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Beast Manual v1.2 HQ A

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The Beast
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd.
Cultivate3d The BeastPage 1
“The Beast” would not be possible without the relent-
less efforts of the Open Source 3D Printer Community.
Particular respect to: about this
Josh Mamo : Cultivate3d
Dan Herlihy : Cultivate3d
Repetier : 3D Printer Firmware and Software
Makerslide : Barton Dring
Building a 3D Printer can be an incredibly satisfying endeav-
or, made more so by the knowledge “The Beast” is one of, if not the most versatile production FDM (Fused Deposition
Modeling) machines on the market. With your printer, you
Reference Photos for this build are available from will be able to achieve 4x the production rate of standard FDM 3D Printers while maintaining very high quality print output.

Buying a ready made 3D Printer is simple. Learning how

to use it effectively is something which can only occur

Index if you truly understand the underlying technology. This

build process will give you the tools and understand-
ing to command the printing process and therefore
get the most of out all 3D Printers, not just “The Beast”.
3: About this build 21: Y Motor Mounts (Cont.) 46: Separation of X Axes
4: How to use this manual 21: Printer Frame (Cont.) 47: Extruder Assembly Don’t be afraid of the apparent complexity of all the wires,
4: Tools Required 22: Side Y Rails 51: X, Y and Z Endstops tubes and electronics. Building a 3D Printer looks a lot
more complex than it is. The Beast has 4x this apparent
5: Space to work 23: Printer Frame (Cont.) 54: Electronics Enclosure
complexity. Getting it to work well will require dedication
5: Build Time 24: Front Z Motor Mounts 58: LCD Display and an aptitude to learn. The theory is simple, feed plastic
filament into a heater block, it melts and electronics control
6: Printed Parts Reference 25: Front Bed Mounts 59: Wiring
how much to melt, and where to put it down. We’re sharing
7: Laser Cuts Parts Reference 26: Rear Bed Mount 68: Final Connections to PCB with you the sum of our knowledge about this technology
8: Y Idler 27: Couple Lead Screw 71: Wiring Diagram however this build manual can only provide some of the
answers, the rest will be best answered through your own
9: Rod Holders 28: Z Motors 72: Glossary experimentation and ability to think outside of the box.
10: 12mm Rod Clamp 29: Couple Lead Screw
We know “The Beast” will prove to be a solid pro-
10: Printer Frame 30: Insert Smooth Rods
duction workhorse. If you follow these instructions,
13: Rear Z Motor Mount 31: X Axis Assembly you’ll be left in a perfect position to truly understand
14: Printer Frame (Cont.) 36: Hotend Carriage Assembly the FDM printing process and what makes these ma-
chines work for you to produce reliable, perfect prints.
16: Spool Holders 41: Fit Hotend Carriage to X Axis
17: Printer Frame (Cont.) 42: Fit X Axis to Printer Frame
Cultivate3d: Imagine Your Future.
19: Y Motor Mounts 43: Fit Hotend Carriage Braces
Dan Herlihy
20: Printer Frame (Cont.) 44: Attach GT2 Belts
General Manager

This document is © copyright 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd.

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 2 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 3
how to use
The Beast this manual
This manual is intended to be used a visual reference. Many of the con-
cepts herein are difficult to explain without images. Pay particular atten-
tion to “notes” depicted by the symbol above. These notes should not be ig-
nored as they are critical to the construction and or function of the final product.

Look for part names and important information in BOLD.

All references to “Captive Nuts” will be documented, but not instructed. These nuts MUST
be pressed into their respective holes with pliers. You may need to clean printing artifacts
from these holes in order to press the nut into it’s captive space.

Some printed parts may need to be “Finished” before use. This may involve cleaning printed
artifacts from the part or drilling out holes to size prior to use in your printer.

All “T-Slot” Nuts should be installed with the threaded protrusion side facing inwards or
towards the Aluminum extrusion unless otherwise specified.

Look for the repeat icon as shown to the left. This indicates that the section of instructions
REPEAT x4 needs to be repeated a number of times to construct multiples of a particular part.

The use of the following tools will generally not be documented. It is expected
you have a general knowledge of how the following tools work and when to use Space to work
tools them. When we feel this is not obvious we will denote the use of a specific tool
in the written text. Ensure you have enough space to complete the Build. “The Beast” is a very large print-
er. We estimate you will need at least 2 cubic meters to build and store your printer.

Look for icons similar to the ones on the left on the top of
Bear in mind, you may want to access the rear of the printer on a regular basis. You
x2 pages which have a “Parts required” List. These icons rep-
may also need extra space to be able to remove and clean your print bed or to change
resent printed plastic and acrylic parts. Next to the icon
is a number which indicates the total number of parts re-
quired including repeats (see above).

Build Time
• Hex Socket driver set to suit M3
and M5 Socket Screws x4 Black icons are Printed.

• Small and Medium Phillips and Flat Green Icons are 3mm Laser Cut Acrylic
head screw driver

• Scalpel or craft knife

x2 Blue Icons are 6mm Laser Cut Acrylic Building a 3D Printer is simple, as long as you have time, patience and the
ability to learn. Although this build can be completed in less than 48
• Electric Drill with 3mm and 5mm hours, we recommend first timers give themselves plenty more time to com-
drill bits, Phillips and Hex driv- O plete their first build. It is far better to take your time with the knowledge
Parts Required everything is done right, than to rush the job and regret the painful prospect
of having to partially disassemble the printer to fix something you missed.
• Small and Large Long Nose Pliers
M5 x 35mm Screws

• Wrench and Socket set to suit M3
and M5 nuts M5 Hex Nuts

• Small Side Cutters

• Soldering Iron (Optional) 1x Lead Screw Idler

• Cigarette Lighter 1x Acrylic Side Braces
• Set Square
1x Z Motor Brace cultivate3d
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 4 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 5
Plastic Parts Laser Cut Parts Laser Cut Parts (Cont.)
Reference Reference The Beast

1 x Rear Bed Mount Mid

1 x X Endstop Holder 4 x Spool Holder

3 x 12mm Rod Clamp 2x Hotend Carriage Brace
3mm 6mm

1 x EE PSU Rear
1 x LCD Mount 1 x Rear Bed Mount Base

4 x Y Belt Clamp
2 x EE Foot 4 x Hotend Plate Rear 2 x X Motor Mount

1 x LCD Face Plate 1 x EE Top 1 x Handy Dandy 4 x Y Motor Mount

4 x Extruder Arm 4 x X Belt Clamp Alignment tool 4 x Acrylic Pushfit Mount
Brace 4 x Hotend Plate Front

1 x EE Side
1 x Y Endstop Holder
4 x Spring Block 1 x Dantacular Her-
2 x Z Motor Mount 4 x Hotend Slide 1
1 x EE PSU Top 1 x Side Panel
4 x X End Plate

2x 25mm Spacer 1 x Z Endstop Holder

1 x Front Panel
4 x Hotend Slide 2
9 x Common Bed Mount Top
1 x EE Bottom 2 x Y Motor Mount 1 x PSU Mount
1 x LCD Mount Part 2
1 x Rear Panel

4 x Hotend Mount A

4 x Hotend Slide 3
1 x EE Front
1 x LCD Mount Part 3 1 x Extruder Panel

1x Rear Z Motor Mount 1 x LCD Mount

4 x Hotend Mount B 2 x Front Bed Mount Mid

2 x Front Brace
4 x LCD Spacer 4 x Side Brace
2 x Left Right Rod Holder
2 x Z Motor Mount

4 x 7mm Rumba Spac-

er 2 x Rear Brace
The Beast
4 x Fan Mount
2 x Front Bed Mount Base 2 x X Idler 1 x Rod Holder Rear

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 6 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 7
x2 x2 x1
25mm Spacer Front Rod Holder Rear Rod Holder
Assembly Name>

Y-Idler Rod Holders

Assembly Name>

The Beast The Y Idler will eventually fix to the top of the printer and The Beast
acts as a pulley for the 2x Y Belts.

Construct 2x Y-Idler assemblies as shown and set aside for later use. Parts Required
M5 x 12mm Screws
M5 T-Slot Nuts
1x Rear Rod Holder
Parts Required (Per Assembly) (Acrylic Part)
2x Front Rod Holders
1x M5 50mm Screws Completed Rear Rod Completed Front Rod
(Acrylic Parts) Holder Assemblies
Holder Assembly
2x M5 Hex Nuts
2x F605ZZ Flanged Bearing
1x 25mm Spacer Construct 2x mirrored Front Rod Holder Assemblies as shown and 1x Rear Rod
1x M5 T-Slot Nut Holder Assembly as shown below.

Completed Y-Idler Assembly

M5 x 50mm Screw

M5 Nut

F605ZZ Flanged Bearings

25mm Spacer


cultivate3d M5 T-Slot Nut Y-IDLER / Rod Holders cultivate3d

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 8 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 9
x3 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x2
12mm Rod Holder Front Panel Rear Panel Side Panel Extruder Panel Side Brace Corner Brace
Assembly Name>

12mm Rod Clamp

The Beast The Beast

Parts Required (Per Assembly) REPEAT x3 Parts Required

M5 10mm Screws M5 10mm screws
T-Slot Nuts M5 T-Slot Nuts
M5 Washers
1x 12mm Rod Clamp
1x Front Panel
Construct 3x 12mm Rod Holders as 1x Rear Panel
shown below and set aside for later use. 2x Side Panel
1x Extruder Panel
4x Side Braces
2x Corner Braces
2x Front Rod Holder Asmbl. (pre assembled)
1x Rear Rod Holder Asmbl.(pre assembled)
4x 897mm 3030 Extrusion
10x 600mm 3030 Extrusion

Printer Frame
Insert an M5 12mm screw and washer into each hole in the Front, Rear, Side,
Extruder Panels as shown, as well as each Corner Brace and Side Brace. Take
note, the side braces and corner braces are in mirrored pairs.


Populate M5 Screws cultivate3d

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 10 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 11
x2 x1
Rear Z Motor Mount Brace Rear Z Motor Mount

Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

Printer Frame Rear Z Motor Mount

The Beast The Beast

Take note of the orientation of the screw head – all T-Slot nuts should Pre assemble the Z Motor Mount as shown. If need be, press the M3 Nuts
be on the etching side of the acrylic (if etched). into their captive spaces with a pair of long nose pliers.

Slide 1x 600mm 3030 extrusion onto the top row of T-Slot nuts of the extrud-
er panel and set aside for later use. Finger tighten nuts for later adjustment.
See picture.

Extruder Panel with 3030 extrusion attached

Assembly Name>

Parts Required
Rear Z Motor Mount
M3 16mm Screws
M5 12mm Screws
M3 Nuts
T-Slot Nuts

2x Rear Z Motor Mount Braces

1x Rear Z Motor Mount

Completed Z Motor Mount Assembly

Rear Z Motor Mount cultivate3d
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 12 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 13
Printer Frame
Assembly Name>

Printer Frame (Cont.)

The Beast Assembly Name> The Beast

Insert 6 x 3030 Extrusions to onto the T-Slot Nuts as shown with the remaining
Insert, center and firmly secure the Z Motor Mount Assembly onto a 600mm Side and Front Panels as shown. Do not tighten screws just yet.
3030 extrusion as shown, then use it and another 3030 extrusion to complete
the assembly as shown below.

Pre assemble 8x 3030 Aluminium

corner brackets with M5 x 12mm
screws and T-Slot Nuts and insert
onto all vertical 897mm 3030 extru-
sions as shown. Lower each vertical
extrusion into place as shown and
finger tighten screws.


Printer Frame - Rear Z Motor Mount cultivate3d

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 14 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 15
Spool Holder
Assembly Name>

Spool Holders Printer Frame (Cont.)

Parts Required The Beast Assembly Name>

M5 12mm Screws Use the pre assembled corner braces and Y-Idlers to construct the top front
REPEAT x4 cross member as shown, do not tighten screws yet. Secure the Y Idlers rough-
T-Slot Nuts ly 30mm from the edge of the 3030 extrusion. (You will position these precise-
ly later).
4x Spool Holders

Pre assemble 4x spool holders with M5 12mm screws and T-Slot nuts as shown.
Attach 2 of each to each of the rear vertical 3030 extrusions as shown and se-
cure roughly 1/3rd and 2/3rds the way up the extrusion.

Attach the pre assembled Front Rod Holders to the Top

Front Cross Member as shown below. Again loosely
tighten screws.


Printer Frame - Spool Holders cultivate3d Top Front Brace assembly.

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 16 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 17
x4 x2
Y Motor Mount Brace Y Motor Mount

Assembly Name>

Printer Frame Y Motor Mounts

Assembly Name>

The Beast Attach a pre assembled 12mm Rod Clamp The Beast
directly above each Acrylic Rod Holder, in
line with the 12mm Hole as shown. Repeat
this for both the left and right of the Top Parts Required (Per assembly) REPEAT x2
Front cross member.
M3 16mm Screws
M3 Nuts
M5 25mm Screws
T-Slot Nuts

2x Y Motor Mount Brace

1x Y Motor Mounts

Assemble left and right Y Motor Mounts

as shown and lightly secure to 3030 ex-
trusion with M5 25mm screws and T-Slot
M3 16mm Screw

Slide the Completed Top Front Brace assembly onto the Front of the Printer
frame by lining up each of the vertical rows of T-Slot nuts and corner brackets M5 25mm Screw
with the 3030 vertical slots as shown.
Lightly tighten the 4 horizontal screws on the Top Front Brace assembly and 3
vertical screws either side and adjust the height of the Top brace assembly to
make flush with the top of the vertical 3030 extrusions.

It is important not to fully tighten any of the Printer frame screws Captive Nut
at this stage as you will need to square everything up later in the
process. Screws should be tightened just enough to prevent the
vertically mounted parts from falling out of place.

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 18 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 19
Printer Frame Printer Frame
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast
Slide extruder panel assembly into position on the printer frame as shown.
Once in position, align the horizontal extrusion with the top of the vertical ex-
Slide the Rear Rod Holder onto the under slot of the 3030 extrusion on the Ex- trusion and lightly tighten all the screws to secure the extruder panel in place.
truder Panel Assembly using 3 x M5 16mm screws with washers & T-slot nuts.
Centre the middle of the of the smaller rod holes with the very center of the
extrusion then tighten screws. Also secure the remaining 12mm Rod Clamp
above the 12mm hole in the Rod Holder.

Y Motor Mounts (Cont).

Attach a Nema 17 (Y Motors) to each of the Y motor mounts, securing with 4x
M3 10mm screws & washers on each motor. Position motor wires facing to-
wards opposing motor. Attach a GT2 Pulley to each of the Y motor shafts with
2x grub screws ensuring one of the grub screws is tightened onto the flat of
the motor shaft.
Pre assemble another 2 x 3030 Alumin-
ium corner brackets with M5 x 12mm
screws and T-Slot Nuts and secure
to each end of the 3030 extrusion as


Printer Frame - Rear Rod Holder cultivate3d

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 20 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 21
Side Y Rails Printer Frame (Cont).
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast

Take the 2x completed Side Extruded rail assemblies and slide onto the Print-
Parts Required er Frame’s vertical 3030 extrusions, each Extruded Rail Assembly spanning
front to back, with the Acrylic side on the outside of the printer to complete
4 x Side Braces (Assembled Earlier) the frame. Flush the flat of the Extruded rail assembly with the top of the ver-
2x 597mm Extruded Rail (Make sure these tical 3030 extrusions ensuring the peak of the rail itself sits above the printer
are the longer of the extruded rails). frame as shown and lightly tighten the screws to hold in place.

Identify and slide each pre assembled Side Braces into the 597mm Extruded
rail t-Slots as pictured. Be mindful of the orientation during assembly. If in
doubt, refer to the pictures. Finger tighten the screws to hold the side braces
in position, leaving space at each end to slide the Side braces onto the ver-
tical 3030 extrusions. Make sure the braces are on the non-lipped side of the
extruded rail.


Side Y Rails
cultivate3d PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Printer Frame (Cont).

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 22 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 23
x2 x1 x1 x3
Front Z Motor Mounts Front Bed Mount Base Front Bed Mount Mid Bed Mount Top

Front Z Motor Mounts

Assembly Name>

Front Bed Mounts

Assembly Name>
The Beast The Beast
Assemble the Front Left and Right Bed Mounts as
Parts Required Parts Required per the diagrams below and tighten all screws firmly.
Mirror the assembly for the right Bed Mount.
T-Slot Nuts Gently flip the Printer frame upside down,
exposing the bottom slots of the lower M3 16mm Screws
M5 16mm Screws M3 20mm Screws
part of the frame as shown. Identify the 2
M5 Washers Front Z Motor Mounts. M5 35mm Screws
M3 Nyloc Nuts
For each front Z Motor Mount, slide 4x M5 M5 Nyloc Nuts
1x Left Front Z Motor Mount M3 Nut
T-Slot nuts into place in the top slot of
1x Right Front Z Motor Mount the extrusion (2 for each front and 2 for
each side of the extrusion as shown). 1x LM12UU Bearing
1 x Brass TR8 Nut
Take special note of the position of the extra large holes in the Z motor mounts. 1 x Front bed Mount Base
Position these holes on the front side of the printer under the correspond- 1 x Front bed Mount Mid Assembled Front Left Bed Mount.
ing holes in the rod holders. Use 4x M5 16mm screws with washers to secure 3 x Bed Mount Top
each Front Z-Motor Mount to the T-Slot Nuts in the front corners of the printer
frame as shown. If need be, position the T-Slot nuts with a flexible poking tool
like a cable tie. Ensure the Front Z-Motor Mounts butt up firmly against the M5 35mm Screws
vertical extrusions and tighten each screw firmly. Once tightened flip printer REPEAT x2 M3 20mm Screws
right way up.
LM12UU Bearing

M3 16mm Screws

M3 Nut
TR8 Nut

All pictures above show the printer frame posi-

tioned upside down.


Front Z Motors
cultivate3d M3 Nyloc Nut M5 Nyloc Nut

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 24 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 25
x1 x1 x3
Rear Bed Mount Base Rear Bed Mount Mid Bed Mount Top

Assembly Name>

Couple Lead Screw

Assembly Name>

Rear Bed Mount

The Beast The Beast The Lead Screw Couplers are used to attach the lead screws to the

Assemble the Rear Bed Mount as per the diagrams motor shafts.

Parts Required below and tighten all screws firmly.

Parts Required
M3 16mm Screws
M3 20mm Screws
M5 35mm Screws 3x Lead Screws
M3 Nyloc Nuts 3x Aluminum Coupling
M5 Nyloc Nuts

1x LM12UU Bearing
1 x Brass TR8 Nut
1 x Rear Bed Mount Base
1 x Rear Bed Mount Mid
3 x Bed Mount Top
Assembled Front Rear Bed Mount.

M5 35mm Screws
LM12UU Bearing

M3 20mm Screws

M3 16mm Screws

TR8 Nut
Insert the M8-M5 Flexible coupling onto each lead screw as far as it goes.
Tighten the 2x different sized grub screws closest to the Lead screw to attach
the coupling firmly in place.

Screw the Left, Right and Rear Bed Mounts onto each Leadscrew as shown
at least 200mm down the rod. Make sure the Brass Nut is pointed towards to
open end of the lead screw.

M5 Nyloc Nut

Couple Lead Screw

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 26 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 27
Assembly Name>

Z Motors Couple Lead Screw

The Beast The Beast Assembly Name>

Install 3 Z Stepper Motors; 2 at the front into the corner mounts

and 1 at the back into the rear Z Motor Mount. Use M3 10mm REPEAT x3
screws. Refer to pictures below.
Check picture to ensure the cor-
rect orientation of each of the Left,
Right and Rear Bed Mounts before

Ensure the remaining (lower) grub

screws on each of the M8-M5 Cou-
plings are loose enough to facili-
tate insertion onto the motor shaft.

Slide the Leadscrew up through

the Rod Holders and then the
coupling down back over the Mo-
tor Shaft ensuring the flat on the
shaft lines up with one of the grub
screws on the coupling.
Assembly Name>
Also check to make sure the cou-
pling slides as far down the shaft
Top Front 3030 Corner Brackets as possible and tighten both grub
screws to secure. Repeat this for
the Left, Right and Rear Leadscrew
Assemble and install the 2 top, front 3030 corner brackets in the position assemblies as picture.
Lubricate each lead
screw along the full
length with grease to
ensure the TR8 Nut can
move freely.

cultivate3d cultivate3d
Z Motors Couple Lead Screw to Z Motors

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 28 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 29
x1 x4 x2 x2 x2
Z Endstop Holder X End Plate X Idler X Motor Mount Y Belt Clamp
Assembly Name>

X Axis Assembly
Assembly Name>

Insert Smooth Rods

The Beast The Beast

Parts Required Parts Required (Per Assembly)

Assemble 2x X Axis Assemblies as per
3 x Smooth Rods M5 35mm Screws the diagrams following. Both X Axis
1 x Z Endstop Holder M5 16mm screws assemblies should be mirrored to
M5 8mm Screws one another.
Install the front left Rod holder as M3 16mm Screws
shown, ensuring you insert the Z End M5 Nuts
Stop Holder (check alignment) before
pushing the 12mm Rod all the way T-Slot Nuts
down through to the Z Motor Mount 4 x 20mm Brackets
Below. Once in place, secure the REPEAT x2
2 x Y Belt Clamp
vertical position of the Rod with the
Smooth Rod Clamp as shown. 1 x X Motor Mount
2 x X End Plate
Repeat this for the right and rear
smooth rods and take note, only the 1 x X Idler
front left smooth rod requires a Z End 1 x X Axis Extruded Rail (580mm)
Stop Holder. 3x 2020 Corner Bracket
2x F605ZZ Bearings
24x 625-2RS bearings
12x V-Wheel Shim
12x Delrin V-Groove Wheel
4x Aluminum M5 Short V Wheel Spacer
2x Eccentric V Wheel Spacer
Completed mirrored X Axes
1x Nema 17 Motor
1x GT2 Pulley
1x GT2 Belt (Short Length)

Partially assembled X Axis


Insert Smooth Rods

cultivate3d Partially assembled X Axis (reverse view)

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 30 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 31
X Axis Assembly X Axis Assembly
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast



M5 Nut

M5 8mm Screw
Aluminium Spacer
Delrin V Wheel
M3 Nyloc Nut
625-2RS Bearing M3 16mm Screw
M5 Nyloc Nut F605ZZ Flanged Bearing
M5 T-Slot Nut

M5 Washer

M5 Nyloc Nut

M5 8mm Screw
M5 T-Slot Nut

V-Wheel Shim M5 16mm Screw

M5 25mm Screw
M5 35mm Screw
Eccentric Spacer


X Axis Assembly cultivate3d X Axis Assembly cultivate3d

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 32 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 33
X Axis Assembly X Axis Assembly
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast



GT2 Pulley

Grub Screw
Ensure Grub Screws are se-
cured against the flat of the
Delrin V Wheel NEMA 17 Motor Shaft. Also
check orientation of GT
625-2RS Bearing Pulley. Grub Screws should
Aluminium M5 Short V Wheel Spacer M5 Nyloc Nut be on the upper side of
M5 T-Slot Nut the GT2 Pulley as shown.
M3 12mm Screw with Washer
Do not attach the
GT2 Belt just yet.
M3 Nyloc Nut

NEMA 17 Motor

M5 Nyloc Nut

V-Wheel Shim
Eccentric Spacer
M5 8mm Screw M5 35mm Screw
Y Belt Clamp
M5 16mm Screw


X Axis Assembly cultivate3d

Front Left
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 34 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 35
x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4
Hotend Plate Hotends Slide 1 Hotends Slide 2 Hotends Slide 3 Acrylic Pushfit Mount Hotend Plate Rear Hotend Mount A Hotend Mount B X Belt Clamp

Hotend Carriage Assembly Hotend Carriage Assembly

Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Hotend Carriage is designed to make it easy to make small independent Hotend Carriage assemblies should be assembled in 2x Mirrored
adjustments to each hotend nozzle height. Pairs with the notches on the Hotend Plate Rear facing left on one
pair and right on the other. Secure firmly, but do not over tight-
Assemble 4x Hotend Carriage assemblies as per the following diagrams. en screws. Once assembled, upon turning the height adjustment
screw, the carriage should move up and down easily with no lateral
Parts Required (Per Assembly)
M3 x 20mm Screws
M3 x 25mm Screws
M3 x 50mm Screws
M5 x 60mm Screws
Height Adjustment Screw

M3 Nyloc Nuts
M3 Nuts
Square Nuts
Completed Hotend Carriages. Take note of
1 x Hotend Mount A orientation of Hotend Plate Rear
1 x Hotend Mount B
3 x Delrin V-Groove Wheel REPEAT x4

2 x M5 Short V Wheel Spacer M5 Short V Wheel Spacer

3 x M5 Long V Wheel Spacer
1 x Eccentric V Wheel Spacer M5 Nut

1 x Hotend Plate Front

1 x Hotend Slide 1 For assembly of the Hotend com- X Belt Clamp
1 x Hotend Slide 2 ponent, please refer to supplemen- M5 60mm Screw
tary documentation provided with
1 x Hotend Slide 3 the hotend itself. V Wheel Shim
Delrin V-Wheel
1 x Acrylic Pushfit Mount
1 x Pushfit Mounts M5 Nyloc Nut
1 x 40mm Fan Completed Assembly
Hotend Plate
1x Hotend
Hotend Plate Rear

M5 Long V Wheel Spacer
Hotend Carriage Assembly
625-2RS Bearing
Eccentric Spacer
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 36 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 37
Hotend Carriage Assembly Hotend Carriage Assembly
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>
The Beast The Beast


Ensure a square nut is used as the captive nut in the Hotend Mount Recess for captive M3 Nuts on the under-
1 (pictured in red) and that both faces (front and back) of this part side of Hotend Mount B
are well lubricated with Teflon Lube. REPEAT x4

Acrylic Pushfit Mount

Pushfit Adapter
M3 20mm Screw
Hotend Slide 1 M3 30mm Screw
Hotend Slide 3
Hotend Slide 2

M3 25mm Screw

M3 50mm Screw

Hotend Mount B
M3 Nyloc Nut
Hotend Mount A
M3 nut
40mm Fan (not necessary for E3D) Captive Square Nut

Captive Square Nut


cultivate3d cultivate3d
Hotend Carriage Assembly
Hotend Carriage Assembly

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 38 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 39
Hotend Carriage Assembly Fit Hotend Carriage to X Axis
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>
The Beast The Beast

To fit each Hotend Carriage to the X Axis, Remove the lower Delrin V Wheel Axle
assembly from the Hotend Carriage and drop onto rail as pictured. Once in
place, replace the Lower Delrin V-Wheel Axle and rotate the Eccentric spacer
to tension. The Hotend Carriage should be tight enough to move freely along
the rail and should not deflect from the rail if the carriage is twisted.

Lower Delrin V Wheel Axle removed

Tension by turning
All 3 Delrin V Wheels should be in contact
Eccentric Spacer
with the rail at all times

Install 2 Hotend Carriages Per X Axis en- REPEAT x4

REPEAT x4 suring notches on Hotend Plate Rear face
towards each other


Hotend Carriage Assembly

cultivate3d PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Fit Hotend Carriage to X Axis

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 40 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 41
Hotend Carriage Brace

Fit X Axis to Printer Frame Fit Hotend Carriage Braces

Assembly Name>
The Beast Assembly Name> The Beast

To Fit each X Axis to the Printer frame, loosen the Nuts on the lower Delrin V Parts Required (Per Assembly) REPEAT x2
Wheel Axle at each end. Once in place, re secure the V Wheel Axle and rotate
the Eccentric spacer on each end to tension against rail. Again, X Axes assem-
blies should slide smoothly and wheels should not deflect from rail if the X M3 16mm Screws
Axis is twisted. M3 Nuts

1x Hotend Carriage Brace

Both X Axes should be installed to the Hotends are on the outer
side of each Axis. See picture below. Attach a Hotend carriage brace between opposing Hotends on each X Axis as
shown. Use M3 16mm Screws and Captive Nuts in the spaces provided to se-
cure as shown.


Fit X Axes to Printer Frame

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 42 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 43
Attach GT2 Belts Attach GT2 Belts
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast

Attach the 2 Y GT2 Belts and the 2 X GT2 Belts in the positions as shown.
Take note, the 2 longer belts are for the Y Axis Motors. The belts should pass
through one of the Belt Clamps and wrap around the other, being fixed to
itself with cables ties. The belt should be tight enough to deliver low bass
sound when plucked.


Attach GT2 Belts
Attach GT2 Belts cultivate3d
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 44 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 45
x4 x4 x4
Extruder Arm Spring Block Fan Mount

Separation of X Axes
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

Extruder Assembly
The Beast The Beast REPEAT x4

Use the Handy Dandy Tool as pictured to set the separation of the X Axes.
When in place, slide the GT2 belt into the free Y Belt clamp as shown. Repeat Parts Required (per assembly)
for the other side.
M3 8mm Screws
M3 16mm Screws
M3 20mm Screws
M3 Nuts

1 x Nema 17 Motors
1 x Extruder Arms
1 x Spring Blocks
1 x Acrylic Fan Mounts
1 x Hobbed Gear
1 x 40mm Fans
1 x Springs
Separation of Hotend Carriages
Assembly Name>

1 x Pushfit Adapter
1 x 608ZZ Bearings
Use the Handy Dandy Tool as pictured to set the separation of the Hotend
Carriages as shown. When in place, slide the GT2 belt into the free X belt
clamp as done previously. Repeat for the other X Axis.


Separation of X Axes cultivate3d PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Extruder Assembly
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 46 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 47
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

Extruder Assembly Extruder Assembly

The Beast The Beast

REPEAT x4 Assemble the 4 extruder assemblies as shown below. Ensure the REPEAT x4
Extruder arms shaft faces inwards to trap the bearing against the
extruder mount plate. Make sure you tighten the grub screw against the flat
of the motor shaft.

Attach a 40mm fan to the Fan

Mount with 2 x M3 x 16mm screws Push Fit Mount M3 20mm Screw
and nuts. Then attach this assem-
bly to the inside of the extruder Spring
panel using an M3 x 12mm screw Grub Screw
and a captive nut in the Fan Mount.
Hobbed Gear

M3 Nyloc nut

608ZZ Bearing

M3 8mm Screw

M3 16mm Screw

Captive M3 nut

40mm Fan

M3 20mm Screw



Extruder Assembly
cultivate3d Extruder Assembly cultivate3d
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 48 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 49
x1 x1 x1
X Endstop Holder Y Endstop Holder Z Endstop Holder

X , Y and Z Endstops
Assembly Name>

Extruder Assembly
Assembly Name>
The Beast The Beast
Parts Required Insert 2x captive nuts into the X Endstop Holder
and Y Endstop Holder as shown.
M3 10mm Screws
M3 16mm Screws
REPEAT x4 M3 25mm Screws
M3 Nuts

1x X Endstop Holder
Gently bend up the connector for one Mechan-
1x Y Endstop holder ical Endstop as shown below. This is to allow
1x Z Endstop Holder space for a screw to secure the Z Endstop to the
3x Standard Mechanical
1x X Endstop extension
1x Y Endstop Extension
1x Z Endstop extension

Assemble the X and Y Endstop assemblies as shown below with M3 10mm

screws through to the captive M3 Nuts installed earlier

Y Endstop Assembly X Endstop Assembly


Extruder Assembly
cultivate3d X Y and Z Endstops

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 50 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 51
X , Y and Z Endstops X , Y and Z Endstops
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>
The Beast
Clip both the X and Y Endstops into position on the X and Y extrusions as
Insert 2x M3 10mm screws through the front of the remaining Endstop, fol- shown.
lowed by an M3 nut on each screw as pictured. Assemble the rest of the Z End
Stop Assembly as per the diagram below.

M3 10mm Screw M3 Nut

M3 Nyloc Nut

M3 16mm Screw

Secure the Z Endstop Holder in place

on the 12mm Smooth Rod in the po-
sition shown so that the endstop is
triggered by the Left Bed Holder when
the Bed is in its uppermost position.
You may want to adjust this later to
get the maximum possible Z area.

cultivate3d cultivate3d

X Y and Z Endstops X Y and Z Endstops

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 52 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 53
x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
EE Foot 7mm Spacer EE Bottom EE Front EE Top EE Side EE PSU Front EE PSU Top EE PSU Mount

Electronics Enclosure Electronics Enclosure

Assembly Name> Assembly Name>
The Beast The Beast
Assemble the EE Bottom, EE Rear and PSU top Attach Heat-sinks to each printer
plates by inserting captive nuts into the captive driver on the Printer control board
nut spaces and securing with M3 12mm screws. using double sided tape (supplied
Parts Required Attach the EE Feet to the EE Bottom using 2x M3 with board). Ensure the Heatsinks do
16mm screws / washer / nut. Refer to picture be- not come into contact with any of the
M3 12mm Screws
low. soldered components.
M3 16mm screws
M3 Washers Note the screw goes through the base of the foot, Insert M3 16mm screws through each
with the washer and nut on top. You may need a of the 4 holes in the Printer Controller
M3 Nuts (Captive insert) long Allen key to facilitate installation. board followed by a plastic spacer on
M5 10mm Screw each of the screws as pictured, align
M5 T-Slot Nut Leave the Front, Top & Side off for the moment the 4 screws with the 4 corresponding
for ease of wiring assembly. holes on the EE bottom plate and se-
cure with M3 nuts.
2x EE Foot
4x 7mm Spacers
1x EE Bottom
1x EE Front
1x EE Top
1x EE Side
1x EE PSU Front
1x EE PSU Top
1x EE PSU Mount
1x PSU
1x Emergency Stop Button
1x 900mm Red Wire
1x 900mm Black Wire
2x Terminal Blocks
3x 40mm Fans
Motor Extension Wires Plastic LCD Spacer

Extruder Fan Extension


cultivate3d M3 16mm Screw PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Electronics Enclosure cultivate3d

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 54 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 55
Electronics Enclosure Electronics Enclosure
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>
The Beast
Attach the 2 electronic enclosure fans to the EE top plate with 4x M3 12mm
screws and Nuts as pictured – ensure the fans are installed sticker side down
Secure the PSU to the PSU Mount with 2x 6/32 Case screws and flush to the
lower rear, left hand corner of the printer as shown with 2x M5 16mm screws Ensure all screws are firmly tightened to prevent them from working loose and
with washer and T-Slot Nuts. landing on the printer control board.

Attach the exhaust fan to the EE side with 4x M3 16mm screws and nuts, en-
suring the air flow (sticker side) is facing outward.
6/32 Case Screw



Electronics Enclosure
Electronics Enclosure

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 56 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 57
x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1
LCD Mount 2 LCD Mount 3 LCD Spacer LCD Mount 1 LCD Mount LCD Face Plate

LCD Display Wiring

Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast

Assemble the LCD as per the diagram below and fix to
3030 extrusion on the front of the printer as pictured. Note, the following steps require electrical common sense. Do not
connect any component to any form of electrical supply while per-
Parts Required forming the following steps.
M3 x 35mm Screws
For more information on wiring, please refer to the complete wiring diagram/
M3 x 30mm Screws map on the last page of this manual.
M3 x 25mm Screws
M3 10mm Screws
Parts Required
M3 Washers
1x Emergency Stop Button
M3 Nuts
1x 900mm Red Wire
M3 Nylon Lock Nuts
1x 900mm Black Wire
M5 x 12mm Screws

1x Motor Extension Wires

1x Extruder Fan Extension Wires Identify the PSU Motherboard Power
1x LCD Mount Part 1 Connector as shown above. Note this
1x Terminal Blocks connector has 4 wires, 2 yellow and
1x LCD Mount Part 2
1x 600mm Trunking 2 black. (The “yellow” wires may be
1x LCD Mount Part 3 M3 30mm screw Brown with a yellow stripe on some
1x 500mm Trunking
4x 9mm Spacer M3 35mm screw power supplies).
1x Double Sided Foam Tape
1x LCD Mount Plate LCD Spacer
1x LCD Face Plate
M3 Nut and Washer
1x LCD Controller
Cut and strip 1cm off all 4 wires (2
1x LCD Encoder Knob yellow and 2 black) close to the con-
nector as shown.
Nyloc Nut Separate both pairs of black and yel-
low cables (on some PSU’s the colour
T-Slot Nut
may be brown and yellow) and twist the exposed wires from each pair to-
gether forming 1 yellow twisted pair and 1 black twisted pair. This is done to
double the amperage available to the printer control board. Each yellow wire
M3 25mm screw carries 12v+ and each Black wire is connected to common earth. The wires will
be used to provide power to the printer control board. Do not connect them
LCD Encoder Knob to the control board yet.
Nyloc Nut
M3 10mm screw

X Y and Z Endstops / Wiring cultivate3d

M5 12mm screw
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 58 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 59
Wiring Wiring
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast

Connect the green wire to the red wire
Identify the (loose - not labeled) red leading from the Emergency Stop But-
and black 900mm wires and strip one ton by twisting the exposed wire ends
end of each. Loosen the screw ter- together and soldering the connec-
minals on the emergency stop button tion. If you do not have a soldering
and secure the stripped end of the iron, simply twisting these wires and
black wire to one side and the red to covering in heat shrink will suffice.
the other. It does not matter which
side of the Emergency stop button Identify the black wire that is next to
the red and black wires are connect- the green wire you have just cut, and
ed, but ensure both black and Red are cut and strip this black wire. Connect this black wire to the black wire leading
connected to the orange terminals. from the emergency stop button the same as you did the green to red.

Ensure there is no exposed (stripped) The previous 2 connections carry very low amperage. Soldering both
wire protruding from the terminals of connections is optional - insulating them is not.
the Emergency Stop Button. See pic-
Gather the cables for the front right Z
Unscrew the red twist end (red cap) motor and emergency stop button and
and chrome collar from the Emergen- wrap with plastic spiral wrap. Once
cy stop button as pictured. wrapped, cables should fit neatly in-
side the top slot of the lower 3030 ex-
Position the body of the emergency trusion, running back towards the left
stop button in place as shown. front of the printer across the outside
Secure the Emergency stop button of the motor, and down the left side
body to the printer with the chrome of the printer where the electronics
collar as shown. enclosure will be installed. Refer to
Complete the assembly by screwing fig.
Molex Connector
the red twist end onto the Emergency
Stop Button body. Identify a 2x2 Terminal block. Trim
and strip 1cm from 1 Black and 1 Red
wire behind a 4 pin Molex connec-
Identify the green wire leading from tor (See Fig.....) (close to the connec-
the ATX PSU and cut and strip the wire tor) coming from the PSU and screw
as close to the connector as possible into each side of a Terminal Block as
as shown. This wire will be used as shown. This will be used as a connec-
a trigger to power on / off the printer. tion point for the hotend / extruder
Trim a 20mm length of shrink wrap fan wires later. Ensure no wire is ex-
and feed this over the green wire you posed.
have just stripped. PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Wiring cultivate3d
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 60 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 61
Wiring Wiring
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast

Trim and strip 1cm from 1 Black and
1 Yellow wire behind the 6 Pin PCIE Separate the Printer control board
connector (see fig....) coming from power cables and the green & black
the PSU (close to the connector) and emergency stop button cables from
screw into each side of another 2x2 the excess cables of the ATX Power
Terminal Block as shown. This will supply. Gather the excess cables, tidy
be used as a connection point for the them up using cable ties and seat the
electronics enclosure fan wires later. group of excess cables in behind the
See pictures. EE Rear plate.
PCIE Connector
You should now have 2 terminal blocks. One wired with yellow/black cables Unwrap each of the printer motor wires and label each set of wires as follows:
and one wired with Red/Black cables.
X Motor A (Make this the X Motor closest to the FRONT LEFT of the machine)
Position the Electronic Enclosure (EE) in the back left corner of the printer and X Motor B
secure with M5 10mm Screws and T-Slot Nuts in the positions shown. Y Motor A (Make this the Y Motor on the RIGHT hand side of the printer)
Y Motor B
Z Motor A (It does not matter which Z Motor is labeled A/B/C)
Z Motor B (It does not matter which Z Motor is labeled A/B/C)
Z Motor C (It does not matter which Z Motor is labeled A/B/C)
Extruder 1 (Label these from left to right if looking from the front)
Extruder 2
Extruder 3
Extruder 4

Use the corresponding extension wires to extend each of the motor wires you
Trim and Strip 1cm from the ends of labeled in the previous step. The Z Motors do not need to be extended. Make
all 3 40mm fans attached to the EE sure the colour of the cables are matched. ie. don’t plug them in backwards
Enclosure. Twist together the 3 red with the following exceptions.
wires of each fan and the 3 black
wires of each fan. Connect to the ter- Connect the front X Motor BACKWARDS and the Left Y Motor Back-
minal block with the Yellow & Black wards. This is to ensure all motors pull their Axis in the correct di-
wires that you prepared earlier. Con- rection.
nect the group of red wires in-line
with the yellow wires and the group As you extend the cables, move the labels to the end of the extensions. This is
of black to black. Refer to fig. Ensure extremely important as it becomes very difficult to identify which cables run
there is no bare wire protruding from to which motors and you run the cables to the control board
either side of the terminal block.


Wiring cultivate3d PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 62 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 63
Wiring Wiring
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast

Connect the Extruder Fan extension wires to each of the extruder fans, again
making sure the cables are not plugged in backwards. Once all the fan wires Measure and cut notches in the trunking with side cutters to facilitate the
are extended, gather them all together and label them (towards the end of the entry of Extruder & Hotend wires in the 500mm length of channel conduit
extended wires) “Extruder fans”. and neatly run cables down into these notches then right (if looking from the
back) towards the vertical conduit. See pictures.
Attach double sided foam tape to the rear side of
the 600mm Trunking and adhere to the rear left
vertical 3030 extrusion as shown.

Attach double sided foam tape to the rear side of

the 500mm Trunking and adhere to the inner side
of the Extruder Panel, approximately 30mm below
the extruder motors.

Wrap the X Endstop and

X Motor A and B wires in
Split Tube wrap, leaving
enough slack to facilitate
a full range of movement
All wires when exiting the horizon-
of the X and Y Axis. Wrap
tal length of trunking should then
these wires together in
run through the large hole in the
towards the back of the
extruder panel and down into the
printer. Cables should
vertical conduit, where they exit and
run around the outside
run back in towards the electronics
of the rear 3030 extrusion
enclosure via the hole to the right of
and back into the hole at
the PSU, in the corner of the printer.
the rear of the extruder
plate, then down into the
conduit installed in the
previous step. See pic-
ture (right).

cultivate3d PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 64 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 65
Wiring Wiring
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>

The Beast The Beast

Wrap in Spiral wrap and run the For each Hotend, group the Heater Cartridge, Thermistor and Fan wires with
Z Endstop and Y Endstop wires each PTFE tube and wrap in Split Tube which has been cut to length. See pic-
together down the front left ver- tures. Once complete you should have 4 groups of wires/tubes for 4 extruder
tical 3030 extrusion, then back groups.
towards the electronics enclo-

Use extension cables to extend the cable length of the Hotend Fans, Therm-
istors and Heater Cartridges (Group each set for each hotend and label the
group hotend 1, 2, 3 & 4). Hotend 1 should be front left, 2 the front right, 3 the
rear left & 4 the rear right).

Cut 4 approximate-
ly 1000mm length of
PTFE Tube for each
hotend and connect
to the corresponding
extruder by pushing
each end into the
appropriate push fit
adapter. Connect Ho-
tend 1 to Extruder 1,
Hotend 2 to Extruder
two and so on. When
connecting, trim each
PTFE length only long
enough so that there is enough slack for the all print-heads to move in a full
range of motion while maintaining a smooth arc. This basically means each
PTFE tube will be a slightly different length. See pictures.


cultivate3d PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 66 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 67
Final Connections to PCB Final Connections to PCB
Assembly Name> Assembly Name>
The Beast The Beast
It may be a good idea to read this entire section before starting. Giv-
en the complexity of documenting this subject, we feel it is easier to
provide pictures rather than document this entire process with a few It is a good idea to use cable ties to tidy the sets of cables as you go.
exceptions as follows :
Trim, strip and twist both Y Motors together and connect to the Y Axis Screw
Attach the LCD Cables to the LCD Controller with Red on right if looking from terminals on the PCB in the same way as with the Z Motors.
the front of the printer, running them through the hole into the electronics
enclosure (EE Front). Connect EXP1 on the LCD to EXP1 on the PCB then EXP2 Trim, strip and twist both X Motors together and connect to the X Axis Screw
(LCD Panel) to EXP2 on the PCB. Red sides of the ribbon cables should be fac- terminals on the PCB in the same way as with the Z Motors.
ing the motor connectors.
Trim, strip and twist Extruder 1 and Extruder 2 together and connect to the E0
Screw terminals on the PCB in the same way as with the Z Motors.

Trim, strip and twist Extruder 3 and Extruder 4 together and connect to the E1
Screw terminals on the PCB in the same way as with the Z Motors.

Tidy and wrap excess wire on the X Y and Z endstops and connect to the PCB
taking note that the red wire goes at the end closest to the front of the printer.

Gather all red and black Extruder & Hotend fan wires together (8 Fans = 16
Wires = 8 Black & 8 Red), strip approximately 2cm from the end of each and
twist each set of 8 wires (red and black) together, making one set of red and
one set of black as shown. Ensure you are not confusing the Red and Black
Remove the Z Motor Driver from the Printer Control Board and set the 3 jump- fan wires with Heater Cartridge wires as Heater Cartridge wires are made of a
ers so that all 3 are on (see glossary). (On means the jumper is connected heavier gauge.
between the 2 pins). Insert the Red group of wires in line
with the Red wire on the Terminal
Remove the other Motor drivers and ensure only the top most jumper is set block and the Black Group in-line
to on as pictured. with the black wire on the remaining
terminal block as shown. Again en-
Trim the ends off all of the Z Motor wires, ensuring each wire is long enough to sure no exposed wire is outside of the
reach the “Z” screw in connector on the Printer Control Board (PCB). Strip and terminal block by trimming appropri-
twist together the corresponding colours of each motor together as shown. ately to length. This is to prevent the
Ensure if labels are trimmed off with the connector, that they are moved along chance of shorting your power supply.
the wires to ensure easy identification at a later stage. Once connected tidy this set of wires
using cable ties and tuck back into the
When connecting to the PCB, ensure excess stripped (and twisted) area at the rear of the PSU enclosure.
wire is trimmed short enough so that no or very little wire is exposed PART / SUB ASSEMBLY NAME /
outside of the connector to prevent short circuits. This applies to
all wires which are screwed into the main board. Take note. PCBs Final Connections to Printer Control Board cultivate3d
damaged through short circuits will not be covered under warranty.
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 68 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 69
Final Connections to PCB Wiring Diagram
Assembly Name>
The Beast The Beast
Wire the Hotend/Heater Cartridges to the PCB, connecting hotend 1 to HE0,

= Flip Connector
Hotend 2 to HE1, Hotend 3 to HE2 and Hotend 4 to FAN 1 (Fan 1 has been re-

Extruder 4
mapped to be a hotend output).

10Ω 10 Watt
Wire the Yellow and black set of 2 wires (main power wires you twisted togeth-

Extruder 3
er earlier) to the PCB as shown.

Emergency Stop
Install the finalised EE top to the top of the EE enclosure. Although spaces


Extruder 2

exist for permanent securing, It is not necessary to use screws to secure this
in place as you may need to make adjustments during calibration and during
general printer use.

Extruder 1
Before powering on your printer, ensure no wire debris from trim-
ming cables is present on the PCB. It may cause short circuits.

Z Motor C

Z Motor B

Heater 4


Heater 3
Z Motor A

Heater 2
Y Motor B


Heater 1
Y Motor A


For post assembly, use and calibra-

Thermister 2
Thermister 1

Thermister 3
EXP1 EXP2 Thermister 4
X Motor B
tion instructions and downloads,
please go to

X Motor A

Z End
Y End
X End


Final Connections to Printer Control Board cultivate3d Final Connections to Printer Control Board cultivate3d
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 70 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 71
PSU / ATX Power Supply - A Generic
Power Supply generally used to power
Heat-Shrink Tube - A thermal sensitive
personal computers
tube in which cables are run. Heat is
applied causing the tubing to shrink.
PCB / RUMBA Board - The Electronics
that controls the printers movement
Push Fit Adapter - A device to allow the
and filament extrusion.
quick coupling and decoupling of tube,
typically bowden (PTFE) Tube.

4 Pin Molex Connector - A Power con-

Teflon Tube / PTFE - Tube with a very
nector leading from an ATX PSU which
low friction coefficient, mainly used as
contains Ground, 12v and 5v wires.
bowden tube.

T-Slot Nut - A nut which locks into

6 Pin PCI Connector - A Power connec-
channels in T-Slot extrusions.
tor leading from an ATX PSU which con-
tains 3x ground and 3x 12v wires
Extruded Rail - AKA Makerslide, an alu-
minum extruded rail system

Extruder - The part of a 3D Printer

which feeds filament to a hotend, in
3030 T-Slot - An Extruded Aluminum
our case, via a bowden tube
system with 4 channels to facilitate
flexible attachment of other compo-
Hotend - The part of a 3D Printer which
melts the plastic to be laid down on a
print bed
GT2 Pulley - A toothed pulled with a
tooth pitch of 2mm

Bowden tube - A tube which facilitates

GT2 Belt - A toothed timing belt with a
the remote feeding of filament to a ho-
tooth pitch of 2mm
tend from an extruder.

Linear Bearing (LM12UU) - A bearing

Trunking - Allows a quick, easy and
which facilitates linear movement.
neat way of hiding / tidying cables.

Filament - Plastic “wire” which is melt-

Spiral Wrap - A flexible cable tidy solu-
ed in a hotend to become a 3D Printed

Jumpers - A means of physically

Split Tube - A cable tidy solution which
changing settings on a motherboard.
is flexible but more rigid than spiral

A Jumper creates a short across 2 pins
(on) or is placed across 1 pin to turn the
feature off.

Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd. Page 72 Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd.
Merlin Hotend Assembly
For users who have purchased the “e3D Hotends”, (optional extra) please refer to the
The Beast following website for Hotend Build instructions.

Check the thermistor to ensure the PTFE tubes are pushed as far down towards the therm-
istor end as possible. The function of these tubes is to prevent the wires leading to the
thermistor from making contact with each other and metal surfaces on the hot end itself.
Once the PTFE Tubes are in place, use a drop of super glue to temporarily secure the PTFE
tubes in place, so that they do not move during assembly of the hotend. Once glued, slide
the black sleeving back over the PFTE tube
as close to the thermistor tip as possible
ensuring there is no exposed wire.

Insert the heater cartridge into the heater

block as shown and secure with the grub
Fill the remaining threaded hole with ther-
mal paste and insert the thermistor as far
into the hole as possible then secure both
with Kapton tape as pictured.

It may be necessary to put another drop of

super-glue on the kapton to prevent it from

To each Hotend, screw a .5mm nozzle to

start with. We do not recommend starting
the calibration phase with smaller nozzles.

If using pliers to tighten nozzle in place, be very careful not to slip and squash
the nozzle.
Tighten nozzle enough to squash the rubber grommet against the heater block.
(Do not overtighten).
Copyright © 2016 Cultivate3d Pty. Ltd.

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