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Modul B Inggris SD Kelas 1 6

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eelas ı

A B c D E F g v r t
éi 6i si di i É ti éi a jé
f c y y

e l x m o e a r s t
Léy él ém Éu o ei eim ar és ti

u v w x v z
ym vi Da6elym ÉLs way zi

read the couversatiou 6elovḷ Ausver the qmestious vith yomr persoual
A : vov are yom? vov are yom?

B : I am fine, thanks.

A : what is yomr uame? what is yomr uame?

B : My name is Sasha.

A : vov old are yom? vov old are yom?

B : I am eleven years old.

A : where do yom stmdy? where do yom stmdy?

B : I study in SDN Garut 5.

A : where do yom live? where do yom live?

B : I live in Garut.

A : Who do yom Iive vith? Who do yom Iive vith?

B : I live with my family.

A : What is yomr father·s uame? What is yomr father·s uame?

B : My fathers name is tony.

A : What is yomr mother·s uame? What is yomr mother·s uame?

B : My mothers name is A##y.

A : vov mauy 6rothers do yom have? vov mauy 6rothers do yom have?

B : I have one #rother.

A : vov mauy sisters do yom have? vov mauy sisters do yom have?

B : I have two sisters.

A. Read the conversation below!

couversatiou ı couversatiou 2
Arif : Hello, Rina. Good mornin&?
Ratih : Hello Mia, &ood afternoon*
Rina : Good mornin& Arif. How are
Mia : Good afternoon* How are
you? Arif : I am fine, thanks.
Rina : (here are you
Ratih : I am fine, thanks. (ho is
&oin&? Arif : I am
this? Mia : this is my #rother,
&oin& to s)hool. Rina :
See you.
Ratih : Hello tony, ni)e to meet
Arif : See you.
you. tony : Ni)e to meet you too.

B. Translate into Indonesian!

+. Good mornin&* 6. See you*
2. Good afternoon* 0. Ni)e to meet you*
3. Good evenin&* 1. Ni)e to meet you too*
4. Good ni&ht* 9. (here are you &oin&?
5. Good #ye* +3. I am &oin& to s)hool.
B : I live in Garut.

A : Who do yom Iive vith? Who do yom Iive vith?

B : I live with my family.

A : What is yomr father·s uame? What is yomr father·s uame?

B : My fathers name is tony.

A : What is yomr mother·s uame? What is yomr mother·s uame?

B : My mothers name is A##y.

A : vov mauy 6rothers do yom have? vov mauy 6rothers do yom have?

B : I have one #rother.

A : vov mauy sisters do yom have? vov mauy sisters do yom have?

B : I have two sisters.

A. Read the conversation below!

couversatiou ı couversatiou 2
Arif : Hello, Rina. Good mornin&?
Ratih : Hello Mia, &ood afternoon*
Rina : Good mornin& Arif. How are
Mia : Good afternoon* How are
you? Arif : I am fine, thanks.
Rina : (here are you
Ratih : I am fine, thanks. (ho is
&oin&? Arif : I am
this? Mia : this is my #rother,
&oin& to s)hool. Rina :
See you.
Ratih : Hello tony, ni)e to meet
Arif : See you.
you. tony : Ni)e to meet you too.

B. Translate into Indonesian!

+. Good mornin&* 6. See you*
2. Good afternoon* 0. Ni)e to meet you*
3. Good evenin&* 1. Ni)e to meet you too*
4. Good ni&ht* 9. (here are you &oin&?
5. Good #ye* +3. I am &oin& to s)hool.
A.Let·s comut ı to ı.OOO.OOO

4ne two three Four Five

Six Seven 7i&ht Nine ten

7leven twelve thirteen Fourteen Fifteen

Sixteen Seventeen 7i&hteen Nineteen twenty

thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy

7i&hty Ninety 4ne hundred 4ne thousand 4ne million

B.Let·s vrite the umm6ers iu Euglishḷ

22 zz
2‹ 80
36 e6
0z ııO
08 ı2O
‹ı ı0O
‹‹ ı‹O
6e 2OO
Eyes vauds Lips

Aku mem8unyai dua mata. Aku mem8unyai dua tan&an. Aku mem8unyai dua #i#ir.

r have tvo eyes.

Ears Legs Teeth

Aku mem8unyai dua telin&a. Aku mem8unyai dua kaki. Aku mem8unyai 21 &i&i.

mose Fiugers Tougme

Aku mem8unyai satu hidun&. Aku mem8unyai se8uluh jari tan&an. Aku mem8unyai satu lidah.

Toes vead xomth

Aku mem8unyai se8uluh jari kaki.

Aku mem8unyai satu ke8ala. Aku mem8unyai satu mulut.
ALm 6isa 6erjalau. ALm tidaL 6isa ter6aug. ALm 6isa lompat.

r cau WalL. r cauuot Fly.

ALm 6isa 6erlari.

ALm 6isa meumlis. ALm 6isa 6ereuaug.

ALm 6isa 6ermaiu 6asLet. ALm tidaL 6isa meuari.

elay 6asLet6all Dauce
ALm 6isa mem6aca.

ALm tidaL 6isa memasaL.

ALm tidaL 6isa 6ermaiu piauo.
elay piauo
ALm tidaL 6isa meuggam6ar.

ALm tidaL 6isa 6eruyauyi.

ALm tidaL 6isa
melmLis. eaiut
ALm 6isa meuer6augLau layaug-layaug.
Fly a Lite
A. Trauslate iuto Euglishḷ
+. Aku suka a8el. I like a88le.

2. Aku suka seman&ka. ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___

3. Aku suka an&&ur. ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___

4. Aku suka nanas. ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___

5. Aku suka 8isan&. ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___

6. Aku tidak suka stro#eri. I dont like straw#erry.

0. Aku tidak suka lemon. ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___

1. Aku tidak suka 8ir. ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___

9. Aku tidak suka jeruk. ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___

+3. Aku tidak suka jus jeruk.

ALm smLa Lmciug. ALm smLa 6e6eL. ALm smLa jerapah.

ALm tidaL smLa mouyet. ALm tidaL smLa aujiug. ALm tidaL smLa tiLms.

ALm smLa ayam. ALm smLa sapi. ALm smLa Lmda.

ALm smLa harimam. ALm smLa muta. ALm smLa gajah.

A. read the exampleḷ

a. Question : What is your favorite number?
b. Answer : My favorite number is one.

B. Now, answer the questions below!

f. Question : What is your favorite number? 2. Question : What is your favorite subject?

Answer :_ . Answer :_ .
3. Question : What is your favorite body part? 4. Question : What is your favorite fruit?

Answer :_ . Answer :_ .
5. Question : What is your favorite color? 6. Question : What is your favorite vegetable?

Answer :_ . Answer :_ .
7. Question : What is your favorite animal? 8. Question : What is your favorite song?

Answer :_ . Answer :_ .
9. Question : What is your favorite food? f0. Question : What is your favorite place?

Answer :_ . Answer :_ .
ff. Question : What is your favorite drink? f2. Question : What is your favorite country?

Answer :_ . Answer :_ .
f3. Question : What is your favorite tV show? f4. Question : What is your favorite city?

Answer :_ . Answer :_ .
f5. Question : What is your favorite sport?

Answer :_ .

A. Write the Indonesian!

S<IM FAt tA<< SH4Rt

B7AUtIFU< UG<> >4UNG 4<D

B. trauslate the seuteuces 6elov iuto rudouesiauḷ

+. My mother is slim and tall.

2. My father is short and fat.

3. My aunt is #eautiful. ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___

4. My un)le is handsome. ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___

5. My &randmother is very old. ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___

6. My mother is not u&ly. ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___

0. My father is not handsome. ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___

1. My aunt is not slim. ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___

9. My un)le is not fat. ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___

+3. My &randmother is short.

A. Translate into English!
+. Aku mem8unyai se#uah 8en&&aris.

2. Aku mem8unyai se#uah tas sekolah.

3. Aku mem8unyai se#uah &untin&.

4. Aku mem8unyai dua #uah 8ul8en.

5. Aku mem8unyai ti&a #uah krayon.

6. Aku mem8unyai em8at #uah 8en&ha8us.

0. Aku mem8unyai lima #uah rautan 8ensil.

1. Aku tidak mem8unyai tem8at 8ensil.

9. Aku tidak mem8unyai #uku )atatan.

+3. Aku tidak mem8unyai kom8uter.

eelas 2

A. Find the Indonesian!

vappy sad Augry sleepy

Bored vmugry Thirsty Tired

B. Trauslate the seuteuces 6elov iuto Euglishḷ

+. Aku senan&. _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Aku tidak senan&. __ _ _ _ _
2. Aku sedih. ________________________ 0. Aku tidak sedih_____________________
3. Aku sedih dan marah. __ _ _ _ _ 8. Aku tidak sedih dan marah.
4. Aku n&antuk. ___ _ _ _ _ __ 9. Aku tidak n&antuk.
5. Aku la8ar dan haus. __ _ _ _ __ 10. Aku tidak la8ar dan haus.

c. Find the Indonesian!

smile cry shomt sleep

elay Eat DriuL taLe a rest

D. Fill the blanks!

+. I am sad. I want to_
4. I am tired. I want to _ _ _
2. I am slee8y. I want to _ __
5. I am thirsty. I want to______
3. I am hun&ry. I want to _ _ _
6. I am #ored. I want to _ _ _

E. Translate into English!

car : mo6il
Xo6il itm saugat mahal

the )ar is very ex8ensive.

Expeusive : mahal
Boy : auaL laLi-laLi
AuaL laLi-laLi itm saugat
vaudsome : tampau
stmdeut : mmrid

Xmrid itm saugat piutar.

smart :
piutar vomse
: rmmah
rmmah itm saugat 6esar.

Big : 6esar
vair :
ram6mtLm saugat peudeL.

short : peudeL
Gadis Lecil itm saugat cautiL.
Girl : gadis

rmaugau itm saugat gelap.

Beamtifml : cautiL
room : rmaugau

LaLi-laLi itm saugat Laya.

DarL : gelap
Xau : laLi-laLi

rich : Laya AyahLm saugat Lmat.

Father : ayah

XereLa saugat tma.

stroug : Lmat
They :

old : tma Xy Daily Activity

WaLe mp TaLe a 6ath Wash my hair
Brmsh my teeth Wash my face Get dressed
com6 my hair Eat 6reaLfast Go to school
cleau the homse stmdy at school Go home from school
elay vith my frieuds Watch Tv Do my homevorL
Water the flovers read a 6ooL Go to sleep

A. Write the Euglishḷ

Baugmu Xaudi Eeramas

GosoL gigi Xeucmci mmLa XemaLai 6ajm

Xeuyisir ram6mt sarapau eergi Le seLolah

Xem6ersihLau rmmah Belajar di seLolah emlaug seLolah

Bermaiu deugau temau-temauLm moutou Tv XeugerjaLau er

Xeuyiram 6muga Xem6aca 6mLm Tidmr

B. Ausver the qmestious 6elovḷ

1. (hat do you do in the mornin&?

2. (hat do you do in the afternoon?

3. (hat do you do in the evenin&?

4. (hat do you do at ni&ht?

c. Ausver the qmestious 6elovḷ

+. (hat time do you wake u8 every mornin&? ___ __ __ __ _

2. (hat time do you take a #ath every mornin&? ___ __ __ __ _

3. (hat time do you eat #reakfast? __ __ _______

4. (hat time do you &o to s)hool? __ ___ __ __ _

5. (hat time do you &o to slee8? ___ __ __ __ _

D. What do yom do?

+. (hat do you do after you wake u8? ___ __ __ __ _

2. (hat do you do after you take a #ath? __ __ ___ ___

3. (hat do you do after you &o home from s)hool? __ __ _______

4. (hat do you do #efore you 8lay with your friends? ___ __ __ __ _

5. (hat do you do #efore you &o to slee8? ___ __ __ __ _

Thiugs iu Xy vomse
a 6icycle Tv The radio cooL mevspaper
the dishes the homse the floor a car Flovers

A. Fill the 6lauLs 6y choosiug the vord a6oveḷ

+. My father reads _______________every mornin&.
2. I wat)h __ __ ___every ni&ht with my family.
3. 7very Sunday, I hel8 my mother to )lean _ __ __ __
4. I ride ___ __ __ ______every afternoon with my friends.
5. 7very mornin&, my sister swee8s __ __ ___
6. My ho##y is listenin& to _ _ _ _ _
0. My #rother )an drive _ _ _
1. I _______________dinner in the kit)hen.
9. 7very afternoon, my mother waters the _ __ __ __
+3. After I eat, I usually wash _ __ __ __

B. Write the rudouesiauḷ

Euglish rudouesiau Euglish rudouesiau
+. cook : ++. Dinner :
2. Read +2. News 8a8er
: :
3. clean +3. House
4. Ride : +4. Bi)y)le :
5. (ash +5. Dishes
6. (at)h : +6. tV :
0. (ater : +0. Flower :
1. Swee8 +1. Floor
9. Drive : +9. car :
+3. <isten 23. Radio
: :
: :
: :
: :

Roo(s in the house

c. Answer the questions below!

+. (here do you slee8? I slee8 in my room.

2. (here do you eat? .

3. (here do you #rush your teeth? .

4. (here do you wat)h tV? .

5. (here do you )ook? .

). (here do you wash your fa)e? .

0. (here do you take a #ath? .

1. (here do you wash the dishes? .

9. (here do you wash your hair? .

10. (here do you kee8 your toys? .

D. trauslate iuto rudouesiauḷ

+. I dont want to eat e&&s for #reakfast.
2. I dont want to wat)h tV #e)ause I want to do my homework.
3. I dont want to 8lay #e)ause I am slee8y.
4. I dont want to swim #e)ause I )annot swim.
5. I dont want to ride a horse #e)ause I dont like horse.

erepositiou of elace
ou ru Betveeu Uuder
Behiud mext to ru frout of

where is the 6all? where is the 6all?

where is the 6all? where is the 6ooLcase?

where is the 6ooL? where is the cat?

where is the cat? where is the dog?

Xeet Xy Family…
*ello+ Good afternoon. M/ na(e is 0arol. I a( nine /ears old. I a( a student. Toda/, I a(
going to introduce (/ fa(il/.
My mothers name is Mary Bell. My fathers name is Geor&e Bell.
She is 35 years old. He is 43 years old.
She is #eautiful, ni)e and smart. He is very tall.
She is a housewife. He is a dentist.
My #rothers name is Ro#ert. My little sisters name is @enny.
He is +6 years old. She is seven years old.
He is ni)e and friendly. She is very attra)tive.
He is a student in junior hi&h s)hool. She is a student in elementary

mov, it is yomr tmrus… iutrodmce yomr family to the classḷ

*ello, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Xy mother·s uame is… Xy father·s uame is…

Xy 6rother·s uame is… Xy sister·s uame is…

choose the 6est ausverḷ

+. (hat do you do in the #athroom?
a. takin& a #ath #. readin& a #ook ). writin& a letter d. havin& lun)h

2. (hat do you have for #reakfast?

a. A ta#le #. a )hair ). fried ri)e d. a 8en

3. How do you &o to s)hool?

a. with my sister #. study ). #y #i)y)le d. at 0 o)lo)k

4. (here do you have lun)h?

a. #y #us #. with my friend ). at +2 o)lo)k d. at home

5. Danny : How is your mother?

Sarah : She is in hos8ital now.
a. She is fine #. I like it ). thank you d. She is si)k
6. (hat is he doin&? He is
a. dan)in& #. sin&in& ). )ookin& d. Readin&

0. (ould you 8lease )ome to my house in the __ for a #reakfast?

a. mornin& #. afternoon ). evenin& d. ni&ht

1. My mother is )ookin& in the __

a. livin& room #. &arden ). #edroom d. kit)hen

eelas 3

xy Day
E. read the text 6elovḷ
7very mornin& I &et u8 at five o)lo)k. First, I &o to the #athroom. In the #athroom, I #rush
my teeth and take a #ath. After that, I &et dressed and )om# my hair. then I &o to the kit)hen.
In the kit)hen, I have a )u8 of tea and fried ri)e for #reakfast.
At seven o)lo)k, I &o to s)hool. I &o to s)hool #y #us. At ei&ht o)lo)k I arrive at s)hool and
then I study. At one o)lo)k I &o home. At home, I have lun)h and 8lay with my friends.
At seven o)lo)k I have dinner with my family and then we wat)h tV. After wat)hin& tV, I
do my homework. At a half 8ast nine I &o to slee8.

F. Ausver the qmestious 6elovḷ

+. (hat time do you &et u8 every mornin&? ___ __ __ __ __ __
2. (here do you &o after you wake u8? ___ __ __ __ __ __
3. (hat do you do in the #athroom? _
4. (hat do you do after you take a #ath? _ __ __ __ _______
5. (hat do you have for #reakfast? _ __ __ __ __ __
6. (hat time do you &o to s)hool? __ ___ __ __ __ __
0. How do you &o to s)hool? _ __ __ __ _______
1. (hat time do you &o home from s)hool? _ __ __ __ __ ____
9. (hat do you do at home after s)hool? _ __ __ __ _______
+3. (hen do you wat)h tV and do your homework?

G. Trauslate iuto rudouesiauḷ

1. I want to study.
2. I want to read a #ook.
3. >ou want to write a letter.
4. they want to wat)h tV.
5. they want to &o to s)hool.
6. (e want to eat #reakfast.
7. (e want to eat lun)h.
8. (e want to eat dinner.
9. She wants to &o home.

10. He wants to &o his homework.

A. Listeu to the tape aud fill the 6lauLsḷ

xy Day
+__ __ __ day I &et u8 at half 8ast six. First I &o to the 2______ __ and have a

)u8 of tea and toast for 3____________. then I &o to the 4____________and )lean my teeth.

After that, I &et 5 and #rush my hair.

At half 8ast 6____________ I &o to work. I take the #us to ca#ramatta. It is a lon&

way from 0 . I arrive at work at ten to 1_ _. At twelve oA)lo)k I

9 lun)h and at four oA)lo)k I &o +3 .

At ++ oA)lo)k I have dinner with my +2 and then we

+3 tV. At a quarter 8ast eleven I &o to +4 .

B. Listeu to the tape aud fiII the 6IauLsḷ

+. (hat do you do after #reakfast? __ __ __ __ __ __

2. (hat do you do #efore you &o to #ed? ___ __ __ __ __ ___

3. (hat do you do after you __ _______ ? I dry my hair.

4. ___ __ __ __ ___ after dinner? ___ __ __ __ __ ___

5. (hats the first thin& you do in the mornin&? ____ __ __ __ __ __

6. (hat do you do ___ __ __ __ #efore s)hool? ___ __ __ __ __ ___

0. ___ __ __ __ ___ when you &et home from s)hool? _____ __ __ __ __ _

1. (hat do you do __ __ ___ you take a #ath? __ __ __ __ _______

9. (hat do you do ___ __ __ #ed? __ __ __ __ _______

+3. after so))er 8ra)ti)e? I )ome home.

What ti(e is it4

rt is oue o·clocL rt is rt is

rt is rt is rt is

rt is a half past oue rt is rt is

rt is rt is rt is

A. Read the conversations below!

@ennifer : Mita, what is that? Mita, a8a itu?
Mita : that is a 6ird. Itu adalah seekor #urun&
@ennifer : (hat )an a #ird do? A8a yan& #urun& #isa lakukan?
Mita : A #ird )an fly in the sky. Burun& #isa ter#an& di lan&it
@ennifer : And what is that? Dan a8a itu?
Mita : that is a fish. Itu adalah seekor ikan
@ennifer : can a fish fly? Da8atkah ikan ter#an&?
Mita : No, a fish )annot fly. tidak, ikan tidak #isa ter#an&
@ennifer : (hat )an a fish do? A8a yan& #isa dilakukan oleh ikan?
Mita : A fish )an swim in the water. Ikan #isa #erenan& di air
couversatiou 2:
Lala : Zihan, what is that? Zihan, apa itu?
zihau Lala: that is a cat.
zihau Ftu adalah seekor kucing dan apa itu?
: And, what is that? Ftu adalah seekor kuda
Lala Apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh
: that is a horse.
: A horse and a cat can walk and run.

: What can a cat and a horse do? seekor kucing dan seekor kuda?
zihau Seekor kuda dan seekor kucing bisa
: A cat and a horse can walk and run. berjalan dan berlari.

B. 5ocabular/

£vglisP Fv6ovesiov £vglisP Fv6ovesiov

f. Bird : Burung 7. Walk : Berjalan
A 6ird cau fly iu the sLy.
2. cat : Kucing 8. Run : Berlari A fish cau svim iu the vater.
3. Fly : terbang 9. Sky : Langit
A cat aud a horse cau valL aud rmu.
4. Swim : Berenang f0. Water : Air
5. Horse : Kuda ff. Leg : Kaki
6. Fish : Fkan f2. Wing : Sayap

c. Read the descri6tion of ani(als below!

eictmre Descriptiou DesLripsi
A snake is very dangerous
Seekor ularandsangat
berbahaya dan berbisa.
the body of a snake
is very
ular sangat panjang. Seekor kuda bisa berlari sangat ce
A horse can run very
fast.Kuda memiliki empat kaki
Seekor Zebra memiliki belang yang
berwarna hitam dan putih

A horse has four legs.

A zebra has black and white stripes.

A shark is a wild animal. Seekor Fkan hiu adalah binatang

yang buas.
A shark lives in the sea. Seekor Fkan hiu hidup di laut. Seekor Fkan hiu bi
A shark can swim in the sea.
A 8en&uin )an swim in the sea and Seekor Fin&uin #isa #erenan& di
walk on the land. laut dan #erjalan di darat.
A 8en&uin has two win&s #ut it Seekor Fin&uin memiliki dua saya8
)annot fly. teta8i tidak #isa ter#an&
An ele8hant is very #i& and stron&. Seekor Gajah san&at #esar dan
An ele8hant has four le&s and one Seekor Gajah memiliki em8at kaki
trunk. dan satu #elalai
A #utterfly has two win&s to fly. Seekor ku8u-ku8u memiliki dua
saya8 untuk ter#an&

A #ird )an sin&.

Seekor #urun& #isa #ernyanyi.
A #ird has two win&s to fly.
Seekor #urun& memiliki dua saya8
untuk ter#an&.

D. 5ocabular/
Euglish rudouesiau Euglish rudouesiau Euglish rudouesiau
+. Snake : Ular 1. Fen&uin : Fin&uin +5. @un&le : Hutan
2. Dan&erous : Ber#ahaya 9. <and : Daratan +6. Sea : <aut
3. Animal : Hewan +3. 7le8hant : Gajah +0. Shark : Ikan hiu
4. <on& : Fanjan& ++. Bi& : Besar +1. trunk : Belalai
5. Ce#ra : Ce#ra +2. Very : San&at +9. Butterfly : Ku8u-ku8u
6. Stri8e : Belan& +3. Stron& : Kuat 23. HaveHHas : Memiliki
0. (ild : Buas +4. <e& : Kaki

E. Trauslate the seuteuces below into English!

+.Seekor #urun& #isa ter#an& di lan&it.

2.Seekor #urun& tidak #isa #erenan& di air.

3.Seekor ku)in& #isa #erjalan dan #erlari.

4.Seekor ikan tidak #isa #erjalan.

Seekor ikan #isa #erenan& di air.

Seekor kuda #isa #erlari san&at )e8at.

Seekor Ee#ra memiliki #elan& yan& #erwarna hitam dan 8utih.

Seekor &ajah memiliki satu #elalai.
Auimal crossvord

teacher eolice mau eolice vomau

chef Doctor Xagiciau

vomsevife eaiuter eresideut

BasLet6all player Nurse

My mother is 43 years old. My father is 45 years old.

She is a tea)her. He is a 8oli)e man.

My sister is 24 years old. My #rother is +2 years old.

She is a 8ainter. He is a student.

My &randmother is 02 years old. My &randfather is 05 years old.

She is a housewife. He is a ma&i)ian.

the 6ird is 6lme.

the horse is 6rovu.

the 6mtterfly is piuL.

Ausver the qmestious 6elovḷ
+. (hat is the )olor of Indonesian hair? the )olor of Indonesian hair is 6lacL.
2. (hat is the )olor of the sky?

3. (hat is the )olor of milk?

4. (hat is the )olor of &rass?

5. (hat is the )olor of )loud?

6. (hat is the )olor of )arrot?

0. (hat is the )olor of &ra8es?

1. (hat is the )olor of oran&e?

9. (hat is the )olor of #anana?

+3. (hat is the )olor of a88le?

++. (hat is the )olor of sea?

+2. (hat is the )olor of )otton?

eersoual ruformatiou Form

A. read the text 6elovḷ
My name is @ason Mar)us MendoEa. Im +3 years old. I )ome from Fhili88ines. I am Fili8ino. I was
#orn on 4)to#er 29th, +991. I live in Manila. My address is +0 Randall Street. I am an
elementary s)hool student. I study in Fhili88ines 7lementary S)hool. My tele8hone num#er is 63-3+-
00251. My ho##y is readin&.

B. complete the persoual iuformatiou form 6elov accordiug to the text a6oveḷ

eersoual iuformatiou form

Full name :
A&e :
Date of #irth :
Nationality :
Address :
Fhone num#er : ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
S)hool :
Ho##y :

c. complete the persoual iuformatiou form 6elov accordiug to yomr persoual iuformatiouḷ

eersoual iuformatiou form

Full name :
A&e :
Date of #irth :
Nationality :
Address :
Fhone num#er : ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
S)hool :
Ho##y :

simple ereseut teuse

A. read the text 6elovḷ
Xy Frieud, rio
I have a friend. His name is Rio. He lives in a dormitory near s)hool. He is from Indonesia.
He walks to s)hool almost every day. Sometimes, he )at)hes a #us, es8e)ially if it is )old and rainy
outside. Rio shares a room with tom. tom )omes from china. Rio and tom &o to the same s)hool.
they take 7n&lish )lasses. Rio s8eaks Indonesian as his first lan&ua&e, and tom s8eaks
chinese. they
)ommuni)ate in 7n&lish. Sometimes, Rio tries to tea)h tom to s8eak a little Indonesian, and tom
&ives Rio chinese lessons. they lau&h a lot durin& the Indonesian and chinese lessons. Rio enjoys
havin& tom as his roommate, althou&h he often misses his family #a)k in Indonesia.

B. Ausver the qmestiou 6elovḷ

+. (here does Rio live?_____________
2. Who is Rio‘s roommate? __ _ __
3. Where does Rio come from? __ _ _ _
4. What language do Rio and tome use to communicate? _ __ __ __

c. Write T if the statemeuts are trme aud vrite F if the statemeuts are falseḷ
f. Rio is a girl. (_______)
2. Rio does not live near school. (_______)
3. Rio is tom‘s roommate. (_____ )
4. Rio and tom go to the different school. (_______)
5. Every day, Rio goes to school by bus. (_______)
6. Rio catches a bus to school when it is rainy outside. (_______)
7. Rio is from Fndonesia. (__ )
8. tom cannot speak English. (_______)
9. tom teaches Rio to speak Fndonesian. (_______)
f0. Rio does not like tom. (_______)

D. Me(ori7e the words below!

Friend : teman Speak : berbicara
Live : tinggal Language : bahasa
Dormitory : asrama First : pertama
hear : dekat communicate : berkomunikasi
Almost : hampir teach : mengajar
Sometimes : kadang-kadang Little : sedikit, kecil
catch : menangkap, Give : memberi
naik Lesson : pelajaran
Especially : terutama Laugh : tertawa
Outside : diluar During : selama
Rainy : hujan Miss : merindukan
cold : dingin Roommate : teman
Share : berbagi sekamar Although :
Room : kamar meskipun
Same : sama Often : sering
take : mengambil Enjoy : menikmati

E. choose the 6est ausverḷ

f. tuesday, Friday, Sunday, Wednesday, Monday, thursday, and Saturday
f 2 3 4 5 6 7
the right arrangement for the days is ........
a. 5, f, 4, 6, 7, 3, and 2 b. 5, f, 4, 6, 2, 7, and 3
c. 4, f, 5, 6, 2, 7, and 3 d. f, 5, 4, 6, 2, 7, and 3
2. tom : Mom, would you 8lease &ive me some drink?
Mom.....................IAm workin& ri&ht now.
a. ok #. sure ). sorry d. never mind

3. DonAt for&et to ........ the lam8 #efore you slee8*

a. turn on #. turn off ). tidy u8 d. shut

4. >ou )an find wild animals and #i& trees in the ........
a. jun&le #. villa&e ). lake d. )ity

5. Ni)e - have - weekend - a. the )orre)t senten)e is ........

a. have a ni)e weekend #. weekend have a ni)e
). a ni)e weekend have d. ni)e a have weekend

6. How mu)h water that you drink? In Indonesia is ........

a. #era8a #anyak air yan& kau am#il? #. #era8a #anyak air yan& kau 8unya?
). #era8a #anyak air yan& kau #awa? d. #era8a #anyak air yan& kau minum?

eelas o

sleep stmdy
➢ (here do you slee8? ➢
➢ I slee8 at home. ➢

Eat see statmes

➢ ➢
➢ ➢

vave a picuic see auimals

➢ ➢
➢ ➢

TalL to a doctor save mouey

➢ ➢
➢ ➢


waLe mp
TaLe a 6ath
➢ (hen do you wake u8?
➢ (hen do you take a #ath?
➢ I wake u8 in the mornin&.

Eat 6reaLfast
Go to school

Go home from school
Eat lmuch

Eat diuuer
elay vith yomr frieuds

readiug compreheusiou
A. read the text 6elovḷ
Amanda is my classmate. She is my best friend. She is thirteen years old.
She lives in Margahayu. She is tall. She has beautiful hair.
She is very smart and nice. She likes helping her friends. Every afternoon,
Amanda plays with her friends. After playing, she does her homework at home.
Amanda has many hobbies. Amanda likes reading, riding a bike and playing
guitar. Amanda cannot swim. She does not like swimming.

B. circle trme or Falseḷ

f. Amanda is hOt my best friend. true False
2. Amanda does not live in Margahayu. true False
3. Amanda is short. true False
4. Amanda is hOt short. true False
5. Amanda is very smart. true False

c. Ausver the qmestiousḷ

f. How old is Amanda? _________________
2. Where does Amanda live? ___ _ _ __
3. When does Amanda play with her friends? __ __ __ __ _
4. Where does Amanda do homework? ___ __ _______
5. What are Amanda‘s hobbies? ___ __ _______

D. trauslate the seuteuces 6elov iuto Euglishḷ

f. Amanda adalah teman ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. Dia (pr) adalah sahabatku. _____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. Dia (pr) berusia tiga belas tahun. _____ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ _
4. Dia (pr) tinggal di Bandung. ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
5. Dia (pr) tinggi dan cantik. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
6. Dia (pr) sangat baik dan pintar. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ _______
7. Dia (pr) suka menolong teman-temannya. ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
8. Setiap sore, Amanda bermain bersama teman-temannya.

9. Amanda suka membaca dan bermain gitar. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

f0. Amanda tidak bisa berenang.
what is she
elay teuuis elay piauo Drav

she is playiug teuuis.

sleep cooL cleau the floor

Fly Daydream ride a horse

what is he doing4
DriuL write read

rmu Fly a Lite watch Tv

svim TaLe a shover siug

Listeu to the radio cleau the viudov ride a horse

elay 6ase6all elay 6asLet6all eaiut

what are they doing4

wash the dishes elay cleau the homse

Fish sleep
Dauce Gardeu vave picuic

Telliug Time
A. Asking for the ti(e
✓ What time is it?  Excmse me, have yom got the time please?
✓ Whatıs the time?  sorry, do yom have the time please?
✓ Do yom Luov vhat the time is?  sorry, comld yom tell me the time, please?

B. Write the ti(e!

rt is oue o·clocL rt is rt is

rt is a half past oue rt is rt is

rt is a qmarter past eleveu rt is rt is

rt is teu miumtes past fomr rt is rt is

AsLiug eersoual ruformatiou
read the couversatiou 6elovḷ Ausver the qmestious vith yomr persoual iuformatiouḷ
A : vello, hov are yom? vello, hov are yom?
B : I am fine, thanks.

A : What is yomr uame? What is yomr uame?

B : My name is Adelia.

A : Where do yom come from? Where do yom come from?

B : I )ome from @akarta.

A : What is yomr uatiouality? What is yomr uatiouality?

B : I am Indonesian.

A : What is yomr religiou? What is yomr religiou?

B : I am a Moslem.

A : What is yomr uative laugmage? What is yomr uative laugmage?

B : My native lan&ua&e is Sundanese?

A : Where do yom live? Where do yom live?

B : I live in Garut, (est @ava.

A : Who do yom live vith? Who do yom live vith?

B : I live with my 8arents.

A : vov old are yom? vov old are yom?

B : I am twelve years old.

A : Where vere yom 6oru? Where vere yom 6oru?

B : I was #orn in @akarta.

A : Wheu vere yom 6oru? Wheu vere yom 6oru?

B : I was #orn on Mar)h 2nd, 2333.

A : Where do yom stmdy? Where do yom stmdy?

B : I study in SDN Garut +.

A : What is yomr father·s uame? What is yomr father·s uame?

B : My fathers name is tonny.

A : What is yomr mother·s uame? What is yomr mother·s uame?

B : My mothers name is @en.
A : vov mauy 6rothers do yom have? vov mauy 6rothers do yom have?
B : I have two #rothers.

A : vov mauy sisters do yom have? vov mauy sisters do yom have?
B : I dont have any sister.

A : What is yomr ho66y? What is yomr ho66y?

B : My ho##ies are studyin& and _ _
What is yomr telephoue umm6er?
A : What is yomr telephoue umm6er?
B : My tele8hone num#er is 253 691.
What is yomr favorite color?
A : What is yomr favorite color?
_ _
B : My favorite )olors are red and white.
What is yomr favorite sm6ject?
A : What is yomr favorite sm6ject?
B : My favorite su#je)t is Mathemati)s.
What is yomr favorite food?
A : What is yomr favorite food?
B : My favorite food is fried ri)e.
What is yomr favorite driuL?
A : What is yomr favorite driuL?
B : My favorite drink is oran&e jui)e.
What is yomr favorite frmit?
A : What is yomr favorite frmit?
_ _
B : My favorite fruits are a88le and
&ra8e. What is yomr favorite vegeta6le?
A : What is yomr favorite vegeta6le?
B : My favorite ve&eta#le is )arrot. Do yom liLe sport?
A : Do yom liLe sport?
B : >es, I do. H No, I dont. What is yomr favorite sport?
A : What is yomr favorite sport?
B : My favorite s8ort is valley #all.
eelas ‹

readiug compreheusiou
A. Text ı: read the text 6elov carefmllyḷ
william toues
My family name is @ones and I live in Ameri)a. My first name is (illiam. I am 33 years
old. I take )ourses in forei&n university. I s8eak Fren)h 8retty well and a little @a8anese.
A)tually my native lan&ua&e is 7n&lish. I have a sister and a #rother. My sisters name is Mary and
my #rothers name is charles. Mary is a nurse. She works in a hos8ital. My #rother is a university
student. He is 23 years old. He likes readin& novels and he usually &oes to the #ookstore every

B. Me(ori7e the words below!

Family name KL nama keluar&a Native KL asli
First name KL Nama <an&ua&e KL #ahasa
de8an take KL men&am#il 7n&lish KL Bahasa In&&ris
course KL Kursus Nurse KL 8erawat
Forei&n KL asin& Hos8ital KL rumah sakit
S8eak KL #er#i)ara University student KL mahasiswa
Fren)h KL Bahasa (ork KL #ekerja
Feran)is Fretty wellKL san&at Bookstore KL toko #uku
#aik @a8anese KL Bahasa (eekend KL akhir
@e8an& A)tually KL min&&u
se#enarnya Usually KL #iasanya

c. Text 2: read the text 6elovḷ

seasous iu rudouesia
Indonesia has two seasons. they are wet season and dry season. In wet season, rain
)omes almost every day. the weather is )ool. (hile in dry season, the sun shines #ri&htly and
the weather is hot.

D. Me(ori7e the words below!

Has : mem8unyai (eather : )ua)a
Season : musim cool : sejuk
(et season : musim hujan (hile : sedan&kan
Dry season : musim kemarau Sun : matahari
Rain : hujan Shine : #ersinar
Almost : ham8ir Bri&htly : den&an teran&
come : datan& Hot : 8anas
Easy voca6mlary
A. emt cross ou the right ausverḷ
+. ASadA and Aha88yA are__ _ _.
a. Antonym #. Synonym

2. Smart and )lever are__ _ _ .

a. Antonym #. Synonym

3. (hen is the Indonesian Inde8enden)e Day?

a.Its on Au&ust +0 th #. Its Indonesia Raya

4. (hat is Indonesian national anthem?

a.Its on Au&ust +0 th #. Its Indonesia Raya

5. __ _ to #rin& no 2 8en)il to the test.

a. Dont remem#er #. Dont for&et

6. If you want to save your money, you have to &o to __ __.

a. the #ank #. the har#or

0. If you want to &o to Kalimantan #y shi8, you must &o to _ __ __

a. an air8ort #. a har#or

1. Mr. Arman is a farmer. He works in the _ __

a. mosque #. ri)e field

9. My mother wears a_________ on her fin&er.

a. rin& #. ne)kla)e

+3. He is tea)hin& in the )lassroom. He is a

a. tea)her #. Nurse ). Foli)eman d. Farmer

xodals: xmst & xmst mot

A. trme or
+. ____________>ou must wash your hands #efore eatin&.
2. ___ __ _ >ou must not listen to your 8arents.
3. ___ __ _ >ou must #reak the windows at s)hool.
4. ____________>ou must take a shower every day.
5. ___ ______>ou must not eat fruit and ve&eta#les every day.
6. ___ __ _ >ou must feed your 8ets every day.
B. complete the seuteuces vith must or must notḷ
+. >ou ___ __ ___ #rush your teeth three times a day.
2. >ou ___ __ ___ for&et to do your homework.
3. >ou ___ __ ___ #e ni)e to your )lassmates.
4. >ou ____________ )hew &um in )lass.
5. >ou __ _ _ study hard.
6. >ou ___ _________fi&ht with your )lassmates.
0. >ou ___ __ ___ 8lay foot#all in the )lassroom.
1. >ou____________ listen to your tea)her.
9. >ou __ __ __ &o to the dentist twi)e a year.
+3. >ou __ _______ hate your friends.

Dou·t & Dou·t Be

A. Me(ori7e the sentences below!
+. Dont hit your little sister* @an&an memukul adikmu*

2. Dont slam the door* @an&an mem#antin& 8intu*

3. Dont 8lay in the street* @an&an #ermain di jalan*

4. Dont #e late* @an&an terlam#at*

5. Dont litter* @an&an #uan& sam8ah sem#aran&an*

6. Dont fi&ht with your #rother* @an&an #erkelahi den&an adikmu*

0. Dont &ive u8* @an&an menyerah*

1. Dont talk to stran&ers* @an&an #er#i)ara ke8ada oran& asin&*

9. Dont 8lay with fire* @an&an #ermain den&an a8i*

+3. Dont o8en the door* @an&an mem#uka 8intu*

++. Dont #e noisy* @an&an #erisik*

+2. Dont )heat* @an&an men)ontek*

+3. Dont lie* @an&an #er#ohon&*

+4. Dont #e laEy* @an&an malas*

+5. Dont #e an&ry* @an&an marah*

+6. Dont )ry* @an&an menan&is*

B. trauslate iuto rudouesiauḷ
+. My house is #i&&er than your house. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

2. My )ar is more ex8ensive than your )ar. ___ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ___

3. My mother is older than your mother. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

4. My father is taller than your father. ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

5. I am smarter than you. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

6. I am more #eautiful than you. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

0. I am more handsome than you. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

1. I am stron&er than you. ___ __ __ __ __ __ _______

A. Listeu to the tape aud vrite the

vordḷ Adjectives
ı. _ 6. __ ___ _ _
2. __ _ _ __ _ z. __ ___ _ _
3. __ _ _ __ _ 8. __ ___ _ _
o. _ e. __ ___ _ _
‹. __ _ _ __ _ ıo.

Body Part
ı. _ 6. __ ___ _ _
2. __ _ _ __ _ z. __ ___ _ _
3. __ _ _ __ _ 8. __ ___ _ _
o. _ e. __ ___ _ _
‹. __ _ _ __ _ ıo.

eersoual ruformatiou
B. Listeu to the tape aud fill the 6lauLsḷ
amestious: Ausvers:

+. (hats ? My is @enny.
2. (here ? I )ome china.
3. (here _ ? I _ in Farramatta.
4. (hats __ __ __ __ __ ___? My __ _______ is 54 Fine Street, Annandale.
5. (hats ? My tele8hone is 9023 4444.
6. How ? IAm years old.
0. (hats __ __ __ __ __ ___? IAm ___ __ __ __ _______.
1. Are you married? No, IAm not. IAm .
9. Have you &ot any )hildren? >es, I .
+3. (hats your o))u8ation? IAm a .

c. Listeu to the tape aud fill the 6lauLsḷ

vme Le
Hue <e is __ _ _ __. She is __ _ _ _ __ years old. Hue studies
every day and her is Bill @ohnson. He is a &ood

. HueAs )lassroom is . It is on the se)ond

She sits at the front of the . She likes learnin& .

D. Listeu to the tape aud fill the 6lauLsḷ

Life rs good
I am _ . I have many _ . I have a lar&e _ . I have
#rothers and sisters. I am in the middle. Four are
older than me. Four sisters are than me. I &o to . I am in
the sixth &rade. I like my _ _. My tea)hers like me. I have friends in
. My favorite is History . I like to read a#out
. History is a a#out our 8ast. Soon, we will all #e

.then kids in will read a#out us. I ho8e they

our stories. My #est is Bo##y. Bo##y and I do
thin&s to&ether. (e to&ether. (e
#asket#all to&ether. (e ride our to&ether. I have other friends. (e all &o to
the mall on weekends. (e to restaurant. (e to movies. (e
tell jokes. (e lau&h. (e fun. <ife is &reat.

readiug compreheusiou
A. read the text 6elovḷ
My friend, Hendry, is a dili&ent and smart student in his s)hool. He &ets u8 at 4.33 a.m.
every mornin&. He always &oes to s)hool earlier than his friends. He &oes to s)hool #y 8u#li)
trans8ort and he sometimes &oes home #y motor)y)le with his un)le. He is never a#sent.
After s)hool he usually hel8s his 8arents. they have a )loth store #eside their house.
B. Ausver the qmestious 6elovḷ
+. (hat time does Hendry &et u8 every mornin&? _ __ __ __ __ _______
2. How does Hendry &o to s)hool?
3. (hat does Hendry do after s)hool?
c. read the text 6elovḷ
The tacLsou Family
Mr. @a)kson is an Ameri)an tea)her, #ut he lives and works in Den8asar. He tea)hes
7n&lish at SMF 1. He is a very &ood tea)her. His students like him. His wife is an Indonesian.
She )omes from Medan. they have one son and one dau&hter. Mr. @a)ksons house is made of wood.
It has five rooms: a kit)hen, a #athroom, a livin& room and two #edrooms. the @a)ksons has a
house maid to hel8 Mrs. @a)kson to do the house work. the maid )omes from Bantul.
D. Ausver the qmestious 6elovḷ
+. (here does Mr. @a)kson )ome from? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

2. (here does Mrs. @a)kson )ome from?

3. (hat does Mr. @a)kson do?

4. (here does the @a)kson family live?

5. How many )hildren do Mr. and Mrs. @a)kson have?

6. How many #edrooms are there in Mr. @a)kson house?

0. Does the @a)kson family have a house maid?

Easy voca6mlary
A. emt cross ou the right ausverḷ
+. A : I like your house. Its #eautiful.
B : .
a. I sorry. #. thank you.

2. A : How lon& have you lived here?

B : Ive lived here
a. for eleven months. #. with my family.

3. ASadA and Aha88yA are____________.

a. Antonym #. Synonym

4. Smart and )lever are__ _ _ .

a. Antonym #. Synonym

5. (hen is the Indonesian Inde8enden)e Day?

a.Its on Au&ust +0 th #. Its Indonesia Raya

6. (hat is Indonesian national anthem?

a.Its on Au&ust +0 th #. Its Indonesia Raya

0. __ _ to #rin& no 2 8en)il to the test.

a. Dont remem#er #. Dont for&et
1. If you want to save your money, you have to &o to __ __.
a. the #ank to draw some money #. the #ank to make an a))ount

9. ___ __ _ is used to #rin& si)k 8eo8le to the hos8ital.

a. a nurse #. an am#ulan)e

+3. If you want to &o to Kalimantan #y shi8, you must &o to

a. an air8ort #. a har#or

++. Mr. Arman is a farmer. He works in the ________

a. mosque #. ri)e field

+2. My mother wears a __ ______on her fin&er.

a. rin& #. ne)kla)e

+3. My un)le has two )hildren. they are my _ __ __

a. nie)e #. )ousins

+4. (e need _______to 8rote)t us from rain and sunli&ht.

a. roof #. stairs

+5. He is tea)hin& in the )lassroom. He is a

a. tea)her #. Nurse ). Foli)eman d. Farmer

A. read the story 6elovḷ

Isa#el is a )ashier. She works 1 hours a day, from 2.33 to +3:33 8.m.
She has a 33 minute #reak at 0 8.m. She works 5 days a week, from
tuesday to Saturday. Isa#el works 43 hours a week. She has two days off
every week.

B. elease circle Ves or moḷ

+. Isa#el is a )ashier. >es No
2. She works 1 hours a day. >es No
3. She works four days a week. >es No
4. She has a +5 minute #reak at 0 8.m. >es No
5. She has Saturday and Sunday off. >es No
6. She doesnt work on Monday. >es No
0. Her work week is 43 hours. >es No
c. elease correct the mistaLesḷ
+. Isa#el is a )leaner. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _______
2. She works 1 hours a week. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ___
3. She starts work in the mornin&. _ __ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ _
4. She works four days a week. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
5. She has two +5 minute #reaks. _ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
6. She has Saturdays and Sundays off. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
0. She doesnt work on tuesdays. ____ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ ___
1. Isa#el works 42 hours a week. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

D. write the correct vord ou the liue.

+. Isa#el works 1 _ _ __ a day.

2. She works 5 __ _ _ __ a week.
3. She works 43_______________a week.
4. Isa#el has two days off every __ __ _______.
5. She has __ __ __ __ _ and ___ __ ________ off.
E. Choose the words below to fill the blanks!

#us driver waiter do)tor nurse

tea)her chef foot#all 8layer 8ainter

A tea)her students at s)hool A cooks in a restaurant

A Drives a #us A Serves in a restaurant

A 7xamines a 8atients at A Hel8s a do)tor at the hos8ital

the hos8ital

A Faints a 8i)ture
A Flays foot#all in the field

eelas 6

A. Let;s count!

4ne two three Four Five

Six Seven 7i&ht Nine ten

7leven twelve thirteen Fourteen Fifteen

Sixteen Seventeen 7i&hteen Nineteen twenty

Cero twenty-one thirty Forty Fifty

Sixty Seventy 7i&hty Ninety 4ne hundred

ıooo ı ı

4ne thousand 4ne million 4ne #illion

B. Write the nu(bers in Ennglish!

+. 25
2. 36
3. 41
4. +53
5. 255
6. 369
0. +.533
1. 2.363
9. +3.33
+3. 25.691

AsLiug eersoual ruformatiou

A. read the couversatiou 6elovḷ Ausver the qmestious vith yomr persoual

A : vello, hov are yom? vello, hov are yom?

B : I am fine, thanks.
A : What is yomr uame? What is yomr uame?
B : My name is Sasha.

A : Where do yom come from? Where do yom come from?

B : I )ome from @akarta.

A : Where do yom live? Where do yom live?

B : I live in Garut.

A : Who do yom live vith? Who do yom live vith?

B : I live with my family.

A : vov old are yom? vov old are yom?

B : I am fifteen years old.

A : Where aud vheu vere yom 6oru? Where aud vheu vere yom 6oru?

B : I was #orn in @akarta on Mar)h 2nd, 2333

A : Where do yom stmdy? Where do yom stmdy?

B : I study in SMFN Garut +.

A : What is yomr father·s uame? What is yomr father·s uame?

B : My fathers name is tony.

What is yomr mother·s uame?
A : What is yomr mother·s uame?
B : My mothers name is A##y.
vov mauy 6rothers do yom have?
A : vov mauy 6rothers do yom have?
B : I have one #rother.
vov mauy sisters do yom have?
A : vov mauy sisters do yom have?
B : I dont have any sister.
What is yomr telephoue umm6er?
A : What is yomr telephoue umm6er?
B : My tele8hone num#er is 253 691.
What is yomr ho66y?
A : What is yomr ho66y?
B : My ho##y is studyin&.
What is yomr favorite color?
A : What is yomr favorite color?
B : My favorite )olor is red.
A : What is yomr favorite sm6ject? What is yomr favorite sm6ject?
B : My favorite su#je)t is Mathemati)s.

A : What is yomr favorite food? What is yomr favorite food?

B : My favorite food is fried ri)e.

A : What is yomr favorite driuL? What is yomr favorite driuL?

B : My favorite drink is oran&e jui)e.

A : What is yomr favorite frmit? What is yomr favorite frmit?

B : My favorite fruit is a88le.

A : What is yomr favorite What is yomr favorite vegeta6le?

B : My favorite ve&eta#le is )arrot.

B. Fill the 6lauLs, aud iutrodmce yomrself to the classḷ

Hi, my name is . I )ome from _ _. I live in
. I live with . I am years old. I was
#orn in on . I study in
. My fathers name is and my mothers name is

. I sister and
#rother. My tele8hone num#er is .
My ho##y is .
My favorite )olor is _ _ _
_ __. My favorite su#je)t is __________________. My
favorite food is and my favorite drink is . My
favorite fruit is and my favorite ve&eta#le is .

readiug compreheusiou
A. read the text 6elovḷ
4n Sunday, tom &ets u8 at +3 oA)lo)k. then he reads his news8a8er in the kit)hen. He has
#reakfast at ++.33 and then he tele8hones his mother in S)otland.
In the afternoon, at +.33, tom 8lays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat lun)h
in a restaurant. At 6.33, tom swims for one hour and then he &oes #y #ike to his #rotherOs
house. they talk and listen to musi).
tom wat)hes television in the evenin& and drinks a &lass of @a)k DanielAs whiskey. He &oes to
#ed at ++.33.

B. TrUE or FALsE? correct those are vrougḷ

+. tom &ets u8 at +3am on Sundays. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
2. tom reads the news8a8er in the loun&e. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
3. His father lives in S)otland. ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. tom 8lays tennis with his sister. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
5. tom and his sister eat #efore 8layin& tennis. __ __ __ __ __ __ _______
6. tom &oes swimmin& at five oA)lo)k. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
0. tom drives to his #rotherAs house. _ __ __ __ __ __ ________
1. tom and his #rother listen to musi). __ __ __ __ __ __ _______
9. tom drinks a &lass of wine in the evenin&. ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+3. tom &oes to #ed at ++.338m.

c. Ausver the qmestious 6elovḷ

+. (hat time does tom have #reakfast on Sunday? ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. (ho does he tele8hone in the mornin&? ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. (here does his mother live? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. (hat time does he 8lay tennis with his sister? _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
5. How lon& does tom swim for? ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
6. How does tom &o to his #rotherAs house? __ __ __ __ __ __ _______
0. (hat does tom drink in the evenin&? ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
1. (hat time does tom &o to #ed? ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

readiug compreheusiou
A. read the text 6elovḷ
carly·s Family
carly has a lar&e family. She lives with four 8eo8le. She also has two 8ets. carlys dad is a do)tor.
He works at the hos8ital. He hel8s 8eo8le who are si)k. carlys mom works at home. She )ooks
for the family. She drives the kids to so))er 8ra)ti)e. carly has two #rothers. @ames is ten
years old. S)ott is fourteen years old. carly has two 8ets. @inx is a small, #la)k )at. Die&o is a
lar&e, #rown do&. carly loves her family*
D. Trme or False? correct those are vrougḷ
+. carly has a #i& family. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
2. carly has two )ats. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. @inx is a )at. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
4. S)ott is older than @ames. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
5. @ames is not youn&er than S)ott. __ __ __ __ __ __ _______

E. Ausver the qmestiousḷ

+. (here does carlys dad work? __ _ _ _ _ _
2. (ho drives carlys #rothers to so))er 8ra)ti)e? __ __ __ ___
3. How old is @ames and S)ott? _ __ __ __ __
4. How many 8ets does carly have? _ __ __ __ __
5. (hat are carlys 8ets? _________________

F. Trauslate the seuteuces 6elov iuto Euglishḷ

+. carly memiliki se#uah keluar&a #esar. _ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ___
2. Dia tin&&al den&an em8at oran&. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. Dia ju&a memiliki dua hewan 8eliharaan. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
4. Ayah carly adalah seoran& dokter. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5. Dia (lkJ #ekerja di rumah sakit. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
6. I#u carly #ekerja di rumah. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
0. Dia memasak untuk keluar&a. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
1. Dia men&antar anak-anak ke latihan se8ak #ola. _____ __ __ __ __ _______
9. carly mem8unyai dua saudara laki-laki. _____ ___ __ __ __ __ ___
+3. @ames #erusia se8uluh tahun.
++. S)ott #erusia em8at #elas tahun.

readiug compreheusiou
A. read the text 6elovḷ
Xy uame is
My name is Ben and I )ome from Australia. I am 24 years old and I live in a small tovu
near Sydney )alled Branton.
I donAt have a jo6 now, #ut uormally I )lean sho8 windows. I am not married #ut I have a very
#eautiful &irlfriend. Her name is Maria. May#e, well &et married next year.
My &irlfriend is an a)tress, #ut she isnAt very famoms. She a)ts in a small theatre in our town.
At the weekend, we like to &o swimmin& in a #i& laLe near my house.
I normally &et u8 at ei&ht oA)lo)k, #ut on thursday I &et u8 at six oA)lo)k #e)ause that is the
day when I &o runnin& in the 8ark.

B. Are these statemeuts trme or false? correct those that are vroug.
+. Ben lives in Sydney, Australia. KL FALsE: Ben lives near Sydney
2. Ben is 26 years old. KL ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _______
3. BenAs normal jo# is )leanin& windows. KL_ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
4. Ben is sin&le. KL ______ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
5. Ben doesnAt have any )hildren. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
6. BenAs &irlfriend works in the lo)al theatre. KL__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
0. they &o swimmin& in the river at the weekend. KL __ __ __ __ __ __ _______
1. Ben &ets u8 at ei&ht oA)lo)k usually. KL_____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
9. Ben 8lays tennis on thursdays. KL_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
+3. Ben &ets u8 early on thursdays. KL

c. Ausver these qmestious a6omt the „Xy mame rs Beu„ readiug.

+. (here does Ben )ome from? ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___
2. How old is Ben? ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___
3. (here does Ben live? ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___
4. Is Ben married? ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___
5. (hat is BenAs &irlfriend )alled? _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
6. Do they have any )hildren? ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___
0. (hen will they &et married? __ __ __ __ __ _______
1. (hat does his &irlfriend do? _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
9. (hat do they do at the weekend? __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+3. (hen does Ben &o runnin&?

readiug compreheusiou
A. read the text
6elovḷ eedro·s homse
Fedro is from Fortu&al. He lives with his 8arents in <is#on in an old house #y the sea. the house
is not #i& #ut he likes it very mu)h. there are three #edrooms u8stairsP one for his 8arents,
one for his sister and one for him. the #athroom and the livin& room are downstairs. In the
livin& room there is a lovely fire8la)e. Next to the livin& room is the kit)hen. the kit)hen is not
modern #ut they have a new washin& ma)hine. In the evenin&, the family sits in the livin& room to
wat)h tV and has dinner. At the #a)k of the house there is a small #ut very #eautiful &arden
with different 8lants and flowers. His father likes to s8end his free time there. Fedro likes to
s8end most of his time at home in his #edroom. Its also his study room where he has a desk and
a stereo. He loves his room #e)ause he )an see the sea from the window. Its a fantasti) view.

B. Are the folloviug statemeuts TrUE or FALsE?

+. Fedros house is old and small. (________________J
2. Fedro usually &oes to the #ea)h in his free time. ( J

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