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Revolution - The Civil War

1. Revolution in American
When did the American Revolution begin?
Though preceded by years of unrest and periodic violence, the
Revolutionary War began in earnest on April 19, 1775, with the
battles of Lexington and Concord. The conflict lasted a total of
seven years, with the major American victory at Yorktown,
Virginia in 1781 marking the end of hostilities, although some
fighting took place through the fall of 1783. 
When did the American Revolution end?
The Treaty of Paris was signed two years later, on September
3rd, 1783, by representatives of King George III including David
Hartley and Richard Oswald and the United States including
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, officially ending
the conflict. The treaty was ratified by the US Congress of the
Confederation on January 14th, 1784. 
What were the cause of the Revolution?
The American Revolution was principally caused by colonial
opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the
colonies and to make them repay the crown for its defense of them
during the French and Indian War (1754–63). Britain did this
primarily by imposing a series of deeply unpopular laws and taxes,
including the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Act (1765), and the so-
called Intolerable Acts (1774).
Boston Tea Party, (December 16, 1773), incident in which 342
chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company were thrown
from ships into Boston Harbor by American patriots disguised as
Mohawk Indians. The Americans had to pay high taxes but could not
send delegates to England to vote on them.
The Americans formed Committees of Correspondence, and later, a
Continental Congress, to find solutions, but could not find common
ground with the English. When fighting broke out in 1775, American
revolutionaries determined that separation was the only means of
obtaining liberty and justice.
The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776,
formally dissolving the colonies' relationship with their mother
country, and plunging the continent into war.
2. The Civil war in American
To understand more about The American Civil War, we will
answer 5 question (đọc 5 câu hỏi t chiếu lên)
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When and where were the Civil war fought?
When the southern states seceded from the Union, war was still not a
certainty. Federal forts, barracks, and naval shipyards dotted the
southern landscape. Many Regular Army officers clung tenaciously to
their posts, rather than surrender their facilities to the growing
southern military presence. President Lincoln attempted to resupply
these garrisons with food and provisions by sea. The Confederacy
learned of Lincoln’s plans and demanded that the forts surrender
under threat of force.  When the U.S. soldiers refused, South
Carolinians bombarded Fort Sumter in the center of Charleston
harbor.  After a 34-hour battle, the soldiers inside the fort surrendered
to the Confederates.  Legions of men from north and south rushed to
their respective flags in the ensuing patriotic fervor. 
What were the cause of the Civil war ?
The Civil War erupted from a variety of long-standing tensions and
disagreements about American life and politics. For nearly a century,
the people and politicians of the Northern and Southern states had
been clashing over the issues that finally led to war: economic
interests, cultural values, the power of the federal government to
control the states, and, most importantly, slavery in American society.
First, Slavery in the Economy and Society
At the time of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the
enslavement of people not only remained legal in all 13 British
American colonies, but it also continued to play a significant role in
their economies and societies.
When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793, cotton became very
profitable. This machine was able to reduce the time it took to separate
seeds from the cotton. At the same time, the increase in the number of
plantations willing to move from other crops to cotton created an even
greater need for enslaved people. The Southern economy became a
one-crop economy, depending on cotton and, therefore, on enslaved
people.. The North was more industrial, with a larger population and
greater wealth.
Second, States and Federal Rights
Since the time of the American Revolution, two camps emerged when
it came to the role of government. Some people argued for greater
rights for the states and others argued that the federal government
needed to have more control.
The 13 states formed a loose Confederation with a very weak federal
government. when problems arose, the weaknesses of the
Articles caused the leaders of the time to come together at
the Constitutional Convention and create, in secret, the U.S.
Constitution. Many felt that the new Constitution ignored the rights of
states to continue to act independently. They felt that the states should
still have the right to decide if they were willing to accept certain
federal acts.
This resulted in the idea of nullification, whereby the states would
have the right to rule federal acts unconstitutional. The federal
government denied states this right. However, proponents such
as John C. Calhoun—who resigned as vice president to represent
South Carolina in the Senate—fought vehemently for nullification.
When nullification would not work and many of the Southern states
felt that they were no longer respected, they moved toward thoughts of
Third, Pro-slavery States and Free States
This is broad category that contains two contributing factors; slave
and non-slave states, and the abolitionist movement in the North.
Finally, The Election of Abraham Lincoln
The politics of the day were as stormy as the anti-slavery campaigns.
All of the issues of the young nation were dividing the political parties
and reshaping the established two-party system of Whigs and
The presidential election of 1860 would be the deciding point for the
Union. Abraham Lincoln represented the new Republican Party
and Stephen Douglas, the Northern Democrat, was seen as his biggest
The country's divisions were clear on Election Day. Lincoln won the
North, Breckenridge the South, and Bell the border states.
How did the Civil wars fought?
(Xem video)
After watching this video, I will summary the four-year war of the Civil
war by the 4 important event.
- On April 12, 1861, The US government didn’t want a war but the
Confederate Army attacked Fort Sumter. President Lincoln could
not ignore the attack and so the Civil war began.
- Over the next four years the Union armny tried to take control of
the South. After the battle of Gettysburg, President Lincoln said
that the North was fighting the war to keep the Union. In the
same year, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which
made slavery illegal, but only in the Confederacy
- On April 9, 1865, when the South could fight more, General
Robert E Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S Grant at
Appomattox Court House in Virginia and a total of 620,000 been
- On April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth decided to kill President
Lincoln. He approached the President in Ford’s Theatre in
Washington. Then Lincoln died in the next morning
Reconstruction (1865-1877), the turbulent era following the Civil
War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states from
the Confederacy  and 4 million newly-freed people into the
United States.
The issues that had caused the war : slavery and states’ right. It
was difficult because many people even in the North had
prejudices against Blacks.Between 1865 and 1870 the 13 th , 14 th
and 15 th Amendments to the Constitution were passed giving
Blacks freedom, making them citizens of the US and giving them
the same rights as white Americans.
In 1870 the last three southern states were admitted to the
Union again, and in 1877 the northern army finally left the
What did the Civil war effect ?
The Civil war helped to end slavery, but long afterwards Black were
still being treated badly, and race relations continue to be a problem.
The South was so angry with the Republicans, the party of Lincoln and
Reconstruction, that southerners voted Democratic for a century.
The war showed strong differences between part of the US, but many
people believe that the most important thing it did was to prove that
the US is one country.

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