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Socially Assistive Robots in Elderly Care: A Mixed-Method Systematic Literature


Article  in  International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction · April 2014

DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2013.873278

131 2,477

4 authors, including:

Reza Kachouie Rajiv Khosla

Deakin University La Trobe University


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Social robot enabled Home-based aged care View project

Service Innovation through Emerging Technologies in Aged Care Supply Chain View project

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Socially Assistive Robots in Elderly Care: A Mixed-

Method Systematic Literature Review
a a a a
Reza Kachouie , Sima Sedighadeli , Rajiv Khosla & Mei-Tai Chu
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Accepted author version posted online: 06 Jan 2014.Published online: 01 Apr 2014.

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To cite this article: Reza Kachouie, Sima Sedighadeli, Rajiv Khosla & Mei-Tai Chu (2014) Socially Assistive Robots in Elderly
Care: A Mixed-Method Systematic Literature Review, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30:5, 369-393,
DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2013.873278

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Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 30: 369–393, 2014
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1044-7318 print / 1532-7590 online
DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2013.873278

Socially Assistive Robots in Elderly Care: A Mixed-Method

Systematic Literature Review
Reza Kachouie, Sima Sedighadeli, Rajiv Khosla, and Mei-Tai Chu
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia

developed in this manner as a social entity, and possibly able to

The world’s population is aging, and developed countries are communicate with users, will fall into the category of social
engaged in developing a new aged-care paradigm to reduce spiral- robots (Broekens, Heerink, & Rosendal, 2009). Dautenhahn
ing healthcare costs. Assistive technologies like Socially Assistive
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

and Billard (1999) stated that social robots are able to par-
Robots (SAR) are being considered as enablers to support the pro-
cess of care giving or keep elderly at home longer. This article
ticipate in social interactions. Moreover, Fong, Nourbakhsh,
reports a mixed-method systematic review of SAR in elderly care and Dautenhahn (2003) emphasized the critical role of social
and recognizes its impact on elderly well-being, integrating evi- interaction and used the term “socially interactive robots.”
dence from qualitative and quantitative studies. It follows the prin- Furthermore, to have a flexible interaction with humans, intel-
ciples explained in Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of ligent robots should have knowledge sharing ability (Hiraki &
Interventions and classifies interventions, measures, and outcomes
of field trials of SAR in elderly care. Eighty-six studies in 37 study
Anzai, 1996). Researchers have been working for more than two
groups have been included. The findings imply positive effects of decades to improve human–computer interactions; for exam-
SAR on elderly well-being. Ten significant recommendations are ple, on tele-operations (Shneiderman, 1990), neural network-
made to help avoid the current limitations of existing research based eye-tracking device (Wolfe & Eichmann, 1997), and
and to improve future research and its applicability. This review speech-driven embodied interactive actor (Watanabe, Okubo,
revealed that SAR can potentially enhance elderly well-being and
decrease the workload on caregivers. There is a need for rigorous
Nakashige, & Danbara, 2004).
research methodology, person-centered care, caregiver expectation Assistive robots for elderly people can be broadly catego-
model, multimodal interaction, multimodal data collection, and rized into two groups (Broekens et al., 2009). First, rehabil-
modeling of culturally diverse groups to facilitate acceptability of itation robots; these robots focus on physical assistive tech-
SAR. nology features and are principally not communicative, like
smart wheelchairs (Gomi & Griffith, 1998), artificial limbs, and
exoskeletons (Kazerooni, 2005). The second group are assistive
social robots and are divided into two subgroups: service robots
1. INTRODUCTION and companion robots. Service robots are used to support basic
The world’s population is aging, and aged care is con- tasks of independent living, such as eating and bathing; mobility
cerned with supplying proper care for the elderly as the process and navigation; or monitoring, for example, Care-o-bot (Graf,
of ageing weakens their capability to look after themselves. Hans, & Schraft, 2004). Companion robots aim to enhance
Predominantly, healthcare provided by human professionals is the health and psychological well-being of elderly people, for
the preferred type of care, but additional assistance is strongly instance, Paro (Wada, Shibata, Saito, & Tanie, 2003a) and
desired. To address this looming problem, researchers are work- Artificial Intelligence Robot (AIBO; Kanamori et al., 2003).
ing on technologies such as social robotics to support the In another study, Broadbent, Stafford, and MacDonald (2009)
process of caregiving. categorized healthcare robots into robots that provide physical
Personal robots are created to act in residential premises, assistance, companionship, and monitor health and safety. They
such as homes and nursing homes, and expected to become part emphasized that the essential intention of healthcare robots is to
of our daily life. Consequently, these robots are designed to have enhance the health and standard of living for human beings.
the ability to interact like humans or at least like pets. Any robot There is not a formal definition or survey of assistive robotics
(Bemelmans, Gelderblom, Jonker, & de Witte, 2012; Feil-Seifer
Reza Kachouie is now with the Department of Marketing, Monash & Mataric, 2005), but Feil-Seifer and Mataric (2005) described
University, Melbourne, Australia.
Address correspondence to Reza Kachouie, Department of socially assistive robotics as the meeting point of assistive
Marketing, Monash University, P.O. Box 197, Caulfield East, robotics and socially interactive robotics and stated that this
Melbourne, Victoria 3145, Australia. E-mail: reza.kachouie@monash. kind of robot has the purpose of aiding humans by emphasizing
edu the importance of social interaction in the process of providing


specific assistance. It is obvious that it is neither possible nor Thus, this review integrates evidence from qualitative as well
helpful to insist on drawing a solid line between different types as quantitative studies.
of robots, as most new robots involve more than one activity
group. In this article, our focus is Socially Assistive Robots
(SAR). 2.3. Search Methods
Researchers widely acknowledge that there is a need for The search was carried out in September 2012. In the first
comprehensive reviews in the field of human–computer inter- step, a wide range of databases including the MEDLINE and
action, so researchers engage more and more in reviewing PubMed, CINAHL, the Cochrane library, BioMed, IEEE digital
literature in this context (e.g., Zhou, Rau, & Salvendy, 2012). library (Xplore), SCIRUS, ACM digital library, ProQuest, and
One of the most recent ones is the systematic review done by JSTOR were searched systematically for various types of pub-
Bemelmans et al. (2012) with the aim of outlining an inte- lications such as journal articles, conference proceedings and
grated report on the published effects and effectiveness of extended abstracts about socially assistive robots in elderly care.
SAR for the elderly. Another recent review has been published Moreover, a free search was done in La Trobe University library
with the focus on applying social commitment robots in the and Google Scholar. No limitation was applied to publication
care of elderly people with dementia (Mordoch, Osterreicher, date.
Guse, Roger, & Thompson, 2013). Broekens et al. (2009) also To reduce the likelihood of excluding relevant publications,
reviewed related effects of assistive social robots on well-being the search in before mentioned databases was based on the
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

and health of the elderly. There are also some other existing subject (i.e., social robots) and the context (i.e., elderly care).
reviews (e.g., Nejat, Sun, & Nies, 2009; Shibata & Wada, 2011). Therefore, the search term included two parts.
In another paper, Shibata (2012) reported the results of Seal The terms “robot∗ ”, “assis∗ device∗ ”, “assis∗ technolo∗ ”,
robot therapy in dementia care and mentioned the qualitative and “self-help device” as the subject in conjunction with
and quantitative evaluations. Although these reviews have been “aged”, “elder∗ ”, “senior∗ ”, “old person∗ ”, “old people”, and
published recently, most do not include research from 2009 and “dementia” as context, including their database-specific the-
beyond. Moreover, they do not take into account all different saurus equivalent, their associated Medical Subject Headings
types of robots or the diverse databases in different areas such terms, and subheadings, were used in the search process.
as healthcare, engineering, and robotics. Research in the inter- In addition, to prevent from excluding related studies, the
disciplinary area of SAR is of growing interest, and each year names of specific robots (i.e., “AIBO,” “Care-o-bot,” “CERO,”
a large number of new studies are published. Hence, there is a “Feelix,” “Hug,” “iCat,” “Ifbot,” “Matilda,” “NeCoRo,”
need for a systematic review attempting to synthesize existing “PaPeRo,” “Paro,” “Pearl,” “Robocare,” and “Sparky”) were
studies with a holistic viewpoint about SAR in the context of used as the subject. The asterisk (∗ ) character used to substitute
aged care. for any other potential character(s) in the search term; accord-
ingly, “elder∗ ” represents the terms “elder,” “elders,” “elderly,”
and “elderliness.”
2. THE REVIEW Reviews done earlier are useful to locate potentially related
2.1. Aim references (Littell, Corcoran, & Pillai, 2008), so existing
reviews’ references were scanned and new references har-
The aim of this systematic review is to present an integrated
vested and added to the collection of possibly eligible studies.
report on published studies about SAR in the context of elderly
Further inclusion and exclusion criteria for reviewing studies
care, to enable scholars to realize what is already known (Levy
are mentioned in the following subsection.
& Ellis, 2006) and connect ongoing studies to superior dialogue
in the literature (Cooper, 1984; Creswell, 2009; C. Marshall &
Rossman, 2006).
2.4. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Only publications in English were considered for this
2.2. Design research, and technical reports of robots’ characteristics and
This systematic review follows the principles explained in features were excluded. Other inclusion criteria are in harmony
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions with the aims of this review, namely, participants were elderly,
(Higgins & Green, 2011). and interventions were any kind of interaction such as free
Traditionally, systematic reviews rely on facts from quan- interaction and supervised interaction in groups or one-on-one.
titative studies, but the benefits of including the results of There was no exclusion based on the location of interaction,
qualitative research are increasingly recognized (Tacconelli, such as homes, nursing homes, or retirement villages.
2010) and may enhance the quality of the review (Thomas Sometimes making judgments about the intelligence or
et al., 2004). As the nature of elderly care is multifaceted and autonomy of a robot, or the level of its perception of the envi-
complicated, so it should be explored using mixed methods. ronment, is misleading. Therefore, in this review, none of the

related studies were excluded because of low degree advance- or numbers of participants (von Elm, Poglia, Walder, & Tramèr,
ment (e.g., in terms of intelligence or autonomousness) of the 2004) as well as accumulating additional data to duplicated
robot(s) being used. data (Tramèr, Reynolds, Moore, & McQuay, 1997) without any
By involving at least two researchers in the review pro- type of cross-referencing. It requires some “detective work” to
cess, the chance of excluding relevant studies will be discarded uncover the duplicate publications (Higgins & Green, 2011) and
(Edwards et al., 2002). Therefore, two reviewers of our research find out core ideas.
team independently scored the list of potentially relevant publi- Therefore, after data extraction, studies were grouped to
cations based on the relevancy of the publication’s title to SAR avoid data duplicity. If we found any study that had been
in the context of elderly care on a 3-point scale (0, 1, and 2) to published more than once (maybe with some changes), then
represent not relevant, relevant, and very relevant. Scores of two the study synthesis and report were done based on the most
researchers were added up, and those publications that received complete study or one with the longest duration.
a minimum 2 out of 4 were treated as relevant. The eligibility
decision was made through discussion on the publications with
the score of 1. Subsequently, abstracts of the remaining stud- 3. RESULTS
ies went through the same scoring process, and any potential 3.1. Search Outcome
discrepancies were also resolved through discussion. In the first step, 816 potentially eligible publications are
Afterward, full texts of possibly related articles were
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

found through database searching and 851 through free search-

acquired. Two reviewers independently assessed studies to test ing and reference harvesting. There were 1,144 publications left
whether they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Disagreements were after removing the identical ones and overlaps. After title scor-
resolved through discussion and debate with other research ing, 253 publications are put aside for further consideration, of
team members. which 20 are given review scores of 0 + 2 = 2 (i.e., one reviewer
scored 0 and other reviewer scored 2). There were 105 publica-
2.5. Quality Appraisal tions selected based on the abstract scoring that 12 of them are
The quality of qualitative and quantitative studies was scored 0 + 2 = 2. For calculating the interrelated agreement
appraised by using frameworks developed by Spencer, Ritchie, between two reviewers, the weighted Cohen’s kappa coefficient
Lewis, and Dillon (2003) and Thomas et al. (2004) respec- is determined (J. Cohen, 1968). The values of weighted kappa
tively. Although some studies were based on low method- are calculated 0.68 in second steps and 0.82 in third steps, which
ological quality, they include original information and creative shows the agreement’s strengths between two raters are good
ideas. Therefore, none of the studies were excluded based on and very good respectively (Altman, 1991).
methodological quality or a minimum quality threshold. Eighty-two publications were found to meet inclusion crite-
ria after reviewing the full texts, which includes all duplicate
publications and 34 study groups. Each group includes studies
2.6. Data Extraction and Synthesis that have been published more than once. Figure 1 presents a
Data extraction forms for this review were developed apply- schematic flow diagram of the review process. It is based on the
ing PICO approach (Participants, Interventions, Comparator, PRISMA statement (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & The
and Outcomes; listed next). One reviewer carried out data Prisma Group, 2009) with some minor modifications.
extraction. Afterward, the second reviewer double-checked
extracted data. The review team resolved disagreements by
discussion. 3.2. Overview of Included Studies
Table 1 presents a comparison among various studies based
• Participants: Age, sex, type of disease, country on interventions and measures chosen. Studies’ quality varies
• Interventions: Robot, place (e.g., home, nursing home, vastly.
day service center), type, intensity, duration, free or
supervised sessions, one-to-one or group sessions Participants and Settings
• Comparator: With placebo robot or not
Number and age of participants varies vastly among included
• Outcomes: Effects on elderly, tools, and scales to
studies; the majority of participants were women, most of the
measure effects on them
study groups are done in Japan (n = 19), and the most com-
mon trial environment was nursing home. The participants
2.7. Duplicate Publications suffer from a wide range of diseases and most are experiencing
Duplicate publication may cause exaggerated intervention different stages of dementia.
effectiveness qualitatively (Gøtzsche, 1989; Huston & Moher,
1996) and cause greater emphasis than is warranted (Angell & Robots
Relman, 1989; Huston & Moher, 1996). It can take different In the following paragraphs, there is a brief description of
forms such as same manuscripts, expressing different outcomes each of the robots in alphabetical order.

Records identified through Additional records identified through free and bumper sensors, microphones, and a laser range finder
database searching search and reference harvesting and is powered by battery. Healthbot software communicates
(n = 831) (n = 876)
with several web services to retrieve and update information
(Jayawardena et al., 2012). The speech synthesis system engen-
Identical records removed ders New Zealand accent (Watson, Teutenberg, Thompson,
(n = 1,198) Roehling, & Igic, 2009).
iCat. The iCat (interactive Cat) is a catlike robot made
of hard plastic. iCat is not mobile and has been developed
Records screened based by Philips Electronics (de Ruyter, Saini, Markopoulos, & van
Records excluded
on title
(n = 921) Breemen, 2005). It is equipped with 2 DC motors and 11 RC
(n = 1,198)
servos that are used to control eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, mouth,
and head position, which enables the robot to engender facial
Records screened based
on abstract
Records excluded expressions such as sad and happy (Philips Research, 2005).
(n = 163)
(n = 277) Moreover, a camera, microphones, speaker, and touch sensors
are installed inside the iCat. It is capable of connecting to a
Full-text articles assessed home network to surf the internet or control devices such as
Full-text articles excluded
TV or VCR (Breemen, Yan, & Meerbeek, 2005). The iCat can
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

for eligibility
(n = 28)
(n = 114)
be used as a research platform for doing analysis of interac-
tion between humans and SAR (Looije, Cnossen, & Neerinex,
Publications included in 2006).
(n = 86) Ifbot. Ifbot is a communication robot with the ability to
react to words and ask questions. The purpose of developing
Study groups Ifbot is to reduce the sense of loneliness in elderly through some
(n= 37) basic conversations (Kanoh, Iwata, Kato, & Itoh, 2005). It is
equipped with 101 LEDs as well as 10 motors to move eyes,
FIG. 1 Review process’ schematic flow diagram. eyelids, and head. To express different emotions, the LEDs act
with motors (Matsui, Kanoh, Kato, Nakamura, & Itoh, 2009).
AIBO. AIBO is an entertainment autonomous doglike Ifbot helps the elderly as a result of engaging their minds by
mobile robot developed and manufactured by Sony. Its exte- responding to words and asking questions.
rior is solid plastic. It is programmable by users and weighs Nodding Kabochan. Nodding Kabochan is developed by
about 1.6 kg. AIBO is embodied by 18 degrees of freedom, PIP Co. ltd. and Wiz Corporation and resembles features
which enables it to present complicated motions in addition to of shape, voice, and motion of a 3-year-old boy (AARP
smooth walking. It has a wide variety of sensors including range International, n.d.). Originally, it is produced to provide relax-
finder, microphone, speaker, touch sensor, camera, and angular ation to elderly through communication and is capable of
velocity and acceleration sensor (Sony, 1999). AIBO potentially singing, talking, and moving in response to touch and speak-
enhances the quality of life of elderly and disabled by playing ing. Kabochan’s sensors are installed in its hands, feet, mouth,
with them. and main body.
Bandit. Bandit is a humanoid upper-torso mounted on a Nabaztag. Nabaztag (also known as Karotz) is a rabbit-
wheeled platform and equipped with speaker, camera, and range shaped robot, capable of connecting to the Internet to execute
finder. The humanoid Bandit II torso consists of 22 degrees specific tasks through a server. Nabaztag is able to react to
of freedom in arms, hands, neck, waist, eyebrow, and mouth some predefined commands and does not have any features
(A. Tapus, 2009a), so the robot is able to perform individual for learning or memory (Klamer & Ben Allouch, 2010). It is
or combined motion of face, head, and arms, and this makes equipped with webcam, speaker, and microphone. In addition,
it highly expressive (Clair, Mead, & Matarić, 2010). Bandit is the ears can rotate 360 degrees. Some of the tasks that can
used in various contexts such as study human–robot interaction, be performed by Nabaztag include making Internet calls and
imitation learning, and therapy. Moreover, Bandit has been used accessing the TV guide, weather, and news. It can notify the
and evaluated in three different types of roles: social aid, cogni- user about updates on Facebook and Twitter. It is possible
tive games, and encouraging physical activity (A. Tapus, Fasola, to control Nabaztag by smartphone or tablet (Karotz, n.d.).
& Matarić, 2008). NeCoRo. NeCoRo is a catlike robot capable of autonomous
Healthbot. The Healthbot robot is a joint research project action and movement, developed by Omron Corporation in
between UniServices of the University of Auckland and the Japan to improve the user’s quality of life (Nakashima,
Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute in Korea Fukutome, & Ishii, 2010). It is covered with acrylic fur and
(University of Auckland, n.d.). Yujin Robot provided Robot weighs about 1.6 kg. NeCoRo is able to perceive user actions by
hardware. It is equipped with a rotatable touch screen, ultrasonic internal sensors, including sight, sound, touch, and orientation.
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Characteristic of Included Studies
Robot References (No, Age, Disease) Country - Place - Term Intervention Measures Outcomes
Paro Saito, Shibata, Wada, 26 female, 73–93, Japan Day service Free interaction Face scale, Summarized Improvement in feelings
and Tanie (2002a); 16 nondementia, center 5 wk, in groups of up to POMS, Comments of of elderly, Positive
Saito, Shibata, Wada, 3 slight degree, 3 a 20 min/d or 8 patients nursing staffs, Burnout social and
and Tanie (2002b); little high degree, 40 min/d, scale for nursing staff psychological effects,
Saito, Shibata, Wada, 4 high degree 3 d/wk Decrease in nursing
and Tanie (2004); dementia staff’s mental poverty;
Wada, Shibata, Saito,
and Tanie (2002a,
2002b, 2002c, 2002d,

Saito, Shibata, Wada, 23 (12+11) Japan Health service Free group interaction, POMS, Face scale, Improvement in moods
and Tanie (2003); T. (4+2 male), facility (2 buildings) one group with Paro Urinary tests, and reduction in
Shibata, Wada, Saito, M age 84.6 4 wk, 1 hr/d, 4 d/wk and the other with comments of nursing depression and
and Tanie (2004, and 85.5, Not placebo Paro staffs dejection levels in
2008); K. Wada, dementia both groups without
Shibata, Saito, and much difference,
Tanie (2003a, 2003b, Increase in laughing,
2003c, 2003d, 2003e) Encourage
communicating with
each other and nursing
staff, Ability to adjust
to stress, Decrease in
nursing staffs’ stress;
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Robot References (No, Age, Disease) Country - Place - Term Intervention Measures Outcomes
Shibata and Wada 14 female, 77–98, Japan Health service Free group interaction GDS, Face scale, A tendency to improve
(2008); K. Wada, 1 nondementia, 4 low facility 1 yr (5yr), Comments of nursing depression after
Shibata, and degree, 5 moderate 1 hr/d, 2 d/wk (In staffs 8 weeks, Improvement
Kawaguchi (2009); degree, 4 a little high 2009 they mentioned in moods, Increase in
K. Wada, Shibata, degree dementia it is still an ongoing social activities,
Saito, Sakamoto, and experiment since Encourage
Tanie (2005a, 2005b, 2003) communication with
2005c); K. Wada, each other and
Shibata, Saito, and caregivers, Patients
Tanie (2004b, 2004c); did not lose their
K Wada, Shibata, interest in the
Saito, and Tanie long-term, Robot is

(2006); K. Wada, durable and safe;
Shibata, Sakamoto,
Saito, and Tanie
(2005); K. Wada,
Shibata, Sakamoto,
and Tanie (2005);
Wada, Shibata,
Sakamoto, and Tanie

Wada, Shibata, Musha, 14 (4 male), M age 79.2, Japan Clinic 20 min Free interaction in EEG recording then Improvement in cortical
and Kimura (2005, Mild to moderately groups of 5 to analyze using neurons activity of
2008) severe dementia 10 patients DIMENSION, 7 patients, especially
Questionnaire on patients who liked
the robot;
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Kidd, Taggart, and 23 (16+7), 60–104, USA 2 nursing homes Free interaction with Questionnaire including Increase in social
Turkle (2006); High functioning in 4 mo, 20 min/2 wk, either: turned on Paro, close- ended and interactions, even
Taggart, Turkle, and one nursing home and (8 plus 4 visits) Paro in the off verbal open-ended more in the presence
Kidd (2005) schizophrenia and/or condition or no object, questions, of caregivers or
senile dementia in the groups of 3 patients, Observations experimenters,
other 1 caregiver and including video Pleasing, Feel-good
1 experimenter observations and evocative
experiences, Paro is
more interesting when
turned on, Subjects
engaged easily and
freely in casual
conversation without
Paro, Paro is heavy
and do not match

Kawaguchi, Shibata, 12 (1 male), 67-89, Japan Nursing home Free interaction with Urinary tests, Video Increase in social

and Wada (2010); Different stages of 2 mo, 9:30 hr/d 2 robots in 2 different recording observation, interaction and density
Wada and Shibata dementia levels in public area Free-pile sort method, of social networks,
(2006a, 2006b, 2006c, interview Improvement of
2007a, 2007b, 2007c, subjects’ vital organs
2008a, 2008b) reaction to stress,
Patients encouraged to

Giusti and Marti (2006) 5 (1 male), 56-85, 3 mild Italy Nursing home Mostly spontaneously Qualitative and Variables, such as
and 2 sever dementia 1 mo, 20 min/d, and only partially quantitative speech contextual factors, the
2 d/wk structured interaction and behavioral robot’s characteristics,
analysis stimulus, and personal
history play an
important role whilst
creating significance
and interpretation of
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Robot References (No, Age, Disease) Country - Place - Term Intervention Measures Outcomes
Marti, Bacigalupo, 1 male (results Italy Nursing home Field study, therapists Direct observation, Robot interaction
Giusti, Mennecozzi, confirmed by 8 more 6 mo autonomously chose Video observation, stimulates emotion
and Shibata (2006) cases), Moderate when and where to Physicians and nurses expression, social
dementia present Paro assessment intercourse, and
dialogue, Decrease

Wada, Shibata, Asada, 5, Senile dementia Japan Home 1 wk Free interaction at home Analyzing recorded Positive effects of art
and Musha (2007) (for 1 week between EEG using therapy, Interaction
2 other usual weeks of DIMENSION with the robot at home
3 weeks art therapy) (comparing results of seemed effective in
weeks with and two out of five
without robot), Family subjects maintaining
observation art therapy effects;

AIBO Kanamori et al. (2003) 6 (5 female at nursing Japan 5 in nursing home Free interaction Scores of emotional Significant reduce in
home, 1 male at and 1 in home 7 wk, words, amount of loneliness, Significant
home), 5 control 1 hr/d, 4 d/wk speech and increase in activity,
group, M age of Satisfaction, AOK Improvement in health
women: 68.2, man: 84, Loneliness Scale, related quality of life,
On wheelchair, good SF-36, Decrease in CgA;
cognition Endocrinological
estimation using
salivary CgA

Suga, Sato, Yonezawa, 15, 3 groups: Japan Day-care center Robot-assisted activity Change in concentration Robot Interaction
Naga, and Shimizu Alzheimer, senile 30 min MHPG, HVA, and CS stimulates emotional
(2003) dementia, in saliva (collected activation vs.
and group before and after emotional healing,
activity) Potential rehabilitative
effect on senior
citizens with
Alzheimer’s disease;
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Mival, Cringean, and 10–12 (in two groups), Scotland Retirement and Interaction in focus Observation Perceived autonomy and
Benyon (2004) 64-93 day-care center 2 s group proactive interaction
are important,
Companion needs
some utility to turn
interaction into

Sakairi (2004) 8 (2 male), 68-89, Japan Group home Stimulated activity N-dementia scale, Improvement in
Senile dementia 30 min/wk, not clear MMSE scale, behavior activities and
how many weeks scale, video emotional state,
observation of speech, Smoothing
words, length, communication with
substance staff in a group home
and establishment of
friendly relations with

Tamura et al. (2004) 13 (1 male), M age 84, Japan Geriatric health Group occupational Video recording Both toy dog and AIBO
Severe dementia care facility 7 d, therapy and observation by encouraged patients’

5 min/d (two comparison between occupational therapy activity while doing
experiments, 4d +3d) AIBO dressed, AIBO and total number of occupational therapy,
undressed and toy dog activity changes Increase in social
counted and activity and
compared. socialization, No
significant difference
between AIBO
dressed up or

Greco, Anerdi, and 24 (12 male), M age Italy Room of medical Supervised activity Observation, Negative feelings
Rodriguez (2009); 76.6, in early stages of examination 1 s questionnaire towards technology do
Odetti et al. (2007) dementia of different not affect interaction,
types Awareness is needed
for positive cognitive
Men/Women alike,
Higher education
negatively relates to
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Robot References (No, Age, Disease) Country - Place - Term Intervention Measures Outcomes
Banks, Willoughby, 12 AIBO, 13 real dog, USA Long term care Free one-to-one Modified LAPS, UCLA Dog and robot therapy
and Banks (2008) 13 Control group, No facility 8 wk, interaction in residents loneliness scale reduced loneliness
known history of 30 min/wk room (more improvement in
psychiatric disease or most lonely
Alzheimer’s disease participants),
Residents became
attached to robots,
Attachment was not
the mechanism to
decrease loneliness by

Hamada et al. (2008) 5 (in card game), 6 (in Japan Nursing home 5 d One-to-one card game, Frequency of occurrence Coordinator special

ball game), (once card game, once group ball game (moving the body, skills not necessary in
Considerable dementia ball game) looking and talking) in recreation games,
video observation Improvement of
(during and after abilities of elderly;

NeCoRo A. Libin and 9 female, 83–98, early to USA Nursing home 2 s Supervised free Observations, ABMI, Both cats held
Cohen-Mansfield severe dementia (one with robot and interaction Lawton’s Modified participants’ interest,
(2002, 2004) 1 with toy cat in two Behavior Stream, Significant pleasure
different days) scale of engagement increase and agitation
(attention, attitude, decrease whilst
intensity, duration of playing with the
engagement) robotic cat, Significant
decrease in physically
disruptive behaviors
and overall agitation
whilst playing with the
toy cat;
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

A. V. Libin and Libin 16 and 16 (5 and Japan and USA 15 min Interactive session PRCIS Older people enjoyed
(2004) 8 male), 2 groups, accompanied by a more than younger
20 to 35 → 19, standardized people, No difference
65-79 → 13 introduction between the sexes on
the subscale of tactile
and manipulative
interactions, Males
from both cultures
liked the robot’s active
behavior more than
females, Americans
consider interactions
with robotic cat more
exciting and
interesting, Positive
effects of prior
experience and liking
pets on the interest in

Nakashima, Fukutome, 33 staff members Japan Elderly-care Free interaction of Interview staff members, Communication among
and Ishii (2010) (12 males), Teenager facility 1 yr residents and questionnaire (filled users was promoted,
to 50s outpatients by staff) Playing with the robot
made users calmer,
more comfortable,
easier, gentler, and

Bandit Tapus (2009a, 2009b); 3 female (in some USA Care facility 6 mo, Robot encouraged SMMSE, evaluation of Robot vs. screen agent
Tapus, Tapus, and reports 4 including 20min/wk (excluding music-based cognitive response time and encouragement
Mataric (2009a, 1 male), 70+, 1 mild, 2 months learning) game, (in some reports wrong answers, improved response
2009b, 2009c, 2009d) 1 moderate, 1 severe comparing with screen questionnaire (music time more, More
dementia agent) therapist feedback) efficient, natural, and
preferred interaction
with robot rather than
screen agent, Increase
in positive behavior,
Improvement in
SMMSE score;
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Robot References (No, Age, Disease) Country - Place - Term Intervention Measures Outcomes
Fasola and Mataric 11 (1 male), 65+ USA Senior living Engaging in a seated Questionnaire Robot is viable and
(2010) facility 2 wk, 2s/wk arm exercise scenario useful in motivating
as exercise instructor users to do simple
physical exercises;

iCat Heerink, Krose, Evers, 36 (11 male) Netherland Eldercare Conversation to set Revised UTAUT Social abilities and
and Wielinga (2006, institutions 10 min reminder, get direction questionnaire, factors influencing
2007); Heerink, Krose, to supermarket and observation, video acceptance are
Wielinga, and Evers next day weather recording significantly
(2006a, 2006b, 2009) forecast (comparing correlated, More
more socially socially
communicative with communicative
less socially interface is more
communicative accepted as a
interface), (comparing conversational partner,

with screen agent) Rise in anxiety due to
fear of breaking or
doing something
wrong, More socially
condition increase
acceptance of a
conversational partner,
Embodiment plays a
role in acceptance;

Heerink, Krose, Evers, 30 (8 male), 65-94 Netherland 2 eldercare Free interaction Questionnaire, robot Social presence affects
and Wielinga (2008, institutions 10 d (comparing with recordings, robot log perceived enjoyment,
2009); Heerink, Krose, screen agent by other file which itself affects
Wielinga, and Evers users) intention to use robot,
(2008) Intention to use
predicts actual use
(with some differences
between the agents);
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Healthbot Stafford et al. (2010) 32 residents (9 male), New Zealand Supervised predefined Questionnaire, revised Pre-interaction
68–9221 staffs Retirement village 1 s activities PANAS, RAS emotions, attitudes
(1 male), 26-62 towards robots, and
experience with robot
affect acceptance of
healthcare robots,
Level of robot or
computer knowledge
was not associated
with overall robot
rating, Education level
was inversely
associated with overall

Jayawardena et al. 67 (42, 25, 5), 65+ New Zealand Three studies: -free Questionnaire, Promising results for
(2012) Retirement center 2 w interaction in public observation elderly acceptance of
spaces -free the robot
interaction in private
spaces -remote

monitoring falls

Ifbot Kanoh et al. (2011) 10 (2 male), 75–88, Japan Health care Supervised classroom Video recording Positive impression of
2 moderate and 6 mild facility 15 min (each activity in groups of 5 observation, robot, Positive opinion
dementia, 7 depressive group) comments and about the robot
opinions collected in assisted activity
focus group program;

Matilda Khosla, Chu, Kachouie, 34 (6 male), 71–98, Australia 3 Nursing One-to-one activities, Questionnaire, Improvement in
Yamada, and Dementia, Depression, home 4 d group activities interview, observation, personalization of
Yamaguchi (2012); Parkinson disease, video recording care, Improvement in
Khosla et al. (2012) deafness, short term observation, robot wellbeing of elderly
memory loss and etc recordings of emotions (through these
constructs: Positive
Personalization of
care, Encouragement
of healthy living,
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Patients Country - Place -
Robot References (No, Age, Disease) Term Intervention Measures Outcomes
Nabaztag Klamer and Ben 3 female, 50, 60, 65 Netherland Home Free interaction Semi-structured Not effective in
Allouch (2010) 10 d interviews improvement of
users’ health, Users
did not find the
robot very useful,
only 1 user made
relationship with
the robot;

Nodding Tanaka et al. (2012) 34 (all female), 16 of Japan Home 8 w Free interaction Pre- and post-study Cognitive functions
Kabochan them in control questionnaire, blood may be improved by
group, 66-84, No and saliva samples, living with a
dementia APG, ADL, BMI human-type


PaPeRo Sasama, Yamaguchi, 10 (7 males) Japan Home and Interaction based on Questionnaire (after Increase in:
and Yamada (2011) common place Robot-Guided 1st stage) communications
157 d (1st stage Interaction with family
12 d) Framework, in members, number
second stage robot of friends, and
replaced with a outdoor activities;
computer graphics
version of robot

Pearl Montemerlo, Pineau, 6 USA Retirement 3 days open-ended Debriefings Robot could
Roy, Thrun, and home 5 d interactions, 2 days autonomously
Verma (2002); robot guide provide guidance
Pineau, (12 scenarios) for elderly
Montemerlo, residents, High level
Pollack, Roy, and of excitement;
Thrun (2003)
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Robovie Sabelli, Kanda, and 55, M age 83.9, Japan Elderly care Daily greetings, Observation, Comforting users
Hagita (2011) Stable mental center 3.5 mo, encouraging the semi-structured by listening to
health 1/wk or 2/wk elderly to interviews, them, their
perform difficult open-ended problems and
tasks, chatting questions, respond with
transcriptions of positive and kind
interaction words,
through chatting,
response, and

Wonder Yamamoto, 7 (3 male), M age Japan Home Free interaction Questionnaire and System is effective
Miyazaki, of men 83, Several mo interviews with in sense of
Tsuzuki, and women 78 patient and security and joy
Kojima (2002) operation staff, of life;

system use log
and history

Different robots (Pleo, Hutson, Lim, 6 (2 male), 66–85 UK Home 3 s + 1 focus group, Pre- and post-study Most robots did not
Huggable, FurReal Bentley, Bianchi- 5 to 17 d (9 home followed by free questionnaire, meet
Cat, Keepon, Mood Berthouze, and studies) interaction at diary forms expectations,
Lamp, I-Cat, Bowling (2011) home, then two during study, Participants
Nabaztag, Teddy focus groups post-study unsatisfied with
Phone, Robosapien interview robots, Social
and Heart) Robots could
wellbeing of
elderly, tested
robots focus
more on health
care and behavior
among elderly;
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

Patients Country - Place -
Robot References (No, Age, Disease) Term Intervention Measures Outcomes
Different pet-type Hamada, Hashimoto, 15 Several elderly, Japan Nursing home Activity with their Observation and Robot is effective,
robots Akazawa, More than 80% -care house for the own pet-type robot Evaluation of an Human intervention
Matsumoto, and female, 68-98 aged 1 hr and one volunteer intervention person between
Kagawa (2004) Activity of one and an institution elderly-robot
volunteer and member, Barthel interaction impacts
several elderly Index, FIM the elderly view
(Functional about the external
Independence world;

Unknown Hamada et al. (2006) 18 (5 in one part), Japan Nursing home Robot therapy, Questionnaire filled Movement became
Considerable comparing different by staff, type and more active, More
dementia methods (with frequency of laughter, richer
active intervener, patients’ action to expression and
with passive robot, communication
intervener, without after therapy,
intervener) Intervener plays a
significant role in
robot therapy.
Note. s = session; min = minute; hr = hour; d = day; wk = week; mo = month; yr = year; POMS = Profile of Mood States; GDS = Global Deterioration Scale; EEG =
Electroencephalography; DIMENSION = Diagnosis Method of Neuronal Dysfunction; CgA = Chromogranin A; AOK LS = Ando = Osada & Kodama Loneliness Scale; MMSE =
Mini–Mental State Examination; SMMSE = Standardized MINI-MENTAL Mini–Mental State Examination; MLAPS = modified Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale; ABMI = Agitated
Behaviors Mapping Instrument; PRCIS = Person–Robot Complex Interactive Scale; UTAUT = Unified Theory of Acceptance and the Use of Technology; PANAS = The Positive and
Negative Affect Schedule; RAS = Robot Attitude Scale; APG = Accelerated plethysmography; ADL = Activities of Daily Living; BMI = Body Mass Index.

NeCoRo reacts with inbuilt 15 actuators (A. V. Libin & Libin, interactive meaningful behavior (Kanda, Ishiguro, Imai, & Ono,
2004). The responses could be verbal or nonverbal, such as 2004). Robovie weighs about 40 kg.
mewing, tail wagging, stretching the body and paws, and Wonder. Wonder is the name of a wombatlike robot ter-
cuddling when being touched (E. Libin & Libin, 2003). minal, which is equipped with a microphone and speaker for
PaPeRo. PaPeRo (Partner-Type Personal Robot)—which in speech recognition and synthesis. Moreover, the head and hands
Australia has been named Matilda—is a baby-face humanlike are sensitive. The head, ears, eyes, and hands are moveable, and
assistive communication robot, developed by NEC in Japan. the robot weighs about 3.5 kg (Yamamoto, Miyazaki, Tsuzuki,
It weighs about 6.5 kg and is equipped with camera, micro- & Kojima, 2002).
phones (i.e., sound direction detection and speech recognition),
speakers, LEDs (in different parts), and sensors including touch,
elevation, ultrasonic, and bumper sensors. It is also capable 4. DISCUSSION
of connecting to wireless networks as well as sending off The findings of this systematic review can possibly help
information via AV or display output. PaPeRo is wheeled, is to demonstrate researchers’ knowledge about socially assistive
movable, and turns its head left/right and up/down (NEC, n.d.). robots, their effectiveness, and various applicable approaches to
Basic features of PaPeRo include speech recognition and speech measure their effects.
synthesis, face recognition (detection, identification, and track-
ing), and autonomous behavior, plus reaction to touch (NEC,
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

4.1. The Effects of Socially Assistive Robots on the Elderly

n.d.). It is being used to engage elderly in one-to-one and
Nearly all of the included studies report positive effects of
group activities and games for improving well-being as well
SAR in elderly care. However, it could be assumed that the ulti-
as personalization of care (Khosla, Chu, Kachouie, Yamada, &
mate goal of SAR is to improve well-being of elderly people.
Yamaguchi, 2012).
Because of the multifaceted nature of well-being (Diener, 2009;
Paro. Paro is an animaloid interactive robot in the shape
Michaelson et al., 2009; Pollard & Lee, 2003; Stiglitz, Sen,
of baby seal, developed by the National Institute of Advanced
& Fitoussi, 2009), in order to acquire deeper and more orga-
Industrial Science and Technology in Japan. It is covered by
nized knowledge about the effects of SAR on well-being of the
natural-feel fur and ubiquitous surface tactile sensors placed
elderly, it is better to categorize them.
between the hard internal skeleton. Paro lets researchers study
Seligman (2011) hypothesized that there are five constructs
physical interaction between humans and robots (Shibata, 2004;
out of which one or more should be nurtured to experience
Wada & Shibata, 2007a). It is equipped with other sensors
well-being. These constructs (Positive emotion, Engagement,
including light sensor, balance, speech recognition, and sound
Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment) are known by
source determiner (Wada & Shibata, 2007a). In addition, it
the acronym PERMA and have been validated in various set-
has some actuators including eyelids, back limb, front paw,
tings. The interrelatedness of the five constructs sometimes
and neck movement motors. It is not mobile and weighs about
limits their mapping related to experiences of the elderly in
2.8 kg. Paro is developed to benefit the elderly with its psy-
their interactions with SAR. In addition, there is no explicit
chological, physiological, and social effects by maintaining a
construct to map physical and physiological well-being of the
long-term interaction (Shibata & Wada, 2011).
elderly. Keeping these perspectives in view, Table 2 shows the
Pearl. Pearl is an autonomous robot developed to aid the
mapping between PERMA constructs and well-being outcomes
elderly as part of the Nursebot project at Carnegie Melon
of the elderly related to this study. Some reported effects are too
University (Pollack, 2005). It is able to follow patients around,
general or may affect more than one construct, so we have put
communicate via a touch screen graphical display, and serve as
them in a new category “Other effects” in Table 2.
a tele-presence device. Pearl is equipped with two PCs, SICK
laser range finders, sonar sensors, stereo camera systems, and
wireless Ethernet. It is able to recognize and synthesize speech 4.2. Threats to Generalizability
by using microphones and speakers (Pollack et al., 2002). The effects of SAR on the elderly could not be easily gener-
In addition, for online video streaming, Pearl includes fast alized due to the drawbacks of included studies. Although this
image capture and compression software. It also includes some review has comprehensive strategy, precise inclusion/exclusion
other features such as autonomous mobile robot navigation criteria and systematic screening and extraction of data,
systems. some limitations may have occurred and affected this review.
Robovie. Robovie is a humanlike robot developed to com- Throughout the quality appraisal of studies, several issues have
municate with humans. It is equipped with different sensors, been uncovered, and if a minimum threshold had been implied,
including skin sensors, tactile sensors, microphones, vision many studies would be excluded including those with valuable
sensors, and ultrasonic obstacle detecting sensors, which are information. Some major limitations are discussed in the rest of
installed on a mobile platform (Kanda, Ishiguro, Ono, Imai, this section.
& Nakatsu, 2002). The combination of sensors and various First, studies illustrate that the cultural background of par-
actuators for moving eyes, head, and arms facilitate performing ticipants affects their attitudes toward robots significantly (e.g.,

robots and home-based field trials. Moreover, regarding cul-

tural diversity and heterogeneity in many developed countries’
Summary of Outcomes
populations, designing a multilingual robot could be a great
Construct Outcomes advantage.
The fourth drawback is that the majority of participants in
Positive emotions Improvement in feeling and mood, studies were women; but many studies confirm that gender
improvement in emotional state, affects people’s reactions to robots (e.g., Forlizzi, 2007; Mutlu,
feeling good experience, decrease in Osman, Forlizzi, Hodgins, & Kiesler, 2006) or causes nega-
stress level, increase in laughter, tive attitudes toward robots (Nomura, Kanda, & Suzuki, 2006).
elderly become calmer, increase in On the other hand, statistics illustrate that in 2010, women were
sense of security and joy of life, almost half the total population in the group of people older
richer expressions than 65 (0.56 in the world and 0.59 in more developed coun-
Engagement Evocative experience, increase in tries). It is predicted that this ratio will not change much in 2050
activities, ease to externalize elderly (0.55 in the world and 0.56 in more developed countries; United
internal emotions, increase activity Nations, 2010). Therefore, engaging equal numbers of male and
during occupational therapy, female participants may result in more reliable outcomes.
motivating physical activity, more Fifth, it is important to know users’ expectations (Oestreicher
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

active movements & Severinson Eklundh, 2006), as they affect human–robot inter-
Relationships Increase in social interactions and action (Lohse, 2010). Based upon expectations and perceptions,
activities, increase in social networks a user decides whether interaction with a robot is worthwhile
and ties, positive social effects, (Komatsu, Kurosowa, & Yamada, 2011). The gap between
decrease in loneliness, encourage and expectations of a robot and its actual function can influence the
smooth the communication, user’s behavior (Komatsu, Kurosawa, & Yamada, 2012). Thus,
attachment to robot, facilitate the determining user needs and providing proper technology might
establishment of friendly relationship increase the rate of acceptance (Kobb, Hilsen, & Ryan, 2003).
Meaning Decrease in depression On the other hand, it is not possible to recognize the importance
Achievement Sense of achievement in winning of certain expectations based on video observation and evalu-
one-to-one or group games ation of the experience after interaction with a robot (Lohse,
Other effects Positive psychological effect, 2011). However, most of the included studies came up with
improvement in cortical neurons, inadequate understanding on stated and perceived expectations.
positive reaction of vital organs to Sixth, only a few studies included stakeholders other than
stress, decrease in CgA, improvement the elderly. Different stakeholders (e.g., nurses, family mem-
in abilities, decrease in physical bers, managers of nursing homes) have different needs and
disruptive behavior and overall their expectations of robots vary widely, and it is important to
agitation, improvement in consider their perspectives (Broadbent et al., 2009), so one of
personalization of care the starting points should be identification and examination of
various stakeholders’ expectations (Sitte & Winzer, 2004).
Seventh, one missing element in included studies is giving
Bartneck, Suzuki, Kanda, & Nomura, 2007; Rau, Li, & Li, inadequate attention to person-centered care. Person-centered
2009), but most of the studies were done in Japan. Second, even care requires gathering and making use of personal information
though researchers showed the robot’s appearance affects its in care and seeing the elderly as a person (Edvardsson, Winblad,
acceptance (e.g., Forlizzi, DiSalvo, & Gemperle, 2004; Hirsch & Sandman, 2008; Slater, 2006). Moreover, respecting elderly
et al., 2000; Powers & Kiesler, 2006; Wu, Fassert, & Rigaud, choices and employing their past life experiences (Brooker,
2012), the majority of included studies used animal-like robots. 2007; McCormack, 2004) and subjective perceptions (Downs,
Third, few studies tested robot assistance at home, possibly Small, & Froggatt, 2006) are critical in person-centered care.
because it needs more resources and time; in addition it is not In developing SAR, researchers should look at the world from
simple to supervise. On the other hand, evidence shows that the viewpoint of the elderly (Brooker, 2007).
there is a tendency among the elderly to live independently Eighth, many of the included studies are weak in terms
in their homes (Lawton, 1985; Scopelliti, Giuliani, & Fornara, of writing and reporting, which limits the reproducibility and
2005; Tinker & Lansley, 2005). Moreover, aging at home is repeatability of trials. A number of included studies are obser-
encouraged by governments to alleviate the cost of aged care vational and rarely follow any report standard or guideline
facilities (Broadbent et al., 2009) and is societies’ preferred such as STROBE (von Elm et al., 2007). Transparent report-
choice (Vega & González, 2012). Therefore, there is a need ing is necessary to decide whether or how the results of studies
to do some cross-cultural studies, engaging different types of could be included in systematic reviews (Egger, Schneider, &

Smith, 1998). The quality of trial-report points to the degree Furthermore, D. J. Cohen and Crabtree (2008) sug-
that any specific report presents information about designing gested that techniques such as triangulation—use of multiple
the trial, conducting it, and analyzing the results (Moher et al., data sources—helps researchers conduct rigorous qualitative
1995). Important details of methodology are often omitted in research. However, whereas researchers in many included stud-
reports (Jüni, Altman, & Egger, 2001). Besides miscalculations ies used different sources of data to improve understanding, they
and mismatches in quantitative data, there is also insufficient did not pay enough attention to the validity and reliability of the
detailed information about the trial or intervention. Another measures and gathered data.
problem is careless information arranging, which can prevent
readers from understanding the findings clearly. Instead of
giving direct statistics about participants and results, unclear 5. CONCLUSION
adjectives such as “sometimes” and “often” were used in some The world’s population is aging, and aged care is concerned
of the included studies. with supplying proper care for the elderly. To address this loom-
Ninth, in some studies, there are minor contradictions among ing problem, researchers are working on technologies such as
the results; for example, in one study (i.e., Kidd, Taggart, & social robotics to support the process of caregiving as well as
Turkle, 2006) it is mentioned that during the trial, there was a to assist elderly people in remaining in their own homes longer.
tendency to prefer the turned-on robot. But, in another study Expressing the impact of socially assistive robots on the quality
(i.e., Saito, Shibata, Wada, & Tanie, 2003), it is mentioned that
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

of life for the elderly is important not only for the elderly them-
there is not much difference in improvement of moods and selves but also for health sector policymakers, nursing home
reduction in depression between groups interacting with Paro managers, nurses, and elderly family members.
and placebo Paro. This article provides a systematic review of socially assistive
Last limitation to generalizability is inadequacy from the robots in elderly care by integrating evidence from previous
research methodology viewpoint. Jüni et al. (2001) mentioned qualitative and quantitative studies. It mostly follows the prin-
assessment of a trial’s methodological quality and reporting ciples explained in Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews
quality are highly related, and normally imperfect reporting of Interventions. Relevant publications were sourced from the
indicates imperfect methods (Schultz, Chalmers, Hayes, & following databases: MEDLINE and PubMed, CINAHL, the
Altman, 1995). Nearly all the included studies are uncontrolled Cochrane library, BioMed, IEEE digital library, SCIRUS, ACM
trials; in addition, using control groups is infrequent among digital library, ProQuest, JSTOR, and Google scholar.
the studies. Moreover, double- or single-blind experimentation In total, 86 studies in 37 study groups have been included in
was impossible, as the aim of studies has been clarified to par- this review. This review revealed that several robots have been
ticipants in advance to get their consent. These may result in developed with different designs, attributes, and applications.
conscious or subconscious bias, which reduces the validity of Moreover, researchers put them in practice in different settings
the results. and applied diverse types of research methods. Ten significant
One challenge of observational studies is minimizing the recommendations have been made based on limitations of pre-
consequences of overt biases as well as assessing the effects vious studies to improve future research and its applicability.
of potential hidden biases. However, none of the studies men- The research in this field is still in an early developmental phase
tioned employed methodological attempts such as Propensity and therefore has its limitations. Innovative research strategies
Score Matching to reduce overt biases. are needed to overcome these imperfections. In future research,
Moreover, most of the studies did not pay enough attention there is a serious need for addressing methodological issues and
to novelty effect and Hawthorne effect, which threaten external conducting research more rigorously.
validity (e.g., Bernstein, Bohrnstedt, & Borgatta, 1975; Bracht This review showed that SAR could potentially enhance
& Glass, 1968). This may influence generalizability of results well-being of the elderly and decrease the workload for nurses.
(McCarney et al., 2007; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007). Many We categorized the reported effects of SAR on the elderly based
of the studies were not long enough to eliminate novelty effect on PERMA (Seligman, 2011) and added a sixth category for
(e.g., interest or stress in facing new technology); also, super- more general or physiological effects (as shown in Table 2).
vised interaction—the case of many included studies—may For future research, we suggest that person-centered care
increase the Hawthorne effect. needs to be embedded in the design of SAR. Moreover, for
In addition, low sample size (e.g., N = 3) limits effective improving personalization of care, different needs, expecta-
conclusions. Likewise, in qualitative studies, proper sample size tions, and preferences of individuals should be considered.
is linked to effective responses to research questions. Sample The results show that the robots that are capable of enhancing
size becomes obvious during the progression of research and broader aspects of well-being of elderly people are more accept-
could be determined by data saturation (M. N. Marshall, 1996). able than the ones with less coverage. Therefore, future studies
Using this approach for realizing adequate sample size is very should address well-being from different viewpoints. It could be
scarce in included studies. seen that there are not many studies, comparing different robots.

Finally, the findings of research in this field would be important Dautenhahn, K., & Billard, A. (1999). Bringing up robots or\—the psychology
for designers and companies developing robots. Developing an of socially intelligent robots: from theory to implementation. Paper pre-
sented at the third annual conference on Autonomous Agents. May 1–5,
expectation management model that can cover different needs 1999, Seattle, WA, USA.
of various stakeholders could resolve some limitations in this de Ruyter, B., Saini, P., Markopoulos, P., & van Breemen, A. (2005). Assessing
field. In addition, due to limited computing and storage capa- the effects of building social intelligence in a robotic interface for the home.
Interacting with Computers, 17, 522–541.
bility of robots and complexity of SAR tasks, new approaches
Diener, E. (2009). Subjective Well-Being. In E. Diener (Ed.), The Science of
such as cloud computing and web-based interfaces are greatly Well-Being (Vol. 37, pp. 11–58). Netherlands: Springer.
needed. Downs, M., Small, N., & Froggatt, K. (2006). Person-centered care for people
with severe dementia. In A. Burns & B. Winblad (Eds.), Severe dementia
(pp. 193–204). Chichester, UK: Wiley.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Edvardsson, D., Winblad, B., & Sandman, P. O. (2008). Person-centred care of
people with severe Alzheimer’s disease: current status and ways forward.
Reza Kachouie expresses sincere gratitude to all La Trobe The Lancet Neurology, 7, 362–367.
Business school faculty members and staff for their valuable Edwards, P., Clarke, M., DiGuiseppi, C., Pratap, S., Roberts, I., & Wentz, R.
support during the design and development of this review. (2002). Identification of randomized controlled trials in systematic reviews:
Accuracy and reliability of screening records. Statistics in Medicine, 21,
Egger, M., Schneider, M., & Smith, G. D. (1998). Meta-analysis spurious preci-
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Stresa, Italy. May.
Tamura, T., Yonemitsu, S., Itoh, A., Oikawa, D., Kawakami, A., Higashi, Y., Wada, K., & Shibata, T. (2006c). Robot Therapy in a Care House
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Haifa, Israel. 10–14, 2007, Roma, Italy.

Wada, K., & Shibata, T. (2008a). Social and physiological influences of living Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation,
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Wada, K., Shibata, T., Asada, T., & Musha, T. (2007). Robot therapy for pre- 20–22, 2003, Capri Island, Italy.
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Wada, K., Shibata, T., & Kawaguchi, Y. (2009). Long-term robot therapy in the IEEE, 92, 1780–1788.
a health service facility for the aged – A case study for 5 years. Paper Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2004b). Effects of three months
presented at the IEEE 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation robot assisted activity to depression of elderly people who stay at a
Robotics, June 23–26, 2009, Kyoto, Japan. health service facility for the aged. Paper presented at the SICE Annual
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Musha, T., & Kimura, S. (2005, August). Effects of robot Conference, August 4–6, 2004, Hokkaido, Japan.
therapy for demented patients evaluated by EEG. Paper presented at the Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2004c). Psychological and
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, August social effects in long-term experiment of robot assisted activity to elderly
2–6, 2005, Alberta, Canada. people at a health service facility for the aged. Paper presented at the
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Musha, T., & Kimura, S. (2008). Robot therapy for IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
elders affected by dementia. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology IROS, September 28 – October 2, 2004, Sendai, Japan.
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Psychological and social effects of one year robot assisted activity on term experiment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 01:18 21 May 2015

elderly people at a health service facility for the aged. Paper presented at the Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 220, 709–715.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, April Wada, K., Shibata, T., Sakamoto, K., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2005). Analysis
18–22, 2005, Barcelona, Spain. of Utterance in Long-Term Robot Assisted Activity for Elderly People.
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., Sakamoto, K., & Tanie, K. (2005b). Robot Paper presented at the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced
assisted activity at a health service facility for the aged for 17 months: Intelligent Mechatronics, July 24–28, 2005, Monterey, California, USA.
an interim report of long-term experiment. Paper presented at the IEEE Wada, K., Shibata, T., Sakamoto, K., & Tanie, K. (2005, August). Quantitative
Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, June 12–15, 2005, analysis of utterance of elderly people in long-term robot assisted activity.
Nagoya, Japan. Paper presented at the IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., Sakamoto, K., & Tanie, K. (2005c). Robot Interactive Communication, ROMAN, August 13–15, 2005, Nashville, TN,
assisted activity for elderly people for one year—Progress report of long- USA.
term experiment. Gerontechnology, 3, 207. Wada, K., Shibata, T., Sakamoto, K., & Tanie, K. (2006). Long-term inter-
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2002a). Analysis of factors that action between seal robots and elderly people—Robot assisted activity
bring mental effects to elderly people in robot assisted activity. Paper pre- at a health service facility for the aged. In K. Murase, K. Sekiyama,
sented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and T. Naniwa, N. Kubota, & J. Sitte (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International
System, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland; June Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment
10–14, 2002, Shanghai, China; October 21–25, 2002, Tsukuba, Japan; and (AMiRE 2005) (pp. 325–330). Berlin, Germany: Springer.
May 2002, Washington, DC, USA. Watanabe, T., Okubo, M., Nakashige, M., & Danbara, R. (2004). Interactor:
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2002b). Effects of robot assisted Speech-driven embodied interactive actor. International Journal of Human–
activity for elderly people at day service center and analysis of its fac- Computer Interaction, 17, 43–60.
tors. Paper presented at the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Watson, C., Teutenberg, J., Thompson, L., Roehling, S., & Igic, A. (2009). How
Automation. to build a New Zealand voice. Paper presented at the NZ Linguistic Society
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2002c). Psychological and social Conference, Palmerston North, November 30, 2009.
effects to elderly people by robot assisted activity at a health services facility Wolfe, B., & Eichmann, D. (1997). A neural network approach to tracking eye
for the aged. Paper presented at the Joint 1st International Conference on position. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 9, 59–79.
Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 3rd International Symposium Wu, Y.-H., Fassert, C., & Rigaud, A.-S. (2012). Designing robots for the elderly:
on Advanced Intelligent Systems. Appearance issue and beyond. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 54,
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2002d). Robot assisted activity 121–126.
for elderly people and nurses at a day service center. Paper presented at the Yamamoto, H., Miyazaki, H., Tsuzuki, T., & Kojima, Y. (2002). Entertainment
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA ‘02. and amusement robot technologies. A spoken dialogue robot, named
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2003a). Effects of robot assisted Wonder, to aid senior citizens who living alone with communication.
activity to elderly people who stay at a health service facility for the aged. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 14, 54–59.
Paper presented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Zhou, J., Rau, P.-L. P., & Salvendy, G. (2012). Use and design of handheld
Robots and Systems, October 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. computers for older adults: A review and appraisal. International Journal of
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2003b). Psychological and social Human–Computer Interaction, 28, 799–826.
effects of robot assisted activity to elderly people who stay at a health service
facility for the aged. Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Automation, ICRA ‘03, September 14–19, 2003, Taipei, ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2003c). Psychological, physio-
Reza Kachouie is currently a Ph.D. student at Monash
logical and social effects to elderly people by robot assisted activity at a University. With a multidisciplinary background, in applied
health service facility for the aged. Paper presented at the IEEE/ASME mathematics, engineering, and management, he has work expe-
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, July rience in academia and industry. He has coauthored publications
20–24, 2003, Port Island, Kobe, Japan.
Wada, K., Shibata, T., Saito, T., & Tanie, K. (2003d). Relationship between in management and social robotics. His research interests are
familiarity with mental commit robot and psychological effects to elderly dynamic capabilities, new product development, and social
people by robot assisted activity. Paper presented at the IEEE International innovation.

Sima Sedighadeli is working on her second master’s several research and teaching excellence awards. He has edited
in Business Information Management and Systems at La five books and has more than 170 refereed publications. His
Trobe Business School. She has completed her bachelor’s in research has made significant impact with about 30 films and
Industrial Management and master’s in industrial Engineering. documentaries and 230 reports in 14 countries.
She has worked as human resource officer and research Mei-Tai Chu is currently a senior lecturer and program
assistant. Her research interests are high-performance work director of MBIMS program at La Trobe University. She has
systems, new service development, and socially assistive worked as a consultant and engagement manager for more than
robotics. 40 Communities of Practices driven Knowledge Management
Rajiv Khosla has a multidisciplinary background in man- implementation before joining academia. She is regularly pub-
agement, engineering, and computer science. He has received lished in good-quality journals in diverse areas.
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