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Lect12-Rule Based Classifier

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Rule-Based Classifiers

Rule-Based Classifier
• Classify records by using a collection of “if … then …” rules

• Examples of classification rules:

(Blood Type=Warm)  (Lay Eggs=Yes)  Birds
(Taxable Income < 50K)  (Refund=Yes)  Cheat=No

• Rule: (Condition)  y
– where
• Condition is a conjunction of some attribute tests
• y is the class label

– LHS: rule antecedent or condition

– RHS: rule consequent
Name Blood Type Give Birth Can Fly Live in Class
human warm yes no no mammals
python cold no no no reptiles
salmon cold no no yes fishes
whale warm yes no yes mammals
frog cold no no sometimes amphibians
komodo cold no no no reptiles
bat warm yes yes no mammals
pigeon warm no yes no birds
cat warm yes no no mammals
leopard shark cold yes no yes fishes
turtle cold no no sometimes reptiles
penguin warm no no sometimes birds
porcupine warm yes no no mammals
eel cold no no yes fishes
salamander cold no no sometimes amphibians
gila monster cold no no no reptiles
platypus warm no no no mammals
owl warm no yes no birds
dolphin warm yes no yes mammals
eagle warm no yes no birds

R1: (Give Birth = no)  (Can Fly = yes)  Birds

R2: (Give Birth = no)  (Live in Water = yes)  Fishes
R3: (Give Birth = yes)  (Blood Type = warm)  Mammals
R4: (Give Birth = no)  (Can Fly = no)  Reptiles
R5: (Live in Water = sometimes)  Amphibians
Application of Rule-Based Classifier
• A rule r covers an instance x if the attributes of the instance satisfy
the condition of the rule

R1: (Give Birth = no)  (Can Fly = yes)  Birds

R2: (Give Birth = no)  (Live in Water = yes)  Fishes
R3: (Give Birth = yes)  (Blood Type = warm) 
R4: (Give Birth = no)  (Can Fly = no)  Reptiles
R5: (Live in Water = sometimes)  Amphibians
Name Blood Type Give Birth Can Fly Live in Water Class
hawk warm no yes no ?
grizzly bear warm yes no no ?

The rule R1 covers a hawk => Bird

The rule R3 covers the grizzly bear => Mammal
Rule Coverage and Accuracy
Measures to evaluate the quality of a
classification rule: Tid Refund Marita
Income Class
1 Yes Single 125K No
• Coverage : Fraction of records that 2 No Married 100K No
satisfy the antecedent of a rule
3 No Single 70K No
4 Yes Married 120K No
5 No Divorced 95K Yes
6 No Married 60K No
• Accuracy : Fraction of records that 7 Yes Divorced 220K No
satisfy b o t h t h e anteced e n t a n d
Single Yes
consequent of a rule (over those that 8 No 85K

satisfy the antecedent) 9 No Married 75K No

10 No Single 90K Yes

(Status=Single)  No
Coverage = 40%, Accuracy = 50%
Decision Trees vs. rules
From trees to rules.
• Easy: converting a tree into a set of rules
– One rule for each leaf
– Antecedent contains a condition for every node on the path from
the root to the leaf
– Consequent is the class assigned by the leaf
– Straightforward, but rule set might be overly complex
Decision Trees vs. rules
From rules to trees
• More difficult: transforming a rule set into a tree
– Tree cannot easily express disjunction among
different rules

• Example:

If a and b
then x If c
and d then x

– Corresponding tree contains identical subtrees

(“replicated subtree problem”)
A tree for a simple disjunction
How does Rule-based Classifier Work?
R1: (Give Birth = no)  (Can Fly = yes)  Birds
R2: (Give Birth = no)  (Live in Water = yes)  Fishes
R3: (Give Birth = yes)  (Blood Type = warm)  Mammals
R4: (Give Birth = no)  (Can Fly = no)  Reptiles
R5: (Live in Water = sometimes)  Amphibians

Name Blood Type Give Birth Can Fly Live in Class

lemur warm yes no no ?

turtle cold no no sometimes ?

dogfish shark cold yes no yes ?

A lemur triggers rule R3  class = mammal

A turtle triggers both R4 and R5 → voting or ordering rules
A dogfish shark triggers none of the rules → default rule
Desiderata for Rule-Based Classifier

• Mutually exclusive rules

– No two rules are triggered by the same record.
– This ensures that every record is covered by at most one rule.

• Exhaustive rules
– There exists a rule for each combination of attribute values.
– This ensures that every record is covered by at least one rule.

Together these properties ensure that every record is covered by

exactly one rule.

• Non mutually exclusive rules

– A record may trigger more than one rule
– Solution: Order rules set in decreasing order of their quality (e.g.
based on their coverage or accuracy)

• Non exhaustive rules

– A record may not trigger any rules
– Solution: Use a default class
(Default class is the frequently occurring class in training set)

• When a test record is presented to the classifier

– It is assigned to the class label of the highest ranked rule it has
– If none of the rules fired, it is assigned to the default class
Building Classification Rules

• Direct Method
 Extract rules directly from data
e.g.: RIPPER, Holte’s 1R (OneR)

• Indirect Method
 Extract rules from other classification
(e.g. decision trees, etc). e.g:
A Direct Method: Sequential Covering

Let E be the training set

– Extract rules one class at a time

For each class C

1. Initialize set S with E
2. While S contains instances in class C
3.Learn one rule R for class C
4.Remove training records covered by the rule R

Goal: to create rules that cover many examples of a

class C and none (or very few) of other classes
A Direct Method: Sequential Covering

 How to learn a rule for a class C?

1. Start
from an empty rule {}  class = C
2. Grow a rule by adding a test to LHS (a = v)
3. Repeat Step (2) until stopping criterion is met

Two issues:
– How to choose the best test? Which attribute to
– When to stop building a rule?
Example: Generating a rule
b a
b b b a b a b a a
a y b a y b b b
b b a a b b
a a a a
b b a a b b
y b b
b b b 2·6
b a b b b b
b b a b b a b
b b b
b b b b b
x x
x 1·2 1·2

If {} then class = a If (x > 1.2) If (x > 1.2) and (y >

then class = a 2.6) then class = a

 Possible rule set for class “b”:

If (x  1.2) then class = b
If (x > 1.2) and (y  2.6) then class = b

 Could add more rules, get “perfect” rule set

A simple covering algorithm
• Goal: Choose a test that improves a quality measure for the rules.
– E.g. maximize rule’s accuracy
 Similar to situation in decision trees: problem of selecting an attribute to
split on
– Decision tree algorithms maximize overall purity
 Each new test reduces rule’s coverage:

space of
• t total number of instances covered by rule
rule so far
• p positive examples of the class predicted
by rule rule after
• t – p number of errors made by rule adding new
•Rules accuracy = p/t
When to Stop Building a Rule

 When the rule is perfect, i.e. accuracy = 1

 When increase in accuracy gets below a given
 When the training set cannot be split any further
PRISM Algorithm
For each class C
Initialize E to the training set While E contains instances in class
Create a rule R with an empty left-hand side that predicts class C Until R is
perfect (or there are no more attributes to use) do
For each attribute A not mentioned in R, and each value v,
Consider adding the condition A = v to the left-hand side of R Select A and v
to maximize the accuracy p/t
(break ties by choosing the condition with the largest p) Add A = v to R
Remove the instances covered by R from E

Learn one rule

Rule Evaluation in PRISM
t : Number of instances
covered by rule
p : Number of instances
covered by rule that belong
to the positive class

 Produce rules that don’t cover negative instances, as

quickly as possible
 Disadvantage: may produce rules with very small coverage
– Special cases or noise? (overfitting)
Rule Pruning
 The PRISM algorithm tries to get perfect rules, i.e. rules
with accuracy = 1 on the training set.
– These rules can be overspecialized  overfitting
– Solution: prune the rules

 Two main strategies:

– Incremental pruning: simplify each rule as soon as it is
– Global pruning: build full rule set and then prune it
Example: contact lenses data
Age Spectacle Astigmatism Tear production rate Recommended
prescription Lenses
young myope no reduced none
young myope no normal soft
young myope yes reduced none
young myope yes normal hard
young hypermetrope no reduced none
young hypermetrope no normal soft
young hypermetrope yes reduced none
young hypermetrope yes normal hard
pre-presbyopic myope no reduced none
pre-presbyopic myope no normal soft
pre-presbyopic myope yes reduced none
pre-presbyopic myope yes normal hard
pre-presbyopic hypermetrope no reduced none
pre-presbyopic hypermetrope no normal soft
pre-presbyopic hypermetrope yes reduced none
pre-presbyopic hypermetrope yes normal none
presbyopic myope no reduced none
presbyopic myope no normal none
presbyopic myope yes reduced none
presbyopic myope yes normal hard
presbyopic hypermetrope no reduced none
presbyopic hypermetrope no normal soft
presbyopic hypermetrope yes reduced none
presbyopic hypermetrope yes normal none
Example: contact lenses data

Accuracy of
candidate rules

The numbers on the right show the fraction of “correct” instances in

the set singled out by that given condition.
In this case, correct means that their recommendation is “hard.”
Modified rule and resulting data

The rule isn’t very accurate, getting only 4 out of 12 that it covers.
So, it needs further refinement.
Further refinement
Modified rule and resulting data

Should we stop here? Perhaps. But let’s say we are going for exact
rules, no matter how complex they become.
So, let’s refine further.
Further refinement

NOTE: Tie between the first and the forth test

We choose the one with greater coverage
The result

These two rules cover all “hard lenses”:

Process is repeated with other two classes, with the initial 24 instances

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