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Chapter 2

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Chapter Two: Planning Function


Learning Objectives:
 To introduce the meaning and definitions of management.
 Analyze the nature and importance of planning.
 Discuss various types of planning.
 Understand types of plan.
 Present steps in planning.
 Understand the meaning and types of decisions.
 Discuss steps in rational decision making.
 Present decision environment
The management functions are planning, organizing, staffing, direction and controlling. These
functions are essential to achieve organizational objectives. If objectives are not set then there is
nothing to organize, direct and control. An organization has to specify what it has to achieve. Planning
is related with this aspect.
Every person whether in business or not has framed a number of plans during his life. The plan
period may be short or long. One of the characteristic of human being is that he plans. Planning is the
first and foremost function of management. According to Koontz and O’Donnel “Planning is deciding
in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it. It bridges the gap from
where we are and to where we want to go. It is in essence the exercise of foresight”. According to
M.S. Hardly “Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done. It involves the selection of objectives,
policies, procedures and programmes from among alternatives.
Planning- is the process of determining how the organization can get where it wants to go, and
what it will do to accomplish its objectives. In more formal terms, planning is “the systematic
development of action programs aimed at reaching agreed-upon business objectives by the process of
analyzing, evaluating, and selecting among the opportunities which are foreseen.”
Planning- is a critical management activity regardless of the type of organization being
managed. Modern managers face the challenge of sound planning in small and relatively simple
organizations as well as in large, more complex ones, and in nonprofit organizations
Heying and Massie define “Planning is that function of the manager in which he decides in
advance what he will do. It is a decision making process of a special kind. It is an intellectual process in
which creative mind and imagination are essential”. Planning is an attempt to anticipate the future in
order to achieve better performance.

In the business world, organizations should achieve their objectives. In order to achieve objectives, the
organizations should plan. Planning process produces the plan.

Plan is a blueprint for action & prescribes activities necessary for an organization to realize its goals.
Understanding of planning process requires knowing the relationship between goals, plans & controls
as shown below.

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

Goals Plans Controls

Goals represent the designed position of an organization that is sought to be achieved; Plans establish
the means for achieving the organization goals; and through planning managers outline the activities
necessary to insure that the goals of the organization are achieved; and Controls monitor the extent to
which goals have been achieved and ensure that the organization is moving in the direction suggested
by its plans.

Goals are the outcomes of planning and benchmarks for controls. They are taken from the plan. Goals,
plans & controls are inextricably intertwined & must be well integrated so as to make the planning
process successful. Planning answers six basic questions in regard to any intended activity.

 The ‘what’ or what to do: is the goal that we want to achieve. It may be long term or short
 The ‘when’ or when to do: is the question of timing. Each long term goal may have a series of
short term goals that must be achieved before the long term can be achieved.
 The ‘where’ or where to do: is the place at which the plan is put into practice.
 The ‘who’ or who does it: is the individual/ unit supposed to undertake specific tasks. It asks
which specific people will perform specific tasks.
 The ‘how’ or how it is done or by whom it is done: is the strategy/ method for achieving the
goal. It describes what specific steps are to be taken and in what kind of sequence.
 The ‘how much’ or how much is required to do: concerns with the expenditure of resources
that are determined to be essential to reach goals.


Planning is of great importance in all types of organization whether business or non-business, private or
public, small or large. The organization which thinks much ahead about what it can do in future is
likely to succeed as compared to one which fails to do so. Without planning, business decisions would
become random, ad hoc choices.
Planning is important because of the following reasons.
 Primacy of planning: Planning is the first and foremost function of management, other functions
follow planning. What is not planned cannot be organized and controlled. Planning establishes the
objectives and all other functions are performed to achieve the objectives set by the planning
process as shown in the figure below.

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

 To minimize risk and uncertainty: The organization continuously interacts with the external
dynamic environment where there is great amount of risk and uncertainty. In this changing
dynamic environment where social and economic conditions alter rapidly, planning helps the
manager to cope up with and prepare for changing environment. By using rational and fact based
procedure for making decisions, manager can reduce the risk and uncertainty.
 To focus attention on objectives: Planning focuses on organizational objectives and direction of
action for achieving these objectives. It helps managers to apply and coordinate all resources of
the organization effectively in achieving the objectives. The whole organization is forced to
embrace identical goals and collaborate in achieving them.
 To facilitate control: Planning sets the goals and develops plans to achieve them. These goals
and plans become the standards or benchmarks against which the actual performance can be
measured. Control involves the measurement of actual performance, comparing it with the
standards and initiating corrective action if there is deviation. Control ensures that the activity
confirm to plans. Hence control can be exercised if there are plans.
 To increase organizational effectiveness: Effectiveness implies that the organization is able to
achieve its objectives within the given resources. The resources are put in a way which ensures
maximum contribution to the organizational objectives. Effectiveness leads to success.


Plans can be classified on different bases or dimensions. The most important ones are:
1. Retentiveness (frequency of use)
2. Time dimension/ horizon (duration) &
3. Scope/ breadth dimension.
Based on repetitiveness, plans are classified into two, as Standing plans and Single use plans.
Standing plans are plans that are used again & again; followed each time; and designed to deal with
organizational issues or problems that recur frequently. They can limit employees' flexibility & make it
difficult to respond to the needs of the customers. By using standing plans management handles

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

repetitive problems. Standing plans include mission or purpose; goals/ objectives, strategy; policy;
procedure; method and rule.
A. Purpose or Mission
Setting organizational objectives is the starting point of managerial actions. Every organization is
purposive creation, it has some objectives; the end results for which the organization strive. These end
results are referred to as mission, ‘purpose’, ‘goal’, ‘target’ etc. which are often used inter-changeably.
However there are differences in the contest in which these terms are used.
In every social system, enterprises have a basic function or task, which is assigned to them by
society. The mission or purpose identifies this basic function or task of the organization, for example
the purpose of university is teaching & research.
Mission and purpose are often used interchangeably though there is difference between the two at least
at theoretical level. Mission has external orientation and relates the organization to the society in which
it operates. A mission statement links the organization activities to the needs of the society and
legitimates its existence. Purpose is also externally focused but is relates the organization to that
segment of the society to which it serves; it defines the business which the company will undertake.
The mission of the company says what it can be for the country i.e., society in general and purpose
suggest how this contribution can be made. However in general practice mission and purpose are either
used interchangeably or jointly.

B. Goals or Objectives
Every organization is established for the purpose of achieving some objectives. An individual
who starts a business has the objective of earning profits. A chartable institution which starts schools
and colleges has the objectives of rendering service to the public in the field of education. Though
objectives may differ from one organization to another, yet each organization has its own objective.
Objectives are the end towards which the activities of an organization are directed. Objectives are
known by different names, such as goals, aims, purposes, targets etc. Setting up of objectives is the first
step in planning. According to Mc Farland, “Objectives are the goals, aims or purposes that the
organizations wish to achieve over varying periods of time”. George R Terry defines “. A
managerial objective is the intended goal which describes definite scope and suggests direction to the
efforts of a manager”. Objective is the term used to indicate the end point of management programme,
for which an organization is established and tries to achieve.

Objectives have the following characteristics.

 Objectives are multiple in numbers: Every business enterprise has a package of objectives set
in various key areas. Peter Drucker has emphasized setting objectives in eight key areas namely
market standing, innovation, productivity, physical and financial resources, profitability,
manager performance and development, worker performance and attitude, and public
 Objectives are tangible or intangible: Some of the objectives such as productivity, physical
and financial resources are tangible; whereas objectives in the areas of manager’s performance,
workers morale is completely intangible.

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

 Objectives have a priority: At a given point of time one objective may be important than
another. For example maintaining minimum cash balance is important than due date of payment.
 Objectives are generally arranged in hierarchy: It implies that organization has corporate
objectives at the top and divisional, departmental and sectional objectives at the lower level of
 Objectives some time clash with each other: An objective of one department may clash with
the objectives of other department. For example the objectives of production of low unit cost
achievement through mass production of low quality products may conflict with goal of sales
department selling high quality products.
Requirements of Sound Objectives
 Objectives must be clear: There should not be ambiguity in objectives. The framed objectives
should be achievable and are to be set considering various factors affecting their achievements.
 Objectives must support one another.
 Objectives must be consistent with organizations mission.
 Objectives should be consistent over period of time.
 Objectives should be rational, realistic and not idealistic.
 Objectives should start with word ‘to’ and be followed by an action verb.
 Objectives should be periodically reviewed.
Advantages of Objectives
The following are some of the advantages of objectives.
 Unified planning: Various plans are prepared at various level in the organization. These plans
are consistent with the objectives and hence objectives encourage unified planning.
 Individual motivation: Objectives act as motivators for individual and departments imbuing
their activity with a sense of purpose.
 Coordination: Objectives facilitate coordinated behavior of various groups which otherwise
may pull in different directions.
 Control: Objectives provide yardstick for performance. The actual performance is compared
with standard performance and hence objectives facilitate control.
 Basis for decentralization: Department-wise or section wise objectives are set in order to
achieve common objectives of the organization. These objectives provide basis for

C. Strategies
A strategy may be defined as relationship or an administrative course of action designed to achieve
success in the face of difficulties. Strategy is the basic plan chosen to achieve objectives. ‘Every
organization has to develop plans logically from goals considering the environmental opportunities and
threats and the organizational strengths and weakness. A strategy is a plan which takes into these
factors and provides an optimal match between the firm and external environment. Two activities are
involved in strategy formulation namely environmental appraisal and corporate appraisal.
Environmental appraisal involves identifying and analysis of the following factors:
 Political and legal factors: Stability of government, taxation and licensing laws, fiscal policies,
restrictions on capital etc.

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

 Economic factors: Economic development, distribution of personal income, trend in prices,

exchange rates etc.
 Competitive factors: Identifying principal competitors and analysis of their performance, anti-
monopoly laws, protection of patents, brand names etc. Corporate analysis involves identifying
and analyzing company’s strength and weakness. For example a company’s strength may be low
cost manufacturing skill, excellent product design, efficient distribution etc. Its weakness may
be lack of physical and financial resources. A company must plan to exploit these strengths to
maximum and circumvent its weakness.
The formulation of strategy is like preparing for beauty contest in which a lady tries to highlight her
strong points and hide her weak points. The process of matching company’s strength and weakness
with environmental opportunities and threats is known as SWOT analysis.

D. Policies
A policy is a general guide to thinking and action rather than a specific course of action. It defines the
area or limits within which decisions can be made to achieve organizational objectives. It sets up
boundaries around decisions. According to Koontz and O’ Donnell policies are general statements of
understanding which guide or channel thinking in decision making of subordinates. Policies channelize
the thinking of the organization members so that it is consistent with the organizational objectives.
According to George R Terry “ Policy is a verbal, written or implied overall guide, setting up
boundaries that supply the general limits and directions in which managerial action will take place”.
Although policies deal with “how to do” the work, but do not dictate terms to subordinates. They only
provide framework within which decisions are to be made by the management in various areas. Hence
an organization may have recruitment policy, price policy, advertisement policy etc.
Types of policies: Policies may be classified on the basis of sources, functions or organizational levels
as shown

Originated policies are policies which are established formally. These policies are established by top
managers for guiding the decisions of their subordinates and also their own and are made available in
the form of manuals. Appealed policies are those which arise from the appeal made by a subordinate to
his superior regarding the manner of handling a given situation. When decisions are made by the
supervisor on appeals made by the subordinates, they become precedents for further action. For

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

example a books dealer offers a discount of 10% on all text books. Suppose if an institution requests for
a discount of 15% and prepared to pay full amount in advance, the sales manager not knowing what to
do may approach his superior for his advice. If the superior accepts the proposal for 15% discount, the
decision of the superior become a guideline for the sales manager in future. This policy is an appealed
policy because it comes into existence from the appeal made by the subordinate to the superior. The
policies which are stated neither in writing nor verbally are known as implied policies. The presence of
implied policies can be ascertained by watching the actual behavior of various superiors in specific
situations. For example if company’s residential quarters are repeatedly allotted to individuals on the
basis of seniority, this may become implied policy.
On the basis of business function policies may be classified into production, sales, finance, personnel
policies etc. Every one of these function may have a number of policies. For example the personnel
function may have recruitment policy, promotion policy and finance function may have policies related
to capital structure, dividend payment etc.,
On the basis of organizational level policies may range from major company policies through major
departmental policy to minor or derivative policies applicable to smallest segment of the organization.
Advantages of Policies
The advantages of policies are as follows:
 Policies ensure uniformity of action at various organization points which make actions more
 Since the subordinates need not consult superiors, it speeds up decision.
 Policies make easier for the superior to delegate more and more authority to his subordinates
because, he knows that whatever decision the subordinates make will be within the boundaries
of the policies.
 Policies give a practical shape to the objectives by directing the way in which predetermined
objectives are to be attained.

E. Procedures
A procedure is a chronological sequence of steps to be undertaken to enforce a policy and to attain
an objective. It lays down the specific manner in which a particular activity is to be performed. It is a
planned sequence of operations for performing repetitive activities uniformly and consistently.
Policies are carried out by means of more detailed guidelines called procedures. A procedure
provides a detailed set of instructions for performing a sequence of actions involved in doing a certain
piece of work. A procedure is a list of systematic steps for handling activities that occur regularly. The
same steps are followed each time that activity is performed. A streamlined, simplified and sound
procedure helps to accelerate clerical work without duplication and waste of efforts and other resources.
Difference between policies and procedures can be explained by means of an example. A company may
adopt a policy of centralized recruitment and selection through labor department.
The labor department may chalk out the procedure of recruitment and selection. The procedure
may consist of several steps like inviting application, preliminary interview aptitude and other tests,
final interview, medical examination and issue of appointment orders. The following are advantages of
 They indicate a standard way of performing a task.

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

 They result in simplification and elimination of waste.

 Procedure improves the efficiency of employees.
 Procedure serves as a tool of control by enabling managers to evaluate the performance of their

F. Methods
A method is a prescribed way in which one step of procedure is to be performed. A method is thus a
component part of procedure. It means an established manner of doing an operation. Medical
examination is a part of recruitment and selection procedure, method indicate the manner of conducting
medical examination. Methods help in increasing the effectiveness and usefulness of procedures. By
improving methods, reduced fatigue, better productivity and lower costs can be achieved. Methods can
be improved by eliminating wastes by conducting “motion study”.
Methods are more detailed than procedures. Procedure shows a series of steps to be taken where as
a method is only concerned with a single operation, with one particular step, and tells exactly how this
particular step is to be performed.

Rules are the simplest and strictest type of standing plan found in organizations. They provide
detail & specific regulations for action, and reflect managerial decisions that certain actions must or
must not be done. Rules are different from policies & procedures. Rules also serve as guidelines, but
allow no discretion in their application; allow no deviation from the stated course of action. A
procedure might be looked upon as of rules but a rule may or may not be a part of procedure. e.g. “No
smoking” is a rule unrelated to any procedure. Rules are already decided measures that are applied in
response to a certain action. And they are pre-decided actions by top level managers. Employees don't
have right to modify or change rules by themselves.
Rules, procedures & methods, by their nature, are designed to repress thinking; we should use
them only when we don’t want people in an organization to use their discretion.


They are developed to address a specific organizational situation. They are used up only once but not
over & over again as the standing plans. They are not used up again once the objective is accomplished.
Single – use plans are commonly three types, namely programs; projects and budgets.
A. Programs
They are a relatively broad set of activities designed to accomplish a particular set of goals. They are
complex and encompass goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments, steps to be taken,
resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry out a given course of action; they are
supported by budgets. Programs may be of various size & duration. A program is a sequence of
activities directed towards the achievement of certain objectives. A programme is action based and
result oriented. A program lays down the definite steps which will be taken to accomplish a given task.
It also lays down the time to be taken for completion of each step. The essential ingredients of every
program are time phasing and budgeting. This means that specific dates should be laid down for the
completion of each successive stage of programme. In addition a provision should be made in the

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

budget for financing the programme. A program might include such general activity as purchasing new
machines or introducing new product in the market. Thus a program is a complex of objective, policies,
procedures, task assignments, steps to be taken, resources to be employed and other elements to carry
out a given course of action.
B. Projects
Projects are parts of a general program and direct the efforts of individuals or work groups towards the
achievement of well defined goals. They are typically less comprehensive & narrower in focus than
programs; and usually have predetermined target dates for completion. Project is a subset of a specific
program. It is a smaller portion of a program. Projects are connected with a major program but a project
can be handled by itself.

C. Budgets
Budget is the resources required in numerical terms. It is referred as a numerated/ numberized program.
it is a fundamental planning instrument in companies that deals with the future allocation and utilization
of various resources to different organizational activities over a given time period. Budget can be
expressed in financial terms; labor units; products/ unit of product; machine hours or in any other
numerically measured term. It is necessary for control; and serves as a benchmark for controlling.
Budgets are 3 types.
Variable or flexible budget: budgets that vary according to the organization’s level of
Program budget: when an organization & its departments identify goals, develop detailed
programs to meet the goals estimate the cost of each program. To prepare effective program
budget, a manager must do some fairly detailed & through planning.
Zero – base budget: the programs started from the scratch or “base zero.

N.B. Programs are the most comprehensive, projects have the narrower scope and often undertaken as a
part of a program. Budgets are developed to support programs & projects.


All planning deals with the future; and the future are measured in time. All the kinds of plans are
interrelated and one is the derivative of the other. Plans in terms of time periods are classified into three
as long term/ range; intermediate range and short range.
1. Long – range planning: has longer time horizon; and usually concerned with the future direction
of the organization but not concerned with the immediate future but with distant future. The time
usually ranges from 5-10 years, but the time length is a relative term that depends on the size & the
nature of the organization.
2. Intermediate – range planning: ranges between long & sort range planning; and they are usually
developed for 1-5 years, but the time dimension can also vary depending on the size & nature of the
3. Short – range planning: are not developed separately. They are also taken as operational plans
derived from the long ranging or intermediate plans. The time length is commonly taken as less

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

than 1 year. What is long or short range in most cases depends on the size of the organization & the
type of business of the organizations.


Planning that is strategic in nature; focuses on changing the competitive position and the overall
performance of the organization is the long term. Based on scope, plans are classified into 3 categories
as Strategic plan; Tactical plan & Operational plan.
1. Strategic planning
Strategic plan is a general plan outlining decisions of resources allocation, priorities, and action/ steps
necessary to reach strategic goals. It is a process of analyzing & deciding the organs mission; objective;
strategy (major courses of action) and the major resource allocations. It is also developed by top level
managers; mostly long –range in its time horizon; expressed in relatively general, non-specific terms &
a type of planning that provides a general direction to the organization. Strategic planning is the process
by which the organization's strategies are determined. In the process, three basic questions are
 Where are we now?
 Where do we want to be?
 How do we get there?
The "where are we now?" question is answered through the first three steps of the strategy formulation
 Perform internal and external environmental analyses,
 Review vision, mission and objectives, and
 Determine SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
SWOT analysis is very crucial. Going on to strategy choices without a comprehensive SWOT analysis
is risky. Strengths and weaknesses come from the internal environment of the firm. Strengths can be
exploited, built upon and made key to accomplishment of mission and objectives. Strengths reflect past
accomplishments in production, financial, marketing and human resource management. Weaknesses are
internal characteristics that have the potential to limit accomplishment of mission and objectives.
Weaknesses may be so important that they need to be addressed before any further strategic planning
steps are taken. Opportunities and threats are uncontrollable by management because they are external
to the firm. Opportunities provide the firm the possibility of a major improvement. Threats may stand
in the way of a firm reaching its mission and objectives.

2. Tactical planning:
Tactical plan is a plan aimed at achieving tactical goals and developed to implement specific parts
of strategic plan. It refers to the process of developing action plans through which strategies are
executed. It is concerned with shorter time frame & narrower scopes than strategic planning.
Departmental managers in organizations are often involved in tactical planning. The strategic planning
& tactical plan are highly interrelated.
3. Operational planning:

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Chapter Two: Planning Function

Operational plans focuses on carrying out technical plans to achieve operational goals. Operational
planning is mainly short range; more specific & detailed. It is made at operational level & concerned
with day- today; week – to - week activities of the organizations.
4. Contingency planning:
Contingency planning is an approach that has become very popular in today's rapidly changing
business envelopment. It is the determination of alternative courses of action to be taken if the original
plans are/or become inappropriate due to the changing circumstances. It is proactive in nature & the
management tries to anticipate changes in the environment and prepares to cope with the future events.
It is necessary at each level of management and for strategic, tactical, and operational plantings. It is the
development of two or more plans based on different conditions. The plan to be implemented is
determined by the specific prevailing situation.


The planning process indicates the major steps taken in planning. And generally there are 10 steps in
planning process
Step 1: Understanding the existing situation
Awareness to the external environment to the organization is great important in planning to identify
opportunities (O) & Threats (T) and identify Strength (S) & Weaknesses (W) of an organization. To
understand external environment organizations should analyze economic situations (competition,
prices, demand, supply, etc.); Political situations (government policies, taxation, peace & stability,
etc.); Socio – cultural situations: (culture of the society, direction in change of the culture, attitude of
the society towards different products, etc.); Environmental situations and Technological situations. In
addition to external environment, understanding the internal environment is also essential, i.e. different
types of resources an organization possesses. Therefore managers must look at O and T as well as S
&Ws, and understand what problems they wish to solved & why, and know what they expect to gain.
Setting realistic objectives depends on this awareness. Planning requires a realistic diagnosis of the
opportunity situation.
Step 2: Forecasting
Forecasting is assumption what the future looks like. To decide where one wants to go, it is necessary
to have information about what the future looks like. Planning is deciding what is to be done in the
future. The future is full of uncertainties; the manager must make certain assumptions about it in order
to plan properly. These assumptions are based on forecasts of the future.
Step 3: Establishing objectives
Objectives established for the entire enterprise and then for each subordinate work unit. They specify
the expected results and indicate the end points what is to be done, where the primary emphasis to be
located, & what is to be accomplished by the network of strategies, policies, procedures, rules, budgets,
& programs. Organizational objectives give direction to the major plans, by reflecting these objectives
departmental objectives defined, departmental objectives intern control objectives of subordinate
departments, etc. down the line. The objectives of lesser departments will be more accurate if the
subdivisions managers understand the overall organizational objectives and the derivative goals.
Step 4: Determining the alternative courses of action

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Determining the alternative courses of action is searching for & examining alternative course of action
(strategies), especially for those not immediately apparent. The more common problem is not finding
alternatives but reducing the number of alternatives
Step 5: Evaluating alternative courses of action
Evaluating alternative courses of action is assessing the alternatives by weighing them in light of
premises and goals. It is seeking out alternative courses and examining their strong & weak points.
Step 6: Selecting a course of action
Selecting a course of action is the point at which the plan is adopted. It is the real point of decision
Step 7: Formulating derivative plans
Derivative plans are those which support the basic or main plan.
Step 8: Numberizing plans by budgeting
After decisions are made & plans are set, the final step is giving them meaning. Budgeting is to
numberized plans by converting them into budgets. The organization’s budget represents the sum total
of income & expenses. If done well, budgets become a means of adding together various plans & also
set important standards against which planning progress can be measures.
Step 9: Implementing the plan
After selecting optimum alternative, the manager has to develop an action plan to implement it. The
manager must decide these issues
o Who will do what
o By what date will the tasks be initiated & completed
o What resources will be available for the process (human & material)
o How will the plan be evaluated
o What reporting procedures are to be used
o What type & degree of authority will be granted to achieve these ends
Step 10: Controlling & evaluating the results
Once the plan is implemented, the manager must monitor the progress, i.e. evaluate the reported
results, and make any modifications necessary. Plans have to be modified because the environment is
constantly changing. Modification is needed because plans are not quite perfect when they are

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