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L23 Sigma Phase B Differences Full

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Sigma Phase B Differences

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The Objectives for this lesson are shown here.

Update your firmware to the new D4.1.3-X version when it is released. This will
upgrade your printer with the Phase B features.

There was a change to the planned starting serial numbers for the initial release of
the Sigma printers. The actual initial starting numbers, by model, are shown here.

The Pre-Filled Cassettes were not released with the initial Sigma release. They are
being released now.

The Embosser was released for use with the Sigma DS4 printer. There is now a kit
available to upgrade the skins on existing CEM embossers so that a Sigma DS4 printer
can be attached.

The Multi-hopper was released with Locks for the DS3 and DS4. It is now available
without locks on the DS3.

The only significant difference between the Multi-hopper for the DRS printers and the
Sigma printer is the Top Transition Enclosure. You can also see that the enclosures are
slightly different in color. For complete training on the Multi-hopper enroll in the
training course TE1002.

These are the components involved in installing the Multi-hopper onto a Multi-
hopper ready printer.

Lift the multi-hopper up slightly. Align the hooks with the slots in the front of the
printer. Lower the multi-hopper ensuring that the two Modularity Boards mate. You
should hear the Locking Tab click into place.

If you want to detach the Multi-hopper from the printer, open the printer’s Swing
Arm and remove the print ribbon cartridge. Ensure that the power is off and that the
power adapter is disconnected. While depressing the Locking Tab, lift the Multi-
hopper upwards and remove it from the printer.

To remove the Enclosure Top Transition, the removal tool should be used. It is
shipped with the multi-hopper. The image on the right shows the Locking Tab that the
tool is intended to depress. The Top Transition has been removed already to show the

Insert the tool under the Top Transition and push it upwards. You will feel it depress
the Locking Tab. When it does you can remove the Top Transition.

There is a new item under Configuration called Logical Hoppers. It can be used to
configure the hoppers of the Multi-Hopper into logical groups.

There are three available groups and 2 to 6 hoppers may be configured into a group.
Only one group per hopper is allowed. To place a hopper into a group drag it from the
Standalone location and drop it onto the Empty Rectangle in the desired Logical
Hopper Group.

You do not have to use all 3 Logical Hopper groups. You can also leave hoppers in the
Standalone configuration. Clicking Reset will return all the hoppers to Standalone.

If you configure the hoppers as shown here and attempt to pick from hopper 1, then
the card would be picked from hopper 1. When hopper 1 runs out of cards then the
card would be picked from hopper 4 because hoppers 1 and 4 are both in Logical
Hopper Group A. Hoppers 2 and 5 are both in Group B. Hoppers 3 and 6 are in Group

In this configuration all the hoppers are in Group A. If you request a card pick from a
hopper that has a card then the card will be picked from that hopper. Requesting a
card from hopper 3 will cause a card to be picked from hopper 3. When hopper 3
runs out of cards the next hopper to be used must conform to the Pick Priority with a
Group, shown here. This optimizes throughput. So in this example, requesting a card
from hopper 3 when hopper 3 is empty will cause a card feed from hopper 2. If
hopper 2 is also empty, then hopper 1 would be the next in the priority list. This
would continue with 5,4, and finally 6.

Configuration of Logical Hoppers can also be done using the Pick Submenu under
Settings. Use the drop down list to assign a hopper to Group A, B, or C. There is no
change to functional from that described on the past few slides.

There is a new Mag Stripe General setting called Magstripe Performance Mode. It
provides two choices for speed when writing to the mag stripe. The speeds are as
shown here. When operating at High Speed the printer will be slightly louder during
the mag stripe process. Also, the quality of the mag stripe will be closer to the ISO
limits, still acceptable but not as clean. The Write Speed adjustment has been
removed, however the Read Speed can still be adjusted.

The YMCKT PETG friendly ribbons were not part of the initial Sigma release. They are
released now. The S100 ribbon is for the DS3 and DS4 printers. The other ribbon is for
all other Sigma printers.

There is now a 125 Card High Capacity Output Hopper option. The upgrade kit can be
installed by the end user. It consists of the 125 Card Output Hopper and the Pedestal.
Begin by removing the standard output hopper by simply grabbing the edge and
pulling it out.

Next, place the printer onto the pedestal. Then, insert the High Capacity Hopper into
the opening from which the standard hopper was removed.

SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol, is an Internet Standard protocol for
collecting and organizing information about managed devices on IP networks. It is
now available with Sigma printers. The only setting is in the Behavior menu. You can
enable or disable SNMP. It can be used for device status monitoring by using a
network monitoring application.

Default values for Monochrome Green and Blue ribbons have been changed for
better printing of small fonts and logos with light and dark areas, eliminating the
need to increase the intensity.

The Ribbon Saver Feature from the SD/CD printers, shown here, has been improved.
With the SD/CD printers the feature only worked when the printing was near the
leading edge. The card design on the right would still use the equivalent of a full
panel length.

With Sigma the feature now minimizes ribbon use, with monochrome ribbons,
regardless of where the printing is located. The feature still cannot be turned on or
off. It is always on. However, for demonstration purposes, it has been disabled in the
image on the left. Notice the difference in spacing on the spent ribbon. A significant
amount of ribbon has been saved in the image on the right. The minimum amount of
ribbon advance is approximately one inch, regardless of how little is printed.

There are new Service Codes for the Multi-hopper. Also, there are a few new ones for
Mag Stripe and other errors.

Rewritable Cards

Rewritable cards are made of a core of PVC with a film of Rewritable material applied
to the surface. This film contains molecules of Leuco dye and a special developer.
Although this film could be applied to both sides of the card, usually only one side is
covered with this film, due to cost.

Heat is used to raise the temperature of the Leuco dye and the developer to their
melting point which is approximately 170 degrees Celsius. At this point the molecules
combine. Controlling the cooling rate determines whether the outcome is a colored
or non-colored state. If the film is allowed to cool quickly the colored or printed state
is the result of the process. However, if the film is cooled slowly then the non-colored
or erased condition results. This is because the crystallization of the developer
happens more quickly than the dye.

Once the film has been colored it does not need to be raised to the melting point
again in order to be erased. There is another heat region called the decolorable
region where the film can shift from a colored to a non-colored state. Heating the film
to approximately 120 degrees Celsius brings it into this decolorable region.

Rewritable cards may be printed in high resolution and contrast which makes them
suitable for printing text, images, and barcodes. Mitsubishi Blue cards are the only
type currently supported, however other colors are possible. They may be written
and erased up to 500 times or more. Although they are rated good for heat resistance
and fair for light resistance, prolonged exposure to either will limit their useful life.
When printed, the card passes under the TPH at least twice. The first pass is a full
card erase and the second is the printing. This takes less time than normal printing
with a YMCKT ribbon.

In order to use the Rewritable card feature it must first be enabled in Printer
Dashboard. Save the changes by clicking the Save button. The Display Panel indicates
that the Rewritable feature is enabled. Remove the print ribbon cartridge. You also
need to restart the printer. Notice that the Default Value for ReWritableErasePasses is
set to 3. That means that when you print a card it will make 3 passes erasing the card
before the final pass when it prints the card.

Next the feature must be enabled in the printer driver. The XPS Card Printer Driver
8.0 supports the rewritable feature. Access Printing Preferences and then go to the
Print Mode Tab. Check the box for “Print using rewritable cards”. If you the Supply
Type/Printer under Status in the LCD Menu it will show as None. You can now print a
test card from the printer driver.

When card data is sent to the printer driver the default operation is to make 3 passes
erasing the entire side of the card and then to print the card on the fourth pass.
However, customization of the erase zone is possible using the Print Area Tab.

When the radio button “Use my bitmap for erasing the card” is selected one of two
special bitmaps are used to define the erase area. One is for the card when the design
is a Portrait design and the other is for when it is a Landscape design. If you extract
the files from the Zip file you will find Laser Templates and Setups for the CL900.

The default pattern is shown here. The white area is considered static. The black area
is variable and is the only area that will be erased. Use a graphics program to edit the
CRDPortEraseFront bitmap. This is a one-bit-per-pixel black and white bitmap. This is
the only type of file that can be used for creating user-defined erase patterns.

Another way to control the erasure of rewritable cards is by the use of Escape Codes.
These Escape Codes can be used with something like MS Word or Word Pad.

To use Escape Codes go the Printing Preferences in the printer driver. On the Print
Area tab select the radio button for Erase and print entire side of card. The Escape
Codes will override this setting. If you select Use my bitmap for erasing the card, then
this setting will override the Escape Codes.

The XPS Card Printer Driver Guide has a section on Escape Code Support for
Rewritable Cards.

In the XPS Card Printer Driver Guide there is a table with three examples. The
coordinates for the “Top Half of a Portrait-Oriented Card is Erased” are not quite
accurate. These coordinates will erase approximately the top 1.5 inches which is not
quite half of the card.

The correct coordinates are shown here. Print a Test Card using the front panel. Then
send the Word document shown on the left. The card on the right is the result.

When you create your Word document be sure to set the page size to 2.125 by 3.375
inches without any margins. When you go to print you should the see the page
identified as ISO ID-1.

This is the result for “The Entire Card is Erased” sample.

The “Entire Card Not Erased” does not erase anything. It will print the text over the
existing image on the card.

These are the Rewritable settings that can be adjusted in Printer
Dashboard/Settings/Print. We have already discussed the first two. Next are two
power settings. One setting is used to adjust the Erase Power and another for Write
Power. You should not increase the Write Power more than necessary to obtain a good

Increasing the Write power will make it more difficult to Erase. The graph shown here
indicates a very narrow trough where the erasure is optimum. When evaluating the
erasure quality you should not use the same card over and over. Use a different card
each time. This is because the film will heat up with each erasure. This will raise the
ambient temperature of the card and affect the next erasure of the same card. Room
temperature, printer temperature, and card temperature will all affect the erasing

Shown here are samples of the various test cards.

Disable the feature and replace the print ribbon. The ribbon needs to be re-initialized.
The easiest way is to restart the printer.

If you do not re-initialize the ribbon or restart, then the printer continues making three
passes without printing and then prints on the 4th. The wrong ribbon panel is used and
the ribbon sticks to the card and jams. The error shown here is displayed. You also
must edit the Printer Driver Printing Preferences and de-select Print using rewritable
cards on the Print Mode Tab.


These are the new features and fixes for OpenCard when using a Sigma printer.

This section on OpenCard will discuss several samples of each of the enhancements.
The Training Files, which can be downloaded from the Introduction lesson, contain a
new folder called Phase B OpenCard Files. There are folders in that folder for each of
the samples discussed. Each one contains a SVG, XML, and TXT file.

The rules for the commands for support of TIM are shown here. There can only be
one impression per card, but it be on either the front of the back side of the card.
Position 1,2,or 3 can be specified. If a position is not specified, then Position 1 will be

There are 3 samples in the training files which include the xml, svg, and txt files. This
one will make an impression on the front of the card in position 1.

This sample will make an impression on the back of the card in position 3.

Use the Behavior menu to enable OpenCard Legacy Mode. Doing this changes what
OpenCard looks for in the data for the Card Format Name. The Legacy format only
looks for format names of 0, 1, 2, or 3. Originally the .svg extension was not used.
That means the very next character after the 0, 1, 2, or 3 is the first data character to
be printed.

Add the Card Format named 3. Do not edit the file name and add the .svg extension.
An error will occur if you do.

The card is picked and placed into the Reject Bin. View the Print Log to see that the
necessary Font has not been loaded.

Edit the XML file to determine which Font-Families are required. Then view the
installed Fonts and Font Families. Courier is already installed, but Impact and Tacoma
are not.

Install both of them from the Training Files. Then restart the printer. Remember to
wait a minute or two after the printer restarts in order for OpenCard to startup. Then
send data.

Shown here are the printed card, the card format file, and the data file. The data file
is shown in both Notepad and Notepad++. Notice that in Notepad++ the carriage
returns and line feeds are shown, making it easier to see which data is on which line.
Also note that the card format file has two lines of Static data. One final point is that
the Firmware revision information is in the data. It is not being read from the printer.

Before we continue disable OpenCard Legacy Mode. There are 4 advanced translation
capabilities within OpenCard. The advanced character replacement, the string
replacement, regular expression replacement, and the ability to replace over the
entire stream instead of just within the card data. The first three advanced
translations are enabled by a new optional xml parameter called “type”. The full
stream translation is enabled by a new optional xml parameter called “entireStream”.

You may need to reference this ASCII HEX chart.

These charts show commonly used Escape Characters. The chart on the left is for
String Translations and the one on the right for Regular Expression Translations.

Before exploring the new Advanced Translations let’s review a Basic Translation.
Shown here, with Notepad++, are both the XML file and the Data File. For this
example and the advanced examples, we will concentrate on the Translations,
however, I want to point out that each file is also configured with Static Text which
shows what the variable text data should print.

In this Basic Sample there four translations. The first one on Line 4 of the XML file will
translate an upper case Z to a lower case z. The second translation on Line 5 will
translate any lower case z to an upper case Z. The translation on Line 6 will translate
an upper case Y to a null. The null must be defined in HEX and any character defined
in HEX must be preceded by 0x. The last translation on Line 7 will translate the tilde
to a space. Once again the HEX values for the ~ and the space must be used and both
are preceded by a 0x. Notice that the letters upper case Z and lower case z have been
translated twice. This is a bug.

This Advanced Character Replacement translation is enabled by a new optional xml
parameter called “type”. This translation works very similar to the basic data
character translation with two major differences. The first being that it will work on
any data. The basic data character translation will skip over translating an ‘@’ if the
next letter is S, L, G, or C to prevent commands from being translated. The second
difference is that with Advanced Translation each translation is done over card data
prior to applying the next translation. With Basic translation the translations are only
applied once. For example, if there were two lines of translation then both would be
used on the first character of data to check if it applied or not. Only the first matching
translation is applied to the character. Next both translations would be used on the
second data character, and continuing on all characters. When there are any “Type”
fields in the translations, then all are treated as Advanced. Therefore, Line 5 is treated
as an Advanced translation.

String translation allows replacement of a given sequence, or string, of text with a
new sequence of text. The second new optional Type xml parameter is called “string”.
There are also special codes for translating things like newlines and carriage returns.
In this example, the Membership # in the data will be translated to Rewards Card

Regular Expression allows one to use regular expressions to search and replace
sequences within the card data. Regular expressions can be very powerful and
flexible but they can also become very complicated. In this translation mode, the
“from” specifier is a regular expression. The most common regular expression syntax
is shown in this chart. The “to” field is the translated replacement data. Regular
Expressions are usually used by programmers, however I will provide two examples.

The third new optional Type xml parameter is called “regex”. Let’s examine both lines
of the XML file. Line 4 is a string translation which changes Account Limit: to just
Limit:. Line 5 is a regular expression translation. It searches for the information inside
the parenthesis. It matches Limit: plus 0 or more spaces due to the space followed by
the asterisk. Refer to the chart on the previous slide. In the To portion the \1 means
to insert the match data, which is Limit: followed by a space, into the translated
output. Then a $ is placed after the match data. The output data becomes Limit: $.

This regular expression example is more complex than the first one. Let’s examine all
three lines of the XML file. Line 4 is a character translation that changes the % to a $.
Line 5 is a string translation that changes the $ followed by a carriage return and line
feed into just a $. Essentially, it combines data lines 3 and 4 into one line of data. Line
6 of the XML file is the regular expression translation. Its purpose is to remove
everything after User in data Line 2. So after User would be the carriage return and
line feed. The next slide describes this in detail.

At the beginning of the regular expression, the space is followed by the *? This pair of
characters, taken together as a group, means to match 0 or more repetitions of the
space, however this is not taken alone. The matching must conform to the remainder
of the expression. The\( matches the open parenthesis. Since the open parenthesis is
normally a regular expression control character it must be preceded by the Escape
character, which is the backslash. Next, the period says to match any character except
a new line code. This is followed by the *? pair which says to match 0 or more of the
repetitions of the previous expression. So taken together, the .*? matches all
characters until the next special character. The\) are the next and last special
characters. Since the close parenthesis is a control character it must be preceded by
the backslash. This makes the close parenthesis the last character to match.
Everything that is matched is replaced by nothing, or deleted.

Referring back to the chart notice that some Special Characters are explained as
greedy and some are non-greedy. The next slide will provide an example to show the

In our AdvSample4 the non-greedy special character pair *? was used. This provides a
match that matches as little as possible. If we modify our data and add (senior) into
the existing data, then data line 2 ends with 2 close parenthesis. The .*? will not
match the first close parenthesis so that the \) can match the first close parenthesis.
This allows for the minimal match, i.e. non greedy. If we use the greedy .* then the
first close parenthesis is matched, resulting in two close parenthesis at the end.

Entire Stream String Translation is a very powerful optional parameter. Normally
translations are performed on a per card and Card Format basis, only on data in
between the ‘<’ and ‘>’ symbols. However, in certain instances customers may not
have any control over the stream they are sending to the printer, and their stream
may not fully conform to the OpenCard standard. This mechanism allows a customer
to translate non-conforming OpenCard streams into conforming streams. Translations
with this parameter are performed prior to any other translations. This parameter
must be used in conjunction with a “type” parameter. When this parameter is used,
in the event that a stream contains multiple cards, all of the cards in the stream must
utilize the same Card Format.

In this example the noncompliant stream selects a hopper prior to the stream via
=H3>. We will translate this and the Start of card data command (‘<’) into a Start of
Card data command and a cardstock selection command. Within the named
cardstock an input hopper can be configured to replicate the behavior of the
noncompliant directive.

Shown here are the matching components of the entirestream Type. The matched
data is translated into <@Cgift_card. The regular expression Type we have already
discussed. Here the Name: and any spaces are being removed.

Did you notice that the Card Stock name was specified as gift_card? Remember that
when the card stock is not specified OpenCard uses Default. Since the name was
specified we must add that card stock. This is very important because this is where
we will associate the card stock name with the required input hopper. You can now
add the card format file and send the data. Two cards will be printed.

OpenCard is now supported on IPv6. To test this, begin by pinging the printer’s IPv6
address. Notice that the IPv6 address must be enclosed with square brackets when
using the Ping command. If the destination host is unreachable, then check to ensure
that the Internet Protocol Version IPv6 is enabled.

With IPv6 enabled, ping the printer again. Now you are ready to send an OpenCard
data stream to the printer. However, File2PRN does not support IPv6.

Instead of File2PRN we will use a Generic Text Only printer driver. Go to Devices and
Printers and click Add a Printer.

A dialog box opens and a search of your devices and printers begins. Click on “The
printer that I want isn’t listed”.

The Add Printer dialog box opens. Select the Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or
hostname radio button. Then click Next.

From the drop down list select TCP/IP Device. Then, in Hostname or IP address, enter
the IPv6 Address enclosed in square brackets. The Port name will fill in automatically.
Click Next.

Windows will attempt to detect the TCP/IP port. When it fails, it will move to the next
page automatically and display the Device Type as Standard using a Generic Network

Select the Custom radio button and click Settings. The Port Settings dialog box will be
displayed. The IPv6 Address you entered will be displayed. The default value of Raw
for Protocol selection and the Port Number of 9100 are the values we need. Click OK
and the Port Settings dialog box closes, returning you to the previous dialog box. Click

In the next dialog box select the Manufacturer as Generic and then the Printer as
Generic/Text Only. Click Next.

Now provide a name of your choice for the printer. Click Next.

The next dialog box allows you to configure sharing, if you so desire. Click Next. The
final dialog box will allow you to print a test page. This will not work. Click Finish.

You should now see your printer listed in Devices and Printers. Open the file
translateAdvSample1.txt with Notepad. Go to File, then Print.

Print it using the printer we just created. It should print the same as when we used

Now try printing the file translateAdvSample2.txt. Notice that the printed card has
truncated data.

In Notepad go to Page Setup. Notice that Notepad sets a 0.75 inch Left Margin by
default. Reduce the Margin to zero and print the same file again. The results should
now match the card printed with File2PRN.


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