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Past Perfect Tense

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Past Perfect Tense

1. Make sentences from the box.

1. I couldn’t answer the questions crashed his car.
2. I was hungry passed my driving test.
3. My mother was worried got stuck in a traffic jam.
4. I was late because I had flown in a plane before.
5. I was pleased slept badly.
6. I was nervous during the flight because I hadn’t revised for the exam.
7. My father was furious been in touch for a long time.
8. I was tired eaten all day.

2. Join these pairs of sentences, using the conjunctions in brackets. Change one verb
into the Past Perfect (I had done).
Model: I had a bath, I went to bed. (after) – After I’d had a bath, I went to bed.
1. I read the letter. I threw it away. (when)
2. He passed his driving test, he bought a car. (as soon as)
3. I took the book back to the library. I finished reading it. (when)
4. I didn’t go to bed. I did my homework. (until)
5. I spent all my money. I went home. (when)
6. I read the book. I saw the film. (before)
7. Her children left home. She started writing. (after)

3. Supply the Past Perfect (I had done) / Past Simple (I did).

1. They had locked the gates before I got there. (to lock / to get)
2. By the time we ………….., the party …………… (to arrive / to finish)
3. I ……………the shop as soon as I ……………the contents of the box. (to ring / to
4. After we ……………it on the phone, I ……….him a letter about it. (to discuss / to write)
5. We ……………a good rest when our guests ……………(to have / all leave)
6. When she ……….the office this morning, Jim……………(to ring / already / to go out)
7. Before we ……………Tim to the theater, he ………a stage play before. (to take / never /
to see)
8. I ………the carpet when the dog …… and ……….himself. (just / clean / to come /
to shake)
9. He ……… do the job in an hour, but he still ………….by 10 o’clock. (to promise /
not / to finish)

4. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple (I did) / Past Continuous (I was
doing) / Past Perfect (I had done)
1. Gerry (to be) at home when you arrived? – No, he (to go) on a date.
2. By 8 p.m. the boss (to sign) the documents and by 8 p.m. the secretary (to make) a report.
3. When he (to see) me, I (to read) the newspaper which I (to buy) in the street.
4. Beth just (to go home) when I (to phone) her.
5. When Alison (to enter) the house she (to see) that her son (to play) with a ball she (to
buy) in the shop.
6. They (to arrive) to the theater late. The play already (to begin).
7. When I (to come) in the hall, they (to unpack) the clothes they (to receive) from their
foreign friends.
8. Her brother (to be) taken to hospital because he (to have) a car accident.
5. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Вона хотіла повернутися в місто, де провела своє дитинство. 2. Коли я визирнув у вікно,
я побачив, що в небі яскраво світить сонце, а дощ припинився. 3. Коли ми прибули на
вокзал, поїзд уже поїхав. 4. Не встигли ми зайти до магазину, як до нас підбіг продавець.
5. Моя подруга почувалася погано, тому що отримала сонячний опік. 6. Коли він був
молодим, то брав участь у футбольних матчах. 7. Щойно ми переїхали до нового будинку,
як до нас завітали сусіди. 8. Коли вона виступала на зборах, хтось шепотів у залі.
9. Охоронець не впізнав людини, яка пограбувала банк.

6. Make up five types of questions to the following sentences.

1. She had forgotten me by then. 2. I had never ridden a horse before. 3. By that time lots of
things had changed. 4. He had never had such an expensive car before. 5. Hardly had he seen
her, he fell in love with her. 6. We had studied German before we went to Berlin. 7. I told I had
met her. 8. They had finished the construction by the end of the month.

7*. Open the brackets using Past Simple (I did) / Past Perfect (I had done)
A Happy Patient
Arlo Guthrie and a friend of his ………. (to go) to a hospital to
visit the patients and try to cheer them up. Arlo was talking to one
patient when his friend ………. (to come) over and told him there was
someone he should meet. Arlo ……….. (to follow) his friend and
………. (to see) a patient in bed with his eyes closed. The patient
………. (to open) his eyes and ………. (to say) “Lady, you’re good!”
to Arlo’s friend. Arlo Guthrie ………. (not / to know) why the patient
……….. (to be) so shocked. Later, he ………. (to learn) that the
patient ………. (to tell) Arlo’s friend that the one thing that could
make him really happy would be to meet Arlo Guthrie.

Revision Test on Past Perfect

Choose the right answer.

1. I was sure that I _________ her before.
a) had saw b) seen c) had seen
2. I needed to know what ___________ to my dog.
a) has happened b) had happened c) happened
3. The film ____________ by the time we got to the cinema.
a) had start b) had started c) has started
4. Julia left the restaurant after she ________ eating.
a) had finished b) has finished c) finished
5. I went to bed after I __________ off the television.
a) switched b) has switched c) had switched
6. By the time we ________, everyone had left.
a) arrived b) had arrived c) was arriving
7. I _________ a long time ago.
a) finished b) had finished c) has finished
8. By that time, everybody _________ exhausted.
a) was b) had been c) will have been
9. She told me she _________ it ages ago.
a) did b) had done c) have been doing
10. I ________ of it until you mentioned it.
a) didn’t hear b) hadn’t heard c) haven’t heard

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