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Kisi-Kisi PAT TAHUN 2021-2022 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

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Bahasa Inggris

1 BAHASA 3.1 Memahami instruksi PG L1 1 WH Disajikan teks siswa 1. Read the text below! C
INGGRIS lisan dan tulisan question mengemukakan
yang melibatkan jawaban sesuai teks Yesterday was holiday. I played
dengan benar Keripik Jengkol with Mamat and
kata, frasa, dan
Atun. We played in the backyard.
kalimat sederhana
We played together in the
(Past Verb) bertema
Keripik Jengkol
Where they played Keripik
A. they played at the school.
B. they played in the house.
C. they played in the backyard.
D. they played in the house
PG L1 2 Pemilihan Disajikan ilustrasi, siswa 2. They . . . Keripik Jengkol song B
verb dalam mampu memilih kata yesterday afternoon.
kalimat past kerja dalam Past Tense A. sing
B. sang
C. song
D. singing

PG L2 3 Jawaban Disajikan dialog siswa 3. Mamat : "Did you played

singkat mampu menerapkan Keripik Jengkol
berpola past pola past tense pada yesterday?"
tense kalimat tanya Mandra : " . . . " A
A. Yes, I did
B. No, I did not
C. Yes, I do
D. No, I do not

PG L2 4 Did + S + Disajikan kalimat tanya 4. Did you . . . the book at the

V1 bentuk past tense library yesterday morning?
siswa mampu A. bought D
menetukan kalimat B. went
tanya dan kata kerja C. sold
dengan benar
D. read

PG L3 5 Susunan Disajikan kalimat acak,

5. Arrange into the correct
kata siswa mampu
sentence! Went - the zoo - last
menjadi mengurutkan sehingga
kalimat menjadi susunan week - Munaroh - to. C
yang benar kaliamt yang benar A. Munaroh to the zoo last week
B. Munaroh last week to the zoo
C. Munaroh went to the zoo last
D. d. Munaroh went last week the zoo

PG L1 6 Pemilihan Disajikan kalimat past

kata regular tense siswa 6. Mandra and Doel . . . Jalan Jurus
verb menentukan kata kerja 5 and 6 yesterday at school.
A. practiced
yang tepat B. played
C. fighting
D. going

PG L1 7 Penggunaan Disajikan gambar siswa 7.

kata reguler menentukan irreguler
verb verb yang tepat

3.2 Memahami instruksi

I . . . Ragunan Zoo last holiday
lisan dan tulisan
with my family.
yang melibatkan
A. visit
kata, frasa, dan
B. visited
kalimat sederhana C. visiting
(Regular and D. visits
Irregular Verb)
bertema Jalan Jurus PG L1 8 Penggunaan Disajikan kalimat siswa 8. My family . . . Soto Betawi last
(Jurus 5 dan 6) kata mampu menentukan night.
irreguler penggunaan irreguler A. eat D
verb verb yang tepat B. aeting
C. eaten
D. ate
PG L2 9 Menerjema Disajikan teks siswa 9.
h kan ke mampu
dalam menterjemahkan kata
Bahasa ke dalam Bahasa C
Indonesia Indinesia dengan benar The underlined word in Bahasa
Indonesia is . . .
a. belajar
b. berlatih
c. mengajar
d. bernyanyi

PG L3 10 Susunan Disajikan kalimat acak, 10. Jalan Jurus 5 and 6 - showed - A

kata siswa mampu to - the teacher - his students - last
menjadi mengurutkan sehingga week.
kalimat menjadi susunan A. The teacher showed Jalan Jurus
yang benar kaliamt yang benar 5 and 6 to his students last week
B. The teacher Jalan Jurus 5 and 6
last week showed to the students.
C. His students showed last week
Jalan Jurus 5 and 6 to the teacher.
D. His students last week Jalan
Jurus 5 and 6 showed to the

3 3.3 Memahami instruksi PG L1 11 Past tense Disajikan gambar siswa

using mampu menentuksn 11.
lisan dan tulisan yang
melibatkan kata, frasa, was/were penggunaan past tense C
yang tepat
dan kalimat sederhana
(Expressing feeling in
the past using
was/were) bertema The MRT . . . comfortable yesterday.
MRT A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
PG L1 12 S + was/ Siswa mampu
were menentukan to be 12. The passangers . . . happy in the A
+ adjective dalam penggunaan MRT last Sunday.
Past Tense A. were
B. was
C. is
D. are

PG L2 13 WH+ Disajikan teks, siswa 13. Read the text carefully!

QUESTIO N mampu mengemukakan
jawaban yang sesuai On Sunday Morning, I went to GBK
teks dengan benar stadium to watch my favorite team,
Persija Jakarta play against Shan D
United from Myanmar. I took an MRT
there from Lebak Bulus station.
Where did the writer take an MRT?
A. Senayan
B. GBK stadium
C. Myanmar
D. Lebak Bulus

PG L2 14 WH+ Disajikan teks, siswa 14. When the writer watch the
QUESTIO N mampu mengemukakan match?
jawaban yang sesuai A. On Sunday morning A
teks dengan benar B. At GBK stadium
C. From Lebak Bulus
PG L3 15 Adjective Disajikan gambar siswa 15.
mampu menentukan
adjective yang tepat C

The MRT was so . . . yesterday.

A. empty
B. cheap
C. crowded
D. alone
4 3.4 Memahami instruksi PG L1 16 Asking past Disajikan kalimat tanya 16. Minah : How . . . you feel Minah?
lisan dan tulisan yang activity siswa mampu A. Did
melibatkan kata, frasa, menentukan kata kerja B. do A
yang tepat C. does
dan kalimat sederhana
(Asking and giving D. doing
response about one’s
activity using was/were
) bertema Taman Lalu
PG L1 17 Giving Disajikan dialog siswa
17. Mamat : How was the movie?
response mampu menentukan
Minah : It . . . really good.
kata untuk merespon D
kalimat tanya A. is
B. are
C. were
D. was
PG L2 18 Translate Disajikan kalimat siswa
into English mampu mentranslate ke 18. Mamat berada di Pantai Ancol
Sabtu lalu.
dalam Bahasa Inggris A. Mamat is on the Ancol Beach
last Saturday.
B. Mamat was on the Ancol B
Beach last Saturday.
C. Mamat were on the Ancol
Beach last Saturday.
D. Mamat are on the Ancol
Beach last Saturday.
PG L2 19 About traffic Disajikan gambar siswa 19.
park mampu menentukan
rambu dengan benar C

What does the sign mean?

A. you can turn right
B. you can turn lef
C. you can turn around
D. you can go straight

PG L3 20 Adjective Disajikan dialog siswa 20. Q : How do you feel when you
mampu menentukan went to traffic park at RPTRA
adjective denga tepat Cipinang Besar Utara?
A : I was . . . (bahagia) and . . .(puas)
A. satisfied – happy
B. awesome –satiesfied
C. happy – satisfied
D. sad - careless
3.5 Memahami instruksi PG L1 21 Past Activity Siswa mampu memilih 21. Nina . . . her grandmother last B
lisan dan tulisan kata kerja yang tepat night.
yang melibatkan dalam Simple Past
Tense. A. visits
kata, frasa, dan B. visited
kalimat sederhana C. visiting
(Reporting one’s D. visit
past activity)
5 bertema Upacara PG L1 22 Past Activity Disajikan gambar, 22. D
Siswa mampu
menyebutkan kegiatan
dalam upacara
kematian dalam Simple
Past Tense. Mr. Dul had passed away. We . . . him
last week.

A. helped
B. prayed
C. visited
D. buried

PG L1 23 Past Activity Siswa mampu 23. Rina: What . . . you do last night? A
menentukan kata kerja Jono : I did my homework last night.
yang tepat dalam
Simple Past Tense. A. did
B. are
C. do
D. does

PG L2 24 Past Activity Siswa mampu 24. Rino and his family . . . (have) C
mengubah Kata kerja lunch at Restaurant this afternoon.
dasar ke dalam kata
kerja Simple Past A. have
Tense. B. has
C. had
D. have had

PG L3 25 Past Activity Siswa mampu 25. Arrange the words into correct B
menyusun kata menjadi sentence.
kalimat yang tepat
dalam Simple Past Siti – this morning – watered – in the
Tense. garden – flowers.

A. Siti watered in the garden flowers

this morning.
B. Siti watered flowers in the garden
this morning.
C. Siti flowers in the garden watered
this morning.
D. Siti in the garden watered flowers
this morning.

6 3.6 Memahami instruksi PG L1 26 Adverb of Siswa mampu 26. I went to . . . to buy batik clothes C
lisan dan tulisan time menyebutkan nama yesterday.
yang melibatkan Pusat Perbelanjaan
sesuai dengan A. Pasar Ikan
kata, frasa dan keterangan yang B. Harco Glodok
kalimat sederhana diberikan C. Tanah Abang
(Adverb of time in D. Asemka
past tense) yang PG L2 27 Adverb of Siswa mampu memilih 27. A
bertema Pusat time Adverb of time yang
perbelanjaan sesuai dengan
keterangan yang

Minah and her mother bought

souvenirs in Asemka Pagi market . . .

a. last Sunday
b. tomorrow
c. now
d. next Sunday

PG L2 28 Adverb of Siswa mampu 28. Udin: . . . did you buy a ticket to D

time menentukan kata tanya enter TMII? Mandra : I bought it two
yang tepat sesuai days ago..
dengan penggunaan
Adverb of time A. What
B. Where
C. How
D. When

PG L2 29 Adverb of Siswa mampu 29. Roni . . (drink) Selendang Mayang A

time melengkapi kalimat Ice yesterday.
rumpang dengan.
A. drank
B. drink
C. drunk
D. drinks
PG L3 30 Adverb of Disajikan gambar, 30. C
time Siswa mampu
menjawab pertanyaan.

What did Lisa do this afternoon?

A. She is having lunch this afternoon.

B. She have lunch this afternoon.
C. She had lunch this afternoon.
D. She has lunch this afternoon.

3.7 Memahami Instruksi Isian L1 31 Past Verb Disajikan gambar, siswa 31. Jamblang,
lisan dan tulisan mampu menuliskan (A)
yang melibatkan nama tanaman terkenal
di Jakarta.
kata, frasa dan
kalimat sederhana Mamat : What is that, Siti?
(Past Verb – Present Siti : It is . . . fruit. It... still fresh
Verb) bertema yesterday.
Taman Khas Jakarta
7 Isian L1 32 Past Verb Siswa mampu 32. The laptops . . . expensive three Were
menuliskan to be yang months ago. C
tepat dalam Past Verb

Isian L2 33 Past Verb, Siswa mampu 33. The cat . . . hungry an hour ago, was, were
Present melengkapi to be Past but it . . . full now. A
Verb Verb and Present Verb
dengan tepat

Isian L2 34 Past Verb, Siswa mampu 34. It is Kembang Sepatu plant. The bloomed,
Present melengkapi kalimat flowers (mekar) . . . last month. Now, bloom
Verb rumpang menggunakan they do not (mekar) . . . anymore. B
kata kerja Past Verb
and Present Verb
dengan tepat

Isian L3 35 Reported Disajikan gambar, siswa 35. Look at the picture! Turn right
speech mampu menuliskan kata
kerja yang tepat

The police said that we might...

8 3.8 Memahami instruksi UT L1 36 Reported Siswa mampu 36. Write Three readiness before
lisan dan tulisan speech menuliskan Tri Siap driving or riding a vehicle!
yang melibatkan Lalu Lintas
kata, frasa dan
kalimat sederhana 2.______
(Reporteed Speech :
he said that . . .) 3.______
bertema Tri Siap Lalu
UT L1 37 Present Siswa mampu 37. Arrange the words into good
Lintas Tense and menyusun kata menjadi sentences!
Past Tense kalimat yang tepat
1. dirty - this morning - the bedroom -
but - was - is - it - now - clean =

2. We - in - old - found - Teleng

Flowers - any places - days =
UT L2 38 Reported Siswa mampu 38. Leha : "I have a new bag.
speech menuliskan indirect
speech yang sesuai Juki : She said _________
dengan direct speech

UT L2 39 Reported Disajikan gambar, 39.

speech Siswa mampu
menuliskan makna Sign
of traffic dengan tepat

What does the sign means?

UT L3 40 Reported Siswa mampu 40. Change into indirect speech!

speech mengubah ke dalam
Indirect Speech. 1. Jono said “I am here”. =_____

2. Mrs. Lia said "You Must study hard"


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