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Orthognathic Treatment and Temporomandibular

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Orthognathic treatment and temporomandibular

disorders: A systematic review. Part 2. Signs and
symptoms and meta-analyses
Salma Al-Riyami,a Susan J. Cunningham,b and David R. Molesc
London, United Kingdom

Introduction: There have been conflicting viewpoints in the literature regarding the effects of orthognathic
treatment on temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A systematic review was conducted to determine the per-
centage of orthognathic patients with TMD, establish the range of signs and symptoms, and follow patients
longitudinally through treatment for any changes in signs and symptoms. Methods: Part 1 of this 2-part article
described the methodology of this review, with a narrative analysis of the study characteristics and the TMD
classification methods. Part 2 describes the percentage of patients suffering from TMD and the signs and
symptoms reported. Meta-analyses were conducted on data from clinically similar studies. Results: Pain de-
creased after surgery for both self-reported symptoms and clinically diagnosed pain on palpation. However,
postsurgical results were more varied for joint sounds. The percentage of patients with clicking had a tendency
to decrease postsurgery, but improvements in crepitus were questionable. The results from all meta-analyses
in this review were subject to considerable statistical heterogeneity, and it was not possible to draw strong
inferences relating to the percentage of orthognathic surgery patients with TMD with any degree of certainty.
Conclusions: Although orthognathic surgery should not be advocated solely for treating TMD, patients having
orthognathic treatment for correction of their dentofacial deformities and who are also suffering from TMD ap-
pear more likely to see improvement in their signs and symptoms than deterioration. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2009;136:626.e1-626.e16)

unctional and esthetic considerations often A systematic review was conducted to determine the
prompt patients to seek orthognathic treatment percentage of orthognathic patients with signs and
to correct jaw discrepancies; this involves a com- symptoms of TMD, and to establish the range of signs
bination of orthodontics and surgery. Yet it has been re- and symptoms. In addition, we examined studies that
ported that orthognathic surgery can introduce unwanted followed patients longitudinally throughout treatment
alterations in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), giving to determine whether intervention to correct skeletal
rise to temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD).1 discrepancies affects TMD signs and symptoms. After
There are few high-quality studies in the field of an extensive search strategy and full-text screening, 53
TMD research that attempt to reduce bias, and there articles fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in this review.
are even fewer high-quality articles regarding the asso- Analysis of the results of systematic reviews can be
ciation between major skeletal disharmonies and their narrative or quantitative (involving statistical analysis).
effects on TMD.2 If the bearing of orthognathic treat- Although often associated with quantitative analysis, it
ment on TMD is considered, the viewpoints include is acceptable for a systematic review not to contain
that orthognathic intervention might induce or resolve a meta-analysis.5 The results of this review were pre-
TMD, or have little or no effect on TMD.3,4 dominantly narrative, and we used subjective rather
than statistical methods to determine the direction of
From the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom.
Postgraduate student, Orthodontic Unit. the effect, the approximate size of the effect, whether
Senior lecturer/honorary consultant, Orthodontic Unit. the effect was consistent across studies, and the strength
Former lecturer, Health Services Research; professor of Oral Health Services of evidence for the effect. This was carried out because,
Research, director of Postgraduate Education and Research, Peninsula Dental
School, Plymouth, United Kingdom. for most of the studies, a statistical analysis was either
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod- not feasible (eg, because of differences in the choices
ucts or companies described in this article. of outcome measures between studies) or inappropriate
Reprint requests to: Salma Al-Riyami, Orthodontic Unit, UCL Eastman
Dental Institute, 256 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8LD, United Kingdom; (eg, because of substantial clinical heterogeneity).
e-mail, Meta-analysis is a statistical analysis of the results
Submitted, October 2008; revised and accepted, February 2009. from independent studies; it generally aims to produce
Copyright Ó 2009 by the American Association of Orthodontists. a single estimate of effect.6 This should be carried out
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2009.02.022 only after assessing the methodologic quality of the
626.e2 Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2009

studies and only if there is sufficient homogeneity to of the effects, and its width describes heterogeneity.
warrant pooling the studies’ estimates. Studies to be Finally, the standard error of the pooled treatment
pooled should ideally be free from clinical and method- effect or effect size was used to calculate a confidence
ological diversity (eg, using different classification sys- interval that indicates the precision of the pooled
tems for recording TMD). Meta-analysis is a 2-stage estimate.7,17
process involving the calculation of an appropriate sum- For this study, random-effects meta-analyses were
mary statistic for each of a set of studies followed by conducted by using the statistical program Stata (ver-
combining these statistics into weighted averages. The sion 10.1, Stata Corp, College Station, Tex).
selection of a meta-analysis method should take into ac-
count data type, choice of summary statistics, observed
heterogeneity, and known limitations of the computa- RESULTS
tional methods.7 The percentages of patients with self-reported
symptoms are shown in Table II. Of the 53 studies,
only 18 presented information regarding the symptoms
MATERIAL AND METHODS reported by patients.
The methodology for conducting the systematic re- In the 4 studies that followed subjects longitudi-
view, including focused questions, criteria for inclusion nally, the percentages of subjects reporting joint sounds
of studies, search strategy, data extraction, and quality as- decreased after surgery in 2 studies: from 28% to 3%13
sessment, were described in Part 1 of this study. Part 2 fo- and from 24% to 20%.18 The prevalence of joint sounds
cuses on the remaining results, the evidence tables, and remained the same in 1 study at 30%19 and increased in
the methods involved in conducting the meta-analyses. another study from 38% to 43%.20
Most of the included studies did not use a validated Painful symptoms commonly reported by patients
scale to measure TMD, so it was not appropriate to in- included TMJ, jaw, face, and muscle pain. In the 3
clude them in a meta-analysis because of heterogeneity studies that reported both presurgical and postsurgical
in the assessment of TMD. Meta-analyses were carried results, the percentages of patients reporting TMJ
out on only the 12 studies that used the Helkimo index8 pain decreased after surgery.13,18,21 A similar trend
to classify TMD in patients at presurgery and postsur- was seen with jaw, face, and muscle pain. The per-
gery (Table I). centages of patients experiencing headaches were
Although the patients in these studies had differing lower after surgery in the 6 studies that provided
combinations of skeletal deformities and malocclu- this information.
sions, and had received various orthognathic interven- Clinical TMD signs are given in Table III. In studies
tions, there was sufficient homogeneity to carry out that presented both presurgical and postsurgical clinical
a meta-analysis on (1) the percentage of patients af- data, there was a tendency for the percentages of pa-
fected by TMD presurgery (of the 12 studies identified, tients affected by joint clicking to decrease after surgery
7 were eliminated because of incomplete or duplicated (in 22 of 24 studies). Only 2 studies found higher per-
data, and thus only the 5 studies with complete preoper- centages of patients with clicking after surgery.11,22
ative results were pooled)9-13; (2) patients with skeletal With regard to crepitus, the findings were varied.
Class II deformity having bilaterial sagittal split osteot- Some studies reported decreases in crepitus after sur-
omy (BSSO) advancement procedures9,10,13; and (3) pa- gery,11,13,23,24 whereas others reported that it either
tients with vertical maxillary excess (VME) having remained the same9,25,26 or increased.12,27,28
LeFort 1 maxillary impaction procedures14,15 (although The percentage of patients affected by TMJ pain on
the vertical relationships of the patients in these sub- palpation decreased after surgery in 14 of 18 studies.
groups were not specified). However, pain increased in 3 studies29-31 and remained
The basic principles of conducting a meta-analysis, the same in 1 study.32 Muscle pain on palpation was also
as described by the Cochrane Handbook, were fol- a commonly reported TMD symptom, and, when the
lowed.16 A summary statistic was calculated for each presurgical and postsurgical findings were compared,
study; it described the treatment effects or the effect 9 of 11 studies showed decreases in the percentages of
size. A pooled treatment effect estimate or effect size patients affected by muscle pain after surgery. Only 1
estimate was then calculated as a weighted average of study31 reported an increase in symptoms, and another
the treatment effects. Random-effects meta-analyses found that it remained the same.33
were undertaken. This assumes that each study is esti- Maximal incisal opening decreased after surgery, but
mating different treatment effects. The center of this there was a tendency for this to improve with time. Gaggl
symmetric (normal) distribution describes the average et al23 reported maximal incisal openings of 47.5 mm
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles 626.e3
Volume 136, Number 5

Table I. TMD findings in studies using the Helkimo index

Initial time interval Follow-up time interval

Dysfunction Initial time Affected Follow-up Affected Same Better Worse

Study, year severity interval (%) time interval (%) (%) (%) (%)

Athanasiou and Melsen, 1992 Di0* Presurgery 33 6 mo postsurgery 33

Di1 58 58
Di2 8 8
Athanasiou and Yücel-Eroğlu, 1994 Di0 Presurgery 34 6 mo postsurgery 38
Di1 49 51
Di2 17 11
Athanasiou et al, 1996 Di0 Presurgery 28 6 mo postsurgery 26
Di11 Di2 72 74
Dervis and Tuncer, 2002 Results not reported by
dysfunction severity
Egermark et al, 2000 Di0 Presurgery N/R 2.2-9.5 y postsurgery 35
Di1 N/R 50
Di2 N/R 13
Di3 N/R 2
Kallela et al, 2005 Ai0 Presurgery 50 1-5 y postsurgery 80
Ai1 18 10
Ai2 32 10
Di0 43 58
Di1 50 38
Di2 7 5
Di3 0 0
Landes, 2004 Results not reported by
dysfunction severity
Little et al, 1986 Ai0† Presurgery 53 1-4.7 y postsurgery 41
Ai1 24 47
Ai2 24 13
Di0 N/R 35
Di1 N/R 53
Di2 N/R 12
Di3 N/R 0
Milosevic and Samuels, 2000 Di0 Presurgery N/R At least 6 mo postdebond 57
Di1 N/R 43
Di2 N/R 0
Mi0‡ N/R 10
Mi1 N/R 50
Mi2 N/R 40
Pahkala and Heino, 2004 Di0 Presurgery 22 Mean of 1.9 y postsurgery 33
Di1 36 58
Di2 31 8
Di3 11 0
Panula et al, 2000§ Ai0 Presurgery 12 Mean of 2.5 y postsurgery 50
Ai1 68 48
Ai2 20 2
Di0 4 8
Di1 13 38
Di2 75 54
Di3 8 0
Smith et al, 1992 Ai0 Presurgery 27 6-7 mo postsurgery 23 50 32 18
Ai1 46 73
Ai2 27 4
Di0 18 9 64 18 18
Di1 46 68
Di2 36 23
Di3 0 0

*Helkimo’s dysfunction index: Di0, no dysfunction; Di1, mild dysfunction; Di2, moderate dysfunction; Di3, severe dysfunction; †Helkimo’s anam-
nestic index: Ai0, no symptoms; Ai1, mild symptoms; Ai2, severe symptoms; ‡Helkimo’s mandibular mobility index: Mi0, normal mobility;
Mi1, mild impairment; Mi2, severely impaired; §Percentages are approximate and were taken from the graph in the published article.
Percentages (rounded up) of patients with self reported TMD symptoms

Table II.

Joint sounds Pain Jaw movement Other symptoms

Limited Jaw Jaw Chewing

Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles

Study, year Time interval Click Pop Crepitus TMJ Jaw Face Muscles Movement Ear Unspecified Fatigue opening locking deviation Headache difficulty Parafunction

Aghabeigi et al, 2001 Preop 38 45 3

Postop 43 38 14
De Clercq et al, 1998 Preop 30 23 19 18 N/R N/R
1-2.5 y postop 30 4.3 6 2.1* 21 18 57 13
Dervis and Tuncer, Preop 17 20 16
2002 2 y postop 3.4 6 2.2* 16 12
Egermark et al, 2000 2-9.5 y postop 50 18 25 83 69
Flynn et al, 1999 1-5 y postop 33 5 20 40 8 18 23
Forssell et al, 1998 1 mo preop 3.5 6 1.9* 3.6 6 2.1*
(TMJ problems)
1 y Postop 1.9 6 1.1* 1.7 6 1.3*
(TMJ problems)
Hackney et al, 1989 Preop 17
6-12 mo postop 11
Kallela et al, 2005 Preop 28 3 28 15 20 3
1 y postop 8 8 8 8 8 0
Longest follow-up 3 3 13 5 5 0
Nurminen et al, 1999 Preop 32 32 68
Pahkala and Heino, Preortho 6 46
2004 Mean 1.9 y postop 1 13

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Panula et al, 2000 Preortho 61
1 y postop 18
Longest follow-up 20
Rodrigues-Garcia Preortho 46 2.06 6 1.60‡
et al, 1998 2 y postop 32 1.61 6 1.21‡
Timmis et al, 1986 Preop 39 0 4 7
6-36 mo postop 29 4 0 0
Upton et al, 1984 Preop 27 22 19 26 27
Westermark et al, Preop 24 24 24 11 9 10 9 5
2001 2 y postop 20 20 20 6 4 3 4 2
White and Dolwick, Preop‡ 34 4 8 20 21 13 12
Wolford et al, 2003 Preop 3.7* 4.5* 4.5* 4.5*
Longest follow-up 6.8* 4.8* 4.8* 4.8*
Zhou et al, 2001 Postop 83 71

November 2009
Preop, Before surgery; postop, after surgery; preortho, before orthodontic treatment; N/R, not reported.
*Visual analog scale rating; †oral health status questionnaire (1, mild; 7, extreme); ‡unclear whether findings reported are from clinical examination or patient questionnaire.
Clinical findings of TMD signs

Volume 136, Number 5

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Table III.

Joint sounds Pain Range of jaw movement

Lateral excursions (mm)

Time Click Pop Crepitus TMJ Muscle Jaw Face Movement Ear MIO Limited Jaw
Author, year interval (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (mm) Right Left N/S opening (%) locking Deviation

Aoyama et al, 2005 Preop 14 3 14 3

1 y postop 11 11 19 8
Athanasiou Preop 36* 8 11 46.5 7.1 9 53 36*
and Melsen, 1992 6 mo postop 11* 0 11 41.1 7.8 8.1 64 11*
Athanasiou and Preop 32* 10 16 32*
Yücel-Eroğlu, 1994 6 mo postop 17* 2 7 17*
Athanasiou et al, Preop Mn‡ 46.2 Mn‡ 8.2 Mn‡ 8.3
1996 Mx 45.5 Mx 9.1 Mx 9.1
6 mo postop Mn‡ 40.7 Mn‡ 7.6 Mn‡ 7.4
Mx 43.6 Mx 8.2 Mx 8.1
Azumi et al, 2004† Preop 27 4
Postdistraction 0 8
After distraction 12 19
Borstlap et al, 2004 Preop 33 16 46.4 10.1
3 mo postop 22 17 37.6 6.6
6 mo postop 25 14 41.8 7.5
24 mo postop 28 10 45.6 8.3
Borstlap et al, 2004 3 mo postop 25 24
6 mo postop 12 30
24 mo postop 17 26
Cutbirth et al, 1998 Preop 39 13
Postop 18 5
Dahlberg et al, 1995 Preop 30 4 53 53
De Boever et al, 1996 Preop 36 8

Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles 626.e5

Dervis and Tuncer, Preop 38 24 20 70 49.5 10 28
2002 2 y postop 28 30 14 40 48.3 10 14
Egermark et al, 2000 5 y postop 25 23 52 8.4 17
Feinerman and Preop 52 20 33 IMF Authors report
Piecuch, 1995 48.6 that results
RF are incomplete
2-9 y postop 49 14 29 IMF IMF IMF
48.6 8.2 8.6
47.6 9.7 9.3
Flynn et al, 1999 1-5 y postop 30 10 13 28 43.5 8
Gaggl et al, 1999 Preop 88 36 28 47.5 88
3 mo postop 52 16 12 35.5 96

Table III.

Joint sounds Pain Range of jaw movement

Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles

Lateral excursions (mm)
Time Click Pop Crepitus TMJ Muscle Jaw Face Movement Ear MIO Limited Jaw
Author, year interval (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (mm) Right Left N/S opening (%) locking Deviation

Hackney et al, 1989 Preop 22 17 .40 0

6-12 mo postop 17 11 .40 0
Herbosa et al, 1990 Preop 28 4 4 28 10.2-10.3
6-18 mo postop 17 0 4 7 9.4 -9.8
Hoppenreijs et al, Preortho RHS 38 N/A
1998 LHS 40
Latest follow-up RHS 31 45
LHS 32
Hu et al, 2000 Preop 46.2‡
6 mo postop 42.1‡
Kallela et al, 2005 Preop 25 23 13 13 44.7
1 y postop 13 3 8 3 44.7
Latest follow-up 8 5 13 0 45.9
Karabouta and Preop 41 29 4 30
Martis, 1985 6 mo postop 6 4 3 5
Landes, 2004 3 m postop 47% 66%
6 m postop 76§ 96%
1 y postop 90%§ 109%
Link and Nickerson, Preop 50

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

1992 Postop 44
Little et al., 1986 Postop 30 6 18
Milosevic and Postop 42.0 4.8 4.6
Samuels, 2000
Nemeth et al, 2000 Preop 47 4
1 y postop 29 11
Onizawa et al, 1995 Preop 50 30 50.1 8.0 7.4 40
3 mo II 35.4 II 5.4 II 5.2
III 37.3 III 6.5 III 5.8
6 mo II 40.6 II 6.7 II 6.5
III 41.3 III 6.9 III 6.5
Pahkala and Pre-Rx 35 8 21 32 28
Heino, 2004 2 y postop 13 12 10 22 26
Panula et al, 2000 Preop 42 22 45 50 0
1 y postop 42 20 12 20 13
Latest follow-up 48 10 18 18 10
Raveh et al, Preop 6 3 6

November 2009
1988 1-4 y postop 4 2 1
Rodrigues-Garcia Preop 49 14 5
et al, 1998 2 y postop 24 8 15
Schearlinck et al, Preop 46.8
1994 1 y postop 6 13 45.8 2

Volume 136, Number 5

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Table III.

Joint sounds Pain Range of jaw movement

Lateral excursions (mm)

Time Click Pop Crepitus TMJ Muscle Jaw Face Movement Ear MIO Limited Jaw
Author, year interval (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (mm) Right Left N/S opening (%) locking Deviation

Scott et al, 1997 8 wk postop R3 R0 R9 R N/R

CE 17 CE 2 CE 48 CE 90
6 mo postop R3 R0 R2 R N/R
CE 43 CE 3 CE 48 CE 45
1 y postop R3 R0 R2 R0
CE 33 CE 12 CE 45 CE 33
2 y postop R7 R2 R3 R3
CE 50 CE 10 CE 29 CE 21
Smith et al, Preop 50 9 49.7 9.9 8.9
1992 6-7 mo postop 64 9 44.8 8.6 8.5
Timmis et al, Preop 54 4 18 25
1986 6-36 mo postop 36 4 14 18
Ueki et al, 2001 Preop 62 7 SP 44.4
BP 49.6
1 y postop 19 7 SP 40.7
BP 45.8
Westermark Preop 24 N/R
et al, 2001 2 y postop N/R 10
White and Dolwick, Preop 35 4 8 20 21 13
Wolford et al, 2003 Preop 64 16 48.6 8.3
Longest follow-up 16 24 40.7 6.7

MIO, Maximal incisal opening (mean, unless a range is given); Preop, before surgery; postop, after surgery; preortho, before orthodontic treatment; pre-Rx, pretreatment; N/S, not specified; N/R,
not reported; N/A, not applicable; IMF, intermaxillary fixation surgical group; RF, rigid fixation group; SP, straight plate; BP, bent plate; R, records; CE, clinical examination; RHS, right-hand

Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles 626.e7

side; LHS, left-hand side; II, skeletal Class II; III, skeletal Class III; *Results for both clicks and deviations were combined.; †Study looked at number of joints affected, not patients.; ‡Results are
subdivided according to surgical groups (mandibular and maxillary osteotomies).; §Range of motion on mouth opening was reduced to the following percentages.
626.e8 Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2009

presurgery and 35.5 mm 3 months postsurgery, but stud- 68%9 after surgery. The percentages of moderate dys-
ies with a longer follow-up, such as that of Borstlap function ranged from 7%13 to 75%11 before surgery,
et al,30 showed a more modest reduction from 46.4 mm and 5% and 54% after surgery, respectively. Few studies
before surgery to 45.6 mm 2 years after surgery. reported patients with severe dysfunction (n 5 3). In 4
The percentages of patients with confirmed TMD at studies, the percentage of patients with mild dysfunc-
various time intervals are shown in Table IV. A positive tion increased after surgery, whereas the percentages
diagnosis of TMD in presurgery patients varied between of patients with moderate or severe dysfunction showed
7% and 78%.12,34 In the 18 longitudinal studies with fol- a tendency to decrease after surgery (n 5 5).
low-up data, the postoperative prevalence of TMD var- Only 4 studies also recorded the anamnestic in-
ied. The percentages of patients affected by TMD dex.9,11,13,14 The results for this component of the Hel-
decreased in most (n 5 12) studies. This decrease in kimo index varied between studies, but the percentages
TMD was marked in some studies: from 43% to 28%13 of patients with severe symptoms decreased after sur-
and from 73% to 48%,18 and less in others—from 66% gery in those 4 studies.
to 62%.10 TMD prevalence remained the same in 1
study33 and actually increased in 6 studies.3,14,15,20,27,31 Meta-analyses
This increase was marked in some studies: from 36% to As stated in the methodology, because of the few stud-
84%3 but less in others—40% to 45%.20 ies included and the high variability of their estimates,
Change in TMD signs and symptoms are given in random-effects meta-analyses were used in this study.
Table V. Thirty-five studies reported changes in TMD. The percentages of orthognathic patients with TMD
There was, however, great variability in the signs and before surgery are shown in Table VI. The random-ef-
symptoms investigated in the studies. The initial time fects pooled estimate of TMD prevalence before surgery
point for most studies was presurgery, although in 2 for the studies was 74% (95% CI, 57%-92%) (Table VI,
studies it was before orthodontic treatment.11,35 Subse- Fig 1). The forest plot7 shows statistically significant be-
quent follow-up time intervals ranged from 6 months af- tween-study variations in the percentages of patients af-
ter surgery to more than 9 years.36 There was little fected by TMD before surgery (Fig 1). The greatest
consistency in the changes in TMD signs and symptoms weight was given to the study of Panula et al,11 with an
during the follow-up intervals. Only 13 studies reported estimate of 97% (95% CI, 92%-100%).
whether patients who were asymptomatic before sur- Information on patients with skeletal Class II defor-
gery developed new signs and symptoms after surgery; mity having BSSO advancement procedures is presented
this ranged from 4%37 to 35%.14 in Table VII. There were significant between-study var-
The percentages of patients who had improvements iations in the reported percentages of presurgery patients
in signs or symptoms ranged from 6%21 to 89%,4 and affected by TMD in the 3 Class II mandibular advance-
5%38 to 41%14 had worse TMD signs and symptoms. ment studies.9,10,13 Significant between-study variations
In most studies that reported whether symptoms got bet- were also found for the percentages of TMD postsurgery
ter, worse, or remained the same, the percentages of pa- and overall changes after treatment. The forest plots of
tients whose symptoms improved (18 studies of 23) the percentages of patients with TMD before and after
outweighed those whose symptoms worsened (4 of surgery are shown in Figure 2, A and B. The change in
23). In patients who had TMD signs and symptoms in the percentage of patients affected by TMD is shown
the initial time period, the percentages whose symptoms in Figure 2, C. Figure 2, A, shows that the pooled
remained the same ranged from 3%4 to 67%.9 meta-analysis effect corresponds to a preoperative
TMD findings in studies that used the Helkimo in- TMD percentage of 59% (95% CI, 35%-84%), and Fig-
dex are shown in Table I. Twelve studies classified ure 2, B, shows a pooled postsurgery percentage of 72%
TMD according to the Helkimo or the modified Hel- (95% CI, 40%-100%). Figure 2, C, indicates a pooled
kimo, index. The percentages of patients with no dys- change in the percentage of patients affected by TMD
function preoperatively ranged from 4%11 to 43%.13 of 16% (95% CI, –9%-41%). This point estimate corre-
After surgery, these changed to 8% and 58%, respec- sponds to an increased prevalence of the condition but
tively. In 4 studies where a before-and-after comparison was not statistically significant (P 5 0.216).
was possible, the percentage of patients with no dys- Information on patients with VME undergoing
function increased after surgery. It remained the same LeFort 1 maxillary impaction procedures is given in
in 1 study33 and decreased in 2 studies.9,15 Table VIII. Only 2 studies were included in this meta-
When mild dysfunction was considered, the per- analysis. The meta-analysis for the postsurgical data is
centages of patients affected ranged from 13%11 to shown, and the pooled estimate for the studies was
58%33 before surgery, and between 38%11,13 and 68% (95% CI, 52%-84%). It was not possible to carry
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles 626.e9
Volume 136, Number 5

Table IV. Patients with confirmed TMD at various time intervals (percentages were rounded up)
Preortho Presurgery \6 mo postop $6 mo postop $1 y postop $2 y postop
Author, year (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Aghabeigi et al, 2001 40 45

Aoyama et al, 2005 30 38
Athanasiou and Melsen, 1992 67 67
Athanasiou and Yücel-Eroğlu, 1994 66 62
Athanasiou et al, 1996* Mn 62 Mn 77
Mx 88 Mx 71
Borstlap et al, 2004 39 31 31
Cutbirth et al, 1998 7
Dahlberg et al, 1995 53
De Boever et al, 1996 58
De Clercq et al, 1995 26 18
Dervis and Tuncer, 2002 60 38
Herbosa et al, 1990 38 21
Hu et al, 2000 44
Kallela et al, 2005 73 48
Karabouta and Martis, 1985 41 11 11 11
Kerstens et al, 1989 16
Lai et al, 2002 26 4 4 4
Landes, 2004† II 64 II 7
III 21 III 0
Little et al, 1986 47 59 59 59 59
Milosevic and Samuels, 2000 43
Motamedi, 1996 69
Nurminen et al, 1999 32
Onizawa et al, 1995 67
Pahkala and Heino, 2004 78
Panula et al, 2000 73 60
Raveh et al, 1988 28
Rodrigues-Garcia et al, 1998 46 74
Schearlinck et al,1994 46
Smith et al, 1992‡ A 73
C 82
Ueki et al, 2001 43
Ueki et al, 2002 74
Upton et al, 1984 53
Westermark et al, 2001 43 28
White and Dolwick, 1992 49
Wolford et al, 2003 36 84

Preortho, Before orthodontic treatment; Postop, after surgery.

*Results were divided into 2 groups by surgery type: Mn, mandibular osteotomy group; Mx, maxillary osteotomy group; †Results were presented
according to skeletal classification: II, Class II; III, Class III; ‡A, TMD diagnosis based on anamnestic evaluation; C, TMD diagnosis based on clin-
ical evaluation.

out a meta-analysis on the preoperative data or to esti- surgery in their self-reports, and no conclusive trend
mate the change after treatment because the preopera- was observed with regard to these symptoms.
tive results in the study of Little et al14 were not The patients’ perception was that pain tended to
reported. Figure 3 shows that the estimates for both improve after surgery. For almost all types of pain
studies (71% and 65%) were similar to the pooled reported (TMJ, jaw, muscles, face), there was a ten-
meta-analysis estimate of 68% (95% CI, 52%-84%). dency for the percentages of patients with reported
However, only 2 studies contributed to these results. pain to decrease after surgery. This was also true for
headaches. It is unclear whether this is a genuine
effect caused by changes in the joint as a result of
DISCUSSION the surgery or a placebo effect because of the patients’
There was great variability in the percentages of altered outlook. Although a placebo effect in patients
patients who noted improvement in joint sounds after undergoing orthognathic interventions has not been
Change in TMD signs and symptoms

Table V.

Initial time interval Follow-up time interval*

Initial time Affected Follow-up time Affected Same Better Worse New symptoms/

Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles

Author, year Sign/symptom interval (%) interval (%) (%) (%) (%) signs (%)

Aghabeigi Pain Preop 40 1 y postop 45 30 N/R 8 N/R

et al, 2001 Dysfunction N/R 43 32 N/R 11 N/R
Aoyama et al, 2005 TMD Preop 29 1 y postop 38 60 16 24
Athanasiou and Melsen, 1992 Muscular pain Preop 11 6 mo postop 11
Mandibular mobility 53 67
TMJ function 39 11
TMJ pain 8 0
Athanasiou and Yücel-Eroğlu, 1994 TMD Preop 66 6 mo postop 62 n51 n 5 11 n58
Athanasiou et al, 1996 TMD in mandibular osteotomy group Preop 62 6 mo postop 77 15
TMD in maxillary osteotomy group Preop 88 6 mo postop 71 18
Azumi et al, 2004 TMJ symptoms Preop n56 Postop n57 n51 n56 n57
N 5 13
Borstlap et al, 2004 TMD Preop 39 24 mo postop 30 44 22
Cutbirth et al, 1998 Click Preop 39 Postop 21 10
Pain 13 8 10
De Clercq et al, 1995 TMD Preop 27 6 mo postop 18 n 5 34 n 5 17
De Clercq et al, 1998 1-2.5 y postop 49 40 11
Dervis and Tuncer, 2002 TMD Preop 60 2 y postop 38 10
Egermark et al, 2000 TMD 2.2-9.5 y postop 37 51 12
Headache 33 67 —

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Chewing ability 17 81 —
Feinerman and Piecuch, 1995 Click Preop 52 2.5-9 y postop 49 n57 n 5 23 n54
TMJ pain 20 14 n52 n 5 10 n51
Muscle pain 33 29 n55 n 5 16 n51
Hackney et al, 1989 Click Preop 22 6-12 mo postop 17 6 17 11
TMJ pain 17 11 6
Hu et al, 2000 TMD Preop 22 6 mo postop 41 55 10
Hwang et al, 2004 TMJ sounds Preop 59 2 y postop 46 26 26
TMJ pain 21 28
Kallela et al, 2005 1 or more signs or symptoms of TMD Preop 73 Latest follow-up 1-5 y postop 48 41 18
Karabouta and Martis, 1985 1 or more signs or symptoms of TMD Preop 41 Postop 11.1 4
n 5 114 n 5 12 n56
N 5 280 N 5 114 N 5 166
Kerstens et al, 1989 TMJ pain and dysfunction Preop 16 1.4-4.7 y postop 66 12
Lai et al, 2002 Clicking 6 pain Preop 26 $6 mo postop 4 n50 n56 n51

November 2009
N 5 23
Little et al, 1986 TMD Preop 47 1.4-4.7 y postop 59 6 n 5 1 35 n 5 6 41 35
n58 n 5 10 n57 n56
N 5 17 N 5 17

Volume 136, Number 5

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Table V.

Initial time interval Follow-up time interval*

Initial time Affected Follow-up time Affected Same Better Worse New symptoms/
Author, year Sign/symptom interval (%) interval (%) (%) (%) (%) signs (%)

Onizawa et al, 1995 1 or more subjective findings Preop 67 6 mo postop 33 30 17

Pahkala and Heino, 2004 TMD Preop 78 1.9 y postop 67 51 14
n 5 56 n 5 48 n 5 37 n 5 10
N 5 72 N 5 72 N 5 72 N 5 72
TMJ pain n54 n 5 11 n53
Clicking n55 n 5 20 n54
Crepitation n55 n51 n54
Locking n50 n54 n51
Muscle pain n 5 10 n 5 13 n56
Deviation n55 n 5 15 n 5 14
Headache n56 n 5 27 n53
Panula et al, 2000 1 or more signs or symptoms of TMD Preortho 73 29 mo postop 60 7
Raveh et al, 1988 TMD–eg, pain, subluxation and Preop 28 1-4 y postop 26 64 7
Rodrigues-Garcia et al,1998 Pain Preop 46 2 y postop 31 19 27 13
Schearlinck et al, 1994 TMD Preop 46 Postop 20 68 12 11
n 5 47 n 5 11
N 5 103 N 5 103
Scott et al,1997 N/R
Smith et al, 1992 TMD anamnestic evaluation Preop 73 6-7 mo postop 50 32 18
TMD clinical evaluation 82 64 18 18
Clicks 67 13 20
Ueki et al, 2001 TMD Preop 67 1 y postop 64
n 5 28 n 5 18

Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles 626.e11

N 5 42 N 5 28
Ueki et al, 2002 TMD–based on radiographic Preop 74 6 mo postop n 5 21
examination n 5 32
N 5 43
Upton et al, 1984 TMJ pain and dysfunction symptoms Preop 53 Postop 16 78 5 8.5
Westermark, 2001 1 or more signs or symptoms of TMD Preop 43 2 y postop 28 21
White and Dolwick, 1992 TMD Preop 49 Postop 3 89 8 8
Zhou et al, 2001 Pain Preortho 54 Postop 51
Clicking 55 67

Preop, Before surgery; postop, after surgery; preortho, before orthodontic treatment; N/R, not reported.*When possible, percentages were reported; otherwise, n, number of patients affected; N, total
patients in group.
626.e12 Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2009

Table VI. Heterogeneity test and meta-analysis for the

overall proportion of TMD presurgery
95% CI

Study estimate/
Study/method pooled estimate Lower Upper

Athanasiou and 0.66 0.56 0.76

Yucel-Eroglu, 1994
Kallela et al, 2005 0.57 0.42 0.73
Smith et al, 1992 0.82 0.66 0.98
Pahkala and Heino, 2004 0.67 0.57 0.77
Panula et al, 2000 0.97 0.92 1.01
Pooled (random) 0.74 0.57 0.92

Test for heterogeneity: Q 5 65.384 on 4 degrees of freedom

(P \0.001). Fig 1. Forest plot of the overall proportion of patients
with TMD preoperatively.

Table VII. Heterogeneity test and meta-analysis for patients with skeletal Class II deformity having BSSO
Proportion of skeletal Proportion of skeletal
Class II patients Class II patients Change in proportion of TMD pre- and
with TMD presurgery with TMD postsurgery postsurgery in skeletal Class II patients

Study 95% CI Study 95% CI Study 95% CI

estimate/pooled estimate/pooled estimate/pooled
Study/method estimate Lower Upper estimate Lower Upper estimate* Lower Upper P value

Athanasiou and 0.33 0.07 0.60 0.83 0.62 1.04 0.50 0.16 0.84 N/A
Kallela et al, 2005 0.57 0.42 0.73 0.43 0.27 0.58 –0.01 –0.23 0.20 N/A
Smith et al, 1992 0.82 0.66 0.98 0.91 0.79 1.03 0.09 –0.11 0.29 N/A
Pooled (random) 0.59 0.35 0.84 0.72 0.40 1.04 0.16 –0.09 0.41 0.22
Test for Q 5 10.500 on 2 degrees Q 5 24.721 on 2 degrees Q 5 6.378 on 2 degrees
heterogeneity of freedom (P 5 0.005) of freedom (P \0.001) of freedom (P 5 0.041)

*A positively signed change estimate indicates that the proportion of patients with TMD is increasing.
N/A, Not applicable.

explored, it has been studied in medicine. Turner to the progression of the patient to a worse condition
et al39 reviewed the literature to investigate the impor- of disc displacement without reduction. This condition
tance and implications of placebo effects in pain is often accompanied by a reduction in mouth opening,
treatment. They found that placebo response rates but this was difficult to assess from the articles with the
vary greatly and are frequently much higher than the level of detail that they provided. Magnetic resonance
often-cited one third, and, as with medication, surgery imaging would address this conflict, but unfortunately
can also produce substantial placebo effects. They only 2 studies used this.23,40 Encouragingly, the results
concluded that placebo effects influence patient from these studies indicated that the joints with dis-
outcomes after any treatment, including surgery, which placed discs were more likely to show no change or
the clinician and the patient believe is effective. an improvement. Twenty-two of 24 studies found that
In contrast to the patients’ self-reported symptoms, clicking improved after surgery; therefore, one can
the clinical findings seemed to advocate a reduction in guardedly advise patients of this. The results for crep-
clicking after surgery. The improvement in clicking itus were more varied, with some studies reporting an
might be related to repositioning of the condylar disc increase and others a decrease after surgery. Crepitus
complex especially during BSSO surgery for correc- is closely associated with pathology or resorption of
tion of Class II skeletal relationships.23 It must be the condylar head, and the exact influence of surgery
acknowledged that a reduction in clicking might not on this is unclear. The incidence of condylar resorp-
necessarily relate to recapturing the disc but, rather, tion, however, was about 7.5%.13
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles 626.e13
Volume 136, Number 5

Table VIII. Heterogeneity test and meta-analysis of VME

95% CI

Study estimate/
Study/method pooled estimate Lower Upper

Athanasiou et al, 1996 0.71 0.49 0.92

Little et al, 1986 0.65 0.42 0.87
Pooled (random) 0.68 0.52 0.84

Test for heterogeneity: Q 5 0.135 on 1 degree of freedom (P 5 0.713).

Fig 3. Forest plot of the postoperative proportion of

TMD in patients with VME having LeFort 1 maxillary

patients suffering from TMD, since there appears to be

a strong indication for less TMJ-related pain after surgery.
Almost all studies reported average increases in lim-
itation in mouth opening after surgery, but this is most
likely due to inflammation and scar tissue formed as a di-
rect result of the surgery. It is not uncommon for patients
to have reduced mouth opening immediately after sur-
gery, and this often continues to improve up to 24
months after surgery.41 Borstlap et al30 found an average
reduction in opening of 1 mm at 2 years postsurgery;
this is unlikely to be clinically relevant.
It is difficult to determine the true prevalence of
Fig 2. Forest plots: A, proportion of TMD before surgery TMD among orthognathic patients as a whole. There
in skeletal Class II patients having BSSO; B, proportion was great variability among the studies with regard to
of TMD after surgery in skeletal Class II patients having the percentages reported (7%-78%), and this might be
BSSO; C, change in proportion of TMD before and after explained by the different criteria used when assessing
surgery in skeletal Class II patients having BSSO. and classifying TMD. It could also depend on the char-
acteristics of the study participants (ie, their skeletal
relationships, ages, and so on). However, TMD is seen
Clinically diagnosed pain on palpation was similar to frequently in orthognathic patients, and clinicians should
the patients’ self-reported findings, and all types of pain have a thorough understanding of the likely effects of
had a tendency to improve after surgery. Clinicians can surgery on the prevalence and severity of TMD when
be cautiously optimistic when discussing pain with they explain informed consent to their patients.
626.e14 Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2009

Meta-analyses prevalence of 68% is relatively high. The negative ef-

As previously stated, it was only possible and appro- fects of LeFort I impactions might be related to autoro-
priate to conduct meta-analyses with a few studies. The tation of the mandible, which reduces the anatomic
meta-analysis pooled estimate for the preoperative per- distance between the condyle and the fossa, potentially
centage of orthognathic patients with TMD was 74% squeezing the disc.45 Alternatively, it could be the re-
(95% CI, 57%-92%). However, the wide 95% CI high- sult of postsurgical condylar displacements, attributed
lights the lack of precision of this estimate. This esti- to reprogramming muscular environments or the re-
mate was toward the higher end of the range reported modeling process.15,46
in the narrative findings and was influenced by the great The findings from all meta-analyses in this review
weight given to the study of Panula et al11 (Fig 1). Those were subject to considerable variations, so that it was
authors discussed the high prevalence reported in their not possible to draw strong inferences. It is important
study and reiterated that other studies also found to explain sources of heterogeneity in these results; in
a high prevalence of TMD in orthognathic patients.42,43 most cases, the study design (cohort) meant that there
They attributed the differing prevalences of TMD re- was considerable potential for selection bias to have af-
ported in the literature to different criteria for reporting fected the results. Additionally, one can hypothesize
symptoms, different characteristics of the patient sam- that, in studies of this type, clinicians are alert to the im-
ples, and varying patterns of referrals. portance of identifying patients with TMD, and this is
Patterns of referrals can vary by country and culture, a potential source of measurement bias. Other sources
and this might impact the prevalence of TMD in orthog- of heterogeneity involving patient characteristics, inter-
nathic patients. Studies finding that most orthognathic ventions, and outcomes were discussed in Part 1 of this
patients have normal TMJ function suggest a cosmetic study.
motive for seeking treatment.44 In contrast, certain cul-
tures advocate orthognathic surgery for persons with
functional impairments, and these studies are likely to CONCLUSIONS
report a greater percentage of patients affected by TMD. The conclusions that can be drawn from this system-
Given the clinical and statistical heterogeneity asso- atic review have several clinical implications that might
ciated with TMD in patients referred for orthognathic be useful for orthodontists and surgeons when advising
treatment, one must question whether obtaining a single patients and obtaining informed consent.
estimate for the percentage of TMD is appropriate.
There might be several different estimates based on dif- 1. Patients having orthognathic treatment for correct-
fering patient characteristics (skeletal relationship) or ing dentofacial deformities and also suffering from
interventions (type of surgery). TMD are more likely to see improvements in their
The presurgery percentage of skeletal Class II pa- signs and symptoms than deterioration. This trend
tients with TMD was 59% (95% CI, 35%-84%), and can be included in the information given to pro-
the postsurgery percentage was 72% (95% CI, 40%- spective patients, but it should be stressed that no
100%). The wide 95% CIs associated with the estimates guarantees can be made.
indicate lack of precision. The point estimate for the 2. Clicking is more likely to improve than deteriorate
change in the percentage of patients with TMD when after surgery. In contrast, crepitus does not seem to
comparing pretreatment and posttreatment suggests be affected by surgery.
a 16% increase in TMD prevalence (95% CI, 3. Most patients experience restriction in mouth open-
–9%-41%), but this was not statistically significant, ing and lateral excursions after surgery. This, how-
and the wide 95% CI again indicates lack of precision. ever, continues to improve, and most patients regain
Thus, the meta-analysis results provide no definitive the full range of movement 2 years after surgery.
findings; this can be attributed to the small number of In addition, clinicians should study the routine
pooled studies and the heterogeneity among them. radiographs (lateral cephalometric and panoramic
The final meta-analysis concerned the percentage radiographs) taken before treatment for any signs of
of patients with VME affected by TMD after surgery. condylar resorption and perhaps look for risk factors
The pooled estimate of TMD prevalence at postsurgery associated with resorption.
was 68% (95% CI, 52%-84%). Unfortunately, the lack The major limitation in conducting a literature re-
of presurgery data prevented an estimate of its preva- view relating to TMD was the heterogeneity of the stud-
lence and also an estimate of the presurgery-to-postsur- ies. Many researchers noted this shortcoming; thus, the
gery change. Nonetheless, a postsurgical TMD following recommendations can be made.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Al-Riyami, Cunningham, and Moles 626.e15
Volume 136, Number 5

1. Set criteria should be used for diagnosing and clas- 10. Athanasiou AE, Yücel-Eroğlu E. Short-term consequences of or-
sifying TMD that are valid, reproducible, and sim- thognathic surgery on stomatognathic function. Eur J Orthod
ple to carry out. 11. Panula K, Somppi M, Finne K, Oikarinen K. Effects of orthog-
2. Future research in TMD should adhere to an inter- nathic surgery on temporomandibular joint dysfunction. A con-
nationally recognized set of criteria and a universal trolled prospective 4-year follow-up study. Int J Oral Maxillofac
scale. Surg 2000;29:183-7.
3. More prospective longitudinal studies are needed 12. Pahkala R, Heino J. Effects of sagittal split ramus osteotomy on
temporomandibular disorders in seventy-two patients. Acta
with strict quality-assurance protocols to minimize Odontol Scand 2004;62:238-44.
bias, thus increasing their standing in the evidence- 13. Kallela I, Laine P, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C, Iizuka T. Assessment
based hierarchy. of material- and technique-related complications following sagit-
4. Research should focus on categorizing participants tal split osteotomies stabilized by biodegradable polylactide
homogenously to reduce the effects of confounding screws. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
factors and enable adequate comparisons to be 14. Little S, Showfety K, Moshiri F, Jackson R, Moshiri F. Posttreat-
made between studies. ment evaluation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction after or-
thodontics and maxillary surgical impaction. Int J Adult Orthod
By heeding these recommendations, it should be Orthognath Surg 1986;1:225-30.
possible to conduct good-quality studies that are ade- 15. Athanasiou AE, Elefteriadis J, Dre E. Short-term functional alter-
quately homogenous to allow comparisons and enable ations in the stomatognathic system after orthodontic-surgical
statistical analyses, further strengthening conclusions management of skeletal vertical excess problems. Int J Adult
about TMD and orthognathic surgery. Orthod Orthognath Surg 1996;11:339-46.
16. Higgins JPT, Green S, editors. Cochrane handbook for systematic
We thank Professor Athanasios Athanasiou for pro- reviews of interventions. Version 5.0.0 (updated February 2008).
viding further invaluable information regarding his The Cochrane Collaboration; 2008. Available at: www. Accessed on October 28, 2008.
studies. 17. Deeks J, Higgins JPT, Altman D, editors. Analysing data and under-
taking meta-analyses. In: Higgins JPT, Green S, editors. Cochrane
handbook for systematic reviews of interventions. Version 5.0.0
(updated February 2008). The Cochrane Collaboration; 2008.
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