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Mobile Shop Management System Documentation

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Submitted by submitted to :
SHILKI ( 3330717) Mr. Abhijeet



We hereby declare that the work , which is being presented in the

project entitled “ MOBILE SHOPPING ” in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY degree in the session 2016 , in an
authentic record of our own work carried out under the supervision
of Mr.Abhijeet Kumar , HOD (IT) .

That the above statement made by the candidate are correct to
the best of my knowledge .

Supervisor Mr. Abhijeet

Kumar HOD (IT)


carried out the project work presented in this report entitled
“MOBILE SHOPPING ” for the award of BSC IT from University
under my supervision. . The report embodied is result of work and
studies carried out by students themselves and the content of the
report do not from the basis of award of any other degree of the
candidates or to anybody else .


I take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude towards my project guide
Mr.Abhijeet Kumar Department of Computer Science and information technology for
providing excellent guidance, encouragement and inspiration throughout my thesis work. His
conversations, patient listening and friendly behaviour encouraged me to work with
enthusiasm and honesty. I am really thankful to him for accepting me to work under his
guidance and including within me knowledge, values and principles that will help me to
shape up my life.

I am especially thankful to Mr. Khalid Hasan Director , Beehive college of Advanced

Studies , Dehradun, for his constant encouragement and rendering me all possible facilities.

I would also like to thank all the members of Bachelor of Computer science and
Information Technology , Beehive college of Advanced Studies Dehradun, for their valuable
support, encouragement and cooperative
attitude during the thesis work.

Good ideas generate from open discussions. I have spent good times with my colleagues at
college campus discussing various issues of this work.

At this point of time it is necessary to express my limitless love and respect to my family
whose support, encouragement and motivation kept me focused towards my goal and has lead
to the completion of this work.


Sr.No. Title
1 Preliminary Investigation
Organizational Overview
Description Of System
Limitations Of Present System
Proposed System & its Advantage
Feasibility Study
Gantt Chart
2 System Analysis
Fact Findings
Event Table
Use Case Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram
Activity Diagram
Class Diagram
Object Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Collaboration Diagram
State Diagram
3 System Design
Converting ERD to Tables
Relationship Diagram
Component Diagram
Package Diagram
Deployment Diagram
System Flow Chart
Structure Chart
4 System Coding
Menu Tree
List of Tables with Attributes & Constraints
Program Description with naming Conventions
Program Listing
Test Cases, Test Data, Test
Results Screen Layouts & Report
5 System Implementation & Uploading
6 Future Enhancement
7 References & Bibliography
Chapter 1

Preliminary Investigation
Organizational Overview

Organizational Chart



Supplier Customer
Description of System

In Mobile Store Management System use to maintain their sales detail in

files and folders. They use to keep the record of product sold, Customers,

Suppliers, etc in a register. A daily register is maintained to keep track of


Preparing report is very time consuming and tedious task. For searching

of single record, whole register is to be searched which is very time consuming

Limitations Of Present System

❖ As mentioned above most of details are

maintained manually. Due to this the data
retrieved is time consuming. Due to human
calculation errors occur.

❖ Even when the data is maintained on spreadsheet

inconsistency occurs as an order might be missed
or wrongly entered or twice.

❖ Data are stride an excel sheet which takes lot of

time and data may be corrupted.

❖ As storage and exchange of data is achieved only

by use of excel sheets which lack validation
capabilities, there is always risk of invalid,
inaccurate or incomplete data being fed in

❖ Difficulty in managing multiple forms.

❖ Lack of security.
Proposed System

ydata.Inthissystem user

Advantages of Proposed System:

❖ All the information about sale, purchase will be maintain properly in

this system.

❖ All manual calculation of sale or all the money management will be

performed by the computer automatically.

❖ This system will provide timely report information.

❖ It will produce report for sale, bill information.

❖ The computer can hold amount of data in its storage device.

❖ The operation and speed of the computer is very high.

❖ We can calculate result and print any report within seconds.

❖ Any difficulties we can solve easily.

❖ A database application can be stored in computer effectively.

❖ It is very user friendly and easy to handle.

So the computerized system is more suitable than the manual system.

Defining A System

Collections of components, which are interconnected, and work together to

realize some objective, form a system. There are three major components in
every system, namely input, processing and output.

Input Processing

Systems Life Cycle

The sequencing of various activities required for developing and maintaining

systems in an ordered form is referred as Systems Life Cycle. It helps in
establishing a system project plan as it gives overall list of process and sub-
processes required for developing any system. Here, the systems life cycle will
be discussed with reference to the development of Employee Management

Broadly, following are the different activities to be considered while

defining the systems development cycle for the said project:

▪ Problem Definition

▪ Systems analysis

▪ Drawbacks of the existing system

▪ Systems Requirement study

▪ Data flow analysis

▪ Feasibility study

▪ Systems design

▪ Input Design (Database & Forms)

▪ Updating

▪ Query /Report Design

▪ Testing

▪ Implementation

▪ Maintenance

2.1 Problem Definition and Project Initiation

The first step in an initial investigation is to define the problem that led to the
user request. The problem must be stated clearly, understood, and agreed upon
by the user and the analyst. It must state the objectives the user is trying to
achieve and the results the user wants to see. Emphasis should be on the logical
requirements (what must be the results) of the problem rather than the physical

System Analysis

System analysis is a logical process; the objective of this phase is not actually to
solve the problem but to determine what must be done to solve the problem. The
basic objective of the analysis stage is to develop the logical model of the
system using tools such as the data flow diagram and elementary data
description of the elementary algorithm. The logical model is Subject to review
by both the management and the user who agree that the model does in fact
reflect what should be done to solve the problem.

Analysis and development of the actual solution

A complete understanding of the requirement for the new system is very

important for the successful development of a software product. Requirement
Specification is the foundation in the process of software development .All
further developments like system analysis; designing and coding will depend on
how accurate and well documented the Requirement Specification are which is
known as System Requirement Specification.

Project Overview
Product prospective
It will be able to manage information about different tutorial in more user
friendly way. This system will manage tutorial information at various pages.
User ID and password has been given to all the field in admin accounts so
that they can enter their see by these information to login from admin and.

User Interface

▪ The system will be having user privileges based menu.

▪ User will have to select the options form the given menu.

▪ The system will be selecting desire tutorial information from database.

▪ The forms will be designed to enter the data.

▪ Buttons will be used to insert, delete, clear and modify the data.

▪ Buttons to exit from the forms.

The minimum hardware configuration for implementation of this software
project is –

 Processor
 Memory
 Hard Disk
 Keyboard
 Monitor
 Mouse


This phase implies on the primary job of recognizing the problem. In this stage
we define what the problem is and study the various inputs and outputs of the
system. Recognizing the demands of the system and clearly defining the system
must be the output of this phase of software development life cycle.
The output of the preliminary investigation phase is the input to this phase. This
stage aims at analytical conclusions of developer. This phase implies at
analyzing whether it is feasible on the part of programmer and for the user to
build the system. The feasibility study is done in terms of resources such as
economy, time etc. Moreover system requirements are also interpreted from the
user and deductions are made.
A feasibility study determines whether the proposed solution is feasible based
on the priorities of the requirements of the organization. A feasibility study
culminates in a feasibility report that recommends a solution. It helps you to
evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a proposed system.
The feasibility study is carried out to test if the proposed system is worth being
implemented. Given unlimited resources and infinite time, all projects are
After performing a Preliminary Investigation, gathering and interpreting data
and details concerning the project, a Feasibility Check is done which involves a
series of steps to check the Technical, Financial and Operational feasibilities.
During this phase, various solutions to the existing problems were examined.
For each of these solutions the Cost and Benefits were the major criteria to be
examined before deciding on any of the proposed systems.
These Solutions would provide coverage of the following:

(a) Specification of information to be made available by the system.

(b) A clear cut description of what tasks will be done manually and what needs
to be handled by the automated system.
(c) Specifications of new computing equipment needed.
A system that passes the feasibility tests is considered a feasible system. Let
us see some feasible tests in my project.

The implementation ability is in terms of logistics, resource availability, cost

factors and time. We did two types of feasibility study.
❖ Economic feasibility
❖ Operational feasibility

Economic feasibility can be established by cost /benefit analysis of
the project while considering both the direct as well as the indirect
cost against the tangible benefits. In software system intangible
benefits are visible at the start & hence a system analyst must try to
convert such intangible benefits into measurable derivatives of such
Operation feasibility is a measure of how people feel about the system.
Operational Feasibility criteria measure the urgency of the problem or the
acceptability of a solution. Operational Feasibility is dependent upon
determining human resources for the project. It refers to projecting whether the
system will operate and be used once it is installed.
If the ultimate users are comfortable with the present system and they see no
problem with its continuance, then resistance to its operation will be zero.
Behaviorally also the proposed system is feasible. A particular application may
be technically and but may fail to produce the forecasted benefits, because the
company is not able to get it to work. For the system, it is not necessary that the
user must be a computer expert, but any computer operator given a little bit of
knowledge and training can easily operate.

Our Project is operationally feasible since there is no need for special training of
staff member and whatever little instructing on this system is required can be
done so quite easily and quickly as it is essentially This project is being
developed keeping in mind the general people who one have very little
knowledge of computer operation, but can easily access their required
database and other related information. The redundancies can be decreased to
a large extent as the system will be fully automated.

Operational feasibility can be further divided into two types: -

1).Technical Feasibility (regarding implementation)
2).Usage/ Application Feasibility

It is related to the software and equipment specified in the design for
implementing a new system. Technical feasibility is a study of function,
performance and constraints that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable
system. During technical analysis, the analyst evaluates the technical merits of
the system, at the same time collecting additional information about
performance, reliability, maintainability and productivity. Technical feasibility
is frequently the most difficult areas to assess.
The main technical issue raised during feasibility is the existence of
necessary technology and whether the proposed equipment has the capacity to
hold required data. The technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability, ease and
data were also investigated

Assessing System Performance:

It involves ensuring that the system responds to user queries and is efficient,
reliable, accurate and easy to use. Since we have the excellent network setup
which is supported and excellent configuration of servers with 80 GB hard disk
and 512 MB RAM, it satisfies the performance requirement.

After the conducting the technical analysis we found that our

project fulfills all the technical pre-requisites environments, if
necessary are also adaptable according to the project.


by the analysis of the systems applicability, ease of use &
efficiency under various possible operating environments
with respect to specified constraints.


This feasibility has great importance as it can outweigh other feasibilities

because costs affect organization decisions. The concept of Economic
Feasibility deals with the fact that a system that can be developed and will be
used on installation must be profitable for the Organization. The cost to
conduct a full system investigation, the cost of hardware and software, the
benefits in the form of reduced expenditure are all discussed during the
economic feasibility.
Return on Investment
i. There will be revenue in terms of more Customer Subscriptions.
ii. There will be cost reduction in terms of maintaining huge amounts of paper
records, stationary, humans.
iii. There will be tracking of the Subscribers from a centralized database.
iv. There will be awareness among not only the Subscribers ,but general public
regarding the good points of the issue.
v. Subscriber satisfaction will lead to more upgrades and reduce the downgrades.
Cost of No Change

The cost will be in terms of utilization of resources leading to the cost to the
company. Since our cost of project is our efforts, which is obviously less than
the long-term gain for the company, the project should be made.


A cost-benefit analysis is necessary to determine economic feasibility. The

primary objective of the cost benefit analysis is to find out whether it is
economically worthwhile to invest in the project. If the returns on the
investment are good, then the project is considered economically worthwhile.
Cost benefit analysis is performed by first listing all the costs associated
with the project cost which consists of both direct costs and indirect costs.
Direct costs are those incurred by buying software, hiring people, cost of
consumable items , rent for accommodation etc. Indirect costs include those
involving time spent by user in discussing problems with system analysts


For the system to function and operate successfully several needs are to be


Internet Information Service is required for running code . Since the front end
used in this system is in HTML and in ASP.NET ,server is needed to execute
the code

Objectives of Testing:

This section introduces the concept of testing and how important is, for the
successful implementation of the project. Different phases of testing are
described along with the level of testing incorporated in this particular project.

Testing is vital to the success of any system. Testing is done at different stages
within the phase. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all phases of
the system are correct, the goals will be achieved successfully. Inadequate
testing at all leads to errors that may come up after a long time when correction
would be extremely difficult. Another objective of testing is its utility as a user-
oriented vehicle before implementation. The testing of the system was done on
both artificial and live data.

Testing involves operation of a system or application under controlled

conditions and evaluating the results (e.g., “if the user is in interface A of the
application while using hardware B and does C, then D should not happen”).
The controlled conditions should include both normal and abnormal conditions.

Typically, the project team includes a mix of testers and developers who work
closely together, with the overall QA processes being monitored by the project

Testing principles

Davis suggested a set of testing principles in 1995. These are:

1) All tests should be traceable to the customer requirements.

2) Test should be planned long before testing begins.

3) Testing should begin in small and progressed towards testing in the large.
4) Exhaustive testing is not possible.
5) For effective results, testing should be conducted by an independent third

Attributes of a good test

A good test should have the following characteristics: -

1) A good test must have a high probability of finding an error.

2) A good test is non redundant.
3) A good test should be best of breed, i.e. testing should be in time and
according t6o resource limitation.
4) A good test should be neither too simple nor too complex. Sometimes it is
possible to combine a series of tests into one test.

Testing is usually relied on to detect the faults introduced during the

coding phase. Due to this different level of testing are used in the testing
process and each level of testing aims to test different aspects of the system.
Levels of testing

Client needs Acceptance testing

System requirement System testing


Design Integration

Coding Unit testing

Types of Testing

Black Box Testing

Also known as functional testing, this is a software testing technique whereby

the tester does not know the internal working of the item being tested. Black-
box test design treats the system as a “black-box”, so it does not explicitly use
knowledge of the internal structure. Black-box test design is usually described
as focusing on testing functional requirements. Synonyms for black-box
includes: behavioral, functional, opaque-box and closed-box.

White Box Testing

White box test design allows one to peek inside the “box”, and it focuses
specifically on using internal knowledge of the software to guide the selection
of test data. Synonyms for white-box include: structural, glass-box and clear-

Condition Testing

An improvement over White-box testing, the process of condition testing

ensures that a controlling expression has been adequately exercised whist the
software is under test by constructing a constraint set for every expression and
then ensuring that every member on the constraint set is included in the values
whish are presented to the expression.

Data Life-Cycle Testing

It is based upon the consideration that in the software code, a variable is at some
stage created, and subsequently may have its value changed or used in a
controlling expression several times before being destroyed. If only locally
declared Boolean used in control conditions are considered then an examination
of the sources code will indicate the place in the source code where the variable
is created, places where it is given a value is used as a part of a control
expression and the place where it is destroyed.
This approach to testing requires all possible feasible lifecycles of the variable
to be covered whilst the module is under test.
Unit Testing

The purpose of this phase is to test the individual units of the developing
software component. This phase is recursive and is to be repeated, as many as
there are, levels of testing. In the DGLW project, each individual form has been
tested using techniques of testing namely: Client side testing using JavaScript.
Each individual form has been validated so that user enters only valid data at
every time.

Functional Testing:

This is done for each module / sub module of the system. Functional testing
serve as a means of validating whether the functionality of the system Confers
the original user requirement i.e. does the module do what it was supposed to
do? Separate schedules were made for functional testing. It involves preparation
of the test data, writing of test cases, testing for conformance to test cases and
preparation of bugs listing for non-conformities.
System Testing:

System testing is done when the entire system has been fully integrated.
The purpose of the system testing is to test how the different modules
interact with each other and whether the entire system provides the
functionality that was expected.

System testing consists of the following steps:

a) Program Testing

b) String Testing

c) System Testing

d) System Documentation

e) User Acceptance Testing

Various Levels of Testing

Before implementation the system is tested at two levels:

Level 1

Level 2
Level 1 Testing (Alpha Testing)

At this level a test data is prepared for testing. Project leaders test the system on
this test data keeping the following points into consideration:

● Proper error handling

● Exit Pints in code

● Exception handling

● Input / Output format

● Glass box testing

● Black box testing

If the system is through with testing phase at LEVEL 1 then it is passed on to


Level 2 Testing (Beta Testing)

Here the testing is done on the live database. If errors are detected then it is sent
back to LEVEL 1 for modification otherwise it is passed on to LEVEL 3.

This is the level at which the system actually becomes live and implemented for
the use of END USERS.

We have also checked the proposed system for:

Recovery & Security

A forced system failure is induced to test a backup recovery procedure for file
integrity. Inaccurate data are entered to see how the system responds in terms of
error detection and protection. Related to file integrity is a test to demonstrate
that data and programs are secure from unauthorized access.

Usability Documentation & Procedure:

The usability test verifies the user-friendly nature of the system. This relates to
normal operating and error-handling procedures.

Quality Assurance

Proper documentation is must for mainframe of any software. Apart from In-
line documentation while coding. Help coding, help files corresponding to each
program were prepared so as to tackle the person-dependency of the existing

Feasibility Of Study

1. Software Specification:-
Software requirements for this system are as listed follows:




❖ FOR DOCUMENTATION : Microsoft Office

2.Hardware Specifications
Minimum hardware requirements for this System are listed below:

❖ Processor : i3

❖ RAM : 2 GB RAM .


❖ CD-Rom Driver : Any.


Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the


 JavaScript

 PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"
 PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language
 PHP scripts are executed on the server
 PHP is free to download and use

What is a PHP File?

 PHP files can contain text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code
 PHP code are executed on the server, and the result is returned to the
browser as plain HTML
 PHP files have extension ".php

What Can PHP Do?

 PHP can generate dynamic page content
 PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
 PHP can collect form data
 PHP can send and receive cookies
 PHP can add, delete, modify data in your database
 PHP can be used to control user-access
 PHP can encrypt data

With PHP you are not limited to output HTML. You can output images, PDF files,
and even Flash movies. You can also output any text, such as XHTML and XML.

Why PHP?
 PHP runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)
 PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.)
 PHP supports a wide range of databases
 PHP is free. Download it from the official PHP resource:
 PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side

What Do I Need?
To start using PHP, you can:

 Find a web host with PHP and MySQL support

 Install a web server on your own PC, and then install PHP and MySQL

Use a Web Host With PHP Support

If your server has activated support for PHP you do not need to do anything.

Just create some .php files, place them in your web directory, and the server will
automatically parse them for you.
You do not need to compile anything or install any extra tools.

Because PHP is free, most web hosts offer PHP support.

Set Up PHP on Your Own PC

However, if your server does not support PHP, you must:

 install a web server

 install PHP
 install a database, such as MySQL

Basic PHP Syntax

A PHP script can be placed anywhere in the document.

A PHP script starts with <?php and ends with ?>:

Comments in PHP
A comment in PHP code is a line that is not read/executed as part of the program.
Its only purpose is to be read by someone who is looking at the code.

Comments can be used to:

 Let others understand what you are doing

 Remind yourself of what you did - Most programmers have experienced
coming back to their own work a year or two later and having to re-figure
out what they did. Comments can remind you of what you were thinking
when you wrote the code
 Instead of lots of commands to output HTML (as seen in C or Perl), PHP
pages contain HTML with embedded code that does "something" (in this
case, output "Hi, I'm a PHP script!"). The PHP code is enclosed in
special start and end processing instructions <?php and ?> that allow you to
jump into and out of "PHP mode."

 What distinguishes PHP from something like client-side JavaScript is that

the code is executed on the server, generating HTML which is then sent
to the client. The client would receive the results of running that script,
but would not know what the underlying code was. You can even
configure your web server to process all your HTML files with PHP, and
then there's really no way that users can tell what you have up your

 The best things in using PHP are that it is extremely simple for a
newcomer, but offers many advanced features for a professional
programmer. Don't be afraid reading the long list of PHP's features. You
can jump in, in a short time, and start writing simple scripts in a few

 Although PHP's development is focused on server-side scripting, you can

do much more with it. Read on, and see more in the What can PHP
do? section, or go right to the introductory tutorial if you are only
interested in web programming.

 PHP has received criticism due to lacking native Unicode support at the core
language level, instead only supporting byte strings. In 2005, a project headed by
Andrei Zmievski was initiated to bring native Unicode support throughout PHP,
by embedding the International Components for Unicode (ICU) library,
representing text strings as UTF-16 internally.Since this would cause major
changes both to the internals of the language and to user code, it was planned to
release this as version 6.0 of the language, along with other major features then in

 However, a shortage of developers who understood the necessary changes, and

performance problems arising from conversion to and from UTF-16, which is
rarely used in a web context, led to delays in the project. As a result, a PHP 5.3
release was created in 2009, with many non-Unicode features back-ported from
PHP 6, notably namespaces. In March 2010, the project in its current form was
officially abandoned, and a PHP 5.4 release was prepared containing most
remaining non-Unicode features from PHP 6, such as traits and closure re-
binding. Initial hopes were that a new plan would be formed for Unicode
integration, but as of 2014 none have been adopted


Stakeholders are anyone who has an interest in the project. Project

stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the
project, or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or
project completion. They may also exert influence over the project’s objectives
and outcomes. The project management team must identify the stakeholders,
determine their requirements and expectations, and, to the extent possible,
manage their influence in relation to the requirements to ensure a successful

The following are examples of project stakeholders:

1. Project Developers :-
Project Developers is one who develops software for customer. In
my project I am the first stakeholder i.e. Project Developer.

2. Project customer :-
Project Customer is one who pays for the developed software.

3. Project user Group :-

Project User group are those people who use the
software on daily basis for the Project Customer.

4. Project Testers
Project Testers are those who test the software.
Gantt Chart

Phase Start date Compl etion date

Prelimina ry investiga tion

Project Finalizati on
10/06/2 17/06/20
011 11
Investiga tion of system requirem ent
18/06/2 25/06/20
011 11

System Analysis
27/06/2 14/8/201
011 1

System Design
15/8/20 28/9/201
11 1

Interface Coding
29/09/2 15/10/20
011 11
Database Connecti vity
16/10/2 30/10/20
011 11
Validatio n Coding
31/10/2 15/11/20
011 11
Report Coding
17/11/2 31/12/20
011 11
Impleme ntation

Develope r Testing
5/12/20 12/12/20
11 11
Client Testing
13/12/2 22/12/20
011 11
User Testing
25/12/2 29/12/20
011 11
Project Delivery
30/12/2 05/1/201
011 2
Project Report Submissi on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Project Report Hard Copy Checking
12/1/201 WEEK
2 2

Project Submissi on
13/1/20 18/1/201
12 2
Chapter 2

System Analysis
Fact Findings

The Current System is the manual one, hence is not speedy, accurate,
efficient as well as time consuming. An essential part of the system analysis,
which enables the developer to understand & the system correctly. It is
undertaken to obtain details of the system. To understand the physical flow of
the information through the current system. Collect various information through
various fact finding techniques. Identify the procedural difficulties experienced
by the user. Study the bottlenecks find out the redundant work being performed
in the system.

Fact Finding Techniques Employed

1. Interviews
Information was obtained from the employees at the organization by
interviewing them at the location and time convention both.

2. Document Searching
An extensive study of existing document an official correspondence
was done to understand the present working status of organization.

1 Enter new Add Admin Create new New record System

customer record created

2 Customer Update Customer Update Details Admin

change in customer updated
personal details

3 Gives an New order Customer Create new New order Employee

Order Order created

4 Enter new Add Admin Add new New record System

supplier supplier supplier created

5 Supplier Update Supplier Update Details Admin

change in supplier updated
details details

6 Owner needs Search Admin Search Display System

supplier supplier supplier
details details details

7 Enter new Add Admin Create New record System

employee new created

8 Stock entry Add Admin Generating Get receipt Customer

Event Table
9 Paying Bill Order Customer Paying bill Get payment Admin

10 Generating New report Admin Generating Get receipt System

reports receipt

11 Updating Check Admin Updating Record is System

records previous records update

12 Delete record Delete admin Check Delete System

records record
Use Case Diagram


Create a new supplier

Update supplier details

Lookup for supplier

Delete supplier details

Display supplier details

Supplier Admin

Search supplier


Create a new product

Update product details

Lookup for product details

Delete product details

Display product details

Create new stock details

Update stock details

Lookup for stock details

Delete stock details

Admin Display stock details


Create a new customer details

Update customer details

Lookup for customer details

Delete customer details

Display customer details

Customer Admin

Search customer

Places an

Create a new

Lookup for
order details

Update order

Customer Admin
Delete order


Places new

Create a new

Display Bill

Customer Delete Bill

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Purchas Order Customer


Mobile Shop



Product Supplier

Activity Diagram


Nokia Mobile Shop System

Enter Customer information

Display Customer information

Verify Customer information

Initiate maintain customer

Place Order

Create new order

Request product for purchase

Check availability


Place purchase order

Yes Supplier
Enter product information

Add product

Enter order
Give payment

Calculate total
Generate Bill
Class Diagram

Customer Supplier
+Cust_id:Number +Supp_no:Number
+Cust_name:Text +Supp_name:Text
+Cust_add:Text +Supp_add:Text
+Cust_ph:Number +Suppt_ph:Number

+Insert () +Insert ()
+Update () +Update ()
+Delete () +Delete ()
+New () +New ()

1..* 1..*

1..* 1..*
Employee Bill
+Emp_id:Number +Order_no:Number
+Emp_name:Text +Cust_no:Number
+Emp_add:Text +Prod_name:Text
+Emp_ph:Number +Total:Number

+Insert () Stock
+Insert ()
+Update ()
+Update ()
+Delete ()
+Delete () +Prod_id:Number
+New ()
+New () +Prod_name:Text
1 1..*
1..* 1..* +Insert()
Order Product +Update()
+Order_no:Number +Prod_no:Number
+Date:Date/Time +Prod_name:Text +New()
+Cust_name:Text +Prod_info:Text
+Prod_name:Text 1 1..* +MRP:Number
+Total:Number 1..*

+Insert () +Insert ()
+Update () +Update ()
+Delete () +Delete ()
+New () +New ()
Object Diagram

: Customer : Supplier
+Cust_id:Number +Supp_no:Number
+Cust_name:Text +Supp_name:Text
+Cust_add:Text +Supp_add:Text
+Cust_ph:Number +Suppt_ph:Number

+Insert () +Insert ()
+Update () +Update ()
+Delete () +Delete ()
+New () +New ()

1..* 1..*

1..* 1..*
: Employee : Bill
+Emp_id:Number +Order_no:Number
+Emp_name:Text +Cust_no:Number
+Emp_add:Text +Prod_name:Text
+Emp_ph:Number +Total:Number

+Insert () : Stock
+Insert ()
+Update ()
+Update ()
+Delete ()
+Delete () +Prod_id:Number
+New ()
+New () +Prod_name:Text
1 1..*
1..* 1..* +Insert()
: Order : Product +Update()
+Order_no:Number +Prod_no:Number
+Date:Date/Time +Prod_name:Text
+Cust_name:Text +Prod_info:Text :Stock
1 1..* ::PBrilolduct
yee +Bill_no:Number 1..*
+Order_no:Number +P+Orrod_no:der_no:N +Prod_id:Number
+E+Dmatp_ie:Dd:at Numumbeber r +Prod_name:Text
+Insert () +Insert ()
Ne/uTmimbeer +P+Crusod_nat_nom:Ne +Prod_qty:Number
+Update () +Update
+E+Cmusp_nat_namm u:Tmebextr()
+Delete () +Delete ()
ee::TTeextxt +P+Prrod_iod_nnafmo
+New () +New ()
+E+Prmod_np_add:ame +Insert()
T:eTxtext +M+ToRtaPl::NNu +Update()
+Update () +Update ()
+Delete () +Delete () +Delete()
+New () +New () +New()
Sequence Diagram


Create Supplier:

Create new supplier information


New supplier created


Update Supplier:

Display supplier details Update supplier details


Supplier Admin

Delete Supplier:

Display supplier details Delete supplier



Create Product:

Create new product details


New product created


Update Product:

Display product details Update product details



Delete Product:

Display product details Delete selected product



Create Stock:

Create new stock information


New stock created


Update Stock:

Display stock details Update stock details



Delete Stock:

Display stock details Delete stock



Create Customer:

Create new Customer information

New Customer created

Customer Admin

Update Customer:

Display Customer details Update Customer details


Customer Admin

Delete Customer:

Display Customer details Delete Customer



Create Order:

Create new Order information

New Order created

Customer Admin

Update Order:

Display Order details

Update Order details System

Customer Admin

Delete Order:

Display Order details Delete Order



Create Bill:

Create new Bill information


New Bill created


Delete Delete:

Display Bill details Delete Bill



Create Employee:

Create new Employee information


New Employee created


Update Employee:

Display Employee details Update Employee details


Employee Admin

Delete Employee:

Display Employee details Delete Employee


Collaboration Diagram


1. Customer enquiry

5. Place order 2. Get information

6. Get order

8. Pay bill 7. Order fulfillment

9. Generate receipt

10. Check availability 3. Customer

Of mobile Employee
14. Update records
4. Check details

11. Order

13. Payment 12. Placed order

State Diagram


Customer enter

Customer enquiry

Order for mobile

Mobile not available

Check availability of mobile

Order for mobile

Mobile available

Check mobile details

Check details

Mobile provide to customer

Order fulfillment

Pay bill
Paying bill

Generate receipt
Generating receipt
Chapter 3

System Design
Converting ERD to Tables


This table is use to store, retrieve and information about the

1 Cust_info customer.
the fields are c_no,cname,cadd,gender,contactno,email

This table is use to store ,retrieve and information about the

2 Employee employee. The fields is :
This table is use to store ,retrieve and information about
3 Supplier the supplier.The field are
This table is use to purchase , store , retrieve
4 Order & the information like p_no,p_name.
The field in the table are c_no,c_name,cadd,email,contactno,

5 Salary This table is use store ,retrieve and information about the
employee salary.
The field are e_id, e_fname,e_mname,e_lname, e_add,
e_contact, msalary, advance.



Nokia Mobile
Shop System

Customer.vb Emp.vb


Component Diagram
Package Diagram

Nokia Mobile shop system

Supplier, Order, Stock, Emp

Connection Admin
Form Availability

Other Form Cancel

Emp form Supplier form Product form Order form

Bill form
And Printing
Deployment Diagram

PC <<device>>


Cust.vb Mobdetails.vb

Server Order.vb
Emp.vb Bill.vb


System flow

Maintain customer details


Mobile details
Price Mobile

Purchase order details

Purchase order

Customer bill report

Generate mobile bill
Mobile bill
Nokia Mobile store management

Paid details

Maintain employee details


Supplier bill report

Transaction of mobile
Structure chart

Nokia Mobile Store System

Maintain customer details Creation of order Bill generation

Product details Customer details

Get Customer details Save customer details

Checking of product Giving purchase order

Order fulfillment Bill details

Get mobile details Retrieve mobile detailsReport generation

Chapter 4

System Coding
Menu Tree

Customer information
Mobile Details

Customer Purchase order

Customer information
MDI Form
Mobile Details

Transaction Transaction

Mobile Bill
Supplier Report

Utility Calculator

About Us Help

Table List

1. Table name:-Cust_info
Sr.N Field Name Datatype Constraints Size Description
1 c_no Integer Primary key Stores the customer code
2 cname Varchar 10 Stores the customer name
3 cadd Varchar 10 Stores the customer address

4 gender Varchar 10 Store the customer gender

4 contactno Bigint Stores the customer contact.
5 email Varchar 25 Stores the customer email id

2. Table name:-Employee
Sr. Field Name Datatype Constraints Size Description
1 E_id Integer Primary key Stores the employee code
2 E_fname Varchar 15 Stores the employee name

3 E_mname Varchar 15 Stores the employee middle

4 E_lname varchar 15 Stores the employee last name
5 E_add Varchar 20 Stores the employee address
6 Ph_no Bigint Stores the employee
3. Table name:-Supplier
Sr. Field Name Datatype Constraints Size Description
1 o_no Integer Primary key Stores the company code

2 S_name Varchar 20 Stores the company name

3 o_model Varchar 20 Stores the mobile model name

4 o_qty Integer Stores the mobile qty

5 o_color varchar 20 Stores the mobile color
6 o_prize Bigint Stores the mobile prize

7 o_totprize Bigint Stores the total prize

8 o_tax Bigint Stores the tax value

9 o_tot bigint Stores the total amount
included tax

4. Table name:-Order
Sr. Field Name Datatype Constraints Size Description
1 c_no Integer Foreign key Stores the customer code
2 c_name Varchar 15 Stores the customer name
3 c_add Varchar 15 Stores the customer address
4 contactno Bigint Stores the customer contact
5 email varchar 20 Stores the customer email
6 o_no Integer Stores the order no
7 p_no integer Stores the product no
8 P_name Varchar 15 Stores the product name
9 P_q ty Integer Stores the product quantity
10 P_mrp integer Stores the product prize

11 P_tot bigint Stores the product total prize

8. Table name:-Salary
Sr. Field Name Datatype Constraints Size Description
1 E_id Integer primary Stores the employee id
2 E_fname Varchar 15 Stores the employee name

3 e_mname varchar 15 Stores the employee middle

4 e_lname Varchar 15 Stores the employee last name
5 e_add varchar 20 Stores the employee address
6 e_contact Bigint Stores the employee contact no

7 msalary Bigint Stores the emp monthly salary

8 advance Bigint Stores the emp advance salary
Program List

1 Loding.frm This form display the title of system name
of organization & copyright of the system

2 Loginform.frm This form is used for security with the help of


3 MdIForm.frm This is the multiple document interface for the all

of the form in the project

4 Cust_info.frm This form is use for store the customer information

5 Emp.frm This form is use for store the employee


6 Supplier.frm This form is use for store the Supplier information

7 Salary.frm This form use for store employee salary

Report List


1 Crystalreport1.rpt This report is use for to

print and show the
customer bill

This report is use for to

2 Crystalreport2.rpt print & show the
supplier bill
Chapter 5

System Implementation &

System Implementation


Cn Connection To make the

connection between
application & database.

Cmd SqlCommand To execute sql query

on table

Reader SqlDataReader To read data retrieve

by sqlcommand.

To display crystal
CryRpt CrystalReport report.


1. Access control:-
System gives access by valid password.

2. Input control:-
System validates every textbox. It allows textual values for fields like customer name.
It also validates some numeric data only for fields like phone no.

3. System Generated control:-

In Order details it automatically calculates total price of the product. Similarly in
Receipt details it automatically deducts the amount from the actual amount.

4. Range control:-
In Order Transaction the system checks whether quantity given by the user is not
more than the available product.
Chapter 6

Future Enhancement
Future Enhancement

Being a computer system, the system has good scope to be

improved further.
Future Enhancements are as listed below
❖ Maintain daily employee attendance.
❖ Administrator can be given more rights so that he will be able to
change order details.


System helps to store all the data about the customer order in computer
and there is no need to do paper work.

Data is going to be preserved carefully for longer period hence proper

backup is required otherwise there is chance of losing entries or data.
Chapter 7

References & Bibliography

References & Bibliography
Sr.No. Type Description
Book name : Php 2016

1. Author : Anne Boehm

Publication : Murach
Book name : Mastering php 2016

2. Author : Evangelos Petroutsos

Publication : Wiley-India Edition

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