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Leadership and

Organizational Theory:
the heart of the matter

Angelia Arrington

“Leadership is much more of an art, a belief, a condition of
This article discusses concepts of the heart, than a set of things to do. The visible signs of artful
leadership and organizational leadership are expressed, ultimately in its practice.”1 Well over
theory by identifying essential 50 leadership theorists have contributed to a myriad of
leadership theories and their leadership and organizational theories. Scholars such as
impact on organizational Bennis, DePree, Greenleaf and Wren have researched and
dynamics. The manuscript presents written volumes about the phenomenon of leadership and
an in-depth view of leadership organization theories.2 3 4 5 Bennis and DePree share similar
theory and application, its impact views on leadership theory; they think leaders should be
on the leader and follower servant leaders who coach, influence and empower team
relationships, and how leadership members toward goal achievement. Bennis teaches that
style influences organizational leadership is a result of knowing yourself and effectively
culture. Leadership definitions, communicating a clear vision while establishing trust amongst
traits, skills and styles and theories peers, colleagues and followers while ultimately owning your
are presented. The article actions as an effective leader. DePree believes that
characterizes leadership and its leadership is an art and teaches stewardship over this art in
organizational impact on today’s regard to relationships evolving around effectiveness,
evolving global business world from principles, values and a legacy toward humankind. Similarly,
a strategic perspective. In Greenleaf believes leaders must possess clear vision and a
summary, this article is a model for willingness to serve as others will be drawn to this servant hood.
effective organizational dynamics A selfless and sacrificial nature attracts people. Lastly, Wren
using strategic leadership and teaches that we need more broadly educated managers
followership relationships. [leaders] with a focus on performance improvement, his key
to effective leadership. These scholars support many
leadership theories and styles including charismatic,
transactional, laissez-faire, servant and transformational. Most
of all, they reflect the human dynamics of effective
leadership, which is the heart of the matter.

Essential Leadership Styles and their Impact on Organizational


Multiple leadership styles have been researched, studied and

applied yet no one style is recognized as the ‘all in all’ of
leadership. Many leaders employ a variety of styles to adapt
to situations, hence situational leadership. Other leaders work
toward applying specific leadership styles based on who they

7 LeaderLab Vol. 1 Issue 2

ISSN: 2153-2443
A Leader is As A Leader Does
are and how they lead. A review of some conflict resolution and cohesion among groups
essential leadership styles and their impact on who work together.
organizational dynamics follows.
Perhaps, if we view leadership and the
The Blake & Mouton leadership grid illustrates application thereof as a matter of ‘survival,’
five major styles including authority- then we may adequately comprehend the
compliance, country club management, importance of understanding this phenomenon
impoverished management, middle-of-the- and its application. This is true because when
road management and team management.6 things are going well, leadership seems to be a
Each style places a greater or less significance trivial matter but when conflict arises, the
on task or people, which is readily determined importance of leadership becomes apparent.
based on the title. Thus, the key is to develop a Because we define leadership so broadly in
leadership style that gets to the heart of the terms of its influence on goals and group
matter of the follower while mentoring and outcomes, understanding theory and
shaping them to become effective leaders. This application is fundamental to a leader’s
passion sustains how and why the leader is who effectiveness. Since leadership literature is so
they are. While the first four leadership styles enormous it lacks an integrative theoretical
(authority-compliance, country club framework that synthesizes all the data.8 This is
management, impoverished management and true because some of the mid-level
middle-of-the-road) may appear less management theories are not well connected;
appealing, they are effective depending upon some of the trends ignore the role of the
the situation in which they are applied. An follower when viewing trends and much of the
effective leader can use any of these focus is on leadership issues and not leadership
approaches to match the environment and functions and behaviors.9
culture in which they are leading. Ultimately,
the team management approach is a proven Impact of Leader-Follower Relationships
and highly effective method that considers
The concept of leader-follower alignment is
human, technical and conceptual aspects of
more than searching and selecting the right
the skills approach; it is situational and can be
people, but it is hiring and placing them in the
highly motivating. However, leaders using the
right position and gaining the commitment of
team management approach must be
all involved; especially the followers. It is the
genuine or risk becoming ineffective. Is the
process of the four key points that provide a
leader applying the team management
platform for followers to embrace as outlined
approach to benefit the team, to please
by Bennis.10 Leader-follower alignment
management or to gain a personal reward?
develops sustainable leader-follower
This rhetorical question is significant in
relationships, which positively impact the
determining why a leader may or may not
growth and development of the organization.
choose to behave they way they do.
The key points include:
Moreover, a follower may or may not choose to
follow this type of leader. Leadership style is the 1. Clarify purpose by aligning individual
essence of a leader’s heart and soul and purpose into a common purpose.
determines how the leader’s hands and head
are used.7 1. Define roles by understanding how they
and others contribute to achieving the
Leadership Theory and Application overall purpose.
Leadership theory and its application are 2. Create alignment by sharing words and
essential to effective organizational dynamics. actions through creating shared values
From an evolutionary perspective, leadership and congruent behaviors.
theory and application revolve around two
major ingredients: leadership and followership. 3. Build sustained relationships based on
Together, they encompass strategies for solving trust.
social coordination in effective problem solving,

8 LeaderLab Vol. 1 Issue 2

ISSN: 2153-2443
A Leader is As A Leader Does
The process for building effective leadership power, not expert or role power. The most
and sustained followership is designed to powerful and most difficult part of mentoring is
create leader-follower alignment and being who you are.”11 Transparent, authentic
relationships that align with a leader’s behavior leadership is what fosters the effective leader-
and mirrors that of the follower and vice versa. follower relationship that creates a highly
This is critical because effective leaders must productive work culture. It moves people
lead by example. In addition, leadership effort toward passion.
and patience are required to sustain
committed followers and requires a continuous Leadership Defined: Select Scholarly
evolving process of deepening and Perspectives
strengthening the commitment of followers to
While Northouse defines leadership as “a
behave in alignment with the leadership
process whereby an individual influences a
group of individuals to achieve a common
How Leadership Influences Organizational goal” and Merriam Webster defines followership
Culture as “the capacity or willingness to follow a
leader” both words, concepts and principles
“Lead, follow…or get out of the way!” This mean so much more.12 13 Voluminous research
familiar adage suggests that relationships are proves that there is no one definition of either
significant to the success of leaders and leadership or followership and both may have
followers alike. It further distinguishes the more popular press written than any other
relationship of the leader/follower and words.
describes how leadership influences
organizational culture. It is important to understand what leadership is
and the essential principles and values of a
Relationships should evolve around a purpose heart focused [servant] leader as they
and a partnership. In this instance, the leader is ultimately determine whom we follow and how
seen as the mentor who leads and guides we lead. According to Winston, leadership
individual followers thus enhancing the purpose starts with values.14 Chemers describes a widely
of the relationship and creating a reciprocally and majority acceptable definition of
beneficial partnership where all parties work leadership by most researchers and theorists as
toward a common goal or mission. These the “process of social influence in which one
courageous leader-follower relations have a person can enlist the aid and support of others
positive influence on organizational culture and in the accomplishment of a common task.”15 In
breed the development of leaders who serve in Leadership in Organizations, Yukl suggests that
a servanthood role. most definitions of leadership “reflect the
assumption that it involves a process whereby
Sound culturally based leadership is strategic to intentional influence is exerted by one person
serving as a leader [mentor] who guides, directs over other people to guide, structure and
or advises others on how to become who they facilitate activities and relationships in a group
wish to become, often coaching the individual or organization.”16
to develop strengths, knowledge and talents
they strive toward. As a result, the follower feels Northouse believes there are many ways to
valued as an integral part of the team; the conceptualize leadership and presents key
follower's purpose is clearly defined and components essential to the leadership
supported by a leader who embraces them in phenomenon including: (a) process, (b)
a manner that invokes ownership and influence, (c) teams and (d) goals and
accountability. objectives.17 In his seminal book Leadership,
James MacGregor Burns wrote that leadership
According to Bell, leadership or “mentoring is is “one of the most observed and least
being real, it is being a catalyst, and being understood phenomena on earth” … and that
sometimes a kind of prophet. It is therefore far this leadership phenomenon is an elusive
more art than science. It is about personal concept.18 While these scholarly researchers

9 LeaderLab Vol. 1 Issue 2

ISSN: 2153-2443
A Leader is As A Leader Does
articulate well on the definitions of leadership, Northouse refers to this as the ‘trait approach,’
Northouse, Yukl and Chemmers all define one of the first systematic advances toward the
leadership as ‘influence.’ Burns suggests the study of leadership: it studied innate qualities of
elusive nature of leadership is too complex to leader’s characteristics [traits].23 Research
grasp without thorough research, exploration concentrated on the differences between
and study.19 Yet, both Northouse and Burns leaders and followers by studying great leaders
agree and further illustrate leadership as a such as Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi
‘phenomenon.’ While a finite definition and Napoleon.24 The trait approach is also
therefore may be elusive, leadership certainly referred to as the “great man” theory because
includes influence, motivation and service. it evolved from the skills, traits and behaviors of
Further, a leader's traits, skills and styles have a social, political and military leaders who were
long-term impact on an organization’s renowned or great.
dynamics and sustainability.
Some leadership traits of the “great man”
Leadership Traits, Skills and Styles: Select theory are intelligence, self-confidence,
Leadership Theories determination, integrity and sociability. The
theory focuses on the leader and not on the
Various approaches to leadership theory follower. Therefore, some believe these traits
include the most commonly used traits, skills make up the foundation of leaders who desire
and styles approach as outlined by greatness. Many great leaders study and
Northouse.20 A leader’s skill determines how model great man traits displayed by Lincoln,
effective a leader is because followers are Gandhi and many others and use them to help
more likely to follow someone who appears to determine how they lead and who they
know what he or she is doing. Therefore, the become as individuals. These leadership traits
skills approach is based on a leader-centered can help to enhance one’s leadership skills
perspective; it moves away from believing that through study, personal development and
leadership is innate towards a learned behavior application.
approach asserting that skills can be learned,
applied and measured. The three-skill approach applies technical,
human and conceptual skills as an effective
“Many people believe that leadership is a way combination of leadership that can be applied
to improve how they present themselves to to the supervisory, middle and top
others. Corporations want people who have management organizational levels. Katz’s
leadership ability because they believe these model addresses the skills that he believed
people provide special assets to the were necessary at various levels within the
organization.”21 Fundamentally, one’s organization in order for the leader to be
leadership knowledge, skill and ability, is based effective.25 He suggests that there are varying
on personal motives. Some people are levels of application of the three skills
motivated to lead because they believe in an depending on the level of the leader or
inherent ability to do so while others lead for manager within the organization. For example,
personal gain including position, power and the top manager may need or use less
money. In either case, individual leaders have technical skills, the supervisor needs or uses less
personal motives. Northouse refers to leading conceptual and more technical and human
within an organization on the basis of title or skills while the middle manager may need to
position as an assigned leader while one who apply all three skills in order to be effective.
leads due to group response is referred to as an
emergent leader.22 It is believed that assigned In addition to the skills, the leader needs
leaders do so because they have a job to do knowledge, competence and social ability.
while the emergent leader does so because These attributes are critical for the leader to
they desire to do the job well. motivate, problem solve and perform
throughout the organization. Ultimately, the skills
As a result, leaders adopt traits essential to how approach states that while a leader must have
they lead, motivate or influence followers. knowledge or technical skills, they must also

10 LeaderLab Vol. 1 Issue 2

ISSN: 2153-2443
A Leader is As A Leader Does
possess the ability to motivate and lead others contemporary leaders become incredibly
while having a concept of where they are effective, efficient and successful. They outline
going and how they are going to get there. As four areas of leadership:
a result, style is essential if the leader expects
followers to embrace their vision. Thus, effective • Heart – Ask what is your motivation as a
leaders need to consider a global and strategic leader? Is it to serve or to self serve? Am I
perspective as they continue to grow and a servant leader or a self-serving leader?
evolve as leaders. When answered candidly, the answer
will get to your core existence and your
Leadership from a Globally Strategic motivation/intention as a leader.
• Head – What are your personality traits
A new breed of courageous followership views and characteristics? What are your
leadership from an inclusive and globally beliefs and views about leadership? Are
strategic perspective. In order to keep up with you there to lead through servant hood
advances in technology, heightened cultural or are you there for personal gain such
dynamics and global challenges, emerging as a title, position, money and notoriety?
and seasoned leaders should think and behave
strategically. This strategic thought process • Hands – Do you set clear goals and
ought to encompass a variety of leadership measure performance, consistently
styles, behaviors and characteristics that following up with those you lead? Do
embrace transformation and the evolution of you lead by example? Are you a climber
change. It needs to continually transform. or a connector? Are you there to help
others achieve their goals and be
This change management requires a humble successful in their own right?
and servant leader who is willing and able to
• Habit – How do you refresh and renew
lead as well as follow. Moreover, the globally
yourself as a leader? Are you establishing
strategic leader should be willing to adopt a
positive patterns [habits] or are you
planned approach to change within an
distracted and focused on self sustaining
organization and themselves. In order to
minimize the risk of failure while implementing
change, leadership requires a collective While the science of leadership [management]
process that is inclusive and benefits all parties requires the practice and application of theory,
involved. This progressive thinking may require the art of leadership [passion] requires the
leaders to consider Lewin’s model of freeze, practice and application of theory from the
change and refreeze as an ongoing heart of the matter. Ultimately, leadership is
application.26 The model involves overcoming about one’s passion. Leader must get to the
apathy and a changed “mindset” or a self- heart of leadership theory and application and
assessment that positions the leader’s motives focus on sound leader-follower relationships to
around selflessness and servanthood not influences the culture within an organization by
around selfish gain or individual defining leadership and related theory. Are you
accomplishment. This is much like the example leading from the heart of the matter?
Jesus used as a leader.
About the Author
Angelia Arrington is a doctoral student at
Blanchard & Hodges have been successful in Regent University’s School of Global Leadership
learning and writing about characteristics and Entrepreneurship. She writes and speaks to
modeled after the leadership of Jesus.27 In the share her passion for strategic leadership and
book entitled, Lead like Jesus, co-authors, to motivate others to serve while leading. She
Blanchard & Hodges, share four key areas with can be reached at
strategies and tips on how modeling these
characteristics and behaviors can help

11 LeaderLab Vol. 1 Issue 2

ISSN: 2153-2443
A Leader is As A Leader Does
16Yukl, G. A., (2006). Leadership in
1Depree, M. (2009). Think Exist. Retrived from Organizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. p 45.
2Bennis, W. (1990). On Becoming a Leader. 16 Northouse, Peter G. (2007) Leadership Theory
Philadelphia, PA: Basic Books. and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
3Depree, M. (2004). Leadership is an Art. 18 Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. College Park,
Portland, OR: Bantam Dell Publishing Group. MD: Harper Perennial Modern Classics. p. 4
4Greenleaf, R. (1970). The Servant as Leader. 19 Ibid.
Retrived from
20 Northouse, Peter G. (2007).
5Wren, D. A. & Bedeian, A. G. (2009). Hoboken,
NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 21 Northouse, Peter G. (2007).
6Blake, R.R., & Mouton, J. S. (1964). The New 22 Northouse, Peter G. (2007).
Managerial Grid. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing
Company. 23 Northouse, Peter G. (2007).
7Blanchard, K. & Hodges, P. (2003). The Servant 24Bass, B. M. (1990). Leadership: The Great Man
Leader: Transforming your Heart, Head, Hands Theory Revisited. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
& Habits. Nashville, TNL J. Countryman.
Katz, D. (1966) The Social Psychology of
8 Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R. & Kaiser, R. (2008). Organizations. New York, NY: Bantam.
Leadership, followership and evolution: Some
lessons from the past. American Psychologist, Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science.
63(3), 182-196 New York, NY: Harper & Brothers.
9Yukl, G. A., (2006). Leadership in Organizations. 27Blanchard, K. & Hodges, P. (2006). Lead like
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Jesus. Nashville, Thomas Nelson.

Bennis, W. (2002). The Leadership Advantage.


Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishers.

11Bell, C. R. (2005). Managers as Mentors:

Building Partnerships for Learning. San
Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

12Northouse, Peter G. (2007) Leadership Theory

and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

13 Merriam Webster Dictionary.

14Winston, B. G. (2002) Be a Leader for God’s

Sake. Virginia Beach, VA: Regent.

15Chemers, M. M. (2002). An Integrative Theory

of Leadership. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, p. 1.

12 LeaderLab Vol. 1 Issue 2

ISSN: 2153-2443

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