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Quality Improvement of Paper From Bamboo and Hardw

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Quality improvement of paper from bamboo and hardwood furnish through

fiber fractionation

Article  in  Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research · May 2005


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5 authors, including:

Sanjay Tyagi
Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute


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Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research
Vol. 64, April 2005, pp. 299-305

Quality improvement of paper from bamboo and hardwood furnish through

fiber fractionation
Y V Sood*, P C Pande, Sanjay Tyagi, Indranil Payra, Nisha and A G Kulkarni
Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute, Post Box No 174, Saharanpur 247 001
Received 29 October 2004; accepted 28 February 2005

This study is aimed to improve the quality of paper made from hardwoods (70-80%) and bamboo furnish (20-30%)
through fractionation process. The fiber fractionation followed by selective processing of each fraction proved to be a better
option to produce paper of improved quality in terms of strength, optical and printing properties. The paper also discusses
the machine runnability with fractionated pulp samples based on Wet web properties and fines content of fractionated pulp.
The possibilities of using different fractions in different grades were also explored. This is a good opportunity for mills
having multiple paper machines and making different varieties of paper.
Keywords: Fiber fractionation, Fiber rising, Bamboo, Hardwood, Refining, Fluff
IPC Code: D 21 H 17/72

Introduction the common furnish components of Indian mills, are

Fiber fractionation processes, which utilize evaluated systematically for their fractionation
maximum potential of the fibers and produce better behavior.
quality paper, are becoming increasingly important in Fiber fractionation followed by selective processing
paper industry. Fractionation of pulps separates fibers of each fraction is an efficient means of producing
according to different fiber properties like length, papers of better quality in terms of strength, optical
coarseness, flexibility etc. This offers the paper maker and printing properties. This process results in
options to produce paper with optimum properties for reducing energy requirement, improves recombined
a specific application by controlling the refining strength and also reduces fines generation. This
conditions, use of additives, dewatering conditions at technology, extensively used in developing countries,
the wet end and draws in the dryer section. The is not used in India primarily because of lack of
fractionation generates two pulp fractions of different knowledge about pulps produced from indigenous
fiber length distribution or shive content. raw materials. After fractionation of pulp in two
Fractionation can be used to separate different fibers fractions, it may be directed to the desired product.
and hence paper characteristics1–3. In paper making, Long fibers may be used in manufacturing paper of
current practice is to reduce the grammage of paper to good strength, while relatively short fraction may be
save raw material and to cut energy cost, postal cost used in producing inferior quality paper. Further it is
and waste. Reduction in basis weight3 of paper will assumed that blending of long fibers fraction with
affect almost all paper properties (Table 1). By short fiber pulp after beating the pulps separately
fractionation, it becomes possible to use better gives better strength properties when compared to the
fraction in making low grammage paper. pulp obtained from mixed pulp beating.
Fractionation prior to papermaking is the common Fiber fractionation lists many methods to separate
practice abroad for paper manufacture from waste
fibers into long and short components4−6. Fractiona-
paper furnish. In this paper, blends like bamboo and
tion also results in removal of fines from furnish by
mixed hardwoods (75:25), agricultural residues and
separating out much of this material with short fiber
softwood or jute (85:15), and waste paper, which are
furnish. By separating short, low freeness fiber,
_________ only longer portion of furnish needs to be refined,
*Author for correspondence
Tel: +91 0132 2725317 / 229 resulting in a possible overall decrease in refining
E-mail: energy.

Table 1— Effect on paper properties by increasing the Results and Discussion

grammage (range, 15−60 g/m2)3 Strength Development in Fractionated Pulp
Property Effect Bleached Pulp (70-80% mixed hardwood, 20-30%
bamboo pulp), which is a typical furnish of big mills
Wet web properties at constant solid content
in India, was collected from a mill and subjected to
Tensile Index Increases fractionation and refining studies. Bauer McNett
Stretch Increases classification indicated that (+50) fraction (mesh
TEA Index Increases opening 0.297 mm) in such pulp mixture is about 45
Dry sheet properties per cent and (+30) fraction (mesh opening 0.595 mm)
is about 20 per cent. The amount of fines (passing 200
Formation (Grammage Decreases and then levels off
mesh) in whole pulp is about 20−25 per cent. The
Density Increases pulp was separated into following two groups of
Absorption coefficient, Increases and then levels off fractions: (i) Retained on +50 mesh and passing −50
Scattering coefficient, Increases and then levels off mesh; (ii) Retained on +30 mesh and passing −30
Opacity, Increases and then levels off mesh.
Tensile index, Increases and then levels off The Fiber Strength Index, which is indicative of the
Elastic modulus, Increases and then levels off intrinsic strength of fiber, was highest for (+30)
Stretch at breaks, Increases and then levels off fraction followed by (+50) fraction (Table 2). This
Zero span No effect indicated that paper having high tearing strength
Tear Index Depends on furnish could be manufactured using this fraction. The
Table 2— Fiber strength and presence of vessel elements in different fractions were studied for strength
different pulp fractions development behavior by beating in laboratory PFI
Amount FSI Vessel element
Fraction sieve
% km frequencies
Studies on the Strength Improvement of Fractionated Pulp
+50 45 13.2 Little (+50 and -50 Fraction)
-50 55 11.2 Excessive The development of bonding strength
+30 20 14.2 Very little characteristics (tensile, bursting) on beating at a
-30 80 10.2 Excessive particular apparent density level is more for +50
Experimental Methodology fraction than -50 fraction (Figs 1, 2). The behavior of
Bleached/unbleached pulp samples, collected from the tearing strength is also in the same way (Fig. 3).
mill, contain hardwood (70-80%) and bamboo pulp Specific scattering co-efficient, which is an important
(20-30%). The fiber fractionation was carried out on property for printing grade paper, as it affects opacity
laboratory Bauer McNett fiber classifier. The pulp and print through, is also improved if pulp is
was beaten in PFI mill as per ISO 5264/2-1979 (E) fractionated and treated separately (Fig. 4). This is
method. The handsheets, prepared on British probably due to a better refining action impact on the
handsheet former according to ISO 5269-1 method, fibers when treated separately than as a mixture.
were conditioned (temp, 27±1°C; relative humidity, There are always two possibilities of making paper
65±2%) prior to testing. The following tests were from the fractionated pulp. One is refining the two
carried out as per standard methods: (i) Thickness, fractions separately and then mixing to form a paper
ISO 534:1988 (E); (ii) Tensile Strength Index, ISO sheet. The second, which is generally preferred, is to
1924-2:1994 (E); (iii) Tearing Strength Index, ISO make different grade of papers on different paper
1974:1994 (E); (iv) Burst Strength Index, ISO 2758; machines. For the first approach, following three
(v) Specific Scattering Coefficient, SCAN C 27-69; possibilities were examined: (i) Sheet prepared using
(vi) Folding Endurance, ISO 5626:1993(E); (vii) as such pulp; (ii) Sheet prepared using +50 fraction
Fiber Rising Test, Using Fiber Rising Tester; (viii) beaten to 450 CSF and −50 fraction beaten to 300
Fiber Strength Index, Using Pulmac Short Span CSF and mixing to get blend around 350 CSF; and
Tensile Tester; (ix) Wet Web TEA Index, SCAN- (iii) Multilayered sheets prepared using +50 and -50
M18; (x) Kink Index, using Fiber Quality Analyzer; fractions. The −50 fraction was kept between two
and (xi) Curl Index, Using Fiber Quality Analyzer. layers of +50 fraction.

The results (Table 3) indicated that the better paper

characteristics are obtained when sheet is prepared
using last two approaches. There is an increase in
Tensile Index (15%), Tear Index (15%) and Burst
Index (5%) of single layered sheet prepared after
recombining the +50 and –50 fractions as compared
to unfractionated pulp. Similarly, multilayered sheets,
formed by keeping shorter fraction between two
layers of longer fractions, showed increase in Tensile
Fig. 1 — Development of Tensile Index on beating of as such and Index (17.5%), Tear Index (16.2%) and Burst Index
different fractions of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp, 20-30% (8%) in comparison to unfractionated pulp. This
bamboo) indicated that better strength packaging grade paper
could be produced from fractionated pulp. The vessels
pick number and fiber rising characteristics, which are
indicative of fluff problems on paper machine dryers
and on printing press, were reduced. Thus, lower
vessel pick number and fiber rising characteristics
indicated possibilities of reducing the fluff problem
on paper making dryers and on printing presses. The
second approach producing paper on different
machines will enable to produce paper on one
machine with higher surface strength like lithographic
Fig. 2 — Development of Burst Index on beating of as such and grades and other like copier and printing papers.
different fraction of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp, 20-30%
Studies on the Strength Improvement of Fractionated Pulp
(+30 and -30 Fraction)
Similar to +50 and -50 fractions, the development
of tensile strength and bursting strength on beating is
more for +30 fraction (Figs 5, 6). However, the trend
of tearing strength of +30 fraction is entirely different
than that observed for +50 fraction. The behavior is
similar to softwood pulp (Fig. 7). This indicated that
such fractionation would only be useful for producing
packing grade paper, where tearing strength and
tensile energy absorption properties are important.
Fig. 3 — Development of Tear Index on beating of as such and Also the amount of + 30 fraction is only 20 per cent.
different fractions of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp, 20-30% Hence, it is advisable for pulps (70−80% hardwood,
20-30% bamboo) to fractionate into +50, −50 fraction
as compared to +30, −30 fractions. The effect on
specific scattering co-efficient reduction on beating is
relatively lower in case of +30 fraction than other
wood pulps (Fig. 8).

Proposed Fractionation System for Pulp (Mixed hardwood,

70-80 %; Bamboo pulp, 20-30 %)
In the proposed fractionation system, unbleached
pulp is given fractionation treatment at three
fractionators—primary, secondary and tertiary
Fig. 4 — Effect of Specific Scattered Coefficient with beating of
(Fig. 9). In primary and secondary stages, hole
as such and different fractions of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp, screens are suggested to be used and in tertiary, slot
20-30% bamboo) size screen is preferred to be used. The short fractions

Table 3 — Characteristics of handsheets refined as such and after fractionation (+50/-50)

and blending for bleached pulp (80 % hardwood, 20 % bamboo)

Type of hand sheets

After fractionation
As such Single layered Multi layered
sheet sheet

Freeness, CSF, ml 370 390 390

Specific scattering coefficient, m2/kg 28.4 29.9 29.2
Apparent density, cm3/g 0.83 0.80 0.81
Tensile Index, N.m/g 57.0 66.0 67.0
Tear Index, mN.m2/g 6.50 7.50 7.55
Burst Index, kPa.m2/g 3.80 4.00 4.10
Porosity, Bendtsen, ml/min 430 450 410
Double fold, No. 62 69 72
Vessels pick No, No. per 2000 mm2 20 10 5
Fiber Rising Test
LRC, mm/m 2.647 1.668 0.998
TRA, mm2/m 0.87 0.27 0.17

Fig. 5 — Development of Tensile Index on beating of as such and Fig. 7 — Development of Tear Index on beating of as such and
different fractions of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp & bamboo different fractions of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp, 20-30%
20-30%) bamboo)

Fig. 6 — Development of Burst Index on beating of as such & Fig. 8 — Effect of specific scattered coefficient on beating of as
different fraction of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp, 20-30% such and different fractions of pulp (70-80% hardwood pulp, 20-
bamboo) 30% bamboo)
of all these three can be collected together. The Strength Development in Different Fractions in Proposed
unbleached long fraction can be used to produce Fractionating System Simulated in the Laboratory
packaging grade papers. The short fraction after In the longer fraction, the development of tensile
bleaching is again separated into two fractions using and bursting strength is better than shorter fraction
slot type screen, the long fraction can be used for and overall strength is better than as such pulp (Figs
production of better grades of writing and printing 10-12). The folding endurance has also shown the
papers as well as copier papers and short fraction can same trend (Fig. 13). Tearing strength of longer
be used for ordinary writing printing and MG poster fraction has shown first increase and then drop on
grade quality. increasing the beating. This is a typical behavior of

Fig. 9 — Typical fiber fractionation system for pulp containing hardwood and bamboo pulp

Fig. 10 — Apparent density vs Tensile Index of mixed hardwood

and bamboo unbleached pulp (as such and different fractions) Fig. 12 — Apparent density vs Tear Index of mixed hardwood
unbleached pulp (as such and different fractions)

Fig. 11 — Apparent density vs Burst Index of mixed hardwood Fig. 13 — Apparent density vs In (No. of double folds) of mixed
and bamboo unbleached pulp (as such and different fractions) hardwood unbleached Pulp (as such and different fractions)

Table 4 — Fiber Strength Index of different pulp fractions

Pulp fraction Fiber Strength Index

Unbleached pulp as such 12.4

Unbleached longer fraction 16.5
Unbleached shorter fraction 11.5
Bleached longer fraction 10.2
Bleached shorter fraction 8.5

Table 5—Wet Web characteristics of different pulps at 350±50

Wet Web TEA Index at 20% Fig. 14 — Apparent density vs Tensile Index of bleached mixed
Pulp hardwood pulp (as such and different fractions)
solid, mJ/g

Unbleached pulp as such 65.6

Long fraction unbleached 90.5
Short fraction unbleached 62.0
Bleached pulp as such 52.0
Long fraction bleached pulp 64.0
Short fraction bleached pulp 50.0

Table 6 — Effect on fiber and fines distribution on

fractionation of pulp

Pulp Ratio +50/−50 Ratio −200/+50

As such 1.20 0.50
Long fraction after 1.80 0.30
test screen
Short fraction 1.08 0.48
Fig. 15 — Apparent density vs Tear Index of bleached mixed
Bleached hardwood pulp (as such and different fractions)
As such 0.69 0.70
Long fraction 0.85 0.62 Wet web TEA of Different Fractions of Pulp
Short fraction 0.73 0.64 Wet web tensile indices of these pulps indicated
that long fraction pulps have better Wet Web Tensile
softwood type pulp as the tearing strength is Absorption Index than as such pulp (Table 5), which
dependent mainly on the fiber length and bonding. indicated that it is possible to run the machine at
The reduction in fiber length on beating at initial higher speed using this pulp. The short fraction pulps
beating stage is low, which is probably due to highest can be used for slow speed paper machine.
Fiber Strength Index (Table 4). This type of pulp will
be more suitable for packaging grade paper, where Fiber and Fines Distribution of Different Pulp Fractions
high tearing strength and tensile absorption are the Bauer McNett classifier of the different pulp
main requirements. fraction indicated that the ratio of +50 fraction to −50
Bleached pulp, obtained after bleaching the shorter fraction after fractionation in such sequence has
fraction of original pulp separated into two fractions, increased from 1.20 to 1.80 and in the short fraction it
showed that longer fraction have potential of better has decreased to 1.08. Also, the amount of fines
strength (tensile, tear) than shorter pulp fraction (Figs (passing 200) is relatively lower in the longer fraction
14, 15). In the shorter fraction, these properties are (Table 6). Similar trend is observed for the further
lower than as such pulp. This means that better grades fractionated bleached pulp. This indicated that the
of writing printing paper like offset and Map litho can drain ability of long fraction will be better, which, in
be manufactured from longer fraction. The shorter turn, indicated the possibility of increasing the filler
fraction can be used for ordinary type of writing paper loading in such pulp without adverse effect on the
and photocopier. paper machine runnability.

Table 7 — Fiber Characteristics of fractionated pulp samples containing bamboo and hardwood

Fiber length Fiber width Fines content Kink Index Curl

mm µm % 1/mm Index
Whole 1.59 15.7 14.3 2.01 0.15
Long fraction 1.75 15.9 8.7 2.07 0.16
Short fraction 1.50 15.8 14.7 1.65 0.13
Whole 1.47 16.0 15.3 1.50 0.13
Long fraction 1.55 16.0 14.3 1.60 0.14
Short fraction 1.43 15.5 16.5 1.20 0.11

Characteristics of Different Pulp Fractions and their manufacture writing and printing grade paper. By
Suitability for Different Grades fractionation, the development in bonding strength
The Curl Index, which indicates about the characteristics (tensile, bursting) at particular apparent
curvature of fibers, is the ratio of the true contour density level can be improved. This is due to
fiber length divided by the projected length of fiber separation of fibers having different fiber length, curl
minus one. The Kink Index indicates the abrupt and Kink Index.
change in fiber curvature. The fractionation of the The proposed fractionating system simulated in
pulp has helped in getting the pulp components laboratory using the pulp collected from mill also
having different fiber length, Kink Index and Curl indicates the better strength properties when pulp is
Index (Table 7). This indicated that different grades of fractionated as compared to unfractionated pulp thus
paper could be made using different fractions. confirming the above laboratory results. The wet web
Generally pulps with high Curl and Kink Indices TEA of long fraction is more than short fraction thus
produce paper of high Tear strength, bulk, wet web indicating its better runnability at paper machine with
stretch, porosity and absorbency. However, high Curl increased speed. The decrease in the fines contents of
and Kink give paper of lower tensile strength, fractionated pulp as indicated by long fraction to short
bursting strength and bending stiffness. fraction ratio will result in better drainability at wire
part of paper machine thus helping in increasing the
machine speed.
Fiber fractionation followed by selective processing
of each fraction for furnish (70-80% hardwood, 20-
30% bamboo) is a better option to produce paper of
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