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Soil Mechanics

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In general, the method available for soil exploration with classified as follow.

1. Direct method:
Test pit
Trial pit
2. Semi direct method
 Auger Method
 Wash Boring
 rotary drilling
3. Indirect method:
Sounding or penetration test
Geophysical methods
 Seismic Refraction Method,
 Electrical Resistivity Method.

Test pit
Test pit or trenches are open type or accessible exploratory methods. Soil can be inspected in
their natural condition. The necessary soil sample may be obtained by sampling techniques and
used for ascertaining the strength and other engineering properties by appropriate laboratory test.
Test pit are need suitable only for small depths of up to 3m they are useful for conducting field
test such as plate loading test.

Trial pit
Trial pit (or test pit) is an excavation of ground in order to study or sample the composition and
structure of the surface, usually dug during a site investigation, a soil survey or a geological
survey. Trial pits are dug before the construction. They are dug to determine the geology and the
water table of that site. Trial pits are usually between 1 and 4 meters deep, and are dug either by
hand or using a mechanical digger. Building and construction regulation clearly state that

concede deeper than 1.2 meters should be secured against structural collapse, if they are being
entered by people.


Hand Operated Augers
Auger boring is the simplest of the methods. Hand operated or power driven augers may be used.
The depths of the holes are normally limited to a maximum of 10 m by this method. These
augers are generally suitable for all types of soil above the water table but suitable only in clayey
soil below the water table (except for the limitations given below). A string of drill rods is used
for advancing the boring. The diameters of the holes normally vary from 10 to 20 cm. Hand
operated augers are not suitable in very stiff to hard clay nor in granular soils below the water
table. Hand auger is not practicable in dense sand nor in sand mixed with gravel even if the strata
lies above the water table.
Power Driven Augers in many countries the use of power driven continuous flight augers is the
most popular method of soil exploration for boring holes. The flights act as a screw conveyor to
bring the soil to the surface.

Hand augers

Hollow-stem auger
(a) Plugged while advancing the auger, and (b) plug removed and sampler inserted
to sample soil below auger.

Method may be used in all types of soil including sandy soils below the water table but is not
suitable if the soil is mixed with gravel, cobbles etc. The central stem of the auger flight may be
hollow or solid. A hollow stem is sometimes preferred since standard penetration tests or
sampling may be done through the stem without lifting the auger from its position in the hole.
Besides, the flight of augers serves the purpose of casing the hole. The hollow stem can be
plugged while advancing the bore and the plug can be removed while taking samples or
conducting standard penetration tests (to be described) as shown. The drilling rig can be mounted
on a truck or a tractor. Hole maybe drilled by this method rapidly to depth of 60m or more.

Wash Boring
Wash boring is commonly used for boring holes. Soil exploration below the ground water table
is usually very difficult to perform by means of pits or auger-holes. Wash boring in such cases is
a very convenient method provided the soil is either sand, silt or clay. The method is not suitable
if the soil is mixed with gravel or boulders. Figure bellow shows the assembly for a wash boring.
To start with, the hole is advanced a short depth by auger and then a casing pipe is pushed to
prevent the sides from caving in. The hole is then continued by the use of a chopping bit fixed at
the end of a string of hollow drill rods. A stream of water under pressure is forced through the
rod and the bit into the hole, which loosens the soil as the water flows up around the pipe. The
loosened soil in suspension in water is discharged into a tub. The soil in suspension settles down
in the tub and the clean water flows into a sump which is reused for circulation. The motive
power for a wash boring is either mechanical or man power. The bit which is hollow is screwed
to a string of hollow drill rods supported on a tripod by a rope or steel cable passing over a pulley
and operated by a winch fixed on one of the legs of the tripod.

Wash boring

The purpose of wash boring is to drill holes only and not to make use of the disturbed washed
materials for analysis. Whenever an undisturbed sample is required at a particular depth, the
boring is stopped, and the chopping bit is replaced by a sampler. The sampler is pushed into the
soil at the bottom of the hole and the sample is withdrawn.

In the rotary drilling method, a cutter bit or a core barrel with a coring bit attached to the end of a
string of drill rods is rotated by a power rig. The rotation of the cutting bit shears or chips the
material penetrated and the material is washed out of the hole by a stream of water just as in the
case of a wash boring. Rotary drilling is used primarily for penetrating the overburden between
the levels of which samples are required. Coring bits, on the other hand, cut an annular hole
around an intact core which enters the barrel and is retrieved. Thus the core barrel is used
primarily in rocky strata to get rock samples. As the rods with the attached bit or barrel are
rotated, a downward pressure is applied to the drill string to obtain penetration, and drilling fluid
under pressure is introduced into the bottom of the hole through the hollow drill rods and the
passages in the bit or barrel. The drilling fluid serves the dual function of cooling the bit as it
enters the hole and removing the cuttings from the bottom of the hole as it returns to the surface
in the annular space between the drill rods and the walls of the hole. In an uncased hole, the
drilling fluid also serves to support the walls of the hole. When boring soil, the drilling bit is
removed and replaced by a sampler when sampling is required, but in rocky strata the coring bit
is used to obtain continuous rock samples.
The rotary drilling rig of the type given in Fig below can also be used for wash boring and auger

Rotary drilling rig

Coring Bits
Three basic categories of bits are in use. They are diamond, carbide insert, and saw tooth.
Diamond coring bits may be of the surface set or diamond impregnated type. Diamond coring
bits are the most versatile of all the coring bits since they produce high quality cores in rock
materials ranging from soft to extremely hard. Carbide insert bits use tungsten carbide in lieu of
diamonds. Bits of this type is used to core soft to medium hard rock. They are less expensive
than diamond bits but the rate of drilling is slower than with diamond bits. In saw-tooth bits, the
cutting edge comprises a series of teeth. The teeth are faced and tipped with a hard metal alloy
such as tungsten carbide to provide wear resistance and thereby increase the life of the bit. These
bits are less expensive but normally used to core overburden soil and very soft rocks only.

Percussion Drilling
Percussion drilling is another method of drilling holes. Possibly this is the only method for
drilling in river deposits mixed with hard boulders of the quarzitic type. In this method a heavy
drilling bit



These tests are carried out to measure the resistance to penetration of a sampling spoon, a cone or
other shaped tools under dynamic or static loading. These tests are used for exploration of erratic
solid profiles for finding depth to bedrock or stratum and to get approximate indication of the
strength and other properties of soil. Methods of subsurface sounding test are:


The vane shear test is one of the in-situ tests used for obtaining the undrained shear strength of
soft sensitive clays. It is in deep beds of such material that the vane test is most valuable for the
simple reason that there is at present no other method known by which the shear strength of these
clays can be measured.

This test is carried out in a clean hole of diameter about 55 to 150mm. the sides of the holes are
supported by casing or drilling mud. A split tube sampler with 50.8mm outer diameter, 38mm
inner diameter is driven into the undisturbed soil, placed at the bottom of the hole under the
blows of 65kg drive weight with 75cm free fall. The minimum open length of the sampler is
60cm, the samplers is first driven through 15cm as a seating drive and then through 30 cm or
until 100 blows have been applied. Number of blows required to drive sampler 30cm beyond the
seating drive is known as penetration resistance and it is denoted by N.

The SPT is the most commonly used in situ test in a bore hole in the USA. The test is made by
making use of a split spoon sampler shown bello. The method has been standardized as ASTMD-
1586 (1997) with periodic revision since 1958. The method of carrying out this test is as follows:
1. The split spoon sampler is connected to a string of drill rods and is lowered into the
bottom of the bore hole which was drilled and cleaned in advance.
2. The sampler is driven into the soil strata to a maximum depth of 18 in by making use of a
140 Ib weight falling freely from a height of 30 in on to an anvil fixed on the top of drill
rod. The weight is guided to fall along a guide rod. The weight is raised and allowed to
fall by means of a manila rope, one end tied to the weight and the other end passing over
a pulley on to a hand operated winch or a motor driven cathead.
3. The number of blows required to penetrate each of the successive 6 in depths is counted
to produce a total penetration of 18 in.
4. To avoid seating errors, the blows required for the first 6 in of penetration are not taken
into account; those required to increase the penetration from 6 in to 18 in constitute the
As per some codes of practice if the N-value exceeds 100, it is termed as refusal, and the test
is stopped even if the total penetration falls short of the last 300 mm depth of penetration.
Standardization of refusal at 100 blows allows all the drilling organizations to standardize costs
so that higher blows if required may be eliminated to prevent the excessive wear and tear of the
equipment. The SPT is conducted normally at 2.5 to 5 ft intervals. The intervals may be
increased at greater depths if necessary.

The validity of the SPT has been the subject of study and research by many authors for the last
many years. The basic conclusion is that the best results are difficult to reproduce. Some of the
important factors that affect reproducibility are
1. Variation in the height of fall of the drop weight (hammer) during the test
2. The number of turns of rope around the cathead, and the condition of the manila rope
3. Length and diameter of drill rod
4. Diameter of bore hole
5. Overburden pressure
There are many more factors that hamper reproducibility of results. Normally corrections
used to be applied for a quick condition in the hole bottom due to rapid withdrawal of the auger.
ASTM 1586 has stipulated standards to avoid such a quick condition. Discrepancies in the input
driving energy and its dissipation around the sampler into the surrounding soil are the principal
factors for the wide range in N values.


The static cone penetration test normally called the Dutch cone penetration test (CPT). It has
gained acceptance rapidly in many countries. The method was introduced nearly 50 years ago.
One of the greatest values of the CPT consists of its function as a scale model pile test. Empirical
correlations established over many years permit the calculation of pile bearing capacity directly
from the CPT results without the use of conventional soil parameters. The CPT has proved
valuable for soil profiling as the soil type can be identified from the combined measurement of
end resistance of cone and side friction on a jacket. The test lends itself to the derivation of
normal soil properties such as density, friction angle and cohesion. Various theories have been
developed for foundation design. The popularity of the CPT can be attributed to the following
three important factors:
1. General introduction of the electric penetrometer providing more precise measurements,
and improvements in the equipment allowing deeper penetration.
2. The need for the penetrometer testing in-situ technique in offshore foundation
investigations in view of the difficulties in achieving adequate sample quality in marine

3. The addition of other simultaneous measurements to the standard friction penetrometer
such as pore pressure and soil temperature.

There are a variety of shapes and sizes of penetrometers being used. The one that is standard in
most countries are the cone with an apex angle of 60° and a base area of 10 cm2. The sleeve
(jacket) has become a standard item on the penetrometer for most applications. On the 10 cm2
penetrometer the friction sleeve should have an area of 150 cm2 as per standard practice. The
ratio of side friction and bearing resistance, the friction ratio, enables identification of the soil
type (Schmertmann 1975) and provides useful information in particular when no bore hole data
are available. Even when borings are made, the friction ratio supplies a check on the accuracy of
the boring logs.
Two types of penetrometers are used which are based on the method used for measuring cone
resistance and friction. They are,
1. The Mechanical Type,
2. The Electrical Type.

Mechanical Type
The Begemann Friction Cone Mechanical type penetrometer is shown below It consists of a 60°
cone with a base diameter of 35.6 mm (sectional area 10 cm2). A sounding rod is screwed to the
base. Additional rods of one-meter length each are used. These rods are screwed or attached
together to bear against each other.
The sounding rods move inside mantle tubes. The inside diameter of the mantle tube is just
sufficient for the sounding rods to move freely whereas the outside diameter is equal to or less
than the base diameter of the cone.
Jacking System
The rigs used for pushing down the penetrometer consist basically of a hydraulic system. The
thrust capacity for cone testing on land varies from 20 to 30 kN for hand operated rigs and 100 to
200 kN for mechanically operated rigs as shown. Bourden gauges are provided in the driving
mechanism for measuring the pressures exerted by the cone and the friction jacket either

individually or collectively during the operation. The rigs may be operated either on the ground
or mounted on heavy duty trucks. In either case, the rig should take the necessary up thrust. For
ground based rigs screw anchors are provided to take up the reaction thrust.

Operation of Penetrometer
The sequence of operation of the penetrometer shown is explained as follows:
Position 1 The cone and friction jacket assembly in a collapsed position.
Position 2 The cone is pushed down by the inner sounding rods to a depth a until a collar
engages the cone. The pressure gauge records the total force Qc to the cone. Normally a = 40
Position 3 The sounding rod is pushed further to a depth b. This pushes the friction jacket and the
cone assembly together; the force is Qt. Normally b = 40 mm.
Position 4 The outside mantle tube is pushed down a distance a + b which brings the cone
assembly and the friction jacket to position 1. The total movement = a + b = 80 mm.
The process of operation illustrated above is continued until the proposed depth is reached.
The cone is pushed at a standard rate of 20 mm per second. The mechanical penetrometer has its
advantage as it is simple to operate and the cost of maintenance is low. The quality of the work
depends on the skill of the operator. The depth of CPT is measured by recording the length of the
sounding rods that have been pushed into the ground.

Begemann friction-cone mechanical type penetrometer

Static cone penetration testing equipment


The stratification of soils and rocks can be determined by geophysical methods of exploration
which measure changes in certain physical characteristics of these materials, for example the
magnetism, density, electrical resistivity, elasticity or a combination of these properties.
However, the utility of these methods in the field of foundation engineering is very limited since
the methods do not quantify the characteristics of the various substrata. Vital information on
ground water conditions are usually lacking. Geophysical methods at best provide some missing
information between widely spaced bore holes but they cannot replace bore holes. Two methods
of exploration which are sometimes useful are discussed briefly in this section? They are

Geophysical methods of exploration

1 Seismic Refraction Method,

2 Electrical Resistivity Method.

1. Seismic Refraction Method

The seismic refraction method is based on the fact that seismic waves have different velocities in
different types of soils (or rock). The waves refract when they cross boundaries between
different types of soils. If artificial impulses are produced either by detonation of explosives or
mechanical blows with a heavy hammer at the ground surface or at shallow depth within a hole,
these shocks generate three types of waves. In general, only compression waves (longitudinal
waves) are observed. These waves are classified as either direct, reflected or refracted. Direct
waves travel in approximately straight lines from the source of the impulse to the surface.
Reflected or refracted waves undergo a change in direction when they encounter a boundary
separating media of different seismic velocities. The seismic refraction method is more suited to
shallow exploration for civil engineering purposes. The method starts by inducing impact or
shock waves into the soil at a particular location. The shock waves are picked up by geophones.
(a), point A is the source of seismic impulse. The points D^ through Dg represent the locations of
the geophones or detectors which are installed in a straight line. The spacing’s of the geophones
are dependent on the amount of detail required and the depth of the strata being investigated. In
general, the spacing must be such that the distance from Dj to D8 is three to four times the depth
to be investigated. The geophones are connected by cable to a central recording device. A series
of detonations or impacts are produced and the arrival time of the first wave at each geophone
position is recorded in turn. When the distance between source and geophone is short, the arrival
time will be that of a direct wave. When the distance exceeds a certain value (depending on the
thickness of the stratum), the refracted wave will be the first to be detected by the geophone.
This is because the refracted wave, although longer than that of the direct wave, passes through a
stratum of higher seismic velocity.

2. Electrical Resistivity Method
This method is based on the measurement and recording of changes in the mean resistivity or
apparent specific resistance of various soils. The test is done by driving four metal spikes to
act as electrodes into the ground along a straight line at equal distances. The method depends
on differences in the electrical resistance of different soil (and rock) types. The flow of
current through a soil is mainly due to electrolytic action and therefore depends on the
concentration of dissolved salts in the pores. The mineral particles of soil are poor conductors
of current. The resistivity of soil, therefore, decreases as both water content and
concentration of salts increase. A dense clean sand above the water table, for example, would
exhibit a high resistivity due to its low degree of saturation and virtual absence of dissolved
salts. A saturated clay of high void ratio, on the other hand, would exhibit a low resistivity
due to the relative abundance of pore water and the free ions in that water. There are several
methods by which the field resistivity measurements are made.


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