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Service Cloud

Salesforce, Summer ’21

Last updated: May 13, 2021
© Copyright 2000–2021, inc. All rights reserved. Salesforce is a registered trademark of, inc.,

as are other names and marks. Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Service Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What’s Service? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Service Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Case Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Workforce Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 790
Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818
Einstein for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
Field Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1198
Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1655
More Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1662
PDF Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1751

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1754

Give your customers the information and support they need with Service Cloud—the customer service and support application that
you can customize to fit your business needs.
With Service Cloud, you can choose how your customers reach you—by email, phone, social media, Experience Cloud sites, chat, text,
and more. To keep your customers satisfied when they do contact you, Service Cloud makes sure that your agents have all the tools they
need to respond efficiently to customer questions and requests. Service Cloud boosts agent productivity, allows communication on
multiple channels, and supports solving issues in the field.

Get Started
Find out what Service Cloud is all about and how to begin.
• What’s Service?
• Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Watch these videos to understand the basics.

• Customer Engagement Channels in Service Cloud
• Learn the Basics of Lightning Service

Take our Service Cloud trails to get started.

• Get Started with Service Cloud for Lightning Experience
• Keep Customers Happy with Service Cloud
• Discover Advanced Service Cloud Features
• Get on the Road with Field Service

Service Cloud

Learn More

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant
Service Cloud is a powerful, highly customizable customer service tool. To make the most of its breadth and flexibility, use the friendly
Service Setup Assistant to get help setting up an optimized, out-of-the-box Service Cloud solution. Within a few minutes, your agents
can start using a Service app that boosts their productivity.
Service Cloud Support and Case Management
Set up the Service Cloud basics to help you manage customer issues, like cases and contact requests. Customize your Service Cloud
implementation to meet your business needs with entitlement management, productivity tools, and more.
Service Cloud Routing
Unify your channels and manage your agent workload with Omni-Channel routing. Set up rules and queues to automate your service
Service Cloud Channels
Service Cloud’s support channels offer many ways—phone, email, web chat, social network channels, and more—that your customers
can use to contact you. Today’s customers are used to being digitally connected and easily communicating with their friends, families,
and coworkers. They expect the same from the companies they do business with. Make it easier for customers to connect with your
company how and when they want. Set up a mix of channels based on your business needs and customer preferences.
Workforce Engagement
Run a better contact center to help your business, employees, and customers all win. Your business wins with our new data-driven
planning tools that let you meet workload demands more efficiently. Your employees win with flexible scheduling tools, and better
career ownership and growth opportunities. Your customers win because service is swifter and the agents who support them are
the best match.
Salesforce Knowledge
Give your website visitors, clients, partners, and service agents the ultimate support tool. Create and manage a knowledge base with
your company information, and securely share it when and where it's needed.
Einstein for Service
Einstein for Service is a powerful set of features to support your agents and satisfy your customers.
Field Service
Field Service (formerly known as Field Service Lightning) gives you a powerful, highly customizable, mobile-friendly field service hub
in Salesforce.
Service Cloud Reporting
Use support reports to track the number of cases created, case comments, case emails, case owners, case contact roles, cases with
solutions, the length of time since the case last changed status or owner, and the history of cases.
More Service Cloud Features
Locate documentation for earlier versions of Service features we've upgraded.

Service Cloud What Is Service?

Service Cloud Printed Resources

In addition to online help, the Service Cloud has guides to help you learn about and successfully administer your Service Cloud

Customer Service Features: What’s Different or Not Available in Lightning Experience
Customer Service Features: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce Mobile App

What Is Service?
When we talk about service at Salesforce, we’re talking about Service Cloud—a powerful platform of tools, processes, and features to
help you help your customers.
With Service Cloud, you can deliver instant, personalized service and support to your customers. And because every company and its
customers are different, you can customize Service Cloud to fit your needs. When your customers are happy, you're happy!
So how exactly does Service Cloud work? You can let your customers communicate with you on any channel—email, phone, social
media, Experience Cloud sites, chat, text, and more. We transform those communications into cases, which are what we call a customer
issue, request, or support ticket. Then you route those cases to service agents—the employees at your company who respond and
resolve customer issues. Service Cloud is with you from start to finish, delivering an integrated and streamlined process for handling all
your customer support needs.
Here’s an example of Service Cloud at work. Your customer has an issue with one of your products. They send you an email and in
Salesforce a case is created to track the problem. The case is viewed in the Service Console by one of your agents. After your agent find
a resolution, they email your customer back.

What’s a Case?
Service Cloud Channels

Service Cloud Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Service Cloud is a powerful, highly customizable customer service tool. To make the most of its
breadth and flexibility, use the friendly Service Setup Assistant to get help setting up an optimized,
out-of-the-box Service Cloud solution. Within a few minutes, your agents can start using a Service Available in: Lightning
app that boosts their productivity. Experience

Available in: Professional,

How It Works Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
You—the fearless admin—head to the Service Setup Assistant page in Setup. Enter your main Editions
support email address and add agents, and the Assistant creates your Service app. If you have
licenses for Omni-Channel, Chat, Messaging, or Knowledge, the Assistant can also set up these key
features for you. USER PERMISSIONS

To run the Service Setup

• Customize Application

When the Assistant wraps up its setup, your new, fully configured Service app is available for you and your team in the App Launcher.
After you turn it on, the Assistant can’t be turned off, but you can customize its features to your company’s processes later. Turning on
the Assistant doesn’t cause issues with your other apps or overwrite your existing configurations.

Sounds Neat, What’s Included?

Our favorite, quick-win service tools! As part of creating your Service app, the Service Setup Assistant sets up queues, macros, and flows
to streamline your workflows, optimizes high-use page layouts, sets up quick text responses and case email notifications, and more. For
a full list of the tasks that the Assistant completes for you, see Features Included in the Service Setup Assistant.

Let’s Do This
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Service Setup Assistant, and click Service Setup Assistant.
2. Click the toggle to On.

Service Cloud Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

3. The status changes to In Progress. To get the latest status, click Check Status.
4. When the status changes to Ready, click Get Started.
5. Enter your main support email address. To create a secure email address, click Generate Address, which you can add to your email’s
forwarding service. After you add that email, any email sent to that address generates a case in Salesforce.
6. Click Add Users, and enter the email address of any agents and supervisors on your team. Assign each user a profile (Service Admin
or Service Agent), feature licenses, and queues.
7. Click Complete.
Your new, fully configured Lightning Service Console app is available for you and your team in the App Launcher. Just look for the Service
Console app containing your business name.

• Salesforce adds new features to the Assistant every release. We remind you each release to install new updates.
• To try out the Service Setup Assistant in a sandbox, turn it on in the sandbox and then start over in production when you’re
ready. If you already turned it on in production, create a full sandbox copy for testing.

Explore Other Resources

After the Service Setup Assistant creates your Service app, check out helpful resources on the Service Setup page. In the header, click
and select Service Setup.

Monitor Your Service Metrics

See how your email and social channels are doing, analyze call center spikes, and view up-to-the-minute caseload stats.
Get Setup Recommendations
See recommended setup flows, content, and tips to acquaint yourself with Service Cloud’s features. The guided setup flows walk
you through tasks like integrating with Twitter and Facebook or importing your business data. Some of these tasks may already be
set up for you by the Service Setup Assistant.

Service Cloud Features Included in the Service Setup Assistant

Features Included in the Service Setup Assistant
The Service Setup Assistant walks you through essential setup tasks to get Service Cloud up and running. After a few clicks, your
team can start using key Service Cloud features that are configured with optimal settings and layouts.

Features Included in the Service Setup Assistant

The Service Setup Assistant walks you through essential setup tasks to get Service Cloud up and
running. After a few clicks, your team can start using key Service Cloud features that are configured
with optimal settings and layouts. Available in: Lightning
The Service Setup Assistant completes these tasks for you. If you already completed some of the Experience
tasks, no problem—the Assistant doesn’t overwrite your existing configurations. The Assistant may
Available in: Professional,
add “Preconfigured” to the end of settings such as queue or permission set names to avoid conflicts
Enterprise, Performance,
with any existing configurations. Unlimited, and Developer
Core Tasks
Task Description Where to Find It Available Since
To set up a Lightning Service
Create a custom This app serves as the In the App Launcher, Winter ’21 Console:
Lightning Service service home base for click the Service • Customize Application
Console app agents and supervisors. Console app AND
containing your
Service Cloud User
business name or the
word “Preconfigured.” To run the Service Setup
Create Service Admin These profiles provide Manage user profiles Winter ’21 • Customize Application
and Service Agent user access to standard on the Profiles page in
profiles service features. New Setup.
permissions are added
to the profiles each

Assign licenses and When you add users, Manage permission Summer ’21
permission sets decide which features sets on the Permission
they need access to. Sets page in Setup.
The Assistant assigns Manage individual
feature licenses and users’ settings on the
permission sets, and Users page in Setup.
lets you know how
many licenses are

Provide sample cases, Select the option to Manage cases on the Summer ’21
flow add sample service Cases tab.
recommendations, data, right above the Manage flow
macros, knowledge Service Setup Assistant recommendations on
articles, and quick text toggle. The sample the Actions &
data shows you best

Service Cloud Features Included in the Service Setup Assistant

Task Description Where to Find It Available Since

practices for working with Recommendations page in
Service Cloud, and you can Setup.
customize or delete the data to Manage knowledge articles on
your preference. the Knowledge tab.
Note: If you have Manage quick text on the Quick
validation rules in place, Text tab.
any sample case data
Macros appear for agents in the
loaded into your new
macro utility on cases in the
Service app skips
console. To let agents see a
validation. After the
macro, share it with them.
Assistant wraps up, new
cases continue to follow
your validation rules.
Some of the sample data
requires extra feature
licenses, like Knowledge.
We’ll add only the
sample data that you can

Provide feature walkthroughs Help agents learn how to use Users see a quick text Spring ’21
quick text and macros by walkthrough the first few times
displaying step-by-step they view cases. If macros have
walkthroughs. been shared with the user, they
see a macro walkthrough the
first few times they open the
Service app.

Knowledge Tasks
Task Description Where to Find It Available Since
Enable Knowledge and create a When you add users to your Manage individual users’ Spring ’21
Knowledge profile and Service app, assign them the settings on the Users page in
permission set Knowledge license so they can Setup.
access Knowledge.

Create a Knowledge article This task creates: Manage global actions on the Spring ’21
layout, global action, and • Optimized record page for Global Actions page in Setup.
Channel Mapping configurations knowledge articles that To manage channel mappings,
includes a compact layout, from the Object Manager in
Article Tools and Feed tabs, Setup, click Knowledge, then
and a Compare Versions click Communication Channel
component Mappings. To manage
• New Article global action knowledge page layouts, from

Service Cloud Features Included in the Service Setup Assistant

Task Description Where to Find It Available Since

• Channel Mapping the same Knowledge page in
configurations that give the Object Manager, click Page
agents article-specific Layouts.
responses to use when
inserting articles into emails
and chats
This task is skipped in
Professional Edition orgs where
field-level security isn’t enabled.

Create a help center Add knowledge articles and Manage and publish your help Summer ’21
branding, and publish your help center on the Help Center page
center to give customers a place in Setup.
to resolve straightforward
questions without contacting
your support team. For
complicated issues, customers
can use a simple web form to
create a case.

Case Management and Routing Tasks

Task Description Where to Find It Available Since
Create a Case record layout Get an optimized page layout To manage case page layouts, Winter ’21
for cases that includes key quick from the Case page in the
actions and page components. Object Manager, click Page

Create Email-to-Case queue and Forwarding must be activated Manage Email-to-Case on the Winter ’21
configure Email-to-Case settings to work with Email-to-Case. For Email-to-Case page in Setup.
specific forwarding instructions,
check with your email provider.
During setup, Salesforce sends
a confirmation email. Follow the
steps in the email to finish
setting up Email-to-Case.

Set up Omni-Channel and Complete basic setup steps for Manage Omni-Channel on the Spring ’21
configure case routing Omni-Channel. If Omni-Channel Omni-Channel Settings page in
was ever enabled in your org, Setup.
this task and the next three tasks
are skipped.

Service Cloud Features Included in the Service Setup Assistant

Task Description Where to Find It Available Since

Enable Chat and Chat routing Complete basic setup steps for Manage Chat on the Chat Spring ’21
Chat, like creating a queue. If Settings page in Setup.
Chat was ever enabled in your
org, this task is skipped.

Enable Messaging & Messaging Complete basic setup steps for Manage Messaging on the Spring ’21
routing Messaging, like creating a Messaging Settings page in
queue. If Messaging was ever Setup.
enabled in your org, this task is

Create Case, Chat, and When you add users to your Manage permission sets on the Spring ’21
Messaging permission sets Service app, assign them the Permission Sets page in Setup.
Messaging or Chat licenses to
let them access the features.

Create Case Status picklist values Create values for the Status field From the Object Manager in Spring ’21
on cases. The values can be used Setup, click Case, then click
for case merging, status-based Fields and Relationships >
email notifications, and other Status to see the picklist values.
• New
• In Progress
• On Hold
• Waiting for Customer
• Escalated
• Merged
• Closed
• Response Received
You can modify or delete them
or add your own. If you’ve
already added values, this task
is skipped.

Enable Case Merge Let agents merge duplicate Manage your Case Merge Spring ’21
cases. settings on the Case Merge page
in Setup.

Set up automatic email Automatically email the case Manage Lightning email Summer ’21
notifications for case updates contact when a case is created, templates from the Email
updated, assigned, and closed. Templates tab. Click the Public
Email Templates folder to view
the sample templates.
Manage support settings on the
Support Settings page in Setup.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Support and Case Management

Important: Some of the features that the Service Setup Assistant sets up for you require extra licenses or configuration steps. If
you don’t have a license needed for a particular task, the task is skipped.
• Knowledge requires a Knowledge license.
• Case routing requires a Service Cloud license or Digital Engagement license.
• Chat requires a Digital Engagement license.
• Messaging requires a Digital Engagement license.
• Macros requires a Service Cloud license.
• To access Knowledge, Case, Messaging, and Chat, users must be assigned a feature-specific license and permission set.
If a feature seems to be missing after setup is complete, review the requirements to make sure that you meet them. If the review
doesn’t solve the issue, contact Salesforce Customer Support.

Service Cloud Support and Case Management

Set up the Service Cloud basics to help you manage customer issues, like cases and contact requests. Customize your Service Cloud
implementation to meet your business needs with entitlement management, productivity tools, and more.

Configure General Support Settings
Set up business hours and support holidays for your organization. You can also update settings to make your support processes
more efficient.
Set Up and Manage Cases
Cases are a Salesforce tool that agents use to interact with customers to help get their problems solved — they really are the backbone
of Service Cloud! Cases are powerful records in Salesforce that keep a log of customer issues, show agents a complete customer
overview, and so much more, right on the platform! Customize cases to fit your business needs and ensure that your customers
receive the service they deserve.
Let Customers Request that Support Get Back to Them
Show your customers that you value their time as much as their continued business. Create a contact request flow to let your
customers request that support get back to them. With contact requests, customers don’t have to phone you and wait on hold to
get help—all they do is fill out a form online. Contact requests are like a light-weight version of cases.
Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers
A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between you and your customer. With Service Cloud, you can manage your
service-level agreements with service contracts, entitlements, milestones, and assets.
Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console
Service Cloud offers productivity tools that save your agents time when working on cases, customer issues, and records. To maximize
your efficiency, use all the productivity tools together in the Service Console app.

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

Access Service Cloud on Mobile Devices

Service Cloud Mobile is the future of customer service on the go. This mobile app is available on both iOS and Android devices. The
app gives you real-time access to the same case and queue information that you see on the console, but organized for getting work
done from your mobile device.

Service Cloud Routing
Service Cloud Channels
Salesforce Knowledge

Configure General Support Settings

Set up business hours and support holidays for your organization. You can also update settings to
make your support processes more efficient.
To enable and configure Service Cloud feature, head over to Setup. Available in: both Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Customize Support Settings The available support setup
options vary according to
Support settings can help you automate case management. Choose email templates, default
which Salesforce Edition you
case owner, case notifications, and more.
Set Business Hours
Specify the hours when your support team is available to serve customers. This helps make
your department’s processes, such as escalations and milestones, more accurate.
Set Up Support Holidays
Holidays let you specify the dates and times your customer support team is unavailable. After you create a holiday, you can associate
it with business hours to suspend business hours and escalation rules during holiday dates and times.

Self-Service Implementation Guide
Case Management Implementation Guide

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

Customize Support Settings

Support settings can help you automate case management. Choose email templates, default case
owner, case notifications, and more.
From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Support Available in: Salesforce
Settings and click Edit. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Setting Description Experience

Default Case Automatically assign a user or queue to all cases that don't match any Available in: Essentials,
Owner case assignment rule entries. This user must be Active. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Notify Default Notify the default case owner when a case is assigned to that user. If the and Developer Editions
Case Owner new owner is a queue, the notification is sent to the queue email address.
Notifications are system-generated and can't be modified.
Record Type Indicates which record type to assign to cases created by users applying
Setting assignment rules. Select either: To change support settings:
• Customize Application
• Keep the existing record type if you want new cases
to keep the creator's record type
• Override the existing record type with the
assignee's default record type if you want to
overwrite the creator's record type on new cases

Automated Case Specify the user you want listed in the case feed items and Case History
User related list for automated case changes. The name of the automated
case user is displayed in the From field in emails sent by an auto-response
rule. Automated case changes can occur from assignment rules,
auto-response rules, escalation rules, On-Demand Email-to-Case, or cases
logged in the Self-Service portal. Select either:
• System to indicate that an automated process performed an action,
such as creating a case or changing a case’s status. When you select
System, the lookup field is unavailable.
• User to use the lookup field to specify a user, such as an
administrator, to be the Automated Case User. This user must have
the System Administrator profile or the Modify All Data and Send
Email permissions.

Case Creation Specify the template used to notify contacts when a support agent
Template manually creates a case. The notification is optional; it's triggered by a
checkbox on the case edit page. This template must be Available
for Use.
In Lightning Experience, to display the send notification checkbox to
users, you must:
• Specify a case creation template for this setting
• Edit the case page layout properties and select Show on edit page
for the Email Notification Checkbox setting

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

Setting Description
Case Assigned Specify the template used to notify users that a case was manually assigned to them by an
Template administrator or another user. The notification is optional; it's triggered by a checkbox on the Change
Case Owner page. This template must be Available for Use.

Case Close Template Specify the template used to notify contacts that a case has been closed. The notification is optional;
it's triggered by a checkbox on the Close Case page. This template must be Available for

Note: Case Close Template is available in Aloha as of Summer '21 so Salesforce doesn't
auto-assign it.

Customer Feedback Specify a survey to send to the case contact when the case is closed. Enable Surveys before specifying
Survey a survey. By default, the Customer Satisfaction survey is set.

New Cases Visible in Automatically selects the Visible in Self-Service Portal checkbox for all new cases,
Portal including cases created via Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, and On-Demand Email-to-Case.
Regardless of this default, users creating new cases can manually set the Visible in
Self-Service Portal checkbox.
If you’re using Digital Experiences, this setting doesn’t apply for partner or customer users viewing
cases in Experience Builder sites. New case visibility in Experience Builder sites is controlled by sharing

Enable Case Comment Notify contacts when a case comment has been modified or added to a case. If you select this setting,
Notification to click Case Comment Template and choose the email template to use for these notifications.
Contacts This template must be Available for Use. Emails can’t be sent to contacts that are Self-Service
portal users.

Notify Case Owner of Notify the case owner when a user adds a public or private comment to a case. If you select this
New Case Comments setting, case owners can't opt out of receiving these notices. Notices aren't sent to inactive case
In Lightning Experience, email notifications aren’t sent when agents use in-line edit on the case
record detail page to update the Internal Comments field.

Early Triggers Enable early triggers for escalation rules and their actions.
Enabled You can set up an escalation rule to perform an action when a case has been unresolved for a specific
number of hours. The Age Over hour you specify determines when Salesforce performs the
escalation action. Enable early triggers to ensure that your escalation actions are triggered before
the Age Over hour you specify.

Enable Suggested Enable the Suggested Solutions button on case detail pages so agents can propose specific solutions
Solutions to help resolve cases.

Enable Suggested Provide suggested articles on the Articles related list. You can make suggested articles available in
Articles all Salesforce Knowledge channels except the public knowledge base.

Send Case Use a system email address rather than the user who updated the case’s for notifications, case
Notifications from comments, attachments, and assignments. System notifications use as
System Address the From email address.

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

Setting Description

Note: When notifying a Case Contact after creating a public comment, the From field will
take the email from the commenter.
This setting helps prevent Self-Service or Customer Portal users who update their cases from receiving
out-of-office emails from case owners.

Notify Case Owners Automatically select the Send Notification Email checkbox on cases when users change
when Case Ownership a case owner to another user. This setting helps prevent users from forgetting to notify other users
Changes that they're the new owner of a case. Agents can still select the send notification checkbox even if
you don’t enable this setting.
In Salesforce Classic, selecting this option doesn't automatically select Send Notification
Email when users change a case owner to a queue. However, in Lightning Experience, if you select
this option, the checkbox is always automatically selected for user and queue changes.

Show Closed Statuses Add closed statuses to the Status field on cases. Agents can close cases without having to click
in Case Status Field the Close Case button and update information on close case page layouts.
Selecting Show Closed Statuses in Case Status Field doesn't remove the Close
button from case list views. Instead, it adds Closed to the list of statuses available for users to choose
from when they select multiple cases and click Change Status on case list views.

Hide Save & Close After selecting Show Closed Statuses in Case Status Field, you can select this
Button and Cls Links checkbox so that the Save & Close button on case edits pages and the Cls links on Cases
related lists don't display unnecessarily. Instead, users close cases via the Status field and Save

Enable Case Feed Enables case feed-specific actions and feed items. When you select this option, existing cases are
Actions and Feed upgraded to the case feed user interface.

Size of Email Feed Control the size of email feed items by setting a character limit on the email feed item body. You
Item Body can set the character limit to:
• Small: 400 characters (default)
• Medium: 1200 characters
• Large: 5000 characters
• Custom: A value from 400 through 5000 characters
If an email feed item body exceeds the character limit, users can click More to see the rest of the
email feed item body.

Blank Lines in Email Save space in the case feed by removing blank lines in the body of email feed items.
Feed Item Body

Collapse Previous Display only the most recent email in the email feed item body.
Emails in Email Feed In Salesforce Classic, users can click More to see previous emails in the thread. Agents can also
Item Body collapse expanded email threads by refreshing the browser (This setting applies only to Salesforce

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

Setting Description
Enable Default Email Use an Apex class to load a default email template or to specify the default target fields for the email
Templates or the action on cases.
Default Handler for
Email Action

Enable Email Drafts Enables email draft functionality.

If email drafts are enabled, the popout to docked email composer action in the toolbar is disabled.

Enable Let moderators create cases from Chatter questions in your organization.
Question-to-Case in

Create Auto-Response Changes the order of case feed items and records, so that feed items that are automatically generated
Record After appear after the customer’s first email.
Customer’s First

Show Email Displays an email icon in the case Attachments related list next to files that were attached from
Attachments in Case emails. Also displays a Source column in the case Attachments related list's list view. This feature is
Attachments Related available in Lightning Experience only.

Enable Case Merge Lets agents merge cases and lets developers use the API to merge cases. This feature is available in
Lightning only.

Enable Unread/Read on To turn on this feature, contact Salesforce.

Compact Case Feed
Displays the title of unread feed items in bold. After any agent clicks a feed item, the title is displayed
in a regular font. Feed items that are liked, bookmarked, edited, or commented on are marked as
read. It usually takes 2–3 days for changes to appear on the Case feed. This feature is available in
Lightning only.

Enable Web-to-Case Make sure Web-to-Case is configured in Setup. then, in the Quick Find box, enter Web-to-Case
, and then assign an available template as the Default Response Template to use Lightning templates
with Web-to-Case.

Enable Case From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Case Auto-Response Rules . Assign one of the
Auto-Response Rules available Lightning email templates to your rule, then click Save to enable Lightning email templates
with Case Auto-Response Rules.

Note: Starting with Spring ’12, the Self-Service portal isn’t available for new Salesforce orgs. Existing orgs continue to have access
to the Self-Service portal.

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

Set Business Hours

Specify the hours when your support team is available to serve customers. This helps make your
department’s processes, such as escalations and milestones, more accurate.
Setting business hours lets you apply specific time zones and locations to: Available in: Salesforce
• Milestones in entitlement processes
• Entitlement processes Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Cases
Unlimited, and Developer
• Case escalation rules Editions
You can also make the Business Hours field available on the Case Layout page so that your
Entitlements and milestones
support agents can set the times a support team is available to work on the case. By default, business available in: Professional,
hours are set 24 hours, seven days a week in the default time zone specified in your organization's Enterprise, Performance,
profile. Unlimited, and Developer
Additionally, users with the “Customize Application” permission can add business hours to escalation Editions with the Service
rules so that when the details of a case match the criteria of an escalation rule, the case is Cloud
automatically updated and escalated with the times and location on the rule. For example, a case
updated with Los Angeles business hours escalates only when a support team in Los Angeles is USER PERMISSIONS
To set business hours: To set business hours:
• Manage Business Hours
1. From Setup, enter Business Hours in the Quick Find box, then select Business Holidays
2. Click New Business Hours.
3. Type a name for the business hours.
We recommend using a name that will remind users of a location or time zone when they view business hours on a case, entitlement
process, or milestone. For example, if your business hours are for a support center in San Francisco, you could use the name San
Francisco Business Hours.

4. Click Active to allow users to associate the business hours with cases, escalation rules, milestones, and entitlement processes.
5. Optionally, click Use these business hours as the default to set the business hours as the default business
hours on all new cases.
Default business hours on cases can be updated with business hours on escalation rules if the cases match escalation rule criteria
and the rule is set to override business hours.

6. Choose a time zone to associate with the business hours in the Time Zone drop-down list.
7. Set your business hours for each day of the week.
• If your support team is available during the entire day every day of the week, select the 24 hours checkbox.
• Choose the start and end times for the business hours. If the time you want isn’t available, click the field and type it in.
• Leave the business hours start and end times blank and the 24 hours checkbox deselected to indicate that the support team
is not available at all that day.

8. Click Save.
After you have set business hours, you can associate them with:
• Escalation rules, so that when the details of a case match the criteria of an escalation rule, the case is updated and escalated with
the business hours on the rule.

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

• Holidays, so that business hours and any escalation rules associated with business hours are suspended during the dates and times
specified in holidays.
• Milestones, in entitlement processes so that business hours can change with the severity of a case.
• Entitlement processes, so that you can use the same entitlement process for cases with different business hours.

Note: All users, even those without the “View Setup and Configuration” user permission, can view business hours via the API.

Guidelines for Setting Business Hours
To make your support processes more accurate, define when your support team is available to help customers. There are a few
guidelines to keep in mind as you set business hours.

Set Up Support Holidays

Guidelines for Setting Business Hours

To make your support processes more accurate, define when your support team is available to help
customers. There are a few guidelines to keep in mind as you set business hours.
• After you set business hours, add the Business Hours lookup field to case layouts and Available in: Salesforce
set field-level security on the Business Hours field. This lets users view and update the Classic
business hours on a case.
Available in: Professional,
• Business hours on a case are automatically set to your organization's default business hours, Enterprise, Performance,
unless the case matches the criteria on an escalation rule associated with different business Unlimited, and Developer
hours. Editions
• Salesforce automatically calculates daylight savings times for the time zones available for Entitlements and milestones
business hours, so you don’t have to configure rules to account for time zones. available in: Professional,
• Business hours on a case include hours, minutes, and seconds. However, if business hours are Enterprise, Performance,
less than 24 hours, the system ignores the seconds for the last minute before business hours Unlimited, and Developer
end. For example, suppose it is 4:30 PM now, and business hours end at 5:00 PM. If you have a Editions with the Service
milestone with a 30-minute target, it’s more common to say that the target is 5:00 PM, not 4:59 Cloud
PM. To accommodate this, the system stops counting seconds after 5:00. If seconds were
counted from 5:00:00-5:00:59, the 30-minute target would occur after the 5:00:00 PM target
cut-off and would roll over to the next day.
• Escalation rules only run during the business hours they’re associated with.
• You can update cases associated with business hours that are no longer active. without having to reactivate business hours.
• You can’t include the Business Hours field in list views or reports.
• You can create multiple business hours for support teams that operate in the same time zone but at different hours.
• For simplicity, we recommend that you create one set of business hours per support center.
• You can’t deactivate business hours that are included in escalation rules. You must first remove them from the escalation rules.
• You can associate up to 1000 holidays with each set of business hours.
• On cases that include entitlements, business hours are applied according to a hierarchy. For details, see How Business Hours Work
in Entitlement Management.

Service Cloud Configure General Support Settings

Note: All users, even those without the “View Setup and Configuration” user permission, can view business hours via the API.

Set Business Hours
Set Up Support Holidays

Set Up Support Holidays

Holidays let you specify the dates and times your customer support team is unavailable. After you
create a holiday, you can associate it with business hours to suspend business hours and escalation
rules during holiday dates and times. Available in: Salesforce
For example, you could create a holiday called New Year’s Day that begins at 8 p.m. on December Classic
31 and ends at 9 a.m. on January 2. Escalation rules and entitlement milestones wouldn’t apply
Available in: Professional,
during the holiday.
Enterprise, Performance,
1. From Setup, enter Holidays in the Quick Find box, then select Holidays. Unlimited, and Developer
2. Click New, or click Clone next to the name of an elapsed holiday.
You can only clone elapsed holidays. Entitlements and milestones
available in: Professional,
3. Type a name for the holiday. Enterprise, Performance,
4. Type a date for the holiday. Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
If you want the holiday to span more than one day:
a. Select the Recurring Holiday checkbox.
b. Enter the first day of the holiday in the Start Date field. USER PERMISSIONS
c. Deselect the No End Date checkbox in the End Date field.
To set holidays:
d. Enter the last day of the holiday in the End Date field. • Manage Business Hours
5. Optionally, you can:
• Specify the exact times at which the holiday takes place by deselecting the All Day
checkbox next to the Time field and entering the exact times.
• Select the Recurring Holiday checkbox to schedule the holiday to recur during specific dates and times:
– In the Frequency field, select the frequency at which the holiday recurs. When you click the Daily, Weekly, or
Monthly fields, more options display that allow you to refine frequency criteria.
– In the Start Date and End Date fields, specify the dates during which you wish the holiday to recur.
The following error message displays if you select a start date and end date that does not correspond with the frequency
you selected: The recurring holiday has no occurrence.

6. Click Save.
7. Click Add/Remove on the Business Hours related list.
8. Use the Add and Remove to choose the business hours you want to associate with the holiday. You can associate the holiday with
multiple business hours.

Note: All users, even those without the “View Setup and Configuration” user permission, can view holidays via the API.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Guidelines for Creating Support Holidays
Holidays let you specify the dates and times your customer support team is unavailable. There are a few guidelines to keep in mind
as you set up and work with holidays.

Set Business Hours

Guidelines for Creating Support Holidays

Holidays let you specify the dates and times your customer support team is unavailable. There are
a few guidelines to keep in mind as you set up and work with holidays.
• You can associate up to 1000 holidays with each set of business hours. Available in: Salesforce
• Holidays automatically acquire the time zone of the business hours with which they are Classic
associated. For example if you associate a holiday to business hours that are in Pacific Standard Available in: Professional,
Time, the holiday will take effect for those business hours in Pacific Standard Time Enterprise, Performance,
• You can only add business hours marked as Active to holidays. Unlimited, and Developer
• Holiday names don’t need to be unique. For example, you could create multiple holidays named
New Year's Day.
• Currently, report results do not take holidays into account.
• If you schedule a holiday to recur on a specific day of every month, the holiday will only recur on months that have that specific day.
For example, if you schedule a holiday on the 31st day of every month, then the holiday will only recur on months that have 31 days.
If you want a holiday to recur on the last day of every month, choose last from the On day of every month drop-down
• All users, even those without the “View Setup and Configuration” user permission, can view holidays via the API.

Set Up Support Holidays
Set Business Hours

Set Up and Manage Cases

Cases are a Salesforce tool that agents use to interact with customers to help get their problems
solved — they really are the backbone of Service Cloud! Cases are powerful records in Salesforce
that keep a log of customer issues, show agents a complete customer overview, and so much more, Available in both: Salesforce
right on the platform! Customize cases to fit your business needs and ensure that your customers Classic and Lightning
receive the service they deserve. Experience

Available in: Essentials,

IN THIS SECTION: Group, Professional,
What’s a Case? Enterprise, Performance,
A case is a customer’s question, feedback, or issue. Support agents can review cases to see how Unlimited, and Developer
they can deliver better service. Sales reps can use cases to see how they affect the sales process. Editions
Responding to cases keeps your customers happy and enhances your brand.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Set Up Case Teams

Create case teams to help groups of people work together to solve cases. Before you create case teams, define team roles.
Set Up the Support Agent Experience for Cases
Support agents are the front line of customer service. To ensure excellence in customer support, set up an experience for cases that
makes agents successful and efficient.
Manage and Work with Cases
To keep customers happy, learn how to manage and work with cases. After a case is opened, you update the customer and case
details, then you ultimately close and resolve the customer issue.

Set Up Queues
Set Up Assignment Rules
Set Up Auto-Response Rules
Set Up Escalation Rules

What’s a Case?
A case is a customer’s question, feedback, or issue. Support agents can review cases to see how
they can deliver better service. Sales reps can use cases to see how they affect the sales process.
Responding to cases keeps your customers happy and enhances your brand. Available in both: Salesforce
Communication channels gather cases from customers’ preferred forms of contact. Channels include Classic and Lightning
Experience Cloud sites for online forums, Email-to-Case for emails, Web-to-Case for websites, Experience
Salesforce Call Center for phone calls, and more.
Available in: Essentials,
On the Cases home page, you can create, locate, and edit cases and also sort and filter cases and Group, Professional,
queues using standard and custom list views. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Tip: Use the Service Console and its dashboard-like interface to respond to multiple cases Editions
faster. If entitlements are set up, you can check whether customers are eligible for support
or if cases are close to violating a milestone. If Salesforce to Salesforce is set up and cases are
shared with external contacts, you choose one of the list views to see cases that your business
partners have shared with you.

Salesforce Console
What’s Entitlement Management?
Case Management Implementation Guide

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Set Up Case Teams

Create case teams to help groups of people work together to solve cases. Before you create case
teams, define team roles.
To let people create and work on case teams, add the Case Team related list to case page layouts. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Here’s what you can do with case teams:
orgs) and Lightning
• Predefine case teams so that users can quickly add people with whom they work. Experience
• Create assignment rules that add predefined teams to cases that match specific criteria, such
Available in: Enterprise,
as when cases originate from emails. Performance, Unlimited,
• Create email alerts that notify team members when an action happens on a case, such as when and Developer Editions
a comment is added.
After you set up case teams, users can: USER PERMISSIONS
• Add people to the Case Team related list on cases.
To set up and manage case
• Choose one of the predefined roles that the person plays on the case. Roles determine the level teams:
of access to a case, such as read-only or read and write access. • Customize Application
• Add contacts to case teams, but they can only access cases when they’re enabled as customer Manage Users
portal users assigned to case page layouts. Customer portal users can’t update case teams or
Edit on cases
view case team roles.
• Filter case lists when they’re a team member, by choosing My Case Teams.
• Run a case report by choosing My team's cases from the View filter.

Note: Case teams count toward your org’s overall storage limit. Each team member on a case counts as 2 KB of storage space.

What’s a Case Team?
A case team is a group of people that work together to solve cases. For example, a case team can include support agents, support
managers, and product managers.
Create Case Team Roles
Before you set up case teams or predefine case teams, create roles to determine team members level of access to cases.
Predefine Case Teams
After you define case team roles, you can predefine case teams so that support agents can quickly add people who they frequently
work with to cases.
Set Up Email Alerts for Case Teams
Create email alerts for case teams so that each time a case is created or updated, team members are notified.
Case Team Fields
Case teams have the following fields, listed in alphabetical order. Availability of fields depends on how your admin set up Salesforce.

Set Up Queues
Set Up Assignment Rules
Create Page Layouts

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

What’s a Case Team?

A case team is a group of people that work together to solve cases. For example, a case team can
include support agents, support managers, and product managers.
If your admin has set up case teams, you can add people to the Case Team related list on cases. Available in: Salesforce
When adding a team member, choose one of the predefined roles that the person plays on the Classic (not available in all
case. Roles determine the level of access to a case, such as read-only or read and write access. orgs) and Lightning
You can add contacts to case teams, but they can only access cases when they’re enabled as
customer portal users assigned to case page layouts. Customer portal users can’t update case teams Available in: Enterprise,
or view case team roles. Case teams aren’t available for the partner portal. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: Admins can predefine case teams so that you can quickly add people who you
frequently work with. Admins can create assignment rules that add predefined teams to cases
that match specific criteria. Admins can also create email alerts that notify team members
when an action happens on a case.

Tip: To filter case lists when you’re a team member, choose My Case Teams. To report on case teams that you belong to, run a
case report, then choose My team's cases from the View filter.

Set Up Case Teams

Create Case Team Roles

Before you set up case teams or predefine case teams, create roles to determine team members
level of access to cases.
You can create an unlimited number of case team roles, but we recommend no more than 20 so Available in: Salesforce
as not to overwhelm team members. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Case Team Roles in the Quick Find box, then select Case Team
2. Click New, and enter the role’s name. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
3. From Case Access, choose the role’s level of access to cases. and Developer Editions
Read and Write
Members can view and edit cases and add related records, notes, and attachments to them. USER PERMISSIONS
Read Only
Members can view cases and add related records to them. To set up and manage case
Private • Customize Application
Members can’t access cases.
Manage Users
4. If you want members in the role visible to customer portal users viewing cases, choose Visible Edit on cases
in Customer Portal. Even if Visible in Customer Portal isn’t chosen, customer portal users added
to case teams can view themselves on Case Team related lists.
5. Click Save.

Note: You can’t delete roles, but you can click Replace next to a role you want to replace across all cases. If your org has one role,
you can’t replace it.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Tip: Roles don’t change a case owner’s access to cases, which is Read and Write by default.

Set Up Case Teams

Predefine Case Teams

After you define case team roles, you can predefine case teams so that support agents can quickly
add people who they frequently work with to cases.
1. From Setup, enter Predefined Case Teams in the Quick Find box, then select Available in: Salesforce
Predefined Case Teams. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
2. Click New, and enter the team’s name.
3. Add team members.
Available in: Enterprise,
a. Choose a team member type: User, Contact, or Customer Portal User. Contacts can access Performance, Unlimited,
cases only when they’re enabled as customer portal users and assigned to case page layouts. and Developer Editions
b. Click Lookup ( ) and select a member.
c. Choose a role for the member. USER PERMISSIONS

4. Click Save. To set up and manage case

Note: To delete a predefined case team, remove it from assignment rules first. If you delete • Customize Application
a predefined case team, it’s removed from all cases it’s on, and you can’t retrieve it from the
Manage Users
Recycle Bin. When you remove members from a predefined case team, they’re removed from
all cases in which they were members of the team. Edit on cases

Set Up Case Teams

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Set Up Email Alerts for Case Teams

Create email alerts for case teams so that each time a case is created or updated, team members
are notified.
1. Create email templates for notifications. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Set up workflow rules that specify which actions on a case send email alerts to team members.
orgs) and Lightning
a. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Workflow Experience
Available in: Enterprise,
b. Click New Rule. Performance, Unlimited,
c. From Select object, choose Case and click Next. and Developer Editions

d. Enter a rule name.

e. Choose the evaluation criteria. To ensure that every case is evaluated for an email alert, we USER PERMISSIONS
recommend that you set the evaluation criteria to Evaluate the rule when a To set up case teams:
record is: created, and every time it’s edited. • Customize Application
f. Enter your rule criteria. We recommend that you choose criteria are met and select the AND
criteria that a case must match to send email alerts. For example, if you want team members
Manage Users
to receive an email alert each time a case’s status is set to New, set the criteria to Case:
Status equals New. To create or change
workflow rules and actions:
g. Click Save & Next.
• Customize Application
3. Add email alerts to your workflow rule’s criteria. To create or change email
a. Click Add Workflow Action and choose New Email Alert.
• Customize Application
b. Enter a description and unique name for the email alert. Because you chose Case as the
object for the workflow rule, object appears as read only.
c. Choose an email template.
d. Select who receives email alerts from the workflow rule. To select all members of a case team, choose Case Team from Recipient
Type, and add the team as selected recipients. You can enter up to five more email addresses.
e. Click Save.

4. Activate the workflow rule and its email alert.

a. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Workflow Rules
b. Click Activate next to the name of the rule.

Note: To prevent the rule from sending email alerts, click Deactivate at any time. If you deactivate a rule with pending
actions, the actions finish as long as the case that triggered the rule isn’t updated.

Set Up Case Teams
Email Templates in Salesforce Classic

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Case Team Fields

Case teams have the following fields, listed in alphabetical order. Availability of fields depends on
how your admin set up Salesforce.
Available in: Salesforce
Field Description Classic (not available in all
Case Access The level of access a team member has to a case, orgs) and Lightning
such as Read, Write, Read Only, or Private. Case
access can’t be less than your org’s default case Available in: Enterprise,
sharing access. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Member Name The name of a user on a case team.

Member Role The team member’s role on the case, such as

support agent or case manager.

Visible in Customer Portal Indicates whether the case team member

appears in the customer portal.

What’s a Case Team?

Set Up the Support Agent Experience for Cases

Support agents are the front line of customer service. To ensure excellence in customer support, set up an experience for cases that
makes agents successful and efficient.

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
Follow these high-level steps to set up Case Feed in Salesforce Classic.
Set Up Cases for Lightning Experience
Before your agents can use the case feed and its publisher in Lightning Experience, you must recreate some quick actions. You also
can customize the agent experience for case hovers, let agents merge cases, and select a date-and-time stamp format on case feed
posts and comments.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic

Follow these high-level steps to set up Case Feed in Salesforce Classic.

Prerequisites and Basic Setup Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
Before you enable and customize Case Feed:
• Decide which actions and tools you need:
Available in: Enterprise,
– To use the Email action, set up Email-to-Case. Performance, Unlimited,
– To use the articles tool, set up Salesforce Knowledge. and Developer Editions

• Review how cases are upgraded and know what to expect when you enable Case Feed actions
and feed items. USER PERMISSIONS
When you’re ready, enable Case Feed actions and feed items. To set up and customize
Case Feed:
Note: In organizations created before Winter ’14, you also need to:
• Manage Cases
• Enable Chatter and actions in the publisher. AND
• Enable feed tracking on cases. On the feed tracking page, turn off tracking for the Status Customize Application
field. Turning off tracking for the Status field prevents duplicate feed items when agents
update a case’s status using the Change Status action.

Customizing Page Layouts

Choose what you want to appear on Case Feed page layouts based on your company’s needs and how your support agents work.
• Create layouts for case detail and close case pages and highlights panels.
• Create layouts for feed view pages to specify which actions, fields, and tools agents see when they’re working with cases.

Giving Users Access

The easiest way to give users access to Case Feed is to assign them to profiles that use the feed-based case page layouts you create.
In organizations created before Spring ’14, you may also be able to give users access in two other ways:
• By creating permission sets and assigning them to users
• Through custom profiles

Setting Up Case Feed: Adding More Functionality

Follow these optional steps to add more functionality to Case Feed.
• To let agents include short, pre-written messages in their emails, set up quick text and create quick text messages.
• To give agents the option of emailing customers to let them know when questions they've posted to a portal have been answered,
enable portal email notifications.
• To allow agents to save email messages as drafts before sending them, and to make it possible to create approval actions for email,
enable email drafts.
• To help agents save time and increase consistency when sending emails to customers, create text, HTML, or Visualforce email
• To let agents automate repetitive tasks, add the macros browser on page 223 to the console and give agents permission to use

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

• To give agents access to more functionality, create and add custom actions.

Chatter Settings
Enable Actions in the Chatter Publisher
Assign Page Layouts from a Customize Page Layout or Record Type Page

Case Feed Upgrade Results

When you enable Case Feed for your organization, an upgrade process converts active cases to the
new interface and creates feed items for activity on those cases.
During the upgrade process, users won’t notice anything different. After the process is complete, Available in: Salesforce
users for whom you've enabled Case Feed see existing and new cases in the new interface, while Classic (not available in all
users without Case Feed continue to see traditional cases. orgs)

Here’s what happens when cases are upgraded to the new interface: Available in: Enterprise,
• The 5000 most recent, active cases in your organization are converted to the Case Feed interface. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
How long this takes varies depending on the number of cases being converted and the
complexity of the data they contain. For example, cases with multiple email messages or other
attachments may take longer to convert than other cases.
• Older cases are also upgraded if they have comments, emails, or logged calls that were added to the case within the date range that
applies to the original 5000 converted cases. You can have up to 500 cases with current comments, up to 500 with current emails,
and up to 500 with current logged calls for a total of 1500 additional converted cases.
• The following items are added to the feed for each case:
– Up to 60 email messages.
– Up to 60 private and public comments. These are converted from comments to Chatter posts during the upgrade.
– Up to 60 logged calls. Some logged calls that were created before you upgraded to Case Feed may appear in the feed as tasks.

• The Case Feed interface is enabled for all new cases, giving users access to the publisher and feed.
• The Case Detail view becomes available, and contains additional information about the case, including items that remain in their
current related lists.
You’ll receive an email message once the upgrade process has finished.

Best Practices
• For the smoothest upgrade experience, we recommend enabling Case Feed in a full-copy sandbox organization before you enable
it in your production organization. This helps you determine how long the case conversion process takes and lets you review some
sample cases in the new user interface.
• After you enable Case Feed in your production organization, wait until the upgrade process has finished to give users access. We
recommend first assigning Case Feed to a single user, who can review some of the converted cases to be sure the upgrade process
was successful, and then making it available to other users.

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items

Enabling Case Feed actions and feed items gives your users access to some standard actions they’ll
need when working with cases, such as Email and Change Status, and to feed items related to those
actions. Available in: Salesforce
Note: In Salesforce orgs created before the Winter ’14 release, you must enable feed tracking Classic (not available in all
on Cases before you can enable the Case Feed actions and feed items. If feed tracking isn’t
enabled, then the Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items isn’t visible. Available in: Enterprise,
In Salesforce organizations created after the Winter ’14 release, feed tracking on cases and Case Performance, Unlimited,
Feed actions and feed items are automatically enabled. and Developer Editions

1. From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Support
2. Click Edit. To change support settings:
3. Select Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items. • Manage Cases

4. Click Save. AND

Customize Application
Once you enable Case Feed actions and feed items, your cases are upgraded to the new user
interface automatically. We recommend that you wait until this upgrade process is finished before
giving users access to Case Feed.

Create Permission Sets for Case Feed
After you enable Case Feed for your organization, create a permission set to give users access to it.
Assign Case Feed to Users
After you’ve enabled Case Feed in your organization and created a permission set that includes it, assign that permission set to users.
Give Users Access to Case Feed Through Custom Profiles
Instead of giving users access to Case Feed through permission sets, you can create a custom profile that includes the Use Case
Feed user permission.

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
Case Feed Upgrade Results

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create Permission Sets for Case Feed

After you enable Case Feed for your organization, create a permission set to give users access to it.
Note: The Use Case Feed permission is available only on orgs created before Winter ‘14 that
haven’t enabled feed-based layouts. Case Feed is automatically enabled and assigned to all Available in: Salesforce
standard profiles in Salesforce organizations created after the Winter ’14 release. Classic (not available in all
1. Create a permission set for Case Feed.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. On the Permission Set page, click App Permissions.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Select Use Case Feed. Optionally, select any other permissions you want to include in and Developer Editions
the set.
Tip: If you have an existing permission set, you can edit it to include the Use Case To create permission sets:
Feed permission, but doing so affects field visibility on the Printable View page. When • Manage Profiles and
the permission is enabled, you cannot see all the record fields. To view all record fields, Permission Sets
you must disable the permission.

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
Assign Case Feed to Users

Assign Case Feed to Users

After you’ve enabled Case Feed in your organization and created a permission set that includes it,
assign that permission set to users.
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Select a user’s name.
3. In the Permission Set Assignments list, click Edit Assignments.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Select the permission set you want in the Available Permission Sets list, and then Performance, Unlimited,
click Add. and Developer Editions
5. Click Save.
To change support settings:
Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
• Manage Cases
Create Permission Sets for Case Feed
Customize Application

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Give Users Access to Case Feed Through Custom Profiles

Instead of giving users access to Case Feed through permission sets, you can create a custom profile
that includes the Use Case Feed user permission.

Note: The Use Case Feed permission is available only on orgs created before Winter ‘14 that Available in: Salesforce
haven’t enabled feed-based layouts. Case Feed is automatically enabled and assigned to all Classic (not available in all
standard profiles in Salesforce organizations created after the Winter ’14 release.
1. Create a profile. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. On the Profile page, click Edit. and Developer Editions
3. In General User Permissions, select Use Case Feed.
5. Assign users to the profile.
To create and edit profiles:
• Manage Profiles and
SEE ALSO: Permission Sets
Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic

Case Feed Page Layouts in Salesforce Classic

When support agents work with cases in Case Feed, they use the case page layout. To specify the
fields, tools, and functionality that support agents see when working with open cases, customize
the feed view, detail view, highlights panel in the case page. When agents close a case, they see Available in: Salesforce
the close case page layout, where agents can enter information about the case resolution. You also Classic (not available in all
can customize the close case page layout. orgs)
You can customize different parts of the case page layout in Case Feed:
Available in: Enterprise,
• Highlights panels, which appear at the top of both feeds and case detail pages. The highlights Performance, Unlimited,
panel shows key information about a case so that the most important information is immediately and Developer Editions
visible to agents.
• Feed views, which agents see when managing and interacting with cases. The feed view shows
the case history using a Chatter-like feed, so that agents can see what’s happened in a case in context.
• Detail views, which agents see when they click View Case Details. The detail view shows useful information about the case, such
as a description of the contact’s company, the account’s address, and related lists.
You also can customize the close case page layout in Case Feed:
• Close case pages, which appear when agents close cases. The close case page lets agents enter information about the case resolution.
From the object management settings for cases, you can create, edit, and assign all four types of layouts by going to Page Layouts.

Convert Page Layouts for Case Feed Users to Case Page Layouts
As of Spring ’14, we’ve made creating and customizing case layouts easier by replacing page layouts for Case Feed users with
feed-based layouts for case pages. By converting your older page layouts, you can use the advanced page layout editor to manage
them and can assign Case Feed to users more easily.
Customize the Highlights Panel in Case Feed
The highlights panel appears at the top of the feed detail views and shows the most important information about a case. Edit the
highlights panel to include the fields that are most important for your support agents.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Configure the Case Feed Publisher with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor
If your organization uses the actions in the publisher feature, you can use the enhanced page layout editor to choose the actions
that appear in the Case Feed publisher.
Create and Edit Feed Layouts in Case Feed
Feed view page layouts determine which actions, fields, and tools users see when they’re working with cases in Case Feed. You can
create different layouts and assign them to different user profiles. For example, you might have one layout for agents and another
for supervisors.
Rename Actions and Feed Filters in Case Feed
Rename Case Feed actions and feed filters so they match the terms your company uses.
Create Custom Feed Filters for Case Feed
Custom feed filters help support agents focus on the items that are most relevant for them.

Find Object Management Settings

Convert Page Layouts for Case Feed Users to Case Page Layouts
As of Spring ’14, we’ve made creating and customizing case layouts easier by replacing page layouts
for Case Feed users with feed-based layouts for case pages. By converting your older page layouts,
you can use the advanced page layout editor to manage them and can assign Case Feed to users Available in: Salesforce
more easily. Classic (not available in all
Note: Page layouts for Case Feed users are available only in organizations created prior to
Spring ’14. Available in: Enterprise,
Feed-based case layouts include the same features as page layouts for Case Feed users: a feed, Performance, Unlimited,
which includes a publisher with actions, feed filters, tools such as an articles tool, and sidebar and Developer Editions
components such as custom buttons and links; a highlights panel; and a detail page, with related
lists and other in-depth information about the case. You can use the standard page layout assignment USER PERMISSIONS
tool to assign feed-based case page layouts to users, which means you no longer have to use
permission sets or custom profiles to give users access to Case Feed. To create and edit page
To convert page layouts for Case Feed users to feed-based case layouts:
• Customize Application
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts. To assign page layouts:
2. Click next to a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users list and choose Convert • Manage Users
to case page layout.
We recommend using this option so you can review the converted layout before you delete
the original, but to save time, you can choose Convert to page layout and delete.

3. The converted layout appears in the Case Page Layouts list with the prefix Converted:. Click Edit next to it.
4. In the page layout editor, confirm that the layout includes the elements you want. To see and edit what’s included in the feed view,
including feed filters and sidebar components, click Feed View.
5. Once you’re happy with the case page layout, click Page Layout Assignment in the Case Page Layouts list to assign it to the
appropriate user profiles.

Note: For custom profiles with the Use Case Feed permission, or profiles with permission sets that include Use Case
Feed, these page assignments won’t take effect until you remove the permission or permission set. If your organization was

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

created between Winter ’14 and Spring ’14, you can’t remove Use Case Feed from standard profiles, so these assignments
won’t take effect until you delete all of your page layouts for Case Feed users.

6. Click next to the older version of the layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users list and choose Delete. In the confirmation
that appears, click OK.
7. If there are users assigned to the layout you delete, you’re prompted to choose another layout as a replacement. This is only a
formality: Once you assign users to a case page layout, that’s what they’ll see.
If you have multiple layouts for Case Feed users, we recommend converting and deleting them all at the same time. Once you delete
the last of your older layouts, the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users list will disappear.

Create and Edit Feed Layouts in Case Feed
Configure the Case Feed Publisher with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor
Assign Page Layouts from a Customize Page Layout or Record Type Page
Find Object Management Settings

Customize the Highlights Panel in Case Feed

The highlights panel appears at the top of the feed detail views and shows the most important
information about a case. Edit the highlights panel to include the fields that are most important for
your support agents. Available in: Salesforce
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts. Classic (not available in all
2. In Page Layouts for Case Feed users, click next to a layout and choose Edit detail view.
Available in: Enterprise,
Hover your mouse pointer over the Highlights Panel until the icon appears, then click it. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
4. On the Highlights Panel Properties page, click a box to edit the fields in it.
5. Use the drop-down list to choose the type of information to include in each field. To leave a
field blank, choose None. You can’t move or delete Case Number or Created Date. USER PERMISSIONS
6. Click OK. To create and edit page
• Customize Application
To assign page layouts:
Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
• Manage Users
Find Object Management Settings

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Configure the Case Feed Publisher with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor
If your organization uses the actions in the publisher feature, you can use the enhanced page layout
editor to choose the actions that appear in the Case Feed publisher.

Note: This option is selected by default for new Salesforce organizations that use Case Feed, Available in: Salesforce
and for organizations that enable Case Feed after the Summer ’13 release. Classic (not available in all
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re
Performance, Unlimited,
working with. and Developer Editions
• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the
page layout editor.
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit
feed view. (This section appears only for organizations created before Spring ’14.) To configure the Case Feed
3. Select Use Page Layout Editor to Configure Actions. • Customize Application
4. Click Save.
5. To access the page layout editor:
• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit.
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit detail view. (This section
appears only for organizations created before Spring ’14.)

6. In the page layout editor, click in the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher section.
7. In the palette, click Quick Actions.
8. Drag the actions you want to the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher section. You can also drag actions to change the
order in which they appear and drag off actions you don’t want.
On the Case Feed page, up to approximately five or six actions are displayed in the publisher; the rest are included in the More
drop-down list.
9. Click Save.
If you’ve previously used the Case Feed Settings page to configure the publisher, you see these differences when you switch to the
enhanced page layout editor:
• The actions list appears at the top of the publisher. You can no longer position the actions list to the left of the publisher.
• The Answer Customer action has been divided into its two component actions: Email and Portal.
• The actions list looks more like the Chatter publisher on other pages.
• The standard Chatter actions—Post, File, Link, Poll, Question, and Thanks—automatically appear in the publisher layout, and they
replace the Write Case Note action. You can change the sequence of these actions and remove any you don’t need.
• The Feed View/Details drop-down list replaces the View Case Detail action.
• Custom actions you previously added to the Case Feed publisher aren’t available. Create new custom actions and add them to the
publisher. These new actions must use publisher.js rather than interaction.js.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

• The Case Detail page expands to full width, making it easier to see all of your related lists and other information.

Case Feed Page Layouts in Salesforce Classic
Create and Edit Feed Layouts in Case Feed
Find Object Management Settings

Create and Edit Feed Layouts in Case Feed

Feed view page layouts determine which actions, fields, and tools users see when they’re working
with cases in Case Feed. You can create different layouts and assign them to different user profiles.
For example, you might have one layout for agents and another for supervisors. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Before creating a new feed view page layout, you need to create a new case detail Classic (not available in all
page layout.
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re and Developer Editions
working with.
• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the
page layout editor.
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit To create and edit page
feed view. (This section appears only for organizations created before Spring ’14.) layouts:
• Customize Application
If you’ve already opted to use the advanced page layout editor to configure the publisher for
To assign page layouts:
a layout, choose Edit detail view to add, change, or remove actions.
• Manage Users
3. Choose the tools, components, and options for your feed view page.
4. Click Save.
Once you’ve created or edited feed view page layouts, assign them to profiles.

Case Feed Page Layouts in Salesforce Classic
Configure the Case Feed Publisher with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor
Find Object Management Settings

Settings for Feed Views in Case Feed

Use Case Feed settings to customize the feature according to your support department’s processes and business needs.
Apply these settings when you create or update feed views for Case Feed.
Feed View Options

Option Use It to... Notes

Enable Full-Width Expand the width of the feed to take up all The portion of the page the feed takes up with this
Feed View in the available space when agents view cases in setting enabled depends on whether you have tools
Console Salesforce console tabs or subtabs. or components in the right column of the Case Feed

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Option Use It to... Notes

layout, and whether you have console sidebar
This setting is automatically enabled in organizations
created after Summer ’14.

Enable Compact Feed Update the overall look and feel of the feed Compact feed lets agents see more information about
View in the Console view and compress feed items when agents a case with much less scrolling than when working
view cases in Salesforce console tabs or with cases in the standard feed view.
subtabs. This option is only available if you have Actions
in the Publisher and Use Page Layout
Editor to Configure Actions enabled.

Highlight Externally Indicate which feed items are visible to This option is only available for compact feed.
Visible Feed Items external users by changing the background
color of the feed item to orange. When this setting and the Enable Experience
Case Feed setting are both enabled, the following
feed items are highlighted in the case feed:
• Public emails sent to or received from the email
address for contact person on a case
• Public case comments
• All social posts
• Questions escalated from Experience Cloud sites
• Tasks that have the All with Access/Public setting
• Events that have the All with Access/Public setting
• Chatter posts that have the All with Access/Public
See also Set Up the Site Case Feed.

Publisher Options

Option Use It to... Notes

Use Page Layout Make the advanced page layout editor the This setting appears only if your organization has
Editor to Configure default for choosing the actions that appear Actions in the Publisher enabled.
Actions in the Case Feed publisher.

Automatically Automatically reduce the height of the This setting is automatically enabled in organizations
Collapse Publisher publisher when it’s not in use, showing more created after Summer ’14 and is only available if you
of the feed below. The publisher expands to have Actions in the Publisher and Use
its normal height when an agent clicks inside Page Layout Editor to Configure
it. Actions enabled.

Choosing and Configuring Actions

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Option Use It to... Notes

Menu Placement Choose whether you want the publisher menu This setting appears only if you haven’t selected
to appear in the center column or the left column. Use Page Layout Editor to
Configure Actions.

Custom Actions Select up to 10 custom Visualforce pages to add This setting appears only if you haven’t selected
to the publisher as actions. Pages must use the Use Page Layout Editor to
standard case controller. Configure Actions.

Select Action Select actions to include in the Case Feed This setting appears only if you haven’t selected
publisher, and choose the order in which the Use Page Layout Editor to
actions appear. Configure Actions.

Log a Call Action

Option Use It to... Notes

Select Action Fields Select fields to include in the Log a Call action. Log a Call automatically includes the Customer
Name field.
You can’t include rich text area fields in Case Feed

Change Status Action

Option Use It to... Notes

Select Action Fields Select fields to include in the Change Status The Change Status action automatically includes
action. the Current Status and Change to
fields. If you add the Status field to the action,
it automatically replaces these two fields.
You can’t include rich text area fields in Case Feed

Email Action

Option Use It to... Notes

Select Action Fields Select fields to include in the Email action. Any fields you add appear below the email body
field in the action.
You can’t include rich text area fields in Case Feed

Select Header Fields Select fields to include in the header of the Email The Email header automatically includes the
action. From, To, Bcc, and Subject fields.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Option Use It to... Notes

Select Email Tools Choose the tools to make available to agents The Templates, File Attachments, and Address
when they use the Email action. Lookup Buttons tools are included automatically.

Enable Rich Text Make the rich text editor available to agents so
Agents can click in the editor’s menu bar
Editor they can include formatting, such as bolded or
to switch to plain text mode.
underlined text, bulleted or numbered lists, links,
and inline images in their email messages.

Require Use of Rich Prevent agents from switching to plain text mode This setting helps ensure that agents write and
Text Editor when they write email. send only formatted emails, not plain text

Specify From Automatically include specific email addresses in To use multiple addresses, separate them with
Address(es) the From field. commas. They appear as a picklist in the Email
action header.
You can use only Salesforce-validated email
addresses as From addresses.

Allow Collapsible Automatically collapse the email body field until After an agent expands the email body, it remains
Body Field an agent clicks inside it. Having the body expanded until the page is reloaded, even if the
collapsed by default makes it easier for agents to agent clicks other actions or elsewhere on the
see more of what’s below the email action on the page.

Allow Collapsible Automatically collapse the email header until an With this setting enabled, agents can expand and
Email Header collapse the header as needed while they work.
agent clicks to expand it.

Exclude Email Thread Exclude the previous emails in the thread when This prevents the previous emails in the thread
from Drafts composing emails in the feed. from being incorporated in the outbound email

Replace Send Email Choose a button to replace the standard Send You can use any custom button you created for
Button with Email button. This can be useful if you want to cases, except those that have s-controls as
label the button something else, change how it content sources.
looks, or include custom functionality, such as
triggering a workflow when an agent sends a

Case Feed Tools

Option Use It to... Notes

Select Case Feed Choose which tools to make available to agents The Articles tool is included by default, but it
Tools when they use Case Feed. won’t appear on the Case Feed page unless your
organization uses Salesforce Knowledge.

Articles Tool

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Option Use It to... Notes

Enable Email PDF Give agents the ability to attach Knowledge This setting appears only if your organization uses
Attachments articles to email messages as PDFs. Salesforce Knowledge. If you use Knowledge and
don’t enable this setting, agents are able to attach
articles only to cases, not to email messages.

Use Case Feed Replace the Knowledge sidebar in the Salesforce This setting appears only if your organization uses
Articles Tool in the console with the Case Feed articles tool. Salesforce Knowledge. If you use Knowledge and
Console don’t enable this setting, we recommend hiding
either the Case Feed articles tool or the
Knowledge sidebar in the Salesforce console so
agents see only one of those tools when they’re
working with cases in the console.

Other Tools and Components

Option Use It to... Notes

Custom Components Select up to 10 custom Visualforce pages to add After you add a Visualforce page, you can specify
as components. You can use as a custom its height and choose where on the page you
component any Visualforce page that uses the want it to appear.
standard case controller.

Choose Placement Specify where on the page you want tools and Custom links and buttons are only available as
components like custom buttons, custom links, right sidebar components on the feed view page
and the followers list to appear. You can also layout if you added them to the related case detail
choose to hide anything your agents don’t need page layout.
access to. The Milestone Tracker is available only if you
enabled entitlement management in your org.
The Topics list is available only if you enabled
topics on cases.

Filter Options

Option Use It to... Notes

Filters Appear Specify where and how the feed filters list Choose “As a floating list in the left column” if you
appears: want the feed filters list to remain visible as users
• As a fixed list in the left column scroll down the page. This can be useful with long
feeds, as it lets agents quickly filter case activities
• As a floating list in the left column
from anywhere on the page, without having to
• As a dropdown list in the center column scroll to the top.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Option Use It to... Notes

Select Filters Choose the filters to include in the feed filters list, We recommend putting the filters agents are
and specify the order of the list. likely to use most often at the top of the list.

Configure the Case Feed Publisher with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor

Add the Attachment Component to Case Feed

Add the attachment component to the Case Feed page so your support agents can quickly view
and manage all of the files associated with a case.
Access to all of the files associated with a case is critical to support agents when they’re helping Available in both: Salesforce
your customers. The attachment component lets agents view and manage all of the Chatter files, Classic and Lightning
attachments from emails, and case attachment related list files for a case, all on the Case Feed page. Experience
Using the attachment component, agents can quickly attach a file to an email and download a file.
Available in: Professional,
Agents can toggle between a view of the most recent attachments for a case across all sources and Enterprise, Performance,
a view of all of the files associated with a case sorted by their creation date. Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
2. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re
working with.
• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the
page layout editor. To create and edit page
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit
• Customize Application
feed view. (This section appears only for organizations created before Spring ’14.)
To assign page layouts:
3. In the Other Tools and Components section, select Files, and specify where on the page you • Manage Users
want it to appear.
4. Click Save.
Add the attachment component to your custom pages by including the <support:caseUnifiedFiles> component in a
Visualforce page, or add it as a Salesforce console component to make it available to agents without having to take up space on a Case
Feed page.

Find Object Management Settings

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Add the Case Experts Component to Case Feed

Easily identify the experts on case topics so agents can collaborate to solve customer issues quickly.
Note: Case Experts is currently available through a pilot program. For information on enabling
Case Experts for your organization, contact Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Using the power of topics on cases, support agents can be endorsed as experts on specific topics. Experience
Agents endorsed as experts can help other agents who might be less knowledgeable on the topic.
To establish case experts in your organization, you must have Chatter and topics for cases enabled. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
To enable Case Experts, display the Experts component on Case Feed. Unlimited, and Developer
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts. Editions with the Service
2. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re
working with.
• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the USER PERMISSIONS
page layout editor.
To create and edit page
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit layouts:
feed view. (This section appears only for organizations created before Spring ’14.) • Customize Application
To assign page layouts:
3. In the Other Tools and Components section, select Case Experts, and specify where on the
• Manage Users
page you want it to appear.
4. Click Save.
Add the experts component to your custom pages by including the <apex:support:caseExperts> component in a Visualforce

Rename Actions and Feed Filters in Case Feed

Rename Case Feed actions and feed filters so they match the terms your company uses.
For example, if your company refers to your portal as a customer community, you might rename
the Portal action “Customer Community.” Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Rename Tabs and Labels in the Quick Find box, then select
Rename Tabs and Labels.
2. Click Edit next to Cases in the list of standard tabs. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Click Next. and Developer Editions
4. Find the label you want to change in the Other Labels list.
5. Type the new name for the label in the text box next to it. USER PERMISSIONS
6. If the new label begins with a vowel sound, check Starts with vowel sound.
To rename actions and feed
7. Click Save. filters:
• Customize Application
View Setup and
Designation as a

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create Custom Feed Filters for Case Feed

Custom feed filters help support agents focus on the items that are most relevant for them.
1. From Setup, enter Cases in the Quick Find box, then select Feed Filters.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Click New.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. In the Feed Filter Information section, enter the filter label, name, and description. Developer with a Service
4. In the Feed Filter Criteria section, define how to populate this filter. You can create more refined Cloud license
filters using the OR function.
Field Description
To create and edit page
Feed Item Type Specifies the feed type to include in the filter. For example, layouts:
the Created Record feed item type shows feed items about • Customize Application
new records.
To assign page layouts:
Related Object Specifies the object associated with the selected feed item. • Manage Users
The list includes all objects related to the Case object. The
objects in the list vary depending on how your organization
is set up. For example, if you selected Created Record as the
feed item type, you might select Case as the related object.
This filter then shows new Cases.

Visibility Specifies whether to include a feed item in the filter based on

the feed item’s visibility. The visibility depends on the security
and sharing settings for the related object. Visibility can include
either All Users or Internal Users. For example, suppose that
you selected Case Comment Feed as the feed item type and
Internal Users as the visibility. This feed filter then shows case
comments made by internal users.

5. Click Save.
6. After you define your custom feed filters, add the filters to the list of selected filters in the Feed Filter Options section of the page
layout’s Feed View settings.

Example: To create a filter that shows interactions with a customer, you could define a filter named Customer Interaction that
uses the following criteria.
• Criterion 1: Case Comment feed item type with visibility set to All Users
• Criterion 2: Email Message feed item type with visibility set to All Users
• Criterion 3: Chatter post feed item type with visibility set to All Users
When an agent applies this filter, the case feed shows only Case Comment, Email Message, and Chatter feed items that are visible
to both external and internal users. Everything else is filtered out.

Create and Edit Feed Layouts in Case Feed
Settings for Feed Views in Case Feed

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Add More Functionality to the Case Feed in Salesforce Classic

Customize the case feed in Salesforce Classic to meet the needs of your agents. You can give them access to productivity tools, like quick
text, and even enable email drafts and approval processes.

Add Custom Actions in Case Feed
Include custom actions in the Case Feed publisher to give support agents easy access to the additional tools and functionality they
need when working with cases.
Add Custom Components to Case Feed
Use Visualforce pages as custom components in Case Feed to give support agents easy access to special tools or functionality while
they’re working with cases.
Add Global Actions and Custom Quick Actions as Components to the Console Sidebar
You can add global actions and custom quick actions as components to the Service Console sidebar, so agents can create records,
update case info, search for related info, and link to parent records—all without ever leaving the current tab. You can use quick
actions to replace the Case Detail Page, so agents can see case-related information, such as contacts and assets, in their main workflow.
Enable Email Drafts for Cases
Draft emails let support agents who use the case feed write and save messages without having to send them immediately. In
Salesforce Classic, this option makes it possible to implement approval processes so messages can be reviewed by supervisors or
senior agents before they’re sent to customers.
Enable Default Email Templates in Case Feed
Use default email templates in Case Feed to give support agents easy access to the templates they need based on the types of cases
they’re working on.
Create Approval Processes for Email Drafts
Approval processes determine how your organization handles draft email messages—specifying, for example, which messages
require approval and whether approvers are automatically assigned. Create customized approval processes based on your company’s
Create Send Actions for Email Approval Processes
Use send actions to save your support agents time by ensuring that email messages are sent automatically at the end of an approval
Highlight Externally Visible Feed Items in Case Feed
You can mark feed items in the case feed that are visible to external users. That way support agents can easily distinguish between
feed items that are visible to your customers and ones that are visible only to internal users, like support agents.
Enable Portal Reply Email Notifications in Case Feed
If your org uses a portal or Experience Cloud site, support agents can use the action in Case Feed to respond to customers. Enabling
reply email notifications gives agents access to the Send Email option.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Add Custom Actions in Case Feed

Include custom actions in the Case Feed publisher to give support agents easy access to the
additional tools and functionality they need when working with cases.
Actions in Case Feed let support agents perform tasks like emailing customers, writing case notes, Available in: Salesforce
and changing the status of a case. Using Visualforce pages, you can create custom actions that offer Classic (not available in all
agents more functionality. For example, you might create a Map and Local Search action that lets orgs)
agents look up the customer’s location and find nearby service centers.
Available in: Enterprise,
You can use any Visualforce page that uses the standard case controller as a custom action. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: If you’ve opted to use the advanced page layout editor to configure the publisher for
a Case Feed layout, see Configure the Case Feed Publisher with the Enhanced Page Layout
Editor for instructions on adding actions. USER PERMISSIONS
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts. To add custom actions to
2. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re Case Feed:
working with. • Customize Application

• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the
page layout editor.
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit feed view. (This section appears
only for organizations created before Spring ’14.)

3. Click + Add a Visualforce Page in the list of custom actions.

4. Select the page you want to add as an action.
5. Specify the height of the action in pixels.
6. Click Save.

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
Developer’s Guide: Customizing Case Feed with Visualforce
Find Object Management Settings

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Add Custom Components to Case Feed

Use Visualforce pages as custom components in Case Feed to give support agents easy access to
special tools or functionality while they’re working with cases.
For example, you might create a map component that lets agents see where a customer is located, Available in: Salesforce
or a tool agents can use to look up the products related to cases they’re working on. You can use Classic (not available in all
any Visualforce page that includes the standard case controller as a custom component. orgs)

Once you’ve created a Visualforce page to use as a custom component, add it to the Case Feed Available in: Enterprise,
layout. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
1. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re
working with.
• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the USER PERMISSIONS
page layout editor.
To change Case Feed
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit settings:
feed view. (This section appears only for organizations created before Spring ’14.) • Manage Cases
2. In the Other Tools and Components section, click + Add a Visualforce page and choose the
Customize Application
page you want.
The width of the component is determined by the width of the column it’s in. To make the
component look best, we recommend setting the width of the Visualforce page to 100%.
3. Set the height of the component.
4. Choose where you want the component to appear on the page.

Tip: Components in the right column are hidden when agents view the Case Detail page, so use the left column for any
components you want to be accessible all the time.

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic

Add Global Actions and Custom Quick Actions as Components to the Console Sidebar
You can add global actions and custom quick actions as components to the Service Console sidebar,
so agents can create records, update case info, search for related info, and link to parent records—all
without ever leaving the current tab. You can use quick actions to replace the Case Detail Page, so Available in: Enterprise,
agents can see case-related information, such as contacts and assets, in their main workflow. Performance, Unlimited,
1. Create the global action (for the Create action) and the custom quick action (for the Update and Developer with a
action). Service Cloud license
Create actions must be global quick actions. Update actions must be object-specific quick
actions that are based on the lookup field object type. For example, to update a contact lookup USER PERMISSIONS
field, you must have a contact-specific update action.
To create actions:
2. Add the actions as components to the case page layouts so that the quick actions are available • Customize Application
for your agents to use.
To add custom console
a. From Setup, enter “Case” in the Quick Find box, then select Page Layouts. components:
• Customize Application
b. Select the page to which you want to add the quick actions and click Edit.
c. In the Case Layout page, select Custom Console Components.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

d. Go to the Sidebar section where you want to add the component (for example, go to the Left Sidebar section).
e. For Type, select Lookup.
f. For Field, select the related field that the quick action acts on.
g. Select Enable Linking to allow support agents search for a record and link it to a related record. For example, a support agent
can link a contact name to a case.
h. For Create Action, select the global action that creates a record. For example, a global action can create a contact.
i. For Update Action, select the quick action the updates a record. For example, a quick action can update a field on the
j. Click Save.

Create Object-Specific Quick Actions
Create Global Quick Actions
Create Global Quick Actions
Add Console Components to Page Layouts in Salesforce Classic

Enable Email Drafts for Cases

Draft emails let support agents who use the case feed write and save messages without having to
send them immediately. In Salesforce Classic, this option makes it possible to implement approval
processes so messages can be reviewed by supervisors or senior agents before they’re sent to Available in: Salesforce
customers. Classic (not available in all
Before enabling email drafts , set up Email-to-Case. In Salesforce Classic, you must also enable Case orgs) and Lightning
Feed. Experience

1. From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Support Available in: Enterprise,
Settings. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
2. Click Edit.
3. Select Enable Email Drafts.
4. Click Save.
To change support settings:
• Manage Cases
Salesforce Classic AND
Changes to fields other than To, From, CC, BCC, and Subject in the Email action
Customize Application
aren’t saved when a message is saved as a draft. We recommend removing any additional
fields from the Email action if you plan to use draft emails.
Lightning Experience
We recommend removing any additional fields from the Email action if you plan to use
private email drafts. Changes to custom email message fields may not be saved

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

immediately. However, when a standard field is modified, the previous custom field changes are also saved.

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic
Create Approval Processes for Email Drafts

Enable Default Email Templates in Case Feed

Use default email templates in Case Feed to give support agents easy access to the templates they
need based on the types of cases they’re working on.
Before you can enable default email templates, you need to create text, HTML, or Visualforce Available in: Salesforce
templates, and create an Apex class that contains template selection logic. Classic (not available in all
Default email templates make it easy for support agents to respond to customers more quickly,
more accurately, and with greater consistency. The email templates are preloaded, so agents don’t Available in: Enterprise,
need to browse for the templates they need before writing email. You can create as many templates Performance, Unlimited,
as needed and assign them based on your company’s needs. For example, if your support center and Developer Editions
handles issues related to multiple products, you can create a specific template for each product
and preload the appropriate template based on a case’s origin, subject, or other criteria.
To enable default email templates:
To enable default email
1. From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Support templates:
Settings. • Customize Application
2. Click Edit.
3. Select Enable default email templates.
4. Choose the Apex class that contains your template selection logic.
5. Click Save.

Create Send Actions for Email Approval Processes
Create Approval Processes for Email Drafts
Review and Approve Email Drafts in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create Approval Processes for Email Drafts

Approval processes determine how your organization handles draft email messages—specifying,
for example, which messages require approval and whether approvers are automatically assigned.
Create customized approval processes based on your company’s needs. Available in: Salesforce
1. Enable draft emails. Classic (not available in all
Though you can create approval processes for email messages without this step, those processes orgs)
won’t be triggered until your organization has email drafts available. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. Create a send action.
and Developer Editions
Send actions ensure that email messages are sent once they’ve been approved.

3. Create approval processes. USER PERMISSIONS

Be sure to choose Email Message from the Manage Approval Processes For: drop-down list.
To create approval
4. To give certain users, such as senior support agents, the ability to choose whether to submit processes:
an email message for approval or simply send the message, assign them to a profile that has • Customize Application
the Bypass Email Approval permission selected.

Create an Approval Process with the Standard Wizard
Enable Default Email Templates in Case Feed

Create Send Actions for Email Approval Processes

Use send actions to save your support agents time by ensuring that email messages are sent
automatically at the end of an approval process.

Note: Send actions are available only in organizations that have email drafts enabled. Available in: both Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Send Actions in the Quick Find box, then select Send Actions. Experience
2. Click New Send Action. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Select Email Message from the object dropdown list. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
4. Enter a unique name for the action.
5. Optionally, enter a description for the action.
6. Click Save.
To create send actions:
After you create a send action, create an approval process that includes it.
• Customize Application

Enable Default Email Templates in Case Feed
Create an Approval Process with the Standard Wizard

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Highlight Externally Visible Feed Items in Case Feed

You can mark feed items in the case feed that are visible to external users. That way support agents
can easily distinguish between feed items that are visible to your customers and ones that are visible
only to internal users, like support agents. Available in: Salesforce
By default, the case feed doesn’t distinguish feed items according to who can see them. Classic (not available in all
To mark this distinction, enable both the Highlight Externally Visible Feed
Items and Enable Experience Case Feed settings. After the settings are enabled, Available in: Enterprise,
the following types of posts are marked as publicly visible in the case feed: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Public emails sent to or received from the email address for a case contact
• Public case comments
• All social posts, such as Facebook posts
• Questions escalated from Experience Cloud sites To change support settings:
• Tasks that have the All with Access or Public settings • Manage Cases
• Events that have the All with Access or Public settings AND
• Chatter posts that have the All with Access or Public settings Customize Application

• Logged Calls
If you only enable Highlight Externally Visible Feed Items, then only email
feed items that are sent to, or received from, the email address for a case contact are marked.

To mark your case feed items, complete the following steps.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

1. Enable the Highlight Externally Visible Feed Items setting.

a. From your object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
b. Select the feed-based page layout that you want to edit, and click Edit.
c. Scroll to the Feed View settings and select Highlight Externally Visible Feed Items.

2. Enable the Enable Experience Case Feed setting.

a. From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box and click Service > Support Settings.
b. Select Enable Experience Case Feed.

Enable Portal Reply Email Notifications in Case Feed

If your org uses a portal or Experience Cloud site, support agents can use the action in Case Feed
to respond to customers. Enabling reply email notifications gives agents access to the Send
Email option. Available in: Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Support Classic (not available in all
Settings. orgs)

2. Click Edit. Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
3. Select Enable Case Comment Notification to Contacts.
and Developer Editions
4. Select a template for email notifications.
Emails sent to external users include a link to the site. If the user receiving the email is a member
of multiple active Experience Cloud sites, the link goes to the oldest active site. If the user is already To change support settings:
logged in to a site and clicks the link in the email, the link goes to that site. If the user is not a member • Manage Cases
of any site, the link goes to the internal org. If the user is a member of a portal and a site, the link AND
goes to the site. Customize Application

Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Set Up Cases for Lightning Experience

Before your agents can use the case feed and its publisher in Lightning Experience, you must recreate
some quick actions. You also can customize the agent experience for case hovers, let agents merge
cases, and select a date-and-time stamp format on case feed posts and comments. Available in: Lightning
Quick actions appear on mobile devices, whereas standard case feed publishers do not. To use the Experience
feed-first design on cases, recreate these publishers as quick actions.
Available in: Enterprise,
Essentials, Performance,
IN THIS SECTION: Unlimited, and Developer
Create a Log a Call Quick Action for Cases
Before you can use case feed in Lightning Experience, you must recreate the Log a Call publisher
as a quick action. USER PERMISSIONS
Create a Send Email Quick Action for Cases To set up cases for Lightning
Create a Send Email quick action to let agents send emails from the case feed in Lightning Experience:
Experience and the Salesforce mobile app. • Manage Cases
Create a Change Status Quick Action for Cases AND
Before you can use case feed in Lightning Experience, you must recreate the Change Status Customize Application
publisher as a quick action.
Create a Change Owner Quick Action for Cases
Make it simpler for agents to reassign cases in Lightning Experience by adding an Update a Record quick action to the case page
Create a Close Case Quick Action
To give your agents the Close Case action in Lightning Experience, create an action and add it to the case page layout.
Create a Case Comment Quick Action
To let your agents create case comments from the case feed publisher in Lightning Experience, create a Case Comments quick action
and add it to the case page layout.
Add Quick Actions to the Case Page Layout for Lightning Experience
Make actions available to your agents by adding them to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in the case
page layout.
Customize Case Hovers in Lightning Experience
Case hovers give users a sneak peek at the details of a case, including the description and the latest update. Case hovers are enabled
by default and appear whenever you hover over a case number, except in list views. For users who work with cases all day, these
hovers can save valuable time.
Set Up Case Merge in Lightning Experience
Let agents combine up to three cases into a single case. First, enable the Case Merge setting. Then add the Merge Cases action to
the cases record home and add the Merge Cases button to the case list view so agents can merge cases.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Set Up a Customer Feedback Survey

Find out what your customers think about their experiences with customer support. Automatically email a survey to the case contact
when a case is closed or when case auto-response rules are met.

Set Up a Mass Quick Action
Mass Quick Action Considerations
Set the Format of Timestamps on Case Feed Posts

Create a Log a Call Quick Action for Cases

Before you can use case feed in Lightning Experience, you must recreate the Log a Call publisher
as a quick action.
1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab. Select Cases, and open the Buttons, Links, and Available in: Lightning
Actions setup page. Experience
2. Click New Action. Available in: Enterprise,
3. For Action Type, select Log a Call. Essentials, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
4. For Standard Label Type, select Log a Call. Editions
5. Click Save.
6. To choose the fields users see, customize the action’s layout. USER PERMISSIONS
7. Click Save.
To set up cases for Lightning
After you define the quick action, add it to the case page layout so it’s available for agents to use. Experience:
• Manage Cases


Set Up Cases for Lightning Experience Customize Application

Create Object-Specific Quick Actions

Add Quick Actions to the Case Page Layout for Lightning Experience

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create a Send Email Quick Action for Cases

Create a Send Email quick action to let agents send emails from the case feed in Lightning Experience
and the Salesforce mobile app.
You must have Email-to-Case enabled to use the Send Email quick action on the Cases object. Available in: Lightning
The Send Email quick action is created by default when you enable Email-to-Case on new orgs. If
your org was created before Spring ’17, or if you enabled Email-to-Case before Spring ’17, create a Available in: Enterprise,
Send Email quick action. Essentials, Performance,
1. Create the Send Email quick action. Unlimited, and Developer
a. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab. Select Cases, and open the Buttons, Links,
and Actions setup page.
b. Click New Action.
c. For Action Type, select Send Email. To create and modify the
Send Email quick action:
d. For Standard Label Type field, select a label for this action. When you add the action to the • Manage Cases AND
case page layout, this label is displayed in the actions bar. Customize Application
e. The Name field is auto-filled. This name is used in the API and managed packages. It must To edit a page layout:
begin with a letter and use only alphanumeric characters and underscores, and it can’t end • Customize Application
with an underscore or have two consecutive underscores. Unless you’re familiar with working
with the API, we suggest not editing this field.
f. In the Description field, describe what this quick action does. The description appears on the detail page for the action
and in the list on the Buttons, Links, and Actions page. The description isn’t visible to your users. If you’re creating several actions
on the same object, we recommend using a detailed description.

g. Click Save.
The email layout page opens, where you can specify the fields shown in the email action.

2. Arrange the email fields in the order that you want. When an agent selects the quick action, the email fields are displayed in this
a. From the Email Message Fields menu, drag fields into the email layout. To remove fields, drag them from the email layout to the
Email Message Fields section.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

The To Address, From picklist, Subject, and HTML Body fields are added by default. For information about the fields,
see Fields Available on the Send Email Quick Action for Cases

b. To make a field read-only or required, hover over the field and then click and specify the field properties.

c. To save the field properties, click OK.

d. Click Save.

3. To ensure that emails are associated with Salesforce records, create predefined field values for the To Recipients, CC Recipients, and
BCC Recipients fields.

Important: In new orgs, when you enable Email-to-Case, we automatically configure the To Recipients predefined field value
for you, so you can skip this step.
However, if your org was created before Winter ’18, or if you enabled Email-to-Case before Winter ’18, complete the following
steps to create predefined field values. We recommend that you define a value for the To Recipients field.

The case email action provides a predefined field value (the case contact’s email address) for the To field. Emails aren’t associated
with the Salesforce case contact record because this predefined field type is Text (a plain email address with no link to the case
contact). To change the default experience and associate emails with Salesforce records, you must create predefined field values.
The predefined field values for the To Recipients, CC Recipients, and BCC Recipients fields are filled only for the initial email. The fields
aren’t pre-filled for reply emails or forwarded emails.
a. In the Predefined Field Values section, click New.
b. For Field Name, select one of the following fields:
• To Recipients
• CC Recipients

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

• BCC Recipients

c. Use the formula editor to associate your selected field with a Salesforce record using the JUNCTIONIDLIST function.
For values with only one ID, you don’t have to use the JUNCTIONIDLIST function.
For example:
• To associate the To Recipients field with the case’s contact record, enter:
JUNCTIONIDLIST(Case.ContactId) OR Case.ContactId

• To associate the BCC Recipients field with the case’s owner and the owner’s manager, enter:
JUNCTIONIDLIST(Case.OwnerId, Case.Owner:User.ManagerId)

a. Click Save.

After you define the quick action, add it to the case page layout so it’s available for agents to use.

Note: Send Email quick actions are not available on cases in Experience Builder sites.

To automatically save emails your agents are working on, enable email drafts.

Apply a Default Email Template Using the Send Email Quick Action
Help agents incorporate branding and ensure consistency when writing emails to customers in Lightning Experience and the
Salesforce mobile app by using default email templates. Email templates help ensure that agents include common information,
such as greetings, announcements, disclaimers, and company contact information, in customer emails.
Fields Available on the Send Email Quick Action for Cases
After you create an Email quick action for cases, you can customize the fields displayed for the action. Drag fields from the Email
Message Fields palette to the email layout.
Send Email Action Considerations for Cases
Before working with the Send Email action for cases, be aware of these limitations.
Understand How Default Values for Case Emails Work
There are lots of ways to control the default values your agents see when responding to customer cases using email. Depending on
your business needs, you can set up different types of default field values using various methods.

Enable Email Drafts for Cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Apply a Default Email Template Using the Send Email Quick Action
Help agents incorporate branding and ensure consistency when writing emails to customers in
Lightning Experience and the Salesforce mobile app by using default email templates. Email
templates help ensure that agents include common information, such as greetings, announcements, Available in: Enterprise,
disclaimers, and company contact information, in customer emails. Performance, Unlimited,
You must have Email-to-Case enabled to use the Send Email quick action on the Cases object. and Developer Editions

Before creating a Send Email quick action that specifies a default email template, create an email
template of the type Custom. Only Custom type templates are supported. Attachments specified USER PERMISSIONS
on an email template aren’t supported. However, agents can manually add attachments when they
use the email quick action. To create and modify the
Send Email quick action:
1. Create a Send Email quick action or modify an existing Send Email quick action. • Manage Cases AND
a. From Setup, enter “Case” in the Quick Find box, then select Buttons, Links, and Actions. Customize Application

b. Click New Action, or select the quick action that you want to change. To edit a page layout:
• Customize Application
c. In the Action Type picklist, select Send Email.
d. In the Default Email Template field, click the lookup button and select a template.
Only email templates of the type Custom are shown in the lookup menu.

e. Optionally, select Don’t Apply Template Subject to ignore the email template subject.
By default, the Send Email quick action applies the subject specified in the default email template. For example, if the template’s
subject line is “Thanks for your email,” then that subject is applied when the agent uses the email action to write or reply to an
email. If Don’t Apply Template Subject is selected, then the subject defined in the email isn’t applied in the email. For example,
if a customer sends an email with the subject “Please help,” the agent can use the default email template to reply but keep the
customer’s subject line.

f. Specify a label for the action. You can use a standard label type, which supplies a default label, or you can select None in the
Standard Label Type field, and specify your own label. When you add the action to the case page layout, this label is
displayed in the actions bar.
g. The Name field is automatically populated. This name is used in the API and managed packages. It must begin with a letter and
use only alphanumeric characters and underscores, and it can’t end with an underscore or have two consecutive underscores.
Unless you’re familiar with working with the API, we suggest not editing this field.
h. In the Description field, describe what this quick action does. The description appears on the detail page for the action
and in the list on the Buttons, Links, and Actions page. The description isn’t visible to your users. If you’re creating several actions
on the same object, we recommend using a detailed description, such as “Send Email to Customer with Holiday Branding.”
i. Click Save.
The email layout page opens, where you can specify the fields shown in the email action.

2. Check that you have the appropriate email body field for your template.
The HTML Body field is added to the Send Email quick action layout by default. If the Text Body format is needed, it is available.

3. Click Save.
After you define the Send Email quick action, add it to the case page layout so it’s available for agents to use.

Add Quick Actions to the Case Page Layout for Lightning Experience
Fields Available on the Send Email Quick Action for Cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Fields Available on the Send Email Quick Action for Cases

After you create an Email quick action for cases, you can customize the fields displayed for the
action. Drag fields from the Email Message Fields palette to the email layout.
Available in: Lightning
Table 1: Fields Available on the Send Email Quick Action
Field Description
Available in: Essentials,
Blank Space Adds empty space to the email layout. This field can be used Enterprise, Performance,
multiple times within the email layout. Unlimited, and Developer
BCC Address Email header field where agents can enter BCC addresses.
If BCC Address is added to an email layout that includes
the To Address field, the BCC Address field is collapsed
and appears as a link in the email layout on the case page layout.
When an agent clicks the BCC link, the field expands and doesn’t
collapse again. If the field is required, a red line appears next to
it and the field is always expanded.
You can only predefine this field to an email address.

CC Address Email header field where agents can enter CC addresses.

If CC Address is added to an email layout that includes the
To Address field, the CC Address field is collapsed and
appears as a link in the email layout on the case page layout.
When an agent clicks the CC link, the field expands and doesn’t
collapse again. If the field is required, a red line appears next to
it and the field is always expanded.
You can only predefine this field to an email address.

From Email header field where agents can enter a From email address
from a picklist (dropdown list).
Agents can select from org-wide email addresses, Email-to-Case
email addresses, and the agent’s own email address.
The From picklist is added by default in the Send Email action
in new orgs created in Winter 17 or later. If you create a Send
Email action after Winter 17, then the From picklist is added
to the email layout by default.

From Address Email header field where agents can enter a From email address.
The From Address field is a text field.

HTML Body Email body field that supports HTML formatting and images.
If you set a default email template that contains HTML formatting
on the Send Email quick action, then add the HTML Body
field to the email layout.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Field Description
Is Externally Visible If the Experience case feed is enabled, IsExternallyVisible controls the external
visibility of emails in sites.
For more information, see EmailMessage in the API Guide.

Parent Case Field for the parent case record ID.

Related To Field for the record ID of related objects, such as accounts, opportunities, campaigns,
cases, or custom objects.
For more information, see EmailMessage in the API Guide.

Subject Email header field where agents can enter a subject.

Text Body Email body field that supports only plain text.

To Address Email header field where agents can enter To email addresses.
You can only predefine this field to an email address.

Create a Send Email Quick Action for Cases
Apply a Default Email Template Using the Send Email Quick Action

Send Email Action Considerations for Cases

Before working with the Send Email action for cases, be aware of these limitations.
As of Spring '17, the Lightning Email Composer has been replaced with a new Send Email action.
Available in: Lightning
The old Send Email action no longer displays to end users. It remains in existing page layouts, but
isn’t in the page layout editor palette. If you remove the action from a page layout, you can’t add
it back. Available in: Essentials,
Group, Professional,
Tip: How do you tell the difference between the new and old Send Email actions? Hover
Enterprise, Performance,
your mouse over a Send Email action in the page layout editor palette. The new action has Unlimited, and Developer
its Action Type listed as Quick Action. Editions

• You can’t add custom fields or rename existing fields in the Send Email action.
• The From field is required.
If the From field isn’t on the Send Email action layout, it must have a predefined value set.

• HTML Body content is required; Text Body content is only supported on the case-specific Send Email action.
If the HTML Body field isn’t on the Send Email action layout, it must have a predefined value set.

• Org-wide email addresses can’t be used with Salesforce Inbox.

• The Send Email action isn’t available in Experience Cloud sites.
• The Related To field can’t be set to Cases in the global Send Email action.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

• To see the Email tab in the activity composer, set Email Deliverability to All Email.
• For each email in the case feed, agents see a dropdown menu with reply options. If you have multiple email actions in the case feed
publisher, agents see groups of reply actions in the dropdown menu.

• Turn on Email-to-Case to enable the case-specific Send Email action on cases.
• Only the case-specific Send Email action can be added to cases.
• The Email Composer tab must be selected in the Feed for the Reply and Reply-All Email actions to work.
• You can’t send emails related to cases from the Global Actions menu.

Predefined Values
• The To Address, CC Address, and BCC Address fields only accept email addresses as predefined values. Use string
fields, such as Contact.custom_email_field.

Note: Emails sent with only email addresses specified aren’t associated with Salesforce records.

• The To Recipients, CC Recipients, and BCC Recipients fields accept a list of Salesforce Ids using the
JUNCTIONIDLIST function. Use ID fields, such as Contact.Id.
Emails sent with these predefined fields ensure that emails are associated with Salesforce records. For example, like the case’s contact
record. You can use the To Recipients, CC Recipients, and BCC Recipients fields to send emails to multiple contacts and users. The
fields work only with the email action for cases.

• You can only predefine Related To for an entity-specific quick action, not a global quick action.
• The predefined field values for the To Recipients, CC Recipients, and BCC Recipients fields are filled only for the initial email. The fields
aren’t pre-filled for reply emails or forwarded emails.

• Predefined values aren’t supported in emails initiated from the Assistant or Opportunity Insights.
• If Compliance BCC is enabled, predefined values for the BCC field are ignored. If Auto BCC is enabled, predefined values for the
BCC field are appended to the Auto BCC address.
• If an admin removes the BCC field from the layout, Auto BCC doesn’t populate the user's email address in the email.
• An admin's configuration takes precedence over Auto BCC. If an admin specifies a predefined BCC value, the email is populated with
the predefined value and not the Auto-BCC email address.

Configure Deliverability Settings for Emails Sent from Salesforce
Guidelines for Configuring Deliverability Settings for Emails Sent from Salesforce
Notes on Predefined Field Values for Quick Actions

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Understand How Default Values for Case Emails Work

There are lots of ways to control the default values your agents see when responding to customer
cases using email. Depending on your business needs, you can set up different types of default
field values using various methods. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Set Defaults With... Best For... Priority of orgs) and Lightning
Execution Experience
Apex Use this Apex interface to override email field 1 Available in: Group,
QuickActionDefaultsHandler values based on complex logic. For example,Defaults set with this Professional, Enterprise,
interface you can use this Apex interface to apply a interface override all Performance, Unlimited,
specific email template and BCC a manager on other default settings. and Developer Editions
high priority cases.
For set up information, see the
Interface in the Apex Developer Guide.

Predefined Field Values Use predefined field values for adding people 2
set up for the Email to email threads. You can also use predefined If the Apex interface
quick action field values to ensure that emails are associatedisn’t configured for a
with Salesforce records. field specified using
For set up information, see Create a Send Email predefined field values,
Quick Action for Cases. these values populate

Automatic Reply, Reply Use these carry-over fields for basic email 3
All, and Forward field functionality. When an email is in response to Carry-over fields from
values an existing email, field values like the To, From, a previous email
Subject, and Body fields are auto-populated populate next.
with the previous values.
This functionality is provided out-of-the-box
and doesn’t require configuration.

Default Email Template Use the Default Email Template setting on the 4
set up for the Email Email quick action to always apply a custom If the body of the email
quick action email template to the body of the email. Setting hasn’t been populated
up a default template helps your agents send by the Apex interface
consistent messages quickly. or by a Reply, Reply All,
For set up information, see Apply a Default Email or Forward message,
Template Using the Send Email Quick Action. the default email
template is applied

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create a Change Status Quick Action for Cases

Before you can use case feed in Lightning Experience, you must recreate the Change Status publisher
as a quick action.
1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab. Select Cases, and open the Buttons, Links, and Available in: Lightning
Actions setup page. Experience
2. Click New Action. Available in: Enterprise,
3. For Action Type, select Update a Record. Essentials, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
4. For Standard Label Type, select Change Status. Editions
5. Click Save.
6. To choose the fields users see, customize the action’s layout. USER PERMISSIONS
7. Click Save.
To set up cases for Lightning
After you define the quick action, add it to the case page layout so it’s available for agents to use. Experience:
• Manage Cases


Set Up Cases for Lightning Experience Customize Application

Create Object-Specific Quick Actions

Add Quick Actions to the Case Page Layout for Lightning Experience

Create a Change Owner Quick Action for Cases

Make it simpler for agents to reassign cases in Lightning Experience by adding an Update a Record
quick action to the case page layout.
Cases can be reassigned to the following: Available in: Lightning
• User
• Queue Available in: Enterprise,
Essentials, Performance,
• Experience Cloud site partner user
Unlimited, and Developer
• Experience Cloud portal user Editions
In Lightning Experience, you must create the Change Owner action for cases. Use the following
1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab. Select Cases, and open the Buttons, Links, and
Actions setup page. To create and modify the
Send Email quick action:
2. Click New Action. • Manage Cases AND
3. For Action Type, select Update a Record. Customize Application

4. For Standard Label Type, select None. To edit a page layout:

• Customize Application
5. For Label, enter the name you want to display in the publisher.
For example, Transfer Case or Update Case Owner.

6. The Name field is auto-filled.

This name is used in the API and managed packages. It must begin with a letter and use only alphanumeric characters and underscores,
and it can’t end with an underscore or have two consecutive underscores. Unless you’re familiar with working with the API, we
suggest not editing this field.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

7. For Description, describe what this quick action does.

The description appears on the detail page for the action and in the list on the Buttons, Links, and Actions page. The description isn’t
visible to your users. If you’re creating several actions on the same object, we recommend using a detailed description.

8. Click Save.
The action layout page opens, where you can specify the fields shown in the quick action.
9. In the action layout, drag the Case Owner field from the palette into the quick action layout.
To make a field read-only or required, click the wrench icon and specify the field properties.

10. Click Save.

After you define the quick action, add it to the case page layout so it’s available for agents to use.
To let your agents send the new case owner an email, enable Notify Case Owner of New Case Comments from the Support Settings
page in Setup.

Add Quick Actions to the Case Page Layout for Lightning Experience
Customize Support Settings

Create a Close Case Quick Action

To give your agents the Close Case action in Lightning Experience, create an action and add it to
the case page layout.
The Close Case button is included with Salesforce Classic. However, you must create it in Lightning Available in: Lightning
Experience. Experience
1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab. Select Cases, and open the Buttons, Links, and Available in: Enterprise,
Actions setup page. Essentials, Professional,
2. Click New Action. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
3. For Action Type, select Update a Record.
4. For Standard Label Type, select None. For Label, enter Close Case. The Name field is
auto-filled. Optionally, enter a description and success message.
To set up cases for Lightning
• Manage Cases
Customize Application

5. Click Save.
6. To customize the action layout to display only the Status and Internal Comments fields, remove the other fields, and click Save.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

7. In the Predefined Field Values section, click New.

8. Assign the Status field the Closed field value, and click Save.

9. Go to the Case Page Layouts setup page, and edit your case layout.
Drag the new quick action to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section, and click Save.

When an agent clicks the action from the Service Console, the Status field displays Closed. Agents can now close a case with two
clicks—one for the action button and one to save.


Create a Case Comment Quick Action
Define Apex Triggers

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create a Case Comment Quick Action

To let your agents create case comments from the case feed publisher in Lightning Experience,
create a Case Comments quick action and add it to the case page layout.
In Salesforce Classic, you can add the Internal Comments field, which created Case Comments, to Available in: Lightning
the Close Case button. Your agents can then close a case and add a case comment at the same Experience
Available in: Enterprise,
In Lightning Experience, the Internal Comments field isn’t available, so you must create a separate Essentials, Performance,
quick action for closing a case and one for creating a case comment. Unlimited, and Developer
1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab. Select Cases, and open the Buttons, Links, and
Actions setup page.
2. Click New Action. USER PERMISSIONS
3. For Action Type, select Create a Record. To set up cases for Lightning
4. For Target Object, select Case Comment.
• Manage Cases
5. For Standard Label Type, select None. For Label, enter Case Comment. The Name field is
auto-filled. Optionally, enter a description and success message.
Customize Application

6. Click Save.
7. To choose the fields users see, customize the action’s layout, and click Save.
Keep these things in mind.
• The Body field is always required, even if Required isn’t selected in its Field Properties dialog (invoked when you double-click
the field).
• The Public field is available only if you have Experience Cloud sites enabled.
• The Public field is labeled “Published” in the quick action layout editor.

8. Go to the Case Page Layouts setup page, and edit your case layout.
Drag the new quick action to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section, and click Save.

When agents click the action from the Service Console, they see:


Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Tip: In the Lightning App Builder, you can add the Case Comments related list to the case page. Then your agents can also create
case comments directly from the related list using the New button. They can also edit and delete comments.

Add Quick Actions to the Case Page Layout for Lightning Experience
Make actions available to your agents by adding them to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning
Experience Actions section in the case page layout.
You can add standard actions and custom actions to the page layout. When you create a custom Available in: Lightning
action, it appears in the palette. Experience
You can drag and drop actions from the palette to the page layout. Available in: Enterprise,
1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab. Select Cases, and open the Case Page Layouts Essentials, Performance,
setup page. Unlimited, and Developer
2. Select the page layout that you want to add the action to, and click Edit.
3. Add quick actions to the case page layout.
a. Click Mobile & Lightning Actions.
To edit a page layout:
b. Drag the action into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section, and
• Customize Application
place the action where you want it to appear.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

c. Click Save.

Customize Case Hovers in Lightning Experience

Case hovers give users a sneak peek at the details of a case, including the description and the latest
update. Case hovers are enabled by default and appear whenever you hover over a case number,
except in list views. For users who work with cases all day, these hovers can save valuable time. Available in: Lightning
Case hovers work in all Lightning apps, including apps with standard navigation and console Experience
navigation. These hovers are specific to cases only and don’t work for any other objects.
Available in: Essentials,
To make sure that your users get the most out of case hovers, you can edit the case’s compact Group, Professional,
layout to customize which fields appear in the hover. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
There are three sections in the case hover: title and top fields, description, and the latest update.
Title and Fields
The top section of the hover displays the same information that’s displayed in the case’s
Highlights Panel in the case record home. Only the first five fields are displayed. The first field USER PERMISSIONS
is displayed at the title of the hover.
To customize compact
Note: The Highlights Panel and the case hover use the same compact layout. When you layouts:
customize the compact layout, you affect both the Highlights Panel and the case hover. • Customize Application
To view compact layouts:
To customize the title and fields displayed in the case hover, edit the case’s compact layout.
• View Setup and
1. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Object Manager. Configuration
2. Select Case and then click Compact Layouts.
You can create a new compact layout or edit the default layout.

3. Add the fields that you want displayed in the hover.

Keep in mind that the hover displays only the first five fields, and the first field becomes the title. We recommend using the Subject
as the first field in your compact layout.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

4. Sort the fields by selecting them and clicking Up or Down.

The order you assign to the fields determines the order in which they display.

5. Save the layout.

6. If you created a new layout, click Compact Layout Assignment to set the compact layout as the primary compact layout for the
You can’t customize the description and latest update sections.
Displays the case’s description. If a case doesn’t have a description, the hover doesn’t include this section.
Latest Update
The Latest Update section of the hover displays the latest post or the most recent activity on the case feed. The case feed’s sort order
determines which one is displayed in the hover. Whenever you change the sort order in a case feed, the hover is updated too.
However, case feed filters don’t affect what’s displayed in the case hover. For example, if you filter a case feed for emails, the case
hover still shows the latest update even if it’s not an email.
To make sure that your users see the same latest update in the hover and on the case record page, use the Chatter component in
the Lightning App Builder when editing your page. If instead you use the Chatter Feed component and filter it to display only certain
feed types, your users will see inconsistent updates when looking at the record page versus the hover.
The Latest Update section can display only one post. All post types are supported. For example, if the latest post was a post from a
social channel like Facebook, that’s what displays in the hover.
Here’s what the default case hover looks like.

Compact Layouts

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Set Up Case Merge in Lightning Experience

Let agents combine up to three cases into a single case. First, enable the Case Merge setting. Then
add the Merge Cases action to the cases record home and add the Merge Cases button to the
case list view so agents can merge cases. To set up cases for Lightning
Available in: Lightning Experience • Manage Cases
Available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer
Editions Customize Application

Note: Visit the Trailblazer Community

Implement this feature in one click with the Service Setup Assistant: Learn more on page 6

Case Merge has the following limitations:

• You can't merge duplicate cases pending in an Omni-Channel queue or assigned to agents with an Opened or Assigned status.
• You can't undo a merge.
• The Compare Cases window shows only the first 35 lookup fields that were added to the case page layout.
• After running a case merge, the Actions and Recommendations on Master Case are duplicated.
Make sure that agents have the Delete permission on cases, as it's required to carry out a case merge. To enable Case Merge: From Setup,
enter Case Merge in the Quick Find box, then select Case Merge. Toggle Merge Cases to proceed to Case Merge settings.
Next, specify how to deal with duplicate cases. Select Delete duplicate cases after merge to delete the source files after they're
merged, then save your settings. Assign a status value for your merged cases if you choose to keep your duplicate cases after the merge.
Either choose an existing value from the Merged Case Status picklist, or add a unique status by clicking Add a case status. When your
settings are selected, click Save to apply them to your case.
A link is appended before the Case subject to indicate that the case is a duplicate, and clicking it hyperlink takes you to the primary case.
To add a Merged Cases related list to your Case home page, add it to the case layout from the object manager as you would any other
related list.

Set Up a Customer Feedback Survey

Find out what your customers think about their experiences with customer support. Automatically
email a survey to the case contact when a case is closed or when case auto-response rules are met.
To set up cases for Lightning
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience Experience:
• Manage Cases
Available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer
Customize Application

When you enable surveys, two sample surveys are created:

• Net Promoter Score
• Customer Satisfaction
You can use these sample surveys to test the feature. You also can create surveys that are customized for your organization.
1. Enable surveys:
a. From Setup, enter Survey Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Survey Settings.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

b. Enable surveys.
c. Select the default Experience Cloud site for creating public surveys.
The site is used to generate survey invitations for participants outside of your org.

1. Note: Only Lightning users can send surveys to contacts when a case is closed or when auto-response rules are met.
2. To send a survey to the case contact when a case is closed, specify the survey in the Support Settings page:
a. From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Support Settings.
b. Click Edit.
c. In Customer Feedback Survey, select an active survey.
d. Click Save.

3. To send a survey to the case contact when case auto-response rules are met:
a. From Setup, enter Case Auto-Response Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Case Auto-Response Rules.
b. Click the name of the rule that contains the rule entry for which you want to send a survey.
c. Edit the rule entry.
d. In Step 5: Select a survey to send, specify the survey that you want to use.
e. Click Save.

Manage and Work with Cases

To keep customers happy, learn how to manage and work with cases. After a case is opened, you update the customer and case details,
then you ultimately close and resolve the customer issue.

Create and Clone Cases
Create and open cases to track customer issues. You can clone a case and search for other cases before opening one. Your organization
can even use Web-to-Case or Email-to-Case to create cases from customer logged issues.
Update and Respond to Cases
Keeping customers updated on their cases' progress is key to quality customer service. To ensure that each case is answered in a
timely manner, you can reassign and share cases with other agents. The case feed shows the history of interactions and
communications, so agents can quickly get up-to-date on the case and respond to customers.
Email Customers
Respond to your customers using email directly from the case record page. To stay efficient, you can insert and create email templates,
use quick text, and merge fields.
Solve and Close Cases
Closing a case means that a customer’s issue has been resolved.
Things to Know About Cases
Review these guidelines and other supplemental information when you use cases.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create and Clone Cases

Create and open cases to track customer issues. You can clone a case and search for other cases
before opening one. Your organization can even use Web-to-Case or Email-to-Case to create cases
from customer logged issues. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

Create Cases Available in: Essentials,

You can create cases in several ways. Group, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Clone Cases
Unlimited, and Developer
Clone a case to generate a new case using information from the existing case. Editions

Create Cases
You can create cases in several ways.
• Your admin can set up Web-to-Case and either Email-to-Case or On-Demand Email-to-Case to
automatically capture cases from your website and customer emails. Available in: Salesforce
• Your customers can log their own cases from an Experience Cloud site, Customer Portal, Classic and Lightning
Self-Service portal, or Chatter Answers. Experience

Case assignment rules,

Note: Starting with Spring ’12, the Self-Service portal isn’t available for new Salesforce
orgs. Existing orgs continue to have access to the Self-Service portal.
Email-to-Case, and the
• You can create cases manually from the Cases tab, the Cases related list, or, depending on your Self-Service portal are
org’s settings, in the feed on record detail pages. available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• If you have an answers site, you can escalate an unanswered or problematic question into a
Unlimited, and Developer
new case.
You can create or update cases only for contacts that are eligible to receive customer support. For
how to find out if a contact is eligible, or if a service contract includes an entitlement, see Verify
Entitlements on page 145.
To create a case: To view cases:
• Read on cases
1. Use Search to find the individual’s account and then locate the contact in the Contacts related
list. To create cases:
• Create on cases
If the contact doesn’t exist, create a contact for that account.

2. Click New in the Cases related list of the contact.

If your org uses record types, you might be prompted to choose a Record Type when creating a case. Different record types
can have different fields and different picklist values.

3. Enter information for the case.

When you enter or select a contact for the Contact Name field, the Account Name field defaults to the account associated
with the contact when you save the case. To choose a different account for the Account Name field, Lightning users can click
the X on the default account and enter the desired one in the search box.

4. To associate the case with an asset in Classic:

a. Click the Asset lookup icon. Initially, the asset lookup lists all assets for the selected contact. Enter search criteria and click Go!
to refine this list.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

b. Select an asset from the assets listed to associate it with the case.
c. If you do not find a matching asset, click New to create a asset from the lookup dialog and associate it with the new case. The
New button displays if your org has enabled Quick Create and you have the “Create” permission on assets.
d. To associate the new asset with a product, enter your product search criteria and click Go! or select a product from the list of
matches. Click Skip if you do not want to associate the asset with a product.
e. Enter the asset details and click Save.

5. Click Save, or click Save & New to save the case and create another. Alternatively, click Save & Close to save and close the case
immediately. This action sets the Closed When Created field on the case, which indicates that the case was closed during
6. If your org settings allow it, you can associate the case with another case by typing the case number of the parent in the Parent
Case field. Alternatively, you can click the lookup icon to search for a case's case number.
When a case is associated with a parent case, it signifies a relationship between cases. The relationship can be a grouping of similar
cases for easy tracking, or a division of one case into multiple cases for various users to resolve. When viewing a case, Lightning users
can create and associate a child case at any time by clicking New Child Case in the Feed tab
7. You can also set who sees the case and, depending on how your org is configured, you can:
• Prevent a case from appearing in the Self-Service portal by deselecting Visible in Self-Service Portal.
• Automatically send an email to the contact indicating that the case was created, select Send notification email
to contact.
• Automatically assign the case using your org's active assignment rule by clicking Assign using active assignment
If Assign using active assignment rules is selected and no assignment rule criterion is met, the case is assigned
to the Default Case Owner. If this setting isn’t active, you are assigned as the owner. If Assign using active
assignment rules is selected by default and you deselect it, you override your org’s default assignment rules and you’re
assigned as the owner.

Note: When you save a newly created case with an active assignment rule, the record type of the case can change, depending
on how your admin configured assignment rules.
If your org uses divisions, the division of a new case is automatically set to the division of the related contact.

Clone Cases
Case Fields
Solve Cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Clone Cases
Clone a case to generate a new case using information from the existing case.
The Clone button on a case quickly generates a new case using information from the existing case.
For example, to log multiple issues for a customer on a support call. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
In new orgs, the Clone button is available on the Cases page layout by default. In existing orgs, add
orgs) and Lightning
the Clone quick action to the page layout.
1. Click Clone on an existing case.
Available in: Essentials,
2. Enter or change any information for the new case. Group, Professional,
3. Check the box and assign the case automatically using your active assignment rule. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
4. Click Save.
Note: If you have read-only access to a field, the value of that field isn’t carried over to the
cloned record. USER PERMISSIONS

To clone cases:
• Create on cases
Case Fields

Update and Respond to Cases

Keeping customers updated on their cases' progress is key to quality customer service. To ensure
that each case is answered in a timely manner, you can reassign and share cases with other agents.
The case feed shows the history of interactions and communications, so agents can quickly get Available in both: Salesforce
up-to-date on the case and respond to customers. Classic and Lightning
IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Essentials,
View Case Lists Group, Professional,
The cases list view page displays a list of cases in your current view. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Update Multiple Cases Editions
From any case list page, administrators can “mass update” multiple cases at once. From any
queue list view, users can take ownership of one or more cases if they are a member of that
queue, if they are higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member, or if the organization’s default sharing for cases is
Public Read/Write/Transfer.
Assign Cases
You can assign cases to users or queues in various ways.
Share Cases
Your administrator defines the default sharing model for your entire organization. You can change this model to extend sharing to
more users than the default set by your administrator. However, you cannot change the sharing model to make it more restrictive
than the default.
View the Case Milestones
The Case Milestones related list on a case detail page displays a list of milestones that automatically apply to the case due to an
entitlement process.
Case Comments
Case comments let you and your support agents add, edit, and delete public and private comments on a case. All comments appear
in the Case Comments related list.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create and Edit Case Comments

Use case comments to add notes to a case.
Use Case Feed in Salesforce Classic
Case Feed streamlines the way you create, manage, and view cases. It includes case actions like creating case notes, logging calls,
changing the case status, and communicating with customers in a Chatter feed. Case Feed displays important case events in
chronological order, so it's easy to see the progress of each case.

View Case Lists

The cases list view page displays a list of cases in your current view.
To show a filtered list of items, select a predefined list from the View drop-down list, or click Create
New View to define your own custom views.To edit or delete any view you created, select it from Available in: Salesforce
the View drop-down list and click Edit. Classic (not available in all
If the Salesforce console is set up, view case lists by selecting Cases from the navigator tab (if Cases
is available). Available in: Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
• Click Edit or Del to edit or delete a case.
Performance, Unlimited,
• If Chatter is enabled, click or to follow or stop following a case in your Chatter feed. and Developer Editions
• Click New Case or select Case from the Create New dropdown list in the sidebar to create a
• Select the box next to one or more cases and then use the buttons at the top of the view to
close the cases, take ownership of them, or change the case status or owner. To view case lists:
• Read on cases
Note: Cases with a red arrow have been automatically escalated via your organization’s
escalation rules. To create cases:
• Create on cases

Taking Ownership of Cases

To take ownership of cases in a queue, view the queue list view, check the box next to one or more cases, and then click Accept.
Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations can grant additional access to cases beyond what
the sharing model allows.

Note: The org-wide sharing model for an object determines the access users have to that object’s records in queues:
Public Read/Write/Transfer
Users can view and take ownership of records from any queue.
Public Read/Write or Public Read Only
Users can view any queue but only take ownership of records from queues of which they’re a member or, depending on
sharing settings, if they’re higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member.
Users can only view and accept records from queues of which they’re a member or, depending on sharing settings, if they’re
higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Regardless of the sharing model, users must have the “Edit” permission to take ownership of records in queues of which they’re
a member. Salesforce admins, users with the “Modify All” object-level permission for Cases or Leads, and users with the “Modify
All Data” permission, can view and take records from any Case or Lead queue regardless of their membership in the queue.

What’s a Case?
Guidelines for Working with Cases

Update Multiple Cases

From any case list page, administrators can “mass update” multiple cases at once. From any queue
list view, users can take ownership of one or more cases if they are a member of that queue, if they
are higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member, or if the organization’s default Available in: Salesforce
sharing for cases is Public Read/Write/Transfer. Classic (not available in all
Check the boxes next to the desired cases and click the appropriate button. The following actions orgs)
are possible:
Available in: Group,
• Accept—Assigns you as the owner of the selected cases in a queue list view. Any attached Professional, Enterprise,
open activities are transferred to you as well. In organizations that do not have the Public Performance, Unlimited,
Read/Write/Transfer sharing model for cases, you can take cases only from queues of which and Developer Editions
you are a member or if you are higher in the role hierarchy than a queue member.
• Change Owner—Assigns the cases to the one user or queue you specify. Any attached open USER PERMISSIONS
activities are transferred to the new owner as well. When putting cases in a queue, the open
activities are not transferred. To change case owner:
• Transfer Cases OR
In addition to the required user permissions for this feature, you must have read sharing access Transfer Record
to the cases you are updating.
Note: When the selected Case records use multiple record types, the "Change Status" Edit on cases
page shows the available Status values associated with the logged-in User's default Case
record type. When using a single record type, the "Change Status" page shows values To close and change the
associated with that record type and its Support Process. When you change case status of cases:
ownership, any associated open activities assigned to the current case owner are • Manage Cases
transferred to the new owner.

• Close—Closes the selected cases using the values you specify. You can set a common Status and Reason and add any
You must have the “Manage Cases” permission and read/write sharing access to the cases to use this feature.

• Change Status—Changes the Status of the cases to the value you set.
You must have the “Manage Cases” permission and read/write sharing access to the cases to use this feature.

Guidelines for Working with Cases
Set Up a Mass Quick Action
Mass Quick Action Considerations

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Assign Cases
You can assign cases to users or queues in various ways.
• Using an Assignment Rule for Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, or On-Demand Email-to-Case
Available in: Salesforce
In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, web-
Classic (not available in all
and email-generated cases are automatically assigned to users or queues based on criteria in
your active case assignment rule.
Cases that do not match the assignment rule criteria are automatically assigned to the The case assignment
Default Case Owner specified in the Support Settings. options vary according to
your Salesforce Edition.
• Using an Assignment Rule when Creating or Editing a Case
In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, when USER PERMISSIONS
creating or editing a case, you can check a box to assign the case automatically using your
active case assignment rule. An email is automatically sent to the new owner if your administrator To view cases:
specified an email template in the matching rule entry. If you want this checkbox to be selected • Read on cases
by default, your administrator can modify the appropriate page layout. If necessary, your To transfer ownership of a
administrator can edit the page layout to hide the assignment checkbox but still force case case related to an account:
assignment rules. • Read and Assign on the
related account
• Changing Ownership of Multiple Cases (administrators only)
To take ownership of cases
From any case list page, an administrator, or a user with the Manage Cases permission, can from queues:
manually assign one or more cases to a single user or queue. In addition, when a case is related • Edit on cases
to an account, the administrator or user must have Read and Assign permissions on the account.

• Taking Cases from a Queue

To take ownership of cases in a queue, go to the queue list view, check the box next to one or more cases, and click Accept.

Note: The org-wide sharing model for an object determines the access users have to that object’s records in queues:
Public Read/Write/Transfer
Users can view and take ownership of records from any queue.
Public Read/Write or Public Read Only
Users can view any queue but only take ownership of records from queues of which they’re a member or, depending on
sharing settings, if they’re higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member.
Users can only view and accept records from queues of which they’re a member or, depending on sharing settings, if
they’re higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member.
Regardless of the sharing model, users must have the “Edit” permission to take ownership of records in queues of which they’re
a member. Salesforce admins, users with the “Modify All” object-level permission for Cases or Leads, and users with the “Modify
All Data” permission, can view and take records from any Case or Lead queue regardless of their membership in the queue.

• Changing Ownership of One Case

To transfer a single case you own or have read/write privileges to, click Change next to the Case Owner field on the case detail
page, and specify a user, partner user, or queue. Make sure that the new owner has the “Read” permission on cases. The Change
link displays only on the detail page, not the edit page.
In Group, Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, check the Send Notification
Email box to automatically send an email to the new case owner.

• Creating a Case Manually (default assignment)

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

When you create a case from the Cases tab, you are automatically listed as the case owner, unless the assignment rule checkbox is
displayed and you select it to enable the assignment rule. If it’s selected by default, you can override the assignment rule and assign
yourself as the owner by deselecting the checkbox.

Note: You can use case assignment rules in Experience Builder sites if your cases are created using the New button on top of the
Record List component (when mapped to cases). Case assignment rules aren’t supported in Experience Builder site cases made
using the Create Case Form, Create Record Button, or Contact Support & Ask Button components.
You can assign users with a Partner Community license to a case queue.

Guidelines for Working with Cases
Update Multiple Cases

Share Cases
Your administrator defines the default sharing model for your entire organization. You can change
this model to extend sharing to more users than the default set by your administrator. However,
you cannot change the sharing model to make it more restrictive than the default. Available in: Salesforce
To view and manage sharing details, click Sharing on the case detail page. The Sharing Detail page Classic (not available in all
lists the users, groups, roles, and territories that have sharing access to the case. On this page, you orgs)
can do any of the following:
Available in: Enterprise,
• To show a filtered list of items, select a predefined list from the View drop-down list, or click Performance, Unlimited,
Create New View to define your own custom views.To edit or delete any view you created, and Developer Editions
select it from the View drop-down list and click Edit.
• To grant access to the record for other users, groups, roles, or territories, click Add. USER PERMISSIONS
Note: To share a case with another user, that user must have access to the account To view cases:
associated with the case and the “Read” permission on cases. • Read on cases
• Click Expand List to view all users that have access to the record.
• For manual sharing rules that you created, click Edit or Del next to an item in the list to edit or delete the access level.

What’s a Case?

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

View the Case Milestones

The Case Milestones related list on a case detail page displays a list of milestones that automatically
apply to the case due to an entitlement process.
Milestones are required steps in your support process. They're metrics that represent service levels Available in: Salesforce
to provide to each of your customers. Examples of milestones include First Response and Resolution Classic
Times on cases.
Available in: Professional,
Keep the following things in mind when working with the related list. Enterprise, Performance,
• If no milestones apply to the case, then No records to display appears in the related Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
• The related list contains fields that your company has chosen to display based on its business
processes. Depending on your company’s requirements, you can see some or all the fields.
• Customer Portal users can’t edit case milestones.
Action To view case milestones:
Lists the actions you can perform on the milestone. For example, if you have Edit permission • Read on cases
on cases, you can click Edit to select the milestone completion date. To edit case milestones:
Milestone • Edit on cases
The name of a set of steps in an entitlement process that applies to the case. Users with Manage
Entitlements permission can click a milestone’s name to view the entitlement process, case
criteria, time triggers, and actions associated with it.
The following table lists the types of actions associated with milestones:

Action Type Description

Success Actions The actions to take when a milestone successfully completes. Success actions still fire
on milestones that are completed late.

Warning Actions The actions to take when a milestone is near violation.

Violation Actions The actions to take when a milestone is violated.

Administrators can set up milestones to automate the following for each action type:

Workflow Action What It Does Example

New Task Create a workflow task Create a task for a support agent to call a
customer when a First Response milestone
is violated.

New Email Create an email alert Notify case owners when a First Response
milestone on their case is near violation.

New Field Update Define a field update Update the case Priority field to High
when a First Response milestone is near

New Outbound Message Define an outbound message Send data about parts or services to an
external system after a First Response
milestone is completed.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Workflow Action What It Does Example

Select Existing Action Select an existing action Use an existing email alert to notify a case
owner when their case is near violation of
a first response.

Start Date
The date and time that the milestone tracking started.
Target Date
The date and time to complete the milestone.
Completion Date
The date and time the milestone was completed.
Target Response
Shows the time to complete the milestone. Automatically calculated to include any business hours on the case. Depending on your
company's business requirements, the time can appear in minutes, hours, or days.
Time Remaining
Shows the time that remains before a milestone violation. Automatically calculated to include any business hours on the case.
Depending on your company's business requirements, the time can appear in minutes, hours, or days.
Elapsed Time
Shows the time it took to complete a milestone. Automatically calculated to include any business hours on the case. Elapsed Time
is calculated only after the Completion Date field is populated. Depending on your company's business requirements, the time can
appear in minutes, hours, or days.
Icon ( ) that indicates a milestone violation.
Time Since Target
Shows the time that has elapsed since a milestone violation. Automatically calculated to include any business hours on the case.
You can choose to display the time in days, hours and minutes, or minutes and seconds.
Icon ( ) that indicates a milestone completion.
Because they’re part of a case's history, completed milestones remain on a case even if they're no longer applicable.
Business Hours
The operating hours for a business.

Important: The Business Hours field is not available in Lightning Experience.

Case Fields
What’s Entitlement Management?

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Case Comments
Case comments let you and your support agents add, edit, and delete public and private comments
on a case. All comments appear in the Case Comments related list.
Comments can remain private or be made publicly available to a case’s contact on the Customer Available in: Salesforce
Portal, Self-Service portal, or Chatter Answers. You can also set up your portal or Experience Cloud Classic (not available in all
site to let customers comment on their cases. When a portal user adds a comment, the case owner orgs) and Lightning
receives an email. A comment icon ( ) remains on the case heading until the case owner views Experience
it. Available in: Essentials,
Note: Starting with Spring ’12, the Self-Service portal isn’t available for new Salesforce orgs. Group, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Existing orgs continue to have access to the Self-Service portal.
Unlimited, and Developer
Create and Edit Case Comments

Create and Edit Case Comments

Use case comments to add notes to a case.
You can create or edit a case comment from two places.
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Create and Edit Case Comments on Case Detail Pages Experience
You can create and edit case comments on Case Detail pages.
Available in: Essentials,
Create and Edit Case Comments on Case Edit Pages Group, Professional,
You can create and edit case comments on the Case Edit page. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
What’s a Case?

To view case comments:

• Read on cases
To add case comments and
make case comments
• Edit or Create on cases
To edit or delete case
comments added by other
• Modify All on cases
To edit, delete, or make
public your existing case
• Edit Case Comments

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create and Edit Case Comments on Case Detail Pages

You can create and edit case comments on Case Detail pages.
1. Click New or Edit on the Case Comments related list.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Optionally, select Public to enable comment notifications to the contact on the case, and
Classic (not available in all
to let the contact view the comment on the Customer Portal or Self-Service.
orgs) and Lightning
3. Type comments in Comment. Experience
4. Click Save. Available in: Essentials,
Note: Starting with Spring ’12, the Self-Service portal isn’t available for new Salesforce orgs. Group, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Existing orgs continue to have access to the Self-Service portal.
Unlimited, and Developer
Note: If you publish cases and case comments to external contacts via Salesforce to Salesforce, Editions
all public case comments are automatically shared with a connection when you share a case.
To stop sharing a comment, select Make Private.
Tip: On the Case Comments related list:
To view case comments:
• Click Del to delete an existing comment. • Read on cases
• Click Make Public or Make Private to change the public status of a comment on the To add case comments and
Customer Portal or Self-Service portal. Case comments marked Public display as make case comments
private messages from customer support in Chatter Answers. They don’t display to the public:
entire site. For example, if a support agent adds a public case comment, it displays only • Edit or Create on cases
to the case’s contact private messages in Chatter Answers. Support agents can read all To edit or delete case
private and public case comments. comments added by other
• Modify All on cases
To edit, delete, or make
Case Comments public your existing case
Create and Edit Case Comments comments:
• Edit Case Comments

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Create and Edit Case Comments on Case Edit Pages

You can create and edit case comments on the Case Edit page.
1. Click New on the Cases tab to create a case, or select an existing case and click Edit.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Type your comments in Internal Comments.
Classic (not available in all
3. Optionally, select Send Customer Notification to email the contact on the case orgs) and Lightning
of your new public comment. Experience
4. Click Save. Available in: Essentials,
An email is sent to the case owner whenever a case comment is created. Group, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Note: Send Customer Notification displays on case edit pages when: Unlimited, and Developer
• An administrator has enabled case comment notification to contacts on Support Settings Editions
or Self-Service Portal settings pages.
• The comment is marked Public. USER PERMISSIONS
• There’s a contact on the case.
To view case comments:
• The contact on the case has a valid email address. • Read on cases
To add case comments and
make case comments
Case Comments • Edit or Create on cases
Create and Edit Case Comments To edit or delete case
comments added by other
• Modify All on cases
To edit, delete, or make
public your existing case
• Edit Case Comments

Use Case Feed in Salesforce Classic

Case Feed streamlines the way you create, manage, and view cases. It includes case actions like
creating case notes, logging calls, changing the case status, and communicating with customers
in a Chatter feed. Case Feed displays important case events in chronological order, so it's easy to Available in: Salesforce
see the progress of each case. Classic (not available in all
Agents assigned to a Case Feed page layout see a page that typically looks like the page shown in orgs)
the screenshot when they view a case.
Available in: Enterprise,
Note: Administrators can customize case page layouts, so your org’s page layout may look Performance, Unlimited,
different from the screenshot. and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

• Highlights Panel (1)—Provides an overview of the most important information about a case, such as the contact information, case
name, case description, status, priority, and case owner. Agents can use the column dividers to resize sections of the highlights panel
so they can see more of the info that’s most relevant.
• Feed and Detail Views (2)—From the feed view, which includes the publisher and feed, agents can easily switch to the case detail
view to see more in-depth information and work with related lists.
• Publisher (3)—Contains the actions agents use to work with cases, such as the Email, Case Note, and Change Status actions.
• Articles Tool (4)—Lets agents find Knowledge articles that can help them resolve cases, and then attach them to a case or email
them to customers.
• Feed Filters (5)—Help agents quickly find specific information in the feed by limiting the feed items that appear.
• Feed (6)—Offers a chronological view of the case’s history. Feed items are created for:
– Incoming and outgoing email related to the case
– Comments related to the case on a customer portal or Chatter Answers
– Calls logged about the case
– Changes to the case status
– Comments made on the case
– Links or files added to the case
– Milestone activity related to the case
– Case actions that result from workflow events
– New tasks and events related to the cases

• Follow Button and Followers List (7)—Let agents follow the case so they’re notified in Chatter of updates to it, and let them see
other followers.
• Custom Buttons and Links (8)—Give agents access to more tools and functionality.
Administrators can customize most aspects of Case Feed, including:
• Fields in the highlight panel
• Actions that appear and the fields they include
• Feed filters that are available and where on the page the list appears
• Width of the feed

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

• Availability of tools, custom buttons, and custom links, and where they appear on the page
Here’s some more information about using the case feed.

Use Actions to Work with Cases in Case Feed
Case Feed actions make it easy for support agents to do tasks like send email, post to portals and Experience Cloud sites, log calls,
change case status, and write case notes, all on the same page.
Use Feed Filters in Case Feed
Feed filters make it easy for support agents to see all updates of one type, such as all call logs or all email messages, when working
with cases in Case Feed. By using filters, agents can find the information they need more quickly, without having to browse through
each case event.
Case Feed and Related Lists
In the traditional case interface, support agents complete tasks such as logging calls and sending emails primarily by working with
related lists. In Case Feed, agents can do several of these tasks directly in the feed.
Find, Attach, and Email Articles with the Case Feed Articles Tool
Knowledge articles can help you solve cases more quickly by providing in-depth troubleshooting steps and other detailed information.
Use the articles tool in Case Feed to search for articles relevant to the case you’re working with, attach articles to the case, and email
them to customers.
View and Edit Cases from the Case Detail Page in Case Feed
Use the Case Detail page to see and update detailed information about a case and work with related lists.
Post on Cases and Experience Cloud Site Questions with the Experience Action in the Case Feed
The Experience action in the case feed is your default option for responding to customers on cases that originated from a Experience
Cloud site or customer portal.
Printable View in Case Feed
Use the printable view option to view and print a comprehensive list of the information related to a case.

Insert and Use Quick Text

Use Actions to Work with Cases in Case Feed

Case Feed actions make it easy for support agents to do tasks like send email, post to portals and
Experience Cloud sites, log calls, change case status, and write case notes, all on the same page.
Actions appear in the publisher at the top of the feed. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Here are some common Case Feed actions. Depending on how your administrator has set up your
organization, you might not see all of these actions.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

• Use the Email action to respond to customers by email. In some organizations, the Email and Portal actions are combined in an
Answer Customer action.
• The Log a Call action lets you create a record of the details of a phone call. Call logs are visible only to other users in your organization,
not to customers.

Note: If you’re using a SoftPhone, completed calls and call notes are logged automatically in the case’s feed, as are interaction
log entries whose Status is Completed.

• With the Portal action, you can post replies to a customer portal or a Chatter Answers site.
• Use the Change Status action to escalate, close, or make other changes to the status of a case.
• The Question action lets you search for and create questions.
• The Post, File, and Link actions are the same ones you’re used to seeing in Chatter.
– Use the Post action to create case notes to share information about the case or get help from others in your organization. (Notes
created with the Post action aren’t included in the Case Comments related list on the case detail page.)
– Add a PDF, photo, or other document to the case with the File action. (Documents you add with File aren’t included in the
Attachments related list on the case detail page.)
– Use the Link action to share a link that’s relevant to the case.

Use Case Feed in Salesforce Classic

Use Feed Filters in Case Feed

Feed filters make it easy for support agents to see all updates of one type, such as all call logs or all
email messages, when working with cases in Case Feed. By using filters, agents can find the
information they need more quickly, without having to browse through each case event. Available in: Salesforce
When creating or editing feed layouts, administrators can specify which filters are available: Classic (not available in all
• Choosing only All Updates automatically shows all events on a case and hides the list of
individual feed filters. Use this option if you want support agents to see the complete history Available in: Enterprise,
of a case. Performance, Unlimited,
• Choosing only one type of feed filter automatically shows only case events of that type and and Developer Editions
hides the list of individual feed filters. For example, if you select only All Emails, the feed
for each case shows the email messages related to the case but not case notes, portal replies,
or other activities. This option is useful for agents who provide support primarily by one channel—phone, email, or portal—and
who need to see case events only for that channel.
• Choosing more than one type of feed filter shows a list of available filters in the left sidebar of the Case Feed page or above the feed
in the center of the page, with the first filter selected by default. For example, if you make the All Emails, Status Changes,
and Portal Answers filters available, the feed for each case shows, by default, the email messages related to the case; users
can click the other filters to see other types of case events. Use this option if your agents tend to provide support in one channel but
also need to be able to see other types of case updates.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

In addition, administrators can specify how and where the list of feed filters appears:
• As a fixed list in the left column.
• As a floating list in the left column. With this option, the feed filters list remains visible as users scroll down the page. This can be
useful with long feeds, as it lets agents quickly filter case activities from anywhere on the page, without having to scroll to the top.
• As a drop-down list in the center column.
• As in-line links in the compact feed view. This option is available only for compact feed view.

Use Case Feed in Salesforce Classic

Case Feed and Related Lists

In the traditional case interface, support agents complete tasks such as logging calls and sending
emails primarily by working with related lists. In Case Feed, agents can do several of these tasks
directly in the feed. Available in: Salesforce
Here’s an overview of the most common related lists included in the traditional case interface, the Classic (not available in all
tasks agents do from them, and where agents can complete those tasks in Case Feed. orgs)

Activity History Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task and Developer Editions

Logging a call Log a Call action in the publisher

Viewing call logs Call log feed items

Creating and replying to • Email action in the publisher

customer emails
• Emails related list

Viewing emails • Email feed items

• Activity History related list
• Emails related list

Approval History

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Submitting a case for approval Approval History related list

Viewing approval history Approval History related list


Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Attaching files to a case • Articles tool (to attach Salesforce Knowledge articles)

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

• Attachments related list

Attaching files to an email • Email action in the publisher

• Emails related list

Viewing files attached to a case • Attachment feed items

• Attachments related list

Note: Attachments to case notes aren't included in the Attachments related list.

Case Comments

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Creating an internal case note Post action in the publisher
In Case Feed private comments have been replaced by case notes, which are Chatter
posts and aren't available from the Case Comments related lists.

Viewing case notes Post feed items

Creating a public customer comment Portal action in the publisher

Viewing a public customer comment Portal feed items

Case History

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Viewing case history Feed items for activity on the case

Case Team

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Creating a case team Case Team related list

Viewing a case team Case Team related list

Contact Roles

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Creating contact roles Contact Roles related list

Viewing contact roles Contact Roles related list

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Creating and replying to customer emails Email action in the publisher

Content Deliveries

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Viewing or previewing content Content Deliveries related list

Creating and delivering content Content Deliveries related list


Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Creating customer emails • Email action in the publisher
• Emails related list

Viewing emails • Email feed items

• Activity History related list
• Emails related list

Open Activities

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Creating and editing tasks • Create Task action in the publisher
• Open Activities related list

Viewing tasks • Task feed items (for tasks created with Create Task action)
• Open Activities related list

Creating and editing events • Create Event action in the publisher

• Open Activities related list

Viewing events • Task feed items (for events created with Create Event action)
• Open Activities related list

Related Cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Creating and editing related cases • Create Child Case action in the publisher
• Related Cases related list

Viewing related cases • Related case feed items (for cases created with Create Child Case action)
• Related cases related list


Task Case Feed Feature Agents Use for this Task

Viewing suggested solutions Solutions related list

Finding solutions Solutions related list

View and Edit Cases from the Case Detail Page in Case Feed
Printable View in Case Feed

Find, Attach, and Email Articles with the Case Feed Articles Tool
Knowledge articles can help you solve cases more quickly by providing in-depth troubleshooting
steps and other detailed information. Use the articles tool in Case Feed to search for articles relevant
to the case you’re working with, attach articles to the case, and email them to customers. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Before you can use the articles tool, your administrator needs to set up and configure Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To use articles in Case Feed:

• Manage Cases
Read on at least one
article type

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Click to open the articles tool.
• By default, the tool shows articles with keywords or phrases similar to the subject and description of the case you’re working with.
If you don’t see the article you want, type new terms in the search box and click Search Again, or click Advanced Article Search
for more options.
• Click the title of an article to open it in a new window if you want to see more information about it than just the title and the summary.
• When you find the article you want, choose what you want to do with it:
– Select Email to customer to attach the article to a message as a PDF.
– Select Attach to case to include the article as a case attachment.

View and Edit Cases from the Case Detail Page in Case Feed
Use the Case Detail page to see and update detailed information about a case and work with related
On the Case Detail page, you can: Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• View and edit case information, including changing contact and account information, status,
origin, priority, type, and case reason.
• Change or update the case subject and description. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• View related lists and use them to complete additional tasks (for example, viewing the approval
and Developer Editions
history on a case or adding members to a case team).
• Close a case.
• Delete a case.
• Clone a case. To view a case:
• View on cases
Note: If your organization has inline editing enabled, you can use it on the Case Detail page.
To edit a case:
To switch between the feed view and the case details page when viewing a case, use the • Edit on cases
To delete a case:
• Delete on cases
buttons or, if you’re working in the Salesforce console, the

To open a printable display of the case details, click Printable View on any page in Case Feed.

Use Case Feed in Salesforce Classic

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Post on Cases and Experience Cloud Site Questions with the Experience Action in the Case Feed
The Experience action in the case feed is your default option for responding to customers on cases
that originated from a Experience Cloud site or customer portal.
To post on cases in a customer portal or Experience Cloud site: Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. Click Answer Customer on the Case Feed page.
2. Click and select Community.
Depending on how your administrator has set up Case Feed, you may be able to click Experience Available in: Enterprise,
without first having to click Answer Customer. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
3. Enter the message to the customer.


To create case posts in

customer portals or
Experience Cloud sites:
• Edit on cases

4. If you’re working on a case that was escalated from a question in Chatter Questions or Chatter Answers, choose who you want your
post to be visible to:
• Select Customer Only to post your answer as a private reply, or Everyone to post it as a public reply.
• Select Customer Case to make a post visible to all internal and external users with access to the case, or Community Question
to post a public answer on the site user’s question. If you select Customer Case and your Salesforce administrator has enabled
the site case feed, you’ll be creating a Chatter post instead of a case comment.

5. Optionally, select Send Email to send a message to the customer letting them know that a reply to their question has been
posted to the case.

Note: This option is only available if your administrator has enabled it, and if the customer you’re replying to is associated
with the case and has a valid email address. If your organization uses the site case feed and email notifications for Chatter case
posts are enabled, users are automatically notified by email about public posts on their cases and this option doesn’t appear.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

6. Optionally, attach a Knowledge article to the post.

7. Click the button to publish your post.

Note: If the site case feed is enabled in your organization, you can change the visibility of case posts after they are published. For
details, see Expose or Hide a Published Post or Email in the Site Case Feed.

Send and Reply to Email in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Use Case Feed in Salesforce Classic

Printable View in Case Feed

Use the printable view option to view and print a comprehensive list of the information related to
a case.
Printable view, which you access by clicking on any Case Feed page, displays information in Available in: Salesforce
the following order: Classic (not available in all
1. Case details
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Contents of related lists that are included on the Case Detail page
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Internal notes and Developer Editions

Notes and Tips

• Depending on the related lists that are included on the Case Detail page, certain case events, such as email messages and logged
calls, may not appear in the printable view. To ensure that emails and call logs are included, customize your Case Detail page layouts
for Case Feed users to add the Activity History related list. To include public portal posts, add the Case Comments
related list.
• Internal notes are listed under the heading Chatter on the printable view page.
• Related lists that don’t have data in them aren’t displayed in the printable view, even if they’re included in the Case Detail page
• If your Case Detail page layout includes custom links and buttons, they appear in the case details section in the printable view.
• Printable view shows 500 each of the most recent internal note posts, links, and documents, and 100 of the most recent comments
on each of these posts.

View and Edit Cases from the Case Detail Page in Case Feed

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Email Customers
Respond to your customers using email directly from the case record page. To stay efficient, you
can insert and create email templates, use quick text, and merge fields.

Note: To email customers from the Service Console, Email-to-Case must be enabled in your Available in: Salesforce
org. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Available in: Enterprise,
Email Customers in Lightning Experience Essentials, Performance,
Use the email publisher in case feed to answer customer questions and resolve customer issues Unlimited, and Developer
in Lightning Experience. Editions
Email Customers in Salesforce Classic
Work with email in the case feed in Salesforce Classic.
Merge Fields for Cases
The list of available email template merge fields in the Salesforce Merge Language depends on the type of data that you’re working
with. Most of the merge fields for cases correspond directly with a case field.

Email Customers in Lightning Experience

Use the email publisher in case feed to answer customer questions and resolve customer issues in
Lightning Experience.

Note: To email customers from the Service Console app in Lightning Experience, Available in: Lightning
Email-to-Case must be enabled in your org. Experience

To get started, open a case in the console. In the case feed publisher section, click Email. You can Available in: Essentials,
insert merge fields, look up contacts, preview emails, clear emails, and more from the email publisher. Enterprise, Performance,
You can also insert Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience email templates, attach files, and Unlimited, and Developer
remove attachments if you change your mind. Editions

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Here are some things to keep in mind when working with emails in Lightning Experience.
Look up contacts
To look up contact email addresses, click the lookup icon in the To, CC, or BCC field. In the email composer, you can filter contacts
by account contacts and by your colleagues (internal users). To add contacts as email recipients, select the contacts and click Add.
Don't see who you're looking for? You can search by name.
To attach multiple files from your computer, drag the files to the body of the email. You can drag as many files as you want, but the
files can’t be more than 2 GB. To attach files uploaded in Salesforce, use the attachment icon.
Merge fields
Merge fields resolve only on send and preview. The field appears as plain text when inserted into the publisher.

Tip: You can insert merge fields that aren't listed in the dialog box, such as merge fields for accounts or contacts. Enter them
as plain text and use the preview button to review before sending.
Email templates
You can insert Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic templates. When you insert a template, the subject is replaced with the
template’s subject.
If you insert a responsive email template that includes an HTML <head>, <meta>, <title>, or <style> tag, the template
overwrites the content in the email body. Don't worry – we display a confirmation message, so you know before anything is
Email drafts
A working draft of your email is saved every few seconds when you compose, reply, or forward an email. You can leave it and return
to it at any time.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Note: Email drafts are private and can’t be shared. You can have only one draft per case. If you’re working on a case with an
auto-saved draft, you can’t write another email until that draft is sent or discarded. Your Salesforce admin must enable email
Preview emails
Use preview to review an email and its merge fields before sending.
Delete and clear emails
The trash icon deletes the working draft and resets the fields to the original state. The behavior differs depending on whether email
drafts are enabled.
• When email drafts aren’t enabled, this action clears the body, subject, and added recipients, reverting the email to its original
• When email drafts are enabled, it deletes the draft and then reverts.
Pop-to-docked email composer
Open the docked email composer on the side of the console, so it's easier to view the case feed while replying to an email. You also
can maximize the email composer from the docked composer, so it's easier to focus on writing.
You can open the docked composer from different places on the case record:
• In the email composer toolbar, by clicking the popout-to-docked view icon.
• In an email in the case feed, by clicking Reply, Reply All, or Forward in the actions menu.
If your admin enabled email drafts, then the popout-to-docked view button is disabled.
Docked email composer
When you send an email using the docked email composer, only a partial page refresh occurs.
Embed images into messages by copy and pasting, providing an image URL, and browsing for or uploading Salesforce Files. The
behavior for each method is slightly different.
• Copy and paste—Supports all image file types but has a maximum file size of 5 MB. The image is added as an attachment and
inline, and the inline image can be resized. Microsoft Edge is not supported. Internet Explorer 11 or earlier doesn’t allow resizing
• Web URL—No maximum file size. The image is added inline and can be resized. The image is not added as an attachment, and
it isn’t converted to a Salesforce File. The default description text for an image is set to “User uploaded image.”
• Browse or upload Salesforce File—Creates a Salesforce File from an uploaded file, or inserts an existing Salesforce File. The file
size limit is based on the limits for Salesforce Files. The image can’t be resized from the message itself. The image is added as an
attachment and inline. If a content version for a Salesforce File changes, messages that used an older version of the Salesforce
File aren’t updated.

Note: When using the case email publisher in Lightning Experience, email attachments are included only when you forward
messages, but not when you reply to messages.
Code Samples
Insert a code snippet that retains the code formatting by clicking the code sample icon and pasting the code into the code window.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Keep in mind that your Salesforce admin can customize the email experience for cases. See Create a Send Email Quick Action for Cases.

Email Templates in Lightning Experience
Access and Sharing for Email Merge Fields, Templates, and Attachments in Lightning Experience
Considerations for Using Merge Fields in Email Templates and Letterheads
Merge Fields for Cases

Email Customers in Salesforce Classic

Work with email in the case feed in Salesforce Classic.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
Working with Case Emails in Salesforce Classic
Cases generated via Email-to-Case or On-Demand Email-to-Case display in an Emails related
list. The Emails related list includes all emails sent by your customer regarding a particular case, Available in: Enterprise,
as well the email threads between you and your customer. The first 77 characters of an email Performance, Unlimited,
message appear in the related list so that you can see what the message is about without having and Developer Editions
to click on it.
Send and Reply to Email in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Use the features of the Case Feed email action to save time when writing messages and customize the emails you send to customers.
Add Images and Files to Email Messages in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Give customers comprehensive information to help resolve their issues more quickly by attaching files to email messages, and add
inline images to include pictures that enhance your text.
Use Email Templates in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Templates help you ensure consistency, save time, and include basic information, such as a customer’s name and their case number,
all with one click. If your administrator has created text, HTML, or Visualforce email templates, or if you’ve created your own templates,
you can use them when emailing customers in Case Feed.
Work with Draft Emails in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
With draft emails, support agents can save messages they write to customers without having to send them immediately, and
administrators can create approval processes for email messages.
Review and Approve Email Drafts in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Depending on how your administrator has set up draft emails and approval processes for your organization, you may need to review
and approve messages written by the agents you oversee before those messages are sent to customers.
Customize Emails with the Rich Text Editor in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
The rich text editor lets you customize the emails you send to customers. Use it to format text, add bulleted or numbered lists, and
add images and links.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Working with Case Emails in Salesforce Classic

Cases generated via Email-to-Case or On-Demand Email-to-Case display in an Emails related list.
The Emails related list includes all emails sent by your customer regarding a particular case, as well
the email threads between you and your customer. The first 77 characters of an email message Available in: Salesforce
appear in the related list so that you can see what the message is about without having to click on Classic (not available in all
it. orgs)
To work with Email-to-Case or On-Demand Email-to-Case emails:
Available in: Professional,
• Click Send An Email to send an email to a contact, another user, or any other email address. Enterprise, Performance,
• Click Reply to respond to an email. The email response automatically includes the email body Unlimited, and Developer
as received from the customer. Enter your response and click Send. Editions

When you reply to email messages in the Email related list on cases, the From: field on your
email may display to recipients as or USER PERMISSIONS This is due to how the recipients' email applications receive
To view cases:
Sender and From headers on inbound email. By default, an Enable Sender ID
• Read on cases
compliance setting is selected for your organization, which enables email messages sent
from Salesforce to comply with email applications that require Sender headers for delivery. To work with case emails:
• Edit on cases
• Click To All to respond to all participants on an email thread.
• Click the subject of the email to view the email. From the email, you can reply to the sender,
reply to everyone, forward the email, or delete it.
• While viewing an email, you can display a list of all the emails associated with the case by clicking Email Message List, and you can
navigate to the case's other emails by clicking Next or Previous.

Note: The Email Message List, Next, and Previous links are not available in the Customer Portal and partner portal.

• While viewing an email, click Forward to forward it. The email automatically includes the email body as received from the customer.
Optionally, enter text and click Send.
• If the original email was an HTML email, you can click the Click here to view HTML version link to see the HTML version. For
inbound email messages, if you want to see the entire email header, click the Click here to view original email headers link on
the email detail page.
• To view any attachments contained in incoming emails, go to the Attachments related list of the email. To view attachments sent
with outbound emails, view the Attachments related list of outbound emails.
The size limit for an attachment is 5 MB. The user who configured the email agent can view its log file to see if any attachments
exceeded the size limit.

• Click Del to delete an email. Note that a deleted email can be retrieved from the Recycle Bin. However, if you delete an email from
a case, then delete the case, you will not be able to retrieve the deleted email from the Recycle Bin.
In the Email related list, emails are listed in the order received according to the most recent. Emails in the related list display one of the
following statuses:

Email Status Description

New An inbound email that has not been read.

The contents of the Subject field display in bold for emails with
a New Status.

Read An inbound email that has been read but not replied to.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Email Status Description

Sent An outbound email.

Replied An inbound email that has been replied to. Replying to a sent email
gives it a replied status.

When a case contains a new (unread) email, an “Email” task associated with that case is automatically created in the case owner's task
list with the email subject displayed. The owner can easily see the new task on the Home tab or from the Open Activities related list of
the case. From the task, the owner can click a link to view the email associated with the case. When the user responds to the email, the
task is removed from the owner's task list and added to the case's Activity History related list. The user can also move an email task to
which they have not responded to the Activity History related list by changing its status to “Completed.”

Note: When inbound emails create a new case and your assignment rules route that case to a queue, the “Email” task is assigned
to the user configured in the email agent.
If an inbound email does not contain the email address of an existing contact, then the Web Name field on the case is automatically
updated with the name in the From field of the email, and the Web Email field on the case is automatically updated with
the address provided in the inbound email.

Tip: When running the Cases with Emails report, add the Is Incoming field to the report to see the cases received via

Send Articles from Cases

Send and Reply to Email in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed

Use the features of the Case Feed email action to save time when writing messages and customize
the emails you send to customers.
The email action in Case Feed is available only if your organization uses Email-to-Case and if the Available in: Salesforce
Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items setting is enabled. Classic (not available in all
Note: Depending on how your administrator has set up Case Feed, some of the options
described in the screenshot might not be available to you or might look different. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Here’s how to use the email action: and Developer Editions


To send emails:
• Send Email

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

1. In the feed for the case, click Email. Depending on how your administrator has set up Case Feed, some of the options described in
the screenshot might not be available to you or might look different. To write a reply to a message, click Reply or Reply All below
an email message in the feed.
2. If your department uses email templates, choose one for your message.
3. Select a From address.
If this field doesn’t appear as a picklist, your administrator has already defined a From address.
4. The email address of the contact who created the case automatically appears in the To field, as long as the creator is an existing
contact. To add more recipients, click to look up an address, or type or paste email addresses or names in the To field.
• When you enter an email address or name that matches one contact or user, the address appears as a button with the person’s
• To add several addresses at once, copy and paste them separated by spaces or commas. These email addresses appear as buttons,
and, if they’re associated with a contact or user, show the contact’s name.
• When you enter an email address that matches multiple contacts or users, the address appears as a button. Click the button to
see a list of people associated with the email address. Choose the contact or user that you want to associate with the message.

5. If you want to copy other people on the message, click Add Cc or Add Bcc.
6. By default, the email subject is the name of the case it’s related to. If you apply an email template that includes a subject, then the
template subject is shown. You can edit the subject if you want to.
7. Use the rich text editor to add formatting to your message.
8. Create your message. If your department uses quick text messages, type ;; to insert one.
9. If your administrator has enabled email drafts, you can click Save to save a copy of your message without sending it. When you save
a message as a draft, any agent with access to the case can edit it.
10. Click Attach File or drag and drop files in the attachments pane to add files to the message.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

11. Optionally, attach an article to the message.

12. Click Send Email.
Note: Depending on how your administrator has set up Case Feed, this button might have a different name.

Tip: Click and drag in the bottom right corner to change the height of the message pane. Make it larger so you can see
more of what you’re writing. Make it smaller so you can see more of the case history in the feed without scrolling. Once you resize
the message pane, it appears in the new size each time you write an email, until you resize it again.

Post on Cases and Experience Cloud Site Questions with the Experience Action in the Case Feed
Use Case Feed in Salesforce Classic
Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case
Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items

Add Images and Files to Email Messages in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Give customers comprehensive information to help resolve their issues more quickly by attaching
files to email messages, and add inline images to include pictures that enhance your text.
For example, if you’re working on a case that requires a customer to try a few different solutions to Available in: Salesforce
resolve an issue, you might attach a how-to video or a document with multiple sets of detailed Classic (not available in all
troubleshooting steps. If the customer has to follow a particular set of troubleshooting steps very orgs)
carefully, you could use inline images after each step in the body of a message.
Available in: Enterprise,
• To add an inline image, click in the toolbar of the Case Feed email publisher and upload Performance, Unlimited,
or link to the image you want. Each image you embed must be no larger than 1 MB, and in and Developer Editions
.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .pjpeg, .bmp, or .gif format. The total size of your email message,
including images and text, can be no more than 12 MB. USER PERMISSIONS
Note: You need to use the rich text editor in the email publisher to embed images. You To send emails with
can’t embed images in plain text messages. attachments or inline
• To attach files to an email, click Upload files to choose a file from your computer or Salesforce,
• Send Email
or to use a file that’s already attached to the case, or drag and drop files to the attachments
area at the bottom of the email publisher. You can attach up to a total of 10 MB to each email
message. Salesforce supports all file types.

Note: Drag-and-drop functionality is available only on browsers that support HTML5.

• Click Files: to see a list of the attachments you’ve added.

Click next to an attachment to remove it.
When the recipient of your email views the message, any images you’ve embedded appear in the body of the email.. If the total size of
everything you’ve attached to the message is greater than 3 MB, all of the attachments appear as links, which the recipient can use to
download the files. If the total attachment size is less than 3 MB, each file appears as an attachment.

Example: For example, let’s say you’re a support agent for an appliance company, and you’re working on a case for a customer
who’s having trouble with the ice maker on her fridge. You could email the customer step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting
the ice maker and include an image after each step, and could attach two documents: a PDF of the user manual for the fridge (a

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

2 MB file) and a list of maintenance tips to keep the fridge working well (a 10 KB file). When the customer receives the email, she’ll
• The images embedded in the body of the email message so she can refer to them one at a time as she works through the
troubleshooting steps
• The user manual and list of maintenance tips as attachments to the message, as their total size is less than 3 MB
If you also attached a troubleshooting video (a 2.5 MB file), all three of the attachments would appear to the customer as links, as
the total size of all attachments would be greater than 3MB.

Send and Reply to Email in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Find, Attach, and Email Articles with the Case Feed Articles Tool
Customize Emails with the Rich Text Editor in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed

Use Email Templates in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed

Templates help you ensure consistency, save time, and include basic information, such as a
customer’s name and their case number, all with one click. If your administrator has created text,
HTML, or Visualforce email templates, or if you’ve created your own templates, you can use them Available in: Salesforce
when emailing customers in Case Feed. Classic (not available in all
For best results, we recommend using the rich text editor when working with email templates. orgs)

Note: Depending on how your administrator has set up Case Feed, you may see a pre-loaded Available in: Enterprise,
template when you use the Email action. Use the steps below to choose a different template Performance, Unlimited,
if needed. and Developer Editions

To use a template:
1. Depending on which action appears, click Answer Customer and select Email, or just click
Email. To send emails
2. Click Select a Template. • Send Email

3. Choose the folder that has the template you want.

4. Click the name of the template to add it to the email.

• If you choose more than one text or HTML template, each template is added in the order you choose it. If you choose a
Visualforce template after choosing another template, it replaces the earlier template.
• If the template you choose has attachments, they’re included with the message.
• If the template you choose has merge fields, only the case-related fields are merged.
• To remove a template, click . This also deletes any text you’ve entered and removes all template attachments.

5. Finish writing and sending your message.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Work with Draft Emails in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed

With draft emails, support agents can save messages they write to customers without having to
send them immediately, and administrators can create approval processes for email messages.
Drafts are only supported if your administrator has enabled them. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
As a support agent, you might want to save a message as a draft while you gather additional
information about the issue you’re solving, confirm troubleshooting steps with a colleague, or take
a break and log out of Salesforce. To save an email as a draft, click Save under the text box when Available in: Enterprise,
you’re writing an email. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: Drafts aren’t auto-saved.

Each case can have only one draft email associated with it, so if you’re working on a case with a
draft you or someone else has saved, you won’t be able to write another email until that draft is sent or discarded. When you view a case
with a draft associated with it, you see a notification with the name of the user who wrote the draft and a link to view it. Any agent or
supervisor with access to a case can edit the draft email, unless it’s awaiting approval.
If your company uses approval processes for email messages, when you submit a message, it’s sent to a supervisor for review. (Depending
on how your administrator has set up approval processes, you may have the option of submitting the message for review or sending it
without review.) When a supervisor approves the message, it’s sent to the customer. If your email isn’t approved, a message with an
explanation appears at the top of the publisher when you click Email while viewing the case. You can edit the message and resubmit

Review and Approve Email Drafts in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed

Review and Approve Email Drafts in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
Depending on how your administrator has set up draft emails and approval processes for your
organization, you may need to review and approve messages written by the agents you oversee
before those messages are sent to customers. Available in: Salesforce
When an agent submits a message for approval, you receive an email notification with a link to the Classic (not available in all
case that includes the message. A notice appears at the top of the publisher when you click Email. orgs)
Click View email to go to the message detail page. On that page:
Available in: Enterprise,
• Click Unlock Record to make the message editable. Performance, Unlimited,
• Click Delete if you want to discard the draft. and Developer Editions

• Click Approve/Reject in the Approval History related list to approve or reject the message.
• Click Reassign to assign the approval to another supervisor. USER PERMISSIONS
If you approve the message, it’s sent to the customer. If you reject it, you have the option of writing To review and approve
a note explaining why. This note appears above the publisher on the case page when the agent email drafts:
clicks Email, along with a notice that the draft has been rejected. • Send Email
SEE ALSO: Inclusion in an email
Work with Draft Emails in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed approval process

Enable Default Email Templates in Case Feed

Create Approval Processes for Email Drafts

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Customize Emails with the Rich Text Editor in the Salesforce Classic Case Feed
The rich text editor lets you customize the emails you send to customers. Use it to format text, add
bulleted or numbered lists, and add images and links.
Available in: Salesforce
Accessing the Editor Classic (not available in all
The rich text editor appears when you click Email, or Answer Customer and then Email, in the
publisher on the Case Feed. You won’t see the editor if: Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Your administrator hasn’t enabled it.
and Developer Editions
• You used the plain text editor the last time you wrote an email in Case Feed. Just click the toggle
icon to switch to rich text. USER PERMISSIONS

To send emails:
Tips on Using the Rich Text Editor
• Send Email
• The rich text editor in is available only for the Email action.
• If you enter HTML and other kinds of markup in the editor, it won’t render when you send a

To delete a message, click .

Merge Fields for Cases

The list of available email template merge fields in the Salesforce Merge Language depends on the
type of data that you’re working with. Most of the merge fields for cases correspond directly with
a case field. Available in: Salesforce
Tip: To reference the contact or account associated with a case, use the relevant contact or Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
account merge fields.
In Lightning Experience, you can insert merge fields as plain text in the email publisher. Keep in
mind that merge fields resolve only on preview and send. The available merge fields
vary according to which
This table explains the more advanced merge fields that represent values derived from processing Salesforce edition you have.
a case record.

Field Merge Field Description Works in

Articles as Case.Articles_as_PDFs Articles associated with the case No
PDFs converted to PDF attachments.
In the Emails related list on the
case detail page, users can click
Send an Email and choose a
template containing this merge
field. The attachments can be
previewed or deleted before the
email is sent.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Field Merge Field Description Works in

Email Thread Case.Email_Thread A thread of all emails where the case contact Yes1
is a sender or recipient (To, CC, or BCC). The
emails are listed in reverse chronological order
so the most recent emails appear at the top
of the thread. The thread inserts the text
version of the emails. You can’t use this merge
field in Visualforce pages.
The limits for the email thread are:
• Maximum number of emails: 200
• Email body truncation size: 32 KB

Last Case Case.Last_Case_Comment The description of the most recent comment No

Comment to be created on a case.

Solution Case.Solution_Attachments Attachments for the case solution. No


Solution Case.Solution_Description The details of the solution associated with the Yes
Description case. If more than one solution is associated
with the case, the description of each solution
appears in a list.

Solution Subject Case.Solution_Subject The title of the solution associated with the Yes
case. If more than one solution is associated
with the case, the title of each solution appears
in a list.

Solution Subject Case.Solution_Subject_and_ The title and details of the solution associated Yes
and Description Description with the case. If more than one solution is
associated with the case, the title and
description of each solution appears in a list.

Suggested Case.Suggested_Solutions Links to the subject and description of each No

Solutions suggested solution that may help customers
solve their issues.

Note: Sending mass emails using

templates with the suggested solutions
merge field can take several minutes
and isn’t recommended.

Case Thread Id Case.Thread_Id A unique identifier for the case email thread Yes
in Email-to-Case. The thread ID is the unique
ID of each case email, such as
[ref:_DV0Txx._500V0U9YB:ref]. By default, the
thread ID is added to both the subject and
body of case emails. The default location for

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Field Merge Field Description Works in

the thread ID is at the end of the body. Use
this merge field to position it elsewhere in the

Notes on Merge Fields for Cases

Email Thread
This merge field works in Lightning Experience when inserted as plain text. However, it doesn’t work in email templates.
Merge fields for entitlements on cases
Merge fields for entitlements on cases aren't supported. For example, if you add the Entitlement Name
{!Case.Entitlement} merge field to an email template, the field is not populated on the template.
Merge fields for Email-to-Case or On-Demand Email-to-Case
If you have enabled Email-to-Case or On-Demand Email-to-Case, you can create email templates that support agents can use to
respond to case emails. These templates can include merge fields that display information from the original email in the response.
See Email Templates in Salesforce Classic.
Merge fields for Web-to-Case
To reference the name, email, phone, or company of the customer who submitted an online case with Web-to-Case, use the relevant
{!Case_OnlineCustomer...} field.

Considerations for Using Merge Fields in Email Templates and Letterheads
Merge Field Tips
Email Templates

Solve and Close Cases

Closing a case means that a customer’s issue has been resolved.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in both: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
Close Cases
After you solve a customer’s case, you can close it from a few locations and create a solution
or article to help solve similar cases. Available in: Essentials,
Group, Professional,
Solve Cases
Enterprise, Performance,
Find an article or solution that answers the customer’s question. Unlimited, and Developer
Delete Cases Editions
When you delete a case, all related events and tasks, case comments, and attachments also are
deleted. Associated contacts, accounts, and solutions aren't deleted.
Merge Duplicate Cases in Lightning Experience
Streamline your work by combining duplicate cases. Agents can merge up to three cases into a single case.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Enable Suggested Articles to Solve Cases

Articles are a great way to solve cases and keep service agents efficient. When customers have the same questions, you can create
one article with the answer and attach it each time the question is asked.
Send Articles from Cases
Service agents can send articles as PDFs to customers with cases.

Close Cases
After you solve a customer’s case, you can close it from a few locations and create a solution or
article to help solve similar cases.
1. Click Close Case on a case’s detail page, Cls on the Cases related list, or Save & Close while Available in: Salesforce
editing a case. If enabled by your administrator, you can select Closed from Status on a Classic (not available in all
case’s edit page and click Save without completing any more steps. orgs)

2. Update Status, Case Reason, or any other fields as necessary. Available in: Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
3. If solutions are enabled, you can fill in the Solution Details for the case. If you don’t
Performance, Unlimited,
want to save the solution or submit it for review to a solution manager, uncheck Submit
and Developer Editions
to public solutions. When this field is checked, the new solution is automatically
linked to the case.
4. If there’s a contact on the case, select Notify contact on case close to send an USER PERMISSIONS
email to the contact based on a predefined case close template. To close cases:
5. Click Save or Save and Create Article. The article option is available if both Salesforce • Edit on cases
Knowledge and article submission during case close is enabled.

Tip: If you have the “Manage Cases” permission, you can close multiple cases at once using
the Close button on case lists.

Delete Cases
Tips on Writing Solutions

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Solve Cases
Find an article or solution that answers the customer’s question.
To solve a case:
Available in: Salesforce
1. View the case.
Classic (not available in all
2. Find an article or find a solution that answers the case's question. orgs)
3. Attach the article or solution to the case by clicking Select next to a reviewed solution in the Available in: Professional,
list of solutions. Or, click the title of an unreviewed solution and choose Select on the solution Enterprise, Performance,
detail page. Unlimited, and Developer
4. Email the solution or article to the contact by clicking Send Email in the Activity History related Editions
a. Click Select Template and choose a template. USER PERMISSIONS
You or your administrator can create email templates that automatically include the case To solve cases:
description, solution detail, solution attachments, and other fields. • Edit on cases
b. Fill in the email fields. AND

c. Click Send. Read on solutions

The emailed solution or article is logged as an activity in the Activity History related list.

5. Close the case.

Suggested Solutions Overview
Multilingual Solutions Overview

Delete Cases
When you delete a case, all related events and tasks, case comments, and attachments also are
deleted. Associated contacts, accounts, and solutions aren't deleted.
To delete a case, click Del next to the case on the cases list page, or click Delete on the case detail Available in: Salesforce
page. The Del link and Delete button do not display for users who do not have the “Delete” Classic (not available in all
permission on cases. orgs)

The deleted case is moved to the Recycle Bin. If you undelete the case, any related items are also Available in: Group,
restored. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Note: If you delete an event, task, case comment, or attachment from a case—and then and Developer Editions
delete the case— the event, task, case comment, or attachment cannot be restored via
SEE ALSO: To delete cases:
What’s a Case? • Delete on cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Merge Duplicate Cases in Lightning Experience

Streamline your work by combining duplicate cases. Agents can merge up to three cases into a
single case.
You can merge cases from the Cases List View or from the Case Record Home. Available in: Lightning
When you merge cases, you select one case to be the master. You can compare the field values,
and select the values that you want to use in the master record. All related lists, feed items, and Available in: Essentials,
child records are added to the master. Professional, Enterprise,
If an admin chooses to delete duplicate cases, the cases are soft deleted and moved to the recycle Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
bin for 15 days. If they choose to keep the duplicate cases, the word “Merged” is appended to the
subject in the Highlights panel from the Record Home, so you immediately know that these cases
were merged.
Case Merge has the following limitations:
• You can't merge duplicate cases pending in an Omni-Channel queue or assigned to agents with an Opened or Assigned status.
• You can't undo a merge.
• The Compare Cases window shows only the first 35 lookup fields that were added to the case page layout.
• After running a case merge, the Actions and Recommendations on Master Case are duplicated.

Merge Duplicate Cases from the Cases List View
You can merge cases from the Cases list view.
Merge Duplicate Cases from the Case Record Home
You can merge cases from the Case record home. When you merge cases from Case record home, you can search for cases to merge.

Merge Duplicate Cases from the Cases List View

You can merge cases from the Cases list view.
1. Go to the Cases list view.
2. Select the cases that you want to merge. Available in: Lightning
You can select up to three cases.
Available in: Essentials,
3. Click Merge Cases. Professional, Enterprise,
The Compare cases model is displayed. Performance, Unlimited,
4. Select the case that you want to use as the master record. Then select the field values that you and Developer Editions
want to use for the master record.
6. Click Merge. To view cases:
The cases are merged into a master case and if your current setup is Delete duplicate cases • Read on cases
after merge, the non-master cases are deleted.
To create cases:
• Create on cases
To edit cases:
• Edit on cases
To delete cases:
• Delete on cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Merge Duplicate Cases from the Case Record Home

You can merge cases from the Case record home. When you merge cases from Case record home,
you can search for cases to merge.
1. Open the case that you want to merge. Available in: Lightning
2. Open the menu in the highlights panel by clicking the arrow.
3. Click Merge Cases Available in: Essentials,
The Merge Cases model is displayed. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
4. Use the search bar to browse for cases that you want to merge. and Developer Editions
5. Select the cases that you want to merge.
You can select up to three cases. USER PERMISSIONS
6. Click Next. To view cases:
7. Select the case that you want to use as the master record. Then select the field values that you • Read on cases
want to use for the master record. To create cases:
8. Click Next. • Create on cases

9. Click Merge. To edit cases:

The cases are merged into a master case and if your current setup is Delete duplicate cases • Edit on cases
after merge, the non-master cases are deleted. To delete cases:
• Delete on cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Enable Suggested Articles to Solve Cases

Articles are a great way to solve cases and keep service agents efficient. When customers have the
same questions, you can create one article with the answer and attach it each time the question is
asked. Available in: Salesforce
Suggested articles help knowledge base users solve cases quickly. When a new case is saved, the Classic (not available in all
search engine automatically looks for articles that have keywords in common with the admin-selected orgs) and Lightning
case fields. The user working the case can scan the articles and attach them to the case if needed, Experience
or initiate another search with different keywords. Articles attached to the case appear on the
Articles related list, which also provides a Find Articles button to search the knowledge base at Salesforce Knowledge is
any time. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
To enable suggested articles: Service Cloud.
1. From Setup, enter Support Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Support Salesforce Knowledge is
Settings. available for an additional
2. Click Edit and choose Enable suggested articles. Suggested articles and suggested solutions cost in: Professional,
cannot be enabled at the same time. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
3. Choose each audience (channel) that receives suggested articles when submitting a case. more information, contact
Suggested articles are available for the internal app and the portals. your Salesforce
4. When you're done with the Support Settings page click Save. representative.


Salesforce Knowledge To change support settings:
• Manage Cases
Customize Application

To view articles:
• Read on the article's
article type

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Send Articles from Cases


To set up Email-to-Case or On-Demand Customize Application Available in: Salesforce

Email-to-Case: Classic (not available in all
To enable Email-to-Case or On-Demand Modify all Data
Email-to-Case: AND Salesforce Knowledge is
Customize Application available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
To customize page layouts: Customize Application Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
To create or change HTML email templates: Edit HTML Templates
cost in: Professional,
To create or change public email template Manage Public Templates Enterprise, Performance,
folders: and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
To create or change Visualforce email Customize Application your Salesforce
templates: representative.

Service agents can send articles as PDFs to customers with cases.

If articles are associated with a case, users can attach PDF versions of the articles to an email simply by choosing a template you create.
This capability is available in Salesforce Classic if Email-to-Case or On-Demand-Email-to-Case is set up and the Email related list is visible
on case page layouts.

Creating an Email Template That Converts Articles to PDF Files

To allow users working on a case to automatically attach article PDFs to an email message:
1. From Setup, enter Email Templates in the Quick Find box, then select Email Templates.
2. Click New Template to create a template from scratch or click Edit next to an existing template. The new or edited template must
include the Articles as PDFs case field.
3. For example, if you want to edit the SUPPORT: Case Response with Solution (SAMPLE) template to include articles instead of solutions,
complete these steps:
a. Click Edit next to the SUPPORT: Case Response with Solution (SAMPLE) template.
b. Change the Email Template Name to SUPPORT: Case Response with Article (SAMPLE).
c. Modify the Template Unique Name as needed.
d. Choose Case Fields from the Select Field Type dropdown menu.
e. Choose Articles as PDFs from the Select Field dropdown menu.
f. Copy the value from the Copy Merge Field Value field and paste it in the email body.

4. Click Save.
On the case detail page in the Emails related list, users can now click Send an Email and choose the new template. Articles associated
with the case are automatically converted to PDF attachments, and the attachments can be previewed or deleted before the email
is sent.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Note: Both the article and the knowledge base must be in the same language. For example, if your knowledge base language is
English, but you want a Japanese article converted into a PDF, change your knowledge base language to Japanese before converting
the article. (In Setup, enter Knowledge in the Quick Find box, select Knowledge Settings, then click Edit.).

Notes on Field Visibility in Article PDFs

Consider the following information when using email templates that include the Articles as PDFs function:
• The fields that appear in article PDFs are determined by your profile if the Use a profile to create customer-ready
article PDFs on cases checkbox (from Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Settings) is not selected. If you can see all fields in the original article, all fields also appear in the automatically generated
PDF. If field-level security restricts you from seeing a field on an article, that field and its data do not appear in the article's PDF.
• If the Use a profile to create customer-ready article PDFs on cases checkbox is selected and a
profile is chosen from the Profile menu (from Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Settings), the chosen profile determines which fields appear in automatically generated PDFs. For example, if you are
sending article PDFs to customers, you can choose the Customer Portal User profile to ensure that internal-only fields do not appear
in article PDFs.
• Fields in the Properties section of an article, including First Published, Last Modified, Last Published, and
Summary, are not included in any PDF version regardless of setting or profile.

Salesforce Knowledge

Things to Know About Cases

Review these guidelines and other supplemental information when you use cases.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in both: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
Guidelines for Working with Cases
A case is a customer question or feedback, and the customizations and features set up by your
administrator determine the fields and related lists you see on a case. Learn how you can get Available in: Essentials,
the most out of working with cases. Group, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Cases Home
Unlimited, and Developer
From the Cases home page, you can create, locate, and edit cases. Editions
Case Fields
Case records contain information about the case progress and its associated records.
Case History
The Case History related list on a case detail page tracks the changes to the case. Any time a user modifies any of the standard or
custom fields whose history is set to be tracked on the case, a new entry is added to the Case History related list. All entries include
the date, time, nature of the change, and who made the change. Modifications to the related lists on the case are not tracked in the
case history.
Case Hierarchies
When a case is associated with a parent case, it signifies a relationship between cases. The relationship can be a grouping of similar
cases for easy tracking, or a division of one case into multiple cases for various users to resolve.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Related Cases
When a case is associated with a parent case, it signifies a relationship between cases. The relationship can be a grouping of similar
cases for easy tracking, or a division of one case into multiple cases for various users to resolve.
Changes to the Cases and Case Feed Mobile App

Guidelines for Working with Cases

A case is a customer question or feedback, and the customizations and features set up by your
administrator determine the fields and related lists you see on a case. Learn how you can get the
most out of working with cases. Available in: Salesforce
Updating Cases Classic (not available in all
When you change a contact, the account doesn’t update to the contact’s account, but you can orgs) and Lightning
edit the account yourself. Experience

Contacts who are portal users can only view cases associated with the account on their contact Case assignment rules, case
record. escalation rules,
web-to-case, and customer
When you change an account, manual shares on a case are deleted for users who don’t have
portals are available in:
read access on the new account.
Essentials, Professional,
When agents check Escalated in case details, an arrow icon appears before the subject. The Enterprise, Performance,
icon shows in the highlights panel, list view, and compact preview modal, so that agents know Unlimited, and Developer
the escalation status at a glance. Editions.
If set up, select Send notification email to contact to let the contact know that you’ve updated
the case. An email is sent only if you have access to the contact. USER PERMISSIONS
If set up, select Assign using active assignment rules to reassign a case using an assignment
To view cases:
rule. If the case doesn’t match rule criteria, it’s reassigned to your organization’s default case
• Read on cases
To update cases:
If set up, click Sharing to share a case with other users, groups, or roles. • Edit on cases
If set up, close a case by selecting Closed under Status. Otherwise, click Close Case and
change any fields as needed. If knowledge article submissions are set up, click Save and Create
Article to store information that would help others close similar cases. When the draft article you submit is published, it’s attached
to the case and available in the knowledge base for easy reference.
If set up, a Web-to-Case Information section lists information entered by the customer who created the case from a website form.
Using Case Related Lists
To reply and work with cases created from Email-to-Case, use the Emails related list.
To view the required steps in a support process or to add the date of a completed milestone, use the Case Milestones related list.
To add files to a case, drag them onto the Files or Attachments related list. You can only drag files in Lightning Experience.
To find articles from your organization’s knowledge base to help solve a case, use the Articles related list. To initiate a search, type
keywords. Attach relevant articles to the case to track solutions and help others solve similar cases. Attached articles appear on the
related list. If you create a draft article while closing a case, the article appears on the related list after the draft article is published.
To find solutions (version 1.0 of articles) to help solve a case, use the Solutions related list. If solution categories are set up, choose
them to refine your search, along with keywords. If suggested solutions are set up, click View Suggested Solutions to see relevant
solutions. The solutions are suggested based on relevancy and case similarity.
Replying to Cases from Chatter Answers (Not Available in Lightning Experience)
To reply to a case converted from a question on a web site, type your response in the Chatter-like feed, and click Answer Customer.
Your response is tracked on the Case Comments related list.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Case comments marked Public display as private messages from customer support in Chatter Answers. They don’t display to
the entire site. For example, if a support agent adds a public case comment, it displays only to the case’s contact private messages
in Chatter Answers. Support agents can read all private and public case comments.

Case Fields
Case History
What’s a Case Team?
Case Comments
Assign Cases
Working with Case Emails in Salesforce Classic
View the Case Milestones

Cases Home
From the Cases home page, you can create, locate, and edit cases.
In addition, case home lets you jump to case reports and mass delete cases or mass email contacts
on cases. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all

Available in: Group,

Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To view cases:
• Read on cases
To create cases:
• Create on cases

Case Fields
Case records contain information about the case progress and its associated records.
Whether a field is visible or editable, depends on your page layout and field-level security settings.
Available in both: Salesforce
Important: Some of these fields aren’t supported in Lightning Experience. Classic and Lightning
Field Description
Available in: Essentials,
Indicates that an escalation rule escalated a case. Group, Professional,
The escalation icon disappears when a case is Enterprise, Performance,
closed or no longer meets escalation rule criteria. Unlimited, and Developer

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Field Description
Indicates that a customer added a comment to a case from a web
portal. The icon appears until the case owner views the case.

Account Name Name of the account associated with a case’s contact. The name
is added when you link the case to a contact and save the case.
When updating a case, you can add a different account.

Asset The customer’s product model. On edit pages, this field shows only
assets associated with a case’s contact, but you can use inline
editing to see a list of all assets on a case.

Business Hours Indicates the hours at which escalation actions or entitlement

processes run on a case.

Case Currency The currency for all currency amounts on a case. Amounts display
in the case currency and are also converted to your personal
currency. Only available for organizations that use multiple

Case Division The division to which a case belongs. Division is inherited from a
case’s contact. If it has no contact, it’s set to the default global
division. Only available in organizations that use divisions to
segment data.

Case Number Unique number assigned to the case. Numbers start at 1000 and
are read only, but administrators can change the format. Case
numbers often increase sequentially, but sometimes they skip
numbers in a sequence.

Case Owner User assigned to own a case.

Case Record Type Field name that determines the picklist values available on a case.
Record types are often related to a support process.

Case Source Polymorphic field used to look up multiple entities based on

supported and enabled functionality. The feature that triggers Case
creation (Social Post, Email Message, and so on) auto-populates
the field.

Note: All fields related to these entities are present during

rule creation (Workflow, Assignment, Process,
Auto-Response, Escalation, and so on), even when null on
workflow rule execution. Considering that you cannot relate
to multiple entities at once, this field represents the different
relationships between records. Also, their filter criteria are
the same for every record that yields unexpected results
across Case records.

Closed by Self-Service User Indicates if a case’s contact closed the case from a web portal. This
field is read only.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Field Description
Closed When Created Indicates if a case was closed during creation using the Save and
Close button. This field is read only.

Contact Email Email address of a case’s contact. The address is added when you
add a contact to a case. This field is read only.

Contact Fax Fax number of a case’s contact. This number is added when you
add a contact to a case. This field is read only.

Contact Mobile Mobile phone number of a case’s contact. The number is added
when you add a contact to a case. This field is read only.

Contact Name Name of a case’s contact.

Contact Phone Phone number of a case’s contact. The number is added when you
add a contact to a case. This field is read only.

Created By User who created a case, including creation date and time. This
field is read only.

Custom Links Lists of custom links for cases created by an administrator.

Date/Time Closed Date and time that a case was closed. This field is read only.

Date/Time Opened Date and time that a case was opened. This field is read only.

Description Description of a case,- usually a customer question or feedback.

This field can store up to 32 KB of data, but only the first 255
characters display in reports.

Entitlement Name Name of an entitlement added to a case. Only available if

entitlements are set up.

Entitlement Process Start Time The time the case entered an entitlement process. If you have “Edit”
permission on cases, you can update or reset the time. When you
reset the time:
• Completed milestones aren’t affected
• Incomplete milestones are recalculated based on the new start
If an entitlement process applies to a case, this field appears.

Entitlement Process End Time The time a case exited an entitlement process. If an entitlement
process applies to a case, this field appears.

Internal Comments Internal notes related to a case. Each comment can store up to 4
KB of data and appears on the Case Comments related list.
Comments marked “public” can appear on web portals.

Language The language of the case. This field is available in all Enterprise,
Performance, and Unlimited orgs with the Service Cloud. Out of
the box, it's used only by Einstein Case Classification.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Field Description
Milestone Status A milestone is a step in an entitlement process. If an entitlement
process applies to a case, this field appears.

Milestone Status Icon Indicates a milestone’s status on a case by displaying one of the
following icons:
• Compliant
• Open Violation
• Closed Violation
If an entitlement process applies to a case, this field appears.

Note: This field displays only in Salesforce Classic.

Modified By User who last changed a case, excluding any changes made to a
case’s related list items. This field also includes the date and time
of the change. This field is read only.

Origin Source of a case, for example, phone, email, or web. Administrators

set field values, and each value can have up to 40 characters. When
editing a case created from an Experience Cloud site with quick
actions, add an origin because it isn’t set by default.

Parent Case A case above one or more related cases in a case hierarchy. A case
number identifies a parent case, and a parent case must exist before
you can add it to another case.

Priority Urgency of a case. Administrators set field values, and each value
can have up to 20 characters.

Product Name of a case’s product. This field is only available if entitlements

are set up to include products.

Question A question on the Q&A tab that is related to a case. This field is
populated when you create a case from a question or a question
is escalated to a case.

Reason The reason a case was created. Administrators set field values.

Status Status of a case, for example, open or closed. Administrators set

field values.

Stopped Lets you stop an entitlement process on a case, which might be

necessary if you’re waiting for a customer’s response. You can stop
an entitlement process up to 300 times. If an entitlement process
applies to a case, this field appears.

Stopped Since Shows the date and time an entitlement process was stopped on
a case. If an entitlement process applies to a case, this field appears.

Subject Brief description of the customer’s question or feedback, for

example, Printing Gives Error on Internet

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Field Description
Timeline How far along a case is to reaching an entitlement process’s
milestones. You can click or hover your mouse pointer over each
milestone to view its details. These icons represent milestones:

Completed milestone

Violated milestone

You can drag the Handle icon ( ) along the Timeline Zoom tool
to view past and future milestones. If an entitlement process applies
to the case, this field appears.

Type Type of case, for example, question or problem. Administrators set

field values.

Visible in Self-Service Portal Indicates if a case is visible to users in a web portal. If you want
web-generated cases visible in a portal, include this field in
Web-to-Case setup.

Web Company Company name provided by a customer who created a case from
Web-to-Case or Email-to-Case.

Web Email Email address provided by a customer who created a case from
Web-to-Case or Email-to-Case.

Web Name Customer’s name as provided by a customer who created a case

from Web-to-Case or Email-to-Case.

Web Phone Phone number provided by the customer who created a case from
Web-to-Case or Email-to-Case.

Guidelines for Working with Cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Case History
The Case History related list on a case detail page tracks the changes to the case. Any time a user
modifies any of the standard or custom fields whose history is set to be tracked on the case, a new
entry is added to the Case History related list. All entries include the date, time, nature of the change, Available in: Salesforce
and who made the change. Modifications to the related lists on the case are not tracked in the case Classic (not available in all
history. orgs)
Note: Changes to the Closed When Created field are only tracked when the field Available in: Group,
is updated via the Lightning Platform API. Professional, Enterprise,
In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, for Performance, Unlimited,
automated case changes that result from Web-to-Case or case assignment or escalation rules, the and Developer Editions
user listed in the history is the Automated Case User chosen in the Support Settings.
To view cases:
What’s a Case? • Read on cases

Case Hierarchies
When a case is associated with a parent case, it signifies a relationship between cases. The relationship
can be a grouping of similar cases for easy tracking, or a division of one case into multiple cases for
various users to resolve. To view cases:
• Read on cases
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience To view parent cases:
Available in: Essentials, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and • Read on cases
Developer Editions To add, edit or delete
hierarchy columns:
• Modify All Data
A case hierarchy shows cases that are associated with one another via the Parent Case field.
In the case hierarchy, child cases are indented to show that they're related to the parent case above
• To view the hierarchy for a case, click View Hierarchy next to the Case Number field on the case detail page.
• To specify that a case is associated with another case, edit the case and type the case number of the parent in the Parent Case
field. Alternatively, you can click the lookup icon to search for a case's case number.

Note: A parent case must exist before it can be specified in the Parent Case field.

• To create a case that is automatically associated with a case whose detail page you're viewing, click the New button on the Related
Cases related list. From the New dropdown button, Classic users can choose to create either a blank case or a case with information
from the parent case.

Guidelines for Working with Cases
Create Cases

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

Related Cases
When a case is associated with a parent case, it signifies a relationship between cases. The relationship
can be a grouping of similar cases for easy tracking, or a division of one case into multiple cases for
various users to resolve. Available in both: Salesforce
If set up by your administrator, case detail pages include a Related Cases related list, which displays Classic and Lightning
all cases directly below a parent case in a case hierarchy. Cases can be associated with each other Experience
via the Parent Case lookup field on a case edit page.
Available in: Essentials,
From the Related Cases related list, click: Group, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• New and choose from the dropdown button to create either a blank case or a case with
Unlimited, and Developer
information from the parent case.
• Edit to modify an existing case.
• Close to close an existing case.
To perform mass actions from the Related Cases related list, select the checkboxes next to the cases
you wish to update, and click: To view cases:
• Read on cases
• Close to close the selected cases using the values you specify.
To create cases:
• Change Owner to assign the cases to the one user or queue you specify.
• Create on cases
• Change Status to change the Status of the cases to the value you specify.

Case Hierarchies

Changes to the Cases and Case Feed Mobile App

• For organizations that have the legacy “Page Layouts for Case Feed Users” enabled, users who
are assigned the “Use Case Feed” permission see the standard case layout.
• Standard actions on Case Feed aren’t available. But several actions that duplicate this functionality Available in both: Salesforce
are available. Salesforce admins can add these actions to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Classic and Lightning
Experience Actions section of the case page layout so they’re available from the action bar Experience
when working with cases.
Available in: Essentials,
Group, Professional,
Standard Action Available in Equivalent Action for the Salesforce Enterprise, Performance,
Salesforce Classic Mobile App Unlimited, and Developer
Email Send Email Editions

Change Case Status Update Case

Log a Call Log a Call

The Portal action isn’t available.

• There are some differences in behavior when using case Send Email actions.
– The CC and BCC fields on the Send Email publisher aren’t collapsible.
– HTML isn’t supported in Send Email actions on cases. If a Send Email action includes an HTML Body field, HTML markup tags
don’t appear in the Send Email publisher or in emails created from the action.

Service Cloud Set Up and Manage Cases

– You can’t include email attachments when using a case Send Email action.
– If a default email template is assigned to a case Send Email action, any attachments included in the template are ignored. The
attachments don’t appear in the Send Email publisher and aren’t included in emails created from the action.
– Email drafts aren’t supported on the mobile app.

• You can create cases comments if the Lightning app page is enabled for the mobile app. You can’t edit or delete case comments.
The Case Comments related list doesn’t display the full text of comments that were added in the desktop site.
• These case related lists aren’t available:
– Business Hours on Holiday List
– Solution List

• These case related lists are available if the Lightning app page is enabled for the mobile app:
– Case Contact Role
– Team Member List
– Team Member on Team List
– Team Template Member List

Service Cloud Let Customers Request that Support Get Back to Them

Let Customers Request that Support Get Back to Them

Show your customers that you value their time as much as their continued business. Create a contact
request flow to let your customers request that support get back to them. With contact requests,
customers don’t have to phone you and wait on hold to get help—all they do is fill out a form Available in: Lightning
online. Contact requests are like a light-weight version of cases. Experience
1. Create a contact request flow.
Available in: Essentials,
To set up contact requests, you create the form that your customers fill out using a flow. To Professional, Enterprise,
create a contact request flow, go to Service Setup. Open the Customer Contact Requests Performance, Unlimited,
page, and click New. In this guided setup experience, you select the types of support areas and Developer Editions
your customers can choose from and pick someone on your support team to assign the requests
2. Implement contact request.
To create a contact request
You can implement contact requests in: flow:
• Manage Flow
• Communities—including authenticated and unauthenticated (public)
To add the contact request
For communities, add the flow to your community page using a component in Community
flow to your community:
• View Setup and
• Interactive voice response (IVR) systems Configuration AND
Create and Set Up
For IVR systems, work with your Open CTI providers. Communities
To add the contact request
3. Set up your agent experience. object to the Service
Contact requests work alongside your other Service-related records. Agents can use the Console:
Requested By field to relate the contact request to people, like contacts and leads. And the • View Setup and
Configuration AND
Related To field connects the contact request to accounts, cases, opportunities, work orders,
Customize Application
and custom objects.
To set up Omni-Channel
a. Review your agents access levels. routing for contact requests:
Make sure that your agents have at least read access on the contact request object. Also • Customize Application
ensure that they can see the Contact Request tab.

b. Update your Service Console.

Edit your console app and add the Contact Request object to the navigation items.

c. Optionally, set up Omni-Channel routing.

To route contact requests with Omni-Channel, create or edit a queue that’s used by Omni-Channel to include the contact request
object. Then specify this queue as the owner when you set up the contact request flow.

Contact Request Considerations

Service Cloud Let Customers Request that Support Get Back to Them

Add Contact Requests to Your Community

Use Experience Builder to add the contact request flow to your community page. This flow lets
community members request that customer support get back to them about an issue. Use the
Contact Request Button & Flow component of the Flow component. Then in the component’s Available in: Lightning
properties, select the contact request flow. Experience
Before you can add the flow to your community, create a contact request flow.
Available in: Essentials,
Important: Contact Request works in public communities and communities that require Enterprise, Performance,
authentication. Make sure that your community users have the Run Flows permission, including Unlimited, and Developer
your Guest User profile that’s used in public communities. Without this permission, members Editions
won’t see the button or the form to submit contact requests.
1. Open Experience Builder. USER PERMISSIONS
• In Setup on the All Communities page, click Builder next to the community name. To add the contact request
• In Experience Workspaces, from the global header menu, select Experience Workspaces > flow to your community:
Builder. • View Setup and
Configuration AND
• In Experience Management, from the global header menu, select Experience Create and Set Up
Management > Go to Experience Builder. Communities
• In a community, click Experience Builder in the profile menu.

2. Add one of the following components.

• Contact Request Button & Flow—Users can click a button, and detail their issue in a popup form.
• Flow—Your flow is embedded in the page, and users see the flow’s first screen when the page loads.
These components are supported in the following templates: Customer Account Portal, Customer Service, Partner Central, and Build
Your Own. The Flow component is also supported in the Help Center template.

3. In the component’s properties, specify the contact request flow.

Only active screen flows are supported. The Contact Request Button & Flow works only with flows that use the type Contact Request.

4. Optionally, customize the appearance of the component.

If you are using the Contact Request Button & Flow component, you can customize the button label and its styling.

5. Save and publish your changes.

Experience Builder Component: Contact Request Button & Flow
Experience Builder Component: Flow
Edit Pages and Components in Experience Builder
Allow Guest Users to Access Flows

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Contact Request Considerations

Review the following considerations for setting up and working with contact requests.

Setup Considerations Available in: Lightning

• Flows created from the Customer Contact Requests page in Setup don’t appear in the list of
flows on the Flows page. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
• You can create contact request flows directly in Flow Builder, but we recommend that you use
Performance, Unlimited,
the guided setup experience on the Customer Contact Requests page in Setup.
and Developer Editions
• If you customize the Reason picklist values after the flow is created, you must manually update
the picklist values in Flow Builder. Updates to field values aren’t synced with the flow.
• Contact request flows don’t support pause actions on flow screens. If you enable the Pause action in Flow Builder, the action is
ignored at run time.
• To use a contact request flow provided in an AppExchange package, update the contact request owner to user in your org. To update
the owner, use Flow Builder or the Cloud Flow Designer. Specify a user that has at least read permission on the contact request

Agent Considerations
• By default, all Standard User and System Administrator profiles have access to the object. Make sure that your agents profiles have
at least read access on the contact request object.
• To save agents time, when they relate a contact request to a new record, we populate relevant fields with information from the
contact request. For example, when an agent relates a contact request to a new case, we populate the Status, Priority, Case Origin,
Web Phone, Subject, and Description fields on the case record. For new accounts, we populate the Phone field. For new opportunities,
we populate the Description field.

Let Customers Request that Support Get Back to Them
Add Contact Requests to Your Community
Flow Builder

Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between you and your customer. With Service Cloud, you can manage your service-level
agreements with service contracts, entitlements, milestones, and assets.

Set Up and Manage Entitlements and Milestones
Give your customers the level of support you’ve promised them. Entitlement management lets you define, enforce, and track customer
service levels as part of your support management process.
Set Up and Manage Assets
Keep tabs on the products that your customers buy. Assets represent purchased or installed products, and are an essential piece of
the Salesforce puzzle. You can link assets to maintenance plans, entitlements, work orders, and more so your support team can
quickly assess the history of a customer’s product.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Set Up and Manage Entitlements and Milestones

Give your customers the level of support you’ve promised them. Entitlement management lets you define, enforce, and track customer
service levels as part of your support management process.

Entitlement Management Help
Find the information you need to make the most of entitlement management.
What’s Entitlement Management?
Entitlement management helps you provide the correct support to your customers. Its variety of features let you define, enforce,
and track service levels as part of your support management process.
Planning for Entitlement Management
Entitlement management is highly customizable, which means you have many choices during setup. Before you begin the setup
process, it’s essential to choose an entitlement management model.
Entitlement Management Setup Checklist
When you set up entitlement management, you decide which features to use. Use this checklist to confirm that you’ve set up
entitlement management in a way that fits your support processes.
Entitlement Management Limits and Limitations
The following limits and limitations apply to entitlements and their related features.
Entitlements are units of customer support in Salesforce, such as “phone support” or “web support.” They’re typically used to represent
terms in service agreements.
Milestones represent required, time-dependent steps in your support process, like first response or case resolution times. Milestones
are added to entitlement processes to ensure that agents resolve support records correctly and on time.
Entitlement Processes
Entitlement processes are timelines that include all the steps (or milestones) that your support team must complete to resolve
support records like cases or work orders. Each process includes the logic necessary to determine how to enforce the correct service
level for your customers.
Service Contracts
Service contracts in Salesforce represent a customer support agreement between you and your customers. You can use them to
represent subscriptions, service level agreements (SLAs), and other types of customer support.
Set Up Entitlement Management in Experiences
Add entitlement management to your experiences to let customers or partners view their entitlements and service contracts.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Entitlement Management Help

Find the information you need to make the most of entitlement management.
Entitlement Management
Available in both: Salesforce
• Trailhead: Entitlement Management
Classic and Lightning
• What’s Entitlement Management? Experience
• Planning for Entitlement Management
Available in: Professional,
• Entitlement Management Setup Checklist Enterprise, Performance,
• Entitlement Management Limits and Limitations Unlimited, and Developer
• How Business Hours Work in Entitlement Management Editions with the Service
• The Admin’s Guide to Entitlement Management
• Entitlements
• Guidelines for Working with Entitlements
• Verify Entitlements
• Entitlements: Terms to Know
• Entitlement Fields
• Set Up Entitlements
• Set Up Entitlement Management in Experiences
• Report on Entitlements
Milestones and Entitlement Processes
• Work with Milestones
• Milestone Statuses
• Milestone Actions
• Milestone Recurrence Types
• Milestones: Supported Objects
• Where Can I View Milestones?
• Set Up Milestones
• Work with Entitlement Processes
• How a Record Moves Through an Entitlement Process
• Set Up Entitlement Processes
Updating Entitlement Processes
• Updating an Entitlement Process
• Create a New Version of an Entitlement Process
• Use a New Version of an Entitlement Process
Service Contracts
• Service Contracts
• Guidelines for Working with Service Contracts
• Service Contract Fields
• Set Up Service Contracts

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Contract Line Items

• Contract Line Items
• Guidelines for Working with Contract Line Items
• Contract Line Item Fields
• Add Contract Line Items to Service Contracts

What’s Entitlement Management?

Entitlement management helps you provide the correct support to your customers. Its variety of
features let you define, enforce, and track service levels as part of your support management process.
Entitlement management features include: Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• Entitlements, which let support agents determine whether a customer is eligible for support.
• Entitlement processes, which let you design timelines that include all the steps that your support
team must complete to resolve support records like cases or work orders. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Service contracts, which let you represent different kinds of customer support agreements like
Unlimited, and Developer
warranties, subscriptions, or maintenance agreements. You can restrict service contracts to
Editions with the Service
cover specific products. Cloud
• Experience access to entitlements, which lets Experience users view entitlements and service
contracts and create support records from them.
• Reporting on entitlement management, which lets you track the way entitlements are used in your Salesforce org and whether service
contract terms are being met.
Because entitlement management is highly customizable, you have full control of which features you use and how you set them up to
reflect your customer support model. We’ll walk you through important planning decisions and setup steps to help you make the most
of entitlement management. To get started, we recommend that you check out the Entitlement Management Trailhead module:
Entitlement Management.

Important: Only users in orgs with the Service Cloud can enable, create, and update entitlement management items.

Planning for Entitlement Management
Entitlement Management Setup Checklist

Planning for Entitlement Management

Entitlement management is highly customizable, which means you have many choices during
setup. Before you begin the setup process, it’s essential to choose an entitlement management
model. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Choose What Determines Support Eligibility Experience

You can set up entitlement management so customers are eligible for support based on one or Available in: Professional,
several of the following types of records: Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
• Accounts: Any contact on the account is eligible for support.
Editions with the Service
• Contacts: Specific contacts are eligible for support. Cloud
• Assets: Specific assets (purchased products) are eligible for support.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

• Service contracts: Customers are eligible for support based on a specific service contract.
• Contract line items: Specific products covered by a service contract are eligible for support.
Your approach depends on how detailed you want your support process to be. If you prefer to keep it simple, just have your support
agents determine support eligibility based on accounts. Here’s what this approach looks like:

Choose a Setup Model

There are three general ways to set up entitlement management. Once you’ve decided what should determine support eligibility, review
the three models and select the one that best meets your business needs. You can always change which model you’re using.

Entitlement model What determines support eligibility Use this model if

Entitlements only (simplest option) Support agents determine whether a • There's no need to manage your
customer is eligible for support at the customers' entitlements as part of a
account, contact, or asset level. service contract
• Your entitlements don't have a renewal
• Entitlements aren't purchased by your
customers; they're bundled with
products (warranties)
• Your customers' entitlements are short
term and managed independently of
each other

Entitlements + service contracts Support agents determine whether a • Entitlements are purchased and
customer is eligible for support based on managed separately from the products
their service contract. they cover and are part of a service

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Entitlement model What determines support eligibility Use this model if

• Your customers' entitlements are
renewed at a contract level
• You use Salesforce for customer support
but not necessarily for service contract

Entitlements + service contracts + contract Support agents determine whether a • You use Salesforce for customer support
line items (most complex option) customer is eligible for support based on and to manage your customers' service
the products covered in their service contracts
• Your support team manages service
contract transactions, such as transfers,
mergers, and renewals
• Warranties, subscriptions, or other
support products appear as line items
on your sales orders and map to one or
more entitlements
• Entitlements are created and updated
through an integration with your order
management system

Regardless of the setup model you choose, you can enhance your support process with other entitlement management features. For
example, you can:
• Create entitlement processes to enforce required, time-dependent steps in your support process
• Use entitlement versioning to create and maintain multiple versions of entitlement processes
• Add entitlements to experiences
• Report on entitlements
After you select a setup model, head to the invaluable Entitlement Management Setup Checklist.

What’s Entitlement Management?

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Entitlement Management Setup Checklist

When you set up entitlement management, you decide which features to use. Use this checklist
to confirm that you’ve set up entitlement management in a way that fits your support processes.
Available in both: Salesforce
Step Complete if... Classic and Lightning
You’re thinking about using entitlements in Experience
Read Planning for Entitlement Management
your org. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Set Up Entitlements You want customer support eligibility to be
Unlimited, and Developer
determined at the account or contact level.
Editions with the Service
Enable Entitlements You want to use entitlements in your org. Cloud

Customize Entitlements You want to control which fields users see

on entitlements, and how and where users USER PERMISSIONS
associate entitlements with other records.
To set up entitlement
Set Up Entitlement and Asset Lookup You want to control which entitlements and management
Filters on Cases assets users can link to a case. • Manage Entitlements

Give Users Access to Entitlement You want to give users the appropriate user
Management permissions, field access, and tab access.

Set Up an Entitlement Template You want to predefine the terms of support

for specific products.

Automatically Add Entitlements to You want the correct entitlement to be added

Cases from Web, Email, and Experiences automatically to cases created using
Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, or experiences.

Set Up Milestones You want to define required steps that

support agents must complete to close a
support record.

Customize Milestone Page Layouts You want to control which milestone-related

fields users see.

Enable Milestone Feed Items You want automatic notifications to be added

to the feed and the record owner’s profile
page when a milestone is completed or

Set Up the Milestone Tracker You want your support team to be able to
see a list of upcoming and completed
milestones and countdowns for active and
overdue milestones.

Limit User Updates to Milestones You want to prevent users from updating
milestones unless certain criteria are met.

Create a Milestone You want to define a required step in your

support process.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Step Complete if...

Auto-Complete Case Milestones You want milestones to be automatically marked Completed

on cases that match unique criteria.

Set Up Entitlement Processes You want to be able to apply the required steps in your support
process to specific records.

Create an Entitlement Process You want to create a timeline that includes all of the steps that
your support team must complete to resolve support records.

Customize Entitlement Process Fields You want to control which entitlement process fields users see.

Add a Milestone to an Entitlement Process You want to specify which required support steps occur, and
when, on your timeline.

Add a Milestone Action to an Entitlement Process You want to define time-dependent workflow actions that
occur at every step (milestone) in an entitlement process when
the milestone is nearing violation, violated, or completed.

Apply an Entitlement Process to an Entitlement You want a specific entitlement’s support records to follow the
steps defined in your entitlement process.

Create a New Version of an Entitlement Process You want to update an entitlement process.

Use a New Version of an Entitlement Process You want to apply a new version of an entitlement process to
new or existing entitlements.

Set Up Service Contracts You want customer support eligibility to be determined at the
service contract level.

Add Contract Line Items to Service Contracts You want to be able to limit a service contract to cover specific

Set Up Entitlement Management in Experiences You want customers or partners to be able to view their
entitlements and service contracts and create support records
from them.

Report on Entitlements You want to view and share data on entitlements and service

Give your support team entitlement management guidelines. You want your support team to understand:
• How to verify that a customer is entitled to support
• How to link cases or work orders to entitlements
• How entitlement processes affect the way they resolve
cases or work orders

Planning for Entitlement Management

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Entitlement Management Limits and Limitations

The following limits and limitations apply to entitlements and their related features.

Limits Available in both: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
Limit Details Experience

Maximum number of entitlement processes per 1,000 Available in: Professional,

org Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Maximum number of milestones per 10 Editions with the Service
entitlement process Cloud

Maximum number of service contracts in a 10,000

service contract hierarchy

Maximum number of contract line items in a 10,000

contract line item hierarchy

Experience Limitations
• Entitlements are only supported in experiences built using Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce, and can’t be added to Lightning
Entitlement Limitations
• Every entitlement must be associated with an account.
• You can’t share entitlements. Entitlements inherit their parent account’s sharing settings. To update an entitlement, you need
Read access on the parent account.
• If you’re using entitlement processes, manage customers’ work orders and cases on separate entitlements. This is because an
entitlement process only runs on records that match its type. For example, when a Case entitlement process is applied to an
entitlement, the process only runs on cases associated with the entitlement. If a work order is also associated with the entitlement,
the process won’t run on the work order.
• Merge fields for entitlements on cases aren't supported. For example, if you add the Entitlement Name
{!Case.Entitlement} merge field to an email template, the field is not populated on the template.
• Entitlement contacts don’t have page layouts, search layouts, buttons, links, or record types.
• Entitlements don’t automatically apply to cases created with Web-to-Case or Email-to-Case. For details on how to auto-add
entitlements to these types of cases, see Automatically Add Entitlements to Cases from Web, Email, and Experiences.
Milestone Limitations
• You can’t add milestones to support records without using entitlement processes. Entitlement processes apply milestones to
support records.
• Milestones aren’t marked completed automatically. For details on how to auto-complete milestones on records that match
unique criteria, see Auto-Complete Case Milestones.
• Actions on time-based milestones may execute a few seconds before their target date. For example, if you set up a violation
action to occur 0 minutes after the milestone is violated, the action may execute in the minute before the target date.
• After an entitlement process is activated, you can’t delete its milestones or create milestone actions. However, you can create
versions of entitlement processes with different milestone settings and apply the new version to existing entitlements.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

• By default, the tracker displays only one milestone countdown at a time. To view upcoming milestones, use the links in the
• The Milestone component and tracker isn’t displayed in the Salesforce mobile app.
• Business hours on entitlement processes aren’t supported in change sets. To transfer an entitlement process with business hours
from one Salesforce org to another, use one of these approaches:
– Create the entitlement process from scratch in the new org
– Use an alternative method to transfer the entitlement process, such as the Ant Migration Tool
– Remove the business hours from the entitlement process before adding it to a change set
– Case Milestone doesn't have system fields to identify who completes or changes the milestone.

Service Contract Limitations

• You can only use contract line items if your org uses the Product object.
• You can’t create list views for contract line items.
• You can’t share contract line items. Contract line items inherit their parent service contract’s sharing settings. For example, users
with the “Read” permission on service contracts inherit the “Read” permission on contract line items.
• In the Salesforce mobile app, contract line items can be edited and deleted, but not created.
• You can’t select a record type when creating contract line items. To change a line item’s record type from the default type,
manually update the record after it’s created.

Note: If you experience issues with the Root Service Contract field being blank, contact Salesforce for help.

Lightning Experience Limitations

• The Entitlements related list isn’t available on contacts.
• The Entitlement Templates related list isn’t available on products.
• The Contacts related list isn’t available on entitlements.
• The Business Hours field isn't available on the Case Milestones related list.
• The Milestone Status Icon field on cases isn’t available.
• In the Object Milestones related list on work orders, only the following fields are supported: Created By, Created Date, Last
Modified By, Last Modified Date, Deleted, Object Milestone ID, Object Milestone Name, Stopped Time (Mins), Elapsed Time
(Mins), Target Date, Completion Date, and Parent Object.
• The Status Icon field on service contracts isn’t available.
• When you're adding multiple contract line items to a service contract, picklist fields on contract line items show all values in your
org rather than only the values corresponding to the line item’s record type. However, selecting a value corresponding to a
different record type results in an error. This issue doesn’t occur when you're editing a single line item.
• When you clone a case that’s related to an entitlement record, the Entitlement Process Start Time carries over from the cloned

Entitlement Management Setup Checklist
Set Up Entitlement Processes

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Entitlements are units of customer support in Salesforce, such as “phone support” or “web support.”
They’re typically used to represent terms in service agreements.
You can associate entitlements with accounts, assets, contacts, and service contracts. For example, Available in both: Salesforce
a phone support entitlement can be added to an account. When a contact from that account calls Classic and Lightning
your service department, support agents can quickly verify that they’re entitled to phone support. Experience

Available in: Professional,

Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service

You can use entitlements on their own or as part of entitlement processes. Entitlement processes are timelines that contain all the steps
that agents must complete to resolve a support record. To represent more complex service-level agreements in Salesforce—with features
like renewal processes and multiple service levels—you can use service contracts and contract line items.
View and manage entitlements in Salesforce from the Entitlements tab. Depending on how entitlements are set up, you can also use
the Entitlements related list on accounts, contacts, assets, or service contracts.

Note: In Lightning Experience, the Entitlements related list isn’t available on Contacts.

Set Up Entitlements
Entitlements are units of customer support in Salesforce, such as “phone support” or “web support”. Set up entitlements in your
Salesforce org to help support agents determine whether a customer is eligible for support.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Work with Entitlements

Entitlements help you determine if your customers are eligible for support so you can create support records like cases or work
orders for them.

Guidelines for Working with Entitlements
Entitlements: Terms to Know

Set Up Entitlements
Entitlements are units of customer support in Salesforce, such as “phone support” or “web support”.
Set up entitlements in your Salesforce org to help support agents determine whether a customer
is eligible for support. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

1. Enable Entitlements Available in: Professional,

Enable entitlements in your Salesforce org to help support agents deliver the correct service Enterprise, Performance,
level to your customers. Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
2. Customize Entitlements Cloud
Customize entitlement fields and page layouts based on your business needs and how your
agents work.
3. Set Up Entitlement and Asset Lookup Filters on Cases
Set up lookup filters on entitlement-related case fields to restrict the entitlements that users can select on a case.
4. Give Users Access to Entitlement Management
After you set up entitlement management, make sure that users have the appropriate user permissions, field access, and tab access.
5. Set Up an Entitlement Template
Entitlement templates let you predefine terms of support that users can add to products.
6. Automatically Add Entitlements to Cases from Web, Email, and Experiences
Entitlements don’t automatically apply to cases created using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, or experience. However, you can add
entitlements to these features using Apex code.
7. Report on Entitlements
Use custom report types to define report criteria that users can use to run and create reports on entitlements, service contracts, and
contract line items.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Enable Entitlements
Enable entitlements in your Salesforce org to help support agents deliver the correct service level
to your customers.

Note: Only users with a standard System Administrator profile can enable entitlements. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Experience
Entitlement Settings.
Available in: Professional,
2. Select Enable Entitlement Management. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
3. Click Save. This takes you to a page where you can customize entitlement management settings.
Editions with the Service
You’ll come back to those settings later on in the entitlement management setup process.


To enable entitlements:
• “Customize Application”

Customize Entitlements
Customize entitlement fields and page layouts based on your business needs and how your agents
1. Customize entitlements fields. Available in both: Salesforce
This customization lets you control what information users add to entitlements. Classic and Lightning
Tip: Create custom entitlement fields that are specific to your industry or your support
Available in: Professional,
processes. For example:
Enterprise, Performance,
• Customize the values for the Type field to match the types of entitlements your Unlimited, and Developer
team provides or sells, like online support or online training. Editions with the Service
• If your business charges for entitlement renewals, create a currency field on Cloud
entitlements named Cost to Renew.
2. Customize entitlement page layouts.
This customization lets you specify which fields and related lists users see on entitlements. To edit page layouts and set
field history tracking:
Consider making the following customizations:
• Customize Application
• Add the Status Icon field so users can easily see whether the entitlement is active,
expired, or inactive.
• Add the Cases, Contacts, and Work Orders related lists so users can:
– View cases, contacts, and work orders associated with entitlements
– Create cases or work orders automatically associated with the correct entitlements
– Add contacts to entitlements

• Add the Work Orders Per Entitlement and Remaining Work Orders fields so users can track how many work orders were agreed
to and how many are still available.

Note: In Lightning Experience, the Entitlement Templates related list isn’t available on product page layouts.

3. Set field history tracking on entitlements.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

This customization lets you see when field values were changed. Changes are listed in the Entitlement History related list on
entitlements. From the object management settings for entitlements, go to the fields section and click Set History Tracking.

4. Customize other objects’ page layouts.

• Add the Entitlement Name lookup field to case and work order page layouts. This field lets users add entitlements to
cases or work orders.

Important: To let a user create cases from entitlements or change a case’s assigned entitlement, make the Entitlement
Name field on cases editable for their profile.

• Add the Entitlements related list to other objects’ page layouts:

Add the Entitlements related list to this object’s page So users can view and create entitlements when...
Accounts Any contact on the account is eligible for support

Contacts Specific contacts are eligible for support

Assets Specific assets (purchased products) are eligible for support

Note: In Lightning Experience, the Entitlements related list isn’t available on Contacts.

5. Make the Entitlements tab visible in Salesforce and any custom apps.
The Entitlements tab is where users create and edit entitlements. Add the tab to an app or instruct your users to add it to an existing
tab set in Salesforce. To see the Entitlements tab, users need the “Read” permission on entitlements.

Set Up Entitlement and Asset Lookup Filters on Cases

Set up lookup filters on entitlement-related case fields to restrict the entitlements that users can
select on a case.
For example, when experience users create a case and use the lookup on the Entitlement Available in both: Salesforce
Name field, you can set up lookup filters so they can choose only entitlements registered to their Classic and Lightning
account or contact. Experience

1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Available in: Professional,
Entitlement Settings. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
2. Choose the item(s) you'd like returned in the lookup fields.
Editions with the Service
Lookup Field on Cases Click... To Return...
Asset Same account on the Assets registered to the
case account on the case.
To set up entitlement-related
Tip: If you want the lookups on cases:
lookup field to return • Manage Entitlements
all assets that share an
account with the case,
select only this option.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Lookup Field on Cases Click... To Return...

Same contact on the case Assets registered to the contact on the

Entitlements on the case's Assets associated with entitlements that

account belong to the case’s account.

Entitlements on the case's Assets associated with entitlements related

contact to the case’s contact.

Note: In Lightning Experience, the

Entitlements related list isn’t
available on Contacts.

Entitlement Active status Entitlements with an Active Status.

Same account on the case Entitlements associated with the account

on the case.

Same asset on the case Entitlements associated with the asset on

the case.

Same contact on the case Entitlements associated with the contact

on the case.

Choosing multiple items acts as an AND function, so the more items you select, the more it restricts the options returned. For example,
choosing Same account on the case and Same contact on the case means the Asset lookup field only
returns assets registered to both the account and the contact on the case.

Tip: Choose items that match the way your support agents verify support eligibility. For example, choose the account-related
items if your support agents verify support eligibility based on accounts.

3. Click Save.

Note: Equivalent lookup filters aren’t available for work orders.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Give Users Access to Entitlement Management

After you set up entitlement management, make sure that users have the appropriate user
permissions, field access, and tab access.
1. Assign entitlement management permissions to users. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Users Who Will Need These Permissions Permissions Are Experience
Auto-Enabled on These
Available in: Professional,
Standard Profiles
Enterprise, Performance,
Set up entitlement “Manage Entitlements” System Administrator Unlimited, and Developer
management, including Editions with the Service
milestones, entitlement Cloud
processes, and entitlement
Provide entitlement “Customize Application” System Administrator
To create and edit users:
management to an AND • Manage Internal Users
“Create and Set Up

Create or update custom “Manage Custom Report System Administrator

report types that include Types”
entitlement management

Create and run reports based “Create and Customize Standard User, Solution
on entitlement management Reports” Manager, Contract Manager,
custom report types Marketing User, and System

Create cases with “Create” on cases Standard User, Solution

entitlements AND Manager, Contract Manager,
Marketing User, and System
“Read” on entitlements Administrator

Change a case’s entitlement “Edit” on cases Standard User, Solution

AND Manager, Contract Manager,
Marketing User, and System
“Read” on entitlements Administrator

Create work orders with “Create” on work orders Standard User, Solution
entitlements AND Manager, Contract Manager,
Marketing User, and System
“Read” on entitlements Administrator

Change a work order’s “Edit” on work orders Standard User, Solution

entitlement AND Manager, Contract Manager,
Marketing User, and System
“Read” on entitlements Administrator

Verify or view entitlements “Read” on entitlements Standard User, Solution

Manager, Contract Manager,

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Users Who Will Need These Permissions Permissions Are Auto-Enabled on

These Standard Profiles
Marketing User, and System Administrator

Create entitlements “Create” on entitlements None: enable the permission in a

permission set or custom profile

Change entitlements “Edit” on entitlements None: enable the permission in a

permission set or custom profile

View entitlement contacts “Read” on entitlement contacts Standard User, Solution Manager, Contract
Manager, Marketing User, and System

Change entitlement contacts “Create” on entitlement contacts None: enable the permissions in a
AND permission set or custom profile

“Delete” on entitlement contacts

Verify or view service contracts “Read” on service contracts Standard User, Solution Manager, Contract
Manager, Marketing User, and System

Create service contracts “Create” on service contracts None: enable the permission in a
permission set or custom profile

Change service contracts “Edit” on service contracts None: enable the permission in a
permission set or custom profile

Verify or view contract line items “Read” on contract line items Standard User, Solution Manager, Contract
Manager, Marketing User, and System

Add contract line items to service contracts “Edit” on service contracts None: enable the permissions in a
AND permission set or custom profile

“Create” on contract line items and “Read”

on products and price books

Change contract line items on service “Edit” on service contracts None: enable the permissions in a
contracts AND permission set or custom profile

“Edit” on contract line items and “Read” on

products and price books

Tip: If a standard profile doesn’t include a certain user permission, you can create a permission set and enable the permission
in it. Or, clone the standard profile and enable the permission in the custom profile.

2. Set field-level security.

Choose which entitlement management fields users can view and edit. Field-level security settings let you specify users’ access to
fields in several areas of the user interfaces:

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

• Detail and edit pages

• Related lists
• List views
• Reports
• Search results
• Email and mail merge templates
• Experiences
You can set field-level security from a permission set, profile, or a particular field.

Important: To let a user create cases from entitlements or change a case’s assigned entitlement, make the Entitlement
Name field on cases editable for their profile.

Set Up an Entitlement Template

Entitlement templates let you predefine terms of support that users can add to products.
You can create entitlement templates for specific products so support agents can quickly add the
right entitlement whenever a customer purchases the product. For example, you can create Available in both: Salesforce
entitlement templates for web or phone support so agents can easily add entitlements to products Classic and Lightning
offered to customers. Experience

Note: In Lightning Experience, the contact related list isn’t available on Entitlements. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Purchased or installed products are represented in Salesforce as assets. That means: Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
• A product (for example, “Laser Scanner”) is linked to an entitlement template
• A corresponding asset (for example, the laser scanner purchased by ABC Labs) is linked to an
entitlement that was created from the entitlement template
Note: Entitlement templates are only available if entitlements and products are enabled in
your org. To create entitlement
Tip: The Entitlement Management Trailhead module introduces you to common terms and • Manage Entitlements
walks you through the process of creating an entitlement template. And, it’s fun! To get
started, see Entitlement Management.
1. Add the Entitlement Templates related list to product page layouts.
2. Optionally, add the Type and Business Hours fields to the Entitlement Templates related list. This lets users view the type
of entitlement, such as Web or phone support, and any business hours that apply to the entitlement.
3. Create an entitlement template.
a. From Setup, enter Templates in the Quick Find box, then select Entitlement Templates.
b. Click New Template.
c. Enter any details:

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
Entitlement Template Name The name of the entitlement template.
Use a descriptive name, like Phone Support. This helps
users better understand entitlement templates when they see
them on related lists for products.

Term (Days) The number of days the entitlement is in effect.

For example, if you want the entitlement template to entitle
all customers who purchase this product to 90 days of phone
support, enter 90.

Entitlement Process The entitlement process associated with the entitlement.

Per Incident Lets you limit the number of cases the entitlement supports.
The admin determines whether this field is visible.

Cases Per Entitlement The total number of cases the entitlement supports.
This field is only available if Per Incident is selected.

Business Hours The entitlement’s supported business hours.

Type The type of entitlement, such as Web or phone support.

Admins can customize this field’s values.

4. Click Save.
5. Add the entitlement template to a product.
a. Go to the product detail page.
b. Click Add Entitlement Template on the Entitlement Templates related list.
c. Select the entitlement template.
d. Click Insert Selected.
e. Click Done.
Now when a user creates an asset and links it to that product, the Entitlements related list on the asset includes an entitlement
created from the entitlement template. That way, support agents responding to a call about the asset can quickly see what kind of
support the customer is entitled to receive.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Automatically Add Entitlements to Cases from Web, Email, and Experiences

Entitlements don’t automatically apply to cases created using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, or
experience. However, you can add entitlements to these features using Apex code.
When a case is created via Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, or an experience, it isn’t automatically Available in both: Salesforce
associated with an entitlement. When a case’s Entitlement field is empty, this sample trigger Classic and Lightning
checks whether the case contact has an active entitlement. If the contact has an active entitlement, Experience
the entitlement is added to the case. If the contact doesn’t have an active entitlement, the trigger Available in: Professional,
then checks whether the case account has an active entitlement. If the case account has an active Enterprise, Performance,
entitlement, the entitlement is added to the case. The trigger helps ensure that cases are resolved Unlimited, and Developer
according to your customer support agreements. Editions with the Service
To define this case trigger in your Salesforce org: Cloud

1. From Setup, enter Case Triggers in the Quick Find box, then select Case Triggers.

3. Copy the text below and paste it in the text field. To define Apex triggers:
• Author Apex
4. Click Save.

trigger DefaultEntitlement on Case (Before Insert, Before Update) {

Set<Id> contactIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> acctIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Case c : {
List <EntitlementContact> entlContacts =
[Select e.EntitlementId,e.ContactId,e.Entitlement.AssetId
From EntitlementContact e
Where e.ContactId in :contactIds
And e.Entitlement.EndDate >= Today
And e.Entitlement.StartDate <= Today];
for(Case c :{
if(c.EntitlementId == null && c.ContactId != null){
for(EntitlementContact ec:entlContacts){
c.EntitlementId = ec.EntitlementId;
if(c.AssetId==null && ec.Entitlement.AssetId!=null)
} else{
List <Entitlement> entls = [Select e.StartDate, e.Id, e.EndDate,
e.AccountId, e.AssetId
From Entitlement e
Where e.AccountId in :acctIds And e.EndDate >= Today
And e.StartDate <= Today];
for(Case c :{

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

if(c.EntitlementId == null && c.AccountId != null){

for(Entitlement e:entls){
c.EntitlementId = e.Id;
if(c.AssetId==null && e.AssetId!=null)

Set Up Entitlement Processes

Report on Entitlements
Use custom report types to define report criteria that users can use to run and create reports on
entitlements, service contracts, and contract line items.
After you set up entitlement management, your Salesforce org automatically includes the following Available in both: Salesforce
custom report types: Classic and Lightning
Custom Report Type Description Report Type Location Available in: Professional,
Accounts with entitlements Lists accounts with Accounts & Contacts Enterprise, Performance,
with contacts entitlements that include Unlimited, and Developer
contacts (named callers). Editions with the Service
Service contracts with contract Lists service contracts with Customer Support Reports
line items contract line items (products).
Service contracts with Lists service contracts with Customer Support Reports
entitlements entitlements. To create or update
entitlement management
Cases with milestones Lists cases with milestones. Customer Support Reports custom report types:
• Manage Custom Report
Note: This report type Types
can’t be customized.
To create and run reports
based on entitlement
management custom report
To customize entitlement management custom report types: types:
• Create and Customize
1. From Setup, enter Report Types in the Quick Find box, then select Report Types. Reports
2. From the All Custom Report Types page, you can:
• Define a new custom report type. You can't select entitlements as a primary object.
• Update a custom report type's name, description, report type category, and deployment status.
• Delete a custom report type.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Important: When you delete a custom report type, all the data stored in the custom report type is deleted and cannot
be restored from the Recycle Bin.

Tip: If you want to view a list of work orders with milestones in your org, use the Object Milestones custom report type to create
a work order report.

Set Up Entitlements
Set Up Service Contracts

Work with Entitlements

Entitlements help you determine if your customers are eligible for support so you can create support records like cases or work orders
for them.

Guidelines for Working with Entitlements
Entitlements in Salesforce specify whether a customer is entitled to customer support. Learn how to perform common actions on
Verify Entitlements
Each entitlement in Salesforce is associated with a specific account. Verify that a customer is entitled to customer support before
you create or update a case or work order.
Entitlements: Terms to Know
Learn useful terms related to entitlement features in Salesforce.
Entitlement Fields
Entitlements have the following fields. Sometimes you can't see or edit certain fields because of your page layout and field-level
security settings.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Guidelines for Working with Entitlements

Entitlements in Salesforce specify whether a customer is entitled to customer support. Learn how
to perform common actions on entitlements.
Viewing Entitlements Available in both: Salesforce
You can view entitlements on the Entitlements tab or the Entitlements related list on: Classic and Lightning
• Accounts
• Assets Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Contacts
Unlimited, and Developer
Note: In Lightning Experience, the Entitlements related list isn’t available on Contacts. Editions with the Service
• Service contracts
To view entitlements that are associated with a particular account, contact, asset, or service USER PERMISSIONS
contract, go to the Entitlements related list on the record.
To view entitlements:
Tip: Depending on how your Salesforce admin set up entitlements, your console app • Read on entitlements
might include the Entitlements tab. In the console, you can view and edit entitlements To edit entitlements:
and their associated records in one place. • Edit on entitlements
Creating Entitlements AND
You can create and edit entitlements from the Entitlements tab or the Entitlements related list
Read on the parent
on accounts, assets, or service contracts. account
Your business may have its own processes for how to link entitlements to customers in Salesforce.
To create or clone
The simplest approach is to create an entitlement on the customer’s account via the Entitlements
related list. Then, use the entitlement for every contact on the account. Keep in mind that when
• Create on entitlements
you create a contact on an account, the contact doesn’t automatically inherit an entitlement
from the account. Your admin may set up automation that creates an entitlement for new To delete entitlements:
contacts on an account. • Delete on entitlements

• You can add existing entitlements to contacts or products, but you can’t create
entitlements from a contact or product record.
• Click Clone on an entitlement to quickly create an entitlement from an existing one.

Deleting Entitlements
You can delete entitlements on the entitlement’s detail page, the Entitlements related list, or the Entitlements tab. Deleting an
entitlement moves it to the Recycle Bin. Any notes, attachments, or activities associated with the entitlement are also deleted. If you
undelete the entitlement, the associated items are undeleted.

• You can’t delete an entitlement with an open case or work order.
• If a roll-up summary field has been added to the Contact object that counts related entitlement contacts, you can’t delete
entitlements with contacts. To delete an entitlement with a contact in this scenario, either delete the related entitlement
contact records first, or remove the roll-up summary field from the Contact object.

Sharing Entitlements
You can’t share entitlements. Entitlements use the same sharing model as the account they’re associated with. To update an
entitlement, you need Read access on the parent account.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Associating a customer with an entitlement doesn’t share the entitlement with them. For customers to be able to see their entitlements,
entitlements must be set up in your external experience.

Verify Entitlements
Entitlements: Terms to Know
Entitlement Fields

Verify Entitlements
Each entitlement in Salesforce is associated with a specific account. Verify that a customer is entitled
to customer support before you create or update a case or work order.
Available in both: Salesforce
What to Verify Where to Verify It Steps To Verify Classic and Lightning
Whether at least one contact Account detail page Experience
1. View the account.
on a specific account is entitled Available in: Professional,
to support 2. Confirm that the
Enterprise, Performance,
entitlement is on the
Unlimited, and Developer
Entitlements related list. Editions with the Service
Whether a specific contact is Contact detail page 1. View the contact.
entitled to support Contact
detail page 2. Confirm that the USER PERMISSIONS
entitlement is on the
Entitlements related list. To view entitlements:
• Read on entitlements
Note: In Lightning
To view accounts, contacts,
Experience, the
assets, and service
Entitlements related list contracts:
isn’t available on • Read on that object

Whether specific assets Asset detail page 1. Locate the asset from a
(purchased products) are related list or an assets list
entitled to support view on the Products tab.
2. Click the asset name.
3. Confirm that the
entitlement is on the
Entitlements related list.

Whether the customer is Entitlements details page Check the value in Remaining
charged for a new work order Work Orders. If the entitlement
has no work orders remaining,
the customer is charged for any
new work orders.

Whether a service contract Service Contract detail page 1. Click the Service Contracts
includes a specific entitlement tab.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

What to Verify Where to Verify It Steps To Verify

2. Click the service contract name.
3. Confirm that the entitlement in
question is on the Entitlements related

After you verify an entitlement, click New Case on the entitlement’s detail page to create a case associated with the entitlement. The
case automatically includes the correct entitlement, account, contact, and asset information. Alternatively, you can add an entitlement
to an existing case using the Entitlement Name lookup field on the case.

Guidelines for Working with Entitlements

Entitlements: Terms to Know

Learn useful terms related to entitlement features in Salesforce.
A unit of customer support in Salesforce, such as “phone support” or “web support.” It’s typically Available in both: Salesforce
used to represent terms in warranties. You can associate entitlement with accounts, assets, Classic and Lightning
contacts, and service contracts. View entitlements from the Entitlements tab or the Entitlements Experience
related list on accounts, assets, contacts, and service contracts.
Available in: Professional,
Note: In Lightning Experience, the Entitlements related list isn’t available on Contacts. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Entitlement Contact Editions with the Service
Contacts who are entitled to customer support—for example, a named caller. The Contacts Cloud
related list on an entitlement shows which contacts are eligible for that entitlement. You can
remove or add contacts directly from the related list, or by updating the contact record itself.
Your business may not allow you to provide support to customers unless they are a contact on the entitlement.

• Contacts on an account don’t automatically inherit the account’s entitlements. Depending on your business processes,
you may need to create a separate entitlement for each contact on an account. You can also set up an Apex trigger that
automatically assigns an entitlement to a contact when you create the contact.
• Entitlement contacts don’t have page layouts, search layouts, buttons, links, or record types.
• The same visibility and sharing settings that apply to the parent account apply to contacts. Associating a contact with an
entitlement doesn’t share the entitlement record with the contact or the related experience user.

Entitlement Template
Predefined terms of customer support that can be quickly added to products in Salesforce. For example, you can create entitlement
templates for phone or web support so users can easily add entitlements to products purchased by customers.

Note: In Lightning Experience, the contact related list isn’t available on Entitlements.

Entitlement Management
A collection of Salesforce features that help you provide the correct service levels to your customers. It includes:
• Entitlements, which let support agents determine whether a customer is eligible for support.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

• Entitlement processes, which are timelines that include all the steps that your support team must complete to resolve support
records like cases or work orders.
• Service contracts, which let you represent different kinds of customer support agreements like warranties, subscriptions, or
maintenance agreements. You can restrict service contracts to cover specific products.
• Experience access to entitlements, which lets experience users view entitlements and service contracts and create support records
from them.
• Reporting on entitlement management, which lets you track the way entitlements are used in your Salesforce org and whether
service contract terms are being met.
Depending on your business needs, you may decide to use all of these features or just a few of them.
Service Contract
A customer support agreement between you and your customers. Service contracts in Salesforce can represent warranties,
subscriptions, service level agreements (SLAs), and other types of customer support. View service contracts in the Service Contracts
tab or on the Service Contracts related list on accounts and contacts.
Contract Line Item
Specific products covered by a service contract. View contract line items in the Contract Line Items related list on service contracts
(not contracts!). You can only use contract line items if your org uses products.

Note: Schedules aren’t available for contract line items, and experience users can’t access them.

Entitlement Process
A timeline that includes all the steps (milestones) that support agents must complete to resolve a support record. Each process
includes the logic needed to determine how to enforce the correct service level for your customers. Entitlement processes come in
two types: Case and Work Order.
Not all entitlements need processes. For example, a simple entitlement might just state that a customer is eligible for phone support
24/7. If you need to add time-dependent steps or service levels to that definition—for example, if you want a supervisor to be notified
by email when a customer’s case goes unresolved for two hours—you need an entitlement process.
A required step in your entitlement process. Milestones are metrics that represent service levels to provide to each of your customers.
Examples of milestones include First Response and Resolution Time on cases.
Milestone Action
A time-dependent workflow action that occurs on a milestone in an entitlement process. For example, you might add the following
actions to a milestone:
• Send an email alert to certain users one hour before a first response milestone is scheduled to expire
• Update certain fields on a case one minute after a first response is completed
There are three types of milestone actions:
• Success actions are triggered when a milestone is completed
• Warning actions are triggered when a milestone is about to be violated
• Violation actions are triggered when a milestone is violated
You can automate tasks, email alerts, field updates, and outbound messages for each action type.


Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Entitlement Fields
Entitlements have the following fields. Sometimes you can't see or edit certain fields because of
your page layout and field-level security settings.
Available in both: Salesforce
Field Description Classic and Lightning
Account Name The account associated with the entitlement. Experience
Every entitlement must be linked to an account. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Asset Name The asset associated with the entitlement.
Unlimited, and Developer
Products represent the items your company sells Editions with the Service
(for example, a laptop case), whereas assets Cloud
represent the specific products your customers
have purchased (the laptop case purchased by

Business Hours The entitlement’s supported business hours.

To learn more about business hours on
entitlements, see How Business Hours Work in
Entitlement Management.

Per Incident Lets you limit the number of cases the

entitlement supports.
Use this field if your service agreements with
your customers are based on number of cases
(as opposed to number of days or other criteria).
Otherwise, you probably don’t need it.

Note: This option isn’t available for work


Cases Per Entitlement The total number of cases the entitlement

This field is only available if Per Incident
is selected.

Contract Line Item The contract line item (product) associated with
the entitlement.

End Date The last day the entitlement is in effect.

This field is blank unless you set up an Apex
trigger or quick action to populate it. For
example, you can create a quick action that sets
the End Date to 365 days after the Start

Entitlement Name The entitlement’s name.

We recommend using a descriptive name, such
as Phone Support. A descriptive name

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
helps users better understand entitlements when they see them
on related lists for accounts, contacts, and assets.

Operating Hours The operating hours applied to the entitlement’s work orders. This
field is visible only if Field Service is enabled.

Service Contract The service contract associated with the entitlement.

To quickly find a service contract in the lookup dialog box, select
criteria from the Filter by fields. Admins can set lookup filters
to restrict filter values and results.

Start Date The first day the entitlement is in effect.

This field is blank unless you set up an Apex trigger or quick action
to populate it. For example, you can create a quick action that sets
the Start Date to the date when the Status changes to

Entitlement Process The entitlement process associated with the entitlement.

Entitlement processes are timelines that include all the steps
(milestones) that your support team must complete to resolve
cases. Each process includes logic to determine how to enforce
the correct service level for your customers.

Remaining Cases The number of cases the entitlement can support. This field
decreases in value by one each time a case is created with the
This field is only available if Per Incident is selected.

Remaining Work Orders The number of work orders remaining that can be raised against
this entitlement.

Status The entitlement’s status.

Status is determined by your Salesforce org’s current system date
and the entitlement’s Start Date and End Date. The status
• Active if the system date is equal to or later than the Start
Date and equal to or earlier than the End Date.
• Expired if the system date is later than the End Date.
• Inactive if the system date is earlier than the Start Date.

Status Icon Represents the entitlement’s status with one of the following icons:
• Active
• Expired
• Inactive

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
Type The type of entitlement, such as Web or phone support.
Admins can customize this field’s values.

Work Orders Per Entitlement The total number of work orders the entitlement supports.

Entitlements: Terms to Know

Milestones represent required, time-dependent steps in your support process, like first response or
case resolution times. Milestones are added to entitlement processes to ensure that agents resolve
support records correctly and on time. Available in both: Salesforce
An entitlement process can have up to 10 milestones. You can set up a milestone to occur once in Classic and Lightning
an entitlement process, or to recur until the entitlement process exits. Experience

Here’s how milestones fit into your support process: Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service

Before using milestones in your support process, review Milestone Limitations.

Tip: The Entitlement Management Trailhead module introduces you to common terms and walks you through the process of
creating milestones. And it’s fun! To get started, see Entitlement Management.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Set Up Milestones
Milestones represent required steps in your support management process, like first response times. Set up and customize milestones
in your org so they can be added to entitlement processes and applied to support records like cases and work orders.
Work with Milestones
Milestones help you give your customers a consistent support experience. Learn about milestones statues, actions, and recurrence

Set Up Milestones
Milestones represent required steps in your support management process, like first response times.
Set up and customize milestones in your org so they can be added to entitlement processes and
applied to support records like cases and work orders. Available in both: Salesforce
Before setting up milestones, make sure that you understand where milestones can appear. See Classic and Lightning
Where Can I View Milestones? Experience

Available in: Professional,

IN THIS SECTION: Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
1. Customize Milestone Page Layouts
Editions with the Service
Customize your page layouts for milestones to help support agents and supervisors track support Cloud
2. Enable Milestone Feed Items
Help support agents monitor support activity by enabling milestone feed items. This option posts a notification to the feed and the
record owner’s profile page when a milestone is completed or violated.
3. Set Up the Milestone Tracker
The milestone tracker gives support agents a complete view of upcoming and completed milestones, and displays countdowns for
active and overdue milestones. Add it to the case feed, work order feed, a custom page, or the Service Console.
4. Limit User Updates to Milestones
Add validation rules to milestones to prevent users from updating milestones unless certain criteria are met.
5. Create a Milestone
Milestones represent required steps in your support process, such as case resolution time and first response time. You create master
milestones in your org and then add them to entitlement processes to enforce different service levels on support records, like cases
and work orders.
6. Auto-Complete Case Milestones
Create an Apex trigger that automatically marks milestones Completed on cases that match unique criteria. In your trigger, define
which events and related case criteria must be satisfied for a milestone to be marked Completed. You can implement a similar trigger
to auto-complete work order milestones.

Work with Milestones
Entitlement Management Setup Checklist
Milestones: Supported Objects

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Customize Milestone Page Layouts

Customize your page layouts for milestones to help support agents and supervisors track support
1. Add any of the following fields to case and object milestone detail pages. Available in both: Salesforce
Use Setup in Salesforce Classic: Classic and Lightning
• To edit case milestone detail page layouts, from Setup, enter Case Milestones in
the Quick Find box, then click Page Layouts under Case Milestones. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• To edit object milestone detail page layouts (which apply to work order milestones), from
Unlimited, and Developer
Setup, enter Object Milestones in the Quick Find box, then click Page Layouts
Editions with the Service
under Object Milestones. Cloud

Field Description
Actual Elapsed Time The amount of time that it took to complete
a milestone. To create and edit page
(Elapsed Time) – (Stopped Time) = (Actual
• Customize Application
Elapsed Time)
To create milestones:
Note: If you want to be able to display • Manage Entitlements
this field, Enable stopped time and
actual elapsed time must be selected
Customize Application
on the Entitlement Settings page.
To enable the Stopped Time
Completed Icon that indicates milestone completion. and Actual Elapsed Time
Completion Date The date and time the milestone was
• Manage Entitlements

Elapsed Time The time it took to complete a milestone.

Automatically calculated to include any
business hours on the support record. Elapsed
time is calculated only after the Completion
Date field is populated.

Entitlement Process The entitlement process that is being used for

the record. Entitlement processes are optional.

Start Date The date and time that the milestone tracking

Stopped Time How long an agent has been blocked from

completing a milestone. For example, an
agent might wait for a customer to reply with
more information.

Note: Enable stopped time and

actual elapsed time must be selected
on the Entitlement Settings page. Then
give your agents access to the field
through field-level security.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
Target Date The date and time to complete the milestone.

Target Response The time to complete the milestone. Automatically calculated

to include any business hours on the support record.

Time Remaining The time that remains before a milestone violation. Automatically
calculated to include any business hours on the support record.

Time Since Target The time that has elapsed since a milestone violation.
Automatically calculated to include any business hours on the
support record.

Violation Icon that indicates a milestone violation.

2. Add milestone elements to case and work order page layouts.

Use Setup in Salesforce Classic or Lightning Experience.
a. Add milestone fields.

Field Description
Milestone Status The milestone’s status.

Milestone Status Icon An icon that corresponds to the milestone status:

• Compliant
• Open Violation
• Closed Violation

Note: In Lightning Experience, the Milestone Status

Icon field on cases isn’t available.

Entitlement Process Start Time The time the record enters the entitlement process.

Entitlement Process End Time The time the record exits the entitlement process.

b. Add the Case Milestones or Object Milestones related list to display the record’s milestones.
In Lightning Experience, the Case Milestones related list doesn't support the Business Hours field. Only certain fields in the Object
Milestones related list are supported.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Enable Milestone Feed Items

Help support agents monitor support activity by enabling milestone feed items. This option posts
a notification to the feed and the record owner’s profile page when a milestone is completed or
violated. Available in both: Salesforce
Important: Classic and Lightning
• Chatter and entitlements must be enabled in your org.
Available in: Professional,
• Enabling milestone feed items doesn’t create feed items for milestones that have already
Enterprise, Performance,
been completed or violated.
Unlimited, and Developer
• If you add entitlement management to an experience, enabling milestone feed items Editions with the Service
also makes feed items visible to experience users. Cloud

1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Settings in the Quick Find box, then select
Entitlement Settings. USER PERMISSIONS
2. Select Enable milestone feed items. This enables feed items for both cases and work orders. To enable milestone feed
When milestones feed items are posted, agents can click the milestone name to view its details. items:
• Manage Entitlements

Set Up the Milestone Tracker

The milestone tracker gives support agents a complete view of upcoming and completed milestones,
and displays countdowns for active and overdue milestones. Add it to the case feed, work order
feed, a custom page, or the Service Console. Available in both: Salesforce
Often, support agents’ performance is measured by how often they meet milestones. The milestone Classic and Lightning
tracker helps agents be prepared for support deadlines by showing them: Experience

• The time remaining until an active milestone reaches its Target Date Available in: Professional,
• The time passed since an overdue milestone’s Target Date Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
• A list of upcoming milestones
Editions with the Service
• A list of completed milestones Cloud
When a milestone is in progress, the milestone is represented by a green circle. The circle winds
down clockwise as time elapses. The remaining time is shown in the center of the circle. When the USER PERMISSIONS
time to complete the milestone expires, the circle turns red. The amount of time that the milestone
is overdue is shown in the center of the circle. If more than 24 hours remain on a milestone, the To create and edit page
countdown displays in days (for example, 1d). When fewer than 24 hours remain, the countdown layouts:
format switches to hours/minutes/seconds. • Customize Application

In Salesforce Classic To assign page layouts:

• Manage Users
To set how time displays in
the milestone tracker:
• Manage Entitlements

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

In Lightning Experience

1. Expose the milestone tracker to support agents.

In Salesforce Classic, you can:
• Add it to the case feed. If you plan to use milestones on work orders, follow the same steps to add the tracker to the work order
a. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
b. In the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the page layout editor.
c. In the Other Tools and Components section, select the Milestone Tracker and specify where on the page you want it to
d. Click Save.

• Add it to a custom Visualforce page using the <apex:milestoneTracker> component.

• Add it as a component to the Service Console.
In Lightning Experience, go to Lightning App Builder and add the Milestones component. See Create and Configure Lightning
Experience Record Pages. In the Lightning App Builder, you can opt to hide the Mark Completed link from your agents.

2. Set how the milestone tracker displays time remaining or time overdue on milestones.

Note: By default, the tracker displays actual hours.

To make it display time remaining or time overdue in business hours, follow these steps.
a. From Setup, enter Entitlement Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Entitlement Settings.
b. In the Milestone Tracker section, deselect Show the time remaining in actual hours, not business hours.
c. Click Save.

Example: Suppose an active milestone’s business hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Right now, it’s 4:30 p.m. and the milestone’s Target
Date is 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.
• If the milestone tracker shows the remaining time in business hours (the default setting), it displays a countdown of 2 hours
and 30 minutes (4:30 to 5 p.m. today and 9 to 11 a.m. tomorrow).
• If the milestone tracker shows the remaining time in actual hours, it displays a countdown of 18 hours and 30 minutes (4:30
p.m. today to 11:00 a.m. tomorrow).

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Limit User Updates to Milestones

Add validation rules to milestones to prevent users from updating milestones unless certain criteria
are met.

Note: To create validations rules, use Setup in Salesforce Classic. Don’t worry, your validation Available in both: Salesforce
rules still apply in Lightning Experience. Classic and Lightning
1. From the object management settings for case milestones, go to Validation Rules.
Available in: Professional,
2. Click New.
Enterprise, Performance,
3. Enter the rule details. Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
4. Save your changes.
Example: This validation rule prevents users from selecting milestone completion dates
that are earlier than the case creation date. You can create a similar validation rule for work
orders from the object management settings for Object Milestones in Setup.
To define or change field
Field Value validation rules:
• Customize Application
Rule Name milestone_completion_date
To create or edit milestones:
Description A milestone’s completion date • Manage Entitlements
must be later than the case
creation date.

Error Condition Formula CompletionDate <


Error Message Error: The milestone

completion date must be later
than the case creation date.

Error Location Top of Page

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Create a Milestone
Milestones represent required steps in your support process, such as case resolution time and first
response time. You create master milestones in your org and then add them to entitlement processes
to enforce different service levels on support records, like cases and work orders. Available in both: Salesforce
Tip: The Entitlement Management Trailhead module introduces you to common terms and Classic and Lightning
walks you through the process of creating milestones. And it’s fun! To get started, see
Entitlement Management. Available in: Professional,
1. From Setup, enter Milestones in the Quick Find box, then select Milestones under Enterprise, Performance,
Entitlement Management. Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
2. Click New Milestone. Cloud
3. Enter a name and description. Try to name milestones after common support tasks, like “First
Response Time” or “Resolution Time.” Descriptive names help users understand milestones
when they see them on cases, work orders, or entitlement processes.
4. Select a recurrence type. To create milestones:
• Manage Entitlements
Recurrence Type Description Example
No Recurrence The milestone occurs only First Response
once on the record. Resolution Time

Independent The milestone occurs Response Time

whenever the milestone
criteria are met on the record.

Sequential The milestone occurs on Customer Contact Made

repeat whenever the
milestone criteria are met on
the record.

5. Click Save.
You can’t apply a milestone to a record by itself. It must be part of an entitlement process. So after you create your milestone, add it to
an entitlement process.

Tip: You can add validation rules to a milestone so that users can update a milestone only if it meets specific standards. For details,
see Limit User Updates to Milestones.

Milestone Recurrence Types

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Auto-Complete Case Milestones

Create an Apex trigger that automatically marks milestones Completed on cases that match unique
criteria. In your trigger, define which events and related case criteria must be satisfied for a milestone
to be marked Completed. You can implement a similar trigger to auto-complete work order Available in both: Salesforce
milestones. Classic and Lightning
Tip: In Lightning Experience, agents can click the Mark Completed link in the Milestones
component to mark a milestone completed. It’s not automation, but it is easy. For more Available in: Professional,
information, see Set Up the Milestone Tracker. Enterprise, Performance,
The following triggers mark specific types of milestones Completed when the case they are on Unlimited, and Developer
meets unique criteria. We’ve also provided a milestone utility Apex class and accompanying unit Editions with the Service
tests. Define the milestone utility class before you use any of the triggers.
Milestone Utility Apex Class
Apex classes reduce the size of your triggers and make it easier to reuse and maintain Apex USER PERMISSIONS
code. To define this Apex class in your org:
To define Apex triggers and
1. From Setup, enter Apex Classes in the Quick Find box, then click Apex Classes. classes:
• Author Apex
2. Click New.
3. Copy the class text and paste it into the text field.
4. Click Save.
public class MilestoneUtils {
public static void completeMilestone(List<Id> caseIds,
String milestoneName, DateTime complDate) {
List<CaseMilestone> cmsToUpdate = [select Id, completionDate
from CaseMilestone cm
where caseId in :caseIds and cm.MilestoneType.Name=:milestoneName
and completionDate = null limit 1];
if (cmsToUpdate.isEmpty() == false){
for (CaseMilestone cm : cmsToUpdate){
cm.completionDate = complDate;
update cmsToUpdate;

Apex Class Unit Test

You can set up Apex unit tests in the developer console to scan your code for any issues.
* This class contains unit tests for validating the behavior of Apex classes
* and triggers.
* Unit tests are class methods that verify whether a particular piece
* of code is working properly. Unit test methods take no arguments,
* commit no data to the database, and are flagged with the testMethod
* keyword in the method definition.
* All test methods in an organization are executed whenever Apex code is deployed
* to a production organization to confirm correctness, ensure code
* coverage, and prevent regressions. All Apex classes are

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

* required to have at least 75% code coverage in order to be deployed

* to a production organization. In addition, all triggers must have some code coverage.
* The @isTest class annotation indicates this class only contains test
* methods. Classes defined with the @isTest annotation do not count against
* the organization size limit for all Apex scripts.
* See the Apex Language Reference for more information about Testing and Code Coverage.
private class MilestoneTest {

static testMethod void TestCompleteMilestoneCase(){

List<Account> acts = new List<Account>();

Account myAcc = new Account(Name='TestAct', phone='1001231234');

Account busAcc = new Account(Name = 'TestForMS', phone='4567890999');

insert acts;
Contact cont = new Contact(FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'LastName', phone='4567890999',
accountid =;

Id contactId = cont.Id;

Entitlement entl = new Entitlement(Name='TestEntitlement', AccountId=busAcc.Id);

insert entl;

String entlId;
if (entl != null)
entlId = entl.Id;

List<Case> cases = new List<Case>{};

if (entlId != null){
Case c = new Case(Subject = 'Test Case with Entitlement ',
EntitlementId = entlId, ContactId = contactId);
if (cases.isEmpty()==false){
insert cases;
List<Id> caseIds = new List<Id>();
for (Case cL : cases){
milestoneUtils.completeMilestone(caseIds, 'First Response',;

static testMethod void testCompleteMilestoneViaCase(){

List<Account> acts = new List<Account>();

Account myAcc = new Account(Name='TestAct', phone='1001231234');

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers


Account busAcc = new Account(Name = 'TestForMS', phone='4567890999');

insert acts;
Contact cont = new Contact(FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'LastName', phone='4567890999',
accountid =;

Id contactId = cont.Id;

Entitlement entl = new Entitlement(Name='TestEntitlement', AccountId=busAcc.Id);

insert entl;

String entlId;
if (entl != null)
entlId = entl.Id;

List<Case> cases = new List<Case>{};

for(Integer i = 0; i < 1; i++){
Case c = new Case(Subject = 'Test Case ' + i);
if (entlId != null){
c = new Case(Subject = 'Test Case with Entitlement ' + i,
EntitlementId = entlId);

Sample Trigger 1
You can create a milestone named Resolution Time that requires cases to be closed within a certain length of time. It’s a great way
to enforce case resolution terms in SLAs. This sample case trigger marks each Resolution Time milestone Completed when its case
is closed. This way, the support agent doesn’t have to manually mark the milestone completed after closing the case.

Note: This trigger references the milestone utility test class, so be sure to define the test class first.

To define this trigger in your org:

1. From Setup, enter Case Triggers in the Quick Find box, then click Case Triggers.
2. Click New.
3. Copy the trigger text and paste it into the text field.
4. ClickSave.
trigger CompleteResolutionTimeMilestone on Case (after update) {
if (UserInfo.getUserType() == 'Standard'){
DateTime completionDate =;
List<Id> updateCases = new List<Id>();
for (Case c :{
if (((c.isClosed == true)||(c.Status == 'Closed'))&&((c.SlaStartDate

<= completionDate)&&(c.SlaExitDate == null)))


Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

if (updateCases.isEmpty() == false)
milestoneUtils.completeMilestone(updateCases, 'Resolution Time', completionDate);


Sample Trigger 2
You can create a milestone named First Response that requires agents to get in touch with a case contact within X minutes or hours
of the case’s creation. It’s a nice way to ensure that your support team is communicating with case contacts as soon as possible. This
sample email trigger marks a First Response milestone Completed when an email is sent to the case contact. That way, the support
agent doesn’t have to manually mark the First Response milestone Completed after they email the case contact.

Note: This trigger references the milestone utility test class, so be sure to define the test class first.

To define this trigger in your org:

1. From Setup, enter Email Triggers in the Quick Find box, then click Email Triggers.
2. Click New.
3. Copy the trigger text and paste it into the text field.
4. ClickSave.
trigger CompleteFirstResponseEmail on EmailMessage (after insert) {
if (UserInfo.getUserType() == 'Standard'){
DateTime completionDate =;
Map<Id, String> emIds = new Map<Id, String>();
for (EmailMessage em :{
if(em.Incoming == false)
emIds.put(em.ParentId, em.ToAddress);
if (emIds.isEmpty() == false){
Set <Id> emCaseIds = new Set<Id>();
emCaseIds = emIds.keySet();
List<Case> caseList = [Select c.Id, c.ContactId, c.Contact.Email,
c.OwnerId, c.Status,
c.SlaStartDate, c.SlaExitDate
From Case c where c.Id IN :emCaseIds];
if (caseList.isEmpty()==false){
List<Id> updateCases = new List<Id>();
for (Case caseObj:caseList) {
if ((emIds.get(caseObj.Id)==caseObj.Contact.Email)&&
(caseObj.Status == 'In Progress')&&
(caseObj.EntitlementId != null)&&
(caseObj.SlaStartDate <= completionDate)&&
(caseObj.SlaStartDate != null)&&
(caseObj.SlaExitDate == null))
if(updateCases.isEmpty() == false)
'First Response', completionDate);

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers


Sample Trigger 3
While the previous trigger dealt with email messages, this sample case comment trigger marks a First Response milestone Completed
when a public comment is made on the case. You can use it if a public case comment is a valid first response in your support terms.

Note: This trigger references the milestone utility test class, so be sure to define the test class first.

To define this trigger in your org:

1. From Setup, enter Case Comment Triggers in the Quick Find box, then click Case Comment Triggers.
2. Click New.
3. Copy the trigger text and paste it into the text field.
4. Click Save.
trigger CompleteFirstResponseCaseComment on CaseComment (after insert) {
if (UserInfo.getUserType() == 'Standard'){
DateTime completionDate =;
List<Id> caseIds = new List<Id>();
for (CaseComment cc :{
if(cc.IsPublished == true)
if (caseIds.isEmpty() == false){
List<Case> caseList = [Select c.Id, c.ContactId, c.Contact.Email,
c.OwnerId, c.Status,
c.EntitlementId, c.SlaStartDate,
From Case c
Where c.Id IN :caseIds];
if (caseList.isEmpty() == false){
List<Id> updateCases = new List<Id>();
for (Case caseObj:caseList) {
if ((caseObj.Status == 'In Progress')&&
(caseObj.EntitlementId != null)&&
(caseObj.SlaStartDate <= completionDate)&&
(caseObj.SlaStartDate != null)&&
(caseObj.SlaExitDate == null))
if(updateCases.isEmpty() == false)
'First Response', completionDate);

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Work with Milestones

Milestones help you give your customers a consistent support experience. Learn about milestones
statues, actions, and recurrence types.
When working with milestones, keeping track of everything is key to success. Here are a few ways Available in both: Salesforce
you can track all records that have milestones in your org. Classic and Lightning
• To view work orders with milestones, create a work order report using the Object Milestones
custom report type. Available in: Professional,
• To view cases with milestones, create a case report using the Cases with Milestones custom Enterprise, Performance,
report type. Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
• Create list views that filter on milestone fields. Cloud
Let’s get started!

Where Can I View Milestones?
Your org’s settings and configurations for entitlements and milestones determine where you and your agents can view milestones.
Milestone Statuses
Milestones on support records display one of three statuses.
Milestone Actions
Milestone actions are time-dependent workflow actions that occur on milestones in an entitlement process. Actions can be added
to milestones after the milestone is added to an entitlement process.
Milestone Recurrence Types
When you create a milestone, you must choose its recurrence type. Learn what each recurrence type means and when to use it.
Milestones: Supported Objects
Milestones represent required support steps that your team must complete to resolve a customer issue. Find out where you can use
milestones in Salesforce.

Set Up Milestones

Where Can I View Milestones?

Your org’s settings and configurations for entitlements and milestones determine where you and
your agents can view milestones.
Here’s where milestones can appear in your org. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
View Milestones From Available Available Notes Experience
in in
Available in: Professional,
Salesforce Lightning
Enterprise, Performance,
Classic Experience
Unlimited, and Developer
In Setup Editions with the Service
Milestones page Yes Yes Access this page under the Entitlement
Management page.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

View Milestones From Available in Available in Notes

Salesforce Lightning
Classic Experience
Entitlement Process page Yes Yes Access this page under the Entitlement Management
page. Then click an entitlement process to view its record
details and associated milestones.

In the app

Related list Yes No You can add related lists to pages for cases, work orders,
and entitlements. Keep in mind that the Case Milestones
related list is for cases and the Object Milestones related
list is for work orders.

Feed item updates Yes Yes Enable milestone feed items in your org.

Tracker Yes Yes (for Case In Lightning Experience, add the Milestones component
Milestones only) to the Lightning page for cases and work orders using
Lightning App Builder.

In the Salesforce mobile app, agents can view case milestone updates in the case feed, open the case milestones record page, and view
the Case Milestones related list. Agents can’t view the milestone tracker.

Customize Milestone Page Layouts
Enable Milestone Feed Items
Set Up the Milestone Tracker

Milestone Statuses
Milestones on support records display one of three statuses.
Status What It Means Example Available in both: Salesforce
Compliant Milestones on the record are The first response on a case is Classic and Lightning
either complete or not in complete or not in violation. Experience
violation. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Important: New
Unlimited, and Developer
records display as
Editions with the Service
compliant because
they're not in violation.

Open Violation One or more milestones on the The assigned agent didn’t
record have been violated, and complete the first response on
steps in the support process are a case before the milestone
incomplete. expired.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Status What It Means Example

Closed Violation One or more milestones on the record were The assigned agent completed the first
violated, but the steps in the support response on a case after the milestone
process were still completed. expired.

The status icons you see differ based on where the milestone appears and whether you’re in Salesforce Classic or Lightning Experience.
In Salesforce Classic, milestones display in the following locations:
• On the Milestone Status Icon field and Case Milestones related list
– Compliant:
– Open Violation:
– Close Violation:

• In the milestone tracker

– Completed:
– Violated:

In Lightning Experience, milestones display in the Milestone component:

• Completed:
• Violated:

Note: For a list of Lightning Experience limitations related to milestones, see Entitlement Management Limits and Limitations.

If milestone feed items are enabled, icons also display in the feed. Remember that these feed item icons are different in Salesforce Classic
and Lightning Experience.

Work with Entitlement Processes
Add a Milestone to an Entitlement Process
Milestone Actions

Milestone Actions
Milestone actions are time-dependent workflow actions that occur on milestones in an entitlement
process. Actions can be added to milestones after the milestone is added to an entitlement process.
For example, you can create a milestone action that: Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• Sends an email alert to certain users an hour before a First Response milestone is near violation
• Updates certain fields on a case one minute after a First Response milestone successfully
completes Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
You can add three types of actions to milestones: Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
Action Type Description Cloud
Success Actions The actions to take when a milestone successfully completes.
Success actions still fire on milestones that are completed late.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Action Type Description

Warning Actions The actions to take when a milestone is near violation.

Violation Actions The actions to take when a milestone is violated.

You can automate the following actions for each action type:

Workflow Action What It Does Example

New Task Create a workflow task Create a task for a support agent to call a
customer when a First Response milestone
is violated.

New Email Create an email alert Notify case owners when a First Response
milestone on their case is near violation.

New Field Update Define a field update Update the case Priority field to High
when a First Response milestone is near

New Outbound Message Define an outbound message Send data about parts or services to an
external system after a First Response
milestone is completed.

Select Existing Action Select an existing action Use an existing email alert to notify a case
owner when their case is near violation of
a first response.

Add a Milestone Action to an Entitlement Process
Work with Entitlement Processes
How a Record Moves Through an Entitlement Process

Milestone Recurrence Types

When you create a milestone, you must choose its recurrence type. Learn what each recurrence
type means and when to use it.
There are three milestone recurrence types in Salesforce: Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Recurrence Type What It Means How the Start Date Examples Experience
is Determined
Available in: Professional,
No Recurrence The milestone only The Start Date is the “First Response” Enterprise, Performance,
occurs once on the time when the Unlimited, and Developer
“Resolution Time”
support record*. milestone criteria are Editions with the Service
met on the record. Cloud

Independent The milestone occurs The Start Date is the “Response Time”
whenever the time when the

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Recurrence Type What It Means How the Start Date is Examples

milestone criteria match the milestone criteria are met on the
record criteria. record, regardless of when the
previous occurrence was
Note: Only one
occurrence of an
independently recurring
milestone can be active
at a time.

Sequential The milestone occurs on repeat For the first occurrence, the Start “Customer Contact Made”
whenever the milestone criteria Date is the time when the
match the record criteria. milestone criteria are met on the
Note: Only one
occurrence of a For future occurrences:
sequentially recurring • The Start Date is the time
milestone can be active when the milestone criteria
at a time. are met on the record, as
long as it’s later than the
previous occurrence’s Target
• If an occurrence is
completed before its Target
Date and the milestone
criteria are met on the
record again, the next
occurrence starts at the
previous occurrence’s Target
• If an occurrence is
completed after its Target
Date, the next occurrence’s
Start Date is the time when
the milestone criteria are
met on the record.

*In these definitions, a support record includes cases and work orders.

No Recurrence Type
A milestone named “Resolution Time” is set up to ensure that cases are resolved within 4 hours. The milestone has one criterion:
Case: Status EQUALS New,Working,Escalated.
Here’s how this milestone can be used:
1. At 10 a.m., a case is created whose Status is New, causing the milestone criteria to match the case criteria.
2. The “Resolution Time” milestone is automatically created with these settings:

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

• Start Date = 10 a.m. (the current time)

• Target Date = 2 p.m. (4 hours from the Start Date)

3. At 1 p.m., the support agent resolves the customer’s issue and closes the case, and the milestone is marked complete.
A milestone named “Engineer Solution Proposed” is set up to track case escalation to Engineering. When this milestone occurs,
the support agent expects a proposed solution from Engineering within 4 hours. The milestone has one criterion: “Case:
Status EQUALS Waiting on Engineer” (a custom status).
Here’s how this milestone can be used:
1. At 10 a.m., the support agent escalates a case to Engineering, causing the milestone criteria to match the case criteria.
2. An occurrence of the “Engineer Solution Proposed” milestone is automatically created with these settings:
• Start Date = 10 a.m. (the current time)
• Target Date = 2 p.m. (4 hours after the Start Date)

3. At 11 a.m., well before the Target Date, an engineer proposes a solution that’s sent to the customer. The milestone is
marked complete manually or via a workflow.
If the proposed solution works, there may be no other occurrences of the “Engineer Solution Proposed” milestone on the case.
However, if the solution doesn’t solve the customer’s issue, another occurrence would be created:
1. At 1 p.m., the support agent re-escalates the case to Engineering, causing the milestone criteria to match the case criteria.
2. A second occurrence of the “Engineer Solution Proposed” milestone is created with these settings:
• Start Date = 1 p.m. (the current time)
• Target Date = 5 p.m. (4 hours after the Start Date)

The case now has two “Engineer Solution Proposed” milestones:

• One completed milestone that started at 10 a.m.
• One incomplete milestone that started at 1 p.m. and has a Target Date of 5 p.m.
The milestone can recur as many times as necessary until the entitlement process is completed.
A milestone named “Customer Contact Made” is set up to track daily contact with a customer as part of an SLA. When this
milestone occurs, the support agent has 24 hours to communicate with the customer.
Here’s how this milestone can be used:
1. At 10 a.m. on Monday, a case is created whose entitlement process includes the “Customer Contact Made” milestone. The
milestone has these settings:
• Start Date = 10 a.m. Monday (the current time)
• Target Date = 10 a.m. Tuesday (24 hours after the Start Date)

2. At 11 a.m. on Monday, the support agent communicates with the customer. This means that the milestone can be marked
complete, and milestone’s second occurrence is created. However, because the previous occurrence’s Target Date is still
in the future, the Start Date of the second occurrence is 10 a.m. Tuesday.
The case now has two “Customer Contact Made” milestones:
• One completed milestone that started at 10 a.m. Monday
• One incomplete milestone that is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Tuesday with a Target Date of 10 a.m. Wednesday

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

If the support agent communicates with the customer multiple times on Monday, it doesn’t affect the Tuesday milestone.

Work with Entitlement Processes
Add a Milestone to an Entitlement Process

Milestones: Supported Objects

Milestones represent required support steps that your team must complete to resolve a customer
issue. Find out where you can use milestones in Salesforce.
What types of records can I add milestones to? Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• Cases
• Work orders
Available in: Professional,
How do I add milestones to a record?
Enterprise, Performance,
Here are the general steps you’ll follow: Unlimited, and Developer
1. Create “master” milestones in Setup that represent required steps in your support process. Editions with the Service
2. Add the milestones to an entitlement process, which is a customizable timeline of milestones.
3. Apply the entitlement process to a customer entitlement.
When you link a support record, such as a work order, to an entitlement that includes an entitlement process, the process—with
its milestones—is automatically applied to the record. To learn more, see Set Up Milestones.
Can I use the same entitlement for work orders and cases?
If the entitlement has an entitlement process associated with it, don’t use the entitlement for multiple types of support records.
Every entitlement process has a type—Case or Work Order—and a process only works on records that match its type. For example,
when a Case entitlement process is applied to an entitlement, the process runs only on cases associated with the entitlement. If a
work order is also associated with the entitlement, the process doesn’t run on the work order.
When I create a milestone, can I add it to both types of entitlement processes?
Yes. For example, if you create a First Response milestone in Setup, you can add it to both Case and Work Order entitlement processes.
How do I set the type of an entitlement process?
You select the type when you create the entitlement process. Entitlement processes created before Summer ’16 use the Case type.
You can see an entitlement process’s type on its detail page.
Can I change the type of an entitlement process?
No. Once an entitlement process is created, all its versions must use the same type. Want to make the most of a particularly awesome
entitlement process? Remember that you can easily create a similar process of a different type using the same milestones.
Are milestones supported in Lightning Experience?
Milestones are available in Lightning Experience with some limitations. For details, see Entitlement Management Limits and Limitations.
Where do I manage milestones in my org?
• View and create milestones from the Milestones node in Setup under Entitlement Management.
• Manage case milestone page layouts and validations rules from the Case Milestones node in Setup.
• Manage work order milestone page layouts and validation rules from the Object Milestones node in Setup.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Entitlement Processes
Entitlement processes are timelines that include all the steps (or milestones) that your support team
must complete to resolve support records like cases or work orders. Each process includes the logic
necessary to determine how to enforce the correct service level for your customers. Available in both: Salesforce
Not all entitlements require entitlement processes. For example, an entitlement might just state Classic and Lightning
that a customer is eligible for phone support and business hours define phone support to be 24/7. Experience
If you need to add more to that definition—for example, if certain people must be emailed after a
Available in: Professional,
customer's case goes unresolved for two hours—use an entitlement process. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service

Set Up Entitlement Processes
Entitlement processes are timelines that include all of the steps (milestones) that your support team must complete to resolve cases
or work orders. Set up an entitlement process to apply to entitlements in your Salesforce org.
Work with Entitlement Processes
Entitlement processes help you provide a consistent level of support to your customers. Learn how entitlement processes work and
how to update them.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Set Up Entitlement Processes

Entitlement processes are timelines that include all of the steps (milestones) that your support team
must complete to resolve cases or work orders. Set up an entitlement process to apply to
entitlements in your Salesforce org. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

1. Create an Entitlement Process Available in: Professional,

Create an entitlement process to give support agents a timeline of required steps to follow Enterprise, Performance,
when solving support records. Each process includes the logic necessary to determine how to Unlimited, and Developer
enforce the correct service level for your customers. Editions with the Service
2. Customize Entitlement Process Fields
If you intend to use entitlement processes in your Salesforce org, customize page layouts to
ensure that support agents can see and interact with entitlement processes.
3. Add a Milestone to an Entitlement Process
Add milestones to entitlement processes to define required steps in your support process.
4. Add a Milestone Action to an Entitlement Process
Milestone actions are time-dependent workflow actions that occur at every step (milestone) in an entitlement process. After you
create an entitlement process and add milestones to it, add milestone actions to the milestones.
5. Apply an Entitlement Process to an Entitlement
You’ve created an entitlement process; now it’s time to use it! Apply an entitlement process to a customer’s entitlement so all support
records linked to the entitlement use that process.

Entitlement Management Setup Checklist

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Create an Entitlement Process

Create an entitlement process to give support agents a timeline of required steps to follow when
solving support records. Each process includes the logic necessary to determine how to enforce
the correct service level for your customers. Available in both: Salesforce
You must create milestones before you create an entitlement process. Classic and Lightning
Tip: The Entitlement Management Trailhead module introduces you to common terms and
walks you through creating an entitlement process. And, it’s fun! To get started, see Entitlement Available in: Professional,
Management. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Processes in the Quick Find box, then select Editions with the Service
Entitlement Processes under Entitlement Management. Cloud
2. Click New Entitlement Process.
3. Select an entitlement process type. If you intend to use the process to enforce milestones on USER PERMISSIONS
cases, select Case. If you intend to use the process to enforce milestones on work orders, select
Work Order. (If work orders aren’t enabled in your org, you only see the Case option.) To view entitlements:
• Read on entitlements
Note: If you’re using entitlement processes, manage customers’ work orders and cases
To change entitlements:
on separate entitlements. This is because an entitlement process only runs on records • Edit on entitlements
that match its type. For example, when a Case entitlement process is applied to an
entitlement, the process only runs on cases associated with the entitlement. If a work To create and update
entitlement processes:
order is also associated with the entitlement, the process won’t run on the work order.
• Manage Entitlements
4. Enter a name—for example, Standard Support Process—and a description.
5. If you want to enable the process, select Active.

Tip: We recommend waiting to activate an entitlement process until you add milestone actions to it. You can’t update or
delete milestone actions on a process after it’s activated and applied to a record.

6. Optionally, if entitlement versioning is enabled, select Default Version to make this version of the entitlement process the default.
7. Choose the criteria for records to enter and exit the entitlement process.

Field Description More Actions to Take?

Record* enters the process Based on record created date No
Select if records should enter the process
when they’re created.

Based on a custom date/time field on Yes, a drop-down list displays for selecting
the record the custom date/time. You can only
Select if you want the value of a custom choose a custom date/time, not a custom
date/time field on the record to determine date.
when the record enters the process.

Record exits the process Based on when record is closed No

Select if records should exit the process
when they're closed.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description More Actions to Take?

Based on custom criteria Yes, select one of the following:
Select if records should exit the process • Choose criteria are met and
based on criteria you define. select the filter criteria that a record
must meet for it to exit the process.
For example, set a case filter to
Priority equals Low if you
want cases with the Priority field
marked Low to exit the process.
Choose formula evaluates
to true and enter a formula that
returns a value of “True” or “False.”
Salesforce triggers the rule if the
formula returns “True.”

• Choose formula evaluates

to true and enter a formula that
returns a value of “True” or “False.”
Records exit the process if the formula
returns “True.” For example, the
formula (Case: Priority
equals Low) AND(Case:
Case Origin equals
Email, Web) moves cases out of
the process if their Priority field
is Low and the Case Origin field
is marked Email or Web.

*The field names you see will reflect the entitlement process type you selected.

8. Optionally, choose the business hours you’d like to apply to the entitlement process. The business hours you set here calculate the
Target Date for all the milestones on this entitlement process. To learn more, see How Business Hours Work in Entitlement Management.
9. Save your changes.

Important: All users, even those without the “View Setup and Configuration” user permission, can view entitlement processes
via the API.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Customize Entitlement Process Fields

If you intend to use entitlement processes in your Salesforce org, customize page layouts to ensure
that support agents can see and interact with entitlement processes.
1. Add these fields to case and work order page layouts. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Field Description Experience

Timeline (available only on case page How far along a case is to reaching an Available in: Professional,
layouts) entitlement process’s milestones. You can click Enterprise, Performance,
or hover your mouse pointer over each Unlimited, and Developer
milestone to view its details. These icons Editions with the Service
represent milestones: Cloud

Completed milestone
• To edit page layouts:
• Customize Application

Violated milestone

You can drag the Handle icon ( ) along the

Timeline Zoom tool to view past and future
milestones. If an entitlement process applies
to the case, this field appears.

Stopped Lets you stop an entitlement process on a

record, which might be necessary if you’re
waiting for a customer’s response.

Tip: If you want to use this feature,

give your agents access to the field
through field-level security.
If a case is stopped and a user doesn’t
have access to the Stopped field, the
Case Milestone component in
Lightning Experience continues to
track time for them, even though the
timer is paused.
Until the Stopped field is updated
(unpaused), each time the user
refreshes the case record, the
milestone timer restarts from the
current local time. If this is happening,
the user might not have access to the
Stopped Since field. Make sure that this
field is also added and available to your
agents so that the time remains
paused from the time it was Stopped

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description

Don’t confuse your users; give them access to the Stopped

and Stopped Since fields.

Stopped Since The date and time the entitlement process was stopped on the

Tip: If you want to use the Stopped feature, make sure

that the Stopped Since field is also added to the page
layout and that your agents have access to this field
through field-level security.

2. Save your changes.

Add a Milestone to an Entitlement Process

Add milestones to entitlement processes to define required steps in your support process.
1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Processes in the Quick Find box, then select
Entitlement Processes. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Click the name of an entitlement process.
3. If you’re using versioning, click the name of the entitlement process again under Entitlement
Process Versions. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
4. Click New on the Milestones related list. Unlimited, and Developer
5. Choose the milestone. Editions with the Service
6. In Time Trigger (Minutes), enter the number of minutes in which users must
complete the milestone before it triggers an action.
Or, if you’d like the trigger time for the milestone to be calculated dynamically based on the USER PERMISSIONS
milestone type and properties of the case or work order, click Enable Apex Class for the Time
To add milestones to
Trigger (Minutes). entitlement processes:
Note: You must have a custom Apex class that implements the • Manage Entitlements
Support.MilestoneTriggerTimeCalculator Apex interface to use this

7. If you selected Enable Apex Class for the Time Trigger (Minutes), use the lookup to specify an Apex class for the dynamically
calculated milestone.
8. Choose when the milestone starts:

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Select To Use If
Milestone Criteria Calculate the milestone Target Date A milestone’s Target Date is based
when the milestone is applied to a support on when it’s applied to a record. Use if the
record (matches the record criteria). milestone is recurring.

Note: An entitlement process

usually starts when the record is
created, but its milestones aren’t
always applied right away.

Entitlement Process Calculate the milestone Target Date A milestone's Target Date is based
when the entitlement process starts (by on the start of the entitlement process. For
default, when a support record is created). example, first response and resolution
times on a case always calculate their
Target Date when the entitlement
process starts.

9. Optionally, select the business hours that you want to apply to the Target Date calculation for this milestone. If you don’t specify
business hours for the milestone, then the Entitlement Process business hours are used. If neither are specified, then the business
hours on the case or work order are used.
10. Specify the order in which Salesforce should process the milestones. This applies to situations where a support record matches the
criteria of multiple milestones at the same time.
11. Enter the criteria a record must match for the milestone to apply to it:
• Choose criteria are met and select the filter criteria that a record must meet for a milestone to apply to it. For example,
set a case filter to Priority equals High if you want the milestone to apply to cases with the Priority field marked
Choose formula evaluates to true and enter a formula that returns a value of “True” or “False.” Salesforce triggers
the rule if the formula returns “True.”

• Choose formula evaluates to true and enter a formula that returns a value of “True” or “False.” The milestone
applies to records if the formula returns “True.” For example, the formula (Case: Priority equals High) AND
(Case: Case Origin equals Email, Web) applies the milestone to cases where the Priority field is High
and the Case Origin field is marked Email or Web. You can’t use the Case Owner field in formulas.

12. Click Save.

Note: Milestones are measured in minutes and seconds, but their start and end times are only accurate to the minute. For example,
suppose a milestone is triggered at 11:10:40 a.m. and the time to complete the milestone is 10 minutes. In this case, the milestone
target time is 11:20:00 am, not 11:20:40. As a result, the remaining time for the agent to complete the milestone is 9 minutes and
20 seconds, not the full 10 minutes.

Milestone Statuses
Milestone Actions

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Add a Milestone Action to an Entitlement Process

Milestone actions are time-dependent workflow actions that occur at every step (milestone) in an
entitlement process. After you create an entitlement process and add milestones to it, add milestone
actions to the milestones. Available in both: Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Processes in the Quick Find box, then select Classic and Lightning
Entitlement Processes. Experience

2. Click the name of an entitlement process. Available in: Professional,

3. Click the name of a milestone on the Milestones related list. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
4. If you want to add a warning or violation action, add a time trigger first. After you add a trigger, Editions with the Service
the option to add a workflow action appears. Success actions use the milestone’s time trigger. Cloud
Tip: If you want a violation action to fire immediately after the milestone is violated, set
the time trigger to 0 minutes. USER PERMISSIONS
5. Click Add Workflow Action and select an option. To add milestone actions to
entitlement processes:
Workflow Action What It Does Example • Manage Entitlements
New Task Create a workflow task Create a task for a support
agent to call a customer when Customize Application
a First Response milestone is

New Email Create an email alert Notify case owners when a

First Response milestone on
their case is near violation.

New Field Update Define a field update Update the case Priority field
to High when a First
Response milestone is near

New Outbound Message Define an outbound message Send data about parts or
services to an external system
after a First Response
milestone is completed.

Select Existing Action Select an existing action Use an existing email alert to
notify a case owner when
their case is near violation of
a first response.

Note: Time-triggered actions only occur during your Salesforce org’s business hours. You can add up to 10 actions and 10 time
triggers to each type of milestone action.

Milestone Actions

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Apply an Entitlement Process to an Entitlement

You’ve created an entitlement process; now it’s time to use it! Apply an entitlement process to a
customer’s entitlement so all support records linked to the entitlement use that process.
1. Go to the entitlement. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. In the Entitlement Process lookup field, select the process you want to apply.
Important: If you’re using entitlement processes, manage customers’ work orders and
Available in: Professional,
cases on separate entitlements. This is because an entitlement process only runs on
Enterprise, Performance,
records that match its type. For example, when a Case entitlement process is applied to Unlimited, and Developer
an entitlement, the process only runs on cases associated with the entitlement. If a work Editions with the Service
order is also associated with the entitlement, the process won’t run on the work order. Cloud
3. Click Save.
Tip: If you’ve set up entitlement templates, you can associate an entitlement process with
a template so all entitlements created using that template automatically use the selected To edit entitlements:
entitlement process. • Edit on entitlements

How a Record Moves Through an Entitlement Process

Work with Entitlement Processes

Entitlement processes help you provide a consistent level of support to your customers. Learn how
entitlement processes work and how to update them.
You can create up to 1,000 entitlement processes total, with up to 10 milestones per process. If Available in both: Salesforce
your org was created before Summer ’13, its maximum entitlement processes can be lower. Contact Classic and Lightning
Salesforce to increase it. Experience

Note: If you’re using entitlement processes, manage customers’ work orders and cases on Available in: Professional,
separate entitlements. This is because an entitlement process only runs on records that match Enterprise, Performance,
its type. For example, when a Case entitlement process is applied to an entitlement, the Unlimited, and Developer
process only runs on cases associated with the entitlement. If a work order is also associated Editions with the Service
with the entitlement, the process won’t run on the work order.
To view or cancel active entitlement processes, from Setup, enter Entitlement Processes
in the Quick Find box, then select Entitlement Processes. You can also use the entitlement process queue to view or cancel
active entitlement process actions. (Entitlement process monitoring isn’t available in Professional Edition orgs.)

Tip: Entitlement process versioning lets you update existing entitlement processes, even if they’re assigned to active entitlements
and cases. This can be useful if the business rules behind your entitlement processes change, for example, or if you need to create
multiple versions of the same entitlement process that have only minor differences.

Important: All users, even those without the “View Setup and Configuration” user permission, can view entitlement processes
via the API.

How a Record Moves Through an Entitlement Process
When an entitlement process is applied to an entitlement, the entitlement process runs on all support records linked to the entitlement.
Learn how support records like cases and work orders move through an entitlement process.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

How Business Hours Work in Entitlement Management

When a support record is linked to an entitlement, the record, its milestones, its entitlement process, and the entitlement itself can
each use different business hours. Learn how Salesforce approaches business hours in these situations.
Updating an Entitlement Process
Entitlement versioning lets you create multiple versions of an entitlement process, even if it’s assigned to active entitlements and
support records.
Create a New Version of an Entitlement Process
Entitlement versioning lets you create multiple versions of an entitlement process, even if it’s assigned to active entitlements and
support records. You can use multiple versions of an entitlement process at the same time in your Salesforce org.
Use a New Version of an Entitlement Process
After you create a new version of an entitlement process, you can choose to apply it to all entitlements assigned to the previous
version, or only to new entitlements. When you apply an entitlement process to an entitlement, it also applies the process to that
entitlement’s active support records.

Set Up Entitlement Processes

How a Record Moves Through an Entitlement Process

When an entitlement process is applied to an entitlement, the entitlement process runs on all
support records linked to the entitlement. Learn how support records like cases and work orders
move through an entitlement process. Available in both: Salesforce
1. A support agent linked a record to an entitlement that has an entitlement process. This can be Classic and Lightning
done in several ways: Experience

• The support agent creates the record from the Cases or Work Orders related list on the Available in: Professional,
entitlement. Enterprise, Performance,
• The support agent creates the record, then uses the Entitlement lookup field on the record Unlimited, and Developer
to select the proper entitlement. Editions with the Service
2. The record enters the process based on its creation date or a custom date/time field. A custom
date/time field lets users edit a date on the record to trigger when it enters the process.
3. Salesforce assigns milestones with matching criteria to the record. For example, if a milestone’s criteria is Priority equals
High, and a case has a Priority of High, Salesforce assigns it to the Priority equals High milestone. A record associates
with one milestone at a time. It can associate with many milestones as it moves through the process.
4. Milestone actions determine when and if warning, violation, or success workflow actions fire for the record.
5. A support agent updates the record to complete a milestone action.
6. After a record is updated, it cycles through the entitlement process and initiates any milestones that match its criteria.
7. The record exits the process based on custom criteria or when it’s closed.
You can view records with assigned entitlements by creating case or work order list views that filter on entitlement process fields.

Set Up Entitlements
Entitlement Management Setup Checklist

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

How Business Hours Work in Entitlement Management

When a support record is linked to an entitlement, the record, its milestones, its entitlement process,
and the entitlement itself can each use different business hours. Learn how Salesforce approaches
business hours in these situations. Available in both: Salesforce
On records that include entitlement processes, business hours are applied according to a hierarchy. Classic and Lightning
Salesforce uses the business hours specified at the highest level. Experience

Available in: Professional,

Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service

So a milestone’s business hours override the entitlement process’ business hours, which override the case or work order’s business hours.
If no business hours are set on the milestone, then the entitlement process business hours are used. And if business hours aren’t specified
on the milestone or the entitlement process, the case or work order business hours are used.
You can also set business hours on entitlements. If you create a record from an entitlement, it inherits the entitlement’s business hours.
However, if the entitlement is part of an entitlement process, we recommend leaving the entitlement’s business hours field blank. Related
records automatically use the entitlement process’ business hours.
When setting business hours, follow these best practices:
• If you want to use the same entitlement process for records that have different business hours, set business hours at the entitlement
process level. For example, suppose that you set the business hours on an entitlement process to weekdays from 9 to 5. If a customer
requests evening and weekend updates to their case, you can create an “Update Customer” milestone with its own 24/7 business
• If you want to use different business hours for different severity levels, set business hours at the milestone level. For example, if the
severity level of a case increases, the customer may need to be contacted more frequently. You can create a “Last Touch” milestone
that changes business hours according to severity level while the other milestones in the entitlement process remain unchanged.

Set Up Entitlement Processes

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Updating an Entitlement Process

Entitlement versioning lets you create multiple versions of an entitlement process, even if it’s
assigned to active entitlements and support records.
Use entitlement versioning if: Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• You want to make several versions of an entitlement process that have minor differences
• You want to update an entitlement process to reflect changes in your business processes
Available in: Professional,
You might find that an entitlement process needs to be updated seasonally, or that you need to
Enterprise, Performance,
roll back to a previous version. Unlimited, and Developer
Note: To create multiple versions of entitlement processes, entitlement versioning must be Editions with the Service
enabled in your org. Select Enable Entitlement Versioning on the Entitlement Settings Cloud
page in Setup.
When you create versions of entitlement processes with the same name, the version number
and notes help you differentiate between versions. Salesforce prevents you from disabling
entitlement versioning so you always know which version you’re working with.

When you create a new version of an entitlement process, you can change any of the following:
• Name
• Description
• Whether the process is active
• Whether the version is the default
• Entry criteria
• Exit criteria
You can also add notes about the version. This makes it easy to differentiate between multiple versions of the same process, especially
if they have the same name.
On new versions of entitlement processes that are currently in use, you can add new milestones, but you can’t edit existing ones. On
new versions of processes that aren’t currently in use, you can both add new milestones and edit existing ones.
Once you create a new version of an entitlement process, you can choose to apply it to all entitlements and support records assigned
to the previously used version, or only to new entitlements and support records. All versions of an entitlement process must be the same
type: Case or Work Order.

Create a New Version of an Entitlement Process
Use a New Version of an Entitlement Process

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Create a New Version of an Entitlement Process

Entitlement versioning lets you create multiple versions of an entitlement process, even if it’s
assigned to active entitlements and support records. You can use multiple versions of an entitlement
process at the same time in your Salesforce org. Available in both: Salesforce
Note: To create multiple versions of entitlement processes, entitlement versioning must be Classic and Lightning
enabled in your org. Select Enable Entitlement Versioning on the Entitlement Settings
page in Setup. Available in: Professional,
When you create versions of entitlement processes with the same name, the version number Enterprise, Performance,
and notes help you differentiate between versions. Salesforce prevents you from disabling Unlimited, and Developer
entitlement versioning so you always know which version you’re working with. Editions with the Service
1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Processes in the Quick Find box, then select
Entitlement Processes.
2. Click the name of the entitlement process for which you want to create a new version.
To create and update
3. In the Entitlement Process Versions list, click the version of the process from which you want entitlement processes:
to create a new version. • Manage Entitlements
4. On the Entitlement Process Detail page, click Create New Version.
5. Add details about the new version. Follow these best practices:
• Use the Version Notes field to explain what makes the version you’re creating different from others. This makes it easier
to differentiate between multiple versions of the same entitlement process.
• Leave the name as is.
• Click Active to be able to use the new version.
• Click Default if you want to make the new version the default version of the process. This makes it easier to find in lookup field

6. Click Save.
After saving, you can modify the entitlement process’ milestones if needed.

• On new versions of entitlement processes that are currently in use, you can add new milestones, but you can’t edit existing
ones. On new versions of processes that aren’t currently in use, you can both add new milestones and edit existing ones.
• All versions of an entitlement process must be the same type.

When you create a new version of an entitlement process, it isn’t automatically applied to entitlements that were using the previous
version. To learn how to apply a new version of an entitlement process to existing and new entitlements, see Use a New Version of an
Entitlement Process.

Updating an Entitlement Process

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Use a New Version of an Entitlement Process

After you create a new version of an entitlement process, you can choose to apply it to all
entitlements assigned to the previous version, or only to new entitlements. When you apply an
entitlement process to an entitlement, it also applies the process to that entitlement’s active support Available in both: Salesforce
records. Classic and Lightning
Note: To create multiple versions of entitlement processes, entitlement versioning must be
enabled in your org. Select Enable Entitlement Versioning on the Entitlement Settings Available in: Professional,
page in Setup. Enterprise, Performance,
When you create versions of entitlement processes with the same name, the version number Unlimited, and Developer
and notes help you differentiate between versions. Salesforce prevents you from disabling Editions with the Service
entitlement versioning so you always know which version you’re working with.

Applying an Entitlement Process to a New Entitlement

Scenario: You’re creating an entitlement and want to apply a particular version of an entitlement
process to it. To create and update
entitlement processes:
1. Choose the entitlement process you want in the Entitlement Process lookup field on the • Manage Entitlements

Tip: After you click the lookup icon on the Entitlement Process field, select “All Versions” in
the lookup dialog box. Otherwise, you can only choose from the default versions of existing
entitlement processes.
Applying an Entitlement Process to an Existing Entitlement
Scenario: You made a new version of an entitlement process, and you want to switch all the entitlements that were using the previous
version over to your new version.
1. From Setup, enter Entitlement Processes in the Quick Find box, then select Entitlement Processes.
2. Click the name of the entitlement process you want to work with.
The list on the main Entitlement Processes page shows the default version of each process. Click the name of a process to see a list
of all available versions of it.
3. On the detail page for the entitlement process, click the name of the new version that you want to apply to existing entitlements
(and by default, to cases or work orders linked to those entitlements).
4. Click New Update Rule.
5. Choose the version of the entitlement process you want to update from.
You can update from any other version of the process, whether or not it’s active.
6. Depending on the differences between the old and new versions of the entitlement process, updating an entitlement to the new
version can trigger milestone warning and violation actions on that entitlement’s support records (such as cases or work orders). To
avoid such warnings and violation actions, select Don’t Trigger New Milestone Warnings and Violations. We recommend
selecting this so you don’t trigger violation warnings on old entitlements and support records.
7. Click Save.
The update rule detail page shows the estimated number of entitlements and support records that will be updated to use the new
8. Click Start to begin the update process.
Usually the update process completes within an hour, but it depends on the number of entitlements and records being updated.
Throughout the update process, the update rule detail page refreshes periodically to show the number of entitlements and records
processed. To stop the update at any time, click Stop.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

When the update rule displays a Completed status, all related entitlements and support records have been updated to use the new
version of the entitlement process. If the status is Completed With Exceptions, some records couldn't be updated to the new
version because of errors. To find out which records weren't updated and why, contact Salesforce Support.

Note: Cases that have already exited the previous version of your entitlement process—for example, if a case has been
closed—aren’t updated to use the new entitlement process.

Set Up Entitlement Processes
Updating an Entitlement Process
Create a New Version of an Entitlement Process

Service Contracts
Service contracts in Salesforce represent a customer support agreement between you and your
customers. You can use them to represent subscriptions, service level agreements (SLAs), and other
types of customer support. Available in both: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

Set Up Service Contracts Available in: Professional,

Service contracts are agreements between you and your customers for a type of customer Enterprise, Performance,
support. Service contracts can represent different kinds of customer support, such as Unlimited, and Developer
subscriptions or service level agreements (SLAs). Editions with the Service
Add Contract Line Items to Service Contracts
Set up contract line items to be able to specify which products a service contract covers. Contract
line items only display to users on the Contract Line Items related list on service contracts (not on contracts!). You can only use
contract line items if your Salesforce org uses products.
Work with Service Contracts
Service contracts are an advanced entitlement feature that help you track your customer support agreements. Learn how to create
and manage service contracts.
Work with Contract Line Items
Contract line items are those products covered by a service contract, not by a general contract. You can only use contract line items
if you use products in Salesforce.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Set Up Service Contracts

Service contracts are agreements between you and your customers for a type of customer support.
Service contracts can represent different kinds of customer support, such as subscriptions or service
level agreements (SLAs). Available in both: Salesforce
Note: Entitlements must be enabled in your org for you to set up service contracts. Classic and Lightning
From the object management settings for service contracts:
Available in: Professional,
1. Customize service contract fields. Enterprise, Performance,
This lets you control what information users add to service contracts. You can create custom Unlimited, and Developer
service contract fields that are specific to your industry or support process. Editions with the Service
2. Customize service contract page layouts.
This lets you specify which fields and related lists users see on service contracts. Consider making USER PERMISSIONS
the following customizations:
• Add the Status Icon field so users can easily see whether the service contract is active, To set up service contracts:
expired, or inactive. • Manage Entitlements

• To let users make one service contract the parent of another, add the Parent Service AND
Contract field and Child Service Contracts related list. You can also add the read-only Customize Application
Root Service Contract field so users can see the top-level service contract in a
service contract hierarchy. A service contract hierarchy can contain up to 10,000 service

3. Set field-level security on service contract fields.

This lets you choose which service contract fields users can access.

4. Set field history tracking on service contracts.

This lets you see when field values were changed. Changes are listed in the Service Contract History related list on service contracts.
From the object management settings for service contracts, go to the fields section, and then click Set History Tracking.

5. Make the Service Contracts tab visible in Salesforce and any custom apps.
The Service Contracts tab is where users create and edit service contracts and contract line items. Add the tab to an app or instruct
your users to add it to an existing tab set in Salesforce. Users need the “Read” permission on service contracts to see the Service
Contracts tab.

6. Add the Service Contracts related list to account and contact page layouts.
This lets users create, update, and verify service contracts from accounts and contacts.

Entitlement Management Setup Checklist
Add Contract Line Items to Service Contracts

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Add Contract Line Items to Service Contracts

Set up contract line items to be able to specify which products a service contract covers. Contract
line items only display to users on the Contract Line Items related list on service contracts (not on
contracts!). You can only use contract line items if your Salesforce org uses products. Available in both: Salesforce
Note: Entitlements must be enabled in your org for you to set up contract line items. Classic and Lightning
From the object management settings for contract line items:
Available in: Professional,
1. Customize contract line item fields. Enterprise, Performance,
This lets you control what information users add to contract line items. You can create custom Unlimited, and Developer
contract line item fields that are specific to your industry or support process. Editions with the Service
2. Customize contract line item page layouts.
This lets you specify which fields and related lists users see on contract line items. Consider USER PERMISSIONS
making the following customizations:
• Add the Status Icon field so users can easily see whether the line item is active, To set up service contracts
and contract line items with
expired, or inactive.
• To let users make one line item the parent of another, add the Parent Contract • Manage Entitlements
Line Item field and Child Contract Line Items related list. You can also add the read-only
Root Contract Line Item field, which lists the top-level line item in a contract
Customize Application
line item hierarchy. A contract line item hierarchy can contain up to 10,000 line items.

3. Customize other objects’ page layouts.

This lets you choose how users can associate contract line items with other records. Consider making the following customizations:
• (Required) Add the Contract Line Items related list to service contract page layouts. This lets users create, edit, and delete contract
line items from service contracts.
• Add the Contract Line Items related list to asset layouts. This lets users view and change associations between assets and contract
line items.
• Add the Contract Line Item lookup field to entitlement page layouts. This lets users associate a line item with a particular

4. Set field-level security on contract line items.

This lets you choose which contract line item fields users can access.

5. Set field history tracking on contract line items.

This lets you see when field values were changed. Changes are listed in the Contract Line Item History related list on contract line
items. From the object management settings for contract line items, go to the fields section, and then click Set History Tracking.

Note: Schedules aren't available for contract line items, and experience users can’t access them.

Entitlement Management Setup Checklist

Work with Service Contracts

Service contracts are an advanced entitlement feature that help you track your customer support agreements. Learn how to create and
manage service contracts.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Available in both: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Use service contracts if:

• You want to define specific service levels for your customers, such as subscriptions and service level agreements.
• Your customers’ entitlements are renewed at the contract level. In other words, your business processes allow you to create an
entitlement for a customer only if they have an active service contract.
View and manage service contracts in Salesforce from the Service Contracts tab. Depending on how service contracts are set up, you
can also use the Service Contracts related list on accounts and contacts.

Guidelines for Working with Service Contracts
Service contracts are agreements between you and your customers for a type of customer support. Learn how to perform basic
actions on service contracts.
Service Contract Fields
Service contracts have the following fields. Some fields may not be visible or editable depending on your page layout and field-level
security settings.

Set Up Service Contracts

Guidelines for Working with Service Contracts

Service contracts are agreements between you and your customers for a type of customer support.
Learn how to perform basic actions on service contracts.
To view service contracts:
Available in both: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience • Read on service
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with
To edit service contracts:
the Service Cloud
• Edit on service contracts
To create or clone service
Viewing Service Contracts contracts:
View service contracts from the Service Contracts tab or on the Service Contracts related list on • Create on service
accounts and contacts. To view a service contract’s details, click the service contract name. You
can see associated entitlements, contract line items, field update history, and more. To delete service contracts:
• Delete on service
The Service Contracts related list on an account or contact shows all the service contacts contracts
associated with that item.

Tip: If service contracts have been set up in the console, click the Console tab to find,
view, and edit service contracts and their associated records in one place.
Creating Service Contracts
You can create and edit service contracts from:
• The Service Contracts tab

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

• The Service Contracts related list on accounts and contacts

We recommend linking each service contract to an account in Salesforce. Then, you can create entitlements on the service contract
and assign the entitlements to contacts associated with the account.

• Click Clone on a service contract to quickly create a new service contract from an existing one.
• Use the Parent Service Contract field and Child Service Contracts related list to make one service contract
the parent of another. This helps you represent complex contracts.
• Entitlements reflect terms in a service contract, and a service contract may be associated with multiple entitlements. Link
an entitlement to a service contract via the Entitlements related list on the service contract or the Service Contract
lookup field on the entitlement.

Deleting Service Contracts

You can delete service contracts from the service contract’s detail page or the Service Contracts related list.
Deleting a service contract moves it to the Recycle Bin. Any notes, attachments, activities, or contract line items associated with the
service contract are also deleted. If you undelete the service contract, the associated items are undeleted.

• You can’t delete service contracts with active or expired entitlements. If you want to delete a service contract with
entitlements—for instance, because there’s a problem with the service contract—add its entitlements to another service
contract first, then delete it.
• If you delete a service contract with both a parent service contract and child service contract(s), keep in mind that its parent
and children will no longer be linked in a service contract hierarchy.

Sharing Service Contracts

You can use sharing rules to grant extra access to service contracts beyond what your organization’s default sharing model allows.
However, you can’t make the sharing model more restrictive than the default model.
To see who has access to a service contract, click Sharing on the service contract’s detail page. This takes you to the sharing detail
page. There, you can:
• View a list of who has access to the service contract.
• Click Add to grant access to the record for other users, groups, roles, or territories. You can only share service contracts with
users who have the “Read” permission on service contracts.
• Create, edit, and delete manual sharing rules.
• Define a custom view to filter the list of users with access to the service contract.
Transferring Service Contracts Between Users
You may need to transfer multiple service contracts to a user. To do this, click the Service Contracts tab and click Transfer Service
Contracts in the Tools section.

Work with Service Contracts
Service Contract Fields

Service Contract Fields

Service contracts have the following fields. Some fields may not be visible or editable depending on your page layout and field-level
security settings.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Available in both: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Field Description
Account Name The account that purchased or owns the service contract.

Activation Date The day the service contract first went into effect.*

Approval Status An approval process status field. If your business has an approval
process for service contracts, this field indicates the current stage
of the approval process.

Billing City City portion of billing address. Up to 40 characters are allowed.

Billing Country Country portion of billing address. Entry is selected from a picklist
of standard values or entered as text. If the field is a text field, up
to 80 characters are allowed.

Billing State State or province portion of billing address. Entry is selected from
a picklist of standard values or entered as text. If the field is a text
field, up to 80 characters are allowed.

Billing Zip Zip or postal code portion of billing address. Up to 20 characters

are allowed.

Contact Name The contact associated with the service contract. Select from the
drop-down list.

Contract Name Name of the service contract.

Depending on your business needs, you may want to include the
name of the customer, the contract end date, the type of product
covered by the contract, or other information.

Contract Number Auto-generated number identifying the service contract. (Read


Created By User who created the service contract. (Read only)

Created Date The date the service contract was created.*

Currency The currency for all amount fields in the service contract. Available
only for organizations that use multiple currencies.
You can’t change the currency on a service contract that has
contract line items.

Description Description of the service contract. Up to 32 KB of data are allowed

in this field.
Try to include information that helps agents understand the
coverage provided by the service contract. For example, “This

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
contract entitles the customer to a first response within 2 hours
and a case resolution within 24 hours.”

Discount Weighted average of all contract line item discounts on the service
contract. Can be any positive number up to 100. (Read only)

End Date The last day the service contract is in effect.*

This field is blank unless you set up an Apex trigger or quick action
to populate it. For example, you can create a quick action that sets
the End Date to 365 days after the Start Date.

Grand Total Total price of the service contract plus shipping and taxes. (Read

Last Modified By User who most recently changed the service contract. (Read only)

Line Items Number of contract line items (products) on the service contract.

Parent Service Contract The service contract’s parent service contract, if it has one.

Tip: View, create, and delete a service contract’s child

service contracts in the Child Service Contracts related list.

Price Book The price book associated with the service contract. Only products
from the specified price book can be added to the service contract
as contract line items.

Root Service Contract The top-level service contract in a service contract hierarchy.
Depending on where a service contract lies in the hierarchy, its
root may be the same as its parent. (Read only)

Service Contract Owner The assigned owner of the service contact.

Shipping and Handling Total shipping and handling costs for the service contract.

Shipping City City portion of primary mailing or shipping address. Up to 40

characters are allowed.

Shipping Country Country portion of primary mailing or shipping address. Entry is

selected from a picklist of standard values or entered as text. If the
field is a text field, up to 80 characters are allowed.

Shipping State State or province portion of primary mailing or shipping address.

Entry is selected from a picklist of standard values or entered as
text. If the field is a text field, up to 80 characters are allowed.

Shipping Street Primary mailing or shipping street address of account. Up to 255

characters are allowed.

Shipping Zip Zip or postal code portion of primary mailing or shipping address.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
Special Terms Any terms that you have agreed to and want to track in the service

Start Date The first day the service contract is in effect.*

This field is blank unless you set up an Apex trigger or quick action
to populate it. For example, you can create a quick action that sets
the Start Date to the date when the Status changes to

Status The status of the service contract.

Status is determined by your organization’s current system date
and the service contract’s Start Date and End Date. The
status is:
• Active if the system date is equal to or later than the Start
Date and equal to or earlier than the End Date.
• Expired if the system date is later than the End Date.
• Inactive if the system date is earlier than the Start Date.

Status Icon Represents the service contract’s status with one of the following
• Active
• Expired
• Inactive

Subtotal Total of the service contract line items (products) before discounts,
taxes, and shipping are applied. (Read only)

Tax Total taxes for the service contract. This is a currency field, so enter
the amount, not percentage. For example, enter $10.50.

Term (months) Number of months that the service contract is in effect.

This field is independent of the Start Date and End Date
values. Depending on how your business uses service contracts,
you may choose to hide the Term field or set up data validation
that populates the End Date when a Term is specified, for

Total Price Total of the contract line items (products) after discounts and before
taxes and shipping. (Read only)

*Service contracts have four date fields. Created Date is the date the service contract was created in Salesforce, so it’s the earliest
of the dates. Activation Date is the date that it was first activated for an account or customer. Finally, Start Date represents
the date the service contract was put into effect or last renewed, while End Date is the last date the service contract is in effect.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Start Date and End Date are blank by default, but you can create Apex triggers that populate these fields based on other
service contract fields like Status.

Guidelines for Working with Service Contracts
Contract Line Item Fields

Work with Contract Line Items

Contract line items are those products covered by a service contract, not by a general contract. You can only use contract line items if
you use products in Salesforce.

Available in both: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

A service contract’s line items are listed in the Contract Line Items related list.

Note: Community users can access Contract Line Items wherever they access Service Contract. Schedules aren’t available for
contract line items.

Example: You can create a service contract that covers products X, Y, and Z, and then create entitlements on the service contract
that are assigned to contacts on an account. When one of the contacts calls support, the agent checks whether the entitlement
associated with the service contract is active. If it’s active, the agent can support any of the line item products that are covered by
the service contract.

Guidelines for Working with Contract Line Items
Contract line items are products covered by a service contract. Learn how to perform basic actions on contract line items.
Contract Line Item Fields
Contract line items have the following fields. Sometimes you can't see or edit certain fields because of your page layout and field-level
security settings.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Guidelines for Working with Contract Line Items

Contract line items are products covered by a service contract. Learn how to perform basic actions
on contract line items.
To add contract line items to
Available in both: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience service contracts:
• Edit on service contracts
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with
the Service Cloud
Create on contract line
items and Read on
products and price
Viewing Contract Line Items books
To view a contract line item, navigate to the service contract that covers it. The Contract Line
Items related list shows all the line items associated with a service contract. Click the contract To view contract line items:
line item to view its associated entitlements, history, and more. • Read on contract line
items AND Read on
In the Salesforce app, contract line items can be edited and deleted, but not created. products and price
Note: You can’t create custom list views for contract line items. books
To edit contract line items:
Digital Experience: • Edit on contract line
To view the Contract line item related list on the Service contract, give Profile access to the items AND Read on
products and price
Contract line item object to your Experience Cloud Site Members. You can clone the existing
standard Experience Cloud Site profile, give the access to the object Contract Line Items, and
associate the cloned profile to the Experience Cloud Site. Then your users can access the Contract To delete contract line items:
line item related list in the community. • Delete on contract line
items AND Read on
Profiles: products and price
• Customer Community Plus books

• Customer Community Plus Login

• LimitedCustomerPortalMgrStandard
• LimitedCustomerPortalMgrCustom
• CustomerPortalUser
• CustomerPortalManager
• CustomerPortalManagerStandard
• CustomerPortalManagerCustom
• OverageCustomerPortalStandard
• OverageCustomerPortalCustom
• HighVolumePortal
Adding Contract Line Items to a Service Contract
You can add line items to a service contract from the Contract Line Items related list on the service contract’s detail page. In Lightning
Experience, you can add or edit multiple line items at once.
1. In the Contract Line Items related list, click Add Line Item in Salesforce Classic or Add Line Items in Lightning Experience.
2. Select a price book if prompted. If only the standard price book is activated, it’s automatically assigned to the service contract.
3. Select one or more products from the list or search for a product and then click the product name.
4. Enter the attributes for each product. Your admin can customize the fields for your business.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

5. Enter the Sales Price for each product. The Sales Price defaults to the List Price specified in the price book assigned to the
opportunity. If your user permissions allow it, you can override this value. For example, you want to give a discount.
6. Enter the number of products at this price in the Quantity box.
7. Save your changes. A contract line item is created for each selected product.

Tip: To customize the fields that appear in the mass-create and mass-edit windows in Lightning Experience, update the search
page layout for price book entries and the multi-line page layout for contract line items in Setup.
Deleting Contract Line Items
You can delete contract line items from the contract line item’s detail page or the Contract Line Items related list on a service contract.
Deleting a contract line item moves it to the Recycle Bin. Any notes, attachments, or activities associated with the contract line item
are also deleted. If you undelete the contract line item, the associated items are undeleted.
Sharing Contract Line Items
You can’t share contract line items. Sharing for contract line items is inherited from service contract sharing. For example, users with
Read permission on service contracts inherit Read permission on contract line items.

Contract Line Item Fields
Entitlements: Terms to Know

Contract Line Item Fields

Contract line items have the following fields. Sometimes you can't see or edit certain fields because of your page layout and field-level
security settings.

Available in both: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Field Description
Asset Name The asset associated with the contract line item. The asset can’t be
updated if the line item is associated with any maintenance asset
Products represent the items your company sells (for example, a
laptop case), whereas assets represent the specific products your
customers have purchased (the laptop case purchased by John).

Created By User who created the contract line item. (Read only)

Created Date The date the contract line item was created.

Description Description of the contract line item. Up to 32 KB of data is allowed

in this field. Only the first 255 characters display in reports.

Discount Discount you apply to the contact line item. You can enter a
number with or without the percent symbol and you can use up
to two decimal places.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
End Date The last day the contract line item is in effect.
This field is blank unless you set up an Apex trigger or quick action
to populate it.

Last Modified By User who most recently changed the contract line item. (Read

Line Item Number Auto-generated number that identifies the contract line item. (Read

List Price Price of the contract line item (product) within the price book
including currency. (Read only)

Location The location where service is performed.

Parent Contract Line Item The contract line item’s parent line item, if it has one.

Tip: View, create, and delete a contract line item’s child

line items in the Child Contract Line Items related list.

Product The name of the contract line item (product) as listed in the price

Quantity Number of units of the contract line item (product) included in the
service contract.
The value must be 1 or greater.

Root Contract Line Item The top-level contract line item in a contract line item hierarchy.
Depending on where a line item lies in the hierarchy, the root can
be the line’s parent. (Read only)

Sales Price Price to use for the contract line item.

By default, the Sales Price for a contract line item (product) added
to an opportunity or quote is the line item’s List Price from the
price book. However, you can update it.

Service Contract The service contract associated with the contract line item.

Start Date Start date of the contract line item.

This field is blank unless you set up an Apex trigger or quick action
to populate it.

Status The status of the contract line item.

Status is determined by your organization’s current system date
and the contract line item’s Start Date and End Date. The
status is:
• Active if the system date is equal to or later than the Start
Date and equal to or earlier than the End Date.
• Expired if the system date is later than the End Date.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Description
• Inactive if the system date is earlier than the Start Date.

Status Icon Represents the contract line item’s status with one of the following
• Active
• Expired
• Inactive

Note: This field isn’t available in Lightning Experience.

Subtotal The contract line item’s sales price multiplied by the quantity.

Total Price The contract line item’s sales price multiplied by the quantity minus
the discount.

Service Contract Fields
Guidelines for Working with Contract Line Items

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Set Up Entitlement Management in Experiences

Add entitlement management to your experiences to let customers or partners view their
entitlements and service contracts.
Follow these steps to expose entitlements or service contracts in an experience. These objects are Available in: Salesforce
supported only in experiences built using Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce, and can’t be added to Classic
Lightning Experiences.
Experiences are available in:
1. Update user profiles. Enterprise, Performance,
a. Clone the Customer Experience User, Customer Experience Plus User, or Partner Experience Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service
User profiles and enable the “Read” permission on entitlements and/or service contracts.
Note: Remember to click Edit Profiles at the bottom of the detail page to activate
Entitlement Management is
the new profiles.
available in Professional,
b. Optionally, on the profiles of delegated experience moderators, enable the “Create” and Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
“Delete” permissions on entitlement contacts. This lets moderators update entitlement
Editions with the Service
c. Verify that the tab visibility for the Entitlements and/or Service Contracts tabs is Default On.

2. Add the Entitlements and/or Service Contracts tabs to the experience. USER PERMISSIONS
3. Add the Entitlement Name field to case and work order page layouts assigned to To create, customize, or
experience users. activate a experience:
This lets users add entitlements to cases and work orders. • Create and Set Up
experiences AND is a
Note: To avoid exposing your internal support processes, we recommend not adding member of the
the following fields to case and work order page layouts for experience users: experience they’re
• Entitlement Process Start Time
To set up entitlement
• Entitlement Process End Time
• Stopped • Manage Entitlements
• Stopped Since To assign user licenses:
• Manage Internal Users
4. Optionally, add the Entitlements related list to account and contact page layouts assigned to
experience moderators. This lets moderators create cases automatically associated with the
right entitlements.

Set Up and Manage Assets

Keep tabs on the products that your customers buy. Assets represent purchased or installed products, and are an essential piece of the
Salesforce puzzle. You can link assets to maintenance plans, entitlements, work orders, and more so your support team can quickly assess
the history of a customer’s product.

While products represent the items that your company sells, assets represent the specific products your customers have purchased.
Use assets to store information about your customers’ products.
Set Up Assets
To start tracking the products you sell to customers, customize asset page layouts, and edit object permissions.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Considerations for Using Assets

If you’re working with assets, review these considerations to keep things running smoothly.
Relationships Between Assets
Some assets settle down and have child assets, while others fly solo. Assets can also be linked through replacements and upgrades.
Learn how assets can be related to each other, and how (and why) to track those relationships in Salesforce.
Asset Fields
Assets and asset relationships have the following fields. Depending on your page layout and field security settings, some fields may
not be visible or editable.

While products represent the items that your company sells, assets represent the specific products
your customers have purchased. Use assets to store information about your customers’ products.
Assets have a serial number, purchase date, and other information related to an individual sale. Available in Salesforce
Depending on how your organization uses assets, they can represent competitor products that Classic and Lightning
your customers have or versions of your products. Experience

View and manage assets from the Assets tab. Depending on your page layout settings, you can Available in: Professional,
also view lists of related assets on account, contact, product, and location page layouts. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
You can create asset hierarchies to represent products with multiple components, and view a tree
grid of an asset’s hierarchy on its detail page. On the support side, assets can be linked to cases,
work orders, maintenance plans, entitlements, and contract line items, making it easy to see an
asset’s history from production to retirement.

Set Up Assets
To start tracking the products you sell to customers, customize asset page layouts, and edit object
Available in Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
1. Configure Asset Settings
Customize your page layouts and object permissions to control how your users work with assets. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
2. Create Assets
Unlimited, and Developer
Create assets to track products purchased by your customers. Editions

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Configure Asset Settings

Customize your page layouts and object permissions to control how your users work with assets.
1. Make the Assets tab visible to your users.
Users create and manage assets from this tab. You can add the tab to a custom app or instruct Available in Salesforce
users to add the tab in Salesforce. Classic and Lightning
2. Customize user permissions. By default, standard users have Read, Create, Edit, and Delete
permissions on assets. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Users Who Will... Need These Permissions Unlimited, and Developer
View assets and the Assets tab Read on assets

Create assets Create on assets USER PERMISSIONS

Update assets Edit on assets
To edit page layouts and set
Delete assets Delete on assets field history tracking:
• Customize Application
To create and edit users:
• Manage Internal Users
3. Optionally, enable sharing for assets. If asset sharing isn’t enabled, asset access is determined
by the parent object’s sharing rules.
a. In Classic Setup, enter Asset Settings in the Quick Find box, then click Asset Settings.
b. Enable asset sharing, and select a default asset owner.
c. Save your changes.

4. Customize page layouts.

a. If you want to be able to make one asset a child of another asset, add the Parent Asset field and Child Assets related list to asset
page layouts. To give users more context, add the read-only Root Asset field, which lists the top-level asset in an asset hierarchy.
b. Control which related lists appear on asset detail pages. The following lists are available:
• Cases: Cases tracking issues with the asset.
• Child Assets: The asset’s child assets.

Tip: If an asset is part of a hierarchy of 500 or fewer assets, click View Asset Hierarchy on the asset’s detail page to
view an expandable tree grid of the hierarchy.

• Contract Line Items: Contract line items associated with the asset. Available only if entitlement management is enabled.
• Entitlements: Entitlements associated with the asset, which indicate the level of customer service its owner is entitled to.
Available only if entitlement management is enabled.
• Locations: Locations associated with the asset, such as warehouses. Available only if Field Service is enabled.
• Maintenance Plans: Maintenance plans tracking periodic maintenance performed on the asset. Available only if Field Service
is enabled.
• Primary Assets: Assets that replaced the current asset (for example, if the current asset required maintenance or was an older
• Related Assets: Assets that were replaced by the current asset.
• Work Orders: Work orders tracking work performed on the asset.
• Work Order Line Items: Work order line items tracking work performed on the asset.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

c. Update your asset page layouts to let Lightning Experience users view a tree grid of an asset hierarchy. In the page layout editor,
select Mobile & Lightning Actions, then drag the View Asset Hierarchy action onto the layout.
d. Add the Assets related list to record page layouts. It’s available on page layouts for the following objects:
• Accounts
• Contacts
• Products
• Locations (available only if Field Service is enabled)

Asset Fields

Create Assets
Create assets to track products purchased by your customers.
1. Click New on the Assets home page or on the Assets related list on a record.
Available in Salesforce
2. Select a product.
Classic and Lightning
3. Enter a name for the asset. Experience
If you’re using Salesforce Classic, you can opt to leave this field blank. When you save the asset,
Available in: Professional,
the Asset Name field auto-populates to reflect the product name.
Enterprise, Performance,
4. Select an account, contact, or both to indicate who has purchased the asset (required). Unlimited, and Developer
• You can enter person accounts in either the Account or Contact fields of an asset. USER PERMISSIONS
The Assets related list on a person account includes all assets related to the person
account, including those where the person account is in the Contact field. To create assets:
• If you enter an account and a contact that aren’t related, the contact’s account won’t • Create on assets
list the asset in its Assets related list.

5. Optionally, select a parent asset. Creating hierarchical relationships between assets lets you link work order line items to child assets
and represent complex products.
6. If the asset is a competitor’s product, select Competitor Asset. If it is produced or used internally, select Internal Asset.
7. Fill out the remaining fields according to your needs.
8. Save your changes.

Note: If you have read-only access to an asset field and you clone an asset, that field is blank on the cloned asset.

Asset Fields
Relationships Between Assets

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Considerations for Using Assets

If you’re working with assets, review these considerations to keep things running smoothly.
Creating Assets
Available in Salesforce
• If asset sharing is set to the Controlled by Parent—the default setting—the Account field,
Classic and Lightning
Contact field, or both must be completed for an asset to be saved. If asset sharing is not set
to Controlled by Parent, assets can be saved without an associated account or contact.
Deleting Assets Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Deleting a product does not delete any asset records associated with it. Unlimited, and Developer
• Deleting an account or contact deletes all associated assets. If you delete an account with Editions
a related contact that is associated with an asset, all three records are deleted. Restoring
the account restores all three records.
• Assets associated with cases can’t be deleted. This means accounts or contacts that are associated with an asset listed on a case
also can’t be deleted.
• If you delete an asset with both a parent asset and child assets, its parent and children are no longer linked in an asset hierarchy.
Viewing Asset Hierarchies
• The asset hierarchy view isn’t searchable or editable.
• The asset hierarchy view isn’t available in Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce for iOS, Salesforce for Android, or the Field Service
mobile app.
• The View Asset Hierarchy action appears only on assets that are part of a hierarchy, and is available only for hierarchies of 500
or fewer assets. If a hierarchy contains more than 500 assets, you can still refer to each asset’s Child Assets related list and Parent
Asset, Root Asset, and Asset Level fields.

Relationships Between Assets

Some assets settle down and have child assets, while others fly solo. Assets can also be linked
through replacements and upgrades. Learn how assets can be related to each other, and how (and
why) to track those relationships in Salesforce. Available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

Asset Hierarchies Available in: Professional,

Create parent-child relationships between assets to represent products with multiple Enterprise, Performance,
components. Unlimited, and Developer
Asset Replacements
When a customer’s asset needs to be replaced or upgraded, track the replacement in Salesforce
on asset detail pages.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Asset Hierarchies
Create parent-child relationships between assets to represent products with multiple components.
For example, perhaps your business sells a tent which is tracked as an asset, but the tent poles
(which customers have a tendency to misplace) are tracked as a separate asset. You can make the Available in Salesforce
tent poles asset a child of the tent asset. Classic and Lightning
To create hierarchical relationships between assets, use the Parent Asset field and the Child Assets
related list on asset detail pages. Assets also come with a few additional fields related to hierarchies: Available in: Professional,
• The read-only Root Asset field lists the top-level asset in an asset hierarchy. Depending on where Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
an asset lies in the hierarchy, its root might be the same as its parent. If an asset is at the top of
a hierarchy, it is its own root asset, and the Parent Asset field is blank.
• The read-only Asset Level field is a number that reflects the asset’s position in a hierarchy. If the
asset has no parent or child assets, its level is 1. Assets that belong to a hierarchy have a level of 1 for the root asset, 2 for the child
assets of the root asset, 3 for their children, and so forth.
An asset hierarchy can have up to 10,000 assets. Here are some ways to use hierarchical assets to improve your support process.
• When creating a work order to repair a broken asset, create line items on the work order that correspond to specific child assets.
• For situations where a work order is created from an asset, set up a workflow rule or process that creates a work order line item for
each child asset.
• Set up a trigger that notifies the owner of an asset by email when the install date for one of the asset’s child assets was more than
five years before the current date.

Note: The Parent Asset and Root Asset fields aren’t available in standard reports that include assets. However, you can reference
them in custom reports.
Viewing Asset Hierarchies
To view an expanded tree grid of all assets in an asset’s hierarchy, click View Asset Hierarchy in the drop-down action menu on any
asset detail page in Lightning Experience. (That’s in the top right-hand corner of the page.) The action is also available on assets in the
console. This view gives field service workers a way to quickly identify parts, assess bills of materials, and understand how assets are
related to each other.
Click the caret next to each asset name (1) to collapse and expand a node. You can go up to 20 levels deep in a hierarchy. The asset
whose hierarchy you’re viewing is shown with a CURRENT stamp (2).

Note: The fields that appear in the hierarchy aren’t customizable. If you don’t see the action, add it to your asset page layouts: In
the layout editor, select Mobile & Lightning Actions, then drag it onto your page layout.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

The View Asset Hierarchy action is available only for hierarchies of 500 or fewer assets. If a hierarchy contains more than 500 assets,
you can still refer to each asset’s Child Assets related list and Parent Asset, Root Asset, and Asset Level fields.
Here’s what happens if you don’t have access to certain elements of an asset hierarchy:
• If your field-level security settings prohibit you from accessing a particular field in the asset hierarchy view, you can see the field
name in the column title, but the column is blank.
• If sharing settings prohibit you from viewing an asset that’s lower in the current asset’s hierarchy, the restricted asset doesn’t appear
in the hierarchy view for you.
• If sharing settings prohibit you from viewing an asset that’s higher in the current asset’s hierarchy, an error appears and you can’t
view the asset hierarchy. This is because record sharing settings also apply to child records.
The asset hierarchy view isn’t searchable or editable. It isn’t available in Salesforce Classic, Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce for iOS,
Salesforce for Android, or the Field Service Lightning mobile app.

Asset Replacements
When a customer’s asset needs to be replaced or upgraded, track the replacement in Salesforce
on asset detail pages.
You can view and manage asset replacements from two related lists on asset detail pages. Available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• The Primary Assets related list shows assets that replaced the current asset.
• The Related Assets related list shows assets that the current asset replaced.
Available in: Professional,
For example, suppose an elevator’s door is tracked as an asset named Door Model 1. Your customer
Enterprise, Performance,
decides to install a newer door, and Door Model 1 is replaced with Door Model 2. To track this Unlimited, and Developer
replacement: Editions
1. Navigate to the Door Model 1 record.
2. In the Primary Assets related list, click New Asset Relationship.
3. In the Asset field, select Door Model 2. The Related Asset field auto-populates to list Door Model 1.
4. Select a relationship type. This field comes with three options—Replacement, Upgrade, and Crossgrade—but you can define more
in Setup.
5. If Door Model 2 will only be installed for a certain amount of time—for example, if it’s being leased—enter a From and To date to
indicate when it will be in use.
6. Save your changes.
This asset relationship now appears in the Primary Assets related list on the Door Model 1 record, and the Related Assets related list on
the Door Model 2 record. (You can get the same results by creating the asset relationship record from the Related Assets related list on
the Door Model 2 record.)
If Door Model 2 is replaced by Door Model 3 down the road, keep in mind that Door Model 3 won’t appear in either related list on the
Door Model 1 asset record.

Tip: Customize fields, page layouts, and more for asset relationships from the Asset Relationships page in Setup.

To save your team time and ensure that asset replacements are adequately tracked, create a flow that automates asset replacements.
For example, the flow could be launched in the Field Service mobile app by an on-site technician when an asset is being replaced.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Asset Fields
Assets and asset relationships have the following fields. Depending on your page layout and field
security settings, some fields may not be visible or editable.
Available in Salesforce
Asset Classic and Lightning
Field Name Description Available in: Professional,
Account Account associated with the asset. Each asset Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
must be associated with an account or contact.
Asset Division Division to which the asset belongs. This value
is automatically inherited from the related
account if any. Otherwise the value is inherited
from the related contact. Available only in
organizations that use divisions to segment their

Asset Level (Read Only) The asset’s position in an asset

hierarchy. If the asset has no parent or child
assets, its level is 1. Assets that belong to a
hierarchy have a level of 1 for the root asset, 2
for the child assets of the root asset, 3 for their
children, and so forth.

Note: On assets created before Summer

’17 that are part of an asset hierarchy, the
asset level defaults to –1. Once the asset
record is updated, the asset level is
calculated and automatically updated.

Asset Name Identifying name for the asset.

Note: In Salesforce Classic, if you select

a product from the product lookup and
leave the asset name blank, the name
auto-populates to reflect the product
name when the record is saved.

Asset Owner Individual user to which the asset is assigned.

By default, the asset owner is the user who
created the asset record.

Asset Provided By The account that provided the asset, typically a


Asset Serviced By The account in charge of servicing the asset.

Competitor Asset Indicates whether the asset represents a

competitor’s product. This checkbox helps you
track which customers are using your
competitor’s products.

Service Cloud Set Up Service-Level Agreements for Your Customers

Field Name Description

Contact Contact associated with the asset. Each asset must be associated
with an account or contact. If you choose both an account and
contact, they don’t need to be related to each other. Contacts that
are not associated with an account cannot be linked to assets.

Note: If the Contact field lists a person account, the asset

doesn’t appear in the account’s Assets related list.

Description Description of the asset.

Install Date Date the asset was installed.

Internal Asset Indicates that the asset is produced or used internally.

Location The asset’s location. Typically, this is the place where the asset is
stored, such as a warehouse or van.

Parent Asset The asset’s parent asset.

Tip: View, create, and delete an asset’s child assets in the

Child Assets related list. To view a tree grid of an asset
hierarchy in Lightning Experience, click View Asset
Hierarchy from the action drop-down menu on an asset
detail page.

Price Amount the customer paid for the asset.

Product The product on which the asset is based.

Product Code The internal code or product number used to identify the related

Product Description The description of the related product.

Product Family The related product’s category.

Product SKU The SKU of the related product.

Purchase Date Date the customer bought the asset.

Quantity The number of assets purchased.

Root Asset (Read Only) The top-level asset in an asset hierarchy. Depending
on where an asset lies in the hierarchy, its root might be the same
as its parent.

Serial Number The model number on the asset.

Status The asset’s status. This picklist contains the following values, which
can be customized:
• Purchased
• Shipped
• Installed

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Field Name Description

• Registered
• Obsolete

Usage End Date The date the asset expires or the last date it is under warranty. Use
this field to store whatever date is appropriate for your business.

Asset Relationship
Asset relationships represent non-hierarchical relationships between assets due to replacements, upgrades, or other circumstances.
Relationships appear in the Primary Assets and Related Assets related lists on asset records.

Field Name Description

Asset The replacement asset.

Asset Relationship Number An autogenerated number identifying the asset relationship.

From Date The day the replacement asset is installed.

Related Asset The asset being replaced.

Relationship Type The type of relationship between the assets. This field comes with
three options—Replacement, Upgrade, and Crossgrade—but you
can create more in Setup.

To Date The day the replacement asset is uninstalled.

Set Up Assets
Relationships Between Assets
Considerations for Using Assets

Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Service Cloud offers productivity tools that save your agents time when working on cases, customer issues, and records. To maximize
your efficiency, use all the productivity tools together in the Service Console app.

Tool Main Use Case Great For...

Quick text Quick text is a predefined message, like a greeting, note, phrase, or answer Replacing copy and paste
to a common question. Users can insert quick text in their emails, chats,
and more.

Macros A macro is a set of instructions that tells the system how to complete a Performing repetitive tasks
task. Users can run macros to complete repetitive tasks—selecting an
email template, sending an email to a customer, updating the case
status—all in a single click.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Tool Main Use Case Great For...

History The History utility lets users see their recently visited records. Users can Viewing and sharing a list of
see their subtabs in context of the workspace tabs they’ve visited and recent records
copy links without opening the record.

Mass quick actions Mass quick actions let users edit up to 100 records from any list view, Updating multiple records at
except for recently viewed lists. Users can only create and update records the same time
with mass quick actions.

Split view Split view lets users open list views while still viewing record details. Split Context switching
view displays in a collapsible column, so users can go back to viewing
just the record in one click.

Keyboard shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts let users work and navigate faster, without a mouse. Super users or those with
Users can use shortcuts to open and close utilities (like Macros and accessibility needs
History), edit and save records, and more.

Email templates An email template is a predefined email. Depending on how you use it, Standardizing and
users can customize the email before sending it, or it can be sent automating
automatically as-is. You can even automate information on emails with
merge fields. You can insert email templates in:
• Email actions manually (in the publisher or global actions)
• Macros that include instructions for Email actions
• Predefined field values for the Email action
• Apex QuickActionDefaultsHandler interface

Send email notifications Various settings on the Support Settings page in Setup let you customize Keeping agents and
email notifications for users. You can set it up for agents to receive an customers notified of
email when the case owner changes and when case comments are updates
added. Even contacts can receive email notifications when the case is
created, updated, or comments are added.

Predefined field values for Predefined field values let you prepopulate a quick action with default Automating processes
Quick Actions field values. For example, in the Email action, you can automatically
include Cc and Bcc recipients, add an email template, or ensure that
emails are associated with Salesforce records. Predefined field values can
be big click-savers.

Salesforce Flow for Service Give your users a to-do list in the Actions & Recommendations Automating processes, like
and the Actions & component. Show flows, quick actions, and recommendations from your call scripts
Recommendations Next Best Action strategies. To create your list, associate actions with a
Component record page using an Actions & Recommendations deployment or
Salesforce automation tools. You can create default lists for specific
channels, like phone and chat, and show which actions that you want
users to complete first and last.

Set Up and Work with Service Console

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Set Up and Work with Service Console

The Service Console app provides agents a full view of each customer case and gives them the tools to resolve each case quickly. Use
the console app to view multiple records and their related records on the same screen, and work through records from a list using split

Note: Lightning console apps don’t yet have full parity with Salesforce Classic console apps. For example, some features in
Salesforce Classic console apps, such as push notifications and custom keyboard shortcuts, aren’t available in Lightning console
apps. Learn more.
You can’t upgrade Salesforce Classic console apps to Lightning Experience from Setup. To prepare for your transition to Service
Cloud in Lightning Experience, watch Get Ready to Transition to Service Cloud in Lightning Experience (English only). Then
customize the Salesforce-provided Service Console app in Lightning Experience. You can always recreate your Salesforce Classic
console app in Lightning Experience, but using Salesforce’s out-of-the-box app is faster and easier.

You can create console apps in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Here’s the Service Console in Lightning Experience.

Console in Salesforce Classic
Salesforce Console in Lightning Experience
Salesforce Console Limitations

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Set Up and Use Quick Text

Quick text saves users time and helps you standardize your company messaging. With quick text,
you can insert predefined messages, like greetings, answers to common questions, and short notes.
You can insert quick text in emails, chats, events, tasks, Knowledge articles, and more. Available in Salesforce
Tip: If you use the Service Setup Assistant to set up Service Cloud, the Assistant turns on Classic in: Group,
Enterprise, Performance,
quick text for you and creates several sample quick text messages for your team to use. Learn
Unlimited, and Developer
More on page 6
To set up quick text, enable it in Setup, give users access to quick text, and create your messages.
Available in Lightning
After users receive access, they can insert the quick text messages into conversations and records.
Experience in: Essentials,
The quick text browser on supported records helps users find and insert the right messages for the Professional, Enterprise,
situation. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Here are three ways to make the most of quick text.

Organize quick text messages into shareable folders to help agents find the perfect message.
For example, create separate folders for your business units, such as support and sales or tiers 1 and 2. Share each folder with the
appropriate users to help them quickly find the right message for any situation.
Use quick text categories to indicate each message’s purpose.
Categorize quick text messages into greetings, FAQ, closings, or your own custom categories.
Let users create and manage their own quick text.
Give selected users the ability to create quick text messages for themselves or for multiple users.

Design Your Quick Text Strategy
Before you get started using quick text, run through these planning questions. They help you and your team use quick text effectively
to save time.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Enable Quick Text

Enable quick text for your org so that your users can insert predefined messages into customer conversations and records. Optionally,
customize your quick text categories to make each message’s purpose clear.
Create Quick Text Messages
Create custom predefined messages to insert into emails, chats, tasks, events, and more. Quick text can include merge fields, line
breaks, and special characters.
Give Users Access to Quick Text
Giving users access to quick text lets them insert predefined messages in their emails, chats, events, tasks, Knowledge articles, and
more. Service agents can respond to customers and update cases quickly and easily. Sales reps can work with their contacts, accounts,
and opportunities more efficiently.
Share Quick Text
You can share quick text with users, public groups, and more. The way you share quick text in Salesforce Classic and Lightning
Experience is different. In Salesforce Classic, you can share individual quick text messages. In Lightning Experience, you share quick
text using folders.
Insert and Use Quick Text
Stop retyping the same message over and over, and save time. Use quick text to insert predefined messages on any standard or
custom objects in Knowledge articles, Chats, Log a Call actions, emails, events, tasks, and social posts. After inserting a quick text
message into a message field, you have the chance to tailor the text to your situation before sending it.
Quick Text Considerations
Learn how quick text functionality can impact you and your users.

Design Your Quick Text Strategy

Before you get started using quick text, run through these planning questions. They help you and
your team use quick text effectively to save time.
Available in Salesforce
Who should be able to use quick text in their communications with customers, Classic in: Group,
and in which channels? Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Usually, this is all or most users. Each quick text message can be associated with one or more Editions
communication channels, like Chat or Email. If a quick text message isn’t associated with a particular
Available in Lightning
channel, you can’t use it in that channel. Quick text can be used in these channels.
Experience in: Essentials,
• Email Professional, Enterprise,
• Event Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Internal: For internal fields (Salesforce Classic only)
• Knowledge
• Chat
• Messaging
• Phone: For the Log a Call action
• Portal: For Experience Cloud sites or customer portals (Salesforce Classic only)
• Social: For social posts
• Task

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Who should be able to create quick text messages for themselves?

Optionally, select one or more users, such as service agents, who can create and maintain their own quick text messages to use in their
communications with customers. Keep in mind that letting many users create quick text messages decreases the standardization of
your company messaging.

Who should be able to create quick text messages for multiple users?
Optionally, select one or more users, such as supervisors, who can create and share quick text messages with other users.

Do you want to create unique sets of quick text messages for different business units?
If your company has multiple business units with their own processes, customers, and terminology, it’s a good idea to create separate
sets of quick text for each unit. In Lightning Experience, you can divide these sets of quick text messages into folders and give each group
of users access to the appropriate folder. In Salesforce Classic, you can customize access using sharing rules or share individual quick
text messages with users.

In which scenarios does your team need quick text messages?

Make a list of the top scenarios that need standardized messaging. For example, perhaps you want to standardize:
• Customer service chat greetings
• Responses to frequently asked questions
• Introductions to new products or promotions
Then, work with your team to finalize the quick text for each scenario. Support agents and sales reps may maintain their own lists of
common responses that you can refer to. Keep in mind that different channels may require different language for a given scenario—for
example, a standard Chat greeting might be more casual than an Email greeting.

Tip: Einstein Reply Recommendations can complete this step for you by generating a list of your team’s common responses based
on past chats. You can then fine-tune and publish those replies to quick text.
After you answer these planning questions, you’re ready to roll out quick text to your team.

Einstein Reply Recommendations
Quick Text Considerations

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Enable Quick Text

Enable quick text for your org so that your users can insert predefined messages into customer
conversations and records. Optionally, customize your quick text categories to make each message’s
purpose clear. Available in Salesforce
If you’re using Lightning Experience, quick text is automatically enabled. Any quick text settings Classic in: Group,
that were configured in Salesforce Classic also apply in Lightning Experience. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
If you enable quick text in Salesforce Classic, you can’t disable it. Quick text is automatically enabled
in Salesforce Classic orgs where Chat is enabled.
Available in Lightning
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Quick Text Settings and select Quick Text Experience in: Essentials,
Settings. Professional, Enterprise,
2. Click Enable Quick Text. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To enable quick text and

customize quick text
• Customize Application

3. Optionally, select Share and organize quick text in folders (available only in Lightning Experience). Folders help you create unique
sets of quick text messages for different business units or groups of users. You can create up to four levels of folders to organize quick
text messages.
4. Optionally, select Hide quick text button and pop-up (available only in Lightning Experience). By default, buttons are displayed
to help users discover and work with quick text. In rich text fields, a button is displayed in the toolbar. In plain text fields, a popup
button is displayed. If these buttons cause your users a disruption, you can hide them.
5. Click Save.
6. Optionally, customize the categories used to organize quick text messages. Categories help users find the right message more
quickly. Your default quick text categories are Greetings, FAQ, and Closings.
a. From Setup, in the Object Manager, select Quick Text.
b. Click Fields & Relationships, then click Category.
c. Customize the values listed in the Category Picklist Values section, and save your changes.

Note: In orgs created before Spring ’18 that enabled quick text in Salesforce Classic, the Category field is required and a
default category is provided. In orgs created after Spring ’18, this field is optional.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

After enabling quick text, give users access to quick text by updating their permissions and setting up quick text folders.

Give Users Access to Quick Text
Quick Text Considerations
Create Quick Text Messages
Insert and Use Quick Text
Share Quick Text

Create Quick Text Messages

Create custom predefined messages to insert into emails, chats, tasks, events, and more. Quick text
can include merge fields, line breaks, and special characters.
1. From the App Launcher, select Quick Text to open the quick text tab. Available in Salesforce
Classic in: Group,
2. Optionally, create shareable folders to organize your quick text messages and create unique
Enterprise, Performance,
sets of messages for different business units or groups of users, like service and sales. You can
Unlimited, and Developer
create up to four levels of folders: one root folder and up to three subfolders.
a. Click New Folder. Available in Lightning
Experience in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To create quick text

• Create, Edit, and Delete
b. Name your folder and save it.
on quick text
c. Repeat these steps until you have all the folders you need. You can also create more later,
To create a quick text folder:
or designate users to create them.
• Create on quick text
3. Click New Quick Text to create your first quick text message. If prompted, select a record type To share a quick text folder:
for the new message to customize access to it. Then click Continue. • Owner of the folder OR
Manage access on the
To manage and share all
quick text folders:
• View Setup and
Configurations AND
Modify All on quick text

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

4. Add information about the quick text message.

Setting Description
Quick Text Name Enter a name that helps users understand when to use the message.

Message Enter the message that you want users to be able to insert into their communications. You can
include line breaks, lists, special characters, merge fields, and up to 4,000 characters.
Merge fields, like a contact name, help you personalize your communications with customers.
Quick text supports the Salesforce Merge Language (SML) used in Salesforce Classic email
templates, not the Handlebars Merge Language (HML) used in Lightning Experience email

Folder Optionally, select a folder. This field is visible if:

• Share and organize quick text in folders is enabled
• The Folder field is added to the Quick Text record page layout
Users need access to the folder you select in order to view its quick text messages. You can group
quick text messages into folders—for example, designating them as service or sales—and assign
access accordingly.

Category Select a category that indicates the message’s purpose. Categories can be customized from the
Quick Text object settings in the Object Manager in Setup.
In orgs created before Spring ’18 that enabled quick text in Salesforce Classic, this field is required
and a default Category is provided. In orgs created after Spring ’18, this field is optional.

Channel Select the channels in which you want the message to be available. If you don’t specify a channel,
the message can’t be used. Depending on which features are enabled in your org, these channels
might be available.
• Email—for Email actions

Note: Quick text saved in the Email channel for your use is available as a text shortcut
in the Outlook and Gmail integrations with Inbox. Shared quick text isn’t available in
the integrations.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Setting Description
• Event—for Event actions
• Internal—works with internal fields, like on the Change Status action. This channel isn’t
supported in Lightning Experience, though it appears in the list.
• Knowledge—for Knowledge articles in Lightning Experience
• Chat—works with Chat in the Service Console
• Messaging—works with Messaging in the Service Console
• Phone—for the Log a Call action

Note: In Salesforce Classic apps, quick text is supported with Case Feed Log a Call
actions in console apps.

• Portal—works in an Experience Cloud site or a customer portal. This channel isn’t supported
in Lightning Experience, though it appears in the list.
• Social—for social posts
• Task—for Task actions

Include in reply Visible only if Einstein Reply Recommendations is turned on. Select this option to let Einstein
recommendations recommend the message to agents in the Einstein Replies console component.

Include in selected channels Leave this option selected. It makes the message available in the channels you selected.

5. If you use merge fields, click Preview to review the message with data from records that you choose.
6. Click Save.

Insert and Use Quick Text
Share Quick Text
Generate Emails From Records

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Give Users Access to Quick Text

Giving users access to quick text lets them insert predefined messages in their emails, chats, events,
tasks, Knowledge articles, and more. Service agents can respond to customers and update cases
quickly and easily. Sales reps can work with their contacts, accounts, and opportunities more Available in Salesforce
efficiently. Classic in: Group,
Enterprise, Performance,
Note: Users with a Salesforce Platform user license can’t be given access to quick text.
Unlimited, and Developer
1. Take a moment to decide which users need access to quick text. Editions

• Who should be able to insert quick text messages into records and conversations? Typically, Available in Lightning
this is most users. Experience in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
• Who should be able to create and maintain their own quick text messages? Typically, this Performance, Unlimited,
is just a few users. and Developer Editions
• Who should be able to create and maintain quick text messages for their team? Typically,
this is just a few users.
2. Use a permission set or update profiles to give users access to the Quick Text object.
To set up quick text:
a. To view and insert quick text messages, users need Read permission. In orgs created after
• Customize Application
Spring ’18, all user profiles automatically include Read permission.
To view quick text
b. To create and manage quick text messages, users need Create, Edit, and Delete permission. messages:
Keep in mind that letting many users create quick text messages decreases the • Read on quick text
standardization of your company messaging.
To create, edit, and delete
3. If you selected Share and organize quick text in folders on the Quick Text Settings page, quick text messages:
give users access to folders of common quick text messages. • Create, Edit, and Delete
on quick text
a. From the App Launcher, select Quick Text to open the quick text tab.
To create quick text folders:
b. From the list of folders, click Share in the folder’s action menu. • Create on quick text
c. Select users or groups that need access to the folder, and choose an access level: View, Edit,
or Manage. To share a folder with others, users need Manage access or to be the folder

4. If you’re using quick text in Salesforce Classic, complete one of the following options.

Option Steps
Give users ownership of at least one quick On a quick text record page, transfer ownership of an existing quick text message to
text message the user. Look for the Change button.

Change your org-wide default sharing Update quick text sharing on the Sharing Settings page in Setup. You can update the
setting for quick text setting to Public Read Only or Public Read-Write.

Use sharing rules If you don’t want to change your org-wide default sharing settings, create sharing rules
to specify which groups of users have at least read-only access to quick text messages.

Note: If your org-wide default sharing setting for quick text is set to Public Read-Write, all users can access all quick text records
whether or not Share and organize quick text in folders is selected.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

After giving users access to quick text, create standardized messages that they can use.

Design Your Quick Text Strategy
Enable Quick Text
Create Sharing Rules
Permissions for Chat Support Agents

Share Quick Text

You can share quick text with users, public groups, and more. The way you share quick text in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
is different. In Salesforce Classic, you can share individual quick text messages. In Lightning Experience, you share quick text using folders.
You can also change your org-wide default sharing setting for quick text. Or you can limit access by creating sharing rules to specify
which groups of users have access to quick text.

Share Quick Text Using a Folder in Lightning Experience
Use folders to create unique sets of quick text messages for different business units in your company. For example, create separate
folders of quick text for your service and sales divisions, and then share each folder with the users in that division. Folders help you
organize your quick text and give users a tailored list of quick text messages to work with.
Share a Single Quick Text in Salesforce Classic
You can share an individual quick text record in Salesforce Classic with other users or groups.

Design Your Quick Text Strategy
Create Sharing Rules
Sharing Settings

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Share Quick Text Using a Folder in Lightning Experience

Use folders to create unique sets of quick text messages for different business units in your company.
For example, create separate folders of quick text for your service and sales divisions, and then share
each folder with the users in that division. Folders help you organize your quick text and give users Available in: Lightning
a tailored list of quick text messages to work with. Experience
You can create up to four levels of folders to organize quick text: one root folder and up to three
Available in: Professional,
subfolders that inherit the root folder’s settings. When a user shares a folder, all messages in the
Enterprise, Performance,
folder are shared. Unlimited, and Developer
Important: Sharing settings on folders override sharing settings on individual quick text Editions. Folders for quick
messages. If you shared a quick text message in Salesforce Classic, that sharing is ignored text aren’t supported in
Essentials Edition orgs.
after folder sharing is turned on and the quick text is assigned to a folder. If folder sharing is
turned off later, the individual sharing settings once again apply.
1. Confirm that folder sharing is turned on and visible to users. USER PERMISSIONS
a. On the Quick Text Settings page in Setup, select Share and organize quick text in folders. To create a quick text folder:
This setting lets users see folders in the quick text browser and list view. It also disables the • Create on quick text
Share button on quick text records in Salesforce Classic that belong to a folder. Once you To share a quick text folder:
turn it on, we recommend leaving it on. • Owner of the folder OR
b. In the Object Manager in Setup, navigate to the Quick Text page layout. If the layout doesn’t Manage access on the
include the Folder field, add it. folder
To manage and share all
2. Organize your quick text into folders to be shared with other users. quick text folders:
3. From the App Launcher, select Quick Text to open the Quick text tab. • View Setup and
Configurations AND
4. In the quick text folder list view, select All Folders, Created by Me, or Shared with Me to Modify All on quick text
review the folders you have access to.
5. Click the dropdown menu next to a folder in the list, and select Share.
• You can share only the folders that you created or that you have manage access on.
• You can share only the first-level folders, known as root folders. Subfolders inherit their root folder’s settings.

6. Enter the sharing details.

You can share with users, groups, roles, or other groupings using a combination. If a user is given access twice, their higher permission
level is granted. For example, a group is added with View access, but a user in the group also has Edit and Manage permissions. In
this case, the user receives the Edit and Manage permissions.

7. Click Share.
The sharing setting is applied to the Who Can Access list. To change an entry’s access level, select a new access level. To delete a
Who Can Access entry, click X on the entry.

Tip: You can also use the Analytics Folder API to create and manage folders.

Enable Quick Text

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Share a Single Quick Text in Salesforce Classic

You can share an individual quick text record in Salesforce Classic with other users or groups.
1. Open the quick text record that you want to share.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Click Sharing.
3. Click Add.
Available in: Group,
In the New Sharing page, search for a public group or for a user by name.
Enterprise, Performance,
4. Share the quick text by selecting a group or user from the Available list and clicking Add. Unlimited, and Developer
To stop sharing a quick text, select a group or user from the Share With list, and click Remove.

5. Set the Access Level to either Read Only or Read/Write.

• Read Only allows users to view and insert the quick text.
To view quick text:
• Read/Write allows users to edit, view, and insert the quick text.
• Read on quick text
Note: If you share a quick text and give the user Read/Write access, the user can’t To share quick text:
delete that quick text. Only you can delete quick text that you create. • Create AND Edit on quick
6. Click Save.

Insert and Use Quick Text

Stop retyping the same message over and over, and save time. Use quick text to insert predefined
messages on any standard or custom objects in Knowledge articles, Chats, Log a Call actions, emails,
events, tasks, and social posts. After inserting a quick text message into a message field, you have Available in Salesforce
the chance to tailor the text to your situation before sending it. Classic in: Group,
Each quick text message in your org is associated with one or more communication channels, like Enterprise, Performance,
Chat or Email. If a quick text message isn’t associated with a particular channel, you can’t use it in Unlimited, and Developer
that channel. For example, only messages assigned to the Email channel can be inserted into emails. Editions

1. Select the field where you want to insert a quick text message. Here’s a list of the fields where Available in Lightning
you can insert quick text. Experience in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Quick Text Associated Object or Action Supported Fields
and Developer Editions
Email Email Message (used in Email • HTML Body
• Text Body
To insert quick text:
Event Event • Description • Read on quick text

Internal (Salesforce Classic only) Works with internal fields.

Knowledge Knowledge (used in Lightning • Fields with the data type Rich
Knowledge articles) Text Area

Chat Live Chat Transcript (used in chats) • Body

• Supervisor Transcript Body

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Quick Text Channel Associated Object or Action Supported Fields

Phone Task (used in Log a Call actions) • Comments

Portal (Salesforce Classic only) Works in Experience Cloud sites or customer portals.

Social Social Post • Message

Task Task • Comments

Note: In Lightning Experience, quick text is available for Log a Call actions on various objects. In Salesforce Classic apps, quick
text is supported with Case Feed Log a Call actions in console apps.

2. Launch the quick text browser by clicking the quick text button in the toolbar .
If you don’t see the button, your admin has opted to hide it. If you’re using a U.S. or U.K. keyboard, you can enter a keyboard shortcut
in the message field to open the browser:
Salesforce Classic
macOS or Windows: ;;
Lightning Experience
macOS: Cmd and . simultaneously
Windows: Ctrl and . simultaneously

3. Find the message you want to insert. Here, we’re inserting a quick text named Solar Panel Apology into the body of an email.

Note: If you don’t see any quick text messages in the quick text browser, your admin may need to share the folders containing
the messages with you.

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4. To select a message, click or highlight it and press Enter.

If the message you select contains merge fields, they’re resolved when you add the message. If a merge field doesn’t apply to the
record you’re working with, it resolves blank. For example, quick text with the Case.CaseNumber merge field resolves correctly
in a case’s Log a Call action. However, that same merge field resolves blank when inserting quick text on a work order’s Log a Call

5. Before sending or saving your message, modify the text if you need to.

Create Quick Text Messages

Quick Text Considerations

Learn how quick text functionality can impact you and your users.

General Considerations Available in Salesforce

Classic in: Group,
• The quick text browser panel supports up to 2000 quick text and folder records. Enterprise, Performance,
• If you use the Service Setup Assistant to create a Service app, the Assistant creates a folder of Unlimited, and Developer
sample quick text messages. To access this folder, users need at least Read permission on the Editions
Quick Text object and View access to the folder named “Quick Text folder - Sample Quick Texts Available in Lightning
1.” Experience in: Essentials,
• You can’t translate Quick Text through the Translation Workbench. To use quick text in multiple Professional, Enterprise,
languages, we recommend designating users to create quick text records for their language. Performance, Unlimited,
• Subcategories are available only in Salesforce Classic. and Developer Editions

• The Share button for individual quick text records is available only in Salesforce Classic.

Quick Text Channel and Object Support

• Admins can customize the names of quick text channels in Object Manager, but we recommend that you don’t. Renaming standard
values can prevent quick text messages from being available in the correct channels. In addition, if you customize quick text channel
names in Lightning Experience, the names are no longer translated.
• Quick text is supported in Lightning Knowledge on rich text fields only.
• Quick text that reps and agents save to the Email channel for their own use is available as a text shortcut in the Outlook and Gmail
integrations with Inbox. Shared quick text isn’t available in the integrations.
• The Portal and Internal channels aren’t supported in Lightning Experience. These channels appear in the list of available channels
when creating quick text, but they aren’t mapped to any actions in Lightning Experience.
• You can’t use the Event and Task channels with custom fields.
• Macros don’t observe quick text channels.

Merge Field Considerations

In quick text, you can insert merge fields for accounts, cases, contacts, custom objects, leads, opportunities, organization, users, and work
• When merge fields don’t apply to the record you’re working with, the merge field resolves blank. For example:

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

– Quick text with the Case.CaseNumber merge field resolves correctly in a case’s Log a Call action. However, that same merge
field resolves blank when inserting quick text on a work order’s Log a Call action.
– Quick text with the Lead.Name merge field resolves correctly on a lead. However, that same merge field resolves blank on
an account that was converted from a lead.

• In Chat, you can only use merge fields for the following objects: case, contact, and lead. You can use merge fields for accounts only
if the account record is related to a case, contact, or custom object that is associated with the chat transcript.
• You can’t use merge fields in quick text for Lightning Knowledge.
• Merge fields only resolve in the Email global action when you’re on a record page. For example, if you’re viewing a list view and
open the Email global action, quick text merge fields don’t resolve.
• Quick text supports the Salesforce Merge Language (SML) used in Salesforce Classic email templates, not the Handlebars Merge
Language (HML) used in Lightning email templates.

Set Up and Use Macros

Users can run macros to complete repetitive tasks—selecting an email template, sending an email
to a customer, updating the case status—all in a single click. A macro is a set of instructions that
tells the system how to complete a task. When a user runs a macro, the system performs each Available in Salesforce
instruction. Macros help your team save time and add consistency. Classic in: Professional,
Note: Implement this feature in one click with the Service Setup Assistant: Learn more on Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
page 6
You can create macros to perform multiple actions. For example, a macro can enter the subject line
Available in Lightning
of an email and update the case status. A single macro can perform multiple actions on different
Experience in: Essentials,
parts of the case feed at the same time.
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
IN THIS SECTION: and Developer Editions
Prerequisites for Macros
Before you create and run macros, ensure that your org meets the prerequisites for using macros
and then add the macros widget or utility to your app.
Irreversible Macros
Some macros perform actions that can’t be undone, such as sending outbound emails to customers or updating a case status. A
macro that contains a Submit Action instruction is irreversible. You must have the Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo user permission
to create, edit, and run macros that contain instructions for performing irreversible actions.
Bulk Macros
A bulk macro is a macro runs on multiple records at the same time. Bulk macros let support agents quickly address spikes in customer
cases involving the same issue. Macros must meet certain criteria to run as bulk macros.
Create a Macro
Macros give you the power to automate common repetitive tasks and resolve issues with a single click. You create a macro by
specifying the instructions for actions that the macro performs. A macro is like a little computer program. You tell the macro each
step that it performs.
Run a Macro
Run a macro to automate a series of repetitive keystrokes that you usually perform manually when working with records. You can
quickly complete common tasks, such as updating the case status or sending an email with a survey link, by running a macro.

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Manage Macros
You can clone a macro to create a macro with slightly different instructions. You can also share macros with other users. However,
sharing works differently in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.
Things to Know About Macros
Review the considerations and limits that could impact you and your users when working with macros.
Keyboard Shortcuts for Macros
Use keyboard shortcuts to work even more efficiently with macros.

Prerequisites for Macros

Before you create and run macros, ensure that your org meets the prerequisites for using macros
and then add the macros widget or utility to your app.

Note: Support for macros is different in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Available in Salesforce
Classic in: Professional,
In Salesforce Classic, macros are supported on objects with both feed-based layouts and quick Enterprise, Performance,
actions. Typically, this support includes (but is not limited to): accounts, cases, contacts, and Unlimited, and Developer
leads. You can only add the Macros widget to the Salesforce Console for Service. Editions
In Lightning Experience, macros are supported on all standard objects except Campaign, and Available in Lightning
on custom objects that allow quick actions and have a customizable page layout. You can Experience in: Essentials,
add the Macros utility to any Lightning app, including apps with standard navigation and Professional, Enterprise,
console navigation such as the Sales and Service Console apps. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
The following prerequisites apply to Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience:
• Make sure that the record page you want to use macros with includes a publisher, like the
Chatter component, and the actions you want to use, like Email or Log a Call. To customize the page layout, edit the page in Setup.
• Add the Macros widget or utility to the app.
In Salesforce Classic, add the Macros widget to the app from the Apps page in Setup. Look for the Choose Custom Console Components
section and add the widget there.
In Lightning Experience, add the Macros utility to the app from the App Manager in Setup.

• Users must have the appropriate user permissions to create and run macros.

Tip: We recommend that you create a permission set with your desired permissions for the macro object.

To allow users to create and manage their own macros, give them create, edit, and delete permission on the macro object. To allow
users to run irreversible macros, such as macros that send emails or update field values, go to the Administrative Permissions section,
and select Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo.

If you are using macros in Salesforce Classic, there are two more prerequisites:
• Enable feed tracking on the object that you want to run macros on.
• Use a feed-based page layout on the object that you want to run macros on.

Customize Actions with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor
Create Macros in Lightning Experience
Create Macros in Salesforce Classic

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Irreversible Macros
Some macros perform actions that can’t be undone, such as sending outbound emails to customers
or updating a case status. A macro that contains a Submit Action instruction is irreversible. You
must have the Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo user permission to create, edit, and run macros Available in Salesforce
that contain instructions for performing irreversible actions. Classic in: Professional,
To help you identify irreversible macros, look for these icons. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
• In Salesforce Classic:
• In Lightning Experience:
Available in Lightning
If you don’t have the Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo permission, you can still create and edit Experience in: Essentials,
macros that don’t contain instructions for performing irreversible actions. Just make sure that you Professional, Enterprise,
have create and edit permission on the macro object. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Bulk Macros
A bulk macro is a macro runs on multiple records at the same time. Bulk macros let support agents
quickly address spikes in customer cases involving the same issue. Macros must meet certain criteria
to run as bulk macros. Available in Salesforce
Bulk macros are supported in: Classic in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Email Publisher in Case Feed on the Salesforce Console for Service
Unlimited, and Developer
• All Quick Actions except for Social Quick Actions Editions
Bulk macros aren't supported in: Available in Lightning
• Salesforce Knowledge actions Experience in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
• Experience Cloud actions
Performance, Unlimited,
• Social post actions and Developer Editions
• Email templates, attachments, and merge fields in Lightning Experience
• “Add” and “Insert” instructions (such as the Add to Subject instruction or the Insert into HTML
Body instruction for the Email Publisher)
If the bulk macro interacts with the Email Publisher, it can contain only use one Email Publisher action. Bulk Macros run only from the
case record home page and list view for SendEmail type quick actions, and don't run at all on a split list view. Bulk macros are restricted
to 200 cases when run from the list view.
If a quick action targeted by the bulk macro contains a read-only field, the macro fails. This failure occurs even if none of the instructions
target the read-only field.
A bulk macro must contain at least one Submit Action instruction.

Create a Bulk Macro
This example shows you how to create a bulk macro that sends an email to the contact person for the selected customer cases.
Tips for Creating Bulk Macros
The key to successfully using bulk macros is to select the right records to run the macro on. Support agents can filter the list views
to identify which records to select.

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Run a Bulk Macro on Multiple Records

You can run a bulk macro on only one record at a time, or you can run it on multiple records at the same time. Use bulk macros to
quickly address similar customer cases or records.

Create a Bulk Macro

This example shows you how to create a bulk macro that sends an email to the contact person for
the selected customer cases.
Available in Salesforce
User Permissions Needed Classic in: Professional,
To view macros: Read on macros Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
To create and edit macros: Create AND Edit on macros Editions

To create and run irreversible macros: Manage Macros That Users Can’t Undo Available in Lightning
Experience in: Essentials,
To run bulk macros: Run Macros on Multiple Records Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
For example, suppose that your company has a service outage and lots of customers have contacted
customer support. Support agents can send an email to customers who have opened cases about
the outage that tells them when the service outage is expected to end.
These steps show you how to create a bulk macro that sends an email to the contact person on the selected cases. To implement this
example in your org, enable the Email Publisher.
1. Create a macro.
2. Add the instructions for the macro.
a. Select a context for the macro. The context specifies the object that the macro interacts with.
Selecting Select Active Tab tells the macro that it’s performing an action on the active case tab in the Case Feed.
b. Click Done. After every instruction, click Done to move to the next line.
c. Select the publisher that the macro interacts with.
Selecting Select Email Action tells the macro to interact with the Email Publisher in Case Feed.
d. Select the action that you want the macro to perform.
e. Finally, select Submit Action to tell the macro to perform these instructions.

3. Save the macro.

You’ve created a macro that creates and sends an email to the contact person for the selected cases. This macro can be run as a bulk
macro because it meets all the criteria for a bulk macro. It interacts with the Email Publisher, it uses a supported instruction, and it
includes a Submit Action instruction. You can run this macro as a bulk macro on multiple records at the same time. You also can run
it on a single record at a time.
When you look at the macros list, an icon showing a green lightning bolt with two underlines ( ) appears next to bulk macros. Make
sure that this icon appears next to your macro.

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Tips for Creating Bulk Macros

The key to successfully using bulk macros is to select the right records to run the macro on. Support
agents can filter the list views to identify which records to select.
When you create a bulk macro, it’s a good practice to add an instruction that changes a field value Available in Salesforce
on the record. Agents can filter records in the list view based on the field value. Updating a field Classic in: Professional,
value lets agents distinguish the records on which the macro has been run from the cases on which Enterprise, Performance,
the macro hasn’t been run. Unlimited, and Developer
Example: Example:
Available in Lightning
Suppose many customers open cases about the same issue in a short time. The agent runs Experience in: Essentials,
a bulk macro that sends an email to these customers to tell them that the company knows Professional, Enterprise,
about the issue and is fixing it. But what happens two days later, when the agent wants to Performance, Unlimited,
run the bulk macro a second time on new cases about the same issue? In this situation, the and Developer Editions
agent needs a way to differentiate old cases from new cases.
It’s helpful to add instructions to the macro that change a field value, because agents often
use filters to determine which cases to apply the macro to. This way, when the macro runs,
it automatically updates the field value. Later on, when the agent has new cases to respond
to, the agent can filter cases based on this field.

Run a Bulk Macro on Multiple Records

You can run a bulk macro on only one record at a time, or you can run it on multiple records at the
same time. Use bulk macros to quickly address similar customer cases or records.
Available in Salesforce
User Permissions Needed Classic in: Professional,
To view macros: Read on macros Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
To create and edit macros: Create and Edit on macros Editions

To create and run irreversible macros: Manage Macros That Users Can’t Undo Available in Lightning
Experience in: Essentials,
To run bulk macros: Run Macros on Multiple Records Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: You need the Manage Macros That Users Can’t Undo permission only if you want to
run macros that contain a Submit Action instruction. All bulk macros contain a Submit Action
instruction. The lightning bolt icon ( ) indicates that the macro performs an action—such
as sending an email—that cannot be undone.
To run bulk macros, the Enable Enhanced Lists setting must be enabled in your org.
You can run bulk macros on records from the Accounts, Cases, Contacts, and Leads objects. However, you can run a bulk macro only on
records in one object list view at a time. For example, you can run a bulk macro on multiple cases in the Cases list view, but not on cases
and accounts at the same time.
An icon showing a green lightning bolt with two underlines ( ) indicates whether a macro is a bulk macro.
Bulk macros are processed in increments of 10 macros at a time. You can run a bulk macro on more than 10 cases, but the system
processes the macro in groups of 10 at a time.
1. In the Case list view, select the cases that you want to run the macro on.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

You can filter the cases to identify which cases you want to run the macro on.

2. Open the Macros widget.

3. In the Macro widget, select a macro with the green lightning bolt icon ( ) and click Run.
4. In the confirmation window, click OK to continue.
The macro runs on the selected cases. In the list view, the cases on which the macro ran successfully are highlighted in green and
denoted by a green check mark icon. Cases that the macro didn’t run successfully on are highlighted in red and denoted by a red X
icon. To see an explanation about why the macro didn’t work on a case, hover over the red X icon.

Configure User Interface Settings

Create a Macro
Macros give you the power to automate common repetitive tasks and resolve issues with a single click. You create a macro by specifying
the instructions for actions that the macro performs. A macro is like a little computer program. You tell the macro each step that it

Create Macros in Lightning Experience
To create a macro in Lightning Experience, use the Macro Builder—an easy-to-use point-and-click builder.
Create Macros in Salesforce Classic
To create macros in Salesforce Classic, use the macro widget.

Create Macros in Lightning Experience

To create a macro in Lightning Experience, use the Macro Builder—an easy-to-use point-and-click

Important: Before you create a macro, make sure that your org meets the prerequisites. To Available in: Lightning
create macros, your admin must add the Macro utility to your Lightning app. Experience

In Lightning Experience, macros are supported on all standard objects except Campaign, and Available in: Essentials,
on custom objects that allow quick actions and have a customizable page layout. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
1. In your Lightning app, open a record. and Developer Editions
2. In the utility bar, click Macros.

Note: If you see the message “This page doesn't support macros,” check that you’re on
the record page for a supported object. You can’t run macros on list views. To view macros:
• Read on macros
3. Click + or Create Macro.
To create and edit macros:
4. Enter a name, description, folder, and select the object that the macro applies to.
• Create AND Edit on
Macro Name macros
Use a name that makes it easy to understand what this macro does. For example, for a To create and run
macro that replaces the email subject with a critical update, enter “Replace Email Subject irreversible macros:
with Critical Update.” • Manage Macros That
Users Can’t Undo

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Explain the purpose for this macro. This optional field helps other agents understand what this macro does and distinguishes it
from similar macros.
Apply To
The Apply To value defaults to the object you were viewing before. Change this default to create a macro for a different object.
Folders help you organize and share macros. You can create up to four levels of folders: one root folder and up to three subfolders.
This field is visible only when Share and organize macros in folders is enabled. In some orgs, the Folder field must be added
to the page layout.

5. Click Save.
6. Click Edit Instructions.
The first instruction is added based on the object you selected from the Apply To field.
The Macro Builder page opens. The left side of the page displays a canvas with a sample record page for the object you selected (1).
Keep in mind that all fields for the object are available, even if the sample record doesn’t include them. The right side of the page
includes an Instructions tab and Details tab for your macro (2).

7. Click Add Logic.

Create logical expressions that evaluate a condition or a group of conditions. Then add the instructions that execute when the
expression is true. For more information, see Add Logic to Macros in Lightning Experience.

8. To add instructions that execute without evaluating any conditions, on the bottom of the Instructions tab, click Add Instruction.
a. On the canvas, select a quick action.
Selectable items are highlighted on the canvas.
For example, on a case record, you can click Log A Call in the publisher.
b. On the canvas, click a field to add instructions. In the Instructions tab, enter your field updates.

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Tip: You can insert quick text, use email templates, add email attachments, create events with relative dates, and more.

Continue to add instructions as necessary.

c. Optionally, on the canvas, select a submit action to tell the macro to execute these instructions.
For example, to have your macro submit your Log a Call comments, click Save in the publisher.
d. Optionally, if your macro is only for records in console apps, you can add an instruction to close the record tab when the macro
To add the close tab instruction, click the dropdown menu next to Add Instruction, and select Add Close Tab Instruction.

9. When you’re done with your macro, click Save. To return to the app, close the Macro Builder tab.

Tip: After you create a macro, run it to make sure that it works the way you want. Open the Macro utility to execute your new

Add Logic to Macros in Lightning Experience
To control the execution of macro instructions in Lightning Experience, add logic with the Macro Builder. Create expressions with
one or more conditions, and add instructions that execute when the expression is true.

Prerequisites for Macros
Keyboard Shortcuts for Macros
Macros Utility for Lightning Apps
Add and Replace Field Values in a Case Using Macros
Considerations for Using Your Classic Email Templates in Lightning Experience
Keyboard Shortcuts for Macros

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Add Logic to Macros in Lightning Experience

To control the execution of macro instructions in Lightning Experience, add logic with the Macro
Builder. Create expressions with one or more conditions, and add instructions that execute when
the expression is true. Available in: Lightning
Tip: Before you add expressions to your macro, sketch out the logic. You can build conditional Experience
expressions using IF, ELSEIF, and ELSE blocks. You can group and nest conditions within blocks Available in: Essentials,
and add multiple expressions. Professional, Enterprise,
1. On a record page in a Lightning app, click Macros in the utility bar. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: If you see the message “This page doesn’t support macros,” check that you’re on
the record page for a supported object. You can’t run macros on list views.
2. Click + or Create Macro.
To view macros:
3. Enter a name, description, folder, and select the object that the macro applies to. Click Save. • Read on macros
4. Click Edit Instructions, which opens the Macro Builder. To create and edit macros:
The first instruction is added based on the object that you selected in the Apply To field. • Create AND Edit on
5. Click Add Logic.
To create and run
irreversible macros:
• Manage Macros That
Users Can’t Undo

An Expression Logic pane opens with an IF block. To add ELSE IF or ELSE blocks, use the Expression Logic dropdown menu (1). You
can add multiple ELSE IF blocks after the IF block.

6. For each IF or ELSE IF block, configure conditions and instructions. Optionally, add an ELSE block with instructions for when the IF
and ELSE IF conditions aren’t met.
a. To add a description that helps agents understand the expression, use the dropdown menu near the block title (2).
b. Select when to take action (3).
If your expression uses AND between conditions, select All Conditions Are Met. For example, take action when condition A is
true AND condition B is true. If your expression uses OR, select Any Conditions Are Met.

c. To add a condition, click Add Condition. To add a group of conditions, click Add Group.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

You can add up to 30 conditions or groups in your expression. When you add a group of conditions, a gray block (4) outlines
the grouping. For each group, select when to take action.

d. Define each condition using a field, an operator, and an optional comparison value (5).
To compare a field to a value, use the operator EQUALS, DOES NOT EQUAL, CONTAINS, or DOES NOT CONTAIN. For example,
Status EQUALS New is a condition for the case object.

Note: The Macro Builder shows you the fields that you can use in a condition. Not all fields on every object are available.

7. Continue to add conditions, condition groups, blocks, and expressions as necessary.

You can nest conditions too.

Tip: If you nest conditions, we recommend that you limit nesting to three levels. Otherwise, the logic can be hard to understand
when viewing or editing the macro. In addition, the more complex your logic, the longer it takes to evaluate conditions when
you run your macro.

8. In each block, click Add Instruction, and add the instructions that execute when the conditions are met.
9. When you’re done with your macro, click Save. To return to the app, close the Macro Builder tab.

Tip: After you create a macro with logic, run it to make sure that it works the way you want. Open the Macro utility, and test
the macro in different conditions.

Example: You want to create a macro so that agents can easily send an email when they open a new case. The email content
varies according to the case priority, which matches the service response type: Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Regardless of the case status
or priority, if the case is an SLA violation, the Gold level email is sent.
Here’s example logic for this macro.
IF [(Status equals New AND Priority equals High) OR (SLA Violation equals Yes)]
{Send email with 'Case under Review: Gold' content}
ELSE IF (Status equals New AND Priority equals Medium)
{Send email with 'Case under Review: Silver' content}
ELSE IF (Status equals New AND Priority equals Low)
{Send email with 'Case under Review: Bronze' content}

In the IF block, a condition group defines the order in which multiple conditions are evaluated.

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Create Macros in Salesforce Classic

To create macros in Salesforce Classic, use the macro widget.
User Permissions Needed Available in: Salesforce
To view macros: Read on macros Classic (not available in all
To create and edit macros: Create AND Edit on macros
Available in: Professional,
To create and run irreversible macros: Manage Macros That Users Can’t Undo Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Note: Macros in Salesforce Classic don’t support multi-select picklists. They also don’t support
logical expressions that control instruction execution.
To create this example macro, the Email Publisher must be enabled in your Salesforce org.
1. Create a macro.
a. In the Salesforce for Service Console, click the Macros widget.
b. Click + Create Macros.
c. For Macro Name, enter a name that makes it easy to understand what this macro does.
For example, Replace email subject with “Steps for Resetting Your Password”.

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d. For Description, explain the purpose for this macro. The optional Description field helps support agents understand what this
macro does and distinguish it from similar macros.

2. Add the instructions for the macro.

a. Select a context for the macro. The context specifies the part of case feed that the macro interacts with.
For example, selecting Select Active Tab tells the macro that it’s performing an action on the active case tab in Case Feed.
b. Click Done. After every instruction, click Done to move to the next line.
c. Select the object that the macro interacts with.
For example, selecting Select Email Action tells the macro to interact with the Email Publisher in Case Feed.
d. Select the action that you want the macro to perform.
For example, suppose that you want to replace the subject line of an email in the case, so you select Replace Subject. This
instruction tells the macro to change the subject field in the email. It also displays a text field, where you can specify the subject
that you want to replace.
e. In the text field, enter the subject line. This instruction clears the original subject and replaces it with the value you specified in
the macro.
For example, you enter Steps for Resetting Your Password in the text field. Suppose the customer’s original
email contained the subject “Password Problems.” The agent runs the macro, automatically replacing the original subject with
the new subject.
f. To tell the macro to execute these instructions, select Submit Action.

3. Save the macro.

If you followed the example, you created a macro that replaces the original subject line in an email in Case Feed with a new subject
After creating a macro, it’s a good idea to run it to make sure that it works the way you want. To test this macro, go to the Salesforce
Console for Service and open a case record. Open the Macros widget. Select and run this macro.

Tips for Creating Macros
How you name and design your macro can impact its usefulness to support agents. Keep these tips in mind when creating macros.
Examples of Macros in Salesforce Classic
These examples show how you can create different types of macros based on your business needs.

Prerequisites for Macros
Keyboard Shortcuts for Macros
Keyboard Shortcuts for Macros

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Tips for Creating Macros

How you name and design your macro can impact its usefulness to support agents. Keep these
tips in mind when creating macros.
Available in Salesforce
Classic in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Available in Lightning
Experience in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

1. The Macro Name helps support agents decide which macro to use. The name is used when agents search for macros. It’s useful to
use a short name (so that agents can see it in the macros list) that succinctly identifies the macro’s purpose.
2. Although Description is optional, it is useful for helping support agents to understand what the macro does.
3. The macro instructions are like a little computer program, so you must tell the macro each step to perform. Each instruction is
equivalent to a click that the support agent makes when manually performing the task. The first macro instruction selects the object
that the macro acts upon, such as the Active Case Tab.
4. The second macro instruction specifies the context, or component of the Salesforce Console for Service, in which the macro works.
For example, the Email Action context allows the macro to set fields and perform actions within the Email Publisher.

Tip: If a Salesforce Console for Service component isn’t enabled and configured, then you can’t create a macro for it.

5. The third macro instruction specifies the action that the macro performs. For example, the macro in the screenshot changes the
value for the CC Address field in an email action in the active case tab.
6. You can add an extra set of instructions in the same context or in a different context. A simple macro just performs one task. Create
more complex macros by adding instructions.

Note: If you use the International Components for Unicode (ICU) library instead of the Java Development Kit (JDK) library, review
and manually update your Salesforce Classic macros that set the date, time, or currency. Otherwise, your macros can fail or introduce
Date and Time
Ensure that the date and time format is supported in the ICU library. For example, for the US locale, add a comma in between
the date and time.
Valid format before ICU library: 01/09/2018 00:00
Valid format after ICU library: 01/09/2018, 00:00

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Ensure that the comma and decimal are valid for your currency. Errors can be introduced if your org’s currency locale is different
from your user's locale, so be careful.

Supported Date and Time Formats (ICU)

Examples of Macros in Salesforce Classic

These examples show how you can create different types of macros based on your business needs.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
Add and Replace Field Values in a Case Using Macros
Suppose that your support agents often add the same field values to a record, or that they often
replace a field value. You can create a macro that automatically adds content to a field or that Available in: Professional,
replaces the values in a field. Using a macro saves agents time because it automates repetitive Enterprise, Performance,
and routine actions, freeing them to focus on helping customers. Unlimited, and Developer
Insert Quick Text in a Social Post
Suppose that support agents often respond to customer questions on social networks, such as
Twitter or Facebook. You can use a macro to automatically insert a reply into the post using Quick Text or text. This type of macro
enables agents to quickly respond to customers without interrupting their workflow.
Automatically Attach a Salesforce Knowledge Article to an Email in Case Feed Using Macros
Perhaps your support agents often send customers the same article in Salesforce Knowledge. This example explains how to create
a macro that automatically selects a specific article and inserts it into an email in Case Feed. This macro lets agents answer a common
customer question by clicking one button, instead of spending time searching for the article and copying it into the email.

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Add and Replace Field Values in a Case Using Macros

Suppose that your support agents often add the same field values to a record, or that they often
replace a field value. You can create a macro that automatically adds content to a field or that
replaces the values in a field. Using a macro saves agents time because it automates repetitive and Available in: Salesforce
routine actions, freeing them to focus on helping customers. Classic (not available in all
The Email Publisher must be enabled in your Salesforce org. orgs)

These steps illustrate some ways that you can use Add, Replace, and Insert instructions in a macro. Available in: Professional,
1. Create a macro. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
2. Add the instructions to tell the macro what email field value to replace. This example shows Editions
how to replace the Subject field in an email.
a. In the Macro Instructions section, click +Add Instruction. USER PERMISSIONS
b. The first instruction tells the macros which object to act upon. Here, select Select Active
Case Tab. To view macros:
• Read on macros
In Lightning Experience, the first instruction is auto-populated based on the Apply To field.
To create and edit macros:
c. The next instruction tells the macro which action in the Case Feed Publisher to interact • Create and Edit on
with. Here, select Select Email Action. macros
d. Now, tell the macro what to do in the Email Action. Select Replace Subject. In the text To create an irreversible
field, specify the subject line. macro:
• Manage Macros Users
Selecting a Replace instruction clears the existing value in the field, and replaces it with the
Can’t Undo
value specified in the macro.
For example, enter Update on Your Order. Suppose that the subject line was
Haven’t Received My Order. The macro clears the old subject line and replaces it with Update on Your Order.

3. Add the instructions to tell the macro to replace an email field with a blank value. In this example, we clear the BCC field.
a. Select Replace BCC Addresses. Leave the text field empty.
Selecting a Replace instruction and leaving the text field empty clears the values in the field, so you end up with a blank field.

4. Add the instructions to tell the macro to insert values into a field. In this example, we add two email addresses to the CC field.
a. Select Add CC Addresses. In the text field, specify the email addresses. You can specify multiple email addresses by separating
them with a comma.
For example, enter, Suppose that the CC field already contains This macro appends the and

5. Select Submit Action. This instruction tells the macro to execute the email action.
6. Save the macro.

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Insert Quick Text in a Social Post

Suppose that support agents often respond to customer questions on social networks, such as
Twitter or Facebook. You can use a macro to automatically insert a reply into the post using Quick
Text or text. This type of macro enables agents to quickly respond to customers without interrupting Available in: Salesforce
their workflow. Classic (not available in all
The Email Publisher, Quick Text, and Social Customer Service must be enabled in your organization. orgs)

These steps illustrate one way that you can use Insert instructions in a macro. Available in: Professional,
1. Create a macro. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
2. Add the instructions to tell the macro what to do. This example shows how to insert Quick Text Editions
into a social post.
a. In the Macro Instructions section, click +Add Instruction. USER PERMISSIONS
b. The first instruction tells the macros which object to act upon. Here, select Select Active
Case Tab. To view macros:
• Read on macros
c. The next instruction tells the macro which action in the Case Feed publisher to interact
To create and edit macros:
with. Here, select Select Social Action.
• Create and Edit on
d. Now, tell the macro what to do in the social action. Select Insert into Body. You can insert macros
either Quick Text or Text.
To create an irreversible
Selecting an Insert instruction appends the Quick Text or Text specified in the macro to the macro:
end of the text already in the field. In social publisher actions, the Insert instruction is useful • Manage Macros Users
because you can retain the @mention and add text after it. Can’t Undo

e. Specify which Quick Text you want to macro to use, or enter the text that you want it to

3. Select Submit Action. This instruction tells the macro to execute the social action.
4. Save the macro.

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Automatically Attach a Salesforce Knowledge Article to an Email in Case Feed Using Macros
Perhaps your support agents often send customers the same article in Salesforce Knowledge. This
example explains how to create a macro that automatically selects a specific article and inserts it
into an email in Case Feed. This macro lets agents answer a common customer question by clicking Available in: Salesforce
one button, instead of spending time searching for the article and copying it into the email. Classic
You must have Salesforce Knowledge One enabled for your organization. The Salesforce Knowledge
Macros available in:
One component must be enabled and added as a component to the Salesforce Console for Service
Professional, Enterprise,
page. Performance, Unlimited,
1. Create a macro. and Developer Editions
2. Add the instructions to tell the macro to search for a specific article.
Salesforce Knowledge is
a. In the Macro Instructions section, click +Add Instruction. available in Performance
b. The first instruction tells the macros which case to act upon. Here, select Select Active and Developer Editions and
in Unlimited Edition with the
Case Tab.
Service Cloud.
c. The next instruction tells the macro which part of the console to act upon. Here, select
Salesforce Knowledge is
Select Knowledge Sidebar Component.
available for an additional
d. Now, let’s tell the macro what do in the Knowledge Sidebar. Select Select Articles Search. cost in: Enterprise and
e. This step defines the keyword that the Knowledge search uses to find the right article. Select Unlimited Editions.
Set Keywords. In the text field, you can specify either the article number or a keyword.
• Article number: The article number retrieves an article by its number, which is useful USER PERMISSIONS
when you want to select a specific article. The syntax is
To view macros:
• Read on macros
Note: The syntax is case-sensitive and must be written in lower case. To create and edit macros:
• Create and Edit on
• Keywords: You also can search by keywords. Salesforce looks for these keywords in the macros
title and body of the articles in the knowledge base. For example, enter “Reset Your

f. Select Run Search. This instruction tells the macro to perform the search when someone runs this macro.

3. Add the instructions to tell the macro to insert the article into the email that is being edited in Case Feed.
a. Click Select Most Relevant Article. This instruction tells the macro to use the article that came up first in the search results.
b. Select Insert into Email as HTML. This instruction inserts the entire article, including text and images, into the email at the
cursor position.

4. Save the macro.

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Run a Macro
Run a macro to automate a series of repetitive keystrokes that you usually perform manually when
working with records. You can quickly complete common tasks, such as updating the case status
or sending an email with a survey link, by running a macro. Available in Salesforce
Classic in: Professional,
User Permissions Needed Enterprise, Performance,
To view macros: Read on macros Unlimited, and Developer
To create and edit macros: Create AND Edit on macros Available in Lightning
To create and run irreversible macros: Manage Macros That Users Can’t Undo Experience in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: You need the Manage Macros That Users Can’t Undo permission only if you want to
run irreversible macros, which contain a Submit Action instruction. Macros that send emails
are an example of irreversible macros.
1. Open the record you want to perform the macro on.
2. Open the Macros widget or utility.
3. Search or navigate to a macro, and select it from the list.
4. Optionally, review the macro’s description and instructions to make sure that this macro does what you expect.
The instructions show you the steps that the macro performs. Reviewing the instructions is helpful when running a macro for the
first time.

5. Run the macro.

• Salesforce Classic: Click .
• Lightning Experience: Click Run Macro. You can also double-click it or press Enter if it’s selected.

Tip: If you don’t see the button to run the macro, make sure that you’re on a record that supports macros.

A message displays indicating whether the macro ran successfully. A green dot appears next to each instruction that ran successfully.
A red dot and an error message appear next to each instruction that could not be performed, so you can troubleshoot the issue.

Manage Macros
You can clone a macro to create a macro with slightly different instructions. You can also share macros with other users. However, sharing
works differently in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.

Clone Macros
You can quickly copy a macro by cloning it. Cloning a macro is useful when you want to create a macro that is a variant of the source
Share Macros
You can share macros with users, public groups, and more. The way you share macros in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
is different. In Salesforce Classic, you can share individual macros. In Lightning Experience, you share macros using folders.

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Search All Text Fields in Macros

Expand the scope of macros search so that agents can quickly find macros by searching for keywords contained in a macro’s text

Clone Macros
You can quickly copy a macro by cloning it. Cloning a macro is useful when you want to create a
macro that is a variant of the source macro.
Available in Salesforce
User Permissions Needed Classic in: Professional,
To view macros: Read on macros Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
To clone macros: Create AND Edit on macros Editions
Available in Lightning
Experience in: Essentials,
Both administrators and users can clone macros if they have the appropriate user permissions. Professional, Enterprise,
1. In your app, open the Macros widget or utility. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
2. Click the macro that you want to clone.
3. Open the macro details.
Salesforce Classic: Click .
Lightning Experience: Click View Detail.

4. Click Clone.
In Salesforce Classic, you’re prompted to enter a unique name for the macro.
In Lightning Experience, the macro name is automatically saved with “Copy of” added to the name.

5. Modify the instructions for the macro.

You can also modify the instructions at another time.

6. Click Save.

Share Macros
You can share macros with users, public groups, and more. The way you share macros in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience is
different. In Salesforce Classic, you can share individual macros. In Lightning Experience, you share macros using folders.
You can also change your org-wide default sharing setting for macros. Or you can limit access by creating sharing rules to specify which
groups of users have access to macros.

Share Macros Using a Folder in Lightning Experience
You can share a folder of macros with other users in Lightning Experience.
Share a Single Macro in Salesforce Classic
You can share an individual macro record in Salesforce Classic with other users or groups.

Sharing Settings

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Share Macros Using a Folder in Lightning Experience

You can share a folder of macros with other users in Lightning Experience.
To share macros using folders, enable Share and organize macros in folders on the Macro
Settings page in Setup. After you enable folders, the macro utility and macros list view are updated Available in: Lightning
to reflect folders. Experience

Important: Sharing settings on folders override sharing settings on individual items. If you Available in: Professional,
shared macros in Salesforce Classic, those settings are ignored after the Share and organize Enterprise, Performance,
macros in folders setting is enabled and the macro is assigned to a folder. If you decide to Unlimited, and Developer
disable this setting later, folder sharing is ignored, and individual sharing settings apply. Editions. Folders for macros
aren’t supported in
After you enable folders, we recommend that you: Essentials Edition.
• Move existing macros into folders, and share those folders with your users.
• Verify that your macro page layout includes the Folder field. USER PERMISSIONS
• Review the user experience in the macro utility and macro list view, which both now reflect
folders. To enable macro folders:
• Customize Application
To share a macro, complete the following steps.
To create a macro folder:
1. Open macros in your app. • Create on macros
In apps with standard navigation, click the Macros tab. In apps with console navigation, select To share a macro folder:
Macros from the navigation item menu. • Owner of the folder OR
Manage access on the
2. In the macros folder list view, select All Folders, Created by Me, or Shared with Me to review
the folders you have access to.
To manage and share all
3. Click the dropdown menu next to a folder in the list, and select Share. macro folders:
• You can share only the folders that you created or that you have manage access on. • View Setup and
Configurations AND
• You can share only the first-level folders, known as root folders. Subfolders inherit their root Modify All on macros
folder’s settings.

4. Enter the sharing details.

You can share with users, groups, roles, or other groupings using a combination. If a user is given access twice, their higher permission
level is granted. For example, a group is added with View access, but a user in the group also has Edit and Manage permissions. In
this case, the user receives the Edit and Manage permissions.

5. Click Share.
The sharing setting is applied to the Who Can Access list. To change an entry’s access level, select a new access level. To delete a
Who Can Access entry, click X on the entry.

6. When you’re done, close the dialog.

When you share a folder, all items in that folder are shared. Subfolders inherit the root folder’s settings.
You can also use the Analytics Folder API to create and manage folders.

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Share a Single Macro in Salesforce Classic

You can share an individual macro record in Salesforce Classic with other users or groups.
1. Open the Macros widget.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Select the macro that you want to share.
Classic (not available in all
3. Click . orgs)
4. Click Sharing. Available in: Professional,
5. Click Add. Enterprise, Performance,
In the New Sharing page, search for a public group or a user by name. Unlimited, and Developer
6. Share the macro by selecting a group or user from the Available list and clicking Add.
To stop sharing a macro, select a group or user from the Share With list, and click Remove. USER PERMISSIONS
7. Set the Access Level to either Read Only or Read/Write.
To view macros:
• Read Only allows users to view and run the macro. • Read on macros
• Read/Write allows users to edit, view, and run the macro. To share macros:
• Create AND Edit on
Note: If you share a macro and give the user Read/Write access, the user can’t delete macros
that macro. Only you can delete macros that you create.

8. Click Save.

Search All Text Fields in Macros

Expand the scope of macros search so that agents can quickly find macros by searching for keywords
contained in a macro’s text fields.
For example, suppose that an agent wants to find a macro where the description is “Return Policy Available in Salesforce
- 30 days.” The agent could search for “return policy” and see all macros that contain that phrase. Classic in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
If this setting is enabled, agents can search for macros across all text fields in the macro instructions.
Unlimited, and Developer
If this setting isn’t enabled, agents can search for keywords only in the macro’s title and description
Available in Lightning
To let agents search all text fields: Experience in: Essentials,
1. From Setup, enter Macros in the Quick Find box, then select Macro Settings. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. Click Edit.
and Developer Editions
3. Select Search all macro text fields.
4. Click Save.

To create, edit, and delete

page layouts:
• Customize Application

Things to Know About Macros

Review the considerations and limits that could impact you and your users when working with macros.

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Macros Considerations in Lightning Experience
Learn how macros can impact you and your users in Lightning Experience.
Publishers and Actions Supported in Salesforce Classic Macros
The following publishers and actions are supported on macros in the Salesforce Console for Service.

Macros Considerations in Lightning Experience

Learn how macros can impact you and your users in Lightning Experience.

General Considerations Available in: Lightning

Important: Macros created in Salesforce Classic display in the macro utility in Lightning
Experience only when their object and macro instructions are supported in Lightning Available in: Essentials,
Experience. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
For example, a macro created in Salesforce Classic that attaches a Knowledge article to a case and Developer Editions
email doesn’t display in the macro utility in Lightning Experience because that action isn’t
supported yet. However, a macro created in Salesforce Classic that uses the Log a Call action
on a case does display in the macro utility in Lightning Experience. Likewise, you can’t use
macros created in Lightning Experience that include instructions that are only available in
Lightning Experience in Salesforce Classic.

Macros in Lightning Experience work on all objects that allow quick actions and have a customizable page layout. However, we recommend
that you don’t use macros with the following items.
• Read-only fields
• Encrypted fields
• Opportunity products
• Crew Size field on the Service Crew object
• Social quick action in the case feed publisher provided with Social Customer Service
Limitations for Macros in Lightning Experience:
• Email message objects (not to be confused with the Email action, because macros work fine there) aren’t supported
• Knowledge articles can't be inserted into Macros

Note: When you run a macro that sends an email with attachments, the macro fails. A pop-up window asks you to confirm
sending the email and attached files. Click the option to avoid showing the pop-up message again. Then rerun the macro to send
the email and attachments.
Keep the following things in mind when enabling folders for macros.
• You can enable and disable Share and organize macros in folders, but we recommend that you don’t. After it’s enabled, only
switch back if you must.
• After you enable folders, the Share button on macro records in Salesforce Classic is disabled for records that are assigned to a folder.
• To create and manage folders, you can also use the Analytics Folder API.
• Folders for macros aren’t supported in Essentials Edition orgs.
• Verify that your macro page layout includes the Folder field.
• After enabling Share and organize macros in folders, you might not see the updated list view that shows folders. To see the
updated view, choose a different navigation item and then go back to macros.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

• We recommend that you don’t use split view for macros. After folders are enabled, split view displays the folder list view, which isn’t
optimized for split view.
• The macros browser panel supports up to 2000 macros and folder records.

Considerations for Creating and Working with Macros

• Macros are a standard object. If your org has org-wide public sharing, all macros are shared. If org-wide sharing is private, you can
share macros with groups, roles, and users manually.

Note: You can share only individual macros in Salesforce Classic. In Lightning Experience, you can share macros using a folder.

• Macros only work with self-related records and don't support components that point to other objects
• Administrators manage prebuilt macros. If you want your service agents to use these Macros, give them at least read access and
share the following folders:
– Macros folder - Basic Macros
– Quick Text folder - Sample Quick Texts 2

• In most text fields, you can insert up to 4,000 characters. Some text fields, like Text Area, have smaller character limits.
• If you use quick text in text fields, keep in mind that quick text channels aren’t observed in macros. For example, let’s say you set up
quick text to be used only on one channel, such as email. When the quick text is in a macro, it can also be used on actions like Log
A Call.
• You can’t use Salesforce Classic email templates that use Visualforce in macros for Lightning Experience.
• You can apply more than one email template. For example, you can use the Subject of one email template and the Body of another.
If an email template is updated, the macro uses the updated template.
• Macros that apply Lightning email templates that use Handlebars Merge Language (HML) syntax can't be used in Salesforce Classic.
• You can attach files to emails in your macro. Keep in mind that Salesforce has two types of attachments: ones uploaded in Salesforce
Classic and ones uploaded in Lightning Experience. If the attachment was uploaded in Salesforce Classic, add it to a Salesforce Classic
template and then apply that template to the macro. The same applies to Lightning Experience. Add the attachment to a Lightning
email template, or click Insert Attachment.
• Before using macros created with Insert at Cursor actions, remember to initialize the cursor where you want the text added. If not,
the macro inserts at the beginning of the field.
• You can create macros with relative times and dates for Time, Date, and DateTime fields only in Lightning Experience.
• You can create macros with conditional instructions only in Lightning Experience. These macros use logical expressions that determine
which instructions execute.
• The macros utility doesn’t support pop-out.
• To use the Close Case macro, go to Support Settings and check Show Closed Statuses in Case Status Field in the Setup page
to allow closed statuses in the Case Status field.

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Publishers and Actions Supported in Salesforce Classic Macros

The following publishers and actions are supported on macros in the Salesforce Console for Service.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
Email Publisher Actions Supported in Macros
These actions are available when you click Select Email Action in the macro instructions. Email
actions let you modify text in emails in Case Feed. You can create and run macros to perform Available in: Professional,
these actions on the Email Publisher in the Salesforce Console for Service. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Salesforce Knowledge Actions Supported in Macros
These actions are available when you click Select Knowledge Sidebar Component in the
macro instructions. Knowledge actions let you search for knowledge articles and add articles
to cases. You can create and run macros to perform these actions on the Salesforce Knowledge Publisher in the Salesforce Console
for Service.
Custom Quick Actions Supported in Macros
These actions are available when you click Select Name of Quick Action in the macro instructions. You can create and run
macros to perform custom quick actions in the Salesforce Console for Service.
Experience Cloud Publisher Actions Supported in Macros
These actions are available when you click Select Community Action in the macro instructions. Community actions let you update
and post to Salesforce Communities. You can create and run macros to perform these actions on the Community Publisher in the
Salesforce Console for Service.
Social Actions Supported in Macros
These actions are available when you click Select Social Action in the macro instructions. You can create and run macros to perform
these actions on the Social Publisher in the Salesforce Console for Service.

Email Publisher Actions Supported in Macros

These actions are available when you click Select Email Action in the macro instructions. Email
actions let you modify text in emails in Case Feed. You can create and run macros to perform these
actions on the Email Publisher in the Salesforce Console for Service. Available in: Salesforce
To use these actions, you must have the Email Publisher enabled in your Salesforce org and added Classic (not available in all
as a console component to the case page layout. orgs)

Bulk macros are supported for Email Publisher actions. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Table 2: Email Publisher Actions Supported in Macros Unlimited, and Developer
Action Description Supported Editions
in Bulk
Replace To Clears the email addresses in the To Address field and replaces Yes
Addresses them with the specified email addresses. To use multiple email
addresses, separate them with a comma.

Add to To Adds these email addresses to the To field, but does not delete No
Addresses any addresses already in the To field. To use multiple email
addresses, separate them with a comma.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Action Description Supported in Bulk

Replace CC Clears the email addresses in the CC Address field and replaces them with the specified Yes
Addresses email addresses. To use multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.

Add to CC Addresses Adds these email addresses to the CC field, but does not delete any addresses already in No
the CC field. To use multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.

Replace BCC Clears the email addresses in the BCC Address field and replaces them with the specified Yes
Addresses email addresses. To use multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.

Add to BCC Adds these email addresses to the BCC field, but does not delete any addresses already No
Addresses in the BCC field. To use multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.

Set From Address Clears the email address in the From Address field and replaces it with the specified email Yes

Replace Subject Clears the Subject field and replaces it with the specified text. Yes

Add to Subject Appends this text to the end of the Subject field, but does not delete any existing text No
already in the Subject field.

Replace HTML Body Clears the contents of the email body and replaces it with the specified HTML content. Yes

Insert into HTML Adds a QuickText or Text into the HTML body text, but does not delete any existing text No
Body already there. The QuickText or Text is inserted at the cursor position.

Apply Email Inserts the specified email template into an email in the active case tab. Yes

Submit Action Tells the macro to perform these instructions when someone runs this macro. Yes

A macro that contains a Submit Action instruction is irreversible. You must have the
Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo user permission to create, edit, and run macros that
contain instructions for performing irreversible actions.
A macro that contains a Submit Action instruction can be run as a bulk macro. You must
have the Run Macros on Multiple Records user permission to run bulk macros.

Salesforce Knowledge Actions Supported in Macros

These actions are available when you click Select Knowledge Sidebar Component in the macro
instructions. Knowledge actions let you search for knowledge articles and add articles to cases. You
can create and run macros to perform these actions on the Salesforce Knowledge Publisher in the Available in: Salesforce
Salesforce Console for Service. Classic (not available in all
To use these actions, you must have Salesforce Knowledge enabled in your organization and added orgs)
as a console component. Salesforce Knowledge actions, such as attaching an article to a case, must
Available in: Professional,
be enabled in the console. Enterprise, Performance,
Note: The Knowledge Sidebar must be expanded when you run a Knowledge macro. If the Unlimited, and Developer
sidebar is collapsed, the macro doesn’t work. Editions

Internet Explorer 7 and Bulk macros are not supported for Salesforce Knowledge actions.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Table 3: Salesforce Knowledge Actions Supported in Macros

Action Description Supported in Bulk
Select Knowledge Tells the macro that these instructions affect the Knowledge Sidebar in the console. No
Sidebar Component

Select Article Search Tells the macro that the instructions affect Knowledge search. No

Set Keywords Specifies the keywords to use when searching the knowledge base. You can search by: No
• Article number: The article number retrieves an article by its number, which is useful
when you want to select a specific article. The syntax is
• Keywords: You can search by keywords. The Salesforce Knowledge search looks for
these keywords in the title and body of the articles in the knowledge base. For
example, the phrase Reset Your Password returns articles that contain that

Run Search Tells the macro to search the knowledge base using the criteria specified in the Set No
Keywords instruction.

Select Most Relevant Selects the first article listed in the search results. No

Attach to Case Attaches the article to the case. No

Attach to Email as Adds the article as a PDF attachment to the email in the case. No

Insert into Email as Inserts the article text and links into the email in the case. No

Custom Quick Actions Supported in Macros

These actions are available when you click Select Name of Quick Action in the macro
instructions. You can create and run macros to perform custom quick actions in the Salesforce
Console for Service. Available in: Salesforce
To use these actions, you must have Quick Actions defined in your Salesforce org and added to the Classic (not available in all
case feed page layout. orgs)

Bulk macros are not supported on Quick Actions for social actions. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Table 4: Custom Quick Actions Supported in Macros Unlimited, and Developer
Action Description Supported Editions
in Bulk
Replace Clears the contents of the text field and replaces it with the Yes
<text specified text.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Action Description Supported in Bulk

Add to <text Adds the specified text to the end of the text field, but does not delete any existing text No
field> already there. The Text is inserted at the cursor position.

Submit Action Tells the macro to perform these instructions when someone runs this macro. Yes

A macro that contains a Submit Action instruction is irreversible. You must have the
Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo user permission to create, edit, and run macros that
contain instructions for performing irreversible actions.
A macro that contains a Submit Action instruction can be run as a bulk macro. You must
have the Run Macros on Multiple Records user permission to run bulk macros.

Experience Cloud Publisher Actions Supported in Macros

These actions are available when you click Select Community Action in the macro instructions.
Community actions let you update and post to Salesforce Communities. You can create and run
macros to perform these actions on the Community Publisher in the Salesforce Console for Service. Available in: Salesforce
To use these actions, you must have the Community Publisher enabled in your Salesforce org and Classic (not available in all
added as a console component to the case page layout. orgs)

Bulk macros are not supported on Community Publisher actions. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Table 5: Community Publisher Actions Supported in Macros Unlimited, and Developer
Action Description Supported Editions
in Bulk
Replace Body Clears the contents of the post and replaces it with the specified No

Insert into Adds a QuickText or Text into the Community post, but does not No
Body delete any existing text already there. The QuickText or Text is
inserted at the cursor position.

Submit Action Tells the macro to perform these instructions when someone No
runs this macro.
A macro that contains a Submit Action instruction is irreversible.
You must have the Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo user
permission to create, edit, and run macros that contain
instructions for performing irreversible actions.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Social Actions Supported in Macros

These actions are available when you click Select Social Action in the macro instructions. You can
create and run macros to perform these actions on the Social Publisher in the Salesforce Console
for Service. Available in: Salesforce
To use these actions, you must have Social Actions enabled in your organization and added as a Classic (not available in all
console component to the case feed page layout. orgs)

Bulk macros are not supported on Social Actions. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Table 6: Social Actions Supported in Macros Unlimited, and Developer
Action Description Supported Editions
in Bulk
Replace Clears the contents of the text field and replaces it with the No
Content specified text.

Insert into Adds the specified text to the text field, but does not delete any No
Content existing text already there. The QuickText or Text is inserted at
the cursor position.

Set Message Tells the macro to use the selected message type. No
Facebook message types:
• Post
• Comment
• Private
Twitter message types:
• Tweet
• Retweet
• Reply
• Direct

Submit Action Tells the macro to perform these instructions when someone No
runs this macro.
A macro that contains a Submit Action instruction is irreversible.
You must have the Manage Macros Users Can’t Undo user
permission to create, edit, and run macros that contain
instructions for performing irreversible actions.

Service Cloud Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

Keyboard Shortcuts for Macros

Use keyboard shortcuts to work even more efficiently with macros.

Macro Utility Shortcuts in Lightning Experience Available in Salesforce

Classic in: Professional,
Command Description Shortcut Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Open and close Macro Opens and closes the macro utility. M Editions
utility Available in Lightning
Run macro Use this shortcut when a macro is selected Enter Experience in: Essentials,
in the list or your search results only return Professional, Enterprise,
one item. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Navigate list of macros Use this shortcut when your focus is on the Arrow keys
search bar to navigate the list of returned

Macro Builder Shortcuts in Lightning Experience

Command Description Shortcut


Save Saves the macro and its instructions. Windows: Ctrl+S

macOS: Cmd+S

Display shortcut menu Launches the shortcut menu. Windows: Ctrl+/

macOS: Cmd+/

Switch panel focus Switches focus between the panels in Macro Builder. Focus F6
moves from the title bar, the toolbar, the canvas, and the
Instruction panel.


Select focused element Selects the focused element. Spacebar or Enter

Switch focus to next element Switches focus to the next element on the Macro Builder page. Tab

Switch focus to previous element Switches focus to previous element on the Macro Builder page. Shift+Tab


Switch focus to next instruction Switches focus to the next instruction on the page. Your focus Tab or Arrow keys
must be on an instruction in the Instruction panel to use to

Service Cloud Access Service Cloud on Mobile Devices

Macro Shortcuts in Salesforce Classic

Command Description Shortcut

Open Macro widget Opens the Macro widget in your console app. M

Go to macro search Moves the cursor to the search bar in the macro widget. S

Edit macro Edit the selected macro. E

View macro View the Macro Details page for a macro. V

Run macro Run the selected macro. Enter

View macro instruction Expands or collapses the selected macro’s instruction. Spacebar

Navigate macro list Scroll up the macro list. Up Arrow

Scroll down the macro list. Down Arrow

Create Macros in Salesforce Classic
Create Macros in Lightning Experience

Access Service Cloud on Mobile Devices

Service Cloud Mobile is the future of customer service on the go. This mobile app is available on
both iOS and Android devices. The app gives you real-time access to the same case and queue
information that you see on the console, but organized for getting work done from your mobile Available in: Essentials,
device. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Important: As of December 2019, the Service Cloud Mobile app is no longer supported and
and Developer Editions with
is not available for new users to download in the App or Play Stores. We recommend using
Service Cloud
the Salesforce mobile app to manage your work on the go.
Use the app to get work done between customer meetings, while waiting for a flight, and even
when you’re in line for coffee. The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and interact with data, so you can review and update
information with just a few taps. The app includes only the features that your case agents and supervisors need for managing cases and
queues, so there’s no extra clutter in the user interface.
Here’s what you can do in the Service Cloud mobile app.

Feature Description
Create Cases, Accounts, and Contacts Create new cases from a case list, search, contact record, or account record. Use any of your
org’s record t ypes when you create a case. Create new accounts and contacts from a case record
or search.

View and Update Cases The bread and butter of case management. View cases to learn about customer issues, update
case fields with any relevant information, and update case statuses to close or escalate them as

View and Update Accounts and View accounts and contacts related to your cases to get the full view of your customers. Update
Contacts account and contact fields with any relevant information.

Service Cloud Access Service Cloud on Mobile Devices

Feature Description
View Case Lists and Case Queues The case list picker lets you easily view the cases that you’re most interested in. You can view
all your assigned cases, or view only escalated cases.

Utilize the Case Feed The case feed that your agents love from Lightning Experience is available in a mobile-friendly

Send Email, Facebook, and Twitter Easily draft email and social media messages without leaving the app. For Facebook and Twitter
Messages messages, you can even specify if your message is a public post or a private message.

Bulk Actions Update multiple records simultaneously with intuitive bulk actions. Bulk actions let you update
case statuses, case owners, and case priorities. You can also delete cases.

Search Contact and Account Details Search and discover customer information to make sure that you have all the information you
need before tackling a case. Drill into your cases to learn more about customers contacts and

Configurable Notification Settings Stay on top of your cases and queues with individually configurable notifications that let each
user get just the notifications that are important to them. No admin setup is needed because
users can do it themselves from the in-app settings.

Send Feedback to Salesforce We always want to hear about customer experiences using Salesforce products. Users can let
us know what they love, like, or dislike about the app. That way we can keep improving our
products so that they work for you and your business.

Service Cloud Mobile Requirements
Learn about the requirements for using Service Cloud Mobile on an Android or iOS device.
Provide Notifications to Service Cloud Mobile Users
To send push notifications to Service Cloud Mobile users, install the Service Cloud Mobile managed package in your org. Then, give
them the Service Cloud Mobile User permission set to let them receive notifications from the managed package. Agents can configure
their own in-app settings to decide which events trigger notifications.
Service Cloud Mobile Limits and Limitations
Learn about the limits and limitations for Service Cloud Mobile.

Service Cloud Mobile Requirements

Learn about the requirements for using Service Cloud Mobile on an Android or iOS device.
Important: As of December 2019, the Service Cloud Mobile app is no longer supported and
is not available for new users to download in the App or Play Stores. We recommend using Available in: Essentials,
the Salesforce mobile app to manage your work on the go. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions with
Editions and License Requirements Service Cloud
Service Cloud Mobile is available in Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and
Developer Editions with Service Cloud. It’s available to anyone with a Salesforce user license.

Service Cloud Access Service Cloud on Mobile Devices

Mobile Device Requirements

iOS Requirements—iOS version 11 and later.
Android Requirements—Android 5.0 or later and Google Play Services 11.8.0 or later.

Note: Service Cloud Mobile isn’t optimized for tablets.

Network Requirements
A Wi-Fi® or cellular network connection is needed for the app to function properly and to communicate any changes you make to

Provide Notifications to Service Cloud Mobile Users

To send push notifications to Service Cloud Mobile users, install the Service Cloud Mobile managed
package in your org. Then, give them the Service Cloud Mobile User permission set to let them
receive notifications from the managed package. Agents can configure their own in-app settings Available in: Essentials,
to decide which events trigger notifications. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Important: As of December 2019, the Service Cloud Mobile app is no longer supported and
and Developer Editions with
is not available for new users to download in the App or Play Stores. We recommend using
Service Cloud
the Salesforce mobile app to manage your work on the go.
With both the managed package and the Service Cloud Mobile User permission set, your users are
able to receive notifications. They can configure which triggers cause them to see notifications in the app.
1. Install the package.
a. Log in to your org.
b. Open a new browser tab and install the Service Cloud Mobile Managed Package.

2. Assign the permission set.

a. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
b. Assign the Service Cloud Mobile User permission set. The permission set is automatically available in your org, so your admin
won’t have to create a new permission set.

Service Cloud Mobile Limits and Limitations

Learn about the limits and limitations for Service Cloud Mobile.
Important: As of December 2019, the Service Cloud Mobile app is no longer supported and
is not available for new users to download in the App or Play Stores. We recommend using Available in: Essentials,
the Salesforce mobile app to manage your work on the go. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions with
Available Features Service Cloud
A Service Cloud Mobile user doesn’t have all the powers that they have in the console or on the
Salesforce mobile app. The app is meant to be lightweight, giving users access to the essential case
management tools that agents and supervisors need. For a list of available features, see Access Service Cloud on Mobile Devices.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Routing

• Viewing a record other than a case, account, or contact prompts users to open that record in the Salesforce mobile app, or to install
the Salesforce mobile app if it isn’t already.
• Users can’t search for cases that aren’t included in one of their case lists.
• The Android version only supports quick actions to Log a Call, post to social media, post to the feed, and send email. The iOS version
supports the same quick actions and create record and update record actions.
• Notifications can’t be accessed after being opened.
• Having no queues and case lists puts the iOS version of the app in an unusable state.
• Users can only mention people if they are commenting on an existing post. Mentioning is not supported when creating a new post.
• Android users can’t attach files to posts using the publisher but iOS users can attach Salesforce Files.

Service Cloud Routing

Unify your channels and manage your agent workload with Omni-Channel routing. Set up rules and queues to automate your service

Omni-Channel routes work requests to the most available and qualified support agents in the console. You can also provide real-time
operational intelligence to support supervisors with Omni-Channel Supervisor.
Rules and Queues
Automation keeps things running smoothly. Set up rules and queues to help you prioritize, distribute, assign, respond to, and escalate
Einstein Case Routing
Let Einstein save agents time by automatically updating and routing new cases. When Einstein Case Classification updates a field
on a case, you can have Einstein Case Routing run your existing assignment rules to route the case to the right agent.

Einstein for Service

Omni-Channel routes work requests to the most available and qualified support agents in the console. You can also provide real-time
operational intelligence to support supervisors with Omni-Channel Supervisor.

Omni-Channel for Administrators
Route any type of incoming work item to the most qualified, available support agents in your call center. Omni-Channel integrates
seamlessly into the console in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Omni-Channel Supervisor
Use Omni-Channel Supervisor to monitor agent workloads and the status of work items that are routed by Omni-Channel. Agents
can raise flags on work items when they require assistance from a supervisor. Supervisors can monitor Service Cloud Voice transcripts
and chat messages between agents and customers, and send helpful messages that only the support agent sees. Supervisors can
also respond to incoming support requests by changing queues as needed and can update agent skills quickly.

Omni-Channel for Administrators

Route any type of incoming work item to the most qualified, available support agents in your call
center. Omni-Channel integrates seamlessly into the console in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning
Experience. To set up Omni-Channel:
• Customize Application
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience To modify permission sets
and profiles:
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,
• Manage Profiles and
and Developer Editions
Permission Sets

Omni-Channel is a flexible, customizable feature, and you can configure it declaratively—that is, without writing code. Use Omni-Channel
to manage the priority of work items, which makes it a cinch to route important work items to agents quickly. Manage your agents’
capacity to take on work items so that they’re given only the number of assignments that they can handle. You can also define which
agents can work on different types of assignments. For example, you can create one group of agents to respond to leads and sales
inquiries, and another group that helps customers with support questions.
Best of all, Omni-Channel routes all these assignments to the correct agents automatically. Agents no longer have to pick and choose
work assignments manually from a queue, which saves everyone in your call center time, effort, and brainpower. Because it’s easier for
agents to work on their assignments, they can assist your customers faster and more effectively and close assignments more quickly.
Routing logic is applied when work is assigned to an owner. Note that if field values on the work item are changed after the item is
routed, the routing logic isn’t reapplied.
Let’s get started!

Set Up Omni-Channel with a Guided Setup Flow
Get ready to route cases with Omni-Channel in Lightning Experience with a quick guided setup flow. Create a queue and routing
configuration, select your support agents, and add Omni-Channel to the utility bar in your default Lightning Service Console app.
Customize Omni-Channel
The first step towards getting your Omni-Channel implementation up and running is to create the necessary objects in Salesforce.
Omni-Channel Flows (Beta)
The Omni-Channel Flow brings all the functionality of Omni-Channel within a Salesforce Flow. Use the power and flexibility of Flow
Builder to define your routing rules and dynamically route work to the best agent for each case.
Set Access to Presence Statuses
Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items, or whether the agent is away
or offline. Once you’ve created your Presence Statuses for Omni-Channel, you need to set up how your users will access them. You
can set access through permission sets or profiles.
Add the Omni-Channel Widget to the Salesforce Console
After you get Omni-Channel all set up for your organization, it’s time to add the Omni-Channel widget to the Salesforce console so
that your agents can start receiving work.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Add the Omni-Channel Utility to a Lightning Console App

Add the Omni-Channel utility to your Lightning Service console to route work to agents in a flash.
Test Your Omni-Channel Implementation
Now that you’ve got Omni-Channel set up and enabled, test your implementation to make sure it’s working correctly.
Use Omni-Channel with Your Existing Chat Implementation
Are you loving Chat and want to add Omni-Channel to the mix? Here’s what changes for you and your organization (and not for
your agents!).
Skills-Based Routing for Omni-Channel
Your agents have different skills sets and abilities. Your customers have different needs. Skills-based routing lets your contact center
route work to the best agent for the job, so that customer work items are assigned to the agent who is best able to solve the issue.
Skills-based routing improves the quality of customer service by automatically routing work items to the agent who has the skills
necessary to do the work.
Use External Routing for Omni-Channel
Integrate third-party routing with a partner application with Omni-Channel using Salesforce standard APIs and streaming APIs.
External routing is supported with Omni-Channel in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.
Omni-Channel Reference
Understand how Omni-Channel routing works and reference the fields for agent work records and user presence records.

Set Up Omni-Channel with a Guided Setup Flow

Get ready to route cases with Omni-Channel in Lightning Experience with a quick guided setup
flow. Create a queue and routing configuration, select your support agents, and add Omni-Channel
to the utility bar in your default Lightning Service Console app. Service Setup is available in
The Omni-Channel setup flow is the fastest and easiest way to get up and running with case routing Lightning Experience
in Lightning Experience. When you complete the flow, Omni-Channel is ready to use in the default
Available in: All editions with
Lightning Service Console app. Cases are routed to your support agents using your shiny new queue
the Service Cloud
and routing configuration.

Note: This setup flow sets up queue-based routing for Omni-Channel, not skills-based
routing. You must set up skills-based routing manually.

Where to Access the Setup Flow

This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by clicking and selecting Service
In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Enabling Omni-Channel
• Creating a queue to hold incoming cases until they’re routed to an agent

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

• Creating a routing configuration and a presence configuration, which work in tandem to control your agents’ workload and set the
priority for work in your queue
• Selecting the users who can receive work requests
• Setting agent capacity and the work item size for cases that come in through your new queue

Note: We name a few of these objects for you. The presence configuration name is based on what you entered as the name for
the group of agents you created. If you didn’t have a routing configuration already, we gave it the same name as your queue. You
can change these names in your Omni-Channel settings in Setup.
We turn on several things in the background during the setup flow.
Enable Omni-Channel
If it isn’t enabled already, we turn on Omni-Channel.
Create a Service Channel for Cases
Service channels let you choose which objects you want to route in Omni-Channel. We create one for cases to get you started.
Create Presence Statuses
Presence statuses are what agents use to go online in Omni-Channel. We create three presence statuses for your agents to use:
Available, On Break, and Busy. The Available status makes the agent available only to accept cases.
Create and Assign a Permission Set with Presence Statuses Assigned to Users
To make sure that your agents have access to the presence statuses we create, we make a permission set that assigns the presence
statuses to the users you select in the setup flow. The permission set is called Omni Setup Flow (with developer name
Add the Omni-Channel Utility to Your Console
We add the Omni-Channel utility to the default Lightning Service Console app.

Omni-Channel Setup Flow: What’s Next?
Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Omni-Channel setup flow.

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant
Omni-Channel Utility for Lightning Console Apps

Omni-Channel Setup Flow: What’s Next?

Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Omni-Channel setup flow.
After completing the setup flow, you have an Omni-Channel queue with agents assigned and ready to get to work!
Get Work into Your New Queue
Set up automatic assignment for cases so incoming work goes straight to your queue, where it’s routed to an agent. Head on over
to Process Builder to set criteria for your incoming cases.
Make More Queues
If you want to create more queues to cover different support tier levels or work priorities, for example, then run through the setup
flow again. And again, and again…

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Test it Out
We added Omni-Channel to the utility bar in your default Lightning Service Console app, so when you’re ready, hop into your console
to test out your implementation as a support agent. Simply log in, create a case, change the case owner to your new queue, and
watch the case appear as a work request in the utility.

Note: If you didn’t add yourself as an agent during the setup flow, you can add yourself to the permission set we created for
Customize Omni-Channel
To route other objects like chats and leads, go to Setup and enter Omni-Channel in the Quick Find box. Then, select
Service Channels.
You can create statuses that make the agent available for one or more work types at a time. For example, you can have a presence
status that makes the agents available for cases and another for cases and chats. To create and edit presence statuses, go to Setup
and enter Omni-Channel in the Quick Find box. Then, select Presence Statuses. To assign presence statuses to you and
your team, you can use permission sets or profiles.
You can also add Omni-Channel to any console app. Simply edit or create a console app in the App Manager in Setup, or in your
app settings in Salesforce Classic Setup.
Hit the Trails with Trailhead
Don’t forget to check out more awesome Omni-Channel features like Omni-Channel Supervisor, decline reasons, and push timeout
in the Omni-Channel for Lightning Experience module on Trailhead.

Trailhead: Omni-Channel for Lightning Experience
Test Your Omni-Channel Implementation
Give Users Access to Presence Statuses with Profiles

Customize Omni-Channel
The first step towards getting your Omni-Channel implementation up and running is to create the necessary objects in Salesforce.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Enable Omni-Channel
Enable Omni-Channel to gain access to the objects that you’ll use to set up the feature in your organization.
Create Service Channels
Service channels let you turn nearly any Salesforce object such as a case, lead, SOS session, or even a custom object into a work
record. Omni-Channel then plucks these work items from their queues like flowers from the garden of agent productivity and routes
them to your agents in real time.
Create Routing Configurations
Routing configurations determine how work items are routed to agents. Use them to prioritize the relative importance and size of
work items from your queues. That way, the most important work items are handled accordingly, and work is evenly distributed to
your agents. To start routing work items to agents, create routing configurations and assign them to queues.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Associate Routing Configurations and Agents with Queues

Queues are a classic element of Salesforce that help your teams manage leads, cases, contact requests, and custom objects.
Omni-Channel supercharges your queues to be able to route work items to your agents in real time. Agents don’t have to select
work items manually from queues because Omni-Channel routes work items to agents automatically and in real time!
Create Presence Configurations
Let’s focus on agents for a minute. Presence configurations determine how much work agents can take on and what Omni-Channel
behaviors they can access while they assist customers. Your organization can have multiple configurations for different groups of
agents who support different channels.
Create Presence Statuses
Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items, or whether the agent is away
or offline.

Enable Omni-Channel
Enable Omni-Channel to gain access to the objects that you’ll use to set up the feature in your
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

Note: Digital Engagement for Sales Cloud is available for an extra cost in Enterprise and Unlimited Editions.

1. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Omni-Channel Settings.
2. Select Enable Omni-Channel.
3. Click Save.

Note: To use Omni-Channel to route communications to the right sales team, you must also Enable Messaging.

Salesforce Help: Digital Engagement for Sales Cloud

Create Service Channels

Service channels let you turn nearly any Salesforce object such as a case, lead, SOS session, or even
a custom object into a work record. Omni-Channel then plucks these work items from their
queues like flowers from the garden of agent productivity and routes them to your agents in real To set up Omni-Channel:
time. • Customize Application

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Service channels let you manage sources of work and their priority compared to other work items. After you create service channels,
you’ll associate them with queues, which determine how work items are routed to your agents. You can create service channels for
support channels, such as cases or SOS calls, or for sales channels, such as leads.
1. If you plan to use Secondary Routing Priority, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Omni-Channel Settings, and then
select Omni-Channel Settings. Click Enable Secondary Routing Priority.
2. If you plan to use the Status-Based Capacity Model, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Omni-Channel Settings, and
then select Omni-Channel Settings. Click Enable Status-Based Capacity Model.
3. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Service Channels, and then select Service Channels. Click New.
4. Specify the settings for your service channel.
5. Click Save.

Set Up Secondary Routing Priority
Let your agents tackle the right cases first with secondary routing priority.
Understand Capacity Models
Omni-Channel determines agent capacity in one of two ways: Tab-Based or Status-Based.
Configure After Conversation Work Time (Beta)
Give agents a set amount of time after a customer conversation to wrap up their work before they start a new conversation. Agents
can use this After Conversation Work (ACW) time to send follow-up emails, update a case, or finalize their conversation notes.
Supervisors can use Omni-Channel Supervisor and reports to track the amount of time agents spend on wrap-up work.
Service Channel Settings
Customize your service channel settings to define how your organization receives work from various sources, such as chat, email,
SOS calls, or social channels.
Supported Objects for Omni-Channel
Omni-Channel turbocharges your agents’ productivity by assigning records to them in real time. But which objects and records does
Omni-Channel support?

Set Up Secondary Routing Priority

Let your agents tackle the right cases first with secondary routing priority.
Available in: Lightning Experience To set up Omni-Channel:
• Customize Application
Available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service Cloud

In a queue, priority is determined by how long the work item has been waiting—first in, first out. However, while a work item is pending
in the queue, new work could come in that is more urgent. For example, transferred work, an item that has been waiting on someone’s
response, or work that is about to reach a service agreement deadline. You can shift an item to a different queue, but within that queue,
it’s behind older items. Also, some queues might have the same priority. Secondary Routing Priority solves this problem by moving a
work item forward in a queue over older items and resolving conflicts across queues for items with the same routing configuration
1. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel in the Quick Find box, then select Omni-Channel Settings.
2. Select Enable Secondary Routing Priority.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

You can now configure secondary routing priority mappings for each channel.

3. From Setup, enter Service Channels in the Quick Find box, then select Service Channels.
4. Edit an existing service channel or add a new one.
5. In the Secondary Routing Priority section, select a priority field. Then map field values to priorities.

Example: To prioritize escalated cases first and new cases next, select Status as the priority field. Then set the Escalated field
value to priority 1, and the New field value to priority 2. The highest priority is 0.

Note: Secondary Routing Priority is not automatically updated for skills-based routed chat and messaging channels. To update
the SecondaryRoutingPriority field on the PendingServiceRouting object, use the API.

Understand Capacity Models

Omni-Channel determines agent capacity in one of two ways: Tab-Based or Status-Based.
Tab-Based Capacity Model
Determines agent capacity using the number of console tabs that are open in the agent’s Omni-Channel session. When the agent
logs out, all the work that’s assigned to the agent is considered closed by Omni-Channel, and the agent's capacity is reset.
Omni-Channel also considers the work to be closed when an agent closes the tab that Omni-Channel opened for the work item.

Note: With the Tab-Based Capacity Model, an agent can own up to 100 tabs at one time.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Status-Based Capacity Model

Determines agent capacity using the status of work items assigned the agent. For nonreal-time channels like cases, agents sometimes
work on the same work item over multiple days, across multiple Omni-Channel sessions. The status-based capacity model checks
the status of a work item to determine if the work consumes an agent’s capacity. If the agent closes a tab or logs out of Omni-Channel,
their capacity is not reset until the work has a completed status. This capacity model is not available for chat, messaging, or SOS.

Set Up Status-Based Capacity Model
Measure agent capacity more accurately. Omni-Channel can determine agent capacity based on the status of accepted work rather
than the open tabs and sessions. If agents are unavailable, their work remains assigned, and reflected in their capacity, until the work
is completed or reassigned.

Set Up Status-Based Capacity Model

Measure agent capacity more accurately. Omni-Channel can determine agent capacity based on
the status of accepted work rather than the open tabs and sessions. If agents are unavailable, their
work remains assigned, and reflected in their capacity, until the work is completed or reassigned. To set up Omni-Channel:
• Customize Application
Available in: Lightning Experience

Available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer

Editions with the Service Cloud

With the status-based capacity model, work remains assigned and applied to an agent’s capacity until the work is completed or reassigned
to a different agent. In contrast, the tab-based capacity model releases an agent’s capacity when a work tab is closed in the service

Note: The status-based capacity model can be used only for cases, leads, and custom objects. The status-based capacity isn’t
supported for real-time work items such as chat, voice, and messaging.
1. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel in the Quick Find box, then select Omni-Channel Settings.
2. Select Enable Status-Based Capacity Model.

You can now set up the status-based capacity model for each channel.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

3. From Setup, enter Service Channels in the Quick Find box, then select Service Channels.
4. Edit an existing service channel or add a new one.
5. For each service channel, select the Status-Based capacity model. (1) Then, specify the picklist field that you use to track work status
and the field values that you use for completed and in-progress work. (2) For work that’s assigned to a specific agent, you can override
the capacity check and keep the work assigned to the agent. (3)

Alternatively, select these options to check an agent’s capacity before Omni-Channel reopens or reassigns work. If the agent doesn’t
have capacity, the work item is rerouted based on how it was most recently routed. For example, if the work item was routed using
queue-based routing, Omni-Channel reroutes the work item to the queue that it was assigned to.

Note: If you set up a channel to use the status-based capacity model, work remains assigned even if agents close tabs. The My
Work tab in the Omni-Channel widget shows work assigned to the agent until it is completed or reassigned. Agents can open a
tab for work from the My Work tab.
A work item consumes agent capacity only if it was first assigned to the agent by Omni-Channel using queues or skills. Don't start
working on a work item until Omni-Channel routes it to you.
Work items that were created before you enabled Status-Based Capacity Model don't apply toward agent capacity.
The Omni-Channel Supervisor console doesn't support all data points related to this model.
With the status-based capacity model, an agent can be assigned a total of 100 work items. The Omni-Channel widget displays the
first 20 work items assigned. An additional 20 work items can remain open and assigned but don't impact agent capacity. To view
additional work items, an agent must close other work items, go offline, and come back online.

Configure After Conversation Work Time (Beta)

Give agents a set amount of time after a customer conversation to wrap up their work before they
start a new conversation. Agents can use this After Conversation Work (ACW) time to send follow-up
emails, update a case, or finalize their conversation notes. Supervisors can use Omni-Channel To create a service channel:
Supervisor and reports to track the amount of time agents spend on wrap-up work. • Customize Application
To create and save Lightning
Omni-Channel is available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience pages in the Lightning App
Service Cloud Voice is available in: Lightning Experience
• Customize Application
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer To view Lightning pages in
Editions the Lightning App Builder:
• View Setup and
Service Cloud Voice is available in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions Configuration

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Important: After Conversation Work is currently available only for Voice Call channels, and applies to all agents in the channel. After
Conversation Work doesn’t work with a status-based capacity model.

Note: After Conversation Work (ACW) is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use
of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.
The ACW countdown begins the moment a call ends. Agents can exit the countdown early by closing the call record or let it run its
course. When the time runs out, the agent is considered available to help the next customer whether or not they’ve closed the call
If ACW isn’t enabled for your Voice Call channel, agents reserve time for wrap-up tasks by leaving the call record open in the console.
When an agent is ready to help the next customer, they must close the record tab to free up their capacity.
1. Configure ACW in your Voice Call service channel settings.
a. From the Service Channels page in Setup, edit or create a channel based on the Voice Call object.
b. In the After Conversation Work Time section, select Give agents wrap-up time after conversations.
c. In the Max Time (seconds) field (required), enter the number of seconds that agents have to complete their closing work after
a conversation. The value must be between 30 and 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
d. Save your changes.

2. To let agents see the ACW countdown after a call ends, add the After Conversation Work component to your Voice Call page layout.
a. Open the Voice Call record page in the Lightning App Builder.
b. Drag the After Conversation Work component onto the page.
c. Save your changes.

Track After Conversation Work Time (Beta)
Wrap Up After a Call
Configure Omni-Channel for Service Cloud Voice

Service Channel Settings

Customize your service channel settings to define how your organization receives work from various sources, such as chat, email, SOS
calls, or social channels.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Setting What It Does

Service Channel Name Names the service channel.
This service channel name, or a version of it, automatically
becomes the API Name.

Developer Name Sets the API name for the service channel.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Setting What It Does

Salesforce Object The type of Salesforce standard or custom object that’s associated
with this service channel. For example, if you have a service
channel for Web cases set the Related Object Type to
Case. For a complete list of objects that service channels support,
see Supported Objects for Omni-Channel.

Custom Console Footer Component (Optional) Opens the specified custom console footer component
when an agent accepts a work item request. For example, open
a marketing campaign widget when an agent accepts a lead.

Minimize the Omni-Channel widget when work Automatically minimize the Omni-Channel widget when your
is accepted agents accept work. (Lightning Experience only)

Secondary Routing Priority Field Use field values to determine the routing priority of work items
within and across queues when the queue routing configuration
priority is the same. Select a priority field, then assign a priority for
each field value. 0 is the highest priority.

Capacity Model With the status-based capacity model, work remains assigned and
applied to an agent’s capacity until the work is completed or
reassigned to a different agent. In contrast, the tab-based capacity
model releases an agent’s capacity when a work tab is closed in
the service console.

Give agents wrap-up time after (Beta; available only for Voice Call channels) Gives agents a set
conversations amount of time after a customer conversation to wrap up their
work before they start a new conversation. Agents see the
countdown in the After Conversation Work component.

Max Time (seconds) (Beta; available only for Voice Call channels) Indicates how many
seconds, from 30 to 3600, agents have to complete their closing
work after a conversation. This field is required if Give agents
wrap-up time after conversations is selected.

Supported Objects for Omni-Channel

Omni-Channel turbocharges your agents’ productivity by assigning records to them in real time. But which objects and records does
Omni-Channel support?

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Omni-Channel currently supports routing for the following objects and records.
• Cases
• Chats
• Contact requests
• Leads

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

• Messaging (Lightning Experience only)

• Orders
• Social posts
• SOS video calls (Salesforce Classic only)
• Swarm requests
• Custom objects that don’t have a master object

Create Routing Configurations

Routing configurations determine how work items are routed to agents. Use them to prioritize the
relative importance and size of work items from your queues. That way, the most important work
items are handled accordingly, and work is evenly distributed to your agents. To start routing work To set up Omni-Channel:
items to agents, create routing configurations and assign them to queues. • Customize Application

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

Create a routing configuration for each service channel in your organization. After you create routing configurations, associate them
with queues so your agents can receive work after we get Omni-Channel set up.
1. From Setup in Salesforce Classic, enter Routing in the Quick Find box, select Routing Configurations, then click New.
2. Specify the settings for your routing configuration.
3. Click Save.

Routing Configuration Settings
Customize your routing configuration settings to define how work items are pushed to agents.
Omni-Channel Routing Model Options
Specify how incoming work items are directed to agents using Omni-Channel.

Routing Configuration Settings

Customize your routing configuration settings to define how work items are pushed to agents.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Basic Information

Setting What It Does

Routing Configuration Name Names the service routing configuration.
This routing configuration name, or a version of it, automatically
becomes the Developer Name.

Developer Name Sets the API name for the service channel.

Overflow Assignee Sets the user or queue that Omni-Channel routes items to when
your org reaches Omni-Channel limits. Ensure that you:
• Select a user or queue that has access to the objects that the
queue(s) using this routing configuration handles
• Assign a routing configuration with an overflow assignee to
all Omni-Channel queues involved in a bulk operation, such
as changing the status or owner for multiple requests

Routing Settings

Setting What It Does

Routing Priority The order in which work items from the queue that are associated
with this routing configuration are routed to agents. Objects in
queues with a lower number are routed to agents first.
For example, if you set the priority for highly qualified leads to 1
and the priority for less qualified leads to 2, highly qualified leads
are routed and assigned to agents before less qualified leads.
On the backend, we identify agents with available capacity; then
we assign work to them based on this priority order:
1. The priority of the queue from which the work item came
2. The amount of time that the work item has been waiting in
the queue
3. Members of the queue who are available to receive new work
items from the queue
When the work item is assigned to an agent, the owner of the
object changes from the queue to the agent. If an agent declines
the work item, we reassign it back to the queue with its original
age so that it can be properly rerouted.

Routing Model Determines how incoming work items are routed to agents who
are assigned to the configuration’s service channel.

Push Time-Out (seconds) Sets a time limit for an agent to respond to an item before it’s
pushed to another agent.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Setting What It Does

Drop Additional Skills Time-out (seconds) Set the time to elapse before additional skills are dropped from
Omni-Channel routing.

Skills-Based Routing Rules

Setting What It Does

Use with Skills-Based Routing Rules Use this routing configuration with Skills-Based Routing Rules.
Note: If you use the Omni-Channel Flow, you’ll invoke routing rules
from the flow instead.

Skills Optionally, add default skills. Work is routed using a combination

of rules and default skills.

Work Item Size

Setting What It Does

Units of Capacity Indicates the amount of an agent’s overall capacity that’s consumed
when the agent is assigned a work item from queues that are
associated with this configuration.
The Capacity setting in the presence configuration the agent
is assigned to determines the agent’s overall capacity. When the
agent is assigned a work item from the queue that’s associated
with this configuration, the Capacity Weight is subtracted
from the agent’s overall capacity. Agents can be assigned work
items until their overall capacity reaches 0.
You can select a Capacity Weight or a Capacity
Percentage, but not both.

Percentage of Capacity The percentage of an agent’s overall capacity that’s consumed

when the agent is assigned a work item from queues that are
associated with this configuration.
The agent’s overall capacity is determined by the Capacity
setting in the presence configuration that the agent is assigned
to.As agents are assigned work items from the queue, the
Capacity Percentage is deducted from the agent’s overall
capacity as long as they have enough to cover the assigned work
You can select a Capacity Weight or a Capacity
Percentage, but not both.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Omni-Channel Routing Model Options

Specify how incoming work items are directed to agents using Omni-Channel.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

In Omni-Channel, work items are automatically routed or “pushed” to agents who are assigned to the appropriate queue.

Routing Option Description Example

Least Active Incoming work items are routed to the • Agent A and Agent B each have an
agent with the least amount of open work. overall capacity of 5.
When work items all consume 1 capacity,
• Agent A has 3 active work items with
the agent with the lowest number of work
capacity impact of 1. Agent B has 1
items receives incoming work. The example
active work item with capacity impact
presents a scenario in which agents have
of 4.
work with varying capacity impacts.
• Because Agent A has a lower capacity
impact than Agent B, incoming work
items are routed to Agent A.

Most Available Incoming work items are routed to the • Agent A and Agent B each have an
agent with the greatest difference between overall capacity of 5.
work item capacity and open work items.
• Agent A has 3 active work items while
Capacity is determined by the presence
Agent B has 1.
configuration that the agent is assigned to.
• Because Agent B has the most open
capacity, incoming work items are
routed to Agent B.

Associate Routing Configurations and Agents with Queues

Queues are a classic element of Salesforce that help your teams manage leads, cases, contact
requests, and custom objects. Omni-Channel supercharges your queues to be able to route work
items to your agents in real time. Agents don’t have to select work items manually from queues To set up Omni-Channel:
because Omni-Channel routes work items to agents automatically and in real time! • Customize Application

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

The work items in the queue are assigned the priority that you specified in the routing configuration that you created earlier. If your
organization already uses them, you can reuse queues that are available in your organization. That way, you can route work items in real
time to the agents who are assigned to those queues.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

If your organization doesn’t use queues, create at least one queue to integrate with Omni-Channel. You can also create multiple queues
to handle the different types of work items. For example, you might create one queue for incoming cases and another queue for incoming

Note: Omni-Channel doesn't limit the number of queues that you can use. However, you can only modify (insert, update, or
delete) up to 16 queues in a single batch.
For routing to work correctly, assign each of your agents to the queue from which they are receiving work items.
1. In Setup, enter Queues in the Quick Find box, then select Queues.
2. Create a queue or edit an existing one.

Note: Queue names can’t contain commas.

3. In the Routing Configuration field, look up the routing configuration that you want to associate with the queue.
4. In the Queue Members section, add agents to the Selected Users field.
These agents will receive work items from this queue.

5. Click Save.

Create Queues

Create Presence Configurations

Let’s focus on agents for a minute. Presence configurations determine how much work agents can
take on and what Omni-Channel behaviors they can access while they assist customers. Your
organization can have multiple configurations for different groups of agents who support different To set up Omni-Channel:
channels. • Customize Application

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

Note: Implement this feature in one click with the Service Setup Assistant: Learn more on page 6

When you enable Omni-Channel in your organization, Salesforce creates a presence configuration for you, called the Default Presence
Configuration. All your agents are assigned to that configuration automatically. However, you can create a presence configuration and
assign individual agents to it to customize Omni-Channel settings for a subset of your agents. If you reassign agents to a custom presence
configuration, they’re excluded from the Default Presence Configuration.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Presence, and then select Presence Configurations. Then click New.
2. Choose the settings for your presence configuration.
3. Click Save.

Presence Configuration Settings
Customize your presence configuration settings to define the Omni-Channel settings that are assigned to agents.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Presence Configuration Settings

Customize your presence configuration settings to define the Omni-Channel settings that are assigned to agents.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Basic Information
These settings configure the basic functionality that’s available to agents when they’re signed in to Omni-Channel.

Setting What It Does

Presence Configuration Name Names the presence configuration.
This configuration name, or a version of it, automatically becomes
the Developer Name.

Developer Name Sets the API name for the configuration.

Capacity Determines the agent’s maximum capacity for work. The size of
the work item that you specified in the routing configuration
consumes the agent’s capacity.

Automatically Accept Requests Automatically accepts work assignments that are pushed to an
agent. These work items open automatically in the agent’s
workspace, so the agent doesn’t have to accept these work items
manually from the Omni-Channel footer component (or the utility
in Lightning Experience).
If Allow Agents to Decline Requests is enabled,
you can’t use this setting.

Allow Agents to Decline Requests Allows agents to decline incoming work items.
If Automatically Accept Requests is enabled, agents
can’t decline requests.

Update Status on Decline Automatically changes the agent’s status to the status that you
specify when the agent declines a work item.
This setting is available only if Allow Agents to Decline
Requests is enabled.

Allow Agents to Choose a Decline Reason Allows agents to choose a reason when declining work
This setting is available only if Allow Agents to Decline
Requests is enabled.

Update Status on Push Time-Out Automatically changes the agent’s status when a work assignment
that’s been pushed to them times out.
This setting is available only if Push Time-Out is enabled.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Setting What It Does

Request Sound Enabled Plays a sound in the agent’s widget when a work request is

Disconnect Sound Enabled Plays a sound in the agent’s widget when the agent loses
connection with Omni-Channel.

Assign Decline Reasons

These settings appear when Allow Agents to Decline Requests and Allow Agents to Choose a Decline
Reason are selected.

Setting What It Does

Available Decline Reasons Indicates the decline reasons that are eligible to be assigned to
the configuration.

Selected Decline Reasons Indicates the decline reasons that are assigned to the

Assign Users
Assign eligible users to the configuration to give them access to Omni-Channel functionality. Later, you’ll see that you can also assign
profiles to a configuration. If a user is assigned a configuration at the profile and user levels, the user-level configuration overrides the
configuration that’s assigned to the user’s profile.

Warning: Users can be assigned to only one presence configuration at a time. If you assign the same user to a second presence
configuration, the system removes that user from the first presence configuration without warning you. So make sure that you
know which presence configuration assignment is required for each user!
For example, let’s say that User A is assigned to Presence Configuration A. Then, you create Presence Configuration B and assign
User A to it without realizing that the user was assigned to another presence configuration. Salesforce removes User A from
Presence Configuration A and reassigns the user to Presence Configuration B without notifying you.

Setting What It Does

Available Users Indicates the users who are eligible to be assigned to the

Selected Users Indicates the users who are assigned to the configuration.

Assign Profiles
Assign eligible profiles to the configuration to give users who are associated with the profiles access to Omni-Channel functionality. If a
user is assigned a configuration at the profile and user levels, the user-level configuration overrides the configuration that’s assigned to
the user’s profile.

Setting What It Does

Available Profiles Indicates the user profiles that are eligible to be assigned to the

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Setting What It Does

Selected Profiles Indicates the user profiles that are assigned to the configuration.

Create Presence Statuses

Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items,
or whether the agent is away or offline.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

A presence status can encompass one or more channels of work items. For example, you might create a presence status called “Available
for Web Support” that includes service channels for chats and emails. When agents are signed in to that presence status, they can receive
incoming chats and emails. Genius!
1. From Setup in Salesforce Classic, enter Presence in the Quick Find box, select Presence Statuses, then click New.
2. Choose the settings for your presence status.
3. Click Save.

Presence Status Settings
Customize your presence status settings to define which service channels are assigned to difference statuses. Agents can sign in to
Omni-Channel with different statuses depending on the types of work that they’re available to receive.

Presence Status Settings

Customize your presence status settings to define which service channels are assigned to difference statuses. Agents can sign in to
Omni-Channel with different statuses depending on the types of work that they’re available to receive.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Basic Information
Use these settings to name your presence status.

Setting What It Does

Status Name Names the presence status.
This presence status name, or a version of it, automatically
becomes the API Name.

API Name Sets the API name for the presence status.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Status Options
These settings indicate whether agents are online or busy when they use this status.

Setting What It Does

Online Lets agents who use this status receive new work items.

Busy Lets agents who use this status appear away and indicates that
they’re unable to receive new work items.

Service Channels
Assign service channels to your presence status. Agents who sign in with this presence status can receive work items from the channels
that you select.

Setting What It Does

Available Channels Indicates the service channels that are eligible to be assigned to
the presence status.

Selected Channels Indicates the service channels that are assigned to the presence

Omni-Channel Flows (Beta)

The Omni-Channel Flow brings all the functionality of Omni-Channel within a Salesforce Flow. Use the power and flexibility of Flow
Builder to define your routing rules and dynamically route work to the best agent for each case.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

As a beta feature, Omni-Channel Flow is a preview and isn’t part of the “Services” under your master subscription agreement with
Salesforce. Use this feature at your sole discretion, and make your purchase decisions only on the basis of generally available products
and features. Salesforce doesn’t guarantee general availability of this feature within any particular time frame or at all, and we can
discontinue it at any time. This feature is for evaluation purposes only, not for production use. It’s offered as is and isn’t supported, and
Salesforce has no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with it. All restrictions, Salesforce reservation of rights,
obligations concerning the Services, and terms for related Non-Salesforce Applications and Content apply equally to your use of this
feature. You can provide feedback and suggestions for Omni-Channel Flows in the Trailblazer Community.

How Does an Omni-Channel Flow Work? (Beta)
When your customer initiates a chat conversation or opens a case, you can launch an Omni-Channel flow. After executing any other
elements that you’ve defined, the flow executes a Route Work action to route the work to a queue, skills, or agent.
Understand Routing Actions (Beta)
The Omni-Channel Flow pilot provides two special actions: Route Work and Add Skill Requirements.
Create an Omni-Channel Flow (Beta)
Set up a flow using the Omni-Channel Flow template.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

About Flow Variables (Beta)

Create the following variables to store values in your flow: recordId, skillList, and input_record. RecordId is required. SkillList and
input_record are optional based on your flow logic.
Route Items to Queues (Beta)
Automatically route work to a specific queue using variables.
Route Work Items Using Skills (Beta)
Use Omni-Channel Flows to attach required skills to work items, then automatically route them to a qualified agent.
Route Work Items Directly to a Specific Agent (Beta)
Use Omni-Channel Flows to route cases directly to an agent.
Set Up a Chat-Button to Launch the Omni-Channel Flow (Beta)
Route chats to the best agent dynamically using the Omni-Channel routing type and Omni-Channel flows.
Use a Flow to Route a Case (Beta)
Route a case using a flow, use the Record-Triggered Flow template.
Considerations and Limitations (Beta)

How Does an Omni-Channel Flow Work? (Beta)

When your customer initiates a chat conversation or opens a case, you can launch an Omni-Channel flow. After executing any other
elements that you’ve defined, the flow executes a Route Work action to route the work to a queue, skills, or agent.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Let’s take a look at an example.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

In the above example, the flow runs at the start of a chat conversation. The Get Records element obtains the customer’s Contact record.
The Decision element checks that record for the customer’s language. The flow then executes the appropriate Route Work action based
on the customer’s language. Route work to Queue 1 for an English-speaking agent or to Queue 2 for a French-speaking agent.

Understand Routing Actions (Beta)

The Omni-Channel Flow pilot provides two special actions: Route Work and Add Skill Requirements.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

To route work, you configure the logic to determine where you need to route it, and then use these two actions to set the required
routing rules.

The Route Work Action (Beta)
Use the Route Work action to route a work item to a queue, an agent with the right skills, or a specific agent.
The Add Skills Requirement Action (Beta)
Use the Add Skill Requirements action to define the skills that the agent needs for the flow to route a work item to that agent. The
skills that you define here are later passed into the Route work action.

The Route Work Action (Beta)

Use the Route Work action to route a work item to a queue, an agent with the right skills, or a specific agent.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

This action will be used as the last element in the flow, to create the PendingServiceRouting object and route the work.

Route Items to Queues (Beta)
Route Work Items Directly to a Specific Agent (Beta)

The Add Skills Requirement Action (Beta)

Use the Add Skill Requirements action to define the skills that the agent needs for the flow to route a work item to that agent. The skills
that you define here are later passed into the Route work action.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Route Work Items Using Skills (Beta)

Create an Omni-Channel Flow (Beta)

Set up a flow using the Omni-Channel Flow template.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. Enable Omni-Channel. If Omni-Channel is already enabled in your Salesforce org, skip this step.
a. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Omni-Channel Settings.
b. Select Enable Omni-Channel.
c. Click Save.

2. Configure your Queues, Skills, and Agents for Omni-Channel.

3. Create a flow by using the Omni-Channel Flow template.
a. From Setup, enter Flows in the Quick Find box, then select Flows.
b. Click New Flow.
c. Click All + Templates, then click Omni-Channel Flow.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

4. Click Next. Then click Freeform. Now you’re ready to start building an Omni-Channel Flow.
Note: If your agents work in Salesforce Classic, switch to Lightning Experience to build your Omni-Channel flows.

About Flow Variables (Beta)

Create the following variables to store values in your flow: recordId, skillList, and input_record. RecordId is required. SkillList and
input_record are optional based on your flow logic.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Create the recordId (Beta)
To store the ID of the work item in the flow, create the recordId variable.
Create the skillList (Beta)
To route work to agents with the right skills, identify the required skills and store them in a record collection variable.
Create the input_record (Beta)
If you build a flow to route chats based on field values in the Chat Transcript record, use a record variable to store the Chat Transcript.

Create the recordId (Beta)

To store the ID of the work item in the flow, create the recordId variable.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. In the Flow Builder Toolbox, click Manager and then click New Resource.
2. For Resource Type, select Variable.
3. For API Name, enter recordId. Note: Make sure to use this name, specifically.
4. For Data Type, select Text.
5. Under Availability Outside the Flow, select Available for input.
6. Click Done.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Create the skillList (Beta)

To route work to agents with the right skills, identify the required skills and store them in a record collection variable.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. In the Flow Builder Toolbox, click Manager and then click New Resource.
2. For Resource Type, select Variable.
3. For API Name, enter skillList.
4. For Data Type, select Record.
5. Select Allow multiple values (collection).
6. For Object, select Skill Requirement.
7. Click Done.

Create the input_record (Beta)

If you build a flow to route chats based on field values in the Chat Transcript record, use a record variable to store the Chat Transcript.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. In the Flow Builder Toolbox, click Manager and then click New Resource.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

2. For Resource Type, select Variable.

3. For API Name, enter input_record.
4. For Data Type, select Record.
5. For Object, select Chat Transcript.
6. Under Availability Outside the Flow, select Available for input.
7. Click Done.

Route Items to Queues (Beta)

Automatically route work to a specific queue using variables.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. Follow the steps to build an Omni-Channel Flow on page 278.

2. Drag the Route Work action onto the canvas.
3. Give the action a Label and API Name and optionally, a Description.
4. Under Set Input Values | Record ID, select the recordId variable on page 280 you created.
5. Under Service Channel, select the channel.
6. Under Route To, select Queue.
7. Under Queue, select either of the following options:
a. Select Queue—Specify the queue to route to.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

b. Use Variable—Use a variable to find the appropriate queue. For example, you might determine the department queue associated
with the customer’s Contact record.

In this example, we have a lookup field on the Contact record that defines a preferred queue for this contact. We pass in that
Queue ID as a variable.

Note: If the flow fails the case is routed to the backup queue. The backup queue is the default queue selected when you first set
up the chat button.

Route Work Items Using Skills (Beta)

Use Omni-Channel Flows to attach required skills to work items, then automatically route them to a qualified agent.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Add a Skill Requirement Action (Beta)
Add the skill requirement to your work items to ensure your customers are routed to the best agent for their issue.
Add a Route Work Action (Beta)
Route cases to an agent with the required skills.

Add a Skill Requirement Action (Beta)

Add the skill requirement to your work items to ensure your customers are routed to the best agent for their issue.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. Follow the steps to build an Omni-Channel Flow on page 278.

2. Drag the Add Skill Requirement action onto the canvas.
3. Give the action a Label and API Name and optionally, a Description.
4. Under Set Input Values, select the skillList variable on page 281 you created. This variable stores and aggregates skills as the flow
5. Under Add Skill Requirement, enter the skills that the agent needs in order for the flow to route work to that agent. You can specify
a skill level, whether the skill is additional, and a priority.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Add a Route Work Action (Beta)

Route cases to an agent with the required skills.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. Drag the Route Work action onto the canvas.

2. Give the action a Label and API Name and optionally, a Description.
3. Under Set Input Values | Record ID, select the recordId variable on page 280 you created.
4. Under Service Channel, select the channel.
5. Under Route To, select Skills.
6. Under Skill Requirements, select one of the following options:
a. Define Skill Requirements
b. Run Skills-Based Routing Rules
c. Both

7. If you’re defining skill requirements in the flow, select the skillList variable on page 281 you created.
8. Under Routing Configuration, select either of the following options:
a. Select Routing Configuration—Specify a routing configuration that’s enabled for skills-based routing.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

b. Use Variable—Use a variable to find the appropriate skill list. For example, you might determine the language skill associated
with the customer’s Contact record.

Route Work Items Directly to a Specific Agent (Beta)

Use Omni-Channel Flows to route cases directly to an agent.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. Follow the steps to build an Omni-Channel Flow on page 278.

2. Drag the Route Work action onto the canvas.
3. Give the action a Label and API Name and optionally, a Description.
4. Under Set Input Values | Record ID, select the recordId variable on page 280 you created.
5. Under Route To, select Agent.
6. Under Agent, select either of the following options:
a. Select Agent—Specify the agent to route to.
b. Use Variable—Use a variable to find the appropriate agent. For example, you might determine the preferred agent associated
with the customer’s Contact record. In this example, we have a lookup field on the Contact record that defines a preferred agent
for this contact. We pass in that Agent ID as a variable.

7. To assign work to the preferred agent when they become available, click Required Agent. Then specify the Routing Configuration
to use for routing parameters. Alternately, to route work to a queue if the preferred agent is unavailable, clear this checkbox. Then
specify the Backup Queue to route work to.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Set Up a Chat-Button to Launch the Omni-Channel Flow (Beta)

Route chats to the best agent dynamically using the Omni-Channel routing type and Omni-Channel flows.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. From Setup in the Quick Find box, enter Chat Buttons & Invitations, and then select Chat Buttons & Invitations.
2. Edit an existing button or create a new one.
3. In the Routing Information section, for Routing Type, select Omni-Channel.
4. Select Use a flow for routing.
5. For Routing Flow, specify the flow you created to route chats.
6. For Queue, select a queue for this chat button. If you aren’t using a routing flow, the queue manages and prioritizes cases. If you
are using a routing flow, the queue determines chat button availability. If the agents assigned to the queue are online and have
capacity, the button is available.

Use a Flow to Route a Case (Beta)

Route a case using a flow, use the Record-Triggered Flow template.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Note: Because the Omni-Channel Flow doesn’t connect directly to a case as it does with a Chat button, we launch the flow and
routing actions using record creation and update.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Follow the instructions above to route work to queues on page 282, skills on page 283, or a specific agent on page 286.

Note: The Route Work and Add Skill Requirements actions are not displayed in the Elements list but are available by searching
when you add a standard Action element.
1. Drag the Action element onto the canvas.
2. Under Action, enter Route Work or Add Skill Requirements as needed.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Considerations and Limitations (Beta)

• Chat button availability (when the button shows as online) is defined by the queue associated with the Chat button. To manage
button availability, consider setting up a parent queue for the Chat button that includes a high-level grouping of agents.
• If you’re using dynamic routing to queues or skills, make sure that there are agents online in those queues, and that the queue size
is set appropriately.
• Omni-Channel Flows for Chat are not available for Einstein Bots.
• The Omni-Channel Flow template is not directly invocable for Case routing. Use the Record-Triggered Flow template.
• Messaging and Voice channels aren’t supported in the Omni-Channel Flow beta.
• You can add up to 10 skills with the Add Skill Requirements action and can define 20 skills overall in the flow when routing an
individual piece of work.

Set Access to Presence Statuses

Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items, or whether the agent is away or
offline. Once you’ve created your Presence Statuses for Omni-Channel, you need to set up how your users will access them. You can set
access through permission sets or profiles.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Give Users Access to Presence Statuses with Permission Sets
Make presence statuses available to agents who are assigned to certain permission sets.
Give Users Access to Presence Statuses with Profiles
Make presence statuses available to agents who are assigned to certain profiles.

Give Users Access to Presence Statuses with Permission Sets

Make presence statuses available to agents who are assigned to certain permission sets.
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience To set up Omni-Channel:
• Customize Application
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions To modify permission sets:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items,
or whether the agent is away or offline. You can give users access to presence statuses through
permission sets, or alternatively, through profiles.
1. In Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets.
2. Click the name of the permission set to which you want to give access to statuses.
3. Click Service Presence Statuses Access.
4. Click Edit.
5. Select the presence statuses that you want to associate with the permission set.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Agents who are assigned to this permission set can sign in to Omni-Channel with any of the presence statuses that you make
available to them.

6. Click Save.

Give Users Access to Presence Statuses with Profiles

Make presence statuses available to agents who are assigned to certain profiles.
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience To set up Omni-Channel:
• Customize Application
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions To modify profiles:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items,
or whether the agent is away or offline. You can give users access to presence statuses through
profiles, or alternatively, through permission sets.
1. In Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles.
2. Click the name of the profile to which you want to give access to statuses.
Don’t click Edit next to the profile name. If you do, you won’t see the correct page section where you can enable statuses.

3. In the Enabled Service Presence Status Access section, click Edit.

4. Select the presence statuses that you want to associate with the profile.
Agents who are assigned to this profile can sign in to Omni-Channel with any of the presence statuses that you make available to

5. Click Save.

Add the Omni-Channel Widget to the Salesforce Console

After you get Omni-Channel all set up for your organization, it’s time to add the Omni-Channel
widget to the Salesforce console so that your agents can start receiving work.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

The Omni-Channel widget appears in the bottom right corner of the Salesforce console. From there, agents can change their presence
status and triage their incoming work assignments.

Note: If your organization uses Chat, you can either use the Chat widget or the Omni-Channel widget to manage chats, but not
both. To learn more about managing Chat, see Use Omni-Channel with Your Existing Chat Implementation.
1. From Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select Apps.
2. Click Edit next to the Salesforce console app that you want to add the Omni-Channel widget to.
3. In the Choose Console Components section, add Omni-Channel to your list of selected items.
4. Click Save.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Control Visible Work Item Details in Omni-Channel with Compact Layouts
Ever wanted to customize the information that your agents see when they get a new work item in Omni-Channel? You can! Just
customize primary compact layout for that work item’s object.

Service Channel Settings

Control Visible Work Item Details in Omni-Channel with Compact Layouts

Ever wanted to customize the information that your agents see when they get a new work item in
Omni-Channel? You can! Just customize primary compact layout for that work item’s object.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

If you look closely, you’ll notice that a few fields are visible by default on new work item requests. For example, if your agent receives a
request to manage a case, the request features the case’s priority, status, and case number by default. An object’s primary compact
layout controls all of the visible fields in the Omni-Channel footer component (or Omni-Channel utility, if you’re using Lightning
Experience). But what if you want to see more information, such as the case’s owner or its subject? Just edit the primary compact layout
so that it includes the fields that you want to appear in the widget.

Tip: The Omni-Channel footer component and Omni-Channel utility are, well, compact, so there’s only so much room to display
fields on work item requests. While you can technically put up to 10 fields on a compact layout, Omni-Channel displays only 4
fields. As a best practice, select up to 4 of the most important fields that you want to expose on work item requests, then add
those to your compact layout.
1. Decide which object’s compact layout you want to edit.
2. From the management settings for the object whose work item you want to edit, select Compact Layouts, and then select New.
For example, to edit the compact layout for cases, go to the object management settings for cases, select Compact Layouts, then
select New.

3. Select the settings for your compact layout, including the fields that you want it to include. The fields that you pick appear in
Omni-Channel when an agent receives a request.
4. Click Save.
5. Change the primary compact layout to your new layout by clicking Compact Layout Assignment > Edit Assignment.
6. Select your new compact layout from the Primary Compact Layout drop-down list.
7. Click Save.

Add the Omni-Channel Utility to a Lightning Console App

Add the Omni-Channel utility to your Lightning Service console to route work to agents in a flash.
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience To set up Omni-Channel:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

The Omni-Channel utility appears in the utility bar in your Lightning Console app. From there, agents can change their presence status
and triage their incoming work assignments.
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter App in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
2. Click the dropdown next to the console app that you want to add Omni-Channel to, then click Edit.
3. Under Utility Bar, click Add.
4. Click Omni-Channel.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Done.

Test Your Omni-Channel Implementation

Now that you’ve got Omni-Channel set up and enabled, test your implementation to make sure
it’s working correctly.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

To test your implementation, route a work item to yourself in the console.

1. Log in to the console where you added Omni-Channel.
Make sure that you log in as a user who’s enabled to use Omni-Channel. For the sake of testing the feature, make sure that you’re
the only agent who’s signed into Omni-Channel.

2. Open Omni-Channel and change your status so that you can receive incoming work items.
3. In the console, navigate to the record that corresponds to the service channel you’ve set for your current presence status.
For example, if you’re logged in with a status that’s called “Available for Cases,” navigate to a list of your open cases in the console.

4. If you’re using Salesforce Classic, select the checkbox next to the record that you want to route to yourself. If you’re using Lightning
Experience, open the record you want to route to yourself.
5. Click Change Owner.
6. Select Queue.
7. Enter the name of the queue that you associated with your routing configuration.
8. Click Submit.
Sit back and relax. You’ll see an incoming request notification in Omni-Channel within a few seconds.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Use Omni-Channel with Your Existing Chat Implementation

Are you loving Chat and want to add Omni-Channel to the mix? Here’s what changes for you and
your organization (and not for your agents!).
Available in: Salesforce
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience Classic and Lightning
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
So, you’ve decided to take your customer service to the next level by using Chat and Omni-Channel created after June 14, 2012
in tandem. That’s great! Once everything’s set up, you’ll find that the two work together in perfect Available in: Essentials,
harmony. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Chat is powered by Chat Configurations, which control the behaviors and settings that are available Editions with Service Cloud
to Chat users. Similarly, Omni-Channel uses Presence Configurations to control the behaviors and or Sales Cloud
settings that are available to Omni-Channel users. You can integrate Chat with Omni-Channel so
chats are routed just like other work items, and you can even use Omni-Channel routing for your
chats. Whichever way you use Omni-Channel with Chat, your agents are then able to accept or reject chat requests right from the
Omni-Channel widget.
When you integrate Chat and Omni-Channel, your Chat users also become Omni-Channel users, so your chat agents must be associated
with both a Chat Configuration and a Presence Configuration. Luckily, Salesforce does some of the heavy lifting for you when you enable
Omni-Channel with your current Chat implementation.
For each Chat Configuration that you already have in your org, Salesforce:
• Creates a corresponding Presence Configuration for each of your Chat Configurations
• Sets the chat capacity for each Presence Configuration to what’s set in its corresponding Chat Configuration
• Assigns your chat agents to the new corresponding Presence Configurations
If you have Chat enabled but don’t have an implementation, when you enable Omni-Channel, Salesforce creates a Chat Service Channel.
Salesforce does all this automatically so there’s no disruption to your agents’ workflow. They can start accepting chats through
Omni-Channel in the console. The only difference they see is that they now use Omni-Channel in the console to set their status and
accept chat notifications. They may also see a change in their status options, as Omni-Channel presence statuses are configurable.
If you want to use Chat and Omni-Channel in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel routing for your chats. All you have to
do is create a chat button with the routing type Omni-Channel and set up Skills-Based Routing Rules or assign your agents to queues.
Then, add the Omni-Channel utility and Live Chat Transcripts to your Lightning Console app, and your agents can start accepting chat

Compare Live Agent and Omni-Channel Routing for Chats
See the benefits and limitations of using Omni-Channel routing for chats or keeping Live Agent routing for chats. If you want to use
Chat in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel routing.
Compare Live Agent and Omni-Channel Routing for Chats
See the benefits and limitations of using Omni-Channel routing for chats or keeping Live Agent routing for chats. If you want to use
Chat in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel routing.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Manage Chat Capacity with Omni-Channel

If your support organization has been using Chat for a while, you know that you can select an agent’s maximum number of chats
by using the Chat Capacity field. When Omni-Channel is enabled in your Salesforce org, however, you need to manage your
agent’s chat capacity using Omni-Channel configurations instead.

Compare Live Agent and Omni-Channel Routing for Chats

See the benefits and limitations of using Omni-Channel routing for chats or keeping Live Agent
routing for chats. If you want to use Chat in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel
routing. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience Experience
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
There’s a lot to keep in mind as you decide whether to try Omni-Channel routing for chats. Available in: Essentials,
Omni-Channel routing for chats is enabled when: Unlimited, and Enterprise
• You enable Chat for the first time, or Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
• You create a chat button that uses the routing option Omni-Channel Queues or
Omni-Channel Skills
Let’s compare the two routing model options when using Chat and Omni-Channel together.

Live Agent Routing (Salesforce Classic only) Omni-Channel Routing

Agents must chat with customers in the console in Salesforce Agents can chat with customers in the console in either Salesforce
Classic. Classic or Lightning Experience.

Agents use the Omni-Channel widget in Salesforce Classic to Agents use the Omni-Channel widget in Salesforce Classic or the
handle their work. Omni-Channel utility in Lightning Experience to handle their work.

Agents use Omni-Channel Presence, including its configurable Agents use Omni-Channel Presence, including its configurable
statuses. statuses.

Use Omni-Channel sound notifications in the Presence Use Omni-Channel sound notifications in the Presence
Configuration for chats. Configuration for chats.

Agent capacity is set and consumed by Omni-Channel. Agent capacity is set and consumed by Omni-Channel.

Chats are routed to agents using Skills. Chats are routed to agents using Omni-Channel queues.

Chats can’t be prioritized with Omni-Channel work, or relative to Chats are prioritized with Omni-Channel work, and can be
each other. Omni-Channel work items that haven't yet been routed prioritized relative to each other using queues.
are always routed ahead of chats.

Chats always have the size 1. Chat size is configurable by queue.

Supervisors use the Chat Supervisor Panel to observe chats and Chat supervisors can view agent activity in Omni-Channel
assist agents with their chats. Supervisor, but they use the Chat Supervisor Panel to observe chats
and assist agents with their chats. Create a skill for agents handling

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Live Agent Routing (Salesforce Classic only) Omni-Channel Routing

chats routed with Omni-Channel to make them visible in the Chat
Supervisor Panel.

Reports and data for chats are separate from Omni-Channel data. Chat data is included in Agent Work reports in addition to Chat

For a queue to appear as an option on the Chat button, the queue For a queue to appear as an option on the Chat button, the queue
must include the Chat Sessions object in its support objects. must include the Live Chat Transcript object in its supported

The Live Chat Transcript is created when the chat ends. The Live Chat Transcript is created when the chat is requested.

You can customize the Live Chat Transcript page layout for Ended In Salesforce Classic, you can customize the Live Chat Transcript
chats. page layout for Waiting, In Progress, and Ended chats. In Lightning
Experience, you can customize Live Chat Transcript pages in the
Lightning App Builder.

Agents associate records with the chat transcript only after the Agents can associate records with the chat transcript during the
chat has ended. chat. Agents can associate records on the chat transcript itself or
use a console sidebar lookup component in Salesforce Classic.

Uses the Console Integration Toolkit Methods for Chat. Uses the Console Integration Toolkit Methods for Omni-Channel
for Salesforce Classic, or Omni-Channel Objects for the Lightning
Console JavaScript API for Lightning Experience.

If you use the findorCreate code to find or create related If you use the findorCreate code to find or create related
records, the code triggers only when an agent accepts the chat records, the code triggers even if the chat visitor cancels the chat
request. before the agent accepts.

However, there are a few limitations to using Omni-Channel routing for chats:
• You can’t transfer a chat from a button using Live Agent routing to a button using Omni-Channel routing.
• Queues with multiple object types can cause problems when using Omni-Channel routing. We recommend creating a queue for
each object type, such as Chats, Cases, and Leads, instead of setting queues to handle multiple object types.
• When an agent uses “Transfer to Agent” for a chat routed with Omni-Channel and the receiving agent has an admin profile, the
agent who initiated the transfer can lose visibility of the chat transcript until the receiving agent accepts the chat request. This
situation occurs because Omni-Channel changes ownership of the chat transcript when the transfer is initiated, before the next
agent accepts the chat.

Skills-Based Routing for Omni-Channel

Your agents have different skills sets and abilities. Your customers have different needs. Skills-based routing lets your contact center
route work to the best agent for the job, so that customer work items are assigned to the agent who is best able to solve the issue.
Skills-based routing improves the quality of customer service by automatically routing work items to the agent who has the skills necessary
to do the work.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

How Does Skills-Based Routing Work?
Skills-based routing looks at the skills required to complete a work item (requested skills) and matches these skills to the skills that
are assigned to the agent (agent’s skills). Omni-Channel routes the work to the first agent who has all requested skills and who is
available (that is, has the capacity to take the work item).
How Does Skills-Based Routing Differ from Queue-Based Routing?
Skills-based routing allows work items to be routed using more sophisticated and dynamic criteria than queue-based routing.
Skills-Based Routing Limitations
Skills-based routing has the following limitations.
Set Up Skills-Based Routing
Follow these steps to set up skills-based routing for Omni-Channel in your org.
Transfer a Work Item to a Different Skill Set
You can transfer a work item or chat to a different skill set, so an agent with the right skills can resolve the issue.
Set Up Advanced Skills-Based Routing
For advanced logic to route non-Chat work items using skills, create a PendingServiceRouting object and the associated
SkillRequirement objects. The PendingServiceRouting object is a standard Salesforce object that represents the work item that is
going to be routed. The SkillRequirement object is a standard Salesforce object that represents the skill and the proficiency level.

How Does Skills-Based Routing Work?

Skills-based routing looks at the skills required to complete a work item (requested skills) and matches these skills to the skills that are
assigned to the agent (agent’s skills). Omni-Channel routes the work to the first agent who has all requested skills and who is available
(that is, has the capacity to take the work item).

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Skills-based routing is supported on the following objects: Cases, Leads, Orders, Custom Objects, Chat, and Messaging sessions in
Lightning Experience.
We use the term “work items” to refer to the cases, chats, leads, orders, and custom records that Omni-Channel routes.
You can define whatever skills that you need for your company. Skills typically are used to represent attributes such as language ability,
product knowledge, certifications, case origin, and account history. For example, you could define skills for language (Spanish, French,
and English); for product knowledge (software and hardware); and for certifications (CompTIA, CCNP).
Assign each agent a skill and optionally assign a skill proficiency level (0–10, where 0 indicates the lowest skill level and 10 indicates the
highest level). For example, an agent who speaks fluent Spanish could have the skill = Spanish and the proficiency level = 10 for expert.
Skills are assigned to incoming work items by the SkillRequirements object in the API. The PendingServiceRouting object adds attributes
to the work item that represent the skill (skill id), priority, skill proficiency, and timestamp.
Work items are routed by creating a PendingServiceRouting object. The PendingServiceRouting object can have multiple SkillRequirements
objects associated with it.
When a work item requires multiple skills, it’s routed to an agent who possesses all of the required skills.
When multiple agents have the same skill, the work item is routed to the agent who is first available based on the routing type (either
most available or least active) that you use in your org. If the agent doesn’t accept the work item, then it’s routed to the next available

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

agent. The Salesforce API remembers the agent who last declined the work (Last Declined Agent) or who last didn’t accept the work
within the specified time (Push Timeout), and doesn’t route the work to that agent again.
Set the push timeout on the PendingServiceRouting object to automatically push work to another agent if the first agent doesn’t accept
the work within a specified time.
Agents can transfer a work item to another skill on page 306. For example, if an agent accepts a case but doesn’t have the right skills,
the agent can specify the required skills and transfer the case. The case is transferred to an agent who possesses at least all required skills.
Agents can also decline work. When work is declined, the capacity consumed by the work item is released, but the declined work item
remains owned by the declining agent until the work is routed again.
Supervisors can monitor agent workload and unassigned work items in Omni-Channel Supervisor on page 319. The Agent Summary tab
shows agent availability, capacity, and what work items agents are working on. The Skills Backlog tab shows work items that aren’t
assigned to an agent, and it shows which skills are needed for the work item.

Omni-Channel Developer Guide: PendingServiceRouting
SOAP API Developer Guide: SkillRequirement
Transfer a Work Item to a Different Skill Set
The Routing Lifecycle

How Does Skills-Based Routing Differ from Queue-Based Routing?

Skills-based routing allows work items to be routed using more sophisticated and dynamic criteria than queue-based routing.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Queues generally are designed to represent a single skill. For example, you might have a Spanish-language queue and a Level 3 technical
support queue.
Queues route work to agents who are members of the queue. Although you can have multiple queues, and agents can be members of
multiple queues, a work item can be assigned only to one queue at a time.
In contrast, skills-based routing looks at the skills required to complete the work item, identifies agents who have those skills, and routes
the work item to an agent who has all of the requisite skills and who has available capacity to take on the work.
If you enable skills-based routing rules on a routing configuration, and assign the routing configuration to a queue, the queue's membership
no longer applies to routing. Work is routed to available agents with the right skills. If skills-mapping criteria aren't met and no skills are
assigned to a work item, the work is routed to any available agent in your org.

Skills-Based Routing Limitations

Skills-based routing has the following limitations.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Skills-based routing isn’t supported for external routing.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Skills-based routing for Omni-Channel is supported only on the following objects: Cases, Chats, Messages, Leads, Orders, and Custom
Objects. You can’t route SOS video chats or Salesforce records for other objects using skills-based routing.
Transfer from a queue to a skill or from a skill to a queue isn’t supported.
Transfer from a skill directly to a user or button isn't supported.
If a work item requires certain skills, but no agents have those skills, then the work item isn’t routed. This situation is similar to how items
in a queue are treated when no agents are online. If your org uses Omni-Channel Supervisor on page 319, the support manager can look
at the Skills Backlog on page 336 and see which work items haven’t been assigned to an agent. For chat, if no agents have the skills, the
request is canceled.

Set Up Skills-Based Routing

Follow these steps to set up skills-based routing for Omni-Channel in your org.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

The setup instructions start at the beginning and assume that you aren’t using Omni-Channel. If you’re already using Omni-Channel in
your org, that’s great! In that case, start by reviewing the limitations on page 297, and then enable skills-based routing on page 299.
You can route different work items in the same org using queue-based routing and skills-based routing. To use both types of routing,
set up queue-based routing to route certain work items and set up skills-based routing to route other work items.

1. Enable Omni-Channel
Enable Omni-Channel to gain access to the objects that you’ll use to set up the feature in your organization.
2. Enable Skills-Based Routing
Enable skill-based routing in your org.
3. Create Skills for Skills-Based Routing
Skills identify your agents’ areas of expertise.
4. Create Service Resources for Agents
Service resources represent individual agents. Create a service resource for each agent.
5. Assign Skills to Service Resources
Assign skills to your agents to track their areas of experience and their level of proficiency for each skill.
6. Route Work Items Using Skills
Use a setup flow to associate an object’s picklist, boolean, and lookup field values with the skills needed to route a work item to the
right agent.

Enable Omni-Channel
Enable Omni-Channel to gain access to the objects that you’ll use to set up the feature in your
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Note: Digital Engagement for Sales Cloud is available for an extra cost in Enterprise and Unlimited Editions.

1. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Omni-Channel Settings.
2. Select Enable Omni-Channel.
3. Click Save.

Note: To use Omni-Channel to route communications to the right sales team, you must also Enable Messaging.

Salesforce Help: Digital Engagement for Sales Cloud

Enable Skills-Based Routing

Enable skill-based routing in your org.
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience To set up Omni-Channel:
• “Customize Application”
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with
the Service Cloud

Important: Previously, if you used queue-based routing in your org and you switched to using skills-based routing before Winter
‘19, Omni-Channel stopped routing work to queues. When Winter ‘19 was released to your org, Omni-Channel resumed routing
work to queues in addition to routing work to skills.
1. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel in the Quick Find box, then select Omni-Channel Settings.
2. Select Enable Skills-Based Routing.
3. Click Save.

Create Skills for Skills-Based Routing

Skills identify your agents’ areas of expertise.
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience To set up Omni-Channel:
• “Customize Application”
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with
the Service Cloud

Agents can transfer work items to skills, so an agent with the right skills can resolve the issue.
When agents search for skills, the search process looks for matching skills within only the first 2,000 skills. If more than 2,000 skills are set
up, then the search results show matching skills from only the first 2,000 skills that were created.
1. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel in the Quick Find box, then select Skills.
2. Click New.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

3. Enter a name for the skill.

For example, you can create a skill that’s called “Spanish” to denote agents who speak Spanish.

4. Optionally, enter a description of the skill.

5. Skip the Assign Users and Assign Profiles sections. Instead, add these skills to service resources.
6. Click Save.

Transfer a Work Item to a Different Skill Set

Create Service Resources for Agents

Service resources represent individual agents. Create a service resource for each agent.
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience To create service resources:
• “Create” on service
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with resources
the Service Cloud

Note: The visibility of the Service Resource tab might be turned off by default. If you don’t see it, check the tab visibility. For more
details, see the topic Tab Settings in Salesforce Help.
1. Open the Service Resources tab.
2. Click New.
3. For Name, enter the name of the agent.
4. Select the Active checkbox.
A service resource must be active to receive work items.

5. For User, use the lookup icon to select the agent.

6. For Resource Type, select Agent.
7. Click Save.

Assign Skills to Service Resources

Assign skills to your agents to track their areas of experience and their level of proficiency for each
To assign skills to service
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience resources:
• “Edit” on service
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with resources
the Service Cloud

Create skills before you can assign skills to agents.

1. Open the Service Resources tab.
2. Select the service resources that you want to assign skills to.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

3. In the Skills related list, click New Service Resource Skill.

4. Select a skill.
Skills must be created before they can be assigned to a resource; to learn how, see topic Create Skills for Skills-Based Routing in
Salesforce Help.

5. Optionally, enter a skill level 0–10 based on how your business measures skill level.
6. Enter a start date, and if needed, an end date.
For example, if an agent must be recertified in a skill every six months, enter an end date that’s six months later than the start date.

7. Click Save.
The service resource’s skill now appears in their Skills related list.

Route Work Items Using Skills

Use a setup flow to associate an object’s picklist, boolean, and lookup field values with the skills needed to route a work item to the right
To route work by skills, define the mappings between work-item field values and skills. Create one skill mapping set for each object. For
example, map the case type field value, Product Return, to the Returns Processing skill to route returns to an agent assigned that skill.
You can also specify skill levels and whether a skill is additional and can be dropped if necessary to route the work item more quickly.

Note: You can map up to 10 fields and 100 field values.

Routed work appears in both the Queues Backlog and the Skills Backlog in Omni-Channel Supervisor.
Skills-based routing rules support case, chat transcript, contact request, lead, messaging session, order, social post, and custom objects.
If you enable skills-based routing rules on a routing configuration, and assign the routing configuration to a queue, the queue's membership
no longer applies to routing. Work is routed to available agents with the right skills. If skills-mapping criteria aren't met and no skills are
assigned to a work item, the work is routed to any available agent in your org.

Before You Begin

1. Set up Omni-Channel.
2. Create skills.
3. Create service resources for agents.
4. Assign skills to service resources.

Enable Skills-Based Routing Rules from the Routing Configuration
The routing configuration that is used by the queue through which the work item is routed must be enabled to use skills-based
routing rules.
Map Work-Item Field Values to Skills
To route work by skills, define the mappings between work-item field values and skills. Create one skill mapping set for each object.
Route Chats Using Skills
Use information from a chat transcript to determine what skills are required to route the chat to the best agent.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Route Messages Using Skills

Use information from a messaging session to determine what skills are required to route the message to the best agent.

Create Skills for Skills-Based Routing
Create Service Resources for Agents
Assign Skills to Service Resources

Enable Skills-Based Routing Rules from the Routing Configuration

The routing configuration that is used by the queue through which the work item is routed must
be enabled to use skills-based routing rules.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer

Editions with the Service Cloud

1. Locate the routing configuration associated with the queue.

a. From Setup, enter Queues in the Quick Find box, then select Queues.
b. Edit the queue and locate the routing configuration name in the Configuration with Omni-Channel Routing section.

2. From Setup, enter Routing in the Quick Find box, then select Routing Configurations.
3. Edit the routing configuration that is used by the queue through which the work item is routed.
4. Select Use with Skills-Based Routing Rules.

5. Use the Drop Additional Skills Time-Out to specify the amount of time to wait for an agent with a skill marked as additional to
become available before the skill is dropped from Omni-Channel routing. The case is then routed to the best-matched agent even
if they don’t have all the skills.
6. Optionally, add skills to the routing configuration.
Work is routed using a combination of skills from two sources:
Skills associated with the routing configuration
Routing configuration skills are always attached to work that’s routed using a skills-based routing rules queue with that
configuration. For example, you might always route work to agents with the Support skill, but use skills-based routing rules to
find additional skills that are needed. Or you might have different queues for different language skills.
Skills from Skills-Based Routing Rules
Mappings between fields on the object and agent skills determine these skills.
The combination of these skills routes work to the right agent.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Map Work-Item Field Values to Skills

To route work by skills, define the mappings between work-item field values and skills. Create one
skill mapping set for each object.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Lightning Experience • Customize Application

Available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer

Editions with the Service Cloud

1. From Setup, enter Skills-Based Routing Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Skills-Based Routing Rules.
2. Click New Skill Mapping Set.
3. Provide a name and developer name for the mapping set and select the type of object to be routed. Then click Next.

4. Select the fields to use for routing your cases. Then click Next.

You can map standard and custom field values of type picklist, boolean, and lookup.

Note: You can use any method to set custom field values on objects. For example, pre-chat forms, triggers, and custom apex

5. For each field, select the field value and corresponding skill. You can also specify a skill level and set skills to additional. For additional
skills, you can specify the order in which skills are dropped if after the specified timeout no agent with that skill is available.
Initially, Omni-Channel tries to route a work item to an agent with all the requested skills. After the Drop Additional Skills Time-Out
as specified in the routing configuration, if an agent with all the skills isn't available, Omni-Channel drops skills with the same priority
value until an agent with the remaining skills is available. Higher priority-value skills are dropped first. Lower priority-value skills, for
example 0, are dropped last. The work item is then routed to the best-matched agent, even if the agent doesn’t have all the additional

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

For example, you can set up the following required and additional skills:
• Language: English and French are required, not additional.
• Issue Type: Software and Hardware are additional skills of the highest priority, 0.
• Product: Speaker, Mouse, and Keyboard are additional skills of priority 1.
• Location: USA, England, Canada, and France are additional skills of priority 2.
In this example, Language skills aren’t additional, so they are never dropped. Skills associated with the Issue Type field are the highest
priority, so Omni-Channel drops them last. Skills associated with the Location field are dropped first.

Note: Skills with the same priority value resulting from the skill-based routing rules setup method or Apex code belong to
the same group and are dropped together.

6. When you have mapped field values to skills for each field, click Done.
To create a mapping set, click New (1). To edit or delete a mapping set, use the dropdown menu (2). To stop routing for an object,
click Deactivate. To start routing for an object, click Activate.

To test the routing setup, navigate to your console app and bring the agent with the right skill online. Create a Case (or other object)
with the field value that maps to the corresponding skill. Change the owner of the Case (or other object) to a queue with the routing
configuration that you set up for Skills-Based Routing Rules. The case appears in the Omni-Channel widget.
Routed work appears in both the Queues Backlog and Skills Backlog in Omni-Channel Supervisor.

Note: If you have existing skill mapping sets with additional skills without priority values, these skills are treated as if they were
set to priority 0 and are dropped last. You can adjust them by editing the skill mapping set. Consider adjusting the Drop Additional
Skills Time-Out to account for the time to drop additional skills in priority order. The time required to route the work item to an
agent might be longer than when additional skills were dropped all at once.

Route Chats Using Skills

Use information from a chat transcript to determine what skills are required to route the chat to
the best agent.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience • “Customize Application”

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

1. From Setup, enter Chat Buttons in the Quick Find box, then select Chat Buttons & Invitations.
2. Create a Chat button or edit an existing one.
3. For Routing Type, select Omni-Channel.

4. Select a queue.
The queue must have an associated routing configuration with Use with Skills-Based Routing Rules enabled.

5. Set up Skills-Based Routing Rules on the Chat Transcript object.

When a customer starts a chat session, the session is associated with a combination of skills from skills-based routing rules and the
routing configuration. These skills route chat sessions to the right agent.
At least one agent with the skills from the routing configuration must be online for a chat button to be available.
At least one agent with the combination of skills from the routing configuration and skills from skills-based routing rules must be
online for a chat to be queued. Otherwise, the chat session is canceled even if the button is configured with Enable Queue.

Alternatively, you can associate skills directly with the Chat button. For Routing Type, select Button Skills, and then select the routing
configuration and required skills.

Route Work Items Using Skills

Route Messages Using Skills

Use information from a messaging session to determine what skills are required to route the message
to the best agent.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience • “Customize Application”

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with
the Service Cloud

1. From Setup, enter Messaging Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Messaging Settings.
2. Create a messaging channel or edit an existing one.
3. For Routing Type, select Omni-Channel.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

4. Select a queue.
The queue must have an associated routing configuration with Use with Skills-Based Routing Rules enabled.

5. Set up Skills-Based Routing Rules on the Messaging Session object.

When a customer starts a messaging session, the session is associated with a combination of skills from skills-based routing rules
and the routing configuration. These skills route messaging sessions to the right agent.

Alternatively, you can associate skills directly with the channel. For Routing Type, select Channel Skills, and then select the routing
configuration and required skills.

Route Work Items Using Skills

Transfer a Work Item to a Different Skill Set

You can transfer a work item or chat to a different skill set, so an agent with the right skills can
resolve the issue.
To transfer work items to a
Available in: Lightning Experience different skill:
• Skills-based routing
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with must be enabled and
the Service Cloud set up in your org

When agents open the transfer dialog and search for skills, the search process looks for matching skills within only the first 2,000 skills.
If more than 2,000 skills are set up, then the search results show matching skills from only the first 2,000 skills that were created.
Work items are transferred to an agent who possesses all of the required skills. If an agent who has all of the required skills isn’t available,
then the work item is not assigned. With the exception of skills-based routed chats, supervisors can manually assign the work item to
an agent.
If the transferring agent possesses all of the required skills, then the work item can be reassigned to that agent.
When a work item is transferred, the status changes to Transferred.

Note: The transfer to skill dialog isn’t supported in Salesforce Classic. Agents using Salesforce Classic can accept work items that
are transferred to skills, but they can’t transfer work items to skills.
1. Click the transfer icon.
The transfer dialog is displayed. The transfer dialog shows the skills that are attached already to the work item.

2. Search for the skill that the work item needs.

3. To add the skill to the work item, select the skill.
You can add several skills to the work item. For example, you could select billing and Spanish for a case that needs a Spanish-speaking
agent who’s knowledgeable about your company’s billing practices. First, search for the “billing” skill and add it. Next, search for
“Spanish” and add it, and so on.

4. Click Transfer.

Note: For skills-based routed chats, the Transfer icon is on the work item on the My Work tab in the Omni-Channel widget.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

The work item is transferred to an agent who has the required skills. If there isn’t an agent available with the required skills, then the
work item isn’t assigned and is shown in the Skills Backlog tab on page 336 in Omni-Channel Supervisor. When an agent with the
required skills becomes available, Omni-Channel routes the work to that agent. For chat, if no agents have the skills, the request is

Set Up Advanced Skills-Based Routing

For advanced logic to route non-Chat work items using skills, create a PendingServiceRouting object and the associated SkillRequirement
objects. The PendingServiceRouting object is a standard Salesforce object that represents the work item that is going to be routed. The
SkillRequirement object is a standard Salesforce object that represents the skill and the proficiency level.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

You can create a PendingServiceRouting record and the related SkillRequirement records either by using Apex or by calling the
Omni-Channel REST API Action from within Apex code or from a flow.
This example shows a sample process that uses an Apex action class to create the PendingServiceRouting object and the SkillRequirement
object. The example assumes that there’s a Service Channel object with the DeveloperName “Case.” It assumes that there are skill objects
with the DeveloperNames “English,” “French,” and “Spanish.”
• Call the Omni-Channel REST API Action from within Apex code or from a flow.

Define an Apex Action Class for a Skills-Based Workflow
Define an Apex class that routes work items using skills. Here’s an example of an Apex action class for skills-based routing that creates
the PendingServiceRouting object and SkillRequirement object.
Create a Process to Trigger Skills-Based Routing
Use the Process Builder to define a process that triggers skills-based routing. In this example, the process operates on the Case object
and triggers the Apex action class when a case record is created.

The Routing Lifecycle

Define an Apex Action Class for a Skills-Based Workflow

Define an Apex class that routes work items using skills. Here’s an example of an Apex action class
for skills-based routing that creates the PendingServiceRouting object and SkillRequirement object.
To define and edit Apex
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience classes:
• “Author Apex”
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with
the Service Cloud

See the Salesforce Developer Guide for details about these objects:
• PendingServiceRouting

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

• ServiceResource
• SkillRequirement
When you create a skills-based PendingServiceRouting object, make sure that any existing code (including triggers and workflows, etc.)
doesn’t simultaneously add work items to an Omni-Channel queue.

Note: By default, the Skill Level field is protected by field-level security. You might need to change the access level for this field
so your users can create the SkillRequirement object with Skill Levels.
1. From Setup, enter Apex in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes.
2. Click New.
3. In the Apex Class field, enter the Apex code similar to what’s shown in the example.
4. Click Save.

Global class SkillsBasedRouting {
public static void routeUsingSkills(List<String> cases) {
List<Case> caseObjects = [SELECT Id, Description FROM Case WHERE Id in :cases];

for (Case caseObj : caseObjects) {

try {
// Create a PendingServiceRouting to initiate routing
} catch(exception e) {
System.debug('ERROR:' + e.getStackTraceString());
throw e;

static void createPendingServiceRouting(Case caseObj) {

// Create a new SkillsBased PendingServiceRouting
PendingServiceRouting psrObj = new PendingServiceRouting(
CapacityWeight = 1,
IsReadyForRouting = FALSE,
RoutingModel = 'MostAvailable',
RoutingPriority = 1,
RoutingType = 'SkillsBased',
ServiceChannelId = getChannelId(),
WorkItemId = caseObj.Id,
PushTimeout = 0
insert psrObj;
psrObj = [select id, IsReadyForRouting from PendingServiceRouting where id =

// Now add SkillRequirement(s) to the PendingServiceRouting

SkillRequirement srObj = new SkillRequirement(
RelatedRecordId =,
SkillId = getSkillId(caseObj.Description),
SkillLevel = 5

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

insert srObj;

// Update PendingServiceRouting as IsReadyForRouting

psrObj.IsReadyForRouting = TRUE;
update psrObj;

static String getChannelId() {

ServiceChannel channel = [Select Id From ServiceChannel Where RelatedEntity =
return channel.Id;

static String getSkillId(String caseDescription) {

String skillName = 'English';
if (caseDescription != null) {
if (caseDescription.contains('Spanish')) {
skillName = 'Spanish';
} else if (caseDescription.contains('French')) {
skillName = 'French';

Skill skill = [Select Id From Skill Where DeveloperName = :skillName];

return skill.Id;

After defining the Apex action class, create a workflow on page 309 that triggers the Apex action class on work items.

Note: You can't edit a PendingServiceRouting object if IsReadyForRouting is true. You can only delete it.

Create a Process to Trigger Skills-Based Routing

Use the Process Builder to define a process that triggers skills-based routing. In this example, the
process operates on the Case object and triggers the Apex action class when a case record is created.
To create, edit, or view
Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience processes:
• “Manage Flow” AND
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with “View All Data”
the Service Cloud

Before you start, define the Apex action class on page 307 that creates the PendingServiceRouting object and SkillRequirement object.
1. From Setup, enter Process Builder in the Quick Find box, then select Process Builder.
2. Click New.
3. In the New Process modal window, complete the following fields:
a. For Process Name, specify the name for this process, such as “Skills-based routing.”
b. The API Name is automatically populated.
c. For Description, optionally describe what this process does.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

d. For This process starts when, select A record changes.

4. On the next page, in the Choose Object and Specify When to Start the Process configuration, select the Case object.
5. For Start the process, select Only when a record is created.
6. Click Save.
In the diagram, the Add Object box is changed to Case.
7. Click the Add Criteria diamond.
8. For Criteria for Executing Actions, select No criteria--just execute the actions!
9. Click Save.
10. In the Immediate Actions box, click Add Action.
11. In Action Type, select Apex.
12. For Action Name, enter the name of your action.
13. For Apex Class, enter the name of the Apex class that you created.
14. For Set Apex Variables, set the following parameters:
a. For Field, select cases.
b. For Type, select Field Reference.
c. For Value, use the lookup icon to select [Case].Id.

15. Click Save.

The activation window opens.
16. To activate this process, click Confirm.
The activation window closes. When a case is created, it triggers this process and routes the case based on skills.


Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Use External Routing for Omni-Channel

Integrate third-party routing with a partner application with Omni-Channel using Salesforce standard APIs and streaming APIs. External
routing is supported with Omni-Channel in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service Cloud

Multiple routing options, one console. Give your agents more routing options by integrating an external routing implementation with
Omni-Channel. Learn more about external routing and how to set it up in the Omni-Channel Developer Guide.

Omni-Channel Reference
Understand how Omni-Channel routing works and reference the fields for agent work records and user presence records.

The Routing Lifecycle
When you dig more deeply into Omni-Channel and the routing process, there are two particular objects that are worth understanding
better: PendingServiceRouting (PSR) and AgentWork.
How Does Omni-Channel Queue-Based Routing Work?
Do data models make your heart skip a beat? Want to understand the ins and outs of how Omni-Channel routes work items to your
agents? Then we have a treat for you. Omni-Channel pushes work items to the right agent at the right time so that your support
team can efficiently help customers with their problems. But how does queue-based routing work under the hood? Let’s dive in.
Fields for Agent Work Records
Every time an object is routed to an agent through Omni-Channel, Salesforce creates an Agent Work record that logs information
about the work assignment and how it’s routed. Agent Work records contain fields that help you track information about the
assignments your agents are working on. If the same work item is routed multiple times, that work item is associated with multiple
Agent Work records.
Fields for User Presence Records
Every time agents change their Presence Statuses in Omni-Channel, Salesforce creates a User Presence record to log all of the agents’
activities while they’re signed logged in with that status. User Presence records contain fields that help you track information about
your agents’ availability.

The Routing Lifecycle

When you dig more deeply into Omni-Channel and the routing process, there are two particular objects that are worth understanding
better: PendingServiceRouting (PSR) and AgentWork.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

What Is PSR? What Is AgentWork?

PSR (PendingServiceRouting) is a Salesforce object that gets created when work is routed using Omni-Channel. PSR is a transient object
that contains routing information about a work item that is in the midst of being routed. In most scenarios, the system automatically

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

creates the object; in a few scenarios (like when using skills-based routing with non-real-time channels), you must create this object.
The PSR is deleted by the system when an agent accepts the work item.
AgentWork is a Salesforce object that automatically gets created when the routing system finds a potential agent to handle the work
item. It contains information about the work item and the routing status. This object is never automatically deleted, but you can manually
delete it when the State field is in a non-active state. (Active states are Assigned and Opened. All other states are considered non-active

Why Should I Care?

When you’re using skills-based routing (SBR) with non-real-time channels, you must manually create the PSR record (using Apex or an
invocable action) to initiate the routing process.
In queue-based routing or skills-based routing using a real-time channel (like Messaging and Chat), the PSR record is created automatically.
However, you still may want to access this object for more complex use cases or for troubleshooting.

What Is the Basic Lifecycle?

In the simplest scenario, a PSR record is created when a work item is routed using Omni-Channel. When the system finds a potential
agent to handle the work item, an AgentWork record is created. When an agent accepts the work item, the system deletes the PSR
record. The AgentWork record is never deleted automatically by the system, but it can be deleted manually when it enters a non-active
state (such as Closed, Unavailable, Declined, Canceled, Transferred).

What Is the Detailed PSR and AgentWork Lifecycle?

To fully understand the lifecycle of these two objects, refer to this state diagram. In addition to the creation and deletion of PSR and
AgentWork records, this diagram describes the PSR.IsPushed state and the AgentWork.Status value in different phases of
the lifecycle.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

The PSR record is transient whereas the AgentWork record sticks around until it is explicitly deleted.

How Does Omni-Channel Queue-Based Routing Work?

Do data models make your heart skip a beat? Want to understand the ins and outs of how Omni-Channel routes work items to your
agents? Then we have a treat for you. Omni-Channel pushes work items to the right agent at the right time so that your support team
can efficiently help customers with their problems. But how does queue-based routing work under the hood? Let’s dive in.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Note: Implement this feature in one click with the Service Setup Assistant: Learn more on page 6

Omni-Channel routes work through two separate processes.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

• First, when a new work item is assigned to an Omni-Channel queue, Omni-Channel attempts to route it to an agent. Omni-Channel
routes work items by the priority of the queue that they’re assigned to, so the most important work items are pushed to agents first.
Next, items are routed based on how long they’ve been sitting in the queue. The oldest work items are pushed to agents before
more recent ones. (Let’s talk about the details of how that happens in a minute.)
• Second, when an agent’s ability to receive work changes (perhaps they come back from “away” status, or they finish another work
item), Omni-Channel tries to find work that can be routed to that agent.

Routing New Work Items

When a work item is created, it gets assigned to a queue. If that queue is associated with a Routing Configuration, it’s added to a list of
items that are still waiting to be routed to agents.
Then Omni-Channel determines which agents are available and how much work each agent is working on. This information comes from
the UserServicePresence API object, which tracks an agent’s current capacity for work items.

Routing Pending Work Items

When a new work item is added to the list of pending items, Omni-Channel determines whether it can immediately route the work item
to an agent.
First, Omni-Channel identifies if any agents are online with a Presence Status that’s linked to the correct Service Channel. Let’s say your
organization receives a new case that’s assigned to an Omni-Channel queue. Omni-Channel determines if there’s a Service Channel for
cases. Then it checks which agents are online with a status that lets them receive new work items.

Scenario What Happens

No agents are available. If there isn’t an agent online who has the right status,
Omni-Channel keeps the work item in the list of items that need
to be assigned to an agent.

Agents are available, but don’t have capacity for new work. If there are one or more agents who are available, Omni-Channel
checks to see if any of those agents have the capacity to take on
a new work item. If there are no agents with enough capacity for
more work, it leaves the work item in the list.

Agents are available and have capacity for more work. If there are agents that 1) are available and 2) have capacity to work
on the item, Omni-Channel checks which agent to send the work
to based on your organization’s routing settings.
If your routing configuration uses the Least Active routing
model, Omni-Channel looks for the agent who currently has the
least amount of work compared to other agents who could take
on the work item. It then routes the work item to that agent.
If your routing configuration uses the Most Available routing
model, Omni-Channel looks for the agent who has the largest gap
between the maximum amount of work that they can handle and
the amount of work that they are working on. It then routes the
work item to that agent.
But what if there’s a tie between two or more agents? In that
case, Omni-Channel routes the work to the agent who received a
work item the longest ago. Suppose that Agent A received work

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Scenario What Happens

10 minutes ago and closed it 2 minutes ago. Agent B received work
8 minutes ago and closed it 5 minutes ago. In this situation, the
work would go to Agent A.

When an Agent’s Ability to Receive Work Changes

When an agent logs in to Omni-Channel, finishes a work item, or changes status, Omni-Channel checks to see if there is any work that
it can route to the agent.

Scenario What Happens

The agent is away. Omni-Channel looks for another agent who can take the work.

The agent is available, but doesn’t have capacity for work. Omni-Channel looks for another agent who can take the work.

The agent is available and has capacity for more work Omni-Channel looks at the list of work items that are waiting to
be routed to an agent. It checks to see if the agent is qualified to
work on any of the objects, based on how much of the agent’s
capacity the objects will take up, and the service channel that’s
associated with the agent’s status. For example, if the agent is
online with a status that makes them available for cases, it checks
the list to see if there are any cases.
If the list has work items that the agent is qualified to work on, then
the item with the highest priority is routed to the agent. If two or
more items have the same priority, the oldest one is routed.

Rerouting a Work Item

Sometimes an agent declines a work item or changes their presence status and are no longer available to accept work. In that case, the
work item is rerouted until it finds a qualified agent.
Here’s what happens. First, Omni-Channel automatically changes the owner of the work item to the queue from which the object was
originally routed. If an agent (Agent A) declines a work item, then Omni-Channel looks for another agent (Agent B) to route it to. However,
the work item can be routed to Agent A again if Agent B declines it.
If an agent changes their status and is unavailable, then Omni-Channel looks for another agent to route the work to.
Omni-Channel repeats this process until the work item is routed to a qualified agent.

Assignment Rules, Auto-Response Rules, Escalation Rules, and Workflow Rules

Automation rules, such as assignment, auto-response, escalation, and workflow rules, aren’t triggered when Omni-Channel routes a
work item to an agent and the agent accepts the work.
When an agent accepts the work and then edits and saves the work item record, automation rules are triggered.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Fields for Agent Work Records

Every time an object is routed to an agent through Omni-Channel, Salesforce creates an Agent Work record that logs information about
the work assignment and how it’s routed. Agent Work records contain fields that help you track information about the assignments your
agents are working on. If the same work item is routed multiple times, that work item is associated with multiple Agent Work records.
An Agent Work record has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order.

Field Definition
Accept Date The date and time that the work item was accepted by an agent.

Active Time The amount of time an agent actively worked on the work item. It
tracks when the item is open and in focus in the agent’s console.
The Active Time ends when the ACW period ends or the agent
closes the work record, whichever occurs first.

After Conversation Work Actual Time (Beta) The number of seconds an agent spent on wrap-up work
after customer contact ended. This time starts the moment a call
ends and ends when the After Conversation Work (ACW) period
runs out or the agent closes the console tab, whichever occurs

Agent Capacity when Declined The amount of an agent’s capacity that was available when the
agent declined the work item.

Agent Work ID The Salesforce ID of the Agent Work record.

Assign Date The date and time that the work item was assigned to an agent
and pushed to the agent.

Cancel Date The date and time that the work item was canceled.

Close Date The date and time that the agent closed the console tab associated
with the work item, setting the Agent Work record’s status to

Created By The name of the agent who accepted the work item.

Created Date The date that the work item was created.

Decline Date The date that an agent declined the work item request.

Decline Reason The provided reason for why an agent declined the work request.

Handle Time The amount of time an agent has the work item open, from the
accepted time to the closed time. The handle time includes the
ACW period; if the agent closes the work record before the ACW
period runs out, the handle time is accordingly shorter.

Last Modified By The name of the user who last modified the work item.

Last Modified Date The date the work item was last modified.

Chat Session ID The session ID for Chat chats routed with Omni-Channel.

Name The unique, Salesforce-generated number of the Agent Work


Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Field Definition
Percentage of Capacity The percentage of capacity that the work item consumes of the
agent’s total, possible capacity.

Push Time-Out The number of seconds set for push time-out. 0 is returned when
push time-out isn’t enabled.

Push Time-Out Date The date and time when push time-out occurred.

Queue The Salesforce queue from which the work item was routed.

Request Date The date and time that the Salesforce object was assigned to the
queue, creating the associated work item.

Service Channel The service channel that’s associated with the work item.

Should Skip Capacity Check Indicates whether the check for an agent’s available capacity is
skipped (true) or not (false) when an externally routed work item
is created. This field is used when agents can simultaneously handle
work from both Omni-Channel queues and queues using external
routing. When true, the receiving agent may exceed their set
capacity to accept the item, but they don’t receive more
Omni-Channel routed work. When false, the receiving agent can’t
exceed their set capacity and must have enough open capacity to
accept the item.

Speed to Answer The amount of time in seconds between the time the work item
was created (the Request Date) and the time the work item was
accepted by an agent (the Accept Date).

Status The status of the Agent Work record. Valid values are:
• Assigned – The item is assigned to the agent but hasn’t been
• Opened – The item was opened by the agent.
• Unavailable – The item was assigned to the agent but the
agent became unavailable (went offline or lost connection).
• Declined – The item was assigned to the agent but the agent
explicitly declined it.
• DeclinedOnPushTimeout – The item was declined because
push time-out is enabled and the item request timed out with
the agent.
• Closed – The item is closed.
• Canceled – The item no longer needs to be routed. For
example: a chat visitor cancels their Omni-Channel routed chat
request before it reaches an agent.

Units of Capacity The number of units of an agent’s capacity that the work item
consumes of the agent’s total, possible capacity.

User The name of the agent to whom the work item was routed.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Field Definition
Work Item The name of the work item that’s associated with the Agent Work
record—for example, “Case 123456.”

Fields for User Presence Records

Every time agents change their Presence Statuses in Omni-Channel, Salesforce creates a User Presence record to log all of the agents’
activities while they’re signed logged in with that status. User Presence records contain fields that help you track information about your
agents’ availability.

Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

A User Service Presence record has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order. Depending on your field-level security settings, some
fields might not be visible or editable.

Field Definition
At Capacity Duration The amount of time in seconds that the agent was working at
100% of the agent’s capacity, as indicated in the agent’s Presence

Configured Capacity The agent’s overall capacity, as indicated in the agent’s Presence

Created By The name of the agent who set the Presence Status in

Created Date The date when the User Presence record was created.

Idle Duration The amount of time in seconds that the agent was assigned no
work items.

Is Away Indicates whether the agent’s status is a “busy” status.

Is Current Status Indicates whether the agent’s Presence Status in the Service
Presence Status field is the agent’s current Presence Status.

Last Modified Date The date the User Presence record was last modified.

Service Presence Status The API name of the Presence Status the agent used to log in to

Status Duration The amount of time in seconds that the agent’s status was set to
the Presence Status indicated by the Status Name field.

Status End Date The date and time that the agent logged out of Omni-Channel or
changed to another Presence Status.

Status Start Date The date and time that the agent set the Presence Status.

User The name of the agent who is signed in to Omni-Channel.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Field Definition
User Presence ID The autogenerated Salesforce ID of the User Presence record.

Alias The agent’s custom name.

Username The agent’s Salesforce username.

Status Name The name of the Presence Status the agents used to log in to

Omni-Channel Supervisor
Use Omni-Channel Supervisor to monitor agent workloads and the status of work items that are
routed by Omni-Channel. Agents can raise flags on work items when they require assistance from
a supervisor. Supervisors can monitor Service Cloud Voice transcripts and chat messages between Available in: Salesforce
agents and customers, and send helpful messages that only the support agent sees. Supervisors Classic (not available in all
can also respond to incoming support requests by changing queues as needed and can update orgs), Lightning Experience
agent skills quickly.
Omni-Channel Supervisor is
See real-time information about your Omni-Channel agents, queues, and work in the Omni-Channel available in: Essentials,
Supervisor panel, including waiting times, open work, and more. Omni-Channel Supervisor updates Professional, Enterprise,
continuously to reflect the most up-to-date data, so that you always know how your agents are Performance, Unlimited,
doing. and Developer Editions
Keep an eye on Omni-Channel activity with intuitive tab views that show you the big picture of
how your agents are doing. Take advantage of filtering and sorting to help you find what you need.
Sort by the flag raise column to see which agents need assistance that you can provide through whisper messages that the agent sees
but not the customer.
Drill down in the tabs to see detailed information about what agents are working on and backlogged work items.
Omni-Channel Supervisor is supported for:
• Queue-based routing for Omni-Channel
• Skills-based routing for Omni-Channel
• External routing for Omni-Channel

Monitor and Support Agents in Omni-Channel Supervisor
View your agents’ voice transcripts and chats in Omni-Channel Supervisor as they help customers. Send private messages to agents
as needed during chats. You can view only chats that are routed by Omni-Channel in Omni-Channel Supervisor.
Change Agent Queues and Skills in Omni-Channel Supervisor
Respond to incoming support requests by changing queues as needed. Update agent skills to support your customers.
Create an Omni-Channel Supervisor Configuration
A supervisor configuration determines which agents a supervisor or group of supervisors can see when they’re using Omni-Channel
Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to the Salesforce Console
Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to the console to get your supervisors up and running.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to a Lightning Console App

Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to the console in Lightning Experience to get your supervisors up and running.
Get to Know the Omni-Channel Supervisor Tabs
Supervisors can check the health of their call center in real time using the Agents, Queues Backlog, Assigned Work, and Skills Backlog
tabs in Omni-Channel Supervisor. These tabs let supervisors see which work items are open and active, who’s assigned to what, and
other details such as open capacities and average wait times for customers.
Sort and Filter in Omni-Channel Supervisor
Organize and focus your real-time data in Omni-Channel Supervisor to effortlessly find the information you need.

Monitor and Support Agents in Omni-Channel Supervisor

View your agents’ voice transcripts and chats in Omni-Channel Supervisor as they help customers.
Send private messages to agents as needed during chats. You can view only chats that are routed
by Omni-Channel in Omni-Channel Supervisor. Available in: Lightning
Setting Description
Omni-Channel Supervisor is
Conversation monitoring Lets supervisors view Service Cloud Voice available in: Essentials,
transcripts and chat messages between agents Professional, Enterprise,
and customers. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Agent sneak peek Lets supervisors see what agents are typing
before they send a message.
Customer sneak peek Lets supervisors see what customers are typing
before they send message. To set up Omni-Channel
• “Customize Application”
Whisper messaging Lets supervisors send private messages to
agents during a chat.

1. From Setup, enter Supervisor in the Quick Find box, and select Supervisor Settings.
2. Select the features that you want to enable.
3. Click Save.

Note: To change the title of the component that displays the Service Cloud Voice transcript, modify the Compact Layout.

Track After Conversation Work Time (Beta)
After Conversation Work (ACW) time gives agents a set amount of time after a customer conversation to wrap up their work before
they start a new conversation. Track agents’ ACW time in Omni-Channel Supervisor or reports.

Track After Conversation Work Time (Beta)

After Conversation Work (ACW) time gives agents a set amount of time after a customer conversation to wrap up their work before they
start a new conversation. Track agents’ ACW time in Omni-Channel Supervisor or reports.

Omni-Channel is available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Service Cloud Voice is available in: Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Voice is available in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions

Note: After Conversation Work (ACW) is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use
of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.
In Omni-Channel Supervisor, the All Agents view in the Agents tab includes an ACW column that shows each voice call’s ACW time.
You can also create a report to track these Agent Work fields:
• Active Time
• After Conversation Work Actual Time
• Handle Time

How ACW Affects Agent Capacity

When a voice call is active, it consumes 100% of an agent’s capacity. If ACW is enabled, an agent’s capacity is freed up after a call’s ACW
period ends or the agent closes the console tab, whichever happens first. When a call’s ACW period ends, the call is removed from the
agent’s My Work tab and no longer appears in Omni-Channel Supervisor.
When an agent updates their status in Omni-Channel during an ACW period, the ACW period ends and the agent work record is closed.
If an agent logs out of Salesforce during an ACW period without marking it done, the ACW period continues for a little over a minute.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Change Agent Queues and Skills in Omni-Channel Supervisor

Respond to incoming support requests by changing queues as needed. Update agent skills to
support your customers.
1. From Setup, enter Supervisor in the Quick Find box, and select Supervisor Settings. Available in: Lightning
2. Select Queues and skills.
3. Click Save. Omni-Channel Supervisor is
available in: Essentials,
4. Change agent queues and skills as needed on the Agent tab. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


a. To change queues, click Change Queues. To set up Omni-Channel:

• Customize Application
To create or change queues:
• Customize Application
Manage Public List

To change queues created

by other users:
• Customize Application
Manage Public List
Views and Manage

To change skills:
• Create, Read, Update on
service resources
• Read Access and Edit
Access for the Active
field on Service Resource
Field-Level Security
• Read Access and Edit
Access for the following
fields on Service
Resource Skill Field-Level
Security: End Date, Start
Date, and Skill Level

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

b. To change skills, click Change Skills.

Create an Omni-Channel Supervisor Configuration

A supervisor configuration determines which agents a supervisor or group of supervisors can see
when they’re using Omni-Channel Supervisor.
To set up Omni-Channel:
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience • “Customize Application”

Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,

and Developer Editions

You can’t add users to supervisor configurations via roles or “Grant Access Using Hierarchies.” Supervisor configurations only support
users who are directly assigned to a public group.
1. From Setup, enter Supervisor Configurations in the Quick Find box, then select Supervisor Configurations.
2. Click New.
3. Enter a name for your configuration. The Developer Name populates automatically.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

4. Add users and profiles to this configuration. The users and profiles are the supervisors for which you want to specify agent visibility.
5. Add at least one public group to this configuration. The members of the public group are the agents that the specified supervisors
can see in Omni-Channel Supervisor.
A maximum of 2,000 public groups can be shown in the search results.

6. Click Save.

Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to the Salesforce Console

Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to the console to get your supervisors up and running.
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience To set up Omni-Channel
and manage apps.
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, • Customize Application
and Developer Editions

Before adding Omni-Channel Supervisor to the console:

• Make sure you have Omni-Channel enabled and ready-to-go with agents and queues running.
• Make sure you have a working console app.
1. In Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select Apps.
2. Click Edit next to the Salesforce console app that you want to add Omni-Channel Supervisor to. Or, create a new console app. We
recommend creating a profile for your supervisors so you can customize a console just for them.
3. In the Choose Navigation Tab Items section, add Omni Supervisor to the Selected Items list.
4. Select the profiles you want to assign to this Supervisor-enabled console. The users in the selected profiles must have tab visibility
in order to view Omni-Channel Supervisor in their console.
5. Click Save.
Verify that Omni-Channel Supervisor is in the console by opening the console and viewing the tab selections. You should see the option
Omni Supervisor.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to a Lightning Console App

Add Omni-Channel Supervisor to the console in Lightning Experience to get your supervisors up
and running.
To set up Omni-Channel
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience and manage apps.
• Customize Application
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Before adding Omni-Channel to the Lightning Service Console:

• Make sure you have Omni-Channel enabled and ready-to-go in Lightning Experience, with agents and queues running.
• Make sure you have a working Lightning console app for service.
1. In Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
2. Click the dropdown next to the Lightning console app you want to add Omni-Channel Supervisor to, then click Edit. We recommend
creating a profile for your supervisors so you can customize a console just for them.
3. Under Select Items, add Omni Supervisor to the Selected Items list.
4. Under Assign to User Profiles, select the profiles you want to assign to this Supervisor-enabled console. The users in the selected
profiles must have tab visibility in order to view Omni-Channel Supervisor in their console.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Done.
Verify that Omni-Channel is in the console by opening the console and viewing the tab selections. You should see the option Omni

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Get to Know the Omni-Channel Supervisor Tabs

Supervisors can check the health of their call center in real time using the Agents, Queues Backlog,
Assigned Work, and Skills Backlog tabs in Omni-Channel Supervisor. These tabs let supervisors see
which work items are open and active, who’s assigned to what, and other details such as open Available in: Salesforce
capacities and average wait times for customers. Classic (not available in all
Omni-Channel Supervisor tabs are shown based on the type of routing that is set up in your org. orgs), Lightning Experience

• If only queue-based routing is set up, Omni-Channel Supervisor shows the Agents, Queues Omni-Channel Supervisor is
Backlog, and Assigned Work tabs. The Agents tab doesn’t show the Skills column. available in: Essentials,
• If both queue-based routing and skills-based routing are set up in the same org, Omni-Channel Professional, Enterprise,
Supervisor shows all of the tabs. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• If external routing is set up, Omni-Channel Supervisor shows the Agents, Queues Backlog, and
Assigned Work tabs. The Agents tab doesn’t show the Skills column.

Table 7: Omni-Channel Supervisor Tabs

Tab Only queue-based routing Both queue-based routing External routing
and skills-based routing

Queue Backlog

Assigned Work

Skills Backlog

Agents Tab
See who’s working, who’s available, and who’s busy with the Omni-Channel Supervisor Agents tab.
Queues Backlog Tab
Gauge your backlog with the Omni-Channel Supervisor Queues Backlog tab. The Queues Backlog tab is shown if either queue-based
routing or external routing for Omni-Channel is enabled in your org.
Assigned Work Tab
Take a stroll through the work items that are making their way through your queues and into your agents’ consoles, using the
Omni-Channel Supervisor Assigned Work tab.
Skills Backlog Tab
See pending work items for skills-based routing in the Omni-Channel Supervisor Skills Backlog tab. The Skills Backlog tab is shown
only if you have skills-based routing enabled in your org.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Agents Tab
See who’s working, who’s available, and who’s busy with the Omni-Channel Supervisor Agents tab.
The Agents tab is a simple way to keep up with your agents’ presence statuses, channels, assigned
queues, and open capacity. You can even see how long your agents have been logged in and when Available in: Salesforce
they last accepted new work. Classic (not available in all
orgs), Lightning Experience
There are two views in the Agents tab: All Agents and Agents by Queue. All Agents lets you see the
big picture of your agents’ availability, capabilities, capacity, and workload. It’s the default for the Omni-Channel Supervisor is
Agents tab because it provides the best overall picture of how your agents are doing. Agents logged available in: Essentials,
into Omni-Channel appear in rows, where you can see their status, channels, queues, workload, Professional, Enterprise,
and capacity. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: The Agents by Queue tab isn’t shown in orgs that use only skills-based routing.

Here, you can also change an agent’s status using the Action column. If you select Offline, keep in mind that the agent’s work isn’t tracked
Select an agent to see Agent Detail and the Agent Timeline to see more nuanced information about how the agent is doing. Agent
Detail provides details about an agent’s activity and timestamps. The Agent Timeline displays the agent’s status changes and work via
an intuitive calendar view. In Salesforce Classic, you can hover over items in the Agent Timeline for details.

Note: The Agent Timeline shows the AgentWork status, not the status of the work item record itself. When an agent accepts an
AgentWork Item and then closes the tab in the console, the AgentWork status is changed to Closed.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Agent Detail View

Agent Timeline

The Agents by Queue tab provides information about how well your queues are covered. Every queue that has at least one agent that’s
Online or Away is shown. You can see how many agents are assigned to the queue and how many of them are online, away, or idle.
This graph lets you see if you need to rearrange any agents to make sure your incoming work is covered.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Agents Tab Fields
Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Agents tab.

Agents Tab Fields

Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Agents tab.

All Agents Fields Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
The All Agents view in the Agents tab contains fields with information that lets you know how your
orgs), Lightning Experience
agents are doing.
Omni-Channel Supervisor is
Column Description available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Agent The first and last name of the agent. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Status The agent’s current presence status, as set in
the Omni-Channel widget.

Action Allows you to change an agent’s status.

Time in State Amount of time the agent has been in the

current presence status.

Time Since Login Amount of time the agent has been logged into
an online or busy Omni-Channel status. This
field reflects the duration of the agent’s entire
Omni-Channel session, which ends when the
agent goes offline in Omni-Channel or closes
their browser.

Time Since Last Accept Amount of time since the agent last accepted
a work item, either explicitly or through

Channels The agent’s associated Service Channels (for

agents in an online status), so you know what
types of work the available agent can handle.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Column Description
Assigned Queues Omni-Channel-enabled Salesforce queues that the agent can
receive work through in Omni-Channel.
The Assigned Queues column is shown only in orgs that use
Omni-Channel queues-based routing.

Skills Skills that are assigned to the agent.

The Skills column is shown only in orgs that use Omni-Channel
skills-based routing.

Work Items All Omni-Channel work currently assigned or open with the agent.
You can get an overview of the work items with popup details.
• Assigned work items are in the agent’s widget and waiting for
• Open work items have been accepted and the work’s tab is
open in the agent’s Console

Workload The total size of all assigned and open work with the agent
compared to the agent’s overall capacity as set through the
Presence Configuration. Work is sized through the Routing
Configuration associated with the Omni-Channel-enabled queue
that’s used to route the work to the agent.

Capacity Percentage calculated from the Workload column.

• 0–49% capacity is shown with a green icon
• 50–79% capacity is shown with a yellow icon
• 80–100% capacity is shown with a red icon

Note: When agent capacity reaches 99.1%, the agent is

shown as 100%. Small work of less than 1% can be routed
to the agent.

ACW (Beta) Amount of time the agent spent on closing tasks after a
conversation. Short for After Conversation Work.

Agent Detail Fields

The All Agents view in the Agents tab contains fields that provide information about the particular agent’s current work.

Column Description
Type Salesforce object type for the work, such as Lead, Case, or SOS.

Details Information from the object’s primary compact layout that provides
more context about the work item.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Column Description
Queue The Omni-Channel-enabled queue used to assign and route the
work to the agent.

Work Size The size of the Omni-Channel work item based on the routing
configuration associated with the queue.

Status Omni-Channel work status. It includes:

• Assigned work items in the agent’s widget waiting for
• Open work items that are assigned to an agent and have an
open work tab in the agent’s console

Requested Time Date and time when the item was assigned to the
Omni-Channel-enabled queue, which triggers the routing.

Assigned Time Date and time when Omni-Channel pushed and assigned the item
into the agent’s Omni-Channel widget.

Accepted Time Date and time that the item was accepted, either by the agent or
by auto-accept. Accepted items are opened in the agent’s console.

Handle Time How long the item has been open with the agent. It’s calculated
using the difference between “now” and when the agent accepted
the work.

Speed to Answer How quickly the agent responds to work requests. It’s calculated
using the difference between when the work was requested and
when the agent accepted it.

Agents by Queue Fields

The Agents by Queue view in the Agents tab contains fields with information about the work agents are doing in your Omni-Channel

Column Description
Queue The name of the Omni-Channel queue used to assign and route
the work to the agent. Only queues containing at least one agent
in an Online or Away state are displayed.

Total Total number of agents in the queue.

# Online Number of agents with an Online status.

% Online Percentage of agents in the queue who have an online status.

# Away Number of agents with an Away status.

# At Capacity Number of agents who are at capacity.

% At Capacity Percentage of Agents in the queue who are at capacity.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Column Description
# Idle Number of agents who are idle. Idle agents have no current work,
with 0% capacity consumed.

% Idle Percentage of agents in the queue who are idle.

Average Capacity Average capacity among the online and away agents in the queue.

Queues Backlog Tab

Gauge your backlog with the Omni-Channel Supervisor Queues Backlog tab. The Queues Backlog
tab is shown if either queue-based routing or external routing for Omni-Channel is enabled in your
org. Available in: Salesforce
Spend some time catching up on the activity in your Omni-Channel queues using the Queues Classic (not available in all
Summary view in the Queues Backlog tab. You can see your queues’ priority, configured work size, orgs), Lightning Experience
type, and wait times. This information can give you an idea of how efficiently work moves through
Omni-Channel Supervisor is
the queue and to your agents, so you can determine which queues are doing well and which could available in: Essentials,
use a few more agents on board. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

The Queue Details view drills into specific queues so you can see their configurations, available agents, wait times, and work items. If
you see lots of agents and not much work, you know it’s time to move agents to another queue. But if you see only a few agents and
long wait times… it’s time to call for backup.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Queues Backlog Tab Fields
Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Queues Backlog tab.

Queues Backlog Tab Fields

Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Queues Backlog tab.

Queues Summary Fields Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
The Queues Summary view in the Queues Backlog tab contains fields that let you know how your
orgs), Lightning Experience
agents are doing.
Omni-Channel Supervisor is
Column Description available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Queue The Omni-Channel-enabled queue used to Performance, Unlimited,
assign and route the work to the agent. and Developer Editions
You can click the queue’s name to see more
detail about it.

Priority The queue’s priority based on its routing


Work Size Size of the work items in the queue based on

its routing configuration.

Type Salesforce object type for the work, such as Lead,

Case, or SOS.

Total Waiting Total number of items currently assigned to the

Omni-Channel queue that are waiting for an
available agent.

Longest Wait Time Duration of the longest wait time.

Average Wait Time Average wait time of all items currently assigned
to the queue.

Queue Detail Fields

The Queue Details view in the Queues Backlog tab contains fields that provide information about the work items in the queue.

Column Description
Position The work item’s position in the queue.

Type Salesforce object type for the work, such as Lead, Case, and SOS.

Details Information from the object’s primary compact layout to provide

more context about the work item.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Column Description
Wait Time Amount of time that the work item is waiting for an agent. It’s
calculated using the difference between “now” and the item’s
request time.

Requested Time Datetime the item was assigned to the queue.

Assigned Work Tab

Take a stroll through the work items that are making their way through your queues and into your
agents’ consoles, using the Omni-Channel Supervisor Assigned Work tab.
Use the Work Summary view in the Assigned Work tab to get a breakdown of the work that’s in Available in: Salesforce
your queues. See the type of work each queue can handle alongside a state-of-the-union of its Classic (not available in all
active work items. orgs), Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel Supervisor is
available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

If you want to take a closer look at what’s going on in a queue, click the queue to see its Work Detail.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Assigned Work Tab Fields
Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Assigned Work tab.

Assigned Work Tab Fields

Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Assigned Work tab.

Work Summary Fields Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
The Work Summary view in the Assigned Work tab contains fields that show you how work items
orgs), Lightning Experience
are being handled.
Omni-Channel Supervisor is
Column Description available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Queue The Omni-Channel-enabled queue used to Performance, Unlimited,
assign and route the work to the agent. and Developer Editions
You can click a queue for more details about its

Type Salesforce object type for the work, such as Lead,

Case, and SOS.

Assigned Total number of items assigned and waiting in

the agent’s Omni-Channel widget for

Open Total number of items accepted and opened in

the agent’s console.

Average Handle Time (AHT) Average amount of time the agent’s open items
have been open. It’s calculated using the
difference between “now” and when the item
was accepted.

Average Speed to Answer (ASA) Average amount of time an item is waiting

before an agent accepts it. It’s calculated using
the difference between the time the work was
requested and accepted.
When an agent accepts a work item, the item
is removed from this calculation.

Work Detail Fields

The Work Details view in the Assigned Work tab contains fields that provide information about the work items in the queue.

Column Description
Type Salesforce object type for the work, such as Lead, Case, or SOS.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Column Description
Details Information from the object’s primary compact layout to provide
more context about the work item.

Agent The name of the agent assigned to the work.

Requested Time Datetime the item was assigned to the queue.

Assigned Time Datetime when Omni-Channel pushed and assigned the item into
the agent’s Omni-Channel widget.

Handle Time Amount of time the item has been open with the agent. It’s
calculated using the difference between “now” and when the agent
accepted the work.

Speed to Answer How quickly the agent opened the assigned item. It’s calculated
as the amount of time between when the work was requested and
when the agent accepted it.

Skills Backlog Tab

See pending work items for skills-based routing in the Omni-Channel Supervisor Skills Backlog tab. The Skills Backlog tab is shown only
if you have skills-based routing enabled in your org.

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel Supervisor is available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions
with the Service Cloud

Skills-based routing for Omni-Channel is available in: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service

Keep an eye on your backlog of unassigned work items using the Backlog Summary view in the Skills Backlog tab. You can see your
backlog’s work item types, work item details, skills, priority, work size, and wait times. The Backlog Summary gives you an overview of
the pending work items and the skills that are required to address these work items.
Skills are assigned to work items by the PendingServiceRouting. If there aren’t any agents available who possess the required skills, then
the work item is placed in the backlog. You can see whether you need more agents with certain skills by looking at the skills assigned
to the work items in the Skills Backlog.
To drill down and see work items that require a specific skill, go to the Backlog Summary and select a skill in the Skills column. The Skill
view shows all pending work items that require the selected skill. You can see the skills needed and the skill level needed, in addition to
the priority, work size, and waiting time for each work item.

Skills Backlog Tab Fields
Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Skills Backlog tab. The Skills Backlog tab is available only in orgs that use skills-based routing
for Omni-Channel.

Service Cloud Omni-Channel

Skills Backlog Tab Fields

Fields for the Omni-Channel Supervisor Skills Backlog tab. The Skills Backlog tab is available only in orgs that use skills-based routing for

Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience

Omni-Channel Supervisor is available in: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions
with the Service Cloud

Skills-based routing for Omni-Channel is available in: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions with the Service

Backlog Fields
The Backlog tab shows fields that tell you about pending work items that aren’t assigned to an agent.

Column Description
Type Salesforce object type for the work, such as Lead, Case, or SOS.

Details Information from the object’s primary compact layout that provides
more context about the work item.

Skills The skills assigned to this work item by the PendingServiceRouting.

Priority The priority of the work item.

Work Size The size of the Omni-Channel work item based on the associated
routing configuration.

Wait Time The amount of time that the work item has been pending.

Requested Time The date and time when the work item entered the backlog.

Skills Fields
The Skills view in the Skills Backlog tab shows you all of the pending work items that require the same skill.

Column Description
Level The skill level required for this work item.

Type The type of work item, such as case or lead.

Details Information from the object’s primary compact layout that provides
more context about the work item.

Skills The skills assigned to this work item by the PendingServiceRouting.

The skill level is shown in the parentheses after the skill. For
example, Java (2) indicates that you need an agent who’s familiar
with Java but not an expert.

Priority The priority of the work item.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Column Description
Work Size The size of the Omni-Channel work item based on the associated
routing configuration.

Wait Time The amount of time that the work item has been pending.

Requested Time Date and time when the item was placed in the
Omni-Channel-enabled backlog.

Sort and Filter in Omni-Channel Supervisor

Organize and focus your real-time data in Omni-Channel Supervisor to effortlessly find the
information you need.
Now that we’ve seen what Omni-Channel Supervisor has to offer, we’ll show you how to optimize Available in: Salesforce
all this great data so you can quickly find what you’re looking for. Filter the tables to display particular Classic (not available in all
agents, queues, work types, capacity percentages, etc. and group that information with sorting. orgs), Lightning Experience

Use filtering to pare down what’s on your screen and get what you need faster. For example, if you Omni-Channel Supervisor is
want to see information about one particular team of agents, go to the All Agents view and select available in: Essentials,
just those agents in the filter. You can apply multiple filters to the same grid, too. Hop seamlessly Professional, Enterprise,
from an agent’s open Leads to the Tier One Queue’s open Cases with a Wait Time over 5 minutes. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Use sorting to organize columns as ascending or descending. For example, if you want to see which
online agents most recently accepted work, filter the All Agents view to show only agents with an
Online status, and sort the Time Since Last Accept column in ascending order.

The online agents who most recently accepted work are at the top of the screen. The possibilities are as endless as your curiosity.

Rules and Queues

Automation keeps things running smoothly. Set up rules and queues to help you prioritize, distribute, assign, respond to, and escalate

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Set Up Queues
Prioritize, distribute, and assign records to teams who share workloads. Access queues from list views. Queue members can jump
in to take ownership of any record in a queue. They’re available for cases, contact requests, leads, orders, custom objects, service
contracts, and knowledge article versions.
Assignment Rules
Assignment rules automate your organization’s lead generation and support processes. Use lead assignment rules to specify how
leads are assigned to users or queues. Use case assignment rules to determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues.
Set Up Assignment Rules
Define conditions that determine how leads or cases are processed. The rules assign leads and cases to the specified user or queue.
Set Up Auto-Response Rules
Auto-response rules let you automatically send email responses to lead or case submissions based on the record’s attributes. For
example, you can send an automatic reply to customers to let them know someone at your company received their inquiry.
Set Up Escalation Rules
Escalation rules automatically escalate cases when the case meets the criteria defined in the rule entry. You can create rule entries,
which define criteria for escalating a case, and escalation actions, which define what happens when a case escalates.
Limits for Assignment, Auto-Response, and Escalation Rules
Salesforce limits the number of rules, as well as the number of entries and actions per rule. These limits apply to assignment rules,
auto-response rules, and escalation rules.

Set Up Queues
Prioritize, distribute, and assign records to teams who share workloads. Access queues from list
views. Queue members can jump in to take ownership of any record in a queue. They’re available
for cases, contact requests, leads, orders, custom objects, service contracts, and knowledge article Available in: Salesforce
versions. Classic (not available in all
You can manually add a record to a queue by changing the record’s owner to the queue. Or, an orgs) and Lightning
assignment rule can add cases or leads to a queue based on specific record criteria. Records remain Experience
in a queue until they’re assigned an owner. Any queue members or users higher in a role hierarchy Available in: Contact
can take ownership of records in a queue. Manager, Group,
Example: Essentials, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Create a task queue with members who are sales reps following up on pending Unlimited, Developer, and
opportunities. Editions
• Create a lead queue with members who are sales reps assigned to a specific sales territory. Lead queues and case
• Create a case queue with members who are support agents assigned to different service queues are not available in
• Create a contact request queue with members who are support agents to resolve customer Contact requests and
issues. service contract queues are
available in: Professional,
• Create a knowledge article version queue with members who are users that can translate
Enterprise, Performance,
new versions of articles into a specific language.
Unlimited, and Developer
Editions with the Service

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Create Queues
Prioritize and assign records to teams that share workloads. There’s no limit to the number of queues
you can create, and you can choose when queue members receive email notifications.
To create or change queues:
Note: Implement this feature in one click with the Service Setup Assistant: Learn more on
• Customize Application
page 6
1. From Setup, enter Queues in the Quick Find box, then select Queues.
Manage Public List
2. Click New. Views
3. Enter a label and queue name. The label is the name of the list view that users work from. To change queues created
4. Choose whom to notify when new records are added to the queue. by other users:
• Customize Application
5. If your org uses divisions, select the queue’s default division. Cases inherit the division of the
contact they’re related to, but when a case doesn’t have a contact, it’s assigned to the default AND
global division. Manage Public List
Views and Manage
6. Add which objects to include in the queue.
7. Add queue members. Members can be individuals, roles, public groups, territories, connections,
or partner users.
Depending on your sharing settings, only queue members and users above them in the role hierarchy can take ownership of records
in the queue.

Note: Keep these considerations in mind when adding queue members:

• Guest users can’t be queue members.
• After enabling digital experiences, all Roles and Subordinates members in queues are converted to Roles, Internal and
Portal Subordinates members. Review queues that contain Roles, Internal and Portal Subordinates members, and replace
them with Role and Internal Subordinates as required.

8. Save the queue.

9. If you want, set up assignment rules for your lead or case queues so that records that meet certain criteria are automatically added
to a queue.
To view the queues that a user is a member of, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Users, then select Users and select the user.
In the user’s Queue Membership related list, you can create a queue or click a queue name to view its details.

Set Up Case Teams
Set Up Assignment Rules
Knowledge Article: How to stop email notification to queue members?

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Assignment Rules
Assignment rules automate your organization’s lead generation and support processes. Use lead
assignment rules to specify how leads are assigned to users or queues. Use case assignment rules
to determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues. Available in: Salesforce
Lead assignment rules can assign leads regardless of whether leads are created manually, are Classic (not available in all
generated from Web-to-Lead forms, or are imported using the Data Import Wizard. orgs) and Lightning
Case assignment rules can assign cases regardless of how cases are created. Cases can be created
manually or automatically using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Lead Assignment Rules are
Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes. available in: Group,
Organizations typically use one rule for each overall purpose. For example, use one lead assignment Essentials, Professional,
rule for importing leads and use a different lead assignment rule for web-generated leads. Or use Enterprise, Performance,
one case assignment rule for standard use and one case assignment rule for holiday use. For each Unlimited, and Developer
rule type, only one rule can be in effect at any time. Editions

Each rule consists of multiple rule entries that specify exactly how the leads or cases are assigned. Case Assignment Rules are
For example, your standard case assignment rule can have two entries: cases with “Type equals available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Gold” are assigned to the “Gold Service” queue, and cases with “Type equals Silver” are assigned to
Unlimited, and Developer
the “Silver Service” queue.
To create an assignment rule, from Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the Quick Find
box, then select Lead Assignment Rules or Case Assignment Rules.

Sample Assignment Rule To view assignment rules:

• View Setup and
The following case assignment rule assigns a case to a specific queue based on the account rating: Configuration
Rule Name — Hot Account Assignment To create or change
Rule Entries: assignment rules:
• Customize Application
Order Criteria Assign To
1 ISPICKVAL(Account.Rating, Tier 1 Support Queue

2 OR( ISPICKVAL(Account.Rating, Tier 2 Support Queue

"Warm") ,
"Cold") )

Set Up Assignment Rules
View and Edit Assignment Rules

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Set Up Assignment Rules

Define conditions that determine how leads or cases are processed. The rules assign leads and cases
to the specified user or queue.
1. From Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box, then select either Available in: Salesforce
Lead Assignment Rules or Case Assignment Rules. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
2. Choose New, and then give the rule a name. Specify whether you want this rule to be the active
rule for leads or cases that are created manually and via the web and email. Then click Save.
3. To create the rule entries, click New. Lead Assignment Rules are
For each entry, you can specify: available in: Group,
Essentials, Professional,
Field Description Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Order Sets the order in which the entry is processed in the rule, for example, 1, 2, Editions
Case Assignment Rules are
Salesforce evaluates each entry in order and tries to match the criteria for the available in: Professional,
entry. When a match is found, Salesforce assigns the item and stops evaluating Enterprise, Performance,
the rule entries for that item. If no match is found, the item is reassigned to Unlimited, and Developer
either the default Web-to-Lead owner, the administrator doing a lead import, Editions
or the default case owner.
Criteria Specifies conditions that the lead or case must match for it to be assigned.
Enter your rule criteria. To view assignment rules:
• View Setup and
• Choose criteria are met and select the filter criteria that a record Configuration
must meet to trigger the rule.For example, set a case filter to Priority
To create or change
equals High if you want case records with the Priority field
assignment rules:
marked High to trigger the rule.
• Customize Application
If your organization uses multiple languages, enter filter values in your
organization’s default language. You can add up to 25 filter criteria of up
to 255 characters each.
When you use picklists to specify filter criteria, the selected values are
stored in the organization's default language. If you edit or clone existing
filter criteria, first set the Default Language on the Company
Information page to the same language that was used to set the original
filter criteria. Otherwise, the filter criteria may not be evaluated as expected.

• Choose formula evaluates to true and enter a formula that

returns a value of “True” or “False.” Salesforce triggers the rule if the formula
returns “True.” For example, the formula AND(ISCHANGED(
Priority ), ISPICKVAL (Priority, "High") ) triggers
a rule that changes the owner of a case when the Priority field is
changed to High.
If your condition uses a custom field, the rule entry is deleted automatically
if the custom field is deleted.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Field Description
User Specifies the user or queue that the lead or case is assigned to. Users specified here cannot be marked
“inactive”, and they must have “Read” permission on leads or cases.

Note: You can't revoke the “Read” permission on leads or cases for users assigned to a rule.

If your organization uses divisions, leads are assigned to the default division of the user or queue specified
in this field. Cases inherit the division of the contact to which they are related. If no contact is specified, cases
are assigned to the default global division.

Do Not Specifies that the current owner on a lead or case will not be reassigned to the lead or case when it is updated.

Email Specifies the email template to use for the notification email that is automatically sent to the new owner. If
Template you don’t specify an email template, then Salesforce doesn’t send a notification email. When a lead or case
is assigned to a queue, the notification email is sent to the Queue Email address specified for the queue
and all queue members.

Predefined Specifies the predefined case teams to add to a case. A case team is a group of people that work together
Case Teams to solve cases.
To select a predefined case team to add to the assignment rule, click the Lookup icon ( ). To add more
predefined case teams, click Add Row to add a row in which you can specify a predefined case team.

Replace any When a case matches the condition, any existing predefined case teams assigned to the case are replaced
existing with the specified case teams.
case teams on
the case

After creating the entry, click Save, or Save & New to save the entry and create more entries.

Tip: Create an error-proof rule by always creating the last rule entry with no criteria. This rule entry is a catch-all rule that assigns
any leads or cases that the previous rule entries didn’t assign.

View and Edit Assignment Rules
View and update your assignment rules to meet your business needs.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

View and Edit Assignment Rules

View and update your assignment rules to meet your business needs.
To view assignment rules: from Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box,
then select either Lead Assignment Rules or Case Assignment Rules. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
To edit the name of a rule, click Rename next to the rule name.
orgs) and Lightning
To change the criterion for a rule, first select the rule name from the list, and then modify the rule. Experience
• To add an entry, click New.
Lead Assignment Rules are
• To edit an entry, click Edit. available in: Group,
• To delete an entry, click Delete. Essentials, Professional,
• To change the order of rule criteria, select Reorder and enter the order number. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Case Assignment Rules are
Set Up Assignment Rules available in: Professional,
Assignment Rules Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer


To view assignment rules:

• View Setup and
To create or change
assignment rules:
• Customize Application

Set Up Auto-Response Rules

Auto-response rules let you automatically send email responses to lead or case submissions based
on the record’s attributes. For example, you can send an automatic reply to customers to let them
know someone at your company received their inquiry. Available in: Salesforce
Create auto-response rules for leads captured through a Web-to-Lead form and for cases submitted Classic (not available in all
through a: orgs) and Lightning
• Self-Service portal
• Customer Portal Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Web-to-Case form
Unlimited, and Developer
• Email-to-Case message Editions
• On-Demand Email-to-Case message
Case auto-response rules are also available in the Essentials edition. USER PERMISSIONS
Create as many response rules as you like based on any attribute of the incoming lead or case. Keep
To create auto-response
in mind that you can activate only one rule for leads and one rule for cases at a time. Your team rules:
can see the email responses in the Activity History related list for the lead or contact and in the • Customize Application
Email related list on cases.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Create Auto-Response Rules

To create a Web-to-Lead response rule, from Setup, enter Auto-Response Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Lead
Auto-Response Rules. To create a response rule for cases, from Setup, enter Auto-Response Rules in the Quick Find box,
then select Case Auto-Response Rules. On the Auto-Response Rules page:
1. Click New.
2. Enter the rule name.
3. To activate this rule, select Active.
4. Click Save.
5. Create rule entries.

Create Response Rule Entries

1. Click New from the rule detail page.
2. Enter a number to specify the order this entry is processed.
• The rule processes entries in this order. The rule stops processing at the first matching entry, and then Salesforce sends the email
using the specified email template.
• If no auto-response rules apply, then Salesforce sends an email using the default template specified on the Web-to-Case or
Web-to-Lead Settings page.

Note: To create an error-proof rule, always create the last rule entry with no criteria. This rule entry catches any leads or cases
that the previous rule entries did not. This practice is especially important for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case,
which don't have default templates.

3. Enter your rule criteria:

• Choose criteria are met and select the filter criteria that a record must meet to trigger the rule. For example, set a case
filter to Priority equals High if you want case records with the Priority field marked High to trigger the rule.
If your organization uses multiple languages, enter filter values in your organization’s default language. You can add up to 25
filter criteria of up to 255 characters each.
When you use picklists to specify filter criteria, the selected values are stored in the organization's default language. If you edit
or clone existing filter criteria, first set the Default Language on the Company Information page to the same language
that was used to set the original filter criteria. Otherwise, the filter criteria may not be evaluated as expected.

• Choose formula evaluates to true and enter a formula that returns a value of “True” or “False.” Salesforce triggers
the rule if the formula returns “True.” For example, the formula AND(ISPICKVAL(Priority,"High"),Version<4.0)
triggers a rule that automatically responds with the selected template when the Priority field on a case is set to High and
the value of a custom field named Version on the case is less than four.

4. Enter the name to include on the From line of the auto-response message.
5. Enter the email address to include on the From line of the auto-response message. This email address must be either one of your
verified organization-wide email addresses or the email address in your Salesforce user profile. This email address must be different
than the routing addresses that’s used for Email-to-Case.
6. If you want, enter a reply-to address.
7. Select an email template.
8. If you’re creating a response rule entry for Email-to-Case, select Send response to all recipients to send auto-response
messages to anyone included in the To and Cc fields in the original message.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

9. Save your work.

Differences Between Auto-Response Rules and Workflow Email Alerts
Auto-response rules and workflow email alerts provide similar functionality. This table lists some of the differences between workflow
alerts and auto-response rules, so you can decide which process to use.

Differences Between Auto-Response Rules and Workflow Email Alerts

Auto-response rules and workflow email alerts provide similar functionality. This table lists some
of the differences between workflow alerts and auto-response rules, so you can decide which
process to use. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Type of Designed For Runs Sends Number of Emails Sent orgs) and Lightning
Process When Email To Experience
Workflow Notifications to A case or Anyone you Sends one email per email alert. Auto-response rules are
email alerts interested parties. lead is choose. Each workflow rule can have up available in: Essentials,
created to: Professional, Enterprise,
or edited. • 10 email alerts as immediate Performance, Unlimited,
actions and Developer Editions

• 10 email alerts per time Workflows are available in:

trigger as time-dependent Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
• 10 time triggers

Auto-response Initial response to A case or Contact on a Sends an email based on the first
rules the contact who lead is case or the rule entry criteria that the rule
created a case or the created. person who matches in a sequence of rule
person who submitted entries.
submitted the lead the lead on
on the web. the web.

Set Up Auto-Response Rules

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Set Up Escalation Rules

Escalation rules automatically escalate cases when the case meets the criteria defined in the rule
entry. You can create rule entries, which define criteria for escalating a case, and escalation actions,
which define what happens when a case escalates. Available in: Salesforce
Before you get started: Classic and Lightning
• If you want to assign cases to queues, create queues.
• If you want to send notification emails when a case escalates, create email templates. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
When Salesforce applies an escalation rule to a case, it inspects the case and compares the case to Performance, Unlimited,
the criteria in the rule entry. If the case matches the criteria defined in the rule entry, Salesforce runs and Developer Editions
the escalation actions.
Orgs typically use one escalation rule that consists of multiple rule entries. For example, your standard
case escalation rule could have two entries: cases with Type set to Gold are escalated within two
hours, and cases with Type set to Silver are escalated within eight hours. To create or edit escalation
1. From Setup, enter Escalation Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Escalation rules:
Rules. • Customize Application

2. Create the escalation rule.

a. Click New and name the rule. Specify whether you want this rule to be the active escalation rule.
You can have only one active escalation rule at a time.

b. Click Save.

3. On the Case Escalation Rules page, select the rule that you want to work with.
The rule detail page is displayed.
4. Create the rule entries. Rule entries define the criteria used to escalate the case.
a. In the Rule Entries section, click New. For each rule entry, you can specify:
• Order in which rule entries are evaluated
• Criteria for escalating a case
• How business hours affect when cases escalate
• How escalation times are determined

b. Click Save.
The Escalation Actions page is displayed.

5. Define the escalation actions. Escalation actions specify when the case escalates and what happens when the case escalates. You
can add up to five actions for each rule entry to escalate the case over increasing periods of time.
a. In the Escalation Actions section, click New. For each escalation action, you can:
• Specify when the case escalates: In the Age Over field, enter the number of hours after which a case escalates if it hasn’t
been closed. You can enter the number of hours and either 0 minutes or 30 minutes. For example, 1 hour and 0 minutes or
1 hour and 30 minutes.
• Reassign the case to another user or queue, and select an email template that sends the new assignee (the new case owner)
a notification email.
• Send notification emails to other users, the current case owner, or other recipients.

b. Click Save.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Escalation Rule Examples and Best Practices
See examples of how different options in the escalation rule entries and actions affect how and when cases escalate.
When do rules execute?
Salesforce processes rules in a certain order.

Monitor the Case Escalation Rule Queue

Escalation Rule Examples and Best Practices

See examples of how different options in the escalation rule entries and actions affect how and
when cases escalate.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Escalation Rule Entries
Escalation criteria specify the conditions under which a case escalates. We store your criteria in Available in: Essentials,
a rule entry. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Escalation Actions
and Developer Editions
Escalation actions specify when the case escalates and what happens when the case escalates.
An escalation rule can reassign the case to another support agent (user) or support queue
(queue). An escalation rule also can send notification emails to the new assignee, to the current case owner, and to other recipients.

Escalation Rule Entries

Escalation criteria specify the conditions under which a case escalates. We store your criteria in a
rule entry.
When Salesforce applies an escalation rule to a case, it inspects the case and compares the case to Available in: Salesforce
the criteria in the rule entry. If the case matches the criteria defined in the rule entry, Salesforce runs Classic and Lightning
the escalation actions. Experience

Let’s break down the parts of an escalation rule entry and go over the best practices for each step: Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Step 1: Rule Entry Order

The Sort Order determines the sequence in which Salesforce evaluates rule entries [1]. Typically, orgs use one escalation rule
that’s made up of several rule entries.

Tip: As a best practice, put the most complex rule entries at the beginning of the sort order. Put more generic rule entries at
the end of the sort order.
Suppose that you have five rule entries. Salesforce looks at the first rule entry to see if its criteria matches the case. If the criteria
matches, then Salesforce stops evaluating and escalates the case. If the criteria doesn’t match, then Salesforce looks at the
second rule entry to see if it matches, and so on, until it finds a match.
If the first rule entry is generic, then Salesforce finds a match and escalates the case without continuing to evaluate later rule
It’s a good practice to put a generic “catch-all” rule entry at the end of the rule entry order. The catch-all rule entry is designed
to escalate cases that don’t meet the criteria specified in the other rule entries. For example, perhaps you want to escalate
cases that have been open for more than 48 hours. Create a rule entry that contains no criteria so that it catches all remaining
cases, and specify that cases escalate 48 hours after they were created.

Step 2: Rule Entry Criteria

The rule entry criteria define the case field values that trigger an escalation. When Salesforce evaluates the rule entry, it looks at the
criteria and sees if the criteria match the field values set on the case. If the criteria match, the case is escalated.
Run this rule if the criteria are met
You can define escalation criteria using field values by selecting criteria are met [2.1].
Select the field, select the operator, and select the value [2.2]. For example, suppose that we want to escalate
cases that are high priority and from our two biggest customers, Acme and Global Media. We can create a

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

rule entry that escalates cases where the Priority field equals High and the Account: Account Name field equals
Acme or Global Media.
You can specify more field values by filling out the rows.

Tip: By default, the filter concatenates the rows using AND. However, if you want to use a different
filter operator, click Add Filter Logic [2.3]. You can refine the filter using parentheses, AND, and
OR. For example, (1 AND 2) or (3 AND 4).
Run this rule if the criteria are met
You can define escalation criteria using a formula by selecting formula evaluates to true.
Enter a formula that returns a value of True or False. Salesforce triggers the rule if the formula returns “True.”
Step 3: Business Hours Criteria
Business hours let you specify when your support team is available [3]. If business hours are specified on the escalation rule, then
escalation actions occur only during business hours.
Let’s look at some examples. Let’s say that your support team is based in San Francisco and works from 9 AM-5 PM Monday-Friday,
Pacific time.
Ignore business hours
If you don’t want to use business hours when calculating when cases are escalated, select Ignore
business hours. In this situation, a case is escalated without consideration of the support team’s business
hours or the case’s business hours. For example, a case might escalate at 3 AM Pacific time, even though the
support team isn’t available.
Use business hours specified on the case
A case might have different business hours than your support team. If business hours are specified on the
case, then the case escalates during the case’s business hours.
Suppose that your support team is located in San Francisco and works 9-5 Pacific time, but your customer is
located in New York and operates on Eastern time. You could specify Eastern business hours on the case, so
that your support team knows to contact the customer during Eastern business hours. If Use business
hours specified on the case is selected, then the case escalates during East Coast business
hours. So, a case could escalate at 6 AM Pacific, because that’s within Eastern business hours (9 AM -5 PM
Eastern, which is 6 AM-2 PM Pacific).
Set business hours
Use the lookup to select the business hours that are defined for your company. If you select this option, then
cases are escalated during these hours. Perhaps you’ve defined business hours as 9 AM-5 PM Pacific time. If
you select the 9-5 Pacific time business hours, then cases would only be escalated during that time period.
Step 4: How Escalation Times Are Set
Specify when the escalation clock starts ticking by specifying how escalation times are set [4]. Your selection here affects when the
time period specified in the Age Over field begins to run. You can set the Age Over field on the Escalation Actions page.
When case is created
The escalation clock starts ticking when the case is created, and the case escalates when the time period set
in the Age Over field expires.
If Age Over is set to 5 hours, then the case escalates five hours after the case is created. If the case is created
at 9 AM on Monday morning, it would escalate at 2 PM on Monday afternoon.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

When case is created, and disable after case is first modified

The escalation clock starts ticking when the case is created but stops when the case is modified, provided
that the case is modified before the Age Over time period expires.
If Age Over is set to 5 hours, then the case escalates five hours after the case is created unless the case is
modified before five hours elapse. If the case is created at 9 AM on Monday morning and isn’t modified within
the five-hour period, then the case would escalate at 2 PM on Monday afternoon. However, if the case is
created at 9 AM on Monday and a support agent modifies the case at 10 AM, then the case wouldn’t escalate.
Based on last modification time
The escalation clock starts ticking when the case is modified.
If Age Over is set to 5 hours, then the case escalates five hours after the case is last modified. Suppose that
the case is created at 9 AM on Monday morning and an agent modifies the case at 10 AM. The case would
escalate at 3 PM on Monday afternoon, which is five hours after the 10 AM modification.

Set Up Escalation Rules
Escalation Actions

Escalation Actions
Escalation actions specify when the case escalates and what happens when the case escalates. An
escalation rule can reassign the case to another support agent (user) or support queue (queue). An
escalation rule also can send notification emails to the new assignee, to the current case owner, Available in: Salesforce
and to other recipients. Classic and Lightning
Let’s break down the parts of an escalation action and go over best practices for each step: Experience

Available in: Essentials,

Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

Age Over
Salesforce escalates the case if the case hasn’t been closed within this time period [1]. For example, escalate the case if it hasn’t been
closed within five hours.
This time is calculated from the date field set in the Specify how escalation times are set field in the rule entry.
No two escalation actions can have the same number in this field.
The Age Over field is required, because escalation rules are time-based.
Auto-Reassign Cases
When a case escalates, Salesforce can reassign the case to a different user or queue [2].
• Queue or User—Select a user or queue to reassign the case to. When a case is reassigned, the queue or user becomes the
new case owner. Companies typically reassign cases to a queue instead of a specific user. For example, if Level 1 support doesn’t
resolve a case within 24 hours, the case is reassigned to the Level 2 support queue.
• Notification Template—Select a notification template to use to send a notification email to the assignee.
If you select a Notification Template, then Salesforce sends a notification email to the new case owner. The template
controls which fields are included in the notification email. For example, the email template might include the case number, case
contact, account name, and case reason so that the new case owner can quickly understand the situation.
Notify Users
When a case escalates, Salesforce can send a notification email so that a user, the current case owner, or other email recipients know
that the case is escalating [3].
• Notify This User—Select a user to notify. For example, you might want to notify the support manager.

Service Cloud Rules and Queues

• Notify Case Owner—Send an email to the current case owner to remind them that the case is escalating. Select this
checkbox when you want to notify the case owner but haven’t reassigned the case.
• Additional Emails—You can send notification emails to other people when a case is escalated. Enter up to five email
addresses, each on a separate line. For example, you can set up an escalation rule to notify support managers or executives so
that they know that a case is escalating.
• Notification Template—If you select Notify This User, Notify Case Owner, or Additional
Emails, then you must select a notification template to send a notification email to the user, case owner, or additional recipients.
The template controls which fields are included in the notification email.

Set Up Escalation Rules
Escalation Rule Entries

When do rules execute?

Salesforce processes rules in a certain order.
1. Validation rules
Available in: Salesforce
2. Assignment rules
Classic (not available in all
3. Auto-response rules orgs) and Lightning
4. Workflow rules (with immediate actions) Experience

5. Escalation rules Available in: Essentials,

Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Set Up Escalation Rules

Limits for Assignment, Auto-Response, and Escalation Rules

Salesforce limits the number of rules, as well as the number of entries and actions per rule. These limits apply to assignment rules,
auto-response rules, and escalation rules.

Limit Value
Total rules across objects
(Applies to any combination of workflow, assignment, auto-response, and escalation rules, active and 2,000

Active rules per object

(Applies to any combination of active workflow, assignment, auto-response, and escalation rules, as well 50
as record change processes.)

Total rules per object

(Applies to any combination of workflow, assignment, auto-response, and escalation rules, active and 500

Entries per rule 3,000

Service Cloud Einstein Case Routing

Limit Value
Formula criteria entries per rule 300

Filter criteria per rule entry 25

Actions allowed per rule 200

Set Up Assignment Rules
Set Up Auto-Response Rules
Set Up Escalation Rules

Einstein Case Routing

Let Einstein save agents time by automatically updating and routing new cases. When Einstein Case Classification updates a field on a
case, you can have Einstein Case Routing run your existing assignment rules to route the case to the right agent.
One-Minute Feature Tour: Einstein Case Classification and Case Routing
If you use case assignment rules or skills-based routing rules, we handle the routing for you. Use the settings in Einstein Case Classification
to route cases to agents after Einstein makes changes.
If you use any other logic for your queue-based or skills-based routing, or you have an external routing implementation, subscribe to
AIUpdateRecordEvent. After you get notified of Einstein changes through AIUpdateRecordEvent, rerun your routing logic.

Service Cloud Channels

Service Cloud’s support channels offer many ways—phone, email, web chat, social network channels, and more—that your customers
can use to contact you. Today’s customers are used to being digitally connected and easily communicating with their friends, families,
and coworkers. They expect the same from the companies they do business with. Make it easier for customers to connect with your
company how and when they want. Set up a mix of channels based on your business needs and customer preferences.

Tip: To learn more about channels, watch our video.

Customer Engagement Channels in Service Cloud (English only)

Manage all customer communications from the Service Console to make it easy for agents to follow your business practices and help
customers no matter how customers contact you. You can route customer inquiries to agents with Omni-Channel, so your company
can use the same business logic to route customer communications regardless of the contact method.

Table 8: Available Channels and Main Use Cases

Customer Channel Main Use Case What to Implement
Phone Customers call you on the phone to talk with support agents. Agents Service Cloud Voice on page
call customers. Create cases from calls. 356 and Open CTI

Email Customers send emails to you. The emails are turned into cases. Email-to-Case

Service Cloud Service Cloud Channels

Customer Channel Main Use Case What to Implement

Web form Customers fill out a form on your website and submit it. The forms turn Web-to-Case
into cases.

Web chat Customers chat with agents on your website. Create cases from chats. Chat and Embedded Chat

Mobile in-app features Embed customer service into your mobile apps, so customers can chat Snap-ins for Mobile Apps
with agents and get help quickly and easily.

Messaging apps Customers can contact your support center via text message, Messaging
• Text messaging WhatsApp, and more. Agents can respond to messages from the
Lightning Service Console.
• Facebook Messenger
• WhatsApp
• WeChat (pilot)

Social media networks Customers can post on your company’s social networks, and they can Social Customer Service
• Twitter at-mention your company on social networks. You can create cases
from posts and reply to posts directly in the console.
• Facebook
• YouTube
• Instagram
• Google+ (pilot)
• Sina Weibo (pilot)

Video chat Customers can talk face-to-face with agents through a video feed. SOS
Agents also can co-browse a website with customers and show
customers exactly what to look for.

Experience Cloud Site Customers can collaborate and resolve their inquiries through an online Collaborate in an Experience
site. Customers can also request that support get back to them. Builder Site and Contact

Help Center Customers can browse Knowledge articles and use a web form to Help Center
contact you for more support.

To route customer interactions from channels to your available agents, see Omni-Channel.
To automatically link records from a channel with objects, set up Channel-Object Linking.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Service Cloud Voice

Sometimes it’s just easier to talk to someone on the phone. Despite a variety of available channels,
customers prefer to talk directly to a knowledgeable service agent who can quickly solve their
problem. Service Cloud Voice makes it easier for agents to answer and make calls, track customer Available in: Lightning
information, and resolve customer issues—all within the Service Console. Experience
The benefits of Service Cloud Voice include:
Available in: Performance,
• Companies can deliver more proactive and personalized service to their customers. Enterprise, and Unlimited
• Agents can more quickly and intelligently handle calls, reduce average handle time, and optimize Editions
for volume surges. Available in: Sales Cloud,
• Supervisors can view all of their agents’ incoming and current calls and digital conversations Service Cloud, and
as they’re happening, see where calls are being routed, and identify conversations in progress Government Cloud as an
that may require assistance or coaching. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
• IT leaders can unite multiple infrastructure systems across the contact center.
Service Cloud Voice with
Voice integrates intelligent telephony into Salesforce for a seamless agent experience. Agents can Amazon Connect and
talk with your customers using an intuitive softphone that leverages the power of Amazon Connect, Service Cloud Voice with
including real-time call transcription. Alternatively, you can integrate your own telephony provider Partner Telephony from
into your Voice contact center to combine your existing customizations with Voice’s streamlined Amazon Connect.
agent and supervisor experience. Bring voice calls and your digital channels together so your agents
can help customers at the right time using the channel that customers prefer.

Voice Learning Map: Find Learning Resources and Documentation

The Service Cloud Voice Learning Map is a friendly, centralized resource for all things Voice. Whether you’re working with an implementation
partner or setting up Voice yourself, the learning map offers a clear path toward success. We recommend bookmarking the map. Visit: (English only).
The map directs you to resources for five key steps of your Voice journey.
1. Get to know Voice and learn how it has helped other Salesforce customers.
2. Build your contact center.
3. Customize and automate Voice to meet the needs of your agents and supervisors.
4. Train your agents.
5. Monitor and report on your contact center and keep it current.
Click the trail to explore resources for each step. From setup considerations to detailed automation guidance, the map offers you
just-in-time information for all stages of your Voice journey.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Plan Your Voice Contact Center
It’s planning time! To ensure that your Service Cloud Voice contact center checks all the boxes you want it to, consider important
planning questions before you start your setup. Carefully review key concepts and limitations, complete Voice prerequisites, select
the telephony model that best fits your situation, and walk through a planning checklist.
Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect
Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect leverages the power of Amazon Connect telephony to give agents, supervisors, and
customers a seamless service experience. Before you set up your Voice contact center, review the prerequisites, limitations, and
planning resources.
Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony
Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony lets you create a Service Cloud Voice contact center that uses a telephony provider of
your choice. Before you start, review the prerequisites, limitations, and planning resources.
Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony from Amazon Connect
You may already have an Amazon Connect instance or want to manage your own Amazon Web Services account. Service Cloud
Voice with Partner Telephony from Amazon Connect lets you integrate your own Amazon Connect instance with Service Cloud
Voice. Before you start, review the Voice prerequisites, limitations, and planning resources.
Test Your Service Cloud Voice Implementation
After you finish setting up your Service Cloud Voice contact center, test it to make sure it works the way that you expect.
Use Service Cloud Voice Across Sales and Service
Use Service Cloud Voice features in both your service and sales operations. Sales reps with access to both High Velocity Sales and
Service Cloud Voice can click-to-dial records that come from a sales cadence, My List, and their Work Queue so they can quickly
make outbound calls in Voice. Einstein Conversation Insights can be used in both service and sales contexts to give supervisors
valuable call trend data.
Monitor Your Service Cloud Voice Contact Center
Track key performance indicators (KPIs) in the Voice Analytics Dashboard to see how your support agents are doing. Create a custom
report to track your Amazon Connect usage, minutes, and billing, so your company avoids surprise charges.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Help Customers on the Phone

Talk to your customers using Service Cloud Voice. Answer incoming calls and make outbound calls in Service Cloud. Collaborate
with your colleagues in the call record’s Chatter feed by posting call updates, asking questions, and discussing next steps. Read the
call transcripts to confirm details. After a call ends, complete closing tasks and listen to call recordings for training purposes. And to
gain a complete view of your customers’ interactions with your company, link the call record with other Salesforce records like cases,
contacts, and leads.

Trailhead: Service Cloud Voice
Implementation Guide: Service Cloud Voice Implementation Guide

Plan Your Voice Contact Center

It’s planning time! To ensure that your Service Cloud Voice contact center checks all the boxes you
want it to, consider important planning questions before you start your setup. Carefully review key
concepts and limitations, complete Voice prerequisites, select the telephony model that best fits Available in: Lightning
your situation, and walk through a planning checklist. Experience

Available in: Performance,

IN THIS SECTION: Enterprise, and Unlimited
Service Cloud Voice Key Concepts Editions
When you’re using Service Cloud Voice, it’s helpful to understand the terms we use to talk about Available in: Sales Cloud,
telephony. Service Cloud, and
Service Cloud Voice Limits and Limitations Government Cloud as an
Before setting up Service Cloud Voice, review these limits and limitations. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Make Sure Salesforce Satisfies the Voice Prerequisites Service Cloud Voice with
Before you can turn on Voice, set up the prerequisite services in your org. Deploy a My Domain Amazon Connect and
so you can create a single sign-on URL so agents can easily log in to your contact center. Enable Service Cloud Voice with
Omni-Channel so your agents can make and receive calls. Partner Telephony from
Choose Your Service Cloud Voice Telephony Model Amazon Connect.
Service Cloud Voice comes in three flavors which vary based on telephony provider, setup
process, and other characteristics. Compare them to decide which is the best option for your
Service Cloud Voice Planning Checklist
Before you begin setting up your Voice contact center, take care of essential planning steps. These steps highlight best practices for
using Voice and help you understand what to expect during your Voice rollout.
Try Service Cloud Voice in Your Sandbox
You can test out Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect in your sandbox. Before you set up Voice in a sandbox, follow these best
practices to prepare the environment and to migrate data.
Get Expert Support for Service Cloud Voice
Get support for Voice directly from the experts. Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect is a partnership between Salesforce and
Amazon Web Services, and both are committed to supporting Voice customers in their respective areas of expertise.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Service Cloud Voice Key Concepts

When you’re using Service Cloud Voice, it’s helpful to understand the terms we use to talk about
Connected App Available in: Lightning
When you create a Service Cloud Voice contact center with Amazon Connect, Salesforce creates Experience
two connected apps for you:
Available in: Performance,
• The first is used for single sign-on (SSO). Users need a custom permission set to use SSO to Enterprise, and Unlimited
log into Voice and the associated Amazon Connect instance. The app’s name is your contact Editions
center name followed by Connected App.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
• The second is used for REST API OAuth. It allows the Amazon Connect Lambda functions, Service Cloud, and
which are used by the Amazon Connect contact flows, to create and update records in your Government Cloud as an
org. The app’s name is your contact center name followed by Connected App for REST API add-on license. Government
OAuth. Cloud is supported only on
These apps are used behind the scenes, so you won’t need to open or update them. If you’re Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
using your own telephony provider with Service Cloud Voice, you’ll configure your own
Service Cloud Voice with
connected apps and SSO.
Partner Telephony from
Contact Center Amazon Connect.
Represents the agents and supervisors providing customer service with Service Cloud Voice.
When you create a Voice contact center with Amazon Connect, Salesforce creates an Amazon
Connect instance and two Salesforce connected apps for you. You can have multiple contact centers, with each typically representing
a geographic region—for example, one for the US and another for EMEA.
Contact Flow
A sequence of steps that determine how customers interact with your contact center. Salesforce provides sample contact flows that
you can use to configure inbound, outbound, and transferred call flows.
IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
A telephony menu system that helps callers navigate to the right department in your contact center. If you’re using Amazon Connect
as your telephony provider, customize your IVR by working with its two key ingredients: Lambda functions and contact flows.
Lambda Function
A small piece of code used in Amazon Connect to configure your phone system’s IVR. Salesforce provides several Lambda functions
for use in your Service Cloud Voice contact flows. These functions are used by the sample contact flows, and you can also use them
in custom contact flows.
The Lambda functions provided by Salesforce perform these actions:
• Create a voice call record in Salesforce
• Start real-time transcription
• Save transcripts to Salesforce
• Sync data between a contact trace record (CTR) and a VoiceCall record
• Invoke the Salesforce REST API to perform create, read, update, and delete operations on Salesforce records such as cases,
accounts, or custom objects
To learn more about the Lambda functions that Salesforce provides, see Lambda functions.
Phone Number Porting
Connecting your existing phone number or numbers to work with your new contact center. To learn how porting works with Amazon
Connect, see Port Your Current Phone Number.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Phone number porting is highly regulated, and requires you to submit a porting request with your telephony provider many weeks
in advance. To avoid any anxiety about the porting timeline, we recommend that you claim a new phone number for testing and
production, and forward traffic to that number from your original production phone number until testing is complete. Then, port
the original production phone number from your previous telephony provider to your new one.
A software-based phone that agents access from a computer. The softphone interface resembles a regular phone, with a dialpad
and call buttons, but it offers extra functions like the ability to transfer callers to another agent or queue, mute your line, and place
a caller on hold. Agents can use the softphone in the Omni-Channel utility’s Phone tab with Voice.
Telephony Provider
The provider of the back-end telephony service integrated with Service Cloud Voice. By default, Service Cloud Voice uses Amazon
Connect as its telephony provider. Amazon Connect’s features include intelligent cloud telephony and cloud contact center features
like IVR, call routing and storage, and real-time call transcription. As an alternative, you can choose to implement Voice with a different
telephony provider or integrate your own Amazon Connect instance with Voice.

Service Cloud Voice Limits and Limitations

Before setting up Service Cloud Voice, review these limits and limitations.

Feature Availability Available in: Lightning

• Voice is available only in Lightning Experience.
• Voice is supported on Service Cloud and Sales Cloud as an add-on license. Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
• Voice isn’t supported on Salesforce Mobile or on iPad Safari. Editions
• Voice is supported only on the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Cookies must
be enabled to allow single sign-on (SSO). Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
• Telephony is highly regulated, so check with your Salesforce representative about the availability Government Cloud as an
of Voice in your region. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Amazon Web Services Support & Limitations Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Amazon Connect Integration Service Cloud Voice with
• Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect integrates with Amazon Connect and other services Partner Telephony from
from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide the telephony backend services. Amazon Connect.
• For information about Amazon Connect, see the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
• To access Amazon Web Services documentation, go to
AWS Business Support
• AWS Business Support is included with Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect, but you must change your support plan to
Business in the AWS Management Console. For instructions, see the Changing your AWS Support plan topic. When you change
your support plan, AWS shows you the cost for the upgraded support. Don’t worry about that; AWS Business Support is included
with Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect at no additional charge.
AWS Limits and Service Quotas
• AWS observes certain service quotas, or default limits, on Amazon Connect and AWS features. Most of these service quotas can be
increased by opening a case with AWS. See Increase Amazon Service Quotas on page 385.
• AWS allows a maximum of two contact centers per Amazon Connect instance per region per AWS account. This limit can be increased
by creating a case in the AWS Management Console.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Amazon Connect Configuration

• If a desk phone is enabled, the phone must be connected to the PSTN (public switched phone network) and can’t be connected
directly to Amazon Connect.
• If a desk phone is enabled, agents must configure Omni-Channel auto-accept to accept inbound calls. Otherwise, agents must accept
the inbound call in both the Omni-Channel widget and on the desk phone.
• The After Call Work timeout setting in Amazon Connect must be disabled and set to zero (0). If the timer is enabled, phone calls are
pushed to agents regardless of the agent’s Omni-Channel capacity. This setting isn’t related to the After Conversation Work feature
in Salesforce.
• When an agent makes an outbound call and the call is canceled before the recipient answers, agents don’t enter the After Call Work
• The Auto-Accept Call setting in Amazon Connect isn’t supported in Service Cloud Voice.
• Contact Lens for Amazon Connect isn’t supported on Voice contact centers that use Amazon Connect.

All Calls
• Incoming calls and callback requests must be answered by an agent within 20 seconds. If an agent doesn’t answer an incoming call
or declines a call or callback, the agent’s status in the Omni-Channel utility is changed to Offline, and the call is routed to another
agent. If an agent ends the callback while it’s dialing, the agent’s status is changed to Offline. The 20-second period starts when
Amazon Connect assigns the call to an agent. The actual period can be shorter due to latency. To learn more, see the AWS blog post
Measure latency for validation testing and troubleshooting in Amazon Connect.
• If you refresh the browser during a call, the audio is disconnected.

Call Recordings
• If an agent pauses a call that is being recorded and refreshes the page, the Record button’s appearance doesn’t change, but the
call is no longer being recorded. The agent must click Record to continue recording the call.
• Pausing a call recording affects only the audio portion of the call. The call transcription isn’t affected.
• Only the owner of a Voice Call Recording record can listen to the recording. To let supervisors listen to call recordings, set up a role
hierarchy where the support supervisor is above the owner of the Voice Call Recording record.

Contact Centers
• Users can be added to only one contact center.

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)

• Amazon Connect is a third party Amazon service that sits outside your Salesforce Government Cloud FedRAMP environment. When
you use Amazon Connect, your account will be used to send relevant data from your organization to Amazon where the data will
be processed to provide the Amazon Connect functionality. Amazon Connect is a separate service offered by Amazon and not a
FedRAMP authorized service. Therefore, Amazon Connect’s processing environment falls outside the Government Cloud FedRAMP
authorization boundary. To learn more about Amazon Connect, see

High Velocity Sales Integration

• If you use Service Cloud Voice with High Velocity Sales, use the Omni-Channel utility instead of the Dialer softphone utility to make
and receive calls. Add the Omni-Channel utility to the console footer and remove the Dialer softphone utilityr.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

• Salesforce uses your MyDomain subdomain name to configure single sign-on between Service Cloud Voice and Amazon Connect.
Don’t change the MyDomain name after you turn on Voice. Otherwise, you have to restart your Voice implementation.

Phone Number Format

• Avoid ambiguous phone number formatting by using country codes when dialing phone numbers or linking phone numbers from
inbound calls. If an E.164 country code isn’t provided, Salesforce appends the country code specified in the call center settings. The
lack of a country code can prevent Salesforce from locating records, such as contact records, that are associated with the phone

• When an agent is available on multiple channels including Voice, Omni-Channel updates the agent capacity when delivering work,
but still allows phone calls to be routed to the agent. As a result, the agent capacity can exceed 100 percent.
• To sync agent status between Salesforce and Amazon Connect, agents must log out of Omni-Channel before logging out of Salesforce
and before closing the browser or browser tab.
• When the agent logs out of Omni-Channel, the agent status is synced with Amazon Connect so that calls aren’t pushed to the agent.
If you close the browser tab before logging out of Omni-Channel, the agent’s status isn’t synced between Omni-Channel and Amazon
Connect. Omni-Channel thinks the agent is offline, but Amazon Connect thinks the agent is still available and keeps pushing calls
to the agent.

Omni Supervisor
• When a supervisor opens a transcript in Omni Supervisor after a call has ended, the transcript can be empty. It can take up to 10
minutes after the call ends before the transcript is displayed.

Real-Time Call Transcription

Conversation Component
• Call transcription is generated in real time during the call, and the transcript appears in the Conversation component on the Voice
Call record page. After the call ends, the Conversation component is temporarily empty for a few minutes. To see the transcript,
refresh the page.
• During a call, real-time call transcriptions are visible to all agents who are on the call. After a call ends, the transcript’s visibility is
controlled by sharing rules.
Transcription Limitations
• Transcription isn’t supported on callbacks.
• Only the first 15 minutes of a call are transcribed due to a Lambda function limitation.
Transcription Support
• Real-time call transcription is provided by Amazon Transcribe.
• For transcription questions and support, contact Amazon Web Services. See Get Expert Support for Service Cloud Voice on page
Supported Languages
• For supported languages for real-time transcription, see Streaming Transcription in the Amazon Transcribe Developer Guide.
• By default, real-time call transcription for English is automatically configured by the Salesforce-provided Lambda functions.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

• To show real-time transcription in another language, modify the languageCode on the transcription block in your contact flows
in Amazon Connect.

• If Voice is set up in a sandbox, only do a Partial Copy sandbox refresh. If you do a full refresh, you have to set up Voice again.
• When Service Cloud Voice and Conversation Insights are both turned on in the same production org, copying the production org
to a sandbox turns off Conversation Insights and breaks the flow of data to the Service Cloud Voice Tableau CRM app. To restore the
data flow, turn on Conversation Insights in the sandbox.

Softphone Utility
• Service Cloud Voice is designed to use the Omni-Channel utility to answer and make calls. Don’t use other softphone utilities,
including utilities for Dialer, High Velocity Sales, or Open CTI, with the Omni-Channel utility in the same Lightning Service Console

Voice Call Record Page and Lightning Web Components

• When the Voice Call record is created, the Call Duration field and the Call Ended field are temporarily populated with a value of 0.
The correct values are displayed shortly after the call is completed.
• When you create custom fields, the setting Always require a value in this field in order to save a
record isn’t supported.
• When an agent opens duplicate browser tabs during a call, the behavior of the Call Controls component and Conversation components
on the Voice Call record page can be affected.

Voice Call Tab

• By default, the Voice Call tab that shows the Voice Call list view is hidden. Add the Voice Call tab to your console so agents can view
Voice Call records.

Web Browsers
• Voice is supported only on the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Cookies must be enabled to allow single sign-on
• Don’t open Service Cloud Voice in multiple browser tabs. Opening Voice in multiple tabs causes the agent’s status to become out
of sync.

Rate Limits
Service Cloud Voice observes the following rate limits.

What Description Limit Notes

Concurrent phone calls Maximum number of voice calls 2,000 calls at the same time • Includes both inbound and
occurring in a single org at one per org outbound calls.
• Transferred calls are
considered to be a
continuation of the original

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

What Description Limit Notes

Phone calls per second Maximum number of phone 50 calls initiated per second • Includes both inbound and
calls initiated per second. per org outbound calls for a single
• This limit is intended to
protect against spam calls to
maintain the integrity of the

Utterances per second Maximum number of utterances 400 utterances at the same • Includes both inbound and
that can be transcribed at the time per org outbound calls.
same time per org. • For example, suppose that
Utterances are phrases spoken there are 600 calls occurring
in conversation. When Amazon simultaneously. If each call
generates a real-time call generates an utterance every
transcript, it transcribes the six seconds (that is, the agent
conversation utterance by or customer speaks for six
utterance. seconds and then pauses for
one second), then 100
utterances are generated per
second. (600/6=100)

Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Make Sure Salesforce Satisfies the Voice Prerequisites

Before you can turn on Voice, set up the prerequisite services in your org. Deploy a My Domain so
you can create a single sign-on URL so agents can easily log in to your contact center. Enable
Omni-Channel so your agents can make and receive calls. Available in: Lightning
Salesforce uses your MyDomain subdomain name to configure single sign-on between Service Experience
Cloud Voice and Amazon Connect. Don’t change the MyDomain name after you turn on Voice.
Available in: Performance,
Otherwise, you have to restart your Voice implementation.
Enterprise, and Unlimited
1. Salesforce Voice requires My Domain. If your org doesn’t have a deployed My Domain, set one Editions
up. For more information, see My Domain.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Tip: Not sure if you have a deployed My Domain in your org? From Setup, in the Quick Service Cloud, and
Find box, enter My Domain, and then select My Domain. Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
• If you see My Domain Settings, you have a My Domain deployed, and your org’s Cloud is supported only on
current My Domain login URL is displayed. Service Cloud Voice with
• If you see My Domain Step 1, you haven’t selected a My Domain for your org. Amazon Connect and
• If you see Step 2 or 3, a My Domain request is in progress, and the My Domain isn't Service Cloud Voice with
yet deployed. Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.
2. Enable Omni-Channel.
If Omni-Channel already is enabled in your org, skip this step. USER PERMISSIONS
a. From Setup, enter Omni-Channel Settings in the Quick Find box, then select To set up a domain name:
Omni-Channel Settings. • Customize Application
b. Select Enable Omni-Channel. To set up Omni-Channel:
c. Click Save. • Customize Application

Set Up My Domain
Enable Omni-Channel

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Choose Your Service Cloud Voice Telephony Model

Service Cloud Voice comes in three flavors which vary based on telephony provider, setup process,
and other characteristics. Compare them to decide which is the best option for your business.
Available in: Lightning
Topic Service Cloud Service Cloud Service Cloud Experience
Voice with Amazon Voice with Partner Voice with Partner
Connect Telephony Telephony from Available in: Performance,
Amazon Connect Enterprise, and Unlimited
Summary Create a Voice contact Integrate Voice with Integrate Voice with
center with telephony the telephony provider your existing Amazon Available in: Sales Cloud,
provided by Amazon of your choice. Connect contact Service Cloud, and
Connect. center. Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Telephony provider Amazon Connect Your own telephony Amazon Connect Cloud is supported only on
provider. Ask your Service Cloud Voice with
Salesforce Amazon Connect and
representative whether Service Cloud Voice with
your provider can be Partner Telephony from
used with Voice. Amazon Connect.

Best for you if... You want the Voice You want the Voice You want the Voice
agent and customer agent and customer agent and customer
experience, and you experience, but you’re experience, but you
want all the setup help happy with your already built out your
you can get. current telephony own Amazon Connect
provider. contact center.

Setup process Set up Voice in Set up Voice in Set up Voice in

Salesforce through Salesforce through Salesforce through
Setup pages. Update a Setup pages. Manually Setup pages. Manually
few settings in integrate your configure your
Amazon Connect. telephony provider Amazon Connect
Salesforce takes care of with Voice using a instance, contact flows,
most of the setup for managed package. and AWS services such
you, including creating as Lambda functions.
your Amazon Connect

Billing process You receive a single bill You receive separate You receive separate
from Salesforce. You bills from Salesforce bills from Salesforce
can monitor telephony and your telephony and Amazon Web
usage and other provider. Services.
metrics in a Salesforce

Customer support Includes Salesforce Includes Salesforce Includes Salesforce

Standard Support and Standard Support. Standard Support.
AWS Business Support.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Service Cloud Voice Planning Checklist

Before you begin setting up your Voice contact center, take care of essential planning steps. These
steps highlight best practices for using Voice and help you understand what to expect during your
Voice rollout. Available in: Lightning
Step Where to Learn More
Available in: Performance,
Step 1: Review Voice’s key concepts and Service Cloud Voice Key Concepts Enterprise, and Unlimited
limitations. Understand the terms we use when Service Cloud Voice Limits and Limitations Editions
talking about telephony, and read through the
Voice limits and limitations. Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
Step 2: Choose a telephony model. Decide Choose Your Service Cloud Voice Telephony Government Cloud as an
whether to use the out-of-the-box Amazon Model add-on license. Government
Connect telephony, work with your own Cloud is supported only on
telephony provider, or integrate an existing Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect instance with Voice. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Step 3: Consider your service quotas. If your Increase Amazon Service Quotas Partner Telephony from
contact center will use Amazon Connect Amazon Help:Amazon Connect Service Quotas Amazon Connect.
telephony, decide whether to increase your
Amazon service quotas. These quotas control Tip: For the default list of countries
things such as: supported for outbound calls, see the
section named “Countries you can call.”
• The maximum number of concurrent active
• The maximum number of transcription jobs
• The list of countries that can be called in
outbound calls
If you’re not sure whether you need to adjust
your quotas, ask an AWS Solution Architect for

Step 4: Plan your phone number porting. Amazon Help: Port Your Current Phone Number
Decide whether and how to use your existing Partner Telephony: Ask your telephony provider
phone number or numbers in your new contact about number porting requirements.
Phone number porting is highly regulated, can’t
be rushed, and requires you to submit a porting
request with your telephony provider many
weeks in advance. To avoid any anxiety about
the porting timeline, we recommend taking this
1. Claim a new phone number for testing and
2. Forward traffic to that number from your
original production phone number until
testing is complete.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Step Where to Learn More

3. Port the original production phone number from your previous
telephony provider to your new one.

Step 5: Design your environment and testing strategy. Decide Try Service Cloud Voice in Your Sandbox
how many sandbox orgs you need. If applicable, decide how many Test Your Service Cloud Voice Implementation
Amazon Connect test instances you need. Then, develop a plan
to migrate data between production and test environments.

Step 6: Review AWS networking requirements. If your contact Amazon Help: Set Up Your Network
center will use Amazon Connect telephony, review Amazon’s
networking guidance to avoid blocking important network ports.

Step 7: Plan your routing requirements. Your IVR determines Using Service Cloud Voice Contact Flows
how customers navigate your phone support and get routed to
agents. Consider:
• Your current routing logic
• How you’d like to improve it using Amazon Connect routing
profiles and queues, or equivalent features from your telephony
• Available pre-built solutions
We recommend starting simple by using the contact flows provided
by Salesforce. These contact flows demonstrate good IVR practices.
You can then build them out to move toward your ideal IVR, testing
each change that you make. If you’re using a partner telephony
provider, refer to your vendor’s documentation for help setting up
your IVR.

After you complete these planning steps, it’s time to start your setup.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Try Service Cloud Voice in Your Sandbox

You can test out Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect in your sandbox. Before you set up
Voice in a sandbox, follow these best practices to prepare the environment and to migrate data.
When you set up Voice in a sandbox, Salesforce creates an Amazon Web Services (AWS) subaccount Available in: Lightning
and an Amazon Connect instance for you. When you create a contact center in Service Cloud Voice Experience
in your sandbox, Salesforce creates an Amazon Connect instance for you. Charges for your Amazon
Available in: Performance,
usage in the sandbox are charged to the production org.
Enterprise, and Unlimited
The configuration and security of the Amazon Web Services subaccount and the Amazon Connect Editions
instance is the customer’s responsibility.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
If Voice is set up in a sandbox, only do a Partial Copy sandbox refresh. If you do a full refresh, you Service Cloud, and
have to set up Voice again. Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Note: When you are finished using Voice in your sandbox, delete your Amazon Connect Cloud is supported only on
instance, so your org doesn’t incur more charges for Amazon Connect usage. Service Cloud Voice with
Note: When Service Cloud Voice and Conversation Insights are both turned on in the same Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
production org, copying the production org to a sandbox turns off Conversation Insights and
Partner Telephony from
breaks the flow of data to the Service Cloud Voice Tableau CRM app. To restore the data flow,
Amazon Connect.
turn on Conversation Insights in the sandbox.

Delete Existing Contact Centers

If you already have a contact center set up in your Salesforce production org, follow these steps before setting up Voice in your sandbox:
1. Copy the data from your production org to the sandbox.
2. Delete the call center information from the sandbox.
3. Disable the identity provider.
4. Delete the contact center. When you delete the contact center, the connected app and connected app data are also deleted.

Migrate Data from Amazon Web Services

Migrate the following data from AWS from your production org to your sandbox. Alternatively, if you’re ready to use Voice in production,
you can migrate the data from your sandbox to your production org.
1. Import Voice sample contact flows into Amazon Connect.
2. Salesforce creates an Amazon Connect instance when you create a contact center in Voice. If you have other Connect instance
configurations, you must manually reconfigure them.
3. By default, Salesforce makes the Voice Lambda functions available in your Connect instance when you create your contact center.
If you have other Lambda functions, migrate them to the new Connect instance.

Migrate Data from Salesforce

Migrate the following data from your Salesforce production org to the sandbox. Alternatively, if you’re ready to use Voice in production,
you can migrate the data from your sandbox to your production org.
1. Migrate the contact center information.
2. Migrate users associated with the contact center. Use the Data Loader to migrate users.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

3. Export and deploy the configuration files from the connected app.

Managing Call Centers
Delete a Connected App
Amazon Connect Administrator Guide: Delete your instance

Get Expert Support for Service Cloud Voice

Get support for Voice directly from the experts. Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect is a
partnership between Salesforce and Amazon Web Services, and both are committed to supporting
Voice customers in their respective areas of expertise. Available in: Lightning
Salesforce Support Experience
All Service Cloud Voice customers can contact Salesforce Support about issues related to
Available in: Performance,
Salesforce functionality, such as Omni-Channel, Lightning Service Console, the Voice Call object,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
and Service Cloud Analytics. Editions
Salesforce standard support is included with Service Cloud Voice. Salesforce Premier, Premier
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Plus, and Signature/Priority support plans are also available.
Service Cloud, and
AWS Support Government Cloud as an
AWS Business Support is included with Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect. To get AWS add-on license. Government
Business Support, log in to the AWS Management Console and change the default support Cloud is supported only on
plan for your AWS account to Business. To learn more, see Changing your AWS support plan Service Cloud Voice with
in the AWS Support User Guide. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
When you change your support plan, AWS shows the cost of the upgraded support. But there’s
Partner Telephony from
no cost to you because AWS Business Support is included at no extra charge with Service Cloud Amazon Connect.
Voice with Amazon Connect

Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect

Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect leverages the power of Amazon Connect telephony to give agents, supervisors, and customers
a seamless service experience. Before you set up your Voice contact center, review the prerequisites, limitations, and planning resources.

1. Turn On Service Cloud Voice
Turn on Service Cloud Voice so you can start setting up a contact center. When you turn on Service Cloud Voice with Amazon
Connect, Salesforce creates an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that’s used to create your Amazon Connect instance.
2. Confirm Your Tax Registration Number
After your Amazon Web Services subaccount is created, confirm your company’s tax registration number for the subaccount. Complete
this step so that Service Cloud Voice can be turned on in your org.
3. Assign Contact Center Permission Sets
Use permission sets to control access to your Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect contact center. Give at least one user, such
as yourself, the Contact Center Admin permission set so they can set up the contact center. Give agents and supervisors the Contact
Center Agent permission set so they can make and receive phone calls and listen to call recordings.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

4. Create Your Service Cloud Voice Contact Center

Set up your contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect. When you create a contact center in Voice, Salesforce
creates an Amazon Connect instance and two Salesforce connected apps for you. Before starting this task, assign the Contact Center
Admin permission set to at least one user and find out where your contact center is physically located.
5. Configure Salesforce and Amazon Connect for Service Cloud Voice
After Service Cloud Voice is turned on, your tax registration is confirmed, the Contact Center Agent permission set is assigned to
your agents, and your contact center is set up, follow these steps to finish configuring your Salesforce org, Omni-Channel settings,
and Amazon Connect instance for your support agents.
6. Maintain Your Service Cloud Voice Contact Center
Keep your Service Cloud Voice contact center with Amazon Connect in good running order. Install the latest version of the contact
center and keep its key pair and identity provider certificate current.

Turn On Service Cloud Voice

Turn on Service Cloud Voice so you can start setting up a contact center. When you turn on Service
Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect, Salesforce creates an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
that’s used to create your Amazon Connect instance. Available in: Lightning
1. Select an email address to use as the root user for your AWS subaccount. Salesforce uses this Experience
email address to create the root user in Amazon Web Services. The root email address must be
Available in: Performance,
unique and cannot be used with another AWS service. Write down this email address, because
Enterprise, and Unlimited
you need it later to set the AWS account password and to configure your Amazon Connect Editions
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Important: The configuration and security of the Amazon Web Services subaccount Service Cloud, and
and the Amazon Connect instance is the customer’s responsibility. Government Cloud as an
To access Amazon Web Services documentation, go to For add-on license. Government
details, see AWS Account Root User. Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
2. Turn on Voice. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
a. From Setup, enter Amazon Setup in the Quick Find box, then select Amazon Setup.
Partner Telephony from
b. Select Turn On Service Cloud Voice. Amazon Connect.
c. Enter the root email address two times.
d. Click Turn On Voice. USER PERMISSIONS
It can take a while for Voice to be turned on. You can see whether the process is completed To view the Amazon Setup
by refreshing the Amazon Setup page. When the process is complete, or if an error occurs, page:
Salesforce sends a notification email to the Salesforce admin. When the Amazon Web • Customize Application
Services account is enabled, AWS sends an email to the root user email address.
To turn on Voice:
• Customize Application
3. After Voice is turned on, create a password for your AWS account. Go to AWS and complete
the password reset flow. For detailed instructions, see Resetting a Lost or Forgotten Root User
After the AWS account is created, come back to the Amazon Setup page and confirm your tax registration number to make Service
Cloud Voice available in your org.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Confirm Your Tax Registration Number

After your Amazon Web Services subaccount is created, confirm your company’s tax registration
number for the subaccount. Complete this step so that Service Cloud Voice can be turned on in
your org. Available in: Lightning
The configuration and security of the Amazon Web Services subaccount and the Amazon Connect Experience
instance is the customer’s responsibility. After you enter your tax registration number in AWS, the
Available in: Performance,
information can’t be changed.
Enterprise, and Unlimited
To view Amazon Web Services documentation, go to Search for Editions
tax registration number.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
The steps differ depending on whether your company is located in the United States or outside the Service Cloud, and
United States. Government Cloud as an
United States customers: add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Salesforce uses its address for US-based customers. Clicking Acknowledge means that you’ve
Service Cloud Voice with
read the tax registration notice.
Amazon Connect and
Non-United States customers: Service Cloud Voice with
If you're located outside the US, go to the AWS Tax Settings page Partner Telephony from
( and enter your tax registration number. Amazon Connect.
When you’re done, come back to the Amazon Setup page and click Confirm Settings. Then
click Acknowledge. USER PERMISSIONS
1. From Setup, enter Amazon Setup in the Quick Find box, then select Amazon Setup.
To turn on Voice:
2. In the Register Tax Information section, click Confirm Settings. • Customize Application
3. Click Acknowledge.
After you acknowledge the notice, Voice is turned on in your org. An email notification is sent
to the Salesforce admin when Voice is successfully turned on.
After Voice is turned on, assign user permission sets, create your contact center, add users to it.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Assign Contact Center Permission Sets

Use permission sets to control access to your Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect contact
center. Give at least one user, such as yourself, the Contact Center Admin permission set so they
can set up the contact center. Give agents and supervisors the Contact Center Agent permission Available in: Lightning
set so they can make and receive phone calls and listen to call recordings. Experience
Note: The Contact Center Agent permission set includes the View Call Recordings user Available in: Performance,
permission. Agents need this user permission to listen to call recordings. Enterprise, and Unlimited
1. From Setup, enter Amazon Setup in the Quick Find box, then select Amazon Setup. Editions

2. In the Set Up Your Contact Center section, click Assign Permissions. The Permission Sets page Available in: Sales Cloud,
opens. Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
3. Click either Contact Center Admin or Contact Center Agent.
add-on license. Government
4. Click Manage Assignments. Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
5. Click Add Assignments.
Amazon Connect and
6. Select the users that you want to assign the permission set to. Service Cloud Voice with
7. Click Assign. Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.
After assigning permission sets, create your contact center. Single sign-on (SSO) for the contact
center is handled by a connected app that Salesforce automatically creates and assigns to your
contact center users. USER PERMISSIONS

To assign permission sets:

SEE ALSO: • Assign Permission Sets
Permission Sets

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Create Your Service Cloud Voice Contact Center

Set up your contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect. When you create a contact
center in Voice, Salesforce creates an Amazon Connect instance and two Salesforce connected
apps for you. Before starting this task, assign the Contact Center Admin permission set to at least Available in: Lightning
one user and find out where your contact center is physically located. Experience
The Amazon Connect instance can be located in data centers around the world. Select a region
Available in: Performance,
that is closest to where you’re located geographically. For information about AWS regions that
Enterprise, and Unlimited
support Amazon Connect, see Region Table in the AWS documentation. Editions
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Amazon Setup, then select Amazon Setup.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
2. In the Set Up Your Contact Center section, click Create Contact Center. The Create Contact Service Cloud, and
Center wizard opens. Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Note: You can also create a contact center by going to Setup, entering Amazon Cloud is supported only on
Contact Centers in the Quick Find box, and selecting Amazon Contact Centers. Service Cloud Voice with
In the Contact Center list view, click New to start the wizard. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
3. Enter a display name for your contact center.
Partner Telephony from
4. Enter an internal name for your contact center. The internal name is how other objects recognize Amazon Connect.
your call center, similar to an API name. The internal name must be unique to your org, contain
fewer than 20 characters, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters.
5. Select the region that’s closest to where your contact center is located. The list is populated
with the AWS regions that support Amazon Connect. To view the Amazon Contact
Centers page:
6. Click Next.
• Customize Application
7. Select at least one administrator for the contact center. The list is populated with users who AND Manage Call
already have the Contact Center Admin permission set. Centers

8. Click Done. The window closes. It can take a few minutes to create the contact center. To create and manage a
contact center:
After the contact center is created, you can manage it by going to Setup, entering Amazon
• Contact Center Admin
Contact Centers in the Quick Find box, and selecting Amazon Contact Centers.
After your contact center is created, add users to it.

Add and Remove Users in Your Amazon Connect Contact Center
After you create a contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect, add users to your contact center. You can add any
users who have the Contact Center Admin permission set or the Contact Center Agent permission set. Users can be added to only
one contact center. Remove users who no longer need access.
Understand Voice Connected Apps
When you create a Service Cloud Voice contact center with Amazon Connect, Salesforce creates two connected apps for you and
assigns a connected app permission set to your contact center admins. These apps are used behind the scenes, so you don’t usually
need to open or update them.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Add and Remove Users in Your Amazon Connect Contact Center

After you create a contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect, add users to your
contact center. You can add any users who have the Contact Center Admin permission set or the
Contact Center Agent permission set. Users can be added to only one contact center. Remove Available in: Lightning
users who no longer need access. Experience
1. From Setup, enter Amazon Contact Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Amazon
Available in: Performance,
Contact Centers. Enterprise, and Unlimited
2. Select the contact center that you want to modify. Editions
3. In the Contact Center Users section, click Add. Available in: Sales Cloud,
4. Select the users that you want to add to this contact center. Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
The list shows only users who have the Contact Center Admin or Contact Center Agent
add-on license. Government
permission sets and who do not already belong to a call center. If you don’t see the users that Cloud is supported only on
you want to add, make sure they have the right permission sets and then try adding them again. Service Cloud Voice with
Add only one or two users at a time. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Note: Sales Dialer users can’t be added to a Voice contact center. Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.
5. Click Done.
If a user no longer needs access to your contact center, remove them. Removing a user only takes
away their ability to access the contact center; it doesn’t delete the user or change their ability to
access other parts of Salesforce. To view the Amazon Contact
Centers page:
1. In the Contact Center Users section, select the user that you want to remove.
• Customize Application
2. Click Remove > OK. AND Manage Call
To create and manage a
contact center:
• Contact Center Admin

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Understand Voice Connected Apps

When you create a Service Cloud Voice contact center with Amazon Connect, Salesforce creates
two connected apps for you and assigns a connected app permission set to your contact center
admins. These apps are used behind the scenes, so you don’t usually need to open or update them. Available in: Lightning
Single Sign-On Connected App Experience
The first connected app is used for single sign-on (SSO). Users need a custom permission set
Available in: Performance,
to use SSO to log into Voice and the associated Amazon Connect instance. The app’s name is
Enterprise, and Unlimited
your contact center name followed by Connected App—for example, ContactCenterWest Editions
Connected App.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Salesforce automatically adds the SSO connected app to the Service Cloud Voice permission
Service Cloud, and
set, and assigns the permission set to all users selected as contact center admins when the
Government Cloud as an
center was created. If more users need access to the SSO connected app, select their user profile add-on license. Government
in the app’s settings. If new contact center admins are added to the contact center in the future, Cloud is supported only on
they’re automatically assigned the permission set. Service Cloud Voice with
REST API OAuth Connected App Amazon Connect and
The second connected app is used for REST API OAuth. It allows the Amazon Connect Lambda Service Cloud Voice with
functions, which are used by the Amazon Connect contact flows, to create and update records Partner Telephony from
in your org. Its name is your contact center name followed by Connected App for REST API Amazon Connect.
OAuth—for example, ContactCenterWest Connected App for REST API
If you’re using your own telephony provider with Service Cloud Voice, you’ll configure your own
To create permission sets:
connected apps and SSO.
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
SEE ALSO: To assign permission sets:
Manage Other Access Settings for a Connected App • Assign Permission Sets
To read, create, update, or
delete connected apps:
• Customize Application
AND either
Modify All Data OR
Manage Connected

To update permission sets

for connected apps:
• Customize Application
AND Modify All Data
AND Manage Profiles
and Permission Sets

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Configure Salesforce and Amazon Connect for Service Cloud Voice

After Service Cloud Voice is turned on, your tax registration is confirmed, the Contact Center Agent
permission set is assigned to your agents, and your contact center is set up, follow these steps to
finish configuring your Salesforce org, Omni-Channel settings, and Amazon Connect instance for Available in: Lightning
your support agents. Experience

Available in: Performance,

IN THIS SECTION: Enterprise, and Unlimited
1. Create the Voice Call Record Page Editions
The Voice Call record page shows the agent information about the call. Add Service Cloud Voice Available in: Sales Cloud,
components to the page so agents can easily access Voice features such as the softphone call Service Cloud, and
features, related records, call recording, and call transcription. Government Cloud as an
2. Configure Your Console App for Service Cloud Voice add-on license. Government
Configure your console app to give agents the tools to help customers. Add the Voice softphone Cloud is supported only on
in the Omni-Channel utility so agents can make and receive calls. Give agents access to Voice Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Call records so they can review past calls. To prompt agents to link a call with a contact, set up
Service Cloud Voice with
channel-object linking. To give agents time for wrap-up tasks, configure After Conversation
Partner Telephony from
Work (beta) and add the component to the page layout. Add the Voice Call related list to a
Amazon Connect.
Lightning record page so agents can easily see related calls.
3. Configure Your Amazon Connect Instance
Get your contact center up and running by configuring your Amazon Connect instance to work with Service Cloud Voice.
4. Build Out Your Contact Center with Amazon Web Services
Enhance Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect integrations and other Amazon services. Customize Amazon Connect contact
flows, enable real-time call transcription, set up routing queues, and create security profiles.
5. Increase Amazon Service Quotas
Service Cloud Voice uses Amazon Web Services products, such as Amazon Connect for telephony and Amazon Transcribe for real-time
transcription. AWS observes service quotas, or default limits, on Amazon Connect, Amazon Transcribe, and other AWS features. To
increase the quota for your Connect instance, open a case with AWS.

Turn On Service Cloud Voice
Confirm Your Tax Registration Number
Manage Your Contact Center in Amazon Connect

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Create the Voice Call Record Page

The Voice Call record page shows the agent information about the call. Add Service Cloud Voice
components to the page so agents can easily access Voice features such as the softphone call
features, related records, call recording, and call transcription. Available in: Lightning
As a best practice, configure the Voice Call record page so agents see relevant information during Experience
the call and when looking at completed call records. We suggest arranging the components as
Available in: Performance,
described in the screenshot and table, but you might want to configure it differently based on your
Enterprise, and Unlimited
business processes. The screenshot shows a record page with the Header and Three Column Editions
Available in: Sales Cloud,
You can use different page templates, but some components, such as the Call Recording Player
Service Cloud, and
and Conversation Body, can fit only on medium and large areas on the template.
Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To create and save Lightning

pages in the Lightning App
• Customize Application
To view Lightning pages in
the Lightning App Builder:
Table 9: Standard Lightning Components Used on the Voice Call Record Page
• View Setup and
Component Description Configuration

[1] Highlights Panel The Highlights Panel shows high-level info about the call.

[2] Call Recording The Call Recording component is included on the Voice Call record
Player page by default and must be added to a medium or large area on
the page template.
Add this component for orgs using Voice with Amazon Connect. If
you want to record calls, enable call recording in your Amazon
Connect instance.
For orgs using Voice with Partner Telephony, add this component
only if your telephony provider supports call recording.
Agents must also have the View Call Recordings permission to listen
to call recordings.

[3] Related Record This Related Record component is configured to show details about
this Voice Call.
Agents can indicate the call disposition and add notes.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Component Description
[4] Related Record This Related Record component is configured to show the Contact record for the Caller.
If agents make outbound calls, you also can add a Related Record component that shows the
Contact record for the Recipient (that is, the person who was called).

[5] Chatter The Chatter component lets agents post updates and notify other support agents about the
call. It’s included on the Voice Call page by default.

[6] Conversation Body The Conversation Body component shows the real-time call transcript and must be added to
a medium or large area on the page template.
Add this component for orgs using Voice with Amazon Connect.
For orgs using Voice with Partner Telephony, add this component only if your telephony provider
supports transcription.
Because the Call Recording Player doesn't have an alternative text-based transcript, we
recommend adding the Conversation Body component underneath the Call Recording Player
to support accessibility.

[7] Phone The Phone component gives agents easy access to some of the Voice softphone features like
mute, hold, and end calls. It’s visible only when an agent is on a call.
We recommended placing the Phone component on the upper left or upper right corner of
the page, so it’s easy for agents to use.

Note: Use the Phone component in addition to the softphone in the Omni-Channel
utility. Agents can’t answer or dial calls from the Phone component; they need the
Omni-Channel utility to make or accept calls.

[8] After Conversation Work The After Conversation Work (ACW) component shows agents a countdown for wrap-up work
(ACW) between conversations. It’s visible only during an active countdown.
To enable the countdown feature and set the length of time, create or edit a voice call channel
and complete the After Conversation Work Time section.

[9] Related Detail The Related Detail component shows more granular info about the call.

Note: These instructions tell you how to create a Voice Call record page from scratch.
If you already have a Voice Call record page, you can edit it to add or reorganize these components. Navigate to the Voice Call
record page, click the gear icon, and click Edit Page to open it in the Lightning App Builder.

1. From Setup, enter Lightning App Builder in the Quick Find box, then select Lightning App Builder.
2. Click New.
3. Click Record Page, then click Next.
4. For Label, give the page a name such as Voice Call Record Page.
5. For Object, select Voice Call, then click Next.
6. In the Create a new Lightning page window, select a page template from the Choose Page Template menu.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

For example, the screenshot shows the Header and Three Regions page template.

7. Click Finish.
8. Select a component and drag it to the page. Repeat until you’ve added the components that you want to your page.

Tip: To filter the component lists, enter the name of the component in the search bar.

a. Select the Phone component onto the page, and drag it to the upper left side or upper right side of the page.
b. Select the Call Recording Player component and drag it to the page.
c. Select the Conversation Body component and drag it to the page, and put it in a medium or large area of the page layout.
d. If you plan to enable After Conversation Work (beta) in your voice call channel, drag the After Conversation Work component
onto the upper left side or upper right side of the page.
e. Optionally add more components to the page.

9. Save your work, then click Activate.

10. In the Activation window, select the App Default tab. Click Assign as App Default, then select Service Console, and click Next.
11. In the Select Form Factor window, select either Desktop or Desktop and Phone, then click Next.
12. Review the app default assignments, and then save your work. The record page is now available in the Lightning Service Console.

Configure Your Console App for Service Cloud Voice

Configure your console app to give agents the tools to help customers. Add the Voice softphone
in the Omni-Channel utility so agents can make and receive calls. Give agents access to Voice Call
records so they can review past calls. To prompt agents to link a call with a contact, set up Available in: Lightning
channel-object linking. To give agents time for wrap-up tasks, configure After Conversation Work Experience
(beta) and add the component to the page layout. Add the Voice Call related list to a Lightning
record page so agents can easily see related calls. Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
Add the Omni-Channel Utility to the Lightning Service Console (Required)
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Let agents make and receive calls using the Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility. Service Cloud, and
1. From Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager. Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
2. Click the dropdown next to the console app you want to add Omni-Channel to, then click Edit.
Cloud is supported only on
3. Under Utility Bar, click Add. Service Cloud Voice with
4. Click Omni-Channel. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
5. Click Save. Partner Telephony from
6. Click Done. Amazon Connect.

Add the Voice Call Tab to the Lightning Service Console (Required)
By default, the Voice Call tab that shows the Voice Call list view is hidden. Add the Voice Call tab to your console so agents can view
Voice Call records.
1. From Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
2. Click the dropdown next to the console app you want to add the Voice Call tab to, then click Edit.
3. Under Navigation Items, select Voice Call from the Available Items list and click the arrow button to add it to the Selected Items list.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

4. Click Save.
Alternatively, open the App Launcher, select the console app where you want to add the Voice Call tab, and click the dropdown arrow.
Click Edit. The Edit [App Name] Navigation Items window opens. Click Add More Items. Search for Voice Call and click the plus sign
next to it, then click Add Nav Item.

Configure Channel-Object Linking (Required)

When an agent accepts a call in the workspace, prompt them to choose from recommended records, search for a record, or add a new
1. From Setup, enter Channel-Object in the Quick Find box, then select Channel-Object Linking.
2. Click New Linking Rule.
3. Select the Phone channel type and the object that you want to link to, such as Contact.
4. Create a rule name and description.
5. Set rule actions for these scenarios: Action for No Record Found and Action for Single Record Found.
For example, if no matches are found for a contact, include a rule to automatically create and link a record, or prompt the agent to
search for or create a record. If a single matching record is found, set a rule to automatically link the record. Alternatively, prompt
the agent to pick the suggested record, search for a record, or create a record.

6. Save your work.

7. After completing the Phone setup, add the Object-Linking Notifications background utility in the App Manager. This utility displays
toast messages in the console that prompt the agent to link a suggested record or add a new one.
8. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
9. Click Edit in the action menu for your app.
10. Click Utility Items (Desktop Only) > Add Utility Items > Object-Linking Notifications.
11. Save your work.

Configure the Voice Call Related List (Optional but Recommended)

Add the Voice Call related list to a Lightning record page to show a list of calls associated with a record. For example, add the list to your
Case record page, so agents can see a case’s associated calls and learn about the customer’s interactions with your company.
1. From the Object Manager in Setup, select the object that you want to add the Voice Call related list to. For example, to add the Voice
Call related list to a Case page layout, select Case.
2. Select Lightning Record Pages.
3. Select the page that you want to modify, then click Edit.
4. Drag the Related List - Single component to the page layout.
5. In the Related List menu, select Voice Calls.
6. Save your changes.

Configure After Conversation Work (beta) (Optional but Recommended)

Give agents a set amount of time after a call ends to wrap up their work.

Note: After Conversation Work (ACW) is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use
of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

1. From Setup, enter Service Channels in the Quick Find box, then select Service Channels.
2. Click Edit next to the Voice channel.
3. In the After Conversation Work Time section, select Give agents wrap-up time after conversations.
4. In the Max Time (seconds) field, enter the number of seconds that agents have to wrap up their work after a conversation. The value
must be 30–3600 seconds (60 minutes).
5. Click Save.

Important: Make sure that the After Conversation Work component is added to the Voice Call page layout. Otherwise, agents
don’t see the countdown. See Create the Voice Call Record Page on page 378.

Permission Sets
Lightning App Builder
Standard Lightning Page Components
Add Channel-Object Linking Rules for Phone Calls (Beta)
Add the Omni-Channel Utility to a Lightning Console App
Configure Your Amazon Connect Instance

Configure Your Amazon Connect Instance

Get your contact center up and running by configuring your Amazon Connect instance to work with Service Cloud Voice.
When you turn on Service Cloud Voice in your org, Salesforce creates an Amazon Web Services account for you. Set the root user password
so you can log in to AWS and manage the account.
When you create your Voice contact center, Salesforce creates an Amazon Connect instance for you. Configure your Connect instance
so it works with Voice.
These instructions help you set up a basic Voice contact center. Many companies also wish to customize their telephony system to
support their business processes. For information about customizing your Amazon Connect instance, see Build Out Your Contact Center
with Amazon Web Services on page 384.

Set the Root User Password for Amazon Web Services

When you turned on Service Cloud Voice, you specified an email address for the AWS root user account. For security reasons, Salesforce
doesn’t provide a password for you. Instead, use the AWS password reset process to set the password.
To set your AWS root user password, use the AWS password reset link:
1. Go to the AWS Management Console ( and click Next.
2. Select Root user and enter the email address that you specified for the root user email when you turned on Voice.
3. Click Next.
4. Select Forgot password?
5. Enter the CAPTCHA text and click Send email.
6. Check your email for a message from Amazon Web Services. The email comes from an address ending in or To set your password, follow the directions in the email. If you don't see the email in your account, check
your spam folder.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Update the Security Profile for Call Recordings

To let users listen to call recordings in the Call Audio Player in Voice, update the Agent security profile in Amazon Connect:
1. Log in to the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click Amazon Connect.
2. Click the Amazon Connect instance that matches the name of your Service Cloud Voice contact center.
3. Click Users.
4. Click Security profiles.
5. Select the security profile for Agent.
6. In the Metrics and Quality section, find Recording conversations and select Access.
7. Click Save.

Note: Users also need the View Call Recordings user permission in Salesforce to listen to call recordings.

Specify a Phone Number

To receive or make calls, you need a phone number. Amazon Connect provides several options, including claiming an available number
and porting an existing number, among other options. For more details, see Set up phone numbers for your contact center in the Amazon
Connect Administrator Guide.
To get your contact center up and running immediately, you can claim an available phone number.
If you already have a phone number that you want to use for your contact, submit a request to AWS to port your current phone number.
It can take between 2-12 weeks to port a number.
To claim a phone number in Amazon Connect, log in to your Amazon Connect instance and follow these steps:
1. Hover over Routing and click Phone numbers.
2. Click Claim a number.
3. In the country menu, select your country. Amazon Connect suggests phone numbers with the country code and number format
for that country.
4. Select a number from the list of available phone numbers. If you want to request an area code that isn’t shown in the list of numbers,
contact Amazon Web Services per the instructions in Claim a phone number in your country.
5. In the Contact Flow/IVR menu, select Sample_SCV_Inbound_With_Transcription contact flow.
6. Save your work.

Set Up a Queue
Select a queue for outbound calls.
1. Hover over Routing and click Queues.
2. Click BasicQueue.
3. In the Outbound caller ID number menu, select the phone number that you claimed.
4. In the Outbound whisper flow menu, select the Sample_SCV_Outbound_Flow_With_Transcription contact flow.
5. Save your work.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

If you want to create more queues, click Add new queue and specify the queue’s settings.

Build Out Your Contact Center with Amazon Web Services

Build Out Your Contact Center with Amazon Web Services

Enhance Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect integrations and other Amazon services.
Customize Amazon Connect contact flows, enable real-time call transcription, set up routing queues,
and create security profiles. Available in: Lightning
The configuration and security of the Amazon Web Services subaccount and the Amazon Connect Experience
instance is the customer’s responsibility.
Available in: Performance,
In your Amazon Connect instance, you can: Enterprise, and Unlimited
• Enable incoming and outbound calls Editions

• Configure call recordings, chat transcripts, live media streaming, reports, and interactive voice Available in: Sales Cloud,
response (IVR) Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
• Enable data streaming
add-on license. Government
• Configure application integration Cloud is supported only on
• Set up Lambda functions that are used for contact flows Service Cloud Voice with
• Customize routing queues Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
• Create security profiles Partner Telephony from
Important: Contact Lens for Amazon Connect isn’t supported on Voice contact centers that Amazon Connect.
use Amazon Connect.
To access Amazon Web Services documentation, go to For information about Amazon Connect, see the
Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Call Transcription
Real-time call transcription is provided by Amazon Transcribe.
For supported languages for real-time transcription, see Streaming Transcription in the Amazon Transcribe Developer Guide.
When transcription is enabled, all audio on the customer’s side is recorded, including when the agent puts the customer on hold.
Transcriptions are stored in the Conversation Body component in Salesforce.
For information about Amazon Transcribe, see the Amazon Transcribe Developer Guide.
For transcription questions and support, contact Amazon Web Services.
By default, the region for the transcription Lambda function is set to us-west-2, which is the Amazon Transcribe data center in
Oregon. For best performance, select a region where Amazon Transcribe is available that is closest to where your contact center is located
geographically. For information about AWS regions that support Amazon Connect, see the Region Table topic in the AWS documentation.
If your organization is streaming many call transcriptions at the same time, ask AWS to increase the default service quota for concurrent
transcription jobs for Amazon Transcribe. See Increase Amazon Service Quotas on page 385.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Contact Flows
Customize how customers interact with the contact center using contact flows. For information about contact flows, see the Amazon
Connect Administrator Guide.
Service Cloud Voice provides the following contact flow samples, which you can customize:
• Sample SCV Inbound
• Sample SCV Agent Transfer
• Sample SCV Queue Transfer
• Sample SCV Inbound with Transcription
• Sample SCV Outbound with Transcription
To access these contact flows and to learn more about using them, see the Service Cloud Voice Implementation Guide.

Create Custom Fields
Service Cloud Documentation Github: Service Cloud Voice
Service Cloud Voice Implementation Guide

Increase Amazon Service Quotas

Service Cloud Voice uses Amazon Web Services products, such as Amazon Connect for telephony
and Amazon Transcribe for real-time transcription. AWS observes service quotas, or default limits,
on Amazon Connect, Amazon Transcribe, and other AWS features. To increase the quota for your Available in: Lightning
Connect instance, open a case with AWS. Experience
This table lists some of the AWS service quotas that customers often need to increase. For
Available in: Performance,
comprehensive documentation about service quotas, see Amazon Connect service quotas in the
Enterprise, and Unlimited
Amazon Connect Administrator Guide and Guidelines and quotas in the Amazon Transcribe Editions
Developer Guide.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Product Service Quota Default Value Notes Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
Amazon Connect Concurrent Active Calls 10 Most organizations need to add-on license. Government
Per Instance increase these quotas to Cloud is supported only on
support higher call volumes. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
If you increase it and use Service Cloud Voice with
real-time transcription, then Partner Telephony from
you must also increase the Amazon Connect.
quota for “Number of
Concurrent Transcription
Jobs” for Amazon Transcribe.

Amazon Connect Amazon Connect 2

Instances Per Account

Amazon Transcribe Number of Concurrent 5 Most organizations need to

Transcription Jobs increase these quotas to
support higher call volumes.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Product Service Quota Default Value Notes

This quota is referred to by two names in
AWS. In the Amazon Transcribe
documentation, it’s called “Number of
concurrent HTTP/2 streams for streaming
transcription.” When you open a case to
request an increase, the option is called
“Number of concurrent transcription jobs.”

Before submitting a request to increase the quotas, make sure that your AWS account is registered for AWS Business Support.
To increase your service quotas, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
2. Click Create a case.
3. Select Service limit increase.
4. Select the product to see the service quotas for that product.
5. Fill out the details and click Submit.

Get Expert Support for Service Cloud Voice
Amazon Connect Administrator Guide: Amazon Connect service quotas
Amazon Transcribe Developer Guide: Guidelines and quotas
Amazon Service Quotas User Guide: What is Service Quotas?

Maintain Your Service Cloud Voice Contact Center

Keep your Service Cloud Voice contact center with Amazon Connect in good running order. Install
the latest version of the contact center and keep its key pair and identity provider certificate current.
Available in: Lightning
Manage Your Contact Center in Amazon Connect Available in: Performance,
Quickly access the Amazon Connect settings page for your contact center. To log in to Amazon Enterprise, and Unlimited
Connect, you need the username and password for your Amazon Connect instance. Editions

Update Your Contact Center Available in: Sales Cloud,

Install an updated version of your Service Cloud Voice contact center to access the latest Service Cloud, and
functionality. If there’s an update available, you see a notification when you log in to Salesforce Government Cloud as an
and go to the Amazon Contact Centers page in Setup. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Update the Key Pair for Your Contact Center Service Cloud Voice with
Voice uses public-private key pairs to authenticate the telephony service request between Amazon Connect and
Amazon Web Services and Salesforce. If a key pair expires, then your contact center can’t connect Service Cloud Voice with
to the service, and customer calls go unanswered. Update your key pair before it expires. Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Manage Contact Center Certificates

Salesforce uses certificates to help ensure the security of your Service Cloud Voice contact center. If your certificate is about to expire,
we let you know by email so you can replace it with a new certificate.

Manage Your Contact Center in Amazon Connect

Quickly access the Amazon Connect settings page for your contact center. To log in to Amazon
Connect, you need the username and password for your Amazon Connect instance.
1. From Setup, enter Amazon Contact Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Amazon Available in: Lightning
Contact Centers. Experience
2. In the Contact Centers list view, click Connect Settings. Available in: Performance,
The Amazon Connect settings page opens in a new browser tab. See the Amazon Connect Enterprise, and Unlimited
Administrator Guide. Editions

Available in: Sales Cloud,

Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To view the Amazon Contact

Centers page:
• Customize Application
AND Manage Call
To create and manage a
contact center:
• Contact Center Admin

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Update Your Contact Center

Install an updated version of your Service Cloud Voice contact center to access the latest functionality.
If there’s an update available, you see a notification when you log in to Salesforce and go to the
Amazon Contact Centers page in Setup. Available in: Lightning
Salesforce occasionally adds AWS Lambda functions, makes improvements to the Lambda functions, Experience
AWS identity and access management roles (IAM roles) policies, enhances security, and enables
Available in: Performance,
new features for contact centers. To see what’s included in the update, click Learn More in the
Enterprise, and Unlimited
notification on the Amazon Contact Centers page in Setup. Updating is optional but highly Editions
Available in: Sales Cloud,
When you create a contact center, it automatically installs the latest version.
Service Cloud, and
When you update your contact center, the key pair is also updated. Government Cloud as an
Updating takes a few minutes. Users can continue to work during the update. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Important: When you update your contact center, the updates overwrite the Lambda Service Cloud Voice with
functions. If your contact center uses customized Lambda functions, reconfigure them after Amazon Connect and
updating the contact center. Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
1. From Setup, enter Amazon Contact Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Amazon
Amazon Connect.
Contact Centers.
2. In the actions menu next to your contact center, click Install Updates.
A window opens asking you to confirm your selection.
You also can install the update on the Contact Center Details page. To view the Amazon Contact
Centers page:
3. To confirm that you want to install the updates, click Install Updates. • Customize Application
The updated contact center and key pair are installed. AND Manage Call
To create and manage a
contact center:
• Contact Center Admin

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Update the Key Pair for Your Contact Center

Voice uses public-private key pairs to authenticate the telephony service request between Amazon
Web Services and Salesforce. If a key pair expires, then your contact center can’t connect to the
service, and customer calls go unanswered. Update your key pair before it expires. Available in: Lightning
Key pairs expire after one year for security reasons. Salesforce shows a reminder notification in the Experience
Service Console 30 days before the key pair expires, five days before it expires, and after it expires.
Available in: Performance,
To see when the key pair expires, go to the Amazon Contact Centers page in Setup or to the Contact Enterprise, and Unlimited
Center detail page. Editions
When you update your contact center, the key pair is also updated. Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
Note: Orgs that were created before Spring ’21 must install the latest version of the contact
Government Cloud as an
center. Otherwise, the Update Key Pair button isn’t available.
add-on license. Government
1. From Setup, enter Amazon Contact Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Amazon Cloud is supported only on
Contact Centers. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
2. In the actions menu next to your contact center, click Update Key.
Service Cloud Voice with
A window opens asking you to confirm your selection. Partner Telephony from
You also can update the key pair on the Contact Center detail page. Amazon Connect.

3. To confirm that you want to install the updates, click Update Key.
The key pair is updated. USER PERMISSIONS

To view the Amazon Contact

Centers page:
• Customize Application
AND Manage Call
To create and manage a
contact center:
• Contact Center Admin

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Manage Contact Center Certificates

Salesforce uses certificates to help ensure the security of your Service Cloud Voice contact center.
If your certificate is about to expire, we let you know by email so you can replace it with a new
certificate. Available in: Lightning
When you create a Voice contact center with Amazon Connect, Salesforce creates a connected app Experience
that integrates Amazon Connect with Salesforce. Through SAML 2.0, the connected app and
Service Cloud Voice is
Salesforce (the identity provider) use a certificate to authenticate users. When you’re notified that
available in: Enterprise,
a certificate is expiring soon, check whether it’s for your contact center. If it is, provide a replacement Performance, and
certificate. Unlimited Editions
Important: Certificate management is
• The update process includes a brief period when single sign-on (SSO) is unavailable, so available in: All editions
complete the update during a low-traffic time.
• While using an expired certificate with your contact center doesn’t break anything, it’s USER PERMISSIONS
not a good security practice. Updating the certificate takes just a few minutes.
To create, edit, and manage
1. Check whether the expiring certificate is used by your Voice contact center. certificates
• Customize Application
a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Connected Apps, then select Manage
Connected Apps.
b. Click the app named (Your contact center name) Connected App.
c. In the section named SAML Service Provider Settings, click the certificate listed in the Idp Certificate field to open the certificate
d. Check the certificate’s expiration date. If it expires soon, it’s time to replace it.

2. Create a replacement certificate.

a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Certificate, then select Certificate and Key Management.
b. To create a certificate, click Create Self-Signed Certificate. For help, see Generate a Self-Signed Certificate.

3. Replace the certificate used by your identity provider.

a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Identity, then select Identity Provider.
b. Click Edit.
c. In the dropdown, select the certificate that you just created and save your changes.
d. On the Identity Provider page, click Download Metadata to download the metadata XML file.

4. Replace the certificate used by your contact center’s connected app.

a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Connected Apps, then select Manage Connected Apps.
b. Click Edit next to the app named (Your contact center name) Connected App.
c. In the Idp Certificate field, select the certificate that you just created and save your changes.

5. Update the certificate metadata in your AWS settings.

a. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
b. Click IAM, then select Identity providers.
c. From the list of identity providers, select SalesforceServiceVoiceIdp.
d. Click Replace Metadata and upload the XML file that you downloaded previously.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

6. Verify that your contact center is using the new certificate.

a. In Salesforce Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Contact Centers, and select Amazon Contact Centers.
b. Click Telephony Provider Settings.
c. If your Amazon Connect Dashboard opens, you’re all set. If you see an error, something’s not right. Try walking through the steps
again or contact Salesforce Customer Support for help.

If you have multiple Voice contact centers with telephony provided by Amazon Connect, complete these steps for each contact center.

Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony

Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony lets you create a Service Cloud Voice contact center that uses a telephony provider of your
choice. Before you start, review the prerequisites, limitations, and planning resources.

1. Turn on Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony
Enable Voice in your org.
2. Install Your Telephony Provider’s Managed Package
Most Voice telephony partners provide a managed package that contains the metadata to connect Voice with the partner’s system.
Download the package from AppExchange or ask your telephony provider for the installation URL.
3. Assign Contact Center Permission Sets for Partner Telephony
Use permission sets to control access to your Voice contact center. Give at least one user, such as yourself, the Contact Center Admin
(Partner Telephony) permission set so they can set up the contact center. Give agents and supervisors the Contact Center Agent
(Partner Telephony) permission set so they can make and receive phone calls and listen to call recordings.
4. Create Your Partner Telephony Contact Center
To create a contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony, create an XML contact center definition file and import
it into Voice. Use the sample contact center definition file as a model.
5. Add and Remove Users in Your Partner Telephony Contact Center
After you create a contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony, add users to your contact center. You can add
Service Cloud Users who have the Contact Center Admin (Partner Telephony) permission set or the Contact Center Agent (Partner
Telephony) permission set. Remove users who no longer need access.
6. Configure the Agent Experience for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony
Give support agents the information they need when helping customers on the phone. Create the Voice Call record page, which
opens when agents accept or make calls. Add the Voice Call related list to objects such as Cases, so agents can quickly see if a
customer has called about a particular case. Configure channel-object linking to automatically search for matching records and link
them to the Voice Call record. And let agents pause and resume call recording.
7. Configure Single Sign-on (SSO) to Your Telephony Provider
Let agents use a single sign-on page to log in to Voice and in to your telephony provider’s system. Configure Salesforce to serve as
your identity provider (IdP) and then follow your telephony provider’s instructions for completing the setup. Before you start, ask
your telephony provider for the instructions for setting up SSO.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

8. Train Your Agents on Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony

Use these resources to help your agents become familiar with Voice’s softphone and features. Some features may differ depending
on what features your telephony provider offers.

Choose Your Service Cloud Voice Telephony Model
Service Cloud Voice Key Concepts
Service Cloud Voice Limits and Limitations
Service Cloud Voice Planning Checklist
Make Sure Salesforce Satisfies the Voice Prerequisites

Turn on Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony

Enable Voice in your org.
If you have the Service Cloud Voice for Partner Telephony license, you see the Partner Telephony
Setup page in the Setup menu. Available in: Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Partner Telephony Setup in the Quick Find box, then select
Partner Telephony Setup. Available in: Performance,
2. Select Turn On Service Cloud Voice. Enterprise, and Unlimited
The Partner Telephony Contact Centers page appears in the Setup menu. Editions

Available in: Sales Cloud,

SEE ALSO: Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
Make Sure Salesforce Satisfies the Voice Prerequisites
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To view the Partner

Telephony Setup page:
• Customize Application
To turn on Voice:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Install Your Telephony Provider’s Managed Package

Most Voice telephony partners provide a managed package that contains the metadata to connect
Voice with the partner’s system. Download the package from AppExchange or ask your telephony
provider for the installation URL. Available in: Lightning
Most telephony partners provide a managed package that contains the following: Experience
• Connector in the form of a Visualforce page Available in: Performance,
• Visualforce page name Enterprise, and Unlimited
• Package’s namespace that is used to create a contact center
Telephony partners provide their own documentation for their managed package. Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
1. From Setup, enter Partner Telephony Setup in the Quick Find box, then select Government Cloud as an
Partner Telephony Setup. add-on license. Government
2. Click Go to AppExchange. Cloud is supported only on
The AppExchange opens in another browser tab. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
3. Search for your telephony partner’s package and follow its installation instructions. Service Cloud Voice with
After you install the managed package, check that all of the components were installed. Ask your Partner Telephony from
telephony provider for instructions to verify that the components were installed properly. Amazon Connect.


Install a Package
To view the Partner
View Installed Package Details Telephony Setup page:
• Customize Application
To install packages:
• Download AppExchange

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Assign Contact Center Permission Sets for Partner Telephony

Use permission sets to control access to your Voice contact center. Give at least one user, such as
yourself, the Contact Center Admin (Partner Telephony) permission set so they can set up the
contact center. Give agents and supervisors the Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) permission Available in: Lightning
set so they can make and receive phone calls and listen to call recordings. Experience
Note: The Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) permission set includes the View Call Available in: Performance,
Recordings user permission. Agents need this user permission to listen to call recordings. Enterprise, and Unlimited
1. From Setup, enter Partner Telephony Setup in the Quick Find box, then select Editions
Partner Telephony Setup. Available in: Sales Cloud,
2. In the Set Up Your Contact Center section, click Assign Permissions. The Permission Sets page Service Cloud, and
opens. Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
3. Click either Contact Center Admin (Partner Telephony) or Contact Center Agent (Partner Cloud is supported only on
Telephony). Service Cloud Voice with
4. Click Manage Assignments. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
5. Click Add Assignments.
Partner Telephony from
6. Select the users that need the permission set. Amazon Connect.
7. Click Assign.
After assigning permission sets, create your contact center. USER PERMISSIONS

To assign permission sets:

• Assign Permission Sets

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Create Your Partner Telephony Contact Center

To create a contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony, create an XML contact
center definition file and import it into Voice. Use the sample contact center definition file as a
model. Available in: Lightning
Before you start, download the sample contact center definition file from the Service Cloud Voice Experience
Github repository at
Available in: Performance, Edit the file and
Enterprise, and Unlimited
replace the generic values with the values for your contact center. Editions
1. From Setup, enter Partner Telephony Setup in the Quick Find box, then select
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Partner Telephony Setup.
Service Cloud, and
2. In the Set Up Your Contact Center section, click Import. Government Cloud as an
A file browser opens. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
3. Select the .xml file that contains your contact center definition.
Service Cloud Voice with
4. Click Open. Amazon Connect and
The file is imported. Service Cloud Voice with
5. Check that your contact center is shown in the Contact Centers list view. Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.
From Setup, enter Partner Telephony Contact Centers in the Quick Find box,
then select Partner Telephony Contact Centers. The list view page shows created contact
After you import the contact center definition file, go to the Partner Telephony Contact Centers list To view the Partner
view to add users to the contact center. Telephony Setup page:
• Customize Application
To view the Partner
Telephony Contact Centers
• Customize Application
AND Manage Call
To create and manage a
contact center:
• Contact Center Admin
(Partner Telephony)

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Add and Remove Users in Your Partner Telephony Contact Center

After you create a contact center for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony, add users to your
contact center. You can add Service Cloud Users who have the Contact Center Admin (Partner
Telephony) permission set or the Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) permission set. Remove Available in: Lightning
users who no longer need access. Experience
1. In your telephony provider’s, system, add the users to the call center. Salesforce and the
Available in: Performance,
telephony provider don’t automatically sync users, so you must manually create users and then
Enterprise, and Unlimited
add them to both your telephony provider’s call center and the Voice contact center. Editions
Important: If you want to use SSO to authenticate support agents, the username must Available in: Sales Cloud,
be the same for both Salesforce and the telephony partner. Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
2. In Salesforce, add the users to your Voice contact center.
add-on license. Government
a. From Setup, enter Partner Telephony Contact Centers in the Quick Find Cloud is supported only on
box, then select Partner Telephony Contact Centers. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
b. Select the contact center that you want to modify.
Service Cloud Voice with
c. In the Contact Center Users section, click Add. Partner Telephony from
d. Select the users that you want to add to this contact center. Add only one or two users at Amazon Connect.
a time.
The list shows only users who have the Contact Center Admin (Partner Telephony) or USER PERMISSIONS
Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) permission sets. If you don’t see the users that
you want to add, make sure they have the right permission sets and then try adding them To view the Partner
Telephony Contact Centers
e. Click Done. • Customize Application
AND Manage Call
If a user no longer needs access to your contact center, remove them. Removing a user only takes Centers
away their ability to access the contact center; it doesn’t delete the user or change their ability to To create and manage a
access other parts of Salesforce. contact center:
1. In the Contact Center Users section, select the user that you want to remove. • Contact Center Admin
(Partner Telephony)
2. Click Remove > OK.
3. Work with your telephony provider to remove the user from their telephony system.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Configure the Agent Experience for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony
Give support agents the information they need when helping customers on the phone. Create the
Voice Call record page, which opens when agents accept or make calls. Add the Voice Call related
list to objects such as Cases, so agents can quickly see if a customer has called about a particular Available in: Lightning
case. Configure channel-object linking to automatically search for matching records and link them Experience
to the Voice Call record. And let agents pause and resume call recording.
Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
Create a Voice Call Record Page for Voice with Partner Telephony
Available in: Sales Cloud,
The Voice Call record page shows the agent information about the call. Add Service Cloud Voice Service Cloud, and
components to the page so agents can easily access Voice features such as the softphone call Government Cloud as an
features, related records, call recording, and call transcription. add-on license. Government
Configure Omni-Channel for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony Cloud is supported only on
Follow these steps to configure Omni-Channel so agents can use it to accept and make calls. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Create a presence status and assign it to users. Add the Omni-Channel utility to the Lightning
Service Cloud Voice with
Service Console so agents can use the Omni-Channel softphone. Optionally configure the After
Partner Telephony from
Conversation Work setting and add the After Conversation Component component to the Voice
Amazon Connect.
Call record page.
Configure the Console App for Voice with Partner Telephony
Configure your console app so agents have the tools to help customers. Give agents access to Voice Call records so they can review
past calls. To prompt agents to link a call with a contact, set up channel-object linking. Add the Voice Call related list to a Lightning
record page so agents can easily see related calls.
Let Agents Pause and Resume Call Recording
Some organizations automatically record calls for training and quality purposes. Your customers and your company might prefer
not to record certain information for privacy and legal compliance reasons. Honor your customer’s privacy and protect your company
when a call is recorded by allowing agents to pause the recording when sensitive information is exchanged. Agents can resume the
recording when it’s appropriate.

Add Channel-Object Linking Rules for Phone Calls (Beta)

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Create a Voice Call Record Page for Voice with Partner Telephony
The Voice Call record page shows the agent information about the call. Add Service Cloud Voice
components to the page so agents can easily access Voice features such as the softphone call
features, related records, call recording, and call transcription. Available in: Lightning
As a best practice, configure the Voice Call record page so agents see relevant information during Experience
the call and when looking at completed call records. We suggest arranging the components as
Available in: Performance,
described in the screenshot and table, but you might want to configure it differently based on your
Enterprise, and Unlimited
business processes. The screenshot shows a record page with the Header and Three Column Editions
Available in: Sales Cloud,
You can use different page templates, but some components, such as the Call Recording Player
Service Cloud, and
and Conversation Body, can fit only on medium and large areas on the template.
Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To create and save Lightning

pages in the Lightning App
• Customize Application
To view Lightning pages in
the Lightning App Builder:
Table 10: Standard Lightning Components Used on the Voice Call Record Page
• View Setup and
Component Description Configuration

[1] Highlights Panel The Highlights Panel shows high-level info about the call.

[2] Call Recording The Call Recording component is included on the Voice Call record
Player page by default and must be added to a medium or large area on
the page template.
Add this component for orgs using Voice with Amazon Connect. If
you want to record calls, enable call recording in your Amazon
Connect instance.
For orgs using Voice with Partner Telephony, add this component
only if your telephony provider supports call recording.
Agents must also have the View Call Recordings permission to listen
to call recordings.

[3] Related Record This Related Record component is configured to show details about
this Voice Call.
Agents can indicate the call disposition and add notes.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Component Description
[4] Related Record This Related Record component is configured to show the Contact record for the Caller.
If agents make outbound calls, you also can add a Related Record component that shows the
Contact record for the Recipient (that is, the person who was called).

[5] Chatter The Chatter component lets agents post updates and notify other support agents about the
call. It’s included on the Voice Call page by default.

[6] Conversation Body The Conversation Body component shows the real-time call transcript and must be added to
a medium or large area on the page template.
Add this component for orgs using Voice with Amazon Connect.
For orgs using Voice with Partner Telephony, add this component only if your telephony provider
supports transcription.
Because the Call Recording Player doesn't have an alternative text-based transcript, we
recommend adding the Conversation Body component underneath the Call Recording Player
to support accessibility.

[7] Phone The Phone component gives agents easy access to some of the Voice softphone features like
mute, hold, and end calls. It’s visible only when an agent is on a call.
We recommended placing the Phone component on the upper left or upper right corner of
the page, so it’s easy for agents to use.

Note: Use the Phone component in addition to the softphone in the Omni-Channel
utility. Agents can’t answer or dial calls from the Phone component; they need the
Omni-Channel utility to make or accept calls.

[8] After Conversation Work The After Conversation Work (ACW) component shows agents a countdown for wrap-up work
(ACW) between conversations. It’s visible only during an active countdown.
To enable the countdown feature and set the length of time, create or edit a voice call channel
and complete the After Conversation Work Time section.

[9] Related Detail The Related Detail component shows more granular info about the call.

Note: These instructions tell you how to create a Voice Call record page from scratch.
If you already have a Voice Call record page, you can edit it to add or reorganize these components. Navigate to the Voice Call
record page, click the gear icon, and click Edit Page to open it in the Lightning App Builder.

1. From Setup, enter Lightning App Builder in the Quick Find box, then select Lightning App Builder.
2. Click New.
3. Click Record Page, then click Next.
4. For Label, give the page a name such as Voice Call Record Page.
5. For Object, select Voice Call, then click Next.
6. In the Create a new Lightning page window, select a page template from the Choose Page Template menu.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

For example, the screenshot shows the Header and Three Regions page template.

7. Click Finish.
8. Select a component and drag it to the page. Repeat until you’ve added the components that you want to your page.

Tip: To filter the component lists, enter the name of the component in the search bar.

a. Select the Phone component onto the page, and drag it to the upper left side or upper right side of the page.
b. Select the Call Recording Player component and drag it to the page.
c. Select the Conversation Body component and drag it to the page, and put it in a medium or large area of the page layout.
d. If you plan to enable After Conversation Work (beta) in your voice call channel, drag the After Conversation Work component
onto the upper left side or upper right side of the page.
e. Optionally add more components to the page.

9. Save your work, then click Activate.

10. In the Activation window, select the App Default tab. Click Assign as App Default, then select Service Console, and click Next.
11. In the Select Form Factor window, select either Desktop or Desktop and Phone, then click Next.
12. Review the app default assignments, and then save your work. The record page is now available in the Lightning Service Console.

Lightning App Builder
Standard Lightning Page Components

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Configure Omni-Channel for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony

Follow these steps to configure Omni-Channel so agents can use it to accept and make calls. Create
a presence status and assign it to users. Add the Omni-Channel utility to the Lightning Service
Console so agents can use the Omni-Channel softphone. Optionally configure the After Conversation Available in: Lightning
Work setting and add the After Conversation Component component to the Voice Call record page. Experience
1. Create a presence status so agents can indicate when they’re available for phone calls.
Available in: Performance,
a. From Setup, enter Presence in the Quick Find box, then select Presence Statuses. Enterprise, and Unlimited
b. Click New. Editions

c. For Status Name, enter Available. Available in: Sales Cloud,

Service Cloud, and
d. For Status Options, select Online. Government Cloud as an
e. Add the Phone service channel to the Available Channels list. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
f. Click Save.
Service Cloud Voice with
To add more statuses, repeat the steps. For example, you can create a “Busy” presence Amazon Connect and
status. Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
2. Assign the presence status to agents so they can use to indicate when they’re available to Amazon Connect.
accept calls.
a. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission USER PERMISSIONS
To set up Omni-Channel
b. Find the permission set that you created for the Service Cloud Voice single sign-on.
and to create presence
c. Click Service Presence Statuses Access. statuses:
d. Click Edit. • Customize Application
To create permission sets:
e. In the Available Service Presences list, select the presence status that you created and click
• Manage Profiles and
Add to associate it with permission set.
Permission Sets
Agents who are assigned to this permission set can sign in to Omni-Channel with any of
To assign permission sets:
the presence statuses that you make available to them.
• Assign Permission Sets
f. Click Save.

3. Add the Omni-Channel utility to your Lightning Service Console.

a. From Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
b. Click the dropdown next to the Service Console app you want to add Omni-Channel to, then click Edit.
c. Under App Settings, click Utility Items (Desktop Only).
d. Click Add Utility Item.
e. In the modal window, search for Omni-Channel.
f. Click Omni-Channel.
g. Click Save and exit the App Manager.

4. Optionally, give agents a set amount of time after a call ends to wrap up their work.
a. From Setup, enter Service Channels in the Quick Find box, then select Service Channels.
b. Click Edit next to the Voice channel.
The Voice service channel is automatically created when you turn on Voice.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

c. In the After Conversation Work Time section, select Give agents wrap-up time after conversations.
d. In the Max Time (seconds) field, enter the number of seconds that agents have to wrap up their work after a conversation. The
value must be 30–3600 seconds (60 minutes).

Important: Make sure that the After Conversation Work component is added to the Voice Call page layout. Otherwise,
agents don’t see the countdown.

Note: After Conversation Work (ACW) is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion.
Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

e. Click Save.

Add the Omni-Channel Utility to a Lightning Console App
Create Presence Statuses
Give Users Access to Presence Statuses with Permission Sets

Configure the Console App for Voice with Partner Telephony

Configure your console app so agents have the tools to help customers. Give agents access to Voice
Call records so they can review past calls. To prompt agents to link a call with a contact, set up
channel-object linking. Add the Voice Call related list to a Lightning record page so agents can Available in: Lightning
easily see related calls. Experience

Available in: Performance,

Add the Voice Call Tab to the Lightning Service Console (Required) Enterprise, and Unlimited
By default, the Voice Call tab that shows the Voice Call list view is hidden. Add the Voice Call tab to Editions
your console so agents can view Voice Call records. Available in: Sales Cloud,
1. From Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager. Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
2. Click the dropdown next to the console app you want to add the Voice Call tab to, then click
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
3. Under Navigation Items, select Voice Call from the Available Items list and click the arrow Service Cloud Voice with
button to add it to the Selected Items list. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
4. Click Save.
Partner Telephony from
Alternatively, open the App Launcher, select the console app where you want to add the Voice Call Amazon Connect.
tab, and click the dropdown arrow. Click Edit. The Edit [App Name] Navigation Items window opens.
Click Add More Items. Search for Voice Call and click the plus sign next to it, then click Add Nav

Configure Channel-Object Linking (Required)

When an agent accepts a call in the workspace, prompt them to choose from recommended records, search for a record, or add a new
1. From Setup, enter Channel-Object in the Quick Find box, then select Channel-Object Linking.
2. Click New Linking Rule.
3. Select the Phone channel type and the object that you want to link to, such as Contact.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

4. Create a rule name and description.

5. Set rule actions for these scenarios: Action for No Record Found and Action for Single Record Found.
For example, if no matches are found for a contact, include a rule to automatically create and link a record, or prompt the agent to
search for or create a record. If a single matching record is found, set a rule to automatically link the record. Alternatively, prompt
the agent to pick the suggested record, search for a record, or create a record.

6. Save your work.

7. After completing the Phone setup, add the Object-Linking Notifications background utility in the App Manager. This utility displays
toast messages in the console that prompt the agent to link a suggested record or add a new one.
8. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
9. Click Edit in the action menu for your app.
10. Click Utility Items (Desktop Only) > Add Utility Items > Object-Linking Notifications.
11. Save your work.

Configure the Voice Call Related List (Optional but Recommended)

Add the Voice Call related list to a Lightning record page to show a list of calls associated with a record. For example, add the list to your
Case record page, so agents can see a case’s associated calls and learn about the customer’s interactions with your company.
1. From the Object Manager in Setup, select the object that you want to add the Voice Call related list to. For example, to add the Voice
Call related list to a Case page layout, select Case.
2. Select Lightning Record Pages.
3. Select the page that you want to modify, then click Edit.
4. Drag the Related List - Single component to the page layout.
5. In the Related List menu, select Voice Calls.
6. Save your changes.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Let Agents Pause and Resume Call Recording

Some organizations automatically record calls for training and quality purposes. Your customers
and your company might prefer not to record certain information for privacy and legal compliance
reasons. Honor your customer’s privacy and protect your company when a call is recorded by Available in: Lightning
allowing agents to pause the recording when sensitive information is exchanged. Agents can Experience
resume the recording when it’s appropriate.
Available in: Performance,
For more details about the agent experience, see Honor Customer Privacy When Recording Calls.
Enterprise, and Unlimited
To let agents suspend and resume call recording, complete these high-level steps: Editions
1. Make sure your telephony provider offers this feature and that is configured properly. If your Available in: Sales Cloud,
telephony provider doesn’t offer this capability, then agents can’t pause and resume call Service Cloud, and
recording. Government Cloud as an
2. Clone the Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) permission set and add the Control Call add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Recording permission to it.
Service Cloud Voice with
3. Assign the new permission set to your users. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
SEE ALSO: Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.
Create Permission Sets
Assign a Permission Set to Multiple Users
Pause Call Recording to Honor Customer Privacy
To create permission sets:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To assign permission sets:
• Assign Permission Sets

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Configure Single Sign-on (SSO) to Your Telephony Provider

Let agents use a single sign-on page to log in to Voice and in to your telephony provider’s system.
Configure Salesforce to serve as your identity provider (IdP) and then follow your telephony provider’s
instructions for completing the setup. Before you start, ask your telephony provider for the Available in: Lightning
instructions for setting up SSO. Experience
1. Configure Salesforce as your identity provider.
Available in: Performance,
a. From Setup, enter Identity Provider in the Quick Find box, select Identity Enterprise, and Unlimited
Provider, and enable it. Editions
b. Click Download Certificate. Available in: Sales Cloud,
c. Click Download Metadata. Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
2. Create a connected app to use for SSO. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
a. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box. Click App Manager > New
Service Cloud Voice with
Connected App.
Amazon Connect and
b. Create a new connected app and specify the following details in the Basic Information and Service Cloud Voice with
Web App Settings: Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.
• Name the connected app.
• Select Enable SAML.
• Enter the ACS URL and Entity ID. USER PERMISSIONS
• For Subject Type, select required and update the name ID format to match the expected To create permission sets:
SSO URL. • Manage Profiles and
• Select your IDP Certificate from the dropdown menu. Permission Sets

• Save your work. To assign permission sets:

• Assign Permission Sets
3. Click Manage profile and select all the profiles for which you want to grant access to use SSO.
4. After enabling the Identity Provider, download the metadata file for using Salesforce as your IdP. Use this metadata XML file to set
up SSO in your external telephony system.
5. Follow your telephony provider’s guide to complete the SSO setup.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Train Your Agents on Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony

Use these resources to help your agents become familiar with Voice’s softphone and features. Some
features may differ depending on what features your telephony provider offers.
See Help Customers on the Phone in Salesforce Help to learn how to: Available in: Lightning
• Answer inbound calls and make outbound calls using the Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility
• Add a caller to a conversation Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
• Transfer a call to an agent or a queue
• Honor customer privacy when recording calls
Available in: Sales Cloud,
• Listen to and collaborate on call recordings
Service Cloud, and
• Link calls with customer contact records Government Cloud as an
• Report on your contact center add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Help Customers on the Phone Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.

Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony from Amazon Connect
You may already have an Amazon Connect instance or want to manage your own Amazon Web
Services account. Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony from Amazon Connect lets you
integrate your own Amazon Connect instance with Service Cloud Voice. Before you start, review Available in: Lightning
the Voice prerequisites, limitations, and planning resources. Experience
Important: Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony from Amazon Connect is different Available in: Performance,
from the default Service Cloud Voice product. In the default Voice product, Salesforce handles Enterprise, and Unlimited
many of the Amazon Connect management and configuration tasks for you. If that’s what Editions
you want to set up, we’ve got you covered—see Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Amazon
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
This guide explains how to set up and maintain Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony from Government Cloud as an
Amazon Connect: Get Started with Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony from Amazon add-on license. Government
Connect. Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Choose Your Service Cloud Voice Telephony Model Partner Telephony from
Plan Your Voice Contact Center Amazon Connect.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Test Your Service Cloud Voice Implementation

After you finish setting up your Service Cloud Voice contact center, test it to make sure it works the
way that you expect.
For help using the Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility, see Answer and Make Calls. Available in: Lightning
1. Accept an inbound call.
a. Log in to Salesforce and open the console app where Voice is set up. Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
b. Open the Omni-Channel utility. Editions
c. In Omni-Channel, set your availability—that is, your presence status—so you can make
Available in: Sales Cloud,
and receive calls. Make sure that your microphone on your computer is enabled. When you
Service Cloud, and
set your presence status, Salesforce uses single sign-on (SSO) to connect you to your Government Cloud as an
company’s Amazon Connect instance. It can take a few seconds to complete the SSO. After add-on license. Government
SSO is completed, you can make and receive calls on the Phone tab in the Omni-Channel Cloud is supported only on
utility. Service Cloud Voice with
d. Call your contact center from a separate phone. The incoming call should appear in the Amazon Connect and
Omni-Channel utility. Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
e. To answer a call, click the checkmark button. A Voice Call record page opens. Amazon Connect.
f. Talk and stay on the call for a few minutes, then end the call.
g. Verify that the fields on the Voice Call record page are automatically completed with USER PERMISSIONS
information about the call, such as phone number, call start time, and call end time.
To answer and make calls
2. Make an outbound call. and to view Voice Call
a. In the Phone tab, enter the number that you want to call and click Call. You can also make
• Contact Center Agent
outbound calls by clicking a phone number hyperlink (click-to-dial) in Service Cloud.
permission set
b. Talk and stay on the call for a few minutes, then end the call.
c. Verify that the fields on the Voice Call record page are automatically completed with
information about the call, such as phone number, call start time, and call end time.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Use Service Cloud Voice Across Sales and Service

Use Service Cloud Voice features in both your service and sales operations. Sales reps with access
to both High Velocity Sales and Service Cloud Voice can click-to-dial records that come from a sales
cadence, My List, and their Work Queue so they can quickly make outbound calls in Voice. Einstein Available in: Lightning
Conversation Insights can be used in both service and sales contexts to give supervisors valuable Experience
call trend data.
Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
Use Service Cloud Voice with High Velocity Sales
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Maximize your sales reps’ productivity by combining Service Cloud Voice with High Velocity Service Cloud, and
Sales. Users with permission sets for both Service Cloud Voice and High Velocity Sales can take Government Cloud as an
advantage of Voice features while working prospects through their sales cadences. add-on license. Government
Analyze Call Recordings for Insights Cloud is supported only on
Give supervisors the data they need to coach agents on interactions with customers. Einstein Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Conversation Insights identifies key moments in conversation recordings to provide insight
Service Cloud Voice with
into call structure, agent talk/listen ratios, how and when customized keywords like product
Partner Telephony from
names are mentioned, and more.
Amazon Connect.
Compare Conversation Insights for Sales and Service
If you have Conversation Insights for Service, you also have Conversation Insights for Sales.
Here’s a summary of the two flavors.

Use Service Cloud Voice with High Velocity Sales

Maximize your sales reps’ productivity by combining Service Cloud Voice with High Velocity Sales.
Users with permission sets for both Service Cloud Voice and High Velocity Sales can take advantage
of Voice features while working prospects through their sales cadences. Available in: Lightning
Sales reps can click-to-dial records that come from a sales cadence, My List, and their Work Queue, Experience
so they can quickly make outbound calls in Voice using the Omni-Channel utility. When a rep wraps
Einstein Conversation
up a call, two things happen:
Insights for Service is
• The call step in the sales cadence is automatically marked as complete, so the sales cadence available in: Enterprise,
advances to the next step. Performance, and
• A task is automatically created for the voice call record so it’s easier for the rep to follow up with Unlimited Editions
prospects. The task is created when the agent closes the call record or, if After Conversation
Work (ACW) is in use, when the ACW period ends.
Here’s how to give sales reps access to Service Cloud Voice features.
1. Set up both High Velocity Sales and Service Cloud Voice.
2. Create sales cadences that include calls.
3. Create picklist values for the Call Resolution field on the Voice Call object that match the Call Result values configured in the High
Velocity Sales settings.
a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter High Velocity Sales, then select High Velocity Sales.
b. Edit the Define Call Results for Branching section and enable the feature.
c. Take note of the call result values listed next to the related call result categories.
d. From Setup, in the Object Manager, select Voice Call.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

e. Click Fields and Relationships, click Call Resolution.

f. Edit the Call Resolution field’s picklist values to match the High Velocity Sales call result values.
g. Save your changes.

4. Remove the Dialer softphone utility from the Sales console footer, and replace it with the Omni-Channel utility so agents can make
and receive calls.
5. Assign permission sets to the sales reps who need access to Voice features:
• Service Cloud Voice permission sets: Contact Center Agent OR Contact Center Admin
• High Velocity Sales permission sets: High Velocity Sales Cadence Creator OR High Velocity Sales User

Users with a High Velocity Sales permission set have access to the HVS app, the Work Queue, My List, and other High Velocity Sales
features, and can work prospects assigned to them through sales cadence steps such as calls and emails.

Analyze Call Recordings for Insights

Give supervisors the data they need to coach agents on interactions with customers. Einstein
Conversation Insights identifies key moments in conversation recordings to provide insight into
call structure, agent talk/listen ratios, how and when customized keywords like product names are Available in: Lightning
mentioned, and more. Experience

Einstein Conversation
Start Using Conversation Insights Insights for Service is
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Conversation Insights, and select General available in: Enterprise,
Settings under Conversation Insights. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
2. Turn on the feature. Conversation Insights Readiness can take some time to switch to Ready
to use. Continue with the next steps in the meantime.
3. Connect a recording provider. Amazon Connect can be connected if Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect is enabled, and
Sales Dialer can be connected if Sales Dialer is enabled. You can disable or update your chosen recording provider at any time.
4. Click Add Assignments to give users—typically, managers or supervisors—access to the Conversation Insights dashboard and
daily insight summary emails.

Choose Insights to Focus On

Let Conversation Insights know which keywords to look for in call recordings. When a call participant utters a keyword, it’s flagged so
reviewers can quickly jump to its location in the recording. If you’re focusing on service calls, customize your keywords to understand,
among other things:
• How support agents describe your products
• What questions customers ask about your products
• Which competitors come up in conversations, and how often
• How agents talk about common customer issues
• Which factors contribute to a successful support call
1. On the same General Settings page in Setup, click Set Up to set up your call insights. Or, in the Quick Find box, enter Call
Insights and select Call Insights.
2. Conversation Insights comes with two out-of-the-box keyword categories, or insights: one for identifying product mentions, and
one for competitor mentions. Click Product Mentioned to customize it.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

• Add up to 25 products that are likely to come up in support calls.

• Under Category, choose the category of calls to scan for the keywords: sales, service, or both.
• Optionally, specify which side of conversation to analyze (Said By).
• Activate and save the insight. When Einstein Conversation Insights processes call recordings, it looks only for keywords from
active insights.

Note: Salesforce also provides several automatic service insights that can’t be customized, such as Escalation, Payments, and
Attrition Mentioned. You can view them on the Automatic tab of the Call Insights page.

3. Click the Competitor Mentioned insight and repeat the previous step, listing any competitor names that can arise in calls.
4. Optionally, click New Custom Insight to define more insights. For each custom insight, add keywords, choose one or more categories,
and optionally, select a speaker. Then, activate and save it.

Tip: Custom insights are a great way to tailor Conversation Insights’ analysis to your business priorities and terminology. For
example, use custom insights to identify calls in which callers mention issues related to delivery, billing, or compliance.

View Conversation Insights Data

After you set up your insights, start reviewing call trends and daily stats related to those insights.
• View individual call data: Use the call audio player on the Voice Call record page to analyze conversations and review call specifics
such as keyword mentions, speaker tracks, participants, and duration.
• View team-wide data: Visit the Conversation Insights dashboard for a summary of your team’s calls. In the Service or Sales Console,
click the Conversation Insights tab to view the dashboard. If a role hierarchy is set up, Conversation Insights users also receive daily
emails with call stats.
For more tips on viewing and acting on insights data, see Einstein Conversation Insights.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Compare Conversation Insights for Sales and Service

If you have Conversation Insights for Service, you also have Conversation Insights for Sales. Here’s
a summary of the two flavors.
Available in: Lightning
Topic Sales Service Experience
How do users access it? Conversation Insights for Sales Conversation Insights for Einstein Conversation
permission set OR HVS Service permission set Insights for Service is
Conversation Insights available in: Enterprise,
permission set Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
What does user access provide? • Access to the Conversation • Access to the Conversation
Insights dashboard in the Insights dashboard in the
Sales Console Service Console
• Daily emails summarizing • Daily emails summarizing
the team’s call insights the contact center’s call
• Insight data in the audio insights
player on call records • Insight data in the audio
player on call records

Which recording providers can Sales Dialer or Amazon Sales Dialer or Amazon Connect
I use? Connect

Which out-of-the-box insights Standard insights: Standard insights:

are provided? • Competitor Mentioned • Competitor Mentioned
• Product Mentioned • Product Mentioned
Automatic insights (no Automatic insights (no
configuration needed): configuration needed):
• Challenges • Attrition Mentioned
• Next Steps • Escalation
• Pricing • Longest Agent Monologue
• Trending • Longest Customer Story
• Payments

What are examples of custom Discounts Customer Issues

insights I can create? Promotions

Which calls are analyzed for Sales call recordings are Service call recordings are
insights? scanned for mentions of scanned for mentions of
standard and custom sales standard and custom service
insights. insights.
A call is a sales call if the call A call is a service call if the call
owner has the Conversation owner has the Conversation
Insights for Sales or HVS Insights for Service permission
Conversation Insights set.
permission set. If they also have

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Topic Sales Service

the Conversation Insights for Service An insight is a service insight if Service is
permission set, it’s still considered a sales selected in the Category field.
call. All video calls are considered sales calls.
An insight is a sales insight if Sales is
selected in the Category field.

Analyze Call Recordings for Insights
Einstein Conversation Insights
Recording Providers

Monitor Your Service Cloud Voice Contact Center

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) in the Voice Analytics Dashboard to see how your support
agents are doing. Create a custom report to track your Amazon Connect usage, minutes, and billing,
so your company avoids surprise charges. Available in: Lightning
Available in: Performance,
Track Contact Center KPIs with the Tableau CRM App Enterprise, and Unlimited
Let support supervisors view key performance indicators (KPIs) and see graphs and data about Editions
your company’s Service Cloud Voice contact centers. Supervisors can track call volume, average Available in: Sales Cloud,
handle time, average speed to answer, and more. Customize how contact center data is displayed Service Cloud, and
so supervisors see relevant and actionable information. Government Cloud as an
Report On Your Amazon Connect Usage add-on license. Government
View your Salesforce org’s Amazon Connect usage, minutes, and costs, and Amazon Lex usage. Cloud is supported only on
Create a custom report type and then generate a report on your Salesforce org’s usage. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Track Contact Center KPIs with the Tableau CRM App

Let support supervisors view key performance indicators (KPIs) and see graphs and data about your
company’s Service Cloud Voice contact centers. Supervisors can track call volume, average handle
time, average speed to answer, and more. Customize how contact center data is displayed so Available in: Lightning
supervisors see relevant and actionable information. Experience
For help assigning permission sets, see Set Up Permissions for the Service Analytics.
Available in: Performance,
1. Navigate to Analytics Studio. Enterprise, and Unlimited
2. Click Create, and then select App. Editions

3. Click Create App from Template. Available in: Sales Cloud,

Service Cloud, and
4. Select Service Cloud Voice Reporting Dashboard. Government Cloud as an
5. Click Continue. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
6. Click Create a brand new app.
Service Cloud Voice with
7. Answer the questions to determine how the data appears in your dashboard. Amazon Connect and
8. Click Looks good, next. Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
9. Enter a name for your app. For example, <Your Company> Voice Analytics. Amazon Connect.
10. Click Create. It can take a few minutes for the app to be created. Check your email; Salesforce
sends a notification email when the app is ready.
After the Tableau CRM app is created, customize how it displays data. Open the app and customize
the location, call resolution, and sharing settings. To create and manage
Tableau CRM apps:
• Select a location to use to filter agents by geography. For example, to show agents from • Manage Analytics
California, select the State field on the User object. Templated Apps AND
• Show how many calls were resolved by selecting the Call Resolution field values that indicate Edit Analytics Dataflows
that a call was resolved. You can select multiple field values. Companies use different values to To set up the Contact Center
mean that a call is resolved. For example, the values Closed and Resolved both can mean that Reporting Dashboard:
the customer issue was solved. All unselected values are used to calculate the number of • Tableau CRM Plus
unresolved calls. Admin permission set
AND Service Analytics
• Determine how users see information in your contact center. Select one of the following sharing Admin permission set
To view the Contact Center
– Use the Salesforce role hierarchy to control data access. Users see data that they own and Reporting Dashboard:
that subordinate users own. This sharing setting is the most restrictive. • Tableau CRM Plus User
– Let users see data that they own, that other users at their same level own, and that permission set AND
subordinate users own. Service Analytics User
permission set
– Users see all data. This sharing setting is the least restrictive.

The following graphs are available.

Graph Description
Call Volume Shows the number of inbound calls versus outbound calls.

Average Handle Time Shows the average amount of time an agent spends on a call.

Average Speed To Answer Shows the average amount of time a customer is waiting before an agent
answers the call.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Graph Description
First Call Resolution (FCR) Shows the resolution for the first call that a customer makes to the contact

Abandonment Rate Shows the percentage of calls where the customer hangs up before the agent
answers the call.

Calls to Cases Shows the number of calls that result in opening a case.
Your contact center’s metrics depend on your company’s policies about how
calls are managed.
For example, some companies open a case for every call. Other companies open
a case only when the issue isn’t resolved during the call and is escalated.

Set Up Permissions for the Service Analytics
Create and Share an App from a Tableau CRM Template

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Report On Your Amazon Connect Usage

View your Salesforce org’s Amazon Connect usage, minutes, and costs, and Amazon Lex usage.
Create a custom report type and then generate a report on your Salesforce org’s usage.
1. Create a custom report type for your org’s Amazon Connect usage. Available in: Lightning
a. From Setup, enter Report Types in the Quick Find box, then select Report Types.
b. Click New Custom Report Type. Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
c. Select your primary object. Editions
• To report on Amazon Connect usage (number of minutes) and costs (billing), select
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Voice Usage and Cost Metrics.
Service Cloud, and
• To report on Amazon Connect metrics, select VoiceAmazonConnectMetrics. Government Cloud as an
• To report on Amazon Lex metrics, select VoiceAmazonLexMetrics. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
d. Enter the Report Type Label and the Report Type Name. The label can be Service Cloud Voice with
up to 50 characters long. If you enter a name that is longer than 50 characters, the name Amazon Connect and
gets truncated. The name is used by SOAP API. Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
e. Enter a description for your custom report type, up to 255 characters long. If you enter a
Amazon Connect.
name that is longer than 255 characters, the name gets truncated.
f. For the Category, select Other Reports.
g. For the Deployment Status, select Deployed.
To create custom report
h. Click Next.
i. Save your work. • Create and Customize
Reports AND Manage
2. Build the report in Lightning Report Builder. Custom Report Types
a. In the Reports tab, click New Report. To delete custom report
b. Find the report type that you created in the previous step.
• Create and Customize
c. The report opens in edit mode and shows a preview. Reports AND Manage
Add fields to your report as columns, group rows columns, filter the report data, and show Custom Report Type
or hide charts. Customize your report until it shows exactly the data that you need. AND Modify All Data

To create a report that shows monthly billing charges, filter the report by the Usage Month To create, edit, and delete
reports in private folders:
and Usage Year fields, for example, June 2020. This filter shows minutes and charges for
• Create and Customize
the specified month and year.
d. When you save your work, give your report a name and a description. To create, edit, and delete
e. To view report results, click Run. reports in public and private
When viewing reports, keep these considerations in mind. • Report Builder (Lightning
• Salesforce reports on usage data based on information passed from Amazon Web Services Cost
Explorer. For information about AWS Cost Explorer, see
• Usage data is available after a two-day delay. For example, if you want to see the data for January 31, 2020, it’s available in the report
on February 2, 2020.
• Salesforce collects aggregated usage and billing data for the previous month from AWS on the 5th day of the month for the Voice
Usage and Cost Metrics report. For example, the billing data for the month of June is available on July 5.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

• Report data is aggregated into the active org and can be viewed only from the active org. If you’re using a sandbox or a trial org,
create the report in the active org that the sandbox or trial org is linked to.
• Usage data from Amazon Cost Explorer is reported in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) without a timestamp. Salesforce stores this data
from AWS, but uses midnight for the timestamp. The Salesforce reports show data based on the user’s time zone. As a result, the
reporting can be a bit confusing due to the time zone differences. Here’s an example:
– An agent answers a call on June 3 at 3 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST), which is 10 pm GMT. Amazon Connect logs this call.
– The Amazon Cost Explorer logs the call as occurring on June 3, but without a timestamp.
– Salesforce receives the data from Amazon Cost Explorer and logs the call as occurring on June 3 at midnight GMT (00:00 GMT).
– A user in California runs a report. Greenwich Mean Time is seven hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time. The Salesforce report
normalizes the data into Pacific Standard Time and shows the call as occurring on June 3 at 00:00 GMT, which is 5:00 pm PST.

Create a Custom Report Type
Build a Report in Lightning Experience

Help Customers on the Phone

Talk to your customers using Service Cloud Voice. Answer incoming calls and make outbound calls
in Service Cloud. Collaborate with your colleagues in the call record’s Chatter feed by posting call
updates, asking questions, and discussing next steps. Read the call transcripts to confirm details. Available in: Lightning
After a call ends, complete closing tasks and listen to call recordings for training purposes. And to Experience
gain a complete view of your customers’ interactions with your company, link the call record with
other Salesforce records like cases, contacts, and leads. Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Answer and Make Calls
Service Cloud, and
Answer incoming calls in the Omni-Channel utility. Call customers by dialing their phone number Government Cloud as an
in the Omni-Channel utility. The Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility and the Phone add-on license. Government
component provide common call functions such as mute, hold, transfer, and more. Cloud is supported only on
Add Callers or Transfer Calls Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Add callers to a call, or transfer calls to another agent, queue, or phone number so customers
Service Cloud Voice with
are connected to the right person who can help. To have a multiparty call, add another caller
Partner Telephony from
to the call and merge the calls. To transfer a call to another agent, add a caller to the call, merge
Amazon Connect.
the calls, and then leave the call.
Pause Call Recording to Honor Customer Privacy
Some organizations automatically record calls for training and quality purposes. Your customers and your company might prefer
not to record certain information for privacy and legal compliance reasons. Honor your customer’s privacy and protect your company
when a call is recorded by pausing the recording when sensitive information is exchanged. Resume the recording when it’s appropriate.
Listen to and Collaborate on Call Recordings
Listen to and comment on call recordings for training purposes, to ensure compliance, and to collaborate on customer issues. Users
can comment directly on the recording, so they can share information, ask questions, like and reply to comment threads, and mention
colleagues and groups. After a comment is created, users can respond via the Call Audio Player or in the Chatter Feed.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Link Calls with Customer Contact Records

When a customer calls your contact center, Salesforce attempts to match the caller’s phone number with a contact record. If no
contact is found, agents can search for the contact or create a contact.
Take Notes on a Call
Record the call’s outcome and take notes about the call so it’s easy for other agents to get up to speed in case the customer calls
Work with Call Transcripts
Call transcripts are generated in real-time during the call, so agents can easily refer to it during and after the call. Agents can review
the transcript to get up to speed when accepting a transferred call.
Wrap Up After a Call (Beta)
Most customer service calls require closing work after the call ends—for example, you may need to send an email, update a case,
or finalize your notes. When a call ends, you have a set amount of time to wrap up your work before you move on to the next
customer. The After Conversation Work (ACW) component on the call record shows a countdown to help you manage your time.

Answer and Make Calls

Answer incoming calls in the Omni-Channel utility. Call customers by dialing their phone number
in the Omni-Channel utility. The Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility and the Phone component
provide common call functions such as mute, hold, transfer, and more. Available in: Lightning
The Phone component must be added to the Voice Call page layout. The Phone component is Experience
displayed on the page only when the agent is on a call. If you close a Voice Call record that contains
Available in: Performance,
the Phone component while on a call, a window asks you to confirm that you want to hang up, so
Enterprise, and Unlimited
you don’t unintentionally end the call. Editions
The Add Caller and Keypad buttons are available only on the Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Voice is supported only on the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Cookies must be Service Cloud, and
enabled to allow single sign-on (SSO). Government Cloud as an
Don’t open Service Cloud Voice in multiple browser tabs. Opening Voice in multiple tabs causes add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
the agent’s status to become out of sync.
Service Cloud Voice with
1. In the Omni-Channel utility, set your availability (that is, your presence status) so you can make Amazon Connect and
and receive calls. Service Cloud Voice with
When you set your presence status, Salesforce uses single sign-on (SSO) to connect you to your Partner Telephony from
company’s Amazon Connect instance. It can take a few seconds to complete the SSO. After Amazon Connect.
SSO is completed, you can make and receive calls on the Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility.

2. To answer a call, click the checkmark button. USER PERMISSIONS

3. To dial an outbound call, enter the number that you want to call and click Call. You can also To answer and make calls
make outbound calls by clicking a phone number hyperlink in Service Cloud. and to view Voice records:
Avoid ambiguous phone number formatting by using country codes when dialing phone • Contact Center Agent
permission set
numbers or linking phone numbers from inbound calls. If an E.164 country code isn’t provided,
Salesforce appends the country code specified in the call center settings. The lack of a country
code can prevent Salesforce from locating records, such as contact records, that are associated
with the phone number.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

4. Put the caller on hold by clicking the Pause button. When you’re ready to resume the call, click the Play button.

5. To end the call, click the X button or click End Call.

6. Silence your line by clicking Mute. When you’re ready to speak, click the button again.
7. Pause a call recording on page 420 by clicking Recording. To resume the recording, click the button again.
8. Transfer the call or add another caller on page 419 by clicking Add Caller.
9. Access a dial pad while on a call by clicking Keypad. The dial pad is useful for navigating a phone menu or an interactive voice
response (IVR) system.
10. When you end your workday, log out of Omni-Channel by updating your presence status. Then log out of Salesforce and close the
When the agent logs out of Omni-Channel, the agent status is synced with Amazon Connect so that calls aren’t pushed to the agent.
If you close the browser tab before logging out of Omni-Channel, the agent’s status isn’t synced between Omni-Channel and Amazon
Connect. Omni-Channel thinks the agent is offline, but Amazon Connect thinks the agent is still available and keeps pushing calls
to the agent.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Add Callers or Transfer Calls

Add callers to a call, or transfer calls to another agent, queue, or phone number so customers are
connected to the right person who can help. To have a multiparty call, add another caller to the
call and merge the calls. To transfer a call to another agent, add a caller to the call, merge the calls, Available in: Lightning
and then leave the call. Experience
You can add callers to a call and transfer calls only in the Phone tab in the Omni-Channel utility.
Available in: Performance,
If your administrator set up Quick Connect numbers in Amazon Connect, then agents can use Speed Enterprise, and Unlimited
Dial to call them. Editions
1. While on a call, click Add Caller. Available in: Sales Cloud,
2. To use the keypad to dial an external number, click Keypad and enter the number. To use Service Cloud, and
speed dial or to call Amazon Connect’s Quick Connect numbers, click Speed Dial and select Government Cloud as an
the caller. add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
After the second caller is connected, the Swap and Merge buttons are displayed on the Phone Service Cloud Voice with
tab in the Omni-Channel utility. Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To answer and make calls

and to view Voice records:
• Contact Center Agent
permission set

3. To combine both calls into a single call, click Merge.

4. To switch from one call to another, click Swap. When you swap a call, one call is active and the other call is on hold.
5. To exit a call, click Leave Call. You’re disconnected, but the call continues with the remaining participants.

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Pause Call Recording to Honor Customer Privacy

Some organizations automatically record calls for training and quality purposes. Your customers
and your company might prefer not to record certain information for privacy and legal compliance
reasons. Honor your customer’s privacy and protect your company when a call is recorded by Available in: Lightning
pausing the recording when sensitive information is exchanged. Resume the recording when it’s Experience
Available in: Performance,
Call recording is turned on by default in Amazon Connect. If your company is using the sample
Enterprise, and Unlimited
contact flows that Salesforce provides, then call recording begins when the call is connected to an Editions
agent. An administrator can configure when calls are recorded in the contact flows in Amazon
Connect. Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
Note: Pausing a call recording affects only the audio portion of the call. The call transcription Government Cloud as an
isn’t affected. add-on license. Government
1. To pause the recording, click Recording in the Omni-Channel utility or the Recording radio Cloud is supported only on
button in the Phone component. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To answer and make calls

and to view Voice records:
• Contact Center Agent
permission set
To pause and resume call
• Control Call Recordings

2. To resume recording, click the button again.

Listen to and Collaborate on Call Recordings
Knowledge Article: Service Cloud Voice Contact Center Updates

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Listen to and Collaborate on Call Recordings

Listen to and comment on call recordings for training purposes, to ensure compliance, and to
collaborate on customer issues. Users can comment directly on the recording, so they can share
information, ask questions, like and reply to comment threads, and mention colleagues and groups. Available in: Lightning
After a comment is created, users can respond via the Call Audio Player or in the Chatter Feed. Experience
The Call Recording Player component must be on the page template so agents can listen to call
Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
By default, the Voice Call tab that shows the Voice Call list view is hidden. Add the Voice Call tab to Editions
your console so agents can view Voice Call records.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To answer and make calls

Note: Only the owner of a Voice Call Recording record can listen to the recording. To let and to view Voice records:
supervisors listen to call recordings, set up a role hierarchy where the support supervisor is • Contact Center Agent
above the owner of the Voice Call Recording record. permission set

1. Go to the Voice Call list view on the Voice Call tab. To play and comment on
call recordings:
Alternatively, open the App Launcher, enter Voice, and select Voice Calls. • View Call Recordings

2. Click the Voice Call record for the call that you want to listen to.
3. To listen to the recording, click the Play icon on the Call Audio Player [1].

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

• To fast forward or rewind by 15 seconds, click the circular arrows.

• To change the playback speed, click the 1x [2].
• To skip to a different part of the call recording, click the audio indicator [3].

4. To comment, click the white space above the progression bar on the call recording and enter your comment.
• To view a comment, click the diamond above the progression bar.
• To follow a comment thread, click Like.
• To respond, click Reply.
• To mention a colleague or group, enter “@” and the name.
You also can view, reply to, edit, and delete comments on a call recording in the Chatter Feed.
Comments are created in plain text. You can’t insert or attach images, file attachments, and rich text in the comments. You can insert
emojis if you reply in the Chatter Feed, but not if you reply in the Call Audio Player.

Analyze Call Recordings for Insights

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Link Calls with Customer Contact Records

When a customer calls your contact center, Salesforce attempts to match the caller’s phone number
with a contact record. If no contact is found, agents can search for the contact or create a contact.
1. In the Omni-Channel widget, accept an incoming call. Available in: Lightning
2. Click Review and Link. The Link Record page opens.
3. Select the person to link to the call record. Available in: Performance,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
4. To search for a contact, enter the person’s name and then select the contact. Editions
5. To create a contact, click New Contact. A contact record is created.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To answer and make calls

and view Voice records:
• Contact Center Agent
permission set

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Take Notes on a Call

Record the call’s outcome and take notes about the call so it’s easy for other agents to get up to
speed in case the customer calls back.
1. On a Voice Call record, go to the Call Notes section. Available in: Lightning
2. In the Call Resolution field, select the answer that best describes the call’s outcome. The
available choices depend on what your Salesforce admin has configured. Available in: Performance,
3. In the Description field, jot down information about the call. Enterprise, and Unlimited
4. Click Save.
Available in: Sales Cloud,
Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To answer and make calls

and view Voice records:
• Contact Center Agent
permission set

Service Cloud Service Cloud Voice

Work with Call Transcripts

Call transcripts are generated in real-time during the call, so agents can easily refer to it during and
after the call. Agents can review the transcript to get up to speed when accepting a transferred call.
The call transcript is attached to the call record, so agents can review it later. Available in: Lightning
Call transcripts are available only if your admin configured them in Amazon Connect and added
the Conversation component to your page layout. Available in: Performance,
Only the first 15 minutes of a call are transcribed due to a Lambda function limitation. Enterprise, and Unlimited

Available in: Sales Cloud,

Service Cloud, and
Government Cloud as an
add-on license. Government
Cloud is supported only on
Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
Partner Telephony from
Amazon Connect.


To answer and make calls

and view Voice records:
• Contact Center Agent
permission set

Wrap Up After a Call (Beta)

Most customer service calls require closing work after the call ends—for example, you may need
to send an email, update a case, or finalize your notes. When a call ends, you have a set amount of
time to wrap up your work before you move on to the next customer. The After Conversation Work Available in: Lightning
(ACW) component on the call record shows a countdown to help you manage your time. Experience

Available in: Performance,

Enterprise, and Unlimited

Available in: Sales Cloud,

Service Cloud, and
How It Works Government Cloud as an
You have a set number of seconds to complete wrap-up tasks before you’re available for a new add-on license. Government
conversation. When time is up, your call work is considered complete whether or not you close the Cloud is supported only on
call record. Service Cloud Voice with
Amazon Connect and
Service Cloud Voice with
If You’re Done Early Partner Telephony from
If you finish your wrap-up work before a call’s ACW period runs out, click All Done or close the call Amazon Connect.
record tab in the console to show that you’re ready to help the next customer. Making an outbound

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

call or changing your status during the ACW period also ends the countdown and closes the agent work. If you log out of Salesforce
during an ACW period without marking it done, the call’s ACW period continues for a little over a minute.

If a Call is Transferred
When a call is transferred from one agent to another, each agent’s ACW period begins the moment they exit the call. This is true for both
warm and cold transfers.

Tip: Don’t see the ACW component on a Voice Call record? Your admin likely hasn’t set up the feature, so there’s no wrap-up
work time limit. Keep the call record open in the console until you complete your work for the call, then close the record so you’re
available for another customer.

Note: After Conversation Work (ACW) is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use
of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

Phone from a Call Center

Let customers call you on the phone. Use Open CTI to connect your existing phone system to Salesforce, then use the Call Center to set
it all up.

Salesforce Open CTI
Open CTI is a JavaScript API that lets you build and integrate third-party computer-telephony integration (CTI) systems with Salesforce
Call Center. To display CTI functionality in Salesforce, Open CTI uses browsers as clients. With Open CTI, you can make calls from a
softphone directly in Salesforce without installing CTI adapters on your machines.
Salesforce Call Center
Call Center integrates Salesforce with third-party computer-telephony integration (CTI) systems. Call center users can see Salesforce
information for incoming calls, make out-going calls directly from Salesforce, and report on call outcome, duration, and more. A call
center is great for boosting productivity for Salesforce users that spend time on the phone.
Set Up Your Third-Party Phone in Salesforce with a Guided Setup Flow
Painlessly connect your third-party phone implementation to Salesforce with a quick guided setup flow. Tell us who your provider
is, and we’ll install the correct AppExchange package to make it happen. Then, connect to your provider and select your phone users
in Salesforce. Supported for Amazon Connect, b+s Connects for Cisco, Five9, and NewVoiceMedia.
Set Up a Call Center
Before Salesforce users can access and use a call center, an administrator must complete various tasks.
Creating a Call Center
There are two ways to create a call center record in Salesforce—importing or cloning.
Managing Call Centers
After you set up a call center, you can update the call center settings as your business needs change.
Managing Call Center Users
To let users make calls, add them to your call center.
Call Customers on the Phone
Phone calls are one of the easiest ways to reach your customers.

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Salesforce Open CTI

Open CTI is a JavaScript API that lets you build and integrate third-party computer-telephony
integration (CTI) systems with Salesforce Call Center. To display CTI functionality in Salesforce, Open
CTI uses browsers as clients. With Open CTI, you can make calls from a softphone directly in Salesforce Available in: Salesforce
without installing CTI adapters on your machines. Classic (not available in all
Here’s how Open CTI connects to your telephony system. orgs) and Lightning

Available in: Essentials,

Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Note: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience. You can’t swap the two Open CTI APIs in custom JavaScript code because they behave and
function differently. Make sure that you think about where you want to implement your CTI system before you begin developing.
Before the introduction of Open CTI, Salesforce users could only use the features of a CTI system after they installed a CTI adapter program
on their machines. These types of programs often included desktop software that required maintenance and didn’t offer the benefits
of cloud architecture.

Important: CTI Toolkit, also known as the Desktop CTI, is retired. The CTI Toolkit is no longer supported, and adapters built on
the CTI Toolkit don’t work. To continue using CTI functionality, migrate to Salesforce Open CTI.
Typically, CTI vendors or partners create Open CTI implementations. After you have an Open CTI implementation, it’s integrated with
Salesforce using the Salesforce Call Center. Keep in mind that the out-of-the-box Service app is a Salesforce Classic app and only supports
Open CTI for Salesforce Classic. To make calls in Lightning Experience, use Open CTI for Lightning Experience in a Lightning Experience
app, like our out-of-the-box Service Console app.
CTI vendors and partners use Open CTI in JavaScript to embed API calls and processes. With Open CTI vendors and partners can:
• Build CTI systems that integrate with Salesforce without the use of CTI adapters.
• Create customizable softphones (call-control tools) that function as fully integrated parts of Salesforce and the Salesforce console.
• Provide users with CTI systems that are browser and platform agnostic, for example, CTI for Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, Mozilla®
Firefox®, Apple® Safari®, or Google Chrome™ on Mac, Linux, or Windows machines.

Open CTI Developer Guide
Salesforce Call Center
Supported Browsers

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Salesforce Call Center

Call Center integrates Salesforce with third-party computer-telephony integration (CTI) systems.
Call center users can see Salesforce information for incoming calls, make out-going calls directly
from Salesforce, and report on call outcome, duration, and more. A call center is great for boosting Available in: Salesforce
productivity for Salesforce users that spend time on the phone. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Note: Keep in mind that the out-of-the-box Service app is a Salesforce Classic app and only
supports Open CTI for Salesforce Classic. To make calls in Lightning Experience, use Open CTI
for Lightning Experience in a Lightning Experience app, like our out-of-the-box Service Console Available in: Essentials,
app. Professional, Enterprise,
To set up a call center, work with a developer or partner to create a CTI implementation that uses Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
the Open CTI API and works with your existing telephony system. Most call centers are created by
installing an AppExchange package, then all you have to do is decide which users you want to
access the call center.
After a call center is set up, call center users can make and receive calls with a softphone. Each softphone looks and behaves differently
because each CTI implementation is unique. In the console and in Lightning Experience, softphones appear in a footer. In Salesforce
Classic, softphones appear in the left sidebar of every Salesforce page.
The call center is all about customization. You can modify softphone layouts and assign specific layouts to selected user profiles. You
can also add phone numbers to call center directories so your users all have access to key phone numbers. As your needs change, your
call center can be customized and changed too. As an admin, some customization you can do yourself. However, you might want to
work with your developers or partners to make functionality changes.

Open CTI Developer Guide
Supported Browsers
Set Up a Call Center
Creating a Call Center
Managing Call Center Users

Set Up Your Third-Party Phone in Salesforce with a Guided Setup Flow

Painlessly connect your third-party phone implementation to Salesforce with a quick guided setup
flow. Tell us who your provider is, and we’ll install the correct AppExchange package to make it
happen. Then, connect to your provider and select your phone users in Salesforce. Supported for Service Setup is available in
Amazon Connect, b+s Connects for Cisco, Five9, and NewVoiceMedia. Lightning Experience
The phone support setup flow is the fastest and easiest way to connect your third-party phone to
Available in: All editions with
Salesforce. When you complete the flow, the users you selected in the flow can make and take calls
the Service Cloud
in the Service Console app alongside their other work.

Where to Access the Setup Flow
This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by To manage call centers, call
center users, call center
clicking and selecting Service Setup. directories, and SoftPhone
• Manage Call Centers

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Selecting your third-party phone provider
• Installing the necessary AppExchange package
• Connecting your third-party phone to Salesforce
• Selecting the users who can use the phone in Salesforce
We also turn on several things in the background during the setup flow.
Install and Deploy a Managed Package
We install a managed package from the AppExchange that integrates your third-party product with Salesforce.
Create a Call Center Definition File
The definition file is an XML file that specifies some settings that help define a call center in Salesforce for a particular third-party CTI
system. We create one and set some of the values based on what you enter during the flow, then import it into Salesforce for you.
Add the Phone Utility to Your Console
We add the phone utility to the default Lightning Service Console app. You can add it to other console apps using the App Manager.
Add Selected Users to Your Call Center
To make sure that your team has access to the phone, we associate the users you select during the flow to your call center. As long
as your users have access to a console or standard navigation app with the CTI Softphone object added, they can use the phone.

Note: Users can’t be added to more than one softphone or phone product. Selecting a user in this setup flow overrides their
existing phone assignment (if they have one).

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Set Up a Call Center

Before Salesforce users can access and use a call center, an administrator must complete various

Note: Keep in mind that the out-of-the-box Service app is a Salesforce Classic app and only Available in: Salesforce
supports Open CTI for Salesforce Classic. To make calls in Lightning Experience, use Open CTI Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
for Lightning Experience in a Lightning Experience app, like our out-of-the-box Service Console
1. Work with a developer or partner to create a computer-telephony integration (CTI) Available in: Essentials,
implementation that uses the Open CTI API and works with your existing telephony system. Professional, Enterprise,
Most call centers are created by installing a package from the AppExchange. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
If you’re developing your own implementation, define a new call center record for every CTI
system in use at your business.
2. Assign Salesforce users to the appropriate call center. A call center user must be associated with
a call center to view the softphone. To manage call centers, call
center users, call center
3. Optionally, you can make further customizations. directories, and SoftPhone
• Configure call center phone directories with more directory numbers and updated phone layouts:
number search layouts. • Manage Call Centers

• Customize softphone layouts for different user profiles, so that the softphone of a sales
person might show related leads, accounts, and opportunities, while the softphone of a support agent might show related cases
and solutions.

Next, let’s work on call center definition files.

Call Center Definition Files
Creating a Call Center Definition File
Importing a Call Center Definition File

Open CTI Developer Guide

Call Center Definition Files

A call center definition file specifies a set of fields and values that are used to define a call center in
Salesforce for a particular CTI system. Salesforce uses call center definition files to support the
integration with multiple CTI system vendors. Available in: Salesforce
By default, any CTI adapter installation package includes a default call center definition file that Classic (not available in all
works specifically with that adapter. This XML file is located in the adapter installation directory and orgs) and Lightning
is named after the CTI system that it supports. For example, the Cisco IPCC Enterprise™ adapter's Experience
default call center definition file is named CiscoIPCCEnterprise7x.xml. Available in: Essentials,
The first instance of a call center for a particular CTI adapter must be defined by importing the call Professional, Enterprise,
center definition into Salesforce. Subsequent call centers can be created by cloning the original call Performance, Unlimited,
center that was created with the import. and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

If your organization modifies an adapter or builds a new one, you must customize the adapter's call center definition file so that it includes
any additional call center information that is required. For example, if you are building a CTI adapter for a system that supports a backup
server, your call center definition file should include fields for the backup server's IP address and port number. CTI adapters for systems
that do not make use of a backup server do not need those fields in their associated call center definition files.

Note: Once a call center definition file has been imported into Salesforce, the set of fields that were specified in the file cannot
be modified. The values assigned to those fields, however, can be changed within Salesforce.
See the following topics for information about creating and importing a call center definition file:
• To create a call center definition file for a custom CTI adapter, see Creating a Call Center Definition File on page 431.
• To view a sample call center definition file, see Sample Call Center Definition File on page 435.
• To import a call center definition file into Salesforce, see Importing a Call Center Definition File on page 437.

Creating a Call Center
Cloning a Call Center
Call Center Definition XML Format
Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
Specifying Values for <item> Elements

Creating a Call Center Definition File

If you have built a custom CTI adapter, you must write a call center definition file to support it. Use
a text or XML editor to define an XML file according to the guidelines outlined in the following
topics: Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
IN THIS SECTION: orgs) and Lightning
Call Center Definition XML Format
Available in: Essentials,
Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
Professional, Enterprise,
Specifying Values for <item> Elements Performance, Unlimited,
Sample Call Center Definition File and Developer Editions

Call Center Definition Files
Importing a Call Center Definition File
Cloning a Call Center

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Call Center Definition XML Format

A call center definition file consists of three XML elements: callCenter, section, and item.
The following list provides details about the properties and attributes of each element:
callCenter Available in: Salesforce
This element represents a definition for a single call center phone system. At least one Classic (not available in all
<callCenter> element must be included in every call center definition file. A orgs) and Lightning
<callCenter> element consists of one or more <section> elements. Experience

section Available in: Essentials,

This element represents a grouping of related data fields, such as server information or dialing Professional, Enterprise,
prefixes. When a call center is edited in Salesforce, fields are organized by the section to which Performance, Unlimited,
they are assigned. A <section> element belongs to a single <callCenter> element, and Developer Editions
and consists of one or more <item> elements.

Name Type Required? Description

sortOrder Positive Integer Required The order in which the section should appear when the call center
is edited in Salesforce. For example, a section with
sortOrder="1" comes just before a section with
The values for sortOrder must be non-negative integers, and
no numbers can be skipped within a single call center definition.
For example, if there are three section elements in a call center
definition file, one <section> element must have
sortOrder="0", one <section> element must have
sortOrder="1", and one <section> element must have

name String Required The internal name of the section as defined in the Salesforce
database. You can use this value to refer to the section when writing
custom adapter or SoftPhone code.
Names must be composed of only alphanumeric characters with
no white space or other punctuation. They are limited to 40
characters each.
Names beginning with req are reserved for required Salesforce
sections only (see Required Call Center Elements and Attributes on
page 434). Other reserved words that cannot be used for the name
attribute include label, sortOrder,
internalNameLabel, and displayNameLabel.

label String Optional The name of the section when viewed in Salesforce. Labels can be
composed of any string of UTF-8 characters. They are limited to
1000 characters each.

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

This element represents a single field in a call center definition, such as the IP address of a primary server or the dialing prefix for
international calls. When call centers are edited in Salesforce, each <item> element is listed under the section to which it belongs.
You can have multiple <item> elements in a <section> element.

Name Type Required? Description

sortOrder Positive Integer Required The order in which the item should appear when the call center is
edited in Salesforce. For example, an item with sortOrder="1"
comes just before an item with sortOrder="2".
The values for sortOrder must be non-negative integers, and
no numbers can be skipped within a single call center definition.
For example, if there are three item elements in a call center
definition file, one <item> element must have
sortOrder="0", one <item> element must have
sortOrder="1", and one <item> element must have

name String Required The internal name of the item as defined in the Salesforce database.
You can use this value to refer to the item when writing custom
adapter or SoftPhone code.
Names must be composed of only alphanumeric characters with
no white space or other punctuation. They are limited to 40
characters each.
Names beginning with req are reserved for required Salesforce
sections only (see Required Call Center Elements and Attributes on
page 434). Other reserved words that cannot be used for the name
attribute include label, sortOrder,
internalNameLabel, and displayNameLabel.

label String Optional The name of the item when viewed in Salesforce. Labels can be
composed of any string of UTF-8 characters. They are limited to
1,000 characters each.

Creating a Call Center
Call Center Definition XML Format
Creating a Call Center Definition File
Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
Specifying Values for <item> Elements
Sample Call Center Definition File

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Required Call Center Elements and Attributes

There must be one <section> that includes <item> elements with the following names in
every call center definition file:
Available in: Salesforce
<item> Name Description Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
reqInternalName Represents the unique identifier for the call center in the
database. It must have a sortOrder value of 0, and its value
must be specified in the call center definition (see Specifying Available in: Essentials,
Values for <item> Elements on page 434). A value for Professional, Enterprise,
reqInternalName must be composed of no more than Performance, Unlimited,
40 alphanumeric characters with no white space or other and Developer Editions
punctuation. It must start with an alphabetic character and must
be unique from the reqInternalName of all other call
centers defined in your organization.

reqDisplayName Represents the name of the call center as displayed in Salesforce.

It must have a sortOrder value of 1. A value for
reqDisplayName has a maximum length of 1,000 UTF-8

reqDescription Represents a description of the call center. A value for

reqDescription has a maximum length of 1,000 UTF-8

You can add additional <item> elements to this section if needed.

Creating a Call Center
Creating a Call Center Definition File
Call Center Definition XML Format
Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
Specifying Values for <item> Elements
Sample Call Center Definition File

Specifying Values for <item> Elements

With the exception of the reqInternalName <item>, whose value must always be specified
in a call center definition file, you can specify <item> values either in the call center definition
file or in Salesforce once the definition file has been imported. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning

Available in: Essentials,

Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

To specify a value for an <item> element in a call center definition file, place the value between the opening and closing tags of the
<item>. For example:

<item sortOrder="0" name="reqInternalName" label="Call Center Internal


sets the value of the reqInternalName <item> to MyCallCenter. Note that any <item> value other than the value for
reqInternalName can be edited in Salesforce after the call center definition is imported.

Creating a Call Center
Call Center Definition XML Format
Creating a Call Center Definition File
Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
Sample Call Center Definition File

Sample Call Center Definition File

The following XML code makes up a sample call center definition file. For more information on the
XML format of a call center definition file, see Creating a Call Center Definition File on page 431.
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning

Available in: Essentials,

Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

All sections and items whose name value begins with "req" are
required in a valid call center definition file. The sortOrder
and label attributes can be changed for all required sections
and items except reqGeneralInfo, reqInternalName, and
reqDisplayName, in which only the label attribute can be altered.

Note that the value for the reqInternalName item is limited to

40 alphanumeric characters and must start with an alphabetic
character. reqInternalName must be unique for all call centers
that you define.


<section sortOrder="0" name="reqGeneralInfo" label="General Info">

<item sortOrder="0" name="reqInternalName"
label="Internal Name">callCenter001</item>
<item sortOrder="1" name="reqDisplayName"
label="Display Name">My Call Center</item>

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

<item sortOrder="2" name="reqDescription"

label="Description">Located in San Francisco, CA</item>
<item sortOrder="3" name="reqProgId"
label="CTI Connector ProgId">MyAdapter.MyAdapter.1</item>
<item sortOrder="4" name="reqVersion"
<item sortOrder="5" name="reqAdapterUrl"
label="CTI Adapter URL">http://localhost:11000</item>

<section sortOrder="1" name="ServerInfo" label="CTI Server Info">

<item sortOrder="0" name="HostA"
label="Host A">Host A</item>
<item sortOrder="1" name="PortA"
label="Port A">Port A</item>
<item sortOrder="2" name="HostB"
label="Host B">Host B</item>
<item sortOrder="3" name="PortB"
label="Port B">Port B</item>
<item sortOrder="4" name="PeripheralID"
label="Peripheral ID">1000</item>

<section sortOrder="2" name="DialingOptions" label="Dialing Options">

<item sortOrder="0" name="OutsidePrefix"
label="Outside Prefix">1</item>
<item sortOrder="1" name="LongDistPrefix"
label="Long Distance Prefix">9</item>
<item sortOrder="2" name="InternationalPrefix"
label="International Prefix">01</item>


Creating a Call Center
Creating a Call Center Definition File
Call Center Definition XML Format
Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
Specifying Values for <item> Elements

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Importing a Call Center Definition File

To create your first call center for a CTI adapter that was just installed, you can import the adapter's
default call center definition file into Salesforce:
1. From Setup, enter Call Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Call Centers. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Click Import.
orgs) and Lightning
3. Next to the Call Center Definition File field, click Browse to navigate to the Experience
default call center definition file in your CTI adapter installation directory. This XML file is named
Available in: Essentials,
after the type of CTI system that the adapter supports. For example, the Cisco™ IPCC Enterprise
Professional, Enterprise,
adapter's default call center definition file is named CiscoIPCCEnterprise7x.xml.
Performance, Unlimited,
Click Open to enter the path in the Call Center Definition File field.
and Developer Editions
4. Click Import to import the file and return to the All Call Centers page. The new call center record
is listed with the other call centers in your organization.
Note: If you receive the error A call center with this internal name
already exists, a call center definition file for this CTI adapter has already been To import call center
definition files:
imported into Salesforce. To create additional call center records for this CTI adapter,
• Customize Application
clone the adapter's existing call center, or modify the call center definition file to include
a different value for reqInternalName. AND
Manage Call Centers
5. Click Edit next to the name of the new call center to modify the call center's settings.
To create additional call centers for a particular CTI adapter, see Cloning a Call Center on page 438.
To define a new call center definition file for a CTI adapter that was customized specifically for your organization, see Creating a Call
Center Definition File on page 431.

Creating a Call Center
Managing Call Centers

Creating a Call Center

There are two ways to create a call center record in Salesforce—importing or cloning.
A call center in Salesforce CRM Call Center corresponds to a single computer-telephony integration
(CTI) system already in place at your organization. Salesforce users must be assigned to a call center Available in: Salesforce
record before they can use any Salesforce CRM Call Center features. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
To create a call center record in Salesforce:
• Import a call center definition file into Salesforce. Use this method to create your first call center
for a CTI adapter that was just installed. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
• Clone an existing call center definition. Use this method to create additional call centers for a Performance, Unlimited,
particular CTI adapter. For example, if you already have a call center record for a Cisco IPCC and Developer Editions
Enterprise™ call center based in one location, you can clone that record for a Cisco IPCC Enterprise
call center based in another location.
To view a list of call centers that have already been created, from Setup, enter Call Centers
in the Quick Find box, then select Call Centers. To create a call center by
importing or cloning:
• Manage Call Centers

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Cloning a Call Center
Displaying and Editing a Call Center
Customizing a Call Center Directory
Adding a Number to a Call Center Directory
Customizing Softphone Layouts

Open CTI Developer Guide

Cloning a Call Center

To create more than one call center for a particular CTI adapter, you can clone an existing one. For
example, if you already have a call center record for a Cisco IPCC Enterprise™ call center based in
one location, you can clone that record for a Cisco IPCC Enterprise call center based in another Available in: Salesforce
location. Classic (not available in all
To clone a call center: orgs) and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Call Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Call Centers.
2. Click the name of the call center that you want to clone. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
3. Click Clone. This action opens a new call center for editing with the same fields and values as Performance, Unlimited,
the original call center. Only the Internal Name field is left intentionally blank to allow and Developer Editions
you to provide a new name. The Internal Name field is limited to 40 alphanumeric
characters and must start with an alphabetic character. Internal Name must be unique
for every call center defined in your organization. For more information, see Call Center Fields
on page 445. To view and clone a call
4. Make any additional changes to the new call center as necessary. center:
• Manage Call Centers
5. Click Save to save the new call center, or click Cancel to return to the All Call Centers page
without saving the cloned call center.

Note: If you have read-only access to a field, the value of that field isn’t carried over to the cloned record.

Set Up a Call Center
Creating a Call Center
Managing Call Centers
Displaying and Editing a Call Center
Importing a Call Center Definition File

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Displaying and Editing a Call Center

A call center in Salesforce CRM Call Center corresponds to a single computer-telephony integration
(CTI) system already in place at your organization. Salesforce users must be assigned to a call center
record before they can use any Salesforce CRM Call Center features. Available in: Salesforce
To view call center details: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Call Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Call Centers.
2. Click the name of the call center that you want to view.
Available in: Essentials,
From the Call Center Detail page you can: Professional, Enterprise,
• Click Edit to modify the properties of the call center. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Click Delete to erase the call center record from Salesforce. When you delete a call center, all
associated directory numbers are also deleted. Any users associated with the call center must
be reassigned to another call center to continue using Salesforce CRM Call Center features . USER PERMISSIONS
• Click Clone to create a duplicate copy of the call center with the same fields and values as the
To view or edit a call center:
current call center.
• Manage Call Centers
• Click Manage Call Center Users to designate Salesforce users as members of this call center.

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone
because of customizations that have been made for your organization. See your administrator
for details.

Open CTI Developer Guide
Creating a Call Center
Managing Call Centers
Call Center Definition Files

Customizing a Call Center Directory

Every call center in Salesforce CRM Call Center includes a call center directory that allows users to
search for phone numbers throughout your organization. You can customize call center directories
by: Available in: Salesforce
• Adding additional directory numbers, either to a single call center or to all defined call centers Classic (not available in all
in your organization orgs) and Lightning
• Updating phone number search layouts
Available in: Essentials,
SEE ALSO: Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Open CTI Developer Guide and Developer Editions
Set Up a Call Center
Managing Call Centers USER PERMISSIONS
Managing Call Center Users
To manage call center
• Manage Call Centers

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Adding a Number to a Call Center Directory

To customize call center directories by adding additional directory numbers, either to a single call
center or to all defined call centers in your organization:
1. From Setup, enter Directory Numbers in the Quick Find box, then select Directory Available in: Salesforce
Numbers. From this page, you can: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• Click Edit to edit an existing additional directory number.
• Click Del to delete an existing additional directory number.
Available in: Essentials,
• Click the name of an existing additional directory number to view its details in the Additional
Professional, Enterprise,
Directory Number Detail page. From this page you can click Edit to edit the number, click
Performance, Unlimited,
Delete to delete it, or click Clone to quickly create a new additional directory number with and Developer Editions
the same information as the existing number.

2. Click New to define a new additional directory number. USER PERMISSIONS

3. In the Name field, enter a label that identifies the additional directory number.
To view, add, edit, or delete
4. In the Phone field, enter the phone number, including any international country codes. Dialing an additional directory
prefixes, such as 9 or 1, do not need to be included. number:
• Manage Call Centers
5. In the Call Center field, select the call center directory to which you want to add the new
directory number. To add the number to every call center directory in your organization, choose
-- Global --.
6. In the Description field, optionally enter text that provides further information about the additional directory number.
7. Click Save to save the number and return to the All Additional Directory Numbers page. Alternatively, click Save & New to save the
number and create another.

Tip: If you have a large number of directory numbers to define, use the Data Loader to create them in one step.

Open CTI Developer Guide
Set Up a Call Center
Customizing a Call Center Directory

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Customizing Softphone Layouts

A softphone is a customizable call-control tool that appears to users assigned to a call center. Similar
to page layouts, you can design custom softphone layouts and assign them to Call Center users
based on their user profile. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
IN THIS SECTION: orgs) and Lightning
Designing a Custom Softphone Layout
Available in: Essentials,
Assigning a Softphone Layout to a User Profile
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
SEE ALSO: and Developer Editions
Open CTI Developer Guide
Managing Call Centers
To view, create, edit, or
delete a softphone layout:
• Manage Call Centers

Designing a Custom Softphone Layout

In a softphone layout, you can control the call-related fields that are displayed and the Salesforce
objects that are searched for an incoming call. To design a custom softphone layout:
1. From Setup, enter Softphone Layouts in the Quick Find box, then select Softphone Available in: Salesforce
Layouts. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
2. Click New to create a softphone layout definition, or click Edit next to the name of an existing
layout definition to view or modify it.
3. In the Name field, enter a label that uniquely identifies your softphone layout definition. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
4. In the Select Call Type picklist, choose the type of call for which the currently displayed Performance, Unlimited,
softphone layout should be used. Every softphone layout definition allows you to specify different and Developer Editions
layouts for inbound, outbound, and internal calls. These three layouts are grouped in a single
softphone layout definition.
5. In the Display these call-related fields section, click Edit to add, remove,
or change the order of fields in the currently-displayed softphone layout: To view, create, edit, or
delete a softphone layout:
• To add a field to the softphone layout, select it in the Available list and click Add.
• Manage Call Centers
• To remove a field from the softphone layout, select it in the Selections list and click Remove.
• To change the order of a field in the softphone layout, select it in the Selections list and
click Up or Down.
Any changes that you make are automatically updated in the softphone layout preview image on the right side of the page. To hide
the Available and Selections lists, click Collapse.
Phone-related fields only appear in a user's softphone if a valid value for that field is available. For example, if you add a Caller ID
field to the layout of an outbound call, Caller ID doesn’t appear.

6. In the Display these Salesforce Objects section, click Add/Remove Objects to add, remove, or change the order
of links to call-related objects.

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

7. Below the list of selected objects, click Edit next to each If single <Object> found, display row to specify the
fields that should be displayed in the softphone layout if a single record for that object is the only record found. You can add, remove,
or change the order of fields.
8. In the Screen Pop Settings section (for inbound call types), click Edit next to each type of record-matching row to specify
which screens should display when the details of an inbound call match or don't match existing records in Salesforce. The following
table describes each record-matching row and its screen pop options:

Record-Matching Row Description Screen Pop Options

Screen pops open Use to set where screen pops Existing browser window
within display. Select to display in open browser windows.
New browser window or tab
Select to display in new browser windows or tabs.
Users' browsers may handle these settings differently:
• Internet Explorer 6.0 always displays screen pops in new
• Internet Explorer 7.0 displays screen pops based on what users
select in its tabs settings.
• Firefox 3.5 displays screen pops based on what users select in
its tabs settings.

No matching records Use to set the screen pop Don't pop any screen
options for when the details Select if you don't want any screen to display.
of an inbound call don't
match any existing Salesforce Pop to new
records. Select to display a new record page you specify from the
dropdown list.
Pop to Visualforce page
Select to display a specific Visualforce page.
The CTI adapter passes data from the call to the Visualforce page
via a URL. This includes at least ANI (the caller ID) and DNIS
(the number that the caller dialed). The URL can pass more data
to the Visualforce page if necessary.
Pop to flow
Select to display a specific flow. You can use active screen flows

Single-matching Use to set the screen pop Don't pop any screen
record options for when the details Select if you don't want any screen to display.
of an inbound call match one
existing Salesforce record. Pop detail page
Select to display the matching record's detail page.
Pop to Visualforce page
Select to display a specific Visualforce page.
The CTI adapter passes data from the call to the Visualforce page
via a URL. This includes at least ANI (the caller ID) and DNIS

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Record-Matching Row Description Screen Pop Options

(the number that the caller dialed). The URL can pass more data
to the Visualforce page if necessary.
Pop to flow
Select to display a specific flow. You can use active screen flows

Multiple-matching Use to set the screen pop Don't pop any screen
records options for when the details Select if you don't want any screen to display.
of an inbound call match
more than one existing Pop to search page
Salesforce record. Select to display a search page.
Pop to Visualforce page
Select to display a specific Visualforce page.
The CTI adapter passes data from the call to the Visualforce page
via a URL. This includes at least ANI (the caller ID) and DNIS
(the number that the caller dialed). The URL can pass more data
to the Visualforce page if necessary.
Pop to flow
Select to display a specific flow. You can use active screen flows

To hide expanded record-matching rows, click Collapse.

9. Configure softphone layouts for any remaining call types in the Select Call Type picklist.
10. Click Save.

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone because of customizations that have
been made for your organization. See your administrator for details.

Open CTI Developer Guide
Set Up a Call Center
Assigning a Softphone Layout to a User Profile

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Assigning a Softphone Layout to a User Profile

Once you have defined one or more custom softphone layouts, you can assign them to user profiles:
1. From Setup, enter Softphone Layouts in the Quick Find box, then select Softphone
Layouts. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Click Layout Assignment.
orgs) and Lightning
3. For each user profile that appears in the page, select the softphone layout that the profile should Experience
use. Profiles are only listed in this page if they include users that are currently assigned to a call
center, or if they have already been assigned a custom softphone layout. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
4. Click Save. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: Call center users will see their newly assigned softphone layout the next time they
log into Salesforce.
SEE ALSO: To assign a softphone layout
Open CTI Developer Guide to a user profile:
Set Up a Call Center • Manage Call Centers

Customizing Softphone Layouts

Managing Call Centers

After you set up a call center, you can update the call center settings as your business needs change.
A call center in Salesforce CRM Call Center corresponds to a single computer-telephony integration
(CTI) system already in place at your organization. Salesforce users must be assigned to a call center Available in: Salesforce
record before they can use any Salesforce CRM Call Center features. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
To view a list of call centers that have already been created, from Setup, enter Call Centers
in the Quick Find box, then select Call Centers. From this page, you can:
Available in: Essentials,
• Click the name of a call center to view call center details.
Professional, Enterprise,
• Click Import to import a call center definition file that you have already created. Performance, Unlimited,
• Click Edit next to any call center to modify call center details. and Developer Editions
• Click Del next to any call center to erase the call center record from Salesforce. When you delete
a call center, all associated directory numbers are also deleted. Any users associated with the USER PERMISSIONS
call center must be reassigned to another call center to continue using Salesforce CRM Call
Center features . To import, view, edit, or
delete a call center:
• Manage Call Centers
Call Center Fields

Open CTI Developer Guide
Set Up a Call Center
Creating a Call Center
Call Center Definition Files
Managing Call Center Users

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Call Center Fields

All call centers include the following required fields, though additional fields may be available
depending on the content of the call center definition file that was used to create the call center:
Available in: Salesforce
Field Description Classic (not available in all
Internal Name Represents the unique identifier for the call center in the database. orgs) and Lightning
Internal Name must be composed of no more than 40 alphanumeric
characters with no white space or other punctuation. It must start with Available in: Essentials,
an alphabetic character and must be unique from the Internal Professional, Enterprise,
Name of all other call centers defined in your organization. Once a value Performance, Unlimited,
for Internal Name has been saved for a call center, it cannot be and Developer Editions

Display Name Represents the name of the call center as displayed in Salesforce. It must
have a sortOrder value of 1. Display Name has a maximum
length of 1,000 UTF-8 characters.

Description Represents a description of the call center. Description has a

maximum length of 1,000 UTF-8 characters.

Displaying and Editing a Call Center
Creating a Call Center
Managing Call Center Users

Managing Call Center Users

To let users make calls, add them to your call center.
A Salesforce user cannot use a softphone unless an administrator has assigned the user to a call
center. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Also keep in mind that every call center user has access to a set of personal softphone settings.
orgs) and Lightning
These settings specify:
• Whether the user should be automatically logged into his or her softphone when he or she
logs into Salesforce Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
• How a record should be displayed when it is the only one that matches an incoming call Performance, Unlimited,
To change the default personal softphone settings for all new call center users, use the Lightning and Developer Editions
Platform API.
To add or remove users
Adding a User to a Call Center from a call center:
• Manage Call Centers

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Removing a User from a Call Center

Open CTI Developer Guide
Set Up a Call Center
Creating a Call Center
Managing Call Centers

Adding a User to a Call Center

To add a user to a call center in Salesforce CRM Call Center:
1. From Setup, enter Call Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Call Centers.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Click the name of the call center to which you want to assign the Salesforce user.
Classic (not available in all
3. In the Call Center Users related list, click Manage Call Center Users. orgs) and Lightning
4. Click Add More Users. Experience

5. Specify search criteria to find the Salesforce users who should be assigned to the call center. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
6. Click Find to display the list of Salesforce users that meet your search criteria. All users who
Performance, Unlimited,
already belong to a call center are excluded from search results because a user can only be
and Developer Editions
assigned to one call center at a time.
7. Select the checkbox next to each user who should be assigned to the call center and click Add
to Call Center.

Alternatively, you can change a particular user's call center in the User Edit page: To add users to a call center:
• Manage Call Centers
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
2. Click Edit next to the name of the user.
3. Modify the Call Center field as appropriate. You can change the user's call center by clicking the lookup icon ( ) and
choosing a new call center, or you can remove the user from his or her current call center by deleting the call center name from the

Set Up a Call Center
Managing Call Center Users
Creating a Call Center

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Removing a User from a Call Center

To remove a user from a call center in Salesforce CRM Call Center:
1. From Setup, enter Call Centers in the Quick Find box, then select Call Centers.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Click the name of the call center from which you want to remove the Salesforce user.
Classic (not available in all
3. In the Call Center Users related list, click Manage Call Center Users. orgs) and Lightning
4. Click Remove next to the name of the user that you want to remove from the call center. Experience

To remove multiple users at once, select the Action checkbox next to each user you want Available in: Essentials,
to remove and click Remove Users. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Alternatively, you can change a particular user's call center in the User Edit page: and Developer Editions
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
2. Click Edit next to the name of the user. USER PERMISSIONS
3. Modify the Call Center field as appropriate. You can change the user's call center by To remove users from a call
clicking the lookup icon ( ) and choosing a new call center, or you can remove the user from center:
his or her current call center by deleting the call center name from the field. • Manage Call Centers

Set Up a Call Center
Managing Call Center Users
Creating a Call Center

Call Customers on the Phone

Phone calls are one of the easiest ways to reach your customers.
A Salesforce administrator sets up a call center that integrates existing telephone systems with
Salesforce. After this integration is set up, the admin adds users to the call center. Once it’s all done, Available in: Salesforce
Salesforce users can make telephone calls right from Salesforce. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Available in: Essentials,
What’s a Softphone?
Professional, Enterprise,
Answer a Call Using a Softphone Performance, Unlimited,
Making a Call Using the Softphone and Developer Editions

Get to Know Your Softphone Features

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

What’s a Softphone?
A softphone is a customizable call-control tool that appears to users assigned to a call center. A
softphone's functionality and user interface are determined by the Salesforce admin.

Important: CTI Toolkit, also known as the Desktop CTI, is retired. The CTI Toolkit is no longer Available in: Salesforce
supported, and adapters built on the CTI Toolkit don’t work. To continue using CTI functionality, Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
migrate to Salesforce Open CTI.

SEE ALSO: Available in: Essentials,

Professional, Enterprise,
Salesforce Call Center Performance, Unlimited,
Salesforce Console and Developer Editions
Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Use a Softphone in the Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic

Answer a Call Using a Softphone

When logged in to a softphone, you can receive a call when:
• The call originates from a queue and your call center state is set to Ready for Calls
• The call is dialed directly to your extension and you are not already on a call Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
You can tell that you have an incoming call if you see a flashing red button and the words “Incoming orgs) and Lightning
Call,” “Incoming Transfer,” or “Incoming Conference” next to the name of a telephone line in your Experience
Available in: Essentials,
Details about the call, if any, are displayed just above the Answer button, and typically include the Professional, Enterprise,
phone number of the caller and the number that the caller dialed to reach you. When the caller's Performance, Unlimited,
phone number can be matched with a number in an existing Salesforce record, a link to that record and Developer Editions
is also displayed. Likewise, if your call center prompts callers to enter an account number or other
data before being connected with a representative, your softphone searches for records that contain
that information and automatically displays links to matching results. USER PERMISSIONS
To answer an incoming call, you can: To answer calls with a
• Click Answer in the softphone.
• Member of a call center
• Use your physical telephone set to pick up the call.
When you answer a call, the Call Duration clock starts ticking, and your call center state is
automatically set to Busy. If you do not answer the call, the system forwards it to another user and your call center state is automatically
set to Not Ready for Calls.
If your softphone supports multiple lines and you answer Line 2 while speaking on Line 1, Line 1 is automatically put on hold.

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone because of customizations that have
been made for your organization. See your administrator for details.

Tip: Screen pops are pages that display when incoming calls match the phone number of an existing Salesforce record. The
following table describes when screen pops display (they can only display when your call center state is set to Ready for Calls):

Screen Pops On Display Don't Display

Edit pages

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Screen Pops On Display Don't Display

Detail pages

Detail pages when inline editing is in use

Edit pages and detail pages in the Salesforce Console

Outbound calls

Creating Call Logs in the Softphone
Putting a Caller on Hold Using the Softphone
Transferring a Call Using the Softphone
Making a Conference Call Using the Softphone
Wrapping Up a Call Using the Softphone

Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Changing Your Call Center State

Creating Call Logs in the Softphone

Every external call that you make or receive with a softphone automatically generates a call log
activity record. You can view these call logs in the Activity History related list of any Salesforce record
that is associated with the call or by running a report. Automatically generated call log records Available in: Salesforce
include values for: Classic (not available in all
• The call center user who received or initiated the call orgs) and Lightning
• The phone number of the contact who called or who was called by the call center user
• The date on which the call took place Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
• The duration of the call, in seconds
Performance, Unlimited,
• Whether the call was inbound or outbound and Developer Editions
• The call center system’s unique identifier for the call
You can associate up to two records, edit the subject, and add comments to a call log while the USER PERMISSIONS
call is underway. To do so:
To create a call log:
1. Associate up to two the records with the call log:
• Member of a call center
• When you view or create a contact, lead, or person account, a Name drop-down list appears
in the call log. Use this list to select a single contact, lead, or person account record to
associate with the call.
• When you view or create any other type of Salesforce record, a Related to drop-down list appears in the call log. Use this
list to select a single record of any other type to associate with the call.

Note: Custom object records can only be associated with a call log if the custom object tracks activities.

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

By default, the most recently viewed records are selected in the Name and Related to lists unless you manually choose a
different record. The records that you choose in these lists will include the call log in their Activity History related lists once the call
ends. These records are also displayed with the call if it is transferred to or conferenced with another Salesforce CRM Call Center user.

2. Edit the Subject and Comments fields with information about what happened during the call.
After the call ends, the call log is automatically saved as a completed task. You can quickly access the saved call logs for calls that were
just completed by expanding the Last N Calls section of the softphone. Up to three of your last calls are displayed in this list with your
most recent call displayed first:
• To modify a recent call log, click Edit next to the call log's Subject field.
• To view a saved call log, click the call log's Subject.
• To view a record that is associated with a call log, click the name of the record.
To view a list of all calls that you've made or received in the past day, click My Calls Today. This link opens the My Calls Today report in
the Reports tab.

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone because of customizations that have
been made for your organization. See your administrator for details.

Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Wrapping Up a Call Using the Softphone

Putting a Caller on Hold Using the Softphone

Salesforce CRM Call Center allows you to put any caller on hold so that the caller can't hear you
speaking. To put a caller on hold, click Hold in the softphone line that is currently active. The Hold
Time clock that shows how long the caller has been waiting automatically starts, and the line Available in: Salesforce
light icon ( ) begins to blink yellow. Classic (not available in all
• Callers are automatically put on hold whenever you initiate a call transfer, dial a number on a orgs) and Lightning
second line, or initiate a conference call. Experience
• If you click Hold while on a conference, your line becomes mute but other conference Available in: Essentials,
participants can still speak to one another. Professional, Enterprise,
To resume the call, click Retrieve from Hold. If you want to end the call without retrieving the Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
caller from hold, click End Call.

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone
because of customizations that have been made for your organization. See your administrator
for details. To put a caller on hold:
• Member of a call center
Get to Know Your Softphone Features

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Transferring a Call Using the Softphone

To transfer a call to another call center user or to an external phone number:
1. Attach any relevant Salesforce records to the call that you want to transfer. For example, if you
created a case for the call, save it, and make sure that it is selected in one of the Related Available in: Salesforce
To fields of the current call log. By doing this, the user to whom you are transferring the call Classic (not available in all
will have access to the case in his or her softphone. orgs) and Lightning
2. Click Transfer in the softphone line that you want to transfer. You remain on the line with your
first caller and a new dial pad becomes active. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
3. Use the dial pad, your keyboard, or the call center directory to enter the phone number of the
Performance, Unlimited,
person to whom the call should be transferred.
and Developer Editions
4. Click Initiate Transfer. Your first caller is automatically put on hold while you are on the call
with the destination number. If a number you dial is busy, a message appears and you can dial
again or cancel the call. USER PERMISSIONS

5. When you are ready to transfer your first caller to the destination number, click Complete To transfer a call:
Transfer. If you no longer want to transfer the call, click Cancel Transfer. • Member of a call center
Once you complete a transfer, your line is immediately freed and you return to the Ready for Calls

Salesforce Call Center
Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Wrapping Up a Call Using the Softphone
Creating Call Logs in the Softphone

Making a Conference Call Using the Softphone

To initiate a conference call with another call center user or an outside phone number:
1. While on a call, click Conference in the softphone line that is currently active. Your caller is
automatically put on hold and a new dial pad becomes active. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Use the dial pad, your keyboard, or the phone directory to enter the phone number of the
orgs) and Lightning
person who you want to include in the conference.
3. Click Initiate Conference. Your first caller remains on hold while you are on the call with the
destination number. If a number you dial is busy, a message appears and you can dial again or Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
cancel the call.
Performance, Unlimited,
4. Once you have connected with the second caller and are ready to start the conference, click and Developer Editions
Complete Conference. The second caller joins the first on your original telephone line and all
three of you can speak freely to one another. If you no longer want to conference the call after
dialing the second number, click Cancel Conference to hang up on the second caller and USER PERMISSIONS
return to your original caller. To initiate a conference call:
Note: • Member of a call center

• If you click Hold while on a conference, your line becomes mute but other conference
participants can still speak to one another.

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

• Some phone systems limit the number of callers who can be conferenced on a single line. See your administrator for details.

Salesforce Call Center
Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Putting a Caller on Hold Using the Softphone

Wrapping Up a Call Using the Softphone

When you are ready to end a call:
1. Update the associated call log. For example, if you created a case or viewed a contact while
you were on the call, verify that they are selected in one of the Related To fields of the Available in: Salesforce
log, and use the Comments text box to enter any notes about the call. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Call logs are not created for internal calls.
2. Click End Call in the active softphone line or use your physical phone set to hang up. This Available in: Essentials,
terminates the call and frees the line. Professional, Enterprise,
3. If wrap up codes are not enabled, your call center state is set back to Ready for Calls and the Performance, Unlimited,
log for your call is automatically saved. and Developer Editions

4. If wrap up codes are enabled, your call center state is set to Wrap Up and a set of reason codes
are displayed in the softphone. While in this state you cannot receive any incoming calls. USER PERMISSIONS
a. Select the reason code that best represents the outcome of the call. To end a call:
b. Optionally make any additional modifications to your call log. • Member of a call center
c. Click Done. Your call center state returns to Ready for Calls, and the log for your call is
automatically saved.

All saved call logs are placed in the Last N Calls section of the softphone for quick reference. You can review details of these call logs by
clicking any of the associated links:
• The Subject link (for example, “Call 6/01/2006 12:34 PM”) opens the call log details page.
• Either of the Related To links opens the detail page for the specified record.

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone because of customizations that have
been made for your organization. See your administrator for details.

Salesforce Call Center
Get to Know Your Softphone Features

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Making a Call Using the Softphone

In Salesforce CRM Call Center there are three ways to make a call:
• Dial a number manually
• Use the call center directory Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• Use click-to-dial
orgs) and Lightning
While on a call, you can also make a call on a second phone line by clicking New Line. The new Experience
line allows you to enter a new phone number while remaining connected to your original caller.
Available in: Essentials,
Once you click Dial, your original call is placed on hold, and your new call begins.
Professional, Enterprise,
If you make a call while your call center state is set to Ready for Calls, your state moves directly to Performance, Unlimited,
Not Ready, and you must enter Not Ready reason codes. and Developer Editions
To end a call that you dialed, click End Call. Some phone systems don't allow you to end a call from
a softphone before it is answered. In these cases, an End Call button isn't displayed, and you must USER PERMISSIONS
use your physical phone set to terminate the call.
To make a call:
If a number you dial is busy, a message appears and you can dial again or cancel the call.
• Member of a call center
Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone
because of customizations that have been made for your organization. See your administrator
for details.

Making a Call by Dialing a Number Manually
Making a Call Using the Call Center Directory
Making a Call Using Click-to-Dial

Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Putting a Caller on Hold Using the Softphone
Making a Conference Call Using the Softphone
Transferring a Call Using the Softphone
Wrapping Up a Call Using the Softphone

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Making a Call by Dialing a Number Manually

To make a call in Salesforce CRM Call Center by manually dialing a number:
1. In the softphone, click the name of the open line that you want to use. This action opens the
dial pad for that line. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Enter the phone number that you want to dial by clicking the number buttons on the dial pad,
orgs) and Lightning
or by typing numbers on your keyboard.
3. Click Dial or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Available in: Essentials,
Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone Professional, Enterprise,
because of customizations that have been made for your organization. See your administrator Performance, Unlimited,
for details. and Developer Editions


Get to Know Your Softphone Features
To make a call:
Making a Call Using the Call Center Directory • Member of a call center
Making a Call Using Click-to-Dial

Making a Call Using the Call Center Directory

To make a call in Salesforce CRM Call Center using the call center directory:
1. In the softphone, click the name of the open line that you want to use. This action opens the
dial pad for that line. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Click next to the dial pad to open your call center directory. orgs) and Lightning
3. Use the directory to locate the number that you want to dial. Experience
4. When you have found the number, click the name associated with the number to automatically Available in: Essentials,
enter the number into the dial pad. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
5. Click Dial or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
and Developer Editions
Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone
because of customizations that have been made for your organization. See your administrator
for details.
To make a call:
SEE ALSO: • Member of a call center

Get to Know Your Softphone Features

Making a Call by Dialing a Number Manually
Making a Call Using Click-to-Dial

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Making a Call Using Click-to-Dial

To make a call directly from the phone field of a contact, lead, activity, or account using Salesforce
CRM Call Center:
1. Locate the number that you want to dial in a contact, lead, activity, or account. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Click the button to the right of the number. The number is automatically dialed in the first
orgs) and Lightning
open softphone line.
• A number that has already been clicked cannot be clicked again for five seconds.
Available in: Essentials,
• The button does not appear next to fax numbers. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone and Developer Editions
because of customizations that have been made for your organization. See your administrator
for details.
SEE ALSO: To make a call:
Get to Know Your Softphone Features • Member of a call center
Making a Call by Dialing a Number Manually
Making a Call Using the Call Center Directory

Get to Know Your Softphone Features

The Salesforce CRM Call Center softphone appears in the left sidebar of your Salesforce window or
in the footer of the Salesforce console. You can use the softphone to:
• Log in to your call center Available in: Salesforce
• Modify your call center state to show whether you are ready to receive a new call Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• Dial a phone number by using the built-in softphone, or by clicking the icon next to any Experience
phone number associated with a contact, lead, activity, or account
Available in: Essentials,
• Look up a phone number in your custom call-center directory
Professional, Enterprise,
• Answer a phone call from another call center user or an external number Performance, Unlimited,
• Put a caller on hold and Developer Editions
• Initiate a conference call with another call center user or an external number
• Transfer a phone call to another call center user or an external number USER PERMISSIONS
• Add comments to or associate Salesforce records with an automatic call log to quickly record
To view and use a
information related to a call softphone:
• Edit personal Salesforce CRM Call Center settings to customize the behavior of your softphone • Member of a call center

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone
because of customizations that have been made for your organization. See your administrator
for details.

Salesforce Call Center
Use a Softphone in the Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
Wrapping Up a Call Using the Softphone

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Logging In to the Softphone

Salesforce CRM Call Center requires you to first log in to Salesforce and then to log in separately to
your organization's phone system. The phone system login is located in the sidebar and only appears
if you are assigned to a call center in Salesforce.If a phone system login does not appear, contact Available in: Salesforce
your administrator. Classic (not available in all
Depending on the phone system that your organization uses, the login prompts you to enter your orgs) and Lightning
user ID, password, and other credentials. Once you have entered these values, click Log In to Experience
complete the connection to your phone system. Available in: Essentials,
To automatically log in to your phone system without having to click the Log In button: Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
1. From your personal settings, enter Softphone in the Quick Find box, then select My
and Developer Editions
Softphone Settings.
2. Select Automatically log in to your call center when logging
into Salesforce. Once you have logged in to your phone system, Salesforce remembers
your login information and automatically makes a connection to your phone system whenever To log in to Salesforce CRM
you log in to Salesforce. Call Center:
• Member of a call center
Note: If you explicitly log out of the phone system at any time while you are logged in to
Salesforce, automatic log in is turned off for the remainder of your Salesforce session. To
re-enable automatic log in, log out of Salesforce and then log back in.
After logging in to a phone system, your call center state is automatically set to Not Ready for Calls. If you want to receive calls, you must
change your call center state to Ready for Calls.

Get to Know Your Softphone Features

Changing Your Call Center State

While logged in to Salesforce CRM Call Center, there may be times when you do not want to receive
calls on your softphone, or when you need to step away from your desk. To avoid receiving calls

when you do not want them, you can set your call center state next to the icon in the softphone. Available in: Salesforce
Possible values for call center state include: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Call Center State Description
Available in: Essentials,
Ready for Calls You are not currently on a call, and you are
Professional, Enterprise,
prepared to receive the next direct or queued
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Not Ready for Calls You are not currently on a call, and you are not
prepared to receive the next queued call. USER PERMISSIONS
In this state you can still receive calls that are
dialed directly to your extension. To change your call center
• Member of a call center
On a Call You are currently connected to a caller and
cannot receive either a direct or a queued call.

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Call Center State Description

Wrap-Up You are currently on a call, and you wish to go directly to the Not
Ready for Calls state when the call is complete.

Log Out You want to log out from your call center phone system and remain
logged in to Salesforce. After you select this option, Salesforce CRM
Call Center automatically closes the connection to your call center
and displays the softphone login screen.

When you first log in to Salesforce CRM Call Center, your call center state is automatically set to Not Ready for Calls. You must choose
Ready for Calls from the drop-down list before you can receive any calls.

Note: Some Salesforce CRM Call Center features might not be available with your softphone because of customizations that have
been made for your organization. See your administrator for details.

Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Logging In to the Softphone
Making a Call Using the Softphone
Wrapping Up a Call Using the Softphone

Edit Your Personal Softphone Settings

You can control personal softphone settings within Salesforce. To change your settings, from your
personal settings, enter Softphone in the Quick Find box, then select My Softphone
Settings. Available in: Salesforce
The following settings are available: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Setting Description Experience

Automatically log in to your Select this option if you want Salesforce to use Available in: Essentials,
call center when logging into saved login information to automatically log Professional, Enterprise,
Salesforce you in to your softphone. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
If only one record found on Choose one of the following options to specify
incoming call how a record should be displayed when it is the
only one that matches an incoming call:
• Always open the record To edit personal softphone
automatically. This option displays settings:
the record in the main Salesforce window, • Member of a call center
overwriting whatever was there before. All
unsaved changes from your previous record
are lost.
• Never open the record
automatically. This option does not
display the matching record. To view it you

Service Cloud Phone from a Call Center

Setting Description
must click on the record's link in the softphone.

Salesforce Call Center
Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Logging In to the Softphone

Using the Call Center Directory

Every call center has an associated call center directory that includes the name and number of every
user that belongs to that call center, as well as other phone numbers that are related to records in
your system. Available in: Salesforce
To use your call center directory: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
1. In the softphone, click the name of the open line that you want to use. This action opens the
dial pad for that line. Click next to the dial pad to open your call center directory.
Available in: Essentials,
2. Search the call center directory for a phone number: Professional, Enterprise,
a. In the Pick an object drop-down, choose the type of record that you want to search. Any Performance, Unlimited,
object with a phone number field is included in this list. and Developer Editions
b. In the Search text box, type all or part of the name for which you are searching.
c. Click Go to view a list of only those records that include your search text. USER PERMISSIONS

3. When you find the phone number that you want, click its associated record name to To use a call center
automatically enter the number into the softphone.
• Member of a call center
4. Click Dial to make the call.

Salesforce Call Center
Get to Know Your Softphone Features
Making a Call Using the Softphone
Making a Conference Call Using the Softphone
Transferring a Call Using the Softphone

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

Let customers submit support requests on your website. Use Web-to-Case to gather support inquiries
and turn them into cases. Web-to-Case can help your organization respond to customers faster,
improving your support team’s productivity. Available in: Salesforce
Generate up to 5,000 cases per day. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Available in: Essentials,
Web-to-Case Prerequisites
Professional, Enterprise,
Before setting up Web-to-Case, complete the following prerequisites.
Performance, Unlimited,
Set Up Web-to-Case and Developer Editions
Gather customer support requests directly from your company’s website and automatically
generate new cases with Web-to-Case. Setting up Web-to-Case involves enabling the feature,
choosing settings, and adding the Web-to-Case form to your website.
Enable reCAPTCHA to Prevent Spam Cases
Enable reCAPTCHA in Web-to-Case to make it easy for customers to contact your company while making it difficult for spambots
to waste service representatives’ time. Enabling reCAPTCHA is optional.
Generate Web-to-Case HTML Code
Generate HTML code that your webmaster can insert into your company's website to capture cases in a web form. Whenever
someone submits information on any of those web pages, a case is created.
Web-to-Case Notes and Limitations
Learn more about how Web-to-Case works to be sure you set it up in the most effective way for your company.
General Web-to-Case FAQs
Review frequently asked questions for Web-to-Case.
Review frequently asked questions about reCAPTCHA for Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead.

Web-to-Case Prerequisites
Before setting up Web-to-Case, complete the following prerequisites.
• Create custom case fields, if needed.
• Create a default email template for the automated notification that is sent to your customers Available in: Salesforce
when they submit a case. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• Create case queues if you wish to assign incoming cases to queues in addition to individual Experience
Available in: Essentials,
• Select the default owner of cases that don’t meet the criteria in your assignment rule on the
Professional, Enterprise,
Support Settings page in Setup.
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

• Create an active case assignment rule to determine how web-generated cases are assigned to users or put into queues. If you do
not set an active assignment rule, all web-generated cases are assigned to the default owner you specify on the Support Settings
page in Setup.

Customize Support Settings
Create Custom Fields
Email Templates in Salesforce Classic
Create Queues
Set Up Assignment Rules

Set Up Web-to-Case
Gather customer support requests directly from your company’s website and automatically generate
new cases with Web-to-Case. Setting up Web-to-Case involves enabling the feature, choosing
settings, and adding the Web-to-Case form to your website. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Before your start, review the Web-to-Case prerequisites and limitations. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Web-to-Case in the Quick Find box, then select Web-to-Case. Experience

2. Select Enable Web-to-Case. Available in: Essentials,

3. Optionally, select Require reCAPTCHA Verification to reduce spam and require reCAPTCHA Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
verification for customers’ requests.
and Developer Editions
When enabled, requests without verification don’t generate cases. After enabling, confirm that
your HTML includes the reCAPTCHA information. For more information see, Enable reCAPTCHA
to Prevent Spam Cases. USER PERMISSIONS

Important: reCAPTCHA is provided by Google. Make sure that reCAPTCHA is supported To set up Web-to-Case:
in your geography. • Customize Application

4. Choose a default case origin.

5. Select a default response template for automatically notifying customers that their case was created.
If you set up response rules to use different email templates based on the information submitted, the default email template is used
when no response rules apply. Leave this option blank if you do not wish to send emails when no response rules apply. This template
must be marked as “Available for Use.”

6. Select Hide Record Information to hide the record information in the email sent to customers if the case creation fails.
7. Enter an email signature if you’d like to use a different signature than the default.
8. Click Save.

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

After enabling and setting up Web-to-Case, generate the HTML code that your webmaster can put on your website so that customers
can submit cases. Keep in mind that up to 5,000 cases can be generated per day with Web-to-Case.

Web-to-Case Prerequisites
Web-to-Case Notes and Limitations
Generate Web-to-Case HTML Code
Enable reCAPTCHA to Prevent Spam Cases

Enable reCAPTCHA to Prevent Spam Cases

Enable reCAPTCHA in Web-to-Case to make it easy for customers to contact your company while
making it difficult for spambots to waste service representatives’ time. Enabling reCAPTCHA is
optional. Available in: Salesforce
Web-to-Case must be enabled to use reCAPTCHA for case submission. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
The reCAPTCHA widget requires customers to select a checkbox successfully before they can create
a case. Enabling spam filtering lets customer service agents focus on actual customer cases, and
not on spam cases. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
To use Google’s reCAPTCHA service, go to the Google reCAPTCHA website and click Get reCAPTCHA
Performance, Unlimited,
to register your domain and receive a public and private key pair. Google reCAPTCHA is a resource
and Developer Editions
leveraged by Salesforce to support its users and partners, and is not considered part of our Services
for purposes of the Master Subscription Agreement.
Important: Make sure that reCAPTCHA is supported in your geography.
To configure Web-to-Case
1. Enable a setting that rejects cases without verification. • Customize Application
a. Enable From Setup, enter Web-to-Case in the Quick Find box, then select Web-to-Case.
b. Select Require reCAPTCHA Verification.
When you enable this setting, all cases without reCAPTCHA verification are rejected. No cases are created unless they include the
reCAPTCHA information. It’s important that you ensure the code on your website includes the reCAPTCHA validation code. If your
website doesn’t include the reCAPTCHA code, customers won’t be able to submit cases.
In orgs created after Winter ’19, this setting is enabled by default. You can disable it, but we don’t recommend it.

2. Generate the HTML code for your website.

a. From Setup, enter Web-to-Case HTML Generator in the Quick Find box, then select Web-to-Case HTML Generator.
The Include reCAPTCHA in HTML option is automatically selected and is read-only when Require reCAPTCHA Verification
is enabled.

Note: If Include reCAPTCHA in HTML is selected but Require reCAPTCHA Verification isn’t, existing forms without
reCAPTCHA keep working and continue to generate cases. We recommend that you enable Require reCAPTCHA
Verification and then ensure that your HTML on your website includes the reCAPTCHA validation code.

b. Enter the key pair that you obtained from Google and registered on the Salesforce Platform.
Use the lookup window to select a key that is already registered on the Salesforce Platform.

a. Select Enable Server Fallback.

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

If the Google reCAPTCHA server fails or goes offline and spam filtering isn’t available, this setting allows all case traffic through.
This setting is enabled by default and we recommend that you use it. If this setting is disabled and the Google reCAPTCHA server
fails or goes offline, then case traffic might be lost.

b. Click Generate.

3. Add the HTML code to your website.

To test the Web-to-Case form, add the line <input type="hidden" name="debug" value="1"> to the code. This line
redirects you to a debugging page when you submit the form. Don't forget to remove it before releasing the Web-to-Case page to your
Keep the following things in mind when enabling reCAPTCHA.
• When script tags are submitted in Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead forms, the code is escaped and won't be executed upon submission.
The tags are saved as plain text into the record details.
• You can also create a black list rule to reject emails from specified IP addresses.
• You can download spam filter apps from the AppExchange.

Register with Google reCAPTCHA
How can I prevent spam from becoming cases?

Generate Web-to-Case HTML Code

Generate HTML code that your webmaster can insert into your company's website to capture cases
in a web form. Whenever someone submits information on any of those web pages, a case is
created. Available in: Salesforce
You must have Web-to-Case enabled. Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Web-to-Case HTML Generator in the Quick Find box, then
select Web-to-Case HTML Generator. Available in: Essentials,
2. Select the fields to include on your Web-to-Case form. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Use the Add and Remove arrows to move fields between the Available Fields and the Selected and Developer Editions
Fields lists. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order of the fields on your form.
For organizations using multiple currencies, add the Case Currency field to the HTML if
you add any other currency amount fields. Otherwise, all amounts are captured in your corporate
currency. For organizations using record types on cases, select the Case Record Type To set up Web-to-Case:
field if you want users submitting Web-generated cases to select specific record types. • Customize Application

3. If your organization uses the Self-Service portal or the Customer Portal and you want To generate Web-to-Case
Web-generated cases to be visible to users in these portals, select Visible in
• Customize Application
Self-Service Portal.
4. Specify the complete URL to which customers are directed after they submit their information.
For example, the URL can be for a “thank you” page or your company's home page.

5. If your organization uses reCAPTCHA, see Enable reCAPTCHA to Prevent Spam Cases.

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

6. If your organization uses the Translation Workbench or has renamed tabs, select the language for the form labels displayed on your
Web-to-Case form.
The source of your Web-to-Case form is always in your personal language.

7. Click Generate.
8. Copy the generated HTML code and provide it to your company’s webmaster so he or she can incorporate it into your website.
9. Click Finished.

Tip: To allow customers to report cases on several products at a time, use a custom multi-select picklist.

To test the Web-to-Case form, add the line <input type="hidden" name="debug" value="1"> to the code. This line
redirects you to a debugging page when you submit the form. Don't forget to remove it before releasing the Web-to-Case page to your

Set Up Web-to-Case
Enable reCAPTCHA to Prevent Spam Cases

Web-to-Case Notes and Limitations

Learn more about how Web-to-Case works to be sure you set it up in the most effective way for
your company.
Keep these considerations in mind as you decide how to set up Web-to-Case. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• Whenever possible, web-generated cases are automatically linked to the relevant contact and
orgs) and Lightning
account based on the customer’s email address.
• Salesforce runs field validation rules before creating records submitted via Web-to-Case and
only creates records that have valid values. All universally required fields must have a value Available in: Essentials,
before a record can be created via Web-to-Case. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• The format for date and currency fields captured online is taken from your organization’s default and Developer Editions
settings—Default Locale and Currency Locale.
• Salesforce doesn’t support rich text area (RTA) fields on Web-to-Case forms. If you use these
fields on your forms, any information entered in them is saved as plain text when the case is created.
• Salesforce doesn’t support multipart/form-data as a content type in Web-to-Case or Web-to-Lead forms. Cases or leads
aren’t created for forms that use this content type.
• If your organization exceeds its daily Web-to-Case limit, the default case owner (specified in your Support Settings page) will receive
an email containing the additional case information.

General Web-to-Case FAQs

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

General Web-to-Case FAQs

Review frequently asked questions for Web-to-Case.

What is the maximum number of web cases we can capture? Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, you can orgs) and Lightning
capture up to 5,000 cases in a 24–hour period. If your company generates more case requests than Experience
that, click Help & Training at the top of any page and select the My Cases tab to submit a request
for a higher limit directly to Salesforce Customer Support. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
When your organization reaches the 24–hour limit, Salesforce stores additional requests in a pending Performance, Unlimited,
request queue that contains both Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead requests. The requests are and Developer Editions
submitted when the limit refreshes. The pending request queue has a limit of 50,000 combined
requests. If your organization reaches the pending request limit, additional requests are rejected
and not queued. Your administrator receives email notifications for the first five rejected submissions. Contact Salesforce Customer
Support to change your organization's pending request limit.

How can I prevent spam from becoming cases?

You can limit spam in the following ways.
• reCAPTCHA is your first line of defense. In Salesforce, enable reCAPTCHA. Then make sure that the code on your website includes
the reCAPTCHA verification.
• Implement an anti-spam alternative.
• For severe attacks, ask Salesforce support to create a blocklist rule to reject requests from specific IP addresses.
• Download spam filter apps from AppExchange.


Who owns new web-generated cases?

Your administrator can set an active case assignment rule to automatically assign web-generated cases to users or queues based on
specific criteria in those cases. Cases that do not match any of the assignment rule criteria are assigned to the Default Case Owner
specified in the Support Settings.

How do I specify which information to capture?

When you generate the HTML for your company's website, you can choose which standard or custom case fields for which you want
to gather information. You must create the custom case fields prior to generating the HTML code. From Setup, enter Web-to-Case
in the Quick Find box, then select Web-to-Case to set up the feature and generate the HTML.

Can I capture cases from multiple web pages?

Yes. Insert the generated HTML code into the web pages from which you want to capture cases. Whenever someone submits information
on any of those web pages, a case will be created.

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

How can our webmaster test the Web-to-Case page?

Add the following line to your Web-to-Case code if you want to see a debugging page when you submit the form. Don't forget to
remove this line before releasing the Web-to-Case page on your website.
<input type="hidden" name="debug" value="1">

What status and origin are assigned to Web-generated cases?

New Web cases are marked with the default status that your administrator selected from the Case Status picklist values. The default
value for the Origin field is determined by your administrator when setting up Web-to-Case.

How can I be sure that cases won't be lost?

If your organization exceeds its daily Web-to-Case limit, the Default Case Owner (specified in the Support Settings) will receive an email
containing the additional case information. If a new case cannot be generated due to errors in your Web-to-Case setup, Customer
Support is notified so that we can assist you in correcting it.
If your organization is using On-Demand Email-to-Case, Salesforce ensures that your cases won't be lost if users submit them during a
scheduled Salesforce downtime.

How is the “Age” calculated in case reports?

The Age of an open case is the time that has elapsed from its creation to the present. The Age of a closed case is the elapsed time from
its creation to the time it was closed. Case reports display a drop-down list labeled “Units” that lets you choose to view the Age in days,
hours, or minutes.

Case Fields

Review frequently asked questions about reCAPTCHA for Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead.

How can I prevent spam from becoming cases? Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
You can limit spam in the following ways. Experience
• reCAPTCHA is your first line of defense. In Salesforce, enable reCAPTCHA. Then make sure that
Available in: Essentials,
the code on your website includes the reCAPTCHA verification.
Professional, Enterprise,
• Implement an anti-spam alternative. Performance, Unlimited,
• For severe attacks, ask Salesforce support to create a blocklist rule to reject requests from specific and Developer Editions
IP addresses.
• Download spam filter apps from AppExchange.

What type of security is built into Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead?

Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead both use Google reCAPTCHA to verify if the sender is a human or bot. When reCAPTCHA is enabled, your
customers’ requests are validated with a “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Service Cloud Provide Web Forms with Web-to-Case

How does Salesforce validate reCAPTCHA?

Salesforce uses Google’s API to validate the reCAPTCHA API Key Pair you enter in Setup. We make sure that the key pair is valid and that
it hasn’t expired. If we can’t validate the key pair, incoming requests fail.

What are the validation rules used in Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead?

Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead don’t have object validation rules. When reCAPTCHA is used, Salesforce validates the key pair used to
set up reCAPTCHA, and the customer request is forwarded to a case or lead object.

Does a failed reCAPTCHA request count toward my API daily limit?

No. A customer request that fails reCAPTCHA verification doesn’t count toward your limit. Only cases or leads created count toward your
API daily limit. When a request fails to create because of reCAPTCHA, no case nor lead is created.

How does Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead strip or isolate harmful data?

All data from Web-to-Case and Web-to-Lead requests are saved to Salesforce cases and leads using safeHTML. If a request fails reCAPTCHA
verification, no case nor lead is created. If someone tries to insert harmful data or a script into your form, the code is escaped, and the
data is saved as plain text. For example, if someone submits SOQL or JavaScript using your form, the code is saved as plain text and the
harmful code is not executed. The results are encoded properly following security best practices.

Does Salesforce notify me when there’s a spam attack?

Salesforce doesn’t send out emails when Web-to-Case or Web-to-Lead fails. However, we do log these failures. For more information,
contact customer support.

I already have a web form deployed. How do I use reCAPTCHA?

Head over to Salesforce Setup, and enable Require reCAPTCHA Verification. Then regenerate the HTML code, and update your website
to ensure that the new reCAPTCHA code is updated. For more information, see Enable reCAPTCHA.

Important: In orgs created before Winter ’19, you must enable Require reCAPTCHA Verification manually, and then regenerate
your HTML code and update your website. In orgs created after Winter ’19, Require reCAPTCHA Verification is enabled by default.

After I enable Require reCAPTCHA Verification, do I have to redeploy my web form?

Yes. You have to regenerate the HTML code and update your website after you enable Require reCAPTCHA Verification. For more
information, see Enable reCAPTCHA.

What happens when an IP address spams my web form?

Your first line of defense against spammers is to enable Require reCAPTCHA Verification in Setup. Then regenerate your HTML code, and
update your website. In addition to reCAPTCHA, we add a CSP header that helps detect the source IP address of the request. If you’ve
been spammed, contact customer support to discuss blocking a particular IP address. Also review anti-spam alternatives.

How do I create a blocklist to block specific IP addresses?

For severe attacks, customer support can create a blocklist to block specific IP addresses. You can’t create a blocklist for Web-to-Case or
Web-to-Lead on your own. However, you can also try some anti-spam alternatives.

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

What are anti-spam alternatives?

Instead of creating a blocklist, try some of these alternatives.
• To obtain the source IP of requests, work with your developer to create a dynamic web form that uses the PHP programming language
and JavaScript. For example, try one of the following.
– Use JavaScript to dynamically create a custom tag that’s hidden on the form to store the IP address.
– Use PHP to generate a random key that’s hosted from your website and then include this key in requests. You can use the key
to validate requests and reject those that don’t include the key.
Look for code examples on the Salesforce Developer Forum.

• Use a workflow rule to detect cases from specific sources, and reassign those cases to a specific queue. This approach keeps the
cases away from your agents. You can also use the queue to periodically review and delete the cases. If you use this approach,
consider adjusting one of your case assignment rules to prevent sending a case creation email to the sender of the spam.
• Create a flow to perform additional validation on cases that are created using Web-to-Case or Web-to-Lead. For example, for cases
created that don’t relate to an account or contact, you can automatically close the case with a status of Deflected. Then you can
send an email back to the sender stating the sender wasn’t authorized to submit a case. In addition, you can implement code that
extracts their domain to help you notify the sender’s admin that an unauthorized user contacted your support team.
• Use an Apex class or trigger to delete spam requests before cases are created. Apex triggers are great for creating comprehensive
and complex flows.

Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Let customers email you. Use Email-to-Case to automatically turn customer emails into cases, so
your agents can quickly track and resolve their issues.
There are two versions of Email-to-Case: Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• On-Demand Email-to-Case, which uses Salesforce Apex email services
orgs) and Lightning
• Email-to-Case, which uses an agent on your machine Experience
Each version supports a different business case.
Email-to-Case and
On-Demand Email-to-Case
Details On-Demand Email-to-Case Email-to-Case are available in: Essentials,
Business case: Keep email traffic outside your Keep email traffic inside your Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
network’s firewall and refuse network’s firewall and accept
and Developer Editions.
emails larger than 25 MB emails larger than 25 MB

Set up: Requires you to set up Salesforce Requires you to download and
Apex email services to turn emails install the Email-to-Case Agent on
into cases your local machine to turn emails
into cases

Maximum number of Number of user licenses multiplied 2,500

emails converted to by 1,000, up to a daily maximum
cases each day: of 1,000,000

Email size limit, including Under 25 MB Over 25 MB

header, message, and

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Set Up Email-to-Case with a Guided Setup Flow
Get your cases into Service Cloud fast with a quick guided setup flow for Email-to-Case. Connect your support email address to
Salesforce, give your incoming cases a default priority and queue, and set up mail forwarding so your emails become cases for your
support team.
Set Up Email-to-Case
Set up Email-to-Case to efficiently resolve customer issues. Salesforce automatically creates cases and auto-populates case fields
when customers send messages to the email addresses you specify.
Set Up On-Demand Email-to-Case
Efficiently resolve customer inquiries via email without having to install the Email-to-Case agent software. When customers send
messages to email addresses that you specify, Salesforce creates cases and auto-populates case fields.
Configure Routing Addresses for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case
Set routing addresses to ensure that customer emails are handled correctly.
Email-to-Case FAQ
Review frequently asked questions about Email-to-Case.

Set Up Email-to-Case with a Guided Setup Flow

Get your cases into Service Cloud fast with a quick guided setup flow for Email-to-Case. Connect
your support email address to Salesforce, give your incoming cases a default priority and queue,
and set up mail forwarding so your emails become cases for your support team. Service Setup is available in
The Email-to-Case setup flow is the fastest and easiest way to turn your incoming emails into cases Lightning Experience
in Salesforce. When you complete the flow, all emails sent to your support team’s email address
Available in: All editions with
are turned into cases and placed in a queue. Then, your support team can get to work!
the Service Cloud

Where to Access the Setup Flow

This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by clicking and selecting Service
In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Connecting your support email address to Salesforce
• Specifying a queue and priority for the cases that are created from your email
• Verifying your email address with Salesforce
• Setting up email forwarding from your email service provider to Service Cloud

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Set Up Email-to-Case
Set up Email-to-Case to efficiently resolve customer issues. Salesforce automatically creates cases
and auto-populates case fields when customers send messages to the email addresses you specify.
Implement this feature in one click with the Service Setup Assistant: Learn more on page 6 Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Note: You can send only one email to one Email-to-case service address at a time. Sending orgs) and Lightning
an email to multiple Email-to-case service addresses creates multiple cases in Salesforce. Experience
1. Enable Email-to-Case and configure your Email-to-Case settings.
Email-to-Case is available
2. Configure your routing address settings to customize the way Salesforce handles your customer in: Essentials, Professional,
emails. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
3. Test your email routing addresses by manually sending emails to them and verify that these
emails convert to cases based on their routing address settings.
4. Add the email address that you configured to your company's support website. Customers can
use this email address to submit cases to your support team. USER PERMISSIONS
5. Add the Email Quick Actions to the Cases page layout. To enable and set up
6. Optionally, create email templates agents can use when replying to email. These templates can
• Customize Application
include merge fields that display information from the original email in the reply.
If you want to send a previously sent email to another Email-to-case service address in order to
create a new Case, don’t forward the email. Instead, create a new email with the same content. This prevents the new email from being
attached to the previously created Case.

Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case
Create Text Email Templates in Salesforce Classic
Create HTML Classic Letterhead Email Templates in Salesforce Classic
Create Visualforce Email Templates in Salesforce Classic

Enable and Configure Email-to-Case

Get your company ready to automatically turn incoming email messages into cases by enabling
Email-to-Case and choosing the settings that fit your needs.

Note: Before you can enable and configure Email-to-Case, download and install the Available in: Salesforce
Email-to-Case agent onto your local machine. If you’re using On-Demand Email-to-Case, then Classic and Lightning
it’s not necessary to download and install the Email-to-Case agent.
1. From Setup, enter Email-to-Case in the Quick Find box, then select Email-to-Case. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
2. Click Edit. Performance, Unlimited,
3. Select Enable Email-to-Case. and Developer Editions
4. Configure your Email-to-Case settings.

To enable and set up

• Customize Application

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

5. Click Save.

Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case
Configure Routing Addresses for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case

Email-to-Case Settings
Configure your Email-to-Case settings to customize how Salesforce handles and creates cases from
incoming emails.
To access these settings, from Setup, enter Email-to-Case in the Quick Find box, then Available in: Salesforce
select Email-to-Case. Classic and Lightning
Email-to-Case Setting Description Available in: Essentials,
Enable Email-to-Case Enables Salesforce to create cases from inbound emails. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Notify Case Owners Allows case owners to automatically receive notifications of new and Developer Editions
on New Email emails on their existing cases. Email notifications assign a task
to the case owner to respond to the new email. Responding to
the email closes the task. To disable email notifications at any
time, deselect the check box.

Enable HTML Email Warns users before they view incoming HTML email content so
that they can avoid opening potentially malicious HTML that
could harm their computers. If this setting isn’t selected, support
agents see text instead of HTML in the email message detail
pages. When agents reply to an email, the text version of the
message is copied to the email editor, instead of the HTML

Set Case Source to Updates the Case Source field to Email for all cases that
Email originate from Email-to-Case. After you enable this setting,
associated emails get marked as Read when the agent opens
the case.
If the Case Source field isn’t in the case layout, the field is still
updated to Email.

Save Email-to-Case Automatically converts attachments from inbound Email-to-Case

Attachments as messages into Salesforce Files.
Salesforce Files

Insert Thread ID in Adds the thread ID to the subject of email. The thread ID is a
the Email Subject unique number that identifies the organization and case
associated with the outgoing email. It helps ensure that replies
to the original email are associated with the correct case.

Note: Any org created after the Summer '22 release

defaults to a new threading behavior. Until then, agents
of existing orgs can update email templates at their

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Email-to-Case Setting Description

convenience. Any email templates still using thread ID after the release return an
empty string.

Insert Thread ID in the Adds the thread ID to the body of email.

Email Body
Note: Any org created after the Summer '22 release defaults to a new threading
behavior. Until then, agents of existing orgs can update email templates at their
convenience. Any email templates still using thread ID after the release return an
empty string.

Place User Signatures before Adds the user signature after the reply, but before the email thread. If this setting isn’t
Email Threads selected, the user signature is placed at the bottom of the email thread.

Use Unique Email Subject and Email Body IDs

Make sure that the subject line and body of your outgoing emails are unique.

Warning: If the Email Subject ID and Email Body Text ID are the same, Email-to-Case creates an infinite loop
of emails related to each case. If these settings are not selected, Email-to-Case eventually could stop accepting new emails.
To exclude the thread ID from email, deselect both the Insert Thread ID in the Email Subject and Insert Thread ID in the Email Body
checkboxes. A new case is created when a support agent responds to an outbound case email.

See Email Attachments in the Case Attachment Related List

By default, in the Attachments related list for cases, email attachments are displayed with an email icon next to the attachment. This
icon helps agents identify email attachments quickly. When agents click View All on the related list, the list view includes a Source
column that indicates from where the file originated. This feature is available in Lightning Experience only. To control this feature, use
the Show Email Attachments in Case Attachments Related List preference on the Support Settings page in Setup.

Using the Gmail Integration with Email-to-Case in Salesforce Classic

When you relate an email to a case, the email is added as an activity. The email appears in the Emails and the Activity History related
lists. If you unrelate the email in Gmail, the email is no longer in the Email related list, but remains in the Activity History related list.

Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case
Customize Support Settings

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Set Up On-Demand Email-to-Case

Efficiently resolve customer inquiries via email without having to install the Email-to-Case agent
software. When customers send messages to email addresses that you specify, Salesforce creates
cases and auto-populates case fields. Available in: Salesforce
Unlike Email-to-Case, you don’t need to download and install an agent to use On-Demand Classic (not available in all
Email-to-Case. orgs) and Lightning
1. Set the Default Case Owner and Automated Case Owner for your organization.
2. Enable and configure Email-to-Case. On-Demand Email-to-Case
is available in: Essentials,
3. Enable and configure On-Demand Email-to-Case. Professional, Enterprise,
4. Configure your routing address settings to customize the way Salesforce handles your customer Performance, Unlimited,
emails. and Developer Editions.

5. Test your email routing addresses by manually sending emails to them and verify that these
emails convert to cases based on their routing address settings. USER PERMISSIONS
6. Add the email address that you configured to your company's support website. Customers can To enable and set up
use this email address to submit cases to your support team. On-Demand Email-to-Case:
7. Add the Email Quick Actions to the Cases page layout. • Customize Application

8. Optionally, create email templates agents can use when replying to email. These templates can
include merge fields that display information from the original email in the reply.

• On-Demand Email-to-Case lets you process customer emails up to 25 MB.
• On-Demand Email-to-Case automatically shortens email text to 32,000 characters. Contact Salesforce if you’d like this limit
raised to 128,000 characters for your organization.

Create Text Email Templates in Salesforce Classic
Create HTML Classic Letterhead Email Templates in Salesforce Classic
Create Visualforce Email Templates in Salesforce Classic

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Enable and Configure On-Demand Email-to-Case

Turn incoming emails into cases automatically without having to download and install software
with On-Demand Email-to-Case.

Note: Before you enable On-Demand Email-to-Case, set the Default Case Owner Available in: Salesforce
and Automated Case User and enable and configure Email-to-Case. Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Email-to-Case in the Quick Find box, then select Email-to-Case.
On-Demand Email-to-Case
2. Click Edit. is available in: Essentials,
3. Select Enable On-Demand Service. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
4. Select your Over Email Rate Limit Action and Unauthorized Sender
and Developer editions.
Action settings based on how your company plans to use On-Demand Email-to-Case.
5. Click Save.

SEE ALSO: To enable and set up

On-Demand Email-to-Case:
Routing Address Settings for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case
• Customize Application

On-Demand Email-to-Case Settings

Use the On-Demand Email-to-Case settings to specify how Salesforce handles incoming email
messages that are beyond your organization’s daily processing limits or that come from unauthorized
senders. Available in: Salesforce
These settings are specific to On-Demand Email-to-Case. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
On-Demand Email-to-Case Setting Description Experience

Over Email Rate Limit Action Choose what On-Demand Email-to-Case does On-Demand Email-to-Case
with email that surpasses your organization’s is available in: Essentials,
daily email processing limit: Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Bounce message—The email service returns and Developer Editions.
the message to the sender or to the
Automated Case User for
On-Demand Email-to-Case, with a
notification that explains why the message
was rejected.
• Discard message—The email service deletes
the message without notifying the sender.
• Requeue message—The email service
queues the message for processing in the
next 24 hours. If the message is not
processed within 24 hours, the email service
returns the message to the sender with a
notification that explains why the message
was rejected.

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

On-Demand Email-to-Case Setting Description

Unauthorized Sender Action If you limited the email addresses and domains available for
On-Demand Email-to-Case in the Accept Email From field,
choose what happens to messages received from senders who are
• Bounce message—The email service returns the message to
the sender or to the Automated Case User for
On-Demand Email-to-Case, with a notification that explains
why the message was rejected.
• Discard message—The email service deletes the message
without notifying the sender.

Make sure that the subject line and body of your outgoing emails are unique.

Warning: If the Email Subject ID and Email Body Text ID are the same, Email-to-Case creates an infinite loop
of emails related to each case. If these settings are not selected, Email-to-Case eventually could stop accepting new emails.

Configure Routing Addresses for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case

Set routing addresses to ensure that customer emails are handled correctly.
Before you set up routing addresses for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case, enable
Email-to-Case and configure your Email-to-Case settings. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Email-to-Case in the Quick Find box, then select Email-to-Case.
2. In the Routing Addresses list, click New.
Available in: Professional,
3. Enter your routing address settings. Enterprise, Performance,
4. Click Save. Unlimited, and Developer
A verification email is sent to the routing email address you provided. Editions

5. Click the link in the verification email.

A confirmation page opens in your web browser. USER PERMISSIONS
6. Click the link in the confirmation page to continue to Salesforce. To configure routing
Configure your email system to forward case submissions to the email services address provided addresses for Email-to-Case
by Salesforce. and On-Demand
• Customize Application
Routing Address Settings for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case
You can define your email routing address settings after you add and verify your email routing addresses for Email-to-Case and
On-Demand Email-to-Case.

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Routing Address Settings for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case

You can define your email routing address settings after you add and verify your email routing
addresses for Email-to-Case and On-Demand Email-to-Case.
Available in: Salesforce
Setting Description Classic (not available in all
Routing Name The name for the routing address—for example, orgs) and Lightning
Gold Support or Standard Support.
Email-to-Case and
Email Address Email-to-Case source only: The inbound email
On-Demand Email-to-Case
address for this On-Demand Email-to-Case
are available in: Essentials,
routing address. Emails sent to this address
Professional, Enterprise,
creates cases using the specified settings. The Performance, Unlimited,
email address must be unique. and Developer Editions.
Provide a link to this email address on your
company's support website.

Save Email Headers Email-to-Case source only: Select this checkbox

to save the email routing information associated
with each email submitted as a case. Saving
email routing information counts towards your
organization's overall storage limit.
Email headers over 32,000 characters are
truncated. To view the full email header, go to
Setup and add the Headers field to the Email
Message page layout. Then agents can view the
full email details, including the header, using
the View Email link from the case feed on the
case record page. In Salesforce Classic, to view
header information for inbound email messages,
agents can click the Click here to view original
email header on the email detail page. For
more information, see Working with Case Emails
in Salesforce Classic.

Accept Email From To limit the email addresses and domains

available for On-Demand Email-to-Case,
entering them in this field. Leave it blank to
allow On-Demand Email-to-Case to receive
email from any email address or domain.

Create Task from Email Email-to-Case source only: Select this checkbox
to automatically assign a task to the case owner
when an email is submitted as a case.
Assignment rules automatically assign owners
to a case. However, if a case does not match
assignment rule criteria, then the user in the
Default Case Owner field on the
Support Settings page is assigned to the case.

Service Cloud Send and Receive Emails with Email-to-Case

Setting Description
Task Status Email-to-Case source only: Choose a status from this drop-down
list with which to predefine the Status field on tasks
automatically assigned to case owners when email is submitted
as cases.
This setting is only available if you selected the Create Task
from Email checkbox.

Case Owner The owner of the case, which can be either an individual user or a
queue. This field is optional.

• Specifying a case owner negates auto-assignment rules,
so Case Owners aren't notified and queue members
don't get an email by default.
• You can’t delete a queue that a routing address refers
to. To point to a different queue, either delete the
routing address, or edit the routing address settings.

Case Priority The priority assigned to cases created from emails sent to this email
routing address.

Case Origin The value assigned to the Case Origin field for email sent to
this email routing address.

Tip: The Priority and Case Origin fields auto-populate the case via the routing address settings when the routing
address is included in either the To, CC, or BCC fields of an inbound email.

Email-to-Case FAQ
Review frequently asked questions about Email-to-Case.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: both Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
Is there a size limit for attachments using Email-to-Case?
orgs) and Lightning
Email attachments using On-Demand may be up to 25 MB. There is no attachment size limit Experience
when using the Email-to-Case agent.
Available in: Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
SEE ALSO: Performance, Unlimited,
General Web-to-Case FAQs and Developer Editions

Is there a size limit for attachments using Email-to-Case?

Email attachments using On-Demand may be up to 25 MB. There is no attachment size limit when using the Email-to-Case agent.

Service Cloud Messaging

Messaging lets your company have conversations with customers in the ways that are most
convenient for your customers—on their mobile devices using messaging apps such as SMS text
messaging and Facebook Messenger. Agents can respond in the Service Console, where they can Available in: Lightning
access all the benefits of Digital Engagement at their fingertips. Experience with the Digital
Customers can start conversations with your company by sending texts to your designated phone Engagement add-on SKU
number, sending Facebook Messenger messages to your Facebook page, and more. Incoming
Available in: Enterprise,
messages are displayed in the Omni-Channel utility in the Service Console, where agents can accept Performance, Unlimited,
a message and start chatting. and Developer editions with
Your company also can start conversations directly with customers through proactive outbound Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
message notifications. When a customer wants to respond, their incoming responses are routed
Note: This feature is not
directly to the Service Console where agents can continue the conversation. supported in Government
Cloud Plus.
Messaging Considerations
Review these considerations before setting up or using Messaging.
Messaging in Lightning Experience: Are Your Use Cases Supported?
As you consider switching from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Experience, explore the different set of messaging features in Lightning
Experience. And going forward, new features are available exclusively in Lightning Experience.
Transition Your Channels from Classic to Lightning
Transition your LiveMessage managed package implementation to Lightning and start receiving messages in your production org.
Messaging in Lightning uses the Digital Engagement SKU.
Set Up Messaging with a Guided Setup Flow
Add SMS text messaging, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp to your service channels with a quick guided setup flow. Set up and
personalize a conversation channel. You can create an Omni-Channel queue to route incoming messages to your team.
Set Up Messaging Channels
Follow these steps to enable Messaging and set up your channels.
Set Up Messaging Channels
Give your customers new ways to contact your business. Set up at least one Messaging channel using the New Channel guided
setup flow.
Set Up Automatic Message Notifications
Send SMS text messages to customers based on certain events. For example, notify customers about the status of their case: “John,
your case <Case Number 123456> has been resolved.”
Messaging Data Protection and Customer Privacy
Honor your customers when they have special requests for handling their personal data.
Message with Customers
Interact with customers through Messaging channels.
Broadcast Messaging
Send one-to-many SMS text messages to contacts, employees, person accounts, and messaging users.

Service Cloud Messaging

Messaging Considerations
Review these considerations before setting up or using Messaging.

General Considerations Available in: Lightning

Experience with the Digital
• Messaging supports a maximum of 2000 channels per org. Engagement add-on SKU
• By default, the maximum number of images that can be sent or received in one day is 200,000.
Available in: Enterprise,
• Response time limits for agent-initiated conversations are channel-dependent. Some channels Performance, Unlimited,
contain a time limit to prevent outbound marketing. Refer to documentation for the Messaging and Developer editions with
channel for specific limitations. For example, the response limit for Facebook Messenger Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
conversations is bound by the limitations specified for the HUMAN_AGENT tag.
Note: This feature is not
• Changes in the data model in subsequent releases means that upgrades might not be seamless
supported in Government
if you used Messaging before the Winter ‘18 release. Consult Salesforce product management Cloud Plus.
before proceeding with any deployments created before Winter ‘19.

Channel-Specific Considerations
• Considerations for Text Messaging on page 507
• Considerations for Short Codes on page 509
• Considerations for Facebook Messenger on page 512
• Considerations for WhatsApp on page 515

Broadcast Messaging Considerations

• SMS is the only supported channel type for Broadcast Messaging.
• Don’t use a long number for broadcast messages, as carriers impose limits for bulk text messages from long numbers.
• Messaging templates are required to send a message. Create messaging templates for broadcasters before they attempt to send
• Messaging User records are required for your recipients, even if you’re sending a message from another object type. Messaging User
records contain the recipient’s consent status..
• You can use Broadcast Messaging for employees only if you’ve purchased Otherwise, use contacts, person accounts, or
messaging users.
• It’s possible to go over your SMS allotment. If you send more messages than you’ve paid for, our team will help you make another
• We don’t search for duplicate recipients when sending broadcast messages. If you send a broadcast message from multiple sender
numbers, and a recipient is opted into more than one of those numbers, they receive multiple messages.
• Broadcast Messaging and Messaging can be used together, and sometimes a broadcast message can appear in an active Messaging
session. If the active session and the broadcast message use the same sender number, a broadcast message sent during the active
session appears in the conversation.
• Be mindful of the values you store about your recipients. We recommend that you avoid collecting information that you don’t need
and any vulnerable information that could be used for discrimination. For more information, see our Acceptable Use and External-Facing
Services Policy.

Service Cloud Messaging

Messaging in Lightning Experience: Are Your Use Cases Supported?

As you consider switching from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Experience, explore the different set of messaging features in Lightning
Experience. And going forward, new features are available exclusively in Lightning Experience.

Feature Comparison Table

Messaging Feature Messaging in Salesforce Classic Messaging in Lightning Experience

Available with Sales Cloud? No Yes
Provisioning Methods

SMS Long Code Yes Yes

Short Code United States only United States and Canada only

Toll Free United States and Canada only United States and Canada only

Messaging Apps Facebook Facebook

WeChat (pilot)

Messaging Basics

Automated Channel Setup Not available Facebook

Objects Custom (Messaging Session, ITR, SMS Text, SMS Standard (Messaging User, Messaging Session)
Message, Opt-In Status)

Conversation Routing Messaging Pull Routing, Omni-Channel Push Omni-Channel Push Routing (queue or skill based)
Routing (queue)

Outbound Messaging

Outbound Triggered Messaging Yes Yes

from Field Change on Object

Agent Initiated 1:1 Outbound Yes Yes with responses routing back to the same
Conversations agent.

Customer Initiated 1:1 Inbound Conversations

Over U.S. Toll Free Yes Yes, SMS only

Over U.S. Short Code Yes Yes, SMS only

Over Canadian Short Code No Yes, SMS only

Over U.S. or In-Country Long Yes Yes, SMS only


Other Supported Message Types

Send to List (Long Code, Toll Yes Yes, customer configuration required
Free, Short Code)

Service Cloud Messaging

Messaging Feature Messaging in Salesforce Classic Messaging in Lightning Experience

Available with Sales Cloud? No Yes
Send from Campaign (Short Yes No

Picture Messaging MMS on Long Code, Facebook MMS on US Long Codes, Facebook, WeChat
(pilot), WhatsApp

Picture Messaging via Upload

Toll Free, Short Code No

Support Features

Quick Text Response Yes Yes

Agent Transfer No No

Conversation Transcripts Text only, logged as an activity or task on core Full conversation transcript within Messaging
object OR in Messaging Session custom object Session
Scrolling transcripts inclusive of past sessions

Einstein Bots No Yes

Consent Management Implicit Opt-In Implicit Opt-In (all channels), Explicit Opt-In and
Double Opt-In (short codes)

Automated Messaging

Acknowledgment Yes Yes

Agent Accept Yes Yes

After Hours Yes Yes, through Einstein Bot configuration

Agent Not Available Yes Yes through Einstein Bot configuration

End Session Yes Yes


Resource Restrictions APEX resource contention and streaming API None


Message Throughput < 2 messages per second 6 new conversations per second, > 100 messages
per second thereafter

New Releases/Enhancements No, only maintenance releases; requires manual

Yes, three standard releases per year
installation of updated packages

Note: SMS Long Code messaging is available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Malaysia, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan,
the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Service Cloud Messaging

Transition Your Channels from Classic to Lightning

Transition your LiveMessage managed package implementation to Lightning and start receiving
messages in your production org. Messaging in Lightning uses the Digital Engagement SKU.

Important: LiveMessage in classic and Digital Engagement can't run concurrently in the Available in: Lightning
same production org. We recommended testing a complete Sandbox implementation of Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
Messaging in Digital Engagement before you complete the transition.
1. Get Digital Engagement—To access Messaging through Digital Engagement, purchase the Available in: Enterprise,
Digital Engagement SKU. Consult your Salesforce account team for more information. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
2. Verify features—To verify that the Digital Engagement bundle is installed in your Salesforce Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
org, log in and access Setup. Type Company Information in the Quick Find box. Check
whether you see the Messaging and Service Cloud User licenses listed, reflecting the total
number of licenses that you purchased. If both licenses are present, your org is ready to be configured for Messaging.
3. Set up Digital Engagement Messaging in a sandbox (optional)—To set up Messaging in a Sandbox, either match the number of
sandbox licenses with the number of purchased licenses, refresh your Sandbox or create a new Sandbox. For more information
about setting up Messaging in a Sandbox, see Set Up Messaging Channels in a Sandbox Org.
4. Create, assign, and enable the permission set—Take some basic setup steps to get Messaging up and running.
a. Create a Messaging Permission Set
b. Assign the Permission Set to Users
c. Enable Messaging

5. Submit a case to start the migration process for your SMS channels—Open a case in Salesforce Help to migrate your existing SMS
numbers into theLightning platform, including any long code or short code phone numbers you want to migrate.

Note: Submitting a case simply lays the groundwork for the migration; it doesn't automatically switch your implementation
to Lightning.
Include the following information:
• Choose a topic: Service Cloud
• Choose a category: Messaging
• Subject: "Lightning Migration for <Organization Name>"
• The Org ID of the specific Org that you want to migrate. Specify that you want to initiate your migration to Lightning.
• Every phone number you want to migrate. This includes long code and short code numbers. Make a note if you seek
exceptions or want to enable more numbers.

Salesforce sets up your phone numbers in the Lightning Platform within 72 business hours. We provide you with information on
next steps.
When step 5 is completed, you can continue preparing your Messaging configuration in Lightning before your channels are migrated.
When setup is complete and your case is closed, your phone numbers appear in the Messaging setup page in Lightning. For the
time being, messages continue to be routed to the classic implementation. When you're ready to move message traffic to Lightning,
proceed with step 8.

6. Configure Messaging—Complete the following steps to configure Messaging in Lightning.

a. Create a console app
b. Modify your channel settings
c. Create automated responses

Service Cloud Messaging

d. Link records
e. Set up short codes (optional)

7. Create a new Omni-Channel routing configuration—You can skip this step if you currently use Omni-Channel for LiveMessage. But
if you currently use the LiveMessage widget to monitor your queues, you must set up Omni-Channel in your org.
a. Follow the instructions in Omni-Channel for Administrators. Assign the Messaging Session object to your queue.

Note: The LiveMessage session (Installed Package: LiveMessage for Salesforce) object is a remnant of Classic LiveMessage.
You can ignore it.

8. Set up Messaging notifications—Convert your automated triggered messages to Messaging notifications. For instructions, see Set
Up Automatic Message Notifications.

Important: Automated messages aren't sent out until step 8 is completed.

9. Copy your data—Make a copy or document any processes and data that accesses classic LiveMessage’s custom objects. This step
isn't required, but the information can be useful for your reference. After messaging traffic is cut over and your classic LiveMessage
licenses expire, access to its custom objects, data, and associated processes is blocked.
10. Important: Everything beyond this point can affect your service. Proceed only when you’re ready to fully migrate to Messaging
in Lightning.
Initiate SMS cutover—Open a new case through Salesforce Help to switch SMS traffic from classic LiveMessage to Messaging in
Include the following information:
• Choose a topic: Service Cloud
• Choose a category: Messaging
• Subject: "Lightning Migration for <Organization Name>"
• The Org ID of the specific org that you want to migrate. Specify that you must schedule the cutover of your numbers from classic
LiveMessage Lightning.
• Every phone number you want to migrate, including long code and short code numbers. Make a note if you seek exceptions or
want to enable more numbers.
When your case is accepted, a support agent offers you a few time slot options for the conversion. When the conversion occurs
during your scheduled time slot, messaging traffic moves to the new Lightning Omni-Channel queue. It can take up to 4 hours for
carriers to accept the traffic routing updates. In the meantime, check both consoles for message delivery.

11. Migrate your Facebook channels—You can set up your own Facebook channels in Lightning, but if they were live in Classic you
must remove them from the Classic org before they can be re-added in Lightning. Otherwise, see Set Up Facebook Messenger
Channels for instructions.
a. Remove the association between your Facebook page and the LiveMessage app.
a. Log in to Facebook.
b. Select the Facebook page that you want to migrate.
c. Navigate to the page setup screen and remove the Facebook page from the LiveMessage app.

b. Associate the Facebook page with your Lightning org using the instructions in Set Up Facebook Messenger Channels.

12. Change your Omni-Channel configuration—If you already use Omni-Channel in Classic, update your queue configurations and
swap out LiveMessage Session (Installed Package: LiveMessage for Salesforce) for Messaging Session. Omni-Channel doesn't work
properly if you have both Classic and Lightning configured to use it.

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up Messaging Channels in a Sandbox Org
Set up Messaging in a Sandbox before you transition from Classic to Lightning.

Set Up Messaging Channels in a Sandbox Org

Set up Messaging in a Sandbox before you transition from Classic to Lightning.
1. Get Digital Engagement—To access Messaging through Digital Engagement, purchase the
Digital Engagement SKU. Consult your Salesforce account team for more information. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
After you purchase Digital Engagement, you can match the Sandbox licenses with the number
Engagement add-on SKU
of purchased licenses in your production environment. Use the Match Production Licenses
feature on the Company Information page of your Sandbox org. For more information, see Available in: Enterprise,
Match production and sandbox licenses without a sandbox refresh. Otherwise, you can refresh Performance, Unlimited,
your Sandbox or create a new one. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
2. Create, assign, and enable the permission set—Go through some basic setup steps to get
Messaging up and running.
a. Create a Messaging Permission Set
b. Assign the Permission Set to Users
c. Enable Messaging

3. Get a test channel for your Sandbox. You have two options for setting up a test channel for your sandbox:
a. Open a case in Salesforce Help to get a test SMS number. Include the following case details:
• Choose a topic: Service Cloud
• Choose a category: Messaging
• The Org ID of the specific Sandbox org that you want to set up.

b. Create a test Facebook page and associate it with your Sandbox. Follow the instructions in Set Up Facebook Messenger Channels.

4. Configure Messaging—Complete the following steps to configure Messaging in Lightning.

a. Create a console app
b. Modify your channel settings
c. Create automated responses
d. Link records
e. Set up short codes (optional)

5. Change your Omni-Channel configuration—If you already use Omni-Channel in Classic, update your queue configurations and
swap out LiveMessage Session (Installed Package: LiveMessage for Salesforce) for Messaging Session. Omni-Channel doesn't
work properly if you have both Classic and Lightning configured to use it. Otherwise, move on to step 6.
6. Create a new Omni-Channel routing configuration—You can skip this step if you currently use Omni-Channel for LiveMessage. But
if you currently use the LiveMessage widget to monitor your queues, you must set up Omni-Channel in your org.
a. Follow the instructions in Omni-Channel for Administrators. Assign the Messaging Session object to your queue.

Note: The LiveMessage session (Installed Package: LiveMessage for Salesforce) object is a remnant of Classic LiveMessage.
You can ignore it.

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up Messaging with a Guided Setup Flow

Add SMS text messaging, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp to your service channels with a
quick guided setup flow. Set up and personalize a conversation channel. You can create an
Omni-Channel queue to route incoming messages to your team. Service Setup is available in
If your org uses Service Cloud, the Messaging setup flow is the fastest and easiest way to get your Lightning Experience
channels up and running. In this flow, you can select a channel, personalize the chat acknowledgment
Available in: Essentials,
message and object linking, and create an Omni-Channel queue for your new channel. Run the
Enterprise, Performance,
flow again to set up more channels. Unlimited, and Developer
editions with Service Cloud
Where to Access the Setup Flow
This flow is available from the Messaging setup page in Lightning Experience.

You can also start the flow from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by clicking and selecting
Service Setup.
In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• For Enterprise and above: Selecting SMS text messaging, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp
• Authenticating with Facebook
• Selecting a Facebook page to receive messages from in Salesforce
• Setting a conversation acknowledgment message and object linking
• For Enterprise and above: Creating an Omni-Channel queue to route incoming messages to your team
We also turn on several things in the background during the setup flow.
Enable Messaging
We turn on Messaging if you haven’t already, whether you choose SMS text messaging or Facebook Messenger.
Messaging Channel for Facebook Messenger
We create a Messaging Channel for the Facebook page you select during the flow.
We turn on a few more things if you create an Omni-Channel queue for your new Facebook Messenger channel.
Enabling Omni-Channel
We turn on Omni-Channel if you haven’t already.
Service Channel for Messaging
Service channels let you choose which objects you want to route in Omni-Channel. We create one for messages so your Messaging
conversations can get to someone on your team. It’s called Messaging, with the developer name sfdc_livemessage.
Basic Omni-Channel Setup
We give you a basic Omni-Channel implementation that’s ready to route chats.
• A queue enabled for messages, to hold incoming messages until they’re routed to someone on your team
• A routing configuration and presence configuration, which work in tandem to control your team’s workload and set the priority
for messages in your queue

Service Cloud Messaging

The queue is connected to your Facebook Messenger channel automatically.

Assigned User Licenses
We assign Service Cloud User licenses and Messaging permission set licenses to the users you select during the flow. These users
are assigned to the queue you create and are granted the necessary user permissions to chat with customers in the console.
Presence Statuses
Presence statuses are how users go online in Omni-Channel. We create three presence statuses for your team to use: Available -
Messaging, On Break, and Busy. The Available - Messaging status makes the user available to accept Messaging conversations only.
Permission Set with Presence Statuses Assigned to Users
To make sure your team has access to the presence statuses we create, we make a permission set that assigns the presence statuses
to the users you select in the setup flow. The permission set is called Messaging Setup Flow Conversations (with developer name
Messaging_Flow_Conversations). Admins are also assigned a permission set called Messaging Setup Flow Admin (with developer
name Messaging_Flow_Admin).
Omni-Channel Utility
We add the Omni-Channel utility to your out-of-the-box Lightning Console app. This allows your team to go online and accept
incoming chat requests in Omni-Channel.

Set Up Messaging Channels

Follow these steps to enable Messaging and set up your channels.
Before you start setting up Messaging, verify that your org meets these prerequisites:
Available in: Lightning
• All Messaging users must have the Service Cloud or Sales Cloud license.
• Administrators must be familiar with Digital Engagement and Omni-Channel.
Available in: Enterprise,
• To view Messaging Sessions and Messaging Users, agents need either the View Setup and
Performance, Unlimited,
Configuration OR Configure Messaging OR Messaging Agent permission.
and Developer Editions
Important: Before deploying your Messaging channels, ensure that they comply with
industry standards and local laws.

Messaging is supported only in Lightning Experience.

Messaging setup pages are available only in Lightning Experience.

Assign Messaging User Permission Set License
To get started, assign all users the Messaging User permission set license.
Create a Messaging Permission Set for Agents
Define a permission set for Messaging agents. By defining a permission set, you're creating the toolbox your agents use to deliver
top-notch support.
Create a Messaging Permission Set for Admins
Define a permission set for admins so that they can set up a great Messaging experience for your agents. Admins require some
additional permissions that are not necessary for agents.
Assign the Permission Set to Users
Give your agents the tools to message with customers by assigning them the Messaging permission set.

Service Cloud Messaging

Enable Messaging
Enable Messaging in your org so agents can communicate with customers through text messages and Facebook messages.

Service Cloud
Omni-Channel for Administrators

Assign Messaging User Permission Set License

To get started, assign all users the Messaging User permission set license.
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, and select Users.
Available in: Lightning
2. Select the user you want to assign the permission set license to.
Experience with the Digital
3. In the Permission Set License Assignments related list, click Edit Assignments. Engagement add-on SKU
4. Enable the Messaging User permission set license. Available in: Enterprise,
5. Click Save. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
6. Repeat this process for all users that require Messaging.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud


To create a permission set:

• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To edit users:
• Manage Internal Users

Create a Messaging Permission Set for Agents

Define a permission set for Messaging agents. By defining a permission set, you're creating the
toolbox your agents use to deliver top-notch support.
Before you get started, make sure that you've set up Omni-Channel for Messaging. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, and select Permission Sets.
Engagement add-on SKU
2. Click New.
Available in: Enterprise,
3. For Label, enter a name for the permission set. The API Name is automatically filled. Performance, Unlimited,
4. Skip the section about user licenses. If you select a user license, App Permissions aren't available. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
5. Click Save.
6. In the details page, select Service Presence Status Access.
7. Click Edit.
8. Move your Messaging presence status to the Enabled Service Presence Statuses list. To create a permission set:
• Manage Profiles and
9. Click Save. Permission Sets
10. Go back to the details page, and select Object Settings. To edit users:
11. Select Messaging Sessions. • Manage Internal Users

Service Cloud Messaging

12. Click Edit, give view access to all, and the appropriate access for your users or roles.
13. Click Save.
14. Go back to the Object Settings page.
15. Select Messaging Users.
16. Click Edit, give view access to all, and the appropriate access for your users or roles.
17. Click Save.
18. Go back to the Object Settings page.
19. Select App Permissions.
20. Click Edit, then enable End Messaging Session, Agent Initiated Outbound Messaging, and Messaging
21. Click Save.
To use Messaging, your agents must have a Sales Cloud or Service Cloud license.
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, and select Users.
2. Select the name of the user.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the User Edit page, verify that Sales Cloud or Service Cloud User is selected. If not, then select Sales Cloud User or Service Cloud
5. Click Save.

Customize Omni-Channel
Create a Messaging Permission Set for Admins

Create a Messaging Permission Set for Admins

Define a permission set for admins so that they can set up a great Messaging experience for your
agents. Admins require some additional permissions that are not necessary for agents.
Before you get started, make sure that you've set up Omni-Channel for Messaging. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, and select Permission Sets.
Engagement add-on SKU
2. Clone or repeat the permissions you created for agents. Your admins need the same permissions.
Available in: Enterprise,
3. From the details page, select App Permissions. Performance, Unlimited,
4. Click Edit. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
5. Enable Configure Messaging to allow admins to set up channels, add queues, and perform
other administrative tasks.

To create a permission set:

SEE ALSO: • Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Create a Messaging Permission Set for Agents
To edit users:
• Manage Internal Users

Service Cloud Messaging

Assign the Permission Set to Users

Give your agents the tools to message with customers by assigning them the Messaging permission
1. Important: Before you can assign the Messaging permission set to your agents, you Available in: Lightning
must assign it to yourself. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, and select Users.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Select the name of the user that you want to assign the permission set to.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Click Edit Assignments. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
4. In the Permission Set Assignment page, move the permission set that you created to the Enabled
Permission Sets list.

To assign permission sets:

• Assign Permission Sets

Enable Messaging
Enable Messaging in your org so agents can communicate with customers through text messages
and Facebook messages.
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Available in: Lightning
Messaging Settings. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
2. Select the Messaging checkbox.
Messaging is enabled in your org. Available in: Enterprise,
After you enable Messaging, it can take a few minutes for the other Messaging setup pages to Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
appear in the setup menu. Refresh your browser to see the other Messaging setup pages.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud


To set up and edit

Messaging channels:
• Configure Messaging
To view channels:
• View Setup and

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up Messaging Channels

Give your customers new ways to contact your business. Set up at least one Messaging channel
using the New Channel guided setup flow.
Messaging supports a maximum of 2000 channels per org. For more information about what's Available in: Lightning
available in Messaging, see Messaging in Lightning Experience: Are Your Use Cases Supported? on Experience with the Digital
page 479 Engagement add-on SKU

Available in: Enterprise,

IN THIS SECTION: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
Set Up Omni-Channel Routing for Messages
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
Messaging in Lightning Experience uses Omni-Channel to route incoming messages to your
support agents. Before you set up Messaging, make sure that Omni-Channel is ready to handle
messages with a service channel for messages, a queue with an associated routing configuration, USER PERMISSIONS
and presence statuses that let your agents receive messages. To configure dynamic skill
To set up Messaging:
requirements, select the Omni-Channel routing type in Messaging Settings and configure
• Configure Messaging
skills-based routing rules.
To view channels:
View and Refresh Messaging Channels
• View Setup and
View the Messaging channels that are set up in your org. If you don’t see channels that you Configuration
expect, refresh the channels list.
Modify Messaging Channel Settings
Update your Messaging channel settings.
Create Automated Responses for Messaging Channels
Use automated responses to send predefined messages to customers when customers start a messaging conversation and when
agents accept or end a conversation.
Set Up Quick Text for Messaging
Let your support agents insert predefined messages, like greetings and answers to common questions.
Let Agents Link Messaging User Records with Other Salesforce Records (Beta)
Allow agents to link Messaging User records with Contacts so that your company has greater insight into your customers.
Create the Messaging Lightning Console App
Agents use the Messaging Lightning Console App to exchanges messages with customers. You either can create a console app from
scratch, or you can add Messaging to a console app.
Test Your Messaging Channels
All done setting up channels in Messaging? Let’s check that your channels are working the way that you expect.
Create Messaging Users with Imported Data
Programmatically add new messaging users to your org by importing a CSV file into Salesforce using Data Loader.
Set Up SMS Text Messaging
Use SMS messages for agent-to-customer communication and with automated methods, such as bots and campaigns. To communicate
with customers via SMS messages, your company can use a new number or your existing landline number.
Set Up Facebook Messenger Channels in Messaging
Let customers communicate with support agents using Facebook Messenger. Customers use Facebook Messenger to send messages
to your company’s Facebook page, and agents can reply from the Service Console. Use the guided setup flow to set up a Facebook
Messenger channel.

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up WhatsApp in Messaging

Customers can communicate with your support agents using WhatsApp in Messaging. They can message your company from the
WhatsApp messaging app, and agents can reply from the Service Console. Use the guided setup flow to set up a WhatsApp channel.

Set Up Omni-Channel Routing for Messages

Messaging in Lightning Experience uses Omni-Channel to route incoming messages to your support agents. Before you set up Messaging,
make sure that Omni-Channel is ready to handle messages with a service channel for messages, a queue with an associated routing
configuration, and presence statuses that let your agents receive messages. To configure dynamic skill requirements, select the
Omni-Channel routing type in Messaging Settings and configure skills-based routing rules.
After you set up and add agents to a queue, assign the queue to at least one Messaging channel. Without a queue, inbound messages
get stuck in a waiting state.

Customize Omni-Channel
Add the Omni-Channel Utility to a Lightning Console App
Omni-Channel Utility for Lightning Console Apps

View and Refresh Messaging Channels

View the Messaging channels that are set up in your org. If you don’t see channels that you expect,
refresh the channels list.
Available in: Lightning
Table 11: Channel Icons
Experience with the Digital
Icon Channel Type Engagement add-on SKU
SMS and Short Code text messaging Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
Facebook Messenger Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

To view channels:
• View Setup

Note: If you update the name of your Facebook page in Facebook, the old name still appears in the Messaging channels list view.
To show the new name, delete the channel for that page and then add it again.
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Messaging Settings.
In the Channels section, click . The channels that are set up in your org appear in the list view.

Service Cloud Messaging

Modify Messaging Channel Settings

Update your Messaging channel settings.
Table 12: Messaging Channel Settings
Available in: Lightning
Setting Description Editable? Experience with the Digital
Channel Name Name of this channel. Yes Engagement add-on SKU

Available in: Enterprise,

API Name API name of this channel. Yes
Performance, Unlimited,
Business Hours The operating hours for your business, when Yes and Developer editions with
agents are available. The Business Hours setting Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
is available only in orgs that use Einstein Bots.

Messaging Platform No USER PERMISSIONS

SMS: Phone number associated with this
Key channel. To set up and edit
Facebook Messenger: Facebook page ID Messaging channels:
• Configure Messaging
associated with this channel.
To view channels:
Active Indicates whether the channel is available for Yes • View Setup and
customers to send messages to. Configuration


Routing Type The type of routing for this channel. To configure Yes
dynamic skill requirements, select the
Omni-Channel routing type and configure
skills-based routing rules.

Queue Queue that messages sent to this channel are Yes (Queue-Based
routed to. Routing only)

Select a queue so that messages are routed to Note: You

support agents. cannot delete

Routing Configuration Defines the relative priority and relative size of Yes (Skills-Based
work items. Specifies how work items are routed Routing only)
to agents.
Search for the routing configuration you want
to use with this channel.

Skill Choose one or more skills to associate with this Yes (Skills-Based
channel. Routing only)

Automated Responses

Opt-In Keywords The keywords your customers can send to Yes

explicitly opt in to receiving messages.

Opt-In Prompt The text that's sent to your customers to opt in Yes
to receiving messages.

Service Cloud Messaging

Setting Description Editable?

Require Double Opt-In Indicates whether your customers must go through an additional Yes
opt-in step.

Double Opt-In Keywords The keywords your customers can send to doubly opt in to Yes
receiving messages.

Double Opt-In Prompt The text that's sent to your customers to doubly opt in to receiving Yes

Opt-In Confirmation A predefined message that’s sent in response to the customer’s Yes
initial text message. The Opt-in response acknowledges that the
customer consents to receiving text messages from your company.

Opt-Out Confirmation A predefined message that’s sent when the customer responds to Yes
a message with one of the following keywords:
• Stop
• Stopall
• Unsubscribe
• Cancel
• End
• Quit

Chat Acknowledgment Let your customers know that you've received their message. Yes

Start Chat Let your customers know that an agent has accepted their message Yes
and started the chat.

End Chat Let your customers know that the chat has ended. Yes

Help Response The response that's sent to your customers when they text HELP Yes
to your channel.

Object Linking Select a record type to link with Messaging Sessions. Choose Yes
whether linked records are opened as subtabs within the
Messaging Session.

1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Messaging Settings.
2. Click the down arrow to the right of the channel that you want to edit.
3. Click Edit.
The Edit Messaging Channel modal page opens.
4. Make your changes.
5. Click Save.

Service Cloud Messaging

Create Automated Responses for Messaging Channels

Use automated responses to send predefined messages to customers when customers start a
messaging conversation and when agents accept or end a conversation.
Available in: Lightning
Table 13: Messaging Channel Settings
Experience with the Digital
Field Description Example Required? Engagement add-on SKU
Opt-In Keywords The keywords your customers can YES, Y, START Short codes only Available in: Enterprise,
send to explicitly opt in to receiving Performance, Unlimited,
messages. You can customize this for and Developer editions with
every language you support. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Opt-In A predefined message that’s sent in By default, the SMS and short
Confirmation opt-in message is codes only USER PERMISSIONS
response to the customer’s initial text
message. The Opt-in response “Thanks for
To set up and edit
acknowledges that the customer opting in and
Messaging channels:
consents to receiving text messages allowing us to
• Configure Messaging
from your company. send you
messages.” To view channels:
If you provided a Chat • View Setup and
Acknowledgement response, then Configuration
Messaging sends the Opt-in response
and the Chat Acknowledgement
response, in that order.
You can change the wording of this
message. American and European
privacy regulations require the use of
an opt-in message. You can customize
this for every language you support.

Opt-Out A predefined message that’s sent By default, the Yes

Confirmation when the customer responds to a opt-out message
message with one of the following is “You’ve opted
keywords: out of receiving
messages from
• Stop us, so we won’t
• Stopall contact you
• Unsubscribe again.”
• Cancel
• End
• Quit
You can change the wording of this
message. American and European
privacy regulations require the use of
an opt-out message. You can
customize this for every language you

Service Cloud Messaging

Field Description Example Required?

Opt-In Prompt The text that's sent to your customers to opt in to To subscribe to Short codes only
receiving messages. [Campaign Name]
[Description] Alerts, reply
YES. Reply HELP for help.
Reply STOP to cancel at
any time. Msg&data rates
may apply.

Double Opt-In Keywords The keywords your customers can send to doubly YES, Y, START Short codes only
opt in to receiving messages. You can customize this
for every language you support.

Double Opt-In Prompt The text that's sent to your customers to doubly opt To confirm your Short codes only
in to receiving messages. subscription to
[Campaign Name]
[Description] Alerts, reply
START. Reply HELP for
help. Reply STOP to
cancel at any time.
Msg&data rates may

Help Keywords The keywords that your customers can send to HELP, AIDE Short codes only
request help during a conversation. You can
customize this for every language you support.

Help Response The response that's sent to your customers when [Campaign Name] Short codes only
they text a help keyword to your channel. You can [Description] Alerts: Help
customize this for every language you support. at [source of help] or [toll
free number]. Msg&data
rates may apply.
[Message frequency].
Text STOP to cancel.

Custom Keywords The keywords your customers can send to receive a INFO Short codes only
custom response. You could use custom keywords
for company-specific information, or to comply with
country-specific regulations. You can customize this
for every language you support.

Custom Response The response sent to your customers when they text [Campaign Name] Short codes only
a custom keyword to your channel. You can [Description] Alerts:
customize this for every language you support. Contact us at [web URL]
or [email address].
Msg&data rates may
apply. [Message
frequency]. Text STOP to

Service Cloud Messaging

Field Description Example Required?

Chat Acknowledgement A predefined message that’s sent in response to the “Thanks for contacting us. No
customer’s initial text message. The Chat An agent will respond
Acknowledgement response assures your customer shortly.”
that your company received their text.
If you provided a Chat Acknowledgement response,
then Messaging sends the Opt-in response and the
Chat Acknowledgement response, in that order.

Start Chat A predefined message that’s sent to the customer ‘Hello, how can I help you No
when an agent accepts the messaging session in the today?”
Omni-Channel utility.

End Chat A predefined message that’s sent to the customer “Thanks again for No
when the agent ends the messaging session. contacting us. We
appreciate your

1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Messaging Settings.
2. Select the channel that you want to configure.
3. Click Edit.
The Edit Channel modal opens.
4. In the Automated Responses section, enter the messages that you want to send to customers.
5. Click Save.

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up Quick Text for Messaging

Let your support agents insert predefined messages, like greetings and answers to common
1. Enable Quick Text. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
a. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Quick Text in the Quick Find box, and select
Engagement add-on SKU
Quick Text Settings.
b. Switch on Enable Quick Text. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
c. Click Save. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
2. Create new quick text messages.
a. In the App Launcher, enter Quick Text in the search bar, and select Quick Text.
b. Click New Quick Text.
To create quick text
c. Enter a name, message, and category for the quick text.
d. Under Channel, select Messaging. • Create, Read, Edit, and
e. Click Save. Delete on quick text
To view channels:
Note: If you don't see Messaging as a channel option, try switching off quick text and • View Setup and
then turning it back on.You can also create new quick text messages directly from a Configuration
Messaging session. Click the quick text icon, then click +.
To set up and edit
Messaging channels:
• Configure Messaging

Let Agents Link Messaging User Records with Other Salesforce Records (Beta)
Allow agents to link Messaging User records with Contacts so that your company has greater insight
into your customers.

Note: If you don’t have the ObjectLinkingPilot permission, see Create Channel-Object Linking Available in: Lightning
Rules from Messaging Settings. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
Messaging creates a Messaging User record for customers when they message your company. The
Messaging User record includes the customer’s name, phone number or Facebook name, and Available in: Enterprise,
opt-out status. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
When a customer sends your company a message over a channel that uses channel-object linking, Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
Messaging automatically searches for matching records. Messaging notifies the agent if it finds a
match, and prompts the agent to review and link the Messaging User record to the matching record.
If no match is found, the Messaging User record is not modified. USER PERMISSIONS

Note: Channel-object linking is only available for Facebook and SMS channels. To set up and edit
Messaging channels:
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Channel-Object Linking in the Quick • Configure Messaging
Find box. To view channels:
2. Turn on Channel-Object Linking. • View Setup and
3. Select New Linking Rule.
The Link Channel to Object window opens.
4. Choose a channel for the new linking rule.

Service Cloud Messaging

5. Choose an object.
6. Set the linking logic.
7. Enter a name and description.
8. Turn on Activate on Save if you want the rule to work right away.
9. Save.
If you allow agents to link records, makes sure to give agents View access to records owned by other users, so that agents can see those
records. For example, if you allow agents to link Messaging User records to Contacts, agents must be able to see Contact records that
other users created.

Link a Messaging User Record with Other Salesforce Records

Create the Messaging Lightning Console App

Agents use the Messaging Lightning Console App to exchanges messages with customers. You
either can create a console app from scratch, or you can add Messaging to a console app.
To add Messaging to a console app, select the app that you want to edit in the App Manager and Available in: Lightning
then skip to step 11. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, and then
select App Manager. Available in: Enterprise,
2. Click New Lightning App. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
The New Lightning App configuration settings page is displayed.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
3. For Name, enter a name such as Messaging Console.
The App Launcher shows the name’s initials.
4. The Developer Name is automatically filled.
To create or edit a console
5. Click Next. app:
6. In the App Options settings, select Console navigation. • Customize Application
AND View Setup and
7. Click Next. Configuration
8. In the Utility Bar settings page, click Add Utility Item.
9. To add Omni-Channel to the utility bar in the console footer, select Omni-Channel.
Agents use the Omni-Channel utility to accept messages sent via Messaging.

10. After you add Omni-Channel to the utility bar, the Omni-Channel utility item properties are displayed. Don’t change anything, just
click Next.
11. In the Select Items settings page, select Messaging Sessions and move it to the Selected Items list.

Service Cloud Messaging

12. Click Next.

13. In the Navigation Rules settings page, select Workspace tabs.
14. Click Next.
15. In the Assign to User Profiles settings page, select the user profiles that you want to have access to Messaging, and move them to
the Selected Profiles list.
16. Click Save & Finish.
Now Messaging is set up and you can test it out on page 499!

Create and Edit a Custom Lightning Console App
Omni-Channel Utility for Lightning Console Apps
Who Can Access Lightning Console Apps?

Service Cloud Messaging

Test Your Messaging Channels

All done setting up channels in Messaging? Let’s check that your channels are working the way
that you expect.
To send and receive messages in Messaging, users must have the following licenses: Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
• Service User OR Sales User
Engagement add-on SKU
• Messaging User
Available in: Enterprise,
To test an SMS text messaging channel, you need a mobile phone that you can use to send text
Performance, Unlimited,
messages. and Developer editions with
To test a Facebook Messenger channel, you need a Facebook account with Facebook Messenger Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
1. Log in to Salesforce as an agent. USER PERMISSIONS
2. To open the App Launcher, on the left side of the navigation bar, click . To send and receive
3. Find and open the app that contains Messaging. messages in Messaging:
• View Setup and
The name of the app depends on what you set up when you created or edited the console app
that contains Messaging.
To end Messaging sessions:
4. Click the Omni-Channel utility in the footer of your screen. • End Messaging Session
5. Change your Omni-Channel presence status so that you’re online and available to receive
6. To test a text messaging channel:
a. Send a text message to the phone number that is associated with this channel.

7. To test a Facebook Messenger channel:

a. In another browser, log in to Facebook.
b. Open Facebook Messenger.
c. Send a message to the Facebook page that is associated with this channel.

8. The Omni-Channel utility shows an incoming message.

9. To accept the message, click the check mark icon.
The chat window opens.
10. To see if the chat is working as expected, enter some text in the chat window and press Enter.
11. When you’re done, click End Chat.
12. Close the messaging session tab.

Service Cloud Messaging

Create Messaging Users with Imported Data

Programmatically add new messaging users to your org by importing a CSV file into Salesforce
using Data Loader.
Add new messaging user records to your org, without them messaging you first. This method of Available in: Lightning
adding new messaging users can be helpful if your org uses agent-initiated outbound messaging. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
1. Find the Messaging Channel ID.
a. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Available in: Enterprise,
Messaging Settings. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
b. From the list of messaging channels, click Edit next to the channel you want to view. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
c. Copy the Messaging Channel ID value and paste it into a safe place for later.

2. Populate the following data into a CSV file: USER PERMISSIONS

• Customer first name and last name To set up and edit

Messaging Channels:
• Messaging platform key: SMS phone number
• Configure Messaging
– No hyphens, parentheses, or spaces
– Use a +1 in front of the number

• Messaging channel
– Text
– Facebook
– WhatsApp

• The Messaging Channel ID you copied in Step 1

• Messaging Consent Status: DoublyOptedIn, ExplicitlyOptedIn, ImplicitlyOptedIn, or OptedOut.

3. Open Data Loader on your computer. If you haven't used Data Loader before, see Data Loader.
4. In Data Loader, select Insert.
5. Select Password Authentication, then log in with your org credentials.
6. Select Show All Salesforce Objects.
7. Select the Messaging User object.
8. Import the CSV file you created in Step 2.
9. Automap the fields and run reports.

Send Agent-Initiated Outbound Messages

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up SMS Text Messaging

Use SMS messages for agent-to-customer communication and with automated methods, such as
bots and campaigns. To communicate with customers via SMS messages, your company can use
a new number or your existing landline number. Available in: Lightning
Review some of these text messaging concepts before setting up Messaging for long codes or short Experience with the Short
codes. Code add-on SKUs

Available in: Enterprise,

IN THIS SECTION: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions with
SMS Messaging Terminology
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
We understand the power that effective messaging can bring to your business. We also know
that messaging terminology can be complex. To make the right decisions with your messaging
solutions, we want to help you understand these terms, such as P2P, A2P, short codes, long codes, MMS, and segmentation.
SMS Messaging Carrier Filtering
Carrier filtering is the practice where carriers block the delivery of some or all of the messaging from a specific number or business.
To provide the best messaging solution for your customers, you must understand how and when carrier filtering occurs.
SMS Messaging Number Types
A critical aspect of your messaging strategy is selecting the ideal type of number for your business. Choosing a short code or one of
the many long code options depends on your use case.
Set Up Text Message Long Code Channels in Messaging
Let customers communicate with support agents using text messaging. Customers can send text messages to your company, and
agents can reply from the Service Console. Use the guided setup flow to set up a text messaging channel.
Set Up Short Code Channels in Messaging
Use short code phone numbers to send recurring messages and one-time alerts to your US and Canadian customers. When customers
respond, they can have two-way conversations with support agents, just like they do with your other channels. Short codes have
high throughput, which means you can send one-to-many messages and high volumes of one-to-one messages.

View and Refresh Messaging Channels
Modify Messaging Channel Settings
Create Automated Responses for Messaging Channels

SMS Messaging Terminology

We understand the power that effective messaging can bring to your business. We also know that
messaging terminology can be complex. To make the right decisions with your messaging solutions,
we want to help you understand these terms, such as P2P, A2P, short codes, long codes, MMS, and Available in: Lightning
segmentation. Experience with the Short
Code add-on SKUs
Message Types Available in: Enterprise,
Person-to-Person (P2P) Performance, Unlimited,
P2P describes conventional two-way SMS or MMS messaging between individuals. P2P and Developer Editions with
messaging is lower-volume. The expectation is for one outbound message to every inbound Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
message, with no more than a 3-to-1 ratio. P2P messages typically use long codes, though this
practice can vary by country.

Service Cloud Messaging

Application-to-Person (A2P)
A2P generally refers to anything that isn’t considered P2P, including chatbots and automated campaigns. Sometimes A2P messaging
is referred to as enterprise or business messaging. A2P messaging has higher expected volumes than P2P and is typically outbound.
However, depending on the number, A2P can include two-way conversational messaging. A2P messages typically use short codes
(toll free is available for the U.S. only). Account permissions limit throughput for A2P messages and rate limits apply.

Message Use Case

The message use case is relevant when determining a solution that is right for your company.
A message sent from a customer to your company’s number.
A conversation initiated by a customer.
A message sent from your company’s number to a customer. Outbound messages can be initiated by an agent, sent through a
campaign, initiated by a chatbot, and triggered by an application.
A conversation initiated by an agent.
Automated Outbound
Bulk or outbound messages triggered by an action in Salesforce or with a bot. A Salesforce admin can trigger an outbound message
based on a record change in their org. Examples include messages alerting customers of changes to their case or order, messages
acknowledging a request for more information from a new lead, and service alerts.
Outbound Campaign (Broadcast)
A message sent to a list, most commonly used for service-related initiatives. These messages are medium-to-high volume and
typically one way, although the product allows outbound messaging to convert to a conversation when a recipient replies to the

Number Types
Your company can send messages using several different types of numbers. It's important to understand these terms, particularly because
several of them overlap with each other conceptually. For instance, a toll free number is a type of long code.
Long Codes
These numbers are standard phone numbers like landlines, mobile numbers, and toll free numbers that can be different lengths
based on the country. Typically, long codes are used for interactive conversations or P2P messaging.
A2P Long Code
A number used specifically for A2P communication.
Short Codes
These numbers are shorter than a long code, between 4–8 digits depending on the country of origin. These codes are used for
sending high-volume A2P messages, such as automated campaigns, surveys, and announcements. They can support message
volumes of 10–500 messages/second. The specific volume limit is country-specific and doesn’t translate to the platform throughput.
Short codes are registered with the local carrier for use case approval
Toll Free Number
A type of long code that uses a toll free number.
Mobile Number (or MSISDN)
A phone number used to identify a mobile subscriber.

Service Cloud Messaging

Other Terms
Short Message Service (SMS)
SMS messages are sent over a cellular network and support text content. An SMS message can contain 140 bytes of content. See
Considerations for Text Messaging on page 507.
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
MMS messages are sent over a cellular network and can be used to send pictures, video, audio, and phone contacts.
This type of character encoding requires 7 bits per character. See Considerations for Text Messaging on page 507.
This type of character encoding is a more flexible and powerful standard than GSM-7. UTF-8 is the most common unicode encoding
type. It uses 1 byte for the first 128 characters and up to 4 bytes for other characters. See Considerations for Text Messaging on page
If an SMS message is more than 140 bytes, it is segmented into multiple messages. In this case, each segmented message can contain
up to 133 bytes. The remaining 7 bytes are used for the header that describes the segment order. Up to six segmented messages
can be grouped together. See Considerations for Text Messaging on page 507.

SMS Messaging Carrier Filtering

Carrier filtering is the practice where carriers block the delivery of some or all of the messaging from
a specific number or business. To provide the best messaging solution for your customers, you
must understand how and when carrier filtering occurs. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Short
Why is filtering used? Code add-on SKUs

The following are some of the main reasons for filtering: Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
1. To comply with the carrier's policies, or with state, local, or country-specific regulations.
and Developer Editions with
Compliance can relate to the message’s content or frequency.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
2. To enforce rules and regulations that protect mobile subscribers from unwanted or unsolicited
messaging, such as SPAM and messages that are abusive, fraudulent, or of questionable content.
3. To prevent P2P messages from being sent through A2P streams, and to prevent A2P messages from using P2P routes. Incorrect
routing can affect the line of business (carrier and subscriber) indicated by number type.
4. To reduce the potential for dissatisfied customers who file complaints, take legal action, seek damages, or switch to another carrier
for loss of business.
To familiarize yourself with country rules and regulations, refer to Messaging Regulations by Country. Because regulations can change,
we recommend a legal review of the regulatory bodies that govern the telecommunications systems in the country or territory where
you plan to do business.

How are messages filtered?

Filtering techniques can vary from one carrier and country to the next. Filters can be triggered any number of ways, such as from a
defined list of terms or from advanced logic with the use of adaptive software systems and machine learning.
Carriers can look at content or volume and, through algorithms, use a scoring system that triggers filtering or blocking when a threshold
is met. Scoring can be based on a particular time period, message similarity, message frequency, or when content is deemed as possible
SPAM or A2P, such as when content contains a URL.

Service Cloud Messaging

Machine learning helps these systems adapt constantly as different messages pass through them. As a result, it can be difficult to
determine why or how a message was filtered. Upon request, some carriers provide information verifying that a message was blocked,
while others don’t. Some carriers simply report messages as undelivered to protect the analysis and replication of their filtering algorithms.
Filtering techniques and practices are proprietary and kept strictly confidential by carriers to ensure that they can’t be reverse-engineered
or circumvented. Just as spammers continuously adapt their approach, carriers continuously change their heuristics to protect subscribers
from spammers.

What are some best practices to protect against filtering?

Learn the rules and regulations of your target market. And consider periodically validating your use case, phone numbers, and content
for any changes that could impact message delivery. Also, you can apply the following best practices no matter the regulatory logic for
a particular market.
1. Provide clear and easy opt-out instructions. Message recipients can reach out to their carriers for many reasons. For instance,
perhaps a recipient believes that they were contacted in error, that it wasn’t clear how to opt out, or that their privacy wasn’t respected.
In any of these cases, they can request that the carrier block messages.
2. Avoid URLs. If you intend to include a link, relevancy and frequency are important. Particularly problematic are shortened URLs,
which have a high potential for getting marked as SPAM. If you plan to include a link, they should be associated with a single web
domain owned by the customer. Although a full domain is preferred, a URL shortener may be used to deliver custom links. You
should avoid common, public, or shared domain shorteners. For example:,,,,,,,,,,
3. Personalize the content. Using identical messages from the same name is a sure way to get flagged and blocked by filtering
algorithms. Identical messages don’t indicate typical P2P behavior.
4. Limit the amount and ratio of messaging for P2P. A significant number of messages within a short period of time from the same
number isn’t typical human behavior. If there’s an expectation of larger-than-normal personalized messages, using multiple numbers
can mitigate the risk.
5. Understand the messaging hours of operation of the target audience. Guidelines for allowable business messaging can vary
from country to country. If you’re unclear, limit messaging to the expected hours of operation of your target audience, and consider
their time zone.
6. Keep messaging professional and clearly identify the sender. By identifying the business, you remind the recipient who you
are and that they gave you consent to message them.

What if my messages were incorrectly blocked or filtered?

Messages blocked by filtering result in the associated number being added to the carrier’s blocked list. The number is only removed
after the carrier’s defined (automated) period of time. Carrier’s don’t unblock the number unless it’s clearly blocked in error, which is
difficult to validate due to the proprietary nature of filtering.
Long codes blocked for legitimate reasons aren’t eligible for, and Salesforce can’t request, unblocking or adding the number(s) to the
allowed list.
Short codes are pre-registered with the local carrier for use case approval, which results in pre-approved allowed listing. But this allowed
listing is limited to a particular type of pre-approved traffic.

Verify that messages aren't blocked by each of the major carriers.

To confirm filtering, test against all major carriers. We know of instances where one carrier blocks an SMS message, but another provider
received the message. For example, in the US, test with AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile/Sprint to verify that messages are received on the
mobile device.

Service Cloud Messaging

SMS Messaging Number Types

A critical aspect of your messaging strategy is selecting the ideal type of number for your business.
Choosing a short code or one of the many long code options depends on your use case.
Review the terms on page 501 and filter guidelines on page 503 before continuing. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Short
For number availability by country basis, see Messaging Regulations by Country. Salesforce will
Code add-on SKUs
text-enable numbers on behalf of its customers. Depending on the country, customers can use
their existing number or a number provided by Salesforce. Available in: Enterprise,
The following table details the number type available for the most common use cases. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
Land Line Toll Free Short Code A2P Long Mobile/MSISDN
(Long Code) (Long Code) Code (Salesforce
(Salesforce Provided)
United States Inbound Inbound Inbound Not Available Not Available
Initiated Initiated Initiated
Outbound Outbound Outbound
Initiated Initiated Initiated
Automated Automated
Outbound Outbound

Canada Inbound Inbound Inbound Not Available Not Available

Initiated Initiated Initiated
Outbound Outbound Outbound
Initiated Initiated Initiated

Other Not Available Not Available Outbound Inbound Inbound

Countries Initiated Initiated Initiated
Automated Outbound Outbound
Outbound Initiated Initiated
Campaigns Automated Automated
Outbound Outbound

The following table provides more details about the different number types.

Standard Long Code Toll Free Long Code Short Code

Format 7–15 digit number 1–8XX number 4–8 digit number

Service Cloud Messaging

Standard Long Code Toll Free Long Code Short Code

Standard 10 digit

Throughput 1–2 msgs/sec 10–100 msgs/sec (U.S. only), all 10–500 msgs/sec
1:1 message ratio; 3:1 max* other follow Long Code P2P

15K msgs/month max Avoid URLs**

Message Delivery Low Medium High


Setup Time Minutes Less than 3 days Weeks

Pre-Approval / Regulatory No No Yes

Compliance Requirements

* Ratio of outbound to inbound

** Avoid URLs: If you intend to include a link, relevancy and frequency are important. Particularly problematic are shortened URLs, which
have a high potential for getting marked as SPAM.
When choosing a number type, consider these number type limitations, your country’s messaging regulations, and the carrier filtering
rules on page 503 that can affect your desired use cases.
For more information, see our Digital Engagement knowledge articles, which go into more detail about Salesforce Messaging.

Set Up Text Message Long Code Channels in Messaging

Let customers communicate with support agents using text messaging. Customers can send text
messages to your company, and agents can reply from the Service Console. Use the guided setup
flow to set up a text messaging channel. Available in: Lightning
If you already have a US or Canadian landline phone number, send Salesforce a Letter of Authorization Experience with the Digital
(LOA) to use it with Messaging. When Salesforce receives your LOA, they will enable your phone Engagement add-on SKU
number for text messaging.
Available in: Enterprise,
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Performance, Unlimited,
Messaging Settings. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
2. In the Channels section, click New Channel.
The New Channel guided setup flow opens.
4. Click SMS. To set up and edit
Messaging channels:
5. Download the Letter of Authorization (LOA) form.
• Configure Messaging
6. Fill out and sign the Letter of Authorization.
To view channels:
7. Open a case with Salesforce in Salesforce Help and attach the signed Letter of Authorization, • View Setup and
providing your full Customer Legal Name and Customer Account number. Configuration
Salesforce sends you an email to confirm that your phone numbers are enabled for Messaging.
8. Click Finish.
The setup flow is closed.

Service Cloud Messaging

After you receive the confirmation email from Salesforce, go to the Messaging channels list view and customize your text messaging
channels on page 491.

Important: If you don't have a US or Canadian phone number, Salesforce will provide you with a phone number. Messaging
doesn't support mobile or Voice over IP phone numbers.

Considerations for Text Messaging
Use text messaging to help agents connect with customers even when they’re on the go. Review these considerations before getting

Considerations for Text Messaging

Use text messaging to help agents connect with customers even when they’re on the go. Review
these considerations before getting started.
Available in: Lightning
General Considerations Experience with the Short
Code add-on SKUs
• SMS messages are subject to carrier filtering. This means that messages may not be delivered
if they break country- or network-specific rules, or if they're flagged as spam. To avoid filtering, Available in: Enterprise,
make sure that your messages follow the guidelines of the country that you're sending them Performance, Unlimited,
in. and Developer Editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
• The maximum length of a single message is approximately 840 characters. The maximum
length can vary depending on the language and characters used in the message, because most
non-English-based characters are considered double-byte and require more capacity to send.
Messages over 840 characters aren’t sent.
• For more industry-specific considerations about message deliverability, refer to Digital Engagement SMS Messaging Reference.

Non-US/Canada Considerations
• Salesforce only supports “in-country messaging,” that is, a phone number of one country messaging a phone number from the same
country. If you want to message international customers, request a number from their country.
• The rate applied for international messages is based on the phone number location not your geographical location.

Message Length
A single text message has a 140-byte limit. When using a 7-bit character encoding, such as GSM7, a single message can be up to 160
characters long. However, if you use non-GSM7 characters, such as Asian characters, they can be encoded using UCS-2, which requires
2 bytes per character. A message with multibyte characters can contain fewer total characters per message.

If a message is more than 140 bytes, it is segmented into multiple messages. In this case, each segmented message can contain up to
133 bytes. The remaining 7 bytes are used for the header that describes the segment order. Up to six segmented messages can be
grouped together.

Sandbox Considerations
Messages sent through your Sandbox are treated as normal messages and deducted from your total number of conversations.

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up Short Code Channels in Messaging

Use short code phone numbers to send recurring messages and one-time alerts to your US and
Canadian customers. When customers respond, they can have two-way conversations with support
agents, just like they do with your other channels. Short codes have high throughput, which means Available in: Lightning
you can send one-to-many messages and high volumes of one-to-one messages. Experience with the Short
Want to see short codes in action? Watch Short Codes for Service (2 minutes) Code add-on SKUs

1. To request the Short Code add-on SKUs, contact your Salesforce Account Executive or Sales Available in: Enterprise,
Representative. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions with
2. After you acquire the Short Code add-on SKUs, see Messaging Short Code Application Process
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
for details on how to get your short code phone number acquired and approved.
The short code channel approval and provisioning process takes 10–16 weeks.
3. When your short code channel is approved, log in to Salesforce. USER PERMISSIONS

4. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select To set up Messaging:
Messaging Settings. • Configure Messaging
5. In the Channels section, refresh your list of channels. A short code channel appears in the To view channels:
Messaging channels list view. • View Setup and
6. Click the dropdown arrow next to your short code Messaging channel, then click Edit.
7. Under Automated Responses, fill in the fields. Keep in mind that short code channels have
specific compliance requirements. For considerations and examples, see Considerations for Short Codes on page 509. Here are the
fields that are specific to short codes:
a. Opt-In Keywords: The keywords your customers can send to explicitly opt in to receiving messages. For example, YES, START,
or Y.
b. Opt-In Confirmation: The response sent to your customers when they opt in to receiving messages.
c. Opt-Out Confirmation: The confirmation text sent to your customers when they opt out of receiving messages.
d. Opt-In Prompt: The text sent to your customers to opt in to receiving messages.
e. Require Double Opt-In: Requires customers to go through an extra opt-in step to receive messages from your business. If you
use double opt-in, customers first send an opt-in keyword to your channel. Then, they're asked to send a double opt-in keyword
to receive further messages.
f. Double Opt-In Keywords: The keywords your customers can send to doubly opt in to receiving messages.
g. Double Opt-In Prompt: The text sent to your customers to doubly opt in to receiving messages.
h. Help Keywords: The keywords your customers can send to request help during a conversation.
i. Help Response: The response sent to your customers when they text a help keyword to your channel.
j. Custom Keyword: The keywords your customers can send to receive a custom response. You could use custom keywords for
company-specific information, or to comply with country-specific regulations.
k. Custom Response: The response sent to your customers when they text a custom keyword to your channel.

Important: When you use short codes, your business is required to follow carrier compliance requirements, industry standards,
and applicable law. The CTIA sometimes audits short code Messaging channels. For more information about short code
requirements, see the CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook and Canadian Common Short Codes.

8. Click Save.

Service Cloud Messaging

Considerations for Short Codes
Short code Messaging can unlock new potential for your business, but with great power comes great responsibility. When you use
short codes, your business is required to follow carrier compliance requirements, industry standards, and applicable laws.

Considerations for Short Codes

Short code Messaging can unlock new potential for your business, but with great power comes
great responsibility. When you use short codes, your business is required to follow carrier compliance
requirements, industry standards, and applicable laws. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Short
What Are Short Codes? Code add-on SKUs

Short codes are 5- or 6-digit phone numbers. Unlike long code phone numbers, short codes have Available in: Enterprise,
few limits on throughput, volume, or inbound-to-outbound ratios. That's why we recommend Performance, Unlimited,
them for high-volume use cases, like recurring messages and alerts. and Developer Editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
You can use short codes for single-message and recurring-message programs. We currently support
only service use cases—not marketing promotions.
Your company's automated responses can be a maximum of 160 characters.
For more information about using short codes in the US, see the CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook.

How Are Short Code Messages Routed?

Short code channels use the same Omni-Channel routing as your other channels. If a customer responds to an agent-initiated outbound
message, their message is routed to the agent who started the conversation. Otherwise, inbound messages are added to the queue or
skill and assigned to an available agent. To learn more about Omni-Channel routing, see Omni-Channel for Administrators.

Opting in to Messages
Customers must opt in to receiving messages before your business can start sending them. For example, customers can:
• Enter their phone number in an online form
• Sign up at a point-of-sale location
• Send a text to your short code number
This type of opt-in is called explicit opt-in. When a customer sends a text to your short code, we send them your opt-in prompt. You can
customize this text, along with your other short code responses, by navigating to Setup > Messaging Settings > Edit > Opt-In

Tip: Your opt-in prompt must contain certain details. Here's an example:
To subscribe to [Campaign Name] [Description] Alerts, reply YES. Reply HELP for
help. Reply STOP to cancel at any time. Msg&data rates may apply.

When they respond with an opt-in keyword, we mark the Messaging User object as explicitly opted in and send them a confirmation
text. You can customize this response for every language you support.

Tip: Here's an example:

You’re now subscribed to [Campaign Name] [Description] Alerts. Reply HELP for help.
Reply STOP to cancel at any time. Call [toll-free number] for support. Msg&data
rates may apply.

Service Cloud Messaging

Optionally, you can require customers to verify that they want to receive texts from your businesses. This extra step is called double opt-in.
You can add this requirement for your short code channel by navigating to Setup > Messaging Settings > Edit > Required Double
Opt-In. Write your double opt-in keywords and a double opt-in prompt. You can customize this response for every language you support.

Tip: Here's an example:

To confirm your subscription to [Campaign Name] [Description] Alerts, reply START.
Reply HELP for help. Reply STOP to cancel at any time. Msg&data rates may apply.

Opting Out of Messages

To stay compliant, you must allow Messaging users to opt-out of receiving text messages from your short code. Messaging users can
opt out by texting the keywords STOP, STOPALL, CANCEL, END, QUIT, and UNSUBSCRIBE to your short code. They can also opt out
during a Messaging session by communicating that intention to a support agent, who can manually opt them out.
When a Messaging user texts an opt-out keyword, the Messaging channel must opt out the user and respond with a compliant opt-out
confirmation text. You can customize this response for every language you support.

Tip: We suggest keeping your opt-out confirmation text short. Here's an example:
You are unsubscribed from [Campaign Name] [Description] Alerts. No more messages
will be sent. Reply HELP for help or call (toll free number).

Anyone who texts an opt-out keyword to your short code receives this response, even if they aren't subscribed to your messages.

Requesting Help
You're required to send a compliant response when a Messaging user texts a help keyword to your short code. You can customize the
response text by navigating to Setup > Messaging Settings > Edit > Help Response. You can customize this response for every
language you support.

Tip: Your help response must contain certain details. Here's an example:
[Campaign Name] [Description] Alerts: Help at [source of help] or [toll free number].
Msg&data rates may apply. [Message frequency]. Text STOP to cancel.

Anyone who texts a help keyword to your short code receives this response, even if they aren't subscribed to your messages.
To stay compliant, your help response must contain these details:
• Campaign name—The name of your company or organization
• Description—A single word or phrase to define the alerts, such as “Account Alerts”
• Help sources—You must provide a toll-free phone number or a support email address, in addition to any other forms of help
• Disclaimer—Msg&data rates may apply.
• Message frequency—Must be specific, but can be any interval, such as “1 message per day,” “2 messages per month,” or “1 message
per transaction.” "Message frequency varies" is also acceptable.

Using Custom Responses

Use custom keywords and responses to account for country-specific regulations, or to share other information specific to your company.
You can customize your keywords and responses by navigating to Setup > Messaging Settings > Edit > Custom Responses. You
can also customize this response for every language you support.

Service Cloud Messaging

Using Short Codes in Canada

Because Canada has two official languages—English and French—short code keywords and automated responses must account for
both languages. Canada has five mandatory keywords for short codes: HELP, INFO, AIDE, STOP, and ARRET. When a customer texts
one of these keywords to your short code, they must receive an automated response. These responses must be sent in the same language
as the corresponding keyword—for example, STOP returns an English response and ARRET returns a French response.

Set Up Facebook Messenger Channels in Messaging

Let customers communicate with support agents using Facebook Messenger. Customers use
Facebook Messenger to send messages to your company’s Facebook page, and agents can reply
from the Service Console. Use the guided setup flow to set up a Facebook Messenger channel. Available in: Lightning
Before you start, you need a Facebook account, Facebook username and password, and a Facebook Experience with the Digital
page. Use this information to authenticate to Facebook so that you can select the Facebook pages Engagement add-on SKU
to use with Messaging. You must be the administrator of the Facebook page to add that page to
Available in: Enterprise,
Messaging. Performance, Unlimited,
The guided setup flow lets you set up one Facebook page at a time. To set up more Facebook and Developer editions with
pages, repeat the flow. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select
Messaging Settings. USER PERMISSIONS
2. In the Channels section, click New Channel. To set up Messaging:
The New Channel guided setup flow opens. • Configure Messaging
3. Click Facebook Messenger. To authorize Facebook:
4. Click Start. • Customize Application
AND Manage Auth.
5. Click Authenticate Facebook. Providers
You’re prompted to enter your Facebook username and password.
To view channels:
6. Select the Facebook page to use with Messaging. You can select only one Facebook page in • View Setup and
this setup flow. To set up more Facebook pages, repeat the flow. Configuration
7. Click Next.
8. In the Chat Acknowledgement field, enter a message that’s sent in response to the customer’s initial text message.
The Chat Acknowledgement response assures your customer that your company received their text.

9. In the Object Linking section, select whether to link the messaging session to a Contact record.
10. Click Next.
11. Select whether to set up Omni-Channel to route messages to agents. Select Create a new queue and routing
configuration, or select Stop the setup flow and manually connect to an existing queue
and routing configuration.
If you select Create a new queue and routing configuration, the flow takes you though the steps to:
a. Create a queue.
b. Create a routing configuration.
c. Adjust the agent messaging workload.
d. Click Done.
If you select Stop the setup flow and manually connect to an existing queue and routing
configuration, the flow ends.

Service Cloud Messaging

a. Click Done.

12. To close the setup flow, click Finish.

Your Facebook Messenger channel appears in the Messaging channels list view.
If you selected Stop the setup flow and manually connect to an existing queue and routing
configuration, you must connect the channel to a queue and routing configuration, otherwise, messages aren’t routed to agents.
From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Messaging Settings. In the channels list
view, select the Facebook Messenger channel and click Edit. Select a queue and routing configuration, and click Save.

Considerations for Facebook Messenger
Review these considerations before using Facebook Messenger.
Move a Facebook Messenger Channel in Messaging from a Sandbox to a Production Org
Follow these steps to migrate your sandbox Facebook page to your production org.

Considerations for Facebook Messenger

Review these considerations before using Facebook Messenger.

General Considerations Available in: Lightning

Experience with the Short
• Third-party bots are supported with Facebook Messenger. To learn more, see Deploy Your Bot Code add-on SKUs
to Your Channels.
• Facebook doesn’t allow a business to respond to an end user's message that is more than 7 Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
days old. Businesses are encouraged to respond within 24 hours.
and Developer Editions with
• Salesforce Messaging uses the HUMAN_AGENT Facebook Message tag to ensure that you Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
have 7 days to respond. To learn more, refer to the Facebook documentation: Message Tags.
• Conversations don’t end after a customer sends a stop keyword. Manually end conversations
with the End Chat button.

High Volume Messages

Facebook imposes a per-day rate limit of 200 times the number of people the business can message using Facebook Messenger. Facebook
also has a maximum send rate of 250 requests per second.
When a Facebook Page experiences a high volume of messages over a short period or is sending or receiving messages with many
threads concurrently, it can trigger Facebook to change a customer’s page to a high-MPS (messages per second) page.
Pages that receive more than 40 MPS convert automatically to high-MPS pages and drop access to Facebook’s Page Inbox tool feature.
Facebook page administrators can manually enable the Page Inbox tool by selecting Retain Access to Page Inbox under the Facebook
Page settings.
To avoid conversion to a high-MPS page:
• Send out your messages that are not time sensitive consistently throughout the day
• Don’t send large volumes of messages at the same time
See Pages with High Volume Messages in the Facebook developer documentation for more details.

Service Cloud Messaging

Move a Facebook Messenger Channel in Messaging from a Sandbox to a Production Org

Follow these steps to migrate your sandbox Facebook page to your production org.
Before you start, you need a Facebook account, Facebook username and password, and a Facebook
page. Use this information to authenticate to Facebook so that you can select the Facebook pages Available in: Lightning
to use with Messaging. You must be the administrator of the Facebook page to add that page to Experience with the Digital
Messaging. Engagement add-on SKU

A Facebook page can be used as a channel in only one org at a time. Remove the Messaging sandbox Available in: Enterprise,
app from your Facebook page before adding it to your production org. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
1. Unassociate the Facebook page that is associated with the sandbox.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
a. Log in to Facebook.
b. Select the Facebook page that you want to migrate. USER PERMISSIONS
c. Open Settings.
To set up Messaging:
d. Open Advanced Messaging. • Configure Messaging
e. Under connected Apps, select remove next to the Salesforce Service Cloud listing. To authorize Facebook:
• Customize Application
2. Associate the Facebook page with your production org.
AND Manage Auth.
a. Log in to your Salesforce production org. Providers
b. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select To view channels:
Messaging Settings. • View Setup and
c. Click New Channel.
d. Select Facebook Messenger.
e. Follow the guided setup flow to add the Facebook page as a channel on page 511 in your production org.

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up WhatsApp in Messaging

Customers can communicate with your support agents using WhatsApp in Messaging. They can
message your company from the WhatsApp messaging app, and agents can reply from the Service
Console. Use the guided setup flow to set up a WhatsApp channel. Available in: Lightning
WhatsApp is a messaging application that is used by more than 1.5 billion people in over 180 Experience with the Digital
countries. WhatsApp Business allows users of the WhatsApp messaging app to communicate with Engagement add-on SKU
a business. There are two ways a business can interact with its customers:
Available in: Enterprise,
• Customer Care Interactions: Customer-initiated conversations that require a response from Performance, Unlimited,
an agent within 24 hours and Developer editions with
• Notifications: Business-initiated, pre-approved, templated messages that can be sent at any Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
Important: Don't try to directly activate your phone number for WhatsApp before or during
this setup process. Phone numbers that have previously been activated for WhatsApp require To set up Messaging:
extra setup steps. A WhatsApp number, once activated with Salesforce, can only be provisioned • Configure Messaging
to a single org (Sandbox or Production) at a time. If you need to migrate your WhatsApp
To authorize WhatsApp:
number to a different org, please contact Salesforce Support.
• Customize Application
1. Configure your WhatsApp account in Facebook Business Manager AND Manage Auth.
a. Go to and log in to your account.
To view channels:
b. Navigate to Facebook Business Manager > Business Settings > Business Info. Find
• View Setup and
your Business Manager ID at the top of the page. Configuration
c. Send an email to with the subject "WhatsApp
Number Setup." Include the following information:
• Salesforce Org ID (Sandbox or Production)
• Facebook Business Manager ID
• The name associated with the Facebook Business Manager ID
• Your WhatsApp phone number, plus:
– The name and email address for a point of contact to validate ownership of the phone number
– The company name you want to display within WhatsApp
– Whether the phone number is a landline or a mobile phone

• Optionally, some extra details for your WhatsApp company record:

– Your company description (max 138 characters)
– Your logo, either as a URL or as a file (.png or .jpeg, at least 640x640 pixels)
– Your website URL

Your Facebook Business Manager admin can access and accept invitations through the Requests tab in Facebook Business

2. View your WhatsApp channel.

a. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Messaging Settings.
b. In the Channels section, refresh your list of channels. A WhatsApp channel appears in the Messaging Channels list view.

Consent for WhatsApp

Service Cloud Messaging

WhatsApp requires you to proactively and explicitly receive an end user’s consent before sending them outbound notifications. You
must receive this consent outside of WhatsApp. You can receive it from another communication channel—such as email or text
message—or as part of your company's normal business processes. Once you receive an end user's consent outside of WhatsApp, you
can use this information to send outbound notifications. For more information on consent, see WhatsApp Business Policy.
End users don't have to provide advance, explicit consent to initiate an inbound customer care interaction. See Automated Responses
for Messaging for more information on standard opt-in and opt-out responses.
Considerations for WhatsApp:
You can send text messages, images, messaging templates, and PDFs using WhatsApp. When a customer sends an image, the agent
sees a preview in the service console and can download the image. File previews aren't supported, but agents can download files.
• You can use up to 250 phone numbers for WhatsApp on your Facebook Business Manager account, with WhatsApp's approval.
• Max character length of a message: 1600 characters
• Supported image formats: .png, .jpeg, .jpg
• Maximum file size: 5 MB
• You can't send stickers, audio files, locations, or contacts using WhatsApp.
• You can't see replies to specific messages. If a customer replies to a specific message, agents will see only the new message the
customer is sending.

Note: The WhatsApp messaging channel involves integrations with one or more Non-SFDC Applications, including Twilio, Inc.
and WhatsApp, as further detailed in the Messaging Notices and Licensing Information Documentation, available here. By activating
the WhatsApp messaging channel, you are affirming that you have the authority to bind your company/organization to any
Non-SFDC Application terms and conditions that are set forth in the Messaging Notices and Licensing Information Documentation.

Considerations for WhatsApp
Review these considerations before using WhatsApp.
Create Notification Templates for WhatsApp
Initiate conversations with customers through outbound notifications. If a customer opts in to receive them, you can send notifications
more than 24 hours after your last conversation with the customer.
Notification Types for WhatsApp
Use WhatsApp to send business-initiated, pre-approved, templated notifications at any time. There are 10 notification types, each
with allowed use cases.

Considerations for WhatsApp

Review these considerations before using WhatsApp.

Template Usage Messaging Limits Available in: Lightning

Experience with the Short
For each new WhatsApp channel, WhatsApp automatically applies a messaging limit. This limit
Code add-on SKUs
determines the number of users that you can send outbound messages to, using the
WhatsApp-approved template. This limit defines the number of unique users your org can send Available in: Enterprise,
messages to in a 24-hour period. It does not limit the number of messages you send. This limit also Performance, Unlimited,
doesn’t apply to responses to user-initiated messages. To learn more, see Capacity and Messaging and Developer Editions with
Limits in the WhatsApp documentation. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Messaging

Create Notification Templates for WhatsApp

Initiate conversations with customers through outbound notifications. If a customer opts in to
receive them, you can send notifications more than 24 hours after your last conversation with the
customer. Available in: Lightning
Note: This feature requires the WhatsApp Outbound Messages SKU. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
You can create and use up to 250 templates per WhatsApp business account.
Available in: Enterprise,
1. Submit your WhatsApp template for approval by sending an email to the WhatsApp Enablement Performance, Unlimited,
Team. This team will create a tracker document that allows you to submit your template content and Developer editions with
for review and collaborate on revisions. Depending on the quantity and complexity of your Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
templates, this process can take 2–5 business days. To learn more about this process, refer to
Submit WhatsApp Message Templates for Approval.
2. After WhatsApp approves your template, it is ready to deploy in your org. From Setup, enter
Messaging Template in the Quick Find box, and select New. To create, edit, or view
3. Cut and paste the approved template while replacing the parameter placeholders with your • Manage Flow AND View
merge fields. Other than the merge fields, the template content must match your WhatsApp All Data
submission exactly, including spaces and line breaks.
To view channels:
4. Click Save. • View Setup and
5. Add custom fields to the Messaging User standard object to reference WhatsApp channel
information. Navigate to Object Manager > Messaging User > Fields & Relationships > To set up Messaging:
New and create a lookup relationship. • Configure Messaging

6. From Setup, enter Process Builder in the Quick Find box, and select Process Builder.
7. Click New.
a. In the Process Name field, enter a name for this process.
b. In the API Name field, enter an API name for this process.
c. Select the event that triggers the process from the menu. For example, select Status is changed to Closed.
d. To specify an object that triggers the process, click Add Object. For example, select Case.
e. To specify the conditions that trigger the process, click Add Criteria.
f. In Immediate Actions, click Add Action.
• In the Action Type menu, select Messaging Notifications.
• In the Action Name field, enter a name for the action.
• In the Messaging Template field, select a template.
• In the Channel field, select WhatsApp channel.

g. In the Send To field, select Messaging User.

h. In the Messaging User Record ID field, select the custom field you created.

8. Click Save.
9. In the confirmation window, click Confirm.
10. When the conditions are met, the process runs and sends the message.
Template Usage Messaging Limits

Service Cloud Messaging

For each new WhatsApp channel, WhatsApp automatically applies a messaging limit. This limit determines the number of users that
you can send outbound messages to, using the WhatsApp-approved template. This limit defines the number of unique users your org
can send messages to in a 24-hour period. It does not limit the number of messages you send. This limit also doesn’t apply to responses
to user-initiated messages. To learn more, see Capacity and Messaging Limits in the WhatsApp documentation.

Notification Types for WhatsApp

Use WhatsApp to send business-initiated, pre-approved, templated notifications at any time. There
are 10 notification types, each with allowed use cases.
Each template is language- and country-specific. WhatsApp processes each approval request for Available in: Lightning
a new template or an update to an existing template. Approvals can take up to four business days. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU

Notification Types Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
Template Allowed Use Case Examples and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
ACCOUNT_UPDATE Notify the message recipient of • Profile has changed
a change to their account
• Preferences have been
• Settings have changed
• Membership has expired
• Password has changed

PAYMENT_UPDATE Notify the message recipient of • Send a receipt

a payment update for an
• Send an out-of-stock
existing transaction
• Notify that an auction has
• Notify that the status on a
payment transaction has

PERSONAL_FINANCE_UPDATE Confirm a message recipient’s • Bill-pay reminder

financial activity
• Scheduled payment
• Payment receipt
• Funds transfer confirmation
or update
• Other transactional
activities in financial

SHIPPING_UPDATE Notify the message recipient of • Order has shipped

a change in shipping status for
• Status changes to in-transit

Service Cloud Messaging

Template Allowed Use Case Examples

a product that has already been purchased • Order is delivered
• Shipment is delayed

RESERVATION_UPDATE Notify the message recipient of updates to • Itinerary change

an existing reservation
• Location change
• Hotel booking is canceled
• Cancellation is confirmed
• Car rental pickup time changes
• Room upgrade is confirmed

APPOINTMENT_UPDATE Notify the message recipient of a change to • Appointment time changes

an existing appointment
• Appointment location changes
• Appointment is canceled

TRANSPORTATION_UPDATE Notify the message recipient of updates to • Flight status changes

an existing transportation reservation
• Ride is canceled
• Trip is started
• Ferry has arrived

TICKET_UPDATE Send the message recipient updates or • Concert start time changes
reminders for an event for which a person
• Event location changes
already has a ticket
• Show is canceled
• A refund opportunity is available

ISSUE_RESOLUTION Notify the message recipient of an update • Issue is resolved

to a customer service issue that was initiated
• Issue status is updated
in a Messenger conversation, following a
transaction • Issue requires a request for additional

ALERT Notify the message recipient of something • Business hours

• Business address

Note: WhatsApp notifications don't support the following use cases:

• Promotional notifications
• Product or marketing surveys
• Media files (videos, images, GIFs)
• Recurring content or subscription messaging
• Notifications to multiple customers simultaneously
• Requests to rate or review an app

Service Cloud Messaging

Set Up Automatic Message Notifications

Send SMS text messages to customers based on certain events. For example, notify customers
about the status of their case: “John, your case <Case Number 123456> has been resolved.”
Create messaging templates to define the message content. You can insert merge fields to fill in Available in: Lightning
variables such as customer name or case status. A merge field is a placeholder in a messaging Experience
template. When you send the message, the placeholder is replaced with the data from the record
Available in: Enterprise,
or records of the people you are messaging.
Performance, Unlimited,
Then create a process using Process Builder to define the conditions that tell Messaging to send and Developer Editions
outbound messages.
Automatic message notifications are only supported within the country that the channel’s phone
number is associated with. For example, if your channel has an American phone number (+1), you can send automatic messages only
to recipients with American phone numbers (+1).
When a process successfully sends an automatic message notification to a customer, Salesforce does two things. First, if a Messaging
User record for the recipient doesn’t exist, Salesforce creates one. Second, Salesforce creates a Messaging Session record that contains
a transcript of the sent message.
When a process fails to send an automatic message notification due to an issue with the process or the record that triggered the process,
Salesforce creates an error log. You can view errors in the Messaging Templates Error Log.

Create Templates for Automatic Message Notifications
Create messaging templates to define the content of routine customer notifications. Salesforce automatically sends the template
message to customers when the conditions you set for the channel are met.
Create Processes to Send Automatic Message Notifications
Use the Process Builder to define processes to automatically send messages to customers when certain conditions are met. Here’s
an example of a process that sends a messaging notification when the case status is changed to Closed.
Create Flows to Send Automatic Message Notifications
Build message notifications into your flows and plan when messages go out.
Troubleshoot Process Errors for Messaging Automatic Message Notifications
Automatic message notifications are sent when a predefined condition occurs and the process tells Messaging to send the message.
Sometimes, something goes wrong with the process and the message can’t be sent. Review the error log to find out if there were
any problems when a process tried to send an automatic message notification. The error detail page provides more information
that can help you troubleshoot and resolve the error.
Delete Process Errors for Automatic Message Notifications
Messaging error logs are automatically deleted after 30 days. You also can manually delete errors. When you delete an error, it no
longer appears in the error log.

Service Cloud Messaging

Create Templates for Automatic Message Notifications

Create messaging templates to define the content of routine customer notifications. Salesforce
automatically sends the template message to customers when the conditions you set for the channel
are met. Available in: Lightning
Before you create a template for WhatsApp, submit the template for approval. Follow the WhatsApp Experience
Message Template Guidelines and send your template to the WhatsApp Enablement Team.
Available in: Enterprise,
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Performance, Unlimited,
Messaging Templates. and Developer Editions
2. Click New. The New Messaging Template window opens.
3. Enter a name and description for your template. USER PERMISSIONS
4. In the Message field, enter your message. To create messaging
Use merge fields to insert variables into the message. templates and view process
• Configure Messaging
To view channels:
• View Setup and

You can access fields from the following Salesforce objects: Account, Asset, Case, Contact, Lead, Location, Opportunity, Organization,
Service Contract, and User.

Service Cloud Messaging

The following objects are available when Field Service is enabled: AssignedResource, MaintenancePlan, ReturnOrder,
ServiceAppointment, WorkOrder.
The following object is available when is installed with Broadcast permissions: Employee.

5. Select the channels this template applies to (Optional).

6. Set the message intent (Optional).

7. Click Save.
After you create a messaging template, go to Process Builder and create a process on page 522 for sending the message.

Service Cloud Messaging

Create Processes to Send Automatic Message Notifications

Use the Process Builder to define processes to automatically send messages to customers when
certain conditions are met. Here’s an example of a process that sends a messaging notification
when the case status is changed to Closed. Available in: Lightning
For more information about using process builder, see Process Builder in Salesforce Help. Experience
1. From Setup, enter Process Builder in the Quick Find box, and select Process Builder. Available in: Enterprise,
2. Click New. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
3. In the Process Name field, enter a name for this process.
4. In the API Name field, enter an API name for this process.
5. Select the event that triggers the process from The process starts when menu.
For example, select Status is changed to Closed. To create, edit, or view
6. To specify an object that triggers the process, click + Add Object. • Manage Flow AND View
For example, select Case. All Data
7. To specify the conditions that trigger the process, click + Add Criteria.
8. In Immediate Actions, click + Add Action and:
a. In the Action Type menu, select Messaging Notifications.
b. In the Action Name field, enter a name for this action.
c. In the Messaging Template field, select a messaging template.
d. In the Channel field, select a channel.

9. In the Send To field, select Phone or Messaging User.

10. If you selected Phone, in the Record ID field, select Contact ID.
11. In the Recipient Phone Number menu, select a phone field. Or in the Messaging User Record ID field, select a field.
12. Click Save.
13. To enable the process, click Activate .
A confirmation window opens.
14. In the confirmation window, click Confirm.
When the conditions are met, the process runs and sends the message.

Service Cloud Messaging

Note: If you want to send message notifications from a custom object, add a lookup to Messaging User on that custom object.
For some channels, customers must initiate messaging to create a Messaging User record.

Process Builder
Create a Process

Create Flows to Send Automatic Message Notifications

Build message notifications into your flows and plan when messages go out.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Flows, then select Flows.
Available in: Lightning
2. Click Next Flow.
3. Select the flow type, and click Next.
The Flow Builder canvas opens. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
4. Add an action to the canvas. and Developer Editions
The New Action window opens.
5. Enter Message Notification in the search, and then select Message Notification.
6. Fill out the fields for the Message Notification core action.
To open, edit, or create a
You can use values from earlier in a flow to set inputs for the message notification. If the message flow in Flow Builder:
notification fields don’t contain valid inputs, the flow fails. • Manage Flow

Field Description
Messaging Channel Unique Name The developer name associated with the
messaging channel.

Messaging Template Unique Name The developer name associated with the
messaging template.

Service Cloud Messaging

Field Description
Context Record ID A record that can provide context for merge fields. For the message
to send successfully, all merge fields must be filled.

ConversationBroadcast Record ID Optional. ID of the conversation broadcast record that links all
messages within a broadcast.

Recipient Phone Number Optional. The destination phone number that the message is sent
to. Use if Recipient Record ID lists an object other than
MessagingEndUser, or if Recipient Record ID is not completed.

Recipient Record ID Optional. ID of a MessagingEndUser or a record with a phone

number, such as a contact record.

Triggered Outbound Type Optional. The type of message. Enter either Standard or Broadcast.

Note: Even though both are optional, use either Recipient Phone Number or Recipient Record ID to ensure the Message Notification
action works.

Build a Flow

Troubleshoot Process Errors for Messaging Automatic Message Notifications

Automatic message notifications are sent when a predefined condition occurs and the process tells
Messaging to send the message. Sometimes, something goes wrong with the process and the
message can’t be sent. Review the error log to find out if there were any problems when a process Available in: Lightning
tried to send an automatic message notification. The error detail page provides more information Experience with the Digital
that can help you troubleshoot and resolve the error. Engagement add-on SKU
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select
Available in: Enterprise,
Messaging Template Error Log. Performance, Unlimited,
2. View errors in the list view. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
3. Click the down arrow next to the error that you want to see, and click View.
The error detail page is displayed.
4. Optionally, delete the error. USER PERMISSIONS
Deleted errors no longer appear in the error log. To create messaging
templates and view process
• Configure Messaging
To view channels:
• View Setup and

Service Cloud Messaging

Delete Process Errors for Automatic Message Notifications

Messaging error logs are automatically deleted after 30 days. You also can manually delete errors.
When you delete an error, it no longer appears in the error log.
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Available in: Lightning
Messaging Template Error Log. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
2. View errors in the list view.
3. Click the down arrow next to the error that you want to delete, and click Delete. Available in: Enterprise,
A confirmation window is displayed. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
4. Click Delete. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
The error is deleted.
Alternately, you can delete the error from the error detail page. USER PERMISSIONS

To create messaging
templates and view process
• Configure Messaging
To view channels:
• View Setup and

Messaging Data Protection and Customer Privacy

Honor your customers when they have special requests for handling their personal data.
Salesforce has enabled companies to add new fields to objects associated with data privacy. For
information on how to add these new fields, see Fields in Data Privacy Records in Salesforce Help. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
For channels other than short code SMS, customers who start a conversation by sending a message
Engagement add-on SKU
to your company are deemed to consent to communication. Customers also can reply to a text
message to affirmatively consent to receiving messages from your company. Short code channels Available in: Enterprise,
require more robust consent management, including explicit and double opt-in. Customers can Performance, Unlimited,
opt out of receiving messages. Customize the opt-in and opt-out messages on page 493 that and Developer editions with
acknowledge the customer’s preferences in your channel settings. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Note: For agent initiated messages, we use the most current customer opt-out information
at the time the message is sent. If end users change their opt-out status after an initial
outbound message is sent, agents can send more messages until the official opt-out status
is updated.
If a customer opts out receiving messages, Messaging prevents agents from sending messages to that person.

Note: Opt-in and opt-out settings aren’t supported for Facebook Messenger. If a customer blocks your company on Facebook
Messenger, then agents can’t contact that customer again. If a customer deletes the Facebook Messenger message thread, then
agents can’t contact that customer again until the customer resumes the conversation.
Customers might ask your company to handle their data in the following ways:
• Delete personal data associated with a customer who has messaged your company via Messaging
• Track customers’ approval for how your company interacts with them via Messaging
• Restrict how Messaging processes personal data

Service Cloud Messaging

• Export customer-related data.

If your customers make such requests, you can honor their requests in the following ways.
First, if data privacy fields were added to objects, admins can search for those fields and manually delete personal data. You can also
perform global searches for customer data on each object.
Second, to delete personal data associated with a customer who has sent messages to your company via Messaging, admins can search
for a specific customer and delete the customer’s Messaging User record. When the Messaging User record is deleted, all related Messaging
Sessions and transcripts also are deleted.

Block Sensitive Data in Messages
Sensitive data rules let you block specific patterns, such as credit card, Social Security, phone and account numbers, or profanity.
You can choose to remove the text or replace it with your preferred characters.
Messaging Consent Status
Customers specify how often they prefer that you contact them over a channel. Salesforce tracks their choice in the
MessagingConsentStatus field.

Store Customers’ Data Privacy Preferences
Fields in Data Privacy Records
Create Automated Responses for Messaging Channels

Block Sensitive Data in Messages

Sensitive data rules let you block specific patterns, such as credit card, Social Security, phone and
account numbers, or profanity. You can choose to remove the text or replace it with your preferred
characters. Available in: Lightning
1. In Setup, enter Sensitive Data in the Quick Find box, then select Sensitive Data Rules. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
2. Click New or New Sensitive Data Rule.
3. Write each pattern as a JavaScript regular expression (regex), and choose your preferred settings. Available in: Enterprise,
The regex is case-sensitive. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
4. Optionally, test your pattern. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
a. Enter some text in the format of the data you want to block, such as 123-45-6789 for a
Social Security number. USER PERMISSIONS
b. To ensure that the rule is working correctly, preview your results
To create sensitive data
5. Select the roles for which you want to enforce this rule. rules:
• Customize Application
Note: Rules are enforced on the author. Therefore, if a rule that hides phone numbers
is enforced on visitors, when a visitor enters their phone number, agents and supervisors
can’t see it.

6. Set a priority for the rule. Lower numbers are executed first.
7. Click Save.

Service Cloud Messaging

You can block the text from agents, supervisors, customers, or all of these. When a rule is triggered, it logs one or more of these chat
transcript events:
• Sensitive data blocked (Agent)
• Sensitive data blocked (Supervisor)
• Sensitive data blocked (Visitor)
If you make updates to your sensitive data rules, it takes 60 seconds for those changes to take effect.

Note: Sensitive data rules apply to the auto-greeting and any quick text that you have enabled. They don’t apply to the agent
name or other standard text in the chat window.

Messaging Consent Status

Customers specify how often they prefer that you contact them over a channel. Salesforce tracks
their choice in the MessagingConsentStatus field.
Customers usually choose one of four consent levels outside of messaging. If you use a short code Available in: Lightning
number, you can set up a code word for customers to use to give consent. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
Consent Level Description Available in: Enterprise,
Implicit Performance, Unlimited,
Customers automatically give implicit consent when they start a and Developer editions with
conversation over a channel. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
They only receive messages if the channel they’re using requires implicit

Explicit Customers receive messages if the channel they’re using requires implicit
or explicit consent.

Double Customers receive messages for all scenarios, including messages that
the implicit and explicit consent customers receive.

Opt-out Customers don’t receive messages.

Note: MessagingConsentStatus applies to one Messaging channel. If a customer gives double consent on one channel and
implicit consent on another, they receive more messages on the channel with double consent.

Messaging User Fields
Object Reference: MessagingEndUser

Service Cloud Messaging

Message with Customers

Interact with customers through Messaging channels.
To send and receive messages in Messaging, users must have the following licenses:
Available in: Lightning
• Service Cloud User OR Sales Cloud User
Experience with the Digital
• Messaging User Engagement add-on SKU

Available in: Enterprise,

IN THIS SECTION: Performance, Unlimited,
Open Messaging and Developer editions with
Access Messaging through the console app that your administrator set up. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Log In to Omni-Channel
Messages are routed only to agents who are logged in to the Omni-Channel utility.
Accept a Message and Chat with a Customer
When a new message arrives, it appears in the Omni-Channel utility.
Send Agent-Initiated Outbound Messages
Agents can proactively update customers on the status of their case by sending outbound messages. Agent-initiated outbound
messaging is available only on the SMS text message channel.
Send Images and Files to Customers in Messaging
They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. Send images and files to customers so they know exactly what you mean.
End a Messaging Session
There are two ways you can end a Messaging session: ending it directly from the Messaging session when the conversation is over,
or ending it from the Messaging Sessions list view.
Link a Messaging User Record with Other Salesforce Records
Link a customer’s Messaging User record with their contact record or other Salesforce records to create greater insight about your
customers. You can link records during the messaging session or after it’s ended.
Link a Case, Lead, or Opportunity to a Messaging Session
Associate the messaging session with a case, lead, or opportunity record by using the lookup fields on the Details tab.
Messaging Error Codes
Identify errors encountered during conversations.

Service Cloud Messaging

Open Messaging
Access Messaging through the console app that your administrator set up.
Note: There isn't a standard name for every console app. When in doubt, your admin can
tell you which app to use. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
1. To open the App Launcher, on the left side of the navigation bar, click . Engagement add-on SKU
2. Find and open the app that contains Messaging. Available in: Enterprise,
The name of the app might vary depending on how your administrator set up Salesforce. Performance, Unlimited,
The console app opens. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud


To send and receive

messages in Messaging:
• Messaging Agent
To end Messaging sessions:
• End Messaging Session

Log In to Omni-Channel
Messages are routed only to agents who are logged in to the Omni-Channel utility.
1. To open the Omni-Channel utility, click Omni-Channel in the footer of your screen.
Available in: Lightning
2. Click the dropdown menu and select your status.
If you’re online, a green dot is shown next to the status.
Now you’re ready to chat with customers. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To send and receive

messages in Messaging:
• Messaging Agent
To end Messaging sessions:
• End Messaging Session

Service Cloud Messaging

Accept a Message and Chat with a Customer

When a new message arrives, it appears in the Omni-Channel utility.
You can enter up to 840 characters in a single message. Messages over 840 characters aren’t sent.
Available in: Lightning
1. To accept a message, click the check mark icon.
Experience with the Digital
To see the first message that a customer sent, hover your mouse over the check mark icon. The Engagement add-on SKU
first message can give you context about why the customer is contacting your company.
Available in: Enterprise,
The message session window opens.
Performance, Unlimited,
2. To send a message to the customer, type a message and press Enter on your keyboard. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud


To send and receive

messages in Messaging:
• Messaging Agent
To end Messaging sessions:
• End Messaging Session

Send Agent-Initiated Outbound Messages

Agents can proactively update customers on the status of their case by sending outbound messages.
Agent-initiated outbound messaging is available only on the SMS text message channel.
To send outbound messages, agents need the Agent Initiated Outbound Messaging permission. Available in: Lightning
For more information, see Create a Messaging Permission Set for Agents on page 486. Agents can Experience with the Digital
send outbound messages from the following record detail pages: Engagement add-on SKU

• Account (person accounts only) Available in: Enterprise,

• Case Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
• Contact
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
• Lead
• Messaging User
• Opportunity
To send agent-initiated
Before starting, open Messaging and log in to Omni Channel.
outbound messages:
From a Messaging User record: • Agent Initiated
Outbound Messaging
1. Click Start Conversation.
AND Messaging Agent
Note: If a user has opted out of messages, or if the agent isn't assigned to the queue To end Messaging sessions:
associated with the channel, the Start Conversation button isn't visible. • End Messaging Session

2. A new Messaging session starts. Send one or more messages, then wait for the customer to To view the Start
Conversation button on
Person Account records:
From a Person Account or Contact Record: • B2C
1. Link the Person Account or Contact record to the Messaging User record.
a. On the Messaging User record detail page, edit the desired field.

Service Cloud Messaging

b. Select the record you want to link to—such as a specific contact.

c. Click Save.

2. Navigate to the record you linked to the Messaging User.

3. From the dropdown action menu, select Start Conversation.

4. Select the Messaging User record you want to have a conversation with.
5. Click Start Conversation.
6. A new Messaging session starts. Send one or more messages, then wait for the customer to respond.
From a Case, Lead, or Opportunity Record:
1. Link the Case, Lead, or Opportunity record to the Messaging Session record.
a. On the Messaging Session record detail page, edit the desired field.
b. Select the record you want to link to—such as a specific case.
c. Click Save.

2. Navigate to the record you linked to the Messaging Session.

3. From the dropdown action menu, select Start Conversation.
4. Select the Messaging User record you want to have a conversation with.
5. Click Start Conversation.
6. A new Messaging session starts. Send one or more messages, then wait for the customer to respond.
You can send multiple messages to a customer before they respond. When you finish sending messages, you can close the tab while
you wait for a response. If you're online when the customer responds, their messages are routed directly back to you. If you aren't online,
their messages are routed to a qualified agent who is online. Outbound messages don't use agent capacity until the customer responds.
For agent-initiated messages, we use the most current customer opt-out information when the message is sent. If a customer changes
their opt-out status after an agent sends an outbound message, the agent can continue sending messages until the official opt-out
status is updated.

Service Cloud Messaging

Send Images and Files to Customers in Messaging

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. Send images and files to customers so they know
exactly what you mean.
MMS is only supported for US and Canadian numbers associated with organizations enabled on Available in: Lightning
North American instances. If you need to know what instance you are on, go to setup, company Experience with the Digital
information and look for the field labeled Instance. Engagement add-on SKU

Note: Toll-free phone numbers, such as 1-800 numbers, don’t support file attachments. If Available in: Enterprise,
you’re using a toll-free number, you can’t send images or files to customers. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
By default, the maximum number of images that can be sent or received in one day is 200,000. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
The maximum size for attachments differs depending on the type of channel.

Table 14: File Size Limitations for Messaging Channels USER PERMISSIONS
Channel File Size Limitations To send and receive
messages in Messaging:
MMS Text Messaging The maximum attachment size is 1 MB.
• Messaging Agent
Facebook Messenger The maximum attachment size is 25 MB. To end Messaging sessions:
• End Messaging Session
WhatsApp The maximum attachment size is 5 MB.

1. In the messaging session, click the Attach File icon.

The file browser opens.
2. Select the file that you want to send.
You can send only one file at a time. You can’t send text and a file in the same message. Instead, send the file in one message, and
then send text in the following message.

3. To send the file, click the Send icon.

The file is sent to the customer.

Service Cloud Messaging

End a Messaging Session

There are two ways you can end a Messaging session: ending it directly from the Messaging session
when the conversation is over, or ending it from the Messaging Sessions list view.
In addition to ending the chat with the End Chat button on the Messaging Session record, users Available in: Lightning
with the "Configure Messaging" permission can end Messaging Sessions from the Messaging Session Experience with the Digital
list view: Engagement add-on SKU

1. End a conversation from the Messaging Session record. Available in: Enterprise,
a. In an active Messaging session, click End Chat. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
A confirmation window is displayed.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
a. In the confirmation window, click End Chat.
The Messaging session is ended.
b. To restore your capacity and accept new messaging sessions, close the Messaging session
tab. To send and receive
messages in Messaging:
2. End a conversation from the Messaging Sessions list view. • Messaging Agent
a. Navigate to the Messaging Sessions list view. To end Messaging sessions:
b. Find the Messaging session you want to end and click the dropdown menu next to it. • End Messaging Session

c. Click End Session.

Link a Messaging User Record with Other Salesforce Records

Link a customer’s Messaging User record with their contact record or other Salesforce records to
create greater insight about your customers. You can link records during the messaging session or
after it’s ended. Available in: Lightning
1. In the toast notification, click Review and link. Experience with the Digital
The Link Record page opens. Engagement add-on SKU

2. Select a matching contact. Available in: Enterprise,

If the contact shown isn’t the same person as your customer, you can search for a contact or Performance, Unlimited,
create a contact. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
3. Click Link Contact to link to an existing contact, or click New Contact to create a contact.
The Messaging User record is linked with the record that you selected or created.

IN THIS SECTION: To set up and edit

Messaging channels:
Messaging User Fields
• Configure Messaging
When a customer sends a message to your company, or when Messaging sends an automatic
To view channels:
message notification to a customer, Messaging creates a Messaging User record. The Messaging
• View Setup and
User record includes the customer’s name, phone number or Facebook name, and consent

Service Cloud Messaging

Messaging User Fields

When a customer sends a message to your company, or when Messaging sends an automatic
message notification to a customer, Messaging creates a Messaging User record. The Messaging
User record includes the customer’s name, phone number or Facebook name, and consent status. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
Table 15: Messaging User Fields
Engagement add-on SKU
Field Description
Available in: Enterprise,
Contact Contact record that’s linked to the Messaging User record. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
Account Account record that’s linked to the Messaging User record.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
External ID Customer contact information.
If the customer sent a text message, then the external ID is the
phone number that was used to send the message.
If the customer sent a Facebook Messenger message, then the
external ID is the Facebook name for the customer.
If the customer sent a WhatsApp message, then the external ID
is the phone number associated with the WhatsApp account.

Locale The locale of the Messaging User.

Messaging Channel The channel that the customer sent the message to.

Messaging Platform Key The phone number or Facebook page ID associated with this
Messaging User.

Message Type Indicates whether the message is sent using text messaging,
Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp.

Messaging User Name The name of the Messaging User

Messaging Consent Status Indicates whether the Messaging User gave implicit, explicit, or
double consent. If the Messaging User revokes their consent, the
status is set to Opt-Out.
A Messaging User engages over a channel and gives implicit
consent. The Messaging User must take an extra step to give
explicit or double consent over a channel. If you use short codes,
Messaging Users can use a keyword to give consent. Usually,
Messaging Users give consent outside of Messaging.

Profile Picture URL The URL of the Messaging User's profile picture.
You can see profile pictures only for Messaging Users that use
HTTPS URLs. Chrome and Firefox no longer support mixed
content downloads.

Object Reference: MessagingEndUser

Service Cloud Messaging

Link a Case, Lead, or Opportunity to a Messaging Session

Associate the messaging session with a case, lead, or opportunity record by using the lookup fields
on the Details tab.
1. In a messaging session, click the Details tab. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
2. Click the lookup icon to search for a record.
Engagement add-on SKU
3. Select the record to attach it to messaging session.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Click Save. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud


To send and receive

messages in Messaging:
• Messaging Agent
To end Messaging sessions:
• End Messaging Session

Messaging Error Codes

Identify errors encountered during conversations.
When something goes wrong in the middle of a conversation with a customer, you receive a
message that identifies the errors with codes. Verify the meaning of messaging error codes you Available in: Lightning
receive. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
There are 4 categories of errors and they are differentiated by their starting number. Error codes
starting with zero (0xxx) indicate that a problem occurred when communicating with the OTT/MSC. Available in: Enterprise,
Codes starting with one (1xxx) indicate a problem with the source address. Codes starting with two Performance, Unlimited,
(2xxx) indicate a problem with the destination address. And, codes starting with three (3xxx) indicate and Developer editions with
a problem with the message being sent. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Table 16: 0xxx

Error Message
0001 Can't contact the messaging service right now. Try again later.

0002 Can't contact the messaging service right now. Try again later.

0003 Can't contact the messaging service right now. Ask your admin to
check the channel settings.

0004 This message timed out. You can't contact this user until they
contact you again.

0005 Can't send messages on this channel right now. Try again later.

0006 We couldn't send this message because another app is controlling

the Messaging session.

Service Cloud Messaging

Table 17: 1xxx

Error Message
1001 Can't send messages from this channel. Ask your admin to check
the channel settings and contact Salesforce Customer Support.

1002 Can't send messages from this channel. Ask your admin to check
the channel settings and contact Salesforce Customer Support.

Table 18: 2xxx

Error Message
2001 Can't send messages to this number. Make sure that the contact
information is correct and try again.

2002 Can't send messages to this recipient because they blocked you.

Table 19: 3xxx

Error Message
3001 Can't send this message. Try rewriting the message.

3002 Can't send attached files because the file types aren't supported.

3003 Can't send this message because the message body is flagged as

3004 Can't send this message because the message body is too large.

3005 Can't send this message because the attachment is too large.

3006 The message has exceeded the number of attachment'(s) limit.

3007 The message's intent is invalid.

Broadcast Messaging
Send one-to-many SMS text messages to contacts, employees, person accounts, and messaging
Before you get started, let’s define the lingo. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
The user or users who send bulk messages. Admins can be included in the broadcasters group.
Recipients Available in: Enterprise,
The people receiving your message. They can be customers, employees, or any other group Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
you want to contact.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
Sender Number
The number or numbers that you’re sending your message from. A sender number can be a
short code or toll free number. Don’t use a long number for broadcast messages, as carriers impose limits for bulk text messages
from long numbers.

Service Cloud Messaging

Opt In
Opting in is how your recipients provide consent to receive messages from you. We send messages only to recipients who explicitly
opted in. You can view someone’s consent status on their Messaging User record.

Set Up Broadcast Messaging
Get started with Broadcast Messaging. Assign permissions and licenses to your broadcasters, help your team view messaging
information and sent messages, and create templates.
Send Broadcast Messages
Learn how to send a broadcast message from a list view and fix common errors.

Messaging Considerations

Set Up Broadcast Messaging

Get started with Broadcast Messaging. Assign permissions and licenses to your broadcasters, help
your team view messaging information and sent messages, and create templates.
Before you start, make sure that you completed the following prerequisites: Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
• You purchased the Digital Engagement add-on SKU.
Engagement add-on SKU
• You have a messaging channel for text messages associated with a working phone number.
You can use a short code or toll free number. If you don't have one, our team can help you set Available in: Enterprise,
up a channel. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
• You associated your messaging channels with a queue.
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
When Broadcast Messaging is turned on:
• We create custom list views Bulk SMS Contacts, Bulk SMS Employees, and Bulk SMS Messaging
End Users to help you better manage your recipient lists.
• The “Send One-to-Many Messages” user permission is able to be assigned to users in your Salesforce org.
• The Broadcast Messages tab can be added to a standard or console app so your broadcasters can view sent broadcast messages.
To set up Broadcast Messaging, you will:
1. Assign permissions, and help your team view Messaging information for recipients. These steps let your broadcasters send messages
and view recipient information.
2. Create messaging users so you can track recipients’ opt-in status. Messages can’t be sent without creating messaging users first.
3. Create messaging templates so your broadcasters can send messages. Messaging templates are required for Broadcast Messaging.
4. Add the Broadcast Messages tab to the console so your team can view sent broadcast messages.

Create a Broadcaster Permission Set
Give broadcasters permission to send one-to-many messages. Optionally, set them up with Messaging and Omni-Channel permissions
to have one-to-one conversations with recipients.
Assign the Broadcaster Permission Set to Users
Give broadcasters the right permissions by assigning them to your broadcaster permission set.

Service Cloud Messaging

Add Messaging Information to Record Pages

To best manage broadcast messages, it helps if broadcasters can see messaging information alongside their recipients’ information.
Add related lists to the objects that your team uses.
Create Messaging Users from Other Records
Create messaging users from the contacts, employees, and person accounts that you’d like to send messages to.
Create Broadcast Messaging Templates
Write messages for broadcasters to send to recipients. Broadcasters can’t create templates or send a message without a template,
so create as many templates as you think your team needs.
Add the Broadcast Messages Tab to an App
Give your broadcasters access to the Broadcast Messages tab so they can view your company’s sent messages. The Broadcast
Messages tab displays the name, template, content, and number of recipients for each sent message. You can add the tab to both
standard and console navigation apps.

Create a Broadcaster Permission Set

Give broadcasters permission to send one-to-many messages. Optionally, set them up with
Messaging and Omni-Channel permissions to have one-to-one conversations with recipients.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets, and then select Permission Available in: Lightning
Sets. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
2. Click New.
3. For Label, enter a name for the permission set. The API Name is automatically filled. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
4. Skip the section about user licenses. If you select a user license, App Permissions aren't available. and Developer editions with
5. Save your changes. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

6. In the details page, select Object Settings.

7. Select Messaging Sessions. USER PERMISSIONS

8. Click Edit, give view access to all, and then give the appropriate access for your users or roles. To create permission sets:
• Manage Profiles and
9. Click Save.
Permission Sets
10. Go back to the Object Settings page.
11. Select Messaging Users.
12. Click Edit, give view access to all, and then give the appropriate access for your users or roles.
13. Click Save.
14. Go back to the Permission Set Overview page.
15. Select App Permissions.
16. Click Edit, then enable Agent Initiated Outbound Messaging, Messaging Agent, and Send One-to-Many
17. Click Save.

Note: Users with these permissions can send one-to-many SMS and one-to-one SMS, assuming that Omni-Channel is enabled
and your broadcasters are added to a messaging queue. If you want your broadcasters to send one-to-one messages, in addition
to these steps, you must set up Service Presence Status Access and enable End Messaging Session.

Service Cloud Messaging

Assign the Broadcaster Permission Set to Users

Give broadcasters the right permissions by assigning them to your broadcaster permission set.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Users, and select Users.
Available in: Lightning
2. Select the name of the user that you want to assign the permission set to.
Experience with the Digital
3. Under Permission Set Assignments, click Edit Assignments. Engagement add-on SKU
4. In the Permission Set Assignment page, move the permission set that you created to the Enabled Available in: Enterprise,
Permission Sets list. Performance, Unlimited,
5. Save your changes. and Developer editions with
Users with the broadcaster permission set see the Send Message button in any contact, person Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
account, employee, and messaging user list view.

To assign permission sets:

• Assign Permission Sets

Service Cloud Messaging

Add Messaging Information to Record Pages

To best manage broadcast messages, it helps if broadcasters can see messaging information
alongside their recipients’ information. Add related lists to the objects that your team uses.
1. Go to Setup > Object Manager. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
2. Select Contact, Employee, or Person Account.
Engagement add-on SKU
3. Click Page Layouts.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Click the name of the page layout that you want to edit, or click New to create one. Performance, Unlimited,
5. Click Related Lists. and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
6. Drag Messaging Users and Messaging Sessions into the related lists section.

Note: Messaging Sessions isn’t supported for person accounts.

7. Click Save. To view page layouts:
8. Repeat the process for all objects that you want to display messaging information. • View Setup and
Broadcasters can view a record’s related list to see the messages that were sent to a particular
To customize page layouts:
contact, employee, or person account.
• Customize Application
Note: The Employee object is available only if you purchased

Service Cloud Messaging

Create Messaging Users from Other Records

Create messaging users from the contacts, employees, and person accounts that you’d like to send
messages to.

Important: Messaging User records are required for your recipients, even if you’re sending Available in: Lightning
messages from contacts, employees, or person accounts. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
The easiest way to create messaging users from your other records is to build a process in Process
Builder. You can include a command to create a Messaging User record using field values on your Available in: Enterprise,
contact, employee, or person account records. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
After you create Messaging User records from your contacts, employees, or person accounts, make Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
sure that the records are associated.
1. Open a Messaging User record.
2. Click Details.
3. For contacts and person accounts, ensure that the Contact field is populated. For employees, ensure that the Employee field is
If you don’t see the Employee field, add it to your Messaging User page layout from the Object Manager in Setup.

Create Broadcast Messaging Templates

Write messages for broadcasters to send to recipients. Broadcasters can’t create templates or send
a message without a template, so create as many templates as you think your team needs.
Create templates from Setup > Messaging > Messaging Templates. For full instructions, see Available in: Lightning
Create Messaging Templates for Automatic Message Notifications. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
Tip: To visually group your broadcast messages and help your team find what they’re looking
for, we recommend using a prefix in your template names. For example, your waitlist-related Available in: Enterprise,
message templates can be called “Waitlist - Joined,” “Waitlist - 10 Min Warning,” and “Waitlist Performance, Unlimited,
- Removed.” and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Best Practices for Writing Broadcast Messages
Write informative and useful broadcast messages for your customers and employees.
Broadcast Message Examples
See example text messages for some common uses for Broadcast Messaging.

Service Cloud Messaging

Best Practices for Writing Broadcast Messages

Write informative and useful broadcast messages for your customers and employees.
Mind the Character Limit
Text messages are limited to 160 characters for most carriers. If your message exceeds your Available in: Lightning
carrier’s limit, your message is sent in multiple text messages. Keep your message short to avoid Experience with the Digital
paying for extra messages. Engagement add-on SKU

Stay On Topic Available in: Enterprise,

Your recipients opted in to your messages for a specific purpose. Avoid sending frequent, Performance, Unlimited,
off-topic messages or sharing information that’s better suited for email. If recipients feel like and Developer editions with
you’re oversharing, they opt out. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
Use Personalization Sparingly
It’s great to include your recipient’s name in a message here and there with a merge field. But
too much personalization can be overwhelming, and it can use up your character count.
Use a Link Shortener
If you include links in your messages, use a link shortener to save space. Links count against the 160-character limit.
Include a Call to Action
A call to action makes your message more useful to recipients.
For example:
• When you send an informational message, consider including a link they can visit to learn more.
• When you remind recipients about an event or appointment, provide a text reply or phone number they can use to confirm or
• When you notify recipients about their spot on a wait-list, tell them how they can remove their name if they change their mind.

Broadcast Message Examples

See example text messages for some common uses for Broadcast Messaging.

Bulk Customer Service Updates Available in: Lightning

Experience with the Digital
Send bulk updates to your customers when you have a widespread service-related announcement.
Engagement add-on SKU
Service Outage
Available in: Enterprise,
Service maintenance window: we’ll be offline for maintenance from 1am-2am in your area.
Performance, Unlimited,
Change in Customer Service Availability and Developer editions with
Our service reps are working reduced hours due to a weather event. Expect response Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
time up to 48 hours.

Queue Notifications
To manage a queue, we recommend sending a text when the recipient joins the list, when they are at the top of the list, and when they
remove themselves from the list.
Recipient Joined the List
You’re in line for Business Name. We’ll send an update when you’re next in line. Text CANCEL to cancel.
Recipient is at the Top of the List
You’re next in line to shop at Store Name! You have 10 min to check in. Text CANCEL to cancel.

Service Cloud Messaging

Recipient Left the List

You’ve been removed from the list. We hope to see you another time.

Appointment Reminders
Send confirmations and reminders for appointments. We recommend letting the recipient know that they’ve scheduled their appointment
and what they can do to cancel or reschedule. Consider moving appointment confirmations to text so your staff can respond to other
phone calls.
Appointment was Scheduled or Rescheduled
Your appointment is scheduled for WED 7/1 @ 11am. Text YES to confirm. Call 000-000-0000 to reschedule.
Appointment Confirmation with Instructions
Confirmed! Arrive 15 min before your appt. Call 000-000-0000 for help.

Updates for Hospitality Guests

Send updates to your hospitality guests so they know when there are changes in your facility.
Improved Hygiene Process
We introduced new cleaning and safety standards according to CDC and county guidance. Learn more: shortlink
Facility is Closed
Hotel guests: The pool is closed for cleaning until 10am tomorrow.
Get your workout in ASAP! The gym is closed for construction starting THU 7am.
Reduced Amenity Hours
The Hotel Name restaurant and bar is reducing hours to 5pm-8pm. Room service is available 24/7.

Education Facility Updates

Send updates about your school’s facilities to students and their families.
School Facility is Closed
The cafeteria is converting to contactless pickup. Download the app to order ahead: shortlink
Publicly-Accessible Location is Restricted
Our public gym is restricting hours and capacity due to city restrictions. More info: shortlink

Employee Messages
Communicate important information to your employees.

Note: The Employee object is available only if you’ve purchased

Wellness Survey Notification

This week’s wellness survey is ready for you. Please respond by 11/9: shortlink
Temporary Location Closure
We’re temporarily closing the Main St. location 1/4-1/24. Call 000-000-0000 to request a transfer.

Service Cloud Messaging

Add the Broadcast Messages Tab to an App

Give your broadcasters access to the Broadcast Messages tab so they can view your company’s sent
messages. The Broadcast Messages tab displays the name, template, content, and number of
recipients for each sent message. You can add the tab to both standard and console navigation Available in: Lightning
apps. Experience with the Digital
1. Go to Setup > Apps > App Manager. Engagement add-on SKU

2. Open the menu next to a Lightning app, and click Edit. Available in: Enterprise,
3. In Lightning App Builder, click Navigation Items. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
4. Select Broadcast Messages, and move it to the Selected Items list. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
5. Click Save.
6. To return to the App Manager page, click Back. USER PERMISSIONS
To confirm that Broadcast Messages was added to your app, open the app using the App Launcher. To view apps:
You can open Broadcast Messages from the navigation menu. • View Setup and
To manage apps:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Messaging

Send Broadcast Messages

Learn how to send a broadcast message from a list view and fix common errors.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Lightning

Experience with the Digital
Send a Broadcast Message from a List View
Engagement add-on SKU
Send a bulk SMS from a contact, employee, person account, or messaging user list view.
Available in: Enterprise,
View Sent Broadcast Messages
Performance, Unlimited,
View your company’s sent broadcast messages in the Conversation Broadcast tab. See each and Developer editions with
message name, the template used, the message content, and the number of recipients. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud
Review and Fix Broadcast Messaging Errors
Check error logs periodically to see if any messages haven’t reached recipients. Fix common
errors you receive while sending broadcast messages.

Send a Broadcast Message from a List View

Send a bulk SMS from a contact, employee, person account, or messaging user list view.
1. Open a contact, employee, person account, or messaging user list view. Employee is available
only if your company purchased Available in: Lightning
If you want to message only a subset of people in the list view, select them. If you select no Experience with the Digital
one, then your message is sent to everyone in the list view. Engagement add-on SKU

Available in: Enterprise,

2. Click Send Message.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Confirm the sender numbers that you want to send this message from, and click Next. and Developer editions with
4. Give your message an internal name. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

5. Select a messaging template. If you don’t see one that fits, ask your Salesforce admin to create
6. Click Next. To send one-to-many
7. Review your message, and click Send. messages:
• Send One-to-Many

View Sent Broadcast Messages

View your company’s sent broadcast messages in the Conversation Broadcast tab. See each message
name, the template used, the message content, and the number of recipients.
To see sent broadcast messages in your Salesforce org, open the app where your admin placed the Available in: Lightning
Broadcast Messages tab. Then select Broadcast Messages from the navigation menu. Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Messaging

Review and Fix Broadcast Messaging Errors

Check error logs periodically to see if any messages haven’t reached recipients. Fix common errors
you receive while sending broadcast messages.
Available in: Lightning
View Broadcast Messaging Errors Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
To view error messages, go to Setup, and in the Quick Find box enter Messaging Templates
Error Log. Then select Messaging Templates Error Log. If you’re unable to view this page, Available in: Enterprise,
ask your Salesforce admin for help. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions with
Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

Fix Common Broadcast Messaging Errors

Some of the selected recipients are excluded
Recipients are excluded when they don’t meet all the criteria:
• The recipient must have a corresponding Messaging User record.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

• The Mobile Number field on the Messaging User record must be populated.
• The recipient must be opted in to receiving messages from you.
• The sender numbers you select must be associated with a messaging queue.
Messaging template can’t be deleted
You can’t delete a messaging template after it’s used in a broadcast message. You can see if a template has been used before in the
Conversation Broadcasts tab.
Recipients receive multiple messages
If they’re opted into multiple sender numbers, recipients can receive multiple messages. We recommend regularly looking through
your Messaging User records to remove duplicates and check your recipients’ opt-in statuses.

Troubleshoot Process Errors for Messaging Automatic Message Notifications

Chat with Customers on Your Website

Use web-based chat to offer real-time support to customers. Quickly connect customers to agents
by adding chat buttons on your web pages and sending automatic chat invitations to customers
as they peruse your website. Available in: Salesforce
Web chat consists of four parts: the Chat Console, Omni-Channel, Embedded Service, and Einstein Classic and Lightning
Bots. Experience

• Support agents use the Chat Console to send and receive messages. Available in: Performance
• Omni-Channel routes chat requests to the right agent based on availability and qualifications. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
• Use Embedded Service to create a customizable chat window that customers use to get the
created after June 14, 2012
help they need. Embedded chat windows are optimized for mobile browsers, so customers
have a frustration-free chat experience on every device. Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
• Einstein Bots are computer programs that can save both your agents and customers time by Editions with Service Cloud
handling routine requests and gathering pre-chat information. Bots are your agents' allies—not or Sales Cloud
their replacements.
When these four parts come together, they create one seamless web chat experience for your Note: This feature is not
customers and support team. supported in Government
Cloud Plus.
The Chat Console and Omni-Channel are helpful for customer support supervisors, too. Supervisors
can monitor their agents’ chats and assist them in real time with whisper messages. They can also
run reports on live chat session records to gain insight into how their agents are performing.
You can implement Chat almost entirely in Setup without writing code. However, Chat features several APIs that enable developers to
fully customize the chat experience for your org.
Let’s learn more about what Chat can do for you.

Set Up Chat in Lightning Experience
Set up Chat so that your support agents use a Lightning console app to chat with customers. Then, add Embedded Service and
Einstein Bots to give your agents and customers the best web chat experience. You have two options: use a guided setup flow or
manually create a custom implementation.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Set Up Chat in Salesforce Classic

Set up Chat so that your support agents use the console in Salesforce Classic to chat with customers. You can also add Embedded
Service and Einstein Bots to give your agents and customers the best web chat experience.
Set Up More Features for Chat
Many Chat features are available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Continue customizing your Chat implementation
by setting up chat conferencing, automated invitations, and more.
Chat for Support Supervisors (Salesforce Classic)
Welcome to Chat for support supervisors! Chat makes it easy for your agents to support customers. With Chat's supervisor tools, you
can easily monitor your agents' activities, assist your agents in chats, and view data on your agents' chat sessions. This information
applies only to Chat in Salesforce Classic.
Chat for Support Agents
Welcome to Chat for support agents! Chat is a comprehensive chat solution that makes it easy for you to support customers.
Embedded Chat
Add an embedded chat window to your website so customers can quickly get answers to their questions by chatting with an agent
while browsing your site.
Einstein Bots Chat
Lighten the load on your support agents with automated chat bots that can address straightforward issues or questions from your

Set Up Chat in Lightning Experience

Set up Chat so that your support agents use a Lightning console app to chat with customers. Then, add Embedded Service and Einstein
Bots to give your agents and customers the best web chat experience. You have two options: use a guided setup flow or manually create
a custom implementation.
Use the guided setup flow
Use a guided setup flow to create a basic implementation, then customize it to your liking. The setup flow gets you started with
Omni-Channel routing for chats, the Chat Console, and Embedded Service.

Important: The guided setup flow is only available with Service Cloud. So if you're using Digital Engagement with Sales
Cloud, you'll need to manually set up your Chat implementation.
Set Up Chat with a Guided Setup Flow
Get started with live web chat in Lightning Experience with a quick guided setup flow. Create a chat queue on Omni-Channel,
select your chat team, and get the Embedded Service code snippet to add chat to your website.
Manually create a custom implementation
If you’ve already set up Chat in Salesforce Classic, or you're setting up Chat for the first time with Sales Cloud, you can configure Chat
Set Up Omni-Channel Routing for Chats
Chat in Lightning Experience uses Omni-Channel to route incoming chats to your support agents. Before you set up Chat, make
sure that Omni-Channel is ready to handle chats with a service channel for chats, a chat queue with an associated routing
configuration, and presence statuses that let your agents receive chats. To configure dynamic skill requirements, select the
Omni-Channel routing type in Chat Buttons & Invitations and configure skills-based routing rules.
Add Chat to the Console in Lightning Experience
Add Chat to a Lightning console app so agents and supervisors can chat with customers.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Set Up More Features for Chat

Many Chat features are available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Continue customizing your Chat
implementation by setting up chat conferencing, automated invitations, and more.

Set Up Chat with a Guided Setup Flow
Get started with live web chat in Lightning Experience with a quick guided setup flow. Create a chat queue on Omni-Channel, select
your chat team, and get the Embedded Service code snippet to add chat to your website.
Set Up Omni-Channel Routing for Chats
Chat in Lightning Experience uses Omni-Channel to route incoming chats to your support agents. Before you set up Chat, make
sure that Omni-Channel is ready to handle chats with a service channel for chats, a chat queue with an associated routing configuration,
and presence statuses that let your agents receive chats. To configure dynamic skill requirements, select the Omni-Channel routing
type in Chat Buttons & Invitations and configure skills-based routing rules.
Add Chat to the Console in Lightning Experience
Add Chat to a Lightning console app so agents and supervisors can chat with customers.
What's Different in Chat in Lightning Experience
Chat looks and functions differently in Lightning Experience. Keep these considerations in mind whether you're starting fresh or
making the switch to Chat in Lightning Experience.
Service Cloud Chat Cookies
Service Cloud Chat uses cookies to improve functionality and accelerate processing times. By saving a user’s settings, cookies can
enhance the user’s experience and the Chat performance.
Extend Your Web Chat Implementation with Embedded Service and Einstein Bots
After you’ve set up Chat and Omni-Channel to work together in Lightning Experience, give your customers a better chat experience
with Embedded Service and Einstein Bots. Embedded Service lets you create a pre-chat form and custom branding with little to no
code. Embed the chat window on your website and both your desktop and mobile customers can have the same chat experience.
Einstein Bots lets you connect customers to an automated chat bot to answer questions and solve straightforward issues.

Set Up Chat with a Guided Setup Flow

Get started with live web chat in Lightning Experience with a quick guided setup flow. Create a
chat queue on Omni-Channel, select your chat team, and get the Embedded Service code snippet
to add chat to your website. Service Setup is available in
The Chat setup flow is the fastest and easiest way to get up and running with live web chat. When Lightning Experience
you complete the flow, you’re ready to go online in the console and start chatting.
Available in: Essentials,
This setup flow sets up Chat for Lightning Experience. This means that it also sets up Omni-Channel Enterprise, Performance,
to route your chats. And for the best end-user experience, it also gets you started with Embedded Unlimited, and Developer
Service. editions with the Service

Where to Access the Setup Flow

This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by clicking and selecting Service
In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Setting up chat routing with Omni-Channel
• Specifying the website where you want customers request a chat
• Selecting which records you want to link with your chats
• Creating an offline support form so your customers can log a case while your team is away
• Using the Embedded Chat code snippets to allow chat on your website

Note: We named a few of these objects for you.

We also turn on several things in the background during the setup flow.
Enabling Chat and Omni-Channel
We turn on Chat and Omni-Channel if you haven’t already. When Chat is enabled, Salesforce creates a default Chat configuration,
which defines settings for your chat agents.
Service Channel for Chats
Service channels let you choose which objects you want to route in Omni-Channel. We create a service channel for chats so your
customers' chats can get to someone on your team.
Basic Omni-Channel Setup
We give you a basic Omni-Channel implementation that’s ready to route chats.
• A queue enabled for chat, to hold incoming chats until they’re routed to someone on your team
• A routing configuration and presence configuration, which work in tandem to control your team’s workload and set the priority
for chats in your queue
Assigned User Licenses
We assign Service Cloud User and Chat User licenses to the users you select during the flow. These users are also granted the necessary
user permissions to chat with customers in the console.
Presence Statuses
Presence statuses are how users go online in Omni-Channel. We create three presence statuses for your team to use: Available -
Chat, On Break, and Busy. The Chat status makes the user available to accept chats only.
Permission Set with Presence Statuses Assigned to Users
To make sure that your team has access to the presence statuses we create, we make a permission set that assigns the presence
statuses to the users you select in the setup flow. The permission set is called Chat Setup Flow (with developer name
Chat Deployment and Chat Button
We create a Chat deployment with default settings. We also create a chat button, which is named based on what you name the
group of users you assign to the chat queue. These objects are used to connect Chat to Embedded Service.
Embedded Service Deployment
Your Embedded Service deployment uses your Chat deployment and chat button to provide a chat window that you embed in your
website. We create an Embedded Service deployment with default settings and branding selection.
Salesforce Site
If you don’t have an existing Experience Cloud or Salesforce site, we create one for you after your provide the naming convention.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Guest User Access for Your Site

If you turn on Offline Support, we turn on guest access to the Support API on the Salesforce Site you select or create in the flow. This
allows your customers to log cases using your offline support form.
Omni-Channel Utility
We add the Omni-Channel utility to your default Lightning Console app. This allows your agents to go online and accept incoming
chat requests in Omni-Channel.

Chat Setup Flow: What’s Next?
Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Chat setup flow.

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Chat Setup Flow: What’s Next?

Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Chat setup flow.
After completing the setup flow, you’re ready to offer web chat to your customers. But before you open the floodgates, we recommend
testing your chat implementation and exploring more Chat, Omni-Channel, and Embedded Service features.
Test it Out
Check out what you just built. Go to your default Lightning console app and change your Omni-Channel status to Chat. Then, open
the web page where you placed your Embedded Service code snippet and request a chat.

Note: If you didn’t add yourself during the setup flow, you can add yourself to the permission set we created for you.

Dive Into Omni-Channel Features

Your Omni-Channel settings have much more to offer than what we turned on for you. Go to your Omni-Channel settings in Setup
to turn on productivity-boosting features like decline reasons and push time-out.
You can create statuses that make users available for one or more work types at a time. For example, you can have a presence status
that makes the agents available for chats and another for cases and chats. To create and edit presence statuses, go to Setup in
Salesforce Classic and enter Omni-Channel in the Quick Find box. Then, select Presence Statuses. To assign presence statuses to you
and your team, you can use permission sets or profiles.
You can add Omni-Channel to any console app. Simply edit or create a new console app in the App Manager, or in you app settings
in Salesforce Classic Setup.
Brand Your Chats
Update the colors, font, and branding images (like a logo and agent avatar) to the chat window over in Embedded Service Setup in
Lightning Experience. Adding your own personal touch to the chat window gives your customers a seamless chat experience.
Use Pre-Chat to Gather Information
Embedded Chat gives you a declarative way to create a pre-chat form so you can get some basic information about your customer
and their issue when they request the chat. Go to Embedded Service Setup in Lightning Experience to edit your deployment and
customize your pre-chat form.
Customize Embedded Chat with Code
The Embedded Service code snippet we gave you in the flow is what’s generated by default when you set up Embedded Chat
manually. You can add parameters to the code snippet, pre-populate fields on the pre-chat form, connect an automated invitation,

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

create custom chat events, and more using JavaScript. Plus, you can create Lightning components that customize the user interface
of the chat window.

Omni-Channel for Administrators
Trailhead: Omni-Channel Basics
Customize the General Branding for Your Chat Window
Customize the Pre-Chat Form
Embedded Service for Web Developer Guide

Set Up Omni-Channel Routing for Chats

Chat in Lightning Experience uses Omni-Channel to route incoming chats to your support agents. Before you set up Chat, make sure
that Omni-Channel is ready to handle chats with a service channel for chats, a chat queue with an associated routing configuration, and
presence statuses that let your agents receive chats. To configure dynamic skill requirements, select the Omni-Channel routing type in
Chat Buttons & Invitations and configure skills-based routing rules.

Customize Omni-Channel
How Does Omni-Channel Queue-Based Routing Work?
Add the Omni-Channel Utility to a Lightning Console App
Omni-Channel Utility for Lightning Console Apps

Add Chat to the Console in Lightning Experience

Add Chat to a Lightning console app so agents and supervisors can chat with customers.
Before you add Chat to a Lightning console app, you need to enable Chat and create a basic
implementation. You need to create a Lightning console app for service if you don’t have one set Available in: Lightning
up. You also need to have Omni-Channel set up along with a chat button or Embedded Service Experience
implementation using Omni-Channel routing.
Available in: Performance
1. From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select App Editions and in Developer
Manager. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
2. Click the dropdown next to the console app you want to add Chat to, then click Edit.
Available in: Essentials,
3. If your console doesn’t have the Omni-Channel utility, go to Utility Bar and add it.
Unlimited, and Enterprise
4. Under Navigation Items, add Chat Transcripts to the Selected Items list. Editions with Service Cloud
5. Under Assign to User Profiles, select the profiles you want to add to this console. or Sales Cloud

6. Click Save.

To add Chat to a Lightning

console app:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

What's Different in Chat in Lightning Experience

Chat looks and functions differently in Lightning Experience. Keep these considerations in mind
whether you're starting fresh or making the switch to Chat in Lightning Experience.
The following feature gaps apply for Chat in Lightning Experience: Available in: Lightning
Important: You must route chats with Omni-Channel in Lightning Experience. Make sure
that you have Omni-Channel ready for Lightning Experience and set up your chat button to Available in: Performance
route with Omni-Channel. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
For more information, see Compare Live Agent and Omni-Channel Routing for Chats. created after June 14, 2012
• The Recently Viewed Pages list view isn’t available in Lightning Experience. Available in: Essentials,
• Some Console API methods for Chat aren’t supported with Omni-Channel routing or with Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
Lightning Experience.
or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Chat Cookies

Service Cloud Chat uses cookies to improve functionality and accelerate processing times. By saving
a user’s settings, cookies can enhance the user’s experience and the Chat performance.
Salesforce doesn’t currently provide out-of-the-box functionality for end-user cookie consent Available in: Enterprise,
management for Chat. The platform is compatible with many existing third-party solutions. We Unlimited, Performance,
recommend that you work with you internal IT teams or consult your implementation partners to and Developer editions.
identify the right solution for your organization’s needs.
Service Cloud Chat collects two different types of cookies:
• Required: Strictly necessary for the website to work correctly.
• Functional: Used for analytics and performance.

Note: While Chat can run without the use of functional cookies, site functionality can be reduced, depending on the cookie’s
The following table describes the Chat cookies collected by Salesforce.

Table 20: This table describes the Chat cookies collected by Salesforce.
Cookie Name Duration Cookie Type Description
"liveagent_invite_rejected_"+this.buttonId Session Required Remembers the rules set by an admin
to hide a chat invite button after a
visitor accepts or rejects it. Without
the cookie, the button repeatedly
appears when triggered.

liveagent_sid Session Functional Captures a unique pseudonymous ID

when a user requests a chat during
an active session. Agent won’t know
if a user is browsing to offer specific
advice without the cookie.

liveagent_chatted Session Functional Captures where a user requests a chat

during an active session. Agent won’t

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Cookie Name Duration Cookie Type Description

know where a user is browsing to
offer specific advice without the

liveagent_vc 1 year Functional Counts a user’s distinct browsing

sessions on your website after closing
previous sessions. Agent won’t see
this information without the cookie.

liveagent_oref 1 year Functional Captures how visitors arrive at your

website from either search results or
affiliate links. This information won’t
be available to agents without the

liveagent_ptid 1 year Functional Links previous chats and transcripts

from a single visitor. For chats without
this cookie, new LiveChatVisitor
records or a new LiveChatTranscript
are created each time for the same

Embedded Chat Cookies

Extend Your Web Chat Implementation with Embedded Service and Einstein Bots
After you’ve set up Chat and Omni-Channel to work together in Lightning Experience, give your customers a better chat experience
with Embedded Service and Einstein Bots. Embedded Service lets you create a pre-chat form and custom branding with little to no code.
Embed the chat window on your website and both your desktop and mobile customers can have the same chat experience. Einstein
Bots lets you connect customers to an automated chat bot to answer questions and solve straightforward issues.

Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile Apps
Einstein Bots

Set Up Chat in Salesforce Classic

Set up Chat so that your support agents use the console in Salesforce Classic to chat with customers. You can also add Embedded Service
and Einstein Bots to give your agents and customers the best web chat experience.

Create a Basic Chat Implementation
Before you customize Chat, you need to create the basic Chat implementation for your Salesforce org. After you complete the basic
setup steps, you’ll have a functioning Chat implementation that your agents can use to chat with customers.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customize Your Chat Implementation

After you set up your basic Chat implementation, customize it with solutions that are appropriate for your agents, supervisors, and
customers. Chat offers several options for customizing your implementation declaratively, which means that no coding is required.
Set Up Chat in the Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
After you set up and customize your basic Chat implementation, add it to the Salesforce console so that your agents and supervisors
can start using chat to assist customers. Additionally, you can set up some other features in the Salesforce console to create an even
more robust chat experience for your agents and your customers.
Use Omni-Channel with Your Existing Chat Implementation
Are you loving Chat and want to add Omni-Channel to the mix? Here’s what changes for you and your organization (and not for
your agents!).

Create a Basic Chat Implementation

Before you customize Chat, you need to create the basic Chat implementation for your Salesforce
org. After you complete the basic setup steps, you’ll have a functioning Chat implementation that
your agents can use to chat with customers. Available in: Salesforce
Available in: Performance
1. Enable Chat Editions and in Developer
Get started with Chat by enabling it for your Salesforce org. After you enable Chat, you can Edition orgs that were
customize it. created after June 14, 2012

2. Create Chat Users Available in: Unlimited

Edition and Enterprise
Before your users can assist customers with chat, you need to assign the users as Chat users.
Edition with Service Cloud
Chat users are support agents and supervisors who have the Salesforce permissions to assist
customers with chat.
3. Create and Assign Chat Skills USER PERMISSIONS
Skills identify your agents’ areas of expertise. When you assign an agent to a skill, that agent
To set up Chat:
receives chat requests that are related to the agent’s skill areas. You can also empower your
• Customize Application
supervisors to assign skills to agents. This information applies to Live Agent routing for chats
only. To create user profiles and
permission sets:
4. Create Chat Agent Configurations • Manage Profiles and
Chat agent configurations define the functionality that’s available to your agents and support Permission Sets
supervisors. Create configurations to give different capabilities to multiple types of users,
5. Create Chat Deployments
A deployment is a place on your company’s website that’s enabled for Chat. Create deployments to implement Chat and control its
functionality on your website.
6. Create Chat Buttons
Create chat buttons to enable customers to request a chat with an agent directly from your website.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

7. Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites

To customize your Chat implementation with images, use a Salesforce Site to upload the images for your chat window and chat

Customize Your Chat Implementation
Add Chat to the Salesforce Console

Enable Chat
Get started with Chat by enabling it for your Salesforce org. After you enable Chat, you can customize
1. From Setup, enter Chat Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Chat Settings. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Select Enable Chat.
3. Click Save.
Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud


To enable Chat:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Create Chat Users

Before your users can assist customers with chat, you need to assign the users as Chat users. Chat
users are support agents and supervisors who have the Salesforce permissions to assist customers
with chat. Available in: Salesforce
All Chat users need the API Enabled administrative permission enabled on their associated Classic and Lightning
profile before they can use Chat. Experience

1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
2. Click Edit next to a user’s name.
Edition orgs that were
3. Select Chat User. If you don’t see this checkbox, verify that your support organization has created after June 14, 2012
purchased enough Chat feature licenses.
Available in: Essentials,
4. Click Save. Unlimited, and Enterprise
After creating users, make sure that you assign them a Chat configuration and associate them with Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
the appropriate skills.


Permissions for Chat Support Agents
To create or edit users:
Enable a few specific permissions for Chat support agents so that they have access to the tools • Manage Internal Users
that they need to provide help to customers.
To enable agents to use
Permissions for Chat Support Supervisors Chat:
You must enable certain permissions for Chat support supervisors so that they have all the tools • API Enabled
they need to monitor agents’ activities and review customers’ information. administrative

Create Chat Agent Configurations
Create and Assign Chat Skills

Permissions for Chat Support Agents

Enable a few specific permissions for Chat support agents so that they have access to the tools that
they need to provide help to customers.
Available in: Salesforce
General Permissions Classic and Lightning
Necessary Permission Description Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
“API Enabled” Required for all Chat users
Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Object Permissions

Record Type Permission Description Considerations

Chat Sessions “Read” Enables agents to We don’t recommend giving agents the ability to create, edit, and delete
view session session records. Session records are created automatically and are meant
records to provide a paper trail with information about the time that agents
spend online, so we don’t recommend giving agents the ability to
change these records.

Chat "Read" Enables agents to We don't recommend giving agents the ability to create, edit, and delete
Configurations use configuration chat configuration records. Without the "Read" permission on chat
settings, such as configurations, configuration settings such as sensitive data rules aren't
sensitive data rules. loaded when an agent logs in to the console.

Live Chat Visitors “Read” Enables agents to We don’t recommend giving agents the ability to create, edit, and delete
view visitor records visitor records. Visitor records are created automatically and are meant
to provide a paper trail that associates your customers with their chat
transcripts, so we don’t recommend giving agents the ability to change
these records.

Live Chat “Read” Enables agents to We don’t recommend giving agents the ability to create, edit, and delete
Transcripts view chat chat transcripts. Transcripts are created automatically and are meant to
transcripts provide a paper trail about your agents’ interactions with customers, so
we don’t recommend giving agents the ability to change these records.

Quick Text “Read” Enables agents to Without the “Read” permission on quick text, agents can’t access the
view quick text quick text sidebar in the Salesforce console.
messages and
include quick text
in chats.

“Create” Enables agents to If you want to standardize quick text messages across your organization,
create quick text limit your agents’ ability to create quick text messages. In that case, give
messages the “Create” permission to support supervisors instead.

“Edit” Enables agents to If you want to standardize quick text messages across your support
edit quick text organization, limit your agents’ ability to edit quick text messages. In
messages that case, give the “Edit” permission to support supervisors instead.

“Delete” Enables agents to If you want to standardize quick text messages across your organization,
delete quick text limit your agents’ ability to delete quick text messages. In that case, give
messages the “Delete” permission to support supervisors instead.

Chat Session Records
Chat Transcripts
Chat Visitor Records
Edit Object Permissions in Profiles

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Permissions for Chat Support Supervisors

You must enable certain permissions for Chat support supervisors so that they have all the tools
they need to monitor agents’ activities and review customers’ information.
Available in: Salesforce
General Permissions Classic

Available in: Performance

Necessary Permission Description Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
“API Enabled” Required for all Chat users
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Optional Permission Description Edition with Service Cloud
“Assign Chat Skills to Users” Enables supervisors to assign skills to agents.

Object Permissions

Record Type Permission Description Considerations

Chat Sessions “Read” Enables supervisors to view None
session records

“Create” Enables supervisors to create Session records are created automatically and
session records are meant to provide a paper trail that
provides information about the time that
agents spend online. We don’t recommend
tampering with these records, but you can
give supervisors the ability to create them

“Edit” Enables supervisors to edit session Session records are created automatically and
records are meant to provide a paper trail that
provides information about the time that
agents spend online. We don’t recommend
tampering with these records, but you can
give supervisors the ability to edit them.

“Delete” Enables supervisors to delete Session records are created automatically and
session records are meant to provide a paper trail that
provides information about the time that
agents spend online. We don’t recommend
tampering with these records, but you can
give supervisors the ability to delete them.

Live Chat Transcripts “Read” Enables supervisors to view chat None


“Create” Enables supervisors to create chat Chat transcripts are created automatically and
transcripts are meant to provide a paper trail about your

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Record Type Permission Description Considerations

agents’ interactions with customers. We don’t
recommend tampering with these records,
but you can give supervisors the ability to
create transcripts manually.

“Edit” Enables supervisors to edit chat Chat transcripts are created automatically and
transcripts are meant to provide a paper trail about your
agents’ interactions with customers. We don’t
recommend tampering with these records,
but you can give supervisors the ability to edit

“Delete” Enables supervisors to delete chat Chat transcripts are created automatically and
transcripts are meant to provide a paper trail about your
agents’ interactions with customers. We don’t
recommend tampering with these records,
but you can give supervisors the ability to
delete transcripts.

Live Chat Visitors “Read” Enables supervisors to view visitor None


“Create” Enables supervisors to create Visitor records are created automatically and
visitor records are meant to provide a paper trail that
associates your customers with their chat
transcripts. We don’t recommend tampering
with these records, but you can give
supervisors the ability to create them

“Edit” Enables supervisors to edit visitor Visitor records are created automatically and
records are meant to provide a paper trail that
associates your customers with their chat
transcripts. We don’t recommend tampering
with these records, but you can give
supervisors the ability to edit them.

“Delete” Enables supervisors to delete Visitor records are created automatically and
visitor records are meant to provide a paper trail that
associates your customers with their chat
transcripts. We don’t recommend tampering
with these records, but you can give
supervisors the ability to delete them.

Quick Text “Read” Enables supervisors to view Quick None

Text messages

“Create” Enables supervisors to create None

Quick Text messages

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Record Type Permission Description Considerations

“Edit” Enables supervisors to edit Quick None
Text messages

“Delete” Enables supervisors to delete None

Quick Text messages

Chat Session Records
Chat Transcripts
Chat Visitor Records
Edit Object Permissions in Profiles

Create and Assign Chat Skills

Skills identify your agents’ areas of expertise. When you assign an agent to a skill, that agent receives
chat requests that are related to the agent’s skill areas. You can also empower your supervisors to
assign skills to agents. This information applies to Live Agent routing for chats only. Available in: Salesforce
Note: The Skill object is visible to all users. No user permissions are needed to view skills. Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Skills in the Quick Find box, then select Skills.
Available in: Performance
2. Click New. Editions and in Developer
3. Enter a name for the skill. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
For example, you can create a skill that’s called “Accounts” for agents who specialize in questions
about customer accounts. Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
4. In the Assign Users area, select the users whom you want to associate with the skill. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
5. In the Assign Profiles area, select the profiles that you want to associate with the skill.
6. Click Save.
To enable supervisors to assign skills, enable the “Assign Chat Skills to Users” permission on their USER PERMISSIONS
profiles, or assign it to individual users via a permission set. When supervisors have this permission,
To create skills:
they can go to Setup > Customize > Chat Skills and update the assigned profiles or users under
• Customize Application
each skill.
To assign skills (supervisors):
• Assign Chat Skills to
Users OR Customize

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Create Chat Agent Configurations

Chat agent configurations define the functionality that’s available to your agents and support
supervisors. Create configurations to give different capabilities to multiple types of users,
For efficiency, create profiles and users before you create configurations. That way, you can create Available in: Salesforce
a configuration and assign it to users and profiles at the same time. Classic and Lightning
Chat agent configurations enable you to control your users’ access to certain Chat features. You
can create multiple configurations and assign them to different types of users. For example, create Available in: Performance
a configuration for experienced agents that gives them more permissions than new agents have. Editions and in Developer
Or, create a configuration for support supervisors that gives them the permissions that they need Edition orgs that were
to monitor their employees. created after June 14, 2012
1. From Setup, enter Chat Agent Configurations in the Quick Find box, then select Available in: Essentials,
Chat Agent Configurations. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
2. Click New. or Sales Cloud
3. Choose the settings on page 585 for your Chat agent configuration.
4. Click Save.

SEE ALSO: To create and edit

Create Chat Users
• Customize Application

Create Chat Deployments

A deployment is a place on your company’s website that’s enabled for Chat. Create deployments
to implement Chat and control its functionality on your website.
To customize the chat window that your customers see, first create a Salesforce site to host your Available in: Salesforce
custom images. Classic and Lightning
A deployment consists of a few lines of JavaScript that you add to a web page. Your organization
can have a single Chat deployment or multiple deployments. For example, if you have a single Available in: Performance
service center that supports multiple websites, creating a separate deployment for each site enables Editions and in Developer
you to present multiple chat windows to your visitors. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Tip: If you move instances for an instance refresh or org migration, regenerate the code using
Available in: Essentials,
these steps after the maintenance is complete.
Unlimited, and Enterprise
1. From Setup, enter Deployments in the Quick Find box, then select Deployments. Editions with Service Cloud
2. Click New. or Sales Cloud

3. Choose the settings on page 590 for your deployment.

Salesforce generates the deployment code.
To create deployments:
5. Copy the deployment code, and then paste it on each web page where you want to deploy • Customize Application
Chat. For best performance, paste the code immediately before the closing body tag (that is,

Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Create Chat Buttons

Create chat buttons to enable customers to request a chat with an agent directly from your website.
Before you create chat buttons:
Available in: Salesforce
• Create skills. Each chat button is associated with a particular skill or set of skills. Chats that are
Classic and Lightning
initiated from the button are routed to agents with those skills.
• Create a Salesforce site and static resources to use custom images for the online and offline
versions of your button. If you don’t have a Salesforce site, you can specify online and offline Available in: Performance
button images or text by modifying the code that’s generated when you create a button. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Create the buttons that visitors click to start chats. Like a deployment, a button consists of several created after June 14, 2012
lines of JavaScript that you copy and paste into web pages. A single deployment can have multiple
Available in: Essentials,
buttons; each button enables you to refine the chat experience for visitors. For example, create
Unlimited, and Enterprise
buttons for laptop, phone, or tablet issues. Each button is mapped to a skill or set of skills to ensure
Editions with Service Cloud
that visitors’ inquiries go to agents who can solve their problems.
or Sales Cloud
1. From Setup, enter Chat Buttons in the Quick Find box, then select Chat Buttons &
2. Click New.

3. Select Chat Button from the Type field. To create and customize
chat buttons:
4. Choose the settings on page 591 for your chat button.
• Customize Application
5. Click Save.
6. Copy the button code, and then paste it on each web page where you’ve deployed Chat. Make
sure that you paste the code in the area on the page where you want the button to appear.

Tip: Because the code changes with each modification, remember to copy and paste the code each time that you update
the button.

Chat Routing Options
Routing options in Chat enable you to specify how incoming chat requests are directed to agents. To use Chat in Lightning Experience,
you must route chats with Omni-Channel. New chat buttons must use Omni-Channel routing—legacy Live Agent routing is no
longer available.
Chat Queuing Options
Queuing options in Chat let you control how incoming chat requests are handled when no agents are available.

Create and Assign Chat Skills
Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat Routing Options

Routing options in Chat enable you to specify how incoming chat requests are directed to agents.
To use Chat in Lightning Experience, you must route chats with Omni-Channel. New chat buttons
must use Omni-Channel routing—legacy Live Agent routing is no longer available. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Routing Option Description Experience
Omni-Channel Incoming chats are routed to agents using Omni-Channel queues. To Available in: Performance
configure dynamic skill requirements, select the Omni-Channel routing Editions and in Developer
type and configure skills-based routing rules. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Button Skills Incoming chats are routed to agents using skills associated with the
button. Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
Choice Incoming chat requests are added to the queue in Chat in the Salesforce Editions with Service Cloud
console and are available to any agent with the required skill. Not or Sales Cloud
supported in Lightning Experience.

Least Active Incoming chats are routed to the agent with the required skill who has
the fewest active chats.
This option is a push option, which means that incoming chats are routed,
or “pushed,” to agents. You can specify the amount of time that an agent
has to answer a chat request before it’s routed to the next available,
qualified agent. Not supported in Lightning Experience.

Most Available Incoming chats are routed to the agent with the required skill and the
greatest difference between chat capacity and active chat sessions. For
example: Agent A has a capacity of eight and Agent B has a capacity of
two. If Agent A has two active chat sessions while Agent B has one,
incoming chats are routed to Agent A.
This option is a push option, which means that incoming chats are routed,
or “pushed,” to agents. You can specify the amount of time that an agent
has to answer a chat request before it’s routed to the next available,
qualified agent. Not supported in Lightning Experience.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat Queuing Options

Queuing options in Chat let you control how incoming chat requests are handled when no agents
are available.
For each chat button or invitation that you create, you can enable queuing. Queuing puts incoming Available in: Salesforce
chat requests on hold if no qualified agents are available to accept the requests. You can also specify Classic and Lightning
the maximum number of requests in a queue. By enabling queues and setting limits for them, you Experience
can control how incoming chat requests are handled, which helps agents manage chat backlogs.
Available in: Performance
If queuing is enabled, your company can accept incoming chat requests even when agents are at Editions and in Developer
capacity. You can specify the maximum number of requests to accept. Queuing helps agents work Edition orgs that were
effectively and limits the amount of time that customers spend waiting to chat. created after June 14, 2012
Chat routing options determine the way that queuing works. Routing options are set through your Available in: Essentials,
chat button or automated invitation. See Chat Routing Options to learn more about how you can Unlimited, and Enterprise
route chats to the right agents. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
Let’s look at how queuing and routing options work together. To learn more about Omni-Channel
routing, see How Does Omni-Channel Queue-Based Routing Work? on page 313

Queuing Option With This Routing Option Results

Queuing is not enabled Choice • Customers see your chat button and
can submit new requests unless there
are no qualified agents available or all
online agents have reached capacity.
• Incoming chat requests are added to
the Chat Requests list.
• When agents have capacity for new
chat sessions, they can select incoming
requests from the list.

Queuing is not enabled Least Active or Most Available • Customers see your chat button and
can submit new requests unless there
are no qualified agents available or all
online agents have reached capacity.
• When agents have the capacity for new
chat sessions, requests are routed to

Queuing is enabled without a per-agent or Choice • Customers see your chat button and
overall limit can submit new requests unless there
are no qualified agents available.
• Incoming chat requests are added to
the Chat Requests list.
• When agents have capacity for new
chat sessions, they can accept incoming
requests from the list.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Queuing Option With This Routing Option Results

Queuing is enabled without a per-agent or Least Active or Most Available • Customers see your chat button and
overall limit can submit new requests unless there
are no qualified agents available.
• When agents have the capacity for new
chat sessions, requests are routed to

Queuing is enabled with a per-agent or Choice • Customers see your chat button and
overall limit defined can submit new requests unless there
are no qualified agents available, or until
the queue limit is reached. Then,
customers see the offline version of the
button until older chat sessions have
ended and an agent is available.
• Incoming chat requests are added to
the queue until the per-agent or overall
limit is reached. No new requests are
accepted until older chat sessions have
• When agents have capacity for new
chat sessions, they can accept incoming
requests from the list.

Queuing is enabled with a per-agent or Least Active or Most Available • Customers see your chat button and
overall limit defined can submit new requests unless there
aren’t any qualified agents available, or
until the queue limit is reached. Then,
users see the offline version of the
button until older chat sessions have
ended and an agent is available.
• Incoming chat requests are added to
the queue until the per-agent or overall
limit is reached. No new requests are
accepted until older chat sessions have
• When agents have capacity for new
chat sessions, requests are routed to

Chat Routing Options

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites

To customize your Chat implementation with images, use a Salesforce Site to upload the images
for your chat window and chat buttons.
To customize your chat window and chat buttons, create one or more Salesforce Sites. Then, upload Available in: Salesforce
the images that you want to use as static resources. Static resources enable you to upload content Classic and Lightning
that you can reference in a Visualforce page. Each static resource has its own URL that Salesforce Experience
uses to access the images when the chat window loads.
Available in: Performance
1. Create a Salesforce Site to host your images. Editions and in Developer
When you create a Salesforce Site for your Chat deployment, provide the following information. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
• A site label and site name
Available in: Essentials,
• A site contact Unlimited, and Enterprise
• The active site’s home page Editions with Service Cloud
• A site template or Sales Cloud

2. Upload your branding images as static resources.

Note: The maximum size for a standard chat window image is 50 pixels.
To create and edit Salesforce
SEE ALSO: • Customize Application
Create and Edit Salesforce Sites
Defining Static Resources
Create Automated Chat Invitations
Create Chat Deployments

Customize Your Chat Implementation

After you set up your basic Chat implementation, customize it with solutions that are appropriate
for your agents, supervisors, and customers. Chat offers several options for customizing your
implementation declaratively, which means that no coding is required. Available in: Salesforce
Available in: Performance
Pre-Chat Forms and Post-Chat Pages Editions and in Developer
Pre-chat forms and post-chat pages in Chat enable you to exchange information with customers Edition orgs that were
who contact your company through chat. created after June 14, 2012

Set Visibility for Chat Users Available in: Unlimited

Edition and Enterprise
Choose how your Chat users can view the Supervisor Tab and Chat Sessions using profiles and
Edition with Service Cloud
permission sets.

Create a Basic Chat Implementation
Add Chat to the Salesforce Console

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Pre-Chat Forms and Post-Chat Pages

Pre-chat forms and post-chat pages in Chat enable you to exchange information with customers
who contact your company through chat.
Pre-chat forms and post-chat pages offer a standardized way of collecting information from Available in: Salesforce
customers who contact your company through chat. These forms and pages also offer a standardized Classic
way of sharing information with customers after their chat sessions are finished. In addition, by
Available in: Performance
using these forms and pages, you can customize the chat experience for your users.
Editions and in Developer
By using pre-chat forms, you can collect information from a customer, such as a name or a description Edition orgs that were
of a problem, after the customer requests to chat with an agent. This information can help direct created after June 14, 2012
chat requests efficiently and can reduce the amount of time that agents need to spend collecting Available in: Unlimited
information before beginning a chat session. You can also use this information to customize a Edition and Enterprise
customer’s experience while the customer chats with an agent, such as including the customer’s Edition with Service Cloud
first name in the chat window.
By using post-chat pages, you can share information with customers at the end of a chat session.
For example, you can direct your customers to another Web page after they complete a chat with an agent, and you can forward them
to a survey about their chat experience.
You have to create pre-chat forms and post-chat pages programmatically, using Chat’s APIs. For information on creating customized
pre-chat forms and post-chat pages, see the Chat Developer Guide (English only).

Set Visibility for Chat Users

Choose how your Chat users can view the Supervisor Tab and Chat Sessions using profiles and
permission sets.
Available in: Salesforce
Set Visibility for the Supervisor Tab Through Profiles Available in: Performance
The Chat supervisor panel is your supervisors’ one-stop shop for finding information about their Editions and in Developer
organizations’ chat buttons and chat agents. Make the Chat supervisor tab visible to users who Edition orgs that were
are assigned to specified profiles. created after June 14, 2012

Set Visibility for the Chat Sessions Tab through Permission Sets Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Session records store information about your agents’ and customers’ interactions online, such
Edition with Service Cloud
as how many chat requests were processed, how long agents spent online, or how long agents
were actively engaged in chats with customers. Make the Chat sessions tab visible to users who
are assigned to specified permission sets.
Set Visibility for the Chat Sessions Tab through Profiles
Session records store information about your agents’ and customers’ interactions online, such as how many chat requests were
processed, how long agents spent online, or how long agents were actively engaged in chats with customers. Make the Chat sessions
tab visible to users who are assigned to specified profiles.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Set Visibility for the Supervisor Tab Through Profiles

The Chat supervisor panel is your supervisors’ one-stop shop for finding information about their
organizations’ chat buttons and chat agents. Make the Chat supervisor tab visible to users who are
assigned to specified profiles. Available in: Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles. Classic
2. Click Edit next to the profile that you want to give access to the supervisor tab. Available in: Performance
3. Set the visibility of the Chat supervisor tab to Default On. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
4. Click Save. created after June 14, 2012
After you give your users permission to access the Chat supervisor tab, set up access to the Chat Available in: Unlimited
supervisor panel in the Salesforce console. Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud
The Chat Supervisor Panel for Salesforce Classic USER PERMISSIONS

To set tab visibility for Chat

• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets

Set Visibility for the Chat Sessions Tab through Permission Sets
Session records store information about your agents’ and customers’ interactions online, such as
how many chat requests were processed, how long agents spent online, or how long agents were
actively engaged in chats with customers. Make the Chat sessions tab visible to users who are Available in: Salesforce
assigned to specified permission sets. Classic and Lightning
Alternatively, you can give users access to the Chat sessions tab through profiles. Experience

1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets. Available in: Performance
2. Click the name of a permission set, or create a permission set. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
3. Click Object Settings. created after June 14, 2012
4. Click Chat Sessions. Available in: Essentials,
5. Click Edit. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
6. In Tab Settings, select Available and Visible. or Sales Cloud
7. Click Save.

Set Visibility for the Chat Sessions Tab through Profiles To set tab visibility for Chat
Chat Session Records
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Set Visibility for the Chat Sessions Tab through Profiles

Session records store information about your agents’ and customers’ interactions online, such as
how many chat requests were processed, how long agents spent online, or how long agents were
actively engaged in chats with customers. Make the Chat sessions tab visible to users who are Available in: Salesforce
assigned to specified profiles. Classic and Lightning
Alternatively, you can give users access to the Chat sessions tab through permission sets. Experience

1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles. Available in: Performance
2. Select a support agent profile. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
3. Click Edit. created after June 14, 2012
4. Set the visibility of the Chat sessions tab to Default On. Available in: Essentials,
5. Click Save. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
Set Visibility for the Chat Sessions Tab through Permission Sets
Chat Session Records

To set tab visibility for Chat

• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets

Set Up Chat in the Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic

After you set up and customize your basic Chat implementation, add it to the Salesforce console
so that your agents and supervisors can start using chat to assist customers. Additionally, you can
set up some other features in the Salesforce console to create an even more robust chat experience Available in: Salesforce
for your agents and your customers. Classic

Available in: Performance

IN THIS SECTION: Editions and in Developer
Add Chat to the Salesforce Console Edition orgs that were
Adding Chat to the Salesforce console enables agents and supervisors to chat with customers created after June 14, 2012
and access other customer service tools in one place. Available in: Unlimited
Set Up Chat Answers from Knowledge Articles Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud
If your organization uses Salesforce Knowledge, you can enable your agents to answer customer
questions by using information from your knowledge base. Set up chat answers on articles so
that agents can search for articles from Chat in the Salesforce console. USER PERMISSIONS
Add the Supervisor Panel to the Salesforce Console
To set up Chat:
Add the supervisor panel to the Salesforce console in Salesforce Classic to make your support
• Customize Application
supervisors’ work easier. That way, supervisors can access information about their agents without
having to switch between workspaces. To create user profiles or
permission sets:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Add a Lookup Component for Chats Routed with Omni-Channel to the Salesforce Console
Provide agents with a sidebar lookup component in their Salesforce console so they can quickly look up or create associated records
for chats. This component is only for chats using Omni-Channel routing, and can be used in Salesforce Classic only.

Create a Basic Chat Implementation
Customize Your Chat Implementation
Set Up a Salesforce Console App in Salesforce Classic

Add Chat to the Salesforce Console

Adding Chat to the Salesforce console enables agents and supervisors to chat with customers and
access other customer service tools in one place.
Before you add Chat to a Salesforce console app, you need to create a Salesforce console app if you Available in: Salesforce
don’t have one set up. Classic and Lightning
After you set up Chat, add it to a Salesforce console app. After Chat is set up in the console, your
agents can interact with chat customers. With the Salesforce console, your agents and supervisors Available in: Performance
can access Chat and other Service Cloud products in one place to provide customers fast and Editions and in Developer
efficient customer service. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
1. From Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select Apps.
Available in: Essentials,
2. Click Edit next to the name of the Salesforce console app in which you want to set up Chat.
Unlimited, and Enterprise
3. Select Include Chat in this App. Editions with Service Cloud
4. Choose the records or pages that you want to open as subtabs of chat sessions in the chat or Sales Cloud
5. Optionally, if your Salesforce org has Knowledge enabled, select Include Suggested USER PERMISSIONS
Articles from Knowledge in Chat to display the Knowledge One widget in the
chat workspace. To add Chat to the
Salesforce console:
6. Click Save. • Customize Application
You can run multiple Salesforce apps at the same time. However, if you log in to another Salesforce
app while you’re logged in to a Salesforce console app, you can’t accept new chat requests.

Set Up a Salesforce Console App in Salesforce Classic

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Set Up Chat Answers from Knowledge Articles

If your organization uses Salesforce Knowledge, you can enable your agents to answer customer
questions by using information from your knowledge base. Set up chat answers on articles so that
agents can search for articles from Chat in the Salesforce console. Available in: Salesforce
To let agents use the Knowledge One widget to include information from Knowledge articles in Classic
chats, add a custom field called “Chat Answer” to article types. This field stores information from
Available in: Performance
the article that’s appropriate to share with customers during a live chat. Using this field can be
Editions and in Developer
helpful for articles that are too long for an agent to include easily in a response. Edition orgs that were
Note: Attaching articles to a chat using the Share button is supported only in Salesforce created after June 14, 2012
Classic. Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Create the custom field as a Text, Text Area, or Text Area (Long). The Rich Text Field option is not
Edition with Service Cloud
supported. Add this custom field to each article type that contains information that you want
operators to access from the Knowledge One widget.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select USER PERMISSIONS
Knowledge Article Types.
To set up the Knowledge
2. Create or edit an article type. One widget:
3. Click New in the Fields related list. • Customize Application
4. Select Text, Text Area, or Text Area (Long). AND

Don’t select Text Area (Rich). Manage Knowledge

5. Click Next.
6. Enter Chat Answer in Field Label.
Make sure that Field Name is populated automatically with Chat_Answer. (You can use a different name for the Field Label.)

7. Click Next.
8. Specify security settings, and then click Next.
Make the Chat Answer field visible to authors, editors, and live chat agents. Hide it from portal users or other users who don’t need
access to it.

9. Select Yes, add this custom field to the layout, and then click Save.

Create Article Types

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Add the Supervisor Panel to the Salesforce Console

Add the supervisor panel to the Salesforce console in Salesforce Classic to make your support
supervisors’ work easier. That way, supervisors can access information about their agents without
having to switch between workspaces. Available in: Salesforce
1. In Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager. Classic
2. Click Edit next to the Salesforce console app that you want to add the supervisor panel to. Available in: Performance
3. In the Navigation Items tab, add Chat Supervisor to the Selected Items list. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
4. Click Save. created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud


To set up Chat and manage

• Customize Application

Add a Lookup Component for Chats Routed with Omni-Channel to the Salesforce Console
Provide agents with a sidebar lookup component in their Salesforce console so they can quickly
look up or create associated records for chats. This component is only for chats using Omni-Channel
routing, and can be used in Salesforce Classic only. Available in: Salesforce
Before you add a sidebar component to the Salesforce console app, you need: Classic
• A Salesforce console app with Chat and Omni-Channel added to it. Available in: Performance
• At least one chat button that uses the routing option Omni. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
• Edit access for Live Chat Transcript granted to agents handling chats routed through
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Unlimited
1. From Setup, enter Chat in the Quick Find box, then select Live Chat Transcripts > Edition and Enterprise
Page Layouts. Edition with Service Cloud
2. Click Edit next to the Live Chat Transcript (In Progress) Page Layout.
3. Click Custom Console Components.

4. Under Primary Tab Components, adjust your objects and other settings. Don’t move the component to the left sidebar, as chats
appear on the left side.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

5. Click Save.
Agents can now link and unlink records using the sidebar component.

Sidebar Lookup Component with No Linked Records

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Sidebar Lookup Component with Linked Contact Record

Use Omni-Channel with Your Existing Chat Implementation

Are you loving Chat and want to add Omni-Channel to the mix? Here’s what changes for you and
your organization (and not for your agents!).
Available in: Salesforce
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience Classic and Lightning
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
So, you’ve decided to take your customer service to the next level by using Chat and Omni-Channel created after June 14, 2012
in tandem. That’s great! Once everything’s set up, you’ll find that the two work together in perfect Available in: Essentials,
harmony. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Chat is powered by Chat Configurations, which control the behaviors and settings that are available Editions with Service Cloud
to Chat users. Similarly, Omni-Channel uses Presence Configurations to control the behaviors and or Sales Cloud
settings that are available to Omni-Channel users. You can integrate Chat with Omni-Channel so
chats are routed just like other work items, and you can even use Omni-Channel routing for your
chats. Whichever way you use Omni-Channel with Chat, your agents are then able to accept or reject chat requests right from the
Omni-Channel widget.
When you integrate Chat and Omni-Channel, your Chat users also become Omni-Channel users, so your chat agents must be associated
with both a Chat Configuration and a Presence Configuration. Luckily, Salesforce does some of the heavy lifting for you when you enable
Omni-Channel with your current Chat implementation.
For each Chat Configuration that you already have in your org, Salesforce:
• Creates a corresponding Presence Configuration for each of your Chat Configurations

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

• Sets the chat capacity for each Presence Configuration to what’s set in its corresponding Chat Configuration
• Assigns your chat agents to the new corresponding Presence Configurations
If you have Chat enabled but don’t have an implementation, when you enable Omni-Channel, Salesforce creates a Chat Service Channel.
Salesforce does all this automatically so there’s no disruption to your agents’ workflow. They can start accepting chats through
Omni-Channel in the console. The only difference they see is that they now use Omni-Channel in the console to set their status and
accept chat notifications. They may also see a change in their status options, as Omni-Channel presence statuses are configurable.
If you want to use Chat and Omni-Channel in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel routing for your chats. All you have to
do is create a chat button with the routing type Omni-Channel and set up Skills-Based Routing Rules or assign your agents to queues.
Then, add the Omni-Channel utility and Live Chat Transcripts to your Lightning Console app, and your agents can start accepting chat

Compare Live Agent and Omni-Channel Routing for Chats
See the benefits and limitations of using Omni-Channel routing for chats or keeping Live Agent routing for chats. If you want to use
Chat in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel routing.
Compare Live Agent and Omni-Channel Routing for Chats
See the benefits and limitations of using Omni-Channel routing for chats or keeping Live Agent routing for chats. If you want to use
Chat in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel routing.
Manage Chat Capacity with Omni-Channel
If your support organization has been using Chat for a while, you know that you can select an agent’s maximum number of chats
by using the Chat Capacity field. When Omni-Channel is enabled in your Salesforce org, however, you need to manage your
agent’s chat capacity using Omni-Channel configurations instead.

Compare Live Agent and Omni-Channel Routing for Chats

See the benefits and limitations of using Omni-Channel routing for chats or keeping Live Agent
routing for chats. If you want to use Chat in Lightning Experience, you must use Omni-Channel
routing. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Available in: Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience Experience
Omni-Channel is available in: Professional, Essentials, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
There’s a lot to keep in mind as you decide whether to try Omni-Channel routing for chats. Available in: Essentials,
Omni-Channel routing for chats is enabled when: Unlimited, and Enterprise
• You enable Chat for the first time, or Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
• You create a chat button that uses the routing option Omni-Channel Queues or
Omni-Channel Skills
Let’s compare the two routing model options when using Chat and Omni-Channel together.

Live Agent Routing (Salesforce Classic only) Omni-Channel Routing

Agents must chat with customers in the console in Salesforce Agents can chat with customers in the console in either Salesforce
Classic. Classic or Lightning Experience.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Live Agent Routing (Salesforce Classic only) Omni-Channel Routing

Agents use the Omni-Channel widget in Salesforce Classic to Agents use the Omni-Channel widget in Salesforce Classic or the
handle their work. Omni-Channel utility in Lightning Experience to handle their work.

Agents use Omni-Channel Presence, including its configurable Agents use Omni-Channel Presence, including its configurable
statuses. statuses.

Use Omni-Channel sound notifications in the Presence Use Omni-Channel sound notifications in the Presence
Configuration for chats. Configuration for chats.

Agent capacity is set and consumed by Omni-Channel. Agent capacity is set and consumed by Omni-Channel.

Chats are routed to agents using Skills. Chats are routed to agents using Omni-Channel queues.

Chats can’t be prioritized with Omni-Channel work, or relative to Chats are prioritized with Omni-Channel work, and can be
each other. Omni-Channel work items that haven't yet been routed prioritized relative to each other using queues.
are always routed ahead of chats.

Chats always have the size 1. Chat size is configurable by queue.

Supervisors use the Chat Supervisor Panel to observe chats and Chat supervisors can view agent activity in Omni-Channel
assist agents with their chats. Supervisor, but they use the Chat Supervisor Panel to observe chats
and assist agents with their chats. Create a skill for agents handling
chats routed with Omni-Channel to make them visible in the Chat
Supervisor Panel.

Reports and data for chats are separate from Omni-Channel data. Chat data is included in Agent Work reports in addition to Chat

For a queue to appear as an option on the Chat button, the queue For a queue to appear as an option on the Chat button, the queue
must include the Chat Sessions object in its support objects. must include the Live Chat Transcript object in its supported

The Live Chat Transcript is created when the chat ends. The Live Chat Transcript is created when the chat is requested.

You can customize the Live Chat Transcript page layout for Ended In Salesforce Classic, you can customize the Live Chat Transcript
chats. page layout for Waiting, In Progress, and Ended chats. In Lightning
Experience, you can customize Live Chat Transcript pages in the
Lightning App Builder.

Agents associate records with the chat transcript only after the Agents can associate records with the chat transcript during the
chat has ended. chat. Agents can associate records on the chat transcript itself or
use a console sidebar lookup component in Salesforce Classic.

Uses the Console Integration Toolkit Methods for Chat. Uses the Console Integration Toolkit Methods for Omni-Channel
for Salesforce Classic, or Omni-Channel Objects for the Lightning
Console JavaScript API for Lightning Experience.

If you use the findorCreate code to find or create related If you use the findorCreate code to find or create related
records, the code triggers only when an agent accepts the chat records, the code triggers even if the chat visitor cancels the chat
request. before the agent accepts.

However, there are a few limitations to using Omni-Channel routing for chats:

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

• You can’t transfer a chat from a button using Live Agent routing to a button using Omni-Channel routing.
• Queues with multiple object types can cause problems when using Omni-Channel routing. We recommend creating a queue for
each object type, such as Chats, Cases, and Leads, instead of setting queues to handle multiple object types.
• When an agent uses “Transfer to Agent” for a chat routed with Omni-Channel and the receiving agent has an admin profile, the
agent who initiated the transfer can lose visibility of the chat transcript until the receiving agent accepts the chat request. This
situation occurs because Omni-Channel changes ownership of the chat transcript when the transfer is initiated, before the next
agent accepts the chat.

Manage Chat Capacity with Omni-Channel

If your support organization has been using Chat for a while, you know that you can select an agent’s
maximum number of chats by using the Chat Capacity field. When Omni-Channel is enabled
in your Salesforce org, however, you need to manage your agent’s chat capacity using Omni-Channel Available in: Salesforce
configurations instead. Classic and Lightning
Omni-Channel lets your call center route incoming work items—including cases, leads, or custom Experience
objects—to available agents in your support organization. With Chat routing, you could route chats Available in: Performance
to agents in real time. With Omni-Channel, you can extends this capability to other objects. Editions and in Developer
Chat routing and Omni-Channel routing differ in one important way: With Omni-Channel, you can Edition orgs that were
enable agents to receive chats and other kinds of objects. For example, you might have a group of created after June 14, 2012
agents who can accept chats and incoming cases in real time, all in the Salesforce console. You can Available in: Essentials,
control all of these settings with presence configurations. Presence configurations, like Chat Unlimited, and Enterprise
configurations, let you set your agents’ capacity to receive these work items, including chats. Editions with Service Cloud
When you enable Omni-Channel, we create a Default Presence Configuration for you. All agents, or Sales Cloud
chat or otherwise, are assigned to this configuration unless you create a customized configuration
and assign users to it. First, decide whether you’re using the Default Presence Configuration or a
custom one to manage your agents’ chat capacity. If your chat agents can accept work items for
other objects, make sure that you factor that into the new capacity that you assign to them. After To set up Omni-Channel:
you’ve decided what the appropriate capacity is for the agents who are assigned to that • Customize Application
configuration, edit the configuration’s capacity.
1. From Setup, enter Presence Configurations in the Quick Find box, then select
Presence Configurations.
2. Click Edit next to the presence configuration that’s associated with your chat agents.
3. Change the capacity to the maximum number of work items, including chats, that an agent can take on at a time.
4. Click Save.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Set Up More Features for Chat

Many Chat features are available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Continue
customizing your Chat implementation by setting up chat conferencing, automated invitations,
and more. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

Create Automated Chat Invitations Available in: Performance

Set up automated chat invitations that appear as animated pop-ups on your website to invite Editions and in Developer
customers to chat with an agent. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Create Quick Text Messages
Available in: Essentials,
Create custom predefined messages to insert into emails, chats, tasks, events, and more. Quick
Unlimited, and Enterprise
text can include merge fields, line breaks, and special characters.
Editions with Service Cloud
Set Privacy Options for Chat Users or Sales Cloud
Protect your agents and the customers they assist by blocking sensitive data and unwanted
Chat Settings
Learn more about Chat settings and figure out how customizations can make Chat work for you.
Report on Chat Sessions
Gain insight into your agents’ chat activities by building reports about Chat sessions.

Create Automated Chat Invitations

Set up automated chat invitations that appear as animated pop-ups on your website to invite
customers to chat with an agent.
Before you create automated invitations: Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• Create skills. Each chat button is associated with a particular skill or set of skills. Chats that are
initiated from the button are routed to qualified agents.
• Create a Salesforce site and static resources to use custom images for the online and offline Available in: Performance
versions of your button. If you don’t have a Salesforce site, you can specify online and offline Editions and in Developer
button images or text by modifying the code that’s generated when you create a button. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Automated invitations can trigger based on certain criteria, such as whether a customer remains
Available in: Essentials,
on a web page for a specific amount of time. Invitations can be associated with specific skills, which
Unlimited, and Enterprise
ensures that customers are routed to a qualified agent when they accept an invitation to chat.
Editions with Service Cloud
1. From Setup in Salesforce, enter Chat Buttons in the Quick Find box, then select Chat or Sales Cloud
Buttons & Invitations.
2. Click New.
3. Under Type, select Automated Invitation.
To create and customize
4. Select the settings on page 594 for your automated invitation.
automated chat invitations:
5. Click Save. • Customize Application
6. Copy the invitation code, and then paste it on each web page where you’ve deployed Chat.
Make sure that you paste the code in the area on the page where you want the invitation to

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Tip: Because the code changes with each modification, remember to copy and paste the code each time that you update
the invitation.

Create and Assign Chat Skills
Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites
Create Chat Deployments

Create Quick Text Messages

Create custom predefined messages to insert into emails, chats, tasks, events, and more. Quick text
can include merge fields, line breaks, and special characters.
1. From the App Launcher, select Quick Text to open the quick text tab. Available in Salesforce
Classic in: Group,
2. Optionally, create shareable folders to organize your quick text messages and create unique
Enterprise, Performance,
sets of messages for different business units or groups of users, like service and sales. You can
Unlimited, and Developer
create up to four levels of folders: one root folder and up to three subfolders.
a. Click New Folder. Available in Lightning
Experience in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To create quick text

• Create, Edit, and Delete
b. Name your folder and save it.
on quick text
c. Repeat these steps until you have all the folders you need. You can also create more later,
To create a quick text folder:
or designate users to create them.
• Create on quick text
3. Click New Quick Text to create your first quick text message. If prompted, select a record type To share a quick text folder:
for the new message to customize access to it. Then click Continue. • Owner of the folder OR
Manage access on the
To manage and share all
quick text folders:
• View Setup and
Configurations AND
Modify All on quick text

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

4. Add information about the quick text message.

Setting Description
Quick Text Name Enter a name that helps users understand when to use the message.

Message Enter the message that you want users to be able to insert into their communications. You can
include line breaks, lists, special characters, merge fields, and up to 4,000 characters.
Merge fields, like a contact name, help you personalize your communications with customers.
Quick text supports the Salesforce Merge Language (SML) used in Salesforce Classic email
templates, not the Handlebars Merge Language (HML) used in Lightning Experience email

Folder Optionally, select a folder. This field is visible if:

• Share and organize quick text in folders is enabled
• The Folder field is added to the Quick Text record page layout
Users need access to the folder you select in order to view its quick text messages. You can group
quick text messages into folders—for example, designating them as service or sales—and assign
access accordingly.

Category Select a category that indicates the message’s purpose. Categories can be customized from the
Quick Text object settings in the Object Manager in Setup.
In orgs created before Spring ’18 that enabled quick text in Salesforce Classic, this field is required
and a default Category is provided. In orgs created after Spring ’18, this field is optional.

Channel Select the channels in which you want the message to be available. If you don’t specify a channel,
the message can’t be used. Depending on which features are enabled in your org, these channels
might be available.
• Email—for Email actions

Note: Quick text saved in the Email channel for your use is available as a text shortcut
in the Outlook and Gmail integrations with Inbox. Shared quick text isn’t available in
the integrations.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting Description
• Event—for Event actions
• Internal—works with internal fields, like on the Change Status action. This channel isn’t
supported in Lightning Experience, though it appears in the list.
• Knowledge—for Knowledge articles in Lightning Experience
• Chat—works with Chat in the Service Console
• Messaging—works with Messaging in the Service Console
• Phone—for the Log a Call action

Note: In Salesforce Classic apps, quick text is supported with Case Feed Log a Call
actions in console apps.

• Portal—works in an Experience Cloud site or a customer portal. This channel isn’t supported
in Lightning Experience, though it appears in the list.
• Social—for social posts
• Task—for Task actions

Include in reply Visible only if Einstein Reply Recommendations is turned on. Select this option to let Einstein
recommendations recommend the message to agents in the Einstein Replies console component.

Include in selected channels Leave this option selected. It makes the message available in the channels you selected.

5. If you use merge fields, click Preview to review the message with data from records that you choose.
6. Click Save.

Insert and Use Quick Text
Share Quick Text
Generate Emails From Records

Set Privacy Options for Chat Users

Protect your agents and the customers they assist by blocking sensitive data and unwanted visitors.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
Block Sensitive Data in Chats
Sensitive data rules let you block specific patterns, such as credit card, Social Security, phone
and account numbers, or even profanity. You can choose to remove the text or replace it with Available in: Performance
your preferred characters. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Let Your Agents Block Visitors by IP Address
created after June 14, 2012
Help your agents avoid troublesome customers by blocking chats from specified IP addresses.
Available in: Essentials,
Create an IP Blocking Rule to Block Chat Visitors Unlimited, and Enterprise
Help your agents avoid troublesome customers by blocking chats from specified IP addresses. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Block Sensitive Data in Chats

Sensitive data rules let you block specific patterns, such as credit card, Social Security, phone and
account numbers, or even profanity. You can choose to remove the text or replace it with your
preferred characters. Available in: Salesforce
1. In Setup, enter Sensitive Data in the Quick Find box, then select Sensitive Data Rules. Classic and Lightning
2. Click New or New Sensitive Data Rule.
3. Write each pattern as a JavaScript regular expression (regex), and choose your preferred settings. Available in: Performance
The regex is case-sensitive. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
4. Optionally, test your pattern. created after June 14, 2012
a. Enter some text in the format of the data you want to block, such as 123-45-6789 for a Available in: Essentials,
Social Security number. Unlimited, and Enterprise
b. Preview your results to ensure that the rule is working correctly. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
5. Select the roles for which you want to enforce this rule.

Note: Rules are enforced on the author. Therefore, if a "don’t show phone number" rule USER PERMISSIONS
is enforced on the visitor, when visitors enter their phone numbers, agents and supervisors
can’t see it. To create sensitive data
6. Set a priority for the rule. Lower numbers are executed first. • Customize Application
7. Click Save.
You can block the text from agents, supervisors, customers, or all of these. When a rule is triggered, it logs one or more of these chat
transcript events:
• Sensitive data blocked (Agent)
• Sensitive data blocked (Supervisor)
• Sensitive data blocked (Visitor)

Note: Sensitive data is visible while someone’s typing, but it is masked when the person sends it. So if you want to mask customer
information from agents, we recommend disabling Agent Sneak Peek (under Setup > Customize > Chat > Chat Configurations).
Sensitive data rules apply to the auto-greeting and any quick text that you have enabled. They don’t apply to the agent name or
other standard text in the chat window.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Let Your Agents Block Visitors by IP Address

Help your agents avoid troublesome customers by blocking chats from specified IP addresses.
You can enable your agents to block chat requests from specified IP addresses while they work in
the console. For example, if a customer is using abusive language or sending spam messages, the Available in: Salesforce
agent can block that user from starting a new chat. Classic and Lightning
An agent action can block chats from an individual IP address.
Blocked visitors see a message indicating that chat isn’t available. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
If a customer attempts to request a chat from a blocked IP address, the chat is canceled. In addition, Edition orgs that were
you can modify or delete blocking rules. created after June 14, 2012
1. From Setup, enter Chat Configurations in the Quick Find box, then select Chat Available in: Essentials,
Configurations. Unlimited, and Enterprise
2. Click Edit next to the configuration that you want to modify. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
3. Under Basic Information, select Visitor Blocking Enabled.
4. Click Save.
As a Salesforce admin, you can also block individual IP addresses. Or, if your Salesforce org is receiving
spam chats from a particular region, you can block entire IP ranges. See Create an IP Blocking Rule To chat with visitors in Chat
for more information. in the Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

Create an IP Blocking Rule to Block Chat Visitors

Help your agents avoid troublesome customers by blocking chats from specified IP addresses.
You can block chat requests from specified IP addresses. For example, if a customer is using abusive
language or sending spam messages, you can block that user from starting a new chat. If your Available in: Salesforce
Salesforce org is receiving spam chats from a particular region, you can block entire ranges of IP Classic and Lightning
addresses. Experience

Blocked visitors see a message indicating that chat isn’t available. Available in: Performance
If a customer attempts to request a chat from a blocked IP address, the chat is canceled. In addition, Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
you can modify or delete blocking rules.
created after June 14, 2012
1. From Setup, enter Block Visitors in the Quick Find box, then select Block Visitors. For
Available in: Essentials,
guidelines on entering valid IP ranges, see Set Trusted IP Ranges for Your Organization.
Unlimited, and Enterprise
2. Click New and fill in the parameters of your Blocking Rule. Editions with Service Cloud
3. Click Save. or Sales Cloud

You can also enable your agents to block chat requests from specified IP addresses while they work
in the console. See Let Your Agents Block Visitors by IP Address for more information. USER PERMISSIONS

To chat with visitors in Chat

in the Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat Settings
Learn more about Chat settings and figure out how customizations can make Chat work for you.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
Chat Agent Configuration Settings
Chat agent configuration settings control the functionality that’s available to agents and their
supervisors. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
Chat Deployment Settings
Edition orgs that were
Chat deployment settings control the functionality that’s available to agents and their supervisors created after June 14, 2012
while agents chat with customers.
Available in: Essentials,
Chat Button Settings Unlimited, and Enterprise
Chat button settings control the behavior of the chat buttons that customers use to interact Editions with Service Cloud
with agents. or Sales Cloud
Automated Invitation Settings
Automated invitation settings control the invitations that prompt your customers to chat with
agents on your website.

Chat Agent Configuration Settings

Chat agent configuration settings control the functionality that’s available to agents and their
Apply settings when you create or edit a Chat configuration. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Basic Information
Available in: Performance
Configure the basic functionality that’s available to agents when they chat with customers.
Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Setting What It Does created after June 14, 2012
Chat Name of this configuration. Available in: Essentials,
Configuration This configuration name, or a version of it, automatically becomes Unlimited, and Enterprise
Name the Developer Name. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
Developer Name Sets the API name for this configuration.

Chat Capacity Indicates how many chats an agent who is assigned to this
configuration can be engaged in at the same time.

Sneak Peek Indicates whether agents can see what a chat customer is typing
Enabled before the customer sends a chat message.

Request Sound Indicates whether to play an audio alert when the agent receives a
Enabled new chat request.

Disconnect Sound Indicates whether to play an audio alert when a chat is disconnected.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

Notifications Enabled Indicates whether to display a desktop alert when an agent receives a new chat request.

Custom Agent Name Sets the agent’s name in the chat window.

Auto Greeting Sets a customized greeting message that the customer receives automatically when an agent
accepts the customer’s chat request.
Optionally, use merge fields to customize the information in your greeting by using the Available
Merge Fields tool. For example, you can personalize the chat experience by using merge fields
to include the customer’s name in the greeting.

Note: If you specify an automatic greeting message in both your Chat configuration
and in an individual chat button, the message that’s associated with your chat button
overrides the message that’s associated with your configuration.

Auto Away on Decline Sets the agent’s Chat status to “Away” automatically when the agent declines a chat request.
This option applies only when agents are assigned to chat buttons that use Live Agent push

Auto Away on Push Sets an agent’s Chat status to “Away” automatically when a chat request that's been pushed to
Time-Out the agent times out.
This option applies only when agents are assigned to chat buttons that use Live Agent push

Critical Wait Alert Time Determines the number of seconds that the agent has to answer a customer’s chat before the
chat tab alerts the agent to answer it. To see this in the console, Chat transcripts need to be set
as a workspace tab.

Agent File Transfer Indicates whether an agent can enable customers to transfer files through a chat.

Visitor Blocking Enabled Indicates whether an agent can block visitors from an active chat within the Salesforce console.
See Let Your Agents Block Visitors by IP Address.

Assistance Flag Enabled Indicates whether an agent can send a request for help (“raise a flag”) to a supervisor.

Assign Users
Assign eligible users to the configuration to give them access to Chat functionality. You can also assign profiles to a configuration. If a
user is assigned a configuration at the profile and user levels, the user-level configuration overrides the configuration that’s assigned to
the profile.

Warning: Users can be assigned to only one Chat configuration at a time. If you assign the same user to a second Chat configuration,
the system removes that user from the first Chat configuration without warning you. So make sure that you know exactly which
Chat configuration each user should be assigned to!
For example, let’s say that User A is assigned to Chat Configuration A. Then, you create Chat Configuration B and accidentally assign
User A to it. Salesforce automatically removes User A from Chat Configuration A and reassigns the user to Chat Configuration B
without notifying you.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

Available Users Indicates the users who are eligible to be assigned to the

Selected Users Indicates the users who are assigned to the configuration.

Assign Profiles
Assign eligible profiles to the configuration to give users who are associated with the profiles access to Chat functionality. If a user is
assigned a configuration at the profile and user levels, the user-level configuration overrides the configuration that’s assigned to the

Setting What It Does

Available Profiles Indicates the user profiles that are eligible to be assigned to the

Selected Profiles Indicates the user profiles that are assigned to the configuration.

Supervisor Settings (Live Agent Routing Only)

Supervisor settings determine the Chat functionality that’s available to support supervisors. In addition, these settings determine the
default filters that apply to the Agent Status list in the supervisor panel.

Setting What It Does

Chat Monitoring Enabled Indicates whether supervisors can monitor their agents’ chats in
real time while their agents interact with customers.

Whisper Messages Enabled Indicates whether supervisors can send private messages to agents
while agents chat with customers.

Agent Sneak Peek Enabled Indicates whether supervisors can preview an agent’s chat
messages before the agent sends them to the customer.

Default Agent Status Filter Determines the default agent status, such as Online, Offline, or
Away, by which to filter agents in the supervisor panel.
When supervisors view the Agent Status list in the supervisor panel,
they see a list of agents who have that status.

Default Skill Filter Determines the default skill by which to filter agents in the
supervisor panel.
When supervisors view the Agent Status list in the supervisor panel,
they see a list of agents who are assigned to that skill.

Default Button Filter Determines the default button by which to filter agents in the
supervisor panel.
When supervisors view the Agent Status list in the supervisor panel,
they see a list of agents who are assigned to that button.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

Assigned Skills Determines the skills that are visible to supervisors in the supervisor
When supervisors view the Agent status list in the supervisor panel,
they see a list of agents who are assigned to these skills. If you don’t
select any skills, the Agent Status list displays agents who are
assigned to any skill.

Chat Conference Settings

Determine whether agents can invite other agents to join them in a customer chat. Chat conferencing lets your agents include multiple
agents in a single chat. That way, your agents can help your customers get the solutions that they need without making your customers
wait for their chats to be transferred.

Note: Chat conferencing does not support the Related Entities panel. If you attempt to use it with chat conferencing, important
details might not be saved on your record.

Setting What It Does

Chat Conferencing Enabled Indicates whether agents can invite other agents to join them in
customer chats.

Chat Transfer Settings

Determine how agents can transfer chats to other agents.

Setting What It Does

Chat Transfer to Agents Enabled Indicates whether agents can transfer chats to another agent

Chat Transfer to Skills Enabled Indicates whether agents can transfer chats to agents assigned to
a particular skill.

Chat Transfer to Skills Determines the skill groups to which agents can transfer chats.
Agents can transfer chats to available agents who are assigned to
those skills.

Chat Transfer to Chat Buttons Enabled Indicates whether agents can transfer chats to a button or queue.

Chat Transfer to Chat Buttons Determines the buttons to which agents can transfer chats.
Agents can transfer chats to available agents who are assigned to
those buttons.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Supported Browsers for Chat Notifications
Chat notifications help agents respond to chats efficiently by alerting agents when certain events occur. The types of chat notifications
that are supported are determined by the web browsers your agents use.

The Chat Supervisor Panel for Salesforce Classic
Agent Status List

Supported Browsers for Chat Notifications

Chat notifications help agents respond to chats efficiently by alerting agents when certain events
occur. The types of chat notifications that are supported are determined by the web browsers your
agents use. Available in: Salesforce
Two types of chat notifications are available in Chat. Classic
Chat request notifications Available in: Performance
Notifies an agent when the agent receives a chat request; available as audio notifications and Editions and in Developer
desktop notifications Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Disconnect notifications
Notifies an agent when the agent is disconnected from Chat; available as audio notifications Available in: Unlimited
only Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud
Browser Version Audio Notifications Desktop
Supported? Notifications
Google Chrome™ Most recent stable Yes Yes

Mozilla® Firefox® Most recent stable Yes Yes


Apple® Safari® 6.x on Mac OS X Yes Yes

Windows® Internet 11 Yes No


Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat Deployment Settings

Chat deployment settings control the functionality that’s available to agents and their supervisors
while agents chat with customers.
Apply settings when you create or edit a Chat deployment. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Basic Information
Available in: Performance
Configure the basic functionality that’s available on a particular Chat deployment.
Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Setting What It Does created after June 14, 2012
Chat Deployment Names the deployment. Available in: Essentials,
Name This deployment name, or a version of it, automatically becomes the Unlimited, and Enterprise
Developer Name. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
Developer Name Sets the API name for this deployment.

Chat Window Title Sets the name of the chat window as it appears to customers.

Allow Visitors to Indicates whether customers can save copies of their chat transcripts
Save Transcripts after they finish chatting with an agent.

Allow Access to Indicates whether developers can access and implement the pre-chat
Pre-Chat API API.

Warning: The pre-chat API gives developers access to

potentially personal information that customers provide in
pre-chat forms, such as the customer’s name and email

Permitted Domains Determines the domains that can host the deployment.
When using permitted domains:
• List as many domains as needed, but only one per line.
• Use only the domain and subdomain. For example, use,, or Don’t
include http:// or mappings to specific pages within a domain,
such as
• Make sure that you specify all the domains that you want to allow
to host the deployment.
• To make the deployment usable on any domain, leave the
Permitted Domains field empty.

Enable Custom Indicates whether a warning and timeout for the agent are enabled
Timeouts for when the customer is idle in a chat.

Idle Connection Indicates the additional duration, in seconds, that the customer can
Warning Duration remain idle or disconnected before a warning is sent to the agent.
This value is added to the base value of 40 seconds to determine the

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

total duration. Appears when Enable Custom Timeouts is selected.

Idle Connection Timeout Indicates the additional duration, in seconds, that the customer can remain idle or disconnected
Duration before the chat ends. The default value is 110 seconds. This value is added to the base value of
40 seconds to determine the total duration. Appears when Enable Custom Timeouts
is selected.

Chat Window Branding

You can optionally customize your chat windows with custom images by associating your deployment with a Salesforce Site and its
static resources.

Setting What It Does

Branding Image Site Determines the Salesforce Site that’s associated with the
By associating your deployment with a Salesforce Site, you can
customize your deployment with branding images. Store your
branding images as static resources with your Salesforce Site.

Chat Window Branding Image Sets the custom graphic that appears in the customer’s chat

Mobile Chat Window Branding Image Sets the custom graphic that appears in the customer’s chat
window when the customer accesses chat from a mobile site.

Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites

Chat Button Settings

Chat button settings control the behavior of the chat buttons that customers use to interact with
Available in: Salesforce
Basic Information Classic and Lightning
Configure the basic functionality that’s available on a particular chat button.
Available in: Performance
Setting What It Does Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Type Determines the type of button that you want to create. created after June 14, 2012
Warning: When you create a chat button to host on your Available in: Essentials,
website, you must set this option to Chat Button. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

Name Names the chat button.
This button name, or a version of it, automatically becomes the Developer Name.

Developer Name Sets the API name for the chat button.

Language Sets the default language for text in the chat window.

Enable Customer Indicates whether chats are ended if the customer doesn’t respond within a specified period.

Customer Time-Out Sets the amount of time that a customer has to respond to an agent message before the session
(seconds) ends. The timer stops when the customer sends a message and starts again from 0 on the next
agent's message.

Customer Time-Out Sets the amount of time that a customer has to respond to an agent message before a warning
Warning (seconds) appears and a timer begins a countdown.
The warning disappears (and the timer stops) each time the customer sends a message.
The warning disappears (and the timer resets to 0) each time the agent sends message.
The warning value must be shorter than the time-out value (we recommend at least 30 seconds).

Custom Agent Name Sets the agent’s name in the chat window.

Auto Greeting Sets a customized greeting message that the customer receives automatically when an agent accepts
the customer’s chat request.
Optionally, use merge fields to customize the information in your greeting by using the Available
Merge Fields tool. For example, you can personalize the chat experience by using merge fields to
include the customer’s name in the greeting.

Note: If you specify an automatic greeting message in both your Chat configuration and in
an individual chat button, the message that’s associated with your chat button overrides the
message that’s associated with your configuration.

Routing Information
Configure how the button or invitation routes chats to the best-fit agent.

Setting What It Does

Routing Type Sets how chats are routed to an agent. To configure dynamic skill requirements, select the
Omni-Channel routing type and configure skills-based routing rules.

Skills Associates skills with the button. If you select Button Skills as the routing type, incoming chat requests
are routed to agents with the skills that you specify.

Enable Queue Indicates that queueing is enabled. Queueing allows incoming chat requests to wait in a queue until
an agent with the appropriate skills is available to accept the chat.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

Queue Size Per Agent Determines the queue’s capacity to hold chat requests per available agent. For Live Agent routing
or when chats have a size of 1, this setting controls the number of chats allowed to queue for each

Overall Queue Size Determines the queue’s capacity to hold chat requests. For Live Agent routing or when chats have
a size of 1, this number is the maximum number of chats allowed to queue.

Automatically Accept Chat requests originating from the button are automatically accepted by the first available agent.

Chat Button Customization

You can optionally customize your chat button with custom images by associating your deployment with a Salesforce site and its static

Setting What It Does

Site for Resources Determines the Salesforce site that’s associated with the chat button. By associating your button
with a Salesforce site, you can customize the button with branding images. Store your branding
images as static resources with your Salesforce site.

Online Image Sets the custom button graphic that appears when the chat button is available for customers to
request new chats.

Offline Image Sets the custom button graphic that appears when the chat button is unavailable.

Custom Chat Page Replaces the standard chat window with a custom chat window page that you’ve developed. Use
this option only to use a chat window other than the default chat window.

Pre-Chat Form Page Directs chats to the Lightning Platform page that hosts your customized pre-chat form that customers
see before they begin a chat with an agent.

Pre-Chat Form URL The absolute URL of your pre-chat form page.

Post-Chat Page Directs chats to your customized post-chat page that customers see after they complete a chat.

Post-Chat Page URL The absolute URL of the web page that hosts your post-chat page.

Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites
Chat Routing Options
Chat Queuing Options
Pre-Chat Forms and Post-Chat Pages

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Automated Invitation Settings

Automated invitation settings control the invitations that prompt your customers to chat with
agents on your website.
Apply settings when you create or edit an automated chat invitation. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Basic Information
Available in: Performance
Configure the basic functionality that’s available on a particular Chat invitation.
Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Setting What It Does created after June 14, 2012
Type Determines whether to create a chat button or Available in: Essentials,
automated invitation. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
Important: When creating an or Sales Cloud
automated chat invitation, you must set
this option to Automated Invitation.

Active Determines whether the automated invitation

is active, or can automatically be sent to

Name Names the invitation.

This invitation name, or a version of it,
automatically becomes the Developer

Developer Name Sets the API name for the invitation.

Language Sets the default language for text in the chat


Enable Customer Time-Out Indicates whether chats are ended if the

customer doesn’t respond within a specified

Customer Time-Out (seconds) Sets the amount of time that a customer has to
respond to an agent message before the session
ends. The timer stops when the customer sends
a message and starts again from 0 on the next
agent's message.

Customer Time-Out Warning Sets the amount of time that a customer has to
(seconds) respond to an agent message before a warning
appears and a timer begins a countdown.
The warning disappears (and the timer stops)
each time the customer sends a message.
The warning disappears (and the timer resets
to 0) each time the agent sends message.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

The warning value must be shorter than the time-out value (we
recommend at least 30 seconds).

Custom Agent Name Sets the agent’s name in the chat window.

Auto Greeting Sets a customized greeting message that the customer receives
automatically when an agent accepts the customer’s chat request.
Optionally, use merge fields to customize the information in your
greeting by using the Available Merge Fields tool. For example,
you can personalize the chat experience by using merge fields to
include the customer’s name in the greeting.

Note: If you specify an automatic greeting message in

both your Chat configuration and in an individual chat
invitation, the message that’s associated with your chat
invitation overrides the message that’s associated with your

Routing Information
Specify how this invitation routes chats to the best-fit agent.

Setting What It Does

Routing Type Sets how chats are routed to an agent.

Skills Associates skills with the invitation. If you select Omni-Channel

Skills as the routing type, incoming chat requests are routed to
agents with the skills that you specify.

Enable Queue Indicates that queueing is enabled. Queueing allows incoming

chat requests to wait in a queue until an agent with the appropriate
skills is available to accept the chat.

Queue Size Per Agent Determines the queue’s capacity to hold chat requests per available
agent. For Live Agent routing or when chats have a size of 1, this
setting controls the number of chats allowed to queue for each

Overall Queue Size Determines the queue’s capacity to hold chat requests. For Live
Agent routing or when chats have a size of 1, this number is the
maximum number of chats allowed to queue.

Invitation Animation
Customize your invitation’s animations to determine how the animation appears to customers.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

Display Time Determines how long the invitation is displayed to customers
before it disappears.

Allow invitation to be triggered again Indicates whether the invitation can be sent to the customer again
after accepting after the customer has accepted a previous invitation.

Allow invitation to be triggered again Indicates whether the invitation can be sent to the customer again
after rejecting after the customer has rejected a previous invitation.

Animation Determines the type of animation for your invitation. Depending

on which animation you choose, you are prompted to select the
positions where the invitation appears on-screen to customers.

Invitation Customization
You can optionally customize your invitation with custom images by associating your deployment with a Salesforce site and its static

Setting What It Does

Site for Resources Determines the Salesforce site that’s associated with the invitation.
By associating your invitation with a Salesforce site, you can
customize the invitation with branding images. Store your branding
images as static resources with your Salesforce site.

Online Image Sets the custom invitation graphic that appears when the chat
invitation is available for customers to request new chats.

Offline Image Sets the custom invitation graphic that appears when the chat
invitation is unavailable.

Custom Chat Page Replaces the standard chat window with a custom chat window
page that you’ve developed. Use this option only to use a chat
window other than the default chat window.

Pre-Chat Form Page Directs chats to the Lightning Platform page that hosts your
customized pre-chat form that customers see before they begin
a chat with an agent.

Pre-Chat Form URL The absolute URL of your pre-chat form page.

Post-Chat Page Directs chats to your customized post-chat page that customers
see after they complete a chat.

Post-Chat Page URL The absolute URL of the web page that hosts your post-chat page.

Sending Rule
Create sending rules for your invitation to determine when to trigger and send the invitation to customers. You can include multiple
criteria in your sending rule. Also, if your sending rule requires more complicated logic, you can apply Boolean operators to your sending

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Setting What It Does

Criteria Sets the criteria that the sending rule evaluates. For example, you
can create a rule that sends the invitation based on how many
seconds a customer has been viewing a web page for.

Operator Sets the operator to evaluate your criteria. For example, you can
create a rule that sends the invitation when a customer has been
on a page for more than a specified number of seconds.

Value Sets the value to evaluate the formula against. For example, you
can create a rule that sends the invitation when a customer has
been on a page for more than 30 seconds.

Chat Routing Options
Create and Assign Chat Skills
Chat Queuing Options
Customize Your Chat Branding with Salesforce Sites
Pre-Chat Forms and Post-Chat Pages

Report on Chat Sessions

Gain insight into your agents’ chat activities by building reports about Chat sessions.
You can create a custom report type for Chat sessions and use it to run reports on your agents'
sessions using the Report Builder. These Chat session reports can provide insight about your agents’ Available in: Salesforce
chat activities—for example, whether or not your agent team is able to handle all chat requests Classic and Lightning
from your customers. Experience

1. Create a custom report type using Chat Sessions as the primary object. Available in: Performance
2. Create a new Chat report using the Report Builder in Salesforce Classic or the Reports tab in Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Lightning Experience.
created after June 14, 2012
3. Customize your report to include the columns of information you want to feature.
Available in: Essentials,
4. Save or run the report. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
Create a Report
Build a Report in Salesforce Classic USER PERMISSIONS
Chat Session Records
To create, edit, and delete
• Create and Customize
Report Builder

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat for Support Supervisors (Salesforce Classic)

Welcome to Chat for support supervisors! Chat makes it easy for your agents to support customers.
With Chat's supervisor tools, you can easily monitor your agents' activities, assist your agents in
chats, and view data on your agents' chat sessions. This information applies only to Chat in Salesforce Available in: Salesforce
Classic. Classic
As a support supervisor, you oversee your employees to ensure that they provide the best customer
Available in: Performance
support possible. Chat is fully integrated with the rest of Salesforce, making it easy for you to access
Editions and in Developer
the information you need about your agents and their chat activity in a single workspace. Edition orgs that were
Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to Chat, there are several tools at your disposal that created after June 14, 2012
make it easy to support and monitor your chat agents as they work with customers. Let's get started. Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
IN THIS SECTION: Edition with Service Cloud

The Chat Supervisor Panel for Salesforce Classic

The Chat supervisor panel is your one-stop shop to find information about your department’s USER PERMISSIONS
chat buttons and chat agents. From the supervisor panel, you can monitor agents’ chat activities
as they chat with customers and view customer traffic on specific chat buttons, all in real time. To chat with visitors in the
The supervisor panel is conveniently located in the Salesforce console, so it’s easy to access it Salesforce console:
without switching out of the app. • Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Assign Skills to Agents Salesforce console app
Assign skills to your agents as the expertise of your team evolves.

Chat for Support Agents
Permissions for Chat Support Supervisors

The Chat Supervisor Panel for Salesforce Classic

The Chat supervisor panel is your one-stop shop to find information about your department’s chat
buttons and chat agents. From the supervisor panel, you can monitor agents’ chat activities as they
chat with customers and view customer traffic on specific chat buttons, all in real time. The supervisor Available in: Salesforce
panel is conveniently located in the Salesforce console, so it’s easy to access it without switching Classic
out of the app.
Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
IN THIS SECTION: Edition orgs that were
Access the Supervisor Panel created after June 14, 2012
Access the supervisor panel conveniently from the Salesforce console to easily monitor your Available in: Unlimited
agents’ chat activity. Edition and Enterprise
Agent Status List Edition with Service Cloud
The agent status list in the supervisor panel gives you access to real-time information about
your agents’ chat activity.
Queue Status List
The queue status list in the supervisor panel gives you access to real-time information about your organization’s chat buttons and

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Monitor Your Agents’ Chats

View your agents’ chats from the supervisor panel as they help customers. You can monitor agents’ performance and give them
real-time feedback and help as they serve customers.

Access the Supervisor Panel

Access the supervisor panel conveniently from the Salesforce console to easily monitor your agents’
chat activity.
To access the supervisor panel in the Salesforce console, select Chat Supervisor in the console's Available in: Salesforce
navigation list. Classic
The supervisor panel appears in the main console window, giving you access to real-time information Available in: Performance
about your Salesforce org’s chat buttons and agents. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud


To use the Chat supervisor

panel in the Salesforce
• Access to the Chat
supervisor tab in a user
profile or permission set,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

Agent Status List

The agent status list in the supervisor panel gives you access to real-time information about your
agents’ chat activity.
Available in: Salesforce
Agent Detail Description Classic
Agent Name The name of the agent. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
Note: If a red flag appears next to the name, the agent has requested
Edition orgs that were
help. Respond via the chat detail module (far right).
created after June 14, 2012
Status The agent’s Chat status. Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Action The actions you can take to change the agent’s status. Edition with Service Cloud
No. Chats in The number of chats that an agent is engaged in.

No. Requests The number of pending chat requests that are currently assigned to the
Assigned agent.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Agent Detail Description

Time Elapsed Since Login The amount of time the agent has been logged in to Chat.

Time Elapsed Since Last The amount of time since the agent last accepted a chat request.

Message to Supervisor The private message that the agent sent with a help flag.

Expand each agent’s name to see details about the customers they’re chatting with.

Customer Detail Description

Visitor Name The name of the customer, if available.

IP The IP address of the customer's device.

Network The customer's network, if available.

Browser The type of internet browser the customer is using to connect to their chat window.

City The city the customer is chatting from.

Country The country the customer is chatting from.

Duration The amount of time the customer has been engaged in a chat with the agent.

Action The actions you can take to view the customer's chat with the agent.

Chat Statuses

Queue Status List

The queue status list in the supervisor panel gives you access to real-time information about your
organization’s chat buttons and queues.
Available in: Salesforce
Queue Detail Description Classic
Button Name The name of the chat button. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
ID The unique Salesforce ID of the chat button.
Edition orgs that were
Queue Length The number of chats that are waiting to be assigned to an agent. created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Unlimited
Longest Wait The longest amount of time a customer chat has waited to be connected to
Edition and Enterprise
an agent.
Edition with Service Cloud

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Monitor Your Agents’ Chats

View your agents’ chats from the supervisor panel as they help customers. You can monitor agents’
performance and give them real-time feedback and help as they serve customers.
1. In the Agent Status list, click to expand the information about the agent whose chat you Available in: Salesforce
want to view. If an agent has requested help, you see a red flag next to the name and a private Classic
message (far right) if the agent entered one.
Available in: Performance
2. To view a chat, click View in the Action column of the chat you want to monitor. Editions and in Developer
The chat monitor opens in the Agent Status list. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
3. To send a private message to an agent as the agent is chatting with a customer, type your
Available in: Unlimited
message in the message field and press Enter.
Edition and Enterprise
The agent can see your message in the chat log, but the message is invisible to the customer. Edition with Service Cloud

When you finish monitoring your agent’s chat, click again to collapse the chat monitor.
To remove a flag after you’ve provided help, click Lower Flag. USER PERMISSIONS

To use the Chat supervisor

SEE ALSO: panel in the Salesforce
Agent Status List console:
• Access to the Chat
supervisor tab in a user
profile or permission set,
and included in a
Salesforce console app
To view agents' chats:
• Agent Sneak Peek
Enabled in your Chat
To send whisper messages
to agents:
• Whisper Messages
Enabled in your Chat

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Assign Skills to Agents

Assign skills to your agents as the expertise of your team evolves.
1. In Setup, enter Skills in the Quick Find box, then select Skills.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Click the name of the skill you want to assign.
3. Click Edit.
Available in: Performance
4. Select either the profiles (recommended) or individual users who have this skill. Editions and in Developer
5. Click Save. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Note: Skills are visible to all users, but only your administrator can create skills.
Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud


To assign skills:
• Assign Chat Skills to
Users OR Customize

Chat for Support Agents

Welcome to Chat for support agents! Chat is a comprehensive chat solution that makes it easy for
you to support customers.
As a support agent, you assist dozens of customers with their support issues every day. Chat is fully Available in: Salesforce
integrated with the rest of Salesforce, making it easy for you to access all the information you need Classic and Lightning
about your customers in a single workspace. In addition, Salesforce leverages the power of the Experience
Service Cloud, giving you access to important tools like a knowledge base and pre-defined support
Available in: Performance
messages, that let you assist your customers and close cases more quickly. Editions and in Developer
Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to Chat, there are several tools at your disposal that Edition orgs that were
make it easy to assist multiple customers at the same time with chat. Let's get started. created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
IN THIS SECTION: Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
Assist Customers with Chat or Sales Cloud
Use Chat to quickly help your customers solve issues.
Transfer Chats to an Agent, Skill, or Button
Chats can be transferred to another agent, skill, or button so your customers always receive the
highest-quality help from the most relevant sources. This information applies to chats routed To chat with visitors in the
with Live Agent routing only. Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

View Customer Records in the Salesforce Console

Salesforce automatically creates some records when a chat ends. These records store information about chat customers and their
interactions with agents. View these records in the console in Salesforce Classic.

Chat for Support Supervisors (Salesforce Classic)
Permissions for Chat Support Agents

Assist Customers with Chat

Use Chat to quickly help your customers solve issues.
Using Chat in the Salesforce console gives you access to several other Service Cloud products that
let you assist customers in a comprehensive way. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Change Your Chat Status Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
Change your Chat status to control when you’re available to receive new and transferred chats.
Edition orgs that were
Chat with Customers created after June 14, 2012
Accept incoming chat requests to begin chatting with customers in a Salesforce console app. Available in: Essentials,
Access Customer Details During a Chat Unlimited, and Enterprise
When you accept a chat request, a details tab for that chat opens automatically. The details tab Editions with Service Cloud
includes information about the visitor and lets you look up records related to the chat, such as or Sales Cloud
contacts and cases.
Send Quick Text Messages in Chats USER PERMISSIONS
Send chat customers predefined messages to respond more quickly. You can create quick text
for greetings, notes, answers to common questions, and more. To chat with visitors in the
Salesforce console:
Transfer Files During a Chat • Chat is enabled, set up,
Give customers the ability to upload and transfer files during a chat so they can easily share and included in a
more information about their issues. Salesforce console app

Attach Articles to Chats

Use the Knowledge One widget to find articles that help solve customer issues during chats.
Attach Records to Chat Transcripts
Search for or create records to attach to a chat transcript as you chat with customers in a Salesforce console app.
Block Unwanted Chat Customers
You can block chats from troublesome customers right from the Salesforce console. For example, if a customer is using abusive
language or sending spam messages, you can block that user from starting a new chat.
End a Chat Session
End a chat session after you’ve finished chatting with a customer and updating the records related to their chat.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Change Your Chat Status

Change your Chat status to control when you’re available to receive new and transferred chats.
In Chat, you can set your online status to online, away, or offline. When you exit Chat, your status
automatically changes to offline and any active chat sessions end. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
1. Click the Chat footer or Omni-Channel window to open the chat monitor.
2. Click the drop-down arrow in the upper right corner of the chat monitor to view your status
options. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
3. Select your status. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Essentials,
Chat Statuses Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
Chat statuses define how you can interact with customers while you're online, away, or offline.
or Sales Cloud


To chat with visitors in the

Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

Chat Statuses
Chat statuses define how you can interact with customers while you're online, away, or offline.
Status Description Available in: Salesforce
Online You can receive and accept incoming chats and Classic and Lightning
transfers. Experience

Available in: Performance

Away You can continue any chat sessions you’ve
Editions and in Developer
already started, but you can’t accept incoming
Edition orgs that were
chats or transfers.
created after June 14, 2012
Offline You can't accept incoming chats or transfers, Available in: Essentials,
and no chats can be routed to you. Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat with Customers

Accept incoming chat requests to begin chatting with customers in a Salesforce console app.
When you receive a new chat or transfer request, the pending request appears in your chat monitor.
You can see the deployment or website the chat came from, the customer’s name (if it's available), Available in: Salesforce
and the number of minutes the request has been waiting to be answered. Classic and Lightning
You can chat with several customers at the same time. Each chat sessions opens in a separate
primary tab. Available in: Performance
1. In the chat monitor, click Accept on the chat request. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
The chat log opens in a new primary tab.
created after June 14, 2012
2. Type your message to the customer in the message field.
Available in: Essentials,
3. Click Send or hit ENTER on your keyboard to send your message to the customer. Unlimited, and Enterprise
4. Click End Chat when you're done assisting the customer. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
If the customer ends the chat first, a notice appears in the chat log.


Send Quick Text Messages in Chats To chat with visitors in the
Attach Articles to Chats Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
Transfer Chats and included in a
Transfer Files During a Chat Salesforce console app
Attach Records to Chat Transcripts
End a Chat Session

Access Customer Details During a Chat

When you accept a chat request, a details tab for that chat opens automatically. The details tab
includes information about the visitor and lets you look up records related to the chat, such as
contacts and cases. Available in: Salesforce
• To search for a record, type a name in the relevant box in the Related Entities section of the Classic and Lightning
page, then click . To associate a record you find to the chat, select it from the search results
list and click Save. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
In older organizations, you could access records and visitor details from the Related Entities
Edition orgs that were
panel during chats. However, starting with Summer ’14, the Related Entities panel in the details
created after June 14, 2012
tab isn’t available for new Chat customers. Existing customers will continue to have access to
the Related Entities panel. Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
• Once you associate an existing record to the chat, click the name of the record to open it in a Editions with Service Cloud
new tab. or Sales Cloud
• To create a new record, click New Case, New Lead, New Contact, or New Account.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Send Quick Text Messages in Chats

Send chat customers predefined messages to respond more quickly. You can create quick text for
greetings, notes, answers to common questions, and more.

Note: If you don't have access to quick text, contact your Salesforce admin. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
1. While chatting with a customer, open the quick text browser. Experience
• In Salesforce Classic, on Mac OS or Windows, type ;; in the message field. Available in: Performance
• In Lightning Experience, type one of the following commands in the message field. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Mac OS: Cmd+. created after June 14, 2012
Windows: Ctrl+. Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
A list of quick text messages displays. Recently used messages display first.
Editions with Service Cloud
2. To see additional quick text messages, type a word or phrase. or Sales Cloud
A list of messages that include those words appears.
3. To see the title and full text of a message, hover over it or highlight it using the arrow keys on
your keyboard.
The full message displays in the preview panel. To access quick text while
4. To select a message and add it to your chat, click it or use your keyboard to highlight it and chatting with visitors:
then press Enter. • Read on Quick Text

5. To send the message, click Send or press Enter on your keyboard.

Create Quick Text Messages

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Transfer Files During a Chat

Give customers the ability to upload and transfer files during a chat so they can easily share more
information about their issues.
For example, if a customer encounters an error when trying to complete a process, they can upload Available in: Salesforce
and transfer a screenshot of the error message to the agent. Classic and Lightning
Before a customer can upload a file, you must associate the chat with a record, such as a case or a
contact. Because the chat transcript isn't created until you end the chat, you can't attach a customer’s Available in: Performance
file directly to the transcript during the chat. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
The file size can’t exceed 5 MB.
created after June 14, 2012
Click to search for or create a record to attach to the chat. Available in: Essentials,
2. Click the file transfer icon ( ). Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
Note: A customer can’t upload a file until you initiate the file transfer by clicking the file or Sales Cloud
transfer icon. This restriction helps prevent customers from uploading unsolicited or
potentially dangerous files into the chat.
3. Select the record you chose in the first step to attach the transferred file to.
The customer receives a prompt to upload their file to the chat window. To use the Salesforce
4. When the customer has sent the file through the chat, click the link in the chat log to view the • Chat is enabled and set
file. up
Chat is set up in a
Salesforce console app
To transfer a file during a
• Edit on the object

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Attach Articles to Chats

Use the Knowledge One widget to find articles that help solve customer issues during chats.
The Knowledge One widget is only available if your Salesforce org uses Salesforce Knowledge and
your Salesforce admin has included the tool in your Salesforce app. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Attaching articles to a chat using the Share button is supported only in Salesforce
Classic. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
1. When chatting with a visitor, click an article from the list in the Knowledge One widget. A tab
Edition orgs that were
with the full text of the article opens. created after June 14, 2012
2. To search for a specific article in the list, type a word or phrase in the text box in the widget and Available in: Unlimited
click or press ENTER. Edition and Enterprise
• Alternatively, click at the top of the widget to search all articles, including articles not Edition with Service Cloud
in the list. The main widget search gives you the option of limiting your results to specific
types of articles.
• To filter your search results, click Filters and choose how you want to restrict your search.
To search for and view an
3. When you find the article you want, click , then click Share. article:
The text of the article appears in the chat text box. • Read on the article type
4. To send the article to the visitor, click Send or press ENTER on your keyboard.

Note: You can send articles to visitors only if your admin has set up a Chat Answer field on articles. If this field isn’t set up,
you can view articles but can’t include them in chats.

Set Up Chat Answers from Knowledge Articles

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Attach Records to Chat Transcripts

Search for or create records to attach to a chat transcript as you chat with customers in a Salesforce
console app.
Find existing records or create new ones to associate with a transcript as you chat with customers. Available in: Salesforce
For example, you can create a new case based on the customer’s issue, or search for the customer’s Classic and Lightning
existing contact record and attach these records to the transcript for later reference. You can attach Experience
standard or custom records to your chat transcripts.
Available in: Performance
1. Editions and in Developer
While chatting with a customer, click to attach a record to the transcript.
Edition orgs that were
Note: You can only attach one of each type of record to a chat transcript. For example, created after June 14, 2012
you can't attach more than one case to a single transcript. Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
2. To search for an existing record: Editions with Service Cloud
a. or Sales Cloud
Click the search icon ( ) in the records window next to the type of record you want to
search for.
b. Type the name of the record and hit ENTER. USER PERMISSIONS
The record opens in a new tab.
To search for and view a
c. record:
Click the attach icon ( ) again.
• Read on the object
d. Select the check box next to the record you searched for to link it to the chat transcript. AND
3. To create a new record: Create on Live Chat
Click the create icon ( ) next to the type of record you want to create.
To create a new record:
b. Complete the information in the new record and save it. • Create on the object
The record will automatically link to the transcript once the record is created. AND
Create on Live Chat
4. After you complete the chat with the customer, exit the chat. Transcripts
5. If prompted, click Save.
To edit a record:
The records you linked are now attached to the transcript. You can access them from the
• Edit on the object
transcript’s detail view.
Create on Live Chat
Chat Transcripts
To delete a record:
• Delete on the object
Create on Live Chat

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Block Unwanted Chat Customers

You can block chats from troublesome customers right from the Salesforce console. For example,
if a customer is using abusive language or sending spam messages, you can block that user from
starting a new chat. Available in: Salesforce
Blocking a chat ends the chat and blocks any new chat requests coming from that user’s IP (Internet Classic and Lightning
Protocol) address. Experience

If your Salesforce org is receiving many spam chats from a particular region, your administrator can Available in: Performance
block entire ranges of IP addresses. Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
In the interaction pane, click the icon. created after June 14, 2012

2. (Optional) Enter a comment explaining why you’re blocking this visitor. Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
3. Click Block. Editions with Service Cloud
When you click Block , you immediately end the chat, and the visitor sees a notification that an or Sales Cloud
agent ended the chat. If multiple agents are engaged in a conference, Block immediately ends the
conference, and the other agents are also notified.
If you don’t see the icon in your console, contact your Salesforce admin to enable it. Only To chat with visitors in Chat
a Salesforce admin can unblock an IP address. in the Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

End a Chat Session

End a chat session after you’ve finished chatting with a customer and updating the records related
to their chat.
After you end a chat with a customer, the primary and secondary tabs related to that chat remain Available in: Salesforce
open in your console. Close them to save your work and free up space to take on more chats. Classic and Lightning
1. Close the primary tab for the chat.
2. If prompted, click Save. Available in: Performance
Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud


To chat with visitors in the

Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Transfer Chats to an Agent, Skill, or Button

Chats can be transferred to another agent, skill, or button so your customers always receive the
highest-quality help from the most relevant sources. This information applies to chats routed with
Live Agent routing only. Available in: Salesforce
Just as you forward an email or pass a case to another agent, you can transfer a chat. Transferring Classic
is useful when a customer has an issue that another agent can solve, or requires an agent with a
Available in: Performance
particular skill. How the chat gets to the next agent depends on the kind of transfer you use.
Editions and in Developer
There are three types of transfers: Transfer to Agent, Transfer to Skill, and Transfer to Button. To Edition orgs that were
ensure that your customers get help as quickly as possible, certain chat transfer types can exceed created after June 14, 2012
agents’ configured capacity. You can set agent capacity through the Chat Configuration. If your Available in: Unlimited
organization uses Omni-Channel, you can set agent capacity through the Presence Configuration. Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud
Type of Transfer Scenario Method of Transfer Can Exceed
Configured Agent
Transfer to Agent You want to transfer A chat request is sent Yes
the chat to Agent Jane, to Agent Jane. If she
because she’s the accepts the request,
perfect fit for the case. the chat is transferred
to her, and your chat
workspace closes.

Transfer to Skill You want to forward A chat request is sent Yes

the chat to an agent to all agents assigned
who has the skill to the skill, and the
“billing specialist.” chat is transferred to
the first agent to
accept it.

Transfer to Button You want to transfer a The chat is transferred No

chat from the sales to an available agent
queue to the service assigned to the
queue. selected button or

When chats are transferred directly to an agent or skill group, the transferred chats are allowed to exceed the accepting agent’s capacity.
As a result, agents always receive a chat request, even if they’re handling the maximum allowed number of chats. If the transfer request
is rejected or times out, the original agent can try another recipient or transfer method.
If an agent selects User = All Users with Skill, then the chat transfer request is broadcast to all agents who are available
who have that skill. As a result, multiple agents can hear the incoming chat notification for a few seconds. If an agent immediately accepts
the chat transfer or has auto-accept enabled, the request is no longer shown to the other agents but the agents might continue to hear
the notification sound for a few seconds.
Chats routed from buttons or queues always respect the configured agent capacity. So, agents assigned to that button or queue don’t
receive the transfer request—or any other chat requests—until they have open capacity. But don’t worry: customers still won’t get stuck
waiting for another agent. When a chat is sent to the next queue, it’s added into the list of incoming chats by its age, so it will appear
higher up than brand-new chat requests.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

When an agent accepts a transferred chat, the records attached to the chat transcript, like a case or contact, open alongside the chat in
the workspace. The accepting agent has the information to start assisting the customer right away, without having to search for related
records. These records are also up-to-date, because the previous agent is prompted to save any changes when the transfer is initiated.
When an agent accepts a transferred chat, only the chat is transferred to the agent. Ownership of related records, such as a case, aren't
transferred to the agent.

Note: If the accepting agent doesn’t have permissions to view one or more of the attached objects, those items won’t open in
the transferred workspace.

Transfer Chats
You can transfer chat sessions to other agents when a customer needs extra help with an issue, or to make room for new requests.
Send a Chat Conferencing Request
As wise as support agents are, sometimes a single support agent doesn’t have all the information that’s required to solve a customer’s
problem. Chat conferencing lets you invite one or more agents into your customer chats. That way, your agents can turn boring
chats into veritable support parties for your customers—all without disrupting the flow of conversation! Send a chat conferencing
request to ask another agent to join you in a customer chat.
Request Help with a Chat
When you need help with a chat, you can raise a virtual flag to alert a supervisor. Supervisors are alerted that you need help, and
they can respond directly via the console.

Transfer Chats
You can transfer chat sessions to other agents when a customer needs extra help with an issue, or
to make room for new requests.
1. While chatting with a customer, click Transfer. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

Available in: Performance

Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud


To chat with visitors in the

Salesforce console:
• Chat is enabled, set up,
and included in a
Salesforce console app

2. Select a transfer option from one of the menus.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Note: There are options for each type of transfer that’s enabled for your Salesforce org. If you don’t see the option you need,
ask your administrator to add it for you.

3. (Optional) Write a message for the agent receiving the chat. This message is part of the chat request to provide context for the next

4. If the transfer is accepted, your chat and any associated records automatically close (don’t worry, you’ll be prompted to save your
changes if you haven’t already). If it’s rejected, you can try again with another recipient or transfer method.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Send a Chat Conferencing Request

As wise as support agents are, sometimes a single support agent doesn’t have all the information
that’s required to solve a customer’s problem. Chat conferencing lets you invite one or more agents
into your customer chats. That way, your agents can turn boring chats into veritable support parties Available in: Salesforce
for your customers—all without disrupting the flow of conversation! Send a chat conferencing Classic and Lightning
request to ask another agent to join you in a customer chat. Experience
Note: You can conference in a single agent, or send a request to all agents and the first to Available in: Performance
accept joins the conference. You can conference multiple agents into a chat, but you must Editions and in Developer
send each request individually. Edition orgs that were
1. While you’re chatting with a customer, click created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
2. Select the skill group of the agents that you want to transfer into the chat. Unlimited, and Enterprise
3. Select whether to send the conference request to all agents with that skill or to a specific agent. Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
4. Click Conference.
If the agent accepts the conference request, you see a notification in the chat log, and that
agent can start chatting. If the agent declines the request, you see a notification above the chat USER PERMISSIONS
log. The customer receives a notification when an agent joins or leaves a conference.
To create and edit
5. If you decide to exit the conference, click Leave Conversation. configurations:
When the other agents leave the conference, agents see a notification in the chat log. The last • Customize Application
agent in the conference must click End Conversation. To enable chat
When an agent joins a conference, older chats are loaded. Grey lines appear while they are loading.
• Enable Chat Conference
When an agent doesn’t have access to other conversations with the customer, the agent sees a
warning message indicating that some conversations are not viewable due to permissions.
Any saved and attached records open for other agents who join the conference and have the appropriate permissions. Only the originating
or longest-attending agent can attach other records. If the longest-attending agent attaches or removes records during the conference,
other agents don’t see these changes in their workspaces. For more about transferring chats and workspaces, see Transfer Chats.
If you use Omni-Channel routing, conferencing is available in Lightning Experience only.

Request Help with a Chat

When you need help with a chat, you can raise a virtual flag to alert a supervisor. Supervisors are
alerted that you need help, and they can respond directly via the console.
1. In the interaction pane, click the icon. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Enter a message briefly explaining what help you need.
3. Click Raise Flag.
Available in: Performance
Either you or a supervisor can lower the flag when your issue is resolved. Editions and in Developer
If you don’t see the icon in your console, contact your Salesforce admin to enable it. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

View Customer Records in the Salesforce Console

Salesforce automatically creates some records when a chat ends. These records store information
about chat customers and their interactions with agents. View these records in the console in
Salesforce Classic. Available in: Salesforce
These records are mostly used internally to provide an audit trail about your customers and their Classic
chats with agents. However, you can access these records yourself if you ever need them.
Available in: Performance
To access customer records in the Salesforce console, select the type of record you want to view Editions and in Developer
from the Salesforce console navigation list. A list of those records will appear in the main window. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
There are a few different types of records you can view in the Salesforce console. Read on to learn
more about them. Available in: Unlimited
Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud
Chat Session Records
Every time your agents log in to Chat, a Chat session record is automatically created. These USER PERMISSIONS
session records store information about your agents’ and customers’ interactions online, such
To view customer records:
as how many chat requests were processed, how long agents spent online, or how long agents
• Read on the record type
were actively engaged in chats with customers.
For agents to use Chat:
Chat Visitor Records • API Enabled
Every time an agent chats with a customer, Salesforce automatically creates a visitor record that administrative
identifies the customer’s computer. permission
Chat Transcripts
A chat transcript is a record of a chat between a customer and an agent. Salesforce automatically
creates a transcript for each chat session.

Chat Session Records

Every time your agents log in to Chat, a Chat session record is automatically created. These session records store information about your
agents’ and customers’ interactions online, such as how many chat requests were processed, how long agents spent online, or how
long agents were actively engaged in chats with customers.
Use Chat sessions to find and edit information about your support agents’ chats with customers. For example, you can create a list called
"Today’s Sessions" to view chat activity that occurred in one day.
You can associate session records with cases, accounts, contacts, and leads or link them with other objects through custom lookup fields.

Note: If you have the correct permissions, you can create, view, edit, or delete session records, just like other record types in
Salesforce. However, session records are meant to provide a paper trail for the chats between your agents and customers, so we
don't recommend tampering with these records in most cases.

Important: Chat session records don’t include chats routed with Omni-Channel. Information about chats routed with Omni-Channel
can be found in Agent Work records on page 316.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat Visitor Records

Every time an agent chats with a customer, Salesforce automatically creates a visitor record that
identifies the customer’s computer.
Each new visitor is associated with a session key, which Salesforce creates automatically. A session Available in: Salesforce
key is a unique ID that is stored in the visitor record and on the visitor's PC as a cookie. If a customer Classic
participates in multiple chats, Salesforce uses the session key to link the customer to their visitor
Available in: Performance
record, associating that record to all related chat transcripts.
Editions and in Developer
Note: If you have the correct permissions, you can create, view, edit, or delete visitor records, Edition orgs that were
just like other record types in Salesforce. However, visitor records are meant to provide a created after June 14, 2012
paper trail that associates your customers with their chat transcripts, so we don't recommend Available in: Unlimited
tampering with these records in most cases. Edition and Enterprise
Edition with Service Cloud

Create and Update Records
Delete Records
Update Records

Chat Transcripts
A chat transcript is a record of a chat between a customer and an agent. Salesforce automatically
creates a transcript for each chat session.
When a chat ends successfully—that is, when the chat is ended by a customer or an agent—the Available in: Salesforce
chat transcript is created as soon as the agent closes the chat window and any related tabs. When Classic and Lightning
you’re using Omni-Channel routing, the chat transcript is created when the chat’s requested by a Experience
Available in: Performance
You can associate a transcript with cases, accounts, contacts, and leads, or you can link it to other Editions and in Developer
objects. Edition orgs that were
created after June 14, 2012
Note: If you have the correct permissions, you can create, view, edit, or delete chat transcripts,
Available in: Essentials,
just like other record types in Salesforce. However, chat transcripts are meant to provide a
Unlimited, and Enterprise
paper trail for the chats between your agents and customers, so we don't recommend
Editions with Service Cloud
tampering with these records in most cases. With Live Agent routing, it can take up to 30
or Sales Cloud
minutes to create the transcript if a chat is disconnected or experiences another error.

Chat Transcript Fields
Chat transcript fields help you track information about your agents’ chats with customers.
Chat Transcript Events
Live chat transcript events automatically track events that occur between your agents and customers during chats.

Create and Update Records
Delete Records
Update Records

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Chat Transcript Fields

Chat transcript fields help you track information about your agents’ chats with customers.
A Chat transcript has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order. Depending on your page
layout and field-level security settings, some fields might not be visible or editable. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Field Definition Experience

Abandoned After The amount of time in seconds before the Available in: Performance
unanswered chat request was disconnected Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Account Name The name of the account associated with the created after June 14, 2012
Available in: Essentials,
Agent Average Response Time The average time that it took an agent to Unlimited, and Enterprise
respond to a chat visitor’s message Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
Agent Maximum Response Time The maximum time it took an agent to respond
to a chat visitor’s message

Agent Message Count The number of messages an agent sent during

the chat

Agent Skill The skill associated with the live chat button
used to initiate the chat

Body The transcribed chat between an agent and a


Browser The type and version of the browser used by

the visitor

Browser Language The visitor's browser language selection

Case The case associated with the chat

Chat Button The chat button that the visitor clicked to initiate
the chat

Chat Duration The total duration of the chat in seconds

Contact Name The name of the contact that participated in the

Note that contacts and visitors are not the same.
See Live Chat Visitor for more information.

Created By The user who created the transcript, including

creation date and time (Read only)

Created Date The date and time the transcript was created
(Read only)

Deployment The deployment from which the visitor initiated

the chat

End Time The time the chat ended

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Field Definition
Ended By Indicates whether the visitor or the agent ended the chat

Last Modified By The user who last modified the transcript, including date and time
(Read only)

Last Modified Date The date and time the transcript was last modified (Read only)

Lead The name of the lead that was generated by the chat or discussed
during the chat

Live Chat Transcript Unique, numerical identifier automatically assigned to the

Administrators can modify the format and numbering for this field.
Transcript numbers usually increase sequentially, but sometimes
they can skip numbers in a sequence.

Live Chat Visitor Unique, numerical identifier automatically assigned to the visitor.
Administrators can modify the format and numbering for this field.
Visitor numbers usually increase sequentially, but sometimes they
can skip numbers in a sequence.
Note that visitors and contacts are different: a visitor might be a
contact, but this is not a requirement, and there is no relationship
between contacts and visitors.

Location The visitor's geographic location. Either the city and state, or city
and country (if the visitor is located outside of the United States).

Network The visitor's network or Internet Service Provider.

Owner The name of the transcript owner. By default, the owner is the user
who originally created the transcript (for example, the agent who
answered the chat).
You can select a different user as the owner, or assign the transcript
to a queue. When assigning transcripts to other users, make sure
those users have the “Read” permission on live chat transcripts.

Platform The user's operating system

Primary Skill Primary Skill is not used for chat and can be empty.

Referring Site Site the visitor was on before they came to your website.
For example, if the visitor used Google to search for your support
organization’s website, the referring site is Google.

Request Time The time that the visitor initially requested the chat

Screen Resolution The screen resolution used by the visitor

Start Time The time that the agent answered the chat request

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Field Definition
Status Completed or Missed. A missed chat was requested but not

Supervisor Transcript Body Contains the whisper messages from supervisors

User Agent A string that identifies the type of browser and operating system
the visitor used

Visitor Average Response Time The average time that it took a visitor to respond to an agent

Visitor Maximum Response Time The maximum time it took a customer to respond to an agent’s

Visitor IP Address The IP address of the computer that the visitor used during the

Visitor Message Count The number of messages a visitor sent during the chat

Wait Time The total amount of time a chat request was waiting to be accepted
by an agent

Chat Transcript Events

Live chat transcript events automatically track events that occur between your agents and customers
during chats.
You can edit live chat transcripts to track events that occur between your agents and customers Available in: Salesforce
during live chats. You can add the following events to a live chat transcript: Classic and Lightning
Event Description Available in: Performance
Chat Requested Visitor requested a chat Editions and in Developer
Edition orgs that were
Queued Chat request was placed in queue created after June 14, 2012
Routed (Push) Chat request was routed to agent Available in: Essentials,
Unlimited, and Enterprise
Routed (Choice) Chat request was routed to all available, qualified agents Editions with Service Cloud
or Sales Cloud
Accepted Chat request was accepted by agent

Critical Wait Alert Time Agent failed to respond to the customer’s message before reaching the
Reached critical wait alert time

Critical Wait Alert Agent responded to the customer’s message after the critical wait alert
Cleared was received

Transfer Requested Agent requested chat transfer

Transfer Accepted Chat transfer was accepted by agent

Transfer Request Chat transfer request was canceled by the agent who sent the request

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Event Description
Transfer Request Declined Chat transfer request was declined by the agent who received the request

Transferred to Button Chat was transferred to a button

Transfer to Button Failed Chat transfer to button was unsuccessful

Chat Conference Requested Agent sent a request to start a conference

Chat Conference Canceled Conference request was canceled

Chat Conference Declined Conference request was declined by an agent

Agent Joined Conference An agent joined the conference

Agent Left Conference An agent left the conference

File Transfer Requested A file transfer was requested

File Transfer Canceled by Agent File transfer was canceled by an agent

File Transfer Canceled by Visitor File transfer was canceled by the visitor

File Transfer Succeeded File transfer was successful

File Transfer Failed File transfer failed

Canceled (Blocked) An attempted chat was blocked via an IP blocking rule

Blocked by Agent An agent blocked an active chat (creating an IP blocking rule)

Declined (Manual) Chat request was declined by agent

Declined (Time-Out) Chat request timed out while assigned to agent

Canceled (No Agent) Chat request was canceled because no qualified agents were available

Canceled (No Queue) Chat request was canceled because there was no room in queue

Canceled by Visitor Visitor clicked Cancel Chat

Agent Left Agent left chat

Visitor Left Visitor left chat

Ended by Agent Agent clicked End Chat

Ended by Visitor Visitor clicked End Chat

Other Another event occurred

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Embedded Chat
Add an embedded chat window to your website so customers can quickly get answers to their
questions by chatting with an agent while browsing your site.
The chat window sits unobtrusively on your web page. When customers want to chat, they just Embedded Service setup
click the button to launch the chat. node is available in:
Lightning Experience

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Customers fill out the brief pre-chat form, which helps agents gather basic information about the customer, like their contact information,
and their needs.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customers can start chatting while viewing your web page and can minimize the chat window as they browse, so it’s not in their way.
The chat window persists across your web pages and their subdomains, so customers can continue browsing other pages on your site
while waiting or chatting with an agent.

Embedded chat windows use a Chat deployment that you can quickly configure. Then, simply add the code snippet to the web pages
where you want the chat window to be available. Setting up Embedded Chat doesn't change how your agents chat with customers in
their console.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Set Up Your Embedded Chat Window
Ensure that your org meets the following prerequisites before starting to set up Embedded Chat. Follow these steps to configure
the embedded chat window and add it to your web pages. The setup node for Embedded Chat is available only in Lightning
Set Up Appointment Management
Appointment Management gives your users an easy way to schedule, modify, and cancel appointments. The experience is powered
by Salesforce Flow. You craft the perfect interaction and decide when and how to create related records like work orders.
Add an Embedded Flow
Use Embedded Service to add a flow to your website. Embedded flows help your users complete simple, automated tasks. They're
even guest user-friendly—no login required. Simply create your flow using Flow Builder and add it to an Embedded Service
Create Embedded Static Resources
Create and upload JavaScript files to Salesforce as a static resource and apply to your website or Experience Builder site. Adding
static resources allows you to change one or many pages using existing deployments with a few clicks in code settings.
Test Your Chat Window
Now that you’ve added Embedded Chat to your web pages or Experience Builder site, it’s time to test it out.
Embedded Chat Limitations
Embedded Chat has the following limitations to consider.
Embedded Chat Cookies
Embedded Chat uses cookies to improve functionality and accelerate processing times. By saving a user’s settings, cookies can
enhance the user’s experience and the performance of your Embedded Service.

Set Up Your Embedded Chat Window

Ensure that your org meets the following prerequisites before starting to set up Embedded Chat.
Follow these steps to configure the embedded chat window and add it to your web pages. The
setup node for Embedded Chat is available only in Lightning Experience. Embedded Service setup
To set up Embedded Chat, your org must meet these prerequisites: node is available in:
Lightning Experience
• Lightning Experience must be enabled to set up Embedded Service
• Service Cloud License Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Chat License
and Developer Editions
• Chat must be enabled in your org
• A Chat button and a Chat deployment must be set up and available in your org
• An Experience Builder site (preferable) or a Salesforce site must be set up on your org and
available for guest user access To set up Embedded Chat:
• Ensure your browsers are supported for Embedded Chat. We support the same browsers as • Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
Experience Builder sites. See Supported Browsers for Experience Cloud Sites for more information.

Note: Administrators must use Lightning Experience to access the Embedded Service setup
pages. However, other users in the org aren’t required to have access to or use Lightning
Experience with Embedded Chat.
To set up Embedded Chat, follow these steps:

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

1. Create an Embedded Service Deployment
Create an Embedded Service deployment for each embedded chat window that you’re using. The setup node for Embedded Chat
is available only in Lightning Experience.
2. Specify Your Chat Window's Settings
Select your Chat deployment and chat button. Customize the pre-chat form and offline support form. Select custom Lightning
components. Set chat images, dimensions, and labels. Learn about available Chat features in Embedded Chat.
3. Customize the General Branding for Your Chat Window
Select the colors and font used in your chat window to reflect your company’s brand identity.
4. Add Your Chat Window to a Website
Salesforce generates a unique code snippet based on the information you provided during the Embedded Service setup. Copy and
paste the chat code snippet so you can add the chat window to your web pages. Add the optional meta tag code snippet to make
your web pages responsive to different form factors such as mobile and desktop.
5. Add Your Chat Window to an Experience Site
Use the Embedded Service component to add your chat window to an Experience Builder site. Create a snippet settings file to use
snippet-only settings with your site’s chat window.

Verify that Lightning Experience is Turned On
Supported Browsers and Devices for Lightning Experience

Create an Embedded Service Deployment

Create an Embedded Service deployment for each embedded chat window that you’re using. The
setup node for Embedded Chat is available only in Lightning Experience.
The Embedded Chat setup uses an Experience Builder site or Salesforce site, so that you can associate Embedded Service setup
users with a guest user profile. Check if you already have any sites that you can use. If a site is already node is available in:
available, you can use that as your endpoint. Otherwise, create a site for this purpose. Lightning Experience

1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded Available in: Enterprise,
Service. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
2. In the Embedded Service configuration page, click New Deployment.
3. Choose a conversation type for your deployment by selecting Embedded Chat and click Next.

To set up Embedded Chat:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

4. In the Embedded Service Deployment Name field, enter a name for your chat deployment.

Tip: The deployment is shown in a list on the Embedded Service page. If you have several deployments, use a descriptive
name so it’s easy to distinguish each one.

5. The API Name field is automatically populated.

6. In the Site Endpoint menu, select an Experience Builder site or Salesforce site from the drop-down list.
If nothing appears in the menu, it’s because there aren’t any sites configured in your org.

7. Click Save.

Note: For existing deployments that are not active, a conversation type can be required to enable it on your site (see step 3). After
you select your conversation type and save, the choice is permanent for that deployment.

Specify the Chat Settings for Your Embedded Chat Deployment
Add an Embedded Flow
Set Up Appointment Management

Specify Your Chat Window's Settings

Select your Chat deployment and chat button. Customize the pre-chat form and offline support
form. Select custom Lightning components. Set chat images, dimensions, and labels. Learn about
available Chat features in Embedded Chat. Embedded Service setup
node is available in:
IN THIS SECTION: Lightning Experience

Specify the Chat Settings for Your Embedded Chat Deployment Available in: Enterprise,
Embedded Chat uses a Chat deployment ID and button. The Chat configuration details that Performance, Unlimited,
you provide are used to generate the chat code snippet that you add to your web pages. and Developer Editions

Customize the Pre-Chat Form

Gather contact information from your customers and find out about their needs using a pre-chat form. You can create a pre-chat
form that addresses different business needs and associates customer information with Salesforce records like leads, cases, and
contacts. You can also customize the fields used on the form.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customize the Offline Support Form

Let customers submit a case form when your support agents are offline.
Customize Post-Chat Surveys
Use Salesforce Surveys to gather feedback at the end of a chat session. Select a survey that you want feedback on. When customers
choose to participate at the end of a chat session, a survey opens within the chat window.
Customize Additional Chat Branding
Set the base font size, width and height, and images for your Embedded Chat deployment.
Use Custom Components With Your Chat Window
Create custom components to control the user interface for your chat window.

Specify the Chat Settings for Your Embedded Chat Deployment

Embedded Chat uses a Chat deployment ID and button. The Chat configuration details that you
provide are used to generate the chat code snippet that you add to your web pages.
Before you specify the Chat settings, ensure that you have a Chat deployment and a Chat button Embedded Service setup
available to use with Embedded Chat. node is available in:
Lightning Experience
1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded
Service. Available in: Enterprise,
2. Select the Embedded Service deployment that you want to work with by clicking the arrow Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
beside the deployment name and selecting View.
3. In the Embedded Service configuration page, go to the Chat settings section and click
4. In the Chat Deployment menu, select the Chat configuration that you want to use with To set up Embedded Chat:
the chat window from the dropdown list. • Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
5. In the Chat Button menu, select the Chat button or automated invitation that you want
to use with the chat window from the dropdown list.
6. Select Show queue position if you want to display the customer’s place in line while they wait to chat with a support agent or to
be transferred. Make sure that the Chat button you selected has Enable Queue selected in your Chat button settings.
7. Click Save.
After you’ve provided the Chat settings, get the code to add the chat window to your web pages.

Add Your Chat Window to a Website

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customize the Pre-Chat Form

Gather contact information from your customers and find out about their needs using a pre-chat
form. You can create a pre-chat form that addresses different business needs and associates customer
information with Salesforce records like leads, cases, and contacts. You can also customize the fields Embedded Service setup
used on the form. node is available in:
Lightning Experience
Important: Before you start, make sure that the permission “Enable Support QuickAction
Rest endpoint for Guest Users” is turned on for your org. If the permission isn’t enabled, your Available in: Enterprise,
customers can’t request a chat. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To set up Embedded Chat:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

When you design your pre-chat form, you can select a use case scenario that automatically associates information from the form with
Salesforce records. When a customer enters their name or email address into the form, Salesforce matches the information with a
Salesforce contact record or lead record. If no match is found, Salesforce creates a record.
For example, if you select the Service scenario, Salesforce relates the customer’s information with Case and Contact records.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Table 21: Use Cases for Associating Pre-Chat Information with Salesforce Records
If you select: Then Salesforce associates the pre-chat information
with these record types:
Sales Lead records

Service Contact records

Case records

Basic Contact records

You can select the fields that are shown on the pre-chat form, change the order of the fields, and make fields required. To make the form
more user-friendly to customers, add up to four fields.

Important: Create and edit your pre-chat forms from Embedded Service setup, not at global action. Editing global action can
lead to unexpected results. Each time the pre-chat form is edited, the Embedded Service global action is recreated and prior
updates to action details or predefined fields are reverted.
Embedded Service setup creates quick actions specifically for pre-chat. Using these quick actions for other purposes causes pre-chat
setup to fail.

To set up the pre-chat form:

1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded Service.
2. Select the Embedded Service deployment that you want to work with by clicking the arrow beside the deployment name and
selecting View.
3. Click Edit next to Chat Settings.
4. In the Pre-chat section, move the radio button to Active.
5. Click Edit.
6. Select the use case for the pre-chat form.
a. Select the main reason that customers use chat. The reason that you select affects the type of Salesforce record that’s created
from the information that customers enter into the pre-chat form.
b. Select the record type that’s created from the pre-chat form. The drop-down menu shows record types that are available on the
c. Click Next.

7. Select the fields shown on the pre-chat form.

a. To change the order of the fields, use the up arrow and down arrow.

Note: For the Service scenario, fields are grouped by object. Contact fields always appear above Case fields.

b. To add a field, click +. You can add only fields that are available on the object.
c. To remove a field, click X.
d. To require customers to fill out a field, select Required next to the field.
e. Click Save.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

8. Optionally, select a custom Lightning Component to replace the standard component. To learn more about using custom components
for pre-chat, see Custom Lightning Components in the Embedded Service for Web Developer Guide.
Turn off your pre-chat form at any time by viewing your deployment in Setup and moving the pre-chat page slider to Inactive.

Note: You can use the pre-chat APIs to send nonstandard pre-chat details along with what’s available in setup. For more information,
see the Enhance the Pre-Chat Page in the Embedded Service for Web Developer Guide.

Customize the Offline Support Form

Let customers submit a case form when your support agents are offline.
Important: Before you start, enable Web-to-Case and make sure that the permission “Enable
Support QuickAction Rest endpoint for Guest Users” is turned on for your org. If the permission Embedded Service setup
isn’t enabled, your customers can’t request a chat. node is available in:
Lightning Experience
You can choose which fields show on the offline support case form, change the order of the fields,
and mark certain fields as required. To make the form more user-friendly to customers, add up to Available in: Enterprise,
4 fields. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded
Service Deployments.
2. Select the Embedded Service deployment that you want to work with by clicking the arrow
beside the deployment name and selecting View. You can also create a new deployment by To set up Embedded Chat:
clicking the New Deployment button and following the steps on the prompt. • Customize Application
3. Click Edit next to Chat Settings. AND Modify Metadata

4. In the Offline support section, move the radio button to Active.

a. If you see a warning about enabling guest access for your associated Salesforce site, click the link to enable it.

5. Click Edit.
6. Select a Case record type.
7. Select the fields shown on the form.
a. To change the order of the fields, use the up arrow and down arrow.
b. To add a field, click +. You can add only fields that are available on the object.

Note: If you add a field with the Unique attribute and a visitor enters a duplicate field value, the case submission
confirmation is displayed even though the case isn’t created. Add unique fields to this form only if you’re certain that
visitors are unlikely to enter duplicate values.

c. To remove a field, click X.

d. To require customers to fill out a field, select Required next to the field.

8. Optionally, enter a URL for the offline support header image. The image is displayed in the header of the chat window when the
customer opens the offline support form.
9. Click Save.
10. Refresh your code snippet and paste it into your website.
Turn off your offline support form at any time by viewing your deployment in Setup and moving the Offline support slider to Inactive.

Important: Refresh and repaste the code snippet into your website each time you turn offline support on or off.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customize Post-Chat Surveys

Use Salesforce Surveys to gather feedback at the end of a chat session. Select a survey that you
want feedback on. When customers choose to participate at the end of a chat session, a survey
opens within the chat window. Embedded Service setup
node is available in:
Lightning Experience

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Note: This feature is

available with the Salesforce
Feedback Management


To set up Embedded Chat:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
To select a post-chat survey:
• Salesforce Surveys
Advanced Features
To open a post-chat survey within the chat window on your website, allow inline framing of surveys
within the URL on Session Settings page. Surveys must be enabled with at least one active survey.
Only active surveys can be used to gather post-chat feedback.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Embedded Service, and then select Embedded Service Deployments.
2. To add a post-chat survey, select View by an existing embedded service deployment.
3. Click Edit next to Chat Settings.
4. In the Chat Setting header, click Edit
5. In the Post-Chat Settings section, search and select the survey.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

6. Save your changes.

A survey invitation is generated every time customers decide to provide feedback. If the pre-chat form is configured to associate customer
information with Salesforce records, the survey invitation is also associated with the same Salesforce records.

Allow Surveys to Be Framed Within the Chat Window on Websites

Customize Additional Chat Branding

Set the base font size, width and height, and images for your Embedded Chat deployment.
1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded
Service. Embedded Service setup
node is available in:
2. Select the Embedded Service deployment that you want to work with by clicking the arrow
Lightning Experience
beside the deployment name and selecting View.
3. Click Edit next to Chat Settings. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
4. In the Additional branding section, click Edit. and Developer Editions
5. In the Images & Dimensions tab, set your chat images:
• Agent Avatar (40 px by 40 px) USER PERMISSIONS
• Logo (36 px by 36 px)
To set up Embedded Chat:
• Pre-Chat Background (320 px by 100 px) • Customize Application
• Waiting State (250 px by 60 px) AND Modify Metadata

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

6. Set the width and height of your chat window. If you don’t make any changes, the default sizes of 320 px and 498 px are used.
7. Set the base font size for your chat window.
8. Click Finish to close the window.

Customize Labels
Create your own labels for your Embedded Chat deployment.

Customize Labels
Create your own labels for your Embedded Chat deployment.
1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded
Service. Embedded Service setup
node is available in:
2. Select the Embedded Service deployment that you want to work with by clicking the arrow
Lightning Experience
beside the deployment name and selecting View.
3. Click Edit next to Chat Settings. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
4. In the Additional branding section, click Edit. and Developer editions.
5. Click the Labels tab.

To set up Embedded Chat:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

6. Select the Chat State and Label Group you want to create custom labels for.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

7. Under Customized Label, enter new labels for your embedded component. The live preview highlights where the selected label
appears on the screen.
8. Save your customized labels before moving on to another chat state or label group.
9. To close the window, click Finish.
When you or another administrator go to the Labels tab, the Language column indicates the language that each customized label was
originally written in.
To reset your customized labels, click the arrow next to the label type. Then select Reset to Default.

Translate Your Chat Window
The primary language for a chat window is set in your embedded code snippet. An extra step in Translation Workbench is required
for custom labels or platform-only languages.

Translate Your Chat Window
Translate Your Chat Window
The primary language for a chat window is set in your embedded code snippet. An extra step in
Translation Workbench is required for custom labels or platform-only languages.
Set your primary language in your Embedded Service code snippet. All of your chat window labels Embedded Service setup
have a default translation set for any Salesforce fully supported or end-user language that you’ve node is available in:
added. Lightning Experience

Follow these additional steps if you would like to create custom labels or if you want to include a Available in: Enterprise,
platform-only language: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
1. To translate labels for your chat window, view your Embedded Service deployment in Setup.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

2. Open your Chat, Field Service or Flows settings, and click Edit next to Additional branding.
3. Click the Labels tab to view and customize the labels in your chat window.
4. Select the arrow next to a label and click View Label Record, where you can select to translate the label in the Translation Workbench.

Tip: For any platform-only language, you must use custom labels and set all the labels to that language.

Important considerations for translations:

• If no language is set in your code snippet or if it’s invalid (due to an empty string, wrong format, or language not supported), the
language of the Site Guest User for the Site of your Embedded Service deployment is used.
• When Translation Workbench is disabled, the language of the Site Guest User for the Site of your Embedded Service deployment
is used.
• To ensure that translated labels are packaged in an Embedded Service deployment, in Package Manager setup add Language
Translations as the Component Type. Select the languages you wish to package with the deployment and click Add to package.
• Not all languages are automatically available for Salesforce components. To use these end-user and platform-only languages, enable
them in Languages Settings under Company Settings.

Tip: To use translation, you must allow cookies for your browser. For example, enable “Allow third-party cookies” in Safari iOS.

Set the Language in the Code Snippet
Support Users in Multiple Languages

Use Custom Components With Your Chat Window

Create custom components to control the user interface for your chat window.

SEE ALSO: Embedded Service setup

Lightning Web Components for Embedded Service for Web node is available in:
Lightning Experience

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customize the General Branding for Your Chat Window

Select the colors and font used in your chat window to reflect your company’s brand identity.
Before you start, get the color codes for your company’s brand from the team that maintains the
website. You can specify branding colors by entering their Hex code or RGB code, or by selecting Embedded Service setup
a color in the color palette. node is available in:
Lightning Experience
Important: We don’t support adding custom CSS to your embedded component. We support
using only the branding options in setup and in the customizable parameters in the code Available in: Essentials,
snippet. If you have custom CSS in your embedded component, it’s your responsibility to test Enterprise, Performance,
your chat window each release to ensure that it functions properly. Unlimited, and Developer
To customize the branding of your chat window:
1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded
Service Deployments.
2. Find the deployment that you want to work with, click the down arrow to the right and select To set up Embedded Chat:
View. • Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
3. In the Embedded Service configuration page, go to the Branding section and click Edit.
4. Select the colors that you want to show in the chat window.
Enter the color using the Hex code. To enter an RGB code or to select a color from the palette, open the color palette by clicking the
down arrow in the color field.

5. Select the font that you want to use in the chat window.
6. Click Finish.
The screenshots show how the branding elements appear in the chat window.

Table 22: Brand Elements That Can Be Customized in a Chat Window

Brand Element Description
Brand Primary Sets the color of the:
• Pre-chat image backdrop
• Pop message outlines
• Loading animation

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Brand Element Description

• Loading animation when chat is minimized

By default, the color is set to hex #222222 (Night Black).
In the screenshots, brand primary elements are indicated by [1].

Brand Secondary Sets the color of the:

• Action buttons, such as “Start Chatting” or “Chat with an Expert”
• Input field focus
• Send button
• Guest message chat payload
• Secondary buttons
• Chat when it is minimized and there’s a new message
By default, the color is set to #005290 (Nimbostratus Blue).
In the screenshots, brand secondary elements are indicated by [2].

Contrast Primary Sets the color of the:

• Chat body text
• Chat input text
By default, the color is set to #333333 (dark gray).
The background color is white.
In the screenshots, contrast primary elements are indicated by [3].

Header Sets the color of the:

• Chat header bar
• Chat button when the chat is minimized
By default, the color is set to hex #222222 (Night Black).
In the screenshots, the header element is indicated by [4].

Header Text Sets the color of the:

• Chat header text and icon
By default, the color is set to #222222 (Night Black).
In the screenshots, the header text element is indicated by [5].

Header Alternate Sets the color of the:

• Chat state waiting header
• Chat state header and announcement area
By default, the color is set to #cb2b19 (red).
In the screenshots, the header alternate is indicated by [6].

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Brand Element Description

Font Sets the font used in the chat widget.
The following fonts are supported in mobile browsers for both iOS and Android: Georgia,
Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New
The following fonts are supported in mobile browsers for iOS only: Trebuchet MS, Verdana,
and Lucida Console

Note: If you select a font that isn’t available for a chat visitor’s mobile browser,
the browser’s default font is displayed.

Important: Changing the branding of an existing chat window changes the code snippet for the chat window. If you update the
branding for an existing window, you must update the code snippet on your web pages. If you customized the code snippet, you
must add those customizations to the new code snippet.

Customize Chat Window Branding for a Experience Site
Select the chat window colors and font to reflect your company’s brand identity on an Experience Cloud site.

Add Your Chat Window to a Website
Customize the Embedded Service Code Snippet
Customize Additional Chat Branding

Customize Chat Window Branding for a Experience Site

Select the chat window colors and font to reflect your company’s brand identity on an Experience
Cloud site.
To customize chat window branding colors, images, and fonts on an Experience site, use the settings Embedded Service setup
in the Embedded Chat component. node is available in:
Lightning Experience
1. From the Experience Builder make sure that your chat window is selected. Navigate to the
Theme tab. Available in: Essentials,
Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

2. Select the colors for your chat window.

Note: For Experience sites, Action Color maps to the Brand Primary and Brand Secondary colors for web chat windows. Text
Color maps to the Contrast Primary color for a web chat window.

3. Select your font and add images to your chat window:

• Agent Avatar (recommend 40 px by 40 px)
• Logo (recommend 36 px by 36 px)
• Pre-Chat Background (recommend 320 px by 100 px)
• Waiting State (recommend 250 px by 60 px)

4. Save your site.

Note: These branding tokens are created in Embedded Service Setup and automatically pass to your site: width, height,
header text, and header alternate.

General Embedded Service Branding

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Add Your Chat Window to a Website

Salesforce generates a unique code snippet based on the information you provided during the
Embedded Service setup. Copy and paste the chat code snippet so you can add the chat window
to your web pages. Add the optional meta tag code snippet to make your web pages responsive Embedded Service setup
to different form factors such as mobile and desktop. node is available in:
Ensure that you have access to the web pages where you want to add the chat window. Work with Lightning Experience
your company’s webmaster.
Available in: Enterprise,
When you add the chat code snippet to your web pages, customers can see and use the chat Performance, Unlimited,
window. If you’re not ready for customers to access the chat yet, add the code snippets to a private and Developer Editions
web page.
You can customize the code to change certain aspects of the chat window’s appearance. USER PERMISSIONS
The <meta> tag code makes your web page responsive, so that the web page and the chat
To set up Embedded Chat:
window look good and perform well on different devices. For example, if a customer looks at your
• Customize Application
web page and chat window on a mobile phone, both are resized. AND Modify Metadata
Use the recommended <meta> tag for proper code snippet responsiveness. If your page is already
responsive, you not required to add this snippet or change your <meta> tag. If there are issues
with behavior on other devices, update your <meta> tag to the code snippet that’s provided. This tag is added to the head section of
every page where the chat window is used. If you don’t include an appropriate <meta> tag, the chat window appears as it does on a
desktop, regardless of the device used to access the page.
1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded Service.
2. Select the Embedded Service deployment that you want to work with by clicking the arrow beside the deployment name and
selecting View.
3. In the Embedded Service configuration page, go to the Embedded Service code snippets section and click Get Code.
4. Copy the chat code snippet and paste it immediately above the closing </body> tag on your web page to add Embedded Chat
to the page.
Paste the chat code snippet into every web page where you want the chat window to appear. Don’t place your code snippet in a
header or on the same page as a Chat button. Optionally, customize the chat code snippet.

5. Optionally, copy and paste the meta code snippet into the <meta> tag head section in every web page where you want the chat
window to appear.
6. Click Done.
The code snippets page closes.

Tip: If you’re adding your Chat window to a Visualforce page, include these attributes on your apex:page tag to keep styling
consistent with your web pages:
<apex:page showheader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false">

Customize the Embedded Service Code Snippet
Use a text or HTML editor to customize the optional parameters in the Embedded Service code snippet.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Add Your Website to the CORS Allowlist

Add the URLs of the web pages where you intend to add the chat window to the CORS allowlist in your org. The web page where
you add the chat window is the page that customers use to access chat.

Customize the Embedded Service Code Snippet
Customizable Parameters in the Embedded Chat Code
Test Your Chat Window

Customize the Embedded Service Code Snippet

Use a text or HTML editor to customize the optional parameters in the Embedded Service code
You can customize certain parameters that affect the appearance and behavior of the chat window. Embedded Service setup
We respect the code snippet before your Embedded Chat settings when determining the chat node is available in:
window's appearance and behavior. Lightning Experience

You can customize the code snippet once and paste it on all your web pages, or customize the Available in: Enterprise,
code snippet for certain web pages. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
1. From Setup, enter Embedded Service in the Quick Find box, then select Embedded
2. Select the Embedded Service deployment that you want to work with. USER PERMISSIONS
3. In the Embedded Service configuration page, go to the Embedded Service Code To set up Embedded Chat:
Snippets section and click Get Code. • Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
4. Copy the code snippet to a text editor or HTML editor.
5. In the text editor or HTML editor, specify the image URLs for the chat window parameters.
6. Save your changes.
7. Go to the Experience Builder for your help center.
8. Below components, click Settings.
9. In the navigation tree, click Security.
10. Under Content Security Policy, select Allow inline scripts and script access to allowlisted third-party hosts in the
Script Security Level dropdown.
11. In the code snippet, find the field baseLiveAgentContentURL and copy the URL.
12. Click Add Trusted Site and name your new site.
13. Click Add Site and paste the URL from baseLiveAgentContentURL.
14. Publish your site changes.
After modifying the code snippet, add the code to every web page where you want the chat window to appear.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Customizable Parameters in the Embedded Chat Code
You can customize certain parameters that affect the appearance and behavior of the chat window so that the chat experience
reflects your company’s branding. Use these parameters to customize the pre-chat background image, logo, waiting-state image,
and your agent’s avatar picture. You also can customize the wording that appears on the chat button and on the chat window when
the chat is loading, when agents are online, when agents are offline.

Add Your Chat Window to a Website
Customizable Parameters in the Embedded Chat Code

Customizable Parameters in the Embedded Chat Code

You can customize certain parameters that affect the appearance and behavior of the chat window
so that the chat experience reflects your company’s branding. Use these parameters to customize
the pre-chat background image, logo, waiting-state image, and your agent’s avatar picture. You Embedded Service setup
also can customize the wording that appears on the chat button and on the chat window when node is available in:
the chat is loading, when agents are online, when agents are offline. Lightning Experience
The following parameters are customizable in the code snippet only.
Available in: Enterprise,
• Set the domain for your chat window to persist across subdomains: Performance, Unlimited,
embedded_svc.settings.storageDomain = "..." and Developer Editions
• Set the language: embedded_svc.settings.language = "..."
• Display the default chat button: embedded_svc.settings.displayHelpButton = “...”
• Set a routing order: embedded_svc.settings.fallbackRouting = [“...”, “...”]
• Use direct-to-button routing: embedded_svc.settings.directToButtonRouting =
function(prechatFormData) {“...”};
• Load files for custom chat events:
– embedded_svc.settings.externalScripts = [“...”, “...”]
– embedded_svc.settings.externalStyles = [“...”, “...”]

• Pass nonstandard pre-chat details: embedded_svc.settings.extraPrechatFormDetails = [“...”];

The following parameters are customizable in both the code snippet and Embedded Service setup. Settings in your code snippet override
what you enter in Embedded Service setup.
• Set the chat window size and base font size:
– embedded_svc.settings.widgetWidth = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.widgetHeight = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.widgetFontSize = "..."

• Set the chat images:

– embedded_svc.settings.prechatBackgroundImgURL = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.smallCompanyLogoImgURL = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.waitingStateBackgroundImgURL = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.avatarImgURL = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.chatbotAvatarImgURL = “...”

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

• Customize the text on the chat window:

– embedded_svc.settings.defaultMinimizedText = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.disabledMinimizedText = "..."
– embedded_svc.settings.offlineSupportMinimizedText = “...”
– embedded_svc.settings.loadingText = "..."

Add Your Chat Window to a Website
Customize the Embedded Service Code Snippet
Embedded Service for Web Developer Guide

Add Your Website to the CORS Allowlist

Add the URLs of the web pages where you intend to add the chat window to the CORS allowlist in
your org. The web page where you add the chat window is the page that customers use to access
chat. Embedded Service setup
You can use HTTP and HTTPS domains with Embedded Chat. The protocol for the URL that you node is available in:
allowlist must match the URL in the website or Experience site endpoint in the code snippet that’s Lightning Experience
generated at the end of Embedded Service setup.
Available in: Enterprise,
Important: This information applies to Embedded Service only. If you want to use the CORS Performance, Unlimited,
allowlist for other Salesforce products and features, see Perform Cross-Origin Requests from and Developer Editions
Web Browsers.
1. From Setup, enter CORS in the Quick Find box, then select CORS. USER PERMISSIONS
2. Select New. To set up Embedded Chat:
3. Enter an origin URL pattern. • Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
The origin URL pattern must include the HTTP or HTTPS protocol and a domain name. The
origin URL pattern can include a port. The wildcard character (*) is supported and must be in
front of a second-level domain name. For example, https://* adds all subdomains of to
the allowlist.
The origin URL pattern can be an IP address. However, an IP address and a domain that resolve to the same address are not the same
origin, and you must add them to the CORS allowlist as separate entries.

Add Your Chat Window to an Experience Site

Use the Embedded Service component to add your chat window to an Experience Builder site.
Create a snippet settings file to use snippet-only settings with your site’s chat window.
There are some differences to keep in mind when adding your chat window to an Experience site Embedded Service setup
instead of a website: node is available in:
Lightning Experience
• Do not use your Embedded Service code snippet. Use the Embedded Service component.
• To ensure that chat sessions are continued across pages, place the Embedded Service component Available in: Enterprise,
in your site's template footer. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Use the settings in the component. What you set in the component overrides what you select
in Embedded Service setup.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

• To create and automate invitations, see Add Chat Settings to an Experience Site.
• You can’t fill in pre-chat fields for logged-in users via the code snippet. Use the component option, which fills in contact fields (name
and email).
• To customize Embedded Chat branding colors in a site, use the settings in the component. Using Embedded Service setup to specify
branding colors for Experience sites is not supported.
• To ensure end-user session continuity, your web pages must have the same storageDomain and use the same deployments.
To share a custom site domain between the site and other pages in the same domain, use the Storage Domain property in the
component .
To use Embedded Service code snippet settings in your site, use the Snippet Settings File field in the component.
1. Create a JavaScript file with your Embedded Chat settings. Refer to the Embedded Service for Web Developer Guide for more details.
2. Upload the file to your Static Resources. Give the file a name that’s easy to remember and doesn’t include spaces.
3. In your Embedded Service component settings, enter the static resource name (not the file name) in the Snippet Settings File
4. Save and publish your changes.

Add Chat Code Settings to an Experience Site
Use the Embedded Service component to add a Code Setting Name to an Experience Cloud site. This step allows you to modify with
static resources, including inviting customers to chat.

Embedded Chat Experience Component
Customize Chat Window Branding for a Experience Site

Add Chat Code Settings to an Experience Site

Use the Embedded Service component to add a Code Setting Name to an Experience Cloud site.
This step allows you to modify with static resources, including inviting customers to chat.

Important: Code setting modifications for Embedded Chat external pages and websites are Embedded Chat setup node
not available. is available in: Lightning
Adding JavaScript code as a static resource provides the flexibility of changing your customer
interactions, including adding invitations to chat, or other settings to a site. Before creating your Available in: Enterprise,
Embedded Chat code settings, you must create and upload embedded static resources Performance, and
To add Embedded Chat code settings to your site, use the Code Settings Name field in the
1. Select Add Code Setting.
2. Create a JavaScript file with your Embedded Chat settings for sites, including strings, arrays, To set up static resources:
JSON, and js functions. (See examples of Experience Site Static Resource Files.) • Customize Application
AND Author Apex
3. In your Embedded Service component settings, enter the static resource name (not the file
name) in the Code Setting Name field on a specific page on your site.
4. Save and publish your changes.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Note: If you load static resource files for Experience sites, test your entire flow in the builder to discover any CSP errors. This step
ensures that image URLs and assets from other domains specified in the static resource load during run time. Check the console
first for CSP errors if something is missing.

Set Up Appointment Management

Appointment Management gives your users an easy way to schedule, modify, and cancel
appointments. The experience is powered by Salesforce Flow. You craft the perfect interaction and
decide when and how to create related records like work orders. Service Set up node
Important: Enable Field Service and install the latest version of the Field Service managed available in: Lightning
package before setting up Appointment Management.
1. Update your Field Service permission sets. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
a. In the Field Service Admin app, on the Field Service Settings tab, Click Permission Sets. and Developer Editions
b. Ensure that the FSL Self Service permission set is up to date.
If you don’t have the FSL Self Service permission set in the Field Service managed package, USER PERMISSIONS
you don’t have the latest version.
To configure the Field Service
c. Give users the self-service permission set that comes with the Field Service package. managed package:
• Customize Application
2. Create a scheduling flow with actions for your users to follow. You can create separate flows
to book a new appointment, modify an existing appointment, or cancel an upcoming To create a permission set:
appointment. • Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
For a new appointment flow:
a. Collect details from your users for a Work Order and Service Appointment and query the
getSlots method in the Field Service Managed Package. Use an Apex class to query the method.
b. For your query, you need the Service Appointment ID, the Scheduling Policy ID, and the Operating Hours ID.
c. Serialize getSlots results into a JSON string and pass that as an input to the Appointment Scheduling Flows component to
display the available slots for your user to select.
d. With the user selected slot, attempt to book a new appointment by using the ScheduleService.Schedule method in
the Field Service Managed Package. Record any success or failure messages returned from the method and add a loop in your
flow to retry booking or display an error message.
e. Save the flow as Embedded Appointment Management Flow type and Activate it. Use the flow in step 6.g.

3. For a modify appointment flow:

a. The Embedded Service application passes a service appointment ID to your modify appointment flow.
b. With the ID, look up the existing service appointment record. Add logic in your flow to modify details like the description or the
time for the appointment by accepting relevant information from the user.
c. You can again use the getSlots method with the Appointment Scheduling component to let your users pick a new time.
d. Save the flow as Embedded Appointment Management Flow type and Activate it. Use the flow in step 6.g.

4. For a cancel appointment flow:

a. The Embedded Service application again passes a service appointment ID to your cancel appointment flow.
b. Using the ID, look up the service appointment record and set its Status to Canceled to cancel the appointment.
c. Save the flow as Embedded Appointment Management Flow type and Activate it. Use the flow in step 6.g.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

5. To create and configure a connected app, follow the Connected Apps instructions. For authentication, use the Authenticate Apps
with OAuth help.
6. Create and configure an Embedded Service deployment.
a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Embedded Service, then select Embedded Service Deployments and click
New Deployment.
b. Choose Appointment Management as your conversation type and Next.

Note: If you don't see the selection, Appointment Booking isn't enabled.

c. On the New Embedded Service Deployment panel, in Embedded Service Deployment Name enter your appointment
booking name.

Note: The deployment is shown in a list on the Embedded Service page. If you have several deployments, use a descriptive
name so it’s easy to distinguish each one.

d. The API Name field is automatically populated.

e. Under Site Endpoint, select the site you want to use and save your changes.
f. In Embedded Service Deployment Settings, click Start next to the Appointment Management settings.
g. Optionally, select Let Customers Schedule New Appointments and Let Customers View Their Appointments on the
Appointment Management Settings page. Save your changes.
h. In the Scheduling flows section, click Edit.
i. To set the flows, use the new versions you created in the previous steps for New Appointment, Modify Appointment, and Cancel
j. For authorization with an Experience site login, see Connected Apps. Refer to Authorize Apps with OAuth for custom login
k. To customize the images used in the flow, click Edit under Additional Branding. Enter your Logo Image URL.
l. To go back to the Deployment home, click APPOINTMENT_BOOKING at the top of the page.
m. To activate the embedded service, click the slider to Deployment header.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

n. Click Get Code next to embedded code snippets.

o. On the Embedded Service Code Snippets page, click Copy to Clipboard, save the code snippets for later, and click Done.

7. Create a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) record.

a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter CORS, then select CORS and click New.
b. Enter the correct URL domain of the site where you place the embedded service, https://*YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME*, and
save your work.

Note: To access or view appointments with Appointment Management, the user must have a Customer Community User
profile with the FSL Self Service permissions set.

Note: Appointment Management can also be set up with Lightning Scheduler. See the Set Up Scheduling for Authenticated
External Users instructions first to meet any prerequisites before following the previous steps. Add Inbound Flows to a Website
provides more background.

Add an Embedded Flow

Use Embedded Service to add a flow to your website. Embedded flows help your users complete
simple, automated tasks. They're even guest user-friendly—no login required. Simply create your
flow using Flow Builder and add it to an Embedded Service deployment. Embedded Service setup
Before you begin, create a flow using Flow Builder. Then add it to an Embedded Service deployment. node is available in:
Lightning Experience
Important: Embedded Service only supports flows of the Screen Flow type. Users don’t
need to log in to access an embedded flow. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Embedded Service, then select Embedded and Developer Editions
Service Deployments and click New Deployment.
2. Select Embedded Flow as your conversation type and click Next.

To set up embedded flows:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

3. On the New Embedded Service deployment panel, in the Embedded Service Deployment Name field enter your flow

Tip: The deployment is shown in a list on the Embedded Service page. If you have several deployments, use a descriptive
name so it’s easy to distinguish each one.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

4. The API Name field is automatically populated.

5. Under Site Endpoint, select the site you want to use and save it.
6. In Embedded Service Deployment Settings, click Start next to the Flow Settings.
7. Under Flow Name, select the flow you want to use in your Embedded Service deployment and save it.
8. In Additional branding, edit image dimensions and labels, and Finish.
To use a different flow in this Embedded Service deployment or to add custom labels, click Edit next to Flow Settings.

Create an Embedded Service Deployment
Flow Builder
Learn more about flow types

Create Embedded Static Resources

Create and upload JavaScript files to Salesforce as a static resource and apply to your website or
Experience Builder site. Adding static resources allows you to change one or many pages using
existing deployments with a few clicks in code settings. Setup node is available in:
Note: The Lightning Platform manages and distributes the static resources, acting as a Lightning Experience
content distribution network. Cacheing and distribution are handled automatically. Available in: Performance,
First, create your JavaScript static resource files, including strings, arrays, JSON, and js functions. Professional, Unlimited,
Here are some examples to get you started: and Essentials

Channel Menu Static Resources

Experience Site Static Resources
Second, upload JavaScript files to reference in your Channel Menu Experience site or Channel Menu To create and edit static
external website deployment. Add files for Embedded Chat to Experience sites only (not available resources:
for website pages). • Customize Application
AND Author Apex
Here are the steps to add your resources:
1. From Setup, enter Static Resources in the Quick Find box, then select Static Resources.
2. Click New.
3. In the Name box, enter your text to identify the resource in Visualforce markup. Use this static resource name, not the file name, for
reference later in code settings.
Create a name that is unique in your org and provide a different one for each static resource. Start with a letter, use alphanumeric
characters, and no spaces. Don’t end with an underscore or add two consecutive underscores.

4. In the Description text area, specify an optional description of the resource.

5. Next to the File text box, click Browse to navigate to a local copy of the resource that you want to upload.

Note: A single static resource file is up to 5 MB, and an organization can have up to 250 MB of static resources, total.

6. Set the Cache Control to Public. Share the static resource data on the Salesforce server with other users in your organization for
faster load times.
7. Return to your code settings in Channel Menu or Experience sites to apply the resources.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

Tip: If you make changes, you can reupload static resources without changing your code settings name in setup or in the
code snippet and property builder.

Important: If you change your Channel Menu setup, the results can take up to 10 minutes to appear for the first time on your
website due to cacheing.

Note: For Chat website pages, see Customize an Automated Invitation.

Experience Site Static Resource Files
Create JavaScript files to upload as a static resource and apply to Embedded Chat for your Experience Cloud site. Here’s a code
example for chat invitations to get you started.

Channel Menu Code Settings
Chat Code Settings for Experience Sites

Experience Site Static Resource Files

Create JavaScript files to upload as a static resource and apply to Embedded Chat for your Experience
Cloud site. Here’s a code example for chat invitations to get you started.
Here is sample JavaScript code to upload as a static resource and invite your customers to chat on Channel Menu setup node
your site pages (not available for external web pages). To create the file: is available in: Lightning
1. Specify _invitationResource on the Global window object
window._invitationResource = (function() {})(); Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
Tip: The contents of the file are loaded on to window object. Make your CSS classes and Unlimited
HTML ids as specific as possible.

2. Set invitation HTML to embedded_svc.config.invitation.htmlMarkup USER PERMISSIONS

3. Set invitation CSS to embedded_svc.config.invitation.styles To create and edit static
4. Set invitation JS to embedded_svc.config.invitation.invitationAPIs resources:
• Customize Application
AND Author Apex

window._invitationResource = (function() {
console.log("Chat invitation file loaded");

embedded_svc.config.invitation.htmlMarkup = '';
// Insert invitation's custom HTML markup

embedded_svc.config.invitation.styles = '';
// Insert invitation's CSS styles (be specific!)

embedded_svc.config.invitation.invitationAPIs = '';
// Utilize these existing methods to accept/reject invites:
// - embedded_svc.inviteAPI.inviteButton.acceptInvite()

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

// - embedded_svc.inviteAPI.inviteButton.rejectInvite();

Here is the full code sample for a standard chat invitation. Add your image URL link for the embeddedServiceAvatar.
window._invitationResource = (function() {
console.log("Invitation loaded");

embedded_svc.config.invitation.htmlMarkup =
'<div class="embeddedServiceInvitation" id="snapins_invite" inert="true"
aria-live="assertive" role="dialog" aria-atomic="true">'+
'<div class="embeddedServiceInvitationHeader" aria-labelledby="snapins_titletext"
'<img id="embeddedServiceAvatar" src="https://yourimagehere.png"></img>'+

'<span class="embeddedServiceTitleText" id="snapins_titletext">Need

'<button type="button" id="closeInvite" class="embeddedServiceCloseIcon"
aria-label="Exit invitation">&times;</button>'+
'<div class="embeddedServiceInvitationBody">'+
'<p id="snapins_bodytext">How can we help you?</p>'+
'<div class="embeddedServiceInvitationFooter"
'<button type="button" class="embeddedServiceActionButton"
'<button type="button" class="embeddedServiceActionButton"
id="acceptInvite">Start Chat</button>'+

embedded_svc.config.invitation.styles =
'#snapins_invite { background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
overflow: visible; border-radius: 8px;}'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitation { background-color: transparent; max-width: 290px;
max-height: 210px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 7px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.28); -moz-box-shadow: 0 7px
12px rgba(0,0,0,0.28); box-shadow: 0 7px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.28); }'+
'@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { /*mobile*/ .embeddedServiceInvitation
{ max-width: 332px; max-height: 210px; } }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitation > .embeddedServiceInvitationHeader { width: inherit;
line-height: 32px; padding: 10px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #222222; overflow:
initial; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: stretch;
border-top-left-radius: 8px; border-top-right-radius: 8px; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationHeader #embeddedServiceAvatar { width: 32px; height:
32px; border-radius: 50%; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationHeader .embeddedServiceTitleText { font-size: 18px;
color: #FFFFFF; overflow: hidden; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow:
ellipsis; align-self: stretch; flex-grow: 1; max-width: 100%; margin: 0 12px; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationHeader .embeddedServiceCloseIcon { border: none;
border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; position: relative; bottom: 3%; background-color:
transparent; width: 32px; height: 32px; font-size: 23px; color: #FFFFFF; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationHeader .embeddedServiceCloseIcon:focus { outline: none;

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

'.embeddedServiceInvitationHeader .embeddedServiceCloseIcon:focus::before { content:

" "; position: absolute; top: 11%; left: 7%; width: 85%; height: 85%; background-color:
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); border-radius: 4px; pointer-events: none; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationHeader .embeddedServiceCloseIcon:active,
.embeddedServiceCloseIcon:hover { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
opacity: 0.7; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitation > .embeddedServiceInvitationBody { background-color:
#FFFFFF; max-height: 110px; min-width: 260px; margin: 0 8px; font-size: 14px; line-height:
20px; overflow: auto; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationBody p { color: #333333; padding: 8px; margin: 12px 0;
'.embeddedServiceInvitation > .embeddedServiceInvitationFooter { width: inherit;
color: #FFFFFF; text-align: right; background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 10px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 8px; border-bottom-right-radius: 8px; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationFooter > .embeddedServiceActionButton { font-size: 14px;
max-height: 40px; border: none; border-radius: 4px; padding: 10px; margin: 4px; text-align:
center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationFooter > #acceptInvite { background-color: #005290;
color: #FFFFFF; }'+
'.embeddedServiceInvitationFooter > #rejectInvite { background-color: #FFFFFF;
color: #005290; }';

embedded_svc.config.invitation.invitationAPIs =
'(function() {'+
'document.getElementById("closeInvite").addEventListener("click", function()
{ embedded_svc.inviteAPI.inviteButton.rejectInvite(); });'+
'document.getElementById("rejectInvite").addEventListener("click", function()
{ embedded_svc.inviteAPI.inviteButton.rejectInvite(); });'+
'document.getElementById("acceptInvite").addEventListener("click", function()
{ embedded_svc.inviteAPI.inviteButton.acceptInvite(); });'+
'document.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 27)
{ embedded_svc.inviteAPI.inviteButton.rejectInvite(); }})'+

When your file is complete, return to Embedded Static Resources for static resource upload instructions.

Test Your Chat Window

Now that you’ve added Embedded Chat to your web pages or Experience Builder site, it’s time to
test it out.
To test the chat window from the agent’s perspective, log in to Salesforce as a Chat user with all Embedded Service setup
the Chat support agent permissions on page 557. node is available in:
Lightning Experience
1. Open the console and go online as the agent assigned to the appropriate button.
2. Test the chat from the customer’s perspective. In another window in the same browser, initiate Available in: Enterprise,
a chat by navigating to a web page or site where you’ve placed the code snippet and starting Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
the chat.
The chat should be available.

3. On the customer side (that is, on your web page), verify that:
• Pre-chat form looks how you expected

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

• Chat window looks how you expected

4. In the console, verify that:

• You receive a chat request when the chat is initiated

If the chat window and experience appears as you expected, your customers can start using embedded chat to communicate with your

Permissions for Chat Support Agents

Embedded Chat Limitations

Embedded Chat has the following limitations to consider.
You can’t use Embedded Chat on the same web page or Experience site as a Chat button. You can't
use Embedded Chat and Appointment Management on the same page or Experience site. Embedded Service setup
node is available in:
The embedded chat window title shows the agent’s name instead of the Chat Window Title
Lightning Experience
setting. When you enable this setting in the Chat Configuration, it doesn’t work in the chat window.
If you want to use an existing Chat button for your embedded chat window, make sure the Available in: Enterprise,
Prechat Form Page and Prechat Form URL fields are blank. If the fields are populated, Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Embedded Chat doesn’t work. Use the pre-chat fields in Embedded Service setup instead.
When you use Embedded Chat in an Experience site, you can’t set pre-chat fields to fill in for
logged-in users in your snippet settings file. Try the option to fill in contact fields in your component settings.
Other usage limitations for Embedded Chat:
• After users set a more restrictive third-party cookie policy in their browser, including Chrome’s standard Incognito mode, their
conversation works only from a single web page where the chat was started. Firefox Enhanced Tracking set to Strict doesn't work
with Chat.
• Visitors can’t chat across browser tabs or open new windows when using Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, or iOS devices. Chat
doesn’t work across new tabs and windows in Chrome Incognito.
• You can’t add Embedded Chat to Lightning components. Use a Visualforce page, Experience site, or web property only.
• More than one code snippet added to a single web page isn’t supported with Embedded Chat.
• Field-level validation rules aren’t supported with Embedded Chat.
• Embedded Service setup creates quick actions specifically for pre-chat. Using these quick actions for other purposes causes pre-chat
setup to fail.
• When you host your Embedded Chat deployment on a Visualforce page, you must access the page using HTTPS. If you use HTTP,
the chat window doesn’t load.
• To use translation, you must allow cookies for your browser. For example, enable “Allow third-party cookies” in Safari iOS.
• Embedded Chat uses only the UTF-8 character set in Translation Workbench. If you attempt to use other sets, your text may not
appear as you expect in Chat.
• The visitor’s recently viewed pages aren’t updated during a chat. Agent can only see which pages the visitor views before the chat
• In offline support case forms, the Case Reason picklist field shows all picklist options regardless of what’s specified in the record type.

Service Cloud Chat with Customers on Your Website

• There’s no limit to the number of chats happening at the same time in a Salesforce org. You do have a limit of 20,000 chats per hour
and per org. Also a limit of 7,000 agents online per Salesforce org simultaneously.

Embedded Chat
Embedded Chat Cookies

Embedded Chat Cookies

Embedded Chat uses cookies to improve functionality and accelerate processing times. By saving
a user’s settings, cookies can enhance the user’s experience and the performance of your Embedded
Service. Available in: Enterprise,
Salesforce doesn’t currently provide out-of-the-box functionality for end-user cookie consent Unlimited, and Developer
management for Embedded Service. The platform is compatible with many existing third-party editions.
solutions. We recommend that you work with your internal IT teams or consult your implementation
partners to identify the right solution for your organization’s needs.
Embedded Service collects two different types of cookies:
• Required: Strictly necessary for the website to work correctly
• Functional: Used for analytics and performance

Note: Even though Embedded Service can run without the use of a functional cookie, site functionality can be reduced, depending
on a cookie’s purpose.
This table describes the Embedded Service cookies collected by Salesforce.

Table 23: Cookies for All Users

Cookie Name Duration Cookie Type Description
BrowserId 1 year Required Provides security protections.

sfdc-stream 3 hours Required Routes server requests within the

Salesforce infrastructure for persistent

force-proxy-stream 3 hours Required Ensures user requests hit the same

Salesforce proxy host to temporarily
retrieve content from cache.

liveagent_sid Session Functional Captures a unique pseudonymous ID

for a specific browser session during
chat. Embedded Service functionality
isn’t affected without this cookie.

liveagent_invite_rejected_[id] Session Functional Remembers the rules set by an admin

to hide a chat invite button after a
visitor accepts or rejects it. Without
the cookie, the button repeatedly
appears when triggered.

BrowserId_sec 1 year Functional Correlates browser log lines on the

backend to aid in debugging.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Cookie Name Duration Cookie Type Description

Embedded Service functionality isn’t
affected without this cookie.

language Session Functional Identifies the language for custom

components and flows, which
support multiple languages. Without
this cookie, translations for custom
features can appear incorrectly.

Service Cloud Chat Cookies

Einstein Bots Chat

Lighten the load on your support agents with automated chat bots that can address straightforward issues or questions from your

Einstein Bots

Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile Apps

Embed customer service directly into your mobile apps and web pages, so you can reach customers right where they are.

Embedded Service for Websites
Connect Service Cloud features to your website with Embedded Service and give your customers a great service experience.
Embedded Service for Mobile Apps
Let your customers contact you on the go. Add chat, Knowledge, and case capabilities to your mobile apps with Embedded Service.

Embedded Service for Websites

Connect Service Cloud features to your website with Embedded Service and give your customers a great service experience.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Channel Menu Setup
Start conversations with your customers using the channels they prefer. You can customize their choices in an Embedded Service
Channel Menu—from phone and web Chat, to Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Agents can respond in their Service Console
where all the benefits of Service Cloud are at their fingertips.

Channel Menu Setup
Embedded Chat Setup
Embedded Service for Web Developer Guide

Channel Menu Setup

Start conversations with your customers using the channels they prefer. You can customize their
choices in an Embedded Service Channel Menu—from phone and web Chat, to Facebook Messenger
and WhatsApp. Agents can respond in their Service Console where all the benefits of Service Cloud Channel Menu setup node
are at their fingertips. is available in: Lightning
Set-Up Requirements Experience

Before you set up the Channel Menu, you need a website or Salesforce Experience Cloud site for Available in: Performance,
deployment. To add Chat, an Embedded Service Chat deployment must be active in your org. To Professional, Unlimited,
add SMS text, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp channels, you also need to set up Messaging. and Essentials
Use the following resources to set up those features:
• Set Up Your Embedded Chat Window on page 623 Ensure that your org meets the prerequisites USER PERMISSIONS
and follow the Chat setup steps.
To set up Channel Menu:
• Messaging Considerations Review these considerations before setting up or using Messaging.
• Customize Application
• Set Up Messaging with a Guided Setup Flow Add SMS text messaging and Facebook Messenger AND Modify Metadata
to your service channels with a quick guided setup flow. You can create an Omni-Channel
To create and edit Salesforce
queue to route incoming messages to your team. Sites:
• Set Up Messaging Channels Follow these steps to enable Messaging and set up your channels. • Customize Application
To set up your Channel Menu, follow these steps: To edit public access
settings for Salesforce Sites:
Important: If you make changes later in Salesforce Setup to your Channel Menu, the results • Manage Users
may take up to 10 minutes to appear for the first time on your website due to cacheing.

1. Create a Channel Menu Deployment
Create a new deployment or select and existing one for your Channel Menu. The setup node for Embedded Channel Menu is available
only in Lightning Experience.
2. Add Items to the Channel Menu
Select and edit your preferred customer channels to appear in your website menu.
3. Set Branding for the Channel Menu
Select the button colors, header background, and font in the menu to reflect your company’s brand identity on your website.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

4. Customize Labels and Translations for the Channel Menu

Use our existing default labels or create custom labels for your menu header and channel names. Additional steps are required to
set any label translations.
5. Create Channel Menu Code Settings
Add optional code modifications to the menu by linking to static resource files that you upload to Salesforce.
6. Apply the Channel Menu Code Snippet
Copy and paste the Channel Menu code snippet to place the button and menu on your website.
7. Add the Channel Menu to Experience Cloud Sites
Use the Channel Menu component instead of the code snippet to add the menu and button to your Experience Cloud sites.
8. Channel Menu Limitations
When setting up your Channel Menu, keep these restrictions and considerations in mind.

Hello! Meet the Channel Menu Video
Channel Menu Limitations

Create a Channel Menu Deployment

Create a new deployment or select and existing one for your Channel Menu. The setup node for
Embedded Channel Menu is available only in Lightning Experience.
Choose a deployment channel in your org: Channel Menu setup node
is available in: Lightning
1. Navigate to Service Setup > Channels > Embedded Service > Channel Menu or search
for Channel Menu in the Quick Find box.
2. Select and View an existing deployment or create one. Available in: Performance,
Professional, Unlimited,
and Essentials


To set up Channel Menu:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
To create and edit Salesforce
• Customize Application
To edit public access
settings for Salesforce Sites:
• Manage Users

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

If you add a new deployment:

• Give it a name that is easy to remember (spaces are okay).
• Add your API name without spaces.
• Set the site endpoint.

3. Enable Guest Access to the Support API for the site you use for the Channel Menu:
• Go to Salesforce Admin Setup > Sites or search for Sites in the Quick Find box.
• Click on your selected Site Label and Edit in the Site Detail section.
• Check the Guest Access to the Support API check box.
• Add the Quick Actions associated with your Embedded Service deployment from the Available Quick Actions box to the Selected
Quick Actions box and Save.

Add the Channel Menu to Communities

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Add Items to the Channel Menu

Select and edit your preferred customer channels to appear in your website menu.
Important: Make sure to complete the setup requirements and created a deployment before
adding your channel items to the menu. Channel Menu setup node
is available in: Lightning
From Channel Menu Settings, select Edit for Menu Setup to start adding your items. Experience

Available in: Performance,

Professional, Unlimited,
and Essentials


To set up Channel Menu:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

In Menu Setup follow these steps:

1. Type your Menu Item Name, select or type the Channel Type, and search for your Deployment. The default icon for each channel
appears on the setup modal.
2. Click the Add Item + button after each channel. Add up to six channels for your website.
3. Change the order of the menu items with the up and down arrow buttons. The channels appear in the menu in the order of the left
4. Use the Delete Menu Item button to remove channels.
5. Click Save when all your channels have been added.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Tip: Use the + symbol with a country code for your number when adding the phone channel if you have international customers.

Important: Keep the Show this menu item box checked under Default Display. Uncheck the box if using the Channel Menu
Reordering API.

Note: To hide a channel for specific user operating systems, check the appropriate boxes in Advanced Settings. For example,
hide Chat for the mobile platform to encourage the use of mobile-friendly channels like WhatsApp or SMS text.

Channel Menu Limitations

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Set Branding for the Channel Menu

Select the button colors, header background, and font in the menu to reflect your company’s brand
identity on your website.
Before you start, get your company’s brand color codes from the team that maintains your website. Channel Menu setup node
Select colors by entering the Hex code or RGB code or by selecting in the color picklist. is available in: Lightning
Here is a menu with our default header text, five added channel items with icons, and close button.
The second menu shows the possible customizations. The floating button to start the chat can also Available in: Performance,
be customized. Professional, Unlimited,
and Essentials


To set up Channel Menu:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

From the Channel Menu Settings page, select Edit for Branding. Follow the steps to customize your buttons:
1. Select Button and Button Icon colors. Add your Hex code, RGB code, or select a color in the picklist.
2. Use our Default Button Icon and Default Close Icon or add custom URLs to replace them.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

3. Expand the Channel Menu Header and Background section and decide to Show header or not with a tick in the check box.
4. Pick colors for the header background and text and set your Header Text Alignment in the picklist.
5. Add an optional Header Background Image URL or leave this blank for a solid color.
6. Customize the main panel with a Menu Background Color, Menu Text Color, Menu Text Hover Color, and Menu Background Hover

7. Tick the check box if you want optional horizontal lines to appear between your menu items and select a Horizontal Line Color.
8. Add a Font? Yes, please. Select a preferred Font for your menu and choose a Base Font Size.
9. Another option is to select a Custom Font... at the bottom of the picklist. Type your Custom Font Family Name in the box and choose
a font size. The font must be hosted on your web server.

10. Check your branding selections as you work in the Preview window. Custom fonts and custom buttons don’t appear.
11. Save. You’re done with branding choices.

Note: If your Preview window is empty or missing a channel, return to your Menu Setup and check your selections.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Note: Keep in mind that maximum header height is set to 75 pixels as you select the font size or add a custom background image

Note: Some fonts aren’t supported on mobile browsers. If you select a font that isn’t available for a mobile user, the browser’s
default font is displayed.

Apply Channel Menu Code Snippet

Customize Labels and Translations for the Channel Menu

Use our existing default labels or create custom labels for your menu header and channel names.
Additional steps are required to set any label translations.
Here is a menu with our default text. The second menu shows the possible text customizations. Channel Menu setup node
is available in: Lightning

Available in: Performance,

Professional, Unlimited,
and Essentials


To set up Channel Menu:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

From the main Channel Menu Settings page, select Edit for Labels to customize your menu labels. To change your default names:
1. Select All in the Label Group and Standard in Label Type.
2. Start typing your Custom Label text by each Default Label.
3. Save your work before moving to a new Label Group or Label Type.
4. Your updated Labels will appear in the Preview window.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

5. Click Finish.

Note: If your Preview window is empty or missing a channel, return to your Menu Setup page and check your selections.

If you don’t see the language you need in the Language picklist for your labels, complete the following steps in Translation Workbench:
1. From Setup, enter Translations Language Settings in the Quick Find box.
2. Enable the Translation Workbench.
3. Add languages for translation and activate by checking the checkbox.
4. Assign the language to the user by moving from the Available to Selected box.
5. Add the user language as a translatable language.

Note: This translation function is not available for single-language Salesforce orgs.

Important: The admin must authorize a logged-in user in a specific language to translate lables. Then, the user can customize
the words or phrases.

Translation Workbench
Translated Languages and Translators

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Create Channel Menu Code Settings

Add optional code modifications to the menu by linking to static resource files that you upload to
Adding JavaScript code as a static resource to your website or Salesforce org provides the flexibility Channel Menu setup node
of changing your customer experience. With a few clicks, add extra pre-chat or other settings and is available in: Lightning
avoid messy web page code customizations. Experience

Important: Before creating your Channel Menu code settings, you must create and upload Available in: Performance,
embedded static resources. Professional, Unlimited,
and Essentials
With your static resources loaded, start from Channel Menu Settings and select Edit for Code

To set up Channel Menu:

• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
To set up Code Settings:
• Author Apex

1. Select Add Code Setting.

2. Type a unique Code Setting Name for code customization in the first field. The name will be applied to the code snippet or Experience
builder property panel in the next step.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

3. Add optional text in the Description box and detail the configuration.
4. From the Type pull-down menu, select a resource type.
5. Locate your uploaded resource name in the Static Resource box.
6. Continue to Add Code Setting rows until all your modifications are set.
7. Click Save.
For Salesforce Experience Cloud sites, skip the following code snippet steps. Instead, add the name in the property editor and load the
Code Setting Name for your site on a specific page.

For websites, add your new code settings name to your Channel Menu code snippet. If you haven’t applied a Channel Menu code
snippet, do so before you proceed with the steps that follow.
1. Open the code snippet that you’ve added to the website.
2. Add the new parameter as an object to the call in the snippet. For example:
...existing parameters,
pageName: "InsertName"

3. Check that the object is the last parameter passed into
4. .

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

5. Verify that your code snippet changes in your web page markup. Refresh your web page and confirm that the Channel Menu floating
action button appears

Note: Settings are applied first to your website or Experience site from the Channel Menu component settings in the code snippet
or Experience Builder. Next, settings are applied from your uploaded JavaScript file and then from Setup.

Note: When the Code Setting Name is applied to your web or Experience site, the related JavaScript file is loaded. You can
associate multiple JavaScript static resources to different Code Settings Names and load the configuration to a website or Experience

Important: If you change your Channel Menu setup, the results may take up to 10 minutes to appear for the first time on your
website due to cacheing.

Channel Menu Static Resource Files
Create JavaScript files to upload as a static resource and apply to your Channel Menu website or Experience site. Here’s a code
example to get you started.

Embedded Static Resources
Channel Menu Limitations

Channel Menu Static Resource Files

Create JavaScript files to upload as a static resource and apply to your Channel Menu website or
Experience site. Here’s a code example to get you started.
JavaScript static resource files, including strings, arrays, JSON, and js functions, can be used for the Channel Menu setup node
Channel Menu. To set up your code file for this example: is available in: Lightning
1. Specify _snapinsSnippetSettingsFile on the Global window object
Available in: Performance,
Professional, Unlimited,
and Essentials


To create and edit static

• Customize Application
AND Author Apex

window._snapinsSnippetSettingsFile = (function() {})();

2. Store settings on to merge in Channel Menu

window._snapinsSnippetSettingsFile = (function() {
console.log("Code settings file loaded");

// Chat menu-item specific settings

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile
Apps = {
TestChatChannel: {
settings: {
prepopulatedPrechatFields: {"Subject":"Login Issue"},
smallCompanyLogoImgURL: ""

Note: In the sample code, TestChatChannel refers to your unique Channel Menu item name. Make sure to update.

When your file is complete, return to Embedded Static Resources for static resource upload instructions.

Apply the Channel Menu Code Snippet

Copy and paste the Channel Menu code snippet to place the button and menu on your website.
From the main Channel Menu Settings page, select Get Code for the menu code snippet.
Channel Menu setup node
To activate the Channel Menu code snippet:
is available in: Lightning
1. Copy and paste the Channel Menu code snippet from the window to the HTML code for each Experience
web page you want the menu to appear on. Paste this code immediately before the closing
body tag (</body>). Available in: Performance,
Professional, Unlimited,
2. And optionally, update the meta tag (<meta>) code snippet if it’s not already added to your and Essentials
web pages from Embedded Chat Setup. For mobile customers, the meta tag code snippet
provides better usability.
3. Click Done.
To set up Channel Menu:
• Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

4. Verify that your code snippet is in your web page markup, refresh your web page, and confirm that the Channel Menu floating action
button appears.

Important: If you’ve applied code settings to a website deployment, follow the last steps in Channel Menu Code Settings to add
names to your code snippet. For Experience Cloud sites, add code setting names in the property editor and load on a specific page.

Important: If you change your Channel Menu setup, the results can take up to 10 minutes to appear for the first time on your
website due to cacheing.

Channel Menu Limitations

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Add the Channel Menu to Experience Cloud Sites

Use the Channel Menu component instead of the code snippet to add the menu and button to
your Experience Cloud sites.
To add the menu to your sites, complete these additional Channel Menu setup steps: Channel Menu setup node
is available in: Lightning
1. Enable the Guest Access to the Support API permission in Salesforce Admin Setup > Sites.
If you don’t enable this permission, you receive a 401 unauthorized error message when you
add the Channel Menu to your Community page. Available in: Performance,
2. Click the Settings button in Experience Builder on the left side and select Security. Professional, Unlimited,
and Essentials
3. Change your Script Security Level in the Content Security Policy (CSP) section to Allow Inline
Scripts and Script Access to Allowlisted Third-party Hosts. This will reveal a Trusted Sites for
Scripts section. USER PERMISSIONS
4. Click the Add Trusted Site button and add your Chat API Endpoint to your Trusted Sites for To set up Channel Menu:
Scripts. • Customize Application
AND Modify Metadata
Tip: To find your Chat API Endpoint, go to Salesforce Admin Setup > Chat Settings. Look
To create and edit Salesforce
for the “Chat API Endpoint” section. Copy the URL from the beginning at https:// to
• Customize Application
Note: Admins and developers should allowlist Salesforce and third-party URLs used in the To edit public access
Channel Menu based on the Content Security Policy Restrictions in Experiences. settings for Salesforce Sites:
• Manage Users
Content Security Policy Restrictions in Communities
Channel Menu Limitations

Channel Menu Limitations

When setting up your Channel Menu, keep these restrictions and considerations in mind.
Usage limitations and restrictions for the Channel Menu:
Channel Menu setup node
• Embedded Service Chat. You can select only one Embedded Service chat type in the same
is available in: Lightning
Channel Menu. Multiple chat channels create duplicate chat messages and repeat loading of
JavaScript libraries.
• Phone channel. Validation isn’t provided when you enter a phone number in the Channel Available in: Performance,
Menu Setup. If you intend to use the phone number for international customers, include a + Professional, Unlimited,
sign with the country code. For example, +012125551212. and Essentials

• WhatsApp. For a more robust experience, your customers must install the WhatsApp native
client version downloaded from Without the client, the Microsoft Store opens
with the message “no apps named WhatsApp” for Windows customers.
• Channel Menu code snippets. To use the latest static files, you can try to hard reload or clear the cache and refresh your web page.
If the Channel Menu button doesn’t show after you complete setup, check for errors in the browser console. No button typically
indicates a problem with downloading the script
• Web Chat only. If you configure only web Chat, the button isn’t displayed to your customers if agents aren’t available. For the button
to appear, this type of setup requires an additional step to bring the agent online before validating. See “Change Your Chat Status.”

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

• Experiences. See Add the Channel Menu to Experience Cloud Sites help for the CSP Trusted Site for Scripts information. The CSP
Trusted Site in Service Setup is a one-time step. The Trusted Site for Scripts in Experience Builder must be done in every site where
you want to host a Channel Menu.
• Static Resources. If you load static resource files for Experience sites, test your entire flow in the builder to discover any CSP errors.
This step ensures that image URLs and assets from other domains specified in the static resource load during run time. Check the
console first for CSP errors if something is missing.

Important: If you change your Channel Menu setup, the results may take up to 10 minutes to appear for the first time on your
website due to cacheing.

Content Security Policy Restrictions in Communities

Embedded Service for Mobile Apps

Let your customers contact you on the go. Add chat, Knowledge, and case capabilities to your mobile apps with Embedded Service.

Set Up SOS Video Chat and Screen Sharing
Want to connect with your customers in a whole new way? Add SOS to your native Android or iOS mobile app so that your customers
can connect with agents via two-way video or screen sharing. SOS is part of Service Cloud Snap-ins for Mobile Apps.

Embedded Service for iOS Developer Guide
Embedded Service for Android Developer Guide

Set Up SOS Video Chat and Screen Sharing

Want to connect with your customers in a whole new way? Add SOS to your native Android or iOS
mobile app so that your customers can connect with agents via two-way video or screen sharing.
SOS is part of Service Cloud Snap-ins for Mobile Apps. Available in: Salesforce
Gone are the days when your customers had to connect with a nameless, faceless agent over the Classic
phone. With one click, your customers can video chat with agents who provide personalized, in-app
SOS is available for an
guidance with screen sharing and annotations.
additional cost in:
SOS is integrated into the Salesforce console for the Service Cloud. Your agents can access cases, Enterprise, Performance,
account records, and customer information quickly and easily during their video calls. Agents can Unlimited, and Developer
also draw on customers’ screens during an SOS session, giving your customers in-app guidance to Editions
solve their problems. Your customers get a comprehensive, personal support experience, and your
agents have the information they need in the console to solve customer issues.
Even better, SOS is fully integrated into Omni-Channel, the Service Cloud’s routing engine. Use Omni-Channel to customize how work
items—including SOS video calls—are routed to your agents. Route SOS calls to the most available, capable agents in real time. No
third-party routing engine required!
For more information on integrating SOS into your mobile applications, see Snap-ins Developer’s Guide for iOS and Snap-ins Developer's
Guide for Android.
Before you set up SOS, enable Omni-Channel in your org.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

1. Assign SOS Licenses to Agents
Each agent who uses SOS must have an SOS license and be part of a permission set that enables the SOS license.
2. Enable the SOS License
Use a permission set to enable the SOS license for your users.
3. Create an SOS Presence Status
Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items, or whether the agent is away
or offline. Create a presence status that lets your agents indicate that they’re online and available to receive SOS calls.
4. Give Users Access to SOS Presence Statuses with Permission Sets
Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items, or whether the agent is away
or offline. Give SOS agents access to the SOS presence status so they can start receiving SOS calls.
5. Give Users Access to Your SOS Presence Statuses with Profiles
Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items, or whether the agent is away
or offline. Give SOS agents access to the SOS presence status so they can start receiving SOS calls.
6. Create an SOS Routing Configurations
Routing configurations determine how work items are routed to agents. They let you prioritize the relative importance and size of
work items from your queues. That way, the most important work items are handled accordingly, and work is evenly distributed to
your agents. Create an SOS routing configuration to determine how SOS calls are dispersed to your agents.
7. Create an SOS Queue
Queues are a classic element of Salesforce that help your teams manage leads, cases, service contracts, and custom objects.
Omni-Channel supercharges queues to route work items to agents in real time. Create an SOS queue to funnel SOS calls to SOS
agents. We’ll associate the SOS queue with the SOS routing configuration we created earlier.
8. Update Your Salesforce Console Settings
After you get SOS all set up for your organization, it’s time to a few settings in your Salesforce console so that your agents can start
receiving work.
9. Create an SOS Deployment
Create an SOS deployment to integrate your SOS settings from Salesforce into your mobile application.

Assign SOS Licenses to Agents

Each agent who uses SOS must have an SOS license and be part of a permission set that enables
the SOS license.
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users. Available in: Salesforce
2. Select the user that you want to assign an SOS license to.
3. Click Permission Set License Assignments. SOS is available for an
additional cost in:
4. Click Edit Assignments. Enterprise, Performance,
5. Check the Enabled checkbox for SOS User. Unlimited, and Developer
6. Click Save.


To set up SOS:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Enable the SOS License

Use a permission set to enable the SOS license for your users.
You can add only users who have been assigned the SOS license to the permission set.
Available in: Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission
2. Select the SOS permission set. SOS is available for an
additional cost in:
If you don’t have an SOS permission set, create one. For User License, select None.
Enterprise, Performance,
3. Click App Permissions. Unlimited, and Developer
4. Click Edit.
5. Select Enable SOS Licenses.
6. Click Save.
To set up SOS:
• Customize Application
Permission Sets

Create an SOS Presence Status

Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items,
or whether the agent is away or offline. Create a presence status that lets your agents indicate that
they’re online and available to receive SOS calls. Available in: Salesforce
A presence status can be associated with one or more channels of work items. Associate the SOS Classic
presence status with the SOS service channel. That way, your agents can receive SOS calls when
SOS is available for an
they’re signed in with the SOS presence status.
additional cost in:
1. From Setup, enter Presence in the Quick Find box, select Presence Statuses, then Enterprise, Performance,
click New. Unlimited, and Developer
2. Name your status.
Let’s call our status “Available for SOS.” A version of that name becomes the Developer Name
automatically. USER PERMISSIONS

3. In the Status Options section, select Online. To set up SOS:

• Customize Application
4. In the Service Channels section, add SOS to the Selected Channel list.
5. Click Save.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Give Users Access to SOS Presence Statuses with Permission Sets

Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items,
or whether the agent is away or offline. Give SOS agents access to the SOS presence status so they
can start receiving SOS calls. Available in: Salesforce
Alternatively, you can give users access to presence statuses through profiles. Classic
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission SOS is available for an
Sets. additional cost in:
2. Click the name of the permission set that contains your SOS agents. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
3. Click Service Presence Statuses Access. Editions
4. Click Edit.
5. Select the SOS presence status that we created earlier, “Available for SOS.” USER PERMISSIONS
6. Click Save. To set up SOS:
• Customize Application
To modify permission sets:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets

Give Users Access to Your SOS Presence Statuses with Profiles

Presence statuses indicate whether an agent is online and available to receive incoming work items,
or whether the agent is away or offline. Give SOS agents access to the SOS presence status so they
can start receiving SOS calls. Available in: Salesforce
Alternatively, you can give users access to presence statuses through permission sets. Classic
1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles. SOS is available for an
2. Click the name of the profile that contains your SOS agents. additional cost in:
Enterprise, Performance,
Don’t click Edit next to the profile name. If you do, you won’t see the correct page section Unlimited, and Developer
where you can enable statuses. Editions
3. In the Enabled Service Presence Status Access section, click Edit.
4. Select your SOS presence status, “Available for SOS,” to associate it with the profile. USER PERMISSIONS
5. Click Save. To set up SOS:
• Customize Application
To modify profiles:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

Create an SOS Routing Configurations

Routing configurations determine how work items are routed to agents. They let you prioritize the
relative importance and size of work items from your queues. That way, the most important work
items are handled accordingly, and work is evenly distributed to your agents. Create an SOS routing Available in: Salesforce
configuration to determine how SOS calls are dispersed to your agents. Classic
After you create this configuration, we’ll create an SOS queue for your SOS calls. Then, we’ll associate
SOS is available for an
our routing configuration with our SOS queue so that your agents can receive calls after we get
additional cost in:
SOS set up. Enterprise, Performance,
1. From Setup, enter Routing in the Quick Find box, select Routing Configurations, Unlimited, and Developer
then click New. Editions
2. Name your routing configuration.
Let’s call our routing configuration “SOS Routing Configuration.” A version of that name becomes USER PERMISSIONS
the Developer Name automatically.
To set up SOS:
3. Set your routing priority. • Customize Application
If SOS calls are the most important or the only work items your agents handle, set your routing
priority to 1. That priority ensures that SOS calls are routed to your agents before other types
of work items.

4. Select your routing model.

5. Set the value of the Percentage of Capacity field to 100.
Agents can accept only one SOS call at a time, so SOS calls take 100% of an agent’s capacity.

6. Click Save.

Create an SOS Queue

Queues are a classic element of Salesforce that help your teams manage leads, cases, service
contracts, and custom objects. Omni-Channel supercharges queues to route work items to agents
in real time. Create an SOS queue to funnel SOS calls to SOS agents. We’ll associate the SOS queue Available in: Salesforce
with the SOS routing configuration we created earlier. Classic
The work items in the SOS queue are assigned the priority that you specified in the SOS routing
SOS is available for an
configuration that you created earlier.
additional cost in:
For routing to work correctly, assign each of your agents to a queue from which they’ll be receiving Enterprise, Performance,
work items. Unlimited, and Developer
For more information about queues, see “Queues Overview” in the Salesforce Help.
1. From Setup, enter Queues in the Quick Find box, then select Queues.
2. Click New.
3. In the Label field, name your queue. To set up SOS:
• Customize Application
Let’s call our queue “SOS Queue.” A version of this name becomes the Queue Name

4. In the Routing Configuration field, look up and select the routing configuration that you created earlier, “SOS Routing
5. In the Supported Objects section, add SOS Session to the list of selected objects.
6. In the Queue Members section, add each of the agents to whom you want to route SOS calls to the Selected Users field.

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

7. Click Save.

Update Your Salesforce Console Settings

After you get SOS all set up for your organization, it’s time to a few settings in your Salesforce console
so that your agents can start receiving work.
You need to add the Omni-Channel and SOS widgets to your console, as well as to allow the domains Available in: Salesforce
for your Service Cloud Real Time URLs. Classic
The SOS and Omni-Channel widgets appear in the footer of the Salesforce console. From the SOS is available for an
Omni-Channel widget, agents can change their presence status and triage their incoming work additional cost in:
assignments, including SOS calls. When an agent accepts an SOS call, the call opens in the SOS Enterprise, Performance,
widget, where agents can view the customer’s screen. Unlimited, and Developer
You also need to allow the domains for your Service Cloud Real Time URLs to make sure your calls
aren’t blocked by your company’s firewalls. This ensures that all of your customers’ SOS calls make
it safely to your agents. USER PERMISSIONS
1. From Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select Apps.
To customize a console app:
2. Click Edit next to the Salesforce console app that you want to add the Omni-Channel and SOS • Customize Application
widgets to.
3. In the Choose Console Components section, add Omni-Channel and SOS to your list of selected
4. In the Allowed Domains field, add these domains to the list of allowed domains.

5. Click Save.

Create an SOS Deployment

Create an SOS deployment to integrate your SOS settings from Salesforce into your mobile
When you create an SOS deployment, your deployment is assigned a unique ID number. Your Available in: Salesforce
mobile developers use this deployment ID to integrate your SOS settings in Salesforce into SOS in Classic
your mobile application.
SOS is available for an
1. From Setup, enter SOS Deployments in the Quick Find box, then select SOS additional cost in:
Deployments. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
2. Click New.
3. Choose the settings for your deployment.
5. Copy the SOS Deployment ID from the detail page and send it to your mobile developers.
To create SOS deployments:
To integrate the SOS deployment with a mobile application, mobile developers use the SOS
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Integrate with Embedded Service for Websites and Mobile

SOS Deployment Settings
SOS deployment settings control how your Salesforce SOS settings integrate into your mobile application.

SOS Deployment Settings

SOS deployment settings control how your Salesforce SOS settings integrate into your mobile
Apply settings when you create or edit an SOS deployment. Available in: Salesforce
Setting What It Does SOS is available for an
SOS Deployment Name Names the deployment. additional cost in:
Enterprise, Performance,
This deployment name, or a version of it, Unlimited, and Developer
automatically becomes the API Name. Editions

API Name Sets the API name for the Chat deployment.

Activate Deployment Activates the deployment so customers can

request SOS calls when SOS is deployed in your
mobile application.

Voice-Only Mode Disables video functionality and allows agents

and customers to communicate with audio only.

Enable Backward-Facing Camera Allows the customer to relay video from the
customer’s backward-facing mobile camera to

Queue Determines the queue that you want to route

incoming SOS calls to.

Session Recording Enabled Automatically records SOS sessions.

Session Recording Storage Determines the data storage provider that stores
Provider your SOS session recordings. Available only if
session recording is enabled.

Session Recording Storage The ID of the access key that’s associated with
Provider API Key your Amazon S3 storage account. Available only
if session recording is enabled.

Session Recording Storage The ID of the access secret that’s associated with
Provider API Secret your Amazon S3 storage account. Available only
if session recording is enabled.

Session Recording Storage The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you
Provider Bucket want to store your SOS session recordings.
Available only if session recording is enabled.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer Service

Join customer conversations on social media without monitoring your accounts in separate tabs. Connect with Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, YouTube, and other social networks to respond to posts and direct messages in Salesforce. You can also create cases from
social posts, so your team can provide customer service everywhere your customers are.

Social Customer Service
Turn social network posts into cases or leads with Social Customer Service. Agents can reply to social network posts from the Service
Console, so your company can join customer conversations where they’re happening.
Set Up Social Customer Service with a Guided Setup Flow
Add your Twitter and Facebook accounts to turn your tweets and posts into cases in Service Cloud. Connect your social accounts,
turn on Social Studio, and give your team access to your social cases.
Administer Social Customer Service
Enable social customer service in your organization and customize your support agents’ experience.
Engage and Respond Using Social Customer Service
Use social customer service to engage your customer on social media.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Social Customer Service

Turn social network posts into cases or leads with Social Customer Service. Agents can reply to
social network posts from the Service Console, so your company can join customer conversations
where they’re happening. Social Customer Service is
Important: If you have two or less social accounts to track, use the Starter Pack. Otherwise, available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
you need the Social Service Pro add-on or Social Studio accounts. Instagram and YouTube
Experience. Service Setup is
aren’t available in the starter pack version. You must have a Social Studio account to sync
available in Lightning
your Instagram and YouTube accounts.
Social Customer Service integrates with Social Studio so agents and sales reps can respond to cases
and leads created from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other social networks. Social Customer Service is
available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.
Social Network Release State
Facebook Generally Available
Twitter Generally Available
To administer Social
Instagram Generally Available Customer Service:
• Manage Users
YouTube Generally Available
Sina Weibo Pilot Program Customize Application

To create case feed items:

The social publisher action on the case or lead feed is the primary interface for replying to consumers • Feed Tracking for All
Related Objects on the
or prospects. Inbound and outbound social posts appear as items in the feed, making it easy to
Case object
follow conversations. Permission sets let you grant access to your managed social accounts to
different sets of users. Out of the box settings control how inbound social posts are processed, but To send and receive social
media posts or messages:
you can modify an Apex class to apply your own custom business logic.
• Case Feed enabled
Note: When a lead is converted to an account or contact, the social items in the feed are AND
Access to a social
In the Salesforce mobile app, agents can see and reply to social content from mobile devices. account
Modify All on social
Social Customer Service Limits

Social Customer Service Limits Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions.

Maximum number of active 2000 accounts. Social Customer Service Settings shows up
managed social accounts to 500 managed social accounts per page.

Maximum number of post labels 200 post labels

Salesforce Mobile App Limits

To reply to social posts when using the mobile app, you must use Salesforce Classic.
Moderation and authorization pages aren’t available in the Salesforce mobile app.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

See your company’s at-mentions, replies, and direct messages. You can reply, retweet, favorite, and follow from Salesforce, or click tweets
to view and respond to them on Twitter.
Use the guided setup flow to get cases created for you when your company account receives at-mentions and direct messages.

Note: Social Customer Service supports sending and receiving 280-character tweets

Agents can use case and lead feeds to see the content that they are responding to, retweet, favorite and follow tweets, send replies to
tweets and direct messages, and delete tweets managed by your social accounts.
You can see attachments on social posts within case feeds and add image attachments to them too. You can also click View Source
links to open the inbox of the native social media website. View Source links direct you to the inbox of the social media account you’re
logged in to, not the exact message or thread.

See your Facebook timeline in Salesforce. You can reply to and like posts from Salesforce, or click posts to view and respond to them on
Use the guided setup flow to get cases created for you when customers post on your business page.

Note: Make sure that you have a business page associated with your Facebook account.

Cases and leads are created from your managed Facebook page. Agents can use the feeds to see the content that they are replying to,
see star ratings, reply to reviews, like posts and comments, send posts, comments, replies, and private messages, respond privately to
comments, and delete posts managed by your social accounts. To use these features, you need the Editor or Moderator role for your
Facebook page, but we recommend the Admin role as a best practice.
You can see attachments on social posts within case feeds and add image attachments to them too. You can also click View Source
links to open the inbox of the native social media website. View Source links direct you to the inbox of the social media account you’re
logged in to, not the exact message or thread.

See comments and replies on your company’s Instagram photos in Salesforce. You can send replies in Salesforce.

Note: Make sure that your Instagram account is a business account, and that it’s linked to a Facebook account. It also needs to
be linked to a business page on that Facebook account. Direct messages are not currently supported for Instagram.

See comments on your company’s videos in Salesforce. You can reply in Salesforce, or click comments to view and respond to them on
YouTube. For more control over YouTube communications, you can hide replies from YouTube and only reply to your customer. When
customers edit or delete their comments, Salesforce updates the social post accordingly.

Administer Social Customer Service
Social Action Tips
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Set Up Social Customer Service with a Guided Setup Flow

Add your Twitter and Facebook accounts to turn your tweets and posts into cases in Service Cloud.
Connect your social accounts, turn on Social Studio, and give your team access to your social cases.
The Twitter and Facebook setup flows are the fastest and easiest ways to get started with Social Social Customer Service is
Customer Service and create cases from your tweets and Facebook posts. When you complete the available in Salesforce
flow, tweets to your company’s Twitter handle and posts on your company’s Facebook page become Classic and Lightning
cases in Salesforce. Then, your support team can get to work! Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning
Where to Access the Setup Flow
Social Customer Service is
This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by available in all editions with
clicking and selecting Service Setup. the Service Cloud.

In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve
set up already. If you don’t see the setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does the Twitter Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Enabling Social Studio
• Authenticating your Twitter account
• Authorizing Salesforce to use your account
• Selecting the users who can access cases created from your Twitter account
We also create a permission set in the background during the setup flow. The permission set grants the selected users access to your
Twitter cases.

What Does the Facebook Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Enabling Social Studio
• Authenticating your Facebook account
• Choosing the Facebook page(s) that you want to manage in Service Cloud
• Selecting the users who can access cases from your Facebook page(s)
We also create a permission set in the background during the setup flow. The permission set grants the selected users access to your
Facebook cases.

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Administer Social Customer Service

Enable social customer service in your organization and customize your support agents’ experience.
Social Customer Service can be customized to your organization’s needs. However, there are some
considerations when adjusting the default setup. Social Customer Service is
available in Salesforce
• Automated users, such as, runas, loginxi, and connected app users, also need access to posts.
Classic and Lightning
Posts may be updated multiple times automatically under the automated users permissions.
Experience. Service Setup is
• When creating custom validation rules, ensure all users involved have the necessary permissions. available in Lightning
For example, if only case owners can update posts on their cases, make sure that case owners Experience.
have permission to update posts.
Social Customer Service is
Important: Modifying the default settings is not recommended. If you choose the modify available in all editions with
the default settings, you may experience issues using Social Customer Service. the Service Cloud.

Note: All users can view external social accounts from their org via the API.

IN THIS SECTION: To administer Social

Customer Service:
Set Up Social Customer Service • Manage Users
Enable Social Customer Service, sync your social accounts, configure post handling, and assign
social handles.
Customize Application
How to Reconnect a Social Account
Reconnect your social account for Social Customer Service. To create case feed items:
• Feed Tracking for All
Tour the Social Conversations Component Related Objects on the
When you add the Social Conversations component, agents can quickly get a sense of who the Case object
customer is, context surrounding the case, and insight into previous interactions. The component To make attachment
pulls information from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. download links public:
Configure the Social Conversations Component • Create Public Links
Use the Lightning App Builder to set up the Social Conversations component.
Enable Social Post Approvals
Social care agents are both problem solvers for your consumers and the voice of your brand on social networks like Facebook and
Twitter. You can have guidelines so your agents write with a consistent tone and syntax that's in line with your organization's social
media strategy. For example, you require social agents to sign their tweets in a standard manner, such as “~John.”
Enable Moderation for Social Customer Service
Use moderation to triage incoming posts and only create cases for posts that are actionable requests for help. Moderation helps
your organization focus on real customer issues and avoid opening unnecessary cases.
Enable Service Post Reply Without a Case
Often your customers are happy and want to let you know. No need to open a case just to thank them on their social network of
choice. The Social Publisher action is now available on the Social Post object.
Create the Social Action Interface
The social action is created when you install Social Customer Service. You can add, remove, and organize fields to suit your organization.
Format Case Content from Social Posts
Use Social Business Rules to automate how inbound social content is processed and appears to support agents.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Modify the Default Apex Class

If you aren’t using the Starter Pack, you can customize the default Apex class to specify how inbound social content is processed.

Enable Social Post Approvals
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Set Up Social Customer Service

Enable Social Customer Service, sync your social accounts, configure post handling, and assign social handles.

Enable Social Customer Service
Turn on Social Customer Service, set post defaults, and either activate the Starter Pack or sign into your Social Studio account.
Add Social Accounts to Social Customer Service
Sync your social media accounts and identify which accounts create cases.
Configure Inbound Social Posts
Select how social media communication is handled within your Salesforce organization.
Assign Social Customer Service Agents
Your agents need permission sets or profiles with Social Customer Service permissions to access your social accounts.
Set Feed Tracking
To view social posts on a case, set feed tracking on cases. You can also set feed tracking for leads when social posts create potential
Social Customer Service Setup Options
Optionally you can use quick text, give social agents access to your Salesforce Community, and turn on history tracking for your
social objects.

Field History Tracking
How to Reconnect a Social Account
Administer Social Customer Service
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Enable Social Customer Service

Turn on Social Customer Service, set post defaults, and either activate the Starter Pack or sign into
your Social Studio account.
1. From Setup, enter Social Customer Service in the Quick Find box, then select Social Customer Service is
Social Customer Service. available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. On the Settings tab, check Enable Social Customer Service.
Experience. Service Setup is
3. If you want posts approved before they send, check Enable approvals for social available in Lightning
posts. Experience.
4. If you want to map new posts to parent posts, which are the first posts that generated a case, Social Customer Service is
select Enable retrieval of parent posts for added context. available in all editions with
5. Under Social Studio Credentials, either create a Social Studio account with the the Service Cloud.
starter pack by clicking Activate Social Customer Service Starter Pack, or click Login to
Social Studio and enter your Social Studio credentials. USER PERMISSIONS
Note: The Admin Only User role is not recommended when logging into Social Studio. To administer Social
The Admin Only User is prevented from publishing, engaging and analyzing within the Customer Service:
application. • Manage Users
Important: With the Social Customer Service Starter Pack, you can enable Social Customer AND
Service and up to two social accounts from Twitter or Facebook. For example, if you add Customize Application
one Twitter account, you can only add another Twitter account or one Facebook account.
To create case feed items:
Instagram and YouTube aren’t available with the stater pack. You can’t downgrade from
• Feed Tracking for All
a Social Studio account to the starter pack. The starter pack doesn’t support the moderation
Related Objects on the
feature (all posts become cases), and you can’t customize the default Apex code. Case object
To make attachment
download links public:
• Create Public Links

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Add Social Accounts to Social Customer Service

Sync your social media accounts and identify which accounts create cases.
If you aren’t using the start pack, you can synchronize up to 2,000 managed social accounts from
Social Studio. However, the Social Customer Service Settings page in Setup only shows up to 500 Social Customer Service is
managed social accounts. Agents can respond from all synced accounts from the social publisher available in Salesforce
on the case feed. If you are syncing more than 500 social accounts, allow at least a minute for the Classic and Lightning
settings page to load. Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Social Media in the Quick Find box, then select Social Customer Experience.
Social Customer Service is
2. On the Social Accounts tab, click Add Account and select a social network.
available in all editions with
The social network opens and asks you to authenticate the account. Once your account is the Service Cloud.
authenticated, Salesforce returns you to the Social Accounts tab.

Note: If you receive the error We're sorry, but we currently do not USER PERMISSIONS
support Facebook business accounts registration, or Your
Facebook account can't be added due to unsupported To administer Social
features, set a user name on your Facebook page. Customer Service:
• Manage Users
3. Click the refresh icon next to Add Account. AND
4. Select case creation options. Customize Application
• If you are using the Starter Pack, check the Case Creation box to indicate that you want To create case feed items:
cases created automatically when posts come from the social account. For example, if you • Feed Tracking for All
have two Twitter handles, one for support and one for marketing, you can have cases Related Objects on the
created automatically only from the support handle. The tweets from the marketing handle Case object
go in a social post queue for review. To make attachment
• If you are using the full Social Customer Service version, you can set up case moderation download links public:
through Social Studio. • Create Public Links

5. If you have a portfolio of managed social accounts, set the Default Responses From
for each Twitter, Instagram, and Sina Weibo account. Default accounts let you standardize and raise awareness of your brand’s
support by setting a dedicated support handle, for example @acmehelp or @acmesupport. Also, agents have fewer clicks when they
send outbound posts because the chosen account appears as the default account. The default response handle doesn’t apply for
Twitter direct messages and doesn’t affect Facebook, YouTube, Google Plus, or LinkedIn, as they are restricted to the page handle.

Warning: If you delete a Social Account, it’s deleted everywhere, including Social Studio, and you can’t retrieve the deleted

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Configure Inbound Social Posts

Select how social media communication is handled within your Salesforce organization.
If you are using the starter pack, you can’t change the Apex class. However, you can change the
user it’s run with in Run Apex As User. Social Customer Service is
available in Salesforce
The default Apex class creates a social post, social persona, case, contact, and supports common
Classic and Lightning
use cases. For information on modifying the default Apex class, see Modify the Default Apex Class.
Experience. Service Setup is
1. From Setup, enter Social Media in the Quick Find box, then select Social Customer available in Lightning
Service. Experience.
2. On the Inbound Settings tab, you can see which Apex class controls how the inbound content Social Customer Service is
is processed in your organization and which user it’s set to run under. If you are using the default available in all editions with
Apex class, you can select inbound business rules to determine how incoming social data is the Service Cloud.
If a new post, from the same social persona, is associated to a closed case, the case is
reopened within the designated number of days. The number must be greater than or To administer Social
equal to 1 and less than or equal to 3000. Customer Service:
• Manage Users
Use Person Accounts
Assign a person account of the selected type for the social persona parent record. AND
Customize Application
Create Case for Post Labels
Override the case creation rules and create a case when selected post labels are present To create case feed items:
on a social post. Post Labels are used to answer the question "What is the topic of this one • Feed Tracking for All
post?". Post labels, set in Social Studio Automate, help to provide further context to what Related Objects on the
the individual post is about. Case object
To make attachment
Note: Social Customer Service only shows 200 post labels. If you have more post
download links public:
labels in Social Studio, you can view them in that program.
• Create Public Links
3. To support attachments on social posts, make sure the Run Apex As User has access to Files,
Salesforce CRM Content, and ContentVersion in the API.
To prevent agents from accidentally posting attachments from customers, ensure that agents aren’t the Run Apex As User. Without
the run user, an agent can’t see or select customers’ attachments in the Select File box.
To make attachment download links public, the Run Apex As User must have the Create Public Links permission. Without this
permission, links can't be accessed from external social networks.

4. For connected app users only: When a new user is set as Run Apex As User, they must be added to the Inbound Automation
permission set.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Assign Social Customer Service Agents

Your agents need permission sets or profiles with Social Customer Service permissions to access
your social accounts.
1. From Setup: Social Customer Service is
available in Salesforce
• Enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles.
Classic and Lightning
• Enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets. Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning
2. Click an existing profile or permission set or create one.
3. In the Apps section, click Assigned Social Accounts.
Social Customer Service is
4. Click Edit. available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.


To administer Social
Customer Service:
• Manage Users
Customize Application

To create case feed items:

• Feed Tracking for All
Related Objects on the
Case object
To make attachment
download links public:
• Create Public Links

5. Assign the social accounts you need available to your users with this profile or permission set.

Important: All users must have the profile or permission set you chose or created in step 2.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

6. Save your changes.

7. Ensure that the profile or permission set has the correct field visibility.
• For profiles, from Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, select Profiles, then select the profile you chose or
created earlier. Next, in the Field Level Security section, select Social Post.
• For permission sets, from Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, select Permission Sets, then select
the permission set you chose or created earlier. Next, click Object Settings, and then select Social Post.

8. Click Edit. Under Field Permissions, ensure all fields available are set to Visible (not Read-Only) for profiles or Edit for permission sets.
9. Click Save.

Set Feed Tracking

To view social posts on a case, set feed tracking on cases. You can also set feed tracking for leads
when social posts create potential customers.
1. To create case feed items from social posts, you must enable Case Feed Tracking for All Related Social Customer Service is
Objects. available in Salesforce
See Set Up Cases for Salesforce Classic on page 26. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
Important: To create case feed items from social posts, you must enable Case Feed available in Lightning
Tracking for All Related Objects. Experience.

2. Optionally, set feed tracking on leads. Social Customer Service is

available in all editions with
From Setup, enter Feed Tracking in the Quick Find box, then select Feed Tracking the Service Cloud.
and ensure Enable Feed Tracking and All Related Objects are checked.
When a lead is converted to an account or contact, the social items in the feed are removed.

To administer Social
Customer Service:
• Manage Users
Customize Application

To create case feed items:

• Feed Tracking for All
Related Objects on the
Case object
To make attachment
download links public:
• Create Public Links

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Social Customer Service Setup Options

Optionally you can use quick text, give social agents access to your Salesforce Community, and turn
on history tracking for your social objects.
1. Set up quick text so agents can create ready-to-send responses to social networks. See Enable Social Customer Service is
Quick Text. available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Give social post read access to external community and portal users.
Experience. Service Setup is
There are 3 requirements to make social posts available in communities and portals. available in Lightning
• Ensure that the user has access to cases in the community. Experience.
• Give users read permission to social posts on their profiles. Social Customer Service is
• On your organization’s Social Post object, enable visibility to individual fields through the available in all editions with
field level security settings. the Service Cloud.

Note: Once these requirements are met, external users can see all social posts exposed
to them. For example, if a case or lead feed is exposed externally, all social posts in the USER PERMISSIONS
feed are visible. There is no way to limit visibility at the social post object level. To administer Social
Customer Service:
3. Turn on history tracking on for the Social Persona and Social Post objects for the first few months
• Manage Users
of using Social Customer Service. History tracking helps identify who made what changes when
and for differentiating between automatic and manual changes. AND
Customize Application

To create case feed items:

• Feed Tracking for All
Related Objects on the
Case object
To make attachment
download links public:
• Create Public Links

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

How to Reconnect a Social Account

Reconnect your social account for Social Customer Service.
Your social account can be disconnected from Social Customer Service if your social media network
provider’s connect, or token, has expired. Many providers have expiration policies of 60 to 90 days. Social Customer Service is
In addition, if your agents don’t publish social posts for 60 days, your account may be disconnected available in Salesforce
and you must reconnect it. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
Note: Social Customer Service can experience authentication errors, especially if Network available in Lightning
Access is enabled and you are using Social Customer Service with a Connected App. To avoid Experience.
authentication errors, add your Social Customer Service IP address to Network Access rules
in Setup. The Social Customer Service IP address can be found on the Login History page, Social Customer Service is
available in all editions with
also in Setup.
the Service Cloud.
1. From Setup, enter Social Media in the Quick Find box, then select Settings.
2. On the Social Accounts tab, click Reauthorize in the Action column. USER PERMISSIONS
The social network opens and asks you to authenticate the account. Once your account is
reauthenticated, you are returned to the Social Accounts tab. To administer Social
Customer Service:
• Manage Users
Set Up Social Customer Service Customize Application
Social Customer Service
To create case feed items:
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service • Feed Tracking for All
Related Objects on the
Case object
To send and receive social
media posts or messages:
• Case Feed enabled
Access to a social
Modify All on social

Tour the Social Conversations Component

When you add the Social Conversations component, agents can quickly get a sense of who the
customer is, context surrounding the case, and insight into previous interactions. The component
pulls information from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Social Customer Service is
Agents get information about the customer at a glance. available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
In addition to the current case, see up to 10 recently logged cases from the same customer—all in
Experience. Service Setup is
one place.
available in Lightning
View the customer’s social persona and verified status. The customer’s name, social media handle Experience.
and bio, followers, and influencer score are all part of the social persona.
Social Customer Service is
available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Note: The influencer score is only for Twitter. It’s a global measure of influence on a scale of 0–100. The calculated score leans
heavily toward reach and frequency. Other measures and ratios are considered to decrease blatant manipulation.
If the customer has a verified status, a verified badge is displayed. Verified status means that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube
has confirmed the brand, business, or public figure’s identity.
Author labels provide context for community management teams to understand who they’re dealing with. An agent can add author
labels to the social persona to add context and automation capabilities. If your marketing team uses Salesforce Social Studio, the Social
Studio author labels are shown here.
Is your customer feeling positive, negative, or neutral about your company? Check the customer’s sentiment temperature. The sentiment
temperature is based on whether most of the social posts in Salesforce are positive or negative. Total posts is the sum of all social posts
for this social persona in Salesforce, not from social media in general.
To expand or collapse a case, click the dropdown. The social post that created the case is marked as the first post. The parent post is the
social post that the customer replied to, which generated the case. The case number references the social post related to the case.
When Social Customer Service is set up, use the Lightning App builder to enable and customize the Social Conversations component.

Configure the Social Conversations Component

Use the Lightning App Builder to set up the Social Conversations component.
Social Customer Service must be enabled.
Social Customer Service is
1. From the agent console, click and select Edit Page, which takes you to the Lightning App
available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Enter Social Conversations in the Quick Find box, and navigate to the component. Experience. Service Setup is
3. Drag the Social Conversations component to the right side of the Lightning App Builder. A available in Lightning
three-column layout is recommended, with the Social Conversations component on the right.
4. Make sure that agents who use the Social Conversations component have Read Access Social Customer Service is
permission on all fields on the Social Persona and Case objects. To set field permissions on available in all editions with
permission sets and profiles, see Set Field Permissions in Permission Sets and Profiles. the Service Cloud.

5. Set field level security.

To ensure that agents have the correct field-level security, set the Social Persona and Social Post objects. All conversations component
users need this post visibility.
a. From Service Setup, enter Channels in the Quick Find box, then select Social Customer Service. Under Settings, select the
options that meet your needs.
b. To ensure that posts are approved before they are sent, select Enable approvals for social posts.
c. To map new posts to the parent post, which is the post that generated the case, select Enable retrieval of parent posts for
added context.

6. Set component visibility filters.

To ensure that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube posts are properly displayed in the conversations component, setting
component visibility filters is recommended.

Note: To display parent posts in the component, enable the org setting Enable retrieval of parent posts for added context.
Parent posts don’t display when this option isn’t selected.
a. From the agent console, return to the Lightning App Builder.
b. Under Set Component Visibility, click Add filter, then set the Field to Case Origin.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

c. Set the Operator to Equal and select one of the social media channels as the Value.

d. Create 4 filters, one for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Note: Set the filter logic toShow component when: Any filters are true.

Set Field Permissions in Permission Sets and Profiles

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Enable Social Post Approvals

Social care agents are both problem solvers for your consumers and the voice of your brand on
social networks like Facebook and Twitter. You can have guidelines so your agents write with a
consistent tone and syntax that's in line with your organization's social media strategy. For example, Social Customer Service is
you require social agents to sign their tweets in a standard manner, such as “~John.” available in Salesforce
Salesforce Admins can create approval processes and assign agents and approvers permissions Classic and Lightning
accordingly. Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Social Customer Service in the Quick Find box, then select Experience.
Social Customer Service is
2. Select Enable approvals for social posts.
available in all editions with
3. Build and activate approval processes for social posts using either the Jump Start Wizard or the the Service Cloud.
Standard Setup Wizard.

Important: The Jump Start Wizard is a streamlined way to create approval processes in USER PERMISSIONS
Salesforce. However, the Let the submitter choose the approver
manually option is not supported in the Jump Start Wizard. Choosing that option To administer Social
Customer Service:
results in an error later when an agent submits a post for approval.
• Manage Users
4. From Setup, go to Administer > Manage Users > Permission sets. AND
5. Create a new Permission Set. Name it Require Social Post Approvals. In App Customize Application
Permissions, check off the Require Social Post Approvals permission and
To create case feed items:
click Save.
• Feed Tracking for All
6. Assign the new Require Social Post Approvals user permission with a permission Related Objects on the
set to agents that need their posts reviewed before they are sent. Case object
When assigning user permissions, remember these two points. To make attachment
download links public:
• Because approving a post automatically submits it for publishing, approvers must have the
• Create Public Links
same access to social accounts as the agents whose work they're reviewing. Otherwise, the
posts they approve result in an error.
• If your user permissions include Require Social Post Approvals, then the submit button on the social publisher
always reads Submit for Approval rather than "Comment," "Tweet," or other words. This is true even if no active approval
process applies to the user. In that situation, clicking Submit for Approval publishes the social post normally since there is no
active approval process in effect.

For more information, see Create an Approval Process with the Standard Wizard, Prepare to Create an Approval Process, and Sample
Approval Processes.

Note: Currently, the Social Customer Service Approval Process does not fully support selective logic. Filtering approvals based
on crtieria such as social network or number of followers may not be successful.

Tip: If your agents work with social post record detail pages, rather than in the case feed, we recommend removing the approvals
related list from the page layout. The same page layout is shared between inbound and outbound social posts. Removing the

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

approvals related list avoids confusion when viewing an inbound post that is an invalid candidate for an approval process. Approvers
can still approve or reject posts through all other normal means such as email, Chatter, and list views.

Field History Tracking
Administer Social Customer Service
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Enable Moderation for Social Customer Service

Use moderation to triage incoming posts and only create cases for posts that are actionable requests
for help. Moderation helps your organization focus on real customer issues and avoid opening
unnecessary cases. Social Customer Service is
Not all posts require a case, for example, a complimentary tweet or post does not need agent available in Salesforce
assistance. However, when the default social customer service is configured, cases are automatically Classic and Lightning
created from each social post. Using moderation, agents can manage which posts get cases and Experience. Service Setup is
which are ignored. Moderation is enabled with a Social Studio Automate rule in your Social Studio available in Lightning
account to turn off automatic case creation. Experience.

Note: With the Starter Pack, you can select if you want cases created automatically when Social Customer Service is
available in all editions with
posts come from a particular social account with the Case Creation box on the Social Accounts
the Service Cloud.
1. From your Social Studio Automate account, click the Rules tab.
2. Create a rule, or use an existing one, to indicate that no case is created in Salesforce.
For example, the rule should have the following setup. To administer Social
Customer Service:
a. Action: send to Salesforce. • Manage Users
b. Create Case checkbox unchecked. AND

3. Save and enable your rule. Customize Application

Note: You can enable your rule for all social posts or only those coming from certain
managed accounts.

Case creation can also be customized by implementing a custom Apex case logic. To do so, from setup, enter Social Media in the
Quick Find box, then select Settings. See Modify the Default Apex Class.

Note: If you started using Social Customer Service before Spring ‘16 and have a custom Apex class, you may need update your
Apex class to benefit from the latest moderation features. If your custom Apex is extended from the default Apex class, you get
the update for the default apex functions you call. If your custom Apex isn’t extended from the default Apex class (you copied the
default and changed it), you must update manually.
To manually update your custom Apex class, add the following code and update your moderation social post list view.
1. Call this method directly before inserting the post, after all the relationships have been set on the post.
private void setModeration(SocialPost post){
//if we don't automatically create a case, we should flag the post as requiring
moderator review.
if(post.parentId == null)

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

post.reviewedStatus = 'Needed';

In the default Apex, see lines 50 and 61-65.

2. Update your moderation social post list filter from:

Parent EQUAL TO "" AND ReviewStatus NOT EQUAL TO "ignore"

Parent EQUAL TO "" AND ReviewStatus EQUAL TO "Needed"

To ensure that you don’t lose track of social posts currently in your moderation queue, make a list view with the new filter, and
switch to it once the new and old filters show the same results.

Field History Tracking
Administer Social Customer Service
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Enable Service Post Reply Without a Case

Often your customers are happy and want to let you know. No need to open a case just to thank
them on their social network of choice. The Social Publisher action is now available on the Social
Post object. Social Customer Service is
1. Enable Social Customer Service. If you’ve already set up Social Customer Service, disable it and available in Salesforce
then re-enable it. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Replying to a
2. Turn on Feed Tracking for Social Posts and enable All Related Objects.
service post without a case
3. Add the Social Publisher quick action to the Social Post page layout. is available in Lightning
4. Optionally, if you have a customized lightning page layout, manually drag the Chatter component Experience.
to the page layout. Social Customer Service is
Agents can reply to social posts from the detail page Chatter feed or from the list of social posts. available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.


To administer Social
Customer Service:
• Manage Users
Customize Application

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Create the Social Action Interface

The social action is created when you install Social Customer Service. You can add, remove, and
organize fields to suit your organization.
The social action is created when Social Customer Service is enabled. Social Customer Service is
available in Salesforce
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Button, Links, and Actions.
Classic and Lightning
2. Click Layout next to the social action. Experience. Service Setup is
3. Edit the desired fields. available in Lightning
Note: Changing field values could invalidate incoming posts against the Social Customer
Social Customer Service is
Service Apex class.
available in all editions with
To send social content, the social action must have the following fields: the Service Cloud.
• In Reply To
• Managed Social Account USER PERMISSIONS
• Message Type
To administer Social
• Content Customer Service:
• Manage Users
Important: The In Reply To field can’t be read only.
Headline and Name are required fields. To remove them, create a predefined value for Customize Application
each field and remove them from the action. See Set Predefined Field Values for Quick
Action Fields. To create case feed items:
• Feed Tracking for All
4. Click Save. Related Objects on the
Case object
5. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
To make attachment
6. In Case Page Layouts, click Edit next to Feed-Based Layout. download links public:
7. In the palette, click Quick Actions. • Create Public Links

8. Ensure that the social action is in the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher section
of the layout.
9. Optionally, repeat steps 5 through 8 for the Leads object to enable the social action on leads (from the object management settings
for leads, go to Page Layouts).

Field History Tracking
Administer Social Customer Service
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Format Case Content from Social Posts

Use Social Business Rules to automate how inbound social content is processed and appears to
support agents.
Once you enable Social Customer Service in Lightning Experience, you can choose how some Social Customer Service is
inbound social content is processed into cases without updating your org’s default Apex class. available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Social Business Rules in the Quick Find box, then select
Experience. Service Setup is
Social Business Rules.
available in Lightning
If Social Customer Service isn’t enabled, click Turn On Social Customer Service and complete Experience.
the steps in Set Up Social Customer Service.
Social Customer Service is
2. Under Case Subject, choose how inbound social content is formatted for cases’ Case Subject. available in all editions with
If you build your own format, select options from the dropdown lists, and click the Add or the Service Cloud.

Remove icons ( ) for your preferred order and combination. While you build your format,
it automatically appears as the Example under Build Your Own Format. USER PERMISSIONS

3. Click Save. To administer Social

Customer Service:
Keep the following in mind:
• Manage Users
• By default, the social post source is captured in Case Subject as defined by the Apex handler AND
class in your org.
Customize Application
• For social posts with reviews, review ratings appear in front of the social post source. For example,
4-Star • Tweet From Customer123. To create case feed items:
• While building your own format: • Feed Tracking for All
Related Objects on the
– You can add up to 255 characters for Custom Text and up to 100 Select an Option fields. Case object
– If you select Content, review ratings appear in front of the content. For example, 4-Star To make attachment
• I need help with my router. download links public:
– Review ratings always appear in front of Content and are separated with a dot, which you • Create Public Links
can’t change. For example, if you build Social Network | Message Type |
Content | Sentiment, Case Subject appears as Twitter | Tweet |
4-Star • Tweet From Customer123 | Neutral.

Administer Social Customer Service

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Modify the Default Apex Class

If you aren’t using the Starter Pack, you can customize the default Apex class to specify how inbound
social content is processed.

Note: You can’t modify the default Apex class if you are using the Starter Pack. The free Social Customer Service is
Starter Pack lets you simply connect up to two social accounts and Salesforce handles the available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
rest of the details, like a Social Studio account.
Experience. Service Setup is
The default Apex class for Social Customer Service creates a social post, social persona, case, contact, available in Lightning
and supports common use cases. To customize how information is processed, create an Apex class. Experience.
Important: If your agents use the Social Customer Service feature to send private messages Social Customer Service is
to Facebook users, prevent or resolve errors by upgrading your Apex classes to the latest available in all editions with
available version of the Salesforce API. In particular, the Apex class that inserts the post must the Service Cloud.
be version 32 or higher.
If you alter the default Apex class, be sure to select your new Apex class on the setup page, where
you can also see Apex processing errors. From Setup, enter Social Media in the Quick Find box, then select Settings. An
email is sent to the administrator when there are errors and, in most circumstances, the data is saved and can be reprocessed. If too
many errors are waiting for reprocessing, the Salesforce Social Studio Automate rules are automatically paused to ensure that social
content is not missed.
We have provided tests for the default Apex class. If you alter your Apex class, you must alter the tests accordingly.

Note: Social personas created after the Summer ‘15 release have a field indicating which social network created the persona:
Source App. This field is set on creation and is not updateable. If your organization uses custom Apex, update it to use this
field. Keep in mind that personas created before the Summer 15 release do not have the field. Also, every time new fields are added
to the social action you must update your Apex version or the new fields aren’t saved.
To create an Apex class, in Setup, enter Apex Classes in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes. You can use the
following code to:
• Support person accounts
• Designate a default account ID
• Change the number of days before closed cases are reopened
global class MyInboundSocialPostHandlerImpl extends
Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler {
global override SObject createPersonaParent(SocialPersona persona) {
String name = persona.Name;
if (persona.RealName != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.RealName))
name = persona.RealName;

String firstName = '';

String lastName = 'unknown';

if (name != null && String.isNotBlank(name)) {

firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');
if (lastName == null || String.isBlank(lastName))
lastName = firstName;

// You must have a default Person Account record type

Account acct = new Account (LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

insert acct;
return acct;

global override String getDefaultAccountId() {

return '<account ID>';

global override Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {

return 5;

You can use the following code to implement your own social customer service process.
global class MyInboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler {
global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,
SocialPersona persona, Map<String,Object> data) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

// Handle the post here

return result;

The default Apex class sets the contact as the persona parent. To set the persona parent as an account, person account, or lead, create
a method to override the persona parent.
If you want a post to go to the error queue, so errors are not lost, your custom Apex must do one of two things.
1. Bubble up an exception (recommended).
global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,
SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

// NOTE: You only need to catch the exception if

// you want to do additional clean up or logging
// independent of the Social error queue.
try {
// Handle the post here
} catch(Exception e){
// Log error and rethrow
System.debug(logginglevel.ERROR, 'Unable to insert post');
throw e;

return result;


Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

2. Set the success flag on the response object to false and send contents for the error message.
global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,
SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

try {
// Handle the post here
} catch(Exception e){
// Log exception, etc
result.setMessage('TO DO: Your error message goes here');

return result;

Default Apex Class Process
A visual diagram of an inbound post’s path through the default apex class.
Default Apex Class Reference
Social Customer Service’s full default Apex class code. The following Apex class is current as of the Spring '20 release.
Apex Tests for the Default Apex Class
Social Customer Service’s tests for the default Apex class code.
Data Populated into Social Objects for Social Customer Service
Details on which fields exist in the standard objects, Social Post and Social Persona, and which fields are currently populated by data
from Social Studio.
Default Apex Class History
Social Customer Service’s full default Apex class for prior releases.

Default Apex Class Process

A visual diagram of an inbound post’s path through the default apex class.

Social Customer Service is

available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning

Social Customer Service is

available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Default Apex Class Reference

Social Customer Service’s full default Apex class code. The following Apex class is current as of the
Spring '20 release.
For previous versions, see Default Apex Class History on page 723 Social Customer Service is
available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning

Social Customer Service is

available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.

global virtual class InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler


final static Integer CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH = SocialPost.Content.getDescribe().getLength();

final static Integer SUBJECT_MAX_LENGTH = Case.Subject.getDescribe().getLength();

Boolean isNewCaseCreated = false;

// Reopen case if it has not been closed for more than this number
global virtual Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {
return 5;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

// Create a case if one of these post tags are on the SocialPost, regardless of the
skipCreateCase indicator.
global virtual Set<String> getPostTagsThatCreateCase(){
return new Set<String>();

// If true, use the active case assignment rule if one is found

global virtual Boolean getUsingCaseAssignmentRule(){
return false;

global virtual String getDefaultAccountId() {

return null;

global virtual String getCaseSubject(SocialPost post) {

String caseSubject = post.Name;
if (hasReview(post)) {
String reviewStr = hasRecommendationReview(post) ?
getRecommendedReviewString(post) : getRatingString(post);
caseSubject = reviewStr + ' • ' + caseSubject;

return caseSubject;

global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

if ((post.Content != null) && (post.Content.length() > CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH)) {

post.Content = post.Content.abbreviate(CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH);

if (post.Id != null) {
handleExistingPost(post, persona);
return result;

setReplyTo(post, persona);
Case parentCase = buildParentCase(post, persona, rawData);
setRelationshipsOnPost(post, persona, parentCase);
setModeration(post, rawData);

upsert post;

updateCaseSource(post, parentCase);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

handlePostAttachments(post, rawData);

return result;

private void setModeration(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData){

//if we don't automatically create a case, we should flag the post as requiring
moderator review.
if(post.parentId == null && !isUnsentParent(rawData))
post.reviewedStatus = 'Needed';

private void updateCaseSource(SocialPost post, Case parentCase){

if(parentCase != null) {
parentCase.SourceId = post.Id;
//update as a new sobject to prevent undoing any changes done by insert triggers

update new Case(Id = parentCase.Id, SourceId = parentCase.SourceId);


private void handleExistingPost(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

List<SocialPost> existingPosts = [Select Recipient, IsOutbound from SocialPost where
id = :post.Id limit 1];

// for any existing outbound post, we don't overwrite its recipient field
if (!existingPosts.isEmpty() && existingPosts[0].IsOutBound == true &&
String.isNotBlank(existingPosts[0].Recipient)) {
post.Recipient = existingPosts[0].Recipient;

update post;
if ( != null)

private void setReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost replyTo = findReplyTo(post, persona);
if( != null) {
post.replyToId =;
post.replyTo = replyTo;

private SocialPersona buildPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona.Id == null)

return persona;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private void updatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (socialPersonaShouldBeUpdated(persona)){
update persona;
}catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('Error updating social persona: ' + e.getMessage());

private Case buildParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object>

if(!isUnsentParent(rawData)) {
Case parentCase = findParentCase(post, persona);
if (parentCase != null) {
if (!parentCase.IsClosed) {
return parentCase;
else if (caseShouldBeReopened(parentCase)) {
return parentCase;
if(shouldCreateCase(post, rawData)){
isNewCaseCreated = true;
return createCase(post, persona);

return null;

private boolean caseShouldBeReopened(Case c){

return != null && c.isClosed && c.closedDate != null && <

private boolean socialPersonaShouldBeUpdated(SocialPersona persona){

//Do not update if persona was updated within a day because SocialPersona doesn't
change often
SocialPersona p = [SELECT Id, LastModifiedDate FROM SocialPersona WHERE Id =
:persona.Id LIMIT 1];
return !((p.LastModifiedDate != null) && ( <

private void setRelationshipsOnPost(SocialPost postToUpdate, SocialPersona persona,

Case parentCase) {
if (persona.Id != null) {
postToUpdate.PersonaId = persona.Id;

if(persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() != SocialPost.sObjectType) {
postToUpdate.WhoId = persona.ParentId;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if(parentCase != null) {
postToUpdate.ParentId = parentCase.Id;

private Boolean hasReview(SocialPost post) {

return post.ReviewScore != null;

private Boolean hasRecommendationReview(SocialPost post) {

return post.ReviewScale == 1;

private String getRatingString(SocialPost post) {

Integer maxNumberOfStars = 5;
Double reviewScore = post.ReviewScore;
Double reviewScale = post.ReviewScale;
if (reviewScore == null) {
reviewScore = 0;
if (reviewScale == null) {
reviewScale = maxNumberOfStars;
Integer numberOfStars = Math.floor((reviewScore / reviewScale) *
return numberOfStars.format() + '-Star';

private String getRecommendedReviewString(SocialPost post) {

if (post.ReviewScore > 0) {
return Label.socialpostrecommendation.recommends;
} else {
return Label.socialpostrecommendation.doesnotrecommend;

private Case createCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

String caseSubject = getCaseSubject(post).abbreviate(SUBJECT_MAX_LENGTH);

Case newCase = new Case(subject = caseSubject);

if (persona != null && persona.ParentId != null) {
if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Contact.sObjectType) {
newCase.ContactId = persona.ParentId;
} else if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType) {
newCase.AccountId = persona.ParentId;
if (post != null && post.Provider != null) {
newCase.Origin = post.Provider;

if (getUsingCaseAssignmentRule()){

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

//Find the active assignment rules on case

AssignmentRule[] rules = [select id from AssignmentRule where SobjectType =
'Case' and Active = true limit 1];

if (rules.size() > 0){

//Creating the DMLOptions for "Assign using active assignment rules"
Database.DMLOptions dmlOpts = new Database.DMLOptions();
dmlOpts.assignmentRuleHeader.assignmentRuleId= rules[0].id;

//Setting the DMLOption on Case instance


insert newCase;
return newCase;

private Case findParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case parentCase = null;
if (!isChat(post) && (isReplyingToOutboundPost(post) &&
isSocialPostRecipientSameAsPersona(post.ReplyTo, persona)) ||
(!isReplyingToOutboundPost(post) && isReplyingToSelf(post,persona))) {
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPostReply(post);
if (isParentCaseValid(parentCase)) {
return parentCase;

parentCase = findParentCaseFromPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);

if (parentCase == null && isChat(post)) {
parentCase = findParentCaseOfChatFromPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
return parentCase;

private boolean isChat(SocialPost post) {

return post.messageType == 'Private' || post.messageType == 'Direct';

private boolean isParentCaseValid(Case parentCase) {

return parentCase != null && (!parentCase.IsClosed ||

private Case findParentCaseFromPostReply(SocialPost post) {

if (post.ReplyTo != null && String.isNotBlank(post.ReplyTo.ParentId)) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
Id = :post.ReplyTo.ParentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return null;

// reply to outbound post

private boolean isReplyingToOutboundPost(SocialPost post) {
return (post != null && post.ReplyTo != null && post.ReplyTo.IsOutbound);

// replyTo.recipient == inboundSocialPost.persona.externalId
private boolean isSocialPostRecipientSameAsPersona(SocialPost postWithRecipient,
SocialPersona persona) {
return (postWithRecipient != null && postWithRecipient.Recipient ==

// is replying to self
private boolean isReplyingToSelf(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {
return (post != null &&
persona != null &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) &&
post.ReplyTo != null &&
String.isNotBlank(post.ReplyTo.PersonaId) &&
post.ReplyTo.PersonaId ==;

private Case findParentCaseFromPersona(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost lastestInboundPostWithSamePersona =
findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersona(post, persona);
if (lastestInboundPostWithSamePersona != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestInboundPostWithSamePersona.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

private Case findParentCaseFromPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post, SocialPersona

persona) {
SocialPost lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient =
findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
if (lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

private Case findParentCaseOfChatFromPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post, SocialPersona

persona) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

SocialPost lastestReplyToPost =
findLatestOutboundReplyToPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
if (lastestReplyToPost != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestReplyToPost.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

private void reopenCase(Case parentCase) {

SObject[] status = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM CaseStatus WHERE IsClosed = false AND
IsDefault = true];
parentCase.Status = ((CaseStatus)status[0]).MasterLabel;
update parentCase;

private void matchPost(SocialPost post) {

if (post.Id != null) return;


if (post.Id == null){

private void performR6PostIdCheck(SocialPost post){

if(post.R6PostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE R6PostId =
:post.R6PostId LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private void performExternalPostIdCheck(SocialPost post) {

if (post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') return;
if (post.provider == null || post.externalPostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE ExternalPostId =
:post.ExternalPostId AND Provider = :post.provider LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private SocialPost findReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

if(post.replyToId != null && post.replyTo == null)
return findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(post);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if(post.responseContextExternalId != null){
if((post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') ||
(post.provider == 'Twitter' && post.messageType == 'Direct')) {
SocialPost replyTo =
if( != null)
return replyTo;
return findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(post);
return new SocialPost();

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId, Recipient
FROM SocialPost WHERE id = :post.replyToId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId, Recipient
FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND ExternalPostId =
:post.responseContextExternalId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnResponseContextExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND Recipient = :post.Recipient AND
responseContextExternalId = :post.responseContextExternalId ORDER BY posted DESC NULLS
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null &&
String.isNotBlank(post.Recipient)) {
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND Recipient = :post.Recipient AND PersonaId = AND IsOutbound
= false ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1];
if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];
return null;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private SocialPost findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersona(SocialPost post, SocialPersona

persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null) {
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND PersonaId = AND IsOutbound = false ORDER BY CreatedDate
if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];
return null;

private SocialPost findLatestOutboundReplyToPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost

post, SocialPersona persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null) {
List<ExternalSocialAccount> accounts = [SELECT Id FROM ExternalSocialAccount
WHERE ExternalAccountId = :post.Recipient];
if (!accounts.isEmpty()) {
ExternalSocialAccount account = accounts[0];
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND Recipient = :persona.ExternalId AND OutboundSocialAccountId =
:account.Id AND IsOutbound = true ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1];
if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];
return null;

private void matchPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona != null) {
List<SocialPersona> personaList = new List<SocialPersona>();
if (persona.Provider != 'Other') {
if (String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
Provider = :persona.Provider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
else if (String.isNotBlank(persona.Name)) {
//this is a best-effort attempt to match: persona.Name is not guaranteed
to be unique for all networks
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
Provider = :persona.Provider AND
Name = :persona.Name LIMIT 1];
else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)
&& String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&

String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
Name = :persona.Name LIMIT 1];

if (!personaList.isEmpty()) {
persona.Id = personaList[0].Id;
persona.ParentId = personaList[0].ParentId;

private void createPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona == null || String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) ||

SObject parent = createPersonaParent(persona);

persona.ParentId = parent.Id;
insert persona;

private boolean isThereEnoughInformationToCreatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

return String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.Provider) &&

private boolean shouldCreateCase(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData) {

return !isUnsentParent(rawData) && (!hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(rawData) ||

private boolean isUnsentParent(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Object unsentParent = rawData.get('unsentParent');
return unsentParent != null && 'true'.equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(unsentParent));

private boolean hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Object skipCreateCase = rawData.get('skipCreateCase');
return skipCreateCase != null &&

private boolean hasPostTagsThatCreateCase(SocialPost post){

Set<String> postTags = getPostTags(post);
return !postTags.isEmpty();

private Set<String> getPostTags(SocialPost post){

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Set<String> postTags = new Set<String>();

if(post.postTags != null)
postTags.addAll(post.postTags.split(',', 0));
return postTags;

global String getPersonaFirstName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String firstName = '';
if (name.contains(' ')) {
firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
firstName = firstName.abbreviate(40);
return firstName;

global String getPersonaLastName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String lastName = name;
if (name.contains(' ')) {
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');
lastName = lastName.abbreviate(80);
return lastName;

private String getPersonaName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = persona.Name.trim();
if (String.isNotBlank(persona.RealName)) {
name = persona.RealName.trim();
return name;

global virtual SObject createPersonaParent(SocialPersona persona) {

String firstName = getPersonaFirstName(persona);
String lastName = getPersonaLastName(persona);

Contact contact = new Contact(LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName);

String defaultAccountId = getDefaultAccountId();
if (defaultAccountId != null)
contact.AccountId = defaultAccountId;
insert contact;
return contact;

private void handlePostAttachments(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData) {

List<PostAttachment> attachments = rawData.containsKey('attachments') ?
JSON.deserialize(JSON.serialize(rawData.get('attachments')), List<PostAttachment>.class)
if (attachments != null && !attachments.isEmpty()) {
createAttachments(post, attachments);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

} else if (rawData.containsKey('mediaUrls')) {
List<LegacyPostAttachment> legacyAttachments = (List<LegacyPostAttachment>)
JSON.deserialize(JSON.serialize(rawData.get('mediaUrls')), List<LegacyPostAttachment>.class);

if (legacyAttachments != null && !legacyAttachments.isEmpty()) {

createLegacyAttachments(post, legacyAttachments);

private void createAttachments(SocialPost post, List<PostAttachment> attachments) {

List<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new List<ContentVersion>();
for(PostAttachment attachment : attachments) {
ContentVersion contentVersion = createAttachment(attachment);
if(contentVersion != null){

if (!contentVersions.isEmpty()) {
createLinksForAttachmentsToSocialPost(post, contentVersions);

private ContentVersion createAttachment(PostAttachment attachment){

List<PostAttachmentFacet> facets = attachment.facets;
if(facets != null && !facets.isEmpty()){
for(PostAttachmentFacet facet : facets) {
if(facet.url != null && String.isNotBlank(facet.url) && facet.url.length()
<= ContentVersion.ContentUrl.getDescribe().getLength()) {
ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion();
contentVersion.contentUrl = facet.url;
contentVersion.contentLocation = 'L';
return contentVersion;

// No valid facet, fall back to embeddedUrl

if(attachment.embeddedUrl != null && String.isNotBlank(attachment.embeddedUrl) &&
attachment.embeddedUrl.length() <= ContentVersion.ContentUrl.getDescribe().getLength()){

ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion();

contentVersion.contentUrl = attachment.embeddedUrl;
contentVersion.contentLocation = 'L';
return contentVersion;
return null;

private void createLinksForAttachmentsToSocialPost(SocialPost post, List<ContentVersion>

contentVersions) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

List<Id> versionIds = new List<Id>(new Map<Id,

List<ContentDocument> contentDocuments = [SELECT Id FROM ContentDocument WHERE
LatestPublishedVersionId IN :versionIds];
List<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocumentLinks = new List<ContentDocumentLink>();

for(ContentDocument contentDocument : contentDocuments) {

ContentDocumentLink contentDocLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
contentDocLink.contentDocumentId = contentDocument.Id;
contentDocLink.linkedEntityId = post.Id;
contentDocLink.shareType = 'I';
contentDocLink.visibility = 'AllUsers';
if (!contentDocumentLinks.isEmpty()) {

public class PostAttachment {

public String thumbnailUrl;
public String embeddedUrl;
public List<PostAttachmentFacet> facets;

public PostAttachment(String mediaType, String mediaUrl, List<PostAttachmentFacet>

facets) {
this.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl;
this.embeddedUrl = embeddedUrl;
this.facets = facets;

public class PostAttachmentFacet implements Comparable {

public String url;
public String mimeType;

public PostAttachmentFacet(String url, String mimeType){

this.url = url;
this.mimeType = mimeType;

public Integer compareTo(Object compareTo) {

PostAttachmentFacet compareToFacet = (PostAttachmentFacet)compareTo;
return getMimetypeValue(mimeType) - getMimetypeValue(compareToFacet.mimeType);

private Integer getMimetypeValue(String mimetype){

final List<String> typePreference = new List<String> {'video', 'audio', 'image',
'text', 'application'};
// Prefer known mimetype than null
if(mimetype == null || String.isBlank(mimetype))
return typePreference.size();
String type = getTypeFromMimeType(mimetype);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if(type != null && String.isNotBlank(type) &&

return typePreference.indexOf(type);
return typePreference.size();

private String getTypeFromMimeType(String mimetype) {

if(mimetype.contains('/')) {
return mimetype.substring(0, mimetype.indexOf('/'));
return null;

private void createLegacyAttachments(SocialPost post, List<LegacyPostAttachment>

attachments) {
List<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new List<ContentVersion>();
for(LegacyPostAttachment attachment : attachments) {
if (String.isNotBlank(attachment.mediaUrl) && attachment.mediaUrl != null &&
attachment.mediaUrl.length() <= ContentVersion.ContentUrl.getDescribe().getLength()) {
ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion();
contentVersion.contentUrl = attachment.mediaUrl;
contentVersion.contentLocation = 'L';
if (!contentVersions.isEmpty()) {
createLinksForLegacyAttachmentsToSocialPost(post, contentVersions);

private void createLinksForLegacyAttachmentsToSocialPost(SocialPost post,

List<ContentVersion> contentVersions) {
List<Id> versionIds = new List<Id>(new Map<Id,
List<ContentDocument> contentDocuments = [SELECT Id FROM ContentDocument WHERE
LatestPublishedVersionId IN :versionIds];
List<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocumentLinks = new List<ContentDocumentLink>();

for(ContentDocument contentDocument : contentDocuments) {

ContentDocumentLink contentDocLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
contentDocLink.contentDocumentId = contentDocument.Id;
contentDocLink.linkedEntityId = post.Id;
contentDocLink.shareType = 'I';
contentDocLink.visibility = 'AllUsers';
if (!contentDocumentLinks.isEmpty()) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

public class LegacyPostAttachment {

public String mediaType;
public String mediaUrl;

public LegacyPostAttachment(String mediaType, String mediaUrl) {

this.mediaType = mediaType;
this.mediaUrl = mediaUrl;

Apex Tests for the Default Apex Class

Social Customer Service’s tests for the default Apex class code.

Social Customer Service is

available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning

Social Customer Service is

available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.

public class InboundSocialPostHandlerImplTest {

static Map<String, Object> sampleSocialData;

static Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl handler;

static {
handler = new Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl();
sampleSocialData = getSampleSocialData('1');

static testMethod void verifyNewRecordCreation() {

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not
linked to the Case.');

static testMethod void matchSocialPostRecord() {

SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.R6PostId = existingPost.R6PostId;
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost].size(), 'There should be only

1 post');

static testMethod void matchSocialPersonaRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);
persona.ExternalId = existingPersona.ExternalId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

linked to the Case.');


static testMethod void matchCaseRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case');

insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
String recipient = 'scs';
existingPost.recipient = recipient;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;
post.Recipient = recipient;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked
to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1

static testMethod void reopenClosedCase() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case',
Status = 'Closed');
insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
String recipient = 'scs';

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

existingPost.recipient = recipient;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;
post.Recipient = recipient;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked
to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1
System.assertEquals(false, [SELECT Id, IsClosed FROM Case WHERE Id =
:existingCase.Id].IsClosed, 'Case should be open.');

static SocialPost getSocialPost(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

SocialPost post = new SocialPost();
post.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('source'));
post.Content = String.valueOf(socialData.get('content'));
post.Posted = Date.valueOf(String.valueOf(socialData.get('postDate')));
post.PostUrl = String.valueOf(socialData.get('postUrl'));
post.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
post.MessageType = String.valueOf(socialData.get('messageType'));
post.ExternalPostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalPostId'));
post.R6PostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('r6PostId'));
return post;

static SocialPersona getSocialPersona(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

SocialPersona persona = new SocialPersona();
persona.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('author'));
persona.RealName = String.valueOf(socialData.get('realName'));
persona.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.MediaProvider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.ExternalId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalUserId'));
return persona;

static Map<String, Object> getSampleSocialData(String suffix) {

Map<String, Object> socialData = new Map<String, Object>();
socialData.put('r6PostId', 'R6PostId' + suffix);
socialData.put('r6SourceId', 'R6SourceId' + suffix);
socialData.put('postTags', null);
socialData.put('externalPostId', 'ExternalPostId' + suffix);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

socialData.put('content', 'Content' + suffix);

socialData.put('postDate', '2015-01-12T12:12:12Z');
socialData.put('mediaType', 'Twitter');
socialData.put('author', 'Author');
socialData.put('skipCreateCase', false);
socialData.put('mediaProvider', 'TWITTER');
socialData.put('externalUserId', 'ExternalUserId');
socialData.put('postUrl', 'PostUrl' + suffix);
socialData.put('messageType', 'Tweet');
socialData.put('source', 'Source' + suffix);
socialData.put('replyToExternalPostId', null);
socialData.put('realName', 'Real Name');
return socialData;

Data Populated into Social Objects for Social Customer Service

Details on which fields exist in the standard objects, Social Post and Social Persona, and which fields
are currently populated by data from Social Studio.
When Social Studio is configured to work with Social Customer Service (SCS), Social Studio sends Social Customer Service is
data to Salesforce in raw format. The data is then decoded by the SCS data intake system and available in Salesforce
appended to two standard Salesforce objects: Social Post and Social Persona. Social Post contains Classic and Lightning
information that is post-specific (posts in this context encompass tweets, Twitter direct messages, Experience. Service Setup is
Facebook posts, comments, comment replies, and so on). Social Persona stores social identity available in Lightning
information gleaned from the author information on posts received by SCS. Experience.

Note: If you’ve modified the default Apex class, you may experience alternate mappings. Social Customer Service is
available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.
Social Post
The following fields exist on the Social Post object.

Table 24: Social Post Fields

Salesforce Field Data Value from Social Sample Data Notes
AssignedTo assignedTo “Joe Smith” (user in Social Not updated
Studio, not Salesforce)

Analyzer Score analyzerScore 5 Score set on a post in the R6


Attachment Type mediaUrls array Image, Video Populated by SCS when new
data arrives in Salesforce - only
the first attachment is mapped

Attachment URL mediaUrls array http://some.domain/image.jpg Populated by SCS when new

data arrives in Salesforce - only
the first attachment is mapped.

Classification classification [Custom value] Populated as admin defines

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Salesforce Field Data Value from Social Sample Data Notes

CommentCount commentCount N/A Not updated

Content content Apple teases the new Mac Pro, The actual content of the Social
what do you think post

ExternalPostId externalPostId 1111222233334444 Native Social Network Id

Handle author thehotclothes N/A

HarvestDate harvestDate 2013-06-11T13:07:00Z Date post collected by Social


Headline source N/A Not updated

Id salesforcePostId 12345678912345 Populated within Salesforce

InboundLinkCount inboundLinkCount N/A Not updated

IsOutbound N/A Yes/No Populated within Salesforce

KeywordGroupName keywordGroupName N/A Not updated

Language language English Populated in SCS

LikesAndVotes likesAndVotes N/A Not updated

MediaProvider mediaProvider TWITTER Social network

MediaType mediaType Twitter Social network

MessageType messageType Tweet Possible values:

• Twitter: Tweet, Reply, Direct
• Facebook: Post, Comment,
Reply, Private

Name source TWEET FROM: mysamplehandle System generated by Social


OutboundSocialAccount N/A Northern Trails Outfitters Populated with Social Account

used to publish - only for
outbound posts

Parent N/A 00001728 (linked) Populated with parent case

number if Post associated with

Persona N/A Sample Persona Populated with author Social

Persona if one exists

Posted postDate 2013-06-11T13:07:00Z Date-time published on social


PostPriority postPriority High Priority set within Social Studio.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Salesforce Field Data Value from Social Sample Data Notes

PostTags postTags post tag 1, post tag 2 Tags are comma-separated.

PostUrl postUrl htp/:/ Link to source post

Provider mediaProvider Twitter Set to social network.

R6PostId r6PostId 12345678 Native Social Studio post ID.

R6SourceId r6SourceId 1234 Native Social Studio ID for


R6TopicId r6TopicId 1234567890 Native Social Studio ID for either

topic profile or managed

Recipient recipientId 12345678912345 Native ID of recipient on social


RecipientType recipientType Person N/A

ReplyTo N/A Another Social Post (linked) Dynamically filled by Salesforce

logic based on
replyToExternalPostId from
Social Studio

Sentiment sentiment Neutral N/A

Shares shares N/A Not updated

AuthorLabels authorLabels author label 1, author label 2 Author labels used to track types
of authors

SpamRating spamRating NotSpam N/A

Status status N/A Not updated

StatusMessage statusMessage N/A Not updated

ThreadSize threadSize N/A Not updated

TopicProfileName topicProfileName @my_handle Name of TP in Social

TopicType topicType Keyword | Managed Whether a topic profile or

managed account.

UniqueCommentors uniqueCommentors N/A Not updated

ViewCount viewCount N/A Not updated

Who N/A Polymorphic relationship Can be several other types of

records, including Lead, Linked,
and so on.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Social Persona
The following fields exist on the Social Persona object.

Note: The Social Persona object is only updated when you get a post from someone with an existing persona record. Social
Persona is not updated via a parallel process. These updates are made 24 hours or more after the previous update, with no more
than one per day. Additionally, these updates are part of the inbound apex handler; if a custom apex has been implemented, you
can decide the update behavior and frequency.

Table 25: Social Persona Fields

Salesforce Field Data Value from Social Sample Data Notes
AreWeFollowing areWeFollowing N/A Not updated

Bio bio Sample Twitter biography N/A

ExternalId externalUserId 1234567890 N/A

ExternalPictureURL profileIconUrl http://some.domain/image.jpg N/A

Followers followers 290 N/A

Following following 116 N/A

IsBlacklisted isBlacklisted N/A Not updated

IsDefault N/A true/false Specifies if this record is used to

get the avatar image that is
displayed on the
contact/account. It's used by
Social Contacts.N/A

IsFollowingUs isFollowingUs N/A Not updated

Klout kloutScore N/A Not updated

ListedCount listed 4 N/A

MediaProvider mediaProvider Twitter, Facebook and so on. Social network of profile

MediaType mediaType Twitter N/A

Name author Joe Smith N/A

NumberOfFriends friends N/A Not updated

NumberOfTweets tweets 59546 N/A

Parent N/A Contact Name (linked) Social Persona by default parents

to a contact.

ProfileType authorType Person N/A

ProfileUrl profileUrl N/A

Provider mediaProvider other Similar to mediaType but allows

fewer values.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Salesforce Field Data Value from Social Sample Data Notes

R6SourceId r6SourceId 123456789 Native ID for author

RealName realName Joe Smith N/A

TopicType topicType Keyword or Managed N/A

More Data from Social Studio

In addition to the data noted above, certain fields come in the raw data from Social Studio but are not automatically mapped to fields
within the Social Post and Social Persona objects. You can access these fields through Visualforce or Apex.

Table 26: More Data Fields from Social Studio

Raw Data Field Notes
authorTags String

classifiers Classifier[]

createLead Boolean

firstName String

jobId String

lastName String

mediaUrls Raw data comes through as an array of all attachments. SCS

matches the first attachment with a known type (image|video) to
SocialPost.AttachmentType and SocialPost.AttachmentURL

originalAvatar String

originalFullName String

originalScreenName String

origins String

privacy String

r6ParentPostId Long

recipientId String

replyToExternalPostId Raw data used to look up ‘In Reply To’ Social Post but field not
directly written into Social Post

skipCreateCase Used for the moderation feature introduced in the Summer ‘14
release; if Yes, SCS skips case creation in the default logic. This field
can also be used in customer-specific logic

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Default Apex Class History

Social Customer Service’s full default Apex class for prior releases.
For the current release, see Default Apex Class Reference on page 699
Social Customer Service is
available in Salesforce
Default Apex Class and Test for Spring ‘18
Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
available in Lightning

Social Customer Service is

available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.

global virtual class InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler


final static Integer CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH = SocialPost.Content.getDescribe().getLength();

final static Integer SUBJECT_MAX_LENGTH = Case.Subject.getDescribe().getLength();

Boolean isNewCaseCreated = false;

// Reopen case if it has not been closed for more than this number
global virtual Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {
return 5;

// Create a case if one of these post labels are on the SocialPost, regardless of the
skipCreateCase indicator.
global virtual Set<String> getPostTagsThatCreateCase(){
return new Set<String>();

// If true, use the active case assignment rule if one is found

global virtual Boolean getUsingCaseAssignmentRule(){
return false;

global virtual String getDefaultAccountId() {

return null;

global virtual String getCaseSubject(SocialPost post) {

String caseSubject = post.Name;
if (hasReview(post)) {
String ratingsStr = getRatingString(post);
caseSubject = ratingsStr + ' • ' + caseSubject;

return caseSubject;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

if ((post.Content != null) && (post.Content.length() > CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH)) {

post.Content = post.Content.abbreviate(CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH);

if (post.Id != null) {
handleExistingPost(post, persona);
return result;

setReplyTo(post, persona);
Case parentCase = buildParentCase(post, persona, rawData);
setRelationshipsOnPost(post, persona, parentCase);
setModeration(post, rawData);

upsert post;

updateCaseSource(post, parentCase);

handlePostAttachments(post, rawData);

return result;

private void setModeration(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData){

//if we don't automatically create a case, we should flag the post as requiring
moderator review.
if(post.parentId == null && !isUnsentParent(rawData))
post.reviewedStatus = 'Needed';

private void updateCaseSource(SocialPost post, Case parentCase){

if(parentCase != null) {
parentCase.SourceId = post.Id;
//update as a new sobject to prevent undoing any changes done by insert triggers

update new Case(Id = parentCase.Id, SourceId = parentCase.SourceId);


private void handleExistingPost(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

List<SocialPost> existingPosts = [Select Recipient, IsOutbound from SocialPost where
id = :post.Id limit 1];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

// for any existing outbound post, we don't overwrite its recipient field
if (!existingPosts.isEmpty() && existingPosts[0].IsOutBound == true &&
String.isNotBlank(existingPosts[0].Recipient)) {
post.Recipient = existingPosts[0].Recipient;

update post;
if ( != null)

private void setReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost replyTo = findReplyTo(post, persona);
if( != null) {
post.replyToId =;
post.replyTo = replyTo;

private SocialPersona buildPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona.Id == null)

return persona;

private void updatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

update persona;
}catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('Error updating social persona: ' + e.getMessage());

private Case buildParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object>

if(!isUnsentParent(rawData)) {
Case parentCase = findParentCase(post, persona);
if (parentCase != null) {
if (!parentCase.IsClosed) {
return parentCase;
else if (caseShouldBeReopened(parentCase)) {
return parentCase;
if(shouldCreateCase(post, rawData)){
isNewCaseCreated = true;
return createCase(post, persona);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return null;

private boolean caseShouldBeReopened(Case c){

return != null && c.isClosed && <

private void setRelationshipsOnPost(SocialPost postToUpdate, SocialPersona persona,

Case parentCase) {
if (persona.Id != null) {
postToUpdate.PersonaId = persona.Id;

if(persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() != SocialPost.sObjectType) {
postToUpdate.WhoId = persona.ParentId;
if(parentCase != null) {
postToUpdate.ParentId = parentCase.Id;

private Boolean hasReview(SocialPost post) {

return post.ReviewScore != null;

private String getRatingString(SocialPost post) {

Integer maxNumberOfStars = 5;
Double reviewScore = post.ReviewScore;
Double reviewScale = post.ReviewScale;
if (reviewScore == null) {
reviewScore = 0;
if (reviewScale == null) {
reviewScale = maxNumberOfStars;
Integer numberOfStars = Math.floor((reviewScore / reviewScale) *
return numberOfStars.format() + '-Star';

private Case createCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

String caseSubject = getCaseSubject(post).abbreviate(SUBJECT_MAX_LENGTH);

Case newCase = new Case(subject = caseSubject);

if (persona != null && persona.ParentId != null) {
if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Contact.sObjectType) {
newCase.ContactId = persona.ParentId;
} else if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType) {
newCase.AccountId = persona.ParentId;
if (post != null && post.Provider != null) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

newCase.Origin = post.Provider;

if (getUsingCaseAssignmentRule()){
//Find the active assignment rules on case
AssignmentRule[] rules = [select id from AssignmentRule where SobjectType =
'Case' and Active = true limit 1];

if (rules.size() > 0){

//Creating the DMLOptions for "Assign using active assignment rules"
Database.DMLOptions dmlOpts = new Database.DMLOptions();
dmlOpts.assignmentRuleHeader.assignmentRuleId= rules[0].id;

//Setting the DMLOption on Case instance


insert newCase;
return newCase;

private Case findParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case parentCase = null;
if (!isChat(post) && (isReplyingToOutboundPost(post) &&
isSocialPostRecipientSameAsPersona(post.ReplyTo, persona)) ||
(!isReplyingToOutboundPost(post) && isReplyingToSelf(post,persona))) {
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPostReply(post);
if (isParentCaseValid(parentCase)) {
return parentCase;

parentCase = findParentCaseFromPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);

if (parentCase == null && isChat(post)) {
parentCase = findParentCaseOfChatFromPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
return parentCase;

private boolean isChat(SocialPost post) {

return post.messageType == 'Private' || post.messageType == 'Direct';

private boolean isParentCaseValid(Case parentCase) {

return parentCase != null && (!parentCase.IsClosed ||

private Case findParentCaseFromPostReply(SocialPost post) {

if (post.ReplyTo != null && String.isNotBlank(post.ReplyTo.ParentId)) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
Id = :post.ReplyTo.ParentId LIMIT 1];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

// reply to outbound post

private boolean isReplyingToOutboundPost(SocialPost post) {
return (post != null && post.ReplyTo != null && post.ReplyTo.IsOutbound);

// replyTo.recipient == inboundSocialPost.persona.externalId
private boolean isSocialPostRecipientSameAsPersona(SocialPost postWithRecipient,
SocialPersona persona) {
return (postWithRecipient != null && postWithRecipient.Recipient ==

// is replying to self
private boolean isReplyingToSelf(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {
return (post != null &&
persona != null &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) &&
post.ReplyTo != null &&
String.isNotBlank(post.ReplyTo.PersonaId) &&
post.ReplyTo.PersonaId ==;

private Case findParentCaseFromPersona(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost lastestInboundPostWithSamePersona =
findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersona(post, persona);
if (lastestInboundPostWithSamePersona != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestInboundPostWithSamePersona.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

private Case findParentCaseFromPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post, SocialPersona

persona) {
SocialPost lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient =
findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
if (lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private Case findParentCaseOfChatFromPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post, SocialPersona

persona) {
SocialPost lastestReplyToPost =
findLatestOutboundReplyToPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
if (lastestReplyToPost != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestReplyToPost.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

private void reopenCase(Case parentCase) {

SObject[] status = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM CaseStatus WHERE IsClosed = false AND
IsDefault = true];
parentCase.Status = ((CaseStatus)status[0]).MasterLabel;
update parentCase;

private void matchPost(SocialPost post) {

if (post.Id != null) return;


if (post.Id == null){

private void performR6PostIdCheck(SocialPost post){

if(post.R6PostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE R6PostId =
:post.R6PostId LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private void performExternalPostIdCheck(SocialPost post) {

if (post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') return;
if (post.provider == null || post.externalPostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE ExternalPostId =
:post.ExternalPostId AND Provider = :post.provider LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private SocialPost findReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

if(post.replyToId != null && post.replyTo == null)
return findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(post);
if(post.responseContextExternalId != null){
if((post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') ||
(post.provider == 'Twitter' && post.messageType == 'Direct')){
SocialPost replyTo =
if( != null)
return replyTo;
return findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(post);
return new SocialPost();

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId, Recipient
FROM SocialPost WHERE id = :post.replyToId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId, Recipient
FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND ExternalPostId =
:post.responseContextExternalId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnResponseContextExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND responseContextExternalId =
:post.responseContextExternalId ORDER BY posted DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null &&
String.isNotBlank(post.Recipient)) {
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND Recipient = :post.Recipient AND PersonaId = AND IsOutbound
= false ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1];
if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return null;

private SocialPost findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersona(SocialPost post, SocialPersona

persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null) {
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND PersonaId = AND IsOutbound = false ORDER BY CreatedDate
if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];
return null;

private SocialPost findLatestOutboundReplyToPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost

post, SocialPersona persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null) {
List<ExternalSocialAccount> accounts = [SELECT Id FROM ExternalSocialAccount
WHERE ExternalAccountId = :post.Recipient];
if (!accounts.isEmpty()) {
ExternalSocialAccount account = accounts[0];
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND Recipient = :persona.ExternalId AND OutboundSocialAccountId =
:account.Id AND IsOutbound = true ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1];
if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];
return null;

private void matchPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona != null) {
List<SocialPersona> personaList = new List<SocialPersona>();
if (persona.Provider != 'Other') {
if (String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
Provider = :persona.Provider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
else if (String.isNotBlank(persona.Name)) {
//this is a best-effort attempt to match: persona.Name is not guaranteed
to be unique for all networks
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
Provider = :persona.Provider AND
Name = :persona.Name LIMIT 1];
else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)
&& String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE

MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
Name = :persona.Name LIMIT 1];

if (!personaList.isEmpty()) {
persona.Id = personaList[0].Id;
persona.ParentId = personaList[0].ParentId;

private void createPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona == null || String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) ||

SObject parent = createPersonaParent(persona);

persona.ParentId = parent.Id;
insert persona;

private boolean isThereEnoughInformationToCreatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

return String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.Provider) &&

private boolean shouldCreateCase(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData) {

return !isUnsentParent(rawData) && (!hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(rawData) ||

private boolean isUnsentParent(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Object unsentParent = rawData.get('unsentParent');
return unsentParent != null && 'true'.equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(unsentParent));

private boolean hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Object skipCreateCase = rawData.get('skipCreateCase');
return skipCreateCase != null &&

private boolean hasPostTagsThatCreateCase(SocialPost post){

Set<String> postTags = getPostTags(post);
return !postTags.isEmpty();

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private Set<String> getPostTags(SocialPost post){

Set<String> postTags = new Set<String>();
if(post.postTags != null)
postTags.addAll(post.postTags.split(',', 0));
return postTags;

global String getPersonaFirstName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String firstName = '';
if (name.contains(' ')) {
firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
firstName = firstName.abbreviate(40);
return firstName;

global String getPersonaLastName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String lastName = name;
if (name.contains(' ')) {
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');
lastName = lastName.abbreviate(80);
return lastName;

private String getPersonaName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = persona.Name.trim();
if (String.isNotBlank(persona.RealName)) {
name = persona.RealName.trim();
return name;

global virtual SObject createPersonaParent(SocialPersona persona) {

String firstName = getPersonaFirstName(persona);
String lastName = getPersonaLastName(persona);

Contact contact = new Contact(LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName);

String defaultAccountId = getDefaultAccountId();
if (defaultAccountId != null)
contact.AccountId = defaultAccountId;
insert contact;
return contact;

private void handlePostAttachments(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData) {

String attachmentRawData = JSON.serialize(rawData.get('mediaUrls'));
if (String.isNotBlank(attachmentRawData)) {
List<PostAttachment> attachments = (List<PostAttachment>)
JSON.deserialize(attachmentRawData, List<PostAttachment>.class);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if (attachments != null && !attachments.isEmpty()) {

createAttachments(post, attachments);

private void createAttachments(SocialPost post, List<PostAttachment> attachments) {

List<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new List<ContentVersion>();
for(PostAttachment attachment : attachments) {
if (String.isNotBlank(attachment.mediaUrl) && attachment.mediaUrl != null &&
attachment.mediaUrl.length() <= ContentVersion.ContentUrl.getDescribe().getLength()) {
ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion();
contentVersion.contentUrl = attachment.mediaUrl;
contentVersion.contentLocation = 'L';
if (!contentVersions.isEmpty()) {
createLinksForAttachmentsToSocialPost(post, contentVersions);

private void createLinksForAttachmentsToSocialPost(SocialPost post, List<ContentVersion>

contentVersions) {
List<Id> versionIds = new List<Id>(new Map<Id,
List<ContentDocument> contentDocuments = [SELECT Id FROM ContentDocument WHERE
LatestPublishedVersionId IN :versionIds];
List<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocumentLinks = new List<ContentDocumentLink>();

for(ContentDocument contentDocument : contentDocuments) {

ContentDocumentLink contentDocLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
contentDocLink.contentDocumentId = contentDocument.Id;
contentDocLink.linkedEntityId = post.Id;
contentDocLink.shareType = 'I';
contentDocLink.visibility = 'AllUsers';
if (!contentDocumentLinks.isEmpty()) {

public class PostAttachment {

public String mediaType;
public String mediaUrl;

public PostAttachment(String mediaType, String mediaUrl) {

this.mediaType = mediaType;
this.mediaUrl = mediaUrl;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

public class InboundSocialPostHandlerImplTest {

static Map<String, Object> sampleSocialData;

static Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl handler;

static {
handler = new Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl();
sampleSocialData = getSampleSocialData('1');

static testMethod void verifyNewRecordCreation() {

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not
linked to the Case.');

static testMethod void matchSocialPostRecord() {

SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.R6PostId = existingPost.R6PostId;
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost].size(), 'There should be only

1 post');

static testMethod void matchSocialPersonaRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);
persona.ExternalId = existingPersona.ExternalId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not
linked to the Case.');

static testMethod void matchCaseRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case');

insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1

static testMethod void reopenClosedCase() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case',
Status = 'Closed');
insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked
to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1
System.assertEquals(false, [SELECT Id, IsClosed FROM Case WHERE Id =
:existingCase.Id].IsClosed, 'Case should be open.');

static SocialPost getSocialPost(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

SocialPost post = new SocialPost();
post.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('source'));
post.Content = String.valueOf(socialData.get('content'));
post.Posted = Date.valueOf(String.valueOf(socialData.get('postDate')));
post.PostUrl = String.valueOf(socialData.get('postUrl'));
post.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
post.MessageType = String.valueOf(socialData.get('messageType'));
post.ExternalPostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalPostId'));

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

post.R6PostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('r6PostId'));
return post;

static SocialPersona getSocialPersona(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

SocialPersona persona = new SocialPersona();
persona.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('author'));
persona.RealName = String.valueOf(socialData.get('realName'));
persona.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.MediaProvider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.ExternalId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalUserId'));
return persona;

static Map<String, Object> getSampleSocialData(String suffix) {

Map<String, Object> socialData = new Map<String, Object>();
socialData.put('r6PostId', 'R6PostId' + suffix);
socialData.put('r6SourceId', 'R6SourceId' + suffix);
socialData.put('postTags', null);
socialData.put('externalPostId', 'ExternalPostId' + suffix);
socialData.put('content', 'Content' + suffix);
socialData.put('postDate', '2015-01-12T12:12:12Z');
socialData.put('mediaType', 'Twitter');
socialData.put('author', 'Author');
socialData.put('skipCreateCase', false);
socialData.put('mediaProvider', 'TWITTER');
socialData.put('externalUserId', 'ExternalUserId');
socialData.put('postUrl', 'PostUrl' + suffix);
socialData.put('messageType', 'Tweet');
socialData.put('source', 'Source' + suffix);
socialData.put('replyToExternalPostId', null);
socialData.put('realName', 'Real Name');
return socialData;

Default Apex Class and Test for Spring ‘16

global virtual class InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler

final static Integer CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH = 32000;

Boolean isNewCaseCreated = false;

// Reopen case if it has not been closed for more than this number
global virtual Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {
return 5;

// Create a case if one of these post labels are on the SocialPost, regardless of the
skipCreateCase indicator.
global virtual Set<String> getPostTagsThatCreateCase(){
return new Set<String>();

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

global virtual String getDefaultAccountId() {

return null;

global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

if ((post.Content != null) && (post.Content.length() > CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH)) {

post.Content = post.Content.abbreviate(CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH);

if (post.Id != null) {
handleExistingPost(post, persona);
return result;

setReplyTo(post, persona);
Case parentCase = buildParentCase(post, persona, rawData);
setRelationshipsOnPost(post, persona, parentCase);

upsert post;

updateCaseSource(post, parentCase);

return result;

private void setModeration(SocialPost post){

//if we don't automatically create a case, we should flag the post as requiring
moderator review.
if(post.parentId == null)
post.reviewedStatus = 'Needed';

private void updateCaseSource(SocialPost post, Case parentCase){

if(parentCase != null) {
parentCase.SourceId = post.Id;
update parentCase;

private void handleExistingPost(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

update post;
if ( != null)

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


private void setReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost replyTo = findReplyTo(post, persona);
if( != null) {
post.replyToId =;
post.replyTo = replyTo;

private SocialPersona buildPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona.Id == null)

return persona;

private void updatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

update persona;
}catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('Error updating social persona: ' + e.getMessage());

private Case buildParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object>

Case parentCase = findParentCase(post, persona);
if (parentCase != null) {
if (!parentCase.IsClosed) {
return parentCase;
else if (caseShouldBeReopened(parentCase)) {
return parentCase;
if(shouldCreateCase(post, rawData)){
isNewCaseCreated = true;
return createCase(post, persona);

return null;

private boolean caseShouldBeReopened(Case c){

return != null && c.isClosed && <

private void setRelationshipsOnPost(SocialPost postToUpdate, SocialPersona persona,

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Case parentCase) {
if (persona.Id != null) {
postToUpdate.PersonaId = persona.Id;

if(persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() != SocialPost.sObjectType) {
postToUpdate.WhoId = persona.ParentId;
if(parentCase != null) {
postToUpdate.ParentId = parentCase.Id;

private Case createCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case newCase = new Case(subject = post.Name);
if (persona != null && persona.ParentId != null) {
if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Contact.sObjectType) {
newCase.ContactId = persona.ParentId;
} else if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType) {
newCase.AccountId = persona.ParentId;
if (post != null && post.Provider != null) {
newCase.Origin = post.Provider;
insert newCase;
return newCase;

private Case findParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case parentCase = null;
if (post.ReplyTo != null && !isReplyingToAnotherCustomer(post, persona) &&
!isChat(post)) {
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPostReply(post);
if (parentCase == null) {
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPersona(post, persona);
return parentCase;

private boolean isReplyingToAnotherCustomer(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona){

return !post.ReplyTo.IsOutbound && post.ReplyTo.PersonaId != persona.Id;

private boolean isChat(SocialPost post){

return post.messageType == 'Private' || post.messageType == 'Direct';

private Case findParentCaseFromPostReply(SocialPost post) {

if (post.ReplyTo != null && String.isNotBlank(post.ReplyTo.ParentId)) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
Id = :post.ReplyTo.ParentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return cases[0];
return null;

private Case findParentCaseFromPersona(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient =
findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
if (lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

private void reopenCase(Case parentCase) {

SObject[] status = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM CaseStatus WHERE IsClosed = false AND
IsDefault = true];
parentCase.Status = ((CaseStatus)status[0]).MasterLabel;
update parentCase;

private void matchPost(SocialPost post) {

if (post.Id != null) return;


if (post.Id == null){

private void performR6PostIdCheck(SocialPost post){

if(post.R6PostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE R6PostId =
:post.R6PostId LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private void performExternalPostIdCheck(SocialPost post) {

if (post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') return;
if (post.provider == null || post.externalPostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE ExternalPostId =
:post.ExternalPostId AND Provider = :post.provider LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


private SocialPost findReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

if(post.replyToId != null && post.replyTo == null)
return findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(post);
if(post.responseContextExternalId != null){
if((post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') ||
(post.provider == 'Twitter' && post.messageType == 'Direct')){
SocialPost replyTo =
if( != null)
return replyTo;
return findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(post);
return new SocialPost();

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE id = :post.replyToId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND ExternalPostId = :post.responseContextExternalId LIMIT
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnResponseContextExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND responseContextExternalId =
:post.responseContextExternalId ORDER BY posted DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null &&
String.isNotBlank(post.Recipient)) {
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND Recipient = :post.Recipient AND PersonaId = AND IsOutbound
= false ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];
return null;

private void matchPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona != null) {
List<SocialPersona> personaList = new List<SocialPersona>();
if(persona.Provider != 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
Provider = :persona.Provider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)
&& String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
Name = :persona.Name LIMIT 1];

if (!personaList.isEmpty()) {
persona.Id = personaList[0].Id;
persona.ParentId = personaList[0].ParentId;

private void createPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona == null || String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) ||

SObject parent = createPersonaParent(persona);

persona.ParentId = parent.Id;
insert persona;

private boolean isThereEnoughInformationToCreatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

return String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.Provider) &&

private boolean shouldCreateCase(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData){

return !hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(rawData) || hasPostTagsThatCreateCase(post);

private boolean hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Object skipCreateCase = rawData.get('skipCreateCase');

return skipCreateCase != null &&

private boolean hasPostTagsThatCreateCase(SocialPost post){

Set<String> postTags = getPostTags(post);
return !postTags.isEmpty();

private Set<String> getPostTags(SocialPost post){

Set<String> postTags = new Set<String>();
if(post.postTags != null)
postTags.addAll(post.postTags.split(',', 0));
return postTags;

global String getPersonaFirstName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String firstName = '';
if (name.contains(' ')) {
firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
firstName = firstName.abbreviate(40);
return firstName;

global String getPersonaLastName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String lastName = name;
if (name.contains(' ')) {
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');
lastName = lastName.abbreviate(80);
return lastName;

private String getPersonaName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = persona.Name.trim();
if (String.isNotBlank(persona.RealName)) {
name = persona.RealName.trim();
return name;

global virtual SObject createPersonaParent(SocialPersona persona) {

String firstName = getPersonaFirstName(persona);

String lastName = getPersonaLastName(persona);

Contact contact = new Contact(LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName);

String defaultAccountId = getDefaultAccountId();
if (defaultAccountId != null)

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

contact.AccountId = defaultAccountId;
insert contact;
return contact;

public class InboundSocialPostHandlerImplTest {

static Map<String, Object> sampleSocialData;

static Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl handler;

static {
handler = new Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl();
sampleSocialData = getSampleSocialData('1');

static testMethod void verifyNewRecordCreation() {

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not
linked to the Case.');

static testMethod void matchSocialPostRecord() {

SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.R6PostId = existingPost.R6PostId;
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost].size(), 'There should be only

1 post');

static testMethod void matchSocialPersonaRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);
persona.ExternalId = existingPersona.ExternalId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not
linked to the Case.');

static testMethod void matchCaseRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case');

insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked
to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1

static testMethod void reopenClosedCase() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case',
Status = 'Closed');
insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked
to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1
System.assertEquals(false, [SELECT Id, IsClosed FROM Case WHERE Id =
:existingCase.Id].IsClosed, 'Case should be open.');

static SocialPost getSocialPost(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

SocialPost post = new SocialPost();

post.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('source'));
post.Content = String.valueOf(socialData.get('content'));
post.Posted = Date.valueOf(String.valueOf(socialData.get('postDate')));
post.PostUrl = String.valueOf(socialData.get('postUrl'));
post.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
post.MessageType = String.valueOf(socialData.get('messageType'));
post.ExternalPostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalPostId'));
post.R6PostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('r6PostId'));
return post;

static SocialPersona getSocialPersona(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

SocialPersona persona = new SocialPersona();
persona.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('author'));
persona.RealName = String.valueOf(socialData.get('realName'));
persona.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.MediaProvider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.ExternalId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalUserId'));
return persona;

static Map<String, Object> getSampleSocialData(String suffix) {

Map<String, Object> socialData = new Map<String, Object>();
socialData.put('r6PostId', 'R6PostId' + suffix);
socialData.put('r6SourceId', 'R6SourceId' + suffix);
socialData.put('postTags', null);
socialData.put('externalPostId', 'ExternalPostId' + suffix);
socialData.put('content', 'Content' + suffix);
socialData.put('postDate', '2015-01-12T12:12:12Z');
socialData.put('mediaType', 'Twitter');
socialData.put('author', 'Author');
socialData.put('skipCreateCase', false);
socialData.put('mediaProvider', 'TWITTER');
socialData.put('externalUserId', 'ExternalUserId');
socialData.put('postUrl', 'PostUrl' + suffix);
socialData.put('messageType', 'Tweet');
socialData.put('source', 'Source' + suffix);
socialData.put('replyToExternalPostId', null);
socialData.put('realName', 'Real Name');
return socialData;

Default Apex Class and Test for Winter ‘15

global virtual class InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler

final static Integer CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH = 32000;

Boolean isNewCaseCreated = false;

// Reopen case if it has not been closed for more than this number
global virtual Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return 5;

// Create a case if one of these post labels are on the SocialPost, regardless of the
skipCreateCase indicator.
global virtual Set<String> getPostTagsThatCreateCase(){
return new Set<String>();

global virtual String getDefaultAccountId() {

return null;

global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

if ((post.Content != null) && (post.Content.length() > CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH)) {

post.Content = post.Content.abbreviate(CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH);

if (post.Id != null) {
handleExistingPost(post, persona);
return result;

setReplyTo(post, persona);
Case parentCase = buildParentCase(post, persona, rawData);
setRelationshipsOnPost(post, persona, parentCase);

upsert post;

updateCaseSource(post, parentCase);

return result;

private void updateCaseSource(SocialPost post, Case parentCase){

if(parentCase != null) {
parentCase.SourceId = post.Id;
update parentCase;

private void handleExistingPost(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

update post;
if ( != null)

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


private void setReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost replyTo = findReplyTo(post, persona);
if( != null) {
post.replyToId =;
post.replyTo = replyTo;

private SocialPersona buildPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona.Id == null)

return persona;

private void updatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

update persona;
}catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('Error updating social persona: ' + e.getMessage());

private Case buildParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object>

Case parentCase = findParentCase(post, persona);
if (parentCase != null) {
if (!parentCase.IsClosed) {
return parentCase;
else if (caseShouldBeReopened(parentCase)) {
return parentCase;
if(shouldCreateCase(post, rawData)){
isNewCaseCreated = true;
return createCase(post, persona);

return null;

private boolean caseShouldBeReopened(Case c){

return != null && c.isClosed && <

private void setRelationshipsOnPost(SocialPost postToUpdate, SocialPersona persona,

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Case parentCase) {
if (persona.Id != null) {
postToUpdate.PersonaId = persona.Id;

if(persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() != SocialPost.sObjectType) {
postToUpdate.WhoId = persona.ParentId;
if(parentCase != null) {
postToUpdate.ParentId = parentCase.Id;

private Case createCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case newCase = new Case(subject = post.Name);
if (persona != null && persona.ParentId != null) {
if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Contact.sObjectType) {
newCase.ContactId = persona.ParentId;
} else if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType) {
newCase.AccountId = persona.ParentId;
if (post != null && post.Provider != null) {
newCase.Origin = post.Provider;
insert newCase;
return newCase;

private Case findParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case parentCase = null;
if (post.ReplyTo != null && !isReplyingToAnotherCustomer(post, persona) &&
!isChat(post)) {
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPostReply(post);
if (parentCase == null) {
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPersona(post, persona);
return parentCase;

private boolean isReplyingToAnotherCustomer(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona){

return !post.ReplyTo.IsOutbound && post.ReplyTo.PersonaId != persona.Id;

private boolean isChat(SocialPost post){

return post.messageType == 'Private' || post.messageType == 'Direct';

private Case findParentCaseFromPostReply(SocialPost post) {

if (post.ReplyTo != null && String.isNotBlank(post.ReplyTo.ParentId)) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
Id = :post.ReplyTo.ParentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return cases[0];
return null;

private Case findParentCaseFromPersona(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient =
findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(post, persona);
if (lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
id = :lastestInboundPostWithSamePersonaAndRecipient.parentId LIMIT 1];
if(!cases.isEmpty()) {
return cases[0];
return null;

private void reopenCase(Case parentCase) {

SObject[] status = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM CaseStatus WHERE IsClosed = false AND
IsDefault = true];
parentCase.Status = ((CaseStatus)status[0]).MasterLabel;
update parentCase;

private void matchPost(SocialPost post) {

if (post.Id != null) return;


if (post.Id == null){

private void performR6PostIdCheck(SocialPost post){

if(post.R6PostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE R6PostId =
:post.R6PostId LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private void performExternalPostIdCheck(SocialPost post) {

if (post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') return;
if (post.provider == null || post.externalPostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE ExternalPostId =
:post.ExternalPostId AND Provider = :post.provider LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


private SocialPost findReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

if(post.replyToId != null && post.replyTo == null)
return findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(post);
if(post.responseContextExternalId != null){
if((post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') ||
(post.provider == 'Twitter' && post.messageType == 'Direct')){
SocialPost replyTo =
if( != null)
return replyTo;
return findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(post);
return new SocialPost();

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE id = :post.replyToId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND ExternalPostId = :post.responseContextExternalId LIMIT
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnResponseContextExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND responseContextExternalId =
:post.responseContextExternalId ORDER BY posted DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findLatestInboundPostBasedOnPersonaAndRecipient(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona) {
if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) && post != null &&
String.isNotBlank(post.Recipient)) {
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE Provider
= :post.provider AND Recipient = :post.Recipient AND PersonaId = AND IsOutbound
= false ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
return posts[0];
return null;

private void matchPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona != null) {
List<SocialPersona> personaList = new List<SocialPersona>();
if(persona.Provider != 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
Provider = :persona.Provider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)
&& String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
Name = :persona.Name LIMIT 1];

if (!personaList.isEmpty()) {
persona.Id = personaList[0].Id;
persona.ParentId = personaList[0].ParentId;

private void createPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona == null || String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) ||

SObject parent = createPersonaParent(persona);

persona.ParentId = parent.Id;
insert persona;

private boolean isThereEnoughInformationToCreatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

return String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.Provider) &&

private boolean shouldCreateCase(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData){

return !hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(rawData) || hasPostTagsThatCreateCase(post);

private boolean hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Object skipCreateCase = rawData.get('skipCreateCase');

return skipCreateCase != null &&

private boolean hasPostTagsThatCreateCase(SocialPost post){

Set<String> postTags = getPostTags(post);
return !postTags.isEmpty();

private Set<String> getPostTags(SocialPost post){

Set<String> postTags = new Set<String>();
if(post.postTags != null)
postTags.addAll(post.postTags.split(',', 0));
return postTags;

global String getPersonaFirstName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String firstName = '';
if (name.contains(' ')) {
firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
firstName = firstName.abbreviate(40);
return firstName;

global String getPersonaLastName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = getPersonaName(persona);
String lastName = name;
if (name.contains(' ')) {
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');
lastName = lastName.abbreviate(80);
return lastName;

private String getPersonaName(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = persona.Name.trim();
if (String.isNotBlank(persona.RealName)) {
name = persona.RealName.trim();
return name;

global virtual SObject createPersonaParent(SocialPersona persona) {

String firstName = getPersonaFirstName(persona);

String lastName = getPersonaLastName(persona);

Contact contact = new Contact(LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName);

String defaultAccountId = getDefaultAccountId();
if (defaultAccountId != null)

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

contact.AccountId = defaultAccountId;
insert contact;
return contact;

public class InboundSocialPostHandlerImplTest {

static Map<String, Object> sampleSocialData;

static Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl handler;

static {
handler = new Social.InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl();
sampleSocialData = getSampleSocialData('1');

static testMethod void verifyNewRecordCreation() {

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not
linked to the Case.');

static testMethod void matchSocialPostRecord() {

SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.R6PostId = existingPost.R6PostId;
SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost].size(), 'There should be only

1 post');

static testMethod void matchSocialPersonaRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

SocialPersona persona = getSocialPersona(sampleSocialData);
persona.ExternalId = existingPersona.ExternalId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, persona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost];

SocialPersona createdPersona = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona];

Contact createdContact = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM Case];

System.assertEquals(createdPost.PersonaId, createdPersona.Id, 'Post is not linked

to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.WhoId, createdPersona.ParentId, 'Post is not linked
to the Contact');
System.assertEquals(createdPost.ParentId, createdCase.Id, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(createdCase.ContactId, createdContact.Id, 'Contact is not
linked to the Case.');

static testMethod void matchCaseRecord() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case');

insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked
to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1

static testMethod void reopenClosedCase() {

Contact existingContact = new Contact(LastName = 'LastName');
insert existingContact;
SocialPersona existingPersona = getSocialPersona(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPersona.ParentId = existingContact.Id;
insert existingPersona;
Case existingCase = new Case(ContactId = existingContact.Id, Subject = 'Test Case',
Status = 'Closed');
insert existingCase;
SocialPost existingPost = getSocialPost(getSampleSocialData('2'));
existingPost.ParentId = existingCase.Id;
existingPost.WhoId = existingContact.Id;
existingPost.PersonaId = existingPersona.Id;
insert existingPost;

SocialPost post = getSocialPost(sampleSocialData);

post.responseContextExternalId = existingPost.ExternalPostId;

handler.handleInboundSocialPost(post, existingPersona, sampleSocialData);

SocialPost createdPost = [SELECT Id, PersonaId, ParentId, WhoId FROM SocialPost

WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId];
System.assertEquals(existingPersona.Id, createdPost.PersonaId, 'Post is not linked
to the Persona.');
System.assertEquals(existingContact.Id, createdPost.WhoId, 'Post is not linked to
the Contact');
System.assertEquals(existingCase.Id, createdPost.ParentId, 'Post is not linked to
the Case.');
System.assertEquals(1, [SELECT Id FROM Case].size(), 'There should only be 1
System.assertEquals(false, [SELECT Id, IsClosed FROM Case WHERE Id =
:existingCase.Id].IsClosed, 'Case should be open.');

static SocialPost getSocialPost(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

SocialPost post = new SocialPost();

post.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('source'));
post.Content = String.valueOf(socialData.get('content'));
post.Posted = Date.valueOf(String.valueOf(socialData.get('postDate')));
post.PostUrl = String.valueOf(socialData.get('postUrl'));
post.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
post.MessageType = String.valueOf(socialData.get('messageType'));
post.ExternalPostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalPostId'));
post.R6PostId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('r6PostId'));
return post;

static SocialPersona getSocialPersona(Map<String, Object> socialData) {

SocialPersona persona = new SocialPersona();
persona.Name = String.valueOf(socialData.get('author'));
persona.RealName = String.valueOf(socialData.get('realName'));
persona.Provider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.MediaProvider = String.valueOf(socialData.get('mediaProvider'));
persona.ExternalId = String.valueOf(socialData.get('externalUserId'));
return persona;

static Map<String, Object> getSampleSocialData(String suffix) {

Map<String, Object> socialData = new Map<String, Object>();
socialData.put('r6PostId', 'R6PostId' + suffix);
socialData.put('r6SourceId', 'R6SourceId' + suffix);
socialData.put('postTags', null);
socialData.put('externalPostId', 'ExternalPostId' + suffix);
socialData.put('content', 'Content' + suffix);
socialData.put('postDate', '2015-01-12T12:12:12Z');
socialData.put('mediaType', 'Twitter');
socialData.put('author', 'Author');
socialData.put('skipCreateCase', false);
socialData.put('mediaProvider', 'TWITTER');
socialData.put('externalUserId', 'ExternalUserId');
socialData.put('postUrl', 'PostUrl' + suffix);
socialData.put('messageType', 'Tweet');
socialData.put('source', 'Source' + suffix);
socialData.put('replyToExternalPostId', null);
socialData.put('realName', 'Real Name');
return socialData;

Default Apex Class for Spring ‘15 and Summer ‘15

global virtual class InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler

final static Integer CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH = 32000;

// Reopen case if it has not been closed for more than this number
global virtual Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {
return 5;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

global virtual String getDefaultAccountId() {

return null;

global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

if ((post.Content != null) && (post.Content.length() > CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH)) {

post.Content = post.Content.abbreviate(CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH);

if (post.Id != null) {
handleExistingPost(post, persona);
return result;

setReplyTo(post, persona);
Case parentCase = buildParentCase(post, persona, rawData);
setRelationshipsOnPost(post, persona, parentCase);

upsert post;

return result;

private void handleExistingPost(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

update post;
if ( != null)

private void setReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

SocialPost replyTo = findReplyTo(post, persona);
if( != null) {
post.replyToId =;
post.replyTo = replyTo;

private SocialPersona buildPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona.Id == null)
return persona;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private void updatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

try {
update persona;
}catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('Error updating social persona: ' + e.getMessage());

private Case buildParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona,

Map<String, Object> rawData){
Case parentCase = findParentCase(post, persona);
if (caseShouldBeReopened(parentCase))
else if(! hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(rawData) && ( == null ||
parentCase = createCase(post, persona);
return parentCase;

private boolean caseShouldBeReopened(Case c){

return != null && c.isClosed && <

private void setRelationshipsOnPost(SocialPost postToUpdate, SocialPersona persona,

Case parentCase) {
if (persona.Id != null)
postToUpdate.PersonaId = persona.Id;
if( != null)
postToUpdate.ParentId = parentCase.Id;

private Case createCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case newCase = new Case(subject = post.Name);
if (persona != null && persona.ParentId != null) {
if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Contact.sObjectType)
newCase.ContactId = persona.ParentId;
if (post != null && post.Provider != null) {
newCase.Origin = post.Provider;
insert newCase;
return newCase;

private Case findParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case parentCase = new Case();
if (post.ReplyTo != null && (post.ReplyTo.IsOutbound || post.ReplyTo.PersonaId ==
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPostReply(post);
else if((post.messageType == 'Direct' || post.messageType == 'Private') &&
parentCase = findParentCaseFromRecipient(post, persona);

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return parentCase;

private Case findParentCaseFromPostReply(SocialPost post){

List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE Id =
:post.ReplyTo.ParentId LIMIT 1];
return cases[0];
return new Case();

private Case findParentCaseFromRecipient(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona){

List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE id =
:findReplyToBasedOnRecipientsLastPostToSender(post, persona).parentId LIMIT 1];
return cases[0];
return new Case();

private void reopenCase(Case parentCase) {

SObject[] status = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM CaseStatus WHERE IsClosed = false AND
IsDefault = true];
parentCase.Status = ((CaseStatus)status[0]).MasterLabel;
update parentCase;

private void matchPost(SocialPost post) {

if (post.Id != null) return;


if (post.Id == null){

private void performR6PostIdCheck(SocialPost post){

if(post.R6PostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE R6PostId = :post.R6PostId
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private void performExternalPostIdCheck(SocialPost post) {

if (post.provider == 'Facebook' && post.messageType == 'Private') return;
if (post.provider == null || post.externalPostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE ExternalPostId =
:post.ExternalPostId AND Provider = :post.provider LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


private SocialPost findReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

if(post.replyToId != null && post.replyTo == null)
return findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(post);
if(post.responseContextExternalId != null)
return findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(post,
return new SocialPost();

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE id = :post.replyToId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost post, String

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND ExternalPostId = :externalPostId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnRecipientsLastPostToSender(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona){
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE provider = :post.provider AND OutboundSocialAccount.ProviderUserId = :post.Recipient
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private void matchPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona != null) {
List<SocialPersona> personaList = new List<SocialPersona>();
if(persona.Provider != 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
Provider = :persona.Provider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)
&& String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {
personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE
MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
} else if(persona.Provider == 'Other' && String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.MediaProvider)) {

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE

MediaProvider = :persona.MediaProvider AND
Name = :persona.Name LIMIT 1];

if (!personaList.isEmpty()) {
persona.Id = personaList[0].Id;
persona.ParentId = personaList[0].ParentId;

private void createPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona == null || String.isNotBlank(persona.Id) ||

SObject parent = createPersonaParent(persona);

persona.ParentId = parent.Id;
insert persona;

private boolean isThereEnoughInformationToCreatePersona(SocialPersona persona) {

return String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.Provider) &&

private boolean hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Object skipCreateCase = rawData.get('skipCreateCase');
return skipCreateCase != null &&

global virtual SObject createPersonaParent(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = persona.Name.trim();
if (String.isNotBlank(persona.RealName))
name = persona.RealName.trim();

String firstName = '';

String lastName = name;
if (name.contains(' ')) {
firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');

firstName = firstName.abbreviate(40);
lastName = lastName.abbreviate(80);

Contact contact = new Contact(LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName);

String defaultAccountId = getDefaultAccountId();
if (defaultAccountId != null)
contact.AccountId = defaultAccountId;
insert contact;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return contact;

Default Apex Class for Summer ‘14 and Winter ‘14

global virtual class InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler

// Reopen case if it has not been closed for more than this number
global virtual Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {
return 5;

global virtual String getDefaultAccountId() {

return null;

global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

if (post.Id != null) {
handleExistingPost(post, persona);
return result;

setReplyTo(post, persona, rawData);

Case parentCase = buildParentCase(post, persona, rawData);
setRelationshipsOnPost(post, persona, parentCase);
upsert post;

return result;

private void handleExistingPost(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

update post;
if ( != null)
update persona;

private void setReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object>

rawData) {
SocialPost replyTo = findReplyTo(post, persona, rawData);
if( != null) {
post.replyToId =;
post.replyTo = replyTo;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private SocialPersona buildPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona.Id == null)
update persona;
return persona;

private Case buildParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object>

Case parentCase = findParentCase(post, persona);
if (caseShouldBeReopened(parentCase))
else if(! hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(rawData) && ( == null ||
parentCase = createCase(post, persona);
return parentCase;

private boolean caseShouldBeReopened(Case c){

return != null && c.isClosed && <

private void setRelationshipsOnPost(SocialPost postToUpdate, SocialPersona persona,

Case parentCase) {
if (persona.Id != null)
postToUpdate.PersonaId = persona.Id;
if( != null)
postToUpdate.ParentId = parentCase.Id;

private Case createCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case newCase = new Case(subject = post.Name);
if (persona != null && persona.ParentId != null) {
if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Contact.sObjectType)
newCase.ContactId = persona.ParentId;
insert newCase;
return newCase;

private Case findParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case parentCase = new Case();
if (post.ReplyTo != null && (post.ReplyTo.IsOutbound || post.ReplyTo.PersonaId ==
parentCase = findParentCaseFromPostReply(post);
else if((post.messageType == 'Direct' || post.messageType == 'Private') &&
post.Recipient != null && String.isNotBlank(post.Recipient))
parentCase = findParentCaseFromRecipient(post, persona);
return parentCase;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

private Case findParentCaseFromPostReply(SocialPost post){

List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE Id =
:post.ReplyTo.ParentId LIMIT 1];
return cases[0];
return new Case();

private Case findParentCaseFromRecipient(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona){

List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE id =
:findReplyToBasedOnRecipientsLastPostToSender(post, persona).parentId LIMIT 1];
return cases[0];
return new Case();

private void reopenCase(Case parentCase) {

SObject[] status = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM CaseStatus WHERE IsClosed = false AND
IsDefault = true];
parentCase.Status = ((CaseStatus)status[0]).MasterLabel;
update parentCase;

private void matchPost(SocialPost post) {

if (post.Id != null || post.R6PostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE R6PostId =
:post.R6PostId LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty())
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private SocialPost findReplyTo(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String,

Object> rawData) {
if(post.replyToId != null && post.replyTo == null)
return findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(post);
if(rawData.get('replyToExternalPostId') != null &&
return findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(post,
return new SocialPost();

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnReplyToId(SocialPost post){

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE id = :post.replyToId LIMIT 1];
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnExternalPostIdAndProvider(SocialPost post, String

List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE Provider = :post.provider AND ExternalPostId = :externalPostId LIMIT 1];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private SocialPost findReplyToBasedOnRecipientsLastPostToSender(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona){
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM SocialPost
WHERE provider = :post.provider AND OutboundSocialAccount.ProviderUserId = :post.Recipient
return new SocialPost();
return posts[0];

private void matchPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona != null && persona.ExternalId != null &&
String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)) {
List<SocialPersona> personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE

Provider = :persona.Provider AND

ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId LIMIT 1];
if ( !personaList.isEmpty()) {
persona.Id = personaList[0].Id;
persona.ParentId = personaList[0].ParentId;

private void createPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona == null || (persona.Id != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Id)) ||

SObject parent = createPersonaParent(persona);

persona.ParentId = parent.Id;
insert persona;

private boolean isThereEnoughInformationToCreatePersona(SocialPersona persona){

return persona.ExternalId != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId) &&
persona.Name != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Name) &&
persona.Provider != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.Provider) &&
persona.provider != 'Other';

private boolean hasSkipCreateCaseIndicator(Map<String, Object> rawData) {

Object skipCreateCase = rawData.get('skipCreateCase');
return skipCreateCase != null &&

global virtual SObject createPersonaParent(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = persona.Name;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

if (persona.RealName != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.RealName))

name = persona.RealName;

String firstName = '';

String lastName = 'unknown';
if (name != null && String.isNotBlank(name)) {
firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');
if (lastName == null || String.isBlank(lastName))
lastName = firstName;

Contact contact = new Contact(LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName);

String defaultAccountId = getDefaultAccountId();
if (defaultAccountId != null)
contact.AccountId = defaultAccountId;
insert contact;
return contact;

Default Apex Class for Winter ‘13 and Spring ‘14

global virtual class InboundSocialPostHandlerImpl implements Social.InboundSocialPostHandler

// Reopen case if it has not been closed for more than this number
global virtual Integer getMaxNumberOfDaysClosedToReopenCase() {
return 5;

global virtual Boolean usePersonAccount() {

return false;

global virtual String getDefaultAccountId() {

return null;

global Social.InboundSocialPostResult handleInboundSocialPost(SocialPost post,

SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object> rawData) {
Social.InboundSocialPostResult result = new Social.InboundSocialPostResult();

if (post.Id != null) {
update post;
if ( != null) {
update persona;
return result;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

findReplyTo(post, rawData);

Case parentCase = null;

if (persona.Id == null) {
post.PersonaId = persona.Id;
else {
update persona;
post.PersonaId = persona.Id;
parentCase = findParentCase(post, persona, rawData);

if (parentCase == null) {
parentCase = createCase(post, persona);

post.ParentId = parentCase.Id;

insert post;

return result;

private Case createCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona) {

Case newCase = new Case(
subject = post.Name
if (persona != null && persona.ParentId != null) {
if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Contact.sObjectType) {
newCase.ContactId = persona.ParentId;
else if (persona.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType) {
newCase.AccountId = persona.ParentId;
insert newCase;
return newCase;

private Case findParentCase(SocialPost post, SocialPersona persona, Map<String, Object>

rawData) {
SocialPost replyToPost = null;
if (post.ReplyTo != null && (post.ReplyTo.IsOutbound || post.ReplyTo.PersonaId ==
persona.Id)) {
replyToPost = post.ReplyTo;
else if (post.MessageType == 'Direct' && String.isNotBlank(post.Recipient)) {
// find the latest outbound post that the DM is responding to
List<SocialPost> posts = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPost WHERE
OutboundSocialAccount.ProviderUserId = :post.Recipient AND ReplyTo.Persona.Id = :persona.Id
if (!posts.isEmpty()) {
replyToPost = posts[0];

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer


if (replyToPost != null) {
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, IsClosed, Status, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE
Id = :replyToPost.ParentId];
if (!cases.isEmpty()) {
if (!cases[0].IsClosed) return cases[0];
if (cases[0].ClosedDate > {
return cases[0];

return null;

private void reopenCase(Case parentCase) {

SObject[] status = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM CaseStatus WHERE IsClosed = false AND
IsDefault = true];
parentCase.Status = ((CaseStatus)status[0]).MasterLabel;
update parentCase;

private void matchPost(SocialPost post) {

if (post.Id != null || post.R6PostId == null) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id FROM SocialPost WHERE R6PostId =
:post.R6PostId LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.Id = postList[0].Id;

private void findReplyTo(SocialPost post, Map<String, Object> rawData) {

String replyToId = (String)rawData.get('replyToExternalPostId');
if (String.isBlank(replyToId)) return;
List<SocialPost> postList = [SELECT Id, ParentId, IsOutbound, PersonaId FROM
SocialPost WHERE ExternalPostId = :replyToId LIMIT 1];
if (!postList.isEmpty()) {
post.ReplyToId = postList[0].id;
post.ReplyTo = postList[0];

private void matchPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona != null && String.isNotBlank(persona.ExternalId)) {
List<SocialPersona> personaList = [SELECT Id, ParentId FROM SocialPersona WHERE

((Provider != 'Other' AND Provider = :persona.Provider) OR

(Provider = 'Other' AND MediaProvider != null AND MediaProvider =
:persona.MediaProvider)) AND
((ExternalId != null AND ExternalId = :persona.ExternalId) OR

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

(ExternalId = null AND Name = :persona.Name)) LIMIT 1];

if ( !personaList.isEmpty()) {
persona.Id = personaList[0].Id;
persona.ParentId = personaList[0].ParentId;

private void createPersona(SocialPersona persona) {

if (persona == null || persona.Id != null || String.isBlank(persona.ExternalId)
|| String.isBlank(persona.Name) ||
String.isBlank(persona.Provider)) return;

if (isPersonaAccountEnabled()){
Account account = createPersonAccount(persona);
persona.ParentId = account.Id;
else {
Contact contact = createContact(persona);
persona.ParentId = contact.Id;
insert persona;

private Boolean isPersonaAccountEnabled() {

if (!usePersonAccount()) return false;
Map<String, Object> accountFields = Schema.SObjectType.Account.fields.getMap();
return accountFields.containsKey('IsPersonAccount');

private Account createPersonAccount(SocialPersona persona) {

Account account = new Account(
Name = persona.Name
insert account;
return account;

private Contact createContact(SocialPersona persona) {

String name = persona.RealName;
if (String.isBlank(name)) {
name = persona.Name;

String firstName = '';

String lastName = 'unknown';
if (!String.isBlank(name)) {
firstName = name.substringBeforeLast(' ');
lastName = name.substringAfterLast(' ');
if (String.isBlank(lastName)) {
lastName = firstName;

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Contact contact = new Contact(

LastName = lastName,
FirstName = firstName
String defaultAccountId = getDefaultAccountId();
if (defaultAccountId != null) {
contact.AccountId = defaultAccountId;
insert contact;
return contact;

Engage and Respond Using Social Customer Service

Use social customer service to engage your customer on social media.

Social Action Tips
Use the social action on the case or lead feed to respond to social posts. Choose a message type when replying, for example, reply
with a direct message on Twitter or a public tweet.
Manage Social Posts
A social post is a Salesforce object that represents a post on a social network such as Facebook or Twitter.
Manage Social Personas
A social persona is a Salesforce object that represents a contact's profile on a social network such as Facebook, or Twitter.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Social Action Tips

Use the social action on the case or lead feed to respond to social posts. Choose a message type
when replying, for example, reply with a direct message on Twitter or a public tweet.
We recommend that the layout of the social action includes the following fields. Social Customer Service is
available in Salesforce
Field Description Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
In Reply To The social post you are replying to and its available in Lightning
content. Use the Reply, Retweet, and Comment Experience.
links in the feed to add content to a specific
item in the feed. Social Customer Service is
available in all editions with
Managed Social Account You must have access to the managed social the Service Cloud.
account by a profile or permission set. Use the
drop-down to change to another account you
have access to.

Message Type By default the message type is set to Reply for To send and receive social
media posts or messages:
inbound posts. Use the drop-down to change
• Social Objects
to another valid message type.
Content All outbound content must be unique for the
Social Publisher
interaction, you can’t send the same content in
the same conversation. All Twitter replies must
start with a handle: @[social handle]. Case Feed enabled
Social account
If your posts require approval before they are sent, you can click Submit for Approval to start the
review process. You can Recall it before it is approved or rejected. If a post is rejected, you can
Retry a rewritten post. When your post is approved, it is automatically published. Modify All on social
Here are some tips for working with social networks.
• You can like, unlike, view source, post attachments, and delete social media from the case feed
while in Lightning Experience.
• URLs in a social post are turned into clickable links.
• When you reply to a tweet or thread on Twitter, you don't need to @mention the intended recipient; our API automatically sends it
to the user you're responding to. If something goes wrong with our API, all users @mentioned on the thread will receive your reply.
• When deleting posts, consider that Twitter Direct Messages behave like to emails. For example, the sender can delete their direct
message from a conversation view. However, receiver has that direct message in their conversation view until they choose to delete
• Speaking of Twitter Direct Messages, Twitter has a preference to "Receive Direct Messages from Anyone”. Therefore, depending on
if this permission is set on the recipient’s or your account, you may not have to follow each other to direct message.
• If your Twitter settings allow you to receive direct messages from anyone, you can send deep links to invite users to direct message
conversations. To send a deep link direct message invitation, paste this link into your outbound message:{your Twitter account’s numeric
user ID}
You can find your twitter account’s numeric ID on by going to Your Twitter User > Settings > Your Twitter Data.
Twitter handles the URLs and the rendering in their native clients.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

• Agents can use the View Source link to go to the inbox of the social network they’re logged in to.
• In the Salesforce mobile app, agents can see and reply to social content from mobile devices.

• Only change the Status picklist field on social posts if you are working with outbound posts. If an agent manually sets the status on
the inbound social post detail page, the social posts in the case feed may not match. We recommend removing the Status field on
the inbound social post detail page layout. For example, if you change the Status of an inbound post to Sending, the Reply link in
the case feed item disappears until you change the status back to None.
Here are tips for dealing with some possible error messages.

Message Action
You can't send a direct message to this Twitter user because the Use a reply to ask the Twitter user to follow your managed social
user is not following you. account. Once they are following you, send them a direct message.

Whoops! You already said that... Change your message and try You can’t post the same text twice. Change your content and send
again. again.

Your content is too long. Reduce your content to 140 characters or less. For Twitter replies,
the handle is included in the character count.

Your response message type must be compatible with the original Change the message type to match the original message.
post's message type.

Your login to Social Studio has failed. The username or password An administrator must edit the Social Studio credentials on the
may be incorrect. Update your credentials or reset your password. Social Media settings page.

Note: When an administrator makes a copy of or refreshes

a Sandbox organization, a new organization is created, with
a new ID, making the Social Studio login invalid.

Your post did not send. We recommend creating a workflow to notify the case owner that
an attempt to send a response via Twitter has failed.

Social Customer Service
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Manage Social Posts

A social post is a Salesforce object that represents a post on a social network such as Facebook or
The Social Posts tab or object is a collection of information about a post from a person or company Social Customer Service is
on a social network, such as Twitter or Facebook. The available information for a post varies available in Salesforce
depending on the social network. You can view and manage social posts. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Service Setup is
Note: For inbound posts, setting a Status picklist value on the social post detail page does available in Lightning
not stay with the post, as this field is for outbound posts only. Experience.
1. Click the Social Posts tab. Social Customer Service is
2. Optionally, select a view. available in all editions with
the Service Cloud.
The list defaults to those recently viewed. Select a View or create one to filter the list of posts.
If your organization has moderation enabled, select Social posts without case to view and
either create a case for or ignore posts. You can also create a view to fit your needs. USER PERMISSIONS
3. Click the social post name you’d like to manage or click New Social Post to create a post. To install and deploy Social
If you selected a view, you can click Edit or Del (delete) as appropriate. Studio for Salesforce:
• Customize Application
Note: On the Social Post tab, you can only create, edit, and delete posts in your Salesforce
organization, not on the social networks.

4. To manage posts without cases, select the posts you’d like to either create a case for or ignore and click Create Case and Ignore
as appropriate.
For example, an agent can ignore a Facebook post of “I love you guys!” as it does not warrant a case.
If you are using the Social Customer Service Starter Pack, you can select if you want cases created automatically when posts come
from a particular social account with the Case Creation box on the Social Accounts tab. To enable moderation through Social Studio
see, Enable Moderation for Social Customer Service on page 692.

5. If you have Approvals enabled, Social Posts tab has a Social posts pending approval list view that allows you to
review multiple pending posts and approve or reject them as desired.

Note: Once approvals are enabled, the Approve Posts and Reject Posts buttons remain on the Social Posts tab. However they
don’t work for inbound and posts not needing approval.

Tip: If you approve a post from the Social posts pending approval list view and a system interruption, session timeout, or
other unexpected issue prevents the post from being published on the intended social network, an error message displays
on the individual case only, not on the list view. To help honor any commitments, your company may have regarding response
times on social networks, after approving posts from the list view, we recommend checking the posts' statuses to ensure that
they were sent successfully and don't need to be resent.

On the social post detail page you can:

• View, edit, and create the post’s content and information.

Note: The information varies depending on the social network the persona is from.

Don’t forget to click Save to save changes or create a post.

• If your organization has moderation enabled, you can create a case for a post or ignore it if it does not warrant a case.
• Delete the post in your Salesforce organization.

Service Cloud Connect to Customers Where They Are with Social Customer

Note: Social posts are not deleted when their parent record, usually a case, is deleted. Similarly, if a social post is associated
with an account, contact, or lead through the polymorphic Who field, deleting any of those related records does not affect
the social post.

You can reply to a social post from the case or lead feeds only, not the Social Posts tab.

Manage Social Personas
Social Action Tips
Social Customer Service
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Manage Social Personas

A social persona is a Salesforce object that represents a contact's profile on a social network such
as Facebook, or Twitter.
The Social Personas tab or object is a collection of publicly available information about a person or Social Customer Service is
company from Twitter or Facebook. A Persona is relative to the social network and there can be available in Salesforce
multiple personas attached to a single contact. You can edit or delete a persona but you can’t Classic and Lightning
manually create a social persona from Salesforce. The personas are created from public information Experience. Service Setup is
on social networking sites. You can view and manage your social persona records like other records available in Lightning
in Salesforce. Experience.

Note: Social persona fields many have maximum character lengths set by standard or custom Social Customer Service is
available in all editions with
Salesforce limits. For example, the first name field is limited to 40 characters. If a social persona
the Service Cloud.
with a first name longer than 40 characters is created from an inbound social post, the first
name is truncated at the 40th character.
1. Click the Social Personas tab. USER PERMISSIONS
2. Optionally, select a view. To install and deploy Social
The list defaults to those recently viewed. Select All in the View drop-down to show all social Studio for Salesforce:
personas in your organization. You can also create a view to fit your needs. • Customize Application

3. Click the social handle you’d like to manage.

If you selected a view, click Edit or Del (delete) as appropriate.

Warning: If you delete a social persona through the Social Accounts and Contacts feature, all related social posts are also

On the social persona detail page you can:

• View and edit the contact’s available information for that social network.

Note: The information varies depending on the social network the persona is from.

• Delete the social persona from your organization.

• Create, edit, and delete social posts.
• View which social network created the persona, in the Source App field. This field is set on creation and is not updateable. Social
Personas created prior to the Summer ‘15 release do not have this field.

Service Cloud Collaborate in an Experience Builder Site

Warning: There is no field level security and you can’t control who can create, read, edit, or delete Social Personas. Anyone in
your organization can see all the data on a Social Persona object.

Manage Social Posts
Social Action Tips
Social Customer Service
Complete Guide to Social Customer Service

Collaborate in an Experience Builder Site

Create an Experience Builder site to provide an online support channel for your customers to collaborate—allowing them to resolve
their inquiries without contacting a customer representative. If customers can’t resolve their issue, they can submit a request for your
support team to get back to them.
To set up a new site, head over to Service Setup. From the Service Setup home page, click Get Started under the Experience Builder
Site Setup tile. The setup flow builds your site using the Customer Service template. In the setup flow, you name your site, create the
URL, add navigational and featured topics, and assign articles to topics. At the end of the flow, you can opt to set up other features or
access helpful setup topics. When you're done, you can preview your site with co-workers before it goes live.

Note: We recommend setting up Lightning Knowledge before going through the Experience Builder Site Setup flow. If Knowledge
isn't enabled before starting the Experience Builder Site Setup, Data Categories aren’t created during the flow.
After you create a site, you can customize it with branding and components in the Experience Workspaces.

Set Up Lightning Communities with a Guided Setup Flow
Create a Lightning Community in minutes using a quick guided setup flow. Build a branded community on a Customer Service
(Napili) template with your own domain, path, and name. Optionally, include a Web-to-Case form to let guests create cases.

Set Up and Manage Experience Cloud Sites
Let Customers Request that Support Get Back to Them
Set Up Question-to-Case

Set Up Lightning Communities with a Guided Setup Flow

Create a Lightning Community in minutes using a quick guided setup flow. Build a branded
community on a Customer Service (Napili) template with your own domain, path, and name.
Optionally, include a Web-to-Case form to let guests create cases. Service Setup is available in
The Lightning Community setup flow is the fastest and easiest way to get your community up and Lightning Experience
running. In this flow, your community uses a Customer Service (Napili) template. The template lets
Available in: Enterprise,
customers post questions to the community, search for and view articles, collaborate, and contact
Performance, Unlimited,
support agents by creating cases. and Developer editions with
the Service Cloud

Service Cloud Collaborate in an Experience Builder Site

Note: If you set up Lightning Knowledge before your community, you may have added featured topics. If so, you also had the
opportunity to map data categories to those topics. Any article mapped to a data category is tagged with the corresponding topic.
For example, if the article is marked public, it shows up underneath the corresponding featured topic. Now, whenever you tag
articles, they’re available in the community.

Where to Access the Setup Flow

This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by clicking and selecting Service
In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Creating a domain
• Giving your community a name and path
• Adding branding images
• Selecting data categories for your content
• Creating a Web-to-Case contact form
If you select Publish my community in the flow, you opt for immediate publication and your community is live. If you left it off, it’s not
live yet. You can publish from the Experience Builder whenever you’re ready.
We also turn on several things in the background during the setup flow.
Guest Profile Access
The flow enables guest profile access to Knowledge, Data Categories, Chatter, and Cases. These settings allow the guest user to fully
interact with the community you created.
Web-to-Case and Quick Action Edit Capabilities
When you create a contact form, Web-to-Case and Quick Action edit capabilities are automatically enabled. This means that when
you publish your community, guests can submit cases directly from your community.
Data Categories
If you selected Data Categories in the setup flow, Knowledge topics are auto-enabled and the data categories are mapped to those
topics, giving community members read-only access to those articles.
Topics associated with those Data Categories show up in the community after completing the flow. Furthermore, any new article
assigned to a Data Category will automatically be assigned to the corresponding topic.

Lightning Communities Setup Flow: What’s Next?
Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Lightning Communities setup flow.

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant

Service Cloud Provide Self-Service in a Help Center

Lightning Communities Setup Flow: What’s Next?

Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Lightning Communities setup flow.
After completing the setup flow, there are many things you can do to build out and enhance your community.
To look at your shiny new community, go to Setup and enter Communities in the Quick Find box. Then, select Communities. From
here, you can view your community or make some tweaks in the Experience Builder.
To provide more customer service features to your guests, head over to the Experience Builder. You can further customize your branding
or add Service Cloud components, like Embedded Chat and the Contact Request Button & Flow. Then if you haven’t already, publish
your community for the world to see.

Embedded Service
Let Customers Request that Support Get Back to Them

Provide Self-Service in a Help Center

Create a help center to provide a self-service support channel for your customers to resolve straightforward issues without contacting
you for support. They can search and browse Knowledge articles to answer their questions. For complicated issues, they can use a web
form to submit a case.
Help Center creates a self-service channel without the extra management of an Experience Cloud site and user profiles. If you’re interested
in creating a self-service page that includes more advanced functionality, take a look at our Experience Builder sites documentation.
To set up a new help center, use the guided setup flow. The setup flow builds your help center—you give it a name and URL, create
article topics, select article authors, and create a contact form. At the end of the flow, you can opt to set up other features or access
helpful setup topics. When you're done, you can preview your help center with co-workers before it goes live. If you’re using the Service
Setup Assistant to create your Service app, the Assistant creates a help center for you; just add knowledge articles and publish it.
For Essentials customers, go to Setup > Help Center, then click New.
For customers using other editions, head over to Service Setup. Under Recommended Setup, click View All and locate the Help Center
Setup tile.

Set Up Help Center with a Guided Setup Flow
Create a self-service Help Center in minutes using a quick guided setup flow. Name your help center and give it a URL. Select article
topics and article authors. Create a contact form to let customers contact you if their questions aren’t answered.

Service Cloud Provide Self-Service in a Help Center

Set Up Help Center with a Guided Setup Flow

Create a self-service Help Center in minutes using a quick guided setup flow. Name your help center
and give it a URL. Select article topics and article authors. Create a contact form to let customers
contact you if their questions aren’t answered. Service Setup is available in
The Help Center setup flow is the fastest and easiest way to get your help center up and running. Lightning Experience
In this flow, you build a help center that lets visitors search for and view Knowledge articles and
Available in: Essentials,
contact you using a web form.
Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
editions with the Service

Service Cloud Provide Self-Service in a Help Center

Where to Access the Setup Flow

This flow is available from the Help Center setup page in Lightning Experience with Essentials Edition.
If you’re using a different edition, the flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by clicking

and selecting Service Setup.

In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Creating a domain
• Giving your help center a name and path
• Creating or selecting topics to display in your help center
• Selecting your article authors
• Creating a contact form
If you select Publish my help center in the flow, you opt for immediate publication and your help center is live. If you left it off, it’s not
live yet. You can publish from the Experience Builder whenever you’re ready.
We also turn on several things in the background during the setup flow.
Enabling Lightning Knowledge
We turn on Lightning Knowledge if you haven’t already.

Note: If Lightning Knowledge already is enabled, make sure that you’ve specified “Knowledge” as the name of your Knowledge
Creating Knowledge Objects
We create some objects in Lightning Knowledge to get you started.
• A Knowledge record type named FAQ
• A page layout named Lightning Knowledge FAQ Layout
• Custom fields Question and Answer
Permission Set with Authors Permissions Assigned to Users
To make sure your article authors can write and publish articles, we make a permission set for the users you select in the setup flow.
We give them the correct permissions for them to view, create, edit, and delete articles and give them the Edit Knowledge user
The permission is called Knowledge LSF Permission Set (with the developer name Knowledge_LSF_Permission_Set).
We also give your authors the Knowledge User license and add data category group visibility to their profiles.
Mapping Topics and Data Categories
When you create topics in the flow, a lot goes on behind-the-scenes to connect those topics to your help center and Knowledge
articles (even if you haven’t written them yet).
Your help center uses topics, data categories, and data category groups to make sure that your customers can find your articles. Data
categories and data category groups let you organize your articles so your customer can do less searching. For example, you might
have a data category group called US Regions, which includes the data categories West, Midwest, South, and Northeast. So when
you write an article that lists the locations and hours of your stores on the west coast, you would select the West category.

Service Cloud Provide Self-Service in a Help Center

If you don’t have any active data category groups when you start the flow, you create topics during the flow. We use those topic
names to create data categories and put those categories in a data category group called Help Center Setup Flow. Then, we create
featured and navigational topics in your help center and map them to the data categories, so your topics appear in your help center,
and relevant articles show up when a customer clicks on a topic.
If you already have some data categories when you start the flow, we go through a similar process. You select the data categories
you want in your help center, and we map them to topics.
We also create a data category group called Help Center Setup Flow.
Community with the Help Center Template
Your help center is powered by Communities, which lets you create branded spaces for your employees, customers, and partners
to connect. A help center is a special type of community that gives you just what you need for a self-service page, without advanced
features like user logins and collaboration.
With your help center, you get access to Experience Builder and Experience Workspaces, where you can add branding and arrange
and manage your topics.
Guest User Profile
Everyone who visits your help center is a guest user. We create a guest user profile that lets them view your data categories and
record types (like your articles). We also give them the right permissions so they can log cases using the web form that you create
in the flow.
Web-to-Case and Quick Action Edit Capabilities
When you create a contact form, Web-to-Case and Quick Action edit capabilities are automatically enabled. This means that when
you publish your help center, guests can submit cases directly from your help center.

Help Center Setup Flow: What’s Next?
Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Help Center setup flow.

Help Center Setup Flow: What’s Next?

Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Help Center setup flow.
After completing the setup flow, you have a budding help center that’s ready to be filled with great articles for your customers.

Note: We guide you to your next steps using the Help Center page in Setup, which is only available in Essentials Edition. If you’re
using Help Center with a different edition, you can navigate to these settings from the All Sites page in Setup.
Manage Your New Help Center
View and manage your help center from the Help Center page in Setup. You can create up to 5 help centers with Essentials Edition.
Enter Help Center in the Quick Find box, then select Help Center.
Brand Your Help Center
Set the colors, font, and branding images to give your help center a personal touch. From the Help Center page in Setup, click Edit
next to your help center to open the Experience Builder.
Manage Your Article Topics
Make sure that the article topics you created during the flow cover everything that your customers want to know. Your customers
use topics to help find articles in your help center. If you didn’t create any during the flow, go ahead and create some.
You can view, add, and edit your topics in the Content Management tile in Experience Workspaces. From the Help Center page in
Setup, click Edit next to your help center to open the Experience Builder. Click the icon on the left of the navigation bar and select
Experience Workspaces.

Service Cloud Channel-Object Linking (Beta)

Write and Publish Articles

Now that you’ve set up Lightning Knowledge it’s time to start writing and publishing articles. You can have up to 500 articles in one
language with Essentials Edition.
You can write and manage articles from Knowledge home in Lightning Experience. From the App Launcher, find and open Knowledge.
Handle Cases from the Contact Form
Your contact form creates cases for your team to solve. Create a queue and connect it to your Web-to-Case form using case assignment
Show it Off
Add a link to your help center on your website. You can also set up SEO so that your help center shows up in search results when
your customers are looking for answers.

Create and Edit Articles
Set Up Assignment Rules
SEO for Experience Builder Sites

Channel-Object Linking (Beta)

Create rules to quickly link channel interactions to objects such as contacts. You can fine-tune these rules so that linking happens
automatically, or so that your agents are prompted with suggested records. Linking occurs from within the Lightning console.

Create Channel-Object Linking Rules with a Guided Setup Flow (Beta)
Add channel-object linking rules to your org using the quick guided setup flow.
Create Channel-Object Linking Rules from Messaging Settings
Let agents link Messaging User records to Contacts or Cases with channel-object linking.
Agent Experience for Channel-Object Linking (Beta)
While the agent is in a session with a user, a notification appears in the Lightning console when a rule takes place. The agent can
click the link in the notification to get more detail or perform other actions.

Create Channel-Object Linking Rules with a Guided Setup Flow (Beta)

Add channel-object linking rules to your org using the quick guided setup flow.
Note: If you don’t have the ObjectLinkingPilot permission, see Create Channel-Object Linking
Rules from Messaging Settings on page 789. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
Engagement add-on SKU
Where to Access the Setup Flow and the [] pilot perm.
This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by Available in: Enterprise,
clicking gear icon and selecting Service Setup. From Service Setup, enter Channel-Object Performance, Unlimited,
in the Quick Find box, and select Channel-Object Linking. From the Channel-Object Linking setup and Developer editions with
page, click New Linking Rule. Service Cloud or Sales

Service Cloud Channel-Object Linking (Beta)

What Does This Flow Do?

This flow lets you create rules to link channel interactions to objects, such as contacts. After you select the channel type (for example,
Facebook Messenger, Text, WhatsApp, Phone, etc.) and the object type to link to (for example, Contact), then you can define the linking
logic. The logic is different depending on how many matches are found.

Service Cloud Channel-Object Linking (Beta)

If no matches are found, you can either have the rule automatically create and link a record, or prompt the agent to search for or create
a record.
If a single matching record is found, you can either have the rule automatically link the record, or prompt the agent to pick the suggested
record, search for a record, or create a record.
If there are multiple matches, the system always prompts the agent to pick from a list of suggested records, search for a record, or create
a record.
Matches are determined on a channel-by-channel basis using the following information.

Channel Type Information Used to Match

Facebook Messenger User Name

Phone Phone Number

Text (SMS) Phone Number

Service Cloud Channel-Object Linking (Beta)

Add Channel-Object Linking Rules for Phone Calls (Beta)
Create object-linking rules for incoming customer phone calls. When an agent accepts a call in the workspace, prompt them to
choose from recommended contact records, search for a record, or add a new one. The phone channel supports linking only to
contact records.

Create Channel-Object Linking Rules from Messaging Settings
Agent Experience for Channel-Object Linking (Beta)

Add Channel-Object Linking Rules for Phone Calls (Beta)

Create object-linking rules for incoming customer phone calls. When an agent accepts a call in the workspace, prompt them to choose
from recommended contact records, search for a record, or add a new one. The phone channel supports linking only to contact records.

Important: Set up Voice before creating your channel-object linking rules.

Setup Steps in Lightning Experience:

1. In Service Setup, enter Channel-Object in the Quick Find box. From the Channel-Object Linking setup page, click New Linking
Rule to start the guided flow.
2. Select the Phone channel type and the object to link such as Contact. Create a rule name and description. Set rule actions for these
scenarios: Action for No Record Found and Action for Single Record Found. Save your work.
For example, if no matches are found for a contact, you can include a rule to automatically create and link a record. Or you can
prompt the agent to search for a record or create a new record. If only one matching record is found, you can set a rule to automatically
link the record, or show a prompt. The prompt asks the agent to pick the suggested record, search for a record, or create a record.

3. After completing the Phone setup, add the Object-Linking Notifications background utility in Lightning App Builder to show the
prompts as toast messages in the Service Console.

Service Cloud Channel-Object Linking (Beta)

Create Channel-Object Linking Rules from Messaging Settings

Let agents link Messaging User records to Contacts or Cases with channel-object linking.
If you have the ObjectLinkingPilot permission enabled, see Create Channel-Object Linking Rules
with a Guided Setup Flow (Beta) on page 785. Available in: Lightning
Experience with the Digital
1. From Setup, enter Messaging in the Quick Find box, and select Messaging Settings.
Engagement add-on SKU
2. Click the down arrow to the right of the channel you want to edit.
Available in: Enterprise,
3. Click Edit. Performance, Unlimited,
The Edit Messaging Channel window opens. and Developer editions with
4. Under Channel-Object Linking, select a record type to link to messaging users. Service Cloud or Sales Cloud

5. Click Save.
SEE ALSO: To set up and edit
Create Channel-Object Linking Rules with a Guided Setup Flow (Beta) Messaging channels:
• Configure Messaging
To view channels:
Agent Experience for Channel-Object Linking (Beta) • View Setup and
While the agent is in a session with a user, a notification appears in the Lightning console when a Configuration
rule takes place. The agent can click the link in the notification to get more detail or perform other
For example, let’s say you create a rule for text messages that links conversations to contact records. And you specify that the link occurs
automatically when there’s one match. With this rule in place, if an agent is speaking with someone at a phone number that matches
that of a contact, the agent receives a notification that this conversation is automatically linked to the appropriate contact. The agent
optionally can review the changes and cancel this new link.

The following table describes all the possible scenarios and the default behavior for each scenario.

Matches Found Linking Logic (Specified Default Behavior Additional Options

During Rule Setup)
0 Create Record and Link Record is automatically created Agent can link to a different
and linked to channel record or unlink the auto-linked
interaction. record.

Prompt Agent Agent is prompted to search for Agent can cancel the action.
or create a record to link to.

1 Auto-Link Record Record is automatically linked to Agent can link to a different

channel interaction. record or unlink the auto-linked

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement

Matches Found Linking Logic (Specified Default Behavior Additional Options

During Rule Setup)
Prompt Agent Agent is prompted with the Agent can cancel the action.
suggested record and can
search for, or create, a different
record to link to.

2 or more N/A Agent is prompted with the Agent can cancel the action.
suggested records and can
search for, or create, a different
record to link to.

The matching logic looks for contact records where the value in the phone number field corresponds to most of the digits in the caller’s
phone number. It ignores the country code and matches the remaining digits.
For example, suppose that a customer with the US phone number 415-555-1234 calls your contact center. Your org has three contact
records for this customer, and each record has a variant of the customer’s phone number:
• Contact record 1’s phone number is 415-555-1234.

• Contact record 2’s phone number is 1-415-555-1234.

• Contact record 3’s phone number is +1 415-555-1234.

The matching logic recognizes that these records match the caller’s number, so it suggests them as matches and prompts the agent to
link the call to the contact record. When a contact is matched with a Voice Call record, the Caller field or the Recipient field on the Voice
Call record is updated depending on the call type. For inbound and transfered calls, the caller field is updated. For outbound and returned
calls, the recipient field is updated.

Workforce Engagement
Run a better contact center to help your business, employees, and customers all win. Your business
wins with our new data-driven planning tools that let you meet workload demands more efficiently.
Your employees win with flexible scheduling tools, and better career ownership and growth Workforce Engagement is
opportunities. Your customers win because service is swifter and the agents who support them are available in Lightning
the best match. Experience
Because there are so many Workforce Engagement features to take advantage of, it’s helpful to
Available in: Enterprise,
view it from the perspective of each persona who uses it. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
Persona Needs Features They'll Use
Admin Set up and configure each of Setup and configuration
the features that your team

Planner Forecast workload volume and Intelligent Forecasting

shift requirements. Schedule
shifts to meet those Omni-Channel Planning
requirements. Batch Assignment

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

Persona Needs Features They'll Use

Team Lead Train agents. Manage employee schedule. Agent Engagement
Retain great employees and keep them
happy. Batch Assignment
Get Candidates
Time Sheets
Resource Absences

Agent Provide excellent customer support. Gain Agent Engagement

career growth opportunities. Achieve
work-life balance with ownership over their Shift Scheduling Preferences
schedule. Agent Home
Time Sheets
Resource Absences

Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement
Before you use Workforce Engagement, enable and configure the product.
Workforce Engagement Planner
As the Planner, your role is focused on numbers and data. Intelligent forecasting offers insight into your future workload demands,
and Omni-Channel Planning builds on the forecast to help you put the right agents on the right shift at the right time.
Empower Agents with Career Growth and Schedule Ownership Opportunities as a Workforce Engagement Lead a Team
Retain your employees with Workforce Engagement features that offer career growth and ownership over their work-life balance.
The Agent Experience with Workforce Engagement
When you retain your valuable support team members, your business wins. Workforce Engagement offers a suite of features to
empower your agents with career growth opportunities and more ownership over their schedules.

Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

Before you use Workforce Engagement, enable and configure the product.
1. Purchase Workforce Engagement add-on license.
Workforce Engagement is
2. Enable Workforce Engagement.
available in Lightning
a. Open Setup | Workforce Engagement Management | Get Started. Experience
b. Click Enable. Available in: Enterprise,
c. Select your preferred data model, and click Next. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
d. Click Use This Model to confirm your selection.

3. Assign the Workforce Engagement Analyst, Workforce Engagement Schedule Coordinator, or

the Workforce Engagement Agent Permission Sets to your users.
4. Customize your Workforce Engagement app layout with the Lightning Console App. Add some or all of the following Workforce
Engagement features to the Select Items page:

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

a. Agent Home
b. Intelligent Forecasts
c. Job Profiles
d. Omni Supervisor
e. Operating Hours
f. Resource Absences
g. Scheduling Constraints
h. Service Resource
i. Service Resource Preferences
j. Service Territories
k. Shifts
l. Time Sheets
m. Work Capacity Plans
n. Work Forecasts

Prepare Your Org to Use Workload History and Intelligent Forecasting
Before you create a Workload History and Intelligent Forecast, ensure that the features are fully configured.
Prepare Your Org to Use Omni-Channel Planning
Before you use Omni-Channel Planning, ensure that the features are fully configured.
Prepare Your Org to Use Agent Engagement
Before you use Agent Engagement, ensure that the feature is fully configured.
Prepare Your Org to Use Time Sheets and Resource Absences
Before you use Time Sheets or Resource Absences, ensure that the features are fully configured.
Prepare Your Org to Use Workforce Engagement Shift Scheduling Tools
Before you use Workforce Engagement shift scheduling tools like Batch Assignment and Get Candidates, ensure that the features
are fully configured.
Prepare Your Org to Use Agent Home
Before you use Workforce Engagement Agent Home, ensure that the feature is fully configured.
Prepare Your Org to Use Service Resources Preferences
Before you use Workforce Engagement Service Resource Preferences, ensure that the feature is fully configured.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

Prepare Your Org to Use Workload History and Intelligent Forecasting

Before you create a Workload History and Intelligent Forecast, ensure that the features are fully
1. Add the Workforce Engagement Analyst permission set to the user who creates Workload Workforce Engagement is
History and Intelligent Forecasting. available in Lightning
2. Choose or create the channel that your workload history and intelligent forecast are based on.
Create this channel as a standard or custom object. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Choose or create the skill menu that becomes a dashboard filter for your intelligent forecast. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
Create this skill as a standard or custom picklist on a custom object.
4. Choose or create the region menu that becomes a dashboard filter for your intelligent forecast.
Create this region as a standard or custom picklist on a custom object.
5. Choose or create the custom field that becomes a dashboard filter for your intelligent forecast. Create this field as a standard or
custom picklist on a custom object.
6. Import past workload data into Salesforce. Use the Import Wizard or

Prepare Your Org to Use Omni-Channel Planning

Before you use Omni-Channel Planning, ensure that the features are fully configured.
1. Add the Workforce Engagement Analyst permission set to the user who creates Workload
History, Intelligent Forecasting, and Omni-Channel Planning. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
2. Add related lists to the Operating Hours and Job Profiles objects.
a. Add the Time Slots related list to the Operating Hours page layout.
Available in: Enterprise,
b. Add the Skill Requirements related list to the Job Profile page layout. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
3. Create Operating Hours and Time Slots. You can create up to 2000 sets of Operating Hours.
a. Open Operating Hours from the App Launcher.
b. Click New.
c. Name your operating hours, and select a time zone.
d. Save your changes.
e. Click to open the operating hours that you created.
f. Click Related.
g. Under Time Slots, click New.
h. Select the Day of Week. Each time slot represents a day of the 7-day week.
i. Fill in the rest of the details for that day.
j. Save your changes.
k. Repeat these steps for each day of the week that's included in the operating hours.

4. Create a Service Territory. Each Omni-Channel Plan can have one service territory. Add your operating hours to this service territory.
a. Open Service Territories in the App Launcher.
b. Click New.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

c. Name your Service Territory, select from a list of Operating Hours. To make this territory active, check the box. Fill in any additional
fields you’d like.
d. Save your changes.

5. Create skills for skills-based routing. Associate these skills with the job profiles and service resources in your Omni-Channel Plan.
6. Create up to 10 job profiles. Add in the skills you created previously.

Create Operating Hours with Time Slots for Workforce Engagement
Numbers matter when you run a contact center. Keep track of a business location's working hours with Operating Hours and Time
Slots. Reference operating hours throughout Workforce Engagement features, including Omni-Channel Planning, Batch Assignment,
Get Candidates, Time Sheets, Absences, or Service Resource Preferences.
Create a Service Territory for Workforce Engagement
A service territory represents the geographic area where your business operates. Service territory is a key building block in creating
an Omni-Channel Plan, and in creating and assigning a shift.

Create Operating Hours with Time Slots for Workforce Engagement

Numbers matter when you run a contact center. Keep track of a business location's working hours
with Operating Hours and Time Slots. Reference operating hours throughout Workforce Engagement
features, including Omni-Channel Planning, Batch Assignment, Get Candidates, Time Sheets, Workforce Engagement is
Absences, or Service Resource Preferences. available in Lightning
Create Operating Hours Available in: Enterprise,
1. Open Operating Hours from the App Launcher. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
2. Click New.
3. Name your operating hours, and select a time zone.
4. Save your changes.

Add Time Slots to Your Operating Hours

1. Click to open the operating hours that you created.
2. Click Related.
3. Under Time Slots, click New.
4. Select the Day of Week. Each time slot represents a day of the 7-day week.
5. Fill in the rest of the details for that day.
6. Save your changes.
7. Repeat these steps for each day of the week that's included in the operating hours.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

Create a Service Territory for Workforce Engagement

A service territory represents the geographic area where your business operates. Service territory
is a key building block in creating an Omni-Channel Plan, and in creating and assigning a shift.
Workforce Engagement is
Service Territory Use Cases available in Lightning
Feature Use Case Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
Omni-Channel Plan Each Omni-Channel Plan that you create is Unlimited Editions
based on a single Service Territory.
During Omni-Channel Plan creation, the Region
from your Workload History and Intelligent
Forecast is mapped to this Service Territory. This
mapping either represents a 1:1 relationship
(example: they are both called New York) or a
parent-child relationship (example: the Region
is New York and the Service Territory is Brooklyn,

Shift Scheduling Each shift that you create is based on a single

service territory.

Shift Scheduling Rule The Match Territory scheduling rule type checks
if a service resource belongs to a shift’s service
territory. This match helps determine whether
that service resource is assigned to the shift
using Batch Assignment or Get Candidates.

Create a Service Territory

1. Open Service Territories in the App Launcher.
2. Click New.
3. Name your Service Territory, select from a list of Operating Hours. To make this territory active, check the box. Fill in any additional
fields you’d like.
4. Save your changes.

Prepare Your Org to Use Agent Engagement

Before you use Agent Engagement, ensure that the feature is fully configured.

Configure MyTrailhead Workforce Engagement is

available in Lightning
1. Purchase one myTrailhead add-on License. Experience
2. Set Up myTrailhead.
Available in: Enterprise,
3. Create myTrailhead Learning Modules. Agent Engagement lets you assign these modules to Performance, and
agents, who earn skills upon completion. Unlimited Editions

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

Configure the Omni-Channel Widget

1. Enable Omni-Channel Skills-Based Routing.
2. If it's not already configured for your org, add a Lightning Console app for Workforce Engagement.
3. Add the Omni-Channel Widget. Agents launch a new learning module that’s been assigned to them from this widget.

Configure a User to be a Learning Manager

1. Make sure that this Learning Manager user already has one of the three Workforce Engagement permission sets: Workforce Engagement
Analyst, Workforce Engagement Schedule Coordinator, or Workforce Engagement Agent.
2. Create a Learning Manager user profile.
a. Open Setup | Users.
b. Click Profiles.
c. Click the Standard User Profile.
d. Click Clone.
e. Name the profile something like Learning Manager, and save your changes.
f. Click Edit on the Learning Manager profile.
g. Scroll down to Administrative Permissions, and check the Customize Application box.
h. Verify that the Lightning Console User box is checked.
i. Scroll down to Standard Object Permissions, and grant the following access: Read, Create, View All on Agent Training; Read
on Skill Level Definition; Read, Create, and View All on Skill Level Progress; Read on Skill Level Learning Content.
j. Save your changes.

3. Assign the Learning Manager user profile to the user who assigns agent engagement modules to agents.

Configure a User to be a Learner

1. Add a Workforce Engagement Agent user permission set to all agents who take agent engagement modules.
2. Create a service resource profile for each agent who needs to earn skills.
3. Create an Apex trigger that allows the agent to view their own service resource record.
4. Create a Service Channel for Agent Training to route training to agents.
5. To indicate when agents are available to be assigned a training and when agents are unavailable, create Presence Statuses.
6. Create a Learner user profile.
a. Open Setup | Users | Profiles.
b. Click the Standard User Profile.
c. Click Clone.
d. Name the profile something like Learner, and save your changes.
e. Click Edit on the Learner profile.
f. Scroll down to Administrative Permissions, and verify that the Lightning Console User box is checked.
g. Scroll down to Standard Object Permissions, and grant the following access: Read on Agent Training; Read on Skill Level
Definition; Read on Skill Level Progress; Read on Skill Level Learning Contents.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

h. Scroll down to Enable Service Presence Status Access, and click Edit.
i. Click to highlight each Service Presence Status, and move them from Available Service Presence Status to Enabled Service
Presence Status.
j. Save your changes.

Configure Skills
1. Create skills for skills-based routing. Map these skills to your myTrailhead modules. Agents earn skills upon completion of a myTrailhead
2. Map skills to learning modules.
a. Open Setup | Workforce Engagement | Skills | Skills & Learning.
b. Click New Match.
c. Search for a skill.
d. Click Next.
e. Search for the myTrailhead module you’d like to match to this skill, and click to add it.
f. Check the box to Approve Automatically. After an agent completes the learning module, they will automatically earn the skill.
If you'd prefer to manually approve skills, set up an approval process.
g. Save your changes.

Allow Agents to See Their Service Resource Profile with an Apex Trigger
Create an Apex Trigger that shares a service resource record with an agent and makes the agent the owner. This ensures that agents
can take valuable actions from their own service resource record. They can submit a Service Resource Preference, a Resource Absence,
or a Time Sheet, or see skills they earned through Agent Engagement. The trigger also ensures that agents only see their own service
resource profile, as opposed to opening all service resource profiles publicly to all agents.

Allow Agents to See Their Service Resource Profile with an Apex Trigger
Create an Apex Trigger that shares a service resource record with an agent and makes the agent
the owner. This ensures that agents can take valuable actions from their own service resource
record. They can submit a Service Resource Preference, a Resource Absence, or a Time Sheet, or Workforce Engagement is
see skills they earned through Agent Engagement. The trigger also ensures that agents only see available in Lightning
their own service resource profile, as opposed to opening all service resource profiles publicly to Experience
all agents.
Available in: Enterprise,
Here’s an example of how you could share a service resource record with an agent: Performance, and
Note: To ensure the best outcome with this trigger, ensure that the org-wide default sharing Unlimited Editions
setting for Service Resource is set to Private.
trigger share_record_with_resource on ServiceResource (after insert) {
for (ServiceResource sr : Trigger.New) {
if (sr.RelatedRecord != null) {
ServiceResourceShare srShare = new ServiceResourceShare();
srShare.ParentId = sr.Id;
srShare.UserOrGroupId = sr.RelatedRecordId;

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

srShare.AccessLevel = 'Read';
insert srShare;

Here's an example of how you could make an agent the owner of a service resource record:
trigger change_resource_owner on ServiceResource (before insert) {
for (ServiceResource sr : Trigger.New) {
if (sr.RelatedRecordId != null) {
sr.OwnerId = sr.RelatedRecordId;

Prepare Your Org to Use Time Sheets and Resource Absences

Before you use Time Sheets or Resource Absences, ensure that the features are fully configured.
1. Assign the Workforce Engagement Schedule Coordinator permission set to the user who
approves time sheets and absences. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
2. Assign the Workforce Engagement Agent permission set to the user who submits time sheets
and absences.
3. Create a service resource profile for each agent who will submit time sheets and absences. You Available in: Enterprise,
can create up to 2000 Service Resources. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
4. Add the Absences and Time Sheets related lists to the Service Resources objects. Add the Time
Sheet Entry related list to the Time Sheets object.
5. Create an Apex trigger that allows each agent to view their own service resource record. This lets the agent access the Time Sheets
and Resource Absences related lists where they can submit a new time sheet or time-off request.
6. (Optional) If you require manual approval, add the Status field to Resource Absences. Some companies have unlimited PTO where
absences are submitted as a heads up to management. Other companies require managerial approval for an absence.
7. (Optional) Set up Salesforce Approval process for resource absences and time sheets. This approval process alerts a team lead when
a new absence or time sheet has been submitted by an agent.

Prepare Your Org to Use Workforce Engagement Shift Scheduling Tools

Before you use Workforce Engagement shift scheduling tools like Batch Assignment and Get
Candidates, ensure that the features are fully configured.
1. Assign the Workforce Engagement Schedule Coordinator permission set to the user who creates Workforce Engagement is
and assigns shifts. available in Lightning
2. In the user profile for the user who creates and assigns shifts, Set Standard Object Permissions
for Service Resource Preferences to View All. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Add the Service Territory, Shifts, Preferences, Scheduling Constraints, and Skills related lists to Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
the Service Resources page layout.
4. Create Operating Hours and Time Slots. You can create up to 2000 sets of operating hours.
a. Open Operating Hours from the App Launcher.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

b. Click New.
c. Name your operating hours, and select a time zone.
d. Save your changes.
e. Click to open the operating hours that you created.
f. Click Related.
g. Under Time Slots, click New.
h. Select the Day of Week. Each time slot represents a day of the 7-day week.
i. Fill in the rest of the details for that day.
j. Save your changes.
k. Repeat these steps for each day of the week that's included in the operating hours.

5. Create skills for Skills-Based Routing. Associate these skills with your job profiles and service resources.
6. Create service resources with Type 'Agent' for the agents who you’d like to assign shifts to.
7. Create the job profiles that you’d like to associate with your shifts.
8. Add one or more skills to a Service Resource profile via the Skills related list.
9. Create a Service Territory to associate with your service resources. An Omni-Channel plan can only have one associated service
territory. If you’d like the service resource to be associated with your Omni-Channel Plan, match the service territory to the one used
in your plan.
a. Open Service Territories in the App Launcher.
b. Click New.
c. Name your Service Territory, select from a list of Operating Hours, and check the box to make this territory active. Fill in any
additional fields you’d like.
d. Save your changes.

10. Add a service territory to each service resource via the Service Territory related list on the service resource profile.
11. Create the job profiles that you’d like to associate with your shifts.
12. Create the scheduling constraints that are associated with your work limit scheduling rule. You can create up to 50 scheduling
a. Open Scheduling Constraints in the App Launcher.
b. Click New.
c. Name your scheduling constraint, and fill in the related details.
d. Save your changes.
e. Open Service Resources or Service Territories from the App launcher.
f. Click to open an individual Service Resource or Service Territory page.
g. Click Related.
h. Scroll to the Scheduling Constraints related list, and add your constraint.

13. Create the Scheduling Rules that help automatically match agents to shifts.
a. Open Setup.
b. Search for Scheduling Rules, and click to open the page.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

c. Click the gear icon, and select New.

d. Name your list view, and select who can view it.
e. Save your changes.
f. Click New.
g. Name your scheduling rule, and select a Scheduling Rule Type.
h. Save your changes.

Create a Scheduling Rule for Workforce Engagement
Scheduling Rules help the Get Candidates and Batch Assignment features match qualified agents to shifts. Set these rules once, and
our shift assignment tools check them when matching agents to shifts.
Create a Scheduling Constraint for Workforce Engagement
Scheduling constraints set perimeters on when work happens and how much work is done. Scheduling constraints can be associated
with a service resource or a service territory. The work limit-type scheduling rule relies on a scheduling constraint from the service
resource or service territory to match agents to shifts.

Create a Scheduling Rule for Workforce Engagement

Scheduling Rules help the Get Candidates and Batch Assignment features match qualified agents
to shifts. Set these rules once, and our shift assignment tools check them when matching agents
to shifts. Workforce Engagement is
Note: To make Workforce Engagement scheduling tools work effectively, the Match Territory available in Lightning
scheduling rule is required.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
Scheduling Rule Types
Unlimited Editions

Type Description
Availability Checks if the service resource is available to be
assigned to a shift.

Match Skills Checks if the service resource has the

appropriate skills to be assigned to the shift.

Match Territory Required: Checks if the service resource belongs

to the shift’s territory.

Work Limit Checks if the service resource can handle the

work unit maximum. You decide if the work unit
max is measured in hours or shifts; choose a
specific scheduling constraint to define the type
of work required; and decide if the max is per
day, week, or month. You can create custom
Scheduling Constraints.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

Create a Scheduling Rule

Create a Match Territory rule and any other scheduling rules that you want.
1. Open Setup.
2. Search for Scheduling Rules, and click to open the page.
3. Click the gear icon, and select New.
4. Name your list view, and select who can view it.
5. Save your changes.
6. Click New.
7. Name your scheduling rule, and select a Scheduling Rule Type.
8. Save your changes.

Create a Scheduling Constraint for Workforce Engagement

Scheduling constraints set perimeters on when work happens and how much work is done.
Scheduling constraints can be associated with a service resource or a service territory. The work
limit-type scheduling rule relies on a scheduling constraint from the service resource or service Workforce Engagement is
territory to match agents to shifts. available in Lightning
Note: You can create up to 50 scheduling constraints.
Available in: Enterprise,
1. Open Scheduling Constraints in the App Launcher.
Performance, and
2. Click New. Unlimited Editions
3. Name your scheduling constraint, and fill in the related details.
4. Save your changes.
5. Open Service Resources or Service Territories from the App launcher.
6. Click to open an individual Service Resource or Service Territory page.
7. Click Related.
8. Scroll to the Scheduling Constraints related list, and add your constraint.

Prepare Your Org to Use Agent Home

Before you use Workforce Engagement Agent Home, ensure that the feature is fully configured.
1. Assign the Workforce Engagement Agent permission set to the user who creates Service
Resource Preferences. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
2. Create a Service Resource for each agent who uses Agent Home. You can create up to 2000
Service Resource profiles.
3. If your org was created before Summer ‘21, set the Tab Settings for Agent Home to Default Available in: Enterprise,
On. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
4. Create an Apex Trigger that allows agents to see the shifts that have been assigned to them.

Service Cloud Prepare Your Org for Workforce Engagement

Allow Agents to See Their Assigned Shifts with an Apex Trigger
Create an Apex Trigger that lets an agent see their assigned shifts in their Agent Home tab. This trigger prevents the agent from
seeing other agents’ assigned shifts.

Allow Agents to See Their Assigned Shifts with an Apex Trigger

Create an Apex Trigger that lets an agent see their assigned shifts in their Agent Home tab. This
trigger prevents the agent from seeing other agents’ assigned shifts.
Here's an example of how this might be done: Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
Note: This will not remove sharing if the original service resource is changed or removed. Experience
The code will always test for auto-sharing, even if that is not needed.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
Unlimited Editions

// Trigger that occurs after a shift is inserted

trigger ShiftDemoTrigger on Shift (after insert) {

/* TODO Optimization, test if sharing object is available, replace boolean */

boolean needsToShareShift = true;

if (!needsToShareShift) {

Map<Id, List<Id>> srIdsToShiftIds = new Map<Id, List<Id>>();

for(Shift newShift : Trigger.New) {
// map service resources to shifts to share with
if(newShift.ServiceResourceId != null) {
List<Id> shiftIdsForResource = srIdsToShiftIds.get(newShift.ServiceResourceId);

if(shiftIdsForResource == null){
shiftIdsForResource = new List<Id>();
srIdsToShiftIds.put(newShift.ServiceResourceId, shiftIdsForResource);

// Load the ServiceResources associated with the new shifts that were created.
List<ServiceResource> results = [SELECT RelatedRecordId, ResourceType FROM
ServiceResource WHERE Id in :srIdsToShiftIds.keySet()];
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
List<ShiftShare> shareEntriesToCreate = new List<ShiftShare>();
for(ServiceResource serviceResource : results) {
// This is a shift for an Agent Service Resource so let's configure a share
record for it
if (serviceResource.ResourceType == 'A') {
// shift ids that contain this service resource
List<Id> shiftIds = srIdsToShiftIds.get(serviceResource.Id);

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

if (shiftIds != null && !shiftIds.isEmpty()) {

for (Id shiftId : shiftIds) {
// New sharing record to share the shift
ShiftShare shareTheShift = new ShiftShare();
shareTheShift.ParentId = shiftId;
String agentUserId = serviceResource.RelatedRecordId;
// Share the record with the agent
shareTheShift.UserOrGroupId = agentUserId;
// Allow them to read
shareTheShift.AccessLevel = 'Read';

Database.insert(shareEntriesToCreate); // can use upsert?


Prepare Your Org to Use Service Resources Preferences

Before you use Workforce Engagement Service Resource Preferences, ensure that the feature is fully
1. Add the Workforce Engagement Agent permission set to the user who creates a Service Resource Workforce Engagement is
Preference. available in Lightning
2. Create a Service Resource for each agent who submits a Service Resource Preference. You can
create up to 2000 Service Resources. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Add the Preferences related list to service resource profiles. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
4. In the user profile for the user who creates and assigns shifts, Set Standard Object Permissions
for Service Resource Preferences to View All. This permission allows the person assigning shifts
to see each agent's Service Resource Preference match percentage in the Get Candidates interface.
5. Create an Apex trigger that allows each agent to view their own service resource record. This lets the agent access the Preferences
related list where they can submit a new time sheet or time-off request.

Workforce Engagement Planner

As the Planner, your role is focused on numbers and data. Intelligent forecasting offers insight into
your future workload demands, and Omni-Channel Planning builds on the forecast to help you put
the right agents on the right shift at the right time. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning

Create a Workload History Available in: Enterprise,

A workload history aggregates all of the historic case volume data you request. When you later Performance, and
create an intelligent forecast, the forecast’s prediction is based on this workload history data. Unlimited Editions

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

Adjust Your Workload History Data

Need to clean up your workload history to produce a more accurate intelligent forecast? Change, replace, or remove workload history
data with an adjustment.
Export a Workload History
Export your workload history as a CSV file.
Create an Intelligent Forecast
You created a workload history to aggregate your past work volume trends. Leverage that workload history to create an intelligent
forecast that predicts future case volume based on historic trends.
Adjust Your Intelligent Forecast Data
Need to account for a future promotion or upcoming event that could increase workload? Any new data that wasn’t reflected in
your workload history can be added to the forecast through an adjustment. You can also use an adjustment to remove certain data
from your forecast.
Export an Intelligent Forecast
Export your intelligent forecast as a CSV file.
Omni-Channel Plan Glossary
To make sense of all the data going into your Omni-Channel plan, read this glossary. Refer to it as you move through the plan setup
Create an Omni-Channel Plan
Learn how many shifts are required to meet your forecasted demand, and compare available to assigned shifts with an Omni-Chanel
Optimized vs. Baseline Omni-Channel Plan
If the Omni-Channel Plan optimization engine exceeds its one-hour time limit, we return Omni-Channel Plan data that is not fully
optimized. We call this a "baseline" Omni-Channel Plan.
Adjust Your Omni-Channel Plan Data
Need to account for a future promotion or upcoming event that could increase workload? Any new data that wasn’t reflected in
your workload forecast can be added to your Omni-Channel plan through an adjustment.
Export Your Omni-Channel Plan
Export your Omni-Channel Plan as a CSV file.

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

Create a Workload History

A workload history aggregates all of the historic case volume data you request. When you later
create an intelligent forecast, the forecast’s prediction is based on this workload history data.
1. Click App Launcher | Intelligent Forecasts | New. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
2. Select Workload History.
3. Select a Channel to view history for. Each workload history is based on one channel.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Select to use all history or filter the data you’re bringing in. Performance, and
5. Tell your channel if it’s filterable by Skill, Region, or Custom. Map these filter names to the custom Unlimited Editions
picklist fields that you or your admin created in the configuration pre-work.
6. Check the Calculate Average Handle Time box if you’d like to include that data. USER PERMISSIONS
7. Click Next.
To view, create, edit, and
8. Click each object (Region, Skill, and Custom), and map Picklist Value to Dashboard Filter Value. delete a Workload History:
• Workforce Engagement
9. Select the option to add to an existing workload history (that hasn't been added to another
Intelligent Forecast) or create a new one.
10. Click Next.
11. Enter an end date and duration for your work history, and name it. The max duration is 260 weeks or five years.
12. Click Save, and click Done.
13. Check the Status column in the Work Forecasts list view to see when your Workload History’s aggregation is complete.

Adjust Your Workload History Data

Need to clean up your workload history to produce a more accurate intelligent forecast? Change,
replace, or remove workload history data with an adjustment.
1. Open Intelligent Forecasts in the App Launcher. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
2. Click to open a workload history from the list view.
3. Scroll down to the Data Detail View.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Check the box next to a date. Performance, and
5. Click Adjust. Unlimited Editions
6. Select Apply Percentage, Replace Data, or Skip Data.
7. If choosing to Apply Percentage or Replace Data, enter the corresponding value. USER PERMISSIONS
8. Optionally, you can enter an adjustment reason. To view, create, edit, and
delete a Workload History:
9. Save your changes.
• Workforce Engagement
10. Click the Refresh dashboard icon to update your workload history. This process can take some Analyst
time. Once complete, you'll see the adjustment reflected in your data. If you created an intelligent
forecast from this workload history, repeat these steps in your intelligent forecast to see the
adjustment reflected.

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

Export a Workload History

Export your workload history as a CSV file.
Before export, you can apply 9 different filters to the workload history: Workload Type, Date Range,
Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Channel, Region, Skill, and Custom. The export doesn’t recognize the Measure Workforce Engagement is
filter. available in Lightning
Note: Your export cannot exceed 40,000 rows. If the limit is reached, filter your data further,
and try the export again. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
1. Open Intelligent Forecasts from the App Launcher. Unlimited Editions
2. Click to open a workload history.
4. Click Export to confirm.
To view, create, edit, and
5. The CSV file downloads to your default downloads folder. delete a Workload History:
• Workforce Engagement

Create an Intelligent Forecast

You created a workload history to aggregate your past work volume trends. Leverage that workload
history to create an intelligent forecast that predicts future case volume based on historic trends.
1. Open Intelligent Forecasts in the App Launcher. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
2. Click New.
3. Select Intelligent Forecast.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Click Start. Performance, and
5. Select the Workload History that you created. Unlimited Editions
6. Click Next.
7. Choose a Workload History end date and duration in weeks (up to 12 weeks). This end date USER PERMISSIONS
tells your forecast which period of your Workload History to reference.
To view, create, edit, and
8. Click Next. delete Workload Histories,
Intelligent Forecasts, and
9. Choose a Forecast Start Date, and a desired number of weeks you’d like to display data for. Omni-Channel Plans:
Your Workload Forecast can project up to 12 weeks. • Workforce Engagement
10. Click Next. Analyst

11. We recommend selecting the Hourly Interval for your forecast display. You can toggle the
interval to show Daily or Weekly in the Graph View after the forecast is created.
12. Name your forecast, and click Save.
13. Check the Status column in the Intelligent Forecasts list view to see when your forecast’s aggregation is complete.

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

Adjust Your Intelligent Forecast Data

Need to account for a future promotion or upcoming event that could increase workload? Any new
data that wasn’t reflected in your workload history can be added to the forecast through an
adjustment. You can also use an adjustment to remove certain data from your forecast. Workforce Engagement is
1. Open Intelligent Forecasts in the App Launcher. available in Lightning
2. Click to open a forecast from the list view.
3. Scroll down to the Data Detail View. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
4. Check the box next to a date. Unlimited Editions
5. Click Adjust.
6. Select Apply Percentage, Replace Data, or Skip Data. USER PERMISSIONS
7. If choosing to Apply Percentage or Replace Data, enter the corresponding value.
To view, create, edit, and
8. Optionally, you can enter an adjustment reason. delete Intelligent Forecasts:
• Workforce Engagement
9. Save your changes.
10. Click the Refresh dashboard icon to update your forecast. This process can take some time.
Once complete, you'll see the adjustment reflected in your data.

Export an Intelligent Forecast

Export your intelligent forecast as a CSV file.
Before export, you can filter the intelligent forecast 9 different ways: Workload Type, Date Range,
Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Channel, Region, Skill, and Custom. The export doesn’t recognize the Measure Workforce Engagement is
filter. available in Lightning
Note: Your export cannot exceed 40,000 rows. If the limit is reached, filter your data further,
and try the export again. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
1. Open Intelligent Forecasts from the App Launcher. Unlimited Editions
2. Click to open an intelligent forecast.
4. Click Export to confirm.
To view, create, edit, and
5. The CSV file downloads to your default downloads folder. delete Intelligent Forecasts:
• Workforce Engagement

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

Omni-Channel Plan Glossary

To make sense of all the data going into your Omni-Channel plan, read this glossary. Refer to it as
you move through the plan setup steps.
Workforce Engagement is
Term Definition available in Lightning
Region You defined Region ahead of creating your Experience
workload history. Region represented the Available in: Enterprise,
geographic area where your business operates. Performance, and
Omni-Channel plans use service territory instead Unlimited Editions
of region, so you map the two together when
creating your plan.

Service Territory Service Territory represents the location of your

contact center. You map your intelligent
forecast’s region to your Omni-Channel plan’s
service territory.

Job Profile A job profile starts as a set of skills. During

Omni-Channel plan creation, your job profiles
evolve to include a combination of skills,
channels, custom fields, shrinkage, and shift

Shrinkage The percentage of time that an agent doesn’t

work during a shift. Shrinkage represents time
for breaks, lunch, training, or meetings. A unique
shrinkage percentage is set for each job profile
that’s added to an Omni-Channel plan.

Work Units A measurement of time and effort spent doing

work. A work unit maximum is set per job
profile. For example: If you set the maximum
number of work units to five, and define that a
case is equal to two work units, and a chat is
equal to one work unit, the following would be
possible for this job profile: Five chats at the
same time. Two cases and one chat at the same
time. Or one case and three chats at time.

Average Handle Time The average length of time it takes for a case to
be closed, regardless of channel. Create an
average handle time goal for each job profile.

Service Level Agreement A KPI driven from the upper level of business.
The percentage of cases that you want your
team to answer in a certain amount of time,
regardless of channel. Create a service level
agreement for each job profile. The higher your
service level agreement percentage, the more
agents you want to staff.

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

Term Definition
Service Resource A contact center agent who is available to be scheduled. Service
Resource is mapped to a user profile. Each user can have one service
resource record attached.

Create an Omni-Channel Plan

Learn how many shifts are required to meet your forecasted demand, and compare available to
assigned shifts with an Omni-Chanel plan.
There are many steps to creating your plan, but you define four main concepts in the process: Your Workforce Engagement is
service territory; your job profiles; your work units; and your service goals. available in Lightning
If you haven’t created shifts yet, your plan shows available shifts. If you created and assigned shifts,
your plan compares available to assigned shifts. Available in: Enterprise,
1. Open Forecasts in the App Launcher. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
2. Open the forecast you’d like to create your plan from.
3. Click Add Omni-Channel Plan.
4. Keep or edit the forecast’s start date, end date, and duration. The current maximum duration
is 12 weeks. To view, create, edit, and
delete Workload Histories,
5. Click Next. Intelligent Forecasts, and
6. Map the Region from your workload forecast to the Service Territory for this plan. If you didn’t Omni-Channel Plans:
include a region in your work forecast, select No Region, and map it to the Service Territory • Workforce Engagement
for this plan.
To view, create, edit, and
7. Click Next. delete Scheduling
8. Select one or more Job Profiles, and click Next. Constraints and Shift
Scheduling Operations:
9. Map channel, skill, or custom fields to each job profile. You can add up to 20 channel/skill/custom
• Workforce Engagement
field combinations per job profile. Select No Value when you don’t have a field value. Schedule Coordinator
a. Note: If the job profile was previously used in an Omni-Channel plan, it retains the mapping
(including shrinkage and shift duration) from that plan. If you want the job profile to have
new mapping, create a new job profile under a slightly different name, and use the new one instead.

10. Set the Shrinkage.

11. Set the Shift Duration. This combination of channels, skills, custom fields, shrinkage, and shift duration added to a job profile helps
the plan determine the number of required agents to achieve the defined Service Level Agreement (SLA). Define SLA in step 20.
12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 for each Job Profile you included. Note: The combination of channels, skills, and custom fields must be
unique to each job profile in order to make them mutually exclusive in covering your contact center’s demands.
13. Click Next.
14. Define the maximum number of Work Units that a single agent can handle at one time.
15. Distribute the work units between channels.
16. Prioritize the channels. 1 is the highest priority.
17. Repeat steps 13 through 15 for each job profile.
18. Click Next.

Service Cloud Workforce Engagement Planner

19. Define the Average Handle Time for each job profile, per channel.
20. Define the Service Level Agreement for each job profile, per channel.
21. Click Next.
22. Name your plan, and save your changes. You’re welcome to move around your org or log out. When your plan is calculated, the
status changes to Shift Calculation Completed.

Optimized vs. Baseline Omni-Channel Plan

If the Omni-Channel Plan optimization engine exceeds its one-hour time limit, we return
Omni-Channel Plan data that is not fully optimized. We call this a "baseline" Omni-Channel Plan.
During the creation of an Omni-Channel plan, we use an optimization engine that runs multiple Workforce Engagement is
iterations. The engine tries to find the best number of agents per hour for the requested input in a available in Lightning
way that satisfies the Service Level Agreement targets defined by the customer. For a single capacity Experience
plan, we usually run several thousands of iterations in minutes. This optimization engine process
Available in: Enterprise,
has a one-hour time limit. Performance, and
In some situations, the iterations we are running exceed the one-hour time limit, and we aren't Unlimited Editions
able to complete the optimization process. In that situation, we return the best possible solution
found until this point. We call this a "baseline" Omni-Channel Plan.

Adjust Your Omni-Channel Plan Data

Need to account for a future promotion or upcoming event that could increase workload? Any new
data that wasn’t reflected in your workload forecast can be added to your Omni-Channel plan
through an adjustment. Workforce Engagement is
1. Open Omni-Channel Plans in the App Launcher. available in Lightning
2. Click to open the plan that you want to adjust.
3. Scroll down to the Data Detail View. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
4. Check the box next to a date. Unlimited Editions
5. Click Adjust.
6. Click Apply Percentage or Replace Data. USER PERMISSIONS
7. Enter the corresponding value.
To adjust your
8. Optionally, you can enter an adjustment reason. Omni-Channel Plan:
• Workforce Engagement
9. Save your changes.
10. Click the Refresh dashboard icon to update your Omni-Channel plan. This process can take
some time. Once complete, you'll see the adjustment reflected in your data.

Service Cloud Empower Agents with Career Growth and Schedule
Ownership Opportunities as a Workforce Engagement Lead
a Team
Export Your Omni-Channel Plan
Export your Omni-Channel Plan as a CSV file.
1. Open Omni-Channel Plans in the App Launcher.
Workforce Engagement is
2. Click to open an Omni-Channel plan.
available in Lightning
3. Click Export. Experience
4. Click Export to confirm. Available in: Enterprise,
5. The CSV file downloads to your default downloads folder. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions


To view, create, edit, and

delete Workload Histories,
Intelligent Forecasts, and
Omni-Channel Plans:
• Workforce Engagement

Empower Agents with Career Growth and Schedule Ownership

Opportunities as a Workforce Engagement Lead a Team
Retain your employees with Workforce Engagement features that offer career growth and ownership
over their work-life balance.
Workforce Engagement is
IN THIS SECTION: available in Lightning
Assign Learning to Agents with Agent Engagement
No one wants to feel like just a number. Balancing your business’ productivity needs with your Available in: Enterprise,
agents’ career growth goals creates a support environment where full-time agents want to Performance, and
stick around. Agent Engagement lets agents earn skills by taking myTrailhead modules. Unlimited Editions

Approve Time Sheets and Time-Off Requests

As a team lead, it’s important to stay on top of everyone’s schedules. Approve time sheets and time-off requests by agent or by
object type.
Create Shifts for Workforce Engagement
Take advantage of Workforce Engagement’s shift scheduling enhancements, like Omni-Channel planning, Batch Assignment, or Get
Candidates. All of these features require that you create shifts.
Batch Assign Agents to Shifts
Save time and unlock agent capacity with Batch Assignment. Quickly assign a group of shifts to agents who are matched based on
your business’ shift scheduling rules and their own shift scheduling preferences.
Manually Assign an Agent to a Shift with Get Candidates
Need to create and assign an overtime shift in a hurry? Need to swap shift assignments due to an agent calling in sick? Get Candidates
helps you quickly find an agent who is best-matched to work on an individual shift.

Service Cloud Empower Agents with Career Growth and Schedule
Ownership Opportunities as a Workforce Engagement Lead
a Team
Assign Learning to Agents with Agent Engagement
No one wants to feel like just a number. Balancing your business’ productivity needs with your
agents’ career growth goals creates a support environment where full-time agents want to stick
around. Agent Engagement lets agents earn skills by taking myTrailhead modules. Workforce Engagement is
While an agent is actively taking a learning module, their capacity is reduced by 1. The agent can available in Lightning
focus on the learning module with fewer distractions. To assign Agent Engagement learnings to Experience
your agents:
Available in: Enterprise,
1. Open Omni Supervisor in the App Launcher. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
2. In the All Agents list, select the agents who you’d like to assign learning to.
3. Click Assign Learning.
4. Search for the name of the myTrailhead module you want to assign, and select it.
5. Click Assign Learning. To assign Agent
Engagement learnings to
• Workforce Engagement
Analyst. Workforce
Engagement Schedule
Coordinator, or
Workforce Engagement

Approve Time Sheets and Time-Off Requests

As a team lead, it’s important to stay on top of everyone’s schedules. Approve time sheets and
time-off requests by agent or by object type.

Note: The status field must be added to the Absences object before you can complete these Workforce Engagement is
steps for Absences. See Prepare Your Org to Use Time Sheets and Absences. available in Lightning
1. Open Service Resources from the App Launcher.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Click the name of a Service Resource.
Performance, and
3. Click Related. Unlimited Editions
4. Click a time sheet from the Time Sheets list or an Absence from the Absences list.
5. Click to edit the Status Field. USER PERMISSIONS
6. Change the status to Submitted. To approve time sheets and
7. Save your changes. absences:
• Workforce Engagement
Schedule Coordinator

Service Cloud Empower Agents with Career Growth and Schedule
Ownership Opportunities as a Workforce Engagement Lead
a Team
Create Shifts for Workforce Engagement
Take advantage of Workforce Engagement’s shift scheduling enhancements, like Omni-Channel
planning, Batch Assignment, or Get Candidates. All of these features require that you create shifts.

Note: You can create up to 2000 shifts. Workforce Engagement is

available in Lightning
1. Open Shifts in the App Launcher. Experience
2. Select All Shifts from the listview dropdown. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Change to Schedule View. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
4. Hover over the calendar in the column for the date you want this shift to occur on, and click +
New Shift when it appears.
5. Select a start and end time for the shift, and continue to fill in the rest of the fields.
a. When prompted to select a Service Resource, select the person who you want to assign this shift to. If the Batch Assignment or
Get Candidates features are later used to assign this shift, they override your Service Resource selection.
b. Add the service territory and job profiles that are associated with your Omni-Channel plan.

6. Click Save.
7. See your new shift on the calendar.

Batch Assign Agents to Shifts

Save time and unlock agent capacity with Batch Assignment. Quickly assign a group of shifts to
agents who are matched based on your business’ shift scheduling rules and their own shift
scheduling preferences. Workforce Engagement is
1. Open Shifts in the App Launcher. available in Lightning
2. Select All Shifts from the listview dropdown, and ensure it’s set to Table View.
3. Select the shifts that you want to batch assign. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
4. Click Assign. Unlimited Editions
5. Click Assign Shifts.

To view, create, edit, and

delete Scheduling
Constraints, and to view and
create Shift Scheduling
• Workforce Engagement
Schedule Coordinator

Service Cloud The Agent Experience with Workforce Engagement

Manually Assign an Agent to a Shift with Get Candidates

Need to create and assign an overtime shift in a hurry? Need to swap shift assignments due to an
agent calling in sick? Get Candidates helps you quickly find an agent who is best-matched to work
on an individual shift. Workforce Engagement is
1. Open Shifts in the App Launcher. available in Lightning
2. Select All Shifts from the list view dropdown.
3. Set the Display As icon to Schedule. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
4. Hover over the shift you’d like to assign, and click Get Candidates. Unlimited Editions
5. After reviewing each candidate’s match preference, select the Agent you’d like to assign the
shift to.
6. Submit your changes.
To view, create, edit, and
delete Scheduling
Constraints, and to view and
create Shift Scheduling
• Workforce Engagement
Schedule Coordinator

The Agent Experience with Workforce Engagement

When you retain your valuable support team members, your business wins. Workforce Engagement
offers a suite of features to empower your agents with career growth opportunities and more
ownership over their schedules. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning

Earn Skills as a Workforce Engagement Agent Available in: Enterprise,

Earn skills by taking myTrailhead modules that are assigned to you by your team lead. Leverage Performance, and
these skills for career growth opportunities later on. Unlimited Editions

View Your Schedule on Agent Home

See a week's worth of shifts at a time and plan your workday on the Agent Home tab.
Tell Your Manager When You Prefer to Work with a Service Resource Preference
Workforce Engagement offers Service Resource Preferences as a way to empower you, the agent, to take ownership of your schedule.
Submit a Service Resource Preference that reflects the hours you’d like to work. When your manager schedules shifts with Batch
Assignment or the Get Candidates feature, these scheduling tools consider your preferences.
Submit Your Time Sheet
Account for your hours worked with time sheets. Submit a time sheet to your team lead for approval after completing a set period
of work.
Submit Time Off with Resource Absences
Need to take a vacation or call in sick? Submit your time off with a Resource Absence.

Service Cloud The Agent Experience with Workforce Engagement

Earn Skills as a Workforce Engagement Agent

Earn skills by taking myTrailhead modules that are assigned to you by your team lead. Leverage
these skills for career growth opportunities later on.
1. Open the Omni-Channel Widget. Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning
2. Under New, click to open a learning module that you’ve been assigned.
3. Work through each unit in the learning module until you complete it.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Open Service Resources from the App Launcher. Performance, and
5. Click to open your Service Resource Profile. Unlimited Editions
6. Click Related.
7. Scroll down to the Skills related list to see all of the skills you’ve earned. USER PERMISSIONS

To earn skills from Agent

Engagement learning
• Workforce Engagement
Analyst, Workforce
Engagement Schedule
Coordinator, Workforce
Engagement Agent

View Your Schedule on Agent Home

See a week's worth of shifts at a time and plan your workday on the Agent Home tab.
1. Launch Agent Home from App Launcher.
Workforce Engagement is
available in Lightning

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions


To view Agent Home:

• Workforce Engagement
Agent permission set

Service Cloud The Agent Experience with Workforce Engagement

Tell Your Manager When You Prefer to Work with a Service Resource Preference
Workforce Engagement offers Service Resource Preferences as a way to empower you, the agent,
to take ownership of your schedule. Submit a Service Resource Preference that reflects the hours
you’d like to work. When your manager schedules shifts with Batch Assignment or the Get Candidates Workforce Engagement is
feature, these scheduling tools consider your preferences. available in Lightning
Create Operating Hours with Time Slots for Service Resource Preferences Available in: Enterprise,
1. Open Operating Hours from the App Launcher. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
2. Click New.
3. Name your operating hours, and select a time zone.
4. Save your changes.
To submit a Service
5. Click Related.
Resource Preference:
6. Under Time Slots, click New. • Workforce Engagement
7. Select the Day of Week. Each time slot represents a day of the 7-day week.
8. Fill in the rest of the details for that day.
9. Save your changes.
10. Repeat these steps for each day of the week that's included in the operating hours.

Create a Service Resource Preference

Note: Each Service Resource can have one associated Service Resource Preference.

1. Open Service Resources in the App Launcher.

2. Click the name of your own Service Resource.
3. Click Related.
4. Find the Preferences list, and click New.
5. Select the Operating Hours that you’d like to work. You have the option to create a new set of operating hours when you click the
6. Choose a start date for your preferred schedule. You can only submit one Shift Scheduling Preference, so if you’d like it to continue
indefinitely, leave the End Date field blank.
7. Save your changes.

Service Cloud The Agent Experience with Workforce Engagement

Submit Your Time Sheet

Account for your hours worked with time sheets. Submit a time sheet to your team lead for approval
after completing a set period of work.

Note: A user can create up to 2000 Time Sheets. Workforce Engagement is

available in Lightning
1. Open Time Sheets in the App Launcher. Experience
2. Click New. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Set the start and end dates for the time sheet duration. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions
4. Click to associate the time sheet with your Service Resource.
5. Select Submitted from the Status dropdown menu.
6. Save your changes.
To submit a Time Sheet:
• Workforce Engagement

Submit Time Off with Resource Absences

Need to take a vacation or call in sick? Submit your time off with a Resource Absence.
Note: A user can create up to 300 Resource Absences.
Workforce Engagement is
1. Open Resource Absences in the App Launcher. available in Lightning
2. Click New.
3. Search for your name in the Resources field, and add it. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
4. Fill in additional information about your absence. Unlimited Editions
5. Save your changes.

To submit a Resource
• Workforce Engagement
Agent permission set

Service Cloud Salesforce Knowledge

Salesforce Knowledge
Give your website visitors, clients, partners, and service agents the ultimate support tool. Create
and manage a knowledge base with your company information, and securely share it when and
where it's needed. Available in: Salesforce
Your Salesforce Knowledge base is built from knowledge articles, which are documents of Classic (not available in all
information. Articles can include information on process, like how to reset your product to its orgs) and Lightning
defaults, or frequently asked questions, like how much storage your product supports. Experience

Experienced service agents and internal writers write the articles. The articles are then published Salesforce Knowledge is
and can be used internally or externally in a range of channels. You can publish articles in customer available in Essentials and
and partner sites and public websites or share articles in social posts and emails. Control where and the Unlimited Edition with
what information is published or shared based on the article page layouts, user profiles, actions, Service Cloud.
and other settings.
Salesforce Knowledge is
You can use Knowledge in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Orgs new to Knowledge available for an additional
use Lightning Knowledge, which is generally available. If your org already uses Knowledge in cost in: Professional,
Salesforce Classic, consider using the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool and switching to Lightning Enterprise, Performance,
Knowledge. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
Note: Enabling Lightning Knowledge changes your org's data model to use record types your Salesforce
rather than article types. After you enable Lightning Knowledge, you can't disable it. Before representative.
enabling Lightning Knowledge, orgs with multiple articles types require data migration to
consolidate article types. Test in a sandbox or trial org before enabling in production.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Find the information you need about Salesforce Knowledge.
Compare Lightning Knowledge with Knowledge in Salesforce Classic
Knowledge is available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience, but there are important differences. Compare Lightning
Knowledge with Classic Knowledge and decide if you’re ready to enable Lightning Knowledge in your org.
Knowledge: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce Mobile App
Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience
Lightning Knowledge gives you a high-powered yet streamlined way to manage your knowledge base. With Lightning Knowledge,
you get the benefits of standard objects that work like other objects in Salesforce. New orgs use Lightning Knowledge, and older
orgs can migrate from Knowledge in Salesforce Classic to Lightning Knowledge using the migration tool.
Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
After you've assigned Knowledge User licenses (including to yourself), you're ready to build your Knowledge base.
Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge
It’s time to keep building your knowledge base. You can add workflows and approvals, track field history, and add validation rules.
Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge
You can import your existing external articles or information database into Salesforce Knowledge. If you want to move your content
from Classic to Lightning Knowledge, use the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool.
Improve the Article Search Experience
Enable search highlights and snippets, synonyms, promoted terms, topics, and keywords from cases to improve your article search.

Service Cloud Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Use Salesforce Knowledge

Search for articles in Salesforce Classic or Lightning Experience. Get the most from your articles by sharing them in the case feed and
using the Knowledge component.
Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge
Create and manage your company information and securely share it when and where it’s needed. Learn how to draft, publish,
translate, and manage Knowledge articles.
Support Articles in Multiple Languages
With multiple languages for Salesforce Knowledge, you can lower support costs by translating articles into the languages your
audience prefers. After selecting your language settings, two translation methods are available: translating articles in-house using
the editing tool in the knowledge base, or sending articles to a localization vendor. Different languages can use different methods.
For example, you may want to export articles to a vendor for French translations, but assign articles to an internal Knowledge user
for Spanish translations.
Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas
Data categories are used in Salesforce to organize and control access to groups of information. Data categories are used in Salesforce
Knowledge, Ideas, Answers, and Chatter Answers.
Sharing for Lightning Knowledge
Sharing for Lightning Knowledge lets you take advantage of the features you already know, such as organization-wide defaults,
access by owner role hierarchies, and criteria-based rules. When you make the switch to sharing for Lightning Knowledge, you can
manage article access based on fields within the article instead of data categories.

Lightning Knowledge Guide
Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic)

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Find the information you need about Salesforce Knowledge.

Overview of Salesforce Knowledge Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
• Salesforce Knowledge orgs) and Lightning
• Plan Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience Experience
• Plan Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Salesforce Knowledge is
• Lightning Knowledge Guide available in Essentials and
• Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic) Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Lightning Knowledge available for an additional
Set up Lightning Knowledge cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Enable Lightning Knowledge
and Developer Editions. For
• Set Up and Configure Lightning Knowledge more information, contact
• Record Type Considerations for Lightning Knowledge your Salesforce
• Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
• Lightning Knowledge Home and Record Pages on page 865

Service Cloud Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

• Lightning Knowledge User Access

Use Salesforce Knowledge in Lightning Experience
• Authoring Actions in Lightning Knowledge on page 955
• Search Articles in the Global Search Box and the Knowledge Component on page 948
• Use the Lightning Knowledge Component on page 950
• Sharing for Lightning Knowledge on page 1006
Migrate from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Knowledge
• Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool
• Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool Features and Considerations

Classic Knowledge
Set up Classic Knowledge
• Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
• Knowledge Article Types
• Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge
• Classic Knowledge User Access
• Workflow and Approvals for Articles
Use Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
• Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab
– Find Knowledge Articles in Salesforce Classic
– How Does Search Work?
– Articles or Knowledge Tab
– For searching and viewing Salesforce Knowledge Articles on your Android device, see Access Salesforce Knowledge Articles
with Salesforce for Android (no longer beta) and Salesforce App Differences from the Full Salesforce Site

• Create and Edit Articles

• Publish Articles and Translations
• Report on Salesforce Knowledge Articles

• Knowledge Basics (Lightning)
• Knowledge Basics (Classic)
• Knowledge Search Basics (Classic)

Define Data Categories for Your Salesforce Knowledge Articles

• Work with Data Categories
• Create and Modify Category Groups
• Add Data Categories to Category Groups

Service Cloud Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Translate Salesforce Knowledge Articles

• Work with Articles and Translations
• Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base
• Translate Articles in Salesforce Classic
• Export Articles for Translation
• Import Translated Articles
• Set Up Master Article and Translation Side-By-Side View

Share Your Salesforce Knowledge Base

• Find, Attach, and Email Articles with the Case Feed Articles Tool (Classic)
• Enable Salesforce Knowledge in Your Community (Classic)
• Use Knowledge with Chat (Classic)

Knowledge and the Salesforce Mobile App

• What’s Available in Each Version of the Salesforce Mobile App
• Customer Service Features: What’s Not Available in the Salesforce Mobile App

Develop with Salesforce Knowledge

• The Salesforce Knowledge Developers Guide has specific development information for Salesforce Knowledge along with tutorials
and examples.
• The REST API Developer Guide has information on supporting articles with the REST API.
• The SOAP API Developer Guide has information on the Salesforce Knowledge API:
– Guidelines
– Objects
– Calls

• The Metadata API Developers Guide has information on Salesforce Knowledge Metadata API objects.
• The Visualforce Developers Guide has information on Salesforce Knowledge Visualforce components.
• The Lightning Platform Apex Code Developers Guide has information on the Apex
KnowledgeArticleVersionStandardController Class.

Service Cloud Compare Lightning Knowledge with Knowledge in Salesforce

Compare Lightning Knowledge with Knowledge in Salesforce Classic

Knowledge is available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience, but there are important
differences. Compare Lightning Knowledge with Classic Knowledge and decide if you’re ready to
enable Lightning Knowledge in your org. Available in: Salesforce
Lightning Knowledge has changed the way Knowledge works in Salesforce. For example, standard Classic (not available in all
record types replace article types, and the Knowledge component for Lightning Service Console orgs) and Lightning
replaces Knowledge One for the Service Console in Salesforce Classic. Experience

Let’s compare Knowledge in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Feature Classic Knowledge Lightning Knowledge Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Access and permissions CRUD, profile permissions, page CRUD, profile permissions, and
layouts, and custom article page layouts Salesforce Knowledge is
actions per public group available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Files Files are attached in custom file Files are stored in the standard Enterprise, Performance,
fields Files object and attached in the and Developer Editions. For
Files related list more information, contact
your Salesforce
Object home Knowledge One and Article Knowledge home page with
Management tab list views

Page layouts Fields only, per article type and Fields, actions, and related lists,
user profile per record type and user profile

Record home (articles) Custom record home Default Record Home and
Record Home that is
configurable via the Lightning
App Builder

Setup Salesforce Classic Setup Lightning Knowledge Setup

Sharing Sharing by data category Standard Salesforce sharing is

also available

Types of articles Article Types Standard Record Types

Use Knowledge in the console Add Knowledge One to the Add the Lightning Knowledge
Service Console component via the Lightning
App Builder

Sharing Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool

Service Cloud Knowledge: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce
Mobile App

Knowledge: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce Mobile App

Salesforce Knowledge Articles

Articles are supported in the Salesforce for Android and Salesforce for iOS apps, version 8.0 or later, with these limitations:

Issue Android iOS

Downloadable Downloadable
App, v8.0 or App, v10.0 or
later later
Only published articles are available—not draft or archived articles.

Articles can't be created, edited, translated, or archived.

Articles can't be linked to cases. (But links that are set up from the desktop site can be viewed
on the Related tab.)

Smart links aren’t supported.

Article ratings aren’t supported.

Tables are sometimes cut off on the right side when included in article rich text fields.

Compact layouts display the article type API name instead of the article type name. So users
see the article type API name in the highlights area when viewing an article.

When searching from the Articles home page, only articles in the user’s language are returned
and only if that language is an active Knowledge language (from Setup, Customize >
Knowledge > Knowledge Settings). To see articles in another language, users can change
to an active Knowledge language. From My Settings, use the Quick Find search box to
locate the Language & Time Zone page.

In global search, search results show articles in the language specified for the device,
regardless of the active Knowledge language.

Filtering search results by data categories, article type, validation status, or language isn’t

In global search, articles don’t appear in the list of recent records.

In global search results, search highlights and snippets don’t appear.

These features are available in all versions of the Salesforce mobile app when searching
from the Articles home page.

Knowledge articles aren’t available when accessing Experience Cloud sites via the Salesforce
mobile app.

Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Lightning Knowledge gives you a high-powered yet streamlined way to manage your knowledge base. With Lightning Knowledge, you
get the benefits of standard objects that work like other objects in Salesforce. New orgs use Lightning Knowledge, and older orgs can
migrate from Knowledge in Salesforce Classic to Lightning Knowledge using the migration tool.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Note: Enabling Lightning Knowledge changes your org's data model to use record types rather than article types. After you enable
Lightning Knowledge, you can't disable it. Before enabling Lightning Knowledge, orgs with multiple articles types require data
migration to consolidate article types. Test in a sandbox or trial org before enabling in production.
Implement this feature in one click with the Service Setup Assistant: Learn more on page 6

Plan Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience
It's important that you consider your individual company’s needs while you develop a strategy for capturing and publishing your
support team’s expertise. With a robust knowledge base, customers receive service faster or even solve their own issues.
Lightning Knowledge Limitations
Welcome to your handy guide to the way things work—or don't—in Lightning Knowledge. Keep these considerations in mind
whether you're starting fresh or making the switch to Lightning Knowledge.
Set Up Lightning Knowledge with a Guided Setup Flow
The Lightning Knowledge setup flow is a quick way to get your knowledge base started. Whether it’s a secure customer portal, part
of your public site, or integrated into a public customer Experience Cloud site, your knowledge base is an extension of your service
website. Enable Lightning Knowledge, choose article authors, and make a few data category groups. Build the momentum by
configuring page layouts, record types, and processes.
Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool
Use the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool to move your Classic knowledge base into Lightning Knowledge. The Lightning
Knowledge Migration Tool works differently depending on whether your org has one or multiple article types.
Set Up and Configure Lightning Knowledge
Enable Lightning Knowledge, create Knowledge record types, customize your record type page layouts, set access for Knowledge
users, and create a Lightning Knowledge process.

Plan Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

It's important that you consider your individual company’s needs while you develop a strategy for
capturing and publishing your support team’s expertise. With a robust knowledge base, customers
receive service faster or even solve their own issues. Available in: Lightning
Consideration Further Information
Salesforce Knowledge is
What types of articles and information do you Set Up and Configure Lightning Knowledge.
available in Essentials and
want to include in the knowledge base? Record Type Considerations for Lightning
Unlimited Editions with
Knowledge, Page Layout Considerations for
Service Cloud.
Lightning Knowledge, Custom Fields on Articles
Salesforce Knowledge is
Who can write the articles? Who needs access Lightning Knowledge User Access, Authoring available for an additional
to read the information? Actions in Lightning Knowledge cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Do you need to categorize your information? Work with Data Categories, Data Category and Developer Editions. For
Visibility more information, contact
Do you need to enhance search? Improve the Article Search Experience, Enable your Salesforce
Topics for Articles

Do you need workflow or approval processes Workflow and Approvals for Articles, Validation
to manage article creation and publication? Rules

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Consideration Further Information

Do you have an existing Knowledge base or documentation that Import Existing Information into Salesforce Knowledge
you need to import?

Are you supporting more than one language? Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base

Do you need agents to follow articles in Chatter? Feed Tracking

Do you need to share your knowledge base externally? Give Customers Access to Your Knowledge Base Through Help

Do you need guidelines, resources, and current discussions on the Salesforce Knowledge is "KCS Verified" by the Consortium for
evolving world of knowledge orientated service? Service Innovation, which recognizes best practices in customer
support methodologies. By implementing Knowledge-Centered
Support (KCS) features, you can create more efficient collaboration
within your team and provide pertinent and accurate information
to your customers.

Consider the following tips when planning and using Salesforce Knowledge:
• Create synonym groups in Salesforce Knowledge. Synonyms are words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in article searches,
letting you optimize search results.
• Before setting up data categories, carefully plan your category groups and their hierarchies. Also, consider how your category hierarchy
maps to your role hierarchy. For more information, see Data Category Visibility.
• Create custom reports on your Salesforce Knowledge data. You can also install the Knowledge Base Dashboards and Reports app from
the AppExchange to receive over two dozen helpful reports.
• Multiple agents can edit the same article at the same time. If that occurs, your changes can be overwritten by a colleague without
warning, even if you save your work frequently. To avoid accidental data loss, instruct all users who edit articles to edit only the
articles they're assigned.
• Review your usage regularly to avoid storage shortages: from Setup, enter Storage Usage in the Quick Find box, then select
Storage Usage.
• Public knowledge base users cannot rate articles.
• Salesforce Files allows agents to attach documents to articles.
• You will lose your data if you convert a custom field on an article type into any other field type. Do not convert custom fields unless
no data exists for the field.
• When renaming Salesforce Knowledge labels note that standard field names, like Title and URL Name, are fixed. You can’t change
the labels for these fields on the article create and edit pages. If the organization is set to another language, these fields remain in
the fixed label for that language.
• The Salesforce Knowledge search engine supports lemmatization, which is the process of reducing a word to its root form. With
lemmatization, a search can match expanded forms of a search term. For example, a search for running matches items that
contain run, running, and ran.
• Make sure that you have a clear understanding of how record types affect your knowledge base, and how to use them to display
different layouts for different articles. For more information, see Record Type Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
• Determine if you need to create automation for some of your record types. Automation can include quick actions, process builder,
or flows. For example, you can create a rule that sends an email to an article manager when an agent creates an article from a closed

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

• Determine if you need to create approval processes for some of your record types. For example, if you have a type of article that
must have legal and management approval before it can be published externally, create an approval process for the article type. For
more information, see Workflow and Approvals for Articles.

Knowledge Base Allocations by Edition

The following table lists the total number of languages, articles, and versions per article permitted for each Salesforce edition. For orgs
created before the Spring '18 release, the default limit for all editions is 16 languages. To request an extension for these allocations,
contact Salesforce support.

Note: Salesforce won’t extend an allocation to match that of an edition with a higher limit.

Edition Article, Version, and Language Allocations

Essentials 500 articles, 10 versions per article, 1 language

Professional 500 articles, 10 versions per article, 1 language

Enterprise 50,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 5 languages

Developer 50,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 5 languages

Unlimited 150,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 10 languages

The default maximum number of total versions per org is 10 million for all editions. Limits on versions retained per article don’t include
versions linked to objects such as cases, work items, and undeletable lookup fields. So, for example, an article might have 25 versions,
even if the default limit is 10 versions per article, if 15 of those versions are linked to cases. However, versions attached to objects such
as cases count towards the total number of versions per org.

Knowledge Scalability

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Lightning Knowledge Limitations

Welcome to your handy guide to the way things work—or don't—in Lightning Knowledge. Keep
these considerations in mind whether you're starting fresh or making the switch to Lightning
Knowledge. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Knowledge in Lightning Experience works differently than Knowledge in Salesforce Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Classic. Enabling Lightning Knowledge changes your Salesforce org’s data model to use record
types rather than article types. After you enable Lightning Knowledge, you can’t disable it.
To move from Classic Knowledge to Lightning Knowledge, use the Lightning Knowledge Salesforce Knowledge is
Migration Tool. Before running the migration tool in your production org, test the migration available in Essentials and
in a recently refreshed full-copy sandbox. Verify all customizations and integrations to Unlimited Editions with
Knowledge. A carefully prepared migration plan minimizes the impact on production during Service Cloud.
migration. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Important Considerations for Enabling Lightning Knowledge Enterprise, Performance,
• To move your knowledge base from Classic Knowledge into Lightning Knowledge, use the and Developer Editions. For
Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool on page 831. Keep in mind that the migration process more information, contact
requires manual steps and verification. It’s possible that some of your data doesn't migrate over. your Salesforce
To enable the migration tool in your sandbox or production org, contact Salesforce support.
• Permissions and user access work differently in Lightning Knowledge. See Lightning Knowledge
User Access. When Lightning Knowledge is enabled, user profile permissions replace article actions with public groups. For Knowledge
in Salesforce Classic, you can assign independent object permissions for each article type. In Lightning Knowledge, article types are
consolidated in the Knowledge object. You can use sharing for Lightning Knowledge to assign independent permissions based on
the record type to user profiles.
• In a Lightning Knowledge–enabled org, you must have the Modify All permission to delete archived articles.
• After you enable Lightning Knowledge, the Article Type field is no longer accessible via SOQL or the API, which affects custom code
that queries for the ArticleType.
• Delete any installed packages that contain article types before enabling Lightning Knowledge.
• Lightning Knowledge doesn't support federated search. Switch back to Salesforce Classic.
• Lookup searches in Classic find Knowledge records (articles) of any Publish status: Draft, Published, or Archive. But in Lightning,
Lookup searches find only published Knowledge records.
• If your org currently has a Visualforce tab named Knowledge, you get an Insufficient Privileges error when trying to access the
Knowledge tab in Lightning Knowledge. To avoid this error, rename or delete your existing Visualforce tab, or rename your Knowledge
• Files in custom File fields in Salesforce Classic are not supported in Lightning Experience. Instead, use the Files related list in Lightning
Experience. Use the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool to move Files from File fields to the Files object and related lists in Lightning
• URL formats for articles differ between Classic and Lightning Knowledge. In Lightning Knowledge, the URL contains the Knowledge
Article Version ID (along with other parameters). In Classic Knowledge, the URL contains the Knowledge Article ID.
• You can’t use the Public Knowledge Base package (PKB) in Lightning Knowledge. You can share Lightning Knowledge articles in
Experience Cloud and Salesforce Sites. Use Help Center to share articles with unauthenticated users.

General Usage Limitations for Lightning Knowledge

• Some authoring actions work differently or aren’t available in Lightning Knowledge.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

– You can’t remove a published article while editing it. Instead, the article remains published while you edit the new version as a
draft. You can archive the article to remove it, then restore and edit a draft.
– Archiving can’t be scheduled for a future date. You can create a Flow to periodically archive articles based on a date field.
– Articles don't contain a notification when you schedule publication for a future date. You also can’t see a list of articles that are
scheduled for publication in Lightning Knowledge, and you can't cancel a scheduled publication.

• The Printable View action isn't available in Lightning Knowledge.

• For articles with more than 30 versions, the versions above 30 show in Salesforce Classic but not in Lightning Experience.
• Data categories can’t be shown in Knowledge list views in Lightning Experience or Salesforce Classic. As a workaround, you can
create reports that filter articles by data category.
• You can see vote information in the ratings component only if there’s a published version of the article. So, you can’t see votes for
archived articles because no published version exists.
• When articles are exported for translation, the files attached to them are not exported. Files are also not imported as attached Files
when Articles translations are reimported after translation is complete.
• The Tab and Table of Contents article views aren't supported.
• Hovering on the status of a translation doesn't show related information such as the date submitted.
• You can't unlock article records that are in an approval process.
• You can't use macros with Knowledge articles.
• Before December 2017, when knowledge articles were authored with images in Lightning Experience, only the author could view
the images. Other users with Read permission enabled for Knowledge articles did not see the images. As of December 2017, the
issue was remedied. Photos uploaded from December 2017 forward are visible to all users with Read permission enabled. Photos
uploaded before December 2017 must be uploaded again.
• Star ratings are not supported in Lightning Knowledge. Currently, only thumbs up and thumbs down ratings are supported in
Lightning Experience. Star ratings in existing Salesforce Classic orgs are automatically converted to thumbs up ratings in Lightning
Experience. Ratings of 3, 4, and 5 stars become a thumbs up, and 1 or 2 star ratings become thumbs down.

Limitations for Lightning Knowledge with Cases

• The option to create an article when closing a case is available only in Salesforce Classic. In Lightning Experience, you can create an
article from the Knowledge component. You can also create a quick action that makes a draft and maps fields from the case into
the new article. Then, you add the quick action to the case layout.
• Articles created from the Knowledge component don't link to the case automatically.
• When a case's subject changes, the update must be saved before the suggested article list in the Knowledge component refreshes.
• The case feed in Lightning Experience doesn't support Knowledge actions. As a workaround, use the actions from the related list of
articles or from the suggested articles list in the Knowledge component. Actions don't show if the related list is in a narrow column,
but you can click View All.
• The action that attaches a PDF of an article to a case email isn’t available in the Knowledge component in Lightning Experience.

Console Limitations for Lightning Knowledge

• The Knowledge footer is not in the Lightning Service Console. Instead, add the Knowledge component to any object's record home
page. You can also create a global action or an object-specific quick action to create a knowledge article from any object. However,
suggested articles and related actions are available only with cases.
• You can't pop out the Knowledge component and drag it to a new screen.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Limitations in Salesforce Classic After Enabling Lightning Knowledge

The following items aren’t available in Salesforce Classic after enabling Lightning Knowledge.
• Knowledge list views are available only in Lightning Experience.
• Search for article types isn’t available in Lightning Experience or Salesforce Classic because record types replace article types.
• Setting a default record type for new articles. The default setting works in Lightning Knowledge. In Salesforce Classic, users can
change the record type manually.
• Filtering a search by Knowledge record types is available only in Lightning Experience.
• Filtering a search by Archived Articles is available only in Lightning Experience (except in Article Management).
• Files in the Files related list in Lightning Experience don’t display in Salesforce Classic.
• The following items aren’t available on the Knowledge article record page in Salesforce Classic:
– Page layout selections for actions and related lists
– Two-column page layouts
– Some actions, such as Change Record Type

Limitations for Using Lightning Knowledge with Other Salesforce Products

• Knowledge articles can't be inserted into Macros.
• If you use Salesforce for Android or iOS, recent articles aren’t displayed on object home.
• Because Title and URL Name fields are required, you can't remove them from a page layout. Experience Cloud sites use page layouts
to display Lightning Knowledge articles, so you can’t remove required fields from Experience Cloud sites.

Set Up Lightning Knowledge with a Guided Setup Flow

The Lightning Knowledge setup flow is a quick way to get your knowledge base started. Whether
it’s a secure customer portal, part of your public site, or integrated into a public customer Experience
Cloud site, your knowledge base is an extension of your service website. Enable Lightning Knowledge, Service Setup is available in
choose article authors, and make a few data category groups. Build the momentum by configuring Lightning Experience
page layouts, record types, and processes.
Available in: All editions with
You can embed Lightning Knowledge in the console so that your support agents can easily find,
the Service Cloud
access, and deliver the right answers to customers. Agents can also contribute to the knowledge
base, ensuring that the best answers are always accessible to the whole team.

Important: After you enable Lightning Knowledge, you can’t disable it.

Where to Access the Setup Flow

This flow is available from Service Setup in Lightning Experience. You can get to Service Setup by clicking and selecting Service
In Service Setup, you can find recommended setup flows, content, and tips based on what you’ve set up already. If you don’t see the
setup flow you’re looking for, you can click View All to see the full list.
Select the tile to launch the flow.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

What Does This Flow Do?

In this setup flow, we walk you through:
• Enabling Lightning Knowledge
• Choosing knowledge article authors
• Creating data categories and data category groups

Tip: Data Category Groups help you classify and find articles. You can use data categories to control access to a set of articles,
questions or ideas.
We also turn on several things in the background during the setup flow.
Enabling Lightning Knowledge
We enable Lightning Knowledge during the flow, which can’t be undone. Don’t worry about this if you’ve never used Knowledge
before and you’re ready to dive in on Lightning Experience.
Lightning Knowledge is different from Salesforce Knowledge in Salesforce Classic, so if you already use Salesforce Classic, some
planning is required. Make sure that you know and understand what changes and what works differently when you switch.
Default Page Layouts and Record Types
A default FAQ page layout and record type is auto-enabled in the setup flow. The page layout determines how the articles are
displayed. By doing this step, you are associating the page layout and record types. After completing the flow, you can go to the
Object Manager to create or modify your page layouts.

Note: If you created a page layout and record type before starting the Lightning Knowledge setup flow, we don’t create new
ones in the setup flow. The integrity of your initial settings isn’t altered.
Knowledge Permission Sets
Your selected authors get full read, write, and publishing access through the Knowledge LSF permission set, and access to the
Knowledge Object.
The setup flow auto-enables the page layout and record type for these profiles. Everyone whom you designate an author gets a
Knowledge User License.
The setup flow grants data category visibility to profiles selected on the Choose Author screen.

Lightning Knowledge Setup Flow: What’s Next?
Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Lightning Knowledge setup flow.

Optimize Setup with the Service Setup Assistant
Classic Knowledge User Access
Find Object Management Settings in Salesforce Classic
User Licenses

Lightning Knowledge Setup Flow: What’s Next?

Learn where you can customize and view what you set up during the Lightning Knowledge setup flow.
After completing the setup flow, you have a budding Knowledge base that’s ready to be filled with great articles for your customers.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Review Your Data Categories

Take a look at the data categories and data category groups your created during the flow. Your customers can use these to help find
articles, so make sure they’re clear and they cover everything you want to cover. If you didn’t create any during the flow, go ahead
and create some.
Write and Publish Articles
Now that you’ve set up Lightning Knowledge it’s time to start writing and publishing articles. You can do this from Knowledge home
in Lightning Experience or in the Knowledge tab or Article Management tab in Salesforce Classic.
Check it Out in the Console
Add the Lightning Knowledge component to one of your Lightning console apps and see suggested articles while you browse your
team’s cases. You can also search and sort articles, attach and remove articles from cases and chats, and follow and unfollow articles.

Create and Edit Articles
Record Type Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
Use the Lightning Knowledge Component
Lightning Knowledge Limitations
Create and Modify Category Groups
Data Category Visibility
Modify Default Category Group Assignments for Articles

Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool

Use the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool to move your Classic knowledge base into Lightning Knowledge. The Lightning Knowledge
Migration Tool works differently depending on whether your org has one or multiple article types.
Contact Salesforce support to enable the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool in your org. Lightning Knowledge migration must be
tested in a full-copy sandbox. Before you can enable the tool in production, our support team will ask a series of questions about your
migration plan and the results of your sandbox test.

Important: Contact Salesforce Support to enable the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool in a production org. The migration
tool is enabled by default for sandbox orgs. If you don’t see the migration tool in your sandbox, log a request with Salesforce
Are you ready to migrate your knowledge base from Classic to Lightning Knowledge? Great! After some pre-planning on your part, the
Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool does most of the heavy lifting for you. When you’re done, all the content in your Classic knowledge
base exists in Lightning Knowledge. Service agents can enjoy a more flexible and consistent UI experience. Also, you can adopt features
and future enhancements that won’t be available in Classic.
In Lightning Knowledge, your articles are unified in a single knowledge object which enables you to better leverage the power of the
Salesforce platform. Lightning Knowledge uses standard record types to distinguish different types of articles.
Making the move to Lightning Knowledge is a multiphase process, with each step building on the success of the previous ones. Ensuring
a successful migration is like getting to Carnegie Hall: It takes practice and preparation! Here’s an overview of the process.
1. Learn about the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool. Before you start planning, read through all the Lightning Knowledge Migration
Tool topics to the post-migration checklist.
2. Plan your migration.
3. Perform the migration from Classic to Lightning Knowledge in your sandbox org.
a. Set up and run the data migration.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

b. Switch from Classic to Lightning Knowledge.

c. Validate the migration results, and accept the results.

Note: Validation is required only for orgs with multiple article types.

d. Complete the post-migration checklist.

4. Perform the migration from Classic to Lightning Knowledge in your production org.
a. To enable the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool in your production org, log a request with Salesforce Support. Allow 1–2
weeks advance notice from your target migration date. Before we can enable the tool in production, our support team will ask
a series of questions about your migration plan and the results of your sandbox test.
b. Set up and run the data migration.
c. Switch from Classic to Lightning Knowledge.
d. Validate the migration results, and accept the results.

Note: Validation is required only for orgs with multiple article types.

e. Complete the post-migration checklist on page 860.

5. Launch Lightning Knowledge. Train your agents, authors, and staff.

Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool Features and Considerations
Before planning and performing the migration with the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool, learn about the differences between
Classic Knowledge and Lightning Knowledge. Understand the limits of the migration tool and Classic features that either aren’t
supported or work differently in Lightning Knowledge.
Plan and Sandbox Test Your Migration
If you helped build your Classic knowledge base, you know that planning is critical. In fact, planning is the most important part of
migrating to Lightning Knowledge.
Migrate Multiple Article Types
You planned your migration. You went over the pre-migration checklist, and you made all the prerequisite revisions to your Classic
knowledge base. You’re aware of the limitations. You’re ready to go. Here’s your step-by-step guide to using the Lightning Knowledge
Migration Tool with multiple article type orgs.
Migrate a Single Article Type
You planned your migration. You went over the pre-migration checklist, and you made all the prerequisite revisions to your Classic
knowledge base. You’re aware of the limitations. You’re ready to go. Here’s your step-by-step guide to using the Lightning Knowledge
Migration Tool in orgs with a single article type.
Lightning Knowledge Post-Migration Checklist
After a successful migration, you have the new Knowledge object and are ready to verify and set up key aspects of the new Lightning
Knowledge base.

Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool Features and Considerations

Before planning and performing the migration with the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool, learn about the differences between
Classic Knowledge and Lightning Knowledge. Understand the limits of the migration tool and Classic features that either aren’t supported
or work differently in Lightning Knowledge.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Key things to note about the post-migration Lightning Knowledge data structure:
• Record Types —The migration tool maps Classic Knowledge article types to record types and consolidates fields in one Lightning
Knowledge object.
• Files—Files from custom file fields in Classic Knowledge articles are moved to the standard Files object. After migration, view and
attach files in the Files related list.
• Permissions—User profiles are granted new authoring permissions in user profiles or permission sets, and no longer use article
actions with public groups.

Note: Admins must manually assign permissions. Changing from Article Actions with Public Groups to using profile permissions
or permission sets is not part of the migration tool.
Let’s compare Classic Knowledge to Lightning Knowledge:

Table 27: Classic Knowledge Versus Lightning Knowledge

Feature Classic Knowledge Lightning Knowledge
Access & Permissions • CRUD per article type • Unified CRUD
• Page layouts • Page layouts
• Authoring permissions with Article • Authoring permissions on user profiles
Actions per Public Group or permission sets

Approvals & Workflow Per article type • All record types

• Per record type

Authoring Custom Article Management tab Standard Actions (admin can control in page

Data model Custom article types Standard record types

File Attachment Custom file fields (5 max) • Standard Files component

• Related list

Object Home • Article Management tabs Unified standard object home with list views

• Knowledge One

Page layouts • Fields only • Fields, actions, and related lists

• Per article type and user profile • Per record type and user profile

Record Home Custom record home (static) Standard record home (configurable with
page layouts and App Builder)

Search Custom Knowledge search Standard Search: Knowledge in Global


Sharing Article access by data category Standard Salesforce sharing also available

Validation Rules Per article type • All record types

• Per record type

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

As part of the migration plan, we recommend that Knowledge admins become familiar with all the limitations. Before performing
sandbox and production migrations, assess whether these items pertain to your org’s implementation of Knowledge and prepare
The following items do not migrate from Classic into Lightning Knowledge:

Table 28: Limitations in the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool

Item Description
Article Number For orgs with multiple article types, article numbers change during
migration. Because Article Number is a standard auto-number field,
you can’t retain the numbers when migrating to Lightning

Article Status The following are removed during migration:

• Articles with a Scheduled for Publish status and a past due date
• Articles with a Scheduled for Archive status and a past due
Publish scheduled articles and archive scheduled articles before
starting the migration.

Automated Article Feed Posts Article Feed Posts that show article changes (published, edited).

ContentPublication Due to the ContentPublication limit (how many

ContentVersion objects can be created per day), the
migration tool supports only orgs with 200,000 or fewer custom
files. Contact Salesforce support if your org has more than 200,000

ContentVersion, Physical Delete Due to the nature of ContentBody reuse, if an org performs
an UNDO, the ContentVersion rows must be physically
deleted before migration. Because physical delete runs as a cron
job during off hours, the overall UNDO process can take several

Field Tracking Limits Field histories migrate when field tracking is enabled. If the total
number of fields with tracking enabled across all Article Types
exceeds the limit, you see an error message, and the migration
doesn’t start. To make sure that the total is below the threshold,
remove the tracking on some fields , and retry the migration.

Tip: The default limit for field tracking is 20 fields. If you

need to raise this limit, contact your Salesforce

Soft Deleted Records Soft-deleted records are not migrated from Classic.

Undeployed Article Types Undeployed article types are removed during migration. Deploy
article types you need and delete those you don't.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Item Description
URL Redirect After migration, article URLs in these two standard formats redirect
to the appropriate article in Lightning Knowledge.
• https://mySalesforceDomain/knowledgeArticleId
For example,

• https://mySalesforceDomain/articles/xx__XX/articleTypeName/URLname
For example,

Article links redirect to the Lightning Knowledge version from

Salesforce Classic and standard Lightning apps, but not in Lightning
Console apps or Experience Cloud sites.

Workflow and Approval Processes Approval process history doesn’t migrate to Lightning Knowledge.

Table 29: Metadata That Does Not Migrate from Classic into Lightning Knowledge
Metadata Types Description
Article Type Metadata • CRUD
• Validation rules
• Communications channel mappings
• Field sets
• Compact layouts
• Audit trails

Feed Tracking Feed Tracking does not migrate to Lightning unless an old article
type with feed tracking is enabled.

Field Metadata • Formula fields

• Required field flags in the field definition
• Field-level security

Fields Sets Code that uses field sets

Customizations based on article types don’t work after migration. In orgs with multiple article types, you must update customizations
to use the new knowledge object. Consider these customizations:
• SOQL that queries the concrete entity name
• Visualforce pages that refer to old article types
• Code that uses field sets
• Apex code that refers to old article types
• Custom code using API calls referencing article types

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

• Customer application logic, such as current API code

• Some AppExchange packages
• Validation rules
• CRUD (per Article Type)
• Applications that use metadata APIs on field sets, compact layouts, and so forth
• Reports that point to old article types

Important: The Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool helps you migrate to Lightning Knowledge, but it doesn’t guarantee that
all your data migrates. For instance, corrupt data isn’t migrated, and you might not be aware of which data has minor corruptions.
It’s important to verify the migrated data and assess the results during sandbox testing and production migration. Use the migration
results report to identify which articles or files didn’t migrate, and assess whether the unmigrated data is blocking the migration.
• Although your sandbox org might contain corrupt data, your production org data might not be corrupt, or might have different
corrupt data.
• If a record doesn’t load properly in either the Salesforce Classic or Lightning Knowledge interface, it can be due to data

• You can’t compare the article count from the migration summary page with SOQL results using COUNT(). Because of
limitations with Workbench, SOQL queries using COUNT() don't return the same list of articles, article versions, version
histories, and vote and view statistics.
• In orgs with multiple article types, the size of your knowledge base temporarily doubles during migration. Your File and Data
storage limits are temporarily doubled when migration starts, and reset when you cancel or accept the migration results.
During this period, both the Classic and Lightning Knowledge versions of each article are present in your org.

Now that you’ve learned about the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool, it’s time to plan and sandbox test your migration on page 836.

Sharing Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Plan and Sandbox Test Your Migration

If you helped build your Classic knowledge base, you know that planning is critical. In fact, planning is the most important part of
migrating to Lightning Knowledge.

Sandbox Testing
Before performing a production migration, perform the migration in a sandbox. We strongly recommend testing in a full-copy sandbox.
There is a high likelihood of data corruption when a partial-copy sandbox is used. The steps to perform a sandbox migration are the
same as a production migration. After planning the migration and reviewing the Pre-Migration Checklist, perform either the Single Article
Type migration or Multiple Article Type migration.

Tip: If you want the option to restore knowledge articles after migration, we recommend creating another dedicated full-copy
sandbox for backup.

Pre-Migration Checklist
Whether you have one or multiple article types in Knowledge, read through the entire checklist before performing the sandbox test.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Important: Refer to this checklist again when performing your org’s production migration.

Article Types
When migrating from Classic to Lightning Knowledge, article types are mapped to new record types with the same name as the article
types. They map to the API name, not the label name. Perform the following checks before proceeding to migration, and be mindful of
these limitations.
• Deploy undeployed article types that you want to migrate.
• Identify and hard-delete article types that you don’t need.
• Change metadata settings in Knowledge article types in Setup. For example, add an article type, remove an article type, change
settings on an article type, or change profile access to article types.
• Change the Default Article Type setting to None.
Remove the following dependencies. When the migration tool deactivates old article types, these objects might not be deleted, causing
the migration to fail.
• Entities summarized by other entities
• Report jobs referencing a custom entity definition
• Article types referenced by the Agent Contribution setting
• Article types referenced by the Answers Promotion setting
• Custom objects used by matching rules
• Article types used by a duplicate rule
• Managed deletions that point to the article type
• Article types with non-deletable child custom fields from other managed packages
• Article types referred to by other features, such as Apex classes or data flows
Lightning Knowledge enablement is blocked if any packages created in the current org contain an article type. To enable Lightning
Knowledge, remove article types from packages created in the current org.
Page Layouts
To give your users a great layout experience and access to the appropriate fields, adjust the page layouts. You can assign different page
layouts per record type and user profile after the migration. Ensure that they are properly configured during the migration. Before starting
the migration, remove page layouts that you don’t need.
Field Considerations
When mapping fields from multiple article types into one record type, keep these considerations in mind.
• Formula fields don’t migrate. After migration, create formula fields in the Knowledge object, and revise the formulas to reference
the new object.
• Field dependencies don’t migrate. The migration tool migrates the fields. However, it doesn’t migrate their field dependency settings.
• Picklists and multi-select picklists only map if they have the same picklist values, the same deactivated values, or the same global
picklist. You can’t migrate dependent picklists. The picklist options migrate, but the mapping between them doesn’t. You reset these
after migration. Also, default values for picklists and checkboxes don’t migrate to Lightning Knowledge.

Tip: An org can have two picklist fields, A and B. A is the controlling picklist and B is the dependent picklist. The migration
tool migrates both A and B, but they become standalone picklists, and you must redefine their field dependency settings.

• When mapping fields to other fields, choose the target field from a picklist that establishes which one is the primary field.
• If field size is reduced before migration but the articles have more characters than before field size reduction, all the text might show
in Classic. However, after migration, the field size is truncated in the new object. This means that the additional characters don’t

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

display. For example, if a field with 500 characters is increased to 1,000 in Classic, there can be 1,000 characters in the field, but only
500 of them display in Lightning.
• Required field flags don’t migrate. Therefore, required fields must be rethought after migration by each org because they all reside
in the same table. It is better to manage required fields through page layouts or validation rules, unless they are truly required for
all records across all record types.
• Migrated fields are named “Article Type_Field Name.” This convention removes field name conflicts.
• Deleted fields (soft-deleted fields that are retained for 30 days) don’t migrate.
Customizations and Managed (or Unmanaged) Packages
Inspect custom elements before and after the migration to ensure that they moved to the new Knowledge object. Sometimes they
break, so prepare to assess this aspect of the org when performing the sandbox migration (before migrating in production). After
migration, adjust custom elements that reference an Article Type to point to the new Knowledge object.
Uninstall all packages that include an article type. If you don’t uninstall those packages, you can’t enable Lightning Knowledge or start
the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool.
The Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool doesn't work for the Developer Edition if you define a namespace for packaging.
Here are a few examples of customizations to consider in your post-migration assessments.
• SOQL that queries the concrete entity name
• Visualforce pages that refer to old article types
• Code that uses field sets
• Apex code that refers to old article types
• Custom code using API calls that references article types
• Customer application logic such as current API code
• AppExchange packages
• Validation Rules
• CRUD (per Article Type)
• Applications that use metadata APIs on field sets or compact layouts

Important: For orgs with multiple article types, update these customizations to reference the new Knowledge object after
migration starts and before selecting Accept. If some data didn’t migrate and you want to pause the migration, update these
customizations to refer to the old article types before selecting Undo. Otherwise, the new knowledge object might not be deleted
after undoing the migration.

File and Attachment Considerations

Files from custom file fields in Classic Knowledge articles are moved to the standard Files object. After migration, users can view and
attach files in the Files related list. When the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool runs, you choose the basic visibility setting to apply
to the migrated articles. You can choose to make files visible to all users with access to the article, including guest and Experience Cloud
users, or only your internal users. If your internal users require access to files that you don't share with external users, you can adjust
permissions for individual files after migration. To minimize the effort of setting file access, choose the visibility option that applies to
most of your files.

Pre-Migration Best Practices and Post-Migration Considerations

Mapping—Assemble complex mapping ideas using a spreadsheet or organizational tool. This gives you a sense of how to map your
knowledge base in Lightning.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Tip: If you map field A to field B, the first field (A) is no longer an available option. But what if you want to revise your choice? First,
unmap the field selection (A to B). Then, assuming they are the same field type, you can map field A to C instead, or map C and B
to field A. Use only one level of mapping to avoid cascading.
Prepare for Validation—Save or print a few articles in advance so you can compare them afterward and verify a successful migration.
Records Owned by Inactive Users—Knowledge article versions (kav) linked to inactive users can cause problems during migration. To
successfully migrate articles with inactive owners, the org preference Update Records with Inactive Owners must be enabled. If this
setting is disabled in your org, the Migration Tool temporarily enables it during migration. Find the preference in Setup > User Interface.
Case and answer settings
• In Case Settings, under Allow user to create an article from a case, set the default article type to None.
• In Answer Settings, under Allow users to create an article from a reply set the default article type to None.

Maintenance Notice: Stop Knowledge Base Activity During Production Migration

To prevent data loss, ensure that your users don’t make changes to the knowledge base for the duration of the migration. This action is
most important for orgs with multiple article types, because migration takes longer and the data model changes significantly. After you
begin the migration, it’s important to finish the process as soon as you can. Plan carefully to ensure minimal downtime for knowledge
base users.
Before performing your production migration, communicate a company-wide bulletin to ensure that all changes to the knowledge base,
its structure, and articles stop during migration. However, your users and customers can still read articles during migration. For orgs with
multiple article types, the switch to articles in Lightning occurs at the start of the Activation stage.

Warning: Make sure that no changes are made to any Knowledge content during migration. All revised data is lost or damaged.
User and API activity, such as Apex triggers and jobs, can stop migration or lead to corrupted data in some articles and files.
These are a few examples of activities that must stop during migration.
• Editing articles
• Creating articles
• Changing the publishing status of articles
• Changing Knowledge setup, including changes to Data Categories
• API calls that change your Knowledge setup or articles
• Apex triggers that change or create Knowledge articles
• Votes on an article
• Linking to a case
• Linking to a work order or work order item
• Adding feed posts, changing feed posts, or following an article
• Edits to files attached to articles
• Adding topic mappings to articles in Experience Cloud sites

Tip: To stop many of the cited activities during migration, remove Create and Edit rights to Knowledge for user profiles other than
the admin.

Get Ready to Use the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool

After planning and successfully sandbox testing, contact Salesforce support and tell us you’re ready to perform the migration in your
production org. We ask you about the results of your sandbox migration before we enable the tool in production. Do you have a single
article type org or a multiple article type org? Use the appropriate guide and move your knowledge base from Classic into Lightning.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

• Migrate a Single Article Type on page 857

• Migrate Multiple Article Types on page 840

Knowledge Article: Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool

Migrate Multiple Article Types

You planned your migration. You went over the pre-migration checklist, and you made all the
prerequisite revisions to your Classic knowledge base. You’re aware of the limitations. You’re ready
to go. Here’s your step-by-step guide to using the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool with multiple Available in: Lightning
article type orgs. Experience
Note: This procedure applies to both sandbox and production migrations. To enable the
Salesforce Knowledge is
Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool in your production org, log a request with Salesforce
available in Essentials and
Support. Allow 1–2 weeks advance notice from your target migration date. Before we can
Unlimited Editions with
enable the tool in production, our support team will ask a series of questions about your
Service Cloud.
migration plan and the results of your sandbox test.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Warning: Make sure that no changes are made to any Knowledge content during migration. available for an additional
All revised data is lost or damaged. User and API activity, such as Apex triggers and jobs, can cost in: Professional,
stop migration or lead to corrupted data in some articles and files. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
1. Switch to Lightning Experience.
more information, contact
2. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter migration, and then select Lightning Knowledge your Salesforce
Migration Tool. representative.
3. To start the migration, follow the on-screen prompts.

To use the Lightning

Knowledge Migration Tool:
• Customize Application
Knowledge User

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Note: If you receive an error message after beginning the migration, follow the instructions in the message. Then restart the

4. Start migration setup. Review the article types and custom fields that are part of the migration.

5. Map the article fields. Mapping is one of the most important steps in the migration. Tab through each article type, and make your
new field selections.

Important: The migration tool creates a placeholder field called “Article Type_Field Name”, where _Field Name matches
the custom field name.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

6. To choose alternative field mappings, click a dropdown under New Field.

Tip: If you have fields of the same type that are common across article types, you can consolidate them in the new object.
For example, if multiple article types have a field called Question, you can map all the article types to use the Question field
from one article type to reduce duplication.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

7. After you map the article fields, tab through each Article Type again. Review your field mappings on each tab, and then go to the
next screen.
8. Begin data migration. Follow the on-screen instructions. A confirmation email is sent to you when it’s complete.

Tip: All users with administrative permissions and the Modify All Data permission receive the confirmation and notification

Warning: If you create an article, update an existing article, or change any related data during data migration, these changes
aren’t migrated.

9. If your migration includes files, you see a screen during migration to set the default visibility. To provide your Experience Cloud users,
such as customers, partners, and guest users, access to files, select All users. File visibility is always restricted to users who can access
the record where it is attached. You can change the visibility for individual files after migration.
10. To view the migration progress, refresh this page as needed. It can take a few minutes to load the data.
When the migration is finished, the Data Migration Summary page appears under Activation.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Note: Completion time depends on the size of the knowledge base you’re migrating and how many other processes are
running at the same time. Feeds and smart links migrate during the Activation step. If at least one existing article type has
Feed Tracking enabled, Feed Tracking is turned on automatically for the new Knowledge object.

11. You can cancel or continue the migration at this point. At this stage, no manual changes are required, but you might want to verify
the migration by validating the old and new Knowledge article IDs on page 848 before you continue.
12. To finish the activation phase, click Next. In this step, feeds and smart links migrate, the new Knowledge object is activated, and
existing article types are deactivated.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Important: At this point in the migration, make sure that your internal and external users have only read access to articles
so that they can't make changes to articles. In this step, your org switches to using Lightning Knowledge articles. To grant read
access to Lightning articles, set up permissions for the new Knowledge object.

Note: The feed component and feed posts don't appear immediately after migration. After you activate the new Knowledge
object, the article’s feed component disappears temporarily while the feed posts migrate. Then the feed component reappears.

13. Under Validation, review the Data Migration Summary. In the example, green check marks next to each item indicate 100% migration.
Yellow warning flags (not present in this migration example) appear beside data that didn’t migrate.

Note: During migration, a results file called LightningKnowledgeMigrationResultTimestamp.txt is

generated in the standard Files object. The admin who started the migration owns this file. If all articles and article versions
migrate successfully, the file shows a success message. If files or articles fail to migrate, they are reported in the results file.
Related data, such as data categories or feeds, isn’t reported in this file. Assess whether unmigrated data is blocking your

14. Validate the results of the Data Migration Summary before you press Cancel or Accept. We strongly recommend that you validate
the article migration before accepting the results.

• Do not update the Knowledge object or the existing article types in the Object Manager before accepting or canceling
the migration. If you do, the cancel or accept process stops working.
• Continue working through the validation steps so that you can cancel or accept the migration as soon as possible. An
incomplete migration can mean extra downtime for your users.

To validate the migrated components, review the following.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

• Metadata setup—In Setup, go to the Object Manager tab, and scroll down the list to locate Knowledge, which indicates that
the migration was successful.
– In the Object Manager navigation bar, select Fields & Relationships. To verify that fields migrated successfully, review the
field labels.
– Verify the migration of the other Knowledge object details by reviewing Page Layouts, Record Types, and other Setup pages.

• Data—A tab named Knowledge is created for the new Knowledge object. On this tab, view and validate the migrated articles.

Tip: We recommend using a selection of pre-existing articles to validate the before-and-after contents.

• Customizations—Verify that the following entities are updated.

– No Apex code is referencing the old article types to be deleted. If they are referenced, manually remove the Apex code.
– Experience Cloud or Salesforce Sites don’t reference the old article types to be deleted.
– Data flows are not referencing old article types to be deleted.
– Processes, flows, workflows, or approval processes don’t reference the old data model.

• In Case Settings, verify that the default article type selected under Allow user to create an article from a case is None.
• In Answer Settings, verify that the default article type selected under Allow users to create an article from a reply is None.
• In the Developer Console, search for references to Article Type objects with the __kav suffix.
a. Click the gear icon in the upper-right, and select Developer Console.
b. Click Edit, and then click Search in Files.
c. In the Search field, enter __kav , and click the magnifying glass icon. This returns all instances of Apex code in your org
that contain a reference to an Article Type object (*__kav).
d. Update code during the validation period after the Migration Tool is run, but before the changes are accepted. If not, your
existing code doesn’t function properly.

• Verify that all old article types have a deployment status of In Development.
• Verify that the Knowledge_kav object has a deployment status of Deployed.
• Your new code must reference the new Knowledge__kav object if the migration tool created that object to migrate multiple
article types. Also, the code must filter SOQL queries by the appropriate record type ID where necessary. Remember that SOQL
queries must filter by record type IDs instead of record type. Record type IDs can be different between sandbox and production,
so include code that looks up the ID of the record type by object. Ideally, put this in a reusable utility class.

15. Verify the migrated articles on page 847 by comparing the old and new articles in the browser. Use Workbench to query for the new
and old IDs.
16. After you validate the results in the Data Migration Summary and find them satisfactory, you can either cancel the migration or
accept it and continue.
• Cancel the migration. To undo the migration, you can cancel it while you investigate any data that did not migrate. Canceling
the migration restores the Classic knowledge base with article types and file fields and removes the new Knowledge object
created during the migration.
To cancel the migration, return to the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool and click Cancel.
When restoration is complete, try the migration again. The time it takes to cancel the migration depends on the size of your
knowledge base and how many other processes are running. It can take several days or longer.
When you cancel, make sure no components reference the new Knowledge object Knowledge__kav. Review the validation
checklist in step 14 for which components could be referencing the object. If canceling doesn’t delete the Knowledge__kav

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

object, you receive an email with instructions on how to manually delete the object. When the new object is successfully deleted,
the cancellation process automatically resumes.

• Accept the migration. You performed the validation steps and are satisfied with the migration results. Accepting the migration
enables your new Lightning Knowledge org. It deletes the old article types and Classic versions of the articles, including versions
that weren’t migrated. After you accept the migration, you can’t undo it.
If migration validation is successful, return to the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool, and click Accept.

Tip: After you accept the migration, the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool no longer appears in Setup.

17. Proceed to the Lightning Knowledge Post-Migration Checklist.

Verify Migrated Articles in Multiple Article Type Orgs
During Lightning Migration for Multiple Article Type orgs, each knowledge article is given a new ID when it becomes part of the
standard Knowledge object. Use the old and new IDs to look at articles and verify that their contents and metadata have migrated
properly. We recommend that Multiple Article Type orgs verify articles during the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool’s Activation
and Validation stages.

Verify Migrated Articles in Multiple Article Type Orgs

During Lightning Migration for Multiple Article Type orgs, each knowledge article is given a new
ID when it becomes part of the standard Knowledge object. Use the old and new IDs to look at
articles and verify that their contents and metadata have migrated properly. We recommend that Available in: Salesforce
Multiple Article Type orgs verify articles during the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool’s Activation Classic (not available in all
and Validation stages. orgs) and Lightning
Using either the new or old Article ID, you can look up the corresponding pre- and post-migration Experience
IDs for your articles. The MigratedToFromArticle field stores the old or new ID based on
which article you view: In the old article, the MigratedToFromArticle column shows the new Lightning Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Knowledge article ID, and vice versa.
Unlimited Editions with
Tip: In Single Article Type migrations, the individual articles aren’t migrated, and the Article Service Cloud.
ID stays the same. The MigratedToFromArticle column remains empty. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
Considerations for Verifying Migrated Articles cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
In the Activation stage, Lightning Knowledge is not yet enabled. That means you can only verify and Developer Editions. For
the articles in the Salesforce Classic interface until you accept the results and proceed to Validation. more information, contact
The Article Number can change between the old and new knowledge base versions, but other your Salesforce
metadata like the last modification date and selected channels matches. representative.

To see all versions of a published article in Salesforce Classic, go to Article Management >
Published Articles, and open an article. In Article Properties, click the Version hyperlink. In the Version History window, choose the
version that you want to verify.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Verify Migrated Articles in the Activation Stage
Verify articles during migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Knowledge. Verification steps are recommended for orgs with
multiple article types.
Verify Migrated Articles in the Validation Stage
After verifying the articles in the Activation stage, verify the articles again during the Validation stage of the Lightning Knowledge
Migration Tool. During this stage, you verify the articles in Lightning Experience.

Verify Migrated Articles in the Activation Stage

Verify articles during migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Knowledge. Verification steps
are recommended for orgs with multiple article types.
The MigratedToFromArticle and MigratedToFromArticleVersion fields used Available in: Salesforce
to verify articles are available in API version 45.0 and later. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
To perform these steps, you must have started the Activation stage of migration. Check that the
Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool is on the Activation stage and shows the Data Migration
Summary page. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce


To view articles:
• View All on Knowledge
To use the Lightning
Knowledge Migration Tool:
• Knowledge User
Customize Application

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

1. Create a list of pre-migration article IDs and URL names.

a. In Salesforce Classic, go to the Article Management or Knowledge tab
b. Open each article and locate the Article ID and URL Name fields. Note the values.
If you already have the article version ID, you can find the article ID and URL name in Workbench using the following query.
SELECT KnowledgeArticleId , urlname FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE Id =

2. Log in to Workbench with your org credentials at

3. To find new or old article IDs, run the appropriate SOQL query.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

a. If you’re using the known ID for the old article type, query the KnowledgeArticle object (1) to find the new article ID in the
MigratedToFromArticle column (2).

SELECT id, MigratedToFromArticle FROM KnowledgeArticle WHERE id = ‘kA2R00000004N1i’

a. If you’re using the new ID for the new Knowledge object, query the KnowledgeArticle object (1) to find the old article ID in the
ID column (2).
SELECT id , MigratedToFromArticle FROM KnowledgeArticle WHERE MigratedToFromArticle
= ‘kA3R00000004JwnKAE’

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

4. Open two browser windows, and log in to your org in each window. Go to the home page in Salesforce Classic.
5. Verify articles side by side. For each page and URL you want to verify, use the old article ID in one window, and the new article ID in
the other. Verify that both browsers show the same article, contents, and data.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

App Page URL Format

Article management pages

Draft articles mySalesforceDomain/knowledge/publishing/articleDraftDetail.apexp?id=ArticleID


Published articles mySalesforceDomain/knowledge/publishing/articleOnlineDetail.apexp?id=ArticleID

Archived articles mySalesforceDomain/knowledge/publishing/articleArchivedDetail.apexp?id=ArticleID

Article previews

Draft, published, and archived articles mySalesforceDomain/knowledge/publishing/articlePreview.apexp?id=ArticleID&popup=true&pubstatus=d&preview=true

Knowledge tab

Published articles mySalesforceDomain/articles/ArticleTypeName/URL_Name?popup=false

Draft articles mySalesforceDomain/knowledge/publishing/articleDraftDetail.apexp?id=ArticleID

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Important: Verifying feeds and verifying articles using URL redirect isn’t possible in this stage. Continue to the Validation
stage of migration before verifying feeds and redirects.

Verify Migrated Articles in the Validation Stage

After verifying the articles in the Activation stage, verify the articles again during the Validation
stage of the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool. During this stage, you verify the articles in
Lightning Experience. Available in: Salesforce
The MigratedToFromArticle and MigratedToFromArticleVersion fields used Classic (not available in all
to verify articles are available in API version 45.0 and later. orgs) and Lightning
You accepted the results of migration, and you already verified that the new Article IDs open the
right articles in Salesforce Classic. Salesforce Knowledge is
Finish the verification process during the Validation stage. The Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool available in Essentials and
shows the Validation stage and shows the Data Migration Summary page. Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
1. Check that the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool is in the Validation stage. From Setup, in
the quick find box enter migration and select Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool. Salesforce Knowledge is
Refresh the page if necessary. available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce


To view articles:
• View All on Knowledge
Knowledge User

To use the Lightning

Knowledge Migration Tool:
• Knowledge User
Customize Application

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

2. In Salesforce Classic, on the Article Management or Knowledge tab, open the article you want to verify.
a. Locate the new knowledge article ID in the URL. For instance, if your article URL is
the ID is kA3R00000004Jwu.
b. Tip: If you created a list of article ID mappings during the Activation stage or you already have the old ID that corresponds
to the new article, you can skip this step.
To find the old ID, log in to Workbench with your org credentials at
The following query on the KnowledgeArticle object returns the old ID.

SELECT MigratedToFromArticle FROM KnowledgeArticle WHERE Id = ‘NewArticleID’

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

c. Overwrite the ID in the URL with the corresponding ID from the old knowledge base version.
For example, change the URL

d. To see the pre-migration article, refresh the page. The Type field shows the old article type, not Knowledge.

3. Open the same article in Lightning Experience. In a new browser window, log in to your org and switch to Lightning Experience.
a. From the App Launcher, find and open the Knowledge tab.
b. Open the article with the same name as the one in your other browser window.

Tip: You might need to switch to a different list view, like Published Articles or Draft Articles, to find the article.

4. Place the two windows side by side and review them.

The article in Salesforce Classic uses the old ID, and the article in Lightning Knowledge shows the new ID (1). The article’s title and
other details are the same (2).

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

5. Review and verify the following items.

Note: Page layouts differ between the old and new knowledge bases, so the fields might not match exactly. If you don’t see
related lists, standard fields, or custom fields, verify that they are on the page layout in Lightning Knowledge.
To modify the layout, go to Setup > Object Manager > Knowledge > Page Layouts and edit the appropriate layout for
the article’s record type. Drag files, cases, or work orders to the Related Lists section, make other desired changes, and save.

Item Notes
Details Section: Title, URL name, Smart Links, custom fields File fields in the old article don’t appear in Lightning Knowledge.
For the new article, files appear in the Files related list.

Related lists: cases, work orders, promoted search terms, files Verify that the appropriate records and files appear in related
lists like files, cases, and work orders.

Feeds Feeds migrate completely to the new object, so you don’t see
feeds in the old article after migration.
Verify the following feed items in new articles: posts, comments,
attachments, mentions, topics, and likes. If you subscribed to the
article before migration, you also see Following.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Item Notes
Smart Links From an old article, Smart Links go to the old version of the linked
article. While viewing an article with the Lightning Knowledge
ID, clicking Smart Links directs you to the new version of the

URL redirects A redirect URL using the old ID, either the KnowledgeArticle (ka)
ID or the KnowledgeArticleVersion (kav) ID opens the new article.

Migrate a Single Article Type

You planned your migration. You went over the pre-migration checklist, and you made all the
prerequisite revisions to your Classic knowledge base. You’re aware of the limitations. You’re ready
to go. Here’s your step-by-step guide to using the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool in orgs Available in: Lightning
with a single article type. Experience
Note: This procedure applies to both sandbox and production migrations. To enable the
Salesforce Knowledge is
Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool in your production org, log a request with Salesforce
available in Essentials and
Support. Allow 1–2 weeks advance notice from your target migration date. Before we can
Unlimited Editions with
enable the tool in production, our support team will ask a series of questions about your
Service Cloud.
migration plan and the results of your sandbox test.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Warning: Make sure that no changes are made to any Knowledge content during migration. available for an additional
All revised data is lost or damaged. User and API activity, such as Apex triggers and jobs, can cost in: Professional,
stop migration or lead to corrupted data in some articles and files. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
1. Switch to Lightning Experience.
more information, contact
2. From Setup, enter lightning knowledge in the Quick Find box, then select Lightning your Salesforce
Knowledge Migration Tool. representative.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions and start the migration.

To use the Lightning

Knowledge Migration Tool:
• Customize Application
Knowledge User
Manage Knowledge

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Note: If you receive an error message after beginning the migration, follow the instructions in the message, and then restart
the migration.

4. Choose whether to create a record type during migration.

Warning: You can’t change record types on articles with translations after migration. If you don’t assign a record type now,
you can’t later add a record type to existing translation records.

5. Begin migration. Follow the on-screen instructions. Completion time depends on the size of your knowledge base and how many
other processes are running at the same time.

Important: You can’t undo the migration or disable Lightning Knowledge after you start the migration. After you migrate,
the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool is no longer available in Setup.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

6. (Optional) If your migration includes files, you see a screen during migration to set the default visibility. To provide your Experience
Cloud site users, such as customers, partners, and guest users, access to files, select All users. File visibility is always restricted to
users who can access the record where it is attached. You can change the visibility for individual files after migration.

Note: If your migration includes files, you receive a confirmation email when the migration is complete, and a report is created
to show the outcome of the file migration. All users with administrative permission and the Modify All Data permission receive
the confirmation email.
Look for the report file named LightningKnowledgeMigrationResultTimestamp.txt in the standard Files
tab. The admin who started the migration owns the report file. If everything migrated, the report shows a success message.
The report also lists articles with files that failed to migrate.

7. Proceed to the Lightning Knowledge Post-Migration Checklist.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Lightning Knowledge Post-Migration Checklist

After a successful migration, you have the new Knowledge object and are ready to verify and set
up key aspects of the new Lightning Knowledge base.
Available in: Lightning
Single Article Type Orgs Experience

In the Object Manager, do the following. Salesforce Knowledge is

• Check the label of the new Knowledge object. If necessary, change it to Knowledge. If you available in Essentials and
have no customizations, Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce Sites, or Apex code referencing the Unlimited Editions with
new object, consider changing the API name, too. Otherwise, change only the label. Service Cloud.
• Validate the new record type. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
• Validate files migration in the Files related list.
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
For All Orgs and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
For page layouts (per record type), inspect each of these elements.
your Salesforce
• Add the fields to page layouts that were hard-coded to the pages in Salesforce Classic. representative.
• Check how page layouts are associated to record types and user profiles.
• Add related cases if your agents attach articles to cases. Add files if your org uses File Attachment
to articles. Add work orders and work order line items if you use Field Service. Use Approval History if your org uses Approval Processes
or Submit for Approval actions.
• Add actions to the page layouts as needed. Actions show on the page if they are in the page layout and if the user has access to
In Salesforce Classic, the compact layout is used only for the Salesforce mobile app. In Lightning Experience, a compact layout determines
what shows at the top of the record home page. Compact layouts can be configured differently per record type.
The recommended fields for compact layouts are:
• Title
• Publishing Status
• Validation Status (if used in your org)
• Record Type
• Language (for multilingual knowledge bases)
• Last Modified Date
Experience Cloud has a different routing mechanism, which doesn’t go through the Knowledge dispatcher. After articles are migrated
to the new Knowledge object, the Knowledge dispatcher routes to the correct record without changing the URL. Experience Cloud uses
an old record ID in the record for routing. Because Experience Cloud has a different dispatcher, Lightning Knowledge provides mapping
for the URL redirect.
Review and set up permissions in Lightning. Create, Read, Edit, and Delete (CRUD) permissions apply to the single Knowledge object
and not individual record types. Permissions per article type no longer works in Lightning Experience.
To set access to Lightning Knowledge, consider each of these elements:
• Manage CRUD permissions with user profiles and permission sets.
• Manage authoring permissions per user profile or permission sets per user (for actions like edit as draft or publish, for example).
• Adjust permission for individual files in the Files object.
• (Optional) Set up which record types each user has permission to use when creating articles.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

• (Optional) Set up validation rules to prevent certain users or user profiles from modifying articles of certain record types. Such
restrictions don’t allow users to save their changes if the validation conditions aren’t met.
• Set up approval processes that check the record type and user and either route or reject according to your business rules.

For Multiple Article Type Orgs

• Review each setup option for Knowledge in the Object Manager. Verify that the fields, record types, triggers, and other setup options
are correct.
• Communication Channel Mapping—Configure communication channel mappings for the Knowledge object to set which fields are
inserted into case emails per record type.
• Dependent Picklists—Picklist options migrate, but the mappings between them don’t. Reset dependencies after migration.
• Add field-level security, and define which users can access fields, as needed.
• Formula Fields—Redefine formulas as needed after article types are consolidated into one object.
• Validation Rules—Update validation rules now that article types have been consolidated into one object. Copy the settings you
tested in your sandbox org.
• Workflow and Approval Processes—All article types are now consolidated into one object, requiring changes to validation rules.
You might no longer need some workflows to be created separately for each article type because they are now all in a single object.
However, you might need to adjust the workflow and approval process criteria to look at a record type.
• Process Builder—Make sure that processes now reference the new Knowledge object.
• Customizations—Inspect custom elements after the migration, and ensure that they moved to the new Knowledge object.
After you’ve reviewed and accepted the migration results and completed this checklist, it’s time to train your team and roll out Lightning
Knowledge to your customers.

Knowledge Article: Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool

Set Up and Configure Lightning Knowledge

Enable Lightning Knowledge, create Knowledge record types, customize your record type page
layouts, set access for Knowledge users, and create a Lightning Knowledge process.
Available in: Lightning
Enable Lightning Knowledge
Salesforce Knowledge is
Enable Lightning Knowledge to use your Knowledge base in Lightning Experience. After you available in Essentials and
enable Lightning Knowledge, you can’t disable it. Unlimited Editions with
Lightning Knowledge User Access Service Cloud.
Give your knowledge agents access to articles in Lightning Knowledge. Specify which agents Salesforce Knowledge is
in your company are Salesforce Knowledge users and can create, edit, archive, and delete available for an additional
articles. Create user profiles with the appropriate user permissions, and then assign users to cost in: Professional,
these profiles. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
Lightning Knowledge Home and Record Pages
more information, contact
Search, view, create, and manage articles on the Knowledge home page in Lightning Experience. your Salesforce
You can perform several authoring actions without leaving Knowledge home. For example, representative.
you can restore, archive, delete, publish, and submit articles for translation or approval.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Record Type Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Different content has different needs. For example, your FAQ pages are different from your tutorials, which are different from your
policy statements. A record type controls an article’s content and layout. Create different record types to distinguish Knowledge
articles. In Lightning Knowledge, standard record types replace custom article types.
Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
A page layout determines which fields agents can view and edit when entering data for an article. It also determines which sections
appear when users view articles. You can customize the fields, actions, and related lists for each record type and user profile with
page layouts.

Enable Lightning Knowledge

Enable Lightning Knowledge to use your Knowledge base in Lightning Experience. After you enable
Lightning Knowledge, you can’t disable it.

Note: If Knowledge in Salesforce Classic is already enabled in your org, use the Lightning Available in: Lightning
Knowledge Migration Tool instead of enabling Knowledge here. Experience

1. From Setup, enter Knowledge in the Quick Find box and click Knowledge Settings. Salesforce Knowledge is
2. On the Knowledge Settings page, click Edit. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
3. Select Enable Lightning Knowledge. Service Cloud.
Note: To enable Lightning Knowledge, you must have one article type. After you enable Salesforce Knowledge is
Lightning Knowledge, you can’t disable it. available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
4. Enable any other Knowledge settings that you want. Enterprise, Performance,
5. Click Save. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
After Lightning Knowledge is enabled, Knowledge appears in the Object Manager. This is where your Salesforce
you control your Lightning Knowledge settings and page layouts. representative.
Whenever you change the name and API name of your Knowledge Base in Object Manager, we
recommend that you do a hard refresh of your browser to avoid server errors. Changing the
knowledge base name also affects customizations, Apex, and SOQL queries.
To view Knowledge Settings
Important: Enabling Lightning Knowledge changes your Org's data model to use record
in Setup:
types rather than article types. Orgs with multiple articles types require data migration to
• Knowledge User license
consolidate article types before enabling Lightning Knowledge. Remember, after you enable
Lightning Knowledge, you can't disable it. Test in a Sandbox or Trial org before enabling in

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Lightning Knowledge User Access

Give your knowledge agents access to articles in Lightning Knowledge. Specify which agents in
your company are Salesforce Knowledge users and can create, edit, archive, and delete articles.
Create user profiles with the appropriate user permissions, and then assign users to these profiles. Available in: Lightning
User permissions control access to different tasks in Salesforce Knowledge. By default, all internal Experience
users with Read permission can read published articles. Assign permissions to agents and authors
who publish, archive, delete, and manage articles. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Use permission sets or custom profiles to give agents, authors, and other users the Knowledge Unlimited Editions with
access they need. For example, you can create a permission set named Article Manager that includes Service Cloud.
the permissions to create, edit, publish, and assign articles. You can then create a Knowledge Base
Salesforce Knowledge is
Manager profile with permission to archive and delete articles.
available for an additional
To see categories associated with Draft articles, standard Users must have permissions for Knowledge cost in: Professional,
User and Manage Article . Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
Tip: Lightning Knowledge uses user profile permissions or permissions sets to give agents
more information, contact
access to authoring actions. In contrast, Knowledge in Salesforce Classic uses public groups your Salesforce
and article actions. representative.
Some licenses, like the Knowledge Only User license, require the AllowViewKnowledge permission
on the user’s profile. To give a user this permission, activate the permission on a cloned profile and
assign the cloned profile to the user.
To create or edit users:
Note: To do more than read articles, agents need the Knowledge User license.
• Manage Internal Users
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
To assign Knowledge
2. Click Edit next to the user’s name, or click New to create a user. permissions:
• Customize Application
3. If you are creating a user, complete all the required fields.
4. Select Knowledge User.
Manage Salesforce
5. Click Save. Knowledge
This table lists the required profile and object permissions for authoring tasks. For permissions in
Salesforce Classic, see Classic Knowledge User Access.

Table 30: Lightning Knowledge Permissions

Lightning Knowledge Task User Permissions Knowledge Object Permissions
Read and search published knowledge Allow View Knowledge Read

Read and search draft knowledge articles Allow View Knowledge, View Draft Articles Read

Read and search archived knowledge Allow View Knowledge, View Archived Read
articles Articles

Attach published articles to cases and search Allow View Knowledge Read on Knowledge, Read and Edit on Case

Create articles Manage Articles Create, Read

Edit draft articles Manage Articles Read, Edit

Delete draft articles Manage Articles Read, Edit, Delete

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Lightning Knowledge Task User Permissions Knowledge Object Permissions

Change the record type Manage Articles Create, Read, Edit

Change the article owner Manage Articles Read, Edit

Be an article owner View Draft Articles Read, Edit

Publish articles Manage Articles, Publish Articles Create, Read, Edit, Delete

Archive articles Manage Articles, Archive Articles Create, Read, Edit, Delete

Restore archived articles Manage Articles, Archive Articles Create, Read, Edit

Delete archived articles Manage Articles, Archive Articles Modify All

Assign articles Manage Articles Read, Edit

Edit published articles Manage Articles Create, Read, Edit

Submit articles for translation Manage Articles, Article Translation–Submit Create, Read, Edit
for Translation

Delete draft translations Manage Articles Read, Edit, Delete

Edit translations Manage Articles, Article Translation–Edit Read, Edit

Publish translations Manage Articles, Article Translation–Publish Create, Read, Edit, Delete

Import articles Manage Salesforce Knowledge, Manage Create, Read, Edit, Delete
Articles, Manage Knowledge Article

Import and export articles for translation Manage Salesforce Knowledge, Manage Create, Read, Edit, Delete
Articles, Manage Article Import/Export

Create data categories Manage Data Categories, View Data None

Categories in Setup

When Are Lightning Authoring Actions Available?
Classic Knowledge User Access

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Lightning Knowledge Home and Record Pages

Search, view, create, and manage articles on the Knowledge home page in Lightning Experience.
You can perform several authoring actions without leaving Knowledge home. For example, you
can restore, archive, delete, publish, and submit articles for translation or approval. Available in: Lightning
Note: Create and customize the Lightning Knowledge home page to access Knowledge in Experience
Lightning Experience. If you turned on Lightning Knowledge in Spring '17 or later, the Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
Knowledge home page is created for you.
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Knowledge Home Service Cloud.
Lightning Knowledge home uses the same list views that you enjoy elsewhere in Salesforce. By Salesforce Knowledge is
default, you have list views for drafts, published articles, and archived articles. Don’t forget to available for an additional
customize your list views to select which fields you want to display and sort with. For custom list cost in: Professional,
views, you can’t choose fields that aren’t on the article record. So data categories, ratings, view Enterprise, Performance,
count, and cases aren’t available fields for your list views. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
By default, list views in Lightning Experience show all available languages. When Lightning your Salesforce
Knowledge is enabled, list views in the Article Management tab in Salesforce Classic show articles representative.
in the user's language by default, or the master language for Knowledge if the user’s language isn’t

Article Record Pages

Use the Lightning App Builder to configure the default record page to match your users' workflow. Your Lightning page consists of
article page layouts and the components you choose for your users.
In addition to standard components, you can use components built by partners and developers from AppExchange. You can even build
your own components. With Lightning pages, you can move the ratings, versions, data category, and translation components to the
areas of the page that work best for your users.
You can add these components to your record pages.
Article Data Categories
Users with permission to manage data categories can change an article’s categories.
Article Thumb Vote (Ratings)
Collect feedback with thumbs-up and thumbs-down ratings. Automatically enabled.
Article Version Comparison
Compare two versions of an article to see the differences.
Article Versions
Select Track Field History and Set History Tracking in the Object Manager. These options make the article version history and field
changes available for Knowledge users to view in the Article Versions component.
Add the Files related list in your record type page layout.
Translation Master Article
Show the master article and translation in the same page layout to assist translators. You can set visibility conditions so only translators
and knowledge base managers see the side-by-side view.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Translation Switcher
Give translators and administrators an easy way to switch between draft and published versions of an article in all languages.

Page Layouts in Lightning Experience
Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
Authoring Actions in Lightning Knowledge
Work with Data Categories
Salesforce Knowledge Article Versions
List View Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Record Type Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Different content has different needs. For example, your FAQ pages are different from your tutorials,
which are different from your policy statements. A record type controls an article’s content and
layout. Create different record types to distinguish Knowledge articles. In Lightning Knowledge, Available in: Lightning
standard record types replace custom article types. Experience
When you build your knowledge base, plan how to get the most from your record types by
customizing profiles, page layouts, and other features. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
• Create Record Types Unlimited Editions with
• Customize Page Layouts Service Cloud.
• Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge Salesforce Knowledge is
• Lightning Knowledge User Access available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience

Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

A page layout determines which fields agents can view and edit when entering data for an article.
It also determines which sections appear when users view articles. You can customize the fields,
actions, and related lists for each record type and user profile with page layouts. Available in: Lightning
You can use a page layout to customize fields, actions, and related lists for each record type and Experience
user profile. For example, when sensitive data is involved, you can customize a page layout by user
profile. Then only agents assigned the user profile can see sensitive fields in the article. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Consider these tips when you configure page layouts for Knowledge. Unlimited Editions with
• Authoring actions that you add to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions Service Cloud.
section of the page layout appear in the highlights panel on record pages in Lightning Experience Salesforce Knowledge is
and the Salesforce mobile app. available for an additional
• To use inline edit with Knowledge, add the Publication Status field to your standard page layout. cost in: Professional,
The Publication Status field must be in the standard page layout, not in a compact layout. Enterprise, Performance,
However, the field can appear in both the standard and compact layouts. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
Tip: If the Publication Status field is in a collapsed layout section, you must expand the your Salesforce
section to load the edit icons before you can use inline editing. To increase the accessibility representative.
of inline editing, add the Publication Status field to a layout section that is likely to always
be open.
• The Title and URL Name standard fields are required. You can’t remove them from the layout.
To customize page layouts:
• To control which audiences can view an article, add these fields to the page layout: Visible in
• Customize Application
Internal App; Visible to Customer; Visible to Partner; and Visible in Public Knowledge base. The
fields appear as checkboxes in the record.

Page Layouts in Lightning Experience
Customize Page Layouts with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor
Lightning Knowledge Home and Record Pages
Authoring Actions in Lightning Knowledge
Set Up Master Article and Translation Side-By-Side View

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

After you've assigned Knowledge User licenses (including to yourself), you're ready to build your
Knowledge base.
To ensure that your organization has Knowledge User licenses, from Setup, enter Company in Available in: Salesforce
the Quick Find box, then select Company Information. Knowledge User licenses are listed near Classic (not available in all
the bottom of the page, in the Feature Licenses related list. orgs)

To ensure that you are a Salesforce Knowledge user, from your personal settings, enter Personal Salesforce Knowledge is
in the Quick Find box, then select Personal Information. The Knowledge User checkbox is in the available in the Unlimited
second column of the User Detail section. Edition with Service Cloud.
To enable Salesforce Knowledge, from Setup, enter Knowledge in the Quick Find box, then Salesforce Knowledge is
select Knowledge Settings. Confirm that you want to enable Salesforce Knowledge and click available for an additional
Enable Knowledge. If your org doesn’t have an article type, a default article type is created. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Note: If you enabled Knowledge before Spring ’16 you must create an article type first. After
and Developer Editions. For
the Spring ‘16 release, you no longer need to create an article type first. more information, contact
your Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: representative.

Plan Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

It's important that you consider your individual company’s needs while you develop a strategy USER PERMISSIONS
for capturing and publishing your support team’s expertise. With a robust knowledge base,
To enable Salesforce
customers receive service faster or even solve their own issues.
Knowledge Article Types • Customize Application
Article types, such as FAQs and Tutorials, provide the format and structure to control how an
article displays for each audience, known as a channel. For each article type you can create
custom fields, customize the layout by adding or removing sections and fields, and choose a template for each channel. You can
also create workflow rules and approval processes to help your organization track and manage article creation and publication.
Classic Knowledge User Access
Specify which agents in your company are Classic Knowledge users and give them access to article actions. Create user profiles with
the user permissions they need, and then assign them to these profiles.
Set Up the Knowledge One Widget
Knowledge One is available as a widget that you can plug in to the Salesforce Console for Service or Salesforce Console for Sales. If
you are using the Knowledge tab, you get the same easy-to-use interface for articles and external sources on cases and within the
Salesforce Console for Service. You can search, send, and create articles, all without leaving the case.
Articles or Knowledge Tab
Find out which Salesforce Knowledge tab you are using and what you can do on each.
Example Apex for Submitting Articles from Cases
If your organization allows customer-support agents to create Salesforce Knowledge articles while closing a case, you can use Apex
to pre-populate fields on draft articles. To do so, create an Apex class and assign it to the case article type using the example below
as a guide.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Use Videos from Any Provider with a Custom Visualforce Page

Using a custom Visualforce page and the HTML editor, you can insert videos from any provider into your Salesforce Knowledge

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic)

Plan Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

It's important that you consider your individual company’s needs while you develop a strategy for
capturing and publishing your support team’s expertise. With a robust knowledge base, customers
receive service faster or even solve their own issues. Available in: Salesforce
Setting up Salesforce Knowledge is a “choose your own adventure” procedure. There are many Classic (not available in all
features and options and it’s up to you to decide which ones are right for your enterprise. orgs)

Consideration Further Information Salesforce Knowledge is

available in the Unlimited
What types of articles and information do you Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic, Edition with Service Cloud.
want to include in the knowledge base? Knowledge Article Types Salesforce Knowledge is
Who can write the articles? Classic Knowledge User AccessKnowledge User available for an additional
License cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Who needs to read what information and Knowledge User License, User Setup, Classic and Developer Editions. For
where? Knowledge User Access, Create Public Groups more information, contact
for Knowledge, Assign Article Actions to Public your Salesforce
Groups representative.

Do you need to categorize your information? Work with Data Categories, Data Category

Do you need to enhance search? Improve the Article Search Experience, Enable
Topics for Articles, Enable Suggested Articles to
Solve Cases

Do you need workflow or approval processes Knowledge Management, Validation Rules,

to manage article creation and publication? Workflow and Approvals for Articles

Do you have an existing Knowledge base or Import External Content into Salesforce
documentation that you need to import? Knowledge

Are you supporting more than one language? Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base

Do you need agents to follow articles in Chatter? Feed Tracking

Do you need to share your knowledge base Give Customers Access to Your Knowledge Base
externally? Through Help Center

Do you need guidelines, resources, and current Salesforce Knowledge is "KCS Verified" by the
discussions on the evolving world of knowledge Consortium for Service Innovation, which
base orientated service? recognizes best practices in customer support

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Consideration Further Information

methodologies. By implementing Knowledge-Centered Support
(KCS) features, you can create more efficient collaboration within
your team and provide pertinent and accurate information to your

Consider the following tips when planning and using Salesforce Knowledge:
• Create synonym groups in Salesforce Knowledge. Synonyms are words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in article searches,
letting you optimize search results.
• Before setting up data categories, carefully plan your category groups and their hierarchies. Also, consider how your category hierarchy
maps to your role hierarchy. For more information, see Data Category Visibility.
• Create custom reports on your Salesforce Knowledge data. You can also install the Knowledge Base Dashboards and Reports app from
the AppExchange to receive over two dozen helpful reports.
• Multiple agents can edit the same article at the same time. If that occurs, your changes can be overwritten by a colleague without
warning, even if you save your work frequently. To avoid accidental data loss, instruct all users who edit articles to edit only the
articles they're assigned.
• Review your usage regularly to avoid storage shortages: from Setup, enter Storage Usage in the Quick Find box, then
select Storage Usage.
• Public knowledge base users cannot rate articles.
• The File custom field type allows agents to attach documents to articles.
• You will lose your data if you convert a custom field on an article type into any other field type. Do not convert custom fields unless
no data exists for the field.
• When renaming Salesforce Knowledge labels note that standard field names, like title and type, are fixed. These fields do not change
the labels on the article create and edit pages. If the organization is set to another language, these fields remain in the fixed label
for that language.
• The Salesforce Knowledge search engine supports lemmatization, which is the process of reducing a word to its root form. With
lemmatization, a search can match expanded forms of a search term. For example, a search for running matches items that
contain run, running, and ran.
• Make sure that you have a clear understanding of the type of articles your organization needs, and how agents interact with these
article types. This determines the article type permissions and article actions that you need to assign to Salesforce Knowledge users,
which you can then use to create the set of profiles or permission sets required by your organization. For more information, see
Classic Knowledge User Access on page 880.
• Determine if you need to create workflow rules for some of your article types. For example, you can create a rule that sends an email
to an article manager when an agent creates an article upon closing a case.
• Determine if you need to create approval processes for some of your article types. For example, if you have a type of article that must
have legal and management approval before it can be published externally, create an approval process for the article type.

Knowledge Base Allocations by Edition

The following table lists the total number of languages, articles, and versions per article permitted for each Salesforce edition. For orgs
created before the Spring '18 release, the default limit for all editions is 16 languages. To request an extension for these allocations,
contact Salesforce support.

Note: Salesforce won’t extend an allocation to match that of an edition with a higher limit.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Edition Article, Version, and Language Allocations

Essentials 500 articles, 10 versions per article, 1 language

Professional 500 articles, 10 versions per article, 1 language

Enterprise 50,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 5 languages

Developer 50,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 5 languages

Unlimited 150,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 10 languages

The default maximum number of total versions per org is 10 million for all editions. Limits on versions retained per article don’t include
versions linked to objects such as cases, work items, and undeletable lookup fields. So, for example, an article might have 25 versions,
even if the default limit is 10 versions per article, if 15 of those versions are linked to cases. However, versions attached to objects such
as cases count towards the total number of versions per org.

Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Knowledge Scalability
Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic)

Knowledge Article Types

Article types, such as FAQs and Tutorials, provide the format and structure to control how an article
displays for each audience, known as a channel. For each article type you can create custom fields,
customize the layout by adding or removing sections and fields, and choose a template for each Available in: Salesforce
channel. You can also create workflow rules and approval processes to help your organization track Classic (not available in all
and manage article creation and publication. orgs)

IN THIS SECTION: Salesforce Knowledge is

available in the Unlimited
Create Article Types Edition with Service Cloud.
An article type controls how an article displays and what type of information of fields are
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
Article Type Page Layouts cost in: Professional,
Article-type layouts determine which fields agents can view and edit when entering data for Enterprise, Performance,
an article. They also determine which sections appear when users view articles. The article-type and Developer Editions. For
template defines the format of the article, for example whether layout sections display as subtabs more information, contact
or as a single page with links. You can apply a layout per profile per article type. Therefore, you your Salesforce
can display more sensitive fields of the same article to only those agents with the correct profile. representative.

Add Custom Fields to Article Types

Create custom fields to store information that is important to your articles. The only standard fields provided on article types are:
Article Number, Summary, Title, and URL Name. At minimum, you want to create a field where authors can write the body of the

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Article Type Templates

Article types in Salesforce Knowledge require a template for each channel. The standard article-type templates—Tab and Table of
Contents—specify how the sections in the article-type layout appear in the published article. For example, if you choose the Tab
template, the sections defined in the layout appear as tabs when users view an article. With the Table of Contents template, sections
appear on a single page with hyperlinks to each section. You can also create a custom template using Visualforce. Custom templates
aren’t associated with the article-type layout.
Delete an Article Type
Deleting article types can result in errors and lost data. Read this entire topic carefully before deleting article types.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Create Article Types

An article type controls how an article displays and what type of information of fields are included.
Note: Before agents can access article types, you must set object permissions for article
types. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select orgs)
Knowledge Article Types.
2. Click New Article Type or edit an existing article type. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
3. Enter the article types details Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Field Description
available for an additional
Label A name used to refer to the article type in any cost in: Essentials,
user interface pages. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, and
Plural Label The plural name of the object. If you create a Developer Editions. For
tab for this object, this name is used for the more information, contact
tab. your Salesforce
Gender If it is appropriate for your organization’s
default language, specify the gender of the
label. This field appears if the USER PERMISSIONS
organization-wide default language expects
gender. Your personal language preference To create, edit, or delete
article types:
setting does not affect whether the field
• Customize Application
appears. For example, if the organization’s
default language is English and your personal AND
language is French, you are not prompted for Manage Salesforce
gender when creating an article type. Knowledge

Starts with a vowel sound If it is appropriate for your organization’s

default language, check if your label should
be preceded by "an" instead of "a".

Object Name (Read only) A unique name used to refer to

the article type when using the Lightning

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Field Description
Platform API. In managed packages, this unique name prevents
naming conflicts on package installations. The Object Name field
can contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters. It
must be unique, begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end
with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive

Description An optional description of the article type. A meaningful

description helps you remember the differences between your
article types when you are viewing them in a list.

Track Field History Select this option to track the full history of an article and its
versions. The system records and displays field updates,
publishing workflow events, and language versions for the master
article and any translations.

Deployment Status Indicates whether the article type is visible outside Setup. In
Development means that article managers can’t choose this
article type when creating articles. Only select Deployed after
you are done creating the article type.

4. Click Save.
On the article type detail page,
• In the Fields related list, create or modify custom fields as needed.
• In the Fields related list, edit the article-type layout as needed to rearrange fields and create sections.
• In the Channel Displays related list, choose a template for the Internal App, Partner, Customer, and Public Knowledge Base.

Add Custom Fields to Article Types
Article Type Page Layouts
Knowledge Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Article Type Page Layouts

Article-type layouts determine which fields agents can view and edit when entering data for an
article. They also determine which sections appear when users view articles. The article-type template
defines the format of the article, for example whether layout sections display as subtabs or as a Available in: Salesforce
single page with links. You can apply a layout per profile per article type. Therefore, you can display Classic (not available in all
more sensitive fields of the same article to only those agents with the correct profile. orgs)
Tip: You can also use field-level security to hide fields on article types. For example, if you
Salesforce Knowledge is
publish the same article in the internal app and on an Experience Cloud site, you can use
available in the Unlimited
field-level security to hide a custom field such as Internal Comments from Experience
Edition with Service Cloud.
Cloud site users.
Salesforce Knowledge is
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select available for an additional
Knowledge Article Types. cost in: Professional,
2. Click the article type. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
3. Scroll down to the Page Layouts related list or click the Page Layouts link at the top of the page. more information, contact
4. To create a page layout, click New and follow the prompts. To edit an existing layout, click Edit your Salesforce
and make your changes. representative.
Make your changes. The layout editor consists of two parts: a palette on the upper portion of
the screen and the layout on the lower portion of the screen. The palette contains the available USER PERMISSIONS
fields and a section element. The layout contains an Information section and space for you to
add sections. By default, all custom fields are included in the Information section. To customize the article-type
Important: If you navigate away from your article-type layout before clicking save, your • Customize Application
changes are lost.

Note: The Article Number, Summary, Title, and URL Name standard fields
do not display in the layout. Article Number and Summary appear in a read-only
Properties section at the top of the published article. Also included in this header are the
First Published, Last Modified, and Last Published fields.

Task Description
Add a section Drag and drop the section element into the palette.

Change the name of a section Click its title. You cannot rename the Information section.

Remove a field from a section Drag it to the right side of the palette or click the icon next
to the field.

Remove a section from the article-type layout Click the icon next to the section name.

Save your changes and continue editing the article type layout Click Quick Save.

• Use the undo and redo buttons to step backwards and forwards, respectively.
• Use the following keyboard shortcuts:
– Undo = CTRL+Z
– Redo = CTRL+Y

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

– Quick Save = CTRL+S

• To select multiple elements individually, use CTRL+click. To select multiple elements as a group, use SHIFT+click.
• To quickly locate any item in the palette, use the Quick Find box. The Quick Find box is especially useful for article-type
layouts that have large numbers of items available in the palette.

5. To assign various layouts to the article type based on a user profile, click Page Layout Assignments.
6. Click Edit Assignment.
7. Select the profile, or profiles (using SHIFT), you want to change and select the layout from the Page Layout To Use dropdown.
When creating multiple article type page layouts, consider the following limitations and functionality changes.
• When creating page layouts, some fields are hidden based on the agent’s license. Out of Date, Translation Completed Date, and
Translation Exported Date are hidden from users who do not have a Knowledge User license or who are customer portal or partner
portal users. In addition, Archived By and Is Latest Version are hidden from customer portal and partner portal users.
• Before Spring ‘16, preview pages showed the Summary field in the API that contained text values, even if they were not in the page
layout. To continue displaying summary fields on preview pages, manually update your page layouts to include them.
• If you want to attach articles as PDFs to emails when solving cases, add File Attachments to the Selected Email Tools
in the Feed View for the article type layout.
• The article edit page only shows the standard fields (Article Number, Title, URL Name, and Summary) and all the custom fields added
to the layout, including the side bar fields. Other standard fields added on the page layout are ignored because they are not editable,
and the custom fields are displayed in the order specified in the page layout.
• If an article type page layout doesn’t include a field with a validation rule, you can’t create or edit an article of that article type. Make
sure all page layouts assigned to the article type by profile include all fields with validation rules.
• The Communication channel layout doesn’t use the page layout to determine which Article fields are inserted into a case email. The
fields that are inserted include the fields selected in the Communication Channel mapping.
• You can set up a specific profile to generate a PDF file. When sending articles as PDFs, the pdf is generated based on the sender’s
profile. Therefore, the receiver might get fields they are not meant to see. Use the Use a profile to create
customer-ready article PDFs on cases setting on the Knowledge settings page so the fields in PDFs come from
the page layout assigned to the configured profile. Also, Field Level Security of both the sender profile and the configured profile
are applied.

Create Article Types
Knowledge Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Add Custom Fields to Article Types

Create custom fields to store information that is important to your articles. The only standard fields
provided on article types are: Article Number, Summary, Title, and URL Name. At minimum, you
want to create a field where authors can write the body of the article. Available in: Salesforce
Before you begin, determine the type of custom field you want to create. Classic (not available in all
Note: Authors can view the URL Name when they create or edit an article. The URL
Name does not appear to end users viewing published articles. Salesforce Knowledge is
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select available in the Unlimited
Knowledge Article Types. Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
2. Select an article type.
available for an additional
3. Click New in the Fields related list. cost in: Professional,
4. Choose the type of field to create, and click Next. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
5. Enter a field label. The field name is automatically populated based on the field label you enter. more information, contact
This name can contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters, and must be unique in your Salesforce
your org. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not representative.
contain two consecutive underscores.

6. Enter any field attributes, such as Description, and click Next to continue. USER PERMISSIONS

Note: You cannot enter a default value for any custom field. To create or change custom
7. Set the field-level security to determine whether the field is visible and editable or read only • Customize Application
for specific profiles, and click Next. Field-level security allows you to control which fields are AND
visible in different channels. Manage Salesforce
8. If you do not want the field to be added automatically to the article-type layout, uncheck Yes, Knowledge
add this custom field to the layout.
9. Click Save to finish or Save & New to create more custom fields.
10. Optionally rearrange your custom fields on the article-type layout.

Note: Creating fields can require changing many records at once. To process these changes efficiently, Salesforce might queue
your request and send an email notification when the process has completed.

Warning: You lose your data if you convert a custom field on an article type into any other field type. Do not convert a custom
field on an article type unless no data exists for the field.

Create Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Article Type Templates

Article types in Salesforce Knowledge require a template for each channel. The standard article-type
templates—Tab and Table of Contents—specify how the sections in the article-type layout appear
in the published article. For example, if you choose the Tab template, the sections defined in the Available in: Salesforce
layout appear as tabs when users view an article. With the Table of Contents template, sections Classic (not available in all
appear on a single page with hyperlinks to each section. You can also create a custom template orgs)
using Visualforce. Custom templates aren’t associated with the article-type layout.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Note: To ensure access to Visualforce pages, always set the Visualforce permissions and
available in the Unlimited
visibility for article templates.
Edition with Service Cloud.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Salesforce Knowledge is
Knowledge Article Types available for an additional
2. Click an article type name. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• For a default template, continue with Step 12.
and Developer Editions. For
• To create a custom template, make note of the article type's API Name. You need this more information, contact
value when you create the Visualforce page. your Salesforce
3. From Setup, enter Visualforce Pages in the Quick Find box, then select
Visualforce Pages.
4. Click New.
5. In the Name text box, enter the text that appears in the URL as the page name. To create, edit, or delete
article-type templates:
This name can contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters, and must be unique in
• Customize Application
your org. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not
contain two consecutive underscores. AND
Manage Salesforce
6. In the Label text box, enter the text that users see when choosing this template from the Knowledge
Channel Displays related list on the article type detail page.
7. Add your Visualforce markup.
The only requirement for custom article-type templates is that the standard controller is equal to the API Name of the article
type. For example, if the API Name of the article type is Offer__kav, your markup would be:
<apex:page standardController="Offer__kav">

... page content here ...


Note: Click Component Reference for a list of the Visualforce components, such as
knowledge:articleRendererToolbar and knowledge:articleCaseToolbar, available for use in custom
article-type templates.

8. If your article type has a File field, you can allow users to download the field's content.
In the following example, the article type is Offer, the name of the File field is my_file, and the text that appears as a link is
Click me:

<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Offer__kav.FileFieldDownload,, ['field'=$])}">Click

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Note: If the File field is empty (meaning the author didn't upload a file), the link still appears on the published article but has
no function. If you do not want the link to appear when the File field is empty, replace Click me in the example with the
name of the file. For example, {!Offer__kav.my_file__Name__s}.

9. Click Save.
Your custom template can now be assigned to any channel on the article type.

10. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article Types
11. Click an article type name.
12. For each channel, specify the template.
• For Internal App, Customer and Partner, Tab is the default template.
• For Public Knowledge Base, Table of Contents is the default template.
• If you created a custom template for this article type, it also appears in the dropdown menu.

13. Save your work.

Example: If you choose the Tab template, the sections you defined in the layout appear as tabs when users view an article.

Published Article Using the Tab Article-Type Template

If you choose the Table of Contents template, the sections you defined in the layout appear on one page with hyperlinks to each
section title.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Published Article Using the Table of Contents Article-Type Template

Knowledge Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Set Visualforce Page Security from Profiles
Knowledge Article: Make Visualforce pages visible to users

Delete an Article Type

Deleting article types can result in errors and lost data. Read this entire topic carefully before deleting
article types.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Available in: Salesforce
Knowledge Article Types. Classic (not available in all
2. Next to the article type, click Del.
3. Confirm that you want to delete the article type. Salesforce Knowledge is
Notes on Deleting Article Types available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
• If your organization has only article type, you cannot delete it. Every Salesforce Knowledge
Salesforce Knowledge is
org requires at least one deployed article type. Create an article type and then delete the
available for an additional
old one.
cost in: Professional,
• Any articles associated with a deleted article type are automatically removed from all Enterprise, Performance,
channels, including draft, published, and archived articles. and Developer Editions. For
• Salesforce does not display deleted article types in the Recycle Bin with other deleted more information, contact
records. Instead, deleted article types appear in the Deleted Article Types list on the article your Salesforce
list view page for 15 days. During this time, you can restore the article type and its articles, representative.
or permanently erase the article type and its articles. After 15 days, the article type and its
articles are permanently erased. USER PERMISSIONS
• If a reader clicks a bookmark to a deleted article's URL, an Insufficient Privileges message
displays. To delete article types:
• Customize Application

Knowledge Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Classic Knowledge User Access

Specify which agents in your company are Classic Knowledge users and give them access to article
actions. Create user profiles with the user permissions they need, and then assign them to these
profiles. Available in: Salesforce
By default all internal users can read articles. However some licenses like the Knowledge Only User Classic (not available in all
licenses, require the “AllowViewKnowledge” permission on the user’s profile. To give a user the orgs)
“AllowViewKnowledge” permission on their profile, activate the permission on a cloned profile and
assign the cloned profile to the user. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Note: To do more than read articles, agents need the Knowledge User license. Edition with Service Cloud.
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
2. Click Edit next to the user's name or click New to create a user.
cost in: Professional,
3. If you are creating a user, complete all the required fields. Enterprise, Performance,
4. Select the Knowledge User checkbox. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
5. Click Save. your Salesforce
See representative.
User permissions control access to different tasks in Classic Knowledge. We recommend using
permission sets or custom profiles to grant users the permissions they need. For example, you can USER PERMISSIONS
create a permission set called “Article Manager” that includes the permissions to create, edit, publish,
and assign articles. To create or edit users:
• Manage Internal Users
Refer to this table for details on permissions associated with Classic Knowledge tasks. Refer to
Lightning Knowledge User Access on page 863 on permissions associated with Lightning Knowledge. To create article types and
article actions:
• Customize Application
Salesforce Knowledge Task User Permissions Needed
To create article types: “Manage Salesforce Knowledge” (This
Manage Salesforce
permission is on by default in the System Knowledge
Administrator profile.)

To manage article actions: “Manage Salesforce Knowledge”

This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.

To create articles from cases using the simple “Read” and “Create” on the article type

To create articles from cases using the standard “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by
editor: default in the System Administrator profile.)
“Read” and “Create” on the article type

To search articles from cases and attach articles “Read” on the article type
to cases:

To create articles from answers: “Read” and “Create” on the article type

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Salesforce Knowledge Task User Permissions Needed

To search for and read articles from the Article or Knowledge tab: “Read” on the article type

To create or edit articles from the Article Management tab: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type

To edit draft articles from the Article Management tab: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read” and “Edit” on the article type

To delete articles from the Article Management tab: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A delete article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page.

To publish articles from the Article Management tab: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A publish article action, set on Article Actions Setup page

To assign articles for the Article Management tab: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read” and “Edit” on the article type

To edit published or archived articles: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type
A publish or archive article action, set on the Article Actions Setup

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Salesforce Knowledge Task User Permissions Needed

To archive articles from the Article Management tab: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
An archive article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page

To submit articles for translation: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type
A translate article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page

To delete translated articles: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A delete article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page

To publish translated articles: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A publish article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page

To edit translated articles: “Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type
A translate article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page

To import articles: “Manage Salesforce Knowledge” (This permission is on by default

in the System Administrator profile.)
“Manage Articles”

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Salesforce Knowledge Task User Permissions Needed

“Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export”
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type

To import and export translated articles: “Manage Salesforce Knowledge” (This permission is on by default
in the System Administrator profile.)
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export” (This permission is on
by default in the System Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type

To create data categories “Manage Data Categories” permission. This permission is on by

default in the System Administrator profile.

To enable agents to perform their specific tasks, create public groups for each role and assign only the necessary article actions to those

Example: Your Salesforce Knowledge agents are a mixture of different levels of job experience and expertise in the products and
services your company offers. These examples outline four basic types of users and some of the permissions they need to perform
their jobs.
Scott: The Reader
Scott Jackson is relatively new to the company, so he’s a basic agent of the knowledge base. Currently, he has read-only access
to articles, so he can search and view articles. Readers don’t author or publish, so he won’t belong to a public group or need
to submit articles for approval. He needs the following permissions to perform his job.

Scott Permission Article Type-Specific Permissions

Salesforce Knowledge Functionality Manage Articles Read Create Edit Delete
Search articles from and attach articles to

Search for and read articles from the Articles


Amber: The Candidate

Amber Delaney is a candidate-level agent and can create and publish articles with statuses of either Work in Progress
or Not Validated. If Amber works on an article with a different validation status, she must send it to a queue for approval
before it’s published.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Amber is part of the KCS Candidate public group and submits the articles she can’t publish to the Publishing External queue.
She needs the following permissions to perform her job duties.

Amber Permission Article Type-Specific Permissions

Salesforce Knowledge Functionality Manage Articles Read Create Edit Delete
Search articles from and attach articles to

Search for and read articles from the Articles


Create or edit article from the Article

Management tab

Edit draft articles from the Article

Management tab

Edit published or archived articles

Anne: The Contributor

As a contributor, Anne Murphy is a more advanced Knowledge user. She understands the standards for articles in the organization
and can create articles and publish articles with Validated Internal status. She can also work on articles authored
by other users if they have either Work in Progress or Not Validated statuses, and can change them to
Validated Internal. Since she doesn’t have permission to publish articles to an external audience, she must submit
those customer-facing articles to the Publishing External queue.

Note: In Salesforce Classic, if you don't have the "Manage Articles" permission, you don't see draft articles. However,
you can still approve draft articles by going to the Knowledge approval page.
Anne is a member of the Contributor public group and she needs the following permissions to perform her job duties.

Permission Article Type-Specific Permissions

Salesforce Knowledge Functionality Manage Read Create Edit Delete
Create articles from cases using the simple

Create articles from cases using the standard


Search articles from and attach articles to


Create articles from answers

Search for and read articles from the Articles


Create or edit article from the Article

Management tab

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Permission Article Type-Specific Permissions

Salesforce Knowledge Functionality Manage Read Create Edit Delete
Edit draft articles from the Article
Management tab

Delete articles (version or entire) from Article

Management tab

Assign articles from Article Management tab

Edit published or archived articles

Archive articles from the Article Management


Pat: The Publisher

Pat Brown is Knowledge domain expert and is responsible for reviewing and publishing articles to an external audience. He
is a member of the Publisher public group. Pat also belongs to the Publishing External queue. He needs the following permissions
to perform his job duties.

Permission Article Type-Specific Permissions

Salesforce Knowledge Functionality Manage Read Create Edit Delete
Create articles from cases using the simple

Create articles from cases using the standard


Search articles from and attach articles to


Create articles from answers

Search for and read articles from the Articles


Create or edit article from the Article

Management tab

Edit draft articles from the Article

Management tab

Delete articles (version or entire) from Article

Management tab

Publish article from Article Management tab

Assign articles from Article Management tab

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Permission Article Type-Specific Permissions

Salesforce Knowledge Functionality Manage Read Create Edit Delete
Edit published or archived articles

Archive articles from the Article Management


How they all work together

Each user profile defines an agent's permission to perform different job duties and functions. To enable agents to perform
these functions, you create public groups for each role and assign only the necessary article actions to that group. The criteria
you create in the approval process defines which validation status can be automatically approved and published and which
article must be approved and published by a domain expert.
For example, Anne, the Contributor, can create a Validated External article, but based on the article actions assigned
to her public group, the approval process sends her article to Pat, the Publisher, to be published. Pat, as a Publisher, can publish
his own articles without submitting them to a queue.
The following table lists the job functions that each role needs to perform on articles in the organization

Job Function Reader Candidate Contributor Publisher

Create and publish No Automatically Automatically Yes
Work in approved and approved and
Progress published published

Create and publish Not No Automatically Automatically Yes

Validated approved and approved and
published published

Create and publish No Needs approval Automatically Yes

Validated approved and
Internal published

Create and publish No Needs approval Needs approval Yes


Update and publish No No Automatically Yes

Work in approved and
Progress published

Update and publish Not No No Automatically Yes

Validated approved and

Update and publish No No Automatically Yes

Validated approved and
Internal published

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Job Function Reader Candidate Contributor Publisher

Update and publish No No Needs approval Yes

Create Public Groups for Knowledge
Salesforce Knowledge uses public groups as a way to assign users to specific tasks related to articles. When you assign article actions
to a public group, you can grant users in that group the ability to do things like publish articles with a specified validation status.
Public groups are also used in approval processes to manage the publishing workflow.
Assign Article Actions to Public Groups
Article actions allow agents to participate in the article publishing process. By default, all article actions are assigned to users with
the “Manage Articles” user permission. Agents can complete an action as long as they have the correct article type permission. You
can control article action access by assigning public groups to article actions and adding agents the relevant public groups. To further
restrict actions like publishing, you can create approval processes that allow agents to publish only those articles that have specific
validation statuses. For example, many contributors can write many articles but you can create an approval process so no articles
are published until they are reviewed and validated by a qualified author.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Create Public Groups for Knowledge

Salesforce Knowledge uses public groups as a way to assign users to specific tasks related to articles.
When you assign article actions to a public group, you can grant users in that group the ability to
do things like publish articles with a specified validation status. Public groups are also used in Available in: Salesforce
approval processes to manage the publishing workflow. Classic (not available in all
For example, when a member of the Candidate public group submits an article with the status orgs) and Lightning
Work in Progress for approval, it is automatically approved and published. If the same Experience
agent submits an article with Validated Internal status, it moves to the Publishing External
queue to be reviewed before being published. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
1. From Setup, enter Public Groups in the Quick Find box, then select Public Groups. the Unlimited Edition with
2. Click New, or click Edit next to the group you want to edit. Service Cloud.

3. Enter the following information: Salesforce Knowledge is

available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Field Description
Enterprise, Performance,
Label The name used to refer to the group in any user and Developer Editions. For
interface pages. more information, contact
your Salesforce
Group Name (public groups only) The unique name used by the API and managed representative.

Grant Access Using Select Grant Access Using Hierarchies to allow USER PERMISSIONS
Hierarchies (public groups automatic access to records using your role hierarchies.
only) When selected, any records shared with users in this To create or edit a public
group are also shared with users higher in the hierarchy. group:
• Manage Users
Deselect Grant Access Using Hierarchies if you’re
To create or edit another
creating a public group with All Internal Users as
user’s personal group:
members, which optimizes performance for sharing
• Manage Users
records with groups.

Note: If Grant Access Using Hierarchies is

deselected, users that are higher in the role
hierarchy don’t receive automatic access.
However, some users—such as those with the
“View All” and “Modify All” object permissions
and the “View All Data” and “Modify All Data”
system permissions—can still access records
they don’t own.

Search From the Search dropdown, select the type of member

to add. If you don’t see the member you want to add,
enter keywords in the search box and click Find.

Note: For account owners to see child records

owned by high-volume Experience Cloud site
users, they must be members of any share
groups with access to the site users' data.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Selected Members Select members from the Available Members box, and click Add to add them
to the group.

Selected Delegated Groups In this list, specify any delegated administration groups whose members can
add or remove members from this public group. Select groups from the
Available Delegated Groups box, and then click Add. This list appears only
in public groups.

4. Click Save.

Note: When you edit groups, sharing rules are automatically reevaluated to add or remove access as needed. If these changes
affect too many records at once, a message appears warning that the sharing rules aren’t automatically reevaluated, and you
must manually recalculate them.

Now assign only the necessary actions to your groups so the selected members can perform their tasks while keeping the integrity of
your knowledge base.

Create Workflow Actions for Knowledge
Assign Article Actions to Public Groups
Classic Knowledge User Access
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Assign Article Actions to Public Groups

Article actions allow agents to participate in the article publishing process. By default, all article
actions are assigned to users with the “Manage Articles” user permission. Agents can complete an
action as long as they have the correct article type permission. You can control article action access To create public groups and
by assigning public groups to article actions and adding agents the relevant public groups. To assign them to article
further restrict actions like publishing, you can create approval processes that allow agents to publish actions:
only those articles that have specific validation statuses. For example, many contributors can write • Customize Application
many articles but you can create an approval process so no articles are published until they are AND
reviewed and validated by a qualified author. Manage Users
Note: Although you can add any user to a public group, only agents with the “Manage AND
Articles” user permission and the appropriate object permissions can perform article actions. Manage Salesforce
This table summarizes the article type permissions that are required for each article action. Knowledge

Article Action Create Read Edit Delete

Publish Articles

Archive Articles

Delete Articles

Edit Published and Archived Articles

Submit Articles for Translation

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Article Action Create Read Edit Delete

Publish Translation

Edit Translation

1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Actions in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article Actions.
2. Click Edit.
3. For the action you want to assign, select the appropriate radio button and choose a public group.
If you don't modify an article action, all agents with the “Manage Articles” permission can perform that action.

4. Click OK and then click Save.

Note: Article action assignments are ignored when updating an article through SOQL.

Create Public Groups for Knowledge
Create Workflow Actions for Knowledge
Classic Knowledge User Access
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Set Up the Knowledge One Widget

Knowledge One is available as a widget that you can plug in to the Salesforce Console for Service
or Salesforce Console for Sales. If you are using the Knowledge tab, you get the same easy-to-use
interface for articles and external sources on cases and within the Salesforce Console for Service. Available in: Salesforce
You can search, send, and create articles, all without leaving the case. Classic (not available in all
Of all the Salesforce Knowledge article widgets, the Knowledge One widget lets you: orgs) and Lightning
• Attach a published Salesforce Knowledge article to the case in 1 click. In Salesforce Classic, you
can attach a document from an external data source to a case if Chatter is enabled. Salesforce Knowledge is
• Share an article as a URL, if it is shared on a public channel. available in Essentials and
• Email an article as a PDF, if it is shared on a public channel. the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
• Create and manage articles.
Salesforce Knowledge is
• Make adjustments based on your window width. In the console, in windows smaller than 600
available for an additional
pixels, the searchable objects are displayed in a drop-down menu.
cost in: Professional,
Note: The article widget in a case feed search doesn’t necessarily use the agent’s language. Enterprise, Performance,
If the agent’s language isn’t a Salesforce Knowledge supported language but their locale and Developer Editions. For
language is, the locale language is the search language. If neither the agent’s language nor more information, contact
local language are supported, the search language is the default Salesforce Knowledge your Salesforce
language, which you can find and set on the Knowledge Settings page.
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts and open your case page
layout for edit. USER PERMISSIONS
2. Ensure the Email quick action is in the case page layout. To administer Salesforce
Without the Email quick action, you can’t send articles via email. Knowledge and Salesforce
Console for Service:
a. Select Quick Actions in the left-hand menu. • Customize Application
b. Drag Email to the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic AND
Publisher line. Manage Salesforce
3. Disable previous article sidebar components.
• To disable the Knowledge sidebar, click Layout Properties and ensure Knowledge
Sidebar is unchecked.
• To disable the case feed article tool, click Feed View and ensure Use Case Feed Article Tool in the Console
is unchecked.

4. In the page layout editor, click Custom Console Components.

5. In the sidebar where you want the Knowledge One widget, select Knowledge One in the Type drop down and set the sidebar
Email quick action to be added to the Case page layout in order to show up

Tip: If you can’t see the Knowledge One sidebar, increase its width to 250 (height to 150) in the page layout. These are the
minimum measurements for the Knowledge One sidebar to display properly.

Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets
To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission to their permission sets.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Enable Knowledge One with Profiles

To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission to their profiles.
Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a Glance
Decide which Salesforce Knowledge article widget is best for your organization.

Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a Glance

Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets

To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission
to their permission sets.
To add the Knowledge One permission to a permission set: Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission
orgs) and Lightning
2. Click the permission set you want to add the Knowledge One permission to.
Salesforce Knowledge is
3. In the Find Settings... box, enter Knowledge. available in Essentials and
4. Select Knowledge One from the list of suggestions. the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
5. Click Edit.
Salesforce Knowledge is
6. Under Knowledge Management, check the Enabled check box for Knowledge One.
available for an additional
7. Click Save. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
8. Ensure each user has at least a Read permission on at least one article type.
and Developer Editions. For
Once Knowledge One is available for your users, define your external data sources. Your external more information, contact
data sources appear under your articles both in the search results and the left-side panel. your Salesforce
Enable Knowledge One with Profiles USER PERMISSIONS
Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
To create or edit permission
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources sets:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To create and edit external
data sources:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Enable Knowledge One with Profiles

To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission
to their profiles.
To add the Knowledge One permission to a profile: Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles.
orgs) and Lightning
2. Click the profile you want to add the Knowledge One permission to. Experience
3. In the Find Settings... box, enter Knowledge.
Salesforce Knowledge is
4. Select Knowledge One from the list of suggestions. available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
5. Click Edit.
Service Cloud.
6. Under Knowledge Management, check Knowledge One.
Salesforce Knowledge is
7. Click Save. available for an additional
8. Ensure each user has at least a Read permission on at least one article type. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Once Knowledge One is available for your users, define your external data sources. Your external and Developer Editions. For
data sources appear under your articles both in the search results and the left-side panel. more information, contact
your Salesforce
SEE ALSO: representative.

Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets

Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic USER PERMISSIONS
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources To create or edit profiles:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To create and edit external
data sources:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a Glance

Decide which Salesforce Knowledge article widget is best for your organization.
Does the widget... Article Widget Article Case Knowledge One Available in: Salesforce
Feed Widget Widget Classic (not available in all
Filter on data category Yes No Yes orgs) and Lightning
Create an article No No Yes
Salesforce Knowledge is
Search an external object No No Yes available in Essentials and
Access your draft articles No No Yes the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Attach an article to a case Yes Yes Yes
Salesforce Knowledge is
Send an article as a PDF No Yes Yes available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Share an article’s public URL No Yes Yes Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
Adjust with the window size No No Yes
more information, contact
Have more than one way to No No Yes your Salesforce
suggest articles representative.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Article Widget

Article Case Feed Widget

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Knowledge One Widget

Set Up the Knowledge One Widget
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Articles or Knowledge Tab

Find out which Salesforce Knowledge tab you are using and what you can do on each.
There are two tabs for searching Salesforce Knowledge articles: the Knowledge tab or the Articles
tab. The one you use depends on when your organization started using Salesforce Knowledge or Available in: Salesforce
if it adopted the Knowledge tab. Classic (not available in all
The Knowledge tab
If the search bar is at the top of the main frame of the page you are using the Knowledge One on Salesforce Knowledge is
the Knowledge tab. available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce

The Knowledge tab merges functionality of the old Articles tab and the Article Management tab and uses federated search to search all
your resources at once. On the Knowledge tab, you can:
• Search all your Salesforce Knowledge articles and any of your external data sources, such as Microsoft® SharePoint®.
• Filter articles by language and data categories.
• Sort articles by published date, rating, most viewed, and title.
• Use the Create Article drop-down to select an article type and create an article.
• Use the dropdown by each article to follow or unfollow, edit, publish, and delete an article, depending on your permissions.

Note: For information on article permissions see Classic Knowledge User Access on page 880.

Also, when you use case feed, the Knowledge tab layout is applied to the article sidebar.

Note: Experience Cloud site members without the Knowledge One permission cannot access Knowledge through Experience
Cloud sites. They also can’t access Knowledge in Experience Cloud sites via Salesforce for Android or Salesforce for iOS.
To switch to the Knowledge One and the Knowledge tab, have your administrator add the Knowledge One permission to your
profile or permission set.
The Articles tab
If the search bar is in the left-side panel of the page you are using the Articles tab.

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

The Articles tab presents a list of your Salesforce Knowledge published articles. On the Articles tab, you can:
• Search for published articles
• View published articles
• Create an article
• Customize how the article information is displayed

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Example Apex for Submitting Articles from Cases

If your organization allows customer-support agents to create Salesforce Knowledge articles while
closing a case, you can use Apex to pre-populate fields on draft articles. To do so, create an Apex
class and assign it to the case article type using the example below as a guide. Available in: Salesforce
For more information on the syntax and use of Apex, see the Lightning Platform Apex Code Developer's Classic (not available in all
Guide. orgs) and Lightning
Set up the example by creating the following article type, field, and data categories. Do not change
the default API Name assigned to each new object. Salesforce Knowledge is
1. Create an article type called FAQ. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
2. Create a text custom field called Details.
Service Cloud.
3. Create a category group called Geography and assign it a category called USA.
Salesforce Knowledge is
4. Create a category group called Topics and assign it a category called Maintenance. available for an additional
Now, create and assign the Apex class. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
5. From Setup, enter Apex Classes in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes and Developer Editions. For
and click New. more information, contact
your Salesforce
6. To specify the version of Apex and the API used with this class, click Version Settings.
If your organization has installed managed packages from the AppExchange, you can also
specify which version of each managed package to use with this class. Use the default values
for all versions. This associates the class with the most recent version of Apex and the API, as USER PERMISSIONS
well as each managed package. You can specify an older version of a managed package if you
To edit Salesforce
want to access components or functionality that differs from the most recent package version. Knowledge settings:
You can specify an older version of Apex and the API to maintain specific behavior. • Customize Application
To create an Apex class:
• Author Apex

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

7. In the Apex Class text box enter the following script and click Save:
public class AgentContributionArticleController {
// The constructor must take a ApexPages.KnowledgeArticleVersionStandardController
as an argument
ctl) {
SObject article = ctl.getRecord(); //this is the SObject for the new article.

//It can optionally be cast to the proper

article type, e.g. FAQ__kav article = (FAQ__kav) ctl.getRecord();

String sourceId = ctl.getSourceId(); //this returns the id of the case that was
Case c = [select subject, description from Case where id=:sourceId];

article.put('title', 'From Case: '+c.subject); //this overrides the default

behavior of pre-filling the title of the article with the subject of the closed case.

ctl.selectDataCategory('Geography','USA'); //Only one category per category

group can be specified.

8. From Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Settings and click Edit.
9. Verify the case settings; using our example, the Default article type should be FAQ.
10. From the Use Apex Customization menu, select AgentContributionArticleController and click Save.
As a result of this example, when agents create an article from the case-close screen:
• The data from the Description field on the case appears in the Details field of the article.
• The title of the article contains From Case: and the case subject.
• The article is automatically assigned to the USA data category and the Maintenance data category.

Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic

Use Videos from Any Provider with a Custom Visualforce Page

Using a custom Visualforce page and the HTML editor, you can insert videos from any provider into
your Salesforce Knowledge articles.
For example, create a Visualforce page: Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning

Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce


To create a Visualforce page

• Customize Application
To create articles:
• Manage Articles
Read and Create on the
article type
To edit draft articles:
• Manage Articles
Read and Edit on the
article type

To edit published or
archived articles:
• Manage Articles
Create, Read, and Edit
on the article type

<apex:page showHeader="false" showChat="false" sidebar="false">

<iframe width="560" height="315"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true">

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge


Then, with the HTML editor, authors can reference videos using this code:
<iframe frameborder="0" height="315"

Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic)

Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

It’s time to keep building your knowledge base. You can add workflows and approvals, track field
history, and add validation rules.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Knowledge Settings
From the Knowledge Settings page, you can start creating a knowledge base experience for
your support agents, partners, and customers. Salesforce Knowledge is
Knowledge Scalability available in Essentials and
Every Salesforce Knowledge article can have several versions: one draft, one published, and Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
several archived versions, and each of these versions can have multiple translations. Thus, the
total number of article versions in an org can be much higher than the number of articles. When Salesforce Knowledge is
scaling your org, pay attention to both the total number of article versions and edition-specific available for an additional
limits on articles. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Control Data Integrity with Validation Rules and Developer Editions. For
Ensure that your article content is compliant with your company standards. Create validation more information, contact
rules for each article type to check whether required fields have the appropriate values based your Salesforce
on the article’s status. representative.
Define Validation Status Picklist Values
When the Validation Status field is enabled on the Knowledge Settings page, you
can create picklist values that show the state of the article. For example, values could be Validated, Not Validated, or
Needs Review.
Modify Default Category Group Assignments for Articles
Salesforce Knowledge uses data categories to classify articles. Data categories are organized in category group. After creating category
groups, admins decide which groups to use for Salesforce Knowledge articles. For example, if your org uses both the Answers and
Salesforce Knowledge, you might want one category group to be used by the answers site and two other category groups for articles.
Answers and articles can use the same category group. Authors can assign up to eight data categories from one category group to
an article so that users searching for articles can find and filter by category. By default, all the category groups you create are assigned
to Salesforce Knowledge

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Filter Articles with Data Category Mapping

Make suggested articles more relevant when solving cases. Map case fields to data categories to filter for articles assigned to those
data categories. For example, cases with a field for which product they are about can be mapped to the data category of that product.
Articles assigned that category or product, are filtered to the top of the suggested article list.
Workflow and Approvals for Articles
Creating processes where Knowledge experts review, validate, and approve articles for publication is critical to creating a trustworthy
knowledge base. Implementing approval processes with Salesforce Knowledge gives you more control over the content and
publication of your articles.
Custom Fields for Articles
The first step in creating a custom field for articles is choosing the field type.
Field-Level Security on Articles
Field-level security lets administrators restrict readers’ access to specific fields on detail and edit pages. For example, you can make
a “Comment” field in an article visible for Internal App profiles but not for public Experience Cloud profiles.
Article History Tracking (Lightning Experience)
Track the history of certain fields in articles. If you have history tracking enabled, open an article and click Version to see a version
history list. You can also set tracking for the article type and track the full history of an article and its versions. Article events are tracked
for up to 18 months.
Article History Tracking (Salesforce Classic)
You can track the history of certain fields in articles. If you have history tracking enabled, open an article of that type and click Version
to see a version history list. You can also set tracking for the article type and track the full history of an article and its versions. Article
events are tracked for up to 18 months.
Set Up Knowledge Component Actions
Solve issues quickly with the articles in your knowledge base, and choose how customers see the article. Use Knowledge component
actions to share article contents or links from your Salesforce and Experience Cloud sites.

Knowledge Settings
From the Knowledge Settings page, you can start creating a knowledge base experience for your
support agents, partners, and customers.
To set up or edit your knowledge base, from Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Available in: Salesforce
Find box, select Knowledge Settings, then click Edit. Classic (not available in all
Feature or Option Description
Salesforce Knowledge is
General Settings available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Allow agents to create and edit articles from the Enables agents to edit articles without going to
Article or Knowledge tab the Article Management tab. Agents can click Salesforce Knowledge is
Edit to open the article edit page. If a published available for an additional
version of the article exists, they can view the cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
published version or edit the current version. If
and Developer Editions. For
a draft version exists, they can continue with
more information, contact
editing the existing draft, but must carefully
your Salesforce
review the draft so that they don’t overwrite
unpublished changes. This setting applies to
Knowledge only in Salesforce Classic.

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Feature or Option Description

Activate Validation Status field Adds a Validation Status on page 909 field to all Salesforce
Knowledge articles. Agents can select values to show whether the
content of the article has been validated or not.

Allow agents to add external multimedia content to HTML in the Allows <iframe> elements in the standard editor to embed
standard editor multimedia content from the Dailymotion, Vimeo, and YouTube
websites. Agents can simply cut and paste <iframe> HTML into
the editor.

Enable Lightning Knowledge Enables Lightning Knowledge. After you enable Lightning
Knowledge, you can’t disable it.

Article Summaries

Show article summaries in article list views For each channel, decide whether an article's summary details
display beneath the article’s title in search results.

Knowledge One

Switch from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab Enable Knowledge One with Profiles
Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets

Suggest related articles on cases Search on the Knowledge tab suggests articles based on their
content similarity and their links to similar cases. If no articles are
linked to similar cases, suggested articles have similar titles as the
case or have keywords in common with admin-selected case fields.
Suggested articles are available in the Salesforce Console for Service
and your portals when viewing existing cases and creating ones.
Finally, if the suggested articles aren't suitable, the user working
the case initiates a search with specific keywords, which can result
in different articles.

Note: By default, the Subject field is selected. Choose up

to five of the available short text fields that include a
description of the issue, the affected product, or the case
topic. We recommend choosing short text fields to return
more relevant results. Only the first 255 characters of the
content from all admin-selected fields are searched. The
Description field is always searched when suggesting articles
for cases and does not count toward the character limit.

Highlight relevant article text within search results Search on the Knowledge tab generates a snippet of the relevant
article text with the search terms bolded. See Search Highlights
and Snippets.

Auto-complete keyword search Search on the Knowledge tab suggests the three most popular
keyword searches performed on the Knowledge tab. Suggestions
are based on the channel (internal, customer, partner, or public)
the reader is searching.

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Feature or Option Description

Note: Keyword search history is refreshed once a day.

Auto-complete title search Search on the Knowledge tab suggests up to three articles with
matching titles.

Language Settings

Default Knowledge Base Language The primary language used for writing articles. It defaults to your
organization's language. We recommend that your Default
Knowledge Base Language and your organization's language are
the same.

Single or Multiple Language If you support more than one language, select Multiple
Languages and choose the translation settings. For instructions,
see Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base.

Important: If you enable multiple languages, you can’t

revert to a single language knowledge base. You also can’t
enable and use Lightning Knowledge.

Case Settings

Allow agents to create an article from a case This setting applies to Knowledge only in Salesforce Classic. When
this option is selected, agents can create a draft article that is
attached to the case when the article is published using one of the
following options.
• Create articles using the simple editor only when closing cases.
• Create articles using the standard editor any time an agent
creates an article. Make sure that users have Manage Articles,
Read, and Create permissions. Designate the following:
– The default article type from the dropdown list.
– For articles created when closing a case, assign the article
to a user.
– Help agents create articles fast by selecting an Apex class
that pre-populates fields on the draft. By default, the Title
field in all draft articles contains the case subject.

Note: If you enable this option, click Layout

Properties on each case-close page layout, and
select Enable submissions during case close and
Submit Articles.

Use a profile to create article PDFs By default, when a user creates an article PDF directly from a case,
the PDF includes all the article fields visible to that user. If you want
PDFs generated according to a different profile, for example, a
profile that hides certain fields from customers, select Use a profile
to create customer-ready article PDFs on cases, and choose

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Feature or Option Description

the profile that determines field visibility. This setting applies to
Knowledge only in Salesforce Classic.

Enable list of cases linked to an article Agents and Salesforce Knowledge managers can see a list of cases
an article is attached to. This helps validate if the article is the right
solution for a case and shows which articles are used most, without
running a report. The Linked Cases related list:
• Is visible on the detail or preview page of any article that has
been published at least once.
• Shows a maximum of 200 cases.
• Is sorted in descending order by the date the article was linked
to the case. The sort order can’t be changed.
• Doesn’t appear on archived articles or a translation’s edit and
detail pages.
• Doesn’t appear for external users such as portal or Experience
Cloud users or on the Salesforce app.

Share Article via URL Settings

Allow agents to share articles via public URLs You can share an article that is available on a public knowledge
base with a URL. In the Available Sites list, select the sites you want
to allow your agents to send URLs from and add them to the
Selected Sites list. Agents can then email customer service clients
with a URL to link directly to the article in your public knowledge

Answers Settings

Allow agents to create an article from a reply When this option is selected, members of an answers site or Chatter
Answers site can convert helpful replies into articles. The article
type you select determines which fields appear on the draft article.
However, on all articles the Title contains the question and the
Summary contains the reply. After a reply is promoted to an article,
the original reply has a status message indicating its association
with the draft article. When the article is published, the message
on the reply includes a link to the article.

Chatter Questions Settings

Display relevant articles as users ask questions in Chatter (also Shows similar questions and relevant Salesforce Knowledge articles
applies to Experience Cloud sites with Chatter) when a user enters a question in the Search field.

Knowledge Statistics Settings

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Feature or Option Description

Enable thumbs up or down voting for article With this option, the article VoteStat report (which by default only
contains totals for star ratings) includes totals for the thumbs up
or down ratings.

Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Knowledge Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Knowledge Scalability
Every Salesforce Knowledge article can have several versions: one draft, one published, and several
archived versions, and each of these versions can have multiple translations. Thus, the total number
of article versions in an org can be much higher than the number of articles. When scaling your org, Available in: All Editions
pay attention to both the total number of article versions and edition-specific limits on articles.
Each Salesforce edition has its own limits on Knowledge articles, versions, and language translations.
Also, all editions share a maximum limit of total article versions allowed. Keep all of these limits in mind when scaling your org.
The total number of Knowledge articles in an org is calculated as follows.
Total # of versions = (# of articles) x (# of retained1 versions per article) x (# of translations per version)
For example, if you have 100,000 articles, each with a total of 5 versions (1 draft, 1 published, 3 archived), and 5 translations of each of
those versions, you have 2,500,000 total article versions.
So in calculating your capacity needs, and determining which edition you need, think versions. Do you have a multilingual customer
base with lots of translations? Do you have a rigorous editing process with many drafts? Do you keep archived versions of articles around
for a long time?

Knowledge Base Allocations by Edition

The following table lists the total number of languages, articles, and versions per article permitted for each Salesforce edition. For orgs
created before the Spring '18 release, the default limit for all editions is 16 languages. To request an extension for these allocations,
contact Salesforce support.

Note: Salesforce won’t extend an allocation to match that of an edition with a higher limit.

Edition Article, Version, and Language Allocations

Essentials 500 articles, 10 versions per article, 1 language

Professional 500 articles, 10 versions per article, 1 language

Enterprise 50,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 5 languages

Developer 50,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 5 languages

Unlimited 150,000 articles, 10 versions per article, 10 languages

“Retained” articles can include not just versions you’ve created, but versions attached to other objects, such as cases or work items.

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

The default maximum number of total versions per org is 10 million for all editions. Limits on versions retained per article don’t include
versions linked to objects such as cases, work items, and undeletable lookup fields. So, for example, an article might have 25 versions,
even if the default limit is 10 versions per article, if 15 of those versions are linked to cases. However, versions attached to objects such
as cases count towards the total number of versions per org.

Monitoring Article and Version Counts

To see how many versions and articles you have:
1. Go to Settings.
2. In the Search box, type Storage Usage.
3. Select Storage Usage.

The total number of versions in the org is listed under “Knowledge Versions.” The number of articles in the org is listed under “Knowledge.”

Plan Your Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience
Plan Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Data and File Storage Allocations

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Control Data Integrity with Validation Rules

Ensure that your article content is compliant with your company standards. Create validation rules
for each article type to check whether required fields have the appropriate values based on the
article’s status. Available in: Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Classic (not available in all
Article Types. orgs)

2. Click the article type. Salesforce Knowledge is

3. Scroll down to the Validation Rules related list or click the Validation Rules link at the top of available in the Unlimited
the page. Edition with Service Cloud.
4. To create a validation rule, click New. To edit an existing rule, click Edit. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
5. Name the rule.
cost in: Professional,
6. Make the rule active. Enterprise, Performance,
7. Optionally, describe what you want to control on articles of this type. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
8. Specify an error condition formula and a corresponding error message. your Salesforce
The error condition is written as a Boolean formula expression that returns true or false. When representative.
true, the article is not saved, and an error message displays. The author can correct the error
and try again. For information on validation rules, seeDefine Validation Rules.
Note: Knowledge article errors always display at the top of the page, not next to the
To create or edit validation
field. Write your errors descriptively so that authors know how to satisfy the validation
rules for article types:
rule. For example, identify which field is causing the error. • Customize Application
9. Click Save. AND
When creating validation rules on article types, consider the following limitations and functionality Manage Salesforce
changes. Knowledge

• If an article type page layout doesn’t include a field with a validation rule, you can’t create or
edit an article of that article type. Make sure all page layouts assigned to the article type by
profile include all fields with validation rules.
• The Article Currency field and the VLOOKUP function don’t support validation rules.
• When importing articles, if the import data file has a valid article with an invalid translation, the translation is created, but its translated
content isn’t imported.
• Only the first validation rule error displays at the top of the page and in the import article log. If multiple errors exist but are not fixed,
they are displayed on subsequent saves or imports.
• In the API, KA fields, such as Case Association Count and Archived Date, don’t support validation rules. Only KAV (article version)
fields are supported in validation rules.

Knowledge Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Define Validation Status Picklist Values

When the Validation Status field is enabled on the Knowledge Settings page, you can
create picklist values that show the state of the article. For example, values could be Validated,
Not Validated, or Needs Review. Available in: Salesforce
Note: In Salesforce Classic, validation status picklist values aren’t retained when you export Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
articles for translation. Articles with picklist values can be imported, however, and their values
are retained as long as the values exist in your organization.
1. From Salesforce Classic Setup, enter Validation Statuses in the Quick Find box, Salesforce Knowledge is
then select Validation Statuses. available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
2. On the picklist edit page, click New to add new values to the validation status field. You can
Service Cloud.
also edit, delete, reorder, and replace picklist values.
Salesforce Knowledge is
When you replace a picklist value, the system replaces it in all versions of the article, including
available for an additional
any archived versions.
cost in: Professional,
3. Add one or more picklist values (one per line) in the text area. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
4. To set the value as the default for the picklist, be sure to select the Default checkbox.
more information, contact
5. Click Save. your Salesforce
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources USER PERMISSIONS

To create or change
validation status picklist
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Modify Default Category Group Assignments for Articles

Salesforce Knowledge uses data categories to classify articles. Data categories are organized in
category group. After creating category groups, admins decide which groups to use for Salesforce
Knowledge articles. For example, if your org uses both the Answers and Salesforce Knowledge, you Available in: Salesforce
might want one category group to be used by the answers site and two other category groups for Classic (not available in all
articles. Answers and articles can use the same category group. Authors can assign up to eight data orgs) and Lightning
categories from one category group to an article so that users searching for articles can find and Experience
filter by category. By default, all the category groups you create are assigned to Salesforce Knowledge
Data categories are
1. From Setup, enter Data Category Assignments in the Quick Find box, then available in all editions with
select Data Category Assignments under Knowledge. Knowledge except
A list of all category groups appears. Professional edition.

2. Click Edit and move any category groups that you don't want available for articles from the Salesforce Knowledge is
Selected Category Groups list to the Available Category Groups list. available in Essentials and
Later, you can choose to make a hidden category group visible. Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Note: The order of category groups is not preserved from the edit page to the data
Salesforce Knowledge is
category assignment page.
available for an additional
3. Click Save. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
You receive an email after the save process completes. Authors can now assign categories in
and Developer Editions. For
the selected groups to articles on the Article Management tab. Authors can only access categories
more information, contact
if the category group is active and the author's data category visibility settings provide access your Salesforce
to the category. representative.


Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
To modify category groups
Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic) assignments in Salesforce
• Customize Application
Manage Salesforce

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Filter Articles with Data Category Mapping

Make suggested articles more relevant when solving cases. Map case fields to data categories to
filter for articles assigned to those data categories. For example, cases with a field for which product
they are about can be mapped to the data category of that product. Articles assigned that category Available in: Salesforce
or product, are filtered to the top of the suggested article list. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• Filtering articles based on case information is only supported in text and picklist fields.
Data categories are
• Filters are applied to Knowledge results after the case has been saved.
available in all editions with
• Filters are applied after a Knowledge search and only to the articles returned in the search. Knowledge except
• Using Filters does not return a list of all articles that match the filter criteria. Instead, the Professional edition.
filters are applied to the initial pool of article results returned.
Salesforce Knowledge is
• Results may be filtered after a search.
available in Essentials and
• A category group can only be used once in a data category mapping. Unlimited Editions with
• Suggested articles are returned if Suggest articles for cases Service Cloud.
considering case content is enabled. When suggested articles is disabled, Salesforce Knowledge is
search uses data category mappings. Case subject fields are used when there are no data available for an additional
category mappings. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
To implement data category mapping, select which case fields map to which data categories and and Developer Editions. For
set a default data category for cases that have no value for the mapped fields. more information, contact
For information on data categories, see Work with Data Categories on page 986. your Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Data Category Mappings in the Quick Find box, then select
Data Category Mappings.
2. In the Case Field column, use the drop-down list to add a field.
3. In the Data Category Group column, use the drop-down list to map the information To map data category
from the lookup field to a data category. groups
• Customize Application
4. In the Default Data Category column, use the drop-down list to assign a data category
when the field value does not match any categories from the category group.
Manage Salesforce
5. Click Add. Knowledge

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Workflow and Approvals for Articles

Creating processes where Knowledge experts review, validate, and approve articles for publication
is critical to creating a trustworthy knowledge base. Implementing approval processes with Salesforce
Knowledge gives you more control over the content and publication of your articles. Available in: Salesforce
Creating workflow rules and approval processes lets your organization automate many of the tasks Classic (not available in all
involved with managing its knowledge base. When implementing Salesforce Knowledge, you can orgs) and Lightning
create workflow rules and approval processes for some or all the article types used by your Experience
Salesforce Knowledge is
Workflow rules let you create email alerts, update fields, or send outbound API messages when an available in Essentials and
article meets certain criteria. For example, you could create a workflow rule that sends an email the Unlimited Edition with
alert to the article owner when a new article is created from a case. Article type workflow doesn't Service Cloud.
support tasks.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Approval processes automate the approval of articles. When implemented with Salesforce available for an additional
Knowledge, approval processes give you more control over the content of your articles and the cost in: Professional,
process used to approve them. For example, you can create a process that requires legal and Enterprise, Performance,
management teams to approve articles containing sensitive information. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
Note: Tasks aren't available for article type workflow rules. For more information about your Salesforce
creating workflow rules, see Set the Criteria for Your Workflow Rule. For more information representative.
about creating an approval process, see Create an Approval Process with the Standard Wizard.
1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Workflow USER PERMISSIONS
Rules to access the workflow rules list page.
2. On the workflow rules list page, click New Rule. To view workflow rules and
approval processes:
3. Select the article type from the Select object dropdown list. • View Setup and
4. Click Next. Configuration

5. Enter a rule name. Optionally, enter a description for the rule. To create or change
workflow rules and approval
6. Select the evaluation criteria, and choose how criteria are met. processes:
7. Enter criteria for the rule. • Customize Application

8. Click Save & Next.

9. Click Add Workflow Action, select the type of action for the rule, and enter the information required by the action.
10. Click Save.
11. Optionally, add a time-dependent workflow action by clicking Add Time Trigger. Provide time trigger information, and then click
12. Click Done.
13. From Setup, enter Approval Processes in the Quick Find box, then select Approval Processes.
14. Choose the Approval Process Wizard.
Two wizards are available to help you through the approval setup process. Choose the one that meets your requirement the best.
See Choose the Right Wizard to Create an Approval Process.

15. Provide a name, unique name, and description for the process.
16. Specify criteria for entering the process.
For example, you can specify that an article published on a public site requires approval: Visible on public site equals

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

17. Specify approvers for the process.

Let the submitter choose the approver manually. (default)
Prompts the user to select the next approver.
Automatically assign an approver using a standard or custom hierarchy field.
Assigns the approval request to the user in the field displayed next to this option. You select this field when you configure the
approval process.
Automatically assign to a queue.
Available only for objects that support queues. Assigns approval requests to a queue.
Automatically assign to approver(s).
Assigns the approval request to one or more specific users, specific queues, or users related to the submitted record. You can
add up to 25 per step.

18. Select the email template that the process uses to notify approvers.
When an approval process assigns an approval request to a user, Salesforce automatically sends the user an approval request email.
The email contains a link to the approval page in Salesforce, where the agent can approve or reject the request and add comments.

19. Configure the approval request page layout.

The approver approves or rejects the article from this page. You can add as many fields to this page as you think your agents require
to reasonably assess an article's content. For example, you could choose to include a summary of the article's content, the product
discussed, and the author's name.

20. Specify which users are allowed to submit articles for approval.
For example, for articles that require editing before approval, you could create a public group containing editors, and then specify
that only members of that group can submit articles for approval.

21. Activate the approval process.

Keep the following in mind when creating approval processes for article types.
• You need to be a Knowledge user in order to publish an article as part of the approval process.
• Adding an approval process to an article type lets your organization ensure that the required reviewers approve the article before
it's published. When an approval process is enabled for an article's article type, the Approval History related list displays on the article
details page.
• When creating an approval process, change the final approval action to “Unlock the record for editing” to allow agents to publish
the article.
• Articles aren't published automatically at the end of an approval process. Agents must click Publish... to make the article available
in the publishing channels.
• When an approval process is associated with an article type, agents with the “Manage Articles” permission could see both the
Publish... and the Submit for Approval buttons on an article's detail page. (Permissions and article actions determine which
buttons they see.) These agents can publish an article without submitting it for approval. To prevent this scenario from affecting
many users, assign the “Publish Articles” article action to a limited group of users instead of giving it to all users with the “Manage
Articles” permission. For more information, see Assign Article Actions to Public Groups on page 889. Ensure that the users with direct
publishing capability know which articles need approval before publication.
• In Salesforce Classic, if you don't have the "Manage Articles" permission, you don't see draft articles. However, you can still approve
draft articles by going to the Knowledge approval page.
• Workflow rules and approval processes apply to the “Draft to Publication” portion of the article publishing cycle. Workflow rules
aren’t available for archiving. Approval processes aren’t available for translation or archiving.

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Note: When an article is published from the edit page, the article is first saved and then published. Workflow rules apply to
the saved draft article but not the published article.

• A user who only has read access to an article type can publish a draft article of that type if there is an approval process associated
to the article type and the approval process is complete but the article has not been published.

Create Workflow Actions for Knowledge
Knowledge actions are templates that link a workflow action to an article type. When knowledge actions are enabled, you can use
them to link article types to specific workflow article actions, such as publishing. For example, if you want each FAQ to publish as a
new version when it completes the approval process, you can create a knowledge action that links an FAQ article to the Publish as
New action. Then, when you create an approval process for FAQs, select the new Knowledge action.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Create Workflow Actions for Knowledge

Knowledge actions are templates that link a workflow action to an article type. When knowledge
actions are enabled, you can use them to link article types to specific workflow article actions, such
as publishing. For example, if you want each FAQ to publish as a new version when it completes Available in: Salesforce
the approval process, you can create a knowledge action that links an FAQ article to the Publish Classic (not available in all
as New action. Then, when you create an approval process for FAQs, select the new Knowledge orgs) and Lightning
action. Experience
Important: When you create the approval process, make sure to change the final approval
Salesforce Knowledge is
action to Unlock the record for editing to let users publish the article.
available in Essentials and
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Action in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Unlimited Editions with
Action. Service Cloud.
2. Click New Knowledge Action. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
3. Select the article type for the action. The workflow rules and approval process that you associate
cost in: Professional,
with the action must belong to the same article type. Enterprise, Performance,
4. Enter a unique name for the knowledge action. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
5. Select the type of action you want to apply to the article type. For example, Publish as New
your Salesforce
publishes the article as a new version.
6. Enter a description.
The Knowledge Action detail page appears showing you the rules and approval processes that
use the knowledge action. To enable Salesforce
Knowledge Actions:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

8. When you’re ready to use the knowledge action in an approval or workflow process, click Activate on the Knowledge Action detail

Assign Article Actions to Public Groups
Create Public Groups for Knowledge
Classic Knowledge User Access
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Custom Fields for Articles

The first step in creating a custom field for articles is choosing the field type.
Field Type Description Available in: Salesforce
Article Currency In a multiple currency org, an article can have Classic (not available in all
an article currency field to set the article’s orgs) and Lightning
currency ISO code.

Currency Allows agents to enter a currency amount. The Salesforce Knowledge is

system formats the field as a currency amount, available in Essentials and
which can be useful if you export data to a the Unlimited Edition with
spreadsheet application. You can make this field Service Cloud.
required to ensure that an agent enters a value Salesforce Knowledge is
before saving an article. available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Note: Salesforce uses the Enterprise, Performance,
round-half-to-even tie-breaking rule for and Developer Editions. For
currency fields. For example, 23.5 more information, contact
becomes 24, 22.5 becomes 22, −22.5 your Salesforce
becomes −22, and −23.5 becomes −24. representative.
Values lose precision after 15 decimal

Date Allows agents to enter a date or pick a date from

a popup calendar. In reports, you can limit the
data by specific dates using any custom date
field. You can make this field required to ensure
that an agent enters a value before saving an

Date/Time Allows agents to enter a date or pick a date from

a popup calendar, and enter a time of day. They
can also add the current date and time by
clicking the date and time link next to the field.
The time of day includes AM or PM notation. In
reports, you can limit the data by specific dates
and times using any custom date field. You can

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Field Type Description

make this field required to ensure that an agent enters a value
before saving an article.

Email Allows agents to enter an email address, which is validated to

ensure proper format. Character limit is 80. If this field is specified
for contacts or leads, agents can choose the address when clicking
Send an Email. You can't use custom email addresses for mass
emails. You can make this field required to ensure that an agent
enters a value before saving an article.

File Allows agents to upload and attach a file to an article. You can
make this field required to ensure that an agent enters a value
before saving an article. Note the following caveats about File fields:
• The maximum attachment size is 25 MB.
• You can add up to 5 File fields to each article type; contact
Salesforce to increase these limits.
• If the Disallow HTML documents and
attachments security setting is enabled, File fields do not
support HTML files.
• Text content in a File field attachment is searchable. You can
search up to 25 MB of attached files on an article. For example,
if an article has six 5-MB file attachments, the first 4.16 MB of
each file is searchable.
• You cannot attach Salesforce CRM Content files using the File
• The File field type is not supported in Developer edition.
• The filename cannot exceed 40 characters.
• You cannot convert a File field type into any other data type.

Formula Allows agents to automatically calculate values based on other

values or fields such as merge fields.

Note: Salesforce uses the round half up tie-breaking rule

for numbers in formula fields. For example, 12.345 becomes
12.35 and −12.345 becomes −12.35.
In, the Formula editor does not provide a
Check Syntax button. Syntax checking occurs when the
agent attempts to save the formula.

Lookup Relationship Creates a relationship between two records so you can associate
them with each other. For example, opportunities have a lookup
relationship with cases that lets you associate a particular case with
an opportunity. A lookup relationship creates a field that allows
agents to click a lookup icon and select another record from a
popup window. On the associated record, you can then display a
related list to show all the records that are linked to it. You can

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Field Type Description

create lookup relationship fields that link to users, standard objects,
or custom objects. If a lookup field references a record that has
been deleted, Salesforce clears the value of the lookup field by
default. Alternatively, you can choose to prevent records from
being deleted if they’re in a lookup relationship. You can make this
field required to ensure that an agent enters a value before saving
an article.
Lookup relationship fields are not available in Personal Edition.
Lookup relationship fields to campaign members are not available;
however, lookup relationship fields from campaign members to
other objects are available.

Number Allows agents to enter any number. This entry is treated as a real
number and any leading zeros are removed. You can make this
field required to ensure that an agent enters a value before saving
an article.

Note: Salesforce uses the round half up tie-breaking rule

for number fields. For example, 12.345 becomes 12.35 and
−12.345 becomes −12.34. Salesforce rounds numbers
referenced in merge fields according to the user’s locale,
not the number of decimal spaces specified in the number
field configuration.

Percent Allows agents to enter a percentage number, for example, '10'.

The system automatically adds the percent sign to the number.
You can make this field required to ensure that an agent enters a
value before saving an article.

Note: If the decimal value is greater than 15, and you add
a percent sign to the number, a runtime error occurs.
Values lose precision after 15 decimal places.

Phone Allows agents to enter any phone number. Character limit is 40.
You can make this field required to ensure that an agent enters a
value before saving an article.
Salesforce automatically formats it as a phone number.

Picklist Allows agents to select a value from a list you define.

Picklist (Dependent) Allows agents to select a value from a list dependent on the value
of another field.

Picklist (Multi-select) Allows agents to select more than one picklist value from a list you
define. These fields display each value separated by a semicolon.

Text Allows agents to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or

symbols. You can set a maximum length, up to 255 characters. You

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Field Type Description

can make this field required to ensure that an agent enters a value
before saving an article.

Text Area Allows agents to enter up to 255 characters that display on separate
lines similar to a Description field. You can make this field
required to ensure that an agent enters a value before saving an

Text Area (Long) Allows agents to enter up to 131,072 characters that display on
separate lines similar to a Description field. You can set the
length of this field type to a lower limit, if desired. Any length from
256 to 131,072 characters is allowed. The default is 32,768
characters. Every time an agent presses Enter in a long text area
field, a line break and return character are added, and both count
toward the character limit. Also, smart links add more characters
than what is displayed.

Note: If you lower the character limit and you have articles
that surpass the new limit, the articles can’t be edited until
the limit is reset higher than their character counts.

Text Area (Rich) Allows agents to enter up to 131,072 characters of HTML-supported

text, including code samples ( ) and smart links between

Salesforce Knowledge articles.

• You can have up to 100 links to different Salesforce
Knowledge articles in one rich text field.
• When you convert a text area (rich) field to a text area
(long) field, links are displayed as link reference
numbers, not URLs.
• The upgraded editor doesn’t support Internet Explorer
version 7 or version 8 in compatibility mode. If you are
using these browsers, you use the older editor.

URL Allows agents to enter up to 255 characters of any valid website

address. When agents click the field, the URL opens in a separate
browser window. Only the first 50 characters are displayed on the
record detail pages. You can make this field required to ensure that
an agent enters a value before saving an article.

Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles
Add Custom Fields to Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Field-Level Security on Articles

Field-level security lets administrators restrict readers’ access to specific fields on detail and edit
pages. For example, you can make a “Comment” field in an article visible for Internal App profiles
but not for public Experience Cloud profiles. Available in: Salesforce
If using both article-type layout and field-level security to define field visibility, the most restrictive Classic (not available in all
field access setting always applies. For example, if a field is hidden in the article-type layout, but orgs) and Lightning
visible in the field-level security settings, the layout overrides security settings and the field aren’t Experience
visible. Some user permissions override both page layouts and field-level security settings. For
example, users with the “Edit Read Only Fields” permission can always edit read-only fields regardless Salesforce Knowledge is
of any other settings. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Important: Field-level security doesn’t prevent searching on the values in a field. When Service Cloud.
search terms match on field values protected by field-level security, the associated records Salesforce Knowledge is
are returned in the search results without the protected fields and their values. available for an additional
You can define security via a permission set, profile, or field. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Define field-level security via permission sets or profiles and Developer Editions. For
1. For permission sets or profiles, from Setup, either: more information, contact
your Salesforce
• Enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission
Sets, or
• Enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles

2. Select a permission set or profile.

3. Depending on which interface you're using, do one of the following:
• Permission sets or enhanced profile user interface—In the Find Settings... box, enter the name of the object you want and
select it from the list. Click Edit, then scroll to the Field Permissions section.
• Original profile user interface—In the Field-Level Security section, click View next to the object you want to modify, and
then click Edit.

4. Specify the field's access level.

Note: These field access settings override any less-restrictive field access settings on the article-type layouts.

5. Click Save.
Define field-level security via fields
1. For fields, from Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article
2. Select the article type that contains the field to modify.
3. Select the field and click Set Field-Level Security.
4. Specify the field's access level.

Note: These field access settings override any less-restrictive field access settings on the article-type layouts.

5. Click Save.

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

After setting field-level security, you can modify the article-type layouts to organize the fields on detail and edit pages.

Add Custom Fields to Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Article History Tracking (Lightning Experience)

Track the history of certain fields in articles. If you have history tracking enabled, open an article and
click Version to see a version history list. You can also set tracking for the article type and track the
full history of an article and its versions. Article events are tracked for up to 18 months. Available in: Salesforce
The system records and displays field updates, publishing workflow events, and language versions Classic (not available in all
for the master article and any translations. When you track old and new values, the system records orgs) and Lightning
both values as well as the date, time, nature of the change, and the user who made the change. Experience
When you track only the changed values, the system marks the changed field as edited. It doesn't
record the old and new field values. This information is available in the Version History list, and the Salesforce Knowledge is
fields are available in the Article Version History report. available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Article history respects field, entity, and record-level security. You must have at least Read permission Service Cloud.
on the article type or the field to access its history. For data category security, Salesforce determines
Salesforce Knowledge is
access based on the categorization of the online version of an article. If there is no online version,
available for an additional
then security is applied based on the archived version, followed by the security of the draft version.
cost in: Professional,
1. From Setup, go to the Object Manager. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
2. Select Knowledge.
more information, contact
3. On the Knowledge object home, click Edit. your Salesforce
4. Check the Track Field History checkbox. representative.

5. Save your changes.

Salesforce begins tracking history from that date and time. Changes made before that date and time aren’t tracked.

Article History Tracking (Salesforce Classic)

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Article History Tracking (Salesforce Classic)

You can track the history of certain fields in articles. If you have history tracking enabled, open an
article of that type and click Version to see a version history list. You can also set tracking for the
article type and track the full history of an article and its versions. Article events are tracked for up Available in: Salesforce
to 18 months. Classic (not available in all
The system records and displays field updates, publishing workflow events, and language versions orgs) and Lightning
for the master article and any translations. When you track old and new values, the system records Experience
both values as well as the date, time, nature of the change, and the user who made the change.
When you track only the changed values, the system marks the changed field as edited. It doesn't Salesforce Knowledge is
record the old and new field values. This information is available in the Version History list and the available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
fields are available in the Article Version History report.
Service Cloud.
Article history respects field, entity, and record-level security. You must have at least Read permission
Salesforce Knowledge is
on the article type or the field to access its history. For data category security, Salesforce determines
available for an additional
access based on the categorization of the online version of an article. If there is no online version,
cost in: Professional,
then security is applied based on the archived version, followed by the security of the draft version. Enterprise, Performance,
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge in the Quick Find box. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
2. Select Knowledge Article Types (if Lightning Knowledge is not enabled) or Knowledge
your Salesforce
Object Setup (if Lightning Knowledge is enabled).
3. Create an article type or edit one from the Article Types list.
4. Click Set History Tracking. USER PERMISSIONS
5. Choose the fields you want to track.
To create, edit, or delete
Salesforce begins tracking history from that date and time. Changes made before that date and
article types:
time aren’t tracked.
• Customize Application
6. Save your changes. AND
Manage Salesforce
SEE ALSO: Knowledge
Knowledge Article Types
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Article History Tracking (Lightning Experience)

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Set Up Knowledge Component Actions

Solve issues quickly with the articles in your knowledge base, and choose how customers see the
article. Use Knowledge component actions to share article contents or links from your Salesforce
and Experience Cloud sites. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
IN THIS SECTION: orgs) and Lightning
Set Up Actions to Insert Articles into Channels in Lightning Knowledge
With the Lightning Knowledge component and related list actions, agents can directly embed Salesforce Knowledge is
article content into the body of customer emails and in social, chat, and messaging conversations. available in Essentials and
Create a communication channel mapping to choose which article fields are included for each Unlimited Editions with
record type and channel. Your customers can access article summaries without going to a Service Cloud.
website. With permissions, some agents can choose to share internal articles—so they don't Salesforce Knowledge is
have to copy and paste articles that aren't published or are used internally—, while other agents available for an additional
share only published, external articles. cost in: Professional,
Set Up Actions to Insert Articles to Case Publishers in Salesforce Classic Enterprise, Performance,
When using Knowledge in Salesforce Classic, agents can send an article’s content embedded and Developer Editions. For
in the body of the email, a social post, or the Experience Cloud site publisher. Create a more information, contact
your Salesforce
communication channel mapping to choose which article fields are included for each article
type. Instead of sending a URL, your customers can then access the information without going
to a website. Agents can send articles that are not published publicly without rewriting or
copying an internal article. By using permissions, admins can let specific agents choose which
internal articles to share externally while others can send only published, external articles.
Set Up Actions to Share Article URLs in Channels and Case Publishers
Agents can insert links to articles from a Salesforce Site or Experience Cloud sites into the case feed. In Lightning Experience, your
agents can share article URLs in email, social posts, and chat and messaging conversations. In Salesforce Classic, your team can send
article URLs in the email, social, and Experience Cloud publishers.

Send an Article PDF (Classic)

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Set Up Actions to Insert Articles into Channels in Lightning Knowledge


To administer Salesforce Knowledge and Customize Application Available in: Lightning

create, edit, and delete page layouts: AND Experience and all editions
with Knowledge except
Manage Salesforce Knowledge Essentials.

To send article content in emails: Edit on cases Salesforce Knowledge is

available in Essentials and
Unlimited Edition with
Read on knowledge articles Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
To send article content in social, chat, and Edit on cases AND Edit on the social, chat, available for an additional
messaging channels: or messaging object cost in: Professional,
AND Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
Read on knowledge articles
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To share internal articles externally: Share internal Knowledge articles representative.
externally under Administrative Permissions

With the Lightning Knowledge component and related list actions, agents can directly embed article content into the body of customer
emails and in social, chat, and messaging conversations. Create a communication channel mapping to choose which article fields are
included for each record type and channel. Your customers can access article summaries without going to a website. With permissions,
some agents can choose to share internal articles—so they don't have to copy and paste articles that aren't published or are used
internally—, while other agents share only published, external articles.
Ensure that these setup requirements are met.
• To share articles in emails, Email-to-case must be enabled. The case page layout has the SendEmail action. HTML Body or Text must
be in the SendEmail layout.
• To share articles in social posts, Social Customer Service is enabled. You have a social account, and the Social channel is in the case
page layout.
• To share articles in chat or messaging conversations, configure Chat or Messaging and add the channel to the page layout.

Note: This feature isn’t available in Essentials edition because record types must be enabled to configure communication channel
1. From the Object Manager, choose the Knowledge object.
2. Under Communication Channel Mappings, click New.
3. Enter a label and name.
4. Add the desired channels to the Selected Channels list.
Each channel has a different context. Create communication channel mappings for multiple channels only when those channels
have the same content needs. For example, you can share rich text fields in emails but not other channels. We recommend choosing
or creating text fields designated for channel use.

5. Add the fields to include when the article is shared.

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

• Only plain text is supported in social, chat, and messaging. If you insert rich text fields, styles and formatting are removed and
only the text is inserted.
• You can’t include smart links or embed videos in emails. HTML iframes are removed before the email is sent.
• The following fields are not supported in communication channels:
– isDeleted
– Language
– MultiPicklist and picklist fields
– Publication Status
– Source
– Validation Status

6. Optional: Choose whether to include field labels and related files with inserted articles.
By default, field labels are included with inserted articles in all channels and related files are attached to emails. When Files are
attached, agents can still detach files before they send the email.
• To hide field labels, select Omit field labels.
• To skip file attachments, select Don't attach related files to emails.

7. Click Save.
The appropriate action appears in the Knowledge component and article related lists in cases when you save a communication
channel mapping for the channel.
8. (Optional) To let users share the contents of internal articles, enable Share internal Knowledge articles externally under
Administrative Permissions for the profile or permission set.
Your agents can now send article contents in case emails, social posts, and chat and messaging conversations. And, agents can change
article contents before sending. If the article wasn't attached to the case previously, using these actions adds it to the related list.

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Set Up Actions to Insert Articles to Case Publishers in Salesforce Classic

When using Knowledge in Salesforce Classic, agents can send an article’s content embedded in
the body of the email, a social post, or the Experience Cloud site publisher. Create a communication
channel mapping to choose which article fields are included for each article type. Instead of sending Available in: Salesforce
a URL, your customers can then access the information without going to a website. Agents can Classic (not available in all
send articles that are not published publicly without rewriting or copying an internal article. By orgs)
using permissions, admins can let specific agents choose which internal articles to share externally
while others can send only published, external articles. Salesforce Knowledge is
Email-to-case must be enabled. The case page layout has the SendEmail action. An HTML Body or available in the Unlimited
Text field must be in the SendEmail layout. Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
available for an additional
2. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re cost in: Professional,
working with. Enterprise, Performance,
• For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the and Developer Editions. For
page layout editor. more information, contact
your Salesforce
• For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit representative.
feed view. (This section appears only for organizations created before Spring ’14.)
If you’ve already opted to use the advanced page layout editor to configure the publisher for USER PERMISSIONS
a layout, choose Edit detail view to add, change, or remove actions.
To administer Salesforce
3. Under Articles Tool Settings, select Enable attaching articles inline. Knowledge and create, edit,
4. (Optional) Under Administrative Permissions, select Share internal Knowledge articles, and delete page layouts:
externally. • Customize Application

5. Click Save. AND

Manage Salesforce
6. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Article Types.
7. Click the label or name of the article type you want to share via email. To send article content in
emails in Classic
8. Under Communication Channel Mappings, click New or Edit. Knowledge:
9. Enter a label and name. • Edit on cases AND read
on Knowledge articles
10. Add Email to the Selected Channels list.
To send internal content in
11. Add the fields to include in the body of an email. emails in Classic
Note: You can’t include smart links in the email, and the following fields are not Knowledge:
supported: • Enable Share internal
Knowledge articles
• ArticleType externally
• isDeleted AND
• Language Enable Attaching
• MultiPicklist articles inline

• Picklist
• Publication Status
• Source
• Validation Status

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

12. Click Save.

Example: While solving customer cases, agents with the permission can insert article content into the body of an email. Anywhere
agents can attach articles to cases, such as the Knowledge One sidebar in the Salesforce Console, the Articles list in the case feed,
the Article widget, or the suggested articles in a Knowledge One search, they can email any article of that type within the body of
an email by selecting Email article with HTML in the action dropdown. The article content is inserted at top of email thread or
wherever the agent left their cursor. Once an article has been emailed, an envelope icon appears to the left of the title. When the
article has files that exceed the 10-mb attachment limit, agents are asked to select which files to attach and retry sending the

Note: If rich text is not enabled on your case feed layout for the article type, only article text is embedded into the email
and the action changes to Email article text only.

Article Type Page Layouts
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Further Setup for Salesforce Knowledge

Set Up Actions to Share Article URLs in Channels and Case Publishers

Agents can insert links to articles from a Salesforce Site or Experience Cloud sites into the case feed.
In Lightning Experience, your agents can share article URLs in email, social posts, and chat and
messaging conversations. In Salesforce Classic, your team can send article URLs in the email, social, Available in: Salesforce
and Experience Cloud publishers. Classic (not available in all
To share article URLs from Salesforce Sites or Experience Cloud sites in the case feed, you must have orgs) and Lightning
the Knowledge component in your Lightning page or, in Salesforce Classic, in the Service Console. Experience
You must also have either a Salesforce Site or Experience Cloud set up.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Your org must have the relevant channel configured, such as email, Social Customer Service, or available in Essentials and
Chat. Unlimited Editions with
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge in the quick find box, then select Knowledge Settings. Service Cloud.

2. Click Edit. Salesforce Knowledge is

available for an additional
3. Under Share Article via URL Settings, select Allow users to share articles via public URLs. cost in: Professional,
4. In the Available Sites list, select which Salesforce Sites and Experience Cloud sites you want Enterprise, Performance,
agents to see when they share article URLs. Add them to the Selected Sites list. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
5. Click Save.
your Salesforce
Your agents can now use these actions in the Knowledge component and in Lightning Experience representative.
list views to send links in the case feed.

To administer Salesforce
Article Type Page Layouts
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources • Customize Application
Manage Salesforce

To share article links in the

case feed:
• Edit on Case
Read on Knowledge

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

You can import your existing external articles or information database into Salesforce Knowledge.
If you want to move your content from Classic to Lightning Knowledge, use the Lightning Knowledge
Migration Tool. Available in: Salesforce
Note: If you are looking for instructions on importing translated articles that you've sent to Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
a localization vendor, see Import Translated Articles on page 983.
Consider these best practices and requirements as you prepare your articles for import.
• Test your import using a small set of articles. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
• Sort your articles by information type. In Classic, import each article type individually. In Lightning
Unlimited Editions with
Knowledge, you can import articles of multiple record types at once. Service Cloud.
• Ensure that each information type has a corresponding record type or, in Salesforce Classic, an
Salesforce Knowledge is
article type that matches its structure and content. Create a list of fields available in each article available for an additional
or record type, and verify that your article contents match the structure of each type. cost in: Professional,
• Verify that the article's field-level security settings allow you to edit the fields. Enterprise, Performance,
• Use rich text fields to import HTML content. Prepare the .html files with the content for each and Developer Editions. For
rich text area field. Ensure that the HTML is compliant with the tags and attributes supported more information, contact
in the rich text area field. your Salesforce
• The article importer does not support subfields. If you have fields within fields, adjust your
structure and content before importing into Salesforce Knowledge.

1. Create a .csv File for Article Import
The import file maps the article contents to Knowledge article fields. For example, map a Title column in your .csv file with the
standard Title field to import each article's title.
2. Set Article Import Parameters
Specify import parameters in a property file using key names and corresponding values. For example, use the key DateFormat
to specify that a date custom field appears in the DateFormat=dd/MM/YYYY format. Or, specify the character encoding and
field separator used for the import file.
3. Create an Article .zip File for Import
To complete your article import, create a .zip file with your .parameters, .csv, and .html files, and upload them to Salesforce Knowledge.
4. Article and Translation Import and Export Status
You can monitor the status of your article imports and exports.

Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Create a .csv File for Article Import

The import file maps the article contents to Knowledge article fields. For example, map a Title
column in your .csv file with the standard Title field to import each article's title.
1. Create a .csv file to import articles. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Note: In Salesforce Classic, you import each article type separately, so you create a .csv orgs) and Lightning
file for each article type. In Lightning Knowledge, you can import articles of different types Experience
in one .csv file and set the record type during import.
• There can only be one .csv file and one .properties file. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
• The .csv file and the .properties file must be in the root directory.
Unlimited Editions with
• The compression process must preserve the folder and subfolder structure. Service Cloud.
• The .zip file name can’t contain special characters. Salesforce Knowledge is
• The .zip file can’t exceed 20 MB and the individual, uncompressed, files within the zip file available for an additional
can’t exceed 10 MB. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• .csv files can’t have more than 10,000 rows, including the header row. Therefore, you can
and Developer Editions. For
have a maximum of 9,999 articles and translations.
more information, contact
• .csv file rows can’t exceed 400,000 characters. your Salesforce
• .csv file cells can’t exceed 32 KB. representative.
• Each article in the .csv file can’t have more than 49 translations.
2. In the first row, specify the article's fields and metadata, such as title, language, data categories,
and channels. To import articles:
Enter one item in each column. You can use the following fields and metadata to import content. • Manage Salesforce
Field or data Description AND

isMasterLanguage Identifies the article as a master (1) or Manage Articles

translation (0). Required to import articles with AND
translations, however, Manage Knowledge
isMasterLanguage can’t be in a .csv Article Import/Export
file to import articles without translations. A AND
translation must follow its master article so
Read, Create, Edit, and
that it’s associated with the master article Delete on the article type
preceding it.

Title The article or translation’s title. Required for

all imports.

Record Type Indicates an article’s record type, for example,

FAQ. Article import requires the 15-character,
case-sensitive ID format.

Standard and custom fields Refer to an article type's standard fields using
field names and refer to custom fields using
API names. Leaving a row cell empty may
cause your articles to be skipped if the related
article type field is mandatory.

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Field or data Description

Rich text area field Use the rich text area custom fields to import .html files or images.
Refer to an article type's rich text area field using its API name.

File field Use the file custom fields to import any file type (.doc, .pdf, .txt).
Refer to an article type's file field using its API name.

Data category groups To categorize the imported articles, use category groups. Refer
to a category group using its unique name prefixed with
datacategorygroup.. For example, use
datacategorygroup.Products to specify the category
group Products.

Channel To specify where the imported articles are available, use the
keyword Channels.

Language Specify the articles' language. Required to import articles with

translations. Optional to import articles without translations. If
you don't include this column, the articles automatically belong
to the default knowledge base language and you can’t import
translations along with the master articles.

3. In subsequent rows, specify the articles you want to import.

Use one row per article, and enter the appropriate information in each field or metadata column. You can leave a column blank to
skip importing data. For example, if some fields only appear in certain record types, enter values only for the appropriate articles of
those types.

Important: All file names are case-sensitive and must exactly match what is in the .csv file.

Consideration Notes
Standard or custom fields Enter the articles' data for each field, except for rich text area
fields where you must enter the relative path to the
corresponding .html file in your .zip file.

Note: The article importer does not support subfields. If

you have fields within fields, adjust your structure and
content before importing into Salesforce Knowledge.

Rich text area field Always enter the .html file path relative to the location of the
.csv file. Never enter raw text. If the specified path doesn't exist,
the related article isn't imported. Note the following information
about importing HTML and images.
• We recommend that you create one folder for the .html files
(for example, /data) and another for images (for example,
• To import images, include the images in an .html file using
the <img> tag and src attribute. Ensure that the src
value is a relative path from the .html file to the image folder.

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Consideration Notes

• Images must be .png, .gif, or .jpeg files.

• Each image file can’t exceed 1 MB.
• If you have multiple rich text area fields, create a separate
.html file for the contents of each field.
• .html file contents can’t exceed the maximum size for its
• If a date doesn't match the date format specified in the
property file, the related article isn't imported.
• If an .html file references a file that isn't allowed, the related
article isn't imported.
• If an .html file references an image that's missing, the related
article is imported without the image.

File field
Note: In Lightning Knowledge, custom file fields are
replaced with Salesforce Files.
Enter the path relative to the file's location. If the specified path
doesn't exist, the related article isn't imported. Note the following
information about importing files.
• We recommend that you create a folder for your files (for
example, /files).
• Each file must not exceed 5 MB.

Category groups Use category unique names to categorize articles. Use the plus
symbol (+) to specify more than one category. For example,
Laptop+Desktop. Note the following information about
data category groups.
• Leaving the cell row empty causes your article to be set to
No Categories.
• If you specify a category and its parent (for example,
Europe+France) the import process skips the child category
France and keeps the parent category Europe, because
application of a parent category implicitly includes the
category's children.
• When importing articles with translations and associated
data categories, only the master article retains the data
categories. The article translations have no associated data
category upon import.

Channels Specify articles' channels using the keywords.

• application for Internal App. If you don't specify a
channel, application is the default.
• sites for Public Knowledge Base.
• csp for Customer.

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Consideration Notes

• prm for Partner.

Use the plus (+) symbol to specify more than one channel (for
example, application+sites+csp to make an article
available in all channels).

Note: When importing articles with translations and

associated channels, only the master article retains the
channels. The article translations have no associated
channels upon import.

Example: The following example shows .csv files to import product offer articles. The first file imports articles without translations.
The second .csv file imports articles with translations. The .csv files contain titles, summaries, and descriptions. They also classify
the articles in the category group Products and make them available for specific channels. The description__c field is a
rich text area and only supports paths to .html files. The summary__c field is a text field and only supports raw text. The summary
field is optional, and summary__c is left blank for some rows. The RecordTypeId sets the Product Offer record type for
two of the articles, and the “Best Desktop Computer Deals” article is an FAQ.

Title summary__c description__c datacategorygroup Channels RecordTypeID

Free Digital Camera Get the new Digital data/freecam.html Consumer_ application+csp 012RM0000002Q5M
Offer Camera. Electronics

Best Desktop data/bestdeals.html Desktop application+csp 012RM0000002Q5g

Computer Deals

Free Shipping on data/freeship.html Laptop+Desktops application+csp 012RM0000002Q5M

Laptop and

Example articlesimport.csv file:

Free Digital Camera Offer, Get the new Digital
Best Desktop Computer Deals,,data/bestdeals.html,Desktop,application+csp,012RM0000002Q5g
Free Shipping on Laptop and

isMaster Title summary__c description__c datacategorygroup Channels Language RecordTypeId

Language .Products

1 Free Digital Camera Offer Get the new Digital data/freecam.html Consumer_ Electronics application en_US 012RM0000002Q5M
Camera. +csp

0 Libérer l'Offre d'Appareil Obtenir le nouvel data/freecam/fr.html fr 012RM0000002Q5M

photo digital Appareil photo digital.

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

isMaster Title summary__c description__c datacategorygroup Channels Language RecordTypeId

Language .Products

0 Liberte Oferta Digital de Consiga la nueva Cámara data/freecam/es.html es 012RM0000002Q5M

Cámara Digital.

1 Best Desktop Computer data/bestdeals.html Desktops application en_US 012RM0000002Q5g

Deals +csp

0 Meilleures Affaires data/bestdeals/fr.html fr 012RM0000002Q5g

d'ordinateurs de bureau

0 Mejores Tratos de data/bestdeals/es.html es 012RM0000002Q5g


1 Free Shipping on data/freeship.html Laptops+ Desktops application en_US 012RM0000002Q5M

Laptops and Desktops +csp

0 Libérer Affranchissement data/freeship/fr.html fr 012RM0000002Q5M

sur Portables et

0 Liberte Franqueo en data/freeship/es.html es 012RM0000002Q5M

Laptops y Ordenadores

Example articlestranslationsimport.csv file:

1,Free Digital Camera Offer,Get the new Digital
0,Libérer l'Offre d'Appareil photo digital,Obtenir le nouvel Appareil photo
0,Liberte Oferta Digital de Cámara,Consiga la nueva Cámara
1,Best Desktop Computer
0,Meilleures Affaires d'ordinateurs de
0,Mejores Tratos de ordenadores,,data/bestdeals/es.html,,,es,012RM0000002Q5g
1,Free Shipping on Laptop and
0,Libérer Affranchissement sur Portables et
0,Liberte Franqueo en Laptops y Ordenadores,,data/freeship/es.html,,,es,012RM0000002Q5M

Specify your import parameters in a property file using key names and corresponding values.

Set Article Import Parameters
Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Set Article Import Parameters

Specify import parameters in a property file using key names and corresponding values. For example,
use the key DateFormat to specify that a date custom field appears in the
DateFormat=dd/MM/YYYY format. Or, specify the character encoding and field separator Available in: Salesforce
used for the import file. Classic (not available in all
1. Create a file with required parameters, as described in this table. orgs) and Lightning
Key Description Default Value
Salesforce Knowledge is
DateFormat Format of the date to read in yyyy-MM-dd available in Essentials and
the .csv file Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
DateTimeFormat Format of the date and time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
to read in the .csv file Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
CSVEncoding Character encoding used to ISO8859_15_FDIS cost in: Professional,
read the .csv file Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
CSVSeparator .csv field separator , more information, contact
RTAEncoding Default encoding used for the ISO8859_15_FDIS your Salesforce
HTML files (if not specified in representative.
the charset attribute from
Note: Salesforce does To import articles:
not support UTF-32 • Manage Salesforce
character encoding. Knowledge
We recommend using AND
UTF-8. If you use
Manage Articles
specify UTF-16
character encoding, AND
ensure that your HTML Manage Knowledge
files specify the right Article Import/Export
byte-order mark. AND
Read, Create, Edit, and
Delete on the article type

Note: Specify only Java date formats. Make sure that the date format is not misleading.
For example, if you choose the format yyyy-M-d, a date entered as 2011111 can be
interpreted as 2011-01-11 or 2011-11-01. Specify at least:
• Two digits for month and day format (MM, dd)
• Four digits for year format (yyyy)
If a date in the .csv file does not match the date format specified in the property file, the
related article is not imported.

2. Save the file with the .properties extension.

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Example: Example property file:

DateTimeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Create a .zip file and import into Salesforce Knowledge.

Create an Article .zip File for Import
Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Create an Article .zip File for Import

To complete your article import, create a .zip file with your .parameters, .csv, and .html files, and
upload them to Salesforce Knowledge.
1. Create a .zip file containing: To import articles:
• Manage Salesforce
• The .csv file. Knowledge
• The folder containing the .html files to import. AND
• The folder containing the image files referenced in the .html files. Manage Articles
• The .properties file. AND
Important: The import .zip file must meet the following requirements: Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
• There can only be one .csv file and one .properties file.
• The .csv file and the .properties file must be in the root directory.
Read, Create, Edit, and
• The compression process must preserve the folder and subfolder structure. Delete on the article type
• The .zip file name can’t contain special characters.
• The .zip file can’t exceed 20 MB and the individual, uncompressed, files within the
zip file can’t exceed 10 MB.
• .csv files can’t have more than 10,000 rows, including the header row. Therefore, you
can have a maximum of 9,999 articles and translations.
• .csv file rows can’t exceed 400,000 characters.
• .csv file cells can’t exceed 32 KB.
• Each article in the .csv file can’t have more than 49 translations.

2. From Setup, enter Import Articles in the Quick Find box, then select Import Articles.
3. Then:
a. In Lightning Knowledge, select Knowledge Base from the dropdown.
b. In Salesforce Classic, select the appropriate article type for the imported articles.

4. To select the .zip file, click Browse, and then click OK.
5. If your import contains translations, select Contains translations?.

Service Cloud Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Note: When this option is selected, your .csv file must contain the isMasterLanguage, Title, and Language columns. If this
option isn’t selected, your .csv file can’t contain the isMasterLanguage , but it must contain the Title column. The Language
column is optional when importing articles without translations.

6. Click Import Now.

When the import is complete, you receive an email with an attached log that provides details about the import.

Check the status of your import on the Article Imports page.

Article and Translation Import and Export Status
Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Article and Translation Import and Export Status

You can monitor the status of your article imports and exports.
To check the status of your imports and exports, from Setup, enter Article Imports in the
Quick Find box, then select Article Imports. If you've enabled multiple languages for Salesforce Available in: Salesforce
Knowledge, you see one table for article and translation imports and another for exports for Classic (not available in all
translation. orgs) and Lightning
The import information includes:
• Possible actions Salesforce Knowledge is
• .zip filenames available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
• Who submitted the import and when Service Cloud.
• Status
Salesforce Knowledge is
• Started and completed dates available for an additional
• Article types cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
The export information includes:
and Developer Editions. For
• Possible actions more information, contact
• .zip filenames your Salesforce
• Who submitted the export and when
• Status
• Started and completed dates

Status Description Possible Action

Pending The import or export starts as soon as the You can click Cancel to cancel the pending
current import or export completes. import or export.

Processing The import or export is processing. If you want to stop the process, or if the
process has been stopped, call Salesforce
Support. Salesforce might stop an import or
export if a maintenance task has to be
performed or the import or export exceeds
one hour.

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

Status Description Possible Action

Stopping/Stopped Salesforce Support is stopping or has Contact Salesforce Support to restart the
already stopped the import or export. import or export, or click Cancel to cancel
an entry.

Aborted The import or export has been canceled. You can restart an import or export, delete
The articles that have already been an entry by clicking Del, or receive the
imported or exported successfully are completion email and check the details of
available in Salesforce. your import or export by clicking Email Log.

Completed The import or export is complete. This status doesn't mean the import or
Successfully imported articles are shown export is successful. Click Email Log to check
on the Article Management tab on the the details of your import or export.
Articles subtab. Successfully imported Click the exported .zip file to save or open
translations are listed on the Translations the file on your system.

Import Translated Articles
Import External Content into Salesforce Knowledge

Improve the Article Search Experience

Enable search highlights and snippets, synonyms, promoted terms, topics, and keywords from cases
to improve your article search.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Search Highlights and Snippets
Quickly identify the best article and see how articles match your search terms with relevant text
and highlighted search terms in the search results. Salesforce Knowledge is
Synonym Groups for Article Searches available in Essentials and
Create synonym groups so words or phrases are treated equally in searches. When users search the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge articles, they find matches for all terms in a synonym group.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Promote Articles in Search Results
available for an additional
Associate keywords with articles to optimize search results in Salesforce Knowledge. Users who cost in: Professional,
search for these keywords see the article first in their search results. Promoted search terms are Enterprise, Performance,
useful for highlighting an article that you know is commonly used to resolve a support issue and Developer Editions. For
when a user’s search contains certain keywords. more information, contact
Manage Promoted Search Terms your Salesforce
From a single page, you can view, edit, and delete all the promoted search terms that are
associated with Salesforce Knowledge articles.

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

Enable Topics for Articles

With topics on articles, you can classify and search articles by assigning topics. Topics can be added from the article view and detail
pages. Suggested topics, which are only supported in English, are terms extracted from the article, so that they are more concrete
and precise than a data category assignment. When searching, topics can be used to index the article, so the matched articles are
more relevant to keyword searches.
Article Search Results
How search works for articles depends on your use of search options, search terms, wildcards, and operators. Salesforce Knowledge
search uses the same custom search algorithms that are available throughout Salesforce, which include mechanisms such as
tokenization, lemmatization, and stopword lists, to return relevant search results.
Use More Case Keywords to Find Articles
When searching articles from a case, by default, only the case title is used in the search. Often, you want to use information from the
case for more accurate search results, or create a custom search button.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Search Highlights and Snippets

Quickly identify the best article and see how articles match your search terms with relevant text
and highlighted search terms in the search results.
Search highlights and snippets give your agents and users context as to why the particular result Available in: Salesforce
matched their search query. The relevant text appears below the title with the search terms in bold. Classic (not available in all
You can enable search highlights and snippets on the Salesforce Knowledge Settings page on page orgs) and Lightning
903. Experience

Note: Search highlights and snippets are not generated for searches with wildcards. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Search highlights and snippets are generated from the following fields: the Unlimited Edition with
• Email Service Cloud.
• Long text area Salesforce Knowledge is
• Rich text area available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
• Text area Enterprise, Performance,
Search highlights and snippets aren’t generated from the following fields: and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
• Checkbox
your Salesforce
• Currency representative.
• Date
• Date Time
• File
• Formula
• Lookup
• Multi-picklist
• Number
• Percent
• Phone

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

• Picklist

Note: If a snippet is not generated, the article’s summary field is shown instead.

Improve the Article Search Experience
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Synonym Groups for Article Searches

Create synonym groups so words or phrases are treated equally in searches. When users search
Salesforce Knowledge articles, they find matches for all terms in a synonym group.
A search for one term in a synonym group returns results for all terms in the group. For example, if Available in: Salesforce
you define a synonym group with these synonyms: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
CRM, customer relationship management, Salesforce
then a search for customer relationship management matches articles that contain
customer relationship management and articles that contain CRM or Salesforce. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
To create a custom synonym group, from Setup, enter Synonyms in the Quick Find box, then
the Unlimited Edition with
select Synonyms. An org can create up to 10,000 synonym groups with up to six terms in each
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Synonyms affect search behavior in the following ways: available for an additional
Priority cost in: Professional,
If a search term is part of a synonym group, the search results list items that contain the search Enterprise, Performance,
term, followed by items that contain other terms in the synonym group. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
For example, if this synonym group is defined:
your Salesforce
fruit, oranges representative.
Then a search for oranges matches a list of items containing oranges, followed by items
containing fruit.

Note: In the Article Management tab, if you sort the list by clicking a column header, the sort order, not priority, persists in
the current and additional searches.
If a wildcard is used in a search, the wildcard expands the search term, but the search doesn't match any synonyms, even if the
search phrase contains a defined synonym.
For example, if these synonym groups are defined:
fruit, oranges, apples
cabbage, lettuce
Then a search for orang* lettuce matches items that contain orange and oranges, but doesn't match items that contain fruit,
apples, and cabbage.
If a search phrase contains an operator (AND/OR/AND NOT), synonym matches are returned only if the entire search phrase is a
defined synonym.

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

For example, if these synonym groups are defined:

fruit, oranges and apples
vegetables, carrots
Then a search for oranges and apples returns matches for all items that contain the literal string oranges and apples and
items that contain the term fruit.
However, if the search phrase is fruit and vegetables, which is not a defined synonym, the search matches only those
items that contain both the terms, fruit and vegetables.
In this case, AND functions as an operator and synonym matches are not returned in the search results. In terms of this example,
items that contain a synonym of either fruit or vegetables (items that contain the term carrots or the phrase oranges and apples) are
not returned.
Exact phrase matches
If a defined synonym is within an exact phrase search, using quotation marks, the search doesn't treat it as a synonym.
Synonyms aren’t lemmatized in search results; instead, they are matched as an exact phrase. However, the search term is lemmatized.
For example, if this synonym group is defined:
quench, drink orange juice
Then a search for quench matches items that contain quench, quenched, quenching, and drink orange juice, but doesn't match
items that contain drinking orange juice.
Ignored words
Words that are normally ignored in searches, such as the, to, and for, are matched if the word is part of a defined synonym.
For example, if this synonym group is defined:
peel the orange, cut the apple
Then a search for peel the orange matches items that contain the exact string peel the orange.
Overlapping synonyms
If a search term consists of overlapping synonyms from different groups, the search matches synonyms in all the overlapping synonym
For example, if these synonym groups are defined:
• orange marmalade, citrus
• marmalade recipe, sugar
Then a search for orange marmalade recipe matches items that contain orange marmalade, citrus, marmalade recipe, and
If one synonym group includes a synonym that is a subset of a synonym in another group, a search for the subset term doesn't
match items that contain synonyms from the subset synonym group.
For example, if these synonym groups are defined:
• orange, apple
• orange marmalade, citrus
• marmalade, jam

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

Then a search for orange marmalade matches items that contain orange marmalade and citrus, but doesn't match items that
contain apple or jam.

Improve the Article Search Experience
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Promote Articles in Search Results

Associate keywords with articles to optimize search results in Salesforce Knowledge. Users who
search for these keywords see the article first in their search results. Promoted search terms are
useful for highlighting an article that you know is commonly used to resolve a support issue when Available in: Salesforce
a user’s search contains certain keywords. Classic (not available in all
An article must be published for you to manage its promoted terms. orgs) and Lightning
1. To change the promoted search terms, open the published article.
2. In the Promoted Search Terms related list, click New or New Promoted Term. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
3. Enter the keywords that you want to associate with the article.
Unlimited Editions with
• You can associate the same term with multiple articles. If the user’s search matches the Service Cloud.
promoted term, all associated articles are promoted in search results, ordered by relevancy.
Salesforce Knowledge is
• The maximum number of characters per promoted term is 100. For best results matching available for an additional
users’ search terms, limit each promoted term to a few keywords. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
4. Click Save. and Developer Editions. For
Example: For example, if an article addresses a common support issue such as login more information, contact
your Salesforce
problems, you can associate the terms password and password change. Article
search matches a promoted term whenever all keywords within the term occur within the
user’s search terms, in any sequence. Each keyword must match exactly. For example:
• The promoted term password matches a search for change password. USER PERMISSIONS
• The promoted term password change matches a search for how do I change my To create, edit, and delete
password but doesn’t match forgot password. promoted search terms:
• The promoted term password doesn’t match a search for change passwords. • Manage Promoted
Search Terms
Consider these limitations and general limits when you use promoted search terms.
• Your organization can create a maximum of 2,000 promoted terms. For best results, use them
selectively, which means create a limited number of promoted terms and a limited number of promoted articles per term.
• If your organization translates articles into multiple languages, each promoted term is associated with one article version and the
article version’s language. If you need equivalent promoted terms to be associated with each translation, you must specify promoted
terms for each translation. For example, associate change password with an English language article version and changer mot de
passe with a French language article version.

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

• The end user’s language setting determines the scope of the article search. Search results exclude article versions and any associated
promoted terms that are not in the user’s language.

Article Search Results
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Manage Promoted Search Terms

From a single page, you can view, edit, and delete all the promoted search terms that are associated
with Salesforce Knowledge articles.
You can add promoted search terms to articles to influence the results when your customers and Available in: Salesforce
users search. Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Promoted Search Terms in the Quick Find box, then select Promoted
Search Terms. Salesforce Knowledge is
2. To view which terms are assigned to an article, sort by the Article Title column. available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
3. To edit a term, click Edit in its row.
Salesforce Knowledge is
4. To delete a term, click Delete in its row.
available for an additional
The term is deleted only from the article associated with this row, not from other articles. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
5. Save your changes.
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
SEE ALSO: your Salesforce
Improve the Article Search Experience representative.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources


To create, edit, and delete

promoted search terms:
• Manage Promoted
Search Terms

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

Enable Topics for Articles

With topics on articles, you can classify and search articles by assigning topics. Topics can be added
from the article view and detail pages. Suggested topics, which are only supported in English, are
terms extracted from the article, so that they are more concrete and precise than a data category Available in: Salesforce
assignment. When searching, topics can be used to index the article, so the matched articles are Classic (not available in all
more relevant to keyword searches. orgs) and Lightning
Note: Contrary to data categories, topics added to an article are not transferred to the same
article in another language.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Topics for articles are enabled for each article type. available in Essentials and
1. From Setup, enter Topics for Objects in the Quick Find box, then select Topics the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
for Objects.
Salesforce Knowledge is
2. Click the article type name where you want to enable topics.
available for an additional
3. Check Enable topics. cost in: Professional,
4. Select which fields you want to use for suggestions. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
5. Click Save. more information, contact
6. Via profile or permission set, under System Permissions, define which agents can assign, create, your Salesforce
delete, and edit topics. representative.


Improve the Article Search Experience To enable topics:
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources • Customize Application

Article Search Results

How search works for articles depends on your use of search options, search terms, wildcards, and
operators. Salesforce Knowledge search uses the same custom search algorithms that are available
throughout Salesforce, which include mechanisms such as tokenization, lemmatization, and stopword Available in: Salesforce
lists, to return relevant search results. Classic (not available in all
Many factors influence the order in which articles appear in the results list. Salesforce evaluates orgs) and Lightning
your search terms and your data to move more relevant matches higher in your list of results. Some Experience
of these factors include:
Salesforce Knowledge is
Operators available in Essentials and
When you don’t specify an operator in your article search, the search engine determines the the Unlimited Edition with
best operator to use. Service Cloud.
Many searches use “AND” as the default operator. When you search for multiple terms, all the Salesforce Knowledge is
terms must match to generate a result. Matching on all terms tends to produce search results available for an additional
that are more relevant than searches using the “OR” operator, where matches on any of the cost in: Professional,
search query terms appear in the results. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
If the search engine doesn’t return any results that match all the terms, it looks for matches
more information, contact
using the “OR” operator. With the “OR” operator, the search engine boosts documents that
your Salesforce
contain more terms from the search query, so that they appear higher in the results list.

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

This algorithm calculates the frequency with which a term appears within each article. The algorithm then weighs them against
each other to produce the initial set of search results.
Articles that are frequently viewed or that are frequently attached to cases appear higher in the results. Article ownership and recent
activity also boost an article in the results list.
Proximity of Terms
Articles that contain all the keywords in a search are ranked highest, followed by articles with fewer keywords, followed by articles
with single keyword matches. Terms that are closer together in the matched document, with few or no intervening words, are ranked
higher in the list.
Exact Matches
Matches on exact keywords are ranked higher than matches on synonyms or lemmatized terms.
Title Field
If any search terms match words in an article title, the article is boosted in the search results.
Token Sequence
If the search term is broken up into multiple tokens because it contains both letters and numbers, the system boosts results based
on the same sequence of tokens. That way, exact matches are ranked higher than matches on the tokens with other tokens in

Promote Articles in Search Results
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

Use More Case Keywords to Find Articles

When searching articles from a case, by default, only the case title is used in the search. Often, you
want to use information from the case for more accurate search results, or create a custom search
button. Available in: Salesforce
Luckily, Salesforce Knowledge search pages accept other parameters: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• id=<case id>: The ID of the current case.
• search=<keywords>: The keywords to be searched.
• articleType_<article type dev name>=on: multiple parameters possible, article types to Salesforce Knowledge is
select (if no article type is selected, then all article types are selected) available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
• ct_<data category group internal name>=<data category internal name>: multiple
Service Cloud.
parameters possible, filter pre-selection
Salesforce Knowledge is
To take advantage of those parameters, add a custom button to the case detail page containing a
available for an additional
few lines of javascript that extract keywords from the case and hide the default article search button. cost in: Professional,
Note: You can also create a custom article widget with support:caseArticle. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Buttons, Links, and Actions. more information, contact
your Salesforce
2. Click New Button or Link.
3. Enter a unique Label, Name, and Description.
4. Select Detail Page Button for Display Type. USER PERMISSIONS
5. Select Execute JavaScript in the Behavior drop-down.
To create or change custom
6. Select OnClick JaveScript in the Content Source drop-down. buttons or links and create
a Visualforce page:
7. Enter code for extracting case data and setting up parameters for the article search page.
• Customize Application
For example:

// article search page URL

var url = '/knowledge/knowledgeHome.apexp';

// ID of the current case

url += '?id={!Case.Id}';

// use the case subject as the search keywords

url += '&search={!Case.Subject}';

// read case attributes

var caseType = '{!Case.Type}';
var caseProduct = '{!Case.Product__c}';

// if the case is of a certain type, select only 2 of the article types available
// in other cases, we keep the default behavior (all article types selected)

if (caseType=='Problem' || caseType=='Question') {
url += '&articleType_FAQ_kav=on';
url += '&articleType_How_To_kav=on';

Service Cloud Improve the Article Search Experience

// preselect a data category for search results based on the category

var product = '';

if (caseProduct=='Home')
product = 'Home';
if (caseProduct=='SMB')
product = 'Small_and_Medium_Business';
if (caseProduct=='Large enterprise')
product = 'Large_Enterprise';

if (product.length>0)
url += '&ct_Products2=' + product;

// once the logic is executed, we go to the article search page

window.location = url;

8. Click Save.
9. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
10. Click Edit next to Case Layout.
11. Drag your custom button for article search into the case layout.
12. Click Save.
13. Create a Visualforce page named CaseDetailsWithoutStandardKBSearchButton with the following code:
<apex:page standardController="Case">
<style type="text/css">
div.knowledgeBlock input {display: none}

14. Back in the Buttons, Links, and Actions area for cases, click Edit next to View.
15. Select Visualforce Page in Override with.
16. Select CaseDetailsWithoutStandardKBSearchButton from the drop-down.
17. Click Save.

Improve the Article Search Experience
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic)

Service Cloud Use Salesforce Knowledge

Use Salesforce Knowledge

Search for articles in Salesforce Classic or Lightning Experience. Get the most from your articles by
sharing them in the case feed and using the Knowledge component.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Search for Knowledge Articles in Lightning Experience
In Lightning Experience, find Knowledge articles faster by performing a Knowledge search. You
can search for articles from the global search box at the top of every page or from the Knowledge Salesforce Knowledge is
component for the Lightning Service Console. available in Essentials and
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Use a single search to find all your resources at once.
Salesforce Knowledge is
List View Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
available for an additional
Lightning Knowledge uses the same list views as other objects in Salesforce. Learn how an cost in: Professional,
article's publication status and some user permissions affect list views for Knowledge. Enterprise, Performance,
Use the Lightning Knowledge Component and Developer Editions. For
The Knowledge component keeps your team connected to your knowledge base everywhere more information, contact
in Salesforce. Your teams and support agents can use Knowledge in the service console with your Salesforce
cases and other objects. Your team can search for and attach articles, or follow and unfollow
articles. In cases, agents can see suggested articles for a case as they view it, or they can search
in the component to find more articles.
Share Article URLs in Channels
Insert links to articles from a Salesforce or Experience Cloud site into the case feed. In Lightning Experience, you can share article
URLs in emails, social posts, and chat and messaging conversations. In Salesforce Classic, you can send article URLs in the email,
social, and Experience Cloud publishers.
Share Articles in Channels in Lightning Knowledge
Share the contents of an article in an email, Social Post, Chat, or Messaging conversation. Close cases by inserting article summaries
or text snippets in case interactions across channels.
Share Article Contents in Case Publishers in Salesforce Classic
Insert the contents of an article into the case feed via the email, social, and Experience Cloud site publishers.

Service Cloud Use Salesforce Knowledge

Search for Knowledge Articles in Lightning Experience

In Lightning Experience, find Knowledge articles faster by performing a Knowledge search. You can
search for articles from the global search box at the top of every page or from the Knowledge
component for the Lightning Service Console. Available in: Lightning
Knowledge search is available in the global search box and the Knowledge component. You can Experience
refine your article search results using the advanced search for Knowledge. Advanced search lets
you prefilter your results by language, publishing status, validation status, record type, or data Salesforce Knowledge is
category group. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Note: If you configure search filters for Knowledge in Setup, the advanced search filters for Service Cloud.
Knowledge in global search don’t change. Salesforce Knowledge is
1. Select Knowledge in the dropdown list next to the global search box. You can also type available for an additional
knowledge at the top of the dropdown list, then select Knowledge. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
2. Optionally, click Advanced Search at the bottom of the results list. If Einstein Search is enabled,
and Developer Editions. For
select Filters next to the search box to access the Advanced Search page. From the Advanced
more information, contact
Search page, select from the available filters to see more relevant search results. your Salesforce
3. Enter your search terms, up to 100 characters. If you enter more than 100 characters, the search representative.
uses only the first 100 characters.
4. To run the search, press Enter.
You can also search for articles using the Knowledge component for the Lightning Service Console. Advanced Search for prefiltering
searches is also available with the Knowledge component.

Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab


To view articles: Read on the article type Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
To create articles: Manage Articles orgs) and Lightning
AND Experience

Read and Create on the article type Salesforce Knowledge is

To edit draft articles: Manage Articles available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
AND Service Cloud.
Read and Edit on the article type Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
To edit published or archived articles: Manage Articles cost in: Professional,
AND Enterprise, Performance,
Create, Read, and Edit on the article type and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
To delete a draft, published, or archived Manage Articles your Salesforce
article: representative.
Read, Edit, and Delete on the article type

To create and edit external data sources: Customize Application

Service Cloud Use Salesforce Knowledge

Use a single search to find all your resources at once.

1. Enter your search terms in the Search box.
You can use search wildcards and operators in your search terms. If your organization has any auto-complete options enabled, you
can select from the suggestions.

Note: In the auto-complete drop-down, article titles have a paper icon while the keywords have a magnifying glass icon.

2. Click the search icon or press Enter on your keyboard.

3. Optionally, select filters to refine your search results.
Depending on the source you are searching, filter by language, data category, article status, article type, and article validation. Click
Reset to return all filters to their default setting.
• When All is selected, you can filter by language and data category, depending on what your organization supports.
• When Articles or My Draft is selected you can filter by:
– Article status: Published, Draft, and Draft Translations
– Language: Values depend on those supported in your org
– Data categories: Values depend on those created in your org
– Article type: Values depend on those created in your org
– Validation Status: No Filter (all articles), Not Validated (articles that are not validated), Validated (validated articles), and any
other values supported in your org such as in review

• When an external source is selected, there are no filters, and the general article information displayed is controlled by your
external object search layout.

4. For articles, you can sort by:

• Published Date
• Best Rating
• Most Viewed
• Title: A to Z
• Title: Z to A

5. View information by clicking the article or external source title. Below the title you can find general article information such as: new
article indication, article number, article type, validation status, last published date, article view comparison, and article rating
6. Use the drop down by each article to follow or unfollow, edit, publish, and delete an article, depending on your permissions.

Promote Articles in Search Results
Article Search Results
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Use Salesforce Knowledge

List View Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Lightning Knowledge uses the same list views as other objects in Salesforce. Learn how an article's
publication status and some user permissions affect list views for Knowledge.
• List views for published, archived, and draft articles are created by default when you enable Available in: Lightning
Lightning Knowledge. Experience
• If a list has no filter, all draft, published, and archived articles and all translations for an article
Salesforce Knowledge is
are returned. An exception to this is in the Article Management tab in Salesforce Classic, where
available in Essentials and
list views with no filter return articles in the user’s language.
Unlimited Editions with
• User permissions control access to draft and archived articles. If you share a list view with Service Cloud.
published and draft or archived articles, users with different permissions can see different results.
Salesforce Knowledge is
For example, a list view of draft and published articles shows only the published articles to a
available for an additional
user without View Draft Articles permission. cost in: Professional,
• When you select Archived in the publication status, only the last version of archived articles are Enterprise, Performance,
returned. Previous versions of published articles don't appear. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Lightning Knowledge Home and Record Pages
Salesforce Help: Create or Clone a List View in Lightning Experience
Lightning Knowledge User Access

Use the Lightning Knowledge Component

The Knowledge component keeps your team connected to your knowledge base everywhere in
Salesforce. Your teams and support agents can use Knowledge in the service console with cases
and other objects. Your team can search for and attach articles, or follow and unfollow articles. In Available in: Lightning
cases, agents can see suggested articles for a case as they view it, or they can search in the Experience
component to find more articles.
The Knowledge component is automatically added to your sample Lightning Service Console. You Salesforce Knowledge is
can add the Knowledge component to a custom Lightning console app. Add the Knowledge available in Essentials and
component to your console's Lightning pages using the Lightning App Builder. Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Tip: The Knowledge component isn’t limited to the console—you can add it to apps with Salesforce Knowledge is
standard navigation, too. Add the Knowledge component to a record's page using the available for an additional
Lightning App Builder. cost in: Professional,
The Knowledge component helps agents quickly find relevant Knowledge articles for their cases. Enterprise, Performance,
It also helps perform some basic actions, such as attaching an article to a case. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
Article Suggestions your Salesforce
Suggest relevant articles to agents right in the Knowledge component. Choose between two representative.
article suggestion tools:
• Suggested Articles uses keyword-based search to find relevant articles. It’s automatically
enabled when Lightning Knowledge is enabled.
• Einstein Article Recommendations analyzes past cases and case-article attaches to find relevant articles. It relies on artificial
intelligence (AI) features like term overlap, and continually refines its recommendations based on agent feedback and new case
data. Once it’s activated, all Lightning Knowledge users see article recommendations.

Service Cloud Use Salesforce Knowledge

Suggested articles are delivered right to the Knowledge component, so agents can find relevant articles without running a search.
Suggested articles are automatically enabled when Lightning Knowledge is enabled. To show intelligent article suggestions based
on historical case and article data, turn on Einstein Article Recommendations
Search and Sort Your Results
Use the search box in the component to perform a Knowledge search. You also can use Advanced Search for pre-filtering to narrow
the search results you see.
To sort your search results, click the sort icon and select a sort option from the list. You can sort your search results by relevance,
publish date (for published articles), last modified date (for article drafts), A to Z, and Z to A. Sorting doesn’t apply to suggested
By default, articles are sorted by relevance. If you go back to suggested articles or go to a new case, the sort order is reset to relevance.
Attach and Remove Articles in the Knowledge Component
Agents can attach Knowledge articles to cases and remove articles from cases using the dropdown next to any article.
Follow and Unfollow with the Knowledge Component
Agents can follow and unfollow an article from the component using the dropdown next to the article. Following articles helps
agents save articles that they want to read later.
Administrators, agents, and internal employees with read access to Knowledge can follow articles, and they can follow articles in
any state, such as published or draft. To let Knowledge users follow and unfollow articles, enable feed tracking in Setup > Chatter >
Feed Tracking.
Share Articles in Case Emails and Other Channels
Help customers by inserting article text into emails, social posts, and conversations. Or, insert article links from your Salesforce Sites
and Experience Cloud sites.

Set Up Knowledge Component Actions

Service Cloud Use Salesforce Knowledge

Share Article URLs in Channels

Insert links to articles from a Salesforce or Experience Cloud site into the case feed. In Lightning
Experience, you can share article URLs in emails, social posts, and chat and messaging conversations.
In Salesforce Classic, you can send article URLs in the email, social, and Experience Cloud publishers. Available in: Salesforce
To share Salesforce or Experience Cloud site URLs for articles in the case feed, the Knowledge Classic (not available in all
component must be in your Lightning page or, in Salesforce Classic, in the Service Console. You orgs) and Lightning
must also have either a Salesforce Site or an Experience Cloud site configured. Experience

Your org must have the relevant channel configured, such as email, social, or chat. Salesforce Knowledge is
1. From the Knowledge component or articles related list, select one of these actions: available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
a. To insert URLs in Salesforce Classic, select Attach and share article or Share article for
Service Cloud.
the Salesforce or Experience Cloud site you want. Email is the default action, but you can
switch to the social or Experience Cloud action in the case feed before inserting the URL. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
b. To insert URLs in emails Lightning Experience, select Insert URL into Email and then cost in: Professional,
choose the Salesforce or Experience Cloud site. Enterprise, Performance,
c. To insert URLs in chat and messaging conversations in Lightning Experience, select Insert and Developer Editions. For
URL into Conversation and then choose the Salesforce or Experience Cloud site. more information, contact
your Salesforce
d. To insert URLs into social feeds in Lightning Experience, select Insert URL into Social Post
and then choose the Salesforce or Experience Cloud site.
The article link is inserted at the cursor position.
2. Click Insert URL.
To share article links in the
Keep these considerations in mind:
case feed:
• Articles must be published. These actions aren’t available for draft and archived articles. • Edit on Case
• Articles must be shared publicly, meaning they are visible in the Public Knowledge Base, or to AND
customers or partners. Read on Knowledge
• You can post an article link from any Salesforce or Experience Cloud site in the selected list,
even if the article isn’t visible in the Salesforce or Experience Cloud site or if the customer doesn’t
have access. The agent must confirm that the article is available in the Salesforce or Experience Cloud site before sharing it with the
• If the article wasn’t attached to the case previously, using these actions adds it to the related list.

Service Cloud Use Salesforce Knowledge

Share Articles in Channels in Lightning Knowledge

Share the contents of an article in an email, Social Post, Chat, or Messaging conversation. Close
cases by inserting article summaries or text snippets in case interactions across channels.
To share article contents in channels, you must have the Knowledge component available in your Available in: Lightning
Lightning page. Experience and all editions
with Knowledge except
Your org must have the relevant channels set up, such as email, social, or chat, in the case feed.
You can’t change channels on an article translation and then publish the article. Doing so generates
an error. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
When you change channels on an article, make sure that the channels on the article’s translations
Unlimited Edition with
match the new channels. Also, publish translations before you publish the master language version.
Service Cloud.
1. From the Knowledge component or articles related list, select one of these actions:
Salesforce Knowledge is
a. To insert the article to social media, click Insert Article into Social Post. available for an additional
The case origin must be a social post to use this action. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
b. To insert the article in an email, click Insert Article into Email. and Developer Editions. For
c. To insert the article to a Chat or Messaging conversation, click Insert Article into more information, contact
Conversation. your Salesforce
2. Click Insert.
For Email and Social Post, if an article wasn't attached to a case, these actions add it to the case’s USER PERMISSIONS
related list. The article contents are inserted at the cursor position. You can also use Insert Action
on the Social Post record home to attach an article to the Social Post record (not the case record). To share article contents in
the case feed:
However, for Chat and Messaging, the article is not attached to the case, even if the article was • Edit on cases
created from a case.
Read on knowledge

To share internal articles in

the case feed:
• Allow user to share
internal knowledge
articles externally

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Share Article Contents in Case Publishers in Salesforce Classic

Insert the contents of an article into the case feed via the email, social, and Experience Cloud site
The Knowledge component must be available in your Service Console. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. From the Knowledge component or articles related list, select Attach and share article.
If the article is attached to the case, the action is Share article. Using this action adds it to the
article related list. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
2. Click Share.
Edition with Service Cloud.
Email is the default action, but you can switch to the Social or Experience Cloud site action in
Salesforce Knowledge is
the case feed before inserting the article.
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce


To share article contents in

the case feed:
• Edit on Case
Read on Knowledge

To share internal articles:

• Allow user to share
internal knowledge
articles externally

Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Create and manage your company information and securely share it when and where it’s needed. Learn how to draft, publish, translate,
and manage Knowledge articles.

Authoring Actions in Lightning Knowledge
Use authoring actions like edit, publish, and restore to manage articles from the Knowledge home and article record pages.
Administrators, agents, and internal employees with the correct profile permissions can perform the actions.
Work with Articles and Translations
The Article Management tab is your home page for working with articles throughout the publishing cycle as they are created,
assigned to collaborators, translated, published, archived, and deleted.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Rich Text Fields in Knowledge Articles

Use a range of formatting options when you create article content in custom rich text fields. Rich text fields in Knowledge use a
different editor than other custom objects. The CKEditor for Knowledge articles is packed with extra features and works differently
than other rich text fields. Some features are available only in Lightning Experience.
Create and Link to Anchors
You can create anchors within rich text fields so that you can link from one place in an article to another. First create the anchor,
then select the anchor with the link tool.
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles
Link between articles or embed links to articles in external websites and resources. With smart links, your users always get to the
right version because the links are automatically updated based on the article channel, version, and URL name.
Salesforce Knowledge Article Versions
Article versions allow you to save an older version of a published article and then see which version of the article is associated with
a case. To save the previous version, select the Flag as new version checkbox when publishing a new version. The previously
published version is saved and the new version is published with the next sequential version number as an identifier.

Authoring Actions in Lightning Knowledge

Use authoring actions like edit, publish, and restore to manage articles from the Knowledge home
and article record pages. Administrators, agents, and internal employees with the correct profile
permissions can perform the actions. Available in: Lightning
Authoring actions appear in Knowledge home and in record pages. Administrators, agents, and Experience
internal employees with the correct profile permissions can perform these actions.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Actions in Knowledge Home Unlimited Editions with
In Knowledge list views, including Knowledge home, you can quickly perform record actions that Service Cloud.
affect one or multiple records. In Knowledge home, actions appear if the user has the permission Salesforce Knowledge is
to use them. Use bulk actions (1) to quickly update multiple records at once. Use the dropdown available for an additional
next to each article (2) to choose record-level actions. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Actions in Record Pages

For article record pages, you can control which authoring actions are available with page layouts and user permissions. The actions that
appear also depend on the article’s publishing status.
You add authoring actions in the page layout editor.

When Are Lightning Authoring Actions Available?
In Lightning Knowledge page layouts, actions are shown or hidden based on the article’s publication status. In Knowledge home,
bulk actions appear on all list views for users with the appropriate permission.

Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
Lightning Knowledge Home and Record Pages

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

When Are Lightning Authoring Actions Available?

In Lightning Knowledge page layouts, actions are shown or hidden based on the article’s publication
status. In Knowledge home, bulk actions appear on all list views for users with the appropriate
permission. Available in: Lightning
An article's publication status, along with user permissions, determines the availability of knowledge Experience
Salesforce Knowledge is
Action Description Record Status available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
New Create an article. Knowledge home only Service Cloud.

Edit Edit a draft article. Draft Salesforce Knowledge is

available for an additional
Edit as Draft Create a draft from a published Published cost in: Professional,
article. If a draft exists, you don’t Enterprise, Performance,
see this button. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
Assign Change the Assigned To field Draft your Salesforce
for an article or translation. representative.
Publish Publish a draft article. When Draft
you publish a master-language
article, any translations in the
publication queue are also

Delete Draft Permanently delete drafts of Draft

master-language or translated
articles. You can’t recover
deleted drafts.

Delete Article Delete an archived article. Archived

Change Owner Set the article version's owner. Draft

The owner can be a user or a
queue. Owners must have
permission to read articles.

Change Record Type Assign a new record type. This Draft

action can affect the page
layout and available fields.

Archive Archive a published article. Published

Archive translations by
archiving the master-language

Restore Restore a draft from an Archived

archived article. You can restore
the latest version of an archived
article. You can also restore
past versions of published
articles from the record page

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Action Description Record Status

while viewing the version you want to

Submit for Approval Send the article for approval and assign an Draft
approver. Approvals must be enabled.

Submit for Translation Submit the article to the translation queue Draft, Published
or assign to a user. Multiple languages must
be enabled.

These bulk actions are available in Knowledge home:

• Assign
• Archive
• Delete Draft
• Delete Article
• Publish
• Restore
• Submit for Translation

Lightning Knowledge User Access
Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Work with Articles and Translations

The Article Management tab is your home page for working with articles throughout the publishing
cycle as they are created, assigned to collaborators, translated, published, archived, and deleted.
Agent’s need the correct permissions on an article's article type and article actions to complete Available in: Salesforce
some tasks. For more information see, Assign Article Actions to Public Groups. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
To specify which articles appear in the list view, use the following options in the sidebar:
• In the View area, select Draft Articles, Published Articles, or Archived Articles. You can filter draft
articles by those assigned to you or those assigned to anyone (all draft articles for your Salesforce Knowledge is
organization). available in Essentials and
• If applicable, click the Translations tab in the View area, and select Draft Translations or Published Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Translations. You can filter draft translations by those assigned to you, those assigned to a
translation queue, or those assigned to anyone (all draft translations in your organization). Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
• To refine the current view, first select an article language filter and then enter a keyword or
cost in: Professional,
phrase in the Find in View field. The Find in View field is inactivated for archived
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
• In the Filter area, choose a category from a drop-down menu to filter the current view. more information, contact
To modify which columns display, click Columns. The following columns are available depending your Salesforce
on what is selected in the view area: representative.

Column Description View USER PERMISSIONS

Action Displays the actions available All articles and translations To create, edit, or delete
for the article or translation. articles:
All User Ratings Average ratings from users of Published and archived articles • Manage Articles
your internal Salesforce and published translations AND
organization, Customer Portal, Create, Read, Edit, or
partner portal, and your public Delete on the article type
knowledge base.
To publish or archive
Archived Date Date the article was archived. Archived articles articles:
• Manage Articles
Article Number Unique number automatically All articles and translations
assigned to the article.
Create, Read, Edit, and
Article Title Click to view the article. All articles Delete on the article type

Assigned to The user who is assigned work Draft articles and translations To submit articles for
on the article. translation:
• Manage Articles
Assignment Details Instructions for the assignment. Draft articles and translations
Assignment Due Date Date to complete work on the Draft articles and translations Create, Read, and Edit
article. If the date has passed, it on the article type
displays in red.
To submit articles for
Created Date Date the article was written. Draft articles and translations approval:
• Permissions vary
Customer Ratings Average ratings from users on Published and archived articles depending on the
the Customer Portal and the and published translations approval process
public knowledge base. settings

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Column Description View

Language The language an article is translated into. Draft and published translations

Last Action The date and type of the last action taken Draft and published translations
on a translation.

Last Modified by Last person to update the article. Draft articles and translations

Last Modified Date Last date the article was edited. All articles and translations

Most Viewed by all Users Average views from users of your internal Published and archived articles and
Salesforce organization, Customer Portal, published translations
partner portal, and your public knowledge

Most Viewed by Customers Average views from users on the Customer Published and archived articles and
Portal and the public knowledge base. published translations

Most Viewed by Partners Average views from users on the partner Published and archived articles and
portal and the public knowledge base. published translations

Partner Ratings Average ratings from users of your partner Published and archived articles and
portal and public knowledge base. published translations

Published Date Date the article was published. Published articles and translations

Source Article The original article before translation. Click Draft and published translations
the article title to view the article.

Translated Article The title of the translated article. Click the Draft and published translations
translation title to edit the translation.

Translation Status Status in the translation cycle. Hover over Articles submitted for translation
the icon to view the status for each
translation. If a translation has been
published, there are separate tabs for draft
and published translations.

Type The article's type, such as FAQ or Product All articles

Description, that determines what
information the article contains.

Validation Status Shows whether the content of the article All articles and translations, when enabled
has been validated.

Version The article’s version. Hover over the version All articles
number to view details about other versions
of the article.

On the Article Management tab, you can:

• Find an article or translation by entering a search term or using the category drop-down menu.
• Create an article by clicking New.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

• Publish an article or translation by selecting it and clicking Publish.... If you have the “Publish Articles” article action and an approval
process is set up for an article, you see both Publish... and Submit for Approval buttons.
• Modify an article or translation by clicking Edit next to it.
• See how an article or translation appears for end users by clicking Preview next to it. From the Channel drop-down menu you
can choose any channel where an article is visible except the public knowledge base.

Note: Voting and Chatter information is not available when previewing a Knowledge article.

• See a list of an article’s or translation’s other versions by clicking its version number.
• Change the owner of an article or translation by selecting it and clicking Assign....

Note: All draft articles must have an assignee.

• Send an article or translation to the Recycle Bin by selecting it and clicking Delete.
• Archive a published article or translation by selecting it and clicking Archive....
• Submit articles for translation by selecting them and clicking Submit for Translation. You can set dues dates for each language
and assign it to another agent or a queue for export to a translation vendor.
• Go directly to the Setup pages for exporting and importing articles for translation with Export Articles for Translation and Import
Article Translations in the Related Links area.

Create and Edit Articles
You can create or edit an article from the Knowledge tab or Article Management tab. If you’re creating an article, you may need to
select the article type and language. If you’re editing a published article or translation, choose whether to leave it published while
you work on a draft copy, or whether to remove the original article from publication and work on it directly. If you work on a copy,
publishing the copy replaces the last published version of the article. If you work on the original article, it is unavailable in the channels
until you republish it.
Publish Articles and Translations
Publishing articles and translations makes them visible in all channels selected. If you publish an article that has translations, all
translations of the article are published as well.
Translate Articles in Lightning Knowledge
If your organization supports a multilingual knowledge base, give agents and authors access to translated articles. Add authoring
actions to user profiles so your agents can access master language versions and translation drafts.
Translate Articles in Salesforce Classic
If your organization translates Classic Knowledge articles internally, you can enter the translation from the translation detail page.
Archive Articles and Translations
Archiving removes published articles and translations that are obsolete so they no longer display to agents and customers on your
organization's Salesforce Knowledge channels.
Delete Articles and Translations
You can delete articles and translations on the Article Management tab or the detail page of the article or translation. Deleting
permanently removes articles from the knowledge base. You can delete draft articles, draft translations of articles, or archived articles,
but not published articles or translations.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Compare Versions of an Article

View what's changed between two versions of an article. Content that is added, deleted, or changed is highlighted side by side in
the Article Version Comparison component.

Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab
Create and Edit Articles
Publish Articles and Translations
Translate Articles in Salesforce Classic
Archive Articles and Translations
Salesforce Knowledge Article Versions
Delete Articles and Translations
Articles or Knowledge Tab
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Create and Edit Articles

You can create or edit an article from the Knowledge tab or Article Management tab. If you’re
creating an article, you may need to select the article type and language. If you’re editing a published
article or translation, choose whether to leave it published while you work on a draft copy, or Available in: Salesforce
whether to remove the original article from publication and work on it directly. If you work on a Classic (not available in all
copy, publishing the copy replaces the last published version of the article. If you work on the orgs) and Lightning
original article, it is unavailable in the channels until you republish it. Experience
Note: When applying categories, choose the categories that a user would naturally look for
Salesforce Knowledge is
as they navigate. Users only find an article if they select its explicitly applied category, the
available in Essentials and
parent of that category, or a child of that category. Unlimited Editions with
Since the Summer '20 release, standard Salesforce sharing for Lightning Knowledge is available. Service Cloud.
Switching to standard sharing changes how you work with data categories and how users Salesforce Knowledge is
can access Knowledge articles. See Sharing Considerations for Lightning Knowledge for available for an additional
more about sharing for Lightning Knowledge. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Once your article is complete, you can assign it to another agent to edit or review the article, publish and Developer Editions. For
the article directly, or submit the article for approval. If you have the “Publish Articles” article action more information, contact
and an approval process is set up for an article, you'll see both Publish... and Submit for Approval your Salesforce
buttons.. representative.

Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Publish Articles and Translations

Publishing articles and translations makes them visible in all channels selected. If you publish an
article that has translations, all translations of the article are published as well.
You can publish an article or translation from the Article Management tab or the article’s or Available in: Salesforce
translation’s detail page. To publish in Classic Knowledge, you need the publish permission on an Classic (not available in all
article's article type and the “Publish Articles” or “Publish Translated Articles” article action to publish orgs) and Lightning
an article or translation. To publish in Lightning Knowledge, you need the associated User Profile Experience
Salesforce Knowledge is
When publishing articles keep the following in mind. available in Essentials and
• You can choose to publish directly or schedule publishing for a future date. Articles you Unlimited Editions with
scheduled for publication later continue to appear in the Draft Articles filter, now with the Service Cloud.
pending icon ( ) next to the article title. To see the publication date, hover over the icon. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
Tip: To cancel a scheduled publication, click Cancel Publication on the article or
cost in: Professional,
translation detail or edit page.
Enterprise, Performance,
• An article in an approval process might be sent to a queue to be published even if it is scheduled and Developer Editions. For
to publish immediately. This happens when the article is very large, there are many active more information, contact
languages, or there are many other articles to publish at that time. To mitigate performance your Salesforce
issues, the article is sent to a queue until it can be published successfully, usually within minutes.
Also, note that the Last Modified By field shows Automated Process as the last user
to modify the article.
• If the draft being published is a working copy of a currently published article, it is published as a new version of the original.
• For articles and translations that have already been published, select the Flag as new version checkbox to make the new
article icon ( ) display next to your article in the selected channels. Readers from these channels can see that this article has been
modified since the last time they’ve read it. This checkbox is not available when you publish an article for the first time, as the icon
displays by default for new articles.
• If you assign an article that is scheduled for publication, you also cancel the scheduled publication.
• Scheduling a publication removes any assignment information. The user who scheduled the publication is assigned to the article.
• Conflicts might occur when different agents perform actions on the same articles simultaneously. Depending on who performs the
action first, the articles will not be available for subsequent users though the articles still display momentarily in the articles list.
Performing an action on these articles results in a conflict error.
• If you have the “Publish Articles” article action and an approval process is set up for an article, you see both Publish... and Submit
for Approval buttons.

Table 31: Publishing Actions Available in Translated Articles

Action Translated Article Version Where Action is Exposed
Assign Draft Master, Draft Translation

Submit for Translation Draft Master, Published Master

Publish Draft Master, Draft Translation

Archive Published Master

Edit Draft Master, Draft Translation

Edit as Draft Published Master

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Action Translated Article Version Where Action is Exposed

Delete Draft Master, Draft Translation

Change Record Type Draft Master

Submit for Approval Draft Master

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Translate Articles in Lightning Knowledge

If your organization supports a multilingual knowledge base, give agents and authors access to
translated articles. Add authoring actions to user profiles so your agents can access master language
versions and translation drafts. Available in: Lightning
Depending on the status of your translation, and the authoring actions assigned to your user profile, Experience
you can do the following from the translation detail page.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Action Description Article Status available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Archive Archiving removes published To archive a translation, archive Service Cloud.
translations that are obsolete its master article.
Salesforce Knowledge is
so they no longer display to available for an additional
agents and customers on your cost in: Professional,
organization's Salesforce Enterprise, Performance,
Knowledge channels. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
Assign... Assigns changes to the owner Draft translations
your Salesforce
of the translation
Delete Deleting a translation Draft translations
permanently removes it from
the knowledge base.
To work with translated
Note: You can't articles:
undelete a draft • Manage Articles
Edit Editing modifies the Draft and published Create, Read, Edit,
translation's content or translations Delete, or Article
properties. Translation-Submit for
Translation (depending
Preview Previewing shows how the Draft and published on the actions assigned
translation appears to end translations to the user profile)

Note: Voting and

Chatter information is
not available when

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Action Description Article Status

previewing a Knowledge article.

Publish... Publishing translations makes them visible Draft translations

in all channels selected.

Submit for Translation Creates translation drafts for the current

Master Language Version

You can’t change channels on an article translation and then publish the article. Doing so generates an error.
When you change channels on an article, make sure that the channels on the article’s translations match the new channels. Also, publish
translations before you publish the master language version.
To add authoring actions to a page layout created specifically for translations:
1. Click the Object Manager tab and select the Knowledge object.
2. Select a page layout from the Page Layout list. For example, a page layout that has already been created for translated articles.
3. From Mobile and Lightning Actions, drag Publish, Edit, Delete, Assign, and Submit for Translation actions onto the page.
4. Save your changes.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Translate Articles in Salesforce Classic

If your organization translates Classic Knowledge articles internally, you can enter the translation
from the translation detail page.
Depending on the status of your translation and the article actions assigned to you, you can do the Available in: Salesforce
following from the translation detail page. Classic (not available in all
Action Description Article Status
Salesforce Knowledge is
Archive Archiving removes published To archive a translation, archive available in the Unlimited
translations that are obsolete its master article. Edition with Service Cloud.
so they no longer display to
Salesforce Knowledge is
agents and customers on your available for an additional
organization's Salesforce cost in: Professional,
Knowledge channels. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
Assign... Assigning changes the owner Draft translations
more information, contact
of the translation.
your Salesforce
Delete Deleting a translation Draft translations representative.
permanently removes it from
the knowledge base.
Note: You can't
To work with translated
undelete a draft articles:
translation. • Manage Articles

Edit Editing modifies the Draft and published AND

translation's content or translations Create, Read, Edit, or
properties. Delete on the article type
(depending on the
Preview Previewing shows how the Draft and published action)
translation appears to end translations

Note: Voting and

Chatter information is
not available when
previewing a
Knowledge article.

Publish... Publishing translations makes Draft translations

them visible in all channels

You can’t change channels on an article translation and then publish the article. Doing so generates an error.
When you change channels on an article, make sure that the channels on the article’s translations match the new channels. Also, publish
translations before you publish the master language version.
1. Click the Article Management tab and select Translations in the View area.
2. Select Draft Translations.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Note: You can also edit a published translation. It reverts to draft status until you republish it, although you can choose to
keep the existing version published while you update it.

3. Optionally, change the Assigned To filter to view articles that are not assigned to you for translation.
For example, you might want to view articles assigned to a translation queue.

4. Click Edit next to the article and language you want to translate.
5. Enter your translation.
6. Click Save.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Archive Articles and Translations

Archiving removes published articles and translations that are obsolete so they no longer display
to agents and customers on your organization's Salesforce Knowledge channels.
You can archive published articles and translations on the Article Management tab. You can choose Available in: Salesforce
to archive either real time (now) or schedule the archival. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Articles you're archiving now move directly to the Archived Articles view. Articles you scheduled
for archiving later continue to display on the Published Articles view, now with the pending icon
( ). Hover over the icon to see the archive date. On the archive date, the article automatically Salesforce Knowledge is
moves to the Archived Articles view. available in Essentials and
Note: Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
• Conflicts might occur when different agents perform actions on the same articles
Salesforce Knowledge is
simultaneously. Depending on who performs the action first, the articles will not be
available for an additional
available for subsequent users though the articles still display momentarily in the articles
cost in: Professional,
list. Performing an action on these articles results in a conflict error.
Enterprise, Performance,
• If you edit a published article that is scheduled for archiving, you also cancel the archiving. and Developer Editions. For
• If an article has a published translation with a draft version, on archive, the draft version more information, contact
is deleted. Published translations are archived along with the article. your Salesforce
Tip: To cancel a scheduled archive, click Cancel Archive on the article detail page.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Delete Articles and Translations

You can delete articles and translations on the Article Management tab or the detail page of the
article or translation. Deleting permanently removes articles from the knowledge base. You can
delete draft articles, draft translations of articles, or archived articles, but not published articles or Available in: Salesforce
translations. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• To delete published article and translations, first remove them from publication by
choosing edit or archive. Salesforce Knowledge is
• When a user without delete access cancels the editing on published article, the newly available in Essentials and
created article draft is not deleted automatically. Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Deleting articles moves them to the Recycle Bin, where you can restore them if you change your Salesforce Knowledge is
mind. If you delete an article with translations, the translations are also moved to the Recycle Bin. available for an additional
However, if you delete a single translation, you can't restore it. Deleting an article or translation may cost in: Professional,
fail if another user or the system simultaneously modifies it while the deletion is being processed. Enterprise, Performance,
You receive an error message when this occurs. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
• Conflicts might occur when different agents perform actions on the same articles representative.
simultaneously. Depending on who performs the action first, the articles will not be
available for subsequent users though the articles still display momentarily in the articles
list. Performing an action on these articles results in a conflict error.
• If you delete a draft article that is a working copy of a currently published article, the
original published version is not affected but the draft version is permanently removed.
It does not go to the Recycle Bin. You can edit the published version to work again on a
draft copy.
• In Salesforce Classic, when a user without delete access cancels editing a published article,
the newly created article draft isn’t deleted automatically. In Lightning Experience, when
you edit a published article by clicking Edit as Draft and then click Cancel, the article
draft isn’t deleted automatically.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Compare Versions of an Article

View what's changed between two versions of an article. Content that is added, deleted, or changed
is highlighted side by side in the Article Version Comparison component.
Article Version Comparison is a component you can add to your Lightning pages. We recommend Available in: Lightning
creating a tab in your layout for this tool so it’s available for your team when they need it. Experience

Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce

For the best experience, view an older version and then choose a newer version to compare. Content that's new in the compared version
is green and underlined. Content deleted from the current version appears in red strikethrough text.

Keep these considerations in mind when you compare articles.
• The HTML tags show because source code is used in the comparison. By comparing the HTML source, you can see differences in
formatting and image or video links, indicating content that changed.
• Articles are compared character by character. For instance, “Online” and “Archived” share an ‘i’ and ‘e’.

• You can use the Article Comparison component only for versions with the same record type and language.
• In Lookup fields, the linked record’s 18-character ID appears, such as the ID to identify users in Modified By and Created By fields.
• If another version is modified, created, or deleted while you view an article, it doesn't appear in the version dropdown. You can
refresh the page to see the latest list of article versions.
• Comparing articles isn’t supported in Microsoft IE11 or the Microsoft Edge browser.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Rich Text Fields in Knowledge Articles

Use a range of formatting options when you create article content in custom rich text fields. Rich
text fields in Knowledge use a different editor than other custom objects. The CKEditor for Knowledge
articles is packed with extra features and works differently than other rich text fields. Some features Available in: Salesforce
are available only in Lightning Experience. Classic (not available in all
Knowledge article rich text area fields offer these extra functions in addition to the standard functions orgs) and Lightning
like lists, fonts, and formatting. Experience

• Toggle to source view—edit HTML for complete control of your content Salesforce Knowledge is
• Use smart links and anchors—link to the latest version of other Knowledge articles, or create available in Essentials and
anchors within an article Unlimited Editions with
• Embed multimedia content Service Cloud.

• Use HTML tables Salesforce Knowledge is

available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Considerations for Rich Text Fields in Knowledge Enterprise, Performance,
When you paste content from a web page or another source into the editor, or if you edit the source and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
HTML directly, unsupported tags are removed when you save the article. You don't receive a warning
your Salesforce
when code is removed. Lightning Knowledge supports more styles than Salesforce Classic. For
example, when you use the style attribute in Lightning Experience, only the following attributes
are removed: background-image, position, and z-index.
Your Salesforce admin can choose whether rich text fields load automatically when users edit an article. To load the rich text editor
automatically, go to Setup > Knowledge Settings and enable Automatically load rich text editor.
Some types of content are removed when rich text fields are used with other features, like when you share Knowledge articles in
communication channels. For example, emails don't support embedded videos and conversations via chat, social posts, and messaging
support only plain text.
Table properties like cell width or row height can prevent users from seeing the contents in table cells. For example, images that are too
wide for the table aren't shown. You can adjust the table properties until the content appears, such as by setting the width to 100%
instead of a fixed value or reducing the image size.
The rich text editor loads in an iframe. To load the editor correctly in an iframe, your browser must use appropriate security settings.

Rich Text Editor
Editing Rich Text Area Fields in Records
Rich Text Area Field Limitations
Set Up Actions to Insert Articles into Channels in Lightning Knowledge

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Create and Link to Anchors

You can create anchors within rich text fields so that you can link from one place in an article to
another. First create the anchor, then select the anchor with the link tool.
You have a rich text field in the article layout. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. Create an anchor.
orgs) and Lightning
a. Place your cursor where you want to create the anchor. Experience
b. Click the anchor icon .
Salesforce Knowledge is
c. Enter a name. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
d. Click Save.
Service Cloud.
2. Insert a link to the anchor. Salesforce Knowledge is
a. With your cursor where you want to place the link, or with text highlighted, click the link available for an additional
icon . cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
b. From the Link Type dropdown, choose Link to anchor in the text. and Developer Editions. For
c. From the dropdown, choose the anchor you created. more information, contact
your Salesforce
d. Click Save. representative.
3. Save your changes.

To edit articles:
• Allow View Knowledge
AND View Draft Articles
Create and read on

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles

Link between articles or embed links to articles in external websites and resources. With smart links,
your users always get to the right version because the links are automatically updated based on
the article channel, version, and URL name. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
IN THIS SECTION: orgs) and Lightning
Insert Smart Links into Articles
Smart links go to the right article and version, even when a new version is published or the URL Salesforce Knowledge is
name changes. You create smart links in your article’s rich text fields, so rich text fields must be available in Essentials and
enabled. Unlimited Editions with
Create Persistent Links to Lightning Knowledge Articles Service Cloud.
You can manually create a permanent link to a Lightning Knowledge article. The link, called a Salesforce Knowledge is
permanent or static link, points to the latest version of an article in the user’s preferred language. available for an additional
You can embed an article link in external sites and documents to provide your users with access cost in: Professional,
to the latest version. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
Create Smart Links with the Link Tool in Salesforce Classic more information, contact
Add a smart link from one Salesforce Knowledge article to another by manually entering the your Salesforce
article URL in the rich text editor. representative.


Create and Edit Articles
To create articles:
• Manage Articles
Read and Create on the
article type

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Insert Smart Links into Articles

Smart links go to the right article and version, even when a new version is published or the URL
name changes. You create smart links in your article’s rich text fields, so rich text fields must be
enabled. Available in: Salesforce
1. Edit an article. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
In the rich text editor toolbar, click the Smart Link icon .
3. Optional: Choose the publication status and, if your knowledge base has multiple languages, Salesforce Knowledge is
choose the language. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
4. In the Link to Article list, select an article.
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce


To create articles:
• Manage Articles
Read and Create in the
user profile

5. Optional: To specify how the smart link opens in public sites and Salesforce Classic, select the target from the dropdown.
6. Optional: To specify how the link opens in Lightning Experience apps and consoles, select the Lightning target.
7. Click Insert Link.
Smart links use more characters than what is displayed in the editor. If you see an error that you have surpassed the character limit,
have your administrator increase the limit.

Target Behavior for Smart Links
You can specify how smart links open using the different types of target options. Understand the behavior of each option and how
smart links created in Salesforce Classic behave in Lightning Experience.
Smart Link Considerations
Keep these considerations in mind when you use smart links.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Target Behavior for Smart Links

You can specify how smart links open using the different types of target options. Understand the
behavior of each option and how smart links created in Salesforce Classic behave in Lightning
Experience. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Target Options orgs) and Lightning
The target corresponds to the link’s target attribute in the source HTML. This target determines
how links open in Salesforce Classic and outside Salesforce, like in your Salesforce and Experience Salesforce Knowledge is
Cloud sites. available in Essentials and
Not set Unlimited Editions with
If you don't choose a target, the system sets the attribute to _blank when you save the Service Cloud.
article. Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Opens the linked article in a designated frame
Enterprise, Performance,
New Window (_blank) and Developer Editions. For
Opens the linked article in a new window or tab. more information, contact
your Salesforce
Topmost Window (_top)
Opens the linked article in the full body of the window.
Same Window (_self)
Opens the linked article in the same frame.
Parent Window (_parent)
Opens the linked article in the parent frame.

Lightning Target Options

The Lightning target corresponds to the link's data-lightning-target attribute in the source HTML. This target determines
how links open in Lightning Experience apps and consoles.
Not set
When the Lightning target isn't set, the system uses the default behavior, _blank, which opens a new browser tab
Lightning App Default (_new)
Opens a new workspace tab or subtab in console apps, depending on the user's context. Opens a new browser tab in apps with
standard navigation.
Same Tab or Workspace (_self)
Opens a new workspace tab or subtab in console apps, depending on the user’s context. Opens in the same tab in apps with standard
New Browser Tab (_blank)
Opens a new browser tab.
New Workspace (_workspaceTab)
Opens a new workspace tab in console apps. Opens a new browser tab in apps with standard navigation.
New Subtab (_subtab)
Opens a new tab in console apps. Opens in the same tab in apps with standard navigation.

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

What Happens in Lightning When the Lightning Target Isn’t Set?

If the target attribute isn’t set, a smart link opened in Lightning opens in a new browser tab. The data-lightning-target
attribute is assumed to be _blank.
When target is specified but not the Lightning data-lightning-target, the system uses this default behavior for links
opened in Lightning Experience.
• If the target is set to _blank, the Lightning target uses the Lightning App Default (_new).
• If the target is _self, _top, or _parent, the Lightning target is Same Tab or Workspace (_self).
• If the target is a custom frame name, the Lightning target is New Browser Tab (_blank).

Smart Link Considerations

Keep these considerations in mind when you use smart links.
• Smart links use more characters than what is displayed in the editor. If you see an error that you
have surpassed the character limit, have your administrator increase the limit. Available in: Salesforce
• Smart links in Experience Cloud sites must use the Article Content component. Smart links don’t Classic (not available in all
resolve properly when using custom components. orgs) and Lightning
• If you don’t select a language, Salesforce returns articles in your org’s default language when
you search for an article to link. Salesforce Knowledge is
• For legacy Knowledge subscriptions, smart links are based on the channels they’re in. Therefore, available in Essentials and
legacy customers can’t add a smart link to an article in another channel. For example, an article Unlimited Editions with
on a public knowledge base can’t link to an article published only on internal channels. For new Service Cloud.
Knowledge customers, every article is part of an internal channel, so this qualification doesn’t Salesforce Knowledge is
apply. available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Create Persistent Links to Lightning Knowledge Articles

You can manually create a permanent link to a Lightning Knowledge article. The link, called a
permanent or static link, points to the latest version of an article in the user’s preferred language.
You can embed an article link in external sites and documents to provide your users with access to Available in: Lightning
the latest version. Experience
When publishing a link to a Knowledge article, it’s important that the link continues to work when
a new version of the article is created. To add a link to a Knowledge article within Salesforce, use Salesforce Knowledge is
Smart Links. When you want to publish a link in an external resource, use the format described here available in Essentials and
to create a static article link. A static link persists across versions and is based on the article’s URL Unlimited Editions with
name, your Salesforce domain, and a few other pieces of information. Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Warning: If you change the URL name in the article record, you must update any links using available for an additional
the original URL name. cost in: Professional,
1. Open a text file to construct the URL. Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
2. Open the article that you want to create a link for.
more information, contact
3. In the browser window with your article, copy your Salesforce domain from the address bar your Salesforce
into the text file. representative.
For example, in the URL

To view articles:
• Lightning Knowledge
Read on the Knowledge
Base object
Read on URL Name field,
the domain is
4. In the text file, append the path for the Lightning Knowledge article after your domain.
For example, after your domain string, add /lightning/articles/KnowledgeBaseName/, where the Knowledge base
name is the label for the object that contains your articles. By default, the label is Knowledge.
If your domain ends in .com, your URL now looks like this:

5. In the article record, locate the URL Name field, and copy the contents to the end of your new URL.

Note: The article URL is case-sensitive, so confirm that the /lightning/articles/KnowledgeBaseName/ portion
of the URL and the capitalization of your article’s URL name is correct.
The static URL looks something like this:
6. Optional: Specify the article’s language using the ISO code.
The format for adding the language parameter string is:

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

For example, if the URL name is shipping-faq and you want to link to the version in French, your static URL looks like this:
If the URL name is different for each language, use the version-specific name and don’t add the language code.

7. Add the static article URL to your external document or page.

Create Smart Links with the Link Tool in Salesforce Classic

Add a smart link from one Salesforce Knowledge article to another by manually entering the article
URL in the rich text editor.
1. Highlight the content or place your cursor where you want to add the link. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Click the link icon .
3. For Link Type, select URL. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
4. For Protocol, select <other>. Edition with Service Cloud.
5. Enter the article URL as /articles/[language]/[articleType]/[URLName]. Salesforce Knowledge is
For example, for an English article in a multiple language knowledge base, of article type FAQ, available for an additional
with a URL Name of About-Passwords the article URL is cost in: Professional,
/articles/en_US/FAQ/About-Passwords. Add a language only if your Salesforce Enterprise, Performance,
Knowledge base supports multiple languages. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
6. Optionally, on the Target tab, select where the referenced article displays. your Salesforce
7. Click OK. representative.

Smart links use more characters than what is displayed in the editor. If you see an error that you
have surpassed the character limit, have your administrator increase the limit. USER PERMISSIONS

To create articles:
• Manage Articles
Read and Create on the
article type

Service Cloud Manage Articles and Content with Salesforce Knowledge

Salesforce Knowledge Article Versions

Article versions allow you to save an older version of a published article and then see which version
of the article is associated with a case. To save the previous version, select the Flag as new
version checkbox when publishing a new version. The previously published version is saved Available in: Salesforce
and the new version is published with the next sequential version number as an identifier. Classic (not available in all
When an article is attached to a case and a new version of the article is published, the version orgs) and Lightning
attached to the case is flagged as being outdated. For example, if Version 2 is attached to a case Experience
and a third version is published, the article attached to the case becomes Version 2 (outdated). This
notation ensures that there is a permanent record of which content was associated with the case. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
When you click the version number in the Article View, and the Article or Translation Detail pages, Unlimited Editions with
you see the Version History list. In this list you can: Service Cloud.
• View the list of archived versions. Salesforce Knowledge is
• To view a version, click its title. available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
• Expand the version to view its field change history (if you have history tracking enabled for the
Enterprise, Performance,
article type and for fields).
and Developer Editions. For
By default, the system stores up to ten versions of an article, plus any versions that are attached to more information, contact
cases. your Salesforce
When several versions of an article exist, you can restore an older version and republish it. Click
Revert to Draft Version to copy the archived version’s content into a draft article, then
republish it as a new version. You can also restore the older version of any associated translations
at the same time.

Note: When there is an existing draft for the article, the option to revert isn’t available.

You can delete an older, outdated version of a published article by selecting Delete This Version from the article detail page.
If you delete an article version associated to a case, it is no longer be attached to the case. Translated article versions depend on the
master language article. If the master language version is deleted, the translated versions are also deleted.
Versions also appear in custom reports, allowing you to find and read the article version attached to a case.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Support Articles in Multiple Languages

Support Articles in Multiple Languages

With multiple languages for Salesforce Knowledge, you can lower support costs by translating
articles into the languages your audience prefers. After selecting your language settings, two
translation methods are available: translating articles in-house using the editing tool in the knowledge Available in: Salesforce
base, or sending articles to a localization vendor. Different languages can use different methods. Classic (not available in all
For example, you may want to export articles to a vendor for French translations, but assign articles orgs) and Lightning
to an internal Knowledge user for Spanish translations. Experience
• Before you add languages to your knowledge base, decide for each language whether you
want to translate articles directly in Salesforce or export articles to a translation vendor. Salesforce Knowledge is
Communicate your decision to the people involved in the translation process (authors, reviewers, available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
translation managers, publishers).
Service Cloud.
• When adding a language to your knowledge base, keep in mind that it can't be deleted; however,
Salesforce Knowledge is
you can hide a language by making it inactive. Deactivating a language means it no longer
available for an additional
appears as a choice in the New Article dialog or the Submit for Translation dialog. Also, if articles
cost in: Professional,
are already published in the language, those articles are no longer visible to readers when the
Enterprise, Performance,
language is deactivated.
and Developer Editions. For
• You can only add languages supported by Salesforce to your knowledge base. more information, contact
• To hide translated articles for a specific language, deactivate the language by unchecking your Salesforce
Active on the Settings page. representative.

Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base
Reach a global audience by offering your knowledge base in multiple languages.
Export Articles for Translation
If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Export Articles for Translation feature in
Import Translated Articles
If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Import Article Translations feature in
Setup. You can only import articles that have been exported from the same Salesforce organization. For example, you can't export
articles from your test or sandbox organization and import them into your production organization.
Set Up Master Article and Translation Side-By-Side View
Look at a translated article and do a side-by-side comparison with the master language version of the article. Admins can add a
master article component to the page layout so authors can view the master language version beside the translated article.

Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources
Salesforce Knowledge Guide (Classic)

Service Cloud Support Articles in Multiple Languages

Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base

Reach a global audience by offering your knowledge base in multiple languages.
1. In Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge
Settings. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Click Edit.
orgs) and Lightning
3. Select Multiple Languages and add the languages you want to include in your Experience
knowledge base.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Important: You can add the languages that your instance of Salesforce supports. But available in Essentials and
you can't remove any languages that have been added to your knowledge base. the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
4. Choose which settings you want to apply to language.
Salesforce Knowledge is
Setting Description available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Active Active languages appear in the New Article and Submit for Enterprise, Performance,
Translation dialog boxes. and Developer Editions. For
The active/inactive status determines whether a published more information, contact
article is visible. For example, if Spanish articles are published your Salesforce
to your partner portal and then you make Spanish an inactive
language, the articles no longer appear.
Default Assignee The default assignee is automatically assigned articles
submitted for translation. The default assignee can be either To set up multiple
an individual person or a queue. languages for Salesforce
Default Reviewer The default reviewer is automatically assigned finished • Customize Application
translations that are ready to be reviewed or published. The AND
default reviewer can be either an individual person or a queue.
Manage Salesforce

5. Save your changes.

6. If you want, create queues to distribute and assign articles to groups of people who can either translate them or review the finished
translations. When setting up queues, use the Knowledge Article Version object.

Create Queues
Language Settings Overview
Select Languages for Your Org
Support Articles in Multiple Languages

Service Cloud Support Articles in Multiple Languages

Export Articles for Translation

If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Export
Articles for Translation feature in Setup.
Place the articles to be translated in a translation queue. To enable the article export feature, create Available in: Salesforce
one or more queues; authors and reviewers select the queue when they submit an article for Classic (not available in all
translation. Make sure that they know which queue to choose for which language. orgs) and Lightning
Note: You can have up to 50 exports in 24 hours and a maximum of 15 pending exports
(exports that have not entered a final state such as Completed, Failed, or Canceled). Salesforce Knowledge is
1. Create a translation queue with articles for translation. available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
2. On the Article Management tab, select the articles you want to translate, and click Submit for Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
3. In the dialog box, indicate which languages to translate the articles into and assign the available for an additional
translations to their corresponding language translation queue. cost in: Professional,
4. From Setup, enter Export Articles for Translation in the Quick Find Enterprise, Performance,
box, then select Export Articles for Translation. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
5. Select the queue that contains the articles you're exporting. your Salesforce
6. Select either: representative.

• All articles to export every article in the queue.

• Updated articles to only export articles that have been modified or added. USER PERMISSIONS

7. Click Continue. To export articles:

• Manage Salesforce
8. Select the source and target language pairs you want to export. Knowledge
Important: Salesforce creates a separate .zip file for every article type in each language AND
pair. You must retain the .zip file structure for a successful import. For more information, Manage Articles
see Import Translated Articles on page 983. AND
9. To have the files reviewed or published after being translated, select a user or a queue. Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
10. Select the file character encoding.
To view articles:
• ISO-8859-1 (General US & Western European, ISO-LATIN-1)
• Read on the article type
• Unicode
To create articles:
• Unicode (UTF-8) default
• Read and Create on the
• Japanese (Windows) article type
• Japanese (Shift_JIIS)
• Chinese National Standard (GB18030)
• Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
• Chinese Traditional (Big5)
• Korean
• Unicode (UTF-16, Big Endian)

11. Select the delimiter for the .csv files.

The delimiter is the separator for columns when the file is converted to table form. Your options are tab (default) or comma.

Service Cloud Support Articles in Multiple Languages

12. Click Export Now.

You’re notified by email when your export is complete. You can also check the status of your export by viewing the Article Import and
Export Queue. From Setup, enter Article Imports and Exports in the Quick Find box, then select Article Imports
and Exports.
Unzip the exported files, but retain the file structure for a successful import.

Import Translated Articles
Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base
Support Articles in Multiple Languages
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Service Cloud Support Articles in Multiple Languages

Import Translated Articles

If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Import
Article Translations feature in Setup. You can only import articles that have been exported from the
same Salesforce organization. For example, you can't export articles from your test or sandbox Available in: Salesforce
organization and import them into your production organization. Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Import Article Translations in the Quick Find box, then orgs) and Lightning
select Import Article Translations. Experience

2. Choose how Salesforce handles translations after they're imported. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Option Description the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Review imported translations Add imported translations to a queue from
on the Article Management tab which agents can review them. Salesforce Knowledge is
before publishing available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Publish translations Publish imported translations without reviews. Enterprise, Performance,
immediately on import and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
3. Select the language of the articles you're importing.
4. If you chose to have articles reviewed before publishing, select to send the files to a user or a
5. Click Browse, choose the translation .zip file to upload, and click Open. To export articles:
You must place all the translation files (meaning, those exported from Salesforce and translated • Manage Salesforce
by your vendor) in a folder whose name is the same as the language code. For example, put Knowledge
French articles in an fr folder. Zip up this folder to create your import file. AND
Manage Articles
Important: To import translated articles successfully, verify that the file structure and
their extensions match the file structure and extensions of files exported from Salesforce AND
Knowledge for translation. For example, if the target language is French, the file structure Manage Knowledge
begins as follows: Article Import/Export To view articles:

-fr • Read on the article type
To create articles:
• Read and Create on the
---[Article collateral, html, images, etc.]
article type

6. Click Import Now.

If you have more translated articles to upload, repeat steps four through six.

7. Click Finish.

Service Cloud Support Articles in Multiple Languages

An email notification is sent to you when your import finishes. You can view the status of your import from Setup by entering Article
Imports and Exports in the Quick Find box, then selecting Article Imports and Exports.

Article and Translation Import and Export Status
Export Articles for Translation
Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base
Support Articles in Multiple Languages
Salesforce Knowledge Help and Resources

Set Up Master Article and Translation Side-By-Side View

Look at a translated article and do a side-by-side comparison with the master language version of
the article. Admins can add a master article component to the page layout so authors can view the
master language version beside the translated article. Available in: Salesforce
To set up Master Version and Translated Article viewing: Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
1. From Setup, select the Object Manager tab.
2. From the Object Manager, select the Knowledge object. Then select the Lightning
Record Page. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
3. Click Edit, which takes you to the Lightning App Builder.
Edition with Service Cloud.
4. Create a Translations tab in the right column and name it, Translations.
Salesforce Knowledge is
5. Drag the Translation Master Article component onto the new Translations page. available for an additional
6. Set component visibility filters, as needed. For example, if you set the filter to Is Master cost in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Language Equal False, then the master article component doesn’t show up. When
Performance, and
you are on the master language record (and you are not viewing the same version of the article
Developer Editions. For
in both columns).
more information, contact
your Salesforce


To set up:
• Manage Salesforce
Knowledge AND
Manage Articles
To view articles:
• Allow View Knowledge

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

7. Save and activate the page.

Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Data categories are used in Salesforce to organize and control access to groups of information. Data categories are used in Salesforce
Knowledge, Ideas, Answers, and Chatter Answers.

Work with Data Categories
Data categories are used in Salesforce Knowledge (articles and article translations), Ideas, Answers, and Chatter Answers to help
classify and find articles, questions, or ideas. You can use data categories to control access to a particular set of articles, questions or
Data Category Visibility
Data category visibility can be set with roles, permission sets, permission set groups, or profiles. Data category visibility determines
the individual data categories, categorized articles, and categorized questions that you can see.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Work with Data Categories

Data categories are used in Salesforce Knowledge (articles and article translations), Ideas, Answers,
and Chatter Answers to help classify and find articles, questions, or ideas. You can use data categories
to control access to a particular set of articles, questions or ideas. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Since the Summer '20 release, standard Salesforce sharing for Lightning Knowledge Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
is available. Switching to standard sharing changes how you work with data categories and
how users can access Knowledge articles. See Sharing Considerations for Lightning
Knowledge for more about sharing for Lightning Knowledge. Data categories are
Salesforce Knowledge uses data categories to classify articles and make them easier to find. For available in all editions with
example, to classify articles by sales regions and products, create two category groups: Sales Regions Knowledge except
Professional edition.
and Products. The Sales Regions category group could consist of a geographical hierarchy, such as
All Sales Regions as the top level and North America, Europe, and Asia at the second level. The
Salesforce Knowledge is
Products group could have All Products as the top level and Phones, Computers, and Printers at
available in Essentials and
the second. Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Data Category Limits Details
Salesforce Knowledge is
Maximum number of data category groups and 5 category groups, with 3 active at a time available for an additional
active data category groups cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Maximum number of categories per data 100 categories in a data category group and Developer Editions. For
category group more information, contact
your Salesforce
Maximum number of levels in data category 5 levels in a data category group hierarchy
group hierarchy

Maximum number of data categories from a 8 data categories from a data category group
data category group assigned to an article assigned to an article

In an answers zone, data categories help organize questions for easy browsing. Each answers zone supports one category group. For
example, if you're a computer manufacturer you might create a Products category group that has four sibling categories: Performance
Laptops, Portable Laptops, Gaming Desktops, and Enterprise Desktops. On the Answers tab, zone members can assign one of the four
categories to each question and then browse these categories for answers to specific questions.

Logical Classification of Articles
As a knowledge base administrator, you can organize your knowledge base articles into a logical hierarchy and tag articles
with the attributes that are significant to your business.
Easy Access to Questions
As an answers administrator, you can choose which data categories are visible on the Answers tab. Zone members can tag a
question with a category, which makes finding questions and answers easier for other members.
Control of Article and Question Visibility
As a knowledge base or answers community administrator, you can centrally control the visibility articles or questions by
mapping roles, permission sets, or profiles to categories in the category groups. When an article or question is categorized,
users with visibility can automatically see it.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Article Filtering
As a support agent, when articles are classified into logical categories, you can quickly and easily locate the article you need
by filtering your organization's knowledge base. To ensure you see all relevant articles, filtering by category has expansive
results that include a category's upward and downward relatives in the category hierarchy. For example, if your category
hierarchy for products has the levels All Products > Computers > Laptops > Gaming Laptops and you are helping a customer
with a laptop problem, filtering by Laptops returns articles classified with Laptops as well as articles classified with Computers,
All Products, or Gaming Laptops. Effectively, you are made aware of useful related articles like a free shipping offer for all
products or an upgrade offer for gaming laptops. (To prevent irrelevant results, category filtering doesn't return nonlineal
relatives like siblings and cousins. Articles about Desktops, a sibling of Laptops, would not display.)
Article and Question Navigation
As an end user, you can navigate the categories on the Articles tab or Answers tab to find the information you need to solve
your problem.
Managing Category Groups for Articles and Questions
If your organization has Salesforce Knowledge and an answers community, you can create separate category groups or use
the same category group for articles and questions.
Data Categories in Articles
A category group is the container for a set of categories. In Salesforce Knowledge it corresponds to the name of the category
drop-down menus. For example, if you use the Data Categories page in Setup, (enter Data Category in the Quick
Find box, then select Data Category Setup) to create and activate a category group called Products, a Products menu
displays on the Article Management tab, the article edit page, the Articles tab in all channels, and the public knowledge base.
As an illustration, the figure below shows a knowledge base administrator's view of an article about laptop deals; using the
article edit page, the administrator has classified the article with Laptops in the Products category group, and USA in the
Geography category group.

An Article About Laptop Deals on the Article Management Tab

The next figure now illustrates an agent finding that same article published on the Articles tab; the agent has selected Laptops
and USA respectively in the Products and Geography drop-down menus to retrieve an article that is classified with both Laptops
and USA.

An Article About Laptop Deals on the Articles Tab

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

When you add categories to a category group, you build a hierarchy that can contain up to five levels of depth and up to 100
categories total. Each category can have one parent, many siblings, and many children. A robust and well-organized category
hierarchy helps users find the articles that are relevant to them quickly and easily.
By default, all Salesforce Knowledge users have access to all categories; however, you can restrict category visibility by role,
permission set, or profile.
Data Category Implementation Tips
Consider the following information when planning and implementing data categories for your organization:
• You can create up to three category groups with a maximum of five hierarchy levels in each group. Each category group
can contain a total of 100 categories.
• If you want to use data categories with Answers, after creating your category group you must assign it from Setup by
entering Data Category Assignments in the Quick Find box, then selecting Data Category Assignments
under Answers. You can only assign one category group to an answers community. Salesforce Knowledge supports multiple
category groups.
• Category groups are hidden from users until they are activated. Do not activate a category group until you have finished
defining its categories and their access settings, including their visibility.
• When assigning categories to articles, you can choose up to eight categories in a category group.
• If an article has no categories, it displays only when you choose the No Filter option in the category drop-down
• When searching for articles or article translations, selecting a category automatically includes the parent and children of
that category and any grandparents, up to and including the top level. Sibling categories are not included. For example,
if a category hierarchy has the levels All Products, Switches, Optical Networks, and Metro Core, selecting “Optical Networks”
from the category drop-down menu returns articles assigned to any of the four categories. However, if the Switches
category has a sibling category called Routers, selecting “Optical Networks” does not return articles classified within Routers.
Category visibility settings may limit the specific articles you can find.
• Once visibility settings have been chosen for the categories:
– Users who are not assigned visibility can only see uncategorized articles and questions unless default category visibility
has been set up.
– For role-based visibility, Customer Portal users and partner portal users inherit the category group visibility settings
assigned to their account managers by default. You can change the category group visibility settings for each portal
– If you only have access to one category in a category group, the category drop-down menu for that category group
does not display on the Articles tab.

• Deleting a category:
– Permanently removes it. It cannot be restored. It never appears in the Recycle Bin.
– Permanently deletes its child categories.
– As applicable, removes the category and its children from the Answers, Article Management, and Knowledge tabs in
all channels, and your company's public knowledge base.
– Removes associations between the category and articles or questions. You can reassign articles and questions to
another category.
– Removes its mapping to visibility. Readers lose their visibility to articles and answers associated with the deleted

• Deleting a category group:

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

– Moves it to the Deleted Category Groups section, which is a recycle bin. You can view items in this section but not
edit them. It holds category groups for 15 days before they are permanently erased and cannot be recovered. During
the 15–day holding period, you can either restore a category group, or permanently erase it immediately.
– Deletes all categories within that group.
– Removes all associations between the group's categories and articles or questions.
– Removes all associations between the group's categories and visibility.
– As applicable, removes the category drop-down menu from the Articles tab in all channels, the Article Management
tab, and your company's public knowledge base.

• You can translate the labels of categories and category groups using the Translation Workbench.
Best Practices for Data Categories
Consider the following tips when using data categories:
• To quickly manage data categories, use keyboard shortcuts.
• After creating or updating categories, set up category group visibility rules.
• Save your changes frequently. The more actions you perform before clicking Save, the longer it takes to save.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Data Categories
Use keyboard shortcuts to work quickly with data categories.
Create and Modify Category Groups
Category groups are used by Salesforce Knowledge (articles), answers (questions), or ideas. In all cases, category groups are containers
for individual data categories. For example, a Contracts category group sometimes contains Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursement, and
Indefinite Delivery categories.
Delete and Undelete Category Groups
Deleting a category group deletes all of its categories and removes all associations between the categories and articles or questions.
Read this entire topic carefully to understand the consequences of deleting category groups.
Add Data Categories to Category Groups
Once you have category groups, you can add data categories to help agents classify and find articles, questions, or ideas.
Modify and Arrange Data Categories
Modifying and arranging categories can result in long processing times, changes to the visibility and categorization of articles, and
other significant consequences. Read this entire topic carefully before modifying categories.
Delete a Data Category
Deleting data categories can result in long processing times, changes to the visibility and categorization of articles and questions,
and other significant consequences. Read this entire topic carefully before deleting categories.

Sharing Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Keyboard Shortcuts for Data Categories

Use keyboard shortcuts to work quickly with data categories.
Command Description Shortcut Available in: Salesforce
Adding a category Add a sibling to the selected category Enter Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Add a child to the selected category Enter+Tab Experience

Close the Add Category field Esc Data categories are

available in all editions with
Save changes in the Add Category field Enter Knowledge except
Modifying a category Open the Edit Category field for the Spacebar Professional edition.
selected category
Salesforce Knowledge is
Close the Edit Category field Esc available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Save changes in the Edit Category field Enter Service Cloud.
Demoting or promoting Demote a category down one level, as a Tab Salesforce Knowledge is
a category child of the sibling currently above it available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Promote a category up one level, as a Shift+Tab Enterprise, Performance,
sibling to its current parent and Developer Editions. For
Deleting a category Delete the selected category and its Delete more information, contact
your Salesforce
Navigating in the Move the focus up in the category Up Arrow
category hierarchy hierarchy

Move the focus down in the category Down Arrow


Collapse children in a parent category Left Arrow

Expand children in a parent category Right Arrow

Canceling or repeating Undo the last action Ctrl+Z

an action
Redo the last action Ctrl+Y

Saving the changes Save the last changes in the category Ctrl+S

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Create and Modify Category Groups

Category groups are used by Salesforce Knowledge (articles), answers (questions), or ideas. In all
cases, category groups are containers for individual data categories. For example, a Contracts
category group sometimes contains Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursement, and Indefinite Delivery Available in: Salesforce
categories. Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Data Category in the Quick Find box, then select Data Category orgs) and Lightning
Setup. Experience

2. To create a category group, click New in the Category Groups section. Data categories are
By default, you can create a maximum of five category groups and three active category groups. available in all editions with
To edit an existing category group, hover your cursor over the category group name and then Knowledge except
Professional edition.
click the Edit Category Group icon ( ).
Salesforce Knowledge is
3. Specify the Group Name up to a maximum of 80 characters. This name appears as the title available in Essentials and
of the category dropdown menu on the Article Management and Articles tabs, and, if applicable, Unlimited Editions with
in the public knowledge base. The Group Name does not appear on the Answers tab. Service Cloud.
4. Optionally, modify the Group Unique Name (the unique name used to identify the Salesforce Knowledge is
category group in SOAP API). available for an additional
5. Optionally, enter a description of the category group. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
6. Click Save. and Developer Editions. For
You receive an email after the save process completes. more information, contact
your Salesforce
Activating Category Groups representative.
When you add a category group, it's deactivated by default and only displays on the
administrative setup pages for Data Categories, Roles, Permission Sets, and Profiles. Keep your
category groups deactivated to set up your category hierarchy and assign visibility. Until you
manually activate a category group, it does not display in Salesforce Knowledge or your answers To view the Data Categories
community. In addition to activating the category group, for answers communities you must page:
assign the category group to a zone before the categories are visible on the Answers tab. • View Data Categories in
To activate a category group so it is available to users, move the mouse pointer over the name
To create, edit, or delete
of the category group and click the Activate Category Group icon ( ). data categories:
You can now add categories to your category group. When you create a category group, Salesforce • Manage Data
automatically creates a top-level category in the group named All. Optionally, double-click All Categories
to rename it.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Delete and Undelete Category Groups

Deleting a category group deletes all of its categories and removes all associations between the
categories and articles or questions. Read this entire topic carefully to understand the consequences
of deleting category groups. Available in: Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Data Category in the Quick Find box, then select Data Category Classic (not available in all
Setup. orgs) and Lightning
2. Hover your cursor over the category group name.
3. Data categories are
Click the Delete Category Group icon ( ). available in all editions with
Knowledge except
4. Select the checkbox in the confirmation dialog, then click OK.
Professional edition.
The data category group is deleted. Continue to step 5 if you wish to restore the data category
group. Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
5. In the Removed Category Groups section, hover your cursor over the category group name.
Unlimited Editions with
6. Service Cloud.
Click the Undelete Category Group icon ( ).
Salesforce Knowledge is
The category group moves to the Category Groups section as an inactive category group, and
available for an additional
associations with articles, questions, and visibility are restored.
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Example: Deleting a category group:
and Developer Editions. For
• Moves it to the Deleted Category Groups section, which is a recycle bin. You can view more information, contact
items in this section but not edit them. It holds category groups for 15 days before they your Salesforce
are permanently erased and cannot be recovered. During the 15–day holding period, representative.
you can either restore a category group, or permanently erase it immediately.
• Deletes all categories within that group. USER PERMISSIONS
• Removes all associations between the group's categories and articles or questions.
To view the Data Categories
• Removes all associations between the group's categories and visibility. page:
• As applicable, removes the category drop-down menu from the Articles tab in all channels, • View Data Categories in
the Article Management tab, and your company's public knowledge base. Setup
To create, edit, or delete
data categories:
• Manage Data

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Add Data Categories to Category Groups

Once you have category groups, you can add data categories to help agents classify and find articles,
questions, or ideas.
Administrators can create data categories for Salesforce Knowledge articles, questions in a zone, Available in: Salesforce
or ideas to classify and find articles, questions, or ideas. You can also use data categories to control Classic (not available in all
access to articles, questions, and ideas. orgs) and Lightning
By default, you can create up to 100 categories in a data category group and have up to 5 levels in
a data category group hierarchy. To request more categories or hierarchy levels, contact Salesforce. Data categories are
available in all editions with
Note: On the Answers tab, only first-level data categories display. Therefore, when creating Knowledge except
data categories for a portal or community, ensure that the categories you want visible have Professional edition.
a sibling relationship and not a parent-child relationship.
1. From Setup, enter Data Category in the Quick Find box, then select Data Category Salesforce Knowledge is
Setup. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
2. Click the category group name. Service Cloud.
3. Click a category that is directly above where you want to add a category (a parent), or at the Salesforce Knowledge is
same level (a sibling). available for an additional
4. Click Actions, then select an action: Add Child Category or Add Sibling Category. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
5. Enter a category name up to a maximum of 40 characters. and Developer Editions. For
If possible, Salesforce automatically reuses the name you entered as the Category Unique more information, contact
Name, a system field which the SOAP API requires. your Salesforce
6. Click Add. Alternatively, press Enter.
7. Click Save.
Save your changes frequently. The more actions you perform before clicking Save, the longer
it takes to save. To view the Data Categories
Tip: By default, all Salesforce Knowledge users and zone members can see all categories • View Data Categories in
within an active category group. You can restrict category visibility after you have set up your Setup
data categories to ensure that users only access articles and questions that you want them To create, edit, or delete
to see. data categories:
• Manage Data

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Modify and Arrange Data Categories

Modifying and arranging categories can result in long processing times, changes to the visibility
and categorization of articles, and other significant consequences. Read this entire topic carefully
before modifying categories. Available in: Salesforce
Important: Modify the category hierarchy when user activity is low. Because the save process Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
involves potentially large and complex recalculations, it can take a long time to complete.
During processing, agents can experience performance issues when searching for articles or
questions or using category dropdown lists. Data categories are
1. From Setup, enter Data Category in the Quick Find box, then select Data Category available in all editions with
Setup. Knowledge except
Professional edition.
2. Click a category group name.
3. Optionally, click Expand All to display the full category hierarchy, or Collapse All to display Salesforce Knowledge is
only the top-level categories. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
4. To edit a category’s name or its unique API name, double-click it. Service Cloud.
5. Use drag-and-drop editing to reposition a category in the hierarchy. As you drag, a red icon Salesforce Knowledge is
indicates an invalid destination, while a green icon indicates a valid destination. available for an additional
• Drag a category on top of another category to reposition it as a child of the destination cost in: Professional,
category. For example, drag USA on top of North America to make USA one level below Enterprise, Performance,
North America. After dragging, the category displays below the other child categories at and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
that level.
your Salesforce
• Drag a category to a line that borders another category to reposition it as a sibling of that representative.
category. For example, to position USA between Canada and Mexico, drag it to the line
between Canada and Mexico.
6. To reorder a category's children in alphabetical order, hover your cursor over its name, then
choose Order Child Categories Alphabetically from the Actions dropdown list. This reorder To view the Data Categories
only affects the first-level children, not grandchildren or deeper levels. page:
• View Data Categories in
7. As you modify the category hierarchy, click Undo to cancel your last actions. Similarly, click Setup
Redo to step forward through your flow of performed actions.
To create, edit, or delete
8. Click Save. You receive an email when the save process completes. data categories:
The save process recalculates these visibility and category settings: • Manage Data
• The contents of the category dropdown menu
• The articles and questions visible to each user
• The articles and questions associated with categories.

Note: Save your changes frequently. The more actions you perform before clicking Save, the longer it takes to save.

How Changing the Hierarchy Affects Article Visibility
Changing the category hierarchy potentially changes which articles readers can see. In the example shown in the following
graphic, the category PDAs moves from the original parent category Computers to the new parent category Consumer

Note: When a category moves to a new parent category, users that have no visibility on the new parent category lose
their visibility to the repositioned category.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Move the Category “PDAs”

To understand how this change affects which readers can see articles classified with the PDAs category, review the following

When my Could I see Can I see PDA Why?

role, PDA articles articles in their
permission in their old new location
set, or location under
profile is under Consumer
mapped Computers? Electronics?
All products Yes Yes When your role, permission set, or profile is mapped to the top-level
“All products” category, you can see everything in the category

Computers Yes No You don't have access to the branch of the category hierarchy where
PDAs is now located.

Consumer No Yes PDAs has moved to the branch of the category hierarchy where you
Electronics have been granted access.

How Changing the Hierarchy Affects Article Classification

Classifying an article with a parent category implicitly grants access to that category's children. You cannot explicitly apply
both a parent category and one of its children to an article. From the article edit page, selecting a parent category grays out
its child categories—you cannot select them in addition to the parent category. Salesforce respects this fact when you move
a category to a new parent. It prevents explicitly adding a child category to an article when the new parent category is already

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

In the example depicted above, the category PDAs moves from the original parent category Computers to the new parent
category Consumer Electronics. As a result, the classification for each article can change.
• Articles formerly classified with both Consumer Electronics and PDAs lose PDAs, because having Consumer Electronics
now implies having PDAs.
• Articles formerly classified with only Consumer Electronics but not PDAs do not change. Access to PDAs is now implied.
• Articles formerly classified with only PDAs, but not Consumer Electronics, retain PDAs.

Delete a Data Category

Deleting data categories can result in long processing times, changes to the visibility and
categorization of articles and questions, and other significant consequences. Read this entire topic
carefully before deleting categories. Available in: Salesforce
Important: Modify the category hierarchy when user activity is low. Because the save process Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
involves potentially large and complex recalculations, it can take a long time to complete.
During processing, agents can experience performance issues when searching for articles or
questions or using category dropdown lists. Data categories are
1. From Setup, enter Data Category in the Quick Find box, then select Data Category available in all editions with
Setup. Knowledge except
Professional edition.
2. Click a category group name.
3. Click a category name. If necessary, click Expand All to display all categories in the category Salesforce Knowledge is
group. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
4. Press DELETE, or choose Delete Category from the Actions drop-down list. Service Cloud.
5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. Salesforce Knowledge is
6. Choose how you want to reclassify articles associated with the deleted category or the deleted available for an additional
category's children. In all cases, the articles retain their categories from other category groups. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
• Assign the deleted category's parent category. and Developer Editions. For
• Assign a different category. You can select any other category in this category group. more information, contact
your Salesforce
Note: The category you select cannot be deleted itself before you save your work. representative.

• Do not assign the articles a new category in this category group.

Deleting a category:
To view the Data Categories
• Permanently removes it. It cannot be restored. It never appears in the Recycle Bin.
• Permanently deletes its child categories. • View Data Categories in
• As applicable, removes the category and its children from the Answers, Article Management, Setup
and Knowledge tabs in all channels, and your company's public knowledge base. To create, edit, or delete
• Removes associations between the category and articles or questions. You can reassign articles data categories:
and questions to another category. • Manage Data
• Removes its mapping to visibility. Readers lose their visibility to articles and answers associated
with the deleted category.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Data Category Visibility

Data category visibility can be set with roles, permission sets, permission set groups, or profiles.
Data category visibility determines the individual data categories, categorized articles, and
categorized questions that you can see. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Since the Summer '20 release, standard Salesforce sharing for Lightning Knowledge Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
is available. Switching to standard sharing changes how you work with data categories and
how users can access Knowledge articles. See Sharing Considerations for Lightning
Knowledge for more about sharing for Lightning Knowledge. Data categories are
There are three types of visibility: available in all editions with
Knowledge except
• All Categories: All categories are visible Professional edition.
• None: No categories are visible
Salesforce Knowledge is
• Custom: Selected categories are visible
available in Essentials and
With custom data category visibility, you can only see the data categories permitted by their role, Unlimited Editions with
permission sets, or profile. Service Cloud.
Visibility Setting Enforcement Salesforce Knowledge is
To ensure a wide range of relevant information, category group visibility is broadly interpreted. available for an additional
Setting a category as visible makes that category and its entire directly related family cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
line—ancestors, immediate parent, primary children, other descendants—visible to users. For
and Developer Editions. For
example, consider a Geography category group with continents such as Asia and Europe at the
more information, contact
top level, various countries at the second level, and cities at the third level. If France is the only
your Salesforce
visible category selected, then you can see articles classified with Europe, France, and all French
cities. In other words, you can see categories that have a direct vertical relationship to France
but you cannot see articles classified at or below Asia and the other continents.

Note: Only the first-level categories in the category group are visible on the Answers tab. In the Geography example, only
the continent categories appear on the Answers tab; therefore, if France is the category selected as visible in category group
visibility settings, zone members can see questions classified with Europe.
Category group visibility settings are enforced on the Answers tab, the Article Management tab, the Articles tab in all channels
(internal app, partner portal, Community, and Customer Portal), and the public knowledge base. In the following
areas, users only see the categories that their visibility settings allow:
• On the Article Management tab, when creating or editing articles
• On the Article Management tab and the Articles tab, the category drop-down menu for finding articles
• On the Answers tab, the categories listed below the zone name
Initial Visibility Settings
If role, permission set, or profile data category visibility has not been set up, all users can see all data categories. However, if data
category visibility is set up, users who are not assigned data category visibility by a role, permission set, or profile, only see uncategorized
articles and questions unless you make the associated categories visible by default. Role, permission set, and profile visibility settings
restrict default visibility settings. For example, if a data category is visible by default, it is not seen by a user whose role restricts access
to that data category.

Note: If data category visibility is defined with roles, permission sets, and profiles, Salesforce uses a logical OR between the
definitions to create a visibility rule for each user.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Role-Based Visibility Setting Inheritance

Child roles inherit their parent role's settings and are kept in sync with changes to the parent role. You can customize and reduce
the child role's visibility, but you cannot increase it to be greater than that of the parent role. By default, Customer Portal users and
partner portal users inherit the category group visibility settings assigned to their account managers. You can change the category
group visibility settings for each portal role. Because high-volume portal users don't have roles, you must designate visibility settings
by permission set or profile before these users can view categorized articles and questions.
Categorized Article Visibility
User’s can see an article if they can see at least one category per category group on the article. For example, consider an article that
is classified with California and Ohio in the Geography category group and Desktop in the Products category group:
• If you have visibility on Ohio and Desktop (but not California), you can see the article.
• If you don't have visibility on either California or Ohio but do have visibility on Desktop, you do not see the article.
• If you have visibility on California but not Desktop, you do not see the article.
Revoked Visibility
Data category visibility can be revoked (set to None) for a particular category group. Users in the target role, permission set, or profile
can only see articles and questions that aren't classified with a category in that category group. For example, if a user's role has
revoked visibility in the Geography category group but visibility to the Products category group, he or she can only see articles that
have no categories in Geography and are classified with a category in Products. Because an answers zone can only be assigned to
one category group, if the Geography category group was assigned to the zone and a member's role visibility was revoked for that
group, the member could only see uncategorized questions.
For a detailed example, see Category Group Article Visibility Settings Examples

How Category Visibility Differs from Other Salesforce Models
These settings are unique to articles and questions and differ from other Salesforce models
Category Group Visibility on Roles
The Category Group Visibility Settings related list summarizes which categories users in the role can see, according to category group.
Modify Default Data Category Visibility
You can edit the default data category visibility.
Edit Category Group Visibility
You can edit your data category visibility.
Category Group Article Visibility Settings Examples
Review examples of category group settings for article visibility permissions.

Sharing Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

How Category Visibility Differs from Other Salesforce Models

These settings are unique to articles and questions and differ from other Salesforce models
These settings are unique to articles and questions and differ from other Salesforce models:
Available in: Salesforce
Exclusive to articles and questions
Classic (not available in all
Category group visibility settings determine who can access articles and questions. Although
orgs) and Lightning
they are standard objects, articles and questions do not have organization-wide defaults, sharing
rules, or manual record sharing.
Access Data categories are
available in all editions with
Category group visibility settings are based on the user’s role, permission set, or profile. Child
Knowledge except
roles cannot see more categories than their parent role. To change a user's visibility to categories
Professional edition.
and therefore categorized articles and questions, you must change the visibility settings for the
user's role, permission set, or profile, or, if custom data category visibility is not assigned, make Salesforce Knowledge is
certain categories visible to all users. available in Essentials and
Broad interpretation of visibility settings Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
To ensure a wide range of relevant information, category group visibility is broadly interpreted.
Setting a category as visible makes that category and its entire directly related family Salesforce Knowledge is
line—ancestors, immediate parent, primary children, other descendants—visible to users. For available for an additional
example, consider a Geography category group with continents such as Asia and Europe at the cost in: Professional,
top level, various countries at the second level, and cities at the third level. If France is the only Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
visible category selected, then you can see articles classified with Europe, France, and all French
more information, contact
cities. In other words, you can see categories that have a direct vertical relationship to France
your Salesforce
but you cannot see articles classified at or below Asia and the other continents.
Note: Only the first-level categories in the category group are visible on the Answers
tab. In the Geography example, only the continent categories appear on the Answers
tab; therefore, if France is the category selected as visible in category group visibility
settings, zone members can see questions classified with Europe.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Category Group Visibility on Roles


To view role details: View Setup and Configuration Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
To edit and delete roles: Manage Roles
orgs) and Lightning
To edit and delete permission sets and Manage Profiles and Permission Sets Experience
Data categories are
To view users: View Setup and Configuration available in all editions with
Knowledge except
To edit users: Manage Internal Users Professional edition.
To view categories: View Data Categories in Setup
Salesforce Knowledge is
To manage data categories: Manage Data Categories available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
AND Service Cloud.
View Data Categories in Setup Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
The Category Group Visibility Settings related list summarizes which categories users in the role Enterprise, Performance,
can see, according to category group. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
To view a role's category visibility setting, from Setup, enter Roles in the Quick Find box, then your Salesforce
select Roles, and select a role. To view the category visibility settings for a Customer Portal or partner representative.
portal role, from Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users and click the name
of the role.
The following table explains the possible values in the Visibility column of the related list:

Visibility Description
All Categories Users can see all categories in the category group. This option is
only available for the topmost role in the role hierarchy. When you
create a category group, its visibility is defaulted to All

None Users cannot see any categories in the category group.

Custom Users can view a selection of categories in the category group.

In the Category Group Visibility Settings, you can:

• To view a category group’s setting details, click its name.
• To modify a category group’s visibility settings, click Edit next to it.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Modify Default Data Category Visibility

You can edit the default data category visibility.
1. From Setup, enter Default Data Category Visibility in the Quick Find box,
then select Default Data Category Visibility. Available in: Salesforce
All active and inactive category groups are listed. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
2. Pick a category group and click Edit. Experience
3. To make all the categories in the category group visible by default, select All Categories. To Data categories are
make none of the categories visible by default, select None. To make some of the categories available in all editions with
visible by default, select Custom. Knowledge except
4. If you chose Custom, move categories from the Available Categories area to the Selected Professional edition.
Categories area as needed. Selecting a category implicitly includes its child and parent categories
Salesforce Knowledge is
as well. Move categories from the Selected Categories area back to the Available Categories
available in Essentials and
area to remove default visibility.
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce


To view categories:
• View Data Categories in
To manage data categories:
• Manage Data
View Data Categories in

To assign default category

• Manage Data
To modify category group
visibility for users:
• Manage Users

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Edit Category Group Visibility

You can edit your data category visibility.
1. Go to the data category visibility settings page in Setup.
Available in: Salesforce
• For roles: enter Roles in the Quick Find box, then select Roles.
Classic (not available in all
• For a role on the Customer Portal or partner portal: enter Users in the Quick Find box, orgs) and Lightning
then select Users. Experience
• For permission sets: enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select
Data categories are
Permission Sets.
available in all editions with
• For profiles: enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles. Knowledge except
Professional edition.
2. Open a data category group for edit.
• For roles, in the Category Group Visibility Settings related list, click Edit next to the category Salesforce Knowledge is
group you want to modify. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
• For permission sets and profiles:
Service Cloud.
a. Click a permission set or profile name.
Salesforce Knowledge is
b. Click Data Category Visibility. available for an additional
c. Click Edit next to the data category group you want to assign. cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
3. Select a visibility setting.
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Visibility Description representative.
All Users can see all categories in the category group. This option is only available
Categories for the topmost role in the role hierarchy. When you create a category group,
its visibility is defaulted to All Categories. To view categories:
• View Data Categories in
None Users cannot see any categories in the category group.
Custom Users see your custom selection of categories. For roles, you can choose from To manage data categories:
the categories that are visible to the parent role. If the parent role's visibility • Manage Data
changes to be less than its child's visibility, the child role's category visibility Categories
is reset to its parent's category visibility. AND
To select categories, double-click the category in the Available View Data Categories in
Categories box. Alternatively, select a category and then click Add. Setup
Selecting a category implicitly includes its child and parent categories as
To assign default category
well. Categories that are grayed out are not available for selection because
their parent has already been selected. • Manage Data
Note: When you customize a role, permission set, or profile set to Categories
All Categories, first remove All from the Selected Categories To modify category group
box before you select specific categories. visibility for users:
• Manage Users

4. Click Save.

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Data Category Visibility Best Practices

• When you create a category group, its visibility is defaulted to All Categories.
• When you grant visibility to a category, you also grant visibility to its child and parent categories. If you want to give access to
all categories in a branch of the category hierarchy, select the top-level category All Categories.
• Users who are not assigned to a category’s visibility by role, permission set, or profile can only see uncategorized articles and
questions unless:
– The user has the “View all Data” permission.
– A category group has been made visible to all users on the Default Data Category Visibility page in Setup.

• For role-based visibility, Customer Portal users and partner portal users inherit the role assigned to their account managers by
default. You can change the category group visibility settings for each portal role.
• Keep your category groups deactivated to set up your category hierarchy and assign visibility. Until you manually activate a
category group, it does not display in Salesforce Knowledge or your answers community
• For role-based visibility, always set up data category visibility in a top-down approach from the top of the role hierarchy down
to the bottom. Give the highest roles the most visibility and give subordinate roles reduced visibility.

Category Group Article Visibility Settings Examples

Review examples of category group settings for article visibility permissions.
There are three types of visibility:
Available in: Salesforce
• All Categories: All categories are visible
Classic (not available in all
• None: No categories are visible orgs) and Lightning
• Custom: Selected categories are visible Experience
With custom data category visibility, you can only see the data categories permitted by their role, Data categories are
permission sets, or profile. available in all editions with
These examples are based on two sample category groups, Products and Geography: Knowledge except
Professional edition.
Note: Although category group visibility settings are available with answers communities
(questions) and Salesforce Knowledge (articles), the examples below apply to articles only. Salesforce Knowledge is
Answers communities support one category group and one data category per question. available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Products Category Group
Service Cloud.
• All Products
Salesforce Knowledge is
– Consumer Electronics available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
• Cameras
Enterprise, Performance,
• Audio and Developer Editions. For
• Printers more information, contact
your Salesforce
– Enterprise Electronics representative.
• Routers
• Switches

– Computers
• Laptops

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

• Desktops
• PDAs

Geography Category Group

• All Countries
– Americas
• Canada
• Brazil

– Asia
• China
• Japan
• India

– Europe
• France
• United Kingdom
• Poland

Example 1: A Role Hierarchy

In this example, the Acme Electronics organization manufactures hardware and provides customer support for both consumers and
enterprises. The Engineering department is organized by products. The Support department is organized geographically. Europe and
the Americas are managed by corporate teams, but Asia is outsourced. Within the corporate and outsourced teams, there are subteams
dedicated either to consumer or enterprise support.
The table below shows the categories visible to each role in the Acme Electronics organization, and states whether the visibility settings
are inherited from the parent role or if they are custom visibility settings.

Acme Electronics Role Hierarchy Visible Geographic Categories Visible Product Categories
CEO All Countries All Products

VP of Engineering All Countries All Products

Inherit from CEO Inherit from CEO

Consumer Engineering Team All Countries Consumer Electronics

Inherit from VP of Engineering Custom

Enterprise Engineering Team All Countries Enterprise Electronics

Inherit from VP of Engineering Custom

Computers Engineering Team All Countries Computers

Inherit from VP of Engineering Custom

Service Cloud Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Acme Electronics Role Hierarchy Visible Geographic Categories Visible Product Categories
VP of Support All Countries All Products
Inherit from CEO Inherit from CEO

VP of Corporate Support Europe, America All Products

Custom Inherit from VP of Support

Director of Corporate Europe, America Consumer Electronics, Computers

Consumer Support Inherit from VP of Corporate Support Custom

Director of Corporate Europe, America Enterprise Electronics, Computers

Enterprise Support Inherit from VP of Corporate Support Custom

Outsourced Support Asia All Products

Custom Inherit from VP of Support

Consumer Support Team Asia Consumer Electronics, Computers

Inherit from Outsourced Support Custom

Enterprise Support Team Asia Enterprise Electronics, Computers

Inherit from Outsourced Support Custom

Example 2: Article Visibility

The table below is an in-depth example of how category visibility settings restrict what users see. This example has three sample users
whose category settings are noted in parentheses.

Table 32: Example: How Category Visibility Settings Restrict What Users See
Categories When User 1's visibility is When User 2's visibility is When User 3's visibility is
All countries/Computers, America/All products, the France/None, the category
the category is: category is: is:





User 1: The user must be granted visibility in each category that classifies the article, or each category that classifies the article must be
visible by default. In this example, User 1 can see Europe, because Europe is the child of All Countries, but he cannot see Switches,
because Switches does not belong to Computers. That's why User 1 cannot see articles classified with Europe/Switches.

Service Cloud Sharing for Lightning Knowledge

User 2: When a category is made visible to a user through custom settings or is made visible by default, its child and parent categories
are implicitly included; therefore, User 2 can see articles categorized with All Countries because it is the parent category of America. He
can also see Articles classified with USA because it is the child of America.
User 3: If a user has no access to the whole category group, he can only see articles that are not categorized in that group. User 3 cannot
see the articles categorized with All countries/Laptop because he has no visibility in the category group that includes Laptop, but he
can see articles categorized with Europe/No categories.

Sharing for Lightning Knowledge

Sharing for Lightning Knowledge lets you take advantage of the features you already know, such
as organization-wide defaults, access by owner role hierarchies, and criteria-based rules. When you
make the switch to sharing for Lightning Knowledge, you can manage article access based on fields Available in: Lightning
within the article instead of data categories. Experience
You can create rules to modify access to articles based on most standard and custom fields, including
the record type field. For example, you can let one group of users see only FAQs while other users Salesforce Knowledge is
see multiple record types like FAQs, product information, and training articles. Or, share articles available in Essentials and
with a team of reviewers when the Review Status field is “Needs Review”, if your org contains such Unlimited Editions with
a field. Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Choose the Sharing or Access Model for Lightning Knowledge Enterprise, Performance,
The standard Salesforce sharing model contrasts with the default for Knowledge, which uses and Developer Editions. For
data categories to control access beyond object permissions. When you use standard sharing, more information, contact
data categories no longer control record access. Your knowledge base continues to use data your Salesforce
categories to classify articles. Data categories affect searches and queries and can be used as representative.
Sharing Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
Sharing gives you control and flexibility to set access to articles with organization-wide defaults, owner-based sharing, and criteria-based
rules. Sharing is just one piece of the puzzle. It works with object permissions, app permission such as viewing draft articles,
administrator access, and whether the article is available internally, externally, or publicly. Keep these considerations in mind when
you plan your sharing model.

Service Cloud Sharing for Lightning Knowledge

Choose the Sharing or Access Model for Lightning Knowledge

The standard Salesforce sharing model contrasts with the default for Knowledge, which uses data
categories to control access beyond object permissions. When you use standard sharing, data
categories no longer control record access. Your knowledge base continues to use data categories Available in: Lightning
to classify articles. Data categories affect searches and queries and can be used as filters. Experience
To use the Salesforce sharing model for Knowledge:
Salesforce Knowledge is
1. From Setup, enter knowledge in the quick find box and select Knowledge Settings.
available in Essentials and
2. Click Edit. Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
3. Under Sharing Settings, select Use standard Salesforce sharing.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce

4. Save your changes.

5. To view the sharing settings for Knowledge, from Setup, enter sharing in the quick find box and select Sharing Settings. By
default, the knowledge object uses Public Read/Write for internal users and Private for external access.
6. To add a sharing rule, click New under Knowledge Sharing Rules.
You can switch from Salesforce sharing back to data category sharing by deselecting Use standard Salesforce sharing in the Knowledge
Settings page. We recommend that you delete all sharing rules for knowledge articles before you switch back to data category sharing.
Before you can turn off standard sharing, make sure that the organization-wide default access for internal and external users is Public
Read/Write. Wait for any sharing recalculations to finish because you can’t change the sharing model while calculations are in progress.

Sharing Settings
Sharing Rules

Service Cloud Sharing for Lightning Knowledge

Sharing Considerations for Lightning Knowledge

Sharing gives you control and flexibility to set access to articles with organization-wide defaults,
owner-based sharing, and criteria-based rules. Sharing is just one piece of the puzzle. It works with
object permissions, app permission such as viewing draft articles, administrator access, and whether Available in: Lightning
the article is available internally, externally, or publicly. Keep these considerations in mind when Experience
you plan your sharing model.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
How Do Data Categories Fit In?
Unlimited Editions with
When you switch to standard sharing, data categories are still used for classifying, filtering, and Service Cloud.
searching for articles. With standard sharing enabled, data categories no longer control access, so Salesforce Knowledge is
check whether you can simplify or remove any data categories. If you previously created groups of available for an additional
data categories primarily to control access, not filter articles, consider whether to remove or deactivate cost in: Professional,
those groups. For example, sharing rules that use the article’s language or record type can replace Enterprise, Performance,
groups of categories matching the article’s language, region, or record type. and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Article Access with Salesforce Sharing representative.
Changing the sharing model requires you to rethink your permissions and access strategy. Instead
of data categories assigned to user profiles, standard sharing uses ownership, defaults, and rules
to determine who can see and edit articles.
Sharing and article versions
Sharing works at the level of the article version (the Knowledge__kav object) and not the master article (the Knowledge __ka object).
You can configure rules and settings so that an agent or user can access some versions but not others. In contrast, because category
sharing affects the master article, versions always have the same category-based access as that of the master version. This difference
applies to language-based versions and consecutive versions.
For example, changing the value in a record between versions can change the result of a sharing rule and therefore grant or remove
access. In addition, a user can view only published articles unless their profile has the permissions to view draft and archived articles.
Object and app permissions
Knowledge object permissions to Create, Read, Edit, and Delete articles, granted via profile permissions, control baseline access.
Sharing settings refine access, but they can’t give access to articles the user can’t otherwise view or edit. Currently, object-level View
All Records and Modify All Records don’t grant more access.
Similarly, app permissions for Knowledge, such as View Draft Articles and View Archived Articles, are enforced regardless of sharing.
Article owners and translations
The user who creates a knowledge article is the owner of the master article and, by default, all versions. The user who submits an
article for translation is the owner of the translation version. When your knowledge base contains translations, make sure that your
sharing settings provide translators with access to translations and master-language article versions. For example, if the sharing for
a master-language article is set to Private, it can prevent translators from accessing the master-language articles.
Access for article authors
Setting the organization-wide default to Public Read Only prevents non-owners from performing authoring actions such as editing
or restoring archived articles. Write access granted via sharing is required to use these actions: Edit, Publish, Delete Draft, Assign, Edit
as Draft, Archive, Submit for Translation, Restore, and Delete Archived Article. Admin users with Modify All Data permission, which
overrides sharing, can still edit articles.

Service Cloud Einstein for Service

Fields Available for Sharing Rules

You can create rules using custom fields and most standard fields as criteria. But you can’t use the following fields in sharing rules:
• Article Type
• Assignment Date
• Assignment Due Date
• Assignment Note
• File fields
• Is Latest Version
• Is Master Language
• Publication Status
• Translation Completed Date
• Translation Exported Date
• Version Number

Note: The Article Type field differentiates articles in Knowledge for Salesforce Classic, while Lightning Knowledge uses Record

The following Sharing features aren’t available for Knowledge.
• Manual sharing
• Apex sharing

Sharing Settings
Organization-Wide Sharing Defaults
Sharing Rules
Lightning Knowledge User Access
Create Data Categories for Articles, Answers, and Ideas

Einstein for Service

Einstein for Service is a powerful set of features to support your agents and satisfy your customers.
Rights of ALBERT EINSTEIN are used with permission of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Represented exclusively by Greenlight.

Einstein Bots
Build and manage Einstein Bots to ease the load on your service agents. Bots can handle routine requests and free your agents to
handle more complex issues. Bots can also gather pre-chat information to save your agents time.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Einstein Classification Apps

Remove guesswork in completing case fields so that agents can resolve cases quickly, accurately, and consistently. On incoming
cases, Einstein Case Classification recommends, selects, or saves field values based on historical case data. As chat agents complete
cases, Einstein Case Wrap-Up predicts final field values based on your closed cases and chat transcripts.
Einstein Article Recommendations
Save agent time with Einstein Article Recommendations. With just a few clicks, you can build a model that recommends relevant
knowledge articles to solve your customer cases.
Einstein Reply Recommendations
Conserve your support team’s time and standardize your messaging to customers. Build a model that recommends relevant English
replies to support agents in the console during chat and messaging sessions. Replies are based on your org’s closed chat transcripts,
and Einstein only recommends replies that you’ve reviewed and published.

Einstein Recommendation Builder

Einstein Bots
Build and manage Einstein Bots to ease the load on your service agents. Bots can handle routine
requests and free your agents to handle more complex issues. Bots can also gather pre-chat
information to save your agents time. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
IN THIS SECTION: Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
First, What’s a Bot?
in Lightning Experience.
Technically speaking, a chatbot or bot is “a computer program which conducts a conversation
via auditory or textual methods.” Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Plan Your Einstein Bot and Developer Editions
Careful planning is essential to making your bot effective and your customers happy.
Get Started with Einstein Bots
On the Einstein Bots setup page, turn on bots, launch the Create an Einstein Bot Wizard, and access your list of bots.
Create an Einstein Bot
You can create an Einstein Bot from a template or from scratch.
What Makes Bots Tick?
Bots have many moving parts. But let’s start with a few fundamental components in Einstein Bots.
Best Practices for Conversation Design
Consider the following points when designing your bot.
Update the Bot Overview Page
The Bot Overview Page defines important bot settings such as channels, profiles, and logging conversations. Get acquainted with
the page to customize your bot.
Deploy Your Bot to Your Channels
View available channels, add new channels, and deploy your bot quickly in your bot’s Overview page.
Understand Einstein Bot Dialogs
A dialog is the workhorse of your bot’s interaction with your customer.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Navigating Bot Conversations

You can aid in bot troubleshooting efforts by understanding the order of operations. Learning the behaviors of the Confused dialog,
Conversation Repair, transfers, and Intent Management, helps you build a more efficient bot.
Add a Bot Response Delay
Add a delay to every bot response on the Chat channel to deliver multiple messages to the customer at a comfortable reading pace.
The bot shows a typing indicator to your customer’s device during these delays.
What’s an Entity?
An entity represents a type of data that you want to collect from a customer. We provide the following system entities: Text, Number,
Boolean, Date, DateTime, Object (standard or custom), and Currency. You can create your own custom entities as needed.
What’s a Variable?
A variable is a container that stores a specific piece of data collected from the customer or output from Salesforce. Since variables
are containers of information, they can be used within dialog actions as both inputs and outputs and can be inserted as part of the
text in messages.
Transfer Bot Conversations
Einstein Bots are team players. They’re great at passing conversations to the team member that is most likely to solve a customer
issue. Whether you program your bot to transfer to an agent or to another bot, the following steps show you the best way to set up
bot conversation transfers.
Use Intents to Understand Your Customers
Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) through intent management is uncharted territory for most admins. It’s important to
remember that building bots is iterative - starting off with a small bot and then building it into a complex machine is part of the
journey. As you gain feedback from your customers and review data, your bots grow in ways you have never expected!
Evaluate How Well Your Bots Understand Your Customers
The Model Management page provides metrics on the quality of your bot’s intent model and a detailed look at individual intents.
Use the information to fine-tune intents and improve how well your bot understands your customers.
Add a Bot Options Menu to the Chat Window (Optional)
To let your customers know what your bot can do and to provide consistent navigation, add a persistent options menu to the chat
Activate or Deactivate Your Bot
When you’re ready to put your bot to work, activate your bot and welcome your new agent to the team!
Monitor, Analyze, and Refine Bot Activity
To improve your bot, it’s important to learn how to report on bot activity. Build standard reports using the Conversation Definition
Sessions, Conversation Definition Dialog Daily Metrics, and Conversation Definition Hourly Dialog Metrics objects. To use Tableau
CRM with Einstein Bots, you can view the EinsteinBotsV2 Dashboard by visiting the Analytics Studio app in the App Launcher.
Improve Your Bot
Einstein Bots collects customer data that gives you valuable insights into the customer experience, which you can then use to
improve your bot's design and its capabilities. A data-driven bot growth strategy works best to meet customer expectations.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

First, What’s a Bot?

Technically speaking, a chatbot or bot is “a computer program which conducts a conversation via
auditory or textual methods.”
Thanks, Wikipedia...but bots are so much more: Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
• Bots are your allies in the race to resolve support cases fast. They can even prevent them from
Lightning Experience. Setup
being opened in the first place!
for Einstein Bots is available
• Bots reduce chat duration by helping customers self-direct immediately, and resolving in Lightning Experience.
common issues without waiting to “get in the queue.”
Available in: Enterprise,
• Bots save your agents time (and thus, your company money), allowing agents to devote
Performance, Unlimited,
more time to complex problem-solving and consequential customer interactions. and Developer Editions
• Most importantly, bots can be trained to understand human language—and respond
intelligently—through Natural-Language Processing (NLP).
Bots aren’t humans. They can’t replace humans. But they can complement the support-chat experience, giving customers a friendly
greeting and direct ways to get what they need—fast!
What makes Einstein Bots so smart? Two significant things:
• Salesforce Einstein and
• The power of—and your data in—Salesforce!

Can My Bots Sound like My Company?
Every company has a “voice.” Banks and investment companies sound different from toy companies, which sound different from
cosmetic get the idea.
What Help Do I Need to Get Botting?
The best people to start with are the people you already have—your service agents.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Einstein Bots Requirements

Before we can have fun with Einstein Bots, we have to finish a few chores.
Einstein Bots System Limitations
To build better bots, it helps to understand the maximum number of dialogs that can be attached, steps to implement, or the
maximum number of versions per bot.
Einstein Bots and Your Data
Einstein Bots includes two types of data: event data and intent data. Intent data, the data bots use to decide between intents, is
discussed in Intent Management. Event data shows the details of actual bot conversations. You can use event data to create reports
on trends, drill down into sessions to identify errors at the source, and use versioning to seamlessly update your bot.
Understanding Bot Permissions
Enable your team to collaborate building Einstein Bots and intent models by assigning custom permissions to profiles. Manage Bots
and Manage Bots Training Data permissions allow users to access different parts of the bot depending on their needs.
Learn About Einstein Bots Compliance
Bots are now compliant with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), so customers in the healthcare industry
can have secure conversations over Chat. Bots now exceed data confidentiality and privacy standards set by the Service Organization
Controls reports (SOC 2). Learn about how the bot infrastructure now meets the highest standards for security, availability, and
processing integrity of conversation data.

Can My Bots Sound like My Company?

Every company has a “voice.” Banks and investment companies sound different from toy companies,
which sound different from cosmetic get the idea.
You want your bot to reflect your company's brand, which means you must consider the language Einstein Bots is available in
and tone your bot uses. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
In a contact center, agents get trained on the company-specific ways to address customers. And
for Einstein Bots is available
guess what? You can “train” your bots to sound like your agents instead of like machines. Here’s an
in Lightning Experience.
Available in: Enterprise,
Company Style Sample Greeting Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Default bot greeting “Hi! I’m your helpful bot.”

Formal company bot “Hello, Ms. Smith. How can we help you?”

Rad company bot “Hi, Janet! What’s cookin’ today?”

We’re exaggerating, of course. But even by customizing your initial greeting, you can make your bots sound like your company from
the get-go.
This plays out in more detailed ways. One key thing you write when building your bots are bot’s messages. They can be customized to
match your company’s voice and tone. So even though you don’t pretend that your bots are humans, you can make them sound an
awful lot like your support agents!
Want some more ideas? Check out how we at Salesforce create our voice in our Writing Style Trailhead module, and our corporate style

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

What Help Do I Need to Get Botting?

The best people to start with are the people you already have—your service agents.
They’re on the front lines, so they know your most common issues, and most importantly, how
they talk to customers. Depend on your agents for design inspiration and as sounding boards, Einstein Bots is available in
especially for the words that you put in your bots’ mouths. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
But it does take a small village to set up bots and keep them running smoothly. Here are some other
for Einstein Bots is available
people you should enlist:
in Lightning Experience.
• Service-team managers
Available in: Enterprise,
• Salesforce administrators Performance, Unlimited,
• A data scientist and Developer Editions
• ISV partners to help with your AI
Having a robust team with varied expertise will ensure that your bots speak intelligently—and that you can do something with the
customer-interaction data they provide.
Also, having a robust team helps you connect to more tools to make your bots smarter. Like Salesforce Knowledge. Or the IoT (Internet
of Things) Cloud. The better they’re connected, the more your bots can know!

Einstein Bots Requirements

Before we can have fun with Einstein Bots, we have to finish a few chores.
1. Obtain a Service Cloud license and a Chat or Messaging license. Each org is provided 25 Einstein
Bots conversations per month for each user with an active subscription. To make full use of the Einstein Bots is available in
Einstein Bots Performance page, obtain the Service Analytics App. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
Note: Chat and Messaging licenses support different channels (such as SMS or Facebook for Einstein Bots is available
Messenger) and might have different requirements. in Lightning Experience.

2. Enable Lightning Experience. Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
3. Run the Chat guided setup flow.
and Developer Editions
4. Enable Salesforce Knowledge if your bot serves Knowledge articles to customers.
5. Publish an Experience Cloud site (preferable) or a Salesforce site.
6. Provide an Embedded Chat button for your customers on your community or site.

Einstein Bots System Limitations

To build better bots, it helps to understand the maximum number of dialogs that can be attached,
steps to implement, or the maximum number of versions per bot.
General Limits Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
Description Limit Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
Apex calls before an outbound message 50 in Lightning Experience.
Active bots per org 20 Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Conditions per step 5
and Developer Editions
Dialog groups per bot version 100

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Description Limit
Dialogs per bot version 500

Entities per intent set (domain) 500

Fields selected for each lookup 10

Intent extensions per intent 20

Intents per intent set (domain) 2000

Items for the Bot Options menu 5

Links to other dialogs per bot navigation 50

Quick replies per bot variable operation 20

Steps per dialog 50

Steps under a group step 5

Utterances per bot 10000

Utterances per intent 2000

Values for each list variable entity 200

Variables per bot version 500

Versions per bot 20

Time Limits

Description Limit
Apex action time limit 10 seconds

Bot processing time limit 20 seconds

Session inactivity time limit (Chat) 30 minutes

If the end user requests a transfer to an agent, the bot attempts to
transfer up to the time limit. If no agents are available at the end
of the time limit, the transfer is closed.

Session inactivity time limit (Messaging) 8 hours

Einstein Bots and Your Data

Einstein Bots includes two types of data: event data and intent data. Intent data, the data bots use to decide between intents, is discussed
in Intent Management. Event data shows the details of actual bot conversations. You can use event data to create reports on trends,
drill down into sessions to identify errors at the source, and use versioning to seamlessly update your bot.
Hierarchy of Bot Event Data
Einstein Bots are structured in a way that is easy for Admins to understand. Like Flows, Bots follow a simple hierarchy:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

The bot stores different types of data at the Bot Name level versus the Bot Version level. At the Bot Name level, the following data is
• Bot Name: The bot name listed on the Bot Overview page.
• Bot API Name: The API name associated with this bot when it was created.
• Bot Description: A short description of the bot. The description is created in the Wizard and can be edited on the Bot Overview page.
• Channel Association on page 1058: The channel name assigned to this bot on the Bot Overview Page.
• Entities on page 1085: The type of data that you want to collect from a customer.
• Local Intents & Utterances: The utterances used to train this particular bot.
• Intent Sets: groups of common utterances used to train intents over multiple bots.
At the Bot Version level, different data is stored. A team can have multiple versions of a bot, but only one active version at a time.
• Bot Language: The primary language assigned to the bot version in the Wizard.
• Bot Response Delay: The amount of time assigned to the bot to wait in between responses. This setting is on the Bot Overview page.
• Log Conversations: The setting defined on the Bot Overview Page that instructs the bot to log all conversations.
• Bot User: The profile attached to the bot. By default, the profile is the Basic Chatbot User, but if the bot requires access to more
objects, create and assign a custom profile.
• Dialogs on page 1059: The dialogs inside the bot. In the Builder, dialogs are in the Dialogs menu.
• Variables on page 1088: The variables assigned to the bot. Variables are in the Variables section of the Bot Builder.
Reporting on Bot Event Data
• You can use report types to build bot event data into reports. Bot event data can be built into reports by creating custom report
types on the Conversation Definition object.
• The entities that you can use inside report types are in the Bot Data Reference Guide on page 1017.
• Bot session data is available through standard reports. You can add more data such as chat transcripts, messaging sessions, and bot
event logs with access to Tableau CRM.
Bot Session & Event Data Limitations
• An intent set can only be assigned to a single bot intent at a time.
• To move the intent set to another dialog, you can remove the original connection on the Dialog Intent page and then reconnect it
to the new dialog.
• Before you delete a dialog, remove the intent set. If you delete a dialog with an attached intent set, that intent set remains assigned
to that dialog.
• Due to high volume, bot event and session data are only stored for 7 days. You can download this data or copy it to another object
for longer storage.
• Turn off the Log Conversation Data setting on the Bot Overview page if you have concerns about the bot capturing personal identifying
information (PII) of your customers.
Deleting Bot Event Data
Deleting data at the Bot Version level can have unintended ramifications on the data model. For instance, if a dialog is assigned to an
intent set in Version 1 of the Bot and then in Version 2 the dialog is deleted, the intent is still attached to the bot. To back out a dialog

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

intent set from a bot, remove the intent set from the dialog by clicking next to the intent set and clicking Delete. Once removed,
the dialog can be deleted and the intent set can be used elsewhere.

Bot Data Reference Guide
A list of bot objects, events, and fields to use when you troubleshoot, develop, or build Einstein Bots.

Bot Data Reference Guide

A list of bot objects, events, and fields to use when you troubleshoot, develop, or build Einstein Bots.

Analytics Bot Session

A record created for each bot session describing key events.

Field Definition
AbandonedDialogCount The number of dialogs where flow was interrupted by a NLP

BotName The bot name as listed in the Bot Setup Page.

BotSessionKey The unique identifier of the conversation session.

BotVersionNumber The bot version number.

ChannelType Identifies the conversation channel (Chat, SMS, WhatsApp, etc).

ChoiceSelectionCount The number of choices the user made during the session.

ConversationSessionKey The referenced LiveChatTranscript ChatKey or the

MessagingSession ID.

ConversationSessionStartTime The start time of the conversation session.

FromBotMessageCount The number of messages sent by the bot.

GlobalChoiceSelectionCount The number of choices made by the user from the bot options

LastDialogName Name of the last dialog visited when the session with the bot

NlpIntentRequestCount The number of NLP requests submitted to the intent model.

NlpIntentRequestHitCount The number of NLP requests that identified an intent.

SessionDuration Duration in seconds between the SessionStartTime and the


SessionEndTime Conversation Session end time, defined as the time of the last
message exchanged between the user and the bot.

SessionEndType Categorizes the way the conversation session ended: Ended By

End User, Error, Other, Session Timed Out, or Transferred.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Field Definition
SessionStartTime Conversation Session start time, defined as the time of the first
message exchanged between the user and the bot.

Source The referenced LiveChatTranscript ID or the MessagingSession ID.

StartedDialogCount The number of dialogs called during a session.

ToBotMessageCount The number of messages sent to the bot.

TransferType The type of transfer: Bot Request, Implementation Error, Insufficient

Privileges, or Invocation Timeout.

WasSessionDropped Defines whether the session was dropped.

WasTransferSuccessful Defines whether the transfer was successful.

Bot Entity Reference

A junction record between bot sessions and bot events.

Bot Event Label Definition

BotDefinition The name of the bot.

BotVersion The version of the bot.

ConversationDefinitionDialog A dialog inside a bot version.

ConversationDefinitionSession A bot session.

ConversationDefinitionSessionEngagement A junction object between a Conversation Definition Session and

the corresponding Conversation engagements for the session.

ConversationDefinitionEventLog Stores actions performed by the automated conversation runtime

for customer troubleshooting and analysis.

Conversation Definition Session

A record generated with each bot session. This data is deleted after 14 days.

Field Definition
Channel Type The type of channel in the session.
Example: Chat

Conversation Definition Session ID The 15-digit ID of the session.

Created Date The date the session record was created.

Session Duration The time of the session in milliseconds.

Has Error Logs Identifies whether the session includes an error event.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Field Definition
Session End Type The way that the session ended.
Examples: Ended by End User, Transferred, Session Timed Out,
Error, Action, Other

Session Start Time The start date and time of the session.

Session Status The status of the session.

Example: Ended

Session Transfer Result If a transfer was initiated, the status of the transfer.
Examples: Transfer Successful, Transfer Failed, No Transfer
Requested, No Agents Available

Session Transfer Target Type The destination of the transfer: Agent or Bot

Session Transfer Type The origin of the request to transfer.

Examples: Bot Request, Implementation Error, Invocation Timeout,
Insufficient Privileges

Conversation Definition Dialog Daily Metrics

A record of bot metrics by day for reporting over time.

Field Definition
BotDefinitionName The name of the bot.

BotVersionID The version number of the bot.

ChannelType The type of channel in the session.

Example: Chat

DialogDefinitionName The name of the dialog.

IsSuccessful Identifying the success or failure of an action if the metric type

refers to an action that could fail.
Example: Action Executed, NLP Intent Called, Escalation, Transferred

MetricDateTime The time the metric was logged.

MetricType The type of metric logged.

Examples: Escalation, Exception, Dialog Opened, Confusion, Choice
Selected, Sessions Started, Action Executed, Sessions Ended, NLP
Intent Called, Dialog Closed, Transferred.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Field Definition
SessionEndType Categorizes the way the conversation session ended.
Examples: Action, Ended By End User, Error, Other, Session Timed
Out, or Transferred.

SessionTransferType The origin of the request to transfer.

Examples: Bot Request, Implementation Error, Invocation Timeout,
Insufficient Privileges

StaticChoiceValue The text of the static choice selection by the user.

Value The value of the metric.

Example: If 20 bot sessions started in the last month, the Metric
Type would be Sessions Started and the Value would be 20.

Conversation Definition Dialog Hourly Metrics

A record of bot metrics by hour for reporting over time.

Field Definition
BotDefinitionName The name of the bot.

BotVersionID The version number of the bot.

ChannelType The type of channel in the session.

Example: Chat

DialogDefinitionName The name of the dialog.

Hour The hour related to the record (0-23).

IsSuccessful Identifying the success or failure of an action if the metric type

refers to an action that could fail.
Example: Action Executed, NLP Intent Called, Escalation, Transferred

MetricDateTime The time the metric was logged.

MetricType The type of metric logged.

Examples: Escalation, Exception, Dialog Opened, Confusion, Choice
Selected, Sessions Started, Action Executed, Sessions Ended, NLP
Intent Called, Dialog Closed, Transferred.

SessionEndType Categorizes the way the conversation session ended.

Examples: Action, Ended By End User, Error, Other, Session Timed
Out, or Transferred.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Field Definition
SessionTransferType The origin of the request to transfer.
Examples: Bot Request, Implementation Error, Invocation Timeout,
Insufficient Privileges

StaticChoiceValue The text of the static choice selection by the user.

Value The value of the metric.

Example: If 20 bot sessions started in the last month, the Metric
Type would be Sessions Started and the Value would be 20.

Event Log: List of Events

A record created each time an event occurs in a bot session. This data is deleted after seven days.

Note: Events that end with a colon include merged data specific to the event.

Level Event Description

Debug Initializing context variable: The bot is accessing a context variable.

Error Error: An error has occurred.

Error Invocation failed - errors: The bot invoked a flow or Apex but there
were errors.

Error Transfer failed: The transfer failed.

Info Call dialog: The bot called a dialog.

Info Clear Variable: The bot used the Clear Variable Value dialog.
The Variable Name is included in the event

Info End chat requested The bot ended the chat.

Info End dialog: The end of a dialog.

Info Entity extracted The bot was able to successfully extract an


Info Escalation requested An escalation to an agent was requested.

Info External entities extracted The bot was able to successfully extract an
entity from an external source.

Info External intents detected The bot detected intents from an external

Info Intent detected successfully: The bot was able to identify an intent.

Info Intent detection failed The bot was not able to identify an intent.

Info Invocation successful: The bot was able to invoke a flow or Apex.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Level Event Description

Info Message sent: A message sent to a customer.

Info Prompt sent: A question sent to a customer.

Info Redirect to dialog: The bot redirected to a dialog.

Info Rule condition evaluation The bot is evaluating the customer input
based on the rule conditions.

Info Rule condition item result: False The bot is evaluated the customer input
based on the rule conditions and found it
to not meet those conditions.

Info Rule condition item result: True The bot is evaluated the customer input
based on the rule conditions and found it
to meet those conditions.

Info Search failed - errors: The bot performed a search and

encountered an error.

Info Search successful The bot performed a search and was


Info Sensitive data not available This event shows when the “Store Einstein
Bots conversation data” is not checked.

Info Session ended The bot session ended.

Info Set Variable The bot used the Set Variable dialog. The
Variable Name is included in the event log.

Info Start dialog: The start of a new dialog.

Info Starting a new session The bot is starting a new session.

Info Transfer successful: The transfer was successful.

Info Transferred from bot: The conversation started with a bot transfer.

Info User response: The response from the customer.

Info Variable already filled: The bot tried to enter data into a variable
but it was already filled.

The following AnalyticsBotSession fields are retrieved through the ConversationSessionMetrics object:
• LastDialogName can be retrieved by reaching through the LastDialog foreign key on ConversationSessionMetrics and querying the
• TransferType can be retrieved from BotSessionTransferType on ConversationSessionMetrics
• Bot, BotVersion, BotName, and BotVersionNumber can be retrieved by querying the ConversationDefinition on
• SessionDuration can be retrieved by querying BotSessionDuration on ConversationSessionMetrics
• SessionStartTime can be retrieved by querying BotSessionStartTime on ConversationSessionMetrics

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• SessionEndTime can be retrieved by querying BotSessionEndTime on ConversationSessionMetrics

Understanding Bot Permissions

Enable your team to collaborate building Einstein Bots and intent models by assigning custom
permissions to profiles. Manage Bots and Manage Bots Training Data permissions allow users to
access different parts of the bot depending on their needs. Einstein Bots is available in
Einstein Bots is a team effort. The permission structure is built to accommodate many types of users Salesforce Classic and
while maintaining control over who can change the bot structure. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
To view Einstein Bots inside Salesforce, users must have View Set up and Configuration and Lightning
in Lightning Experience.
User Experience permissions assigned to their profile. Users with these permissions are shown a
read-only experience of the Bot Builder. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
In addition, you can assign the following app permissions:
and Developer Editions
Manage Bots
Designed for bot administrators, Manage Bots allows the user to access features in the Bot Builder.
Users can create and edit dialogs, edit bot information, add channels, and build bot transfers. Users with the Manage Bots permission
can access all features included inside the Manage Bots Training Data permission to build and manage intent models.
Manage Bots Training Data
Manage Bots Training Data allows users who want to help build and maintain intent models to access intents, utterances, and bot
training. This permission is perfect for users who don’t need access to make structural changes to the bot. Users with this permission
can access Einstein Intent Sets, which aid in uploading and migrating intent data across bots and orgs. Manage Bots, Manage Bots
Training Data, and Modify Metadata are system permissions within Permission Sets. To assign custom permissions, visit Enable Custom
Permissions in Permission Sets.

Note: Users with the Modify Metadata or Customize Application permission have the same access as users with the Manage Bots
and Manage Bots Training Data permission.
Feature-Specific Permissions
Some features require extra permissions. Review the help article assigned to your feature to confirm the required permissions.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Learn About Einstein Bots Compliance

Bots are now compliant with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), so
customers in the healthcare industry can have secure conversations over Chat. Bots now exceed
data confidentiality and privacy standards set by the Service Organization Controls reports (SOC 2). Einstein Bots is available in
Learn about how the bot infrastructure now meets the highest standards for security, availability, Salesforce Classic and
and processing integrity of conversation data. Lightning Experience. Setup
Einstein Bots are now HIPAA-compliant with Chat (In-App and Web). Beta and Pilot features aren’t for Einstein Bots is available
HIPAA-compliant. SOC 2 Compliance is available for all channels. in Lightning Experience.

To learn more about compliance, visit the Salesforce Trust site or the Einstein Platform Compliance Available in: Enterprise,
site. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
HIPAA Compliance Steps
1. Encrypt CovnersationDefinitionUtteranceSuggestions (bot training data) in Shield.
a. You can set up Shield Platform Encryption using the instructions in Trailhead: Set Up and
Manage Shield Platform Encryption. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
b. After you enable it, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Encryption Policy, then click
• Customize Application
Encrypt Fields, and then click Edit to check the Utterance field.
Note: Learn more about Shield Platform Encryption at How Shield Platform Encryption Modify Metadata
2. From the Bot Builder, review the utterances inside each dialog intent for Personally Identifiable Manage Bots
Information (PII). Modify or remove any utterances containing PII. To add, edit, or delete
• Customize Application

Plan Your Einstein Bot

Careful planning is essential to making your bot effective and your customers happy.
Technical Planning
Einstein Bots is available in
• Analyze the issues that your agents are addressing to identify common issues that the bot can
Salesforce Classic and
resolve. For example, password reset requests, order status, or routine questions, such as for
Lightning Experience. Setup
store locations and hours.
for Einstein Bots is available
• To support the questions that your Einstein bot answers for your customers, develop a set of in Lightning Experience.
Knowledge articles.
Available in: Enterprise,
• Decide which channels that you want to use with your bot, such as Chat or Messaging.
Performance, Unlimited,
• Determine whether your bot needs a custom profile to perform actions for features that require and Developer Editions
extra licenses, like Field Service. Each bot has a Bot User profile and settings that determines
what the bot can access or do.
• Decide whether you want to add a persistent menu that’s always available to your customers at the bottom of the chat window. A
Bot Options menu provides a quick way for customers to get to the main bot functions at any point in the chat experience.
• If you plan to let customers type their questions in chat, compile a list of the ways that customers ask for help with these issues.
Using this list, compile another list of customer requests that are out of scope for your bot. This list helps you smoothly address
requests that the bot can’t address.

Note: If you plan to provide a purely menu- or button-driven bot, no need to define customer intents.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Voice and Tone Planning

• Consider a name for your bot, such as Codey the Bear, that reflects your company’s brand and voice.
• Design a Welcome greeting that identifies the bot and clarifies that it isn’t a human.
• Identify what the bot can do. Consider including an option to transfer to a human agent.

Get Started with Einstein Bots

On the Einstein Bots setup page, turn on bots, launch the Create an Einstein Bot Wizard, and access
your list of bots.

Note: To use Einstein Bots, the org must have Chat or Messaging licenses. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Einstein Bots, and then select Einstein Bots. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To view the Einstein Bot

• View Setup
2. To get started with Einstein Bots, click the toggle, and accept the terms.
3. Click New, then follow the Create an Einstein Bot Wizard. To start with a basic framework to
Lightning User
handle bot conversations, select Start from Scratch. To create a bot with dialogs that handle
many common use cases, select the Intro Template. Learn about both options at Create an
Einstein Bot on page 1026. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
4. After you complete the wizard, you can edit specific settings about your bot on the Bot Overview
• Customize Application
Page. Read more about each setting at Update the Bot Overview Page on page 1053.
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Enable Einstein Bots in a Scratch Org
You can quickly enable Einstein Bots in a scratch org using Salesforce DX.

Enable Einstein Bots in a Scratch Org

You can quickly enable Einstein Bots in a scratch org using Salesforce DX.
Learn more about scratch orgs in the Salesforce DX Developer Guide.
Einstein Bots is available in
1. To enable Einstein Bots in a scratch org, add this code to your definition file:
Salesforce Classic and
Example: Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
{ in Lightning Experience.
"orgName": "AcmeCorp",
"edition": "Developer", Available in: Enterprise,
"features": ["ServiceCloud", "Chatbot"], Performance, Unlimited,
"hasSampleData": "false", and Developer Editions
"settings": {
"liveAgentSettings": {
"enableLiveAgent": true USER PERMISSIONS
"botSettings": { To build and manage
"enableBots": true Einstein Bots:
}, • Customize Application
"orgPreferenceSettings": { OR
"s1DesktopEnabled": true,
"selfSetPasswordInApi": true,
Modify Metadata
"s1EncryptedStoragePref2": false OR
} Manage Bots

Create an Einstein Bot

You can create an Einstein Bot from a template or from scratch.
Einstein Bots start from a Guided Setup Flow or by cloning an existing bot. There are two types of
bots you can build from the Guided Setup Flow: Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
The Intro Template (Beta) is a fully featured bot that merges best-in-class conversation design
Lightning Experience. Setup
with the power of flows to automatically deliver one or more popular Salesforce actions:
for Einstein Bots is available
• Connect with Sales: creates a lead record in Lightning Experience.
• Report an Issue: creates a case record Available in: Enterprise,
• Check the status of an existing issue: performs a case lookup and allows the customer to add Performance, Unlimited,
a case comment and Developer Editions
• Check the status of an order: performs an order lookup
• Transfer to Agent dialogs to let customers transfer to an agent

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Note: Any use of this beta feature is subject to the Beta Services terms at
The Intro Template requires extra permissions:
• To deploy a bot using the intro template, your org must have Chat and Messaging enabled.
• To deploy a bot with the Intro Template, a user must have the Manage User Profiles and Permission Sets permission.
• To deploy a bot that checks the status of an Order, your org must have Orders enabled.

The Bot from Scratch is automatically fitted with tools that help create exceptional bot experiences:
• Custom Dialogs with a welcome messages and a prebuilt Main Menu.
• System Dialogs that help close bot conversations or transfer to an agent.
• Entities and Variables to capture customer input with the correct formatting.
• Bot Analytics to measure performance.
You can launch the Guided Setup Flow from the Einstein Bots main page. To build your first bot, click Create a New Bot. Otherwise,
click New.

Create an Einstein Bot from Scratch
Create a bot from scratch that includes standard Salesforce system dialogs such as Transfer to Agent and End Chat. This bot is perfect
for Bot admins who want to start with a blank slate.
Create an Einstein Bot from Template (Beta)
Create a bot from the Intro Template to generate a fully featured bot. The Intro Template includes popular Salesforce actions such
as creating a case, creating a lead, looking up an order, or adding a case comment to an existing case. Create a conversational
experience with included intent data.
Clone a Bot
Admins can clone a bot quickly to help with development, or they can create a similar bot for a different use case.
Learn About the Template Bot
Take a deep dive into the Einstein Bot Intro Template. You can learn how to create great bots by reviewing building tips, conversation
design strategies, and bot flow. Create a bot to connect with sales, report an issue, and check the status of an issue or an order.
Deliver Knowledge Articles with Article Answers
Use your Lightning Knowledge base to create an FAQ-based bot in minutes with Article Answers. Using clicks, not code, admins can
set up a bot to return fields from knowledge articles directly in the conversation. You can adjust Article Answers to fit your company’s
voice, surface multiple fields from your knowledge articles, and display a subset of your knowledge articles through the bot via
knowledge data categories. Prebuilt feedback capturing with event logging collects article feedback from your users in real time.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Create an Einstein Bot from Scratch

Create a bot from scratch that includes standard Salesforce system dialogs such as Transfer to Agent
and End Chat. This bot is perfect for Bot admins who want to start with a blank slate.
1. Launch the Guided Setup Flow from the Einstein Bots main page. For your first bot, click Create Einstein Bots is available in
a New Bot. Otherwise, click New. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
2. Select Bot from Scratch from the options provided. Click Next.
for Einstein Bots is available
3. Customize your bot’s greeting message. We recommend that you introduce your bot as a bot in Lightning Experience.
to keep trust with your customers.
Available in: Enterprise,
4. Define menu items for the bot. Each action creates a dialog and adds it to the bot Main Menu. Performance, Unlimited,
Click Next. and Developer Editions
5. Link a Chat Deployment to your bot. Each bot requires a unique deployment, and selecting an
existing deployment unlinks it from another bot or chat channel. To link this bot to a Messaging USER PERMISSIONS
Channel, skip this step and add the channel on the Bot Overview page.
To build and manage
Note: If you don’t link a chat deployment, the Bot Preview page won’t automatically Einstein Bots:
work. To set up an Embedded Service Deployment, view the help article Set Up Your • Customize Application
Embedded Chat Deployment on page 623.
6. Click Next and then Finish. The system completes the bot creation and enters the Bot Builder Modify Metadata
Dialog menu. OR
Manage Bots

Create an Einstein Bot from Template (Beta)

Create a bot from the Intro Template to generate a fully featured bot. The Intro Template includes
popular Salesforce actions such as creating a case, creating a lead, looking up an order, or adding
a case comment to an existing case. Create a conversational experience with included intent data. Einstein Bots is available in
Note: Any use of this beta feature is subject to the Beta Services terms at Agreements and Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
The Intro Template is designed for use only with the Chat channel. in Lightning Experience.

The Intro Template requires extra permissions: Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
• To deploy a bot using the Intro Template, your org must have Chat and Messaging enabled.
and Developer Editions
• To deploy a bot with the Intro Template, a user must have the Manage User Profiles, Run Flows,
and Permission Sets permission.
• To deploy a bot that checks the status of an Order, your org must have Orders enabled.
1. Launch the Guided Setup Flow from the Einstein Bots main page. For your first bot, click Create To build and manage
a New Bot. Otherwise, click New. Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
2. Select Intro Template from the options provided. Click Next.
3. Give your bot a name. This name is visible to customers, so select something that fits your
Modify Metadata
company’s voice and tone. You can edit this name later on the Bot Overview page.
4. Select your bot’s primary language. Click Next.
Manage Bots
Note: The language selected refers to the language used by the NLP engine.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

5. Select the actions to include in your bot. Each action creates a dialog and adds it to the bot Main Menu. Click Next.
6. Select an Embedded Service Deployment for your bot. Each bot requires a unique deployment, and selecting an existing deployment
unlinks it from another bot or chat channel. To link this bot to a Messaging Channel, skip this step and add the channel on the Bot
Overview page.
a. If you don’t link a chat deployment, the Bot Preview page doesn’t automatically work. To set up an Embedded Service Deployment,
view the help article Set Up Your Embedded Chat Deployment on page 623.
b. Each bot must have a unique deployment. Selecting a deployment already in use by another bot or on a live site can disrupt
other services.

7. Click Proceed and then Finish. The system completes the bot creation, starts building the intent model, and enters the Bot Builder
Dialog menu.

Note: The intent model requires a few hours to build in the background. Until the model is built, text input into the bot isn’t
processed for intent. When the Model Management page is updated with metrics, the intent model is ready to use.

Clone a Bot
Admins can clone a bot quickly to help with development, or they can create a similar bot for a
different use case.

Note: Cloned bots inherit settings from the Bot Overview page. They also inherit intent and Einstein Bots is available in
utterance data from the original bot. After cloning, admins can add channels and build intent Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
1. Navigate to the Bot Setup Page and find the bot in the My Bots list. in Lightning Experience.
2. Click the dropdown and select Clone. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Enter a new Bot Display Name and API name. The bot requires a unique Bot Display Name and Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
API Name for the cloned bot.
4. After you save your work, the Bot Builder opens to the new bot.

To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Learn About the Template Bot

Take a deep dive into the Einstein Bot Intro Template. You can learn how to create great bots by
reviewing building tips, conversation design strategies, and bot flow. Create a bot to connect with
sales, report an issue, and check the status of an issue or an order. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce designed the Intro Template to get you up and running with Einstein Bots as quickly as Salesforce Classic and
possible. This guide provides examples of common sales and service automation scenarios that Lightning Experience. Setup
you can customize for your business. After you deploy the bot through the Guided Setup Flow, for Einstein Bots is available
you’re dropped into the Bot Builder experience with a pre-configured Bot. If the process seems in Lightning Experience.
daunting, don’t worry—that’s what this guide is for. In what follows, we help you understand what’s Available in: Enterprise,
happening behind the scenes in the bot configuration. Performance, Unlimited,
The Intro Template is deployed through an all-new Guided Setup experience where you can and Developer Editions
customize the bot’s name, language, and use cases. Using this guided experience, you can learn
how to deploy a bot in a Salesforce organization in 1 minute. To create a bot using the Intro Template,
read more at Create an Einstein Bot from Template on page 1028.
The Intro Template covers common major use cases for your customers. Each use case appears in the bot’s Main Menu, which directs
users down different paths in the bot depending on what they select. Also included with the Intro Template are pre-built Salesforce
flows that handle the creation and look-up of Salesforce records. For example, the Connect with Sales dialog skill includes a flow to
create a lead, and the Report an Issue dialog skill includes a flow to create a case. In addition, we added dialogs that are crucial to creating
a complete bot, such as transferring to an agent or gracefully handling the end of the conversation.

The goal of this document is to explain each component and the best practices we used to implement each component. We hope you
use these methods to elevate your own bots, so your customers have a great experience every time. These small steps take good bots
and turn them into great bots.

Learn About the Template Bot: Welcome Dialogs
Learn about how the bot kicks off the conversation and guides the end user towards common tasks.
Learn About the Template Bot: Connect with Sales
Build a bot to capture end user information and create a lead record.
Learn About the Template Bot: Report an Issue
You can create cases from bot conversations using the Report an issue dialog and the Create Case dialog.
Learn About the Template Bot: Check Issue Status
The bot uses dialogs such as Check the status of an existing issue, Case look up, Case found, Case not found, and Add case comment
to check the status of a case and add a case comment.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Learn About the Template Bot: Check Order Status

Automate order lookups using the Check the status of an order, Order look up, Order found, and Order not found dialogs.
Learn About the Template Bot: Gather Info from User
Use one dialog to capture end user information. Build a dialog one time and share across multiple dialogs.
Learn About the Template Bot: Supporting Dialogs
Bots work best with supporting dialogs that help create a great customer experience. Learn about key dialogs: Agent Transfer,
Anything else, Clear Memory, Confused, and End Chat. Explore intent data used for exact matching.

Learn About the Template Bot: Welcome Dialogs

Learn about how the bot kicks off the conversation and guides the end user towards common
The Welcome dialog is included with all Salesforce bots—it greets your end users that are interacting Einstein Bots is available in
with the bot. In the Intro Template’s Welcome dialog, you see the customized greeting, which Salesforce Classic and
includes the bot name you specified in the Guided Setup Flow: Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

But even before the greeting, there’s an action dialog step that calls the flow Intro Bot: Get Pre-Chat Context. This action is designed to
get context from the bot’s pre-chat form on page 1028 so the bot can have a more personalized conversation with your users.

Note: Not all bots have pre-chat forms. If your bot’s Embedded Service Deployment on page 624 has pre-chat functionality turned
on, the pre-chat form is shown before the bot.
The Get Pre-Chat Context action gets user details, such as name, email, phone number, and company name. It also pre-creates a case,
contact, or lead, if it exists. The bot then uses this information to skip irrelevant questions and dialogs. For example, if the user already
provided their name, the bot skips the questions asking for first name and last name.
The bot automatically moves from the Welcome dialog to the Main Menu dialog. Here, you see a rule action that calls the Clear Memory

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

This dialog clears the values of certain variables to allow users to go back through the bot again. Read more about it in Conversation
Loopback on page 1043.

Learn About the Template Bot: Connect with Sales

Build a bot to capture end user information and create a lead record.
The Connect with Sales dialog skill, the group of dialogs used to complete a task, helps your prospects
and existing customers contact your sales representatives. Using the bot, customers can learn more Einstein Bots is available in
about your products and services, schedule a demo, ask for a quote, and more. The first thing you Salesforce Classic and
notice in the Connect with Sales dialog is that there are two rules up front. These rules are designed Lightning Experience. Setup
to handle scenarios where the user created a lead already. The bot avoids creating a duplicate lead for Einstein Bots is available
and instead informs the user that a Lead was created already. in Lightning Experience.

The first rule covers the scenario where a Lead was created by a pre-chat form. In this scenario, the Available in: Enterprise,
bot displays a message indicating that it already has lead information, and it routes the user to the Performance, Unlimited,
Anything else? dialog so they go back to the Main Menu. and Developer Editions

The second rule covers the scenario where the user has been through the Connect with Sales dialog skill one time and created a lead.
The bot follows the same behavior as the previous scenario, displaying a message and routing to the Anything else? dialog.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Next, the bot handles the scenario where the information necessary to create a lead has been entered, but a lead hasn’t yet been created.
In this case, the bot still creates a lead, but it skips the step where it asks the user questions to gather information.

The next rule follows a common pattern across dialogs. The bot first calls the Get user info dialog to gather information, and then it calls
the Create Lead dialog to create a lead record using that information.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Create Lead
Next, let’s look at the Create Lead dialog, where you see an action that invokes a flow to create a lead record:

The Routable Id is also included as an input so that the lead can be attached to the appropriate chat transcript.

Note: The Routable Id is a context variable that is equivalent to the Chat Transcript Id. To learn more about context variables,
check out Using Context and System Variables on page 1090.
The flow also outputs the ID of the created lead record, which is mapped to a bot variable. This way, the bot knows that a lead has been
created, so that it can avoid creating a lead again.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Learn About the Template Bot: Report an Issue

You can create cases from bot conversations using the Report an issue dialog and the Create Case
The Report Issue dialog skill, the group of dialogs used to complete a task, assists your end users in Einstein Bots is available in
getting their issues resolved by agents. It can replace or augment an existing Web2Case form. The Salesforce Classic and
Report Issue dialog skill follows a similar pattern as Connect with Sales on page 1032, with some key Lightning Experience. Setup
differences to allow users to report multiple issues in the same bot conversation. for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
The first rule recognizes if a case was created through the pre-chat form. If so, the bot displays a
custom message and allows the user to go back to the Main Menu to report another case, if needed. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Similar to the Create Lead dialog, the Create Case dialog also recognizes if information to create a case has been provided. Then the bot
skips the Get user info dialog to ask the end-user questions.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Create Case
The action dialog step, which creates a case, is built similarly to the Create Lead on page 1032 action. However, this flow also outputs the
case number, so users can reference it later if they want to look up the case.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Learn About the Template Bot: Check Issue Status

The bot uses dialogs such as Check the status of an existing issue, Case look up, Case found, Case
not found, and Add case comment to check the status of a case and add a case comment.
The Check Issue Status dialog skill helps users check the status of an issue they previously reported. Einstein Bots is available in
Then they can add more comments to the case to update the agent. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
Check the status of an existing issue
for Einstein Bots is available
To capture the response to the question about whether the user has a case number, a boolean in Lightning Experience.
system entity and corresponding boolean variable are used. The boolean system entity enables the
Available in: Enterprise,
bot to correctly capture and understand more responses than just the standard yes and no.
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

The bot also asks for an email address. This check provides an extra layer of security and prevents bad actors from looking up cases if
they were able to obtain only a case number.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Case look up
Within the Case look up dialog, we invoke a flow that returns a case based on the case number and email. If multiple cases match, the
flow returns the most recent case created.

Case Found & Case Not Found

The bot takes two different paths based on whether an existing case was found. If a case was found, the user can add comments to the
case. If the case wasn’t found, the user can speak directly with an agent who can help.

If the case was found, case details such as subject and status are reported to the user. You can use merge syntax in bot messages to pull
out subject and status fields from the variable that contains the matched case.

Note: Merge syntax can be used across any bot variables on page 1088.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Add Case Comment

If users want to update their case, this dialog contains the action that adds their comment to the case they just looked up.

Learn About the Template Bot: Check Order Status

Automate order lookups using the Check the status of an order, Order look up, Order found, and
Order not found dialogs.
The Check Order Status dialog skill allows users to check on their order. For example, a B2C bot can Einstein Bots is available in
check if the shoes they ordered were shipped. In a B2B bot, this dialog can check whether a contract Salesforce Classic and
has been approved. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
Check the status of an order
in Lightning Experience.
The Check Order Status dialog skill starts with the Check the status of an order dialog. This dialog
Available in: Enterprise,
asks the end user whether they have their order number and guides the conversation depending
Performance, Unlimited,
on the response. If they have their order number, the bot asks for it and moves to the Order look
and Developer Editions
up dialog. If not, the bot transfers to an agent.
Order look up
The Order look up dialog launches a flow to search for the order. In contrast to the Case look up, which uses case number and email
address, Order look up relies on the order number alone. This dialog is built without it because the standard Salesforce order object
doesn’t include an email field:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

The rest of this dialog guides the conversation based on whether the order status variable is filled. If the variable is filled, the bot moves
to the Order Found dialog.
Order Found & Order Not Found
The order number, amount, and status are reported to the user using merge syntax:

The bot then asks the user if they want to update, cancel, or return an order:

If so, the user is directed to an agent who can help:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

If the variable isn’t filled, the bot moves to the Order Not Found dialog and notifies the customer that the order wasn’t found. Then the
bot transfers to an agent.

Learn About the Template Bot: Gather Info from User

Use one dialog to capture end user information. Build a dialog one time and share across multiple
The Gather info from user dialog is a shared dialog called from the Connect with Sales on page 1032 Einstein Bots is available in
and Report an Issue on page 1035 dialog groups to collect key information from the user. The dialog Salesforce Classic and
collects the user’s information by asking the user a series of questions and filling variables with the Lightning Experience. Setup
responses. for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
Note: Creating a separate dialog follows the best practice of reusing dialogs wherever
possible, instead of repeating the dialog’s components in multiple places in the bot. With Available in: Enterprise,
this structure, if you want to change how the bot asks the user for their name, simply modify Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
the message in the Get user info dialog.
Both system entities on page 1085 and custom entities on page 1087 are used to capture user responses.
The system text entity is used to capture a broad range of inputs and not overly restrict responses. It’s used to capture the user’s first
name, last name, and company:

Custom entities help validate user responses before they’re stored in bot variables. If bot variables are used to populate data fields,
entities help maintain data quality within Salesforce. For example, a custom email entity is used to capture the user’s email address:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

If we take a closer look at the email entity, we see that it uses a regular expression (RegEx) to recognize an email format with an @ sign
and domain name:

If the user enters a phrase that doesn’t match the RegEx format, the bot becomes confused and moves to the Confused dialog.

Note: To learn more about how the bot processes free text and when the bot moves to the Confused dialog, see Navigating Bot
Conversations on page 1082.
With custom entities, it’s a good idea to use Conversation Repair on page 1069 to correct an input before defaulting to the Confused
dialog. Conversation repair can provide the user with specific guidance on how to format a response:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Learn About the Template Bot: Supporting Dialogs

Bots work best with supporting dialogs that help create a great customer experience. Learn about
key dialogs: Agent Transfer, Anything else, Clear Memory, Confused, and End Chat. Explore intent
data used for exact matching. Einstein Bots is available in
Agent Transfer Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
A key feature of service-oriented chatbots is the ability to transfer the user to a human agent if the
for Einstein Bots is available
bot is unable to resolve the user’s issue. The Transfer to agent dialog handles transfers to agents
in Lightning Experience.
from the bot. To avoid sudden transfers, the bot confirms that the user wants to be connected to
an agent before executing the transfer. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

If no agents are available, the bot automatically routes to the No Agent dialog. A next step is provided, “Unfortunately, no agents are
available right now. Please try again later,” so the user has some guidance on what to do next. The user is also given the option to go
back to the Main Menu.

Note: If no agents are available, we recommend to not end the chat abruptly. To handle the conversation gracefully, set the No
Available Agents system dialog on page 1078.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Conversation Loopback: Anything Else & Clear Memory

The Anything else? and Clear memory dialogs are critical elements of bot conversation design on page 1050 because they allow the user
to loop back through the bot and get another question answered or complete more tasks.
The Anything else? dialog is key because it gives the user an option to loop back to the Main Menu if they need further assistance. The
Clear memory dialog is called immediately before the Main Menu to clear out the values of variables from the user’s previous run through
the bot. Selectively clearing the bot’s memory allows the user to report another issue and look up other orders and cases.

If the bot doesn’t understand the user at any point in the bot’s conversation, the Confused dialog provides a message. This message is
generic because it must apply to all scenarios where the bot can get confused:

To learn more about when the Confused dialog is called in a bot conversation, visit Navigating Bot Conversations on page 1082.
End Chat
The End Chat dialog gives the user an out in case they don’t want to end the chat. If they respond to the message “Thanks for taking the
time to chat!” with something that doesn’t match the Goodbye entity, the bot sends a conversation repair on page 1069 message. If the
user again responds with an input that doesn’t match the Goodbye entity, they’re redirected to the Main Menu.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Exact Matching
The Intro Template comes with intent data preloaded to allow for exact matching to dialogs. At any point in the conversation, the user
can input any one of the utterances to be redirected to the Main Menu:

Similarly, entering one of the Transfer to Agent utterances starts the process of transferring to a human agent. The last thing we want
to replicate is the experience of having to step through a long interactive voice response (IVR) system before you can finally talk to a

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Deliver Knowledge Articles with Article Answers

Use your Lightning Knowledge base to create an FAQ-based bot in minutes with Article Answers.
Using clicks, not code, admins can set up a bot to return fields from knowledge articles directly in
the conversation. You can adjust Article Answers to fit your company’s voice, surface multiple fields Einstein Bots is available in
from your knowledge articles, and display a subset of your knowledge articles through the bot via Salesforce Classic and
knowledge data categories. Prebuilt feedback capturing with event logging collects article feedback Lightning Experience. Setup
from your users in real time. for Einstein Bots is available
Article Answers Specifications in Lightning Experience.

• Article Answers works best with knowledge bases that include more than 10 articles. Available in: Enterprise,
• For best performance inside the conversation, we recommend shorter, conversational answers Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
in the Answer field.
Article Answers is configured on three levels: the Bots Setup Page, the Bot Overview Page, and the
Article Answers dialog. If Article Answers is turned off at the Setup Page, it doesn’t work for any bot USER PERMISSIONS
and the dialog is skipped. If Article Answers is turned off at the Bot Overview page, the dialog is
To build and manage
skipped. To troubleshoot this feature, start at the Bots Setup Page, and then work down to the Einstein Bots:
dialog. • Customize Application
1. To start with Article Answers, visit the bot setup page and click Get Started. OR
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

2. Select the fields and data categories that the bot uses to deliver answers. The bot requires a question field to use as an index to
compare the customer’s question, an answer field to deliver back to the customer as the answer, and a title field to display as a menu
button when there are multiple relevant articles.

Note: The Question, Answer, and Title field selections don’t support rich text fields. Only published articles with values in all
these selected fields are approved for the indexing stage. Article Answers searches successfully indexed articles.

3. Click Build. The bot indexes the knowledge base for approved articles and creates a build of the approved articles. It can take up to
24 hours to create the initial build.
4. To view the status of the build, check back to the Bot Setup Page in a few hours. When complete, the feature shows an Active status.
5. You can create and assign Knowledge Data Category Segments to your bots and display a subset of articles to specific audiences.
To assign categories to the segment, define a Segment Name and select multiple data categories. To include uncategorized articles
in the segment, check Include Uncategorized Articles then save your changes.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

6. When Article Answers is active, the build refreshes every 24 hours to capture the latest updates to the knowledge base. You can
manually refresh at any time using the Refresh button on the Setup page.
7. From the Bot Setup page, select the bot you want to configure, and then use the menu dropdown to access the Overview page.
8. In the Article Answers tile, click the pencil icon to edit the tile, and then check Use Article Answers with this bot.

9. Use the dropdowns to select a Knowledge Data Category Segment or additional fields to deliver along with the Answer field. Click
the checkmark to save.
10. Confirm Store Einstein Bots conversation data is checked, and select a Custom Chatbot User that has view access to knowledge
11. In the Menu dropdown, select Dialogs, and then click the Article Answers dialog. The Article Answers dialog is pre-configured to
work with your bot, but can be customized to your company’s needs.

Note: To maintain functionality, we recommend keeping the Answer Results pre-populated variable in the Input (List Variable)

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

12. After the bot delivers the answer to the customer, the bot asks the customer if the answer was helpful. The Action dialog step after
the Question dialog step comes pre-defined with variables to collect this feedback. Click Activate.

To test this feature inside your bot, activate a bot with an assigned channel and ensure that the bot user has access to Knowledge.
The bot follows the order set in Navigating Bot Conversations on page 1082 and inserts the Article Answers functionality after exact Menu
matching and Intent Recognition. If the bot doesn’t find an exact menu title match and doesn’t identify an intent, the bot searches for
a Knowledge article.
If the bot is confident the customer’s input text is related to an article, the bot displays the Answer field or the Title field. If multiple articles
are found, the bot displays the Title field for up to three articles in a menu. Otherwise, the bot moves to the Confused dialog. If the bot
doesn’t deliver an answer, check the Bot Event Logs in the Performance tab. If Article Answers is successfully configured, events in the
event log are recorded with the Article Answers dialog name.

What Makes Bots Tick?

Bots have many moving parts. But let’s start with a few fundamental components in Einstein Bots.
Einstein Bot Component Description Example Einstein Bots is available in
Dialog Dialogs are conversation Salesforce Classic and
A dialog for “Chat with an Lightning Experience. Setup
snippets that control what your agent”... for Einstein Bots is available
bot can do. You can associate
Customer: “Transfer me to an in Lightning Experience.
every dialog with a dialog
intent which can be trained to agent.” [or any variations on Available in: Enterprise,
understand variations in this phrase] Performance, Unlimited,
customer input. During a Bot: “No problem. Hang on: I’ll and Developer Editions
conversation with a customer, connect you with an agent.”
your bot moves between
several different dialogs. Each
dialog handles a portion of the
conversation. For example,
Welcome, Main Menu, Order
Status, Location and Hours, and
Transfer to Agent are individual
dialogs that a customer might
experience as part of a single
conversation with your bot.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Einstein Bot Component Description Example

Intent Intents are the customer's reasons for Customer: Where’s my order?
interacting with your bot. For example,
booking a flight, changing a flight, getting
store hours. Associate intents with your
dialogs. Then train the bot to create an
intent model that your bot can use to
understand intents. If your customers
interact with your bot by typing a message
in the chat window, use intents to help your
bot understand what they want.

Note: If your customers interact

with your bot using only menus or
buttons, rather than free-form text
input, intents are not needed.

Entity An entity represents a type of data that you Order number

want to collect from a customer. We provide
the following system entities: Text, Email address
DateTime, Date, Money, Number, Person,
Location, Organization, Percent, Boolean,
and Object (standard Salesforce or custom).
You can create your own custom entities as

Variable A variable is a container that stores a specific If your bot books a flight for a customer, you
piece of data collected from the customer might create the entity, Airport Code, with
or output from Salesforce. Since variables two variables, Departure Airport Code and
are containers of information, they can be Arrival Airport Code.
used within dialog actions as both inputs
and outputs and can be inserted as part of
the text in messages.

Best Practices for Conversation Design

Consider the following points when designing your bot.
Your bot: Must Nice to Examples Einstein Bots is available in
have have Salesforce Classic and
Greets the customer. “Hi, I’m Helpful Bot, your support assistant.” Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
Introduces itself as a bot. in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

States what it can do. Display menu items or buttons:
Performance, Unlimited,
Order Status and Developer Editions

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Your bot: Must have Nice to Examples

Store Locations

Takes communication turns with the user. Bot says: “Hi, I’m Helpful Bot, your support assistant.”
Customer says: “I need to do a return.”
Bot says: “Sure, I can help you with your return.”

Leaves time for the user to read what it says. Use the Bot Response Delay setting on your bot’s
Overview page to pace your bot’s responses.

Creates a path for follow-ups. If no agents are available, provide an alternative way for
the customer to get help. For example, provide an email
link, a phone number, or store locations.

Apologizes when it can’t do something. Bot says, “Sorry about this, but we aren’t set up for deliveries
just yet.”

Gives and acknowledges gratitude. Customer says, “Thanks!”

Bot says, “You’re welcome!”

Closes the conversation. Bot says, “Bye for now!”

Draws attention to buttons or menus. Bot says, “Here are some things you can do:”
Check Order Status
Connect to an Agent

Addresses the customer by name. Hi, Ariana. How can I help you?

Lets the customer finish typing.

Uses menus to help the customer get Bot says, “Welcome! What would you like to do today?”
started. Shop
Check Order Status
Get Store Locations and Hours

Uses quick replies to help user end a Bot asks, “Does this answer your question?”
conversational path. Yes

Acknowledges trouble in chat. Bot says, “Let me get someone who can help you.”

Has a clear voice and tone that is consistent Default bot greeting “Hi! I’m your helpful bot.”
with that of your company.
Formal company bot “Hello, Ms. Smith. How can we help

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Your bot: Must have Nice to Examples

Rad company bot “Hi, Janet! What’s cookin’ today?”

Avoids ALL CAPS (shouting).

Uses emojis for levity.

Collects customer feedback about the Bot asks, “How was this experience for you?”
interaction with the bot. Great!
Not so great.

Maintain Chatbot Conversation Quality
The best industry chatbots include graceful solutions to error handling. Einstein Bots has many features to ensure data quality without
creating frustration.

Maintain Chatbot Conversation Quality

The best industry chatbots include graceful solutions to error handling. Einstein Bots has many features to ensure data quality without
creating frustration.
The human brain self-corrects. For example, when we forget to include the @ symbol in an email address, our brain recognizes that
something is wrong and seeks a solution. Conversely, the bot relies on features to get the correct information, or rules to determine
when it's the best time to hand off to an agent.
Sometimes it can be a challenge to teach our bot to be so agile, but Einstein Bots offer a number of ways to get there. Plan to make
generous use of the following when building your bot, to ensure your customers have a great conversation:
• Conversation Repair on page 1069: This feature handles recognition errors, or when the bot doesn’t understand the input that it
received. Conversation Repair allows the bot to gracefully ask the customer to try their input again with correct formatting, and then
to either move on to the next dialog step or keep asking until the variable is filled.
• Validation: This feature helps the bot stay away from contextual errors, such as entering a date in an incorrect format, or entering a
date that occurs in the past.
• Error Rules on page 1067: This method, which is in the Dynamic Choice section of the Question Dialog Element, covers potential
system errors in a Flow or an Apex error. It guides the bot to a graceful solution.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Update the Bot Overview Page

The Bot Overview Page defines important bot settings such as channels, profiles, and logging
conversations. Get acquainted with the page to customize your bot.
Each bot includes a Bot Overview page, which defines all settings for the bot. You can update the Einstein Bots is available in
name and language of your bot, add channels, or define settings such as logging conversations. Salesforce Classic and
Any changes made on this page affect your entire bot. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

1. From the Einstein Bot setup page, click the name of your bot to launch the Bot Builder.
2. To access the Bot Overview page, select the Overview menu.

View and Edit Your Bot’s Name and Description
When you create a new bot, you give it a name and an optional description that’s not visible to customers. These details can be
Add a Bot Profile
Expand a bot’s capabilities and give it access to features like Field Service by assigning it a custom profile. Each bot has a Basic Chatbot
User profile, but you can create a custom profile and add it to a bot.
Create a Bot for a Specific Language
Your customers are global, and they expect bots to understand their questions in their native language. Like humans, bots must
know how a language works to truly recognize what your customers say. Bots use natural language processing (NLP) and named
entity recognition (NER) to understand language and local details such as dates, currency, or number formatting. Einstein Bots that
use a specific language can better understand the customer and route to the correct dialog.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

View and Edit Your Bot’s Name and Description

When you create a new bot, you give it a name and an optional description that’s not visible to
customers. These details can be changed.
1. In the My Bots list, click > Edit for your new bot. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
2. In the Bot Information area, click Edit. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

3. Update the name and description for your bot as needed. USER PERMISSIONS

To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Add a Bot Profile

Expand a bot’s capabilities and give it access to features like Field Service by assigning it a custom
profile. Each bot has a Basic Chatbot User profile, but you can create a custom profile and add it to
a bot. Einstein Bots is available in
1. In the Bot Builder menu, click Overview. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
2. In the Settings area under Bot User, click Edit and select Custom Chatbot User. OR
Manage Bots

To assign a Custom Chatbot

• Manage Users

3. Search for a profile and click Save.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Create a Bot for a Specific Language

Your customers are global, and they expect bots to understand their questions in their native
language. Like humans, bots must know how a language works to truly recognize what your
customers say. Bots use natural language processing (NLP) and named entity recognition (NER) to Einstein Bots is available in
understand language and local details such as dates, currency, or number formatting. Einstein Bots Salesforce Classic and
that use a specific language can better understand the customer and route to the correct dialog. Lightning Experience. Setup
If your customers use multiple languages, you can create a bot assigned to each language. Then, for Einstein Bots is available
create a main bot that can transfer the conversation to the bot that your customer chooses. in Lightning Experience.

Einstein Bots support natural language processing and named entity recognition for the following Available in: Enterprise,
languages with at least 50 utterances per intent: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Chinese Simplified
• Chinese Traditional
• Dutch
• Japanese To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
• Russian
• Customize Application
In addition, the following languages are in beta with at least 50 utterances per intent:
• Danish Modify Metadata
• Korean OR
• Swedish Manage Bots
Note: The beta languages are defined as a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta
Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta
Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.
Einstein Bots intent models can be built with as few as 20 utterances in the following languages:
• Brazilian Portuguese
• English
• French
• German
• Italian
• Portuguese
• Spanish
Einstein Bots doesn’t support right-to-left text.
To set a language for the bot:
1. From setup, enter Einstein Bots in the Quick Find to select Einstein Bots.
2. Click New.
3. Select the type of bot to build. Click Next.
4. Select the bot's default language.
5. Click Next and complete the setup steps.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

To set the language outside of the Setup Wizard, edit the Bot Overview section of the Overview menu.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Deploy Your Bot to Your Channels

View available channels, add new channels, and deploy your bot quickly in your bot’s Overview
Einstein Bots Channel Specifications: Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
• Einstein Bots support the following channels: Chat (In-App and Web) and Messaging (SMS,
Lightning Experience. Setup
Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp channels only).
for Einstein Bots is available
• Chat: in Lightning Experience.
– The Utterance field on the UtteranceSuggestion object is available for encryption with Available in: Enterprise,
Shield Platform Encryption. This field includes customer suggestions to add to the Intent Performance, Unlimited,
Model, and contains data when admins select Store Einstein Bots conversation data and Developer Editions
on the Bot Overview page. This field only supports case-insensitive deterministic encryption.
To encrypt this field, check Encrypt on the Encrypt Field page in Setup. Learn more about
Shield Platform Encryption at How Shield Platform Encryption Works. USER PERMISSIONS
– Einstein Bots doesn’t support menus and quick replies in custom Chat windows. To build and manage
– Einstein Bots in Chat channels are now HIPAA and SOC2 compliant. Beta and Pilot features Einstein Bots:
aren’t compliant. Learn more at Learn About Einstein Bots Compliance on page 1024. • Customize Application
• Messaging:
Modify Metadata
– Before the Spring ’21 release, the bot sent a “We’re transferring you to an agent” message
before transferring to an agent. This message has been removed, and admins can configure
the Error Handler system dialog to manage transfers. Learn more about the Error Handler Manage Bots
at Understanding System Bot Dialogs on page 1078.
To add, edit, or delete
– Bots with multiple outbound messages in the same dialog are combined into one message. channels
– Bots using Messaging channels don’t use the Bot Response Delay between messages. • Customize Application
– Facebook Messenger: Facebook Messenger allows for third-party bots to be connected to
Facebook, which can pass information to Salesforce. To connect your third-party bot,
customers must get approval from Facebook for their page to access version 2 of Facebook’s Handover Protocol. After it’s
approved, developers must send a pass_thread_control webhook event and your org must be in a standby state to
hear it. More information about the Facebook Handover Protocol is on the Facebook Developer portal. Salesforce doesn’t support
third-party bot integration.
– SMS: Inbound messages that are larger than 160 characters are split into multiple messages and sent to the bot.

1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Overview.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

2. In the Channels section, click Add.

3. Select the channel and search for the deployment for your bot.

Note: Chat users can enter the name of their chat deployment in the Deployment field, and Messaging users can enter their
channel name. Bots search for active Messaging channels.

4. To disable the chat button when no agents are available for escalation, select Require Agent Online.

Understand Einstein Bot Dialogs

A dialog is the workhorse of your bot’s interaction with your customer.
Dialogs are conversation snippets that control what your bot can do. You can associate every dialog
with a dialog intent which can be trained to understand variations in customer input. During a Einstein Bots is available in
conversation with a customer, your bot moves between several different dialogs. Each dialog Salesforce Classic and
handles a portion of the conversation. For example, Welcome, Main Menu, Order Status, Location Lightning Experience. Setup
and Hours, and Transfer to Agent are individual dialogs that a customer might experience as part for Einstein Bots is available
of a single conversation with your bot. Dialogs are specific to the version of the bot in which they’re in Lightning Experience.
created. Available in: Enterprise,
The following illustration gives you an overview of the Dialogs panel. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• It’s handy to organize your dialogs into groups (1).
• Add dialogs and groups as needed (2).
• The first dialog you present to your customer is the Welcome dialog (3). The Einstein Bot Greeting Message that you write when you
created the bot is saved as a message in the Welcome dialog. We provide a Welcome dialog to get you started but you can create
your own and use the action menu (5) to set it to Welcome.
• The next step the bot performs after displaying the Welcome message is to display the Main Menu dialog (4). Use the Main Menu
dialog to present the main capabilities of your bot to your customers. The menu items that you add when you create a bot are saved

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

in the Main Menu dialog. We provide a Main Menu dialog to get you started but you can create your own and use the action menu
(5) to set it to Main Menu.
• We provide some basic dialogs to get you started (6). Edit them as needed.

Note: The Confused dialog helps you smoothly address requests that are out of scope for your bot. The messages displayed
in this dialog, combined with intent training, are used by the bot to respond whenever it’s unable to resolve a customer’s

Design the way the dialog works by adding one or more of the following elements. Send an outgoing message from the bot to your
customers using the Message element. Help the bot gather information from your customers using Question elements. Perform actions
on your Salesforce data using Action elements. Perform specific tasks based on certain conditions using Rules elements.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Dialog Element Description Example

Message Displays a message to your customer. Hi, I’m Fun Bot. My job is to suggest fun
activities in your home town.

Question Gathers information from your customer. What town do you live in?
Also, Question elements let you present
choices for customer responses as buttons
or menus.

Action Performs an action on your data. For example:

1. Create, read, update, delete Salesforce
2. Get data to present to the customer.
3. Get external data (from 3rd party API).
4. Start a flow.

Rules Perform the following specific actions: call

a dialog from within the current dialog,
redirect to a different dialog, clear a variable
value, transfer to an agent, and set a

Tip: Spot each conversation’s turns, references, and rule conditions with an easy-to-use visual representation. Build and create
dialogs in Dialog Details, then switch to Map to see the conversation’s configuration and framework. Dialog Map is read-only, so
you can’t create or update dialogs from it.

Add a Dialog
Name the dialog and decide whether to include it in the Bot Options menu that’s always available to your customers in the chat
Set Up a Dialog
After you add a dialog, set it up by adding elements (outgoing message, question, action, rules) and tell the bot what to do after
the dialog finishes. If you’re using intents, train the bot to understand the customer intent associated with the dialog.
Clone a Dialog or Dialog Step
Cloning a dialog is a quick way to build your bot. Dialog step cloning helps you set up similar dialog steps with fewer clicks.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Work with Dialog Groups

Manage your bot’s dialogs with dialog groups.
Understanding System Bot Dialogs
Einstein Bots are built for conversation. To make setup a breeze, some of the most common dialogs are included with each new bot.
These dialogs allow you to quickly transfer conversations to an agent, or gracefully end a chat. You can customize each message to
your company’s voice and tone.
Use Map View to Visualize Your Bot
You can use Map View to create a visual representation of how conversations move through your Einstein Bot.

Add a Dialog
Name the dialog and decide whether to include it in the Bot Options menu that’s always available
to your customers in the chat window.

Note: Dialogs are specific to the version of the bot in which they’re created. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Dialogs. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
2. In the Dialogs panel, click New. Manage Bots

3. Give the dialog a name and API name.

4. To include the dialog in a group of related dialogs, select the group name.
5. To include the dialog in the persistent options menu in the chat window, select Show in Bot Options Menu.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

6. Save the new dialog.

7. Set up the dialog by adding dialog elements.

Set Up a Dialog
After you add a dialog, set it up by adding elements (outgoing message, question, action, rules)
and tell the bot what to do after the dialog finishes. If you’re using intents, train the bot to understand
the customer intent associated with the dialog. Einstein Bots is available in
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Dialogs. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
2. In the Dialogs panel, click the dialog that you want to set up and click > Edit.
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

If you don’t have any dialogs yet, see Add a Dialog.

To add an element to the dialog, click to display the element palette. Then click the element that you want to add.

Add any of the following elements:

• Message—Send an outgoing message from your bot to your customer.
• Question—Gather information from your customer.
• Action—Run an autolaunched flow, send email, or use Apex to read, update, or delete Salesforce objects, retrieve data and
display it to the customer, and retrieve external data from a third-party API.
• Rules—Specify the conditions that start any of the following actions: call a dialog from within the current dialog, redirect to a
different dialog, clear a variable value, transfer to an agent, and set variables.
Drag dialog elements to change their order in the dialog.

4. When the bot finishes a dialog, it can wait for customer input and evaluate the intent, show a menu of options, start another dialog,
or transfer the customer to an agent. Tell the bot what to do next.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Note: Each menu item is a dialog. You can build a menu to display or display the Main Menu dialog.

5. Save the dialog.

Set Up a Dialog Message Element
Use the Message element to send a message from the bot to your customer.
Using the Dialog Question Element
Question elements allow bots to ask the customer questions, receive data from the customer, and inform the bot about what action
to take next.
Set Up a Dialog Action Element
Use Action elements to run autolaunched flows and send emails. Action elements also enable your bot to use Apex to create, read,
update, or delete Salesforce objects, retrieve data and display it to the customer, and retrieve external data from a third-party API.
Set Up a Dialog Rule Element
Use rules to specify the conditions that start any of the following actions: call a dialog from within the current dialog, redirect to a
different dialog, clear a variable value, transfer to an agent, and set a variable. Use rules to send targeted messages to your customers
with Conditional Messaging. Rule conditions are optional.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Set Up a Dialog Message Element

Use the Message element to send a message from the bot to your customer.
1. To add a Message element to the dialog, click Message.
Einstein Bots is available in
2. Enter the outgoing message from your bot to the customer.
Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Start the conversation between your bot and your customers with a friendly message that
identifies the bot. For example, “Welcome! I’m Service Bot.” You can add a menu after the
message or redirect the customer to the main menu. USER PERMISSIONS
A message can be static text or dynamic text from merge fields. The merge fields reference
To build and manage
objects and fields that are currently stored in your bot variables. The merge field syntax is: Einstein Bots:
{!API_VariableName} or {!API_VariableName.Field}. • Customize Application
3. Save the dialog. OR
Modify Metadata
Note: You can call standard fields in standard objects using the {!FieldName} format
found in Object Manager. For custom fields, use the Field Name and include __c at the OR
end: {!CustomField__c}. To call a specific record, use {!Record.Field}. Manage Bots
To call an item in a list variable, use FieldName[X], with X referring to the location of the
item in the list. Einstein Bots uses a zero-based index with list variables, you can call the
first item of the list using FieldName[0].

Set Up a Dialog

Using the Dialog Question Element

Question elements allow bots to ask the customer questions, receive data from the customer, and
inform the bot about what action to take next.
Question elements are essential for a great chatbot experience, they allow the bot to collect and To build and manage
act on customer inputs. When creating a question element, the first decision to make is how to Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
capture this data. Question elements allow for two types of input from the customer: choices or
text. OR

• Choices provide the customer with a set of options. Some of the benefits of selecting choices Modify Metadata
include consistent data, a quicker setup, and ease of use from the customer’s perspective. OR
Choose static options that are delivered the same way every time or dynamically generated Manage Bots
options from a flow, Apex, or list variable. Choices don’t allow for text input.
– Set Up a Dialog Question Element with Choice Responses

• Text allows customers to enter unstructured data and allows the bot to act on it. For example, to capture an email address or order
number. Text responses are more complex to set up because we don't know the customer response. However, we include features,
such as Conversion Repair, to help the bot handle input errors gracefully.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

– Set Up a Dialog Question Element with Text Responses

– To learn more about Conversation Repair, visit Maintain Chatbot Conversation Quality

Question elements also require a great understanding of Entities and Variables, as the bot must know where to place this data and in
the correct format.
• What’s an Entity?

• What’s a Variable?

Finally, the bot must know what to do with the data. Bots can act on this information through Dialog Action elements, or through Dialog
Rule elements. Actions refer to Salesforce-related functions, such as launching a flow or Apex. Rules handle conversation-specific actions,
such as routing inside the bot.

Set Up a Dialog Question Element with Choice Responses
Use the Question element to gather information from your customers by offering them clickable choices.
Set Up a Dialog Question Element with Text Responses
Use the Question element to gather information from your customers using text input.

Set Up a Dialog Question Element with Choice Responses

Use the Question element to gather information from your customers by offering them clickable
To gather information from your customer, your bot must know which entity to search for in the Einstein Bots is available in
customer input to find the information, for example, date, location, and money. The bot also must Salesforce Classic and
know which variable to use to store it. You can use choice types to offer your customers a quick Lightning Experience. Setup
method to answer questions without entering text. for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
1. To add a Question element to the dialog, click Question.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

2. Enter the question from your bot to the customer in the Bot Asks field.

Note: You can call standard fields in standard objects using the {!FieldName} format found in Object Manager. For custom
fields, use the Field Name and include __c at the end: {!CustomField__c}. To call a specific record, use {!Record.Field}.
To call an item in a list variable, use FieldName[X], with X referring to the location of the item in the list. Einstein Bots uses a
zero-based index with list variables, you can call the first item of the list using FieldName[0].

3. Select or create an entity that matches the information you want to gather and a variable to store the answer.
4. Tell the bot what to do if the variable already contains a value. Conversations that use the same dialog multiple times can retain the
value and skip the question (for example, asking for the customer’s name). Or, the bot can ask the question and override the value
(for example, looking up multiple orders).
5. To present buttons or menus that let your customers answer questions quickly, click Choice Type - Static. We recommend that
you limit choices to three.
6. To change the way the choices are displayed to the customer, click Display Choices As. You can offer choices as buttons or as menu
items. Customers can reply by clicking the static option or by replying with 1, 2, or 3.
• If the bot is delivered over SMS, display options aren’t clickable and the customer must enter 1, 2, or 3.

7. Optionally, you can offer dynamically created choices based on the output of a selected action. You can create an Apex action or a
Flow that returns a list of a list of values, or introduce a list variable that holds a list of values. The merge field syntax for objects is
{!Field}. To select your Action Type (Apex, Flow, or List Variable), click Dynamic, and then select your Apex, Flow, or List Variable
from the dropdown provided.

• Define the action if the dynamic list generates only one choice. The bot can skip the question and auto-select the choice, or the
bot can ask the question and display the choice (useful in situations requiring confirmation).
• Dynamic Choices require an Error Rule Action in case the dynamic choice generation fails. Select Call Dialog or Redirect to
Dialog, and then define the appropriate dialog.
• When using Flow as the Action Type, the variable created to collect the output of the flow must be designated as a List Variable.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

8. Save the dialog.

Add a Custom Entity
Set Up a Dialog Rule Element
Use Intents to Understand Your Customers
Set Up a Dialog

Set Up a Dialog Question Element with Text Responses

Use the Question element to gather information from your customers using text input.
Capturing text from your customer is a great way to hear exactly what they need. To gather
information from your customer, your bot must know which entity to search for in the customer Einstein Bots is available in
input to find the information, for example, date, location, and money. The bot also must know Salesforce Classic and
which variable to use to store it. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
To act on this data, the bot must save only the relevant data, and not the rest of the unstructured
in Lightning Experience.
text within the full message. To gather this input correctly, bots use Named Entity Recognition (NER)
to extract only the relevant data that is expected, and save that to a specified variable. If the bot Available in: Enterprise,
has trouble recognizing that expected entity, use Conversation Repair to provide extra context or Performance, Unlimited,
information to help your customer clarify their input. and Developer Editions

1. To add a Question element to the dialog, click Question.

2. Enter the question from your bot to the customer in the Bot Asks field. You can call standard USER PERMISSIONS
fields in standard objects using the {!FieldName} format found in Object Manager. For custom To build and manage
fields, use the Field Name and include __c at the end: {!CustomField__c}. Einstein Bots:
3. Select or create an entity that matches the information you want to gather and a variable to • Customize Application
store the answer. OR
4. If you capture structured data and want to help the customer understand the format the bot Modify Metadata
requires, you can add Conversation Repair to the Question dialog step. Include one or two OR
Repair Attempts if their response doesn’t follow your Regex pattern.
Manage Bots
• After the bot makes these attempts, the bot must know how to resolve the issue. Define
whether the bot asks the customer the repair attempts until they provide the information
in the right format, or move on to the next dialog step. Moving on to the next dialog step after the initial attempts leaves the
variable empty.

5. Save the dialog.

Note: If the customer input doesn't match the entity used to collect the question's answer, the bot attempts intent prediction.
If the customer’s input leads to an intent identification, it will redirect to the new dialog. If the bot isn’t able to identify an intent,
it executes Conversation Repair. If the bot is unable to identify an intent and Conversation Repair isn’t set, the bot calls the “Confused”

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Set Up a Dialog Action Element

Use Action elements to run autolaunched flows and send emails. Action elements also enable your
bot to use Apex to create, read, update, or delete Salesforce objects, retrieve data and display it to
the customer, and retrieve external data from a third-party API. Einstein Bots is available in
Note: When using Apex with the Dialog Action Element: Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
• Apex methods must be written with InvocableMethod annotation to be accessible to for Einstein Bots is available
bots. For more information on the annotation, visit the Developer Guide. in Lightning Experience.
• To give your bot access to Apex, Salesforce objects, and to Run Flows, update
Available in: Enterprise,
sfdc.chatbot.service.permset. See Setting Apex Class Access from Permission Sets and
Performance, Unlimited,
Working with Object Settings in Permission Sets. and Developer Editions
• When a custom value is entered as an Apex input, it is interpreted as a string.
• When logging exceptions in Apex, remove all references to personal identifying USER PERMISSIONS
information (PII) and customer inputs in the error message.
• When processing object values, we support up to five levels of nested objects in outputs To build and manage
and one level of nested objects in inputs. Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
• Apex actions have a default timeout of 10 seconds each.
• The overall processing time limit for a bot response is 20 seconds.
Modify Metadata
• A maximum of 50 apex calls (across any number of dialogs) can be made before sending
an outbound message. OR
Manage Bots
1. To add an Action element to the dialog, click Action.
2. To select an action, pick the type of action from the Action Type field. Set the action name and
any input and output variables.

3. Save the dialog.

You can debug Apex calls from the event logs in the Performance page on page 1122.

Introduce Object Search in a Dialog
Deliver records from standard or custom objects to your Einstein Bot to create an integrated bot experience. Using a Question dialog
step and Action dialog step, the bot can deliver one, two, or three records that match the end user’s search criteria.

Set Up a Dialog

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Introduce Object Search in a Dialog

Deliver records from standard or custom objects to your Einstein Bot to create an integrated bot
experience. Using a Question dialog step and Action dialog step, the bot can deliver one, two, or
three records that match the end user’s search criteria. Einstein Bots is available in
Note: Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
• Any use of this beta feature is subject to the Beta Services terms at Agreements and Terms. for Einstein Bots is available
• The Object Search action type can be added to any dialog. in Lightning Experience.
• Object Search supports the following standard objects: Account, Case, Contact, Campaign, Available in: Enterprise,
Contract, Knowledge, Lead, Opportunity, Order, Task. Performance, Unlimited,
• To employ object search, the Bot User must be assigned to a Custom Chatbot User with and Developer Editions
access to the object. To change the Bot User, visit the Bot Overview page. For Knowledge
search, the Bot User also needs Knowledge User enabled. USER PERMISSIONS
1. To build and manage
Click the icon and start with a Question dialog step. For the Entity Name, select [System]
Einstein Bots:
Text (Text), and in the Save Answer to Variable field, create a Text Variable.
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To add an Action dialog step, click the icon and select Object Search as the Action Type. Select your object in the Object field.
The functionality differs slightly depending on the object selected.
Object Search (except Knowledge object)
a. Enter your Search Criteria. Object Search supports AND searches where all the criteria is met, and it supports OR searches, where
any of the criteria are met.
b. Enter your delivery options in the Results section. The bot can deliver up to three records and hold three fields for each record.
c. Set an object list variable for the bot to store the results in the Search Results Variable field.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Object Search (Knowledge object)

• Object search with the Knowledge object is best used to define exactly when you want the bot to search Knowledge
articles. To automatically search for knowledge articles when a customer inputs text into the bot, use Answer Automation
• Object search with the Knowledge object is supported for Lightning Knowledge only, and it isn’t supported with Knowledge
in Salesforce Classic.

a. Select the text variable that the bot uses to search Knowledge articles. If you’re using object search with a question element,
select the variable used to store the customer’s response. Otherwise, you can use the Last Customer Input system variable on
page 1090.
b. Define the number of results delivered back to the customer and the fields stored from each record. Select the object list variable
that you want to use to store these records.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

3. To define the bot’s action in case it doesn’t find any results, build a Rule dialog step. Set the condition to check if the number of
results in the search results variable is less than one. If no results are found, redirect to a dialog of your choosing, such as creating a
case, or to the Confused dialog.

Note: We recommend letting the customer know that their search wasn’t successful. Adding a friendly message before the
redirect keeps the customer informed and builds trust.

4. To deliver the results to the end user, add a Question dialog step and enter a message. Select an object list variable to save the

a. To expand the choice section, click Choice Type.

b. Change the Choice Type to Dynamic and then set Action Type to From List Variable. The input is the object list variable used
in the knowledge search completed in the earlier Action dialog.
c. Identify the field that is placed within the choice buttons using merge syntax.

Note: You can call standard fields in standard objects using the {!FieldName} format found in Object Manager. For custom
fields, use the Field Name and include __c at the end: {!CustomField__c}. To call a specific record, use {!$Record.Field}.
To call an item in a list variable, use FieldName[X], with X referring to the location of the item in the list. Einstein Bots uses
a zero-based index with list variables, you can call the first item of the list using FieldName[0].

d. For the Input (List Variable) field, select the Object list variable used as the result variable in the search step. For Error Rule, set a
redirect to the Confused dialog.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

5. To deliver the contents of the article to the customer, add a Message dialog step and include the field names using merge syntax.

Set Up a Dialog Rule Element

Use rules to specify the conditions that start any of the following actions: call a dialog from within
the current dialog, redirect to a different dialog, clear a variable value, transfer to an agent, and set
a variable. Use rules to send targeted messages to your customers with Conditional Messaging. Einstein Bots is available in
Rule conditions are optional. Salesforce Classic and
1. To add a Rule element to the dialog, click Rules. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
2. To create a condition sentence using a variable, an operator, and a value, click Add Condition.
in Lightning Experience.
Adding multiple conditions are treated as an AND.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Note: The Value field works best when using the following data formats: OR
• Boolean: "true", “false”. These values aren’t case-sensitive and false includes the “is Manage Bots
not set” condition.
• Date: yyyy-MM-dd
• Date/Time: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm
• Number: non-negative and negative decimal numbers

3. To define what happens when the conditions are true, click Add Rule Action.
Rule actions are:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• Call Dialog: Retains the context of the conversation and returns the conversation back to the original dialog after the second
dialog is completed.
– If a Redirect to Dialog is used within a call condition, the Call Dialog chain ends and the Redirect to Dialog continues.
– If an intent is detected, the Call Dialog chain ends and the dialog associated with the intent is started.
– We recommend no more than five Call Dialogs in a chain.

• Redirect to Dialog: Interrupts the current dialog and starts another dialog.
– In cases where a Confused system dialog is used, add Redirect to Dialog as a new dialog step within the Confused Dialog.
This step moves the conversation flow forward instead of using an action in the Next Step section.
– Unlike Call Dialog, Redirect to Dialog is a one-way transfer to the new dialog.

• Clear Variable Value: Changes the variable that you specify to an unset state.
• Transfer to Agent: Escalates the chat session to an agent.
• Set Variable: Copies the contents of a context variable into a variable that you define.
• Set Routing Type: Routes the chat session to a specialized queue that you define as a context variable. Use this action to transfer
to the right agent or queue by overriding the default queue on chat buttons for Chat (Live Agent) or the channel ID for Messaging.
• End Chat: Ends the bot conversation.
• Send a Message: Sends a message to the customer. This rule action is useful for providing directed messaging based on a
customer’s input.

4. Save the dialog.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Note: Rule actions fire in the order shown. To change the order, drag the rule actions and save the dialog.

Set Up a Dialog
What’s an Entity?

Clone a Dialog or Dialog Step

Cloning a dialog is a quick way to build your bot. Dialog step cloning helps you set up similar dialog
steps with fewer clicks.
Bots that include similar tasks can benefit from dialog cloning. By building one time and then Einstein Bots is available in
cloning, you can quickly customize dialogs to fit multiple automation paths. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
To clone a dialog:
for Einstein Bots is available
1. Navigate to the Dialog tab in the Bot Builder and find the dialog to clone. Click the dropdown in Lightning Experience.
next to the dialog. Available in: Enterprise,
2. Select Clone Dialog in the dropdown. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

3. Enter a new dialog name and API name. The bot requires a unique Dialog Name and API Name To build and manage
for the cloned dialog. Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
4. If intent is enabled on your dialog, you can choose the destination of the intent data. You can
choose to keep utterances and intent sets in the original dialog or move to the cloned dialog. OR
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

5. Save your work.

To clone a dialog step:
Hover over the icon in the dialog step and click to clone. The cloned dialog step appears below the original dialog step.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Work with Dialog Groups

Manage your bot’s dialogs with dialog groups.
Organize related dialogs into dialog groups. Expand and collapse dialog groups to view only the
dialogs you need. Drag dialogs to different groups if you reorganize groups. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Dialogs.
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
2. Do either of the following tasks:
Manage Bots
a. To add a group, in the Dialogs panel, click New Group.

Give the dialog group a name and API name and then save the new group. Drag existing dialogs into or out of this group. You
can assign new dialogs to this group when you create them.

a. To delete a group, right-click the group and click Ungroup.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

The dialog group is removed and any dialogs that were in the group become ungrouped dialogs in the Dialogs panel. Drag
them to other dialog groups as needed.

Understanding System Bot Dialogs

Einstein Bots are built for conversation. To make setup a breeze, some of the most common dialogs
are included with each new bot. These dialogs allow you to quickly transfer conversations to an
agent, or gracefully end a chat. You can customize each message to your company’s voice and Einstein Bots is available in
tone. Salesforce Classic and
System dialogs are essential functions that help a conversation move smoothly. The following Lightning Experience. Setup
system dialogs are automatically loaded with each new bot. Existing bots can assign dialogs to for Einstein Bots is available
these functions by setting a dialog. in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

System Bot Dialog Description Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Confused The Confused dialog helps you address requests
that are out of scope for your bot. The bot uses
the messages displayed in this dialog, combined
with intent training, to respond whenever it’s
unable to resolve a customer’s input.
The Confused Dialog doesn’t recognize actions
listed within the Next Step section, because the
Confused Dialog is always called from within
another dialog.

End Chat The End Chat dialog notices the end of a

conversation with an end user, and closes the
conversation on behalf of the customer.
(Available in bots that use Chat with
Omni-Channel only.)

Error Handler The Error Handler dialog delivers a message if

an error occurs inside the conversation.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

System Bot Dialog Description

Main Menu The second dialog sent to your end user after the Welcome Dialog.
When a user asks to go back to the Main Menu, they receive this

No Available Agents The system dialog sends a message to the end user if no agents
are available. This feature supports Chat and Messaging (SMS)
channels only.
In Chat, the bot checks to see if agents are available in the default
queue attached to the channel before transferring the conversation.
If all agents assigned to the queue are unavailable, a custom
message is sent to the customer. You can edit channels on the Bot
Overview Page.
Bots using Messaging channels check the business hours attached
to the channel. The bot sends a message to the end user if an
incoming message arrives outside business hours.

Transfer to Agent This action dialog automatically transfers the conversation from a
bot to an agent in the queue attached to the Chat deployment.
You can edit chat deployments on the Bot Overview Page.

Welcome The first dialog that your bot sends to your customer interacting
with a bot. This dialog is represented with the Home icon and
allows for a customized message.

Setting System Bot Dialogs
System Bot Dialogs help guide the bot through the conversation flow, and you can assign custom dialogs as system dialogs to
customize the experience.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Setting System Bot Dialogs

System Bot Dialogs help guide the bot through the conversation flow, and you can assign custom
dialogs as system dialogs to customize the experience.
1. On the Dialogs panel, click next to the dialog you wish to set as a System Bot Dialog. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
2. Click Set as to define which system dialog to set. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

Use Map View to Visualize Your Bot

You can use Map View to create a visual representation of how conversations move through your
Einstein Bot.
To access Map View, go to the Dialog page and click the dropdown in the header bar. Select Map Einstein Bots is available in
in the dropdown. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

Features of Map View:

• The Map View defaults to view the entire bot in one screen. You can adjust the size by using the zoom buttons in the lower left of
the screen.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• Between the plus and minus buttons is a Zoom to View button, which snaps the view to a closer format.
• To switch to the Detail View for that dialog, click a dialog inside the Map View.
• To view the tree for a specific dialog, use the dropdown in the top right of the Map View.
• Map View is fully functional with screen readers.
Map View Keystroke Commands:
• You can use the up, down, left, and right keys to move through the bot with a keyboard.
• Use F6 to navigate between nodes, the dialog dropdown, and the zoom buttons.
• To navigate into a call node, press Shift+Right. To return, press Shift+Left.
• To return to the parent of a call, press Shift+Left.
• Use the Tab key to move between trees and access the zoom buttons.
• Use the Enter key or the spacebar to expand/collapse a dialog or use the zoom buttons.
Map View Visual References:

Icon Description
The starting dialog for the bot.

A dialog.

Circles in the lower right of a dialog name indicate whether Natural

Language Processing is activated. A half colored circle identifies
Exact Match, and a full circle designates Intent Matching.

A reference to a previously used dialog within this dialog. This icon

is common for redirects to the Main Menu.

A collapsed tree of children dialogs. The number indicates the

number of branches in the next following level. Click the plus icon
to expand the detail.

The bot is waiting for a customer response.

A rule action dialog step inside a dialog. Hover over the image to
view the rule step conditions.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Navigating Bot Conversations

You can aid in bot troubleshooting efforts by understanding the order of operations. Learning the
behaviors of the Confused dialog, Conversation Repair, transfers, and Intent Management, helps
you build a more efficient bot. Einstein Bots is available in
Free Text Processing Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
Customers can enter free text into a bot at any point of the conversation. The bot processes the
for Einstein Bots is available
text in this order:
in Lightning Experience.
1. If the text input matches a menu option label or button, the bot moves to that menu option
Available in: Enterprise,
or button. The match isn’t case-sensitive.
Performance, Unlimited,
2. Intent Recognition on page 1100: If intent is enabled, the bot reviews the free text and redirects and Developer Editions
to the intent if the bot is confident that the text is a match to a specific intent.
a. The bot first searches for an exact match by intent and then checks the intent model.
b. Example: If Intent is enabled on the Transfer dialog and has utterances, when a customer enters “Transfer me to an agent”, the
bot checks for an exact match, then checks for an intent match. The bot recognizes the intent and redirects to the Transfer dialog.

Note: Successful, repeatable intent matches rely on balanced and robust intent models. If the model is unbalanced, your bot
transfers to an unintended intent. Use the Bot Event Logs on page 1125 to identify when an intent match occurred inside a
conversation and review the Intent Management on page 1100 section to better understand how to build a successful model.

3. If the bot has configured Article Answers, the bot searches knowledge articles using the free text to identify a match. If the bot is
confident the customer’s input text is related to an article, the bot displays the Answer field or the Title field. If multiple articles are
found, the bot displays the Title field for up to three articles.
4. Confused Dialog on page 1078: If the text input doesn’t match any of the above, the bot moves to the Confused dialog. The confused
dialog sends a message and then returns to the start of the dialog step where the bot became confused.
a. The bot skips the Next Steps section inside the Confused dialog, because the Confused dialog is always called. Instead, the bot
returns to the beginning of the original dialog. If the bot is confused within a question element, the bot follows the question
element order.

Dialog Processing Specifications

Dialogs work differently inside your bot depending on whether intent is enabled in the bot:
Next Step: The following actions exist within the Next Step section at the end of each dialog.
• Wait for customer input: The default option of each new dialog, which waits for customers to input free text.
• Show a menu: You can define other existing dialogs in the bot to be delivered to the customer as a menu.
– In the part of the conversation where it’s not obvious, use Show a menu as it guides towards the next action.

• Start another dialog: A one-way redirect to another dialog.

• Transfer to an agent: Transfers to the queue defined in the Chat Button or Channel Name (Messaging channels). You can review the
channels assigned to the bot in the Bot Overview Menu.
Dialog Action Element on page 1070

Note: Adding a pause element to a flow doesn’t cause the bot to pause and wait for an event to resume the flow. The bot
continues with the flow outputs that come out of the flow invocation until the moment the flow is paused.
Dialog Question Element on page 1066: All dialog question elements follow this specific order:
1. Named Entity Recognition (NER): The bot checks if the free text is recognizable as the entity data type defined in the Entity Name

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

a. Recognize and save from customer input: If checked, the bot reviews the free text that triggered the intent originally for an entity
match and skips the question if a match is found. Example: If a customer says “I’d like to check on order 12345”, the bot skips
the question asking for the order number and saves it to the Order Number variable.

2. Intent Recognition on page 1100: If NER fails and intent is enabled, the bot reviews the free text and redirects to an intent if the bot
is confident that the text is a match to a specific intent.
3. Conversation Repair on page 1069: If NER and Intent Recognition both fail, or if Intent Recognition is not enabled, the bot executes
any Conversation Repair messages defined in the question.
a. Up to two repair attempts are delivered, and then the bot follows the setting defined in What should the bot do next?. The bot
either repeats the original question and the Repair Attempts until entity recognition is achieved (and fill the variable), or moves
to the next dialog step without filling the variable.

4. Confused Dialog on page 1078: If no Entity or Intent is recognized, and Conversation Repair is not configured, the bot calls the Confused
dialog, and then returns to the start of the last dialog step to ask the question again.
Dialog Rule Element on page 1074: The following actions exist within Dialog Rules:
• Call Dialog: Call dialogs act as a loop — the bot returns back to the original dialog after the call is complete. These dialog steps retain
the context of the conversation. Call Dialogs are ideal in use cases that require reusing dialogs in a conversation, such as user
authentication, or collecting user feedback.
– When a dialog is called, the Next Step section at the end of the dialog isn’t triggered.
– We recommend no more than five Call Dialogs in a chain.
– If a Redirect to Dialog is invoked inside a Call Dialog, the Call Dialog chain ends and the Redirect to Dialog continues.
– If an intent is detected, the Call Dialog chain ends and the dialog associated with the intent is started.

• Redirect to Dialog: Redirects are a one-way transfer to another dialog. Redirects are best used when you want to branch the bot
conversation based on conditions in the conversation— a bot collecting RSVPs provides different messages depending on how the
customer responds.
• Clear Variable Value: Removes any previous value from a specific variable.
– For bots that run through a dialog multiple times within one conversation we recommend that you include Clear Variable Value
at the first dialog rule step.
– If Clear Variable Value is not used, the bot retains the old value and moves on to the next dialog step. Because the variable is
already filled, any question asked is skipped.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• Transfer: Requires a value, for example, Queue ID, to be set in a variable to complete the transfer.

Add a Bot Response Delay

Add a delay to every bot response on the Chat channel to deliver multiple messages to the customer
at a comfortable reading pace. The bot shows a typing indicator to your customer’s device during
these delays. Einstein Bots is available in
Note: In Einstein bots deployed to Chat channels, a typing indicator of three dots displays Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
during these breaks to indicate that the bot is formulating a response.
for Einstein Bots is available
1. In the Bot Builder menu, click Overview. in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

2. In the Settings area, select the pencil icon to edit the delay from the default number of seconds
to a precise number of seconds between each message. To save your changes, click the

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

What’s an Entity?
An entity represents a type of data that you want to collect from a customer. We provide the
following system entities: Text, Number, Boolean, Date, DateTime, Object (standard or custom),
and Currency. You can create your own custom entities as needed. Einstein Bots is available in
Restricting the type of data that can be input into a field is crucial for data integrity. In Salesforce Salesforce Classic and
objects, fields are defined by an included Field Type, which describes the type of data stored inside Lightning Experience. Setup
the field. In Einstein Bots, the Data Type and the Field are separated into two: an entity and a variable. for Einstein Bots is available
Entities store the type of data that you want to store and can be shared across multiple variables in Lightning Experience.
or versions of the same bot. Available in: Enterprise,
When you use a Question element to gather information from a customer, you specify the entity Performance, Unlimited,
to look for in the customer input. You also specify a variable to store the information the bot finds. and Developer Editions
The bot examines the customer input for the entity you specify, and stores the information in the
variable you specify.
System Entities and Custom Entities
Einstein Bots includes system entities, which are defined by the data type. They’re intentionally generic so you can reuse them frequently
across your bot. For example, using the Text system entity accepts any and all text that the customer inputs in response to a question.
If your variable must be more specific, you can create custom entities to further define the data stored. Custom entities can have the
data type of Text, Number, Boolean, Date, DateTime, and Currency.
Entities and Conversation Repair
Entity extraction is helpful when used with Conversation Repair on page 1069. If a customer response doesn’t match the entity format,
you can provide extra messages to help the customer correct the formatting.

Note: Boolean system entities are English-only.

Boolean Entities
Boolean Entities define yes or no answers. When selected, bots look for words, emoji, or phrases that commonly refer to either yes or
no. You can include static choices to encourage the end user to pick one, but if they type instead, the bot filters that text through the
boolean entity parameter.
If the bot can’t identify yes or no from the input, the text is categorized as a neutral response.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Custom Text Entities

You can create custom text entities to enforce specific patterns of text or categorize synonyms of the same word as one specific value.
To add a Regex pattern to your entity, use the Pattern Extraction Type. Use the Value Extraction Type to set values and their alternates.

Add a Custom Entity
Create custom entities to gather information that matches a regex pattern or list of synonym values.
Add a Value List Entity
A value list entity provides a way to extract the entity if there is an exact match to a value or a synonym in a list of values.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Add a Custom Entity

Create custom entities to gather information that matches a regex pattern or list of synonym values.
Custom entities have a data type of text. The bot can recognize an entity in customer input, extract
the information, and save it to a variable. Custom entities support two methods of extraction: regex Einstein Bots is available in
pattern or a list of values and synonyms. Entities can be shared across versions of the same bot. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Entities.
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
2. In the Entities list view, click New.
3. Provide an entity name and description and select an extraction type for the entity.
a. If the entity type is Pattern, optionally enter a regex pattern. If the entity represents something that follows a pattern, such as an
order code or email address, you can use a regular expression to capture it from user input. For example, use the following regex
to identify an email address in customer input: \b\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}\b
b. If the entity type is Value List, see Add a Value List Entity.

4. Save the entity.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Add a Value List Entity

A value list entity provides a way to extract the entity if there is an exact match to a value or a
synonym in a list of values.
For example, if you sell widgets in the colors red, green, and blue, you can create a value list entity Einstein Bots is available in
called Color. Then create three value to value list pairs of alternates or synonyms for each color. The Salesforce Classic and
bot can recognize any value list value as a match for the color value. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Entities.
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

2. In the Entities list view, click New.

3. Provide an entity name and select Value List.
4. Save the new entity.
5. In the All Entities list view, click > View for the new entity.
6. Click Add. Enter each value and corresponding value list. Separate value list terms with commas.
7. Save the entity.

What’s a Variable?
A variable is a container that stores a specific piece of data collected from the customer or output
from Salesforce. Since variables are containers of information, they can be used within dialog actions
as both inputs and outputs and can be inserted as part of the text in messages. Einstein Bots is available in
There are three types of variables in the Einstein Bot builder: Custom, Context, and System. Create Salesforce Classic and
custom variables to store information gathered from your customers. Use context variables to create Lightning Experience. Setup
channel-independent bots. Use the system variable to capture the last customer input with the for Einstein Bots is available
bot. Variables are specific to the version of the bot in which they’re created. in Lightning Experience.

Note: Variables can be inserted in bot messages and questions using standard merge syntax. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
The following types are available for custom variables. and Developer Editions

• Text
• Number
• Boolean

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• Object
• Date
• DateTime
• Currency
• Id
Object type variables store full records with fields. For example, use a flow to retrieve a contact record. Store the record in an object type
variable. Then access one of the fields, such as “Name”. Id is a text type variable with restricted character count.

Add a Custom Variable
Create custom variables to store information gathered from your customers.
Using Context and System Variables
Use context and system variables to access important information during your bot conversation. Context variables let your bot gather
customer information regardless of channel. System variables show back-end information about conversations.

Add a Custom Variable

Create custom variables to store information gathered from your customers.
Note: Variables are specific to the version of the bot in which they’re created.
Einstein Bots is available in
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Variables. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata

2. In the Variables list view, click New. OR

Manage Bots
3. Enter a variable label and API name.
4. Select the data type of this variable.
5. Save the variable.

What’s a Variable?

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Using Context and System Variables

Use context and system variables to access important information during your bot conversation.
Context variables let your bot gather customer information regardless of channel. System variables
show back-end information about conversations. Einstein Bots is available in
Context variables create dynamic mappings between Salesforce objects and the channel that your Salesforce Classic and
customer uses to interact with your bot. We provide prebuilt context variables that allow Admins Lightning Experience. Setup
to look up contacts regardless of channel and then access any related objects. When combined for Einstein Bots is available
with Chat, it consumes data from the prechat form to facilitate quick lookups. in Lightning Experience.

For example, if the bot conversation uses Chat, the Contact Id is read from the LiveChatTranscript Available in: Enterprise,
object. If the conversation uses Messaging, the Contact Id is read from the MessagingEndUser object Performance, Unlimited,
tied to the MessagingSession object. and Developer Editions

Bots can reference multiple objects in Salesforce to determine who your customer is. If a Contact
Id exists, you can use the Contact Id context variable with a Flow or Apex. This method outputs the
Contact First Name, Last Name, and any other field.
We provide the following context variables:
• Chat Key: The Chat Key is the session ID of the chat transcript. It can be used to reference an order or a case, and it can also access
custom fields created on the chat transcript record. Use the Chat Key to pass information to Apex or a flow.
• Contact Id: Use the Contact ID when a known contact has been matched in the session to access more fields.
– With Messaging, the ContactId context variable in Bot Builder is filled if an agent has previously linked the Messaging User and
Contact. This variable is tied to the MessagingEndUser.ContactId field. The link is made when an agent receives a link notification
on page 533 or through Channel-Object Linking on page 785. The ContactId variable is null the first time a Messaging user
contacts an agent, or for the returning Messaging user who has only encountered a bot.

• End User Id: To find information about the customer using your Messaging channel with your bot, use the End User Id context
variable from the Einstein Bot builder. With Flow or APEX, you can use the End User Id to look up the Messaging user’s Contact Id.
• Routable Id: If you’re using a pre-chat form in embedded Chat, the Routable Id gives you access to the LiveChatTranscript record
for the current bot session. From there, you can look up the Contact Id and Lead Id fields.
Context variables are identified with [Context] tags before the variable name. Use context variables as inputs for dialog actions.

Note: Context variables are read-only.

Context variables map to these channel objects.

Label API Data Chat Channel Field Chat Omni-Channel Field Messaging Channel Field Mapping
Name Type Mapping Mapping
Chat Key ChatKey Text LiveChatTranscript.ChatKey LiveChatTranscript.ChatKey Not applicable

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Label API Data Chat Channel Field Chat Omni-Channel Field Messaging Channel Field Mapping
Name Type Mapping Mapping
Routable RoutableId ID Not applicable LiveChatTranscript.Id MessagingSession.Id

End User EndUserId ID Not applicable LiveChatTranscript.LiveChatVisitorId MessagingSession.MessagingEndUserId


Contact ContactId ID LiveChatTranscript.ContactId LiveChatTranscript.ContactId MessagingEndUser.ContactIdCustom

Id Context Variables
Custom context variables allow the bot to
transform incoming information from the
customer into action. Bot admins can map
custom context variables to custom fields
on a prechat form to customize the
conversation, or use the incoming
Messaging phone number to look up a
Custom context variables can be linked to
multiple channels and objects. The Chat
channel can map to the LiveChatTranscript
object and the Messaging Channels can
map from either the MessagingSession or
MessagingUser objects.
For more information, visit Creating
Custom Context Variables.

Custom Context Variables

Custom context variables allow the bot to transform incoming information from the customer into action. Bot admins can map custom
context variables to custom fields on a prechat form to customize the conversation, or use the incoming Messaging phone number to
look up a contact.
Custom context variables can be linked to multiple channels and objects. The Chat channel can map to the LiveChatTranscript object
and the Messaging Channels can map from either the MessagingSession or MessagingUser objects.
For more information, visit Create Custom Context Variables on page 1093.
System Variables
We provide the following system variables:
• Referrer Bot Id: In bot-to-bot transfers, this field shows the ID of the bot that initiated the transfer.
• Last Customer Input: contains the string of text the customer input most recently. To capture the last customer input, use the Last
Customer Input system variable in a dialog action. You can then pass it to Apex for further processing such as sentiment analysis.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

You can also use the Last Customer Input system variable in dialog rule conditions.

Like other Einstein Bot variables, you can merge context and system variables into bot messages with merge syntax. For custom fields,
use the Field Name and include __c at the end: {!CustomField__c}. To call a specific record, use {!Record.Field}. To call an item in a list
variable, use FieldName[X], with X referring to the location of the item in the list. Einstein Bots uses a zero-based index with list variables,
you can call the first item of the list using FieldName[0].

Create Custom Context Variables
Context variables for the contact are included, but you can create any type of context variable to use in your bot implementation.
Use context variables for product names, store locations, referral URLs, or items in a customer’s shopping cart.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Create Custom Context Variables

Context variables for the contact are included, but you can create any type of context variable to
use in your bot implementation. Use context variables for product names, store locations, referral
URLs, or items in a customer’s shopping cart. Einstein Bots is available in
Custom context variables can be linked to multiple channels and objects. The Chat channel can Salesforce Classic and
map to the LiveChatTranscript object and the Messaging Channels can map from either the Lightning Experience. Setup
MessagingSession or MessagingUser objects. for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
Deleting mappings on custom context variables affect functionality. We recommend that you note
where custom context variables are used to prevent data loss or showing merged fields inside a Available in: Enterprise,
conversation. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
1. Start with a deactivated bot. If your bot is active, click Deactivate.
2. In the Bot Builder menu, select Variables.
3. To create a variable, click New. Set the type to Context and give it a name and Data Type. Save
your changes. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

Note: Custom context variables must have a Data Type of Text, Number, or ID.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

4. To open the variable detail page, click the variable name. To create a variable mapping, click New.
5. To map to the variable, select the Channel and the Field. Save your changes. The mapping shows with the channel and the API name
of the mapped field.

Transfer Bot Conversations

Einstein Bots are team players. They’re great at passing conversations to the team member that is
most likely to solve a customer issue. Whether you program your bot to transfer to an agent or to
another bot, the following steps show you the best way to set up bot conversation transfers. Einstein Bots is available in
Use the Transfer to Agent System Dialog to Transfer Conversations Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
You can easily transfer conversations to an agent in the queue attached to the Chat deployment
for Einstein Bots is available
defined on the Overview page by pointing to the Transfer to Agent dialog. Transfer to an agent is
in Lightning Experience.
pre-selected in the Next Step section. If you set any other transfer dialog steps, the bot ignores the
Next Step and uses the dialog step instructions instead. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Use the Dialog Rule Element to Transfer Conversations
You can also use the Dialog Rule Element to transfer conversations to a specific queue or to another
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Transfer Bot Conversations to a Queue
You can route bot conversations to a queue of agents by using the Rule Action Dialog Step.
And you can help customers who initiate a transfer when agents are offline with the No Available Agents dialog.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Transfer Bot Conversations to Another Bot

Create custom solutions in your org by adopting a multi-bot strategy. Use the Dialog Rule Element to transfer bot conversations to
another bot.
Use Skills-Based Routing to Transfer Bot Conversations
Increase customer satisfaction with skills-based agent routing and bots. Now you can route work items to agents that can best serve
customer needs based on skills like language or technical expertise. Skills-based routing makes bots the first point of customer
contact. The bot identifies the required skills then transfers the customer to the next available agent that matches their needs.
Skills-based routing works the same across all channels.

Transfer Bot Conversations to a Queue

You can route bot conversations to a queue of agents by using the Rule Action Dialog Step. And
you can help customers who initiate a transfer when agents are offline with the No Available Agents
dialog. Einstein Bots is available in
To transfer a conversation to a queue, you must create an ID variable to define the destination. Salesforce Classic and
Bot-to-Queue transfers count as two conversations, and after the transfer, agents can’t transfer Lightning Experience. Setup
conversations back to a bot. for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
1. In the Bot Builder menu, select Variables and click New.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. For the Data Type, select ID. For the SObject Type, select Queue.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Click Save. and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

If you use the Dialog Rule Element, you can transfer bot conversations to a queue. Set the variable with the queue's ID, and then
initiate a transfer.

Click between dialog elements and select Rules.
5. In Rule Action, select Set Routing Type.
6. In the Route Type field, select Queue. In the Route Source field, select the queue that you want to transfer to. In the Destination
Variable field, select the ID variable that you created.
7. Click Add Rule Action.
8. In the Rule Action field, select Transfer. In the Destination Variable field, select the ID variable set in the previous step.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

9. Save your work.

Resolving Transfer Issues with the No Available Agents System Dialog
In Chat, if a transfer is started, the bot follows this process to identify the destination of the conversation:
• The bot first checks for agent capacity. If an agent is available to take the chat, the bot transfers to the agent.
• If all agents are at capacity, the bot reviews the settings of the Chat Button record assigned to the bot to identify the queue size. The
bot reviews the queue size only if Enable Queue is checked, and uses the Overall Queue Size or the Queue Size Per Agent to identify
the size. You can identify the Chat Button assigned to the bot by visiting the Deployments section of the Bot Overview page.
• If there’s room to wait in the queue defined by the Chat Button, the session gets added to the queue and a message is sent to the
customer to let them know they’re on hold.
• If there’s no room to wait in the queue, the bot moves to the No Agent system dialog.
If you don’t see the No Agent dialog by default, you can assign a dialog to the No Agent functionality by selecting Set as No Available
Agents in the dialog dropdown.

Bot Behavior in Messaging

In Messaging, the bot checks agent availability by using the business hours in the Messaging Settings. If the transfer is attempted outside
of the set business hours, the bot moves to the No Agent dialog. To set business hours, see Modify Messaging Channel Settings on page
Bots using Messaging without a No Available Agents dialog defined attempt to transfer the conversation. If no agents are available, the
bot ends the conversation without notifying the customer. We recommend assigning a No Agent dialog and including a message
informing the customer that the conversation has ended.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Transfer Bot Conversations to Another Bot

Create custom solutions in your org by adopting a multi-bot strategy. Use the Dialog Rule Element
to transfer bot conversations to another bot.
When you create multiple bots, you can transfer conversations from one bot to another. Some Einstein Bots is available in
businesses build bots based on function. For example, one bot starts the interaction and then Salesforce Classic and
transfers the conversation to a sales or service bot based on customer input. Other businesses build Lightning Experience. Setup
bots based on customer location or language. When a bot transfers the conversation to another for Einstein Bots is available
bot, each conversation is counted as a unique conversation, and when a transfer is completed, the in Lightning Experience.
content of the Last Customer Input variable transfers to the new bot. Available in: Enterprise,
To transfer a conversation to another bot, start with two bots: the source bot and the destination Performance, Unlimited,
bot. You must create an ID variable for the destination bot to define the transfer. and Developer Editions

1. In the Bot Builder menu, select Variables.


3. For the Data Type, select ID. For the SObject Type, select Bot. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
4. Click Save.
• Customize Application
After the variable is created, you can use the Dialog Rule Element to set the transfer.
5. Modify Metadata
Click between dialog elements and select Rules to add a Dialog Rule Element.
6. In Rule Actions, select Set Routing Type.
Manage Bots
7. In the Route Type field, select Bot. In the Route Source field, select the destination bot. In the
Destination Variable field, select the ID variable that you created.
8. Click Add Rule Action.
9. In the Rule Action field, select Transfer. In the Destination Variable field, select the ID variable set in the previous step.
10. Click Save.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Use Skills-Based Routing to Transfer Bot Conversations

Increase customer satisfaction with skills-based agent routing and bots. Now you can route work
items to agents that can best serve customer needs based on skills like language or technical
expertise. Skills-based routing makes bots the first point of customer contact. The bot identifies the Einstein Bots is available in
required skills then transfers the customer to the next available agent that matches their needs. Salesforce Classic and
Skills-based routing works the same across all channels. Lightning Experience. Setup
You must have the following features enabled to set up Skills-Based Routing for Einstein Bots: for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
• Chat or Messaging enabled
• Einstein Bots enabled Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Omni-Channel set up with Skills-Based Routing enabled (complete steps 1–5 in the setup and Developer Editions
instructions on page 298)
• A list of the 18-digit skill IDs
In Chat, if a transfer is started, the bot follows this process to identify the destination of the
conversation: To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
• The bot first checks for agents with the skills required to complete the work item and identifies
• Customize Application
their availability. If an agent is available to take the chat, the bot transfers to the agent.
• If all agents are at capacity, the bot reviews the settings of the Chat Button record assigned to
the bot to identify the queue size. The bot reviews the queue size only if Enable Queue is Modify Metadata
checked, and uses the Overall Queue Size or the Queue Size Per Agent to identify the size. You OR
can identify the Chat Button assigned to the bot by visiting the Deployments section of the Bot Manage Bots
Overview page.
• If there’s room to wait in the queue defined by the Chat Button, the session is added to the
queue and a message is sent to the customer to let them know they are on hold.
• If there’s no room to wait in the queue, the bot moves to the No Agent system dialog.

Note: Limitations with Skills-Based Routing and Einstein Bots:

• Einstein Bots don’t support Skills-Based Routing Rules.
• Refer to the Omni-Channel documentation for more limitations around Omni-Channel and Skills-Based routing.

1. In your bot, create a list variable with the data type of ID. Set the SObject Type to Skill.

2. To add a set of skill IDs to a list, create an Apex class. We recommend adding the list of Skill IDs as a comment for reference.
global with sharing class GetSkillsIdsAction {
@InvocableMethod(label='Get Skills Ids' description='Return Ids of Skills')

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

global static List<List<Id>> getSkillsIds() {

List<Id> skillsIds = new List<Id> ();

* 18 char Skills Ids in the org:
* Dutch - 0C5RM000000028I0AQ
* French - 0C5RM000000028D0AQ
* Spanish - 0C5RM000000026R0AQ


return new List<List<Id>> {skillsIds};


3. In the Einstein Bot Builder, add an Action Dialog Step to call the Apex class and set the skills IDs in the bot variable.

4. Add a Rule Dialog Step without conditions. In the Rule Action, select to Transfer to the bot variable.

Bot Behavior in Messaging

Bots check for available agents differently depending on the channel. In Messaging, the bot checks agent availability by using the business
hours in the Messaging Settings. If the transfer is attempted outside of the set business hours, the bot moves to the No Agent dialog.
To set business hours, see Modify Messaging Channel Settings on page 491.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Use Intents to Understand Your Customers

Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) through intent management is uncharted territory for
most admins. It’s important to remember that building bots is iterative - starting off with a small
bot and then building it into a complex machine is part of the journey. As you gain feedback from Einstein Bots is available in
your customers and review data, your bots grow in ways you have never expected! Salesforce Classic and
Learn more about building an intent: How to Enable Natural Language Processing in Your Lightning Experience. Setup
Einstein Bot (English only) for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
Chatbots can be categorized into the following categories:
Available in: Enterprise,
• Menu-based Bots, where users select a path based on a menu of options that the bot delivers
Performance, Unlimited,
to the end user. These bots are easy to set up, deliver high value on low-level tasks such as
and Developer Editions
password resets, and help you deliver a curated experience to the customer.
• NLP Bots, which rely on natural language processing to interpret free text. NLP bots allow the
user to define where the bot moves, so they have more control over the experience. Also, NLP USER PERMISSIONS
bots can interpret multiple pieces of information within one phrase sent by the customer, which
To build and manage
can reduce the number of steps required to complete a task. Einstein Bots:
• Hybrid Bots, which use menu-based methods and NLP methods at the right time to create a • Customize Application
blended experience. Including a menu can help customers who need an idea of what the bot OR
can do. Also, integrating NLP helps the bot sound smarter and more conversational.
Modify Metadata
Brand New to Bots? Start Here OR
Start with menu-based bots if you’re brand new to Einstein Bots. If you're familiar with building Manage Bots
workflows, using Process Builder, or building flows, creating a menu-based bot is similar. When you
build a menu-based bot, using the Map View is helpful to visualize how all the dialogs work together.
Even though you start with a Menu, customers can still write in text to your bot. In Messaging channels, the end user activates the bot
by writing a question first. Also, curious users test a bot by typing in text. Use the Confused dialog to capture the input text, and encourage
the end user to pick a task that the bot can complete by redirecting them to the menu.
Creating a Hybrid Bot - Start with Exact Matching
After you’re comfortable with your menu-based bot, it's time to upgrade to a Hybrid Bot. One of the easiest ways to expand into a Hybrid
Bot is to build utterances for common phrases, such as Main Menu, Transfer to an Agent, or End Chat.
Add these utterances manually to the intent. In the chatbot industry, an utterance is a term for inputs from your customer. For more
information, visit Use Exact Matching for Intents on page 1102.

Note: Exact Matching is case-sensitive, so include all available spellings and capitalizations in the utterance to ensure a good
The best way to identify when you’re ready to move to an intent model is to view your chat logs. What common phrases are your
customers asking the bot? It's likely that they're asking the bot the same questions that they're asking your agents. If the utterances
apply to a task that you feel the bot can handle, such as canceling an appointment, they’re likely great additions to the intent model.
You’re ready to build an intent model when you think you have enough utterances, or can create enough utterances, to outfit three to
five intents.

Note: Identifying the right number of utterances at the beginning can be difficult. A minimum of 20 utterances per intent is
required to build the model, but more utterances make the model more accurate.
Building an Intent Model
Start by identifying dialogs that are great candidates for building your intent model. Intent models are made up of multiple intents,
which have many utterances assigned to each intent. Here’s some important information to know when starting your intent model:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• The bot needs at least three to five intents to start.

• Building an intent model with Einstein Bots is supported in the following languages: Create a Bot for a Specific Language on page
• The intent model must be balanced in the number of utterances per intent to keep the bot from making unbiased decisions.
• We recommend a maximum of 100 intents for better model accuracy. If you need more than 100 intents, consider creating a
hierarchical classification to guide the bot.
• The maximum intent label length is 180 characters, so it’s important to edit the label to the most important phrases.
• Consider grouping similar intents. If you have intents that are similar, or if you find that one intent is being classified as another,
consider grouping them together. For example, if you find overlap in three intents: "How to apply license under 16", "How to apply
license at age 16," and "How to apply at age 17 or over", the model performs better by grouping into a single intent: "How to Apply
for Teenage License."
• Intents can be shared across versions of the same bot.
Some intents can benefit from text identification but don’t have enough utterances to keep the intent model balanced. In these cases,
you can use Exact Matching on the intent, which allows for text identification without affecting the Intent Model.
Writing Utterances and Sourcing a Great Intent Model
To load many utterances attached to one intent at once, we recommend that you use Einstein Intent Sets, which work like AppExchange
packages. You can install Intent Sets one time and use it across all your bots. It's a great way to start on common intents, such as "Where
is my order" or "Schedule an Appointment"
You can also add utterances manually to each intent. Read more about how to add utterances manually at Write Utterances for Einstein
Bots on page 1114. If you use Chat, you can use your chat transcripts to generate new utterances by using Input Recommender. Learn
more at Use Input Recommender to Generate Utterances (Beta) on page 1112.
If you want to test a new addition to the intent model, it’s easy to import and export intent data to test in a sandbox first. Read more at
the following topics:
• Import Intent Data to a Bot on page 1105
• Import Intent Data to an Einstein Intent Set on page 1106
• Export Intent Data for Einstein Bots on page 1107
Iterate, Iterate, Iterate your Bot
Just like a virtual pet, your bot can always benefit from a bit of attention. You can add a new version of a bot to test out new dialogs,
entities, and variables without disrupting your customer experience. For the intent model, you can use the Bot Training on page 1115
page to improve intent matching quality. You can use the Model Management on page 1116 menu to quantify how accurate your bot
is at identifying an intent.
As your bot interacts with your customers, your model scores change and your bot must be updated to adapt. We recommend that you
perform the following maintenance tasks once a week:
• To identify intents to improve, visit the Model Management page.
• To identify common asks that are candidates for new intents, review your chat data in the Event Logs.
• To ensure that the bot sessions are free from errors and to identify key trends among sessions, visit the Event Logs.

Note: Chat data and event logs are only available for the last 7 days. If you want to extend the maintenance longer than a weekly
cadence, we recommend that you download the data or migrate it to a separate object.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Use Exact Matching for Intents
Turn on Exact Matching for intents that have too few utterances to be included in the intent model. These case-sensitive phrases
allow the bot to recognize a common intent and route accordingly.
Creating, Storing, and Managing Intent Data
Bots have two sets of data: the data around events and the data around intents. Event data refers to the things that happen inside
bot conversations. Intent data refers to the data used to train the model so your bot understands your customers. To create a robust
bot, you must have a strategy for handling both data sets.

Use Exact Matching for Intents

Turn on Exact Matching for intents that have too few utterances to be included in the intent model.
These case-sensitive phrases allow the bot to recognize a common intent and route accordingly.

Note: Exact Match utterances are case-sensitive. Einstein Bots is available in

Salesforce Classic and
1. Turn on Exact Matching for a dialog by navigating to the dialog in the Bot Builder and then Lightning Experience. Setup
clicking Enable Dialog Intent. This setting is one-way—after it is turned on, it cannot be for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To manage intent sets and

bot training:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

Service Cloud Einstein Bots


. f fo
2. Add utterances to the intent by selecting the Dialog Intent submenu. You can add utterances manually, or you can use an Einstein
Intent Set through the Intent Set section. The total count of utterances (manual and from intent sets) is listed in the top-right corner
of the page.

Dialogs with Exact Match have an icon signifying that Exact Matching is enabled.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Creating, Storing, and Managing Intent Data

Bots have two sets of data: the data around events and the data around intents. Event data refers
to the things that happen inside bot conversations. Intent data refers to the data used to train the
model so your bot understands your customers. To create a robust bot, you must have a strategy Einstein Bots is available in
for handling both data sets. Salesforce Classic and
Intent data contains utterances, or phrases, that tell the bot what the customer wants. For instance, Lightning Experience. Setup
there are many ways that someone could ask to speak to an agent: “Transfer me to an agent”, “I for Einstein Bots is available
need to speak to a human”, or simply “Agent”. The more utterances you add to an intent, the more in Lightning Experience.
likely the bot is able to make a correct decision. Available in: Enterprise,
It’s important that you have a balanced intent model. A minimum of 20 utterances is required to Performance, Unlimited,
build the model, but more utterances make the model more accurate. We also recommend that and Developer Editions
any intent included in the model roughly includes the same number of utterances as the other
Create a strategy for intent data management as your bot grows. A good strategy includes a path
for testing and adding new intents and utterances within a sandbox to try out changes. The reason To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
is that adding more utterances and intents to a live bot affects the customer experience.
• Customize Application
Note: Intents can be shared across versions of the same bot. OR
Modify Metadata

Import Intent Data to a Bot Manage Bots

Importing Intent Data is a simple way to add utterances into your bot. You can only upload To manage intent sets and
intent data to dialogs with Intent Enabled, which creates an intent name to relate to the bot training:
utterances. • Customize Application
Import Intent Data to an Einstein Intent Set OR
You can use Einstein Intent Sets to move utterances and entities between Salesforce orgs. Modify Metadata
Export Intent Data for Einstein Bots OR
You can export bot intent data using the Data Loader and the Intent Utterance object. Manage Bots
Upgrade a Live Einstein Bot OR
It’s important to update the bot frequently to react to the latest customer interactions. Use Manage Bots Training
change sets to move bots, bot versions, and intent sets between sandbox and production. Data
Source New Utterances with Intent Sets
You can use Einstein Intent Sets to add many utterances to intents at one time. Intent sets can
be shared across orgs to quickly assign utterances to intents.
Manage Intent Data in Einstein Intent Sets
Learn how to use bulk actions in Einstein Intent Sets to move utterances, assign languages, or delete utterances.
Use Input Recommender to Generate Utterances (Beta)
Use recommendations within new or existing dialog intents to build realistic training data based on phrases your customers already
use in chat conversations. You can use Input Recommender to generate lots of utterances for a new intent or to improve the quality
of your existing intents by recommending high-value utterances.
Write Utterances for Einstein Bots
You can add utterances manually to any intent by typing them directly into the intent. Utterances added via intent sets and manually
all count towards the total number of utterances.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Improve Intent Matching Quality with Bot Training

Help your bot improve its conversation quality with Bot Training. When using Bot Training, you’ll see what intent the bot thought
was represented by that utterance, and you can tell your bot if it was right, or correct it if it was wrong.

Import Intent Data to a Bot

Importing Intent Data is a simple way to add utterances into your bot. You can only upload intent
data to dialogs with Intent Enabled, which creates an intent name to relate to the utterances.

Note: You must have Version 47 or higher of the Data Loader to access the Intent Utterance Einstein Bots is available in
object. Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
1. To enable intents for a dialog, click Enable Dialog Intent. for Einstein Bots is available
2. Create a three-column CSV file with the following headers: MlDomainName, MlIntentName, in Lightning Experience.
and Utterance. When uploading directly to a bot, MIDomainName (Capital M, lowercase l) refers Available in: Enterprise,
to the bot API name and MIIntentName (Capital M, lowercase l) refers to the dialog API name. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


3. Log into Data Loader, and click Insert. After authentication, click Show all Salesforce objects. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To manage intent sets and

bot training:
• Customize Application
4. Select Intent Utterance (MIIntentUtterance) as the Object, and then click Browse to select your Modify Metadata
CSV file.
5. To map your fields to MIDomainName, MIIntentName, and Utterance, click Map Fields. Click Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

6. To save your success and error files, select a directory. Click Finish.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Import Intent Data to an Einstein Intent Set

You can use Einstein Intent Sets to move utterances and entities between Salesforce orgs.
Note: You must have Version 47 or higher of the Data Loader to access the Intent Utterance
object. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
1. Using the Quick find tool in Setup, type in Einstein Intent Sets to access the Einstein Intent Set Lightning Experience. Setup
menu. for Einstein Bots is available
2. To create an Intent Set, click New. Give your intent set a name and save your changes. To add in Lightning Experience.
your Intents to the Intent Set, click the down button next to the intent set, and click Edit. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Note: Intents must be created in the Einstein Intent Set before you can upload utterances
To manage intent sets and
related to the intent. bot training:
• Customize Application
3. Create a three-column CSV file with the following headers: MlDomainName, MlIntentName,
Utterance, and Language. In an Intent set, MlDomainName (Capital M, lowercase l) refers to OR
the intent set API name. MlIntentName (Capital M, lowercase l) refers to the API name of the Modify Metadata
Intent within the intent set. You can assign a language to each utterance using the format in OR
Supported Languages.
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

4. Log into Data Loader, and click Insert. After authentication, click Show all Salesforce objects.
5. Select Intent Utterance (MlIntentUtterance) as the Object, and then click Browse to select your CSV file.
6. To map your fields to MlDomainName, MlIntentName, and Utterance, click Map Fields. Click Next.
7. Select the directory where your success and error files are saved. Click Finish.
8. Return to the Bot Builder, and select the dialog you want to add the intent data. In the Intent Sets section, click Add Intent.
9. Select your intent from the list then save your changes.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Export Intent Data for Einstein Bots

You can export bot intent data using the Data Loader and the Intent Utterance object.
1. Log into the Data Loader, and click Export.
Einstein Bots is available in
2. Click Show all Salesforce Objects, and select the Intent Utterance (MIIntentUtterance) object.
Salesforce Classic and
Choose a target for extraction, and then click Next.
Lightning Experience. Setup
3. Select the fields you want to export. We recommend MIDomainName, MIIntentName, and for Einstein Bots is available
Utterance. When you're ready, click Finish. in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To manage intent sets and

bot training:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Upgrade a Live Einstein Bot

It’s important to update the bot frequently to react to the latest customer interactions. Use change
sets to move bots, bot versions, and intent sets between sandbox and production.
To test while customers are actively using the bot, we recommend upgrading via the following Einstein Bots is available in
path: Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
1. In the sandbox, create a version of the bot by clicking the dropdown next to the latest active
for Einstein Bots is available
version of the bot and clicking Clone.
in Lightning Experience.
2. Add new utterances to a bot via Einstein Intent Sets on page 1106. Utterances can be added
Available in: Enterprise,
manually to an intent set or loaded via CSV file.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Train your bot in the sandbox. and Developer Editions
Note: Differences in the training scores of the same bot in sandbox and in production
is expected behavior. To evaluate the model performance, the bot samples a portion of USER PERMISSIONS
the utterances for training, so the training sets aren’t identical.
To build and manage
4. Bots, bot versions, and intent sets can be included in an outbound change set. To learn more Einstein Bots:
about change sets, review the following article on Change Sets. To add Bot Versions to a change • Customize Application
set, add the bot first, and then click View/Add Dependencies. OR
5. Deploy to your production org. Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To manage intent sets and

bot training:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Source New Utterances with Intent Sets

You can use Einstein Intent Sets to add many utterances to intents at one time. Intent sets can be
shared across orgs to quickly assign utterances to intents.
You can create intent sets, or find them on the AppExchange. To create your own Intent Set, visit Einstein Bots is available in
Import Intent Data to an Einstein Intent Set on page 1106. The total number of utterances attached Salesforce Classic and
to an intent includes the utterances from your intent set and any manually added utterances. Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
1. Navigate to the Bot Builder, and select which dialog is the destination for the intent data.
in Lightning Experience.
2. In the Intent Sets section, click Add Intent.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To build and manage

Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To manage intent sets and

bot training:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

3. Select your intent from the list, and click Save.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Manage Intent Data in Einstein Intent Sets

Learn how to use bulk actions in Einstein Intent Sets to move utterances, assign languages, or delete

Note: Starting in Summer ’21, utterances are assigned to languages. If utterances exist in Einstein Bots is available in
your org before Summer ’21, they’re identified as an unassigned language. All new utterances Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
require a language, and we recommend that you assign languages to any existing unassigned
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Einstein Intent Sets, and then select
Einstein Intent Sets. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. Click the down button next to the intent set, and click Edit. Click the down button next to the and Developer Editions
intent you want to update, and click Edit.
3. Filter the list of utterances by language using the Language drop down.
4. Use the checkboxes to select the utterances to bulk edit and click the global action buttons.
To build and manage
• Assign Language: Assigns a language to the selected utterances. You can select Clone Einstein Bots:
selected utterances and preserve the original utterances to make a copy of the selected • Customize Application
utterances and assign the language to the copies. Bots built to handle multiple dialects can
quickly generate utterances using this feature.
Modify Metadata
• Reassign Utterances: Moves the selected utterances to a new intent or intent set.
• Delete Utterances: Deletes the selected utterances.
Manage Bots

To manage intent sets and

bot training:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Use Input Recommender to Generate Utterances (Beta)

Use recommendations within new or existing dialog intents to build realistic training data based
on phrases your customers already use in chat conversations. You can use Input Recommender to
generate lots of utterances for a new intent or to improve the quality of your existing intents by Einstein Bots is available in
recommending high-value utterances. Salesforce Classic and
Input Recommender is a helpful tool to generate lots of high-quality utterance recommendations Lightning Experience. Setup
based on an example phrase. Using your existing chat data, you can find hidden utterances using for Einstein Bots is available
words and phrases your customers already use. Adding unique utterances creates model diversity in Lightning Experience.
and syntactic variation, which helps the bot make better recommendations. Available in: Enterprise,
Note: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole
discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms
provided at Agreements and Terms. USER PERMISSIONS
• To enable Input Recommender, your profile must have View All access on the Chat To build and manage
Transcript object. Einstein Bots:
• Input Recommender supports the following languages: Dutch, English, French, German, • Customize Application
and Spanish. OR
• Input Recommender requires at least 2,500 Chat Transcript records per language to deliver Modify Metadata
high-quality recommendations. OR
Enable Input Recommender Manage Bots

To enable Input Recommender, click Get Started on the Bot main page and follow the setup To manage intent sets and
instructions. Input Recommender builds the model in the background and is ready to use within bot training:
24 hours after setup is initiated. • Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training
When the process is complete, you can generate utterances for a new intent or find similar Data
suggestions based on existing utterances.

To view the available languages, click View details in the Active Languages section of the setup page.

Note: To integrate new chat data into Input Recommender, you must rebuild the model. Return to the Bot Setup page and click
Rebuild to start the process.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Generate Utterances for a New Intent

1. In the Bot Builder, start at any Dialog with Intent Enabled. To enable intents on a new dialog, click Enable Dialog Intent.

2. In Utterances, click Get Recommendations.

3. Provide an example intent in the form of a short statement or question. Click Find.

4. After a moment, Einstein returns utterance recommendations from your chat data. Select the recommendations you want to add
to the intent model and then click Add.
a. To edit a recommendation, for instance, to remove Personal Identifying Information or to clarify a phrase, click the pencil icon
to the right. Editing the recommendation doesn’t alter the chat logs.

5. To find more utterance recommendations, select the recommendations you want to add to your intent model and then click Add
& Find More. You can also start the steps over with a different recommendation to further balance the model.
Add to Existing Utterances
To use your chat data to find similar utterances, enter your intent and click Find Similar on any existing utterance, or add an utterance
and click Add and Find Similar.
Add to Intent Sets
To launch Input Recommender from an intent set, use the quick find tool on the Setup page to enter Einstein Intent Sets. Click the intent
set name and select a language that’s included in the Active Languages part of Input Recommender on the Setup page. Click Get
Recommendations inside a new intent, or click Find Similar to launch inside an intent with existing utterances.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Write Utterances for Einstein Bots

You can add utterances manually to any intent by typing them directly into the intent. Utterances
added via intent sets and manually all count towards the total number of utterances.
Before you begin, keep these rules in mind when writing utterances: Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
• Building an intent model with Einstein Bots is supported in the following languages: Create a
Lightning Experience. Setup
Bot for a Specific Language on page 1056.
for Einstein Bots is available
• Add at least 20 unique utterances to each dialog intent.The model defaults to Exact in Lightning Experience.
Matching up to 20 utterances. After a minimum of 20 utterances are added, you can turn on
Einstein to use Natural Language Processing for the intent. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Utterances over 250 characters are discarded. and Developer Editions
• The more utterances, the better your model accuracy. When the model is built, 20% of
your utterances are randomly withheld for training purposes, while the remainder is used for
building the model. So a low number of utterances could change the model output. The right USER PERMISSIONS
number of utterances is unique to your model. Twenty utterances are the minimum amount To build and manage
to run the model, but more utterances make the model more accurate. Einstein Bots:
• Utterances must have variation in word length. The words must vary in length to capture • Customize Application
the many different ways an end user could ask for something. Some end users could say “order OR
status”, while others say, “I would like to check the status of my order”. A great way to create
Modify Metadata
utterances is to ask your colleagues how they would say a phrase.
• Avoid adding utterances that are too similar. Also avoid adding the same utterance more
Manage Bots
than one time, as the model discards duplicate utterances.
• Special formatting for utterances isn’t necessary. Special text formatting, such as emojis, To manage intent sets and
words in all uppercase, and punctuation aren’t included in the training process. bot training:
• Customize Application
• Each utterance is clear and includes the activity that’s intended. Avoid utterances that
have an ambiguous meaning. An intent-driven utterance follows this template to be descriptive: OR

– Includes an actionable verb or task. For example: "play," "display," or "switch on/off." Modify Metadata

– Includes a specific entity or noun to be acted upon. For example: "Silicon Valley episode," OR
"bank transactions", or "weather." Manage Bots
1. Navigate to the Bot Builder, and select the dialog you want to add utterances to the intent.
Manage Bots Training
2. Under Utterances, type in your utterance, and click Add. Data
3. Repeat for another utterance.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Improve Intent Matching Quality with Bot Training

Help your bot improve its conversation quality with Bot Training. When using Bot Training, you’ll
see what intent the bot thought was represented by that utterance, and you can tell your bot if it
was right, or correct it if it was wrong. Einstein Bots is available in
Note: Bot training includes utterances that match the bot’s language and utterances with Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
an unassigned language.
for Einstein Bots is available
1. To start, ensure that a language has been selected for the bot, and that Store Einstein Bots in Lightning Experience.
conversation data is selected. To confirm both, open the Overview page from the Bot Builder.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Access Model Management from the Bot Builder. Click Build Model. While the model builds Performance, Unlimited,
in the background, an In Progress message shows you the status of the build. and Developer Editions

3. After the build is complete, your bot can collect text for bot training. To collect text, activate To build and manage
and interact with your bot. Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
4. In the Model Management page, enter the Bot Training sub menu, and then click Train Bot.
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To manage intent sets and

bot training:
5. The Bot Training menu provides customer inputs and the bot’s top intent prediction. Use the • Customize Application
buttons to confirm the intent, ignore the utterance, or reclassify to another intent. You can OR
reclassify utterances to both Einstein-enabled dialog intents or exact matching intents. Einstein Modify Metadata
doesn’t need to be on in the dialog intent to reclassify to that intent. OR
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training

6. The Utterance field on the UtteranceSuggestion object is available for encryption with Shield Platform Encryption. This field includes
customer suggestions to add to the Intent Model, and contains data when admins select Store Einstein Bots conversation data
on the Bot Overview page. This field only supports case-insensitive deterministic encryption. To encrypt this field, check Encrypt
on the Encrypt Field page in Setup. Learn more about Shield Platform Encryption at How Shield Platform Encryption Works.
7. To act on many inputs at once, select multiple customer inputs, and use the Bulk Action buttons from the list view.
8. After working through all open training items, click Build Model to integrate your suggestions.
Send New Utterances to Intent Sets

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

You can reclassify inputs to an intent inside the current bot or into an intent set. By reclassifying inputs into an intent set, admins can
share authentic customer inputs with other bots or move the data to a sandbox.
To send a new customer input to an intent set, click the Reclassify button and then define the destination. To select an intent in the
current bot, click Search Intents and select the intent. To assign to an intent set, select the intent set in the dropdown and select the

Evaluate How Well Your Bots Understand Your Customers

The Model Management page provides metrics on the quality of your bot’s intent model and a
detailed look at individual intents. Use the information to fine-tune intents and improve how well
your bot understands your customers. Einstein Bots is available in
Your bot is only as good as the data that you feed it. To ensure Bot quality, we recommend visiting Salesforce Classic and
the Model Management menu often. Our models rate intents based on a F1 Score, which is a Lightning Experience. Setup
statistical term that shows how accurate the model is at predicting correctly. for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
F1 score is defined from 0 through 1, with 1 being the highest possible score. The higher your
intent’s F1 score, the more likely that the bot predicts correctly every time it has a conversation. F1 Available in: Enterprise,
scores combine two metrics: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Precision—the number of correct positive results divided by the number of total positive results
• Recall—the number of positive results divided by the number of total expected results
To improve your intent’s F1 score, we provided recommendations on the Model Management
Page. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
Note: If your model pre-dates the F1 score integration in Einstein Bots, the model requires • Customize Application
a rebuild to integrate your data into the new score. In that case, a prompt indicates the need
for a rebuild.
Modify Metadata
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Model Management.
2. To view intent model metrics, display the Model tab.
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

3. To view the recommendations, click an intent name.

Adding utterances and clarifying intents are great ways to improve F1 scores. It’s also important to frequently integrate new customer
data from conversation transcripts to keep the bot current. A minimum of 20 utterances is required to build the model, but more
utterances make the model more accurate.

4. To act on the recommendations provided, click Edit Intent to go to the intent details for that dialog.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Add a Bot Options Menu to the Chat Window (Optional)

To let your customers know what your bot can do and to provide consistent navigation, add a
persistent options menu to the chat window.
Bot Options Menu Specifications: Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
• The bot options menu is only available for bots using the Chat channel.
Lightning Experience. Setup
• During the conversation, the bot displays the bot avatar instead of the bot name in the chat for Einstein Bots is available
window for every message from the bot. in Lightning Experience.
• When the Bot Options Menu is in use, hyperlinks can’t be clicked.
Available in: Enterprise,
Note: If you enable the Bot Option Menu but don’t add a dialog to the menu, Transfer to Performance, Unlimited,
Agent is automatically added so the conversation can progress. When a dialog is added to and Developer Editions
the menu, Transfer to Agent is replaced with the new dialog. Starting in Spring ’21, the
automatic Transfer to Agent option is no longer available. To offer a transfer option, admins USER PERMISSIONS
can add the Transfer to Agent dialog to the Bot Options Menu. If the Bot Options Menu is
enabled in and before Winter ’21, admins must complete the instructions given in Release To build and manage
Updates to migrate to the new behavior. In Spring ’21, the Bot Options Menu defaults to the Einstein Bots:
new behavior. • Customize Application

1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Dialogs. OR

Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

2. Right-click the dialog you want to add to the bot options menu and then click Edit.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

3. Select Show in Bot Options Menu.

Activate or Deactivate Your Bot

When you’re ready to put your bot to work, activate your bot and welcome your new agent to the
1. From any page in the Bot Builder menu, click Activate. Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience. Setup
for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

The Activate button changes to Deactivate. USER PERMISSIONS

2. To make changes to your bot, you must first deactivate it. Click Deactivate. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Preview Your Bot
Modify Metadata
Preview your Einstein Bot using Embedded Chat.
Manage Bots

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Preview Your Bot


To build and manage Einstein Bots: Customize Application Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
OR Lightning Experience. Setup
Modify Metadata for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
Manage Bots Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
To manage intent sets and bot training: and Developer Editions
Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots
Manage Bots Training Data

To launch Chat setup flow: Customize Application

Preview your Einstein Bot using Embedded Chat.

Note: To preview your bot, you must first activate it. Preview requires an active Chat license and a linked Embedded Service
Deployment in the Channels section of the Bot Overview page.
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Dialogs.

2. Click Preview.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

3. Select the Embedded Service Channel for your bot. Click the button to preview your bot.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Monitor, Analyze, and Refine Bot Activity

To improve your bot, it’s important to learn how to report on bot activity. Build standard reports
using the Conversation Definition Sessions, Conversation Definition Dialog Daily Metrics, and
Conversation Definition Hourly Dialog Metrics objects. To use Tableau CRM with Einstein Bots, you Einstein Bots is available in
can view the EinsteinBotsV2 Dashboard by visiting the Analytics Studio app in the App Launcher. Salesforce Classic and
Reporting on bot activity is crucial to your team’s success. Business users want to understand key Lightning Experience. Setup
metrics such as average handle time or number of escalations so they can report the value that the for Einstein Bots is available
bot adds to the team. Bot admins can create a better customer experience and improve bot in Lightning Experience.
performance by understanding conversation activity. Available in: Enterprise,
Download the Einstein Bot Metrics AppExchange Package Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
You can download the new AppExchange package from Salesforce Labs that installs custom report
types and popular bot metric reports. Report on all bots or a specific bot across date ranges and
share insights with key stakeholders in minutes. Identity your customers’ most used dialogs and USER PERMISSIONS
point out areas for improvement by reviewing exceptions, bot confusion, and transfers.
To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
• Customize Application
Modify Metadata
Manage Bots

To access analytics:
• Use Analytics
To create, edit, and delete
Analytics dashboards:
• Create and Edit Analytics
To create, edit, delete, and
share Analytics applications:
• Create Analytics Apps

Reports include:
• All Bot Sessions Last 30 Days
• All Bot Sessions Today
• Confusion Frequency Last 30 Days
• Confusion Frequency Today
• Dialog Frequency Last 30 Days
• Dialog Frequency Today

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• Dialogs with Exceptions Last 30 Days

• Dialogs with Exceptions Today
• Session Ended by Dialog Last 30 Days
• Session Ended by Dialog Today
The Einstein Bot Metrics package is available for free to all customers. Get it here
Bot Reporting Requirements and Limitations
• Bot activity is automatically logged without sensitive information. In the event logs, Message, Input, and Output values are replaced
with “Sensitive data not available”. To view all the data related to bot activity, enable Log Conversations on the Overview page in
the Bot Builder.
• For more information about bot data limitations, refer to Einstein Bots and Your Data on page 1015.
Use Standard Reports to Report on Bot Conversations
You can create standard reports with key metrics using the Conversation Definition Sessions, Conversation Definition Dialog Daily Metrics,
and Conversation Definition Hourly Dialog Metrics objects. To create a standard report, you must create a report type with the object
before creating the report. More information about report types can be found at Create a Custom Report Type.
Export Bot Data
Bot data can be accessed using the API or the Data Loader. To export bot sessions or event logs, use the Conversation Definition Session,
Conversation Event Log, or Conversation Definition Session Engagement objects using API version 49.0 or higher. You can export the
data that powers the Tableau CRM dashboard by selecting the AnalyticsBotSession object.
View Bot Event Logs in the Bot Builder
1. From the Bot Builder menu, click Performance.

2. Select the Events Log tab. For information on Events Log details, see Troubleshoot Your Bot.

View Bot Performance in Tableau CRM
Monitor bot performance using Tableau CRM.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Troubleshoot Your Bot

Bots are an integrated product—they include Bot features, input from Chat and Messaging channels, and they work together with
Apex and Flows. These moving parts can make troubleshooting a broken bot a bit overwhelming. A great way to get started is to
learn how to use the Event Logs to troubleshoot.

Get Started with Einstein Bots

View Bot Performance in Tableau CRM


To build and manage Einstein Bots: Customize Application Einstein Bots is available in
Salesforce Classic and
OR Lightning Experience. Setup
Modify Metadata for Einstein Bots is available
in Lightning Experience.
Manage Bots Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
To use Tableau CRM: Access Service Cloud Analytics Templates and Developer Editions
and Apps

To use Analytics templated apps: Use Analytics Templated Apps

To create and manage Analytics apps: Manage Analytics Templated Apps

Edit Analytics Dataflows

Monitor bot performance using Tableau CRM.

You can deliver important metrics to your stakeholders by using Tableau CRM with Einstein Bots. These prebuilt reports include key
• Total Sessions
• Average Session Duration
• Top Last Dialog
• Escalation Success
• Einstein Intent Usage
• Number of Interactions
• Sessions per Day
1. In the App Launcher, select Analytics Studio.
2. Select the EinsteinBotsV2 dashboard.
3. The dashboard populates with data after Tableau CRM is enabled. If the dashboard isn’t visible in Analytics Studio, go to the Bot
Setup page and toggle the Enable Bots setting.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Troubleshoot Your Bot

Bots are an integrated product—they include Bot features, input from Chat and Messaging channels,
and they work together with Apex and Flows. These moving parts can make troubleshooting a
broken bot a bit overwhelming. A great way to get started is to learn how to use the Event Logs to Einstein Bots is available in
troubleshoot. Salesforce Classic and
1. Confirm the status of Einstein Bots on the Salesforce Trust site. Use the search tool to find your Lightning Experience. Setup
instance, and then click into the instance for specifics. A green check in the Einstein Bots section for Einstein Bots is available
means that it’s connected, and you can use the History tab to review the details of past incidents. in Lightning Experience.

2. Identify whether the issue is a channel issue or a bot issue. Are all bots with Chat enabled Available in: Enterprise,
behaving the same way? Does the problem only include bots with SMS enabled? The best way Performance, Unlimited,
to test is to spin up a bot with similar channels to confirm. and Developer Editions

3. If the issue is with the bot, the best place to start is with the event logs. For the best results
when troubleshooting your bot, enable Log Conversations on the Einstein Bots setup page. If USER PERMISSIONS
Log Conversations isn’t enabled, Message, Input, and Output values are replaced with
[logSensitiveData not allowed]. To build and manage
Einstein Bots:
a. From the Bot Builder menu, click Performance. • Customize Application
b. To review bot activity, display the Events Log tab. The log displays information for seven OR
days and can be filtered or downloaded on the All Sessions page. If a session has an error, Modify Metadata
it shows in the Errors column.
Manage Bots

c. To drill into the session, click any session ID. Each session includes events, which map to Dialogs. If there’s an error with an event,
click next to the event for more information. A description of each event can be found in the Bot Data Reference Guide on page

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

Note: When using the Event Logs:

• The Event field maxes out at 255 characters.
• In the Event Detail screen, The Output field shows that the message sent to the customer. If a merge field is included in
the message, the merged message shows in the Message Template field.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• As of this release, rule evaluations only show whether the bot used the dialog, regardless of whether the rule evaluation
is true or false.
• Input arrays always start with 0.
• Event logs older than seven days are removed.

4. If you find that the issue is permission-based, for instance, the bot can’t access a flow, you must add the correct permissions to the
Permission set called sfdc.chatbot.service.permset.
a. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets, and then select Permission Sets. Select the
sfdc.chatbot.service.permset permission set.
b. From the permission set options, select Apex Class Access, or Run Flows.
c. Always make sure that the bot has permission to access objects and classes as required.

5. Review Dialog Action Element specifications in Set Up a Dialog Action Element on page 1070 to ensure that your bot is working as
6. If your bot is heavily customized with Apex, more information is available in the Debug Logs. From Setup, search for Debug Logs.
Create a User Trace Flag, and specify Platform Integration as the Trace Entity Type.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

7. You can now inspect logging information from your bots. To learn more about Salesforce debug logs, see Monitor Debug Logs from
Salesforce Help.

Improve Your Bot

Einstein Bots collects customer data that gives you valuable insights into the customer experience,
which you can then use to improve your bot's design and its capabilities. A data-driven bot growth
strategy works best to meet customer expectations. Einstein Bots is available in
Chatbots are unique in the automation world because they collect data that can be used to improve Salesforce Classic and
the bot. Feedback from each bot conversation is like hearing directly from your customer. This Lightning Experience. Setup
document walks admins through collecting and acting on the reports available in Einstein Bots to for Einstein Bots is available
create a bot growth strategy. in Lightning Experience.

Collecting Data: The Bot Snapshot Report Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
Einstein Bots collects data in four major categories: User Activity, Errors, Natural Language Processing
and Developer Editions
(NLP), and KPI changes. Bot data is also broken down into event activity (data about the bot

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

conversations) and session data (the conversations themselves). If you want to report on bot sessions, use the Conversation Definition
Session object in Report Builder. If you want to capture bot activity over time, we recommend that you create reports from the Conversation
Definition Dialog Daily Metrics and Conversation Definition Hourly Dialog Metrics objects.

Note: You can install the free Einstein Bot Metrics AppExchange package to gain access to prebuilt reports on bot activity. Get it
Event data can be collected through the API (ConversationDefinitionEventLog object). Event data can also be exported in the Event Logs
in the Performance tab To learn more about event types, visit the Bot Data Reference Guide on page 1017. To gain a full picture of the
bot, we recommend that you include data that lives outside of the bot: different objects for recording CSAT, or comparing bot trends
to the company calendar.
In building your Snapshot Report, we recommend that you pick the reports that work best for your company’s bot goals. Not every bot
has data in all four categories. For instance, bots that don’t use Intent Management don’t have NLP data, but they accept customer text.
Also, every company collects data on customer interactions and KPIs in different ways. The success of your Bot Snapshot Report isn’t in
how it looks but how it’s used to recommend areas of growth.
User Activity Data: This data includes data about the sessions themselves.
• Conversation Definition Session:
– Session Duration: The length of the conversation.
– Session Transfer Target Type: Identifies whether a conversation ended in a transfer to a bot or an agent.
– Session Transfer Type: Identifies the reason for transfer (Bot Request, Implementation Error, Invocation Timeout, Insufficient
– Session Transfer Result: The result of the transfer (Transfer Successful, Transfer Failed, No Transfer Requested, No Agents Available).

• Conversation Definition Dialog Daily Metrics & Conversation Definition Hourly Dialog Metrics:
– Session Count: The number of conversations automated by the bot.
– Number of dialogs started: A count of dialogs started, by bot dialog name.
– Number of sessions per channel: The number of sessions grouped by channel.
– Transfers by type: A count of transfers, grouped by destination.
– Menu choices: A count of the static choices selected by end users.

• Event Logs (use these events to count the number of times each happens in a session):
– Call dialog: The bot called a dialog.
– Clear Variable: The bot used the Clear Variable Value dialog. The Variable Name is included in the event log.
– End chat requested: The bot ended the chat.
– End dialog: The end of a dialog.
– Entity extracted: The bot was able to successfully extract an entity.
– Escalation requested: An escalation to an agent was requested.
– External entities extracted: The bot was able to successfully extract an entity from an external source.
– Initializing context variable: The bot is accessing a context variable.
– Invocation successful: The bot was able to invoke a flow or Apex.
– Message sent: A message sent to a customer.
– Prompt sent: A question sent to a customer.
– Redirect to dialog: The bot redirected to a dialog.
– Rule condition evaluation: The bot evaluated the customer input based on the rule conditions.

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

– Rule condition item result: False: The bot evaluated the customer input based on the rule conditions and found it to not meet
those conditions.
– Rule condition item result: True: The bot evaluated the customer input based on the rule conditions and found it to meet those
– Search Successful: A successful attempt at Object Search.
– Sensitive data not available: Shows when the “Store Einstein Bots conversation data” isn’t checked.
– Session ended: The bot session ended.
– Set Variable The bot used the Set Variable dialog. The Variable Name is included in the event log.
– Start dialog: The start of a new dialog.
– Starting a new session The bot is started a new session.
– Transfer successful: The transfer was successful.
– Transferred from bot: The conversation started with a bot transfer.
– User response: The response from the customer.

Error Data: This data includes data about any errors that occur inside a conversation.
• Conversation Definition Dialog Daily Metrics & Conversation Definition Hourly Dialog Metrics:
– Number of exceptions thrown by a dialog

• Event Logs (use these events to count the number of times each happens in a session):
– Error: Identifies when an error occurred inside a conversation.
– Invocation failed - errors: Highlights when an error occurred in a flow or Apex. Admins can pair this data with event log listings
of Invocation Successful to create a success rate.
– Variable already filled: Identifies whether a skip in conversation occurred because a variable was already filled. If the skip is
unintentional, the admin can include Clear Variable actions to ensure the bot doesn’t skip the variable.
– Search failed - errors: Identifies the number of times the search encountered an error.
– Transfer failed: Identifies the number of times a transfer attempt failed.

NLP Data: This data reflects the processing of free text and the performance of the Intent Model (if applicable).
• Conversation Definition Dialog Daily Metrics / Conversation Definition Hourly Dialog Metrics:
– Confused: Number of times the bot is confused by a text input.

• Event Logs (use these events to count the number of times each happens in a session):
– Intent detected successfully: An event listing where the bot was able to identify an intent.
– Intent detection failed: An event listing where the bot wasn’t able to identify an intent.
– External intents detected: An event listing where the bot was able to detect an intent from an outside source.

• Model Management tab:

– F1 Score per Intent: The performance of each individual intent based on customer input. To learn more about interpreting F1
scores, visit Evaluate How Well Your Bots Understand Your Customers on page 1116.
– Intent Recommendations: Details on how to improve each intent to reduce confusion or increase accuracy.
– Bot Training: While training your model, record the unclassified free text to identify the top things that your customers are asking
your bot.

KPI Data: This data is included in the bot data. These performance metrics are specific to your company. They can include, but aren’t
limited to, the following:

Service Cloud Einstein Bots

• Case Deflection
• Average Handle Time compared to Bot Session Time
• CSAT (Customer Satisfaction score)
• Active Lead Qualification: Sessions that result in an instant transfer to agent
• Passive Lead Qualification: Number of lead records created
• Number of opportunities in the pipeline with “Bot” as the source
Prioritize Bot Growth
Now that you have these insights in one place, revisit your bot goals to create a prioritized list of improvements. Many bot goals fall into
the following areas:
Service Goals: The most common way that a bot adds value to a company is in cost savings. By automating low-effort tasks, your agents
are able to handle more complex issues and can easily manage traffic spikes. Bots that are focused on cost savings can prioritize goals
like increasing the number of functions. Bots can also expand into new digital channels such as SMS or Facebook Messenger to meet
customers where they are.
To increase the number of functions, check for popular dialogs or menu selections to see what interests your customers the most. In
addition, check Bot Training to see what your customers are asking your bot.
Sales Goals: Another common goal for bots is in the lead qualification space. Many end users are more comfortable answering questions
in a conversation rather than filling out a form. In addition, including contextual data such as the channel or source page help match
that lead to the best sales representative for the job.
To increase lead qualification, add your bot to more pages on your website or expand into different channels.
Customer Satisfaction Goals: A great bot experience encourages repeat visits, so it’s important to prioritize customer satisfaction. Bot
goals focused on customer satisfaction include training a robust NLP model, introducing new languages, and decreasing error or confusion
Common tasks to increase customer satisfaction include generating new skills to increase functionality or fixing bot dialogs to reduce
error rates. In addition, you can clone the bot to create the same bot in a different language or for a new audience. Training the NLP
model and rewriting dialogs to match your company’s voice and tone helps the bot understand your customers and inject personality
into the experience.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Einstein Classification Apps

Remove guesswork in completing case fields so that agents can resolve cases quickly, accurately,
and consistently. On incoming cases, Einstein Case Classification recommends, selects, or saves
field values based on historical case data. As chat agents complete cases, Einstein Case Wrap-Up Einstein Case Classification
predicts final field values based on your closed cases and chat transcripts. is available in Salesforce
One-Minute Feature Tour: Einstein Case Classification and Case Routing Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
When you enable Einstein classification apps—Einstein Case Classification (1) and Einstein Case
Einstein Case Classification
Wrap-Up (2)—your agents can see Einstein’s predictions at both ends of the case life cycle: when is available only in Lightning
a case is created and when a chat with the customer ends. To set up one or both apps, you create Experience. Einstein Case
a model that tells Einstein which closed cases to learn from. Einstein can then predict field values Wrap-Up is available only in
for most checkbox, picklist, and lookup fields on a case. Your agents see Einstein’s recommendations Lightning Experience.
in a component on the Service Console. Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

The setup process is similar for both apps. Here’s what it looks like.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

1. Review the data requirements, key concepts, and rollout tips. For Einstein Case Wrap-Up, make sure that you’ve set up Chat.
2. Turn on Einstein classification apps.
3. Configure a classification model. Choose an app type for the model, which case fields to predict, and which closed cases Einstein
learns from. Einstein guides you through the steps.
4. Build your model to let Einstein analyze your closed-case data.
5. Configure field prediction settings. Choose when Einstein recommends, selects, or saves field values. Optionally, for Einstein
Case Classification, Einstein Case Routing can route auto-updated cases to the right agent.
6. Give your agents access to the app by assigning permissions and updating your console layouts.
7. Activate your model to start showing predictions to agents.
8. Maintain your model with the help of the prediction performance dashboard.
To get started, explore the Try Einstein version of the classification apps. This trial version is available in supported editions and lets you
build a single model for each app. The Service Cloud Einstein add-on license, which provides the full version, lets you create five models
per app. That way, you can customize models for different parts of your business. The add-on license also lets Einstein Case Classification
automate field completion and optionally route cases.

Einstein Classification Key Concepts
When using Einstein classification apps, it’s helpful to understand some terms that we use.
Prepare for Einstein Classification Apps
Before you set up Einstein classification apps, review the data requirements, address data problems early, and learn how to introduce
these features to your support team.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Set Up Einstein Classification Apps

Choose closed cases for Einstein to analyze, and decide where and how case fields are predicted. Then, build your classification
models. Einstein uses natural language processing (NLP) to learn from your closed-case data and predict field values.
Update Your Einstein Classification Model
You may need to update an active Einstein classification model to add or remove fields, change which cases it applies to, or adjust
field prediction settings. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you quickly update your model to meet your needs.
Track Einstein Classification App Performance
The performance dashboard shows you how well Einstein’s predictions are working. View the performance of predictions compared
to the field value at the time the case is closed. For Einstein Case Classification, you can use this information to help to decide when
to automate values on incoming cases.
Use Einstein Classification Apps in the Service Console
Einstein Case Classification and Einstein Case Wrap-Up help you fill out fields on cases by recommending or selecting field values
based on similar closed cases.
Upgrade to the Paid Version of Einstein Classification Apps
If you use the Try Einstein version of the classification apps, you can upgrade to a paid license to get the full set of features.

Einstein Classification Key Concepts

When using Einstein classification apps, it’s helpful to understand some terms that we use.

Classification Einstein Case Classification

is available in Salesforce
In machine learning, classification refers to the ability to predict labels based on underlying data Classic and Lightning
and data patterns. In Einstein classification apps, Einstein learns from your closed-case data and Experience. Setup for
“classifies” field values based on that data. You can use one or both Einstein classification apps. Einstein Case Classification
• Einstein Case Classification predicts field values on incoming cases. is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
• Einstein Case Wrap-Up predicts final field values on cases at the end of chat conversations.
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Model Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
At the heart of Einstein Case Classification and Case Wrap-Up are classification models. Einstein uses edition orgs or the
natural language processing (NLP) to identify data patterns in each model's closed cases. If you Salesforce Government
have the Service Cloud Einstein add-on license, you can create up to five models for each classification Cloud.
app and customize them for different parts of your business. The Try Einstein version lets you create
one model for each app. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Segments and Example Cases Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
When you set up a model, you get to decide what types of cases to focus on. Segments and example
Digital Engagement add-on
cases are optional filters that you can apply to your closed case data. They let you limit the closed
cases that Einstein learns from and determine which cases get predictions.
If you want, you can specify filter criteria that narrows a model’s scope to a subset, or segment, of
cases. Einstein learns from closed cases in the subset and makes predictions on new cases that match your segment criteria.
Use segments to focus on cases in a particular business unit. For example, use a segment to predict field values on cases in your Enterprise
division. In another model, you can define a segment that represents your Consumer division’s cases. Since Einstein learns from the
words that customers use to reach out to you, segments can provide helpful context for Einstein's predictions.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Optionally, if you want specific closed cases to serve as examples, define filter criteria that identify example cases. Einstein learns from
closed cases that meet your example criteria. If you define a segment and example case criteria, your example cases are a subset of your
You can use segments and example cases together to focus on certain types of cases and filter out low-quality data from your model.
For example, in your Enterprise division segment, exclude cases with a certain record type or cases that use obsolete picklist field values.
Just keep in mind that cases from your segment and example filters must meet the minimum data requirements of 400 closed cases
created in the past six months.
Here’s another way of looking at it.

Approach Cases that Einstein learns from Cases that get predictions
No segment or example cases All closed cases that: All new cases
• Were created in the past six months
• Include a subject or description

Segment defined All closed cases that: All new cases that meet your segment
• Were created in the past six months criteria

• Include a subject or description

• Meet your segment criteria

Segment and example cases defined All closed cases that: All new cases that meet your segment
• Were created in the past six months criteria

• Include a subject or description

• Meet your segment criteria
• Meet your example case criteria

Example cases defined All closed cases that: All new cases
• Were created in the past six months
• Include a subject or description
• Meet your example case criteria

Classification Automation and Confidence

You can choose to automate field predictions. During setup, you choose case fields for Einstein to predict on cases. When you build your
model, you can customize prediction preferences for each field. You set percentage-based prediction confidence thresholds to control
when Einstein recommends and selects field values. For Einstein Case Classification, you can also set a threshold for when Einstein saves
field values automatically.
The more automated the action, the higher the prediction confidence needed. If a prediction doesn’t meet one option’s threshold,
Einstein tries the next, less automated option.
• Recommend Top Values (less automation): By default, Einstein recommends the top three field values. The agent selects and
saves a value. A confidence threshold isn’t needed.
• Select Best Value (more automation): When the prediction meets your confidence threshold, Einstein shows the field with the
best value already selected. The agent confirms and saves the value.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

• Automate Value (full automation): This option is available only in the paid version of Einstein Case Classification. When a prediction
meets your confidence threshold, Einstein saves the best value for the field—no agent review is needed. You can have Einstein Case
Routing run your existing case assignment rules on auto-updated cases.
For each field in an Einstein Case Classification model, you can turn on Select Best Value, Automate Value, or both, or just use the default
top three recommendations. For an Einstein Case Wrap-Up model, you can turn on Select Best Value or show the default top three
recommendations for each field. You can update prediction settings at any time without rebuilding your model.

Einstein Case Routing

When Einstein Case Classification automatically saves predicted field values to a case, Einstein Case Routing routes the case using your
existing case assignment rules, skills-based routing rules, or both.
You can turn on Einstein Case Routing from the Rules section of the Einstein Case Classification page in Setup. It requires the Service
Cloud Einstein add-on license.

Einstein Classification Prediction Confidence FAQ

Prepare for Einstein Classification Apps

Before you set up Einstein classification apps, review the data requirements, address data problems
early, and learn how to introduce these features to your support team.
Einstein Case Classification
Understand the Data Requirements is available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
To predict values on case fields accurately, Einstein needs lots of closed cases to learn from. You Experience. Setup for
must meet the following minimum data requirements, but the more closed cases you have, the Einstein Case Classification
better! is available only in Lightning
• To build a classification model, Einstein needs at least 400 closed cases*, but 10,000 or more is Experience. Einstein Case
ideal. If you add filter criteria to limit which cases Einstein learns from, Einstein just counts the Wrap-Up is available only in
closed cases that match your criteria. Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
• To predict a field’s value, Einstein needs at least 400 closed cases* with a value in that field. are not available in partner
* Here, “closed cases” means all closed cases that were created in the past six months and include edition orgs or the
a subject or description. Encrypted fields aren’t supported, so the case subject and description must Salesforce Government
be unencrypted. Cloud.

Einstein Case Wrap-Up depends on Chat, so turn on Chat if it’s not active already. While you can Available in: Enterprise,
start using Einstein Case Wrap-Up without chat transcripts on your past cases, Einstein’s Performance, and
recommendations are more accurate when your cases have them. But don’t worry if your initial Unlimited Editions. In
batch of closed cases lacks chat conversations. Einstein keeps learning as your agents close cases Enterprise Edition, Einstein
that have chats. Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on
Address Data Issues Early
During setup, you get to decide which closed cases Einstein analyzes and learns from. Einstein can
learn from all recently closed cases or from a subset of cases that you define using filters. Here’s more about that. These cases serve as
Einstein’s textbook, and inform every field value prediction. It’s essential that they consistently and accurately represent your business

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

The following issues can hurt the quality of the case data that Einstein analyzes and slow your setup process. Consider them when you’re
setting up your predictive model.

Data Issue How to Address It

Sparse case subjects and descriptions. If most cases’ Subject and Description Improve your case submission process to encourage
fields—or your equivalent custom fields—don’t contain enough information customers to include more information.
for an agent to classify the case, Einstein probably can’t classify it either.

Misleading duplicate cases. Einstein assumes that your closed cases are filled If you use a custom field to flag duplicate cases, use
out correctly. If Case 1 and Case 2 are duplicates, differences between their field it to create an example set that excludes those cases.
values send Einstein mixed messages about correct data patterns.

Incorrectly completed fields. Similarly, cases whose fields aren’t filled out Find a way to programmatically label high-quality
correctly make it hard for Einstein to know what’s correct. cases, and use them as your example case set.

Overlapping field values. When a picklist field’s values are too similar or generic, • Identify the field’s potentially problematic values,
it’s hard for agents—and therefore for Einstein—to know which value is correct. and then exclude cases with those values from
For example, values like “General” or “Other” can be overused, or overlapping your model.
values like “Mobile” versus “Mobile Application” can dilute your data.
• Simplify your case data structure to remove

Too many field values. If a picklist field included in your model has more than • Find a way to programmatically label high-quality
100 values, it hurts the model’s accuracy. Here’s why: cases, and use them as your example case set.
• Einstein likely won’t have enough example cases to understand when each • Simplify your case data structure.
value is appropriate.
• Because selecting from such a large list of field values requires time and
expertise, agents are more likely to make wrong or inconsistent selections.

Take Einstein Classification Apps for a Test Run

While it’s fine to try out Einstein classification apps in a sandbox org, you can't copy your Einstein configuration between sandbox and
production orgs. For this reason, we recommend turning it on in your production org and giving a small group of agents access to the
feature. This approach lets you gather feedback and compare the productivity of agents who are and aren’t using these Einstein tools.
When you’re comfortable with the way the apps are working, open them up to your larger team.
If you do decide to try out Einstein Case Classification and Case Wrap-Up in sandbox, follow these steps.
1. Sync licenses with your production org by refreshing your sandbox. If refreshing your sandbox isn’t an option, try matching production
2. Copy enough closed cases to the sandbox to meet the data requirements described earlier. Try to copy cases that are representative
of your overall case data—you can use random selection or use all cases from a specific time period.
3. Assign the Einstein user permission sets to sandbox users.
4. Set Up Einstein Classification Apps in the sandbox.

Einstein Classification Key Concepts

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Set Up Einstein Classification Apps

Choose closed cases for Einstein to analyze, and decide where and how case fields are predicted.
Then, build your classification models. Einstein uses natural language processing (NLP) to learn
from your closed-case data and predict field values. Einstein Case Classification
is available in Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
1. Enable Einstein Classification Apps
Einstein Case Classification
To get started, enable Einstein Classification Apps in Setup. is available only in Lightning
2. Configure Your Einstein Classification Model Experience. Einstein Case
Decide which closed cases Einstein should learn from, and choose the fields that you want Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein to predict. You can have up to five models each for Einstein Case Classification and
Einstein classification apps
Einstein Case Wrap-Up.
are not available in partner
3. Build Your Einstein Classification Model edition orgs or the
After you configure the predictive model, its status changes to Ready to Build. Depending on Salesforce Government
your case volume and the number of fields that you selected, building the model may take a Cloud.
few hours or more. The process runs in the cloud, so there’s no impact on performance for your
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
4. Configure Field Predictions for Einstein Classification Apps Unlimited Editions. In
After your Einstein classification model is built, it’s time to decide how much prediction Enterprise Edition, Einstein
automation you’re comfortable with. At a minimum, Einstein recommends the top three field Case Wrap-Up requires the
values for each field in your model, or you can have Einstein select the best value. For Einstein Digital Engagement add-on
Case Classification, Einstein can also save the best value automatically. For each option, set a SKU.
percentage-based prediction confidence threshold.
5. Give Agents Access to Einstein Classification Apps
To let agents view and act on Einstein’s field predictions, assign the right user permission sets to them.
6. Add Einstein Classification Apps to the Service Console
To show Einstein’s predictions to agents, add the Einstein Field Recommendations component to the Lightning Service Console.
7. Activate Your Einstein Classification Model
When you’re ready to let Einstein start making predictions, activate your model.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Enable Einstein Classification Apps

To get started, enable Einstein Classification Apps in Setup.
1. From Setup, enter Einstein Classification in the Quick Find box, and then select
Einstein Classification. Einstein Case Classification
is available in Salesforce
2. If you’re using the Try Einstein version, click Review Terms to review and accept the Master
Classic and Lightning
Service Agreement.
Experience. Setup for
3. Click the toggle to enable the classification apps. Enabling can take a few minutes. Einstein Case Classification
is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Note: If you disable classification apps, you must rebuild your models the next time you Performance, and
enable them. Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To build and manage

Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
• Customize Application
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Edit on cases OR Modify
All Data

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Configure Your Einstein Classification Model

Decide which closed cases Einstein should learn from, and choose the fields that you want Einstein
to predict. You can have up to five models each for Einstein Case Classification and Einstein Case
Wrap-Up. Einstein Case Classification
1. To create a model, click Get Started or New Model on the Einstein Classification setup page. is available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
Einstein Case Classification
is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To build and manage

Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
• Customize Application
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Edit on cases OR Modify
All Data

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

2. Select an app and enter a name for your model. Click Next.

3. Decide which type of cases your model will focus on. If you want, define criteria to narrow the scope of your model to a subset, or
segment, of cases. Your segment limits which closed cases Einstein learns from and which new cases get predictions. Then, click

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

4. If you want specific cases to serve as examples, define additional criteria to identify example cases. Einstein will learn only from cases
that meet your criteria. If you defined a segment, your example cases come from your segment. Then, click Next.

This table shows how segments and example cases affect Einstein’s predictions. To learn more about when to use segments and
example cases, see Einstein Classification Key Concepts.

Approach Cases that Einstein learns from Cases that get predictions
No segment or example cases All closed cases that: All new cases
• Were created in the past six months
• Include a subject or description

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Approach Cases that Einstein learns from Cases that get predictions
Segment defined All closed cases that: All new cases that meet your segment
• Were created in the past six months criteria

• Include a subject or description

• Meet your segment criteria

Segment and example cases defined All closed cases that: All new cases that meet your segment
• Were created in the past six months criteria

• Include a subject or description

• Meet your segment criteria
• Meet your example case criteria

Example cases defined All closed cases that: All new cases
• Were created in the past six months
• Include a subject or description
• Meet your example case criteria

5. Add the fields that you want Einstein to predict. For help, see Considerations for Choosing Fields to Predict. Then, click Next.

6. Address any warning or error messages to make sure that you have enough data.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

If you have a low volume of closed-case data (400–1,000 closed cases) in your segment or example case set or for a field in your
model, you can still save your settings and build the model. However, the low volume may hurt your prediction results. If you have
fewer than 400 closed cases in any of those categories, gather more data or adjust your filters.

7. Click Finish and move on to building your model. Your new model appears on the Einstein Classification setup page.

Tip: If you create multiple models, drag them into priority order in the list. If a case matches multiple models’ criteria, predictions
come only from the active model with the highest priority. For example, suppose that the higher-priority Model 1 predicts the
Priority and Reason fields, and Model 2 predicts the Escalated field. If a new case matches both models’ filter criteria, agents see

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

predictions for the Priority and Reason fields but not for the Escalated field. Keep in mind that you can add the same field to multiple

Considerations for Choosing Fields to Predict
When you create your Einstein classification model, you select the fields that Einstein will predict. Follow these guidelines when
choosing fields.

Considerations for Choosing Fields to Predict

When you create your Einstein classification model, you select the fields that Einstein will predict.
Follow these guidelines when choosing fields.
Einstein Case Classification
is available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
Einstein Case Classification
is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Choose Commonly Used Fields

To predict a field’s value, Einstein needs closed cases with a value in that field. The more closed cases, the better!
• High: > 10,000 closed cases
• Medium: 1,000–10,000 closed cases
• Low: 400–1,000 closed cases
• Not enough: < 400 closed cases
There are various reasons that you might want to exclude a field from your model. If a field isn’t currently being used, or shouldn’t be
used as part of your best practices, don’t include it. We recommend choosing fields that are filled out when the case is created so Einstein
can make accurate predictions.

Understand Field Type Requirements

When you add fields to your classification model, you can select standard and custom picklist, checkbox, and lookup fields. Other field
types and encrypted fields aren’t supported. Since Einstein learns from recently closed cases that include a subject or description, your
Subject and Description fields can’t be encrypted.
Picklist fields included in your model must contain at least two values. If your recently closed cases use only one value of a particular
picklist field, the field is excluded from modeling and Einstein doesn’t recommend values for it.
If a picklist or lookup field has more than 1000 possible values, Einstein considers only the first 1000 values. In general, fields with this
many values result in poor prediction accuracy because of agent errors on closed cases or a lack of example cases with certain values.
Some picklist, checkbox, and lookup fields don’t lend themselves to prediction or model use so they aren’t supported. The following
fields don’t appear in the list of available predicted, segment, or example criteria fields: AccountId, AssetId, BusinessHoursId, CommunityId,
ConnectionReceivedId, ConnectionSentId, ContactId, CreatedById, EntitlementId, FeedItemId, Id, IsClosed, IsClosedOnCreate, IsDeleted,
LastModifiedById, OwnerId, ParentId, QuestionId, RuleFilterId, SourceId, Status, UserRecordAccessId. Origin isn’t available as a predicted
field, but you can use it in segment or example criteria.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Understand the Language Field

When you enable Einstein classification apps in Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited edition orgs with Service Cloud, the Language
field is available on cases. If you add that field to your model and give agents access to it, Einstein can predict language on your cases.
For example, set up Einstein Case Classification to detect languages, and use Einstein Case Routing to assign cases to agents with those
language skills.
To predict a case’s language, Einstein doesn’t consider closed-case data. For example, even if there aren’t any Portuguese cases in your
closed cases, Einstein can still determine that a case’s language is Portuguese. To see recommendations for languages that you expect
in your cases, enable all dialects for those languages in Setup. For example, enable both Portuguese (Brazil) and Portuguese (European);
this way, no matter which dialect the case is in, agents can see Einstein’s predictions.
After you build your model, you can tell Einstein to select or save the best value for the Language field, but the confidence threshold for
those settings isn’t adjustable. Einstein’s predictions are more accurate when each case is in a single language.

Include Controlling Fields

A controlling field determines which options are available in another field. If you add a field with a controlling field to your model, add
the controlling field as well to give Einstein context.
If the controlling field isn’t available to add to your model, don’t worry—Einstein still predicts the dependent field. If Einstein’s predicted
value for the dependent field isn’t compatible with the controlling field’s value, the prediction is hidden to preserve data quality.

Check Field Access and Page Layouts

• Make sure that the fields you choose are added to your console case page layout. Agents can’t see predictions for a field if it’s not
on the layout.
• If you narrow the scope of your model by defining a segment or an example case set, make sure that the user building the model
has access to the fields used in the filter criteria. Field access lets us warn them if there’s not enough data to build the model.
• If you include the Escalated or Language fields in a model, give the agents using that classification app Edit access to those fields.
Escalated and Language are read-only by default.

Einstein Classification Key Concepts
Supported Languages

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Build Your Einstein Classification Model

After you configure the predictive model, its status changes to Ready to Build. Depending on your
case volume and the number of fields that you selected, building the model may take a few hours
or more. The process runs in the cloud, so there’s no impact on performance for your agents. Einstein Case Classification
As Einstein completes learning for each field, we notify the model’s owner about build progress. is available in Salesforce
To check if the build is completed, visit the Einstein Classification Setup page. You can’t pause a Classic and Lightning
model build, but you can update the model’s settings after it’s built. Experience. Setup for
Einstein Case Classification
1. To have Einstein build a model, click the model name in the model list on the Setup page. is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To build and manage

Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
• Customize Application
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Edit on cases OR Modify
All Data

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

2. Click the model’s Setup tab.

3. The Fields to Predict section lists the fields whose values Einstein will predict. To remove a field from the model, click Remove in
the field’s action menu. To add fields, click Edit under Configure Data.
4. To build the model, click Build.
Einstein starts analyzing your closed cases and building the model for the fields you selected. We notify the model’s owner as Einstein
completes learning for each predicted field.
If you want to add more fields later, edit the model, add the fields, and then rebuild. After the model finishes building, you can configure
each field’s prediction settings. Then, activate the model to start showing recommendations in the Service Console.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Configure Field Predictions for Einstein Classification Apps

After your Einstein classification model is built, it’s time to decide how much prediction automation
you’re comfortable with. At a minimum, Einstein recommends the top three field values for each
field in your model, or you can have Einstein select the best value. For Einstein Case Classification, Einstein Case Classification
Einstein can also save the best value automatically. For each option, set a percentage-based is available in Salesforce
prediction confidence threshold. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
Important: Before you get started, check out these helpful resources.
Einstein Case Classification
• Einstein Classification Key Concepts is available only in Lightning
• Einstein Classification Prediction Confidence FAQ Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
After your model is built, you can update your field prediction confidence settings at any time. Lightning Experience.
Changes take effect immediately. Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
1. From Setup, enter Einstein Classification in the Quick Find box, and then click
edition orgs or the
Einstein Classification.
Salesforce Government
2. Click a model name, and then click its Setup tab. Cloud.
3. If the model isn’t active, click Edit under Configure Predictions and select a field. Alternatively, Available in: Enterprise,
click Edit next to a field in the list. Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To build and manage

Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
• Customize Application
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
4. To let Einstein show the field with the best value already selected, turn on Select Best Value. Edit on cases OR Modify
Agents see a BEST label next to the value and must confirm and save the value. Then drag the All Data
slider to choose a prediction confidence threshold for selecting the best value. Guidance next
to the confidence graph helps you decide.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

5. If you have the paid version of Einstein Case Classification, you can also tell Einstein to update and save the field without agent
review. Turn on Automate Value. Then drag the slider to choose a prediction confidence threshold for auto-updating the field.
Because the case field update happens automatically, the Automate Value threshold must be higher than the Select Best Value

Note: For Einstein Case Wrap-Up, you can set the Select Best Value threshold only. Automate Value isn’t an option.

6. Save your changes. They take effect immediately, and you can see your prediction settings in the field list.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Example: You add the Priority field to your Einstein Case Classification model and use these prediction settings for the field.
• Select Best Value ON with a 70% confidence threshold
• Automate Value ON with a 90% confidence threshold
If Einstein predicts a new case’s priority with a confidence level lower than 70%, Einstein shows the top three recommended values
for the Priority field but doesn’t select one. The agent selects and saves a value.
If Einstein predicts the priority with a confidence level of 70-89%, Einstein shows the field with the priority already selected. The
agent confirms and saves the value.
If Einstein predicts the priority with a confidence level of 90% or higher, Einstein updates the Priority field and saves the case.

Einstein Classification Prediction Confidence FAQ
Review common questions about field prediction options and confidence thresholds.
Run Assignment Rules for Einstein Case Classification
When Einstein Case Classification automatically saves predicted field values to a case, Einstein Case Routing can use your existing
case routing logic to route the case to the right agent. You need the Service Cloud Einstein add-on license to use Einstein Case
Identify Changes Made by Einstein Case Classification
If you want Einstein Case Classification to automatically update case fields, attribute the updates to an Einstein user to make reporting
easier. Alternatively, you can use the default automated process user.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Einstein Classification Prediction Confidence FAQ

Review common questions about field prediction options and confidence thresholds.

What types of predictions can Einstein make? Einstein Case Classification

is available in Salesforce
When your model is active, Einstein predicts the value of every field that’s selected in your model.
Classic and Lightning
You can control how much prediction automation you’re comfortable with. Experience. Setup for
For each field in your model, customize the level at which Einstein selects or saves field values. For Einstein Case Classification
Einstein Case Classification, there are three levels of prediction automation. For Einstein Case is available only in Lightning
Wrap-Up, there’s two. Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
• Recommend Top Values (less automated): By default, Einstein recommends the top three
Lightning Experience.
field values. The agent selects and saves a value. A confidence threshold isn’t needed. Einstein classification apps
• Select Best Value (more automated): When the prediction meets your confidence threshold, are not available in partner
Einstein shows the field with the best value already selected. The agent confirms and saves the edition orgs or the
value. Salesforce Government
• Automate Value (fully automated): This option is available only in the paid version of Einstein Cloud.
Case Classification. When a prediction meets the confidence threshold, Einstein saves the best Available in: Enterprise,
value for the field on the incoming case—no agent review is needed. You can have Einstein Performance, and
Case Routing run your existing case assignment rules on auto-updated cases. Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Note: We don’t recommend letting Einstein select or auto-save fields that require agent
Case Wrap-Up requires the
discretion. Digital Engagement add-on
What does prediction confidence mean?
Prediction confidence measures the likelihood that Einstein’s best prediction for the field value is
correct. The higher the confidence level of a prediction, the more likely that it’s correct. Einstein classification apps measure prediction
confidence as a percentage.

What’s a confidence threshold?

For each field in your model, you set a prediction confidence threshold from 0% to 100% for the Select Best Value or Automate Value
options. The threshold represents the minimum required confidence level for Einstein to select or save a predicted field value. Since
Einstein Case Classification can save a prediction automatically, the confidence threshold for a field’s Automate Value must be higher
than its Select Best Value threshold.
Confidence thresholds create a clear, stepped path for Einstein to follow when predicting a field’s value. For example, for Einstein Case
• If the prediction’s confidence level is above the field’s Automate Value threshold, Einstein updates and saves the field.
• If the prediction’s confidence level is under the field’s Automate Value threshold but above the Select Best Value threshold, Einstein
selects the best value.
• If the prediction’s confidence level is under both thresholds, Einstein just recommends the top three values but doesn’t select or
save one.
In other words, the more automated the action, the higher the prediction confidence needed. If a prediction doesn’t meet one option’s
threshold, Einstein falls back to the next, less automated option. For Case Wrap-Up, if the prediction’s confidence level is above the Select
Best Value threshold, Einstein selects the best value. If the level is below that threshold, Einstein instead recommends the top three

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

What confidence threshold should I use?

There’s no right answer. Your automation sweet spot depends on your business processes and comfort with risk. A lower confidence
threshold means more predictions, but potentially less accuracy. In general, we recommend setting a relatively low threshold for Select
Best Value because the agent can review and correct the value if needed. Since errors can be more costly in full automation in Einstein
Case Classification, start with a high threshold for Automate Value.

What if I’m not sure about prediction automation?

We don’t want Einstein to give you gray hairs. If you’re hesitant to automate field predictions in Einstein Case Classification, start with
the default top-three recommendations where the agent must select and save the field value. After you’ve monitored the impact, try
turning on Select Best Value, Automate Value, or both for the field. You can update prediction settings at any time without rebuilding
your model.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Run Assignment Rules for Einstein Case Classification

When Einstein Case Classification automatically saves predicted field values to a case, Einstein Case
Routing can use your existing case routing logic to route the case to the right agent. You need the
Service Cloud Einstein add-on license to use Einstein Case Routing. Einstein Case Classification
1. From Setup, enter Einstein Classification in the Quick Find box, and then is available in Salesforce
select Einstein Classification. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
2. Under Settings, choose whether to run case assignment rules, skills-based routing rules, or both.
Einstein Case Classification
is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
If your org uses both case assignment rules and skills-based routing rules, you can select both Enterprise Edition, Einstein
options. Just make sure that the rules are mutually exclusive. Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on
If Automate Value is turned on for a field in your model, Einstein Case Classification automatically SKU.
updates the case field when the prediction meets your confidence threshold. When a case is updated
in these circumstances, Einstein Case Routing then runs the routing rules that you’ve selected on
the Einstein Classification Setup page. If you don’t select a rule option, Einstein doesn’t route the
case. To build and manage
For example, suppose you select the option to run case assignment rules for Einstein Case Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
Classification. You turn on Automate Value for the Reason field and set the confidence threshold
• Customize Application
to 90. When a new case is created, Einstein analyzes it and predicts the case reason with 93%
confidence. Since the prediction’s confidence is above the field’s threshold, Einstein updates the AND
Reason field and saves the case. Einstein then runs your existing case assignment rules on the newly Manage Profiles and
updated case. Permission Sets
If you use any other logic for your queue-based or skills-based routing, or you have an external AND
routing implementation, use platform events to subscribe to AIUpdateRecordEvent. After you get Edit on cases OR Modify
notified of Einstein’s changes through AIUpdateRecordEvent, rerun your routing logic. All Data

Einstein Case Routing
Subscribing to Platform Events

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Identify Changes Made by Einstein Case Classification

If you want Einstein Case Classification to automatically update case fields, attribute the updates
to an Einstein user to make reporting easier. Alternatively, you can use the default automated
process user. Einstein Case Classification
1. From Setup, enter Einstein Classification in the Quick Find box, and then is available in Salesforce
select Einstein Classification. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
2. From Settings, under Automate Values As, select Custom Einstein User (Recommended).
Einstein Case Classification
3. Under Custom Einstein User, select a user. We recommend that you create a user just for this is available only in Lightning
purpose to distinguish from other users. The user must have edit permission on cases and on Experience. Einstein Case
the fields included in your classification model. Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Note: Designating an Einstein user is a case routing feature, and requires the Service Cloud Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Einstein add-on license. Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To build and manage

Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
• Customize Application
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Edit on cases OR Modify
All Data

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Give Agents Access to Einstein Classification Apps

To let agents view and act on Einstein’s field predictions, assign the right user permission sets to
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, and then select Einstein Case Classification
Permission Sets. is available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Select Einstein Case Classification User or Einstein Case Wrap-Up User. These standard
Experience. Setup for
permission sets are already created for you.
Einstein Case Classification
3. Click Manage Assignments and assign users to each permission set. is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To assign permission sets:

• Assign Permission Sets

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Add Einstein Classification Apps to the Service Console

To show Einstein’s predictions to agents, add the Einstein Field Recommendations component to
the Lightning Service Console.
1. In the Lightning App Builder, open the case record page, chat transcript record page, or custom Einstein Case Classification
page where you want to show predictions from Einstein Case Classification or Einstein Case is available in Salesforce
Wrap-Up. Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
2. Drag the Einstein Field Recommendations component onto the page.
Einstein Case Classification
3. Select Case Classification or Case Wrap-Up as the type. is available only in Lightning
4. Optionally: Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
• Add a custom header label to replace the default header. Lightning Experience.
• Select an update action to replace the default Update Case action. The update action’s Einstein classification apps
layout determines which fields appear in the component. are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
• Add a filter to control when the component is visible.
Salesforce Government
5. Save your changes. Cloud.

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To create and save Lightning

pages in the Lightning App
• Customize Application
To view Lightning pages in
Service Console Setup with the Related Record Component the Lightning App Builder:
• View Setup and
To display Einstein’s predictions, we recommend using the Einstein Field Recommendations Configuration
component. Before the component became available in Summer ’20, you could show Einstein’s
predictions in the Case Details related record component in Lightning Experience. In a future release,
you won’t be able to use the related record component to show predictions.
Service Console Setup in Salesforce Classic
If your agents use Einstein Case Classification in Salesforce Classic, specify where to show predictions in the Service Console.
1. Add a sidebar and specify Einstein Case Classification Recommendations as the Type.
2. To avoid horizontal scrolling, make the width of the sidebar at least as wide as most of the picklist or lookup field values.

Create Object-Specific Quick Actions
Action Layout Editor
Set Up and Work with Service Console

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Activate Your Einstein Classification Model

When you’re ready to let Einstein start making predictions, activate your model.
1. From the Einstein Classification Setup page, click the name of the model.
Einstein Case Classification
2. Click Activate.
is available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Experience. Setup for
Einstein Case Classification
is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
For Einstein Case Classification, Einstein makes recommendations once, right after the case is created. edition orgs or the
For Einstein Case Wrap-Up, chat agents see them on-demand or when the chat conversation ends. Salesforce Government
You may need to refresh the page.
Available in: Enterprise,
SEE ALSO: Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Einstein Classification Key Concepts Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Einstein Classification Prediction Confidence FAQ Case Wrap-Up requires the
Use Einstein Classification Apps in the Service Console Digital Engagement add-on
Update Your Einstein Classification Model


To build and manage

Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
• Customize Application
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Edit on cases OR Modify
All Data

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Update Your Einstein Classification Model

You may need to update an active Einstein classification model to add or remove fields, change
which cases it applies to, or adjust field prediction settings. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you quickly
update your model to meet your needs. Einstein Case Classification
Make these changes from the Setup tab of a model’s detail page. From Setup, enter Einstein is available in Salesforce
Classification in the Quick Find box, and then select Einstein Classification. Click a model Classic and Lightning
name, and then click its Setup tab. Experience. Setup for
Einstein Case Classification
is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Stop Predictions
Above the list of fields, click Pause.

When a model is paused, agents don’t see its predictions on cases in the console. To resume predictions, reactivate the model. If multiple
models are active, keep in mind that the other models’ predictions are still visible.

Turn On Predictions for a New Field

1. Click Pause.
2. Under Configure Data, click Edit.

3. Click through the steps. When you reach the step to add fields, select any that you want to add.
4. Click Next > Finish, and rebuild and reactivate the model to show predictions on the fields you added.

Turn Off Predictions for a Field

1. Find the field in the list.
2. In the field’s action menu, click Remove.

3. Rebuild and reactivate the model.

If a model has only one field, removing the field deletes the model. If a model has multiple fields, removing one deactivates the model.
When the model is deactivated, agents don’t see its predictions on cases in the console. When the model is active again, agents no
longer see predictions on the field you removed unless it’s part of another active model.

Adjust a Field’s Prediction Settings

See Configure Field Predictions for Einstein Classification Apps.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Change Which Cases Receive Predictions

Einstein makes predictions only on cases that match your model’s segment criteria. If you don’t define a segment, Einstein makes
predictions on all new cases. Defining example cases doesn’t affect which cases get predictions.
1. Click Pause.
2. Under Configure Data, click Edit.
3. To show predictions on all new cases, select Yes, use all case data. To show predictions on only some cases, click No, focus on a
segment (advanced option) and enter your filter criteria. Keep in mind that your segment criteria also limit which cases Einstein
learns from.
4. Click through the remaining steps, and then rebuild and reactivate the model.

Change Which Cases Einstein Learns From

Einstein’s predictions are based on closed cases that were created in the past six months and include a subject or description. Einstein
Case Wrap-Up also considers chat transcripts on those closed cases. You can create a segment, identify example cases, or both to further
limit which cases Einstein learns from.
1. Click Pause.
2. Under Configure Data, click Edit.
3. Update your segment and example case criteria as needed. For help, see Einstein Classification Key Concepts.
4. Click through the remaining steps, and then rebuild and reactivate the model.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

Track Einstein Classification App Performance

The performance dashboard shows you how well Einstein’s predictions are working. View the
performance of predictions compared to the field value at the time the case is closed. For Einstein
Case Classification, you can use this information to help to decide when to automate values on Einstein Case Classification
incoming cases. is available in Salesforce
1. From Setup, enter Einstein Classification in the Quick Find box, and then Classic and Lightning
select Einstein Classification. Experience. Setup for
Einstein Case Classification
2. From the models list, click a model’s name. is available only in Lightning
3. On the Overview tab, select the field of interest and the date range to display performance Experience. Einstein Case
information for closed cases. Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To build and manage

Einstein Case Classification
and Einstein Case Wrap-Up:
• Customize Application
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Edit on cases OR Modify
All Data

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

The left-hand chart indicates how often one of the top three recommended values matches the final field value at the time the case is
closed. The right-hand chart shows how often the top recommended value matches the final field value when the case is closed. When
a case with field predictions is closed, the dashboard refreshes.

Note: The dashboard reflects final field values when cases are closed. If an agent accepts a field prediction but then changes the
value before closing the case, the dashboard doesn’t report the case as a match.
In the top-left corner, the dashboard shows the total number of closed cases on which Einstein predicted field values, regardless of
whether predictions were rejected, accepted, or automatically saved. This number increases by one when a case with predictions is
closed. If a closed case with predictions is reopened and then closed, both closures count.
Closed cases that didn’t receive recommendations aren’t counted. Here’s why a case might not receive recommendations.
• The case doesn’t match the filter criteria in your segment.
• The case was created when Einstein Classification Apps weren’t enabled.
• The case’s subject and description are empty, so there’s no text for Einstein to analyze.
• The case was closed on or immediately after creation. Only open cases receive recommendations, and recommendations are typically
available a few seconds after a case is created.

Tip: The performance dashboard is just one way to monitor the impact of Einstein classification apps. Here are a few others.
• For Einstein Case Classification, review cases whose field predictions failed to meet the required confidence level for automatic
updates. Use platform events to subscribe to AIUpdateRecordEvent so you’re notified any time Einstein tries to predict the
value of a case field. The IsUpdated field indicates whether a field was automatically updated. Then, use this information to
add cases to a queue for review or rerun case routing logic.
• Generate custom reports about how many cases received predictions or how often agents accepted or rejected them. Use
the root AIRecordInsight object and its related child objects, AIInsightFeedback and AIInsightValue.

Note: AIRecordInsight and its child objects provide different information than the dashboard. Reports with these objects
can show agent reactions to recommendations. For example, you can build reports to show how often agents acted on
the top three predictions and whether a recommended value was applied and saved.

• Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the impact of Einstein classification apps. For example, review changes in:
– Average handle-time to triage a case

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

– Average time to resolve a case

– Number of cases triaged per day, week, or month
– Number of cases auto-triaged per day, week, or month
– Number of reopened cases
– Number of escalated cases
– Case data completion

Use Einstein Classification Apps in the Service Console

Einstein Case Classification and Einstein Case Wrap-Up help you fill out fields on cases by
recommending or selecting field values based on similar closed cases.
Where do recommendations appear? Einstein Case Classification
is available in Salesforce
Recommendations appear in Einstein Field Recommendations component in the Lightning
Classic and Lightning
Service Console. The standard title on the component is Case Classification or Case Wrap-Up.
Experience. Setup for
To see Einstein’s recommendations, you may need to refresh the page.
Einstein Case Classification
is available only in Lightning
Experience. Einstein Case
Wrap-Up is available only in
Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
are not available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on


To view and act on Einstein

Case Classification
• Einstein Case
Classification User
permission set
To view and act on Einstein
Case Wrap-Up
• Einstein Case Wrap-Up
User permission set

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

If you’re using Einstein Case Classification in Salesforce Classic, recommendations appear in the Case Classification sidebar.
How do I view recommendations?
Click Get Einstein Recommendations to see Einstein’s predictions. Fields with recommendations appear with a green dot, and
the text at the top of the component changes to Einstein Recommendations Applied.

Recommendations are shown in the following way.

• Checkbox fields: Text next to the field says Einstein recommends disabled or Einstein recommends enabled
• Picklist and lookup fields: If the recommended value is already selected, the word Best appears next to the value. If not, click
into the field to see which value Einstein recommends.
– The gray arrow shows the current value.
– The recommended value is shown with the text Recommended by Einstein. Up to three recommended values are shown,
with the most likely value listed first.

Service Cloud Einstein Classification Apps

How do I accept recommendations?

After you review the recommendations, click Save in the component to save your changes.

Note: Depending on your org’s field prediction settings, Einstein Case Classification may automatically update and save
certain fields if the value is likely to be correct. These updates are attributed to a user of the admin’s choosing in the case
feed—usually, a custom Einstein user.
When does Einstein make recommendations?
For Einstein Case Classification, Einstein makes recommendations once, right after the case is created. For Einstein Case Wrap-Up,
chat agents see them on-demand or when the chat conversation ends. You may need to refresh the page.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Upgrade to the Paid Version of Einstein Classification Apps

If you use the Try Einstein version of the classification apps, you can upgrade to a paid license to
get the full set of features.
The Try Einstein version lets you build one model for each app to recommend field values to your Einstein Case Classification
agents. For this version of Einstein Case Classification, field values can’t be automated: Einstein can is available in Salesforce
select the best value for a field, but can’t automatically update the case or have Einstein Case Routing Classic and Lightning
assign it to the right agent. Experience. Setup for
Einstein Case Classification
The paid version of Einstein Case Classification and Case Wrap-Up is available with the Service is available only in Lightning
Cloud Einstein add-on license. This license allows for five models per app. For Einstein Case Experience. Einstein Case
Classification, it also includes automatic field updates and Einstein Case Routing. To upgrade, talk Wrap-Up is available only in
to your Salesforce Account Executive. Lightning Experience.
Einstein classification apps
Note: Regardless of the version you have, Einstein Case Classification makes recommendations
are not available in partner
only once on a case—right after the case is created. For Einstein Case Wrap-Up, they’re
edition orgs or the
available on demand or when the chat conversation ends.
Salesforce Government

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited Editions. In
Enterprise Edition, Einstein
Case Wrap-Up requires the
Digital Engagement add-on

Einstein Article Recommendations

Save agent time with Einstein Article Recommendations. With just a few clicks, you can build a
model that recommends relevant knowledge articles to solve your customer cases.
One-Minute Feature Tour: Einstein Article Recommendations Available in: Lightning
To create a model, you select fields from cases and knowledge articles that are most relevant to
your business. Based on these associations, Einstein builds a model using data from your past cases. Available in: Enterprise,
The model: Performance, and
Unlimited editions. Einstein
• Proactively examines new cases as they come in
Article Recommendations
• Identifies the language and key words, phrases, and text field values within the case isn’t available in partner
• Suggests articles that are most likely to solve the problem edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government
Recommendations appear right where your agents work, in the Knowledge component in the
Lightning Service Console. There’s no need to manually search for or sift through long lists of articles;
agents can simply select the most relevant articles from a short list to attach to cases and send to

Note: In certain orgs with Knowledge, we turn on article recommendations for you and supply a pre-built model that’s based on
generic data and default field and language settings. Agents then see Einstein's recommendations in the Knowledge component
right away. If your business uses specific case and knowledge fields, customize the model so that Einstein analyzes the closed-case
data in your org and provides more accurate recommendations. To customize the model, in Setup, accept the terms, select your
fields, and build your model.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Otherwise, to get Einstein Article Recommendations up and running, follow these simple steps.

1. Check your readiness.

2. Add the Knowledge component to the Lightning Service Console.
3. Turn on Einstein Article Recommendations, accepting the Master Service Agreement first if you haven’t already done so.
4. Choose languages and relevant fields to serve as a basis for article predictions.
5. Build and activate your predictive model.
6. Give agents permission to view article recommendations.
7. Keep improving your model.

Prepare for Einstein Article Recommendations
To get the best results from Einstein Article Recommendations, review its data requirements and get tips for testing the feature.
How Does Einstein Article Recommendations Work?
Einstein Article Recommendations helps support agents resolve customer cases efficiently by recommending knowledge articles
that were attached to similar cases in the past. Agents don’t have to waste time searching or scrolling through lists of articles, and
can quickly attach recommended articles or dismiss them as not helpful. They can also still conduct searches if they need to.
Set Up Einstein Article Recommendations
Switch on Einstein Article Recommendations so you can build, activate, and benefit from your custom predictive model. Einstein
Article Recommendations analyzes the data in case and knowledge article fields that you select to determine which articles are most
likely to solve a customer inquiry. Agents see recommendations in the Knowledge component of the Lightning Service Console.
Use Einstein Article Recommendations in the Lightning Service Console
Use Einstein Article Recommendations in the Lightning Service Console to find and attach relevant articles to cases.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Improve Einstein Article Recommendations

Einstein only recommends knowledge articles that meet strict accuracy criteria. To continually fine-tune Einstein Article
Recommendations, follow these best practices when customizing your model and maintaining your cases and articles.
Learn About Model and Data Quality
Einstein produces a scorecard that tells you about your data and the effectiveness of your predictive model. At a glance, you can
learn if there are opportunities to refine your data and improve Einstein’s recommendations.
Einstein Article Recommendations FAQ
Get answers to common questions about Einstein Article Recommendations.

Prepare for Einstein Article Recommendations

To get the best results from Einstein Article Recommendations, review its data requirements and
get tips for testing the feature.

Note: Einstein Article Recommendations is available for articles written in Dutch, English, Available in: Lightning
French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Einstein Article Recommendations is available Experience
in Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited edition orgs with the Service Cloud and Lightning Available in: Enterprise,
Knowledge. The Service Cloud Einstein add-on license isn’t needed. Performance, and
Unlimited editions. Einstein
Article Recommendations
Make Sure You Have Enough Data isn’t available in partner
Plants need water, support agents need hugs, and Einstein needs data! Without high-quality edition orgs or the
historical data to learn from, Einstein can’t make accurate recommendations. Here’s what you need. Salesforce Government
What You Need Required or Details
Three or more knowledge Required When your Salesforce Knowledge article
articles coverage is extensive and addresses common
customer questions, Einstein can make more
useful recommendations. Articles don’t need
any special tags, data categories, or metadata
to be recommended. Newly published or
overwritten articles automatically undergo term
analysis within one day to be considered for

Note: Articles hosted in an external

system don’t count.

1,000 or more cases Recommended To learn how your organization works, Einstein
looks at cases created in the past two years,
whether or not they’re closed. These cases need
at least one text field that describes the
customer’s issue—for example, Description.
They don’t need articles attached, but if they
have them, that’s even better.

500 or more case-article Recommended Einstein learns from each instance of an article
attaches being attached to an open or closed case (also

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

What You Need Required or Details

called an “attach”). The more attaches you have from the past two
years, the better. However, even with fewer than 500 attaches,
your model can still make accurate predictions based on the
content overlap between cases and articles.

To show recommendations in multiple supported languages, you only need three or more knowledge articles in one of the languages.
Case-article attaches in a language can help Einstein make more accurate recommendations.

Take Einstein Article Recommendations for a Test Run

Over several releases, we’re phasing in article recommendations as active in orgs with Knowledge. If we set it up for you, we supply a
pre-trained model that uses generic data and default field and language settings. If your business uses other fields, your agents can see
more accurate recommendations when you accept the terms in Setup, select the right fields, and update the model so that Einstein
learns from your org’s closed-case data.
While you can set up Einstein Article Recommendations in a sandbox org, recommendations differ between sandbox and production
because of underlying data differences. Because the same results aren’t guaranteed, we recommend turning it on in your production
org and giving a small group of agents access to article recommendations. When you’re comfortable with the way recommendations
are working, open them up to your larger team.
If you do decide to use article recommendations in sandbox, follow these best practices:
• Match your sandbox licenses to your production licenses.
• To meet the data requirements and guarantee realistic recommendations, make sure that your sandbox org’s article and case data
is similar in quality and quantity to your production org’s.

Einstein Article Recommendations FAQ
Improve Einstein Article Recommendations

How Does Einstein Article Recommendations Work?

Einstein Article Recommendations helps support agents resolve customer cases efficiently by
recommending knowledge articles that were attached to similar cases in the past. Agents don’t
have to waste time searching or scrolling through lists of articles, and can quickly attach Available in: Lightning
recommended articles or dismiss them as not helpful. They can also still conduct searches if they Experience
need to.
Available in: Enterprise,
Article recommendations are generated by an AI model that continually retrains itself and improves
Performance, and
its predictions as the underlying set of case and article data grows. The model is trained using Unlimited editions. Einstein
various natural language processing (NLP) features that capture overlaps between case and article Article Recommendations
data. The model’s algorithms rank candidate articles based on their relevance to an open case, and isn’t available in partner
only articles that are deemed highly relevant are recommended. edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Determining Article Relevance

To determine an article’s relevance to an open case, Einstein Article Recommendations considers several factors. These factors include:
• Language: The language that Einstein detects in the case and the article’s language
• Term overlap: How closely key words in the case match text in the article
• Attachments: How often agents attached the article to similar cases
• Dismissals: How often agents dismissed the article as not helpful on similar cases
• Term span: The distance between certain case terms in the article
• Longest common subsequence: The length of the longest common text sequence between the case and article
Article recommendations can be based on the following fields, depending on which ones you add to your predictive model. Only fields
of type string and textarea can be added.

Object Fields Details

Case • Subject The Subject field is usually populated and summarizes the
issue, while the Description field provides details. If you’re
• Description
using custom fields in place of Subject and Description, you
• Selected custom fields can configure Einstein Article Recommendations to refer to
them instead.

CaseArticle • CaseId The CaseArticle object represents the attachment of an

article to a case, and provides key data for article
• KnowledgeArticleId

KnowledgeArticleVersion • KnowledgeArticleId The KnowledgeArticleVersion object represents a specific

version of an article. Einstein Article Recommendations only
• Title
recommends the published versions of articles. Because this
• Summary object doesn’t include a body field, the custom text fields
• cstTextArea on article versions are combined into a custom “Article Body”
• cstString field for analysis. Einstein also considers the Language field
on this object when making recommendations.

Language Considerations
Einstein Article Recommendations is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Einstein uses a single
model to generate article recommendations in these languages.
In a new org, you select which languages and fields that Einstein should use in the predictive model. If you’re already using Einstein
Article Recommendations, we preselect languages for you. If you modify the selected languages in Setup, rebuild your model to show
recommendations in those languages. Make sure that the selected languages are active in your Knowledge settings. You can add articles
in a supported language without rebuilding the model.
Einstein uses a language prediction model to detect the language on a case. The Language field on a knowledge article version identifies
its language.
• If the case language is supported, Einstein recommends relevant articles in that language. If there aren’t any relevant articles in the
language, then no article recommendations appear.
• If the case language isn’t supported, Einstein recommends relevant articles in the org’s Knowledge master language.
• If both the case and Knowledge master languages aren’t supported and English is a selected language, Einstein recommends relevant
English articles.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

These considerations mean that a case and its recommended articles can use two different languages.

Feature Design
Here’s what takes place behind the scenes, from case creation or update to article recommendation.
Step 1: Case Creation or Update
A case is created, or a field included in your article recommendation model is updated on a case.
Step 2: Search
Einstein Article Recommendations intercepts the case and conducts multiple searches using the case’s language and terms from
case fields in your model. The search results are combined into the candidate article set, which can include new articles with no
previous attaches.
Step 3: Re-Ranking
Articles are re-ranked. A set of NLP features is computed for each case-article pair. The model evaluates each article’s feature set and
uses prediction probabilities to rank the articles for recommendation.
Step 4: Recommendation
Articles above the recommendation threshold are classified as positive and recommended to the agent on the case.
Step 5: Agent Interaction
The agent interacts with the recommendations by clicking, hovering over, accepting, or dismissing them. Their actions are recorded
to improve future recommendations.
Step 6: Retraining
Your model is periodically retrained, or rebuilt, to capture changes to your case and article data. Relevant changes include new cases,
new articles and article versions, and new case-article attaches. The retrained model replaces your current model only if Einstein
determines that the retrained model will provide better article recommendations.
Retraining completes within a day, and the new model is put to work immediately. This automatic retraining isn’t visible in the UI
and doesn’t require action from the admin.
This diagram shows how data flows in Einstein Article Recommendations.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Einstein Article Recommendations uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a third-party hosting provider. For details about infrastructure
and sub-processors, see Trust and Compliance Documentation.

Einstein Article Recommendations FAQ
Improve Einstein Article Recommendations

Set Up Einstein Article Recommendations

Switch on Einstein Article Recommendations so you can build, activate, and benefit from your
custom predictive model. Einstein Article Recommendations analyzes the data in case and knowledge
article fields that you select to determine which articles are most likely to solve a customer inquiry. Available in: Lightning
Agents see recommendations in the Knowledge component of the Lightning Service Console. Experience
Note: In some orgs with Salesforce Knowledge, we turn on article recommendations for Available in: Enterprise,
you, and supply a pre-built model based on generic data and default field and language Performance, and
settings. Agents then see Einstein's recommendations in the Knowledge component right Unlimited editions. Einstein
away. If your business uses other fields, your agents can see more accurate recommendations Article Recommendations
when you accept the terms in Setup, select the right fields, and update the model so that isn’t available in partner
Einstein learns from your org’s closed-case data. edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government
To get started, turn on Einstein Article Recommendations.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Einstein Article Recommendations,
and select Einstein Article Recommendations.
2. If you haven’t already, click Review Terms to review and accept the Master Service Agreement.
3. Click the toggle to turn on Einstein Article Recommendations. It’s now time to set up your To enable Einstein Article
• Customize Application
Salesforce Knowledge

Note: If you only see an option to request an order form supplement, submit your request so you can enable Einstein Article
Recommendations. The supplement resolves differences between your Salesforce Master Service Agreement and the Einstein
Master Service Agreement.

1. Add the Knowledge Component to the Lightning Service Console
If it’s not there already, add the Knowledge component to the Lightning Service Console so your agents can receive article

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

2. Select Languages and Fields for Your Article Recommendation Model

Select which supported languages to include in your model. Then select fields on cases and knowledge articles that Einstein Article
Recommendations can analyze to identify relevant articles.
3. Build and Activate Your Article Recommendation Model
After you select data-rich fields from cases and knowledge articles, build and activate your article recommendation model.
4. Give Agents Access to Einstein Article Recommendations
By default, all Lightning Knowledge users see Einstein Article Recommendations in the Knowledge component. If you prefer, you
can limit access to users of your choice.

Add the Knowledge Component to the Lightning Service Console

If it’s not there already, add the Knowledge component to the Lightning Service Console so your
agents can receive article recommendations.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter App Manager, and select App Manager. Available in: Lightning
2. Click the dropdown next to the Lightning Service Console app where you want to add the
Knowledge component, and click Edit > Navigation Items. Available in: Enterprise,
3. Select Knowledge from the Available Items list, and add it to the Selected Items list. Performance, and
Unlimited editions. Einstein
Article Recommendations
isn’t available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government


To view apps:
• View Setup and
To manage apps:
• Customize Application

4. Click Save.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Select Languages and Fields for Your Article Recommendation Model

Select which supported languages to include in your model. Then select fields on cases and
knowledge articles that Einstein Article Recommendations can analyze to identify relevant articles.

Tip: Available in: Lightning

• Include data-rich, high-use fields in your model. Look for text fields that typically
contain multiple words that tell you what the case or article is about. Unpopulated or Available in: Enterprise,
uninformative fields make it hard for Einstein to make accurate predictions. If possible, Performance, and
choose fields that are rarely left blank and are typically updated at least once during the Unlimited editions. Einstein
case life cycle, such as Description. A case’s article recommendations are refreshed Article Recommendations
whenever a field included in your model is updated on the case. isn’t available in partner
edition orgs or the
Note: Only unencrypted fields of the string or text area type—including rich text Salesforce Government
area and long text area fields—can be added to your model. You might find that Cloud.
an unsupported field, such as a picklist, provides valuable information that could
help Einstein find relevant articles. To include that information in your model, write
a process that copies the field value into a custom text field on the case or
knowledge object. Then, add the custom field to your model. To use Einstein Article
• Rank fields based on importance. When you select fields to include in your model, • Customize Application
drag them into priority order. Einstein wants to know what matters most to you. By ranking
your fields, you’re essentially telling Einstein what to look for first.
• Review the model scorecard. The scorecard shows metrics that can help you identify
where there are opportunities to improve your data.

1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Einstein Article Recommendations, and select Einstein Article
2. To create your model, under Select Fields, click Next.
3. Select supported languages that you want to include in your model, and click Next.
Verify that these languages are active in your Knowledge settings.

4. Select unencrypted case fields that you want to incorporate into your model, and click Next.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

5. Select unencrypted fields from Knowledge articles that you want to incorporate into your model, and click Save.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

After you select languages and fields, build the model so you can activate it.

Einstein Article Recommendations FAQ
Improve Einstein Article Recommendations

Build and Activate Your Article Recommendation Model

After you select data-rich fields from cases and knowledge articles, build and activate your article
recommendation model.

Note: You can have only one article recommendation model at a time. If you save changes Available in: Lightning
to an existing model and build it, the new model replaces the previous one. Experience

1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Einstein Article Recommendations, Available in: Enterprise,
and select Einstein Article Recommendations. Performance, and
Unlimited editions. Einstein
2. Confirm the case and knowledge article fields and languages that you selected for your model. Article Recommendations
Then, under Build Model, click Build > Build Model. isn’t available in partner
Sit tight while the system builds your article recommendation model. This process can take up edition orgs or the
to 48 hours. Salesforce Government
Note: If Einstein finds that your cases and articles don’t contain enough high-quality
data to ensure accurate article recommendations, a warning appears and you can’t activate
your model. This can happen if too many fields on your cases or knowledge articles are USER PERMISSIONS
blank, incomplete, or improperly filled out.
To use Einstein Article
The warning tells you how often the fields in your model were left blank. Use this Recommendations:
information as a starting point to conduct a quality review of your knowledge based and • Customize Application
recent cases. Or, boost your model’s data quality by choosing different case and knowledge
fields for Einstein to learn from. Then rebuild your model.

3. After your model finishes building, click Activate to start showing recommendations to agents.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

In the activation window, indicate whether to show recommendations to all Lightning Knowledge users or to specific users. If you
choose to limit access to specific users, assign them the View and Act on Einstein Article Recommendations user permission.

Einstein makes or refreshes article recommendations only when:

• A case is created
• A field included in your article recommendation model is updated on a case
Cases that don’t fall into these two categories don’t receive new recommendations.
To change which fields are included in your model, click Edit Fields on the Setup page. Editing the model deactivates it and halts
recommendations for your agents, so you’ll need to rebuild and reactivate it to resume recommendations. If you’ve just activated your
model, allow a few weeks to pass before you edit it. By then, you’ll understand how recommendations are working for your team.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Give Agents Access to Einstein Article Recommendations

By default, all Lightning Knowledge users see Einstein Article Recommendations in the Knowledge
component. If you prefer, you can limit access to users of your choice.
When you activate your Einstein Article Recommendations model, we ask you to decide who sees Available in: Lightning
article recommendations in the Knowledge component. Experience

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
Unlimited editions. Einstein
Article Recommendations
isn’t available in partner
edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Choose between two access options: USER PERMISSIONS

• All Lightning Knowledge Users (default): Show article recommendations to all users of To assign permission sets:
Lightning Knowledge. We recommend selecting this option to avoid user permission assignment • Assign Permission Sets
and upkeep. To customize Einstein Article
• Specific Users: Show article recommendations to users you choose—for example, if you’re Recommendations:
rolling out the feature slowly. If you select this option, only users with the View and Act On • Customize Application
Einstein Article Recommendations user permission can see article recommendations. Assign
this permission using permission sets or profiles.
– In a permission set:
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets, and select Permission Sets.
2. Click the name of the permission set where you want to enable Einstein Article Recommendations.
3. Click System Permissions > Edit.
4. Select View and Act on Einstein Article Recommendations.
5. Click Save.

– In a profile:
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Profiles, and select Profiles.
2. Click Edit next to the name of the profile that needs access to Einstein Article Recommendations.
3. Under Administrative Permissions, select View and Act on Einstein Article Recommendations.
4. Click Save.

You can change your user access preference at any time. From Setup, navigate to the Einstein Article Recommendations page and
update the User Access setting.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Use Einstein Article Recommendations in the Lightning Service Console

Use Einstein Article Recommendations in the Lightning Service Console to find and attach relevant
articles to cases.
Einstein shows up to five relevant articles at a time, sorted by relevance. Einstein’s recommendations Available in: Lightning
refresh each time: Experience
• A case is created, or Available in: Enterprise,
• A field included in your Einstein Article Recommendations model is updated on a case Performance, and
Unlimited editions. Einstein
Einstein measures each article’s relevance to the case as a percentage, which appears above the Article Recommendations
title in the recommendation list. Here’s how relevance is determined. There’s no minimum relevance isn’t available in partner
percentage for the articles that Einstein recommends. edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

• To attach a recommended article to a case, click the dropdown next to the title and select Attach Article.
• To edit a recommended article, click the dropdown next to the title and select Edit as Draft.
• If an article isn’t relevant to the case, click Not Helpful.

Note: Marking an article as not helpful indicates that the article isn’t relevant to the case, and helps Einstein makes better
recommendations next time. It doesn’t relate to the quality of the article’s content.

Einstein Article Recommendations FAQ

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Improve Einstein Article Recommendations

Einstein only recommends knowledge articles that meet strict accuracy criteria. To continually
fine-tune Einstein Article Recommendations, follow these best practices when customizing your
model and maintaining your cases and articles. Available in: Lightning
Customizing Your Predictive Model Available in: Enterprise,
When you customize the model, you point Einstein to the right fields to learn from. In some orgs Performance, and
with Knowledge, we set up article recommendations for you with a pre-built model that’s based Unlimited editions. Einstein
on generic data and default field and language settings. If your business uses other fields, your Article Recommendations
agents can see more accurate recommendations when you accept the terms in Setup, select the isn’t available in partner
edition orgs or the
right fields, and update the model so that Einstein learns from your org’s closed-case data.
Salesforce Government
Here’s some other tips to boost prediction quality. Cloud.
• Include data-rich, high-use fields in your model. Look for text fields that typically contain
multiple words that tell you what the case or article is about. Unpopulated or uninformative
fields make it hard for Einstein to make accurate predictions. If possible, choose fields that are rarely left blank and are typically
updated at least once during the case life cycle, such as Description. A case’s article recommendations are refreshed whenever a
field included in your model is updated on the case.

Note: Only unencrypted fields of the string or text area type—including rich text area and long text area fields—can be
added to your model. You might find that an unsupported field, such as a picklist, provides valuable information that could
help Einstein find relevant articles. To include that information in your model, write a process that copies the field value into
a custom text field on the case or knowledge object. Then, add the custom field to your model.

• Rank fields based on importance. When you select fields to include in your model, drag them into priority order. Einstein wants
to know what matters most to you. By ranking your fields, you’re essentially telling Einstein what to look for first.
• Review the model scorecard. The scorecard shows metrics that can help you identify where there are opportunities to improve
your data.

Maintaining Your Data

• Strive for field consistency on cases and knowledge articles. Leaving fields blank, inconsistently filling them out, or gathering
overly generic data can hurt your recommendation accuracy.
• Keep attaching articles to cases. We recommend that agents attach an article to a case if they referred to it while working on the
case. Conversely, if past cases have unrelated articles attached to them, this can give Einstein a false impression of the article’s purpose
and affect article relevance scores.
• Keep expanding your knowledge base. The more articles in circulation, the more Einstein has to attach and learn from. Einstein
reviews new articles within one day of publication.
• Encourage agents to dismiss recommendations that aren’t helpful. Einstein considers dismissals when formulating

Learn About Model and Data Quality

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Learn About Model and Data Quality

Einstein produces a scorecard that tells you about your data and the effectiveness of your predictive
model. At a glance, you can learn if there are opportunities to refine your data and improve Einstein’s
recommendations. Available in: Lightning
When you build the model or Einstein retrains it, the scorecard updates. The scorecard shows metrics Experience
about the model and the quality of your case and article data. When your model is effective, your
Available in: Enterprise,
agents see more accurate article recommendations, which can help them close cases.
Performance, and
From Setup, navigate to the Einstein Article Recommendations page, and open the Model Scorecard Unlimited editions. Einstein
tab. On the left, the scorecard shows an overview of model accuracy and quality (1). On the right, Article Recommendations
it displays available metrics for term overlap (2), case field coverage (3), and case-article attaches isn’t available in partner
per language (4). edition orgs or the
Salesforce Government

Here’s what the scorecard can show.

Model Accuracy
This percentage represents an overall confidence score about Einstein’s ability to make accurate predictions. If you change model
settings or refine your closed case data, this value can help you evaluate the impact.
Model Quality
The scorecard summarizes model quality. You can activate the model as long as its quality is Great, Good, or OK. If model quality is
Too Low, Einstein can’t make useful recommendations, so activation is disabled. Review the data summary and learn how you can
improve your data.

Service Cloud Einstein Article Recommendations

Case and Article Overlap

When there are more than 500 case-article attaches for Einstein to learn from, the scorecard shows case and article term overlap. To
recommend knowledge articles, Einstein looks for similar terms and phrases in the selected case and article fields. Check the fields
that your model is using and that agents add informative content routinely to those fields.
Case Field Coverage
When there are more than 500 case-article attaches for Einstein to learn from, the scorecard reports field coverage. For closed case
records, the scorecard shows coverage results for the primary and two supporting case fields. When these fields are well populated,
Einstein can make more accurate article recommendations. Verify that your selected fields are in the right order and that your agents
complete these fields consistently.
Case-Article Attaches
The scorecard shows the number of articles and case-article attaches per language. Einstein learns from each instance of an article
being attached to a case. Encourage agents to attach articles to cases when an article is relevant.
When there are more than 100,000 case-article attaches, the scorecard reports per-language counts based on a sample of 100,000
attaches. Although the sample is random, it reflects the approximate ratio of languages for all attaches.

Improve Einstein Article Recommendations

Einstein Article Recommendations FAQ

Get answers to common questions about Einstein Article Recommendations.

Who can use Einstein Article Recommendations? Available in: Lightning

Editions and Licensing
Einstein Article Recommendations is designed for customer service agents in the Lightning Available in: Enterprise,
Service Console. It’s available in Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Edition orgs with Service Performance, and
Cloud and Lightning Knowledge. The Service Cloud Einstein add-on license isn’t needed, and Unlimited editions. Einstein
the feature remains the same whether or not you have the add-on license. Einstein Article Article Recommendations
Recommendations isn’t available in partner edition orgs, the Salesforce Government Cloud, or isn’t available in partner
edition orgs or the
Experience Cloud.
Salesforce Government
Languages Cloud.
Einstein Article Recommendations is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian,
Portuguese, and Spanish.
Case Creation Channels
Article recommendations are available on all cases, regardless of how the case was created.

What’s the difference between Einstein Article Recommendations and Suggested Articles?
Like Einstein Article Recommendations, the Suggested Articles feature suggests knowledge articles in the Lightning Service Console.
However, it relies only on keyword-based search and can’t refine its suggestions or incorporate data from past cases.
For example, many cases contain the same subject, description, and category. Because Einstein Article Recommendations considers
which articles were attached to similar cases in the past, the top recommended article is likely to address the issue. Suggested Articles
can search your knowledge base for articles containing case keywords, but the exclusion of case data and AI features such as term overlap
means that agents can waste time searching through article suggestions to find the one they need.

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

If you use Einstein Article Recommendations, we recommend disabling Suggested Articles to ensure a clean user experience for your
support team. Otherwise, agents see two sets of articles that relate to the case.

What data does Einstein analyze to make article recommendations?

Einstein’s recommendations come from a predictive model that is trained to identify patterns in your case data. You customize your
model by choosing the case and knowledge article fields and the languages that Einstein should consider. To build the model, Einstein
• All articles in your Salesforce Knowledge base for the selected languages. Einstein doesn’t analyze non-text content such as videos
and images.
• All cases created in the two years before the model was built—including open cases—and their attached articles.
When it’s time to show article recommendations on a case, Einstein scans the case fields that you’ve added to your model and the case’s
language field. The data from those fields is then used to search your knowledge base for relevant articles, taking into account which
articles have been attached to similar cases in the past. To learn more, see How Does Einstein Article Recommendations Work?.

Which articles can Einstein recommend?

Einstein only recommends articles stored in your Salesforce Knowledge base. Articles hosted in an external system don’t count. If there
are multiple versions of an article, only the most current active version is recommended. Articles don’t need any special metadata to be
considered by Einstein.
When you build your model, you decide which article fields Einstein should look at to find the best articles for a case—usually, the Title
and Summary fields. Einstein doesn’t consider data categories. If you update your field selections, your model is discarded and you’re
prompted to build a new one.
If a new article is published, we know that it might not yet be attached to any cases. Don’t worry; within one day of publishing, Einstein
reviews the new article and starts considering it for recommendation.

How many articles does Einstein recommend at a time?

Einstein shows up to five relevant articles, sorted by relevance. Einstein’s recommendations refresh each time:
• A case is created, or
• A field included in your Einstein Article Recommendations model is updated on a case
Einstein measures each article’s relevance to the case in the form of a percentage, which appears above the title in the list of
recommendations. Here’s how relevance is determined. There’s no minimum relevance percentage for the articles that Einstein

Einstein Reply Recommendations

Conserve your support team’s time and standardize your messaging to customers. Build a model
that recommends relevant English replies to support agents in the console during chat and
messaging sessions. Replies are based on your org’s closed chat transcripts, and Einstein only Available in: Lightning
recommends replies that you’ve reviewed and published. Experience
One-Minute Feature Tour: Einstein Reply Recommendations
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
Unlimited editions

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

Reply recommendations appear right where agents need them, in the Einstein Replies component in the Lightning Service Console.
There’s no need to manually compose or search for replies; agents can simply select the most relevant replies from a short list to insert
into open chats or messaging sessions, editing them further if they need to. Reply recommendations are extra helpful to new agents or
agents handling multiple chats simultaneously. Admins also benefit; they no longer have to set aside time to periodically gather, curate,
and distribute standard replies to their support team.
Einstein Reply Recommendations is included in the Service Cloud Einstein add-on license. To get the feature up and running, follow
these simple steps.

1. Review the data requirements and get tips on rolling out the feature to your team.
2. Turn on Einstein Reply Recommendations in Setup.
3. Build your model so Einstein can analyze closed chats and generate a list of commonly used replies.
4. Review and publish replies to quick text, editing them as needed.
5. Give agents access to reply recommendations.
6. Activate your model to start displaying recommendations during chat and messaging sessions.

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

Prepare for Einstein Reply Recommendations
Before you set up Einstein Reply Recommendations, review the data requirements and testing tips. Reply recommendations are
available only in English, and are included in the Service Cloud Einstein add-on license.
Set Up Einstein Reply Recommendations
Follow a few simple steps to deliver valuable chat and messaging replies to your agents.
Use Reply Recommendations in the Lightning Service Console
When you’re managing multiple chats at once or helping an anxious customer, having the right reply at your fingertips makes your
job easier. Einstein Reply Recommendations suggests relevant replies during chat and messaging sessions so you can insert them
into your conversations with customers.

Prepare for Einstein Reply Recommendations

Before you set up Einstein Reply Recommendations, review the data requirements and testing tips.
Reply recommendations are available only in English, and are included in the Service Cloud Einstein
add-on license. Available in: Lightning
Understand the Data Requirements Available in: Enterprise,
To get started with Einstein Reply Recommendations, Einstein needs at least 1,000 closed English Performance, and
chat transcripts that contain four or more chat turns. A “turn” is a line in the chat conversation with Unlimited editions
terms or phrases that can help Einstein learn. Here’s an example of a chat with four turns:
• Customer: Hello. Can you tell me where life is sweet?
• Agent: I believe it’s on the sunny side of the street.
• Customer: Thanks! And what should I do with my worries?
• Agent: We recommend leaving them on your doorstep.
If you don’t have enough closed chats, we’ll let you know when you try to build your predictive model. You can also run a query to
determine the number of chat transcript records in your org.
While Einstein can generate a list of common replies with 1,000 transcripts, the more usable closed chats that you give Einstein to learn
from, the better. To identify common replies, Einstein can analyze up to 200,000 chat turns from closed chats that have four or more
turns, starting with your most recent chats. If you give Einstein 1,000 transcripts initially, when your org has 10,000 usable transcripts,
Einstein rebuilds the model and performs a one-time refresh of your reply templates. We notify you when Einstein completes the refresh
so that you can review and publish new and revised replies.

Take Reply Recommendations for a Test Run

While you can set up Einstein Reply Recommendations in a sandbox org, migrating your chat data from production can be time-consuming.
For this reason, we recommend turning it on in your production org and giving a small group of agents access to reply recommendations.
Choose knowledgeable agents who could answer customer questions without the help of Einstein Reply Recommendations. Those
agents will be able to boost accurate recommendations and let you know about any issues. When you’re comfortable with the way
recommendations are working, open them up to your larger team.
If you decide to use reply recommendations in a sandbox, follow these guidelines.
• Match your sandbox licenses to your production licenses.
• To meet the data requirements and ensure realistic recommendations, make sure that your sandbox org’s chat transcripts are identical
to your production org’s. Einstein Reply Recommendations examines chat transcript records. The body in a chat transcript contains

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

four parts: the data and time that the chat started, the chat origin, an agent name, and the chat conversation content. To analyze a
chat transcript and identify language patterns, Einstein Reply Recommendations looks for “Chat Started:” in the chat body.

Set Up Einstein Reply Recommendations

Follow a few simple steps to deliver valuable chat and messaging replies to your agents.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Lightning

1. Enable Einstein Reply Recommendations and Generate Replies
Enable Einstein Reply Recommendations to get started. Then, build your model so Einstein can Available in: Enterprise,
generate a list of common replies based on past chats. Performance, and
Unlimited editions
2. Publish Replies for Einstein to Recommend
After Einstein Reply Recommendations generates a list of commonly used replies, review and
publish the replies to quick text so they can be recommended to agents.
3. Give Agents Access to Reply Recommendations
Give agents access to Einstein Reply Recommendations by assigning them a permission set.
4. Activate Your Reply Recommendation Model
After you publish Einstein’s replies to quick text and give your agents access to replies, activate your model to start showing reply
recommendations during chat and messaging sessions in the Lightning Service Console.
5. Maintain Your Recommended Replies
After your Einstein Reply Recommendations model is activated, you can pause recommendations if you need to. You can also update,
delete, and customize access to your published replies so they continue to meet your needs.

Enable Einstein Reply Recommendations and Generate Replies

Enable Einstein Reply Recommendations to get started. Then, build your model so Einstein can
generate a list of common replies based on past chats.
1. From Setup, enter Reply Recommendations in the Quick Find box and select Einstein Available in: Lightning
Reply Recommendations. Experience
2. Click the toggle to enable Einstein Reply Recommendations. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
Unlimited editions


3. On the Einstein Reply Recommendations Setup page, click Let’s Go. To enable Einstein Reply
Recommendations and
If you don’t have enough closed chats to build a model, we’ll let you know here. build the model:
• Customize Application
4. Click Build Model to allow Einstein to analyze your chat data and generate a list of replies.
Then, sit back and let the pixie dust fly! Building can take up to 48 hours but doesn’t affect the
app’s performance for your agents.

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

After you start a build, you can’t pause or cancel it. You can leave the Setup page and come back to it at any time to check the build

Note: If you build the model with only 1,000 chat transcripts, Einstein performs a one-time refresh of your reply templates
when there are 10,000 transcripts to analyze. We notify you when this refresh is completed. It’s not possible to refresh Einstein’s
list of reply templates otherwise. However, you can edit replies or create your own responses from the Quick Text tab.

When the model is finished building, the Einstein Reply Recommendations Setup page shows a list of up to 100 common replies that
Einstein has generated. You can search replies and create other list views if you’d like.

It’s now time to review, fine-tune, and publish the replies to quick text.

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

Publish Replies for Einstein to Recommend

After Einstein Reply Recommendations generates a list of commonly used replies, review and publish
the replies to quick text so they can be recommended to agents.
Publishing, or converting, the replies that Einstein has identified to quick text lets you: Available in: Lightning
• Edit the text of the reply and review reply content
• Assign a reply category (such as “greetings”) and folder Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, and
• Make the reply available as searchable quick text in the Chat and Messaging channels as well
Unlimited editions
as in Einstein Reply Recommendations
You can select one or more replies to publish at a time. If you publish a single reply, you can edit
the reply text during publishing. If you publish multiple replies at once, you can edit each reply’s USER PERMISSIONS
text on the Quick Text tab after publishing is complete. Replies aren’t recommended to support To publish and manage
agents until you give agents access to the replies and activate your model. replies:
1. On the Einstein Reply Recommendations page in Setup, select one or more replies to publish. • Create on quick text AND
Click a reply’s name to view the full text. Manage Replies for
Einstein Reply
Recommendations AND
View Setup and
Customize Application

• To publish a single reply, select Publish to Quick Text in the reply’s action menu (1).
• To publish multiple replies, select them in the list and click Publish to Quick Text above the list (2).

Tip: While there’s no limit to the number of replies you can publish at once, we recommend reviewing each reply before
publishing it. Because the replies generated by Einstein are taken from closed chats with your customers, they may contain
customer or agent data, such as names. Revise replies if they contain information that you don’t want to display. Reviewing
each reply also gives you a chance to catch spelling errors, remove highly similar replies, and fine-tune phrasing and tone.

2. Add information about the reply or replies that you’re publishing.

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

Setting What To Do
Record Type If prompted, select a quick text record type to customize access to the replies. If you’re publishing multiple
replies at once, the record type you select applies to all of them.

Quick Text Name Optionally, change the reply’s name from an auto-number to something more meaningful.
(visible only if you’re
publishing a single reply)

Message Optionally, update the text of the reply. For example, add a merge field such as the contact’s name.
(visible only if you’re
publishing a single reply)

Folder Select a quick text folder to store the replies in. If you don’t select a folder, replies aren’t added to any
folder. We recommend creating one or more folders just for your published replies.

Important: Agents need access to the folder you select in order to view its replies as
recommendations or quick text. You can group replies—for example, designating replies as Tier
1 or Tier 2 support—and assign access accordingly by using multiple folders.
If you don’t see the Folder field, turn on folder sharing for quick text. Then, in the Object Manager
in Setup, find the Quick Text object and add the Folder field to its page layout.

Category Select a quick text category. Categories are customizable and make it easier to search for quick text.

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

Setting What To Do
Channel Optionally, select channels where agents can access and search for the replies as quick text. This option
is separate from reply recommendations. Only Chat and Messaging support quick text.

Include in reply Select this option so that the replies can be recommended to agents in the Einstein Replies console
recommendations component.

Include in selected Select this option to make the replies available as quick text in the channels you selected above. If you
channels select both Include in reply recommendations and Include in selected channels, agents can see
the replies as recommendations in the Einstein Replies component, and can also search for them as
quick text in the selected channels.

3. Click Publish. The replies’ status in the list changes from New to Published to Quick Text.

Tip: Publishing failure, indicated by a Publish Failed status, can be caused by validation errors, access errors, corrupted files,
or something else.

When a reply is published, a corresponding quick text record is created. To update a reply’s settings, edit its corresponding quick text
record from the Quick Text tab.
After you publish replies, give agents access to reply recommendations and activate your model.

Give Agents Access to Reply Recommendations

Give agents access to Einstein Reply Recommendations by assigning them a permission set.
1. Decide which agents should see reply recommendations during chats and messaging sessions.
Available in: Lightning
2. Assign the Einstein Reply Recommendations User permission set to the agents you identified.
The permission set is included with the Service Cloud Einstein add-on license.
3. Give the agents read access to the quick text folder containing your published replies. Optionally, Available in: Enterprise,
divide replies into multiple folders. For example, create a folder of replies for each support tier Performance, and
and configure folder access so Tier 1 agents only receive recommended replies from the Tier Unlimited editions
1 folder, Tier 2 agents from the Tier 2 folder, and so on.
4. Share Use Reply Recommendations in the Lightning Service Console with your agents so they USER PERMISSIONS
know what to expect.
To assign permission sets:
Reply recommendations appear in the Einstein Replies component. There’s no need to add it to • Assign Permission Sets
your page layouts—if Einstein Reply Recommendations is enabled, the component appears
To view object permissions:
automatically on the Chat and Messaging console pages for users with the Einstein Reply • View Setup and
Recommendations User permission set. Until replies are published to quick text and the predictive Configuration
model is activated, the component indicates that there are zero replies available.
To edit object permissions:
To customize the Einstein Replies component, open the Chat and Messaging pages in the Lightning • Manage Profiles and
App Builder and update its settings on each layout. Permission Sets AND
Customize Application
To view and manage apps:
• View Setup and
Configuration AND
Customize Application

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

Setting Purpose
Header Label Customize the component header. Leave it blank to use the default “Einstein Replies” header.

Go to active conversation for (Not selected by default) Control what happens when the Einstein Replies component is docked
docked edits and a user clicks Edit on a recommended reply. If this option is selected, clicking Edit sends the user
to the active conversation window so they can edit and send the reply. Otherwise, clicking Edit keeps
the user on the current tab. The reply appears in the message field for editing as expected, but the
user may have to navigate to the conversation to see it.

Note: If you need to manually add the Einstein Replies component to the Lightning Service Console, here’s how.
1. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box and select App Manager.
2. Click the dropdown next to the Service Console app where you want to add the Einstein Replies component, and click Edit >
Navigation Items.
3. Select Einstein Replies from the Available Items list, and add it to the Selected Items list.
4. Click Save.

Now it’s time to activate your model!

Activate Your Reply Recommendation Model

After you publish Einstein’s replies to quick text and give your agents access to replies, activate your
model to start showing reply recommendations during chat and messaging sessions in the Lightning
Service Console. Available in: Lightning
1. On the Einstein Reply Recommendations page in Setup, confirm that all the replies that you Experience
want to use list a status of Published to Quick Text.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Click Activate. Performance, and
Unlimited editions


To activate an Einstein Reply

Recommendations model:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

Agents will now start seeing recommended replies in the console. To learn how to pause recommendations or edit your published
replies, see Maintain Your Recommended Replies.

Maintain Your Recommended Replies

After your Einstein Reply Recommendations model is activated, you can pause recommendations
if you need to. You can also update, delete, and customize access to your published replies so they
continue to meet your needs. Available in: Lightning
Note: To publish and manage replies, you need: Experience

• Permission to create quick text Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, and
• Manage Replies for Einstein Reply Recommendations user permission
Unlimited editions
• View Setup and Configuration user permission

Manage Published Replies and Create New Replies

Edit or delete published replies on the Quick Text tab. From the App Launcher, click Quick Text in the items list. Your changes take effect
when you save them.
You don’t need to pause recommendations to publish replies or manage published replies. To learn more about quick text fields, see
Publish Replies for Einstein to Recommend.
If you built the model initially with 1,000 chat transcripts, Einstein performs a one-time refresh of your reply templates when there are
10,000 transcripts to analyze. Otherwise, it’s not possible to refresh Einstein’s list of replies. However, in addition to editing published
replies, you can create other replies from the Quick Text tab for Einstein to recommend. You can also include existing quick text snippets
in Einstein’s recommendations. Include in reply recommendations must be selected on the quick text record, and the quick text
folder that it belongs to must be shared with agents for them to see it as a recommended reply.

Address Duplicate Replies

Duplicate replies can occur if:
• A reply was published to quick text more than once
• Highly similar replies weren’t edited or removed during publishing
• You created a new quick text reply for Einstein to recommend, and it’s similar to one that was already published
• An agent has access to multiple quick text folders with matching replies
To address duplicate replies, delete or edit the duplicates from the Quick Text tab. If you’ve saved your replies in multiple quick text
folders and intentionally added the same reply to two folders, verify that the agent seeing duplicate replies doesn’t have access to both

Pause Reply Recommendations

If you want to stop showing recommendations to agents for any reason, you can click Pause Recommendations on the Einstein Reply
Recommendations Setup page. For example, if you update a business policy, you can pause recommendations to remove or update

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

replies that reflect your old policy. During this time, the Einstein Replies component in the console indicates that recommendations are
paused. Changes to quick text records go into effect immediately, so if the updates you’re making are minor, you probably don’t need
to pause recommendations.

Note: If you disable the Einstein Reply Recommendations feature rather than pausing it, reply recommendations stop and the
Einstein Replies component disappears from page layouts. Published replies are still available as quick text records. If you re-enable
the feature, any previously generated replies are still visible on the Einstein Reply Recommendations Setup page.

Use Reply Recommendations in the Lightning Service Console

When you’re managing multiple chats at once or helping an anxious customer, having the right
reply at your fingertips makes your job easier. Einstein Reply Recommendations suggests relevant
replies during chat and messaging sessions so you can insert them into your conversations with Available in: Lightning
customers. Experience
Note: To view and act on Einstein Reply Recommendations, you need: Available in: Enterprise,
• Einstein Reply Recommendations User permission set Performance, and
Unlimited editions
• Read access to the quick text folder containing the published replies

Where and when do reply recommendations show up?

Recommended replies appear in the Einstein Replies component of the Chat and Messaging tabs in the Lightning Service Console.
Einstein starts recommending replies as soon as a customer sends their first message in a chat or messaging session, and refreshes the
recommendations each time they send a new message. You don’t need to click into the chat window for recommendations to refresh.
At the top of the Einstein Replies component, you can see when the recommendations were last refreshed. The reply that’s estimated
to work best appears at the top of the list. When you end the chat, replies stop appearing.

How do I use the recommended replies?

• If the reply is just what you need, click Post to send it to the customer in your chat. Make sure to just click it once.
• If the reply needs a few changes, click Edit to insert it into the message field of your chat. Edit the reply and then send it.
• If a reply isn’t right for your chat, click Not Helpful under the reply to help Einstein learn when to recommend it.

Service Cloud Einstein Reply Recommendations

What happens when I’m switching between multiple chats or messaging sessions?
We’ve got your back. Click the top-right icon to dock, or pin, the Einstein Replies component in the corner of the console.

When it’s docked, you can send replies from any console subtab. The docked component shows replies for the current tab’s open chat
or messaging session.

Tip: Use the header bar actions to minimize, maximize, or close the docked component. The header bar also shows the transcript
number of the open chat or messaging session for your current tab.
In docked mode, you can interact with recommended replies even if the conversation isn’t visible from your current subtab. For example,
click Post or Not Helpful on a recommended reply while scanning a related knowledge article. Clicking Edit pastes the reply into the
conversation’s message field for editing. You may need to navigate to the conversation to polish and send the reply.

I don’t see the Einstein Replies component.

Check with your admin. Make sure that:
• Einstein Reply Recommendations is enabled in your org
• You have access to the Quick Text folder containing the replies
• You have the Einstein Reply Recommendations User permission set
• Your console layout includes the Einstein Replies component, which is added automatically to the Chat and Messaging tabs

The Einstein Replies component isn’t recommending any replies.

Check with your admin. Replies are recommended only if:

Service Cloud Field Service

• Replies have been published to quick text

• Your Einstein Reply Recommendations model is active
• Recommendations are not paused in your org
• A chat or messaging session is open

I see duplicate replies.

Let your admin know so they can remove or edit the duplicates. This can occur if:
• A reply was published to quick text more than once
• Highly similar replies weren’t edited or removed during publishing
• Your admin created a new quick text reply for Einstein to recommend, and it’s similar to one that was already published
• You have access to multiple quick text folders with matching replies

Field Service
Field Service (formerly known as Field Service Lightning) gives you a powerful, highly customizable,
mobile-friendly field service hub in Salesforce.
Running a field service business means managing numerous moving parts. With Field Service, you Available in: Salesforce
get the tools that you need to manage work orders, scheduling, and your mobile workforce. Here Classic and Lightning
are some of the things you can do. Experience

• Create records that represent your field service workers, dispatchers, and agents, and add details The Field Service core
about their skills, location, and availability features, managed
• Set up multilevel service territories that represent the regions where mobile workers can provide package, and mobile app
services are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Track the location and status of your inventory, warehouses, service vehicles, and customer and Developer Editions.
sites Work orders are also
• Schedule one-time or recurring work orders for customers, and add details about worker available in Professional
preferences, required skills, and parts Edition.
• Create maintenance plans and templates to standardize your field service tasks
• Generate service reports to keep customers informed about service progress

What’s Included in Field Service

Core Features
When Field Service is enabled, you gain access to a suite of standard objects that you can find in Setup and as tabs in Salesforce.
These objects make up the core Field Service features, including work orders and service appointments.
Managed Package
The Field Service managed package builds on the core features and includes:
• A Guided Setup tool that walks you through creating Field Service records and customizing your settings
• A dynamic scheduling console that gives dispatchers and supervisors a bird’s-eye view of all team members and scheduled
• A scheduling optimizer that allocates resources to appointments in the most efficient way possible by accounting for worker
skill level, travel time, location, and other factors

Service Cloud Field Service

• Scheduling policies and triggers that help you customize your scheduling model and display preferences
Mobile App
The offline-friendly Field Service mobile app for iOS and Android makes work a pleasure for your mobile workers. App users can
update work orders, track parts, gather customer signatures, and connect with dispatchers from their mobile devices. Download
the app from the App Store or Google Play.
Ready to get started? The following resources will help you stay organized.

Tip: Check out the Field Service Developer Guide for object relationship diagrams, API reference information, and code samples.

Field Service Limits and Limitations
Learn about Field Service limits and limitations.
Set Up Field Service
Build and manage your field service operation in one place. Create records representing your workforce, set up work order tracking
and inventory management, and customize the Field Service mobile app to set up your mobile workforce for success.
Manage Work Orders for Field Service
Work orders, which track work to be performed for customers, are the heart of Field Service. Learn how to create and customize
work orders and maintenance plans.
Manage Shifts
Shifts in Field Service let you define variable working periods for your shift-based workforce, such as contractors or on-call staff.
Create shifts for particular dates and times when you need coverage, and assign them to service resources. When the managed
package is installed, scheduling and optimization consider workforce availability during shifts.
Manage Service Resources
Service resources are mobile workers that can be assigned to service appointments. Learn how to create time sheets and view a
service resource’s travel routes and calendar.
Manage Service Crew Membership
Efficiently manage your service crews to accommodate a fast-changing field service schedule. Create crews, find and add members
with the right skills, adjust membership dates to match appointment times, and view all crews’ schedules and members in one
Manage Service Appointments
Learn how to create, schedule, reschedule, and unschedule service appointments. Tighten up your schedule by fixing overlaps,
grouping nearby appointments, and filling schedule gaps.
Manage Your Field Service Inventory
Stay on top of the movement of inventory in your field service operation. Learn how to request and transfer products, track
consumption, and process customer returns.
Record Product Warranties
Use Warranty Terms to record details of the labor, parts, expenses, and exchange options that you provide to rectify issues with
products you sell or install. To create a standard warranty, assign warranty terms to a product or product family. Then, when you sell
or install a product, record details of additional or extended warranties along with exclusions and void terms.
Manage Product Service Campaigns
Track and manage a product recall, manual firmware upgrade, safety or compliance audit, end-of-life communication, or similar
product update.

Service Cloud Field Service Limits and Limitations

Track Availability and Reliability

Obtain availability and reliability statistics for assets.
Manage Service Reports
Make your customers happy with service reports delivered to their in-boxes. Mobile workers and dispatchers can create reports for
work orders, work order line items, or service appointments and email them directly to the customer. Use standard templates or
create variations of your own.
Optimize Your Field Service Schedule
Use schedule optimization to formulate the optimal schedule for your team and customers. Schedule optimization helps you comply
with service-level agreements and minimize travel time, overtime, costs, and no-shows.
Work in the Dispatcher Console
The Field Service dispatcher console is the main working space for dispatchers. It features a dynamic map and a highly customizable
Gantt chart showing upcoming appointments, active team members, and more. To reach the dispatcher console, from the App
Launcher, find and open the Field Service app, and then click the Field Service tab.
Field Service Object Fields
Learn about the fields available on Field Service standard objects.

Field Service Limits and Limitations

Learn about Field Service limits and limitations.
To review Field Service mobile app limitations, see Field Service Mobile App Considerations.
Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
General Limits Experience

The Field Service core

Limit Details
features, managed
Maximum number of service resources per user 1 package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Maximum number of service territories in a 10,000 Performance, Unlimited,
service territory hierarchy and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Maximum number of work orders in a work 10,000
available in Professional
order hierarchy
Maximum number of work order line items in 10,000
a work order line item hierarchy

Maximum number of maintenance work rules 25,000

per maintenance plan

Maximum number of work orders that can be 2,600

generated simultaneously per maintenance plan Field service can create a combined total of up
to 2,600 work order records each time it
generates details for a maintenance plan.
There’s no hard limit on the number of
maintenance assets that you can attach to a
maintenance plan. But the limit on the number
of work orders records that can be created
means that the practical limit is 2,600

Service Cloud Field Service Limits and Limitations

Limit Details
maintenance assets per maintenance plan. When maintenance
assets have multiple maintenance rules—either applied directly
or inherited from the maintenance plan—the practical number of
maintenance assets is lower.
Each maintenance work rule can generate work order and work
order line item records.
For example:
• If every maintenance asset for a maintenance plan contains
two maintenance work rules, the practical limit on maintenance
assets is less than 1,300.
• If a maintenance plan has four maintenance work rules, the
practical limit on maintenance assets is less than 650.
Also, a maintenance plan with a maintenance work rule using
COUNT is limited to 2,000 maintenance assets.
Salesforce recommends that you add no more than 5 maintenance
work rules to each maintenance plan or asset.

Note: Tip To decrease the number of work orders

generated, increase the Frequency value, decrease the
Generation Timeframe value, or decrease the number of
assets related to the maintenance plan.

Maximum number of locations in a location hierarchy 10,000

Maximum number of signature blocks on a service report template 20

Maximum number of values in the Signature Type picklist on digital 1,000


Maximum number of child assets per asset 2,000

Maximum number of levels in an asset hierarchy 50

Maximum number of assets in an asset hierarchy 10,000

Maximum size of asset hierarchies that can be viewed in the tree 500
grid view

Maximum number of appointments that can be scheduled at once 50

with the Group Nearby Appointments action

Maximum runtime in seconds for the Group Nearby Appointments 60


Maximum number of coordinates in a map polygon 3,200

(Recommended) Maximum number of polygons in an org 30,000

Exceeding this limit can cause dispatcher console performance
issues. To avoid such issues, set the sharing of the Map Polygon

Service Cloud Field Service Limits and Limitations

Limit Details
object to Private, and use sharing so dispatchers only see polygons
that are relevant to them.

Maximum number of report markers on the Gantt map 500

Maximum number of rows on the Gantt 500

Maximum number of service appointments in the appointment 3,000


Maximum number of skills displayed in the Gantt Skills filter panel 2,000

Maximum number of skills considered per service resource during 50

a Gantt skill filter operation When the Gantt’s resource skill filter runs, only 50 skills are
considered for each service resource. This means that service
resources with more than 50 skills may not appear when you filter
for a skill that they possess. This limit applies only to the Gantt
resource skill filter; the Candidates action finds all resources with
the skills you need.

Maximum number of operating hours records displayed in the 2,000

Default Operating Hours lookup field on the Global Actions >
Appointment Booking settings page

Maximum number of service appointments displayed in the 1,000

Long-Term view in the Gantt

Maximum number of resource absences displayed in the 200

Long-Term view in the Gantt

Maximum number of active scheduling recipes per category 75

Maximum number of active scheduling recipes per org 1,000

Maximum number of service territories that can be viewed without 2,000


Minimum screen resolution for a smooth dispatcher console 1366 x 768 pixels (minimum)
experience 1920 x 1080 pixels (recommended)

Schedule Optimization Request Limits

Limit Details
Maximum optimization requests per hour per org 3,600

Maximum service appointments optimized per rolling 24 hours 50,000

Maximum service appointments optimized per request 5,000

Maximum service territories optimized in a request 100

Service Cloud Field Service Limits and Limitations

Limit Details
Maximum service resources optimized per request 500

Maximum days optimized per request 21

Maximum number of objects passed to the optimization service 45,000

in 1 request (for example, service appointments + related objects
such as skill requirements and assigned resources)

Maximum number of objects returned synchronously for In-day 1,000

optimization (more objects are returned asynchronously)

Dispatcher Console
• Service appointments without assigned resources appear on the appointment list but not on the Gantt.
• Territory utilization calculation doesn’t consider secondary territory members.
• The dispatcher console map can look different than the map shown on service territory member detail pages because of a
difference in geocoding granularity. The dispatcher console map tends to be more accurate.
• Because Google Maps is restricted in China, Field Service features that depend on Google Maps don’t work there. To minimize
errors and customize access for users in China, see Disable Google Maps-based Field Service features for China users.
• If a service resource has more than 23 stops in a period of 24 hours (including starting point, ending point, appointments, and
absences), the resource map shows only the first 23 stops on the route and displays an error. This is a Directions API limitation.
Inventory Management
• Workers using the Field Service mobile app can consume—via the Products Consumed related list—only one serialized product
item per product per work order. This limitation doesn’t apply to nonmobile platforms.
• The Location field on serialized product items can’t be updated manually. The location auto-updates if a related product transfer
is marked received. To enable serialized product transfers (a beta feature), contact Salesforce.
Linked Articles
Linked articles are knowledge articles attached to a work order, work order line item, or work type. They have the following limitations.
• Quick actions and global actions aren’t supported for linked articles.
• The Article widget and Feed Articles Tool aren’t available in the feed view.
• In Lightning Experience, clicking an article link in a feed item redirects you to the article page in Salesforce Classic. In the Salesforce
mobile app, linked articles can’t be accessed from feed items.
• The Linked Work Types related list isn’t available on articles in any platform.
• The Knowledge One widget isn’t available on work types in the console. To manage linked articles on work types in the console,
use the Articles related list.
• Linked articles are read-only in the Salesforce mobile app.
Multiday Scheduling
With multiday scheduling, you schedule service appointments that span multiple days. It includes the following limitations.
• A service resource can’t be assigned to any other appointment during a multiday service appointment.
• Multiday service appointments that overlap with other appointments don’t trigger the Fix Overlaps action.
• Multiday service appointments can’t be assigned to capacity-based service resources.
• Multiday service appointments can’t span more than 8 weeks.

Service Cloud Field Service Limits and Limitations

• If a multiday service appointment has a scheduling dependency, its Scheduled End date isn't calculated when the appointment
is scheduled. For this reason, we recommend against creating dependencies between multiday appointments.
Operating Hours
• You can’t create a master-detail relationship between a custom object and Time Slot where Time Slot is the master object.
• Operating hours can't span a full 24 hours. Instead, use the operating hours 00:00–23:59.
• Operating hours for secondary service territory memberships must be identical to or contained within the resource’s primary
territory membership’s hours.
• Multiple time slots aren't supported for secondary STM operating hours.
Salesforce App
Most Field Service features are available in all versions of the Salesforce mobile app. Be aware of these mobile app limitations.
• In Salesforce for iOS:
– You can’t create service appointments, and the Recent related list isn’t available.
– You can’t create service resources or absences, and the Recent related list isn't available on service resources or absences.

• On field service records created via a related list, the field that lists the parent record doesn’t populate until you save the record.
This issue applies to all versions of the Salesforce mobile app. For example, when you create a service appointment from the
Service Appointments related list on a work order, the Parent Record field is blank until you tap Save. After you create the record,
the parent record field lists the parent work order.
• If the Created Date or Last Modified Date fields are in the future, creating or updating records can cause an error when working
offline with the offline sync permission disabled.
• The dispatcher console—a Field Service managed package feature—isn’t available in the Salesforce mobile app.
• The Linked Work Orders and Linked Work Order Line Items related lists on articles aren’t available.
• Linked articles are read-only. You can search the Knowledge base and read attached articles, but you can’t attach or detach
articles. To manage linked article settings and attach or detach articles, use the desktop site.
• Linked articles can’t be accessed from feed items.
Salesforce on iPad Safari
• Creating service reports from work orders or service appointments isn't supported on Lightning Experience on iPad Safari.
• The dispatcher console isn’t supported on iPad Safari. We recommend that you use Lightning Experience on a desktop to use
the dispatcher console.
Scheduling and Optimization
• A scheduling policy can contain up to five Match Boolean work rules.
• The Gantt and Appointment Booking features can retrieve up to 2,000 security policies.
• Match Fields work rules aren’t supported for schedule optimization.
• If the Emergency Chatter action is used for an appointment with a scheduling dependency, the dependency isn’t considered
during scheduling.
• Schedule optimization is supported only for service appointments whose parent record is a work order or work order line item.
• Schedule optimization is supported only for service territories with at least one primary territory member.
• Only active territories included in the scheduled optimization job are optimized.
• If a service appointment doesn’t include an address, the scheduling optimizer assumes that the appointment is at the assigned
resource’s home base.
• Global and In-day optimization validate that for already scheduled service appointments, the Scheduled End -Scheduled Start
time = Duration, while taking resource efficiency into consideration. Service appointments that violate this are unscheduled.

Service Cloud Field Service Limits and Limitations

• If a multiday service appointment has a scheduling dependency, its Scheduled End date isn't calculated when the appointment
is scheduled. For this reason, we recommend against creating dependencies between multiday appointments.
• If you drag and drop a multiday service appointment, or manually change its Scheduled Start, the Scheduled End doesn’t go
beyond the due date regardless of the appointment Duration.
• Resource schedule optimization has the following limitations and considerations.
– Under Keep these appointments scheduled, you can select a category of appointments that must remain scheduled.
The optimization can move and then reschedule appointments in this category. If the optimization must keep more than
50 appointments scheduled, it fails.
– Complex work information that’s not fully available in the optimization data is considered excluded from resource schedule
optimization. For example, a partial chain of a scheduling dependency is excluded.
– Resource schedule optimizations can’t run in parallel for the same service resource on the same time interval.
– The Gantt doesn’t show percentage-based progress for resource schedule optimization requests.

• If the Fix Overlaps feature is in use, the Reshuffle other assignments option is only partially supported for this setting: When
unable to find a valid schedule for an appointment. If more than one appointment is dropped from the schedule during a
Fix Overlaps operation, only one of the appointments is reshuffled.
• You can use platform encryption with standard Salesforce objects and fields. With the managed package, if you encrypt custom
objects and fields, scheduling and optimization can sometimes yield unexpected results.
Service Appointments
• The Owner and Parent Record fields on service appointments aren't available in custom report types. They also can’t be referenced
in formulas, validation rules, workflow rules, flows, or processes. To limit the available owners or types of service appointment
parent records, use an Apex trigger.
• Service appointment fields whose values are inherited from the parent record can’t be referenced in formulas, validation rules,
workflow rules, flows, or processes. The standard inherited fields are Work Type, Account, Parent Record Type, and Parent Record
Status Category.
Service Reports
• Service reports can’t be created on service appointments whose parent records are assets, accounts, leads, or opportunities.
• The Create Service Report action isn’t available in the Salesforce mobile app.
• Section titles and rich text fields in service reports can’t be translated.
• Digital signature field labels can’t be customized.
• Related list filtering on service reports has the following limitations:
– The Status field on contract line items isn’t available for filtering.
– The Filters tab isn’t available in Internet Explorer 8.

• Service Report Template lookup isn’t supported in Visualforce pages. To include Service Report Lookup in a Visualforce page for
the edit of a Work Order, create a Custom lookup.
Service Resources
• If you deactivate a service resource, make sure to update records that were associated with that resource. For example, if a
deactivated service resource was a required resource for an account, update that account to prevent scheduling issues.
• Capacity-based service resources have the following limitations.
– If the managed package is installed, capacity-based resources must include a Hours per Time Period value on their capacity
record. If the user’s capacity should be measured in work items, fill out Work Items per Time Period as well and set the Hours
per Time Period to a high number which likely won’t be achieved.
– The Fix Overlaps feature isn’t support for capacity-based service resources.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

– Schedule optimization respects daily capacity, but not weekly or monthly.

– Resource schedule optimization—the optimization of an individual service resource’s schedule—isn’t supported for
capacity-based service resources.
– If a service resource is capacity-based with a defined capacity, their utilization percentage isn’t shown in the Gantt.
– Capacity-based resources can’t be assigned to appointments that have a scheduling dependency.
– Capacity-based resources can't be relocated or assigned to a secondary service territory.

In Setup, Sharing Settings let you specify default internal and external access to Field Service records. For example, you can share
dispatched service appointments to external Experience Builder site users, such as a team of contractors. But if the Default Internal
Access is Private or Public Read Only, set the Default External Access to Private or Public Read Only also. If the internal setting is Public
Read Write, external resources can see dispatched appointments only when the external setting is Public Read Write and you enable
dispatch sharing to resources.
Street-Level Routing (SLR)
• If a service appointment requires a travel distance of more than 100 kilometers, aerial routing is used.
• Multiday work scheduling doesn’t support SLR and uses aerial routing instead. Predictive travel isn’t supported with complex
• Any scheduling action that is triggered in a transaction with data manipulation language (DML) uses aerial routing. When SLR
is enabled and scheduling requires SLR travel results that are not primed locally, you must use a callout to retrieve the results. If
DML occurs in the same transaction as the callout, it causes an exception. To avoid this exception, allow the system to use aerial
routing or ensure that DML is completed in a separate transaction. If you want transactions of this type to cause an exception
rather than a switch to aerial routing, from the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click Field
Service Settings > Scheduling. Select Avoid aerial calculation upon callout DML exception.

Set Up Field Service

Build and manage your field service operation in one place. Create records representing your
workforce, set up work order tracking and inventory management, and customize the Field Service
mobile app to set up your mobile workforce for success. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

1. Enable Field Service The Field Service core

Enable Field Service to start using Field Service features. features, managed
package, and mobile app
2. Install the Field Service Managed Package
are available in Enterprise,
After Field Service is enabled, install the managed package to gain access to the dispatcher Performance, Unlimited,
console, scheduling tools, a range of custom objects, and Guided Setup. and Developer Editions.
3. Manage Field Service Permissions Work orders are also
Give your team access to Field Service features by assigning them permission set licenses. available in Professional
4. Set Up Service Territories, Operating Hours, and Shifts for Field Service
Create service territories to track the places where your team performs field service work. Assign
regular operating hours to each service territory to indicate when work can be performed. Create shifts to assign resources to ad
hoc hours, such as holiday hours or for workers without a set schedule.
5. Set Up Work Order Management for Field Service
A work order represents work to be performed on your customers’ products. Customize your work order settings and create time-saving
templates called work types.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

6. Set Up Your Field Service Workforce

Create service resources and service crews to represent your mobile workforce. Then, assign permission sets to members of your
team who work as dispatchers or support agents.
7. Set Up Your Field Service Inventory
Track and manage the storage, request, transfer, and consumption of every item in your inventory, and ensure that your mobile
workforce has the right parts in stock to do their job.
8. Get Ready for Scheduling
Define your service appointment life cycle, configure appointment booking settings, and get to know your Field Service scheduling
policies, optimization settings, and sharing settings.
9. Setup for Product Warranties
To have new assets automatically pick up the standard warranty for a product, set up a flow, process builder, or trigger.
10. Set Up Product Service Campaigns
If your Salesforce org was created before Spring ’21, add the Product Service Campaign Item related list to Product Service Campaign.
11. Set Up Asset Availability and Reliability Reporting
Get information on asset availability and reliability by recording details of asset downtime.
12. Set Up Field Service in Experience Cloud Sites
Keep customers, partners, and contractors in the loop about field service work by adding field service objects to your Experience
Cloud site.
13. Set Up Visual Remote Assistant
Keep workers and customers safe, improve efficiency, and reduce costs by delivering service from anywhere with Visual Remote
14. Test Your Field Service Configuration with Health Check
Use the Field Service Health Check to run a suite of automated tests on your Field Service settings and configuration data. When
Health Check identifies a problem, you get on-the-spot recommendations to align your Field Service configuration with our best
15. Set Up After Sandbox Refresh
After you refresh a sandbox for Field Service, you must verify that sandbox remote sites are active. Then configure your Salesforce
sandboxes to use independent remote sites for street-level routing (SLR) and optimization services, and verify your default policies
and operating hours.
16. Report on Field Service
Create report types to track field service activity in your org. To take your reporting a step further, use the Field Service Analytics App.
17. Manage Data Integration Rules for Field Service
Set up data integration rules to ensure that service resource travel time is accurately calculated.

Field Service Mobile App
Field Service Developer Guide
Trailhead: Get on the Road with Field Service

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Enable Field Service

Enable Field Service to start using Field Service features.
1. From Setup, enter Field Service Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Field
Service Settings. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Enable Field Service, and click Save to display more settings.
Note: If you don’t have a Field Service add-on license, you just see an option to enable
The Field Service core
work orders, which is on by default.
features, managed
3. Optionally, turn on in-app notifications for Salesforce app and Lightning Experience users when package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
any of the following actions occurs on a work order or work order line item that they own or
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
• A text or file post is added Work orders are also
• A tracked field is updated available in Professional
• The record owner changes
• The resource assignments change on a related service appointment
If the option to track all related objects is selected in your feed tracking settings for work orders,
users are also notified when child records of work orders—such as service appointments—are To enable Field Service:
created or deleted. • Customize Application
4. Optionally, update the sharing settings. See Limit Access to Field Service Records.
5. When you set up work types, which are templates for work orders, you can opt to automatically add a service appointment to new
work orders or work order line items associated with a work type. Configure the number of days between the created date and due
date on auto-created service appointments.
6. If you want to use your knowledge base in field service, select the fields that the search engine scans to suggest articles on work
orders or work order line items.
7. Save your changes.

Trailhead: Field Service Basics

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Install the Field Service Managed Package

After Field Service is enabled, install the managed package to gain access to the dispatcher console,
scheduling tools, a range of custom objects, and Guided Setup.
When you install the Field Service managed package, you get the following features. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• Guided Setup: There’s no need to go it alone! This nifty tool walks you through key setup tasks,
including assigning permission sets, creating service resources, and customizing appointment
booking settings. The Field Service core
• Scheduling and optimization: Swiftly optimize your team’s schedule in a way that enforces features, managed
your business objectives. Assign appointments according to your rules and priorities, such as package, and mobile app
worker skills, location, and availability. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Dispatcher console: Give dispatchers and supervisors a bird’s-eye view of your field service and Developer Editions.
operations. The dispatcher console includes a customizable appointment list, easy-to-reach Work orders are also
scheduling actions, dynamic Gantt chart, and interactive map. Dispatchers can check that jobs available in Professional
are routed to the right people, receive alerts, and monitor appointments in real time. Edition.
• Administration app: Manage optimization, customize the dispatcher console, and update
your managed package settings in one place.
1. Click the installation link on the download page: To install the Field Service
managed package:
You can install the managed package on a production or sandbox org.
• Customize Application
2. Select Install for Admins Only. To assign a permission set
If you receive a request to approve third-party access, click Yes and Continue. Approving this license:
request allows the street-level routing and optimization services to function. • Manage Users
To create a permission set:
3. If a message indicates that the installation is taking longer than expected, click Done.
• Manage Profiles and
You’ll receive an email notification after the installation is complete. Permission Sets

Once the package is installed, the App Launcher includes two new apps.

• The Field Service app is for dispatchers. The Field Service tab in this app leads to the dispatcher console.
• The Field Service Admin app is for administrators. The Field Service Settings tab in this app leads to the managed package settings.
You can add the Field Service and Field Service Settings tabs to other apps.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Note: Salesforce Setup includes a separate Field Service Settings page where you can customize general settings related to field

Trailhead: Supercharge Field Service
Field Service Mobile App
Field Service Limits and Limitations

Manage Field Service Permissions

Give your team access to Field Service features by assigning them permission set licenses.
Field service players usually fall into one or more of the following profiles.
Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
A Salesforce admin integrates Field Service features and sets up user permissions as needed
for your org.
Agent The Field Service core
Agents handle inbound cases, create work orders, and book appointments from the dispatcher features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Dispatcher Performance, Unlimited,
Dispatchers build and manage appointments, assign mobile workers, and optimize the schedule and Developer Editions.
based on worker skills, routing, and job priority. Work orders are also
Technician available in Professional
Mobile workers or technicians receive work orders and appointments from dispatchers or
agents. They also update job progress from mobile devices with the Salesforce mobile app or
the Field Service mobile app. USER PERMISSIONS
All users need the Field Service Standard user permission to access field service objects. Most user
To access field service
licenses already include this permission; for the full list of licenses, contact Salesforce Support. objects:
Field Service also includes three permission set licenses related to the managed package and mobile • Field Service Standard
app. We recommend using the managed package’s Guided Setup tool to assign these permission To assign a permission set
set licenses; for steps, see Assign Field Service Permissions. license:
• Manage Users
Permission Set License Description Who Needs It To create a permission set:
Field Service Dispatcher Provides access to the Dispatchers • Manage Profiles and
dispatcher console Permission Sets

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Permission Set License Description Who Needs It

Field Service Scheduling Allows the user to be shown on the Technicians (mobile workers)
dispatcher console Gantt and included in
scheduling and optimization

Field Service Mobile Provides access to the Field Service mobile Mobile users (typically technicians/team
app members)

You don’t need a permission set license to access field service objects. For example, inventory managers, admins, and customer support
agents probably don’t need one. However, for these users to access Field Service records, Field Service must be enabled.

Create Field Service Permission Sets
Create Field Service permission sets from the Field Service Admin app.
Assign Field Service Permissions
After you create your field service permission sets, give users the permissions they need to complete their field service tasks. You
can assign permissions in Setup or in Guided Setup.
Set Custom Permissions for Field Service
The Field Service managed package includes custom permissions that control users’ access to actions and views. For example, you
can control access to bulk actions, such as dispatching, optimizing, and scheduling, or the ability to drag and drop appointments
on the Gantt.
Assign Field Service Page Layouts
The Field Service managed package provides standard object page layouts that include field service Visualforce components and
Chatter actions. Assign these page layouts to the System Administrator and Standard User profiles.

Limit Access to Field Service Records
Let Users Manage Inventory from the Field Service Mobile App

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Field Service Permission Sets

Create Field Service permission sets from the Field Service Admin app.
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Available in: Salesforce
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Classic and Lightning
Service Settings tab. Experience
2. Click Getting Started > Permission Sets. The Field Service core
3. On each tile, click Create Permissions. The following permission sets are created. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Tile Name Permission Sets Created Purpose are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Field Service Admin Field Service Admin License* Let users access and manage and Developer Editions.
FSL Admin Permissions all Field Service objects, Work orders are also
including the Field Service available in Professional
Visualforce pages and logic Edition.
services. FSL Admin
Permissions contain the
permissions included in FSL
Dispatcher Permissions along To configure the Field Service
with additional configuration managed package:
permissions. • Customize Application

Field Service Agent Field Service Agent License* FSL Agent Permissions To assign a permission set
FSL Agent Permissions provides the minimum
• Manage Users
permissions needed to use
the field service Chatter To create a permission set:
actions, such as Book • Manage Profiles and
Appointment, Get Candidates, Permission Sets
and Emergency actions.

Field Service Resource Field Service Mobile License • Field Service Mobile
Field Service Scheduling License provides the
License permission set license
FSL Resource Permissions needed for users to log in
to the Field Service
mobile app.
• Field Service Scheduling
License provides the
permission set license
needed for the user to be
shown on the Gantt and
scheduled by the
scheduling engine and
• FSL Resource Permissions
provides the minimum
permissions needed for
users to update

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Tile Name Permission Sets Created Purpose

appointment status and update their
last known location.

Field Service Dispatcher Field Service Dispatcher License • Field Service Dispatcher License gives
FSL Dispatcher Permissions users the permission set license
needed to load the dispatcher console.
• FSL Dispatcher Permissions contains
the permissions included in FSL Agent
Permissions and FSL Resource
Permissions along with permissions to
operate the dispatcher console and
run optimization.

Field Service Self Service Field Service Self Service License Let Experience Builder site users view all
FSL Self Service Permissions global actions and their related objects for
creating, booking, and scheduling their
own appointments.

Field Service Community Dispatcher Field Service Community Dispatcher Let users view and use the dispatcher
License console, view global actions and their
FSL Community Dispatcher Permissions related objects, and schedule, optimize,
and dispatch service appointments.

*Newer Salesforce orgs don’t need the Field Service Agent License and Field Service Admin License permission sets. In these orgs,
Salesforce doesn’t create these two permission sets.
When a permission set is current, the Create Permissions link on the tile is replaced by a message indicating that it’s up to date.

How Are Field Service Permission Sets Updated?

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Assign Field Service Permissions

After you create your field service permission sets, give users the permissions they need to complete
their field service tasks. You can assign permissions in Setup or in Guided Setup.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Users, and then select Users. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Click a user’s name.
3. Click Permission Set Assignments at the top of the page or scroll down to the Permission
Set Assignments related list. The Field Service core
features, managed
4. Click Edit Assignments. package, and mobile app
5. Enable the appropriate permission sets and click Save. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Tasks Permission Sets and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Admin: Manage all Field Service objects, • Field Service Admin License* available in Professional
including the Field Service Admin app, Field Edition.
• FSL Admin Permissions
Service Visualforce pages, and logic services.

Agent: Access all global actions and their • Field Service Agent License*
related objects to create, book, and schedule
• FSL Agent Permissions To assign a permission set
service appointments.
Dispatcher: Access all global actions and their • Field Service Dispatcher License • Manage Users
related objects to create, book, and schedule To create a permission set:
• FSL Dispatcher Permissions
service appointments. • Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Technician: Manage service appointments • Field Service Mobile License
and their related parent objects.
• Field Service Resource License
• FSL Resource Permissions

*Newer Salesforce orgs don’t need the Field Service Agent License and Field Service Admin License permission sets. In these orgs,
Salesforce doesn’t create these two permission sets, so they don’t need to be assigned.

Tip: Alternatively, you can assign permission sets to users from Guided Setup in the Create Service Resources and Create
Dispatchers and Agents steps. Simply click an icon in the Licenses column to assign a permission set license and its associated
permission sets to a user. You can always make further changes in Setup.

This is a Field Service managed package feature.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

How Are Field Service Permission Sets Updated?
Permission sets provided by the Field Service managed package are automatically updated at the beginning of each major release.

How Are Field Service Permission Sets Updated?

Permission sets provided by the Field Service managed package are automatically updated at the
beginning of each major release.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
The managed package has three major releases each year that follow the Salesforce release cadence Experience
within 72 hours: Winter, Spring, and Summer.
The Field Service core
Because new versions require new permissions, the permission sets provided by the managed features, managed
package must be updated to include any new required permissions. All managed package-provided package, and mobile app
permission sets are updated when a user launches one of the following pages: are available in Enterprise,
• Dispatcher Console (vf001_ServiceExpert) Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
• Book Appointment Chatter action (AppointmentBookingVf and
Work orders are also
AppointmentBookingCommunitiesVf) available in Professional
• Candidates Chatter action (GetCandidates) Edition.
• Emergency Chatter action (EmergencyWizard)
• Admin Settings (vf066_settings)
During this update process, any minimum permissions that were removed from the permission set are readded. Permissions added by
an admin aren’t removed.
To check if a permission set is current, from the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app. Click Field Service Settings >
Getting Started > Permission Sets. Each permission set tile includes a message indicating that it’s current. If it doesn’t, click Update
Permissions on the tile.

Important: Auto-update of permission sets is logged on the behalf of the user who triggered the update, even if the user doesn’t
have permission to update permission sets. To turn off this process, ask Salesforce to disable the Auto Update of Field Service
Permission Sets feature. To update permissions for Apex Class, Record Types, and Tabs Visibility, you must be an admin or have
ModifyAllData or ModifyMetadata permissions.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Custom Permissions for Field Service

The Field Service managed package includes custom permissions that control users’ access to
actions and views. For example, you can control access to bulk actions, such as dispatching,
optimizing, and scheduling, or the ability to drag and drop appointments on the Gantt. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Assign custom permissions to users on the Custom Permissions page in Setup. For example, add
The Field Service core
them to the Field Service Admin, Field Service Dispatcher, and Field Service Community Dispatcher
features, managed
custom permission sets.
package, and mobile app
Optionally, you can give users the extended custom permissions marked in the table. To use these are available in Enterprise,
permissions, add them to users, and then activate them in Field Service Settings > Dispatcher Performance, Unlimited,
Console UI > Extended Custom Permissions. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Important: If you activate the extended permissions without first adding them to users, you available in Professional
make the Gantt read-only. Activation is required only after in existing orgs and is irreversible. Edition.
Extended Custom Permissions is automatically activated in Salesforce orgs as of Summer
The managed package custom permissions use the FSL namespace prefix.

Custom Permission Description

Abort Optimization Request Abort an optimization request from the Gantt.

Bulk Dispatch Dispatch selected appointments from the appointment list.

Bulk Optimize Submit an optimization request using Optimize in the appointment list action menu.

Bulk Schedule Schedule selected appointments with the Schedule button on the appointment list or on polygons.

Bulk Unschedule Unschedule selected appointments from the appointment list action menu or on polygons.

Create Absences from Gantt Create resource absences on the Gantt.

Create Custom Gantt Filters Create custom filters for appointments on the Gantt.

Fill-in Fill in schedule gaps using Fill-In Schedule on the resource action menu.

Fix Overlaps Resolve overlapping appointments using Fix Overlaps on the resource action menu.

Enable Check Rules - All Services Initiate a rule validation check on demand with the Check Rules button. This checks rules for all
services loaded on the Gantt when the rule validation frequency isn’t Always.

Enable Gantt Locker Lock and unlock the Gantt chart using the Gantt locker. This action also disables drag and drop to
the Gantt chart from the appointment list or map. Without this permission, Gantt access is read-only.
Standard and custom actions on the appointment list and map are still shown and enabled according
to your org’s setup. (This permission is an extended custom permission.)

Gantt - Enable Gantt Policy Select a non-default policy for scheduling and calculating rule violations. (This permission is an
Picker extended custom permission.)

Gantt and List - Enable Bulk Check rules for multiple service appointments when right-clicking services on the Gantt chart or
Check Rule appointment list.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Custom Permission Description

Gantt and List - Enable Check Check rules for a single service appointment when right-clicking services on the Gantt chart or
Rules appointment list.

Gantt and List - Show Get Find resources for an appointment using Get Candidates on the appointment list, or when
Candidates right-clicking services on the Gantt. (This permission is an extended custom permission.)

Gantt and Map - Enable Drag Drag selected services and resource absences from the appointment list, map, or Gantt, and place
and Drop them on the Gantt. (This permission is an extended custom permission.)

Gantt Palettes Edit Create, edit, and delete Gantt palettes.

Gantt Palettes View View the Palettes tab in the Gantt and apply the selected palette.

Gantt - Show Change Status Change status when you right-click services on the Gantt. Without this permission, users can't dispatch
Action from the map. (This permission is an extended custom permission.)

Gantt - Show Pin Service Pin or unpin appointments when you right-click services on the Gantt. (This permission is an extended
custom permission.)

Gantt - Show Unschedule Unschedule appointments when you right-click services on the Gantt. (This permission is an extended
custom permission.)

Group Nearby Adjusts the schedule to find other appointments on that day that are close to the selected
appointment. The Group Nearby action is available when you right-click services on the Gantt.

Hide map on Emergency Wizard Hide the map view in the Emergency Wizard and show just the candidates instead.

Longterm View See the Long-Term Gantt view in the dispatcher console. When this permission is enabled, the
Long-Term Gantt view replaces the multi-day view.

Map Polygons - Show In Show the In Jeopardy flag when you right-click a map polygon. (This permission is an extended
Jeopardy custom permission.)

MDT View See the multi-day view in the dispatcher console. The Long-Term Gantt view replaces the multi-day

Monthly Utilization Show utilization in the Gantt resolution menu in the top-right corner.

Policy Picker in Appointment Change the scheduling policy in the Book Appointment action.

Policy Picker in Get Candidates Change the scheduling policy in the Get Candidates action.

Polygons - create\update Create and update map polygons.

Polygons - view View map polygons.

Publish custom Gantt filters Share custom filters for appointments on the Gantt.

Reshuffle Reshuffle appointments from the appointment action menu, or when you right-click services on the

Resource Schedule Optimization Optimize a resource's schedule using Resource Schedule Optimization from the resource action

Schedule Schedule an appointment from the appointment list or from the map.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Custom Permission Description

Service List View - Canceled Show the Canceled appointment list.

Service List View - Contractors Show the Contractors appointment list.

Service List View - Crews Show the Crews appointment list.

Service List View - Flagged Show the Flagged appointment list.

Service List View - Gantt Show the Gantt appointment list.

Service List View - In Jeopardy Show the In Jeopardy appointment list.

Service List View - Rule Violating Show the Rule Violating appointment list.

Service List View - Scheduled Show the Scheduled appointment list.

Service List View - Selected Show the Selected appointment list.

Service List View - Todo Show the Todo appointment list.

Service List View - Unscheduled Show the Unscheduled appointment list.

Streaming API After activating Gantt Live Updates in your org, use the streaming API to send live streaming updates
of the Gantt. When this permission is disabled, users see only Gantt changes timed using the interval
defined in Field Service Settings > Dispatcher Console UI > Timed Updates.

Utilization on Service Territory For the selected Gantt horizon, view utilization percentages for each territory’s workforce.

View resource on secondary STM If enabled, show a resource’s secondary territory membership on the Gantt.

Example: To limit the dispatchers who can optimize your schedule so the system isn’t bogged down with optimization requests,
remove custom permissions for bulk actions in the dispatcher console:
• FSL.Bulk Dispatch
• FSL.Bulk Optimize
• FSL.Bulk Schedule
• FSL.Bulk Unschedule
A user with the FSL.Bulk Optimize custom permission sees the Optimize action. Users without it can’t run an optimization. Removing
any of these custom permissions hides the action in the user interface.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Assign Field Service Page Layouts

The Field Service managed package provides standard object page layouts that include field service
Visualforce components and Chatter actions. Assign these page layouts to the System Administrator
and Standard User profiles. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Important: If you created your own field service profiles, perform the following steps on
The Field Service core
those profiles instead of the standard profiles. features, managed
1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then click Profiles. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
2. Click System Administrator.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. In the Page Layouts section, find the Operating Hours object and click View Assignment. and Developer Editions.
4. Selecting all profiles and assign the Field Service Operating Hours Layout. Work orders are also
available in Professional
5. Click Save. Edition.
6. Repeat the previous steps for the following objects.
• Service Appointment: Assign the Field Service Service Appointment Layout USER PERMISSIONS
• Service Resource: Assign the Field Service Service Resource Layout
To customize the Field
• Work Order: Assign the Field Service Work Order Layout Service managed package:
• Work Order Line Item: Assign the Field Service Work Order Line Item Layout • Customize Application
• Work Type: Assign the Field Service Work Type Layout To assign page layouts:
• Manage Profiles and
7. Save your changes. Permission Sets
8. Repeat the previous steps for the Standard User profile.

Set Up Service Territories, Operating Hours, and Shifts for Field Service
Create service territories to track the places where your team performs field service work. Assign
regular operating hours to each service territory to indicate when work can be performed. Create
shifts to assign resources to ad hoc hours, such as holiday hours or for workers without a set schedule. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

Create Service Territories for Field Service The Field Service core
Create hierarchies of service territories to organize your field service workforce and ensure that features, managed
service resources are assigned to service appointments near their home base. Service territories package, and mobile app
typically represent geographical areas where your team works, but they can also be functional are available in Enterprise,
territories such as field sales and field service. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Set Up Shifts for Field Service Work orders are also
Shifts in Field Service let you define variable working periods for your shift-based workforce, available in Professional
such as contractors or on-call staff. Create shifts for particular dates and times when you need Edition.
coverage, and assign them to service resources. When the managed package is installed,
scheduling and optimization consider workforce availability during shifts.

Set Up Your Field Service Workforce

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Service Territories for Field Service


To create service territories: Create on service territories Available in: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
To view service territories and the Service Read on service territories
Territories tab:
The Field Service core
To edit service territories: Edit on service territories
features, managed
To delete service territories: Delete on service territories package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
To view service territory locations: Read on service territories Performance, Unlimited,
To create, update, or delete service territory Edit on service territories and Developer Editions.
locations: Work orders are also
available in Professional
To view service territory members: Read on service territories Edition.

To create, update, or delete service territory Edit on service territories


Create hierarchies of service territories to organize your field service workforce and ensure that service resources are assigned to service
appointments near their home base. Service territories typically represent geographical areas where your team works, but they can also
be functional territories such as field sales and field service.
Before you start, make a list of the territories you want to create and who works in each territory. To keep scheduling straightforward,
try to create territories with no more than 50 mobile workers assigned to them.
You can organize service territories into hierarchies of up to 10,000 territories. We recommend creating the highest-level territories first.
For example, create a San Francisco Bay Area territory with four child territories: Peninsula, North Bay, South Bay, and East Bay.
If the Field Service managed package is installed, use Guided Setup to quickly create your service territories.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Service Settings tab.
2. Click Go to Guided Setup. When you launch guided setup, your Field Service permission sets are scanned to make sure that they’re
up-to-date. You see a message if you’re missing a necessary permission.
3. Click Create Service Territories.
4. Create your territories one by one. Click a territory name to update its name, operating hours, and address.
5. Operating hours indicate the working hours of mobile workers in the territory. Territory members use these hours unless different
hours are specified on their service territory member records. Use the lookup to select existing operating hours, or click New
Operating Hours to create your own.
• To create more complex or varying time slots, save your new operating hours and click Open Operating Hours Record below
the Operating Hours field. Then, customize your time slots in the Time Slots related list.
• To avoid issues with appointment booking, always specify a time zone on your operating hours.

6. Drag territories within the list to create a hierarchy.

7. To update additional fields on a service territory or attach files, select the territory name and click Open Service Territory Record.
If the managed package isn’t installed, create and manage service territories from the Service Territories tab.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Guidelines for Creating Service Territories for Field Service
Learn how to use service territories to track where your field service team works.
Guidelines for Creating Operating Hours for Field Service
Operating hours in Field Service can represent mobile worker hours, service territory hours, appointment arrival windows, and
customer appointment time preferences. Learn how to set operating hours for each scenario.

Service Territory Fields for Field Service

Guidelines for Creating Service Territories for Field Service

Learn how to use service territories to track where your field service team works.
Creating Service Territories
Create service territories from Guided Setup or from the Service Territories tab. Depending on Available in: Salesforce
how your business works, you may decide to create territories based on cities, counties, or other Classic and Lightning
factors. If you plan to build out a hierarchy of service territories, create the highest-level territories Experience
first. Service territory hierarchies can contain up to 10,000 territories.
The Field Service core
Note: When you create a service territory, public groups are created in your org. These features, managed
groups are used with the Field Service managed package to ensure that the correct data package, and mobile app
is available even when field service object access is set to private. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Determining Territory Size and Developer Editions.
The size of your service territories has a significant impact on scheduling, optimization, and Work orders are also
dispatching. If a service territory is too large and many service resources and dispatchers are available in Professional
assigned to it, optimization and dispatching become cumbersome. Try to stay within these Edition.
suggested limits when designing your service territories:
• Up to 50 service resources per service territory
• Up to 1,000 service appointments per day per service territory
• Up to 20 qualified service resources per service appointment
Creating Service Territory Members
Service territory members are service resources who work within the territory. Associating them with a territory ensures that they’re
assigned to appointments near their home base.
Assign service resources to service territories in the Service Territories related list on the resource detail page or the Service Territory
Members related list on the territory detail page. Use the Type field to indicate whether the territory is a primary, secondary, or
relocation territory for the resource.
• The primary territory is typically the territory where the resource works most often—for instance, near their home base. Resources
can have only one primary territory. If a Match Territory work rule is included in the applied scheduling policy, the resource can
be assigned only to appointments in their primary or relocation territories.
• Secondary territories are territories where the resource can be assigned to appointments if needed. A resource can have more
than one secondary territory.
• Relocation territories represent temporary moves and, during their active dates, serve as the primary territory during scheduling.
If a Working Territories work rule is included in the applied scheduling policy, the resource can also be assigned to appointments
in their secondary territories.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Setting Membership Start and End Times

Follow these best practices to avoid issues during scheduling and optimization.
• Service territory memberships should be 24 hours or longer.
• Service territory memberships should start and end at the same hour, and shouldn’t fall inside the operating hours listed on the
membership record (or if no hours are listed, on the service territory). This way, there’s no question about the resource’s availability
on their first day as a member of the territory. For simplicity, we recommend using midnight (00:00). For example:
– Start Date: 1/12/2019 00:00
– End Date: 3/12/2019 00:00

Note: We recommend using 00:00 because it aligns with Field Service’s default Start of Day, which is 00:00. However,
you can set a custom Start of Day on Service Resource Availability work rules if the default doesn’t make sense—for
example, if your team typically works night shifts. To enforce a custom Start of Day, from the Field Service Admin app, click
Field Service Settings > Scheduling and select Set the hour that starts a new day based on the Availability rule(s).
If the applied scheduling policy uses a custom Start of Day, set your service territory memberships to start and end at that
time rather than at midnight.

• During scheduling and optimization, Field Service uses the service territory member’s own time zone—set on the user record—to
interpret the territory membership start and end times. If the user’s time zone differs from the service territory’s time zone, adjust
the membership start and end time accordingly. For example, if the user’s time zone is 3 hours behind the service territory’s time
zone, set the territory membership start time to 3:00 rather than 00:00.
• If you're using optimization, service territory memberships can't be longer than three years. If you need a service territory
membership to be longer than three years, keep the End Date fields blank.
Deleting Service Territories
You can’t delete a service territory with service appointments. If you try to delete it, you’re prompted to assign the appointments to
a different territory.
If you delete a service territory with members, the service resources who were members no longer have a connection to the territory.
Adding Locations to Service Territories
Associate location records with service territories from the Service Territory Locations related list. Add site, plant, and warehouse
locations to the service territory in which they’re located. Add mobile locations, like vans, to the service territories where they can
be used for field service work.

Service Territory Fields for Field Service

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Guidelines for Creating Operating Hours for Field Service


To view operating hours and time slots: Read on operating hours Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
To create operating hours: Create on operating hours
To assign operating hours to service Edit on service resources
The Field Service core
features, managed
To assign operating hours to service Edit on service territories package, and mobile app
territories: are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
To assign operating hours to accounts: Edit on accounts and Developer Editions.
To update, create, or delete time slots: Edit on operating hours Work orders are also
available in Professional

Operating hours in Field Service can represent mobile worker hours, service territory hours,
appointment arrival windows, and customer appointment time preferences. Learn how to set
operating hours for each scenario.

When operating hours are They represent... How to configure

associated with...
Accounts The hours when the customer allows service Update the Operating Hours field on an
appointments account.

Service territories The default working hours for the service Select operating hours when creating a
territory members, unless different hours service territory in Guided Setup. Or, update
are specified on a service territory member the Operating Hours field on the service
record. territory record.

Service territory members The hours when the member (a service Update the Operating Hours field on a
resource) is available to work service territory member record.

Appointment booking The appointment booking arrival windows Select your default operating hours for
offered to customers during scheduling appointment booking in the Customize
Appointment Booking step in Guided
Setup. Or, from the App Launcher, find and
open the Field Service Admin app, and
then click Field Service Settings > Global
Actions > Appointment Booking. Then,
update the Default Operating Hours field.

Tip: If different appointment booking windows are needed for different level of service—for instance, standard customers get
4-hour booking windows while VIP customers get 2-hour windows—add entitlements to your work orders. In the Operating Hours
field on the entitlement, select the appropriate appointment booking window operating hours.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Operating Hours

We recommend creating operating hours in Guided Setup—a Field Service managed package feature—to save time and gain visibility
into how they’re used. Operating hours are an element of the following Guided Setup steps.
• Create Service Territories
• Create Service Resources
• Customize Appointment Booking
You can also create and manage operating hours from the Operating Hours tab, outside of Guided Setup. By default, only System
Administrators can view, create, and assign operating hours.
Operating hours are composed of time slots, which are managed from the Time Slots related list on an operating hours record. Time
slots can vary by day. A day can have multiple time slots, but they must be adjacent for the hours to be respected during optimization.
For example, an operating hours record can have the following time slots.
• Monday, 9 AM to 5 PM
• Tuesday, 9 AM to 5 PM
• Wednesday, 6 AM to 12 PM and Wednesday, 12 PM to 6 PM
• Thursday, 9 AM to 5 PM
• Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM
Each operating hours record is associated with a time zone, which ensures that scheduling and optimization function properly. For
appointment booking hours, Field Service uses the time zone listed on the operating hours of the service appointment’s service territory.
This way, one operating hours record can be used to represent appointment booking windows across your customer base.

Note: If you have access to 2,000 or more service territories, the appointment list shows only selected territories. Use the search
bar to find territories that aren't selected.

Assign Operating Hours to Service Resources

A service resource’s hours can vary depending on the service territory where the resource is working. Service resources therefore have
unique operating hours for their primary and secondary territories. Service territory members automatically use their service territory’s
operating hours, although the Operating Hours field on the service territory member record appears blank. If a resource needs different
operating hours than their territory, assign them separate operating hours on their service territory member record.
To view a service territory member record, click the member number in one of the following related lists.
• Service Territory Members list on the service territory
• Service Territories list on the service resource
Operating hours listed on a secondary territory member record are respected during scheduling only if:
• They use the same time zone as the resource’s primary territory membership’s hours
• They are identical to or contained within the resource’s primary territory membership’s hours
• Respect secondary STM operating hours is selected in the Field Service Admin app. Click Field Service Settings > General
Logic .
Otherwise, the primary service territory operating hours are used.
For example, suppose a user has a primary and secondary service territory. Her Monday hours are 12 PM to 5 PM in the primary territory,
but 9 AM to 5 PM in the secondary territory. When she’s being scheduled to a Monday service appointment in the secondary territory,
her primary hours are used because they’re more restrictive.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Enforce Operating Hours

If the Field Service managed package isn’t installed, operating hours serve as a suggestion rather than a rule. If the managed package is
installed, here’s how operating hours affect scheduling.
• During schedule optimization, service resources are assigned only to appointments that fall within the operating hours listed on
their service territory member record or, if none are listed, on the primary service territory record.
• The Field Service - Service Appointment Visiting Hours work rule type ensures that a customer’s appointments fall within their
account’s operating hours. Add a work rule of this type to any scheduling policy.

Tip: Create Apex triggers that limit time slot settings. For example, restrict the start and end times on time slots to half-hour
increments, or prohibit end times later than 8 PM.

Operating Hours Fields for Field Service
Time Zones and Appointment Booking
Work Rule Type: Service Appointment Visiting Hours

Set Up Shifts for Field Service

Shifts in Field Service let you define variable working periods for your shift-based workforce, such
as contractors or on-call staff. Create shifts for particular dates and times when you need coverage,
and assign them to service resources. When the managed package is installed, scheduling and Available in: Lightning
optimization consider workforce availability during shifts. Experience

The Field Service core

IN THIS SECTION: features, managed
What Are Shifts? package, and mobile app
Shifts let you set up work intervals that vary from day to day or week to week. You can extend are available in Enterprise,
or replace your operating hours with shifts. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Create a Job Profile for Shifts Work orders are also
A job profile lets you describe different types of shifts based on the required skills—for example, available in Professional
a night manager versus weekend on-call worker. Add skills to a job profile to indicate the Edition.
experience or expertise that's required for a service resource.
Build Repeating Shift Patterns
Save time creating shifts by defining commonly used patterns of shifts. Create templates that define the start time and job profile.
Then build a pattern that lists the shift templates to use each day.
Create Filters to Match Appointments and Shifts
Designate shifts for appointments that meet your criteria. Create Recordset Filter Criteria based on service appointment field values,
then add the filter to a shift so that only relevant appointments get scheduled.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

What Are Shifts?

Shifts let you set up work intervals that vary from day to day or week to week. You can extend or
replace your operating hours with shifts.
Shifts are similar to operating hours in Salesforce, with some key differences. Operating hours let Available in: Lightning
you define consistent, ongoing time slots when your team is available. Shifts, by contrast, let you Experience
define variable time slots that can vary from day to day. You can use both shifts and operating hours
The Field Service core
to assign work, so that you can assign team members to shifts where and when they’re needed.
features, managed
For example, if you use operating hours for your regular weekday hours, you can create shifts to package, and mobile app
define weekend on-call duties. Shifts can also replace operating hours; for example, you can create are available in Enterprise,
shifts for a workforce of students or contractors that don’t have regular work hours. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
When the managed package is installed, scheduling and optimization consider shift availability.
Work orders are also
Confirmed shifts appear on the Gantt.
available in Professional
Prerequisites for Using Shifts
Make sure that your Salesforce org meets the following requirements to use shifts.
• You must have at least one service territory.
• You must have at least one service resource who’s assigned to a service territory.
• To let them create shifts, give your shift and service managers access to view, create, and edit the following objects:
– Shifts
– Job Profiles
– Service Territories
– Service Resources
– Service Territory Memberships

• To select job profiles when you create shifts, add the Job Profile field to shift layouts.

Limitations for Shift Management

• Scheduling and optimization features in the managed package don’t consider job profiles.
• In the Shifts tab, you can't use the quick search box to filter.
• The NOT operator isn't supported when you define filter logic for shifts. If your filter logic uses NOT, we recommend adjusting the
filter type instead, for example by using the does not contain operator.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create a Job Profile for Shifts

A job profile lets you describe different types of shifts based on the required skills—for example, a
night manager versus weekend on-call worker. Add skills to a job profile to indicate the experience
or expertise that's required for a service resource. Available in: Lightning
1. From the App Launcher, click Job Profiles. Experience
2. Click New. The Field Service core
3. Enter a name and description for the job profile. features, managed
package, and mobile app
4. Associate skills with the job profile. are available in Enterprise,
a. In the Related tab, next to Skill Requirements, click New. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
b. Select the skill and skill level that are required for the job profile. You can also create skills.
Work orders are also
c. Click Save. available in Professional
To continue adding skills, repeat these steps.
5. Click Save.

To view, create, and update

shifts and job profiles
• View, create, and edit on
Shifts, Job Profiles,
Service Territories,
Service Resources,
Service Territory

Build Repeating Shift Patterns

Save time creating shifts by defining commonly used patterns of shifts. Create templates that define
the start time and job profile. Then build a pattern that lists the shift templates to use each day.
Your team can use the New from Pattern action to quickly create shifts from templates. First, you Available in: Lightning
build the templates and shift patterns. Experience

Example: Example 1: Daily Delivery Shifts The Field Service core

features, managed
Build a daily pattern of shift templates for your delivery workers. For example, a restaurant
package, and mobile app
has a morning, afternoon, and evening delivery shift. are available in Enterprise,
First, add shift templates with the following details: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Template Name Job Profile Start Time Duration Work orders are also
available in Professional
Delivery, Morning Food delivery 6:00 AM 8 Edition.
Delivery, Afternoon Food delivery 12:00 PM 8

Delivery, Evening Food delivery 4:00 PM 8

Next, create a shift pattern.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Field Value
Shift Template Name Daily delivery shifts

Pattern Length 1

For the shift pattern entries, add the morning, afternoon, and evening delivery shift templates. Because the pattern is for a single
day, the Day Position is one for each of the templates. When the shifts are created, you can optionally assign a service territory and
service resource to the shifts. You can’t assign multiple territories or resources, so we recommend keeping the patterns fairly simple.

Example: Example 2: Weekly Regular Hours

Build a five- or seven-day pattern of shift templates for your regular hours. A hotel staffs a front desk clerk each day from 8:00 AM
to 4:00 PM and from 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday there’s an extra shift from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
First, add shift templates with the following details:

Template Name Job Profile Start Time Duration

Desk, Morning Front desk 8:00 AM 8

Desk, Evening Front desk 4:00 PM 8

Desk, Weekend Surge Front desk 12:00 PM 8

Next, create a shift pattern.

Field Value
Shift Template Name Front desk shifts, Weekly (Monday)

Pattern Length 7

For the shift pattern entries, add the morning, afternoon, and weekend shift templates.
• Add the morning shift seven times, iterating through the day positions 1 through 7.
• Add the evening shift seven times, iterating through the day positions 1 through 7.
• Because the pattern starts on Monday, add the weekend surge shifts for Day Position four, five, and 6.
You now have a shift pattern that creates 17 shifts per week.

Create Shift Templates
Use shift templates to help manage your team’s schedule. Store the details of commonly used shifts such as the duration, start time,
and job profile.
Create Shift Patterns
Create shift patterns that store commonly used sets of shifts. Your team can use the New from Pattern action to quickly create shifts
from templates.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Shift Templates

Use shift templates to help manage your team’s schedule. Store the details of commonly used shifts
such as the duration, start time, and job profile.
1. From the App Launcher, click Shift Templates. Available in: Lightning
2. Click New.
3. Enter a name and description for the template. The Field Service core
features, managed
4. Enter the start time and duration. package, and mobile app
5. Optionally, select a job profile. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
6. Save the template.
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To view, create, and update

shift templates
• View, create, and edit on
Shift Templates, Job

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Shift Patterns

Create shift patterns that store commonly used sets of shifts. Your team can use the New from
Pattern action to quickly create shifts from templates.
1. Available in: Lightning
From the App Launcher , select Shift Patterns. Experience
2. Click New. The Field Service core
3. Enter a name and description for the pattern. features, managed
package, and mobile app
We recommend that you include key details in the shift pattern name. For example, you can
are available in Enterprise,
include in the intended start day of a multi-day pattern such as Weekly Regular Hours
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
4. Click Save. Work orders are also
available in Professional
5. Switch to the Related tab. Edition.
6. Find the Shift Pattern Entries related list and add the appropriate shift templates.
7. To add a template, click New and then fill out the form fields. USER PERMISSIONS
To create multiple shifts per day with the same details, you can add the same template multiple
To view, create, and update
times. You can also add the same template to different days of the week by changing the day
shift patterns
• View, create, and edit on
Shifts, Shift Patterns, Shift
Pattern Entries

8. Make sure that the shift templates and the shift pattern are active.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Filters to Match Appointments and Shifts

Designate shifts for appointments that meet your criteria. Create Recordset Filter Criteria based on
service appointment field values, then add the filter to a shift so that only relevant appointments
get scheduled. Available in: Lightning
1. From the App Launcher, click Recordset Filter Criteria. Experience
2. Click New. The Field Service core
3. Enter a name and description for the criteria. features, managed
package, and mobile app
4. Add filter conditions. are available in Enterprise,
a. Select the Service Appointment Field. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
b. Select the field value to match on. The Value input changes depending on the service
Work orders are also
appointment field you choose. For example, picklist fields show the list of available choices. available in Professional
c. To add another condition, click + Add Condition. Continue adding criteria rules as needed. Edition.

5. Save the filter criteria.


To view, create, and update

recordset filter criteria
• View, create, and edit on
Service Appointments,
Shifts, Recordset Filter
Criteria, and Recordset
Filter Criteria Rules
Delete on Recordset
Filter Criteria Rules

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Guidelines for Recordset Filter Criteria
Filter criteria let you match records in one object to those in another. For example, you can choose criteria to filter which service
appointments can be scheduled during a shift.

Guidelines for Recordset Filter Criteria

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Guidelines for Recordset Filter Criteria

Filter criteria let you match records in one object to those in another. For example, you can choose
criteria to filter which service appointments can be scheduled during a shift.
Keep these considerations in mind when you create and edit recordset filter criteria. Available in: Lightning
• Only Recordset Filter Criteria marked Active are used in scheduling.
The Field Service core
• When you add multiple filter conditions, only appointments matching all the conditions can
features, managed
be scheduled.
package, and mobile app
• The Value input changes depending on the service appointment field you choose. For example, are available in Enterprise,
picklist fields show the list of available choices. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
• You can’t match on text field values that include apostrophes (’), commas (,), or double Work orders are also
quotation marks (”). available in Professional
• Users without access to a service appointment field used in a filter condition don’t see the field
name or value. They also can’t edit or delete the filter condition.
• When you use inline edit on a recordset filter criteria, the filter conditions are shown in the
related list. You can manage filter conditions individually from the related list. Or to see all the To view, create, and update
filter conditions in one place, use the Edit action. recordset filter criteria
• View, create, and edit on
• The Recordset Filter Criteria field must be added to the Shift page layout. Service Appointments,
Shifts, Recordset Filter
Criteria, and Recordset
SEE ALSO: Filter Criteria Rules
Guidelines for Shift Availability AND
Create Filters to Match Appointments and Shifts Delete on Recordset
Filter Criteria Rules

Set Up Work Order Management for Field Service

A work order represents work to be performed on your customers’ products. Customize your work
order settings and create time-saving templates called work types.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Create Work Types for Field Service
Chances are, your business performs the same tasks for multiple customers. Work types are The Field Service core
templates that save you time and make it easier to standardize your field service work. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Customize Work Order Settings for Field Service
are available in Enterprise,
To control how your team works with work orders and work types, customize page layouts and Performance, Unlimited,
assign user permissions. and Developer Editions.
Set Up Knowledge for Work Orders Work orders are also
Attach knowledge articles to work orders, work order line items, and work types to share available in Professional
guidelines and specs with mobile workers in the field. Learn how to customize page layouts to
let your team view or manage attached articles, also known as linked articles.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up Path for Field Service

To guide your team as they complete field service jobs, add an interactive, color-coded progress bar to work orders, work order line
items, and service appointments.
Setup for Maintenance Work Rules
For Salesforce orgs created before the Spring ’21 (230) release, setup is required to take full advantage of maintenance work rules.

Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Create Work Types for Field Service

Chances are, your business performs the same tasks for multiple customers. Work types are templates
that save you time and make it easier to standardize your field service work.
Before you start, make a list of the work types you want to create. For example, a heater installation Available in: Salesforce
company can create work types names Install Heater, Repair Heater, and Replace Heater. List the Classic and Lightning
skills and parts required to complete each task, and any knowledge articles that should be attached Experience
to it such as specs or guidelines.
The Field Service core
If the Field Service managed package is installed, use Guided Setup to quickly create your work features, managed
types. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field
Performance, Unlimited,
Service Settings tab.
and Developer Editions.
2. Click Go to Guided Setup. When you launch guided setup, your Field Service permission sets Work orders are also
are scanned to make sure that they’re up-to-date. You see a message if you’re missing a necessary available in Professional
permission. Edition.
3. Click Create Work Types and Skills.
4. Enter a name to create a work type, and update the Name, Description, Due Date Offset, and USER PERMISSIONS
Estimated Duration.
To create work types:
Tip: Hover over each field’s info icon for help filling it out. • Create on work types
To apply work types to work
5. Select Auto-Create Service Appointment to generate a child service appointment when a orders or work order line
work order or work order line item is created from the work type. items:
• Edit on work orders
6. Optionally, add required skills to represent the expertise or certification needed to complete
the work. You can add a skill level from the work type’s Skill Requirements related list, outside
of Guided Setup.
7. To update additional fields and add supporting records, select a work type in the list and click Open Work Type Record.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

8. To apply a work type to a work order or work order line item, select the work type in the Work Type field on the record when creating
it. When you add a work type, the record inherits settings from the work type.
If the managed package isn’t installed, create and manage work types from the Work Types tab.

Guidelines for Creating Work Types for Field Service
Work types help you standardize your field service processes. Learn about inherited work type settings, required skills and products,
auto-created service appointments, and attaching knowledge articles.
Guidelines for Creating Skills for Field Service
Assign skills to service resources to represent certifications or areas of expertise. Add skill requirements to work types, work orders,
and work order line items to indicate the skills needed to complete the work.

Work Type Fields for Field Service
Add Required Skills to Work Orders or Work Types for Field Service
Attach Knowledge Articles to Work Orders or Work Types
Track Required Inventory
Trailhead: Field Service Center Customization

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Guidelines for Creating Work Types for Field Service

Work types help you standardize your field service processes. Learn about inherited work type
settings, required skills and products, auto-created service appointments, and attaching knowledge
articles. Available in: Salesforce
Work orders and work order line items that contain a value in the Work Type field inherit the following Classic and Lightning
values from their work type: Experience

• Duration The Field Service core

• Duration Type features, managed
package, and mobile app
• Required skills (found in the Skill Requirements related list)
are available in Enterprise,
• Required products (found in the Products Required related list) Performance, Unlimited,
• Linked articles (found in the Articles related list) and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Service appointments with a value in the Work Type field inherit their work type’s Duration and
available in Professional
Duration Type. Edition.
You can update a record’s settings after they’re inherited from the work type.

Skill Requirements
Skill requirements on work types represent the skills that are needed to complete the work. Work orders and work order line items inherit
their work type’s skill requirements. Define required skills in the Skill Requirements related list.
You can enforce skill requirements during schedule optimization using the Match Skills work rule in a scheduling policy. If you’re not
using the Field Service managed package, skill requirements serve as a suggestion rather than a requirement.
If you add a work type to an existing work order, the work order only inherits the skill requirements if the work order didn’t yet have any.
Similarly, updating a work type’s skill requirements doesn’t affect work orders that were already created using that work type.
The previous rules are also true for work order line items. Work order line items don’t inherit their parent work order’s skill requirements.

Note: Customizations to skill requirements, such as validation rules or Apex triggers, are not carried over from work types to work
orders and work order line items.

Required Products
Required products on work types represent the products that are needed to complete the work. Work orders and work order line items
inherit their work type’s required products. Define required products in the Products Required related list.
If you add a work type to an existing work order, the work order only inherits the required products if the work order didn’t yet have any.
Similarly, updating a work type’s required products doesn’t affect work orders that were already created using that work type.
The previous rules are also true for work order line items. Work order line items don’t inherit their parent work order’s required products.

Note: Customizations to required products, such as validation rules or Apex triggers, are not carried over from work types to work
orders and work order line items.

Auto-Created Service Appointments

If the Auto-Create Service Appointment option on a work type is selected, a service appointment is created when the work type is applied
to a work order or work order line item. The service appointment lists the work type in its Work Type field and inherits the work type’s
Duration and Duration Type. A service appointment isn’t created if the work order or work order line item already has an appointment.
If a user selects Auto-Create Service Appointment on an existing work type, service appointments aren’t created on work orders and
work order line items that were already using the work type.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Exact Appointments Setting

When you schedule a service appointment that has an associated work type, scheduling also considers the Exact Appointments field in
the work type. If Exact Appointments is selected in the work type, then the appointment’s time slot reflects the duration of the work
rather than a time window in which the work occurs.

Knowledge Articles
When you attach a knowledge article to a work type, the article shows up on work orders and work order line items that use the work
type. For example, if you have a work type named Solar Panel Replacement, you can attach an article that explains how to replace a
solar panel. Any work order using that work type automatically includes the article, and the person assigned to the work order has the
instructions at their fingertips.
Articles on work types work a little differently than articles on work orders and work order line items. Here are the differences:
• A Linked Work Types related list isn’t available on article page layouts, so you can’t see which work types an article is attached to.
• The Knowledge One widget isn’t available on work types in the console in Salesforce Classic, but the Articles related list is.
• To ensure that field service records are associated with the most current versions of knowledge articles, articles attached to work
types don’t specify an article version. For this reason:
– When work orders and work order line items inherit an article from their work type, they inherit the latest version of the article
published in their org’s default Knowledge Settings language.
– An article attached to a work type may display in a different title or language in the Articles related list versus in the Knowledge
Lightning component. The Articles related list reflects the article version that is inherited by work orders and work order line
items using the work type.

Work Type Fields for Field Service
Set Up Knowledge for Work Orders
Add Required Skills to Work Orders or Work Types for Field Service

Guidelines for Creating Skills for Field Service


Create, update, and delete skills in Setup: Customize Application Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Assign skills to service resources: Edit on service resources
View service resources’ skills: Read on service resources
The Field Service core
Add required skills to work orders or work Edit on work orders features, managed
order line items: package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Add required skills to work types: Edit on work types Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Assign skills to service resources to represent certifications or areas of expertise. Add skill requirements available in Professional
to work types, work orders, and work order line items to indicate the skills needed to complete the Edition.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

If the Field Service managed package is installed, you can easily create and assign skills in Guided Setup when you create work types
and service resources.
If you’re not using Guided Setup, create skills in Setup first. Then, assign them to service resources or create skill requirements.
1. Decide how to measure skill level. Skills and skill requirements can be assigned a skill level between 0 and 99.99. For example, use
the Skill Level field to indicate years of experience, or create a matrix that corresponds professional license classes to skill level

• Create validation rules to limit potential skill level values. For example, only allow multiples of 10.
• Create field-level help to let your users know how skill level is determined.

2. Create skills in Setup (supported only in Salesforce Classic).

a. From Setup in Salesforce Classic, enter Skills in the Quick Find box, then select Skills under Field Service.
b. Enter a name, like Electrician Certification, and a description.
c. Skip the Assign Users and Assign Profiles sections, which are specific to Chat.
d. Save your changes.

3. Assign the skill to service resources (supported in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience).
a. From a service resource record, create a new resource skill in the Skills related list.
b. Select a skill, and enter a skill level from 0 to 99.99.
c. Enter a start date and, if needed, an end date. For example, if a mobile worker must be recertified in a particular skill every six
months, enter an end date that’s six months later than the start date.
d. Save your skill.

4. Add the skill as a requirement on work types, work orders, or work order line items (supported in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning
Experience). Work orders and work order line items inherit their work type’s skill requirements.
a. From a work type, work order, or work order line item record, create a new skill requirement in the Skill Requirements related
b. Select a skill, and enter a skill level from 0 to 99.99.
c. Save your skill requirement.

Skill Fields for Field Service
Add Required Skills to Work Orders or Work Types for Field Service
Create Work Types for Field Service
Guidelines for Creating Work Types for Field Service
Create Service Resources for Field Service

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Customize Work Order Settings for Field Service

To control how your team works with work orders and work types, customize page layouts and
assign user permissions.
1. Assign user permissions. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Users Who Will... Need These Permissions Permissions Are Experience
Auto-Enabled on These
The Field Service core
Standard Profiles
features, managed
Enable Field Service Customize Application System Administrator package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
View the Work Orders tab, Read on work orders Read Only, Standard User, Performance, Unlimited,
work orders, and work order Solution Manager, Contract and Developer Editions.
line items Manager, Marketing User, and Work orders are also
System Administrator available in Professional
Create or clone work orders Create on work orders Standard User, Solution
Manager, Contract Manager,
Marketing User, and System USER PERMISSIONS
To edit page layouts and set
Edit work orders Edit on work orders Standard User, Solution field history tracking:
Manager, Contract Manager, • Customize Application
Marketing User, and System To create and edit users:
Administrator • Manage Internal Users
Delete work orders Delete on work orders System Administrator

Create, clone, edit, or delete Edit on work orders Standard User, Solution
work order line items Manager, Contract Manager,
Marketing User, and System

2. Customize the fields and related lists on the following objects’ page layouts.

Note: If you have your own field service terminology, remember that you can rename an object’s tab and labels. In Setup,
select Rename Tabs and Labels, and enter your own term for the object you’d like to rename.

Page Layout Recommended Customizations

Work Order • Arrange the fields. The default layout includes only some of the available fields.
• Confirm that your page layout has the desired related lists:
– Child Work Orders: The work order’s child work orders
– Object Milestones: Milestones on the work order (available only if entitlement management is
set up)
– Products Consumed: Products used during the completion of the work order
– Product Requests: Products requested for the work order
– Product Request Line Items: Line items on product requests

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Page Layout Recommended Customizations

– Products Required: Products needed to complete the work order
– Resource Preferences: Preferred, required, or excluded service resources on the work order
– Service Appointments: Appointments indicating when the work is scheduled
– Service Reports: Reports summarizing the work for customers
– Skill Requirements: Skills needed to complete the work order
– Time Sheet Entries: Schedule of mobile workers’ time spent on the work order
– Work Order Line Items: Sub tasks or steps on the work order

• Optionally, add your own custom values to the Status picklist field. The Status field comes with these
default values:
– New
– In Progress
– On Hold
– Completed
– Cannot Complete
– Closed
– Canceled
When you create a custom value, select a status category that the value falls into. The available status
categories match the default status values. For example, if you create a Customer Absent value, you
may decide that it belongs in the Cannot Complete category.
To learn which processes reference Status Category, see How are Status Categories Used?

Work Order Line Item • Arrange the fields. The default layout includes only some of the available fields.
• Optionally, add your own custom values to the Status picklist field. The Status field is identical to
the Status field on work orders.
• Confirm that your page layout has the desired related lists:
– Child Work Order Line Items: The line item’s child line items
– Product Request Line Items: Line items on product requests
– Product Requests: Products requested for the line item
– Products Consumed: Products used during the completion of the line item
– Products Required: Products needed to complete the line item
– Service Appointments: Appointments indicating when the work is scheduled
– Service Reports: Reports summarizing the work for customers
– Skill Requirements: Skills needed to complete the line item
– Time Sheet Entries: Schedule of mobile workers’ time spent on the line item

Work Type • Arrange the fields. The default layout includes only some of the available fields.
• Confirm that your page layout has the desired related lists:

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Page Layout Recommended Customizations

– Products Required: The products needed to complete the work. Work orders and work order
line items inherit their work type’s required products.
– Skill Requirements: The skills needed to complete the work. Work orders and work order line
items inherit their work type’s skill requirements.

a. To let users view and manage work orders in a variety of places, add the Work Orders related list to any of the following objects’
page layouts.
• Accounts
• Assets
• Cases
• Contacts
• Entitlements
• Maintenance plans

Note: Before adding the related list, update the field-level security for the Maintenance Plan and Suggested
Maintenance Date fields on work orders to make them available to users.

• Return orders
• Return order line items
• Service contracts

How are Status Categories Used?
Service appointments, work orders, and work order line items have two status-related fields—Status and Status Category—which
come with the same standard values. Status categories, which are referenced in many field service processes, allow you to use custom
status values while maintaining a consistent work classification for tracking, reporting, and business process management.

Work Order Fields for Field Service
Work Order Line Item Fields for Field Service

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

How are Status Categories Used?

Service appointments, work orders, and work order line items have two status-related fields—Status
and Status Category—which come with the same standard values. Status categories, which are
referenced in many field service processes, allow you to use custom status values while maintaining Available in: Salesforce
a consistent work classification for tracking, reporting, and business process management. Classic and Lightning
When you create a custom Status value, you must indicate which category it belongs to. For example, Experience
if you create a Customer Absent value, you may decide that it belongs in the Cannot Complete
The Field Service core
category. features, managed
View and manage status values in Setup by navigating to the Status field settings for service package, and mobile app
appointments, work orders, or work order line items. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Many field service triggers and processes are based on appointment, work order, or work order line item status. To ensure that these
processes work as expected when custom statuses are in use, Salesforce references the Status Category field—rather than the Status
field— before making changes.
The following field service processes are based on status category, rather than status. If you create custom status values or reference the
Status or Status Category fields in custom apps, triggers, or validation rules, keep these in mind.
• Status-based sharing rules for work orders, work order line items, and service appointments
• Status-based paths on work orders, work order line items, and service appointments
• Dispatcher console appointment list filters
• Dispatch scheduled jobs, which are triggered by an appointment’s status category being updated to Dispatched
• Dispatch Chatter notification settings, which are triggered by an appointment’s status category being changed to Dispatched
• Dispatch drip feed—found in the Field Service Admin app > Field Service Settings tab > Dispatch—which dispatches one or
more appointments when the assigned resource’s previous appointment’s status category changes from Dispatched or In-Progress
to Canceled, Completed, or Cannot Complete
• Calendar syncing, which checks for appointments whose status category is Dispatched
• Completed icon on the dispatcher console map, which appears when an appointment’s status category changes to Completed
• KPI for completed service appointments shown on the Gantt, capacity view, and service resource view, which is based on appointments
whose status category is Completed

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up Knowledge for Work Orders

Attach knowledge articles to work orders, work order line items, and work types to share guidelines
and specs with mobile workers in the field. Learn how to customize page layouts to let your team
view or manage attached articles, also known as linked articles. Available in: Salesforce
Important: Knowledge must already be set up in your org. Classic and Lightning
1. Add the Articles related list to work order and work order line item page layouts.
The Field Service core
2. Let Lightning Experience users manage attached articles. In Lightning Experience, add the features, managed
Knowledge component to your work order, work order line item, and work type detail page package, and mobile app
layouts. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
3. Let users view and modify attached articles from the console. In the layout editor for work orders
and Developer Editions.
and work order line items, select Custom Console Components and add the Knowledge One
Work orders are also
widget to the console sidebar.
available in Professional
4. The Knowledge One console widget suggests articles to attach based on key fields. Select the Edition.
fields that suggestions are based on. (The Knowledge Lightning component doesn’t offer article
a. In Setup, enter Field Service in the Quick Find box, then select Field Service
Settings. To attach or detach an
article on a work order or
b. Select the fields that the search engine should scan to suggest relevant articles from your work order line item:
knowledge base. • Read on work orders
c. Save your changes. AND Read on the article
type AND Knowledge
5. Optionally, customize linked article page layouts, fields, validation rules, and more in Setup. enabled

• In Lightning Experience, navigate to Linked Article in the Object Manager. To attach or detach an
article on a work type:
• In Salesforce Classic, navigate to the Linked Articles page under Knowledge. • Read on work types AND
Read on the article type
Note: Linked articles include the following limitations. AND Knowledge
• Quick actions and global actions aren’t supported for linked articles. enabled

• The Article widget and Feed Articles Tool aren’t available in the feed view. To edit page layouts:
• Customize Application
• In Lightning Experience, clicking an article link in a feed item redirects you to the article
page in Salesforce Classic. In the Salesforce mobile app, linked articles can’t be accessed To edit console layouts:
from feed items. • Customize Application
AND Service Cloud User
• The Linked Work Types related list isn’t available on articles in any platform.
• The Knowledge One widget isn’t available on work types in the console. To manage linked
articles on work types in the console, use the Articles related list.
• Linked articles are read-only in the Salesforce mobile app.

Attach Knowledge Articles to Work Orders or Work Types
View Knowledge Articles in the Field Service Mobile App
Linked Article Fields

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up Path for Field Service

To guide your team as they complete field service jobs, add an interactive, color-coded progress
bar to work orders, work order line items, and service appointments.
With Path, your team can quickly see a record’s status and how close it is to completion, and update Available in: Salesforce
the status by clicking the desired value on the path. Classic and Lightning

The Field Service core

features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To set up a path:
• Modify All Data
To create, customize, or
publish an Experience Cloud
• Create and Set Up
Experiences AND View
Setup and Configuration

You can set up one path per record type. The steps in a path (1) correspond to the Status picklist values. Help users succeed by displaying
up to five key fields and handy step-specific guidance beneath each path step (2).
Several statuses can represent the record’s conclusion: Canceled, Cannot Complete, Completed, and Closed. Therefore, the last stage of
the path displays as Final Status when the record is open. Users are prompted to select a final status from these values when they try
to close the record, and the path then shows the selected final status. The order of the path steps is based on the order of the values in
the Status picklist, though statuses representing conclusion are grouped in the final step.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Path is available for work orders, work order line items, and service appointments in Lightning Experience and Experience Builder sites.
It isn’t available in Salesforce Classic, the Salesforce mobile app, or the Field Service mobile app.
1. On the Path Settings page in Setup, enable Path. Select Remember User's Path Preferences to let users decide whether
the path remembers its previous state or is always closed when the page loads.
2. If you plan to create a path based on the Status field for a field service object, assign a status category to each status. From the field
settings for the object’s Status picklist field in Setup, click Edit next to a value. Select the corresponding status category and save
your changes. Status categories determine which statuses are grouped in the Final Status stage on the path, and are also used in

3. From the Path Settings page in Setup, follow the prompts to create a path for the Work Order, Work Order Line Item, or Service
Appointment object. Paths can be based on the Status field or a custom picklist. Optionally, select key fields or add guidance for
each step in the path.
4. To add your path to record detail pages in your org, drag the Path component onto the object detail page in Builder.
5. To add your path to an Experience Builder site, drag the Path component onto the object detail page in Experience Builder.

Lightning Flow for Service and the Actions & Recommendations Component

Setup for Maintenance Work Rules

For Salesforce orgs created before the Spring ’21 (230) release, setup is required to take full advantage
of maintenance work rules.
• In permission sets or profiles, Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
– enable the Maintenance Work Rule tab.
– enable Field Level Security on Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Asset fields on the
Maintenance Work Rule for profiles. The Field Service core
features, managed
• Add the Maintenance Work Rule related list to the maintenance plan and maintenance assets package, and mobile app
page layout. are available in Enterprise,
• On the Maintenance Work Rule page layout, click Maintenance Asset properties in the Performance, Unlimited,
Maintenance Work Rule Detail section and uncheck Required in the Field Properties for and Developer Editions.
Maintenance Asset. Work orders are also
available in Professional

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up Your Field Service Workforce

Create service resources and service crews to represent your mobile workforce. Then, assign
permission sets to members of your team who work as dispatchers or support agents.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Create Service Resources for Field Service
Service resources are individual users or groups of users—known as service crews—who can The Field Service core
perform field service work. Create service resources so you can assign service appointments to features, managed
them. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Create Service Crews Performance, Unlimited,
Set up teams who can be assigned to field service appointments as a unit. A service crew is a and Developer Editions.
group of service resources whose combined skills and experience make them a good fit to work Work orders are also
together on appointments. For example, a wellhead repair crew might include a hydrologist, available in Professional
a mechanical engineer, and an electrician. Edition.
Set Up Crew Management
Give admins and dispatchers access to a drag-and-drop service crew management tool where
they can easily create service crews and update service crew membership.
Limit Access to Field Service Records
By default, all users can view and update work orders, work order line items, and service appointments. You can limit access to these
records so that your team members see only the records that are relevant to them.
Sync Services and Resource Absences with Events Using Calendar Sync
You can keep your services and resource absences in sync with calendar events using Calendar Sync. Syncing services and resource
absences to or from calendar events lets you maintain an accurate view of your services and resource availability when you create
events and request meetings from your Salesforce calendar. Events can then be synced between external calendars and Salesforce.

Manage Service Resources

Create Service Resources for Field Service


To create service resources: Create on service resources Available in: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
To deactivate service resources: Edit on service resources
To view resource capacities: Read on service resources
The Field Service core
To create, update, or delete resource Edit on service resources features, managed
capacities: package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
To view service resource skills: Read on service resources Performance, Unlimited,
To create, update, or delete service resource Edit on service resources and Developer Editions.
skills: Work orders are also
available in Professional
To view, create, edit, or delete resource Read on service resources AND Edit on Edition.
absences: service resources

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

To delete resource absences: Edit on service resources

Service resources are individual users or groups of users—known as service crews—who can perform field service work. Create service
resources so you can assign service appointments to them.

Tip: If the Field Service managed package is installed, you can use Guided Setup to quickly create service resources and assign
them the proper permission sets. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field
Service Settings tab. Click Go to Guided Setup > Create Service Resources and follow the guidance to update or create
service resources.
1. From the Service Resources tab, click New.
2. Select a user and enter a resource name—typically, the user’s name.
3. If the resource represents an individual user, select the user in the User field. If the resource represents a service crew, leave the User
field blank and select the crew in the Service Crew field. Service resources must list a user or a service crew.
4. Select Active to be able to assign the resource to service appointments. Inactive resources also can’t access the Field Service mobile
5. Indicate whether the resource is a technician (a mobile worker), dispatcher, or crew.

Note: Field Service users can see Asset as a picklist option in the Resource Type field. However, you can’t save the record
when you select Asset in an org that doesn’t have access to Lightning Scheduler.
Resources who are dispatchers can’t be capacity-based, included in schedule optimization, or added to service crews. Only users
with the Field Service Dispatcher permission set license can be dispatchers.

6. Enter a location if applicable. Service resources might be linked to a location if they manage or operate the location (such as a
warehouse or van). A location can’t be linked to more than one service resource.
7. Select Capacity-Based if the resource is limited to working a certain number of hours or appointments in a specified time period.
You can define the resource’s capacity in the Capacities related list.
Contractors are likely capacity-based.

8. Select Include in Scheduling Optimization to check if the resource has the permission set license needed for optimization.
To be included in optimization, users need the Field Service Scheduling permission set license.

9. Complete the remaining fields as needed, and save your changes.

Once a resource is created, add details in their related lists.
Service Territories
Select the territories where the resource is available to work. For each territory, select a type:
• Primary: (One territory) Where the resource works most often—for instance, near their home base.
• Secondary: (One or more territories) Where they can be assigned to appointments if needed. Secondary territory membership
dates can overlap.
• Relocation: (One or more territories) Represents a temporary move.
Assign skills to indicate the resource’s areas of expertise. Optionally, enter a skill level of 0–99.99.
Try to track only skills that factor into scheduling decisions. For example, don’t include skills that are common among all service
resources. Aim to assign fewer than 50 skills to each service resource.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Define a Service Resource’s Capacity
Typically, contractors in field service can work a specified amount in a given time period. Define a service resource’s capacity so they
aren’t overbooked during schedule optimization.
Estimate a Service Resource’s Efficiency
People work at different paces depending on their skills and level of experience. Assign an efficiency score to service resources to
facilitate scheduling. The scores are considered during scheduling and can affect an appointment’s scheduled end time.
Guidelines for Creating Service Resources for Field Service
Learn how to view, create, and manage service resources to keep your field service operation running smoothly.
Guidelines for Setting Up Field Service Contractors
If you’re running a field service operation, it’s likely that you work with contractors in addition to your full-time employees. Learn
how to incorporate contractors into your field service processes.

Service Resource Fields for Field Service

Define a Service Resource’s Capacity

Typically, contractors in field service can work a specified amount in a given time period. Define a service resource’s capacity so they
aren’t overbooked during schedule optimization.
1. To indicate that a service resource is capacity-based, select Capacity-Based on the resource record and save your change.
2. In the Capacities related list, click New Resource Capacity.
3. Enter the capacity start and end dates—for example, enter the resource’s contract dates.
4. Specify how much the resource can work.
• Select the time period that the capacity is based on. For example, if the resource can work 80 hours per month, select Month.
• To base the resource’s capacity on the number of hours worked, enter the hours per time period. For example, if the resource
can work 80 hours per month, enter 80.
• To base the resource’s capacity on the number of service appointments assigned to them, enter the work items per time period.
For example, if the resource can complete 20 appointments per month, enter 20.

5. Save your changes. You can create multiple capacities for a resource as long as the start and end dates don’t overlap.

Tip: If the Field Service managed package is installed, view and update a service resource’s capacity on the Capacity tab on the
service resource detail view.

• If the managed package is installed, capacity-based resources must include a Hours per Time Period value on their capacity record.
If the user’s capacity should be measured in work items, fill out Work Items per Time Period as well and set the Hours per Time Period
to a high number which likely won’t be achieved.
• The Fix Overlaps feature isn’t support for capacity-based service resources.
• Schedule optimization respects daily capacity, but not weekly or monthly.
• Resource schedule optimization—the optimization of an individual service resource’s schedule—isn’t supported for capacity-based
service resources.
• If a service resource is capacity-based with a defined capacity, their utilization percentage isn’t shown in the Gantt.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

• Capacity-based resources can’t be assigned to appointments that have a scheduling dependency.

• Capacity-based resources can't be relocated or assigned to a secondary service territory.

Guidelines for Setting Up Field Service Contractors
Set Up Field Service in Experience Cloud Sites

Estimate a Service Resource’s Efficiency

People work at different paces depending on their skills and level of experience. Assign an efficiency
score to service resources to facilitate scheduling. The scores are considered during scheduling and
can affect an appointment’s scheduled end time. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
In the Efficiency field on a service resource record, enter a value from 0.1 through 10. An efficiency
The Field Service core
of 1 means that the mobile worker works at a typical or average speed. An efficiency greater than
features, managed
1 means that the mobile worker works faster than average. Less than 1 means that the mobile
package, and mobile app
worker works slower than average.
are available in Enterprise,
During schedule optimization, the following formula is used to estimate the time that a mobile Performance, Unlimited,
worker needs to complete an appointment: Duration / Efficiency = Actual time to perform an and Developer Editions.
appointment Work orders are also
available in Professional
Tip: To give preference to highly efficient service resources in schedule optimization, create Edition.
a Resource Priority service objective based on the service resource Efficiency field.

Example: The estimated duration on the Battery Replacement work type is 60 minutes.
• Alexander, an expert, has an efficiency of 2.0. If Alexander is assigned to a Battery
Replacement appointment, the appointment is scheduled to end 30 minutes after the
scheduled start (60/2=30).
• Jane, a mobile worker, has an efficiency of 1.0. If Jane is assigned to a Battery Replacement
appointment, the appointment is scheduled to end 1 hour after the scheduled start
• Janice, a junior worker, has an efficiency of 0.5. If Janice is assigned to a Battery
Replacement appointment, the appointment is scheduled to end 2 hours after the
scheduled start (60/0.5=120).

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Guidelines for Creating Service Resources for Field Service

Learn how to view, create, and manage service resources to keep your field service operation running
Available in: Salesforce
View Service Resources Classic and Lightning
View service resources on the Create Service Resources page in Guided Setup or the Service
Resources tab. In addition: The Field Service core
features, managed
• Resources that are assigned to a service appointment appear in the Assigned Resources related
package, and mobile app
list on the appointment detail page.
are available in Enterprise,
• Resources that belong to a service territory appear in the Service Territory Members related list Performance, Unlimited,
on the territory detail page. and Developer Editions.
• Resources that belong to a service crew appear in the Service Crew Members related list on the Work orders are also
service crew detail page. available in Professional

Create Service Resources

Create service resources from the Create Service Resources page in Guided Setup or the Service Resources tab. Service resources can
represent users or groups of users (known as service crews). When creating service resources, follow these guidelines:
• To create a service resource that represents a user, select the user in the User lookup field and select a Resource Type of Technician.
• To create a service resource that represents a service crew, select the crew in the Service Crew field and select a Resource Type of
Crew. Service resources that are crews can’t be activated unless the crew has at least one active member.

Assign Service Resources to Service Appointments

Manually assign a resource to a service appointment from the Assigned Resources related list on the appointment detail page. You can
assign multiple resources to an appointment. Optionally, indicate which service crew a service resource belongs to in the Service Crew
field on the assigned resource record.
To access assigned resource records, you need access to service appointments.

Deactivate Service Resources

For tracking purposes, resources can only be deactivated, not deleted. To deactivate a user, deselect Active on their detail page.
Service resources that belong to service crews can’t be deactivated. If you deactivate a service resource, make sure to update records
that were associated with that resource. For example, if a deactivated service resource was a required resource for an account, update
that account to prevent scheduling issues.
Deactivating a user deactivates the related service resource. You can’t create a service resource that is linked to an inactive user.

View Service Resource Schedules

The Service Appointments related list shows all appointments that a resource is assigned to, while the Absences related list shows define
periods of time when the resource is unavailable to work. The Service Resource Availability work rule type ensures that resources aren’t
assigned to appointments when they’re absent. Otherwise, resources can be manually assigned to appointments that conflict with their

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Tip: Create a trigger that sends an approval request to a supervisor when a resource creates an absence.

Service Resource Fields for Field Service
Create Service Crews

Guidelines for Setting Up Field Service Contractors

If you’re running a field service operation, it’s likely that you work with contractors in addition to
your full-time employees. Learn how to incorporate contractors into your field service processes.
Available in: Salesforce
Get Set Up Classic and Lightning
The way you track contract work in Salesforce depends on how you want to track capacity, assign
appointments, and exchange data with contractors. Follow these basic steps to add contractors to The Field Service core
your org. Steps 1–3 can be completed by the contractor manager. The remaining steps would likely features, managed
need to be completed by your Salesforce admin. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Step Details Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
1. Create an account that represents the For example, “Solar Installation Contracting.” Work orders are also
contractor. available in Professional
2. Create contacts for the account. You can create a contact for every contractor
worker, or just for the contractor manager.

3. Make the contacts Experience Cloud site users. Depending on the licenses that your
organization has purchased, you can assign
them the Customer Community Plus or Partner
Community license. If both are available, partner
licenses are ideal for users who are engaged in
sales or distribution with your company.

Note: Community licenses are used to

access Experience Cloud sites.

4. Assign permission set licenses, create a Assign field service permission set licenses to
contractor user profile, and configure object each user:
permissions. • The Field Service Scheduling permission set
license allows the user to be included in
• The Field Service Mobile permission set
license gives the user access to the Field
Service mobile app.
For help assigning the permission set licenses,
see Manage Field Service Permissions.
Then, create a user profile for contractors
(recommended) and configure their object

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Step Details

Tip: To customize contractors’ mobile app experience,

assign a unique mobile settings configuration—accessible
from the Field Service Mobile Settings page in Setup—to
the contractor user profile.

5. Create a service resource to represent the contractor users. You can create service resources for every contractor worker or just
for the contractor manager. Each service resource is linked to a
user—in this case, the partner or customer site user.

6. Create a service territory for each contractor company, and add Creating a contractor-specific territory lets the contractor manager
the contractor users as service territory members. see only their employees in the dispatcher console. For example,
if you’re contracting with Ursa Major Solar, create a territory named
Ursa Major Solar Contracting.

7. Add the dispatcher console to the Experience Builder site. For help, see Add the Dispatcher Console to an Experience Builder

Assign Service Appointments to Contractors

Ready to assign a work order to your contractor team? You’ve got options! Here are two common approaches to assigning work to

Approach Best for you if...

• The contractor manager is an Experience Cloud site user but • You want to track individual contractor workers’ details in
not a service resource Salesforce
• The contractor workers are service resources with Field Service • You want contractor workers to be able to view or update
Mobile licenses appointment details in the field
1. The dispatcher shares the work order with the contractor • You want the scheduling engine to consider each contractor
manager. worker’s schedule when making assignments
2. In your site, the contractor manager uses the Book
Appointment action to assign the associated service
appointment to a mobile worker.
3. The mobile worker uses the mobile app to view the
assignment, and update the service appointment and work
order status when the work is complete.

• The contractor manager is an Experience Cloud site user and • You don’t want to track individual contractor workers’ details
a service resource in Salesforce
• The contractor manager tracks the contractor workers in a • You want the contractor manager to be responsible for viewing
separate system and updating appointment details in the field
1. The dispatcher assigns the service appointment to the • You don’t need to differentiate between different contractor
contractor manager by creating an assigned resource record. workers’ schedules when assigning work with the scheduling
2. The contractor coordinates with the contractor team to
complete the work.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Approach Best for you if...

3. When the service appointment is complete, the contractor
updates the service appointment and work order status from
your site.

Tip: The Contractors list view in the dispatcher console Service Appointment List shows only service appointments that are
assigned to capacity-based service resources.

Set Up Field Service in Experience Cloud Sites
Define a Service Resource’s Capacity

Create Service Crews


To create service crews: Create on service crews Available in: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
To create service crews using the crew Create on service crews
management tool: AND
The Field Service core
Create on service resources features, managed
AND package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Edit on service territories
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
To create service resources representing Create on service resources
Work orders are also
available in Professional
To assign service crews to service Edit on service appointments Edition.

To view service crew members: Read on service crews AND Read on service

To create, update, or delete service crew Edit on service crews


Set up teams who can be assigned to field service appointments as a unit. A service crew is a group of service resources whose combined
skills and experience make them a good fit to work together on appointments. For example, a wellhead repair crew might include a
hydrologist, a mechanical engineer, and an electrician.
Create service crews from the crew management tool or the Service Crews tab.
From the Crew Management Tool

This is a Field Service managed package feature.

1. Open the crew management tool by clicking the Crew Management tab or opening the Lightning page that contains it.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Note: Not sure how to get to the crew management tool? Ask your admin to follow the steps in Set Up Crew Management
and let you know where the tool is located.

2. Click New Service Crew to open the crew wizard.

3. Complete the fields on the Basics tab.
4. Optionally, add skills to the crew on the Skills tab. For example, perhaps the crew you’re creating must always include someone with
the Welding skill. Adding skills makes it easier to find potential crew members with the skills you need.
5. Select a leader on the Crew Leader tab.
6. Save your crew. This creates an active service resource of type Crew that’s used during scheduling. You can now view the crew in
the crew management tool and add members to it.

From the Service Crews Tab

1. Customize page layouts to support crew features.
a. Update the field-level security settings of the Service Crew field on service resources so it’s not hidden. Then, add the field to
service resource page layouts and check that the User field is not marked as required. This lets you create service resources that
represent service crews so crews can be assigned to service appointments.

Note: Though the User and Service Crew fields won’t be marked required in the UI, service resource records can’t be
saved unless one of the fields is filled out.

b. Update the field-level security settings of the Gantt Label field on service crew members so it’s not hidden. Then, add the field
to the Service Crew Member page layout.

2. From the Service Crews tab, click New.

3. Enter a crew name and ideal size, and save your changes.
4. Add service resources to the crew from the Service Crew Members related list. You can specify start and end dates for members and
flag the crew leader.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

5. Create a service resource to represent the crew, which is required for scheduling. Changing a crew’s members doesn’t affect its
service appointment assignments.
a. From the Service Resources tab, click New.
b. Enter a name for the crew.
c. Leaving the User field blank, select the crew in the Service Crew field.
d. Select a Resource Type of Crew.
e. Select Active to be able to assign the crew to service appointments and manage its membership with the crew management
tool. Service resources of type Crew can’t be activated unless the crew has at least one active member.
f. Skip the optimization option, which doesn’t apply to service crews.
g. Save your changes.

Considerations for Scheduling Service Crews
Service crews, much like individual service resources, can be assigned to service appointments. Learn how absences, efficiency, and
crew settings affect service crew scheduling.

Service Crew Fields
View Service Crews on the Gantt
Set Up Crew Management
Manage Service Crew Membership

Considerations for Scheduling Service Crews

Service crews, much like individual service resources, can be assigned to service appointments.
Learn how absences, efficiency, and crew settings affect service crew scheduling.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
Absences Experience
If a service resource of type Crew has resource absences, those absences are considered in
The Field Service core
scheduling. Absences associated with individual crew members’ corresponding service resources
features, managed
aren’t considered.
package, and mobile app
Appointment Assignments are available in Enterprise,
Service appointments can be assigned only to service resources. Therefore, to assign a crew to Performance, Unlimited,
a service appointment, you need a service resource of type Crew that represents the crew. If and Developer Editions.
you create your crew from the crew management tool, this resource is created automatically. Work orders are also
Otherwise, follow the steps in Create Service Crews. available in Professional
When an appointment is assigned to a service crew, the appointment gains these assigned
• The service resource of type Crew
• The service resources of type Technician who are active service crew members during the appointment time
The appointment’s assigned resources are refreshed only when the appointment is dispatched or assigned to a different crew.
Changing the appointment date doesn’t refresh the assigned resources.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

If you want appointments that don’t require crews to be assigned only to individual service resources, use the Resource Priority
service objective in your scheduling policy. Give your mobile workers a lower priority so the scheduler prefers to assign work to them.
To prohibit the scheduling of all appointments to crews, assign a “No Crew” skill to your individual service resources. Then, add this
skill as requirement to the work type, work order, or work order line item in question.
Capacity-based scheduling isn’t supported for service crews because a service resource of type Crew can’t be capacity-based.
When an appointment is scheduled to a crew, the Crew Efficiency field on the crew’s service resource is used to calculate the
appointment’s Scheduled End. The crew members’ efficiencies aren’t considered.
Geolocation Tracking and Service Territories
• The Last Known Location is tracked for crew leaders only. If a crew has more than one leader, the most updated location is
displayed on the map.
• If a service resource is relocated to another service territory while they belong to a crew, the service resource membership record
is drawn only on the relocation territory.
• The service resource representing the service crew is the home base considered by Field Service while belonging to the crew.
• Travel calculation follows the service territory or the service territory member's address of the service resource representing the
service crew.
Membership Requirements
• Only active service resources of the Technician resource type can be added to crews.
• To belong to a crew, a service resource needs service territory membership in the territory where the crew provides service. The
time span of service crew membership must match or be fully contained in the time span of the service resource of type Technician
service territory membership.
• A service resource can be a member of multiple crews as long as the membership dates don’t overlap.
• Service resources that belong to a service crew don’t receive notifications about assignments or assignment changes. Assignment
notifications are sent only to service resources that are assigned individually to appointments.
• Removing all members from a service crew deactivates the related service resource of type Crew.
Minimum Crew Size
Work orders, work order line items, and work types come with a Minimum Crew Size and a Recommended Crew Size. For example,
a crew might have a recommended size of 3, but a minimum size of 2. Work orders and work order line items inherits their work
type’s crew size settings.

Note: The crew size fields are hidden for all users by default. If you don’t see them, update their field-level security settings
in Setup.
Field Service doesn’t consider the Recommended Crew Size when assigning appointments. To determine whether a service crew
fits the minimum crew size requirement for an appointment, the scheduling engine either counts the crew’s service crew members
or checks the Service Crew Size field on the Service Crew record. You can adjust these settings on the Service Crew Resources
Availability work rule. If the Minimum Crew Size is blank or 1, the scheduler may assign the work to mobile workers or to crews.
You can customize the Service Crew Resources Availability work rule to serve one of two purposes:
• Compare a service appointment parent record’s Minimum Crew Size field to the Crew Size field on the service crew.
• Compare a service appointment parent record’s Minimum Crew Size field to the actual number of allocated service crew members
at the time of the assignment. Consider Service Crew Membership must be selected on the Service Crew Resources Availability
work rule.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

If the Minimum Crew Size is blank or 1 on the service appointment’s parent record, all service resources (of either the Crew or
Technician type) are considered as candidates. This is also true for optimization, although a crew isn’t a candidate if it has no valid
crew members and Consider Service Crew Membership is selected on the Service Crew Resources Availability work rule.
If your org was created before Spring ’18, you must create this work rule and add it to your scheduling policies.
Multiday Appointments
When a multiday appointment is scheduled for a worker whose start date on a service crew is in the future, the multiday appointment
is elongated to last the duration of the worker’s membership in the service crew.
Resource Preferences
Service resources that belong to a crew can’t be candidates for appointments while they belong to a crew. Therefore, the Required
Resource and Excluded Resource work rules and the Preferred Resource service objective don’t apply to active service crew members.
Scheduling Candidates
When the scheduler is looking for candidates to perform a job, only service resources of type Crew and Technician are considered
as candidates. If a service resource is a current member of a service crew, the resource isn’t considered as a candidate. If a service
resource is manually assigned to a service appointment while they belong to a crew, the dispatcher console shows a rule violation.
When a service appointment is dispatched, members of the assigned service crew get Read access to the appointment and its parent
record and the crew leader gets Read/Write access. If the Field Service managed package isn’t installed, service crew leaders don’t
receive any extra permissions.
If an appointment’s Scheduled Start changes or an assigned resource of type Crew is updated, the appointment’s assigned resources
are refreshed to keep the sharing settings current. A change in a service crew membership record doesn’t trigger the refresh.
Skills can be assigned to service resources of any type—Technician or Crew—and are considered during scheduling. Unless skills
are assigned to a service crew directly on the service resource of type Crew, a service crew’s combined skills aren’t considered and
the crew may be under-scheduled.
If you want the scheduling engine to consider a service crew’s combined skills—that is, all skills assigned to the service crew
members—enable skill grouping. This way, if an appointment requires Drilling and Installation skills, a service crew that has members
with that group of skills is considered as a candidate.
From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Service Settings tab. On the
Scheduling tab, select Enable resource crew skill grouping and save your changes.

• When skill grouping is enabled, the scheduling engine calculates the crew’s skill set for that time slot. The skill set is
recalculated each time the scheduling engine searches for appointment candidates because it can change based on crew
member allocations and skills that expire. For example, if a resource skill requires recertification every six months, the
scheduling engine considers crew members with the skill while their certifications are valid.
• If multiple members of a service crew have the same skill, the scheduling engine considers the highest skill level when
calculating the crew’s combined skill set.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

When utilization is calculated for the utilization view and metrics shown in the dispatcher console, a service crew member is considered
to be utilized like the service resource representing the crew they belong to.

Service Crew Fields
View Service Crews on the Gantt
Set Up Crew Management
Manage Service Crew Membership

Set Up Crew Management

Give admins and dispatchers access to a drag-and-drop service crew management tool where they
can easily create service crews and update service crew membership.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning

The Field Service core

features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To create Visualforce tabs:

• Customize Application
To set Visualforce page
security and create
permission sets:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To assign permission sets:
• Assign Permission Sets

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

1. Decide which users need access to the crew management tool. Ensure that each user has at least one of these permission sets:
• FSL Admin Permissions
• FSL Dispatcher Permissions

2. Add the crew management tool to your org in one of two ways:
• Create a Visualforce tab named Crew Management for the FSL.CrewManagement page.
• Embed the Crew Management custom Lightning component in a Lightning page. Because the component includes a detailed
chart, give it plenty of space on the page.

3. Create a permission set with access to the following elements, and assign it to the relevant users.
• Crew Management tab, if you created one
• FSL.CrewManagement Visualforce page
• FSL.CrewsResourceLightbox Visualforce page
• FSL.CrewsSaLightbox Visualforce page
• FSL.CrewsWorkorderLightbox Visualforce page
• FSL.CrewsWorkorderLineItemLightbox Visualforce page
• FSL.CrewManagement Apex class

You’re all set! For help using crew management, see Manage Service Crew Membership.

Manage Service Crew Membership
Create Service Crews
View Service Crews on the Gantt

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Limit Access to Field Service Records

By default, all users can view and update work orders, work order line items, and service
appointments. You can limit access to these records so that your team members see only the records
that are relevant to them. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
1. Set sharing to Private for work orders, work order line items, and service appointments.
The Field Service core
a. In Setup, enter Sharing Settings in the Quick Find box, and click Sharing Settings. features, managed
b. Click Edit. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
c. In the Default Internal Access column, select Private for the objects that you want to limit Performance, Unlimited,
access to. and Developer Editions.
Note: If you want to share dispatched service appointments to Experience Cloud Work orders are also
site users when Default Internal Access is Private or Public Read Only, set Default available in Professional
External Access to Private or Public Read Only also. If the Default Internal Access
setting is Public Read Write, Experience Cloud site users can see dispatched
appointments only if the external setting is Public Read Write and you enable USER PERMISSIONS
dispatch sharing to resources.
To limit access to field
d. Save your changes. service records:
• Field Service Admin
2. Set up sharing settings for dispatchers. For a dispatcher to access the service resources and Permissions
service appointments in a territory, they must be a member of the public group for that territory.
a. From the App Launcher, find and open User Territories.
b. Click New.
c. Select a service territory.
d. Select the user you want to add as a member of that territory's public group.

Note: User territories give users access to the following objects for that territory.
• Resource Absences
• Service Appointments
• Service Resources
• Service Territories
• Parent objects of shared Service Appointments; for example, Accounts, Assets, Opportunities, Work Orders, and Work
Order Line Items

3. Set up sharing settings for service resources. These settings allow dispatchers to control access to the appointment and its related
information until they have finalized the appointment's details.
a. From Setup, enter Field Service Settings in the Quick Find box, then click Field Service Settings.
b. Select any of the following options. Hover over a setting’s information icon for details.
• Share dispatched service appointments with their assigned resources
• Share service appointments’ parent work orders with their assigned resources
• Let service crew members edit their service appointments

c. Save your changes.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Note: When a service resource is removed from a service appointment, sharing is deleted only for that service appointment.
Sharing on the parent work order is still retained.

4. Because record access needs can change, Field Service regularly checks that users have access to the right records. After your service
resources are assigned to service territories, confirm that this sharing update process is active.
a. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Service Settings tab.
b. Select Sharing > Scheduled Jobs.
c. Expand the User Territories scheduled job, and confirm that Active is selected.
d. Select which territories to check sharing for, and configure the job frequency.

• Limit each job to fewer than 100 territories.
• If territory membership changes frequently, try a frequency of 1 day. If territory membership is generally static, you
can decrease the frequency to 30 days, for example.

e. Enter time horizon information.

• The time horizon determines how long the resource appears in the Gantt resource list after their territory membership ends.
For example, enter 7 so that dispatchers can see the resource’s work in the previous week’s schedule on the Gantt.
• The backwards time horizon determines how far in advance a new resource appears in the Gantt resource list. For example,
enter 2 to show the resource in the resource list two days before their territory membership starts.

f. Save your changes.

g. To immediately update the sharing rows, click Run Now.

• When an appointment is canceled, it’s visible only to the appointment owner and the relevant dispatchers based on the user
territory object. The sharing rules no longer apply.
• You can give dispatchers access to records by sharing information across territories and syncing calendars to include absences
and other events.
• In some orgs, the Field Service Admin app has similar sharing options. We recommend disabling the app sharing settings and
using the Setup settings.
• When User Territory Sharing is enabled and the option Automatically populate user groups based on User Territory is
selected, the User Territory Apex Rule does the following.
– If you create a service territory, it creates a public group with the same name. The public group is added to
ServiceTerritoryShare object.
– If you create a user territory record, it adds the user to the public group for that service territory.
– If you create a service appointment with that service territory, the public group is added to the ServiceAppointmentShare
object to grant access to the record.
– When a service appointment with that territory is shared, related parent records (such as Accounts, Assets, Opportunities,
Work Orders, and Work Order Line Items) are also shared. The service appointment record and its parent record are shared
with the associated public group and its users. If the parent record of the appointment is a Work Order Line Item, the
associated Work Order is also shared. Optionally, in Field Service Settings under Sharing > Scheduled Jobs, select
which parent objects are shared when an appointment is shared. For example, to share Work Orders but not Accounts,
check Share parent Work Order when Service Appointment is shared and deselect Share parent Account when
Service Appointment is shared.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

If you don't have User Territory Sharing enabled or sharing settings weren’t private when you created the service territory
records, you must manually create the sharing records.

• Public group names must be unique. For example, User Territory Sharing doesn't work if you have a queue with the same
name as one of your public groups.
• When a service appointment is created without a user territory, it’s associated with the Field Service Default public group. This
default group allows a user to access a service appointment and work order even when there’s no associated territory. Field
Service adds users in all user territories as members of this public group. If you’re a dispatcher, you can filter the Gantt and
show service appointments that aren’t associated with a territory.

Example: John is a dispatcher for the New Jersey service territory, and his user territory record gives him access to New Jersey
field service records. Madison is a mobile worker for the Pennsylvania service territory, but on August 1 she is moving to the New
Jersey territory.
To reflect Madison’s move, the admin adds an end date of July 31 to her Pennsylvania service territory member record. The admin
then creates a New Jersey service territory member record for Madison with a start date of August 1.
The admin has configured the User Territory sharing job to run daily for all service territories, including Pennsylvania and New
Jersey. This job calculates which records users need access to. Because the job’s backwards time horizon is set to one day, John
receives access to Madison’s field service records one day before she starts work in New Jersey.

Manage Field Service Permissions

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Sync Services and Resource Absences with Events Using Calendar Sync
You can keep your services and resource absences in sync with calendar events using Calendar
Sync. Syncing services and resource absences to or from calendar events lets you maintain an
accurate view of your services and resource availability when you create events and request meetings Available in: Salesforce
from your Salesforce calendar. Events can then be synced between external calendars and Salesforce. Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
The Field Service core
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field
features, managed
Service Settings tab.
package, and mobile app
2. Select Sharing > Calendar Sync, and under Service Appointments and Resource Absence are available in Enterprise,
configure the following settings. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Setting Description Work orders are also
available in Professional
Synchronize Services from Salesforce calendar If enabled, whenever an Event record is created, Edition.
events and the value of the Event Type field is equal to
the value specified in the Calendar Event Type
setting, a Work Order and Service Appointment USER PERMISSIONS
is created.
To sync services and
• If the Event's Subject matches the name of resource absences to
an existing Work Type, the Service Salesforce calendar events:
Appointment's parent Work Order is created • Create and Edit on
using that Work Type. service appointments
and Edit on Resource
• The Event's Start Time is mapped and Absence
synced to the Scheduled Start Time of the
To sync services and
Service Appointment.
resource absences from
• The Event's End Time is mapped and synced Salesforce calendar events:
to the Scheduled End Time of the Service • Create and Edit on
Appointment. service appointments
and Edit on Resource
• The Event's Assigned To is mapped and
synced to the Assigned Resource.
• The Event's Location field is mapped to the
Service Territory field of the Service

Synchronize Services to Salesforce calendar If enabled, whenever a Service Appointment's

events Status is set to Dispatched, an Event record is
created for the assigned Service Resource.
• The Service Appointment's Work Type is
mapped and synced to the Event's Subject.
• The Service Appointment's Scheduled Start
Time is mapped and synced to the Event's
Start Time.
• The Service Appointment's Scheduled End
Time is mapped and synced to the Event's
End Time.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Setting Description
• The Service Appointment's Assigned Resource is mapped and
synced to the Event's Assigned To field.
• The Service Appointment's Service Territory is mapped and
synced to the Event's Location field.
If there are multiple Assigned Resources an Event record is only
created for the first assigned resource.
If the Service Appointment is reassigned, the Event's Assignee isn’t
If the Event's Assignee is updated the Service Appointment's
Assigned Resource is also updated.
If the Service Appointment is rescheduled, the Event Start and End
time are updated, but only if the Service Appointment has a parent
record of type Work Order or Work Order Line Item.

• If there’s an error updating the synced Event, errors
aren’t shown. For example, if you update the Service
Appointments Scheduled Start Time and there’s a
Validation Rule on the Event object that prevents
updates to the Event's Start Time, the Scheduled
Appointment is updated, but the Event update fails.
The Event still has the Service Appointment's original
Start Time.
• For Field Service, Service Appointment, if Scheduled
Start to Schedule End is greater than 14 days, events
aren’t created in the Salesforce Calendar due to a 14-day

Calendar Event type The value on the Event Type field on the Event object that controls
whether a Service Appointment and Work Order are created.

Enforce validations when syncing Service Appointments and Controls whether to ignore the update if the matching record can’t
Salesforce calendar events be updated, or to continue without updating the matching record.
For example, if this setting isn’t enabled and you update the Service
Appointment Scheduled Start Time, and there’s a Validation Rule
on the Event object that prevents updates to the Event's Start Time,
the Scheduled Appointment is updated, but the Event isn’t. The
Event still has the Service Appointment's original Start Time. If this
setting is enabled, both records aren’t updated.

Synchronize Absences from Salesforce calendar If enabled, whenever an Event record is created and the value of
the Event Type field is equal to the value specified in the Calendar
Event Type setting, a Resource Absence record is created for the
assigned user.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Setting Description
Synchronize Absences to Salesforce calendar If enabled, whenever a Resource Absence record with Record Type
Non-Availability is created for a Service Resource, an Event record
is created for the User linked to the Service Resource record.

Note: When you create an Event with Event Type =

Absence, the Resource Absence record is created and the
Type field is set to the Subject of the Event. An Inactive value
is created for the Type field if it doesn't exist.

Calendar Event type The value on the Event Type field on the Event object that controls
whether a Resource Absence record is created.

Enforce validations when syncing resource absences and Salesforce Controls whether to ignore update if the matching record can’t be
calendar events updated, or to continue without updating the matching record.

• Child events aren’t supported.
• Recurring events create a single Service Appointment record and a single Resource Absence record.
• Crews aren’t supported since the Service Resource, as a Crew, doesn't have a User to assign appointments to.
• When creating, updating, or deleting events in bulk, if one of the event records results in a failure, Calendar Sync doesn’t sync any
of the events in that request.
• You can’t create an event of type Resource Absence or Service Appointment when the Name field is populated with a Lead, or the
Related To field is populated with any value. The Related To field is preserved for the Resource Absence or Service Appointment that
is created and linked after the new event is inserted. You can’t relate an event to a Lead record if the event is already linked to another
object through the Related To field.
• Since Site Guest Users can’t be assigned with Edit Events permission, Calendar Sync with Site Guest User isn’t supported. This means
that events aren’t created, changed, or deleted after a Guest user has changed a Service Appointment or Resource Absence.

Set Up Your Field Service Inventory

Track and manage the storage, request, transfer, and consumption of every item in your inventory,
and ensure that your mobile workforce has the right parts in stock to do their job.
First, a little vocabulary review! Field service inventory management comes with a full toolbox of Available in: Salesforce
features. You can find these features in Salesforce as tabs or related lists: Classic and Lightning
• Locations are places, like warehouses, sites, or work vehicles, where inventory is stored.
• Product items represent products in your inventory stored at a particular location, such as The Field Service core
bolts stored in a warehouse. Each product item is associated with a product and a location in features, managed
Salesforce. If a product is stored at multiple locations, the product will be tracked in a different package, and mobile app
product item for each location. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Products required are products that are needed to complete a work order or work order line and Developer Editions.
item. Work orders are also
• Products consumed are product items that were used to complete a work order, and are no available in Professional
longer in your inventory. Edition.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

• Product item transactions describe actions performed on a product item. They’re auto-generated records that help you track
when a product item is replenished, consumed, or adjusted.
• Product requests are orders for products, which you might create when stock is running low.
• Product request line items are subdivisions of a product request.
• Product transfers track the transfer of product items between inventory locations.
• Return orders track the return or repair of products.
• Return order line items are subdivisions of a return order.
• Shipments represent the shipment of product items between locations.
Now that you’ve got the important terms under your belt, it’s time to configure your org for inventory management.

Customize Inventory Settings
To control how your team manages inventory, customize page layouts and assign user permissions.
Create Inventory Locations for Field Service
Locations are places, like warehouses, customer sites, or work vehicles, where inventory is stored for a field service operation. Create
locations so you can track the items stored there and restock when necessary.
Create Product Items to Represent Inventory
After you customize your field service inventory settings, track where your inventory is stored by creating product items.

Manage Your Field Service Inventory
Let Users Manage Inventory from the Field Service Mobile App

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Customize Inventory Settings

To control how your team manages inventory, customize page layouts and assign user permissions.
1. Assign user permissions.
Available in: Salesforce
Users Who Will... Need These Permissions Classic and Lightning
Enable Field Service Customize Application
The Field Service core
View the Locations, Products, Product Items, Read on the object features, managed
Product Requests, Product Transfers, Return package, and mobile app
Orders, or Shipments tab and records are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Create, edit, or delete locations, products, Create, Edit, or Delete on the object
and Developer Editions.
product items, product requests, product
Work orders are also
transfers, return orders, or shipments available in Professional
Add products required to work orders, work Edit on work orders, work order line items, or Edition.
order line items, or work types work types

Create, edit, or delete products consumed on Create on work orders AND Read on product USER PERMISSIONS
work orders or work order line items items To edit page layouts and set
View product item transactions Read on product items field history tracking:
• Customize Application
Edit product item transactions Edit on product items To create and edit users:
Create addresses for locations Create on Addresses • Manage Internal Users

2. Customize the fields and related lists on the following objects’ page layouts.

Tip: If you have your own field service terminology, remember that you can rename an object’s tab and labels. In Setup, select
Rename Tabs and Labels, and enter your own term for the object you’d like to rename.

Page Layout Recommended Customizations for Inventory Management

Location • Arrange the fields.

– Add the Inventory Location field so you can track where inventory is stored.
– Add the Mobile Location field so you can flag mobile locations such as service vehicles.
– If you plan to create location hierarchies, add the Parent Location field, and optionally
the read-only Root Location and Hierarchy Level fields.
– Optionally, customize the values in the Location Type field. Its out-of-the-box values are
Warehouse, Van, Site, and Plant.

• Confirm that your layout includes the desired related lists:

– The Addresses related list shows addresses related to the location, such as billing and shipping
– The Assets related list shows assets at the location.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Page Layout Recommended Customizations for Inventory Management

– The Associated Locations related list shows related accounts.
– The Child Locations related list shows locations within the location, such as vehicles which are
parked at a warehouse when not in use.
– The Maintenance Plans related list shows maintenance plans linked to the location.
– The Product Items related list shows product items (inventory) stored at the location.
– The Product Transfers (Source) related list shows product transfers that originated at the location.
– The Product Transfers (Destination) related list shows product transfers in which items were
transferred to the location.
– The Service Territory Locations related list shows related service territories, which usually indicates
that the location is within the territory.

Address • Arrange the fields, which appear in the Addresses related list on locations.
• Optionally, customize the values in the Address Type field. Its default values are Mailing, Shipping,
Billing, and Home.

Associated Location Associated locations let you associate multiple accounts with one location. For example, a shopping
center location may have multiple customer accounts.
• Arrange the fields, which appear in the Associated Locations related list on locations and accounts.

Product • Confirm that your layout includes the following related lists:
– The Product Items related list shows product items that track the storage of the product in an
inventory location.
– The Return Order Line Items shows return order line items that track the return or repair of the

• Define values for the Quantity Unit of Measure picklist field, which comes with one value (Each).
These values are reflected in the Quantity Unit of Measure field on product items, product request
line items, product transfers, products consumed, and products required.
a. From Setup, enter Products in the Quick Find box, then select Fields under Products.
b. Click Quantity Unit of Measure.
c. In the Quantity Unit of Measure Picklist Values related list, click Edit to change the default or
New to add values. For example, you may need values like Kilograms or Liters.
d. Save your changes.

Product consumed Arrange the fields that appear in the Products Consumed related list.

Product item • Arrange the fields.

• Confirm that your layout includes the following related lists.
– The Product Item Transactions related list automatically tracks the replenishment, consumption,
and adjustment of product items.
– The Product Transfers related list shows transfers of the inventory.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Page Layout Recommended Customizations for Inventory Management

Product item transaction Arrange the fields that appear in the Product Item Transactions related list.

Product request • Arrange the fields.

• Optionally, customize the Status field values. The default values are Draft, Submitted, and Received.
• Confirm that your layout includes the following related lists.
– The Product Transfers related list shows transfers that are created to fulfill the request.
– The Product Request Line Items related list shows the request’s line items (each associated with
a product).
– The Return Orders related list shows return orders associated with the request.

Product request line • Arrange the fields.

• Optionally, customize the Status field values. The default values are Draft, Submitted, and Received.
• Confirm that your layout includes the following related lists:
– The Product Transfers related list shows transfers created to fulfill the request.
– The Return Order Line Items related list shows return order line items associated with the product
request line item.

Product required Arrange the fields that appear in the Products Required related list.

Product transfer • Arrange the fields. The default layout includes only some of the available fields.
• Optionally, customize the Status field values. The default values are Ready for Pickup and Completed.
• Confirm that your layout includes the Product Item Transactions related list, which automatically
tracks the replenishment, consumption, and adjustment of the product items being transferred.

Return order • Arrange the fields.

• Confirm that your layout includes the following related lists:
– The Product Transfers related list shows product transfers related to the return
– The Return Order Line Items related list shows subdivisions of the return, each associated with
a specific product
– The Work Orders related list shows work orders related to the return
– The Work Order Line Items related list shows work order line items related to the return

Return order line item • Arrange the fields.

• Confirm that your layout includes the following related lists:
– The Product Transfers related list shows product transfers related to the return
– The Work Orders related list shows work orders related to the return
– The Work Order Line Items related list shows work order line items related to the return

Shipment • Arrange the fields.

• Optionally, customize the Status field values. The default values are Shipped and Delivered.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Page Layout Recommended Customizations for Inventory Management

• Confirm that your layout includes the Product Transfers related list, which shows transfers that the
shipment fulfills.

Work order Confirm that your layouts include the following related lists.
Work order line item • The Products Required related list shows products needed to complete the work.
• The Products Consumed related list shows product items used to complete the work.
• The Product Requests related list shows product requests created to ensure that the assigned service
resources have the parts they need to complete the work.
• The Product Request Line Items related list shows product request line items associated with the
• The Return Orders related list shows return orders associated with the work.
• The Return Order Line Items related list shows return order line items associated with the work.

3. Make the following tabs visible to your users:

• Locations
• Products
• Product Items
• Product Requests
• Product Request Line Items
• Product Transfers
• Return Orders
• Shipments
You can add the tabs to a custom app or instruct users to add them in Salesforce.

Product Item and Inventory Fields
Product Request and Transfer Fields
Location Fields for Field Service

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Inventory Locations for Field Service


To create locations: Create on locations Available in: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
To view associated locations: Read on accounts
To create, update, or delete associated Edit on accounts
The Field Service core
features, managed
To view addresses: Read on locations package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
To create, update, or delete addresses: Edit on locations Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Locations are places, like warehouses, customer sites, or work vehicles, where inventory is stored available in Professional
for a field service operation. Create locations so you can track the items stored there and restock Edition.
when necessary.
1. From the Locations tab, click New.
2. Enter a location name.
3. Select a location type:
• Warehouse (default)
• Site
• Van
• Plant

4. If inventory is stored at the location, select Inventory Location. This allows you to you associate the location with items in your
inventory, known as product items.
5. If the location can be moved, like a van or tool box, select Mobile Location.
6. Complete the other fields as appropriate.
7. Click Save.
8. In the Addresses related list, create addresses for the location. The available types of addresses are Mailing, Shipping, Billing, and
9. In the Files related list, attach files like blueprints, photographs, or registration information.
10. In the Service Territory Locations related list, create records to indicate which service territories the location belongs to. Service
territory locations are warehouses, customer sites, or vehicles that are located or operate in the service territory.

Location Fields for Field Service

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Create Product Items to Represent Inventory

After you customize your field service inventory settings, track where your inventory is stored by
creating product items.
Product items represent your inventory. Each product item is linked to a storage location, such as Available in: Salesforce
a van or warehouse, and to a specific product, indicating the item being stored. Create product Classic and Lightning
items so you can track inventory usage and restock when necessary. Experience

Important: Before you get started, choose whether to assign serial numbers to product The Field Service core
items for identification purposes. features, managed
package, and mobile app
• If you assign a serial number, each product item represents a single item in your inventory: are available in Enterprise,
for example, create one product item representing a motor with serial number 012345 Performance, Unlimited,
stored at Warehouse A. Before serializing product items, review the Inventory Management and Developer Editions.
limitations in Field Service Limits and Limitations. Work orders are also
• If you choose not to assign serial numbers, you can specify a quantity on each product available in Professional
item. Product item quantities auto-update to reflect transfers between locations. Create Edition.
one product item for every location that has the product in stock. For example, create:
– One product item representing 100 batteries stored at Warehouse A USER PERMISSIONS
– One product item representing 15 batteries stored in Service Van 1
To create product items:
• Create on product items
1. From the Product Items tab, click New.
To view product item
2. Use the lookup field to select a product. transactions:
• Read on product items
Tip: To add products to your org, see Guidelines for Creating Products.
To create, update, or delete
3. Use the lookup field to select the location where the product item is stored. Only locations that product item transactions:
have the Inventory Location option selected can be associated with product items. • Edit on product items

4. Enter the Quantity on Hand, which is the amount at this location. If you intend to add a serial
number, this value will likely be 1.
5. If needed, add a unit of measure; for example, grams, packs, or units. These values are inherited from the Quantity Unit of Measure
field on products.
6. If the Quantity on Hand is 1, enter a serial number.
7. Click Save.
The product item now appears in the Product Items related list on the associated location and product records. In addition, the Product
Item Transactions related list on the product item now contains a “Replenished” transaction that tells you when the product item was
If you update a product item, a new product item transaction is created with a type of “Adjusted” and a quantity that is the difference
between the old and new Quantity On Hand. Deleting a product item deletes all related product item transactions.

Product Item and Inventory Fields
Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Get Ready for Scheduling

Define your service appointment life cycle, configure appointment booking settings, and get to
know your Field Service scheduling policies, optimization settings, and sharing settings.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
The Field Service core
Customize the Service Appointment Life Cycle features, managed
A service appointment life cycle shows the sequence of stages that a service appointment package, and mobile app
passes through. The life cycle starts when the appointment is created and ends when it reaches are available in Enterprise,
its final status. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Customize Appointment Booking Settings
Work orders are also
Users can schedule service appointments for a work order, work order line item, or other record available in Professional
by using the Book Appointment Chatter action. Customize this scheduling experience from Edition.
the Field Service Admin app.
Reserve Time Slots for Designated Types of Work
Create specific time slots dedicated to service appointments that meet your criteria.
Set Up Routing for Travel Time Calculations
Field Service uses aerial routing to estimate travel time between job sites. You can improve the accuracy of these estimates by
enabling street-level routing (SLR), which considers real turn-by-turn data. To further fine-tune travel time calculation, enable
predictive travel. For even more accurate travel time calculations using the exact service appointment location and incorporating
time of day, enable point-to-point predictive routing.
Enable Multiday Service Appointments
Chances are that your grander projects require more than a day’s work. Happily, you can schedule service appointments that span
multiple days.
Manage Rule Validation Checks
Set how often rules are checked for violations, and what triggers automatic rule validation checks.
Set Up Optimization
Configure optimization so that you can schedule appointments, address last-minute challenges, and minimize surprises for your
team. You can set up optimization to run regularly, or run it manually.

Optimize Your Field Service Schedule
What’s Schedule Optimization?

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Customize the Service Appointment Life Cycle

A service appointment life cycle shows the sequence of stages that a service appointment passes
through. The life cycle starts when the appointment is created and ends when it reaches its final
status. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Service appointments come with the following statuses to represent stages in their life cycle.
The Field Service core
• None features, managed
• Scheduled package, and mobile app
• Dispatched are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• In Progress and Developer Editions.
• Completed Work orders are also
• Cannot Complete available in Professional
• Canceled

Tip: Update the status names to fit your business by editing the Status picklist values in
Setup. Changing the name doesn’t change a status’s automatic transition behavior.
Here’s how to customize your service appointment life cycle.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Service Settings tab.
2. Click Service Appointment Life Cycle.
3. Click SA Status. Select a status value for each description.
4. Save your changes.
5. Click the Status Transitions tab.
6. Each row represents a flow or transition in the service appointment life cycle. Modify the existing flows, delete flows, or add new

Note: When a service appointment is unscheduled, its status changes to None.

7. Optionally, click More Details to limit the user profiles that can make each status change. You can also select a custom Visualforce
page to display when a user tries to make the status change. The status flow diagram at the bottom of the page shows your status
flows, but doesn’t show profile-based restrictions.
8. Save your changes.

Service Appointment Fields for Field Service
Manage Service Appointments

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Customize Appointment Booking Settings

Users can schedule service appointments for a work order, work order line item, or other record by
using the Book Appointment Chatter action. Customize this scheduling experience from the Field
Service Admin app. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field
The Field Service core
Service Settings tab.
features, managed
2. Select Global Actions > Appointment Booking. package, and mobile app
3. Configure your settings. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Field Name Description

Default scheduling policy The scheduling policy used to generate a list of arrival windows or
time slots when a user clicks Book Appointment or Candidates
in the feed. By default, these actions use the Customer First
scheduling policy. This policy aims first to use the customer’s
preferred service resources, then to schedule the appointment as
soon as possible, and finally to minimize the resource’s travel time.

• You can also change this setting on the Customize
Appointment Booking page in Guided Setup.
• Optionally, create a custom Scheduling Policy lookup
field for an object and map it to the object on the
Derivations tab in Global Actions. This way, records of
that object type use the policy you selected rather than
the default policy.

Default operating hours The operating hours that determine the arrival window time slots
that are offered to customers. Each appointment’s scheduled start
falls within the arrival window requested by the customer.
By default, the Gold Appointments Calendar operating hours are
used, which consist of two-hour time slots, Monday–Friday, from
9 AM to 5 PM. You can change the arrival window operating hours
on the Customize Appointment Booking page in Guided

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Field Name Description

Setup—which also lets you quickly define and preview your
hours—or from the Operating Hours tab.

Tip: If different appointment booking windows are needed

for different level of service—for instance, standard
customers get 4-hour booking windows while VIP customers
get 2-hour windows—add entitlements to your work orders.
In the Operating Hours field on the entitlement, select the
appropriate appointment booking window operating hours.

Ideal grading threshold An appointment’s grade represents its adherence to the scheduling
policy’s service objectives. Enter a value 0–100. When potential
appointments are shown in the Book Appointment action,
appointments with a grade equal to or higher than the ideal
grading threshold have an Ideal flag.

Recommended grading threshold An appointment’s grade represents its adherence to the scheduling
policy’s service objectives. Enter a value 0–100. When potential
appointment times are shown in the Book Appointment action,
appointments with a grade below the ideal grading threshold and
equal to or higher than the recommended grading threshold have
a Recommended flag.

Minimum Grade An appointment’s grade represents its adherence to the scheduling

policy’s service objectives. Enter a value 0–100. Appointments
below this value aren’t shown in the list.

Number of hours for initial appointment search If the difference between the earliest start permitted and due date
is greater than this value, the appointment is displayed in an initial
list while the search continues for additional candidates.

Show grades explanation When this option is selected, clicking the info icon next to an option
shows its score for each service objective in the applied scheduling
policy. These scores are averaged to form the overall score.

Custom CSS (cascading style sheet) To customize the appearance of the Book Appointment and
Candidates actions, enter a name of a CSS file.

Disable service territory picker in appointment booking Hide the service territory field in the Book Appointment action.

Pin three highest graded time slots to the top Highlight the three highest-graded time slots and pin them to the
top of the list in a Golden Slots section.

Open extended view by default Display appointment details in the extended view. When this option
isn’t selected, users must click Show More Options to see the
Earliest Start Permitted and Due Date fields.

Note: For an appointment to be scheduled, the following

information is required: scheduling policy, work type, earliest
start permitted, and due date. While a service territory isn’t
required, it’s recommended.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Time Zones and Appointment Booking
In large field service operations, the service appointment’s support agent, assigned resource, and customer could all be in different
time zones. Field Service’s appointment booking process shows each user’s appointment details in their own time zone.

Manage Service Appointments

Time Zones and Appointment Booking

In large field service operations, the service appointment’s support agent, assigned resource, and
customer could all be in different time zones. Field Service’s appointment booking process shows
each user’s appointment details in their own time zone. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
If your operation spans multiple time zones, follow these guidelines when creating records.
The Field Service core
• For work orders, complete the Service Territory field. A service appointment inherits its parent features, managed
record’s service territory when the parent is a work order or work order line item, but you can package, and mobile app
set a unique service territory on an appointment. are available in Enterprise,
• For service territories, select operating hours that are associated with the territory’s time zone. Performance, Unlimited,
For example, for a New York service territory, select operating hours with the New York time and Developer Editions.
zone. Work orders are also
available in Professional
• Create operating hours in Guided Setup that represent the arrival windows offered in the Book
Appointment action.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the
Field Service Settings tab.
2. Select Go to Guided Setup > Customize Appointment Booking.
3. Update the operating hours, and save your changes.
You can also update the operating hours from Field Service Settings > Scheduling > Appointment Booking.
When the Book Appointment action is used, Field Service doesn’t consider the time zone defined on the arrival windows operating
hours record. Instead, it uses the time zone of the service appointment’s service territory’s operating hours. This way, when a customer
selects a time slot, the appointment is scheduled according to the customer’s time zone.

• The support agent’s time zone is Eastern Time (ET).
• The service resource’s time zone is Mountain Time (MT) on both the user record and the primary service territory.
A customer in Nevada calls the company for an appointment, and the support agent creates a work order. The work order sets
the customer’s service territory to the match the site address. The service territory uses the customer’s time zone—in this case,
Pacific Time (PT).
On the Book Appointment page, the customer selects an arrival window of 1–3 PM. The arrival window is in the customer’s time
zone (PT) because it uses the work order’s service territory’s time zone.
After the appointment is booked, each person involved can view its details in their time zone.
• When the customer (PT) receives an email confirmation, the arrival window is listed as 1–3 PM.
• When the support agent (ET) views the service appointment, the arrival window is listed as 4–6 PM.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

• When the assigned resource (MT) checks the schedule in the Field Service mobile app, the arrival window is listed as 2–4 PM.

Reserve Time Slots for Designated Types of Work

Create specific time slots dedicated to service appointments that meet your criteria.
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Available in: Salesforce
Any time slot on an operating hours record can be designated for a specific type of work. The type Classic and Lightning
of work is determined by any checkbox field on service appointments. For example, you can Experience
designate a time slot to support only appointments whose Emergency field is selected.
The Field Service core
1. Decide which service appointment fields can be used to reserve time slots. features, managed
a. From the Object Manager, find the Service Appointment object and click Field package, and mobile app
Sets. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
b. Open the Designated Work Fields field set. and Developer Editions.
c. Drag any checkbox field into the field set. Work orders are also
available in Professional
Note: You can customize a field by adding it to the service appointment object. Edition.

2. Add the TimeSlot Designated Work work rule to one or more scheduling policies. When the
policy is in use, the scheduling optimizer respects your designated time slot preferences during scheduling.
a. Click the Scheduling Policies tab and select a policy.
b. In the Scheduling Policy Work Rules related list, click New.
c. In the Work Rule field, select New Work Rule.
d. Select Field Service - TimeSlot Designated Work and click Next.
e. Add a name and description.
f. Save your changes.

3. Reserve a time slot for service appointments of a specified type.

a. From the operating hours tab, select an operating hours record.
b. From the detail view, right-click a time slot.
c. Hover over Designate Work and select a checkbox.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

If an appointment doesn’t meet the criteria of your designated time slot, the scheduling optimizer won’t schedule it within the time

Work Rule Type: TimeSlot Designated Work
Create Work Types for Field Service

Set Up Routing for Travel Time Calculations

Field Service uses aerial routing to estimate travel time between job sites. You can improve the
accuracy of these estimates by enabling street-level routing (SLR), which considers real turn-by-turn
data. To further fine-tune travel time calculation, enable predictive travel. For even more accurate Available in: Salesforce
travel time calculations using the exact service appointment location and incorporating time of Classic and Lightning
day, enable point-to-point predictive routing. Experience

This is a Field Service managed package feature. The Field Service core
features, managed
Point-to-point predictive routing is gradually replacing predictive travel (beta) and street-level
package, and mobile app
routing and is available in all scheduling and optimization operations. As of Spring ’21, new Salesforce
are available in Enterprise,
orgs get point-to-point predictive routing by default. Salesforce orgs before this retain predictive
Performance, Unlimited,
travel (beta) and their configuration but can switch to point-to-point predictive routing. and Developer Editions.
Per-appointment travel time is one of the most important KPIs that a field service organization Work orders are also
tracks. A small improvement can give a mobile worker more time to work, drive less, reduce their available in Professional
carbon footprint, and promptly reach the customer. Accurate route planning helps your mobile Edition.
workforce perform at the highest level.
Field Service uses routing to calculate and minimize travel time and distance between appointments,
and shares this information with users. Travel time also factors into the scores assigned to available time slots and service resources
during scheduling. Several routing options are available:
• Aerial routing: Computes the shortest distance between two locations based on a straight-line route.
• Street-level routing: Computes the distance along roads or transportation routes. SLR is based on actual road speed measurements
and the expected travel speed based on road type. SLR calculation takes a bit longer than aerial routing calculation.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

• Predictive travel (beta): Builds on SLR by incorporating time-of-day data into the calculation. Predictive travel applies only to
optimization operations; scheduling operations like the Book Appointment and Candidates actions don’t use it.
• Point-to-point predictive routing: Estimates travel time using the exact service appointment location and considers time of day.
This routing is used across all scheduling and optimization operations.
Emergency work uses Real Time Travel provided by Google.
To set your travel time calculation preferences, open the Field Service Admin app from the App Launcher. Select Field Service Settings >
Scheduling > Routing.

• Routing avoids toll roads, which can result in longer travel times.
• When you switch from aerial routing to SLR, scheduling recalculates travel times, including times for already scheduled appointments.
• When SLR is activated, resource travel speed isn’t considered. However, if the calculation returns to aerial routing, travel speed is
• The Street Level Routing Cache custom object improves SLR calculation time for distances that were calculated in the previous 30
days between two given points. Don’t delete this object.
• The travel time is based on the Driving profile in Google maps and can’t be changed.
• SLR creates a grid of 200-meter squares. Every service appointment within the grid gets the same geolocation for routing purposes.
• When a service appointment is dragged onto the Gantt to be scheduled, the routing calculation depends on the chosen start time.
The time of day can affect typical road speed measurements, for example.
• If you’re scheduling work using Queueable Apex, use the Database.AllowsCallouts annotation to estimate travel time with SLR. If
you don’t include this annotation, aerial routing is used instead. For more information, see Queueable Apex: More Than an @future.

• The Travel From field on service appointments displays Aerial as the calculation method for all appointments, except for the last
appointment of the day. Because Travel From is calculated only for the last service appointment of the day, its value is zero for every
other appointment. The last appointment of the day is calculated with SLR.
• If a service appointment requires a travel distance of more than 100 kilometers, aerial routing is used.
• Multiday work scheduling doesn’t support SLR and uses aerial routing instead. Predictive travel isn’t supported with complex work.
• Any scheduling action that is triggered in a transaction with data manipulation language (DML) uses aerial routing. When SLR is
enabled and scheduling requires SLR travel results that are not primed locally, you must use a callout to retrieve the results. If DML
occurs in the same transaction as the callout, it causes an exception. To avoid this exception, allow the system to use aerial routing
or ensure that DML is completed in a separate transaction. If you want transactions of this type to cause an exception rather than a
switch to aerial routing, from the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click Field Service Settings >
Scheduling. Select Avoid aerial calculation upon callout DML exception.
• Optimization can use aerial, SLR, or predictive travel, and can report which routing method was used.

Additional Considerations for Point-to-Point Predictive Routing

• In Salesforce orgs before Spring ’21, if you haven’t turned on point-to-point predictive routing, you can still switch to SLR or predictive
travel (beta).
• Unlike SLR, which creates a grid of 200-meter squares, point-to-point predictive routing uses the exact locations of objects for
• Multiday work scheduling always uses SLR. Complex work uses point-to-point predictive routing in optimization, and SLR for platform

Important: When you switch to point-to-point predictive routing, scheduling and optimization recalculate travel times, including
times for already scheduled appointments. You may incur an overlap of appointments because of the more accurate, slightly

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

longer, travel times. Use resource schedule optimization to fix overlaps locally (for specific resources), or run global or in-day
optimization to re-optimize the whole schedule (this takes longer). Apply the Fix Overlaps scheduling policy.

Enable Multiday Service Appointments

Chances are that your grander projects require more than a day’s work. Happily, you can schedule
service appointments that span multiple days.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Experience
Service Settings tab.
The Field Service core
2. Click Scheduling > General Logic. features, managed
3. In the Multi-day service appointment field field, select Is MultiDay. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
4. In Setup, add the Is MultiDay field to your service appointment page layout and save Performance, Unlimited,
your changes. and Developer Editions.
5. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets Work orders are also
under Users. available in Professional
6. Click Field Service Dispatcher Permissions.
7. In the Apps section, click Custom Permissions.
8. Click Edit.
To customize the Field
9. Add the Longterm View custom permission to the Field Service Dispatcher permission
Service managed package:
set. This permission lets dispatchers select the Long-Term view in the Gantt, which displays up
• Customize Application
to 6 months at a time. The Long-Term view displays up to 1000 service appointments. The
Long-Term view comes with filtering options, including the option to show only multiday To use the Long-Term Gantt
appointments. Customize your Long-Term view settings from the Gantt filter’s Hours tab.
• Longterm View custom
Note: The Long-Term view replaces the Multiday view, which displays 5 weeks at a time permission
but doesn’t include filtering options.

10. Click Save.

11. To indicate that a service appointment must span multiple days, select Is Multiday on the appointment.
The length of the multiday appointment is based on its duration and the assigned resource’s availability.

Example: Let’s say you want to find the best resource to complete a multiday service appointment in San Francisco. Your service
resources in San Francisco have operating hours from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and their Resource Availability Work Rule gives them
30 minutes of travel time to and from appointments.
You need to schedule a multiday service appointment that lasts 10 hours. Given your service resources’ travel and time constraints,
the Dispatcher Console finds the best service resource for the job. In this example, Alan Reed is the service resource who’s most
available for this service appointment.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

The Dispatcher Console automatically takes your service resources’ travel and break times into account to optimize your multiday

Considerations for Multiday Scheduling
Keep these considerations in mind when you implement multiday scheduling in your org.

Create Scheduling Dependencies Between Service Appointments
Field Service Limits and Limitations

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Considerations for Multiday Scheduling

Keep these considerations in mind when you implement multiday scheduling in your org.
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Available in: Salesforce
• Multiday scheduling is supported in the following scheduling actions: Classic and Lightning
– Drag-and-drop scheduling Experience

– Candidates (shows only the time that the multiday work can begin) The Field Service core
– Book Appointment features, managed
package, and mobile app
– Scheduling from the Gantt or quick actions
are available in Enterprise,
– Reshuffle Performance, Unlimited,
– Optimization and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
• On multiday service appointments, the Scheduled Start and End times must fall within the available in Professional
assigned resource’s time slots in their operating hours. Edition.
• Multiday scheduling is based on the customer’s operating hours only if the applied scheduling
policy includes a Service Appointment Visiting Hours work rule. USER PERMISSIONS
• Multiday work calculations are run when the assigned resource changes or the service
appointment Duration or Scheduled Start changes. To customize the Field
Service managed package:
• If the Break Start and Break Duration fields are filled out on the Service Resource Availability
• Customize Application
work rule of the applied scheduling policy, the schedule includes breaks.
To use the Long-Term Gantt
• If you drag and drop a multiday service appointment, or manually change its Scheduled Start, view:
the Scheduled End doesn’t go beyond the due date regardless of the appointment Duration. • Longterm View custom
• To prevent the scheduling optimizer from proposing time slots that don't fully respect resources' permission
availability, configure a TimeSlot Designated Work work rule.
• Multiday scheduling assumes that the assigned resource begins and ends each day at their
home base, so the daily schedule includes travel time to and from the site.

Tip: To change the travel time logic, update the Travel From Home and Travel To Home fields on the Service Resource
Availability work rule. These fields let you allocate a number of minutes at the day’s start and end for the resource’s travel at
their own expense. If they’re left blank, the schedule automatically includes calculated travel time. For example, enter 60 in
each field if resources must be present at the site at the start of the day. This way, the schedule doesn’t include travel time for
resources whose home base is less than an hour from the site.

• Multiday scheduling has these additional limitations:

– A service resource can’t be assigned to any other appointment during a multiday service appointment.
– Multiday service appointments that overlap with other appointments don’t trigger the Fix Overlaps action.
– Multiday service appointments can’t be assigned to capacity-based service resources.
– Multiday service appointments can’t span more than eight weeks.
– The combination of multiday scheduling and complex work isn’t supported. If a multiday service appointment has a scheduling
dependency, its Scheduled End date isn't calculated when the appointment is scheduled.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Manage Rule Validation Checks

Set how often rules are checked for violations, and what triggers automatic rule validation checks.
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Available in: Salesforce
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Classic and Lightning
Service Settings tab. Then, click Dispatcher Console UI > Gantt Configurations. Experience
2. Under Rules Validations, configure the following settings. The Field Service core
features, managed
Setting Description package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Validate rules after indirect Gantt updates If this option is selected, any indirect Gantt
Performance, Unlimited,
updates not made by the dispatcher trigger
and Developer Editions.
rule violation calculation.
Work orders are also
Rule Validation Frequency available in Professional
• On Demand: Check rules only when
initiated manually by the dispatcher. The
dispatcher initiates rule validation for
single or multiple service appointments USER PERMISSIONS
using the right-click menu on the Gantt
To enable dispatchers to
chart or appointment list. The Check Rules
check rules manually:
button is used to initiate rule validation
• Custom permission sets:
for all loaded data appearing on the Gantt
chart and appointment list. This setting is • Field Service
the default for Salesforce orgs as of
Summer ’21.
• Field Service
• After Direct Gantt Updates: Check rules Dispatcher License
after every update initiated by the
Custom permissions:
dispatcher on the Gantt. Updates include
scheduling by drag and drop, • Enable Check Rules
- All Services
unscheduling a service appointment, or
adding, removing, or modifying a • Gantt and List -
Enable Check Rules
Resource Absence.
• Gantt and List -
• Always: Check rules after every operation. Enable Bulk Check
This setting is the default for Salesforce Rule
orgs before Summer ‘21.

Set Custom Permissions for Field Service
Check Rule Violations on the Gantt

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up Optimization
Configure optimization so that you can schedule appointments, address last-minute challenges,
and minimize surprises for your team. You can set up optimization to run regularly, or run it manually.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
Note: Setting up optimization consumes one Salesforce license, so check that a license is Experience
The Field Service core
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field features, managed
Service Settings tab. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
2. Click Optimization > Activation. Click Create Optimization Profile to create an optimization
Performance, Unlimited,
profile and an optimization user that submits optimization requests.
and Developer Editions.
3. When you’re prompted, switch to the newly created optimization user. Work orders are also
a. From Setup, navigate to the Users page and locate the optimization user. available in Professional
b. Click Edit next to the user and select Active on their profile.
If you deactivate the optimization user, you can’t use optimization.
c. Select Generate new password and notify user immediately.
To create users:
d. Log out. • Manage Internal Users
4. When you receive the password reset email, click the link and complete the steps to log in as
the optimization user.
5. When you’re logged in, click the + icon in the tab bar to see your full list of tabs. Click the Field Service Settings tab.
6. Click Activate Optimization.
7. Click Allow to allow remote site access and be redirected back to Field Service Settings.
8. Log out as the optimization user and log back in with your regular username and password.
Optimization is now ready to use in your org.

Optimization includes these scheduling features.

Feature Description Learn More

In-day optimization Last-minute changes can derail your team’s schedule. Create Optimize Today’s Schedule
scheduling policies that swiftly optimize the day’s schedule so that
you can get your team back on track.

Scheduling recipes Tackle common scheduling challenges with optimization “recipes” Create Scheduling Recipes for
that adjust your schedule after appointment cancellations, time Common Events
changes, and overlaps. Cover all scenarios by creating multiple
recipes in each category

Predictive travel (beta) Predictive travel builds on the street-level routing service by Set Up Routing for Travel Time
incorporating time-of-day route data into travel time estimates. Calculations
Predictive travel applies only to optimization operations. This
routing option is unavailable from Spring ’21. Point-to-point
predictive routing replaces predictive travel.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Feature Description Learn More

Point-to-point predictive routing Point-to-point predictive routing estimates travel time using the Set Up Routing for Travel Time
exact service appointment location and considers time of day. This Calculations
routing is used across all scheduling and optimization operations.

Shift availability Shifts let you assign workers for time periods that don’t follow a Manage Shifts
recurring pattern.

Note: If the Fix Overlaps feature is in use, the “Reshuffle other assignments” option is only partially supported for the setting:
When unable to find a valid schedule for an appointment. If more than one appointment is dropped from the schedule
during a Fix Overlaps operation, only one of the appointments is reshuffled.

Optimize Your Field Service Schedule
What’s Schedule Optimization?

Setup for Product Warranties

To have new assets automatically pick up the standard warranty for a product, set up a flow, process
builder, or trigger.
Available in: Salesforce
SEE ALSO: Classic and Lightning
Build a Flow
Create a Process The Field Service core
features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up Product Service Campaigns

If your Salesforce org was created before Spring ’21, add the Product Service Campaign Item related
list to Product Service Campaign.
Available in: Salesforce
SEE ALSO: Classic and Lightning
Manage Product Service Campaigns
Add the Files Related List to Page Layouts The Field Service core
features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Set Up Asset Availability and Reliability Reporting

Get information on asset availability and reliability by recording details of asset downtime.
1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Click the profile you want to provide with access.
Classic and Lightning
3. Click Edit. Experience
4. Under Administrative permissions, select Field Service Standard. The Field Service core
5. Under Standard Object Permissions, give read or read/write access to Assets. Save your changes. features, managed
package, and mobile app
6. Under Field-Level Security, click View next to Asset.
are available in Enterprise,
7. Click Edit and grant: Performance, Unlimited,
a. read access to the Availability, Reliability, Cumulative Downtime, and Cumulative Unplanned and Developer Editions.
Downtime fields. Work orders are also
available in Professional
b. read/write access to the Average Uptime Per Day, Uptime Record End Date, and Uptime Edition.
Record Start Date fields.

8. Save your changes.

9. Add the Average Uptime Per Day, Uptime Record End Date, and Uptime Record Start Date fields to the Asset page layout. Also add
your choice of Availability, Reliability, Cumulative Downtime, and Cumulative Unplanned Downtime fields.

Track Availability and Reliability

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up Field Service in Experience Cloud Sites

Keep customers, partners, and contractors in the loop about field service work by adding field
service objects to your Experience Cloud site.
If you use an Experience Cloud site to connect with your business partners, employees, or customers, Available in: Salesforce
keeping the communication lines open is key to field service success. For example, add work orders Classic and Lightning
and service appointments to a partner site to stay in sync with contractors. Or, add return orders Experience
and return order line items to a site to coordinate customer returns. Field service objects are
The Field Service core
supported in Experience Builder sites and in Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce sites. features, managed
1. To set up field service objects in an Experience Builder site: package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
a. Create an object page in the Pages menu in Experience Builder.
Performance, Unlimited,
b. When prompted to choose a Salesforce object, choose a field service object. Three related and Developer Editions.
pages are automatically created for the new object page: a record detail page, a record list Work orders are also
page, and a related list page. To use a Visualforce Lightning component in an Experience available in Professional
Builder site, add the Visualforce page from the managed package to the record detail page. Edition.
c. To expose the field in your customer-facing site add it to the Navigation Menu.
2. To set up field service objects in a Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce site, add the objects as tabs.
For help adding tabs and giving users access to them, see Add Tabs to Your Experience Cloud To create, customize, or
Site. publish an Experience Cloud
3. Optionally, configure guest user access to work orders. By default, guest users in sites can’t view
• Create and Set Up
or create work orders. Experiences AND View
a. From Setup, enter Digital Experiences in the Quick Find box, then select All Setup and Configuration
b. Select Builder next to the site whose guest users need access to work orders.
c. In the left-hand panel, click Settings, and then click the name of the guest user profile.
d. In the Standard Object Permissions section, configure access to work orders and save your changes.

Note: Linked articles, which are knowledge articles attached to supported field service records, aren’t supported in Experience
Builder sites.

Add the Dispatcher Console to an Experience Builder Site
Hand over the dispatching reins to a field service contractor manager by embedding the dispatcher console in an Experience Builder
Provide Access to Asset Availability and Reliability Information
Let Experience Cloud site users view or record asset downtime details and view information on asset availability and reliability.

Set Up and Manage Experience Cloud Sites
Objects Supported by Out-of-the-Box Components and Pages in Experience Builder Templates
Visualforce Page Component
Field Service Objects
Guidelines for Setting Up Field Service Contractors

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Add the Dispatcher Console to an Experience Builder Site

Hand over the dispatching reins to a field service contractor manager by embedding the dispatcher
console in an Experience Builder site.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
1. Add the dispatcher console to your Experience Builder site. Experience
a. In Experience Builder, open the Pages menu on the top toolbar. The Field Service core
b. Click New Page at the bottom of the Pages menu. features, managed
package, and mobile app
c. Click Standard Page, and follow the prompts to create your page. Give it a helpful name,
are available in Enterprise,
like Dispatcher Console.
Performance, Unlimited,
d. Assign the page a one-column layout. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
e. From the Components menu, drag a Visualforce Page component to the Content section
available in Professional
of the page. Set the component’s properties as follows:
• VF Page name: vf001_ServiceExpert
• Height: Any value (we suggest 800 pixels) USER PERMISSIONS
• Record ID: Leave unchanged—{!recordId}
To create, customize, or
f. Open the navigation menu and add a menu item. Use the following settings: publish an Experience Cloud
• Name: Any value (for example, Dispatcher Console)
• Create and Set Up
• Type: Community Page Experiences AND View
• Page: Select the page you created earlier Setup and Configuration
To create a permission set:
g. In the Members section, select the Field Service Community Dispatcher Permissions to be • Manage Profiles and
allowed in the site. Permission Sets
h. Publish your changes. To assign a permission set
2. Give site users access to the new dispatcher console page. • Manage Users
a. Confirm that the site users who need access to the dispatcher console have a Partner To use the dispatcher
Community user license. console in a site:
b. Confirm that a service territory has been created for the contractor. For details, see Guidelines • Partner Community
for Setting Up Field Service Contractors. license and Field Service
Dispatcher permission
c. Create the site dispatcher permission sets. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field set license
Service Admin app, and then click Field Service Settings. Then, click Getting Started
> Permission Sets.
d. Find the Field Service Community Dispatcher tile. Confirm that the tile shows a message indicating that the permission set is
current. If it doesn’t, click Create Permissions.
e. Assign two permission sets to the site users who need access to the dispatcher console:
• Field Service Community Dispatcher License permission set
• Field Service Community Dispatcher Permissions permission set

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Note: Site dispatchers can’t access the complex work feature—for details, see Create Scheduling Dependencies Between Service
Appointments—or Live Gantt updates.

Customize the Dispatcher Console
Work in the Dispatcher Console Gantt

Provide Access to Asset Availability and Reliability Information

Let Experience Cloud site users view or record asset downtime details and view information on
asset availability and reliability.
1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Click the Experience Cloud site user profile you want to provide with access.
3. Click Edit.
The Field Service core
4. Under Administrative permissions, select Field Service Standard. features, managed
5. Under Standard Object Permissions, give read or read/write access to Assets. Save your changes. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
6. Under Field-Level Security, click View next to Asset.
Performance, Unlimited,
7. Click Edit and grant read access to the Availability and Reliability fields. Click Save your changes. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Note: Access to asset downtime related list is not available for guest users. available in Professional
Track Availability and Reliability

Set Up Visual Remote Assistant

Keep workers and customers safe, improve efficiency, and reduce costs by delivering service from
anywhere with Visual Remote Assistant.
Some customers are hesitant to have technicians on-site. And businesses and workers are concerned Available in Lightning
for employee safety. Salesforce Visual Remote Assistant helps customers get the service they need, Experience
without an on-site service visit. Contact center agents and field service technicians can solve a
The Field Service core
customer’s problem through virtual real-time, guided interaction.
features, managed
Integrate Visual Remote Assistant into the service console. Agents can set up a virtual assistance package, and mobile app
session with a customer and provide on-screen step-by-step directions on the customer’s mobile are available in Enterprise,
screen. Technicians can use this tool from their smart devices. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
High-bandwidth connections aren’t required. Visual Remote Assistant works on low or variable
Work orders are also
bandwidth connections, reducing the resolution of the video and using still frames, as needed.
available in Professional
Customers launch a remote service session in a mobile web browser by clicking a link in a text Edition.
message—no app or additional software installation is required.
After the service session, agents can annotate and save the recording for future reference.
Learn More

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Install the Visual Remote Assistant
Deliver service from anywhere with Visual Remote Assistant.

Install the Visual Remote Assistant

Deliver service from anywhere with Visual Remote Assistant.
To use the Visual Remote Assistant, install the managed package.
Available in Lightning
Note: For more information about installing packages, see Install a Package. Experience

The Field Service core

features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Test Your Field Service Configuration with Health Check

Use the Field Service Health Check to run a suite of automated tests on your Field Service settings
and configuration data. When Health Check identifies a problem, you get on-the-spot
recommendations to align your Field Service configuration with our best practices. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
To get the most useful results from this Health Check, complete setting up Field Service.
The Field Service core
You can run two types of validations with the Field Service Health Check: general and horizon based. features, managed
• A general validation checks your org for incorrect configurations, such as out-of-date permission package, and mobile app
sets or incomplete scheduling policies. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• A horizon-based validation checks the service appointments, resources, and territory
and Developer Editions.
memberships for a given time frame and service territory. It makes sure that these records don't
Work orders are also
have any issues that could result in scheduling errors. available in Professional
For both types of validations, results are grouped as critical tests and important tests. A critical test Edition.
failure can result in immediate performance degradations. An important test failure can impact
performance, or it can be caused by a deliberate customization that goes against our typical best
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field To run Field Service Health
Service Settings tab. Check:
• FSL Admin Permissions
2. Click Health Check.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

3. Run Health Check on your Field Service configuration.

a. Under General Validations, view the results of the last Field Service Health Check run. The tests are rerun each time you open
the page. If you make any changes, click Re-Run All Tests.
b. Under Horizon Based Validations, enter information for the scheduling horizon that you would like to check, and click Run Tests.
Horizon Based Validations can take a little while to complete.
• For Horizon Start and Horizon End, select the date range to validate.
• For Service Territories, select at least one territory. You can also choose whether to validate service appointments that aren't
assigned to a territory.
• Select a scheduling policy to validate your configuration against.
• Optionally, select a filter. For example, validate only pinned appointments. You can filter validations using only boolean

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

4. View your results. To get more information on failed tests, select More Info in the Actions dropdown menu.

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Set Up After Sandbox Refresh

After you refresh a sandbox for Field Service, you must verify that sandbox remote sites are active.
Then configure your Salesforce sandboxes to use independent remote sites for street-level routing
(SLR) and optimization services, and verify your default policies and operating hours. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
1. Verify that sandbox remote sites are active. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Remote
The Field Service core
Site Settings, and then select Remote Site Settings. Activate the FSL_GIS_SB and
features, managed
FSL_Optimize_SB sites. Reauthenticate your optimization user and register street-level routing.
package, and mobile app
2. Register street-level routing. To register SLR, in the Field Service Admin app, select the Field are available in Enterprise,
Service Settings tab and then select Scheduling. Select Routing and click the Register button Performance, Unlimited,
if shown. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
3. Reactivate Optimization. See Set Up Optimization
available in Professional
4. In the managed package Field Service Settings app, verify the following: Edition.
If you refreshed a developer sandbox, you must first create operating hours and scheduling
policies and then verify.
a. Default Emergency Policy and Default Scheduling Policies. See Create and Manage
Scheduling Policies To configure settings in the
Field Service Admin app and
b. Default Operating Hours. See Guidelines for Creating Operating Hours for Field Service Field Service Settings app:
c. Optimization Scheduled Jobs policy. See Set Up and Run Optimization Jobs • Field Service Admin
Permission Set
d. Scheduling Recipes Policies. See Create Scheduling Recipes for Common Events
To configure remote
5. Run health check. See Test Your Field Service Configuration with Health Check settings:
• Customize Application
or Modify All Data

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Report on Field Service

Create report types to track field service activity in your org. To take your reporting a step further,
use the Field Service Analytics App.
You can create a variety of custom report types to stay informed about field service records. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
1. From Setup, enter Report Types in the Quick Find box, then select Report Types and
click New Custom Report Type.
2. In the Primary Object dropdown menu, select the field service object you want to report on: The Field Service core
features, managed
Note: This table doesn’t include feed objects that are available as secondary objects. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Primary Object Description Available Secondary
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Accounts View accounts’ maintenance Field service objects: available in Professional
plans, product requests, Edition.
Maintenance Plans
return orders, resource
preferences, and work orders. Product Requests USER PERMISSIONS
Product Request Line Items
Resource Preferences To create or update custom
report types:
Return Orders • Manage Custom Report
Work Orders Types
To create a public reports
Assets View assets’ maintenance Field service objects: folder:
plans, replacements, and work Asset Relationships • Manage Public Reports
Maintenance Assets
Work Orders

Cases View cases’ work orders, Field service objects:

return orders, and product Product Requests
Product Request Line Items
Return Orders
Work Orders

Contacts View contacts’ maintenance Field service objects:

plans, service appointments, Maintenance Plans
return orders, and work
orders. Return Orders
Service Appointments
Work Orders

Locations View locations’ maintenance Addresses

plans, parts, part transfers, and Assets
Maintenance Plans

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Primary Object Description Available Secondary Objects

Product Items
Product Requests (Source Location)
Product Requests (Destination Location)
Product Request Line Items (Source
Product Request Line Items (Destination
Product Transfers (Source Location)
Product Transfers (Destination Location)
Service Resources
Service Territory Locations
Shipments (Source Location)
Shipments (Destination Location)
Return Orders (Source Location)
Return Orders (Destination Location)
Work Orders
Work Order Line Items

Maintenance Plans View maintenance plans’ work orders and Maintenance Assets
assets. Work Orders

Operating Hours View the operating hours of service Service Territories

territories and their members. Time Slots

Orders View an order’s associated return orders. Field service objects:

Return Orders

Product Items View the transfer, consumption, and Product Transfers

replenishment of parts in your inventory. Products Consumed

Product Item Transactions

Product Request Line Items View the transfers related to parts in your Product Transfers

Product Requests View the line items and return orders Product Request Line Items
associated with product requests. Return Orders

Products View product requirements, transfers, Field service objects:

requests, return order line items, and parts. Assets

Product Items

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Primary Object Description Available Secondary Objects

Products Required
Product Request Line Items
Product Transfers
Return Order Line Items

Product Transfers View product quantity, origin and None

destination locations, and owner of
product transfers.

Return Orders View return orders’ line items. Return Order Line Items

Service Appointments Compare the differences between Assigned Resources

scheduled and actual appointment times,
and analyze trends in resource assignment
on appointments.

Service Contracts View service contracts’ maintenance plans Field service objects:
and work orders. Maintenance Plans
Work Orders

Service Crews View appointments that crews are Assigned Resources

assigned to and information about crew Service Crew Members

Service Resources Compare service resources’ capacities, Assigned Resources

absences, and skills, and view the Resource Absences
territories they belong to and service
appointments and crews they are assigned Resource Capacities
to. And, see which accounts or work orders Resource Preferences
list resources as preferred. Service Crew Members
Service Resource Skills
Service Territory Members
Time Sheets

Service Territories Compare the number and types of service Service Appointments
appointments, work orders, and work Service Territory Members
order line items across service territories,
and view the service resources that belong Service Territory Locations
to each territory. Work Orders
Work Order Line Items

Shipments View shipment address and transfer Product Transfers


Time Sheets View time sheets’ owners, entries, and Time Sheet Entries

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Primary Object Description Available Secondary Objects

Users View field service records created by, Field service objects:
modified by, or associated with users. Assets (Asset Owner, Created By, Last
Modified By)
Locations (Created By, Last Modified By)
Maintenance Plans (Created By, Last
Modified By)
Operating Hours (Created By, Last Modified
Product Items (Created By, Last Modified
Product Requests (Created By, Last
Modified By)
Product Request Line Items (Created By,
Last Modified By)
Product Transfers (Created By, Last
Modified By)
Return Orders (Created By, Last Modified
By, Returned By)
Service Appointments (Created By, Last
Modified By)
Service Crews (Created By, Last Modified
Service Resources (User, Created By, Last
Modified By)
Service Territories (Created By, Last
Modified By)
Shipments (Created By, Last Modified By)
Time Sheets (Created By, Last Modified By)
Work Orders (Owner, Created By, Last
Modified By)
Work Types (Created By, Last Modified By)

Work Orders Compare information such as the number Object Milestones

of appointments or line items per work Products Consumed
order, or work order service territories. And,
analyze how resource preferences and skill Product Requests
requirements vary between work orders. Products Required
Product Request Line Items
Resource Preferences
Service Appointments

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Primary Object Description Available Secondary Objects

Skill Requirements
Time Sheet Entries
Work Order Line Items
Work Order Line Items

Work Types Compare information such as work type Maintenance Plans

duration and skill requirements. Products Required
Skill Requirements

3. Complete the required fields and click Next.

Tip: In the Store in Category dropdown menu, we recommend choosing Customer Support Reports or Other
Reports. This is the category where users find the custom report type on the Reports tab. You can also create your own field
service report folder. Make your choices on the Define Report Records Set page.

4. Click Save.
5. As needed, remove and rearrange fields from your report layout.
Salesforce also offers the Field Service Analytics App, which is bundled with the Service Analytics App. To learn more, see The Field
Service Analytics App.

Tip: To view work orders with milestones in your org, use the Object Milestones custom report type. The Milestone Status and
Milestone Status Icon fields are not available in work order reports.

Manage Data Integration Rules for Field Service

Set up data integration rules to ensure that service resource travel time is accurately calculated.
When you add a street address to certain types of field service records, Salesforce calculates the
address’s latitude, longitude, and location accuracy. You can reference this data, which is visible Available in: Salesforce
only in the API, in any custom field service applications. Geolocation information is used to calculate Classic and Lightning
service resource travel times if the Field Service managed package is installed. Experience

This geolocation data feature, known as “geocoding”, is enabled for all supported field service The Field Service core
objects when you enable Field Service. The API contains values for the three fields in the following features, managed
table on: package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
• Work orders
Performance, Unlimited,
• Work order line items and Developer Editions.
• Service appointments Work orders are also
available in Professional
• Service territories
• Resource absences
• Service territory members

Service Cloud Set Up Field Service

Field Name Description

Latitude The latitude of the street address.

Longitude The longitude of the street address.

GeocodeAccuracy The accuracy of the latitude and longitude. This field contains one
of the following values, listed in order from most to least accurate:
• Address: In the same building
• NearAddress: Near the address
• Block: Midway point of the block
• Street: Midway point of the street
• ExtendedZip: Center of the extended ZIP code area
• Zip: Center of the ZIP code area
• Neighborhood: Center of the neighborhood
• City: Center of the city
• County: Center of the county
• State: Center of the state
• Unknown: No match for the address was found (for instance,
the address is invalid)

Note: Because Google Maps is restricted in China, Field Service features that depend on Google Maps don’t work there. To
minimize errors and customize access for users in China, see Disable Google Maps-based Field Service features for China users.

Keep Geocoding Data Current

Salesforce uses data integration rules to periodically refresh these three fields. A refresh occurs when:
• The record is created or updated
• The record type’s data integration rule is deactivated and reactivated
Allow some time for the geocoding fields to refresh. The processing time varies based on the number of records being updated.

Note: If bulk geocoding is turned off for a data integration rule, deactivating or reactivating the rule doesn't refresh the geocoding
fields. Bulk geocoding is enabled by default.
To keep an eye on the status of a record’s geocoding data:
• In Lightning Experience: On the record, select Check Integration Status in the action menu.
• In Salesforce Classic: Add the Data Integration Rules related list to the detail page layout of the records you’d like to track. The
related list includes:
– The time the record’s geocoding data was last refreshed.
– The record’s geocoding status. To learn what each status means, see Statuses for Data Integration. A status of In Sync means
that your geocoding data is current.
– An Update link that lets you manually run an instant refresh.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Opt out of Geocoding

If you’re already using another geocoding service, opt out of Field Service geocoding.
1. From Setup, enter Data Integration in the Quick Find box, then select Data Integration Rules.
2. Click Deactivate next to the following rules.
• Geocodes for Work Order Address
• Geocodes for Work Order Line Item Address
• Geocodes for Service Appointment Address
• Geocodes for Service Territory Address
• Geocodes for Service Territory Member Address
• Geocodes for Resource Absence Address

Track Service Resource Geolocation with the Field Service Mobile App

Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Work orders, which track work to be performed for customers, are the heart of Field Service. Learn
how to create and customize work orders and maintenance plans.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Create Work Orders for Field Service
Create work orders to track work to be performed for a customer. The Field Service core
features, managed
Create Work Plans
package, and mobile app
Learn how to create and use work plans to deliver consistent service. are available in Enterprise,
Create Maintenance Plans Performance, Unlimited,
Create preventive maintenance plans for assets so your customers never miss a beat. With and Developer Editions.
maintenance plans you define how often maintenance visits occur and generate work orders Work orders are also
for future visits. available in Professional
Create Multiple Maintenance Schedules
To keep assets in tip-top shape, you often need multiple maintenance schedules running at
different frequencies.

Set Up Work Order Management for Field Service

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Create Work Orders for Field Service

Create work orders to track work to be performed for a customer.
1. From the Work Orders tab or the Work Orders related list on a record, click New.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Optionally, select a work type. Work types are templates that auto-populate the following
Classic and Lightning
settings on work orders:
• Duration
The Field Service core
• Duration Type
features, managed
• Minimum Crew Size package, and mobile app
• Recommended Crew Size are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• Service Report Template
and Developer Editions.
• Skill Requirements Work orders are also
• Products Required available in Professional
• Auto-creation of a service appointment Edition.

• Attached knowledge articles

3. Enter the address where the work order is taking place. The work order’s service appointments
and line items inherit its address, though the address on line items can be updated. To create work orders:
• Create on work orders
4. Optionally, select a price book. Associating the work order with a price book lets you link each
work order line item to a price book entry (product). To view work order line
5. If you’re tracking pricing on work orders, enter the tax amount. For example, in a work order • Read on work orders
whose total price is $200, enter 20 to apply a 10 percent tax. You can enter a number with or
To create, update, or delete
without the currency symbol and use up to two decimal places.
work order line items:
6. Complete the remaining fields as needed. • Edit on work orders
7. Click Save.
8. Optionally, add details in the work order’s related lists.
• Work Order Line Items: Subtasks or steps that must be performed to complete the work order. Line items can be marked as
completed one by one, and can each have their own active service appointment, work type, and required skills and products.
Pricing details like discounts and unit price are set at the line item level.
• Child Work Orders: Child records of the work order, which are useful in complex jobs.
• Service Appointments: Records that represent visits to the customer. Work orders and work order line items can have multiple
service appointments. If Auto-Complete Service Appointment is selected on the associated work type, a service appointment
is created when you create the work order.
• Products Required: Inventory require to complete the work order. For details, see Track Required Inventory.
• Skill Requirements: Skills required to complete the work order. For help, see Add Required Skills to Work Orders or Work Types
for Field Service.
• Articles: Relevant knowledge articles.

Add Service Resource Preferences to Accounts or Work Orders for Field Service
Designate certain service resources as preferred, required, or excluded on accounts or work orders.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Add Required Skills to Work Orders or Work Types for Field Service
Ensure that every field service appointment is assigned to a service resource with the right skills. Add skill requirements to work
types, work orders, and work order line items so they can be checked against a service resource’s assigned skills.
Attach Knowledge Articles to Work Orders or Work Types
Learn how to interact with knowledge articles on work orders, work order line items, and work types.
Guidelines for Creating Work Orders for Field Service
Work orders help you track tasks to be performed on a product. Learn how to create and manage work orders.
Work Order Pricing Guidelines for Field Service
Work orders and work order line items have several price-related settings. Learn about these settings and how to apply them to your

Work Order Fields for Field Service
Customize Work Order Settings for Field Service
Trailhead: Field Service Center Customization

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Add Service Resource Preferences to Accounts or Work Orders for Field Service
Designate certain service resources as preferred, required, or excluded on accounts or work orders.
Work orders inherit their account’s resource preferences. If you don’t want to establish resource
preferences at the account level, add them to individual work orders. To use resource preferences, Available in: Salesforce
the service appointment's parent record must be a work order, not a work order line item. Classic and Lightning
To enforce resource preferences during schedule optimization, use the Required Resources and
Excluded Resources work rules, which are included in the Customer First scheduling policy. The The Field Service core
Resource Priority service objective also measures an appointment’s adherence to resource preferences features, managed
of the Preferred type. If you’re not using the Field Service managed package, resource preferences package, and mobile app
serve as a suggestion rather than a requirement. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
1. On a work order or account, click New in the Resource Preferences related list.
and Developer Editions.
2. Select a service resource. You can’t add preferences for service resources who are inactive or Work orders are also
dispatchers. available in Professional
3. Select a preference type: Preferred, Excluded, or Required.
4. Save your changes.
To view resource
• If your customer had a positive experience with Alicia, a service resource, create a resource preferences:
preference on the customer’s account that designates Alicia as “Preferred” • Read on the parent
• If your customer had a bad experience with Nigel, a service resource, create a resource object (work orders or
preference on the customer’s account that designates Nigel as “Excluded” accounts) AND Read on
service resources
• If your customer purchased a complex piece of equipment that was installed by Evan, a
service resource, create a resource preference on the customer’s account that designates To create, edit or delete
Evan as “Required” resource preferences on
work orders:
The customer’s work orders automatically list those three preferences. This helps the dispatcher • Edit on work orders AND
know to assign their service appointments to Evan and, if a second worker is needed, to Alicia Read on service
if she is available. The dispatcher also knows never to assign the account’s service appointments resources
to Nigel. To create, edit or delete
resource preferences on
• Edit on accounts AND
Work Rule Type: Excluded Resources Read on service
Work Rule Type: Required Resources resources

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Add Required Skills to Work Orders or Work Types for Field Service
Ensure that every field service appointment is assigned to a service resource with the right skills.
Add skill requirements to work types, work orders, and work order line items so they can be checked
against a service resource’s assigned skills. Available in: Salesforce
Adding required skills to work types saves you time and keeps your business processes consistent. Classic and Lightning
Work orders and work order line items inherit their work type’s required skills. For example, a Experience
refrigeration company can add a skill requirement of Refrigerator Maintenance—skill level 50—to
The Field Service core
their Annual Maintenance work type. When an agent creates a work order for their customer’s features, managed
annual fridge maintenance, selecting that work type on the work order adds the required skill. package, and mobile app
If the Field Service managed package is installed, you can use Guided Setup to add required skills are available in Enterprise,
to work types. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click Performance, Unlimited,
the Field Service Settings tab. Then, click Go to Guided Setup, select Create Work Types and and Developer Editions.
Skills, and enter skills in the Skill Requirements field of any work type. Work orders are also
available in Professional
You can also add required skills to work orders, work order line items, or work types from the Skill Edition.
Requirements related list, outside of Guided Setup.
1. Navigate to the record that needs required skills.
2. In the Skill Requirements related list, click New.
To view skill requirements:
3. Select a skill. When you’re not using of Guided Setup, skills must be created before they can be
• Read on the parent
added as a requirement; to learn how, see Guidelines for Creating Skills for Field Service. object (work orders or
4. Enter a skill level from 0 to 99.99 based on how your business measures skill level. work types) AND Read
on skills
5. Click Save. The skill now appears in the Skill Requirements related list on the record.
To create, edit or delete skill
You can enforce skill requirements during schedule optimization using the Match Skills work rule.
requirements on work
This rule ensures that appointments are assigned only to service resources who possess the required orders or work order line
skills listed on the parent record. If you’re not using the Field Service managed package, skill items:
requirements serve as a suggestion rather than a rule.
• Edit on work orders AND
Read on skills
SEE ALSO: To create, edit or delete skill
Skill Fields for Field Service requirements on work types:
• Edit on work types AND
Guidelines for Creating Skills for Field Service
Read on skills

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Attach Knowledge Articles to Work Orders or Work Types

Learn how to interact with knowledge articles on work orders, work order line items, and work
Available in: Salesforce
Attach an Article Classic and Lightning
Search for and attach articles to a record from the Articles related list, the Knowledge One console
widget, or the Knowledge component in Lightning Experience. The Field Service core
features, managed
• In Salesforce Classic: In the Articles related list on a record, click Find Article to search for an
package, and mobile app
article, and then attach it.
are available in Enterprise,
• In the Salesforce Classic console: To attach articles to work types, use the Articles related list on Performance, Unlimited,
the work type. To attach articles to work orders or work order line items, use the Knowledge and Developer Editions.
One widget or the Articles related list. Work orders are also
• In Lightning Experience and the Lightning Experience console: In the Knowledge component on available in Professional
a record, search for the article and then attach it. Edition.

View an Attached Article

Attached articles appear in the Articles related list, Knowledge Lightning component, and Knowledge One console widget. View an
article by clicking its title. If feed tracking for related lists is enabled, you can navigate to attached articles from the record feed.
On article detail pages in Salesforce Classic, the Linked Work Orders and Linked Work Order Line Items related lists show the records that
an article is attached to. A Linked Work Types related list isn’t available.

Update an Attached Article

To publish a new version of an article, open the article and click Edit.
When you attach an article to a work order or work order line item, that version of the article stays associated with the record even if
later versions are published. If needed, detach and reattach an article to ensure that the record is linked to the latest version of the article.
The Linked Article Version field on the linked article detail page leads to the attached version.

Note: Only one version of an article can be attached to a record.

Detach an Article
Detach articles from the Articles related list or Knowledge One console widget in Salesforce Classic, and from the Knowledge component
in Lightning Experience.

Note: Linked articles have the following limitations.

• Quick actions and global actions aren’t supported for linked articles.
• The Article widget and Feed Articles Tool aren’t available in the feed view.
• In Lightning Experience, clicking an article link in a feed item redirects you to the article page in Salesforce Classic. In the
Salesforce mobile app, linked articles can’t be accessed from feed items.
• The Linked Work Types related list isn’t available on articles in any platform.
• The Knowledge One widget isn’t available on work types in the console. To manage linked articles on work types in the console,
use the Articles related list.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

• Linked articles are read-only in the Salesforce mobile app.

Set Up Knowledge for Work Orders
View Knowledge Articles in the Field Service Mobile App

Guidelines for Creating Work Orders for Field Service

Work orders help you track tasks to be performed on a product. Learn how to create and manage
work orders.
Available in: Salesforce
View Work Orders Classic and Lightning
View work orders from the Work Orders tab or the Work Orders related list on the following types
of records: The Field Service core
features, managed
• Accounts
package, and mobile app
• Assets are available in Enterprise,
• Cases Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
• Contacts
Work orders are also
• Entitlements available in Professional
• Maintenance plans Edition.
• Service contracts
• Return orders
• Return order line items
• Service contracts

Tip: Add work orders to the console to manage work orders and their associated records in one place.

Create Work Orders

Create and edit work orders from the Work Orders tab or the Work Orders related list.
When you create a work order, add line items to the work order from the Work Order Line Items related list. Work order line items
represent specific tasks that a mobile worker must perform to complete the work order. They can be marked as completed one by one,
and make it easier to track and improve field service processes. Pricing details like discounts and unit price are set at the line item level
on work orders.

Delete Work Orders

Delete work orders on the work order’s detail page or the Work Orders related list. Deleting a work order moves it to the Recycle Bin.
Any notes, attachments, activities, line items, and service appointments associated with the work order are also deleted. If you undelete
the work order, the associated items are undeleted.

Create Work Order Hierarchies

Work orders can have child work orders, which are standalone records that can be scheduled, given statuses, and assigned.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Child work orders help you account for cancellations. When work is canceled, you can set the work order status to Canceled and create
a child work order. This lets you track first-time rates and analyze cancellation reasons.

Share Work Orders

You may be able to grant extra access to work orders beyond what your org’s default sharing model allows. However, you can’t make
the sharing model more restrictive than the default.
To see who has access to a work order, click Sharing on the work order’s detail page. Work order line items inherit their parent work
order’s sharing settings. To learn more, see Limit Access to Field Service Records.

How Work Orders and Service Appointments Intersect

Service appointments on work orders and work order line items represent service visits to the customer. While work orders and work
order line items let you enter general information about a task, service appointments track details about when, where, and how a visit
occurs. Schedule optimization is based on service appointment data.
Work orders and work order line items provide important capabilities, including price book association and Salesforce Knowledge
integration. The Field Service mobile app experience is also optimized for service appointments whose parent record is a work order or
work order line item.

Work Order Fields for Field Service

Work Order Pricing Guidelines for Field Service

Work orders and work order line items have several price-related settings. Learn about these settings
and how to apply them to your business.
If you’ve set up a product catalog in Salesforce to track the goods and services that you offer, you Available in: Salesforce
can associate items in your price books with work orders and their line items, similar to the way Classic and Lightning
you can associate products with opportunities or orders. If a work order lists a price book, you can Experience
link each work order line item to a price book entry (product) from the price book.
The Field Service core
For example, if you create a work order for a solar panel installation, select a price book in the Price features, managed
Book lookup field on the work order. Then, use the Price Book Entry lookup field on its work order package, and mobile app
line items to select items in your price book, such as Site Assessment, Solar Panel, and Inverter. A are available in Enterprise,
quick glance at a completed work order’s line items shows you which products from your product Performance, Unlimited,
catalog were sold as part of the work order. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Work orders contain these price-related fields. available in Professional
Work Order Field Description
Discount (Read only) The weighted average of the discounts on all line items
on the work order. It can be any positive number up to 100.

Subtotal (Read only) The total of the work order line items before discounts
and taxes are applied.

Total Price (Read only) The total of the work order line items’ price after
discounts but before tax is added.

Grand Total (Read only) The total price of the work order with tax added.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Work Order Field Description

Price Book The price book associated with the work order. Adding a price book to the work order lets
you link each work order line item to a product included in the price book.

Tax The total tax on the work order in a currency format. (Do not enter a percentage.) For example,
in a work order whose total price is $100, enter $10 to apply a 10 percent tax. You can enter
a number with or without the currency symbol and you can use up to two decimal places.

Work order line items contain these price-related fields.

Work Order Line Item Field Description

Discount The percent discount to be applied to the line item’s subtotal. You can enter a number with
or without the percent symbol and you can use up to two decimal places.

Subtotal (Read only) The line item’s unit price multiplied by the quantity.

Total Price (Read only) The line item’s subtotal with discounts applied. This field is blank until you add a
unit price and save the line item.

List Price (Read only) The price of the line item (product) as listed in its corresponding price book entry.
If a product isn’t selected, the list price defaults to zero.

Note: When you select a product to link to the line item, you can see the product’s
list price next to its name and ID in the lookup window. The list price field populates
when you save the line item.

Product The name of the product associated with the line item. The lookup only lists products that
are included in the parent work order’s price book. When you select a product and save the
line item, the following fields are populated on the line item:
• List Price
• Unit Price
• Subtotal
• Total Price

Note: Inline editing isn’t supported on the Product field. To change the product on
a line item, click Edit. Adding a product updates the list price, unit price, subtotal, and
total price based on the related entry in the work order’s price book.

Unit Price By default, the unit price for a work order line item is the line item’s list price from the price
book, but you can change it.

Completing Price Fields

• When completing work order price fields, complete only the Price Book and Tax fields. The Discount, Subtotal, Total Price, and Grand
Total fields are automatically calculated based on line item fields.
• When completing work order line item price fields, complete only the Product and Discount fields. The Subtotal, Total Price, List
Price, and Unit Price fields are automatically calculated based on other line item fields.
• Apply discounts to work orders at the line item level. If your work order doesn’t have line items, its discount is zero.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

• Work order line items don’t have to be linked to a product. For example, perhaps you use line items only to track tasks. Just keep in
mind that if the Product field is blank, you can’t use the List Price, Unit Price, Discount, Quantity, Subtotal, or Total Price fields.
• If you plan to use price books for work orders, users need “Use” sharing access to the price book object to complete the following
– Create or edit work orders with the Price Book field completed
– Create work order line items with the Product field completed
– Create products consumed with the Price Book Entry field completed

Deleting Products and Price Books

• You can’t delete a price book that’s linked to a work order.
• You can’t delete a product that’s linked to a work order line item.
• You can’t delete a price book entry that’s linked to a work order line item. Price book entries are linked to work order line items via
the Product lookup field.
• You can’t remove a price book from a work order if its line items are linked to products from that price book.

Work Order Fields for Field Service
Work Order Line Item Fields for Field Service

Create Work Plans

Learn how to create and use work plans to deliver consistent service.

IN THIS SECTION: Available in: Lightning

Learn About Work Plans
Keep Field Service workers on track with guided steps for completing their work. The Field Service core
features, managed
Set Up Work Plans
package, and mobile app
Customize your work plans settings, assign users permissions to manage work plans, and map are available in Enterprise,
fields that display information for work plans and work steps. Performance, Unlimited,
Build and Manage Work Plans and Developer Editions.
Create and maintain work plans by defining templates for work steps and work plans, and create Work orders are also
work plan selection rules. available in Professional
View and Complete Work Plans
Back-office workers can view and complete work plans on their desktop.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Learn About Work Plans

Keep Field Service workers on track with guided steps for completing their work.
Work plans are a set of prescribed steps that guide front-line and back-office workers on how to
complete a work order. By following steps in work plans, field service teams can complete Available in: Lightning
assignments quickly, consistently, and with less guesswork. Experience
Work plans appear on a work order or work order line item. Each plan shows an ordered list of work The Field Service core
steps. A work step can be a simple instruction such as “Put on your safety goggles.” Or it can be a features, managed
quick action or a field service mobile flow that guides workers through a procedure. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
To make work steps and work plans easier to manage, they’re created from templates. Templates
Performance, Unlimited,
help reuse plans and common steps across these plans. For example, service managers can reuse
and Developer Editions.
a work plan template for safety checks and add steps for work in an earthquake zone.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Automate how work plans are assigned to work orders or work order line items using work plan selection rules. Service managers
configure rules that add plans based on fields such as work type, asset, location, and service contract. A selection rule generates a
point-in-time copy of a work plan and its steps from the templates, and it adds them to work orders or work order line items.
For example, for break-fix procedures, define work step templates and work plan templates for different assets. The selection rules map
required work plans to asset types. When the service manager creates a work order or work order line item for an asset, the rules add
instances of the right plans and steps.
Front-line and back-office workers view work plans on the work order or work order line item. As they complete steps, quick actions and
flows guide them through the work.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Creating, maintaining, and using work plans is a team effort.

• Service managers, operations managers, or dispatchers typically build and maintain work plans. They define templates for work
steps and work plans, and they create work plan selection rules.
• Salesforce Admins assign the right permissions for users to use and manage work plans. Also, if there’s a work step that uses a field
service mobile flow, the admin usually creates it.
• Front-line and back-office workers are the consumers of work plans. They’re often a great resource to help admins build and refine
work step and work plan templates.
Here’s a summary of objects related to work plans.
• Work Step Template: A reusable pattern that describes a task. It can include a quick action or a field service mobile flow.
• Work Plan Template: A reusable pattern that describes an ordered list of steps.
• Work Plan Template Entry: A step, in the form of a work step template, that’s added to a work plan template.
• Work Plan Selection Rule: The logic that selects which work plan templates and steps to associate with a work order or work order
line item.
• Work Plan: A checklist that’s displayed on a work order or work order line item.
• Work Step: A task on a checklist that the worker can complete.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Set Up Work Plans

Customize your work plans settings, assign users permissions to manage work plans, and map fields
that display information for work plans and work steps.
Available in: Lightning
Enable Work Plans The Field Service core
Before you customize its settings, enable your work plans. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Customize Work Plans Settings
are available in Enterprise,
Adjust work plans settings to accommodate your needs. Performance, Unlimited,
Assign User Permissions for Work Plans and Developer Editions.
Give users access to work plans. Work orders are also
available in Professional
Map Fields for Work Plans Edition.
Learn how standard fields for work plans are mapped from templates and how to map custom

Enable Work Plans

Before you customize its settings, enable your work plans.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Work Plans, and then select Generate Work Plans
and Work Steps from templates and selection rules. Available in: Lightning
2. In Object Manager, edit page layouts for work order and work order line item objects. Add Work
Steps and Work Plans to the layout in Related Lists. Under quick actions, add Generate Work The Field Service core
Plans, Add Work Plans, and Delete Work Plans so that these actions appear in the action menu. features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To enable work plans:

• Customize Application

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Customize Work Plans Settings

Adjust work plans settings to accommodate your needs.
• Display the Work Plans Lightning Web Component on the work order or work order line item
record page. Available in: Lightning
– Add the related lists for your work steps and work plans to the page layout of the work
order or work order line item. The Field Service core
– Add the component to the layout of the work order or work order line item record page features, managed
by using the Lightning App Builder. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
– Activate the record page to make it available to your Lightning Experience and mobile users
Performance, Unlimited,
by using the Activation function in the Lightning App Builder. and Developer Editions.
Note: If you haven’t already customized the work order or work order line item record Work orders are also
page, the Work Plans component is added to the record page layout by default. available in Professional
• Customize the fields displayed on the work plan and work step records. In the page layout of
the work plans and work steps’ related lists, select the fields to display.

Note: For the information to display properly on the Work Plans Lightning Web Component, we recommend that you first
include these fields in the layout:
– For work plans: Execution Order, Name, and Work Order Line Item
– For work steps: Execution Order, Name, and Status

• In Object Manager, edit page layouts for the work plan template object. To display the standard New Work Plan Selection Rule screen
to users, select the New button to show in the layout of the work plan selection rule related list. To display the enhanced New Work
Plan Selection Rule screen, select the New Rule button.
• Adjust service reports to include work plans and work steps information. To do that, adjust your service report template on page 1418
to include work plans and work steps related lists information in reports. By default, work steps are grouped by work plan.

Considerations for Work Plans

• Only standard fields are supported for work plan selection rules.
• When the user clicks the Complete button for a work step and the step is completed successfully, we assign the first status value
from the Completed status category. If the work step gets paused, we assign the first status value from the Paused status category.
• In Process Builder, if you want to use objects related to work plans, enter w in the picklist to show them. Otherwise, Process Builder
doesn’t list them.
• In work steps, we support predefined and custom global quick actions, custom object-specific actions defined on work order and
work step objects, and field service mobile flows.
– For the Field Service mobile app on page 1610, we support Create, Update, and Flow quick actions.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

– If a quick action or mobile flow fails to load for a work step, an error icon appears next to the step’s status icon. For actions
showing errors, confirm that the action still exists and that it works on mobile. For flows showing errors, confirm that the user
has Flow permissions.

Introducing Lightning Web Components
Quick Actions
Activate Lightning Experience Record Pages
Create and Configure Lightning Experience Record Pages
Manage Service Reports
Customize Related Lists

Assign User Permissions for Work Plans

Give users access to work plans.
• For users who create or manage work plans, assign them Read, Create, Edit, Delete, and View
All permissions on work plan templates, work step templates, and work plan selection rules. Available in: Lightning
• For users who work with work plans on desktop or mobile, assign them Read and Update Experience
permissions on work plans and work step records. The Field Service core
• To let users run quick actions and flows from work steps, assign them these permissions. features, managed
package, and mobile app
– For global quick actions, give users the Create permission on related objects and the Update
are available in Enterprise,
permission on records. For example, to run the action Create New Account, users need the
Performance, Unlimited,
Create permission on the Account object. To modify account records, users need the Update and Developer Editions.
permission for those records. Work orders are also
– To execute field service mobile flows, users need the Run Flows permission or the Flow available in Professional
User field enabled on the user detail page. To allow users with the standard user profile to Edition.
create and run flows, give them the Manage Flows permission.

• To let users work with the Manage Work Plan Template Entries window, assign them Read and Edit permissions on the Execution
Order field of the Work Plan Template Entry object.
• To view the Work Plans Lightning Web Component, assign users Read access on the Execution Order, Status, and Status Category

Introducing Lightning Web Components
Quick Actions

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Map Fields for Work Plans

Learn how standard fields for work plans are mapped from templates and how to map custom
Standard fields for work plan templates, work step templates, and work plan template entries are Available in: Lightning
automatically mapped to work plans and work steps. The mapping of these fields can’t be changed. Experience
The standard fields that are mapped from work plan templates to work plans are Name, Description,
The Field Service core
and Execution Order. The fields that are mapped from work step templates and work plan template
features, managed
entries to work steps are Action Definition, Action Type, Description, Execution Order, Name, and package, and mobile app
Work Plan Execution Order. are available in Enterprise,
You can also add custom fields to work plan templates, work step templates, and work plan template Performance, Unlimited,
entries so that your workers will have all the information they need to efficiently and accurately and Developer Editions.
complete their work. You can then map which fields to copy from the templates to a work plan or Work orders are also
work step record. available in Professional
1. Add custom fields to the work plan template / work step template / work plan template entry
and to the work plan / work step.
2. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Work Plans. On the Custom Field Mapping card in
Work Plans Settings, select which custom field values to include from templates in work plans To customize work plans
and work steps. You can: custom field mapping:
• Map custom fields from work plan templates to work plans. • Customize Application

• Map custom fields from work step templates and work plan template entries to work steps.

Note: You can’t delete a custom field mapped to a work plan or a work step.

3. Save your work. When work plans are generated, the custom fields are copied from the templates to the work plan and work steps
of a work order or work order line item.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Guidelines for Mapping Custom Fields for Work Plans
Learn the best practices for mapping custom fields from templates to work plans and work steps. Mapping custom fields helps your
front-line workers retain important information that they use to complete their work.

Guidelines for Mapping Custom Fields for Work Plans

Learn the best practices for mapping custom fields from templates to work plans and work steps.
Mapping custom fields helps your front-line workers retain important information that they use to
complete their work. Available in: Lightning
• Map any of these field types to custom fields of the same data type. Experience
– Formula The Field Service core
– Auto Number features, managed
package, and mobile app
– Checkbox
are available in Enterprise,
– Currency Performance, Unlimited,
– Date and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
– Date / Time
available in Professional
– Email Edition.
– Geolocation
– Number
– Percent
– Phone
– Picklist
– Multi-select Picklist
– Text
– Text Area
– Text Area (Long)
– Text Area (Rich)
– Text (Encrypted)
– Time

• Each target field can have one source field mapped to it.
• You can map Auto Number fields to field types Text or Text Area.
• You can map Text and Text Area fields to custom field types of Text, Text Area, Text Area (Long), and Picklist. If you map to a Picklist
field, the picklist must be unrestricted.
• You can map custom Picklist fields to custom field types of Text, Text Area, and Picklist (unrestricted), but not Text Area (Long).
• When mapping between Picklist and Text fields, if the source field value is longer than the target field allows, your data truncates.
• You can map custom lookup fields to custom lookup fields pointing to the same object.
• When mapping source entity custom fields (Work Plan Templates / Work Step Templates / Work Plan Template Entries), the selected
target entity custom field (Work Plan / Work Step) must be of equal or greater length.
• You can’t delete mapped custom fields from the source entity or the target entity. To delete a field, remove its mapping first.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

• You can’t change the field type of a mapped field. To change a field’s type, remove its mapping first.
• You can’t uninstall a package that references fields included in Work Plans Custom Field Mapping. Before uninstalling the package,
remove any mappings of referenced fields.
• When mapping custom number, currency, or percent fields, the target field must have the same length and number of decimal
• Don’t map custom formula fields to other formula fields or any other type of field.

Build and Manage Work Plans

Create and maintain work plans by defining templates for work steps and work plans, and create
work plan selection rules.
Available in: Lightning
Before You Begin The Field Service core
Create and design sample work plans. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Get Started with Work Plans
are available in Enterprise,
Here’s a quick overview of how to get started with work plans. Performance, Unlimited,
Create Work Step Templates and Developer Editions.
Start by creating work step templates for the smallest individual units of work. Work orders are also
available in Professional
Create Work Plan Templates Edition.
Build work plan templates from your work step templates.
Manage Work Step Templates
Manage the work plan template entries that store the work step templates associated with your work plan template.
Create Work Plan Selection Rules
Add selection rules to automate how work plans are assigned to work orders.
Generate Work Plans
Generate work plans automatically on work orders and work order line items.
Adjust Plans and Steps on Work
Tweak work plans and work steps on a work order or work order line item.
Delete Work Plans and Steps
If you modify a work plan, you can delete the previous plan and its steps on an existing work order or work order line item.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Before You Begin

Create and design sample work plans.
Collaborate with your team and outline sample work plans. For example, to design work plans for
wind turbine maintenance, you capture typical maintenance steps at 6-month and annual intervals. Available in: Lightning
A table or spreadsheet can help you identify how to reuse and revise work plans. Experience

The Field Service core

Work Plan Work Steps 6-Month Annual features, managed
Safety & PPE package, and mobile app
1. Log arrival are available in Enterprise,
2. Put on safety gear Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Generator Work orders are also
1. Lubricate generator bearings
maintenance available in Professional
2. Change generator filter Edition.
3. Replace gear oil

Hydraulic systems 1. Check fluid levels

2. Refill reservoirs
3. Drain and replace hydraulic fluid

Blade/bearing 1. Lubricate main bearings

2. Lubricate pitch and yaw bearings
3. Retorque bolts

For this planned maintenance example, work plan selection rules use the work type field to represent the type of visit. Because the same
safety and blade/bearing maintenance procedures occur at both visits, the rules can replicate the work plans for both visit types.

Get Started with Work Plans

Here’s a quick overview of how to get started with work plans.
Create a library of work step templates for individual tasks (1). Organize those step templates into
work plan templates. You can create a library of work plan templates, such as a library of asset Available in: Lightning
maintenance procedures (2), and then define rules that select the right plans for work assignments Experience
The Field Service core
When you create a work order or work order line item, your rules add a point-in-time copy of plans features, managed
and their steps based on your rules. Also, you can generate work plans on existing work orders or package, and mobile app
work order line items (4). are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Your workers can then see what to do in the work plans that appear. Front-line workers can view
and Developer Editions.
the work plans on-site on their mobile app and back-office workers can view them on their desktops.
Work orders are also
As they perform steps, they can mark them as completed (5).
available in Professional

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Create Work Step Templates

Start by creating work step templates for the smallest individual units of work.
1. In the app launcher, click Work Step Templates.
Available in: Lightning
2. Click New, and enter a name for the work step template.
3. Optionally, in Action Definition, select a quick action, a screen flow, or a field service mobile
flow. The Field Service core
features, managed
Note: On mobile, we support flows of type Field Service Mobile. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Quick actions defined on work steps and work orders can be added to Action Definition. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
4. Enter an optional description.
Work orders are also
5. Click Active. available in Professional
6. Save the work step template. Edition.


To create work step

• Create and Read on
work step templates
To view work step
• Read on work step
To update work step
• Edit and Read on work
SEE ALSO: step templates

Quick Actions To delete work step

Flows • Delete and Read on
work step templates

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Create Work Plan Templates


To create work plan templates: Create and Read on work plan templates Available in: Lightning
To view work plan templates: Read on work plan templates
The Field Service core
To update work plan templates: Edit and Read on work plan templates
features, managed
To delete work plan templates: Delete and Read on work plan templates package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
To associate a work step template with a Create and Read on work plan template Performance, Unlimited,
work plan template: and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional
Build work plan templates from your work step templates. Edition.
1. In the app launcher, click Work Plan Templates.
2. Click New, and enter a name for the work plan template.
3. Optionally, enter a positive value for relative execution order and a description.
4. Click Active.
5. Save the work plan template.

6. To associate a work step template with a work plan template, see Manage Work Step Templates on page 1322.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Manage Work Step Templates

Manage the work plan template entries that store the work step templates associated with your
work plan template.
1. On the work plan template, open the Related tab. On the Work Plan Template Entries related Available in: Lightning
list, click Manage. Experience

The Field Service core

features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

2. To add steps to the work plan template, click Add, and select work step templates from the
To manage work plan
list. template entries:
• Create, Update, and
Delete on work plan
To add work plan template
• Create on work plan
To reorder work plan
template entries:
• Update on work plan
To remove work plan
3. Save your work.
template entries:
4. To remove steps from the work plan template, select the relevant work step templates, and • Update and Delete on
click Remove Selected. work plan templates
5. To confirm the action, click Remove.
6. To reorder the work step templates, click Reorder, and select the relevant work step templates.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

7. To reorder the steps, click Move to Top , Move Up , Move Down , or Move to Bottom , and then click Save Reorder.
8. If you’re done, click Done.

Create Work Plan Selection Rules

Add selection rules to automate how work plans are assigned to work orders.
Work plan selection rules generate point-in-time copies of work plans from templates. For example,
when you create a work order with a work type of monthly maintenance, your rule can copy the Available in: Lightning
monthly maintenance work plan template and its steps to the work order. Experience
The criteria in a work plan selection rule is the trigger. It tells Salesforce which plan to copy to the The Field Service core
work order or work order line item. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Tip: If an annual maintenance visit includes the steps for monthly maintenance, define are available in Enterprise,
multiple rules, where one rule adds the annual work plan and another rule adds the monthly Performance, Unlimited,
work plan. For example, you can use the work type field as a trigger in your rules. and Developer Editions.
If your Salesforce admin configured the standard New Work Plan Selection Rule screen for you, Work orders are also
follow these instructions to create a work plan selection rule. available in Professional
1. In the app launcher, click Work Plan Templates.
2. On the work plan template, open the Related tab. On the work plan selection rules related list,
click New.
3. Select one or more fields as rule criteria. Values for work types, assets, locations, service contracts, To create work plan
products, or service territories can be specified in the work plan selection rule criteria. These selection rules:
fields are matched with the corresponding fields on the work order or work order line item to • Create and Read on
determine whether this selection rule is applicable to the work order or work order line item. work plan selection rules
If applicable, the corresponding work plan template is copied as a work plan for the work order Read permissions on
or work order line item. objects

Note: The rule generates a work plan when all fields in the rule match corresponding To view work plan selection
fields in the work order or work order line item. For example, if the rule specifies a work rules:
• Read on work plan
type and an asset as the selection criteria, it adds the work plan only when both fields
selection rules
match on the work order.
To update work plan
selection rules:
• Edit and Read on work
plan selection rules
Read permissions on
objects if changed

To delete work plan

selection rules:
• Delete and Read on
work plan selection rules

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

4. Enter an optional description for your rule.

5. Click Active.
6. To create more rules, click Save & New. If you’re done, click Save.

Note: You can also create work plan selection rules by clicking New in the Work Plan Selection Rules list view.

If your Salesforce admin configured the enhanced New Work Plan Selection Rule screen for you, follow these instructions to create a
work plan selection rule.
1. In the app launcher, click Work Plan Templates.
2. On the work plan template, open the Related tab. On the work plan selection rules related list, click New Rule.
3. Enter an optional description for your rule.
4. Click Active.
5. Select one or more selection rule values as rule criteria. Values for work types, assets, locations, service contracts, products, or service
territories can be specified in the work plan selection rule criteria. These field values are matched with the corresponding fields on
the work order or work order line item to determine whether this selection rule is applicable to the work order or work order line
item. If applicable, the corresponding work plan template is copied as a work plan for the work order or work order line item.

Note: The rule generates a work plan when all fields in the rule match corresponding fields in the work order or work order
line item. For example, if the rule specifies a work type and an asset as the selection criteria, it adds the work plan only when
both fields match on the work order.

Note: If you don't select any values and the work plan selection rule is active, the related work plan template is added to all
new work orders or work order line items.

6. Save your work.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Generate Work Plans

Generate work plans automatically on work orders and work order line items.
After you define templates and rules, you can generate work plans on new or existing work.
Available in: Lightning
Here’s how to generate work plans on a new work order or work order line item.
1. In the app launcher, click Work Orders or Work Order Line Items.
The Field Service core
2. Click New. features, managed
3. To match the trigger in your selection rule, select one or more fields. For example, select work package, and mobile app
type. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To generate work plans on

a work order or work order
line item:
• Edit and Read on work
order or work order line
Read and View All on
work plan templates
and work step templates
to use the Add Work
Plan and Generate Work
Plans actions
Read on work plan
4. Click Save. selection rules
5. To see the work steps and work plans that your rules generated, open the work order or work
order line item, and view the Work Plans Lightning Web component.

On an existing work order or work order line item, you can select Generate Work Plans from the action menu. When columns in a rule
match a field in the work order or work order line item, the rule generates a work plan on that record. This action doesn’t change existing
work plans, but it’s a handy way to add a new plan.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Adjust Plans and Steps on Work

Tweak work plans and work steps on a work order or work order line item.
Sometimes it’s necessary to adjust plans and steps on a work order or work order line item. For
example, suppose your company requires a new safety procedure on every job. Create a work plan Available in: Lightning
template with the procedure, and use that template to add the plan to outstanding work orders. Experience
If you don’t have an existing template, you can use the New button.
The Field Service core
To add a work plan from a work plan template, follow these steps. features, managed
1. On the work order or work order line item, select Add Work Plans from the action menu. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To add work plans on a

work order or work order
line item:
• Edit and Read on work
order or work order line
Create, Edit, and View All
on work plan templates,
2. Select one or more work plans to add from the list of work plan templates. You can search and work step templates,
select plans from your search results. The Show Selected link lets you see what’s selected. and work plan selection

To add work steps to a work

• Edit and Read on work
order or work order line
Edit and Read on work
Read on work step

3. Click Add. Added work plans and work step instances appear in the related lists.

Note: You can add work plans more than one time. We don’t prevent duplicates.

To add another work step from a work step template.

1. On the work order or work order line item, go to the Work Plans related list.
2. Select a work plan, or create a new one.
3. On the work plan record, select Add Work Steps from the action menu.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

4. Select work step templates and click Add.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Delete Work Plans and Steps

If you modify a work plan, you can delete the previous plan and its steps on an existing work order
or work order line item.

Note: This action deletes all work plans on the work order or work order line item. Available in: Lightning
1. On the work order or work order line item, select Delete Work Plans from the action menu.
The Field Service core
Note: If the work order includes a work order line item that has its own plans, we don’t features, managed
delete the plans from the child work order line item. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To delete work plans:

• Delete and Read on
work plans

2. To add the latest versions of your plans and steps, select Generate Work Plans from the action menu.

View and Complete Work Plans

Back-office workers can view and complete work plans on their desktop.
As a back-office worker, you want to complete assignments quickly and accurately. To help you
reach this goal: Available in: Lightning
• Use the Work Plans Lightning Web Component on the work order or work order line item.
• Use the related list of work steps on the work order or work order line item. The Field Service core
features, managed
To view and complete work plans on the Field Service mobile application, see View and Complete
package, and mobile app
Work Plans on the Mobile App on page 1654. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
IN THIS SECTION: and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
Complete Work with Work Plans Lightning Web Component
available in Professional
The Work Plans component displays the work plans and work steps associated with the work Edition.
order or work order line item. You can use it to view and complete assignments quickly and

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Complete Work with the Work Steps Related List

Use the work steps related list associated with a work order or work order line item to view and complete your work.

Introducing Lightning Web Components

Complete Work with Work Plans Lightning Web Component

The Work Plans component displays the work plans and work steps associated with the work order
or work order line item. You can use it to view and complete assignments quickly and accurately.
1. On the Work Plans component, expand the relevant work plan record to view its details and Available in: Lightning
its associated work steps. Experience

The Field Service core

features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To view the work plan

• Read on Execution
Order, Name, and Work
Order Line Item fields
To view the work step
2. On the work plan record, view the progress of the work plan on the progress ring. The progress • Read on Execution
ring is updated based on the real-time progress of the work plan. Order, Action Definition,
and Action Type fields
3. On the work step record, view the status of the step on the step’s status icon.
To update the work step
4. To mark a step’s status completed, click Complete on the work step record, or select Complete record:
on the action menu of the step. • Update on Status and
Status Category fields
Note: You can also mark a step Not Applicable on the work step’s action menu.

If the step is a simple instruction, such as “Put on your safety gear”, we mark the step’s status
as completed. If the step includes a quick action or a field service mobile flow, selecting Complete starts it. When a flow or quick
action is completed, we change the status to Complete. Completed work steps remain on the work plan record.

Introducing Lightning Web Components
Quick Actions

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Complete Work with the Work Steps Related List

Use the work steps related list associated with a work order or work order line item to view and
complete your work.
1. On the work order or work order line item, open the work steps related list. Available in: Lightning
The list shows steps from the plans and the recommended execution order. Experience

2. On the action menu of a step, select Complete. The Field Service core
features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To view work steps:

• Read on work plans
To update work steps:
Note: You can also mark a step Not Applicable on the work step’s action menu. • Edit on work plans

If the step is a simple instruction, such as “Put on your safety gear”, we mark the step’s status
as completed. If the step includes a quick action or a field service mobile flow, selecting Complete starts it. For example, this step
starts the Log a Call quick action.

When a flow or quick action is completed, we change the status to Complete. Completed work steps remain on the work step related

Quick Actions

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Create Maintenance Plans


To create maintenance plans: Create on maintenance plans Available in: Salesforce

Classic and Lightning
To view maintenance assets: Read on maintenance plans and assets
To create, update, or delete maintenance Edit on maintenance plans
The Field Service core
features, managed
To generate work orders for a maintenance Read on assets and work types AND Create package, and mobile app
plan: on work orders and service appointments are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
To edit page layouts: Customize Application and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional
Create preventive maintenance plans for assets so your customers never miss a beat. With Edition.
maintenance plans you define how often maintenance visits occur and generate work orders for
future visits.

Note: The fields displayed depend on your page layout settings.

1. From the Maintenance Plans tab or related list, click New.

2. Enter a start date, If applicable, enter an end date, for example, where you’ve a service contract that entitles the customer to two
years of maintenance visits. All work orders related to the plan must fall within this date range.
3. Select a work type. Maintenance work rules for and maintenance assets covered by the plan inherit the same work type, though
you can update them to use a different work type.
4. Select an account and contact that represent the customer.
5. If the maintenance plan tracks work that’s outlined in a service contract, select the service contract. You can associate assets covered
by the maintenance plan with contract line items on the service contract.
6. If the maintenance visits are at a location that’s tracked in Salesforce, such as a customer site, select the location.
7. To use standard maintenance recurrence, in the Frequency and Frequency Type fields, enter the desired amount of time between
the maintenance plan’s work orders.
For example, if you’ve agreed to perform monthly maintenance visits, you need a work order for each visit, so enter 1 and select

8. In the Generation Timeframe and Generation Timeframe Type fields, enter how far in advance you want work orders to be generated
at one time.
For example, to generate 3 months’ worth of work orders at a time, enter 3 and select Months.

9. Enter the date of the first work order in the next batch, which corresponds to the work order’s Suggested Maintenance Date.
For example, if you want the first maintenance visit to take place on May 1, enter May 1. When you generate work orders, the earliest
work order shows a Suggested Maintenance Date of May 1. The dates on the later work orders are based on the Generation Timeframe,
Frequency, and End Date settings. Also, batch timing is calculated at the maintenance asset level or at the work rule level. So if the
maintenance plan includes assets or work rules, after each batch is run, the Suggested Maintenance Date auto-updates on:
• if assets have no work rules, the maintenance assets
• if assets have work rules, on the work rules.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

10. Optionally, enter the days for the maintenance window start and end. These settings impact the Earliest Start Permitted and Due
Date fields on the maintenance plan’s work orders’ service appointments. If the maintenance window fields are left blank, the service
appointment date fields list their work order’s suggested maintenance date.
For example, enter 3 for both the maintenance window start and end. The Earliest Start Permitted and the Due Date will be, respectively,
3 days before and 3 days after the Suggested Maintenance Date on each work order.

11. To automatically generate a batch of work orders when the current batch nears completion, select Auto-generate work orders.
If this option isn’t selected, you must click Generate Work Orders on the maintenance plan to generate a new batch.
A separate work order is created for each maintenance asset for each maintenance date. Therefore, batch size reflects the generation
timeframe, frequency, and the number of assets covered by the plan. For example, if the plan covers two assets and has a generation
timeframe of 2 months and a frequency of 1 month, four work orders are generated at a time.

12. If you selected the option to auto-generate work orders, you can add details about when new batches are generated:
• To run batch generation before the maintenance plan’s Date of the first work order in the next batch, enter a generation horizon.
For example, a generation horizon of 5 means that a new batch of work orders is generated 5 days before the maintenance
plan’s Date of the first work order in the next batch. If you don’t specify a generation horizon, it defaults to zero.
• If you don’t want a new batch of work orders to be generated until the final work order in the current batch is completed, select
Generate new batch upon completion. A work order is considered completed when its status falls into one of the following
status categories: Cannot Complete, Canceled, Completed, or Closed.

13. If more than one asset is associated with this maintenance plan, select a Work Order Generation Method: one work order for each
asset or one work order line item for each asset.
14. If work order generation method is One work order line item per asset, select a Service Appointment Generation Method: one
service appointment for the parent work order or one service appointment for each work order line item.
To learn more about work order and service appointment generation, see How Do Generation Methods Work?.

15. Enter a title and description for the maintenance plan.

16. Save your changes.
17. Add assets covered by the plan in the Assets related list. Maintenance assets inherit their plan’s work type and date of the first work
order in the next batch.

Tip: To control which fields appear in the related list, edit the Related List on the Maintenance Assets page layout in Setup.

18. To use advanced recurrence, add maintenance work rules in the Maintenance Work Rules related list to schedule maintenance for
all of the plan’s assets, these rules act as the default for any assets without their own maintenance work rule. If not all assets are
covered by the same maintenance schedule, add maintenance work rules to those assets to override the maintenance work rules
on the maintenance plan.
19. If you didn’t select the option to auto-generate work orders, click Generate Work Orders on the maintenance plan to generate a
batch of work orders. Otherwise, they’re automatically generated for you.
Generation can’t create a combined total of more than 2,600 work orders and work order line items at a time. To decrease the number
of work orders and work order line items generated, make one of these changes:
• Increase the Frequency value
• Decrease the Generation Timeframe value
• Remove assets from the maintenance plan

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Guidelines for Generating Work Orders from a Maintenance Plan
Maintenance plans offer a quick way to automate the creation of work orders for periodic maintenance visits. Learn how to generate
work orders from a maintenance plan using the maintenance plan frequency fields.
Troubleshooting Work Order Generations
If work orders aren’t generating as expected these guidelines can help you resolve any issues.

Maintenance Plan Fields
Trailhead: Field Service Preventive Maintenance

Guidelines for Generating Work Orders from a Maintenance Plan

Maintenance plans offer a quick way to automate the creation of work orders for periodic
maintenance visits. Learn how to generate work orders from a maintenance plan using the
maintenance plan frequency fields. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Refer to Guidelines for Working with Maintenance Work Rules on page 1340 for details Classic and Lightning
on how work orders are generated from maintenance work rules.
The Field Service core
features, managed
How Many Work Orders Are Generated at a Time?
package, and mobile app
Maintenance plan work orders are generated in batches. The number of work orders in a batch is are available in Enterprise,
based on several maintenance plan settings: Performance, Unlimited,
• Generation timeframe: determines how far into the future work orders are generated and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
• Frequency: determines the amount of time between work order dates available in Professional
• Number of maintenance assets: work order is created per asset, per suggested maintenance Edition.
For example, with a generation timeframe of 1 year, a frequency of 2 months, and two maintenance
assets, one batch contains 14 work orders that cover 1 year’s worth of maintenance visits. Work orders are also generated for the final
day of the timeframe. If the generation timeframe is 1 year and the Date of the first work order in the next batch is January 1, 2020, work
orders are also generated for January 1, 2021.

How Do I Generate Work Orders?

You can manually generate each batch of work orders or choose to have a new batch generated automatically. If frequent changes are
needed after each visit, manual generation gives you more control. Automatic generation provides the assurance that you’re delivering
the maintenance you promised to your customer.
To manually generate work orders from a maintenance plan:
• Confirm that Auto-generate work orders isn’t selected.
• Click Generate work orders. When the Work order generation status on the maintenance plan changes to Complete, the generated
work orders appear in the Work Orders related list.
To turn on automatic generation, select Auto-generate work orders.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

If Auto-Generation Is Turned On, When Is a New Batch Generated?

Where you’re using maintenance plans without maintenance work rules:
• If the maintenance plan includes assets, a new batch is generated for each maintenance asset on the maintenance asset’s Date of
the first work order in the next batch.
• If the maintenance plan doesn’t include any assets, a new batch is generated on the maintenance plan’s Date of the first work order
in the next batch.
To further customize batch generation timing, specify a Generation Horizon (Days) or select Generate new batch upon completion.
For details, see Maintenance Plan Fields.

Note: If both Auto-generate work orders and Generate new batch upon completion are selected, Salesforce doesn’t generate
a new batch of work orders for a maintenance asset until the final work order for that asset in the current batch is completed. If
one maintenance asset’s final work order is completed but another’s is stalled, work orders are generated only for the first
maintenance asset. This behavior results in a staggered batch generation schedule for the maintenance plan.

Can I Get a Report of the Work Orders Generated?

Enable Chatter and Feed-tracking to receive a Chatter post detailing the work orders, work order items, and service appointments
generated for each maintenance plan.

How Do Generation Methods Work?

Generation methods can help simplify dispatch by combining work for the same day into a parent work order with a work order line
item for the relevant asset covered by the maintenance plan. Also, you can choose to create a service appointment for the work order
or suite work order line item.
On a maintenance plan, select your generation method preferences.
• Choose whether to create one work order or one work order line item for each maintenance asset. Where you have maintenance
work rules on a maintenance asset, it means one work order or one work order line item for each maintenance work rule.
• If you select One work order line item per asset, choose whether to create a service appointment for each work order or each
work order line item.
To ensure that all assets with the same suggested maintenance date are maintained under one work order, select One work order line
item per asset. If each asset needs a separate service appointment, select One service appointment per work order line item.
When One work order line item per asset is set, a work order line item is generated for each relevant asset and maintenance work
rule. All work order line items sharing the same Next Suggested Maintenance Date are grouped under a work order.

Tip: To provide guidance on which asset to service first, second, and so on, create guided actions, or flows, in the parent work
If Work Order Generation Method is left as None, the generation is defaulted to one work order per asset.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Work Order Service Appointment Result

Generation Method Generation Method
One work One work One One
order per order line service service
asset item per appointment appointment
asset per work per work
order order line

If Work Order Generation Method is set to One work order per asset, you
can’t set a Service Appointment Generation Method.
Each asset and relevant maintenance work rule creates a work order. If a work
type is associated with auto-create service appointment enabled, a service
appointment is created for each work order.
Example: A maintenance plan with four assets, a generation time frame of 6
months, and a frequency of 1 month produces:
• Four work orders a month, 24 work orders for 6 months.
• A service appointment for each work order, if the auto-create service
appointment is enabled on an associated work type.

Invalid: If Work Order Generation Method is set to One work order line
item per asset, you must select a Service Appointment Generation Method.

One parent work order is created, a work order line item is created for each asset
and relevant maintenance work rule, and one service appointment is created
for the parent work order, even if the associated work type doesn’t have
auto-create service appointment enabled.
Example: A maintenance plan with four assets, a generation time frame of 6
months, and a frequency of 1 month produces:
• One work order each month, six work orders for 6 months.
• Four work order line items on each work order.
• A service appointment for each parent work order, 1 per month, and six
work orders for 6 months.

One parent work order is created, a work order line item is created for each asset
and relevant maintenance work rule, and if the associated work type has
auto-create service appointment enabled for work order line items, one service
appointment is created for each work order line item.
Example: A maintenance plan with four assets, a generation time frame of 6
months, and a frequency of 1 month produces:
• One work order each month, six work orders for 6 months.
• Four work order line items on each work order.
• If auto-create service appointment for work order line item is enabled on
the work type, a service appointment for each work order line item, four
service appointments per month, 24 work orders for 6 months.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Why Aren’t Service Appointment Due Dates Following Maintenance Plan Settings?
When a service appointment is created for a generated work order, the work type Due Date Offset overrides the due date set by the
maintenance plan.
To avoid this override, create two work types, one for non-maintenance plan service appointments and another for maintenance plan
service appointments. Leave the Due Date Offset empty in the work type for maintenance plan service appointments. For example,
create a Site Survey work type with a Due Date Offset of 5 days and Site Survey - Maintenance Plan with Due Date Offset left empty.

How Do I Change Generation Methods or Maintenance Schedules After Work Orders Are Generated?
If your maintenance plans have work orders or work order line items associated with them, changing their generation schedule on the
maintenance asset or in the maintenance work rules isn’t recommended. To change maintenance plan generation frequencies, either
delete the incomplete work orders and regenerate them or set an end date to expire the current maintenance plan and create one with
the appropriate generation method and recurrences.

Create Maintenance Plans
Maintenance Plan Fields
Trailhead: Field Service Preventive Maintenance

Troubleshooting Work Order Generations

If work orders aren’t generating as expected these guidelines can help you resolve any issues.
Note: Refer to Guidelines for Working with Maintenance Work Rules on page 1340 for details
on how work orders are generated from maintenance work rules. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Determine Whether Customizations are Disrupting Generation
The Field Service core
Work order generation can fail when objects related to the process, such as Work Order or Service features, managed
Appointment, have customizations. If generation fails, take these steps to determine which of your package, and mobile app
changes is causing the failure and make corrections. If you don’t think your changes are the cause are available in Enterprise,
of the generation failure, contact Salesforce Support for assistance. Performance, Unlimited,
1. Verify that you can create a work order manually. If manual creation fails, correct any errors. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
2. Verify that any custom required fields on the following objects have a default value configured. available in Professional
Default values ensure that the maintenance plan generation process knows what value to set Edition.
for the custom fields.
• Work Order
• Work Order Line Item
• Asset
• Service Appointment (if the work order generation includes creating Service Appointment)
• Assigned Resource (if you have automation to auto-schedule Service Appointments)

3. Verify that custom automation, including triggers, processes, and workflows, on the following objects aren't interfering with the
process by disabling them and rerunning work order generation:
• Maintenance Plan
• Work Order

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

• Work Order Line Item

• Asset
• Service Appointment, if the Work Order Generation includes creating Service Appointment
• Assigned Resource, if you have automation to auto-schedule Service Appointments

4. Verify whether you can generate work orders with custom validation rules on the following objects disabled:
• Work Order
• Work Order Line Item
• Asset
• Service Appointment
• Assigned Resource

5. Verify whether you can generate work orders after deactivating custom lookup filters on fields from the following objects:
• Work Order
• Work Order Line Item
• Asset
• Service Appointment
• Assigned Resource

Get More Information Using Debug Logs

To get more information on why generation may be failing, turn on debugging, Work order generation is an automatic process that
uses an automated process user in the background. By default this process doesn’t generate debug logs. To enable debug logging for
the automated process user:
• From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Debug Logs, and then select Debug Logs.
• Click New.
• In Traced Entity Type select Automated Process.
• Enter a start date for the logging period.
• In Debug Level choose SFDC_DevConsole.
• Save your changes.
You can also make these settings in the Developer Console.
When you generate these logs, note the following:
• Allow up to 24 hours for the logs to become available.
• Use the finest log level for the Automated Process log.
• Review all logs and inspect their content. This review should include all logs with the success status, as exceptions are handled
during maintenance plan generation and don’t result in the logging of unhandled exceptions.

Set Up Debug Logging

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Create Multiple Maintenance Schedules

To keep assets in tip-top shape, you often need multiple maintenance schedules running at different
For example, a building maintenance company performs minor maintenance on an air conditioning Available in: Salesforce
system every three months and a major service, which includes the three monthly service tasks, Classic and Lightning
once a year. With enhanced preventative maintenance, the service manager sets up the minor Experience
maintenance on its three-month schedule and the major service yearly. Field service then generates
The Field Service core
three quarterly service calls for minor maintenance followed by one annual service call for the major features, managed
service. package, and mobile app
Similarly, a pool maintenance company cleans a pool monthly and applies a chemical treatment are available in Enterprise,
every three months. With enhanced preventative maintenance, the pool service manager sets up Performance, Unlimited,
schedules for both activities. Field service then generates monthly pool cleaning jobs and every and Developer Editions.
three months adds the chemical treatment task. Work orders are also
available in Professional
Multiple maintenance schedules are defined using maintenance work rules. These rules can be Edition.
• On maintenance plans to define schedules for all of the plan’s maintenance assets that don’t
have maintenance work rules.
• On maintenance assets.
To add maintenance work rules, open a maintenance plan or, from Related Lists, one of its maintenance assets. In the maintenance plan
or asset, open the Maintenance Work Rule related list and click New to create a maintenance work rule item.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Recurrence rules for maintenance schedules are defined using RRULE notation. To simplify the specification of RRULEs, and the creation
and maintenance of maintenance work rules, use the Salesforce Labs package Maintenance Work Rule Editor.
The RRULE string must not include spaces. When viewing maintenance work rules, the RRULE is presented as a readable description.
But if there are typos in the RRULE, conversion to a readable description fails.
The following RRULE keywords are supported:
• FREQ for the values DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, and YEARLY
• UNTIL specified as a data time, for example, 20211224T125837Z. However, the time portion is ignored for work order generation.
• COUNT taking a positive numeric value
• BYDAY, for example, BYDAY=SU,MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA
• BYWEEKNO taking a comma-separated list of positive or negative numeric values
• BYMONTH taking a comma-separated list of positive numeric values, for example, BYMONTH=1,7
• BYMONTHDAY taking a comma-separated list of positive or negative numeric values, for example, BYMONTHDAY=2,15
• BYYEARDAY taking a comma-separated list of positive or negative numeric values, for example, BYYEARDAY=1,-2
• BYSETPOS taking a comma-separated list of positive or negative numeric values
• INTERVAL taking a comma-separated list of positive numeric values
• WKST taking MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, or SU, for example, WKST=SU
The following RRULE keywords aren’t supported:

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

The following RRULE keywords are partially supported:
• FREQ doesn’t support MINUTELY or HOURLY.
• UNTIL only accounts for the date portion of datetime.

Note: The RRULE can only be specified using English.

Note: Don’t use the New button on the Work Order and Work Order Line Item related lists or list views on Maintenance Work
Rules. This button creates work order and work order line item records, but it doesn’t link the maintenance work rules to the work
order and work order line item record. It doesn't establish a link because the MaintenanceWorkRule field on Work Order and Work
Order Line Item is read-only. This field can’t be updated with the API.

Guidelines for Working with Maintenance Work Rules
With maintenance work rules you set up multiple recurring maintenance schedules for maintenance assets. Learn how maintenance
work rule settings affect work order generation.

Guidelines for Working with Maintenance Work Rules

With maintenance work rules you set up multiple recurring maintenance schedules for maintenance
assets. Learn how maintenance work rule settings affect work order generation.
Available in: Salesforce
Number of Maintenance Work Rules Per Maintenance Plan Classic and Lightning
We recommend that there are no more than the equivalent of 2,000 maintenance work rules per
maintenance plan. The number of maintenance work rules on a maintenance plan is the sum of: The Field Service core
features, managed
• the number of maintenance work rules on maintenance assets.
package, and mobile app
• the equivalent number of maintenance work rules on maintenance assets derived from the are available in Enterprise,
maintenance plan for maintenance assets without maintenance work rules. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Example: A maintenance plan has 10 assets. The maintenance plan has three maintenance
Work orders are also
work rules. Two of the maintenance assets have maintenance work rules, one has one rule
available in Professional
and the other two. The number of equivalent maintenance work rules is as follows: Edition.
• Maintenance work rules on maintenance assets: 1 + 2 = 3
• Maintenance work rules derived from the maintenance plan: 8 (maintenance assets
without maintenance work rules) * 3 = 24
This configuration gives an equivalent work rule count of 27.
We recommend no more than 5 maintenance work rules per maintenance plan and no more
than 5 maintenance work rules per maintenance asset.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Understanding Work Order Generation

You can generate work orders from information on the maintenance plan alone. Or you can generate work orders from information on
the maintenance plan and the maintenance work rules associated with the maintenance plan or its assets. The following table illustrates
the differences in how these two approaches generate work orders automatically and manually.

Recurrence scenario Maintenance plan Maintenance plan Maintenance plan Maintenance plan
without maintenance without maintenance with maintenance with maintenance
work rules work rules work rules work rules
Generation mode Automatic Manual Automatic Manual

Date range that Date of first work order Date of first work order Date of first work order Date of first work order
determines eligible for in the next batch in the in the next batch is in the next batch in the in the next batch is
work order generation range of today minus before maintenance plan range of today minus before maintenance plan
Generation Time Frame End Date. Generation Time Frame End Date.
to the first of today plus to today plus
Generation Horizon or Generation Horizon
maintenance plan End plus Generation Time
Date. Frame, as long as this
range is before the
maintenance plan End

Last possible The earliest of Date of The earliest of Date of Today plus Generation The earliest of Date of
suggested first work order in the first work order in the Horizon plus first work order in the
maintenance date that next batch plus next batch plus Generation Time next batch plus
work orders are Generation Time Frame Generation Time Frame Frame. Generation Time Frame
generated for or maintenance plan End or maintenance plan End or maintenance plan End
Date. Date. Date.

Last day in the Work orders generated Work orders generated Work orders generated Work orders generated
generation window can include the last day. can include the last day. exclude the last day. exclude the last day.

Generation approach, Fixed batch Fixed batch Rolling window Fixed batch
see Batch Versus Rolling
Generation on page 1342

Automatic generation Yes N/A Yes N/A

upon work order

Respects sort order N/A N/A If Generate new batch Yes. except when the
upon completion isn’t Date of first work order
selected, then Sort in the next batch values
Order is respected. are offset.
If Generate new batch See also, Manual
upon completion is generation example on
selected, then page 1346 in Sort Order
maintenance work rules and the Generate New
associated with the last Batch Upon Completion
incomplete work orders Setting.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Recurrence scenario Maintenance plan Maintenance plan Maintenance plan Maintenance plan
without maintenance without maintenance with maintenance with maintenance
work rules work rules work rules work rules
or work order line items
aren’t considered when
evaluating sort order.
See also, Automatic
generation example on
page 1345 in Sort Order
and the Generate New
Batch Upon Completion

Work Order Generation Generates up to 2,600 Show an online error Sends a Chatter Sends a Chatter
Limit Enforcement work orders and advises message and doesn’t notification and doesn’t notification and doesn’t
of limit enforcement in a generate any work generate any work generate any work orders.
Chatter message. orders. orders.

Batch Versus Rolling Generation

In batch generation, work orders are generated for the asset’s generation timeframe and then not considered for generation again until
the generation timeframe has passed. If a Generation Horizon is specified, the date of generation is that many days earlier.
In the following diagram, the generation timeframe is 6 months and the generation horizon is 0 days. The blue bar represents the batch
generation window. The start of the blue bar is when auto generation runs. Not all generation events are shown, automatic generation
runs 3 times daily.

In rolling window generation, when work order generation runs it creates work orders according to the recurrence pattern for eligible
maintenance work rules from the current date to the current date plus the generation horizon plus the generation timeframe.
Eligible maintenance work rules are those whose date of first work order in the next batch is between:
• the current date minus the generation time frame and
• the current date plus the generation time frame plus the generation horizon.
If an eligible maintenance work rule's date of first work order in the next batch is earlier than the current date, generation doesn’t create
work orders for the period between the date of the first work order in the next batch and the current date.
Maintenance work rules whose date of first work order in the next batch is earlier then the current date minus the generation time frame
will start generating work orders when the date of first work order in the next batch is updated to fall into the eligible date range.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

For example, take the case where today is 1/8 and a maintenance work rule has a generation time frame of 10 days and generation
horizon of 8 days:
• if the date of first work order in the next batch is 1/11, the maintenance work rule is eligible for generation and work orders following
the recurrence pattern are generated from 1/11 to 1/26.
• If the date of first work order in the next batch is 1/1, the maintenance work rule is eligible for generation and work orders following
the recurrence pattern are generated from 1/8 to 1/26.
• If the date of first work order in the next batch is 12/15, then no work orders are generated because 12/15 is before today's date
minus the generation timeframe, that is 1/8 minus 10 days giving 12/29.

Date of the First Work Order in the Next Batch and Maintenance Work Rule Alignment
If the entered Date of first work order in the next batch doesn’t match the RRULE pattern, the system uses the earliest date in the current
month or later that matches the RRULE and is within the generation time frame. It’s possible that a date matching the RRULE in the
current month isn’t within the generation time frame, as shown in most of the following examples.
For example, if the RRULE is set to generate work orders on the first day of every other month, with a generation time frame of 2 months,
and today is 8/19/2020 the following occurs:

Entered Date of first work order in Earliest date in the current month Suggested maintenance date of
the next batch according to the RRULE work orders or work order line items
8/19, meaning today 8/1, but it’s in the past 10/1

8/4, or any date in the past in the current 8/1, but it’s in the past 10/1

8/29, a date in the future in the current 8/1, but it’s in the past 10/1

7/30, a date in the past in a past month 7/1, but it’s in the past 9/1

9/20, a date in the future in a future month 9/1, it’s in the future, but the generation 11/1
time frame is 9/20 to 11/20

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Entered Date of first work order in Earliest date in the current month Suggested maintenance date of
the next batch according to the RRULE work orders or work order line items
9/1, the earliest date matching the RRULE 9/1 9/1
after the current date

Using Sort Order

Sort order determines how work orders are generated for a maintenance asset when that maintenance asset has two or more maintenance
work rules attempting to generate a work order for the same date. Sort order works as follows:
• When maintenance work rules for generation have different sort orders, only work orders for the rules with the lowest sort order
value are generated.
• When maintenance work rules for generation have the same sort order, all the work orders are generated.
After consideration for generation, maintenance work rules have their Date of first work order in the next batch advanced as though all
their work orders were generated, as shown in the Multiple Rules with Multiple Sort Orders example.

Example: Multiple Rules with Multiple Sort Orders

Albert, the service manager at Red Brick Building Services, receives details of a new contract to maintain an air conditioning system.
The contract provides for minor maintenance every 3 months and a major service once a year. On February 10, Albert sets up
maintenance work rules as follows:
• Annual maintenance starting on February 1 of the following year with a sort order of 1
• Minor maintenance starting on May 1 with a sort order of 2.
These work orders are generated:

Minor maintenance rule Annual maintenance rule

May 1 Work orders generated

August 1 Work orders generated

November 1 Work orders generated

February 1 No work orders generated, but Date of Work orders generated

first work order in the next batch
advanced to May 1

Example: Multiple Rules with the Same Sort Orders

Georgia, the pool hygiene manager for Crystal Clear Pools, receives details for a cleaning contract for a new pool installation. This
contract includes a monthly pool clean and the application of a chemical treatment every 3 months.
After Georgia adds the customer details and creates a maintenance plan and the pool asset, she sets up two maintenance work
• A rule for the monthly service to take place on the 10th of each month, with a sort order of 1.
• A rule for the 3-month chemical treatment to take place on the 10th of every third month, with a sort order of 1. But because
the initial treatment was applied when the pool was installed, Georgia sets the Date of first work order in the next batch
3 months in the future.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

These work orders are generated:

Monthly service rule Three-month chemical treatment

First month Work orders generated

Second month Work orders generated

Third month Work orders generated Work orders generated

Edge Cases in Sort Order and the Generate New Batch Upon Completion Setting
When the Generate new batch upon completion option is selected and a maintenance work rule with the lowest sort order value is
eligible for a generation but its last work order is incomplete, the maintenance work rule’s work order isn’t generated. The rule’s Date
of first work order in the next batch is advanced as though it was generated. Then:
• If there are other maintenance work rules with the lowest sort order value eligible for generation, work orders corresponding to
these rules are generated else,
• If there are maintenance work rules with a higher sort order value eligible for generation, work orders corresponding to these rules
are generated.
When the maintenance work rule's last work order is marked as complete, the rule will be considered for generation in the next generation

Example: Automatic Generation

The following diagram shows the generation of work orders for an asset that has Generate new batch upon completion set,
Generation Timeframe set to 6 months and maintenance work rules for:
• Major maintenance to be performed every six months
• Minor maintenance to be performed every two months, but skipped when major maintenance is performed
When the major maintenance for July 2021 is then delayed by 7 months, the work order for the major maintenance in January
2022 isn’t generated. Instead the work order for the minor maintenance is created. Before the major maintenance for July 2021 is
completed, the generation window opens for July 2022 and generates work orders for the minor maintenance. When the major
maintenance is completed, its maintenance work rule becomes eligible in the next generation window and the work order for
the major maintenance in July 2022 is generated. After this, assuming work orders are completed on time, the schedule generates
as expected.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

Example: Manual Generation

Take a maintenance work rule recurring monthly for 12 months where the first maintenance work rule starts on 7/1 and has a sort
order of 1 and the second maintenance work rule starts on 8/1 with a sort order of 2. From 7/1/2020 to 6/1/2021 only the first
maintenance work rule, because of its lower sort order number, generates work orders. But on 7/1/2021, the second maintenance
work rule generates work orders when the first maintenance work rule is no longer attempting to generate work orders.

Understanding the Work Order Generation Limit

The maximum number of work orders that can be generated per maintenance plan is 2,600. As a result, there’s a practical limit of 2,600
maintenance assets per maintenance plan. The limit is further reduced when:
• using maintenance work rules, there are multiple maintenance work rules on the maintenance plan or its maintenance assets, or
• using maintenance plans alone (without maintenance work rules), Inclusive of Last Day of Generation Window is in effect, and
more work orders could be generated for the last day.

Note: A maintenance plan with a maintenance work rule using COUNT is limited to 2,000 maintenance assets. If such a maintenance
plan has more than 2,000 maintenance assets, no work orders are generated.
What Happens if Work Order Generation Tries to Create More Than 2,600 Work Orders?
When work order generation tries to create more than 2,600 work orders:
• If maintenance work rules are used, for either automatic or manual generation: doesn’t generate work orders and provides an error
message. This behavior occurs because, unlike work orders based on maintenance frequency specified in the maintenance plan, the
presence of multiple work rules whose generation is determined by sort order could result in partial creation of the required work
orders when the 2,600 limit is reached. To rectify, reduce the maintenance plan generation timeframe.
• If manual generation for maintenance plan with frequencies is used: doesn’t generate work orders and provides an error message.
To rectify, reduce the maintenance plan generation timeframe.
• If automatic generation for maintenance plans with frequencies is used: generates 2,600 work orders and posts a message on chatter
advising that the limit was reached. No further action is needed.
What Happens When the Option to Generate One Asset to One Work Order Line Item is Selected?
When the option to Generate One Asset to One Work Order Line Item is selected:

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

• If maintenance work rules are used, the system puts the limit on the count of work order line items if generating work order line
items and on the count of work orders if there are only work orders generated. Take the case where a plan has 2,600 assets each
with 3 maintenance work rules for generation. Because of the limit, we report an exception when there are more than 2,600 work
order line items generated.
• If maintenance plans with frequencies are used, 2,600 work order line items are generated. If all the maintenance assets have the
same next suggested maintenance date, one work order is generated. If the maintenance assets have different next suggested
maintenance dates, then work order is generated for each of the next suggested maintenance dates.

Working with COUNT and UNTIL

Where you have an asset with several maintenance work rules, each with different sort orders, that you want to start and end together,
we recommend you use UNTIL rather than COUNT. COUNT only counts work orders generated from the maintenance work rule. So
maintenance work rules with higher sort order value don’t always generate work orders on the intended end date, resulting in these
work order rules ending later than those rules with lower sort values.
For example, you want a monthly recurrence that ends in 2 years and set COUNT =24. If any of the 24 work orders weren’t generated,
because another rule had a higher sort order, then work order generation would continue after the 2-year end date, until the count
reached 24.

Field Inheritance—Date of First Work Order in the Next Batch

When a maintenance work rule is created and you don’t enter a value for the Date of first work order in the next batch
• If the Date of first work order in the next batch is defined on the maintenance asset, the maintenance work rule’s Date of first work
order in the next batch is set to the asset’s Date of first work order in the next batch.
• If the maintenance asset has no Date of first work order in the next batch, the maintenance work rule’s Date of first work order in
the next batch is set to the maintenance plan’s Date of first work order in the next batch.
Later, a maintenance work rule’s Date of first work order in the next batch can be set to a new date or cleared. If the rule’s Date of first
work order in the next batch is empty when the work order generation is triggered, Date of first work order in the next batch is determined
using the same logic as setting the value on creation.

Field Inheritance—Work Type

You can define the work type on a maintenance plan. Maintenance plan assets inherit this work type when they’re created. You can
update the work type on maintenance assets to a different value from the maintenance plan.
If a work type isn't entered when a maintenance work rule is created, it defaults to the work type on the maintenance asset. You can
then update or remove the work type for the maintenance work. Work orders or work order line items generated from the maintenance
work rule take the maintenance work rule’s work type, unless it’s blank when they take the maintenance asset’s work type.

Rolling Up Work Order Line Items

If the option to generate one work order line item per asset is selected, the system puts one or more work order line items sharing the
same suggested maintenance date into a work order.

Example: Take a maintenance plan where one asset to one work order line item is set with:
• A turbine with weekly on Monday and monthly on the first Monday of the month recurring maintenance work rules with the
same sort order (see Using Sort Order on page 1344 for more details.
• A chiller with monthly recurrence on the first Monday of the month.

Service Cloud Manage Work Orders for Field Service

The weekly turbine maintenance requires work on 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, and 7/13. The monthly turbine and chiller maintenance requires
work on 7/6. So on 7/6, there’s one work order with three work order line items for the weekly turbine, monthly turbine, and
monthly chiller maintenance. But on 6/22, 6/29, and 7/13, there’s one work order with one work order line item for the weekly
turbine maintenance.

Example: Take a maintenance plan with one order line item per asset selected and four maintenance assets divided into two
sets of two, sharing the same next suggested maintenance date where:
• Each maintenance asset has a maintenance work rule with recurrence every 6 months.
• The first two maintenance work rules have the same next suggested maintenance date of 7/1.
• The last two maintenance work rules are offset by 1 month, to 8/1, from the first group.
In this case, the:
• First two are grouped in one work order (on 1/July) with two work order line item, and one service appointment.
• Last two are grouped in a separate work order (1/August) with two work order line item, and one service appointment.

Example: There’s no rollup of work order line item details into work orders when you select the option for one work order line
item to be generated per asset.
Take a maintenance plan with one work order line item per asset selected and two assets. Each asset has a maintenance work rule
with different work types. For example, the first asset has a work type for filter replacement that takes 2 hours and the second for
battery replacement that takes 5 hours. Each maintenance work has the same frequency and next suggested maintenance date.
If the option for one service appointment per work order line item is selected:
• one parent work order is created
• a work order line item is created for each asset, and
• if the associated work type has auto-create service appointment enabled for work order line items. one service appointment
is created for each work order line item. The service appointment duration is populated from the work type, for example 2
hours for a filter replacement and 5 hours for battery replacement.
If one service appointment per work order is selected:
• one parent work order is created
• a work order line item is created for each asset, and
• one service appointment is created for the parent work order, even if the associated work type doesn’t have auto-create service
appointment enabled.
• The duration of the service appointment isn’t populated.
If you populate the work type of the work order after it”s generated, the work order inherits the work type’s duration, duration
type, and required skills.

Maintenance Work Rule Deletion

When a maintenance work rule is deleted, any association to that maintenance work rule on generated work orders and work order line
items is set to NULL. After the maintenance work rule is deleted, it’s not possible to determine whether a maintenance work rule generated
the work order or work order line item.

The parent item of a maintenance work rule can be changed. But to ensure data integrity, don’t reparent a maintenance work rule after
it has generated work orders.

Service Cloud Manage Shifts

Field Tracking and Logging

We recommend that you turn on field tracking and debug logging when you expect to make regular changes to maintenance work

Set Up Debug Logging
Track Field History for Standard Objects

Manage Shifts
Shifts in Field Service let you define variable working periods for your shift-based workforce, such as contractors or on-call staff. Create
shifts for particular dates and times when you need coverage, and assign them to service resources. When the managed package is
installed, scheduling and optimization consider workforce availability during shifts.

View Your Shift Schedule
Identify which shifts are covered, and which ones still require a worker to confirm that they’re available. The list view for shifts lets
you examine upcoming shifts and their status. Switch to the schedule view to see shifts grouped by service territory or job profile
in a calendar.
Create Flexible Work Shifts
Create shifts that vary from day to day or week to week. Shifts let you assign workers for time periods that don’t follow a rigid pattern,
such as rotating on-call duties or occasional overtime.
Create Shifts from a Pattern
Create a set of shifts from a predefined pattern of shift templates. Assign a service territory and resource to quickly prepare the
Guidelines for Shift Availability
Learn how to define valid shifts and show when your workers are available for shift work. Shifts can work alone or alongside operating
hours and service territory memberships to define workforce availability. Designate shifts to show availability for specific types of
work or tasks, or for specific territories. For example, you can designate an on-call shift for emergency appointments only.

Service Cloud Manage Shifts

View Your Shift Schedule

Identify which shifts are covered, and which ones still require a worker to confirm that they’re
available. The list view for shifts lets you examine upcoming shifts and their status. Switch to the
schedule view to see shifts grouped by service territory or job profile in a calendar. Available in: Lightning
1. From the App Launcher, click Shifts. Experience
2. Navigate to a list view other than the Recently Viewed list view, such as the All Shifts list view The Field Service core
or a custom list view. Click the drop-down menu next to the list view name, and select the features, managed
name of the list view that contains the shifts you want to see. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
3. Optionally, define filters to change which shifts appear.
Performance, Unlimited,
4. To view upcoming shifts, click and select . and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

• To see a calendar of shifts that are assigned to each job profile, click the Shifts tab.
To view, create, and update
• To see a calendar of shifts that are assigned to each service resource, click the Resources
a shift
• View, create, and edit on
Shifts, Job Profiles,
Service Territories,
Service Resources,
Service Territory

Keep the following considerations in mind when you work with shifts.
• If the managed package is installed, availability for confirmed shifts appears on the Gantt.
• In the Shifts tab, you can't use the quick search box to filter.

Service Cloud Manage Shifts

• The NOT operator isn't supported when you define filter logic for shifts. If your filter logic uses NOT, we recommend adjusting the
filter type instead, for example by using the does not contain operator.
• You can create a shift from the schedule view by hovering in an empty space and clicking + New Shift.

Create Flexible Work Shifts

Create shifts that vary from day to day or week to week. Shifts let you assign workers for time periods
that don’t follow a rigid pattern, such as rotating on-call duties or occasional overtime.
You can create shifts one at a time. Or, use the New from Pattern action to create a set of shifts from Available in: Lightning
templates. Experience
1. From the App Launcher, click Shifts. The Field Service core
2. Do one of the following. features, managed
package, and mobile app
• Click New. are available in Enterprise,
• From the schedule view, hover in an empty space and click + New Shift. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To view, create, and update

• View, create, and edit on
Shifts, Job Profiles,
Service Territories,
Service Resources,
Service Territory

Service Cloud Manage Shifts

3. Define the settings for the shift.

a. Enter a label for the shift.
b. Select a status.
• Tentative—The shift is tentatively defined.
• Published—The shift manager is ready to publish the shift to service resources.
• Confirmed—The shift has an assigned service resource. The scheduling engine considers confirmed shifts.

c. Enter dates and times for the shift's start and end.
d. Optional: Optionally, select a service territory and a service resource.
If you assign a service territory to the shift, the assigned service resource must be a member of the service territory.

e. Optional: Optionally, for Time Slot Type, select the type of working hours included in the shift. Normal hours fall within the service
resource's normal working hours, while extended fall outside those hours (for example, overtime hours).
f. Optional: Optionally, choose a job profile that defines the skills required to work during this shift.
g. Optional: Optionally, choose a filter in the Recordset Filter Criteria field to limit which service appointments can be scheduled
during the shift.

4. Click Save.

Build Repeating Shift Patterns
Guidelines for Shift Availability

Service Cloud Manage Shifts

Create Shifts from a Pattern

Create a set of shifts from a predefined pattern of shift templates. Assign a service territory and
resource to quickly prepare the schedule.
You can create shifts one at a time. Or, use the New from Pattern action to create a set of shifts from Available in: Lightning
templates. Experience
1. From the App Launcher, click Shifts. The Field Service core
2. Click New from Pattern. features, managed
package, and mobile app
3. Select the shift pattern. are available in Enterprise,
4. Select a start date. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
5. Do one of the following:
Work orders are also
a. To end the pattern on a specific date, choose On a date. available in Professional
b. To repeat the pattern, choose After a number of occurrences and enter the number of
times to repeat it.

To view, create, and update

• View, create, and edit on
Shifts, Job Profiles,
Service Territories,
Service Resources,
Service Territory

6. Optionally, select a service territory. If you select a territory, you can also assign a service resource.

Service Cloud Manage Shifts

7. Click Create Shifts.

Build Repeating Shift Patterns
Guidelines for Shift Availability

Guidelines for Shift Availability

Learn how to define valid shifts and show when your workers are available for shift work. Shifts can
work alone or alongside operating hours and service territory memberships to define workforce
availability. Designate shifts to show availability for specific types of work or tasks, or for specific Available in: Lightning
territories. For example, you can designate an on-call shift for emergency appointments only. Experience
Filter criteria let you match service appointments to shifts, so that only appointments matching the
The Field Service core
criteria get scheduled. After you set up your shift criteria, you can schedule appointments or use
features, managed
optimization to find the best schedule for your team and customers. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Considerations Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
For shifts to be valid, they must meet the following criteria. Work orders are also
All shifts available in Professional
• To create shifts, you must have at least one service territory and one service resource that’s
assigned to that service territory. A shift must be fully contained within a primary service
territory membership for a service resource in that territory.
• When you schedule designated shifts for secondary service territories, use optimization rather than scheduling operations.
Scheduling operations, such as Book Appointments or Get Candidates, don't consider designated shifts with secondary service
• Add the Timeslot Designated work rule to the scheduling policy for scheduling and optimization to respect shift and time slot
designations. The Overtime field in the Service Resource Availability work rule enables scheduling service appointments on
Extended shifts. You may need to add the Overtime field to the layout.
• Shift availability (Extended or Normal) must correspond across all of a resource’s service territories.
Shifts with a specified service territory
• When you create a shift with a specified service territory, the shift’s time span must be fully contained within the service resource's
primary service territory membership for that territory.
Shifts without a specified service territory
• When you want to define workforce availability across many territories, create the shift without a specified territory. A shift
without a specified service territory must be fully contained in a primary service territory membership (STM). It adds availability
in all territories based on territory memberships; availability is added where the shift intersects service territory memberships.

Service Cloud Manage Shifts

Scheduling, Optimization, and Shift Availability

When the managed package is installed, scheduling and optimization consider workforce availability during shifts.
• When you schedule work using the dispatcher console or Book Appointments or Candidates global actions, scheduling uses availability
from confirmed shifts. Optimization also uses available resources from confirmed shifts.
• Scheduling and optimization ignore job profiles and time slot types (normal or extended) that are defined in shifts.
• Shifts relax time slots for designated work or extended work (overtime). For example, if you assign a time period for emergency work
and create a shift that overlaps, scheduling can assign non-emergency appointments during the shift. Or, if you create a shift for
weekend on-call duties, you can schedule appointments although the shift is during extended hours.
• For shifts that aren’t territory-specific, you can apply work rules to narrow the territories in which scheduling uses shift availability.
To use shift availability in the primary service territory, use a Match Territory work rule in your scheduling policy. To use shift availability
in the primary and other territories, use the Working Territories work rule.
• Scheduling and optimization match shifts to service appointments according to the shift’s filter criteria.
• Shifts always add availability.
• Shifts have priority over overlapping time slots.
• When Shifts overlap for a certain resource, territory-specific shifts have priority over shifts that aren’t territory-specific.
• When shifts overlap for a certain resource and the overlapping shifts are both territory-specific or both non territory-specific, the first
shift of the day takes precedence.

Example: Adding Availability with Shifts

Rotating on-call duties are split into two shifts for Saturday morning and afternoon. The shift is associated with the San Francisco territory
and is fully contained in the service territory membership. The shifts are assigned to two workers that have accepted the shift work. The
managed package is installed in this org, so the Gantt displays the workers’ additional availability. When the dispatcher looks for candidates,
scheduling considers availability from the confirmed shifts (1) and from service territory membership (2).

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

Guidelines for Creating Operating Hours for Field Service
Guidelines for Recordset Filter Criteria
Guidelines for Creating Service Territories for Field Service
Reserve Time Slots for Designated Types of Work

Manage Service Resources

Service resources are mobile workers that can be assigned to service appointments. Learn how to
create time sheets and view a service resource’s travel routes and calendar.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Get Started with Time Sheets
Before your mobile workers can start logging their hours using time sheets, lay down the The Field Service core
foundation. Enable time sheets on the Field Service mobile app, set up an approval process, features, managed
and customize time sheet fields. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Create Service Resource Absences for Field Service Performance, Unlimited,
Create resource absences to indicate when a service resource is unavailable to work. During and Developer Editions.
schedule optimization, service resources aren’t assigned to appointments that conflict with Work orders are also
their absences. View and manage absences from the Absences related list on service resource available in Professional
records. Edition.
View a Service Resource’s Daily Travel Route
The scheduling optimizer uses street-level routing to schedule your mobile worker’s day
appropriately. On the day of service, the Field Service mobile app’s geocoding feature tracks the actual route taken. You can see
both the planned and actual routes together on the resource map view.

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

View a Service Resource’s Calendar

Resource detail pages include a customizable calendar that shows the resource’s scheduled appointments and absences. The calendar
gives dispatchers a snapshot of the resource’s availability, and helps resources stay on top of their schedule.

Create Service Resources for Field Service
Service Resource Fields for Field Service

Get Started with Time Sheets

Before your mobile workers can start logging their hours using time sheets, lay down the foundation.
Enable time sheets on the Field Service mobile app, set up an approval process, and customize
time sheet fields. Available in: Salesforce
1. Enable mobile time sheets. Classic and Lightning
a. From Setup, enter Field Service Mobile Settings in the Quick Find box,
then select Field Service Mobile Settings. The Field Service core
b. Click Edit next to your Field Service Mobile Settings configuration. features, managed
package, and mobile app
c. Select Enable mobile time sheets. are available in Enterprise,
d. Click Save. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
2. Create an approval process. Work orders are also
available in Professional
a. From Setup, enter Approval Processes in the Quick Find box, then select Approval
b. Select Time Sheet from the drop-down menu.
c. Click Create New Approval Process > Use Jump Start Wizard.
d. Create an approval process with the Jump Start Wizard. To enable time sheets:
• Customize Application
Note: When a mobile worker submits a time sheet, it initiates your approval process. If
you don't have an approval process set up, workers can't submit their time sheets.

3. Customize fields for time sheets.

a. In the Object Manager, enter Time Sheet in the Quick Find box, then select Time Sheet.
b. Select Page Layout > Time Sheet Layout.
c. Under Time Sheet Detail, add or remove fields. Up to four fields can be shown on the Field Service mobile app.
d. Click Save.

4. Create time sheet templates on page 1358.

Considerations for time sheets:
• Users can view up to 100 past time sheets offline on their mobile devices.
• The first field on Time Sheet Detail displays as the header. Three more fields can be displayed as details below the header.

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

Create Time Sheet Templates
You can automatically create time sheets from a template so that service resources can track their time and work. Specify the time
period each time sheet covers, such as a week or month, and track specific tasks, travel time, and break time. Time sheets are created
one day before their start date. You can only create time sheets for service resources of the type Technician.

Create Time Sheet Templates

You can automatically create time sheets from a template so that service resources can track their
time and work. Specify the time period each time sheet covers, such as a week or month, and track
specific tasks, travel time, and break time. Time sheets are created one day before their start date. Available in: Lightning
You can only create time sheets for service resources of the type Technician. Experience
1. From Setup, enter Time Sheet Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Time Sheet
The Field Service core
Settings. features, managed
2. Click New and enter details for the time sheet template. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To create time sheets:

• Create on time sheets
To view time sheet entries:
• Read on time sheets
To create, update, or delete
time sheet entries:
• Edit on time sheets

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

• For Label, enter a descriptive name for the template so that you can distinguish it from others.
• For Name, enter an API name for the template, which uses underscores instead of spaces.
• For Start Date, enter the date that you want the time sheet template to take effect. Because the time sheet autocreation job runs
once per day, we recommend setting a start date that is at least 24 hours in the future.
• For Frequency, select the time range that you want each time sheet to cover. New time sheets are automatically created on the
frequency you specify. For example, if you select Daily, a time sheet is created every day. If you select Monthly, each time sheet
covers an entire month, beginning on the start date that you entered.
• For Work Week Start Day, select the day that you want each work week to begin on.
• For Work Week End Day, select the day that you want each work week to end on.
• Enter a description for the time sheet template.
• Mark the time sheet template as Active.

Important: Time sheets are automatically created only if the template is marked Active.

3. Assign the time sheet template to user profiles.

a. Click Assign to Profiles.
b. Select at least one user profile that you want to assign the time sheet template to, and click Change Assignments.
c. Under Time Sheet Setting, select the time sheet template you want the profiles to use, and click Save.

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

The template name appears next to each profile that you assigned it to.

To confirm that time sheets were created successfully, navigate to Time Sheets in the App Launcher, and create list view filters. If the
autocreation process can’t create a time sheet, it doesn’t retry. If a time sheet isn’t created as expected, you can manually create it.

Important: Editing the frequency of an existing time sheet template isn't recommended. To avoid errors, first deactivate the
existing template. Then create a template with the correct frequency, mark it as active, and assign it to the desired user profiles.
Considerations for time sheets:
• If you add a required custom field that uses custom values, time sheets aren't automatically created.
• Using the same work week start day and work week end day results in a work week that is one day long.
• The Twice a month frequency uses days 1–15 as the first half of the month and days 16–31 as the second half of the month.
• Start date defines the day your time sheet begins. So if your time sheet template's start date is on a Tuesday, your work week start
day is Monday, and you set the frequency to every two weeks, the first time sheet starts on Tuesday. The time sheet autocreation
job creates the first batch of time sheets when it runs on Monday. Thereafter, time sheets start on Mondays, and they are automatically
created when the job runs on Sundays.
• Time sheet templates aren't included in updates to the managed package.

Time Sheet Fields

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

Create Service Resource Absences for Field Service

Create resource absences to indicate when a service resource is unavailable to work. During
schedule optimization, service resources aren’t assigned to appointments that conflict with
their absences. View and manage absences from the Absences related list on service resource To view, create, or update
records. resource absences:
• Read on service
1. From the Absences related list on a service resource, click New.
2. *Select Non Availability as the record type. The Break record type is used to automatically
Note: Read Only
create breaks during schedule optimization.
users with Read
3. Select an absence type: Vacation, Meeting, Training, or Medical. permission on
service resources
Tip: Add more absence types by updating the Type picklist on the resource absence can create
object in Setup. Don’t use Break as a picklist value; the managed package uses resource
that name. absences.

4. Enter a start and end time and description. To add or edit picklist values:
• Customize Application
5. *Optionally, add a Gantt label. The Gantt label appears on the absence in the Gantt. For
example, Bahamas or Driver Training. (We know which option we’d choose…) To customize the Field
Service managed package:
Note: Gantt labels aren’t visible on Break resource absences. • Customize Application

6. Optionally, enter an address, such as a training location. For absences that don’t span an
entire shift—like a morning medical appointment—the absence address is used to determine travel time to and from adjacent
service appointments. Appointments aren’t scheduled during dedicated travel time.
*If the Field Service managed package isn’t installed, you don’t see options to select a record type or enter a Gantt label.
The Gantt shows breaks to the left of travel to appointments. If a break is planned during travel time, optimization can still schedule the
appointment. The resource can drive, take the break at the specified time, and then complete the travel.
If an absence doesn’t have an address, optimization uses the resource’s home base to calculate travel time to the next service appointment.
For a more precise travel estimate, add an address to the absence, such as the location of the previous appointment or an address for
the break.
Non Availability absences are shown on the Gantt with a “no entry” icon, while Break absences are shown with a teacup icon. Update
the Gantt Color field on a resource absence to customize its color on the Gantt.

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

Note: If a service resource of type Crew has resource absences, those absences are considered in scheduling and shown on the
Gantt. Absences associated with individual crew members’ corresponding service resources aren’t considered.

View Resource Absences on the Gantt and Map
View a Service Resource’s Calendar
Create Resource Absences in the Field Service Mobile App
Work Rule Type: Service Resource Availability
Service Resource Fields for Field Service

View a Service Resource’s Daily Travel Route

The scheduling optimizer uses street-level routing to schedule your mobile worker’s day
appropriately. On the day of service, the Field Service mobile app’s geocoding feature tracks the
actual route taken. You can see both the planned and actual routes together on the resource map Available in: Salesforce
view. Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
The Field Service core
Important: To view travel routes, enable street-level routing. features, managed
package, and mobile app
To navigate to a service resource’s map, start from the dispatcher console resource list. Click Details
are available in Enterprise,
in a resource’s action menu, and then click the Map tab. You can also view a service resource’s
Performance, Unlimited,
scheduled appointments on the main dispatcher console map by selecting the service resource in
and Developer Editions.
the Map Layers settings. Work orders are also
available in Professional

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

At the top of the map, select which date to show, and choose one or more types of data to display: Route (shown in blue), Actual Route
(shown in pink), and Traffic. The actual route can be shown only if history tracking is set on the service resource’s Last Known Location
field and geolocation tracking is turned on for them.
The truck icon signifies an appointment. The X icon signifies a resource absence with a valid address, meaning its latitude and longitude
can be calculated.

Note: To show or hide resource absences on the map, from the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and
then click Field Service Settings. Then, click Dispatcher Console UI > Gantt Configurations and select or deselect Show
absences on resource map.
On the right-hand side of the map, you can show or hide the route details pane. To zoom in on an appointment, hover over the
appointment number in the pane and click Center on Map.

Note: If a service resource has more than 23 stops in a period of 24 hours (including starting point, ending point, appointments,
and absences), the resource map shows only the first 23 stops on the route and displays an error. This is a Directions API limitation.

Set Up Routing for Travel Time Calculations
Track Service Resource Geolocation with the Field Service Mobile App

View a Service Resource’s Calendar

Resource detail pages include a customizable calendar that shows the resource’s scheduled
appointments and absences. The calendar gives dispatchers a snapshot of the resource’s availability,
and helps resources stay on top of their schedule. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
To view a service resource’s calendar, navigate to their detail page from the Service Resources tab
The Field Service core
and scroll to the Calendar tab. Click a field on a calendar entry to open the corresponding record
features, managed
in a new tab.
package, and mobile app
Note: If you don’t see the calendar on resource pages, add the VF079_ResourceCalendar are available in Enterprise,
Visualforce component to the service resource page layout. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To edit field sets:

• Customize Application
To edit page layouts:
• Customize Application

Service Cloud Manage Service Resources

Here’s how to control which information appears in the calendar.

1. To control which fields appear in calendar entries for service appointments and resource absences, customize field sets.
• The Service Appointment Resource Calendar Display field set controls what information appears on the calendar entry.
• The Service Appointment Resource Calendar Tooltip field set controls what information appears in a tooltip when you hover over
the calendar entry.
• The Resource Absence Resource Calendar field set controls what information appears on a resource absence calendar entry.
• The Absence Resource Calendar Tooltip field set controls what information appears in a tool tip when you hover over the calendar
For more details, see Customize the Dispatcher Console with Field Sets.

2. To color-code resource absences on the calendar, update the Gantt Color field on resource absences with a 6-digit hex code.
This field lets you represent different types of absences with different colors—for example, lunch breaks in red and internal meetings
in green.

Tip: Use Process Builder to automate the color-coding of resource absences.

Service Cloud Manage Service Crew Membership

Manage Service Crew Membership

Efficiently manage your service crews to accommodate a fast-changing field service schedule.
Create crews, find and add members with the right skills, adjust membership dates to match
appointment times, and view all crews’ schedules and members in one place. Available in: Salesforce
While you can manually manage service crew membership from the Service Crew Members related Classic and Lightning
list on service crew records, we recommend using the drag-and-drop crew management tool. Experience

The Field Service core

This is a Field Service managed package feature.
features, managed
1. Create your service crews. The crew management tool only shows crews with an active service package, and mobile app
resource of type Crew. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional


To view service crew

• Read on service crews
Read on service
To create service crews
using the crew
management tool:
• Create on service crews
Create on service
Edit on service territories

To create, update, or delete

service crew members:
• Edit on service crews

Service Cloud Manage Service Crew Membership

2. Open the crew management tool by clicking the Crew Management tab or opening the Lightning page that contains it.

Note: If you have trouble finding it, ask your admin to follow the steps in Set Up Crew Management and let you know where
the tool is located.

3. In the top-right corner, select a date and number of days to display.

4. In the sidebar, click the map icon to view a list of territories with active service crews. Select territories whose crews you want to see
and click Save. After you select territories, each crew’s schedule and members appear in the chart.
Now that your dates and service territories are selected, it’s time to manage crew membership.
View Crew Details
Hover over a crew name in the chart to see the skills that its members need. To update these skills, navigate to the associated service
resource record of type Crew and update the Skills related list.

Service Cloud Manage Service Crew Membership

Hover over a service crew membership in the chart to view the membership start and end dates. Crew leaders appear with a star.

View Appointment Details

In any Crew Schedule row, hover over an appointment to view its details. A red flag icon means that the assigned service crew
doesn’t yet comply with the minimum crew size or skill requirements listed on the appointment’s parent record. View skill and crew
size alerts at the bottom of the hover window.

Double-click an appointment to open a window that shows the appointment’s fields and its parent record’s fields and related records.
Find the Right Crew Member
If the territory filter is visible in the sidebar, click the map icon to hide it and show the service resource list. The sidebar shows service
resources who are members of the selected service territories during the dates shown on the chart.
• Click a service resource’s name in the sidebar to view their skills, service territory membership, and service crew membership.
Click the card icon to the right of their name to view the service resource record.
• Select a scheduling policy using the Policy dropdown menu.
• Filter service resources by skill in one of two ways:
– Click the filter icon in the resource list to select skills to filter for.
– Click Match Crew Skills on a crew to show only service resources with the skills listed on the crew’s service resource record
of type Crew.

Service Cloud Manage Service Crew Membership

• If an appointment shows missing skills or members, right-click the appointment and click Get Candidates to filter the resource
list based on skills, availability, and operating hours. If the crew just needs members, all available resources are shown. If skills
are missing, available service resources with the missing skills are shown first. Select one or more resources and click Assign
Selected to add them to the crew for the appointment’s time frame.

Service Cloud Manage Service Crew Membership

Add a Service Resource to a Crew

Add service resources to crews by dragging them from the resource list. To add multiple resources at once, select them in the list
before dragging.
• Drag a resource onto a crew’s name to add them to the crew for the dates shown on the chart. A window opens where you can
update crew membership dates and make the resource the crew leader.
• Drag a resource onto another resource’s service crew membership to create an identical crew membership.
• Drag a resource onto an appointment to create a crew membership for the appointment’s time frame.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Edit or Delete Crew Membership

Double-click a crew membership in the chart to edit its dates, make the resource the crew leader, or delete the membership.

Set Up Crew Management
Create Service Crews
Considerations for Scheduling Service Crews
View Service Crews on the Gantt

Manage Service Appointments

Learn how to create, schedule, reschedule, and unschedule service appointments. Tighten up your
schedule by fixing overlaps, grouping nearby appointments, and filling schedule gaps.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Create Service Appointments for Field Service
Service appointments represent field service visits to customers. While work orders describe The Field Service core
the work to be performed, service appointments provide the scheduling and assignment details. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Schedule Service Appointments for Field Service
are available in Enterprise,
Schedule service appointments from the record feed or from the appointment list in the Performance, Unlimited,
dispatcher console. You can also create scheduling dependencies between service appointments and Developer Editions.
to organize larger jobs, or schedule an appointment by manually updating its status. Work orders are also
Unschedule Service Appointments available in Professional
Unschedule service appointments from the dispatcher console or a service appointment record.
Reschedule Service Appointments
To reschedule service appointments, use the Book Appointment Chatter action or the Reshuffle action in the Gantt.
Fix Scheduling Overlaps
If a service appointment overlaps with other appointments or absences, use the Fix Overlaps feature to harmoniously reschedule
Group Nearby Appointments
To minimize travel time or gaps between appointments, use the Group Nearby Appointments action on a service appointment. This
feature unschedules appointments that were scheduled later that day and replaces them with appointments that are close in location
to the source appointment.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Fill Schedule Gaps

To fill gaps in a service resource’s schedule, use the Fill-In Schedule feature. This feature creates a list of appointments for a mobile
worker and finds the optimal schedule.
Customize Service Appointment Chatter Settings
Control whether custom Gantt Chatter posts, dispatch posts, and emergency posts are shared on service appointments or on service
appointment parent records.
Dispatch Service Appointments
Dispatch scheduled service appointments to your mobile workers. You can dispatch appointments from the console, or set up jobs
that automatically dispatch or drip feed the next appointments.

Customize Appointment Booking Settings

Create Service Appointments for Field Service

Service appointments represent field service visits to customers. While work orders describe the
work to be performed, service appointments provide the scheduling and assignment details.
Service appointments can be added to work orders, work order line items, opportunities, leads, Available in: Salesforce
accounts, or assets. To create a service appointment: Classic and Lightning
1. From the Service Appointments tab or the Service Appointments related list on a record, create
a service appointment. The Field Service core
2. Fill out the General Information section. features, managed
package, and mobile app
a. Add an appointment subject and description. are available in Enterprise,
b. If needed, update the duration. If the parent record is a work order or work order line item, Performance, Unlimited,
the appointment inherits its duration from its parent. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
c. Fill out the Earliest Start Permitted and Due Date, which together represent the window available in Professional
during which the appointment must be completed. These fields typically represent terms Edition.
in the customer’s service-level agreement.
d. In the Service Note field, add notes such as an appointment summary or recommendations.
Depending on your settings, these notes can appear on customer-facing service reports.
To create service
3. Fill out the Scheduled Times section. appointments:
a. Add scheduled start and end times. If you’re using the Field Service managed package with • Create on service
schedule optimization, these fields are populated when the appointment is scheduled. appointments

b. Optionally, define an arrival window, which is the window of time when the mobile worker To create assigned
is expected to arrive at the site. This window is typically larger than the scheduled start and
• Edit on service
end window to allow time for delays and scheduling changes. You may choose to share
appointments AND Read
the arrival window start and end with the customer, but keep the scheduled start and end on service resources
To update or delete
4. Assign service resources to the appointment in the Assigned Resources related list. If the parent assigned resources:
record is a work order or account, check the parent for any resource preferences. • Edit on service
• Service resource who are dispatchers can’t be assigned to service appointments.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

• In the Gantt, service appointments are labeled using their appointment number. To customize a service appointment's
label, fill in the Gantt Label field on the appointment record.
• If an assignment is made during scheduling or optimization—Field Service managed package features—assigned resource
records are automatically created.
• If an appointment has more than one assigned resource, only the first created assigned resource is recognized in scheduling
and in the dispatcher console. However, if the appointment is assigned to a service resource of type Crew, assigned resource
records are auto-created for the crew members, and the assignment details are displayed correctly in the dispatcher

5. When the mobile worker completes the appointment, have them fill out the Actual Times section to indicate when the appointment
started and ended. In addition, they can enter the minutes it took to travel to the appointment in the Actual Travel Time field on
their assigned resource record.
If Auto-Create Service Appointment is selected on a work type, a service appointment is created when a work order or work order
line item lists that work type. For details, see Create Work Types for Field Service.

Guidelines for Creating Service Appointments for Field Service
A service appointment tracks field service work to be performed for a customer, and is typically associated with a work order or work
order line item. Learn how to create and manage service appointments.

Service Appointment Fields for Field Service

Guidelines for Creating Service Appointments for Field Service

A service appointment tracks field service work to be performed for a customer, and is typically
associated with a work order or work order line item. Learn how to create and manage service
appointments. Available in: Salesforce
View Service Appointments Classic and Lightning
View service appointments in the following places: Experience

• Service Appointments tab The Field Service core

• Service Appointments related list on work orders, work order line items, or service resources features, managed
package, and mobile app
• Dispatcher console
are available in Enterprise,
Create Service Appointments Performance, Unlimited,
Create service appointments from the Service Appointments tab or related list, or with the Book and Developer Editions.
Appointment, Candidates, and Emergency Chatter actions in a record feed. Work orders are also
available in Professional
Note: On the Service Appointments related list on a service resource record, you can’t Edition.
create appointments, but you can assign the resource to existing appointments.
Delete Service Appointments
If an appointment is canceled, you can delete the appointment or change its status to Canceled. Deleting a parent record, like a
work order, deletes its child service appointments.
Associate Service Appointments with Other Records
Service appointments always have a parent record, which can be a work order, work order line item, opportunity, account, or asset.
The parent record tells you about the nature of the service appointment:

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

• Service appointments on work orders and work order line items offer a more detailed view of the work being performed. While
work orders and work order line items let you enter general information about a task, service appointments track scheduling
and ownership. If you select Auto-Create Service Appointment on a work type, a child service appointment is added to all
work orders or work order line items that use the work type. In scheduling and optimization, service appointments are scheduled
according to your settings.
• Service appointments on assets represent work being performed on the asset.
• Service appointments on accounts represent work being performed for the account.
• Service appointments on opportunities represent work that is related to the opportunity.
• Service appointments on leads represent work that is related to lead—for example, a site visit to pursue a promising lead.

Service Appointment Fields for Field Service

Schedule Service Appointments for Field Service

Schedule service appointments from the record feed or from the appointment list in the dispatcher
console. You can also create scheduling dependencies between service appointments to organize
larger jobs, or schedule an appointment by manually updating its status. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

Schedule Appointments from the Record Feed The Field Service core
Use the Book Appointment or Candidates Chatter actions to schedule and reschedule service features, managed
appointments for work orders, work order line items, accounts, assets, leads, and opportunities, package, and mobile app
or from a service appointment itself. To reflect different visits, you can schedule one or more are available in Enterprise,
service appointments for a record. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Schedule Appointments from the Dispatcher Console Work orders are also
You can schedule service appointments from the Field Service dispatcher console by using the available in Professional
mass schedule action or by dragging them onto the Gantt. Edition.
Schedule an Appointment Automatically
Schedule an appointment in a hurry with Auto Schedule—right from the appointment itself.
Auto Schedule finds the best available slot based on your scheduling policy.
Create Scheduling Dependencies Between Service Appointments
To stay on top of complex projects, create scheduling dependencies between related service appointments. For example, ensure
that a particular appointment can’t start until a related appointment is complete.
Schedule Appointments Using Priorities
Schedule critical service appointments over less urgent visits. When a scheduling action can’t find an available time slot, it overlaps
lower priority appointments with services that you specify as high priority.
Schedule Emergency Appointments
Swiftly schedule, dispatch, and track emergency appointments with the help of a real-time map view. The Emergency Chatter action
on a service appointment shows a map view of your closest field resources so that you can dispatch work immediately.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Update an Appointment’s Status

You can schedule or unschedule an appointment by updating its status. An appointment’s status can be updated from several places
in Salesforce.

Create Service Appointments for Field Service
Unschedule Service Appointments
Reschedule Service Appointments
Customize Appointment Booking Settings

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Schedule Appointments from the Record Feed

Use the Book Appointment or Candidates Chatter actions to schedule and reschedule service
appointments for work orders, work order line items, accounts, assets, leads, and opportunities, or
from a service appointment itself. To reflect different visits, you can schedule one or more service Available in: Salesforce
appointments for a record. Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
The Field Service core
Tip: For help scheduling emergency appointments, see Schedule Emergency Appointments. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Action Used By Options Provided are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Book Support agents or Arrival windows, which are based on the default and Developer Editions.
Appointment customers. For example: operating hours selected in your appointment Work orders are also
• Agents can use it to booking settings. available in Professional
book an appointment Edition.
Note: If you’ve added customer-specific
for a customer over the operating hours to an entitlement on the
phone related work order, the options provided USER PERMISSIONS
• Customers can use it if are based on those hours.
the action is embedded To schedule an appointment
using the Book Appointment
in your Experience
or Candidates action:One of
Builder site these custom permission
Candidates Typically, only support Appointment time slots, organized by service
• FSL Admin Permissions
agents. resource. The time slots are based purely on
• FSL Agent Permissions
empty space in mobile worker schedules, not
arrival windows, making this action ideal for • FSL Dispatcher
appointments where no coordination is needed
with the customer. To view the Change
Scheduling Policy field on
the Book Appointment
1. Open the record that requires an appointment. action:
• Policy Picker In
2. In the Chatter feed, select either Book Appointment or Candidates based on your needs. If Appointment Booking
the action isn’t available, select the page layout and add the quick action. For appointment custom permission
booking, we recommend that you add the action; don’t add the AppointmentBookingVf AND
Visualforce page using Lightning App Builder.
Read permission on the
3. If you’re creating an appointment for a work order or work order line item, leave the work type Scheduling Policy object
as is. It’s defined on the parent record and can’t be updated from the Chatter action window.
The work type serves as a template that provides skill requirements, duration, and other data To view the Change
Scheduling Policy field on
used in scheduling the work.
the Candidates action:
4. Optionally, update the address and service territory, which are typically inherited from the • Policy Picker In Get
parent record. Candidates custom
Note: When an appointment isn’t geocoded with a latitude and longitude, Book
Appointment geocodes it and formats the address as follows.
Read permission on the
Street number and Street name (the number is always first) Scheduling Policy object
City, State, Zipcode

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

5. To view time slots for yourself only, click Assign to Me. You see this option if you’re associated with a service resource record and
the default scheduling policy includes a Required Resources work rule.
6. If you clicked Book Appointment:
a. To change the earliest start permitted and due date, click Show more options.
b. To view a graded list of available arrival windows, click Get Appointments. The list considers all scheduling constraints, such
as the current schedule and work rules, and is graded according to the service objectives. Depending on your appointment
booking settings, arrival windows can be flagged as Ideal or Recommended or shown in yellow to indicate a prime window. To
see how each window ranks against the scheduling policy’s service objectives, click its information icon.
c. To view a wider range of service appointment dates, click Extend Dates.
d. To create the service appointment, select an arrival window. You can then view its details.

7. If you clicked Candidates:

a. Click Get Candidates to view a list of available service resources.
b. Click a resource’s name to view their open time slots, which are scored 0–100 based on how well the slot matches the applied
scheduling policy.
c. To schedule the appointment, select a time slot in a resource’s list and click Schedule to [name].

8. To rerun the search using a different scheduling policy than the default policy, select a policy in the Change Scheduling Policy
Book Appointment Window

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Candidates Window

Note: Booking from objects other than work orders or work order line items creates a work order, and the service appointment
is created for that work order. For instance, booking an appointment from an asset record creates a related work order and service

Note: Choosing the same or adjacent appointment slots at the same time can create overlaps on the dispatch console. Service
appointment overlaps can occur if there are long-running customizations. We recommend such customizations be asynchronous.
Travel or lunch break overlaps can also occur. Contact your Salesforce rep to change the custom setting that checks for appointment
changes during the entire day, and prevents travel overlaps. In this case, false positive errors can occur if there’s no real overlap.

Service Appointment Fields for Field Service

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Schedule Appointments from the Dispatcher Console

You can schedule service appointments from the Field Service dispatcher console by using the
mass schedule action or by dragging them onto the Gantt.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
Drag an Appointment from the Appointment List to the Gantt
The Field Service core
Schedule an appointment by dragging it from the appointment list into any service resource’s row features, managed
on the Gantt. package, and mobile app
If the assignment causes a rule violation (for example, if the resource doesn’t possess the required are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
skill), the appointment is marked with a yellow triangle. Hover over the appointment to view its
and Developer Editions.
details and rule violations..
Work orders are also
Note: Rule violations occur only when a service appointment is scheduled using the dragging available in Professional
method. Edition.

Customize the drag settings from the Field Service Admin app.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Service Settings tab.
2. Click Dispatcher Console UI.
3. In the Drag jumps on Gantt field, enter the minutes segment. For example, if you enter 15, you can drag an appointment into slots
starting at 0, 15, 30, and 45 minutes after the hour.
4. Save your changes.

Schedule an Appointment from the Map

Schedule an appointment directly from the dispatcher console map. First, pop out the map by clicking on the Map tab, and then
click an appointment icon (1) to display its details. Click Schedule (2) to schedule the appointment, or drag the shaded appointment
icon (3) from the details window into any service resource’s row on the Gantt. If you use the dragging method, the information above
about rule violations applies.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Schedule an Appointment from the Mini View

Click a service appointment in the appointment list to show a mini view of the appointment. At the bottom of the mini view, click
Schedule. The service appointment is scheduled according to the scheduling policy selected at the top of the appointment list.
If no candidates are available, you can bypass the scheduling policy’s rules and objectives or select a different scheduling policy.

Use the Mass Schedule Action

Select one or more appointments in the appointment list, and click Schedule above the appointment list search field. Appointments
are scheduled in priority order. A progress bar appears in the bottom right corner during the scheduling process.
When scheduling is complete, click View Service Appointments to review the details.

Work in the Dispatcher Console Appointment List

Schedule an Appointment Automatically

Schedule an appointment in a hurry with Auto Schedule—right from the appointment itself. Auto
Schedule finds the best available slot based on your scheduling policy.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
To grade available time slots, Auto Schedule uses rules and objectives in a scheduling policy. In the Experience
Field Service Admin app, specify the default policy in Field Service Settings > Dispatcher Console
The Field Service core
UI > Gantt Configurations. To override the default, add the Scheduling Policy Used field to the
features, managed
service appointment layout. Before you auto-schedule the appointment, select a scheduling policy
package, and mobile app
in this field.
are available in Enterprise,
1. Customize the service appointment page layout, and add the Auto Schedule field. Optionally, Performance, Unlimited,
add the Scheduling Policy Used field. and Developer Editions.
2. Open the service appointment that you want to schedule, and select Auto Schedule. Optionally, Work orders are also
available in Professional
select a scheduling policy to use instead of the default policy.
3. Click Save.
If Auto Schedule is selected on a service appointment, wait until the appointment’s location is USER PERMISSIONS
geocoded before scheduling it. In the Field Service Admin app, under Field Service Settings >
Scheduling > General Logic, select Delay auto-scheduling until appointments are geocoded To auto-schedule from a
and save your changes. service appointment: One of
these custom permission
Note: sets:
• The Delay auto-scheduling until appointments are geocoded setting doesn’t apply • FSL Admin Permissions
to appointments without an address (such appointments are scheduled without delay). • FSL Agent Permissions
Auto Schedule uses the scheduling policy listed in the appointment’s Scheduling Policy • FSL Dispatcher
Used field. If no policy is listed, the default scheduling policy in your Appointment Booking Permissions
settings is used.
• Delay auto-scheduling until appointments are geocoded works only if the Data
Integration Rule for Service Appointment Address has Bypass triggers turned off.
• We recommend waiting for the Auto Schedule to complete before updating a service
appointment, otherwise your update could trigger the Auto Schedule before the service
appointment is geocoded.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Auto Schedule tries to find the best slot for the appointment. It’s then deselected in the appointment record regardless of whether
scheduling is successful.

Create Scheduling Dependencies Between Service Appointments

To stay on top of complex projects, create scheduling dependencies between related service
appointments. For example, ensure that a particular appointment can’t start until a related
appointment is complete. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.

The Field Service core

Prepare to Create Dependencies
features, managed
Enable the scheduling dependencies feature, known as complex work, and update page layouts. package, and mobile app
1. Enable complex work. If it isn’t enabled, you can still create relationships between appointments, are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
but simultaneous scheduling isn’t guaranteed.
and Developer Editions.
a. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Work orders are also
Field Service Settings tab. available in Professional
b. Click Scheduling > General Logic. Edition.

c. Under Complex Work, select Enable complex work.

d. If you want related service appointments to always be scheduled in the same scheduling operation, select Use all-or-none
scheduling for related appointments. This setting prevents two service appointments with a dependency between them
from being scheduled separately. It doesn’t apply to chains of three or more appointments.

2. Customize the service appointment page layout to show complex work features.
a. In the layout editor, open the service appointment page layout.
b. Add a single-column section to the layout. Name it Scheduling Dependencies or something similar.
c. Select Visualforce Pages and drag the vf739_ComplexWork page to the new section.
d. Click the wrench icon on the Visualforce page to display its properties. Set the height in pixels to 600.
e. Remove the following fields from the service appointment page layout. These fields were used before complex work was available,
and aren’t needed. If these fields appear in their own section, remove the section.
• Time Dependency
• Same Resource
• Same Day
• Related Service

f. Save your changes.

3. From the Object Manager in Setup, open the Appointment Dependency object. Under Fields & Relationships, select the
Dependency field. Activate the dependency values that you want to be available for complex work.

Create Dependencies
You can create dependencies between two or more existing service appointments. Each appointment’s parent record must be a work
1. On a service appointment detail page, find the Scheduling Dependencies section.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

2. Select two appointments to relate to each other.

3. Select a dependency type:
• Same Start: The appointments must start together.
• Start After Finish: One appointment cannot start until the other is completed.
• Start After Finish and Same Day: One appointment cannot start until the other is completed, and they must be scheduled for
the same day.
• Immediately Follow (beta): The appointments must be scheduled back-to-back on the same day without any interruption, and
they must be scheduled to the same resource.

4. Optionally, require the appointments to be assigned to the same service resource.

5. Click Create Dependency.
For example, suppose a customer calls to report a leaking skylight that has damaged a section of the ceiling. The support agent creates
a work order to address the problem, and adds two service appointments: one to fix the skylight (SA-0064), and one to repair the ceiling
(SA-0063). The skylight must be fixed before the ceiling is repaired, so the agent creates the following dependency.

After the agent adds the dependency, it’s visible in a diagram and in a list at the bottom of the Scheduling Dependencies section.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

You can now schedule the appointments. Appointments with dependencies can be scheduled in the usual ways—scheduling quick
actions, the dispatcher console, and optimization—or by clicking Schedule Appointments in the Scheduling Dependencies section.

Considerations for Scheduling Dependencies
Keep these considerations in mind when you schedule dependencies between service appointments.

Considerations for Scheduling Dependencies

Keep these considerations in mind when you schedule dependencies between service appointments.
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
General Considerations Experience
When you set up appointments with scheduling dependencies, known as complex work, keep The Field Service core
these points in mind. features, managed
• Except for consecutive work, you can create dependencies between more than two package, and mobile app
appointments. However, when you schedule a chain of appointments, dependencies are are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
enforced for two appointments at a time, even if you select Use all-or-none scheduling for
and Developer Editions.
related appointments. For a chain of more than two appointments, we can’t guarantee that
Work orders are also
scheduling and optimization schedule all appointments in the chain. For example, for a chain
available in Professional
of four appointments, the first two appointments might be scheduled but not the third or
• To view a service appointment’s related appointments, right-click the appointment on the
Gantt and select Show related.
• To control which fields are shown in the search results, modify the Service Appointments List Columns field set.
• Capacity-based resources can’t be assigned to appointments that are part of an appointment chain.
• If a chain of appointments spans multiple service territories, you must select all territories in the optimization request for the
appointments to be scheduled.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

• The combination of multiday scheduling and complex work isn’t supported. If a multiday service appointment is part of a chain of
appointments, its scheduled end date isn’t calculated when the appointment is scheduled.
• To be considered for Same Resource dependencies, each service resource must have a single service territory membership. A chain
of appointments in complex work can’t span different service territory memberships.
• Experience Builder site dispatchers can’t access this feature.

Consecutive Work Considerations

You can create consecutive work with an Immediately Follow dependency (beta). Be aware of the following considerations
and limitations.
• We prevent the creation of Immediately Follow dependencies for chains of more than two service appointments.
• Optimization enforces this dependency for chains of two service appointments.
• Scheduling and optimization don’t support predictive travel, crews, resource efficiencies, reshuffle actions, fixed gaps, or multiday
work with consecutive work appointments.
• Breaks aren’t supported; scheduling and optimization overlap breaks with consecutive appointments and may result in rule violations.
• The org-wide setting for travel speed is used to calculate travel time between consecutive appointments.
• If you reschedule consecutive appointments, the scheduling logic doesn’t consider the second appointment’s original slot as an
available slot.
• If the first appointment is scheduled successfully but not the second, scheduling and optimization don’t unschedule the first

Create Scheduling Dependencies Between Service Appointments
Enable Multiday Service Appointments

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Schedule Appointments Using Priorities

Schedule critical service appointments over less urgent visits. When a scheduling action can’t find
an available time slot, it overlaps lower priority appointments with services that you specify as high
priority. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
If you have just a few urgent appointments, you can use priorities with scheduling actions, such as
The Field Service core
Get Candidates, Book Appointments, or Schedule. Identify what drives your priorities first. Then
features, managed
you’re ready to configure Field Service so that scheduling actions can prioritize visits.
package, and mobile app
1. Specify a priority field. are available in Enterprise,
In the Field Service Admin app, under Field Service Settings > Scheduling > General Logic, Performance, Unlimited,
select a priority field. You can choose one or more fields on service appointments, work orders, and Developer Editions.
and work order line items. Work orders are also
available in Professional
• Assign a fixed priority. For example, the managed package provides the Scheduling Priority Edition.
field on parent work orders and work order line items. By default, Scheduling Priority values
are 1–4, where 1 is Critical and 4 is Low.
• Create a dynamic priority field using a custom formula field. For example, create a formula
that sets appointment priorities based on the difference between today’s date and the due To set up scheduling
date. priorities and customize the
service appointment page:
Scheduling and optimization look at the service appointment priority field first. If that field is
• FSL Admin custom
not defined or empty, then the appointment’s priority is derived from the field on the parent
permission set
work order or work order line item.
To schedule from the
2. Select a priority scale. dispatcher console: One of
these custom permission
The default priority range is a 1–10 scale, where 1 is the highest priority and 10 is the lowest sets:
priority. The 1–10 scale works well for most priority cases. If your use case requires a broad range
• FSL Admin Permissions
of values, go to Field Service Settings > Scheduling > General Logic in the Field Service
• FSL Agent Permissions
Admin app, and select the optional 1–100 scale.
• FSL Dispatcher
3. Customize the service appointment page layout, and add the field Schedule over lower Permissions
priority appointment.
When you select this Boolean field on an appointment, scheduling actions consider the
appointment’s priority.

4. Schedule appointments and resolve any overlaps.

You can create a scheduling recipe to fix overlaps or use In-Day optimization.

Example: To schedule an urgent break-fix, create a work order and set its priority to 1. Open the related service appointment,
and click Schedule over lower priority appointment. Then, in the dispatcher console, select the critical break-fix
appointment from the appointment list. You can use any of the scheduling actions, such as Book Appointments or get Candidates.
Scheduling ignores lower priority appointments, even if an overlap results. For example, when you click Candidates, the Gantt
shows available time slots, including slots that overlap lower priority appointments. For an appointment with a priority of 2 (High),
scheduling considers slots that overlap appointments with a priority of 3 (Medium), 4 (Low), or a higher value.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

• When scheduling considers slots for the appointment, it protects already scheduled appointments that have Schedule over
lower priority appointment set.
• When you have many high priority appointments to schedule, use In-Day or Global optimization. Optimization considers priority
fields and reschedules lower priority appointments if possible. Optimization doesn’t use the Schedule over lower priority
appointment field.

Optimize Appointments Using Priorities

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Schedule Emergency Appointments

Swiftly schedule, dispatch, and track emergency appointments with the help of a real-time map
view. The Emergency Chatter action on a service appointment shows a map view of your closest
field resources so that you can dispatch work immediately. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.

The Field Service core

Schedule an Emergency Appointment
features, managed
1. From any standard or custom object record, click the Emergency action in the Chatter feed. If package, and mobile app
you don’t see the action, ask your admin to add it to the page layout. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. Select a work type, address, and service territory, and click Emergency Dispatch to generate
and Developer Editions.
a list of available service resources and display a map of your team. Click a resource on the map
Work orders are also
to see:
available in Professional
• Their route to the emergency service and ETA. Edition.
• The data (breadcrumb) that their location is based on. The Last known location validity field
in the emergency booking settings controls the location logic.
• A Dispatch button, which assigns the appointment to them.

3. If you’re having trouble finding a candidate, select a different scheduling policy directly on the map or modify your emergency
booking settings.

• If you want a candidate to complete their current appointment before heading to the emergency appointment, change the
dispatcher setting on the map from “as soon as possible” to “after current Service Appointment”. Changing this setting updates
the candidates’ ETA.
• Click Candidates to view a list of all candidates organized by ETA. Hover over a resource name in the list to see options to
dispatch them or view them on the map.
• Quickly spot emergency appointments in the Gantt by looking for the lightning icon.

Customize Emergency Booking Settings

From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click Field Service Settings. Then, click Global Actions >
Emergency Wizard.

Setting Name Description

Emergency scheduling policy The default policy that is used to find resources to assign to an
emergency appointment. We recommend using an Easy policy
with softer rules to ensure that more candidates are returned.

Last known location validity The number of minutes after which a data breadcrumb—like
resource location or geolocation—is no longer valid. For example,
if the breadcrumb validity is 20 minutes and the Last Known
Location of resource X was last updated 30 minutes prior, the
emergency dispatcher calculates the resource’s ETA based on the
location of the last appointment they completed, or (if no
appointments were completed that day) their home base. The

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Setting Name Description

home base is the resource’s service territory member address, or
if not applicable, their service territory address.

Ideal availability grade The grading of candidates, which is color-coded. In the

Good availability grade breadcrumbs example:
• Resources who can reach the appointment in less than 30
minutes are ideal candidates.
• Resource who can reach the appointment between 30 and 60
minutes are good candidates.
• Resources who can reach the appointment after 60 minutes
are bad candidates.

Emergency search timeframe The amount of time you have to resolve the emergency, not
counting the appointment duration. The Earliest Start
Permitted on the appointment is set to the current time, and
the Due Date is the current time + appointment duration +
Emergency Search Timeframe.
For example, if an appointment requires 1 hour of work and the
Emergency Search Timeframe is 360 minutes (6 hours), the
emergency wizard shows only resources who can travel to and
complete the task in the next 7 hours.

Allow Chatter post In an emergency appointment dispatch, the dispatcher is shown

the option to make a custom Chatter post or not post at all. If this
option isn’t selected, no Chatter post is made.

Emergency Chatter Post Destination Choose whether the Chatter post notifying the assigned resource
about the appointment is added to the appointment’s feed or its
parent record’s feed.

Pin After Dispatch Pin the appointment after it is dispatched.

Note: If the Emergency Chatter action is used for an appointment with a scheduling dependency, the dependency isn’t considered
during scheduling.

Customize Service Appointment Chatter Settings
Service Appointment Fields for Field Service

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Update an Appointment’s Status

You can schedule or unschedule an appointment by updating its status. An appointment’s status
can be updated from several places in Salesforce.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
From the Gantt
The Field Service core
In the Gantt, select one or more appointments whose status you want to change. To select multiple features, managed
appointments, hold down Command or Control while clicking the appointments. Then, right-click package, and mobile app
your selection, hover over Change status, and select a new status. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
From a Service Appointment Record Work orders are also
Open a service appointment record or click Details on an appointment from the Gantt. From here, available in Professional
you can change the status in two ways: Edition.
• From the Feed tab, click the Change Status Chatter action and select a status. Only status
values that are permitted in your service appointment life cycle settings are shown.
• Manually update the appointment’s Status field. All status values are shown, but the status change works only if it follows your
service appointment life cycle settings.

From a Scheduled Job

The Auto Dispatch scheduled job allows the automatic dispatch of assigned appointments. It changes the status of the chosen
appointments from Scheduled to Dispatched.
To modify this job, from the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click Field Service Settings. Then,
click Dispatch > Scheduled Jobs.

Service Appointment Fields for Field Service
Auto-Dispatch Service Resources

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Unschedule Service Appointments

Unschedule service appointments from the dispatcher console or a service appointment record.
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Available in: Salesforce
When a service appointment is unscheduled, it is removed from the Gantt and its assigned resources Classic and Lightning
are removed. Status transitions and validation rules are ignored when you unschedule service Experience
appointments from the Gantt. You can unschedule an appointment in the following ways.
The Field Service core
• In the dispatcher console appointment list, select one or more appointments. In the mass features, managed
actions menu, select Unschedule. package, and mobile app
• In the Gantt, right-click an appointment and select Unschedule. To select multiple are available in Enterprise,
appointments, hold down Control or Command while clicking appointments. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
• From a service appointment detail page, update the Status field to None.
Work orders are also
available in Professional
SEE ALSO: Edition.
Schedule Service Appointments for Field Service
Fix Scheduling Overlaps

Reschedule Service Appointments

To reschedule service appointments, use the Book Appointment Chatter action or the Reshuffle
action in the Gantt.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
To manually reschedule a service appointment, use the Book Appointment Chatter action. Experience
1. Open the parent record—typically a work order or work order line item—of the service The Field Service core
appointment that you want to reschedule. features, managed
2. In the Chatter feed, select Book Appointment. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
3. Update the appointment settings as needed.
Performance, Unlimited,
4. Click Get Appointments to view a list of available slots. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
5. Select your new appointment window.
available in Professional
To make space in a full schedule for a high-priority appointment, use the Reshuffle action in the Edition.
Gantt. This action postpones lower-priority appointments.
1. Customize your reshuffle preferences. USER PERMISSIONS
a. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the
Field Service Settings tab. To reschedule an
appointment: One of these
b. Click Scheduling > Dynamic Gantt. custom permission sets:
c. Under Reshuffle Assignments, define the time period in which lower-priority appointments • FSL Admin Permissions
can be postponed. When appointments are reshuffled, lower-priority appointments are • FSL Agent Permissions
rescheduled during the time period between their Earliest Start Permitted—or the current • FSL Dispatcher
date, if the Earliest Start Permitted has passed—and this many days later. Permissions
d. Save your change.

2. Reshuffle your schedule to accommodate a high-priority appointment.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

a. To open the dispatcher console, from the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service app, and then click Field Service.
b. Find the appointment in the appointment list (or on the Gantt, if it’s already scheduled). Right-click the appointment and select
Reshuffle. This action can reschedule or unschedule lower priority appointments and reschedule higher priority appointments
(though not past their due date).

Schedule Service Appointments for Field Service

Fix Scheduling Overlaps

If a service appointment overlaps with other appointments or absences, use the Fix Overlaps feature
to harmoniously reschedule appointments.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
Customize Overlap Settings The Field Service core
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field features, managed
Service Settings tab. Then, click Scheduling > Dynamic Gantt. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
2. Under Fix Overlaps, configure the following settings.
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Setting Description Work orders are also
Automatically fix overlaps when an appointment If this option is selected, overlaps are available in Professional
overlaps with another appointment or absence automatically fixed whenever an appointment Edition.
overlaps with another appointment or an

When attempting to fix overlaps • Schedule to original resource only:

Assign rescheduled appointments only to
the original assigned resource.
• Schedule to all resources: Consider all
qualified service resources when
rescheduling appointments.

After unscheduling services reschedule them Choose whether unscheduled appointments

by are rescheduled in order of priority or in the
original schedule’s order.

When unable to find a valid schedule for an • Leave on Gantt and set
appointment In-jeopardy: If an appointment can’t
be rescheduled without breaking work rules,
leave the appointment in its original time
slot with an In Jeopardy flag.
• Unschedule the
appointment(s): If an appointment
can’t be rescheduled without breaking work

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Setting Description
rules, unschedule the appointment and remove it from the
• Reshuffle other assignments: If an appointment
can’t be rescheduled without breaking work rules, use the
Reshuffle action. This action reschedules appointments to favor
high-priority appointments. To learn more, see Reschedule
Service Appointments.

• Fix Overlaps respects the original order of scheduled appointments. The earliest appointment remains the earliest and the last
remains last.
• If an appointment is pinned, Fix Overlaps doesn’t reschedule it. However, appointments with a pinned status can be rescheduled.
• Fix Overlaps reschedules appointments only within the given day. If the operation progresses to use the Reshuffle action, appointments
can be rescheduled to another day.
• Fix Overlaps considers only service appointments in the Scheduled or Dispatched Status Category.
• Fix Overlaps doesn't run on past service appointments.
• Fix Overlaps isn’t supported for capacity-based resources.
• Fix Overlaps doesn't update service appointment status.
• When a service appointment is scheduled by Fix Overlaps, the appointment’s Schedule Mode is set to Automatic.

Optimize Your Field Service Schedule
Reschedule Service Appointments

Group Nearby Appointments

To minimize travel time or gaps between appointments, use the Group Nearby Appointments
action on a service appointment. This feature unschedules appointments that were scheduled later
that day and replaces them with appointments that are close in location to the source appointment. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.

The Field Service core

Customize Appointment Grouping Settings features, managed
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field package, and mobile app
Service Settings tab. Then, click Scheduling > Dynamic Gantt. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. Under Group Nearby Appointments, configure the following settings.
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Setting Description
Service Appointment candidate Boolean field Select any standard or custom checkbox field, including formula
fields. This field must be selected (set to True) for an appointment
to be a candidate in appointment grouping.

Work Order candidate Boolean field Select any standard or custom checkbox field, including formula
fields. If a service appointment’s parent record is a work order, this
field must be selected (set to True) for the appointment to be a
candidate in appointment grouping.

Work Order Line Item candidate Boolean field Select any standard or custom checkbox field, including formula
fields. If a service appointment’s parent record is a work order line
item, this field must be selected (set to True) for the appointment
to be a candidate in appointment grouping.

Max appointments to schedule When searching for nearby appointments, the scheduling engine
ends its search after finding this many candidate appointments.
The maximum is 50 appointments.

Max runtime (seconds) The scheduling engine spends this many seconds searching for
nearby service appointments. The maximum is 60 seconds. The
search ends after either the max runtime or max appointments to
schedule is reached.

When attempting to schedule the unscheduled service after the • Schedule to original resource only: Assign rescheduled
nearby services appointments only to the original assigned resource.
• Schedule to all resources: Consider all qualified service
resources when rescheduling appointments.

When unable to arrange schedule • Leave on Gantt and set In-jeopardy: If an

appointment can’t be rescheduled without breaking work
rules, leave the appointment in its original time slot with an In
Jeopardy flag.
• Unschedule the appointment(s): If an
appointment can’t be rescheduled without breaking work
rules, unschedule the appointment and remove it from the
• Reshuffle other assignments: If an appointment
can’t be rescheduled without breaking work rules, use the
Reshuffle action. This action reschedules appointments to favor
high-priority appointments. To learn more, see Reschedule
Service Appointments.

Radius for nearby appointments The radius around the originating service appointment, which
determines the number of appointments affected by Group Nearby
Appointments. The distance unit—kilometers or miles—is set on
the Routing tab in the Scheduling section of Field Service Settings.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

After customizing your appointment grouping settings, right-click an appointment on the Gantt and select Group Nearby.

• In order to run Group Nearby Appointments successfully, service appointments must have the same address as their parent work
• Group Nearby Appointments uses the parent work orders' latitude and longitude values.
• In Group Nearby Appointments, only unscheduled service appointments can be candidates.
• Group Nearby Appointments only schedules appointments within the given day, which is the first day on the Gantt.
• By default, the Is Fill In Candidate field on service appointments, work orders, and work order line items is selected. This means that
all service appointments are considered as candidates when grouping appointments.
• When a service appointment is scheduled by Group Nearby Appointments, the appointment’s Schedule Mode is set to

Optimize Your Field Service Schedule
Reschedule Service Appointments

Fill Schedule Gaps

To fill gaps in a service resource’s schedule, use the Fill-In Schedule feature. This feature creates a
list of appointments for a mobile worker and finds the optimal schedule.
Available in: Salesforce
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Classic and Lightning
Customize Fill-In Schedule Settings The Field Service core
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field features, managed
Service Settings tab. Then, click Scheduling > Dynamic Gantt. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
2. Under Fill-In Schedule, configure the following settings.
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Setting Description Work orders are also
Service Appointment Candidate Boolean field Select any standard or custom checkbox field, available in Professional
including formula fields. This field must be Edition.
selected (set to True) for an appointment to be
a candidate in fill-in scheduling.

Work Order Candidate Boolean field Select any standard or custom checkbox field,
including formula fields. If a service
appointment’s parent record is a work order,
this field must be selected (set to True) for the
appointment to be a candidate in fill-in

Work Order Line Item Candidate Boolean field Select any standard or custom checkbox field,
including formula fields. If a service
appointment’s parent record is a work order line

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Setting Description
item, this field must be selected (set to True) for the appointment
to be a candidate in fill-in scheduling.

Order candidate appointments by • Priority: Sort candidates based on their priority field, which is
set in Scheduling > General Logic . Distance is a secondary
• Distance: Sort candidates based on their proximity to the
previous appointment, or if it’s the first appointment of the
day, on their proximity to the mobile worker’s home base. After
an appointment is scheduled, its location is used to calculate
distance. Priority is a secondary consideration.

Max appointments to schedule When searching for nearby appointments, the scheduling engine
ends its search after finding this many candidate appointments.
The maximum is 50 appointments.

Max runtime (seconds) The scheduling engine spends this many seconds searching for
nearby service appointments. The maximum is 60 seconds. The
search ends after either the max runtime or max appointments to
schedule be reached.

• Fill-In Schedule only schedules appointments for the given day, which is the first day shown on the Gantt.
• By default, the Is Fill In Candidate field on service appointments, work orders, and work order line items is selected. This means that
all service appointments are considered as candidates when filling in a schedule.
You might want to limit which appointments are considered as candidates. For example, perhaps repair appointments require a
phone booking before a mobile worker is sent to the site. To limit candidate appointments, try one of the following approaches.
– Using Process Builder or an Apex trigger, set the value of the Is Fill In Candidate field to False if specified criteria aren’t met.
– Create a checkbox formula field that evaluates whether a record is a candidate. Then, change the three settings that control
which fields are evaluated when searching for candidates so that your custom field is considered instead of Is Fill In Candidate.

• If candidate appointments are sorted by distance, appointments without a geolocation are sorted last.
• Only unscheduled appointments or appointments that are scheduled on a future date are considered as candidates.
• When a service appointment is scheduled by Fill-In Schedule, the appointment’s Schedule Mode is set to Automatic.

Optimize Your Field Service Schedule
Reschedule Service Appointments

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Customize Service Appointment Chatter Settings

Control whether custom Gantt Chatter posts, dispatch posts, and emergency posts are shared on
service appointments or on service appointment parent records.
The Field Service mobile app’s Feed tab is supported for work orders and work order line items, but Available in: Salesforce
not for service appointments. This means that app users can’t see posts on a service appointment’s Classic and Lightning
feed unless they know to navigate to the appointment from its associated work order. Posting Experience
Chatter posts to the parent record’s feed boosts their visibility for mobile app users.
The Field Service core
features, managed
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Customize Dispatch Chatter Settings Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
When an appointment’s status category changes to Dispatched, the assigned resource is notified
Work orders are also
in a Chatter post. Control where these messages are posted. available in Professional
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Edition.
Service Settings tab.
2. Click Dispatch > Scheduled Jobs.
3. In the Dispatch Chatter Post Destination field, select Service Appointment Feed (the default option) or Parent Record Feed.
4. Save your changes.

Customize Emergency Chatter Settings

When a service resource is assigned to an emergency service appointment, they are notified in a Chatter post. Control where these
messages are posted.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Service Settings tab.
2. Click Global Actions > Emergency Wizard.
3. In the Emergency Chatter Post Destination field, select Service Appointment Feed (the default option) or Parent Record Feed.
4. Save your changes.

Customize Gantt Chatter Settings

A dispatchers can write a Chatter message for a service appointment from the Gantt by selecting Chatter > Custom message in the
appointment’s action menu. Control where these messages are posted.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Service Settings tab.
2. Click Dispatcher Console UI.
3. In the Gantt Chatter Post Destination field, select Service Appointment Feed (the default option) or Parent Record Feed.
4. Save your changes.

Tip: To turn on in-app notifications for mobile app and Lightning Experience users, see Enable Field Service.

Chatter in the Field Service Mobile App
Schedule Emergency Appointments

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

Dispatch Service Appointments

Dispatch scheduled service appointments to your mobile workers. You can dispatch appointments
from the console, or set up jobs that automatically dispatch or drip feed the next appointments.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Auto-Dispatch Service Resources
Set up scheduled jobs that dispatch your resources auto-magically. The Field Service core
features, managed
Drip Feed Service Appointments
package, and mobile app
Dispatch appointments to your mobile workers at a steady pace. When your schedule changes are available in Enterprise,
frequently, drip feed helps to prevent confusion because it waits to dispatch another Performance, Unlimited,
appointment until the current one is complete. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

Auto-Dispatch Service Resources

Set up scheduled jobs that dispatch your resources auto-magically.
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
Available in: Salesforce
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field Classic and Lightning
Service Settings tab. Experience
2. Click Dispatch. The Field Service core
3. Optionally, click Drip Feed and set up drip feed dispatching. Drip feed waits and dispatches features, managed
another appointment after the current appointment is complete. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
4. Click Scheduled Jobs.
Performance, Unlimited,
a. Select the option to mention assigned resources when they’re dispatched for an and Developer Editions.
appointment. Work orders are also
available in Professional
b. Select the Chatter feed where the mention should appear.
c. Edit the provided Auto Dispatch job, or create a new one.
d. Select territories that the job should use in dispatching service resources to appointments. USER PERMISSIONS
The job dispatches resources based on service territory memberships, not territories of
service appointments. A job considers primary and relocation service territory memberships. To set up a job for
dispatching:One of these
e. Create a schedule when the job runs.
custom permission sets:
f. Set filter criteria that selects which service appointments to consider. • FSL Admin Permissions
g. Set a job horizon; that is, the number of days in advance to dispatch. • FSL Dispatcher
h. Enter a username that’s notified when the job runs.
Field Service replaces this username with the corresponding user’s email.
i. Click Save.

5. Optionally, select the job and click Run now.

Service Cloud Manage Service Appointments

When the job runs, it changes the status of the dispatched appointments from Scheduled to Dispatched. If you customize statuses
for the service appointment lifecycle, the job changes status from the Service Appointment is tentatively
scheduled setting to the status for the Service appointment is sent to its resource setting.

Example: Create a job that runs daily at 6AM and dispatches resources in Los Angeles for appointments that are In Jeopardy.
The job dispatches resources with a primary or relocation service territory membership of Los Angeles for the selected In Jeopardy

Drip Feed Service Appointments
Customize the Service Appointment Life Cycle

Drip Feed Service Appointments

Dispatch appointments to your mobile workers at a steady pace. When your schedule changes
frequently, drip feed helps to prevent confusion because it waits to dispatch another appointment
until the current one is complete. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
This is a Field Service managed package feature.
1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Field Service Admin app, and then click the Field
The Field Service core
Service Settings tab.
features, managed
2. Click Dispatch. package, and mobile app
3. Click Drip Feed and turn on drip feed dispatching. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
4. Set the default number of appointments to drip feed. and Developer Editions.
Tip: When you want a service territory to use a different drip feed rate, set the value in Work orders are also
a field on that territory. A drip feed setting on a service territory overrides the default available in Professional
For example, if the value is set to two, drip feed tries to maintain two appointments in each
worker’s queue. When the first appointment completes, drip feed dispatches another. Drip feed USER PERMISSIONS
is triggered to dispatch another appointment only if a Dispatched or In-Progress appointment
To set up drip feed
in the queue is Canceled, Completed, or Cannot Complete. dispatching: One of these
5. Click Scheduled Jobs, and create a job that dispatches appointments using your drip feed custom permission sets:
settings. • FSL Admin Permissions
All scheduled jobs respect drip feed settings and don’t dispatch more appointments if doing • FSL Dispatcher
so exceeds the drip feed value. If you disable drip feed, edit scheduled jobs so that dispatching Permissions
works the way you want.

Auto-Dispatch Service Resources

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Stay on top of the movement of inventory in your field service operation. Learn how to request and
transfer products, track consumption, and process customer returns.
Available in: Salesforce
IN THIS SECTION: Classic and Lightning
Common Inventory Management Tasks
Learn how to perform everyday tasks in field service inventory management. The Field Service core
features, managed
Track Required Inventory
package, and mobile app
If a work order needs to be completed by a carpenter with a hand saw, don’t assign it to an are available in Enterprise,
electrician with a voltmeter! Add products required to work types, work orders, and work order Performance, Unlimited,
line items to ensure that the assigned service resource arrives with the right equipment. and Developer Editions.
Request Inventory Work orders are also
When your stock gets low or you need a part for a particular work order, create a product request. available in Professional
Product requests can be associated with work orders, work order line items, cases, and accounts.
You can specify when and where the parts are needed, and divide the request into line items
that each represent a needed part.
Transfer Inventory
To fulfill a product request, create a product transfer. Product transfers track the movement of inventory from one field service location
to another. The inventory numbers at your storage locations update automatically to reflect transfers.
Track Inventory Consumption
Create products consumed to track the use or consumption of items from your inventory.
Track Inventory Shipments
To track product items while they’re in transit between locations, create shipments. Shipments contain information about the
products on board, the shipping carrier, and the expected delivery date.
Track Customer Returns
Create return orders to facilitate the return and repair of items that were sold to customers or supplied to field service workers.

Set Up Your Field Service Inventory

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Common Inventory Management Tasks

Learn how to perform everyday tasks in field service inventory management.
For more detailed step-by-step instructions, refer to the provided links.
Available in: Salesforce
I Want To... How To Do It Example Classic and Lightning
Track the quantity Create a product item record To track the number of wheelbarrows
of a particular associated with the product and the stored at Warehouse B, create a The Field Service core
product stored at location, and specify the quantity product item whose Location is features, managed
a particular stored there. Warehouse B and Product is package, and mobile app
location Wheelbarrow. are available in Enterprise,
Helpful links: Performance, Unlimited,
• Create Product Items to Represent and Developer Editions.
Inventory Work orders are also
available in Professional
Find out what’s in Look at the Product Items related list To find out what is stored in Edition.
a particular on the location record. Warehouse A, look at the Product
location’s Helpful links: Items related list on the Warehouse A
inventory location record.
• Create Inventory Locations for
Field Service

Find out the Look at the Product Items related list To learn the number of wheelbarrows
quantity of a on the product record. in your inventory and their locations,
particular part Helpful links: look at the Product Items related list
across all on the Wheelbarrow product record.
inventory • Create Product Items to Represent
locations Inventory

Review changes Look at the Product Item Transactions To review the use, transfer, and
to the stock of a related list on the product item. restock of extra-large bolts at
particular product Helpful links: Warehouse C, look at the Product Item
at a particular Transactions related list on the
location • Guidelines for Transferring product item whose Product is
Inventory Extra-Large Bolt and Location is
Warehouse C.

Specify that a Create a record in the Products To let the assigned technicians know
certain part is Required related list on the work that they need a forklift to complete
needed to order. work order #00046982, create a
complete a work Helpful links: product required for the Forklift
order product on the work order.
• Track Required Inventory

Request more Create a product request to indicate To request a restocking of 20 boxes of

parts from what’s needed. Create a product nails and 10 hammers for your service
another inventory request line item for each product vehicle, Van A, create a product
location when my requested. request for the Van A location. Include
stock gets low Helpful links: one product request line item for the
nails, and another for the hammers.
• Request Inventory

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

I Want To... How To Do It Example

Transfer parts between 1. Create a product transfer. Make sure to specify To transfer 25 tires from Warehouse A to Warehouse
inventory locations the quantity, source location, destination B, create a product transfer with these settings:
location, and source product item (which • Source Location: Warehouse A
represents the stock that the items are being • Source Product Item: Warehouse A Tires
transferred from).
• Destination Location: Warehouse B
2. Create a shipment to track the transfer’s shipping • Quantity: 25
• Quantity Unit of Measure: Each
3. Mark the product transfer received when the
Create a shipment to track the shipping details for
items arrive.
the tire transfer.
Helpful links:
Select Received on the product transfer when the
• Transfer Inventory tires arrive at Warehouse B.
• Guidelines for Transferring Inventory

Transfer parts from an 1. Create a product request, listing the outside To transfer 20 safety glasses from your safety
outside vendor to an vendor as the account. equipment provider to Service Van A, create a
inventory location product request that lists your outside vendor as the
2. Create a product transfer. Make sure to specify Account. Then, create a product transfer with these
the quantity, destination location, and product. settings:
3. Create a shipment to track the transfer’s shipping • Product: Safety Glasses
• Destination Location: Service Van A
4. Mark the product transfer received when the
• Quantity: 20
items arrive.
• Quantity Unit of Measure: Each
Helpful links:
Because the items are coming from outside of your
• Request Inventory inventory, leave the Source Location and Source
• Transfer Inventory Product Item blank.
• Guidelines for Transferring Inventory Create a shipment to track the shipping details for
the glasses transfer.
Select Received on the product transfer when the
glasses arrive at Service Van A.

Indicate that parts from Create a product consumed record on the related You used 15 bolts from your service van, Service Van
your inventory were work order. A, to complete work order #00046982. To track the
consumed while Helpful links: consumption, create a product consumed record on
completing a work order the work order with these settings:
• Track Inventory Consumption
• Product Item: Service Van A Bolts
• Guidelines for Consuming Inventory
• Quantity Consumed: 15
The product item quantity is automatically reduced
by 15 to reflect that the bolts are no longer in stock.

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

I Want To... How To Do It Example

Track the return of a Create a return order that lists the related case, order, A customer creates a case from the customer site to
customer product or product. return a glass door. To track the return, create a return
Helpful links: order which lists the related Order. Add a return order
line item that lists the corresponding Order Product
• Track Customer Returns for the glass door.
• Guidelines for Tracking Customer Returns
Create a product transfer to track the return of the
product to the warehouse. Upon its arrival, increase
the quantity on the glass door product item by 1.

Track the repair of a 1. Create a work order to repair the product. A customer calls your company to request a repair
customer product of their front gate. Create a work order, and then
2. Create a return order that tracks the return of the create an associated return order that tracks the
product to the repair workshop. return of the gate to the workshop.
3. When the product is repaired, create a product After the gate is repaired, mark the work order
transfer to track the return of the product back complete. Create a product transfer to track the return
to the customer. of the gate from the workshop to the customer.
Helpful links:
• Track Customer Returns
• Guidelines for Tracking Customer Returns

Track the return of Create a return order that lists the unused inventory To prepare for an on-site installation appointment,
unused inventory from in the Product or Product Item field. create a product request for three motors. Upon
my stock back to the Helpful links: arriving at the site, you learn that only two motors
warehouse are needed. To return the unwanted motor to the
• Track Customer Returns main warehouse, create a return order with one line
• Guidelines for Tracking Customer Returns item that lists the motor in the Product field.
After the motor is returned to the warehouse,
increase the quantity of the motor product item by

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Track Required Inventory

If a work order needs to be completed by a carpenter with a hand saw, don’t assign it to an electrician
with a voltmeter! Add products required to work types, work orders, and work order line items to
ensure that the assigned service resource arrives with the right equipment. Available in: Salesforce
Adding required products to work types saves you time and keeps your business processes consistent. Classic and Lightning
Work orders and work order line items inherit their work type’s required products. Experience

For example, if all light bulb replacement jobs require a ladder and a light bulb, add the ladder and The Field Service core
light bulb as required products to your Light Bulb Replacement work type. When it’s time to create features, managed
a work order for a customer’s light bulb replacement, applying that work type to the work order package, and mobile app
adds the required products. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Here’s how to add a required product to a work order, work order line item, or work type.
and Developer Editions.
1. Navigate to the record that needs required products. Work orders are also
2. In the Products Required related list, click New. available in Professional
3. Use the lookup field to select a product.
4. Enter the quantity required.
5. Select a quantity unit of measure.
To view products required:
6. Click Save.
• Read on the parent
object (work orders or
SEE ALSO: work types) AND Read
on products
Product Item and Inventory Fields
To create, update, or delete
Guidelines for Creating Work Types for Field Service products required on work
Add Required Skills to Work Orders or Work Types for Field Service orders or work order line
• Edit on work orders AND
Read on products
To create, update, or delete
products required on work
• Edit on work types AND
Read on products

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Request Inventory
When your stock gets low or you need a part for a particular work order, create a product request.
Product requests can be associated with work orders, work order line items, cases, and accounts.
You can specify when and where the parts are needed, and divide the request into line items that Available in: Salesforce
each represent a needed part. Classic and Lightning
Mobile workers can create product requests when they find defective parts in their vehicles or their Experience
stock has run out. Dispatchers or service managers can create product requests on behalf of their
The Field Service core
mobile workers if they see their stock getting low. And schedulers can create product requests features, managed
when they schedule work orders that require parts which aren’t normally found in a worker’s vehicle package, and mobile app
stock. are available in Enterprise,
1. From the Product Requests tab or the Product Requests related list on a work order or work Performance, Unlimited,
order line item, click New. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
2. If the request is being made for a particular job, select the related work order or work order line available in Professional
item. Edition.
3. Optionally, select the related account or case.
4. Enter the destination location, which is where the parts are needed. USER PERMISSIONS
Tip: Service vehicles can also be locations. Mobile locations like vehicles have Mobile To create product requests:
Location selected on their detail page. • Create on product
5. Enter the address where the parts should be shipped; for example, the mailing address of the
warehouse that is requesting them. To view product request line
6. Select a shipment speed, and enter the Need By Date. • Read on product
7. If the parts are being transferred from another location such as a warehouse, enter the source requests
location. To create, update, or delete
product request line items:
8. Add a description.
• Edit on product requests
9. Assign the product request a status:
• Draft: Finalizing the product request details.
• Submitted: The product request is ready for processing.
• Received: The department in charge of fulfilling the request is working on it.

10. Save your changes.

11. Create one product request line item for each product needed.
a. From the Product Request Line Items related list, click New.
b. Select the product that is needed, and enter a quantity and unit of measure. These values are inherited from the Quantity Unit
of Measure field on products.
c. Fill in the rest of the fields as needed. The parent product request’s shipping and related record information is auto-populated
on its line items.
d. Save your changes.

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

The product request now appears in the Product Requests related list on the related work order or work order line item. You can also
view and sort line items from all product requests from the Product Request Line Items tab in Salesforce.

Product Request and Transfer Fields
Set Up Product Requests in the Field Service Mobile App

Transfer Inventory
To fulfill a product request, create a product transfer. Product transfers track the movement of
inventory from one field service location to another. The inventory numbers at your storage locations
update automatically to reflect transfers. Available in: Salesforce
Note: To allow the creation of product transfers for serialized product items (a beta Classic and Lightning
functionality), contact Salesforce.
Create one product transfer for each product request line item so you can track the status of each The Field Service core
part being requested. The Product Transfers related list on a product request shows all product features, managed
transfers associated with the request’s line items. In addition, product request line items have their package, and mobile app
own Product Transfers related list that shows related transfers. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
While product transfers are typically created in response to a product request, they don’t have to and Developer Editions.
be. For example, when a new mobile worker joins your team, you can create a series of product Work orders are also
transfers to track the initial stocking of their service vehicle. available in Professional
1. From the Product Transfers tab or the Product Transfers related list on a product request, product Edition.
request line item, product item, location, or shipment, click New.
2. Enter a source product item or product. USER PERMISSIONS
• If the parts are being transferred from a location within your inventory, such as a warehouse, To create product transfers
enter a source product item. The source product item shows where the parts are being for field service:
transferred from, and updates the quantity at the source location. For example, if you need • Create on product
five hammers to be transferred from Warehouse A to Warehouse B, select the product item transfers
record that tracks the hammers stored at Warehouse A. To mark product transfers
• If the products are being transferred from outside your inventory—for example, if they’re received:
being ordered from a manufacturer—enter a product name. • Edit on product items

3. Enter the quantity being transferred and the Quantity Unit of Measure. Quantity Unit of Measure
picklist values are inherited from the Quantity Unit of Measure field on products.
4. If it’s not already populated, enter the related product request line item.

Tip: Set the status of the related product request line item to Received to indicate that the request is being processed.

5. Use the lookup field to select the shipment on which the product items are being transferred.
6. Enter the destination location, and if applicable, the source location.
7. Enter the expected pickup date.
8. Add a description.
9. After the transferred parts are received, select Received and update the following fields:
• Received By

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

• Quantity Received
• Status
Once you mark a product transfer received, you can’t undo it.

10. Save your changes.

When a product transfer is marked received, several records are updated or created to keep your inventory numbers accurate. To learn
more, see Guidelines for Transferring Inventory.

Guidelines for Transferring Inventory
Product transfers track the transfer of inventory between locations in field service. Learn how to link product transfers to other
inventory management records, and how they can help you manage inventory in your field service operation.

Product Request and Transfer Fields

Guidelines for Transferring Inventory

Product transfers track the transfer of inventory between locations in field service. Learn how to
link product transfers to other inventory management records, and how they can help you manage
inventory in your field service operation. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Associate Product Transfers with Product Requests Experience

While product transfers are typically created in response to a product request, they don’t have to The Field Service core
be. For example, when a new mobile worker joins your team, you can create a series of product features, managed
transfers to track the initial stocking of their service vehicle. package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
If the product transfer is fulfilling a product request, create one product transfer for each product Performance, Unlimited,
request line item. This way, you can track the status of each part being requested. The Product and Developer Editions.
Transfers related list on a product request lists all product transfers associated with the request’s Work orders are also
line items. In addition, product request line items have their own Product Transfers related list that available in Professional
shows related transfers. Edition.

Associate Product Transfers with Shipments

To get more visibility into the movement of inventory between locations, create shipments and link them to product transfers. Shipments
contain information about the products on board, the shipping carrier, and the expected delivery date. While shipments are an optional
part of inventory management, they make it easier to stay informed about the coming and going of parts in your inventory.
For example, you create a product request for 50 hammers and 40 boxes of nails at Warehouse C. The product request has two line
items: one for the hammers, and one for the nails. To fulfill the request, your inventory manager creates two product transfers—one for
each line item—that indicate that the hammers and nails should be transferred from Warehouse B. Then, the manager creates a shipment
to track the transfer and enters it in the Shipment field on both product transfers. Now, anyone looking at the product request can see
the related product transfers. They can refer to the related shipment to track the hammers and nails on their inter-warehouse journey.
A shipment can be associated with multiple product transfers, shown in the Product Transfers related list. A shipment’s product transfers
can each be related to different product request line items from one or more product requests.

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Update or Delete Product Transfers

If a product transfer hasn’t yet been marked received, you can edit it normally. Received transfers cannot be updated, but you can delete
them if needed. When you delete a transfer:
• The Quantity on Hand of the source and destination product items reverts to the pre-transfer quantity
• Product item transactions with a transaction type of Adjusted are added to the source and destination product items

Transfer Serialized Inventory

For higher-value inventory such as computers, you may decide to create one product item record per item. This lets you record each
item’s serial number on the product item record and track the item’s movement.
The creation of product transfers for serialized product items is in beta, and is only permitted if you enroll in the beta program. When a
product transfer for a serialized product item is marked received, the product item’s location automatically updates to reflect the transfer.
This functionality has the following limitations:
• The Location field on serialized product items can’t be updated manually.
• When a product transfer associated with a serialized product item is marked received, no product item transaction is created.
• Partial transfers of serialized product items aren’t permitted. A product transfer whose source product item is serialized can be marked
received only if the product transfer’s Quantity Sent and Quantity Received are equal to the product item’s Quantity On Hand.

Mark Product Transfers Received

Selecting Received on a product transfer indicates that the items have been added to the inventory at their destination location. Marking
a product transfer prompts the following actions.
• Product items are updated or created. Product items track the quantity of a particular product at a particular location—for
example, a product item can represent all the hammers at Warehouse A. When a product is transferred from one location to another,
the quantity of the source location product item is reduced to reflect the transfer. In addition, one of two things happens:
– If there’s already a product item that represents the transferred products stored at the destination location, the quantity of that
product item is increased to reflect the transfer.
– If such a product item doesn’t exist (in other words, if it’s the first time that the product is being stored at the location), a product
item is automatically created that reflects the quantity transferred there.
For example, if Service Van B has never contained any hammers, there isn’t a product item record representing the hammers stored
at Service Van B. When hammers are transferred to Service Van B, a product item is created whose quantity reflects the number of
hammers transferred there.
• Product item transactions are created. When you mark a transfer received, a product item transaction with a type of “Transferred”
is created to represent the addition of stock at the destination location. If a source location or source product item is specified, a
second transaction is created to represent the removal of stock from the source location. The first transaction’s quantity is positive
because stock is being added; the second transaction’s quantity is negative. These transactions appear in the Product Item Transactions
related list on the related product transfer, source product item, and destination product item. They let you quickly review past
transactions at your inventory locations.

Example: Warehouse A has 100 hammers in stock. Your new mobile worker, Jessica, has received her service van, and you’ve
created a location to represent the van in Salesforce. You create a product transfer to track the transfer of five hammers from
Warehouse A to Jessica’s van. Since Jessica’s van hasn’t contained hammers before, selecting Received on the transfer causes the
following events.
• The quantity on the existing product item for hammers stored at Warehouse A is reduced from 100 to 95
• A second product item is created with these settings:

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

– Product: Hammer
– Quantity: 5
– Location: Jessica’s Van

• A product item transaction is created for the hammer product item with a transaction type of Transferred and a quantity of 5

Product Request and Transfer Fields

Track Inventory Consumption

Create products consumed to track the use or consumption of items from your inventory.
When an item leaves your inventory because it was used during a field service appointment, create
a product consumed record so your inventory numbers are adjusted accordingly. You can add Available in: Salesforce
products consumed to work orders or work order line items. Track product consumption at the line Classic and Lightning
item level if you want to know which products were used for each line item’s tasks. Experience

1. In the Products Consumed related list on a work order or work order line item, click New. The Field Service core
2. If applicable, enter a work order line item. The work order is auto-populated. features, managed
package, and mobile app
3. In the Product Item field, select the product item where the part originated. For example, if 10 are available in Enterprise,
bolts that were stored in Warehouse B were used to complete the work order, select the product Performance, Unlimited,
item that represents all bolts stored in Warehouse B. and Developer Editions.
4. Enter the quantity consumed. Work orders are also
available in Professional
5. To link the consumed product to a price book entry, select a price book entry and enter the Edition.
unit price.

Note: To create a product consumed that lists a price book entry, you need “Use” sharing USER PERMISSIONS
access to price books.
To view products consumed:
6. Add context in the Description field. • Read on work orders
7. Save your changes. To create or delete products
Tip: After a product item is consumed, track it as an asset (an installed or purchased product) • Edit on work orders AND
and add product details like a serial number. Read on product items
To update products
IN THIS SECTION: consumed:
• Edit on work orders
Guidelines for Consuming Inventory
When inventory is consumed as part of a work order, logging the consumption kicks off several
behind-the-scenes changes. Learn how product consumption fits into your field service

Product Item and Inventory Fields

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Guidelines for Consuming Inventory

When inventory is consumed as part of a work order, logging the consumption kicks off several
behind-the-scenes changes. Learn how product consumption fits into your field service operation.
Available in: Salesforce
Track Product Consumption Classic and Lightning
When a mobile worker uses a product during a field visit, they can create a product consumed
record from the Products Consumed related list on the related work order or work order line item. The Field Service core
For example, a work order can have one product consumed record representing the consumption features, managed
of 10 bolts, and another representing the consumption of two batteries. Products consumed are package, and mobile app
typically associated with a product item that represents where the item was stored before use. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Why to Track Product Consumption Work orders are also
Track product consumption so you know when and why items from your inventory are used and available in Professional
when your stock is running low. When you create a product consumed record on a work order or Edition.
work order line item, the quantity listed on the related product item updates to reflect the
For example, suppose you have a product item representing the bolts stored in your service van. You use 10 bolts to complete a work
order, so you create a product consumed record on the work order to track the consumed bolts. Creating the product consumed reduces
the quantity of the product item representing bolts in your van by 10.

Note: If you want to track product consumption but don’t need to track the movement of inventory between locations, you can
skip creating locations and product items. Instead, complete the Price Book Entry field on product consumed records to indicate
which product was consumed. However, this approach offers a limited view of your inventory.

Viewing Updates to Product Consumed Records

Product item transactions are auto-generated records that summarize changes made to product items in your org. They appear in the
Product Item Transactions related list on related records. Most actions on products consumed create a product item transaction.
• Creating a product consumed: A product item transaction is created on the product item with a type of Consumed and a negative
quantity equal to the quantity consumed. Because access to product item transactions is determined by product item access, you
need permission to view product items before you can create products consumed.
• Changing the quantity on a product consumed: You may need to change the quantity on a product consumed to indicate that
fewer or more items were consumed. In this case, a product item transaction is created with a type of Adjusted and a negative
quantity equal to the additional quantity consumed. For example, if a mobile worker updates a product consumed to indicate that
two more bolts were used, the new product item transaction’s quantity would be –2.
• Deleting a product consumed: Deleting a product consumed is considered an adjustment. A product item transaction of type
Adjusted is created with a positive quantity equal to the quantity consumed.

Product Item and Inventory Fields

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Track Inventory Shipments

To track product items while they’re in transit between locations, create shipments. Shipments
contain information about the products on board, the shipping carrier, and the expected delivery
date. Available in: Salesforce
Link shipments to product transfers so your team always knows the status of part transfers. While Classic and Lightning
shipments are an optional feature, they help you stay informed about the coming and going of Experience
items in your inventory.
The Field Service core
1. From the Shipments tab, click New. features, managed
package, and mobile app
2. In the General Information section, add details about the shipment’s origin and destination. If
are available in Enterprise,
applicable, select the field service locations where the shipment departs or arrives.
Performance, Unlimited,
3. In the Tracking Information section, add details about the shipping provider and delivery date. and Developer Editions.
4. Add a description explaining what is being shipped. Work orders are also
available in Professional
5. Save your changes. Edition.
6. From the Product Transfers related list, create product transfers to track the movement of
product items that were included in the shipment.

SEE ALSO: To create shipments:

• Create on shipments
Product Request and Transfer Fields
Guidelines for Transferring Inventory

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Track Customer Returns

Create return orders to facilitate the return and repair of items that were sold to customers or supplied
to field service workers.
1. From the Return Orders tab or the Return Orders related list on a record, click New. Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
2. Enter an account and contact associated with the return order.
3. Enter an associated product request. For example, if a mobile worker is returning an unused
item, select the related product request that the product was intended to fulfill. The Field Service core
features, managed
4. In the Returned By field, select the user returning the items. package, and mobile app
5. Enter a source and destination location, if applicable. For example, if the return order tracks the are available in Enterprise,
return of products from a customer’s facility to your main warehouse, select the warehouse as Performance, Unlimited,
your destination location. and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
6. Enter a shipment type, address, and the date the returned products are expected to arrive at available in Professional
the destination location. The Ship From Address represents the location of the items at the start Edition.
of the return or repair. For example, if a customer is returning an item, enter the customer’s
7. Add notes or context about the return in the Description field.
8. Save your changes. To create return orders:
• Create on return orders
9. In the Return Order Line Items related list, add a line item for each product being returned.
To view return order line
a. Click New. items:
b. To represent the items being returned, fill out one of more of the following fields: Asset, • Read on return orders
Order Product, Product, Product Item, and Product Request Line Item. To create, update, or delete
return order line items:
Tip: If you enter a product item, select the product item associated with the source • Edit on return orders
location of the returned items.

c. Enter a quantity and unit of measure. If a product or product item is selected, the unit of
measure is autopopulated.
d. Select a reason for the return.
e. In the Processing Plan field, indicate what should happen to the returned item.
f. In the Repayment Method field, indicate how the owner should be reimbursed for the return. If the return order is tracking the
return of items from van stock to an inventory location, you’ll probably leave this field blank.
g. If needed, update the source and destination location. These are inherited from the return order, but can be updated.
h. Add notes or context about the returned items in the Description field.
i. Save your changes.

Guidelines for Tracking Customer Returns
You can use return orders to track customer returns, customer repairs, or the return of inventory from a mobile worker’s van stock
to a warehouse or supplier. Learn about common return scenarios and how to log them in Salesforce.

Return Order Fields

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

Guidelines for Tracking Customer Returns

You can use return orders to track customer returns, customer repairs, or the return of inventory
from a mobile worker’s van stock to a warehouse or supplier. Learn about common return scenarios
and how to log them in Salesforce. Available in: Salesforce
Return orders are available in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic, the Salesforce mobile app, Classic and Lightning
the Field Service mobile app for Android and iOS, and Experience Cloud sites built using Salesforce Experience
Tabs + Visualforce. Customers can initiate a return from a site, or agents can create return orders
The Field Service core
in response to a customer call or mobile worker request. features, managed
package, and mobile app
Create Return Orders are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Create return orders from the Return Orders tab or the Return Orders related list on accounts, and Developer Editions.
contacts, product requests, cases, orders, or locations. Work orders are also
You can associate return orders with product requests, cases, accounts, contacts, orders, work orders, available in Professional
and more. This versatility lets you use return orders to track a wide range of return scenarios. It’s up Edition.
to you to decide how return orders fit into your field service processes. For example, to minimize
processing time, don’t associate return orders with product transfers.
When you create a return order, add return order line items to track the specific items being returned or repaired. Each line item must
list one or more of the following: product, product item, asset, product request line item, and order product. If you select more than one
of these fields on a return order line item, make sure they all link to the same product.

Common Return Order Scenarios

Customer Returns
When a customer wants to return a product, create a return order. Follow these guidelines.
• On the return order:
– If a customer case was created to address the return, select it in the Case field.
– In the Source Location field, select the customer’s site where the product is located at the start of the return. You may need
to leave this field blank if the customer’s site isn’t tracked as a location in Salesforce.
– In the Destination Location field, select the inventory location where the item is returned for restocking, or the workshop
where the item is salvaged or discarded.
– In the Ship From address, enter the customer’s address where the product is at the start of the return.

• On the return order line item:

– To represent the items being returned, fill out one or more of the following fields: product, product item, product request
line item, and order product. For customer returns, you’ll likely use the Asset or Order Product fields.

For example, a customer of a hypothetical robotic arms company, Rockin’ Robotics, purchased a small hydraulic arm by mistake. To
return it, they create a case from the customer site. The assigned agent creates a return order for the customer which lists the related
order and order product. The agent then creates a product transfer to track the return of the arm to the warehouse. Upon its arrival,
the on-site worker updates the quantity on the appropriate product item to indicate that the warehouse has gained a small hydraulic
Customer Repairs
When a customer wants their product repaired or retrofitted, use a return order to track the repair and return of the product. Follow
these guidelines.
• On the return order:

Service Cloud Manage Your Field Service Inventory

– Link the return order to related work orders in the Work Orders or Work Order Line Items related lists. Most repairs involve
a work order that was created for the customer.
– If a customer case was created to address the repair, select it in the Case field
– In the Source Location field, select the customer’s site where the product is at the start of the return. You may leave this field
blank if the customer’s site isn’t tracked as a location in Salesforce.
– In the Ship From address, enter the customer’s address where the product is at the start of the return.
– In the Destination Location field, select the workshop where the product is repaired. You can use product transfers to track
the movement of the product to and from the workshop.

• On the return order line items:

– In the Repayment Method field, if the item will be returned to the customer after repair, select Return.
– To represent the items being repaired, fill out one or more of the following fields: product, product item, product request
line item, and order product. For customer repairs, you’ll likely use the Asset or Order Product fields.

For example, a Rockin’ Robotics customer wants their eight-year-old hydraulic arm retrofitted to use the most current technology.
They call Rockin’ Robotics and the support agent creates a work order to have the arm retrofitted. The agent then associates the
work order with a return order that tracks the return of the arm to the Rockin’ Robotics Workshop. After the arm is retrofitted, the
work order is marked complete and a product transfer is created to track the return of the arm from the workshop to the satisfied
Mobile Worker Returns
When a product is requested for a field service job but ends up going unused for any reason, use a return order to track the return
of the product to the supplier or an inventory location. Follow these guidelines:
• On the return order
– In the Product Request field, select the product request that the product was intended to fulfill. You can also associate the
return order line items with the product request’s line items.
– In the Account field, select the account that the product was intended for.
– In the Source Location field, select the product’s location at the time of the creation of the return order. For example, a mobile
worker’s service vehicle.
– In the Destination Location field, select the product’s intended destination. For example, an inventory location such as a
warehouse, or a supplier’s site.
– In the Ship From address, enter the starting address of the return.

• On the return order line items

– If the return order lists a product request, select the relevant product request line item in the Product Request Line Item field.
– If the return doesn’t involve reimbursement (which is likely), set the Repayment Method to None.
– In the Processing Plan field, select Restock if the item is returning to your inventory.
– To represent the items being returned, fill out one or more of the following fields: product, product item, product request
line item, and order product. For mobile worker returns, you’ll likely use the Product Request Line Item, Product, or Product
Item fields. If you select a product item, choose the product item that is associated with the product’s source location.

• If needed, create an associated product transfer to track the transfer of the product from its current location back to your inventory.
For example, to prepare for an on-site installation appointment, a Rockin’ Robotics mobile worker creates a product request for three
large hydraulic arms. Upon arriving at the site, the worker learns that only two arms are needed. To return the unwanted arm to the
main warehouse, the worker creates a return order with one line item that lists the arm in the Product field. After the arm is returned
to the warehouse, the warehouse product item can be updated to reflect the change in inventory numbers.

Service Cloud Record Product Warranties

Note: While you can track the return of products to your inventory using only a product transfer, return orders let you add
information about why the product is being returned.

Return Order Fields
Report on Field Service

Record Product Warranties

Use Warranty Terms to record details of the labor, parts, expenses, and exchange options that you
provide to rectify issues with products you sell or install. To create a standard warranty, assign
warranty terms to a product or product family. Then, when you sell or install a product, record Available in: Salesforce
details of additional or extended warranties along with exclusions and void terms. Classic and Lightning
Setting up warranty information involves these steps: Experience

• Create warranty terms. The Field Service core

• Assign warranty terms to a product or product family. features, managed
package, and mobile app
• Create an asset and (if your admin hasn’t set up automation) add the standard warranty terms
are available in Enterprise,
for the product. Performance, Unlimited,
• Enter additional or extended warranty terms for the asset. and Developer Editions.
Create Warranty Terms Work orders are also
available in Professional
1. Navigate to Warranty Terms, and click New. Edition.
2. Enter the details of the warranty term.
3. Save the record.
Assign Warranty Terms to a Product
1. Navigate to the Product, and from the Warranty Terms related list, click New.
2. Search for a warranty term.
3. Choose whether this warranty term applies to the product or product family.
4. Save the record.
Enter Additional or Extended Warranty Terms for an Asset
When an asset is created, it picks up the standard warranty terms for the product. You can then modify these terms or add new ones.
1. Navigate to the Asset, and from the Asset Warranties related list, click New.
2. Search for a warranty term or enter details of the warranty term.
3. Save the record.

Organize Products with Product Families
Setup for Product Warranties

Service Cloud Manage Product Service Campaigns

Manage Product Service Campaigns

Track and manage a product recall, manual firmware upgrade, safety or compliance audit, end-of-life
communication, or similar product update.
Managing a product service campaign involves these steps. Available in: Salesforce
• Create a product service campaign. Classic and Lightning
• Identify the assets affected and creating a product service campaign item for each asset.
For product service campaigns with several tasks to complete, consider creating a work The Field Service core
type. features, managed
• Create work orders and work order line items, return orders and return old line items, or a package, and mobile app
combination of both to complete the campaign tasks. are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Create a Product Service Campaign and Developer Editions.
• Navigate to Product Service Campaign and click New. Work orders are also
available in Professional
• Enter the details of the product service campaign.
• Save the record.
Add Product Service Campaign Items
• Navigate to the Product Service Campaign, and from the Product Service Campaign Items related list and click New.
• Enter the details of the product service campaign item.
• Save the record.

Note: Where there are many assets for the product subject to the product service campaign, create the product service
campaign items using Data Loader.
Add Work Orders and Return Orders
• Navigate to either Product Service Campaign or Product Service Campaign Items, and from the Work Orders and Return Orders
or Work Order Line Items and Return Order Line Items related list, click New.
• Enter the details of the work order and return order or work order line items and return order line items.
• Save the record.

Set Up Product Service Campaigns

Service Cloud Track Availability and Reliability

Track Availability and Reliability

Obtain availability and reliability statistics for assets.
1. On the asset, enter the Average Uptime Per Day, Uptime Record Start Date, and Uptime Record
Available in: Salesforce
Classic and Lightning

The Field Service core

features, managed
package, and mobile app
End Date. are available in Enterprise,
Average Uptime Per Day records the number of hours the asset is expected to be available on Performance, Unlimited,
average every day. For example, the public elevators in a retail store that is open from 8 AM to and Developer Editions.
8 PM Monday through Saturday. The Average Uptime Per Day is calculated as 12 hours for 6 Work orders are also
available in Professional
days divided by 7 days in the week, for 10.28 hours.
2. Use the Asset Downtime Periods related list to Record Asset Downtime on page 1416.

Note: After updating Asset Downtime Periods, reload the Asset record to see the updated
cumulative downtime, cumulative unplanned downtime, availability, and reliability.
About the calculations

Note: Availability and reliability are calculated when an uptime record start date is provided. When no uptime record start date
is provided we don't calculate availability or reliability, and both fields are blank.
Availability and reliability values are calculated as the ratio between expected uptime and actual uptime allowing for:
• planned and unplanned downtime (in calculating availability), that is Availability = (expected uptime - accumulated planned and
unplanned downtime) / expected uptime
• planned downtime (in calculating reliability), that is Reliability = (expected uptime - accumulated unplanned downtime) / expected
Expected uptime is calculated as follows:
• If the uptime record end time is in the future or no uptime record end time is provided
– Uptime = the average uptime per day * number of days between the uptime record start time and now

• Else
– Uptime = the average uptime per day * number of days between the uptime record start time and uptime record end time

Planned and unplanned downtime are accumulated as follows:

• If the uptime record start time or uptime record end time change, the accumulated downtimes are recalculated based on the uptime
record start time and uptime record end time. If there is no uptime record end time, all records after the uptime record start time
are accumulated, including records dated in the future.
• When a downtime record is added, updated, or deleted, the accumulated downtime is updated if the record’s downtime start or
end date falls between the uptime record start time and uptime record end time. If there is no uptime record end time, all records
after the uptime record start time are accumulated, including records dated in the future.

Note: If you record details of future planned downtime, we recommended that you maintain the uptime record end time as a
date close to now. This ensures that the availability and reliability calculations exclude future planned downtime information. If
the uptime record end time isn't set, and the accumulated planned downtime exceeds the accumulated uptime to date, the
reliability and availability statistics may be reported as negative.

Service Cloud Track Availability and Reliability

The read only Outside Uptime Calculation Period checkbox indicates whether a record is excluded from the cumulative downtime


Note: When reporting on asset downtime records, you cannot filter records using the Outside Uptime Calculation Period flag
nor can you include the flag in the report

Record Asset Downtime
Use the Asset Downtime Periods related list to record details of planned and unplanned downtime.

Record Asset Downtime

Use the Asset Downtime Periods related list to record details of planned and unplanned downtime.
1. Open the asset record and the Related tab.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Next to Asset Downtime Periods, click New.
Classic and Lightning
3. In Downtime Type, select Planned or Experience

The Field Service core

features, managed
package, and mobile app
are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Work orders are also
available in Professional

4. Enter the date and time for the start and end of the downtime.
5. Enter a description of the reason for the downtime.
6. Save your changes.

Note: Enter details for downtime that occurs during the hours when the asset is expected to be available. For example, a public
elevator in a retail store is expected to be available from 8 AM to 8 PM. In this example:
• Planned maintenance performed between 9 PM and 10 PM isn’t recorded as downtime.
• Unplanned maintenance performed between 7 AM and 9 AM is recorded as unplanned downtime from 8 AM to 9 AM.
• Unplanned maintenance performed between 1 PM and 11 AM the following day is recorded as two down time records:

Service Cloud Manage Service Reports

– Unplanned downtime from 1 PM to 8 PM on the first day.

– Unplanned downtime from 8 AM to 11 AM on the second day.

If downtime outside the expected uptime is recorded, the reliability and availability figures are understated. In extreme cases, they
can be reported as negative.

Note: When an asset is shared, its asset downtime period records are also shared.

Manage Service Reports

Make your customers happy with service reports delivered to their in-boxes. Mobile workers and
dispatchers can create reports for work orders, work order line items, or service appointments and
email them directly to the customer. Use standard templates or create variations of your own. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Service report PDFs don't support right-to-left text layout. For more information, see Classic and Lightning
Right-to-Left (RTL) Language Support.
The Field Service core
IN THIS SECTION: features, managed
package, and mobile app
Create Service Report Templates are available in Enterprise,
A service report summarizes a work order or service appointment in a PDF that your customers Performance, Unlimited,
and team members can sign. To control what appears in your service reports, create service and Developer Editions.
report templates. Work orders are also
available in Professional
Create Service Reports
Create service reports to give your customers summaries of the work that your field service
team performed.

Service Report Fields

Service Cloud Manage Service Reports

Create Service Report Templates

A service report summarizes a work order or service appointment in a PDF that your customers and
team members can sign. To control what appears in your service reports, create service report
templates. Available in: Salesforce
Users generate a service report for a record by clicking Create Service Report on a record. A record’s Classic and Lightning
service reports appear in the Service Report related list. If you assign a template to a work order, Experience
work order line item, or work type using the Service Report Template lookup field, the record’s
The Field Service core
service reports use that template. If a record doesn’t list a service report template, users are prompted features, managed
to select from a list of templates when they create a service report. package, and mobile app
Important: To avoid errors when service reports are generated, don't deactivate the default are available in Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
service report template.
and Developer Editions.
There is an issue with service report templates when they are saved in IE: the header can Work orders are also
overlap the body in reports generated from these templates. Use Chrome or Firefox to save available in Professional
service report templates instead. Edition.

1. If you want your team to collect signatures on service reports using the Field Service mobile
app, create picklist values for the Signature Type field on digital signatures. Signature types USER PERMISSIONS
represent the role of the person signing a report.
To edit page layouts and
a. Navigate to the Setup page. picklist values:
• In Salesforce Classic, from Setup, enter Digital Signatures in the Quick Find • Customize Application
box, then select Fields under Digital Signatures. To create service report
• In Lightning Experience, go to Digital Signature in the Object Manager, then click Fields
• Modify All Data,
and Relationships.
Customize Application,
b. Click Signature Type. and View Setup and
c. From the Signature Type Picklist Values related list, add up to 1,000 values. For tips on
creating signature types, see Guidelines for Using Signatures on Service Reports.

2. Add the Create Service Report button to page layouts for the following objects:
• Work orders
• Work order line items
• Service appointments

3. Create a service report template.

a. From Setup, enter Service Report in the Quick Find box, then click Service Report Templates under Field Service.
b. Click New, or click Edit next to a report template you’d like to adjust. You already have one active template named Standard.
c. If you’e creating a template, select an existing template as its base and give it a name.
d. In the Related Templates dropdown menu, at the top of the template editor, select a sub-template.

Each template comes with four sub-templates, which enables service reports for multiple record types:

Service Cloud Manage Service Reports

• Service Appointment for Work Order

• Service Appointment for Work Order Line Item
• Work Order
• Work Order Line Item
The Related Templates field shows the sub-template that you’re editing. We recommend customizing all four sub-templates so
you’re confident that your service reports contain the right information.

e. Drag fields, sections, and related lists onto your layout.

f. Click Save.

Note: When you preview the report template, it shows the System Administrator profile view. The data shown is simulated,
except for images and rich text. If the person creating the service report doesn’t have Read permission on objects or fields
in the service report template, those fields don’t appear on the report they create.

g. (Recommended) Select another sub-template in the Related Templates field, and customize its layout. Repeat until you’ve
reviewed the layout of all four sub-templates.
h. Click Activate next to the template name on the Service Report Templates home page.

Guidelines for Creating Service Report Templates
Service report templates in field service determine the type and order of data in service reports. Learn how to customize your service
report templates to suit your needs.
Guidelines for Using Signatures on Service Reports
Field service workers can capture signatures from customers and partners on service reports. On the service report template, you
define the number and type of signatures allowed.

Service Report Fields

Guidelines for Creating Service Report Templates

Service report templates in field service determine the type and order of data in service reports.
Learn how to customize your service report templates to suit your needs.
Available in: Salesforce
Adding Fields Classic and Lightning
Service reports can contain fields from multiple objects. To add a field, select the object in the
top-left section of the editor, then locate and drag the field onto your layout. The Field Service core
features, managed
Use the Section element to organize fields on your layout. Your template comes with several default
package, and mobile app
sections, which you can modify, rename, or delete. Click the wrench icon in a section to change
are available in Enterprise,
the number of columns, edit or hide the title, and more. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions.
Adding Related Lists Work orders are also
available in Professional
To add a related list to your template, drag the List element onto the layout. Enter a title, select the Edition.
object, and select fields to display in the related list.

Service Cloud Manage Service Reports

Filter a Related List

To hide unwanted records from a related list on generated service reports, create a filter. For example, filter the Work Order Line
Items related list on work order service reports so it only shows completed line items.
Related list filters on service report templates work just like regular list view filters. You can create up to five filters per related list.
1. From the service report template editor, check the Related Templates field to make sure that you’re editing the desired
2. On the related list you want to filter, click the wrench icon and select the Filters tab.
3. To define the filter, select a checkbox or picklist field, and choose an operator.
4. To select one or more values click the lookup icon, or enter values manually, separated by commas. Only records that list a
selected value in the filter field appear in service reports that use the template. (Deactivated picklist values don’t appear in the
lookup, but you can enter them manually.)
5. Click OK and save your changes. The filter you created is reflected in service reports that use your template.

• The Status field on contract line items isn’t available for filtering.
• The Filters tab isn’t available in Internet Explorer 8.
• If the user generating the service report doesn’t have access to a field used to filter the related list, the filtering doesn’t

Sort a Related List

To customize the order of records in a related list, sort the list by any number or date field. For example, order the records in the
Work Order Line Items related list from earliest to latest completion date.
1. From the service report template editor, check the Related Templates field to make sure that you’re editing the desired
2. On the related list you want to filter, click the wrench icon and select the Sorting tab.
3. Select a field to sort by, and choose ascending or descending order.
4. Click OK and save your changes. The sorting logic you added is reflected in service reports that use your template.

Note: If the user generating the service report doesn’t have access to the field used to sort the related list, the sorting doesn’t

Adding Signatures
To let mobile workers collect signatures on a service report, drag the Signature element onto your layout. You can add up to 20 signature
blocks to a sub-template. Every signature block needs a different signature type. To learn more about signatures, see Guidelines for Using
Signatures on Service Reports.

Adding Other Design Elements

• To add your company logo to service reports, drag the Text/Image Field element onto the layout and upload your logo. A 220-px
wide logo is optimal, wider images are cropped. If the uploaded logo is wider than 220 px, resize the image by dragging its sizing
hands in the Text/Image Field element. Images can be added to the header, footer, and body of a service report template.
• To customize the footer and add page numbers, click the wrench icon in the footer section. For example, add the Work Order Number

Service Cloud Manage Service Reports

• To add space between fields or sections in the template, use the Blank Space field. Each Blank Space field adds 5 pixels of vertical
space to the report PDF.

Service Report Fields
Apex Trigger: Send Email when Service Report is Created
Capture Customer Signatures on Service Reports with a Flow

Guidelines for Using Signatures on Service Reports

Field service workers can capture signatures from customers and partners on service reports. On
the service report template, you define the number and type of signatures allowed.
Available in: Salesforce
Set Up Signature Types Classic and Lightning
The Signature Type field specifies the role of the person signing a service report. The type ensures
that the right person signs your service reports. The Field Service core
features, managed
For example, when your company performs preventive maintenance, you want both the customer
package, and mobile app
and the mobile worker to sign the final service report. The signatures confirm that both parties
are available in Enterprise,
agree on the work that was completed. Performance, Unlimited,
Your org comes with one signature type called Default. A service report template can contain only and Developer Editions.
one signature per type. If you want to collect more than one signature on a service report, you can Work orders are also
add more signature types. In Setup, edit the Signature Type picklist field on the Digital Signature available in Professional
object. Create at least one value for

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