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Diversity of Macroalgae - The Journal of Tropical Life Science

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VOL. 6, NO. 2, pp. 97 - 100, May 2016


doi: 10.11594/jtls.06.02.06

ACCESS Freely available online

Submitted January 2016; Reviewed March 2016; Accepted April 2016

Diversity of Macroalgae in Kasiak Gadang Island Nirwana Beach, Padang - West Sumatra,
Faisal Hadi*, Indra Junaidi Zakaria, Zuhri Syam
Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia

This study had been conducted in October November 2014. This study aims to know about the diversity of
macroalgae in Kasiak Gadang Island, Nirwana Beach, Padang, West Sumatra Indonesia. The method used in this
research is line and belt transect. The result of this study is five species of macroalgae founded on this island.
There are Padine minor, Sargassum crassifolium, Sargassum cristaefolium, Turbinaria decurrens, and Halimeda
sp. Based on relative density, P. minor had 67.15% at Station I and 51.72% at Station II. S. crassifolium had
83.52% at Station III. T. decurrens had 50.86% at Station IV. The index of diversity of macroalgae in Kasiak
Gadang Island is about 0.48 1.27. According to the diversity index criteria, macroalgae diversity in this island is
considered being in low.
Keywords: Diversity, index of diversity, Kasiak Gadang Island, macroalgae, Nirwana Beach

stem of the higher plants but its function is for support

the blade. The blade resembles leaves of the higher
plant has function for photosynthesis and absorption
nutrients [4].
Nowadays, some of the culinary industry in Japan,
Korea, and China, had been increasing and developing
the value of the food intake of macroalgae. With this,
using macroalgae as material for healthy food keep increasing, and product development from macroalgae
keep growing. All of this can happen because mineral
wealth and essential element content in macroalgae are
more useful than terrestrial food plants [5].
Frequency and density of macroalgae are very useful, as primary producer, food resources, habit and
place for an organism that looking for food and shelter
in the marine ecosystems such as Crustacea, Mollusca,
Echinodermata, and fish. The type of life for macroalgae is called rumpun. It gives protection for small
marine organisms from the high wave [6]. In the marine environment, macroalgae can act as decontaminants, by absorbing a range of marine environment
toxins, for instance, heavy metals [5].
Distribution of maroalgae had been limited by litt-

One of the biology resources that has an important

role in marine life is macroalgae. Macroalgae is one of
the low-level organism from the division of Thallophyta. All of them is a multicellular plant. Based on the
pigment of photosynthesis, macroalgae can be divided
into 3 division: Chlorophyta (green algae), Phaeophyta
Brown algae) and Rhodophyta (red algae) [1]. The differences between the groups are big enough that they
were considered as not being related [2]. There are 555
spesies of macroalgae that had been recorded in Indonesian beaches. But not all of them had been used
by human because there had not been knowledge yet
Macroalgae or usually we called seaweed is similar
in form to the higher vascular plants but the structure
and the function of the parts are significantly diferent
from the higher plants. Macroalgae do not have true
roots, stem or leaves. But the whole body of the
macroalgae is called thallus that consists of the holdfast, stipe and blade. The holdfast resembled the root
of higher plants, but its function is for attachment and
not for nutrients absorption. The stipe resembled the
*Corresponding author:
Faisal Hadi
Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Andalas University
Jalan Universitas Andalas, Padang 23163, Indonesia
JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science


How to cite:
Hadi F, Zakaria IJ, Syam Z (2016) Diversity of macroalgae in
Kasiak Gadang Island Nirwana Beach, Padang - West Sumatra,
Indonesia. J. Trop. Life. Science 6 (2): 97 100.

Volume 6 | Number 2 | May| 2016

Faisal Hadi et al., 2016

ttoral zone and the sub-littoral zone where the sunlight

still penetrated. This zone was important because had
sunlight that can be used by macroalge for photosynthesis. Littoral zone is a zone that matched for
macroalgae life because there are stone and rocks. The
macroalgae will be decreasing at zone with muld and
sand [7]. Distribution for macroalgae also had been
found in some islands in Padang City. Padang is a capital city of West Sumatra that located at West Coast
Sumatra. Padang city had 19 small islands and shoreline. One of this small island is Kasiak Gadang Island.
Based on administration, this island coordinates at 11'
8.30" South Latitude and 10021' 45.71" East Longitude. The island has an area of approximately around 1
ha [8]. This island sprawls with diferent species of
macroalgae. When the low tide comes, we can see
macroalgae in this coastal waters. However, there is no
record on the diversity of macroalgae in this island.
This paper tells about how the diversity of macroalgae
in this island is.

station sampling area. In each stations was taken 3 line

transect (Figure 1) [9]. All of the Stations are Station I
at North-East of the Island, Station II at South-East of
the Island, Station III at North-West of the Island and
Station IV at South-West of the Island. Samples of
macroalgae collected from this island were identified
using identification books at species level morphologically based on Carpenter and Niem (1998) [10].
To know about Index Diversity of Macroalgae, we
were using formula of Index Diversity ShannonWiener in Estradivari et al. (2007) [11]:

H : Index of diversity
pi : ni/N
ni : Quantity of species individual of the it
N : Quantity of total individual


This study was conducted from May to November

2014 in Kasiak Gadang Island, Nirwana Beach,
Padang, West Sumatra Indonesia. Then this study was
continued to Laboratory of Research for Plants and
Animals Ecology at Biology Department, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University,

Figure 1.

Schematic representation of sampling for baseline

macroalgae surveys

The methods used in this study were line transect

and belt transect. A long rope was laid perpendicular to
the coast from high tide to the low tide. Sampling
point using belt transect 0.25 m2 placed systematically
along the rope. The sampling point marked at 5 m interval along the rope. The island was divide into four
JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science



Based on Figure 3, at the station I there is Padina

minor had the highest relative density 67.03 %. It is
not only had the high relative density at station I but
also at Station II 52.28%. At station III, species that
had the highest relative density is Sargassum crassifolium. It had relative density is 84.12%. At station IV,
species that had the highest density is Turbinaria decurrens. It had relative density 50.77%.
Many species of macroalgae can tolerate being
dried out completely and being subjected to fluctuation
of temperature. A large number of macroalgae had
adapted to live in the intertidal zone with diferent type
of substrates [5].
There are some factor afected all of this diferences. There are temperature and type of substrate. P.
minor, S. crassifolium and T. decurrens had able to
survive in high-temperature condition. The temperature in this island had ranged around 31 35C. The
average temperature for Tropical Ocean around 20
30C [12]. This three species also found in Nirwana
Beach [13] when the temperature in this beach was 30
31C. Not only temperature, but also substrate affected density and diversity of macroalgae. Generally,
macroalgae need rocks or hard substrate to live. But,
some macroalgae can survive in sand substrate.
In the Station I, II and III dominated with sand
substrate. P. minor and S. crassifolium can survive in

Volume 6 | Number 2 | May | 2016

Diversity of Macroalgae in Kasiak Gadang Island

Figure 2.

Location of sampling stations in Kasiak Gadang Island, Nirwana Beach, Padang

Figure 3.

Relative density of macroalgae in Kasiak Gadang Island, Nirwana Beach, Padang

Figure 4. Diversity index of macroalgae in Kasiak Gadang Island, Nirwana Beach, Padang

JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science


Volume 6 | Number 2 | May | 2016

Faisal Hadi et al., 2016

sand substrate [14]. In the station IV dominated with

rocks substrates. This is why T. decurrens had the
highest density in this station. It cant live in the sand
substrate. This species need hard substrate to attach
their holdfast. and substrate it seems having less
macroalgae, but some species of macroalgae can survive at sand substrate. For instance Padina spp., Sargassum spp. (Phaeophyta), Codium spp., Caulerpa
spp., and Enteroporpa spp. (Chlorophyta) and Acanthophora spp. (Rhodophyta) [15].
Based on figure 4 there are diferences diversity index of each station. Station one got index diversity
0.63. Station two was 1.24. Station three had 0.49 and
Station four had 1.14. High and low of the value of index diversity was influenced by a number of species,
the quantity of species and the balance of macroalgae
distribution [16]. According to Diversity Index criteria
by Ludwig and Reynolds (1988) in Estradivari et al.,
(2007), if H 2.0, it means low diversity. If 2.0 < H
3.0, it means medium diversity and if H > 3.0, it
means high diversity [10]. Based on that criteria, diversity of macroalgae in this island considered being in
low diversity. Its means macroalgae in this island has
total low species and individuals of species. This is happen because the temperature in this island is high. The
other research was found when temperature in 27 28.4C founded 33 species of macroalgae in Masawoy
Beach, Ambalau Island [17].






There are five species of Macroalgae found on this

Island. Diversity Index of Macroalgae in this island
around 0,49 1,24. Even though the relative density of
macroalgae in each station diferent but according to
the criteria of Diversity Index, the Diversity of
Macroalgae in this island considered being in Low



Special thanks to Rector of Andalas University for

financial supported in this paper.

JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science



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Volume 6 | Number 2 | May | 2016

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