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Certificate No. f N-DL54316971379246R
Certificate lssued Date 0B-Mar-2019 10:36 AM
Account Reference TMPACC (tVy dt729603/ DELHT/ DL-DLH
Unique Doc. Reference su Bl N-D LD 17296031 4522886338054R
Description of Document Article 5 General Agreement
Property Description Not Applicable
Consideration Price (Rs.) o
Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) 100
(One Hundred only)

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Memorcndum of Understonding (hereinofter referred to os "MOU': is signed ot
New Delhi on this 8th Morch,201? ond will come into operoiion of signolure
Ihereinofter referred to os the "Effective Dote").


All lndio Council for Technicol Educotion. o stotutory body under Deportment of
Highe r Technicol Fducotion, Ministry of Humon Resource Development, hoving its

and ats
registered office of Nelson Moncjelo Rood, Vosont Kunj, New Delhi _ I l0ozo
(hereinofter referred to os ,,A|CTE";


Biolech consorfium Indio limited, hoving its registered

Floor, 210, Deen Doyol Upodhyoyo Morg New oetni
office of Anuvrot Bhowon.Sth
- 110 oo2 (hereinofter referred to
os BCI[.

("AlcTE" ond "BClL" ore hereinofter collectively referred to os "porficiponts,,

severolly os "porliciponls" os the context moy require).


(A) WHEREAS AICTE hos been mondoied to toke ollsuch steps os it moy think fit for
ensuring co-ordinoied ond integroted development of technicot ond
monogement educotion ond mointenonce of stondords thereof.

(B) wHEREAS BCIL, is o compony promoted by Deportment of Biotechnology (DBT),

Govt. of Indio ond set up by oll Indio finonciol instituiions including to-gi, rcrcl,
lFCl eic' to occelerote commerciolizoiion of biotechnology in indiq. lt hos
been engoged in technology deveropment, iechnology tronsfer, projeci
consultoncy, fund syndiccrtion, informotion disseminotion, monpower ond
plocement troining reloied to biotechnology. BCIL served os the project
Coordinotion Unit (PCU) for UNEp/GEF supported phose il Copocity Building
Project on Biosofety implemented by the Minisiry of Environment, Forest ond
Climote Chonge (MoEFCC), Government of Indio.

(c) wHEREAS Porticiponts hove portnered to develop technology enobled

resource moteriol in the oreo of biosofety, bosed on outputs of the Phose ll
Copocity Building Project on Biosofery.

(D) WHEREAS the Indion Governmeni is set to expond the Higher Technicol
Educotion sector through oll modes of delivery ond increose the Gross
Enrolment Rotio (GER) in Higher Technicol Educotion to 30% by the year 2020.
One of the Indion Government initiotives is to provide occess to the best quolity
leorning resources ocross the country through "Study Webs of Aclive Leorning
for Young Aspiring Minds' ("swAYAM"). swAyAM provides on integroted
plciform ond portcl for online courses, using informotion ond communicotion
tar^hnnlnnrr / lrv

(E) WHEREAS the SWAYAM plotform enobles institutions to shore skills ono
exchonge best prociices in high technicol educotion, shore innovotive
pedogogies ond ossessment techniques ond explore its usoge in Indion

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(F) WHEREAS the Porticiponis offirm their commitment to continue colloborotion in
Higher Technicol Educotion through the signing of this
MoU on the provisions
provided herein.


l. This MoU setsoul the fromework for Porticiponts colloboroting in ihe oreo of
technology enobled leorning.

2. The Porticiponts hove decided to jointly work together in order to develop

technology enobled leorning in the oreo of biosofety. The porticiponts will corry
oui requisite octivities to focilitote in shoring informotion on biosofety, bqsed on
outputs of the Phose il copocity Building project on Biosofety.

3. Areos of Co-operotion:

to build q long term relotionship ond to develop heolthy ond stoble

This MoU oims
orrongemenls between the porticiponts.

Any colloboroiive progroms, projects or octivities proposed under the ouspices of

this MoU will be subject io negotiotion, ogreement ond opprovol by ond between
the Porticiponts. The forms of these collqborotive progroms, projects or octivities
moy include but ore not limited to:

AICTE through Ministry of Humon Resource Development to uplood tne

online moteriol developed under the Phose ll Copocity Building project on
Biosofety on the SWAYAM portol;

lt. BCIL will promote the SWAYAM portol to the relevont stokeholders oboui
online educotion resources on the swAyAM portol. The topics proposed to
be covered ore os follows:

l. Introduction to GE plonts
2. Regulotory fromework for GE plonts
3. Cortogeno Protocol on Biosofety
4. Confined field triols of GE plonts
5. Food sofeiy ossessment for GE plonts
6. Environment sofety ossessment for GE plonts

iii. Any other octivity os mutuolly determined by the Poriiciponts.

4. Working Arrongemenl :

The Porticiponts will constitute o Joint Working Group ("JWG") on iechnology

enobled leorning which will be o sionding plotform for diologue ond exchonge of
informotion to focilitote cooperotion, foster portnerships ond review progress in the
field of technology enobled leorning.

The JWG will be co-choired by designoted representotives of the Porticiponts ond

eiiher Porticipont will determine the composition of the JWG f
JWG will meet on o bi-yeorly/onnuol bosis virtuolly or in person os the cose mqy

Ihe Porticiponts hove decided to orronge regulor meetings ond communicotion

with one onother ond with the other relevont stokeholders, to review
ond finolise
the detoiled plons for eqch stoge of the progromme.

5. i) Finonciol Arrongements :

The finonciol orrongement for the co-operotive octivities undertoken

within the
fromework of this MoU will be mutuolly decided upon by both the pqrticiponts
o cose-to-cose bosis, subject to the ovoilobiliiy of funds ond resources.

Notwithstonding this Porogroph 5, expenses for orgonizing physicol meeting of

iwG will be borne by the porticipont hosting the meetings.

The Porticipont which is sending representotives for porticipotion in the meetings

of ihe JWG, if ony, will beor its own trovel ond living expenses.

6. Protection of Infellectuol property Righfs :

The Porticiponts hove decided ihoi neilher Porticipont will ocquire ony rights to
the intellectuol property of the other porticipont under this MoU.

Ihe terms on which eoch Porticipont will be entitled to use the oiher porticipont's
intellectuol property rights will be set out in the relevont controciuol ogreements
for ony future projects.

7. Copyright

It is ogreed thot BCIL sholl obide by the Indion Copyright Act, I 957 ond ensure thot
the Course Contents ore octuolly developed by them ond not copied. Copyright
cleoronce will hove io be obtoined by BCIL for ony reodings, imoges ond video
clips used os core ond supplementory reoding in cose of licensed moteriol if
used. Until cleoronce hos been obtoined, direct reference 1o specific moteriols
will not be permitted in video content or other course moteriol. This clouse sholl
survive ihe terminotion of the ogreemeni.

Further, Porticiponts ogree for complionce of odoption of Stondord Creotive

Commons Licenses (CC-BY-NC-SA) os per ihe Revised MOOCs Guidelines issued
by MHRD for developing Course Content for SWAYAM plotform.

8. Confidenfiolity:

Thisdocument is confidentiol. Porticioonts ogree to mointoin in confidence, ond

not reveol to ony person or body, righis ond obligotions of the Porlies or ony
informotio. receives through the other pursuont to this
:: S$B^*Wtn**tit

Agreement. The provision of Confidentioliiy sholl survive the terminotion of this
MoU ond continue to bind the poriies.

9. Suspension :

Eoch Porticipont moy for reosons of notionolsecurity, notionol interest, public order
or public heolth suspend tempororily either in whole or in port the implementotion
of this MoU- The suspension sholl toke effect immediotely ofter written notificotion
hos been given io the other Porticipont through diplomotic chonnels.

10. Revision, Modificotion ond Amendment :

ThisMoU moy be omended of ony time by ihe mutuol written consent of the

1 l. Settlement of dispufes :

This MoU is not intended to creoie ony legol obligotions between the Porticipqnts.
Any difference or dispute between the Porticiponts concerning the inierpretotion
ond/or implementotion ond / or opplicotion of ony of the provisions of this MoU
will be settled omicobly ihrough mutuol consultotion ond/ or negotiotion between
the Porticiponts, without reference to ony third porty or notionol or Internotionol
Tribunol or court.

12. Arbitrolion

Poriiciponts sholl moke every ottempt to resolve dispute omicobly, by direcf

informotion, negotiotions of ony disogreement or dispute orising between them
under or in connection with this Memorondum of Understonding (MoU) for
development of MOOCs for SWAYAM Plotform. All differences or disputes orising
under ond out of these present or in connection with this MoU sholl be first referred
to the senior executives of eoch porty for on omicoble solution. lf the dispute is
not resolved within o period of thiriy (30) doys, the some be referred to orbitrotion
in occordonce with Arbitrotion ond Conciliotion Act, 1996 (including oll
omendments thereto). Eoch porty sholl oppoint one orbitrotor eoch ond the two
oppointed orbitrotors sholl oppoint the third orbitrotor. The decision of the
orbitrotors sholl be finol ond binding on boih poriies. The venue of orbitrotion sholl
be in New Delhi, Indio. Subjeci to the obove, this MoU sholl be subject to the
jurisdiction of the Courts in New Delhi, Indio.

13. Effective Dofe, Durolion ond Terminotion :

This MoU will come into operotion from the Effective Dote ond will continue for o
period of six (06) months from the Effective Dote (hereinofter referred to os "Term").
Thereofter, both Porticiponts will review ihe stotus of this co-operotion ond moy
extend the Term on such provisions os mutuolly decided upon.

* $. vrv-gdzrror.
Eiiher Porticipont moy terminole ihis MoU by notifying the
other porticipont in
wriiing of leost thirly (30) doys in odvonce of such terminoiion.

Unless otherwise decided upon by the Porticiponts, the terminotion of this MoU will
not offect the implementotion of on-going octivities ond/or progrommes, which
hove been decided upon before the dote of the terminoiion of ifris MoU.

14. Nothing contoined herein will be interpreted or construed os estoblishing

relotionship of moster ond servont or of Principol ond Agent or of employer
employee or to impose ony portnership obligotion or joinl venture or liobiliiy upon
either Porticipont.

Signed by:

All Indio Councilfor Technicot Educolion Biotech Consorlium lndio limited

Chief GenerolMonoger
All Indio Council for Technicol Educotion Biotech Consortium Indio Limited
Nelson Mondelo Morg, Anuvrot Bhowon. Sth Floor,
Vosont Kunj, 210, Deen Doyol Upodhyoyo Morg
New Delhi - I l0 002
* -rs#q CrrFr

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