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Elect Q1Wk1 Electrical and Electronic Components

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Electrical and
Electronics 10
• It is the natural phenomena
associated with the movement of
electric charge.

• It is the reason why our

Electrical/Electronic device works

• It usually influence with the 4

properties of electricity. Current,
Voltage, Resistance, Power
• Knowing your units is important!
• Kilo and Mega are common in resistors
• Milli, micro, nano and pico can be used in
other components

K (kilo) = 1,000
M (mega) = 1,000,000
m (milli) = 1/1,000
µ(micro) = 1/1,000,000
n (nano) = 1/1,000,000,000 (one trillionth)
p (pico) = 1 / 1,000,000,000,000 (one quadrillionth)
Passive and Active
Nature of source Active components deliver power or energy Passive elements utilizes power or
to the circuit. energy in the circuit.

Examples Diodes, Transistors, SCR, Integrated circuits Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor etc.
Function of the Devices which produce energy in the form of Devices which stores energy in the form
component voltage or current. of voltage or current.

Power Gain They are capable of providing power gain. They are incapable of providing power

Flow of current Active components can control the flow of Passive components cannot control the
current. flow of the current.

Nature of energy Active components are energy donor. Passive components are energy acceptor.
Connecting Wires
• These conducting wires that are
insulated that allows current to
travel from one point on a circuit to
• It serves as a medium for electricity
to move from one component to
• It ranges from copper, gold, silver,
tungsten and aluminum
Power Supply
• A power supply is an electrical
device that supplies electric
power to an electrical load.
• The primary function of a power
supply is to convert electric
current from a source to the
correct voltage, current, and
frequency to power the load.
• Cell, Batteries, voltage outlet, and
Transformers are the most
common power supply devices
• Ground/Earth is a connection to
the earth that actually is
important in every circuit
(Output devices)
A transducer is
an electronic device that
converts energy from
one form to another.
• switch is an electrical component that can disconnect
or connect the conducting path in an electrical circuit,
interrupting the electric current or diverting it from one
conductor to another.
• Types
• Push to break – usually used for digital timers and
• Push to make – used for buzzers
• single-pole, single throw switch – It is used to
control a light, receptacle, or other device from a
single location.
• Single Pole, Double Throw – A 2-way changeover
switch directs the flow of current to one of two
routes according to its position.
• Double Pole, Single Throw – A dual on-off switch
which is often used to switch mains electricity
because it can
• It is a passive two-
terminal electrical
component that
implements electrical
• Classified as fixed and
variable resistors
Fixed Resistors
• Fixed value resistors have a
defined ohmic resistance and are
not adjustable and are the most
used resistors electronic

• Carbon Composition Resistor

• Wire wound resistor
• Chip resistor (SMD)
Carbon composition Resistor

The Carbon composition resistors are a blend

of carbon particles, graphite and ceramic dust
mixed with a binder substance like clay treated
with high temp and pressure.

• Resistor Color Code

• 1st color band – 1st number value
• 2nd color band – 2nd number value
• 3rd color band – Multiplier/number of zeros
• 4th Color band – Tolerance value

• Note:
• Tolerance Value – how accurate is the
• The color closest to the edge is the first
Wire Wound Resistor
• A Wire wound resistor is formed by wounding a wire
made up of a resistive material around a core.
• The metallic core acts as a non-conductive material
while the resistive wire conducts, but with some

Chip Resistor
• SMD resistors are rectangular in shape and as a
result they are often known as chip resistors.
• They have metallized areas at either end of the
main ceramic body, and in this way they can be set
onto a printed circuit board that has pads onto
which the two ends are set to provide the
Variable Resistor
• is the type of resistor which
changes the flow of current in a
controlled manner by offering a
wide range of resistances.
• A capacitor is a two-terminal,
electrical component.
• Along with resistors and inductors,
they are one of the most
fundamental passive components
we use.
• A capacitor is created out of two
metal plates and an insulating
material called a dielectric.
• A diode is an electrical device
allowing current to move through it
in one direction with far greater
ease than in the other.
• The most common kind of diode in
modern circuit design is
the semiconductor diode, although
other diode technologies exist.
• They are devices that control the
movement of electrons, and
consequently, electricity.
• They work something like a water
faucet -- not only do they start and stop
the flow of a current(Switch), but they
also control the amount of the
• Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
• Field Effects Transistors (FETS)
Bipolar Junction
• It was invented by William Shockley and
John Bardee
• is a bidirectional device that uses
both electrons and holes as charge carriers.

• Types
• NPN Transistor - one p-type
semiconductor resides between two n-
type semiconductors
• PNP Transistor - an n-type
semiconductor is sandwiched between
two p-type semiconductors
Field Effect
Transistors (FETs)
• It consists of a channel of N- or P-
type semiconductor material through
which current can flow, with a
different material (laid across a
section of the channel) controlling the
conductivity of the channel.
• One end of the channel is known as
the source, the other end of the
channel is called the drain, and the
control mechanism is called the gate.
• By applying a voltage to the gate,
you control the flow of current from
the source to the drain.
• MOSFET - metal-oxide-
semiconductor Field Effect
Types of FETs • JFET - Junction Field Effect

• MOSFETs have become much

more popular than bipolar
transistors for use in integrated
• Ammeter – Electric Current
• Voltmeter – Voltage (potential
• Ohmmeter – Resistance
• Galvanometer – small amount
of current

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