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Although we just got to know each other, Well I will appreciate us being good

friends in sincerity, honesty and trust.I want us to share ideas and discuss about
more issues as we talk more about ourselves, and i believe as time goes on there
may be something great for us in the future, What do you say?

I dont want Distance, age, culture, languages to be a barrier between us

DISTANCE never separates the HEART that really CARES Though we may not SPEND so
much time TOGETHER you are always in my THOUGHTS my great friend.


I just want a life of understanding,love and happiness with you

I want you to understand that i may not be the perfect man you are looking
for ..but i will always be there for you at any time you need me.

TRUE LOVE HAVE NO CLASS,weather rich or poor.

Well with this step of trust and willingness, I urge us to begin this friendship
with great happiness, care, joy, hope, sacrifice, patients, honesty and above all
love. .

All i need from you is a kind of woman that will have all her time and
responsibility for her family to love and care for her husband and kids.

Am not looking for a perfect woman weather rich or poor but am i need a woman with
respect and assumes responsibility to love and care for her family "our family"

I just wish to have a happy home with the one that i will love and she will love me
with her all just like you are doing now in this relationship.

QUES: What are your Hobbies, Religious beliefs and Plans for the future ?

ANS: My Hobbies: reading news papers, watching TV, listening to music, Sports
Particularly Swimming, Travelling, Religion, Roman Catholic.
My plans for my future is go into an Investment after my retirement and
settled down with the woman share the rest of my life with. Plus, I intend to have
my own ranch.

Ques: What would you like in your partner?

ANS: I would like someone who has love and understanding. I so much love someone
who is honest and truthful to herself and to others. Someone who will not tell lies
even if it will hurt anyone. Someone responsible and family oriented as me. I am
not saying I am perfect but I know I am honest and sincere and I give all my heart
and soul to whom ever I love.

Well let me tell you every other thing you need know about me

In a relationship, I am quite content to be at home working on a project or help

with cooking dinner or relaxing. My lifestyle is usually relaxed and pretty quiet.
I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert; however, I can hold my own at any
social function. You should also know that sometimes I can be irreverent, I can be
silly and pretty childlike, but could be very understanding with good sense of
humour when it comes to sharing of thoughts and ideas...

I enjoy pampering and surprising my partner and I also love to be nurtured in

return. Sensuality is important to me,I enjoy going to the beach, love the ocean
and mountian view. Enjoy some Travel and weekend trips. Movies and dinners with a
nice glass of wine. Going to concerts or comedy club and more. Cuddling at home to
a good movie. I like to go to the races as well. Walks in a nice park followed by a
picnic "Romantic thought". Dont care for the cold or snow. Nice to look at but
prefer warm weather now..

I'm kind and Humble with a good heart and i have great values to human life. My
friends and those close to me never have to question whether the words I say are

I will like us to start this relationship with sincerity, hope and love.

I am supportive and caring and have a loyal and tolerant character's very humble,
honest, understanding and truthful. I'm a very passionate, physical person that
would want the same in a mate, deeply romantic, optimistic, hopeful, wise, & smart

I haven't had much time to get out and meet someone new because of the nature of my
job so I am giving this service a shot.I am happy we met here, it will not end here
and i look forward to meet and live with you as one big family soon.


1. what is your favorite color?

ANS: My favorite color is blue and red....

1B. Can you drive?

2. What kind of car do you drive and what color is it?

ANS: I drive a 2018 Cadillac CTS sea blue...

3. would you like to get married again or have any children

ANS: That is nice my love. For me if I found the right woman, and everything was
good yes I would love to marry a special woman like you.Me having kid(s)
it depends on my partner.

4. When is your birthday?

ANS: My birthday is October 5th and I will turn 50`years

5. Do you like to play with the heart of a man?

ANS: I don't play games, I had my heart played with another woman and i wouldn't do
to anyone, I've been hurt before and I don't wish that on anyone.

6. What's your favorite food?

ANS: I like most foods, I cook anything i want to eat weaknes is potatoes with

7. Do you attend church?

ANS: I don't attent church regularly, I was raised Catholic, and had to go to
church daily,
I feel that religion is to hypocritical so I'm spiritual and believe in the

8. How tall are you?

ANS: I'm 6 ft' 1inch" (185.26centimter) .(..1.85METERE)

9. What is your weight?

ANS: 74.8427kg..165 pounds

10. What type of music do you listen to?

ANS: I listen to all types of music, I like R& B old school stuff, I'm a big Patti
Labelle fan,
don't listen to heavy rock, heavy country or Rap

11. Are you right handed or left handed?

ANS: I'm right handed

12. How often do you take showers daily?

ANS: I do baths at nights, almost everynight ritual, i love hot water and shower in
the AM


13. Are you an affectionate person?if YES Do you like to kiss?

ANS: I'm very affectionate and i like kissing matter where i am even if in
public .. but with
the right person.

14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing?

ANS: No tattoos .. i dont like them

15. Are you a handy woman?, for example if I bought a ceiling fan can u put it in?
ANS: I'm very handy,

16. Do you like to cook? YES Can u cook?

ANS: Yes I can I said ..

17. What would ur ideal mate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall
ANS: My ideal mate, education as long as we can communicate, no requirements on
body type,
personality wise, someone honest, truthful, with integrity, with a sense of
someone devoted to the relationship, someone to be my equal, someone who can
be passionate,
someone who only wants to love me.....

18: Would you ever apologise to your husband when ever you are at fault, or your
prefer him apologise to you?
ANS: When I'm wrong I will be the first to admit it, I'm not perfect, i do make

19. If you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement, how would u handle it?
unresolved and act like nothing happened?
ANS: when as a couple we fight I expect to work the problems out, usually by
from my past I found if you let things go unresolved they never go away ... so
i will
talk to you and will understand you and make sure we understand each other.

20. When was the last time you had sex? Are u what Americans/we call a freak in
bed?I enjoy the physical
part of a relationship .freaky??
ANS:last time I had sex was about a year ago , only been with 1 woman in the last
years, in my younger
years I'm very physical with my man and hope he is the same, if I'm freaky only
she will know it.
Sex is an important part of a relationship and it's natural.

21. what is your favorite Fun-place to go?

ANS: My favorite place the beach ...

22. Is there any male (s), beside myself, that ur trying to get to know or want to
ANS: A female I'm getting to know, I have been emailing to other women, do I think
it will
develope into anything no, have I met them-no. they are very infomal emails
not relaionship
driven ...and will love to get to know you.

23. Do you wear jewelry?

ANS: yes I wear jewelry... gold once .

24. Where were you born?

ANS: I was born in Italy..and have been in the state for some years now ..

25. What made u decide to reply to my messages on FB?

ANS: well i wrote you bcos I liked your profile and wanted to hear more,

27. Are u a night or morning person?

ANS: I'm more of an afternoon person, I don't like getting up early unless for
something special. and I usually go to bed late

28. what is your favourite movie?

ANS: My favourite movies is HITCH by Will Smith .it all about love....

29. What was your most memorable childhood moment?

ANS: Christmas time would be the most memorable,as i surely know i will get some
and candy's..Lol

30. What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
ANS: Funniest thing.... a cab ride in Las Vegas, it was with a wild driver,
when we got to the destinations we actually fell on the floor laughing.. I
will tell you more
about it late

31. What was your most embarrassing moment?

ANS: Most embarrassing , Right after I posted my profile online I was at a work
location and one of the female employees told me he seen my pic & profile,
he now always mentions it when I visit that location.

32. What was the single most significant turning point in your life?
ANS: Turning point in my life, my fathers death, it made me realize you really only
have yourself,
it made me a strong independent man

33. What things do you feel passionate about?.

ANS: What do I feel passionate about, my kid, my job, my life the Almighty, someday
a Woman , I hope.

how do you cope Hun, I mean being an independent woman, Well for me am so
independent and my uncle Alexandra has thought me to be strong, I have investments
there in the states, and i do believe i will never lack anything future to come,
what about you?

ANS:: I have two houses there in the states, One in LA where Jerry and his nanny
lives, and the other in PA, Also with golds, cars and other landed properties

34. Do you believe in love at first sight?

ANS: Love at first sight, YES I beleive love at first site

35. What's the difference between love, romance and sex?

ANS: Love is feeling deep into your soul, willing to give your all,
romance is the act of being in love, the attitudes, the things you do or say,
sex is
physical gratification, sex can be different than making love,
you can have sex but not be in love..

36. Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public?
ANS: To a certain degree, not to explict

37. To a certain degree, not to explict

ANS: MY idea of a dream, finding that true love, that fairy tale love, Happily
ever after..and be with her ..

38. If you had three wishes, what would they be?.

ANS: Three wishes, good health for all myself and Being able to help all those
I love financially, and finding my soul mate

39. What do you want most from life??

ANS: To be loved truely & honestly, to be able to be true to my self and to live
each day to the fullest and to find the same
40. What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?
ANS: When i'm sad or depressed I watch movies or try to play with ym kid and talk
to my friends on the phone ..

48. Dear would you ever spend cash in assisting your love partner when he is in
need or in trouble?
ANS: honey if my partner needs my help in any way i would gladly help out knowing
that she would never
do a thing to hurt me, what matters is her being happy for me.

honey i want you to remember

please i would want you to take good care of your self, i will write you a mail
when am back from Patrol, please it's very Urgent i must leave now, try and have a
night rest My Lady.


Thank your for your prayers and also your lovely Messages, I missed you so much and
I am
so sorry for keeping you waiting honey, your thought saved my life today. Our van
got hit
by RPG, the power turned it over and I took a bullet. We got pinned down and there
was no exit,
through out the 1hour 30mins there was sound of bullets all through this moment, i
was face to
face with death I never paused thinking about you. There was heavy firing and we
secured a safe
position till our back up team came to our rescue, I wanted to live to see another
day for and with
you and my kid's. i dare not tell my kids this, they'll panic. honey Please come
online as soon as
you can i have something to tell you very important baby i want you to know
that ....I love you Endlessly

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