Electronics Ch5
Electronics Ch5
Electronics Ch5
Chapter Outline
5.1 Device Structure and Physical Operation
5.2 Current-Voltage Characteristics
5.3 MOSFET Circuits at DC
5.4 Applying the MOSFET in Amplifier Design
5.5 Small-Signal Operation and Models
5.6 Basic MOSFET Amplifier Configurations
5.7 Biasing in MOS Amplifier Circuits
5 8 Discrete-Circuit
5.8 Discrete Circuit MOS Amplifiers
5.9 The Body Effect and Other Topics
iD (mA)
vGS = Vt +4V
vGS = Vt +3V
vGS = Vt +2V
vGS = Vt +1V
vGS Vt
vDS (mV)
100 200
vGS vGS Vt
0 vDS
Source Drain
vDS = 0
vDS = vGS Vt
nCoxW [vGS Vt v( x)]dv iD dx
W 1 2
iD nCox [(vGS Vt )vDS vDS ]
L 2
Process transconductance parameter (A/V2): k’n= nCox
Aspect ratio: W/L
Transconductance parameter (A/V2): kn= nCox(W/L)
Drain current of MOSFETs:
Triode region: iD kn [(vGS Vt )vDS 1 vDS
Saturation region: iDsat 1
k n (vGS Vt ) 2
On-resistance (channel resistance for small vDS): rDS 1 / kn (vGS Vt )
Circuit symbol
n-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET
k W [vGS Vt v( x)]dv i
n D dx
0 0
1 ' W 1 W 1 W L
iD kn (vGS Vt ) 2 k n' (vGS Vt ) 2 k n' (vGS Vt ) 2 (1 )
2 Leff 2 L L 2 L L
ΔL 1 W
assuming that vDS iD k n' (vGS Vt ) 2 (1 vDS )
L 2 L
Finite output resistance
iD 1 k' W 1 V
ro [ ]vGS constant [ n (vGS Vt ) 2 ]1 A
vDS 2 L I D I D
Current equations:
W 1 2
iD nCox [(vGS Vt )vDS vDS ]
L 2
1 W
iDsat n Cox (vGS Vt ) 2
2 L
Temperature effect
Vt decreases by ~2mV for every 1C rise → iD increases with temperature.
k’n decreases with temperature → iD decreases with increasing temperature.
For a given bias voltage, the overall observed effect of a temperature increase is a decrease in iD .
For a p-channel MOSFET, the source is connected to high voltage and the drain is connected to low voltage.
To induce the p-channel for the MOSFET, a negative vGS is required Vt (threshold voltage) < 0V.
The body is normally connected to the most positive voltage.
The current-voltage
current voltage characteristics
Cut-off region: (vGS Vtp)
iD 0
Triode region: (vGS < Vtp and vDS > vGS Vtp)
W 1
iD pCox L [(vGS Vtp )vDS 2 vDS ]
vO vDS VDD 2 kn (vGS Vt ) RD
Neglect ro
Neglect ro
Characterizing amplifiers
The MOSFET circuits can be characterized by a voltage amplifier model (unilateral model)
The electrical properties of the amplifier is represented by Rin, Ro and Avo
The analysis is based on the small-signal or linear equivalent circuit where dc components are not included
vo RL
Voltage gain: Av Avo
vi RL Ro
Overall voltage gain: Gv vo Rin Av Rin RL
vsig Rin Rsig Rin Rsig RL Rso
Circuit analysis:
DC analysis:
Remove all ac sources (short for voltage source and open for current source)
All capacitors are considered open-circuit
DC analysis of MOSFET circuits for all nodal voltages and branch currents
Find the dc current ID and make sure the MOSFET is in saturation
AC analysis:
Remove all dc sources (short for voltage source and open for current source)
All large capacitors are considered short-circuit
Replace the MOSFET with its small
signal model for ac analysis
The circuit parameters in the small-signal model are obtained based on the value of ID
Complete amplifier circuit DC equivalent circuit AC equivalent circuit