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pcinews_twt DECEMBER 2, 2022 VOL. 8 NO. 518 Purchase Financing Months


Several members of different labor groups hold a rally Wednesday (Nov. 30, 2022) at the Liwasang Bonifacio in Manila as they commemorate the 159th birth anniversary of hero Andres Bonifacio,
acknowledged as the father of the Philippine revolution against Spanish rule. The protesters clamored for wage hikes and more job opportunities.

Be ‘best version’ of 17

yourself like Bonifacio,

PBBM urges Pinoys Black Panther: Wakanda
Forever reclaims the myth
BY RUTH ABBEY GITA-CARLOS, memoration of Bonifacio’s 159th birth of an African utopia
PRIAM NEPOMUCENO anniversary in Caloocan City, Marcos
Philippine News Agency said emulating the revolutionary hero’s
character would enable all Filipinos to 21
enjoy a “brighter” future.
MANILA – President Ferdinand R. “Ang kaniyang (Bonifacio) pangalan `
Marcos Jr. on Wednesday urged Filipinos ay mananatiling naka-ukit sa ating kas- The Emergencies Act inquiry
to honor Andres Bonifacio’s heroism by aysayan kailanman, hindi lamang dahil revealed a disturbing disregard
becoming the “best version” of themselves sa kaniyang pamumuno sa rebolusyon of the public interest
and imbibing the values of selflessness and kundi sa kaniyang ‘di matatawarang How can you tell if something is true?
patriotism for the country’s development. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself
In a speech delivered during the com- ❱❱ PAGE 7 Be ‘best version’ about what you see, hear and read

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FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 Philippine News 3

Marcos wants to postpone power hikes

until after Christmas
BY AZER PARROCHA expected power hikes until next Premier Power Corp. (SPPC).
Philippine News Agency year would significantly benefit “Yung worry ko lang itong
consumers severely impact- nangyari yung TRO na binigay
ed by the rising costs of basic ng CA doon sa PSA ng San Mi-
MANILA – President Ferdi- goods and services. guel at saka Meralco (My worry
nand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday “If we could postpone or now is the TRO imposed by the
said his administration is trying padahan-dahanin lang natin. CA on the PSA of San Miguel
its best to prevent the prices of Kung tataas man, dahan-da- and Meralco),” he said.
fuel from further increasing in hanin natin ang pagtaas. Masya- On Sunday, Marcos described
time for the Christmas season. do nang nahirapan ang tao (or the CA decision to suspend
“Yun ang tina-trabaho namin make is gradual. If it increases, the PSA between Meralco and
ngayon, na hindi tumaas ang we have to do make it happen SPPC as “unfortunate.”
fuel. At least not for Christ- gradually. People are suffering “The implementation of the Two Meralco linemen disentangle and transfer the wires to a concrete power pole from the
mas man lang (That’s what enough),” he added. PSA between Meralco and San leaning power pole in Bago Bantay, Quezon City on Nov. 14, 2022. (BEN BRIONES/PNA)
we’re working on now, that Marcos made this remark as Miguel, it is unfortunate that
fuel doesn’t increase further. he again raised concerns over this has happened, it will cause ous effect this will have on power tribute cash subsidies to affect-
At least not for Christmas),” he the Court of Appeals’ (CA) tem- further dislocations and possi- prices for ordinary Filipinos.” ed populations such as drivers,
said in a media interview after porary restraining order (TRO) ble price increase for power,” Inflated electricity costs are fisherfolk and farmers.
his meeting with officials of the suspending the implementation Marcos said. expected in the coming months The government is also eye-
International Rice Research of the power supply agreement He also expressed hope that amid the ongoing conflict be- ing to increase the share of re-
Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños (PSA) between the Manila Elec- the CA would “reconsider” its tween Russia and Ukraine. newable energy on the country’s
town, Laguna province. tric Company (Meralco) and San decision and include in its delib- Currently, the Marcos ad- generation mix to provide house-
Marcos said postponing the Miguel Corp.’s subsidiary South erations “the extremely deleteri- ministration continues to dis- holds with cheaper electricity. ■

Bill on PH virology PBBM discusses

institute hurdles 2nd 10-point defense
reading in House agenda with
Philippine News Agency
DND execs
BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- “The DND, on the other
CARLOS hand, discussed with the Com-
MANILA – The Philippines Philippine News Agency mander-in-Chief the 10-point
will soon have its own virology defense agenda aimed at im-
and vaccine research institute proving the agency’s capability
as the measure proposing its MANILA – President Ferdi- to respond to various aspects of
creation gained traction at the nand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday national security,” the OP said.
House of Representatives. met with the officials of the De- The RTVM said Faustino also
During Tuesday’s plenary partment of National Defense assured Marcos of the DND’s
session, the chamber approved (DND) to discuss the 10-point commitment to align its policies
on second reading House Bill (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK) defense agenda. with the national government’s
6452, which seeks to establish The meeting between Marcos agenda for a “stronger” Philip-
the Virology and Vaccine Insti- tute will conduct in-depth stud- to implement policies, plans, and Defense officials led by DND pines and strengthen its efforts in
tute of the Philippines (VIP), ies on viruses and their potential programs and projects for the officer-in-charge Undersecretary protecting Philippine territory.
which is a priority measure of disease-causing agents that af- development of virology science Jose Faustino Jr. was held at the “OIC Senior Undersecretary
President Ferdinand R. Mar- fect people, plants and animals and technology in the country State Dining Room of Malacañan Jose Faustino Jr. highlights the
cos Jr. as mentioned in his first to provide the scientific bases and the promotion of scientific Palace in Manila, according to a DND’s 10-point defense agenda
State of the Nation Address. for the treatment of viral dis- technological activities for both Facebook post by state-run Radio covering the following areas:
In his sponsorship speech, eases, and for the formulation public and private sectors. Television Malacañang (RTVM). sovereignty and territorial in-
House Committee on Health of policies that shall prevent the The VIP shall undertake sci- Faustino, during the meeting, tegrity; internal security and
Chairperson and Batanes Rep- transmission of these diseases. entific and technological re- presented to Marcos the DND’s stability; disaster resilience and
resentative Ciriaco Gato Jr. said The VIP shall be an attached search and development in the 10-point defense agenda which climate change adaptation; cy-
the bill is crucial in the nation’s agency of the Department of Sci- field of virology. will help the agency boost its ber defense; modernization, ca-
quest for health security as the ence and Technology for purpos- It shall also conduct product capability to deal with national pability and capacity develop-
proposed VIP would strength- es of policy and program coor- research and development in security issues, the Office of the ment; security cooperation and
en the country’s capacity to ad- dination to ensure alignment in the areas of diagnostics, thera- President (OP) said in another engagements; Reserve Force
dress health emergencies. national policies and priorities. statement posted on its official
Gato said the proposed insti- The bill also mandates the VIP ❱❱ PAGE 10 Bill on PH Facebook page. ❱❱ PAGE 12 PBBM discusses 10-point
4 Philippine News DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

Pag-IBIG commits House pushes for

P250B to PBBM’s protecting women from
‘Pambansang discrimination at work
Pabahay’ program BY FILANE MIKEE
Philippine News Agency
female employee with respect
to dismissal of personnel or the
application of any retrench-
ries or benefits due her.
Calamba City Representative
Charisse Hernandez, author
ment policy of the employer of the measure, said discrim-
BY ZALDY DE LAYOLA more than 6.5 million. solely on account of their sex or ination in the labor market
Philippine News Agency Under the program, Marcos MANILA – The House of Rep- characteristics, whether actual towards women remains per-
tasked the DHSUD to build 1 resentatives on Monday over- or presumed. vasive notwithstanding protec-
million houses annually in the whelmingly approved on final Denying any woman the ben- tion given by the Constitution
MANILA – The Home De- next six years. reading a measure that would efits of employment or other and other laws.
velopment Mutual Fund (Pag- In a related development, expand the prohibited acts of statutory benefits by reason of Citing the World Economic
IBIG Fund) Board headed by Pag-IBIG Fund also signed a discrimination in the workplace her sex shall likewise be consid- Forum as provided in its Glob-
Secretary Jose Rizalino Acuzar memorandum of agreement against female employees. ered an act of discrimination. al Gender Gap Report 2021,
of the Department of Human (MOA) with Bacolod City May- With 248 affirmative votes, The proposed measure also Hernandez said the Philippines
Settlement and Urban Devel- or Albee Benitez for the con- the chamber approved House seeks to amend Article 137, as ranked 17th out of 156 coun-
opment (DHSUD) on Mon- struction of 10,000 housing Bill 4479, which seeks to amend amended by making it unlawful tries in narrowing the gender
day approved the allocation of units for informal settler fami- the Labor Code of the Philip- for any employer to discharge gap in terms of economic par-
PHP250 billion to the adminis- lies (ISFs) also on Monday. pines, particularly Article 135 a woman employee on account ticipation and opportunities.
tration’s Pambansang Pabahay The historic deal marks the of Presidential Decree No. 442. of her pregnancy, or while on “This shows progress, howev-
para sa Pilipino program. first MOA signed under the Under the bill, favoring a leave or while in confinement er we must further improve and
The amount will help guaran- “Pambansang Pabahay”, sig- male over a female employee due to her pregnancy. continuously ramp up our efforts
tee the accomplishment of Pres- nalling the initial fruition of the with respect to assignment, The penalties for violating in eliminating discrimination
ident Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s government’s plan to address the promotion, training opportu- the provisions of the proposed and abasement against women
flagship housing program where housing needs in the country. nities, study and scholarship law entail a fine of PHP50,000 which still exists in the ordinary
he committed to build 6 million Acuzar said the agreement grants, solely on account of to PHP200,000 and/or impris- workplace,” Hernandez said.
housing units in six years as the unlocks the potential of the their sex or characteristics, onment of one to two years. Other authors of the bill are
country’s Chief Executive. new housing program, especial- whether actual or presumed, The conviction or acquittal Speaker Martin Romualdez,
“This is a huge boost to our ly the financial structure and shall be considered an act of obtained by the employer shall House Majority Leader Man-
President’s Pambansang Paba- the active participation of gov- discrimination. not be a hindrance to the filing uel Jose Dalipe, and Rizal Rep.
hay para sa Pilipino Program --a ernment financial institutions It shall also be a discrimina- by the female employee of a civ- Juan Fidel Felipe Nograles,
giant step towards realizing the (GFIs) and the private sector. tory act to favor a male over a il suit for the payment of sala- among others. ■
dream of every Filipino family The MOA tasks DHSUD to
to have decent, safe and afford- facilitate the implementation of

House seeks retention of

able shelters,” Acuzar said in a the housing project in collabora-
news release on Tuesday. tion with the local government
“On behalf of those wishing units and other relevant agen-
to have their dream homes, my cies by acting as the overall en-
deepest gratitude to the mem-
bers of the Pag-IBIG Fund
Board of Trustees especially to
abler, initiator and coordinator.
“The Department of Human
Settlements and Urban Devel-
fuel subsidy, free ride in
2023 budget
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) opment is in the right direction
Marilene Acosta for her all-out in providing adequate and af-
support,” he added. fordable housing to fellow Fili-
With assured funding sup- pinos,” Benitez during the MOA
port from Pag-IBIG Fund, signing held at DHSUD Central BY ZALDY DE LAYOLA “This is one of the pro-peo- ‘yan dahil kailangan (We funded
Acuzar is very optimistic of the Office in Quezon City. Philippine News Agency ple provisions of the proposed that because it is necessary),” said
success of the program which is Based on the agreement, Ba- national budget. Kailangan ito Ako Bicol Party-list Rep. Zaldy Co,
designed to address the coun- ng mga mamamayan (These are chairman of the House Committee
try’s housing backlog pegged at ❱❱ PAGE 16 Pag-IBIG commits P250B MANILA – Speaker Martin needed by the Filipinos),” Ro- on Appropriations.
G. Romualdez said Tuesday mualdez said. The service contracting or Li-
the House of Representatives He said the fuel subsidy pro- breng Sakay program of the DOTr
is pushing for the retention of gram remains one of the govern- and Land Transportation Fran-
funds allocated for fuel subsidy ment services that drivers and chising and Regulatory Board
and the Libreng Sakay program operators look forward to in times (LTFRB) began in 2020 and was
of the Department of Transpor- of need amid the rising oil prices. mandated under the Bayanihan
tation (DOTr). Equally important, he added, to Recover as One Act. It was re-
The House has decided to is the “free ride” program as it tained in 2021 and 2022.
earmark PHP25 billion for the serves well and is a big help to Bike lanes, meanwhile, en-
Pantawid Pasada Fuel Program, commuters who do not earn courage citizens to use bicycles
PHP2 billion for Libreng Sakay, enough for their respective to go to, and from, work.
and PHP1 billion as part of the families. “It is a way to be physically
DHSUD Secretary Jose Rizalino Acuzar (3rd from right) and Marikina City Mayor Marceli- PHP77 billion institutional “House believes that the Libreng healthy and at the same time
no Teodoro (4th from right) at the groundbreaking rites for the Bagong Sibol housing amendments for pro-people pro- Sakay program will really help reduces vehicles on the road,”
project in Barangay Nangka in Marikina City on Oct. 7, 2022. (JOEY O. RAZON/PNA) grams in the national budget. commuters. Pinondohan namin Co said. ■

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6 Philippine News DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

PBBM to sign EO creating ‘green lane’

for strategic investments
BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- significance, highly desirable EO’s provisions will be a ground
CARLOS projects endorsed by the Fis- for administrative and disci-
Philippine News Agency cal Incentives Review Board plinary sanctions against any err-
(FIRB) and FDIs endorsed by ing public officer or employee, as
the Inter-Agency Investments provided under existing laws and
MANILA – President Ferdi- Promotion Coordination Com- regulations,” Garafil said.
nand R. Marcos Jr. is set to sign mittee (IAIPCC) or priority ‘More conducive’ to busi-
an executive order (EO) seeking projects or activities under the ness opportunities
the creation of “green lane” for Strategic Investment Priority The proposed green lane is
strategic investments, Mala- Plan (SIPP), which are con- vital in fulfilling the Marcos ad-
cañang announced Tuesday. sidered as projects of national ministration’s goal of making
This, developed after Marcos significance or highly desirable the Philippines “more condu-
convened a meeting with Trade that may be endorsed by the cive” to business opportunities,
Secretary Alfredo Pascual and Board of Investments (BOI) of the Office of the President said
other officials of the Depart- the concerned Investment Pro- in a separate Facebook post.
ment of Trade and Industry President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. meets with officials of the Department of motion Agencies (IPAs).” During the meeting, Pascual
(DTI) at the State Dining Room Trade and Industry in Malacañang Palace on Nov. 29, 2022. (OFFICE OF THE “The EO mandates NGAs sought the issuance of an exec-
of Malacañan Palace in Manila. PRESIDENT/FACEBOOK) and LGUs to act on a permit or utive order (EO) which allows
“President Ferdinand R. Mar- license application not longer the creation of a green lane for
cos Jr. will be signing an Execu- During the meeting, the DTI during the meeting. than three working days in the firms to hasten the processing
tive Order to promote ease of do- presented to Marcos the pro- The proposed “green lane” case of a simple transaction, of their applications for permits
ing business in the Philippines posed EO after identifying the policy, Marcos said, would en- seven working days in the case and other needed documents.
and make it competitive with barrier across multiple regulatory able the government to change of complex transactions, and 20 “DTI Secretary Alfredo Pas-
other Southeast Asian nations agencies that hamper the smooth the “extraneous” and “obso- working days for highly techni- cual presents the proposed
in terms of attracting Foreign entry of FDIs in the country. lete” procedures. cal transactions from the date creation of an Executive Order
Direct Investments (FDIs),” Marcos backed the proposal, Strategic investments of receipt,” she said. (EO) on the provision of guide-
Undersecretary Cheloy Garafil, as he acknowledged that setting Garafil said the proposed Garafil said a technical work- lines in expediting the process
officer-in-charge of the Office of up a “green lane” is a “big help” EO will cover all national gov- ing group headed by the DTI’s and issuance of permits and li-
the Press Secretary (OPS), said for firms. ernment agencies (NGAs) and BOI will be in charge of imple- censes for the implementation
in a statement. “Malaking bagay ‘yun (That’s their regional and provincial menting the EO. of strategic investments in the
“The EO will mandate con- a big help). That will address offices, local government units She said a BOI-Investment Philippines, and creation of
cerned offices to establish a Green immediately ‘yung tinatawag (LGUs) and quasi-judicial bod- Assistance Service (BOI-IAS) Green Lane,” the RTVM said.
Lane to expedite and streamline na ease of doing business na ies involved in issuing permits will become the single point of “This concerns national gov-
the process and requirements laging nirereklamo sa atin (the and licenses necessary for entry of investment availing ernment agencies (NGAs), in-
for the issuance of permits and challenges on implementing establishing strategic invest- of the green lane services en- cluding their regional and provin-
licenses, including resolutions the ease of doing business in ments in the country. dorsed as nationally significant cial offices when applicable, local
of issues concerning strategic in- the country),” Marcos, as quot- The strategic investments or highly desirable projects. government units (LGUs) and
vestments,” she added. ed by the OPS, told DTI officials include “projects of national “Non-compliance with the quasi-judicial bodies,” it added. ■

List of names for DA chief ‘keeps changing’:

BY AZER PARROCHA Institute in Los Baños, Laguna. abas na pangalan. Tuloy-tuloy He also said there are prob- Kaya’t hindi ganoon kabilis,
Philippine News Agency Marcos maintained that he ang pagtingin namin. So hope- lems in the agriculture sector hindi ganoon kadali na ibalik sa
has a “timetable” for when he fully by the time na yung check- that are “so difficult that it will ating magandang sistema dati.
would name a new DA Secre- list ko natapos na, mayroon na take a president to change and Kaya’t (Our problems in agri-
MANILA – While admit- tary, which will be based on tayong puwedeng i-nominate turn it around.” culture are very deeply embed-
ting that it will take some time after he has completed his “to- na DA (Of course, many names Marcos said DA officials are ded. It has been happening for
before he lets go of being De- do” list. are emerging and we continue to supportive of his decision to the past years. That’s why it’s
partment of Agriculture (DA) “I have a timetable for that. review them. So hopefully by the remain as DA chief, adding that not easy to bring it back to the
chief, President Ferdinand R. There are certain things I like time the checklist is done, we issues hounding the agriculture system like before. That’s why)
Marcos Jr. on Tuesday said his to achieve before leaving the already have someone to nomi- sector are “deeply embedded.” I think I am still needed there.”
list of candidates to replace him department so hindi pa tayo nate as DA chief ),” he added. “The reason that I stay on up In June, Marcos announced
“keeps changing.” nandun (we haven’t reached Last month, Marcos said he to now, I have actually raised that he has decided to tempo-
“Well, the list keeps chang- that point yet),” he said. continues to head the DA be- the subject with some of the rarily head the DA to urgently
ing. May nawawala, may na- The President said he is still cause he is still “needed” there. staff and the employees and the address the looming food crisis
dadagdag. May nawawala, may in the process of reviewing the “There are things that a Pres- secretaries in the DA, and they in the country.
nadadagdag (Someone gets list of candidates for DA chief ident can do that a secretary asked me not to,” he said. He said heading the DA him-
removed, some get added),” he but expressed hope he would cannot, especially because pre- “Very deeply embedded ang self would show that the gov-
told reporters in an interview name a nominee when all boxes cisely the reason that you gave,” mga problema natin sa agri- ernment prioritizes agriculture
after his meeting with officials of on the checklist are ticked. he said in a media interview on kultura. Ito ay nangyari sa na- and allow measures to be car-
the International Rice Research “Of course, maraming lumal- October 20. karaang napakaraming taon. ried out more quickly. ■
FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 Philippine News 7

Be ‘best version’..
❰❰ 1 tapang at pagmama- nurses, state forces, and overseas acts of selflessness, courage, and strated by Gat Andres Bonifa- the Philippine Army Headquar-
hal sa bayan (His Filipino workers, the country bravery for our country and our cio),” he said. ters in Fort Bonifacio.
name will forever be would continue to thrive. fellow Filipinos,” she said. The DND chief also honored Mary Rose N. Distrito, a de-
etched in history, not only be- “Habang patuloy tayong DND: Emulate Bonifacio’s Bonifacio’s grit and dedication scendant of Gat Andres Boni-
cause he led the revolution but nakikibaka sa mga hamon ng courage to the cause of the country’s lib- facio, graced the Fort Bonifacio
also because of his bravery and modernong panahon, nawa’y The Department of National eration. wreath-laying ceremony.
patriotism),” he said. maging halimbawa si Bonifacio Defense (DND) also joined the “For him, the height of honor In a statement, Budget Sec-
“Kaya naman sikapin natin at ang ating mga bayani, noon nation in commemorating the and happiness of a person is to retary Amenah Pangandaman
na maging pinakamahusay na at ngayon, upang mag-tagump- birth of Bonifacio, also known as make the ultimate sacrifice for also joined the entire nation in
uri ng ating mga sarili, na mag- ay tayo sa ating mga hangarin the country’s “Great Plebeian”. the good and salvation of one’s commemorating Bonifacio’s
ing Pilipino na ang katapatan at (While we continue to face In his message, DND officer country. More than a century birth anniversary, saying the
pagmamahal sa bayan ay kaparis challenges in modern times, in charge Undersecretary Jose since his death, the daring feats occasion is a “timely remind-
ng ating mga bayani tulad ni Gat may Bonifacio and our past and Faustino Jr. urged all Filipinos and unmatched patriotism of er” of the revolutionary leader’s
Andres (So, let us do our best to present heroes in- the Father of Kati- efforts to liberate the country
become the best version of our- spire us to achieve punan continue to “from the shackles of poverty
selves, to be a Filipino whose our goals),” he said. reverberate in our and oppression.”
loyalty and love of country would In celebration of the collective psyche,” Inspired by Bonifacio, the
equal those of our national he- 159th birth anniversa- Faustino said. current administration is com-
roes, like Andres Bonifacio).” ry of Bonifacio, Mar- ... Filipinos must work He added that mitted to improving the Filipi-
Acknowledging Bonifacio’s cos led the flag-raising together for a common Bonifacio’s works nos’ lives, Pangandaman said.
contributions and sacrifices for and wreath-laying and his legacy of “As the Great Plebeian’s bat-
the benefit of the Filipino peo- rites at the Bonifacio goal, which is to aspire igniting the Philip- tle against societal ills remains
ple and the nation, the Presi- Monument in Caloo- for a “peaceful, free, pine revolution gave as challenges up to this day, the
dent hailed the fallen hero’s gal- can City. succeeding gener- Philippine government like-
lantry to stand against foreign This is the first and abundant” nation. ations of Filipinos wise remains steadfast in up-
oppressors and fight for the time Marcos attend- the inspiration and lifting the lives of every Filipi-
Philippines’ freedom. ed the commemo- ardor to fight for “a no,” she said.
He said Filipinos must work rative rites as the nation that is free “For its part, the DBM (De-
together for a common goal, country’s chief exec- from the shackles of partment of Budget and Man-
which is to aspire for a “peace- utive. ages past.” agement) strictly adheres to
ful, free, and abundant” nation. Let Bonifacio’s patriotism to emulate the example of the Philippine Army (PA) com- the Marcos Jr. administration’s
‘Dutiful and law-abiding’ be an inspiration: Duterte hero in meeting the challenges mander Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawn- eight-point socioeconom-
citizens Vice President Sara Duterte of this generation with bravery er Jr. also joined Filipinos in ic agenda, wherein programs
Marcos said Filipinos should joined the nation in commem- and excellence. commemorating the 159th dedicated to food security, im-
be “dutiful and law-abiding” orating Bonifacio’s courage and “We may no longer be a coun- birth anniversary of Bonifacio. proved transportation, afford-
citizens for them to have a heroism. try that grapples with the strug- The ceremony was led by the able and clean energy, health
“brighter and freer” future. In a message released on gles we endured during the time National Historical Commission care, social services, education,
“I call on my fellow Filipi- Wednesday, Duterte said Bon- of our great heroes, but our of the Philippines (NHCP) on bureaucratic efficiency, and
nos to honor Bonifacio’s life of ifacio’s extraordinary love for time presents new challenges which simultaneous flag-raising sound fiscal management are
extraordinary selflessness by the country should be an inspi- that necessitate the same fer- and wreath-laying ceremonies given priorities so no Filipino
becoming dutiful and law-abid- ration and continue to unite all vor, integrity, and excellence to were held across the country. will be left behind.”
ing citizens who will contribute Filipinos as the nation face and defend and protect our nation’s Marcos presided over the This year’s celebration car-
towards a brighter and freer overcome difficulties toward peace and stability,” he said. ceremony along with Faustino ries the theme, “Bonifacio
future for all Filipinos,” he said the realization of the aspiration Faustino also called on all Fil- and Armed Forces of the Phil- 2022: Kabayanihan at Pagtin-
in his message for Bonifacio’s for a better life for all. ipinos to continue working for ippines chief-of-staff Lt. Gen. dig sa Makabagong Panahon”.
159th birth anniversary. “May the fire he (Bonifacio) the betterment of the nation. Bartolome Vicente Bacarro. Bonifacio, dubbed the “Fa-
While Filipinos are current- started in the name of freedom “Mahalin natin ang ating Meanwhile, PA vice com- ther of the Philippine Revolu-
ly enjoying their liberty, they rekindle a deep sense of patrio- bayan, gaya ng pagmamahal na mander Maj. Gen. Adonis R. Ba- tion”, was born in Tondo, Ma-
must stay vigilant in protecting tism among us as we usher in a isinabuhay ni Gat Andres Bon- jao represented Brawner in the nila on Nov. 30, 1863.
the country from “social ills and future strongly forged by our un- ifacio (Let us love our country wreath-laying ceremony at the Unlike other national heroes,
other elements that threaten yielding solidarity and our own like the love shown and demon- Andres Bonifacio Monument at Bonifacio is remembered on his
our liberties,” Marcos said. birthday rather than the date
“Today, we cherish the free- of his death as he was killed by
doms we hold with even greater his fellow Filipinos and not by
fervor as we commemorate the Spanish colonizers.
birth anniversary of Gat Andres Bonifacio was one of the
Bonifacio. His spirit lives on in founders of the “Kataas-taas-
the stories we tell and use to ang, Kagalang-galangang Kati-
build on his legacy, breathing punan ng mga Anak ng Bayan”
new life into his words with our or “Katipunan”, a secret revolu-
sense of duty and patriotism.” tionary movement that fought
He noted that it is through the for the Philippines’ indepen-
“bold ideas of the Father of the dence from Spain.
Philippine Revolution that our He became “Supremo” (Su-
heroic ancestors were able to preme leader) of the Katipunan in
muster the will and the courage 1895 but was forcefully replaced
to fight their oppressors, thereby by Emilio Aguinaldo in 1897.
paving the way to our mother- He was executed by his fellow
land’s eventual emancipation.” Katipuneros on May 10, 1897,
Marcos expressed confidence after Aguinaldo accused him
that with the help of “mod- President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. leads the wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the 159th birth anniversary of of treason. (With reports from
ern-day heroes”, such as doctors, Philippine hero Andres Bonifacio at the Bonifacio Monument in Caloocan City on Nov. 30, 2022. (ALFRED FRIAS/PNA) Marita Moaje/PNA) ■
8 Philippine News DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

UN rapporteur on sex exploitation

of children in PH till Dec. 9
BY JOYCE ANN L. ROCAMORA tect children against sexual exploitation, representatives, private sector stake-
Philippine News Agency child marriage, and sale of children through holders, and children and their families.
illegal adoptions, among other concerns. Besides Metro Manila, she will visit
Correspondent/Hosts She will meet with officials from the sites in the cities of Valenzuela, Angeles,
Joanna Belle Deala
Arianne Grace Lacanilao
MANILA -- A United Nations expert Council for the Welfare of Children, the Cotabato, and Cebu.
Jgab Lacanilao on sale and sexual exploitation of chil- Department of Social Welfare and Devel- At a courtesy call on Nov. 28, For-
Matte Laurel dren is in the Philippines until Dec. 9 at opment, the Department of Justice, the eign Affairs Undersecretary for Mul-
Violeta Arevalo
Babes Newland
the government’s invitation. Presidential Human Rights Committee tilateral and International Economic
UN special rapporteur Mama Fatima Secretariat, the Philippine National Police, Affairs Carlos Sorreta expressed hope
Graphic Design Singhateh arrived in Manila on Nov. 27 and and other relevant government agencies. that Singhateh would “recognize the
Shanice Garcia
Ginno Alcantara will examine the country’s efforts to pro- She will also meet with civil society achievements and best practices of the
Arlnie Colleene Talain Singca Philippine Government to eradicate on-
line sexual exploitation of children.”
Account Manager
Kristopher Yong He cited Republic Act 11930, an Act
Punishing Online Sexual Abuse of Chil-
Director/Producer dren, and the National Coordination
Boom Dayupay
Center to combat online sexual exploita-
Photographers/Videographers tion of children as examples.
Ginno Alcantara
He emphasized that “international
cooperation and shared responsibility
Alan Yong amongst countries is required to ad-
dress external demand factors that fuel
online exploitation of children.”
He highlighted that the Philippines
For photo submissions, please email
remains committed to safeguarding all Filipino children and upholding its ob-
DFA Undersecretary for Multilateral and International Economic Affairs Carlos D. Sorreta meets ligations under the Convention on the
For General Inquiries, please email
with Ms. Mama Fatima Singhateh, UN Special Rapporteur on the Sale and Sexual Exploitation of
Children on November 28, 2022. (ANDREA PASCUAL/DFA-OPCD) ❱❱ PAGE 13 UN rapporteur on
For Sales Inquiries, please email
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Senators favor mandatory ROTC
in college, instead of SHS
Instagram: @pcinews_ig BY WILNARD BACELONIA problem to solve by DepEd and also by whereas CHED has an existing) ROTC
Twitter: @pcinews_twt Philippine News Agency our country,” Gatchalian said. program, albeit not mandatory, under
He said the ROTC must be reinstated NSTP,” Dela Rosa said.
Youtube: at the college level because students are He reiterated the need to equip Filipi-
MANILA – Senators on Tuesday already being trained through the Na- nos with the necessary skills in protect-
Philippine Canadian Inquirer
is published weekly every Friday.
agreed to pursue reinstitutionalizing tional Service Training Program (NSTP). ing and preserving the country.
the Reserve Officers Training Corps “Those who want to be trained in During the hearing, CHED and other
Copies are distributed free throughout Metro
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Greater Toronto. (ROTC) in college, instead of proposals ROTC are already being trained. So, we government agencies presented a “consen-
The views and opinions expressed in the articles
to include it in the senior high school just need to expand it. By expanding it, sus bill” which will institutionalize a two-
(including opinions expressed in ads herein) are those (SHS) curriculum. obviously we also need a budget to do that year mandatory NSTP and four-year op-
of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial Team. During the joint hearing of the Com- and those are the things that we can dis- tional ROTC training for college students.
PCI reserves the right to reject any advertising which
mittees on Higher, Technical, and Voca- cuss here at the committee level,” he said. CHED Director Spocky Farolan said
it considers to contain false or misleading information tional Education; National Defense and According to the Armed Forces of the it would more or less capture the intent
or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser
agrees the publisher shall not be liable for damages Security, Peace, Unification, and Recon- Philippines, implementing an ROTC pro- of the Marcos administration in reviving
arising out of error in any advertisment. ciliation; and Finance, Senator Sherwin gram in SHS would cost PHP9.2 billion. ROTC, which will focus on disaster man-
Gatchalian said the Department of Ed- Senator Ronald Dela Rosa, who presid- agement and civic duty.
Member ucation (DepEd) must focus instead on ed over the hearing, agreed with a sugges- The Senate committees have formed a
addressing the impacts of the Covid-19 tion to amend the Reservist Act, making it Technical Working Group that will craft
pandemic, particularly the decline in the mandatory to those unable to go to college. the the measure, which Dela Rosa expects
proficiency of SHS students in English, “It’s obvious that malaki pa ang ka- to be passed by the first quarter of 2023.
Math, and Science. kailanganin ng project kapag doon natin The 2001 death of University of Santo To-
Gatchalian, chair of the Committee i-implement sa Grades 11 and 12 dahil mas cadet Mark Chua, who exposed alleged
on Basic Education, said he is alarmed (the project will need a large amount if ROTC corruption, prompted Republic Act
over the DepEd data that 51 percent or we implement it in Grades 11 and 12 be- 9163 or the NSTP law, signed in 2002.
about 1.4 million students who enrolled cause we will) start from scratch, from It allowed college students to choose
in 2020 dropped out before completing zero, walang ROTC program ang DepEd among ROTC, Literacy Training Service,
SHS in 2022. whereas ang CHED may ongoing na and Civil Welfare Training Service un-
“This is actually a much pressing silang (DepEd has no ROTC program der the required NSTP. ■

Canada News
The Emergencies Act inquiry revealed
a disturbing disregard of the public interest
BY ERIC CHAMPAGNE, boards with oversight authority Sloly held the job for less than
L’Université d’Ottawa/ and responsibility. two years on a five-year con-
University of Ottawa, ALEX S&P Global research states tract with the City of Ottawa.
BERASKOW, L’Université that “understanding governance It’s unknown whether he was
d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa risks and opportunities in deci- paid out for the full five-year
The Conversation sion-making is critical, as poor term and if the use of taxpayer
corporate governance practices dollars, if so, was above board.
have stood at the core of some of While that absence of infor-
The Public Order Emergency the biggest corporate scandals.” mation might be due to confi-
Commission into the use of the In corporate governance, dentiality or legal reasons, those
Emergency Act has ended. The there is supposed to be over- circumstances should have been
mandated hearings were look- sight over all executives by made clear to the public in such
ing into whether invoking the act watchdog bodies or regulatory a high-profile case.
was justified to end the so-called enforcement agencies. No ex- There was an equal dearth of
freedom convoy protest in Otta- ecutive — whether it’s a CEO, information about the resigna-
wa in February 2022 — and they board director or president — tion of the former deputy police
raised serious questions about has a free rein with no account- chief, Uday Jaswal, in February
protecting the public interest. ability. Any board is supposed 2022. He was nearly two years
Where was the Ottawa Police to be accountable to those who into a suspension over a sexual
Services Board when the occu- elected it and to consider the (JUSTIN TRUDEAU/FACEBOOK) harassment charge.
pation of the city dragged on for interests of all stakeholders. Principles of good gover-
weeks? What were the terms of In the case of the prolonged wa Police Services Board pro- responsibility to the province nance needed
Peter Sloly’s resignation as Ot- trucker protest on Parliament Hill, vide during the trucker protest or to the people of Ottawa. The Ottawa Police Services
tawa police chief? Did both the the Ottawa Police Services Board crisis so that it might have been The mission statement does Board cannot and should not
police force’s management and was responsible for overseeing the avoided in the first place — and clearly state, however, that “the operate in secret but in the
the board responsible for over- actions of the Ottawa police force so that the public interest was Chief of Police is responsible public interest, regardless of
seeing the force fail? and its chief, Peter Sloly. prioritized? for administering the Police whether the public approves of
The commission hearings Must act honestly, in good There’s considerable confu- Service and overseeing its op- its decisions. Embarrassment is
were astonishing in what they faith sion about the role, responsibil- eration in accordance with the not an excuse for the absence of
revealed about how the public in- Each Ottawa Police Services ities and accountability of the objectives, priorities and poli- disclosure.
terest was seemingly disregarded Board member has a fiduciary board. Currently, its mission cies established by the Board.” Executive compensation dis-
throughout the crisis, illuminat- duty to act honestly and in good statement says board members Sloly’s resignation closure is mandatory for public
ing serious governance issues. faith, while exercising a high must “represent community in- But there was no transpar- companies. Regulators and pub-
Board failed to do its job standard of care that involves terests and are accountable to ency about the terms of Sloly’s lic agencies should not have a
When there is a deficit or gap oversight responsibility and the Ministry of Community Safe- resignation as well as the re- lower standard of disclosure and
in governance, organization- accountability. This begs the ty & Correctional Services and cruitment of a new police chief accountability than any other or-
al dysfunction often follows, question: did the Ottawa Police the Ontario Civilian Police Com- without an open competition ganization. Quite the opposite.
increasing costs and causing Services Board lack the will to mission located in Toronto.” for the job. In the public sector especial-
reputational damage as the dys- get fully involved? This suggests it could be the It’s unknown who, apart ly, adherence to governance
function continues. While the board cannot and City of Ottawa, possibly City from members of the Ottawa standards should always be the
It shouldn’t be that way. We should not be involved in opera- Council, that’s accountable to Police Services Board, took best possible, but all too often
cannot rely on a commission tional decisions, it must oversee Ottawa taxpayers and not the part in these firing and hiring the opposite is true.
of inquiry — after the fact — to the performance of the entire po- Ottawa Police Services Board. decisions. A quick media scan Principles of good gover-
fix the past nor on government lice force. It must do more than It’s not clear from the board’s turns up little coverage raising nance, including accountabil-
oversight to fix things as they hire and fire the police chief. selection process whether it’s questions about this lack of in-
break down. That’s the job of What oversight did the Otta- a public agency with reporting formation. ❱❱ PAGE 19 The Emergencies Act
10 Canada News DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

How the Canada Border Services Agency

tolerates and even encourages refugee
BY KATHRYN TOMKO Legal representatives we pursue the case. Sathya, a refu-
DENNLER, York University, interviewed reported many gee lawyer, told us:
Canada, BRIANNA instances of misconduct by “It’s literally the worst work in
GARNEAU, York University, CBSA officials, such as lying, this field …. It wipes every single
Canada abuse of power, concocting thing off your desk. You have to
The Conversation documents and baseless deten- put aside everything, cancel all
tions to enforce a deportation. your evening plans because you’re
These tactics advance, rather going to be pulling all-nighters. It
Refugee advocates have long than violate, CBSA’s mandate is very, very difficult.”
known about systemic prob- in the absence of requiring its What’s more, legal fees for
lems with immigration en- employees to honour human deportation cases are often
forcement in Canada, resulting rights obligations. thousands of dollars, which is
in wrongful detentions and The CBSA also lacks an inde- unaffordable for many refugee
deportations, as well as people pendent oversight body to review claimants.
being tortured upon return to its work, investigate complaints Addressing injustice in de-
their countries of origin. and make binding recommen- portations
Our new research explains dations. That means complaints An agency that conducts de-
why these problems exist. about the conduct of CBSA offi- portations must respect human
Flaws in Canada Border Ser- cers must be made to CBSA. rights obligations and the Ca-
vices Agency’s (CBSA) struc- Canadian Border Inspection (BOHAO ZHAO/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, CC BY 3.0) A complaint can work against nadian Charter of Rights and
ture and mandate mean that the person being deported. Many Freedoms. CBSA job descrip-
misconduct is tolerated and How someone is treated ing the very purpose of the risk refugee lawyers told us they don’t tions should be revised to re-
even incentivized. Independent during the deportation process assessment. bother reporting misconduct. quire compliance, which should
oversight of CBSA and legisla- matters. CBSA places an em- CBSA not equipped for Lydia, a refugee lawyer, told us: be measured in performance
tive changes are needed to pro- phasis on “timely removals” sensitive work “I’ve complained about CBSA evaluations.
tect refugee rights. at the expense of respecting Deportation is sensitive work. officers over the years with abso- To further address bias, CBSA
Deportation affects refu- rights. And although Canada Yet the CBSA lacks the structure lutely no effect. In fact, several needs to institute an anti-racism
gee rights prides itself on its safeguards, and management controls to officers who lied under oath were strategy, like the Anti-racism
Our findings show that more they are insufficient. carry out activities with human promoted after they had engaged Strategy 2.0 being implemented
than half the people deported For example, people can ap- rights implications. in really disreputable conduct. within Immigration, Refugees,
from Canada each year made ply for a pre-removal risk as- We obtained job descriptions Why waste your time?” and Citizenship Canada.
refugee claims. While some peo- sessment to demonstrate the for senior leaders in CBSA who Legal help beyond reach The Canadian government
ple are ready to return home, risk they face prior to being oversee enforcement. They The deportation process is should repeal the one-year bar
others still fear persecution. deported. The risk assessment do not mention human rights complex and unpredictable. De- on a refugee claimant seeking
Decisions on a refugee claim was created to meet Canada’s treaties or obligations. There is laying or preventing a deporta- a pre-removal risk assessment
can be wrong. Outcomes of ref- obligations to protect people no evidence that performance tion requires expert legal advice. to ensure that people at risk of
ugee claims depend on the Im- from persecution. measures for leaders, front-line But it’s not easy to get legal rep- persecution are not deported.
migration and Refugee Board But in 2012, the government staff or the agency as a whole in- resentation for deportation cas- Finally, given the life-or-death
member who hears the claim, introduced legislation that lim- clude compliance with interna- es, especially on a tight timeline. implications of their work, the
the quality of legal representa- its access to the pre-removal tional human rights obligations. Deportation cases require CBSA needs independent over-
tion and subjective credibility risk assessment. Since then, Instead, CBSA documents intense effort over a short pe- sight. The Liberal government
determinations made by those people can only apply for it if emphasize the need for timely riod of time. Many experienced has proposed a bill to introduce
hearing claims. they remain in Canada for at removals, specifically enforc- refugee lawyers rarely take a such a watchdog. That bill must
People who are at risk of per- least a year after their refugee ing a deportation within one deportation case unless it’s a be passed to ensure respect for
secution, torture or worse can claim was refused. year of a refused refugee claim. pre-existing client. refugee rights. ■
be denied refugee status and Our research found that Such fast deportations, as men- While refugees in Ontario
face imminent deportation. For whether someone is deport- tioned, may not leave refugee may be eligible for legal aid, it This article is republished
these reasons, deportation is ed before the end of that year claimants with enough time to doesn’t cover the real number from The Conversation under a
closely linked to refugee rights. comes down to chance, defeat- apply for the risk assessment. of hours it takes to vigorously Creative Commons license.

Bill on PH..
❰❰ 3 peutics, and vaccines bill, this humble representation, development,” Gato said. cy preparedness and response. fectious diseases and viral infec-
in cooperation with as chairperson of the committee Speaker Martin Romualdez “The Covid-19 pandemic phe- tions in humans, as to plants and
the private sector and on health, together with the com- and Tingog Party-list Rep. Yed- nomenon unequivocally demon- animals, come from vigorous re-
concerned agencies. mittee on science and technology, da Romualdez said the proposed strated the rapidity with which search and stepping up develop-
An information system on vi- entreats the support of this Au- establishment of the Philippine new viruses and their variants ment breakthroughs in the field
rology science and technology gust body to immediately approve virology institute is a concrete can travel across the globe and of virology and application of
shall be developed and main- the VIP bill, with the end view of step and strategic response to the inflict misery. There can be no advancement in technology for
tained for use by both the pub- attaining health security for the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) further argument that our best maximum gains in the campaign
lic and private sectors. Filipino nation, which is essential pandemic, but also in ensuring the hope, as that of humankind, for for sustainable public health re-
“Given the urgency of the VIP in sustaining national growth and country’s public health emergen- preventing and treatment of in- sponse,” they said. ■
FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 Canada News 11

The detention of migrants in Canadian jails

is a public health emergency
BY EMMA STIRLING- Migrants and refugee claim- least 300 people have been held
CAMERON, University of ants who are arrested and incar- in immigration detention for
British Columbia, SHIRA cerated in immigration deten- over a year, with the longest de-
GOLDENBERG, San Diego tion are never held on criminal tainment lasting 11 years.
State University charges or convictions. Instead, Long-lasting health impacts
The Conversation the CBSA incarcerates people Research demonstrates that
under the Immigration and immigrant detention is linked
Refugee Protection Act, most to significant mental health
This month, human rights commonly because an officer concerns. Incarceration with-
organizations launched 12 Days believes the person in question out charge, indefinite detain-
of Action calling on the federal will miss their immigration or ment, the threat of deportation
government to stop the incar- refugee proceeding. and living in a carceral envi-
ceration of immigration detain- Every year, hundreds are ronment have been shown to
ees in provincial jails. The effort held arbitrarily in provincial contribute to high rates of sui-
is part of the broader #Welcom- jails. Many people in immigra- cidality, self-harm, depression,
eToCanada campaign. tion detention are survivors of anxiety and psychosis.
As scholars who study migra- armed conflict and persecution, Abdirahmaan Warssama,
tion, we have joined this effort, having faced traumas and hu- who was detained for over five
alongside experts and organiza- man rights abuses on their mi- years, described his experience
tions across the country serving gration journeys. detained on immigration-re- men of African and Caribbean as torture. The mental health
and protecting the rights of mi- Rather than providing early lated grounds, including 136 origin often face the harshest, consequences of detention
grants and refugees. and evidence-based support for children. People in immigra- most punitive conditions. continue long after release and
Four provinces — B.C., Nova these critical needs, the current tion detention face some of the People in immigration deten- affect people’s loved ones and
Scotia, Alberta, and Manitoba — approach of detaining migrants most restrictive forms of incar- tion are at risk of being detained communities.
have already decided to stop the results in severe and lasting ceration in Canada, including indefinitely, as there is no leg- Children can also be detained,
practice by cancelling their re- negative health and social con- in maximum-security prisons islative cap on the duration of which has severe consequences
spective immigration detention sequences. Canada’s immigra- and solitary confinement, both detention. This has left many on their health and well-being.
contracts with the Canada Bor- tion detention system is rid- of which result in restricted ac- to languish in confinement, un- Even brief periods of incarcer-
der Services Agency (CBSA). It’s dled with international human cess to legal counsel and other certain if or when they will be ation cause significant psycho-
time for the federal government rights violations, and yet the vital support services. released or deported. logical harm. Reports have doc-
to terminate the remaining con- number of immigration detain- Many are shackled, hand- Such was the case for Abdu- umented developmental delay,
tracts and abolish immigration ees continues to rise. cuffed, strip-searched and have rahman Hassan, who was held suicidal ideation and selective
detention in Canada. Canada is often perceived as their personal possessions tak- in a maximum-security prison mutism. In 2014, the UNHCR
Canada’s dangerous immi- a safe-haven for newcomers, en away. People living with men- for over three years before his
gration detention system but in 2020, 8,825 people were tal health conditions and Black death in 2015. Since 2016, at ❱❱ PAGE 14 The detention of

Working prisoners are entitled to employment

and safety standards just like anybody else
BY JORDAN HOUSE, Brock mals and exploitative of prison- Canada work as part of their re- few remaining prison farms. starkly states:
University ers. They also raised a number habilitation, not as punishment. The problems with prison “Few CORCAN-run industries
The Conversation of concerns about the opera- This labour takes two main forms. labour in this country are well provide training or teach skills
tion’s lax oversight and poor en- The first is institution- known by the government. The that are job-relevant or meet la-
vironmental practices. al maintenance — prisoners Office of the Correctional In- bour market demands. The ser-
The Correctional Service of CSC has yet to announce if it perform much of the cooking, vestigator (OCI), Canada’s fed- vice has continued to maintain
Canada (CSC) recently ended will seek a new contractor, but cleaning, clerical and other eral prison watchdog, routinely obsolete infrastructure and tech-
its longstanding relationship regardless of what happens to work necessary for the day-to- admonishes CSC’s employment nological platforms for such an
with the meatpacking company, the abattoir at Joyceville, it is day functioning of the prisons programming. In the most re- extended period of time that these
Wallace Beef. long past the time for Canada to in which they are incarcerated. cent report, Correctional Inves- problems now appear insoluble.”
This means that federal pris- reconsider its approach to pris- Some also work in prison indus- tigator Ivan Zinger highlighted Wage clawbacks
oners incarcerated in the Joy- on labour. tries, designed to give prisoners employment and pay discrimi- Pay is another significant is-
ceville Institution near Kingston As Halifax lawyer Asaf “work-like” experience. nation against Black prisoners sue. In 2013, Stephen Harper’s
will no longer provide slaughter- Rashid and I argue in our new Federal prison industries are in particular. Conservative government im-
house labour for the private firm. book, Solidarity Beyond Bars: operated by CORCAN, a special The year before, Zinger plemented new room and board
The announcement comes Unionizing Prison Labour, operating agency of the Correc- honed in on CORCAN’s inade- and other fees that amounted
after years of campaigning by there is no good legal or moral tional Service of Canada. Among quate programming for wom- to a 30 per cent wage clawback
animal rights and prison farm argument for denying prisoners other activities, prisoners work- en, noting that “jobs for women and eliminated incentive pay
activists. Groups like Evolve their rights as workers. ing for CORCAN produce office are often grounded in gendered for CORCAN work.
Our Prison Farms have long Work as rehabilitation furniture and textiles, run con- roles and expectations, offering In announcing the new fees,
criticized the Joyceville abat- According to the law and to struction, printing and laundry few marketable skills.”
toir operation as cruel to ani- correctional policy, prisoners in services and work on Canada’s The OCI’s 2019-2020 report ❱❱ PAGE 21 Working prisoners are
12 Canada News DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

Ontario’s iGaming mistakes are a lesson in

the value of Indigenous consultation
BY KELLY LAROCCA faced implementation chal- consultation, it would have
Policy Options lenges. Notably, my MSIFN reaped the benefits of Indige-
council colleagues and I ex- nous governments’ knowledge
pressed concerns over the AG- and experience after years of
The Ontario government CO’s regulatory model, includ- participation in this complex
could have avoided regulatory ing its approach to advertising. sector – some for a decade be-
missteps by honouring its duty Shortly after the regulated mar- fore the AGCO. Beyond satisfy-
to consult with First Nations. ket was launched, Ontarians ing constitutional responsibili-
Instead, it acted unilaterally. became inundated with sports ties, the government could have
Mere months after launching betting advertising and pro- gained an understanding of the
its iGaming market, the gov- motions – far exceeding the gaming industry from a govern-
ernment of Ontario initiated often-limited ad campaigns led mental, rather than only a pri-
regulation changes driven by by casino operators. Popular vate sector, perspective.
weaknesses in its model. The athletes, the kind viewed as role This is a lesson in the deep-
province quickly learned that models by children and youth, er value of consultation. The
its overreliance on gaming op- became the face of gaming sites. Ontario iGaming experience is
erators for policy input was lit- Commentators began discuss- not an anomaly. It speaks to the
tle more than a risky wager, and ing sportsbook odds during all-too-common view that con-
now is seeking to backtrack. hockey game intermissions. sultation is a compulsory step to
While this illustrates fissures in Through MSIFN’s expe- be restricted to a minimal stan-
Ontario’s approach to gaming, rience in developing its own dard. For too long, the voices of
it also demonstrates the impor- gaming code, we know how Indigenous leaders have been
tance of meaningful consulta- important it is that gaming is disregarded in favour of the per-
tion and the consequences of conducted responsibly, includ- spectives of “consultants” and
unilateral decision-making. quested formal consultation porting Indigenous and treaty ing preventing underage par- “experts.” That outdated per-
When the province first with the provincial government. rights, and creating opportuni- ticipation. But in their rush to ception ultimately contributes
launched iGaming Ontario – a We also asked for opportuni- ties to address such weaknesses. launch the initiative, regulators to the continued deterioration of
subsidiary of its gaming regula- ties to participate in policy devel- Perhaps this is where duty and did not request further input Crown-Indigenous relations and
tor – government officials tout- opment and to advance fair pro- self-interest could happily coin- from MSIFN or implement ef- deprives Canadians of informed
ed the new organization as a visions to mitigate the policy’s cide for the province. fective regulations for adver- decisions by their governments.
means of challenging the “grey adverse impacts on our econo- While developing its iGam- tising. By failing to require rea- As the Crown moves forward
market” for online betting and mies and ability to self-govern. ing regime, officials in Ontario sonable limits on advertising, on its promises of reconcilia-
conducting gaming in a respon- Despite its legal obligations to do received requests from Six Na- regulators seemingly normal- tion, it should look to Indig-
sible way. With an abundance of so, the province denied these re- tions of the Grand River, Shawa- ized gambling on professional enous consultation as one of
confidence, provincial officials quests and instead went forward naga First Nation, the Mohawk sports and weakened public the many resources it has to
did not offer consultation to In- with a rushed program launch Council of Kahnawà:ke along confidence in the government’s support its advancement. Ca-
digenous governments affect- practically devoid of First Na- with MSIFN. All have experi- management of gaming. nadian public administration
ed by the decision. Instead, it tions input. ence within the gaming sector Agreements for land-based would benefit from a new per-
moved forward with a “we know Indigenous consultation pro- and all expressed concerns over gaming sites generally prescribe ception of consultation that
best” approach. duces stronger, more effective the province’s approach. Each limits on operations as a means recognizes the benefits it offers
Despite its conviction in the policy. By maximizing the value Indigenous government also of preventing an oversaturation to policy-makers and taxpay-
new model’s ability to address of nation-to-nation relations, offered input that could have of gaming options. MSIFN and ers alike. At the very least, In-
unregulated gaming, the Alcohol policy-makers can strengthen aided in the development pro- other First Nations that partici- digenous consultation must be
and Gaming Commission of On- their decisions through collab- cess and might have prevented pate in the gaming sector urged baked into the policy-making
tario (AGCO) allowed a lengthy orative work with Indigenous post-implementation failures. the government to address methodology. Participating in
grace period for operators to leadership. MSIFN urged the provincial agreements with existing stake- a diverse array of initiatives,
continue running unregulated But it’s more than that. government to pause its imple- holders and develop thorough ranging from gaming to clean
sites. Months later, amidst pub- There’s a compulsory obligation mentation to ensure that con- contracts with new entrants. energy, Indigenous commu-
lic displeasure regarding the to be met. The Crown’s duty to sultation would be meaningful This was to ensure the pub- nities offer an informed per-
proliferation of gaming, the gov- consult, and where appropriate and that existing gaming con- lic’s best interests were upheld spective to their provincial and
ernment, through the AGCO, is- accommodate, is an opportu- tracts could be thoughtfully ad- and the policy aligned with the federal counterparts, which can
sued new regulations for online nity to improve policy and mit- dressed. Instead, with minimal stated goals of the new market. greatly improve public poli-
betting operators. igate harms to First Nations. notice, the government set a In hindsight, the legalization of cy-making in Canada. ■
Prior to the launch of iGam- Meaningful engagement with launch date for iGaming Ontario iGaming seems to have done a
ing, multiple First Nations, in- affected Indigenous govern- mere days after MSIFN made its lot to garner interest from to- This article first appeared
cluding Mississaugas of Scugog ments can highlight shortfalls in request for formal consultation. day’s youth and achieved little on Policy Options and is repub-
Island First Nation (MSIFN), policy implementation through In the months that followed, to prevent grey market activity. lished here under a Creative
which I proudly represent, re- the sharing of knowledge, sup- the provincial government Had the province embraced Commons license.

PBBM discusses 10-point..

❰❰ 3 development; welfare nitive domain,” it said. elaborate on the DND’s presen- DND’s policies with Marcos’ Faustino said the agenda is
of soldiers, veterans The DND also gave an update tation of its accomplishments. promise of a stronger and bet- envisioned to build a “united
and civilian human on its “significant accomplish- In July, Faustino said the ter Philippines through nation- DND that is not only formida-
resource; legal and legislative ments,” the RTVM said. 10-point defense agenda will al unity, nation-building and ble but can readily thrive under
agenda; and protection of cog- The RTVM, however, did not serve as guidelines to align the economic recovery. the direst of circumstances.” ■

World News
Protests against strict COVID-zero policy
are sweeping China. It’s anyone’s guess
what happens now
BY DAVID S G GOODMAN, strictions, but the inconsistent or national movement. This has the demonstrators, asymptom- key measures:
University of Sydney ways these measures are being even been true of industrial dis- atic residents of apartment 1. “To avoid the abuse of public
The Conversation implemented. putes where workers have pro- blocks in lockdown have occa- power, all regional quarantine
At least in the short-term, the tested in one or more factories sionally continued to protest. blockades should be stopped to
state’s reactions are likely to be under a single brand or owner. Student demands ensure that all people in commu-
Public protests in China muted. There’s undoubtedly There’s no evidence at this Some 40 students at China’s nities, villages, units and schools
related to the government’s pressure for change, though stage that this is an organised na- leading Peking University is- can enter and leave freely”
COVID-19 restrictions have hit how this will be achieved is hard tional movement. But it seems sued a declaration on Sunday 2. “Abolish technical means
the news worldwide over the to predict. protesters in each city have been that criticised “the implementa- to monitor the whereabouts of
weekend, following a fatal apart- A more national response emboldened by the actions of tion of the dynamic zero policy”. citizens, such as pass codes and
ment fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang Protests in China have ac- demonstrators in others. They said the COVID-zero poli- [health code] cell phone track-
last week which killed ten people. tually become quite common Reading China’s social media cies had an increasing number of ing app. Stop considering the
Many internet users claimed in the last couple of decades, it’s clear, for example, that demon- problems and have led to “horri- spread of the epidemic as the
some residents could not escape though they almost always cen- strators in Beijing and Shanghai ble tragedies”, though they also responsibility of certain individ-
because the apartment build- tre around a specific issue and report on each others’ protests, as acknowledged the importance uals or institutions. Devote re-
ing was partially locked down, are highly localised. well as commenting on the initial and effectiveness of the safety sources to long-term work such
though authorities denied this. Workers in a factory may protest causes in Urumqi. measures implemented earlier as vaccine, drug development
There have been reports protest over lack of payment or To date, police reactions have in the pandemic. and hospital construction”
some demonstrators have deteriorating conditions. Vil- varied between locations. Some They also said “The most ur- 3. “Implement voluntary
called for President Xi Jinping, lagers forced to resettle so that police were said to have been gent task now is to find a tem- [PCR] testing and voluntary
the newly re-elected General their land can be redeveloped allowing demonstrations to porary way of coexistence that quarantine for undiagnosed
Secretary of the Communist attempt resistance, sometimes continue. minimises the danger of the and asymptomatic individuals”
Party of China, to stand down. even to the extent of refusing But in other places, minor epidemic while ensuring basic 4. “Liberalize restrictions on
Others have criticised the rule to be moved away. Residents scuffles have been reported, in- social order and basic economic the expression of public opinion
of the party itself. in new housing estates become cluding some arrests. and livelihood needs”. and allow suggestions and criti-
China’s COVID measures mobilised to complain about Off the streets and away from To this end, they propose five cism of specific implementation
are among the strictest in the the lack of promised roads, re- problems in different regions”
world, as it continues to pursue tail outlets and services. 5. “Make truthful disclosures
lockdowns to suppress the virus These kinds of protest are of infection data, including the
– what it calls a “dynamic zero usually resolved reasonably number of infected people, the
COVID” policy. and quickly not least by state death rate, long [COVID] rate,
While these protests are cer- officials intervening to ensure to eliminate epidemic panic
tainly serious challenges to au- solutions in the name of main- during the transition”.
thority, they should be kept in taining stability. The key issues are how to
perspective. In particular, there’s Less capable of such instant move from the current “dynam-
no real parallel to those in Tian- solution are protests about ic zero COVID” policy towards
anmen Square in 1989. These are more general principles, such something else, and indeed
street protests where the demon- as freedom of expression, legal what that should be, given the
strators disperse after marching representation, or governmen- inadequate health coverage in
and protesting, and the main fo- tal responsibilities. In such cas- much of the country. ■
cus of the protests are the COVID es, government responses have
restrictions rather than wider tended to suppress the concerns. This article is republished
political principles. But such protests have al- from The Conversation under a
The main issue here is frus- most always been localised and Creative Commons license.
tration not just with COVID re- not led to any sense of a regional

UN rapporteur on..
❰❰ 8 Rights of the Child. constructive engagement and provide advice and support to tions and recommendations. Singhateh will present a com-
Singhateh’s trip is openness on human rights. UN Member States. “We hope to continue work- prehensive report of her coun-
the first official visit of UN Special Rapporteurs are Sorreta, for his part, assured ing with you, also regionally try visit to the Human Rights
a UN Special Rapporteur to the independent experts appointed Singhateh of Manila’s coopera- and globally, to support your Council in March 2024, the UN
country since 2015, which the by the UN Human Rights Coun- tion to ensure the success of her mandate and enhance protec- High Commissioner for Human
expert noted reflected the Phil- cil to study and address various visit, and that the Philippines tion of all children from online Rights Office said. ■
ippine government’s continued human rights issues, as well as looks forward to her observa- sexual exploitation,” he stated.
14 World News DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

As the Ukraine war derails efforts to solve

the climate crisis, a new one looms — the
fight for peace
BY SHAUN LOVEJOY, McGill Rather than taking the oppor- noon” — a term coined by atmo- vation, several hundred million are reacting by preparing to
University tunity to invest in non-fossil fuel spheric chemists Paul Crutzen dead and ecosystem disruption survive such a war, but others
The Conversation energy sources, some countries and John Birks 40 years ago — a far outside the war zone itself. A are following France President
are doubling down on fossil fuels. nuclear winter would be a con- full scale U.S.-Russia nuclear war Emmanuel Macron’s attempt
In Germany, for example, pre- sequence of the huge quantities would lead to below freezing tem- to avoid one:
In his opening remarks at viously closed coal-fired power of soot and dust emitted by the peratures even in the summer “France has a nuclear doc-
the COP27 meeting in Egypt, plants have been reopened and cities and forests that would and five billion or more deaths. trine that is based on the vital in-
UN secretary general António are now back in business. burn following nuclear attacks. NATO torn over Ukraine terests of the country and which
Guterres put it this way: “Hu- The return of business as usual No matter which country ini- The U.S. and Russia each pos- are clearly defined. These would
manity has a choice: co-operate is bad enough, but more ominous tiated it, the subsequent global sess 6,000 nuclear weapons. In not be at stake if there was a nu-
or perish. It’s either a climate is the ending of climate co-oper- cooling would be catastrophic. July, the UN’s Guterres warned clear ballistic attack in Ukraine
solidarity pact or a collective ation between the world’s two Modern climate models show that the world was close to nu- or in the region.”
suicide pact.” largest CO2 emitters: the Unit- that even a “small” nuclear war clear war and urgently called NATO is split as to whether
The only way to prevent glob- ed States and China. In June, between India and Pakistan in- for diplomacy. it’s worth risking the future of
al warming is by increasing the the NATO summit prioritized volving 100 bombs could lead to Despite this warning, U.S. humanity over Ukraine. With
level of global co-operation to its China containment strategy 2 C to 5 C of global cooling that President Joe Biden increased calculated ambiguity, the EU
reduce and eliminate green- followed shortly by the U.S. effec- would last a decade or more. In tensions by promising “armaged- foreign policy chief Josep Bor-
house gas emissions. But glob- tively ending its 51-year-old “one comparison, at the height of the don” — presumably massive nu- rel was vague:
al co-operation requires global China policy” that recognizes last ice age, the Earth average clear retaliation — if Russia used “Any nuclear attack against
peace, and with the ongoing war Taiwan as a part of China. was only 5 C cooler. nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Ukraine will create an answer,
in Ukraine, it’s in short supply. China retaliated with large- There would be massive star- In Europe, some countries not a nuclear answer but such a
On Feb. 24, 2022 — the very scale military manoeuvres and powerful answer from the mili-
day of the Russian invasion of the scrapping of China-U.S. cli- tary side that the Russian army
Ukraine — Alberta Premier mate co-operation. Although will be annihilated.”
Jason Kenney pressed Prime the COP27 meeting ostensibly Left unexplained was how
Minister Justin Trudeau to re- restarted climate talks, no bi- the EU — which doesn’t even
launch the Keystone XL pipe- lateral negotiations were held have its own military — could
line. Soon after, to help Europe- in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. annihilate the Russian army.
ans survive their own sanctions, Threat of nuclear winter And how this could be done
Trudeau promised to increase But more sinister climate without using French or NATO
Canadian oil production by threats are brewing. As the nuclear weapons.
300,000 barrels per day. Ukraine war escalates into a NA- Diplomacy is the solution
Environmentalists have TO-Russia proxy war, we face the The only alternative to to-
highlighted the current “fossil looming catastrophe of a nucle- day’s escalation spiral is diplo-
fuel gold rush” with Canada’s ar winter. Our leaders seem to macy. Rather than promoting
oilsands in hot demand. In an have forgotten that nuclear war further escalation, Canada
effort to wean themselves off — even a “small one” limited to must promote peace, starting
Russian oil and gas, countries Europe — would result in severe with realizing that NATO’s gam-
have turned to other fossil fuel and prolonged global climatic ble on expanding towards Rus-
sources to supplement their cooling and have long-term glob- sia’s border backfired. This war
energy requirements, including al climate consequences.
Canada’s oilsands. Also known as “twilight at ❱❱ PAGE 16 As the Ukraine

The detention of..

❰❰ 11 called for the abolition ery and infant mortality. Like others, they remain un- immigration detention was not tention. High rates of compli-
of child detention — As a 2019 report on the state named and their cause of death is being used as a measure of last ance have been observed where
Canada’s fulfilment of of Ontario’s jails summarized, unknown to the public. CBSA re- resort, and that alternatives to migrants and refugee claimants
that call is long overdue. “Correctional facilities are not mains the only major law enforce- detention are available. are afforded supports like hous-
In addition to mental health equipped to provide consis- ment agency in Canada without Instead of incarceration, ing and education, granted legal
concerns, immigration de- tent, equitable, or high-quality independent civilian oversight. newcomers should be wel- aid and case management sup-
tention has been linked to health care.” End ‘crimmigration’ comed into communities. port and treated with respect.
malnourishment, edema, hy- The egregious conditions Canada’s unjust use of im- There are a host of communi- Based on the severe health
pertension, increased risk of and policies of immigration migration detention stands in ty-based organizations offering and human rights implications
certain infectious diseases, detention have proven deadly. stark contrast with its image tailored and compassionate of immigration detention, the
like COVID-19 and substantial At least 17 people have died in as welcoming and multicultur- support to migrants and refu- public health evidence is clear
unmet healthcare needs. Con- CBSA custody since 2000. This al. Following the onset of the gees across Canada. — it is time to end immigrant
cerns are exacerbated among includes the death of a migrant pandemic, authorities released Such alternatives to deten- detention once and for all. ■
pregnant people, who face detained in the Laval Immigra- hundreds of people from im- tion allow families to remain
poor access to quality prenatal tion Holding Centre on Jan. migration detention to curb together, are more cost-effec- This article is republished
care, high rates of miscarriage, 28, 2022, who died after being the spread of the virus. That tive and prevent the physical from The Conversation under a
pre-eclampsia, pre-term deliv- found in “medical distress.” provides ample evidence that and mental health harms of de- Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 World News 15

World’s largest UN chief calls for action to

active volcano avert disaster of biological
begins to erupt weapons
in Hawaii XINHUA
Philippine News Agency
scientific advances are not ex-
ploited for hostile purposes, said
important work, said Guterres.
“The world generously sup-
Guterres. “Let’s make sure that ports global regimes against
ANADOLU vice is urging people with re- science and technology are used chemical weapons and nuclear
Philippine News Agency spiratory illnesses to remain UNITED NATIONS – UN for the benefit of humanity -- not proliferation. We should do the
indoors and avoid inhaling ash Secretary-General Antonio Gu- its destruction -- and that peace same for biological weapons
particles and urging anyone terres on Monday called for ac- remains at the heart of all scientif- with a significant increase in the
WASHINGTON – Mauna who ventures outdoors to don a tion in three areas to prevent the ic development and cooperation.” convention’s budget,” he said.
Loa, the world’s largest active mask or cover their mouth and disaster of biological weapons. Second, update the thinking “Now is the time to close off ev-
volcano, began to erupt over- nose with a cloth. Guterres made the appeal in on verification and compliance to ery avenue to the development
night, prompting authorities to “Possible harm to crops and a video message to participants fit today’s threats. The world has and use of these weapons.”
open shelters “as a precaution” animals. Minor equipment and of the Ninth Biological Weap- changed dramatically over the Fifty years ago, when the Bi-
on Monday. infrastructure damage. Re- ons Convention Review Con- last five decades. The convention ological Weapons Convention
The volcano, located on Ha- duced visibility. Widespread ference in Geneva. should change with it, he said. was open for signature, the glob-
waii’s Big Island, has not erupt- clean-up may be necessary,” it The first area of action is to give Third, give the convention the al community stood as one and
ed since 1984 when it emitted added. teeth to the convention’s account- increased financial and human declared that the deliberate use
lava for over three weeks. The volcano began erupting at ability provisions to ensure that resources it needs to carry out this of disease as a weapon was an af-
Hawaii’s Emergency Man- around 11:30 p.m. Sunday night front to humanity. The conven-
agement Agency said it received inside Hawai‘i Volcanoes Na- tion affirms the conscience of
reports of lava beginning to tional Park, the Hawaiian Volca- humankind, said Guterres.
overflow along the southwest- no Observatory said in an alert. “The Covid-19 pandemic
ern part of the volcano’s calde- “Based on past events, the ear- brought the world to its knees.
ra, or the large hollow bowl at ly stages of a Mauna Loa eruption Now imagine a different kind of
the top of the volcano. can be very dynamic and the lo- disease -- one that is both delib-
Still, the agency said there are cation and advance of lava flows erately designed and can race
not any current indications that can change rapidly,” it said. through the global population
lava is threatening populated “If the eruption remains in even faster,” he said. “Biological
areas, and noted that no evacua- Moku‘āweoweo, lava flows will weapons are not the product of
tion orders have been issued. most likely be confined with- science fiction. They are a clear
Authorities have issued an in the caldera walls. However, and present danger. That’s why
ashfall advisory for the Big Is- if the eruptive vents migrate strengthening the Biological
land and surrounding waters. outside its walls, lava flows may Visit of UN Secretary-General António Guterres to World Trade Organization Weapons Convention is more
The National Weather Ser- move rapidly downslope.” ■ (WTO) in May 2019. (WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION/FLICKR, CC BY-SA 2.0) important than ever.” ■

WHO renames monkeypox as ‘mpox’

to avoid stigma
XINHUA change the name. to assign names to new and ex-
Philippine News Agency The one-year transition pe- isting diseases through a consul-
riod serves to mitigate experts’ tative process, which includes
concerns about confusion the WHO member states.
GENEVA – To avoid racist caused by a name change amid The consultation on monkey-
stereotypes and stigmatization, a global outbreak. It also gives pox has involved representatives
the World Health Organization time to complete the Interna- from government authorities of
(WHO) recommended on Mon- tional Classification of Diseas- 45 different countries, it said.
day that the monkeypox virus es (ICD) update process and to According to the WHO, as of
be renamed “mpox.” update WHO publications. Saturday, 110 member states had
Both names -- mpox and In July, the WHO official- reported 81,107 laboratory con-
monkeypox -- will be used si- ly declared the multi-country firmed cases and 1,526 probable
multaneously for one year monkeypox outbreak outside of cases, including 55 deaths.
while the latter is phased out, the traditional endemic areas Most cases reported in the
the WHO said in a press release. in Africa a public health emer- past four weeks were from the
The change comes after sev- gency of international concern Americas (92.3 percent) and Eu-
eral individuals and countries (PHEIC), the highest level of rope (5.8 percent). The number
have raised concerns in several alert that the global health au- of weekly reported new cases
meetings and asked the WHO thority can issue. globally decreased by 46.1 per- Flag of World Health Organization at UN City in Østerbro in Copenhagen. (LEIF
to propose a way forward to It is the WHO’s responsibility cent in the week of Nov. 21-27. ■ JØRGENSEN - OWN WORK/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, CC BY-SA 4.0)
16 World News DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

Ex-Chinese President Pag-IBIG commits P250B..

4 colod City will start “We fully welcome the direction

Jiang Zemin passes away

complying with the of DHSUD in fast-tracking, coor-
requirements for a de- dinating, and bringing together all
velopmental loan from Pag-IBIG sectors’ concerns towards the im-
Fund to fund the land develop- mediate implementation of housing
XINHUA ment and housing construction. projects in the regions,” Acosta said.
Philippine News Agency For its part, Pag-IBIG Fund As the first GFI to allot funds
CEO Marilene Acosta has com- for the new housing project,
mitted to providing financial Pag-IBIG Fund shall extend in-
BEIJING – Jiang Zemin and technical assistance that dividual housing loans to target
passed away due to leukemia DHSUD and the city govern- beneficiaries pre-qualified and
and multiple organ failure in ment may need for the project. selected by the LGU. ■
Shanghai at 12:13 p.m. on Nov.
30 at the age of 96, it was an-
nounced on Wednesday. As the Ukraine..
The announcement was
made by the Central Commit- ❰❰ 14 could have been pre- ar missiles on permanent alert.
tee of the Communist Party vented if NATO pro- Canada must also advocate
of China (CPC), the Standing Ex-Chinese President Jiang Zemin (TOMMUSEEW BAOSTICOAM - OWN WORK/WIKI- vided long-overdue for a return to the Intermedi-
Committee of the National MEDIA COMMONS, CC BY-SA 4.0) written assurances that it will ate Range Nuclear Forces treaty
People’s Congress of the Peo- not add Ukraine as a member that former U.S. president Don-
ple’s Republic of China (PRC), whole Party, the entire military ethnic groups, a great Marxist, and this would have been con- ald Trump tore up in 2019, now
the State Council of the PRC, and the Chinese people of all a great proletarian revolution- crete step towards peace. permitting American nuclear
the National Committee of the ethnic groups that our beloved ary, statesman, military strate- Now, Canada must join 91 missiles to be stationed min-
Chinese People’s Political Con- Comrade Jiang Zemin died of gist and diplomat, a long-test- other countries and sign the UN utes from Moscow on the Polish
sultative Conference, and the leukemia and multiple organ ed communist fighter, and an Treaty on the Prohibition of border. Canada must pressure
Central Military Commissions failure after all medical treat- outstanding leader of the great Nuclear Weapons. It must press NATO to ratchet down tensions
of the CPC and the PRC. ments had failed. cause of socialism with Chinese NATO to declare “no first use,” and remove U.S. nuclear weapons
It was announced in a letter The letter says that Com- characteristics. meaning nuclear weapons will from the five European countries
addressing the whole Party, the rade Jiang Zemin was an out- He was the core of the CPC’s only be used in retaliation to an currently hosting them. ■
entire military and the Chinese standing leader enjoying high third generation of central col- enemy’s use of nuclear weap-
people of all ethnic groups. prestige acknowledged by the lective leadership and the prin- ons, and lobby to end the Cold This article is republished
The letter says they pro- whole Party, the entire military cipal founder of the Theory of War, hair-trigger, launch-on- from The Conversation under a
claim with profound grief to the and the Chinese people of all Three Represents. ■ warning policy that puts nucle- Creative Commons license.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever reclaims
the myth of an African utopia
BY EMILY ZOBEL and his family must pick up African utopia. country’s powerful metal re- real interest in supporting Black
MARSHALL, Leeds Beckett where he left off. Wakanda, pre- Wakanda evokes an Africa source, vibrainium. people outside of Wakanda and
University viously believed to be a small free of western colonial de- Elements of a Black nation- reaching out to unite the disen-
The Conversation weak nation, has made the true struction. It’s resources and alist philosophy, based on the franchised Black diaspora.
extent of its power known to traditions have not been erod- idea of empowering and unit- Reclaiming ritual
the world, which also opens it ed. Its sense of culture is strong. ing Black people who share a The film celebrates the rec-
Black Panther is set in the fic- up to foreign aggression. And, left to develop at its own history of oppression and ex- lamation of an African identity
tional country of Wakanda. The It made me reconsider the speed without foreign inter- ploitation drive the kingdom of through references to creation
creation of the Wakandan Afri- importance of the myth of Af- vention, it’s a technologically Wakanda as a Black utopia. This myths and diasporic storytell-
can identity has been a conten- rica as a place of harmony and advanced and superior nation. is symbolised by the “African” ing traditions where ancestral
tious issue. Borrowing aspects welcome – an idealised Black In the film, the Wakandans marketplace scenes in which wisdom is passed down through
of cultures from around Afri- space – for people across the are positioned a people who food is in abundance and people the generations.
ca, it presents the world with a African diaspora, especially avoided colonisation by turn- dressed in traditional “African” Actor Chadwick Boseman,
confusing sense of “Africaness”. for Black people in the US. The ing inwards. They become the clothing (with a futuristic twist) the Black Panther star who died
Wakanda is an amalgamation dream of returning to Africa for smallest but most powerful smile and shop in intergenera- of colon cancer aged 43, looms
of African ethnic groups, with many colonised Black people kingdom in existence, refusing tional harmony. large in Wakanda Forever. The
its “indigenous” outfits and in the Americas, even in death, to share their precious materi- Some Black nationalists also narrative itself centres around
symbols: cowry shells adorn- was pervasive and could be als with the rest of the world or advocated the establishment of Princess Shuri coming to terms
ments, grass skirts, decorative heard in the rhetoric of Black take part in global affairs. In the a Black society separate from with her the death of her brother
scarring and lip plates. The av- leaders such as Marcus Garvey. first Black Panther, after seeing white people, a Black nation T’Challa, her feelings of inade-
erage viewer won’t know that My own grandfather, born on what life was like for the for- which flourishes in economi- quacy and her need for revenge.
the language being spoken is a plantation in colonial Marti- merly enslaved Africans in the cal and cultural independence. If you don’t connect with
Xhosa, a South African lan- nique, took his family to live in US, T’Challa decides to open up Where Wakanda moves away your ancestors, we are told, you
guage, or that some of the gar- Senegal as he felt a calling from and let people know about his from this ideology is in its lack of will remain in a state of spiri-
ments are made with Ghanaian his “homeland”. He wanted to tual stasis. Wakandan funerals
Kente cloth and designs. be embraced by his “African draw from Yoruba Orisha cere-
Africa is a continent of 54 brothers and sisters”. The reali- monies with mourners dressed
countries that are diverse cul- ty was very different and it took in white and pouring of liba-
turally and geographically. But time for him to be accepted. tions for the ancestors.
this “borrowing” could sug- The US has historically been The queen mother processes
gest that they were one and the less connected to African cul- her grief in “the bush”, sitting
same, their cultural markers tures than many Caribbean na- with her pain and performing
shared and interchangeable. tions. The lifespan of enslaved ancestral rituals. She tells her
So I was ready to be critical people in the Caribbean during daughter she has found her son
of Wakanda Forever and how the plantation period, due to “on the breeze, pushing her like
it returns to stereotypes of Af- horrific conditions, was very a hand on her shoulder”. Shuri
rica, collapsing different civil- short. This meant there were rejects this and the rituals, and
isations (many of which have low birth rates among the en- her lack of faith is the main bar-
fought each other) into digest- slaved population. rier to her success in leadership.
ible but erroneous “myths” of a New African captives were A popular counter-narrative
homogenous Africa. brought to keep the workforce to discrimination for people of
And yet, I was mesmerised. stable, renewing African cul- African descent is the insistence
An African ‘homeland’ tural connections. Wakanda is that all our African ancestors
Wakanda Forever is a pow- then, perhaps, a reflection of were the “kings and queens” of
erful meditation on grief and Black America’s lost connec- Letitia Wright at the 2017 San Diego Comic Con International, for “Black Panther”, at the San
power. King T’Challa is dead tions, their dreams of a Black Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. (GAGE SKIDMORE/FLICKR, CC BY-SA 2.0) ❱❱ PAGE 19 Black Panther: Wakanda
18 Entertainment DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio review: this

tale of a lost child is the filmmaker’s destiny
BY KEITH MCDONALD, 2015. He spoke, even then, of This notion of the abandoned a father figure, but later dies, of historic reality and fantasy
York St John University his ambitions for Pinocchio, child, whose future is fought over leaving Hellboy abandoned and as crass. But through del Toro’s
The Conversation and his belief that “animation by those seeking to alter their cursed by his own difference. commitment to the rendering
is in many ways the future of destiny, can be seen in many of Guillermo del Toro’s Pinoc- of his worlds, the appearance of
genre movies”. He explained del Toro’s other works. In The chio is a culmination of the direc- the fantastical is never jarring,
That Guillermo del Toro that the only thing hindering Devil’s Backbone (2001) we fol- tor’s artistic preoccupation with but assumed, as much a part
would eventually create a ver- his ambitions was a “way to cap- low Carlos, a 12-year-old orphan the abandoned and unwanted of the fabric of reality as the
sion of Pinocchio feels some- ture randomness”. of the Spanish civil war who finds child. In del Toro’s oeuvre, these bombs of the Fascist regime.
thing like cinematic destiny. Clearly, he found it. His de- himself in a haunted orphanage, children become symbolic of the Italian prime minister Beni-
The overriding theme of his piction of Pinocchio’s world surrounded by danger. future of a world at war. to Musollini is depicted at-
cinematic vision is, afterall, a has a satisfyingly cluttered, In Hellboy (2004) a demon A mockery of fascism tending Pinocchio’s circus act,
love for those others would see haphazard style, not least in child is unleashed by Nazis at- Del Toro sets his Pinocchio and is presented as a ludicrous,
as freaks, outcasts or misfits. the unpolished nature of Pinoc- tempting to enhance the su- in Fascistic Italy, where military bloated man-child. Pinocchio
The Mexican-born filmmak- chio himself, who is carved by a pernatural, and is rescued by a bombs have killed Geppetto’s “real” is supposed to provide a fawn-
er began work as a special ef- drunk, grieving Geppetto. scientist who raises him to pro- son, setting the tale in motion. ing tribute, but instead goes off
fects illustrator and make-up The broken and unfinished tect civilisation. He becomes Some might see this blending script, comically mocking the
designer before making his first state of Pinocchio’s body is regime. This further illumi-
feature film, Cronos, in 1993 – symbolic of his outsider status. nates the grotesque childish-
a fable about a girl’s deep bond Del Toro once again populates ness of the Fascist agenda in a
with her vampiric grandfather. his film with misfits, disregard- manner reminiscent of Charlie
Since then, del Toro has ed and disenfranchised – those Chaplin’s famous depictions of
forged an international career lost in a chaotic world. Hitler and his floating globe.
making films in both Spain and Many viewers were intro- Navigating the “uncanny
the US, and won the Academy duced to del Toro’s work with valley”
Award for Best Director for The Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), which It’s significant that Pinocchio
Shape of Water in 2017. told the story of a young girl, Of- is del Toro’s first animated fea-
It is no surprise that just as felia, trapped in a manipulative ture, (although he worked on the
Cronos concerns a girl trying and cruel relationship with her TV show Trollhunters between
to protect her undead grandfa- Spanish fascist stepfather, Cap- 2016 and 2021), not least because
ther, Pinocchio involves a father tain Vidal. Offelia is offered an of the style of animation used.
trying to protect a replacement escape through a terrifying set Stop-motion offers a visual-
for his deceased son. Pinocchio of challenges by the mysterious ly stunning alternative to other
presents a climax of many of the Faun (whose costume is made, notable Pinocchios – a lived in,
core elements that have domi- incidentally, from ancient look- grimy aesthetic, which echoes the
nated del Toro’s career to date. ing wood – perhaps another nod darker, more mature elements of
As a scholar of del Toro’s to Pinocchio) in an adult fairytale
work, I interviewed him in set against the Spanish Civil War. ❱❱ PAGE 30 Guillermo del Toro’s

ABS-CBN’s primetime teleseryes

to premiere in Malaysia
ABS-CBN first state owned TV station. by, Yen Santos, Yam Concepcion, team of James Reid and Nadine with stories that appeal and re-
Now airing on TVS 122 is and Asia’s Prince of Dramas, Jer- Lustre. The show follows the late to various cultures.
ABS-CBN’s drama roman- icho Rosales, who also starred in lives of Clark (James), a simple Other ABS-CBN programs
Featuring ‘Marry Me, Marry tic-comedy series “Marry Me, ABS-CBN’s hit series that aired boy living the American life, that have aired in different parts
You,’ ‘Halik,’ and ‘On the Wings Marry You,” which first pre- internationally including the and Leah (Nadine), a girl with of the world recently include
of Love’ miered locally in 2021—featur- original version of “Pangako Sa an ambitious American dream, “FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano,” “San-
ABS-CBN, the Philippines’ ing the pairing of Paulo Aveli- ‘Yo,” “Dahil May Isang Ikaw,” and how they find love in each dugo,” “Bagong Umaga,” and “La
leading content provider, is no and Janine Gutierrez in her “Bridges of Love,” and “The Le- other’s company after their Vida Lena” in Africa; the 2015 re-
bringing three of its popular very first Kapamilya project. gal Wife,” plus in the 2014 Ma- forced marriage to let her legal- make of “Pangako Sa ‘Yo” in Lat-
drama series to Malaysia on free The story follows engaged laysian series “Kusinera Cinta.” ly stay in the United States. in America; “The Blood Sisters”
TV channel TVS 122, namely lovers Camille (Janine) and It features the story of two cou- Apart from these recent feats in France’s overseas territories,
“Marry Me, Marry You,” “Halik,” Andrei (Paulo), who struggle ples whose lives are intertwined in syndicating its beloved shows “and “Huwag Kang Mangamba”
and “On the Wings of Love,” all to find the perfect balance be- in a complicated series of affairs to its Malaysian neighbors, in Myanmar. Meanwhile, its se-
subtitled in Bahasa Malaysia. tween their blossoming rela- tainted by lust, temptation, be- ABS-CBN continues making ries “Hanggang Saan” and “The
These shows, all subtitled tionship with their families’ trayal, and revenge. waves in global content distri- Good Son” had their own dra-
in Bahasa Malaysia, will be the clashing personalities as they Another series that will bution by bringing world-class ma adaptations in Turkey, and
first Filipino programs to air on make their way to matrimony. air soon on TVS 122 is its Filipino content of all genres “Tayong Dalawa” as “Angkara
Malaysia’s free to air TV chan- Meanwhile, soon to premiere award-winning romantic-com- to foreign audiences in over 50 Cinta” in Malaysia. ■
nel TVS 122, operated by Sar- is the 2018 drama-affair show edy series “On the Wings of territories worldwide—selling
awak Media Group, Malaysia’s “Halik,” top-billed by Sam Mil- Love,” starring the iconic love over 50,000 hours of content

Spending too much money?
Tempted by sales?
These ways to ‘hack’ your
psychology can help
BY ADRIAN R. CAMILLERI, are a classic example – contrary ter making a mental calcula-
University of Technology to expectations, many are not tion: is the anticipated pleasure
Sydney happy, or not happy for long. of consuming higher than the
The Conversation More importantly, you can anticipated pain of buying?
derive happiness from just an- This calculus is even repre-
ticipating future experiences. sented in the brain. For exam- ‘Tapping’ with your phone greatly reduces the pain of paying.
It’s late November, which For example, one study mea- ple, one study looking at peo-
means the holiday sales peri- sured the happiness of 974 peo- ple’s brains with fMRI while money leaves your account. ing, you’ve just hopped onto the
od has well and truly begun. If ple going on a trip compared they purchased food found After the purchase – stop hedonic treadmill.
you haven’t already seen your with 556 people not going on a neural activity in areas linked chasing rainbows Now the only way to main-
spending go up, the possibility trip. As you might expect, the va- to higher-order, affective pain A fundamental feature of hu- tain your happiness is to spend
is looming. cationers were relatively happi- processing, which correlated man beings is that we are adap- more and more money to get
And you probably have some er – but only before the trip. with how high the price was. tive – we easily get used to the better and better versions of ev-
concerns about spending your So, how can we take advan- How did you pay for your last new normal. This applies to our erything. So, how can you get off
money wisely. Furthermore, tage of our capacity to mentally meal? Did you have to dig into purchases, too. Scientists call it this treadmill?
shopping can be a harrowing time travel? your wallet or purse trying to “hedonic adaptation”: over time, Tip #3: Buy experiences,
experience, and our attitudes Tip #1: Pay now, consume extract the appropriate com- consumption of the same thing not things. It turns out peo-
towards money are tied up in all later. These days, fuelled by the bination of notes and coins? brings decreasing happiness. ple end up happier when they
kinds of feelings. rise of “buy now, pay later” op- Maybe you simply pulled out a Remember the day you got your buy experiences rather than
Based on psychology, here are tions, we get to consume what plastic card and swiped it on the smartphone? You may have felt things. For example, a study that
three tips to improve the way we want immediately. How- reader? Or perhaps you absent- joy as you caressed the smooth al- tracked how older adults spent
you spend your hard-earned ever, this instant gratification mindedly touched your smart- uminium back and watched light their money found that only one
cash this holiday season. deprives us of a key source of phone to the machine. glint off the unblemished glass. category of spending was related
Before the purchase – pa- happiness: anticipation. A bet- It turns out your method of Now look at your phone. What to happiness: leisure purchases,
tience is your friend ter strategy is to commit to buy payment changes how much happened to the joy? such as going on trips, seeing a
One of the amazing features something and then wait a little pain you feel. In one study, re- It’s normal to experience hedon- movie at the cinema, and cheer-
of the human mind is that we before actually consuming it. searchers asked some university ic adaptation. However, one prob- ing at sporting events.
can mentally time travel: we At the point of purchase – employees if they would like to lem is that we don’t anticipate it. One reason for this is that
can imagine what the future is notice you’re paying buy a mug at a discounted price. Remember affective fore- we adapt to purchases of expe-
going to feel like. Scientists call An inevitability of every pur- Half were only allowed to pay in casting? Since satisfaction is a riences more slowly than pur-
this “affective forecasting”. chase is spending money. This cash, whereas the other half had function of expectations relative chases of material things.
Thinking about a future trip represents a cost, both in terms to use a debit or credit card. to performance, when we fail to So, the next time you’re toss-
– imagining the warm sun, the of the monetary value but also Those who paid in cash adjust our expectations in light ing up between buying tickets
sand between your toes, finding the opportunity to buy other self-reported more pain of pay- of the inevitable hedonic adap- to a festival or getting the latest
yourself smiling – is an example things. ing. So, how can you use this to tation, we end up dissatisfied. gadget, pick up your scratched-
of such mental time travel. Costs are a form of loss, and your advantage? The second problem with up smartphone and pre-pur-
However, it turns out we’re we don’t like losing things. For Tip #2: Ramp up the pain. hedonic adaptation is that the chase some festival tickets for
not very good at affective fore- that reason, it psychologically If you’re worried about over- obvious solution appears to be you and your friends. ■
casting. We get wrong not only hurts to spend money. Scientists spending this holiday period, buying something new. Maybe
the emotions we will experi- call this the “pain of paying”. ramp up the pain of paying. You you need a new smartphone to This article is republished
ence, but also their intensity According to one theory of can do this by using cash or re- replace your slightly scratched- from The Conversation under a
and duration. Lottery winners shopping, we decide to buy af- ceiving a notification each time up old one? If this is your think- Creative Commons license.

Black Panther: Wakanda.. The Emergencies Act..

❰❰ 17 great kingdoms and exploitation, theft and slavery. lem with unchallenged hierar- ❰❰ 9 ity and transparency, organizations that are so criti-
empires. Thankfully, Wakanda Forever chies and the stupidity of war. ■ must apply to all orga- cal to public well-being. ■
Yet at the heart of avoids the complete romantici- nizations, both private
any kingdom is an uneven distri- sation of powerful monarchies, This article is republished and public — including the Ot- This article is republished
bution of power and wealth and revealing the corrosive nature of from The Conversation under a tawa Police Services Board and from The Conversation under a
successful empires often rely on the desire for control, the prob- Creative Commons license. any other body that oversees Creative Commons license.
20 Lifestyle DECEMBER 2, 2022 FRIDAY

Hearing loss: headphones and concerts

could put young people at risk –
here’s how to protect yourself
BY SAMUEL COUTH, ing that the exposure time should ies investigating the effects of porting to have hearing loss. Early symptoms of hearing
University of Manchester be halved (known as the “three occupational noise exposure In theory, the delicate parts damage can include muffled
The Conversation dB rule”). So if the sound in a typ- (such as from loud construction of the inner ear are equally as hearing (like having wool in
ical concert is around 105 dB, a machinery) have shown that it’s susceptible to damage from loud your ears) and tinnitus – both
person would exceed their daily linked with high levels of hear- music as they are from noisy ma- of which can be common af-
A recent study published in noise dose within approximately ing loss and tinnitus (a ringing chinery and power tools. Regular ter exposure to loud noise. But
BMJ Global Health has esti- five minutes of being there. Head- or buzzing sensation in the exposure to high levels of noise even though these symptoms
mated that over one billion peo- phones and earphones can reach ears). In such jobs, average dai- can destroy the sensory hair cells may disappear within a couple
ple worldwide aged 12-34 years similar levels when put up to max- ly noise exposures can exceed in the ear that are responsible of hours or days, it has been
could be at risk of noise-in- imum volume. 100 dB. Similar problems have for amplifying everyday sounds. suggested that these symptoms
duced hearing loss. The system- Frequently engaging in unsafe also been found in the music Damage to them is irreversible, could still be initial warning
atic review and meta-analysis listening practices can lead to per- industry, with approximately meaning that noise-induced signs of more insidious damage
found that 24% of young peo- manent hearing loss. Fortunately, 64% of pop-rock musicians re- hearing loss is permanent. to parts of the inner ear.
ple engage in unsafe listening there are many easy things you While these early signs of
practices when using a personal can do to lower this risk. hearing loss might be nothing
listening device (such as head- Knowing your risk more than a minor annoyance
phones), while an estimated It’s important to note this when you’re young, as hearing
48% do so at least once a month study only estimates the num- loss worsens it can have a major
by attending noisy events (such ber of young people who could impact on quality of life. Some
as concerts or clubs). be at risk of hearing loss – it studies have even shown it’s asso-
In this study, “unsafe listen- does not report on how many ciated with depression and cog-
ing” relates to not only how people have already devel- nitive decline later in life. This
loud the noise is, but for how oped hearing loss due to unsafe is why it’s vital to look after your
long a person is exposed. A per- listening practices. The au- hearing even when you’re young.
son’s maximum recommended thors acknowledge that more Protecting your hearing
noise exposure dose is no more well-designed studies are need- The first and most effective
than 85 dB (decibels) for eight ed to better understand the ef- way to reduce the risk of hearing
hours a day. This is roughly fects of recreational noise expo- loss is to eliminate the noise at
as loud as city traffic or a busy sure across the lifespan. its source. In other words, turn
restaurant. However, we do know from the volume down. This is easy
For every three decibel in- studies on other types of noise to do with personal listening
crease in noise, this equates to a just how harmful it can be to
doubling in sound energy – mean- hearing. For example, stud- ❱❱ PAGE 30 Hearing loss: headphones

The best fiction of 2022: Ayanna Lloyd

Banwo’s When We Were Birds –
an exquisite exploration of love and legacy
BY LEIGHAN M RENAUD, er stays on that lap throughout rots transforming into the “cor- faith and work with the dead. cemetery in Port Angeles, sur-
University of Bristol the novel. Lloyd Banwo’s prose, beaux” bird, “devouring the His mother Janaya tells her rounded by the dead and by all
The Conversation written in Trinidadian English, dead” and bringing balance to the son: “Not in no dead yard and the history buried with them,
is incredibly poetic, lyrical and forest in doing so. The corbeaux not in that dead city … you can’t that Darwin and Yejide meet
ripe with lore and proverb that is known across the Caribbean go in that place and mix up in and fall in love.
Ayanna Lloyd Banwo’s debut firmly roots the narrative in a as a bird of prey associated with them people,” before Darwin Between the realms of the
novel When We Were Birds is tradition of anglophone Carib- death, and it is the fictional cor- makes the decision to cut his dead and the living
a spellbinding, beautifully told bean women’s writing. beaux’s work with the dead that dreadlocks (which marks the Beyond being a love story,
blend of love story and magical Yejide’s grandmother tells connects the novel’s two protag- changed relationship with his When We Were Birds is an ex-
realism ghost story. her a story about the time onists and acts as a catalyst for mother as well as symbolising quisite exploration of trauma,
The novel opens with pro- before time, when animals the romantic storyline. shedding old skin and old life). legacy, lineage, familial relation-
tagonist Yejide sitting on her reigned on a utopian Earth. Af- Yejide, who inherits the gift of He takes up employment in ships and ancestral reverence.
grandmother’s lap as she tells ter an encounter with human talking to the dead from her ma- Port Angelis, a fictional Trini- One of the novel’s most in-
her a story that opens “there warriors, war breaks out and ternal line, finds herself drawn dadian city brought to life beau- triguing relationships is that
was a time before time”. Be- wreaks havoc on the animals, to Darwin, a grave digger whose tifully through descriptions of between Yejide and her mother,
cause of the text’s strong narra- leaving many dead. strict Rastafarian upbringing both its landscape and its peo-
tive voice, it feels like the read- The narrative describes par- results in a conflict between his ple. It is in Fidelis, the largest ❱❱ PAGE 22 The best fiction
FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 Lifestyle 21

How can you tell if something is true?

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself
about what you see, hear and read
BY BOB BRITTEN, West Just because you like a source Do you want to believe it?
Virginia University doesn’t make it trustworthy. Emotions can get in the way
The Conversation This is true for websites, too. of knowing what’s true. Mes-
When a site grabs your atten- sages that make you feel strong
tion, take a second to check the emotions – especially ones that
How can I tell if what I am source at the top. Some fake are funny or make you angry –
hearing is true? – Adam, age 10, sites use names that sound are the most important ones to
Maui, Hawaii trustworthy – like “Boston Tri- check, but they’re also the hard-
Have you ever heard a story bune” instead of “Boston Globe” est to ignore.
so exciting you wanted to share or “” instead of Advertisers know this. Many
it right away? Something like a “” You can click ads try to be funny or make
shark swimming up a flooded the “About” page to see where the things they’re selling look
highway? they’re really coming from, use cool because they want you to
An image that seems to show lists of known fake sites and focus on how you feel rather
just that was shared by many other fact-checking resources than what you think. And being
people after Hurricane Ian to avoid getting played. older doesn’t mean you’re au-
struck Florida in 2022. It was What’s the evidence? tomatically better at spotting
also widely shared after Hurri- Evidence is what you show false information: 41% of 18-to-
cane Harvey hit Houston, Tex- when someone says “prove it!” 34-year-olds and 44% of adults
as, in 2017. It’s a fake – a flooded It’s the details that support 65 and older admitted to hav-
highway image combined with what a source is saying. ing fallen for a fake news story
one of a great white shark. The much do you want to believe it? have sources you trust and ones Primary sources – people or in a 2018 study. Other research
fact-checking website Snopes The last one might seem a little you don’t. But why? groups who are directly involved showed adults over 65 were sev-
found it circulating as far back strange, but you’ll see why it’s Would you trust your histo- with the information – are best. en times as likely to share arti-
as 2011 after Hurricane Irene important by the end. ry teacher to tell you something If you want to learn about the cles from fake sites as younger
slammed Puerto Rico. Who said it? about history? Probably, because release of a new game, the com- people were.
Truth can be tricky to de- Let’s say you’re really excited they have a college degree that pany’s official accounts or chan- So if you’ve been eagerly wait-
termine. Every message you about a game that’s coming out says they know their stuff. But nels would be primary sources. ing for that new game, and some-
read, see or hear comes from later this year. You want to be what if your history teacher told Secondary sources are one step body posts a video that says it’s
somewhere and was created by the first to learn about the new you a fact about science your sci- removed – for example, news sto- coming out early, your wanting
someone and for someone. creatures, characters and game ence teacher said was untrue? ries based on primary sources. it to be true can make you ignore
I teach media literacy, which modes. So when a YouTube video You’d probably be better off go- They aren’t as strong as primary your common sense – leaving
is a way to think about infor- pops up saying, “GAME COM- ing with the science teacher for sources but are still useful. For ex- you open to being fooled.
mation you get in the messag- ING TWO WEEKS EARLY,” you your science facts. Just because a ample, most news on gaming site The best question you can ask
es you receive via media. You can’t wait to watch. But when you source is trustworthy in one sub- IGN is based on information from yourself when you’re thinking
might think media means the click, it’s just a guy making pre- ject doesn’t mean they’re trust- game company sources, so it’s a about a message is, “Do I want
news, but it also includes Tik- dictions. Do you trust him? worthy in every subject. good secondary source. to believe this?” If the answer is
Tok posts, television, books, ad- A source is where informa- Let’s go back to the YouTu- Can a blogger or YouTuber yes, it’s a good sign you should
vertisements and more. tion comes from. You get infor- ber. If you’ve watched him for a be a secondary source? If their slow down and check the source
When deciding whether to mation from sources every day while and he’s reliably correct, claims start by referencing pri- and evidence more closely. ■
trust a piece of information, it’s – from teachers, parents and that’s a good start. At the same mary sources like “Electronic
good to start with three main friends to people you’ve never time, make sure you don’t con- Arts says,” that’s good. But if they This article is republished
questions – who said it, what met on news sites, fan channels fuse his having an opinion with start with “I think” or “There’s a from The Conversation under a
evidence did they give and how and social media. You probably actually having knowledge. lot of buzz,” be careful. Creative Commons license.

Working prisoners are..

❰❰ 11 the government ig- more expenses — including the cial necessity), which ultimate- oners from normal employment a corporate merger.
nored the fact that pay cost of basic hygiene items — have ly reduces public safety. and health and safety protec- As the OCI and other critics
scales for federal pris- been downloaded onto prisoners. Prison labour, like other tions. There’s no reason at all to have made clear, federal prison
oners, implemented in 1981, al- Money is also required for work, can also be dangerous curtail prisoners’ labour rights. labour schemes are failing pris-
ready accounted for room and the letters and phone calls pris- and unhealthy. A union for prisoners may oners and the public. In looking
board deductions. The maxi- oners need to maintain com- No labour rights seem far-fetched, but there is to the future, CSC should seri-
mum pay for federal prisoners munity relationships, which are However, just as they are ex- historical precedent. In 1977, ously consider this success from
is $6.90 per day, minus manda- viewed favourably when parole cluded from employment stan- provincial prisoners working in the past. All workers deserve full
tory fees. boards make decisions. What’s dards and labour laws, prison- a privately managed abattoir at rights and protections. ■
According to the OCI, since more, scholars — and prisoners ers are generally excluded from Ontario’s Guelph Correctional
these changes, the average pay themselves — have warned that health and safety laws designed Centre unionized, winning full This article is republished
for prisoners working full time is low pay hinders prisoners’ abil- to protect workers. rights as workers. The union from The Conversation under a
around 30 cents an hour. Mean- ity to successfully reintegrate There is no public safety jus- lasted nearly two decades be- Creative Commons license.
while, the cost of living in pris- post-release (like avoiding tification, let alone a moral one, fore the operation was moved
on has skyrocketed as more and committing crimes out of finan- for the exclusion of working pris- off the prison grounds as part of

House OKs bill imposing stiffer penalties
vs. game-fixing
BY ZALDY DE LAYOLA crime of game-fixing but it shall Sections 3 and 4 of the measure. If the offender is a public offi- in professional sports convict-
Philippine News Agency be deemed a prima facie evi- The bill also imposes the cer, whether elected or appointed, ed by final judgment, or those
dence of its commission. penalty of imprisonment from with the accessory penalty of per- in amateur sports convicted for
“This proposed measure seeks three years and one day to six petual disqualification from hold- the same offense for the sec-
MANILA – The House of to expand the elements consti- years, or a fine of not less than ing any public office, the maxi- ond time, shall suffer perpetual
Representatives on Monday tuting the crime of game-fixing P1 million but not more than mum penalty shall be imposed. disqualification to participate
approved on the third and fi- and prescribing stiffer penalties PHP5 million, or both at the The same level of penalty ap- in any capacity in competitive
nal reading the measure that to arrest the widespread illicit discretion of the court for viola- plies if the offender is an officer sports in the country.
will expand the elements and practice, and by so doing, to pro- tion of provisions of the law. of a partnership, corporation, Whistle-blowers who vol-
will impose stiffer penalties for mote the true spirit of sports- When the offender is an ath- association, or any juridical en- untarily disclose information
game-fixing in professional and manship,” the bill read. lete, promoter, referee, umpire, tity, who directly participated, on, or assist in the prosecution
amateur sports contests. Other forms of game-fixing judge, or coach, the penalty im- consented, or knowingly tolerat- of game-fixing shall be exempt
With an overwhelming 249 such as point-shaving, game posed is imprisonment from six ed the game-fixing, as well as an from any liability and may be
votes, the House approved machination and the act of wil- years and one day to 12 years or alien, who would also be deport- admitted to the Witness Pro-
House Bill (HB) No. 4513 seek- fully abetting, aiding, or inducing a fine of not less than PHP1 mil- ed after serving his sentence. tection Program.
ing to impose up to PHP50 mil- any person to commit game-fix- lion but not more than PHP5 Any person who proposes, at- The measure mandates the
lion fine or life imprisonment ing and profiting from it are also million, or both. tempts, or conspires to commit Games and Amusement Board
or both “if the offender is a penalized under the measure. Game-fixing is deemed com- game-fixing shall suffer the pen- (GAB) to revoke the licenses
member of a syndicate.” Point-shaving refers to any mitted by a syndicate if carried alty of imprisonment from one of professional athletes found
Under the bill, game-fixing is such arrangement, combination, out by a group of three or more year to three years, or a fine of not guilty of game fixing, and the
defined as “any arrangement, scheme, or agreement by which persons conspiring or confed- less than PHP500,000 but not Philippine Sports Commission
agreement, scheme, or act or the skill or ability of any player erating with one another to per- more than PHP1 million, or both. (PSC) to remove athletes, coach-
series of acts, wherein any per- or participant in a game, race or form the prohibited acts. Likewise, any person engaged es, or sports officials and dis-
son or persons, maliciously sports competition to make points qualify them from any awards.
conduct or cause to be conduct- or scores shall be deliberately lim- Likewise, the measure gives the
ed any professional or amateur ited to influence the result in favor Philippine Olympic Committee
sports other than on the basis of of one or the other team, player or and the National Sports Associa-
the honest playing skill or abili- participant therein. tions the responsibility to remove
ty of the players or participants On the other hand, game offending athletes, coaches, and
or even deliberately limiting machinations refer to any oth- other sports officials from their
the skill or ability of any player er fraudulent, deceitful, unfair respective rosters.
or participant in a game, race, or dishonest means, method, On the other hand, the De-
or sports competition in order manner or practice employed partment of Education (DepEd)
to influence the process or to for the purpose of influencing is mandated with the task of
produce a pre-determined re- the result of any game, race, or banning erring student-ath-
sult for purposes of gambling, sports contest. letes, coaches, or officiating
betting, or as part of a scheme to Under the measure, staff from participating in the
defraud the public on the con- game-fixing is deemed commit- Palarong Pambansa or other
duct and outcome of the game.” ted by a syndicate if carried out DepEd sports events.
Proof of actual payment or by a group of three or more per- Schools and athletic associa-
receipt of money or any valu- sons conspiring or confederat- tions are mandated to ban ath-
able consideration is not a re- ing with one another to perform letes and other sports officials
quirement to constitute the the prohibited acts specified in involved in game-fixing. ■

The best fiction..

❰❰ 20 Petronella. Theirs is I consider how it might be sym- Trinidad’s literary legacy is is producing world-class female markings of a Caribbean clas-
a relationship char- bolic of the colonial history of undeniable. The southern Carib- writers hand over fist”. Roffey’s sic, and is yet another example
acterised by coldness the Caribbean, and the inher- bean island has given the world article highlights the recent liter- of 21st-century Caribbean liter-
and silence. ited traumas associated with it. some of its best literature, with ary achievements of a number of ary excellence. ■
Yejide’s gift is passed down Talking to the dead is a gift be- writers such as Samuel Selvon, female Trinidadian writers and
to her from her mother, who in- cause it means a lasting connec- M. NourbeSe Philip, V.S. Naipaul mentions Ayanna Lloyd Banwo This article is republished
herited the gift from her moth- tion with one’s ancestors, but and Shani Mootoo gracing many as an emerging star and a Carib- from The Conversation under a
er. As I read this mother-daugh- it also means existing between a university reading list. bean writer to continue to watch. Creative Commons license.
ter relationship (a relationship the realms of the dead and the Monique Roffey noted in an When We Were Birds is an
that has so often been explored living and being reminded of article in The Guardian earlier engaging, magical and confi-
in Caribbean women’s writing), difficult pasts. this year, “these days Trinidad dent debut that bears all the
FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 Sports 23

Ronaldo leaves Manchester United by ‘mutual

agreement’ – here’s why he wasn’t sacked
BY RICHARD PARRISH, cause damage to the club, its offi- tion at Ronaldo’s remarks, offi-
Edge Hill University cers or employees. cials at Manchester United pre-
The Conversation In Ronaldo’s interview, he ferred pragmatism, the mutual
made a number of statements termination solution.
that could be interpreted as If dismissed, Ronaldo would
Cristiano Ronaldo’s televised amounting to a breach of this have been entitled to a disciplinary
interview with Piers Morgan, express contractual term. He and appeals process which would
aired in November, drew the made mention of being “forced have created more uncertainty
curtain on the player’s second out” and being “betrayed” and and instability at a time when the
coming at Manchester United. declared that he does not “have owners of Manchester United
In the 90-minute interview, respect” for Erik ten Hag, Man- were seeking new investment or
Ronaldo launched an attack on chester United’s manager. the sale of the club and the man-
his then employer. It was report- According to the standard ager was trying to build on a recent
ed that, due to the interview, the contract, Ronaldo was also re- improvement of form.
club was exploring the possibil- quired, whenever circumstanc- In his interview, Ronaldo
ity of dismissing Ronaldo. Yet es permit, to give the club rea- (@CRISTIANO/INSTAGRAM) made mention of a perceived lack
within days, Manchester United sonable notice of his intention of empathy from the club regard-
announced that both parties had to speak to the media. It is not This is despite the widely used conduct on the part of the player. ing the health of his daughter.
agreed to terminate the contract. known whether Ronaldo satis- practice in professional football In football, it is more common He also criticised the state of the
Why was dismissal discount- fied this requirement. in which players, and indeed for managers, not players, to be club’s health facilities.
ed in favour of an apparently What doesn’t the contract say? clubs, seek to destabilise rela- sacked. This is usually on the Although Ronaldo was not
more pragmatic solution? In addition to those terms tions in order to affect a trans- grounds of poor performance. explicit on this point, such state-
When navigating disputes be- that are expressly provided for fer or contract re-negotiation. Given the existence of a trans- ments could be interpreted as
tween employers and employ- in the contract, certain terms In the case of Kevin McBride fer system for players in which implying that the club was in
ees, all roads lead to the contract are implied in the agreement be- v Falkirk Football and Athletic clubs can only receive a transfer breach of its contractual duty to
of employment. Although pro- tween the parties. Of particular Club, the employment appeals fee for a player under contract, care for players. Regardless of the
fessional footballers are atyp- interest is the duty owed by both tribunal dismissed reliance on clubs often choose pragmatism veracity of such claims, officials at
ical employees, employment club and player not to behave in industry norms as justification (moving a player onto to anoth- Manchester United might have
relations with their club are such a manner that results in a for a breach of the mutual trust er club) over dismissal. calculated that they did not want
regulated by a contract. In their breakdown of mutual trust and and confidence duty. Nevertheless, a number of high such issues being aired any longer,
case a standard Premier League confidence between them. Are footballers often sacked? profile players have been dis- particularly if termination by mu-
employment contract, which For there to be such an ero- The standard Premier League missed. Dennis Wise was sacked tual agreement could be achieved
is signed by all Premier League sion of trust requires a high contract permits clubs to ter- by Leicester City for fracturing without a financial settlement in
players, including Ronaldo. threshold of severity. If – as minate the employment of the the cheekbone of a teammate favour of the player.
Among other things, this con- commentator Jamie Carragh- player for reasons of gross mis- during a pre-season tour in 2002. Given that Ronaldo had ex-
tract expressly specifies the du- er has suggested – Ronaldo’s conduct or for a failure to heed a Although striking a colleague is pressed his desire to leave
ties and obligations of the player interview was calculated to final written warning. Contract likely to amount to a fair reason the club, and only had seven
and the club, and the circum- destroy his relationship with termination, and its consequenc- in law to dismiss, Wise succeeded months remaining on his con-
stances in which the contract Manchester United, so as to ag- es, is also regulated under Fifa’s in an unfair dismissal claim on tract, pragmatism prevailed. ■
can be terminated. According itate for a move away from Old regulations on the status and procedural grounds.
to the standard contract, play- Trafford, the threshold would transfer of players, notably the Pragmatism often prevails This article is republished
ers are required not to do, say or arguably have been met and a right to dismiss for “just cause” Wise’s case highlights why, from The Conversation under a
write anything which is likely to dismissal potentially justified. which involves persistent poor despite their obvious indigna- Creative Commons license.

House OKs bill on Brownlee’s

PH citizenship on final reading
BY FILANE MIKEE tion, the chamber passed House Speaking of puso, we commend
CERVANTES Bill 6224 to allow Brownlee as a Justin for his desire in join-
Philippine News Agency naturalized player of Gilas Pil- ing Gilas Pilipinas in this path,
ipinas to the FIBA Basketball to represent the Philippines,
World Cup next year by grant- which is his home in this corner
MANILA – The House of ing him Philippine citizenship. of the world,” Romualdez said.
Representatives on Tuesday Speaker Martin Romualdez, Brownlee signed a basketball
approved on third and final author of the measure, said this and gave it to Romualdez as a
reading a measure seeking to is the House’s “humble con- token of gratitude during his
grant Filipino citizenship to tribution to assist the national courtesy visit at the House on
Barangay Ginebra resident im- basketball team’s quest for glo- Tuesday afternoon.
port Justin Brownlee. ry in the FIBA World Cup.” 1-PACMAN Party-list Rep. Basketball player Justin Brownlee answers questions from members of the
With 274 affirmative votes, no “Anything is possible if you Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights during a public hearing at the
negative vote, and one absten- put your heart or ‘puso’ into it. ❱❱ PAGE 30 House OKs bill Senate building in Pasay City on Nov. 21, 2022. (AVITO DALAN/PNA)

PH logs highest Buy Pinoy products, local
sales in China’s producers urged
import expo Philippine News Agency

BY KRIS CRISMUNDO onsite sales and bulk purchase MANILA – Local producers
Philippine News Agency contracts, while the remain- are urging Filipino consum-
ing 3 percent were from online ers to patronize Filipino-made
business matching activities. products for their noche buena
MANILA – The country’s “FOOD Philippines” remains and Christmas gifts.
sales in China’s largest im- the country’s brand at the CIIE “We have always been con-
port expo have been increas- showcasing Philippine food sistent in our advocacy of sup-
ing for the past four years de- products that have big potential porting local food producers.
spite the coronavirus disease in the Chinese market. We urge everyone to buy from
2019 (Covid-19) pandemic that “What is constant is that the our food producers, including
struck in 2020. FOOD Philippines Pavilion’s micro, small, and medium en-
The Department of Trade central message – ‘healthy and terprises (MSMEs). Whenever
and Industry (DTI) reported on fresh’, as only food products we buy from them, we not only
Monday that the Philippines’ from the Philippines can offer, boost the sale of their products
sales in the China Interna- bar none, and as devoted and but also ensure they have a sta-
tional Import Expo (CIIE) this new buyers and importers alike ble source of income. Ngayong Business partners and owners of customized and hand-painted plastic “bay-
year was a record high since the can strongly attest to,” Philippine Pasko, aguinaldo niyo na sa mga ong” bags, Anthony Mancao (right), 23; and Jay-R Hernandez (left), 33, are
country joined the expo in 2018. Consulate General in Shanghai kababayan natin ang pagbili busy working at their ALM store on Calle Plaza, Araneta City in Quezon City on
CIIE sales of the Philip- as represented by Consul Gener- ng mga produkto nila (Buying Sept. 8, 2022. (ROBERT OSWALD P. ALFILER/PNA)
pine booth this year reached al Jose Ignacio said. local products would be your
USD655.15 million, higher than More Filipino enterprises gift to them),” said Asis Perez, Bonifacio Orgas, president of viable and sustainable relation-
the USD597 million sales in also joined this year’s CIIE as former national director of the the Samahan sa Industriya ng ship,” Villanueva said.
2021. Sales grew from USD128 there were 62 food and food-re- Bureau of Fisheries and Aquat- Cacao Pangkabuhayan (SICAP) For its part, the Department
worth of deals in 2018 and lated exporting companies ic Resources (BFAR), in a news Quezon Agriculture Cooper- of Trade and Industry (DTI)
USD256 million in 2019. brought together in the Philip- release on Tuesday. ative, said local food products hosts local trade fairs showcas-
“The amount of products we pine pavilion. As the economy recovers from make for great pasalubong for ing local products and produce
export to China has vastly in- This year’s CIIE was held the pandemic, Perez said local those going or returning abroad. from farmers, fishermen, and
creased in the past five to six from Nov. 5 to 10 at the food producers are stepping up “Quezon Province produces local micro, small and medium
years, and sales were five times 500,000-square-meter Nation- their production for both do- chocolates that are as tasty as Enterprises (MSMEs).
larger compared to the first al Exhibition and Convention mestic and export markets. those made overseas. Just the Honeylee Eclavea, Trade and
time the Philippines has partic- Center in Shanghai, China. One of them is Mailyn Villa- other day somebody ordered 35 Industry Development Spe-
ipated in the 2018 CIIE,” Phil- CIIE is China’s largest import sin, whose homemade gourmet pouches of chocolates to bring cialist of DTI-Quezon, said the
ippine Trade and Investment expo, hosting foreign enterpris- tuyo and tinapa are now being to Canada. Another ordered 2 One Town One Product (OTOP)
Center-Shanghai head Mario es eyeing to tap the 1.4-billion sold in Dubai, Hong Kong, and cases of 750 ml cacao wine to program has been upgraded to
Tani said in a statement. Chinese market. Taiwan. She started her busi- sell in Taguig. A man from Ati- OTOP Next Generation to high-
About 97 percent of the to- No Chinese manufacturer ness in 2018 in her hometown monan bought 30 pouches. I light not just one product.
tal deals at the CIIE were from participated in the CIIE. ■ Lucena City with a starting cap- sell my products here from my “We want to try a fresh, new
ital of PHP15,000. house,” Orgas said. concept. The product should be
“Filipino products are some- Gloria Villanueva, manag- unique, compliant with product
thing everyone can be proud of. er of Grand Central Manufac- standards, and certified under
They are more delicious and of turing Inc. (GCMI), makers FDA (Food and Drug Adminis-
higher quality. There are many of Giana Deli Products, said tration) and License to Oper-
delicious local food products the family-grown business has ate. Through OTOP Next Gen,
here. We don’t need to buy maintained its relationship we are improving the packag-
Christmas gifts from outside with local suppliers through ing and labeling of one food
the country, just buy the prod- thick and thin. product. We are also promoting
ucts of our local farmers and “GCMI continues with the mandatory labeling require-
local producers. Our local prod- legacy of producing quality ments,” said the DTI OTOP Co-
ucts deserve our support and ham and sausages using local- ordinator in Quezon.
patronage. They make great ly sourced meats and spices. “Buy local, shop at the local
gifts for our friends and loved During the pandemic, we did on- trade center. When you buy
ones. Not only do you help our line selling and focused on pack- their products, you help the
local businesses, but those ing operations. Through this er- local farmers, local manufac-
The FOOD Philippines Pavilion at the 2022 China International Import Expo products are healthier and good ratic season we maintained our turers, and the community.
(CIIE) in Shanghai, China. (PHILIPPINE TRADE AND INVESTMENT CENTER (PTIC) IN for you,” said the Tasty Bites cooperation with local suppliers Support the products made by
SHANGHAI VIA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY/WEBSITE) owner and CEO. establishing an economically Filipinos,” Eclavea added. ■
FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 Business 25

Underpaid at home, vulnerable abroad:

how seasonal job schemes are draining
Pacific nations of vital workers
BY APISALOME MOVONO, Supply and demand teacher shortage will be felt most ditions tions in New Zealand this year
Massey University, The COVID-19 pandemic had by young people in the small na- The problem is part of a wid- about unacceptable working
LEILANI FAAIUASO, a devastating effect on Pacific tion. Similarly, Fiji has lost 40 er concern over Pacific labour and living conditions. As one
Massey University, REGINA Island economies. For example, mechanics to Australia’s tempo- schemes. For years, questions analysis put it, “Vulnerable
SCHEYVENS, Massey more than 100,000 Fijians lost rary skilled work visa schemes have been asked about wheth- workers are at risk of exploita-
University their jobs, and the government between 2016 and 2021. er such schemes truly live up tion, underpay, and modern
The Conversation lost half its tax revenue. Unsur- Vanuatu is also experiencing to their aim of providing low- slavery conditions.”
prisingly, when borders began a labour shortage, with business skilled workers with training Vanuatu’s government
to open from late 2021, Pacific owners saying they train em- and development opportunities launched an enquiry after wide-
The economic impact of people queued for employment ployees only to see them leave as well as income. spread complaints about treat-
COVID on Pacific Island states, opportunities abroad. for New Zealand and Australia. As various commentators ment of its workers in Australia.
combined with major labour This coincided with a severe A shortage in chefs threatens have noted, migrant work can Meanwhile, the Samoan govern-
shortages in Australia and New labour shortage in a number of the viability of restaurants, but have real implications for well- ment went so far as to temporar-
Zealand, has created a perfect sectors in Australia and New picking fruit overseas can be being due to long periods of sep- ily stop seasonal worker flights
storm. A mass exodus means Pa- Zealand. The New Zealand fruit more lucrative than working in aration from families, as well as after concerns were raised about
cific nations are now losing cru- industry, for example, didn’t hospitality at home. mental and physical burnout. the wellbeing and treatment of
cial workers at such volume that meet forecast revenue and pro- The same is true in Fiji, which With so many Pacific workers workers in Australia.
their own development pros- duction levels in 2021, leading has lost hundreds of front-line now overseas for long periods, Improvement at home
pects are being undermined. to an urgent call for new intakes tourism workers this year – re- these problems can have lon- While ensuring workers are
For 15 years we’ve been told of Pacific workers. ceptionists, managers and wait- ger-term social costs. Recent properly taken care of under
Pacific seasonal labour schemes The subsequent rise in the ers, as well as chefs – which may research has detailed extramar- the PALM and RSE schemes,
offer a “triple win” – for Pacific RSE quota – from 14,400 in undermine the country’s efforts ital affairs, relationship break- Pacific governments also need
people wanting to earn decent 2020-21 to 19,000 in 2022-23 to rebuild its tourism industry. downs, emotional distress, to look inwards. Their citizens
incomes, for their home coun- – has seen more Pacific people These statistics challenge parenting problems, and child will continue to seek opportu-
tries’ revenues and skill base, than ever leave their own coun- claims by the Australian Depart- welfare issues. nities abroad if they don’t feel
and for Australian and New tries to work in New Zealand. ment of Foreign Affairs that jobs And while Pacific workers they get a fair deal in their own
Zealand horticulturalists des- The total number of Samo- programmes provide a “skills can undoubtedly benefit from labour markets.
perate for workers. an workers under the Austra- dividend to Pacific countries”. seasonal employment overseas, RSE scheme workers are en-
Recent developments, how- lian and New Zealand work Exploitation and poor con- there have been serious allega- titled to New Zealand’s mini-
ever, suggest Pacific labour schemes, for example, doubled mum hourly wage of NZ$22.10.
schemes need a major rethink. from 3,114 in 2019-20 to 6,600 By comparison, Pacific wages
Pacific peoples have long in 2021-22. By this September, are shockingly low. After a de-
moved across oceans and the there were more than 29,000 cade’s stagnation, for instance,
world in search of opportunities. PALM workers in Australia, Fiji has begun an incremental
But in 2007 New Zealand for- with plans to increase this to minimum wage increase – but
malised arrangements with its 35,000 in 2023. this will only see the hourly rate
Recognised Seasonal Employ- One-way traffic rise from FJD$2.68 (NZ$1.96)
ment (RSE) scheme. This was fol- The flip side is that Pacif- to FJD$4.00 (NZ$2.92) in 2023.
lowed by two schemes in Austra- ic Island businesses are now As well, there are serious
lia, which in 2022 were merged to lamenting the loss of experi- concerns about work condi-
form the Pacific Australia Labour enced and well-trained work- tions and employment rights in
Mobility (PALM) scheme. ers, especially in tourism. Cook some countries. Recently, the
Both countries target low- to Islands faced an acute loss of Fiji Trade Union Congress was
semi-skilled workers, mainly employees earlier this year, denied the right to protest for
for seasonal agricultural and with 700 job vacancies report- the fifth time.
horticultural work. The PALM ed in April. These issues – on top of on-
scheme has since expanded to More recently, 20 teachers going uncertainty around
include hospitality, age care from Samoa joined the fleet of post-pandemic job security – will
and tourism jobs. Predictably, 3,000 workers in Australian la-
supply has followed demand. bour programmes. The resulting ❱❱ PAGE 30 Underpaid at home

Chasing future biotech solutions
to climate change risks delaying action
in the present – it may even make things worse
BY TESSA HISCOX, Technology solutions not tosynthesis may not increase Try recasting the goal as food produce these calories.
University of Canterbury, only rarely lead to sustainable yield, nutritional value or mi- security, measured through Failure to meet the goal of feed-
JACK HEINEMANN, solutions, they may exacerbate cronutrient levels in crops. Even indicators of reduced hunger ing more people also provides
University of Canterbury harm. Lulled into complacency if this approach worked outside across the world. Governments useful feedback either about the
The Conversation by “technological imaginaries”, of the laboratory, the plants now have at their disposal solu- adequacy of the strategy or the
we wait too long to enact diffi- would be no less vulnerable to tions that include both social chosen measures. For example,
cult but effective solutions. increasingly frequent drought and technological options. if available calories increased
The world is under growing Tech solutions only ad- and flood stresses. These plants For example, reducing food but nutrition did not improve, it
pressure to find sustainable op- dress symptoms will also demand more nitrogen waste such that more nutri- might be because farmers need
tions to cut emissions or lessen Biotechnologies could make fertiliser, leading to more green- tious food reaches people who support to develop polycultures,
the impacts of climate change. valuable contributions to halt- house gas emissions. need it reduces demand to or healthier options should be
Technology entrepreneurs ing or ameliorating the impacts Maybe we could have more produce more food in the first made more accessible.
from around the biomass, but place. Food waste alone will The goal pull approach takes
globe claim to not better or create 5.7–7.9 gigatonnes of us to feedback-optimised com-
have the solu- more food for greenhouse gas emissions by binations of social and techno-
tions – not just people. Some of 2050. The excess nitrogen used logical innovation that solve
yet, but soon. The our crops could in agriculture to produce food is root problems.
biotech sector in make better also a significant source of the To save a patient’s life it may
particular is now use of the ad- greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. be necessary to treat the symp-
using climate
Climate change is an existential threat, ditional carbon Reducing food waste depends toms of the disease. We are
change as an ur- but it is only one of many symptoms of in the atmo- on detailed planning to make use forced into the same situation
gent argument sphere, but of technologies that are useful by with climate change. Never-
for more govern-
environmental damage we’ve caused. lack of access to design rather than opportunity. theless, we must not use the
ment funding, sufficient and More indiscriminate production immediacy of climate change to
public support desirable food may result in competition with put off breaking habits that will
and fewer regu- would contin- food. For example, excess corn lead to future environmental
latory hurdles for ue. By not ad- production in the US resulted and social catastrophe. ■
their industry. dressing this in much of the corn being used
But the ur- fundamental for non-food purposes such as This article is republished
gency of climate change cre- of climate change. Contribu- problem, we will need more crops bio-ethanol, despite the inten- from The Conversation under a
ates greater risk of superficial tions that reduce greenhouse gas and livestock, undermining any sive use of resources required to Creative Commons license.
claims and actions. In our new emissions or better adapt plants efficiency gains.
research, we describe how the to the changing climate would Technologies are not alter-
current “technology push” cy- help. However, these address the natives to action
cle perpetually promises to symptoms, not the cause of envi- Implementing such tech-
rescue humanity from climate ronmental degradation. nologies also prolongs colonial
change, and in doing so, delays Climate change is an “attrac- dependence on wealthier coun-
real progress. tive” problem because there are tries and overlooks the rights
The pipeline for salvation so many technological ways to and inputs of Indigenious and
technology is long and the bene- solve it. That quality makes so- local peoples.
fit is hypothetical. Like the char- cieties vulnerable to the siren Identifying the fundamen-
acter Wimpy from Popeye, tech- song of technology pushers. tal social goal, rather than the
nology developers want their For example, if climatic proximate technological objec-
hamburger today but will pay change is described as a threat to tive, is essential to achieving
back society with climate solu- food production, then technol- sustainability. “Goal pull” rath-
tions on some future Tuesday. ogies that promise to increase er than “technology push” ap-
Climate change is an existen- food production despite climate proaches do this.
tial threat, but it is only one of change would be appealing. One Climate change is a symptom
many symptoms of environmen- such prospect is to increase pho- of environmental degradation
tal damage we’ve caused. Hu- tosynthesis. Genetic modifica- and the multifarious complexi-
manity has pushed Earth beyond tion of the key enzyme in pho- ties of poverty. These are wicked
multiple boundary limits and the tosynthesis (RuBisCO) could problems societies find hard to
accumulation of greenhouse gas- improve its binding of carbon address, driving up the appeal
es in the atmosphere is merely dioxide. More plant biomass of technologies as alternatives
one indicator of the many excess- might be the result. to action. The market is good at
es of human activity. However, increased pho- trading in technological futures.
FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 Technology 27

An AI named Cicero can beat humans in

Diplomacy, a complex alliance-building
game. Here’s why that’s a big deal
BY TOBY WALSH, UNSW lose 100-0 to the computer. searchers call a “seven play- game in which if you win, I lose. how you can beat it.
Sydney Diplomacy is a simplified and er, zero sum and deter- And the outcome is determinis- First, Cicero is almost entire-
The Conversation abstract game, involving rival ministic game of imperfect tic and not dependent on chance. ly honest (unlike the famous
armies and navies invading, or not information”. A seven player Nonetheless, before victory or de- Roman it’s named after). On
invading, each others’ territories. game is much harder to solve feat, it still pays for players to form the other hand, Diplomacy is a
In a rare piece of good news It’s fair to say it lacks the com- than a two player game such as alliances and team up on each game of betrayal and dishones-
from Meta, artificial intelligence plexity and subtlety of the sort of chess or Go. You must consider other. Indeed, one of the real chal- ty. Players offer to form allianc-
researchers at the company have diplomacy undertaken in the cor- the many possible strategies of lenges in playing the game is man- es but often instantly renege on
just announced a scientific break- ridors of the United Nations. not one but six other players. aging the informal negotiations these deals. Cicero does not. It
through. Their AI program named Nevertheless, the news of Ci- This makes it much harder to with other players before making always plays straight.
Cicero can now play the board cero’s performance was one in write an AI to play the game. simultaneous moves. Honesty is a surprisingly effec-
game Diplomacy at a human level. the eye for tech rivals such as Diplomacy is also a game of The main reason Cicero’s tive strategy in Diplomacy – but
Now, before you get too excited, Google, who owns DeepMind. imperfect information, because performance is a scientific not if your opponents know you
Cicero isn’t playing at superhuman The CEO and founder of Deep- players make moves simulta- breakthrough is that it can both will never betray them. This is
level. It was beaten by around 10% Mind, Demis Hassabis, is a Diplo- neously. Unlike games such as play the game well, and also the catch. Cicero played anony-
of the humans it played against. By macy expert. He won the World chess or Go, where you know perform these informal nego- mously, so its human opponents
comparison, in previous AI mile- Team Championship in 2004, everything about your oppo- tiations. This combination of probably wouldn’t have worked
stones, like AI beating humans and was 4th in the world in the nent’s moves, players in Diplo- natural language processing this out. But if you know this fact,
in chess or Go, humans have long 2006 World Championship. macy make moves not knowing and strategic reasoning is a first it will be easy to take advantage.
been completely surpassed. I expect Hassabis would be what their opponents are about for any game-playing AI. Second, Cicero (this time like
DeepMind’s Go-playing AI able to beat Cicero easily be- to do. They must therefore pre- Beating Cicero his namesake) is very talkative.
is, for example, a “Go god” – ac- cause of some of the limitations dict their opponents’ next ac- A close reading of the paper Expert players of Diplomacy
cording to the Chinese grand- I will point out shortly. tions. This also adds to the chal- Meta published about Cicero in exchange twice the number of
master Ke Jie. Even the human The game of Diplomacy lenge of writing an AI to play it. the prestigious journal Science
Go world champion would now Diplomacy is what AI re- Finally, Diplomacy is a zero sum offers a couple of clues about ❱❱ PAGE 30 An AI named

DOST bares 2023 foreign

scholarship opportunities
BY MA. CRISTINA S&T partners that share the same researchers in accordance with
ARAYATA vision for sustainable develop- their mutual agreement on inter-
Philippine News Agency ment through partnerships such national scientific collaboration.
as joint scholarship programs It seeks to contribute to sci-
and capacity building,” DOST As- entific advancement by con-
MANILA – The Department sistant Secretary Leah Buendia ducting bilateral research, in-
of Science and Technology told the Philippine News Agency. cluding seminars, in a specific
(DOST) on Friday bared some She urged students and re- research field, as well as pro-
of the foreign scholarship and searchers to take advantage of vide opportunities for young
research and development these opportunities. researchers of Japan and the
(R&D) opportunities that Fili- “We need to continue max- Philippines to exchange ideas Department of Science and Technology building. (MARK LANCE OLAGUERA - OWN
pinos could avail of next year. imizing our opportunities at in building robust S&T commu- WORK/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, CC BY-SA 4.0)
These opportunities will be the international level by nav- nities in the region.
co-funded by Taiwan, Japan, igating our bilateral and multi- Another one is the Manila program in priority S&T fields. and climate change adaptation
China, India and France. lateral partnerships, to further Economic Cultural Office This scholarship program aims through the utilization of space
The public was advised to reg- develop a strong S and T (Sci- (MECO) and Taiwan Econom- to create a mechanism for mas- science and technology applica-
ularly check the DOST website ence and Technology) human ic Cultural Office (TECO) Joint ter’s and doctoral students from tions,” she said.
and DOST International Cooper- resource and R&D landscape in Research Project, which is a the Philippines to study and According to her, they dis-
ation Facebook page for updates the country,” she said. collaboration between Filipino conduct research at Alberta. cussed another potential coop-
and announcements as call for In a webinar, the DOST said and Taiwanese scientists and Meanwhile, Buendia shared eration program to support the
proposals are yet to be scheduled. priority areas are health, agri- researchers on virology, nutri- that European Union Ambassa- Philippines’ transition towards
“The DOST believes that en- culture, and renewable energy. tional genomics, artificial intel- dor to the Philippines Luc Vèron a green to help the country’s cli-
hanced R&D is a prime mover Some of the programs in the ligence, among others. recently visited the DOST to ex- mate change mitigation efforts.
to achieve innovation-driven pipeline include the DOST-Ja- For scholarships, the DOST plore continued collaborations. The EU also expressed in-
growth and national develop- pan Society for the Promotion of has partnered with the Univer- “The European Union is an terest in collaborating with the
ment. The Department stands Science (JSPS) Joint Research sity of Alberta in Canada. The important development part- Philippines in the area of digital
ready to collaborate, on co-bene- Program. This is jointly con- two parties agreed to imple- ner of the Philippines, particu- connectivity, Buendia said. ■
ficial relationships, with bilateral ducted by Filipino and Japanese ment a graduate scholarship larly for disaster risk reduction

Six Cozy Long Stays to Enjoy this Winter
BOOKING.COM western Sicily on an Erice, Tra- ty powered by solar and wind lakes and mountain tarns. A markets available to explore,
pani, and Segesta Tour visiting energy, it has a boat cruise will stop off at the and the Closing Convent Sweets
Venus Castle, the salt pans and Travel Sustainable badge for its breathtaking Langdale Valley Exhibition is well worth a visit
For those in the northern the renowned Doric Temple efforts to help the environment, where travelers can witness the for its moreish marzipan treats.
hemisphere, the season to built in 420 BC. including providing guests with splendor of fall foliage amongst St Martin Chalets, Sankt
gather by a crackling fire with Maple Hill Farm Inn, Au- information on local ecosys- the sprawling countryside hills. Michael im Lungau, Austria
a hot drink to warm the soul is gusta, United States tems, heritage and culture. Hotel Casa 1800 Sevilla, For travelers seeking an ex-
well and truly here. With over For a rural homestay sur- The Legh Arms Prestbury, Seville, Spain tended ski stay, the delight-
half (55%) of global travelers rounded by nature, this B&B is Prestbury, United Kingdom This stunning hotel is a con- ful St Martin Chalets perched
wanting to make the most of set amid 130 acres of woodland Nestled in the Cheshire vil- verted mansion located in the in the Lungau mountains in
their budget with a longer va- in the small town of Hallowell, lage of Prestbury, a short drive historic center of Seville, the the heart of the Austrian Alps
cation,* now has just south of Maine’s state cap- south from the city of Man- largest city in southern Spain should be on the go-to list. The
more than one million proper- ital Augusta. The farmhouse chester, is this 16th century, famous for its flamenco dancing Travel Sustain-
ties that can be booked for stays features eight spacious rooms, pet-friendly B&B located above and architectural designs. Built able certified chalets have been
longer than 28 days up to 90 a sauna, an outdoor hot tub and a traditional British pub. The in 1864, the three-story house constructed by local crafts-
nights. With the shorter days a terrace to soak up views of the Travel Sustain- is unique and elegant with mar- men using natural and recy-
and cooler temperatures arriv- brightly colored late fall foliage able property has comfy bed- ble bathrooms, handmade fur- cled materials, whilst interiors
ing, we have selected six long or early snow falls. Guests can rooms full of character, each niture and crisp Egyptian cot- are traditionally decorated
stays perfect for a seasonal es- begin their day with a hearty with wooden beams and a tra- ton sheets for a blissful night’s and include a fireplace, under-
cape to a destination that knows warm breakfast served in a snug ditional roll top freestanding sleep. Flooded with light from floor heating and real sheep’s
how to do winter right. From a kitchen, before heading out for bath for a sumptuous soak. For the central courtyard, its archi- wool insulation to ensure snug
relaxing getaway in scenic It- a stroll or hike to see what the those travelers wanting to en- tecture has been beautifully re- warmth in the winter. One of
aly to a stretched city break in mountainous area has to offer, joy British culture during an stored with original balconies, the most snow-sure areas in Eu-
Spain and an adventure-fueled with potential to spot a wan- extended stay, there’s plenty to shutters and coffered ceilings, rope, activities such as skiing,
ski stay in the Austrian Alps, an dering Llama or two. Apt for an experience after a full English and some rooms even boast a snowboarding and snow biking
extended stay makes it easier extended stay, the property of- breakfast every day. The B&B is private outdoor terrace with a are all on offer, with easy ski-to-
for travelers to discover more fers a range of options for busi- right on the doorstep of some of jacuzzi and views of the colos- door access to the perfect pistes.
of the world at their own pace. ness travelers, from office desks the best walks around Maccles- sal Gothic cathedral and its bell Travelers can venture back to
WUNDERGARTEN Dimo- to meeting rooms, services field, where guests can enjoy a tower, La Giralda. For travelers the chalet and release any ten-
ra dei Frati, Gratteri, Italy including printing and pho- ramble before heading back for looking to truly get under the sion from a day’s activity at the
This family-run B&B is situat- tocopying and an onsite cafe a delicious British roast at the skin of Seville with an extended fitness center or sauna before
ed in the picturesque, hilltop vil- for drinks. For some seasonal onsite restaurant. Or, they can stay, there’s plenty to explore enjoying a cozy fireside evening
lage of Gratteri in Sicily and is a downtime, travelers can head stroll through the village high and do. Roam the winding medi- with a mug of Glühwein (spiced
charming hideaway ideal for an into the town center for a spot street with quaint gift stores eval lanes and rich past of its old mulled wine). Off the slopes,
extended stay. The property em- of ice skating, and nature lovers and a farm-shop, ideal for pur- town quarter on a Barrio de San- explore the nearby Christmas
ulates traditional Sicilian style and adventure junkies alike will chasing last minute Christmas ta Cruz Tour, or book a Flamen- village and pick up gifts at the St
throughout from the stone bath appreciate the Kennebec River gifts. For a spot of sightseeing, co Show at Casa de la Memoria Michael Advent market, or take
sinks and original tiles to the Rail Trail which offers activ- book a Lake District Day Tour for a live performance at this a snowy steam train ride from
high ceilings and rustic antique ities from country skiing and and discover the UNESCO 15th century palace, said to be Murau to Tamsweg where visi-
furniture. Guests will enjoy a snowshoeing to wildlife watch- World Heritage site famous one of the best shows in Seville.
delicious Italian breakfast of ing. With parts of this proper- for its rocky hilltops, peaceful There are plenty of Christmas ❱❱ PAGE 30 Six Cozy Long
freshly baked homemade cakes,
a rejuvenating spa with an an-
cient cave that houses a heated
pool and the option to cozy up
in the living space with games
and movies following a day of
exploring the beautiful country-
side. Nestled in the Madonie Re-
gional Park, travelers can get ac-
tive in the natural surroundings
with various hiking and cycling
trails and take in the never-end-
ing beauty of the varied terrain,
with the coast just a 30-minute
drive away. Skiers and snow-
boarders can spend their days
getting to know the slopes at
Piano Battaglia ski resort just a
stone’s throw away. Or, guests
can head to Sicily’s capital of
Palermo just an hour drive away
to explore the ancient sites of The Legh Arms in Prestbury. (HENRY FABER/FLICKR, CC BY-NC 2.0) Hotel Casa 1800 in Seville. (NEIL/FLICKR, CC BY 2.0)

We’re told to ‘eat a
rainbow’ of fruit and
vegetables. Here’s what
each colour does in our body
BY EVANGELINE flammation and diseases includ- also absorb UV light in your
MANTZIORIS, University of ing cancer and heart disease. eyes, acting like a sunscreen for
South Australia Importantly, antioxidants the eyes and protecting them
The Conversation “mop up” the free radicals that from sun damage.
form in our body. They stabilise Green
the free radicals so they no lon- Green fruits and vegetables
Nutritionists will tell you to ger cause damage. contain many phytonutrients
eat a rainbow of fruit and veg- Increasing antioxidants including chlorophyll (which
etables. This isn’t just because in your diet lowers oxidative you probably remember from
it looks nice on the plate. Each stress and reduces the risk of high school biology), catechins,
colour signifies different nutri- many diseases including arthri- epigallocatechin gallate, phy-
ents our body needs. tis, type 2 diabetes, heart dis- tosterols, nitrates and also an
The nutrients found in plant ease, stroke and cancer. important nutrient known as
foods are broadly referred to Orange folate (or vitamin B9). These oxidant properties and so pro- How can I get more veggies
as phytonutrients. There are at Orange fruits and vegetables are found in avocados, Brussels vide benefits in reducing the in my diet?
least 5,000 known phytonutri- also contain carotenoids, but sprouts, apples, pears, green tea risk of cancer, heart disease and Coloured fruit and vegeta-
ents, and probably many more. slightly different ones to red and leafy vegetables. stroke, as explained under red bles, and also herbs, spices, le-
So what does each colour do for veggies (including alpha and be- These also act as antioxi- fruit and veg. gumes and nuts provide us with
our body and our overall health? ta-carotene, curcuminoids, and dants and therefore have the More recent evidence has in- a plethora of phytonutrients.
Red others). These are found in car- benefits as described above for dicated they may also provide Promoting a rainbow of fruit
Red fruits and vegetables are rots, pumpkins, apricots, man- red veggies. But this group also improvements in memory. It is and vegetables is a simple strat-
coloured by a type of phytonu- darins, oranges and turmeric. provides important benefits thought this occurs by improv- egy to maximise health benefits
trient called “carotenoids” (in- Alpha and beta-carotene are in keeping your blood vessels ing signalling between brain across all age groups.
cluding ones named lycopene, converted to vitamin A in our healthy, by promoting some- cells and making it easier for However most of us don’t get
flavones and quercetin – but the bodies, which is important for thing called “vasodilation”. the brain to change and adapt the recommended amount of fruit
names aren’t as important as healthy eyes and good eyesight. These phytonutrients help to new information (known as and vegetables each day. Here are
what they do). These carotenoids Vitamin A is also an antioxidant make our blood vessels more brain plasticity). some tips to improve your intake:
are found in tomatoes, apples, that can target the parts of your elastic and flexible allowing Brown and white 1. when doing your fruit and
cherries, watermelon, red grapes, body made of lipids (or fats) them to widen or dilate. This im- Brown and white fruits and vegetable shopping, include
strawberries and capsicum. such as cell membranes. proves blood circulation and re- vegetables are coloured by a a rainbow of colours in your
These carotenoids are known The vitamin A targets the free duces blood pressure, reducing group of phytonutrients known shopping basket (frozen variet-
as antioxidants. You will have radicals building up around our our risk of heart and other vessel as “flavones”, this includes api- ies are absolutely fine)
heard this name before, but you cell membranes and other areas complications and disease. genin, luteolin, isoetin and oth- 2. try some new fruit and veg-
might not remember what it made of lipids, reducing the risk Folate is recommended be- ers. These are found in foods such etables you haven’t had before.
means. It has something to do of cancers and heart disease. fore pregnancy because it helps as garlic, potatoes and bananas. The internet has tips on many
with “free radicals”, which you’ve Yellow reduce the risk of neural tube Another phytonutrient different ways to cook veggies
also probably heard of before. Yellow fruit and vegetables defects (such as spina bifida) in found in this colour of vegeta- 3. buy different colours of the
Free radicals are formed also contain carotenoids, but babies. Folate helps the develop- bles, particularly in garlic, is al- fruit and vegetables you nor-
naturally in our body as a by- they also contain other phy- ment of the foetal nervous sys- licin. Allicin has been shown to mally eat like apples, grapes,
product of all our usual bodily tonutrients including lutein, tem during the first few weeks of have anti-bacterial and anti-vi- onions and lettuces
processes such as breathing zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin, pregnancy, as it has been shown ral properties. 4. eat the skins, as the phyto-
and moving, but they also come viola-xanthin and others. These to promote healthy cell division Most of this research is still nutrients may be present in the
from UV light exposure, smok- are found in apples, pears, ba- and DNA synthesis. at the lab-bench and not many skin in higher amounts
ing, air-pollutants and industri- nanas, lemons and pineapple. Blue and purple clinical trials have been done in 5. don’t forget herbs and
al chemicals. Lutein, meso-zeaxanthin and Blue and purple produce humans, but lab-based studies spices also contain phytonutri-
Free radicals are unstable zeaxanthin have been shown to contain other types of phytonu- have found it reduces microor- ents, add them to your cooking
molecules that can damage be particularly important for trients including anthocyanins, ganisms when grown under lab- as well (they also make vegeta-
proteins, cell membranes and eye health and can reduce the resveratrol, tannins and others. oratory conditions. bles more appealing!) ■
DNA in our body. This natural risk of age-related macular de- They are found in blackberries, Allicin has also been found in
but damaging process is known generation, which leads to blur- blueberries, figs, prunes and systematic reviews to normalise This article is republished
as oxidation or oxidative stress. ring of your central vision. purple grapes. high blood pressure by promot- from The Conversation under a
This contributes to ageing, in- These phytonutrients can Anthocyanins also have anti- ing dilation of the blood vessels. Creative Commons license.

Guillermo del Toro’s.. Hearing loss: headphones..

❰❰ 18 del Toro’s version. habitants of his world too much. body of work. ❰❰ 20 devices, since many ple off using them. Musicians’
It also eliminates Instead, at the film’s core is a It’s an oeuvre which advo- smartphones are al- earplugs are a better solution,
the “uncanny valley” testament to humanity summed cates for the future of the young ready wired to alert as these are designed to evenly
problem (as faced by Robert Ze- up by the wooden boy’s procla- and shines a light on the child- you when you’ve been listening balance noise reduction across
meckis in his own interpretation mation that “life is such a won- ish futility of warmongering. for too long at a high volume. all frequencies, which preserves
earlier this year) where there is derful gift.” This sentiment, Using fantasy and genre fiction, But turning the volume down the quality of the music.
an inherent creepiness to the coupled with a heartbreaking del Toro once again gives voice can be harder to do when attend- Even if you follow these mea-
CGI figures. In Guillermo del closing sequence – made all the to those who might otherwise ing loud events. To protect your- sures to protect your hearing,
Toro’s Pinocchio, all of the char- more moving because of the be disregarded as “freaks”. ■ self, limit your exposure – either it’s still advisable to get your
acters look strange in one way real world relevance that runs by moving away from the sound hearing checked by an audiol-
or the other, and the presence of through the film – places Guill- This article is republished source (avoid standing in front of ogist. While there’s no rule on
a talking cricket and a wooden ermo del Toro’s Pinocchio as a from The Conversation under a loudspeakers) or taking a break how regularly you should get
child seem not to disturb the in- worthy addition to his growing Creative Commons license. in a quiet space every 15 minutes your hearing checked when
or so. It’s also recommended you you’re young, some audiologists
give your ears at least 16 hours recommend having at least one
House OKs bill.. rest if you spend around two test done in your 20s to serve as
hours in a 100 dB environment, a baseline, and then to get re-
❰❰ 23 Mikee Romero, anoth- to record 400+ three pointers window of the FIBA World Cup such as a club or concert. tested approximately every five
er author of the bill, made and ranks first among PBA Asian Qualifiers, which will be You could also use hearing years to monitor any changes.
highlighted Brown- imports for 3 points made with hosted by the Philippines, and protection devices (such as ear- But if you’re regularly ex-
lee’s achievements and creden- 404 as of July 24, 2022. Lastly, he the FIBA World Cup 2023.” plugs) at noisy events. These are posed to noise or already have
tials before the plenary. ranks as fifth in the all-time PBA The bill states that upon the usually considered as a last line some hearing loss, it’s advised
“Throughout Mr. Brownlee’s imports scoring leaders with taking of the Oath of Allegiance of defence, but may be the best you get your hearing checked
very decorated and illustrious 4,539 points as of April 2022,” to the Philippines before an offi- option if you are unable to limit more frequently. You should
career in the PBA, he was able to Romero said. cer duly authorized to adminis- your exposure – or don’t want to. also contact your GP immedi-
attain five PBA championships He described Brownlee as ter such oath, registration with Disposable foam earplugs ately if you notice any sudden
and two Best Import awards with a “truly dependable ally” who the Bureau of Immigration, and will help to prevent noise-in- changes in your hearing. ■
the career averages of 28.9 points would help Gilas Pilipinas issuance of his Certificate of duced hearing loss if worn cor-
per game, 12 rebounds per game, men’s basketball team in their Naturalization, Brownlee shall rectly. But they aren’t really This article is republished
5.6 assists per game, 1.9 steals per “quest to proudly represent enter upon the full enjoyment designed for listening to mu- from The Conversation under a
game, and 1.7 blocks per game. our country in the upcoming of Philippine citizenship. ■ sic and can make music sound Creative Commons license.
He is also the first PBA import February 2023 sixth and final muffled, which puts many peo-

An AI named.. Underpaid at home..

❰❰ 27 messages with other tends to build on this research. macy in the real world is neither sector. Cicero was produced by a ❰❰ 25 have to be addressed
players than non-ex- A computer that can reason zero sum nor deterministic. Two team of more than 25 research- if the current cycle of
perts. The trick is to about the beliefs, goals, and countries can both agree not to ers. Nobody working in a univer- richer economies si-
form alliances, and reassure intentions of others, as well go to war, and both will win. sity has these sorts of resources phoning off vulnerable workers
your opponents of your intent. as persuade and build rela- Then there are multitudes of to throw at solving a board game. from the Pacific is to be broken.
Cicero also exchanges twice the tionships through dialogue, is random factors that can change As an AI researcher at one of Better job opportunities and
number messages of the human a powerful tool. It’s one that an outcome. The Spanish Ar- those universities, I am conflict- pathways in Pacific nations are
players it tends to beat. could be easily misused. Let’s mada, for example, lost more ed. I’m reminded of a famous not only vital to their econo-
Of course, being a bot, it is not forget how several years ago ships to unexpected summer graffito at Pompeii which said mies, they’re also integral to the
much easier for Cicero to han- Facebook (which is owned by storms than to enemy fire. Suti Ciciiro vapla bis development of industries that
dle six simultaneous conversa- Meta) came in for a lot of justi- Whatever Meta’s intent, the “You will like Cicero, or you will be resilient and sustainable
tions. And this, I would say, is fied criticism for an experiment breakthrough is another exam- will be whipped”. ■ in the future. ■
an unfair advantage of being a to manipulate users’ emotions. ple of how large tech companies
computer in this scenario. Yet it’s hard to say exactly what are taking over the AI race with This article is republished This article is republished
What next? the real-world applications of billion dollar investments that from The Conversation under a from The Conversation under a
It’s not clear how Meta in- Cicero might be. After all, diplo- can’t be matched by the public Creative Commons license. Creative Commons license.

Six Cozy Long..

❰❰ 28 tors will be amazed at featuring comfortable rooms, efforts in improving sustain- ries for family-friendly fun. ■ 1010 from France, 1001 from
the unspoiled beauty an outdoor heated pool and ability with large green spaces, Germany, 500 from Hong Kong,
of the UNESCO Bio- serving up fresh bakeries for a rooftop garden and bicycle *Travel Predictions 2023 re- 1005 from India, 504 from Ire-
sphere reserve. A little further breakfast. There’s an extensive parking. For adventure seekers, search commissioned by Book- land, 504 from Israel, 1008
afield, a Winery Tour with Wine garden overlooking the moun- the popular Jiminy Peak Moun- and conducted among from Italy, 1003 from Japan,
Tasting Experience is worth a tains and a horse farm for those tain Resort – New England’s a sample of adults who plan to 504 from Mexico, 502 from The
day trip to Vienna to taste some who want to enjoy the outdoors largest ski and snowboard re- travel for business or leisure in Netherlands, 1007 from New
of the region’s finest wines without having to venture far, sort – is just a stone’s throw the next 12-24 months. In total Zealand, 1009 from Portugal,
alongside cheese and local spe- and a great way to keep kids or away. There are ski options for 24,179 respondents across 32 507 from Singapore, 1008 from
cialties. pets entertained during longer all levels from beginners to ad- countries and territories were South Korea, 1001 from Spain,
Maple Terrace Motel, Wil- stays. The quaint property is in vanced, as well as an area where polled (including 1014 from Ar- 505 from Sweden, 508 from
liamstown, United States the heart of the town, making visitors can gather by the firep- gentina, 1006 from Australia, Switzerland, 500 from Taiwan,
Nestled amongst three acres it ideal for business travelers, it, toast s’mores and play games 505 from Austria, 504 from 504 from Thailand, 1006 from
of greenery in the Berkshire with easy access to cities such with other travelers. Every Belgium, 1009 from Brazil, 503 the UK, 1009 from the US and
mountains in Williamstown, in as Springfield and Albany. It Friday and Saturday there’s an from Canada, 1009 from China, 504 from Vietnam). Respon-
the northwest corner of Mas- also holds a Trav- outdoor DJ and ski challenges 1010 from Colombia, 505 from dents completed an online sur-
sachusetts, is this homey motel el Sustainable badge due to its including the vertical slope se- Croatia, 505 from Denmark, vey in August 2022.
DECEMBER 2, 2020
JULY 17, 2022 cx328



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