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Schindler 7000 Building Planning

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Building Planning.

For a perfect people stream.

From the outline to the skyline.
Your vision comes true.

In the high-rise elevator business, passenger comfort When we view the world’s most impressive skylines,
and safety always come first. The design of a build- high-rise buildings appear to stand still, however
ing significantly influences the elevator system this is rarely the case. Buildings often sway and
and its performance. Correct planning is essential move due to strong winds, temperature changes
to ensure the building’s functionality, efficiency and and even seismic activity. Schindler’s advanced
longevity. With Schindler, through early engage- safety features aim to minimize the disturbance
ment with our customers, this critical process is on the building and its occupants while ensuring
made easier all the way from the physical plot on safe transportation.
which the building sits in the urban environment
till the inside of the elevator hoistways. Intelligent building planning reduces and even
eliminates the piston and chimney effects which
Some of the key considerations during the building can occur in inadequately designed hoistways and
planning stage and topics that we aim to cover dramatically affect the elevator ride quality and
here are: passenger comfort.

Seismic / Earthquake Schindler’s pioneering traffic management simula-

tion software allows the customer during the
Building Sway planning phase to understand our approach and to
select the most efficient transportation solution,
Chimney Effect which guarantees a continuous stream of people
and goods throughout the whole building.
Piston Effect  

Planning considerations
Single- and double-deck elevators

Planning parameters
Single- and double-deck elevators

2 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Intelligent all-round planning.
For perfect traffic performances.
Building sway

The high-visibility buildings of Earthquakes

today’s world cities appear to Earthquakes may have the biggest impact on
Major buildings in world cities rely on Schindler’s proven technology for stand still. But tall buildings can building sway. High potential seismic risk zones are
reliable performance. By combining the Schindler 7000 with our high-rise move. Building sway has to be governed by special building codes and elevator
considered for structures higher codes considering the risks of earthquakes.
building expertise we already formulate in the planning phase the ideal than 250 m and for slim towers
solution for your needs. of more than 150 m. Depending Impact on elevators
on the shape and construction Building sway has to be considered for structures
type, most high-rises move laterally. Turbulence higher than 250 m and for slim towers of
created in skyscraper canyons may even be strong more than 150 m.
Seismic / Earthquake enough to generate twist along the entire height.
When they sway, observation towers mostly move The swinging frequency of the building may
An earthquake is the Schindler 7000 fulfills all international codes in circles. coincide with the inherent amplitude of suspension
shaking of the surface (such as EN81-77 and A17.1 enforcing seismic risk ropes, compensation ropes, governor ropes and
of the earth, resulting zones or IBC/NBCC approach) specifying seismic Building sway is caused by: traveling cables and result in resonance. Frequency
from the sudden requirement towards the elevator system. The analysis show whether further measures have to
release of energy in applied seismic detection system does detect the Wind loads be taken.
the earth’s lithosphere earlier arriving P-waves and activates the seismic Wind loads, forces that act horizontally on struc-
that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can range control feature. The control sends the cars to the tures causing buildings to sway, are the most typical Bending and deformation of hoistways may
in size from those that are so weak that they cannot next landing floor and opens the door to release reason for building sway. Imbalances in the pressure have an impact on the mechanical components
be felt to those violent enough to toss people passengers. Passengers and elevator installations distribution on a building’s surface may even result of the elevator.
around and destroy whole cities. are protected as best as possible from the effects in twisting motion, and wind passing around a
of an earthquake. building may generate swirling whirlpools resulting In addition to that, the following statements can
Earthquakes produces different types of seismic in sway and twist. Tall buildings are designed for a be considered:
waves, which travel through rock with different The countermeasures certain amount of lateral loading and sway.
velocities: - When the building starts to sway, Schindler 7000
- Longitudinal P-waves (shock- or pressure waves) Machine room: Ambient conditions controls, connected to a sway detector, activates
- Transverse S-waves (both body waves) - Elevator components, e.g. control cabinets, Temperature differences because of partial sun special features
- Surface waves (Rayleigh and Love waves) hoisting motor etc., is secured in their position so exposure may cause buildings to deform. Sun - The travel speed will be reduced accordingly
that they cannot be shifted or tilted by accelera- exposed sides of buildings get warmer than shady - High sway will send the elevator to the evacuation
In the earth’s interior, the shock- or P-waves travel tion forces sides and elongation of building material may floor. There, it will be emptied and placed in its
much faster than the S-waves. S-waves and later - Rope retaining guards are avoid rope crossing or cause structures to bend. parking position
arriving surface waves do main damage compared other rope damage - For medium and low sway, the elevator does not
to P-waves. P-wave squeezes and expands material Temperature differences between hot summers and park at floors if the rope length or traveling cables
in the same direction it is traveling. S-wave shakes Hoistway: cold winters may have an influence on the height correspond to their wavelength
the ground up and down and back and forth. - Elevator components, e.g. compensation rope of the building. In winter, the building may be - Schindler 7000 cars, counterweights and brackets
tension devise, buffers, etc. are secured in their shorter than in summer. In comparison to wind are designed for all seismic applications
Supported by the ongoing urbanization, more and position so that they cannot be shifted or tilted loads, structural deformation caused by ambient
more buildings and even entire cities are being built by acceleration forces conditions is almost static. The oscillation of a high-rise building affects the
on regions at risk from earthquakes. Therefore, not - Pope retaining guards are provided performance and safety of its elevators. For this
only the building itself, but also the elevator system - Protection against entanglement of ropes The building experiences no measurable frequency reason, Schindler pays serious attention to this
running within building needs to cope and to be and usually the deformation is smaller compared to potential hazard and proposes measures to reduce
designed to withstand with this natural caused Car and counterweight: heavy wind load deflections. the impact of building sway on the elevator system,
hazard. - Various construction measures thereby increasing its safety and operational
- Counterweight displacement switch availability.

4 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Building sway. The proposed
Countermeasures. mechanical measures
by Schindler.

1 Traveling Cable Protection

The travelling cable is fixed at mid-height and
guided in the bottom half of the hoistway.

2 Governor Rope Guide

The passive side of the governor rope for the
car and counterweight is specially guided along 1
the hoistway.

3 Rope Protection with Intermediate Tie-Brakes

A special rope protection prevents the ropes from
striking the rough surface of the hoistway rear
wall. Intermediate tie brackets located between
the car and the counterweight shall be provided
to prevent counterweight suspension- and
compensation-ropes from hitting the car.

4 Counterweight Retainer Plates

Retainer plates prevent the counterweight
from derailment if excessive force is applied
to the guide.

6 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Chimney effect Piston effect

The chimney effect means the An elevator car traveling in a

vertical movement of air in the single hoistway can be compared
hoistway caused by atmospheric to a piston moving in a cylinder.
conditions. It is a natural pheno- When an elevator travels at high
menon, driven by different factors: speed in a narrow hoistway, the
- Air flow from the parking air ahead of the car is com-
garage and from the lobby pressed and flows around the
entrance through the elevators car. The main issue is, that there
hoistway up to the top of the building. There it is no ‘piston sealing’ between car and hoistway.
escapes via the air ducts and the door of the Either up or down ride, the pressure difference
machine room. between front and rear therefore accelerates the air
- Air flow from the main lobby with its large to the back of the car. This may result in additional
entrance door noise and ear pressure.
- Existence and height of vertical pathways for
air transfer within buildings Schindler takes account of the piston effect and
- Internal and external temperature differences proposes countermeasures to ensure the required
comfort levels.
The countermeasures
In principle, hoistways shall be separated from the The countermeasures
rest of the building by following measures: - Sealing the elevator car doors reduces the noise,
- Hoistways shall be completely within the core so turbulence is radically reduced
and constructed of reinforced concrete - Specially applied sealing on the door-frame
- Loading / unloading areas shall be airtight by eliminates the vibrations from the landing
means of interlockable access doors door-panels and unpleasant noise
- Lobby entrance shall be equipped with - Air vents in hoistway walls help balance uneven
revolving doors pressure between parallel elevator hoistways
- Upper elevator lobbies shall be separated from - When two elevators in a dual hoistway descend
the rest of the floor, e.g. gates or air locks simultaneously – especially in parallel – the piston
- Machine rooms shall be separated from the rest effect is emphasized by even more air pressure
of the building ahead of the car. Schindler’s highly-developed
elevator control system avoids this situation: The
The chimney effect can severely impair the operation cars are not allowed to travel at the same time
of a building. To avoid such issues, our engineers in the same direction
provide skilled support in the building design phase.

Basically, the key to success is correct architecture

and layout.

8 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler 7000 planning considerations.
Single-deck elevators.
EN81-20/50:2014 / EN81-1:1998+A3:2009
Overall Overhead clearance and pit depth
- Hoistway width and depth dimensions are based - The overhead clearance is based on the structural
on clear dimensions with horizontal building car height
tolerances: - For smaller overhead clearance and pit depth,
- travel height <=180 m: +/- 25 mm please contact our local sales office
- travel height >180 m and <=250 m:+/- 45 mm
- travel height >250 m and <=500 m:+/- 65 mm Power supply
- Structural car height: 2200 mm - 3600 mm - Power supply wiring for lighting: single phase,
- Indicated hoistway and machine room sizes neutral, earth (to be in accordance with national
are standard sizes without safety gear on code requirements)
counterweight - Power supply wiring for ACVWF drive: 3-phase,
- Indicated car sizes are based on ISO. For different neutral, earth or 3-phase, earth (to be in accord-
sizes, please contact our local sales office ance with national code requirements)
- Roping: for speeds from 2.5 m/s - 4.0 m/s = 2:1, - Main frequency 50Hz or 60Hz
for speeds 2.5 m/s - 10.0 m/s = 1:1
- All given information is for general reference and Heat dissipation in hoistway and
planning. For special construction and code machine room
regulation details, please contact our local - Our equipment is designed to withstand a
sales office temperature range of 5 to 40 degrees Celsius
- Calculation contain energy recuperating converters - For the service personal, the machine room and
only and permanent magnet technology machines hoistway temperature should be kept within the
where possible range of 5 and 35 degrees Celsius
- The humidity in the machine room should not
exceed 95% and not condensing

10 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler 7000 planning parameters.
Single-deck elevators - EN81-20/50:2014
Travel Overhead Starting
Load Speed Car Door Shaft Machine room Car height Pit depth Reaction load Motor Power supply capacity (380V - 415V) dissi­
height clearance power
BK x TK BT x HT BS x TS BO x TO x HO HK HSK HSG R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PME 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit
kg Persons [m/s] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kW] [kVA] [kVA] [kW]
GQ = 800 kg
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 <=3000 fix 5650 2900 10000 5300 12900 11500 - 14.5 20.0 36.5 54.1 70.6 84.2 96.2 108.1 120.3 37.2 1.2
3 120
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 >3000 HK+2650 2900 10000 5300 12900 11500 - 14.5 20.0 36.5 54.1 70.6 84.2 96.2 108.1 120.3 37.2 1.2
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 <=3400 fix 6200 3450 12000 6400 14300 13000 10200 20.3 26.3 47.9 71.1 92.7 110.6 126.4 141.9 158.0 54.4 1.7
4 180
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 >3400 HK+2800 3450 12000 6400 14300 13000 10200 20.3 26.3 47.9 71.1 92.7 110.6 126.4 141.9 158.0 54.4 1.7
800 10 1350x1400 900x2100
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 <=3100 fix 5900 3600 29000 15700 14800 13900 15000 26.5 34.8 63.4 94.0 122.6 146.3 167.2 187.7 209.0 74.7 2.2
5 240
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 >3100 HK+2800 3600 29200 15900 14800 13900 15000 26.5 34.8 63.4 94.0 122.6 146.3 167.2 187.7 209.0 74.7 2.2
2400x2305 2400x4505x4200 <=3100 fix 6300 3950 35000 19400 15400 14600 20200 32.4 46.5 84.6 125.5 163.7 195.3 223.2 250.6 279.0 105.9 4.8
6 300
2400x2305 2400x4505x4200 >3100 HK+3200 3950 35200 19500 15400 14600 20200 32.4 46.5 84.6 125.5 163.7 195.3 223.2 250.6 279.0 105.9 4.8
GQ = 1000 kg
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 <=3000 fix 5600 2950 10800 5800 14300 12600 - 18.0 24.0 43.7 64.8 84.5 100.8 115.2 129.4 144.0 42.7 1.4
3 120
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 >3000 HK+2600 2950 10800 5800 14300 12600 - 18.0 24.0 43.7 64.8 84.5 100.8 115.2 129.4 144.0 42.7 1.4
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 <=3400 fix 6200 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 31.5 57.4 85.1 111.0 132.4 151.3 169.9 189.2 61.6 2.0
4 180
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 >3400 HK+2800 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 31.5 57.4 85.1 111.0 132.4 151.3 169.9 189.2 61.6 2.0
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 <=3300 fix 6100 3600 30800 16700 16300 15000 15600 32.3 41.4 75.3 111.7 145.6 173.8 198.6 223.0 248.2 84.3 2.6
5 240
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 >3300 HK+2800 3600 31000 16800 16300 15000 15600 32.3 41.4 75.3 111.7 145.6 173.8 198.6 223.0 248.2 84.3 2.6
2500x2305 2500x4505x4200 <=3300 fix 6500 3950 36800 20300 16900 15800 20800 39.4 54.3 98.8 146.5 191.0 228.0 260.5 292.5 325.6 117.4 5.9
6 300
2500x2305 2500x4505x4200 >3300 HK+3200 3950 37000 20500 16900 15800 20800 39.4 54.3 98.8 146.5 191.0 228.0 260.5 292.5 325.6 117.4 5.9
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3000 fix 5600 2950 10800 5800 14400 12600 - 18.0 24.0 43.7 64.8 84.5 100.8 115.2 129.4 144.0 42.7 1.4
3 120
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3000 HK+2600 2950 10800 5800 14400 12600 - 18.0 24.0 43.7 64.8 84.5 100.8 115.2 129.4 144.0 42.7 1.4
1000 13 1600x1400 2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3400 fix 6200 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 31.5 57.4 85.1 111.0 132.4 151.3 169.9 189.2 61.6 2.0
4 180
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3400 HK+2800 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 31.5 57.4 85.1 111.0 132.4 151.3 169.9 189.2 61.6 2.0
2500x2265 2500x4465x3700 <=3300 fix 6100 3600 30900 16700 16400 15100 15600 32.3 41.4 75.3 111.7 145.6 173.8 198.6 223.0 248.2 84.4 2.6
5 240
2500x2265 2500x4465x3700 >3300 HK+2800 3600 31000 16900 16400 15100 15600 32.3 41.4 75.3 111.7 145.6 173.8 198.6 223.0 248.2 84.4 2.6
1100x2100 2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 <=3300 fix 6500 3950 36900 20300 17000 15800 20800 39.4 54.3 98.8 146.5 191.0 228.0 260.5 292.5 325.6 117.5 5.9
6 300
2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 >3300 HK+3200 3950 37000 20500 17000 15800 20800 39.4 54.3 98.8 146.5 191.0 228.0 260.5 292.5 325.6 117.5 5.9
7 350 2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 n.a. HK+3550 4800 39100 21500 17200 16200 24300 50.2 66.8 121.5 180.3 235.0 280.4 320.5 359.9 400.6 145.2 7.6
8 400 2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 n.a. HK+4400 5700 49200 26500 18500 17600 31000 47.5 63.3 115.1 170.8 222.7 265.7 303.7 341.0 379.6 175.7 7.1
9 450 2600x2420 2600x4620x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 50700 29700 18800 18100 32800 59.2 77.9 141.7 210.3 274.1 327.1 373.8 419.7 467.2 213.7 8.9
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 <=3000 fix 8600 7050 58700 34600 19400 18800 33000 142.1 170.9 311.0 461.3 601.4 717.6 820.2 921.0 1025.2 346.1 21.4
10 500
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 >3000 HK+5600 7050 58900 34900 19400 18800 33000 142.1 170.9 311.0 461.3 601.4 717.6 820.2 921.0 1025.2 346.1 21.4
GQ = 1150 kg
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3000 fix 5600 2950 11600 6100 15600 13500 - 20.6 27.0 49.2 72.9 95.1 113.5 129.7 145.6 162.1 47.0 1.7
3 120
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3000 HK+2600 2950 11600 6100 15600 13500 - 20.6 27.0 49.2 72.9 95.1 113.5 129.7 145.6 162.1 47.0 1.7
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3400 fix 6200 3450 14200 7600 17000 15000 10300 28.3 36.1 65.6 97.3 126.9 151.4 173.1 194.3 216.3 69.8 2.3
4 180
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3400 HK+2800 3450 14200 7600 17000 15000 10300 28.3 36.1 65.6 97.3 126.9 151.4 173.1 194.3 216.3 69.8 2.3
5 240 2600x2265 2600x4465x3700 <=3600 fix 6400 3600 32900 17700 18000 16400 16400 36.7 46.3 84.3 125.1 163.1 194.6 222.4 249.8 278.0 92.8 2.9
2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 <=3500 fix 6700 3950 38400 21100 18200 16800 21400 44.6 60.2 109.5 162.5 211.8 252.7 288.8 324.3 361.0 126.6 6.7
1150 15 6 300 1800x1400 1100x2100
2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 >3500 HK+3200 3950 38500 21300 18200 16800 21400 44.6 60.2 109.5 162.5 211.8 252.7 288.8 324.3 361.0 126.6 6.7
7 350 2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 n.a. HK+3550 4800 40600 22300 18500 17200 24600 56.3 73.6 134.0 198.8 259.2 309.2 353.4 396.9 441.8 155.8 8.4
8 400 2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 n.a. HK+4400 5700 50700 27300 19800 18600 31300 54.5 71.1 129.4 192.0 250.3 298.6 341.3 383.2 426.6 188.3 8.2
9 450 2700x2420 2700x4620x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 52300 30600 20200 19200 33100 67.0 86.7 157.9 234.2 305.3 364.3 416.3 467.5 520.4 228.2 10.1
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 <=3100 fix 8700 7050 60200 35500 20700 19800 33300 150.9 181.1 329.7 489.1 637.6 760.8 869.5 976.3 1086.8 361.8 22.7
10 500
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 >3100 HK+5600 7050 60400 35700 20700 19800 33300 150.9 181.1 329.7 489.1 637.6 760.8 869.5 976.3 1086.8 361.8 22.7
GQ = 1275 kg
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 <=3000 fix 5600 2950 12500 6600 16700 14300 - 22.7 29.3 53.4 79.2 103.3 123.2 140.8 158.1 176.0 51.4 1.8
3 120
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 >3000 HK+2600 2950 12500 6600 16700 14300 - 22.7 29.3 53.4 79.2 103.3 123.2 140.8 158.1 176.0 51.4 1.8
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 <=3400 fix 6200 3450 14800 7900 18000 15800 10800 31.3 39.4 71.7 106.4 138.7 165.5 189.2 212.4 236.5 74.8 2.5
4 180
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 >3400 HK+2800 3450 14800 7900 18000 15800 10800 31.3 39.4 71.7 106.4 138.7 165.5 189.2 212.4 236.5 74.8 2.5
2800x2265 2800x4465x3700 <=3600 fix 6500 3600 34300 18500 19200 17300 16800 40.3 50.5 91.9 136.4 177.8 212.2 242.5 272.3 303.1 99.5 3.2
5 240
2800x2265 2800x4465x3700 >3600 HK+2900 3600 34400 18600 19200 17300 16800 40.3 50.5 91.9 136.4 177.8 212.2 242.5 272.3 303.1 99.5 3.2
1275 17 2000x1400 1100x2100
6 300 2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 <=3600 fix 6800 3950 39700 21900 19400 17700 21800 49.0 65.1 118.5 175.9 229.3 273.5 312.6 351.1 390.8 134.5 7.3
2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 <=3000 fix 6600 4800 42000 23000 19600 18100 24900 61.4 79.4 144.5 214.3 279.4 333.4 381.1 427.9 476.3 164.9 9.2
7 350
2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 >3000 HK+3600 4800 42100 23200 19600 18100 24900 61.4 79.4 144.5 214.3 279.4 333.4 381.1 427.9 476.3 164.9 9.2
2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 <=3000 fix 7450 5700 52100 28000 20900 19500 31700 60.4 77.7 141.4 209.7 273.4 326.2 372.8 418.7 466.1 199.0 9.0
8 400
2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 >3000 HK+4450 5700 52200 28200 20900 19500 31700 60.4 77.7 141.4 209.7 273.4 326.2 372.8 418.7 466.1 199.0 9.0
9 450 2900x2420 2900x4620x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 53700 31500 21400 20100 33500 73.6 94.2 171.4 254.3 331.5 395.5 452.0 507.6 565.0 240.8 11.0

12 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Single-deck elevators - EN81-20/50:2014
Travel Overhead Starting
Load Speed Car Door Shaft Machine room Car height Pit depth Reaction load Motor Power supply capacity (380V - 415V) dissi­
height clearance power
BK x TK BT x HT BS x TS BO x TO x HO HK HSK HSG R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PME 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit
kg Persons [m/s] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kW] [kVA] [kVA] [kW]
GQ = 1350 kg
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 <=3000 fix 5650 2900 12700 6600 16900 14400 - 24.0 30.9 56.2 83.3 108.6 129.6 148.1 166.4 185.2 53.1 1.9
3 120
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 >3000 HK+2650 2900 12700 6600 16900 14400 - 24.0 30.9 56.2 83.3 108.6 129.6 148.1 166.4 185.2 53.1 1.9
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 <=3400 fix 6200 3450 15100 8000 18300 15900 11200 33.1 42.1 76.5 113.5 148.0 176.6 201.9 226.7 252.3 78.4 2.6
4 180
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 >3400 HK+2800 3450 15100 8000 18300 15900 11200 33.1 42.1 76.5 113.5 148.0 176.6 201.9 226.7 252.3 78.4 2.6
5 240 2700x2365 2700x4565x3700 <=3600 fix 6500 3600 34800 18500 19500 17500 17100 42.5 53.0 96.5 143.2 186.7 222.8 254.6 285.9 318.2 102.5 3.4
1350 18 6 300 1900x1500 1100x2100 2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 <=3700 fix 6900 3950 40300 21900 19600 17800 21900 51.6 68.1 124.0 183.9 239.8 286.1 327.0 367.2 408.7 138.3 7.8
2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 <=3000 fix 6600 4750 42500 23000 19900 18200 24900 64.4 82.9 150.8 223.7 291.7 348.0 397.7 446.6 497.2 169.2 9.7
7 350
2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 >3000 HK+3600 4750 42700 23200 19900 18200 24900 64.4 82.9 150.8 223.7 291.7 348.0 397.7 446.6 497.2 169.2 9.7
2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 <=3000 fix 7450 5600 52600 28000 21200 19600 31700 63.9 81.6 148.6 220.4 287.4 342.9 391.9 440.1 489.9 204.2 9.6
8 400
2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 >3000 HK+4450 5600 52800 28200 21200 19600 31700 63.9 81.6 148.6 220.4 287.4 342.9 391.9 440.1 489.9 204.2 9.6
9 450 2800x2520 2800x4720x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 54400 31400 21700 20300 33600 77.5 98.7 179.6 266.4 347.3 414.4 473.6 531.8 592.0 246.5 11.6
GQ = 1600 kg
2600x2450 2600x4650x2600 <=3000 fix 5650 2900 14700 7600 18700 15700 - 28.4 36.2 66.0 97.9 127.6 152.2 174.0 195.4 217.5 62.0 2.3
3 120
2600x2450 2600x4650x2600 >3000 HK+2650 2900 14700 7600 18700 15700 - 28.4 36.2 66.0 97.9 127.6 152.2 174.0 195.4 217.5 62.0 2.3
2600x2450 2600x4650x2600 <=3500 fix 6300 3350 16400 8400 20200 17300 12300 39.0 49.0 89.2 132.3 172.4 205.7 235.1 264.0 293.9 88.3 3.1
4 180
2600x2450 2600x4650x2600 >3500 HK+2800 3350 16400 8400 20200 17300 12300 39.0 49.0 89.2 132.3 172.4 205.7 235.1 264.0 293.9 88.3 3.1
5 240 2800x2565 2800x4765x3700 <=4000 fix 6900 3500 37500 19400 21500 19000 18300 49.8 61.5 112.0 166.2 216.7 258.5 295.4 331.7 369.3 115.3 4.0
1600 21 6 300 2000x1700 1100x2100 2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 <=4000 fix 7200 3850 42900 22800 21500 19200 22500 60.3 78.2 142.3 211.1 275.3 328.5 375.4 421.5 469.2 153.3 9.0
7 350 2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 <=3600 fix 7250 4900 52800 27700 25000 22800 29300 70.3 89.6 163.0 241.8 315.3 376.2 429.9 482.8 537.4 198.5 10.6
2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 <=3400 fix 7850 5450 55600 28900 23300 21200 32400 75.5 95.0 173.0 256.6 334.5 399.2 456.2 512.3 570.2 225.5 11.3
8 400
2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 >3400 HK+4450 5450 55800 29100 23300 21200 32400 75.5 95.0 173.0 256.6 334.5 399.2 456.2 512.3 570.2 225.5 11.3
9 450 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 <=3700 fix 8750 5950 66900 37800 27900 26000 37600 101.8 124.8 227.2 337.1 439.4 524.3 599.2 672.9 749.0 306.6 15.2
10 500 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 <=3800 fix 9450 7100 76600 43100 29200 27400 39100 104.5 128.7 234.2 347.4 453.0 540.5 617.7 693.6 772.1 358.8 15.7
GQ = 1800 kg
2600x2550 2600x4750x2600 <=3000 fix 5650 2900 15500 7900 19900 16500 - 31.9 40.4 73.6 109.1 142.3 169.8 194.0 217.9 242.5 67.6 2.5
3 120
2600x2550 2600x4750x2600 >3000 HK+2650 2900 15500 7900 19900 16500 - 31.9 40.4 73.6 109.1 142.3 169.8 194.0 217.9 242.5 67.6 2.5
2600x2550 2600x4750x2600 <=3500 fix 6300 3350 17700 9000 21400 18100 12900 43.1 53.8 97.9 145.2 189.3 225.9 258.1 289.8 322.7 97.0 3.5
4 180
2600x2550 2600x4750x2600 >3500 HK+2800 3350 17700 9000 21400 18100 12900 43.1 53.8 97.9 145.2 189.3 225.9 258.1 289.8 322.7 97.0 3.5
5 240 2800x2665 2800x4865x3700 <=4100 fix 7000 3500 39200 20100 22800 19900 18900 55.6 68.5 124.6 184.8 241.0 287.5 328.6 369.0 410.8 125.1 4.4
1800 24 2000x1800 1100x2100
6 300 2900x2705 2900x4905x4200 <=4200 fix 7400 3850 44700 23400 22900 20100 22900 67.3 86.4 157.2 233.2 304.1 362.8 414.6 465.6 518.3 165.0 10.1
7 350 2900x2705 2900x4905x4200 <=3700 fix 7350 4900 54500 28300 26200 23600 29800 78.4 99.0 180.1 267.2 348.4 415.7 475.1 533.5 593.8 211.9 11.8
8 400 2900x2705 2900x4905x4200 <=3600 fix 8050 5450 57400 29500 24500 22100 32800 84.8 106.3 193.5 287.0 374.2 446.4 510.2 572.9 637.8 242.1 12.7
9 450 2700x2820 2700x5020x3900 <=3800 fix 8850 5950 68700 38400 29200 26900 38200 112.3 136.7 248.8 369.1 481.1 574.1 656.1 736.8 820.1 323.5 16.8
10 500 2700x2820 2700x5020x3900 <=3900 fix 9550 7100 78400 43600 30400 28300 39700 116.1 141.7 257.9 382.7 498.9 595.2 680.3 763.9 850.4 377.5 17.4
GQ = 2000 kg
2900x2405 2900x4605x2600 <=3000 fix 5650 2900 16500 8600 21800 18000 - 35.4 44.7 81.3 120.6 157.2 187.5 214.3 240.7 267.9 74.3 2.9
3 120
2900x2405 2900x4605x2600 >3000 HK+2650 2900 16500 8600 21800 18000 - 35.4 44.7 81.3 120.6 157.2 187.5 214.3 240.7 267.9 74.3 2.9
4 180 2900x2405 2900x4605x3700 <=3700 fix 6400 3350 35900 18300 22600 18900 12900 50.5 63.5 115.6 171.4 223.5 266.7 304.8 342.2 381.0 104.8 4.1
5 240 3100x2520 3100x4720x3700 <=4000 fix 6900 3500 40800 21300 24300 21000 19000 61.4 75.5 137.3 203.8 265.6 317.0 362.2 406.8 452.8 135.8 4.9
6 300 3200x2560 3200x4760x4200 <=4000 fix 7200 3850 46200 24700 24400 21300 23500 74.3 94.7 172.3 255.6 333.2 397.5 454.3 510.2 567.9 177.5 11.2
2000 26 2300x1650 1200x2100
3200x2560 3200x4760x4200 <=3500 fix 7150 4900 56100 29700 27900 24900 30700 86.6 108.5 197.4 292.9 381.8 455.6 520.7 584.7 650.9 226.7 13.0
7 350
3200x2560 3200x4760x4200 >3500 HK+3650 4900 56300 29900 27900 24900 30700 86.6 108.5 197.4 292.9 381.8 455.6 520.7 584.7 650.9 226.7 13.0
8 400 3200x2560 3200x4760x3900 <=4000 fix 8400 5500 66000 34800 30100 27300 36000 94.1 116.1 211.4 313.5 408.8 487.7 557.4 625.9 696.8 271.7 14.2
9 450 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 <=3600 fix 8650 5950 70500 39800 31000 28300 39200 122.7 148.6 270.5 401.3 523.2 624.2 713.4 801.1 891.8 342.5 18.4
10 500 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 <=4100 fix 9750 7100 80100 45100 32200 29600 40600 127.8 154.9 281.8 418.1 545.1 650.4 743.3 834.7 929.1 398.6 19.2
The planning parameters are indicative only and subject to change without prior notification.

14 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler 7000 planning parameters.
Single-deck elevators - EN81-1:1998+A3:2009
Travel Overhead Starting
Load Speed Car Door Shaft Machine room Car height Pit depth Reaction load Motor Power supply capacity (380V - 415V) dissi­
height clearance power
BK x TK BT x HT BS x TS BO x TO x HO HK HSK HSG R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PME 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit
kg Persons [m/s] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kW] [kVA] [kVA] [kW]
GQ = 800 kg
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 <=3100 fix 5600 2900 10000 5300 12900 11500 - 14.5 21.1 38.4 57.0 74.3 88.6 101.3 113.7 126.6 39.2 1.2
3 120
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 >3100 HK+2500 2900 10000 5300 12900 11500 - 14.5 21.1 38.4 57.0 74.3 88.6 101.3 113.7 126.6 39.2 1.2
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 <=3500 fix 6200 3450 12000 6400 14300 13000 10200 20.3 27.7 50.4 74.8 97.5 116.4 133.0 149.4 166.3 57.2 1.7
4 180
2100x2150 2100x4350x2600 >3500 HK+2700 3450 12000 6400 14300 13000 10200 20.3 27.7 50.4 74.8 97.5 116.4 133.0 149.4 166.3 57.2 1.7
800 10 1350x1400 900x2100
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 <=3100 fix 5900 3600 29000 15700 14800 13900 15000 26.5 36.7 66.7 99.0 129.1 154.0 176.0 197.6 220.0 78.7 2.2
5 240
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 >3100 HK+2800 3600 29200 15900 14800 13900 15000 26.5 36.7 66.7 99.0 129.1 154.0 176.0 197.6 220.0 78.7 2.2
2400x2305 2400x4505x4200 <=3100 fix 6300 3950 35000 19400 15400 14600 20200 32.4 48.9 89.1 132.1 172.3 205.5 234.9 263.8 293.6 111.4 4.8
6 300
2400x2305 2400x4505x4200 >3100 HK+3200 3950 35200 19500 15400 14600 20200 32.4 48.9 89.1 132.1 172.3 205.5 234.9 263.8 293.6 111.4 4.8
GQ = 1000 kg
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 <=3100 fix 5600 2900 10800 5800 14300 12600 - 18.0 25.3 46.0 68.2 89.0 106.1 121.3 136.2 151.6 44.9 1.4
3 120
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 >3100 HK+2500 2900 10800 5800 14300 12600 - 18.0 25.3 46.0 68.2 89.0 106.1 121.3 136.2 151.6 44.9 1.4
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 <=3500 fix 6200 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 33.2 60.4 89.6 116.8 139.4 159.3 178.9 199.1 64.9 2.0
4 180
2200x2150 2200x4350x2600 >3500 HK+2700 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 33.2 60.4 89.6 116.8 139.4 159.3 178.9 199.1 64.9 2.0
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 <=3300 fix 6100 3600 30800 16700 16300 15000 15600 32.3 43.5 79.3 117.6 153.3 182.9 209.0 234.7 261.3 88.8 2.6
5 240
2400x2265 2400x4465x3700 >3300 HK+2800 3600 31000 16800 16300 15000 15600 32.3 43.5 79.3 117.6 153.3 182.9 209.0 234.7 261.3 88.8 2.6
2500x2305 2500x4505x4200 <=3300 fix 6500 3950 36800 20300 16900 15800 20800 39.4 57.1 104.0 154.2 201.1 239.9 274.2 307.9 342.8 123.6 5.9
6 300
2500x2305 2500x4505x4200 >3300 HK+3200 3950 37000 20500 16900 15800 20800 39.4 57.1 104.0 154.2 201.1 239.9 274.2 307.9 342.8 123.6 5.9
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3100 fix 5600 2900 10800 5800 14400 12600 - 18.0 25.3 46.0 68.2 89.0 106.1 121.3 136.2 151.6 45.0 1.4
3 120
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3100 HK+2500 2900 10800 5800 14400 12600 - 18.0 25.3 46.0 68.2 89.0 106.1 121.3 136.2 151.6 45.0 1.4
1000 13 1600x1400 2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3500 fix 6200 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 33.2 60.4 89.6 116.8 139.4 159.3 178.9 199.1 64.9 2.0
4 180
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3500 HK+2700 3450 12900 6800 15800 14100 10200 25.1 33.2 60.4 89.6 116.8 139.4 159.3 178.9 199.1 64.9 2.0
2500x2265 2500x4465x3700 <=3300 fix 6100 3600 30900 16700 16400 15100 15600 32.3 43.5 79.3 117.6 153.3 182.9 209.0 234.7 261.3 88.9 2.6
5 240
2500x2265 2500x4465x3700 >3300 HK+2800 3600 31000 16900 16400 15100 15600 32.3 43.5 79.3 117.6 153.3 182.9 209.0 234.7 261.3 88.9 2.6
1100x2100 2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 <=3300 fix 6500 3950 36900 20300 17000 15800 20800 39.4 57.1 104.0 154.2 201.1 239.9 274.2 307.9 342.8 123.7 5.9
6 300
2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 >3300 HK+3200 3950 37000 20500 17000 15800 20800 39.4 57.1 104.0 154.2 201.1 239.9 274.2 307.9 342.8 123.7 5.9
7 350 2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 n.a. HK+3600 4950 46100 24900 18200 17200 27900 41.5 59.1 107.6 159.7 208.2 248.4 283.9 318.8 354.9 156.7 6.2
8 400 2600x2305 2600x4505x4200 n.a. HK+4400 5700 49200 26500 18500 17600 31000 47.5 66.6 121.2 179.8 234.4 279.7 319.7 359.0 399.6 184.9 7.1
9 450 2600x2420 2600x4620x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 50700 29700 18800 18100 32800 59.2 82.0 149.2 221.3 288.5 344.3 393.5 441.8 491.8 225.0 8.9
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 <=3000 fix 8600 7050 58700 34600 19400 18800 33000 142.1 179.9 327.3 485.6 633.1 755.4 863.3 969.4 1079.1 364.3 21.4
10 500
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 >3000 HK+5600 7050 58900 34900 19400 18800 33000 142.1 179.9 327.3 485.6 633.1 755.4 863.3 969.4 1079.1 364.3 21.4
GQ = 1150 kg
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3100 fix 5600 2900 11600 6100 15600 13500 - 20.6 28.4 51.8 76.8 100.1 119.4 136.5 153.3 170.6 49.5 1.7
3 120
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3100 HK+2500 2900 11600 6100 15600 13500 - 20.6 28.4 51.8 76.8 100.1 119.4 136.5 153.3 170.6 49.5 1.7
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 <=3500 fix 6200 3450 14200 7600 17000 15000 10300 28.3 37.9 69.1 102.5 133.6 159.4 182.1 204.5 227.7 73.5 2.3
4 180
2500x2150 2500x4350x2600 >3500 HK+2700 3450 14200 7600 17000 15000 10300 28.3 37.9 69.1 102.5 133.6 159.4 182.1 204.5 227.7 73.5 2.3
5 240 2600x2265 2600x4465x3700 <=3600 fix 6400 3600 32900 17700 18000 16400 16400 36.7 48.8 88.8 131.7 171.7 204.9 234.1 262.9 292.7 97.7 2.9
2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 <=3500 fix 6700 3950 38400 21100 18200 16800 21400 44.6 63.3 115.3 171.0 223.0 266.0 304.0 341.4 380.1 133.3 6.7
1150 15 6 300 1800x1400 1100x2100
2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 >3500 HK+3200 3950 38500 21300 18200 16800 21400 44.6 63.3 115.3 171.0 223.0 266.0 304.0 341.4 380.1 133.3 6.7
7 350 2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 n.a. HK+3600 4950 46100 24900 19200 17900 27200 74.1 98.8 179.7 266.6 347.6 414.8 474.0 532.3 592.6 201.4 11.2
8 400 2700x2305 2700x4505x4200 n.a. HK+4400 5700 50700 27300 19800 18600 31300 54.5 74.8 136.2 202.1 263.4 314.3 359.2 403.4 449.0 198.2 8.2
9 450 2700x2420 2700x4620x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 49200 28900 20200 19200 33100 67.0 91.3 166.1 246.5 321.3 383.4 438.2 492.1 547.7 240.2 10.1
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 <=3100 fix 8700 7050 54500 32200 20700 19800 33300 150.9 190.7 347.0 514.8 671.2 800.8 915.2 1027.7 1144.0 380.9 22.7
10 500
2600x2420 2600x4620x3900 >3100 HK+5600 7050 60400 35700 20700 19800 33300 150.9 190.7 347.0 514.8 671.2 800.8 915.2 1027.7 1144.0 380.9 22.7
GQ = 1275 kg
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 <=3100 fix 5600 2900 12500 6600 16700 14300 - 22.7 30.9 56.2 83.4 108.7 129.7 148.2 166.5 185.3 54.1 1.8
3 120
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 >3100 HK+2500 2900 12500 6600 16700 14300 - 22.7 30.9 56.2 83.4 108.7 129.7 148.2 166.5 185.3 54.1 1.8
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 <=3500 fix 6200 3450 14800 7900 18000 15800 10800 31.3 41.5 75.5 112.0 146.0 174.2 199.1 223.6 248.9 78.7 2.5
4 180
2600x2150 2600x4350x2600 >3500 HK+2700 3450 14800 7900 18000 15800 10800 31.3 41.5 75.5 112.0 146.0 174.2 199.1 223.6 248.9 78.7 2.5
5 240 2800x2265 2800x4465x3700 <=3600 fix 6500 3600 34300 18500 19200 17300 16800 40.3 53.2 96.8 143.6 187.2 223.4 255.3 286.6 319.1 104.7 3.2
1275 17 2000x1400 1100x2100
6 300 2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 <=3600 fix 6800 3950 39700 21900 19400 17700 21800 49.0 68.6 124.8 185.1 241.3 287.9 329.1 369.5 411.4 141.6 7.3
7 350 2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 n.a. HK+3600 4950 48900 26400 20600 19100 28500 52.7 72.5 132.0 195.8 255.3 304.7 348.2 391.0 435.2 178.5 7.9
2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 <=3000 fix 7450 5700 52100 28000 20900 19500 31700 60.4 81.8 148.8 220.8 287.8 343.4 392.5 440.7 490.6 209.5 9.0
8 400
2900x2305 2900x4505x4200 >3000 HK+4450 5700 52200 28200 20900 19500 31700 60.4 81.8 148.8 220.8 287.8 343.4 392.5 440.7 490.6 209.5 9.0
9 450 2900x2420 2900x4620x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 53700 31500 21400 20100 33500 73.6 99.1 180.4 267.6 348.9 416.3 475.8 534.3 594.8 253.5 11.0

The planning parameters are indicative only and subject to change without prior notification.

16 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Single-deck elevators - EN81-1:1998+A3:2009
Travel Overhead Starting
Load Speed Car Door Shaft Machine room Car height Pit depth Reaction load Motor Power supply capacity (380V - 415V) dissi­
height clearance power
BK x TK BT x HT BS x TS BO x TO x HO HK HSK HSG R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PME 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit
kg Persons [m/s] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kW] [kVA] [kVA] [kW]
GQ = 1350 kg
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 <=3100 fix 5650 2900 12700 6600 16900 14400 - 24.0 32.5 59.1 87.7 114.4 136.5 156.0 175.1 195.0 55.9 1.9
3 120
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 >3100 HK+2550 2900 12700 6600 16900 14400 - 24.0 32.5 59.1 87.7 114.4 136.5 156.0 175.1 195.0 55.9 1.9
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 <=3500 fix 6200 3450 15100 8000 18300 15900 11200 33.1 44.3 80.6 119.5 155.8 185.9 212.5 238.6 265.6 82.5 2.6
4 180
2500x2250 2500x4450x2600 >3500 HK+2700 3450 15100 8000 18300 15900 11200 33.1 44.3 80.6 119.5 155.8 185.9 212.5 238.6 265.6 82.5 2.6
5 240 2700x2365 2700x4565x3700 <=3600 fix 6500 3600 34800 18500 19500 17500 17100 42.5 55.8 101.6 150.7 196.5 234.5 268.0 300.9 335.0 107.9 3.4
1350 18 1900x1500 1100x2100
6 300 2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 <=3700 fix 6900 3950 40300 21900 19600 17800 21900 51.6 71.7 130.5 193.6 252.4 301.2 344.2 386.5 430.3 145.5 7.8
7 350 2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 n.a. HK+3600 4900 47200 25200 20500 18800 27500 64.4 86.8 158.0 234.4 305.6 364.6 416.7 467.9 520.8 188.5 9.7
2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 <=3000 fix 7450 5600 52600 28000 21200 19600 31700 63.9 85.9 156.4 232.1 302.5 361.0 412.6 463.3 515.7 214.9 9.6
8 400
2800x2405 2800x4605x4200 >3000 HK+4450 5600 52800 28200 21200 19600 31700 63.9 85.9 156.4 232.1 302.5 361.0 412.6 463.3 515.7 214.9 9.6
9 450 2800x2520 2800x4720x4200 n.a. HK+4950 6000 54400 31400 21700 20300 33600 77.5 103.9 189.0 280.4 365.6 436.2 498.5 559.8 623.1 259.5 11.6
GQ = 1600 kg
2600x2450 2600x4650x2600 <=3100 fix 5650 2900 14700 7600 18700 15700 - 28.4 38.2 69.5 103.0 134.3 160.3 183.2 205.7 229.0 65.3 2.3
3 120
2600x2450 2600x4650x2600 >3100 HK+2550 2900 14700 7600 18700 15700 - 28.4 38.2 69.5 103.0 134.3 160.3 183.2 205.7 229.0 65.3 2.3
4 180 2600x2450 2600x4650x2600 <=3600 fix 6300 3350 16400 8400 20200 17300 12300 39.0 51.6 93.8 139.2 181.5 216.6 247.5 277.9 309.4 92.9 3.1
5 240 2800x2565 2800x4765x3700 <=4000 fix 6900 3500 37500 19400 21500 19000 18300 49.8 64.8 117.9 174.9 228.1 272.1 311.0 349.2 388.7 121.4 4.0
6 300 2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 <=4000 fix 7200 3850 42900 22800 21500 19200 22500 60.3 82.3 149.8 222.3 289.8 345.7 395.1 443.7 493.9 161.4 9.0
1600 21 2000x1700 1100x2100
7 350 2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 <=3600 fix 7250 4900 52800 27700 25000 22800 29300 70.3 94.3 171.6 254.6 331.9 396.0 452.6 508.2 565.7 209.0 10.6
2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 <=3400 fix 7850 5450 55600 28900 23300 21200 32400 75.5 100.0 182.1 270.1 352.1 420.2 480.2 539.2 600.2 237.3 11.3
8 400
2900x2605 2900x4805x4200 >3400 HK+4450 5450 55800 29100 23300 21200 32400 75.5 100.0 182.1 270.1 352.1 420.2 480.2 539.2 600.2 237.3 11.3
9 450 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 <=3700 fix 8750 5950 66900 37800 27900 26000 37600 101.8 131.4 239.2 354.8 462.5 551.9 630.7 708.3 788.4 322.8 15.2
10 500 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 <=3800 fix 9450 7100 76600 43100 29200 27400 39100 104.5 135.5 246.5 365.7 476.8 568.9 650.2 730.1 812.7 377.7 15.7
GQ = 1800 kg
2600x2550 2600x4750x2600 <=3100 fix 5650 2900 15500 7900 19900 16500 - 31.9 42.6 77.4 114.9 149.8 178.7 204.2 229.4 255.3 71.2 2.5
3 120
2600x2550 2600x4750x2600 >3100 HK+2550 2900 15500 7900 19900 16500 - 31.9 42.6 77.4 114.9 149.8 178.7 204.2 229.4 255.3 71.2 2.5
4 180 2600x2550 2600x4750x2600 <=3600 fix 6300 3350 17700 9000 21400 18100 12900 43.1 56.6 103.0 152.8 199.2 237.7 271.7 305.1 339.6 102.2 3.5
5 240 2800x2665 2800x4865x3700 <=4100 fix 7000 3500 39200 20100 22800 19900 18900 55.6 72.1 131.2 194.6 253.7 302.7 345.9 388.4 432.4 131.7 4.4
1800 24 6 300 2000x1800 1100x2100 2900x2705 2900x4905x4200 <=4200 fix 7400 3850 44700 23400 22900 20100 22900 67.3 90.9 165.5 245.5 320.0 381.9 436.4 490.1 545.5 173.7 10.1
7 350 2900x2705 2900x4905x4200 <=3700 fix 7350 4900 54500 28300 26200 23600 29800 78.4 104.2 189.6 281.3 366.7 437.6 500.1 561.5 625.1 223.1 11.8
8 400 2900x2705 2900x4905x4200 <=3600 fix 8050 5450 57400 29500 24500 22100 32800 84.8 111.9 203.6 302.1 393.8 469.9 537.1 603.1 671.3 254.9 12.7
9 450 2700x2820 2700x5020x3900 <=3800 fix 8850 5950 68700 38400 29200 26900 38200 112.3 143.9 261.9 388.5 506.5 604.3 690.6 775.5 863.3 340.5 16.8
10 500 2700x2820 2700x5020x3900 <=3900 fix 9550 7100 78400 43600 30400 28300 39700 116.1 149.2 271.5 402.8 525.1 626.6 716.1 804.1 895.1 397.4 17.4
GQ = 2000 kg
2900x2405 2900x4605x2600 <=3100 fix 5650 2900 16500 8600 21800 18000 - 35.4 47.0 85.6 126.9 165.5 197.4 225.6 253.4 282.0 78.2 2.9
3 120
2900x2405 2900x4605x2600 >3100 HK+2550 2900 16500 8600 21800 18000 - 35.4 47.0 85.6 126.9 165.5 197.4 225.6 253.4 282.0 78.2 2.9
4 180 2900x2405 2900x4605x3700 <=3700 fix 6400 3350 35900 18300 22600 18900 12900 50.5 66.8 121.7 180.5 235.3 280.7 320.8 360.3 401.0 110.3 4.1
5 240 3100x2520 3100x4720x3700 <=4000 fix 6900 3500 40800 21300 24300 21000 19000 61.4 79.4 144.6 214.5 279.6 333.6 381.3 428.2 476.6 142.9 4.9
6 300 3200x2560 3200x4760x4200 <=4000 fix 7200 3850 46200 24700 24400 21300 23500 74.3 99.6 181.3 269.0 350.7 418.5 478.2 537.0 597.8 186.8 11.2
2000 26 2300x1650 1200x2100
3200x2560 3200x4760x4200 <=3500 fix 7150 4900 56100 29700 27900 24900 30700 86.6 114.2 207.8 308.3 401.9 479.6 548.1 615.5 685.1 238.6 13.0
7 350
3200x2560 3200x4760x4200 >3500 HK+3650 4900 56300 29900 27900 24900 30700 86.6 114.2 207.8 308.3 401.9 479.6 548.1 615.5 685.1 238.6 13.0
8 400 3200x2560 3200x4760x3900 <=4000 fix 8400 5500 66000 34800 30100 27300 36000 94.1 122.2 222.5 330.0 430.3 513.4 586.7 658.9 733.4 286.0 14.2
9 450 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 <=3600 fix 8650 5950 70500 39800 31000 28300 39200 122.7 156.5 284.7 422.4 550.7 657.1 751.0 843.3 938.7 360.5 18.4
10 500 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 <=4100 fix 9750 7100 80100 45100 32200 29600 40600 127.8 163.0 296.7 440.1 573.8 684.6 782.4 878.6 978.1 419.6 19.2
The planning parameters are indicative only and subject to change without prior notification.

18 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler 7000 planning considerations.
Double-deck elevators.
EN81-20/50:2014 / EN81-1:1998+A3:2009
Overall Overhead clearance and pit depth
- Prerequisites - The overhead clearance is based on a structural
- The lower deck does not serve the highest car height of 3000 mm
floor level - For smaller overhead clearance and pit depth,
- The upper deck does not serve the lowest please contact our local sales office
floor level
- Hoistway width and depth dimensions are based Power supply
on clear dimensions with horizontal building - Power supply wiring for lighting: single phase,
tolerances: neutral, earth (to be in accordance with national
- travel height <=180 m: +/- 25 mm code requirements)
- travel height >180 m and <=250 m:+/- 45 mm - Power supply wiring for ACVWF drive: 3-phase,
- travel height >250 m and <=500 m:+/- 65 mm neutral, earth or 3-phase, earth (to be in accord-
- Structural car height: 2200 mm - 3600 mm ance with national code requirements)
- Vertical distance between the two decks [HEDD]: - Main frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz
- HEDD min.: 2943 mm
- HEDD max.: 6000 mm Heat dissipation in hoistway and
- HEDD min.: is depending on the car machine room
configuration - Our equipment is designed to withstand a
- Indicated hoistway and machine room sizes temperature range of 5 to 40 degrees Celsius
are standard sizes without safety gear on - For the service personal, the machine room and
counterweight hoistway temperature should be kept within the
- Indicated car sizes are based on ISO. For different range of 5 and 35 degrees Celsius
sizes, please contact our local sales office - The humidity in the machine room should not
- Roping: for speeds from 2.5 m/s - 4.0 m/s = 2:1, exceed 95% and not condensing
for speeds 2.5 m/s - 10.0 m/s = 1:1
- All given information is for general reference and
planning. For special construction and code
regulation details, please contact our local
sales office
- Calculation contain energy recuperating converters
only and permanent magnet technology machines
where possible

20 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler 7000 planning parameters.
Double-deck elevators - EN81-20/50:2014
Travel Overhead Starting
Load Speed Car Door Shaft Machine room Pit depth Reaction load Motor Power supply capacity (380V - 415V) dissi­
height clearance power
BK x TK BT x HT BS x TS BO x TO x HO HSK HSG R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PME 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit
kg Persons [m/s] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kW] [kVA] [kVA] [kW]
GQ = 2 x 1250 kg
3 120 2600x2310 2600x4510x3200 HK+2700 3400 27300 15700 36300 31700 - 44.9 55.3 100.7 149.3 194.7 232.3 265.5 298.1 331.9 105.3 3.6
4 180 2600x2310 2600x4510x3700 HK+3000 3650 31000 17500 38500 34100 21300 60.7 73.4 133.6 198.2 258.4 308.3 352.4 395.7 440.5 154.8 4.8
5 240 2800x2420 2800x4620x3900 HK+2850 3650 68200 39100 39900 35600 30500 78.1 98.6 179.5 266.3 347.2 414.2 473.4 531.6 591.8 212.5 11.8
6 300 2600x2460 2600x4660x3900 HK+3200 4200 77400 44600 41000 36900 39700 90.7 112.8 205.2 304.5 397.0 473.7 541.3 607.9 676.6 268.1 13.6
2x1250 16 1900x1450 900x2100
7 350 2600x2460 2600x4660x3900 HK+3600 4900 88200 50700 42400 38400 45800 103.6 127.6 232.3 344.6 449.2 536.0 612.6 687.9 765.7 331.0 15.6
8 400 2600x2460 2600x4660x3900 HK+4400 5500 78300 45100 40800 37000 44500 130.6 158.3 288.1 427.4 557.2 664.8 759.8 853.2 949.7 360.2 19.6
9 450 2600x2465 2600x4665x3900 HK+4950 6000 81500 47100 41200 37500 46300 149.0 178.9 325.5 482.9 629.6 751.2 858.6 964.1 1073.2 413.4 22.3
10 450 2600x2465 2600x4665x3900 HK+5450 7050 82100 47400 41600 37900 46700 165.5 198.0 360.3 534.6 696.9 831.6 950.3 1067.2 1187.9 456.7 24.8
GQ = 2 x 1350 kg
3 120 2600x2365 2600x4565x3200 HK+2800 3400 28200 16000 37600 32600 - 48.5 59.5 108.2 160.5 209.3 249.7 285.4 320.5 356.7 111.1 3.8
4 180 2600x2365 2600x4565x3700 HK+3000 3650 32000 17700 39900 35000 21500 65.5 78.7 143.3 212.6 277.1 330.6 377.9 424.3 472.3 162.1 5.3
5 240 2800x2465 2800x4665x3900 HK+2850 3650 70100 39600 41300 36600 30700 83.9 105.8 192.5 285.6 372.4 444.3 507.8 570.2 634.7 223.2 12.6
6 300 2600x2505 2600x4705x3900 HK+3200 4200 79300 45100 42300 37800 40400 97.7 121.4 221.0 327.9 427.5 510.1 582.9 654.6 728.7 281.0 14.6
2x1350 18 1900x1500 1100x2100
7 350 2600x2505 2600x4705x3900 HK+3600 4900 90200 51100 43800 39400 46500 111.8 137.3 249.8 370.6 483.1 576.5 658.8 739.8 823.5 345.4 16.8
8 400 2600x2505 2600x4705x3900 HK+4400 5500 80200 45600 42100 37900 45200 140.0 169.3 308.1 457.0 595.8 710.9 812.5 912.3 1015.6 376.2 21.0
9 450 2600x2520 2600x4720x3900 HK+4950 6000 83200 48000 42500 38400 47000 159.4 191.4 348.3 516.8 673.7 803.9 918.7 1031.6 1148.4 431.5 23.9
10 450 2600x2520 2600x4720x3900 HK+5450 7050 83700 48200 42900 38800 47300 177.2 211.5 384.9 571.1 744.5 888.3 1015.2 1140.0 1269.0 476.3 26.5
GQ = 2 x 1600 kg
3 120 2700x2565 2700x4765x3200 HK+2800 3400 32200 17700 43200 37200 - 58.5 71.6 130.2 193.2 251.9 300.5 343.5 385.7 429.4 132.0 4.7
4 180 2700x2565 2700x4765x3700 HK+3000 3650 34500 18600 43600 37700 21400 77.4 92.1 167.7 248.7 324.3 386.9 442.2 496.5 552.7 181.2 6.2
5 240 2900x2665 2900x4865x3900 HK+2850 3700 75500 41600 45300 39600 30700 98.5 124.1 225.8 334.9 436.7 521.0 595.5 668.6 744.3 252.4 14.8
6 300 2700x2705 2700x4905x3900 HK+3200 4200 84700 46800 46200 40700 42600 115.2 142.8 259.9 385.5 502.6 599.7 685.3 769.6 856.7 314.8 17.3
2x1600 21 2000x1700 1100x2100
7 350 2700x2705 2700x4905x3900 HK+3600 4900 95900 52800 47800 42400 48800 132.2 161.7 294.3 436.6 569.2 679.1 776.1 871.5 970.2 384.6 19.8
8 400 2700x2705 2700x4905x3900 HK+4400 5500 85800 47500 46200 40900 47600 163.3 197.1 358.7 532.1 693.7 827.7 946.0 1062.2 1182.4 419.6 24.5
9 450 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 HK+4950 6000 93900 52500 46900 41800 50700 176.9 212.0 385.8 572.4 746.2 890.3 1017.5 1142.6 1271.9 483.9 26.5
10 450 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 HK+5450 7100 95200 53200 48000 42800 51000 196.6 234.2 426.3 632.4 824.4 983.7 1124.2 1262.4 1405.3 536.1 29.5
GQ = 2 x 1800 kg
3 120 2700x2665 2700x4865x3700 HK+2850 3500 34600 18400 46100 39200 - 64.8 78.5 142.8 211.9 276.2 329.6 376.7 423.0 470.8 142.9 5.2
4 180 2700x2665 2700x4865x3700 HK+3050 3700 36400 19400 46400 39700 21300 86.9 103.0 187.4 278.0 362.5 432.5 494.3 555.0 617.8 196.5 7.0
5 240 2900x2765 2900x4965x3900 HK+2850 3700 79100 43000 48100 41500 30900 110.2 139.8 254.4 377.5 492.1 587.2 671.1 753.6 838.8 276.2 16.6
6 300 2800x2805 2800x5005x3900 HK+3200 4200 88500 48300 49100 42700 44100 129.2 160.2 291.6 432.6 563.9 672.9 769.0 863.5 961.3 341.4 19.3
2x1800 24 2000x1800 1200x2100
7 350 2800x2805 2800x5005x3900 HK+3600 4900 99300 54000 50300 44100 50000 148.5 181.6 330.5 490.4 639.3 762.8 871.8 978.9 1089.7 414.1 22.3
8 400 2800x2805 2800x5005x3900 HK+4400 5500 94500 51500 49600 43500 50600 175.0 211.3 384.5 570.4 743.7 887.3 1014.1 1138.7 1267.6 458.0 26.3
9 450 2800x2820 2800x5020x3900 HK+4950 6000 95400 52700 47800 41800 50800 197.9 237.0 431.4 639.9 834.3 995.4 1137.6 1277.5 1422.0 513.1 29.6
10 450 2800x2820 2800x5020x3900 HK+5450 7100 101500 56000 50900 45000 51000 218.1 257.3 468.3 694.7 905.7 1080.7 1235.0 1386.8 1543.8 573.6 32.8
GQ = 2 x 2000 kg
3 120 3000x2510 3000x4710x3700 HK+2850 3500 36200 19800 49500 41800 - 71.9 86.9 158.1 234.5 305.7 364.8 416.9 468.2 521.1 155.4 5.8
4 180 3000x2510 3000x4710x3700 HK+3050 3750 37900 20800 49600 42100 21500 96.4 113.9 207.3 307.6 401.0 478.5 546.8 614.1 683.5 212.6 7.7
5 240 3200x2620 3200x4820x3900 HK+2850 3750 82400 45700 51400 44000 30500 121.8 155.1 282.3 418.8 546.0 651.5 744.6 836.1 930.7 300.9 18.2
2x2000 26 6 300 2300x1650 1200x2100 3300x2665 3300x4865x3900 HK+3200 4250 91400 51200 52300 45200 45500 143.2 178.0 323.9 480.5 626.4 747.4 854.2 959.2 1067.7 369.7 21.5
7 350 3300x2665 3300x4865x3900 HK+3600 4900 100800 56400 52500 45500 50800 164.8 201.9 367.4 545.0 710.5 847.8 968.9 1088.0 1211.1 442.6 24.7
8 400 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 HK+4400 5650 94900 53200 50800 43900 50800 193.6 234.1 426.0 632.0 824.0 983.1 1123.6 1261.7 1404.5 486.2 29.0
9 450 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 HK+4950 6000 95000 53200 42900 38800 50300 218.9 262.3 477.5 708.3 923.5 1101.9 1259.3 1414.1 1574.1 539.6 32.9

The planning parameters are indicative only and subject to change without prior notification.

22 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler 7000 planning parameters.
Double-deck elevators - EN81-1:1998+A3:2009
Travel Overhead Starting
Load Speed Car Door Shaft Machine room Pit depth Reaction load Motor Power supply capacity (380V - 415V) dissi­
height clearance power
BK x TK BT x HT BS x TS BO x TO x HO HSK HSG R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PME 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit
kg Persons [m/s] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kW] [kVA] [kVA] [kW]
GQ = 2 x 1250 kg
3 120 2700x2265 2700x4465x3200 HK+2600 3400 27500 15800 36600 32000 - 44.9 58.2 106.0 157.2 204.9 244.5 279.5 313.8 349.3 111.2 3.6
4 180 2700x2265 2700x4465x3700 HK+2800 3650 31200 17600 38900 34400 21200 60.7 77.3 140.6 208.6 272.0 324.6 370.9 416.5 463.6 163.6 4.8
5 240 2900x2365 2900x4565x3900 HK+2850 3650 68500 39300 40300 35900 30900 78.1 103.8 188.9 280.3 365.4 436.0 498.3 559.6 622.9 224.3 11.8
6 300 2700x2405 2700x4605x3900 HK+3200 4200 77600 44800 41300 37100 39900 90.7 118.7 216.0 320.5 417.8 498.6 569.8 639.8 712.2 283.1 13.6
2x1250 16 2000x1400 900x2100
7 350 2700x2405 2700x4605x3900 HK+3600 4900 88400 50900 42700 38700 46000 103.6 134.3 244.5 362.7 472.9 564.2 644.8 724.1 806.0 349.3 15.6
8 400 2700x2405 2700x4605x3900 HK+4400 5500 78600 45400 41100 37300 44800 130.6 166.6 303.2 449.9 586.5 699.8 799.8 898.1 999.7 380.2 19.6
9 450 2700x2420 2700x4620x3900 HK+4950 6000 81500 47700 41500 37800 46600 149.0 188.3 342.7 508.4 662.8 790.8 903.8 1014.8 1129.7 436.3 22.3
10 450 2700x2420 2700x4620x3900 HK+5450 7050 82000 48000 41900 38200 46800 165.5 208.4 379.3 562.7 733.6 875.3 1000.4 1123.3 1250.4 482.1 24.8
GQ = 2 x 1350 kg
3 120 2600x2365 2600x4565x3200 HK+2600 3400 28200 16000 37600 32600 - 48.5 62.6 113.9 169.0 220.3 262.9 300.4 337.3 375.5 116.9 3.8
4 180 2600x2365 2600x4565x3700 HK+2800 3650 32000 17700 39900 35000 21500 65.5 82.9 150.8 223.7 291.7 348.0 397.8 446.6 497.2 170.7 5.3
5 240 2800x2465 2800x4665x3900 HK+2850 3650 70100 39600 41300 36600 30700 83.9 111.4 202.7 300.7 392.0 467.7 534.5 600.2 668.2 235.0 12.6
6 300 2600x2505 2600x4705x3900 HK+3200 4200 79300 45100 42300 37800 40400 97.7 127.8 232.7 345.2 450.0 536.9 613.6 689.0 767.0 295.8 14.6
2x1350 18 1900x1500 1100x2100
7 350 2600x2505 2600x4705x3900 HK+3600 4900 90200 51100 43800 39400 46500 111.8 144.5 262.9 390.1 508.6 606.8 693.5 778.7 866.9 363.6 16.8
8 400 2600x2505 2600x4705x3900 HK+4400 5500 80200 45600 42100 37900 45200 140.0 178.2 324.3 481.1 627.2 748.3 855.2 960.4 1069.0 396.0 21.0
9 450 2600x2520 2600x4720x3900 HK+4950 6000 83200 48000 42500 38400 47000 159.4 201.5 366.7 544.0 709.2 846.2 967.0 1085.9 1208.8 454.2 23.9
10 450 2600x2520 2600x4720x3900 HK+5450 7050 83700 48200 42900 38800 47300 177.2 222.6 405.2 601.1 783.7 935.1 1068.7 1200.0 1335.8 501.3 26.5
GQ = 2 x 1600 kg
3 120 2700x2565 2700x4765x3200 HK+2600 3400 32200 17600 43200 37200 - 58.5 75.3 137.1 203.4 265.2 316.4 361.6 406.0 452.0 138.9 4.7
4 180 2700x2565 2700x4765x3700 HK+2800 3650 34500 18600 43600 37700 21400 77.4 97.0 176.5 261.8 341.3 407.3 465.5 522.7 581.8 190.7 6.2
5 240 2900x2665 2900x4865x3900 HK+2850 3700 75500 41600 45300 39600 30700 98.5 130.6 237.7 352.6 459.7 548.5 626.8 703.9 783.5 265.7 14.8
6 300 2700x2705 2700x4905x3900 HK+3200 4200 84700 46800 46200 40700 42600 115.2 150.3 273.5 405.8 529.0 631.2 721.4 810.1 901.8 331.3 17.3
2x1600 21 2000x1700 1100x2100
7 350 2700x2705 2700x4905x3900 HK+3600 4900 95900 52800 47800 42400 48800 132.2 170.2 309.8 459.6 599.1 714.9 817.0 917.4 1021.2 404.8 19.8
8 400 2700x2705 2700x4905x3900 HK+4400 5500 85800 47500 46200 40900 47600 163.3 207.4 377.6 560.1 730.2 871.3 995.7 1118.1 1244.7 441.7 24.5
9 450 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 HK+4950 6000 93900 52500 46900 41800 50700 176.9 223.1 406.1 602.5 785.5 937.2 1071.1 1202.7 1338.9 509.4 26.5
10 450 2700x2720 2700x4920x3900 HK+5450 7100 95200 53200 48000 42800 51000 196.6 246.5 448.7 665.7 867.8 1035.5 1183.4 1328.8 1479.2 564.3 29.5
GQ = 2 x 1800 kg
3 120 2700x2665 2700x4865x3700 HK+2650 3500 34600 18400 46100 39200 - 64.8 82.6 150.3 223.0 290.8 346.9 396.5 445.2 495.6 150.4 5.2
4 180 2700x2665 2700x4865x3700 HK+2850 3700 36400 19400 46400 39700 21300 86.9 108.4 197.3 292.6 381.5 455.2 520.3 584.2 650.3 206.8 7.0
5 240 2900x2765 2900x4965x3900 HK+2850 3700 79100 43000 48100 41500 30900 110.2 147.2 267.8 397.3 518.0 618.1 706.4 793.2 883.0 290.7 16.6
6 300 2800x2805 2800x5005x3900 HK+3200 4200 88500 48300 49100 42700 44100 129.2 168.6 306.9 455.3 593.6 708.3 809.5 909.0 1011.8 359.4 19.3
2x1800 24 2000x1800 1200x2100
7 350 2800x2805 2800x5005x3900 HK+3600 4900 99300 54000 50300 44100 50000 148.5 191.2 347.9 516.2 672.9 802.9 917.6 1030.4 1147.0 435.9 22.3
8 400 2800x2805 2800x5005x3900 HK+4400 5500 94500 51500 49600 43500 50600 175.0 222.4 404.7 600.4 782.8 934.0 1067.5 1198.7 1334.3 482.1 26.3
9 450 2800x2820 2800x5020x3900 HK+4950 6000 95400 52700 47800 41800 50800 197.9 249.5 454.0 673.6 878.2 1047.8 1197.5 1344.7 1496.9 540.1 29.6
10 450 2800x2820 2800x5020x3900 HK+5450 7100 101500 56000 50900 45000 51000 218.1 270.8 492.9 731.3 953.4 1137.5 1300.0 1459.8 1625.1 603.8 32.8
GQ = 2 x 2000 kg
3 120 3000x2510 3000x4710x3700 HK+2650 3500 36200 19800 49500 41800 - 71.9 91.4 166.4 246.8 321.8 384.0 438.8 492.8 548.5 163.5 5.8
4 180 3000x2510 3000x4710x3700 HK+2850 3750 37900 20700 49600 42100 21500 96.4 119.9 218.2 323.8 422.1 503.7 575.6 646.4 719.5 223.8 7.7
5 240 3200x2620 3200x4820x3900 HK+2850 3750 82400 45700 51400 44000 30500 121.8 163.3 297.2 440.9 574.7 685.8 783.7 880.1 979.7 316.7 18.2
2x2000 26 6 300 2300x1650 1200x2100 3300x2665 3300x4865x3900 HK+3200 4250 91400 51200 52300 45200 45500 143.2 187.3 340.9 505.8 659.4 786.7 899.1 1009.7 1123.9 389.2 21.5
7 350 3300x2665 3300x4865x3900 HK+3600 4900 100800 56400 52500 45500 50800 164.8 212.5 386.7 573.7 747.9 892.4 1019.9 1145.2 1274.8 465.9 24.7
8 400 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 HK+4400 5650 94900 53200 50800 43900 50800 193.6 246.4 448.5 665.3 867.4 1034.9 1182.8 1328.1 1478.4 511.7 29.0
9 450 3000x2665 3000x4865x3900 HK+4950 6000 95000 53200 42900 38800 50300 218.9 276.2 502.6 745.6 972.1 1159.9 1325.6 1488.5 1656.9 568.0 32.9

The planning parameters are indicative only and subject to change without prior notification.

24 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler Planning Parameters.
Hoistway and machine
Planning Parameters room
Schindler 7000layout. Planning Parameters Schindler 7000
Hoistway and machine room layout Hoistway and machine room layout
Single-deck elevators
Single-deck elevators
Double-deck elevators
Double-deck elevators

Hoisting Beam Hoisting Beam

Hoistway Headroom (HSK)

Hoistway Headroom (HSK)

Structural Car
Height (HK)

Structural Car
Height (HK)
distance (HEDD)
Deck to Deck
BK Clear car width
BO Width of machine room
BS Hoistway width
BT Clear width of landing door
GQ Rated load
HEDD Distance entrance to entrance on
double-deck cars
Min. Floor Distance =
HT + (400…700)

HK Car height
HO Height of machine room
HSG Depth of hoistway pit
HSK Hoistway headroom (top floor
to ceiling)
HT Clear height of landing door
TK Clear car depth
TO Depth of machine room
TS Depth of hoistway
Pit Depth (HSG)

Pit Depth (HSG)

The planning parameters are indicative only
and subject to change without prior

26 Schindler 7000 – Building Planning Schindler 7000 – Building Planning

Schindler 7000.
We pulse the skyline.

Schindler Elevator Ltd. Schindler Elevator Co., Ltd.

Large Project Division Large Project Division

Zugerstrasse 13 No. 555 Xingshun Road

6030 Ebikon Jiading District
Switzerland 201815 Shanghai, China

Phone + 41 41 445 31 31 Phone + 86 21 6709 6666

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