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Very Good CBSE Class 7 Social Science Sample Paper Set C

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Date: Class: VII

Time:3 hrs Social Science M.M:90
General Instructions
1.All the questions are compulsory
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3. Attempt all parts of a question together.
4. Questions Numbers. 1 to 9 are 1 mark questions.
5.Question Numbers 10 to 21 are 3 marks questions
6. Question Numbers 22 to 29 are 5 marks questions.

7. Question numbers 30 and 31 are map questions of 5 marks

1. Define the term ‘Devadana’. 1

2. What is a fortified settlement with soldiers called? 1

3. Name the founder of Mughal dynasty. 1

4. Mention any one importance of minerals. 1

5. Give an example of endogenic force. 1
6. Which instrument tells us about wind direction? 1

7. Where was the Mid Day Meal Scheme first introduced in India? 1

8. What are communicable diseases? 1


9. Name the Union Finance Minister of India. 1


10. Highlight three features of the administration of the Cholas. 3


11. Briefly discuss the military campaigns and achievements of Mahmud of Ghazni. 3

12. Assess the extent of agricultural development under the Cholas. 3


13. ‘Muhammad bin Tughluq became unpopular because of his schemes.’ Justify the 3

14. Describe the measures adopted by Akbar that reflect his secular spirit. 3

15. Give three points of difference between Oceanic crust and Continental crust. 3

16. Name the important earthquake waves and mention one feature of each of them. 3

17. Which is the second most plentiful gas found in the atmosphere? Discuss any two 1+2=3
importance of this gas.

18. Which incident marked the beginning of American Civil Rights Movement? What was 1+2=3
the outcome of this movement?

19. State the lessons learnt from the example of Costa Rica. 3

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20. Evaluate private health care in urban India. 3

21. Describe the political environment when no single party wins the election. 3

22. This is a picture of a mosque and minaret built during the last decade of the twelfth
century. Answer the following questions related to the picture.

a) What is a Mosque called in Arabic? 2
b) Why did the Delhi Sultans built the mosques in cities all over the continent? 1
c) In whose reign was the Moth ki Masjid built? 1
d) Why was it necessary to reinforce the idea of community among the Muslims?
23. Evaluate the strategy of expansion and consolidation adopted by Akbar. 5

24. Illustrate the process of rock cycle with the help of a diagram. 4+1=5

25. Explain any five landforms produced by the river in its upper and middle course. 5

26. Name the layer of atmosphere that lies above the troposphere. Discuss any four 1+4=5
distinctive features of this layer.

27. Define the term ‘Constitution’. Examine the ways in which our Constitution protects us 1+4=5
from discrimination.

28. ‘India has the largest number of medical colleges in the world.’ Justify the statement 5

discussing the status of healthcare facilities in India.


29. How is Chief Minister appointed? Discuss the role of Chief Minister in State 1+4=5

30. On the physical map of India locate the important cities under Muhammad bin Tughluq’s 2
a) Kanauj
b) Warangal
31. On the physical map of the world locate the following rivers 3
a) The Congo River b) The Missippi River c) The Danube River

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Answer Key
Date of Exam: Class: VII
Time :3 hrs Subject: Social Science M.M:90

1. Define the term devadana. Marks

1. Land gifted to temples during the Chola Period. 1 mark 1
2. What is a fortified settlement with soldiers called?

2. Garrison town 1 mark
3. Name the founder of Mughal dynasty.
3. Babur 1 mark
4. Mention any one importance of minerals. 1

4. Some minerals are used as fuels eg coal, petroleum.
They are also used in aluminium, gold,uranium. (any one) 1 mark

5 Give an example of endogenic force.
5. 1
Earthquake/volcanic eruptions/landslides. (any one) 1 mark
6. Which instrument tells us wind direction?
6. Wind Vane 1 mark
7. Where the Mid Day Meal Scheme was first introduced in India?
33 1
7. Tamil Nadu 1 mark

8. What are communicable diseases?

These are diseases that are spread from one person to another in many ways such as through water, 1

8. food, air etc. 1 mark

9. Name the Union Finance Minister of India.

9. Arun Jaitely 1 mark

10 Highlight three features of the administration of the Cholas.

10. Ans: 1. Settlements of peasants, known as ur, became prosperous with the spread of irrigation.
2. Groups of such villages formed larger units called nadu.

3. The village council and the nadu had several administrative functions including
dispensing justice and collecting taxes.

4. Rich peasants of the Vellala caste exercised considerable control over the affairs of the nadu under
the supervision of the central Chola government.

5. Associations of traders known as nagarams also occasionally performed administrative functions in

towns.(any three) 1x3=3 marks

11. Briefly discuss the military campaigns and achievements of Mahmud of Ghazni.
11. Ans: Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was the ruler of Afghanistan.
1. He ruled from 997 to 1030, and extended control over parts of Central Asia, Iran and the North
western part of the subcontinent.
2. He raided the subcontinent almost every year – his targets were wealthy temples, including that of
Somnath, Gujarat.

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3. Much of the wealth Mahmud carried away was used to create a splendid capital city at Ghazni.
4. He entrusted a scholar named al- Biruni to write an account of the subcontinent called, Kitab al
Hind. (any three) 1x3=3 marks
12. Assess the extent of agriculture development under the Cholas. 3
12. Cholas made following developments in agriculture
a. more area was brought under cultivation.
b. irrigation facilities were extended to new areas.
c. kings and rich temples built embankments to prevent flooding and canals to carry water to the fields.
1x3=3 marks

13. ‘Muhammad bin Tughluq became unpopular because of his schemes.’ Justify the statement.
13. Muhammad bin Tughluq ‘s idea were great but they were not successful because :-
i. he raised taxes in the doab region during the famine period which made many peasants abandon

their land.
ii. He decided to shift his capital from Delhi to daulatabad with the population of Delhi . People
though never wanted to shift but then they have to follow king’s order. Soon he realized that it was
impossible to keep a watch on the northern frontier from Daulatabad so he ordered a reshift.

iii. Introduced token currency- under this tere was shortage of silver so he decided to mint coins
made of brass and copper which were easily available. These coins could be exchanged for silver coins 3

from the royal treasury. This emptied treasure. Illegal minting of coin was done , trade suffered
iv. His campaigns into Kashmir were a disaster.
v. He gave up his plans to invade Transoxiana and disbanded his large army which created
complications.(any three) 1x3= 3 marks

14 Describe the measures adopted by Akbar that reflect his secular spirit.

14.. a. Akbar built the Ibadat Khana


b. He abolished the pilgrim tax called jaziya

c. He abolished the practice of forcibly converting prisoners of war to Islam.
d. He encouraged Hindus to build temples

e. He got the holy book of Hindus translated into Persian

f. He suggested a religious path called Din I Ilahi

g.He participated in Hindu festivals (any three) 1x3=3 marks


15. Give three points of difference between oceanic crust and continental crust.
15. Continental Oceanic

Main composition is silica and Main composition is silica and magnesia

Also called as sial Also called as sima 3
Its density is 0nly 2.7gm/cm Its density is 3.1gm/cm approx
Forms the upper part of the crust Forms the lower part of the crust

(any three) 1x3=3 marks

16. Name and give one feature of each type of earthquake waves.
16. The three types of earthquake waves are

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a. Primary waves- are the first to arrive, they are the fastest. These waves relatively cause less
b. Secondary waves reach after the primary waves. These waves produce strong shaking action. They
do not pass through liquids.
c. Surface waves-last to reach the surface. These are very powerful and cause maximum damage.
1x3=3 marks
17. Which is the second most plentiful gas found in the atmosphere? Discuss any two importance of this
17. Oxygen is the second most plentiful gas in the atmosphere. 1 mark
Two importance of oxygen 1x2=2 marks
a. needed in respiration of organisms
b. needed in burning of fuels

18. Which incident marked the beginning of American Civil Rights Movement? What was the outcome of
this movement?
18. Tired from a long day at work Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man on 1 Dec

1955. Her refusal that day led to a huge agitation called the Civil Rights Movement. 1 mark
a. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, religion or national

b. It also stated that all schools would be open to African- American children and they would no longer
have to attend separate schools specially set up for them. 1x2=2 marks
19. State the lessons learnt from the example of Costa Rica.
19. a. The Costa Rican govt utilized the money to fulfill the basic needs of the people.
b. Emphasis given on health of people by the govt, as it is important for the development of the
c. The Costa Rican govt provides basic services and amenities to all Costa Ricans such as drinking

water, sanitation, nutrition and housing. 1x3=3 marks

20. Evaluate private health care in urban India.

20. a. Urban areas have a large number of doctors, many of them providing specialized services.
b. There are hospitals and nursing homes that are privately owned. 3

c. There are laboratories that do tests and offer special facilities such as X ray, ultrasound etc.
d. There are also shops from where we buy medicines. (any three) 1x3= 3 marks

21. Describe the political environment when no single party wins the election.
21. When no single party secures majority to form the govt. In such situation parties may come together
and form a govt called the coalition govt.

a. It can reflect public opinion better as it represents different parties often having different ideologies.
b. It strive to accommodate the diverse views of people. 3

c. It may be prone to disagreements and conflicts as different parties have different views.
d. It may sometimes delay the implementation of people friendly policies of the govt.(any three) 1x3=3


22. 1+2+1
This is a picture of a mosque and minaret built during the last decade of the twelfth century. Answer
the following questions related to the picture.

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a) What is a Mosque called in Arabic?
b) Why did the Delhi Sultans built the mosques in cities all over the continent?
c) In whose reign was the Moth ki Masjid built?

d) Why was it necessary to reinforce the idea of community among the Muslims?

a) A mosque is called masjid in Arabic. 1 mark 1
b)These demonstrated their claims to be protectors of Islam and Muslims 2
ii) It is a place where a Muslim prostrates in reverence to Allah 1x2=2 marks 1
c) Moth ki Masjid built in the reign of Sikandar Lodi by his minister 1 mark 1
d) It was necessary to reinforce this idea of a community because Muslims came from a variety of
backgrounds. 1 mark

23. Evaluate the strategy of expansion and consolidation adopted by Akbar.

23. Ans: a. When Akbar was crowned in 1556 A.D. the Mughal Empire was scattered. . He established a

vast kingdom by conquering other kingdoms.


b. He captured Gwalior, Ajmer, Jaunpur and Malwa.

c.He also succeeded in capturing the famous forts of Ranthambhor and Chittor.
d. Military campaigns in Gujarat were followed by campaigns in the east in Bihar, Bengal and Orissa.

Akbar's armies also conquered Kabul, Sind and Baluchistan.

e. From 1595 to 1601 the Mughal forces remained busy in the annexation of Berar, Khandesh and parts

of Ahmadnagar. 1x5=5 marks


24. Illustrate the process of rock cycle with the help of a diagram.
24. Ans: a. When the molten magma cools, it solidifies to become igneous rock.

b. These igneous rocks are broken into small particles that are transported and deposited to form
sedimentary rocks.
c. When igneous and sedimentary rocks are subjected to heat and pressure they change into
metamorphic rocks. 4+1=5
d. The metamorphic rocks which are still under great heat and pressure melt down to form the molten
magma This molten magma again cools down and solidify into
igneous rocks. 1x4= 4 marks Diagram (1mark)

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25. Explain any five landforms produced by the river in its upper and middle course.
Upper Course
25. a. When the river tumbles at steep angle over very hard rocks or down a steep valley side it forms a
waterfall. 1 mark
Middle Course
b. As the river enters the plain it twists and turns forming large bends known as meanders.
c. In due course of time the meander loops cuts off from the river and forms a cut off lake also called
an ox bow lake
d. As it floods when river overflows it s banks it deposits layers of fine soil and other material called
sediments to form a fertile plain called floodplain
e. After repeated floods deposits pile up along the banks of the river forming raised embankments
called natural leeves 1x4= 4 marks
26 Name the layer of atmosphere that lies above the troposphere. Discuss any four distinctive features of

this layer.
26. Stratosphere lies above the troposphere. 1 mark
a. It extends upto a height of 50 km.
b. This layer is almost free from clouds and associated weather phenomenon . 1+4=5

c. It is ideal for flying aeroplanes.
d. It contains a layer of ozone gas that absorbs the harmful sun rays.

e. The boundary separating stratosphere and mesosphere is known as stratopause. (any four) 1x4=4
Define the term ‘Constitution’. Examine the ways in which our Constitution protects us from
27. discrimination.
27. Constitution is a document that lays down the basic rules and regulations for people and the govt in the
country to follow. 1 mark
Some of the provisions mentioned in the constitution are
a. Every person is equal before the law. 1+4=5
b. No person can be discriminated against on the basis of their religion, race, caste, place of birth or

whether they are female or male.

c. Every person has access to all public places including playgrounds, hotels, shops and markets.

d. Untouchability has been abolished. (1x4=4 marks)


28. ‘India has the largest number of medical colleges in the world.’ Justify the statement discussing the
status of healthcare in India.

Ans: a. India is the largest producer of doctors in the world.

28. b. There has been a substantial increase in the number of hospitals from 1950 to 2000.

c. India is the 4th largest producer of medicines in the world and is also a large exporter of medicines.
d. India gets a large number of medical tourists from many countries.

e. Most doctors settle in urban areas.

f. About 5 lakh people die from tuberculosis every year.

g. Half of all children in India do not get adequate food to eat and are undernourished.(any five) 1x5=5
29. Who is a Chief Minister? Discuss the role of Chief Minister in State Administration.
29. The head of the government of the state is called the chief minister. 1 mark
a. One of the important functions of the CM is to select the other MLAs of his party as ministers. The
chief minister and the other ministers have the responsibility of running various government 1+4=5
departments or ministries.
b. Ministers take actions and implement decisions through various departments like the Public works
department, health department, and education department etc.

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c. The CM and the ministers can also decide to make new laws.
d. The CM and the ministers also have to explain and answer the questions raised by the press and the
people. 1x4=4 marks
30. On the physical map of India locate the important cities under Muhammad bin Tughluq’s Empire.
a) Kanauj b) Warangal
31. On the physical map of world locate the following rivers
a) The Congo River b) The Missippi River c) The Danube River

d ie

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