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CoCU 4

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Unit of Competency Title CCTV SYSTEM MAINTENANCE
The person who is competent in this CU shall be able to maintain the CCTV system to ensure the proper
operation, prompt action taken. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees will be able to:-
 Compile CCTV system maintenance specifications requirement
 Requisition CCTV system maintenance tools, equipment and documentation
Learning Outcome
 Compile CCTV system maintenance manpower requirement
 Perform CCTV maintenance in accordance to maintenance plan
 Verify CCTV system results as per specification and requirements

Training Credit
Unit of Competency Code XX-XXX-XX Level 200 Hours
Duration Hours

Attitude / Training
Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills Safety / Hours
Mode Criteria
1. Compile CCTV i. Preventive mainten- 15 Lecture i. Functional
system main- ance checklist
tenance spe- ii. Corrective mainten- interpreted
ii. CCTV system
cifications re- ance
installation As-
quirement iii. Health & safety Built diagram
 Personal Pro- secured
tective Equip- iii. O&M manual
ment (PPE) secured
 Scaffolding iv. List of
 Fire extinguish-
items obtained
 Hand Tools

Attitude / Training
Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills Safety / Hours
Mode Criteria
Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
iv. As-Built drawings of Demonstration
CCTV system in- and
stallation Observation
v. (O&M) operation
and maintenance
vi. List of recommen-
ded consumables
(components and
spare parts)

i. Understand the op- Attitude & Safety
eration and mainten-
ance manual  Handle
ii. Interpret functional
with care
checklist  Used
iii. Interpret CCTV appropriate
block diagram PPE
iv. Secure As-Built
drawings of CCTV
system installation
v. Secure (O&M) oper-
ation and mainten-
ance manual
vi. Secure list of

Attitude / Training
Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills Safety / Hours
Mode Criteria
(components and
spare parts)

Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment

Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
2. Requisition i. CCTV system 15 Lecture i. CCTV system
CCTV system maintenance plan maintenance
maintenance ii. CCTV system schedule
tools, maintenance tools prepared
equipment and and equipment ii. Tools and
documentation iii. CCTV system con- equipment for
sumables CCTV system
iv. CCTV system doc- are secured
umentation (O&M iii. O&M manual
manual) obtained and

Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria

i. Formulate CCTV Attitude & Safety 25 Demonstration

system maintenance and
 Used appro- Observation
priate PPE
ii. Secure CCTV sys-
 Used tools,
tem maintenance equipment
tools and equipment and material
iii. Secure adequate properly
consumables and
iv. Read and under-
stand the CCTV sys-
tem O&M

Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment

Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
3. Compile CCTV i. Maintenance 15 Lecture i. Maintenance
system main- manpower power organiza-
tenance man- organisation chart tion chart pre-
ii. Required skills to
power require- pared
ment maintenance ii. Training plan pre-
iii. Maintenance duty pared
roster iii. Maintenance duty

Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
roster prepared
i. Prepare Attitude & Safety 25 Demonstration
maintenance and
manpower  Used appro- Observation
organisation chart priate PPE
ii. Prepare training  Used tools,
plan for equipment
maintenance team and material
iii. Prepare properly
maintenance duty

Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment

Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
4. Perform CCTV i. CCTV system 15 Lecture i. CCTV system
system preventive preventive
maintenance in maintenance maintenance
schedule performed as
accordance to
ii. CCTV system per schedule
Maintenance corrective ii. CCTV system
Plan maintenance equipment
Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
carried out
i. Perform CCTV Attitude & Safety 25 Demonstration
system preventive and
 Used appro- Observation
maintenance as per
priate PPE
 Used tools,
ii. Carry out CCTV equipment
system corrective and material
maintenance properly

Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment

Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
5. Verify CCTV i. CCTV system 15 Lecture i. CCTV system
system results performance result performance
as per ii. CCTV system result and report
specification performance report prepared
and iii. Keep performance ii. CCTV system
requirements record maintenance

Attitude / Safety Training Delivery Assessment
Work Activities Related Knowledge Related Skills
/ Environmental Hours Mode Criteria
result compiled
iii. CCTV system
i. Collect CCTV Attitude & Safety 25 Demonstration Performance
and result verified.
 Used appro- Observation iv. Checklist,
maintenance/ logbook and
priate PPE
performance data schedule
 Used tools,
ii. Compile CCTV equipment maintenance
system and material report submitted
maintenance/ properly
performance result
according to
iii. Verify CCTV system
maintenance /
performance result
iv. Prepare CCTV
system maintenance
/ performance

Employability Skills

Core Abilities Social Skills

01.01 Identify and gather information 1. Communication skills

01.02 Document information, procedures or processes 2. Conceptual skills
02.01 Interpret and follow manuals, instructions and SOP’s 3. Interpersonal skills
02.04 Prepare brief reports and checklist using standard form 4. Learning skills
03.01 Apply cultural requirements to the workplace 5. Leadership
03.05 Demonstrate safety skills 6. Multitasking and Prioritizing
06.02 Comply with and follow chain of command 7. Self-discipline
06.01 Understand system 8. Teamwork
06.03 Identify and highlight problems

Tools, Equipment and Materials (TEM)


1. Schematic diagram 1:1
2. Block Diagram 1:1
3. Measuring and Test Instruments 1:1
4. Components/Parts Specification 1:1
5. Distribution Boards 1:2
6. Trunking Tools 1:1
7. Equipment Data Book 1:1
8. Electrical Equipment 1:1
9. Electrical Mechanical tools 1:1
10. Electrical hand tools 1:1
11. Electrical power tools 1:1
12. Electrical Accessories 1:1
13. Electrical Fittings 1:1

14. Electrical Testing Instrument 1:1
15. Double Insulated cable 1:1
16. Wiring materials 1:1
17. Cables 1:1
18. PVC Tape 1:1



1. CCTV Installation guidelines – Salford City Council

2. Undang-Undang Malaysia. 2005. Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990 dan Peraturan-Peraturan Elektrik 1994, Pindaan sehingga 2005 . MDC Publisher Sdn
Bhd Malaysia. 
3. Suruhanjaya Tenaga Malaysia. Standard Pendawaian Malaysia (Electrical Installations Of Buildings - MS IEC 60364) Jabatan Standard Malaysia 
4. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1998, Peraturan-Peraturan bagi Pemasangan Elektrik, Edisi 16 . Golden Books Centre Sdn Bhd 
5. BS 7671: 2001 Requirements for Electrical Installations (IEE Wiring Regulations, Sixteenth Edition) Institution of Electrical Engineers
6. R.Boylestad and L.Nashelsky. (1996). Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Prentice Hall- Gale 
7. Albert Paul Malvino and Donald P. Leach. (1994). Digital Principles And Application. McGraw-Hill. (ISBN: 0028018214)
8. Joseph A. Risse. (1968). Understanding electronic test equipment. H. W


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