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Philippine Canadian Inquirer #591

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pcinews_X MAY 24, 2024 VOL. 8 NO. 591


Philippine flags hang proudly along Aguinaldo Highway in Damariñas, Cavite on Thursday (May 23, 2024). The National Flag Day on May 28 commemorates the day the national emblem was first
unfurled following the Filipino revolutionaries' victory over the Spanish forces in the 1898 Battle of Alapan in Imus, Cavite.

House approves 22

absolute divorce
bill on final reading With Olympics approaching,
it’s time to recognize children
as a protected class in sport


Philippine News Agency
tive votes, and 20 abstentions, the cham-
ber passed House Bill (HB) 9349, or the 27
proposed Absolute Divorce Act.
Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, author of the `
What the International Criminal
MANILA – The House of Represen- bill, said its third reading passage signi-
tatives on Wednesday approved on the fies a significant shift in societal attitudes
Court’s anticipated arrest war-
third and final reading a bill reinstitut- towards marriage and relationships. rants against Netanyahu and
ing absolute divorce in the country. Hamas leaders mean for Canada From silent dialogues to vivid memo-
ries – here’s how the science of inner
With 131 affirmative votes, 109 nega- ❱❱ PAGE 2 Absolute divorce bill PAGE 10 experience could transform gaming

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2 Philippine News MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

Absolute divorce bill1..

❰❰ 1 Lagman said by legal- common child, or a child of the pe- the filing of the petition. and support of children, protec- the treatment of medical con-
izing divorce, the Phil- titioner, to engage in prostitution; The cooling-off period shall tion of their legitime (a person's ditions such as epilepsy, mul-
ippines acknowledges --Final judgment sentencing not apply in cases involving property that cannot be trans- tiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia,
the need to provide options for the respondent to imprison- acts of violence against women ferred to a stranger), termina- post-traumatic stress disorder,
individuals trapped in "unhappy ment of more than 6 years; and their children or attempt tion and liquidation of the con- anxiety, sleep disorders, rheu-
and irreparable marriages". --Drug addiction, habitual al- against the life of the other jugal partnership of gains or the matoid arthritis, migraines and
"As the only country in the coholism, or chronic gambling; spouse, or a common child, or a absolute community, and ali- other types of chronic pain.
world besides the Vatican where --Homosexuality of the re- child of the petitioner. mony for the offended spouse. He also cited studies showing
divorce is still illegal, this is a clear spondent; Upon expiration of the cool- Medical cannabis that cannabis is "highly effec-
and resounding victory and sig- --Contracting by the respon- ing-off period without the par- The House also passed on sec- tive" in addressing the pain and
nals the imminent liberation for dent of a subsequent bigamous ties having reconciled, the court ond reading through voice vot- suffering associated with the
Filipino wives who are entombed marriage; shall immediately commence ing HB 10439, seeking to allow end stages of cancer.
in toxic, abusive, and long-dead --Marital infidelity or perver- trial and is mandated to decide the use of cannabis for medical "We cannot continue ignor-
marriages," Lagman said. sion or having a child with an- the petition within one year. purposes to treat qualified pa- ing these facts, much less con-
Lagman clarified that the bill other person other than one's Lagman said at any time tients who have certain medical tinue to deprive the Filipino
does not recognize "no-fault, spouse during the marriage; during the proceedings, if the conditions or symptoms. people of the care they deserve
quickie drive-thru, email or no- --Attempt by the respondent parties agree to reconcile, the In his sponsorship speech, Su- because of our fears-our fear
tarial divorces" as there are lim- against the life of the petition- petition is dismissed. rigao del Norte Rep. Robert Ace that cannabis will be abused,
ited and reasonable grounds for er, a common child, or a child of Even after the issuance of an Barbers assured that the bill is by fear that it will be used for
divorce and a petition will have the petitioner; and absolute divorce decree, when the "no means" a gateway to the rec- non-medical purposes or recre-
to undergo judicial scrutiny to --Abandonment of petitioner parties decide to reconcile, the di- reational use of cannabis, stress- ationally, or fear that we don't
prevent abuse and collusion of by respondent without justifi- vorce decree shall be nullified. ing that it will only be available as have the capacity to establish a
the parties. able cause for more than one year The decree of absolute di- a form of medical treatment. new industry," Barbers said.
The bill stipulates the grounds The following grounds for vorce shall have the effect of ju- Barbers said access to canna- Barbers said the lack of
for absolute divorce, which in- annulment of marriage under dicial dissolution of a marriage bis would only be available by medical marijuana legislation
clude psychological incapacity, the Family Code of the Philip- where the divorced spouses prescription and medical su- cost the country a "valuable
irreconcilable differences, do- pines are also grounds for ab- return to their status of being pervision of an accredited med- opportunity to save, or at the
mestic or marital abuse, when solute divorce: lack of parental single with the right to contract ical cannabis physician. very least, improve the lives of
one of the spouses undergoes consent; insanity; fraud, force, marriage again. He said cannabis-based med- countless patients, who could
a sex reassignment surgery or intimidation or undue influ- A divorce decree shall include icines are legal in over 60 coun- have benefited from the healing
transitions from one sex to an- ence; impotence; and sexually provisions for the care, custody, tries and being administered for wonders of medical cannabis".
other, and separation of the transmissible diseases. “To this day, patients suffer-
spouses for at least five years. The bill provides that a valid ing from debilitating illnesses
The grounds for legal separa- foreign divorce secured by ei- and fighting to get access to can-
tion under the Family Code of ther the foreigner or Filipino nabis-based medicines could
the Philippines can also be con- spouse has the effect of a divorce only hope that our government
sidered grounds for absolute di- in the country without going will one day consider their plight
vorce. These include: through the judicial process. and make cannabis available to
--Physical violence or gross- A petition for absolute divorce them legally,” Barbers said.
ly abusive conduct directed shall be filed with the proper The bill will establish a regula-
against the petitioner, a com- family court by the petitioner or tory framework for the cultiva-
mon child, or a child of the pe- joint petitioners within 10 years tion, manufacturing, distribution
titioner; from the occurrence or discov- for medical and research purpos-
--Physical violence or moral ery of the cause for divorce. es, prescribing, and dispensing to
pressure to compel the peti- The proper family court shall patients of medical cannabis.
tioner to change religious or exercise all efforts to reunite The bill also proposes the cre-
political affiliation; and reconcile the concerned ation of a Medical Cannabis Office
--Attempt of respondent to spouses during the mandatory under the control and supervision
corrupt or induce the petitioner, a 60-day cooling-off period after of the Department of Health. ■

Escudero’s first order of business:

Put Senate in order
BY MARITA MOAJE among members of the Senate of myself as a bridge instead of institution and its employees. tor will stand up independently,
Philippine News Agency who were hurt during the re- a leader to reach different and “Makalipas ang panahon not against the administration,
cent change in leadership. seemingly incompatible per- maghihilom iyan at ang bawat not against any group or party,
“Ang tingin ko sa sarili ko spectives, opinions, and needs. isang senador tatayong malaya but will stand in his eyes and his
MANILA – Senate President imbis na leader ay tulay para For me, the job of every leader pa rin, hindi laban sa adminis- belief that is right for our coun-
Francis “Chiz” Escudero said mapag-abot ang magkaiba at is to bridge),” Escudero said trasyon, hindi laban sa kung sino try),” he added.
Thursday that his first task as tila hindi nagtutugma na mga during the Kapihan sa Senado. mang grupo o partido, pero ta- He said he would soon dis-
head of the Senate is to put the pananaw, opinion, at pangan- He said his job is to ensure tayo sa paningin niya at panini- cuss with other Senate leaders
house in order. gailangan. Ang trabaho para sa the smooth flow of the chamber wala niya na tama para sa ating their plans, including the bills
To attain this, Escude- akin ng bawat leader ay mait- that he now presides over, fin- bansa (Over time, the wounds
ro pledged to bridge the gap ulay at maitawid iyon (I think ish the task, and take care of the will heal and every single sena- ❱❱ PAGE 15 Escudero’s first order
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 Philippine News 3

Marcos approves return to old school calendar

BY DARRYL JOHN explained. the 165-day school calendar is days basta huwag natin gaga- classes on Saturdays). So, school
ESGUERRA Marcos gave his approval “too short" as such an arrange- lawin ‘yung Saturday (Let's just day will remain the same. Stan-
Philippine News Agency during a sectoral meeting with ment would significantly re- extend the school days. Let's just dard lang (just the standard),”
Vice President and Education duce the number of school days increase the number of school Marcos said. ■
Secretary Sara Duterte during a and contact time that may com- days so long as we don't hold
MANILA – President Fer- meeting at the Palace on Tuesday. promise learning outcomes, the
dinand R. Marcos Jr. has ap- During the meeting, Marcos PCO noted.
proved the country's return to told the Department of Educa- He also did not want students
the old school calendar amid tion (DepEd) to start the return to go to school on Saturdays to
clamors for the immediate of the standard school calendar complete the 180-day school
restoration of the April-May days starting SY 2024-2025. calendar, saying it would “jeop-
school break, Malacañang an- The Vice President present- ardize their well-being and de-
nounced Wednesday. ed two options to the President mand more resources.”
In a news release, the Presi- for the school calendar shift. The Chief Executive said that
dential Communications Office The first option comprised instead of ending on March 31,
(PCO) said the opening of class- 180 school days with 15 in-per- 2025, DepEd should adjust the
es for School Year (SY) 2024- son Saturday classes while the SY to end on April 15, 2025 to
2025 would begin on July 29 this second option was to have 165 enable students to complete
year and end on April 15, 2025. school days with no in-person 180 days without going to
This would start the gradu- Saturday classes. school on Saturdays.
al return of the school year to Both options will end the SY “Habaan lang natin ‘yung STUDENT BRIEIFING. Grade 6 pupils attend a Rapid Language Assessment
June of every year until the end on March 31, 2025. school days. Para matagal, dag- Testing briefing at the Fernando Ma. Guerrero Elementary School on Pedro Gil
of March the next year, the PCO The President, however, said dagan na lang natin ‘yung school Street, Paco, Manila, on Tuesday (Sept. 27, 2022). (ALFRED FRIAS/PNA)

Guo’s inconsistent testimonies deepen

mystery of her personality
Philippine News Agency tid nyo, paano po yung iniwan “Itong dalawang taong ito, “Your Honor, ayaw ko po car show and the Baofu com-
ka ng nanay mo nung pinanga- na according to the documen- magsinungaling. Ang tatay ko pound where two raided PO-
nak ka ng 1986? Pero, siya pa din tary evidence, have three chil- po ay Chinese at hindi po ako GOs were located.
MANILA – Senators have ang nanay ng kapatid mong si dren, but according to you, yung nag-prepare po ng birth When asked if she owns a
found inconsistencies and dis- Siemen na pinanganak naman Mayor, have only one child, certificate ko po (Your Honor, chopper, Guo said she had al-
crepancies in Bamban Mayor nung 1988 (Based on these doc- apparently don't even exist? I don't want to lie. My father is ready sold it, payable in six
Alice Guo’s documents and tes- uments, first your birth cer- So hindi ko maklaro, lumala- Chinese and I was not the one months, to a British company.
timonies, which, they believe, tificate and now the birth cer- bo po yung kwento ng buhay who prepared my birth certifi- In previous media inter-
deepen the mystery of the per- tificates of the two confirmed ninyo (These two people, who cate),” Guo replied. views, the lady mayor has de-
sonality of the controversial by your father as your siblings, according to the documentary The lady senator said Guo’s nied that she is a spy of China,
local official of Tarlac province. how did your mother abandon evidence, have three children, father, along with other person- saying she a Filipino and “I love
During Wednesday’s Senate you when you were born in but according to you, Mayor, alities, including Alice’s midwife, my country.”
inquiry on Guo’s link to raided 1986? But she is also the moth- have only one child, apparent- will be among those who will be Senator Raffy Tulfo has asked
Philippine offshore gaming oper- er of your brother Siemen who ly don't even exist? So I can't summoned in the next Senate Guo to undergo a lie detector
ators (POGOs) in Bamban, Senate was born in 1988),” she said. make it clear. The story of your hearing to shed light on the Bam- test, to which the mayor agreed.
Committee on Children, Family Guo replied, “Hindi ko po na- life is getting unclear)." ban mayor’s true identity. “Don’t try to get public sym-
Relations, and Gender Equality kita yung birth certificate po nila Hontiveros noted that Guo’s “Mas lalong lumalalim ang pathy by presenting (a) sad te-
chairperson Senator Risa Hon- at hindi rin po ako yung nag-pre- birth certificate is “riddled with misteryo ng pagkatao ni May- leserye story,” Tulfo said in a
tiveros said government docu- pare po. Wala po akong idea po holes” as his father, Angelito, or Guo (The mystery of Mayor news release.
ments contradict Guo’s statement doon sa birth certificate po nila who is a Chinese passport hold- Guo’s personality deepens),” "Paulit-ulit mong sinasabi sa
posted online that she is a love (I didn’t see their birth certifi- er, was declared a Filipino. Hontiveros told reporters after hearing na ito na kasambahay
child of Angelito Guo, a Chinese cates and I wasn’t the one who “Ang tinatanong ko po, bakit the Senate hearing. ang nanay mo. Pinapalabas mo
from Fujian, and Amelia Leal, the prepared either. I have no idea siya ay Chinese national with She also said Guo’s net worth, na kawawa ka at nanggaling sa
family househelper. about their birth certificates.” a Chinese passport at dahil based on her Statement of As- humble beginnings. Pero siya ay
Hontiveros said contrary Hontiveros also found out wala silang dual citizenship, sets, Liabilities, and Net Worth kasal sa papa mo. Maraming bu-
to Guo’s claim, Angelito and that Angelito and Amelia got hindi siya pwedeng simulta- (SALN), increased by PHP140 tas ang statements mo (You re-
Amelia have two other children married on Oct. 14, 1982 but neously Filipino citizen. Bakit million from PHP36 million in peatedly said in this hearing that
– Sheila Leal Guo and Siemen both have no birth certificates. po ganyan? (What I'm asking the past six years. your mother was a househelper.
Leal Guo. “So, maitatanong talaga, hindi is, why is he a Chinese nation- Guo explained that she bor- You make it appear that you are
“Base pa rin sa mga doku- po kaya Angelito Guo and Amelia al with a Chinese passport and rowed PHP250 million from poor and come from humble
mentong ito, una yung birth Leal Guo don't even exist (So, it since they don't have dual citi- the bank for her piggery farm. beginnings. But she is married
certificate nyo at ngayon yung can really be asked, can it be that zenship, he can't be a Filipino She also clarified that she to your father. Your statements
birth certificate nung dalawang Angelito Guo and Amelia Leal citizen simultaneously. Why is is not the owner of a McLaren have many holes,” he comment-
kinonfirm ni tatay nyo na kapa- Guo don't even exist)?" she said. that?),” she asked. 620R sports car displayed in a ed. (Leonel Abasola/PNA) ■
4 Philippine News MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

Bill banning Tiktok, other Escudero: No plan

‘foreign adversary’- to push for or
controlled apps filed reject divorce bill
BY FILANE MIKEE sensitive user data, enabling the our national security and terri- BY MARITA MOAJE ito: mas nais kong palawakin
CERVANTES Chinese government to influ- torial integrity," Abante said. Philippine News Agency at affordable at accessible yung
Philippine News Agency ence and shape public opinion. He noted that China has deep- annulment na nasa family code
"China could therefore use ened its ties in critical infrastruc- natin ngayon. Sa papaanong
TikTok's content recommenda- tures in the Philippines, highlight- MANILA – Senate President paraan? Payagan ang PAO (Pub-
MANILA – A measure seeking to tions to fuel misinformation, a ing that Chinese companies own Francis Escudero said Thursday lic Attorney's Office) na tanggap-
prohibit applications controlled by concern that has escalated in the a 40-percent stake in both the Na- he will not speak for or against in ang mga kasong ito. Nagsabi
"foreign adversaries," such as Tik- United States and led to the pas- tional Grid Corp. of the Philippines the bill seeking to legalize abso- na ang Supreme Court na hindi
Tok, in the country has been filed in sage of a law… banning TikTok (NGCP) and Dito Telecommunity. lute divorce in the country. na kailangan ang psychologist
the House of Representatives. in the US," he said, adding that "Both of these arrangements In a press briefing, Escudero para mapatunayan ang psycho-
Manila Rep. Bienvenido India also banned TikTok along should cause concern as the Chi- said he has yet to read a copy of logical incapacity. At pangatlo,
Abante Jr. filed on Thursday with other Chinese-created apps. nese companies are owned by the House Bill 9349 or the proposed at mas maliwanag, i-define ng
House Bill 10489, which seeks The bill also prohibits Internet PRC (People's Republic of Chi- Absolute Divorce Act that hur- kongreso kung ano-ano ang ma-
to prohibit the distribution, hosting services in the country na), and, by extension, the Chi- dled the third and final reading ko-consider na psychological
maintenance, and update of any that support these foreign adver- nese Communist Party," he said. at the House of Representatives. incapacity (My personal stand
app controlled by a “foreign ad- sary-controlled applications. Under the bill, violators who “Ang posisyon ko dito sa di- is this: I prefer to expand and
versary” within the Philippines. "That would effectively re- distribute, maintain, or update vorce ay conscience, personal make affordable and accessible
The proposed legislation strict new downloads of these such foreign adversary-controlled vote ito. Walang party, walang the annulment that is in our
shall authorize the President to foreign-adversary controlled apps face imprisonment of 6 years majority, walang minority family code now. In what way?
determine any foreign country applications and interaction to 12 years and a fine ranging from stand dito. Personal na desisyon Allow PAO to accept these cas-
to be an adversary or a threat to with its content. The goal is to PHP5 million to PHP10 million. base sa kani-kanilang panini- es. The Supreme Court has said
the Philippines' national secu- enable the Philippine govern- Meanwhile, those providing wala at relihiyon ang mang- that there is no need for a psy-
rity and territorial integrity. ment to prevent the use of these Internet hosting services to sup- yayari dyan kada senador. At chologist to prove psychological
Abante voiced concern that applications or any other mod- port these apps shall be penalized bilang tagapangulo ng Senado, incapacity. And third, Congress
the popular social media app ern technology or public utility with imprisonment of 3 years to wala akong balak dumiin pabor should clearly define what can
TikTok, controlled by Chi- from being used by foreign ad- 6 years and a fine of PHP500,000 o kontra dito (My position on be considered psychological in-
na-based ByteDance, collects versarial countries to threaten to PHP4 million. ■ divorce is that it is a conscience, capacity),” he said.
personal vote. No party, no ma- Escudero said the divorce bill
jority, no minority stand here. has long been deliberated, even
Senators will make a personal in the previous Congress, but

Remulla orders swift decision based on their respec-

tive beliefs and religion. And
as the president of the Senate,
has not been passed into law.
Voting 131 in favor, 109
against, and 20 abstentions, the

prosecution of Canadian I have no intention of speaking

for or against it),” he said.
Escudero explained that the
House approved the absolute
divorce bill on Wednesday.
Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman,

tied to P9.6-B shabu haul

definition of divorce has a big- author of the bill, said that by
ger spectrum. legalizing divorce, the Philip-
He, however, said he is push- pines acknowledges the need to
ing for annulment, which is in provide options for individuals
BY BENJAMIN PULTA try but not ours," Remulla said. National Police chief Gen. Rom- the current Family Code, to be trapped in "unhappy and irrep-
Philippine News Agency "Prosecute swiftly to the fullest mel Francisco Marbil said they more affordable and accessible.
extent of the law.” have established the links of “Ang personal stand ko ay ❱❱ PAGE 15 Escudero: No plan
O’Quinn, who also goes by O'Quinn and Alajon Michael Za-
MANILA – Justice Secretary the aliases James Toby Martin, rate, the driver of the van carry-
Jesus Remulla on Wednesday Robert Wagner, Steve Wilson, ing the intercepted contraband
directed prosecutors to ear- Ryan Brooke, Steve Macdonald who was arrested at the scene.
nestly pursue the prosecution of and Jay Macallan, was arrested In the same press briefing,
Thomas Gordon O’Quinn who last May 16 in a spa in Tagaytay Department of the Interior and
is facing charges of drug posses- City by the Bureau of Immigra- Local Government (DILG) Sec-
sion and use of fictitious name. tion (BI) for being the subject of retary Benjamin Abalos Jr. de-
The Canadian is subject of a the red notice. scribed the Canadian as a “ma-
red notice by the International Seized from him were illegal jor player” in the shabu haul.
Criminal Police Organization drugs and several identification “Considering that O’Quinn
(Interpol) for conspiracy to cards under different names with was implicated in the Alitagtag
possess, export, and distribute the same facial photographs. drug case, this will be a subject
illegal substances into the Unit- O’Quinn is also implicated in of further case build-up and
ed States with a penalty of life the PHP9.6-billion shabu ship- preliminary investigation to
imprisonment. ment intercepted in Alitagtag, determine his particular partic-
"We want no part of interna- Batangas last April 15. ipation and the involvement of
tional fugitives, you may have In a press briefing last Mon- others in the said case,” Remul-
evaded the laws of your coun- day in Camp Crame, Philippine la said. ■ Senate President Francis Escudero (SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK)
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 5

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FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 Philippine News 7

House accomplished mission on peace,

economy – Romualdez
BY JOSE CIELITO cive to long-term prosperity by The House has also passed HB
REGANIT ensuring improved revenue col- 8210, or the “Academic Recovery
Philippine News Agency lections and prudent spending,” and Accessible Learning (ARAL)
Romualdez said. Program Act,” to address and re-
To meet revenue targets, he solve the gap between current
MANILA – Speaker Ferdi- said the chamber has approved and expected learning competen-
nand Martin G. Romualdez on Ease of Paying Taxes Act, which cies; and HB 10142, or the “Early
Wednesday reported that the is now Republic Act (RA) 11976. Childhood Care and Develop-
House of Representatives has “With this enactment, pro- ment (ECCD) System Act,” which
accomplished its mission of en- cesses have been digitized, aligns early childhood care and
hancing peace and improving taxpayer registration has been development services with ma-
the economy. streamlined, and the tax base ternal, child health, and nutrition
“Our work in this session has been expanded, leading to programs, aimed at nurturing our
has been driven by a clear and a 17-percent rise in revenue col- youngest citizens from the earli-
compelling mission. Our focus: lections this year,” he said. est stages of their development.
national security and economic To further improve the in- House Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF Meanwhile, he assured em-
transformation, which are key vestment climate in the coun- THE PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK) ployees that the House has at-
to improving the living condi- try, Congress has approved RA tended to measures to increase
tion for Filipinos,” Romualdez 11954, or the “Maharlika In- agricultural productivity, food ing Subsidy Program Act,” employment opportunities and
told his colleagues in his speech vestment Fund Act of 2023.” security, and overall economic which seeks to establish a rent- protect labor rights.
marking the end of the second “This is a significant step to- stability,” Romualdez said. al housing subsidy program for “Matibay po ang ating panini-
regular session of Congress. wards attracting high-impact “Malinaw po ang misyon nat- informal settler families to fur- wala, kailangan natin ang mga in-
“This holistic approach un- investments that will drive eco- ing lahat. Kapayapaan sa buong ther alleviate their plight. vestment para makalikha ng mga
derscores our commitment to nomic growth and create jobs bansa. Seguridad sa mga komu- “These measures are crucial trabaho. At hindi basta lamang na
safeguarding our nation while for our people,” he stressed. nidad. Masiglang ekonomiya. in providing immediate relief trabaho. Trabaho na marangal at
fostering economic growth and In the area of infrastruc- Maunlad na kabuhayan para sa and long-term housing stability kayang bumuhay ng pamilya (It
ensuring that every Filipino ex- ture development, the Speaker lahat (Our mission is clear. Peace to those in need,” he said. is our strong belief that we need
periences a tangible improve- pointed out that the “country’s in the whole country. Secure Romualdez also noted that investments to create jobs. And
ment in their quality of life.” growing economy must be sup- communities. Vibrant economy. the House has also approved not just jobs, but decent jobs that
On national security, Romual- ported by excellent infrastruc- Prosperous livelihood for all). As measures that have become can sustain a family)” he said.
dez said the House recognizes ture development.” always, we were faithful in fulfill- laws to enhance the healthcare He noted that RA 11962, or
that “sovereignty is a crucial ele- “This leads me to one of our ing our solemn obligation.” system and citizen welfare. the “Trabaho Para sa Bayan
ment of independence” and any top priorities: the Build Better Decent housing, better ed- He cited RA 11959, or the “Re- Act,” focuses on improving the
threat to the nation’s sovereign- More Program. Our unwavering ucation and quality jobs gional Specialty Centers Act,” employability and competi-
ty requires no less than “prompt commitment to such a program Romualdez assured every which simplified healthcare ser- tiveness of Filipino workers
and deliberate action.” helped secure funding and legis- Filipino household of access to vices, ensuring that specialized through upskilling and reskill-
In pursuit of a defense posi- lative support for numerous in- decent housing, better educa- medical care is accessible to re- ing initiatives, as well as sup-
tion against any act of aggres- frastructure projects, including tion and quality jobs under the gions outside Metro Manila; and port for micro, small, and me-
sion or provocation, he said the unified national grid, which administration of President RA 11965, or the “Caregivers’ dium enterprises (MSMEs) and
the House has passed critical aims to enhance connectivity Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. Welfare Act,” which provides nec- industry stakeholders.
measures on sovereignty and and competitiveness across our “Hindi tayo titigil sa trabaho essary protections and benefits to On social welfare, he said the
defense to enhance the nation’s archipelago,” he said. hangga’t hindi natutupad ang caregivers, recognizing their in- House social welfare initiatives
defense capabilities. He said the House has also pangarap ni Pangulong Mar- valuable contribution to society. “are designed to uplift margin-
“This ensures the protection advanced the Department of cos: ang mabigyan ng bahay ang There is also HB 8461, which alized communities and ensure
of our sovereignty and the pres- Public Works and Highway-Na- bawat pamilyang Pilipino (We seeks to strengthen the nation- equitable access to resources.”
ervation of our territorial integri- tional Irrigation Administration will not stop until we have ful- al health program for senior cit- He cited three proposed
ty. Our efforts include bolstering Convergence Plan, integrating filled the aspiration of President izens through a comprehensive laws: HB 8463, or the “Disaster
our nation’s military capabilities flood control efforts with broad- Marcos: to provide a home for nutrition and wellness program Food Bank and Stockpile Act,”
and enhancing our diplomatic er water management strategies every Filipino family),” he said. to prevent poor nutrition and which provides for the estab-
strategies to secure our interests to ensure efficient use of our wa- He pointed out that legisla- related illnesses in the elderly. lishment of disaster food banks
in the region,” he said. ter resources. tive actions have been taken Another measure, HB 7447, and stockpiles throughout the
He specifically cited House He noted that the initiative to ensure the provision of over proposes to strengthen local country to speed up the deliv-
Bill (HB) 9713, or the “Phil- aims to enhance food security, 1 million affordable housing health boards by ensuring the ery of relief goods and other
ippine Self-Reliant Defense support irrigation, and manage units, giving every Filipino the representation of barangay supplies during calamities;
Posture Program Act,” as one water supply effectively. opportunity to own a home and health workers, whom we con- HB 9506, or the “Rental
defense-related measure the By aligning the DPWH's flood improve their living conditions. tinue to recognize as essential Housing Subsidy Program Act,”
House has passed. control programs with NIA's He said the overwhelming front-liners in health promo- which seeks to establish a rent-
“Another equally crucial mat- water conservation initiatives, passage of HB 10172, the “Na- tion and advocacy. al housing subsidy program
ter that requires our ongoing he said the government can tional Housing Authority Act,” In the area of education, for informal settler families to
effort is the economic stability better manage our resources to “further demonstrates this Romualdez said Congress has further alleviate their plight.
and growth of our nation. To support multiple needs, includ- chamber’s strong desire to serve enacted RA 11984, or the “No These measures are crucial in
sustain our impressive econom- ing irrigation, water supply, and the underprivileged, homeless, Permit, No Exam Prohibition providing immediate relief and
ic growth, we have enacted fiscal potentially power generation. and low-income households.” Act,” to ensure that financial long-term housing stability to
measures and created a stable “This integrated approach will The House has also approved constraints do not hinder our
economic environment condu- significantly contribute to our HB 9506, or the “Rental Hous- students’ academic progress. ❱❱ PAGE 12 House accomplished
8 Philippine News MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

New Senate committee

chairpersons named
Philippine News Agency • Senate Majority Leader Francis Tolen- katulong (that we need to work togeth-
tino, Committee on Ethics and Privileges; er)," Escudero said in a news release.
• Senator Raffy Tulfo, Committee on "There are over 45 committees if I'm
Arianne Grace Lacanilao MANILA – The Senate on Wednesday Public Services; not mistaken, at 24 lang kami (and we
Matte Laurel began reorganizing key posts after the • Senator Joel Villanueva, Committee are only 24)," the Senate chief said in a
Violeta Arevalo
Babes Newland
change in leadership, with former Sen- on Labor, Employment and Human Re- press conference held earlier.
ate president Juan Miguel Zubiri getting sources Development; and He said announcements will be made
Graphic Design the economic affairs panel. • Senator Mark Villar, Committee on in the coming days as the Senate contin-
Shanice Garcia
Ginno Alcantara In the plenary session presided over Government Corporations and Public ues its organizational processes.
Arlnie Colleene Talain Singca by new Senate President Francis "Chiz” Enterprises. Independent Senate
Escudero, several senators have been Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, who has Meanwhile, Senator Nancy Binay
Account Manager
Kristopher Yong elected to lead major committees: been selected as chair of the Committee urged the new leadership to ensure that
• Senator Sonny Angara, Committee on Accounts, will also lead the Commit- the Senate remains independent.
Director/Producer on Justice and Human Rights; tee on Trade and Industry, and the Com- “Unang una ang panawagan na hindi
Boom Dayupay
• Senator Nancy Binay, Committee on mittee on Higher, Technical and Voca- ma-compromise ng pagpapalit ng liderato
Photographers/Videographers Sustainable Goals; tional Education. ang independence ng Senado (First, I’m
Ginno Alcantara
• Senator Pia Cayetano, Committee Senator Jinggoy Estrada has been hoping the change of leadership would not
on Energy; chosen Senate Pro Tempore and Tolen- compromise the independence of the Sen-
Alan Yong • Senator JV Ejercito, Committee on tino as majority floor leader on Monday. ate),” she said in a radio interview.
Local Government; "Everyone should have a committee She said the Senate’s mindset is how
• Senator Lito Lapid, Committee on and former Senate president Zubiri ex- to create laws beneficial to the pub-
Tourism; pressed to me their desire to have com- lic and for the good of the country and
For photo submissions, please email
• Senator Imee Marcos, Urban Plan- mittees and to work. I wholly agree dahil maintain its independence. (Leonel Aba- ning, Housing and Resettlement; kailangan naman talaga namin ng maka- sola/PNA) ■
For General Inquiries, please email

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DFA says no downgrading but
or visit

PH-China ties ‘a bit choppy’ now

Philippine Canadian Inquirer is located at
#1820-666 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC V6C 2X8 Canada

Email:, BY JOYCE ANN L. ROCAMORA and in my personal belief, this is creating “It doesn't necessarily mean that we
Philippine News Agency the tensions,” he said. could reach an agreement on issues of
Instagram: @pcinews_ig Despite these, Manalo said the DFA concern immediately, that (will) take a
Twitter: @pcinews_twt will continue to engage with China and long time. But we have to find ways to
MANILA – The Department of For- manage tensions through dialogue and manage tensions,” he added.
Youtube: eign Affairs (DFA) said on Wednesday diplomatic means without compromis- Pending a resolution to maritime dis-
the Philippines has yet come to a point ing the country’s rights over the waters. putes with China, Manalo said the Philip-
Philippine Canadian Inquirer
is published weekly every Friday.
where it would have to downgrade its The DFA is working to convene the pines had proposed various ways to diffuse
relations with Beijing amid the latter's next Philippine-China Bilateral Consul- tension in the area, including on Philip-
Copies are distributed free throughout Metro
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Greater Toronto. harassments in the West Philippine Sea, tation Mechanism (BCM) on the South pine access to Scarborough Shoal and the
The views and opinions expressed in the articles
but described the ties with the Asian China Sea in the Philippines this year. development of fisheries in the area.
(including opinions expressed in ads herein) are those power as “a bit choppy” at the moment. Manalo said this would be the first un- “In fact, we’re considering a number of
of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial Team. “I would say, they're a bit choppy. There dersecretary-level meeting between the proposals also from their side so definitely,
PCI reserves the right to reject any advertising which
are many issues which have come up re- two states since the 8th BCM was held in we will have proposals, but it doesn’t mean
it considers to contain false or misleading information cently. In the case of the Philippines, there’s Shanghai on Jan. 17, when the two sides may (there’s) agreement,” he said, citing
or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser
agrees the publisher shall not be liable for damages really been an effort by the Philippines to initially agreed to “de-escalate” the situ- the need for these proposals to go through
arising out of error in any advertisment. assert our rights, in this particular case, in ation in the area. proper channels for approval first.
our EEZ (exclusive economic zone) in the “Of course, the issue is we have to find Under the Marcos administration,
Member West Philippine Sea,” Foreign Affairs Sec- a way to manage. We have to have an Manalo reiterated that there had been
retary Enrique Manalo said during a lunch understanding on how we can manage no agreement nor Chinese proposals on
meeting with reporters in Manila. our relationship without increasing ten- Ayungin Shoal and Scarborough Shoal
Manalo said it is China’s continuous sions,” he said. that have been approved.
harassment of Filipino fishermen and But Manalo noted that “in many ways, “They (China) say there are agree-
efforts to block the Philippines from ex- China's not really helping us to do so”. ments, but where? Show us,” he said.
ercising its rights in the West Philippine “That's the challenge because of the “I don’t recall ever having discussed
Sea that are creating tensions in the area. many incidents that are occurring. So proposals to have such agreements. If
“So these actions have been a cause that's a challenge for us how to do that. there was a proposal for an agreement,
for raising tensions, we are merely try- But we are still definitely committed to we would go through channels and en-
ing to assert our rights. And unfortu- seeking diplomatic means to manage sure that it has the approval of the high-
nately, we're being hampered in doing so our tensions,” he said. est authorities,” he added. ■
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 9

Canada News
A Conservative government may axe the
carbon tax but then may have to bring it back
BY ERIC VAN RYTHOVEN border adjustment mechanism der adjustment mechanism sim- ically developed country is not are ”unfair” because of our weak
Policy Options (CBAM), designed to “discour- ilar to the EU – and this support doing more and why Canada emission standards and that tar-
age the import of cheap car- extends to Republican-leaning should get the benefit of climate iffs will level the playing field.
bon-intensive products made states traditionally skeptical of action without paying the costs. There is a thread of self-serving
Other countries are in- in non-EU countries.” environmental regulation. Critics claim that Canada does protectionism here, but foreign
creasingly using carbon tariffs The mechanism’s trial phase Early versions of a carbon tar- not need a carbon tax to reach publics will hardly care. “Make
to punish countries that are started in 2023, but some coun- iff, such as Democratic Senator its emission goals. This is true, the bastards pay” will rule the day.
free-riding on the need to fight tries are already feeling the Sheldon Whitehouse’s Clean but as economists remind us, the Back to square one
climate change. pinch. Chinese steel producers Competition Act, are working carbon tax is “the least-cost way Canadian governments can
If an election were held to- worry it could raise the cost of their way through Congress. to reduce emissions.” Even some tolerate many things, but they
morrow, all signs point to a re- their exports by four to six per In American politics, car- carbon opponents agree, such cannot tolerate a threat to trade.
sounding Conservative victory. cent with further increases bon tariffs have an exceedingly as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Any carbon tariff would imme-
The latest projections from 338 coming. But the impact of the rare quality: bipartisan appeal. Moe who recently revealed that diately provoke a response from
Canada show the Conservatives tariff does not stop there. For MAGA Republicans, they his government considered al- a Conservative government.
with a commanding lead and a China is the biggest purchaser offer a means to strike back at ternatives to carbon pricing but Yet the insults and outrage
projected 220 seats in the Com- of Australian iron ore, but this countries they see, in Donald found them too costly. that Conservatives employ to-
mons, well past the 170 required ore is typically a lower grade and Trump’s words, “making bil- If Conservatives have already day against domestic opponents
to form a majority government. energy-intensive to refine. The lions screwing us.” For pro- ruled the least costly option out- could hardly be used against a
If their party’s messaging is EU’s pressure on China to low- gressive Democrats, they offer of-bounds, what possible alter- foreign government without the
to be believed, the first order of er steel-production emissions a means to fight climate change natives are there? And if the Con- risk of further estrangement.
business in a Poilievre govern- means that Australia will need by penalizing countries they servatives really have a credible A Conservative government
ment will be to ”axe the tax” and to green its mining industry or see as climate laggards. alternative for Canada to reach could mount a legal challenge to
end the Liberal government’s risk losing its most important Unfortunately for Canadi- its emission goals, then why can’t any carbon tariff, but this might
carbon pricing program. customer. The impact of CBAM ans, Americans will see us in they tell us what that is? take years and it might not win.
However, their victory may will thus be felt globally. both of these categories. The result is that Canada – In the interim, any tariffs would
be short-lived. A greening American leviathan Free-riding and resentment already a dilettante in defence be a millstone around our col-
The debate over the carbon Critics of the carbon tax ar- The problem is this: other spending and miserly in foreign lective necks, weighing down
tax has focused so far on domes- gue the EU is a special case and countries increasingly take the aid – is likely going to do very Canadian jobs and the economy.
tic politics. However, this misses that what really matters is the threat of climate change seri- little on climate change under Instead, the most likely way
the importance of the interna- United States, which accounts ously and are expending signifi- a Tory government. This will Canada will protect itself from
tional context. Increasingly, our for about two-thirds of Cana- cant political and financial cap- generate no small amount of re- carbon tariffs in the future will
trading partners take the threat da’s global trade. The U.S. cur- ital to fight it. sentment among our allies and be a credible commitment to
of climate change seriously and rently has no mechanism for If the Conservatives do axe trading partners who are mak- reduce emissions. Here any
use carbon tariffs to punish other carbon tariffs. the carbon tax without a cred- ing sacrifices to fight climate Conservative government
countries they see as free-riders. This argument relies on the ible replacement, these coun- change while we free-ride on would have to convince its trad-
Any government that wants to wishful thinking that the status tries will see Canada rolling their efforts. ing partners that it has a realis-
protect Canada from these tariffs quo continues. Instead, we have back its climate policies and ask Foreign politicians will sell the tic and effective plan to reduce
will need a credible plan to reduce a remarkable “greening” of the why such a rich and technolog- argument that Canadian goods carbon emissions and that it is
emissions. The result is that a fu- American leviathan where the sincere in implementing it.
ture Conservative government trendline is to more climate action. For a political party that re-
may have to bring back the carbon Almost two-thirds of Amer- cently rejected adding language
tax, whether it likes it or not. icans want their federal gov- that “climate change is real” to
Enter the carbon tariff ernment to do more on climate their party policy, this would be
Other countries are increas- change. This includes broad, a bitter pill to swallow. But if the
ingly using carbon tariffs – a tax bipartisan support for policies Conservatives were to put for-
on imported carbon-intensive such as curbing power plant ward a plan, they would likely
goods in response to “carbon emissions and taxing emissions. want one with a track record of
leakage,” which occurs when In 2022, President Biden having the lowest cost on con-
governments introduce new cli- signed the most significant cli- sumers and industry, minimal
mate regulations but businesses mate legislation in American impact on inflation and a proven
respond by moving production history, the Inflation Reduction history of reducing emissions.
overseas, thus avoiding the need Act, which includes billions of That plan is the carbon tax. ■
to reduce their emissions. dollars for renewable energy,
Increasingly, carbon tariffs electrification and electric ve- This article first appeared
are the reality of global trade. hicles to fight climate change. on Policy Options and is repub-
The most prominent example Polls suggest 73 per cent of lished here under a Creative
is the European Union’s carbon Americans support a carbon bor- Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre (TAYMAZ VALLEY/FLICKR, CC BY 2.0) Commons license.
10 Canada News MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

What the International Criminal Court’s

anticipated arrest warrants against Netanyahu
and Hamas leaders mean for Canada
BY HEIDI MATTHEWS, York committed while in the context dermine the findings of the ICC,
University, Canada of captivity, among others. and would be inconsistent with
The Conversation Canada does not recognize states parties’ general obliga-
Palestine as a state, while the ma- tion of co-operation.
jority of United Nations mem- Canadian response
On May 20, Karim Khan, pros- bers do. Because the State of Now — before the ICC decides
ecutor of the International Crim- Palestine is a member of the ICC, on arrest warrants — is the time
inal Court (ICC), announced that it has jurisdiction over crimes for the Canadian government to
he has applied for arrest warrants committed by Palestinians on decide whether it will continue
for five Israeli and Hamas lead- any territory, as well as those to support the work of the ICC
ers. These include Israel’s Prime committed on Palestinian ter- as it promised to do in the mo-
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ritory, including by nationals of tion that passed on March 18.
and Minister of Defence Yoav non-member states like Israel. Trudeau and Joly’s state-
Gallant. This dramatic develop- State responses ments are inflammatory insofar
ment marks the first time leaders While many ICC member as they rely on the racist and de-
of a western allied state have been states, like France and Belgium, (BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - ‫והינתנ ןימינב‬/FACEBOOK) humanizing trope that contrasts
accused of war crimes and crimes have reacted positively to the western liberal civilization with
against humanity at the ICC. application, others have been obligation to co-operate fully would be obliged to co-operate. the barbarous other. Their state-
Along with an expert panel more cryptic. Canada, the United with ICC investigations and Unlike in the case against ments also encourage the posi-
that independently reviewed Kingdom and Germany have all prosecutions in accordance Vladimir Putin, Khan has cho- tion that crimes committed by a
the evidence supporting the joined the United States and Isra- with the Rome Statute, which is sen to go public with his request democratically elected govern-
application, Khan concluded el — who are not members of the the basis of the ICC’s authority. for warrants before they were ment are less severe or blame-
there are reasonable grounds to ICC — in some version of the ar- This doesn’t mean all mem- issued by the ICC. He has done worthy than crimes committed
believe Netanyahu and Gallant gument that issuing the warrants ber states must agree with every so to encourage both Israeli and by non-state actors.
are criminally responsible for creates a false moral “equiva- decision taken by the prosecu- Hamas leaders to change course From the Allied atrocities
starvation, murder, intention- lence” between Hamas and Israel. tor in the exercise of his discre- in this conflict, and to reinforce during the Second World War
al attacks against civilians, ex- Canadian officials refused tion, but it does imply that they “that the lives of all human be- through Vietnam and the so-called
termination and persecution, to say whether Canada would refrain from actions that would ings” — both Israeli and Pales- “war on terror,” history shows us
among other crimes. support the ICC’s work with re- frustrate the proper function- tinian — “have equal value.” that this simply isn’t true.
Khan alleges these acts are spect to the case against Israeli ing of the ICC or deliberately This was a risky decision be- Under Prime Minister Ste-
part of a common plan “to use leaders. Foreign Affairs Minister contest its legitimacy. cause it opened the door for po- phen Harper in 2015, Canada
starvation as a method of war Mélanie Joly said whether Can- The ICC has made clear litical criticism that will not be was the only member state to
and other acts of violence,” both ada would agree to execute any member states don’t have dis- as readily available once the ICC oppose Palestine joining the
to achieve Israel’s war aims and eventual arrest warrants should cretion to “choose to co-op- has decided there are reasonable ICC because “‘Palestine’ is not
to collectively punish the civil- Netanyahu or Gallant visit was a erate with the Court … on the grounds to issue warrants. While recognized by Canada as a state.”
ian population of Gaza. Under “hypothetical” question. ground of a disagreement with the harsh responses of the U.S. Notwithstanding Canada’s
international law, the crime of While Deputy Prime Minis- the Court’s interpretation and and Israel were entirely predict- recent abstention at the Gener-
starvation includes not only the ter Chrystia Freeland said that application of the Statute.” able, that so many ICC member al Assembly on the question of
deliberate deprivation of food, “Canada respects the indepen- Obligation of co-operation states have followed the same Palestinian membership in the
but also other objects indispens- dence” of the ICC, Prime Min- While we are certain to see line of attack is worrisome. UN, it is now an open question
able to human survival includ- ister Justin Trudeau said the challenges to the ICC’s jurisdic- If and when arrest warrants whether Canada will oppose
ing water, medicine and fuel. request indicates a “troubling… tion and admissibility brought are eventually issued, it would the ICC’s jurisdiction over the
The crimes alleged against sense of equivalency between by Israel, it is not for other be wholly inappropriate for alleged crimes on the same ba-
Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, the democratically elected lead- members of the ICC to ques- leaders of member states like sis. Given that the Court has
Mohammed Deif and Ismail ers of Israel and the bloodthirsty tion the authority of its deci- Trudeau and U.K. Prime Min- already found that it has juris-
Haniyeh include hostage tak- terrorists that lead up Hamas.” sions. In the event that Canada ister Rishi Sunak to continue diction over territory occupied
ing, murder, torture, exter- Like all ICC member states, were faced, for example, with a to characterize the warrants as
mination and sexual violence Canada is under a general legal request to arrest Netanyahu, it “unhelpful.” To do so would un- ❱❱ PAGE 21 What the International
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 Canada News 11

Canadian governments urgently need to

collaborate to support refugee students
BY ARIANNE MARAJ, offer displaced learners pre- opportunities for community, gees: “If the government is go- refugees drop out of school,
McGill University paredness and resilience for life political and social contribu- ing to allow refugees to come with only low-waged and low-
The Conversation in their resettlement commu- tion. In theory, education sys- to school, it must have support skilled employment options,
nities, and the ability to culti- tems strive for equity, but in mechanisms for them…” becoming delinquents, or
vate social capital. practice part of the population Belonging and integration worse, engaging in violent ex-
Unprecedented global de- Many resettled refugee is omitted. Education is essen- through schooling is also a con- tremism.
stabilization continues to force youths are disadvantaged, hav- tial for forced migrants, many cern for youth who are over the Such consequences of bur-
communities to migrate and ing to deal with anxiety and of whom struggle with inter- age of compulsory education den and risk are worrisome to
seek sanctuary. emotional stressors. These in- generational issues, which are (for example, in Québec, age a nation that has promised ref-
The seemingly endless count clude intersectional barriers more pronounced among poor- 16). They require supports to uge to asylum-seekers.
of displaced people worldwide such as financial distress, men- ly educated newcomers. find accessible programs that Implications of inaction
— which has now reached over tal health concerns, language Canada remains a global lead- meet their needs. are severe
110 million — is increasing year- difficulties, culture clashes and er in refugee resettlement with The evidence-based data re- Social and economic struc-
ly. Yet fewer than one per cent trouble navigating institutions’ measures in place to welcome veal how pressingly refugee’s tures reflect a system ignorant
are resettled. bureaucratic processes. this most vulnerable group. educational needs and sur- of the racial, ethnic and lin-
Unlike immigrants, refugees Moreover, refugees often do Therefore, the government rounding supports should be guistic subjugation of refugees
are involuntarily homeless and not understand how host socie- should pay more attention to an issue of great priority to the as a marginalized group. The
stateless and as such mourn their tal systems function and what to on-the-ground narratives as re- federal government. significance is that the Canadi-
past as they rebuild their future. expect from the dominant way vealed in a recent study carried Integration failures mean an government, and stakehold-
Considering the persistent ref- of life. Subsequently, these ob- out in Montréal. social problems ers, must ensure the scholarly
ugee crisis, concerns regarding stacles limit refugee integration, Interviews with young Governments’ inabilities to success of refugees for the bet-
equity, diversity and inclusion revealing disparity and inequity adult refugees integrate refugees result in eco- terment of a common societal
have increased. The resettlement in opportunities between mi- Interviews with 29 Syrian nomic and social problems if good at a local, national and
of asylum seekers is a major ele- nority and majority groups. young adult refugees, and 12 adult co-ordinated efforts are not made. global level. The implications of
ment affecting international in- Ill-prepared to support ac- education practitioners raise Supporting unemployed ref- ineffective action are severe.
tegration at all levels. ademic needs awareness of refugee challenges. ugee youth weighs financially As outlined in the UN 2030
In Canada, although inte- Between 2015 and 2019, Can- Young adult refugees in this on society, overloads the health Agenda for Sustainable Devel-
grating refugees into education ada accepted over 74,000 Syri- study, aged 18-24, were ineligi- system including increased opment, nations like Canada
and supporting their educa- an refugees in a humanitarian ble for traditional high school mental health worries, and puts must foster opportunities for
tional achievement is a provin- gesture. But a federal report having missed years of schooling pressure on refugee families. refugee learners to build their
cial responsibility, its signifi- found that all provinces were due to war in their homeland. For young adult refugees — futures, contribute to peaceful
cance is of national concern. ill-prepared to support the ac- Obligated to attend adult edu- and other marginalized youth coexistence and civil society
Governmental co-operation ademic needs of refugees, and cation centres to complete high — when access to higher educa- and support the socio-econom-
and organization are needed to that refugees are subsumed school, these students voiced tion or fulfilling employment is ic development of the resettle-
accompany refugees through into systems that have insuffi- the need for more support and blocked without a high school ment country.
Canadian systems: from arriv- ciently considered their learn- guidance in navigating the for- diploma, they are vulnerable to Government collaboration
al, through education paths and ing experiences, requirements eignness of Canadian systems. social exclusion. This grave reali- needed
into employment. or aspirations. In the same study, educators ty may manifest in anti-social ac- Collaboration among minis-
High-quality education Unequal opportunity struc- of adult refugees expressed tivities such as gangs and crime. tries of immigration, education
needed tures limit life chances and their sense of abandonment, It also exacerbates xenophobia. and employment is indispens-
Most refugees relocate to marginalize refugees. Limited noting policymakers’ lack of The greatest risk is the pos- able. A tri-ministerial committee
neighbouring countries in the education is linked with limited knowledge concerning refu- sible social catastrophe where could focus on how to engage,
Global South. However, perma- encourage and direct each young
nent relocation in the Global adult refugee as one file — not as
North is not a panacea. Refu- separate ministerial cases.
gees face challenges including Dedicated programs are es-
a sense of exclusion due to a sential to support displaced
mismatch between policies that learners with trauma and gaps
admit refugees to a country and in their education. An alliance
people’s lived experiences ac- supporting and guiding this
cessing apparent supports after would provide multi-layered
they land. assistance to refugees.
Forced migration and edu- Given the overwhelming
cation are fraught with diffi- challenges to refugee inte-
culties. Less than 25 per cent gration, to combat inequality,
of refugees start high school forced migrants must be al-
and only one per cent enter lowed to benefit from state ser-
post-secondary education. vices and find a place of belong-
As a basic human right, com- ing and a good quality of life in
prehensive and equitable edu- their place of sanctuary. ■
cation for refugees places the
onus on host societal systems This article is republished
to guarantee the responsible from The Conversation under a
development of this vulnerable Creative Commons license.
group. Quality education must
12 Canada News MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

The Canada Disability Benefit does

not fulfill the government’s promises
BY DANIEL BÉLAND, ty among working-age people come a political issue in the
SAMUEL RAGOT with disabilities. The effort has next election campaign. While
Policy Options fallen short. the housing crisis, inflation and
What could the potential the carbon tax are likely to mo-
cost to the public treasury be? nopolize much of the media and
Disability groups and the To provide food for thought political attention, the mobili-
Parliamentary Budget Officer and support the government zation and lobbying of people
suggested ways to raise people in its decision-making, the with disabilities and their or-
out of poverty that were not ad- Parliamentary Budget Officer ganizations could make opposi-
opted by Ottawa. (PBO) published three sce- tion parties take notice.
The federal budget presented narios in November 2023 to In the near future, the feder-
in mid-April was eagerly await- give an idea of the scale of the al government will have to ne-
ed by people with disabilities spending required to meet the gotiate with the provinces and
and the organizations that rep- needs of disabled people living territories to ensure that the
resent them across the country. in poverty. The PBO estimated various programs are properly
Indeed, following the June 2023 that the cost to raise 276,000 to coordinated. This promises to
passage of Bill C-22 creating 1,371,000 people out of poverty be difficult.
the Canada Disability Benefit would be between $2.1 billion Although Quebec disabili-
(CDB), pressure was high for the and $20 billion per year. ty organizations are opposed
federal government to quick- For their part, some groups scenarios presented by the PBO as presented in the federal to any request for withdrawal
ly implement this important representing people with dis- – the federal government has budget does not meet the ob- with compensation from the
measure. The CDB was the first abilities felt that a federal ben- instead created a CDB with a ligations set out in the legisla- provincial government, deem-
significant step towards imple- efit of at least $2,200 a month maximum annual support level tion, including consideration ing provincial programs too
menting the rights guaranteed ($26,400 a year) was needed to of $2,400 per person. of the market basket measure complicated and punitive, re-
by the United Nation’s Conven- get disabled people out of pover- And despite widespread warn- to determine the amount of the cent history suggests that the
tion on the Rights of Persons ty. These organizations also felt ings about accessing the CDB benefit, as well as the additional CAQ will make such a request
with Disabilities, which Canada that the CDB should be set indi- through DTC eligibility alone, costs associated with disability, regardless.
signed in 2007, in addition to the vidually, with the amount based the Trudeau government has the difficulty of accessing the Whichever scenario is cho-
adoption of the Accessible Can- on the recipient’s income rath- retained this tax measure as the job market for these people, or sen, governments will have to
ada Act in 2019. er than that of the household, only way to qualify for the benefit. Canada’s obligations under the negotiate to ensure that the ob-
The urgency for the federal while offering flexible eligibility. Yet it is common knowledge convention. jective of the law – to lift people
government to act on this is- In addition to using the Dis- that it’s difficult to qualify for Far from having lived up to with disabilities out of poverty
sue stems in part from the fact ability Tax Credit (DTC), the the DTC (both the Senate and expectations, the federal gov- – is achieved, and that they do
that people with disabilities gateway to the majority of fed- the Canada Revenue Agency’s ernment seems instead to have not bear the brunt of intergov-
in Canada were experiencing eral disability programs, many disability advisory committee remobilized disabled people ernmental disputes.
much higher rates of poverty, organizations had suggested have proposed changes in this and their organizations, as well For their part, disability
and lower-than-average rates that people benefiting from area), and that francophones as opposition parties, around groups have already announced
of employment, long before the provincial or territorial disabil- are less likely to benefit from it the issue of poverty among this that they will be mounting
current inflationary context. ity-specific financial assistance than anglophones. population. pressure throughout the sum-
Combined, these factors mean plans should automatically These decisions caused a stir What can the federal gov- mer for the government to an-
that many people with disabil- qualify. This idea was intend- among people with disabilities ernment do? nounce enhanced measures in
ities rely on provincial and ter- ed to avoid potentially eligible and their organizations who, The pressure was on the NDP its economic statement in the
ritorial social assistance pro- people from having to fill out a without expecting miracles, to bring down the government fall of 2024. The latest federal
grams, which are often seen as new series of forms, relying in- were hoping to see concrete ac- over the missed opportuni- budget is far from the end of the
“poverty traps.” stead on the exchange of infor- tion to respect the spirit of the ty represented by CDB, but it debate on the Canadian Dis-
Expectations were there- mation between governments. law and, ultimately, to have a didn’t. This isn’t all that sur- ability Benefit. ■
fore very high regarding the Disappointing budget chance of getting hundreds of prising, since the party made
creation of this new federal measures thousands of disabled people significant gains on other is- This article first appeared
benefit, designed to comple- Far from meeting the expec- out of poverty. sues, including dental coverage on Policy Options and is repub-
ment provincial and territorial tations of disability organiza- Their disappointment is all and Pharmacare. lished here under a Creative
programs and combat pover- tions – along with any of the the greater given that the CDB Nonetheless, CDB could be- Commons license.

House accomplished..
❰❰ 7 those in need; Romualdez also touched on promote sustainability, reflects and enhances disaster prepared- welfare of every Filipino and
HB 9978, or the renewable energy and environ- our commitment to address cli- ness measures which are critical reflect our dedication to creat-
“Moratorium on Pay- mental protection. mate change and ensure a resil- steps towards safeguarding our ing a more just, prosperous, and
ment of Student Loan Act,” He said the House has ap- ient future for our nation. environment and ensuring sus- dynamic society. As Franklin D.
which proposes to postpone the proved HB 8456, or the “Philip- It also approved HB 9663, or tainable development. Roosevelt once said, ‘The only
collection of student loans for a pine Downstream Natural Gas the “National Water Resources “All these legislative mea- limit to our realization of tomor-
reasonable duration during and Industry Development Act,” to Act,” which calls for the estab- sures that we had approved are row will be our doubts of today’,”
following the occurrence of di- increase the share of renewable lishment of the Department of not merely words on paper; they Romualdez said. ■
sasters and other emergencies. energy in our power mix and Water Resource Management embody our commitment to the
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 13

World News
US hostility towards the ICC is nothing
new – it supports the court only when
it suits American interests
BY ANDREA FURGER, The tionship with the ICC since its to include armed force – to free committed in Darfur, Sudan. developments in the ICC’s in-
University of Melbourne creation in 1998. Its hostile re- American officials or service- The conflict was among the US’ vestigation into alleged crimes
The Conversation action to the Israel-Palestine members should they ever be top foreign policy priorities in committed in Afghanistan,
situation will certainly have detained for prosecution in The Africa at the time. which marked the first time the
been expected by court officials. Hague, the seat of the ICC. This Later, the Obama admin- court probed possible crimes
This week, the prosecutor of Wariness from the court’s earned it the nickname of “The istration formally adopted a committed by US forces.
the International Criminal Court inception Hague Invasion Act”. “case-by-case” strategy to co- In 2020, ICC judges autho-
(ICC) applied for arrest warrants I worked for many years as a That same year, however, an operate with the ICC when it rised an investigation into US,
for three Hamas leaders, as well cooperation advisor at the ICC’s amendment was passed to the aligned with US interests. Afghan and Taliban forces. Soon
as Israeli Prime Minister Net- office of the prosecutor. During law allowing exceptions for when Under this policy, the US after, the US imposed sanctions
anyahu and Defence Minister that time, Washington’s posi- the US could assist international played an important role in the on the ICC prosecutor, Fatou
Yoav Gallant, in connection with tion towards the court shifted courts to bring to justice: 2011 referral of alleged crimes Bensouda, and another senior
the ongoing war in Gaza. several times – it supported the Saddam Hussein, Slobodan against humanity and war ICC official.
The reaction of the United court at certain times and criti- Milosovic, Osama bin Laden, crimes committed in Libya to After some delays, the inves-
States, Israel’s main backer, cised it at others. other members of al-Qaeda, the ICC. This was, again, in line tigation is continuing again,
was swift. President Joe Biden This has largely been tied to leaders of Islamic Jihad and oth- with US foreign policy interests. with a focus solely on crimes al-
condemned the prosecutor’s a broader assessment of US for- er foreign nationals. US diplomats also provided legedly committed by the Tali-
action against Israel’s leaders eign policy goals and the antici- The amendment created sig- vital support in the arrest of ban and Islamic State Khorasan
as “outrageous” and accused pated costs and benefits that sup- nificant flexibility, demonstrat- Congolese warlord Bosco Nta- Province. Other aspects of the
the ICC of drawing false moral porting the court could bring. ing that the US was ready to as- ganda, who was later sentenced investigation have been “depri-
equivalence between Hamas The US was initially a keen sist international justice efforts to 30 years in prison by the oritised”, an implicit reference
and Israel. supporter of the creation of a as long as they targeted desig- ICC for war crimes and crimes to the US and its allies.
While it is not yet clear if the permanent international crim- nated US “enemies” or other against humanity. And the US Soon after taking office, the
ICC’s judges will decide to is- inal court and was an active foreign nationals. assisted with the arrest of Dom- Biden administration lifted the
sue the warrants for Netanyahu participant in the ICC treaty US support in African cases inic Ongwen of the Lord’s Re- sanctions against the ICC offi-
and Gallant, the Biden admin- negotiations in the 1990s. The US soon adopted a prag- sistance Army in Uganda, who cials, returning to a seemingly
istration has already hinted at But it ultimately voted matic approach towards the was later sentenced to 25 years. more collaborative period in
the possibility of imposing US against the Rome Statute that court, supporting its activities Another falling out over US-ICC relations.
sanctions against ICC officials. created the court in 1998 due depending on the circumstanc- Afghanistan These relations became closer
Yet, just a year ago, when the to concerns with the court’s es and its interests. The relationship between the following the Russian invasion
ICC issued arrest warrants for jurisdictional framework. The In 2005, Washington allowed US and the court soon soured of Ukraine, with the adoption of
Russian President Vladimir Pu- US feared it could allow for the a UN Security Council referral again, though, during the new laws that broadened the pos-
tin and another Russian official prosecution of Americans with- to the ICC in relation to pos- Trump administration. sibilities of US cooperation with
for alleged international crimes out US consent. sible genocide and war crimes This was in part because of the court. The goals of the US and
in the Ukraine war, US officials Although the US still signed ICC had seemingly aligned again,
were full of praise for the court. the Rome Statute, President at least for the time being.
Biden welcomed the action, George W. Bush later effectively But this week’s request for
calling it “justified”. unsigned it, saying the US would arrest warrants for Israeli lead-
Since the Russian invasion not ratify the document and had ers demonstrates yet another
of Ukraine, in fact, the US has no legal obligations to it. shift in the US approach to the
continually displayed its sup- The US remains a non-mem- court. It continues the pattern
port for the ICC. One top US of- ber state to the ICC today. of the US supporting the court
ficial, the ambassador-at-large Once the ICC was created, the when it suits it, prioritising its
for global criminal justice, said US adopted laws to restrict its own foreign policy goals over
the ICC “occupies an important interactions with the new court. wider international criminal
place in the ecosystem of inter- Most importantly, it passed the justice efforts. ■
national justice”. American Servicemembers’
The US’ apparent about-face Protection Act of 2002 (ASPA) This article is republished
when the court targeted its ally is that prohibited providing any from The Conversation under a
nothing new. Nor is it surprising. support to the ICC. Creative Commons license.
Rather, this vacillating ap- This law also allowed the US
proach is merely symptomatic president to use “all means nec- International Criminal Court (UN PHOTO/RICK BAJORNAS, UNITED NATIONS PHOTO/

of the US’ complicated rela- essary” – a phrase understood FLICKR, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
14 World News MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

UK election called for 4 How South Korea

July – what happens next? won the battle
KIRKLAND, York St John
vs. food waste“Short campaigns” – the pe-
riod between the day the elec-
tion is called and election day
those who are also government
ministers. Party leaders will en-
gage in the national campaign
The Conversation itself, are very short in the UK and dip in and out of local cam- ANADOLU starting by becoming “one of the
compared to many other coun- paigns when it is opportune for The Conversation first countries to implement a
tries. They last a minimum of them to do so – such as in key volume-based system for food
On a rainy afternoon in Lon- 25 working days and are rarely battleground areas. TV debates waste nationwide,” Doun said.
don, an increasingly damp Rishi much longer. have been a feature of Brit- ANKARA – When it comes to This was the Volume-Based
Sunak confirmed what many The long campaign, however, ish politics since 2010 and the food, the world is divided, as in Waste Fee (VBWF) system that
had been speculating for most is the period of time when par- broadcasters will now be nego- many other ways, between the essentially gave people economic
of the day in a speech outside 10 ties have a sense that an elec- tiating how many of those will haves and have-nots: hundreds incentives to reduce the amount
Downing Street – that the UK is tion is imminent. Given that take place, who will be included of millions face immense hun- of waste they were throwing out
heading for an election earlier Sunak was working towards the and when they should be aired. ger as millions more waste stag- and increase their recycling.
than anticipated. Here’s what to end of the five-year deadline, Will there be a change of gering amounts of food. Under this system, people
expect in the weeks ahead. the long campaign has been government? This glaring contradiction were given five different kinds of
When is the UK having an running for some time. All of While the last few years has was illustrated in a recent UN waste bags to sort out their trash
election? the UK’s political parties have taught us all to never say never report, which showed that into different categories, includ-
Election day has been con- been preparing and they will, or in British politics, polls give the households worldwide discard- ing domestic and food waste, and
firmed for 4 July – in just over at least should be, largely cam- Labour party a commanding ed more than 1 billion meals ev- pay different fees for each kind.
six weeks’ time. paign-ready, even if this all feels lead over the incumbent Con- ery single day in 2022 – at a time In less than a decade, the VBWF
The UK has to have an elec- sudden to the rest of us. servative party, pointing to a when over 783 million people, system brought down waste gen-
tion at least every five years but What was the song playing change of government. or one-third of humanity, grap- eration by 23 percent and divert-
elections can be called at any as Sunak announced the date? In this scenario, Labour pled with food insecurity. ed 53 million tons of waste from
time within that timeframe. Sunak’s speech was at times leader Starmer would become Overall, 1.05 billion tons of food landfills and incinerators, accord-
Sunak had to hold a vote before almost entirely drowned out by prime minister. Any other re- went to waste that year, and the ing to Doun’s research, leading to
the end of January 2025 but, a protester playing very loud mu- sult would be presented as a majority of 631 million tons – or up cost savings of some $8 billion and
until this surprise announce- sic at the gates of Downing Street. major polling failure. to 60 percent – came from house- a 175 percent spike in recycling.
ment, the country had largely This was D:Ream’s Things Can The Conservative government holds, according to the UNEP Key outcomes and success
expected an autumn date. Only Get Better – a song which has been in power since 2010, Food Waste Index Report 2024. factors
Sunak always said the vote British people associate with though this also includes a coali- While many countries around Building on this success, South
would be in the second half of the Tony Blair’s campaign in 1997, tion government with the Liber- the world are still struggling to Korea pushed ahead with a ban
year (which July technically is). when Labour won by a landslide. al Democrats between 2010 and rein in food waste coming from on direct landfilling of food waste
But it still came as a shock that What happens next? 2015. David Cameron then led a homes, there is one particu- in 2005, followed by a “pay-as-
the vote has been called so early. Sunak has already spoken to Conservative government without lar nation that could serve as a you-throw policy” introduced in
Many of his own MPs are said to king Charles to ask for permis- the Liberal Democrats between model for all: South Korea. 2014, the same year it also start-
be annoyed at the prospect. sion to dissolve parliament. 2015 and 2016, when he resigned Over the past three decades, ed generating biogas from food
Why is Sunak calling the This will happen on May 30. Af- in the wake of the Brexit vote. the East Asian nation has waste, all of which combined to
election now? ter that point, technically, there Since then, the UK has had shown how change at scale is further increase source separa-
Sunak’s speech rested on the are no MPs (all incumbents four prime ministers – Theresa possible, raising its rate of food tion and recycling of food waste.
argument that only he and the who decide to stand become May (2016-2019), Boris Johnson recycling from a minimal 2 per- Another major step was the im-
Conservative party can lead Brit- candidates, rather than MPs). (2019-2022), Truss (for 49 days cent to over 95 percent. plementation of a radio-frequen-
ain through the “most challeng- Any parliamentary business in 2022) and Sunak (since Octo- In 2019, there was an average cy identification system (RFID),
ing” time since the end of the that has not been completed be- ber 2022). Sunak will attempt to of 14,314 tons of food waste in which is a more sophisticated
second world war. This is a dan- fore that day will be scrapped. argue that this makes him still South Korea per day, of which digital ticketing mechanism that
gerous argument, as Labour will MPs will then start campaign- relatively “new”, all the while 13,773 tons, or 96.2 percent, allowed for people to be charged
point to the fact that many of the ing across the UK’s 650 constit- emphasising that he warned that were recycled. This followed a monthly based on the weight of
underlying problems, such as the uencies, hoping to win a parlia- Truss’s tax plans were a mistake. recycling rate of 97 percent in their food waste, said Doun.
state of public services and the mentary seat. This traditionally Do all parts of the UK vote? 2018 and 97.1 percent in 2017, Currently, the food waste
economic turmoil caused by Liz includes door-to-door canvass- Yes – voters in England, according to data from the South RFID system has been in-
Truss’s mini budget, have been ing. Some will also feature in the Korean Environment Ministry. troduced in 166 municipali-
created under (and even by) the national campaign, especially ❱❱ PAGE 16 UK election called The transformation began in ties, covering over 6.5 million
Conservative government. the 1990s when South Korea en- households and 65 percent of
Sunak set the date as soon as forced a raft of policies to tackle apartments in the country.
it was confirmed that inflation a burgeoning waste crisis, Doun One of the biggest successes
is easing, which is a much need- Moon, a policy researcher at for South Korea has been the
ed piece of good news for his the Global Alliance for Inciner- exponential growth in recycling
government. He may also have ator Alternatives (GAIA) based food waste as compared to dump-
planned to surprise Labour, hav- in Seoul, told Anadolu. ing it at landfills, Doun said.
ing learned that the opposition By the mid-1990s, as landfills The rate of recycling has
was allowing staff to take holi- and incineration facilities be- climbed to around 97 percent,
days over the summer, thinking came unable to handle the bur- which is proof of successful im-
there would not be an election geoning waste output driven by plementation of policies, she said.
until after the summer recess. urbanization, South Korea start- Regarding the reasons for the
Is the campaign always so ed to develop an overall frame-
short? Number 10 Downing Street (SERGEANT TOM ROBINSON RLC/MOD, OGL V1.0) work for waste management, ❱❱ PAGE 16 How South Korea
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 World News 15

Why Vladimir Putin seems stronger

now than he was a year ago
BY STEFAN WOLFF, during a high-profile state visit tres of Ukrainian territory over contrast, G7 countries struggle last year and achieving its own
University of Birmingham on May 16-17 2024. The seem- recent months. to agree on how to finance on- territorial gains this year.
The Conversation ingly strong bond between Mos- As the Kremlin keeps up the going support for Ukraine, es- By contrast, Ukraine only up-
cow and Beijing, and between pressure, Ukraine continues to pecially over the use of frozen dated its mobilisation laws in
Xi and Putin personally, also suffer from shortages of weap- Russian assets in the west. April, lowering the age of con-
Vladmir Putin appears far appears to be more sustainable ons and ammunition even as What appears as Russia’s scription from 27 to 25 years.
stronger now than he did at than the relationships that Kyiv more US supplies are finally be- strength is, in part at least, This has yet to translate into
any other time since Russia has with western capitals. With- ginning to reach the frontlines. Ukraine’s and the west’s weak- tangible gains on the battle-
launched a full-scale invasion in the EU, Slovakia and Hungary Future western support for ness. While Russia has mer- field in the form of fresh, well-
into Ukrainian territory in Feb- have repeatedly set out their op- Ukraine is far less certain than cilessly struck targets across trained and equipped troops.
ruary 2022. position to continued western it seemed a year ago. Conse- Ukraine for more than two Putin makes his own deci-
On the ground Russian troops support for Ukraine. quently, future-proofing aid for years now, Kyiv has been con- sions, almost completely un-
are pushing hard into Ukrainian Russia’s offensive in the Ukraine is high on the agenda strained by the types of weap- constrained within his political
territory and have captured Kharkiv region, which began on for Kyiv’s allies, especially with ons and munitions supplied regime. Buoyed by the resources
several villages in the past two May 10 2024, has enabled Mos- an eye to upcoming presiden- by the west and by the rules of that Russia can muster domesti-
weeks alone. Plenty of other cow to capture several villages tial and congressional elections engagement attached to these cally and source from his allies,
indicators, too, show Russia’s and drive some 10 kilometres in the US, where Trump and deliveries, such as where they he has been able to recover from
growing strength and suggest a deep into Ukraine. More than his supporters have suggest- can be used. This may slowly be strategic and tactical mistakes.
future in which a Ukrainian, and 10,000 people have been dis- ed cutting off aid to Ukraine. changing with more arms de- What passes for strategy in
western, defeat is becoming a placed amid constant Russian President Joe Biden remains liveries now reaching Ukraine the west is often no more than
more realistic possibility. bombing and infantry assaults, staunchly committed to Kyiv with fewer strings attached to the best deal that can be agreed
On the domestic front, over adding pressure on already for now, but it is far from cer- how Kyiv can use them. among 32 Nato and 27 EU mem-
the past year, Putin has faced stretched humanitarian aid tain that he will win a second The Kremlin has had no bers who all push and pull in dif-
down a mutiny by his erstwhile operations in the area and the term in November this year. qualms in using convicts at ferent directions. The resulting
ally Yevgeny Prigozhin, who was city of Kharkiv in particular, Western wavering the front and mobilising large permanent crisis management
subsequently killed in a plane which already hosts 200,000 The EU has managed to numbers of young Russians has, so far, prevented a defeat of
crash. His only other major op- displaced people. agree on a deal on how to use for its war effort. Or in sacri- Ukraine. But it has not, and will
ponent, Alexei Navalny, per- Russian successes around the profits from frozen Russian ficing their lives in holding off not, pave a way to victory.
ished in a penal colony in Rus- Kharkiv come in the wake of ter- assets to support Ukraine. By Ukraine’s counter-offensive Putin’s strength is relative,
sia’s far north earlier this year. ritorial gains elsewhere along rather than absolute. And there-
After being re-elected to yet the 1,000km-long frontline in lie both a danger and an oppor-
another term as Russian pres- over the past several months. tunity for Ukraine and the west.
ident, Putin has also consoli- While not a game changer in More muddling through by
dated his alliances with Iran the Kremlin’s war of aggres- the west will make Putin look
and North Korea, which supply sion against Ukraine, Moscow stronger than he is and could
Moscow with much-needed mil- appears to have significant further increase the pro-Rus-
itary equipment. This may not momentum behind its ground sian narrative of an unwinnable
be the company of choice for a operations as Kyiv struggles to war for Ukraine and the west.
self-declared great power, but it hold off Russian troops. But if Kyiv’s western allies final-
keeps the Russian war machine Russian advances this year ly muster the will to provide the
well-oiled – in sharp contrast to have all but wiped out the resources Kyiv needs, the bal-
the problems that Ukraine has Ukrainian gains from last year’s ance of power could decisively
faced over the past six months counter offensive. While Russia shift to Ukraine’s advantage. ■
with western military aid. has only captured one major
At the same time, President Xi town — Avdiivka — since it took This article is republished
Jinping of China has reassured Bakhmut a year ago, it has cap- from The Conversation under a
Putin of his continuing support tured some 500 square kilome- President of Russia Vladimir Putin (KREMLIN.RU, CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons license.

Escudero’s first order.. Escudero: No plan..

❰❰ 2 they will prioritize ganda magkaroon ng palitan ng ❰❰ 4 arable marriages." Moreover, the grounds for le- Philippines slammed the bill's
once the third regular pananaw kaugnay ng relasyon The bill stipulates gal separation under the Family passage at the House, saying
session opens in July. ko sa union. Ang sinabi ko sa the grounds for abso- Code of the Philippines can also that lawmakers who voted in
Escudero said he had already kanila, minsan sa isang buwan lute divorce, among them psy- be considered grounds for ab- favor of the bill "betrayed their
met with the Senate employees’ tayo mag usap (Because needs chological incapacity, irrecon- solute divorce, including phys- constitutional mandate to up-
union. change, their problems and cilable differences, domestic or ical violence, grossly abusive hold marriage and the family."
He said they agreed to meet mine, change, it would be nice marital abuse when one of the conduct, drug addiction, habit- Of all the nations in the
with them regularly so he would to have an exchange of views spouses undergoes a sex reas- ual alcoholism, chronic gam- world, only Vatican City and the
know their concerns and issues. regarding my relationship with signment surgery or transitions bling, and homosexuality of the Philippines prohibit divorce. ■
“Dahil nagbabago ang pan- the union. I told them, once a from one sex to another, and respondent.
gangailangan, nagbabago ang month we can talk),” he said. ■ separation of the spouses for at On Thursday, the Catho-
problema nila at ako, so, ma- least five years. lic Bishops' Conference of the
16 World News MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

UK election called..
Singapore Airlines ❰❰ 14 Northern Ireland,
Scotland and Wales
result is confirmed – so there is
no transition period, as in the
Holding an election on 4 July
puts the vote right in the middle

passenger dies
will vote in the UK case of the US for example. If of the UEFA European football
election. Although there are there is a change of prime min- championships, leading some to
devolved administrations in ister, the incumbent must leave speculate that Sunak is hoping
Scotland, Wales and Northern Downing Street immediately to capitalise on a positive na-

after 'severe Ireland (and major urban areas

of England) each of these areas,
along with the rest of England,
and their replacement will ar-
rive soon after. British politics
is brutal in this respect.
tional mood to turn his fortunes
around. Whether that is a real-
istic hope will become apparent

turbulence' also elect MPs to sit in the

Westminster parliament.
However, Labour does not
Technically the prime min-
ister is appointed by the mon-
arch, so the election winner’s
sooner rather than later, but
Sunak must know it is a gamble.
The last time a general election
stand candidates in Northern first act is to visit the king. was called during an interna-
ANADOLU "We can confirm that there Ireland and if any Sinn Féin can- However, this assumes the tional football tournament was
Philippine News Agency are injuries and one fatality on didates win seats in Northern result is clear. In 2010, when no in 1970. Harold Wilson’s Labour
board the Boeing 777-300ER," Ireland, they traditionally do not party won a majority of seats, lost four days after the reign-
said the carrier. take their seats in Westminster. Gordon Brown remained prime ing champions, England, were
ISTANBUL – At least one The company said: "18 individu- When would a new prime minister for five days after the beaten by West Germany in the
passenger of British origin was als have been hospitalized. Another minister be installed? election while trying (and ulti- World Cup quarter-finals. ■
killed and many others injured 12 are being treated in hospitals." When an election result is a mately failing) to broker a coa-
after a Singapore Airlines flight Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi clear majority, the leader of the lition agreement. This article is republished
from London to the Southeast Airport General Manager Kit- winning party starts as prime Why do some people think from The Conversation under a
Asian city-state encountered tipong Kittikachorn identified minister immediately after the this is all about football? Creative Commons license.
"severe turbulence," the com- the deceased as a 73-year-old
pany said on Tuesday. British man.
It said flight number SQ321, His demise was "likely due How South Korea..
carrying 211 passengers and 18 to a heart attack, while head
crew members from Heathrow injuries were sustained among ❰❰ 14 success, she pointed she added. dumping to avoid the charges
Airport to Singapore on Mon- seven people critically injured," to the involvement of As with all major policy shifts, enforced under the new system.
day, "encountered severe tur- Kittikachorn said, according to various stakeholders Doun said there were some ini- Over time, however, educa-
bulence en route." daily Bangkok Post. in the planning and execution tial problems in implementa- tion and awareness campaigns
It said that the aircraft di- "The plane looks okay from process, from government offi- tion, with a major concern at conducted for this specific pur-
verted course to Thailand's outside but it is mess inside," he cials to environmental groups the beginning being that peo- pose helped overcome the po-
capital Bangkok. added. ■ and civil society organizations, ple would resort to more illegal tential hurdles, she said. ■

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FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 17

Star Cinema and GMA Pictures team up
for "Hello, Love, Again"
ABS-CBN turns to direct the sequel that ding light on the realities of drama, “Jose Rizal,” as well as “Firefly” which earned the Best
will be shot in Canada. Filipinos living and working blockbuster hits like “Let The Picture award in the 2023 Met-
The film’s theatrical release be- abroad through silver screen Love Begin” and “Ang Panday.” ro Manila Film Festival. ■
Kathryn, Alden to reprise gins on November 13, 2024 in the features. Among its remarkable Last year, it released the movie
iconic roles as Joy and Ethan Philippines, with international films from the past decades are
In another historic collabora- releases following thereafter. “Anak,” “Barcelona: A Love Un-
tion, ABS-CBN’s Star Cinema and The announcement was told,” “Caregiver,” “Dubai,” “In
GMA Pictures are teaming up for made on Sunday (May 19) with The Name of Love,” and “Mi-
the first time to produce “Hello, key officers from ABS-CBN and lan.” Star Cinema, along with
Love, Again,” the highly anticipat- GMA present. They were ABS- APT Entertainment and Agosto
ed sequel to the blockbuster hit CBN president and CEO Carlo Dos Pictures, also produced the
"Hello, Love, Goodbye." Katigbak, ABS-CBN chief op- highest-grossing Filipino film
Kathryn Bernardo of ABS- erating officer Cory Vidanes, of all time, “Rewind.”
CBN and Alden Richards of ABS-CBN Film Productions Meanwhile, GMA Pictures
GMA will be reprising their head Kriz Gazmen, and GMA has produced notable films
well-loved characters, Joy and Films president and CEO Atty. that touch on key social issues
Ethan, in “Hello, Love, Again.” Annette Gozon-Valdes. in the Philippines. It led the
Box-office hit film director For many years, Star Cinema production of critically ac-
Cathy Garcia-Sampana, who has been telling heartwarming claimed movies “Muro Ami” Kathryn Bernardo and Alden Richards will be reprising their well-loved characters,
helmed the original film, re- stories of Filipinos and shed- and “Deathrow,” the historical Joy and Ethan, in the much-awaited "Hello, Love, Goodbye" sequel (ABS-CBN)

Anne, Carlo, and Joshua topbill

PH adaptation of "It's Okay To Not Be Okay"
ABS-CBN tle bit to shoot. So when they of- tients,” he shared. hindi ko binitawan. Gusto kong caretaker, who has dedicated his
fered this to me, it was an instant Versatile actor Carlo Aquino masubukan. Gusto kong gawan. life to taking care of his autistic
yes because I love the original. will play the role of Matthew He added, "By next month, I older brother MatMat (Carlo).
Anne makes a big teleserye I couldn’t let it pass,” she said “MatMat” Gonzales, the Fili- believe mag-iimmersion kami, Led by award-winning box of-
comeback during the project’s announce- pino equivalent of Moon Sang kasama ko si Direk Mae." fice director Mae Cruz Alviar and
ABS-CBN Studios has re- ment last Friday (May 17). Tae. He also discussed his com- The series follows Mia (Anne), creative producer Henry Quita-
vealed a star-studded cast led Playing opposite her is Josh- mitment and enthusiasm to a woman diagnosed with an anti- in, the series will tackle the dif-
by Anne Curtis, Carlo Aquino, ua Garcia, who will be portraying studying and understanding social personality disorder, who ferent aspects of mental health
and Joshua Garcia for the Phil- the role of the Filipino version of autism spectrum syndrome. gets romantically involved with issues, while putting a Filipino
ippine adaptation of the hit Moon Gang Tae, Patrick “PatPat” "I'm up for a challenge kaya PatPat (Joshua), a psych ward twist to the beloved Korean dra-
Korean drama series “It’s Okay Gonzales. Expressing his excite- ma series by featuring beautiful
To Not Be Okay,” which will be ment about working with Anne Philippine locations and talented
streamed soon on Netflix. for the first time, Joshua described Pinoy illustrators and animators.
After a decade-long hiatus the honor he felt and the extensive Watch out for the most-an-
from teleseryes, Anne returns and preparations for his role. ticipated Philippine adaptation
takes on her dream role as Eme- “Nandoon ‘yung pressure series of the year, “It’s Okay To
lia “Mia” Hernandez, the Filipina pero sa ngayon nagfo-focus Not Be Okay,” to be produced
counterpart of Ko Moon Young. na lang ako ‘dun sa role ko by the creators of the hit series
Anne revealed that she had na sana mabigyan ko ng jus- “Can’t Buy Me Love,” “The Iron
quietly hoped for this role since tice. Nagpe-prepare ako, nag- Heart,” and many more.
she watched the Korean series wu-workout ako ngayon pero I For updates, follow Star Cre-
years ago. think mas malaki ‘yung impor- atives on Facebook, Twitter,
“It’s definitely worth it. Hin- tansya ‘yung mas emotionally and Instagram and ABS-CBN
di naman ako maga-accept ng prepared kami. Magi-immerse PR on Facebook, X, TikTok, and
isang project if I didn't feel it was din ako sa mga nurses, kung Carlo Aquino, Anne Curtis, and Joshua Garcia for the PH adaptation of "It's Instagram, or visit www.abs-
worth leaving my family for a lit- paano sila nagha-handle ng pa- Okay To Not Be Okay" (ABS-CBN)■
18 Entertainment MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

Bridgerton is back and still frothy,

but developing a more grown-upattitude –
what you should see and read this week
BY JANE WRIGHT, The But in this season of Bridg- 2003 debut of novelist C.J. San- ways, add to the mood of dread legacies of Brazil’s colonial past.
Conversation UK erton, something else is afoot. som, who died at the end of April. and fear. Settle in and watch as Each of these excellent nom-
The Conversation Unlike the earlier, steamier sea- Intriguingly, Shardlake leads us the underestimated Shardlake inees underscores why it is so
sons, we witness a slightly more into an enclosed world of cor- untangles the web of evil. worthwhile to read beyond our
serious, mature and emotionally ruption and murder as Henry Next week sees the an- own language and cultural ex-
Pass the smelling salts and complex storyline emerging – VIII’s Reformation threatens nouncement of the Interna- perience, to see and feel the
loosen those corsets! Bridger- one that is based around identi- the end of a thousand years of tional Booker Prize – awarded world from a different perspec-
ton returns for a third series ty, self-acceptance and roman- monastic life in England. to the finest fiction written in tive. And thanks to the excep-
of high-society scandal and in- tic attachment. Poor Penelope “Crookback” lawyer Mat- languages other than English – tionally skilled translators who
trigue – not to mention a gen- Featherington is entering her thew Shardlake – acutely in- which rightly acknowledges the communicate the nuances of
erous serving of chandeliered “third year on the marriage mart telligent but scorned for his important role of translators. other languages – and the imag-
opulence, eye-popping frocks with no prospects to show for it”. disability – is sent to the mon- Our academic experts review ery, ideas and expression they
and swooning lovers. In the hierarchical world of astery of St Donatus to investi- this year’s crop of six titles, contain – we can hear the voices
Shonda Rhimes’ Regency-ad- early 19th-century society, mar- gate when a royal commission- which range from a pared-down of others. Look out for the win-
jacent extravaganza was a huge riage was a pragmatic undertak- er surveying the community for poetic tale of prejudice, vendet- ner when the announcement is
hit when it dropped on Netflix in ing, vital for securing financial Thomas Cromwell and the king ta and score-settling in rural made on Tuesday, May 21.
2020. It certainly revved up the stability and status. Spinsters is found beheaded in a crypt. Argentina to the heartbreaking Celebrating art and com-
rather predictable fare of period were dependent, stigmatised Cue a broodingly Gothic at- history of the separated Kore- ic-strip genius
drama by blithely ignoring rules and relegated to the periphery mosphere with mist sweeping an peninsula, told through the This year marks the 200th an-
and conventions (hello female of polite society – demonised by in from the marshes as torches story of three generations of niversary of one of the UK’s most
agency, goodbye racial prejudice) patriarchal attitudes that persist flicker and black-clad monks railway workers. There’s also a beloved art institutions: the Na-
in favour of a more modern sen- even, dare it be said, in the 21st glide around silently, their hood- fine example of COVID fiction tional Gallery on London’s Tr-
sibility. Translation: Bridgers = century. Bridgerton may still set ed faces hidden. Over four ep- from Sweden, which explores afalgar Square, home to more
Jane Austen with v sexy romping. hearts racing, but it has become isodes, the body count rises as what it means to be human; a than 2,300 works spanning the
Chaste it was not, Mrs Bennett. more grown up too. Shardlake hunts down the evi- Dutch tale of sibling grief after great traditions of European art
Two seasons and a spin-off lat- Creepy Tudor mur- dence that will seal St Donatus’s the suicide of a twin; a doomed up to 1900. The gallery is mark-
er, the much-anticipated third se- der-mystery fate. Filmed in Hungary and love affair set against the back- ing two centuries with a series
ries of scheming and romancing More historical drama this Romania, the forbidding castles drop of the last years of the Ger- of events in London and exhibi-
will no doubt ensure that viewers week: this time Disney Plus’s standing in for medieval En- man Democratic Republic; and tions across the country.
require a quiet lie down in a dark- Tudor detective mystery Shard- gland, complete with looming a harrowing, multi-voiced nov-
ened room afterwards. lake, based on Dissolution, the watchtowers and secret passage- el that portrays the present-day ❱❱ PAGE 29 Bridgerton is back

Kim and Paulo spill details on viral kissing

scene in "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim"
ABS-CBN complish the scene wherein their ha, aabangan talaga namin ito
characters shared an intimate kasi very iconic ‘to!’ Na-pressure
kiss while cooped up in a cabinet. kami kaya naisip namin na sana
Series to air on Kapamilya “Isa or dalawa siguro para hindi natin ma-fail. Sana may
Channel, A2Z, and TV5 begin- doon sa backshot. Ayaw nam- maibubuga rin ‘yung Philippine
ning May 25 ing mapahiya kaya ginandahan version,” said Kim.
Lead stars of the Viu original na rin namin ni Direk Chad Kim and Paulo also expressed
adaptation “What’s Wrong With (Vidanes) para sa viewers,” their gratitude with the overwhelm-
Secretary Kim,” Kim Chiu and Paulo revealed. ing success of “What’s Wrong With
Paulo Avelino, candidly opened Kim, on her part, shared that Secretary Kim,” which consistently
up about their now iconic “cab- they really felt the pressure to trends online every time a new epi-
inet kissing scene” that went vi- give justice to such an iconic sode is released.
ral on social media recently. scene in the original K-drama “Overwhelming ‘yung mga
During the official TV poster that is why they went all out in nangyayari na ang daming na-
reveal for “What’s Wrong With putting their own magic twist. tutuwa at nasisiyahan. I’m very
Secretary Kim,” which will now “Siyempre, hindi pa nagsisim- thankful and grateful na mag-
air on Kapamilya Channel, A2Z, ula 'yung ‘Secretary Kim’ ‘yan na two months na rin itong napa-
and TV5, the two said that it took ‘yung iniisip na palabas ng fans Paulo Avelino and Kim Chui at the official TV poster reveal for "What's Wrong
them only one or two takes to ac- talaga ng show. Na ‘naku, eto ❱❱ PAGE 21 Kim and Paulo With Secretary Kim" (ABS-CBN)
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 19

Alcohol use disorder can be treated
with an array of medications – but
few people have heard of them
BY JOSEPH P. SCHACHT, understanding and treatment of rate. Subsequent research de- craving, likely through its ef- used “off-label,” meaning that
University of Colorado alcohol use disorder. I am opti- termined that disulfiram inhib- fects on dopamine that is re- physicians use their discretion
Anschutz Medical Campus mistic that our existing medica- its alcohol metabolism, leading leased in response to cues, such to prescribe them for an unap-
The Conversation tions can reach more people with to the accumulation of acetal- as the sight, smell and taste of proved indication. The most
this condition, that we can better dehyde. This causes many of the alcohol. Naltrexone is effective promising medications are ap-
target these medications to the symptoms of a hangover imme- for reducing heavy drinking but proved for treating epilepsy.
More than 29.5 million Amer- patients most likely to benefit diately after alcohol ingestion, less effective for complete ab- These medications appear to be
icans ages 12 and up had alco- from them, and that new effective making drinking unpleasant. stinence from alcohol. effective for alcohol use disorder
hol use disorder – the medical medications are on the horizon. Disulfiram is effective for Naltrexone can be taken daily in part by reducing symptoms of
term for the disease commonly Alcohol use disorder is reducing drinking but must be by mouth or injected once per alcohol withdrawal, a dangerous
known as alcoholism – in 2022, vastly undertreated taken daily by mouth, which month, making it a better option condition that develops among
when the most recent national With the onset of the opioid limits its utility if patients do for patients who might struggle some people following the abrupt
data was published. epidemic in the past two de- not take it on this schedule. to take a daily oral medication. cessation of heavy drinking. In its
The condition is character- cades, medications for opioid A more recently FDA-ap- Interestingly, it also reduces most severe form, alcohol with-
ized by a pattern of heavy alco- use disorder, such as methadone proved – and more effective heavy drinking when taken spo- drawal causes hyperreactivity of
hol consumption with loss of and buprenorphine, have en- – medication for alcohol use radically prior to anticipated the autonomic nervous system,
control over drinking despite tered the public consciousness. disorder is the opioid receptor drinking occasions. A similar auditory and visual hallucinations
negative social, occupational or But medications for alcohol use antagonist naltrexone. It blocks opioid antagonist, nalmefene, and seizures. These medications
health consequences. disorder are less familiar to the opioid receptors and prevents is approved in the European include gabapentin, topiramate
Deaths from excessive alco- public and used less frequently. opioids – both “exogenous” Union for alcohol use disorder. and baclofen, the latter of which
hol use have sharply increased While 22% of patients with opioid drugs and “endogenous” The third FDA-approved is approved in France for alcohol
in recent years, to 178,000 in opioid use disorder receive medi- opioids produced in the brain – medication, acamprosate, also use disorder.
the United States in 2021, up cations to treat it, the rate of med- from activating these receptors. reduces alcohol cravings, but its Precision medicine
from 138,000 five years earlier. ication treatment for alcohol use It might be surprising that an molecular effects are less well Regrettably, both the FDA-ap-
The greatest increase occurred disorder is much lower. Less than opioid receptor antagonist is effec- understood. Results from Euro- proved and off-label medica-
during the first year of the 10% of people with alcohol use tive for treating alcohol use disor- pean clinical trials have shown tions for alcohol use disorder
COVID-19 pandemic. disorder receive any treatment in der. But, in fact, opioids play a key that it can help people reduce have relatively small effects on
Alcohol is responsible for any year, and less than 3% receive role in alcohol’s effect on the neu- their drinking, but results from alcohol consumption. On av-
more deaths than overdoses medications for it. rotransmitter dopamine, which U.S. trials have been less positive. erage, these medications will
from opioids and all other sub- Regrettably, many people with underlies the pleasurable effects of ‘Off-label’ medications cause people who drink heavily
stances combined, and it ac- alcohol use disorder don’t recog- alcohol and most other drugs. Several medications have – meaning four or more drinks
counts for 1 in 5 of all deaths of nize the severity of their drink- Naltrexone reduces dopa- demonstrated encouraging ef- in a day for women, five or more
people ages 20 to 49. Alcohol-as- ing and its effects on others, and mine release from alcohol, fects on drinking in randomized for men – most days of the week
sociated deaths occur from a many do not realize that effective blocking some of the pleasur- controlled trials but are not to do so one or two days less per
variety of causes. These include medications are available. able effects of drinking. Impor- yet FDA-approved for alcohol week. However, this average
alcohol’s long-term effects such Medications approved for tantly, it also reduces alcohol use disorder. Instead, they are varies significantly between pa-
as cancer, liver disease and heart alcohol use disorder tients – some see a large effect,
disease as well as its short-term As of May 2024, three medi- and some see no benefit.
effects such as motor vehicle ac- cations have been approved by An important recent focus of
cidents, poisoning and suicide. the Food and Drug Adminis- research, funded by the Nation-
Many effective treatments tration for treatment of alcohol al Institute on Alcohol Abuse
exist for alcohol use disorder, use disorder. The oldest and and Alcoholism, on alcohol use
including psychotherapy, peer best known of these medica- disorder medications has been
support groups such as Alco- tions is disulfiram – sold under the application of a “precision
holics Anonymous and SMART the brand name Antabuse – a medicine” approach to identify
Recovery, and medications. I’m compound that was first used in patients for whom a particular
a clinical psychologist and neu- the American rubber industry. medication is more likely to
roscientist, and for the past 15 In 1937, a rubber plant phy- have a large effect.
years, my research has focused sician observed that workers For example, my work and
on evaluating medications for exposed to disulfiram displayed others’ has found that people
alcohol use disorder. adverse reactions to alcohol, who both drink heavily and
Over that time, I have seen sub- including nausea, vomiting and
stantial changes in the scientific tachycardia – meaning fast heart ❱❱ PAGE 25 Alcohol use disorder
20 Lifestyle MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

Nightmares could be an early warning sign

of an autoimmune disease flare-up – new study
BY MELANIE SLOAN, found in other neurological dis- cination experiences were often other autoimmune diseases can it’s not antipsychotic drugs they
University of Cambridge eases. Descriptions of flare-re- described as dream-like states “in have long and difficult journeys to needed, it’s like a lot of steroids.
The Conversation lated nightmares in our study between asleep and awake” and diagnosis. More understanding of Doctors are also short of
often involved being attacked, “waking dreams”. Many patients the vast range and type of symp- time, particularly with complex
trapped, crushed or falling. described the word and description toms these patients experience diseases like lupus that can af-
Nightmares are unpleasant, Many were very distressing. One as a “lightbulb” moment for them: could lead to fewer misdiagnos- fect any body part. One rheu-
but perfectly normal – for most. person described them as: “Hor- [When] you said that word day- es and better treatment. People matologist we interviewed said
However, my colleagues and I rific, like murders, like skin com- mare and as soon as you said that whose first symptoms of auto- that discussing these symptoms
have recently discovered that ing off people, horrific.” it just made sense, it’s like not nec- immune disease are psychiatric was not a priority.
they can also presage autoim- Another important finding essarily scary, it’s just like you’ve are particularly likely to be mis- I hear what you are saying …
mune diseases, such as lupus. was that these nightmares often had a dream and yet you’re sitting diagnosed and mistreated, as this about the nightmares and halluci-
Our study, published in The came before a disease flare-up, awake in the garden … I see differ- rheumatology nurse explained: nations, and I believe it, but what I
Lancet’s eClinicalMedicine particularly in people who then ent things, it’s like I come out of it I’ve seen [patients] admitted am saying is that you cannot con-
journal, explored possible early had hallucinations as part of and it’s like when you wake up and for an episode of psychosis and ceivably include that as well as the
warning signs of autoimmune their disease pattern. This was you can’t remember your dream the lupus isn’t screened for until routine management of lupus.
disease flare-ups. We surveyed more likely in people with lupus and you’re there but you’re not someone says, ‘Oh I wonder if it However, most doctors in the
676 patients with lupus and 400 than the other rheumatological there … it’s like feeling really dis- might be lupus’ … but it was sev- study said that they would now
doctors and carried out over diseases such as inflammatory orientated, the nearest thing I can eral months and very difficult … start asking about nightmares
100 in-depth interviews. arthritis. This wasn’t unexpect- think of is that I feel like I’m Alice especially with young women and and other symptoms. Several
We asked about the neurologi- ed as lupus is known to affect the in Wonderland. it’s learning more that that is how reported back to the research-
cal and mental health symptoms brain in some cases. Many people with lupus and lupus affects some people and ers that their patients were now
patients experience, and when Of the patients also reporting regularly reporting these symp-
they happened in relation to hallucinations, 61% of lupus pa- toms and it was helping with
when their disease first started. tients and 34% with other auto- monitoring their disease.
This included symptoms such immune rheumatological diseas- Symptoms such as nightmares
as low mood, hallucinations, es reported increasing disrupted are not on the diagnostic lists, so
tremors and fatigue. We also sleep (mostly nightmares) just patients and doctors often don’t
asked if there was a usual pat- before their hallucinations. discuss them. Relying on a doc-
tern of symptoms for patients as Daymares tor’s observation, blood tests and
they were about to get a flare-up Our previous study found brain scans to diagnose diseases
(worsening symptoms). that over 50% of people rarely does not work for symptoms that
Many patients could describe or never report mental health are invisible and do not yet – and
symptoms that happened just symptoms to their doctors. Al- may never – show on testing.
before their flares. Although though people were often more Our study also highlights the
patterns varied between dif- comfortable talking with our importance of doctor-patient
ferent people, they were often interviewers than their doctors, teamwork in identifying, mon-
similar in each person’s flare- we used the word “daymare” to itoring and treating these often
ups. Patients often knew which reduce the feeling of fear and distressing symptoms. ■
symptoms were a sign that their stigma many people feel about
disease was about to get worse. the word “hallucination”. This article is republished
Nightmares coming before Patients also felt that “daymare” from The Conversation under a
autoimmune diseases have been was a good description as hallu- Creative Commons license.

Anti-obesity jab cuts heart attack risk,

says new study
ANADOLU the medication. countries. Today programme, Prof. John ground medical problems. That
Philippine News Agency Semaglutide, marketed un- The study spanned five years Deanfield emphasized the really is quite exciting."
der the brand names Wegovy, and focused on the cardiovas- broader benefits of semaglutide In a related finding from Au-
Ozempic, and Rybelsus, is a pre- cular benefits of the drug. beyond weight loss. gust, researchers working on
LONDON – A groundbreak- scription drug that suppresses The study revealed that "There are many people living the Select trial reported that
ing study has revealed that an appetite. semaglutide not only helps with overweight or with obesity, who semaglutide reduced the risk of
anti-obesity jab containing The University of London weight loss but also has direct have struggled to improve their heart attack or stroke in obese
semaglutide, a drug used to study utilized data from the positive effects on blood sugar weight, and these drugs, for that individuals with cardiovascular
treat obesity, significantly re- Select trial, conducted by sema- levels, blood pressure, inflam- reason alone, produce an im- disease by 20 percent.
duces the risk of heart attacks glutide manufacturer Novo mation, and the heart muscle portant clinical opportunity," he This further underscores the
and strokes, regardless of the Nordisk, which involved 17,604 and vessels. stated. "But these are drugs that potential of semaglutide to sig-
amount of weight lost while on adults over 45 years old from 41 Speaking on BBC Radio 4's will also improve their back- nificantly impact public health. ■
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 Lifestyle 21

Is hard water bad for you? 2 water quality

engineers explain the potential benefits and
pitfalls that come with having hard water
BY SARAH BLANK, Iowa by region. It depends on both posits at higher temperatures, pipe corrosion and clogging. For example, the extra mag-
State University, TIMOTHY where the water is coming from so hot water heaters are prone So, there’s no specific hardness nesium and calcium you con-
ELLIS, Iowa State University and how the water is treated. to mineral buildup. In areas level that is a cause for concern. sume in hard water may provide
The Conversation Communities that source with hard water, water heaters Water treatment plants take the a gentle solution to digestive is-
their water from wells rath- have a shorter life span. appropriate measures to adjust sues and constipation.
er than surface water such as But hard water can help, too. for different hardness levels. Also, researchers have found
When you turn on your fau- lakes, streams, rivers and reser- While minerals from hard wa- Effects on skin and hair positive correlations between
cet to get a glass of water or voirs often start with hard wa- ter can clog pipes, a thin layer Whether you use hard or soft the hardness of drinking water
wash your face, you’re proba- ter pretreatment. As ground- of mineral deposition in water water to wash up can also have and bone health. Since calcium
bly not thinking about what’s in water moves through the soil to lines can protect you from in- noticeable effects on your skin is an essential mineral in bones,
your water – besides water. De- a well, it picks up minerals. At gesting toxins that could seep and hair. individuals in areas with drink-
pending on where you live and the same time, areas where the in from the pipe itself. Water Hard water is more likely to ing water that has more calcium
whether you have a water-soft- types of rock and sediment are without any minerals can play a leave your skin dry. The miner- may have higher bone mineral
ening system, your water might more prone to dissolving in wa- role in pipe corrosion, because als in hard water strip moisture density and may be less prone
contain dissolved minerals such ter may have harder water. without a thin, protective layer from skin and create deposits to osteoporosis.
as calcium and magnesium. And Effects on water lines and of minerals, the water may start that clog pores. Researchers have also found
these minerals can play a role in distribution to eat away at the pipes, releas- Hard water can also strip that drinking hard water has
whether certain pollutants such Water that’s too hard or too ing metals from the pipes into the hair of moisture, leaving been associated with a decrease
as lead stay out of your water. soft could damage pipes and lead the water. Drinking this water it dry and coarse. Dry hair is in cardiovascular disease-relat-
The more dissolved minerals, to health and aesthetic concerns. might mean ingesting metals more prone to frizz, tangles and ed mortality. Magnesium helps
the “harder” your water. But is Since hard water has a higher such as lead, copper and iron. breakage. Mineral deposits can regulate your cardiac muscles,
hard water actually good or bad mineral concentration, miner- While water that is too soft also build up on the hair and while calcium keeps the sodi-
for you? als can build up in pipes, which or too hard can have different scalp, clogging your hair folli- um-potassium balance in your
As engineering researchers leads to clogged pipes in homes effects on water lines, there cles and leading to dandruff and cardiac muscles in check, which
who study water quality, we and public water systems. is more chemistry than just slowed hair growth. they need to function.
have seen the effects – both Hardness also creates more de- hardness that plays a role in Many households have their Whether you have hard or
good and bad – that soft and own water-softening systems. soft water, don’t worry too
hard water can have on every- A water-softening system may much. Water treatment plants
thing from plumbing systems help hair and skin dryness and take appropriate measures to
to the human body. buildup. But many of these sys- ensure safe water for the com-
What is hard water? tems trap and replace calcium munities they support.
Hard water is water that con- and magnesium with sodium, a To learn more about the wa-
tains dissolved minerals such as mineral that does not contrib- ter hardness in your area, you
calcium, magnesium, iron and ute to water hardness, to lower can contact your local water
manganese. Soft water contains overall hardness. Increasing treatment plant about its spe-
lower concentrations of these the water’s sodium content cific water treatment process.
minerals. may be a concern for anyone on Private well owners can contact
Hardness is measured in a low-sodium diet. their state government to find
terms of calcium carbonate, Overall health benefits out the testing recommenda-
CaCO₃, which is used as a ref- Other than aesthetic and wa- tions for their area. ■
erence point for comparing dif- ter heater concerns, drinking
ferent minerals. hard water is actually good for This article is republished
The amount of these miner- you and doesn’t come with any from The Conversation under a
als in a city’s water supply varies serious adverse side effects. Creative Commons license.

Kim and Paulo.. What the International..

❰❰ 18 panood ng mga tao night in “Linlang: The Teleser- TV5, and every Sunday at 7 PM on ❰❰ 10 by Israel since 1967 Israeli or Hamas leaders have
and hindi nila kami ye Version,” and enjoy ‘kilig’- Kapamilya Channel and A2Z and for the purposes of the committed international crimes
binibitawan. Patuloy filled weekends with Secretary at 8:15 PM on TV5. prosecutor’s investi- were lacking. Instead, such a pol-
silang nakasubaybay sa palabas Kim (Kim) and BMC (Paulo) in Viewers can also continue gation, as international law ex- icy decision would rely on the
namin,” said Kim. “What’s Wrong With Secretary to stream “What’s Wrong With pert Tom Dannenbaum notes, premise that Palestinian lives are
Meanwhile, KimPau fans are Kim” beginning May 25. Secretary Kim” for free on Viu such a challenge is unlikely to less worthy of protection than
in for a treat because the tan- “What’s Wrong With Secretary by downloading the Viu app or be successful. the lives of the nationals of other
dem will now be seen on TV Kim,” from Viu and ABS-CBN visit For updates, Crucially, were Canada to ICC member states. ■
everyday, including weekends. Studios and produced by Dream- follow @abscbnpr on Facebook, contest the ICC’s jurisdiction
Viewers can get their daily dose scape Entertainment, airs every X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, after it issues arrest warrants, it This article is republished
of ‘gigil’ from Victor (Paulo) Saturday at 7:15 PM on Kapamilya andInstagram or visit www.abs- wouldn’t be on the basis that rea- from The Conversation under a
and Juliana (Kim) every week- Channel and A2Z and at 8 PM on ■ sonable grounds to believe that Creative Commons license.
22 MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

With Olympics approaching, it’s time to
recognize children as a protected class in sport
BY PETER DONNELLY, lack of protection for child ath- pected to carry out the same non-profit organizations, run enormous changes that have
University of Toronto, letes in sport, compared to oth- legal duty of care for children. by adults for adults, to govern occurred in sport since the Sec-
MARCUS MAZZUCCO, er aspects of society. Similar ex- But, unlike other institutions, sports and organize competi- ond World War.
University of Toronto amples contrasting children’s sport organizations are not held tions for amateur athletes. They Changing state of sport
The Conversation treatment in and outside of legally accountable for their were assumed to govern in the There are a number of chang-
sport can be found in investiga- failure to do so — either due to best interests of their members es that have occurred within
tions of maltreatment and age a lack of enforcement of laws of and undertake their own disci- sport over the past 70 years or
Imagine this scenario: a limits for risky activities that general application or the ab- plinary procedures. so. The first is that children are
15-year-old child is caught con- are intended to prevent mental sence of specific laws regulating These clubs and organiza- now the vast majority of par-
suming cannabis in public and and physical harms. sport. Sport organizations are tions were encouraged to de- ticipants in organized sports in
is charged with an offence. If With the Paris Olympics ap- largely self-governing, autono- velop “as bodies fully indepen- most countries.
the child is found guilty, the proaching, questions will again mous and able to operate with dent of the public authorities” Second, due to the overt po-
court has discretion to order be raised about child athletes minimal state intervention. during the late 19th and the first liticization of sport during and
an absolute discharge to avoid competing at major interna- Originally, sport organi- half of the 20th centuries. The since the Cold War, govern-
convicting the child, or to con- tional competitions. This pres- zations were recognized as assumptions still exist, despite ments in most countries are
vict the child but excuse the ents an opportunity for those now, directly or indirectly, in-
payment of a fine under certain in amateur and professional volved in the funding and gov-
conditions. There would be a sports to work toward protect- ernance of sport. Some of these
publication ban to protect the ing the safety and well-being of countries spend large sums of
identity of the child. child athletes. money on achieving interna-
But what if the child is an Sport governance tional success in sport. Child
athlete caught consuming can- Every member state of the athletes are caught up in this
nabis for social purposes at a United Nations, except the Unit- global sporting arms race.
sport competition, in violation ed States, has pledged to uphold Lastly, the symbiotic growth of
of anti-doping rules? the United Nations Convention the commercialization of sport
If proven, the athlete would on the Rights of the Child. and widespread media coverage
be automatically disqualified These states have laws that of sport since the 1960s has pro-
from the competition and they recognize children as a protect- duced a sports industrial com-
would be presumptively banned ed class by imposing obligations plex now estimated to be worth
from sport for two years. There on various institutions — such as over US$500 billion a year.
would be no publication ban to health, education, social welfare Despite these massive chang-
protect the child athlete’s iden- and justice — to ensure the safe- es in world sport, the governing
tity from media scrutiny. ty and well-being of children.
These scenarios illustrate the Sport organizations are ex- ❱❱ PAGE 30 With Olympics

Filipino triathlete ready for

World Ironman championship
BY JELLY MUSICO the 32nd Club la Santa Ironman in the 2023 World Ironman year’s world championship. A qualifying event for the
Philippine News Agency Lanzarote in 12 hours, 48 minutes championship also held in Nice Since 2017, Gonda have com- World Ironman championship,
and 38 seconds, held in Canary Is- after finishing fifth in the Iron- peted in at least 12 internation- the Lanzarote edition is one of
lands, Spain on Sunday. man 70.3 Subic Bay in Subic Bay al ironman distances, including the toughest and longest-stand-
MANILA – Ireland-based “It is nice back at it after my in- Freeport Zone in June last year. the 2019 Barcelona Ironman ing races in Europe with an 8,130-
Filipino triathlete Mike Gon- jury. I did register just to feel the Gonda, however, was not able where he registered his person- feet mountainous bike course.
da proved he is now ready to distance again, but I still gave it to compete in France after he al record of 10:11.08. Kenneth Vandendriessche, the
compete in the 2024 VinFast my all. Happy to be back,” Gonda sustained in an injury when a Ironman is one of a series winner in 2022 from Belgium,
World Ironman championship said in a message sent to the Phil- car hit his bike while partici- of long-distance triathlon rac- regained the men’s division title
in Nice, France on Sept. 22. ippine News Agency through a pating in a Denmark Ironman, es consisting of 3.9-kilometer in a time of 8:29.54 while Anne
The native of Mabini, Batangas fellow runner, Alona Cochon. prompting the organizer to swim, 180.2-km bicycle ride and Haug of Germany claimed the
finished the 45-49 age category of Cochon said Gonda qualified give him automatic slot for this a 42.2-km run. women’s category in 9:06.40. ■
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 23

Economic growth target achievable –DOF exec
BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES Philippines on Saturday. faster in the second quarter of in the manufacturing sector. this level. I think maybe around
Philippine News Agency The Philippine economy the year." Household consumption and 6 percent," she added.
grew by 5.7 percent in the first Drivers of growth include government spending are also The National Economic
quarter of the year. the good employment data, and expected to accelerate in the and Development Authority
BAGUIO CITY – The gov- During the first quarter, all ma- growth in the manufacturing coming quarters. (NEDA) earlier said that based
ernment's economic growth jor economic indicators which and exports. "So, once this [household con- on latest available data, Philip-
target is achievable this year, a include agriculture, forestry, and "We have been very reliant in sumption] kicks in, once we have pine economic growth has so
Department of Finance (DOF) fishing; industry; and services services but manufacturing has stable inflation, we do think that far surpassed other major econ-
official said over the weekend. posted year-on-year growth in been quite reliant post-pan- this will increase and it will prop omies in the region.
"I think for the government, the first quarter at 0.4 percent, 5.1 demic," Velasquez said. up your growth kasi yun yung NEDA Secretary Arsenio
our target is 6 to 7 percent. It percent, and 6.9 percent. She said current proposals mga [those are the] heavy lifter in Balisacan said the first-quar-
looks still very achievable," Velasquez said the Philippine under the Corporate Recovery terms of growth," Velasquez said. ter Philippine gross domestic
DOF chief economist Domini economy will need to grow by and Tax Incentives for Enter- "When we look at it, mov- product growth rate is about
Velasquez said during a busi- 6.1 percent in the next three prises (CREATE) MORE (Max- ing forward, it seems that the the same as Vietnam's, and has
ness journalism seminar orga- quarters to attain the 6-percent imize Opportunities for Re- Philippines will be growing at surpassed other major econo-
nized by the San Miguel Cor- growth target for the year. invigorating the Economy) to this kind of pace so when we mies such as China at 5.3 per-
poration and the Economic However, she said the econ- increase incentives for power talk about the potential growth cent, Indonesia at 5.1 percent,
Journalists Association of the omy will likely grow "a little bit cost will also help boost growth of the Philippines, it’s really at and Malaysia at 3.9 percent. ■

BSP wants further DOF: Gov't

cut in banks' RRR sticking to
Philippine News Agency
institutions with quasi-banking
functions was slashed by 250
basis points to 9.5 percent.
Sought for comment, Rizal
Commercial Banking Corpora-
tion chief economist Michael
revenue targets
Remolona, however, said this Ricafort said the RRR cut will BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES has already collected PHP912.9
MANILA – The Bangko Sentral is "still one of the highest in the help boost economic activities. Philippine News Agency billion, up by 16.3 percent from
ng Pilipinas (BSP) wants to re- region." "Any further cut in RRR could the same period last year, while
duce banks' reserve requirement "I have only one vote but I infuse more liquidity into the fi- the BOC collections grew by 6.3
ratio (RRR) rate to 5 percent from would say we can reduce it to 5 nancial system in terms of more MANILA – The Department percent to PHP295.2 billion.
the current 9.5 percent. percent," said Remolona. loanable funds for banks that of Finance (DOF) said the gov- Recto convened officials from
In a televised interview on Reserve requirements refer could also reduce intermedia- ernment is sticking to its rev- the BIR and the BOC on May 15
Friday, Governor Eli Remolona to the percentage of bank de- tion costs and help further spur enue target for this year but to assess their collection perfor-
Jr. said the BSP will likely cut posits and deposit substitute loan growth and demand which, no new inflation-inducing tax mance and strategize on areas
policy rates first before putting liabilities that banks must set in turn, would help further stim- measures will be introduced. where the DOF can offer support.
on the table the cut on RRR. aside in deposits with the BSP "We're keeping the targets. During the meeting, Recto
He said earlier that the BSP which they cannot lend out. ❱❱ PAGE 27 BSP wants further [We] will make [a] review [by] said that with the majority of
might start easing policy rates end of June," Finance Secretary consumers shifting to the e-com-
during the Monetary Board's Ralph Recto told reporters in a merce market, there is a need for
meeting in August this year. Viber message on Monday. enhanced digitalization efforts
"My sense [is] it won't be on The total revenue collection and aligning practices with coun-
the same meeting but we would target for 2024 is expected to tries with advanced tax collec-
like to reduce the reserve re- reach PHP4.3 trillion. tion systems such as South Ko-
quirement by quite a bit be- The bulk of the tax revenues rea, Singapore, and Japan.
cause I think it's distorting amounting to PHP3.05 trillion DOF chief economist Domini
financial intermediation, but will be generated by the Bureau Velasquez, meanwhile, said that
the timing is important," said of Internal Revenue (BIR), while for this year, the DOF's intent is
Remolona. the Bureau of Customs (BOC) is not to impose new taxes.
"We don’t want to do it while expected to collect PHP1 trillion. "No new inflation inducing
we’re still hawkish," he added. The remainder will come tax measures. That non-tax
In June last year, the RRR from non-tax revenues. revenue is actually a short-
of universal and commercial Preliminary data as of the end
banks and non-bank financial (BANGKO SENTRAL NG PILIPINAS/FACEBOOK) of April showed that the BIR ❱❱ PAGE 29 DOF: Gov't sticking
24 Business MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

Glass half empty? What climate change

means for Canada’s wine industry
BY LAILA BENKRIMA, al grape and wine production waves and smoke from for- new production methods and vulnerable to changes in climate
Simon Fraser University across the region — with pro- est fires have heavily impact- technologies while promot- and while global warming is the
The Conversation jected revenue losses over the ed grape yields and resulted ing collaboration between re- greatest challenge the wine in-
next few years in the $440 to in variations in wine quality searchers and growers. dustry faces, it is not the only one.
$445 million range. across regions. The cumulative Agriculture technologies — The last 20 years have seen
Wine has long been synony- It is still too early in the sea- effect of these climate-related ranging from precision viticul- a significant drop in wine con-
mous with good times, celebra- son to assess the full extent of events underscores the unde- ture tools to high-resolution sumption as changing lifestyles,
tion and an appreciation of the the damage and, while many niable influence that climate spatial information and AI — price hikes and health concerns
finer things in life. vines will need replacement, change is already having on offer invaluable insights into push consumers — particularly
Evolved over thousands of there is still hope that with care- wine production and quality. vineyard management, grape young people — to cut back on
years and cultures, wine is some- ful management some vines will The viticulture industry must quality optimization and envi- alcohol. When people do indulge
thing we all take for granted. But bounce back within a few years. confront and adapt to these chal- ronmental practices. in wine, they are increasing-
that is all about to change. The Okanagan cold snap lenges to ensure its sustainability Providing more support to ly splurging on pricier bottles,
Recent publications on cli- is merely the latest climate and resilience in the face of ongo- viticulturists can help incen- choosing quality over quantity.
mate volatility have painted a change-induced climatic event ing environmental changes. tivize sustainable farming prac- Data shows that Gen Z is sip-
bleak picture of the future for to rock the Canadian and global The future of wineries tices and eco-labelling. At the ping far less alcohol (around 20
this beloved alcoholic beverage. wine industry in recent years. In order to adapt, the wine same time, providing access to per cent less) than previous gen-
It is now clear that global Drought conditions, heat industry will need to embrace resources and education can erations and more young people
warming is affecting most of significantly enhance the in- than ever are jumping on the no
the crops that are essential to dustry’s resilience and sustain- or low alcohol “NoLo” movement.
feed the world. Climate change ability over the long term. China, long a major wine
is impacting the production Meanwhile, forward-thinking market, has so far seen a 25 per
of both staple food crops like new policies could encourage re- cent drop in wine sales in 2024
wheat, rice and corn and also search and development in areas as rising prices and economic
commodity crops including cof- like climate change adaptation, slowdown has left fewer glasses
fee, cocoa and grapes. disease management and alter- clinking than ever. Simply put,
Most of the world’s vineyards, native grape varieties more suit- the wine world is experiencing
including its most venerable able for changing environmental a sobering moment.
names, are facing incredible ex- conditions. Policymakers should Turning challenge into op-
istential challenges that pose es- promote the adoption of renew- portunity
sential risks to their very survival able energy sources and more cli- Wine is one of life’s great
if they don’t adapt to the chang- mate-resilient approaches to the pleasures and an intrinsic part
ing environmental conditions. vines and the soil. of human cultures — likely al-
Canadian wine is by no means Canadian governments most as old as civilization itself.
exempt from these changes. should provide financial in- For those of us who drink wine,
Signs of things to come centives and support the wine it is imperative that we try to be
In January 2024, the Okana- industry’s transition to a more mindful of how we can all sup-
gan Valley in British Colum- sustainable future. The recently port our local viticulture indus-
bia experienced a devastating announced $177 million, three- try in these challenging times.
cold snap, with temperatures year extension to the federal As consumers, our role is piv-
plummeting below minus 20 government’s Wine Sector Sup- otal in supporting resilience.
C. This unprecedented climatic port Program is a good start. Actions ranging from embrac-
event inflicted severe damage Climate change not entire- ing local products, visiting vine-
to all the grapevines in the re- ly to blame yards, buying new wines crafted
gion and could result in a 97 to Grapevines are often cultivat-
99 per cent decrease in annu- ed in areas that are incredibly ❱❱ PAGE 27 Glass half empty?

BSP: Dollar strengthens after Fed

signals delay in rate cut
BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES Federal Reserve's statement to 58 to the US dollar today, in line cut will be on hold until infla- tain exchange rate.
Philippine News Agency delay easing of interest rates. with other currencies in the re- tion returns to their 2-percent "Nonetheless, the BSP will
Remolona made the state- gion," he said. target. participate in the market when
ment after the peso further "The dollar continued to Remolona assured that the necessary to smoothen exces-
MANILA – Bangko Sentral depreciated and breached the strengthen as the Federal Re- BSP continues to monitor the sive volatility and restore order
ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor 58 to a dollar level on Tuesday serve signaled delay in cutting foreign exchange market but during periods of stress," he
Eli Remolona Jr. said the dol- morning's trading. interest rates," he added. allows the market to function said. ■
lar strengthened following the "The peso weakened beyond Fed officials earlier said a rate without aiming to protect a cer-
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 Business 25

As governments crack down on fast

fashion’s harms, could Shein lose its shine?
BY ELAINE L RITCH, general has long been linked to low-price retailer Temu to see fashion and textiles will have to cising brands for exploitative
Glasgow Caledonian University potential labour exploitation, if their goods fall foul of the law. become more durable, repair- or unethical practice has been
The Conversation and the precariousness of out- Climate emergency able and recyclable. Businesses levied at fast fashion retailers on
sourcing fashion production to The US is going further in will also need to have strategies social media for years. In partic-
the cheapest supplier within a regulating the fashion industry. in place from the design process ular, influencers who promote
Fast-fashion brand Shein global supply chain was evident In New York, the Fashion Sus- through to the end of life to max- “fashion hauls” have been crit-
expressed interest last year in during the pandemic. And as tainability and Social Account- imise resources and avoid con- icised for encouraging unsus-
listing on the New York Stock awareness of unethical and un- ability Act will, if passed, legis- tributing to landfill. tainable fashion consumption.
Exchange (NYSE). But, having sustainable practices in the wid- late that fashion and footwear French politicians are also The fashion industry may ap-
met some opposition from US er industry grows, activists may brands with more than US$100 “legislating to limit the excess- pear to be unfairly scrutinised
politicians, including Repub- yet have the power to disrupt million (£79 million) in revenue es of ultra-fast fashion”, with for failing to address sustain-
lican Florida senator Marco Shein’s growth. must map 50% of their supply a surcharge from 2025 of €5 ability. After all, it’s hardly the
Rubio, it has now reportedly Swiss NGO Public Eye has chain to ensure transparency. (£4.29) per item, rising to €10 only industry that damages the
turned its attention to London. reported on alleged exploita- They will also have to develop by 2030. This is recognition environment. But the scrutiny
While this would be a boost tion at factories said to be used plans to reduce their social and that ultra-fast and fast fashion appears to be valid; the United
for the London Stock Exchange by Shein, which itself recently environmental impact. does not only exploit labour, Nations now believes that the
(LSE), which has lost several or- issued a comprehensive re- Similarly, in 2019 the Euro- but also the environment. In fashion industry is the second
ganisations to other international sponse saying it has made “ex- pean Parliament declared a cli- being seen as disposable, fast largest polluter in the world.
exchanges over the last five years, tensive progress” in improving mate emergency, and the Euro- fashion has been shown to en- What’s more, as an industry
it raises the question of why Shein conditions. In the US, Rubio pean Commission responded by courage constant consumption. it makes an overt display of its
has not been successful with its introduced a law in 2021 block- developing the European Green While listing Shein on the cheap prices and rapid turn-
application to the NYSE. ing imports made by Chinese Deal. This includes planned LSE could improve the compa- over, with marketing tactics
Shein has gained a significant Uyghur slave labour and has legislation forcing the fashion ny’s respectability and profits, claiming “last chance to buy” or
global market share in online since ordered an investigation industry to address sustainabil- it could backfire for the brand “low in stock”, along with dis-
fast fashion since launching in into Shein and fellow Chinese ity issues, meaning that by 2030 in the long term. Shein could counts that encourage frequent
China in 2008. It found suc- become more visible to a wider impulsive purchases. Our re-
cess accelerating the already audience and with more under- search has found that fast fash-
lucrative fast-fashion business standing of sustainability and ion marketing on social media
model to become an ultra-fast business practices that contrib- is “in your face” and encourages
fashion retailer. ute to the climate emergency, mindless consumption of cloth-
That Shein is the second most activists could begin targeting ing that often languishes in
popular fashion retailer for shareholders and other organ- wardrobes with the tags still on.
American generation Z is un- isations and people with con- Fast-fashion retailers fre-
surprising, given the vast choice nections to the company. quently make sustainability
of up to 10,000 new garments There is precedent for this – claims to alleviate consumer
uploaded daily at significantly activists who targeted museums “eco-guilt”, which are often am-
lower prices than fast-fashion and galleries over their sponsor- biguous and can’t be readily sub-
competitors like Zara and H&M. ship from energy companies, as stantiated. But fast and ultra-fast
Yet those strategies that have well as campus protests in the fashion can never be sustainable
enabled Shein’s international US and Europe calling for uni- due to the speed of turnover and
expansion are now likely hinder- versities to divest from Israeli items that are often binned after
ing its application to the NYSE. companies over its war in Gaza.
The low cost of fast fashion in Shein app on phone screen. (FOCAL FOTO/FLICKR, CC BY-NC 2.0) This trend of publicly criti- ❱❱ PAGE 30 As governments crack

Alcohol use disorder..

❰❰ 19 smoke cigarettes are Finally, recent research sug- ticipates, that has evaluated a of reduced interest in alcohol Alcohol use disorder is a dev-
more likely to benefit gests that gabapentin may be number of promising candidate among patients taking GLP- astating condition for which
from naltrexone. This more effective in people with a medications in Phase 2 and 1 agonists – medications that better treatments are desper-
may be because the additive ef- history of alcohol withdrawal. Phase 3 clinical trials. The FDA mimic the action of glucagon- ately needed. Approved and
fects of alcohol and nicotine on Genes that predict medication typically requires medications like peptide 1 (GLP-1), a hor- off-label medications are cur-
dopamine release in reward-re- effects are also being evaluated, to demonstrate efficacy in at mone produced by the body rently available. As research
lated brain regions makes these but to date none has had consis- least two Phase 3 trials prior to after eating – have prompted into new medications contin-
people particularly likely to tent effects across studies. approval for a new purpose. intense interest in the potential ues, patients should seek pro-
benefit from a medication that On the horizon A resurgence of interest in of these medications to treat viders who use evidence-based
can block dopamine release The search for robustly effec- psychedelic compounds in psy- alcohol use disorder. These in- treatments to have the greatest
by alcohol. Naltrexone also tive medications to treat alco- chiatry has led to preliminary clude Ozempic and Wegovy, likelihood of success in gaining
appears to be more effective hol use disorder is a significant data suggesting that psilocybin, which are FDA-approved for di- control over their drinking. ■
among people whose drinking area of current research. The the active ingredient in hallu- abetes and weight loss. My lab-
is motivated by a desire for the National Institute on Alcohol cinogenic mushrooms, may re- oratory and several others are This article is republished
positive, rewarding effects of al- Abuse and Alcoholism funds duce drinking when paired with conducting trials of these med- from The Conversation under a
cohol, consistent with its ability a multisite research program, psychotherapy. ications, with results expected Creative Commons license.
to reduce these effects. in which my laboratory par- Finally, anecdotal reports in the next one to two years.
26 MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

AI chatbots are intruding into online
communities where people are trying
to connect with other humans
BY CASEY FIESLER, communities are for people. not only be inappropriate, but it
University of Colorado Boulder Human connections would be borderline cruel.
The Conversation In 1993, Howard Rheingold However, it makes complete
published the book “The Vir- sense that these are the types of
tual Community: Homestead- responses that a chatbot would
A parent asked a question ing on the Electronic Frontier” offer. Large language models,
in a private Facebook group in about the WELL, an early and simplistically, function more
April 2024: Does anyone with a culturally significant online similarly to autocomplete than
child who is both gifted and dis- community. The first chap- they do to search engines. For a
abled have any experience with ter opens with a parenting model trained on the millions
New York City public schools? question: What to do about a and millions of posts and com-
The parent received a seem- “blood-bloated thing sucking ments in Facebook groups, the
ingly helpful answer that laid on our baby’s scalp.” “autocomplete” answer to a
out some characteristics of a Rheingold received an answer question in a support communi-
specific school, beginning with from someone with firsthand ty is definitely one that invokes
the context that “I have a child knowledge of dealing with ticks personal experience and offers
who is also 2e,” meaning twice and had resolved the problem be- empathy – just as the “autocom-
exceptional. fore receiving a callback from the plete” answer in a Buy Nothing
On a Facebook group for pediatrician’s office. Of this expe- Facebook group might be to offer
swapping unwanted items near rience, he wrote, “What amazed someone a gently used camera.
Boston, a user looking for spe- me wasn’t just the speed with Keeping chatbots in their
cific items received an offer of which we obtained precisely the online communities to safe- vated by the sense of community lanes
a “gently used” Canon camera information we needed to know, ly find critical resources while that comes with shared experi- This isn’t to suggest that chat-
and an “almost-new portable right when we needed to know reducing feelings of isolation. ences, as well as the humanizing bots aren’t useful for anything
air conditioning unit that I nev- it. It was also the immense in- Mental health support forums aspects of connecting with oth- – they may even be quite useful
er ended up using.” ner sense of security that comes provide young people with be- ers to both seek and provide sup- in some online communities, in
Both of these responses were with discovering that real people longing and validation in addi- port and information. some contexts. The problem is
lies. That child does not exist and – most of them parents, some of tion to advice and social support. Faux people that in the midst of the current
neither do the camera or air con- them nurses, doctors, and mid- In addition to similar findings The most important bene- generative AI rush, there is a
ditioner. The answers came from wives – are available, around the in my own lab related to LGBTQ+ fits of these online spaces as tendency to think that chatbots
an artificial intelligence chatbot. clock, if you need them.” participants in online commu- described by our participants can and should do everything.
According to a Meta help page, This “real people” aspect of on- nities, as well as Black Twitter, could be drastically undermined There are plenty of downsides
Meta AI will respond to a post line communities continues to be two more recent studies, not yet by responses coming from chat- to using large language models
in a group if someone explicit- critical today. Imagine why you peer-reviewed, have emphasized bots instead of people. as information retrieval sys-
ly tags it or if someone “asks a might pose a question to a Face- the importance of the human as- As a type 1 diabetic, I follow tems, and these downsides point
question in a post and no one re- book group rather than a search pects of information-seeking in a number of related Facebook to inappropriate contexts for
sponds within an hour.” The fea- engine: because you want an an- online communities. groups that are frequented by their use. One downside is when
ture is not yet available in all re- swer from someone with real, One, led by PhD student many parents newly navigat- incorrect information could be
gions or for all groups, according lived experience or you want the Blakeley Payne, focuses on fat ing the challenges of caring for dangerous: an eating disorder
to the page. For groups where it human response that your ques- people’s experiences online. a young child with diabetes. helpline or legal advice for small
is available, “admins can turn it tion might elicit – sympathy, out- Many of our participants found Questions are frequent: “What businesses, for example.
off and back on at any time.” rage, commiseration – or both. a lifeline in access to an audi- does this mean?” “How should Research is pointing to im-
Meta AI has also been inte- Decades of research suggests ence and community with sim- I handle this?” “What are your portant considerations in how
grated into search features on that the human component of ilar experiences as they sought experiences with this?” Answers and when to design and deploy
Facebook and Instagram, and online communities is what and shared information about come from firsthand experience, chatbots. For example, one re-
users cannot turn it off. makes them so valuable for both topics such as navigating hos- but they also typically come cently published paper at a large
As a researcher who studies information-seeking and social tile healthcare systems, finding with compassion: “This is hard.” human-computer interaction
both online communities and AI support. For example, fathers clothing and dealing with cul- “You’re doing your best.” And of conference found that though
ethics, I find the idea of uninvit- who might otherwise feel un- tural biases and stereotypes. course: “We’ve all been there.” LGBTQ+ individuals lacking
ed chatbots answering questions comfortable asking for parent- Another, led by Ph.D student A response from a chatbot social support were sometimes
in Facebook groups to be dys- ing advice have found a haven Faye Kollig, found that people claiming to speak from the lived turning to chatbots for help
topian for a number of reasons, in private online spaces just for who share content online about experience of caring for a diabet-
starting with the fact that online dads. LGBTQ+ youth often join their chronic illnesses are moti- ic child, offering empathy, would ❱❱ PAGE 30 AI chatbots are
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 Technology 27

From silent dialogues to vivid memories –

here’s how the science of inner experience
could transform gaming
BY CHARLES bile gaming, the question for Another example is the kind qualities of inner speech, the released sequel, Senua’s Saga,
FERNYHOUGH, Durham studios has become less about of memory we have for the various features of memory and Senua experiences psychosis,
University how to persuade people to events of our own lives. Auto- visual imagination. The inside and you as player share these
The Conversation buy this product (they may be biographical memory can take of a game character’s mind is experiences with her.
downloading it for free) but to different perspectives, vary in often a black box. I think the gaming industry
keep coming back to it. vividness and show a range of There are of course excep- can only benefit from under-
Video games are big busi- Graphics are becoming ever multisensory qualities. Mem- tions to this rule. In Disco standing inner experience bet-
ness. The value of the global more vivid and lifelike. What ory does not work like a video Elysium, for example, you can ter. What I hope we’ll see is a
market is pushing the US$200 studios are doing with audio camera, but instead brings to- play with the main character’s more fluid, realistic, immersive
billion mark (£158 billion): big- design is stunning. The player gether sights, sounds, smells thoughts and mental attributes gaming experience where the
ger than the music industry and feels they are actually there in and other kinds of information in an unusual way. This text- inner worlds of gaming charac-
Hollywood combined. But the that medieval village or that in a dynamic, endlessly shifting based game was, however, lim- ters live and breathe as much as
gaming industry has also been rainforest or on that spaceship way. We are even beginning to ited in what it could do to depict their actions in the game world.
facing challenges. The market travelling between galaxies. understand how these different the subjective qualities of inner As well as having the potential
is shrinking from its peak at And yet a common criticism of qualities of memory are real- experience – the colourful pag- to create new, interesting and
the height of the pandemic, and many games is – still – that they ised in the brain. eant of the everyday mind. memorable takes on the gaming
there has been a rash of layoffs are just like watching a film. Opening the black box To give an example of a game experience, this work has re-
and studio closures. That’s a puzzle, because of Making a game is fundamen- I consulted on, Hellblade is the al-world implications for acces-
In this uncertain environ- how gaming, more than other tally about creating an experi- multi-award-winning story of sibility, mental health, neurodi-
ment, game developers are, media, creates so much poten- ence – seeding an experience in an eighth-century Pictish war- versity and sensory inclusion.
more than ever, looking to cre- tial for a truly interactive expe- the mind of its player. rior, Senua, whose inner expe- In fact, our starting point is
ate experiences that stay with rience. You are not just watch- When we do get to share a rience is distinctive in that she that there is no such thing as a
their players. A great deal of ing that ship sailing across game character’s inner experi- hears voices and has other un- “normal” mind – we are all dif-
effort goes into visual elements, the galaxy; you are captaining ence, it tends to lack the vari- usual perceptions and beliefs. ferent, and our own minds dif-
including the appearance and it. You can choose your body ety and nuance that the science In the first game, Senua’s Sacri- fer from moment to moment.
overt behaviour of characters, shape and physical skills, and tells us is there: the different fice, and in its just-about-to-be- Rather than just taking your
for example. But at the level of see them depicted there on the own mind into the gaming ex-
subjective experience, the in- screen in astonishingly lifelike perience, gaming provides an
ner worlds of gaming charac- detail. But these qualities are exhilarating opportunity to
ters are not so often explored. mostly on the surface, at the experience a different kind of
This is where the science level of appearance and overt mind while you are there.
comes in. My research over the behaviour. Gaming has incredible poten-
last 30 years has been about How could gaming go deeper tial to work for good. Most of all,
inner experience: the things into inner experience? Here’s it’s not about some worthy edu-
in our minds that we are con- one example. Many people re- cational ideal. Games are – and
scious of, such as thoughts, port having a silent, internal should be – about having fun.
memories, inner dialogue, vi- conversation with themselves Beyond opening up creative
sual imagery, feelings and emo- for much of the time. Our re- possibilities for game develop-
tions. Traditionally considered search has shown that inner ers and players, I believe that
impossible to study because of speech comes in several differ- knowing more about our own
its private nature, inner experi- ent forms and has varied func- inner experience can be help-
ence is becoming established as tions in thinking, planning and ful, restorative, even therapeu-
an important field of cognitive emotion regulation. But when tic. Gaming is a powerful way to
science. And it has the potential inner speech is depicted in vid- push that ideal forward. ■
to transform gaming. eo games, it tends to lack the
In so many ways, video games qualities and variety that make This article is republished
just keep getting better and bet- the experience so different be- from The Conversation under a
ter. With the shift toward mo- tween people. Creative Commons license.

Glass half empty?.. BSP wants further..

❰❰ 24 from climate-resilient adapt to change but can also thrive gloom there remains a ray of innovation within the viticul- ❰❰ 23 ulate more business
varieties and staying by producing great wines and de- hope. Using adaptation strat- ture sector. That, if nothing else, and economic activi-
informed about the veloping the wine tourism that egies and embracing agritech would be a positive outcome. ■ ties," said Ricafort.
challenges confronting the win- will educate consumers about the innovation, we can mitigate the Ricafort reiterated that for ev-
ery sector all can contribute to a tradition and cultural heritage of impacts of climate change as This article is republished ery one-percentage-point cut in
brighter future for the industry. Canadian wine making. much as possible. This adversity from The Conversation under a large banks’ RRR, an additional
We need to believe that the Ca- While global warming news could catalyze a heightened focus Creative Commons license. PHP146 billion will be infused
nadian wine industry can not only can often seem all doom-and- on sustainability, adaptation and into the banking system. ■
28 MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

Travel Serves up 4 Accommodations
to Celebrate Tennis
BOOKING.COM For them, there are a spectrum Wimbledon, its beautifully re- gan Place Gardens is complete events and archeological relics,
of attractions - from the Chal- stored rooms take their stylistic with tennis courts and will be visitors to this capital city of
lengers Tennis soiree, an af- inspiration from the property’s cherished by tennis travelers in Italy will be privy to some out-
Calling all tennis fans! With ternoon of playful competition 19th century beginnings, flaunt- the mood to play a game or two. standing experiences. It is also
the grand slam season and ten- and socializing, to the Wargrave ing a contemporary yet timeless Rome, Italy home to an annual professional
nis tournament calendar in full Festival Go for Gold Tennis Day vibe. Travelers here can enjoy Rome is a city so historically tennis tournament that dates
swing, we are presenting a tour at the Wargrave Tennis Club, afternoon tea in the lounge, rich and culturally important back to 1935 and flaunts a loy-
of places to stay that also serve which promotes social and cocktails at the marble-topped that it’s only natural for trav- al following. For more day-trip
up exclusive tennis courts, per- competitive matches among bar, followed by modern British elers to come equipped with fun, travelers can hire a carand
fect to smash an ace. Of those groups of all ages. Die-hards cuisine at The Lalee - The Cado- a list of famous attractions to drive over to Vatican City. This
who are traveling for sports this though won't go wrong with gan’s flagship restaurant. Mov- hit. From legendary museums sovereign city-state located
year, according to our insights, the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis ing outdoors, the private Cado- and street markets, to sporting within Rome is the seat of the
64%* of travelers say they are Museum. It’s located just steps pope and Catholic church - and
doing so because they are pas- from the center court and trac- is a must see by all. Visitors here
sionate about a team or sport, es the history of the sport since can opt for the Admission to
while 47%* say they will be its conception in the 16th cen- the Vatican Museum & Sistine
traveling for sports just to make tury. Visitors note - admission Chapel ticket that grants them
a trip out of the occasion. In an- also includes a ten-minute tour speedy access to all the galler-
ticipation, we are rounding up of the world-famous Centre ies, featuring works collected
four exceptional tennis-court Court! First-timers to London, by the Catholic Church and pa-
stays in these tournament cities however, can hop a ride on the pacy over the many centuries.
for - a game, set, and match. River Thames Cruise to admire Where to stay: Rome Cava-
London, United Kingdom the skyline’s most iconic sights lieri, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel
London is sprawling - while as they glide along the Thames. is a luxury property that boasts
on the one hand it’s the center Where to Stay: The Cadogan panoramic views of “The Eter-
of all things art and culture, it is is one of London’s most elegant nal City” and the Vatican from
also a prized destination among boutique hotels. Located in its hilltop setting. Guests will be
travelers in town for the world’s Chelsea and just 30 minutes by
oldest tennis championship. public transport to the town of ❱❱ PAGE 30 Serves

Boracay as next go-to dive spot;

hyperbaric center rising soon
BY JOYCE ANN L. native dive destination in the tination sa Pilipinas, kasi first municipality also targets to en- addressed,” she added.
ROCAMORA Philippines. time namin. I thank you very tice more millennials and those Boracay was among the five
Philippine News Agency To support this goal, the DOT much for really pushing it na from the older age groups, par- key destinations earlier iden-
formally broke ground for the mayroon tayo dito (Thank you ticularly those that over 60 tified for DOT’s hyperbaric
soon-to-rise Hyperbaric Cham- very much because you includ- years old. chamber project to add to the 15
MANILA – Sun and beach for ber Center in Boracay Island on ed Boracay as a dive destina- Frasco, for her part, said this existing hyperbaric chambers
the longest time has been Boracay Tuesday. tion in the Philippines, because initiative highlights the impor- across the country.
Island’s crowd-puller that thou- In his message, Malay Mayor it's our first time. I thank you tance the government puts on the Other locations where the
sands of locals and foreigners are Frolibar Bautista thanked the very much for pushing that we safety and comfort of tourists. DOT and Tourism Infrastruc-
willing to travel just to experience DOT for putting the island in its have a center here),” he said, “[I]t’s also not enough to just ture and Enterprise Zone Au-
its unmatched combination of dive destinations map and em- addressing Tourism Secretary say that we will continue to pro- thority (TIEZA) will soon con-
fine white sands and calm waters. phasized the support this hyper- Christina Frasco. mote the island, we have to im- struct hyperbaric chambers
To date, the Department of baric chamber center would pro- Bautista is optimistic this prove the developmental pillars include Camiguin, Cebu, Ne-
Tourism (DOT) is ramping up vide to the recovering Boracay. new center would attract more of the island,” she said. gros Oriental, and Puerto Gal-
efforts to “further elevate Bora- “Thank you very much, tourists to the island, specifical- “The provision of safety mea- era in Oriental Mindoro. ■
cay’s status on the world stage” Ma’am Secretary, dahil sinama ly international divers. sures for our tourists is a basic
and position it as a good alter- niyo ang Boracay as dive des- On top of this, he said the need, and therefore, it has to be
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 29

175-meter-long 'yema'
cake satisfies Quezon
folk's sweet tooth
BY BELINDA OTORDOZ val was tagged "Yemayohan 2024." branches in Makati, Pasay and
Philippine News Agency Favorite 'pasalubong' Quezon City.
A total of 1,700 people con- The business became a huge
sumed the colossal treat that was success mainly because of the
TAYABAS CITY, Quezon – A actually made up of 1,400 smaller popularity of its flagship prod-
tradition that began as thanks- cakes placed side-by-side. uct, the Rodillas Yema Cake.
giving for a bountiful harvest In an interview, Mayor Love- Visitors to this province would
now helps support the local con- ly Reynoso-Pontioso gave much often bring with them boxes of
fectionery industry while also of the credit to the proprietors this treat to give away as "pas-
attracting tourists to this city. of Monica and Jett Bakeshop, alubong" to family and friends.
Tayabasins, the native pop- makers of the nationally-fa- Dylan Jason Sabio, immedi-
ulation here, celebrated their mous Rodillas Yema Cake, who ate past president of the Rotary
annual “Mayohan” Festival on volunteered to take on the gar- Club of Lucena Circle, was one
Wednesday in a unique way this gantuan task of baking a cake of the spectators who sampled Umarangkada sa kalsada ang hanay ng mga YemaCake (MAYOR LOVELY REYNOSO-
year – by gobbling up a mam- that is almost twice as long as a the yema cake. PONTIOSO/FACEBOOK)

moth 175-meter-long "yema" football field. "I have a sweet tooth but the
(custard caramel) cake that was "We are glad that the Rodil- sweetness of this yema cake gated rice cake). balcony of the historic Casa
laid out on interconnected tables las volunteered this year. Their is just right for my palate. It's Pontioso said the municipal Comunidad de Tayabas, much
along a decked-out city street. yema cake is now famous and not that over sweet and I must government allocated funds for to the delight of locals and tour-
The locals and visitors we are glad that our people got say (the) Rodillas have outdone the baking of some 11,000 piec- ists, who tried to scoop up as
alike have been celebrating to eat the locally made cake and themselves this time, even with es of suman to sustain a very many as they could.
the Mayohan (from the word some even took home some por- this huge number of cakes," unique tradition in this city, The activity, said Pontioso,
'Mayo', the Filipino word for tions of it," she told reporters Sabio said. called the “hagisan ng suman” reflects the city's tradition of
the month of May) since the and bloggers covering the event. Unique tradition (tossing of suman). sharing to the people the boun-
1980s but it is only the first Monica and Jett Bakeshop However, Tayabas also show- The mayor and Philippine tiful harvests of their commu-
time they partook of the longest is owned by Juliet and Vin- cased a more traditional delica- Tourism Authority (PTO) of- nity, with rice being the main
serving of yema cake. cent Rodillas, a Tayabas couple cy during the Mayohan Festival ficials led the tossing of thou- ingredient of suman. ■
For this reason, this year's festi- whose business now also has – the undying “suman” (elon- sands of suman from the

DOF: Gov't sticking.. Bridgerton is back..

❰❰ 23 term solution as men- "So, focusing particularly on ❰❰ 18 To join in the cele- derful books from my childhood stories for children. In using
tioned. So, we were non-tax revenues. So, that's go- brations, we begin a – Father Christmas, Fungus The beautifully realised comic-strip
expecting that this ing to be your dividends. That's series of articles this Bogeyman, The Snowman – is be- storytelling, Briggs did a great
year, I think the intent is not to going to be your privatization. week focusing on particular ing honoured with an exhibition deal to rehabilitate comics as
impose new taxes," Velasquez And that's going to be some of works in the gallery and the of his work at the Ditchling Art + an acceptable form of children’s
said during the San Miguel Cor- tweaking of fees and charges. stories they tell, from Giovanni Craft Museum in Sussex, close to literature. The magic is in the
poration-Economic Journalists And then, of course, reforms Girolamo Savoldo’s Mary Mag- where he lived. tiniest of humdrum details, and
Association of the Philippines to enhance revenue mobiliza- dalene, to a Victorian painting Besides his shock-value hu- a delight to behold. ■
business journalism seminar tion," she said. of the gallery itself by a lit- mour – including rendering Fa-
held in Baguio City over the Velasquez said the DOF is tle-known artist. You can look ther Christmas as a grumpy Santa This article was first pub-
weekend. looking at how to improve col- forward to further explorations (on the loo!) and taking great glee lished in our email newsletter
“If you look at the program, lections from e-commerce. of the gallery’s extraordinary in the revolting habits of a slimy, Something Good, which every
most of that would be coming "That's one of the things that collection in the weeks to come. foul-smelling green creature – fortnight brings you a summary
from increasing revenues of BIR we're looking at. How to im- Finally, to the work of a great Briggs must be remembered as a of the best things to watch, visit
and that’s very realistic,” he added. prove tax collections on that. artist on a more humble, everyday pioneer of the comic strip. and read, as recommended and
Velasquez said the govern- I think there are initial stages scale: the much-loved Raymond He was among the first illus- analysed by academic experts.
ment will maximize potential in talking to e-commerce plat- Briggs, who died at the age of 88 trators to disregard the trashy This article is republished
revenues from non-traditional forms on how to improve taxes in 2022. Briggs, the author-illus- reputation that plagued com- from The Conversation under a
sources in the short term. already," said Velasquez. ■ trator of some of the most won- ic strips and use them to tell Creative Commons license.
30 MAY 24, 2024 FRIDAY

As governments crack.. With Olympics..

❰❰ 25 one wear. of those in the sector. While a ❰❰ 22 bodies of sport orga- sulting from sport. have their own flaws to contend
So, although the London listing for Shein might nizations (that sup- 2. Laws and regulations to with, they signal a possible shift
marketing entices be a shot in the arm for the LSE, it posedly serve and are protect child athletes from ex- toward advancing children’s
customers through social me- could spell trouble for the retailer served by the public interest) ploitation and ensure access to rights in sport.
dia, the messages consumers as it finds itself – and its practices have steadfastly maintained education. The troubles experienced by
see as they scroll are increas- – under increasing scrutiny. ■ their autonomy. The changes 3. Policies, programs and children in sport do not exist
ingly competing with stories of have not been handled responsi- training aligned with the best in- in isolation. They are system-
activism and protests about fast Shein was approached about bly by many sport organizations. terests of the child and interna- ic. And the sooner children are
fashion’s harmful effects. the claims made in this article Sport is failing children tional child protection standards. removed from the control of
As moves to regulate the but declined to comment. For over 30 years, there has However, none of this is pos- sport organizations and able to
fast-fashion industry spread to This article is republished been extensive reporting on sible with the current structure receive the same protections
more regions, the effects will al- from The Conversation under a scandals, corrupt and illegal of sport organizations. Gover- as children in other institu-
most certainly affect the profits Creative Commons license. practices, human rights viola- nance failures within sports or- tions, the more likely sport is to
tions, failures of governance and ganizations have led to situations change overall.
athlete maltreatment in sport. where there is far more focus on There will eventually be a
Children have not been pro- achieving success and protecting generation of adult athletes
AI chatbots are.. tected from the failures of sport reputations than on governing in who have not been intimidat-
organizations. For the most part, a transparent, accountable and ed, exploited or abused by those
❰❰ 26 with mental health and deployment means not only the rules and disciplinary proce- democratic manner. in authority in sport, and who
needs, those chat- auditing for issues such as bias dures of sports are not modified Protecting children in sport have been protected from ex-
bots frequently fell and misinformation, but also in the best interests of children. Glimpses of a protected class ploitation by adults.
short in grasping the nuance of taking the time to understand in Enshrining and enforcing the for children in sport are emerg- As the UN Special Rappor-
LGBTQ+-specific challenges. which contexts AI is appropriate status of a “protected class” for ing. There are efforts to have com- teur on the Sale and Sexual Ex-
Another found that though and desirable for the humans children engaged in athletic work plaints of maltreatment managed ploitation of Children, pointed
a group of autistic participants who will be interacting with would be a major step toward by authorities independent from out during a Human Rights
found value in interacting with them. Right now, many compa- achieving children’s rights in sport. sport organizations, for example, Council session in 2019:
a chatbot for social communi- nies are wielding generative AI The International Labour in Canada, the United States, Ger- “The principles of autonomy and
cation advice, that chatbot was as a hammer, and as a result, ev- Organization’s statement on many and Australia. specificity, which are at the heart of
also dispensing questionable ad- erything looks like a nail. “decent work in sport” recog- There have also been moves sports institutions, should never be
vice. And yet another found that Many contexts, such as on- nizes child athletic workers and to raise the minimum age limits used as an excuse to renege on the
though a chatbot was helpful as a line support communities, are provides a road map for making in open competition categories human rights responsibilities of
preconsultation tool in a health best left to humans. ■ children a protected class in and to adopt anti-doping rules these organizations.” ■
context, patients sometimes sport. It outlines the need for that treat child athletes less
found expressions of empathy This article is republished the following: harshly than adult athletes. This article is republished
to be insincere or offensive. from The Conversation under a 1. Special protection from While these examples are few from The Conversation under a
Responsible AI development Creative Commons license. abuse, injuries and illnesses re- in number, narrow in scope, and Creative Commons license. Serves..
❰❰ 28 charmed by its park- of the extraordinary stadium, the world-famous home of the town for the celebrated national from Australia, 500 from New
land outside and ac- steeped in tennis history, and Grand Slam championship. tennis championship will have a Zealand, 800 from Spain, 800
commodations inside, even venture behind the scenes Come sundown, a gourmet feast memorable stay atFour Points from Italy, 1,800 from France,
showcasing elegant tones and to follow in the footsteps of the awaits at Le Schiap, the hotel’s by Sheraton Flushing. Located 1,800 from the UK, 1,800 from
plush furnishings. Travelers greatest players the game has on-site restaurant. moments away from Flushing Germany, 800 from the Nether-
in town for tennis can opt for seen. Visitors to Paris can also New York, United States Meadows Park, the air-condi- lands, 500 from Denmark, 500
a game or two at one of the ho- book a spot on this popular City Ah New York, the city that tioned accommodations fea- from Sweden, 400 from Croatia,
tel's on-site courts, before hiring Sightseeing Cruise for a bit of hosts the best and brightest in ture comfortable beds, produc- 800 from Switzerland, 800 from
a carto explore the impressive unforgettable sightseeing along music, theater, sports, and cul- tive workspaces, and a shared Belgium, 800 from Ireland, 500
Foro Italico sports complex. the Seine with a tour guide of- ture. Located just a few miles lounge, while the on-site bar and from Austria, 1,800 from Mex-
Later, they can unwind in style at fering insights into the city’s from LaGuardia Airport, The restaurant is great for whiling ico, 800 from Colombia, 1,800
one of the suites fitted out with deep history and culture. Billie Jean Tennis Center is the time away. Health, fitness, from Brazil, 800 from Argenti-
rooftop balconies, before savor- Where to stay: The Hôtel de where the country’s most fa- and tennis buffs will appreci- na, 1,800 from India, 800 from
ing a meal at one of the proper- Berri Champs-Elysées, a Luxury mous tennis championship is ate the fully equipped fitness China, 500 from Hong Kong,
ty’s acclaimed restaurants. Collection Hotel is convenient- played every year. Come late club, swimming pool, and ten- 800 from Thailand, 800 from
Paris, France ly located - just moments away August and the exclusive Flush- nis center - all available with- Singapore, 500 from Taiwan,
Chic, glamorous, and brim- from the shopping-mobbed ing Meadows park in Queens is in the property. Start the day 800 from Vietnam, 800 from
ming with culture, France’s Champs-Elysées, as well as abuzz with tennis fans, tourists, right with a buffet or American South Korea, 1,800 from Japan,
capital city lives up to the sights like Arc de Triomphe and endless entertainment op- breakfast, before heading out to 500 from UAE). In order to par-
hype every time. From monu- and Musee du Louvre. Com- tions - including an on-site tour explore the iconic Arthur Ashe ticipate in this survey, respon-
ment-lined boulevards with de- bining boutique-hotel intimacy of the exclusive National Ten- Stadium, located a few miles dents had to be 18 years of age
signer boutiques to museums with a luxury-hotel vibe, rooms nis Center. Nearby, the Queens away and said to be the largest or older, had to have traveled for
and sporting events for every walk the line between fashion- Art Museum famous for its tennis stadium in the world. ■ leisure in the past 12 months in-
type of traveler, there is much able and comfortable. Trav- panorama of New York City cluding an overnight stay, plan-
to love. Speaking of major tour- elers in town for Paris’s most and the Queens Zoo with its sea *Research commissioned by ning to travel for leisure in 2024
naments, tennis fans flock here famous tennis tournament can lion pool are favorites among and independent- and involved in travel planning.
every year at the end of May to get into the mood by playing a families with tots in tow. For ly conducted among a sample of The survey was taken online and
watch the thrilling champion- set or two at the private park, first-timers though, this New 32,300 respondents across 32 took place in January and Feb-
ship at Roland-Garros. While complete with tennis courts, York CityPassis just the ticket! markets (including 2,000 from ruary 2024.
there, visitors can take a tour before hitting Roland-Garros, Where to stay: Travelers in the US, 800 from Canada, 1,800
MAY 17,
JULY 24, 2020
2024 cx328



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