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Towards an Aviation Fuel Through the Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae

Chapter · January 2016

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-804568-8.00009-3


8 1,139

5 authors, including:

Sofia Raikova Jonathan Wagner

University of Bath Loughborough University


Valeska P Ting
University of Bristol


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Towards an Aviation Fuel Through the
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae
S. Raikova1, C.D. Le2, J.L. Wagner1, V.P. Ting3 and C.J. Chuck3
Centre for Doctoral Training, Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom, 2Department of Oil Refining and
Petrochemistry, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 3Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

9.1 INTRODUCTION macroalgae as feedstocks for aviation fuels has

already been covered in-depth in chapter
There are numerous potential benefits of ‘Feedstocks for Aviation Biofuels’. However,
using microalgae as a biofuel feedstock, which the large-scale implementation of algal tech-
address many of the issues associated with nologies as a replacement for fossil fuel
both first- and second-generation fuels [1]. resources hinges on improvements in the effi-
Algae have faster growth rates, benefiting ciency of algal production and conversion.
from higher photosynthetic efficiencies [2]
(B38% compared to 0.5% for terrestrial
plants), shorter growth cycles, and lower water 9.2 HYDROTHERMAL
demands compared to terrestrial plants [3,4], PROCESSING OF ALGAL
and as algae cultivation does not require ara- FEEDSTOCKS
ble land, algae can be cultivated without com-
peting with food production. Additionally, the Most early investigations into algal biofuels
high CO2 fixation capacity of algae means that focused on adapting existing biodiesel produc-
widespread algal production could potentially tion technologies such as the use of microalgal
be used as a means of sequestering industrial lipids as a feedstock. An alternative to biodiesel
CO2 emissions. These environmental benefits production from algal lipids is thermochemical
have clear links to potential economic and processing, which refers to processes such as
social benefits, particularly for developing gasification, pyrolysis, or hydrothermal lique-
nations [5]. The potential of microalgae and faction (HTL). These techniques utilize the

Biofuels for Aviation.

DOI: 217 © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

entire algal biomass, including proteins and car- hydrocarbon fuels, including aviation kerosene.
bohydrates, to generate algal oils. However, However, the nitrogen content is substantially
although both gasification and pyrolysis are higher in algal bio-oils than alternative terres-
effective for processing of dry feedstocks such trial oils, and as such, removal of the
as lignocellulose, they are unappealing from an N-compounds in the bio-crude is one of the
economic standpoint due to the high mass frac- most significant challenges that must be over-
tion of water in algal feedstock, and the need come in order to advance HTL technology for
for energy-intensive drying [6]. biofuel production from microalgae.
In contrast, thermochemical processes con- HTL can be used to process biomass at a
ducted in the presence of water, such as hydro- concentration of ca. 1025 wt% in water,
thermal gasification, hydrothermal reducing the energy consumption of biomass
carbonization, and HTL, are more suitable for preparation by 88% (with respect to using dry
wet feedstocks. HTL, in particular, has recently biomass) if a 16% slurry is generated using
been examined for the processing of whole centrifugation and processed without further
microalgal feedstocks, and can offer significant drying steps [7]. The mild temperatures used
energetic cost savings, as lipid content and in HTL are well within the range of tempera-
overall biomass productivity are often inversely tures encountered in many conventional oil
related [6]. It utilizes water at sub-/near-critical refinery operations [8], and as such, HTL pro-
conditions (200374 C, 528 MPa) as both the cessing for algal biomass can be made energy-
reaction medium and solvent for a host of efficient and easily scalable. Liu et al. evalu-
simultaneous reactions, converting algal bio- ated the life cycle performance of lab-, pilot-,
mass into a bio-crude oil, alongside a nutrient- and full-scale scenarios, finding significant
rich aqueous phase, a solid char, and a number improvements in Greenhouse Gas emissions
of gaseous products (Fig. 9.1). The bio-crude oil with respect to gasoline and corn ethanol, and
produced is acidic, highly viscous, and contains a potential Energy Return on Energy Invested
high proportions of N and O. Much like pyroly- of B2.5 for the full- scale scenario [9], subject
sis oil, this bio-crude can be catalytically to the optimization of a closed-loop system
upgraded to produce various fractions of incorporating energy and nutrient recycling.

FIGURE 9.1 Products of

hydrothermal liquefaction.



9.2.1 Reaction Mechanism These are highly reactive, and rapidly poly-
merize and form liquid bio-crude, gaseous,
HTL employs water at near-critical condi- and solid products [1517]. At higher reaction
tions as a reaction medium and solvent. At temperatures and longer reaction times, repo-
near-critical conditions, the solvent properties lymerization, condensation, and decomposi-
of liquid water change substantially (including tion of substances from different phases may
changes in dielectric constant, density, diffu- occur. This results in an increase of the solid
sivity, polarity, viscosity, H-bonding, and H1 and gas yields and reduction of the bio-crude
donor capabilities), transforming it from a yield [1820]. Dehydration reactions, leading
polar, highly H-bonded solvent to exhibiting to oxygen content reduction, also play a key
behaviour more typical of a nonpolar organic role in improving the quality of the bio-crude.
solvent. In this form, it can act as a solvent for
a range of organic reactions and facilitate the
breakdown of biomass to bio-crude [10]
(Fig. 9.2). 9.3 HYDROTHERMAL
The prevention of vapour formation at high LIQUEFACTION OF MICROALGAE
pressure means the enthalpy associated with
the phase change of water is largely reduced, Bio-crude yields and properties are depen-
giving vastly increased energy efficiencies for dent on the algal species and its composition.
HTL processing over pyrolysis [12]. However, operational parameters, such as
HTL is comprised of hundreds of simulta- reaction temperature, heating rate, retention
neous reactions, which are not well- time, the initial biomass loading, and the pres-
characterized in the literature. In hot ence of catalysts also have a significant effect
compressed liquid water (near the critical on yields [14]. A wide range of operating con-
point of 374 C and 22.1 MPa), there are two ditions have been explored, with liquefaction
competitive reactions: hydrolysis and repoly- typically carried out in high pressure batch
merization [13,14]. The former is more impor- reactors. Oil yields are generally calculated as
tant and dominant at the early stages of the a weight percentage of the feedstock weight,
process, when the microalgae is decomposed using either the dry (d) or the dry ash-free
and depolymerized into small compounds. (daf) weight as a basis.

FIGURE 9.2 Hydrothermal liquefaction

phase diagram [11].



9.3.1 Effect of Biomass Composition on respect to initial lipid content, further reinfor-
Bio-Crude Oil Production cing the advantages of hydrothermal processing
over lipid extraction for algal biodiesel [22].
It has been previously shown that bio-crude Higher heating values (HHV) of 2535 MJ/kg
yields from HTL of microalgae can be strongly are typical for bio-crude, and higher lipid levels
correlated to the biomass composition. The lipid in the biomass appear to correspond to higher
fraction of the biomass is much more readily HHV, although the two properties are not line-
converted into bio-crude than other biomass arly related. Li et al. found, under optimal con-
components, with a study by Biller and Ross ditions, Nannochloropsis and Chlorella bio-crude
reporting that conversion efficiencies of different HHVs were 31.5 and 34.2 MJ/kg, respectively,
algal components to bio-crude oil were in the with a maximum HHV of 37 MJ/kg. Although
order lipids . proteins . carbohydrates [15]. this constitutes a significant increase with
This explains the particularly high yields respect to the starting biomass (22.4 and
obtained from lipid-rich microalgae. However, 32.3 MJ/kg initially), it still falls short of the
as HTL utilizes all biomass components, a high energy content of mineral crude (4148 MJ/kg)
lipid content is not essential for obtaining good [27]. Interestingly, higher bio-crude yields do
bio-crude yields, in contrast to algal biodiesel, not necessarily correspond to better oil proper-
which relies entirely on lipids. This effect has ties; Nannochloropsis processed at 350 C yielded
been demonstrated by Yu et al., who reported a 34% oil with an HHV of 38.1 MJ/kg, while 46%
yield of 39.0% bio-crude oil from an algae strain oil was obtained at a processing temperature of
containing only 0.1% lipids [21]. Utilizing the 310 C, with a much lower HHV of 27.7 MJ/kg
entire algal biomass for processing lifts the con- [25] (Table 9.1).
straints on high-lipid algal strain selection, and The numerous simultaneous reactions occur-
can significantly reduce cost and energy require- ring under HTL conditions lead to a bio-crude
ments of cultivation by using faster-growing containing a diverse range of chemical com-
strains or algal communities. pounds, the main constituents of which have
Although the specifics of the effects of bio- been found to be C5C16 cyclic nitrogen com-
mass composition remain unclear, a number of pounds, C15C33 branched and unbranched
studies have examined the role of the different hydrocarbons, branched oxygenates, aromatic
component fractions (eg, lipids, proteins, and compounds, and heterocycles [26]. Brown et al.
carbohydrates) in bio-crude production via carried out a detailed analysis of bio-crude pro-
HTL. Most liquefaction processes under opti- duced by liquefaction of Nannochloropsis sp.
mized conditions have resulted in bio-crude Over 90 compounds were detected using
yields around 3045% [15,2225], regardless of GCMS, although some lighter organics are
algae strain [12], although, notably, Li et al. likely to have been lost during sample extrac-
obtained yields of 55% for Nannochloropsis sp. tion, and heavier compounds may not have
under HTL at 260 C for 60 min and at 25% algal been detected by GC. A brief overview of the
loading, and 83% for Chlorella sp. (220 C, major compounds is presented in Table 9.2.
90 min, 25% algal load) [26]. The two algal spe- Elevated heteroatom (O and N) content with
cies have very different compositions respect to mineral crude oil is typical of bio-
(Nannochloropsis contains protein, lipids, and crude oils [9,10,29]. Higher O and N levels give
carbohydrates in an approximate ratio of rise to undesirable fuel properties, such as high
52:14:22, whereas the same components in acidity and viscosity [24], and the increased
Chlorella have a ratio of 9:60:13), but in both diversity of chemical composition can nega-
cases, bio-crude yield was enhanced with tively affect combustion performance, storage


TABLE 9.1 Comparison of Documented Bio-Crude Yields, Compositions, and Energy Values
Oil Yield C H N O S
Feedstock Processing Conditions (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) HHV References

Spirulina Biomass only  42.26 5.86 3.47 47.26 1.15 20.4 [25]

Spirulina 300 C, 1012 min, 20% TS, DCM 32.6 68.9 8.9 6.5 14.9 0.86 33.2 [24]
Chlorella 350 C, 60 min, 10% TS 35.8 70.7 6.8 5.9 14.8 0.0 35.1 [23]

Nannochloropsis 350 C, 60 min, 10% TS 34.3 68.1 8.8 4.1 19.0 0.0 34.5 [23]

Spirulina 350 C, 60 min, 10% TS 29 73.3 9.2 7 10.4 0.0 36.8 [15]

Spirulina 220 C, 20 bar, 30 min, 25% TS 38 59.15 5.50 10.47 18.19 1.22 28.7 [25]

Spirulina 310 C, 115 bar, 30 min, 25% TS 38 71.29 8.01 7.66 16.82 0.81 35.2 [25]

Spirulina 350 C, 195 bar, 30 min, 25% TS 30 70.69 8.05 7.22 10.06 0.77 34.3 [25]

TS, Total Solid Fraction.

TABLE 9.2 List of Major Bio-Crude Components Detected by GCMS [28]

Major Compound Structure





Isomers of 2-phytene

Myristic acid





TABLE 9.2 (Continued)

Major Compound Structure

Palmitoleic acid

Palmitic acid

Oleic acid

Stearic acid





TABLE 9.2 (Continued)
Major Compound Structure



stability, and economic value [24,29]. The het- produced via HTL presents numerous advan-
eroatom content of the bio-crude can generally tages compared to lipid extraction, the product
be attributed to the high O and N content of the needs significant upgrading to obtain a
starting biomass, although there is not always a suitable aviation fuel [24]. An alternative solu-
direct correlation: Chlorella biomass containing tion posed by Garcia Alba et al. suggests that
1.9% N was processed to bio-crude with a 0.3% proteins could be extracted prior to HTL pro-
N content, while Nannochloropsis (7.5% N ini- cessing and sold as a high-value co-product in
tially) resulted in a bio-crude with 5.4% N. a biorefinery paradigm [13]. However, this
Chlorella bio-crude was also found to have a clearly has implications for bio-crude volumes,
higher O content (11.5% compared to 9.5% for particularly when low-lipid algae such as
Nannochloropsis), although the O content of the Spirulina are used.
biomass was 21.8%, compared to 29.1% for
Nannochloropsis [26].
9.3.2 Effect of Microalgal Loading on
Additionally, the elevated N content of bio-
Product Formation
crude of up to 11%, arising from the proteins
in the starting biomass (compared to around One of the key benefits of wet biomass pro-
0.1, and seldom above 1%, for mineral crude) cessing in comparison to lignocellulosic bio-
[30,31], limits its direct usability as a fuel, as it mass or dry processing is that microalgae
can lead to increased NOx emissions. forms a slurry with water, which can be easily
Significantly, higher nitrogen levels may con- pumped and flowed through the reactor.
tribute to catalyst poisoning, making these bio- Particularly for continuous HTL operation,
crude oils unsuitable for co-refining in existing determination of the optimal loading of micro-
refineries [12,31]. Hence, although bio-crude algae in the slurry is crucial.



From the literature, many factors such as holding temperature triggers bio-crude pro-
the scale of the reactor and economics need to duction. After reaching a maximum value for
be considered with the selection of the micro- the bio-crude yield, further increase in the
algal load used in HTL. Hence, there is no holding temperature inhibits biomass
clear connection between the microalgal load liquefaction.
(total solid fraction, TS) in the feed and the The optimization of holding temperature
bio-crude yield. Studies of HTL of algae per- varies depending on microalgal species; how-
formed over a large range of microalgal loads ever, in the majority of cases, compared to a
(ranging from 4% to 50%) have apparently bio-crude yield obtained at ca. 350 C, lower
yielded contradictory results [6]. For example, holding temperatures (B310320 C) gener-
Jena et al. concluded that an increase of the ated higher bio-crude yields. This effect was
biomass fraction in the feed by 10% resulted in observed by Dote et al. [35], and subsequently
a jump of more than 20% in the bio-crude by Minowa et al. [36], who observed that
yield [32], though the opposite findings were yields of bio-crude oil from the liquefaction of
reported by Garcia Alba et al. [13]. Dunaliella tertiolecta increased from 30.9% to
The optimum ratio of microalgae and water 43.8% when increasing the holding tempera-
in the feed is presumably dependent on species ture from 250 C to 300 C, but dropped to
and reactor design. A high microalgal loading 42.6% when processing temperature was
would be economically beneficial, due to reduc- increased further to 340 C [36].
tion of the water content of the feed, leading to a These findings are mirrored in the work of
reduction in the energy required for heating the Gai et al. for each retention time examined, oil
water, and a correspondingly higher volume yields from Chlorella pyrenoidosa increased
efficiency and productivity of the HTL reactor when holding temperature was increased from
[12]. However, there is expected to be an upper 260 C to 280 C, and proceeded to decline
limit due to mass transfer limitations and the when reaction temperatures were brought to
formation of blockages in continuous thermo- 320 C [37]. The authors suggested that with
chemical conversion [33]. Continuous liquefac- increasing temperatures, more secondary
tion studies have shown that while some decomposition reactions may be triggered,
practical operational issues of reactor blockage resulting in the production of gases and char
may occur at microalgal loads above 5 wt% in rather than oils. Regrettably, they were not
the feed [31], processing of microalgae slurries able to satisfactorily confirm this using the gas
with microalgal loads of up to 35% (obtaining a yields obtained in their investigation, owing to
bio-crude yield of up to 63.6%) are possible [34]. the high experimental error.
Another key consideration on the loading of In addition, the holding temperature has a
microalgae is the cost of drying the original feed- strong influence on the bio-crude properties:
stock, which plays a significant role in dictating increasing the temperature results in a decline
the most suitable loading achievable. in oxygen content and consequently increases
the HHV of the oil [36,38]. The nitrogen con-
tent in turn appears to increase with holding
temperature, likely due to the promotion of
9.3.3 Effect of Holding Temperature on
protein decomposition at high temperatures,
Microalgal Processing although the opposite effect has been reported
The holding temperature has a remarkable in other studies [21].
influence on the yield and properties of HTL The length of time the reaction is held at
products. In general, an initial rise in the temperature also has a significant effect on


product formation. It is expected that short times. For example, bio-crude yields of up to
retention times should be sufficient to degrade 66% were obtained during the conversion of
the biomass effectively, since hydrolysis and Nannochloropsis using a holding time of only
decomposition reactions are expected to be one minute. This was achieved by placing
rapid under supercritical conditions [39]. batch reactors into a sand bath with a tempera-
However, there is still a relationship between ture significantly above the required set-point
holding temperature and holding time when temperature, enabling very fast heating rates
bio-crude yield is considered. In many cases, [43]. This would support conversion by contin-
to attain a high bio-crude yield, higher maxi- uous HTL reaction. However, other studies
mum temperatures require shorter holding report that while higher heating rates are bene-
times. For example, Karagoz et al. determined ficial for bulk fragmentation of biomass and
that at low temperatures (150 C) long holding inhibit char formation, they do not have a
times favoured the conversion of sawdust to great effect on the bio-crude yield [42].
oil, with the opposite trend observed at higher
temperatures (250280 C) [40]. Yu et al. also
found that while the overall conversion of bio-
9.3.5 Effect of Catalysts on the HTL of
mass and gas yield increased at higher temper-
ature [41], a 120-min hold time was needed at
280 C to produce a bio-crude yield of 39.4%, The effect of both homogeneous catalysts,
whereas at 370 C, only 5 min was needed to such as organic acids and organic bases, and
attain a bio-crude yield of 49.4% [13]. heterogeneous catalysts, such as metallic oxi-
While the holding time has an effect on the des, on the HTL of microalgae has been inves-
bio-crude yield, due to the influence of other tigated. Homogeneous organic catalysts are
operational parameters such as temperature, desirable since they are inexpensive, do not
algae strain, and algal loading, it is difficult to require separation prior to further upgrading,
quantify differences across all published studies and reduce the degree of coking [44]. In many
[42]. There is no consensus on the optimum cases, HTL experiments have been conducted
holding time for continuous operation in the lit- in the presence of inorganic salts such as
erature. However, as hold time has such a signif- sodium carbonate and other water-soluble spe-
icant effect on the oil yield and composition, this cies [15,44,45]. However, while these catalysts
needs to be carefully optimized for continuous appear to selectively promote the decarboxyl-
HTL reactions, requiring more detailed research ation of carbohydrates, they have been found
and analysis of kinetic data in this area. to have a detrimental effect on oil formation
from lipids and proteins [15]. One study on
the conversion of albumin suggests that the
nitrogen partitioning to the oil may be reduced
9.3.4 Effect of Heating Rate on the
with the presence of sodium carbonate [35],
Crude Bio-Oil
but this observation has not been reported in
While the effect of heating rate on the bio- other similar studies [44].
crude yield is also dependent on the algal While homogeneous catalysts are difficult to
strain, maximum temperature, and algal load, recycle, heterogeneous catalysts allow post-
it has recently been suggested that rapid heat- HTL separation and high reaction selectivity.
ing rates and shorter reaction times may result Liquefaction in the presence of heterogeneous
in comparable, if not better, bio-oil yields than metal catalysts has been reported to give
slow temperature ramps with longer retention increased liquefaction yields compared to



catalyst-free conditions. Furthermore, the pres- 9.4 MACROALGAE AS A

ence of the catalyst had a significant influence FEEDSTOCK: PROSPECTS AND
on the physical properties (eg, the colour and CHALLENGES
apparent viscosity) of the product oils [45].
The highest oil yields (57%) were achieved As an alternative to microalgae, seaweed
with supported Pd catalysts; however, Ni- and (macroalgae) can be processed through HTL
Ru-based catalysts produced bio-crudes with using a similar process to that described above
the lowest N content [45]. Pt, Ni, and CoMo for microalgal feedstocks [47]. While currently
catalysts were also reported to enhance the underdeveloped as a feedstock, macroalgae has
degree of deoxygenation, but with reduced enormous potential as a future feedstock for fuel
bio-crude yields [23]. production (see chapter: Feedstocks for Aviation
Biofuels) [48]. Currently, the global consumption
of seaweeds for fertilizers, cosmetics ingredients,
foodstuffs, and phycocolloids is a multi-billion
9.3.6 Effect of Initial Pressure and
dollar industry [47]. The majority of macroalgae
Additional Reductive Gas comes from a relatively small number of species
For batch HTL operation, high pressure is with five genera, Laminaria (also called
required to ensure the water remains in the liq- Saccharina for some species), Undaria, Porphyra,
uid phase, reduces the enthalpy of phase change Eucheuma, and Gracilaria, representing 76% of the
of water, and improves the efficiency of the HTL total tonnage of cultured macroalage [47].
process. Several investigations have introduced Macroalgae tend to contain a high carbohy-
additional pressure by charging the reactor with drate content and represent a potential source of
a gas prior to reaction. For batch HTL operation, biomass for bioenergy and chemicals [49].
bio-crude yield was reportedly not affected by According to Anastasakis and Ross, wet biomass
the initial pressure [41]. The gases most com- with an assumed moisture content of 80%
monly used are either inert gases (eg, nitrogen, requires 10.4 MJ to evaporate the water, equiva-
argon) or reducing gases such as CO and H2. lent to 87% of the total calorific value of the sea-
While reducing gases are added in order to weed (the HHV of the dry biomass of Laminaria
reduce the oxygen content in the bio-crude, and saccharina was calculated to be 12 MJ/kg) [47].
stabilize the fragmented products of liquefaction, Therefore, it has been suggested that only wet
their hazardous nature, gas channelling, and mal- processes such as HTL will be energy efficient
distribution need to be carefully considered dur- because of the high energy required to dry the
ing the operation [42]. These problems can be algae [50]. Moreover, macroalgae from marine
overcome by using hydrogen donor solvents, environments contain high alkali contents, which
such as tetralin and tetrahydrophenanthrene [42], can generate issues such as slagging and fouling
which have been found to be more favourable during combustion and potentially during pyrol-
than the parent gases in the hydrogenation of ysis as well [51].
biomass fragments. Hydrogen donors (eg, tetra- In addition, macroalgae tend to contain
lin) were reported by Wang et al. to be more higher carbohydrate and much lower lipid
effective than H2 for increasing the bio-crude contents than microalgae, and, if from a
yield and reducing the level of oxygenates in the marine origin, can also possess an ash content
bio-crude, which typically corresponds to an of up to 25%. This will substantially affect
increase in HHV and overall improvements in HTL reaction pathways; further research is
bio-crude quality [46]. needed in this area.


All studies to date have focused on batch high ash content, and designing a biorefinery
systems [49], where macroalgal samples were concept where the supply of aquatic biomass
harvested, treated by washing with fresh is substantial and secure, and where the aque-
water, dried, and pulverized prior to the HTL ous phase can be used as an effective fertilizer.
stage [51]. Bio-crude yields up to 23% have Lenstra et al. reasoned that as the current near-
been commonly reported from macroalgal shore cultivation, harvest, and preprocessing
HTL [19,50]. However, Bach et al. reported an costs for macroalgae range between h336 and
oil yield of 79% from the HTL of L. saccharina h669 per tonne, substantial technological
at 350 C with a high heating rate (585 C per development is needed if a sustainable biofuel
minutes) [52]. Neveux et al. found that HTL of is to be produced from this feedstock [50,57].
Oedogonium spp. and Cladophora spp. (freshwa- Moreover, the seasonal nature of seaweed
ter macroalgae) gave bio-crude yields of 26% growth and culture must be considered for
and 20%, respectively, on a dry mass basis  commercial-scale biofuel production, and the
higher than marine macroalgae Derbesia spp., technologies of storage or preservation of
which only yielded 20%, though this generated macroalgae after harvesting need to be devel-
less solid residue than the freshwater macroal- oped to enable year-round fuel production.
gae species [53]. Similarly to microalgae, the batch experi-
Jin et al. carried out co-liquefaction experi- ments only give limited insights into a fully
ments of microalgae (Spirulina platensis) and functioning industrial continuous process.
macroalgae (Entermorpha prolifera) at 340 C, Advancement and commercialization of HTL
and discovered optimal synergistic conversion processing of macroalgae require the use of a
effects for a 50/50 mixture of the two algae. continuous process with incorporated heat
While the fatty acid content of Spirulina recovery, increasing the energy efficiency and
strongly improved the conversion of allowing for high throughput. Particular engi-
Entermorpha, inorganic salts present in the lat- neering challenges on the processing side
ter feed did not considerably enhance bio-oil include the high salt content of macroalgae
production [54]. In general, a greater amount and the associated corrosion risk.
of energy was recovered in the bio-crude pro- The cultivation of macroalgae as a sole bio-
duced, though it contained more nitrogen than fuel feedstock may not be currently profit-
the separately produced micro- and macroal- able [47]. However, macroalgae contains a
gae bio-oils. diverse range of extractable biochemicals,
Macroalgal biomass has high potential for which could potentially be used to add value
biofuel production, although there are still sig- to macroalgal fuels in a biorefinery paradigm.
nificant technological challenges to be over- The vast majority of farmed macroalgae is cur-
come. These challenges include cost-effective rently utilized for human consumption
cultivation and economic harvesting, and more (accounting for 8390% of the global seaweed
efficient preprocessing of the feedstock. In industry [55]), but other macroalgae-derived
addition to cleaning, dewatering, and milling materials also have a significant market value.
steps [55], marine biomass requires desalina- In particular, seaweed hydrocolloids (predomi-
tion in order to prevent equipment corrosion, nantly comprising agar, alginate, and carra-
which can carry a particularly heavy environ- geenan) account for a significant portion of the
mental and energetic cost [56]. Additional remaining value (estimated around $545 mil-
challenges include developing a continuous lion annually) [58,59]. Other macroalgae deri-
HTL reaction system that can readily tolerate vatives are also utilized in the agricultural,



chemical, and pharmaceutical industries [60]. alkenes, fatty acids, ketones, aldehydes,
Lammens et al. have also evaluated the poten- nitriles, amides, and nitrogen heterocycles
tial of algal proteins as a source of high-value such as indoles and pyridines [62,63]. In addi-
bio-based chemicals, such as N-methylpyrroli- tion, due to the high boiling point range of the
dinone, N-vinylpyrrolidinone, and acrylonitrile oils, most reports have only achieved partial
[61]. Overall, there is significant scope for characterization [6,64]. Elemental analysis is
extraction of higher-value materials from therefore one of the most reliable methods to
macroalgae prior to conversion to fuels, and achieve a like-for-like comparison of different
the application of a biorefinery concept could crude oils and of the performance of different
increase the value of the seaweed biomass and upgrading studies.
improve the economics of production of bioe-
nergy from macroalgae, thereby leading to a
more rapid commercial realization of algal-
9.5.1 Upgrading of Bio-Crude Oil
derived biofuels.
Produced by the HTL of Microalgae
Only a few studies have investigated the
9.5 CHARACTERISTICS OF BIO- upgrading of HTL oils from microalgae
CRUDE OIL FROM (Table 9.3), with the majority of these studies
HYDROTHERMAL LIQUEFACTION conducted in batch and achieving only partial
OF ALGAE nitrogen removal. While the choice of catalyst
was found to impact the physical properties of
The bio-crude oil produced by the HTL of the reaction products, it had little impact on
microalgae requires significant upgrading the denitrogenation performance itself [66].
before it can enter the conventional fuel stream Instead, the degree of denitrogenation appears
and be used to produce aviation kerosene. The to be mainly dependent on the reaction tem-
high levels of nitrogen (typically between 4% perature, which suggests that these reactions
and 8%) and sulphur (up to 1%), in particular, are thermally controlled [66]. Unfortunately,
must be almost completely removed if the the high temperatures also result in a signifi-
resulting fuels are to comply with emission cant reduction in the hydrogen content of the
standards. The crude bio-oils from HTL of oils, presumably due to an increase in the aro-
algae can be blended with fossil oil and matic content of the reduction product above
upgraded to conventional kerosene and other desirable levels. Potentially, the poor perfor-
hydrocarbon fuels in a conventional refinery. mance of the selected catalysts under these
While it is true that these facilities are capable conditions could lead to insufficient hydrogen
of processing oils with high levels of sulphur, being provided for complete hydrogenation. It
common industrial catalysts are not able to tol- has also been suggested that the accumulation
erate the high levels of oxygen and nitrogen of ammonia may be limiting the complete
seen in the bio-oils. Therefore, at least partial reduction of nitrogen compounds [69].
upgrading of the oils is required to reduce the Nonetheless, more recent studies have demon-
oxygen and nitrogen concentrations to a level strated the full catalytic upgrading of bio-
comparable to fossil crude oil before they can crude directly to suitable hydrocarbon fuels.
be sent to a refinery for fractionation. Research has focused on both in situ heteroge-
Detailed chemical analysis of the oils is dif- neous catalysis and hydrotreatment of the bio-
ficult, as they can contain up to several hun- crude after separation [70]. Duan and Savage
dred compounds, including phenols, alkanes, reported on the use of a 5% Pd/C catalyst for


TABLE 9.3 Summary of Bio-Crude Upgrading Studies Conducted to Date
Bio-Crude Quality (wt%) Product Quality (wt%)
Feedstock Reaction Reaction
(Microalgae) N S O Catalyst Temperature Pressure Reaction Mode Time N S O References Comments

Bio-crude from 5.32 0.56 8.35 HZSM-5 400500 C 4.35 MPa Batch 0.54 h 1.62.71 Bdl 0.392.81 [65]
HTL of (050 wt% (hydrogen)
Nannochloropsis loading)
at 350 C for 1 h

Bio-crude from 4.80 0.48 8.07 Pt/C, Mo2C, 430530 C 3.5 MPa Batch in 26 h 1.503.61 Bdl 0.135.31 [66] Temperature
HTL of HZSM-5 (hydrogen) supercritical has biggest
Nannochloropsis (520 wt%) water (water/oil impact on oil
at 340 C for 4 h mass ratio of 4:5) properties

Bio-crude from 4.89 0.68 6.52 Pt/C (25 wt 400 C 3.4 MPa Batch in 4h 2.172.79 Bdl 4.314.71 [67]
HTL of %), HCl, (hydrogen) supercritical
Nannochloropsis NaOH water (water/oil
at 320 C for 4 h mass ratio of 1:1)

Bio-crude from 7.3 Nd 7.8 Pt/γ-Al2O3 400 C 6 MPa Batch in 1h 2.45.8 N/A 4.717.9 [8] With formic
HTL of (040 wt%) (hydrogen) supercritical acid, reacted
Chlorella sp. at HCOOH water with the crude
350 C for 1 h (088 wt%) (043 wt%) algal oil
resulting in
increased yield

Bio-crude from 0.26.3 Nd 1039 HZSM-5 600 C Pyrolysis probe 0.020.14 N/A 0.080.30 [68] Elemental
HTL of (SiO2/ (heating rate: calculated
Desmodesmus Al2O3 5 280), 20 C per second, from structure
sp. at zeolite: pyrolysis time: of compounds
200375 C for sample mass 10 s) identified
560 min ratio of 20:1 by GC

Bio-crudes 4.04.7 0.30.5 5.38.0 Co-promoted 125170 C 13.6 MPa Bench-scale LHSV of ,0.050.16 ,50 ppm 0.81.2 [34]
from HTL of MoS2 on (1st quarter in hydroprocessing 0.140.20 h21
Nannochloropsis fluorinated of reactor); hydrogen system
sp. at alumina 405 C (Main flow
344362 C, in support reactor)

hydrotreatment of algal bio-crude oil, finding oil over a temperature range of 350450 C,
that the bio-crude HHV from Nannochloropsis with a residence time of 60 min [72]. While the
was significantly improved from approxi- total nitrogen content was not affected by the
mately 37 MJ/kg to 44 MJ/kg, with corre- thermal treatment, the total oxygen content
sponding improvements in the kinematic was significantly reduced from 5.7% in the
viscosity, and significant reductions in N, O, bio-crude to 0.2% in the product oil treated at
and S content. However, these results were 400 C. Thermal treatment was also found to
achieved over long retention times of up to 4 h reduce the total acid content, as well as the
and 80 wt% catalyst loadings, and the yield boiling point range of the bio-crude oils, mak-
was substantially decreased [71]. Other studies ing them more volatile and less viscous. In
have centred around supported Pd catalysts, addition, trace metals were partly removed
though more recently, Li and Savage reported from the bio-crude. Similar findings were also
the upgrading of algal crude oil produced by reported by Bai et al., who used a two-step
HTL using HZSM-5, generating a paraffin-like process to hydrothermally treat the bio-crude
oil composed of .95 wt% C and H, which oil [73].
retained 80% of the energy content of the ini- These findings demonstrate that it is possi-
tial bio-crude and was suitable for use as a liq- ble to process the HTL bio-crude in a similar
uid fuel [65]. way to heavy crude oil, continuously treating
A number of studies have attempted to in a number of subsequent processes, includ-
upgrade crude bio-oils produced by the lique- ing thermal treatment, hydrotreatment, and
faction of Nannochloropsis sp. [66,67] or hydrocracking, to make fractions suitable for
Chlorella sp. [8] in the presence of supercritical further processing towards production of dif-
water. It was hoped that the reaction of water ferent commercial products, such as gasoline,
with hydrocarbons would generate additional diesel, and jet fuel.
hydrogen which, in turn, would promote the In a similar effort, promising results were
removal of heteroatoms from the bio-crude. achieved during the continuous hydrotreating
However, while the presence of water did not of bio-oils produced by the HTL of various
appear to have a beneficial effect on the deni- strains of Nannochloropsis over sulphided
trogenation performance, it was found to CoMo catalyst supported on fluorinated alu-
increase the oxygen content of the reaction mina [34]. Single-stage upgrading at 405 C
product [8]. The best results in the presence of with a space velocity of 0.20 h21 and a pres-
supercritical water were obtained over Pt/C sure of 14 MPa in excess hydrogen produced
catalyst at 530 C with a reaction time of 6 h, oils with a nitrogen content ranging from
with almost complete sulphur removal and a 0.07 wt% to 0.25 wt%. An even lower nitrogen
reduction in nitrogen content from 4.0% to content could be achieved by pretreating the
1.5% [66]. In contrast, upgrading of a liquefac- oil at temperatures between 125 C and 170 C
tion oil obtained from Nannochloropsis in the in the first quarter of the reactor, before con-
absence of water over an HZSM-5 catalyst, at version at 405 C. While this study demon-
500 C, and with a reaction time of 4 h, resulted strated that almost complete denitrogenation
in a reduction in the nitrogen content from of microalgal crude oils can be achieved under
5.3% to 1.6% [65]. continuous conditions, further studies are
Alternatively, Roussis et al. performed required to verify these findings and optimize
experiments to thermally treat HTL bio-crude the reaction conditions.



9.6 CONTINUOUS HTL SYSTEMS reaction vessel. At a processing temperature of

AND CHALLENGES IN 305 C and a residence time of 80 min, bio-
ADVANCING THE TECHNOLOGY crude oil was produced with an HHV of
31 MJ/kg and bio-crude yields ranging from
The vast majority of the work to date has 60% to 70.4%. The reactor was successfully
focused on batch systems for hydrothermal operated for 16 h continuously with a capacity
processing, which, while providing a wealth of of up to 48 kg of manure slurry (eg, a solid
information regarding optimal system condi- content of 20%). Although no clogging or accu-
tions and chemical mechanisms, is of limited mulation was observed using the CSTR, a
use in developing processing systems to pump durability issue was encountered after
deliver sufficient volumes of algal bio-crude several experiments due to rapid wearing of
for widespread use as an aviation fuel feed- the piston and sleeve.
stock. Moreover, the use in most cases of small Jazrawi et al. described a continuous system
batch reactors has necessitated use of solvents for biomass processing to bio-crude using
for the recovery of the bio-crude oil product, Chlorella and Spirulina at relatively low algal
leading to complications in determination of loading (110%) [31]. The design of the HTL
the oil yield and distortion of the composi- reactor differed from conventional continuous
tional analysis and properties by the partition- reactors in that the slurry was not stirred and
ing of solvent-extractable and water-soluble the reactants were flowed through coiled stain-
components. less steel tubes submerged in a fluidized sand
While feeding wet biomass slurry at pres- bath. Due to the low biomass loading of some
sure is highly challenging, in order to advance samples, quantitative gravity separation of the
HTL technology, it is necessary to move to bio-crude from the aqueous phase was chal-
continuous bench/pilot-scale HTL reaction lenging, and was achieved instead using DCM
systems. This would help to avoid the exces- extraction of the oil phase from the reaction
sively long warm-up and cool-down periods mixture. The group struggled to operate using
that are problematic with batch reactors. In algal loadings .10%, but nonetheless obtained
addition, heat exchange/recycling can be inte- maximum yields of 41.7% from Chlorella pro-
grated into continuous systems, making the cessed at 350 C, comparable to yields obtained
process simultaneously more economically fea- under batch conditions. They also found that
sible and more controllable. To date, only a more severe operating conditions resulted in a
small number of studies have examined the decrease in bio-crude O content and a lower-
continuous HTL of biomass [31,34,74], with the molecular-weight bio-crude. Jazrawi et al. also
majority of these systems not yet approaching encountered problems with pumping wet bio-
a demonstration scale of operation. mass slurry at high pressure [31]. However,
Ocfemia et al. developed a small-scale con- they argued that it is more difficult to control
tinuous HTL reactor system, including a high- the pressure in a smaller slurry system to
pressure slurry feeder, a process gas (eg, CO) maintain stable flows, as lower flow rates are
feeder, a continuous stirred tank reactor accompanied by an increased risk of flow dis-
(CSTR), and a vapour-liquid separation vessel, ruption and blockage due to greater incidence
to process swine manure [74]. A CSTR was of particles damaging the valve seals of smal-
selected over a plug-flow reactor for ease of ler pumps. The authors believed that this prob-
handling, to reduce plugging, and to allow lem could be reduced if the HTL process were
good temperature control throughout the to be implemented at larger scale.



Elliott et al. developed a bench-scale contin- 9.7.1 Algae Cultivation and Waste
uous system for HTL of algal biomass in 2013 Water Treatment
[34]. The system included the combination of a
CSTR and a plug-flow reactor, with integrated Significant value could be added by com-
modules for catalytic upgrading and sulphur bining the microalgal production process with
stripping. This more complex hybrid HTL a secondary objective, such as waste water
reactor configuration was developed as a treatment, the recovery of metals from mining
direct result of plugging problems experienced waste, or carbon sequestration from power
previously with a plug-flow reactor system. plant effluents. Waste water treatment in par-
The solids and bio-crude product were sepa- ticular could provide substantial quantities of
rated without the use of solvents through the algal biomass, without requiring the addition
use of an in-line filtration unit. The group was of costly nutrients. The environmental remedi-
able to operate at far higher loadings than ation industry has vastly expanded in recent
Jazrawi et al. (up to 35%), obtaining maximum years, with the remediation market in the
bio-crude yields of 63.6% using a specially cul- United States alone generating an estimated
tured Nannochloropsis strain. The group pre- $12.8 billion in 2010, of which waste water
sented a proposal for a biorefinery, with water treatment represented just under 50% [75].
and nutrients in the post-HTL water recycled Wastewater treatment via algal remediation
into the algal growth stage, although the lends itself well to synergistic combination
model did not explore the potential of using with biomass production, and numerous
the CO2-rich gaseous phase as the CO2 source investigations into the cultivation of algae on
to supplement algal cultivation [34]. industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste
waters have already been carried out [76,77].
Global municipal waste water production
amounts to approximately 300 billion m3, of
9.7 PROCESS INTEGRATION FOR which just over 50% is currently treated [78].
AN ADVANCED BIOREFINERY Assuming an average biomass yield of 1 g/L,
and a liquefaction yield of 30%, complete con-
Despite the many potential benefits of algal version of the existing waste water treatment
biofuel technology, for costs and sustainability facilities could result in an annual bio-crude
benefits to be optimized, secondary value production of up to 90 billion L.
streams must be considered. Conventional In addition, waste water treatment using
crude oil refineries generate a wide range of microalgae has been proven to be highly effec-
products, including paraffin, lubricants, gases, tive in reducing the concentration of N and P
sulphuric acid, petrochemicals, and feedstocks pollutants, which are used as nutrients, in the
for plastic manufacture, alongside fuels. effluent [79]. Compared to conventional meth-
Similarly, algal fuel production has the poten- ods such as chemical precipitation or the pro-
tial to co-produce high-value chemicals, such duction of an activated sludge, forming waste
as proteins, vitamins, and trace minerals in products which are often disposed of by land-
addition to liquid fuels [5]. However, few fill, microalgal treatment provides a much
industries have the economic capacity to more sustainable route as it allows the efficient
accommodate high volumes of co-products. recycling of these nutrients [77].
The only industries on a similar scale to fuels Metal recovery from mining waste could be
are mining, agriculture, plastics, and environ- another lucrative secondary function of micro-
mental remediation. algae cultivation. A number of studies have


explored the concept of algal remediation, and as optimizing bio-crude yields, it is also vital
although most studies to date have employed to maximize the carbon efficiency, retain effi-
microalgae only as a nonliving adsorbent, cient water and nutrient recycling, and ensure
remarkable metal concentrations were an inexpensive source of CO2. These issues can
observed in the recovered biomass, which be at least partially addressed by encompass-
could potentially be retrieved from the lique- ing nutrient recycling from the aqueous phase,
faction residue. For example, one gram of bio- as well as augmenting algal growth using the
mass produced from Oedogonium sp. adsorbed CO2 from gaseous products [13,32,86]. This
up to 145 mg of Pb(II) when exposed to a lead nutrient-cycling concept has been discussed in
solution containing a metal concentration of recent literature, and has been described as
200 mg/L for 90 min, corresponding to a lead ‘Environment-Enhancing Energy’ or E2-
recovery of 35% [80]. Chromium absorption by Energy/E2E by Zhou et al. at the University of
a strain of the filamentous algae Spirogyra was Illinois [8789].
somewhat lower, at only 14.7 mg/g, however A reliable, low-cost water supply is critical
the initial concentration of chromium in the to the success of biofuel production from
treated solution was also substantially microalgae to fulfil both economic and sustain-
depleted, with a reduction of 5 mg/L observed ability criteria [90]. Recirculating water is an
[81]. More recent studies have also looked at obvious route to reducing overall water con-
the direct cultivation of algae on industrial sumption. For nonthermochemical methods,
waste water, with acid mine drainage repre- this comes with a higher risk of infection and
senting another large-scale source of water pol- growth inhibition by bacteria, fungi, and
lution in need of continuous remediation [82]. viruses found in recycled water directly after
The diatom Planothidium lanceolatum, for exam- biomass extraction. HTL confers the additional
ple, could be grown at respective Cd, Zn, and advantage of destroying biotic toxins (bacteria,
Cu concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 mg/L, viruses, and even prion proteins) in the bio-
without significant effects on photosynthesis crude and aqueous phase [10], although non-
[83]. Metal toxicity is a clear challenge, how- living and inorganic growth inhibitors remain.
ever, and must be addressed before living The HTL route also concentrates trace min-
microalgae can be used for mining waste treat- eral matter and nutrients, such as nitrogen,
ment [84]. phosphorus, and potassium, as well as Fe, Ca,
Mg, and polar organics in the aqueous phase
[12,38,86]. This could present a route for simul-
taneous nutrient recycling and remediation of
9.7.2 The Biorefinery Concept and
waste water from a synergistic process, which
Nutrient Recovery could not be discharged without further
Within the biorefinery paradigm it is neces- treatment.
sary to consider upstream sustainability fac- Recovering phosphorus is crucial for con-
tors, as well as final product quality. Despite tinuing global agriculture; as well as being a
the advantages conferred by HTL, cultivation dwindling resource in itself, phosphorus is
of algal biomass is still a relatively energy- extracted using fossil fuels, therefore peak oil
intensive process and requires high inputs of and peak phosphorus may be intrinsically
water, nutrients and CO2 [85]. The HTL para- connected [91]. Apart from the impact on
digm goes some way to solving those issues, mineral resources, the vast quantities of
though the process must be optimized to ren- nutrients needed for cultivation can severely
der the process economically feasible. As well affect the energy balance owing to the



energy-intensive production [92]. As a result, TABLE 9.4 Nutrient Content of HTL Process Water
nutrient provision for algal cultivation is a (Spirulina, 300 C) Compared to Standard Growth Media
key sustainability concern [93], and nutrient 3N-BBM 1 V [86]
recovery is a crucial step in making third- HTL Process Water 3N-BBM 1 V
generation biofuel production viable [94]. Nutrient Conc./ppm Conc./ppm
In hydrothermal processing, high protein
TOC 15123 
levels in the feedstock can lead to accumula-
tion of light organics in the aqueous phase Total N 8136 124
[26] (up to 50% of biomass carbon has been NH1
found to accumulate in process water) [86],
PO32 2159 135
leading to reduced bio-crude yields and 4

poor carbon efficiency. Although this may K 1506 63

be detrimental in some ways (in addition to Acetate 7131 
carbon losses from the bio-crude, it has been
noted that phenols present in the aqueous NO2
3 194 547
process water may inhibit algal growth) Phenols 98 
[95], some studies have found that elevated
levels of total organic carbon (TOC) in algal
growth media may actually supplement amino acids and glucose/fructose [37]. This
algal mixotrophic growth, leading to higher could, however, be beneficial if certain strains
biomass yields [96]. of algae are capable of utilizing organics in
Consequently, reusing HTL process water mixotrophic growth.
for algal growth may also improve carbon effi- Several groups have already reported suc-
ciency, with nutrient recovery from the aque- cessful algal cultivation using HTL process
ous phase simultaneously being used to treat water [32,84,86,89,98]. Jena et al. found that
process waste water, before release into water- dilution was necessary to bring nutrient
ways. Biller et al. carried out a comprehensive levels down to levels comparable to those in
study in 2012 examining the impact on nutri- commercial growth media, but found that a
ent recycling potential. Studies on HTL of 10-fold dilution was still too strong for algal
Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus dimorphus, and growth to occur [32]. Consequently, Biller
Spirulina platensis found significantly higher et al. performed tests using process water
nutrient levels in HTL process water than in from the HTL of Spirulina at 300 C, diluted
standard growth media, 3N-BBM 1 V by a factor of 50, 100, and 400, for the culti-
(Table 9.4) [86]. vation of Spirulina, with algal growth mea-
The high levels of ammonium, phosphate, sured using chlorophyll absorbance. The
nitrates, and potassium ions are promising for finding that no growth occurred at either
potential nutrient recovery. However, elevated 50 3 or 100 3 dilution (although at this
phenol levels could be problematic due to their point, nutrient levels are brought down sig-
inhibitory effects on algal growth [86], even at nificantly below typical concentrations
moderate concentrations (100200 ppm) [97]. encountered in growth media) suggests that
Additionally, high protein content in the start- the concentrations of phenols, fatty acids,
ing biomass corresponds to elevated levels of and metals such as Ni were still above
nitrogen heterocycles (eg, pyrolidinones, piper- inhibitory levels. Finally, a 400 3 dilution
idines, pyrroles, indoles) [15,23], thought to be was found to be effective, with Spirulina
produced via the Maillard reaction between exhibiting very similar growth rates in


diluted process water and 3N-BBM 1 V [86]. 9.8 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE
Notably, no growth was seen in pure dis- DIRECTION
tilled water, confirming the role of the pro-
cess water as a nutrient source. For the It is unlikely that the HTL of algae will give
algae Chlorogloeopsis, however, appreciable an aviation fuel alone, but it could produce a
growth was seen at dilutions as low as hydrocarbon-rich feedstock for upgrading into
100 3 , while the cell counts at 400 3 dilu- the standard fuel streams. This has the advan-
tion were actually increased by a third com- tage of producing a bio-Jet A-1 drop-in
pared to those seen for standard growth replacement, rather than a fuel limited by
media, suggesting that the organic carbon blend level. Both seaweed and microalgae
could supplement mixotrophic growth in have potential as feedstocks to sufficiently sup-
this case. Growth does not seem to be inhib- ply the market, though currently both types of
ited by low concentrations of PO32 4 (for resources have specific issues that must be
Chlorogloeopsis at 200 3 dilution). The study solved to produce an economic feedstock.
demonstrates the potential of HTL process There is huge potential for the commercializa-
water to be used as a growth medium, tion of the HTL technology, where algae can
although the optimum dilution was different be used as a feedstock. However, to advance
for each strain. Additionally, Pham et al. the technical maturity of HTL, there are still a
demonstrated that recycling into algal culti- number of challenges that need to be
vation systems, coupled with granular acti- addressed. Potential solutions could include
vated carbon treatment, was an effective reducing the risk of large-scale pumpability,
means of removing organic toxins and sig- reducing capital cost by moving away from a
nificantly reducing HTL waste water cytotox- CSTR configuration to a scalable plug-flow
icity for environmental release [98]. Another reactor configuration, selection of more appro-
recent investigation has demonstrated that priate materials of construction for process
HTL process water from liquefaction of design, upgrading bio-crude oil, and recycling
Spirulina at 350 C is capable of supplement- of nutrients from the recovered by-products (P
ing growth of a strain of algae cultivated in in the solids and N, K, and C in the aqueous
acid mine drainage. The algae demonstrated phase) for process cost savings and improved
appreciable growth over 15 days, and was sustainability.
able to utilize 75% of the phosphate pro-
vided by the HTL process water (1:100 dilu-
tion in synthetic acid mine drainage) [84].
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