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Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

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Analysis and design of overcurrent protection for grid-connected microgrid

with PV generation
Jaymala D. Pradhan a,∗, Somnath S. Hadpe a, Rakesh G. Shriwastava a
MCOE&RC, Nashik (M.S.), India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: This paper aimed to demonstrate the reliability of the Over Current protection (OCP) scheme in protecting
Distributed generation (DG) microgrids with inverter interfaced RES for low voltage distribution networks. To prove this reliability, the
Energy storage (ES) PSCAD/EMTDC simulation software was used to conduct simulations for the OCP scheme, while comparing
Micro-grid (MG)
throughout grid-connected mode with and without PV generation, as well as in island mode. The computations
Overcurrent protection (OCP)
are carried out using a model of a CIGRE low voltage distribution system. The OCP average relay tripping time
Renewable energy sources (RES) for SLG faults through grid mode without PV has been 0.131 s, & 0.121 s for LLL faults. With regards to PV
generators, the average relay tripping time increased to 0.199 s & 0.135 s, including both. This is due to the fault
current contributed by PV generation inclusion, which restricts the current seen by the predefined OC relays. The
findings revealed that some OC relays failed to trip in island mode causing a loss of coordination and a decrease
in fault currents. The system was further tested for different generation levels (15%, 57%, and 81%) in island
mode and gave a negligible difference in average tripping time for different generation levels.

1. Introduction the protection of 11 kV distribution networks. Consequently, this paper

tried to fill this research gap by analyzing different protection systems
In both developing and emerging countries, the contribution of re- suitable for 0.4 kV distribution networks with inverter interfaced RES
newable energy to power systems [1] has seen a rapid move from and it sort to propose a protection system that could provide reliable
marginal to mainstream, partly due to the anticipated critical contribu- protection in both modes of operation.
tion that renewable energy would make in meeting the aims set out in This article provides a study about the drawbacks of conventional
the Paris Agreement [2,3]. In Paris, the United Nations Framework Con- protection methods used in the power supply model and provides a DC
vention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) set a target of 20 percent clean grid protection scheme. The paper is organized into six sections. The
energy penetration in the power market besides 2022 [4]. The success- first section introduces the concept. Section 2 gives information about
ful penetration of these Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is pushing for the detailing of microgrid. Protection challenges in microgrids are il-
modifications in power systems worldwide [5,6]. lustrated in section 3. Section 4 goes over the details of the network
The integration of RES changes the network topologies and leads to medelling and PSCAD simulation as well as the mathematical analysis.
different and intermittent fault levels [7–10]. These changes are a pro- Section 5 deals with results of simulations are discussed. Finally, section
tection challenge for pre-set protection systems, as failure to operate 6 brings this article to a conclusion.
when needed may occur [11]. Hence, to reliably operate and control
power systems integrated with RES, there is a crucial need to design
new protection methods or modify the existing protection schemes [12]. 2. Detailing of microgrids
Much research has been done on the protection of sub-transmission net-
works with RES integration since wind generation is generally connected A microgrid is an independent, controllable and single power sys-
at this level. However, solar penetration is increasing at the distribution tem that comprises distributed generation (DG), control devices, energy
level and few papers focus on the protection of distribution networks in storage (ES), and load. A microgrid can also be considered as a mini
this regard. For distribution networks, there seems to be no available lit- electric power system that includes generation, transmission, and distri-
erature on the protection of 0.4 kV distribution networks with inverter bution. It is capable of achieving optimal energy allocation and power
interfaced RES, particularly when the microgrid switches between op- balance in a specified area [13]. A Micro-Grid (MG) is more flexible than
eration modes. What seems to be largely available in the literature is conventional power transmission and distribution grid. The BESS & the
distributed generation are connected directly in parallel to the load. A

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.D. Pradhan).

Available online 3 April 2022

2666-285X/© 2022 The Authors. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

List of abbreviations & symbols

AC Alternating Current
BESS Battery Energy Storage Systems
CB Circuit Breaker
CT Current Transformer
DCP Differential Current Protection
DC Direct Current
DERs Distributed Energy Resources
DG Distributed Generation
DCP Differential Current Protection
ES Energy Storage
IDMT Inverse Definite Minimum Time
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracker
𝐼𝑆𝐶 Short circuit current
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SONET Synchronous Optical Network Fig. 1. AC/DC Hybrid Grid-Connected Microgrid.
LAN Local Area Network
MC Master Controller
AC-MGs, DC-MGs, and AC/DC hybrid MGs are the three types of
MPP Maximum Power Point
MGs. A DC/DC converter connects DGs, BESS, and DC loads to a DC
OC Over Current
bus in a DC-MG. An inverter connects the AC loads to the DC bus. The
OCP Over Current Protection
main advantage of the DC-MG is that it is simple to control, while the
PCC Point of Common Coupling
major weakness would be that inverters have been required to supply
RES Renewable Energy Sources
power to AC loads [15]. An AC-MG has a distribution network connected
PV Photovoltaic
to an AC bus. AC microgrids are more dominant, with the advantage
PVC Photovoltaic Cell
that there are no inverters needed for supplying power to AC loads. The
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
main disadvantage is that operation and control are not easy. An AC/DC
GW Gigawatts
hybrid MG has been made up of a DC bus as well as an AC bus. The DC
THD Total Harmonics Distortion
t bus sends power effectively to DC loads, whereas an AC bus sends power
trip Trip time
V directly to AC loads, as can be seen in Fig. 1 [16].
oc Open circuit voltage
SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation
2.1. PV systems
M The ratio of input current to pick-up current
t Reset time/s
PV is a method of generating electricity by the transformation of so-
𝐼𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 Input current
lar energy into electrical energy. Currently, the market is dominated by
𝐼𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑢𝑝 Relay pick-up current
crystalline silicon solar cells, and other solar cell types include; com-
P Active Power
P pound solar cells and amorphous silicon solar cells [17].
max Maximum power
The ideal PV cell I-V characteristic is given by in Eq. (1);
Q Reactive Power ( 𝑞𝑣 )
T Temperature 𝐼 = 𝐼𝑙 − 𝐼0 𝑒 𝑘𝑇 − 1 (1)
𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑓 𝑓 Differential current
𝐼𝑓 𝐼 Full load current Where; Il = Cell current component due to photons, Io = Reverse satu-
𝐼𝑓 min Minimum fault current ration diode current q = 1.6 × 10–19 coulombs, k = 1.38 × 10–23 j/K,
TOC Time-Over Current T = Temperature of the cell in K.
V Maximum power point voltage The PV cell short circuit current (Isc ) is determined by setting V to
𝐼0 Reverse saturation diode current 0 in (1), giving Isc = Il is approximately, directly proportional to the
𝐼𝑚 Maximum power point current irradiance to the cell. Thus, for a known I1 at standard test conditions
𝐼𝑙 Cell current component due to photons of irradiance (G0 ) = 1000 W/m2 , Il at irradiance G, is given by in Eq. (2);
PSCAD Power Systems Computer Aided Design ( )
𝐼1 (𝐺) = 𝐺∕𝐺0 𝐼1 (𝐺0 ) (2)
The PV cell open-circuit voltage (Voc ) is determined by setting the
cell current to zero in Eq. (3). Solving for Voc , yields;
microgrids capability of autonomous management, control, and protec- ( ) ( )
𝐾 𝐼 + 𝐼0 𝐾 𝐼𝑙
tion, gives a microgrid the ability to operate either in grid-connected or 𝑉𝑜𝑐 = 𝑇 l𝑛 𝑙 = 𝑇 l𝑛 (3)
𝑞 𝐼0 𝑞 𝐼0
islanded mode [14].
Whenever an MG seems to be grid-connected, this somehow links to
𝐼𝑙 ≥ 𝐼0 (4)
the utility grid via a PCC and exchanges power with the distribution or
sub-transmission structure of the power system. Whenever an MG has The PV cell power is obtained by multiplication of the cell voltage
been islanded, this is separated from the power system. If there is a major with the cell current. To maximize the output from the PV cell, the PV
disturbance, the grid supply can be disconnected so that the MG operates cell must be operated in such a way that it produces maximum power.
independently (off-grid/island mode), whereas the DGs independently Maximum power from a PV cell can only be obtained at one point on
continue supplying to local loads. It can, however, be grid-connected the I-V characteristic curve of the PV cell as shown in Eq. (4). The max-
when the generation seems insufficient to meet the load [15]. imum power point voltage and current depend upon cell temperature,

J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

Fig. 2. Communication assisted DCP Relaying Protection.

Fig. 3. Relay Blinding Operation.

Fig. 5. False tripping.

electromagnetic ES technologies include different types of capacitors

[20]. BESS is generally installed with charge controllers. The role of a
Fig. 4. Limited If in Island Mode.
charge controller is to cut off the load in the event of an undesirable
state of discharge and must also cut off the PV array supply when the
irradiance, and load. The MPP can be acquired by plotting the cell cur- BESS is fully charged [21].
rent Vs voltage and observing where the MPP can occur [18,19]. The
maximum power of a cell is given by in Eq. (5); 2.3. Protection and communication

𝑃max = I𝑚 𝑉𝑚 (5)
2.4. Switch gear
Where, Vm & Im are the voltage and current values at MPP respec- Switchgear is the apparatus used for switching, controlling and pro-
tively. tecting electrical circuits and equipment [25]. Switchgear equipment
includes switches, circuit breakers (CBs), fuses, and relays. A relay is a
2.2. Battery energy storage systems device that detects a fault condition and sends a trip signal to the circuit
Due to the uncertainty, dependence on solar light and intermittency A typical relay circuit consists of a CT with a primary winding con-
nature of DGs. BESS technologies are provided to solve the demand and nected in series with equipment to be protected, and the secondary
supply imbalance. Solar energy is only available when there is solar winding connected to the relay operating coil. In the event of a fault,
light, but power is needed around the clock. Therefore, for PV systems excessive current flows through the primary circuit leading to a rise in
to be able to provide energy around the clock, they must have energy secondary emf [22]. This energizes the relay operating coil and, depend-
storage systems. Also, an inverter must be connected to supply power to ing on the delay settings, the relay sends a trip signal to the breaker op-
AC loads. BESS also has other purposes which include; control, stability, erating coil [23]. Circuit breaker opening time increases the operating
black start, and power quality adjustment. time of the relay. Different breaker types have different operating times.
ES technologies are in different forms which include physical, elec- Typically, a low voltage CB is anticipated to operate in 1 to 3 cycles that
trochemical, and electromagnetic. The physical form of ES technologies is 20 ms to 60 ms for a 50 Hz system. While the medium voltage CB is
includes flywheel, compressed air, and pumped storage. The electro- expected to operate in 3 to 5 cycles, that is 60 ms to 100 ms for a 50 Hz
chemical form of ES technologies includes batteries of all types. The system [24,25].

J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

Fig. 6. OCP on Grid-Connected MG with and

without PV Generation.

Table 1 glass strand, which guides light waves. Optic fibres can transmit light
Summary of CIGRE LV Network Parameters. over a long distance, have a very large information-carrying capacity,
Bus Total Load and are immune to electromagnetic interference. Ethernet is a technol-
ogy used for the connection of different LAN, hence enabling communi-
(kVA) Generation
cation amongst different devices. Factors such as resource availability,
Type Generation
Amount distance, terrain, and cost are considered when choosing a communica-
R11 5.70 – – tion link [27].
E 19.2 WIND 5.5kW A reliable communication channel is crucial for DCP. The reliabil-
D 19.2 PVC 4.0kW
ity of DCP is mainly dependent on the reliability of the communica-
A – BESS 35kVA
R17 2.70 – –
tions channel. The measurements from both remote ends need to be ac-
B – BESS 25kVA curately transferred for deferential comparison. The transferred signals
C 8.80 PVC 3.0kW should have accurate magnitude and angle, also being time coincident.
TOTAL 55.6 Generation = 12.5 kW, Due to this requirement, DCP requires reliable communication [28,29].
Battery storage = 60kVA
Fig. 2 shows a typical relay communication setup on a transmission line.
Most DCP relays use a 64 kbps communications interface, which is
over dedicated fiber or multiplexed network. However, some DCP re-
3. Communication lays use slower speed asynchronous serial communications. Currently,
Ethernet communication application to DCP has been getting attention
Protection relays are distantly located from each other. Therefore, to as it could provide easy access to information at a reduced total system
effectuate protection services, communication between these elements cost. Nevertheless, implementation is infrequent for DCP, but promising
is essential. There are different communication link types used for pro- in forthcoming designs [30].
tection signaling. These include pilot wires, power line carrier channels, Depending on the projection distance, the dedicated fiber connection
radio channels, optical fiber, and Ethernet [26]. A pilot wire is a contin- is implemented by LED or laser. Typically, the laser option can be used
uous copper wire connecting two signaling stations. PLCC technique in- for a length of up to 100 km, and repeaters may be needed for longer
volves the embedding of a high-frequency signal on an overhead power distances. When using multiplexed communications, the relay commu-
line. Radio channel communication provides a wide bandwidth, which nications interface connects directly to the substation multiplexer [31].
could allow high data rate modem operation. An optical fiber is a fine For higher-speed data transfer over optic fiber, a synchronous optical

J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

Fig. 7. The CIGRE LV Distribution Network.

Fig. 8. Firing Pulse Generator.

Table 2
Relay Settings.

RELAY Ipickup (kA) TDS

R1 1.20 0.020
Fig. 9. OC Relay Setup. R4T 0.50 0.015
R4A 0.75 0.015
R6 0.40 0.010

network (SONET) and synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) have been

adopted. Currently, time-based SDH/SONET networks are steadily mi- Since DCP mainly relies on a protection channel, relay systems
grating to packet-based core networks [32]. should be able to activate alternative communication channels or sec-

J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

Fig. 10. Overcurrent Relay Protection.

Table 3
Overcurrent Protection Simulation Results for a LLL (3 pH) fault.

Fault Grid Mode (NO PV) Grid Mode (With PV) Island Mode
location OperatingRelay and ttrip (s) OperatingRelay and ttrip (s) OperatingRelay and ttrip (s)

R1-R3 R1 - 0.121 R1 - 0.131 No Trip

R3-R11 R1 - 0.135 R1 - 0.164 No Trip
R3-R4 R1 - 0.126 R1 - 0.140 No Trip
R4-R14 R4T - 0.124 R4T - 0.131 R4T - 0.275
R4-R6 R4A - 0.115 R4A - 0.134R6 - 0.132 R6 - 0.356
R6-D R4A - 0.133 R4A - 0.142 No Trip
R6-R10 R6 - 0.109 R6 - 0.120 R6 - 0.144
R9-R17 R6 - 0.112 R6 - 0.126 R6 - 0.180
R10-C R6 - 0.110 R6 - 0.125 R6 - 0.164

ondary protection upon failure of a communication channel. The relay islanded configuration fault present levels are indeed lower for inverter
should quickly detect and activate the alternative option since failure interfaced RES [35].
to do so negatively affect the overall reliability of the DCP system. One An inverter’s output current is limited to an amount that is equiv-
of the best ways of implementing DCP with improved reliability is by alent to double the inverter’s power rating because inverters are de-
using backup or redundant communications channels [33]. signed to protect themselves by limiting their output current [36]. If in
The deployment of smart grid technologies will see the ready avail- islanded operation, the low If provides protection challenges for pre-set
ability of communication channels. Hence, in this paper, a communica- OC-based protection systems [37]. Because RES has been intermittent If
tion channel is assumed to be readily available and simulations do not amounts in the MG fluctuate. The If level depends on connected active
include effects of communications systems. DGs, therefore making it further difficult to implement an If level-based
protection scheme [38]. Loss of relay coordination due to bidirectional
current flow is another major protection challenge experienced by MGs
4. Protection challenges and possible solutions when they switch from grid mode to island mode.
Fig. 3 illustrates one of the major challenges of grid-connected MGs.
4.1. Protection challenges in microgrids The If is supplied by both the grid and the PV generator. Depending
on the PV generator rating, this contribution increases the If through
MGs can act individually or as part of a larger grid. The grid supply R2 and decreases that of R1 accordingly. These results in OC relay R1
could be separated from the MG in the case of a major disruption in under reach operation. This effect is known as relay blinding.
the power network. In this case, the microgrid operates independently Fig. 4 illustrates another challenge as the MG switches from grid-
(off-grid/ island mode), where the DGs continue supplying to local loads connected to island mode of operation. Due to the poor fault contribu-
[34]. It can, however, be grid-connected when the generation seems in- tion capabilities of PV generators, OC relay R2 is not able to operate. In
sufficient to meet the load [35]. Due to number of If contributing sources this situation, neither RI nor R2 can detect the fault.
connected in grid-connected configuration, MGs have greater If levels Also, since the protection systems were initially designed for uni-
than that in islanded mode [35]. Because of their limited If capabilities, directional power flow, false tripping and loss of coordination are ob-

J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

Table 4
Overcurrent Protection Simulation Results for an SLG (1 pH) fault.

Fault Grid Mode (NO PV) Grid Mode (With PV) Island Mode
location OperatingRelay & ttrip (s) OperatingRelay & ttrip (s) OperatingRelay & ttrip (s)

R1-R3 R1 - 0.128 R1 - 0.144 No Trip

R3-R11 R1 - 0.187 R1 - 0.361 No Trip
R3-R4 R1 - 0.138 R1 - 0.176 No Trip
R4-R14 R4T - 0.128 R4T - 0.161 No Trip
R4-R6 R4A - 0.122 R4A - 0.162R6 - 0.159 No Trip
R6-D R4A - 0.122 R4A - 0.351 No Trip
R6-R10 R6 - 0.115 R6 - 0.132 R6 - 0.178
R9-R17 R6 - 0.116 R6 - 0.153 No Trip
R10-C R6 - 0.120 R6 - 0.154 R6 - 0.276

Fig. 11. Modified Overcurrent Relay Protection for both modes in PSCAD.

served for the power flow in the opposite direction as shown in Fig. 5. [12]. To protect these independent systems, MGs need modified protec-
In Fig. 5, a non-directional OC relay R2 may operate for reverse current tion schemes that are sensitive enough to accurately differentiate close
due to RES infeed. faults from load currents [36]. The said proposed mechanism could also
One of the most relevant issues under the protection of MGs to- protect the MG accurately both in islanded as well as grid-connected
day is the question of: How can one design a ’complete’ MG protection operating conditions, with no changes in operation configurations [36].
scheme that meets the three basic protection requirements of sensitivity,
selectivity, and reliability [35]. Unfortunately, the conventional IDMT
over-current relays would not provide adequate protection for MGs in 4.2. Propose approach
islanded mode, because the protection device might not distinguish a
fault condition from normal loading as the margin between them is thin. A practical investigation of the protection issues for MGs with in-
Also, IDMT relays fail to operate in some situations due to a lack of co- verter interfaced PV generation has been carried out. The modeling of
ordination. This hints that other protection techniques are to be sorted an OC protection scheme & relay coordination will be the first step.

J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

Table 5 50 Hz modulating waves were created with a 1200 and −1200 phase
Overcurrent Simulation Results for Grid Mode with 240 kW PV Gen- shift. SPWM with a high switching frequency is desirable because har-
eration. monics appear around the switching frequency which makes filtering
Fault 3PH fault 1PH fault easy since the switching frequency is way above the fundamental fre-
location OperatingRelay and ttrip (s) OperatingRelay and ttrip (s) quency [40].
R1-R3 R1 - 0.150 R1 - 0.206 To get switching signals, the modulating waves were compared with
R3-R11 R1 - 0.385 No Trip a 1000 Hz triangular carrier wave with a maximum output level of 1
R3-R4 R1 - 0.268 No Trip and a minimum output level of −1. IGBT 1, IGBT 3, and IGBT 5 pulse
R4-R14 R4T - 0.150 R4T - 0.172 generators produced an output of 1 whenever the corresponding mod-
R4-R6 R4A - 0.152 R4A - 0.232R6 - 0.228
ulating wave is greater than the carrier wave or else 0. IGBT 2, IGBT
R6-D R4A - 0.156 R4A - 0.192
R6-R10 R6 - 0.128 R6 - 0.145 4, and IGBT 6 pulse generators produced an output of 1 whenever the
R9-R17 R6 - 0.146 R6 - 0.284 corresponding modulating wave is less than the carrier wave or else 0
R10-C R6 - 0.144 R6 - 0.159 [38].
For overcurrent relay, an inverse time OC relay 51 as from the PSCAD
library is being used in the article; the relay has been predicated on IEEE
A grid-connected MG with no PV generation has been subjected to standard C37.112–1996. Because the relay receives a recorded current
a sustained LLL as well as SLG fault at multiple places at 0.01 s. These signal, millimetres have been used as input signal sources rather than
findings have been demonstrated and are being used as a starting point. CTs. Whenever the input current seems to be larger than the pickup
Afterward, a sustained LLL, as well as SLG fault, has been implemented current, the relay trips, and then when the input current will be less
to grid modes at multiple places at 0.01 s, however this time with PV than the pickup current, the relay resets [31]. So the trip time and reset
generation. time of relay is calculated as in Eqs. (6) and (7).
Tripping time outcomes have been evidenced again and especially in The relay operates:
comparison to reference results before even being thoroughly analysed ( )
to demonstrate the trustworthiness of the protection scheme. Unsatis- 𝑡𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝 = 𝑇𝐷 +𝐵 +𝐾 (6)
𝑀𝑝 − 1
fying results prompted the suggestion of a remedy, and in this case,
( )
includes a new protection scheme. The unsatisfactory results are taken 𝑡𝑟
𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑡 = 𝑇𝐷 (7)
into account for OC protection’s weakness throughout protecting MGs. 1 − 𝑀𝑞
Fig. 6 graphically summarises the very first step of the research methods
Where, ttrip = trip time/s, treset = reset time/s, Ipickup = relay current
used in this investigation.
setting, M = Iinput / Ipick up , tr = reset time for M = 0
The pickup setting for the OC relays has been chosen so that it be-
5. Network modeling & simulation
comes always greater than twice the full load current (IfL ) but much less
than one-third (1/3) of the lowest possible If (Ifmin [33]. The pickup set
In this paperwork, the PSCAD software was selected to simulate the
point has been provided by in Eq. (8) as follow:
protection challenges for AC MGs with inverter interfaced RES. PSCAD
was chosen because it is powerful and has a very flexible graphical user 1
2𝐼 𝑓𝑙 ≤ 𝐼𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑢𝑝 ≤ 𝐼 (8)
interface. 3 𝑓 min
Where IfL = full load current, Ifmin = minimum fault current
5.1. Network modelling To archive, the requisite coordination as well as selectivity, the most
downstream relay has been set to the smallest possible TDS of 0.01 as
CIGRE Task Force (TF) C6.04.02 [37] established a benchmark for well as the upstream phases were subjected to a progressive addition of
low voltage distribution networks in Europe. The development of this 0.005 to TDS [33]. The pickup current has been computed using formula
benchmark was large to facilitate the study of effects brought about by (8). As alluded to, total relay operation time includes circuit breaker
the interconnection of various DERs to power systems, including an in- operating time, and for practical demonstration in this paper, a delay
depth analysis of control strategies for specific DER arrangements [38]. of 80 ms was assumed for circuit breaker operation and other minor
This network is fed from a 20/0.4 kV, 400 kVA step-down transformer. delays.
The network consists of 3 kW and 4 kW PV solar generators connected The relay output is connected through a constable as shown in Fig. 9.
to buses C and D respectively. Fixed-pitch fixed speed 5.5 kW wind gen- This component maintains a high output for a set time after being turned
erator connected to bus E. 35 kVA and 25 kVA batteries at 0.85 lagging on. This ensures the tripping of the circuit breaker once the triggering
power factor, connected through inverters to bus A and B respectively signal has been detected.
The battery units control frequency during the islanded mode of op- 6. Result and discussion
eration and they do not produce any power when the MG is in grid-
connected mode [39]. There are unbalanced loads connected at buses In practice, one OC relay coordinates to fuses sectionalizes, as well as
C, D, E, R11, and R17. More details about loads parameters are pro- auto reclosers in such a distribution system. The protection system was
vided in the Table 6. A summary of the information is provided in introduced for illustration purposes throughout this article. Overcurrent
Table 1. Fig. 7 shows the CIGRE European low voltage distribution net- protection and modified overcurrent protection for both modes as seen
work benchmark. For demonstration purposes in this work, the network in Fig. 10 as well as Fig. 11 respectively. If a downstream fault also isn’t
was modified to balance the generation and the load so that the MG can resolved effectively by combining protection, upstream protection acts
operate in islanded mode. These modifications included increasing to- as backup protection. It can be due to protection defeat or incapability.
tal generation to 60 kW. Since this paper focused on inverter interfaced Main protection should be activated as quickly as possible. To archive,
RES, the wind turbine on bus E was replaced by a PVC source and all the requisite coordination, as well as selectivity, a most downstream re-
the 3 generators produced 20 kW each. The grid is represented by an lay, has been established to the lowest possible TDS of 0.01, & upstream
equivalent 20 kV, 50 Hz source. stages were subjected to something like a progressive addition of 0.005
The inverter IGBT switching signals were generated using a firing to TDS [33]. Table 2 displays the relay settings.
pulse generator shown in Fig. 8 below. The firing pulse generator used Table 3 depicts the results obtained using the proposed sustained
the SPWM method to generate the firing pulse signals, three sinusoidal LLL-G fault at multiple places at 0.01 s to both grid mode of operation

J.D. Pradhan, S.S. Hadpe and R.G. Shriwastava Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (2022) 349–358

Table 6
Load details of CIGRE LV Distribution Network.

Node Maximum demand of each consumergroup 𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥 ⋅ (𝑘𝑉 𝐴) Contribution of group to max feederdemand 𝑆𝑐 ⋅ (𝑘𝑉 𝐴) Power Factor

R11 15 5.7 0.85

E 72 57 0.85
D 55 25 0.85
R17 15 5.7 0.85
C 47 25 0.85

with and without PV power at 1000 W/m2 and 25 °C reference irradi- seems to be vulnerable to short circuit level modifications and also that
ance as well as cell temperature. Table 4 presents the results obtained relay collaboration has been lost once they switch from grid-connected
using the proposed sustained SLG fault at different locations at 0.01 s to mode to islanding mode.
both grid methods of operation both with PV generation at 1000 W/m2
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