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Hapter: Closed Book Short

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Closed Book Short

1. Give the English meanings of the words prakrti, purusa, and jneyam. (1)
2. Give the English meaning of ksetra-jnam (3)
3. Explain the analogy of the citizen and his patch of land. (3)
4. List five levels of brahma puccham pratiṣṭha as stated in the Taittireya Upanishad 2.9. (5)
5. List the 11 senses. (6-7)
6. List any four aspects of the Supersoul. (13-18)
7. What advice is given, by Krishna, to those who are not conversant in spiritual knowledge? (26)
8. Explain the analogy of how air enters into water, mud and stool etc. compared with living
entities. (33)

Closed Book Questions

1. Explain the connection between Bhagavad-Gita Chapters 12 and 13.

2. Present a summary of Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 13, identifying the main philosophical concepts
and sections of verses, and how they connect.
3. Explain which is the most important point in the process of knowledge. (8-12)

Open Book Essays

1. Explain how the living entity becomes entangled in the modes of nature with reference to BG
13.20-23, verses and purports.
2. Explain how the living entity is the cause of the various sufferings and enjoyments in this world.
Give reference to 13.21-22, verses and purports, in your response.
3. Explain with reference to verses and purports in Chapter 13, the relationship between the
material nature, individual soul and the Supersoul.
4. Contrast what constitutes ‘knowledge’ and ‘ignorance’ as per the Bhagavad-gita, with the
modern-day understanding of ‘knowledge’ and ‘ignorance’. Provide reference to verses and
purports purports from BG chapter 13 in your response.

Closed Book Short

1. How do those situated in the mode of goodness become conditioned? (6)

2. The mode of passion is characterized by what? (7)
3. List 3 results of the mode of ignorance. (8)
4. Cite symptoms manifested in each of the three modes. (11-13)
5. What are the respective destinations, at death, of those situated in the modes. (14-15)
6. List 3 symptoms of a person who has transcended the material modes of nature 14.22-25.
7. Explain the analogy of how king and his servant enjoy on an equal level. (27)

Closed Book Questions

1. Explain the connection between Bhagavad-Gita Chapters 13 and 14.

2. Present a summary of Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 14, identifying the main philosophical concepts
and sections of verses, and how they connect.
3. Explain the mahat-tattva as described in 14.3 verse and purport. (3)
4. Explain the analogy of scorpion and its laying of egg in piles of rice. (3)
5. Explain the analogy of the living entity compared with gold. (26)
6. Briefly describe the conditioning of the three modes of nature upon a living entity with
reference to appropriate verses from Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 14.
7. Explain how to transcend the material modes of nature with reference to appropriate verses
from Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 14.

Open Book Essays

1. With reference to Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 14, verses and purports, discuss in your own words,
ways you are personally influenced by the modes of passion and ignorance practical ways you
can develop the mode of goodness.
2. Discuss the relevance of Krishna’s statements in BG 14.3-4 in relation to current social, moral,
scientific, and environmental issues. Give reference to BG 14.3-4., verses and purports in your
3. Srila Prabhupada writes in purport to 14.17: ‛Even if the majority of the people aren’t happy
and prosperous, if a certain percentage of the population develops Krishna consciousness and
becomes situated in the mode of goodness, then there is the possibility for peace and
prosperity all over the world.‛ Discuss the significance of this statement for ISKCON, present
and future.
4. The present human civilization is, of course, grossly misled by the modes of passion and
ignorance. It is a very dangerous age, and all nations should take care to provide the easiest
process, Krishna consciousness, to save humanity from the greatest danger. Discuss this
statement in relation to Srila Prabhupada’s mission. Give reference to 14.16, verse and purport
in your response.
5. Present an overview of the three modes of material nature along with their symptoms and
identify contemporary examples of their influence with reference to BG chapter 14 verses and
purports in your response.


Closed Book Short

1. Give the English meaning of urdhva-mulam and adhaḥ-sakham. (1)

2. What do the leaves of the banyan tree refer to? (1)
3. What is the tree of the material world situated on? (1)
4. This banyan tree is nourished by what? (2)
5. Give the English meaning of asanga-sastrena. (3-4)
6. Give three examples of how Krishna maintains this material world. (12 -14)
7. What do the words ksarah and aksarah refer to? (16)
8. What is the meaning of Purusottama? (18)

Closed Book Questions

1. Explain the connection between Bhagavad-Gita Chapters 14 and 15.

2. Present a summary of Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 15, identifying the main philosophical concepts
and sections of verses, and how they connect.
3. Explain the following analogies:
a. Of the air carrying aromas. 15.8
b. The handful of dust. 15.13
4. Explain why the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is celebrated both in the world and
in the Vedas as that Supreme Person. 15.16-18

Open Book Essays

1. Explain the process of freeing oneself from weaknesses of heart, with reference to 15.1-5,
verses and purports. Discuss the relevance of this process in your own practice of Krishna
2. Refute the argument that in the liberated state becomes one with the Supreme Lord. Give
reference to 15.7, verse and purport, in your response.
3. Srila Prabhupada writes: ‚the living entities also have fragmental portions of His qualities, of
which independence is one‛. Discuss the import of this statement, for preaching Krsna
consciousness, with reference to 15.7, verse and purport.
4. Explain the process of transmigration with reference to 15.8-10, verses and purports.
5. Explain the significance of Krishna’s statement, ‚From Me come remembrance, knowledge and
forgetfulness‛. Give reference to 15.15, verse and purport, in your response.
6. Present an overview of the banyan tree analogy explaining its relationship to the conditioning
of the modes of material nature, with reference to BG 15.1-7.
7. Discuss the relevance of Krishna’s statement ‘sa sarva-vid bhajati mam’ for personal and
preaching application. Give reference to 15.17-20, verses and purports, in your response.

Closed Book Short

1. Give the English meaning of the following words:

a. sampada (1-3)
b. pravrttim and nivrttim (7)
c. anisvaram (8)
d. ugra-karmanah (9)
2. Give two qualities each, relevant for sannyasis and grhasthas, as discussed in the purport
3. What two qualities are particularly meant for bramacaris? (1-3)
4. What quality is particularly meant for varnaprasthas? (1-3)
5. Who was the best example, according to the purport of text 16.16, of a demoniac man? (16)
6. Give the English meaning of mam aprapyaiva kaunteya. (20)
7. List the three gates leading to hell. (21)
8. What is the result for those who develop a demoniac nature? (23)

Closed Book Questions

1. Explain the connection between Bhagavad-Gita Chapters 15 and 16.

2. Present a summary of Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 16, identifying the main philosophical concepts
and sections of verses, and how they connect.
3. Discuss significance of the word ‘abhijatasya’ for ISKCON communities. BG 16.1-3.
4. In 16.7 purport Srila Prabhupada writes: ‚ the Manu-Samhita it is clearly stated that a
woman should not be given freedom.‛ Discuss, with reference to BG chapter 16, the relevance
of this statement for ISKCON.
5. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 16.9 ‚Animal killing is very prominent amongst
demoniac people. Such people are considered the enemies of the world because ultimately
they will invent or create something which will bring destruction to all.‛ Discuss, with reference
to BG chapter 16, the relevance of this statement for modern civilization.
6. Describe the results of developing the demoniac nature as described in 16.19-20.
7. Describe the results of discarding scriptural injunctions and acting according to one’s own
Open Book Essays

1. Select three divine qualities listed in 16.1-3, and discuss the importance of developing them for
a practitioner of Krishna consciousness. Discuss how cultivating these qualities effects one’s
capacity for spreading Krishna consciousness.
2. Select divine qualities listed in 16.1-3, and discuss challenges you face in developing them.
How has your study of this section of Bhagavad Gita practically helped you to overcome these
challenges? Give reference to BG Chapter 16, verses and purports in your response.

3. Identify examples of demoniac nature from current local and global issues. Give reference to
16.4-18, verses and purports in your response.
4. Present to a contemporary audience:
a. the three gateways to hell and importance of avoiding these
b. the necessity of following scriptural injunctions
5. Provide reference to BG 16.21-24 verses and purports in your response.
6. ‚One has to raise himself at least to the mode of goodness before the path to understanding
the Supreme Lord can be opened. Without raising oneself to the standard of the mode of
goodness, one remains in ignorance and passion, which are the cause of demoniac life.‛
Discuss this statement, in relation to the practice of Krishna consciousness, with reference to
BG Chapter 16, verses and purports.


Closed Book Short

1. Give the English meaning of the phrase: ‚tri-vidha bhavati sraddha‛ (2)
2. List four results of eating food in the mode of goodness. (8)
3. List three characteristics of a sacrifice in the mode of ignorance.(13)
4. Austerity of the body consists of what eight items? (14)
5. Give the English meaning of svadhyaya abhyasanam. (15)
6. List 3 characteristics of penance performed in the mode of passion. (18)
7. List 3 symptoms of charity in the mode of goodness. (20)

Closed Book Questions

1. Explain the connection between Bhagavad-Gita Chapters 16 and 17.
2. Present a summary of Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 17, identifying the main philosophical concepts
and sections of verses, and how they connect.
3. Summarize Krishna’s instructions on food in the modes as described in 17. 7-10.
4. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 17.15: ‚One should not speak in such a way as to
agitate the minds of others.‛ Discuss the significance of this statement for preachers of Krishna

Open Book Essays

1. Explain, in your own words, how different religious practices can be evaluated, according to
the modes of material nature, with reference to Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 17, 1-3 verses &
2. With reference to Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 17, 1-3 verses & purports, explain the statement
from purport 17.2 ‚...blind faith in a particular mode of nature cannot help a person become
elevated to the perfectional stage.‛
3. Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to 17.5-6: ‚The scriptures recommend fasting for
spiritual advancement, not for some political end or social purpose. Persons who take to such
austerities are, according to Bhagavad-Gita, certainly demoniac.‛ Discuss the relevance of this
statement in for contemporary peaching of Krishna consciousness. Give reference to
Bhagavad-Gita Chapters 16 and 17, verses and purports in your answer.
4. Appropriately present to a contemporary audience, the items of austerity of the body, speech
and mind and how best to apply them. Provide reference to BG 17.14-19 verses and purports
in your response.
5. Discuss the relevance, for personal and preaching application, of Krishna’s analysis of worship,
food, sacrifices, austerities and charity in the modes of nature with reference to Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter 17.4-22 verses & purports.
6. Explain the significance of the words om tat sat with regards to sacrifice, charity and penance
with reference to BG 17.23-28 verses and purports.
7. Explain appropriate and inappropriate charity with reference to BG 17.20-22 verses & purports.
8. With reference to appropriate verses, purports and Prabhupada’s lectures from Bhagavad-Gita
Chapters 14 and 17, explain in your own words.

a. The importance of developing the mode of goodness in the practice of Krishna

b. How Krishna consciousness is independent of the mode of goodness.


Closed Book Short

1. What do the wise call giving up the results of all activities? (2)
2. List 3 acts which should not to be given up even the great souls. (5)
3. List the five causes for the accomplishment of all action. (13-14)
4. Give 5 characteristics of a worker in the mode of ignorance. (28)
5. List three symptoms of happiness in the mode of goodness. (37)
6. List 5 qualities each, by which the brahmanas and kṣatriyas respectively work. (42-43)
7. List six symptoms of surrender in Sanskrit or English (66)
8. This confidential knowledge may never be explained to whom? (67)

Closed Book Questions

1. Explain the connection between Bhagavad-Gita Chapters 17 and 18.

2. Present a summary of Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 18, identifying the main philosophical concepts
and sections of verses, and how they connect.
3. Explain the significance of Krishna being addressed by Arjuna as ‚Kesi-niṣudana‛? (1)
4. Explain Krishna’s final opinion. (6)
5. Explain the significance of the phrase dharmyam samvadam . (18.7)
6. Explain the analogy of the soldier killing. (17)
7. Explain the analogy of fire covered by smoke. (48)
8. Identify and discuss for personal and preaching application significant verses mentioned in BG
9. Explain the analogy of a person seated in a high-speed motorcar. (61)
10. Cite examples of Srila Prabhupada displaying the six items of surrender in his behavior.
11. Substantiate the importance of surrender to Krishna through the bona fide spiritual master
coming in disciplic succession with appropriate references from the Bhaktisastras.

Open Book Essays

1. Discuss why a sannyasi would encourage the marriage ceremony? Give reference to 18.5-7,
verses and purports, and examples from Srila Prabhupada’s life, in your response.
2. Analyze renunciation according to the modes of nature with reference to 18.7-12, verses and
purports, in your response.
3. Present to a contemporary audience, the five factors of action and the importance of this
understanding/the relevance that this understanding holds for us. Refer to BG 18.13-17 verses
and purports in your response.
4. Discuss the relevance, for preaching application, of Krishna’s analysis of knowledge in the
modes. Give reference to 18.20-22, verses and purports, in your response.
5. Discuss the relevance, for personal and preaching application, of Krishna’s analysis of
knowledge, action, worker, understanding and determination in the modes of nature with
reference to Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 18.19-35 verses & purports.
6. Discuss the relevance, for personal and preaching application, of Krishna’s analysis of
happiness in the modes. Give reference to 18.36-39, verses and purports, in your response.
7. Sometimes a merchant says, ‚Oh, my dear customer, for you I am making no profit...‛.Explain
the importance of this statement with reference to 18.46-48, verses and purports.

8. Summarize Krsna’s instructions to Arjuna in 18.55-66 and discuss their relevance for personal
and preaching application with reference to 18.55-66 verses and purports in your response.

9. Discuss the relevance for personal and preaching application, of Krsna’s instructions regarding
teaching and studying Bhagavad-gita with reference to BG 18.67-71 verses and purports.
10. Present BG 18.78 in a preaching context. Provide reference to the verse and statements from
Srila Prabhupada’s purports in your response.

Chapters 13-18 Thematic Questions

Closed Book Thematic Questions
1. Discuss the significance of Krsna’s statement yathecchasi tathä kuru in 18.63, for your own
practice of Krsna consciousness. Give reference to appropriate verses from Bhagavad-Gita
Chapters 1-18 in your response.

Open Book Thematic Questions

1. Discuss how the explanation of the three modes of material nature given in Bhagavad-gita
helps you as a practicing devotee. Give reference to relevant verses and purports from BG
chapters 14, 17 & 18 in your response.
2. Summarize Krsna’s instructions regarding varnasrama-dharma in Bhagavad-gita, with
appropriate reference to verses and purports, and discuss their relevance for personal and
preaching application.
3. Summarize Krsna’s instructions regarding ananya-bhakti, with appropriate reference to
Bhagavad-gita verses and purports, and discuss their relevance for personal and preaching

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