Reading and Writing-G11-Week 1
Reading and Writing-G11-Week 1
Reading and Writing-G11-Week 1
Department of Education
School Fernando Air Base Grade 11
Integrated National High Level
Teacher Kimberly Rose F. Giron Learning Reading and
Area Writing
Teaching Date October 12-19,2020 Quarter 1st
and Time Week 2, Day 1
A. Content The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
Standards and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
C. Learning After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
Competencies or 1. familiarize yourself with the different writing patterns in
Objectives paragraph development;
2. identify the transitional words and phrases used in the different
writing patterns;
3. write a short paragraph using certain writing pattern;
4. and distinguish the uses and the differences of each writing
D. Most Essential Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines.
E. Enabling None
F. Enrichment
Each item gives you a hint over a certain category. That’s similar
to our previous lesson about exemplification and classification.
However, although these words belong to the same group, each of
them has similarities and differences, which will be the focus of this
lesson on comparison and contrast.
What’s New
Using the Venn diagram, jot down words and phrases showing
similarities and differences between Junior High School and Senior
High School.
B. Development What is It
Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar while
Source: Jenn, Kepka, Oregon Writes Open Writing Text. 2015, accessed May 21,
Additional Activities
Brainstorm an essay topic leaning towards comparison or contrast.
Choose one among the three items then come up with at least one
similarity and three differences. The rubric in “What’s More” segment
may still apply to this activity.
Cell phone units and brands
Fast food chains and fine dining restaurants
Enrolling in college or getting employed after Senior High
Write a five (5) to seven (7) sentence paragraph based on the outline
you created regarding the similarity/difference of Junior High School
and Senior High School.
Checked by:
Leonides Kundangan
Assistant Principal II
A. Content The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
Standards and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
C. Learning After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
Competencies or 1. familiarize yourself with the different writing patterns in
Objectives paragraph development;
2. identify the transitional words and phrases used in the different
writing patterns;
3. write a short paragraph using certain writing pattern;
4. and distinguish the uses and the differences of each writing
D. Most Essential Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines.
E. Enabling None
F. Enrichment
What’s In
We have learned in our previous lesson that the use of
comparison and contrast in developing paragraph is very effective
when you want to show similarities and difference between two ideas.
Although a comparison and contrast essay is set to demonstrate both
similarities as well as differences, sometimes it only shows
similarities, and at other times, only differences.
The next pattern of paragraph development focuses on how you
can state details through giving reasons or results of a topic.
What’s New
Read the passage carefully. Then, complete the diagram below.
Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome until
we, humans, find a way to abuse its benefits and be adversely affected
by it. This was the case when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-ray and
within five years, the British Army was using a mobile x-ray unit to
locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan. TV was
also invented with positive thoughts in mind – there would be no
national borders, education and communication would be worldwide,
etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its physiological and
psychological adverse effects on human beings.
B. Development What is It
According to Dayagbil & et al, 2016, the use of description plays
an important role to elucidate the nature of people, places and things.
A series of detailed observation about the subject can help you create
a good descriptive paragraph. This involves the use of adjectives and
adverbs in the paragraph.
The kind of words we used to describe how your subject looks,
sounds, feels, smells or even tastes like are called sensory languages.
It also concerns how you will arrange the details to provide an image
of the scene, the person or the object you are trying to describe in your
There are two types of description. First is objective description,
where the writer presents impartial and actual picture of the subject
without biases and excluding personal impression of the subject just
like when you give your description of an experiment in class. Second
is subjective description, where the writer gives personal impression
of what is observed. This is often used in making fiction stories. For
instance, when you are asked to write about a place you visit during
summer vacation, you tend to give your personal judgment of how
you experience the place.
C. Engagement What’s More
Read the paragraphs below. Tell whether the description is subjective
description or objective.
1. Sampaloc Lake is an inactive volcanic maar on the island of
Luzon, the Philippines. It is the largest of the Seven Lakes of
San Pablo, Laguna. Nearly half of the lake's depth has a
shallow depression at the bottom, indicating its volcanic
origin. It is approximately 104 hectares and 3.5 kilometer
boardwalk. The lake is behind San Pablo City Capitol and at
the foot of the Doña Leonila Park.
2. Sampaloc Lake is one of the best tourist spots in San Pablo.
It is where you can bring your friends and loved ones for
picnic and bonding. Most of San Pableños jog around the
lake and do ride bicycles not only to have morning good
exercise but also have fresh air. You can witness the beauty
of nature for it is surrounded with mountains.
D. Assimilation What I Have Learned
Choose the best word or group of words that will complete the
Checked by:
Leonides Kundangan
Assistant Principal
A. Content The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
Standards and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
C. Learning After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
Competencies or 5. familiarize yourself with the different writing patterns in
Objectives paragraph development;
6. identify the transitional words and phrases used in the different
writing patterns;
7. write a short paragraph using certain writing pattern;
8. and distinguish the uses and the differences of each writing
D. Most Essential Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines.
E. Enabling None
F. Enrichment
What’s In
Previously, you have learned the first two patterns of
development: narration and description. The descriptive text portrays
events and brings a scene or object to life in the imagination of the
reader. Meanwhile, a narrative text tells story or events in
chronological order. Now, let’s move on to another pattern which is
called definition.
What’s New
Read the definition paragraph below then answer the given questions.
Bimetallic Components
Checked by:
Leonides Kundangan
Assistant Principal
A. Content The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
Standards and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
C. Learning After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
Competencies or 1. familiarize yourself with the different writing patterns in
Objectives paragraph development;
2. identify the transitional words and phrases used in the different
writing patterns;
3. write a short paragraph using certain writing pattern;
4. and distinguish the uses and the differences of each writing
D. Most Essential Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines.
E. Enabling None
F. Enrichment
What’s In
As you unravel the unique patterns of development in writing
exemplification and classification paragraphs and how to incorporate
them in your own writing, you must first begin to learn how to
identify the basic parts of these patterns – topic sentence,
classifications (types, categories), examples (illustrations) and
transitional expressions. These can be used in writing other papers
with different purposes other than telling a story, describing
something or defining a concept.
What’s New
Read the passage carefully. Once finished, copy on a separate sheet
and fill out the table with the appropriate words that match the
headings below:
Topic Sentence:
Classification Examples of Hazardous
If you were able to justify your answers, then, you are now ready to
learn more about the characteristics and features of exemplification
and classification as patterns of development in writing.
B. Development What is It
Exemplification (or illustration) is the most common and
effective pattern to explain an idea or point. In developing this kind of
paragraph, the writer develops a general statement –the topic sentence,
with one or more examples to support it.
Here are some transitional expressions in writing effective
exemplification paragraphs: for instance, namely, to be specify, to
clarify, to illustrate, for example, in short, as an example.
On the other hand, classification is used when a writer needs to
sort out or arrange subjects to groups or categories based on their
common and shared characteristics.
Here are some transitional expressions in writing effective
classification paragraphs: classified as, one kind, the last group,
another kind, another, final type, the first category, are categorized as,
the next part.
Remember that you can use both exemplification and
classification in developing a paragraph by simply identifying
categories on a particular subject and providing examples or
illustration to explain and clarify meaning.
Additional Activities
Write an exemplification or a classification paragraph on any suitable
subject or topic in your respective context/locality. Make sure to
include a topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion and
transitional expressions in your written text. The same rubrics will be
used in assessing your output.
Choose at least one from the situations below.
Writing Task 1: You are the editor-in-chief of your school’s
publication. The school paper adviser requires you to write a 2-3
paragraph opinion article about the COVID-19 pandemic for a
special edition paper.
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Leonides Kundangan
Assistant Principal