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The Delhi Sultanate (1) New

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1. Tick the correct option – page 31

a. Qutbuddin Aibak
b. A select group of 40 nobles who wanted to exercise all political power
c. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
d. Chehra
e. 1526 CE

2. Look at the given pictures. Answer the questions that follow

a. Qutub Minar
b. New Delhi

3. Answer the following questions :
3a.Which ruler of Delhi Sultanate was known as “Lakhbaksh” and why?
[S.A] PAGE-23
a. Qutbuddin Aibak was known as “Lakhbaksh” or the giver of the Lakhs, for
his generosity.
3b.Explain Balban’s policy of blood and iron? [S.A]-PAGE 25
a. Balban tackled internal and external opposition with firmness. This is called
Balban policy of blood and iron.
3c.How did Timur’s invasion prove disastrous for the Delhi Sultanate? [S.A]
a. The weakness of the Delhi Sultanate made the empire vulnerable to external
b.Timur invaded India in 1398 CE. His army carried out an extensive plunder of
Delhi and carried away enormous amount of wealth as well as many Indian
artisans such as carpenters, masons etc..
3d.What was the composition of army in the Delhi Sultanate? [B.A]PAGE 29
a. The army was a significant component of the Sultanate since it aided the
sultan to stay in power, expand and defend his empire.
b.The army consisted of infantry or foot soldiers, cavalry or horse soldiers,
archers and elephants.
c. Horses of good quality were of utmost importance and therefore, they
wereimported from Arabia.
3e.What were the economic measures introduced by Alauddin Khalji? [D.A]
page 30
a. Alauddin was famous for his market policy, which was based on price control
b .Alauddin controlled the prices of necessary goods for the benefit of the
c. Market officers such as Shahna-i-mandi, were appointed to keep a strict watch
on the prices and weights,
d. The prices of all commodities were fixed. The prices of all essential items
were fixed at low rate.
e. Weights and measures were effectively standardized.
4. Answer the following questions :

4a. Write a short note on Raziya Sultan. [B.A] PAGE-23, 24

a. Raziya Sultan was the only Muslim woman ruler of Delhi who
succeeded Iltutmish.
b.Raziya Sultan was a great monarch, wise, a dispenser of justice and protector
of her subjects, but born of the wrong gender.
c.Defying the gender bias and orthodox cultural practices of her age, she put on
a male attire and appeared unveiled in public.
4b.Why is Iltutmish regarded as the real consolidator of Turkish conquests in
North India? (B.A) PAGE 23
Iltutmish, Qutbuddin Aibak’s son-in-law was considered as the real
consolidator of Turkish conquest in North India.
a. In order to win the support of the nobles, he granted them territorial
possessions and concentrated his efforts on strengthening his empire while
recovering lost territories.
b. He acquired Ranthambore, Bayana Mandor and Jalor while crushing the
revolts in Bengal and Bihar and making them a part of his empire.
c. He also strengthened the North-western frontier of his empire to safeguard it
against Mongol invasions.

4c.Explain in detail about the Sultan and his court during the period of Delhi
Sultanate.[D.A] PAGE 29
a. The Sultan was the central and the most significant person in the Sultanate.
b.He defended the empire against external attacks and maintained law and order.
c.He was the commander-in-chief of the army as well as the chief justice of the
d.The Sultan’s court was composed of officials who were responsible for
effective functioning of the Sultanate.
e.The domain of income,expenditure and collection of revenue was looked after
by the wazir and his deputies.
4d.Write a short note on the nobles and officials in the Delhi Sultanate. [B.A]
a. The nobles occupied civilian and military positions in the sultanate.
b.The Khans were the highest, followed by Maliks and the Amirs.
c.According to the Iqta system, the land resources of the sultanate were divided
and given to the nobles in lieu of cash for their services and Iqtadars collected
4e.Muhammad bin Tughlaq undertook several experiments during his reign.
What was the motivation behind these? What were their results? [D.A]
PAGE 26,27
a. Muhammad bin Tughlaq is remembered as one of the most learned and
accomplished scholars of the time.
b.Soon after his accession to the throne he decided to transfer the capital from
Delhi to Devagiri in the Deccan to enable him to exercise control throughout the
country and also to protect the Sultanate against continuous Mongol invasions.
c. Muhammad bin Tughlaq issued bronze and copper token currency to
overcome the financial crisis.
d.He increased the land tax in the Ganga Yamuna Doab region in order to meet
the expense of the army.
e.The peasants of the region rose in protest and situation went out of control

WORDS TO KNOW- All words to know

FILE WORK- 3e, 3a and 4e

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