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Final Lesson Plan in Philippine Literature

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Rosario Campus

OLGADO, SHERYL D. September 21, 2023



I. Overview
This lesson will briefly explain and help the Grade 7 students to understand and
widen their knowledge in terms of determining and recognizing the literary elements
presented in the short story entitled “Sunset” by Paz M. Latorena. In this lesson, we’re
also going to develop collaboration and cooperation within a group and appreciate the
beauty of this literary work. Lastly, the students will gain valuable morals in the story
that will arouse their interest in reading short stories and can be applied in different
real-life situations.

II. Learning Objectives

At the end of 45 minutes class period, 90% of the students will be able to:
A- identify the elements of the story entitled “Sunset” by Paz M. Latorena;
M – recognize one of the great Filipino authors, Paz Latorena; and
T- interpret the theme and moral of the story.

III. Learning Content

A. Topic or Subject Matter
“Sunset” by Paz M. Latorena
B. Reference/s
C. Materials
PowerPoint, Book, Laptop, ViewBoard, Print images, Cartolina, Marker,
Instructional Materials e.g. books, sunset wheel, improvise train, etc.
D. Time frame
September 21, 2023/45 minutes
E. Values
Cooperation and Collaboration

IV. Methodology/Strategy
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Routinary Activity

1. Prayer The students will pray together with their

May I request everyone to please stand, bow teachers
your head and feel the presence of the Lord,
as we say Lord and Father of all. Thank you
for today. Help us to focus our hearts and
minds now on what we are about to learn.

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214
Rosario Campus

Inspire us by you Holy Spirit as we listen and

write. Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the lesson that will be
discuss today. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen
2. Greetings
Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Ma’am
Sunset Check

S- uffice your space and pick up the pieces

of paper under your chair;

U- nderstand and comprehend the


N- oises are not allowed if it is not related to

the topic;

S- hare your ideas once the teacher call your


E- liminate the things that may distract you;


T- aking notes is necessary.

Did you understand our rules for today?

Yes, Ma’am.
3. Checking of attendance

Ms. Nitus Capila, do we have any absentees

Ms. Nitus will respond “None, Ma’am!”
for today?
Okay, very good class! Give yourselves a
The students will do the sunset clap
sunset clap (if there’s none). It goes like
this, 1,2,3(2x) clap and foot stomps
simultaneously, and extend your arms and
1,2,3 (foot stomps)
form a heart above your head.
Each student will extend their arms and form
a heart above their head.
Kindly list down the absentees (if there’s
B. Activity
“Before we proceed in our formal discussion
for today, let us have an activity and this will
be called “WHAT’S IN THE BOX”

Okay class, the mechanics of the game is

quite simple all you need to do is listen as I
explain the mechanics of our activity

First, I will be calling volunteer students to

proceed here in front to pick questions inside

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214
Rosario Campus

the box and you are just going to answer that

Did you understand the mechanics? Yes, Ma’am we understand the mechanics
Are you excited? Okay, if that’s so, Let’s Yes, Ma’am we are very much excited
The student will answer, true is when you are
Question to answer: willing to sacrifice.
1. Define true love.
The student will answer, no because love
2. Do you believe at love at first sight? takes time.

The student will answer, I alter all the

3. If you were given a chance to alter some
mistakes I committed in the past.
events that happened in your life, what would
it be and why?
The student will answer, I think it symbolizes
4. If you are going to dig deeper in the the pain of letting go.
meaning of sunset, how are you going to
describe it concerning your perspective in
The student will answer, it depends because
not all love is worth fighting for.

5. Is love always worth fighting for? The student will answer, yes because
sometimes it is better to let go for your own
6. Do you believe that sometimes holding on good.
does more damage than letting go? Explain
your answer.
The student will answer, yes, I remember my
first love, he/she made my world stop.
7. Have you ever fell in love with someone? If
yes, share your experience.

8. Congratulations! You are exempted.

C. Analysis
Upon doing our activity and answering the
indicated questions, what do you think is our Ma'am I think we are going to discuss a story
about love.
topic for today?

Another? Ma'am I think we are going to discuss a story

about sunset.
Okay, Very Good! It seems that you have a
gist on the topic that we’re going to discuss
D. Abstraction
At this time, we are going to discuss one of the
great literary works entitled Sunset written by
great author, Paz Latorena but before that let
us first know and understand her background

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214
Rosario Campus

of the author
Class, at this juncture we’re going to talk about
Ms. Paz Latorena

Ms. Paz Latorena is one of the notable Filipino

English writers of the first generation. She was
born on January 17, 1908 in Boac,
Marinduque. Paz Latorena's journey in making
literary pieces began when she was in college
at UP-Manila, whereas, she attended a short
story writing class under Paz Marquez-
Benitez. Moreover, Latorena did not only
publish short stories but poems as well. And
she died on October 19, 1953 due to cerebral

Do you understand the life of Ms. Paz Yes, Ma’am


Now let’s discuss the summary of her story. I

will be distributing the copy of the story for you
to be able to understand and comprehend it
very well.

Do you have your copy? Yes,Ma’am

The story entitled Sunset written by Paz


So, I will first read the story and I will be calling

random students to continue, so please pay
attention to the copy you have. You are just
going to read the next part of the story on
where I stop.
Let’s start, are you ready? Yes, Ma’am

There was a woman who happened to be a

runaway maid who found her way to a shop
one rainy night. The man or the cobbler who
owned the shop was frightened by her sudden

And then what happen next? Yes, Ms. Loredo, Ms. Loredo will read the story, At first, the
kindly continue. woman thought that the man would not offer
his place for her to stay so she was about to
leave when the man stopped her. Then, the
woman fell asleep.
So, the cobbler let the woman to stay at his
shop which is in the Barronco.

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214
Rosario Campus

Then, continue Mr. Robel Mr. Robel will continue, the next day, the
woman explained how she ended up in
Barranco, and why she was running from the
house of her senorita during the rainy night.
So that day, the maid explained why she ran The man was terrified when he learned that
at that rainy night. According to her she was the woman was sexually harassed by the
being abused by the younger brother of her senorita's younger brother.

Ms. Matibag will continue, At that same

Then, what happen next? Yes, Ms. Matibag moment, out of the cobbler's feelings of
continue. intangible responsibility and vague desire to
atone, he promised to marry the woman.
They decided to live together and fell in love
even without deeply knowing each other's
So at that moment, even though the cobbler background.
really don’t know the background of the maid,
he still fell in love with the maid. And
immediately promise that he will marry the
woman or the maid.

And then, kindly continue Ms. Bagting

Ms. Bagting will continue, For the wedding to
happen, the man wanted to pay for it by
earning from his work - but it was too long.
The woman wanted to help but the man did
So, man is always man. For the wedding to
happen, he decided to pay for it by earning not allow her. she just decided to follow his
from his work. And he doesn’t let the woman orders so the man will not be angry towards
to help her. her

And then, what happen next? Continue Mr. Mr. Alquerez will continue, one time, when
Alquerez the man was out for his work, the senorita
came to the woman's house. The senorita
offered her money and a dress as a gift for
her wedding, but the woman refused.
So, to avoid misunderstandings, the woman Instead, she told the senorita to give it to the
follow the order of the cobbler. When the man man.
was not at home yet, the senorita came. The
senorita offered a gift which is a dress but the
woman did not accept it.

Ms. Manlimid, kindly continue the story. Ms. Manlimid will continue, After that, the
man came home with a surprise for her but
did not reveal it yet. The woman waited for
the surprise only to find out that it was not
At that time, the man came home with a what she expected - it was just a violet scarf
surprise. The maid thought that the cobbler is of thin silk.
going to propose but it was not what she
expected. The man only gave a violet scarf
with a thin silk.

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214
Rosario Campus

Continue the story, Ms. Joco Ms. Joco will read the last part of the story,
The woman was not happy, and insisted that
In the last part of the story, the woman was both of them must work to earn for their
very disappointed, she said that she will help marriage. The man finally agreed, without
the cobbler to work for their marriage. Then, knowing that the woman won't come back to
the man agreed but without knowing the him anymore. The woman left happily.
woman planned to left him and never come
back to him anymore.

I think the woman doesn’t love the cobbler

because if she really loved him. She will never

Did you understand the story? Yes, Ma’am

If that’s the case, I have a question for you,
“Why do you think the author entitled the story Student will answer, I think the author uses a
sunset even though there is no connection symbolism. And like the sunset it represents
with the sunset itself? letting go

Okay, at this juncture let’s proceed to the

Elements of the short story in order for us to
analyze the presented elements in a certain
literary piece.
Are you class excited to learn this part? Yes, Ma’am

We have 5 elements and it is composed of

settings, characters, conflict, theme, and plot
and under the plot it has also an element such
as the exposition, rising action, climax, falling
action and resolution

So, the first one is setting,

Okay Row 1, kindly read the presented “The row 1 will read the presented ideas
meaning of setting. about setting “Setting is the physical
background of the story it is where and when
the story takes place”
Okay, thank you everyone, so class in the
story the setting is the northern district,
Barranco Shoe Shop. At the cobbler’s rusty,
tiny shop and the senoritas mansion.
Yes, Ma’am
Do you understand the setting of the story?
Row 2 will read the presented ideas about
What about the character, kindly read it Row the character “Character are the people that
2 populate a story. They are the one who do
the actions—talk, think, interact—within the
world of a story”

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214
Rosario Campus

Okay thank you everyone, the characters in

the story are the maid, the cobbler, senorita,
and senorita’s brother.

Did you understand the characters of the Yes, Ma’am


What about the conflict? Kindly read it Row 1 Row 1 will read the presented ideas about
the character “Conflict is the struggle
between opposing forces. There are different
types of conflict such as internal,
interpersonal conflict and external conflict.
Okay, thank you so much row 2. Class, the
conflict here is when the man and woman fell
in love to each other and decided to plan for a
marriage but they haven’t enough money.

What about the theme? Kindly read it Row 2 Row 2 will read the presented ideas about
the theme. “Theme is an important idea that
is woven throughout a story. It links a big idea
about our world with the action of a text.”
Okay, thank you so much Row 2. Class the
theme in the story are Marriage, Superiority of
Men, and feminism.

What about the plot? Kindly read everyone. Everyone will read the presented ideas about
the plot. “Plot is the arrangement of incidents
or events in a story.”

Okay, thank you so much everyone. Who have

an idea about the elements of plot so we have
5 most common what are those? Kindly raise
your hand if you want to answer.

Okay, Ms. Mylene what are those elements of

plot? “Ma’am the 5 elements of Plot are exposition,
rising action, climax, falling action, and

Okay, upon listening, Do you understand the

presented elements of a short story in the Yes, Ma’am
literary piece “Sunset”?

Okay, very good class it seems that you really

understand the lesson

E. Application
My Sunshine
Okay Class, at this juncture we will be
having a group activity and this activity is

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214
Rosario Campus

entitled “My Sunshine”, I’m going to divide

you into 3 groups according to your seating
arrangement. So group 1, group 2, and
group 3.
Since you already have your groupings
kindly proceed to your groupmates. Alright, I
have here 3 suns for group 1, 2 and 3.
Sun Number 1: Your task is to create a
slogan depicting the moral of the story and
present it in front.
Sun Number 2: Your task is to explain how
the story influence your perspective in life. Each group will present their output.
Sun Number 3: Your task is to create a skit
focusing on the ending of the story
Content – 35%
Creativity – 25%
Delivery – 20%
Audience Impact- 10%
Timeliness- 10 %
Total : 100%

I will give you 2 minutes to prepare, Good

Luck and God bless.
F. Assessment
At this juncture, kindly get any piece of paper
for our short quiz.
Direction: Write T if the statement is true and
F if the statement is false.

1. Paz Latorena is the author of the

literary piece “Sunset”.
2. The cobbler gave a blue scarf to the
woman when he returned home that
3. The woman escape from the mansion
because of the senorita’s sister.
4. Filipino culture and way of marriage is
the underlying theme of the story.
5. Paz Latorena was born on January
17, 1908

G. Assignment
Do an advance reading on the next literary
poem entitled “To A Lost One” by Angela
Manalang- Gloria.

Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 4214

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