNB
Medicine and under section 6 in the
(Physical 1. Medicine with Diploma in
Rehabilitation Subject of Physical
Medicine and PMR
Medicine and
Rehabilitation 2. General Surgery
3. Orthopedics.
The relaxation is extended by
five years from the date of the
notification of these Regulations
24. Physiology MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(Physiology) under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Physiology is completed.
25. Psychiatry MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(Psychiatry) under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of Psychiatry the course from erstwhile MCI
[भाग III—खण्ड 4] भारत का राजपत्र : असाधारण 41

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification recruitment during Transition period
is completed.
26. Radio-Diagnosis MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
(Radio- under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Diagnosis) Subject of Radio- the course from erstwhile MCI
Diagnosis is completed.
27. Respiratory MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Medicine (Respiratory under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Medicine) Subject of the course from erstwhile MCI
Respiratory Medicine is completed.
28. Radiation MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years from
Oncology (Radiation under section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Oncology) Subject of Radiation the course from erstwhile MCI
Oncology is completed.
29. Dentistry MDS As per Table 2 under Not applicable as ten years from
section 6 in the the date of notification to start
Subject of Dentistry the course from erstwhile MCI
is completed.

Table 4.A Surgical Broad Specialties with Academic qualifications:

S. Name of the Academic Qualification Method of Academic Qualifications
No. Specialty recruitment during Transition period
1 Oto-rhino- MS/DNB (Oto-Rhino- As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years
laryngology- Laryngology) under section 6 in from the date of notification to
Head and Neck the Subject of Oto- start the course from erstwhile
Rhino-Laryngology MCI is completed.
2 General MS/DNB (General As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years
Surgery Surgery) under section 6 in from the date of notification to
the Subject of start the course from erstwhile
General Surgery. MCI is completed.
3 Ophthalmology MS/MD/DNB As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years
(Ophthalmology) under section 6 in from the date of notification to
the Subject of start the course from erstwhile
Ophthalmology MCI is completed.
4 Orthopedics MS/DNB (Orthopedics) As per Table 1A Not applicable as ten years
under section 6 in from the date of notification to
the Subject of start the course from erstwhile
Orthopaedics MCI is completed.
5 Obstetrics and MD/MS/DNB(Obstetrics As per Table 1A Not Applicable Not applicable
Gynecology & Gynecology) under section 6 in as ten years from the date of
the Subject of notification to start the course
Obstetrics and from erstwhile MCI is
Gynaecology completed.
6 Traumatology MS/DNB (Traumatology As per Table 1C MD/MS/DNB
and Surgery and Surgery) under section 6 in
1. General Surgery
the Subject of
Traumatology and 2. Orthopaedics
Surgery Notification

S. Name of the Academic Qualification Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty recruitment during Transition period
Med./45048 dated 08.12.2010
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification of
these Regulations.

II. List of Departments in Super Specialty:

(A) Medical Super Specialty Departments (DM)
S. No. Name of the Specialty
1. Cardiology
2. Cardiac Anesthesia
3. Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
4. Clinical Hematology
5. Critical Care Medicine
6. Endocrinology
7. Hepatology
8. Interventional Radiology
9. Medical Gastroenterology
10. Medical Genetics
11. Medical Oncology
12. Neonatology
13. Nephrology
14. Neuro-anesthesia
15. Neurology
16. Pediatric Cardiology
17. Pediatric Gastroenterology
18. Pediatric Neurology
19. Pediatric Oncology
20. Pediatric Hepatology
21. Pediatric Nephrology
22. Pediatric and Neonatal Anesthesia
23. Pulmonary Medicine
24. Virology

(B) Surgical Super Specialty Departments (MCh)

S. No. Name of the Specialty
1 Cardiac Surgery
2 Gynecological Oncology
3 Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
[भाग III—खण्ड 4] भारत का राजपत्र : असाधारण 43

S. No. Name of the Specialty

4 Head and Neck Surgery
5 Neuro-Surgery
6 Pediatric Surgery
7 Pediatric Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
8 Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
9 Surgical Oncology
10 Surgical Gastroenterology
11 Thoracic Surgery
12 Urology
13 Vascular Surgery

Table 4.B Medical Super Specialties with Academic qualifications:

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications
No. Specialty Qualification Recruitment during Transition period
1 Cardiology DM/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
(Cardiology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of to start the course from
Cardiology erstwhile MCI is completed.
2 Cardiac DM/DNB (Cardiac As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Anesthesia Anesthesiology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of Cardiac to start the course from
Anaesthesia erstwhile MCI is completed.
3 Clinical DM in Clinical As per Table 3B under MD/DNB
Immunology and Immunology and section 6 in the Subject 1. General Medicine
Rheumatology Rheumatology of Clinical 2. Pediatrics
Immunology and
The relaxation is extended
by five years from the date
of the notification of these
4 Clinical DM/DNB (Clinical As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Haematology Haematology under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of Clinical to start the course from
Haematology erstwhile MCI is completed.
5 Critical Care DM/DNB (Critical As per Table 3B under MD/DNB
Medicine Care Medicine) section 6 in the Subject 1. Anaesthesiology
of Critical care 2. General Medicine
3. Respiratory
4. Emergency Medicine
5. DM in Pulmonary
Med./45048 dated
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification Recruitment during Transition period
of these Regulations.
6 Endocrinology DM/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
(Endocrinology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of to start the course from
Endocrinology erstwhile MCI is completed.
7 Hepatology DM (Hepatology) As per Table 3B under DM/DNB
section 6 in the Subject 1. Gastroenterology
of Hepatology 2. General Medicine
The relaxation is extended
by five years from the date
of the notification of these
8 Interventional DM As per Table 3B under MD/DNB
Radiology (Interventional section 6 in the Subject Radio Diagnosis
Radiology) of Interventional The relaxation is extended
Radiology by five years from the date
of the notification of these
9 Medical DM/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Gastroenterology (Gastroenterology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of to start the course from
Gastroenterology erstwhile MCI is completed.
10 Medical DM/DNB (Medical As per Table 3B under MD/DNB
Genetics Genetics) section 6 in the Subject 1.General Medicine
of Medical Genetics 2.Paediatrics
3.Obstetrics and
The relaxation is extended
by five years from the date
of the notification of these
11 Medical DM/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Oncology (Medical Oncology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of Medical to start the course from
Oncology erstwhile MCI is completed.
12 Neonatology DM/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
(Neonatology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of to start the course from
Neonatology erstwhile MCI is completed.
13 Nephrology DM/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
(Nephrology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of to start the course from
Nephrology erstwhile MCI is completed.
14 Neuro-anesthesia DM/DNB As per Table 3B under MD/DNB
(Neuro-anesthesia) section 6 in the Subject Anaesthesia
of Neuro-anesthesia Notification
Med./45048 dated
[भाग III—खण्ड 4] भारत का राजपत्र : असाधारण 45

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification Recruitment during Transition period
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
15 Neurology DM/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
(Neurology) under section 6 in the from the date of notification
Subject of to start the course from
Neurology erstwhile MCI is completed.
16 Pediatric DM/DNB As per Table 3B under MD/DNB Paediatrics
Cardiology (Pediatric section 6 in the Subject Notification date:21.07.2009
Cardiology) of Paediatric Hence the relaxation is
Cardiology extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
17 Pediatric DM As per Table 3B under MD/DNB Paediatrics
Gastroenterology (Pediatric section 6 in the Subject Notification date:
Gastroenterology) of Paediatric 21.07.2009
Gastroenterology Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
18 Pediatric DM/DNB (Pediatric As per Table 3B under MD/DNB Paediatrics
Neurology Neurology) section 6 in the Subject Notification date:
of Pediatric 21.07.2009
Neurology Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
19 Pediatric DM As per Table 3B under MD/DNB Paediatrics
Oncology (Pediatric Oncology) section 6 in the Subject Notification date:
of Paediatric 08.12.2010
Oncology Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
20 Pediatric DM/DNB (Pediatric As per Table 3B under MD/DNB Paediatrics
Hepatology Hepatology) section 6 in the Subject Notification date:
of Paediatric 09.12.2009
Hepatology Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
21 Pediatric DM (Pediatric As per Table 3B under MD/DNB Paediatrics
Nephrology Nephrology) section 6 in the Subject Notification no:
of Paediatric MCI.18(1)/2010-Med/45048
Nephrology dated: 08.12.2010
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification Recruitment during Transition period
of these Regulations
22 Pediatric and DM in Pediatric and As per Table 3B under MD/DNB in Anesthesia
Neonatal Neonatal Anesthesia section 6 in the Subject Notification date:
Anesthesia of Paediatric and 24.04.2012
Neonatal Anaesthesia Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
23 Pulmonary DM/DNB As per Table 3B under MD/DNB
Medicine (Pulmonary section 6 in the Subject 1. Respiratory Medicine
Medicine) of Pulmonary 2.General Medicine
Notification date:
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations
24 Virology DM (Virology). As per Table 3B under MD/DNB
section 6 in the Subject Microbiology
of Virology. Notification
Med./45048 dated
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations

Table 4.B Surgical Super Specialty with Academic qualifications:

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications
No. Specialty Qualification Recruitment during Transition period
1 Cardiac Surgery M.Ch/DNB (Cardio As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Surgery) under section 6 in from the date of
the Subject of notification to start the
Cardio Vascular course from erstwhile MCI
and Thoracic is completed.
2 Gynecological M.Ch/DNB As per Table 3B MD/MS/DNB Obstetrics
Oncology (Gynecological under section 6 in and Gynaecology.
Oncology) the Subject of
The relaxation is extended
by five years from the date
of the notification of these
3 Hepato-Pancreato- M.Ch. (HPB Surgery). As per Table 3B 1. MCh/DNB Surgical
Biliary Surgery under section 6 in Gastroenterology
the Subject of
2. MS / DNB General
[भाग III—खण्ड 4] भारत का राजपत्र : असाधारण 47

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification Recruitment during Transition period
Biliary Surgery Surgery
Notification date:
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations.
4 Head and Neck M.Ch/DNB As per Table 3B MS/DNB
Surgery (Head and Neck under section 6 in 1.General Surgery
Surgery) the Subject of of
2. Otorhinolaryngology
Head and Neck
Surgery Notification date:
Hence the relaxation is
extended by five years from
the date of the notification
of these Regulations.
5 Neuro-Surgery M.Ch/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
(Neuro Surgery) under section 6 in from the date of notification
the Subject of to start the course from
Neuro-Surgery erstwhile MCI is completed.
6 Pediatric Surgery M.Ch/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
(Paediatric Surgery) under section 6 in from the date of notification
the Subject of to start the course from
Paediatric Surgery erstwhile MCI is completed.
7 Pediatric M.Ch/DNB Pediatric As per Table 3B 1. MCh/DNB
Cardiothoracic and Cardiothoracic and under section 6 in Cardiovascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery Vascular Surgery the Subject of 2. MS/DNB in General
Paediatric Surgery.
Cardiothoracic and
Notification date:
Vascular Surgery
Not applicable as ten years
from the date of notification
to start the course from
erstwhile MCI is completed.
8 Plastic & M.Ch/DNB (Plastic & As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Reconstructive Reconstructive under section 6 in from the date of notification
Surgery Surgery) the Subject of to start the course from
Plastic & erstwhile MCI is completed.
9 Surgical Oncology M.Ch./DNB (Surgical As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Oncology) under section 6 in from the date of notification
the Subject of to start the course from
Surgical Oncology erstwhile MCI is completed.
10 Surgical M.Ch/DNB As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
Gastroenterology under section 6 in from the date of notification
the Subject of to start the course from
Surgical Gastro

S. Name of the Academic Method of Academic Qualifications

No. Specialty Qualification Recruitment during Transition period
Enterology erstwhile MCI is completed.
11 Thoracic Surgery M.Ch As per Table 3B 1.MCh/DNB
under section 6 in Cardiothoracic Surgery
(Thoracic Surgery)
the Subject of
2. MS/DNB in General
Thoracic Surgery
The relaxation is extended
by five years from the date
of the notification of these
12 Urology M.Ch/DNB (Urology) As per Table 3A Not applicable as ten years
under section 6 in from the date of notification
the Subject of to start the course from
Urology erstwhile MCI is completed.
13 Vascular Surgery M.Ch./DNB (Vascular As per Table 3A Notification date:
Surgery) under section 6 in 06.10.2001
the Subject of
Not applicable as ten years
Vascular Surgery
from the date of notification
to start the course from
erstwhile MCI is completed.

12. General Norms regarding Foreign Postgraduate Qualifications for Equivalence

12.1 In the case of a person with Postgraduate medical qualifications awarded in United Kingdom,
United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, his qualifications can be
considered as equivalent qualifications with MD/MS/DM/MCh, as the case may be, if he fulfils the
following criteria in those countries.
United Kingdom: He should have completed Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training
(CCST) or equivalent training with final FRCS/FRCP degree and registered in that country to
practice in that specialty.
United States of America and Canada: He should have MD qualification with Residency
Training Certificate in the relevant specialty in USA. For Super specialties, successful completion
of Residency Training Programme along with completion of accredited Fellowship programme in
the relevant super specialty is essential.
Australia and New Zealand: He should have completed supervised training programme
culminating in the Fellowship of the respective Specialty (FRACS/FRACP). For Super Specialties,
minimum two years of supervised sub specialty Fellowship programme in the respective Sub
Specialty is essential.
12.2 He should have done his complete duration of training in those countries and be registered there to
practice in that specialty.
12.3 In such cases he will be eligible for the post of Assistant Professor in the respective department and
his subsequent promotions would be as per Teachers “Eligibility Qualifications in Medical
Institutions Regulations – 2022”.
12.4 Other qualifications will be evaluated by the NMC as and when reference is received.
[भाग III—खण्ड 4] भारत का राजपत्र : असाधारण 49

13. Appeal
A teacher may apply to the National Medical Commission through the concerned Head of the
Institution and University for determination of his eligibility for a teaching position in a Medical
Institution in the case of ambiguity and controversy.
14. Saving Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, any appointment made under the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institution Regulations, 1998 or the
recommendation of the Councils prior to that, shall be protected.
15. Provision to amend the Teachers Eligibility Qualifications in Medical Institutions
Regulations - 2022
National Medical Commission is empowered to make any addition, deletion, substitution or any
other amendment to “Teachers Eligibility Qualifications in Medical Institutions Regulations –
2022”, as and when required.
16. Repeal: The “Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institution Regulations, 1998” is
hereby repealed.

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MAHADASAM Date: 2022.02.23 15:51:42 +05'30'

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