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Bhalani 3.


1. Head Neck Face

Scalp, Temple, face Structures in the neck
1.Scalp Layers, Blood Supply, nerve supply 1.Thyroid Gland***
Clinical importance **** 2.Hypoglossal nerve*
2. Bell’s palsy* 3. Cervical lymph nodes*
3. Dangerous area of face* 4. Right & Left Subclavian artery**
4. Orbicularis oculi & its antagonist
5. Lacrimal Apparatus
Cranial Cavity
6.Venous drainage of face 1. Cavernous sinus***
2. Straight sinus*
Side of Neck 3. Falx cerebri
1. Deep cervical fascia** 4. Enumerate dural venous sinuses
2. Posterior Triangle of neck
3. Sternocleidomastoid - Nerve supply,actions Contents of the orbit
Anterior Triangles of Neck 1. Extra-ocular muscles***
2. Ciliary ganglion
1. Carotid Triangle & Carotid sheath***
3. Oculomotor nerve**
2. Digastric triangle**
3. Branches of External carotid artery*
4. Anastomosis between internal & external Mouth & Pharynx
carotid* 1.Palatine tonsil
5.Ansa cervicalis* 2.Muscles of pharynx

Back of the neck Nose,Paranasal Sinuses

1.Suboccipital triangle 1. Nasal septum***
2. Lateral wall of nose***
Parotid Gland**** 3. Maxillary air sinus
1.External features 4. Sphenoidal air sinus
2. Relations Larynx
3. Histology
4. Nerve supply
-Muscles & their actions*
5. Lymph drainage
6. Applied
-Movements of Vocal cords**

Temporal & Infratemporal region Tongue**

1. Temporomandibular joint*** -Muscles,nerve supply, development,
2. Muscles of mastication* histology, applied
3. Otic ganglion*
4. Pterygoid muscles* Ear
1. Middle ear**
Submandibular region -boundaries, contents, applied
1. Submandibular salivary gland
-Applied* Eyeball
-Histology -Layers of retina*
-Development ©RAJ BHOSLE -development of retina
2. Neuroanatomy
Spinal Cord Fourth ventricle**
1. T.S at cervical level*
-floor - Draw & label, decribe
2. Brown sequard syndrome*
3. Pyramidal tracts
4. Dorsal column pathway Third ventricle
Fornix of brain
Cranial Nerves Anterior horn of lateral ventricle
1.Mesencephalic nucleus of Trigeminal N.**
2. Glossopharyngeal Nerve*
3. Facial Nerve** Cerebrum,Diencephalon,Basal nuclei &
Brainstem white matter
1. T.S of Medulla 1.Corpus callosum***
-Pyramidal decussation*** 2.Superolateral surface of cerebrum***
-Sensory decussation* -Sulci & gyri -functional areas
-mid olivary nucleus* -blood supply -applied anatomy
2. T.S of Midbrain 3.Classify white matter of cerebrum with
-Superior colliculus examples & describe Internal capsule**
-Inferior colliculus 4.Corpus striatum
3.Facial colliculus* -Components,connections,functions
4.Medial medullary syndrome**
5. T.S of Pons - facial colliculus level**
6. Describe Midbrain -gross anat,blood supply Olivary group of nuclei*
7.Describe Pons - gross,internal structure, Visual pathway
Auditory pathway
1.Inferior cerebellar peduncle*** Blood supply of Brain & Spinal Cord
2. Describe cerebellum 1.Circle of Willis***
-Blood supply

3. Upper Limb
Pectoral region The Axilla
1.Clavipectoral fascia** 1. Axillary group of lymph nodes*
2.Mammary gland **** 2. Axillary artery*
-Blood supply,lymphatic drainage 3. Typical intercostal space *
-Applied anatomy 4. Brachial plexus*
3.Serratus anterior* 5. Erb’s Palsy & Erb’s Point**
6. Klumpke’s Palsy*
Scapular region Joints of upper limb
1.Quandrangular space * 1.Sternoclavicular Joint
2.Triangular space 2.Pronation & supination**
3.Deltoid muscle* 3.Shoulder Joint****
4.Rotator cuff of shoulder joint** -Movements -relations -stabilizers
-classification -blood supply
The Forearm & Hand -applied
1.Carpal tunnel syndrome** 4.Elbow joint
2.Ulnar Nerve*
3.Superficial palmar arch Spaces of HAND
4.Claw hand* -Mid palmar space
5.Anatomical snuff box*
6.Flexor retinaculum

The Arm
1.Cubital fossa***
2.Biceps brachii*
3.Radial Nerve**
4.Musculocutaneous Nerve*
5.Wrist drop** ©RAJ BHOSLE
6.Median Nerve*

Diaphragm - openings**
Walls of thorax Pericardium and Heart
1. Coronary sinus**
1.Azygous vein** 2. Left coronary artery**
2.Typical intercostal nerve* 3. Atrial septal defect*
4. Interior of right atrium,development*
The lungs 5.Arterial & venous drainage of heart **
1.Bronchopulmonary segments*** 6. Coronary blood circulation
2. Root of Right & Left lung* Superior vena cava*
3. Right lung -Mediastinal relations
Arch of aorta****
Mediastinum Thoracic duct ***
1.Define mediastinum,classify* Thoracic part of oesophagus
2.Posterior & anterior mediastinum* Thoracic part of trachea
3.Superior mediastinum*
4.Development of arch of aorta*
Structures supplied by phrenic nerve
Front of Thigh Back of leg
1.Femoral Triangle 1.Popliteus muscle****
-femoral sheath*** 2. Soleus muscle*
-femoral canal** 3. Gastrocnemius muscle**
-femoral hernia* 4.Tibialis posterior*
2. Femoral artery*
3. Sartorius** Venous Drainage
4. Adductor/Hunter/subsartorial canal*** 1.Varicose veins**
5. Femoral nerve 2.Long saphenous vein***
6. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes* 3.Great saphenous vein*
4.Venous drainage of lower limb**
Medial side of Thigh
1.Obturator nerve* Joints of Lower Limb
1.Inversion & eversion of foot***
2.Adductor magnus*
2.Knee Joint **
3.Housemaid’s knee*
Gluteal region 4.Hip Joint *
1.Gluteus medius 5.Intra articular surface of knee joint
2.Structures under cover of gluteus maximus* 6.Ankle joint
3.Trendelenberg test*

Popliteal Fossa*** Arches of Foot***

1.Medial Longitudinal arch
-boundaries,contents,applied -Factors maintaining*
-popliteal artery** 2.Lateral Longitudinal arch
-common peroneal nerve
-foot drop*

Back of thigh
1.Sciatic nerve****
2.Flexor of Knee joint*
3.Hamstring muscles

Front,lateral & medial sides of leg & Dorsum of Foot

1.Dorsalis pedis artery*
2.Deep peroneal nerve

Single * : The question appeared at least once in the past few years
6.Abdomen & PELVIS
Sacral canal Extrahepatic Biliary Apparatus
Anterior abdominal wall -Gall Bladder*
1.Rectus sheath**
2.Inguinal Canal** Spleen,Pancreas & Liver
3.Inguinal Hernia 1.Spleen -gross,histology,functions*
4.Contents of spermatic cord* 2.Liver -Ligaments,blood supply*
5.Structures passing through Deep & 3.Head of pancreas -development***
superficial inguinal ring* 4.Pancreas (full)
6.Clinical importance of umbilicus*
7.Caput medusae*
8.Transpyloric plane Kidney -**relations,congenital anomalies
Male genital organ
1.Blood testis barrier*
Suprarenal gland**-
histology,development,blood supply,applied
-Gross -histology -developement
-descent -applied
Diaphragm* -attachment,openings,blood
Abdominal cavity & peritoneum & nerve supply,applied
1.Lesser omentum***
2.Lesser sac Posterior Abdominal Wall
3.Epiploic foramen*
1.Quadratus Lumborum*
2.Inferior vena cava -**tributaries &
Abdominal part of Oesophagus & development
1. Stomach bed*** The Perineum
2. Stomach -****Blood supply, histology, 1.Superficial Perineal pouch*
lymphatic,development, 2.Ischiorectal fossa***
Applied,relations 3.Pudendal/Alcock’s canal*
4.Perineal body*
The Intestine
1.Mcburney’s point* Urinary Bladder & Urethra
2.Appendix*** 1.Urinary Bladder -**Relations,interior
3.Meckel’s diverticulum* Arterial,venous supply,ligaments
4.Root of mesentry 2.Female urethra*
5.2nd part of duodenum*** 3.Male urethra*

Large Blood vessels of Gut

1.Porto caval anastomosis**
Male reproductive Organ
2.porto-systemic anastomosis* 1.Prostate Gland
3.Portal vein -describe,tributaries 2.Vas deferens
Female reproductive Organ Walls of pelvis
1.Tubectomy 1.Pelvic diaphragm
2.Uterus -***supports,development & 2.Internal iliac artery
Congenital anomalies,histology 3.Hysterosalpingography
3.Ovary -***relations,blood supply,
4.Anatomical basis of contraception*
5.Uterine tube -gross,development*

Anal canal & Rectum

1.Anal canal -***gross,interior,development
Applied,blood supply

Skeleton Genetics
1. Blood supply of long bone* 1.Barr body*
2. Karyotyping***
2. Sesamoid bone 3. Kleinfelter syndrome*
3. Epiphysis** 4. Turner syndrome
5. Lyon’s Hypothesis
Joints 6.X linked recessive - pedigree characteristics
1.Types of cartilagenous joints**
2.Pivot joint
3.Synovial joints

Note :You can follow the old bhalani for embryology & histology imp topics.

Multiple * : The question was asked quite frequently in the past years

This pdf also contains questions/imp topics from other university

papers. (The ones which don’t have *)

This pdf contains most of the MUHS previous year questions and is
made with reference from Unique’s Companion.
1. General Physiology
1.Define homeostasis.**
2.Negative & positive feedback mechanism
3.Various transport mechanism across cell membrane*
5.Active transport*
6.Facilitated diffusion*
7.Na-K Pump -importance
8.Resting membrane potential -ionic basis of RMP


Action potential of Nerve Molecular basis of Skeletal
1.Draw & label nerve action potential muscle contraction
-ionic basis,genesis,phases of AP* -sliding filament theory**
2.Well labelled diagram of neuron
-rigor mortis

Propagation of Impulse Skeletal muscle

1.Saltatory conduction* 1. Compare and contract
2.Properties of nerve fibres* -red & white muscle fibre
3.Factors affecting nerve conduction velocity* -isotonic & isometric contraction*
4.Classification of nerve fibres 2.Motor unit*
3.Refractory period
Neuromuscular transmission 4.Factors regulating force of
1. Draw & label NMJ,describe various events skeletal muscle contraction*
at NMJ -clinical importance***
2.Myasthenia gravis -cause,treatment*
3.End plate potential -genesis

Excitation Contraction coupling

2.Note on excitation contraction coupling
-role of Calcium ions *
3.Sarcotubular system in skeletal muscle
3. Blood & its constituents
Plasma proteins -functions
RBC & Erythropoiesis Blood coagulation
1.Describe erythropoiesis** 1. Mechanism of blood coagulation***
-Factors regulating 2.Role of platelets in coagulation
-Stages 3.Purpura & its causes
2.Erythropoietin 4.Define hemostasis
-mechanism of any 1 common anti-
Anaemia & Polycythemia coagulant used in clinical practice*
1.Classify types of anaemia*
-describe iron deficiency anaemia Blood groups
2.Megaloblastic anaemia -treatment 1.Landsteiner’s Law*
3.Nutritional anaemia 2.Mismatched blood transfusion**
3.Erythroblastosis foetalis*
White blood cells 4.Rhesus factor
1.Morphology,classification & functions 5.Various blood grouping systems
Of WBCs.
2.Leucopoiesis -note
3.Life cycle of WBCs

Immunity & Allergy

1.Define & classify immunity**
-role of different T cells
2.CD4 Cells
3.Enumerate function of T lymphocytes, *relevance of HIV infection to T
lymphocyte function
4.Primary & secondary immune respone *—role in vaccination
5.Humoral immunity*
4. CVS
Properties of cardiac muscle* Short term regulation of
-enumerate* arterial blood pressure
-why heart muscle cannot be tetanised 1.Define bp -factors determining**
-ionic basis of autorhythmicity in SA node 2.Bainbridge Reflex
3.Baroreceptor mechanism**
Conduction of cardiac impulse 4.CNS ishaemic response*
1.Role of AV Node & Purkinje fibres 5.Mean bp -various short term
2.Origin & spread of cardiac impulse mechanisms regulating bp.**
3.Heart block -types,explain AV Nodal block**

Normal Electrocardiogram** Long term regulation of

1.Draw & label various waves in ECG lead II* arterial blood pressure
2.Describe normal ecg,how its recorded.** 1.Renin-angiotensin mechanism*
3.Classify & describe leads used in ECG 2.Role of JGA in regulation of bp*
4.Significance of P-R interval 3.Explain long term regulation**

Cardiac cycle*** Coronary circulation

1.Describe Phases of cardiac cycle* -peculiarities/features**
-Pressure & volume changes occuring during -factors regulating
cardiac cycle -applied physiology
2.Ejection fraction* 1. Angina pectoris*
3.Note on Heart sounds* 2. Myocardial infarction -
*enumerate ecg changes in
Cardiac output & venous return infarction
1.Define cardiac output,factors affecting** 3. Cardiorespiratory changes
-method for measurement in man(Fick principle) during exercise *
2.Factors controlling venous return*
3.Factors affecting stroke volume *
4.Define -cardiac index Circulatory shock
1.Define & Classify *
shock,physiological basis of
Hemodynamics treatment
1.Poiseuille’s law -significance 2.Stages of shock
2.Peripheral resistance 3.Describe hypovolemic shock**
5.Respiratory system
Mechanics of breathing Carbon dioxide transport***
1. Lung compliance -factors affecting* 1.Describe CO2 transport
2. Surfactant - functions & applied RDS* 2.Haldane effect
3. Dead space -method of measuring it
4. Describe mechanics of respiration Chemical regulation of respiration
5. Explain work of breathing** 1.Peripheral chemoreceptors*
6. Muscles of respiration 2.Tubuloglomerular feedback
7. Note on obstructive lung disease* 3.Respiratory acidosis & alkalosis*
4.Describe chemical regulation**
Lung volume and capacities 5.Note on Kussmaul breathing*
1. Describe various lung volumes &
2. Functional residual capacity Neural regulation of respiration
Pulmonary ventilation * 1.Herring breuer reflex
Note on positive pressure breathing 2.Ondine’s curse
3.Periodic breathing*
Pulmonary circulation
Ventilation perfusion ratio*
Respiration in unusual environment
Diffusion of gases 1.What is acclimatization*
1. Describe various layers of respiratory 2.Cardiorespiratory changes due to
membrane- factors affecting gaseous acclimatization at high altitudes*
exchange** 3.Acute mountain sickness

Oxygen transport *** Cyanosis

1. Oxygen haemoglobin curve Dyspnea
-role of 2,3-BPG Asphyxia
-p50 value & right/left shift
2. Note on Bohr effect
3.Def ine & classify hypoxia
4.Describe oxygen debt
5.Explain method of Oxygen transport

6.Exercise Physiology
1.Cardiorespiratory changes during moderate
2.VO2 Max*
7.Renal Physiology
Functional anatomy of kidney Role of JGA in regulation of blood
1.Juxta glomerular apparatus -functions pressure*
-well labelled diagram***
Role of kidney in regulation of pH
Renal Flow Of body fluids
1.Define GFR -dynamics,factors***
Affecting,methods of measuring GFR
Blood buffers
2.Tubuloglomerular feedback &
Glomerulo-tubular balance Micturition
-Innervation of urinary bladder
Tubular function -micturition relfex***
1.PCT* -abnormalities
2.Transport maximum.* -cystometrography
3.Mechanism of glucose reabsorption -atonic bladder
In renal tubules**
4.Inulin clearance
5.Urea clearance
6.Functions of DCT*

Urine formation
1.Counter current mechanism**
2.Describe in detail handling of water
And sodium by kidney
3.Milieu interior, role of kidney in
Maintaining osmolarity of body fluid

8. GIT
Salivary glands & secretion Exocrine pancreas
1.Functions & composition of saliva* 1. Functionas,composition &
2.Regulation of saliva secretion* Regulation of pancreatic juice*
2.Note on CCK-PZ
Gastric secretions
1.Mechanism of HCL secretion**** Functions of Liver
2.Functions of HCL 1.Function & composition of bile salts*
3.Peptic ulcer -etiology & treatment** 2.Regulation of biliary secretion
4.Various gastrointestinal hormones* 3.Emptying of gall bladder
5.Compostion of gastric secretion &
4.Various functions of liver
GI motility
2.Movements of small intestine*
3.Movements of large intestine*
4.Defecation reflex**
5.Gastric emptying
6.Regulation of GI Motility*
7.Deglutition reflex*
8.Peristaltic rush
9.Achalasia cardia*

9.Endocrine system
Anterior pituitary & hypothalamus Adrenal cortex
1.Growth hormone -mechanism of 1.Enumerate hormones of adrenal
Action,regulation,applied*** cortex.
2.Dwarfism ,Gigantism,acromegaly* 2.Aldosterone -functions,regulation
3.Enumerate hormones of Anterior pituitary* 3.Cushing’s syndrome*
4.Physiological actions of
Posterior pituitary glucocorticoids*
1.ADH -role,factors stimulating secretion,
Regulation* Endocrine pancreas
2. Physiological basis of diabetes insipidus*
1.Difference between diabetes
3. Functions of oxytocin
mellitus & insipidus**
2.Insulin functions
Thyroid gland 3.Physiological basis of polyuria in
1.Thyroid hormone -synthesis,regulation diabetes
-Functions of thyroid hormone***
3.Hyperthyroidism note*
4.Physiological basis of anti thyroid drugs
5.Differences between pituitary & thyroid

Calcium homeostasis
1.Function & regulation of parathyroid hormone*
2.What is Tetany? Name & explain signs of tetany
3.Describe regulation of calcium level in body.**
4.Note on osteoporosis
5.Note on rickets
10.Reproductive system
Testosterone Describe functions of placenta
1.Spermatogenesis -stages,factors -enumerate hormones secreted by
Regulating (hormonal)*** placenta
2.Actions of testosterone Physiology of lactation
Female physiology before Pregnancy Parturition,role of oxytocin.
1.Define ovulation,mechanism,indicators*
2.Contraception methods**
-oral contraceptives (action)
3.Define menstrual cycle,various phases
with hormonal regulation**
4.Cyclic changes in uterus during
reproductive life

11.Central nervous system

Synapse Pain & Temperature

1.Properties of synapse* 1. Compare Fast & slow pain*
2.Presynaptic inhibition -advantage* 2.Transmission of pain through*
3.Synaptic transmission neospinothalamic Pathway
4.Occlusion & subliminal fringe 3.Descending pain inhibiting system
4.Different types of pain,Referred pain-
Sensory receptors examples,***
1.Enumerate different types of 5.Basis of Phantom limb*
Sensory receptors,* 6.Analgesia system of brain*
2.Properties of receptors* 7.Thalamic syndrome
Pyramidal tract
Somato-sensory pathways -Origin,course,termination,applied**
1.Enumerate various ascending tracts* -Note on Upper motor neuron lesion
2.Dorsal column medial lemniscal pathway -Differentiate between UMN & LMN
-origin,course,termination,applied** lesion*
3.Functions of Tract of Gall & Burdach

Muscle spindle* Motor reflexes

-Draw & label,functions of Muscle spindle 1.Draw & label reflex arc of stretch
1. Define Stretch reflex & role in reflex
maintaining muscle tone* 2.Classify reflexes
Regulation of tone & posture EEG
Define tone of muscle.* -Write a note on EEG
-spinal & supraspinal mechanism of -waves in EEG*
Regulation of tone.*
-decerabrate rigidity Sleep
-REM & NREM Sleep*
-Functions & connections Learning & memory
-cerebellar ataxia 1.Wernicke’s area
2.Define aphasia*, difference between
Basal ganglia* sensory & motor aphasia*
-Functions & connections 3.Alzhimer’s disease
-Note on Parkinson’s disease 4.Define & classify memory,mechanisms
of memory*

12.Special senses
Taste & smell Eye
1.Taste bud 1.Accomodation -reflex pathway***
2.Pathway of taste sensation* 2.Note on presbyopia
3.Neural pathway for smell sensation* 3.Errors of refraction*
Hearing -myopia,astigmatism
1.Describe structure of Organ of corti** 4.Argyl robertson pupil & its basis
2.Functions of middle ear**
3.Causes of conductive deafness -tests Retina
for it* 1.Dark adaptation**-curve,significance
4.Attenuation & significance* 2.Photochemistry of vision*
5.Mechanism of hearing ,note on pitch 3.Color vision*
Discrimination, impedance matching 4.Theories of color vision & color
mechanism** blindness

13.Body temperature regulation

1.Role of hypothalamus in temp
7.Induced hypothermia -note
2.Shell temperature & core temperature*
3.Heat loss mechanism*
4.Heat stroke -treatment ,pyrexia*
5.Body response to cold temperature**
6.Different thermoreceptors
Amino acids & proteins Carbohydrate metabolism
1.Biologically important peptides** 1.HMP Shunt & its significance
2.Different structures of protein -regulation ,why its called
-Secondary & tertiary** multifunctional ?****
3.Conjugation* 2.Glycogenesis & Glycogenolysis*
4.Important aminotransferases -regulation
5.Isoelectric pH 3.Glycogen storage diseases**
6.Functional & nutritional classification 4.Glycolytic pathway in RBCs*
Of proteins* 5.TCA Cycle & its energetics
6.Gluconeogenesis *
7.Rapaport Leubering cycle**
Enzymes -siginificance
1.Diagnostic enzymes in cardiac 8.Cori’s cycle -importance
2.Isoenzymes -diagnostic importance***
-with suitable examples
Lipid metabolism
3.Coenzyme 1.Beta oxidation of fatty acid**
4.Enzyme inhibition* -energetics
-Competitive & Non competitive 2.Enumerate ketone bodies*
5.Define activation energy* -formation & fate
-Formation of ES Complex with diagram -Note on ketosis*
6.Classification of enzymes* novo synthesis of FAs*
4.Fatty liver**
5.Lipotropic factors*
1.Glycosaminoglycans & significance**** Cholesterol & Lipoproteins
2.Biomedical importance of 1.Biosynthesis & regulation of
-Cholesterol & Hyaluronic acid cholesterol.***
3.Reducing property of monosaccharide -state important functions
-role in atherosclerosis*
Lipids 3.Formation & transport of
1.Classification of phospholipids chylomicrons *
-with examples***
2.Lipoproteins* Polyunsaturated fatty acids
3.Biologically important steroids -Important functions
4.Name essential fatty acids -enzyme deficient in & clinical
-why are they called essential? manifestations of Niemann-Pick’s
Amino acid metabolism Plasma Proteins
1.Formation & fate of ammonia(Urea cycle)** 1.Immunoglobulins -types, diagram
2.Transamination & transmethylation** & features. Explain any one in
Reactions in brief detail **
3.Disorders of urea cycle 2.Functions of plasma proteins*
5.Metabolism of glycine*** Acid Base balance
6.Formation of creatine 1.Metabolic acidosis & alkalosis***
7.Metabolism of Phenylalanine** 2.Buffer systems**
8.Metabolism of Tyrosine** 3.Role of kidney in maintaining acid-
9. Note on Alkaptonuria & Phenylketonuria** base balance*
4.Regulation of acid base balance*

Biological Oxidation & ETC Water & Electrolyte balance

1.Oxidative phosphorylation*
1.Note on dehydration**
-note on thermogenin
-Primary & Secondary dehyd.
2.Uncouplers **
2.Water balance & regulation*
3.ETC -describe,functions,inhibitors***
4.Formation of acetyl CoA from pyruvate
5.Malate aspartate shuttle*
Free radicals & antioxidants
6.Substrate level phosphorylation* 1.Antioxidant vitamins & enzymes*
3.Name & explain free radicals
Heme metabolism
1.Heme synthesis & regulation*** Detoxification
-note on acute intermittent porphyria 1.What are xenobiotics***
2.Degradation of heme* -how are they detoxified?(phases
3.Hemolytic Jaundice of detoxification)
5.Biochemical basis of Sickle cell anaemia Vitamins
6.Formation & fate of bilirubin* 1.Vit A **-
7.Methaemoglobin sources,functions,deficiency
-Wald’s Visual cycle
Liver Function Tests 2.Vit D **
1.Role of various enzymes in LFT** -Sources,RDA,chemistry,functions,
2.Test based on detoxification* deficiency
-excretory function* 3.Enumerate B-complex vitamins
-study all b-complex vitamins
Kidney Function Tests 4.Vitamin C **
1.Urea clearance test*
Digestion & absorption
2.Creatinine clearance test* -Lactose intolerance
Mineral metabolism Mutation & Inheritance
1.Iron -dietary sources,role,absorption** 1.Genetic code - features***
Disease manifestation,iron homeostasis 2.Lac Operon*
2.Calcium -sources,functions, RDA 3.Point mutations
Disease manifestation .***
-factors influencing Ca absorption
3.Zinc *
RDNA technology (Only
4. Copper -Cu containing enzymes (name)* BAQs & SAQ)
5.Functions of phosphorus 1.Application of recombinant
6.Regulation of serum calcium levels** DNA technology **
2.What is RDNA technology?

Energy metabolism & Nutrition

1.Protein energy malnutrition*** Hormones
-Kwashiorkar & Marasmus 1.Secondary messengers**
2.Uses of dietary fibres * -note on cyclic AMP
3. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) ** 2.Hormonal regulation of blood
glucose *
3.Mechanism of action of
Nucleotide metabolism steroid hormones
1.Salvage pathway of Purine synthesis** 4.Mechanism of Hydrophilic
2.Catabolism of purine* hormones
3.Biologically important nucleotides ** 5.Mechanism of Group II
4.Hyperuricemia hormones
5.Primary & secondary gout**
DNA 1.Tumour markers -enumerate**
1.Process of DNA replication** 2.Proto oncogenes & oncogenes*
-inhibitors of replication 3,Chemical carcinogens*
2.Chargaff’s rule*
Special techniques
Transcription & translation 1.Electrophoresis**
1.Different types of RNA -enumerate* 2.Chromatography -types*
2.Structure of tRNA -diagram & functions 3.Principle & use of Flame*
3.Protein biosynthesis in prokaryotes* photometer
-regulation & inhibitors
4.What is ribosome, role in translation* Starvation***
-Antibiotics which act on ribosome
Radioactive isotopes*
5.Reverse transcription -short note
-diagnostic & therapeutic use

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