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Diploma Ministerial No. 64 2016 of November 16 (English Version)

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of November 16.

Whereas, the policy and legal intention of creating the Ministerial Diploma No. 1/2008, of 30
July, as amended by Ministerial Diploma No. 1/2009, of 12 August and Ministerial Diploma
No. 2/2014, of 19 February were to regulate the extraction of construction materials classified

Whereas, the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste views that in practice
the implementation of the Ministerial Diploma and its amendments were not adequate to regulate
this sector and observes the need to further improve the administrative processes and procedures
for licensing, general obligations of the license holders, classification of activities and their
associated fees assessment, improve technical requirements for evaluation, planning,
implementation and monitoring, inspection, audit and reporting of Mining Activities in the
territory of Timor-Leste;

Whereas, in the absence of the mining code to govern the Mining Activities holistically, the
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste views that this Ministerial
Diploma offers immediate solution to improve administration and regulation of exploration and
exploitation of different materials classified under this Ministerial Diploma;

Considering that Decree-Law No.1/2016 of 9 February, first amendment of Decree-Law No.

20/2008, of 19 June, which created the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais, entrusted
the same with, amongst others, the responsibility for regulating and supervising the
sectors/industries pertaining to the petroleum and mineral sector, thus acting as the country’s
regulatory authority for said sector;

Considering the Government's intention to promote participation of cooperatives or Timorese

companies incorporated under the law of Timor-Leste in research and exploration related to
Construction Materials as stated under Government resolution No.36/2016 of 19 November;

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Now therefore,
Under Article 28.1 (a) of Decree-Law No. 6/2015, of 11 March on the Organization Charter of
the VI Constitutional Government, the Government represented by the Minister of Petroleum
and Mineral Resources hereby orders to revoke the aforesaid Ministerial Diploma and enact the
new Ministerial Diploma as following:


Article 1
Purpose and Scope of Application

This Ministerial Diploma applies to the Exploration and Exploitation of Construction Materials,
certain Process Materials and Dimension and Ornamental Stones and regulates the licensing
procedure for Mining Activities in the territory of Timor-Leste, excluding Special Administrative
Region of Oe-Cusse.

Article 2

For the purposes of this Ministerial Diploma, the following shall have the meaning provided for

(a) “Artisanal Mining”: means mining activity meeting the requirements under Article 6.1 (a)
and Article 6.2;

(b) “Auditor”: means an individual appointed by the Regulatory Authority for the purpose of
auditing books and accounts;

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

(c) “Classified Areas”: means areas deemed of particular interest for the conservation of nature,
including protected areas, sites of community interest, special conservation zones or special
protection zones, existing or to be created under applicable law;

(d) “Construction Materials”: means any minerals and or stones which are widely abundant in
nature such as sands, gravels, soils, stones, pebbles, and boulders that have low unit value
even with a minimal processing before use as aggregates or base materials for construction
industry as classified under Article 28.1 of this Ministerial Diploma;

(e) “Dimension and Ornamental Stones”: means stones and or rock forming minerals with
distinctive characteristics, such as colors, textures, patterns and its resistance against
weathering which make them commercially valuable to be mined for the purpose of building
constructions and raw materials for ornamentals as classified under Article 28.3 of this
Ministerial Diploma;

(f) “Exploration”: means the set of study and operation undertaken in order to discover, and to
valuate minerals deposit using geological, geochemical, geophysical and any other relevant

(g) “Holder of Mineral Rights”: means a natural or legal person authorized to conduct Mining
Activities under this Ministerial Diploma;

(h) “Inspector”: means an individual appointed by the Regulatory Authority for the purpose of

(i) “Licensed Area”: means area authorized for Mining Activities as defined within the relevant

(j) “Mine”: means a place constructed within the Licensed Area from which Construction
Materials, Process Materials, Dimension and Ornamental Stones has been mined from the
earth’s crust;

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

(k) “Mine Closure Activities”: means those activities related to the decommissioning of
facilities, remediation, reclamation, restoration, rehabilitation and monitoring carried out
during all phases of Mining Activities in order to mitigate environmental impact and to
ensure that the site will not pose a threat to the health of the environment or society in the

(l) “Mineral Rights”: means the rights to conduct Mining Activities pursuant to this Ministerial

(m) “Mining”: means the operations and works carried out with the purpose of collecting or
extracting, loading, transporting and processing of Construction Materials, Process Materials
and Dimension and Ornamental Stones, except Artisanal Mining;

(n) “Mining Activities”: means the activities and operations aimed at Prospecting, Exploration,
evaluating, developing, Mining, processing and refining, transporting and marketing of
minerals, as well as Mine Closure Activities;

(o) “Mining Contract”: means the contract entered into between the state of Timor - Leste and
a Holder of Mineral Rights to govern the performance of mining operation in the territory of

(p) “Mining Plan”: means a plan prepared in support of mining operations pursuant to Article
21 of this Ministerial Diploma;

(q) “Process Materials”: means non-metallic minerals and or rock forming minerals which
possessed special characteristics that allow them to be used as raw materials in specific
manufacturing industries as classified under Article 28.2 of this Ministerial Diploma;

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

(r) “Prospecting”: means technical work including geological, geophysical and geochemical
for the purpose of mineral prospective studies prior to making an application for Mineral

(s) “Regulatory Authority”: means the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais; and

(t) “Scientific Research”: means theoretical or experimental investigation aimed at advancing

geological knowledge in specified location;

Article 3

Mining Activities

Standards and Best Practices

1. For the assurance of the implementation of best mining practice, the Holder of Mineral
Rights should comply with the health and safety requirements for Mining Activities
under the applicable law.

2. All Mining Activities shall be planed and exercised in accordance with:

(a) the laws and regulations in force aimed at protecting and preserving the
environment, with the view of using and exploiting minerals in a sustainable way;

(b) good mining industry practices, in order to prevent and minimize the waste and loss
of natural resources and protect them from unnecessary damage.

3. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall ensure that Mining Activities are carried out by
competent personnel, particularly for Mining operation there shall be competent
personnel in the area of health and safety, engineering, geology, human resource and

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

4. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall ensure Mine Closure Activities is carried out in
accordance with the approved mine closure plan.

5. Without prejudice to the applicable law on work-related accidents, where an accident

occurs in the course of carrying out Mining Activities resulting in loss of human life,
serious injury or substantial material damage, or which endangers the safety of persons
and assets, either the Holder of Mineral Rights or its on-site representative must
immediately notify the Regulatory Authority of the occurrence and also the nearest
administrative or police authorities, to allow for the implementation of the most urgent

6. No Mining Activities can be carried out in Classified Areas.

Article 4

1. Considering the provisions in Article 54.4 of the Constitution of the Republic Democratic
of Timor-Leste, Mining Activities can only be carried out under a license. The license is
granted upon application of the owner of the property, or a person which has entered into
contract with the owner.

2. Each Mineral Rights granted shall be valid for Mining Activities in a specified location.

3. A Mineral Rights for any category may not in any circumstances be issued for a duration
which exceeds the term of the lease agreement entered into with the owner of the
property where the mining facility is installed.

4. The Holder of Mineral Rights may not assign the licensed rights to any third parties.

5. A Mineral Rights may only be validly assigned intervivos or mortis causa to a person
appointed as the Holder of Mineral Rights by the Regulatory Authority.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

6. Conduct outcrop sampling shall not exceed 40 Kilogram per Licensed Area.

7. Export of commercial sample of Dimension and Ornamental Stones for market appraisal
purpose shall not be carried out without approval of the Regulatory Authority.

8. Any Construction Materials, Process Material, Dimension and Ornamental Stones shall
not be taken by means of extracting without valid Mineral license pursuant to this
Ministerial Diploma.

9. Mining License for Construction Materials can only be granted to companies established
in Timor-Leste with more than fifty (50) percent owned and controlled by Timor-Leste
citizen provided that the ownership of share capital is demonstrated through sufficient
trustworthy documentation.

10. Article 4.9 may not apply to major government construction projects where for
commercial reason and specific requirements for types of Construction Materials,
government agrees to allow the company to Mine their own Construction Materials.

Article 5
Ownership of Mineral Resources

1. All mineral resources in public and private lands within the territory of Timor-Leste are
deemed public domain of the state.

2. The declaration of public use of private land (property) for purposes of expropriation to
allow for the Mining Activities existing in the soil or sub-soil that are vital to the
national economy shall be made on the terms of the law, and subject to payment of fair

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais



Article 6

1. For the purposes of this Ministerial Diploma, Mining operation shall be classified into
three categories in increasing order according to quantity of materials, Mining method
and their associated fees:

(a) Any economic unit Mining Construction Materials up to 60 tons/month using non
mechanical Mining and transport means shall be classified as artisanal activity.

(b) Any economic unit Mining Construction Materials , Process Materials and Dimension
and Ornamental Stones between 61 and 250 tons/month using mechanized
equipment shall be classified as medium-Scale;

(c) Any economic unit Mining Construction Materials, Process Materials, Dimension and
Ornamental Stones in excess of 250 tons/month using heavy equipment and fixed
facilities shall be classified as large-Scale.

2. Notwithstanding article 6.1 (a), integrated community project using mechanical means is
allowed under Artisanal mining.

Article 7
License Fee

1. License fees levied on different Mining Activities, except Artisanal Mining are hereby
created. The fee stated under this article is applicable to both new and extended license.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

(a) Artisanal, No fee applied
(b) Prospecting, Five Hundred US Dollars (USD 500.00);
(c) Exploration, One Thousand and Five Hundred US Dollars (USD 1,500.00);
(d) Mining ;
(i) Medium-Scale, Five Hundred US Dollars (USD 500.00);
(ii) Large-Scale, One Thousand and Five Hundred US Dollars (USD

Article 8
Mining Fees

1. Mining fees levied on the value of Construction Materials, Process Materials and
Dimension and Ornamental Stones are hereby created.

2. Holder of Mineral Rights who undertakes the Mining Activities under this Ministerial
Diploma shall pay mining fees in accordance with the following schedule;


(in USD/ton mined) (in USD/ton mined) STONES
(in USD/ton mined)
Others Sand Limestone Clay Gypsum Limestone, Others
˃16mm (size Granite and in
≤16mm) Marble Article
Artisanal 0.00 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Medium Scale
Large Scale 3.00 2.00 0.75 0.5 0 0.75 8.00 7.00

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

3. The assessment of the license fee referred to in Article 7 and the mining fees in this
Article shall be managed by the Regulatory Authority and paid to a designated account
nominated by the Ministry of Finance of Timor-Leste.

Article 9
Provisional Mining Fees Payment

Payment of mining fees based on the quantity of the material proposed to be mined prior to
granting of the Mining license is considered as provisional mining fees payment.

Article 10
Final Mining Fees Payment

The actual quantity of Construction Materials, Process Materials, Dimension and Ornamental
Stones mined in any given license year may exceed the licensed quantity. In such case, there
shall be a true up mechanism following annual audit by the Regulatory Authority to compensate
against additional quantity mined. The resulting additional fee is considered as final mining fees
payment and shall be settled prior to granting of extension to mining license.

Article 11
Prior Opinion Regarding Location

1. Grant of the licenses set forth in this Ministerial Diploma is subject to prior favorable
opinion regarding location.

2. The prior favorable opinion regarding location shall be issued by the Regulatory
Authority by means of granting a location approval.

3. Applicants applying for location approval must fill in form-1 of this Ministerial Diploma.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

4. After securing location approval, applicant must immediately prepare and submit to the
Regulatory Authority appropriate documents for assessment to issue relevant license
within thirty (30) working days.

5. Failure to submit appropriate documents for assessment to issue relevant license within
the specified time in Article 15.4 shall result in automatic cancellation of the location

Article 12
Type of License

1. The Regulatory Authority may grant license for Mining Activities in one of the following
(a) Prospecting license;
(b) Exploration license, and
(c) Mining license;

2. The Prospecting license allows the Holder of Mineral Rights to conduct Prospecting
studies in Licensed Area. Regulatory Authority may issue Prospecting license to carry
out Prospecting activities for the purpose of other minerals not specified under this
Ministerial Diploma, including metallic minerals.

3. The Exploration license allows the Holder of Mineral Rights to carry out Exploration
activities in the Licensed Area.

4. The Mining license allows the Holder of Mineral Rights to carry out Mining activity in
the Licensed Area.

5. Construction Materials, Process Materials and Dimension and Ornamental Stones plan to
be mined for the purpose of manufacturing and export shall be dealt separately by means
of Mining Contract awarded by Government.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Article 13
Scientific Research

1. Authorisation for all Scientific Research activity shall be issued under coordination with
Instituto do Petróleo e Geologia I.P with prior consent of the Minister of Petroleum and
Mineral Resources.

2. The application for Scientific Research authorization shall follow form-5 of this
Ministerial Diploma.

3. All Scientific Research applications must be accompanied with field activity proposal
and letter of authorization of the research project to be issued by Instituto of Petróleo e
Geologia I.P.

4. Upon the completion of the Scientific Research, the entity authorized to carry out for
scientific research shall submit to Regulatory Authority final report of the proposed
Scientific Research.

5. Scientific Research authorization is granted for duration of six (6) months or for the
duration of the academic year.

Article 14

Application for License

1. The application for Prospecting license must follow form-2 of this Ministerial

2. The application for Exploration license shall follow form-3 of this Ministerial

3. The application for Mining license shall follow form-4 of this Ministerial Diploma.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Article 15

Approval of the Application for License

1. The Regulatory Authority shall approve and authorize the Mining Activities when the
requirements foreseen in this Ministerial Diploma have been fulfilled by the applicant.

2. The Regulatory Authority may reject applications not meeting the requirements under
this Ministerial Diploma. In such case, Regulatory Authority shall notify the ground of its
rejection to the applicant.

3. Except Mining License for Dimension and Ornamental Stones, all other licenses shall
have duration of one (1) year, unless the respective approval order stipulates otherwise.

4. Within thirty (30) working days from the date of submission of application, the
Regulatory Authority may request, stating the grounds thereof, for clarifications and
propose measures for the improvements of the proposed activities and the conditions for
its implementation. The Regulatory Authority shall communicate such request to the
applicant, who shall reply within ten (10) working days.

5. The Regulatory Authority shall notify the applicant once its submission has complied
with the requirements foreseen under this Ministerial Diploma and issue notice of
payment of fees.

6. The applicant must pay the fees related to the application in accordance with the
provision of this Ministerial Diploma within five (5) working days after receipt of the
notice of payment of fees.

Article 16

Rejection of the Application for License

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

1. Notwithstanding Article 15.1, the application shall be rejected by the Regulatory
Authority at any time during processing under the following circumstances:
(a) For reasons of public interest; and
(b) Not paying fees within timeline specified under this Ministerial Diploma.

Article 17

Issuance of License Certificate

1. The license for Mining Activities shall be incorporated in a certificate to be issued by the
Regulatory Authority.

2. The license certificate for Mining Activities shall be granted to a natural or legal person
holding valid license for economic activities pertaining to mining sector pursuant to
Applicable Law in Timor-Leste and meet the requirements set out in this Ministerial

3. The license certificate for Mining Activities shall be issued after the applicant provides to
the Regulatory Authority proof of payment of the license and mining fees.

Article 18

Application for Mining Activities License Extension

1. The application for extension of the license shall follow form-6 of this Ministerial Diploma
and must be submitted to the Regulatory Authority no less than thirty (30) working days
prior to expiry date of the current license.

2. Provided that the reasons for its grant are still current, the Prospecting and Exploration
license may be renewed for an equal period, up to a maximum of two (2) times.

3. Within ten (10) working days the licensing entity may request, stating the grounds thereof,
for clarifications and propose measures for the improvement of the work program and the

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

conditions for its implementation. These shall be communicated to the applicant, who shall
reply within ten (10) working days, upon which a decision will be made.

Article 19
Issuance of Environmental License for Mining Activities

1. Environmental license for Mining Activities under this Diploma Ministerial shall be jointly
issued by the Regulatory Authority and environmental authority.

2. Mining Activities shall only commence upon the issuance of the respective environmental

Article 20

License Termination

1. The license shall terminate:

(a) By expiry of the initial term or any extension thereof (if granted); termination of
the agreement with the owner of the property; abandonment of the Mine;
depletion of reserves to be mined economically; or death of natural person or
winding-up of the corporate person holding the license;

(b)By relinquishment, provided that the Holder of Mineral Rights serves notice on
the Regulatory Authority of such relinquishment;

(c) By revocation of license by the Regulatory Authority, in case the Holder of

Mineral Rights fails to comply with this Ministerial Diploma or other existing
laws, or the license’s terms and conditions, or assigns its rights and obligations
under the agreement executed with the owner of the property which supported the
issue of the license by the Regulatory Authority.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

2. Notwithstanding Article 20.1, termination of license does not release the obligation of the
Holder of Mineral Rights to close the Mine in accordance with the approved Mine
Closure Plan.

Article 21

Mining Plan

1. Upon concluding the Exploration work, the company may submit Mining Plan to the
Regulatory Authority.

2. The Mining Plan shall at least include :

a) the delineation of the proposed Mining area
b) resource estimation
c) specification for equipments, machinery and facilities to be used in Mining
d) map of facilities and other infrastructures to be installed in the Mining area
e) summary of the health and safety risk and control
f) summary of environmental management plan and monitoring program
g) the management and operation structure, including workforce

Article 22

Mine Closure Plan

1. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall prepare and submit the mine closure plan for approval
of Regulatory Authority when applying for Mining license.

2. The mine closure plan shall contain, at least, the following:

(a) Identification of closure commitment and obligations;
(b) Stakeholder consultation;
(c) Post mining land uses and closure objectives;
(d) Closure liability estimate;
(e) Closure implementation; and
(f) Closing monitoring and maintenance;

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

3. Following the first approval, the mine closure plan shall be reviewed every year for
subsequent approval by Regulatory Authority.

Article 23
Mining Rehabilitation Fund

1. The Holder of Mineral Rights, other than holder of Artisanal license, shall carry out the
Mining Closure Activities in accordance with the approved mine closure plan and
establish the mining rehabilitation fund.

2. The Holder of Mineral Rights, other than holders of Artisanal license, shall make a
rehabilitation liability estimate study and submit the same to the Regulatory Authority for

3. The rehabilitation liability estimate shall be reviewed during the review of the mine
closure plan and shall be approved by Regulatory Authority.

4. The amount of the mining rehabilitation fund shall be calculated based on an estimate of
the rehabilitation liability under each mining site and set forth in the environmental
license, taking into consideration the specific nature and respective environmental risks,
as stated in the approved mine closure plan and its amendment thereto.
5. The Holders of Mineral Rights, other than holders of Artisanal license, shall create an
interest bearing escrow account for the Regulatory Authority benefit, to accumulate the
contributions to the mining rehabilitation fund to be used as a contingency fund for
closure and rehabilitation of the mine site, including environmental remediation if

6. The Regulatory Authority shall carry out a detailed inspection of any site where Mining
Activities are being carried out between three (3) months and six (6) months prior to the
total or partial abandonment of the site, to assess the extent of the operations and
determine the adequacy of the respective mine closure plan.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

7. The annual provision of the mining rehabilitation fund for each year shall be calculated as

ARF = RRF x A / (A+B)

ARF is the annual rehabilitation fund provision.
RRF is the remaining rehabilitation fund to be recovered at the start of
the year, is multiplied at 2.5%.
where remaining rehabilitation fund in any given year is
determined based on total rehabilitation liability estimate minus
total annual mining rehabilitation fund previously recovered,
A is forecast of production quantity in any given year.
B is forecast of production quantity still to be produced as
described in the approved Mining Plan.

Article 24
Registry and Release of Data and Information

1. The Regulatory Authority shall establish and maintain Mineral Rights registry and
database to monitor Mining Activities.

2. The Regulatory Authority may freely to make use of the data and information for the
purpose of internal studies either in house or through independent third party studies

3. The Regulatory Authority may make use of the information under Article 24.2 of this
diploma for the purpose of complying with the rules of the Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiatives (EITI).

Article 25

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

1. Upon verification of the information provided by the Holder of Mineral Rights, the
following must be published by the Regulatory Authority;
(a) Fees paid by the Holder of Mineral Rights
(b) License status, and
(c) Map showing geographical location of the Mining activity

Article 26
Migration to Higher Scale Classification

1. The Holder of Mineral Rights for a certain classification may apply to upgrade the scale
of its Mining operation to a higher classification provided that:

(a) The existing Holder of Mineral Rights submits a duly completed application form
for renewal of the license attaching the relevant certificate of the Mineral Rights
before the end of the licensed period, and a statement signed by the representative
of the Regulatory Authority that it wishes to be licensed for a higher category as
from renewal.

(b) The compliance requirements to which the change of category is subject to shall
be those listed for the intended higher category.

Article 27
Employment and Training for Mining Activities
1. Employment for Mining Activities is reserved only for Timorese citizens and shall be
based on qualification and competence through competitive process.

2. Notwithstanding Article 27.1, Holder of Mineral Rights may temporarily use other
citizens in the event that Timorese citizens do not meet the required level of competence.

3. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall ensure its employees undergo adequate training to
develop their competencies to take part in Mining Activities.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais



Article 28

Construction Materials, Process Materials, Dimension and Ornamental Stones

1. For the purposes of this Ministerial Diploma, Construction Materials shall be

those mentioned below:

1. Andesite 8. Dolomite; 15. Obsidian; 22. Serpentinite;

2. Basalt; 9. Gabbro; 16. Peridotite; 23. Schists;
3. Breccia; 10. Gneiss; 17. Pumice; 24. Slate;
4. Conglomerate; 11. Granite; 18. Quartzite; 25. Syenite;
5. Dacite; 12. Granodiorite; 19. Rhyolite; 26. Limestone; and
6. Diabase; 13. Gravel; 20. Sand; 27. Marble;
7. Dolerite; 14. Graywacke; 21. Sandstone;

2. For the purposes of this Ministerial Diploma, Process Materials are Limestone,
Clay and Gypsum.

3. For the purposes of this Ministerial Diploma, Dimension and Ornamental Stones
shall be those mentioned below:
1. Alabaster; 7. Diorite; 13. Marble; 19. Soapstone;
2. Andesite; 8. Dolostone; 14. Peridotite; 20. Travertine;
3. Basalt; 9. Gabbro; 15. Quartzite; 21. Tuff;
4. Breccia; 10. Gneiss; 16. Sandstone;
5. Conglomerate; 11. Granite; 17. Schist;
6. Diabase; 12. Limestone; 18. Slate;

Article 29
Other Mineral Resources

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

1. If in the course of carrying out Mining Activities, the Holder of Mineral Rights discovers
within the Licensed Area any other minerals of potential value, other than those specified
under Article 28, the Holder of Mineral Rights shall notify Regulatory Authority in
respect of the discoveries of such other minerals within 24 hours.

2. The relevant Mining Activities shall immediately be suspended for further investigation
by Regulatory Authority.

3. After its investigation, the Regulatory Authority may decide to isolate or relocate the
relevant Mining Activity to a new location.

Article 30

Extraction of Beach Sand

1. Extraction of beach sand is strictly prohibited for reasons of environmental, maritime and
coastal protection and preservation.

2. The Regulatory Authority may, on an exceptional basis, authorize the extraction of beach
sand with a view to restore the maritime or coastal landscape, optimize their public use,
create conditions or install equipment or support infrastructures to improve the use of
those areas, or in any other cases where a relevant public interest is identified, or a direct
benefit for the population results from the intervention.

3. Only public entities may apply for the exceptional authorization provided for in Article
30.2 Any authorized extraction shall be directly carried out by the services of the relevant
government entity.



Article 31


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

The Regulatory Authority shall conduct monitoring to the Prospecting, Exploration and
Mining sites aim at ensuring that the activities performed comply with the applicable
requirements under this Ministerial Diploma.

Article 32
Inspection and Audit

1. The inspections to sites, buildings, facilities, equipment where or through which Mining
Activities are conducted and audits to books and records are carried out to ensure
compliance with this Ministerial Diploma and to confirm that they meet the necessary
technical and safety conditions.

2. The Regulatory Authority shall notify within fifteen (15) days in writing to the holder of
Prospecting licence, Exploration license and Mining license of its intention to perform the
inspection or audit foreseen under Article 32.1.

3. Notwithstanding Article 32.2 the Regulatory Authority may carry out random inspections
as deemed necessary.

4. The inspections and audits mentioned in Article 32.1 shall be performed by Inspectors and
Auditors appointed by the Regulatory Authority.

5. Inspectors are responsible for inspecting, investigating and supervising Mining Activities
and compliance with this Ministerial Diploma.

6. Auditors are responsible for auditing books and records of holder of Prospecting licence,
Exploration license and Mining license.

7. The Regulatory Authority may conduct inspection and audit in coordination with other
relevant Government entities.

Article 33

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Scope of Intervention

The inspection, audit and supervision of Exploration and Mining operations by the Inspectors
and Auditors shall include, but not be limited to:

(a) The Inspectors shall perform inspection and other actions aim at supervising Mining
Activities and Artisanal activities;

(b) The Inspectors shall inspect Licensed Area including facilities and operations carried
out by the Holder of Mineral Rights;

(c) The Inspectors shall inspect and test machinery and equipment;

(d) The Inspectors shall collect specimens and samples of minerals or other goods produced
as a result of Mining Activities, and carry out or order the carrying out of any required
analysis thereon;

(e) The Inspectors and Auditors shall verify compliance with this Ministerial Diploma and
obligations under the license;

(f) The Inspectors shall interview, question and collect statements from relevant parties,
including witnesses;

(g) The Inspectors shall take photograph, film, record or otherwise collect evidence during

(h) The Inspector shall immediately act where it becomes aware that an accident occurred
following any claims or mandatory report by the Holder of Mineral Rights; and

(i) At the completion of inspection and audit an official inspection and audit report shall be
prepared confirming compliance with this Ministerial Diploma and the terms of the
license and otherwise specified the measure to be taken to achieve such compliance.

Article 34

General Powers of Inspectors and Auditors

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

1. For the purposes of monitoring and enforcing compliance with this Ministerial Diploma, upon
access to the respective location, the Inspectors may:

(a) Search any part thereof;

(b) Inspect, measure, test, photograph or film any part thereof or any object found therein;

(c) Take an object, or a sample found at the location for analysis or testing purposes;

(d) Review and copy documents;

(e) Take into or onto the location any persons, equipment and materials the Inspector
reasonably requires for exercising any power under this Ministerial Diploma;

(f) Require that any person found on the location give the Inspector reasonable assistance to
exercise the Inspector powers;

(g) Interview any person found on the location and collect the respective statements
necessary to assist the Inspector in ascertaining whether an administrative offence was,
is being or has been committed;

(h) Take any necessary measures to prevent the disappearance or destruction of evidence;

(i) Notify any other relevant authorities of any infringement or potential infringement

2. For the purpose of assurance and compliance with this Ministerial Diploma, the Auditors may:

(a) Request for evidences in the form of contracts, invoices, receipts and any other
forms of evidences;

(b) Retain or make copy of documents;

(c) Access to books and accounts including accounting software used;

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

(d) Access to warehouse for inventory audit of capital spares or stockpile verification;

(e) Interview relevant responsible persons.

Article 35

Professional Identification

1. In performing their duties, the Inspectors and Auditors shall have the right to bear a
professional identification card or badge, which shall grant them free-access to all
businesses, sites, infrastructure and equipment where Mining Activities are conducted.

2. The professional identification card or badge must be shown prior to the performance of all
inspection and auditing activities.

3. The identification card or badge shall be issued according to regulations to be approved by

the Regulatory Authority.

Article 36

Regional Centers

1. In order to ensure an effective and efficient control and verification of Mining Activities,
the following regional centers are established,
(a) Region 1 – Lospalos, Baucau and Viqueque;
(b) Region 2 – Aileu, Same, Ainaro, Maliana and Suai;
(c) Region 3 – Dili, Liquiça, Ermera and Manatuto;

2. The regional centres shall be tasked with assisting the Regulatory Authority in inspection
and monitoring of Mining Activities pre- and post-licensing process.

Article 37

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Joint Accident Investigation

1. The Regulatory Authority and member of Government responsible for labor affairs shall
investigate accident in a mine causes serious injury to persons, damage to property or
environment, fatal serious accident and dangerous occurrences.

2. An accident investigation committee composed at least of two (2) members, appointed by

the Regulatory Authority and member of Government responsible for labor affairs, shall be
created within fifteen (15) days of the date of the accident.

3. The purposes of the investigation committee are:

(a) to investigate and establish the root causes of the accident;

(b) to propose corrective actions as necessary to prevent the reoccurrence of similar

accident in the future; and

(c) to publish the investigation results after legal proceedings is concluded.

4. Investigation committee should compose of persons with appropriate technical and

investigation techniques and experience.

Article 38
Improvement Notice
1. The improvement notice may be issued when an Inspector believed that the requirement
in this Ministerial Diploma is being contravened or has been contravened in
circumstances that make it likely that the contravention will continue or be repeated.

2. The improvement notice shall include the following details;

(a) Inspector’s opinion regarding contravention
(b) Direction on what needs to be done to remedy the situation
(c) The date by which the specified breach is to be remedied

3. Upon receiving the improvement notice, the site manager shall:

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

(a) Deliver the notice to the principal employer
(b) display the notice at the mine site
(c) Complete the remedial action within the specified date and post the action at the
site and in the record book

Article 39
Suspension Notice
1. The suspension notice may be issued when an Inspector believed that the Holder of
Mineral Rights
(a) has used equipment in a manner that constitutes a hazard to the holder or other
(b) provided false information to an inspector
(c) did not complete the remedial action required under Article 38.3 (c).

2. The suspension notice shall include the following details;

(a) Inspector’s opinion regarding contravention
(b) direction on what needs to be done to remedy the situation
(c) the date by which the specified breach is to be remedied

3. Upon receiving the suspension notice, the site manager shall:

(a) deliver the notice to the principal employer
(b) display the notice at the mine site
(c) complete the remedial action within the specified date and post the action at the
site and in the record book

Article 40
Reporting of Mining Activities
1. Holder of Mineral Rights shall report the progress of Mining Activities periodically in
accordance with the proceeding sub Articles.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

2. Monthly report shall be prepared and submitted on the 15th day of the subsequent month,
with at least the following information ;
(a) Production and sales/marketing
(b) Health, Safety and Environment
(c) Training and Employment
(d) Mining Site reclamation

3. Quarterly report shall be prepared and submitted on the 15th day of the subsequent month,
with at least the following information;
(a) Forecast versus actual production
(b) Health, Safety and Environment
(c) Training and Employment
(d) Mining site reclamation
(e) Plan for the subsequent quarters

4. An annual report shall be prepared and submitted when applying for extension of license.

5. Regulatory Authority may request for additional information to be reported on monthly

and quarterly basis for the purpose of monitoring of the Mining Activities.


Article 41

General obligations

1. The Holder of Mineral Rights, directors, managers and technicians shall be jointly and
severally liable for any damage caused due to failure to enforce the standards and
requirements in carrying out Mining Activities, without prejudice to the provisions in
general law on work-related accidents.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

2. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall maintain insurance coverage for its activity including
its employees.

3. Mining contractors and technicians responsible for the Mining must make proper
arrangements to guarantee the safety of its employees and any third parties on site.

4. The Holder of Mineral Rights must provide Regulatory Authority access to all works,
annexes and outbuildings of the mine and provide all information and any clarifications
that may be requested in connection with Mining Activities undertaken.

5. It is mandatory to install sign identifying the Mine site and the respective mining
company, together with the licensing date and licensing entity, for the duration of the
Mining activity.

6. It is mandatory to install appropriate health and safety sign on site.

7. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall ensure the borders of the excavation where rock-
breaking works were completed is protected by a fence suitable to the specific conditions
of the site.

8. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall immediately inform the Regulatory Authority of any
incident and accident occurs during the Mining Activities.

9. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall prepare and submit the Mining Plan, Mine Closure
Plan and other plans required under this Ministerial Diploma prior to carrying out Mining

10. The Holder of Mineral Rights shall ensure the use of Timorese citizens in its operations
and ensure that their remuneration and benefits complies with the applicable law.

Article 42

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Revocation of License, Suspension and Ceasing of Mining Activities
1. The Regulatory Authority may revoke Mining Activities license in the following cases:

(a) In the course of a 12-month period, the license holder is found to be in breach for
3 times of provisions on safety of persons and goods;

(b) The license holder fails to comply, without justification, with the orders issued
following the inspections carried out by the entities responsible for approval of
the Mining Plan;

(c) The license holder is found to be incapable of properly carrying out Mining
Activities due to serious or repeated misconduct;

(d) The mining contractor fails to post signs or properly fence the boundaries of the
licensed area;

2. For the Mining Activities without holding valid license, the Regulatory Authority shall
undertake the following measures:

(a) Suspend the Mining Activities and obliges the natural or legal person to pay for
Construction Materials, Process Materials or Dimensions and Ornamental Stones
collected or extracted; and

(b) Close or shut-down the Mining Activities if natural or legal person does not apply
for Mining Activities license within thirty (30) working days of notification from
the Regulatory Authority.

3. Regulatory Authority may request assistance from Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste to

avoid or remove danger, or enforce its orders.

4. The cancellation of the preventive measures set forth in this Article shall be decided, at
the request of the interested party, following an inspection of the mine that concludes that
the circumstances that led to the cancellation have been removed.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais


Article 43

Ancillary Procedures and Guidelines

The Regulatory Authority may create and publish in its website procedures and guidelines to
supplement requirements set forth in this Ministerial Diploma.

Article 44
Transitional Regime

Any entities engaged in licensed Mining Activities or applying for license to carry out Mining
Activities prior to the effective date of this Ministerial Diploma must regularize forthwith their
situation as provided for herein, when extending the license, without prejudice to any other acts
or formalities already performed.

Article 45

The Ministerial Diploma No. 1/2008, of 30 July, as amended by Ministerial Diploma No.
1/2009, of 12 August and Subsequent Ministerial Diploma No. 2/2014, of 19 February are
hereby revoked.

Article 46

Entry into Force

This Ministerial Diploma shall come into force on the day following its publication in the Jornal
da República.

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Alfredo Pires

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735





Attention to;

Director of Mineral Exploration and Exploitation

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais, Timor-Leste

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

In accordance with the requirements in the Ministerial Diploma No........Article...........issued by

the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste, the undersigned hereby
applies for a Location Approval to extract and dispose approximately ______ tones or cubic
meters of materials indicated above from an area bounded by the following:


with an approximate total area of ________ hectares.

The area applied for is in public and/or private land, community land, river, creek or other public
waters (underline applicable term), located in the Aldeia of __________________, Suco of
___________________, Posto of _____________________, municipality of

The applicant: Name; _____________________________________________________

Company Name; ____________________________________________

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Address; ______________________________________________

Telephone Number; _____________________________________

Following are supporting papers for this application (attached supporting papers to this

Certificate of Commercial Activities Authorised by SERVE

Tax Declaration Certificate

Map showing location of the proposed area

Written consent of owners of the private lands, community land adjoining the area that
may be affected by excavations to be undertaken

Commitment to secure relevant Environmental License pursuant to the applicable law

prior to mining

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

The applicant, ........................................................hereby declares that the information made in

this application or made later in support hereof are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge.
The applicant consent that any falsehood of information in this application may result in
rejection to grant license.




Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in both
soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given accordingly.

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents shall not be accepted.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735







Attention to;

Manager of Mineral Exploration and Exploitation

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais, Timor-Leste

In accordance with the requirements in the Ministerial Diploma No........Article...........issued by

the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste, the undersigned hereby
applies for a Prospecting License to carry out prospecting activity.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

The area applied for is in public and/or private land, community land, river, creek or other public
waters (underline applicable term), located in the Aldeia of __________________, Suco of
___________________, Posto of _____________________, municipality of

Following are supporting information for this application (ticked below boxes and attached
supporting documents to this application where applicable):

Particulars of applicant

Particulars of organisation (Company/association)

Particulars of finance

Particulars of technical competence and experience

Particulars of other requirements


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735







Name of applicant:

Type of Identification Document : Identification Document No. :

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Taxpayer Number ( TIN ) :

Address :

Municipio : Posto Suco


Telephone : Fax :



Name of Company:


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Copy of Certificate of Commercial Activities Authorised by SERVE

and Company Statute (with documentary evidence)

Tax Identification Number (TIN):

Share Capital:

Name and Nationality of Company Chief Executive :


Details of financial availability for intended operations (with documentary evidence)

Insurance coverage for the proposed prospecting activity (with documentary evidence)


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Details relevant to prospecting/mining experience (with supporting documentary evidence)

Details of previous mining rights held

Details of the project team for the proposed prospecting activity and their CVs


Description of the area with coordinates (map)

Program for the prospecting activity

- Objectives
- Scope and program of the prospecting activity
- Timeline
- deliveries


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

The applicant, .............................................................................(insert name) hereby;

1. Declares that the information made in this application or made later in support
hereof are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge. The applicant consent that
any falsehood of information in this application may result in rejection to grant

2. Agrees that all information to be collected from the proposed activity and their
associated results from subsequent analysis will be made available to the ANPM in
any form or shape at no cost.

Signature of the applicant’s

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

representative: To be completed by the ANPM

Fees to be paid : USD ………………........



[Name] [signature]


Place :…………………………… [name]


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in both
soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given accordingly.

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be accepted.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735





Attention to;

Manager of Mineral Exploration and Exploitation

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais, Timor-Leste

In accordance with the requirements in the Ministerial Diploma No........Article...........issued by

the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste, the undersigned hereby
applies for a Exploration License to carry out exploration activity.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

The area applied for is in public and/or private land, community land, river, creek or other public
waters (underline applicable term), located in the Aldeia of __________________, Suco of
___________________, Posto of _____________________, municipality of

Following are supporting information for this application (ticked below boxes and attached
supporting documents to this application where applicable):

Particulars of applicant

Particulars of organisation (Company/association)

Particulars of finance

Particulars of technical competence and experience

Particulars of other requirements


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735






Name of applicant:

Type of Identification Document : Identification Document No. :

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Taxpayer Number ( TIN ) :

Address :

Municipiot : Posto Suco


Telephone : Fax :



Name of Company:


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Copy of Certificate of Commercial Activities Authorised by SERVE

and Company Statute (with documentary evidence)

Tax Identification Number (TIN):

Share Capital:

Name and Nationality of Company Chief Executive :


Details of financial availability for intended operations (with documentary evidence)

Insurance coverage for the proposed prospecting activity (with documentary evidence)

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Details relevant to prospecting/mining experience (with supporting documentary evidence)

Details of previous mining rights held

Details of the project team for the proposed prospecting activity and their CVs


Description of the area with coordinates (map)

Exploration Program

- Objectives
- Understanding of Geology of the proposed area
- Scope and program of the exploration activity
- Exploration method
- Timeline
- Budget
- Deliveries

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


The applicant, .............................................................................(insert name) hereby;

1. Declares that the information made in this application or made later in support hereof
are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge. The applicant consent that any
falsehood of information in this application may result in rejection to grant license.

2. Agrees that all information to be collected from the proposed activity and their
associated results from subsequent analysis will be made available to the ANPM in
any form or shape at no cost.

Signature of the applicant’s To be completed by the ANPM


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Fees to be paid : USD ………………........



[Name] [signature]


Place :…………………………… [name]



Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in both
soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given accordingly.

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be accepted.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Attention to;

Manager of Mineral Exploration and Exploitation

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais, Timor-Leste

In accordance with the requirements in the Ministerial Diploma No........Article...........issued by

the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste, the undersigned hereby
applies for a Mining license to carry out mining activity.

The area applied for is in public and/or private land, river, creek or other public waters (underline
applicable term), located in the Aldeia of __________________, Suco of
___________________, Posto of _____________________, municipality of

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Following are supporting information for this application (ticked below boxes and attached
supporting documents to this application where applicable):

Particulars of applicant

Particulars of organisation (Company/association)

Particulars of finance

Particulars of technical competence and experience

Particulars of other requirements


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735




Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735




....... .......


....... .......


....... .......


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Name of applicant:

Type of Identification Identification Document No. :

Document :

Taxpayer Number ( TIN ) :

Address :

Municipio : Posto Suco


Telephone : Fax :



Name of Company:


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Business registration certificate and company statute (with documentary evidence)

Tax Identification Number (TIN):

Share Capital:

Name and Nationality of Company Chief Executive :


Details of financial availability for intended operations (with documentary evidence)

Insurance coverage for the proposed prospecting activity (with documentary evidence)


Details relevant to Mining/mining experience (with supporting documentary evidence)

Details of previous mining rights held


A. Mining proposal (to be separately attached to this form) containing at least the
- Executive Summary
- Objective of Mining
- Geology and Exploration result indicating the regional geology, geology of the area,

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

types of minerals in the area, resource and reserve.

- Development plan covering operations site layout , construction and installations,
requirements and specification of equipments used for mining, material handling,
overburden and interburden, drilling/blasting, processing, transportation and marketing
of extracted materials, estimate investments and cost of production, etc.
- Mining plan covering mining method, Production forecast, etc
- Health and Safety plan
- Organisation and Manpower
- Mine Closure Plan
- Statement of commitment to contribute to Mine Closure Fund

B. Submit the following documents

- Business Registration Certificate
- Certificate confirming non-existence of tax
- Bank Statement of capital fund
- Company’s by-law.
- Proof of insurance covering the operation.
- CV’s of technical staffs and Declaration Sign by head of technician in charge
- Relevant Environmental License
- National Directorate of Land and Property clearance
- Proof of payment of application fee


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

The applicant, .........................................................................................hereby;

1. Declares that the information made in this application or made later in support
hereof are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge. The applicant consent that
any falsehood of information in this application may result in rejection to grant

2. Agrees that all information to be collected from the proposed activity and their
associated results from subsequent analysis will be made available to the ANPM in
any form or shape at no cost.

Signature of the applicant’s representative To be completed by the ANPM

Fees to be paid :

[signature] License Fee USD ………………........

…………………………….. Mining Fee USD ………………........


Place :……………………………



Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in both
soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given accordingly.

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be accepted.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735



Attention to;

Director of Mineral Exploration and Exploitation

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais, Timor-Leste

In accordance with the requirements in the Ministerial Diploma No........Article...........issued by

the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste, the undersigned hereby
applies for Authorisation for Scientific Research.

The area applied for in this Scientific Research is in public and/or private land, community land,
river, creek or other public waters (underline applicable term), located in the Aldeia of
__________________, Suco of ___________________, Posto of _____________________,
municipality of __________________________.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Following are supporting information for this application (ticked below boxes and attached
supporting documents to this application where applicable):

Particulars of applicant

Particulars of organisation (University/Research Institution)

Particulars of research finance

Particulars of technical competence and experience

Particulars of other requirements





Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735




Name of applicant:

Type of Identification Document : Identification Document No. :

Address :

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Telephone : Fax :

Email :


Name of University/Research Institute


Telephone : Fax :

Email :

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Details of financial availability for intended research (with documentary evidence)

Insurance coverage for the proposed research (with documentary evidence)


Details of the team for the proposed research activity and their CVs


Description of the area of research with coordinates (map)

Program for the research activity

- Objectives
- Scope and program of the research activity
- Timeline
- deliveries

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


The applicant, .............................................................................(insert name) hereby;

1. Declares that the information made in this application or made later in support
hereof are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge. The applicant consent that
any falsehood of information in this application may result in rejection to grant

2. Agrees that all data/information to be collected from the proposed activity and their
associated results from subsequent analysis will be made available to the ANPM in
any form or shape at no cost.

Signature of the applicant’s To be completed by the ANPM


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

[signature] Fees to be paid : USD ………………........


[Name] [signature]


Place :…………………………… [name]


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in both
soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given accordingly.

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be accepted.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735





... ... … ARTISANAL
(See Annex-6.1) MATERIALS

(See Annex-6.2)


… ... … LARGE

Attention to;

Manager of Mineral Exploration and Exploitation

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais, Timor-Leste

In accordance with the requirements in the Ministerial Diploma No........Article...........issued by

the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste, the undersigned hereby
applies for extension of relevant licese marked above.

The area applied for is in public and/or private land, river, creek or other public waters (underline
applicable term), located in the Aldeia of __________________, Suco of
___________________, Posto of _____________________, municipality of

Following are supporting information for this application (ticked below boxes and attached
supporting documents to this application where applicable):

Particulars of applicant

Particulars of organisation (Company/association)

Particulars of finance

Particulars of technical competence and experience

Particulars of other requirements

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735





Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735



Name of applicant:

Type of Identification Document : Identification Document No. :

Taxpayer Number ( TIN ) :

Address :

Municipio : Posto Suco


Telephone : Fax :



Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Name of Company:


Copy of Certificate of Commercial Activities Authorised by SERVE

and Company Statute (with documentary evidence)

Tax Identification Number (TIN):

Share Capital:

Name and Nationality of Company Chief Executive :


Details of financial availability for intended operations (with documentary evidence)

Insurance coverage for the proposed prospecting activity (with documentary evidence)


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

changes in key personal if any

CV’s of the new key personal if any


Description of any amendment area with coordinates (map)

Prospecting report from previous licensed year

- Objectives
- Scope and program of the prospecting activity in previous
- Progress and Results
- Conclusion
Program for the prospecting activity during the extended period

- Objectives
- Scope and program of the prospecting activity
- Timeline
- deliveries


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

The applicant, .............................................................................(insert name) hereby;

1. Declares that the information made in this application or made later in support
hereof are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge. The applicant consent that
any falsehood of information in this application may result in rejection to grant

2. Agrees that all information to be collected from the proposed activity and their
associated results from subsequent analysis will be made available to the ANPM in
any form or shape at no cost.

Signature of the applicant’s To be completed by the ANPM


Fees to be paid : USD ………………........



[Name] [signature]

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Place :…………………………… [name]


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 /


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in
both soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735



Name of applicant:

Type of Identification Document : Identification Document No. :

Taxpayer Number ( TIN ) :

Address :

Municipio : Posto Suco


Telephone : Fax :



Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Name of Company:


Copy of Certificate of Commercial Activities Authorised by SERVE

and Company Statute (with documentary evidence)

Tax Identification Number (TIN):

Share Capital:

Name and Nationality of Company Chief Executive :


Details of financial availability for intended operations (with documentary evidence)

Insurance coverage for the proposed prospecting activity (with documentary evidence)


changes in key personal if any

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

CV’s of the new key personal if any


Description of the area with coordinates (map)

Exploration report from previous licensed year

- Objectives
- Scope and program of the exploration activity in previous year
- Activity undertaken
- Progress and Results
- Conclusion
Exploration Program for the extended period

- Objectives
- Scope and program of the exploration activity
- Exploration method
- Timeline
- Budget
- Deliveries


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

The applicant, .............................................................................(insert name) hereby;

1. Declares that the information made in this application or made later in support hereof
are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge. The applicant consent that any
falsehood of information in this application may result in rejection to grant license.

2. Agrees that all information to be collected from the proposed activity and their
associated results from subsequent analysis will be made available to the ANPM in
any form or shape at no cost.

Signature of the applicant’s To be completed by the ANPM


Fees to be paid : USD ………………........



[Name] [signature]


Place :…………………………… [name]


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 /


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in
both soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735



Name of applicant:

Type of Identification Document : Identification Document No. :

Taxpayer Number ( TIN ) :

Address :

Municipio : Posto Suco


Telephone : Fax :


Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


Name of Company:


Business registration certificate and company statute (with documentary evidence)

Tax Identification Number (TIN):

Share Capital:

Name and Nationality of Company Chief Executive :


Details of financial availability for intended operations (with documentary evidence)

Insurance coverage for the proposed prospecting activity (with documentary evidence)

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


changes in key personal if any

CV’s of the new personal if any


C. Prior Year Mining Performance Report

- Executive Summary (Brief summary of mining performance from the year prior to
extension period)
- Productivity
- Geology of the site
- Mining Progress
- Production profiles
- Efficiency
- Operational Costs
- Profit
- others
- Health Safety and Environment (HSE)
- Incident and Accident statistics
- Mine Closure progress pursuant to article 4of the Diploma Ministerial
- Efforts and Initiatives towards improving HSE aspects on site.
- others
- Maps
- General site layout
- Geology
- Mining progress
- Site reclamation and revegetation area
- others

D. Programs During Extended Period

- Geology of the site
- Production estimate
- HSE Initiatives
- Training and Employment
- Budget

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

E. Submit the following documents

- Business Registration Certificate
- Certificate confirming non-existence of tax
- Bank Statement of capital fund
- Company’s by-law.
- Proof of insurance covering the operation.
- CV’s of the technical staffs and Declaration Sign by head of technician in charge
- Relevant Environmental License
- National Directorate of Land and Property clearance
- Proof of payment of application fee


The applicant, .........................................................................................hereby;

1. Declares that the information made in this application or made later in support
hereof are true to the best of the applicant’s knowledge. The applicant consent that
any falsehood of information in this application may result in rejection to grant

2. Agrees that all information to be collected from the proposed activity and their
associated results from subsequent analysis will be made available to the ANPM in
any form or shape at no cost.

Signature of the applicant’s representative To be completed by the ANPM

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735

Fees to be paid :

[signature] License Fee USD ………………........

…………………………….. Mining Fee USD ………………........


Place :……………………………




Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida Marginal

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 / 3312735


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office, in both
soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given accordingly.

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be accepted.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais

Endereço : Andar Térreo Ala Leste do Palácio do Governo, Edifício nº 1, Avenida

Dili, Timor-Leste, PO Box 113, Telephone: +670 3 324 098 / 3317216 / 3317215 /


1. This form shall be completed by the applicant and submit to the ANPM office,
in both soft and hard copy.

2. All relevant information in the field required must be marked and given

3. Application not accompanied with all the required documents may not be

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais 96

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