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Procedia Engineering 7 (2010) 209–212 Engineering
Procedia Engineering 00 (2010) 000–000

2010 Symposium on Security Detection and Information

Study of control system for X-ray generator

Shuangmao Guo , Jianyi Wu, Mingzhu Xiang ,Shanwu Wei
The First Research Institute, of M.P.S China ,Beijing 100044, China


X-ray generator is mainly used for non-destructive testing, security check areas and so on. In order to accurately adjust
cross voltage and through current of the X-ray tube, this paper adopts full-digital PID algorithm to control PWM output
waveforms .The tube voltage adjustable range is 40 to 120kV and the tube current range is 0.1 to 1.5mA. We can set up
work parameters and get the working status by LCD and Console on the generator. It also can be fully controlled by a
computer so as to enhance the safety of the operator, simplify operation and so on.

© 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Keywords:; portable; adjustable ;full- digital PID algorithm; LCD;computer

1. Introduction

In the security check areas, because of this X-ray generator carried easily, simple operation, strong adaptability, it is
coupled with an appropriate image capture unit to construct X-spector system, which is widely used for inspecting
package and suspicious items found in a variety of scene by some security departments, to make a response to terrorist
attacks swiftly, effectively and reliably.
Compared with other battery-powered portable X-ray generators basing on the other driven system, this X-ray
generator is capable of generating stable x-rays with a wider spectral distribution and high penetration, thus providing X-
ray images with higher resolution. Meanwhile, for the sake of its longer durability than other battery-powered X-ray
generators, its cost on detection is tremendously reduced. The DC x-ray generator with adjustable tube voltage,
adjustable tube current and adjustable exposure time can give corresponding parameters to different suspicious objects,
thus improving the image quality or energy many kinds of images for one parcel by being exposed to various X-rays.

2. The overall design of portable DC X-ray generator

Currently, portable X-ray generators, internal or external, consist of power supply, control system, drive systems and
X-ray generating unit. Among them, the control system is the pivotal one. Traditionally, PWM control method deeply
relies on full hardware implementation. Along with the demand for anti-interference performance and the power response
speed of X-ray generator, many microcontrollers are applied to the PWM control system. However, as the data
processing power of the original microcontroller is weak and simple. The conduction time spent on the power switch
circuit turns amazingly shorter, e.g. the conduction time spent on some power switch circuit is only 3 us. Within such a
segment of time, it is barely possible for an early chip to accomplish PID calculation meanwhile yield high-frequency
PWM wave. So the MCU used in the portable X-ray generators control circuit are mostly applied to the data collection,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-10-69721010; fax: +86-10-69717014.

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1877-7058 ⃝c 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
210 S. Guo et al. / Procedia Engineering 7 (2010) 209–212

Shuangmao Guo, Jianyi Wu,et al. / Procedia Engineering 00 (2010) 000–000

data transmission, etc. In fact, it leaves much to be desired to accomplish PID calculation via software and adjust driving
PWM signals.
According to above analysis, we select the powerful STM32F103 as the central processing unit. The STM32F103
incorporates the high-performance ARM Cortex™-M3 32-bit RISC core operating at a 72 MHz frequency, high-speed
embedded memories [1]. The processor STM32F103 is so powerful that it can complete digital PID algorithm and output
PWM wave. Using all-digital control system is the development direction of battery-powered DC potential X-ray
generator. Using full digital control technology can reduce the volume of control circuit for X-ray generator and reduce
some interference caused by too many components and the complexity of the hardware implementing PID algorithm. At
the same time it can greatly improve the control accuracy and stability of the system.
As the central processing unit STM32F103 ˈfirstly, according to the setting work parameters output PWM wave as
the input signal of power drive circuit, and then the power drive circuit drive the X-ray generating unit to send X-ray.
Subsequently, by some sample resistances, STM32F103 collects some feedback signals such as kV value, mA value,
filament value which are processed immediately by digital PID algorithm to output accurate driving PWM waves. That is
a closed-loop control system and the tube voltage range is 40 to 120kV and the tube current range is 0.1 to 1.5mA.
The STM32F103 processor is also used to monitor the status parameters of X-ray generator, such as voltage value of
power supply battery, temperature of X-ray generator unit. The processor is based on Micro C/OS-II the real-time kernel
and can realize multi-task switching and scheduling [2]. We can check the status of X-ray generator unit and configure its
parameters easily by using the console panel with a LCD screen.
The X-ray generator can be driven by a PC through a simple RS-232 serial communication. So we can control the X-
ray generator and monitor its all kinds of status parameters directly at any time. At same time, the safety is strengthened
when we operate X-ray generator.

3. Adjustable PWM wave out and Software implementing PID algorithm

3.1. PWM wave out circuit

In the high-voltage driver module, the original 2-way PWM wave out to IR2110 is generated by STM32F103 internal
PWM timer. The IR2110 is high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT drivers with independent high and low
side referenced output channels. Two IR2110 combined 4 HEXFET Power MOSFETs IRF540 constitute a full-bridge
kV power driver circuit. The output of the circuit will be added directly to the kV transformer of X-ray generating unit
In the mA power drive circuit, the original input signal PWM is also generated by STM32F103 internal PWM
timer .The output signal will be added directly to the kV transformer of X-ray generating unit. There are push-pull
transformer, filament transformer, KV voltage multiplying rectifier, kV sampling circuit, mA sampling circuit and X-ray
tube in the X-ray generating unit.

3.2 PID control algorithm design for the control system [5]

Fig.1is the PID controller schematic diagram.

Fig.1.PID controller schematic diagram

When we start or stop the X-ray generator in a sudden and change the setting parameter in a vast scale, because of the
great deviation generating in a short time ,serious integral saturation phenomenon easily happen to result in causing great
overshoot and long shocks. To overcome this shortcoming, we use integration separation control arithmetic method in
this paper. The method ,which cancel the integral action at the beginning of tracking the controlled signal so as to ensure
the value of controlled signal to the given value as quickly as possible, as the value of controlled signal up to given value
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Shuangmao Guo, Jianyi Wu,et al./ Procedia Engineering 00 (2010) 000–000

the integral work to eliminate static errors, is the so-called integration separation control arithmetic method. We validate
this method can decrease the overshoot and short adjust time. We generally select some sets of parameters, figured out by
empirical formulas, to do experiment trial and error until obtain optimal P, I, D parameter. Because of generally using PI
control algorithm in the X-ray generator control system, we set the parameters as N S : 1 to 2.5, TI /min: 0.1 to 1.Software
implementing PID algorithm is as follows: a) Determine the relation between the timer initial value of STM32F103 and
timing time; b) Determine the relation between the output control signal U (n) and the duty factor of PWM wave; c)
Calculate the initial value of the PWM timer according to the width of the output PWM waveforms high level and low
level, then output driving signal.
In our control system design, we first solve the duty factor of PWM wave according to the setting system output value
and the maximum value passing switching device. Secondly according to the switching frequency of some large power
devices such as IGBT determine the period T, we can get the high level width of output PWM wave tw . When tw equals
0 ˈ U(n)= U max , Tw Tw1 ;When tw equals T/2 ˈ U(n)=0 ˈ Tw Tw2 ;When tw equals T ˈ U(n) = U max , Tw Tw3 .
According to above function relations we can draw the function relation curve between Tw and U(n) ˈthen according to
kV sampling value and mA sampling value calculate the control signal U(n) valueˈ ultimately, get the size of driving
PWM wave pulse width and duty cycle corresponding to the control signal

4. Simulation and experimental results

The result of system simulation and some experiments show that the design of portable DC X-ray generator in this
paper is feasible. When we set the tube voltage as 90kv, tube current as 0.8mA, STM32F103 accomplishes digital PID
algorithm then generate corresponding PWM wave. The Fig.2. is the drive signal waveform loaded in X-ray generating

Fig.2.The processed driving signal waveform loaded X-ray generating unit

Fig2 indicates that as long as the function relation between and determined and the PID parameter matching, we will
get corresponding drive signal wave, which drive X-ray generating unit to generate X-ray beam we want.

5. Conclusion

The working principle and important components of portable DC X-ray generator, mainly discussing the full-digital
PID algorithm and how to determine the function relation between pulse width of the output PWM wave Tw and the error
signal U(n). We adopt full-digital PID control system to accurately adjust cross voltage and through current of the X-ray
tube. According to some settings and status on the LCD, we can set some work parameters conveniently by using
intuitionist console. Upper PC directly controls the X-ray generator through a simple RS-232 serial communication.


This work was financially supported by the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
212 S. Guo et al. / Procedia Engineering 7 (2010) 209–212

Shuangmao Guo, Jianyi Wu,et al. / Procedia Engineering 00 (2010) 000–000


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[4] E.Chu,K.ogura,S.Moisseev,A.Okuno and M.Nakaoka,“Duplex Pulse FrequeneyModulation ModeControlled
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[5]Yonghua Tao,Yixin Yi,.New PID control and application . China Machine Press, 1998

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