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BIM Roles and Responsibilities in Developing Countries

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BIM Roles and Responsibilities in Developing Countries: A Dedicated Matrix

for Design-Bid-Build Projects

Article  in  Buildings · October 2022

DOI: 10.3390/buildings12101752


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5 authors, including:

Abdur Rehman Nasir Fahim Ullah

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar University of Southern Queensland 


Siddra Qayyum Muhammad Jamaluddin Thaheem

UNSW Sydney Deakin University


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An Integrated Decision-Making Framework for Sustainable Residential Building Design using BIM View project

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BIM Roles and Responsibilities in Developing Countries: A
Dedicated Matrix for Design-Bid-Build Projects
Um E Hani Habib 1 , Abdur Rehman Nasir 1, * , Fahim Ullah 2, * , Siddra Qayyum 2,3
and Muhammad Jamaluddin Thaheem 4

1 Department of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil and Environmental

Engineering (SCEE), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
2 School of Surveying and Built Environment, University of Southern Queensland,
Springfield, QLD 4300, Australia
3 School of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
4 Geelong Waterfront Campus, School of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University,
Locked Bag 20001, Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia
* Correspondence: (A.R.N.); (F.U.)

Abstract: Building information modeling (BIM) through data-rich digital representation has revolu-
tionized the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. BIM implementation in the
AEC industry has noticeably increased over the last decade. Various BIM roles have been discussed
in the literature to ease the process of BIM implementation, but the BIM roles related to project
delivery methods have not been standardized. Stimulated by this need, this study develops a BIM
roles and responsibilities matrix (BIM-R&R) in the context of the design−bid−build (DBB) projects
for developing countries. A comprehensive literature review has been conducted, followed by a
questionnaire survey comprising 105 responses. The results were analyzed to formulate a BIM-R&R
matrix, on which the expert opinion was obtained from the BIM experts. The proposed BIM-R&R
matrix describes all the roles and their corresponding responsibilities required along the project life
Citation: Habib, U.E.H.; Nasir, A.R.; cycle phases of DBB projects. The incorporation of BIM roles in the DBB procurement process will
Ullah, F.; Qayyum, S.; Thaheem, M.J. aid in the efficient management of all information and data that may be lost due to the fragmented
BIM Roles and Responsibilities in nature of DBB. BIM roles with enhanced communication and coordination will also help in reducing
Developing Countries: A Dedicated time and cost overruns while maintaining a high-quality product. This study helps the associated
Matrix for Design-Bid-Build Projects. construction industry in its efforts to implement BIM on their projects by providing a method by
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752. https:// which to assess which BIM roles are necessary. Moreover, it will provide project and construction
managers with a clear understanding of the BIM roles in DBB projects.
Academic Editor: Heap-Yih Chong
Keywords: building information modeling (BIM); BIM roles; BIM responsibilities; roles and
Received: 25 August 2022
responsibilities matrix
Accepted: 17 October 2022
Published: 20 October 2022

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

with regard to jurisdictional claims in 1. Introduction
published maps and institutional affil-
The construction industry is characterized by uncertainty due to the intricate nature
of its projects [1]. To deal with the increasing intricacy of construction projects, adopting
new and emerging technologies, specifications, contracting, and delivery methods have
become essential [2]. Building information modeling (BIM) is among such promising
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
technological developments that have the potential to address the challenges of the con-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. struction industry [3]. BIM provides a set of technologies and solutions aimed at improving
This article is an open access article interorganizational collaboration [4], enhancing construction quality [3,5,6], safety [6,7],
distributed under the terms and sustainability [5,6], and efficiency [6,8]. In addition, BIM results in increased productivity
conditions of the Creative Commons and better design, construction, and maintenance practices [4]. Overall, BIM is a process
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// integrated with software that influences organizational practices [9]. Comprising all the graphical and non-graphical data, BIM ensures integrating information, data management,

Buildings 2022, 12, 1752.

Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 2 of 22

simulations, and analysis efforts for enhanced coordination and communication among
project members [10].
Recently, BIM implementation has noticeably increased in developed countries [11,12].
Compared to other countries, the US and the UK are leading BIM adoption [13]. The
adoption rate of BIM in the UK was 13% in 2011 and has increased to 69% by 2019 [11].
BIM implementation in Singapore stands at 50% [14]. In Germany, the adoption rate of BIM
has reached 90% [12]. To adopt and implement BIM, international BIM specifications like
publicly available specifications [15] and international organization for standardization [16]
have been developed to provide specific guidance on project delivery.
Similarly, the BIM knowledge and skills framework developed by the Australian
Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) provides information on the necessary skills and
education for BIM implementation [17]. Likewise, several guides have been created that
define the key BIM roles required for successful BIM implementation [18–21]. As an
example, the New Zealand BIM handbook incorporates the role of the BIM manager [20].
At the same time, BIM-Belgian Guide for the construction industry outlines the role of the
BIM process manager and BIM discipline manager [18]. Similarly, Hong Kong BIM project
specification indicates BIM project manager as an important role [19]. Furthermore, each
guide has developed BIM roles according to their specific usage. However, no similar BIM
role title is used in the abovementioned guides. Furthermore, an important role of the BIM
modeler is also missing in these guides.
Despite being adopted rapidly in developed countries [22,23], developing countries’
construction industry faces challenges in BIM implementation [5,22]. Among the major
challenges involved, rigid traditional work processes [10,22,24], insufficient knowledge of
work practices [10,25], and extensive financing in guidance and skill needed for BIM [10,22]
are common. Another key challenge is the insufficient understanding of the BIM roles and
responsibilities (BIM-R&R) in the construction industries of developing countries [3,10].
Consequently, developing countries are unaware of the relevant BIM-R&R on projects.
Furthermore, most developing countries use traditional project delivery methods such
as design-bid-build (DBB) instead of adopting new methods [26]. Traditional delivery
methods make it harder to deploy BIM because BIM-R&Rs are not defined. Thus, stan-
dardization of BIM-R&R for DBB will help better understand BIM actor roles, providing
a clearer definition regarding who performs what task and who is responsible for what
activity on the project. This will eventually help identify the appropriate BIM personnel
for BIM-enabled projects. Consequently, this can be extended to other project types in
developing countries.
Worldwide, BIM implementation has caused a change in customary project roles and
positions [27]. For example, in BIM-based projects, the client needs to focus their efforts on
establishing the BIM process and ways to use BIM while the contractor develops digital
models by using BIM tools [28]. Similarly, the architect’s role is also affected due to the use
of lifecycle management principles in the design process [29]. Moreover, BIM deployment
has also resulted in new work practices, roles, and responsibilities [30]. Accordingly, new
roles such as BIM manager, BIM coordinator, model manager, BIM modeler, and BIM
technicians have been created.
Several studies have been conducted in the past on various BIM roles. Following a
thorough literature review, several BIM-related roles like BIM manager, BIM facilitator,
BIM modeler, modeling specialist, etc., were summarized in a study by [31]. Sebastian [29]
stressed the need for a model manager as the new role within a BIM project, to provide and
maintain the technological solutions required for BIM process, manage the information
flow, and help stakeholders to improve their information technology skills. Similarly,
Bosch-Sijtsema and Gluch [32] discussed the roles and actions of the BIM coordinator and
the BIM manager in the Swedish construction industry to support the use and implemen-
tation of BIM. Another corresponding study analyzed various online BIM jobs in which
35 different BIM-related job titles were found to have distinct responsibilities [33]. Fur-
thermore, Davies et al. [34] explained how the BIM actor roles are defined in different BIM
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 3 of 22

guides and handbooks. Overall, the literature has been highly encouraging on establishing
new positions such as BIM manager, BIM coordinator, BIM modeler, and BIM strategist [30].
These BIM actors can be part of the client, architect, and contractor firms [3,35]. BSI PAS [15]
highlights multiple new roles and their responsibilities for information management, such
as task information manager, task team manager, interface manager, and information orig-
inator. BIM roles are evolving [27], and numerous BIM titles are available nowadays in
different countries [36]. This shows a difference in the development and definition of BIM
roles in the industry across countries [30].
Furthermore, BIM-professional roles are being implemented in the AEC industry
as envisaged by [34]. However, these newly developed BIM-R&R are contrasting and
indistinct, and the BIM professionals’ role description needs to be standardized for holistic
adoption [30]. This variation regarding BIM roles causes vagueness and confusion in project
teams and organizations [34]. In an attempt to observe the changes that BIM brings in
an organization in developing countries, such as the Brazilian construction industry, de
Almeida and de Brito [37] indicates that for adopting new technology, a new BIM role
such as a BIM manager should be appointed to avoid difficulty in its implementation. The
Malaysian building industry’s BIM project guide proposes appointing a BIM manager to
handle and manage the associated information [38].
Similarly, Hafeez [39] discussed that no role and responsibilities are defined in the
employer’s information requirements (EIR) for construction projects in Qatar. Nevertheless,
it can be observed from the abovementioned studies that the role of the BIM manager
is primarily identified for developing countries, and the responsibilities of this role are
yet to be defined. This helps conclude that the empirical research on BIM roles, tasks,
and perceived responsibilities in the AEC industry is lacking in developing countries,
particularly with the traditionally used project delivery methods.
To address this gap for developing economies, the present study aims to define the
BIM-R&R in traditional project delivery methods, commonly used in most developing
economies, i.e., DBB. Research objectives that form the basis of this research study are:
1. to identify and analyze the existing BIM-R&R for developing countries;
2. to determine the BIM-R&R for DBB projects in developing countries; and
3. to develop a matrix for the adoption of relevant BIM-R&R in developing countries.
This research paves the way for BIM adoption in developing countries by providing
clarity for the developed BIM roles and their corresponding responsibilities on a project
during its lifecycle. This study will help the associated construction industry in its efforts
to implement BIM on their projects by assisting them in their practices. This study will
provide the construction industry with a method to assess which BIM roles are necessary
for projects. Moreover, it will give project and construction managers a clear understanding
of the BIM roles on projects.
The BIM actor roles have been discussed in previous studies, either as a review or such
roles are defined differently depending upon the industry, region, and country. Similarly,
BIM guides are established by the developed economies in accordance with the particular
BIM use by the relevant authority for the state or specific projects. Moreover, no study has
empirically compiled all the roles employed in a project, nor has any study compiled BIM
roles specific to a certain delivery method. Furthermore, no research has been conducted
on BIM’s role in developing countries. BIM is gaining interest in developing economies,
but they lack the idea of roles and responsibilities associated with BIM. Thus, to close the
gap, this study provides BIM-R&R for prevalent project delivery methods in developing
countries, which speaks to the novelty of this study.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The importance of roles and responsi-
bilities in the construction industry and the roles and responsibilities associated with BIM
are discussed in light of the literature and past research in the following section. This is
followed by the description of the methodology used, the demonstration of results from
the questionnaire survey responses and validation, and the conclusion.
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 4 of 22

2. Literature Review
2.1. Importance of Roles and Responsibilities in the Construction Industry
Construction projects involve unique and complex processes [40]. Within a project,
each activity necessitates a different level of managerial focus and skillsets [41]. The
project’s intricacy also increases due to the involvement of different parties and stakehold-
ers who must effectively communicate to achieve the overall project objectives [42]. Thus,
the complex construction project delivery comprises various disciplines and roles [29].
Similarly, distinct roles and responsibilities of the project teams are required at each phase
of the project lifecycle [43]. A clear definition of the roles and duties of a project team is vital
to avoid problems and conflicts and ensure project success through greater collaboration
and openness [40,44]. Anantatmula [45] proposes that well-defined roles and responsi-
bilities pave the way for building teamwork, managing conflicts, and improving project
performance. According to Hoda and Murugesan [46], effective project team management
requires understanding team members’ roles and outlining responsibilities.
Studies show that clearly defined roles and responsibilities of the construction project
team significantly impact project outcomes and performance [45,47]. This highlights that
unclear roles and responsibilities can lead to conflicts and failure to meet the client’s require-
ments, ultimately resulting in project failures [48]. Furthermore, Masengesho et al. [49]
highlight the roles and responsibilities of project consultants in developing economies
that influence the project’s success or failure. Additionally, the project manager’s role is
important in achieving the project’s success [50,51]. However, this role is still ambigu-
ous in developing countries [52]. Thus, it is not surprising to see many projects failing
in developing countries due to improper allocation and understanding of project roles
and responsibilities.

2.2. Design-Bid-Build Project Delivery

The traditional delivery method, design-bid-build, typically entails a process whereby
design and contractor teams enters into a separate contract with the client to carry out
the design and construction work, respectively [53]. In DBB, each task is completed one
after the other without any overlap [54]. By using the competitive bidding, DBB exhibits
the better cost performance [55] and is preferred over other delivery methods because of
its higher productivity and lower cost [56], and the client’s desire to keep control of the
project [55]. However, because of the fragmented approach of the design and construction
phases, problems such as design and information issues, cost overruns, and poor project
performance can be avoided by using BIM because all the project participants can easily
share and reuse various information owing to BIM [57]. In addition, BIM has also helped
in minimizing the design change orders and delivering better design [24].

2.3. Building Information Modelling in the Construction Industry

Organizations are increasingly turning toward BIM to improve project performance [28].
Due to its integrated design, construction, and maintenance approach, BIM provides sim-
pler solutions to the complex nature of construction projects [58]. BIM incorporates multiple
aspects, disciplines, and structures, making it favorable for most construction stakehold-
ers [7,10]. By using a digital representation of a facility’s physical and functional properties,
BIM helps the users share and use design data and requirements between different software
applications across a multidisciplinary team [4]. Due to the excessive information exchange
between parties, BIM’s support for collaboration has become an important requirement [59].
BIM provides easy sharing and reusing of different types of information between
all project parties [57]. For example, the project team collects, manages, and documents
graphical and non-graphical data through a single information source by using BIM [15].
Sharing the data in a central place makes the expected result clearer, concise, and under-
standable for all the team members [60]. Moreover, establishing collaborative practices
on construction projects are likely to involve the coordination and integration of complex
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 5 of 22

information, procedures, and systems [61]. Therefore, BIM allows better communication
among project stakeholders [32] and influences how they work and collaborate [59].
BIM has benefited developing economies by reducing design change orders and
improving design [24]. Al-Ashmori at al. [62] highlighted increased productivity and
efficiency as one of the important benefits of implementing BIM in Malaysia. Similarly,
as [12] discussed, BIM adoption results in increased profit, reduced cost and time, and
improved relationships between the client and customer.

2.4. BIM Roles and Responsibilities

BIM has infiltrated the practices of a large number of interdisciplinary profession-
als [63]. Studies acknowledge that BIM alters project team members’ roles and responsi-
bilities, including that of the client, designers, and contractors [28,29,63]. Another study
highlights that BIM transforms the roles of construction participants due to its significant
impact on collaborative processes by modifying information exchange and instigating
denser interactions [63]. Sebastian [29] also discussed that the BIM projects demand the
continuous emergence of BIM roles for construction professionals and highlight the need
to evolve the roles among clients, designers, and contractors.
In addition to evolving with technology, new BIM-R&R have also been established
within the construction industry [3]. Jacobsson and Merschbrock [6] state that the appear-
ance of formal BIM professional roles was among the preliminary and noticeable changes
observed due to the initiation of BIM. Owing to the increasing adoption of BIM within the
construction industry, numerous BIM-related roles have emerged, such as BIM manager
(VDC manager), BIM facilitator, BIM coordinator, BIM project manager, design team BIM
manager/construction BIM manager, project model manager, BIM process manager, BIM
lead coordinator, BIM discipline manager [34]. However, [64] states that the BIM manager,
BIM coordinator and BIM modeler roles are considered as the three most important BIM
roles required on a BIM-based project, in addition to the numerous BIM roles available.
These newly formed roles and responsibilities ensure the organization’s transformation to
BIM-based methods and BIM-enabled projects [3].
The US Veterans Affairs BIM Guide [21] defines BIM manager and discipline BIM
coordinator’s responsibilities. It indicates that these roles are at the core of every BIM project.
Similarly, the Singaporean BIM guide [65] emphasizes that two BIM professional roles, BIM
manager and BIM coordinator, are recognized for facilitating the BIM process during the
design and construction phases. The Norwegian Home Builders’ Association acknowledges
the BIM coordinator as a key BIM role [66]. BSI PAS [15] defines the roles of task information
manager, task team manager, interface manager, and information originator for BIM-based
information management. Furthermore, the information manager role is also mandated in
the Construction Industry Council BIM protocol. Information management is important
in the level 2 BIM process [67]. Similarly, BIM roles of BIM manager, BIM coordinator,
and BIM modeler are also recognized by [42] for improving the stakeholders’ relationship.
Furthermore, Bilge and Yaman [68] explained the significance of information management
in BIM and integrated project delivery (IPD) real estate projects. The authors defined the
extended responsibilities of the information manager and information coordinator along
the project lifecycle.
Though widely focused these days, BIM roles may not be as clear as needed so far.
For example, Mathews [36] claimed that the industry is confused about the meaning and
interpretation of three BIM roles, i.e., BIM manager, BIM coordinator, and BIM technician.
Similarly, Davies et al. [34] studied how BIM specialist roles are defined in different BIM
guides, handbooks, manuals, and standards. The study concluded that similar BIM role
titles are used to describe different tasks within the project teams, which causes confusion.
Other studies show that BIM manager and BIM coordinator roles are blurred, and their
tasks are comparable [27,30,32]. Likewise, Zanni et al. [69] indicates that clash detection
will be the responsibility of either the BIM manager or BIM coordinator, creating tensions
between these roles. Jacobsson and Merschbrock [6] highlight that the BIM coordinator
tasks are comparable [27,30,32]. Likewise, Zanni et al. [69] indicates that clash detection
will be the responsibility of either the BIM manager or BIM coordinator, creating tensions
between these roles. Jacobsson and Merschbrock [6] highlight that the BIM coordinator is
mainly responsible for clash detection. However, Davies et al. [34] states that the BIM co-
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752
ordinator role is secondary and is led by the BIM manager. 6 of 22
Similarly, whether the BIM coordinator acts as a third party or comes from a design
or construction firm, the unique and dedicated role in managing BIM projects is becoming
necessary for most projects
is mainly responsible for clash[59]. Furthermore,
detection. However,Wang[42]
[34] noticed
states that that
BIM responsi-
bilities of a BIM modeler are comparable
coordinator role is secondary and is led by the BIM those of a BIM coordinator. In the information
management domain,the
Similarly, whether Bosch-Sijtsema
BIM coordinator[70] actsstates thatparty
as a third BIMorfacilitators
comes from manage
a design or the infor-
constructionand communication
firm, the unique and flow. However,
dedicated roleJacobsson
in managing andBIMMerschbrock [6] state that the
projects is becoming
BIM coordinator
necessary is mainly
for most projects [59].responsible
Furthermore,for Wangmanaging
et al. [42]information
noticed that the and communication
flows. In comparison, BIM documents emphasize that the information manager is re-
ities of a BIM modeler are comparable to those of a BIM coordinator. In the information
quired domain, Bosch-Sijtsema
for information-related [70] states
activities that BIM
[15,67]. Thus,facilitators
there existsmanagea fairtheconfusion
infor- be-
mation and communication flow. However, Jacobsson and Merschbrock [6] state that
tween the responsibilities of different BIM roles.
the BIM coordinator is mainly responsible for managing information and communication
flows.Different interpretations
In comparison, BIM documentsof identical
emphasize roles arethe
that visible depending
information manager on is
the standards fol-
lowed in each scenario [34]. With the increase in BIM-based projects,
for information-related activities [15,67]. Thus, there exists a fair confusion between the BIM-based roles and
titles have alsoofincreased,
responsibilities different BIMwhich
roles.has resulted in increased nomenclature. However, there
is still an ambiguity
Different in the industry
interpretations of identical about
aremeaning and description
visible depending of the discussed
on the standards
BIM roles.
followed in With so many
each scenario different
[34]. With thepositions
increase in held by the diverse
BIM-based projects, participants,
BIM-based roles it has
and become
very important
titles have to define
also increased, BIMhas
which roles for successful
resulted in increased BIM implementation
nomenclature. However,in the AEC
there is indus-
still an
try [34]. ambiguity in the industry about the meaning and description of the discussed BIM
roles. With so many different positions held by the diverse participants, it has become very
This confusion around the BIM roles may further jeopardize the developing coun-
important to define BIM roles for successful BIM implementation in the AEC industry [34].
construction industry,
confusion around where
the BIM stakeholders’
roles clashes and
may further jeopardize the imbalanced responsibilities
developing countries’
assignments are common. Moreover, the lack of awareness regarding
construction industry, where stakeholders’ clashes and imbalanced responsibilities assign- BIM-R&R in devel-
ments are countries
common. further addsthe
Moreover, to the
of awareness ofregarding
the failures of BIM-based
BIM-R&R projects. The
in developing
countries in BIM-based
further projects
adds to the in developing
adversities of the failureseconomies
of BIM-basednecessitates a thorough
projects. The increase under-
in BIM-based of the BIM in
projects roles. Therefore,
developing BIM roles
economies and responsibilities
necessitates must be studied
a thorough understanding of and
investigated in the context of developing countries providing impetus to this study.
the BIM roles. Therefore, BIM roles and responsibilities must be studied and investigated
in the context of developing countries providing impetus to this study.
3. ResearchMethodology
3. Research Methodology
AA three-step
processhashas been
been adopted
adopted in study,
in this this study, as displayed
as displayed in 1.Figure
in Figure The 1. The
subsequent sections thoroughly explain the research methodology.
subsequent sections thoroughly explain the research methodology.

Figure 1. Research methodology.

To address the research gap and identify the BIM-based roles and responsibilities, a
two-step literature review was carried out. In the first step, the BIM guides, standards,
and handbooks were searched online on Google & Microsoft Bing search engines by using
the keywords “BIM guides”, “BIM standards”, “BIM Handbooks” and “National BIM
guides/standards/handbooks” until the present. The idea was to gather the maximum
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 7 of 22

data possible for the study. This resulted in a total of 52 retrieved BIM guides/handbooks.
As a screening step,3.1.their introduction
Identification of BIM Tasksand contents were read to identify the roles and
and Roles
responsibilities within, To reducing
address the it research
to 29 relevant documents.
gap and identify In theroles
the BIM-based second step, published
and responsibilities, a
articles were searched online by using keywords including “Building Information Mod-
two-step literature review was carried out. In the first step, the BIM guides, standards,
and handbooks were searched online on Google & Microsoft Bing search engines by using
elling”, “BIM”, “BIM the roles”,
keywords“BIM responsibilities”,
“BIM guides”, “BIM standards”, “BIM“BIMprofessional
Handbooks” and roles” andBIM
“National “BIM
tasks” by using the ASCE, Web of Science, and Scopus libraries, Science Direct, Google
guides/standards/handbooks” until the present. The idea was to gather the maximum
data possible for the study. This resulted in a total of 52 retrieved BIM guides/handbooks.
Scholar, Taylor andAsFrancis
a screening Online, and
step, their Emerald
introduction andInsight following
contents were [55,71].
read to identify the The search
roles and
strings were formalized by combining
responsibilities the word
within, reducing “construction”
it to 29 relevant documents. Inwith the Boolean
the second opera-
step, published
tors AND/OR. The research publications only in the English language were considered in
articles were searched online by using keywords including “Building Information Mod-
elling”, “BIM”, “BIM roles”, “BIM responsibilities”, “BIM professional roles” and “BIM
this study. Initially,tasks”
113 bypapers
using the were
ASCE,retrieved related
Web of Science, to BIM
and Scopus rolesScience
libraries, in the construction
Direct, Google
industry from 2010 to 2022, out of which 48 duplicated papers were eliminated and
Scholar, Taylor and Francis Online, and Emerald Insight following [55,71]. The searchwere
strings were formalized by combining the word “construction” with the Boolean operators
counted only once.AND/OR.
Furthermore, 25 papers were removed that were not related to BIM
The research publications only in the English language were considered in this
roles and responsibilities and focused
study. Initially, 113 paperson other
were aspects
retrieved relatedoftoBIM roles
BIM roles such
in the as competencies,
construction industry
leaving 37 papers focused on BIM roles. To extract the most relevant papers, the keywords
from 2010 to 2022, out of which 48 duplicated papers were eliminated and were counted
only once. Furthermore, 25 papers were removed that were not related to BIM roles and
mentioned above were used inand
responsibilities thefocused
search on string of articles
other aspects to look
of BIM roles such asup the discussion
competencies, leaving re-
garding BIM roles and tasks.
37 papers Theon
focused papers having
BIM roles. information
To extract about
the most relevant BIM-R&R
papers, were
the keywords men-scru-
tinized and accessed individually, which resulted in the 26 shortlisted articles being ana-
tioned above were used in the search string of articles to look up the discussion regarding
BIM roles and tasks. The papers having information about BIM-R&R were scrutinized
lyzed further. Therefore, 29 BIM
and accessed guides which
individually, and 26 shortlisted
resulted in the 26 research papers
shortlisted articles resulted
being analyzed in 55
relevant documentsfurther.
utilized in this
Therefore, study
29 BIM as and
guides shown in Figure
26 shortlisted 2. papers resulted in 55 relevant
documents utilized in this study as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Identification of BIM tasks and roles though literature.

Figure 2. Identification of BIM tasks and roles though literature.
The BIM-based tasks and their roles were extracted from the BIM documents and
The BIM-basedthe
tasks and articles
published their roles were
and then extracted
scrutinized in twofrom
steps. the BIM
In the first documents
the and
step, extracted tasks

published articles and then scrutinized in two steps. In the first step, extracted tasks were
arranged alongside the project lifecycle phases used in BIM-based projects: initiation,
planning and design, construction, monitoring and control, and operation and mainte-
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 8 of 22

were arranged alongside the project lifecycle phases used in BIM-based projects: initiation,
planning and design, construction, monitoring and control, and operation and maintenance
as envisaged by multiple BIM studies [9,72–75]. As a result, 555 BIM-based tasks were
identified in five project phases. Upon scrutiny, the identical tasks were merged, resulting
in 125 shortlisted BIM tasks. Depending on their significance, these BIM tasks were then
classified into primary and secondary tasks. The primary category contained more exclusive
tasks in terms of BIM and was performed by BIM personnel. Whereas the tasks and roles
that are part of the project phases, even without BIM implementation, were placed in the
secondary category. This exercise identified 82 BIM tasks in the primary category and
43 tasks in the secondary category.
In the second step, BIM roles were identified for each corresponding task depending
on their frequency of appearance in the shortlisted documents. A maximum of the top
three roles was selected for a task. The same role was selected for the tasks where only
one role was mentioned in the literature. However, the most frequently used (top three)
roles were chosen for the tasks with multiple roles. It was observed that approximately
50 tasks have only one role identified. This was because the tasks have only appeared
once in the literature, or only one role has appeared frequently for that task. All these
identified tasks are important concerning BIM, and it is also important to identify their
correct role in context with DBB. Consequently, the BIM roles were separated for the design
and construction phases considering the DBB project delivery method. All the selected
roles and primary tasks formed the basis for the questionnaire development, as shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. Identified BIM tasks and roles.

Task ID Project Phases BIM Tasks Top Roles from Literature Selected Refs
Facilitate the development of a project
T1 BIM manager (design) [20]
BIM brief
Define, complete and update the BIM BIM manager (design), BIM
T2 [3,76]
execution plan coordinator (design)
BIM manager (design), BIM
T3 Identify BIM standards [3,77]
coordinator (design)
Facilitate the identification and
T4 Model manager [35]
implementation of BIM standards
BIM coordinator (design), BIM
T5 Define project BIM protocols [3,78]
facilitator (design)
Establish project information requirement
T6 Information manager (design) [68]
and information protocols
T7 Coordinate BIM tasks in design discipline BIM coordinator (design) [34]
Provide guidelines to the team on agreed
T8 BIM coordinator (design) [34]
project rules
Provide design guidelines to the team on
T9 Model manager [79]
project rules as agreed
T10 Communicate BIM vision to the team BIM manager (design) [80]
Establish asset information requirements
T11 and the process to maintain the asset Information manager (design) [68]
information model
Planning & Design
BIM manager (design), BIM
Coordinate and organize BIM training
T12 coordinator (design), BIM [32,81]
and workshops
facilitator (design)
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 9 of 22

Table 1. Cont.

Task ID Project Phases BIM Tasks Top Roles from Literature Selected Refs
Coordinate modeling standards among
T13 Model manager [79]
the project team
Manage all the graphical model
development related tasks and BIM manager (design), BIM
T14 non-graphical model development related coordinator (design), BIM [30,77]
tasks in accordance with BIM facilitator (design)
execution plan
Create, coordinate & extract design
T15 Model manager, BIM modeler [35]
drawings from BIM models
Coordinate all technical discipline and
T16 trade-specific BIM activity, i.e., tools, BIM coordinator (design) [76,81]
content, standards, requirements
Lead the BIM documentation and analysis
T17 BIM coordinator (design) [21,82]
efforts of the internal project team
Perform internal model reviews and
T18 Model manager [35]
interdisciplinary checks
Oversee the fully integrated set of project BIM manager (design), BIM
T19 [42,83]
models from all disciplines coordinator (design)
BIM manager (design), BIM
T20 Coordinate multidisciplinary tasks coordinator (design), [77,84]
Model manager
Planning & Design
BIM manager (design), BIM
T21 Assure assembling of merged models coordinator (design), BIM [78,85]
facilitator (design)
Assure and inspect the functionality of
T22 merged models and the integration of the Model manager [79]
design models
BIM manager (design), BIM
Carry out clash detection and
T23 coordinator (design), [84,86]
resolution activities
Model manager
Manage model transfer and
T24 BIM manager (design) [20]
version control
Schedule, coordinate, and facilitate BIM
BIM manager (design), BIM
T25 meetings for the design and construction [66,77]
coordinator (design)
team as well as all design disciplines
Participate and coordinate in internal
T26 Model manager [79]
BIM meetings
Prepare project outputs and revise them
T27 regarding quality assurance (QA) and Model manager, BIM modeler [87]
quality control (QC) protocols
Assist in the preparation of BIM manager (design),
T28 [34,67]
project outputs Information manager (design)
Coordinate with the construction manager
T29 BIM manager (design) [84]
on the BIM execution plan
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 10 of 22

Table 1. Cont.

Task ID Project Phases BIM Tasks Top Roles from Literature Selected Refs
Create BIM execution plan in coordination BIM manager (construction),
T30 [82,88]
with the design team BIM coordinator (construction)
Establish software protocols for efficient
T31 BIM manager (construction) [21,77]
BIM delivery
T32 Coordinate software training BIM manager (construction) [21,77]
Coordinate sub-contractor
T33 BIM manager (construction) [82]
BIM development
Integrate and coordinate the construction
T34 BIM manager (construction) [84]
schedule with developed models
Integrate 3D fabrication models with the
BIM manager (construction),
T35 updated design model to ensure [78,82]
Construction BIM facilitator (construction)
compliance with the design intent
Carry out clash detection and
T36 BIM manager (construction) [82,84]
resolution activities
Schedule, coordinate, and facilitate BIM BIM manager (construction),
T37 meetings for the design and construction BIM coordinator (construction), [77,89]
team and all design disciplines BIM facilitator (construction)
Update models for shop
T38 BIM coordinator (construction) [82,89]
drawings development
T39 Create construction and as-built models BIM coordinator (construction) [65]
T40 Prepare as-built BIM Model manager [29]
BIM manager (construction),
T41 Coordinate data extraction sets [77,78]
BIM facilitator (construction)
Coordinate model commissioning and
T42 BIM manager (construction) [82]
data handover
BIM manager (design), BIM
Implement and manage the BIM process, manager (construction), BIM
T43 [35,84]
i.e., the BIM execution plan manager (design
and construction)
Participate in the updating of the
T44 Model manager [79]
BIM plan
BIM manager (design and
Ensure compliance with the BIM
T45 construction), BIM coordinator [34,77]
execution plan
(design and construction)
Monitoring & BIM manager (design), BIM
T46 Control Ensure compliance with standards coordinator (design), Task [15,87]
information manager
BIM coordinator (design),
T47 Ensure BIM protocols implementation [3,67]
Information manager (design)
Verify that all necessary configurations
required for the seamless integration of
T48 BIM manager (design) [77,82]
design and construction model
information have been implemented
Ensure the accuracy of construction
T49 documents in accordance with discipline BIM modeler [89]
BIM modeling
T50 Ensure document management BIM manager (design) [21,34]
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 11 of 22

Table 1. Cont.

Task ID Project Phases BIM Tasks Top Roles from Literature Selected Refs
BIM manager (design and
Ensure software installation, operation,
T51 construction), BIM facilitator [21,34]
and version control
(design and construction)
T52 Ensure software operation Model manager [87]
Develop & maintain graphical and
T53 non-graphical models in accordance with BIM modeler [59,90]
the BIM execution plan
BIM coordinator (design and
T54 Monitor model production and updating construction), BIM facilitator [6,91]
(design and construction)
T55 Manage model production and updating Model manager [35,90]
BIM manager (design and
Brief, assist, and coordinate
T56 construction), BIM coordinator [20,42]
with stakeholders
(design and construction)
T57 Assist in coordination with stakeholders Model manager [29]
BIM manager (design and
Communicate/Coordinate BIM issues
T58 construction), BIM coordinator [20,92]
with other members
(design and construction)
Manage the BIM resources (hardware,
T59 BIM manager (construction) [35]
software, and people)
Ensure BIM is used appropriately to test BIM manager (design), BIM
T60 [78,82]
design requirements/criteria facilitator (design)
Monitoring & Perform and manage the QA and QC BIM manager (design), BIM
T61 [34,93]
Control of models coordinator (design)
Look after design discipline-based QA
T62 Model manager [79]
and QC of models
Coordinate update of as-built conditions
T63 BIM manager (construction) [21,91]
in the final model deliverable
Adhere to the projects BIM deliverables
T64 Model manager [90]
and their submission
Ensure final BIM deliverable requirements
T65 BIM manager (design) [21,77]
are achieved
Maintain local file transfers, control of
access lefts, and compilation of
T66 Model manager [35]
information from smaller models of
other members
BIM manager (design),
Manage digital outputs, data
T67 Information manager (design), [94]
transmission, and archiving
Model manager
Facilitate, plan, and manage
T68 Model manager [29,35]
interoperability issues
BIM coordinator (design), BIM
T69 Manage interoperability issues [6,70]
facilitator (design)
Information manager (design),
Information manager
Enable integration and coordination of
T70 (construction), Information [15]
information within the information model
manager (design
and construction)
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 12 of 22

Table 1. Cont.

Task ID Project Phases BIM Tasks Top Roles from Literature Selected Refs
BIM manager (design), BIM
Coordinate to assure completeness of manager (construction), BIM
T71 [21,77]
interoperability information manager (design
and construction)
Ensure interoperability information is BIM manager (design), BIM
T72 [21,91]
provided for milestone submittals facilitator (design)
Liaise with the client’s facilities
management department to determine
T73 BIM manager (design) [76]
specific data and file
exchange requirements
Monitoring & Maintain exchange Information
T74 [68]
Control information requirements manager (construction)
Initiate and implement the project
T75 information plan and asset Information manager (design) [68]
information plan
Enable reliable information exchange
T76 Information manager (design) [68]
through a common data environment
Manage the processes and procedures for
T77 Information manager (design) [68]
information exchange on projects
Ensure that the information exchanged
between the different stakeholders
T78 BIM manager (design) [18]
corresponds to the rules fixed by
the contract
Information manager
T79 Archive the project information model [68]
Ensure information and model availability
T80 BIM coordinator (construction) [66]
for operation and maintenance
Operation &
Maintenance Identify assets (model and physical) and
T81 the foreseeable trigger events for which [68]
manager (construction)
information should be managed
T82 Capture lessons learned for future projects [68]
manager (construction)

3.2. Data Collection and Primary Analysis

Data in this research were collected through a questionnaire that was developed by
using the identified BIM tasks and their relevant roles from both the published articles
and BIM guides. The questionnaire aimed to identify BIM roles for the BIM-based tasks in
construction projects using the DBB project delivery method in developing countries.
The questionnaire has two sections. The first section inquires about the respondent’s
demographic and organizational information, such as their role, country of organization,
designation, and experience. The second section identifies the most appropriate BIM
role for each BIM task. For the tasks where more than one role was identified from the
literature, respondents were asked to choose from the given roles or to mention any other
role. However, for the tasks for which only one role was identified through the literature, an
option was given to either select the same role or to mention another deemed appropriate
by the respondents. Thus, the respondents had a choice in selecting the role for each task.
The questionnaire was circulated in the construction industry of developing and developed
economies. The reason for approaching both developed and developing countries is
that developed countries are more experienced in implementing BIM and have a better
understanding of the BIM process. Furthermore, DBB methods are still used for some
projects in developed countries, so their opinion is relevant. It was also important to get
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 13 of 22

the point of view from developing countries, as they have begun implementing BIM in
line with the main aim of this study. The targeted respondents from the construction
industry include BIM managers, project and construction managers, BIM coordinators, and
BIM modelers.
Additionally, employees from the consultant and contractor firms were approached
with a minimum of three years of BIM experience for more credible responses. The
questionnaire was circulated online via official organizational emails and professional
networks such as LinkedIn for four months between July 2021 and October 2021. As a
result, 105 valid responses were obtained from the 200 professionals contacted to fill the
questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 52 percent.
Following the statistics mentioned by [95], a sample size of 105 responses was consid-
ered adequate to represent a population of 200 million. The demographic information of
the respondents is mentioned in Table 2.

Table 2. Demographic information of respondents.

Demographic Variables Numbers Percentage (%)

Client 5 5
Design consultant 39 37
Organization type 3 3
Contractor 28 27
Architect 18 17
Other 12 11
Project manager 2 2
3 3
Role in organization
BIM manager 43 41
BIM modeler 21 20
BIM coordinator 28 27
Other 8 7
1–3 28 27
3–6 32 31
Year of experience with BIM 6–9 23 21
9–12 10 10
Above 12 12 11

The highest number of responses were received from Asia (58%), as shown in Figure 3.
Moreover, the maximum number of responses were received from India in the Asian
continent. Similarly, the top countries from the continents where the majority of responses
were obtained are Egypt from Africa (corner of Africa and Asia), France from Europe,
Canada from North America, Ecuador from South America, and Australia from Oceania.
According to the findings of the [96] study, BIM adoption in Asia is perceived to be
comparable to that of any other developed continent, which confirms the higher response
rate from Asia in this study.
It can be clearly seen in Table 2 that most of the respondents were working with
consultants (40%), followed by the contractor organizations (27%) as they are the primary
stakeholders and are more familiar with implementing BIM. Moreover, BIM manager
(41%) and BIM coordinator (27%) were the key BIM positions held by these respondents.
Thus, the respondents held important BIM positions in their respective organizations.
Furthermore, 34% of the respondents worked in technical BIM jobs like BIM modeler and
management jobs such as project manager and construction manager. Furthermore, 83%
of the respondents had less than 10 years of experience. The main reason is that BIM is a
relatively new technology gaining experience with time [97]. Consequently, most of the
direct BIM experience is expected to be limited [55].
continent. Similarly, the top countries from the continents where the majority of responses
were obtained are Egypt from Africa (corner of Africa and Asia), France from Europe,
Canada from North America, Ecuador from South America, and Australia from Oceania.
According to the findings of the [96] study, BIM adoption in Asia is perceived to be com-
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 parable to that of any other developed continent, which confirms the higher response14rate
of 22
from Asia in this study.

Figure informationofofrespondents.

Responses were then analyzed to get the most appropriate BIM role for each identified
It can be clearly seen in Table 2 that most of the respondents were working with con-
BIM task. Each role mentioned by the respondents was analyzed, and the frequency with
sultants (40%), followed by the contractor organizations (27%) as they are the primary
which it was identified was noted. The role with the highest frequency was selected for
stakeholders and are more familiar with implementing BIM. Moreover, BIM manager
each task.
(41%) and BIM coordinator (27%) were the key BIM positions held by these respondents.
Thus, the respondents
4. Matrix Developmentheld important
for BIM Roles BIM positions in their(BIM-R&R)
and Responsibilities respective organizations.
Furthermore, 34% of the respondents worked in technical BIM jobs like BIM modeler and
The collected data was used to develop a matrix for implementing BIM-R&R on a
management jobs such as project manager and construction manager. Furthermore, 83%
BIM-based DBB project. To do this, research articles were explored to get an idea of how a
of the respondents had less than 10 years of experience. The main reason is that BIM is a
process map for implementing BIM-R&R can be developed. This was done to identify the
relatively new technology gaining experience with time [97]. Consequently, most of the
key groups and relate them to the tasks in the project lifecycle phases of BIM. It was found
direct BIM experience is expected to be limited [55].
that three project focus groups, i.e., process, people, and technology (PPT), are widely
Responses were then analyzed to get the most appropriate BIM role for each identi-
accepted and help improve the overall organizational efforts [98–100]. The implementation
fied BIM task. Each role
of new technologies mentioned
requires by thechanges
considerable respondents
in thewas analyzed,process.
construction and theTherefore,
becomes crucial to define the process and to hire and train the right people [101]. selected
which it was identified was noted. The role with the highest frequency was Dawood
andeach task. [102] also used PPT to classify BIM information flow during the project
lifecycle processes. Davies et al. [34] also used the same categorization to classify the BIM
Matrix Development
These articles for BIM
assist in Roles
gettingand Responsibilities
an idea about how the (BIM-R&R)
groups of PPT can be used
The collected data was used to develop a matrix for implementing
to classify BIM tasks. A detailed overview of the PPT groups, project participants, BIM-R&R onand a
BIM-based DBB project.
tasks associated To do project
with different this, research
phasesarticles wereinexplored
is provided to get an idea
the Supplementary of how
excel sheet
process asmap for implementing
Supplementary Data BIM-R&R can be developed. This was done to identify
to this article.
the key groups and
Following this,relate them tomatrix
a BIM-R&R the tasks in the project
is developed along lifecycle phases
the project of BIM.
lifecycle It was
phases by
using that three
the PPT projectasfocus
groups, shown groups,
in Figurei.e.,4.process, people, andthe
While categorizing technology
tasks, it was(PPT), are
that allaccepted
the tasks and
werehelp improve
placed the overall
in the correct PPT organizational
group. The distinctefforts [98–100].
groups alongThe imple-
which BIM
mentation of new technologies
tasks are classified are representedrequires considerable
horizontally changes inProject
and vertically. the construction process.
lifecycle phases are
Therefore, it becomesand
shown horizontally, crucial
process and to hire
vertically. BIMandtaskstrain the rightbetween
are grouped people
[101]. Dawood
the vertical andand Vukoviccategories.
horizontal [102] also Different
used PPTcolor to classify BIM information
combinations are used to flow during
the projectdifferent
between lifecycle BIM
personnelDavies to et al. [34]
whom BIM also usedare
tasks theassigned.
same categorization
These include to clas-
sify the BIM activities. These articles assist in getting an idea about how the groups of PPT
manager (design), BIM manager (construction), BIM coordinator (design), BIM coordinator
(construction), information manager (design), information manager (construction), model
manager, and BIM modeler. The task number represents the tasks presented in Table 1,
whereas the coloring represents the BIM person responsible for performing these tasks.
For example, T1 represents task number for “Facilitate the development of a project BIM
brief,” and its color, “light yellow,” shows that the BIM manager (design) will perform this
task. Some tasks were assigned to more than one BIM professional and were placed in
succession to eliminate confusion.
sign), BIM coordinator (construction), information manager (design), information man-
ager (construction), model manager, and BIM modeler. The task number represents the
tasks presented in Table 1, whereas the coloring represents the BIM person responsible
for performing these tasks. For example, T1 represents task number for “Facilitate the de-
velopment of a project BIM brief,” and its color, “light yellow,” shows that the BIM man-
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 15 of 22
ager (design) will perform this task. Some tasks were assigned to more than one BIM pro-
fessional and were placed in succession to eliminate confusion.


Figure ProposedBIM-R&R
BIM-R&R matrix.
thedifferent colors
different correspond
colors to the
correspond colorcolor
to the of the
of the
BIM rolesand
responsibilities provided
provided in
in the
under the matrix
the matrix.

5. Results
This paper presents a matrix to define BIM-R&R for DBB construction projects in
developing countries. The study highlights that the BIM roles have been developed
without uniformity over the past years due to the development of multiple BIM guides.
In contrast, no study has been conducted for applying BIM-R&R to a DBB project in
developing countries. To develop roles for DBB projects, the survey responses in the current
study show that certain roles need to be bifurcated between design and construction teams,
wherein the roles of BIM manager, BIM coordinator, and information manager are prevalent.
The survey results indicate that the BIM manager (design), BIM manager (construction),
BIM coordinator (design), BIM coordinator (construction), information manager (design),
information manager (construction), model manager, and BIM modeler are the key roles
on a BIM project for implementing BIM-based activities.

6. Discussion
According to the results, the BIM managers for design and construction have different
roles, depending on the project phase and the party they represent. The matrix shows
that most of the tasks related to planning and design fall under the responsibility of the
BIM manager (design), whereas the tasks related to execution fall under the responsibility
of the BIM manager (construction). Thus, the BIM manager (design) and BIM manager
(construction) are responsible for certain important managerial tasks such as defining,
completing, and updating the BIM execution plan (T2) and creating the BIM execution
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 16 of 22

plan in coordination with the design team (T31), respectively. These findings can be
verified from [76,103], which outlines the BIM manager (design) responsible for defining
the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) for all the planning, design, and supervision activities related
to a project. On the other hand, Florida International University (FIU) [84] assigns the
BEP creation for the project’s construction phase to the BIM manager (construction), who
oversees all aspects of construction. This shows the harmony of the obtained responses
with the published sources.
Similarly, some important technical tasks for BIM managers (design) and (construction)
include overseeing the fully integrated set of project models from all disciplines (T20) and
integrating and coordinating the construction schedule with developed models (T34),
respectively. Most of the technical tasks are identical to the tasks defined in various BIM
guides and articles that fall under the responsibility of the BIM manager [31,83,84,104]. The
results of the current study clarify this confusion by correctly assigning the tasks to the BIM
manager of the design and construction teams.
There were also instances in which a certain task is defined as the responsibility of
differing BIM personnel in the literature. For example, the literature suggests a task for
assisting in preparing project outputs to be the responsibility of the BIM manager [34] or
information manager [105]. Because the responses are provided for DBB projects which
bifurcates the responsibilities of the consultant and the contractor, this confusion is also
negated. Accordingly, most respondents believe it to be the responsibility of the BIM man-
ager (design), which seems logical because the BIM manager will be in a more commanding
position to lead this task. Although the decision of task assignment to different roles lies
with the project stakeholders, this survey will help the stakeholders assign the roles with
more clarity on their projects.
In this study, information management tasks are also divided between the Informa-
tion manager (design) and the information manager (construction). According to [34],
the information manager is responsible for the information requirements of the project.
This is reflected in the findings of the present study as the information manager (design)
and the information manager (construction) are declared responsible for the information
requirements of projects in their respective phase. Furthermore, the results also show that
the information manager (construction) is responsible for archiving the project information
models in addition to maintaining the information requirements during execution. This
result also coincided with the literature, as Bilge and Yaman [68] mentioned this task to be
among the fundamental responsibility of the information manager at the end of the project.
The results further reveal that the BIM coordinator (design) is mostly responsible for
managing graphical and non-graphical activities (T15) along with clash detection of models
(T24). According to [21,69], the BIM coordinator is in charge of these tasks, which aligns
with the current study’s results. Furthermore, the task of a BIM coordinator (construction)
includes the creation of construction and as-built models (T43). Building and Construction
Authority (BCA) [65] while describing the roles of the BIM coordinator (construction), states
that the BIM coordinator (construction) is responsible for these activities, thus supporting
the findings of the current study.
According to the literature, a model manager is responsible for conducting interdis-
ciplinary checks and dealing with internal model reviews and possible interoperability
issues [29]. This is also supported by the survey results, which show broad agreement
among respondents. Furthermore, according to [35,42,89], the tasks such as model develop-
ment and construction drawing development are the responsibility of the BIM modeler,
corresponding to the survey results.
Furthermore, the CIC BIM protocol suggests that the information manager be in charge
of assisting in the preparation of project outputs [105]. The respondents, however, contrarily
believe it to be the responsibility of the BIM manager (design). This makes sense as the task
will be more effectively led by the BIM manager. Additionally, the roles for information
management are also suggested by PAS as being crucial for the project [15]. This study
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 17 of 22

includes the information manager role as well, but due to the DBB’s bifurcated nature, it is
divided into the Information manager (design) and the information manager (construction).
Furthermore, it is observed that in contrast to the literature of developed economies,
where multiple roles such as BIM manager, BIM coordinator, and information coordinator
are identified for tasks such as define, complete, and update the BIM execution plan
(T2), the respondents of the study clearly choose BIM manager (design) for this job in
developing countries. Similarly, for the task of carrying out clash detection and resolution
activities (T23), the literature identifies BIM manager, BIM coordinator, and model manager,
whereas survey respondents select BIM coordinator (design) for DBB projects in developing
countries. Thus, apart from the differences in BIM roles for a task, the study clearly
identifies BIM roles needed for DBB projects in developing economies.
Additionally, due to the human resource challenges, which might be financial or
resource availability, it may be considered that some BIM roles identified in this study can
be merged with the existing roles on the construction project. It is not recommended for
the role of the BIM manager, as it is the sole responsibility of the BIM manager to manage
the entire BIM process. However, other identified roles can be merged, considering that the
person in this role has BIM knowledge.

6.1. Validation of the Matrix through Expert Opinion

To determine the applicability of the proposed matrix, three experts from the industry
with BIM experience were contacted to validate the proposed matrix by using the triangu-
lation technique. Due to the length of the matrix, it was not feasible to conduct interviews.
Experts have to critically analyze the placement of each task in project phases as well as
in PPT. Due to a large number of tasks, the experts were sent a PDF file. The idea was to
ensure the reliability of the validation achieved. Thus, the construction industry experts
having significant experience and an in-depth understanding of BIM were contacted. The
experts approached were informed about the study in detail and the intention of validating
the matrix. After receiving their consent to validate the matrix, the PDF file was provided
to them to give their opinion on it. Accordingly, an expert from one developed and two
developing countries are engaged in the validation. Table 3 shows the demographics of the
consulted experts.

Table 3. Demographics of experts for validating the matrix.

Demographics of Respondents Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3

Organization type Architect Architect Contractor
Country of organization France Lebanon Qatar
Role in organization BIM Manager BIM Manager BIM Manager
Year of experience with BIM 9–12 6–9 3–6

All experts agreed on the placement of the tasks in the project phases and PPT, and
no changes were recommended. Likewise, they also agreed on the roles for each task
assigned through the questionnaire’s responses. However, a few concerns were raised that
are discussed below.
One of the concerns raised by the experts was that no modeling-related BIM modeler
task is present in the construction phase. The modeling-related tasks of the BIM modeler
are present in the monitoring and control phase of the matrix. However, it should be noted
that the monitoring and control phase responsibilities must be carried out during both the
planning and construction phases of the project’s lifetime. Consequently, the initial task is
correct, and its placement was not changed.
Similarly, one of the respondents argued that they have only three roles for BIM
management, i.e., model manager, BIM coordinator, and BIM manager. Therefore, the
information manager role does not exist, and its tasks can be delegated to the BIM manager.
However, it is to be noted that the roles identified in this study are the result of a thorough
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 18 of 22

review of the existing literature, and BIM publications stress the importance of having an
information manager in charge of all information-related tasks as supported by relevant
studies in different countries of the world [15,67]. Such requirements are more pronounced
in developed countries where information management is considered a high-priority
task. Therefore, such a position is retained in the current study to have a holistic matrix.
Moreover, one respondent recommended the representation of the proposed BIM-R&R in
the form of a matrix. The said BIM-R&R matrix is developed to address this suggestion,
and its expansion is provided in the Supplementary File with this article.

6.2. Study Implications and Contributions

This study has proposed a BIM-R&R matrix that will explain all the BIM roles and
responsibilities required for the DBB project delivery methods along the project life cycle
phases of BIM in construction projects of developing countries. The BIM-R&R matrix will
help with a better understanding of BIM actor roles, providing a clearer definition regarding
who performs what task and who is responsible for what activity on the BIM-based project.
Moreover, the BIM-R&R matrix will eventually help in identifying the right and appropriate
BIM personnel for BIM-enabled projects. Furthermore, this matrix will assist managers in
training their employees for the required role, if necessary.

7. Conclusions
Worldwide, BIM implementation has not only caused a change in traditional project
roles and responsibilities but also has created new BIM roles on BIM-based projects. With
the increase in BIM implementation in developed economies, multiple BIM roles have been
created to address the BIM process. To systematize the contrasting and indistinct BIM-R&R
description, this research investigated how BIM roles are defined in the literature and policy
documents. This study highlights the BIM roles required for successfully implementing
BIM on DBB projects, which will help developing countries better understand the BIM
roles and implementation. Insights on what BIM tasks are performed by which BIM roles
were gained through the questionnaire survey.
The survey results help selects appropriate BIM roles for the BIM tasks. The BIM
roles identified through this study are BIM manager (design), BIM manager (construction),
BIM coordinator (design), BIM coordinator (construction), information manager (design),
information manager (construction), model manager, and BIM modeler.
The current study humbly attempts to uplift the BIM implementation status in devel-
oping countries by providing a definition and matrix to assign tasks to different BIM experts
and roles in DBB projects. It will help the relevant construction and project managers assign
tasks, duties, and responsibilities to the BIM professionals and achieve more stakeholders’
satisfaction through transparent, clearer, and well-defined information-sharing mechanisms.
The current study is limited by its number of respondents, more focus on developing
countries, and a single type of project delivery (DBB). In the future, this can be extended
to include other more advanced and collaborative project types such as public–private
partnerships, alliances, and joint ventures. In addition, this study examined BIM guides and
articles along with survey data. Furthermore, researchers can conduct detailed interviews
with the field BIM practitioners of developing economies to get more precise results.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www. The attached Excel sheet provides the detailed
BIM-R&R matrix representing the proposed BIM-based roles and their corresponding responsibilities.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, U.E.H.H. and A.R.N.; data curation, U.E.H.H.; formal analysis,
U.E.H.H.; investigation, U.E.H.H.; methodology, U.E.H.H., A.R.N., F.U., S.Q. and M.J.T.; project administra-
tion, U.E.H.H. and A.R.N.; resources, U.E.H.H., A.R.N. and F.U.; supervision, A.R.N.; validation, U.E.H.H.;
visualization, U.E.H.H.; writing—original draft, U.E.H.H.; writing—review and editing, A.R.N., F.U., S.Q.
and M.J.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Buildings 2022, 12, 1752 19 of 22

Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all respondents involved in
the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data are available with the first author and can be shared upon
reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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